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No. 2426717

Discuss the happenings, drama, cringe, etc. of Neocities, personal sites, webrings, and other small communities, and how they used to be in the past.

Other possible topics of discussion:
>personal sites vs social media profiles
>creating shrines and fanlistings
>joining webrings and cliques
>how socializing on the internet has changed

Previous threads
thread #4: >>>/ot/2139249
thread #3: >>>/ot/1914925
thread #2: >>>/ot/1520815
thread #1: >>>/ot/1320546

Search for personal/non-comercial sites:

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No. 2426822

i dont' like that the threadpic is about trannies. we have multiple tranny hate and male hate containment threads ; can we have some threads that exist without making us think about them?

No. 2426838

just hide the picture if you yourself don't like it so much. this is the "old web" thread, you should know by now you're going to encounter things online you don't like. trannys are everywhere, including neocities and they're louder about it than that picture will ever be. it's literally a point of discussion in every thread. are you new? it's a comic of a cute cat, you don't have to read it or even look at it, no ones making you think about anything. it's not like the threads you mentioned are meant to be containment threads: men are not welcome here

No. 2426858

then talk about something else related to oldweb in this thread? it's the threadpic because its a meme someone made in the last thread, it isn't that deep

No. 2426889

I'm sad the old thread filled up while I was asleep because I made a little drawing for the new one's treadpic and was excited to make it kek
(I made the last thread, so I had hopes I could create this one roo)

No. 2426890

Post it and we can make it the threadpic for the next thread, it's not like this is the last thread ever

No. 2426905

It's gonna take about half a year for this one to fill up kek.

No. 2426922

continue talking 24/7 and being obsessed with what you "hate" yeah that's perfect(derailing)

No. 2426946

anon i understand you're not that bright but you are literally the one trying to continue the discussion. you replied to someone asking you to "talk about something else" and you're resorting to making baseless assumptions and trying to derail the thread further because you seem to be hurt that we don’t cater to trannies feelings here. i don't know why you assume the posts you're replying to indicate that someone is obsessed with trannies 24/7. hide the thread and move on. you obviously didn’t spend any time in the previous threads. lurk more and get a grip, please

No. 2426971

Would I get banned on neocities for some of my hot takes? I'm neither radical nor liberal but my takes might get me into hot water either way.

No. 2426981

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neocities doesn’t ban people for talking about whatever they want. provided you aren’t spamming the site (like divcel) or directly threatening people, you should be fine.

No. 2427077

Dont do anything illegal under US law and turn off your neocities comments + guestbook and you should be golden. most neocities users dont look at sites beyond the index anyways

No. 2427219

There's multiple "offensive" sites hosted on NC, as long as it isn't doxxing someone or against the US law they won't do anything. Most users won't either because text-heavy sites are ignored in favor for aesthetics, but I suggest turning off comments like >>2427077 suggested anyway.

No. 2427253

You should post the image regardless so someone else can take note of it in the future; if you're unavailable again when the thread fills someone else can use the picture. I would hate for your efforts to go to waste after all

No. 2427508

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The only site I know of that got removed for being offensive was a site that just spammed the n word over and over. So don't do anything troll like that and you'll be fine. It's possible that you may eventually get shadowbanned if enough people block you, but that's pretty unlikely. Most neocities users are teens that can't read anyway. If you're shadowbanned, you can still post but your site won't show up in the global activity feed and you can't comment on strangers' profiles

No. 2427740

any good small homepage style sites with a functioning web builder? i am a visual thinker and don't want to update code every time i want to add a cute picture. god i miss geocities.

No. 2427795

The SeaMonkey web browser has a built-in website editor similar to MS Word, but it doesn't have any CSS styling features built into it. So it's great if you want to go for an authentic 90s website look, but it's kind of horrible for everything else.
Alternatively, there's phcode.io (successor to brackets.io) which is basically an open source version of Adobe Dreamweaver. It won't let you drag and drop images onto your webpage, but it should hopefully making coding websites less painful.

