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File: 1724889033261.png (1018.7 KB, 2000x1456, 4B62A499-F859-4FEA-8EF8-87A47B…)

No. 82790

No. 82792

Porn shit in /snow/

No. 82793

Could you restrict anons from making new threads on /snow/ for a while? This shit is annoying.

No. 82794

farmhands really are logged the fuck off tonight

No. 82795

i'm here to suggest that The lawrence of arabia nona of /ot/ should come out of the woodwork and have a conversation with me about the film because i watched it recently and i have a lot to say.

No. 82796

anon there is a movie thread on /m/, I'm sure you can ask there

No. 82798

>of /ot/
the majority of her posts are in /m/ like the other anon said, and occasionally /g/ (she was in the conventional thread once)

No. 82799

ok thanks i never go to those but i'd seen her around in /ot/ a few times

No. 82800

A search engine would be nice.

No. 82803

How about taking dumbass shit thread out of autosage already

No. 82807

Weird post in ot

No. 82809

There is one, and it works fine. There are buttons to search specific boards as well. You'll see the "search" button at the bottom of the page when you enter a board.

No. 82811

nta but some threads refuse to show up in the search at all even with quotes around the title

No. 82812

Try the catalogue nona, it doesn't load as slowly as it did in the past.

No. 82813

newfags navigating the site would be nice instead of coming here and whining.

No. 82814

Can we please make cis and cisgender red, bolded text please. Jesus christ.

No. 82819

Nta but actually the search engine doesn't work fine. The old one actually was a bit better. The search engine only goes up (back?) to a certain date, oftentimes you get better results just using Google

No. 82821

TiFs and rape fantasists in BP thread

No. 82823

please ban the derailing coomers in the Polyglotplatypus/Null_backdoorho/Laika Albarn/deadspacedog thread on /snow/

No. 82824

File: 1724958705381.png (56.11 KB, 941x331, Screenshot 2024-08-29.png)

Why do you still allow this

No. 82826

seconded theyre not even hiding who they are now. its derailing the whole thread

No. 82827

seconded. the coomer retards who sperg about how hot it would be to make porn fanart of her OCs should get banned

No. 82828

why does 2X seem like it is currently filled with misogynists, racists, pedophiles, and other such freaks? it was mostly dead except for the occasional gender critical post back when shaymin was still admin so where did the influx of all these horrible posters come from?

No. 82829

Some blowjob-obsessed schizo with pedophile tranny followers namedropped the ib on her twitter

No. 82830

Can you start banning the retards who reply to the ban evading trapfag in the /m/ art thread? I'd like to cope that some of them are her samefagging but it seems like the regular posters there are unironically too retarded to resist bait

No. 82831

since when is there a racist, there's only 2 nullfags, one being the pedo.

No. 82832

Hi bj-chan

No. 82833

>why does 2X seem like it is currently filled with misogynists, racists, pedophiles, and other such freaks?
Because it is filled with misogynists, racists, pedophiles, and other freaks. /2X/ is a dead board because it's been neglected by staff for ages.

No. 82834

they didn't come from twitter
seriously, who is the racist that you're inventing right now

No. 82835

Bj-chan personally I don't give a damn about you enough to answer your weird riddle questions. I don't give a damn because I know you're a fake. I know you would kill yourself if anyone in your immediate social circle or family ever found out about the material you post. You don't have any pride in your opinions. You just endlessly ramble about nothingness, I think because deep down you're afraid to admit that you stand for nothing. If you really wanted to impress us - because after all, the only reason you continuously spam the site is to get a reaction from the userbase - you would post a screenshot of you on a public social media platform echoing the statements you make here, on a profile that is easily accessed and viewed by your peers and family. But you won't. Because it's all for naught. It's not even the crazy ramblings that disgust me, it's the fact that you're so see through. It's like your made of glass. There's nothing tethering you anywhere.

No. 82836

Wish there was some type of thread watcher so I don’t have to scroll past all the garbage threads on /g/ just to find the 1 decent one that I use there

No. 82837

i'm not even the personalityfag. keep shitting out fanfics though.

No. 82838

Yeah yeah go back to /2X/ and the other troons there will be happy to hear from you BJchan

No. 82839

not a troon either. you're good at being wrong.

No. 82840

Ok. how about a search engine that is easier to find and doesn't suck?

No. 82843

how about cry more

No. 82844

yeah but what seems off to me is how it was such a slow inactive board for a very long time then all of a sudden all kinds of vile posters started gathering there. a lot of the posts read like they're made by incel scrotes from r9k or another similar cesspit so I thought maybe the board was being linked offsite somewhere.

No. 82847

that hasn't happened yet.

No. 82848

Seriously that would be so useful and it's such a basic function

No. 82850

Farmhands what's up with /ot/ right now? All the pictures aren't loading, and other anons are saying the same so I know it's not just my internet.

No. 83256

someone make a new husbando thread on /g/ please kek

No. 83332

File: 1726071497630.png (637.8 KB, 573x504, E981FB1F-8A5B-4096-9943-C4CCA6…)

Can we please implement a rule that encourages newfags to lurk? I know spoonfeeding is discouraged in the cow boards but reading newfag questions about basic board information gives me a headache

No. 83360

le sigh…

No. 83519

We got hacked. A lot are not coming back.

No. 83522

You're responding to a post from when the hack was happening. Pics were disappearing in threads in real time.

No. 83524

don’t you love when half of your recent /ot/ threads look crazy/board is borderline unusable because someone was about to destroy your website with a vulnerability exploit you incompetent retards??? kek, i almost wish they were able to do something to completely bog the website to teach you arrogant motherfuckers from scrotemin to the mods a lesson, sincerely anon who wants dumbass shit thread back ♥

No. 83525

why are you even here. go post on your autosaged thread lmao

No. 83529

File: 1726096042465.jpg (225.25 KB, 1220x575, 256418426.jpg)

Can I request a dark purple lolcor style like picrel? I need this so badly.

No. 83532

Again no sage for fanfiction / tinfoiling in the shoeonhead thread. Too many posts to report maybe if admin could just post a notice in there to say dont bump the thread unless there is milk that would be great.
Theres also a lot of infighting in that thread too.

No. 83566

Can't get any of the TikTok videos in addy harajuku's thread to play. I'm assuming that's an issue on my end but what would be causing it?

No. 83568

Seconding this!

No. 83584

You are replying to a 14 day old post, retard.

No. 83595

retards derailing the fanny thread with the tired old loli/cp debate >>>/snow/2033016

No. 83616

Cp on /m/, manga thread I think

No. 83617

cp in m

No. 83638

File: 1726212254869.png (29.03 KB, 885x481, newfag mods.png)

do you guys hire illiterate jannies? is it like some form of community service to give speds a purpose? i am glad they got rid of my retarded ban but next time maybe make jannies take a reading comprehension test before hiring them.

No. 83651

There seriously needs to be a separate thread from the artist salt thread for people who actually draw and want to discuss art. It's exhausting trying to discuss anything art related when the thread is shared with retards who just post xitter drama and infight about pedos and rape for the millionth time. There should be an art-drama thread and an art general.

No. 83654

It was always for drama, allowing people to talk about art was a recent thing. Go make a separate thread yourself.

No. 83655

hi I don't want to start a massive in fight (please!!) but I'd really be interested in a poll to see what % of users would be agreeable to changing the spoiler picture.
I know it's a legendary lore photo; but I think we need to acknowledge that with the increase of phone faggotry in our everyday lives a lot of nonas do browse while on public transport/downtime at work etc. and not just from a PC in private shame anymore.
personally I'm still paranoid about people happening to see it kek so if the reason is not to protect us from embarrassment re: nudes gore and weird shit, than it may as well be renamed a "trigger warning" IMO.

tldr; can we have a poll or something about the spoiler pic? majority rules ofc. thank you peace and love

No. 83657

Just make a "art improvement" thread or whatever on /m/. It would probably be a popular thread.

No. 83658

this is a drama board and the original art salt thread was made for drama before it became a general for anything art-related. If you dont like it you can go to /ic/. There is no point to making another redundant thread just because one anon gets pissed when the world doesnt revolve around them.

No. 83660

there is already one and its basically dead

No. 83661

Because people use the artist salt thread instead.

No. 83662

No, its because anons dont want to post their art here because they are going to be shred to pieces. /ic/ exists already if she wants to discuss art without icky drama she can go there.

No. 83665

>than it may as well be renamed a "trigger warning"
the absolute state of lolcow and the irony of typing trigger warning unironically when its redtexted. Maybe stop phoneposting you dont need to be glued to everywhere you go.

No. 83666

Im pretty sure majority would keep it the same but there's more anons posting who don't even know how the site works by the day so I might be wrong. Maybe you shouldn't be on lolcow in public the first place if you find it embarrassing.

No. 83668

> Maybe you shouldn't be on lolcow in public the first place
this, the site literally gets raided with cp why the fuck would you use lolcow in public

No. 83670

The absolute state of LC.

No. 83672

if you wanna be feisty, it's cringier to set aside specific time to "be alone~" to scroll the farms. for some of us, the only time for something as silly as catching up on cows is while travelling, at work in between tasks, or when at home with a partner or roommate who may walk by? idk why you guys always get so combative and autistic whenever this is brought up. the days when there was a dedicated "computer room" are behind us and not everyone still lives at home with mommy and daddy. if the spoilers aren't to protect us from shame then they're essentially Twitter TWs: to protect your feelings from the scary images.
raids aren't the same because it's not like someone's going to continue casually scrolling during that; don't be retarded.
thanks for helping illustrate why a poll would be the most impartial way to see how the user ase actually feels about this though, cheers

No. 83677

File: 1726236863638.gif (272.72 KB, 220x293, 1000044055.gif)

>you guys are so aggressive over the dumbest shit
>types all that out

No. 83678

Underaged hands wrote this.

No. 83681

File: 1726238781044.jpg (56.79 KB, 834x300, 1000021986.jpg)

Since when did you have to sage on /m/?

No. 83682


No. 83683

Thanks for reporting it, I removed it. I mixed two bans up.

No. 83685

alright that one I feel the need to justify kek I resorted to lurking kf for the first time in years while we were down. how EMBARRASSING

No. 83688

Bitching about other users isn't a cows fanbase. That doesn't belong in that thread. When will anons learn that the real opinions about cows doesn't mean your opinions about anons posting about cows. The OP she's not mean you can complain about other posters. That's not the same and why that's moderated constantly in that thread.

No. 83690

just browse lolcow on the shitter like the rest of us why should the culture of the site be altered for a phonefag who was probably still in her diapers when the site was created

No. 83691

>That doesn't belong in that thread.
it does because the jannies retracted my ban

No. 83693

File: 1726241438398.png (367.08 KB, 828x1792, IMG_5371.png)

How is it banworthy derailing when people were ostensibly discussing bl manga/manhua/manhwa in the bl thread?

No. 83697

There's some weird /pol/ like pictures going around on Unpopular Opinions. Not sure if it's enough to constitute racebait.

No. 83699

It’s some /pol/tard samefagging with the same file names. /pol/fags like to see how far they can stretch moderation and get away with their dumb bait before mods finally redtext them and then they can cry “censorship.” Even if the bait seems tame, I hope farmhands don’t let the tourist get too comfortable here.

No. 83700

Thanks for the clarification, nonna, I thought there was something weird going on. I'll go report any of those images I see.

No. 83708

Probably because you threw a bitchfit

No. 83720

i just pointed at the description of the thread
>However you can complain about the fanbase of the cow or the people who dislike the cow here.
so cope

No. 83721

Anon you're the one who is cringing over someone potentially seeing a image of a skirt and thighs on a tiny phone screen. Just get over it, we have banners and unspoilered content worse than that.

No. 83722

I actually agree with changing the spoiler pic, but not because of muh nsfw or whatever, I just think it's moidy as fuck kek

No. 83724

please delete the fat inverted penis photo on g and don't spoil it either delete it fully

No. 83726

>it's moidy as fuck
there is nothing more feminine than making fun of autistic fat women

No. 83728

I tried to report it myself and it did not report?? mods please get it off the front page KEK

No. 83729

I reported that shit fast as lightening and it’s still there ahhhh nonnies it is making me ill

No. 83731

What do you suggest instead then? It's usually used when a photos is suggesting something is NSFW, not just stupid jumpscare crap anons post because they think it's funny. Imo it should stay a NSFW photo that's censored because it's on brand with lolcow.

No. 83732

File: 1726263747014.jpg (347.84 KB, 680x680, 1467998748873.jpg)

I tried to report it and accidentally downloaded it.

No. 83733


No. 83735

File: 1726266063948.png (169.79 KB, 1600x1200, 47ED40A4-E74A-48F4-BECA-974669…)

>alright that one I feel the need to justify kek
if you feel the need to justify something on the internet to a bunch of anonymous randos, perhaps you should reevaluate your internet habits.

No. 83739

I don't know nonnie, something that doesn't look like a picture a moid would jerk off to maybe. Something cow-related (I mean an actual cow kek) would be cute I guess

No. 83740

I honestly do think the anons asking for a new spoiler pic are newfags tbh.

No. 83741


No. 83742

Like a cat with a censor bar over it's face?

No. 83743

It's tiresome how they call anything that's not kawaii-wholesome "moidy"

No. 83744

It's genuinely tragic

No. 83745

File: 1726275131548.jpg (198.95 KB, 1080x1366, What.jpg)

Oh shit lolcow is back, thanks mods. Having said that how is this ban evading if the mods simply deleted my posts, I never changed ip's. A permaban for this is ridiculous when I was never warned.

No. 83746

Anyone else want to reopen the Marilyn Manson threads?

No. 83747

File: 1726280116387.jpg (11.98 KB, 256x250, 8b1a3a4c6115015a63b02422659f1b…)

cp spam on m

No. 83748

Could you actually do something to prevent cp spams

No. 83749

infighting on amerifag thread again

No. 83750

File: 1726282658037.gif (703.67 KB, 220x220, IMG_4619.gif)

Anti-abortion retards trying it in the amerifag thread again

No. 83751

are mods asleep or what its been 47 minutes

No. 83752

retarded infight in amerifags

No. 83753

retarded tradthot clogging thread in americafag again with unsaged posts again

No. 83755

Please get the pedophile out of /2x/

No. 83756

Unlock the BP thread

No. 83757

Can someone please make a jewelry thread on /g/?

No. 83760

literally just make it yourself

No. 83763

its fucking retarded. its not lc nor anyone's fault but them selves they have a retarded idea of what women can and cannot do.
theres nothing sexual about the pic. go back to twitter newfags or lurk moar.

No. 83787

I'm too old to be here anymore.

No. 83789

can "alogging" be allowed if it's not in reference to a cow? it's weird that i can call someone everything but their name yet "kys" is too much

No. 83790

No, you can't. If you're so upset at an online stranger that you have to resort to a-logging, then you need to step away from the computer for a bit.

No. 83791

Bunch of retarded newfags responding to moid bait. Please give them harsh bans.

No. 83793

>something that doesn't look like a picture a moid would jerk off to maybe
>n actual cow kek) would be cute I guess
men jack off to animals all the time

No. 83807

Heavily agree

No. 83813

i'm not upset when i say it, it just seems like a pointless restriction. i can use it pretty much everywhere else on the web barring twitter and other girlboards

No. 83815

It's because lc is a gossip board and a-logging is a big no-no in the lolcow (general term, not lolcow farm) community.

No. 83816

I'm an oldfag and would like a new spoiler pic. It's not that deep, idk why anyone cares what it looks like. Pretending nonas don't browse LC on their phones is pretty weird. Internet culture has changed; the pic can change too.

No. 83817

Well if it changes it needs to be funny and Pixyteri related

No. 83818

can something be done about the retards thirstpodting anout nazis in /ot/

No. 83819

If you think someone's watching your screen like a hawk then you should be more concerned about the text and the non-spoilered images than that vague pink blob

No. 83824

File: 1726355775366.png (105.6 KB, 300x100, 0DB5F63D-D34A-4C44-A3F9-16C1D7…)

Lazy AI art as a banner? Really?

No. 83826

Oh, wow. Girl on the left has six fingers. Nice catch, anon.

No. 83827

kek, I think I see seven
I hate AI

No. 83829

I'm glad youre comfortable admitting you like people to kill themselves over internet bullshit. just don't think anyone has to cater to it.
>I use it everywhere barring twitter
The state of LC.
After covid doesnt count. and its still nonissue. nice "oldfag" card.

No. 83830

I'm >>83816 and I have no idea what you're trying to say to me, especially with regard to covid. If the pic doesn't change, I'm not going to bitch about it, but even oldfags aren't a homogenous group so I agreed with the airt.

No. 83832

>Internet culture has changed; the pic can change too.
then go use social media instead of invading the last remaining old web spaces on the net left

No. 83834

I didn't even notice the hand but I knew something was off about the banner. Gross.

No. 83836

>idk why anyone cares what it looks like
The irony

No. 83838

Anons really think being here for 3.5 years means they are an oldfag kek The spoiler image isn't an issue.

No. 83840

It's confirmed, even in the OP, that this dude is not related to Addy, never was, never will be, doesn't live with her, doesn't live near her.. Anons have places to talk about troons in /snow/ and /ot/ that aren't forcing users to talk about them in threads that aren't about them.

I'm tired of seeing his ugly fucking cartoon-ass face posted in Addy's thread. Juicy is a MtF. Putting updates and takes about him in her thread makes no fucking sense.

No. 83841

I first noticed the fucked up collar bone on the girl on the left. Can we get this removed? Who even made it? banners should be thoughtful, not anime girl aislop.

No. 83842

If it stays somebody needs to add the (ai outside of containment) redtext

No. 83843

Lolcow is filled with Karens feigning caring if a 17 year old sees anime cleavage. Mods really need to sweep these threads because it's so clear there's just a bunch of kids and it's not the fans of the cows.

No. 83844

i wasn’t baiting please unban me

No. 83845

Get rid off the cat hate thread immediately

No. 83846

I think it's incredibly ignorant to pretend that anons who post about wanting to kill animals are just normal farmer things.

No. 83848

Anon if you're from the Addy thread you absolutely have to see the hypocrisy of her crying about Vocaloids being shipped (who don't have canon ages anyways because they're fucking voicebanks) and Hetalia while posting loli amputee fetish art. If anons were whinging all the time about vapours then yeah it's annoying but this is in response to something.
The animal hate threads should be moved to /sty/ or something at the least if they won't be locked.

No. 83849

It's like beating a dead horse with anons repeating this. Anons can point it out, that's fine, but when people want to move on and talk about something else there is always some retard who has to come in and say "uuuh akshually she's a hypocrite kthx". The amputee thing isn't even from her, she reposted it because it was funny. It's old, old art and has been passed around for over a decade. I get there are young users, but purposely taking a meme out of context to complain about it is next level SJW type shit.

No. 83850

I know it's old art but just because it's a meme she shouldn't be sharing it, I genuinely think only retards or children watch her content and she knows that herself with her lazy videos. I agree that it shouldn't be three quarters of the thread and it's getting staler than two week old bread but people like you who complain about it itt only instigate a back and forth which is just as if not more annoying.

No. 83851

Anon it's not that serious.

No. 83852

I'm not the one who seems like she posted about this in 3 separate threads because they're all in the same ~40 minute time frame.

No. 83853

>like you who complain about it itt
You are complaining about complaints in the complaint thread and you're argument is that someone is posting in multiple threads where it has been on topic. Can you summerfags leave already?

No. 83854

My argument isn't that, I'm just saying anons are going to respond to you complaining in Addy's thread and it creates a retarded argument. I even agree with you that it's a tired subject but every time someone like you wusses about it it just drags it out and makes anons reiterate what they've already said twenty times. The post you responded to in her thread only had one paragraph about Gamersups and a fraction of that was about boobs and her audience, the rest of the post was about the troon which is an even more annoying topic because he's so incredibly unrelated and could easily just be posted in the MTF thread. I don't care if you complain here, just cut it out in the cow thread because again, anons are just going to argue. Genuinely hope you have a good night and I'm not saying that to be mean.

No. 83855

Minimodding this hard is crazy

No. 83857

>fans of the cows.
i hope there are not cows fans because need to be banned since they would just wk. also you're talking about the addy thread, and no one is up in arms about anything. a big part of her thread is to gather shit she's doing that contradicts her own points. you have to understand that no one is actually offended by her doing most of the things she does. sounds like you're a "fan"

No. 83858

>calling anon a summerfag when you're the annoying covidlita shotafag

No. 83859

Not a fan, nonna. It just sucks that there's so much nitpicking and reaching and anyone who tries to talk about anything else in the thread gets met with broken records of anons who can't shut up about her being a hypocrite for 2 seconds even when it isn't even on topic at the moment.

No. 83860

then maybe make constructive posts instead of bringing more attention to things you think aren't on topic? you're certainly whining enough to have actually done something useful instead.

No. 83861

You have two anons who are agreeing that the thread has this issue, but you're focusing on my posts lol

No. 83862

I would really like it if we banned people from making thread based complaints ITT that aren't directed at mod decisions. so no more coming here to whine about fellow posters but complaints about moderation would be okay. complaints about posters cause a lot of infighting both ITT and elsewhere on the site since many users will follow each other here and in other threads to argue. it's counter productive and fills up the thread. plus if you're that upset at a post's content you can just report it if you think it's violating a rule. I don't think there's any reason to continue to allow whining ITT like siblings crying to mommy.

No. 83863

using lol is more than enough proof you're a permanewfag.

