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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 2439481

3 months after announcing it, Cerbmin has finally created a poll that will decide the fate of VPN posting on LCF.

You can check and vote in the poll here:

The Poll can be broken down into two options:
>A VPN ban should happen.
>A VPN ban shouldn't happen.
The former option has four different caveats which take into consideration the ways in which the potential VPN will apply.

Since posting is disabled on the /meta/ thread, I thought it might be useful for anons to use this thread to discuss the poll.

>Share which option you voted for.

>Share why you voted for that option.
>Share your opinions of why a VPN is necessary or not necessary.

Please don't turn this thread into squabbling over how whoever voted for X option is a retard, or start campaigning for X option, or anything gay like that.

No. 2439483

Shouldn't this be in /meta/?

No. 2439488

The farmhands can move it there if they want. I debated on whether it belongs in /meta/ or /ot/, but I settled on /ot/ because I followed my heart.

No. 2439495

I don't really understand why some are against it. Not to talk like a self-righteous police defender type, but you have nothing to infight or bait about, then it shouldn't affect you? Unless you're the type to have a VPN on 24/7 on your device for safety and better service or something, but I digress

No. 2439496

>Unless you're the type to have a VPN on 24/7 on your device for safety
This is why most use them

No. 2439497

So what? It won't kill you to turn it off.

No. 2439499

I'll be quitting if it is implemented and I'm sure other nonnies will too.

No. 2439501

There are nonnas who no doubt legitimately are concerned about best safety practices but unfortunately they are collectively punished in the same bucket as bad actors who come here only to bait and ban-evade or psyop the userbase with bad political narratives.

No. 2439503

Too many options imo. And the poll isn't immediately clear unless you read the entire post, which we know anons struggle already with reading comprehension.

No. 2439507

>We are also aware that users in some countries can’t access the site due to government censorship (e.g. Russia, China) and we will create a way for those users to contact us and get a workaround for the VPN ban so that they can continue to use the site

I am curious to how this will be implemented. I'm guessing some VPN exit nodes will be ok'd but then any user could connect to them.

No. 2439508

Imo I think the VPN will be good considering the amount of times this place gets raided by troons and moids. It can deter the posting of cp as well as the enabling of attentionwhore personalityfags who only shit up the board (I dont mean the harmless ones though) but I also feel some threads should be free from it exmuslims thread can be potentially fatal for the users there so their safety is important as well as any goverment criticism that can have real life consequences I'd say considering how things are now we cant keep on living in the 2010s when every other imageboard has taken measures to secure it self

No. 2439509

Second line nonna
>will create exceptions for threads where users in certain countries may be legally at risk for posting in them (e.g. ex-muslim thread, TERF/anti-trans threads)

No. 2439511

Admins literally said in the post that threads like exmuslim are getting a special exception. Why are anons too retarded to read I FUCKING SWEAR

Yeah you're right since there are already anons posting ITT who obviously didn't read it

No. 2439512

They already said some threads like ExMuslim will be exempt from a VPN ban no matter what

No. 2439514

At least Kiwi Farms still exists. They have a better Muskrat thread too.

No. 2439516

I just posted my opinion kek I know they've put exemptions

No. 2439517

Wishing all Kiwifags a happy exile. Go back.

No. 2439519

i turned mine off during the temporary ban and it still wouldn't let me post, possibly due to some other shit i'd installed and forgotten about, or apple private relay. i don't care about hiding my post history per se, but i don't think i'd get rid of all of my everyday protections just to chat shit here, i'd either lurk or just leave. i agree that getting rid of cp/gore spam is a good reason to ban vpn use, but it's also retarded that this ends up suggesting that we shouldn't be using vpns at all. i'm no cybersecurity expert but i think people who post here should be aiming to be more careful, not less.

No. 2439520

And loads of virgin males

No. 2439522

File: 1741701615277.png (56.45 KB, 1050x184, options.png)

>Share which option you voted for.
I voted for the "banned on /ot/ and on an ad hoc basis for threads on all other boards" option.
>Share why you voted for that option.
I voted for that option because /ot/ is the board with the most problems that could be solved with a blanket VPN ban. The few times that a VPN ban was applied to the Amerifags thread, it quelled almost all baiting and infighting almost immediately. I use every board (except /g/) on LC, and I don't think a VPN ban is necessary on any other board besides /ot/. I think some anons have the idea that /ot/ IS LC instead of /ot/ is a PART of LC.
>Share your opinions of why a VPN is necessary or not necessary.
I think it's necessary to counter the rule-breaking posts on /ot/ and to fix the board culture that has atrophied for the past few years.

During the December VPN ban, anons were able to email Cerb and ask for an exemption if they could prove they needed a VPN to post for their personal safety.

It's interesting. I wonder if they will consider the split. For instance, if we look at the poll right now (in picrel) we can see the "no VPN ban" option has the most votes, but the majority of voters would prefer a VPN ban. It's a difference of 43 for a VPN ban to 20 against a VPN ban.

We are talking about Lolcow Farm. Not KiwiFarms.

No. 2439524

kiwi is fine for finding specific receipts on cows but it's a fucking shithole. i get that it's not great here either but at least they ban racebait and we're allowed to be pro-woman

No. 2439527

>It's interesting. I wonder if they will consider the split. For instance, if we look at the poll right now (in picrel) we can see the "no VPN ban" option has the most votes, but the majority of voters would prefer a VPN ban. It's a difference of 43 for a VPN ban to 20 against a VPN ban.
I think if the first four options have more total percentage than the last one, then a run-off poll should be conducted with how the ban should be implemented. Or they could just choose the one with the most votes out if the first four but that's less accurate

No. 2439528

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Runoff confirmed! Lolcow now has a better democratic process than the majority of countries

No. 2439530

lol I had to go to /meta/ to check who was asking them to delete votes and it's some illiterate retarded who voted for the lowest option because they didn't read

No. 2439536

you think that half the anons know what ad hoc means, zoomers certainly don't.

No. 2439539

Last time I posted on LC with a VPN (was watching foreign TV) I got a "you are banned" jumpscare. Turns out that someone had used the same VPN to post misogynistic bait posts. It's very clear that baiters relying on VPNs to avoid permabans is a common thing so I'm in favor of the ban.

No. 2439550

>but you have nothing to infight or bait about, then it shouldn't affect you
But i do have shit to infight and bait about, nona

No. 2439554

Ntayrt but your post is kind of an encapsulation of why /ot/ needs a VPN ban. Infighting and baiting is against the rules. If you do it, you should be banned and you should have to sit through your ban. It's annoying that you get to break the rules but face no consequences for that.

No. 2439558

You are correct but shitfighting is fun

No. 2439584

I voted for banned on all boards. I think the exceptions they are providing are enough for me, I live in England so VPN posting in tranny hate threads is a must since my government has prosecuted people for that. The quality of posting on lolcow has gone to shit over the years as ban evasion has gotten, plus the site was so much nicer when VPNs where banned in December, so yeah. There are milk board threads that are god fucking awful with ban evaders/scrotes/self posters, most of the "general" threads like radfems/pro-ana, plus Laur/Anonymous Gene and our other resident retards who shit up threads when they get bored. And it'd stop the CP posting which mostly happens on /pt/ and /m/.

No. 2439622

As a 24/7 VPN user, I'm against a blanket /ot/ ban because I enjoy occasionally posting in some of the /ot/ threads. Apart from posting in the doodleboard thread and the moovie room thread, I use a few of the other /ot/ threads from time to time (mostly the ones related to various hobbies, travel, etc). None of those threads have frequent infighting (maybe because they're more structured in topic and slower in general? I can't imagine baiting would be possible in them). We all know which threads are the infighting/baiting threads, so why not just target those?

Same. Might lurk, but won't be posting. It's what I did in December when the temporary ban took place, posting in bunker threads elsewhere occasionally. It's just a matter of principle. I don't post without VPN.

Part of the blame should fall on the members of the userbase engaging with the bait. It's not hard to report it and scroll on, but a lot of users seem to feel the need to reply these days, which doesn't help. If the baiters didn't get attention, they would move on to other things, elsewhere. VPN users are being collectively punished along with the baiters because newer users refuse to learn 2 scroll.

No. 2439625

thanks for the link OP! i originally was planning to vote for VPNs banned on all boards except the hidden one like during the vpn ban. but after seeing what happened here after the vpn-ban was lifted now i'm firmly "every board". this place has been garbage for so long, and it's not hard to find it littered across the entire site. scrotes baiting in /g/, celebricows is always unreadable, /snow/ having thread subjects defending themselves and vpn hopping, the general state of /ot/. glad the polls finally up but i don't think a vpn ban across all boards will happen unfortunately. which is kinda sad because there's so many users that need a permaban that are running rampant on this site shitting it up for fun. this site was so much less shit when the ban was up. i remember while the ban was active, i was curious & checked and i saw unpopular opinions was on page 3. i feel like it's permanently on page 1 when there's no vpn ban. the state of this site the day the ban was lifted was a sight to behold really

agreed with everything you said

No. 2439659

>i remember while the ban was active, i was curious & checked and i saw unpopular opinions was on page 3
That was funny to witness. Really exposed the type of losers that post in that thread.

No. 2439919

Someone in /meta/ admitted that the staff laughs at random post histories in their discord. I believe it tbh, they probably have vendettas against some posters even if they're perfectly well behaved. Never forget that "accidental" deletion of the moovie room thread a few years ago. They also still kept the moovie anon banned even after restoring the thread
>I'd say considering how things are now we cant keep on living in the 2010s when every other imageboard has taken measures to secure it self
Most other imageboards except 4chin allows vpns so I don't really get this argument

No. 2439927

Would the drug thread still allow vpns I wonder

No. 2439947

It's not letting me vote no matter what kek I give up

No. 2439963

I'm esl and had to google it too.. The easier word choice probably would've been "on case basis" but again, it takes 2 seconds to google so it's not a big deal.

No. 2439981

You need a post history before the poll was made

No. 2439986

Can you say what happened with the moovie room thread and the anon? I wasn't here for it.

No. 2439988

>Someone in /meta/ admitted that the staff laughs at random post histories in their discord
Nta. LMAO I always wondered if they see my posts and be like "oh uh, she woke up…" and laugh at how terminally online I am and at all my autistic hyperspecific interests and think "get a life". At least, I'm already prepared for what that feels like.

No. 2439992

I haven’t turned my VPN back on ever since the last VPN ban we had, so I personally wouldn’t be effected by it but I’m also a burger so I’m sure there are some anons in other countries who might have difficulties posting if it’s implemented across the entire website; not just individual threads and some boards.

No. 2440044

Will you post without vpn?

No. 2440047

Ad hoc is not even an English word

No. 2440053

I've been posting without VPN the whole time. I don't have anything to worry about tbh. I'm more on the chill side and rarely get bans, I'll probably be ok. I just think I'm cringe and I feel embarrassed at the thought of anyone reading my post history and seeing me sperg out about silly shit.

No. 2440059

only a few of /ot/ boards need a vpn ban and i would say unpopular opinions and amerifags need it. maybe for unpopular opinions, one day a week could be open to vpn posting, so everyone can get their infighting done on one day.
>Someone in /meta/ admitted that the staff laughs at random post histories in their discord.
Jannies suck but considering the level of retardation on this site it seems like a fair payoff. you can find some great cows among fellow farmers!

No. 2440060

wtf is "ad hoc" this poll is so eslphobic

No. 2440063

Its like a latin term for play it by ear keekk

No. 2440065

>only a few of /ot/ boards
>/ot/ boards
Do you know the difference between a board and a thread?

No. 2440078

yes, nitpicky nonna, i made a typo because my brain is fried from work

No. 2440088

Given you're the second ESL anon to complain about this I think they really should've worded the poll differently.

I am all for a VPN ban though, and I use VPNs daily for external safety reasons. Admins protecting the threads that matter is the most important part, which they're doing, so I really don't see how it'd be a problem. Like >>2439539 mentioned I've also been randomly banned because of some scrote posting with the same VPN and I worry he's ruining my post history for the mods to laugh at. Pretty inconsistent with the rest of my lore on this site.

No. 2440089

I do have a post history though, even with my vpn turned off. Still says I'm not eligible for some reason

No. 2440117

>some spam/raid was going on
>farmhands mass delete the spam
>apparently the spammer had the same ip as the anon who made the moovie threads
>so whole moovie thread gets deleted
>eventually farmhands claim it was 'accidental'
>old moovie posts gradually get restored though only the image thumbnails
>HOWEVER moovie anon says she was posting from her home ip, not whatever the spammer was using, and some other posts she made in older threads (while the deletion was still going on) were still up
some of this info about her being permabanned was posted during one of the CC bunkers (not the latest one) and during one of the moovie nights/tunesday's chats. even after clarifying to the mods, contacting admin, etc she still couldn't post here.

No. 2440153

>Part of the blame should fall on the members of the userbase engaging with the bait.
The baiters and the retards who reply to bait are the same people. They're all terminally online zoomzooms who don't understand that they can report and move on without having to reply. The fucking fujospergers on both sides of the retard wars shitting up every thread outside their containment zones are the same kids who reply to bait because they don't understand how to shut the fuck up. They also make unsaged sped posts on /pt/ and /snow/ to necro a 7 year old thread to ask where the cow got her cosplay from. They're genuinely too retarded to understand how to use an imageboard without being hit with the banhammer whenever they spam their infights and bait and non-milk.

No. 2440179

I think it’s more of a hassle to ban them all together than it would be to just ban whichever ones are known to cause the most trouble but admittedly I’m biased. Another thing is that the site’s already drying up and VPN bans are only gonna increase the dryness more by alienating a good amount of the users, the infighting only happens on certain ot threads (like unpopular opinions and /2X/) so I get them being banned/more heavily moderated on there but a full ban is just going to permanently alienate a good amount of users, a hellweek or fuck, even hellmonth would be a better idea just to bore them off if need be.

>They also make unsaged sped posts on /pt/ and /snow/ to necro a 7 year old thread to ask where the cow got her cosplay from
That’s been happening since the beginning it’s just that in like 2015 there were basically no rules so no one brought it up because there wasn’t anything regulating it at the time. Besides trolls are gonna post troll shit regardless, banning VPNs isn’t gonna stop bored clowns from spamming shit threads because they don’t care if they get banned from lolcow they just wanna use their time to spam post

This is another reason I don’t agree with VPN bans, I don’t trust the newer mods with any actual IP. It’s not VPNs that are the issue, if you ask me modding has gone to shit and, while not Crystal Cafe levels of bad, the newest mods are clearly not doing their job. Again, trolls have been around since the beginning but they only recently became an issue because every new mod seems to fuck up in some way. VPN bans are a band aid solution at best because raiders will just find another way

No. 2440200

>The baiters and the retards who reply to bait are the same people.
Exactly. I have seen, on more than one occasion, the same anons pretending to be someone else to take their own bait and to infight with themselves.

How do I know? Because they think that switching up the typing style alone is enough to trick others. E.g., post A will be in all lowercase, reply A won't be, then post B will be in all lowercase, reply B will be in all lowercase, then deleted to replace with proper grammar, because the baiter/infighter forgot which type style she were using to discreetly samefag.

Then we have retards like >>2439558 that actually think that infighting and baiting is "fun" and they come here specifically to do that gay shit. I have no idea why it took admin this long to realize that VPNs NEED to be banned on /ot/. Posting on /ot/ isn't a right, it's a privilege. If anons don't follow the rules, they don't deserve to post. Most /ot/fags aren't even familiar with the culture of LC. Anyone else remember this incident >>2396578 ? It's clear that /ot/ is the central hub for newfaggotry and retards coming from social media.

If we got rid of /ot/ tomorrow, the cow boards would enter a renaissance.
Don't mention that it took me three tries to post this kek

No. 2440205

Banning VPNs would be pointless. I never used em and I’m always banned for something petty.

>use cell phone

>get banned
>exit out of the browser
>turn airplane mode on and off

No. 2440209

i never understood thinking that you could tell users apart or somehow think that you're tracking several posters across threads or even the same thread. unless they're an avatarfag or specific schizo. you never really know who is who, to which there are major pros and cons, but that's the point of it

No. 2440210

>Another thing is that the site’s already drying up and VPN bans are only gonna increase the dryness
If we look at the statistics compiled during the first Hellweek of 2024, which lasted two weeks and can be found here >>>/meta/71238 we can see that only 13.4% of posts were made through a VPN. There was 27775 posts during that fortnight, so that means about 3722 posts were made with a VPN and about 24053 posts were made without one. I don't think the "without VPNs the site will die" argument is a very good one.
Have you ever thought about following the rules or integrating to avoid those bans in the first place? Ban evaders are so dumb.

No. 2440219

>understood thinking that you could tell users apart or somehow think that you're tracking several posters across threads or even the same thread
I never said that. I thought I made it clear why I could tell kek. It went like this:
>"x is so stupid because of xyz"
>No, that's not true! Retard, it's not XYZ it's ABC."
>"stupid faggot, abc is stupid"
>you must be retarded, because 123 and 456
that last reply was then deleted and re-uploaded as
>You must be retarded, because 123 and 456.

That delete and repost made it clear to me, and when they were banned for samefagging it was confirmation for me. This happened last summer, and I'm sure that it's still happening now. Even when nobody takes the baiters' bait, they will often take their own bait to try and get anons roped into it. It's artificial infighting.

No. 2440226

That isn’t necessarily a VPN related issue, for example Creepshow Art did the same thing and never used a VPN for it

No. 2440228

Yeah, that's why I never said it was. I do think that banning VPNs will make it more difficult for people to evade bans.

No. 2440234

File: 1741738195706.jpeg (281.74 KB, 1284x553, IMG_5616.jpeg)

Because their bans depend who is the mod at the time. I got permanently banned back in like 2015 for posting in the Amina dujean thread and now look, it’s 2025 her thread is up and mods have no issue with it.

No. 2440237

Why did admin lock the thread in your screenshot like that??

No. 2440246

Idk back then the staff were super sensitive about this particular cow back then. You couldn’t even mention her in the aidoru threads in relation to other cows she hung out with.

No. 2440266

>Because their bans depend who is the mod at the time
Yeah all of this, the moderation is an ever changing mess and the recent wave of mods just so happens to be the laziest which is the real issue. Like another anon said, basically every image board allows VPNs and is able to keep themselves decently moderated (including lolcow back in the day). And most anons seem to agree mods aren’t doing their job properly. There’s still going to be a lot of infighting and bait unless we get better mods, it’s been especially bad ever since late 2023
Yeah I’ve seen some anons mention that there’s a whole ton of ways to ban evade, banning VPNs is just going to cause baiters and trolls to find another way that’s going to be way more difficult to manage

No. 2440279

>Why are anons too retarded to read
i dont correct anons who say theyre quitting because of the ban, illiterates taking the trash out by itself ta ta

No. 2440315

>mods "do their job"
>bad actors still just ban evade
>there’s a whole ton of ways to ban evade, banning VPNs is just going to cause baiters and trolls to find another way
Kek is that a threat? At least those will then have to pay up for their privilege to shit up lolcow, because those options aren't free.

No. 2440320

If the ban happens I'm not going to have any way to post movie announcements kek. I was banned months and months ago for asking a question about a post in /meta/ and my appeal has been denied. I even helped with image recovery after the site came back up despite being permabanned but I didn't bother asking to be unbanned again. I don't even know why I was banned to begin with.

No. 2440342

>Anyone else remember this incident?
holy shit i clicked to the post and that is actually insane. i'd rather believe it was someone vpn hopping to leave those replies because i'm pretty shocked at how many replies it took for someone to point out that it was luna
>Then we have retards like 2439558 that actually think that infighting and baiting is "fun" and they come here specifically to do that gay shit.
>It's clear that /ot/ is the central hub for newfaggotry and retards coming from social media.
>If we got rid of /ot/ tomorrow, the cow boards would enter a renaissance.
i agree with you nona. /ot/ has been cancer for way too long

No. 2440349

NTA but a lot of bans in recent months are over things that aren't rule breaking, some of those bans are a result of farmhands being newfags themselves funnily enough

No. 2440382

hey mooovie anon. I remember that incident and it was bullshit. Everyone knows you weren't spamming. The person who banned you for asking about that gold star post never explained why, either. Just tried to distract by using the spam/raid thing. It was also really clear when one or two janny brown-nosers were commenting shit like, "I can't believe I was having conversations during moovie nights with a baiting spammer." Truly boneheaded attempts to paint you as something you're not.

Anyway anons from sensitive countries, idk if I'd trust admin/jannies with your info if you have to email them to even use the site. Just be careful I guess, we don't have any idea who these people are.

There are definitely quirks for some posters, and it's not as simple as spelling or punctuation. But part of my work is identifying linguistic patterns, so maybe that is why I notice them. Not everyone but there are a couple particularly annoying posters that stand out. Once I even told one of them bc it was so blatant, and then I immediately caught a ban for some bullshit reason. What can you do…

No. 2440395

Honestly, from discussions had in the moovie room, it seems a lot of anons are in the same boat. Maybe we'll just have to be like one of those old time pirate radio stations that would start broadcasting at random times without announcing. Sometimes surprise streams already happen without much announcement, plus there's the existing calendar we could use too.

No. 2440405

i agree with your post. it would be fun to have random streams just going without an announcement. sometimes i check the cytube without going on LC so it would be fun to see
>plus there's the existing calendar we could use too.
i was considering bringing that up tayrt, i was thinking of leaving this site sometime in the near future and i would probably rely on the calendar for moovie nights/productivity streams/ect

No. 2440413

Ayrt, I also like sometimes popping into the moovie room when nothing is planned and just listening to the ambiance stream. If the VPN ban goes into place, and especially if it is sitewide, I think relying on the calendar may be the way to go. I may end up being forced off of this site, but I can't imagine giving up the moovie room. I have found so many great films and songs that I would never have encountered otherwise from nonnies there. It's truly a treasure.

