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No. 2437755

A thread for venting about difficult, weird, or stupid stuff going on in your life.

Previous vent thread: >>>/ot/2425242

Follow all the /ot/ board rules & do not reply to bait.

Please, do not come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you do not have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.

No. 2437758

Thanks for the new thread, nona, mwah

No. 2437762

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Nice new thread, good job OP
Glad you got everything done! Rest easy tonight road warrior.

No. 2437765

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My pleasure nonnies ♥

No. 2437769

Boo hoo hoo. Cry harder ROFL

No. 2437770

it’s ok if you didn’t know this nona but every anon on this website is capable of making a new thread, it’s not jus one specific OP each time, also what’s wrong with the bolded text? all it says is basically don’t insult or make fun of anons vents, which is essentially just following the rules of /ot/

No. 2437776

Why didnt you make the thread then? You had time. Last thread OP removed that part.

No. 2437779

Personally i’m not the original nonny who authored that phrase, but I did add it when making this thread because I feel like it’s necessary. The vent thread isn’t a place to try to be funny when someone is struggling or needs help.
NTA but you gotta keep in mind anon, infighting and baiting is against the rules of /ot/, and baiting under anons vents or using it as an opportunity to try and be the class clown is a bannable offense.

No. 2437780

Thread rules are a thing, and mods enforce them. Why are you upset that you're not allowed to infight with anons over their vents? What's your end goal?

No. 2437782

The ayrt has been having a prolonged fit about the thread description for months now. I think she is fat or something but I'm not sure

No. 2437785

>Being “mean” and “judgemental” is not against the rules of a website that was created to be mean towards lolcows.
/ot/ isn’t the board for making fun of lolcows though?

No. 2437786

>I will take my alogging ban
No you wont KEK you'll just switch to a different IP

No. 2437788

Now I'm sure you're fat

No. 2437789

>I hope she dies
This is a really egregious reaction to myself and other thread OP’s saying “hey, stop trying to be funny when users are venting about their hard times”…

No. 2437792

She sounds ill

No. 2437793

Yeah, something's not right in there. She's sperged out about this in /meta/, too.

No. 2437796

For months at that. She needs help

No. 2437797

How many times are you going to keep whining about this kek use a different thread and move on. I've never seen this much complaining over Get it off Your Chest's thread rules, Celebricow's rules or Artist Salt

No. 2437798

NTA but it’s not minimodding say follow the rules and adhere to board etiquette in the threadscript, and it seems as though the mods haven’t had any issue with this text since its first been incorporated

No. 2437799

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No. 2437800

You have such ridiculous overreactions to everything on here that I hope you can self-reflect and understand that you clearly shouldn't be online if you're so affected. Like youre an actual crazy person.

No. 2437805

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>Every single person, including myself, is involved in the Truman show

No. 2437806

i do hope nonners gets the help she needs..

No. 2437808

respond to every post in Get it off your chest with this then idk

No. 2437812

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Maybe she started this so the thread will fill up faster and she can make a new one without the description she hates so much.

No. 2437815

Probably. I think she's really sick and I hope that she gets better soon. We need better mental health care in this country

No. 2437816

But you don’t have to “be nice to people”, you also don’t have to respond to their vents or try to make jokes bout their struggles at all. It only results in you getting banned and anons feeling sorry for you

No. 2437821

so troll shielding is just following the rules? kek

No. 2437822

You were gonna alog anyway

No. 2437824

You're acting like a cow yourself. Wish granted?

No. 2437825

>I can break the rules because its funny
Ok well all I can say to that nona is try not to be surprised when you eventually get permabanned for continually breaking the rules and then ban evading

No. 2437829

Stop responding to the troll. Report and ignore. The farmhands might wake up in a few hours and do something.

No. 2437831

ntayrt but i think you’re not taking into consideration that baiting is against the rules and that’s what you’ve been doing the whole time

No. 2437834

my vent is about the 40+ posts of autistic bitching in here. also im really hungry fuck

No. 2437838

I don't get it. Why am I do restless whenever I'm tired as fuck? I'm so tired, but I'm having trouble sleeping and sometimes I get home after a day of work and I just can't even go sit down for a while, my family even tells me to sit down and calm down, but it takes me so long to actually do so. And this happens to be as well after working out, actually, specially after working out I have trouble with taking a shower because I just don't calm down and I need to sit on the toilet for almost a whole hour before I take a shower.
I wish I could just stop that shit.

No. 2437839

NTA but what makes it bait isn’t the fact that you’re being rude, what makes it bait is the fact that you’re continually trying to sound obtuse or aggressively stupid for the purpose of gaining attention. That’s what baiting is

No. 2437840

Stop taking the bait

No. 2437842

Have you tried working out to complete exhaustion?

No. 2437847

I really haven't, I tend to just go to some training class at a gym and go back home right away. I could try that this weekend if I don't go out.

No. 2437850

Saying you think anons should die because we can all agree that it’s not within lolcow’s /ot/ etiquette to try to crack jokes in response to vent posts isn’t what we’d call “the truth” anon. Do you wanna maybe take a bath and relax?

No. 2437851

You can try doing your regular workout at the gym, and then come home and plank until your body physically gives out.
Do you go to sleep and wake up at the same times every day?

No. 2437853

>Disagreements about an idea does not equal baiting
that’s also not what was happening at all? KEK there weren’t disagreements about ideas, one schizochan continued her total meltdown over the thread description that she’s been having for like 2 months now?

No. 2437854


No. 2437857

I try to, it's really difficult, I always try to make sure I'm asleep before it's 1 am, but there are some days, mostly during my period in which I just straight up die at 9 pm. It's such a mess honestly, I need to track my sleeping schedule.

No. 2437863

Skipping a day of work because I’m having a depression/ suicidal episode.

It feels like no one, especially my family, see no value in me. I’m just a complete failure of a daughter . I don’t know I didn’t just kill myself in 2019.

No. 2437864

Retard it keeps getting added afterwards even when nonnas don't include it.

No. 2437865

If I were you, I would find a sleep time that works across the board. For example, if I need to be in bed by 8pm five days out of the week, I go to bed at 8pm all days of the week. If you have a period where you fall asleep by 9pm, make your bedtime 8 or 9. You also want to wake up at the same time every day.
Try not drinking caffeine at least 5 hours before bed, and either don't use your phone 2 hours before bed, or use a blue light filter. It's called the "eye comfort shield" on most phones, and you can download f.lux for any computers.
You can be less rigid after a while, but you need to be very strict so your body can recuperate from being so irregular.

No. 2437876

bands you love for their music using annoying gross sexualized female images for their albums/merch/posters etc, hate it

No. 2437878

You didn't kill yourself in 2019 because you were meant to say hi to us while you figured out what you want to do with your life.
And you're not a fail daughter, I think. Imagine being the mother of any of our cows. Imagine being Shayna's mother. Not such a failure now, are we?
You'll be okay, anon. This episode will pass and you will look to the future with determination once more.

No. 2437881

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anon! surely you have pets or plants that rely on you?

No. 2437893

I am out of melatonin and I want to go to sleep but I drank too much caffeine late in the day and every time I lie down I'm a vibrating heart-pounding mess. I guess I could just doomscroll until I feel sleepy or try to watch something boring. I make stupid decisions.

No. 2437902

i feel so insanely removed from the human experience that i feel like nobody on the planet can ever understand me and i feel so alone. my anxiety is so bad right now too. i keep feeling like it would just be worth it to kill myself at this point because i dont like being alive at all

No. 2437903

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No. 2437941

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How does anyone else cope with being dependent on family with such shitty and pickme takes? Especially when they weren't like that in the past? I need to get out of here.

No. 2437945

>want to watch movie
>can't find it with English subtitles anywhere
>no I'm never going to fucking learn Russian

No. 2437953

My ovaries hurt

No. 2437955

My friend was seeing a guy well over 10 years her senior for a bit and eventually he ghosted her after he got what he wanted from her (attention and sex from a a younger woman) and now she's so heartbroken over it that she's cutting again. This is not the first time she's gone off the deep end after being rejected and to be honest I'm kinda over it. Last time she got rejected because the guy she asked out turned out to already have a gf. He let her down softly but she still tried to overdose after it. She sent me a goodbye message and I had to call her an ambulance in the middle of the night. The nurses at the hospital laughed at her when she told them she tried to kill herself over a moid she barely knew. Before you ask yes she has BPD and it's a really brutal case of it too.
I can't cut her off my life either because we're close and I do love her and care about her. We also have a ton of mutual friends who would shun me. It's just her drama relating to men that I'm sick of. Grow up. Men ain't shit.

No. 2437963

I've been in your shoes nona, shit absolutely sucks. Anyone who judges you if you ever do decide to walk away is clueless. Sometimes it's all you can do when the alternative is watching a friend crash and burn for the millionth time knowing they're just going to restart their self destructive cycle and ignore any earnest advice. I hope things get better for your friend but please take care of yourself too.

No. 2437965

I understand your frustration, it feels like some people like that treat dating and men like a crack addict feverishly licking crack off a rotten sausage. Makes me wonder what type of role model or psychologist would even be able to budge her out of that mindset, if one even exists.

No. 2437967

Thanks nonnie.
There's another aspect that complicates this situation, I was gonna post it in the confessions thread but might as well continue my story here. The guy she asked out and rejected her, he broke up with his gf a few months later. Then a few months after that, he asked ME out and we dated briefly before deciding that we were both too busy to entertain a real relationship. My friend does not know about this and I will never ever tell her, she would go absolutely apeshit over it, I know it. But I'm terrible at keeping secrets and it's pretty much eating me up inside.
It's been a year since he rejected her and she still shit talks him as if he did something wrong by… having a gf at the time I guess? I will take this secret to my fucking grave.

No. 2437969

Ntayrt but I agree it's understandable you want to walk away nona. This type of person is so draining to be around and is rarely self-aware, they'll be stuck in this cycle their entire life unless they have a sudden moment of clarity.

No. 2437973

I know I am in the minority here and lolcor will cuss me out, but to be honest, anon, I don't think what you did was right either. Since you said it yourself, you guys are close friends. Not even defending your insane bpdemon bestie.