No. 83864

Can we ban anons who complain about anons in the real cow opinions thread then too please and all threads where anons bring up complaints about other anons or allude to them? You're asking for the entire site to be held to this if you're going to say a complaint thread can't have complaints. Reports are not the same complaints. That's why the thread exists.

No. 83865

this thread doesn't exist for anons to whine about specific posts in random threads. end of. anons doing that should be permabanned imo. wastes of space.

No. 83866

Anon is giving you actual advice and you're still being a whiny baby. Go back to discord.

No. 83867

anons have done that in these threads for years.

No. 83868

NTA, Yes and? It's fucking annoying. The site has been shit for years. We need to weed out the posters who are shitting up the site. If you can come here to ask a mod to moderate a thread, there are presumably reportable posts in it. That's not hard to grasp. The mods aren't here to babysit your fee-fees. It's so ironic that posters will ree about anons being twitterfags but then have such fragile emotions themselves.

No. 83869

they're part of the issue though. we've been on the decline for years now. we need to cut down on infighting. it doesn't make sense to come here to complain about a thread if there's nothing to report in it. what are the mods going to do? it just leads to posters infighting with eachother itt. mods shouldn't be and aren't required to police threads for nonbannable posts. that's insane.

No. 83870

>theres nothing sexual about the pic
kek are you sure you should be calling others out on being newfags nonnie? this muh sekrit club shit is retarded anyway. keep the picture or not I don't care but saying shit like "there's nothing sexual about it" and "let women do things" (the most twitterbrained take on this entire thread) is mentally challenged behavior. it looks moidy and coomerish because that's why that picture was taken in the first place. surely you can find a way to defend the use of this picture without denying the obvious.

No. 83871

Get the stick out of your ass over a censored photos censor photo holy shit. Using 'moidy' as an excuse madness you look stupid.

No. 83872

I agree, the thread should be about complaints/suggestions for moderation, not infighting and reeeeing about other anons.

No. 83878

The spoiler pic fits the site and the overall content of the cow threads. Plenty of cows are cam girls etc. or pedo bait wearing these kawaii school uniform skirts. It’s funny. And you should not use lolcow in public for your own good anyway. I mean what will you do when someone spams gore or porn and the person next to you sees it? People seeing a censored skirt is far less shameful than that anyway so what’s your guys point kek.

No. 83880

just because its been happening for years doesnt make right nor productive. infighting should not extend to whining to the mods like 1.) theyll give a fuck and 2.) theyll do anything.
the mods are busy sifting through reports and getting rid of gore, cp, etc. that supercedes whiny anons.

No. 83881

As soon as they start implying that I just write them off as zoomer newfags and don't bother engaging with their posts. It's like they don't realise this is a gossip/milk-based image board for adults.

No. 83882

Kek what a joke

No. 83886

it's just more attempts to turn this place into another bland, somewhat more neurotic and unfiltered, r/TwoXChromosomes offshoot website for the redditors who want to come here and vent about troons and niggas without getting b8 by the retarded reddit trans mafia mods. just like with all the bland, cutsie wootsie banners we've gotten of pokemon and stuff.

No. 83887

This. You can't scroll /snow/ without seeing much worse than the spoiler image.

No. 83891

I know the real opinions thread is for opinions, of course anons can repsond, but it has spiraled into an armchair thread the last several posts because anons know they'd get banned in Jills thread about it.

No. 83893

You will get banned for almost any meta-discussion in a cow's thread. The armchair thread has been pretty civil, it's not like there's an infight.

No. 83895

It's not in the armchair thread

No. 83896

If it pertains to a cow, and is something that couldn't otherwise be discussed in the cow's thread, then it belongs in the cow opinions thread. Not really a big deal.

No. 83897

File: 1726457265516.jpg (15.73 KB, 250x335, 1705339622300.jpg)

Cp on m again

No. 83898

Is failure to integrate on the off topic boards no longer a bannable offense? In the last week I noticed a lot of gay scrote/Twitter lingo "slay queen" "that's so cunt" "it's giving" etc. not being redtexted even though I'm reporting it? I don't want to get b& for spamming reports, but I'm confused why this is seemingly allowed when it's not part of site culture at all.

No. 83899

Nu-mods are zoomers

No. 83900

i think i suggested this a year ago but i'll suggest again: please for the love of god, turn 'asexual' into a red word like nonny, etc. same with 'demisexual' and 'queer'

No. 83902

File: 1726472769042.jpeg (95.04 KB, 1125x542, IMG_6052.jpeg)

This isn’t a serious complaint but I find it funny I caught a blog for speaking hypothetically when I don’t even have a partner, I just find it insane of Jillian to use her online handle for her irl wedding.

No. 83903

it was a funny comment nona, anyone with a working braincell could tell it was an obvious joke and not a blog

No. 83904

How on-brand for that janny not to recognize a joke. Are there remedial classes people can take for that kind of autism?

No. 83909

There's some weird keyboard spam in the Things You Hate thread on /ot/. Hoping it stays nothing but I have a bad feeling. Thanks in advance farmhands.

No. 83912

Dumb ban.

No. 83913

Tbf no one cares how you'd personally react.

No. 83914

NTA I agree with you but I also think that >>83902 is not really a blogpost. I guess the farmhand could have banned it for being non-contributory or redtexted it like "no one cares".

No. 83915

It could've been banned for any of those reasons, but personally interjecting yourself into how you'd react to the scenario is very blog-like.

No. 83916

A blog is a noncontributory post, but there's a difference between something being labeled "blog" vs. "non-contributory". I think blogposts are more like long-ish posts about something you actually did that's tangentially related to the cow. That post is more like a hypothetical. Both "no one cares" situations, but I'm not sure if the post counts as a blog.

No. 83917

It probably has to do with what it was reported for and if it's close enough to a reason that fits it, that's the redtext? We seem to agree it could've gone 3 different ways and that would make sense now for some bans I see.

No. 83918

Wondering about this as well was redtexting the world cis. Not sure why people are using it in a genuine way on here suddenly.

No. 83919

Get these faggots outta here. It didn't seem to do much last time but I want another hell week.
It's the zoomie invasion

No. 83920

yes i get that please see >>83789
>if it’s not related to a cow

No. 83921

The point is, because this is a gossip board first and foremost, a-logging is not allowed and will not be allowed for the foreseeable future.

No. 83923

they’re trying to ban you with a samefag redtext even though you were responding to another person KEK

No. 83924

why the fuck are you minimodding you weirdo? did you forget to put your mod tag on kek

No. 83925

Not mini-modding, just explaining why a-logging isn't (and won't be) allowed. Chill out, newfag.

No. 83926

not sure if esl or newfaggot but you can reply to multiple people in one post instead of shitting up the thread

No. 83927

Is it me or does the unpopular opinion thread feel moid-y

No. 83928

Samefag, am glad to see this stuff getting cleaned up today. Thank you, farmhands!
That thread is always infight central, just as likely to be someone baiting for replies as it is a scrote.

No. 83929

That thread is always like that because chronic baiters are allowed to roam freely there

No. 83930

not my opinion, but could the phrase
>"no pro shippers or loli/shotafags allowed this is not the thread to post your fetishes" because it adds nothing to thread and only derails it"
to the pro-ship cows thread

No. 83931

Why do we have threads dedicated to shipping culture in the first place

No. 83933

gay infight in unpopular opinions thread

No. 83934

Because they're full of milk.

No. 83941

File: 1726589822781.jpeg (130.41 KB, 662x540, 2DBA9BE3-69B9-4BA7-97CD-0CF99F…)

why is image uploading broken

No. 83942

Holier than thou & "y'all can't behave" moral showdown happening all day.
Also, please consider redtexting "y'all"

No. 83943

just because youre in a fight with some anons doesnt you can come crying to the mods. just report.
Idk if you started the "idgaf about kaya's cat" thing or not, but a touchy topic like that is obviously going to ruffle a few feathers….

No. 83944

I haven't contributed to the infight at all you retard. I posted here because the infight is still going despite the bans.

No. 83949

Nta, but fuck off with this "you're not allowed to report in this thread because you should just use the report function". Anons have used this thread for years, even before covid, to bring things to the mod staff that is active and might not see reports right away if someone on that specific board isn't around. It screams newfag to not realize how stupid it sounds to minimod /meta/ when not even the farmhands moderate it half the time because they don't give a fuck if people bring complaints [as is in the title of the thread] here.

This honestly just feels like anons don't want farmhands to see reports quickly by bringing them here. If you aren't even using /meta/ for a complaint, you're infighting or minimodding by telling someone they can't use this thread for that.

No. 83951

get new farmhands already this current crop is lazy and bans for shit that isn’t on the rules page

No. 83953

they love infighting with other anons in /ot/ and when they’re clearly losing the infight they decide to ban them kekkkk it’s so obvious at this point

No. 83958

>engage in infight
>get banned
>it was the farmhands infighting with you and then banning you
>it wasn't other farmers seeing the infight and reporting you for infighting

No. 83959


No. 83960

Why does common sense need proof while retarded schizo tinfoiling doesn't? Infighting is against the rules and most farmers don't want it shitting up threads, so they report it. This is a far more logical conclusion than "the farmhand was infighting with me and got butthurt over it so they banned me". The admins are able to view a log of moderator actions so if a farmhand were doing that, they would likely be fired.

No. 83961

Weird hacky looking threads opened up on /snow/. They have <script> and some other stuff written in them.

No. 83962

is it executing if you open the catalog?

No. 83963

nta but yes it executes ''3'' when i go into the catalog

No. 83964

File: 1726614985577.png (50.28 KB, 512x203, script.png)

They don't contain anything dangerous, but they cause alerts to be triggered that just say whatever number is in the script (picrel)

No. 83965

samefag but i remember that this kind of stuff happened to myspace a lot

No. 83966

Seems like it could be this sort of thing


They're probably testing if it can work now with the popup. Redirecting the page and modifying posts are possible to come after.

No. 83967

Samefag. They're deleted now. Snow is safe again

No. 83968

File: 1726616011160.png (47.43 KB, 275x175, 1657046619.png)

why can't these miserable trannies just leave us alone

No. 83969

for now i think people just shouldn't go on the catalog since that's where it's triggered, doesnt seem to happen anywhere else

No. 83970

We are working on a fix for this issue now, we expect it to be done sometime tomorrow. We'll post an update once its finished.

No. 83971

File: 1726620338391.jpeg (273.91 KB, 600x800, A98E3500-5889-42CF-98E4-482D6C…)

I know this is my anxiety kicking in but is the site gonna have to be shit down again to deal with this shit? make no mistake I would wholeheartedly agree with that, but who tf is doing this

No. 83972

fujos posting trap-shit on the fandom thread

No. 83973

samefag, I'm noticing someone routinely post trap-shit/baiting content these laws few hours

No. 83975

nta but these tinfoils only happen because the farmhands don't ban everyone involved in infights, especially those who start them. they pick just one side so it looks kind of suspicious.

No. 83976

Bc troons have no life and just want to cause others misery. I remember a few years ago some demeted Troon was posting child gore across all boards bc he's mad he would never be a teenage girl.

No. 83977

File: 1726624722842.jpg (54.58 KB, 816x537, GWfxsl-aoAImCKm.jpg)

cp in /m/

No. 83978

This looks great

No. 83979

File: 1726625019192.jpg (35.91 KB, 541x542, pepe.JPG)

Please stop the cp spams on /m/

No. 83983

The Chapell Roan thread is unnecessary imo. It's just full of newfags infighting about drag queens and whether she's a fake lesbian. I don't understand why she needed a dedicated /snow/ thread outside of celebricows.

No. 83986

>Talk about chappell in celebricows
>Make chappell thread like people said
>”Omg a chappell thread is so unnecessary! just talk about her in celebricows, we wanna talk about our ethots in peace!!”
If you don’t like the chappell thread, hide it. Chappell is more cowish than your average celebrity that’s why she has her own thread. You dont have to look at it

No. 83987

Where's the milk then? So far there has been a discussion about how much of a lesbian she is on a scale of 1 to 100 and now it's Faghag Quiz. The 'milk' so far has been kek she sucks, she panders to gay people, and she lies a lot.

No. 83989

Her public meltdowns, her mental illness as she’s constantly on and off, attention seeking behavior, shitty self-reporting interviews, shit history with her label, horrible hive mind fanbase, also just because you list the milk doesn’t make it less milky. You listed like multiple things and went “this is all people talk about”. that’s because people find that milky, most people hate her because she’s fake gay so of course that’s going to be talked about a lot. If she’s talked about to the point in celebrities where people are complaining 24/7 then she gets her own thread, that’s what happens most of the time. Again, if you don’t find it milky don’t read it. Infighters are annoying to me too but for a celebrity she’s very milky. you should’ve seen how bad the skirby thread was if you think chappell’s thread is bad. I’m not gonna argue no more though, i’m just gonna post her milk

No. 83996

And tranny jannies locked the thread. Fuck you retarded jannies. Locking the Chappig thread when Jill's thread is pretty much the same with speculation and lack of milk, same with Addy, the post-left cows thread is basically a bunch of retards in the scene itself talking shit about each other. Fuck you.

No. 83997

Ntayrt but anon, we can post about her in celebricows? Isn’t that what it exists for?

No. 83998

Can someone put the skirby poster out to pasture again? They are IP hopping around in the Skirby and Ajoy threads, continuously going on about how both girls are fat and obese as if they aren't obviously the samefag.

No. 83999

File: 1726680223249.jpg (42.33 KB, 954x694, Tumblr_l_846139467536438.jpg)

Mods are so damn lazy just fix the issue

No. 84002

celebricows anons were the ones who begged for a separate thread in the first place, they didn't want her discussed there for some reason

No. 84003

kek wrecked. same tale at the doja thread. only pullfag spergs considered doja's milk worthy of her own thread and it instantly died. no need for all these shit threads that are just nitpicking screeds with no actual milk. if you want to seethe about the FOTM celeb the celebcow thread will work fine, you'll just have to learn to play nice with other anons. im glad the farmhands are actually trying to manage board quality for once

No. 84004

It was less like random Celebricows anons who wanted to end the Chappell discussion and more like Chappellfags practically begging for her to have a thread. Anyone with a bit of sense knew that a Chappell thread would not last due to the lack of milk when she could just be discussed in the main Celebricows thread.

No. 84005

have no idea why they were seething so much over chappell sperges when all they would talk about are like celebrity breakups and relationships between ones who fell off in 2006

No. 84006

this, i didn't see anyone demanding the discussion to be moved out of the thread, just some anons trying to rally up interest in a solo thread but getting shut down.

No. 84007

Random retards in threads don't get to decide whether a person needs a dedicated thread. That call should be made by farmhands. The same shit happens with /g/ anons forcing every celebrity they don't like to have a containment in /m/ and it's fucking annoying. These anons (many of whom are from 2020 or later) want celebrity/thirst threads to be hugboxes where they never see shit they dislike or disagree with. It's goddamn exhausting. Chappell Roan belongs in celebricows, and ugly faggots like Paul Dano and Joost belong in irl husbandos. They do not need dedicated threads (at least not yet in Roan's case.)

No. 84008

Because they like her and do not want to read negative things about their sacred cow (pun intended.) They want the celebrities they hate to be dragged and the celebrities they like to be immune from criticism. It's newfag behavior.

No. 84009

that seems to be the case since there were some chappell white knights causing infights in the thread when it wasn't locked

No. 84012

Yep, a common example is when the newfags' fave gets mildly made fun of and they start writing emotionally charged paragraphs in response. And then once people complain about how much their whining derails the discussion, they go "you're right, (fave) should totally have their own thread" kek

No. 84013

Laur Trueman is once again starting fights on the Lillee Jean thread

No. 84014

Who is the retard in the Annie joy thread whining about how "their text from the photoshop thread got stolen" KEK like is this a 13 year old who wandered onto the site? Whining about their text being stolen kek and then bumping the thread to say it sucks. Literally dumbass behavior

No. 84015

Please don't delete them again farmhands, to preserve context you should leave them and give her a unique red text like other cows

No. 84016

File: 1726705615973.jpeg (88.91 KB, 668x290, IMG_2555.jpeg)

they’re just banning people for any arbitrary reason now kek

No. 84017

That's always been a bannable offense.

No. 84018

Yes. Unfortunately it’s so over for ot

No. 84019

File: 1726712352049.png (309.54 KB, 1919x918, Screenshot 2024-09-18 211751.p…)

Love the catalog dark mode update but you guys need to do something about this.

No. 84022

I haven't used the filter function but it looks like they are finally rolling out some much needed updates to the site! Yay! Just keep fiddling with the code a bit more admin, you're almost there I believe in you.

No. 84030

The catalog pages have been updated, you will get the correct layout after a hard refresh

No. 84032

File: 1726713274441.png (631.63 KB, 2634x1360, dude why.png)

Nta but what do you mean hard refresh? Like, restart our browsers? Because I've been refreshing and it's still stuck on this for me

No. 84033

Mods please unlock the Marilyn Manson threads. So many other nonnas have been begging. There is more milk now.

No. 84034

No. 84035

File: 1726713704385.jpeg (697.58 KB, 1170x1981, IMG_4894.jpeg)

NTAYRT but I hard refreshed and it still looks like this on my browser…this is really not great kek..the search bar was a good update for the retarded zoomers who don’t know how to control + F but this makes it so hard to scroll like normal

No. 84036

There we go kek

No. 84037

File: 1726713889240.png (1.16 MB, 1672x1101, img-2024-09-19-03-44-41.png)

Are you sure you did it right? It looks like this for me after doing shift + F5 like the update post said

No. 84038

It looks good!! My only suggestion is to adjust the text colors based on themes because some text is hard to read atm due to clashing with the background.

No. 84040

File: 1726715457426.gif (72.73 KB, 249x246, 1623307755231.gif)

>jungle and keekweek now apply to board catalogs
>hellweek theme added
This is great

No. 84042

catalog being 1 column on mobile makes it pointless now. cant see more than 3 threads at a time, i may as well be browsing each page individually

No. 84043

File: 1726716162880.jpg (550.71 KB, 1079x2165, Screenshot_20240919-132017_Chr…)

NTA but that's what it look on mobile even after refreshing, it's not super great but it looks way better on pc

No. 84044

i'm getting the same thing suddenly. it looked fine just half an hour ago ago, and there's so much empty space since i'm on a tablet.

No. 84047

I was just going to say that

No. 84048

File: 1726717890607.jpg (1.93 MB, 1179x1977, aftermath.jpg)

I'm >>84020 and it still looked like that even after clearing my cache and cookies, so I tried using a different browser and I still ended up with the same result. After updating my software (I forgot to do it) I now have picrel.

No. 84049

File: 1726718325588.jpg (1.43 MB, 2694x2234, wwww.jpg)


No. 84050

Ok they're all back to normal now for me.

No. 84051

We've purged the cache in Cloudflare just in case this was stopping browsers from getting the latest assets. If you're still seeing a glitchy catalog, please try hard refreshing again.

The correct layout should be 2 or 3 columns on mobile devices depending on viewport size, and 3+ columns on desktop.

No. 84052


No. 84053

you autistic fuckers are going to bitch so much another admin quits. its objectively better on desktop and idc if its worse on mobile because phonefags deserve the rope anyway

No. 84054

zoomers and their instant entitlement istg the change isnt gonna kill you.

No. 84055

The Chapelle Roan thread should be unlocked, considering how "open" she is about her public life on social media

No. 84056

the "hard refresh" method just changes my screen brightness, i think my computer is retarded

No. 84058

if you're on a laptop nonnie you might need to press an fn key as well to make F5 work

No. 84060

ok now it refreshed, but still looks like >>84032. however i realized this seems to be a problem on Brave, on Chrome it looks normal

No. 84061

Maybe your browser doesn't hard refresh that way? I hope this website helps

No. 84062

File: 1726724960671.jpg (6.77 KB, 230x244, 1724650741280.jpg)

samefag i finally got it, just had to use the ctrl+shift+r method (i just assumed the key combos would work first kek)
ty nonny

No. 84063

*the other key combos

No. 84064

Let them tinker with it, its only been a few hours ffs

No. 84065

I like the search bar for catalog, thank you for putting it in
Oh that's me kek. That's literally the first time I've ever been banned for minimodding, I've told many people to stop spacing their posts out before too and never been reported/banned for it. I think the anon I was telling that to got offended over it and reported me, which is fair I guess, someone else reported her for not integrating and she also got banned kek. I'm not mad about it but I think its a bit funny nobody has ever reported me for that before though? Wasn't even trying to belittle her or anything, her posts were standing out like a sore thumb.

No. 84066

Soap-chan is back in the Jill thread being autistic and talking about soap when no one has brought it up and when it has nothing at all to do with the thread. They bring it up now and then and it's clearly some retard who thinks it's funny.

No. 84068

I saw the new catalog UI and it’s so cute on girltalk I love it! Especially that it’s mobile friendly!

No. 84069

Love the improvements. However, when in the catalog on mobile, the threads are a layer above the arrows for getting to the top/bottom of a page, so if someone could fix that i'd be grateful.

Also, did the site font change to Verdana on purpose or is it something to do with my pc/browser?

No. 84070

I like the new catalog, a mobile UI for the homepage would also be great!

No. 84073

Laur Trueman is at it again. It's near daily at this point

No. 84074

Love the catalog! It was wonky last night, but now it’s all good. Two columns on mobile is perfect.

No. 84079

i am once again thankful for there finally being a catalog, so many good threads on /snow/ have been buried and i can actually find and read them now

No. 84080

She’s going hard now kek I want a post reveal so bad but also they need to ban her cus she’s not making any sense poor ol Danzig

No. 84081

The site looks so good now, great work

No. 84082

Thank you for the catalog update!