No. 2440587

I hope the Australia OT thread is excluded. We have hate speech (blasphemy) laws, incoming social media age/identity verification, and a misogynistic legal system that punishes TERFs. We want to discuss local gender ideology matters amongst ourselves without fear.

No. 2440772

File: 1741780561265.png (43.8 KB, 952x175, wednesday poll update.png)

>Wednesday, March 12th Update
It's been a little over 24 hours since the poll launched. So far, there's been 223 votes.
>147 votes in support of a VPN ban
>76 votes against a VPN ban
It looks the pro-VPN crowd has made massive gains thus far, but it's still too early to determine whether or not the VPN ban proposal will make it through the legislature.

No. 2440774

England's like that too.

No. 2440780

There's anti-immigrant moid and anti-troon threads on the hidden board. If VPNs are banned on /ot/ discussion can still happen there. More posters of a normal psychology would probably scare away the resident schizos.

No. 2440781

>Counting the 'Ban in specific situations' votes as Yes for Bans
>Counting the 'Ban on ad-hoc basis' vote as a No for Bans

No. 2440783

Isn't the no vpn ban option winning?

No. 2440785

Are there even as many vpn users as people voting against it?

No. 2440788

It's pretty obvious that that's what it means, so yeah.

No. 2440795

So they end up ignoring the option with the most votes and go for the option with the most votes on the other side of the binary?

No. 2440800

If you don't want a VPN ban, that's fine. But most anons have voted in favor of a VPN ban, which you can see looking at the results of the poll. If you need more help, you can refer to the picture in this >>2439522 post

No. 2440807

If it means BJ Chan can finally fuck off to Reddit, or better yet, a mental hospital, then I'm all for it

No. 2440812

Well, they can't undo the lack of distinction.

No. 2440818

Always knew they were a vocal minority

No. 2440822

Obviously voted against it kek I'm not letting these unreliable mods check my full IP post history, I value my privacy and these people have abused their power to harass anons several times, hell no. Can't believe they rather ban VPNs instead of just nuking the cancer inducing threads or getting better moderation

No. 2440824

No. 2440826

I prefer to be fully anonymous. Why should the mods know about the extent of my retardation?

No. 2440834

Better moderation would probably mean paying them. No one who isn’t retarded or underaged is going to take time out of their life to do this for free.

No. 2440842

IP address isn't the main factor in determining post history. It's a relatively unimportant part of it. Even if VPN ban does happen, you can still use a dynamic IP address or manually change your IP address whenever you'd like.

No. 2440899

I swear to god if they do some bullshit where they add up all the other options and say “see! We won!” Rather than just the option with the most votes I will be upset

No. 2440945

I think it has more to do with there not being an option to vote against the VPN ban at all.

No. 2440951

That's the ad hoc one, no? It's the same as they do now with certain threads, like Amerifags during election season, getting VPN banned but more often.

No. 2440963

then why take the job at all? to powertrip?

No. 2440966

65%+ of anons want at minimum to ban VPNs from /ot/, it would actually be fucked to do what the minority want just because those of us who want a ban split our vote. so fuck off.

No. 2440970

Maybe you should have consolidated your votes then kek

No. 2440980

your post history is tied to your user agent, not your ip address. you can't get around farmhands seeing your entire post history unless you switch devices/browsers

No. 2440986

they will do another poll, you can shut up now

No. 2440990

Exactly. That's why the anons reeing about "muh post history" aren't making sense.

No. 2440997

It's tied to both.

No. 2441000

the mods are still unreliable at best, they've bullied anons across threads with whatever info they can access to (whether IP, post history, etc), that's deeply concerning and it's a valid complaint. Whatever measures you can get your hands onto to avoid these people to keep tabs on you shouldn't be prohibited

No. 2441001

Can you give 3 examples of this behavior?

No. 2441002

Failed vote
I knew it when I saw the options. I expected a "Yes" and a "No" - not whatever gimmick this is.
Anyway, assuming that it does get banned - all boards?

No. 2441007

Remember the time burritomin did a poll and went against what most anons actually voted for? Lolcow farms remembers
NTA but the moovie night thread incident that was discussed earlier

No. 2441032

What do you have to hide then?

No. 2441038

>We should always let the police into our homes, search our cars, and take us into custody without warrants! What do you have to hide?
>What's that, anon? You don't want me to look through your phone? You're not hiding anything, are you?
>Why don't you want me to read your diary? It's not like there's anything you're hiding from me, is there?
You can try to blend in, janny, but I'll always sniff you out…

No. 2441045

remember the times farmhands ""accidentally"" banned an anon for venting about having cancer, ""accidentally"" banning an anon for venting about racism, the movie thread incident, banning copypastas within the copypasta thread and much more? so many strange supposed accidents and anons really trust them to not unfairly ban their ip? some ips aren't dynamic and won't change even after reseting the router so a vpn would be reasonable in those cases.

No. 2441047

Yeah all boards

No. 2441050

File: 1741800558889.jpg (68.91 KB, 500x748, cake.jpg)

I dont care so I think the nonnys should keep their vpn

No. 2441063

I don't get what this has to do with VPNs?

No. 2441067

because some anons are acting like it's dumb to want to use a vpn here and how only infighters want them or whatever when everything i said is a perfectly good reason to prefer vpns

No. 2441069

are you seriously going to trust these mods with your history when they've demonstrated several times they're in fact, retarded at best and creeps at worst?

No. 2441072

But nothing you said has anything to do with VPNs?
Yeah? I've used the site for years and nothing bad ever happened to me. That and VPNs don't hide you post history

No. 2441074

>mods haven't harassed me personally so that means others shouldn't worry heh

No. 2441075

>But nothing you said has anything to do with VPNs?
just reread this part
>so a vpn would be reasonable in those cases.

No. 2441078

Yeah but I don't understand what VPNs have to do with any of those cases
Idk I've said some very retarded crazy schizo things before and the most I got was a 1 day ban and when I appealed and said sorry they unbanned me

No. 2441080

I hope those anons were able to dispute their bans and have it lifted. I have been banned because of a newfag mod not understanding a reference, but it was lifted after I gave the farmhand context.

No. 2441083

A VPN would be useful for unfair (not infighting) bans like those examples

No. 2441090

like even in this very thread the moovie nona literally said she can't post here without a vpn because of farmhands permabanning her regular IP

No. 2441118

Also, that one time when they revealed someone's IP. True the anon was samefagging, but still.

No. 2441123

Is this the same anon who got her IP revealed for talking about fucking cat litter? Because that is the most innocent thing to samefag about, too.

No. 2441126

Yes, that one.

No. 2441129

Wasn't just one time either, remember what happened with the "good moid stories" thread when one of them showed the ip of some anon making fun of the thread that they were arguing with.

No. 2441130

except her whole IP wasnt revealed, so it was impossible to tie that IP to a location

No. 2441172

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I don't really support it. Banning VPNs would just end up taking away a layer of privacy on the grounds that users here "can't behave". Ultimately, more anons need to learn to report bait, and not respond to it. It's hard sometimes when you see pure bullshit, but it's literally the only fucking way lol. You don't need to reply to every idiot, or any at all. Just hit report, let the mods handle it and then speak up in /meta/ if they don't.
Just like on 4chan with its own VPN ban, baiters and spammers will still sperg, particularly autistic ones will find workarounds and get away with it every time (some literally pay money and have been at it for years), anons will keep responding when they should report/ignore, and the VPN ban will just end up being a weird punishment for the legitimate farmers who do use them.

No. 2441179

>Ultimately, more anons need to learn to report bait, and not respond to it.
They won't learn if they can evade the ban. Bans have to be effective, VPNs make it too easy to evade bans.

No. 2441183

This isn't real life or police, this is an imageboard.

No. 2441185

I don't think the anons who make it a habit to respond to bait particularly care if they get a little ban as long as they got to "own" the baiter (I also don't think anyone should be banned for longer than maybe 6 hours just for responding to bait).
The baiters keep coming back because they always get replies and reactions. Nothing for a scrote ban evade for if all that ever happens is that everyone ignores him and his shit gets deleted.

No. 2441190

They're afraid staff can easier track their post history and thus ban them for shitposts. Which is exactly the reason for vpn bans. They're afraid because they're the ones this ban is for.

No. 2441194

They keep coming back because they can just ban evade. When no one replies, they just try different bait or spam on different threads, which already happened countless times. Our posterchild ban evader BJ-anon does this constantly.

No. 2441201

So to ban evade, not for muh privacy.

No. 2441202

If none of it gets them the attention they seek, they won't come back when they can just go harass women on Twitter or Discord. I know BJ-chan spends threads just talking to herself, but I feel like she's a different case than the males. She'd probably keep posting from different devices and start going to her local library or something just to ban evade up until Poland as a whole is blocked from Lolcor, kek.

No. 2441204

This is unrealistic because most of the time the bait doesn't start super obvious.

No. 2441205

None of the anons mentioned in >>2441045 were shitposters. Moovie anon isn't a shitposter, stop assuming things

No. 2441210

Reminder that if you don't use a VPN, your ISP can see all the sites you visited, and most ISPs sell your data.

No. 2441211

In those cases, it's better to just stop responding the moment the person baiting gets obvious. But at a certain point, how do you even know something is actually bait and not an anon having an opinion that's just retarded? I feel like then it's just infighting, which is bad too, but not to the point where VPNs should be banned entirely.

No. 2441212

We're talking about people like >>2439558 and the dozens of others that find immense joy in shitting up the board

No. 2441219

But what I'm saying is not everyone against the vpn ban is like that type of anon, it's not just shitposters who are against it

No. 2441220

>They're afraid staff can easier track their post history
this shouldn't be a thing, ever, for any reason. You seriously think it's going to stop at "shitposters"? As anons already pointed out, several incidents didn't even involve shitposters but random anons

No. 2441224

ntayrt but nobody is talking about the anons you mentioned lol we're talking about the shitposters that use a vpn as a way to constantly evade bans and engage in stupid infights and bait

prime example is unpopular opinions. as mentioned in >>2439625 when the vpn ban was on during december that thread was super slow and it wasn't as filled with bait and infighting as it is usually

No. 2441231

I mean, we've had some (former) mods talk about being petty. All it really takes is an infight with one janny on anon and a lasting vendetta to make your experience on the site hell if you're identifiable, kek.

No. 2441232

would you compromise anons privacy over 4-5 shitposters that WILL find a way to fuck around eventually?
>prime example is unpopular opinions
it's almost like that thread should've been permanently nuked to begin with

No. 2441244

If you're currently living under a volatile dictatorship what are your options here? It's no secret they're looking for any reason to turn it into a police state

No. 2441246

>that thread should've been permanently nuked to begin with
but that doesn't work. we saw what happened with dumbass shit.
>would you compromise anons privacy over 4-5 shitposters
there is way more than 4-5 shitposters kek. your privacy is compromised as soon as you post on this site, VPN or not. so few anons use VPNs to post to begin with that banning them won't make a big difference.
admin has already assured those that need a VPN to post because of their countries of residence will have the option to do so

No. 2441257

I don't understand what your problem is if it's one thread full if shitposters that is pissing you off… hide the thread? But also the last option on the poll says "ad hoc basis", so wouldn't VPN bans be applied to threads like this? Thus eliminating your problem without banning VPNs on every board?

No. 2441262

No. 2441278

nayrt but I rarely see infighting on here because I don't spend my time in the threads that are full of it. It's not hard to avoid these threads, and for all the people claiming the baiters will move to another thread, eventually, they will run out of threads to bait in. It'd be really hard to bait in one of the more specific topic threads like the language learning thread or the food thread or the doll thread. Baiters thrive in the threads that are open-ended and less structured/less dedicated to a specific topic. Threads like "unpopular opinions" are rife with infighting (which is exactly what one would expect from a thread for that sort of thing tbh). If it gets nuked or ad hoc vpn banned, maybe they'll move to the vent threads or a few others, but eventually when those get vpn banned too, they'd be left with no options than trying to post bait in the fishing/outdoors thread or some shit, which won't work since the more specific threads are slow and there's not as many users to take bait in those "specific topic" threads because the only people posting in them is the small section of users interested in whichever one it is. Makes to have a sitewide blanket ban, or even a /ot/ specific ban when there are only a few threads that are even affected.

No. 2441288

I always use a VPN and haven't ever been banned for a shitpost or baiting. I have probably been banned a total of 3 times in the 5 years I have been on here. A lot of anons just talk about personal stuff (e.g. sexual abuse, vent, tmi, relationship advice, etc.) and don't want it tied to their post history. It is particularly an issue for those who have also posted in places like the friend finder thread, as an external contact is then also linked to these personal topics. Jannies absolutely have the ability to abuse this, and when combined with the rumours that have been going around lately, it is only reasonable that a lot of us are paranoid.

No. 2441295

Yup exactly

No. 2441309

i hope none of you all piss off the mods accidentally kek, get ready for a random mod to bring up that post where you confessed to shit your pants at Walmart in the middle of an infight or something

No. 2441313

but they don't need to have your ip to have your post history.
be for real

No. 2441316

Yes, which is why you also use a user agent switcher in combination with a VPN.

No. 2441328

File: 1741811240469.jpeg (120.08 KB, 1284x1031, 1739810959571.jpeg)

They already can kek they can see your device model. Tbh I'm seeing more anger and fearmongering (albeit a bit required considering this is a girl chan board) what other alternatives can nonas suggest? Without hiring more mods?What do you think they should do to quell the rampant newfaggery (who refuse to integrate and try to become personalityfags attentionwhores) and troons and moids spaming cp including lolishit and shotashit which can land the site in trouble ( yeah yeah the CIA honeypots are a another thing) day by day we are seeing new users who only want to treat lolcow as if it were a discord server and not a gossip site for lolcows so much I've seen countless posts about deleting or locking cow threads. The consequences of dumbass shit and fandom discourse has been devastating for the board.

No. 2441335

Making the off-topic boards hidden would be a start.

No. 2441340

the solution to people who care about mods reading post history: stop oversharing online. moids and trannies lurk and post here, nothing you say is truly anonymous. nothing you say on a public online space is sacred, people will screenshot your posts and laugh at them. if you care so much about your secrets then keep them to yourself, get a journal

No. 2441343

One thing is to post something online on a public domain with your name attached to it, another whole different thing is having a group of weirdos being able to track everything you post directly on an anonymous board

No. 2441344

What's the solution for when mods ban well behaved posters though?

No. 2441346

if you genuinely believe that the farmhands have a vendetta against you and that they spend all day stalking you across threads and boards and compiling information on you to cause some harm to you then why are you using this ib to begin with lmao

No. 2441354

I'm not talking about me though, this has been happening to other anons. There are risk to posting on imageboards but your safety shouldn't be compromised on regular basis wtf

No. 2441358

Nta but this is literally a lolcow site, do you really think that mods here aren't going to have a field day laughing at peoples post histories or have anons that they consider personal cows? If the staff on any imageboard were doing this, it would 100% be this one. It really isn't far fetched at all to think that this could be happening, if anything it's naive to think that it isn't.

No. 2441360

i think that's crazy but even if it was true why would you care and why would you still use the site?
>your safety shouldnt be compromised
what in the martyr complex is this supposed to mean kek

No. 2441364

and then what happens when appealing doesn't work like here >>2440320?

No. 2441366

>why would you still use the site?
Because I can do so while taking preventative measures. If the VPN ban happens, I will quit.

No. 2441368

She could email admin like everyone else that needs their permaban lifted.

No. 2441372

the "well-behaved" posters in question can try to appeal their ban or take it to /meta/. the first ban i ever received was retarded and broke no rules and i didn't notice until the next day when the ban was over. i took it to /meta/, it didn't get a response, i moved on.
that's a specific case between that user and the admins, i don't know what to tell you. you or she could take it to /meta/ or email an admin

kek, do you even know where you are?
that's all the more reason for nonas to stop using this site as their personal diary. being on an anonymous imageboard doesn't make someone exempt from being made fun of. the cows on /snow/ get no special treatment because they post their shit publically on social media. if someone can't handle the idea of people reading your post history and potentially making fun of it then maybe they should reconsider what they're posting.

No. 2441400

we need the vpn ban to keep personalityfags permabanned. i don't care about anything else. anyone complaining about mods using post history are doing something bannable. mods should be able to use our post history to help with reports so they can see who is shitposting or baiting. anyone against the vpn ban is guilty.

No. 2441404

>anyone against the vpn ban is guilty
This is such weird logic

No. 2441412

I don't know why we're pretending "contacting the admin" works in every case. There's one example in here if you'd read the thread back >>>/ot/2440117 and this isn't even the only time I've heard of this happening.

AYRT yes, everything you're saying makes sense to me. I think another problem is a weird combination of newfags being the new age zoomer/youngest millenial crowd who want websites and users to cater to their expectations of how the site should be, and oldfags who want things to stay the same forever. The annoying newfags should go back to shitting their pants on twitter, but I do feel bad for the oldfags. Of course we want our lolcor to be what it has always been, but the userbase and the internet are both changing, and so the way threads are used and what they're about will change.
And same as you, I've only been banned for derailing lately (on accident, wasn't thinking when replying to an anon). I'll fully admit that I used to get banned for infighting as a newfag, but those bans were good because they taught me how to not be a faggot.
We should be thinking of banning not as a solution, but rather as a teaching aid. Tiktok retard censors "suicide", gets banned for self censoring, tiktok user's next post is less retarded. Which is why farmhands should ban for responding to bait, and give longer bans to anons who keep doing it. Ad hoc VPN bans in threads should be a "solution" deployed when infights get out of control, and then multiday bans applied to the infighting anons.
I like this idea! Yes, it sucks, but it would easily get rid of the retards who are too lazy to figure out the site. It doesn't even need to be permanent, they can be hidden over summer and on holiday breaks. And I don't think hiding them will be a board killer, I managed to find out about the current hidden boards without someone holding my hand.
Admins should hide boards more often, like when we get posted somewhere and /snow/ gets invaded. Then they can unhide when it calms down. Fuck it, temporarily change the board name while it's hidden and post about it somewhere on /meta/, I don't give a shit. Most people don't check /meta/ and have shit reading comprehension besides, we'd curve a bunch of low iq speds like this.

No. 2441418

>We should be thinking of banning not as a solution, but rather as a teaching aid. Tiktok retard censors "suicide", gets banned for self censoring, tiktok user's next post is less retarded. Which is why farmhands should ban for responding to bait, and give longer bans to anons who keep doing it. Ad hoc VPN bans in threads should be a "solution" deployed when infights get out of control, and then multiday bans applied to the infighting anons.
But that means that bans have to work. VPNs allow for very easy ban evasion, which means bans don't work.

No. 2441420

No. 2441423

Those anons are fearmongering to hide behind their real intentions

No. 2441425

it reads that way to me too lol. im glad im not the only one seeing through the smoke

No. 2441426

Even when I've gotten banned and it already expired by the time I got back to lc, I felt shame. This is normal response. For abnormal response, like stupid baiting in threads, deploy thread-specific VPN ban. Now when banning, anons can't VPN post, and anyone who tries to restart the infight gets banned on their bare naked IP.
Also, there should be frequent banning for bait and responding to bait in general. We're always going to get newfags, it keeps the site healthy. How are they meant to integrate if there aren't redtexts telling them what responding to bait or infighting looks like?

No. 2441438

If someone is baiting in one thread and suddenly they aren't able to do it in that thread, they'll just switch threads.

No. 2441439

>I don't know why we're pretending "contacting the admin" works in every case.
why are you replying to me? i never said it works in every case, i said these issues should be taken to /meta/. i didn't say contacting the admin would get a response because i'm not contacting admin. these specific examples of permabanned users should not be used as an argument for why baiters, scrotes, newfags and raiders should be allowed to switch IPs and ban evade and ruin the site for everyone. i have most threads hidden but yet i noticed a huge difference in the site during the Hellmas VPN ban. if someone is unfairly permabanned then that's between that user and the admins, it's not an argument to let retards run rampant. some of you are looking for reasons to justify your VPN usage
>That was funny to witness. Really exposed the type of losers that post in that thread.
absolutely nona, it really showed who's running those threads

No. 2441442

>anyone complaining about mods using post history are doing something bannable
me posting about my uti it's not suspicious wtf

No. 2441449

Using the site like a diary should be discouraged yes, but not all sensitive posts are of this nature. A lot are asking questions or for advice. Everyone is aware that their posts are public and anyone can view them or laugh at them, but there's a huge difference between that happening over a single anonymous post, vs a team of people being able to see your whole post history across the entire site and do whatever they please with the combined information that can be gathered.

No. 2441450

No. 2441453

See >>2441278 for why that won't work forever. Honestly, I don't even care if unpopular opinions and other similar threads have perma VPN bans. It would suck, but oh well.

No. 2441456

Okay. Let's say tomorrow the farmhands compile every single one of my posts and make a page with every single one visible. So what? It's not like I've ever posted my face here or my legal name or my exact address or my social media accounts. So what if random anonymous people know about my random anonymous posts? Why would I care? It's anonymous. I don't care what anonymous people say about me online and I don't care if people see all my posts because they have no clue who I am or have any way of knowing who I am.
So in effect, you'd want a VPN ban in every thread besides the niche ones that nobody uses? At that point why not just ban VPNs on all of /ot/?

