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No. 246299
Previous thread:
>>94472I'll start.
Am I the only one who doesn't find full lips attractive? I think smaller mouths are much cuter.
No. 246316
I think small belly pooches are cute even on skinny girls
Acne can be cute on the right person
I don't think all flakes and cows on here have "misshapen tits and deformed pussies" but as a lesbian, I feel like people have gotten a warped view of what a female body is supposed to look like due to IG, tumblr and surgery and whatnot
If a girl has an innie, it "looks like an open wound and so weird" if she has an outie, we all know how that goes, fake tits like stormies are nitpicked if they don't look exactly like missalices, if boobs arent perfectly perky theyre saggy and gross, the only boobs I've seen be accepted here are mysteries and shays, but she was also bashed for having a breast lift but I have seen people claim shays boobs are deformed because of her nipples which I have yet to see something wrong with them
I think, if we're being honest here, most womens natural boobs aren't gonna be big perfect perky round circles with cute scrunched nipples, and most womens natural vaginas arent gonna be hairless perfect smooth and doll-like, just by me saying this, people are probably going to jump at me about how I have ugly tits or whatever and how "them and their friends all have perfect bodies you crazy feminist"
This is just my opinion though
No. 246318
>>246316>most womens natural boobs aren't gonna be big perfect perky round circles with cute scrunched nipples-big and that's me. Though one factor is I wear a bra non-stop including sleep, I think a big factor in breast shape+quality is bra-wearing. Most women take them off indoors+while sleeping afaik
Agreed with the rest of your post btw
No. 246327
>>246326Sample size: 320 women
It's also ignoring the fact that women who choose not to wear a bra may be genetically predisposed to greater firmness (example: their mothers didn't wear a bra and the effect was minimal)
Plus the fact most women err on the side of loose and are wearing bras that offer no support.
I personally think steel-boned corsets are better but that's an unpopular opinion in itself
No. 246330
>>246327btw the non-stop bra wearing is incidental, not because i gaf about saggy breasts.
I just feel more protected wearing a bra/prefer it and only recently realised most people take them off to sleep and such. Corsets are better in that they
actually offer back support and also hold the breasts up, but unfortunately most people these days think they are either a torture device, fetish item, vanity piece or a mix of the three
No. 246335
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>>246326If wearing a bra makes your tits saggy, then please explain pic related…
No. 246340
>>246335Comparing a young woman vs older women who have probably breastfeed for years
Also the woman in the middle looks strong, and building muscles in the pec area does perk them up. There are plenty of tribal women with perkier boobs who haven't had kids
No. 246412
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>>246335Himba women often have perky boobs though
No. 246434
>>246432My personal anecdote is one instance yes, but if you’d spend thirty seconds looking into the issue rather than jumping to call people selfish monsters for not adopting, you might realise that the extreme difficulty involved in adoption is a real thing.
How stupid do you have to be to think it’s a simple matter?
No. 246439
>>246340>>246408If anything the reporter is older than them, these are clearly young women. And who says that the white woman doesn't have kids as well?
>>246412Because that's a young teen…
No. 246445
>>246444Stay stupid, get sterilised, and invent a second paragraph to your ivf speech. You should have more than wrong info to make yourself look stupid. Have wrong pie charts, wrong emotional arguments, and wrong slideshows as well.
If you’re gonna be dumb be dumb with panache.
No. 246446
>>246443Who wouldn’t?
Radicalised, lonely, self hating, and too stupid to do anything but blame people for dating to be better than them.
I’m genuinely surprised more don’t kill themselves considering how aggressively they believe and enforce the hopelessness dogma.
No. 246477
>>246473That makes no sense without further explanation but okay.
Honestly once they’re radicalised there’s no fixing them. The only consolation is that 99% are too scared to try and enforce their beliefs on anyone. Disgusting people.
No. 246482
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I actually love being a white European.
Unpopular irl, because
>that's racist!
and on here, because
>anon, don't you want to be a tiny asian waifu with a petite body, perfect skin and youthful features?
No. 246485
>>246446We do mostly but you don't hear about it, I will soon too.
>>246473Only choice is to just for or kill ourselves, we don't have a chance we are already broken beyond fixing.
No. 246490
>>246485Remember Incel shit is a cult like any other. Believing one opinion which is illogical and not your own, and parroting that? Welcome to being part of a REALLY shitty cult.
If you read the boyfriend stories on here, most girls absolutely date incel-tier guys, so the idea of "hopeless" and "undateable" is literally incorrect. Just drop all the cult shit and be nice to a woman. Pretend you are in love with her personality and she's yours
No. 246507
>>246477I actually heard this segment on NPR the other day (thanks Toronto guy) about a former incel who eventually came to his senses. He was only 14 when he got into it. think it's kind of the same deal as that one former neo Nazi describes, where these men are really just looking for community because they lack opportunities for male comradery in they daily lives.
No. 246515
>>246439The reporter doesn't look old at all tf, her early 20s at most, unless you're one of those people who think anything past 23 is old
And its easy to tell if women have had kids and breastfed by their breast, unless this girl has magic genes or has had surgery there is no way she has had kids and breastfeed them, the African women look a lot older and since most of the time these women have tons of kids obviously they arent gonna have cute perfect perky tits
No. 246518
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>>246515>The reporter doesn't look old at all tf, her early 20s at mostYeah, i bet she isn't even 18 yet, they usually send minors. And these back women surely are around 60, because "black don't crack'n shit"…
No. 246542
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>>246518First of all, she’s not a reporter. She’s the wife of a photographer. I did a quick image search, it seems the photos are from their 2003 trip to Namibia. I can’t find concrete evidence of her name, the tumblr source says her name is Husova and the photographer is Sasha Gusov. Other sources credit her name as Sasha, and her husbands as Alexander.
Whatever the story is, this isn’t proof that wearing bras is the key to perfect perky breasts.
No. 246664
>>246662Roleplaying bots and asians who have been enabled by "u ugly tranny white girls are all jelly of cute asians"
picture of photoshopped, whitened and plastic surgeried korean girl to prove all asians are hot even though 99% of asian girls look nothing like thatI guess its the female version of white guys having fantasies about being cucked by tyrone and how "all white bois are jealous of black men", both are pathetic and based on lies, at least girls who have jungle fever don't post black guys who all look like male models to prove how hotter black guys are from white ones
No. 246684
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>>246682Idk bout that. I wear floral skirts and dresses all the time in California, and get nothing but compliments. I’m very feminine and love looking “girly.” No one stares in a negative way. I know grown women who have stuffed animal key chains and wear bright pink backpacks. Just today I saw a girl wearing a Totoro T-shirt and skirt crossing the street similar to pic attatched. I think it just depends on the area, not necessarily the country.
No. 246703
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>>246682>>246684I'm sorry if i offend you with this, but the outfit you posted looks absolutely horrible…
>However I can say I'm jealous of east asian culture, mostly in terms of being girlish is more accepting over thereBut this also stems from a place of misogyny. It's not like women are simply allowed to be as 'kawaii' as they wish to, no, it's men wanting to have a as much girly and feminine partner (read: housewive) as possible. Same with the whole talking in a high pitch voice.
I'd take looking beautiful over looking cute any day, cuteness will fade as you age, but it's possible to look attractive at any age.
>>246699I absolutely agree! Frankly i'm not an animal lover in general, but whenever i see people posting "cute" pics of some aggressive breed next to a sleeping baby or some shit i'm seething…
Where i'm from a short while ago a pitbull bit a women in a wheelchair and her son to death.
Nobody gave a shit about the people, but because the dog was put down afterwards, the town was holding vigil. wth…
There are so many people out there who seem to favor dogs other people (especially over children) and it disgusts me to no end. People will yell at a toddler without a second tought, yet dogs who're might be already old in human years are coddled by strangers ugh
No. 246706
>>246699THIIIS. I love dogs, I've grown up with dogs, I'm most definitely not afraid of dogs and know how to handle them. But fucking Christ I hate people pushing the idea that pit bulls are not aggressive and it's always the owner's fault if one attacks. Pit bulls have been bred for dog fights, that is not a myth. They might be docile and submissive with their owners because that's a desired trait, the injured fighting dogs were often treated without anesthesia so they could absolutely not bite their owner. But they sure as hell they can be aggressive against other dogs and people. They've been bred so that when they get agitated they "snap" and attack, biting into their target and shake them until they're dead. It's a trait known in every terrier breed but most of them are so small they're meant to hunt moles and rats, they couldn't damage a human unlike pitbulls. And they might get agitated from sensory overload, for example in some case it was a baby wiggling and making noises that apparently made the pitbull attack and tear the baby apart. Or another dog breaches their territory? That dog is as good as dead.
They don't warn about their attacks with growling or showing their teeth, they'll straight out jump at you. Another desirable trait for dog fighting. And that's why so many pitbull attacks come as a "surprise". Yeah I know any breed can be dangerous if not treated right, but a distressed golden retriever will just bite you and leave it at that, the pitbull won't let you get away alive. I really despise people who get a pitbull and spew this shit about them being "soooo nice and the friendliest dog you've ever met".
No. 246714
>>246710I love animals but I respect your opinion and think that you shouldn't be looked down upon for thinking this way, not everyone wants a pet and that's okay.
Wish more people were this responsible with children.
No. 246718
>>246706>I really despise people who get a pitbull and spew this shit about them being "soooo nice and the friendliest dog you've ever met".Not disagreeing that it's dumb for people to act like
no pitbulls are inherently vicious, but to act like all are is just as stupid and extremely ignorant. The vast majority of pitbulls I've been around are super friendly to people besides their owners and when I worked at an animal shelter, they were usually really sweet and came with no known history of aggression. I even had a pitbull who never met me be super nice when I came on to its property for the first time, even though I was clearly sketched out by him (I'm afraid of dogs and no one warned me he was there and the owner was not outside with him, it was actually pretty shitty of them even though the dog was chill). I've known a few sketchy ones, but they're definitely in the minority of the ones I've been exposed to.
No. 246720
>>246703Anon… pitbulls original purpose was to watch over children. They were literally called the nanny dog. They usually still possess this trait. In fact, that was part of the reason they were repurposed for fighting. Since they were initially bred for extreme loyalty and super strong, they were the ideal dog to use to fight enemy combatants in WWI then eventually used in dog fights.
That being said, I don't think people should have dogs around super small children, regardless of breed. You just never know.
No. 246725
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>>246720This is completely false, the purpose of the pitbull was as a sporting dog, they were bred to be lean and fast for a better fight while retaining the tenacity of the old bulldogge. They were bred for extreme dog aggression and being willing to fight until the end no matter what injuries they sustained.
Well bred pits should not be human aggressive because alot of handling was required in the sport, but indiscriminate breeding and not culling unstable dogs made highly strung animals that don't stop mauling, child or not. I just don't think it's worth the tiniest risk around family when you could go buy a labrador or something that relishes family life and doesn't want to kill stuff.
No. 246727
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>>246716>>246721>As long as…Sorry, but i don't need nobody's "permission".
Why is it okay to hate babies/children, your parents, all men, etc., but as soon as somebody doesn't like animals, dogs specifically, people can't accept that?
People act like dogs slaves, you think your dear pitbulls give a shit if a human dies? Then why are you so big on defending them being 'innocent'? No other species would favor another over their own. After a child is mauled by one, the voices that are the loudest are usually the about "Not all pitbulls! blah blah".
>>246720>Anon… pitbulls original purpose was to watch over children. They were literally called the nanny dog.Yeah right…
No. 246728
>>246597mfw being a ham while my breasts were still growing left me with saggy tits :((
don't worry anon, to me at least, every titty is a good titty
No. 246729
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>I'm sorry if i offend you with this, but the outfit you posted looks absolutely horrible…No offense, it wasn’t my outfit. Just an example of how in the West it’s ok to dress in a more childlike, cutesy manner without getting stares or hate.
On the topic of pit bulls, so many people can’t even identify an American Staffordshire Terrier versus an American Pit Bull Terrier. Of course they’re responsible for so many dog bites, any mutt with a square head and stocky body is called a “pit bull.” There was a research study where they had vets and shelter workers attempt to identify breed based on photos and their results were terrible. Journalists with no integrity slap the label on any dog bite case because they want the drama and attention it brings. The whole thing is hysteria and misinformation on both sides. If you look at Breed Specific Legislation, it’s so vague it’s bordering on parody. Some just list a few common physical features and say if your dog has those, it’s a “pit bull” and needs to be put down.
How hard is it to assess individual dogs and their personal aggression? Yes, dogs bred for fighting would be more aggressive but 1.) there’s few actual pure bred pits and 2.) people have been breeding them for other purposes now for a long time. Just take into account the individual dog’s tempermant, the owner’s accountability, training, and history. And stop slapping the label on any dog who bites someone ffs.
No. 246733
>>246729btw i'm new to these dog bants i'm not any of the other anons. bull terrier breeds in general wig me tf out
a relative of mine got a 'staffy' (most likely some kind of puppy farm degenerate dog although it looked pretty) and it was ok for the most part, i am by no means nervous around dogs but it unsettled me (before i had a bully/terrier bias) then one day it attacked the great dane it lived with and just would not fucking let go, the dane didn't do shit and didn't retaliate it was just screaming. It scared the shit out of me. This was only the first time it happened, another time he latched on to this dogs jowls. i pray for that poor big boye
I have a fox terrier with anxiety and he's a bit of a rodent/possum killer and a shit head, but he warns before he bites and the only time he's ever snapped me or any other human has been food aggression. but if his temperament was on a dog with jaw muscles like a fucking anaconda I would not be comfortable at all
No. 246734
>>246733oh shit sage but with
>and it was ok for the most parti mean it was chill for years until it just decided to do this scurry shit
No. 246737
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No. 246739
>>246727Holy shit, people are telling you it's fine as long as you're not a dick about it and this is your reaction? What a cunt.
>Why is it okay to hate babies/children, your parents, all men, etc., but as soon as somebody doesn't like animals, dogs specifically, people can't accept that?Pretty much everyone on the board would include the same caviat of "as long as you're not a dick about it" when it comes to disliking children and men. As for parents, those are specific people in life who have wronged you, so it's not comparable at all. Also, we were accepting it, we just said as long as you're not an asshole about it… which clearly you are.
>People act like dogs slaves, you think your dear pitbulls give a shit if a human dies? There's countless stories of dogs having extreme emotional responses to their owners dying. You would know this if you weren't an ignorant bitch.
>After a child is mauled by one, the voices that are the loudest are usually the about "Not all pitbulls! blah blah".Yeah, because idiots like you act like that kind of behavior is inherent in all of them when it's a minority, so ofc people are gonna get defensive.
No. 246741
>>246729I hate staffies, I have friends that have a staffy each and both the dogs are prone to just snapping at you, they come up to you looking attention and then will just snap that fucking jaw near your face. One of them bit me on the nose because I couldn't push it down quick enough. I think the owners are wankers, they just laugh and look away when the dogs routinely snap, the dogs even do it at them.
Train for the breed you want, if you can't handle it don't have it
No. 246748
>>246747i hate people who hate cats. I'm a dog person, but people who get their panties in a bunch about how ~antisocial~ cats are just reek of "I need to be dominant and in control at all times and can't handle an animal not communicating the same way i do."
like ffs they aren't SMUG -they're cats. They can be assholes, but they aren't doing it because they think they're better than you
No. 246751
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>>246739>>246744>>246747Well, i might be "a cunt, an asshole, an idiot, insufferable" and whatever insult you still manage to come up with. But at least i can sleep at night, knowing that never one of my "hobbies" or however you want to call this, will ever endanger or even kill a person.
Of course you can be lucky and your dog will never attack anybody, but imo just once is one time too much and i'd wish people woudldn't risk this by arguing that it's only "because the owner didn't train them right"…
No. 246752
>>246748I hate that shit too, anon. People always complain about my cat being antisocial because she needs a little time to warm up to new people. Like, sorry she doesn't want some stranger about 10 times bigger than her handling her?
Also IME most cats are super affectionate. Not sure why people lable them as antisocial.
No. 246758
>>246751>3-5 million pitbulls in USA right now>total of roughly 5.5k total dog attacks and 410 fatalities in 25 years>applying abysmally low percentage to entire breed
>But at least i can sleep at night, knowing that never one of my "hobbies" or however you want to call this, will ever endanger or even kill a person. Pets, anon. They're called pets. And ffs, you're astronomically more likely to kill someone accidentally with a car than you are to have your dog maul someone. So, unless you go out of your way to avoid driving because it's not worth the risk, get the fuck off your high horse.
No one was judging you for disliking animals until you started going on with this ignorant fear mongering shit. You're not being judged for disliking animals, you're judged for being a asshole about it.
No. 246767
>>246751>Of course you can be lucky and your dog will never attack anybody, but imo just once is one time too much and i'd wish people woudldn't risk this by arguing that it's only "because the owner didn't train them right"…So, people should just stop owning pitbulls because of less than 0.001% of them? Or even if it were just one attack ever? Apply that logic to the other countless things with the potential to hurt people and think about how ridiculous it is.
Actually, using your own logic- there are many people who dislike animals that abuse or even kill them. Killing animals is often the first step to becoming a serial killer. Should we just stop taking chances and remove you from society since there's a minority of animal haters who are a threat to animal's safety or even escalated into killing humans?
No. 246780
>>246776In US alone, Pitbulls constitute a small percentage of pets (bellow 10% if I'm not wrong), yet make up a large portion(70% - 80%) in the category of dogs that attack.
I don't care when the owner dies, it's when others suffer because the owners want to play a special snowflake along with the victim complex. Pitbull owners are the worst, they can't even comprehend statistics.
No. 246785
>>246765>did you run up to a big dog when you were a kid and scare it? Did it bite you and this is why you’re a judgmental bitch?Always victim blaming… It's never a dog being simply agressive, no, it's always those damn babies provoking them.
>don’t spread misinformationThis is a gossip site, nobody comes here for serious info…
>you don’t seem like you deserve one eitherAnd by "deserve" you probably mean invest 100s (or 1000s?) per year in it? It's not like you were 'choosen' because you're such a 'good' person, no, you simply got yourself one lol
>>246767>Actually, using your own logic- there are many people who dislike animals that abuse or even kill them. Killing animals is often the first step to becoming a serial killer. Should we just stop taking chances and remove you from society since there's a minority of animal haters who are a threat to animal's safety or even escalated into killing humans?Calm down man, nobody's gonna harm your 'precious babies'…
No. 246789
>>246780>Pitbull owners are the worst, they can't even comprehend statistics.
>3-5 million pitbulls in USA at the moment>5600 pitbull attacks with 410 fatalities in 25 yearsI'd say the ones who can't comprehend statistics are the ones fear mongering over a miniscule fraction of the pitbull population
>>246785>Calm down man, nobody's gonna harm your 'precious babies'…The point was obviously to illustrate how stupid you sound applying such a small percentage of danger to the entire group
No. 246791
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When naturally ectomorphic skinny guys lift and get buff it ruins their bodies for me. Muscular men are disgusting.
Not condoning making men ana-kuns, chub and average men needn't bend to my ideals. I just know that men are more likely to be naturally thin, and when they are it's beautiful and I would prefer if they just stayed in that natural state.
No. 246797
>>246791>that picMuscular men with small waists are so disgusting looking. He looks like an insect.
But I think muscle can be nice in men with an wider frame.
No. 246798
>>246790Nta, but last year 39 people in the US were killed by pitbulls. That might not be a lot, but nevertheless, how can you care so little about that?
Not giving a fuck about people dying is being a true
No. 246804
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These are the people protesting for the pitbull who was put down after killing its 2 owners - only the crème de la crème of society! kek
No. 246816
>>246807Seems like somebody got
triggered hard
No. 246819
>>246804So don’t own a fucking pit bull then. No one is forcing you to have one but if you actually believe that they shouldn’t be owned then you’re an idiot. People drown, so I guess no one should go in the water. People die from falling down stairs so we better keep everything floor level—oh, and let’s not forget countless people who get killed by their pet snakes or die from mishandling horses, let’s get rid of them too!