No. 2437974

Ayrt and now that you said it I think I agree. None of my other friends questioned it so I didn't either. In my "defence" the first time I went out with the guy was just as friends cause we're also coworkers (different branches in different cities though). Then it just naturally progressed into dating. Idk if it makes the situation any better or worse but the guy knew about my friend's suicide attempt too. It's just a messy situation overall.

No. 2437980

Ayrt I do get you here honestly, in my experience people like your friend (and my ex-friend) live in a world of their own and are largely oblivious to the feelings and dynamics of the people around them. There's only so much you can do to cater to what they think and feel when it's immature, not really rational and is detached from your own experiences. Your friend is perseverating over a blow to her ego, she doesn't have an emotional connection with that man.

With this said I would avoid him if he ever shows up in your life in the future, I think the connection is kinda poisoned and doomed to fail unfortunately. He sounds cold and would probably do you dirty given the chance.

No. 2437988

i don't really know. my former best friend was also desperate to be in a relationship with a man all the time. i don't know what causes it. i grew up without a father and i've never felt the urge to constantly be in a relationship. said former best friend's dad was in her life. i would assume the lack of male attention growing up would have done it but maybe not?

No. 2437998

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I have too many hobbies/fandoms.
And every time my period comes around I want to axe half of them.
When it's over, I feel joy and enthusiasm and pick more stuff up.

No. 2438017

I keep getting awful thigh sweat when I sleep. Out of all the things that could excessively sweat, why my thighs???

No. 2438020

i wanna dj, i wanna vj, i wanna make covers, i wanna be good at illustration, i wanna be better at rythmn games, i wanna make music AHHHHHH it's so unfair i wish i had the power to make all of these with ease

No. 2438024

I fucked up. I’m doing laundry and thought I had a pair of pajama pants in the last load I was going to dry and fold tonight. I didn’t and all of my pajamas ended up in the wash cycle I had started 20 minutes prior. Now I’m just cold and annoyed at myself while I lie in bed.

No. 2438060

I'm not really in the room with people, I'm just like a ghost floating, no one cares if I'm there or not.

No. 2438072

I care if you're here, nonnie.

No. 2438083

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I shouldn't be filled with enraged jealousy every time someone I know moves back home with Mommy and Daddy as an adult but I am. My neighbors are shit, my rent is too high for the flophouse-ass hellhole I'm living in, I don't feel safe after a break-in… and I don't have the option to just leave and give up and move in with family until I have enough saved up for a year at a more expensive place. I haven't ever had that option. Moved out at eighteen and spent the ensuing decade and a half estranged and only talk to my mother occasionally now because she's fucking dying. I wish it was me. God, I wish it was me instead.

No. 2438092

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Males brag about the most pathetic shit

No. 2438094

moved back home and got a remote job, but am already back to feeling like i did as a teen in high school and passively suicidal. stupidly exhausted usual haunts before work and now i am hit with how empty my life is. i'm even having the same self-hating romantic fantasies that represent being angry at myself. my life is so pointless and stupid, and it's my fault for being a stupid bitch who wanted to make my parents happy.

No. 2438104

>listen here fucker
>proceeds serve a basket full of autism in one post
one of the only funny things about males is when they think they're being so fucking profound. Like zoomers say, "bro really thinks he cooked with that one".

No. 2438107

Autistic men are a scourge to earth

No. 2438116

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Ya’ll are taking this shit too seriously. This is clearly an attempt at an autistic copypasta there’s no fucking way.

No. 2438117

Absolute retard boomer dad accuses me of something I didn't do. I deny it, get screamed at. Ignore him, get screamed at and threatened that he'll call the cops (for what?). Ask for evidence, he tells me to stop asking "stupid questions". Like what? I know you don't try to comprehend retards like him, but asking for evidence? Guess the justice system should lock up everyone with the slightest allegations then.

No. 2438120

It's a fucking joke that you can't carry weapons on you for self-defence here. I get they can be used for crimes but how the fuck are women and children supposed to defend themselves? Just stand there and take it?

No. 2438136

I realized i was only going to college because i had a crush on my classmate. Now that he's not in my classes anymore i cant muster the strength to go. It also helps its a shitty college from a shitty country and a career thats wound to get eviscerated by AI. So i dont really want to go anymore. I am going to drop off.

No. 2438142

You want children to have guns…?

No. 2438143

honestly I don’t think you’re alone in this feeling, I think many feel this way. Don’t give up.
Are you wearing pants to bed?

No. 2438144

Did you reply with ai in the chat why the hell are you telling me this now, plus it's your fault you made me go to these lowlifes that don't know shit I would've done a good job otherwise

No. 2438152

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I find it so hard right now to not fall for the blackpill. And no, I don’t wanna go to that thread, it’s full of schizo infighting and gender dysphoria kek.
It’s so disheartening to hear my peers spewing “girl power” and “sisterhood” just because they helped another woman once (usually with the smallest thing like “you’ve got lipstick on your teeth” for example), but I can tell that their “sisterhood” will cease to exist the moment a woman who isn’t participating in the status quo shows up (be it celibate, childfree, bi or les, expressing disdain towards heteronormativity, gnc, neurodivergent or just slightly weird and with different opinions). It’s all so performative.
It’s so lonely to be fair and I’m at that age where everyone I went to highschool and college with start getting married or be in ltr’s and I’m seeing my closest girlfriends become shells of their former selves and begging their nigels to be attentive to them for once. Doesn’t help that I live in a country that I can call pickme central where even the most liberal people can be quite sexist and homophobic.
I just wanna find likeminded women irl too but it seems so fucking impossible here and moving abroad will also alienate me for other reasons, I just don’t seem to ever find my place anywhere and it’s so frustrating. I feel like a passive observer in this place and in my shell it hurts.
Not to mention that I’m bi and only 3 people in my life know that, I don’t want to alienate myself further from my other friends, I know that it will change our relationship for the worse and I don’t want that to happen tbf, given how other women can react to other women who aren’t straight.
I just want a sincere hug in this moment, damn.

No. 2438158

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It's okay, anon, I believe you will find your people eventually. For now you have us, even if some anons are fucking annoying, and that's more than a lot of gc/gnc/"alt" lifestyle women out there have.
I'm sorry you can't be more open about your sexuality as well, I'm sure that isn't helping your frustration. I'd give you a big hug if I could, keep your chin up.

No. 2438165

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I hate wide pants and I hate that my young era has them in fashion. It's not even the look of it, it's that they're so fucking impractical and uncomfortable! I like being outside and wide pants are a nightmare because. They. Touch. EVERYTHING. Other people's legs and shoes, the raised sidewalk, corners of things sticking out, grass taller than an inch. Dirt, mud, water, germs, everything. Wearing wide pants in nature is a death trap, every little tick and bug jumps on, and because the pants are so wide they also just climb up your legs straight away too. And that's not even mentioning getting stuck all the time because the pant leg caught onto something!
I can feel them swishing around my ankles the whole time and I find that annoying. Skinnier pants that are the right size are so comfy and don't have all that extra fabric swooshing around your feet, I want them to come back in style.

No. 2438166

Didn't know guns are synonymous with all weapons

No. 2438169

Nonas here are so rude to each other and for what. I see completely innocent posts either get some way out of proportion rude reply or get piled on for no real reason. I generally get that it’s mostly autistic or borderline women but sometimes I swear it’s men.

No. 2438170

Careful, you might get a scrotefoiling ban lol

No. 2438178

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Don't have anything constructive to add, I'm in a similar place and it sucks bad. Hopefully you can feel the hugs coming from halfway across the world.

No. 2438181

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Some people here are so stubborn and close-minded. As soon as your opinions or preferences differ from theirs, they label you as a moid. They make it very obvious that they've never interacted with people outside their circle.

No. 2438184

Elastic hair scrunchies as improvised ankle garters. I'm serious. It might look silly but you'll be able to walk in rain without getting the bottoms of your trousers wet or full of bugs. Been doing it with my baggy ass wizard sleeves for years and they work okay. Maybe make some snazzy leg cuffs if you're crafty and really want your pant legs to stay put.

No. 2438194

Been feeling this a lot lately. Yesterday I had to put a shitload of qualifiers on a post I made to make it clear that I was criticizing a woman for being a cow and not for mistreating a moid, but I still got called a pickme and a scrote.

No. 2438203

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I keep having shitty nightmares of my boyfriend ending things and it always leaves me feeling terrible. Now I woke up to fucking early great

No. 2438205

>my grandma's niece died a few days ago
>she tells me about what happened, including that she couldn't speak before she passed because she had a trachea
>A little while later, ask grandma if she got to speak to her before she passed
>Immediately remember she literally said SHE COULDN'T TALK!!!!!
Why am I so tone deaf and retarded. This is like that time as a kid where me, my mother and grandmother attended a funeral, and I told them after that when I died I wanted my casket to be pink and gold. It's like I'm cursed to be retarded. I feel so fucking bad.

No. 2438211

I'm sorry your funeral story made me laugh, nona. Can I ask how old you are right now?

No. 2438213

24, which makes this all more shameful.

No. 2438223

Oh, no, that's typical for non-normies. I don't know if you're an autist or have ADHD, but it took me until my mid to late 20s to stop saying stupid shit so often. Just keep being mindful of when you do it and never stop trying to get it right.
You might even hit a point where you feel like you "always have to focus on not saying the wrong thing" but that's good because that means you're finally catching yourself just before it happens! Then it becomes more natural and that feeling goes away because you're better at conversation.
Don't give up!

No. 2438232

Not autistic, but I guess poorly socialized. Because of how I was raised, it wasn't until relatively late in my life that I was consistently put in social situations. You're super kind though anon, thank you for the advice. "Think before you speak" is becoming a mantra for me kek,

No. 2438250

No problem, nonnie. And it's not a big deal if you were not around people early in life! Even if it takes you a while, you will become a decent conversationalist. Just remember, you get better at whatever you apply yourself to. And that includes speaking and human interaction!
Good luck! As long as you keep trying, it's never over.

No. 2438265

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got rejected from uni due to my gpa. idk what to do

No. 2438266

Community college, or whatever the equivalent is where you live.