No. 2441457

>why are you replying to me?
That is how this site works. I can reply to whoever I want, forever.
>some of you are looking for reasons to justify your VPN usage
It's weird you're treating VPNs like a criminal or immoral act? Anons can use VPNs whenever they want kek

No. 2441458

how is it fearmongering when the staff has proven to have done strange things numerous times…were you two just not around back then?
no you don't get it discussing movies, venting in the vent thread, or using other threads appropriately and on-topic are bannable offenses and anyone banned for that deserves it duh. if you're against strange vendettas you're guilty

No. 2441460

So use a site where no one can see your post history

No. 2441461

that's not what those anons were saying at all lmao

No. 2441463

Work on your reading comprehension if you want to have a discussion

No. 2441468

they're obviously thinking it kek since they think everyone against the vpn ban is "guilty" of something terrible even when they're told a hundred times that not everyone against it is a shitposter/infighter/baiter. guilty of what? getting banned despite following the rules?

No. 2441469

It's a different matter for anons who have posted stuff that could make them identifiable outside of the site in some way, e.g. niche interests, posts in the friend finder thread, etc.

No. 2441475

>what other alternatives can nonas suggest?
I think bait and infighting posts should be deleted instead of just redtexted. CC mods do this.
And this >>2441335

No. 2441478

Talking about getting an UTI (a health concern) at the corresponding thread at /g/ is oversharing now? fuck off
They're acting obtuse on purpose atp, i swear

No. 2441479

I do occasionally and just wait out my bans. It's not a big deal and I could not care less about them reading my unhinged posts.

No. 2441480

File: 1741816265853.jpg (5.35 KB, 366x138, aus.jpg)

Can we just ban Australians? They've been ruining images boards for a long time

No. 2441482

>Everyone is aware that their posts are public and anyone can view them or laugh at them,
i'm gonna be real with you nona, i'm not so sure about that. you can't say "everyone is aware" because only you are aware of your own thoughts and feelings and i don't think every single user posting on this site is aware of that. you're giving the jannies and admin way too much power. if you're that worried about what's going to happen to you over your post history, then you shouldn't be using this site. you're acting like /snow/, /pt/, and /w/ don't exist. the only difference i see between a group of people laughing at what PT says on facebook vs mods laughing at a random users post history is that they don't have a face to attach the posts to. your IP doesn't magically show the world your entire identity, you have the power and the choice to decide what you post, and i sure as hell am not posting about my personal life on here because i'm well-aware of the type of people who use this site
if people don't want to be identified then they shouldn't be posting identifiable information on here, it's that simple

No. 2441484

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They also seem to be immune from bans. Isn't that weird?

No. 2441485

people take banning way too personally and don't accept it as a teaching aid though. they just get upset. i've been banned a few times for different offenses and it led me to be more careful about what i posted, which isn't a bad thing if it improves overall discussion. unfair bans do happen and should be contested but frankly most of the redtexted posts i see deserve it and the banned nonna just doesn't want to admit it. derailing in particular has been out of control for a while

No. 2441487

I know I said banning should be used as a teaching aid. But fuck it, I wouldn't mind this, either. I'll try anything once, even twice.
Honestly, the only threads I see crazy infighting in are unpopular opinions, confessions, fujocoomer, fandom discourse, and fujo vs antifujo. There are nasty anons in vent, but I think deleting those bitch ass replies would solve it. Occasional infights will break out in other adjacent threads, like in last thread in artist salt, but for the most part anons are really good at ignoring stupid shit in there and keeping disagreements tame. Gender ideology thread outright ignores seething trannies and promptly reports them on /meta/, it's a funny and impressive machine.

No. 2441490

"Identifiable information" doesn't just count as personal information kek, simply talking about your interests and the farmhands being able to pick things out from your post history and combine them together is enough to potentially track you down elsewhere.

No. 2441491

That’s a fair point. Not all bans are permabans. It’s not the end of the world to get banned for a few hours for acting retarded.

No. 2441494

I swear, it's always the anons who get banned for the most obvious, minor and retarded mistakes (like replying in GIOYC for example) who get the most upset and go on pointless multi-post crusades about it kek

No. 2441497

>potentially track you down elsewhere.
just stop using the site if you're so scared, nona

No. 2441501

And what do you think I'll do if the ban is put in place? I'll quit. But for now, I can prevent that from happening, so I will continue to use the site.

No. 2441503

I mostly get annoyed when the bans are from newfaggy farmhands who don't understand the site's rules or culture themselves (banning obvious copypastas or that one applejack drawing for example)

No. 2441508

Anons that post in the friend finder thread forgo the right to anonymity by virtue of de-anonymizing themselves. If you wanted to post in the friend finder thread, you should have made a unique email or social media account.
What are you even talking about at this point? If you don't share your personal details on this website, then there is no way for farmhands to identify you. I mean, at this point you should be more worried about the super autists that have tracked down personalityfags like Yuripedo, Rancefag, and BJchan on different social media platforms.
But you are not protected by a VPN right now. The mods can still see your entire post history right now.
Those bans are likely appealed. When I get banned for stupid shit like that and my appeals are accepted, the red text remains on my post even if the ban is no longer valid. Besides, who really cares if they get banned for 6 hours? It's a glorified time out, and frankly some anons need that.

No. 2441511

I don't want to post the proof yet and I might delete this post, but I have proof the admins are rigging option 3. every time a vote comes in, 3 gets a boost. mark my words that in the last few days option 3 will "coincidentally" get boosted until it wins. I think because one of the admins is confirmed to be a radfem cow, they will not allow a VPN ban on /snow/. go back to the "cerbmin" announcement post and notice which name comes up on /snow/.

No. 2441514

>4-5 shitposters
Way to show you're arguing in bad faith kek.

No. 2441515

It's not even the length of the ban that's annoying but the stupidity and newfaggotry of whoever handed it out. It's about the principle.
Burritomin part 2

No. 2441516

Maybe anons are voting for 3 because they want 3 to win

No. 2441520

No, come on, let's hear her out. I've already folded my tinfoil hat and everything.

No. 2441523

>It's about the principle
You're taking the time outs too seriously if the principle of them is pissing you off. When I get banned for a dumb reason I just kek and then I either lurk here without posting or scroll some other website until my time out is over.

No. 2441527

Idk I just don't like it when farmhands are factually, provenably incorrect about something. Maybe I'm autistic.

No. 2441530

I agree those are annoying but those are never longer than a few hours, often just 3. Literally just go do something else kek.

No. 2441534

This, for example: I'm a thirdie from bumfuck nowhere and I've a husbando that few people know about because he's from obscure media. Its a rather silly and mundane detail, but if i post about him with my real IP it's going to be hella easy to track me down (girl from Tangamandapio + X as a husbando)

No. 2441535

shut the fuck up and stop simping. I bet you are in her "orbit" because her flying monkeys keep simping for it. ban all discussion boards but allow her to post VPN free in the boards on /snow/ so not even her "staff" can stop her. fuck off. I swear she faked all the posts that wanted VPN bans at all to suppress her critics but let "her" criticise who ever on /snow/. you are all fucking retards. vote 5 or 1, nothing else, don't give "her" an inch

No. 2441536

Again it's not the length, it's when they're legitimately wrong about a rule and I need to correct them. It's like when someone spreads misinformation on wikipedia as a fact.

No. 2441541

fucking brainlet, she only banned protonVPN. use her VPN network (she uses nord) and its not banned. you are all so fucking gullible and easily fooled. go on nord RN and they are all unbanned.

No. 2441543

What…? The VPN ban isn't in effect yet.
Yeah, every post that is in support of a VPN ban is actually made by Cerbmin. That makes so much sense.

No. 2441547

calm down wtf

No. 2441551

I am going offline because I am worried "she" can tell which one I am but she will not allow VPN bans on snow or meta specifically. notice how meta is left out. its not milk or offtopic so its not included in the poll options FOR A REASON

No. 2441555

take your meds retard

No. 2441557

can you spill more details on one of the offshoot imageboards (cc, hidden one, i don't care) please

No. 2441560

I am posting everything on YHH tomorrow. this thread will probably be deleted by then

No. 2441563

See, posts like these deserve a ban for being a schizophrenic retard. You deserve to be in time-out until you take your Abilify and feel the pill starting to work. You don't deserve to have the ability to hop onto a different IP and continue to menace us with your delusions. If you want to say crazy stuff, fine, but then you have to deal with the consequence of being banned. This is why we need a VPN ban.

No. 2441565

least obvious "cerbmin" post. let me guess, we should all "trust the poll" too? fuck off

No. 2441572

I admit it, I am Cerbmin. I'm currently hacking into the main-frame of your personal computer. I am harvesting all of your intimate personal data to sell to Vladimir Putin for £20. I am also living inside your walls.(taking the bait)

No. 2441574

there are so many fake fucking posts in this thread. they created it in ot instead of meta to trick you all into believing they werent watching and astroturfing. i want the scrote who runs this site to choke and die.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2441576

tbh it is kinda weird this thread is at /ot/

No. 2441578

agreed it should be in /meta/

No. 2441580

>menace us
KEKK NTA but they are POSTS. They are WORDS, Cindy!

No. 2441581

"oooh I'm totally not them trust me oooh its a joke!" fuck OFF. FUCK OFF. bro stop being so obvious. fuck.

thank you. it always should have been in /meta/ but they locked the thread and forced us here to make the "discussion" "organic" and then make obvious as fuck posts like this

No. 2441582

notice how all the unsaged posts in this thread are obviously the "admin team"? they are doing it on purpose, making it easier to digest when they fix the "poll" to exactly the outcome they want

No. 2441583

Calm down lmao

No. 2441584

No, I'm not joking. I really am Cerbmin. I live inside your walls and every night I come out to drink water from the bathroom tap and then go back into the walls. Also, please upload more personal data onto your computer so that Vladimir Putin will send me an extra £5 for my work.

No. 2441585

>you should have made a unique email or social media account.
I said what I said assuming this would be the case. Regardless of how unique the account is, a farmhand could still contact you and fuck with you, respond to your post and try to embarrass you in front of other anons, etc. You may think, "why would a farmhand risk their reputation like this?", but it's not like you could do much to prove that it was a farmhand abusing their powers. You could claim that it was happening all you wanted, but you wouldn't have actual proof. Other anons would just think you were a crazy schizo making nonsense claims, because what reason would they have to believe you?
>What are you even talking about at this point?
So lets say, an anon is into a niche game, niche music and a particular type of fashion. She posts about these things in posts all seperate from eachother. If a farmhand really wanted to, they could look at her post history, combine all of these traits together, and look for her on various platforms. They have the power of the people who are able to track down personalityfags, except for everyone, and with much less effort required. This is also ignoring the implications that come with IPs revealing general location, which make matters considerably worse in this regard.
>But you are not protected by a VPN right now
Why do you assume that us paranoid anons only use a VPN? I'm also taking other measures in combination with the VPN. It is still an integral part however.

Yes, I am very neurotic and paranoid, not going to deny that. But what I said still stands true.

No. 2441587

go on crystal cafe right now and find my posts. I have proof but I will not post it here. and JC YHH as well. the bunker threads. if you dont know then figure it the fuck out because im not posting again here

No. 2441589

Exactly, half of this thread gives examples why a vpn ban would be great.

No. 2441590

it's not funny anymore, quit it

No. 2441593

Yeah, you're right. I shouldn't be taking the piss out of a schizophrenic's break from reality. I hope that she gets the help that she needs.

No. 2441594

go jerk it to shota you fucking pedo(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2441600

Then follow the first rule of anonymity here retard, don’t post your personal info even if its just a burner. I myself have never posted in the friend finder thread because that ruins the whole point of posting on an anonymous ib. Just like when we had the lolcow discord and all it did was bring more males, trannies, and bpdchans to have shitfits in multiple threads. If you’re that paranoid then act like it because it seems like you don’t take as much precautions if the only thing you have to do here is NOT post about yourself

No. 2441602

Oops seems like the CCtranny has a meltdown and can't help spamming again.

No. 2441605

>If you’re that paranoid then act like it because it seems like you don’t take as much precautions if the only thing you have to do here is NOT post about yourself
couldn't agree more nonna, well-said.

No. 2441606

Goes to show why we need a VPN ban

No. 2441613

>if the only thing you have to do here is NOT post about yourself
But it isn't. You're just focusing on what I said regarding the friend finder thread. Posting about things you're interested in is enough to track you down when farmhands can see everything. Regardless, I'm done arguing because this is just pointless and silly. My point has already been put across.

No. 2441614

But cerbmin is a trio of people nonnie…not just one mysterious being kek

No. 2441616

But HOW would they track you down anon? How would they track you down based on your interests? You are not the only human being alive with those interests. WHY would they care about tracking you down anyway?

No. 2441619

i just wish the voting choices were structured differently, it's clear that the userbase is in favor of a ban on all boards for the most part, but banning on ad hoc is "winning"

No. 2441621

she probably couldn't give you an answer because she's conveniently stepping out, as arguing is "pointless" and "silly" so she had to pompously announce her departure before storming off. but you're asking the real questions anon

i think there's probably going to be a runoff poll to decide between VPN ban and ad hoc because of how the results look

No. 2441632

nta but i stopped believing the trio meme after the long lack of, well everything kek. it's obvious that only one person runs lc now
i thought the general conscious was that /ot/ needed it the most, while other boards vary depending on the thread. genuinely surprised the /ot/ option is only in third place

No. 2441637

Anons already answered all these questions, are you legit retarded?

No. 2441641

Nobody is going to track you down because of an obscure husbando unless you're being a super annoying personalityfag.
Seriously so many of you are just paranoid. Do you really think your posts are interesting enough for the farmhands to make fun of you about?

No. 2441642

If LC did a VPN ban, they'd just alienate the actual adults and it would finally be a festering pot of retards shitposting an updooting eachother.

No. 2441644

Why would that alienate adults nona? I’m an oldfag and I haven’t used a VPN since the last amerifags VPN ban

No. 2441649

if you were here for Hellmas you would have seen how LC looked with a VPN ban implemented
it was an immensely better experience using the site and trannies on CC were crying about how they couldn't bait on here anymore

No. 2441651

Exactly this. I didn’t think to screenshot, but when you took a look at CC during Hellmas and saw the things that the banned anons were saying…yeah it definitely reaffirmed that the VPN ban is better for the health of lolcow

No. 2441655

If you're implying that Zoomers don't know what VPNs are, you're dead wrong. VPNs have been well-known since the mid-2010s. Almost every popular influencer has had a sponsorship deal with a VPN provider. I'd say Zoomers are more likely to use a VPN than Millennials.

You can still see some that were posted in the Post-Hellmas thread on /ot/:

No. 2441658

File: 1741821968652.jpg (22.06 KB, 612x408, 36329520-612x612.jpg)

You hear that? Dead wrong nona

No. 2441659

The site has experienced a decline in quality even sense then. The most active threads are the fujo and Luigi threads, and the most enforced ban is scrotefoiling. The sites most popular traffic is mainly children now.

No. 2441661

This the reddit shit everyone's talking about. Here's your updoot faggot I guess

No. 2441664

Not really, no

No. 2441667

>The site has experienced a decline in quality even sense then.
because the VPN ban was lifted and everyone crying on CC came back to bait while we were left in the dark with poor moderation and no VPN poll until now

No. 2441673

I can't go a fucking day without seeing freaks discussing shotacon. They don't ban that shit at all. There is no real moderation. If you saw the cows that were given janitor privileges, you wouldn't want to post here anyways.

No. 2441676

the poor moderation is another one of the many reasons why i'm in favor of the VPN ban. if mods can't do their jobs more thoroughly, then they need to put more locks on the door when we have multi-hour blackouts with next to zero moderation

No. 2441686

>If you saw the cows that were given janny privileges you wouldn’t want to post here
Like who?

No. 2441688

That doesn't make any sense. The VPN ban wouldn't make moderation any better because they refuse to moderate. The only janitors with gusto were literal schizos that burnt out and lost interest. If you truly believe that you would benefit from a VPN ban, I wonder what kind of shit you post because it almost appears they deliberately ban innocuous posts and leave up more inflammatory bullshit. As stated above, the only consistently enforced ban is scrotefoiling. A VPN ban couldn't be trusted because they'd ban all kinds of active posters for stupid shit but continue to leave up nonsense from speds.

No. 2441689

This. The retards here wouldnt know because they were crying about the ban on CC.

No. 2441691

How long have you been itt taking an imageboard too seriously? You're the chafed udder on the cow that is this thread, thanks for the updoot tho

No. 2441694

There wasn't any difference, LC was just less active.

No. 2441695

Zomg random ostrich so qwuirkyyy

No. 2441696

Exactly. The only new traffic is from pure cringe like the weegee thread or the Fandom thread. I genuinely believe the Fandom thread has attracted pure cancer.

No. 2441698

>If you're implying that Zoomers don't know what VPNs are, you're dead wrong.
I miss when women like you used to graduate to sitting outside neighborhood delicatessens and shout at people for not wearing warm enough clothing. Social withdrawal is one of the worst parts about living in a terminally online modern world imo

No. 2441705

morale on the website during our previous VPN ban felt so much higher and communications were pretty indifferent and less bitter/overdramatic in responses

No. 2441706

Okay then

No. 2441707

>The VPN ban wouldn't make moderation any better because they refuse to moderate.
the VPN ban would hold the fort for them while they're sleeping. Permabanned users couldn't hop on VPN when they notice a blackout and exploit the fact that there is no jannies online. baiting losers love to camp out in /meta/, they know when they can exploit the blackouts i mentioned
>If you truly believe that you would benefit from a VPN ban, I wonder what kind of shit you post
why do you care? this has nothing to do with me. the only way i would be benefitting from the vpn ban is the same way i benefitted from it during Hellmas: i enjoyed browsing the site more than i normally did. that's it. this isn't about me benefitting from anything, it's about the health of the website & having a better integrated userbase. it's about people accepting the fact that they were banned for a couple hours instead of ban evading and dragging pointless infights across multiple threads and shitting up the whole website. scrotes post here and should be permabanned so they can't come back. people who routinely bait to the point of being permabanned should not be here, they are not contribiting to the site and would be the ones "benefitting" the most when there aren't stricter measures in place to keep these people out

No. 2441716

It wouldn't hold shit, they would just moderate even less. Ban evaders already know all they have to do is reset their browser.

No. 2441752

yes! it felt so fun to read posts too because baiters and personalityfags actually had consequences

No. 2441810

>browsing the website
>health of the website
>keep these people out
I feel like you need a lesson about imageboards. Aside from your peculiar word choices, an imageboard by design is not an exclusive community. It sounds like you'd be more comfortable on a forum with usernames.

No. 2441813

i'm like the last person to usually support bans/anything that drives people from the site. BUT during the last vpn ban the site culture and actual discussion was a lot better. if you're going to implement vpn bans on any part of the site anyway, just do the whole site, doing it piecemeal would just cause endless arguments about why this thread or board should/shouldn't have it.
also taking the time to say something i've thought for a long time: mods rely way too much on the anal-retentive users that constantly report posts to govern their bans. the users that are schizo and minimods themselves overuse reports and the mods just kinda go along with it. they should stop doing that

No. 2441817

>Thinking everyone that says site or website when referring to a website is the same person

No. 2441825

Untrue, mods definitely do not ban my infight and bait reports most of the time

No. 2441827

>anal-retentive users that constantly report posts
we are the silent majority and we deserve a parade for our efforts

No. 2441839

The hidden board and /ot/ are a seperate ecosystem to the rest of the site so I don't think it's going to be as much of an issue if we only ban VPN there. I am pissed there's no /ot/ AND hidden board ban option though.

No. 2441872

sure but if baiters cant shit up /ot/ and the other board, theyre gonna start shitting up /g/ and /m/ at the very least out of spite and boredom. maybe wishful thinking but a sitewide vpn ban might also keep raids to a minimum so youd want it on every board (the slow boards might totally die if theyre getting targeted by raids all the time). it sounds like the admin is going to implement some kind of vpn ban no matter what, so my main thought is lets not drag it out into a months/years long thing of slowly and painfully extending it to individual threads/boards over time

No. 2441883

NTA but imo dealing with baiters on /g/ and /m/ wouldn't be as much of a hassle compared to here since those boards are much more slower, baiters aren't gonna get immediate responses they want especially so in inactive dead threads only used by a few posters. Plus it's easier to detect bait there since most /g/ and /m/ threads have a specific set topic, anyone branching away from said topic or acting overly hostile in a normally chill thread will easily stand out.

No. 2441984

you can't use an IP to get someone's identifying information.

No. 2442183

Your reading comprehension is terrible and it shows.

No. 2442243

reply was to a single post that used those words repeatedly, no idea what you're on about

No. 2442304

Farmhands are too busy browsing lc by user post history to read upthread when they get a report. I've been abusing the hell out of it whenever I get annoyed with a nona. No VPN needed. The satisfaction is divine but for the sake of the site they gotta do better.

No. 2442346

After 2 days only about 300 people have voted. Not everyone visits lolcow everyday and not everyone wants to vote anyway, but I think it is safe to assume that the userbase is no larger than 1000~1200

No. 2442349

Ironically, many of those votes were spammed through vpn hopping.

No. 2442353

File: 1741865052180.png (48.51 KB, 1140x171, 13 march update.png)

>Thursday, March 13th Update
It's been two days since the poll launched. So far, there's been 303 votes cast.
>193 votes for a VPN ban
>110 votes against a VPN ban
Looks like the anti-ban crowd has seen some small gains since yesterday, but the pro-ban crowd is still in the lead by over 83 votes. Perhaps the most surprising element of this poll thus far is realizing how few anons actually check /meta/!

No. 2442357

The irony of vpn rinsing in order to ban vpns

No. 2442358

It's more likely that this thread is bringing attention to the issue.

No. 2442360

Lol no.