No. 2427963

No. 2428184

>Unrelated, but has anyone else had issues with neocities' global activity feed? For some reason, my site will sometimes not show up when I update it, or it will appear hours later. I'm not shadowbanned or anything, so I don't know what the issue is.
Global feed will only show your website if more than 24 hours have passed since the last update, and I noticed that isn't synced with the profile feed that follows a similar rule. Maybe it's actually more than 24 hours for the global feed, but I'm not 100% sure.
Speaking of shadowbans, I noticed I'm partially shadowbanned, I can't comment of profiles of people that don't follow me, but global feed shows my updates. The last time I checked I was blocked by around 30 something sites.

No. 2428307

What'd you do to get blocked by so many? I'm guessing being anti troon?

No. 2428340

How can check how many people blocked you?

No. 2428575

I know about the 24 hr wait. There will be several days or even weeks between updates and my site won't show up in the global feed until a few hours later. It's weird because it'll eventually pop up where it should be chronologically in the feed, it just won't be there initially. It's not that big of a deal, just kind of weird

No. 2428954

I've been on neocities for a while coupled with that.

I'm not sure if there's an easier way of checking but for example I would open page 400 of the most followed sites while logged into my account and then I'd open the same page on a private browser tab where I'm not logged in. Then I would take a look at what the first site is on the page where I'm logged in, and I'd try to find that site on the page where I'm not logged in. For example if that page is now on spot 10 that means 9 pages blocked you because when someone blocks you their page is not visible in the browse feature of neocities. That way you can figure out the number of sites that blocked you, but not exactly which ones. To figure out which sites exactly you'd have to do a lot of cross referencing.
I did this about six months ago so I don't know if Kyle changed anything with how algorithms work since then.

I haven't been keeping track of Kyles changes but what I can tell you is that before he changed how global activity works, the feed always had some randomness to it. If you refreshed it you would get a different pick of sites that updated recently from the pool of recently updated sites. After the update I thought he swapped to pure chronological listing of updated pages that satisfy certain requirements like view count, followers and site age but maybe there's still some randomness in how the pages and status updates get displayed.

No. 2429014

Yeah there must be some sort of randomness. I guess I'll just blame Kyle kek. I'm still mad that he added comments to the global feed

No. 2431587

>I'm not sure if there's an easier way of checking but for example I would open page 400 of the most followed sites while logged into my account and then I'd open the same page on a private browser tab where I'm not logged in. Then I would take a look at what the first site is on the page where I'm logged in, and I'd try to find that site on the page where I'm not logged in. […]

That is super convoluted and time consuming. I know for a fact I'm blocked by some people because I can't view their profile and saw passive aggressive status updates about my content on the activity feed before, but I don't care enough to find the exact numbers.

No. 2431639

How do you have the time to do this

No. 2431718

NTAYRT but it takes about 30 seconds to open two tabs and compare the position of a single site

No. 2431723

The explanation is convoluted but as the anon above me said, it's just opening two tabs and counting a few spaces it's really not that hard kek

No. 2431726

No offense, but how did what that ayrt described sound time consuming at all?

No. 2431889

Probably because she found out she was blocked by 30 people by doing this on every page in the most followed sites feed…

No. 2431933

you don't have to check every page. just skip to the last one on both tabs and look at the difference.

No. 2432100

As much as I'm curious that would take too much time and writing some kind of a browser script would be better to do at that point. Once I figured out how it worked I checked the first few pages though, naturally.

No. 2432323

>would rather write an entire browser script than open two tabs and compare two numbers
Maybe this just me being a dinosaur who had to deal with how unwieldy the web was years ago, but I can't imagine being this lazy. Especially when you're paradoxically putting in way more work than you would have otherwise.

No. 2432391

Some of us know how to code.

No. 2435215

Be thankful for lazy programmers. They've automated a lot of stuff that we used to have to do manually.

No. 2435402

Get used to being shamed by the self-professed feminists in this thread.

No. 2435581

who cares?

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