You seem like one of those people who owns an annoying little ankle biter who can do no wrong because it’s tiny, when in actuality little dogs are way more aggressive, they just do less harm because they’re small. I don’t think people realize that if you properly train a dog, they won’t be aggressive unless provoked.
No. 246833
>>246830>If you're so self-conscious about your choices and can't take the smallest disagreement, its because you're well-aware you're taking the easy way out and you're feeling guilty about it. Or maybe they're sick of people telling them what to do acting so holier than thou? Especially when it comes to decisions about their body coming from someone who hasn't even had a child and has no idea what having a post-birth body is like? There's nothing you do where you're sick of hearing people's input because it's just obnoxious?
Breastfeeding can be tremendously painful for someone women, anon. Like, to the point of tears. Some women bleed and chap from it, or simply can't take the excruciating pain.
If the worst of a mom's decisions related to her children is feeding them formula, they're doing pretty fucking great. People who act like breastfeeding is the end all be all of motherhood are self-righteous twats. If formula is something you judge someone over, please reevaluate everything about yourself.
No. 246835
>Or maybe they're sick of people telling them what to do acting so holier than thou? Disagreeing with someone doesn't mean you're acting holier than thou or telling them what to do. This is such a childish reaction.
>Especially when it comes to decisions about their body coming from someone who hasn't even had a child and has no idea what having a post-birth body is like? You can have an idea of that without going through it. You can even go to school for it and became a doctor specifically focusing on women's bodies! Shocking, I know, but having a child is not the only way to learn about children, motherhood, or biology.
>If the worst of a mom's decisions related to her children is feeding them formula, they're doing pretty fucking great. I love how low the bar is.
No. 246837
>>246833>People who act like breastfeeding is the end all be all of motherhood are self-righteous twatsAgreed.
Especially the mothers who can't stop obsessing about it and breastfeed their children at inappropriate ages.
No. 246842
>>246835>Disagreeing with someone doesn't mean you're acting holier than thou or telling them what to do. This is such a childish reaction.But saying people can't possibly be annoyed with your unsolicited opinion about a subject you have no experience with, unless they know deep down they're wrong, isn't also childish?
I like how you completely ignored everything I said about bleeding, chapping, excruciating pain, and crying. The fact you judge women as bad mothers for choosing alternatives to ongoing extreme pain multiple times a day is truly revolting.
>I love how low the bar is.Good Lord, you're insufferable. People like you who judge parents as bad over any little decision you disagree with are why people dismiss the opinions of non-parents.
>>246837Oh God, this. Mothers who breastfeed at inappropriate ages often tend to be the types to never cut the umbilical cord, infantalize their children even in adulthood, and have/encourage unhealthy codependency issues with them.
No. 246845
>>246841>Yes, there are specific cases where women can’t or shouldn’t breastfeed. But agonizing pain isn't a legitimate concern to you?
I fully agree that if a woman can handle breastfeeding, they should, but you're being such a judgental bitch toward women that find it physically unbearable. Be less shitty.
No. 246861
>Good Lord, you're insufferable. People like you who judge parents as bad over any little decision you disagree with-
>Mothers who breastfeed at inappropriate ages often tend to be the types to never cut the umbilical cord, infantalize their children even in adulthood, and have/encourage unhealthy codependency issues with them.How did you write those two in a row and not realize how hypocritical you’re being?
>don’t judge moms for feeding their kids formula even though there’s a ton of negative health associations, you’re shameful if you do!
>moms who breastfeed for too long are fucked up and I’m going to extrapolate all the other ways they’re bad!Kek
No. 246862
>>246857>Did I say that? Well, you didn't address that point when I brought it up, so I assumed. I guess we're in agreement then.
>>246859I assumed it was unsolicited because it seems weird for a mom to ask a childless woman for her opinion on formula.
No. 246864
>>246861Reading comprehension, anon. "Often tend to" =/= "all".
Also, I'm not denying the health benefits of breastfeeding vs formula. Literally my only point is let's not judge mothers who physically can't bear the pain that some women get. I don't see how having this stance makes it hypocritical to acknowledge the fact that breastfeeding elementary age children is often indicative of unhealthy infantalization.
No. 246865
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>>246861So, thinking it's wrong to judge those who can't breastfeed means we're not allowed to be uncomfortable with elementary school kids performing a sexually pleasing act on their mother?
No. 246866
>>246865im seconding this.
breastfeeding should stop at a certain age. Anything else is fucking disgusting and psychological unhealthy.
No. 246869
>can'tMore projecting. No one said if you can’t breastfeed, you’re a bad mom. They said if you choose not to, you’re lazy.
And yeah, you can’t be the morality police and bitch about people judging moms and then a sentence later judge other moms.
No. 246872
>>246870Don’t come to the unpopular opinion thread if you’re gonna get
triggered. So many sensitive moms in this thread sperging. If you’re confident in your situation and decisions, anons online shouldn’t get under your skin so badly. And acting like if you support breasfeeding then you must support it till a creepy age is dumb as fuck. Most people arguing for breast feeding aren’t saying you should do it till the kid can talk. They’re saying there’s a lot of moms who are lazy and don’t even try to breastfeed. They’re not talking about women who have addictions, illnesses, pain, etc etc. Theyre talking about moms who choose to use formula because they view it as easier and more convenient. If that’s not you, then untwist your panties and move on.
No. 246874
>>246873excuse me?
I don't have kids one, two if I did I would breastfeed them
I just find it ridiculous you assume the only reason why most women aren't breastfeeding anymore is because "they're lazy!!"
I don't even know where you're getting this from, I still have yet to see a woman who refused to breastfeed out of laziness
No. 246877
>>246869>And yeah, you can’t be the morality police and bitch about people judging moms and then a sentence later judge other momslolno. Saying "let's not judge women for not being able to handle breastfeeding" doesn't mean you don't get to question something that borderlines on sexual abuse. Are we not allowed to judge women who beat their kids to the point of putting them in the hospital either? You're fucking crazy if you think that.
>>246872>>246873>this level of projectionI do not have kids and never will. If I did they would be breastfed unless I absolutely couldn't. Second, no one is saying those who support breastfeeding want to keep it going until the kid is 80, we're just making fun of those who do. I'm a strong supporter of breastfeeding, I'm just not needlessly judgmental about it.
Also, why is it always the side that people disagree with that's
>They’re not talking about women who have addictions, illnesses, pain, etc etc.The original anon who started this debate did not acknowledge she didn't judge women over it being too painful until after several several back and forths, even though it was brought up to her multiple times after her first post. Don't blame us for the fact she did a shit job at clarifying her position (or was possibly backpedaling).
No. 246882
>>246876Because friends and family can prepare it for them, and they don’t have to worry about pumping or freezing. Or they don’t know how and learning is hard so they don’t bother.
Just because you haven’t met people like this, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. I know a teen mom who refused to even try because she knew her mom was going to take over the feeding when she didn’t feel like bothering. Now she gets
triggered whenever anyone says anything negative about formula because “don’t mommy shame omg at least the baby is eating!!!!!”
Lazy people exist. Be grateful you haven’t been related to or known people like this. They’re fucking annoying, which is why I wanted to vent about it.
No. 246883
>>246818Agree. I know you like them better when it's your own family but I've never really had baby rabies anyway.
My boyfriend's nephew is still young so when there's a family get together, everyone just sit around and fawn over the 18 months old. All he does is wobble around, point and babbles, which honestly is fine for about 5 minutes but I can't do it for about an hour.
Some parents seem to think that if you want a few childfree spaces it means you expect parents to stay inside a cave and never go out, or their kids to never interact or have learning experiences. Which of course is untrue, but maybe your kid can start learning table manners at home first or at McDonald.
Maybe your kid doesn't have to be in expensive places when they're too young to remember anything anyway. Or they don't have to learn how to give the cashier the right change or use an ATM when he's taking about 2 hours to do so and there's a queue behind.
I also can't stand parents who cling onto their old life by insisting on having a little "traveling buddy" and force an entire airplane to deal with their crying 2yo for 12 hours straight.
No. 246884
>By the 1940s and 1950s, physicians and consumers regarded the use of formula as a well known, popular, and safe substitute for breastmilk. Consequently, breastfeeding experienced a steady decline until the 1970s (Fomon, 2001).
>Aggressive marketing of formulas in developing countries contributed to a global decline in breastfeeding.
>Although the breastfeeding rate was 90% in the 20th century, it has decreased to approximately 42% in the 21st century (Gaynor, 2003; Wright, 2007). Research shows increasing trends of formula-fed children developing atopy, diabetes mellitus, and childhood obesity recommend you read the whole thing, it’s really interesting.
No. 246887
>The original anon who started this debate did not acknowledge she didn't judge women over it being too painful until after several several back and forths, even though it was brought up to her multiple times after her first post. Don't blame us for the fact she did a shit job at clarifying her position (or was possibly backpedaling).Cause that’s not what I was talking about.
I started my post with
> If you feed your kid formula because its easier, I think you're lazy.That’s all I was talking about. “Because it’s easier.” Not because of medical conditions, or pain, or addictions, or whatever. I didn’t want to go into all that and it wasn’t relevant to what I was venting about. Because I wanted to vent, not get into a back and forth from people who can’t even read and assumed I said shit I didn’t. Or do you expect people to clarify every little thing or you’re going to assume the worst?
>>246885No, it’s called an example. It doesn’t mean that’s the only person.
And I clarified twice already
>>246841>Yes, there are specific cases where women can’t or shouldn’t breastfeed.>>246857>Did I say that? No, I didn’t talk about if they have a legitimate reason. I said if they do it because it’s easier.I’ll break it down super clear for you again; IF you use formula BECAUSE you think it is easier, THEN I think you are lazy. Not because you are in pain or have medical shit going on or because you have addiction or because the baby won’t latch or whatever. I’m literally just talking about people who do it because they’re lazy. They exist. They’re who I’m venting about. This is the third time I’ve had to say this now. Is it sinking in?
You guys bought so many assumptions here and thought I was saying shit I wasn’t. If I had said “I think ALL moms who use formula are lazy” or “there is no reason to use formula” or whatever, then your responses would have made sense. As it is, you’re arguing against something completely different from what I said. And now you’re doubling down because you can’t just be like “oh ok gotcha, that’s different from what I thought you were saying.” Ffs
No. 246893
>>246889Basically a majority of my low-income lazy communiry. If sucks because the older generation has to step up. My cousins and aunts and friends fuck about and roll their eyes, smoke and drink while pregnant, and then pass off the baby to their parents or friends. My Gran took care of about five kids at once because my shitbrained relatives think condoms are gay and abortions are evil. My niece (same age as me) has even got a baby she passes off to my sister, who is still raising her own kids. One of my aunts would give her baby to my other Gran WHILE she was at work. My Gran would be at work and my aunt would come in and give her the baby and be like “I wanna go shopping, take care of her.”
I get this isn’t most peoples experience, and again you’re really lucky if this isn’t yours. But it’s mine and my opinion on it is clearly unpopular. If you won’t breastfeed because you’re lazy, then I think you’re shitty. One of my sisters didn’t breastfeed because she was smoking and didn’t want to pass nicotine through the milk which is different in my opinion. One of my older aunts managed to breastfeed twins, but one of my school friends didn’t because she had some medical shit going on. There’s all sorts of women and situations. But I’m specifically talking about lazy moms. I guess thinking moms can be lazy is an unpopular opinion of itself.
No. 246908
>>246906>women are emotional and care too much they should have their rights taken away they cant think for themselves!Umm, yikes
>im female though teeheeWhatever you say greg
No. 246912
>>246906>I just don't think the vast majority of women are capable of thinking completely for themselves. I think you need to realize you are probably just talking about yourself when you say these things. There are plenty of women who aren't like that at all. Just because some are, you really think women as a whole shouldn't have rights? By that logic, most men should not be in any form of power, because the most violent, unstable people on this planet (and in every culture) are generally male. They can't even deal with being romantically rejected without going ballistic and killing people.
In fact, men are probably the emotional ones for the reasons listed above. They care so much about what others think, they would rather destroy lives than deal with the embarrassment of not getting what they want.
What they may actually lack is empathy, but they've managed to convince themselves it means they're more logical. Altogether, this is a terrible recipe for a leader unless you're a neanderthal in an environment where your only priority is to survive, eat and give birth.
No. 246917
>>246908>>246911I know, self-awareness is rare. Unfortunately it's responses like these that proves my point. Not that I'm really complaining lol
>>246912To be fair I base this off of other women I see. Whether that is in person, in the news, in books, etc. I'm not saying all women are like what I said, just most. Maybe in a perfect world there would be some sort of requirement to prove one could think for themselves, but I think that would never happen as it would go directly against a politician's agenda. And I used to actually believe I was special in some way, but I'm not, just like how no one here is. I don't think less of myself just because I embrace that I have emotions and have empathy. I would really hope men aren't on average more emotional than women, that will just be another thing that men can do better, and I really believe women being emotional is a very good and useful thing. I would argue though that when you get to that point of self-destruction or destroying others, you actually care less. You care less about your own life and the life of others around you. I think it may be because some men have their heads in the cloud trying to reach heaven, while everyone else is content spending what time they have left on earth. In other words, some people try to obtain something they will never achieve. Hitler wanted a utpoia, suicide bombers want 62 virgins, Elliot Rogers wanted to start a rift of change, etc. Of course it's misguided, and luckily not every boy who has been rejected turned into Elliot or otherwise there would be much fewer people living in the states. I don't think such outbursts of random violence have as much to do with sex as it does trauma or mental illness. Men may tend to be more violent, but maybe that is because they also tend to be leaders. A leader of a group needs to protect that group, and for centuries men had protected their families or at least been in the role of a protector.
You bring up empathy and while it's important, I think there most definitely is a limit especially when considering leadership. For example, you wouldn't want to hurt your own village to help another. There needs to be a touch of uncaring for others so you can care for what is yours. What is yours may not just literally be you though. It may be your property, your family and loved ones, your community or country, etc. I simply don't agree with you on the statement that men would destroy things simply over stubbornness, I think it varies greatly depending on the situation. It may be a scare tactic, or twisting arms, or to keep someone down, who knows. Now I know, it sounds awful, luckily I don't have to be in that position.
Don't get me wrong, I think there are many things that women are on average better at then men. I'm not trying to say men can do everything better, there are definitely subjects women are on average better at, and I'm not just talking about 'have babies, make food, do laundry'. I'm not liked on either the MGTOW or feminist side, and frankly I wouldn't want it any other way.
Idk if it was your intention, but you seemed to take an emotional approach on some topics. I'm not sure if it was to prove a point or if it was unintended.
No. 246924
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>>246780I'm gonna need a source on that one, because there is no dog consensus in the US. The closest thing you may have is how many dogs are registered to kennel clubs, and the AKC doesn't even recognize 'pit bulls' or the American Pit Bull Terrier. If you go off of vet records, Banfield receives more 'pit bull' patients than any other kind of dog. Polls have also shown that 'pit bulls' are more likely to not go to a vet at all during their lives. So they make up the largest portion on both sides of that coin.
>>246779Oof, obsessed. Pic related. nice to see you here anon
No. 246925
>>246917>>246917>not supporting women having their rights taken away over things that aren't even true to begin with is self-unawareness>you claiming it's wrong to want women to have their rights taken away proves my point!what did you expect? you think just because YOU'RE emotional means all women are, even alt-righters will admit there are plenty of women who emotional and plenty that aren't,it's almost as if it's based on the individual and not the gender wow
also, say it was true, and every single woman was as emotional as you claim, how does the equivilate to needing their rights taken away? it's like the dumb hoe even MRAs make fun of who claim women shouldn't be allowed to vote because they weren't drafted back then, you know you're doing something wrong when your own men you cater to think you're being too misogynist
> Of course it's misguided, and luckily not every boy who has been rejected turned into Elliot or otherwise there would be much fewer people living in the states. I don't think such outbursts of random violence have as much to do with sex as it does trauma or mental illness. great, men get to be seen as individuals even though testosterone is scientifically known to make men more violent, but women get grouped together as all being too emotional to do things ourselves and should have rights taken away but men or just misguided amiright
>m not trying to say men can do everything better, there are definitely subjects women are on average better at, and I'm not just talking about 'have babies, make food, do laundry'. I'm not liked on either the MGTOW or feminist side, and frankly I wouldn't want it any other way.then whats the point of mentioned about how "womens suffrage was a mistake they cant think for themselves!" if you're later gonna say?
> you seemed to take an emotional approach on some topics. I'm not sure if it was to prove a point or if it was unintended.who? and what topics? "YOU CAN'T THINK FOR YOURSELVES, GIVING YOU RIGHTS WAS A MISTAKE AND IF YOU SAY OTHERWISE YOU'RE TOO EMOTIONAL AND PROVING MY POINT"
No. 246934
>>246917>that will just be another thing that men can do better,Emotion to the point of thoughtless killing to make oneself feel good is hardly "better", anon. Just because a male may take something to its ugly extreme does not mean he's "doing it better". Why would you suddenly judge what you've established to be detrimental to leadership as a positive trait when male-aligned?
>I don't think such outbursts of random violence have as much to do with sex as it does trauma or mental illness.Trauma and mental illness that hangs over men and only men in all eras, societies and culture?
>I would argue though that when you get to that point of self-destruction or destroying others, you actually care less. You care less about your own life and the life of others around you.If that's the case, it's still undesirable for a leader in every respect. Anyone that can go that insane should not be put in charge of a collective.
>I think it may be because some men have their heads in the cloud trying to reach heaven, while everyone else is content spending what time they have left on earth. To be honest, this just sounds like you're trying to romanticize delusion, selfishness and being generally out of touch with reality.
>You bring up empathy and while it's important, I think there most definitely is a limit especially when considering leadership. For example, you wouldn't want to hurt your own village to help another. There needs to be a touch of uncaring for others so you can care for what is yours.The problem is that men tend to lack nuance and pragmatism, which explains the existence of genocide past the stone age. At least women can discuss their differences and come to mutually beneficial conclusions, as both parties at odds are more likely to have some empathy. Men on average don't have that, just pride, bloodthirst and rage, so they'd rather be animalistic and resort to bloodshed that may actually cause the undoing of their own communities.
>I simply don't agree with you on the statement that men would destroy things simply over stubbornness,History certainly does.
>Now I know, it sounds awful, luckily I don't have to be in that position.Lucky for you, yeah, but some women think of the bigger picture and envision change. Wanting to suppress them for your own sake is pretty silly. You can still find a man who will try to delegate you to a more secondary position in life, but not every one of us is suited to such a fate.
No. 246952
>>246946If you're an attractive young woman that is, just like if you're attractive and young you can have a wide variety of people in the dating pool
I can agree I HATE when women date men they know or bad, admit their bad and either enable their behavior or do nothing about, people like june who admit hes a misogynist with a large ego etc etc. Or anons who date out of racial preferences or know they're only being used for their race then wondering why it turns to shit, don't even get me started on girls who date guys from 4chan
It's a two way street though, I've seen men do the same thing, especially those who fetishize women being crazy or fat, crazy and fat people make horrible partners 90% of the time, next thing you know they're crying about there being no good women left, or turning it on western women because they have a shit taste
No. 246958
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>>246946in the same vein, it really isn't that important to have a partner. People my age are so weird about feeling like they have to have a steady, committed partner and if they don't, they feel like shit. They're young, educated, fit, fun women who are chewing their nails over some fuck boys. Just do your own shit and it'll happen when it happens. There's nothing less attractive than desperation and neediness. Be your own person first, be happy with you. Realize that you don't NEED a man. Its ok to be in a relationship, its ok to be single, its ok to turn guys down, its ok to just focus on yourself and your friends/family. Being single in your early twenties is totally
Most men are overrated anyway and at this age sooo many expect you to mother them and will then blow you off for their "bros." Pass.
No. 246961
>>246757The sentiment spouted only by people who have never put effort into anything for more than a few days.
You could have the looks of a god and everyone would hate you with an attitude like this.
It reeks of bitterness and jealousy.