No. 2442361

>Unless you're the type to have a VPN on 24/7 on your device for safety
So like, anyone who's smart? Everyone should be using a VPN all the time.

No. 2442362

Tinfoil but most users in this thread are either bots or agents. Most people come to anonymous imageboards to be anonymous and to enjoy some drama. I can't imagine caring that much for a VPN ban tbh.

No. 2442369

Definitely a tinfoil. You can't imagine because you're likely new to imageboards and don't know much about the history of LC admin/moderation

No. 2442380

Also, why would I want my ISP seeing the shit I get up to on this site? Bffr.

No. 2442381

Better vote for a ban then so we can get rid of all those bots and agents!

No. 2442384

I'm not new which is why I've said that.
Being sarcastic won't make you seem any less like a fake kek

No. 2442387

I thought you might be exaggerating but then read the post you're replying to and you're actually downplaying it
>Thursday, March 13th Update, To wit, I have found nothing wrong with this remote place, and I must admit it will be with some melancholy that I will leave this island and return home.
KEKK these updates are hilarious

No. 2442392

You're not a newfag and you're acting this naive? Go to the retarded ban thread and tell me with a straight face that the mods deserve to have that power permanently.

No. 2442394

Yeah not even a tinfoil at this point. I truly believe it now kek

No. 2442416

File: 1741868698354.png (421.19 KB, 800x650, vpn.png)


No. 2442549

as if the vpn ban would stop them.

No. 2442720

NTA but
>retarded ban thread
>literally newfag central

No. 2442728

>if a farmer has a different opinion than me she can't be real
Grow up.

No. 2442729

Isps can only see what site you're on, but not exactly what part of the site you're on. They just know you're browsing lolcow.farm

No. 2442846

And I don't want them knowing I come here! And they can die before I let them sell my browsing data.

No. 2442870

But your VPN provider does the exact same thing…

No. 2442953

Nta but VPN providers don't do that, at least not the good ones. Most don't even keep logs. But you should avoid shady VPNs.

No. 2442961

What's with nonas claiming gangstalking from farmhands and admins kek main character syndrome at its finest. I miss finding this place because I couldn't talk about specific lolitas and cosplayers on cgl anymore, now it's nonas crying they can't post about their UTIs. I hate /ot/ only newfaggots, make it hidden and ban VPNs.

No. 2442966

It's a form of paranoid schizophrenia that comes from being terminally online

No. 2442967

Gaslighting much?

No. 2442970

to any nonnies here under the convincement that that farmhands or admin are stalking you, they barely have time to stalk their own website. take a seat

No. 2442972

oh man what does ad hoc mean

No. 2442973

lurk moar ♥

No. 2442982

Fucking Google it

No. 2442985

KEK. Hadn't seen this in a minute but so true.
Might not stop them but makes it harder, for sure.

No. 2442988

File: 1741887131107.jpg (742.72 KB, 1127x1600, AdHawk.jpg)

No need google, its a bird I checked

No. 2442991

Ayrt kek bless you nona

No. 2442992

Stop replying to your own posts.

No. 2443005

>311 votes
Holy shit. No one uses this site. Im clearly wasting my life here.

No. 2443006

Jesus christ. No one is coming for you dime a dozen fujos, chill. You sound so fucking boring. If having lolifag pedo wallscrolls isn't considered milk anymore, what makes you think you're a big enough cow to go to all that trouble for? If they had the savvy and time to invest, you wouldn't even hit their radar.

This 1000 times.

No. 2443021

File: 1741888566804.jpg (270.39 KB, 843x592, 1731742209013.jpg)

The amount of narcs iit that think farmhands give any shit about some anonymous retards that they'll go out of their way to look for them, sorry but fanfiction isnt reality

No. 2443022

File: 1741888587293.jpg (55.24 KB, 775x306, eff.jpg)

No. 2443023

Kek thank you for this pic. I will treasure it always.

No. 2443032

This isn't on topic for this thread. You could post it in the random questions thread maybe or the online quiz thread.

No. 2443033

I'm not voting because I'm torn on the matter.

No. 2443034

Im retarded. When people look at me they think Im retarded. They go "Look at this retard in her retard outfit, acting all retarded." Kids look at me and stop. "Ledad" they say. Babies look at me and cry. Its because Im retarded. My only recluse? The internet, where there are more retards, retards I have to captivate, retards I have to fight, retards I have to out-retard. But what happens when people begin to put two and two? When you post something and someone else goes, "Ignore her, thats the resident retard"? You cant be a retard in peace, then. When you cant be a retard in peace? Then you dont have the internet, you have real life.

No. 2443035

They don't really believe that, they're throwing whatever at the wall to see what sticks to fear-monger and convince anons to vote against a VPN ban. They think if they say something enough times, we'll all believe it. They know that the majority of anons on /ot/ want a VPN ban because we all saw what happened in December, and specifically, what happened when they turned the December ban off.

No. 2443038

No such thing as being a retard in peace especially on a fucking gossip site. You're not quirky you're just annoying

No. 2443044

Its an ANONYMOUS gossip site.

No. 2443045

>retards I have to captivate, retards I have to fight, retards I have to out-retard
this is genuinely the most pathetic thing that i've read in a while. i genuinely pity you because if i lived like that i would kill myself

No. 2443054

apparently there’s upwards of like 8,000 nonnies but it wouldn’t surprise me if most anons aren’t voting because they don’t care or aren’t effected by it even if they do turn the vpn ban on

No. 2443064

i didn’t even say anything mean in response to her? i was just agreeing with the very true fact that farmhands are not stalking you and don’t care about you
i’m sorry i don’t understand what any of this is supposed to mean. posting incoherence like this in response to average posts isn’t a great from of infight baiting

No. 2443075

True, but there is nothing we can do about it.

No. 2443078

Yeh. I haven’t voted yet because I can see the merits of both scenarios. I’ll probably be fine with either outcome.

No. 2443110

I will not respond to you A-logging to my shitpost.
Why are you defending farmhands so much Anon? Theyre jannies who moderate a public forum. Stop eating them out.

No. 2443153

that’s not defending farmhands or anyone though, it’s just stating a fact…if you genuinely believe that farmhands are stalking you or keeping track of you, you should seek mental help.

No. 2443193

Nta but I don't see how that would work since you need a post history behind each ip to vote at all, and said history has to be outside of an incognito browser. This is also probably why many votes aren't going through and making it appear like there's hardly anyone voting

No. 2443200

ntyart but I don't think you can vote through a VPN, I have no clue what the ayrt is talking about

No. 2443219

is this not a copypasta? kek why are the replies so pissy

No. 2443337

File: 1741902097471.png (852.86 KB, 1170x1828, trying to start her own copypa…)

cause trying to be quirky copypasta esque responses like that are always kinda cringe no matter what the topic of discussion might me. also i googled it and it looks like that’s not the case nona..

No. 2443567

We do? Shit, it's good I've been posting with a VPN then kek. I wish the straya thread was more active though, I love my aussie nonnies

No. 2443579

I stopped posting all together on Crystal Cafe when they banned vpns and I was close to doing the same here back in December when the temporary ban was implemented. Do any users remember Ian (I think that's what his name was; the moid-min who doxxed users with Shoe0nhead)? There's a case to be made about our privacy and the information/data you're giving to the admins and whether that can be trusted or not. It's never good to be so naive and I don't think it's fair to block users who are privacy conscious simply because there are others who abuse it.

No. 2443707

File: 1741928748160.png (161.68 KB, 1864x495, 1740508822843.png)

No. 2443716

They could post the milk on another imageboard instead.

CC banned VPNs?

No. 2443727

I think it should be banned on /ot/ (as it is the most common target for raids), but I think they should be allowed on other forums. I also understand the need for VPNs on certain threads (like the ex-muslim)

No. 2443732

There's been a lot of farmers lately who keep insisting jannies are obsessed with them and their post histories, this seems like the longform fanfic version of that tale. Also no one cares what happens on discord, outside of things that can be legally reported like child porn. The idea that farmers would be upset or embarrassed by the idea of anyone "laughing at them on discord" is sort of like the fat guy ordering diet pepsi from mcdonalds meme. It's really irrelevant what they're doing on discord, they're on discord

No. 2443751

Exactly this kek. Its retards that post their own discords, their own personal information, and probably are involved in online shitflinging groups that are scared of the vpn ban. No one should be worried if they followed the rules or had basic opsec which every ib user should do, if they’re upset about their post history they can easily get a router that has a dynamic ip or just stop being retarded online by posting about shit you wouldn’t want others to associate with yourself.

No. 2443765

A long time ago, yes. I don't recall when specifically - like maybe a year or two in, and I remember revisting the board after some time had passed and the vpn ban was still there. I haven't bothered to check again since. It's possible its been lifted since but I highly doubt it.

No. 2443792

vpns work just fine on cc, I need to post from a vpn because my browser still gets auto banned all the time and I forget to switch before posting so I have to vpn hop

No. 2443858

Huh, just tried posting and it went through. I think the last time I posted was 3(?)ish years ago. Hard to really remember. All I know is that it's been ages kek. Don't know if I really care to visit there anymore though, partially because I've lost interest and partially out of principle/pettiness.

No. 2443915

>I think they should be allowed on other forums

No. 2443918

nah I used to be a farmhand and we’d share post histories in our ‘cord and laugh about them. especially people who bitched about the site, dirt would be found with spite lol. we also had our own pet posters we’d keep track of and one autistic Finnish (but I repeat myself) one that went by oats had doxing as a hobby. no proof fake and gay etc but yeah they absolutely do snoop at the very least. It’s a perk for them.(retard)

No. 2443924

File: 1741956615888.png (48.88 KB, 1144x178, friday.png)

>Friday, March 14th Update
It's been three days since the poll launched. So far, there's been 321 votes cast.
>212 votes for a VPN ban
>130 votes against a VPN ban
Another 39 votes were cast since the last poll update. The pro-VPN ban crowd is still in the lead by 82 votes.

No. 2443925

i can tell your whole fanfic is fake just from that one character kek

No. 2443943

It’s not, but it did happen so long ago I guess it’s basically a myth by now. It’s also not much of a leap of logic to assume someone vindictive and obsessed with a cow would act that way towards the users. Otter, yammy, guro and natu were there also iykyk

No. 2443945

Was the Easter Bunny there too?

No. 2443951

File: 1741958450990.gif (404.37 KB, 500x410, 1647726213177.gif)

NTA, but they are. Ex-farmhands have admitted it over the years. Even if you're dedicated to the idea that all of those posters are liars and LARPers, think for a second about the kind of person who would be on a site like this, then the kind who'd moderate it, and then the kind who'd moderate it for free. You have the choice to get over it and post whatever you want anyway, or decide to tailor your posts around the idea of impressing a stranger (or obscuring certain facts about your life that you don't want to be laughed at), but if they're pissed at you or someone's just curious, it'll happen and you can't stop it. And anyone who's been here long enough knows that we've had all kinds of stable and unstable people in the mod and admin team.
I won't talk about the Discord servers because I don't know much about them, but yeah, some of the things said about them are true. I think it makes sense to want to hide some things, like your location.

No. 2443956

Ok. Remember the janny that leaked manifesto chans posts? Which were collected over YEARS btw. Bet you weren’t even here for that Kek

No. 2443959

The mods are rude and arrogant as fuck modding the place so imagine how they act when they’re all kekeing in their little popular kid group

No. 2443961

We already discussed that VPNs don't disguise post history and that even with a VPN the farmhands still have access to your post history

No. 2443967

I'm not saying VPNs hide post history, I'm saying it makes sense to want to hide things about yourself, including your location, when you know your post history can be dug through.

No. 2443974

A janny didn't compile the posts. It was one of the autistic farmers of the same stock that identified BJchan's posts on Reddit and discovered Yuripedo's identity. You should be more worried about these autists rather than mods that are too busy moderate half the day.
How would the jannies figure out anything about you? Use your brain for a minute. You shouldn't be posting personal information on here that could identify you to begin with.

If you really cared so much about post history and personal identity and location revealing, you'd be up in arms about EXIF scrapping too, but you aren't because you don't really care about any of those things you just wanna be able to evade bans easily.

No. 2443984

? I do think it's wrong for LC to not remove EXIF data from photos. That's why I don't post personal photos here, but I wouldn't blame another anon if she got some weirdo stalking her because she posted a photo of her desk or something here. I thought Cerbmin mentioned doing something about that in an update, but maybe I'm wrong.
I think the way you're accusing people of things for not sharing your exact viewpoint is overly defensive and weird. I'm just saying that farmhands actually do look through people's post history at will, and there's no mental evaluation for who gets to be a janny on lolcow.farm. About all there is to trust is that they're most likely female (and you better hope no one has a weird boyfriend they share every single thing with).

No. 2443986

>now it's nonas crying they can't post about their UTIs. I hate /ot/ only newfaggots
Bathroom talk its at /g/, retard
>How would the jannies figure out anything about you? >You shouldn't be posting personal information on here that could identify you to begin with
Nta but you don't need personal info to compile data on somebody, just enough details + location to narrow things down. If random autists can do it, a group of people with access to such information could do so even faster

No. 2443987

Samefag, NTA you're discussing it with, but you're also just wrong about the manifesto-chan thing. Cerbmin literally confirmed that it was a mod who compiled them and put them in a zip folder, and that it was wrong of them to publicly out a user and invade their privacy that way. The screenshots of her posts also had things only visible from the farmhand UI of post histories.

No. 2443993

Yeah, that anon is particular about using this weirdly defensive and accusatory tone towards anyone with dissenting opinions yet nobody is actually being dismissive towards her.

No. 2444130

File: 1741968114097.png (59.2 KB, 761x324, stats.png)

Yeah, obviously. If we look at the statistics provided in >>>/meta/71238 we can see how few anons are using VPNs. In the 14 day period, there were about 1984 posts made per day. Since 13.4% of posts were made via a VPN, that means about 266 posts were made per day with a VPN. It would have been helpful if they showed statistics about how many bans are issued for posts that were made through a VPN. It sucks that a lot of regular users will have to give up their VPN use because of a small sect of rabid rule-breakers, but there's so few of them to begin with that it's hard to feel bad for them.

No. 2444567

These have to be the same schizos who claimed that some tranny took control of LC and fed their kpop image board aids through the router. I thought they would have moved on to heol kek by now.

No. 2444651

kek i’m hoping this ban is enough to get them to finally integrate over there

No. 2444658

File: 1741992737811.png (65.82 KB, 1137x394, Screenshot.png)

since its likely the vpn bad wont go through there should be a thread dedicated to VPN bans via public/free VPN services. here's mine

No. 2444661

>It would have been helpful if they showed statistics about how many bans are issued for posts that were made through a VPN.
Probably 100%

No. 2444665

>it's likely the vpn ban wont go through

No. 2444668

>A janny didn't compile the posts.
nta but she did, it was in a /snow/ thread and enough to result in the admin at the time to remove their farmhand status. the poster had the usual farmhand trip/title and the posts in the cap showed farmhand tools/UI like the other anon said

No. 2444676

It says 81…am I retarded or is there something I'm not seeing?

No. 2444677

isnt there 130 votes in the lead for a ban on an ad hoc basis though?

No. 2444728

Now I'm even more confused. Where are these numbers coming from because I don't see them in the poll

No. 2444744

File: 1741997273494.jpg (79.33 KB, 453x498, GJSH834Y91Y48YA1894732.jpg)

nta, I would volunteer if it means maintaining an online space for women to express their honest opinions anonymously without fear of scrutiny or repercussion.
>inb4 what if mods track your post history youre not actually anonymous
there are no accounts, unless you've posted your full government name and face there is no way to actually pin you to the posts you've made on LC even if a vendettafag finds your accounts/job.

>What about artwork I posted on the site

Just say it was reuploaded by someone else, dumb excuse but theres no way of proving otherwise.
>What if I said a hyperspecific thing that only applies to me?
The world is big, theres probably at least 2 people who had the same experiences as you.

If your location is discovered by your IP it can go either one or two ways:
>You live in a big city so its arduous to actually track you within a large population
>You live in a small area, but its the middle of bumfuck nowhere so whos going to take the effort of transporting there or sending blackmail to a normie workplace with evidence that has no bearing to you because of the lack of account/precise identification.

No. 2444830

The pro-VPN ban is split between 4 options, whereas the anti-VPN ban only has one option. So looking at >>2443924 we can see that 38% of voters are opposed to a VPN ban, and 62% are support a VPN ban.

No. 2444834

Rigged. There will be three posters an hour.

No. 2444837

What do you mean?

No. 2444849

i think i get it, so it's those 4 options added together which totals up to a higher number. but i doubt admin is doing it that way once it's finished

No. 2444853

If we take the stats from >>2444130 and extrapolate, there's on average 83 posts made per hour. If 13% of posts are made through a VPN, then that means about 11 posts are made every hour through a VPN and 72 are made every hour without a VPN. You're overestimating how many anons use VPNs to post here and you're overestimating how many posts those users make.
Cerb should have thought more about how to conduct the poll. It comes off as rushed or like they didn't get any feedback on it before posting. If the anti VPN ban option wins, then the majority of the voters will feel alienated because the majority of voters wanted a VPN ban.

No. 2444856

But there are more non VPN posters than there are VPNfags

No. 2444857

Genuinely untrue.

No. 2444862

If you were paying attention in December, you might have noticed that a lot of the VPNtards congregated on CC to whine about being unable to post bait and infight during the VPN ban. I think that a lot of them are really scared by the prospect of a VPN ban because it would mean an end to one of their favorite hobbies. I don't think everybody that uses a VPN is a chronic ban evader, but I do think that the chronic ban evaders are the loudest and most vocal type of VPNtard.
Not really, no.

No. 2444863

I don’t see how “banned on an ad hoc basis” is a vote against VPN bans, every option here gets them banned to some extent it just depends on the severity, unless you mean “they would vote for a no change option if it was available”, which is fair. But we’re also assuming everyone voted for “Banned on all ot boards and on an ad hoc basis for individual milk board threads” and “Banned on /ot/ and on an ad hoc basis for threads on all other boards” but I guess that depends how badly some nonas want them off of /ot/ and the other ot boards

No. 2444891

Ntayrt but
>banned on an ad hoc basis
Is the current status quo. It's like how they banned VPNs in the Amerifags thread during the election cycle (which immediately got rid of virtually all baiting and infighting). The other 4 options would have a substantial change. I still don't know why the other options were included. It seems like the majority of anons that wanted a VPN ban specifically said they wanted it for /ot/ only or /ot/ and /g/. The poll should have just been two options, not 5. I wish Cerb used the site more and actually communicated with us, it would have solved a lot of problems.

No. 2444899

They need to do it in the opinions thread and the Fandom/fujo thread and watch the entire board heal.

No. 2444903

But the stats literally prove that the amount of posters using VPN’s is less than 15%…

No. 2444906

Ntayrt but this isn't true. The stats say "13.4% of POSTS were made with a VPN," not "13.4 of posters use a VPN." We don't know the exact stats of posters that use a VPN or don't, we just know that 86.6% of posts are made without a VPN.

No. 2444909

Anon…the amount of posts made actually does inform us how many users are using a VPN to post on lolcow.

No. 2444910

This is genuinely untrue. I'm not saying this to try to obfuscate and I do think certain threads should enforce ban, but all of their stat info was wrong.

No. 2444911

We can guesstimate from the data, but there have been no stats released that have concretely shown how many posters regularly use a VPN versus how many don't.

No. 2444915

If their statistics were false would you care to share with us the actual data?
But the stats they posted do share with us how many people used VPN’s when posting their comments and how many didn’t, it was about 13.8% of VPN IP’s, so that means around 86.2% of the rest of the comments were posted by anons using their personal IP addresses.

No. 2444917

nta but that’s exactly what it means retard KEK? lurking with a vpn means nothing, whoever is posting with a vpn is a POSTER who is using vpn.

No. 2444922

>banned on an ad hoc basis Is the current status quo. It's like how they banned VPNs in the Amerifags thread during the election cycle
AYRT. That is my fault as I thought it meant that would happen more often, though I do think effectively giving threads that do too much infighting a temporary “mini-hell week” would make more sense since trolls probably wouldn’t care enough to keep up with when they’re active or not and would just go on to troll 4Chan, 8Chan, or any other image board that non depraved people would avoid like the plague

No. 2444926

Samefag sorry I’m blind, 13.4* % were VPN comments and 86.6% were normal comments

No. 2444929


No. 2444931

Replies and comments are basically the same word in internet terminology anon

No. 2444932

The problem with this is that it doesn't work. Unpopular Opinions was never a problem thread until Dumbass Shit was autosaged and all the newfags that lived in that thread migrated there. If Unpopular Opinions and Fandom were hit with a VPN ban, the freaks that live in those threads would migrate out into new ones to shit up.

You're interpreting the data wrong. Look at >>2444130 again and read what it says.
>% of posts that are by VPN users
So that means of the 27775 posts made in the 2 weeks, 3722 were made through a VPN. For all we know, that could be 2 VPN users that each made 1886 posts each. We have no way of knowing how many users actively use a VPN, only the amount of posts that were made through a VPN.
>I thought it meant that would happen more often
This is the problem with the ad hoc option; it's dependent on active moderators. We have really poor moderation here. If one thread needs an ad hoc ban at 12 o'clock, by the time moderators are active to do something about it it might already be 3 o'clock and the thread no longer needs one.

No. 2444934

>So that means of the 27775 posts made in the 2 weeks, 3722 were made through a VPN. For all we know, that could be 2 VPN users that each made 1886 posts each
That doesn’t really change my opinion that VPN’s should still be banned though

No. 2444936

I'm also in support of the VPN ban, I'm just pointing out that the data doesn't say anything about how many posters use a VPN. It's only about how many posts were made using a VPN.