No. 84083

Themes on the catalog omahgah let’s make out

No. 84084

I can't select the arrows in mobile view. It automatically hits the catalog thread its on top of and my UI gives me 2 across, not 3.

No. 84086

Infight baiting scrote in the amerifag thread.

No. 84088

So the filter thread thing is for when you want to find a specific thread, not to actually filter/hide a thread from the catalog

No. 84089

most filters are positive, not negative, e.g. when you shop online if you add "dress" as a filter it will only show you dresses

No. 84090

Scrote is still infighting and ban evading.

No. 84091

complaining about infighting to shut down a discussion while infighting should be bannable

No. 84093

There was always a catalog nonny

No. 84097

i meant *filter i’ve been wanting that for literal years

No. 84098

kek real it’s so annoying when farmers are aggro retards and get mad when people are aggro retards back

No. 84100

"mental disorders you cant handle" should be renamed to "hating on people with bpd circlejerk"

No. 84102

what browser are you using that you can’t just search keywords

No. 84105

nta but lately that hadn't been working well for me. I'd type in the cow I wanted and it would say 0 results, or it'd say there were results but wouldn't highlight them for me

No. 84106

Those posters only assume stereotypes for the disorders too. Whats the point when there is no middle ground discussion and everything has to be because of some manic reason.

No. 84107

So if the skirby poster only infights and constantly ip hops, i think the threads they made should be closed. They refuse to integrate and shit up angie's thread and photoshop constantly. They want to become a personalityfag so bad. They make claims about how they have proprietary posts yoo like wtf underage newfag nonsense is this

No. 84108

File: 1726808138426.jpeg (113.43 KB, 662x815, IMG_6051.jpeg)

which one of you trannies keeps redtexting me. is it the one i called an obese nigelfag. did i hit too close to home you bitch.(ban evasion )

No. 84109

I refuse to believe that retard isn't a very young teen. I'd bet actual money on it kek

No. 84110

They have to be. I've even mentioned that before. I have been here almost 10 years and I have never seen a legit anon claim that wording in one thread is their wording and they should be banned for using the same words. Its fucking stupid.

No. 84113

fujos posting shota-shit

No. 84115

Rancefag derailing the fujo thread because she got banned for posting shota shit again

No. 84116

mods start b&d++ing rancidfag's fujo thread posts again cause when you redtext she derails the whole thread to sperg about it

No. 84117

Cp in /pt/

No. 84118

rancefag may be a retarded whore but she’s the only one keeping the fujo thread active

No. 84119

>Muh active thread!!! Muh dopamine!!
A slow and readable thread is always 1000x better than a fast and schizo one. In fact, Anna and other schizos are the reason normal anons jumped shipped in the first place, they are to blame.

No. 84120

we'd all rather have it be dead than have it filled with your word vomit, retarded whore

No. 84121

i’m not rancefag
i feel i slight sympathy towards anna. i feel as if i would have ended up the same as her if i were born retarded.

No. 84122

You were already born retarded, go suck her (see: your own) dick on discord

No. 84123

first of all i was not born retarded i was actually very intelligent until schizophrenia hit me several months ago (i am still intelligent and will recover my lost intelligence in due time). secondly i’m not rancefag. thirdly i don’t use discord i’m not a tranny.

No. 84124

File: 1726864970190.jpg (416.12 KB, 680x823, 14367355439629083.jpg)

No. 84125

baiting eurofag racesperger in amerifags

No. 84126

The “European” anon in the amerifag thread admits to actually being an american larping as a european to start an infight

No. 84127

>unfunny zoomer fujo
>tiktok self dx mental illness
>the single whiteknight one of the worst poster who posesses all these traits
Yeah sure

No. 84128

nta but that post was obviously a joke… cant believe we might actually need to start using tone indicators in lolcow

No. 84129

why is everyone here autistic

No. 84130

Pick 2

No. 84131

you're on an imageboard originating from 4chan genuinely what do you expect

No. 84132

Girl there is a whole community of tumblrtards unironically acting like that on here right now, now's not the time to be larping as one

No. 84133

i never had a tumblr account.

No. 84134

why do you type like a twittertard

No. 84135

can interacting with laur be officially included in reasons to catch a ban

No. 84136

isn't it already? they said so in her thread

No. 84138

can you ban loli also? i dont want to see anons posting loli yuri shit like madoka

No. 84139

CP on /m/

No. 84140

I bet it's not even lolicon.

No. 84141

the madoka girls are lolis, even if anons throw a tantrum everytime they are told the truth. The AI thread is currently being spammed with lolishit too.

No. 84142

File: 1726887739766.png (2.62 MB, 869x2128, Screenshot 2024-09-20.png)

What? These don’t look sexual.

No. 84143

sfw loli is also banned

No. 84144

File: 1726888274931.jpg (190.96 KB, 683x956, 37aba419a703b6296876e810f565df…)

Ntayrt, but I'm the one who generated them and they aren't supposed to be Loli, it's based off these pictures

No. 84145

it clearly looks loli and not chibi thought

No. 84146

Nta but no it doesn't kek

No. 84147

it literally looks like moetan or similar lolishit.

No. 84148

Well that's just what the ai pumped out, I thought it was okay because it doesn't have a blatantly sexual face or position

No. 84149

You're 100% trolling. Lolicon and just characters being young are two different things. Stfu.

No. 84150

No it doesn't. Are you the same anon calling madoka loli? Unironically stop spending so much time online in coomer spaces

No. 84151

According to their logic, Precious Memories is also lolicon material. Anon wouldn't post the link, so obviously they know lolicon is a buzzword to try and get anons to think the farmhands are allowing it.

No. 84152

tell that to the mods. Sfw shota is banned so sfw lolishit should also be banned. Cope.

No. 84153

Ohhh, you're being bitter your shota shit got banned KEK

No. 84154

>designed by a lolicon who openly lusts for little girls
>n-not loli just a coincidence
>written by a lolicon who wrote saya no uta
>s-still not loli just a coincidence
>directed by a lolicon who also directed monogatari/dance in the vampire bun/tsukuyomi moon phase
>j-just a coincidence haha
>animated by the studio behind all of the anime above and widely know for pandering to lolifags
>reeee stop saying madoka is loli not my precious feminist wlw anime representation

No. 84155

no? i just dont want to see lolishit. Why are you in favour of lolishit being posted?

No. 84156

No1currs. It's not getting banned. At least make your complaint about something that is pornographic.

No. 84157

if you want to talk about loli you can go back to 4chan

No. 84158

You're an idiot baiting this hard

No. 84159

if it was drawn/generated by a moid everyone would be calling it what it is

No. 84160

But it's not and wasn't and isn't even Madoka. Get over it.

No. 84161

i didnt say it was madoka. I just said its lolishit, which is it. Some anons get super pissed when you point out they like an aesthetic coined by men for men.

No. 84162

>can you ban loli also? i dont want to see anons posting loli yuri shit like madoka

No. 84163

yes and i proved madoka IS loli, even if anons dont want to see it for what it is. The ai example is just separate.(shitting up the thread with loli/shota bait)

No. 84164

SFW discussions of anime with underaged characters are allowed, as well as SFW images that aren't obviously meant to be titillating. Sexualized art of minor characters is only allowed if it pertains to milk and it must be spoilered. Anon that generated the pictures in this post >>84142 isn't a lolicon judging by her post history and the AI happened to spew out a loli-adjacent style which the anon seemed to be unaware of. It's still sfw though and not ban worthy.

What you're doing in this thread is pure concern trolling so I would encourage other anons to not reply and let the millionth baity loli/shota discussion to rest.

No. 84165

File: 1726898271444.png (149.83 KB, 755x431, not even shota lel.png)

What's sexualized about this? because there are tons of examples where you seem to fling the ban hammer towards sfw shota or even not shota like pic rel, but touhou lolifags are allowed an entire thread to post about their loli game.

No. 84166

Can you, like, stop deleting my posts? Thanks.

No. 84168

File: 1726915653452.png (132.36 KB, 492x371, shotashit.png)

NTA but why was this redtexted then in the fujo thread? It's not SFW or sexualized. I don't like shota shit either but there seems to be a clear double standard.

No. 84169

It's sexualized because it is a drawing of a little boy in a thread that is all about males fucking each other

No. 84170

File: 1726916914099.jpg (23.66 KB, 400x400, lesigh.jpg)

>female based website
>can't post sfw shota
I hate this timeline

No. 84173

Neither of these posts should have been banned. The users never appealed, otherwise the bans would have been lifted (and they are expired now). We have some newer farmhands who were not aware that the loli/shota ban only included sexualised images, and so took incorrect action on these posts after they were reported. We have removed the redtexts on both to make it clear the bans were incorrect.

No. 84175

>comparing touhou to a picture of a little boy parodying an incest coomer anime
>using the terms shota and loli unironically
you are not very smart are you

No. 84176

Thanks for clarifying.

No. 84180

File: 1726936137936.png (46.01 KB, 2687x161, rentfree.png)

mods, this person keeps posting the same comment and deleting it afterwards in the Unpopular Opinions thread

No. 84183

Do you guys needs any farmhands? I’m always on the lookout for the farmhand application headlines return

No. 84184

Personally wouldn't trust a single anon who openly volunteers.

No. 84185

This was meant to be more of an inquiry less of an outright application kek

No. 84191

polfag in the news that fuck with you thread in ot

No. 84202

There's obviously been an increase in /pol/fags attentionwhoring on this site. I'm not even talking about the pro-trump rw women, i don't care about them. But like there will just randomly be polfags going on about "feminism was a mistake, we should all settle down and stop trying to girlboss!" "feminism only exists because white moids are nice!" and it's so annoying. they always get dealt with but why do they think their psyop is going to work?

No. 84203

/pol/fags and similar flavours of "facts don't care about feelings" fags will keel over and die if they don't get attention every 5 minutes.

No. 84204

Could something be done about the raiding scrotes in the ideal male bodies thread in /g/? Thanks

No. 84205

I think it's happening again, the website won't let me post.

No. 84206

Why is a picture of a vagina banned in /g/ but full on uncensored porn clips from Shayna are allowed on snow?

No. 84207

Sorry if this is a dumb question but is someone making posts and repeatedly deleting them or is it someone who’s ban evading and getting their posts deleted?

No. 84208

Probably because it’s milk

No. 84209

I think it's that baiter again, try to report it if you can

No. 84210

What the fuck did I just read?

No. 84211

wish you could hide threads on the catalog, that'd be cool.

No. 84212

File: 1726974361770.png (1.23 MB, 2490x832, shipoasting.png)

Is retarded shitposting off autosage now? I don't wanna add to the thread until I know I won't be penalized for shitting it up kek

No. 84213

i think farmhands just forgot to autosage it, that's one of the old earlier ones instead of the most recent shitpost thread

No. 84214

it's a sign from the bot gods

No. 84215

There have been a lot of bots today, I wonder wtf is going on

No. 84216

File: 1726981468759.jpeg (539.21 KB, 1290x1600, IMG_6067.jpeg)

you still actually believe i’m joking… lol(ban evasion)

No. 84217

CP on /m/

No. 84218

Can we get a thread watcher?

No. 84219

More race sperging in news stories that fuck with you #7, looks like their bans expired kek

No. 84221


No. 84223

retarded racebaiting /pol/fags in news stories that fuck with you

No. 84225

Just wanted to thank you guys for improving the catalog. It's so much better now.

No. 84226

Are ot mods so braindead they forgot to ban the continous race sperg poltard in the news thread and instead banned the ones calling it out

No. 84228

Why the FUCK is the bad art thread derailed with moid sperging?

No. 84230

Hi farmhands, there appears to be a lost moid in the unpopular opinions thread on /ot/. Thanks for your continued service.

No. 84232

Somebody defended some drawn fat moid in one of the bad art and wouldn't stop going on and on about fucking him

No. 84233

Why did admins allowed the AnieJoy/KillJoy thread. It could have gone in a thread that already existed like photoshop or ethots.

The thread is trash and keeps getting bumped by a retard posting non-saged posts and in-fighting.

No. 84234

Somebody brought up gypsies and eurofage are spergining the vent thread. Can farmhands please step in?

No. 84235

go and visit some of them and you will soon be joining the venting

No. 84236

File: 1727023844817.png (503.36 KB, 1170x1741, reddie teddie.png)

Kek these corrections getting redtexted made me giggle

No. 84238

KEK that farmhand is 'salty'

No. 84239

Kek most bongs' mental image of gypsies are probably white. It's kinda like saying that it's racist to hate chavs.

No. 84246

Ban worthy. What a shit take

No. 84251

Factual info isn't a "take" kek gypsies come in all colors, many are white. It's like saying insulting chavs is a "race related" argument.

No. 84252

I don’t wanna drag this out but, gypsy isn’t really a race or ethnicity nonny, it’s more of a culture/lifestyle. There are gypsies from all kinds of races (brazilian gypsies, irish gypsies, australian gypsies, etc) however they do share the Romani language

No. 84253


No. 84257

Hi you’re retarted

No. 84258

they tried so hard to bootlick them to get off the ban but they still slapped them with a ban kek, this is why i will never bootlick or defend moderators on any website. they’re all pieces of shit grasping for whatever power they don’t have irl, go lose some weight instead of being a farmhand

No. 84259

>mighty farmhand
That's not bootlicking, that's being condescending.

No. 84260

what’s the difference? kek

No. 84261

For the anons who browse mobile and may be having trouble with the new catalog search, just switch to desktop mode before you search.

No. 84262

Hidden boards are probably not a priority for farmhands which is understandable but this thread is a straight up schizo chatroom right now https://lolcow.farm/2X/res/33686.html

No. 84263

It’s been like that for a year now, newfag. Mods won’t do anything about it.

No. 84266

File: 1727083953580.png (245.29 KB, 1356x880, img-2024-09-23-10-32-15.png)

Anon you are retarded. Irish Travellers get called "gypsies" but they are not Romani at all. They speak English or Shelta depending on their pikey power level.

Romani gypsies, which is what 99% of people mean when they say "gypsies" are a distinc ethnic group, this information is easily accessible please learn to Google

No. 84267

Go to school.

No. 84268

No. 84269

theres literally anons in there talking about how they want to fgm themselves and rape their dads wtf

No. 84272

empath's chan's thread has now properly reached 1200 posts, can the new one be unlocked? please and thank you

No. 84273

I know, retard. I used it before but their thread watcher is the only feature that doesn't work on lolcow.

No. 84276

This has been done, thank you for letting us know.

The main problem with that thread is that none of the people who browse or post ever report anything (except for the absolute worst posts e.g. the gore that was deleted recently). We ban every time something rulebreaking is reported, but that rarely happens. If you want the thread to improve, please report rulebreaking posts.

No. 84278

i wish we could have some kind of PSA about AI assisted photo editing. if done properly it's impossible to tell if minor editing was done unless you have the original (see momokun's recent aspect ratio "shoops") i can already see that it's causing problems in some threads based on people using old methods to detect shoop.

No. 84279

All those websites and apps that say they can detect AI specifically in certain parts of a photo tend to be wrong. They usually need the original photo and a lot of photos anons get are already put through another app for editing usually so already the app used wouldn't be detected. Not to mention the compression and all which can warp pixels and then also give fake readings. If someone is AI it's obvious, but just like body editing shoops, just leave it at that. These cows will always edit their bodies and the apps like SNOW already have a built in AI to edit the photos as is. It's not like morphing AIs haven't been around since the 2000s starting with "What will your baby look like" stuff.

No. 84280

File: 1727112376457.jpg (235.45 KB, 1080x1066, 1000007576.jpg)

CP on the front page

No. 84281

File: 1727112482282.jpg (128.7 KB, 1080x997, 1000007575.jpg)

Image bump

No. 84282

thank fuck it was taken down within minutes but god, RETCH

No. 84283

Could we get some clean up in the Celebricows tread? I don't think anything about who nonnies think are ugly, skanks, or who have smelly pussies is really gossip or milk worthy.

No. 84284

There's also tons of posters who won't post screencaps for whatever they're talking about, most are already banned but still. It feels like there's more newfags in that thread than usual.

No. 84285

Retards infighting and encouraging the personalityfags in the BP thread AGAIN. Just lock the thread at this point.

No. 84286

Don't lock the thread, ban the personalityfags.

No. 84287

They have already, but they keep ban evading.

No. 84288

That being the case, isn't it better for them to have a containment thread on an inactive board?

No. 84289

I think if mods deleted the thread, they'd fuck off permanently. What's stopping BJ-chan from sperging and infighting in the other boards? Nothing, yet she doesn't do it.

No. 84290

>What's stopping BJ-chan from sperging and infighting in the other boards? Nothing, yet she doesn't do it.
she does in /ot/ once in a while, usually when responding to someone posting her in the caps thread.

No. 84291

Okay, so to people who are encouraging the personalityfag, she responds once in a blue moon. Still, I think she wouldn't start vomiting her schizo-speak in other boards if the BP thread were gone, same as the other annoying posters.

No. 84292

The BP thread is basically shit posting atp

No. 84293

Spam thread in /ot/

No. 84295

took like five hundred years and twenty-five regime changes for a searchable catalog but i'll hold out hope for this one

No. 84296

File: 1727138478837.png (183.57 KB, 849x713, 332445.PNG)

This really isn't so much a complaint as it is an observation and warning. The farmhands are keeping on top of the current shitposting in the Onision thread with multiple bans. But I have a feeling this is just one or two people purposefully arguing in hopes of getting the thread locked. I suspect they want the thread shut down because Onision and Kai are having their first zoom meeting court hearing this Thursday on the 26th and do not want the milk to flow.

No. 84297

ntyfag posting ugly men in bl thread

No. 84298

It's obvious, and we are aware. But thank you for the warning regardless!

No. 84299

yuripedo having a schizo meltdown on the unpopular opinion thread

No. 84300

Yuripedo baiting in unpopular opinions

No. 84301

Just saw the cleanup and farmhand message in that thread, always appreciate your hard work. Thank you.

No. 84302

There's shit posting and spam happening in the Unpopular opinions. It's so bad I don't know who to report.

No. 84303

yuripedo in bp thread

No. 84304

exactly. we need to atleast post some blurb like this in the relevant threads because seeing shoop infighting is annoying enough as it is.

No. 84310

The ugly man psyop thread has reached 1200 posts. Can the new one be unlocked?

No. 84311

Can you device ban the retard who is causing nonstop fights in the unpopular opinions thread please.

No. 84314

File: 1727191469438.jpg (560.54 KB, 1080x1666, 1000007477.jpg)

I think it's weird to allow vendetta threads like this to exist. Anon is even posting her baby when there is no reason to.

No. 84315

You might wanna be aware that the person moderating the Onision thread is abusing her power. She starts fights with people and then deletes incriminating posts and posts she doesn't like.

No. 84318

The news stories that fuck with you thread seems to be infested with poltards and its confusing reading as only some of the posts are redtexts. I know racebaiting obviously isnt allowed on the site but theres a lot in there (not related to the news stories) thats just…going on? Its weird, and needs a little more moderation.

No. 84319

how is it their fault that brown scrotes love raping and killing people, there seems to be a pattern

No. 84320

why aren't sam hyde threads allowed?

No. 84321

You should read before replying.

No. 84324

Just wanted to say I appreciate the work the mods are doing in the Blackpill thread!

No. 84325

Is it worth it to even report newfags for being off-topic, having bad integration, and using Twitter zoomer speak? Nothing happens every time I report it, and I don't want to clog up things for the jannies. Do we just not care anymore and accept that this is the new demographic for this site or what?

No. 84327

Can a mod ban or delete this post clogging up the photoshop thread? >>>/snow/2038341 full copy/paste OP from an existing thread because the retarded Anijoy/Skirby idiots are fighting over who gets their own thread and who didn't and how dare you copy MY OP.

Anon made it clear that they and their friends are using the site to fuck around, clearly like anons said this is underage behavior. Anijoy and skirby thread should be closed and they should all go to ethot or photoshop. Why allow these users to make threads where they fight each other over who can post content where?

No. 84329

File: 1727280787190.jpg (30.59 KB, 640x428, sheiss.jpg)


The mod of the Onision thread picks fights with people, then deletes responses she doesn't like and ban people.

Thought you might wanna know.(ban evading retard)

No. 84331

is the word “nigger” allowed here or does that count as racebait? i feel it should but i’m curious

No. 84332

(I'm not a mod, obv) it's not allowed as far as I'm aware. report it if you see it. If it doesn't get banned or removed, bring it here.

the other form is occasionally allowed for lyrics or memes but it's hit or miss from what I've seen as to whether it's banned

No. 84333

Has anyone else noticed a lot more anons complaining about ‘not being allowed’ to criticize judaism? I’ve also noticed an uptick in anons saying ‘nigga’, it feels like this has only started happening in the past few months and is possibly related to the increased number of males from 4chan or Kiwifarms coming here.

No. 84334

can a farmhand check and make sure this poster isn't sainte the ban evading pedo troon? (the one who intermittently shits up the lolita cow thread on /w/). the fact it isn't saged, is formatted weirdly, and mentions him despite nobody else talking about him makes me suspect it's sainte the pedotroon ban evading again

No. 84336

File: 1727308720648.jpg (59.81 KB, 392x500, 3508439399_fab030ceed.jpg)

Anons have been saying nigga for years with varied results. Depending on whether you're using it colloquially or to race bait is the difference between a ban or not. This meme is alive and well, but I wouldn't be surprised if the delicate nature of the current userbase changes that very soon and it becomes outright banable.