No. 246965
>>246963^^^^^ Why I'm single. That seems to be all they want. A friendship/partnership without also being free rent, food and sex seems quite.difficult
Otherwise you have to be a literal prostitute and give them a $500 full service multiple times a week, let them do whatever they want to you (read: amateur BDSM) and fake-orgasm your way through it
idk man, it's not as easy as
>>246946 says - unless your expectations/standards of behavior are very low
No. 246967
>>246965This sounds so dramatic that I can't tell whether this is satire or not. What reality is this where every potential partner wants you to pay all of their bills and fuck them 24/7? Are you guys looking for boyfriends at r9k?
This is exactly like the absurd things incels claim all women demand in relationships.
No. 247130
>>246925You say emotional like it's a bad thing. It's fine to be emotional, emotions is what makes art beautiful. It becomes a problem when you let emotions cloud your judgement. You used the mentally ill to dictate your rebuttal, which is not a good judgement of half the people on earth. I could say that most newborn murder is done by women, therefor women shouldn't be allowed to take care of children. However, that is due to depressed (temporarily mentally ill) new mothers, and should not be a representative of the whole. It is not some form of punishment, it's simply to keep people not voting for their interest out of the voting pool. Voting is a privilege, not a human right. If voting was truly a right, then felons should be allowed to vote. Voting is protected in the constitution but there are still limits to it, like who is allowed to vote. Thinking women's suffrage was wrong doesn't mean you have to hate women, I find that connection to be completely illogical. It's actually very upsetting that you think that way. I find it amusing that you're using a ton of emotion in your post to prove women are not emotional, maybe you should have someone else re-read your post before submitting.
>>246927Yes and yes. I'm just going to have to disagree with you on men caring about what others think more than women. But we can agree to disagree
>>246915I can see that, although I can't comment on men being loners more often than women. I have no info supporting or debunking that statement, but it sounds plausible enough I suppose.
>>246934I don't think men are 'so emotional' that they kill thoughtlessly, isn't that a contradiction? And I said on average. If the average male ie one that isn't mentally ill with an equally average female. It's also sexist to say only men can receive trauma or mental illness, and also objectively wrong. I never meant to say leaders should not care what-so-ever, i think getting to that point of 'no feelings' aka sociopath is a mental disorder, although I know some will disagree with that notion. I don't consider mentally ill people to be good leaders. I'm sorry if you took the heaven analogy poorly, it's meant to portray that they are blinded by what they think is best and can't see what is actually happening. It was not meant to say that is good at all. You seem to actually be more sexist and paint things with broader strokes than I do, which is pretty impressive tbh. You keep inferring men go to war for no reason at all. I know there are some cases that we would find stupid, but what case/s are you thinking of in particular where men have went to war over literally nothing else, for no other reason than being stubborn?
>>246936Explain to me how being emotional is bad. Empathy isn't bad either. Different tools needed for different jobs. Also empathy is required to, in my opinion, be a functioning human and therefor necessary to be a leader. It's just when you're so empathetic and you begin making decisions that hurt your own to support others is when it becomes a problem. That is a very noble trait that shouldn't be dismissed as all around 'bad'.
>>246945Not at all the point I made.
No. 247145
>>247142I think the same.
I don't mind people who'd rather have pets than children for a multitude of reasons, but the whole "fur baby" meme just makes it look like depressing surrogacy.
There's a difference between people who are enthusiastic about their animals, and people who use animals in a desperate attempt to fill voids for family and are delusional about it.
No. 247148
my fiance and i in our current apartment (we're moving) for some reason can hear the baby in the unit below us crying. constantly. decided recently we never want kids, and instead will just have pets. BUT, we also don't want a difficult dog or cat breed that will end up replacing a kid. just a simple pet, me and my love, and all the money we're saving not raising a baby.
No. 247186
>>246917Why don't you go live in the Middle East? It is your perfect utopia. Women have very little rights, and their entire livelihood is completely dependent on the men in their lives. If your husband decides he needs to beat the shit out of you its his right to decide so.
You are pretty delusional if you think men will pamper you if you let them control your life. My ex convinced me to stay home because it was a "woman's duty" to care for the house while the man makes the money. Doing so made me financially dependent on him so he could treat me as poorly as he wanted. Meanwhile he could leave me at the drop of a hat and I'd be on the streets with nothing. Being a housewife is essentially being an unpaid servant.
Its really disgusting how self absorbed you are, women who are suffering in other parts of the world pray for just a fraction of the rights you are so fortunate to have. And you talk about wanting to throw it away "cuz tehe im trad! "Women have more empathy therefore deserve to be abused!" uwu~
No. 247201
>>246917This is a man larping
Or a very sheltered girl who has never left her village+reads a lot of books. You have a nice attitude but it is not grounded in the present, it's somewhat fictional.
e.g. male violence may have been beneficial in a tribe but now it is a problem/danger/hindrance (and quite an expensive one to police)
Our society is built around becoming better than our base selves. The past is no excuse for the future
No. 247205
I think people should stop having children or if they do, not more than one. Options to replace children like
>>247142 are fine even if cringy because anything is better than another human in this planet.
I also think people should be fined/jailed for sexism.
No. 247216
>>247130If you had just said something like "I think a lot of women are stereotypically emotional including myself but I don't think that's a bad thing" then few would be that offended, but you literally advocated for women having their rights taken away based on vast generalizations, all while making excuses for men as individuals. It's hypocritical and seems very misogynist rather than just an innocent trad rationalist or however you see yourself.
We tend to get a little miffed at the prospect of rights being taken away because no legal protection+ general physical disadvantage= the possibility of being absolute slaves to men, which has and does happen when we don't have any say. It's absolutely reasonable to get worked up about this topic. Why do you think people (including men) get worked up about gun laws, war, prison rights, laws in general? People tend to want to defend their right to basic freedom and protection from violence and murder, no matter how they lean. Are you so desensitized and sheltered that you've forgotten that and just see your entire sex's physical safety and autonomy as a little thought experiment?
Maybe I'm missing something though. Do you have any ideas of how we can protect our lives, bodies, and basic freedom if we don't have any political say? If we went to a society where women weren't allowed to vote, I doubt they'd let us have any self defense weapons or sanctuary spaces.
>inb4 "not all countries have voting in the first place!"you're advocating for a country that does to revoke it for women based on a stereotype about them.
Also, wrt your idea about women being made to somehow prove their ability to think independently, would you make anyone else take it? Men with current or past drug abuse? Men with current or past mental health issues? Men on medications? Men with a passive personality type?
Lots of people have clouded judgment in some way or another and struggle to truly think independently. This is one of the big drawbacks of whole concept of democracy, and it's not just because of us pesky women.
No. 247224
>>247205>I think people should stop having childrenI think shitty people should stop having children.
>or if they do, not more than oneIme most only children are insufferable, I'm glad I have a brother.
No. 247229
>Ime most only children are insufferable, I'm glad I have a brother.Anecdotal, but the only single children families I know are fucking insane. The kids are entitled brats who have trouble empathizing and sharing. The parents are helicopter-parents to the extreme and exert waaay too much attention and affection on their single kid.
Only children are the worst imo.
No. 247233
>>247143Posting on an image board =/= deciding the fate of a country. Freedom of speech is a freedom for anyone regardless of sex so long as that speech isn't inciting violence. I find it ironic your rebuttal was personal attacks, bad analogies and topics not actually being discussed.
>>247186Why can no one understand that the inability to vote =/= basic human rights? Of course I don't want women to be harmed. Again, no arguments, nothing about what I've actually said, Just a lot of personal attacks and grasping straws. but you're free to express your opinion.
>>247201Is it really so shocking that a woman might have different views than you? That's honestly sad, people from all different backgrounds have many varying views. Thanks though, I try to stay civil. As I have mentioned, I don't want to come off as trying to hurt anyone.
>>247216Then it would not have been an unpopular opinion! Voting, while defended by the constitution, is not a right as it can be taken away forever (see felons). It is a privilege, since it's only granted to people who meet the requirements. The 'excuses' I made for men was that the mentally ill shouldn't represent an entire gender. I did go into a bit about speculation as to why the sexes are the way they are a few times, it wasn't meant to defend the actions of the mentally disturbed. Taking away voting rights does not immediately make one a slave. We really have a lot more power than we give ourselves credit for. I'm not saying people shouldn't get worked up, it's totally within your right to voice your opinion. That's what the thread is for. I believe men, as a whole, will do what is right by the other gender, honestly I think it's partly genetic in wanting to protect them and partly upbringing/family in wanting to protect their mother, wife, daughter etc. I know there's a lot of this incel shit going around, but honestly the majority of guys aren't going around shooting people because they didn't get laid.
It's interesting you brought up the theoretical requirement and/or test… I have no fucking clue how it would work or be implemented (I doubt it ever would be because politicians would HATE it), but if it exists, I see no reason to not make it mandatory for anyone wanting to vote. Just make it part of the registration process, why the hell not. I would be worried though that people may actually not register because 1)the test is too much trouble or 2)the embarrassment of not passing, god forbid if anyone did some kind of study on the findings. It would have to be strictly confidential I imagine. It used to be that you had to pay AND pass a reading test, while reading tests make sense now back then only the elite could afford to be taught how to read. Nowadays every school teaches kids to read.
People also keep bringing up taking away voting… I originally stated woman's suffrage was a mistake. Meaning it should not have happened. Taking away privileges in America is a LOT harder than giving them. I don't think it's actually even possible to take away the voting rights of half of the population at this point. It is a bridge we've already crossed, and there's no going back imo. My stance stays the same, I just don't want people thinking their votes are being taken away by an anonymous user on an image board; don't worry, at this point your votes aren't going anywhere.
No. 247236
>>247130I didn't say emotions are bad, I told you to go do the dishes and make sandwiches, handmaiden. Hurry up.
You seem to be fond of telling people they're proving your point so let me do the same thing to you: by staying here stroking your ego and pushing your opinions on people (who not only clearly disagree with you but also think your opinions are pathetic and repulsive), you're being selfish, self-important and acting out of self-interest, thus negating your point and proving ours.
Now either stop being retarded or go make us sandwiches.
Hurry. Up. No. 247238
>>247233>Posting on an image board =/= deciding the fate of a country.In typical Female Behavior, you are missing the main point, dear. Posting opinions on voting leads to wanting to take action. Wanting action means trying it IRL. Trying it IRL is, as you said, the last thing a woman should be doing.
You're using your freedom of speech the wrong way. Use it to post unpopular opinions about breastfeeding or how to get stains out of a carpet, instead. A woman should not be trying to discuss politics and voting. It is too complicated for her simple, soft, emotional mind. What gain is there to be had from talking about women's suffrage? Leave it to the men, they obviously know what's best.
Now, do you have any tips on ironing shirts, sister-wife?
>>247233>Why can no one understand that the inability to vote =/= basic human rights? The history of voting rights in the United States disagrees with you on that.
If women aren't allowed to vote, then politicians have no reason to care about womens issues in politics, which would commpletely get rid of any politicians interest in keeping Planned Parenthood around, keeping abortion accessible. If women can't vote, why would there still be women politicians? Then you have an entire class of men deciding they know whats best for women, never listening to women.
>I believe men, as a whole, will do what is right by the other gender, honestly I think it's partly genetic in wanting to protect them and partly upbringing/family in wanting to protect their mother, wife, daughter etc.Again, the entirety of human history disagrees with you.
You have to be a dude trolling. No woman who seriously believes in women not being able to vote is going to be on a female anonymous imageboard like lolcow.
No. 247275
>>247260Well, most people here want to have "tiny bodies, yet wide hips with a big butt and perky boobs" (or claim to look like that), there are countless of korean/japanese skin care, makeup, fashion threads etc, many post k-idols as their goals, admit to being a former weeb, only watch anime and so on.
Lolcow only hates kpop (which is justified imo kek)
So, because of that i figuered that liking the way i look as a white person, doesn't seem like the norm. I've never seen some girl on here humblebrag about being 1.80m and athletic or stuff like that - and i'd say that's because most anons don't seem to see that as something positive or desirable.
No. 247278
>>247275Tbh it seems like a lot of anons enjoy those things, but hate the actual asian people out of some weird jealousy. At least when you see how many perfectly fine asian girls are called hideous, anons getting angry when you say it isn't flattering ("what, you do not enjoy people hating on you because they would love to be you???? I would love to be fetishised-hated!"), getting angry over asian stereotypes ("asians so not have sleek long hair, they have thin, ratty horsehair!!!!") the whole asian-envy thread.
After years of being bullied for not being white in a white country, it feels absurd that white girls in a white country are seething with anger and jealousy because a tiny percent of the internet prefers asians. Why give a shit if k-boos and incels like asian girls, go outside where everything is the opposite.
No. 247280
>>247278>Tbh it seems like a lot of anons enjoy those things, but hate the actual asian people out of some weird jealousy. At least when you see how many perfectly fine asian girls are called hideous, anons getting angry when you say it isn't flattering ("what, you do not enjoy people hating on you because they would love to be you???? I would love to be fetishised-hated!"), getting angry over asian stereotypes ("asians so not have sleek long hair, they have thin, ratty horsehair!!!!") the whole asian-envy thread. I'd say there are plenty of white girls being nitpicked as well, this is simply lolcow for you. I can only give you my perspective, but as a white girls i simply find white people more attractive and therefore do consider some kpop idols ugly who are called pretty by most asians. I have simply a different taste or standard and maybe it's the same for other anons as well. I can't remember a normal asian girl being picked on here, people only shit on idols, so i feel that it's rather the opposite, anons like you normal girls but can't stand celebrities.
>After years of being bullied for not being white in a white country, it feels absurd that white girls in a white country are seething with anger and jealousy because a tiny percent of the internet prefers asians. Why give a shit if k-boos and incels like asian girls, go outside where everything is the opposite.Well, i can't answer that since i certainy don't feel jealous. Please do read my original post. I stated that being white is only unpopular here, i said that saying that 'I'm proud to be white' is considered not pc enough irl, not that every single white girl out there wishes to be asian.
No. 247285
>>247280I should have specified that I only replied to the "lolcow only hates k-pop". And I never said all white girls want to be asian, pretty sure I said the opposite? That everyone outside of tiny internet communities prefers white girls, so that the spergy anons(not you) can just go outside?
>>247282Well if you go into the threads, it is pretty easy to spot the bitter anons from the ones with actual valid criticism.
No. 247289
>>247278>>247285Calling somebody spergy, bitter and "seething with anger and jealousy" is never a good idea if you want to avoid getting those claims thrown back at you…
Here's my unpopular opinion:
I do believe that some people actually don't mind or even "enjoy" getting racially fetishized (to some extent).
Like the anon above me said, being white is considered the norm, non-white kids get bullied, so what happens if that bullied kid meets an online community that worships them? Even if that community is toxic - it's not like those men will ever meet you irl, so there's not real harm or threat. I'm sure that many like suddenly getting admired and being seen as more desirable and attrative than white girls.
No. 247300
>>247295I worked years in insurance and most fatalities come from distracted drivers or elderly people having strokes/heart attacks at the wheel.
I drive about under the influence of weed all the time and I've never been involved in an accident in the last 7 years. Some people are just shit at driving
No. 247305
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>>247300>I drive about under the influence of weed all the time and I've never been involved in an accident in the last 7 years.>driving while being on drugsI hope that at least you'll only get yourself killed, anon.
No. 247311
>>247300>Take drugs and driveWhat a piece of shit
>>247309>It's all about confidence Anon!!!Hm… I'm not sure about that.
No. 247341
>>247309I drive while high sometimes too, but I've been smoking for YEARS and I no longer get huge mental highs that incapacitate my brain and thought process. Although when I was a new smoker I would tell people when I wasn't good to drive.
Smoking weed doesn't inhibit judgement the way other drugs like alcohol do.
Ex. If I've had more than a couple bowls and bf asks me to drive I tell him to wait.
But if I've had only one or have been sitting on a high for awhile, I can drive with no problem.
In fact, I'm more liable to be cautious and not speed when I'm high for the fact that I'm paranoid of driving perfectly since I don't want to get pulled over.
Never had an issue.
>>247300Agreed. Most people my age have gotten into car accidents from looking at their phones.
No. 247343
>>247341Exactly anon there are levels. I'm a habitual smoker, it would take me months of abstaining to be 'sober'. There's a difference if I am getting hiiiiiiiigh and no I wouldn't drive I wouldn't want too lol, and there's days like, "I have a 2 hour drive, I'm going to roll one for the road."
And I drive great because I usually have some on me and I do not want to get pulled over lol
No. 247346
>>247343>And I drive great because I usually have some on me and I do not want to get pulled over lolOh god yes, this.
Whenever I make pickups I get nervous.
The closest I've ever came to being hysterical happened when I was driving down a main road in my hometown after buying a half with my dealer. This was back before I had much experience. I was taking him home because we were friends.
I pulled up to a red light near a Domino's. When it went green I crept forward but before I could accelerate, squad cars with flashing lights dashed out in front and behind my car. The next thing I see is officers brandishing guns and pointing them.
For a split second I thought it was my ass.
Apparently the Domino's my car was beside was being robbed, and the suspect had a gun. Hence armed officers swooping in from nowhere. It was just an unfortunate coincidence that I was there with weed in my car.
But uh yeah, pretty intense.
No. 247349
>Smoking weed doesn't inhibit judgement Common side-effects
>distortion of time>decreased problem solving >increased heart rate>impaired coordination>poor concentration and attention >impaired judgment >slowed reaction time >bloodshot eyes and foggy vision >lightheaded and drowsyDo you know anything about this shit? This is basic stuff. Google it. You guys are no better than people who drive drunk, don’t try to pretend you are. That line about “being more cautious” is exactly what drunk drivers say. Along with “being more confident.” Smoking is fine and dandy, getting high and driving is not. If you seriously think it doesn’t negatively affect your driving, you’re either not aware of what is happening to your body or you are lying to yourself.
No. 247350

>>247346Lol there's a band I love called GLC and they have a few songs about weed these lyrics are from paranoia
>Like a neon racer, speeding down the streetI needs a fuckin' spliff, i'd better be discreet
Skinnin' up on Newport bridge, am i out of my mind?
I looks in the mirror, the police are behind
Got a pocket full of pills and a glove box full of Mary-jane
I know - i'll lose 'em in the bus lane
Taxi in the way, i'll never get past
Those fuckin' copper cars are well fuckin fast
I've only got a shitty Vauxhall nova
I'll never give up, I'll never pull over
Avoiding eye contact, i weaves in and out
Nearly caused a pile up on the fuckin roundabout
Blue lights are flashing, here we fuckin go
I'm smoking up a spliff and my car stinks of blow
Then he sped past me and drove away
So i drove 'round slow for the rest of the day
And I dunno if you ever had to smoke the brown (UK anon) but this song Soapbar is pretty funny. It features ultimate chav culture.
This song linked is about smoking so much weed it act likes HRT lmao for glc love
No. 247352
>>247349Weed is contextual tho because its literally a medicine in alot of places. While you shouldn't be faded and drive, which there are dumbasses who do. There are quantities of weed that can be consumed and have the same side effects as a fucking Advil. I will never drive under the influence as a recreational smoker, but i have friends who are recreational and drive certain roads but we have a weight for dosage purposes and would never let our driver hit a fat blunt before getting behind the wheel no matter the road conditions. Alcohol is atleast a straight forward road but with weed you need to specify do you mean thc or cbd users? What is the usage? How is it consumed? So on, the base rule should be yeah dumbfuck don't be behind the wheel under the influence but theres context too. Cause then we gotta blame every driver who has ever taken idk an allergy medication or whatever if we're putting the ban hammer down period.
Plus these side effects are common in heavy users just like theres permanent damaging side effects from smoking, ingesting caffeine etc
(I do however think the severity of the side effects from weed compared to other substances is phenomanolly smaller wether its heavy addiction or just recreational)
No. 247353
>>247352Ok two things
> its literally a medicine You can’t drive while taking certain persription medications. Because side effects.
>There are quantities of weed that can be consumed and have the same side effects as a fucking Advil.The OPs specifically mentioned being high. Unless you can get high on Advil, that’s not the same.