No. 2444939

Oh yeah I know it doesn’t give us a specific, singular number of "how many anons" are using a VPN, and I’m not concerned about “how many” are using a VPN. I’m concerned about VPN users having the ability to ban evade. And sure, 13.4% of posts might not be 13.4% of individuals, but less than 15% of comments still isn’t the majority.

No. 2444943

I understand, I just don't think it's appropriate to make claims that can't be backed up. We don't know how many anons regularly use a VPN, but it's clear that the vast majority of anons post without using one. That's why it's so strange seeing so many posts like >>2444834 because it's obvious that VPN users are a very small minority on LCF. If a VPN did go into effect site-wide, the site would slow down by less than 15%.

Ban evasion is the number one reason that I'm in support of a blanket VPN ban on /ot/. I'm tired of the farmhands having no real way to counter the retards that consistently evade bans. Besides being annoying, it's also a massive waste of staff time to have to deal with these people. I don't think that a VPN ban would be useful on the cow boards because I don't think ban evasion is as prevalent anywhere else on the site as it is on /ot/. I also think that some farmers would appreciate the security provided by a VPN when posting milk.

No. 2444946

>Unpopular Opinions was never a problem thread until Dumbass Shit was autosaged and all the newfags that lived in that thread migrated there.
NTA but this is blatantly false. It's been known as infight bait central years before the autosage. Some of the worst, day long infights I remember happened long before that

No. 2444947

>Ban evasion is the number one reason that I'm in support of a blanket VPN ban on /ot/
These are poor arguments because, like other nonas have pointed out, there are other image boards that allow VPNs and are moderated perfectly fine. I mean 4Chan, one of the only ones to permanently ban VPNs, is probably the second worst moderated of them all (second only to 8Chan). Though I do agree that there should be more long term albeit temporary ad hoc bans

No. 2444950

I didn't say that it wasn't a problem before that, but I think that it's true that it's gotten significantly worse since the Dumbass Shit thread was autosaged. It's gotten especially fast since 2024.
4ch has an infinitely larger userbase and staff team than LC has. Comparing LC to 4ch is like comparing apples to oranges. Just because they're both IBs doesn't mean they're more similar than that.

No. 2444952

I mean it makes sense. VPN users seems to be a vocal minority, and baiters spam endlessly for attention.

No. 2444953

True ban evaders know they can just re-download browser.

No. 2444954

>I don't think that a VPN ban would be useful on the cow boards because I don't think ban evasion is as prevalent anywhere else on the site as it is on /ot/.
/w/ is in dire need of a ban

No. 2444956

>VPN users are a vocal minority
You can't be serious

No. 2444959

and use mobile data. some of them even here have admitted to not even using vpns to evade, just their phone

No. 2444960

To be fair I dont think the fandom losers would migrate because they live and die by their twitterfag drama. I wish mods would just ban that thread entirely. Maybe they would ruin /m/ though.

No. 2444963

Denying factual statistics placed in front of you without anything to counteract it just makes you look crazy nona.

No. 2444966

> I just don't think it's appropriate to make claims that can't be backed up
I know that ____ speaking you could say it’s a “claim that can’t be backed up” but come on, we do essentially know how many posts on LC are made by VPN’s, even if we don’t technically know how many VPNfags exist. Sorry I had to include a space. I can’t remember the word I want to use but I don’t want to change my sentence so I just moved on without it
NTAYRT but 13.4% of posts does sound like the actual minority, I’m sorry anon.

No. 2444967

Anyone could present anything to you here regarding LC and you'd believe it off rip as long as you found it agreeable.

No. 2444968

NTA but what are you talking about anon? The moderators of our website took the time to run the numbers of how many posts are sent through anons using VPN’S on their device, and that was what they discovered. That it’s a very small amount of people actually hitting the post button with a VPN, likely because they need a VPN to be able to do so at all.

No. 2444970

Samefag, just to back up my point: From 2016-2023, there was 108 Unpopular Opinions threads. In 2024 alone there were 56 threads made. I think that the threads sped up significantly once Dumbass Shit was autosaged.

Range bans would prevent them from posting again, no matter what they do. That's why we need to get rid of VPNs, because once ban evaders are stuck relying on their home IPs they can be properly dealt with through range bans.
Stop engaging. It's obvious that it's just schizobabble. Don't bother.

No. 2444971

Did you mean reset?

No. 2444991

A range ban risks way too many random people who haven’t done anything getting banned which is why they’re heavily criticized

This is just one of the reasons why a VPN ban shouldn’t happen, it’s basically pointless and not even a band-aid solution. They’re just one of the many ways people ban evade. When it was mentioned earlier nonnies said it was a threat to raid lolcow and that you would have to pay to do any other option which are both false. This is why I agree that it’s lazy moderation’s fault. Because if you looked at the site before the 2022-2023 moderator change there was way less bullshit. Like that other anon said, 2023 and 2024 alone had way more spamming and infighting going on than the years prior. Even the 2021 Creepshow outing caused less insanity and that brought in a whole ton of new friends that the old mods were able to deal with well, I’m convinced that if an incident like that happened today there would be barely any moderation and the site would just go to spammed shit until the storm cleared

No. 2444993

Exactly this. I'm too fatigued on the topic to keep bringing these points up.

No. 2445001

Actually I think the new image detection tool that Cerb implemented early on helped curb a lot of the more nasty raids containing CSAM and gore. I remember there being way more raids before Cerbmin took control.

I don't think range bans deserve the criticism they get. If there's an anon that's caught up in a range ban, all they have to do is email the admin to get their IP unblocked. It takes less than a day to resolve.

No. 2445006

Actually havent seen one of those nasty raid pics in years fortunately. Its kinda weird thinking back now, there was a time those pics were left up for hours.

No. 2445007

So if there’s a little over 8k IP’s, but only 5,681 unique posting devices, does that mean theres actually only 5,681 nonnies?

No. 2445014

We are a small town

No. 2445016

Nonas were reporting CP raids to Cerbmin in summer 2024, regardless even if you haven’t seen any in years it was probably BC (Before Cerbmin)

No. 2445019

If you're referring to the Hellweek stats, it means there was at least one post from 5681 devices, but not every one of those devices was limited to one IP. So, for example, if someone uses LCF on her phone, she might post something from her home IP, then her cell data IP, then her work IP. So that's 1 device tied to 3 IPs. This explains why there's a discrepancy between the number of devices and the number of IPs. It's important to remember that those stats aren't counting those that lurk. I know some farmers that use this site everyday, but only post once or twice a month.

Yeah, I can't remember the last time I saw any CSAM on here. I think it still happens occasionally if we go by what's reported in /meta/, but for the most part I think it's a thing of the past. The bad image detection tool, the image recovery, and the catalog update are probably the best things Cerbmin has done as admin so far.

No. 2445042

Ooh ok, so basically there are only 5,681 posting devices but with constantly changing IP’s/multiple devices so there could be even less? Like for example an anon with a cellphone and a computer, so the number is basically cut in half if we assume that at least 2 of each devices are the same person?

No. 2445066

That could be the case, yeah. Some people exclusively use one device, but others use more than one. For example, someone could use their laptop, desktop, phone, and tablet to access LCF, so they'd count for 4 unique devices.

No. 2445082

Damn, that kind of disappoints me. I thought we had way more anons than we probably really do kek

No. 2445085

That should be obvious by the general lack of posting.

No. 2445096

Well those stats are from last years hellweek though when it was a little busier, there are probably even less devices posting now based off how slow its been. But I feel like it’ll get busier when spring break comes

No. 2445438

File: 1742044388915.png (46.21 KB, 1308x181, saturday 15th update.png)

>Saturday March 15th Update
With only 3 days left until the poll closes, 370 votes have already been cast.
>226 votes for a VPN ban
>144 votes against a VPN ban
28 votes were cast since the last update on Friday. The pro-VPN ban crowd remains in the lead by 82 votes

No. 2445451

I wonder how many options they’ll dwindle it down to for the 2nd poll

No. 2445453

Probably two. I think it was so stupid to do 5 options for the first poll. The first poll should have had less options than the second.

No. 2445474

Yeah it would make more sense to first get a general consensus and then decide how to/not to specifically implement it

No. 2445527

It would've been a better structure to have a simple yes/no poll, then a second question like "If yes, then how should it be implemented?" with the other 4 options listed. No matter the outcome, there's going to be frustration and comments like >>2444834 questioning the results. They basically set themselves up for failure.

No. 2446042

since jannies' posts automatically use a vpn (regardless of tag, I think), are they permitted to still post with that vpn? If so, this poll is moot. There should be one set of rules for everyone. Not VPN for jannies and crap for everyone else.

No. 2446055

this is a pretty dumb thing to say

No. 2446072

Not if the jannies instigate fights

No. 2446086

I assume they’ll just turn their vpn’s off if they need to post?

No. 2446139

ohhh you're one of those tinfoilers kek

No. 2446228

Nta but not even a tinfoil if you saw what happened with the "good moid stories" thread. I'll link again since everyone seems to have goldfish memory now
Even cerbmin had to step in to remove that specific farmhand's privileges. And the many other times where telling infighters to go away results in a ban while the actual infighters still go on and evade for hours

No. 2446294

Histrionic schizos are attracted to being a janitor. That's fact.

No. 2446504

some people got really long bans during that incident. Just for not appreciating a thread worshipping moids.

No. 2446972

File: 1742129636498.png (45.62 KB, 1145x179, sunday update.png)

>Sunday March 16th Update
Only 2 days left for the poll! 19 more votes were cast since yesterday morning, bringing the total number of votes cast to 389.
>236 votes for a VPN ban
>153 votes against a VPN ban
60.7% of anons are looking forward to a VPN ban, while 39.3% of anons are against one.

No. 2447407

why the actual fuck is /2X/ only included in one option? It needs a VPN ban more than any other board. you can’t discuss anything without a schizo shitting itself

No. 2447411

File: 1742153031479.jpg (43.87 KB, 551x562, c92dac92949f050c1532b585bebc2f…)

1) make an .onion website
2) >(e.g. Russia: I am literally posting using a VPN with a Екатеринбург server. Since the admin for this website is not aware of the fact that commies did more for women than any of your half arsed attempt at being edgy, this is clearly a DMO for the Great Satan. Hardly anyone trully in danger will sell their data to the CIA. Therefore the need for using VPN is absolutely absent.
3) make a .onion website
4) I don't want to get banned because I'm not larping as a stereotypical wombyn
5) did I already tell you to make an .onion website?
6) because of the USA PATRIOT Act, VPNs are forced to give the encrypted data and the keys for said encrypted data to the CIA whenever the CIA asks for it. The land of the free will fuck you up if muh China will ask them nicely enough (Google which countries own the most US debt).
7) there is literally no reason to make a .onion website, since Tor uses PRISM infrastructure. You are fucked anyway. PRISM was used in Afghanistan, my dears. 79% of all Tor nodes are hosted within 14 Eyes Survaillance Countries. The CIA is backing the Taliban. Iran, Nigeria and all the countries that could kill you for your opinions have literally 0 organizations managing any of the DNS root servers. Your data is handled by the CIA and then sent to the local glowies who will slit your throat. If you are not dangerous to the richniggers in Beverly Hills, you are not dangerous to the CIA, which means you are also not dangerous to the local glowies. Therefore banning VPN is literally just to ban all the retarded trannies, the cunts who are too autistic to "integrate" and the moids who want their minute of attention from the trannies that didn't post their girldick (yet).
8) lets be fucking honest here, the complete fucking absence of raw data and non-idealist utopic fantasies in any of your "I hate men" posts makes any of you cunts completely harmless. The autism of the feminists of yore is long gone, now it's all a larp from affluent, middle-class, urban, western cultures.
9) the real deal is on mainstream websites, where women scare the moids by talking about stuff that moids don't like. There is literally 0 femcel booktuber who is getting harassed right now, because the average moid is going to get filtered by the 2 hours long videoessay on the Handmaid's tale.
10) the same applies to the Iranian girls: they will not hop on le obscure website that focuses on american lolcows. They will talk on the iranian (or whatever else their country is) mainstream websites/collectives/systems, and create stuff from there.
11) you create opposition not from formal affirmation, but from practical confirmation. Which lolcow does not do.
For all these reason, VPN is for paranoid women, and for moids who don't know how long is the ban for breaking Article 4 point 3 of the Global Rules. Supporting the VPN unban equals to: perpetuate the presence of moids and the enabling of paranoids.
Therefore, I vote in favour of the VPN unban. I don't wanna get framed.(schizo)

No. 2447416

kek we need a pure skitzo ranting thread

No. 2447444

Okay. I found a terrific way to absolutely break the pool.
But since I am a good person, I will not explain how I did it and ask the admin to subtract 2 votes from the "banned only on ad hoc basis". (Both from this IP address).(bullshitting retard)

No. 2447507

All of these are technically anti-VPN, just in different ways, and the most strict one seems to have fewer votes (22.4%) than the least strict one (39.3%).

No. 2447523

Nope, not what it means at all.

No. 2447529

All of them are pro-ban, to different extents.

No. 2447866

Jannies are tired of moderating so they’ve decided to reduce the user base to 3 people instead of 5.

No. 2447870

get some new material

No. 2447905

Sorry some of us don’t like seeing this place slowly bleed dry

No. 2447906

yeah because 13.4% is such a big percentage

No. 2447909

It is a big percentage.

No. 2447919

Literally. The death of the serpent eating its tail.

No. 2447921

File: 1742174479735.png (458.69 KB, 794x1190, jacket.png)

yeah 13.4% is huge. totally. here btw, i think you dropped your jacket. you should put it back on, it's really chilly.

No. 2447925

MEGALOLZ! Epic poaster, my dude! Please take my updoots!(infight bait)

No. 2447934

Okay then

No. 2447935

Good one. Even 5% is a noticeable percentage.

No. 2447937

If you posted 5% of your current output, it'd be a noticeable improvement

No. 2447948

The only reason why people want a VPN ban so bad is because they start infights and lose them, that’s why kek

No. 2447972

Most of us want a VPN ban because we don't infight and we're tired of infighters being able to evade bans for infighting to continue infighting

No. 2447975

I know I want a VPN ban because I remember all the psychotic posts on CC during our last ban, and those aren’t the type of people who deserve to use LC

No. 2448102

Dw you’ll get your wish when this place kicks the bucket

No. 2448145

Putting this turd of a website on a pedestal

No. 2448526

File: 1742223400640.png (44.07 KB, 917x183, monday.png)

>Monday March 17th Update
Another 27 votes were cast yesterday, bringing us to nearly 420 votes.
>255 votes for a VPN ban
>161 votes against a VPN ban
61.3% of anons have voted in favour of some form of VPN ban, whereas 38.7% have voted to keep the status quo.

No. 2448584

Kekkk literally watching the end of lolcow in real time

No. 2448586

that is a great point

No. 2448620

>420 votes
we're all gonna make it
the idea our active userbase is less than 500 regulars bums me out

No. 2448639

>bringing us to nearly 420 votes

No. 2448651

Is it better or worse to think maybe everyone else just isn't voting/doesn't care?

No. 2448684

I think a lot of users also don't pay attention to announcements or /meta/. There were at least 4 separate anons that I can personally recall who were too retarded to read the thread explaining the poll. So factor in that portion of the userbase as well.

No. 2448772

Only speaking for elder millennials here, I lurk now more than I would have years ago. Snowflakes to me will always be synonymous with weeaboos and the original jvlogger clique. And obvs, PT. There are a few exceptions but people don’t act like they used to on the internet anymore, it’s like a bygone era.

No. 2448862

File: 1742238695010.png (11.85 KB, 181x90, blaze it.png)

We did it

No. 2448864

Alot had problems voting, even as regular posters, some didn't even vote

No. 2449268

File: 1742248229753.jpeg (7.73 KB, 206x245, 3543534.jpeg)

Might stop posting all together if the vpn ban comes through, i'm currently renting and i don't want my landlord/management company to know what i get up to since they can see everything that goes through the router. I'll miss you nonas.

No. 2449273

Your landlord!? Get your own router nona!

No. 2449286

I can't, its a shared housing situation so its me + 2 other women sharing the router, the internet is included with rent so its i cant call the service provider to pull down a different cable for my own router, the landlord checks stuff semi-frequently because they had issues with a previous tenant downloading cp (so now they only rent to women and couples lol) Aside from that its a pretty cushy place so i'll sacrifice lolcow for it.

No. 2449290

Admin might exempt you if you email.

No. 2449352

I'd add to the vote if it actually let me kek

No. 2450451

File: 1742318164316.png (45.66 KB, 1127x182, final day.png)

>Tuesday March 18th Update
Well, there's less than 7 hours left until the poll ends. Anons are anxiously waiting to see which side will win, although based on the current numbers, it's safe to say that the pro-ban crowd had the most voters.
>266 votes for a VPN ban
>170 votes against a VPN ban
The numbers have been pretty consistent in the past few days, just over 60% of voters want to see some form of a VPN ban, whereas just under 40% of users wish to continue with the status quo.

No. 2450534

Damn, I only started hanging out here recently
Guess it's in the gutter with 4chan if this goes through, cause I won't be using it. IDK why anyone should have the authority to tell me if I can't protect my pc or what I'm doing on it. This is just a discussion website, control freak mentality.
CC is my last option lol otherwise I'm going hermit mode, sitting on steam all day

No. 2450538

>I only started hanging out here recently
We can tell kek

No. 2450543

Really welcoming community here. Hope there's a lot of guests at the funeral.

No. 2450544

CC is a lot more welcoming, you'll have a good time.

No. 2450547

Not to you though?

No. 2450549

No, I don't like trannies so I don't go there. You have fun though!

No. 2450551

No one likes trannies. I'll have fun though.

No. 2450553

Happy for you ♥ Bon voyage!

No. 2450692

The JC board is good too. (Hover over my name for link.)(spamming)

No. 2450700

for fucks sake don't drag this retard over there

No. 2450710

nobody cares about your troon-infested dead board. stop trying to shill it here

No. 2451959

Lol of course they just ignored the actual most popular option. Democracy or something along those lines

No. 2451962

Poll results:
>Banned on all boards:
98 votes (21.8%)
>Banned on all boards, excluding the hidden board:
30 votes (6.7%)
>Banned on all off topic boards and on an ad hoc basis for individual milk board threads:
62 votes (13.8%)
>Banned on /ot/ and on an ad hoc basis for threads on all other boards:
80 votes (17.8%)
>Banned only on an ad hoc basis:
179 votes (39.9%)
>Total votes:

A runoff vote has been posted:

No. 2451963

File: 1742411136789.png (308.03 KB, 1128x503, run off poll.png)


Well anons, we did it. We finally voted, democratically, for an end to the reign of terror that has plagued our farm. A run-off poll has been set up to vote to the extent of the VPN ban.

Vote here in the new run-off poll:

>Share which option you voted for.
>Share why you voted for that option.
>Share the ways in which you think a VPN ban will positively benefit LC.

No. 2451972

At first I voted for a ban on all boards but after thinking about it for a bit, I think a ban only on /ot/, /m/, and /g/ is sufficient. /m/ doesn't need the ban tbh and probably has the least infighting out of all boards while the /cow/ boards have little traffic in general unless someone is vendetta posting in which case they are usually quick to ban and lock the threads anyway. The hidden board really only needs the ban in two threads

No. 2451976

I voted for a ban in /ot/, /g/, and /m/ but I really only see the need for one in /ot/ and /g/ personally.

No. 2451979

I originally was gonna click just /ot/ but then I realized it would probably better for the health of the entire ib if just a blanket VPN ban is laid down, i feel like this will be better for lolcow and make the farms a happier place to be because I remember Hellmas and if it was any preview to what the VPN ban will make lolcow look like then I’m quite excited

No. 2451982

File: 1742411708517.png (7.65 KB, 300x250, BOa6eFZcwe-10-36763914.png)

>We finally voted, democratically, for an end to the reign of terror that has plagued our farm
Ty patron saint of ireland, ty anons

No. 2451985

I think banning on only /ot/ makes the most sense. I don't think /g/ or /m/ will pose a major problem for rule-breaking, and if there needs to be a VPN ban in any of the threads the farmhands will have the ability to apply one anyway.

I don't think a VPN ban is necessary for the cow boards at all. I think the moderation on them is really good and responsive, so I struggle to understand why we'd need a VPN ban on them. Part of the reason why /ot/ needs a VPN so badly to begin with is because the moderation for this board is so poor.

No. 2451992

I think /g/ needs the VPN ban specifically because of the fetish, race, and lesbian threads. There's a LOT of infighting and bait in those threads

No. 2451997

I agree. The sensitive threads needs it too.

No. 2452037

I'm so happy we will finally get a VPN ban. This site is so annoying to read when all the good posts get drowned out by people baiting and infighting

No. 2452048

i feel the exact same way. it’s really hard to have fun with other anons when there are so many retards and faggots who just want to be annoying

No. 2452070

File: 1742416708499.gif (2.25 MB, 363x205, 00g.gif)

You've all been played - the poll was worth jackshit. The admin is laughing in your faces. Even if the vote had been 99.9% against VPN banning, they would still get banned. Learn how to notice when you're being manipulated.

No. 2452073

This admin is actually respecting the results of the poll by not splitting the vote 4 ways, unlike burrito-min

No. 2452076

I wish they’d just do it and not do this stupid sham.

No. 2452077

You think admin was behind the poll? This has lolcow deep state written all over it.

No. 2452084

Since no one has the ovaries to vote an all boards VPN ban, I am bing chilling, since I only post on one of the hidden boards and lurk in all others.