No. 84337

>Has anyone else noticed a lot more anons complaining about ‘not being allowed’ to criticize judaism?
No. I have only seen a request to make a Pro Jewish thread.

This. Its not new here.

No. 84338

I don’t have anything to do with whatever it is that you’re complaining about.

No. 84339

depends entirely on context and which janny sees the post reported first

No. 84340

You can tell when someone is just throwing around the word vs how they actually use it. Most anons use it because they know it raises red flags and showcases anons newfagginess.

No. 84343

why the fuck would you even wanna use a word like that? whats wrong with you?!
doubt you'd use that word in real life, especially not when theres black people around.

No. 84345

How come with so many bans and anons complaining about the user, the skirby anon and aniejoy anons are allowed to keep their infight threads? What happened to deleting their posts because they can't even sage properly?

No. 84346

Why did the thread with Snape as the threadpic get deleted?

No. 84347

I’ve been scrolling for quite a while kek, where is it?

No. 84348

I think we should make tranny handmaidenry/supporting a bannable offense

No. 84349

why did you delete my posts

No. 84350

ni nigga ni ni ni nigga nay nay nay nigga nay nay nay nigga nae nae nae nigga nae nae ni

No. 84351

Rampant chimpout abt muh Nigel in unpopular opinions thread.

No. 84352

tradfaggery in unpopular opinions thread

No. 84353

File: 1727374582308.png (369.01 KB, 705x848, 1000034609.png)

nta who posted this but there's nothing nitpicking about this post, it's a grey nursery. Anon's entitled to say that. Are we allowed to talk about how she decorated the nursery or the video anon posted? I'd appreciate an answer. Why leave up non-con posts about weddings and then red-text the nursery post, some of us have been waiting 2.5 years to see how she decorated it.

No. 84354

If you mean the characters shilled as attractive, it's still there.

No. 84355

I genuinely feel bad for you guys who want to talk about milk and always getting redtexted for doing so. I hate this current moderation

No. 84356

>a nursery is milk

No. 84357

Mod, can I please just ask, what exactly is the point of having the unpopular opinions thread if we’re not allowed to post unpopular opinions? If you don’t want to have to continue giving out unnecessary bans and deleting 100s of comments, you should just autosage the same way we did with dumbass shit. Cause, you know it’s over for UO. Reposting because for some reason you felt the urge to delete this, even though it breaks 0 rules and is a legitimate question. And instead of deleting this and ignoring it, do you think you’re capable of articulating a response?(ban evasion)

No. 84358

You didn't get banned for posting an unpopular opinion, you got banned because you are a baiting retard. Hope that helps!

No. 84368

I agree. If we can't have Dumbass Shit Thread, why are they allowed to have Baiting General Thread (aka UO)?

No. 84370

it's active but it's not the good kind of activity imo

No. 84373

It's saged too. Lmao. I guess it's not really milk but it's not against the rules to post saged non-milk especially if it relates to the cow.

No. 84374

It should be autosaged because it’s not even fun to read anymore, it’s just baiting and baited retards fighting their own shadows in there.

No. 84375

thanks nona, I just miss being able to have discussions. I don't even think it's milk but we used to be able to talk about good & bad stuff without being redtexted. The only thing I feel strongly about in that thread is the right to hate on an ugly adult moid, but those posts get bans too. I've given up more or less, which is what some people here want.

No. 84377

Another boring take from an anon, color she shocked

No. 84381

Obvious male in >>>/ot/2172675

No. 84382

scrote baiting and infighting in vent thread

No. 84384

Did the mods die again

No. 84385

Cerbmin post hand

No. 84386

Yaoi vs. yuri detail in artist salt

No. 84387

is this the taylor r thread? you guys always complain and nitpick for the sake of, its painfully obvious. she belongs on PULL where fags there nitpick to hell and back. but then again /w/ is where pullfags go
ifs the entitlement for me and expecting an instant response. go put your phone down I or browse another website, I promise its not a big deal.

No. 84389

hide the thread. there's nothing being nitpicked in that post. PULL has been dead since 2021, you can get over it.

Why is it allowed to say something is cute but not that something looks bad? The thread is moderated like shit, wks abuse reports and the mod just obeys?

No. 84391

The moderation is a joke and has been a joke for a while now. I've started ignoring the red texts at this point. If I want to reply to red texted post, I do. Banned post or not, if I want to discuss, I discuss. Mod can go to hell if she's this nitpicky about "nitpicking".

No. 84392

Seriously, the anons in that thread know there is no milk so they try soooo hard to make a kids room decorations some shameful, terrible parenting milk when it isn't. Its uhinged and until there is milk and anons can prove it, it should be locked like other threads. Its 5 threads now of this type of nitpicking. Are you kidding me?

No. 84393

could you ban any posts containing “zenosfag”? some anons are starting to accuse posts of being mine even though it wasn’t me.

No. 84395

Ah, here comes the classic 'I hate the thread about my favorite cow, lock itttt!!!!' post after the moderation is called out.

No one mentioned shameful, terrible parenting, wtf you're talking about in the first place? Anons just pointed out it's ugly and boring and not something that warranted a three year delay to reveal. Stop putting words into people's mouth to make your petty reports sound reasonable.

No. 84397


No. 84398

baka one
baka two

No. 84399

That's been a lolcow thing to do for years. Not sure where you've been. There's a bunch of threads that have had to prove there is milk to have them reopened. No one is saying ban the discussion, but that must be what you read.

In all seriousness, that thread brings some of the worst posters to /w/.

No. 84403

It's also a lolcow thing that anons demand Taylor's thread to be locked even though mods said many times that it won't happen. Seriously, every single complaint thread has a post like that.

No. 84407

shotacaon posted in the fandom thread

No. 84408

Pedophile in the fandom thread and bait galore in ot. Shame farmhands have to deal with these faggots

No. 84409

Sounds like a you problem, newfag.

No. 84411

Ah, right, another classic - calling whoever disagrees with you a newfag because you have nothing else to back your point.
I'm not the one who's constantly whining about a thread I dislike and demanding that mommy locks it. Don't like, don't read. It wasn't even bumped to the top so what's your problem, nonnie?

No. 84412

I can't believe users in the Taylor R thread act like this. This is why you guys gets bans constantly. You do come off as a newfag with the outbursts you're having just like /ot/ anons who bait and then get slapped with bans only to come here and complain about it. If you can't use lolcow right, why are you even here? Not sure why you even bring up bumping. A thread being bumped doesn't matter when anons have thread watchers or keep tabs open btw. There's 6 active threads on /w/. You don't think anons don't pay attention to post numbers for the threads that are active, but not bumped?

No. 84414

Why are you obsessed with minimoding? lol Are anons supposed to stay silent when dumb posts and off-topic bullshit is ignored and left be, but posts mildly critical of the cow or her moid get an instant ban? Somehow it's reasonable to want the thread closed because you don't like it and bringing it up like clock work, but questioning overmoderation is somehow unacceptable? Touch some grass. You're taking this and yourself too seriously.

No. 84415

is the minimodding in the room with us?

No. 84416

derail in the news thread in ot again..

No. 84417

NTA but it's so obvious you are the same unhinged Taylor WK abusing the report system and asking regularly for the thread to be locked. Hide the thread, touch grass.

No. 84418

Can we please make moralfagging bannable? I keep seeing people in /ot/ regularly go on spiels about how horrible this site is to women and how evil it is of us to ~attack~ women instead of men (when discussing celebrities for example). It's clear that the ones making these posts are newfags who never venture out of /ot/ and seem to look down at the nonnas who use /snow/, /w/ and /pt/. This always results in some kind of infighting and literally adds nothing to any discussion.

No. 84419

Retard still spamming trapshit even after being banned >>>/m/289927

No. 84420

>retards posting incel.is screenshots in /2X/ saying it's correct
anyone scrotefoiling every single schizo female in that thread is retarded but in this case… come on

No. 84422

File: 1727477233499.png (Spoiler Image,282.27 KB, 797x376, Screenshot_243.png)

why was i banned for this when posters prior to me have posted traps/cross dressers and not been banned? i don't see how it isn't bl as it's
>tagged as bl
>drawn by a female artist
>isn't nearly as girly as some traps posted in that very thread are, it's literally just a guy with long hair

No. 84425

File: 1727478484041.png (Spoiler Image,3.67 MB, 1451x2048, 1727477371653.png)

like this is just a few posts above mine and nobody bitched about it, plus the character on the right literally has small breasts. stop playing attack dog to whiny babies please

No. 84426

why do mods allow that poster to shit up the thread defending every tiny thing?

No. 84430

Is she not that girl from the letter delivery anime?

No. 84433

The reddit hate thread has dissolved into a lolcow hate thread I dont want to clog the report page so just want to let admin know.

No. 84434

not sure what you're talking about but https://x.com/adey236/status/1667683066192572418/photo/2 it's a very skinny twink. she draws a lot of them and they're all recognizably male

No. 84435

File: 1727499115402.jpeg (805.12 KB, 1290x976, IMG_4673.jpeg)

Spent some time at the crystal cafe during the downtime. I really enjoy the colors they have, especially this Autumn one. Please bring some of that here. I also like the option to just check off sage when replying to a post. Newfags might utilize it more as well.

No. 84436

making users type sage in the correct field is a newfag filter system.

No. 84437

Anon we have themes. Tons of them.

No. 84438

Of course, I just think CC has prettier ones.

No. 84439

That ugly green font isn't nice.

No. 84441

Nta, but Girltalk 2 is practically the only color scheme we have besides default where you can easily read everything and tell saged/unsaged apart except for when highlighting a post. The purple is a nightmare. Ricechan has an ugly muted brown that makes the grey hard to read sometimes. Can't read the blue on a lot of schemes.. I just stick with the original. I wish someone without color blindness would make something coherent between all the colors that go into a theme.

No. 84442

(also not any of the above anons)
I agree. We need legible themes and more dark options. I usually end up using hellweek for mobile because it's the only one that is tolerable at night. The purple one is unusable. A dark autumn one would be appreciated, as would a legible non-hellweek dark theme.

No. 84443

There's a retard in the news stories thread who keeps bumping it with their infighting posts while telling others to stop infighting. Can you at least remind them to sage if they insist on being that annoying.

No. 84444

Do you have to sage in that /ot/ thread?

I'd like to see both sides of that infight banned. It's pretty retarded that one side can post a giant list of links, followed up with ad hominem attacks, and not get banned. I'm not the anon on the other side getting banned, and at least a couple of her bans were deserved, but if you want to stop an infight, you redtext both sides contributing and continuing it, especially all the "ur so dumb" and "you can't read" non-con replies. This is not rocket science.

No. 84445

Why are you asking me I'm not a mod? Not all banned posts get a redtext. Idc about the infights it's just annoying seeing any thread bumped when it's not on topic. You seem to be taking this personally, are you one of the retards fighting or something?

No. 84446

of course I'm not, I asked since afaik only celebricows requires sage in /ot/.

No. 84448

just go back cc if you liked it/didn't mind it during the downtime instead of asking the mods to model their shit after them. like seriously what weird ass request, you can use two imageboards instead of announcing it.

No. 84451

tfw no new pixie thread

No. 84452

Not gonna lie, its so irritating to see anons refuse all claims from a cow for the sake of their takes making sense. Why did 2019 bring all these awful users who make up mill?

No. 84455

tfw you don't ask in the thread request thread

No. 84456

Maybe the reason is because she's boring and has more tiktokfags than actual farmers in her thread.

No. 84458

Permalock the BP thread. It’s just getting worse.

No. 84460

cp on pt, I reported

No. 84461

idk seeing actual mf cp really puts these retarded complaints in perspective, I'm fucking scarred.

No. 84463

The celebricow thread keeps attracting newfags who refuse to integrate and throw fits whenever someone says something they don't like. This constantly leads to meaningless infights.

No. 84464

A lot of off topic ramblings in the ugly man thread talking about getting pregnant in your 50s etc

No. 84465

moid/troll thread in /ot/

No. 84466

Retard on /g/.

No. 84467

i'm guessing you mean the birth chart thread cause holy fuck there's so many posts to report. there's no way that anon isn't underage and/or larping as an angsty teen anime villian. archiving in case the insanity is deleted https://archive.is/kqN9J

No. 84468

This is the suggestions thread where people merely suggest things. Other nonas agree our themes are unpleasant on the eyes. Anyways, agreed on more dark theme options.

No. 84469

You guys need to enable thread hiding on the catalog so that I never misclick into the news stories that fuck with you thread.

No. 84473

Install the Dark Reader browser extension and everything is a dark theme

No. 84474

The scrotefoiling over completely inoffensive posts is getting out of control in many threads on snow and it's obviously one bored samefag trying to cause infights.

No. 84475

Honestly I think there's only 2 posters in the Taylor thread and one of them is sperg-chan kek.

No. 84477

Males pretending to be lesbians are shitting up the unpopular opinions thread.

No. 84478

can we update the red word list to include any and all variations of nonnie (nonny, nonna, off the top of my head) and bpd

No. 84479

why though

No. 84480

Farmhand said at least 4 are constantly derailing and nitpicking.

No. 84485

there’s someone threatening to rape everyone in unpopular opinions

No. 84486

Why do you refuse to sage unpop opinions?

No. 84488

mods, there is CP spam on front page. please ban the gross fuck with prejudice thank you

No. 84489

At this point I want it locked, it contributes nothing meaningful to the site besides encouraging infighting.

No. 84492

why aren't sam hyde threads allowed?

No. 84493

sam wants to still use the site to promote himself and uses the leftcows thread to do it so he can post his stupid content unconnected from his disgusting nudes and other dirt archived in his own thread.

No. 84494

weird bait over lesbians in /ot/ again

No. 84496

kek nonas still think bj-chan never leaks containment

No. 84498

take your fucking meds(report and do not respond)

No. 84501

File: 1727701914937.png (82.37 KB, 737x285, 1000034787.png)

Why do mods allow endless tinfoiling and derailing as long as it's wking the cow? It's obvious one or two people are shitting up the thread.
>>>/w/336247 (defends cow from hyperbolic joke)
>>>/w/336261 "probably"
>>>/w/336273 "probably"
>>>/w/336325 (wking)
>>>/w/336369 (ESL wking. no, actual poor families in HK do not have helpers)
>>>/w/336397 "ur all just jelly and poor" "everyone can afford to hire someone for a few hours" - no, they can't, and it's complete derail anyway

I've reported some of these and the /w/ just ignores the reports. What do these posts contribute to the thread? Why is it ok to bait by insulting other anons?

No. 84502

cheap apartments in hong kong all have maid rooms and they cost around 650 usd a month so anon isn't wrong there. i've known people who take slightly cheaper apartments in order to pay for them.

No. 84504

Shut up already about this thread. You should all be banned. I love how no one from that thread can bring complaints to meta or else they will get attacked by tayloranons but the tayloranons come here to accuse everyone of wking. I'd say lock the thread but that triggers posters like you kek what happened to "use the report function"

No. 84505

It really feels like there is a serious moid invasion pretending to be lesbians in /g/, where there is still one trying to start a race war and failing. I presume it's the same one in /ot/ being unhinged because they seem to have the same writing style.

No. 84506

hi when two people are fighting here is it customary for you guys to only ban one side of the argument and not the other?

No. 84507

80% here are men larping as fellow groovy chicks.
because its hilarious(scrotefoiling)

No. 84508

No. 84509

yup, welcome to lolcow

No. 84510

Can the empathchan thread be locked or put on autosage?

No. 84511

For the love of God device and IP ban the retarded mommy-hating, blow job obsessed "blackpill" scrote shitting up /ot/. He makes the entire board so fucking insufferable.

No. 84512

Is there anyway I can contact the Admins privately? I have a serious issue I would like to discuss with them in private.

No. 84513

He's now back to posting lesbophobic bullshit. I hate to troonfoil but it reads like a tranny trying to D&C straight women and lesbians.

No. 84514

They will respond to emails if it's important enough, contact them via email.

No. 84515

It's 100% some retarded, scorned scrote using radfem talking points against women. Mods need to ban that faggot.

No. 84516

File: 1727716976093.jpg (372.35 KB, 1080x1518, old ban from 08.30.jpg)

Exactly. Thank you for compiling all wk sperges into one.
Now contrast this to mods handing out an instant ban in the same thread. Hypocrisy at it's finest. How come banning posts criticising the cow takes less than 15 minutes, but wks can sperge for days and no reports work?

No. 84517

So wk-chan camps in the meta as much as she camps in the thread, lmao? Hi, there! I see you couldn't wait to beg mods to lock the thread again? So predictable. Shit up the thread, wait for a complaint in the meta, then pretend to be a bystander that is fed up with the thread lmao

We don't bring complaints because it's as useless as the report button. As you can see from the post you quoted. But every now and then wks get too ambitious and cross the lines like the "You're poor and jealous unlike Taylor"- chan who still hasn't grabbed a ban despite the blatant wking.

No. 84519

and is that other side never getting banned always the mod?

No. 84520

Why not just appeal your bans?

No. 84522

I did appeal my ban, thats not the point. i'm also already unbanned, its just the principle of the thing. why does only one side (in this case, me) get banned, when its two people arguing and fighting?
iow: why do the rules only apply to me, and not them?
thats my question. you guys should look in to it, i see other people wonder about that too

No. 84524

Hi farmhands, confessions thread is a mess.

No. 84527

Top fucking kek.
Anyway mods please device ban this retard.

No. 84529

File: 1727725714898.png (27.92 KB, 1772x180, mnk.png)

Mods, why is this considered racebait but not >>>/g/434399 or >>>/g/434398 ?
Is it because I said the tiktok anon could also be white? Or can you say whatever you want as long as you call them "POC women"? Come on, kek

No. 84530

this must be a ban speed record, the fuck?

No. 84532

I haven't posted in that thread in more than a month, probably longer. My issue is with the moderation. I see a couple redtexts were added, thanks to the mod who took my post seriously.

I posted the one about the nursery here. That wasn't my post or ban. I haven't been banned. I asked here to find out if we're even allowed to discuss the nursery and then just said fuck it and went on with life.

No. 84533

File: 1727728766273.jpeg (340.79 KB, 1448x2048, EB392220-4494-4865-80D3-3A42D4…)

so is shota banned or not? are sfw images okay? i keep getting conflicting opinions

No. 84534

yes pedophilia is banned, go back

No. 84535

They said here >>84533 sfw Loli/shota is allowed

No. 84536

Mods can we please do something about the BP posters shitting up the rest of the sites. If I have to read anymore posts from schizo personalityfags calling every anon that disagrees with them a cocksucker I'm going to lose it. I've been reporting them but the ban-evading is insane. They keep coming back.

No. 84537

They need to be device banned. Modd have been good at banning but if they don't ban as severely as possible they're allowing a ban-evading possible scrote to shit the site up. Mods please.

No. 84538

Mod needs to go through and ban this post for wking too. >>>/w/336416 is reiterating the exact thing the other redtexts said.

No. 84539

Samefagging retard in Female fantasies thread, looks like it's a male too

No. 84542

Sure Jan.

No. 84544

The women shilled as attractive who you think are ugly thread in /G/ is being filled up with race-baiting for the fifth time today.

No. 84545

It's the same weird femcel seething over women of other races trying to take her men or whatever.

No. 84546

It started from some obvious baiter calling dark skin ugly the other day and anons continuing to respond to it even after the post was deleted

No. 84547

i saw that, why do retards reply to that shit knowing it's bait. the first person to reply said "i know this is bait but.." IF YOU KNOW ITS BAIT DONT INTERACT WITH IT!!!

No. 84550

some moid posted his micro dick

No. 84551

can the nasty scrote in the cam girls thread be cleared out? guys obsession with showing their gross genitals without consent is really bleak

No. 84552

actual dickpic in snow >>>/snow/2040696

No. 84553

fujo spamming her yaoi on the image thred

No. 84554

Seconding, its bringing down the quality of posts even more.

No. 84555

If you're going to out yourself as someone who constantly gets banned, there is a reason.

No. 84556

There is so much shitposting in the real opinions thread

No. 84557

I didnt even know that was possible.

No. 84558

Anons go back and forth between that being a thing and that not being a thing. I've even mentioned it before and got vitriol from users denying it's real, so take it with a grain of salt.

No. 84561

samefag, those specific pics are from a pedo-anime

No. 84562

A troll in the radfem cows thread baited a bunch of anons into criticizing misogynistic Islamic cultural practices and then reported everyone calling it out and staff played right into their hands. Criticizing islam from a radical feminist perspective is not race-baiting.

No. 84564

Unpopular opinions is genuinely unreadable at this point. It feels like 50+ posts of the same incomprehensible back and forth everytime. Also smells like balls in there. Give dumbass shit back pls

No. 84565

The unpopular opinions thread is in desperate need of a tard wrangler. It's so bad I don't even know who to report anymore. It's a never ending cycle of cock sucking obsession and hating on lesbians.

No. 84566

File: 1727748089708.png (30.35 KB, 956x392, lnbvcvkkjh.png)

shut down lolcow again

No. 84567

Sorry i derailed your trolling go suck a dick(dragging infights to /meta/)

No. 84568

Send the unpopular opinions thread to sty

No. 84569

Do you think I made one of the posts? first retard's post is dark because i clicked on it from the front page

No. 84571

CP on /m/

No. 84572

seconding. if they refuse to autosage at least do this.

No. 84573

yeah at this point unpopular opinions is just spam and ad hominem. Shitposting threads are objectively better

No. 84574

I swear there has to be one or two anons in the unpopular opinions thread that sit in there CONSTANTLY. I swear it's the same one or two people who just wait until they can start baiting.