No. 2438267

Kek anon if I knew you irl I think I'd like you
>Grandma when I die can I have a Hello Kitty coffin pls

No. 2438273

my uni is doing room checks and i have my incense holder/incense sticks out, i replaced the light switch cover, and i have a bottle of fireball out. i'm at work right now so all i can do is hope for the best. it's so over nonnies

No. 2438276

What other anon said! Community college and then transfer to a 4 year if in the US. Otherwise say what country you're in and maybe another anon from there can reply.

No. 2438288

I hate people who act like snobs to waitstaff. Yesterday, I went out to eat with two associates, two massive women who consider themselves to be "foodies". It was a small pub with okay food, we didn't plan to go anywhere special and my associates seemed okay with the idea. They spend the whole time complaining to and acting catty with the waitress. For example, they would order beers or a slice of cake to try, then send back immediately saying that it wasnt to their tastes. One complained that she did not get enough fries, then when more were brought out she complained that it was too much. For the food they did eat, they still complained the whole way through. I have never been so mortified. And at the end of our meal they even laughed about giving our waitress a hard time, saying that it was her job so that it was alright. I immediately left after paying for my food.

No. 2438291

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Going to the mall is a nightmare because I ALWAYS see pretty and/or well-groomed Hispanic women next to picrel. Dios mío.

No. 2438296

I'm so fucking tired of cold weather and darkness. It has been between 0-10°C since October. I need to get a remote job and move to Mexico so bad

No. 2438300

My boyfriend has been nagging me like an old housewife. "Stop spraying your hair with conditioner it gets everywhere." "Use the dull side of the blade to transfer stuff." "We have to vacuum so much because you are shedding so much hair." I did our combined laundry ONCE and I usually don't touch his because he wants his underwear folded very neatly and fuck no I am not doing that he can fold his own underwear. So I made the mistake and folded our socks once and then he complained that I folded the socks the short way and not the long way. Bruh it's so annoying

No. 2438304

the duality kek. the only posts i see getting called moid lately are talking about taking away women's rights though…

No. 2438308

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Sometimes it all clicks into place how the abuses and neglect you faced as a child and growing up affected you and made you what you are today. It doesn't make things any better, and it actually hurts a whole lot to look at it all together, to see the full picture a little more. Especially with the amount of people in my life who have told me to my face that my pain either didn't matter or wasn't as bad as theirs. At the very least I have been making strides in my mental health journey.

No. 2438322

>fat and bitchy
Imagine my shock. I'm mortified just by reading this post.

No. 2438334

Male redpill is learning that you're not just going to be given a woman for free at some point in your life regardless of who you are and what you do. Female redpill is learning that every single man has a high likelihood of being a rapist pedophile who was never taught the word no and will lash out violently when confronted with it.

No. 2438335

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I’m sorry that happened to you nona. One of the hardest parts about growing up and moving on is coming to terms with the harm that has been done to us. We can’t stare at our wounds forever but we can still be upset it happened. I’m glad you’re trying to recover from it and I hope one day you’re somewhere where it won’t haunt you like it does now.

No. 2438341

I got ghosted by a girl I was talking to and started to come here again because I was sad and lonely. Then I realized most posters are also here because they are sad and lonely and in a bad place so it makes me feel better when nonas are really rude to me.

No. 2438356

I’m here cause it’s become a habit. Sorry people are dicks to you though.

No. 2438357

This is a nice mentality to have. You opened my eyes. Thank you.

No. 2438366

Interesting, I feel the complete opposite, I love wide leg pants. I hate the feeling of skinny pants or sweats with elastic at the bottom, or tight leggings on my legs. I feel like my skin can't breathe. When the fabric is loose it feels so much more comfortable and unrestrained and free. Ahh

No. 2438369

he sounds like a whiny bitch. Tell him to knock it off and let you live. Or leave him

No. 2438377

I hate how, to this day, I still start crying at even the hint of conflict. but my parents will swear up and down that it's a personal issue and has nothing to do with how they raised me.

I'm sitting here at my job as a grown ass adult trying so hard to not burst into tears over a dumb text my mom sent. It's so embarrassing. I hate that I grew up being belittled and codependent for so long and now I want to live a normal adult life and I feel like I can't.

No. 2438379

The only thing that really gets on my nerves about wide pants is that they're all SUPER high waisted now. I don't want pants going up to my fucking belly button I want mid- or low-rise pants that actually fit comfortably around my hips!!!!!!

No. 2438383

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thinking about the time i got dogpiled in celebricows for simply suggesting, not factually stating, that male celebs are more likely to engage in homosexuality. and guess what? the cannibal baking soda guy admits to it. every few years one of them admits to gay activity yet i'm crazy for observing it and saying "hey that's kinda gay"

No. 2438393

tbh this guy is very attractive compared to most hispanic moids i see who are maybe 5ft tall and built like a bowling ball

No. 2438401

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Armie Hammer is actual gaybait. There's no way he even steps a foot out the door without landing on a desperate aging faggot with money and power. Not anymore but gay moids love this face. He was even more desirable than Ryan Murphy's Boys and that is because of his name, and bc moids are stupid

No. 2438408

I have to work all day but I just want to be lazy at home and make picmixes

No. 2438417

why is he gay bait? because hes ugly?

No. 2438427

>be in bank
>girl at service desk next to me stinks of weed and unwashed clothes
>loudly say to the bank teller 'it smells REPUGNANT in here, please may you open a window'
>stinker turns to look at me
maybe u should be looking at ur lifestyle choices.

I am not even from a rich family but i HATE the way that poor people smell

No. 2438430

Might explain his "thing" with RDJ.
Most actors are closeted bisexual. They gained the bisexuality from being casted couched and just kept along with it. Now they fuck anything that moves and have 15 different STDs. They try and hide their bisexuality by dating younger and younger women to compensate for how empty they feel inside. They will all eventually run headfirst into the wall thanks to their promiscuity and bug spreading.

No. 2438435

I'm so sad. I want to be kissed and held to sleep but that won't happen so I'll just sleep.

No. 2438456

I have so many goals I want to achieve but depression is getting the best of me. I don't want to grow older and regret all the time I've wasted doing nothing. Do I force myself to push through even if it means burning out or do I accept my incompetence and make peace with slowly rotting away?

No. 2438458

>"Please may you"

No. 2438463

Just go slowly. Time is going to pass anyway, so why not just nibble bit by bit on your big goals? Depending on what they are, you can just work on tiny amounts every day. More than anything though, you should focus on stabilizing your mental health. That should take priority over your other goals right now.

No. 2438472

File: 1741630611650.jpeg (550.99 KB, 1920x1378, 49f802a62515b848aa6dbc1e1546f2…)

I wish I didnt have adhd

No. 2438479

where did you get a picture of my mom and I

No. 2438495

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Same nona Your picrel hits a little too close to home…

No. 2438502

Don't take this personally, it's not about you. It's about whoever made that edit.
That picture made me viscerally upset. I feel actually angry now. I hate when people fundamentally misunderstand the meaning of an artwork and in doing so they pervert its meaning and destroy its message. Christina's World is not about using a mobile phne.

No. 2438507

hope u guys are ok

No. 2438518

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A while back I became a NEET and I think it fucked my brain up. I haven't talked to or seen anyone in months (and burnt all my bridges because I ghosted my few job-related connections completely) and I just spend all day lying in bed doing nothing, even useless shit like browsing the web or playing games feels too exhausting so I just stare at the ceiling or sleep all day. To be fair I've always been lazy but now that I don't have any responsibilities I'm forced to upkeep I realized that my intrinsic motivation is non-existent, I'm basically just a slug kek.

No. 2438522

i hate when dumb bitches write shit but dont explain it

No. 2438524

I am full of pasta carbonara and maybe a bit of regret. But it was delicious. These period cravings are weird, sometimes I feel like eating the whole fridge and other times I feel like puking if I even think about food.

No. 2438530

Victim complex. Pull your socks up and stop blaming muh mento ilnes(bait)

No. 2438537

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That’s okay anon, sorry for using a shitty meme it was the only one I had handy that was mildly adhd related.

No. 2438538

I feel sad, and I know I should do something about it, things I know make me feel better, such as working out, engaging in a hobby, anything. but at the same time I'm too sad to care about feeling better. so I get worse. I don't do anything. It's a vicious cycle. I don't want to kill myself, but at the same time I don't want to be alive. I wish I could just lie down somewhere, close my eyes and die.

No. 2438541

>stabilizing your mental health
kek I genuinely dont know what that means.

No. 2438546

I said I wasn't talking about you and to not take it personally KEK

No. 2438561

I didn’t, I replied so I wasn’t mistaken for the other anon who replied to your post kek

No. 2438562

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Thank you nonnies, hope you’ll have a joyful and whimsical day and life too!
Yeah, I sometimes think that I should just bee myself and be transparent with how I really am and think, but in the back of my mind, I know that I would lose support and be considered disgusting by other women and I recently started to give friendships with women a chance and right now I don’t want to squander it.
I have to stop engaging with bp content too, it also contributes to my recent outlook on life and I realize it’s self harm but sometimes I can’t stop kek.

No. 2438563

Looking at apartments makes me so depressed. I want to move back out of my parents house. I feel like a failure and a loser living in their house, even though they've built a fully separate legal suite for me. I try to tell myself I'd rather pay my parents the $1600/month that they can use to pay off their mortgage faster than some random landlord but I still just feel like a loser when I tell people I live in my parents house.
However apartments near me are 1600 just for a 300sqf studio which is fucking insane and should be criminal honestly. I don't even live anywhere near a city. This is the middle of bumfuck nowhere where jobs are scarce unless you're a heavy duty mechanic or logger. I don't know how people do it.

No. 2438564

Get help for your depression, basically. You should put more energy into that because then you’ll have the energy to tackle those other goals.

No. 2438569

You should also try antidepressants. Took me years, but now that I found one that works, I feel like I'm actually making headway into my situation.
But other anon is right. If the option is between doing nothing or doing something slowly, at least do it slowly.

No. 2438570

There's nothing wrong with living with you parents a bit longer in your 20s,especially with how the economy is right now. I'm sure when you are financially able to, you can get it. I hope our economy in general begins to recover soon.

No. 2438575

I'm going to give you anti psychotic drugs for 12 years and then see how you hold up remember,no lawsuits.