No. 247355
>>247349>do you know about this shit?I said I smoke.
You don't know what you're talking about if you think being drunk is in any fashion similar to being high for long time users.
No. 247356
>>247349I hope this is bait.
Not only is there no source cited, but it seems you don't understand the literal physical differences between alcohol and cannabinoids and what effect they have on the brain.
People who drive high are also people who would never drive drunk because of the difference. Stop moralfagging.
No. 247361
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>if you think being drunk is in any fashion similar to being highNo one said that
>>247356There’s no source cause that’s common knowledge, especially if you smoke, and there are multiple hits they show up with a simple google search. Don’t be lazy. Weed has side effects, some of them are the fucking point of taking it (relaxation, for example).
>seems you don't understand the literal physical differences between alcohol and cannabinoidsNo one said they’re the same thing. Just that weed has side effects. You’ve got to be really fucking dumb to think otherwise.
>People who drive high are also people who would never drive drunk because of the difference. Where’s your source on that? I knew multiple people who would drive under the influence of both, sometimes at the same time- which is a different ball game.
>>247358Yes, weed can be mecidinal and be prescribed. No one is saying it can’t be or that it is bad. But there are many medicines you’re not supposed to take and then drive, including antidepressants, pain relievers, and even some allergy products. you get high and drive, I think you’re a selfish ignorant pos. Just my unpopular opinion.
No. 247381
>>247341>In fact, I'm more liable to be cautious and not speed when I'm high for the fact that I'm paranoid of driving perfectly since I don't want to get pulled over.This is the kind of thing that makes me say 'hmm… sounds fake' as driving
better while under the influence is pretty counter intuitive. But one day I spent a bit of time reading about it and it's actually legit and backed up with stats. I was really surprised but it does make sense in a way, I don't smoke myself so I wouldn't know personally.
No. 247393
>>247376lmao 1.5 to 2! MASSIVE.
>poor correlation between THC levels in blood and driver impairment>>247379I've been smoking for 7 years I think I'm more aware of the side-effects than you. Check this. One time I went to Amsterdam from Belfast. Got into the Dam at about 12:40. Didn't eat breakfast because excitement, had like a few biscuits on the plane. Get to a cafe. Smoke some heavy skunk. Go blind lmao. Drink some water with sugar. Come round. Go back for more.
Cannabis can lower your blood sugar, this is why you get the famous munchies. Me not eating and smoking heavy skunk made me white out to the point I went blind. I should have known better for smoking for so many years but I didn't and was on holiday.
I'm aware of the side effects. And I'm aware of my tolerances. Just like someone shouldn't drive when drowsy, I don't either.
No. 247397
>>247395>the days I've drove it without have a smoke along the way I get more wound up by other drivers, will generally drive faster and be more aggroNta but same.
Today when I went out for errands I was way more angry at other dumbass drivers than I would've been had I smoked a bowl an hour prior.
>>247393I agree with you anon.
Not only driving, but I also am able to complete chores with less aggravation. I'm way more focused and on-task.
Even in grad school I smoked for stress relief but still attended classes and wrote while high.
I go to my job where I'm interacting and talking to people nonstop.
I'm completely myself unless, like you said, I know I'm not.
Most people think I don't do drugs and that I'm vanilla af, kek.
No. 247645
>>247236I suppose if you have to be salty to an anon, this thread is the place to do it. What do you accomplish from putting people down? Serious question since you've just given up on real conversation, may as well swing it back towards something productive.
>>247238Since you've seemed to be banned I'll hold my comment and just wait it out for a reply, it's not fair to have an argument with someone who can't defend themselves.
>>247239Women voting is an extremely new concept on the grand scheme of things, yet there hasn't been a female version of a holocaust, women have never been mass genocided for their gender (maybe the witch trials may count? But that was more to do with religion and less so of having two x chromosomes). Despite most women being unable to vote for most of history where there has been a democracy, we still end up equal with men, at least in western societies. Even before the colonies became America it was looked down on to hit women and treat them poorly. In fact women were protected from drafts and mandatory firefighting duties, whereas black men who were no longer slaves but didn't have the right to vote yet (due to money and reading skills) were still obligated to these duties. Why do you think men specifically don't want Planned Parenthood around, or abortions?
No. 247653
>>247233>Why can no one understand that the inability to vote =/= basic human rights? Of course I don't want women to be harmed. Again, no arguments, nothing about what I've actually said, Just a lot of personal attacks and grasping straws. but you're free to express your opinion.No arguments? I just told you what life is like for women who have no rights. Nice cherry picking though.
>>247239 said, if women have no influence in politics than politicians have no reason to care about their rights. We don't live in a kind world sweetie. Like I said before, men wont pamper you. If you become property then you get treated like property.
You can't even defend the crap your spewing and just baww that everyone is calling out how ridiculous you sound.
No. 247796
>>247653The middle east is the way it is due to their culture, not because of lack of voting rights. That should be very apparent by the fact that no other culture treats women the way that Muslims do. Women actually have the right to vote in all middle eastern countries. The only place where women have never been able to vote is the Vatican city, and they have never been big on beating women in case you didn't know. In the Vatican city women are free to come and go as they please, whereas many middle eastern countries have families that won't even let women out of the house without a man present. I have already stated
>>247645 that even in western societies when women didn't have voting rights they were still treated well, much better than the African slaves. Since you seem to equate voting with slavery and abuse, why were women not being lashed in public for not cooking something right, like how slaves were commonly lashed for not working their fingers to the bone, or even killed for innocent mistakes? I keep going over the same rebuttals because no one is bringing anything new to the table, or they simply insult me. I don't do the whole ad hominem thing, it brings nothing to a discussion and helps no one.
I also find it incredibly disturbing that you believe the inability to vote = property. That means entire countries of people, all children, and anyone convicted of a felon no longer have human rights. A person is a person regardless of their ability to vote, and all people should have basic human rights.
No. 247875
>>247872I think it this argument you two are having would work better if you were to clarify your full stance, anti-suffrage-chan. Believing women should be unable to vote because we can't make decisions, but still allowing us to, say…have a job as a bank manager, is hypocritical. Should women work? Should they be banned from certain jobs? I do agree with you about testing people before voting, but believe it should apply to everyone. I also see men and women as equals, as the two can be as irrational as each other.
As for my input: Even given your ideas to work with here (that women are logically inferior), I think limiting humans to what we currently are biologically (according to you) is silly since we have the ability to change. Women have only been expected to be equals in the west for a few generations, I imagine in the future our biological impulses (again, according to you) will eventually be bred out with evolution. Most average men prefer women who also have jobs and thoughts of their own now, and the economy kind of demands it from the majority. Some women are even the breadwinners, should they not make decisions for their families? I think that especially with incoming technology allowing us to genetically modify babies, more intelligent humans of both sexes will be created.
You just seem to think that people have set ways of being and should settle for that, rather than make efforts to improve ourselves for future generations. Although perhaps even I have read you wrong, please clarify.
Regardless, I don't expect to change your mind about anything. Arguments are just fun (yes, a dreaded 'emotion' haha) and never amount to anything substantial. It does seem as if other anons were jumping to conclusions about your beliefs and I hope to understand your theories more fully.
No. 247883
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Don't bother, it's almost always dumb, self-admitting attention seeking hoes who are extremely against feminism
I wish i can find the most of the dumb thot who was offended a feminist said "everyone owns their own body" and she came in saying "um sweetie im not a feminist im a bdsm submissive men own my body", this is just peak female anti-fems for you, none of them are respectable women at all
No. 247889
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>>247880scrot detected
if you're actually a woman I feel sorry for you because the reason for the man hating threads is painfully obvious
No. 247892
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>>247890same anon! when will they realize the men they're white knighting so hard still hate them? probably never kek
No. 247893
>>247891Every single movement on the face of the planet has its bad ones who promote weird or bad ideologies, but for whatever reason feminist get the most of it and cherry picking despite most feminists being normal or great people
>>247892Agreed, its always ironic to see men hate women like lauren southern and sh0eonhead and treat them like shit and next minute screaming and crying about how no woman one speaks about mens rights. Most men hate womens guts no matter what they do. Most men dont care if women are treated like shit, return the favor ladies
No. 247895
>>247880More often then not the thread is full of hate for incel type men or genuinely awful things that shitty dudes pull. There are one or two extreme anons but for the most part it's not too bad.
Also this probably not an unpopular opinion but can we please have stricter rules or another hell week for all this infighting/arguing? Its really embarrassing to read.
No. 247901
>>247899If the mod didn't nuke the thread by autosaging it it wouldn't be leaking that much.
>>247900Submissive men and women are anoying as fuck, just grow a spine already.
No. 247903
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>>246542Their second name is Gusov for the husband and Gusova for wife, Russian second names differ for men and women.
Sasha and Alexander are the same same, Sasha is short for Alexander.
Alexander is the official name, Sasha is used by friends and relatives. He has other aliases. In english media he is often mentioned specifically as Sasha Gusov.
Pic related is him.
No. 247966
>>247875My stance was that it was a mistake, not that it should be taken away. I had stated earlier how that would be nigh impossible and a bad strategy anyways. For some reason I think it keeps getting lost in translation that I think women are less than men and that's also not true, I think women are perfect (or at least as close to perfect as you can get) just the way we are. I guess the main issue here is others are believing the right to vote is a human rights violation, where I do not believe that is the case. Women have been allowed to work before they had the right to vote, so I see no reason why women can not work for themselves if they can't vote? Also my point was NOT that we are less intelligent than men. I just believe that women are less likely to vote on their own interests due to traits that otherwise are incredibly noble and thoughtful. Just not the best for deciding the fate of a country. I do agree with the theoretical test, but I had mentioned before my concerns of it too. A discussion for another thread maybe.
I'll level with you that women may very well change in time, but honestly I wouldn't want to see that happen myself. I guess i get a moral superiority complex when I know I can easily love my nieces and nephew even when they do something retarded, where my boyfriend and brother need to take a second and relax after they break a window. The kids will come to me or my mother when they need to be comforted, not because the men in the house abuse them or anything but because I guess we make them feel better when they get hurt, physically or emotionally. I feel as though if women become less empathetic, i don't see how that couldn't affect children's relationship with their moms. And I also think women are on average much better authors because of how in touch we are with our emotions, there's just a better ability to transfer that into a story. But who knows, the future is full of surprises. I mainly talk about what I see here and now, ya know? In this economy unless the family is well-off there really isn't a way for a mom to be a stay-at-home nowadays, but that has also been the case back when women couldn't vote. Honestly that 'stay-at-home' mom stuff has always been a luxury for most families, or the family was ok living poor (or at least marginally less cash than they could of had) so long as they had a stay-at-home mother. voting for government officials =/= unable to work. Women would and should still have the right to freedom of assembly.
Despite some of the hostile comments like
>>247879 it was actually a riveting discussion. I didn't expect to change anyone's minds either, just get an unpopular opinion off my chest. And honestly I am pretty ecstatic that I got well-thought arguments out of it, it does really help put the other side of the argument in context
No. 247972
>>247880TBF it's gotta happen somewhere. I see so many women hating threads, topics, discussions even entire websites everywhere else and barely any men-hating anything on the internet besides a couple tweets or a tumblr rant. Everyone needs a place to really vent; it's not healthy keeping it all locked up. I think the increase of it may be a direct ratio of the increase of women hate elsewhere honestly. If men want to slump me into the same group as their abusive moms, then I'm going to slump them into all one group too. It may be annoying, but for a lot of us it's the only place to vent anonymously.
It is important after your done venting to take a deep breath and step back, though.
No. 247980
>>247966still don't know what an enter key is eh, retard?
>>247894I'm sure you
are one if you're dickriding men like this. Only beta females pull this shit.
No. 247988
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>>247986It's sad because I'm a romantic, but I agree. I feel like so many modern weddings are all about appearances, outdoing others, and materialism. So few are actually about love, commitment, and family.
I loved Angelina Jolie's wedding dress because it was symbolic and sentimental. She had her children's artwork embroidered on her dress. It got a lot of media attention as being "tacky" or whatever, but I think it was so much better than the usual glamour obsessed shit.
No. 248006
>>247986I was invited to a wedding for the first time in years recently and it was a pain in the ass to take time off work, get a dress, shoes and just things that are appropriate for a wedding ceremony, and pay for most of the accommodations, but I admit I had a lot of fun. I think that since the couple only invited the most important people to them it was easier for them to organize and they had a really good time during the wedding. But ever since I've been told they were an exception and that most weeding are so stressful to organize for the couple, especially the wife, I think if I ever get married I will either skip the wedding ceremony or organize a really small and short one.
>>248003Actually I'm starting to wonder where that "tradition" of having big ass weddings that are so expensive that the married couple sometimes will ruin themselves for it even comes from. I know it really depends on countries but I've read that typically, in the US weddings are super expensive because they're a bit over-the-top and there are a lot of guests. In Japan the weddings typically last an afternoon at most I think while in North Africa a wedding ceremony lasts several days in a row (almost a week iirc, it's even more ott than in the USA) so it also depends on how long it lasts.
No. 248007
>>248006The wedding industry in the US is worth tens of billions of dollars.>That’s good news for the 300,000-plus wedding vendors operating in the U.S., including ceremony and reception venues, DJs, coordinators, photographers, caterers, hair and make-up artists, limo drivers, and more.A lot of people have an interest in keeping weddings big, lavish, and expensive.
No. 248016
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>>247986Haha yeah, my first wedding for a friend…
>bride forced us to buy a $200 dress none of us were flattered in or likedShe pressed us to believe these were the "cheaper" dresses out of the selection available. Some girls had to fork more money over to get the shits altered. When we were clearly showing that we were out of our comfort zone wearing them she rubbed salt in the wound by saying they were "re-wearable" when we'd never wear them again. She made me feel uncomfortable and humiliated but she didn't care.
>accused her maid of honor of "not being there"She has a disease and was having a falling out with her bf that caused her to delegate a lot of the organizational work. Bride still got her bridal shower, bachelorette party, etc. But she didn't like how organizing wasn't more timely, and apparently upset that the bachelorette party was a surprise because she thought she wasn't getting one (abloo-fuckin-boo…) It's honestly one of the most spoiled things I've ever seen someone complain about.
>invited a known cosplay lolcow to be in our bridal groupPart of the reason the former bullet happened. This narc tried to set herself up as the slavedriver above us all when she never did shit besides criticize every idea we organized. Tried to say she knew her the best, but she never did shit. She caused drama and is the reason why bride thought she wasn't getting a bach party. She had it out for me because one day I told her to come up with ideas or shut up, and she didn't go to the bachelorette party to spite me. She accused me of being jealous of her relationship with the bride (lol). When I told bride what happened she brushed it off "That's just how she is." Yeah, okay, thanks for the heads up!
And of course
>doesn't talk to me now that the wedding's over and she has no need for the appearance of friendsHer parents are loaded though, so the reception and everything else about the wedding was nice at least.
No. 248022
>>248018Lol, they're not entitled to a wedding. Exactly!
I think that anon meant to say they
believe they're entitled to a
ceremony because their specific spiritual fiction dictates they have it in order to live with, fuck, and have children with the person they love.
That aside–every bridezilla I've ever dealt with wasn't very religious in the sense of prayer or going to organized mass. They just wanted the appearance of a grand wedding for vain reasons and being socially conditioned to believe they deserve one.
No. 248027
>>248016Didn't you already post about the cosplay lolcow friend before? Like a long time ago? I feel like I read something similar either on /ot/ or /g/, I don't know why.
But man, it must have been stressful. It reminds me that at the wedding I was invited to the bride asked us to wear read clothes of a certain color if possible, which wasn't possible for me because I had a hard time finding formal clothes my size in general, but she didn't mind it at all, she was already happy that everyone in general could come to the wedding and have fun.
No. 248036
>>248022Stories about shitty brides have taught me so much about planning my own wedding.
Bridesmaids choose a dress they feel good in, anyone making a scene can be escorted out by large maori friends, no single item costs more than $800.
My SIL was a great bride. Her biggest “meltdown” was ‘oh I’d prefer it if your dress wasn’t yellow but if it is I’ll just get over it.’
These insane women blowing their bank accounts and mental health on a party are nuts. Any woman saying ‘it’s MY DAY’ shouldn’t be getting married at all.
No. 248063
>>248054Nobody is barring religious people from marrying in a ceremony. However, they don't have a "right" to a particular quality of ceremony that is costly. That's why entitled people who ebeg on crowdfunding websites to get others to pay for their weddings are seen as tacky.
All that an official marriage needs is a certificate, witness, and an officiant.
No. 248104
>>247880Might get torn apart for this. I’m a girl, and I’ve ALWAYS gotten along better with boys. I love men, they’re my best friends and usually the only gender I “hang out” with. The whole man hating thing drives me wild, they’re so much more relaxed and fun to be around, usually straightforward too.
Girls on the other hand… I’ve always had a hard time getting along with them. They’re backstabbing, usually fake, gossipy, two-faced and more often than not just insufferable to me.
I’m stereotypically attractive, all of my features are great and I’ve always looked good, and I expressed this to an ex… he thinks it could be that men are better to me, just in case they’ll get a chance to be with me eventually? Still, men are great. Love them to death.
No. 248111
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Get out of your internet hugbox and explore the real world, you'll see most human being enjoy being with funny and kind hearted people. And if some people end up with psychopath it's by mistake not by choice.
No. 248116
>>248112I kind of agree on that.
The prettiest girls in my class also always were the most popular with guys - not just dating, but simply friendship as well.
Whereas less than average girls (me and my "loser" friends) were mercilessly bullied by the boys.
No. 248118
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>>248104>They’re backstabbing, usually fake, gossipy, two-faced This is a common thing I always see to describe women, but like men are like this too lmao at least from my experience with being around male friends.
>>248116Pretty social people have an easier time making friends than average people, more news at 11
seriously tho that's not suprising
No. 248124
>>248122Honestly for me I wonder if it's because female friendships are too real and I'm afraid of getting hurt. The bond with women is usually a lot stronger and there's more emotional honesty and vulnerability, and as a result it hurts more if you have a falling out or grow apart.
Dude friendships are often based on surface interests, jokes, and roasting each other so they're easier to find and maintain without a lot of effort lol
No. 248149
>>248063Yeah I don't believe that people have a right to live outside of their means and have my big pimped up wedding. But some cultures and traditions have A wedding, and if people have any freedoms it should be to express their religions, heritages, and cultures. Too many people equate all weddings to those big ridiculous weddings with hundreds of people. I don't believe people have the right to their perfect ideal wedding, just to A wedding to express whatever ideals they have. I pretty much agree with the original statement otherwise.
>>248073While I don't believe social media needs to be regulated, I do believe that social medias like twitter and facebook are companies, and I believe companies should be allowed to censor or not censor whatever they please.
No. 248167
>>248164You got me. I’ve been posting and looking here for 2 years.
Go suck a cock, whore
No. 248168
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>>248165>feminazi>>248167>Go suck a cock, whoreScrotoid detected.
No. 248170
>>248167Jesus, what's your problem? I'm not the one shitting on women and bragging about all my male """friends,""" you are. So, how am
I the whore here?
Shoe0nhead pls go
No. 248175
>>248171>>248172Are you too slow to see how hypocritical it is to call anyone else a whore when
you are one you only have male "friends" because you're too insufferable for women to like you?
And did you know that you can reply to multiple posts in one single post?? :O Maybe you should try that instead of posting over and over and over again, not even bothering to sage a single one!
No. 248179
>>248156that explains why they also get
triggered whenever an anon here says anything about being skinny. it's not hard to lose weight, ladies.
No. 248180
>>248104NoT LiKE THe OTheR GIrls
I have actually had a unique experience with guys. They are always SUPER nice to me, offline and on, never call me names, say rude things, swear or send me unsolicited dick pics. When I see screencaps of what men send to other people it's really surprising. I even posted a tasteful nude once and just got a few more male followers and polite DMs not mentioning my appearance or being pervy. I am on the line of being attractive but not sexy enough to
trigger them into caveman behavior. maybe because my body is quite teenage+ young face.