No. 84578

File: 1727772856731.png (435.4 KB, 1080x1516, Screenshot_20241001-105247~2.p…)

Why the fuck is the simple mention of kpop prohibited? This happened in the celebrity thread, it's not like I sperged out about some kpop celebrity and it was on fucking topic and even saged.
Should I have said "that music genre that shall not be named"?

No. 84580

You sound annoying.

No. 84581

Don't worry doubt there will be another thread after the last one anons look too scared to make a new one (probably for the best)

No. 84582

Ok I was wrong its back, looking calm so far hope it stays that way!

No. 84584

can the shotafag trap pics from /m/ please be removed

No. 84585

is it me or is anyone else getting auto banned too? i dont recall posting anything bannable (and ive checked all my previous posts too)? or are admins implementing a autoban bot?

No. 84588

Retarded BP anon in the lolcow caps thread.

No. 84590

agree, i swear it wasn't as bad before, or maybe i'm just retarded and I'm not remembering correctly. What happened? It's just retards fighting over the stupidest things and actual unpopular opinions are being drowned out

No. 84591

We used to have a K-pop general and critical thread from 2017-2020 and I’m pretty sure you can find archives of it. Discussion of K-pop was banned after continuous white knight attacks spammed the boards. Not sure why you were temp banned.

No. 84592

We got a cowtipper in venus thread, its a mod from her discord

No. 84593

Bait bans in the unpopular opinion thread is the most retarded thing in the world. It's unpopular opinions… it's not bait to have an opinion that isn't shared by most, that's what the whole thread is for

No. 84594

When do you plan on fixing this flood detection bullshit? I can only make a poat every 30 seconds this is ridiculous

No. 84595

that's not what cowtipping is.

No. 84596

File: 1727927450920.jpg (399.49 KB, 916x1100, 1000018213.jpg)

Reddit bans because ONE paragraph space? Please tell your jannies to control their autism better, thanks.

No. 84597

it's probably the tone indicator

No. 84598

Ban explanation didn't quote for the tone, it was the spacing.

No. 84599

unfortunately the unpopular opinion thread has fallen to the same trap that r/unpopularopinion did. for some reason people think it’s entertaining to go into these threads and terrorize other anons for having…unpopular opinions. it’s the weirdest form of thought policing ever but i’ve seen it happen in other places time after time.

No. 84600

day 300 of asking for dumbass shit to come back

No. 84601

There’s an anon who keeps respecting Lainey/Kai’s pronouns and gender in the Onision thread.

No. 84604

Why are you acting like this is twitter with things like /s? Yeah,integrate, newfag.

No. 84605

Not a newfag.
Why are newfags larping so hard and pretending things like /s and having ONE paragraph space is twitter/reddit when both have been here forever? Just accuse me of being a tumblrina too cause why not.

No. 84607

Baiter in /ot/

No. 84608

Reddit cowtipper is derailing in Venus's thread and harassing anyone who says its cowtipping and is blaming reddit. Unintegrated newfaggotry

No. 84609

if someone dislikes what you posted they’ll nitpick it and pretend it’s breaking rules that it wasn’t. on /meta/ you can check older threads made by farmhands (when they were competent) and admins where they regularly typed

just like this

because it’s just a fucking paragraph break and reddit didn’t invent those. anyway

No. 84610

There's cp on the front page, I didn't really want to click it so I don't know on which board it is

No. 84611

What the fuck are we even supposed to do in the Venus thread? Can't talk about her spiral because that's armchairing. Can't talk about old milk because that's derailing. Jesus christ farmhands chill out a little and stop throttling threads

No. 84612

You can easily talk about her without every other word being "drugs" and "BPD". Everyone can tell she's on something, trying to tinfoil what specifically is a waste of time. Anons can discuss what she's saying without going on about how it's drug or alcohol induced because what's happening now is that anons are fighting back and forth about who is right about what she is doing and who isn't. This is a place to laugh at cows who spiral like this, not sit around and debate what she's on. No one wants a big ass paragraph giving their personal opinion.

No. 84613

It was definitely for the tone indicator, which is super cringe and redditlike to me. You deserved the ban.

No. 84614

Show us the ban page saying it was only due to spacing. That spacing wouldn't have flagged anything, that's normal on here. Like >>84613 it was because of the /s

No. 84615

So when did that become a thing because /s has been used here for YEARS.

No. 84616

Not without bans lol The fuck are you talking about?

No. 84617

Talking about all the non-redtexted /s I have seen on site over the years, what the fuck else do you think lmao

No. 84618

Everyone using tone indicators is just as unintegrated, not every incident gets a ban as some just don't get reported

No. 84619

Sounds like the didn't get reported.

No. 84621

I have literally never seen anyone unironically use /s on here and I spend more time than I'd like to admit on lolcow

No. 84622

Is relationship talk banned from unpopular opinions now? Because if it is then we really should add that to the thread description instead of just letting the same infights break out everyday and then deleting all of the posts and try to pretend like it didn’t happen. It could just be something like
> redirect relationship/nigel talk to the relationship threads

No. 84623

We have ones on /g/ for stuff like that

No. 84624

Petition to ban lanafagging in celebricows, it's attracted multiple unintegrated newfags who do nothing but bring their twitterfag sperging and infight with anyone who dares to insult their precious autopedophile

No. 84625

The celebricows is becoming unreadable with all the infighting and off topic conversations. I know if I want to fix it I need to start reporting more and I will, but can something else be done about it?

No. 84626

Yes: banning all lanafags, they were the only ones shitting up the threads besides maybe the Sabrina carpenter height derailers

No. 84627

i think wking should be more moderated in that thread considering that’s what usually causes infights

No. 84628

It's already bannable, I think what happens is that as >>84625 admitted: most newfags dont bother reporting. Even many oldfags don't bother either

No. 84629

Celebcows thread is currently people calling each other schizos and telling each other to go back. Both “sides” really want to continue this infight and aren’t posting proof or pics or anything, literally “no u” over and over again.

No. 84630

I feel like all lana discussions should be moved to her thread and further discussion should be banned on celebricows. Posting milk would be ok, but that's about it. For someone who is constantly discussed, her actual thread is perpetually dead.

No. 84631

Also came here to complain about the lanafags. The infighting is endless, and it's not even over milk. They're currently arguing about whether Lana's music is satirical or not.

No. 84632

At first I thought to myself thank goodness the thread reached its reply limit kek and then I realized they maxed out the thread talking about the dumbest possible topics instead of something actually entertaining or milky

No. 84633

Wasn't the Lana thread made by lanafags last time they were shitting up celebricows and were told to go back? Of course it's dead, there's only so much gushing you can do about her muh sugardaddy and cocaine lyrics. They only come out of the sewers to wk her when shes being discussed elsewhere.
That was like an hour ago, nobody's currently arguing about anything because the retards locked up the thread. And of course none of the Lana wking newfags claiming to be oldfags who've made dozens of threads bothered to make a new one either.

No. 84634

celebricows has been downright unreadable for days, it feels like 90% of the posts i've been reading lately warrant a ban for derailing, offtopic or infighting. it's too much, it feels completely undermoderated. i'm not only referring to just the lana chat (although that's definitely the most obnoxious right now) but to name a handful in just the last week or so it's
>the sabrina plastic surgery/heightsperging/dance tights/looks/couquette blahblah
>the witch-house sperging yesterday
>the back and forth "spotify vs pirating" debate
>the schizo chat like a week ago about whether or not an affidavit was real and it was reading like a tinfoil thread for a few days of people going "it's real!" "no it's not!" and random schizophrenia medfagging sprinkled in
it feels like it has not been a readable thread for at least a week or more but it's peaked with the lana chat the last 2 days and the thread feels like an offtopic infighting zone at this point. i feel like we can discuss celebs but to a certain degree. when it's this constant back-and-forth fighting for days that feels way to undermoderated and makes the thread clogged and hard to read. i know some of these things are talking about celebs but i don't think it should be dominating a day or two's worth of discussion (especially if it's really tedious nitpicking to the degree how translucent sabrina's dance tights are or rehashing the same arguments of the past)
i really don't think these endless back and forths should go on this long unless there's been actual events that were extremely milky and worthy of discussion but the only thing that happened was lana got married to an ugly scrote and now it has resurfaced an argument i've read 10 threads ago and don't feel like reading again. i've been reporting posts in that thread but i don't feel like reporting almost every post i read. i've been lurking in there and not participating in these discussions, just rolling my eyes scrolling through endless paragraphs and infights it's getting ridiculous

No. 84636

As an oldfag who reports 99% of the infights/sperging/bait I see: I gave up on celebricows, the state of that thread is cancerous. I only read the posts with caps because they're usually the ones containing milk.
The thread always evolves into this when certain celebrities get brought up, but I feel like there's a massive influx of newfags from tiktok wanting to shit talk without getting cancelled on there. I've been mainly using r/fauxmoi for the past few months to get my celebrity gossip, most of the stuff on celebricows is just reposts from there and you don't usually get endless fights because people are scared to get downvoted lol. It's like people come here just to be retarded

No. 84638

good points all around, i think i'll have to bite the bullet and use reddit for celeb gossip because you're absolutely right about what you said. i don't blame you for giving up reporting stuff in celebricows, it would be way too time consuming to try and report every post, and that place has been more of a cesspool in particular lately
>you don't usually get endless fights because people are scared to get downvoted lol.
kek makes sense

No. 84639

Can someone make a new celebricows now that the mods woke up and all the spergs have been banned for at least a few hours?

No. 84640

Baiters in the popular opinion thread

No. 84641

Farmhands are a little too ban happy in the Penus thread, where was that energy when anons were armchairing about her being the ultimate narc and tinfoiling dumb shit? I guess it's a net positive going forward but jeezus. I've never seen so many redtexts in a thread before kek

No. 84643

cp on /m/

No. 84644

I swear to God there's a moid in /m/ defending retarded shit

No. 84645

The redtext in venus' thread is excessive.

No. 84651

File: 1728061770944.png (115.5 KB, 1464x356, ai poast.png)

I know there's a ban on AI images outside containment, but is that also true for written posts? This is obviously written by AI and imo should be banned as well.

No. 84652

ban the newfags crying about us laughing at lolcows, it’s so obvious that /ot/ is swimming in underaged 4chan migrants

No. 84657

Just a reminder to consider locking the skirby thread.

No. 84658

racebaiters in the unpopular opinion thread or scrotes from soyjack

No. 84659

They are in a few other threads i've already reported feel sorry for jannies tonight

No. 84660

unpopular opinions is such a shit thread it's all retards slinging around the same three reused bait topics, be original. Bring dumbass shit back

No. 84661

Came here to say this. Its gotten to the point where "being a nigelfag is worse than being a tranny", apparently. Take dumbass shit off autosage, right now.

No. 84662

Jannies where the fuck are you

No. 84663

great work today guys…

No. 84664

File: 1728091003801.jpeg (63.96 KB, 550x808, 5F3A341E-687F-488B-ACDF-EA4B77…)


No. 84665

The nigel slapfights are still going strong more than 5 hours later…

No. 84666

Yeah, banning for meth speculations is ridiculous. Same as previous thread where people commenting on her missing teeth got tinfoiling redtexts, why can't we discuss the milk?

No. 84667

Can you guys ban the scrote that keeps reposting the exact same bait over and over in 2x

No. 84668

he’s so dedicated to reposting it kek

No. 84672

not the poster but what about this is a spoonfeeding request? just seems like someone looking for an update of an old cow

No. 84673

For one, you're not supposed to bump threads asking for milk on a cow, that's non-contribution right there. Two, you can't even link posts right, so you're anewfag.

The spoonfeed request sounds about right.

No. 84674

What's the point of creating a confession thread if posts are going to get deleted for being explicit

No. 84677

can we start banning suspected moids again? the word is out that they know they have nothing to fear and can bait and shit up the boards with impunity.

No. 84678

Loose wurstie moid in the unpopular opinions thread please send him to pasture.

No. 84679

/ot/ mods wake up new you know what in unpo just dropped

No. 84682

influx of moids right now, farmhands wake up!

No. 84683

Incel baiting in BP thread

No. 84684

File: 1728177007639.png (1.52 MB, 1083x1395, Screenshot 2024-10-05.png)

So we aren’t allowed to post sfw south park bl but this shit is allowed. Ok.

No. 84685

>some Touhou image with little blobby chibis where the challenge is to identify each character apart
>Touhou charas tend to be referred to as adults/of age in the series
>SP charas are canonically 9-10 year olds
>Complaining about not being able to post little boys touching each other versus some women in a hot spring

You can’t be serious. Pedo fujos make this site so unusable. Are you the same nona who complains every time people talk about liking yuri or femslash because the convo isn’t about ballwashing little anime boys?

No. 84686

File: 1728178732577.png (2.34 MB, 1820x1063, 3273744736269.PNG)

>muh adult women vs. lideral children

No. 84687

File: 1728191037179.gif (21.66 KB, 1024x1024, 1683384015860.gif)

Cp in the cow thread on m

No. 84688

you really just hate women don't you

No. 84689

Mods of this site is retarded. Why don't they permaban them? It's not even funny

No. 84692

No. 84693

Tbh, none of these are NSFW. Be real. The South Park one is specifically adults, maybe pushing it by saying FREE!!! type 17 years old. Then the Touhou one are fucking demon drinking sake. I really hate how this has become such a retarded nitpick. Neither of these are lolicon or shotacon.

No. 84694

More infighting in celebricows. This time a newfag is shitting the thread up by arguing unsaged with everyone who says something mean about Sabrina Carpenter

No. 84695

Touhou should be banned. it’s scrote and troon catnip and draws them here

No. 84696

people are treating /snow/ threads like chatrooms now. we really need more jannies

No. 84697

the sabrina sperg will not stop trying to continue the same circular infight in celebricows.

No. 84698

File: 1728238654475.png (32.69 KB, 1843x225, anons were right.png)

Thank you for this update in the Taylor thread. Maybe all these stupid food and "She's lying about ads!" posts will stop shitting up the thread.

No. 84699

Please permaban the wking newfags in celebricow already, why are they only getting redtexted instead of put out to pasture when they've derailed 2 threads in a row with retarded infightings and wking Lana and Sabrina?

No. 84700

No. 84701

Maybe instead of writing a big vague paragraph in the thread, the "mods" would like to actually define what nitpicking and tinfoiling without basis to a claim is.

The truth is that Taylor's thread is moderated in a biased way and overmoderated compared to other /w/ threads. The mods could consider banning the wk spergs along with all this other shit that apparently means so much.

She is lying about ads, and her content includes food content. The hair post deserved a ban but I see no reason to further kill discussion in this thread.

No. 84702

something needs to be done about celebricows, it doesn't take long for constant newfags fighting and derailing. at some point it stops being discussion about celebs and more "i'm right and you're wrong!" arguments constantly. i have no opinion on sabrina, idc about lana, but seeing the same shit being said over and over is getting so tiring. there's hardly any contribution or discussion. these people are shitting up the threads and clogging it up and we'll be at the post limit in no time

No. 84704

Kek even nitpicking the term farmhand/mod/janny. I think you answered your own question.

No. 84705

I wouldn't say a thing if mods were at least a bit fair when handing out bans. It took them DAYS and numerous complaints to finally ban the blatant wking but saged posts critising Taylor get bans within hours if not minutes (as it turns out). Hypocrisy at its finest.

Good point about no definition of nitpicking. We've been asking them to define what that means so many times over the past year or so, but they always ignore it.
Discussing the content she posts is not a nitpick. Calling our her constant promotion of pseudoscientific bullshit is not nitpicking. Documenting her unhealthy relationship with food is not nitpicking. But so many posts about the aforementioned grabbed a ban on numerous occasions.
Hell, even jokes have been banned. How is that fair and being "lenient"? And they go and claim "we have been lax and unclear about banning for nitpicking" when 80% of the thread is banned as such lmao What a joke.

No. 84706

Get used to that anon it's happened in several threads

No. 84707

File: 1728264168860.jpeg (200.44 KB, 816x1456, IMG_2216.jpeg)

cp on front page

No. 84708

touhou is amazing and we can't let shitty western moids take it. the jp touhou community is wonderful.

No. 84709

Yeah, I have no idea why someone is camping out in /m/ insisting that Touhou is for da menz only kek

No. 84711

There's been one for a while now anytime the series is mentioned it's bizarre, I used a reaction pic long before the new Touhou thread was made and got ripped apart for it lol
Like sorry guess I missed the memo there's a list of lolcow approved series to enjoy

No. 84714

fuck them i will still love my superior touhou waifu.

No. 84716

>ripped apart for Touhou reaction image
That's so odd. I remember I used one a while ago and no one said anything about it. What a weird series to be polarizing. I wonder what that /m/ sperg's goal is kek.

No. 84718

File: 1728313716483.jpeg (1.85 MB, 3628x4000, 4C1AA12B-72F9-40F4-984C-3D643F…)

yeah farmers are really retarded about anything deemed moid bait. i wish we could hide posts (i think that would solve most issues that derive from complainerfags complaining about the Bad Content) but that feels like too much to ask

No. 84719

I would literally do anything for the belle delphine thread to be unlocked during her next social media return and just locked after. We were told a few months ago to move the discussion to camgirl thread, and then told not to? Belle delphine is argubly one of the milkiest cows on this site. Please reconsider the perma lock mods

No. 84721

Not a mod, just an oldfag, but they always get overrun with people who can barely type, don't know how to integrate, etc. I also remember those threads having a lot of posts from girls who claimed to have been talking to Sam and mentioning milk with no proof. The Effina threads are similarly chaotic and pointless

No. 84722

Agreed, I've never seen celebricow farmers lose their mind over any celebrity as much as they have over Sabrina. The last 200 out of 300 posts are just infighting kek but I kinda think celebricows is used as a containment board now

No. 84723

We have cowtippers in the venus thread. Mods admitting to deleting milk on purpose and removing accessibility to the discord from the cow. This is the most blatant ruining of milk I've seen in a long time.

No. 84724

Her milk is just going to be another antic that's forgotten in 2 weeks. Opening a thread for 2 weeks is retarded as hell.

No. 84725

can mods ban everything i personally don't like? thanks

No. 84726

I didn’t even know they were allowed to do that…

No. 84727

Every internet return she has she does milky and controversial stuff for like 3-4 months. By the mods logic if the belle thread deserves to be perma locked so do many others. The only person who continuously ruined the thread by shooping pics and nitpicking could easily just be banned, problem solved.

No. 84729

They fucked everything up. I'm actually really mad. To clarify I mean the mods in the discord for Venus, not the farmhands/mods on lolcow. They have nothing to do with this. I forget sometimes ours get called mods too.

No. 84730

>I've never seen celebricow farmers lose their mind over any celebrity as much as they have over Sabrina
the Florence and Sydney spergs were way worse tbh

No. 84731

just use camgirls then. I think anons are just upset no one in those threads actually care about discussing her. She's just a pornthot like all others.

No. 84733

she’s the og pornthot actually and i’d argue we wouldn’t even have the whole egirl shit if it weren’t for her

No. 84735

Congrats to her for not being the only one. We dont use the nigri thread even though she was the og cosplay thot. Shes not milky long term anymore to play doorkeeper to a thread like hers.

No. 84737

Mods, lurk the Venus thread before handing out retarded bans because Venus had confirmed she was on meth a couple days ago. It should've never been bannable to "tinfoil" about it, especially when her teeth are literally rotten

No. 84738

its really a matter of who is reporting because I got a few retarded ones and it felt clear it was a faggot who didn't agree with my opinion

No. 84739

>Venus had confirmed she was on meth a couple days ago
What the fuck?

No. 84741

It's still up to mods whether to hand out bans after a report has been made, so ultimately they're the bigger retards for banning people over something that was confirmed ages ago
Yeah, lurk through her thread. She's been tweeting about doing meth for at least 6 days

No. 84742

i sent reports already but anons in moos thread are taking moo's school larp at face value and arguing about nursing school shit and it's annoying as fuck.

No. 84744

Are you mad that no one agrees with you in that thread? You had multiple anons call you out for being wrong about nursing students not doing any needlework according to your personal timeline of when she should be learning it. Yes, within a few weeks of signing up, a lot of students are doing IVs. If you can't even use Google, don't come to meta to blame other users for you being the retard here. My take is from personal experience, nonnie.

No. 84745

There are so many farmers in Venus's thread purposely fucking with milk. Nothing she posts is organic anymore.

No. 84746

no i think EVERYONE in that conversation should get banned because it's pointless derailing. moo isn't in any program so who cares about the specifics of what it is in reality. this same kind of autistic shit happens in other threads and it serves no purpose. i know a big proponent of autism is OCPD behavior, but it's not necessary to be right about something irrelevant.

No. 84747

Scrotum in unpopular opinions trying to fight with anons

No. 84748

can dumbass shit be let out of jail now

No. 84750

Butthurt schizo scrote reeing about radfems and whores in the unpopular opinions thread.

No. 84751

The discord users are still shitting up Venus's thread and posting unrelated women and calling them ugly. These newfags are so easy to spot.

No. 84752

i think that banning discussion/mention of the self-posting troon in the post-left thread would greatly improve it

No. 84753

Major agree^

No. 84754

>sperging over randos getting called ugly
Are you new? It's more newfag to pearlclutch over this

No. 84755

Agreed. At the very least, it would also be great if anons stopped responding to his obvious self posts.

No. 84756

What's with the deletion in the unpopular opinions thread, what is this crystal cafe? The last nonna talking about Brittany Zamora was saying something anons have said dozens of times before, were not allowed to not feel sympathy for moidlets now? What the fuck?