No. 2438577

I think you should take a middle pathway, maybe? Definitely stop engaging or looking at bp content, but also you don't have to out yourself to other women. Take whatever support you can get and come talk to us on here about the other things you can't say irl. Trust me, you will eventually find a friend you can be open with, you just need to keep looking for her.
Hope you feel better soon, nonny

No. 2438600

I'm terrified of being cheated on. I've seen the emotional destruction it causes first hand, my gma and mother were both cheated on, both took different decisions, and both suffered regardless. I'm afraid of finding out that the man I grew to love never saw me as a human being, only as a servant who should be happy to give everything of herself and ask for nothing in return. That he thinks my feelings are less than nothing, that the whole time he was simply hiding his anger at me having the audacity to ask him for anything, any compromise or commitment. And I do think that's the case with every cheater, that that is the internal mechanics of cheating, it's what makes it fair to them: "who does this bitch think she is, asking me to not do exactly what I want when I want? But I do like the sex, and the things she does for me, and the ego boost she gives me, so I'll play along to appease her while doing what I want."

No. 2438620

Idk if I happen to be even more retarded than speds, but I suck so badly at fast food jobs. I always had very good grades, academically I never had any problems, and I'm currently in college but I don't understand why I keep failing at these shitty low minimum wage jobs. They were supposed to help me gain some work experience but I'm so slow, clumsy, scatterbrained, I get anxious all the time and I'm convinced I come across as mentally disabled to my coworkers.

No. 2438623

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I feel like I'm about to scream. I'm so tired of being exhausted no matter what I do, my bloodworks are fine and I don't seem to be lacking anything - I'm just lacking energy in general. I function way better when I only work 75% instead 100% but I have to do the latter. I want to have a cleaner home (I'm even too tired after work to do the "clean as you go" thing, I just make sure the dishes and bathroom are clean and call it a day until the weekend comes around and even then it's rarely guaranteed I have the energy to do any proper deep cleaning), take more time to cook my food for the week, and just in general have an additional rest day, but that's not applicable to my life at the moment.

No. 2438625

I am assuming your parents are nice people, especially since they built this suite for you and you'd rather pay their mortgage off. If you have no other reasons than not wanting to feel like a loser when you tell people, don't move out. Seriously. The people who judge you now are probably not gonna be in your life for long. Don't live your life for others. You may regret it some day.

No. 2438629

Don’t let it get to you too much, some people are better suited to certain environments than others. The experience is also so dependent on your coworkers and the location you work at that just because you struggle at one place doesn’t mean you will somewhere else. You’re fine nona.

No. 2438652

In elementary school I was always jealous of my friends who had nice handwriting and could keep everything organized. It was just flawless and everything was neat and orderly. Meanwhile I wasn't able to keep all of the papers in their respective folders sometimes they would go "missing", my handwriting was (and still is awful) and was awful at taking notes in class and if I did I had an awful time deciphering it. My parents and teachers always chewed me out for it and while I wasn't getting bad grades they weren't super good either. Yesterday all of those old feelings of being jealous came up again when I saw my bfs handwriting and note taking on his tablet. It is so neat and beautiful I could never and I am so jealous that I could cry. I got better at keeping things organized once I reached adulthood but I will never be an organized, neat queen with a clear head who is diligent. Fuck my life tbh why can't I be like that

No. 2438665

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Had 2 insufferable customers yesterday and it didn’t help they seemed like the overweight gendie, perma disabled but won’t help themselves usual whiners.
>both at least in their mid 30’s if not older
>one of the women wearing pic related while other has a Daisy Duck lounge fly backpack
>”they don’t make sugar free chocolate because they hate people”
> allergic to cane syrup, complains that she’s highly allergic to nuts but butter croissant is in contact with almond croissant so she can’t eat it
>explain to her that even if we didn’t place them next to each other, we get it delivered from a bakery so we can’t guarantee there’s no cross contamination
>still complaining
>orders a latte but doesn’t like milk so requests she only gets half the amount of milk and fill the rest with coffee
>explain that we can’t do that unless she’s willing to pay for the extra espresso shot
How tf do these people manage to not have a heart attack everytime they step out of the house, there’s always a fucking problem with them, Jesus.

No. 2438669

Someone should make a tier list of which food complains are the most annoying. I pick veganism.

No. 2438685

people who complain about vegans are usually worse. just let them have their grass

No. 2438693

I don’t what’s worse, wagie thinking they’re better than the quality of customers they get or the customers themselves. You’re both dysgenic slop(infighting)

No. 2438710

i've been bleeding 1 week on 1 week off since my nexplanon implant started acting up in october last year. in december i was bleeding the entire month nonstop. i've had the implant in since i was a teenager (changed every 3 years) and it stopped my periods altogether for my entire adult life, so i kept thining "just one more month, maybe it'll settle down". can't believe it's been half a year. getting this shit taken out asap

No. 2438713

that's a bit of a weird thing to say

No. 2438716

people who complain about vegans are definitely worse. I've met 100x more fat middle aged men who make unprompted and overused jokes about veganism than I have met vegans who actually care if you eat meat or not.

No. 2438719

Omfg. Birth control is literally poisonous. Not judging you at all nona I’m judging the pharmaceutical companies that sell this shit to teenage girls

No. 2438725

Hey nonnies, I am requesting someone to bully me into working and stop fucking around doing literally anything but what I am suppose to be doing.

No. 2438728

Kekkk, that picture is basically the boomer politisperg shirts repackaged for gen X/millennials. I'm not surprised the most annoying people alive wear them.

No. 2438732

I hope your social anxiety lessens so you can order food in person someday nonnie

No. 2438748

im sick of people trying to talk to me outside work when I purposefully wear giant headphones to focus on my grocery list and leave stores quickly. today a foreign worker came up to my self check out to say the flowers im buying were so pretty and almost berated me if they would be well taken care of. they're potted plants in remembrance of my dead father. i feel so ticked off i can't even buy flowers for my dead family in peace. all i want to do is buy a pick me up in peace. im burnt out of people and customers i need a weeks break from people but I can't financially.

No. 2438751

I woke up at 4 am this morning to finish work I procrastinated all weekend. Go do your work or be a fucking retard like me, your choice.

No. 2438753

Oh no the overweight disabled gendies are here too! Run barista anon!!

No. 2438756

yeah. it's completely insane in retrospect. i wasn't even sexually active when i got it put in, i just wanted to stop my periods and it worked. i've been scared to look up the ways in which my specific implant is harmful because i've had it for 13 years in total and if it's fucked me up then i can't do anything about it now

No. 2438758

Birth control isn't "harmful", your implant just provides hormones so you won't get pregnant…

No. 2438762

god why are some of you new anons so fucking retarded

No. 2438778

Endo pain before my period means i'm too nauseated to eat properly.
I have meetings every morning this week.
I was shaking in my first one today, despite forcing down part of a protein bar and a good amount of water before going.

gdi please just fucking start bleeding already so I can have hope to not feel like vomiting or passing out this whole week. Once it starts, at least I know it will eventually end.

No. 2438804

Yes, and those synthetic hormones that are being released into your body are harmful to your nervous and endocrine systems.

No. 2438817

But the "synthetic" hormones that treat other disorders, like thyroid diseases, aren't?

No. 2438826

Posts about how anons totally don't get along with or relate to women are always so strange to me because they talk about other women like they are cartoon characters, caricatures of actual women. It gives off the impression that those anons go into interactions with other women already deciding they don't like them, because they are women, and "they don't relate" to them. Either that, or they don't actually interact with women irl at all, and just see strange posts online or have bizarre online interactions and think that's how people who aren't chronically online act. The kind of women those anons describe are like stereotypes from movies and I just can't take it seriously. I can't feel anything for your struggle when it sounds completely self imposed. You have internalized shit to work on anon, it's not every other woman's fault that you feel like you don't fit in, it's your perception and belittling of those women for having any differences from you. It stinks of personality disorder, to be quite frank.

No. 2438827

NTA but my issue with birth control is that it’s used as a catch all solution to any gynecological problems for women and the entirety of negative side effects aren’t fully explained to most women it gets prescribed to.
I’m a full believer in having easily accessible birth control but also be realistic about its increased rates of blood clots, heart attack, breast cancer etc with hormonal BC.

No. 2438829

Ntayrt but comparing the artificial replenishing of a substance at low levels due to disease to pumping abnormal levels of these substances into healthy people is either a deliberately obtuse false equivalence or you’re just a bit dim.

No. 2438831

>my issue with birth control is that it’s used as a catch all solution to any gynecological problems for women
Not just that either, they push it for behavioral issues too. I was prescribed birth control at 13 years old because I was "too angry" and it would "calm me down".

No. 2438834

Apparently long-term use of anti-psychotics causes a reduction of grey matter in the brain, am I cooked? I've been on 150mg Seroquel for three years and it's the only thing that 1. allows me to live a semi-normal life without wanting to kill myself all the time, 2. sleep. Now I'm all paranoid and shit. I guess I'll have to come off it eventually but the thought of that makes me so scared, I do not have the mental fortitude or support to raw dog CPTSD.

No. 2438837

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Been feeling low energy as of late and it’s concerning me, especially since I actually keep up with my anemia treatment.
I’m stressed out and started eating like shit again (eating 2 times a day if I’m lucky and it’s either junk or portion size is rather for a toddler than a grown ass woman). Work and uni are stressing me right now - it’s wrong to wish for this, but I sometimes want to take medical leave from work and be hospitalized for a little while so I can catch a break at least.
Recently I have also been feeling the urge to isolate from everyone, hence why I deleted my social media apps and left no explanation to my closest friends at first. I want to stay locked in my room and rot in bed for a week maybe, I don’t want to hear the alarm tomorrow morning, I just wanna sleep for longer.
I hate the month of March too, always triggers memories from the time of my most impactful suicide attempt, which happened on this specific month many years ago. I don’t necessarily want to kms right now but I just want to disappear in a way and maybe for people to forget about me, what I feel right now is overwhelming.
I’m grateful for this space tho, I don’t want to tell my parents or my friends about this, don’t want to bother and/or worry them. But even the court jester needs a break and cry, right?
To whoever nonnie who took the time to read these shitty ramblings, thank you!