HOWEVER that changes as soon as I am alone with a guy. I can be fully dressed head to toe and they will be on top of me within 2 hours. I never reject guys or say "no" because I am very amicable and agreeable. This just means i avoid hanging out with guys IRL since apparently my animal magnetism is too strong?
So I have a bit of your "unique" experience combined with the unfortunate reality of guys with no self control. I really want to be friends with guys but it seems impossible.
No. 248182
>>248180this post is cringy as fuck anon.
>teehee i'm so cute and YOUNG that every guy wants to bang me!!!maybe they just think you're easy, anon.
also, as far as the "not like the other girls" shit goes. it has a lot to do with personal experience. when i was much younger, around middle school age, i lived in a small, white town, where all the girls were concerned with cheerleading and really stereotypical shit, so they kind of ostracized my nerdy ass and i had more male friends. but when i moved in high school, i had many more female friends. now i kind of have half and half because of my really bizarre hobbies.
i don't think that someone saying that they find girls catty or mean is an issue because clearly they don't mean all girls.
No. 248194
>>248160Because it wasn’t relevant. She was talking about her friendships and all she had to say was she’s super duper attractive. Nothing about hobbies, interests, personality, job, etc. that’s shallow and dumb. No one cares if her features are perfect, she was talking about friendships. This is why women don’t want to be friends with her. Not only does she think she’s better than them and should be spending time with ~superior~ men, she also thinks her looks are so important she has to make sure internet strangers are aware of them. I don’t make friends based on their looks because I’m not a shallow bitch.
The whole thing is dumb. The whole post. This whole argument. Someone came to a female space and insulted women while bragging, and then when the replies weren’t kind it became “reee see women are mean!!!” Now can we please get this woman-hating bullshit out of here?
No. 248195
>>248193Agreed, though its most likely a troll though, or june and we all know the truth about how june actually is
Think about it
>vain/full of herself, delusional>obsessed with the idea of having guy friends because girls are meen :c>men are soooo much better and nicer than womenz and i have lots of 4chan guy friends>im so perfect and men love me and if you say otherwise youre a jealous ugly bitch! I dont get why women don't like me though teehee No. 248201
>>248156>>248179We can't say anything about teeth and noses here either.
I guess you have shit teeth and a big nose.
Or maybe the insults are tired out either way, hm? Brilliant lot you are.
No. 248203
>>248179Uh no, the only times I've seen people get
triggered about weight was the one mentally ill fatty in the weight gain thread who was sperging about how healthy being 400 lbs is and some shit about the saudi prince, in snow I only see people get "
triggered" if people call women who aren't even remotely fat, fat. Like the anon in the yuka thread who insisted all korean models legs were chunky, yeah thats fat people here but claiming its widespread here and "LOL THAT'S WHY YOU FAT BITCHES GET
TRIGGERED LOSE WEIGHT" is just ridiculous, especially considering the fact there's a fair amount of ana chans even in the neet thread so
No. 248206
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Half his thread was embarrassing as fuck to read, ya'll should be ashamed of yourselves. Arguing about dumb shit should be a bannable offense because it's getting really fucking bad here.
This is the most wholesome one
>>246311 No. 248209
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>>248207Wholesome is thrown around on here all the time. it's fine
Unpopular opinion: Luigi needs more games
No. 248214
>>248213t. can't solo all the bosses in all of the ds games.
I bet you say that because you couldn't beat the Burnt Ivory King and Fume Knight but that's alright. You stick with easy peasy kiddy games likes DS3.
No. 248217
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>>248216Well…yeah that's fair. And to be honest fume knight was a fantastic boss.
No. 248221
>>248217He was. It was extremely satisfying fighting him. The Burnt Ivory King, on the other hand, man that was a pain. Not so much because of the boss itself, he's tough no question about it, but the whole pass drove me nuts. It was the only boss that made me respec because I desperately needed some adaptability points.
Still, I enjoyed the fight. I'm not looking forward to fighting him again though.
No. 248227
>>248220i understood you with the first bit but the last bit is off.
>dislikes sex due to trauma>perfectly finethat's where you lost me. a reaction to trauma is not the person's own feelings, anon. honestly, there are people who think sex is gross or messy and no one tries to help them or 'fix' them. they're not victims of trauma though.
No. 248236
>>248207Wholesome is used all over the web. I don’t know why I’ve seen so many
>hi redditor posts in the last month but it’s getfinh excessive and they’re always in regards to innocuous posts.
No. 248258
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>>248254Not about babies, but I feel the same way about certain types of dogs, the ones bred to look as neotenic as possible, especially if it's a detriment to their health.
Like this dog makes me want to smother him. It's such a calculated form of cuteness yet people obsess about how cute he is, even though it's obvious his tongue doesn't fit in his mouth because his skull is fucked up.
No. 248263
>>248258I get what you mean. It's semi-related but I'm beginning to get instantly pissed off whenever I see pictures of shiba inus because I associate them with the whole ~wholesome meme uwu~ culture, lol.
>>246324I've never had a sex drive. I realize it's not normal. I'm apathetic to the idea of sex and find dicks disgusting. I can find things/guys hot aesthetically but I don't fantasize about sex. If I see a cute guy I usually fantasize about what it'd be like to cuddle him, lol. I feel like it's easy to just call myself an ace. It's easier to explain. Kinda depressed about the fact that this will probably kill my chances of any relationship, though.
No. 248281
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>>248258It's kind of the opposite for me, but the same feeling! I get strong cute aggression/playful aggression when I see cute animals or children. It's that weird feeling that makes you want to pinch or hug something reeeeaaally hard, including gritting your teeth etc. That sensation often gets so strong for me that I feel pure hate for a moment. I actually have a cat and I get this feeling every day, it doesn't get better at all. I always have to pinch myself or leave the room when it gets too bad. I know this sounds absolutely psycho, but this feeling is just soo overwhelming :(
No. 248330
>>248324that's only like 10% of the male population, anon. most men aren't interested in you because of that…
also by 'get men' do you mean fuck or date? because one of those is totally not even applicable.
No. 248334
>>248330Well I didn't say it they would be interested because of that only.
And by "get" I meant "get into the first stages of a relationship", you obviously can't always be a match.
No. 248341
>>248311You do need one over 6, lower than that is kys tier.
No. 248384
>>248381I wrote "any man I want" and I actually do feel like I could win over every single man I'm attracted to right now. And I also think my girlfriends could easily win their crushes over, most men are easy even the "high quality" ones. And when I said I'm not super attractive I meant I'm not instagram model tier, but I'm not ugly either.
Anyways, I'm not being cocky, I just don't get all the complaining about being unable to find a bf or being too scared to interact with guys, i don't think it's such a big deal.
No. 248399
>>248384>do feel like I could win over every single man I'm attracted to right nowThen why don’t you? Why is this all hypothetical? How many men have you “won over” before? Do you have any proof of this or is it just based on how you feel?
Also I guess you’re only interacting with/attracted to outwardly hetero men? Or men who don’t have particular tastes, like tall/short, redheads/blondes, big boobs/long legs, etc? Either you’re attracted to men with no particular tastes or you have a really inflated ego. Men are people too. This is no different then redpillers thinking they can win over any woman with negging and shit. Except you’re telling us you do it with “culture” kek. You’re not going to be every man’s type and it’s insane to me that you think you are. Sorry but this is ridiculous.
I’m all for self-confidence but I’m not for delusion.
No. 248400
>>248393there's a difference between being confident and being a bitch, anon. her coming in here bragging is really cringy.
>i can get any man i want!>but i meant it literally, not any kind of man>i don't know why girls don't just get good like me and be more ~cultured~ instead of being scared of men or worriedshe sounds like a lonely cunt trying to make herself feel better.
No. 248401
>>248399thank you! anon has been rubbing me the wrong way the whole time with this shit, then she claims she didn't mean 'any man' but instead just the men she likes? i've never heard anyone use the phrase "i can get any man/woman i want" literally like that. she's just puffing herself up to seem cool, while simultaneously shaming other women for not being her.
>inb4 b-but i don't want a man right now, anon!this is some vicky level shit right here.
No. 248402
>>248399Lmao calm down, i never said I do it with culture alone, I said it's part of what makes you attractive, you sound incredibly bitter. And no I don't have proof to provide you wth,this is lolcow FFS.
>>248400I was trying to uplift everyone but I guess when you have poor self esteem it comes across as bragging? Sad.
No. 248404
>>248402lmao i didn't realize we had such a prize winning backpedaller in our midst. sorry, but i don't have low self esteem anon, it's not hard to see how cunty you are.
>trying to uplift everyonekek, no one cares about a rando with a huge fragile ego insecurely trying to prove to us how much dick she can (but totes choses not to) get.
No. 248409
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>these are the people that say they can create a women only utopia in an island
No. 248410
>>248409Granted the island wouldn't have social media or a digital place where they could anonymously bitch at each other, I don't think it would be implausible.
Anonymity ruins some people. I bet none of them are this mean and ballsy irl.
No. 248412
>>248405>says something positive about themselves
>I could win over every single man I'm attracted to right nowThat's not something positive, that's delusional.
Calling out stupidity doesn't make you bitter or have low self-esteem, it means you have a low tolerance for bullshit.
If a man came on here and said
>I could win over every single woman I'm attracted to right nowwe would all rightfully laugh in his face. But because a woman is saying it about men, we're all supposed to clap. Fuck that shit. Arrogance is not the same thing as confidence, delusion is not the same thing as self-love. You guys need to sort your heads out. Sorry this is a painful wake up call.
No. 248417
>>248414Oh no, no, no. Anon's right. It doesn't have anything to do with standards. We'd be laughing at the man who would say that because he presumes every woman he comes across
would want him. Just like how it's crazy for a woman to assume every man would want her with but only a bit of charm and culture to convince them.
No. 248427
>>248423Regardless, the whole argument is ridiculous.
Not every man will want a woman or secretly desires her with a bit of nudging. That's bullshit, and spreading that kind of thinking hurts women who think that because a man shows her romantic/sexual attention that she's 'winning' and that means a relationship is in the works.
That's not how it works.
No. 248456
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artfag anons are not clever or funny. i mean as in, 99% of the time its annoying, 1% sort of amusing.
>some idiot traces a cow pic and adds eye bags or whatever
it never fails, no matter how bad, low effort or unfunny the art is. so fucking tired, who cares. get a deviantart account.
No. 248457
>>248263>If I see a cute guy I usually fantasize about what it'd be like to cuddle him, lol.I feel the same way but don't consider myself asexual, mostly because I haven't looked into all that type of stuff. I acknowledge that I have some issues with sex as well.
As for an unpopular opinion of my own, I've gotten to the point where I can't stand popheads (on reddit) and similar places, and "stan" culture in general. They're always looking for the next big artist, they get bored instantly once a song has been out for a week, and every new thing is treated as life-changingly amazing. Even garbage like the big Taylor Swift song last year, many of them listened to it endlessly to make themselves like it.
I think the art suffers more when companies know that fans expect and enjoy when it takes an army of producers to make one generic, crappy song. And that's not even touching on their love of so-called visuals.
No. 248462
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>>248456The shoe0nhead art is gold though
No. 248510
>>248456Oh my god yes, a year ago or so Momokun's thread got a few salty drawfags who weren't funny, clever OR talented and spammed the thread with their shit "parody art". Then got ridiculously mad when none of them became the next thread image. Embarrassing. The good artfags who don't spam their unimaginative shit are great but few and far between.
>>248462>Jet fuels can't melt steel beams…. BUT TERFS CANI gotta admit, I lose my shit at it every time.
No. 248511
>>247880>When I started coming on here no one had a super hate boner for men.It's always been a part of the website, anon. Posting that you're male has always gotten you banned. I don't understand why so many (assumed) women are
triggered by the "misandry" anyway, most of it is based on actual issues such as violence, sexual abuse, autogynephilia and general male entitlement. It's entirely different from the incels' "reee I don't get pussy" statement. It really does feel like it's just males being butthurt about the meanie misandrists hurting their feelings.
>>247886>This is probably the only place they can voice their frustrations and negative experiences.Exactly, even in 2018 there aren't a lot of places where women can safely (i.e. anonymously) vent about men and be just as violent and enraged as the men in their lives.
No. 248512
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>>248457(anon you replied to) The only reason I call myself ace is because I feel like there aren't really any other words to describe my condition. I don't consider myself LGBT though (since I'm still romantically & aesthetically attracted to males) and im not part of the "ace community". The website was created during the earrrly 2000s so it's not some new internet sexuality. The community is toxic now anyways thanks to tumblrfags: there are people unironically calling themselves "sex-favorable asexuals" and saying convoluted things like "asexuality just means you don't have sexual attraction!11!! you can still want to have sex!1" I guess I don't really have to attach a label to myself, though, because I don't want to be associated with these people and I'm not radical/~prideful~ about it.
No. 248594
>>248281I get that sometimes too, but I just end up gritting my teeth. I don't think it's due to hating it personally, I think I just get over-stimulated or something like an autist. Just… make sure you don't hurt anything anon.
>>248409Have you seen the women only survivor island?
I like to think I would be one of the few chicks who wouldn't get into petty arguments and such in an all female setting, but then I remember I'm on lolcow so that probably wouldn't be the case.
>>248456I think they are so praised because of how few artfags there are. If there were more decent ones, people would stop paying attention to the shitty ones.
No. 248607
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Kirishima is better than Bakugo imo
No. 248614
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>>248607Kirishima is best boy, you have excellent taste anon. The fact that this is apparently an "unpopular opinion" is criminal tbh.
No. 248818
>>248774Eh, I have fat friends who know they’re unhealthy. They’re not prancing about expecting the world to accommodate to them, but they like food and they dislike excercise.
If “fat acceptance” just meant “live and let live” then I’d be for it. But it doesn’t. It means actively promoting an unhealthy lifestyle to children, modifying things at a cost, and shaming people for looking healthy or for not wanting to fuck an obese person. It’s a bizarre movement based on people who hate their bodies screaming “LOVE MY BODY.”
I honestly don’t give a shit what other people weigh, except those I love who I want to be healthy. You can do whatever you want to your body. Smoke, overeat, get shit tattoos, pierce your face, idgaf. Just don’t throw a tantrum when the rest of the world doesn’t admire your ugly body.
No. 248831
>>248813It doesn't sound like you've been to any corner of the internet except tumblr. It's a small, niche movement that is almost universally derided and mocked or, at the very least, questioned with some tact by girls who don't want to offend fatties.
The existence of fat people doesn't prove that they even know or care about 'fat acceptance', just that they don't know or care about nutrition. I've never met a fat person who didn't feel bad about it or have self esteem problems as a result.
No. 248877
>>248857I simply sounds as if just seeing an overweight person is
triggering you, let them be…
No. 248878
>>248857I'm seeing a problem with fat enabling but its not with tumblr types, its mostly with the thicc trend
Girls who think being chubby makes them curvy by default, telling women with actual curves they don't have any unless they're extreme or chubby, males shaming thin women and making them out to be unattractive claiming that chubbiness is the most feminine body type, going for fat girls claiming its curves despite there being no ratio, I've even saw a fair share of slim women I knew who purposely gained weight in order to get curves by eating like shit even stressing about it if they can't gain weight, or girls who weren't skinny to begin with thinking they're too skinny and eating taco bell daily in order to get more "curvy"
cough syren coveI don't have a problem with fat or chubby people existing but just don't make it out to be hot and feminine and women who aren't fat aren't feminine or whatever
No. 248881
>>248878>males shaming thin women and making them out to be unattractiveMen were doing this long before the thicc trend became a fad. Sorry, but other women liking their fat bodies didn't cause men to suddenly treat women shitty. Lmao.
>I even knew slim women who put on weight to get male approvalAlmost like insecure women do stupid shit to themselves in order to appeal to the male gaze. More news at 11.
No. 248882
>>248877Nah, it’s the rise of what
>>248878 said with the combination of people just not giving a damn anymore and demanding airlines, restaurants, etc. cater to them. I have fat family members that I love very much. But they acknowledge that they’re unhealthy and don’t expect society to bend over backwards to accomodate them.
>>248869Reading articles or viral posts, really. I don’t live in the US anymore so I see fewer examples of this offline. Thank GOD. Really, it’s the demands to be considered attractive without making any effort. The demands to be catered to by companies because of their size. The stories from medical professionals about how awful some bariatic patients are. It’s just sad, honestly. Seeing women much younger than me who are three times my size and who don’t want to admit that they’re unhealthy and pissing their prime years away… It’s unfortunate.
No. 248884
>>248882>airlines and restaurants People of all shapes and sizes are entitled as fuck when it comes to these things. Definitely not only fat people.
I could draw the same generalizations about middle aged men, soccer moms, etc.
>t. airline workerAnd reposting to give a small list of entitlements I deal with on the daily that people want me to accommodate:
>parents who think their time and money is more special because they have children>people who miss their flights and break rules who expect airline companies to cover them or waive fees>geriatric customers who think they deserve free shit cause they're old>grown adults throwing temper tantrums over seats because they wanted a window and not an aisle and so onAnd just so you know, most obese fliers book and pay for two seats beforehand so they're hardly an issue. Fatties aren't the ones giving us the most shit on the daily.
No. 248886
>>248884Ooh, yeah, you actually just reminded me of another unpopular opinion I have: Mombies and daddicts are entitled and annoying as hell. They insist on living the exact same lifestyle as they did before they had their little Braxleigh and want to invade craft breweries, wineries and other spaces that are typically conjdered childfree*
*in the US, because it’s totally normal to bring children to pubs here.
People have always been entitled and it’s just limited to fat people. You’re right. I worked in hospitality so I saw it firsthand a lot. FA is becoming closely tied to liberal feminism (along with trans issues, which is a whole new can of worms) and anyone who dares to go against the grain is labeled “fatphobic” and “sizeist” just for not finding overweight bodies attractive. And as people get fatter across the globe, there’s a higher demand to find chubby or fat people attractive. If that’s not entitled, I don’t know what is. You can’t FORCE someone to find you fuckable.
No. 248888
>>248886>And as people get fatter across the globe, there’s a higher demand to find chubby or fat people attractive.I've never heard of it.
Having a larger line of plus size fashions to choose from and having a few fat girls model for other fat girls =/= demanding men date and fuck fat women.
Oh, I've seen articles online of fat women demanding men date them
for sure, but that's only maybe a couple invisible women on the internet. Nobody in real life is going to tolerate and go out with someone they find unattractive.
No. 248889
>>248887>most of the people giving you shit are probably a little chubbyNot really, and most of the fatties are men.
But let's not pretend this is about fat men because they're already granted a pass in society.
No. 248891
>>248888I’ve got to ask: Why the disconnect from the internet and offline? A few years ago, I’d definitely say we should keep them separate. People are definitely “braver” online than they are face to face, but I wouldn’t just dismiss it as “oh I just see it online sometimes so there’s no way it affects anything IRL.”
Look at bathroom laws, for example. Not trying to throw this in a totally different direction, but I feel like a lot of the voices behind these movements came from online communities before the word got out and legislators were contacted. It’s not like it just happened organically.
But that’s just, like, my (unpopular) opinion.
No. 248893
People don't think twice about a hot girl dating a fat dude (or they'll think the guy must have an amazing personality / huge dick) but if a good looking guy who take care of himself date a fatty, all hell break loose.
No. 248895
>>248891>Why do you separate what you read online from what you experience irl?It's almost a rhetorical question, anon. I don't encounter these people and behaviors you're describing on the daily. Arguably, I work in a field where I'm exposed to thousands of different people and cultures everyday.
I see what stereotypes affect me and which don't. You brought up airports and I happen to work for a carrier. If you asked my coworkers what's the worst type of entitled person they deal with, they're not gonna mention fat people because there's simply not a body-specific entitlement issue with them.
To be honest, most fat passengers are already ashamed (and scared off by previous media of passengers who bitch about having to sit next to them) so most really do try to be discreet and proactive about the issue. They don't get anything for free though.
I wouldn't say bathroom law is the same issue. But yeah let's not steer into ot.
No. 248897
>>248894I can't speak for anon, but June/Skeptic come to mind.