No. 84757

Does the radfem cows thread actually have any milk or is it just a bunch of autists seething because some nobody was mean to them on tumblr once

No. 84758

Nigelfag, just take a nap

No. 84759

stop calling everyone nigelfag when they dont agree with you

No. 84760

Calm down babe, I'm just trying to help you(bait)

No. 84761

The radfem cows thread is filled with tumblr cows lurking and occasionally coming here to argue. The thread is also full of both whiteknights and vendettafags for the bigger radblr cows.

No. 84762

Retard spamming /ot/ with unfunny retardation

No. 84763

How am I a nigelfag for not caring Brittany Zamora raped a 13 year old kek. I'm not whatever nigelfag you were infighting with, I'm wondering why mods deleted the Zamora sympathizers post. Touch grass.

No. 84764

File: 1728423800134.jpg (85.03 KB, 1300x866, faggotwithlaptop.jpg)

No. 84765

Kek. You're fat(infighting)

No. 84766

The problem is : most of them aren't farmers. Just a bunch of discordfags and redditards on a morale crusade, messing up with the milk because ~muh feefees~
I hate them and wish they were permaban already.

No. 84767

Whatever lies help you cope with being a faggot(infighting)

No. 84768

When you literally can't let an infight go for the life of you so you assume every anon is the one you were arguing with and just say words at them hoping it'll stick, it's time to step away from meta for a bit anon.

No. 84770

File: 1728425762490.jpeg (42.31 KB, 500x500, D1AFC6C0-63F1-4F9A-8486-3BAA05…)

its annoying that it took them this long to realize what a pos venus is. instead of dealing with it like sane person, they go full triggered retard and made us lose a lot of milk.

No. 84771

I honestly don't get why her meth sperging triggered them this much, shouldn't this have happened ages ago when she started camwhoring, trolling, suicide baiting and attention seeking? It's not like this is anything new but she suddenly mocks a discord mods mom and all hell breaks loose amongst fagelics

No. 84772

First thing I've said all thread, sorry you got your feelings hurt

No. 84773

pariah the troon post history reveal would be amazing

No. 84774

The ugly man pysop thread has been derailed by people arguing about Arabs and whether they're inbred or not for the last couple of hours

No. 84775

why has that retarded ass selfpost in Duolicious cringe thread been deleted yet? that retard literally posted in the thread and got his message deleted before the "AMA"

No. 84776

Seen it in 2 other threads I think it's the same anon who really has a hate boner for Arabs.

No. 84777

mods please make this happen

No. 84778

day 200 of begging for dumbass shit to return

No. 84779

you know theres more to the site than just that right?

No. 84780

File: 1728478327014.png (834.83 KB, 731x1370, 1000035231.png)

not my post. Who is writing these redtexts? Because nowhere in the above note does it mention ads. I don't care that much but what is repetitive about pointing out her weird obsession with shilling shit? She never used to be like this.

So where's the line, then? She's a influencer who posted 15 story ads about a first class airport lounge. Can we mention this, or is mentioning it alone "nitpicking"?

No. 84781

More useless infighting in the ugly man pysop thread, this time people are arguing over whether blue eyes are nice or ugly

No. 84782

Constantly posting about everything being an ad is so annoying though she is an influencer what do you expect? anons have discussed that she isn't even breaking any laws and if her dumb fans want to buy into her shills that is a them problem. Posting every time she tags a company just shits up the thread

No. 84783

>she is an influencer what do you expect?
I think the problem is that they don't understand which is why they nitpick all the time. damn near everything an influencer posts is an ad due to sponsorships n such.

No. 84784

Exactly why post about it unless she's lying about it which she hasn't unfortunately anons just want a little #AD in the corner every time which she doesn't have to do

No. 84785

Is anyone gonna tard wrangle the post your art thread. Anyone.

No. 84786

Is the femboy retard back

No. 84787

hate to see the perpetual infighting that ruined /ot/ move to /m/. jannies need to get a grip

No. 84789

>hate to see the perpetual infighting that ruined /ot/ move to /m/
it’s literally always been there

No. 84791

The bit about the ad was not even the main topic of discussion though. It was mentioned in the passing when pointing out her need to relax and get a massage at a premium lounge after a preventable mishap. Mod chose to focus on it though, god knows why, and red texted as such. Now who's nitpicking here?
What? Are we not allowed to point out the absurdity of her and Tom's poor planning skills and the resulting ridiculous lamenting about her "stressful" life?

No. 84792

File: 1728506082796.png (1.76 KB, 442x42, donations.PNG)

when/why did we stop accepting donations?
not my redtext, just curious

No. 84793

No. 84795

I love how they had to stiplulate that no amount of complaining about the bans in meta matter for this thread anymore. Thank god honestly and the post did mention ads lol main topic or not, its still repetative and annoying. If it isn't your ban, why even take these here all the time and defending random users who can appeal on their own. The fake coddling and concern for other people's bans make it so suspicious that the "nta" is always that anon.

No. 84796

ntyrt but it's for the simple reason of the thread being killed in real time. it's this anon today, it could be me tomorrow. complaining about unfair bans is one of the purposes of this thread. wks are also very annoying but they are rarely banned or banned only after multiple complaints here because simply reporting only works for "nitpicking" and "tinfoiling". point?

p.s. no mod has given an explanation about post deletion that happened in the thread. that too was brushed under the rug and ignored. we stayed silent and it obviously was a mistake. now mod can ban left and right and center if she doesn't like a post while nitpicking words out of a whole paragraph as a reason and pretending to be forced to do it by the evil, unruly farmers.

No. 84797

Oh dear, we don't get to see people complain about ads that aren't breaking any disclosure laws. What will we do? Kill what exactly?

No. 84798

ty; I guess we're all broke kek

No. 84799

File: 1728515548178.png (200.21 KB, 1181x854, Screenshot 2024-10-09 180717.p…)

Something is wrong with this thread >>>/m/422348. When you scroll the board, the preview of the thread shows up normally with all replies, but when you click on the thread itself the replies disappear. Please look into it.

No. 84800

Oh wow, it decided to start working again right after I posted this. Weird as hell.

No. 84801

scrote greentexting anons in the vent thread please kill him

No. 84802

Blackpill woman hating anon back in amerifag thread

No. 84803

not that autist again

No. 84804

File: 1728525450768.jpeg (264.32 KB, 828x603, IMG_5622.jpeg)

some faggot is still trying to start shit in the post your art thread

No. 84805

Trannies spamming porn on /m/, prolly on other boards too

No. 84806

Are you being obtuse on purpose?

No. 84807

Making fun of the report's sarcasm kek
>Thank God there was a luxurious lounge for her to relax at! She liked it so much she posted 15(!) stories about it, hashtag not an ad. She was so stressed and needed a good rest and a massage after all of that headache they brought upon themselves. Lol

No. 84808

ntyfag derailing in the rate your art thread in m

No. 84809

It's the femboy sperg that mods asked us to report when he comes back. They selfpost and then complain about all criticisms they get every fucking time they come here to post. They want advice and then fight about the advice. Here is a farmhand calling out this poster previously >>>/m/371474

Recently possible posts by femboyfag:

All of these come after anons give crits. Then you have these in the older thread with the same type of art style poster beginning for tips and then throwing a fucking fit about said tips and using the same 'crab' variations as insults towards anons:

>>>/m/371103 [its the same, non-improved art style]

No. 84811

Can we have dumbass shit back now please

No. 84812

I agree tbh at this point there are SO many thread worse than dumbass shit. And yet mods do nothing about those threads and let dumbass shit remain autosaged.

No. 84813

I checked and it's actually two different people despite the similarities in their posting style.

No. 84814

Where do these crab posters even come from? lol

No. 84815

is it a personalityfag then?

No. 84818

most people don't care to proofread or have autocorrect fix it all for them it's not that deep

No. 84820

File: 1728589385655.png (Spoiler Image,191.9 KB, 553x377, gross.png)

Literally no one is stopping you from posting South Park yaoi. There's a bunch of it in the BL pics thread. The only rule is that it shouldn't be porn or blatantly horny.

Anons haven't posted any pictures of "little boys touching each other." The characters are drawn like teenagers or adults in the art I've seen posted in /m/. The showrunners themselves sexualize the characters more than nonas here do (picrel, one of many, many examples.) The standard should be how the characters are drawn in the individual piece of fanart. If they look like shots, ban. If they look like adults or older teenagers, it should be fine regardless of the characters' canon ages. Just my take.

No. 84821


No. 84822

CP on /m/

No. 84823

why is dumbass shit still autosaged

No. 84824

Someone tell the anon in Moo's thread on /pt/ to post caps or stfu. Apparently they know her income, have commissioned things from her, have shot with friends who have used the studio, yet won't say who they are or who they know or any caps of anything.

No. 84825

can the empath thread be locked already? theres literally nothing entertaining about her self posting. all she does not is post pics of her lard ass and edgy nonsense. its cringe now.

No. 84826

Why do you refuse to deal with the cesspit that is unpop opinions, just how many anons have to complain repeatedly for years before you take action? If you hate the site so much that you care so little about it's health and users just step down and fuck off already.

No. 84828

Genuine question i havent seen anyone ask before but why are farmhands allowed to delete posts that dont break any rules?

No. 84829

When a poster ban evades multiple times in a short period of time their posts start getting deleted.

No. 84830

I had one of my posts deleted during a discussion where I hadn't even been banned, but after joining and commenting on the topic I had my post deleted and was banned for "ban evading" at the time. And I was watching unpopular opinions this evening too, so I'll ask, why are farmhands allowed to delete posts that don't break any rules, and also aren't made by someone whos ban evading or trying to stir shit up?

No. 84831

You guys don't actually check if an anon is ban evading though. I know because I've had posts deleted, and on another occasion I was also accused of being an ban evading infighter by a farmhand (who admitted they were wrong).

No. 84834

Because when farmhands are scrambling to delete posts from the ban evaders innocents get caught in the crossfire. They fuck up all the time. Remember when the moovie thread got deleted?

No. 84835

the site glitched and double posted, sorry

No. 84836

Would art rate thread benefit if it just turned into an art posting thread and the critiques should only be if the poster solicits for it?

No. 84837

Unlock circus Kate thread in snow, the op might be shit but she is such a cow and should be here

No. 84838

Bring emoticons back or fuck you

No. 84840

No. 84842

This should be added to the rules/info if it is a new policy. >>84830
Hasn't happened to me recently but has definitely happened in the past. Someone else replying to one of my posts awhile ago also got inexplicably banned for samefagging.

No. 84843

nta, I believe I was mistaken for the cat pee girl a couple of years ago, I was banned for ban-evading when I hadn't been breaking any rules period, and I've also been banned for being a moid while a moid was sharting all over the board, presumably ban-evading
I suspect that having to guess who's using a vpn and who isn't, isn't an exact science

No. 84844

There's a janny on /ot/ and /snow/ who will only ban the side of the argument that she disagrees with, and will let the side she agrees with derail the thread indefinitely, and will delete reports when her favored side breaks the site rules.
I've seen it happen live in three different threads now.

No. 84845

>critiques should only be if the poster solicits for it?
how/why the fuck are you on an anonymous imageboard.
post proof or shut up sounds you got mad over arguing over retarded shit

No. 84846

Nope, I am not, I am online all day though.
Check out the unpopular opinions thread right now for a good example, while multiple posts have been reported in this extensive derail, only two posts have been banned, same side, the thread has been allowed to derail

No. 84847

They don't redtext every single ban

No. 84848

Yes I understand that; do you see how posts are still being made by some of the same people? It's literally been going for two hours, there's no sign of stopping

No. 84849

Excellent, I see the posts are getting deleted now, thank you.

No. 84850

And what about posts that aren’t breaking any rules or in the middle of an infight or baiting? Why are mods allowed to just delete stuff they personally don’t like? Or stuff that they consider to be embarrassing for themselves?

No. 84851

I made a post in the retarded bans thread about a dumb comeback that a farmhand tried to make to me (banned me and accused me of being incorrect about the current year, of all things…) and whenever I tried to post about it in retarded bans it was only met with another ban kek. instead of lifting the wrongful ban, they just doubled down on their own idiocity.

No. 84853

If mods put empath-chan's thread on autosage would it discourage her from self posting and her thread would finally die?

No. 84854

Idiocity is a word in burgerville leave me the fuck alone

No. 84856

anon… you called the earth 2000 years old. that is retarded. please tell me you aren't genuinely unaware of the fact that there was an entire BCE part of history?

No. 84857

they seriously need to do something because her self-posting is not as entertaining when cows are EXPOSED for self-posting either by the mods or for essentially subtweeting lc(creepshow art, lilee, micky, pixie, just to name a few)
I say either lock for autosage
>I am online all day though.
is this why you care too much about unpopular opinions? the cesspool of lc where people are constantly flinging shit at each other? admitting youre terminally online isnt a flex, its a concern.

No. 84858

now you wouldn't be trying to start an in-fight on meta, would you

No. 84861

why tf was posting down for 3 hours but the server status never updated?

No. 84862

They were probably at work or something

No. 84863

Has any been getting "system error occured, post again in 30 secs" messages? Happened to me twice today. Can't be flood detection because it happened even when I haven't posted in hours.

No. 84864

>post proof or shut up sounds you got mad over arguing over retarded shit
Ntayrt but this happened with the "good moids" thread months ago, the farmhand who acted like that even got kicked afterwards (tho that was more for showing an anon's IP during the argument)

No. 84865

I've seen it too and people always go "you schizo" when anyone talk about it but it's not even subtle anymore.

No. 84866

Nta but how can you even tell if a janny "deletes" reports??

No. 84867

Hold up, there was a second ip reveal by a janny? Separate from the cat pee bitch?

No. 84868

if there is a janny actively engaged in a thread (banning in real time), and only one side is getting banned even though both are breaking rules, it becomes clear that certain rule violations/violators are being intentionally ignored
if, then, no other janny ever comes back later to clean up the rest, that indicates that certain reports were disregarded (deleted), as no one else saw them

No. 84869

yep. so many posts got deleted so you can't see the original reveal itself, but here's where the discussion started
and admin's posts about it
this was the thread where it occurred, but again the post (and many others) is deleted

No. 84870

Thank you kindly

No. 84871

Fuck this explains a lot ty nonnie.

No. 84872

yes the current farmhands are very biased. i don't think they understand their job is to be a neutral observer and not a retard like you and me

No. 84873

completely agree

No. 84875

I mean I see it in the same way no one goes to cute images thread and critiques the fuck out of those? Just that it's art anons made and want to share.

No. 84876

can that trap-fag posts by the baiting tranny please be deleted from the images thread?

No. 84877

she’s a retarded female unfortunately

No. 84878

Anons are nitpicking ol' "fat bitch" Jill not pissing and shitting herself autistically enough because some plastic toys fell on her.

No. 84879

File: 1728738785773.jpg (503.74 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2024-10-12-15-12-27…)

Why foes my lolcor look like this like I posted some cp or something what the hell

No. 84880

Samefag, now tinfoiling that Steeben let the toys fall on her KEK the retardation from some Jillfags is almost on par with Shayfaggotry atp.

No. 84881

Whatever VPN you're using was permabanned and farmcow'd.

No. 84883

I'm not using a vpn. I'm on mobile and the ip I got assigned was permabanned and now it looks like this. Ugh. How do I fix this lol

No. 84884

>how do I fix this
Use a VPN?

No. 84885

Doesn't fix it

No. 84886

Use a different one. Some brave IPs are permabanned, keep trying a different one, or use a different browser.

No. 84887

It works fine on brave but my normal browser keeps getting redirected to farmcow even though I can post normally without any vpn so the ip I'm posting from isn't banned. Welp

No. 84888

If it works fine on brave then use brave?

No. 84889

Ok thanks I will do that just wondering if it edited my browser settings or something since it keeps getting redirected despite the ip i'm connecting from not being banned?

No. 84890

What do you mean the IP you're connected to isn't banned? If you get farmcow'd that means the IP has been banned but they didn't permaban you, someone with that IP probably shat up the farms really bad, which is how they got the farmcow in the first place.

No. 84891

they’re so bad at this kek how do you leak someone’s ip twice

No. 84892

Easily, by caping for men. Follow the chain >>84869 kek

No. 84893

>new farmhands mentioned in that post chain
>5 months ago
i wonder where they’re pulling staff from, a post barely a month ago itt also pins some moderation mishaps on “new farmhands”. i also still want a thread just documenting their bad behavior, holy kek. they’ve been fucking up for a year straight now

No. 84894

Discord. There's a new one from after the other one closed but they sent invites to people in the old one.

No. 84895

I swear this is always one of you retards with tinfoil about the farmhands. Just comes off as "I wasn't picked".

No. 84896

it’s not like moderating lc is some big honor kek i would never want to do it

damn if this is true it makes that hellweek post all the kekkier

No. 84897

At least make the tinfoil make sense and have some proof to back it up rather than random moderation being your proof. The tinfoil sucks because it's always a goalpost change too.

No. 84898

It's not banned, I switched ips and I'm posting normally. But I still get redirected

No. 84899

If you get farmcow'd it means the ip is pretty much banned, and was banned before, how is it hard to understand kek.

No. 84900

rancefag schizoposting in art rate thread again

No. 84901

so the ip I'm browsing normally and posting from rn on my computer is permanently banned? I'm using the same network on my mobile and I still get redirected.

No. 84902

Girl I don't have the answers to your questions and the mods won't answer so do what works for you. I get farmcow'd on chrome and safari but I don't get farmcow'd on brave or my laptop either.

No. 84903

Retards just use originaldotlolcowdotfarm

No. 84904

Not doing that when I can just use the superior browser.

No. 84905

She's still at it

No. 84906

Going even harder now

No. 84907

Thank you for banning NTYfag, the art thread has been unusable thanks to her always announcing herself. I hope it's permanent this time.

No. 84908

It's not just NTYfag, it's all the anons who have to point her out and whinge about her to the point where it suffocates any other discussion in a thread. Report and ignore, it's not difficult.

No. 84909

Anons are going to want to talk about drama and cows, this is a drama board after all.

No. 84910

It's one anon samefagging. You can't ban someone from an art postong thread for having a recognizable style alone, but you can and should ban anons who make a scene whenever they recognize another anon's art.

No. 84911

I don't predict a NTYfag thread anytime soon, not even Ritard or pakichan has one. I have a feeling that a personalityfag that only a few anons on /m/ seem to care about isn't milky enough to warrant the derailing of multiple threads anytime she posts or is mentioned. If you want her to stop being annoying maybe you should just report and ignore her, not feeding trolls is literally internet etiquette 101, it's not rocket science.

No. 84912

>not even Ritard or pakichan has one.
Ritard has a thread and pakichan is featured in the antifujo cows thread, newfag
It's not about her having a recognizable style, she's a personalityfag. Personalityfags cannot announce themselves and post in recognizable styles.

No. 84913

A milkless inactive thread with less than 200 posts and she's mentioned in the Western Vocaloid threads, what a riveting cow.

No. 84914

barring rancefag, none of the /m/ "cows" are even deserving of the definition honestly. ntyfag's greatest sin is liking a visual novel and arguing against other people who didn't, goatfag snapped after days of being dog piled months ago and hasn't done anything since. neither case is really interesting enough to sustain discussion, it's just a few obsessed retards who were probably personally offended somehow going on about it.

No. 84915

Every anon who has posted more than once in the art thread is a personalityfag by that definition. Unless an anon is actively attempting to differentiate themselves from other posters to stand out, they're not personalityfagging. No, posting art that's recognizable or repeatedly posting about a specific topic is not personalityfagging as long as it's done in the proper thread.

The problem with personalityfagging is how it defeats the point of anonymous imageboards. This is a small imageboard with a few frequent posters and some of these posters will inevitably have identifiable quirks in their posts. The anons who become obsessed with larping as detectives, vigorously trying to point out these quirks and identify certain posters, treating them like minor celebrities even when the posters themselves aren't baiting it are as big of a problem in perpetuating personalityfag culture as personalityfags themselves. We need an update to the rules about personalityfags to help newfags finally grasp this.

No. 84916

Lurk moar, NTYfag has been banned several times. Admins even told her to stop avatarfagging and personalityfagging before but she keeps doing it. Kirbyfag also posted on the art thread but no one gave a shit because kirbyfag isn't a self-admitted pedophile cow like ntyfag. People are tired of her because she dogpiled anons for the same shit she does and goes on insane spergouts calling everyone rancefag when they say anything negative about their art.

No. 84918

NTA. And derailing a thread to make fanfiction about how rancefag and NTYfag should be in a "yuri relationship" helps combat her how exactly? I didn't even know who NTYfag was because I'm not retarded enough to use the threads that make up her habitat until people started constantly derail art threads pointing her out. The only thing I saw was the Hamas gijinka which was retarded, but that and everything else people reee about doesn't really make her that insane and crazy of a cow that must be talked about any chance you get. Retarded and annoying, yeah, but also easily ignorable if you have any level of self awareness.

No. 84920

What it comes down to is
>personalityfagging bad
>trying to turn active posters into personalityfags also bad and spits in the face of the concept of anonymous imageboards in the same way
Personalityfags like rancefag and pakichan are notorious because they aren't just regular posters with recognizable quirks: they are terminal rule breakers who revel in the attention their personalityfag statuses brings them. They are real personalityfags and they deserve to stay permabanned. Autists like kirbyfag, while very recognizable, aren't intentionally causing a scene but they attract the attention of detectivefags who make it one and then demand whoever they think is their culprit to be banned. In the art thread, the detectivefag derailed the thread for 4 hours sperging about ntyfag as no one replied to her but herself. Personalityfagging is a two way street, if it wasn't for anons like this it wouldn't be as big of a problem as it is currently.