No. 2452415

File: 1742424765124.jpg (106.74 KB, 950x949, GXX93pnWQAAaJMA.jpg)

I mean yeah, it's a bizarre gambit to block out the option that had so many votes. Seems like they wanted to do this from the start, the poll was just a way to make it seem more democratic than it was. Oh, well.

No. 2452426

How will a VPN ban work? Is it only for computers? Since mobile ban evaders dont use a vpn, they just turn off the wifi and clear cookies. How will farmhand combat that?

No. 2452460

theres always gonna be baiters and people that can ban evade no matter what. but the vpn ban does discourage a good amount of them, you should have seen the seething going on about not being able to bait on cc during the last vpn ban we had

No. 2452499

>Why should we criminalize murder when some people still get away with it

No. 2452507

shitty comparison imo
whats stopping them from just switching to phone? i can imagine this ban being put out and absolutely nothing changes. 60% of users are probably evading a sage ban right now.

No. 2452511

Range bans.
>60% of users are probably evading a sage ban right now
Kek no way you actually believe this?

No. 2452519

90%? there are too many redtexts in threads and yet so many new replies minutes after and its just not adding up. Do you really think people are going to wait 6 hours instead of 6 seconds before they can start posting again?

No. 2452537

nta but some of us are like, normal-ish and don't spend all day every day trying to post on here. i take my bans on the chin and wait them out. i'm sure there are quite a few others that do the same

No. 2452547

I really dont know. Sure you might not ban evade, but if other people did youd have no way of knowing. Just look at the ridiculous bans thread, Some bans are from minutes ago and yet they get posted there. Its so easy to ban evade and the ban times and reasons are so ridiculous I wouldnt be surprised

No. 2452554

I deserve like 99% of my bans. Honestly a break from lc is probably for the best

No. 2452571

Maybe we should ban vpns and phone posters

No. 2452572

originally i thought a ban for only /ot/ would be necessary but the more i think about it leaving /m/ and /g/ open to possible raids and shit will just lead to likely needing to ban vpns there somewhere down the line

No. 2452629

Yeah retard just make the site an immobile ancient rune

No. 2452647

I only get banned when I do retarded shit that deserves a ban. Bans aren't a personal insult. They aren't a big deal in any way. I've been banned dozens of times and at most it amounts to a time out. Sometimes, I'll get on in the morning, try to post, and realize I've been banned but the ban had expired overnight anyway so I'm free to post again. Not being able to post on LC isn't the end of the world and it shouldn't be upsetting. I don't think that 90% of anons are banned for not sageing. Sageing is the most basic tenet of integration. The one time I got banned for not sageing, it was because I honestly forget to do it and when I appealed and told them it was a one-time mistake they immediately unbanned me. The mods aren't as crazy or oppressive as anons tinfoil they are.

No. 2452689

well they should put the bans in those threads specifically, the rest of /g/ is generally chill and not even that active

No. 2452770

exactly. not just that, but the next big infight bait would literally just be discussing whether or not the other boards should get a vpn ban too, it would be way too easy to get nonas arguing and fighting as long as some boards have it and others don't

No. 2452782

it still won't let me vote even if i leave incognito..

No. 2452791

They clearly want to kill the site, im surprised this isn’t more talked about.

No. 2452806

If the VPN ban is installed on /g/, /m/ and /ot/, does that mean all threads or just ad hoc like they mentioned? Why wouldn't they add it to the rest of the site including cow boards on an ad hoc basis?

No. 2452820

I wonder if they also forgot that one of the most rampant, biggest ban evaders is on the hidden board

No. 2452875

I had a dream about the VPN ban, and the message you got when you used a VPN read something like this
>So you thought you could fool us? Come back without a VPN to hide behind, tard.

No. 2452879

Jesus christ kek

No. 2452928

i'd argue that raids are the number one thing that drives users away from the site, followed by baiters coming in to rile up the tards so that any real conversation worth having is blown past and ignored for retarded infights. infights can be good and a healthy part of the site but it needs to be driven organically, not planted by people that just get off on causing problems. also we need to lighten up on the "no shitposting" rule thats been implemented in the last couple years imo. but both of these issues (raids and baiting) are definitely helped with vpn bans. we will still have a strong userbase even with the ban, lc is one of a kind and it's survived much worse and slower times

No. 2452937

warm reminder that VPNs don't hide user agent data so they're useless for hiding post histories and identity to the mods.

No. 2452942

Generally they're for isp. Duh?

No. 2452952

idiots itt would have you think otherwise.

No. 2452966

They talk like kids who are still frightened of piracy and think anyone who cares about digital hygiene is a pedophile or fbi

No. 2453021

I just remember how dead it was last time they did this. Agree with you on the raids though I would add a media pending approval thing instead. And also agree the no shitposting rule is straight Retarded.

No. 2453024

Why is it retarded? It's literally the only rule preventing this board from becoming lolcow.pasture

No. 2453025

there's hardly been any raids in recent years though. all i remember is one sharty raid a year ago and that was delt with quickly

No. 2453030

Because it’s not that serious and we’ve always had shitposting, that and banter is a core part of ib culture.

No. 2453050

This ib is for keeping tabs on cows not baiting and chatting, this isn’t 4scrote or discord and if you wanna chimp out go ahead and post there. I’m so tired of anons saying the board will be dead without the constant racebaiting, moids posting, tranny infighting, and low effort shit from obvious newfags. If the board is gonna die off then go on the pirate board, go to kf, go to 4chan, or populate the sites that have very little posters instead of bitching about a site that apparently no one cares about outside of tiktokfags and ‘teens according to some anons itt

No. 2453052

You know the only reason you think this is the popular opinion is because everyone is beyond tired of arguing with you in circles.

No. 2453056

If you read back through the old threads it’s always been a part of it though. They made this a rule last year. You can keep tabs on them by just checking their social media, what’s the difference?

No. 2453057

it was a lot slower at first but it sorta came back to homeostasis after a while, we always bounce back
nona i'm glad you didn't see some of the raids that we were getting (between 21-23, my memory will fail me esp bcus i don't want to remember), i left the site for quite a while after some of them and i'm sure i wasn't the only one. it was fucking bad
you and your "lolcow is for LOLCOWS ONLY, ITS IN THE NAME!!!" are so obviously the newfags here. what is with this sudden influx of retards insisting that a main part of this site get removed/scrubbed?
hide the conversational/shitpost-y threads if you hate them so much you fucking weirdos. go back to reddit if you can't get over it.

No. 2453061

It's so crazy to me that any dumb bitch who has been here for more than a week starts screaming "YOURE A NEWFAG" at anyone who disagrees with them. Everyone who actually contributes is exhausted by people like you and are too fatigued to defend the sanctity of a sinking ship anymore. That's why you want to fill the dead space you can't fill with actual conversation with autistic, attention seeking spam and shitposting.

No. 2453063

Actual conversation often veers off topic, goes on tangents, or changes in tone. Trying to police conversation this much is silly.

No. 2453068

you're schizophrenic. thats why you're on the off topic board sperging about "contributing" and the "sanctity" of a fucking imageboard that has held its own and maintained its own culture and rules even with all the evil shitposting you hate so much. log off, take your meds

No. 2453070

fucking thank you. so sick of people protecting the purity of the nasolabial fold website.

No. 2453074

File: 1742446880589.jpeg (26.23 KB, 500x375, 1_dlHFSfnsJd4B7eu6Rzptw.crop_5…)

LC is more like an ecosystem, similar to picrel. Newfags can become naturalized or invasive species

No. 2453075

But we don't want to police organic conversation. If you don't keep shitposting in check, it literally morphs into a neckbeard discord server.

No. 2453076

I was using sanctity jokingly
>you're schizophrenic.
You move the goalpost because you don't have anything else to say to the truth. If someone you disagree with isn't a newfag, they're a schizo. Suddenly, the argument is only one sided and you aren't also arguing, it's just whoever is disagreeing with you. What next, I'm a man? A glowie? It's like trying to reason with children.

No. 2453079

Shitposting was better when it was related to cows or board culture which is cowish already. I’d rather have people posting fan art of cows and talking about them without new milk than whatever infight bait of the week that gets bumped up on /ot/.

No. 2453087

i feel bad for anons like her, they've got such an insane need to control everything. if i were a computer genius i'd make an lc mirror site that has no fun, no jokes, no topical discussions, only cows and milk, so they can finally be at peace.
this is why we had dedicated shitpost threads. you get banned for shitposting outside of containment threads. now we have unpopular opinions and mundane shit getting shitted up, which people are rightfully upset about.
>I was using sanctity jokingly
anon, no you weren't. you are mad that you aren't a mod or admin with total control over the site getting to dictate who says what, where, and when.
>If someone you disagree with isn't a newfag
no, you are still a newfag
>they're a schizo
yes. that is what you are

No. 2453095

>I pray the traffic drops like crazy overnight
kekk mask off moment

No. 2453098

File: 1742448947967.jpg (30.97 KB, 750x737, 1669952230008.jpg)

Right. This is ridiculous. The majority was for a ban on an "ad hoc basis" and the second poll was supposed be only in case there's no clear answer, which there was. Yet now we have to pick between completely banned or banned on some of the boards. I pray the traffic drop like crazy overnight. The thread pic saying "pure democracy" is hilarious.

No. 2453102

>I’d make a mirror lc with only cows
You’re on that website, why the fuck do people that made the website to gossip and talk have to leave for the retards that can’t handle it? If you wanna shitpost go to the countless other slow ibs that allow shitposting and that need new anons instead of crying over not being able to racebait in peace

No. 2453103

How is it "mask off"? They literally asked for our opinion and then decided that they didn't care, unless it affects the ~health of the site~ lmao

No. 2453105

Because for the majority of my time on this website, this was not a rule, and in fact it was built on it. Sorry I don’t like seeing probably one of the only female communities descend into over policed no fun allowed reddithell. Racebaiting and spamming isn’t what shitposting means btw.

No. 2453106

it's mask off because you it's literally "if i can't have it then nobody can!!" 6 year old mentality. you can't use a vpn anymore so you want the site to die? lmao it's pathetic

No. 2453107

It’s a bit bizarre that they even ran a poll.

No. 2453109

NTA but she means the site will probably lose traffic after it’s implemented, not that she wants that to happen.

No. 2453114

kekkk no. she deleted the comment as soon as i clocked it. saying "i pray the traffic drops overnight" isn't the same as "the traffic will probably lose traffic." bffr

No. 2453118

>only 43 votes
wow, i had no idea the site had so few users. I always expected it to be around 100-150s. Makes this site feel lonely now.

No. 2453119

>"if i can't have it then nobody can!!" 6 year old mentality.
How is this about me? If the majority of users had voted in favor of the vpn ban, I would have accepted it, but the majority was against it, that's what my entire post was about.

I deleted it to repost, it was completely unrelated to your retarded answer. You can't accept that the majority disagrees with you on the vpn ban debate and project it on me for some reason

No. 2453122

>You can't accept that the majority disagrees with you on the vpn ban debate
but the majority do agree with me kek. that's why the vpns are getting banned.

No. 2453123

The majority picked what they understood to be the least possible banning (ad hoc) because there was not even the option to keep it the same (no ban at all) and yet now we have to choose again between total ban or partial ban. Hope this helps, since you sound a bit confused

No. 2453125

the seethe is hilarious. we all knew your kind was gonna react like this btw. it's gonna be a crazy week

No. 2453126

>your kind

No. 2453128

"My kind" is the majority of anons who voted lmao you're genuinely slow in the head

No. 2453134

keep seething and keep praying for the downfall of lolcow

No. 2453138

>t. literal newfag doesn’t know lc culture before 2022
How can you call this your female community when the main focus is gossip and shit talking other women? You can go on mumsnet or ovarit if you want a female only community to talk to instead of making a website built on lolcows become tumblr 2.0 or bring whatever shitcord drama that happens. I also don’t want to share a website with retards that can’t handle a no retard rule and chimp out in other threads with baiting in their all or nothing campaign to ruin the site. Oldfags leave because shitposting brings idiots to bait and ruin threads when they don’t get their way, then get replaced by newfags saying this was always meant to be and proclaim it’s a core component of the website when they don’t even know who kiki or pt is

No. 2453140

Yes and while gossiping about cows (very innately serious activity btw) we made fun of them and shittalked them. We didnt get banned for making art making fun of them or making heckin non contributions.

No. 2453141

kek you're giving them too much energy. they're gonna be gone next week anyway. smile and wave and let them have their melties

No. 2453142

I will! Thanks retard

No. 2453143

>how can you call this a female community
Because it's factually true? Female doesn't mean automatically nice/feminist. Gossip is an ingroup thing anyway.

No. 2453144

Not everyone against this retarded poll is a vpn user, as you keep reminding us that's only a mere 13% of the userbase.

No. 2453145

No. 2453146

File: 1742451540750.gif (1.57 MB, 498x278, sure jan.gif)

No. 2453148


No. 2453149

File: 1742451641024.jpeg (13.39 KB, 199x344, disabled.jpeg)

No. 2453153

I genuinely don't understand why there's a runoff when the 5th option had the most votes. Can someone explain to me like I'm slow because I am

No. 2453155

stay seething veepeenies(baiting )

No. 2453156

this poll also only got uploaded today, so

No. 2453158

good one.

No. 2453161

The explanation is that while the fifth option had the most votes, it wouldn't be "fair" to split the vote four ways so the majority is counted as the summation of the other four votes which voted 'for'.

No. 2453166

File: 1742452399734.png (593.95 KB, 720x540, n6o1_1280-1848704950.png)

I like my vpn to bypass floodposting

No. 2453167

File: 1742452425593.jpeg (119.53 KB, 1196x449, IMG_0183.jpeg)

the version of lc in your head does not, and has never existed, schizo. get off of /ot/ or shut the fuck up about it

No. 2453168

if you weren't here in 2015 just say that

No. 2453169

The majority of posters on early lc were males and you can read all the early cow threads and shitposting threads to see how true it is. The only reason this became a “female” majority site is because of the original gc/anti tranny threads and the radfems moving in. Anyone that has been on the site long enough to see the change can tell you how this site still has male posters who gloat on other sites about how they “pass” as women here, trannies that post cp and only recently had a resident troon finally fuck off after years of raiding, and gay men who keep up with cows they have crushes on, check the Projared thread for that, or for gay moids that can’t integrate and constantly seethe about women like in celebricow or post their own drama in the old drag queen threads. I wish this site was women only because then we would have less racebaiters and retards but that’s hard to implement without a vpn ban or having to go full forum and make accounts where you have to verify that you are a woman with ID

No. 2453173

>6 years ago
You proved my point kek you probably weren’t here because of cosplay or lolita drama either and just came when people started calling this place the female 4chan.

No. 2453174

actually it had nothing to do with anti tranny shit or radfems, in fact many older users hated the constant talk about men from them. males were banned for nuisance posting (that's what male posting is) in cow threads and that is what actually attracted radfems/gc/anti-troon posters later on. and males were technically banned from male posting when the shoe-simp mod was around. very early on the site was more similar to kiwifarms but with more women due to former SR and /cgl/ users. the site has always skewed mostly women and you could tell. i moved from /cgl/ to SR and then to here.

No. 2453175

>so the majority is counted as the summation of the other four votes which voted 'for'.
I don't get this part. And why did cerbmin even split the other parts in four to begin with if it turns out she isn't going to do it that way in the end? And how come the cow boards weren't included in the runoff? I feel even dumber now tbh

No. 2453177

>pure democracy
Never happens on image boards kek. It actually reminds me of PM 'elections' in Britbongistan - where a tiny group of fee-paying members of the ruling party (something like ~132 000 for the Tories) chooses the PM (and that's how you get clowns like Boris).

No. 2453178

because it had the lowest percentage of votes overall. meaning it's the least popular option. the rest of them are the viable remaining options based on the fact that the higher percentage of votes was to ban vpns in some aspect.

No. 2453179

Didn't it say 179 votes and 39% though?

No. 2453180

Thank fuck admin knows how to properly run a poll, unlike you idiots. Most users wanted VPNs banned, only a fraction voted against it. The vote to ban VPNs was split up in the first poll but an overwhelming majority of users want to ban them in one way or another, so we're voting on that. I can't believe that you idiots can't grasp that the raw numbers aren't how votes should work. If the original poll was yes vs. no, maybe it would be easier to grasp.

No. 2453181

yes but 39% voted no meaning that 61% voted yes. so now we are narrowing down what that "yes" is for.

No. 2453182

What's bigger number? 39 or 61? Think about it

No. 2453183

Ahahaha, no (s)he doesn't. Thanks for the joke?

No. 2453185

are we really that fucking stupid? learn what runoff voting means. maybe once you get to civics in high school you will learn.

No. 2453186

File: 1742453635973.jpg (5.84 KB, 370x292, 1077855564.jpg)

But none of the options even showed a 61…I think I'm just too retarded for polls I give up. Where did 61 even come from

No. 2453187

Sooo where are you going next week? Tumblr? Reddit?

No. 2453188

What's 100 minus 39…….

No. 2453189

ntayrt but you gotta keep in mind anon the zoomers missed out on civics/ethics/stuff like that because everyone was just given an honorary covid diploma

No. 2453190

the poll only had one "no" and the rest were "yes" with qualifiers. if the poll was ban y/n, no only got 39% of the votes meaning yes got 61%. all of the other options to ban them in some way accounted for a bigger number of users. the poll wasn't pitting those options against eachother directly, it's bracketed because it's a fucking runoff poll.

No. 2453191

fuck you right. my bad. tiktok brain poisoning probably contributed too.

No. 2453193

well thats kind of dishonest because there could have been other 'no' with qualifiers options or just straight up no vpn ban ever option. which they didn't put in for some reason.

No. 2453194

anon you don't know how to do basic math why would you be able to identify dishonesty

No. 2453195

it was skewed towards not banning them through. even the wording was purposely obtuse, and it still lost. my point is if it would have been yes vs no then the yes won by a lot. 61% of voters want them banned in some way.

No. 2453199

I don't know if it would have been that simple. The wording and the amount of options for one side vs one option for another side skewed things imo. A yes/no would have been better.

No. 2453203

13% of the userbase but 100% of ban evaders and probably 70% of shitposting and baiting

No. 2453205

You've never worked on anything poll-related that wasn't Strawpoll, unlike me. So kindly stay silent.

No. 2453206

so are you a shitposter or male?

No. 2453207

voting for your anime club leader doesn't count, anon.

No. 2453210


No. 2453281

Witnessed a complete schizoid meltdown from a PBP on /g/ earlier today and it makes it clear a VPN ban would be beneficial on all boards.

No. 2453292

Baiters keep peaking more users on how we need a VPN ban kek

No. 2453295

I worry for UKnonnas and users from similarly woke countries where just calling a man a he is illegal. So many threads are about TIFs or TIMs and will become a legal minefield for them.

No. 2453300

Cerbmin acknowledged this in the poll. UKnonas should be able to continue terfing on safely.

No. 2453309

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Where do we migrate to from now on? Crystal Cafe is kind of on life support. Fujochan is mostly for fujo stuff, but they do have an /ot/ board for general stuff.

No. 2453310

Please tell me how IPs impact this? Please.

No. 2453314

i thought UK was terf central according to trannies? why are they always making up shit, what a bunch of fags

No. 2453330

on one hand i think it should happen on the other hand i fear for chinese, afghan etc. nonnies? idk. maybe im just dumb and it would only affect a small minority..

No. 2453334

Why don't you anons read the /meta/ post.

No. 2453369

Damn guys, I think I want to resurrect PULL and just hide out in there now.

Really though, why do we need a VPN ban all of a sudden when this site's been getting by fine for the past several years? Sure, there's moments of raiding, but we always get past those. Is this all because of the shitshow that happened in December with the US election?

No. 2453375


No. 2453376

>the rest of them are the viable remaining options based on the fact that the higher percentage of votes was to ban vpns in some aspect
… but the adhoc bans was a ban in some aspect too.

No. 2453389

It was very misleading. Major redflag was there was no option of a deliberate "No VPN ban" from the get-go. I'm just thoroughly convinced that this site is doomed to have incompetent admins, retarded jannies, and ignorant users. I've already been spending more than half of my farming on Kiwifarms the past two years because I've been increasingly unhappy with the state of this site, so once this goes into full effect I'm going to drop the site completely. Shame because I really did love this place. The 2016-2019 era will always be kino in my heart.

No. 2453400

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Man, I really don't want to go to KF, it's full of racists and autistic men. I wish there were other alternatives to a female board. CC is in zombie-mode now and gets shitted up by pedotroons. Fujochan might work, I'm not against BL in any way.

No. 2453405

Why are you concern trolling when they said in HUGE letters at the top of both poll posts that all anti-tranny threads will be exempt from the ban? Or are you just unable to read?

No. 2453406

Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but back during the VPN ban month I saw absolutely no change in infighting and baiting, it persisted just the same because the userbase is just overall schizophrenic and retarded and only come here to have slapfights.

Another argument against the VPN ban being that this site started off as a honeypot for shoeonhead to gather the IPs of the people who were posting shit about her. The staff and admin are completely anonymous so nobody knows who we're giving our IPs and location to. Maybe if you live in a place like New York it's not that serious, but if you for example live in an area or a country not many farmers post from it can be sensitive information. People would also be incentivized against sharing milk on cows because it could put them at risk as, once again, we have no idea who are involved with the staff.

No. 2453408

This. If you live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere it can literally doxx you kek.

No. 2453414

>this site started off as a honeypot for shoeonhead to gather the IPs of the people who were posting shit about her.
Gonna be real with you nona. A lot of users here are newfags and unfortunately do not give two shits about this. They're just going to keep parroting and insisting we're being overly paranoid and grasping at straws.