June's constantly pandering about their hot BDSM relationship and how Skeptic's so dom when he has a dad bod w/ a gut and tiny man hands.
Glorification of fat guys definitely happens.
I've noticed other cow couples tend to have thin girl/fat guy dynamics.
Yumi and Splenda is another one.
No. 248901
>>248895I like your answer, actually. I’m starting to think my perception of FA (especially in the US) is really skewed because I haven’t lived there for years but still read/watch a lot of US media—even the trashy stuff that barely constitutes as journalism.
Honestly, thanks for countering what I said with civility and patience and for giving me some anecdotal evidence on your profession and your experiences.
We’ll see if FA breaks the online bubble or not. I hope it doesn’t.
No. 248942
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It annoys me that there seems to be an influx of anons only replying with memes (especially pic related seems to be quite popular) or
>Fuck off, cunt!!! kys
instead of arguing properly.
If you don't like what another anon wrote, how about stating why you think so by using an actual counterargument?
No. 248946
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Everyone's praising Brittany Venti in the June thread for making clapback tweets, but tbh I agree with offsite comments saying that her arguing with June is just a giant thot war.
Maybe people are going with it because any milk against June is entertaining to watch, but I think it's pretty cringe and Venti's kind of a piggybacking attentionwhore too.
Her and June are a lot alike.
No. 248949
>>248946i agree but it's still funny to see june btfo by someone with a decent following
milk is milk by
plus a lot of people are calling brittany a lolcow herself in the thread so it evens out the praise
No. 248974
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I can't stand Israel's entry for this year's Eurovision.
Her being a fat girl, talking down boys and making stupid faces, I can see why tumblr takes a liking to her.
No. 248988
>>248946I agree. Not to mention the anons that are acting like Brittany is hot shit when she's as ugly, if not uglier than shoe because of her busted face. If Brittany is hot, then Shayna's hot, kek.
>>248974I also agree, it's a shit song.
No. 248993
>>248991>cultural appropriation reeeWait, how?
Is culture appropriating Hen culture a thing now?
No. 249015
>>249006Yeah I’d say so. But it’s something worth talking about. It’s frustrating to go through history and see women painted as evil/tempting, lesser beings.
Sage for drunk
No. 249022
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>>248993My guess it's her outfit.
No. 249044
>>248974I still prefer her over other bland songs just because they have a pretty face and they don't really sing, they just show of their faces and outfits.
At least her song is unique and memorable, albeit in an obnoxious way and I'm pretty sure she was ironic with "I'm a beautiful creature". I'm so sick of love songs written in dumbed down english. It was much better when nations actually sang in their language, at least you could pretend the lyrics had a meaning.
> talking down boysRobot spotted. Guys sing about having multiple women or affair or having almost nude dancers around is okay but this song just has "I'm not your stupid toy" init and that equals to castrating men, amiright xD
Why don't you just say what it really is, you hate Israel, you hate jews.
No. 249045
>>249006They do but IME it's less the colleges themselves and more the climate inside them.
But I wouldn't call what I expressed there "righteous anger", mostly because righteous would imply I think I'm morally correct which is not exactly the case here. I'm describing their conduct, not saying it's morally wrong.
But I also do think it's wrong No. 249046
>>249044>robot spottedNope, but nice try.
Her song is fucking garbage, odd of you to come to the conclusion that I automatically hate Israel and jews.
My point was that she appeals to some audience cause she just screams tumblr.
No. 249050
>>249044>you hate Israel, you hate jewsAnother anon, but I hate how you can't criticize any Israeli people or the whole geopolitical problem with the Israel state without being called anti semitic.
Like fuck, I get that the Holocaust trauma was huge and it still affects lots of families but it's not very reasonalble that because of that jews around the world and the very questionable country, that's not even supported by all jewish people, are now exempt of any form of criticism.
No. 249209
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The Confetti Club thread reminds me of how much I loathe it when women use their miscarriages to seek attention at really odd times and in inappropriate places.
I'm posting it here because I know it sounds insensitive, but I think after several years women should let go emotionally of a miscarriage and be able to look at it with an objective lens.
If it's brought up a lot publicly on social media, randomly (and it's not recent), I tend to see it as fetishizing a tragedy for special attention. Which is manipulative whether they intend it to be or not. Nobody's gonna tell a woman talking about her miscarriage to shut up exactly.
My empathy has a limit.
Me personally? I would not feel comfortable calling myself a "mom" for a mother's day post because I was pregnant once five years ago. I raised no child, even though that was my wish, and I can admit that.
But I'm also not religious. So maybe my sentimentality about it is dulled due to the fact that I don't have weird hoodoo conceptions about fetal souls and if they roast in hell for being unbaptized, etc.
No. 249210
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>>249209Oh forgot to mention my most hated miscarriage celebration–balloon releases.
>"Yeah, let's commemorate my fetus by releasing a bunch of plastic shit in parks and beaches that will kill a bunch of wildlife and pollute the area. GLORY BE!!!"Okay, I'm done this time.
No. 249244
>>249242To be under 110 pounds is kinda ana unless you're short. Most BMI charts say 110 is underweight for anyone starting at 5'5 and up.
I'm sure no one is jealous, anon. It would be like an anon saying 170 pounds isn't fat. Like yeah, it's not super obese for taller women sure but people are gonna let anon know that's not the norm and is a categorically overweight BMI. And that anon would have no business telling the others anons that they must be jelly skellies rattling memes.
No. 249245
>>249242The last post I encountered was by an anon who, nearly randomnly, wrote that she weighs below 100, but is average height and then she went on that she eats less than 1200 kcal.
Of course she's gonna get called out, since
a) it wasn't part of the discussion, so why mention it?
b) being underweight and severely undereating is not cool (it was clear that she wrote this as an example of "You can achieve this too!" - which obviously is not good or something anybody should do)
In conclusion, it's super annoying when somebody mentions her weight or body measurements without anybody asking for it - no matter if you're fat or skinny.
No. 249251
>>249248>People are perfectly fine with someone saying they're 200 lbs and eat junk food all dayI've never ever seen someone on this website claim to be healthy at 200 pounds. Not once. Every person with a weight problem knows they have an issue here and are pretty self-aware for the fact that obese lolcow behavior is critiqued.
>It's not just an online thing.Well you weren't talking about offline, you were specifically talking about these allegedly
triggered anons on lolcow.
I'm sorry that your coworkers don't mind their own business, but your first thought shouldn't be to spite someone who just has the opposite problem as you.
By the way, what uncouth barnyard do you work at where the atmosphere is like a highschool cafeteria?
No. 249257
>>249255>Does anyone really even care if people are unhealthy unless we know them personally?Well if that's not the case then some people have got some fessin' up to do on this website since health is the basis behind posts here everyday.
We have an anorexic scumbag general thread where people criticize anorexic girls who worsen their conditions and don't get better.
We had an active HAES hate thread for years where we told obese women they were not healthy, repeatedly.
Hypochondriac/Munchie generals where anons spend hours of their time compiling evidence to prove those people are healthy when they claim they aren't.
And basically every popular lolcow like Moo, PT, Charms, Raven, etc. Have all been dragged for unhealthy habits before.
And I get it anon, I do. There are indeed
some people on this website who clearly take things too far and get a bit hostile with their comments about weight. I call it concern trolling. But that's par for the course just like in real life. You're gonna get some people with genuine concern, and some people out for an ego boost. What can you do?
No. 249258
>>249255>People who shit talk fat people and claim they're unhealthy only do it because they get off on feeling superior>People who bash Ana Chans are either ex Ana Chans who are bitter about recovery or fatty Chans who deep down inside wish they were skinnyor maybe they're simply normal people who think being too skinny is just as gross as being fat…?
Saying "bitter about recovery or fat girls" boils down to jealousy being the only reason skinny girls get bashed, which obviously isn't true.
No. 249260
>>249259Can't speak for that anon, but I took their post to mean that bashing underweight women isn't necessarily due to jealousy, which was the original argument.
Your inferior/superior point is fine, nobody is denying that happens sometimes, but original anon was trying to say anyone who criticizes underweight women are just fat and jealous. Doesn't that sound like a nudge of someone trying to feel superior at someone else's expense? There's no proof any fat person said anything bad to someone underweight here, and anon's basing that assumption off their personal irl experience.
No. 249268
>>249264From one ana-chan to another, stop. 5'8" and 103 lbs is very underweight. Audrey Hepburn was so slender her whole life because she was malnourished for most of her childhood and youth.
You need to recognize when your thoughts are disordered and take responsibility for them.
No. 249271
>>249264She was actually 5'7. Like
>>249268 said, the occupation of her country as a young woman forced her to starve, she ate flower bulbs for hunger.
She was anemic for the rest of her life and probably carried her restrictive habits she formed out of necessity from childhood into adulthood.
No. 249273
>>249264Unless you're 4'9 - which also isn't "most women" - weighing 90 pounds isn't healthy and being unhealthy never looks attractive.
That has nothing to do with being jealous or
triggered, these are simply facts.
No. 249279
>>249266I agree but a lot of farmers get
triggered when you say that.
>REEEEEE men only want to fuck you!!! If you're not a 5'4 100 pounds waifu it's over for you!!18!!1 No. 249283
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>>249280With the popularity of rap and Instagram most normal women have went from wanting to be skinny to wanting to be a thick/fit with a huge ass. Being skinny isn't in fashion right now. I personally don't like this body type, I think it looks too exaggerated and sexual.
No. 249284
>>249278>did you read the part where I said that skinny girls aren't considered attractive anymore?Yes, I read that part.
Anon, your definition of "skinny" was never considered attractive, same as nobody irl finding the thicc trend desirable either. These are just internet fads.
How about simply being normal?
No. 249290
>>249284My definition of skinny is people like audrey Hepburn and Winona ryder. Are you saying these people aren't considered attractive?lol
I don't think Ashley tier grandmas are attractive but I think women's with bmi's 13-14 can look cute.
No. 249297
>>249290>I don't think Ashley tier grandmas are attractive but I think women's with bmi's 13-14 can look cute.Either a troll/underage or completely brainfried from starving.
Please permaban, why would we need to discuss any topic with a person like that? (and maybe infighting about weight would stop)
No. 249300
>>249297People like this just ban evade anyway.
Peep this bitch going after the fatty that posted in the vent thread, completely unprovoked. That's how unhinged she is.
No. 249475
>>249474People are
triggered because it's ugly.
No. 249476
>>249472Absolutely. I was shocked just how many farmers admit and defend taking it. Just because I think drugs are bad (weed being NO exception!), doesn't mean I'm a prude.
>>249474I partly agree. Of course being overweight is unhealthy, but some anons act as if just seeing a fat person living their life is repulsive and gets them
triggered. Just leave them be.
No. 249478
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>>249475Samefag, but exactly people like that. lol
Anon, isn't the street you walk on also ugly? The garbage cans on the sideway? An old building? The graffitis on the wall? Some animals?
Should all these things not be, just because you don't deem them attractive enough? Why are you so hung up on fat people?
No. 249480
>>249478I don't think they should not be, Anon asked why people are
triggered by fat people and I said it's because they're particularly unattractive, that's all, obviously it's hypocritical to act like you're worried for their health.
No. 249481
>>249479Not that anon but
>>249472 I also disapprove of drugs/alcohol. Scary experiences involving others being intoxicated/high really affected me. That and being from a poor, rural area where lots of lives are ruined because of drugs/alcohol.
Plus, getting constantly told that I "probably smoke weed" because I'm creative + an artist really cemented my hatred of weed and stoner culture. Also my birthday is April 20 so that never stops being annoying as fuck
No. 249482
>>249479At first I thought this can't be a serious question…
But well, drugs can and very likely will fuck up your body, your brain, your social life, also your "financial" life and so on… And the worst is, you probably not only and up destroying your own life, but your loved one's as well.
I really don't know why I even need to explain that.
>>249481What's with April 20? I only know that it's Hitler's birthday…?
No. 249485
>>249483Ah, okay.
Anyway, I'm sorry that you're being accused of being a druggie anon, let's hope people soon wake up and stop that shit (but sadly it seems that instead it's getting more and more popular and normalized…)
No. 249533
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>>249488attached pic is bmi of 13. its literal skeleton level. most pro-ana board users are at 16-18, even while starving and dying.
No. 249556
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>>249533>>249488For me it depends on height as well. Girls who are 5'2 and shorter look cute at bmi 13-14, while Girls who are 5'6+ look better at bmi 15-18.
I will say skinny girls usually don't look that good naked, but the thing about skinny women is they look really good dressed up, clothes just look better on skinny women. Even if they look like corpses naked, with clothes on they look model tier. Skinny bodies make clothes look more neat/polished. I feel like I looked awful at 125, 90-100 lbs looks best on me because I can be skinny without losing my period and looking like a zombie. If other people like being average weight that's fine but I felt fat when I was 125 and would never let myself get that big again.
No. 249613
>>249608Not any of those anons but
>unpopular opinion thread>anons post their unpopular opinions that are shunned everywhere else in this godforsaken marimo growing and pebble polishing board>get shunned and screeched at in here tooDon't come into a fucking unpopular opinion thread if you can't see people posting opinions you dislike without throwing a fit and calling them names.
No. 249615
>>249600>>249556uh, no, in order for a girl to be 13-14 bmi they'd have to weigh about 75 if they're 5'2, which almost always looks ridiculous and too skinny
>>249608no clue, this place is crawling with ana chans, probably why they're so quick to call anyone a fat lazy slob if you don't think starving to death is cute
>>249613whether you like it or not, opinions like "girls who look like they're on the verge of death are cute and hot" will be shunned, if you wanna go sperg about how sexy bones are go to pro ana boards where it won't be shunned, this is lolcow, even though this is a unpopular opinion, don't cry when your shitty opinions get shunned
No. 249616
>>249481>"probably smoke weed" because I'm creative + an artistUncreative people are incapable of imagining creativity by definition, the "lmao u must do drugs" is the only way they can understand creativity. Forgive them, for they are dumb, anon
Everything else is understandable
>>249482>fuck up your bodyTrue, but I assumed you meant "bad" in a moral sense, not in an "unhealthy" sense.
Everything else you listed is related to addiction, not drugs, and drugs
do have the potential to improve your social, romantic and financial life (in some parts of the world you'll simply never get a raise or a promotion if you don't drink with co-workers). I'm not even arguing against you in favor of drugs, I'm just asking questions. I really don't understand why you think any of this is self-evident. If it were nobody would disagree with you, but we all know that some people do.
No. 249620
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>>249615Just because someone has a low bmi doesn't mean they look like they're on the verge of death. Pic related has a bmi of 16 and looks healthy and cute.
No. 249627
>>249620>bmi of 13/14 can be healthy and cute to prove it heres a 16 bmi girlShe isnt 13/14 bmi first of all, if she was she would look very unhealthy, and a lot of east asians often undereat which isnt healthy and no, wearing a fuck ton of makeup abd heavily editted photos doesn't prove anything, girls can be healthily underweight but sure as fuck not 13-14 bmi
>>249624Saying thin girls are attractive =/= pretending being on the verge of dying is cute, but thanks for proving my point about how fast people are to throw the fatty card anytime you dare say something that isnt worshipping slim girls
No. 249628
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>>249627>>249625This girl has a bmi of 14 and I think she's pretty adorable. She's 5'2 at 80 lbs
No. 249629
>>249628>posts pick with her dress draping her body so you can barely see anythingShe isn't emancipated or anything and I agree shes cute but the huge thigh gap looks freakish or at least from what I've seen
But like I said, it isn't uncommon for east asians to undereat to achieve this sort of body, if you have to undereat to achieve an underweight BMI it aint healthy, period, and no screaming jealous fatty doesn't change that
No. 249630
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>>249629Why do you keep bringing up health?obviously being underweight isn't healthy. no one said it was healthy, I said it looks cute to me.
No. 249631
>>249630Im sorry I can't look at skin and bone legs and think "cute", if you can look at weird jacked skinny chicken and tbink cute then good for you
I bring health into it because most mentally stable people find healthy people attractive, I thought most people would know by now it's wrong to glamorize and fetishize unhealthy shit but apparantly not
No. 249634
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>>249624>Landwhales get in their feelings when people talk about finding thin girls attractiveSince when is a bmi of 13 "thin." It's skeletal.
>>249613It the unpopular opinion thread, not say anything you like and not get a response. No one here is throwing a fit except the anachans screeching "fatties eeeee dont like my skelly body reeee landwhales!" to every comment saying that a bmi of 13 is gross.
~This model had a bmi of 13. So cute. Totally love the way her arms look like they could snap like chicken bones. If you disagree, you must be a fatty fatty.~
No. 249638
>>249632>Finding lean bodies to be more attractive than the average is mental? No, for thinking your romanticization of emaciatied bodies and skewed perceptions are in anyway normal. Most people don't look at old photos of concentration camp victims and think "omg! A bmi of 13! So cute and chic!"
This is why anorexia is considered a mental illness.
>Fat people are ridiculous.>jealous fatty cardLike clockwork.
No. 249639
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>>249634Pic related doesn't look skeletal to me she looks feminine and delicate
No. 249642
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>>249630Bowleg deformity so kawaii desu ne~
Seriously, defending a 13 BMI as fine and posting a weeby picture of someone with an obvious bodily problem further solidifies the proof that you are mental.
>inb4 jellyfats r boolying you This isn't unpopular opinions anymore, this is mental illness general with a dash of persecution complex.
No. 249644
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>>249635then why don't you? its a fucking image board.
>>249636I was being factious and sarcastic, if you couldn't tell. I found it on an ana board. There are hundreds of threads of girls with a low bmi posting pictures but I didn't wanna post them on here cause idk their ages. Most of them say they can't even get to a 13 and min out at 14.5 If you wanna see, go there.
>>249639>>249630>>249628what makes you think her bmi is in the healthy range? also, you can't see the top half in any of these pictures, just the legs. And the last one you're saying she looks feminine and delicate but you can't even see her under the frills and layers, just her forearms and legs.
No. 249648
>>249642Fun fact about bowleggedness related to the argument at hand: It's often caused by a condition called rickets, which is a severe vitamin D deficiency in children and adolescents who don't get their nutrition. From, you know, starving.
But at least anon thinks she's cute, huh.
No. 249649
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>>249644She looks frail and cute which makes her look feminine. Her arms, wrists and hands looks very delicate and dainty.
No. 249651
>>249647That's my first post in this debate. You need to stop crying about fatties and consider that YOU are the one with the unpopular opinion here and multiple people are disagreeing with you at this point.
Stop resisting and get some perspective.
No. 249655
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>>249650You're right. You can look classy, mature and thin.
No. 249656
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>>249655Audrey had beautiful feminine legs.
No. 249657
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>>249654>"I'm a different anon, r-really!!"Kek.
No. 249658
>posts picture of woman who starved while going through puberty, had to eat tulip bulbs and nettles, during a war>who weighed 110 pounds at 5'7, making her bmi 17.2>to prove a bmi of 13 is attractiveok anon.
proof her weight/height even though its all over the internet No. 249660
>>249658Lmao I agree with you. That anon is a full on retard.
All that starvation is shrinking her brain and clouding her logic.
No. 249666
>>249663You're the only one saying you're not mentally ill. Lol.
Usually crazy bitches don't know they're crazy.
No. 249667
>>249661no she was at a bmi of 17. There are literal calculators, anon. Don't try to do math.
idk you anon, idk which posts you made or what you said exactly but someone up above said
>>249290>I think women's with bmi's 13-14 can look cute.the only proof that has been posted itt has been an asian chick with bowed legs, in baggy dresses just showing forearm and legs. And Audrey Hepburn, with a bmi of 17 and this delicious quote from the article I posted above
> "She survived by eating nettles and tulip bulbs and drinking water to fill her stomach. She was almost 5' 6" and weighed 88 lbs. She had jaundice and edema."That's a bmi of 14. She was starving to death. At the bmi people are advocating for.
>>249664> tiny Asian girl looks deformed but to me I think she's very cute.Nah, that's not anon's opinion, thats medical fact. Bowed legs is a deformity. She is deformed. That's a fact.