>NTYfag has been banned several times
>Admins even told her to stop avatarfagging and personalityfagging before
>insane spergouts calling everyone rancefag when they say anything negative about their art.
>source(s): just trust me bro
As you sit here evading your own permaban once again to sperg about this. Unhinged.

No. 84921

when you're ban evading to justify sperging up an art thread for 4 hours straight about a personalityfag not a soul on lolcow cares about but you, you've already lost

No. 84922

the baiting in the unpopular opinions thread is actually exhausting. for the millionth time, shut it down and bring back dumbassshit

No. 84923

you can go all around the entire website crying about people being mean to you and your art is still going to be shit, what a crying shame(infighting)

No. 84924

Oh, can you fuck off. I'm sorry your mummy doesn't love you so you have to vent your insecurities on random lolcow anons.

No. 84925

What's the correlation

No. 84926

You guys have been at this nonstop for two days at minimum and it started over a freaking pinup of an anime boy in a thong. LET IT GO.

No. 84927

No. 84928

I wish she would fucking let it go, she's still at it in the new thread.

No. 84929

It's really annoying, because they assume that it's just the two of them using the thread, and that there are no other anons in there. They accuse literally everyone else of being the anon they disagree with.

No. 84930

Tbf the whole thread is doing that right now. Everyone must be bunnyfag or loomisfag or goatfag or ntyfag or rancefag or whatever new personalityfag we're forcing because otherwise that would mean we're talking to an anonymous poster who we can't insult directly and that's no fun.

No. 84931

It reads like there's a bunch of newfags and underage fags in unpopular opinions and they're being minimodding annoying cunts too

No. 84932

Nobody is minimodding in there? Wtf are you talking about

No. 84933

>It reads like there's a bunch of newfags and underage fags in unpopular opinions
I hope you understand its always been that way.

No. 84934

File: 1728778313450.jpg (63.98 KB, 850x400, 1586226917783.jpg)

dumbass shit posters decided to camp in the unpopular opinions thread and constantly derail it to try and force cerbmin to take the dumbass shit thread off autosage.

No. 84935

How many months has it been now you'd think they'd get a new hobby or have a new autistic fixation. That's pure mental illness

No. 84936

NTA but thats what happens when theres poor moderation. There's shitty behavior in response

No. 84937

Anon, the unpopular opinions thread was shit even before the dumbass shit thread was autosaged. You can't make up stuff like this like the autosage wasn't recent and we don't remember what it was like before kek

No. 84938

God I left like three hours ago and came back to find that people are still acting like schizos in the rate my art thread.

No. 84939

File: 1728788746228.png (Spoiler Image,601.87 KB, 1076x1913, 1000103776.png)

will you people ever accept that unpopular opinions has always been like that. always. and it was honestly worse than dumbass shit ever was and deserves the same treatment.


No. 84941

can farmhands come clean up the art thread? the baiters have devolved to actual child-tier insults and the entire thread is just two competing baiters saying
>no YOUR mama is fat
please delete their spam and institute a deletion policy itt, I think it's the only way to discourage them from just ban evading and continuing day after day after day

No. 84942

Unpopular opinions was always like this but only dumbass thread was autosaged you stupid fuck

No. 84943

Is there any point to even reporting shit in the art thread? I thought farmhands are awake at this time.

No. 84944

at this rate the entire new thread will be filled by morning with just the baiter(s) flinging schoolyard insults at each other

No. 84945

They've always been slower on the weekends especially at night

No. 84946

i love the idea of giving our sharthands more pointless work to do so post deletion could only be a good thing. i'll go as hard as possible to ensure they have a lot of things to remove

No. 84947

Still convinced one of the femboy sperg

No. 84948

>t. someone who REALLY REALLY doesn't want the farmhands to start deleting their posts

No. 84949

it's harmless, lighthearted banter after a weeks worth of dumb seething. why do you all hate fun so much

No. 84950

Skirbyfag is samefagging and derailing, nitpicking a photoshoped chick's weight. You can tell when they post because they give skirby nicknames.

No. 84951


No. 84952

Could the farmhands explain why NTYfag doesn't get permabanned despite breaking the rules constantly? Is selfposting and personalityfagging bad or not? Do offenses committed over a year matter? Why do you always selectively choose how to enforce site law?

No. 84954

That thread got moderated a few hours ago. Calm down.

No. 84955

Smells like samefagging.

No. 84956

Just saw cp on /m/ i reported it, but be careful everyone

No. 84959

Can you figure out a way to actually ban people holy shit. I used to not want VPNs banned because I know there are nonnies posting from countries where they need them but this is getting ridiculous.

No. 84960

We should have a thread specifically for continuing off topic conversations that may show up in threads. Sometimes an anon raises a good point or says something so retarded you feel a physical need to question them on it. This way an anon could say "let's continue this conversation here >>/ot/<thread id>"

No. 84961

what the hell are you talking about that you can't go find an existing thread for? they even added search to the catalog for tards who can't ctrl+f

No. 84962

Did you read what I wrote? I'm talking about a thread specifically to continue conversations with specific anons you were derailing with, so that the thread itself stays derail free but you can still talk about it. It wouldn't fit in the stupid questions/mundane shit/bechdel test/etc.

No. 84963

Like a "LET'S TAKE THIS FIGHT OUTSIDE!!" thread? lol

No. 84964

and why is that necessary? what would you be talking about that wouldnt fit into an existing thread you can go find and move to?

No. 84966

it's what the farmhands get for being complete trash. like someone else above said, bad behavior from the userbase is in almost direct response from bad behavior from the moderators. you can check threads from last year, it wasn't ever as bad as it is right now.

No. 84967

nta but that sounds like a fun and healthy way to deal with our differences actually kek

No. 84968

Something interesting we learned during hellweek (I don’t know if this still applies to the current day because this could’ve changed) is that apparently only a very small percentage of our posts come from VPN users. Like only 12%

No. 84969

You don't need a vpn to ban evade, sometimes it's as simple as resetting your router and clearing your cookies. Vpns are basic internet security, not tools only ban evaders use and banning them would be a difficult feat farmhands wouldn't be able to pull off.

Encourage anons to stop replying to ban evading schizos and delete their posts to demotivate them. Farmers are retarded and pathetically easy to bait, fix that.

No. 84970

None of those statistics are accurate, this is what happens when a bunch of stuck-up bitches who are likely using ChatGPT to pass their college classes run a website. Almost everybody here uses VPNs, that’s clear cut common sense. You can’t trust the farmhands and the scrotemin to handle your data and cookies safely which is why it’s important to use a VPN here. If you’re pissy trying to get rid of vpns then don’t use the internet, not even twitter cares about banning vpns you learn to deal with the posts you don’t like or gtfo, simple as

No. 84971

We've had this going on before chatgpt was a thing too, so shove you ai bullshit tinfoil. That's wild that, that is even an assumption. Holy shit

No. 84972

Some of these newfags don't seem to get the culture that lolcow isn't a chatroom. Sorry some of you guys missed out on tempcow but you retards really show your lack of age and intelligence on what you deem funny and worthy of shitting up a thread over. Barely any good discussion happens on the weekends on ot or g because it seems like all the students have the weekend off and just camp here all day. Im sure there's 1000s of cringe communities online that appreciate unfunny inexperienced losers

No. 84973

No. 84974

And that's how you tell if someone is genuine in their discussion in /meta/ or if they are here to shitpost.

No. 84975

Nona your reading comprehension…

No. 84976

Tbf I'm high and trying my best lol I reread it now.

No. 84977

Farmhands please, we need more moderation in the post your art thread. The baiters are basically using it as a shitposting chatroom between themselves. Currently they are doing "I fucked your mom" jokes, literally. Their spam just needs to be deleted or they will never stop.

No. 84978

How is the lazy bitch personality disorder thread in /ot/ not just a dumbass shit thread but more annoying due to the one recognizable samefag? Mods lock that shit.

No. 84979

I already reported it, wish they would at least try to integrate and go be cringe on cc or something.

No. 84980

Unhinged racebaiting in confessions thread

No. 84981

Tempcow was so much fun. I wish we could have kept it as a side thing. Watching people typing in real time and the shenanigans that ensued … priceless.

No. 84982

I know we're somewhat free speech here, but I don't understand why the cat and dog hate threads are allowed here. Youtube monkey hate tier shit.

No. 84983

it's better they have their own thread to spew their insanity in rather than sperg in other threads whenever cats or dogs are mentioned. at least this way you can avoid their depravity by not reading the hate threads

No. 84984

I'd like this, there's heaps of spergy fights I want to watch in heavy moderated boards like /snow/ and /pt/ I myself wanting to instigate some too but relenting due to self control.

No. 84985

>can’t read

No. 84986

None of you fuckers who complain about dumbass shit even used it, you're making up shit in your own heads and acting like it's fact. It was a shitposting thread, nothing more nothing less. I have never seen a bigger group of sensitive spergs. Seriously this userbase is the most immature and insufferable group of nuts I've ever seen on an imageboard.

No. 84987

(mickey mouse voice, incensed)
None of you fuckers who complain about dumbass shit even used it, you're making up shit in your own heads and acting like it's fact. It was a shitposting thread, nothing more nothing less. I have never seen a bigger group of sensitive spergs. Seriously this userbase is the most immature and insufferable group of nuts I've ever seen on an imageboard.

No. 84989

nta but profoundly unfunny

No. 84990

That's why it's perfect representation of the dumbass shit threads.

No. 84991

This place will use the logic of "you don't have to look at it if you don't like it" for psychotic animal hate threads but can't use the same logic for shitposting, and you think you're better for it too. Brain dead behaviour.

No. 84992

couldn't care less about them, I just hope unpopular opinions is next

No. 84993

File: 1728934367538.gif (11.69 MB, 600x681, unlock the door...gif)

can we take it off autosage now

No. 84994

Micky moon thread needs moderation. A lot of hi cowing and fighting with anons and claiming they know micky or are here on her behalf because "she sent them". It's causing infighting and it's nit accurate anyway.

Also the new thread has no updated OP and was made despite no new OP photo too.

No. 84995

Can mods please ban the whiteknight that's in the new Micky thread? Not sure why there on their high horse about being wrong but they shit up the previous thread with their nonsense and I don't want anyone dealing with it in the new thread.

>Also the new thread has no updated OP and was made despite no new OP photo too.

It was decided awhile ago that pic was set to be her thread pic for future threads and her OP is updated only slightly because she hasn't changed much between threads. You'd be better off reading the threads than complaining about a nothing sandwich here.

No. 84996

Unfunny chadification anon shitting up Shayna's thread. Ban them please it wasn't funny the first hundred times in Belle Delphine's thread.

No. 84997

Debunking isn't whiteknighting. Get your panties out of a bunch.

No. 84998

>psychotic animal hate threads

No. 84999

Why the fuck is that dumbass shit thread parody thread pinned??? Did a janny mean to lock it? The fuck?

No. 85000

I honestly do agree with this. I think anons are against the dumbass shit thread just because they are against other anons. I've been saying it but, the issues with the dumbass shit thread were relatively recent and it just needed better moderation like this whole site and the other threads in /ot/ that have the same issues that the dumbass shit thread was having.

No. 85002

The old incel threads on /snow/ used to be my favorite on this website. Can somebody else make a new thread or would it be okay if I could make one? I have no idea why they died out.

No. 85004

nta but she surely is referring to the dog and cat hate threads on /ot/

No. 85005

i think theres a sort of active one on ot. no clue why its there though

No. 85006

you wouldnt be asking this question if you knew about anonymous imageboard work in 2024.
this isnt a chatroom, go back to discord faggot. fucking retard is legit asking to turn lc into a chatroom when theres already a fucking appfor that. the abolute state of lc right now.
no we can tell you retards are coming from apps and are younger because you think you desrve an immidiate response to retardation.

No. 85007

Jfc how many times do we have to complain about the utter newfaggotry on celebricows? There's no point in even taking the time to report these retards because farmhands don't even bother redtexting. You've already issued a warning to integrate, why aren't the tiktok Beyonce killed MJ conspiracy theorists being permabanned?

No. 85008

Please just delete blatant personality fag posting rather than slap a witty red text on them. They clearly thrive off the attention and will continue to ban evade to shit up discussion to make it about me me me and anons never acknowledge the red text and take the bait. Just nip the problem by the bud and delete the post

No. 85009

"this isn't a chat room this isn't a chat room this isn't a chat room" the admin said it once during hellweek and you boot lickers have been repeating it like a broken record since. You're so pointlessly aggressive, you lack any self awareness and don't get that your attitude and behaviour are why this site is shit. You pretend to be an oldfag but act like an overly aggressive newfag who thinks imageboard "culture" is being a rude sperg. We're here to make fun of cows not each other. Your immaturity makes it almost impossible to post on /ot/ because you come at every post with the thirst of an a-log. You're pathetic, you're the reason this place sucks ass.

No. 85010

I think a lot of our camaraderie roadblocks would magically disappear if dumbass shit was taken off autosage

No. 85011

NTA but shut the fuck up, sperg. Anon and the admins are right, every retard using this site like their personal journal/discord GC is ruining it. Stop bitching about getting redtexted or being unable to derail threads with your autism, stick to the rules or gtfo.

No. 85012

You can lock the bp thread if you're going to delete bp posts. Cowards

No. 85013

venus or a venus impersonator in the venus thread? can farmhands check to see if thats really her?

No. 85014

Someone’s posting porn in Vtown

No. 85015

>the admin said it once during hellweek and you boot lickers have been repeating it like a broken record since
You're so fucking new it's unreal. Admin after admin has been saying this ever since the original tempcow which actually did turn into one big chatroom and it was the exact event that caused lolcow to rapidly start going to shit.

No. 85016

We are investigating it and not preventing them from posting for now

No. 85017

thank you.

No. 85018

>this isn't a chat room
Correct. This is an image board. If you want an anonymous chat room with little to no censorship, you can create an IRC channel and moderate it yourself.

No. 85019

we should also get rid of the /ot/ activities like movies and draw thread. it's attracting annoying anons who use the site for their social interactions. they're the type whining about dumbass shit and wanting more casual threads.

No. 85020

Please do something about the cowtipping discordfags in thr Venus thread who are using their posts to talk to Venus via the thread about how they can fix her and smoke weed. They won't integrate and Venus's account is probably shut down due to the help of their reports.

No. 85021

>it's attracting annoying anons who use the site for their social interactions
Isn’t that kind of what /ot/ is for? Off topic, social talk? I absolutely love mooovie night and would be so sad to see it go

No. 85022

Wanting to get rid of moovie night is comic book villain levels of evil.

No. 85023

I am once again asking farmhands to keep their promises and get rid of the newfags in celebricow. I used to be team preserving the thread but now I don't even care if they get rid of it, it's officially unusable

No. 85024

To add really quick and w have got blatant alogging too now. you might need to lock her thread because they are ruining it and just wait it out. Too many mods from her discord keep acting like the thread works like discord. Its a chatroom now.

No. 85025

The doodle thread and movie room literally hasn't attracted anyone who wasn't already here using lolcow. You're literally just lying for no reason kek.

No. 85026

It's all boring vendettafags and parasocial twittards accusing everyone else of being newfags now kek

No. 85028

can someone please ban the triggered sperg with daddy issues shitting up celebricows trying to make a "discussion" out of calling an 11-year-old child a pickme and claiming everyone who disagrees with her is a pearlclutching newfag/tumblrite/twitter tourist with no reading comprehension

No. 85029

Still allergic to integrating I see?

No. 85031

kek retarded farmhands

No. 85032

Is this actually the Venus poster? >>>/w/337218

No. 85033

File: 1729033055710.png (194.1 KB, 360x360, literally.png)

Jesus kek did Miss Trunchbull write this post? It's so over the top that it has to be parody or bait.

No. 85034

Peenus spaming in the venus angelic thread

No. 85035

we know retard admins are letting her sperg because its milky or because they feel sorry for her idk

No. 85036

Detective retard on the case. Again, you are always wrong.

No. 85037

File: 1729043788323.jpeg (77.09 KB, 626x222, IMG_2817.jpeg)

Screenshotted this for reference but where are these scrotes coming from? Which one of you 4chan nigel-kittens keep posting this website on there? Stop that jfc

No. 85038

>it’s attracting people using the board for what its intended for
Shut up newfag, lurk moar

No. 85039

This isn't a sexual question it's probably coming from a straight woman. They're just wondering which cow has a body type that farmers wouldn't overly criticize.

No. 85040

what’s wrong with this post

No. 85042

Pretty sure this is one of the discordfags double posting. they are defending margo and clearly being a newfag.

No. 85043

Since her twitter got deleted/suspended and the discordfags nuked her discord there is no other place where we can see what's going on with Venus or if she's even still alive, so I guess that's the reasoning. Maybe it should be put on autosage until she gets bored of it though

No. 85044

File: 1729062692506.png (139.33 KB, 925x699, Screenshot 2024-10-16 030307.p…)

What the fuck is going on in the western animation cows thread? Pissing and moaning about representation is not milky. If these idiots want to cry about the W.I.T.C.H. redesigns can't they do it in /ot/ or /m/?

No. 85045

They've been arguing about it for three days now kek

No. 85046

Ayrt, I KNOW!!! Like, shut up! When was the last cow even mentioned in that thread? And will newfags ever learn the true definition of milk? Find out next thread…

No. 85047

Jesus christ, the state of snow summed up.

No. 85050

I’m so mad we had to deal with the fallout from those discord mod faggots. if they didn’t get in their feels and just let her keeping there, none of this wouldve happened

No. 85052

File: 1729094775478.png (287.21 KB, 703x706, 1000035574.png)

not my post, but how is this nitpicking? It's just facts. We can't hate on a moid who 100% deserves it?

No. 85053

Mods are VPN’s blocked now?(ban evader)

No. 85054

Discordfags derailing the fuck out of the Venus thread, using it like discord again and admitted to leaving comments on these supposed accounts. They need to stop interacting.

No. 85057

Way to crop out the retarded post you made to prove you didn't deseve the ban

No. 85059

was my vpn the reason why i haven't been able to post all fucking day long

No. 85060

OMFG. finally! jannies do any of you have an idea why that pop-up keeps happening though because i was getting it too and other anons on CC are posting that they were too

No. 85061

NTA but i think they were scribbling out their ip keek

No. 85062

Nta but it's not that, i got the error even without a VPN

No. 85063

Unless anons can prove about is from Venus they need to stop. This is fucking stupid. People reverse searching her email and posting anting that comes up under it isn't fucking milk. Its a public email. Anyone can shitpost subscribe her to these sites.

No. 85064

thats strange. i guess it just started working again at the same time kek

No. 85066

The doghate thread is mostly caps of dogfags excusing their dogs of murdering the local cat/dog/grandma/baby and shelters lying about agressive dogs. Hardly psychotic. The cat hate thread is more unhinged but also mostly about cats killing other wildlife. Shes sounds like a butthurt shitty dog owner.

No. 85067

ayrt and i've been using lolcow for a few years, every time i've received a short ban, the ban massage is on top of the IP address and then the post is under that..

No. 85068

For me it only started working after changing browsers, it's like the entirety of chrome and brave is banned

No. 85069

My banned comments have never been on top of the redtext message wtf are you talking about kek

No. 85070

I'm posting from brave right now so that's not the issue. Although I never got the error message at all and I've been posting all day so idk

No. 85072

god bless our retarded moderators

No. 85073

the site is just breaking as usual and they will fix the issue as usual: ignore it and let the affected anons figure it out themselves

No. 85074

Ban evading in venus thread and they are announcing it. The typing styles seems like the moid from discord which also means we have a man posting.

No. 85076

we should have a no furfags rule

No. 85077

Why? There's basically no furries on here

No. 85078

who cares

No. 85079

File: 1729113144061.jpg (22.54 KB, 194x259, 2179625425887.JPG)

No. 85082

Why does it seem like there is so much cowtipping happening on the site right now?

No. 85083

File: 1729117218145.webp (277.89 KB, 260x259, 801s46.webp)

No. 85084

learn what cowtipping is.

No. 85085

Have you not seen the Venus thread for example?

No. 85086

TND means something else, bet the retarded mods kept it up because they hate black people yet they reinforce the “racebait” rule on the rest of us

No. 85087

? Anon TND means Taylor Nicole Dean. It wouldn't even make sense for that post to be referencing race

No. 85088

What was the deleted post?

No. 85089

Just a confused anon

No. 85090

Confused about what kek

No. 85091

Cp on /m/

No. 85093

whatever is happening in the "get it off your chest" thread looks insane, i feel like the thread should be temporarily locked. it's insanity in there. i have no idea what's going on and i don't want to


No. 85094

Oh okay I thought it was one of those moid’s trying to be desperately “cheeky” with their racism. Nevermind kek

No. 85095

why is it whenever I make threads something goes wrong…

No. 85096

A user came in and said that apparently the schizo posts are from two psychos who are making fun of a rape victim??

No. 85099

there was no cowtipping there.