No. 2438838

I moved to a huge city in winter and immediately hated it but managed to bear it anyway. But now that it's starting to get warmer it's becoming impossible to continue pretending I'm fine. I guess tourist season officially started or something. Suddenly the trains are always packed, never on time, the stations are full of clueless people standing around with their bulky suitcases, there are dumbass cyclists everywhere and every store is so full that I can't even buy a single snack without wasting half an hour. I hate being around people so much. The only good thing is that everyone is very polite and normal which is still kind of surprising to me. I've had to stand in line at the grocery store for 20 minutes here and everyone was just chatting or on their phones while people in the villages and small cities I lived in would bitch and moan loudly if they had to stand in place for longer than 30 seconds. Maybe you just get used to it after living here for a while or something. I hope I get used to it. I get home mad as fuck every day and it's just annoying

No. 2438844

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You'll get through this funk, mmmmuah

No. 2438876

every medical intervention can have harmful side effects anon… what do you even mean?

No. 2438886

If you looked at the post before the one I replied to, another anon was telling her birth control is "literally poisonous". That's not "potentially harmful side effects".
And then anon I replied to said
>i've been scared to look up the ways in which my specific implant is harmful
As if it's a given that the bc she's using is harmful by default. Jesus.

No. 2438889

Applying for jobs is shit, nobody replies or confirms you even applied at all to job listings. But when I send my resume to random employers just to get my name out they all quickly reply with kind words wishing me best of luck, and using words that show they actually read my resume. It almost seems like a better bet to keep emailing places without jobs listed

No. 2438906

i keep forgetting young women willingly fuck and get into relationships with old men. and you start a convo and she drops the bomb “my boyfriend in his late 30s” tf you mean you have a 39 yo bf as a 21 year old are you retarded? is this how friendships in your 20s work? kms

No. 2438909

you sound like an ohioan suburb tourist in nyc lmao. it’s ok nonna you’ll both get used to the crowds and learn to find secret spots without annoying tourists

No. 2438933

Retard moid keeps asking if I've slept well or eaten today like fuck off, I'll stay up and starve just to spite your faggot ass.

No. 2438935

are you playing mystic messenger

No. 2438940

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It's legitimately like talking to a Jehovah's witness. I told my ex friends that it was weird and suspicious for an older moid to start lovebombing you out of nowhere, and she reacted like I was a monster who didn't want her to be happy. Take a wild guess how well that turned out.

No. 2438943

It's the weekly getting anxiety over little things going wrong I might as well be killing myself

No. 2438945

Thyroid hormone replacement treatment isn’t the same as taking birth control just because you don’t want to get a period

No. 2438952

nona must not know that without your body producing its thyroid hormone naturally, you can literally die. and it is a very slow, painful death. getting nexplanons, going on the pill, getting IUD’s are all very dangerous for your body. it’s literally a foreign object inserted into you that’s releasing artificial hormones your body doesn’t need.

No. 2438955

No. 2438956

It's happening right now, amazing

No. 2438959

And I understand if the doctors working with her when she was a teenager prescribed that because they wanted to slap a bandaid on whatever menstrual cycle struggles she was dealing with, but; That’s not an efficient or professional way to deal that. Saying “Oh I’ll give you some hormones so you don’t get a period at all” doesn’t solve whatever physical problems inside her body were making her periods unbearable or burdensome on her livelihood.

No. 2438966

Exactly this. Birth control has great benefits, it also comes with a lot of risks. These risks are not at all being told to women and girls. I got on birth control at 15 for extremely painful periods, I was not told about heart attacks and increased cancer risks. And this is more of a temporary thing but I wasn't told that when I go off of it I would lose my hair (sort of like women who have just given birth lose hair) it took like 2 years for the lost hair to fully grow back in and it severely affected my self esteem

No. 2438975

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It really is like some kind of cult around geriatric cock. I was listening to a podcast the other day and I immediately lost all respect for the woman being interviewed when she revealed that she began dating a 38-year-old man at age 19 (something she waited until the very END of the episode to mention even though her boyfriend was a major part of the story).

Basically, she grew up in poverty with a single, teenage mom, and she got groomed into an anti-abortion cult as a teenager after she vented about her rape and subsequent miscarriage online. Years later, when her elderly pet scrote got her pregnant, she decided to have an abortion so she could go to college. She then made the baffling decision to vent about it to one of her old anti-abortion friends, who went totally apeshit, harassing her in person and even filing false police reports to get her arrested in order to prevent her from having an abortion. It's really horrible and I'm sympathetic for those experiences. However, she acted as though everything is all better now, and that her current boyfriend was some kind of saint. But this man is categorically a predator, seeking out a relationship with a barely-legal, alcoholic, vulnerable woman young enough to be her daughter. She just went from being groomed by Jesus freaks to being groomed by him. I really, really hope for her sake that she comes to her goddamn senses and dumps his ass.

No. 2438985

My friends all have s/os their own age, but my best friend is dating a zippertit TiF and it's almost as bad as an elderly scrote.

No. 2438992

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Sometimes I come close, really close, to psychicing myself up to making a new friend. I usually blackpill myself into thinking it's meaningless because the people I normally hang with have personality necrosis due to exposure to the dumbest things. People change over time and that's fine, but as a person who hates chnage it makes me so depressed to watch them spiral into whatever the hell that is.
Making a new friend seems exciting. Interesting. But also terrifying. I have so many quirks that are probably deemed disgusting or horrid by normie dtandards. Even my super cool cousin wants to hang out with me but I dodge her purely out of fear of my own bullshit coming to light. Being a shut-in all my life stunted my emotional capacity to feel anything other than shame for my existence.
But… a new friend. Right? I want a new friend. I want to geek out about things with someone new. I want to smile again. I want that slim possibility to make a best friend to come to fruition! So bad!!

No. 2439038

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Debating myself on whether I should reply to these pickme retards or vaguepost about them here

No. 2439069

Don't be vague, say it with your full chest
What, this? >>2438906 unfortunately those types of women she described actually are real and not that uncommon

No. 2439083

>zomg HAHA i made my hubby play our fav otome game this is what he thin-
I DONT GIVE A FUCK!!!!!! Fuck you and your pet scrote

No. 2439087

I don’t want to poorfag out on an itabag for my recent hyperfixiation husbando (who I’ve loved for years) but he is the absolute definition of character tax. Why the fuck are his pins $20 minimum? What the fuck! I kinda want to get custom pins with official pictures I really like of him but I don’t know.

No. 2439095

i hate living in the current year so bad. it feels wrong, i feel like i shouldve killed myself in high school liked i planned. sometimes i think about how i was so suicidal back then i was browsing sanctioned suicide daily and i would randomly burst into tears in class. teachers did nothing at all. actually nobody did anything, or reacted at all, ive always felt so invisible everywhere i go. its funny how life hasnt even gotten better since then, actually mostly worse except i got on medicine that im weaned off now and im way less neurotic and immature now but i still hate being alive everyday. dying just sounds so much better than this. i dont think ill do it but i still think about it everyday like a pathetic loser. i just want things to be better but this world feels wrong. i want to be on another planet

No. 2439096

I can't be specific about the discussion I was in because I would out myself. Just know that it was about otome and the pickmes were defending rape- I mean "noncon" (because women love rape kinks, right? It's not like we're being psyopped to get off to our own sexual abuse or anything. I just said I want less of that shit but it seems to be in every adult otome game ever, how dare I not get off to rape and say something negative about it), pedophilia in Japanese moeshit games (muh Japanese women look younger, le cultural differences, you can't tell a character's age just by looking at them so I don't know why they keep being censored) and accusing "male feminists" of censoring otome games that romanticize and glorify abuse and child marriage (I wasn't even talking about that, I was talking about how scrotes in the industry don't give a fuck about what women want, so they're the furthest thing from "male feminists", and a lot of female otome devs keep perpetuating the psyop, which pickmes think has nothing to do with misogyny apparently even though it does, but the thing is, I didn't even call it misogyny, I just said otome devs and publishers are retarded. This weird, random "male feminist" accusation sounds like the pickme who plays moeshit games on the regular spends a little too much time hanging around right-leaning weeb moids online). Like have they no eyes? No brain? Media for women where the female audience is expected to find male on female abuse romantic and male on female rape erotic is not the "opposite" equivalent of porn for moids where the male audience is expected to find male on female rape arousing. And also the female is idealized as young and innocent in both. BOTH kinds of media are telling us that women's role in society is to be young and pure only for us to be raped and enjoy it. It's literally the exact same psyop, only one is made more palatable to women so they can't tell right away that it's just the same garbage. That's literally misogyny, that's sexism. You wanting more of that garbage in English doesn't make you as edgy and "based" as the moids that regularly get localized hentai games where they self insert as the rapist. It's sad that some women really think this is fair. What fucking male would ever want to stop otome games like these from being published? Use your fucking head. Chinese and Korean gacha games, Japanese games and VNs and eroge, Japanese manga, Western video games, all of these are dominated by males and will primarily pander to men. Japanese manga is being intentionally policed by males and possibly pickmes that don't want to upset their moid audience's feefees by accidentally making female characters that look like normal non-pornified people and protect their own dignity by not taking any moid's bs. Female characters that aren't just meant to be a proxy girlfriend. But female audiences have to be content with shitty crumbs all the time and even the media that is aimed at them is extremely limited and biased to show them only brainwashing shit. And it's also heavily policed, at least in the case of manga, because god forbid Japanese girls realize they can be assertive and don't have to settle for shitty moids or base their self-esteem on their own youth and beauty. But fuck you if you ever talk about this because then you're crazy (for saying something everyone already knows out loud).

I really wanted to reply to them but it just isn't worth it. They're putting words in my mouth, misinterpreting everything I said because of their own lack of knowledge about the genre, the industry and Japan's culture while they pretend to be experts, and keep lying about things everyone can tell, but this is too exhausting for me. Their stupidity is off the charts. There are thousands of people like this online and I can't be assed to waste my time trying to make them understand why everything they're saying is pure bullshit. Also if you call BL games otome you're not qualified to participate in any discussion about either of those two things lmao. If I wanted to lose half my neurons in a dumb internet slapfight with other women I would do it here on lolcow, at least farmers know the difference between BL and otome and what joseimuke is and don't make excuses for pedo moids. I wish someone would call them out on their bs but I'd be a hypocrite because I chickened out of doing it myself.