No. 249672
>>249670If some HAES obesechan came in here spouting how certain obese bmis look cute on taller women, we'd demand picture proof of that too.
Why do you feel entitled to such special treatment just because you're posting in an opinion thread?
No. 249673
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>>249670Then just starve yourself and significantly reduce your life expectancy, we really don't need more people mocking healthy women for being "frumpy".
No. 249678
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>>249670>As I said before I don't need to post proof of something I find cute.okay then go away. why are you still here? you've said your opinion, you've offered no proof, and you say you don't care to convince us- then go.
look at this "frumpy" woman with a strong body kek
>>249674except normal people are attracted to healthy bodies and features.
No. 249692
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>>249685>I don't care if I'm mentally illWe know, our suspicions have merely been confirmed.
No. 249693
>>249691You called her fat. That has nothing to do with her being masculine.
Ironically, she probably has less fat from being in shape than the flabby asian anas you've posted so far.
No. 249695
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>>249690Well it's unhealthy AND ugly tbh. Nothing can beat a nice shapely body at the lower end of the healthy BMI range.
No. 249696
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>>249690>Just because something isn't healthy doesn't mean it doesn't look goodwrong
>>249691hahahahaahaha what. Have you ever seen a man before? They dont have waists there, or those hips, or feminine thighs, or fucking
breasts. I attached a photo to help you tell the difference. Google "fit couple" for more help.
No. 249698
>>249694>I'm not the only person you're arguing with. I like how you brought this up irrelevantly when I didn't even call you a samefag?
But hmmmm, you sure are invested.
No. 249700
>>249696Both of these people look very unattractive to me.
>>249695Beautiful face but gross body.
No. 249708
>>249697You didn't cite her bmi as the basis for your opinion, you just said she looked fat and masculine.
Then you accuse others of jumping through hoops? You're projecting.
>>249702What's your metabolic disorder that defies the laws of physics and CICO?
You sound like hamplanets who lie about how much they eat right now.
No. 249709
>>249703wtf is this word salad?
>>249706this isn't your personal wank bank. I posted the picture to show the difference between a male and female body, something I didn't think I would have to do on this board. I guess anachan thinks skeleton = feminine, and anything more is masculine. I feel so bad for them.
No. 249713
>>249710I bet you think there's calories in toothpaste.
2000 calories is enough to maintain the bodyweight of most 6ft men.
You're bullshitting.
No. 249714
>>249711>>249712anachan, word salad means
>a confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases, specifically (in psychiatry) as a form of speech indicative of advanced schizophrenia.are you ok? your responses aren't making much sense. I didn't even mention calories or actual salads.
No. 249719
>>249715Why did you say
>I'm 98 lbs and I eat 1500-2000 calories a dayif it's only twice a week then? If think starvation dehydrated your brain.
No. 249720
>>249715>3500 calories in a poundSo you think you need to eat 3500 calories to gain weight……..
No. 249725
>>249715You'd need to eat 1400 calories to MAINTAIN your weight.
If you're eating 1500-2000 that means you gain everyday and you would not be 98 mcfuckin pounds.
Just admit you goofed.
No. 249726
>>249722damn I was hoping there was only one retard on this thread, guess my optimism was misplaced if you're to be believed.
backing out of this infighting now cause its just anachans sperging about fit women looking fat. I guess that's an unpopular opinion but thats because its dumb as all fuck. I really do hope you guys get help before your bodies quit on you or you die alone.
No. 249730
>>249727As if your dumb ass exercises.
You just got done calling a fit woman fat and masculine. You probably think cardio will give you man muscles.
Aside from the fact that you're now shifting the goal posts, you have no standing to bring up exercise now.
No. 249734
>>249733You didn't bring up your activity level.
You wanted people to believe you eat 1500-2000 calories a day and only brought up exercise like an afterthought after people called you out.
You may be 98 but you're a big fat liar.
No. 249740
>>249737>a person can eat 1500 calories a day and still be under 100*if they exercise
Honestly it's funny how you're blaming other people for not reading minds when the initial post insisted it was all diet.
It's not a gotcha moment. It's you retroactively saving face.
No. 249746
>>249742>every girl under 110Curious, why the sudden sliding scale? I thought we were talking about a 98 pound woman and people with 13 bmis?
Nobody said shit about 100-110 pound women…
No. 249751
>>249747>>249746Sounds like one of these anons weighs 110 pounds with some seriously restrictive and anorexic habits. She's not sub-100 pounds or has a particularly low bmi, but she idolized the fuck out of sicker women who do. That's why she's defensive and
triggered about the discussion of health and diet.
No. 249756
>>249742No one is jealous of people with anorexia, or people who have bodies like a child. If you’re super short and under 100, that’s one thing. But this “being jealous of a BMI of 13” shit has got to stop. You sound insane. No one is going to be convinced. No one is jealous. No one with a normal, healthy mind wants to look like that. I’m really sorry you have a fucked up brain and a fucked up condition. I’ve been healthy and fit all my life. I’ve never known what it’s like to starve or to idealize a skeleton. I can’t imagine the pain you must feel, or the pain of feeling ugly and worthless. But stop attacking other people on the internet because of it. I pity and empathize with you, as another human being, but you’re shitting up the thread with this nonsense and it’s redundant as fuck. No one will be like “oh wow you convinced me, an unhealthy BMI is actually really attractive!” So just quit it. I seriously wish you a healthy recovery. Mental disorders are no joke and it sucks you clearly have one.
And if
>>249695 and
>>249678 are fat, then I’m happy to be considered fat alongside them.
Get help, anorexic anons. Love your bodies. Be healthy. Move, eat, breathe. I’m so sorry you’re in this head space. But you don’t have to live like this forever. You can love your own body, and the bodies of others. And you don’t have to be so bitter, angry, and crazy. I’m sure a decent personality is in there, under the fog of starvation and exhaustion
No. 249758
>>249749>I said that it is possible to eat more than 1400 calories a day and be 98 lbsThis is objectively wrong unless you exercise, which you admit you don't.
The only other explanations are that you have a metabolic disorder, purge, or overestimate your calories.
CICO. Sorry again.
No. 249774
>>249771They fabulous in clothes though. A skinny body makes clothes look better.
The pros of being skinny is you don't look that great naked but you will look awesome in most clothes, almost nothing will bad on you. The pros of being average is you have nice tits and ass, and look better in swim wear but with clothes it can actually make you look fatter and there are less clothes that look good on you.
No. 249775
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>>249768Agreed. There’s a difference between a pert squat-achieved ass and a fat or implant ass. This “trend” has gone way too far way too quickly
No. 249776
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>>249774>They fabulous in clothes thoughKek
No. 249778
File: 1526369617361.jpg (Spoiler Image,99.49 KB, 736x1281, 9873NLO02LXLS.jpg)

>>249774Yeah having a shapely body mean you have to make more effort to look nice and fashionable, if think it's a fair price for attractiveness.
No. 249780
>>249775Is it really a "trend" if only a few women post this shit online and nobody ever sees anything like this irl?
You act like this is the norm, people walking around with 40 inch assplants errday.
No. 249793
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>>249788>>249792She does (and did) not have a BMI of 16. She would look disgusting if she did.
No. 249798
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>>249797Adrianna put on weight recently but at her peak she was a 16 bmi
No. 249799
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>>249797A BMI of 16 is way smaller and less cute IMO. Pic related.
No. 249800
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>>249799Adrianna was underweight back in 2001. Her arms looked pretty boney to me.
No. 249801
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>>249800Eh, I wouldn't call that boney, you can even see her armpit fat, she also had gorgeous thighs.
This is boney to me and not a good look at all.
No. 249802
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>>249801To me this does not look like a woman with a bmi past 17. Yeah Adrianna is chubby now but that's because she's older, established and can get away with it. At the start of her career she was in the bone yard.
No. 249804
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>>249803Adrianna is average now weighing in at 132(pic related is her now). But in the photo you posted she weighed 112. If you want to prove skinny girls looked bad, you shouldn't have used an underweight girl as your example kek
No. 249812
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>>249808Anon wants us to believe average women look like they're a bmi of 16. Anon is just as bad as us "Ana chans" kek
No. 249814
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>>249811A quick google search would tell you her stats pre 2014. No way does this look like a woman with a bmi over 17.
She's not thick, curvy or average. She's not even fit because you can find interviews of her pre 2008 saying that she doesn't work out.
No. 249817
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>>249815Well, you can doubt all you want but the fact is she wasn't bigger than a bmi of 18. And even if some delusional pro Ana's called her fat, that doesn't change the fact that she was underweight. Why don't you just post pictures of actual average weight women?kate upton was 5'10 at 140, this is what an actual bmi of 20 looks like.
No. 249820
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>>249819You're trying to claim Adriana Lima had an average bmi (over 18)and she doesnt. This what an bmi of 20 looks like at Adriana's height.
No. 249823
>>249822Why are you losing your shit over me saying she has a BMI of 18? Sorry she naturally has a nicer body than you? Idk what to say. I even posted an example of a model at a BMI of 16
>>249799 and it look nothing like adriana's body.
No. 249826
>>249823Its almost like people have different bone structures and carry weight differently!
Adriana Lima is not over a bmi 18, shes way lower. I dont care about your opinion or your ignorance about how weight looks, it is a fact.
No. 249845
I'm not a health expert, but hasn't it been proved in recent times that BMI isn't an accurate way of measuring someone's health?
Either way, I agree with
>>249839, it seems like some people believe that they aren't worth shit if they're not their ideal BMI, or that being even just a little bit over their ideal healthy weight would ruin their lives.
I don't mind that some people prefer bodies that are underweight, just as there are people who prefer chubby bodies. It's not my business what people find attractive either in themselves or others.
This whole "reee, but they're glorifying unhealthy standards!" thing that's going on is so annoying to me. If people start shoving massive amounts of food down their throat just because they saw a fat, confident girl portrayed on TV, or starve themselves because of a skeletal model on the runway - it's their own problem for being so easily affected by the media. You get a long way just having some self respect and care for yourself.
And I'm not talking about children and teenagers who are understandably more easily affected, I'm talking about grownups who, in my opinion, should know better.
No. 249848
>>249845not really. BMI isn't an accurate way of measuring
fat but it's good for overall weight. and it's only inaccurate in the upper ranges because it only bases it off of weight/height. muscular people end up falling into overweight/obese categories. a body builder and an fat guy could both have a bmi of 26, and the body builder is going to weigh more because of his muscle mass. but anything in the 13-14 range is going to be spoopy.
No. 249864
>>249633>No one is forcing you to look at "skin and bones" and find it cutnever said that
>just like you can't force me to look at thin girls and think they're not cute.not trying to force anyone to do anything, it's wrong to fetishize anorexia, it's the same as being attracted to landwhales, both are unhealthy but dont get hurt when people tell you its wrong
>>249639>the way her arm is mishapenew
>>249649>She looks frail and cute which makes her look feminine. Her arms, wrists and hands looks very delicate and that logic, little old ladies and ill people whos body cant absorb nutrients must be the most uwu feminine of them all
delicate/frail/dainty does not always mean feminine especially in the state of unhealthiness
feminine means looking like a woman, if you're indistinguishable from a really skinny guy without hair, makeup and feminine clothes, that is not feminine, sorry.
No. 249897
>>249884I do but not in some cosmic woo way. More like, you get back what you put out. If you put out a negative, shitty attitude and take people for granted, you're going to end up alone and miserable. If you are kind to people and do good things, people generally will be kind back. If you work hard and smart, then you will get a lot further than if you fuck about doing shit all.
> it also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect).Take out the spiritual aspect, and I don't think its that controversial. Your actions have consequences. That's just a fact. How you choose to interpret those consequences or what you call it is up to you.
No. 249898
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>>249896Because you're crazy and really
triggered by people saying they like thin girls and there is no point in trying to argue with you because anyone who doesn't back down to what you say, you'll just accuse them of being a pedo or mentally ill. Tiny girls are cuter than average girls, no amount of screeching about health will change that.
No. 249905
>>249877I agree. I have an eating disorder, but I'm also self aware enough not to sperg out about it, shit up threads to defend my own distorted mindset and try to convince "normal" people that a BMI below 19 is "feminine" just because my brain tells me so.
These people need to fuck off back to SkinnyGossip or wherever it is they came from. They've spent so much time in echo chambers looking at bonespo, it's unfathomable to them that not everyone functions like they do.
No. 249914
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Not everyone who finds trim, skinny bodies has anorexia.
Im sorry, but this is just attractive to me, screech all you want, but she looks gorgeous
No. 249919
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>>249864>feminine means looking like a woman, if you're indistinguishable from a really skinny guy without hair, makeup and feminine clothes, that is not feminine, sorryWhat is it with fatty Chans always saying skinny women don't look any different from guys?do they not realize that tits and ass aren't only features that look different on a female body?you must be pretty stupid if you can look at a naked thin male and a naked thin female and see no differences lol
No. 249921
>>249916its a lost cause, they're going to sperg for forever. They're not even replying to other posts anymore just spazzing out like
>>249914 or making shit up like
>>249890. They're never going to convince normal anons that they're not crazy, idk why they're still bothering. Its sad. Like they're desperately seeking validation for their shit opinion when no one fucking cares.
No. 249939
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i think megan markle is awful. just. awful.
No. 249956
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>>249951Cause he loves her. Harry has always seemed a genuine guy. He was raised right by his Mum. I doubt he sat down and went “divorced, actress, trashy family. Sounds good.” He looks happy. Everyone gave Diana shit because she had worked as a dancer and a preschool assistant, even though she was of royal blood. People called her ugly and a social climber, blamed her for the marriage failing. But now she’s dead, she’s a beloved martyr. It feels the women can never win in the royal family. We are always going to pick at them. Remember the outcry because Kate had modeled semi-nude? But Harry dressing up as a Nazi is rarely mentioned. These are human beings at the end of the day. They’ll love and fuck and make mistakes. They’re not going to pick someone perfect, because someone perfect doesn’t exist. And would you rather he had ended up with Chelsy Davy?
No. 250015
>>249919well, lets put it this way, if all you have to be indistinguishable from a man is your vagina, you are not the most feminine, and no, her push up bra and lack of hips doesn't prove anything
also fat and skinny isn't the only body type anon, not everyone who doesn't think skinny is the most ugu feminine is a fatty, the most feminine imo is like
>>249778healthy bmi, shapely, but not cartoonish, and most people would agree, due to the fact she looks fertile, healthy, womanly and can easily be distinguished if her genitals and face were covered
No. 250045
>>250015>if all you have to be indistinguishable from a man is your vaginaHow convenient that this doesn't apply to 99% of skinny women, which is anon's point? Have you never seen anyone of either gender naked? This girl
>>249919 has a hip to waist ratio not found in men, narrow shoulders, small but clearly evident tits, and just because she is not 'the most' feminine from your perspective doesn't make her unfeminine or even remotely similar to a man. You start saying a girl with a body like that isn't feminine and you get dangerously close to hurr only dogs like bones fatty logic.
No. 250048
>>250045>those wide ass shoulders>"narrow">most men have more waist/hip ratio than she does>muh hip to waist ratio>small but evident boobsEh, I'll give her that maybe, even then, like I said, her body wont be that different from a really skinny guy outside of genitalia
If you're gonna argue that this body is ~peak femininity~ when she barely has any womanly features at all then you have no point
>unfeminine or even remotely similar to a man. You start saying a girl with a body like that isn't feminine and you get dangerously close to hurr only dogs like bones fatty logic.Again with this? The original point that I was arguing was that her body was feminine, which you even admit yourself she doesn't or barely at all has indisgusiable feminine features, and so shes not feminine, shes more andro looking
I'm not saying anything remotely close to "only dogs like bones" I've even spoke out against this narrative in the past, Im just saying, claiming that this body type is the most feminine is the same as if people started calling twinky soy boys the masculine bodytype, its just laughable
No. 250050
>>249898No one is
triggered by someone liking thin girls and you didnt even reply to the right anon, its just straight retatded to claim that 13-14 BMIs are the most feminine, and no anyone who disagrees with you that anorexic body types are not all that feminine isnt a big meen landwhale being
triggered about skinny girls, theyre just saying its not the most feminine
You sound like you have problems, (bringing child rape into this but yeah, its totally me whos crazy and not you) especially due to the fact you think fat and skinny are the only body types and if you don't think 13 bmi waifus with barely any butt, boobs or hips are the most uwu feminine of them all there's no other reason for it than you must being a facebook only dogs like bones fatty!
>>249914I agree, no one is saying "ALL SKINNY BODY LOVERS HAVE ANOREXIA!!!"
But BMIs of 13/14 Which people even admit themselves arent healthy? This was the original point we were talking about, and taking a few seconds out your day you could have scrolled up and read that yourself instead of either purposely strawmanning or just reading other strawmans and jumping on it without reading the original argument, which was about 13/14 BMIs, not all skinny girls, Why go out your way to strawman? You don't know what you're talking about at all
No. 250054
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>>250049>>250049There are other female traits other than boobs and ass.
>narrow shoulders >smaller waist in comparison to hips>smaller bone structureI don't believe tits and ass are the most distinguishable features between male and females, that is why if you put fake tits and ass on a tranny he will still look like a dude. I mean would you seriously be able to stand this girl next to a thin guy and say they look the same?Also, bmi has nothing to do with hips, you can have wide hips while being underweight, it has more to do with bone structure. There are plenty of average weight girls who are built like refrigerators.
No. 250055
>>250051first of all, I just woke up, and others are doing it to, go attack them for "still fighting about this" especially since you're doing the exact same
>>250054>There are other female traits other than boobs and ass. >narrow shoulders men can have narrow shoulders a lot though, and her shoulders aren't all that narrow at all, they're the widest part about her
>smaller waist in comparison to hipsagain, men can have that too, and she didn't have much hip/waist ratio at all, same with this girl
>smaller bone structuremaybe, but there's tons of tiny men, hence why I said the BIGGEST INDICATORS other than genitalia and face are butt, hips and boobs, if you do not have those, you are not the most ugu feminine, just like if a guy is hairless with no shoulders or arm defintion he is not masculine, while he may not look ~literally like a girl~ there's no point of arguing his body type is masculine because he doesn't have the main traits to be masculine
No. 250056
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>>250054 Get the fuck over it.
No. 250059
>you do realize that thin women also have breasts, right?
you do realize we aren't talking about all thin women, right?
stop strawmanning this is about 13/14 BMIs, which was stated several times, if it wasn't clear to you by now then you should work on your reading instead of mindlessly repeating useless things that are meaningless and have nothing to do with the argument
>are they not considered breasts unless they're c cups or bigger?
no one is saying this, did you even read what I said at all? again 13/14 BMIs, not "all thin women" like you're insisting, and girls with 13-14 BMIs tend to either have extremely small or flat breasts, which are considered masculine, which again, there would be no point of calling it feminine
No. 250064
>>250058I already responded before you deleted so I'll just add to other comments
>And you're ignoring the fact that wide hips have nothing to do with someone's weight. the ones we were talking about had narrow hips there
hence, again, 13/14 BMIs, not all thin women
>Most women do not have tiny anime shoulders, a 16 inch waist and massive hips/ass. Most average weight women don't even have big asses. and you're correct, I'm not saying women need to have these to be feminine, but they need to at least have a feminine figure, which again,13/14 BMIs, most women at this BMIs do not have that, just because I don't think a box is the most uggu feminine doesn't mean I expect women to have extreme proportions to look feminine, is there no in-between at all with you people? why be so black and white?
>The waist and hip ratio isn't dramatic looking but one can still see the difference between that of a man and woman.not in the case of the girl the anon posted
>>250061>You're the one who started flipping out and accusing me of saying that a bmi of 13-14 should be the standard for every woman on the fuck I didn't lmfao, I just said it wasn't healthy nor feminine, you were the one flipping out, even after I left for hours
>There are some women who look dainty, cute and huggable at a bmi of 13 meanwhile there are some women who look like haggard crack whores at a bmi of 13.easy to say that when the only pics of 13 BMI girls you've posted are photoshopped, heavily exposed, and editted as well as the fact they have draping clothing, lots of makeup and have their hair well taken care of, most skinny people, unless you're zombie mode, will look "dainy, cute and huggable" even if they've been shooting the meth pipe if they've spent thousands on surgery, skin and hair treatments, and are on an overexposed camera, even onions skin looks good when he overexposes his nasty shit
No. 250067
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>>250064In my opinion being thin is more feminine(and I'm not talking about only girls who are a bmi of 13-14). They look weak, cute and like they need protecting.