No. 85104

And this is bait

No. 85106

what is this 2009 reddit gif

No. 85108

If mods are let bp thread to be a chatroom and full of anons who keep derailing it you can just fucking lock it already

No. 85110

There should be a pop music thread so all the Lana spergs and Sabrina spergs can fight with each other without shitting up the celebricows thread

No. 85111

A white knight is arguing with people on the Shayna thread about how her terrible prostitute clothes are empowering akshually

No. 85112

Yeah they’ve posted like 30 times and I seem to remember last October there being a thread derail that lasted hours as well. It’s probably her pet tranny

No. 85113

File: 1729205872432.png (3.68 KB, 423x72, Screenshot 2024-10-18 005725.p…)

can we PLEASE get a refresh button at the bottom of every thread like on 4chan and similar sites? it doesn't refresh the entire page like F5, it just refreshes any new posts to appear.

No. 85114

The Shayna WK has posted her vagina unspoiled. Please remove it jannies

No. 85115

Holy kek this is the second shaytard who has done this, why are they like that

No. 85116

I feel like there's a different weirdo posting their vag in the Shayna thread every year, it's wild

No. 85117

Everything about that image is disturbing

No. 85118

And now somebody has posted porn in /m/

No. 85119

it's almost like no1curr about fat loser camwhores besides other fat loser [cam]whores

No. 85121

File: 1729223602191.webp (40.23 KB, 360x360, No_Fun_Allow.webp)

No. 85122

Can we end the Lima infighting in the celebricows thread

No. 85123

i'm shocked that theres a little group of newfags who are angry at the prospect of a woman being called ugly KEK

No. 85124

The only furry thread on this whole site has moral fagging about furries in the op, I don't think there's any significant amount of furries on here to make an entire rule against it

No. 85125

Go read Stefany Lauren's thread. Farmhand is a furry, based on what happened in there.

No. 85126

The entire celebrity thread has been unbearable since the diddy thing came out. Like, worse than the kpop thread used to be. Maybe we should actually ban people for posting uncredited conspiracy tiktoks while we're at it

No. 85127

I really don't see the point of the Varg/Trve Vikings thread, considering it's barely active and has a lot of overlap with the "Right Wing / Alt Right / Trad / Ancestral / Wellness gurus" thread

No. 85128

Can we have an Amerifag Election bunker for all the politisperging? The thread is becoming even more miserable than usual and it'll only ramp up in the coming weeks/months

No. 85129

I'm pretty sure this is goatfucker ban evading once again. The drawing uses the same exact brushes as she does and while humorous it's still tied to the nth drama she sparked.

No. 85130

I am once again begging for someone to PLEASE remove the disgusting banner of PT deepthroating a corndog. It's not funny, it's not relevant anymore now that she's in her gendie Chrischan phase, and it is an absolute eyesore. No one will miss it. It's absolutely scrote coded.

No. 85131

whats up with newfags being such snowflakes, just refresh the page

No. 85132

Is it possible for accusations of samefagging(samefoiling) to be a bannable offence similar to scrotefoiling and hi cowing? The schizos on this website always think every anon is the same person and it's annoying and derails threads.

No. 85133

>nth drama
>implying i’ve done anything bad past a botched attempt at trolling six months ago that the farmhands got way too pissy about
mmm rent free(ban evasion)

No. 85134

if that triggers you then get off lc and go back to wherever you came from. holy fuck youre sensitive

No. 85135

See how these retards just throw around "scrote scrote!!" to describe everything they dont like

No. 85136

Which threads because i've browsed a lot of them across boards and i've seen it once. I'm sure its not that common here.

No. 85137

Nta but you must be blind because I see it all the time

No. 85138

I've asked this before. Accusing anons is a way to infight because of course anons want to defend themselves. Its a type of bait

No. 85139

it should be but it'll never happen

No. 85140

How come no one answers the inquiries about empath chan's thread getting locked or autosaged? Are you guys really just going to let her keep self-post-masturbating in her thread forever?

No. 85142

I've been here since 2015, so you can sit all the way back down with that "omg ur so sensitive" bs. Some of us don't care for the stench of unwashed scrotum that tends to permeate around here and the banner isn't helping that. It's utterly unfunny moid humor.

No. 85143

NTAYRT but the pt banner has been up for years…?

No. 85144

It's a suggestion but how about if the mods stop being faggots for once? Would that be possible?

No. 85145

You're tinfoiling so hard. I'm not saying this to be mean but I honestly don't think she could even draw that.

No. 85146

Message to bitches who will come here to complain: kill yourself stupid "blameless" swines(ban evading)

No. 85147

Tard wrangler is required in ot, wake up!

No. 85148

Leave this website short bitch

No. 85149

Can a farmhand consider making an announcement in the moidtakes thread on /ot/ >>>/ot/2195213 that if you can't read the moidtakes without getting triggered and arguing with them, just hide the thread… I think the OP image was too triggering this time lol

No. 85150

seriously its getting annoying. whether its because someone suspects her to be posting here, or calls her a tryhard, or don’t believe her antics (like doing drugs or drama with moids) etc theres at least one anon always defensive about it and its a little weird.
then there were the times of not sage’ing her selfies. I don’t think it was a newfag who doesnt know how to sage. I think they were deliberately not sage’d to bump up her thread.
its no secret some cows lurk and/or post here but the degree with empath is weird. I really think auto-sageing is something that should be done.

No. 85152


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 85153

Name the threads rather then responding like an ass.

No. 85154

I personally am THRILLED we have gotten rid of most of the milky / funny banners in favour of banners about moids and troons. Takes me back to when I was under 18 and had to click No on a bunch of websites.
We should definitely replace the rest of the banners to make sure there's always something saying Go away! and then they will.

No. 85155

That thread definitely needs to be autosaged, I explained why I think it should be on autosage and some retarded was like "why when she is going to escalate again" like
1. It would hopefully discourage her from bumping her own thread
2. How the fuck do you, random anon that's totally not her, know when she's going to escalate again?

No. 85156

Right, but why do we still have it? I honestly don't get why we need to keep something so porny up. It's like a one of those jumpscare porn popups on an otherwise unrelated website. Only moids think "hurr hurr ugly bitch sucking off corndog=funny". It's too welcoming to scrotes and scrote adjacent types imo. I don't know why it's so hard to update the banner to something actually relevant to the current PT. There are tons of milky things in her past you can make banners from that don't involve such low level "humor". I don't mind lowbrow shit in general but I draw the line at unfunny scrote humor.

No. 85158

I almost never see that banner. The infrequency helps, but it's no different than sexual innuendos with shake weights or off-screen closed fists with the assumption there are dicks in someone's hands. You need to be 18 to even post here and once you scroll, the banner is gone, even on mobile. You can easily avoid it. It doesn't hover and pop up and over the threads as you read lol If you can't handle 18+ content on the site, you might not want to use the site at all. A bunch of people don't even spoiler real NSFW content. A corndog and mouth blowjob joke is one of the least offensive things we have posted here. Also no man is looking at PT and is getting hot and bothered and thinking this is a sex site. The google search for lolcow even says what we are and the men going straight to boards outside of the main page probably know exactly what they are here for and what the site is. The scrote boogeyman is a terrible excuse for getting rid of it.

No. 85159

Can the catalog search function be removed from lite mode?

No. 85160

this. it's not "porny moid humor" that we created, it's to showcase the stupid shit she made. anon probably hates the cow boards if she thinks that's the worst that's on here.

No. 85161

Also the assumption a lot of farmers, meaning women, don't like cheap humor about dicks and boobs and toilet humor is a really stupid take. There's plenty of us who find these things funny, so it's not even moid humor. It's just humor. For us on this site, PT sucking off a corndog because she thinks it's sexy and just looks so awkward and staged is our cheap humor. It's not even nudity. It's almost like taking an SNL skit cap and throwing it into a banner.

I feel the like porkchop one had a better argument because it was a porn clip of someone rubbing their upper thigh/ass suggestively. That you would see on a porn site pop-up, tbh with the caption on the ass and all.

No. 85162

BP anon is back at it in the confessions thread. can farmhands do anything? it feels like she breaches containment every other day now

No. 85163

Ok pick me(infight bait)

No. 85164

Kek she's spreading like a disease to other boards, good luck

No. 85165

Who is picking her though in this case? The admin?

No. 85166

That doesn't even make sense as an insult. Its not pick-me behavior to find cows funny for stupid unsexy stuff. That's 80% of our cows.

No. 85167

Samefag but I don't see the same complaints for Moo's pants pulled down softcore porn Mei banner, so why would a fully clothed joke banner make the cut to be removed?

No. 85169

We want FTM thread on /g

No. 85170

this, it's almost entirely a self-post thread and incredibly dull.

No. 85171

No. 85172

Isn't that the detransition thread

No. 85173

We need a transitioning thread as well

No. 85174

the vent thread is dogshit right now, why is nona getting snarky comments about her vent to want a different body type when the thread OP literally says not to do that?
the thread is being reduced to rude, unhelpful replies

weak b8

No. 85175

vent on /ot/ is getting pretty heated. Can farmhands pop in?

No. 85176

thank you farmhands, but she's still going in the vent thread

No. 85178

no but a ftm chaser thread maybe kek jk we already have female fantasies

No. 85179

Kek why certain anons beng protected in this board? You all attacked a woman for saying she hates being woman and no one get banned. But now it's a curvy woman who whines about her tits and suddenly everyone gets banned. Hypocrisy(ban evasion)

No. 85180

Where's dysphoria thread on /g?

No. 85181

Husbando-fag shitting up the psyop thread

No. 85182

Someones shitting up the caps thread really bad

No. 85183

mods please verify mine and blowjob-chan’s ip addresses are different… these faggots won’t stop accusing me.

No. 85184

Poor little schizo.

No. 85185

gracious obese daughter. mother serves more in autumn. licks off the platter. gaseous bottom. queen of the toilet.(personalityfag)

No. 85186

can you please for the love of god get rid of the person who has been endlessly samefagging and vendettafagging in the radfems thread to the point where it is like borderline unparseable now

No. 85188

anon, this is not the christian forums. some of us are not that bothered by sex, lewd jokes, poopy pee pee kind of humor. not all of us want to live in some puritanical hugbox for our entire lives. you act like this gif is some hardcore gangbang squirt porn. i have seen way, way worse lurking on the internet. i’m also sure you’ve seen plenty worse lurking on twitter, instagram, mastodon, etc and knowing how hypocritical a lot of you are, you’re probably wanking to some nasty furry guro or whatever in your own time anyway. i don’t want to be rude or mean since a lot of you thrive off of being victims but this board has been normified enough and turned into an annoying white feminist shithole with a bunch of immature little girls running around bitching all day about men or terrorizing other anons who don’t conform to your beliefs and opinions about women. you can’t have an opinion here anymore unless you conform to the nazi fifth wave feminist hypocrites, can’t have fun on /ot/ without being piled on by a bunch of hateful, low iq, low vibrational demons or dumbass little mouth breathing kids. and i call you guys demons because that’s what most of you are, a bunch of demonic pieces of shit. it’s depressing coming here and seeing how this board has basically turned into reddit/facebook. all the best posters are gone, and all the new “cows” people keep posting are just lame social media stars, not actual weirdos. it’s just not the same anymore and it never will be.

No. 85191

Worse than reddit or facebook because you'll have anons screech at you for posting stuff completely innocuous that doesn't even go against the le based femcel stance some of the new crop of yersinia petis infected anons have. Normies aren't going to freak out at you for some of the stuff anons are freaking out about in the vent thread for example.
At least on reddit you know posting certain things will make the users start sperging at you but here it's like a Russian roulette of what will make a thread unusable for a day because aggro anons keep jumping on it. It's getting exhausting.

No. 85192

>white feminist nazi

No. 85193

Burritomin was right.

No. 85195

>but it's no different than sexual innuendos with shake weights or off-screen closed fists with the assumption there are dicks in someone's hands.
Nta but this casual mentality about womens expected humiliation where sucking dick is the butt of the joke is fucking ghoulish. If you want muh "sexual innuendos" circa 2010 Adam Sandler movie and are this invested in degrading women browse r/womenarethings or something. The fact that this shit has been normalized so much almost till the era of when robocop is set is baffling. Some of you read like your from a different planet where women being humiliated over penises is a part of your existence. Just my two cents.

No. 85196

It's PT sucking on a corn dog in a failed attempt at sex appeal. It's not that deep. It doesn't need a feminist treatise on why it's emblematic of female oppression. It's a banner of a retard doing something retarded on a website that catalogs the activities of retards.

No. 85197

File: 1729515735895.jpeg (110.8 KB, 749x843, 54A1440A-B68E-4C30-8B37-B5EB95…)

lc really feels like twitter nowadays i agree. it even has the same buzzwords, anything posters don’t like is pedophilic and fetishizing and misogynistic instead of transphobic. and you have posters (namely fujos) who can’t just admit to liking gay porn it has to be some feminist slay. all very cringe, i only come here to troll or out of habit(ban evading personalityfag)

No. 85198

It seems like a lot of anons don't even read past the first few words or sentences of a post. It's pointless trying to have a discussion because those anons will have a knee jerk reaction based on their illiteracy and impatience to read

No. 85199

>twitter slang bad
>also types like a twitterfag and uses twitter slang
nothing of value lost, bye! kek

No. 85201

>i only come here to troll or out of habit
Opinion discarded, you're no better than the twitter cancer. Lolcow is not your toilet.

No. 85202

You can smell the thinly veiled seething and coping through the post kek.

No. 85203

yeah it’s everyone’s toilet judging by the shit you see on every single board

No. 85204

>lc feels like twitter now a days
radtwt newfags are an invasive species

No. 85205

You sound so unfun and 100% a newfag.

No. 85206

which personalityfag is this?

No. 85207

One that will be easily forgotten because she’s a try-hard who’s jealous of rancefag

No. 85208

Ntyfag. >>85207 She has a vendetta against rancefag since they’re from the same discord.

No. 85209

>One that will be easily forgotten
if only, there’s always that one retard who let’s another retard sit in their head forever and brings them up at any given opportunity.

No. 85210

ywnba (you will never be anna)

No. 85212

I really think farmhands need to rethink posting in the Real Opinions thread for the cows on /ot/. A lot of posts are specifically made to target other users within the threads the cows belong to rather than discussing people off the site and the cow themselves. It seems like a really easy way to attack other users rather than even talk about your real opinion on the cow. It's been a little more frequent and I feel the OP should adjust this too. The argument is always "Well these posters are fans of the cow" when that's the weakest argument ever when you turn around and instead go after users rather than the people outside of lolcow who are supporting the cow or are fans of the cow.

This whole post here
>If you’re still following a cow like Shayna or Luna after all these years, at this point it says more about you than them. How do people not get bored of the constant pussy sperging?
Is calling out users and not a bit even about the cow. That really defeats the purpose of the thread.

Here are some other examples I noticed doing this same thing:
>>>/ot/2212734 [calling anons you don't like the posting style of as being newfags, not a cow opinion at all]
>>>/ot/2211698 [talk about an anon's shitpost of their pussy, not a cow opinion]
>>>/ot/2208204 [say anons need to stop saying cows need surgery, not an opinion on a cow technically, but a critique on the anons who say this]
>>>/ot/2201054 [Just shitting on anons who dox shayna, not a opinion about a cow, but a chance to shit on users]

Isn't there some lolcow caps thread all these mentions could go in to instead if the anons just cap what they are talking about? This feels almost like a GIOYC, but lolcow focused.

No. 85213

Which board? R9k???

No. 85214

We need more Shayna butthole banners and less retarded pokemon shit

No. 85215

It says discord (but yes they both frequented r9k). it was a fujo chat.

No. 85216

You're right and you should say it

No. 85217

File: 1729540423783.png (23.76 KB, 627x215, 1729538206550.png)

Which one of you was this?

No. 85218

4chan-using pickmes lurk among us…

No. 85219

Probably a troon, but unfortunate if it's really a pick me.

No. 85220

Cattiness and moralfagging is an issue but the nerve to get on your high moral horse on 4chan kek.
>women are cruel
4chan's culture is basically CP and polfaggotry

No. 85221

It’s the nigelfag in the tinfoil thread currently making it all about herself and her oppreshun being a straight woman with a nigel, someone pleaseeeee give some sympathy to her that poor little thing!(dragging your infight to /meta/)

No. 85222

This mentality is so common and so sad to me, because I get her point, the women here can be really bitchy for no reason. but it honestly pales in comparison to the things men say and do in male dominated anon spaces. All you have to do is visit any male board (most of them) and unironically all they talk about is raping and killing women, and I don't think it's a joke half the time. Literal doxxing, (not cow "doxxing" where you repost their own public post with information they chose to impart) stalking, harassing, etc.

No. 85223

god we need CCs /b/ rules in /ot/ so bad

No. 85224

You’re free to go back to that troon haven

No. 85225

There is such an unhealthy lack of self awareness in lolcow posters.

No. 85226

then stay on CC. I legit don't understand the logic of complaining that one imageboard isnt like the other. you need to announce your online habits to a bunch of randos.
a faggot so terminally online they go on imageboard to complain about the other. no one gives a fuck.

No. 85227

NTYfag hasn't been permabanned AFAIK so the red text makes no sense if it's her. She really occupies your head

No. 85228

Infighting is ruining the conspiracy thread

No. 85230

blatant baiting all over the fandom discourse thread

No. 85231

The whole site will go dial-up mode otu of nowhere for me. Everything takes ages to load and occasionally it will time out and fully give up loading.

No. 85232

Discordfag is camping out in real opinions and calling anons wks on behalf of real opinions about venus. Double check the vtuber post isn't the ban evader

No. 85234

Late but that anon was clearly being sarcastic/mocking twitterfags

No. 85235

i hate when anons say this because not only is it comparing apples to oranges, but you're basically saying "don't worry, we're not at their level so we can be shitty". stop.

No. 85236

nta but the comparison wouldn't be made if the anon in the screenshot didn't single out women specifically while posting on a male dominated site. like why not shit on both

No. 85239

we can, that's what i am saying. anon isn't though. she's saying we're bad BUT, the but is excusing behavior here. i hate women in our spaces acting out more than men on sites i don't visit because i have to interact with the posters here who are ruining the site while being part of our space. when men do it it's par for the course.

No. 85247

Ban the Matty Healy/Gabriette spammer from celebricows already, she's ban evading to spam more non contributions

No. 85248

Camgirls is being used as a chatroom

No. 85249

Please remove the search function on lite mode at least on mobile. The catalog is completely unusable for me now.

No. 85258

File: 1729650245731.jpeg (88.78 KB, 1086x512, IMG_6966.jpeg)

Has anyone ever complained about this banner of Judith being a moid painting rather than the Artemisia Gentileschi version?

No. 85259

i don't know what's going on, but something is going on in the "get it off your chest" thread. it looks like anons are talking to each other without replying and some are quoting posts

No. 85260

this keeps happening every few weeks, i think that the very concept of the thread just cannot work on a site like this, there's too many schizos

No. 85261

Why was the surrogacy cringe thread locked?

No. 85262

No. 85263

who cares omg

No. 85264

is there a reason for /w/ to exist anymore? seems like an extremely dead board, maybe the actually active threads could get merged with /snow/. that is if you guys need some bandwidth space.

No. 85265

Can you just lock the bp thread atp? What's the point of keeping it?

No. 85266

they claim it's to prevent the spergs from leaking even though they already leaked out multiple times (especially a few days ago)

No. 85267

Yes, a few anons complained.

No. 85268

So are we gonna keep it forever untill the mentioned spergs die?

No. 85269

I'm glad you know about the history of the painting. why exactly you decided to go this route to show off is bizarre however.

No. 85270

i don't understand why we're not allowed to call users out for being stupid when they're not doing something bannable. a single comment isn't infighting and preventing anons from doing that allows annoying anons to continue to be annoying in the thread.

No. 85271


No. 85272

I agree

Came here to complain about the American thread. Farmhands please stop the retarded euro/us infighting

No. 85273

Hi, turns out I was a lolcow here (autistic truck driver)zl. Br threads. Never used real name or pictures allowed so I wouldn't discover it

Since the FBI got involved they bucked all mention of my threads.

Can we undo that, I only saw one thread briefly before everything eaaas nuked.(delusional scrote)

No. 85274

And who are you

No. 85275

If fujocoomer cringe threads are allowed on /ot/ and fujospreging is considered a bankable derail, then there should be an equivalent containment thread for himejoshi/yuri cringe and sperging. The fandom cringe threads are unreadable with the same daily circlejerk over yuri and himes and its not just one or two trolls doing it for shits and giggles.

No. 85276

Honestly didnt believe you guys until seeing the shit in the ugly man psyop. There were several retards in there infighting but only one got banned and redtexted. I'm aware not every ban is a redtext especially when it comes from one person, but posts that are bait/offtopic usually do and it was several anons. I'm not surprised its spreading to other threads on other boards and anons are calling it out themselves because they cant rely on the new farmhands to do it.

No. 85277

Insane sperg writing hall is the blond one length essays on racial IQ in the radfem cows thread

No. 85278

There seems to be a scrote posting on the lesbian thread, or someone as annoying as them

No. 85279

Sperg still ban evading and calling people low IQ now kek

No. 85280

Pretty sure same sperg in the attractive woman thread, more infighting there

No. 85281


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 85282

Who wants to take a huge bet it’s one of those radfems who intermingle with those schizo bone broth Bronze Age obsessed twitterfag racists kek, I forgot her name but it sounds like her

No. 85283

troon in the unpopular opinion thread

No. 85284

This website is dead. It’s been dead for years now

No. 85286

I feel the same way. I like yuri too but some of the opinions in that thread almost feel like they were written by twitter sapphics, just with lc lingo instead.

No. 85287

The retard shitting up several threads of /g/ posting 4moid egirls still persists, he sticks like a sore thumb using numbers to "rate" women whenever he speaks about them

No. 85291

It's paki-chan, isn't it?

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