No. 2453415

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ARRRRR! Cheers, matey!

No. 2453416

The /pol/fags on Kiwi tend to congregate in the A&N section - their bullshit gets called out in cow threads more often than not.

No. 2453418

all the VPN baiters crashing out ITT is hilarious to me. if mods wanted to "rig" the vote, why not just flood whatever option they wanted with votes? they control the code, they could easily do that? they could have made it so any option they wanted got over 50%. plus why even bother having a vote at all when they could just turn the VPN ban on and tell you to go fuck yourself?

and for everyone say there wasn't a "no VPN ban" option, that's because they already VPN ban on certain threads like when scrotes were raiding amerifags. the bottom option was to keep things as they are. the majority of users voted for a change so go and fuck off to your scrote-run boards and stop crying about it here

No. 2453422

Having a poll with 5 options, all containing some variation of a ban, and then not making it clear that the other options besides the adhoc would be lumped together is misleading. Course people are going to feel like they got the rug pulled under them. The poll should have been worded and designed better.

No. 2453426

yes, I agree it was worded stupidly. if they had just called the bottom option what it was ("things stay as they are") then nobody would even be able to bitch about the run off. but that literally doesn't change the reality that the majority of users wanted a VPN ban. going with the minority because they worded a poll like shit would be more retarded than setting the poll up wrong in the first place

No. 2453427

Its over

No. 2453439

This is the case. Also, it's off that they seem more mad that some anons are like "Wow, this was misleading" than happy that they got "their way", and they're fixated on framing it as "VPN baiters crashing out!!!" when that hasn't happened ITT that I've seen kek. It doesn't really convince me the infighting is a VPN-user only thing (I wasn't convinced before tbh) or that it'll get much better after the fact.

No. 2453442

It's strange anons whinging about ebil baiting VPN loving newfags are saying "crashing out" as if that's not Roblox slang or whatever.

No. 2453464

I don't know why but some anons desperately want to create this sort of generalized pro-VPN boogeyman to demonize lol. It's a general behavior I've noticed on this site that's been escalating, and one I don't care for.

No. 2453546

60% of users wanted AT MINIMUM a permanent VPN ban on /ot/. Can one of the concern trolls please explain to me why the correct option would have been to ignore that and do what 40% of users want? Don't complain about the first poll being structured like shit, I acknowledge that. Explain to me why admins should have just accepted the bottom option as the winner and ignore what the majority actually want.

No. 2453556

Laughing at the fact that mods got so pissed that people didn't want the ban that they changed the poll. So I've voted for a total ban because I'd like to see everyone seethe.

No. 2453570

60% of people do want a ban so thanks for helping us win I guess

No. 2453581


No. 2453583

It's just a sad fact that people who value privacy and opsec will always be in the minority. You can explain in depth the importance of it but in the end retards always brush it off because really, they just don't care.

No. 2453590

I don't want a fight I literally just want an explanation because nobody has given one yet. If you have one please let me know.

No. 2453626

Because it was completely arbitrary to split the poll between "least harsh VPN ban" option and "everything else".
39% was twice as much as the option for the harshest VPN ban: of the two extremes it is evident that a VPN ban on all boards is supported only by a small minority. Why not put the option that won the relative majority in the runoff poll? The results were clear: there is a strong anti-VPN ban sentiment that is getting silenced. Stronger than the pro-VPN ban and any of the options that would compromise the two (which, btw, are pointing toward a more anti-VPN ban opinion anyway).

I've got a law degree, this shit gave me an aneurysm. They should ask a polsci cow for stuff like this.

No. 2453636

God you guys are so whiny. You're lucky the admin gave a poll at all considering VPN fags constantly shit up this website, post illegal content, and threaten staff. Maybe we wouldn't need a VPN ban if you tards could stop making the board unusable. Sure we will lose some legitimate VPN users in the process but it's literally a no contest issue for anyone with a brain. Mods can't do their job when people VPN hop every two seconds.

No. 2453671

What are you even on about? The least harsh option was how things are right now. The other 4 options were votes for a change. 60% of users want a change. It's that simple. You aren't being silenced you are just being outvoted. You are in the minority.

No. 2453676

We get it, you really like the VPN ban. We are not talking about that. We are talking about the poll they made, willingly. No one forced them. And yet they disregarded it almost completely.
If you agree with them disregarding it and proceed to namecall everyone that disagrees with you, good for you. But understand that others have other priorities than yours. And these people are more numerous than those who agree with you.
And if the purpose of the poll was to adhere to the result, they failed to do so.
Unless you can give me another reason for them to make this poll, except for "they are gods that have no obligation toward us mere mortals" (because in that case how fucking sociopathic would that make them?), they handled all of this really poorly, whatever is your position in regards to the VPN ban.

No. 2453684

I can't be bothered to go find the posts but you can read /meta/ for yourself, multiple users asked cerbmin for this and they agreed very early into the vote that they would do a runoff. I think on the first day of it even being out. The reason being that they structured the poll like shit.

Please at least acknowledge this: if they had done it properly and made a poll that was "should there be a VPN ban on one or more boards? yes/no", "yes" would have got 60% of the vote. What they have done is treat the first poll like it was structured that way and made this second poll to get the actual result.

No. 2453696

People who value privacy and opsec know that VPNs aren't a holy grail. That's why Zoomers are so obsessed with VPNs
The crash out is making my sides hurt. You can tell a lot of them are crying

No. 2453721

>You are in the minority.
A minority that won the relative majority (majority, I repeat) vote.

You are just trying to justify the split between the options, which afaik wasn't stated explicitly in the poll.
This nona >2439522 made it up.
I disagree with it. I explained how I would have structured the runoff poll. I will not use the interpretation of a random lc user, simple as. The first poll had a winner that was not considered in the followup poll.
Well, not everyone is 24/7 on lolcow talking to cerbmin and the farmhands. Some have better things to do.
If my grandma had two wheels she would have been a bicycle. We will never know the result of a different poll. Might be a vocal minority who contacted the admin. Actually, it is evident that it was a vocal minority, since the majority voted for the status quo.
I can only concede that the popular vote wasn't won by the anti-VPN ban option. But that doesn't mean that I need a PhD to vote in a website for gossip.

No. 2453730

It's so frustrating because there are multiple examples of mods going haywire, the best example being the ex mod who shared literally all of manifesto-chan's posts she had put together during her time as a moderator for absolutely no reason other than "wanting to preserve her spirit" or something.

For all anti-VPN anons, think about it for a second: you share milk on a cow in /snow/. Next, from the same IP address, you vent about very personal issues in the vent thread or anonymously ask help for an embarrassing problem in /g/. A mod just happens to be a whiteknight for that cow and checks your location according to your IP and device information up and sees your activity timeline, adding together the times you're posting. They have a whole lot of data on you to make a guesstimate on your identity, that's why the staff has been able to flag posts from cows who break the rules. It's not being paranoid, like mentioned this site already has a history of being a honey pot. The most retarded posters won't be repelled by a VPN ban anyway because they're too tech illiterate to even use a VPN or underage poorfags who can't afford one anyway.

No. 2453736

In my opinion it's too late for the majority of users, a lot of people up until now probably didn't think of this stuff seriously enough.

No. 2453742

It's almost like you shouldn't be posting stuff that you wouldn't want tied to your person… it's almost like this site isn't made for oversharing about your personal life… it's almost like all the cows that had their post history revealed were actually cows that spent hundreds of hours WKing themselves and breaking rules… it's almost like how some anons think anonymity is a total shield for their actions so they engage in their most gross behavior only to be found out not by moderators, but by other farmers as in the case with Yuripedo, Rancefag, and BJchan… it's almost like farmhands can trace your post history even without a VPN… it's almost like you're concerntrolling because you're seething that you won't be able to break rules without consequence anymore but it doesn't matter because you'll be gone next week anyway.

No. 2453748

Sadly vpns are just not compatible with anonymous imageboards, it makes it way too easy to ban evade.

No. 2453756

File: 1742491172686.png (73.65 KB, 787x638, who are vpn users.png)

>young people don't use vpns
this is repeated so often but its not true lol. most studies show that more zoomers use a vpn than millennials do. for the past 5 years almost every influencer has had a sponsership deal with a major vpn provider. certain browsers like opera even have vpn service built in.


No. 2453762

I'm glad to see some anons discussing the issue intelligently here. I agree with you.

No. 2453767

It's a good thing I don't overshare personal details about my life online. Some of you harp on and on about opsec and internet security and then go online and tell everyone about minute details of your life. Go figure.

No. 2453768

You're right, but I feel like there are too many new and maybe really young users to remember or even comprehend this. They weren't here before (a lot of them might not even have known about the shoe0nhead stuff), so they're going to act like the things you're saying don't ever happen up until something creepy happens to them personally, and they're ignoring how this is basically self-doxxing for users unlucky enough to live in a small town or uncommon country kek.
Also, the "What about your user agent? VPNs don't mean anything when your device is visible" argument is kind of pointless since most privacy-oriented people use user agent switchers anyway, but I get that people more on the zoomer/gen alpha end and even a lot of millenials aren't so aware of things like that yet.

No. 2453773

>I will not use the interpretation of a random lc user, simple as
But we're supposed to use your interpretation?

No. 2453777

>It's almost like you shouldn't be posting stuff that you wouldn't want tied to your perso
NTA but by this logic, we'd better not post any man or tranny hate because all it really takes is one unhinged handmaiden or Tif janny targeting anyone who doesn't support trannies.

No. 2453782

Except all the trans hate threads will still allow VPNs. Not everyone is a crypto. Some of us hate trannies online and offline.

No. 2453791

Zoomer/millennial isn't the best way to categorize this. Most articles go by age range and most say that the largest age group of VPN users is 25-35 (i.e. old zoomers and youngish millennials).

No. 2453792

So, in effect, we'd only be allowed to say anything bad about males in anti-trans threads?
>Not everyone is a crypto. Some of us hate trannies online and offline.
Most women don't have that privilege unless they live in a thirdie country where no one cares. In the UK, random moms have been getting arrested and having their devices seized for saying men aren't women on Twitter.

No. 2453800

yeah who can forget the case of samantha gallagher in scotland who was condemned to death at the old bailey for uttering the word "scrote" on lolcow.farm

No. 2453801

>tiktok humor

No. 2453816

vpnfags listing out where they'll be going after they get kicked outta here

No. 2453819

Sorry to let you know, those sites and their cultures have been talked about and disliked on LC long before you showed up and tried to fit in.

No. 2453827

I like how the more educated you are, the more likely you are to use VPNs.

No. 2453839

File: 1742495117867.jpg (24.2 KB, 474x434, OIP (63).jpg)

>me using a vpn means i am on the same level of a post graduate
i wish i was in the top 20% income bracket too

No. 2453845

Rancefag didn't even make an attempt to hide her identity because she was an attention whore like Paki-chan, Yuripedo herself was a pretty good example of how one seemingly innocent flaw in opsec and being from outside of the US gets you very easily doxxed due to the userbase being majority American. She was doxxed solely due to her slipping her girlfriend's nationality because she was asking for advice about immigration or something in the thread she was regularly having spergouts and people connected the dots according to her reddit and 4chan posts.

No. 2454034

Yeah, what the actual fuck. This site is a retarded shithole.

No. 2454044

I've only ever been banned twice for responding to bait but I am going to be embarrassed that mods will see how insanely autistic I am in my special interest threads without a VPN.

No. 2454048

>VPNs aren't a holy grail. That's why Zoomers are so obsessed with VPNs
No shit, retard. There's more you have to do but that's just one crucial step.

No. 2454201

The lady doth protest too much, I voted for a ban. Sorry you sound like a glue sniffer.

No. 2454777

holy shit they're crashing out on their sad, dead board. literally the biggest thread is dedicated to seething about lc.

No. 2454867

Damn, that thread is absolutely pathetic.

No. 2454924

>I think I want to resurrect PULL and just hide out in there now
PULL is borderline unusable and all the good threads (ie the Yandere Dev one) were lost years ago and are dead now. Guru Gossip may be better because it’s like KF but less moid-y, like PULL but more usable and more active, and like lolcow albeit more sensitive and with less interesting cows but we could probably migrate a few from here over there

No thank you, everything about this screams “disguised virus” to me if I may be honest
Same for Crystal Cafe, Lolcow is really the last of its kind since all other image boards are either incel sites that are so large they’re out of mod control (4chan/8chan) or dead in the water (CC) and all the dead in the water ones can do is desperately beg for life by giving a place for people to complain about the last one truly standing

No. 2454957

>accusing luigifags of avatarfagging just because of some nonas using the word bpdemon in other threads
schizo behavior

No. 2455127

So since 64% of the votes are currently not for a complete ban, is there going to be a runoff for those two options like this bullshit runoff poll or are the admins just going to make the complete VPN ban that they clearly want to win be the winner? Whole thing is a farce, admins should’ve just instituted the complete ban like they want instead of giving the illusion of choice and pissing everyone off even more. At least that would’ve had some integrity

No. 2455132

Are you guys ever going to stop crying about the runoff, admin only did what the users asked for in /meta/ and it was communicated that it would happen

No. 2455271

>admin only did what the users asked for in /meta
So if you samefag enough with your bitching suddenly it's 'democracy' and 'listening to the voice of the people'? Please.

No. 2455519

>how dare you make fun of a very serious issue that effects nonas every day, i am offend

No. 2455527

who are you quoting

No. 2455546

I'm not understanding the results, which option is winning?

No. 2455604

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No. 2455614

I haven't followed this VPN ban discussion whatsoever. I remember a few years ago, there were so many raids, so often and persistent. Gore, scat and CP got spammed all the time. That hasn't really been a thing recently (or at least I haven't seen anything in a long ass time), so why is banning VPNS a discussion now?

No. 2455632

Certain people are mad that the site isn't a hugbox for all their specific beliefs. So they think because it's not, it must be the fault of scrotes using vpns to harassed them.

No. 2456022

It's so embarrassing. Instead of the board organically fading away, it's being revived by actual cows, it's become what it criticizes

No. 2456137

did you just forget all the vpns bans during the raids we got?

No. 2456150

NTA but I don't remember that in all the years I've been here, and still had my vpn on during those raids. I only started seeing the vpn bans last year when specific threads (like amerifags, and mundane shit at one point) started getting out of hand

No. 2456176

It's because Cerb has been working on the coding for the VPN bans since early 2024. Cerb finished it by mid-Summer, and IIRC it was first used as a moderation tool in November to deal with the political idiocy going on in the Amerifags thread. The VPN has been brewing for a long time, it's about time that it's happening. The concerntrolling in this thread is enough to tell anyone with half a brain that the VPN ban will solve many issues.

No. 2456179

>admin doing any coding work
Good one

No. 2456180

Are you so new that you don't realize all the improvements Cerb has made? Even as recently as updating the catalog?

No. 2456181

Give it a rest, you're already getting the ban.

No. 2456182

Do you even know what concern trolling is

No. 2456190

Ayrt, I know that, idk why you're telling me this kek. I'm just addressing the part where the other anon claimed there were previous vpn bans during other raids

No. 2456198

I was adding on to your post to elaborate to why we haven't seen VPN bans in the past

No. 2456202

>the VPN ban will solve many issues
Will it? I'm not overly convinced that it will do anything or make anons less annoying and infighty, if jannies are asleep for half the day you can still get like 8 hour infights with the ban. Sure, it'll make permabans have more of an impact but there's ways to get around that without a vpn.
>inb4 VPNfag reee!
I voted for one for /ot/ so you guys get what you want and realise it didn't do squat and then you'll whinge about something else. I do not care for majority of /ot/ and I lurk more than I post.

No. 2456205

Guess we’re dispensing the ‘there’s totally three admins’ fiction. Good.

No. 2456207

It might be effective against casual spam, but the diehard mentally ill will just reset their browser and continue to samefag, ba evade, and mass-report anything that makes them chimp out.

No. 2456211

vpn bans (so was captcha) were implemented before that too though? if youre such a oldafg how'd you forget the sharty raid?

No. 2456214

I think it will, personally. I also voted for only /ot/ because /ot/ is the shittiest board. I don't foresee serious issues with VPN posting on the other boards, especially the cow boards. I wish they'd nuke /ot/ already. If you look at the complaints thread in /meta/, almost every complaint has to do with something happening on /ot/. The only reason I support a VPN to begin with is because there are way too many idiots that evade their permab&s. Without effective bans, integration is a lost art.
When did I say I was an oldfag?

No. 2456215

oh my bad i thought you were this >>2456150 anon replying to me.

No. 2456227

i remember the sharty raids but don't remember anything being implemented when it happened

No. 2456413

>You're lucky the admin gave a poll at all
You bootlicking retards keep repeating this like lc is the admin's personal blog kek. They're supposed to implement the changes that the user base wants to see so the poll was necessary. You're already getting what you want, no need to reply bs like this every time an anon dares to disagree itt.

No. 2456462

>like lc is the admin's personal blog kek
It might as well be. The admin doesn't want any more traffic or users. The site entering a slow death spiral is the actual plan.

No. 2456471

I'm so confused about what admin even wants for this site. The most consistent theme is blaming bad posting on some external group and closing threads. As well as a bunch of gay ass family friendly banners and removing parts of lolcow history like margos airport nudes. Im so sick of the ownership of the site being handed over in secret to people that don't care about this place.

No. 2456474

The most amazing thing about all of this is how many anons don’t know what ‘ad hoc’ means. What’s even more amazing is that none of the anons complaining about the term felt compelled to search up the meaning of it before voting.

No. 2456481

Only retards are confused about the nature or this site and it isn't to be a giant dumbass shit thread

No. 2456482

Okay. I am a retard confused about the nature of this site. What is the nature of this site?

No. 2456483

Lurk more

No. 2456485

That's what I thought. I bet you don't even have a favourite cow and you weren't even here for the Jillian selfposting reveal. Nice try.

No. 2456489

>the best advertisement for the VPN ban
Love the gaslighters in these threads fearmongering as if hellweek didnt also ban VPN kek where was the muh privacy back then?

No. 2456492

If asking a question is fearmongering to you then sure.

No. 2456494

>where was the muh privacy back then?
in /meta/

No. 2456538

it was temporary (and also slow af btw), banning it permanently is unsurprisingly more controversial genius

No. 2456546

I think there’s also second order effects of people who don’t personally use vpns but disagree with the decision and leave anyway, plus people who check out after they see how dead it is, so the 13% thing is also misleading. I kinda hope it’s like hellweek on steroids so I can finally leave this shithole Inshallah

No. 2456806

going to get pre-existing code isn't doing much. we're not even on the same level as other imageboards. just because admin has a code junkie moid doesn't negate the fact that she's a retard.

No. 2456942

Whenever i've copped an undeserved ban, I could always see that some heinous little shit was on the same IP I was, every time. So I support a VPN ban for /ot/ at least and maybe ad hoc elsewhere. The people not causing trouble aren't going to be affected by it much anyway and the ones who vehemently oppose having any sort of ban at all are suspect to me. Most of the worst offenders are using certain free or low cost VPNs anyway. They just want to get away with being POS. I don't know if there's a way to ban specific VPNs or whatever but you should definitely ban the one that rhymes with gro-pon.

No. 2456968

File: 1742659147842.jpg (29.58 KB, 615x409, 5ac5fb80bdc67bcc4c156eb1cd8b99…)

>rhymes with gro-pon.
Do you mean Crow-Con? Birds need VPNs too, this is discrimination Caaw!!

No. 2457720

>Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but back during the VPN ban month I saw absolutely no change in infighting and baiting, it persisted just the same because the userbase is just overall schizophrenic and retarded and only come here to have slapfights.

Agreed, maybe if VPN banners want less infights they can stop accusing everybody who disagrees with them of being a tranny moid newfag zoomie self posting summerfag who can lurk moar. Why are you infight baiting and then getting genuinely surprised and upset about infights breaking out?

No. 2457737

I guess this is the kind of post pro ban fags think we need more of?

No. 2457908

I've been using this site since 2014-15 and it feels like there is no one left from the creation of the site and the early years. Many of the newfag mods ban jokes, or ban based on their feelings, they put targets on the backs of users and this has driven me to use a VPN in the past seeing other anons get slapped with bans for benign shit and seeing mods and some gaggles of anons idiotic bias creep through. It seems that the new direction is autocratic and widely less tolerant of different views, and the new userbase agrees with this autocratic view with no challenge. Holding a poll is never going to get all opinions of everyone. Some don't even use the meta board, but ot has become the only forum for discussion of the site and it will be banned from access for VPN users.

If the ban goes through a majority of its users will be silenced since it doesn't make sense to give up using a VPN for one retarded site. Where will anyone discuss the VPN ban when the forum discussing the VPN ban is banned?

No. 2457912

File: 1742706585654.png (25.19 KB, 512x119, Screenshot from 2025-03-23 18-…)

Only 37% of users are for including the ban in the cow boards. The votes against banning vpns in the cow board shouldn't have been split like this.

No. 2457922

>If the ban goes through a majority of its users will be silenced
Unfortunately I think you're overestimating just how many users on here are privacy conscious.

No. 2457929

Maybe they should just close /ot/ and leave this site as an archive of milk like they clearly want. Lolcows aren’t really a thing anymore anyway.

