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No. 2428892

Inb4 "Reee why did you make a new one": it's a containment thread.

ITT: Discuss the controversies and disagreements between fujoshi, yumejoshi, and himejoshi. Note: yumes and self-shipping aren't necessarily the same thing. Slashers and fujos also aren't exactly the same, though they heavily overlap.

Topics include:
>Whether there is a causal relationship between consumption of yaoi/slash and trooning out
>Voyeurism vs. self-insertion
>Yaoi men vs. bara men vs. 3DPD gay moids
>To what degree does the fiction a person consumes need to comport with their real life ideologies and politics
>Female creators' portrayal of male-male sex/romance vs. male creators' portrayal of female/female sex/romance
>Do women read yaoi or slash as an "escape" from misogyny IRL
>Can women be "porn addicts" and/or why are women held to higher standards of moral purity than men
>Whether (or why) lesbians can/cannot be fujoshi
>No True Fujoshi (i.e., does enjoying straight-with-extra steps shit like A/B/O, Mpreg, cuntboy, etc. make someone "less" of a fujoshi)
>General moralfaggotry

No. 2428893

Previous: >>2297525

No. 2429217

i dont go here but kekk at the threadpic

No. 2431483

File: 1741262396309.png (10.65 KB, 1270x64, Screenshot 2025-03-06 035757.p…)

Damn first fic I've actually seen to mention STDs

No. 2431485

I'm sorry for laughing at your fic, but the tone of this sentence is making me die kekk
Did you mean to post this in the fandom thread?

No. 2431636

You're more than welcome to laugh at it kek, I posted it here since there's always that infight there about fujos and STDs.

No. 2431666

No. 2434871

This is a TimKon fic isn't it kek

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