>OUR fav otome game
Istg, we need to gatekeep more aggressively. We need to call other women out for this kind of thing more often and more publicly.

No. 2439115

These people sound like the retards I’d see on /jp/. Some people especially VNfags are a lost cause. They’re too far gone.

No. 2439150


No. 2439153

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NTA I know it's from wikipedia but here's an explanation

No. 2439159

a lot of /jp/ is full of pick me girls pretending to be male and sometimes revealing themselves. has been like that for years. wouldn't surprise me if they also posted on here.

No. 2439165

tired all day. TIRED ALL DAY. I didn't even go to bed that late but I slept in till noon and I got sleepy at 6 pm. I'm starting up my b12 and D3 supplements again idk what it could be.

No. 2439172

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My best friend was shitty and manipulative, constantly put me down to raise herself up, treated me like my mother, but she introduced me to some very good people. Now after cutting her off I've inevitably become distant from them because for some reason everyone loves sucking her asshole. She's hot and charismatic like a slab of fatty cheese is on an undercooked burger. She actively treated me like shit in FRONT of these people too and they still suck her asshole. She needs ass suckers and I used to be the biggest one of them all because it's harder for me to make friends and sunken cost fallacy. Every time I go online I see them posting with her and I wish I was mature enough to let her go but we shared so many experiences together, I really loved her for decades. The final straw was when she ghosted me when she knew my father was dying. I was there for her through the loss of her own father.
She also got a retarded callout post chain on Instagram last year. Like fifteen people joined in. She used to talk shit about one of our good friends while living with them, and some idiot name dropped the friend and detailed all of the horrible things she had said about this person. They STILL talk to her. It's baffling.
It was so much easier to cut my other friend off who loaded me up with drugs and alcohol until she stole money from me and stood by while I got assaulted.
I'm a shit magnet.

No. 2439174

you should just use her for her social circle tbh. if you emotionally distance yourself but remain polite and stonewall when she tries to put you down you can still be friends with the other people in the friend circle. but also consider getting better friends meanwhile, these people seem like they all suck if they don't see your friend for what she is.

No. 2439177

You’re absolutely right and whats sad is that a lot of them are grown adult women.

No. 2439178

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>a 39 yo bf as a 21 year old

>defending rape in an otome game

How much do u have to hate yourself to do things like this? It literally has no benefits

No. 2439198

People are super fake nona, those friends of hers probably keep her around to use her and talk shit about her in private. You're not a shit magnet either, many people just really suck. I'm sorry you've been taken advantage of.

No. 2439201

My bf and I just got back from vacation, we bought an indoor camera because we don’t trust my brothers girlfriend (who lives in the second bedroom in our suite). I’ve posted about her tons before and all the shit she does like shave bald spots in my parents cats heads.
Anyway we left super early in the morning and of course, at 9am, as soon as she woke up that morning she came straight into our suite and started poking her head around in my fridge, bathroom & bedroom. I texted my mom and asked her to keep an eye on her, and that same night we ended up getting like 8 more notifications from the camera showing all the times she went and made herself at home. In one of the clips she literally came up to the camera and stared right at it, and then 20 minutes later the camera shows her again BUTT ASS NAKED walking around my house and helping herself to my fridge again. I told my mom again to go talk to her and tell her about the camera because the ring app is on my boyfriend’s phone and he’s the one getting the notifications and seeing the footage first and she just went in fucking ass out naked. My mom talked to her and she sent me a Facebook message apologizing, but basically just saying “sorry I was just borrowing a plate I didn’t think you would mind. And also your milk is about to expire if you want me to throw it out?” As if she wasn’t snooping around my bedroom and bathroom as well. I didn’t respond to her message because I was on vacation trying to enjoy myself and not stress. I still brought her a little trinket back home so she wouldn’t feel left out since we got one for everyone else, and I also figured it would be a light way to break the ice and we could talk when I got home but since then she literally hasn’t been seen. Not even quickly in passing, she’s just been hiding out in my brothers room. I ended up just giving my brother the trinket and telling him to give it to her for me. Still haven’t seen her or heard a thank you or anything at all from her.
God I’m so done with this chick and her weird shit. And I could’ve given that trinket to another friend who probably would’ve at least appreciated it and said thank you at the very least.

No. 2439220

This is a dumb thing to vent about because some people have actual problems but I’m annoyed. I’m a neat freak and like my place well kept. But my dog is shedding like crazy and there’s daily maintenance with that. She sits on the couch with my Nigel all the time and he plucks the bits of loose fur sticking out. I get it, I do the same. No amount of brushing can keep up with her normal undercoat shedding of puffs. But he keeps pulling them out and leaving them on the coffee table. I told him to put them in a ziploc bag (future yarn making) or directly in the trash. Every day there’s some fur he pulled sitting on the coffee table and I warned him I was gonna take action if he didn’t stop. He didn’t so I left a wad of it in his bed. Still kept at it. I put a wad of it in his closed laptop. He thought it was funny so I told him I will progressively begin putting dog hair in his body wash and his food if he doesn’t stop. I am so serious.

No. 2439255

im so depressed i cant even form sentences right i think i actually have brain damage from severe isolation and heavy ssri and snris in my youth. can i just fucking die in my sleep already? my life is such a fucking waste and obviously nobody is ever coming to save me. im alone forever. nobody will ever understand or love me. just die.

No. 2439268

…Just found an old friend's husband's FurAffinity account and it's hyper/inflation shit. There is a lot of gay content on it too. I don't know what to think. I knew they had some interest in furry stuff but they always seemed hesitant to talk about it around me considering the jokes I have cracked about furries. I thought it was SFW stuff they might have been drawing. I didn't want to know about this and now I can't help but secretly judge my friend and her husband for it.

No. 2439293

I lovethis new rotation. My current resident is funny and chill and I feel comfortable with him. And I feel useful for once. But I get insane impostor syndrome everytime they print out my observations as the final report or give me impactful tasks and no one checks afterwards. Like don't trust me guys, I have no idea what I'm doing

No. 2439316

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Just thought you were an ameritard is all. You realise that some bullshit written on paper can’t physically stop you from doing things don’t you? All this law is telling you is that you can carry a weapon so long as you don’t get caught.

No. 2439328

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You are not alone, nona. I became a NEET a while ago too and have no social life or motivation to do anything, just browsing the same 5 websites and wasting all of my time/life. I hope things will get better for you soon, try to celebrate small achievements like cooking a meal or cleaning your desk etc. We're all going to make it…

No. 2439333

Well, she had an abortion to go to college. There's hope for her yet.
I think it's partly because scrotes their own age are so shit, and partly because of the need for security. Misogyny is rampant, the COL and job crises aren't slowing down, nobody can afford to live alone… enter Old Moid In Shining Armor, a fat balding 36 year old looking for his perfect 18 year old waifu. He has a job, he has a home, he has hobbies that don't involve a screen. He keeps other scrotes from harassing her. He tells her that he understands that it's hard to find a job right now and all he really needs from her is a little bit of effort on her part to keep the place clean and make him meals, maybe they can even have a family together. He doesn't look more walled than the scrotes her own age, and her self esteem is only marginally higher than a TIF's.
She's so convinced that this is the only way she'll ever have a decent relationship that she ignores every red flag and becomes the embodiment of relationship advice Reddit posts. Her moid took out a credit card in her name to buy Lego and limited edition funkos, he's so quirky lol!!!!! He doesn't let her find a job but that's only because he knows how stressful job hunting is!!! He isolated her from her aboosive family and friends who said he was creepy!!! He buys all her clothes for her and tells her what to wear because he's such a fashionista!!!! He wants her to get pregnant without finishing school because he loves her that much!!! And he's a bit shouty sometimes but she dated boys in school who made AI porn of her fucking dogs and sent it to her parents, so really he's an angel and she won't hear a word against him. Clearly, the only reason anyone would think this is creepy is if they're jealous or bigoted or icky weirdos themselves.

No. 2439349

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Ayart, it’s 7:30am and I just submitted the assignment. I’m sleeping for a few hours then need to get up to do my reading before class. At least I got it done.

No. 2439358

2 bucks on aliexpress vs 20… Sounds like an easy enough decisiob for me

No. 2439361

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i relapsed in my drug addiction and i might lose my income. i don't think my relationship will last the betrayal of me doing drugs again. can't seek help cause i'll lose my license and meds. fuck my life. i want to fix the situation but it's looking bleak in all aspects.

No. 2439364

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It's annoying that I didn't get to have a normal childhood. Lots of people have it worse but apparently mine was pretty bad because I have such a hard time coping. I'm stuck picking up the pieces, even now. I want to be a mom one day, but I worry I'm too retarded to raise a normal child. Idk

No. 2439367

I find it difficult to believe that someone would genuinely like me so I always end up self-sabotaging. There's nothing likeable about me, so why would anyone give me the time of the day? Better fuck up everything by revealing all my insecurities and make that person run away from me.

No. 2439368

what drugs?

No. 2439382

No. 2439385

I do this… It saves us both from inevitable disappointment and I'm not someone who can suppress myself very well.

No. 2439392

she sounds fucking nuts but maybe she's hiding/avoiding you because she's embarrassed

No. 2439397

Who walks around naked in someone else's home?

No. 2439398

can you go to a meeting or find an addiction counselor or something? a relapse doesn't mean you have to throw it all out the window. You can keep trying to do the right thing.

No. 2439399

Why were you prescribed xanax?

No. 2439402

No. 2439405

I'm so annoyed with myself. Whenever I have nothing going on I get bored and want to plan things to fill up my time. But whenever I have too much going on I get anxiety and feel overwhelmed and count down the commitments until I can have time to do nothing again. Why can't I just function like a normal person?

No. 2439424

i was never prescribed it
i'm too paranoid to go to NA in my city since it's my hometown which is quite small, everyone knows everyone and yeah. i have considered it before when my addiction was at its worst. i think if certain issues in my life can resolve soon, it won't be hard getting sober again. i'm just so bad at problem solving and coping and planning ahead whenever something stressful happens.

No. 2439455

Recently I've been subscribing to the idea that suffering is a common human experience and that I will never escape it. It helps ease some feelings, but it doesn't mean I sometimes don't want to die. Surprisingly enough I've been okay with not dying yet, but not so much with continuing living for too long. If I was given the choice of euthanasia, I would maybe still pick it, but I would program it in advance instead of immediately doing it. Last year I wanted to constantly kms so it's nice to have some semblance of a yearning for life. I still hate myself, but I've got no choice but to keep living.