No. 2457937

>Lolcows aren’t really a thing anymore anyway
You all keep saying this but I lol at a lot of cows here on the daily? I think there should be way more people posting cows and milk because it's a lot of fun

No. 2457938

Many anons have been saying the poll is rigged to give admin what she wants and I agree. I wish she had just instituted it on her own, but I understand that she did the poll to protect herself from vitriol.
Another anon mentioned that no VPN bans were implemented to deal with past raids, and this is how I remember it as well. We haven't been getting raided lately but there's still going to be a ban?
And why didn't we even try to ban VPNs on an ad-hoc basis first, before resorting to site-wide or half the site? Amerifags, fandom, and maybe one more thread had VPN bans on them for ONE thread and then never again. There was the surprise Hellmas that came with a VPN ban. Mods didn't even try turning VPN bans during dead hours (overnight Pacific Time) and weekends.
I'm still of the belief farmers could manage themselves just fine without mods being online 24/7. I remember that being the case at times in the past. I ignore bait because I'm a grown adult. I hide images and threads that bother me. I don't see why it matters so much lately that jannies are on scene IMMEDIATELY. We should be ignoring bait, reporting it and any infighting, hiding any spam, and being patient. Then jannies should sweep in and ban or delete any trolls, and give very lengthy bans for responding to bait.
Again, VPN ban is going to be implemented no matter what. I just wish admin was more active instead of popping online for the occasional fix every now and then, and doing huge changes to the site. Maybe there were steps in-between we could have tried before resorting to this. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but mostly it makes me sad.

No. 2457947

She would've gotten less vitriol if she just banned it on her own imo. At least that way it's more upfront and honest.

No. 2457952

Maybe I’m being negative what are your fave cows anon?

No. 2457961

>Many of the newfag mods ban jokes
Yeah. Is this an image board any longer if stuff like this is haram? >>>/ot/2450387

No. 2457970

>The cows I like right now in no particular order:
PT, Dana, Luna, Lexity, Caroline, Heather, all the Western Animators, Jessica Peck, Terry, Jill, Zoe. I like more threads than just that, but those are the cows I like to follow.

It feels like a lot of anons have way too high standards for lolcows now instead of just letting them be vehicles for jabs and jokes. I wish more anons contributed to cow threads.

No. 2457980

To be fair, I've seen anons get slapped with bans for posting stuff that isn't considered milk by farmhands (something I've seen other anons mention in many places on /ot/). Same with derailing bans for having an on-topic conversation or explaining a concept. I lurk a lot of threads on cow boards, but I've only ever made maybe three posts. It's a little difficult to know how to make a thread without getting the shit thread ban, too. There have been threads I thought were perfectly acceptable which got op banned, even though I've definitely seen worse, some of which are actively used.

No. 2457987

But why is a ban such a big deal? You just have to wait for it to be over. If you're not sure if it's milk, then sage it to be sure and you won't be banned anyway. It isn't difficult to make a thread at all, you only have to format it correctly according to the guidelines that are provided elsewhere on the site. What's so scary about being banned?

No. 2457998

Probably the idea of being known as a problem user to the mods. You can only act so retarded before they start taking issue with you. I'd be more comfortable with taking bans on the chin in /snow/ if there weren't horror stories about IP address leaks and post reveals kek.

No. 2458003

I've been posting for years and I've received at least 50 bans and nothing has ever happened to me. I think you're really overestimating how important bans are in the grand scheme of things. I don't think the mods care about you to the extent that you think they do.

No. 2458004

Okay nona, if the VPN ban is only applied to /ot/, then I promise you I will start contributing to /snow/ and even make a few threads by year's end. I can't really do much about that if they are banned sitewide though, kek

No. 2458006

I mean, you don't have to post if you don't want to post. I just thought it was a little disingenuous to say that the reason you don't post on /snow/ is because you're afraid of bans and because you're afraid that the jannies are gonna do a post reveal on you as if you're a lolcow. It's even stranger that you were afraid of bans if you're a VPN user, because you can just evade them with the click of the button?

No. 2458009

I don't actually evade my bans! I just use my VPN because I don't want my ISP knowing all the fagshit I get up to. When I get a ban, I accept it and don't make the farmhands' jobs harder. I'll send an appeal or say sorry obviously.
I don't know, the site won't implode if I don't respond to anon's vent or answer a stupid question. I mostly catch up on threads anyways, and a ban doesn't stop you from reading the site, only posting.
And I've copped a 12 hour ban for fucking up a post on another board before. That felt pretty egregious. And cat litter anon wasn't a lolcow as far as I know? I do feel it's slightly disingenuous in return to pretend like jannies haven't fucked up before. Plus, I've seen anons asking why certain posts got banned or how they weren't milk in /meta/ and never get answers. It just seemed like a lot of trouble when I don't have anything unique to add to a thread. I'm just anon, after all.
and of course I wouldn't post to /snow/ just to shit it up. I've thought about making a couple threads in the past, don't worry.

No. 2458011

(nta) you're probably right but it's wild to me, not caring about all your posts being neatly tied to your ip kek. and i don't understand the whole "just don't overshare online" argument, of course you should not doxx yourself, but lc is one of the rare places where women can discuss certain topics in peace, man-hate, sperg about their hobbies etc. if you post on here for years you're bound to reveal some things about yourself.

nta but the bans have been very inconsistent lately which is retarded and annoying, not scary. sometimes slightly ot discussions (which are inevitable) are banned sometimes they aren't. mods have even been banning obvious jokes or satire. i know there's a few anons immediately defending the bans and camping in the retarded bans thread but there have been enough complaints to prove that it's not just one retard's imagination.

No. 2458013

>And cat litter anon wasn't a lolcow as far as I know?
don't forget the other anon who had her whole, not even slightly censored ip shown in the "good moid stories" thread. for committing the heinous crime of…making fun of a shit thread

No. 2458059

I adore this post. I loved how anon put the NK quotation marks and weird spacing in it. It's hilarious.

No. 2458091

Yeah, it's wild to me too. Do anons just have blind faith in cerbmin? How do you even know "she" is a woman? How can you trust someone to properly run this site when they can't even make a decent poll, lets mods ban haphazardly, and is willing to sacrifice your privacy just to make the site easier for her/him to handle. Why not just implement cloudflare captchas too while we're at it lol. May as well let google get some more datamining while we're at it.

No. 2458206

Nta but, ironically, I trust Cloudflare more than the staff on a drama imageboard (nothing personal, jannies).

No. 2458541

This is more tinfoil than I typically care to get, but fuck it, my days on here are numbered.
I can't help but wonder if this is the first step of many to let the site slowly die.
I also find the hostility against /ot/ and non-cow boards in general to be odd. Anons keep complaining /ot/ is not a true part of the site, and is degrading site culture. But /ot/ has been part of this site for at least a decade, even if it was called /b/ at first. How long does something need to be part of the site before it's "true culture"? Two decades?

No. 2458692

>YouTube blocks ads
>No one uses it and finds other things to do or workarounds

>LC blocks VPNs

>The 5 people that use the site just do something else after getting banned for having an unpopular opinion

No. 2458784

Real farmers don't use Unpopular Opinions kek

No. 2458834

Yes, because they're banned immediately

No. 2458844

Victim complex

No. 2458847

Can't wait,only a few more days!

No. 2458849

I like the subtle passive aggressive "three months after announcing it" in the OP.

No. 2458866

Most bans are just 3 or 6 hours long and it takes one click to turn a vpn off and on. Sorry you can't evade anymore but you'll have to live with it.

No. 2458868

File: 1742760096319.jpg (85.64 KB, 1219x497, chan.jpg)

Okay, let's choose our next destination!

No. 2458891

>all filled with pedotroons and zoofags

No. 2458898

let's go back to the cuckboard

No. 2458900

dont bother, they did a poll there and the results were 12 anons use the board and 8 of them were troons

No. 2458915

cuckking has banned vpns too kek did you forget last bunker? Just make a whole new imageboard at this point

No. 2458926

fuck this I'm going back to aarin

No. 2458933

oh fuck that's hilarious, post the screenshot please.
doubt it with how much VPN seething I've seen from there.

No. 2458948

File: 1742762177783.png (23.19 KB, 328x141, gender poll.png)

Sad to see, hopefully no anons get tricked and go there. It's yet another troon board for troons.

No. 2458962

File: 1742762404978.jpg (358.54 KB, 1200x675, gendoposecover.jpg)

Polish or BBW one.

No. 2458975

I literally just posted there with a VPN, this isn't true kek

No. 2458980

My fucking sides

No. 2458992

lol. lmao even

No. 2458999

Jeff coming in clutch with the essential token moid vote kek

No. 2459029

Link to the poll thread? I want to see if this is real kek

No. 2459039

File: 1742764046445.png (85.69 KB, 472x341, top 2 threads.png)

Why bother going on there when these are the 2 most popular threads? Its obviously a troon honeypot. I have no idea why the farmhands aren't banning the spam advertisements here, they're all obviously made by trannies(retard)

No. 2459040

File: 1742764151739.png (5.82 KB, 203x248, 1000033997.png)

Those two captions side by side are amazing topkek

No. 2459045

Fake but funny

No. 2459048

It's most /ot/ users who have shown hostility against the cow boards. They always moralfag and say they're better than those cow boards users. I don't see them as true farmers.

No. 2459054

Are they mentally challenged? Why would you admit to being a tranny if you know people avoid boards full of them? Kek fucking retards

No. 2459058

>go there to see the seethe
>instant deafening music
Fuck you

No. 2459059

Why not kohlchan

No. 2459060

File: 1742764448663.jpg (281.69 KB, 1002x552, luna.jpg)

Never forget.

No. 2459070

Didn't even get the lore right though, she would never stoop to a polycule which says a lot about polycules since she does heroin. The only funny thing about this post was retards thinking it was real.

No. 2459075

Ayrt I have never, in all my years of coming to /ot/ and reading back threads in here, seen this sentiment. Are you sure you're not falling for bait?

No. 2459076

The retards thinking it was real and then throwing fits when they got told she was a legacy cow are the proof that /ot/ anons aren't a part of the site at large. /ot/ is basically Catalonia

No. 2459080

The reactions to this are why I don't respect /ot/ posters anymore.

No. 2459082

I always found it funny
>on a site called lolcow.farm
>against lolcow culture

No. 2459090

They have threads that delete content after a while, I saw this too but I didn't realise before it was too late.

No. 2459106

Stop gaslighting already

No. 2459112

The fuck you mean? Next you're going to say there's no loli feet poster just because you can't see his posts

No. 2459121

It's all tif-adjacent fujos now, which is why the attempts at humor are largely insufferable. They googled imageboard lingo because it's their current special interest, try really hard to larp and end up using extremely old 4ch phrases like "she made me diamonds" (fucking cringe), and throw actual tantrums whenever challenged. Board is beyond help, the fujocoomer and fandom threads attract actual cows. The past janitors are mostly gone or checked out so bans aren't even humorous or impartial anymore, and all the newjans are weirdo speds that flex their biases because they're the only ones with enough of a chip on their shoulder to "moderate" at all atm. LC is a crippled dying dog on its way out.

No. 2459122

File: 1742766109120.png (614.82 KB, 800x733, 1636935006359.png)

Stop it nona

No. 2459125

We have to believe something will come along to replace it. There was someone to make it in the first place, there will be somebody to make the next one.

No. 2459130

Don't they have fujochan to plague? Why dont they use that dead imageboard instead of LC

No. 2459136

Yeah and the moid that made LC in the first place did such a shit job at coding it that we're still paying the price for his spaghetti code 10 years later.

Someone already tried to make a new female-only IB based on the off-topic boards, her name was Snail and that IB is called CC. CC floundered almost immediately and nowadays it's dead besides the occasional automated commercial CSAM spam which impacts every IB. The problem with creating a female-only board where the only draw is that it's female-only is that it invites raiding by moids of the incel variety, and infiltration by TIMs for fetishistic purposes. The reason LC has managed to survive for a decade while being female-only is because the main purpose of the site is documenting lolcows; the female-only aspect is really only a caveat on the side. That's why this place works so well, because at the end of the day this is a cow-site that just so happens to be female-only. CC is a testament to the fact that female-only IBs need a strong central theme outside of being female-only in order to survive and succeed.

No. 2459138

Nta but I've seen what she's talking about too. Usually in vent in confessions threads, even years ago and another one recently >>>/ot/2441303

No. 2459154

Damn, thanks for linking the post, anon. I don't know how I missed this. They seem like an unintegrated tourist.
In my opinion, this is not the actual userbase of /ot/, but I understand why other anons would disagree with me.

No. 2459156

If anons had to make an imageboard, what would you center it around?

No. 2459162

Renting an apartment or owning a house, that way the NEETs that live with their parents would be kept out.
But seriously, I don't know. I haven't thought about it. I kinda think that IBs are an archaic medium anyway. I much prefer a forum design akin to PULL or KF.

No. 2459221

File: 1742774688094.png (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 2058x1542, Screenshot 2025-03-23 at 8.00.…)

kek why do they need their own ib? aren't most basically tranchan?

No. 2459263

File: 1742777213779.gif (1.29 MB, 498x384, asuka-evangelion-disgusted-loo…)

Did you have to post that?

No. 2459293

This might be a stupid question, but since a ban of some form is now guaranteed, how would anons feel about the concept of something like thread IDs being implemented in problematic threads? I say this because I think a lot of the issues in these threads (infights and taking bait, chatroom style discussion) stem from or are at least being exacerbated by samefagging, and IDs could be effective at discouraging disruptive users from shitting up threads. I understand that the culture of full anonymity is an important feature of this site, but personally I would be open to something like this just for threads such as unpopular opinions and I doubt that the people who use these threads excessively are the type to be concerned about this site's culture

No. 2459295

I'm so sure anyone except for creepy sex pests will totally use this clearly well-adjusted and not porn-centric board

No. 2459300

Yeah, I'd be open to it. Like, fuck it, if you don't like it, don't use the thread.

No. 2459305

What, like that one april fool's thing? Could work I suppose

No. 2459311

If the ban in December is anything to go by, I don't think Unpopular Opinions will be a very popular thread anymore post ban.

No. 2459334

Does anyone else remember how there was a bunch of sperging about jews right before the hellmas VPN ban? I'm noticing the same routine again right before this week's ban kek.

No. 2459340

yep i do. its par for the course for bad actors to huff their copium and tinfoil as hard as they can when faced with the prospect of not being able to annoy women for a few days

No. 2459370

I like this idea, it's a good middle ground that was never proposed between the mods historic user doxxing, and 'take it to meta' negligent culture and preventing troll VPN hoppers who only use VPNs to ban evade while not punishing the privacy conscious ones. But it hasn't been given much thought by mods or the largely newfag monarch pseudo democratic userbase now. Most of the new user base and newfag mods don't know what tripcodes and ids are, therefore a flat VPN ban is the only solution to them. this is a solution to infighting, trolling, baiting etc
But that's not what the new userbase want. Controlling the narrative and eliminating contradictory opinions on this site is more important than actual moderation.

Look at the way this important matter that alters the entire function of the website as a whole was handled. A shitty poll in meta that was split between voting for a ban split unfairly to begin with so even those against a VPN ban had to vote for one. Many anons don't even use meta. Many won't end up voting at all because it's a short time window, no ones setting their calender for the upcoming lolcow vpnban kek. And now it's turned into vote for a full walled garden ban or a less walled garden "but only for specific boards" ban. The whole thing is clownish.

No. 2459401

I have seen them in the "what's your real opinion about cows" thread.

No. 2459559

you're retarded.(infighting)

No. 2459575

Nonnie you can just change your id by clearing cookies and vpn hopping, it doesn't actually solve anything. This was all useful 15 years ago back on 4chan when people didn't use free vpns as much because of the lack of availability/general knowledge/laziness. VPN's are a blight on anonymous imageboards.

No. 2459740

there was a bunch of jewsperging during the ban too

No. 2459801

I’m >>2459293 and I meant after the ban, as I still observed a significant amount of retardation in /ot/, even during hellmass, despite not using it often. I understand this wasn’t a problem for a lot of other anons though, and I realise now the whole idea is very overkill and retarded. I think >>2459370 misinterpreted me, and while I can see something like this maybe catching out proton users who can’t change ip as frequently or readily, everyone else will be able to easily circumvent it.

No. 2462029

I feel like a vpn ban will only hurt vulnerable nonnas in abusive or DV situations. Not everyone has a support network they can turn to, and ask if their gut feelings are correct/if theyre overreacting to this or that behavior. Even DV help sites say to use a vpn to avoid having search history being discovered by a potential controller/abuser.

Please do not go forward with this vpn ban.

No. 2462032

This is dumb and untrue. I didn't have access to the internet at all for 10 years because of an abusive moid. I wasn't even allowed on the internet line inside of my own home period, let alone worried about finding a vpn. When I finally got internet via a mobile company, dynamic ip was incredibly helpful, rather than a vpn. A vpn doesn't do shit for domestic violence victims, especially when they don't have access to the internet to begin with.

No. 2462120

What? Are you just throwing whatever at the wall now to see what sticks out of desperation to avoid a VPN ban?

No. 2462126

we shouldn't ban vpns because we would lose our schizos. schizos are a precious resource that must be protected at all costs

No. 2462275

That is silly. How would a VPN help in that situation? It would be more important to clear internet history. Also actually searching for those DV help sites. LC is the wrong place to get serious help.
Yeah god forbid we never see another hour long a-logging schizo meltdown again from a PBP.

No. 2462279

My post was for dv victims as well as women who are beginning to question if their situation is abusive, esp women who dont have a support network they feel comfortable sharing things with.

Not all abuse looks the same. Your anecdote doesnt line up with all abused womens reality. Its like youre implying women arent abused until they dont have access to the internet.


Not sure why youre so emotionally invested in banning vpns from an anon board. What do you get out of a vpn ban?

"Use a virtual private network (VPN) to remain anonymous while browsing the internet, signing a new lease or applying for a new home loan. This will also keep your location anonymous from anyone who has gained access to or infiltrated your device."


No. 2462280

Those posts arent from schizos, theyre from deliberately inflammtory trolls. Actual losers who want to post here know they can reset their browser and continue posting at any time.

No. 2462343

You're right. There are ways of tracking sites visited via a router (not all routers permit this & the person has to deliberately activate these logs). My ex turned on a parental controls feature that logs some web activity. Luckily I was often logged into my work VPN.

No. 2462875

They really are. It's ridiculous at this point.

No. 2462913

VPN ban should happen in order to show the futility of a VPN ban. No change in baiting or newfaggotry will happen post VPN ban.

Also kek bongs can no longer access scrotefarms without a VPN.

No. 2463049

I was just coming here to post that lol. Obviously we aren’t nearly as large as they are so I seriously doubt we’re on the British government’s radar in the same way but it’s still a good argument for allowing vpn’s.

No. 2463066

Yeah, like lolcow is registered in the UK. If it was that big an issue they would've moved it.

No. 2463075

I was reading about it and apparently the act only went into enforcement on the 17th this month.

No. 2463077

Why cant they access scrotefarms anymore?

No. 2463240

They got a letter from the British Government about an Act they're passing or whatever so Null blocked UK ips

No. 2463372

I use VPNs to avoid mods personal vendettas. Its happened before to other anons and it will happen more often with the VPN ban, I don't really trust the moderation here. I'm also a long term anon and I believe a flat sitewide VPN ban benefits newfags and punishes oldfags who inevitably have a greater digital footprint on the site. This ban is part of a greater shift in the culture of the website anyway that people have been voicing for a while now towards control but it does suck to have the most hobby based discussions on ot banned like the art thread. I wonder why the mods don't just have perma VPN bans on trouble making threads on /ot/. The quality of posts have been going down for years with one liner petty insults across the site reflecting a changing demographic that lead to a lot of leavers ala the lolcow graduation thread. Snow and pt already have tougher rules than other boards but /ot/ used to be for casual discussion, some un-committal gossip, and hobby-based shit outside media and female stereotyped shit on g. It will suck to have half the site, especially nowadays the most active parts locked out and having a forced digital footprint over every post. I don't post much anyway but it still feels like a kick in the teeth.

No. 2463406

File: 1743044267289.jpg (627.84 KB, 1920x1920, the vpn era is over.jpg)

No more VPNs on /ot/. We did it. It's over.

No. 2463417

did something happen?

No. 2463421

Excluding the cow boards was a mistake tbh

No. 2463423

The move that will kill /ot/
Correct. It should be a sitewide ban.

No. 2463427

lurk oh my god

No. 2463428

The cancer that is killing /ot/

No. 2463432

the poll is not even closed yet wtf

No. 2463433

File: 1743046618228.png (29.12 KB, 1018x155, its closed.png)

nta but yeah it is

No. 2463437

a sitewide ban would also kill /ot/ anon kek

No. 2463443

>if i can't use lolcow to bait and infight then nobody can use lolcow!!
it's toddler mentality kek

No. 2463476

Excluding /2X/ was an even worse mistake. Well, enjoy what you asked for anons, can't wait to see what other issue you cook up when you realise nothing has changed.

No. 2463484

File: 1743049968429.jpg (26.63 KB, 583x567, violin.jpg)

No. 2463488

The ban impacts me as much as life on Mars impacts me. Not at all but I can hypothesize about it.

No. 2466096

Does anyone know when it’s supposed to go into effect? The thread update on /meta/ doesn’t provide a date

No. 2466113

"in a few days" so 3 months

No. 2466149

If only.

No. 2466560

Kinda feels like they’re trying to fight the winds of time here. It’s true the culture isn’t the same, but you don’t fix it top-down by being overly strict and spamming INTEGRATE everywhere like a discord mod. Board culture comes from the users first, and more and more users that made this place what it was are leaving, while getting butthurt about zoomerspeak wont bring them back. Culture and language evolve naturally over time. This VPN ban feels like another scapegoating attempt (or maybe they just don’t care and want the site to die faster). I think they’re tilting at windmills.

No. 2466564

I disagree in part, people absolutely do abuse VPNs but I don't think entire boards need them when the issue was more with specific threads.

No. 2466566

They do but I also don’t think it’s going to fix the core issue.

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