No. 2439464

that guy looks ugly to mze

No. 2439471

you could find an online meeting, they do have those you can do on zoom, that would be even more anonymous and wouldn’t have to worry about seeing someone you know. I don’t think you even have to turn your camera on if you don’t want to. Just a thought. Good luck nona

No. 2439473

I haven't talked to anyone other than my parents in months. After a while my brain just loses attachment to them because it's normalised this depressive catatonic state. But I'm
also frustrated I'm like this, yet I feel nothing.

No. 2439480

It took until age 34 for me to have my first mysterious crippling back pain. I don't know what the fuck I've done ladies but everything hurts

No. 2439513

I fucking hate grocery shopping and the mundane. I will try and write a list for all the non food stuff I buy and then get bored and just write bread, food, sustenance for the rest of the groceries. Then I'll act surprised during the week when I've a food surplus and have to throw out mouldy food

No. 2439518

I will probably not use my degree when I graduate because it takes more time and gives less pay than nannying. But the stability would be nice I just can’t see myself staring at a screen for $20/hr. I’m wondering if I should become a waitress or just find more gig jobs, because I don’t know how flexible they’d be with time off and if the stress would equal the pay.

No. 2439586

what's the point of "putting your best foot forward" to strangers? why do we teach ourselves to be the best version of ourselves to people who haven't proved they deserve it?

No. 2439588

you are functioning normally. this is so normie it hurts

No. 2439596

Kek I can't believe there are actually people out there who think that shit like this makes them abnormal. Wanting to do things when you are bored and wanting to do nothing and relax when you are stressed is the most normie struggle ever

No. 2439600

So you expect them to prove they deserve the best version of you without you doing the same?

No. 2439607

I hate that my bf loves his dogs more than me. That he loves affection from them and finds it more meaningful than the affection he gets from me. If the dogs give him affection he sees it as then trying to support him but from me it’s an expectation and a chore he can only do when he’s in a good mood. If my hair slightly brushed against his skin or I accidentally tickle him he will visibly cringe but the dogs can literally jump up and hit him in the testicles and he laughs. He probably thinks the dogs love him more than I do.

No. 2439608

If this is true you should break up with him. Why are you settling for someone who sees you as second best and something he is entitled to?

No. 2439612

not being the best doesn't mean be bad. just be decent and neutral until we mutually decide we actually like each other.

I would bring a plate of cookies to people I like and are friendly with but not to a group of strangers.

No. 2439613

I’m seriously thinking about it. I just can’t understand how he can find more meaningfulness in his dogs’ needy begging than any of the things I do for him. The dogs literally want his attention all the time because they’re bored. They don’t really go out for walks so all they really have to do all day is get petted. How can he not see that? The dogs don’t give a shit about either of our personal spaces, they will literally force you to pet them constantly because they can’t forego their own wants and needs in favour of someone else’s. CLEARLY I can and I’ve demonstrated this to him many times yet he still seems to think the dogs love him more than I do. Honestly I believe if he had to choose between saving their lives and mine he would pick them. He is one of those people that thinks dogs are morally superior to people and of course that extends to me.

No. 2439626

Break up with him then and find someone who doesn't have pets if you're the type of person who gets jealous over the love people have for their pets.

No. 2439633

>they can’t forego their own wants and needs in favour of someone else’s
Dogs do not have the capacity to think logically like this kek

No. 2439639

I can't stand people who get dogs and don't walk them. The dogs would be so much more chill if they had routine walks and it's only a net gain for a human to also get to enjoy a walk. God I wish I had a dog but my situation in an apartment would be unfair to it. I miss having a dog and a guaranteed walking buddy, plus I felt a bit more safe dandering around with a dog than myself.

No. 2439640

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im getting my hours cut and im already broke you gotta be kidding me. FUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKK

No. 2439643

I’m AYRT and i love walking dogs. I can’t walk these dogs because they’re poorly socialised and go apeshit and drag me all over the road if they see another dog. I had a dog before and she was so much fun to walk. She also respected boundaries because I didn’t give in to every little thing she wanted all the time while neglecting to give her enrichment like my bf does. He actually loves the dogs neediness and finds their boisterous and hyper behaviour funny. They also don’t like not being in the same room and whine at the door during sex. For the whole 6 months we have been together I’ve been debating ending it over the dogs. I do not like the sort of owner he is and the dogs they are as a result. They’re also not neutered which grosses me out. I actually vowed never to date a dog owner again after dating 3 other shitty dog owners with needy annoying dogs and at this point I’d rather date someone with a kid.

No. 2439644

The guy doesn't seem to love the dogs that much if he isn't raising them right. Dump him lol

No. 2439647

nonnie if you've been going back and forth about it for your whole relationship please take that as a sign. you do not want to deal with this forever if you haven't wanted to deal with it for that long already

No. 2439652

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this is so unfair, robots still aren't life-like or sentient enough so we won't be getting our robot husbandos anytime soon. Pls we need the robot industry to go faster, like robot husbands right now. Ill buy them even if its for 100.000k

please PLEASE , im sexually frustrated but i don't want to do it real moids, when will these robot hudbandos come to fruition.

No. 2439667

It hurts me to think that the person who loved me the most later ended up telling me that no one else will ever love me. The same person who told me that he was obsessed with and addicted to me. The same person who spent hours talking of how we’d grow old together in a little house with our kids and grandchildren visiting us.

I think I have deep psychological scars from him because it’s been 5 years and I can’t move on. I am terrified to date. I feel like no one will ever love me as much as he did and it feels like I can never love anyone as much I loved him. Part of that is because I’ve gotten older, wiser, have developed actual boundaries, and I suspect that part of the reason I loved him so much was because I hated myself. Now that I have some semblance of self respect and can objectively value men, they don’t really seem worth my time. Better yet, if I had the standards I have now, I would have walked away from my ex long before I finally did. Is this what “love” is for women? Is it just a fool’s game for the self-hating and weak who pour everything into a relationship to try and find themselves? Does the chance of finding someone dwindle down to nearly nothing when you finally grow a spine and develop standards?

No. 2439673

I'm aging badly. I've always had very "mature" features, but my face is getting gaunt, I'm developing forehead wrinkles and elevenses and I'm only 26. I don't even live particularly unhealthily, I've quit smoking years ago, I try to drink a lot water and don't drink alcohol outside of like, a glass of wine at christmas dinner or something. My diet sucks though and I'm somewhat regularly exposed to second hand smoke. Sucks.

No. 2439679

It's the diet.

No. 2439703

I'm jealous that moids can randomly date women 10 years younger than them and no one bats an eye. Yeah it's true that nowadays there are a lot of older woman-younger man couples too and people are shitting on men who prey on young women, but it's not the same. Usually the age gaps between the couples where the woman is older are way smaller otherwise people side eye them and think the woman must be desperate, insecure, weird. And here where I live, it's still considered a bad idea to date a younger man and a lot of parents try to prevent that from happening to their beloved sons. For sex yes, most men want to sleep with older women but relationship wise is quite different. Unless the older woman is a hot celebrity or a giga stacy everyone would fuck she gets attacked from all sides, from the moid's family and friends, from her own family and friends, from other women and men.

No. 2439705

I guess i vented in autistic thread but I'm gonna vent here too I don't care. This shit makes me SO PISSED. There's some girl I went to school with who does it too, also has the eyebrow thing, she was completely normal at our school now as an adult she's "muh autism" meanwhile all through highschool boys used to refer to me as "the retarded girl" and follow me around making noises, I would cry in the bathroom so often and occasionally some popular girl would try to be "nice" to me by walking up and doing that stupid high pitched voice you do when talking to a child. I still deal with the effects as an adult and I constantly second guess if what I'm saying is normal. No I don't have a problem listening to fucking 100gecs you dumb BITCH

No. 2439707

Pretty girls can get away with anything. If an ugly girl did this she would be bullied off the internet and rightfully so.

No. 2439722

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But what if I don't want it to be

No. 2439725

Then stay craggy.

No. 2439726

This kind of happens around that age, I think you just don't notice it on other people.

No. 2439730

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No. 2439738

i kind of feel better but not really
holy shit that sounds nasty get rid of that neglectful weirdo please

No. 2439746

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I fell in love for the first time at my big girl age of 24 and for the first time in my life i feel self-conscious about my looks. Dry pimply skin with tons of damage from hardcore acne as a teen, , weird face shape that makes me look older than i am, nasolabial folds, small lips, big ass forehead, greasy and thin hair. I look disgusting. The only thing i can change for free is my weight and thankfully i already lost 3kg, but i feel like it wont be enough to make me attractive to the guy i like. Sigh.

No. 2439754

My partner screamed at me again for nothing, a few hours and I'm so sick of it all, tiny human that isn't even mine, and I'll just go meet an old fling for some spa time. Fuck it, I want to feel desired and liked again. Not get screamed at for having a project out in my own house, that I own, while I pay his damn rent as well. I feel so used and unloved

No. 2439757

Well start washing your hair, too!
What? Kick him out of your house.

No. 2439760

>Well start washing your hair, too!
i obviously wash my hair lol its just thin and greasy because i have shit genes and no money for hair treatments

No. 2439761

Jesus chris literally why

No. 2439763

You should kick his ugly ass out, he’s in your home nona.
>Jesus chris

No. 2439767

I'm not allowed anymore bc it makes me mean and i once promised to not send him away— to his own home— anymore. Leaving when I'm overwhelmed for a walk is wrong too.
I fucking know what I'm in, I know, I know and it hurts bc how did this happen to me. Now I'll just go on dates to feel desirable again, so I can let go of this shit "I might be lonely" fucked up attitude long enough to just get my shit together bc this is fucking embarrassing

No. 2439769

What is going on. Are you underage? ESL? Yes you can go for a walk to get away from someone, and yes you can tell someone to get the fuck out of your house if they're being a cunt. Who is "not allowing" you, the police?

No. 2439772

>It's wrong
>It's mean
Literally a prison of your own making. I know these things are easier said than done but there's nothing wrong about it. You're not happy in the relationship anymore and the circumstances have changed, it's as simple as that.

No. 2439773

Anon you should tell whoever this asshole is that you aren’t happy with him and want him out of your house

No. 2439774

Do you have a skin care routine Nona? Start moisturizing your skin 2x a day and wear sunscreen. Like the other anon said, your diet plays a huge role. Sugar will age you. Make sure you eat collagen rich foods like bone broth soup, and other animal products. Eat fruits and veggies for antioxidants

No. 2439785

lord save me from these closeted homosexuals

No. 2439793

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Looking through my old texts with my ex legit breaks my heart, will I ever be loved like this again…fuck

No. 2439794

If it happened before why wouldn't it happen again?

No. 2439803

This is the most cliché type of "poetic" profession of love I have ever seen. One day you will find someone who tells you what they love and appreciate about you and the connection they have with you, instead of spouting this generic "You are my sun, I am your earth" garbage. He's probably saying this exact same thing to his new girl nowadays.

No. 2439806

i am sorry nonny but this is cringe

No. 2439815

I shared a vague/generic one on purpose bc I don’t wanna be doxxed. He used to send those every night to me and usually they’d be more detailed. His new gf is obsessed with me and knows I use lc kek.
I have higher standards now and would have left him earlier.
Kek I figured someone would think so.

No. 2439841

Anyone can say this, why do people get wooed by meaningless words

No. 2439843

Think I might have kidney stones, going to the doc this week because I've been having this pain on one side for 4 weeks that just won't go away and I don't know what the hell it could be. Needless to say, I'm scared. I hope it's nothing serious and that it can go away with medicine and diet, whatever it is, either kidney or stomach or whatever. I have been plagued by health issues for more than a year now and it drains me mentally.

No. 2439844

>His new gf is obsessed with me and knows I use lc kek.
How would she know you use lolcow? I suppose you told your moid about it and he told her, right?

No. 2439846

I don't think you need hair treatments, anon. Go to the hair care thread in /g/ for advice.

No. 2439861

Feeling kind of lethal about one of the local lolcows moving into my street, she doxxed herself and I feel almost paranoid about her for some reason. She has a dog she cannot control so now everytime I go for a night store run and pass by her place, I pick up my pace like she was a boogeyman of sorts. Fucking retards moving into my neighbourhood, I was here first you slimy fuck.

No. 2439865

I'm assuming you've done an appendix check by now. Sorry to hear you're suffering, I hope it's not your gallbladder, anon. Feel better soon, and get to the doctor's sooner rather than later!

No. 2439896

It's on the left side so not appendix related at all. Aside from pain in that area I don't really have any other symptoms, that's the mystery of it. I had some stomach issue because of a stupid bacteria I had last year, but the location of the pain seems to align with what I've been reading about kidney stones. I kept hoping it was because of lower back pain and that it would go away but it wasn't.
Thanks nonna, I honestly want to get better ASAP.

No. 2439897

where is the pain located anon? years ago i was convinced i had appendicitis because i had intense pain where the appendix is located. i went through 3 tests, including blood draws and an ultrasound because it hurt so bad. the doctors found nothing. turns out it was my anxiety creating a psychosomatic response. i had some random pain in my side and my anxiety had me worrying it was appendicitis, so i basically gave myself consistent pain there for about 2 months.

No. 2439904

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here nonnie, pain is in a diff location, I've had appendicitis scares before, I wish it was anxiety induced but it's not

No. 2439946

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I was going to reply to something stupid and baitish I read, but then I realized the only reason it annoyed me was because for a second, I considered the person who said it the same as a "regular person" when it wasn't deserved. It can be hard for me to remember that all anonymous posts must stand on their own merit, that almost any kind of person can find this place, and if someone's gone full retard, I don't need to kindly consider that they might be a "valid" human who'll see where they're wrong if someone engages with them, instead of just staying retarded and shitting up any thread they're in if they get a reply. Sometimes, you really do just see (or get the attention of) a cowlike or a psychotic person, and that's okay.

No. 2439958

I feel like you'd know if it was kidney stones. That is the general area but it is a really bad pain that you can't just work through. It comes in waves and then once the stone passes more you get UTI symptoms.
I had to stop drinking soda because I got some tiny ones that passed on their own, but it still hurt so bad.

No. 2439966

nta but you could have a lung collapse or one coming, you would need an xray to confirm. mainly if the pain happens when breathing or exercising.

No. 2440071

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I am so ugly, nonnies. I literally look like picrel but with a hook nose. It sucks because there is no amount of makeup that can fix my bone structure. Goddam it pisses me off because my mom is gorgeous but she had me with a hideous man and i inherited all his shitty traits. I have been told i look like a grandmother since i was 15 because of my shitty sagging cheeks. I got nothing going on for me visually, just ugly all around. I really wish i was born a moid, the only thing i eve get complimented on is my sense of humor. But its worthless when you want to get laid because moids dont appreciate that. Fuck my life.

No. 2440096

if it can make you feel any better, although this sort of face isn't the current standard i find it very cute. she just looks like a friendly person you can have an easy chat with.
and if what you care about is scrotes theres always going to be some to find you good looking enough.

No. 2440101

>theres always going to be some to find you good looking enough.
only the ugly ones, which is the opposite of a compliment

No. 2440122

it feels loneliest when I'm delaying falling asleep knowing I'll be sleep deprived tomorrow but cannt stop because I don't want tomorrow to start, in these moments I wish I could be saved
Saved from what? I don't know. From whatever I'm running from with all this busy work.

No. 2440175

All my life there has been something wrong with me. Nothing traumatic happened to me. I was never poor, I was never badly ill. I'm unfit for existence

No. 2440193

Something probably did happen to you, you just haven't realized it yet.

No. 2440197

she's not conventionally attractive but she looks fine. most women are close to average physically, and then a few are really hot or ugly.

No. 2440204

nonny please, she's ugly. She has pictures next to actual average women and she looks clearly uglier than the rest.

No. 2440208

i can't help you or myself. i look like pre-op lisa yo kek. i lost my sense of humor to depression and have severe social anxiety. its over

No. 2440213

nta but I think treating plainness or lowgrade ugliness like it's the worst thing or a box is not great either. there's some actual viscerally repulsive people out there that's way more likely to struggle with making friends or living life. she's someone that apparently has friends she hangs out with. her not being that desirable to men isn't necessarily the Scarlet Letter that curses her worldly existence.

No. 2440214

i genuinely don’t think i could survive a 30 day program but my mom won’t talk to me until i go to one and shes not even the one to tell me that, someone else is relaying her message i wish i was fucking dead

No. 2440216

ok but i wasnt talking about the defrauding rodent beckystacy, i was talking about me and how it affects me. I do want a cute bf, i dont want an ugly one. She actually had a harem of ugly nerdy guys. I would rope if that were me tbh.

No. 2440222

Good lord, are you sure it's your face stopping you from getting cute guys and not your loser attitude?

No. 2440225

you dont even know me why are you making assumptions about my life lol

No. 2440238

I'm almost on my period and idk if I have some sort of pms but the day before my period it feels like all my teenage depression comes back full force, I'm not suicidal or anything just very, very sad as if someone died or I'm missing something and I want to cry and I know this is not real, I know I'm not depressed anymore but I'm deadly afraid to fall back into it and every month it's a deadly scare I'm so tired but if I cry people around me start to worry, I wish I could have someone to cry to without them getting seriously worried, I want to cry in my bed and shut off my phone but at the same time feel safe with someone easy to reach for comfort I absolutely hate this

No. 2440277

men like rat faces

No. 2440292

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Reading about that women's only gym in the UK being flooded with hate by trannies made me so angry I was literally seeing red and feeling light headed, like I'm short circuiting. I am so sick of men who call themselves women being treated as though they could never be dangerous by these people. Trans identified men are 3 times more likely to commit sexual assault than a cis man, it happens constantly and these people deny and ignore it. Seeing a screenshot from reddit of some dick saying it literally never happens and there are 0 reported cases of TiMs assaulting a woman in a bathroom is beyond insanity, so many cases come to mind just in my own local area. Sometimes I just really feel like I want to cry. This world hates women so much and we're regressing so far, women can't have any single sex spaces. I wanted to start a local art club for women only and even in my small ass town I know of several trannies who would definitely try and get in on any "women only" anything. How are these people not seen as potentially dangerous when sex is their entire personality? The TiMs in my town post sexually degenerate shit on their public profiles and I'm supposed to feel safe around that? Even if there was only ONE recorded case of a TiM attacking a woman in a bathroom, why would you still allow it? Because women aren't fucking people, that's why. I want to get really violent.

No. 2440303

For me, its the audacity of these scrotes saying "trans womyn are at just as much risk around straight men, if not more!1!". I want to alog so badly.

No. 2440324

>get an ad while playing a mobile game
>It's some big-boobed AI girl saying "hey dad blahblahblah do you think I'm attractive?"
How much more disgusting can men get? The ad said it was the "Stepdaughter" but it's still pretty obvious who it's pandering too. AI needs to hurry up and get banned.

No. 2440326

Samefag, but then also the absolute audacity to PAY to have that advertised on an app that children could be using. Just so degenerate.

No. 2440335

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It's almost as if some of people are dying to find some idiots to exploit you as if men care that you're not far above their league like they prefer as long as you do what they want and are sexually available. I wouldn't worry about cuteness. there's supposedly cute moids who have a lot of issues. I'd worry about unintentionally involving yourself with a narcissistic ahole who decides that he needs to hurt you because you didn't do what he wanted. It's not paranoid to think of shit like that because men routinely act like complete fucking psychos because idiot women let them. If women felt comfortable being by themselves terrible men would not be enabled. women already have to conform to far higher standards of beauty and men routinely look far worse than women and refuse to take care of themselves so an imbalance already exists as a baseline.

No. 2440360

nonnie, i’m feeling the exact same way this evening. normally i’m very level-headed but tonight, the thought of tims is making me seriously freak out and want to cry. their blatant misogyny just goes unchecked and we have to bow down to their every whim. when did this happen!? i feel like a crazy person for being so upset. and all of the backlash they dish out is ALWAYS directed towards women. they hate us so bad. they hate us so bad. but we can’t say that, can we? idk why i’m so upset about it tonight.
i’m sending you lots of love, nonnie

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