>inb4 posts picture of haggard ugly crack hoI'm talking about attractive thin women :)
No. 250069
>>250067>weak, cute, in need of protectingso do old sick people and people with deficiencies, sickly looking =/= feminine
femininity, body-wise, is defined by looking like a woman, you're allowed to think it's cute or whatever but you'd be incorrect claiming it's not feminine, especially if you're using the example like the pic where there's barely any boobs or butt, or even waist definition at all, which are what determines a feminine body type the most, just like with men muscle definition, masculine body hair patterns and wide shoulders and chest are what determines a masculine body
you can like the body sure, but claiming andro bodies are feminine or masculine is just…
No. 250070
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>>250069I'm also allowed to think thin/dainty women are feminine. You don't have any authority over my thoughts.
No. 250072
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>>250069Women still look feminine at a low body weight because of our body structure. Personally I think slimmer women look more dainty and feminine, after a certain point of weight gain you lose waist definition unless you go the lipo/fat transfer routes that "thicccc" women often choose.
No. 250073
>>250070>I'm also allowed to think thin/dainty women are feminine. You don't have any authority over my thoughts.thats what I said…you can think they're feminine but I can also think estro filled twinks are masculine, doesn't mean it would be right
>>250072>Women still look feminine at a low body weight because of our body structurethe ones posted don't look feminine, plenty of men have tiny body structures not to mention if someone is anorexic through puberty it can delay puberty and leave you looking like an andro child
> Personally I think slimmer women look more dainty and feminine, after a certain point of weight gain you lose waist definition unless you go the lipo/fat transfer routes that "thicccc" women often choose.I do too, hence why I said a million times healthy BMI and shapely women look most feminine, we were, again, talking about 13/14 bmi women, unhealthily anorexic women, not all thin women, how many times do I need to say it?
No. 250075
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>>250073You can think whatever you want. I think skinny dainty women are the most feminine body type. Sometimes average women do look too bulky and box shaped.
No. 250077
>>250074>BMI is useless and shouldn't be used to decide whether a person is healthy anyway.correct to an extent, but morbidly obese or obese people unless they're body builders,aren't healthy, just like being extremely underweight BMI wise isn't healthy either
healthy BMI is an ideal weight to height ratio assuming there are no other factors like if the person has health issues or missing limbs
>>250075>I think skinny dainty women are the most feminine body typecool but you'd still be wrong since a lot of the bodies you posted are andro
>Sometimes average women do look too bulky and box shaped.but im not talking about those women, I was talking about women like
>>249778 because they have all the feminine attributes like waist, hips, feminine thighs, rounded breasts, soft skin, secondary sex characteristics, and feminine fat distribution that makes them look the most fertile and feminine
No. 250078
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>>250077Except that woman you posted most likely used corsets to make her waist smaller, no way do most women have perfect hour glass figures like that. Most women don't have very small waists, even a woman with a 17-22 inch waist won't look that small. I think you are wrong saying tits and ass make someone more feminine, I think being dainty, innocent looking and frail are what make a woman feminine.
No. 250079
>>250054I feel like everyone on this thread is asian
Most people don’t care for thin body types nowadays most women prefer shapely not fat or thickkkkk
No. 250085
>>250078>Except that woman you posted most likely used corsets to make her waist smaller, no way do most women have perfect hour glass figures like thatdidn't deny that
>Most women don't have very small waists, even a woman with a 17-22 inch waist won't look that small.her waist isn't that small…
>I think you are wrong saying tits and ass make someone more feminine, I think being dainty, innocent looking and frail are what make a woman feminine.fat in breasts and butt are feminine fat distributions and often used to tell if someone is male and female
say, someone sees a body and they're trying to figure out if it's male or female, do you think the first think they're gonna look for is how ugu small they are?
No. 250086
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>>250085Most women don't look curvy like that. Her waist is actually quite small for her weight. Most average women look box shaped.
No. 250089
>>250086I wasn't talking about those women first off all
second if you really think most average women are box shaped then…
last time I checked, average women aren't fit and skinny
No. 250100
>>250096It's not my fault that me saying thin women look better to me
triggers you. That's your problem, not mine.
No. 250101
>>250100and it's not my fault that me saying women with actual secondary sex characteristics look more like women than just being small
if you really wanna strawman and claim this entire thing was just about you saying thin women look better and pull the "you're
triggered fatty!" card while being
triggered yourself.
No. 250111
>>250107>me is I actually don't care if you say tits and ass are a secondary sex characteristics because that's your opinion>you don't careyou clearly do, if you didn't you'd just leave but nope
>opinion>it's an opinion women develop womanly bodies during pubertyuhh
>you can try to dictate my thoughts and act you're you're an authority over what I can and can't say.we're not, dunno why someone telling you you're wrong means they're controlling you
>you can slap fake and tots and ass on a man and it would still look like a dude.and you can take curves and tits off a woman and she will look like a man
>I was average weight I still didnt have big tits and ass and was wearing a a-b cup bra.>b-because i have shit genetics means everyone else does,r-right?I'm not saying most women have huge tits and ass, it's just the most feminine body type if they are average weight with proportions like so
>I know with c-dd cups are chubby and fat you live in flat or fatty town
>>250109 No. 250113
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>>250111I don't leave because I enjoy a good argument. If I wanted to be average weight I could you know.. just gain weight?kek
You can think big tits and ass are more feminine and I think think being skinny and delicate is more feminine. You can't convince me to think other wise and I'm not trying to convince you. My problem is you're acting very bossy and entitled.
No. 250114
>>250113> If I wanted to be average weight I could you know.. just gain weight?kekwhat does this have to do with anything? you said yourself even when you were average you had tiny tits
>You can think big tits and ass are more feminineit would actually be true though due to the fact that boobs and ass are secondary sex characteristics
> I think think being skinny and delicate is more feminineit is but 13/14 BMI with no tits,ass or curves? you'd be wrong, you can like it but it's not the most feminine
>You can't convince me to think other wise and I'm not trying to convince you. My problem is you're acting very bossy and entitled.for what? stating facts? you act as if someone is trying to control you for stating whats factually feminine, I dont care if you like skinnyness, but it isnt the most feminine
No. 250116
>>250112Anon you don't exist due to this ana-chan having b cups at 130 pounds
>>250109 The whole "average" body type means they gain weight in their arms, stomach and thighs. So for someone with an "average" weight distribution and "average" body type , being slim or chubby doesn't really affect the cup size untill the other areas fill out.
No. 250120
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>>250114You have the right to think I'm wrong but I also have the right to think you're wrong. Going by your logic a fat man would look more like a woman than a skinny woman because his tits and ass are bigger. Boobs are a female characteristic but they are not the only female characteristics, if you were to say having a big ass and tits are the main thing that differ between male and female bodies then I disagree with that.
No. 250121
>>250120>You have the right to think I'm wrong but I also have the right to think you're wrongand not about thinking lmfao it's about fact, if you think you live in a different world seek help
>Going by your logic a fat man would look more like a woman than a skinny woman because his tits and ass are bigger.I made it clear several times it was about proportion, nice stretch though
>Boobs are a female characteristic but they are not the only female characteristics, if you were to say having a big ass and tits are the main thing that differ between male and female bodies then I disagree with that.but I didn't say it was the only female characteristic ever, in fact I made it clear, again, several times it wasn't the only one, just the main one and the key to looking feminine, hence why I used the body example, if morgue workers find a body the first thing they're gonna look for, outside of genitals and face is fat distribution, if they only have the entire physical body, not how small and skinny they are
No. 250122
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>>250121And as I said before, i agree that tits are a female characteristic(small tots count as well, it everyone had dd tits) but I do not agree that having a big ass and tits are the main body traits that differ in male and females. I don't even think most people even naturally have big asses(big asses look gross to me btw).
No. 250126
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>>250123>>250123It's the most feminine body type to me bacuse I think looking delicate and girly is the most feminine. And on your argument about boobs being a female characteristic, I agree with that but skinny women also have boobs. I'm a bmi of 15 but I don't wear a bra it's pretty obvious I don't have one on and they jiggle, unless you mean large breasts are the only breasts that count as "female". But anyway we can't argue about this forever, so you can co tomie to prefer thick/for chicks and I'll continue to prefer skinny ones. Have a nice day.
No. 250128
>>250126delicate =/= feminine
women can be delicate and still have boobs and butts
>And on your argument about boobs being a female characteristic, I agree with that but skinny women also have boob"why would someone think female characteristics are the most feminine"
>unless you mean large breasts are the only breasts that count as "female"no, what a stretch, saying bigger boobs and butt is more feminine doesn't mean I'm saying all tits that aren't big are manly
like for men, if you have a little bit of hair and a tiny bit wider shoulders, don't cry about how it still counts as a man if someone calls happy trails, facial hair, and inshape men the most masculine
No. 250227
>>250225>she thinks ghosting doesn't cause dramaof course your opinion will be unpopular if it's wrong.
ghosting is worse than just giving a straight answer, because it just leads to more questions. even if people give you shit if you explain yourself, they'll badger you until you do anyway if you ghost, then it's just like prolonging the inevitable.
No. 250228
>>250222I say this in the least hostile way, but that really is just projecting.
It’s very easy to stumble upon lolcow.
Tons of regular people use forums and image boards as wind-downs from their regular lives. I find it very sad that you genuinely believe there’s no possible way other people can have lives and also use the internet to have a little fun, because it shows how much your life has probably spiraled. Have some hope for yourself and give people some credit. Not everybody is miserable like you could possibly be.
>>250225Or you’re just passive and lazy.
No. 250237
>>250225I don't agree that it should be done to every single person you don't want to be around anymore, but
>invalidate your reasons>cause more drama than slow avoidanceI agree that I definitely have known people like this and ghosting was the better option rather than being truthful with them. Especially if they're narc-ish and think there's absolutely no fault in them at all.
Especially have done this to some men because holy fucking hell have I been punished before for trying to give them "answers." Some people aren't that deserving.
No. 250242
>>250222I found the site when I searched for “superraedizzle bad.” Because I dabble in art and she’s really fucking bad. I’m getting my degree, have had successful and loving relationships, and have a large friend group. I also like bitching online because irl I’m sugar and pie, and none of my friends know who any of these cows are.
Maybe some anons are lying but I doubt it’s a widespread issue. Are you a NEET?
No. 250244
>>250237I agree with a lot of this.
On the flip side of the coin, so many people who choose to ghost others ARE the narcs, and everyone else is just ~oh so toxic!~ More often than not, narcs map out their friendships based on what they want and when you aren’t performing to their standard (ie babying them, being super attentive while never sharing or expressing your own emotions or needs) suddenly you’re “negative energy.”
I recently got ghosted by a super sensitive friend who is upset that I’m not psychic or intuitive to how she wants me to behave, and I know not to call her out because she’s so into victimizing herself that she’ll say “You’re a narcissist so of course you don’t see anything wrong with your behavior!!!” because she’s into those internet buzzwords when in reality our whole friendship has been nothing but joking and banter and there isn’t a single negative thing I’ve done to her… besides perform up to the standard she wants me too, apparently. Oh well. No skin off my back.
No. 250249
>>250227I don't "ghost" them, I just tell them I'm extremely busy and gradually start hanging out with them less and less. The way I distance myself, they don't even catch on to the fact I'm cutting them out. It's not hard if you're in school or have a demanding job or hobbies.
>>250228Not really, I've just had horrible experiences when it comes to friendships ending on both the receiving and giving end and from my experience/observations, this is the best way IMO.
>>250237Yeah, if I'm at the point of not wanting someone in my life, it's almost always because they're narcish, borderline, or some other extremely toxic form of person. I would never do that to anyone who I thought a conversation would fix things with.
>>250244This so hard. I've definitely known quite a few people who think everyone else is the toxic one and cause a lot of psychological damage to those who don't deserve it. That's part of the reason I don't like to say anything, but don't really ghost them either. I don't want to wake up one day, realize I was the problem in the relationship, then be plagued with regret and guilt over abruptly ignoring them or telling them what an awful friend they were when I was the shitty one in reality.
No. 250258
>>250237I agree it definitely depends on the person, and imo if you are in a relationship with that person please don't ghost them
I dated a guy for 3 years and spent thousands of dollars of my money and time on him, when he started ghosting me I got really worried and started turning neurotic and calling his workplace and contacting his friends and whatnot, I was terrified something bad may have happened to him and was scared for days, every single time my phone vibrated I had this weird spike hoping it was him then being let down, I'd rather him just have told me especially since we had planned for the future
No. 250299
>>250293Ugh. I'm so sick of the statement 'when you have kids, you'll understand..'
but i don't want kids!! I'm already 30 years old and i never wanted kids, even when i was 18, I decided.
Women are always expected to have a child. Men will never face that kind of pressure from society. Ever.
No. 250323
>>250299Because men can get away with not giving two shits about the child or just straight leaving them, that's why so many have baby fever and they're trying to drill "get married have kids"in womens heads
They want kids over some stupid fantasy shit but dont wanna care for them
No. 250353
>>250345I can relate to the lacking a dick part, and feeling like I'm unable to satisfy some part of him too. Though I think that is a little more reasonable, unlike my "eww gross"
>>250350I don't know, maybe 3-4 years ago when I first became interested in dating? I think I came to the realization browsing /r9k/ and seeing how many guys are bicurious or into traps, etc and I realized that to me a guy being into that is offputting.
>>250352Oh yeah, definitely though I think fujo culture and yaoi to be more open and into those sorts of things. Are you a fujo type?
No. 250403
>>250401Anonymous 43 seconds ago No. 250402
>>250401I'm not spamming or telling anyone what to do, I'm not trying to prove thin women look better. I'm just responding to people who replied to me. The other anon is actually doing that more than I am. I don't mind an argument because it bored and have time to kill but it doesn't seem completely fair if the argument can only be one sided.
No. 250406
>>250391Damn, I really didn't think I would cause such a huge shit storm by saying I think thin women look better kek
Disclaimer for anyone
triggered:I'm not saying that average women look bad or can't be pretty. I'm not saying all thin women look better. I'm just saying I like the way thin and pretty women look more than average weight pretty women. I'm not saying you should go it and starve yourselves. Now put down your pitch forks! Kek
No. 250411
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I thought I couldn't think of something, but reading about boobs here and there in the thread I could think of one unpopular opinion I have that could be kinda related to the one of skinny bodies anon: I like small boobs over big boobs.
No. 250413
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>>250412You are by far the most annoying anon I’ve encountered. No one is
triggered, they’re annoyed. Because you’re awful.
>>250411I feel like all boobs are great and it’s sad so many of us want to change how ours look. I love my small chest but I also love big boobs too. It takes all sorts and types. It’s like hair color. I love being blonde but I also love red hair on others and brunettes. It takes all sorts
No. 250421
>>250406>>250412You're causing a "shitstorm" on the simple basis that you won't leave, and think you need to respond to
every point against you because the truth is you're just as insecure as you are physically "weak."
You spend one sentence chastising this entire website for "trash talking other women" while this entire time you've been trash talking anyone with a higher BMI than you and who has PCOS. The PCOS part is
real fucked considering that's a medical condition that no one asked for.
Not to mention the fact that all the cows and snowflakes on this site
definitely are either overweight or have average BMIs. Everyone save for those in the pro-ana scumbag thread and Ashley I guess. So by your own logic, you're trash talking everyone we talk about on the basis that they're fatties and unfeminine equally, you really have no grounds to be acting morally superior to us. Fact.
Now you don't have to respond to this. I understand your "truth" by now and I'm not really interested in fucking with you. Just here to lay down the truth as what's apparent to anyone casually watching you.
And I agree with the previous anon, you sound like a chauvinistic man. Or Sh0eonhead, kek.
No. 250424
>>250413I know there are atleast two anons because im one of them, and i havent written all the posts.
Stop playing victim when you are the one who attacked her first for her opinion in the fucking unpopular opinions thread, aldo you said thin women look like boys etc..
just lol..
>>250425>180 lbsWhich isnt landwhale mode unless youre short
Shes chubby but isn't landwhale mode
For her arms, you realize fat spreads when you press it right? I know 100 lb girls whos arms can look fat if they get in positions like that
No. 250436
>>250412Uhhuh, why are celebrities like ashley graham praised so much then?
Why are you ao
triggered over fat women? You go out your way and act as if that's what every single person likes is skinny women, the world isnt the modeling industry, and not every single case of women being "fat" is them "not being able to put the fork down!!!"
If you said thin women look better and left but thats not the point, you go out your way and make huge rants on fat people, for what? Even after the argument was over which wasnt even over whats attractive but Whats feminine
No. 250447
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>>250434>when she replies AND strawmans stating that I've "bashed" thin girls when I haven'tStupid sick bitch.
No. 250448
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>>250445Funny, because you sound jealous and trying to make yourself feel better about it. You are the one admitting your opinion is unpopular, after all.
No. 250449
>>250435Lol unless you're like 6'2 180 lbs is fat if you're a woman. Stay pressed fatty Chan. Instead of getting
triggered use that energy to say no to the next cheese burger you eat.
No. 250453
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>>250449Not that anon but I've noticed you have a way of fudging numbers by a few digits or so. You did this when you were arguing about Audrey too a couple days ago when you fudged her height.
Most women are normal at 180 starting between 5'11-6'0. Not 6'2. But even so, I thought you were against making women with certain features feel bad? There are tall anons here unless you think we're all obese midgets.
The chart is backed by science, not your feelings or gut instinct against fatties.
No. 250457
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>>250453The woman on the right is what a woman at 5'6 180 lbs looks like. You're fat, get over it kek
No. 250458
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>>250457What is this?
I just said 5'11+ and you're posting someone 5'6.
How is this relevant?
How many more non-arguments will you make? Yeeeeeeeeeeesh.
No. 250460
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>>250458All of these women weigh 150 and they all look fat. I can't imagine a taller woman would look any better at 180 if she looks fat at 150.
No. 250464
>>250462>it's not even an opinionI just posted a chart that scientifically defines bodies by category based on height and weight, and you're saying no.
What the fuck do you want from anyone here? Nobody is going to say "Ah yeah, science is wrong and you're right anon. Anyone over 120 should just kill themselves."
Get ahold of yourself.
No. 250465
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>>250464It doesn't matter what your chart says. It looks fat, flabby and nasty. Funny, how farmers can call girls as small as 120 fat but on this thread you're all haes claiming that 180 is fit and in shape lol
No. 250466
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>>250465It does matter what the chart says, lol.
>fuck your reality!Ahahahaha.
Also I'm sorry if you feel some farmers pick on you. I never did that, but it sounds like you want some kind of apology for how shitty they made you feel. To be fair, they were probably other ana-chans who think like you.
No. 250467
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>>250466What is this supposed to prove?she looks like a cow. Unless a girl is a a freak of natural and abnormally tall 180 is fat.
No. 250473
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>>250472Put a sock in it, weeby heffalump.
No. 250474
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>>250467>a freak of natural (kek) and abnormally tallSo you're not only an Ana-chan, but a midget as well?
Stay mad lol
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>>250474god Sophie Turner is a vision.
I'm happy being me, but if I could come back, I'd come back as her. She's only 5'9 but she always looks graceful and tall, even in casual clothes.
unpopular opinion? I think she's the best looking Game of Thrones actress.
No. 250489
>>250485That’s actually absurd. Did they even ban anachan? I’m usually pretty understanding of farmhands cause they’ve got a thankless job but I don’t see why the majority should be punished for the minority? No one wanted
everyone banned, just the sperging anachan.
No. 250496
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>>250489Anyone that was willfully entertaining that bullshit for days on end deserves it tbqh. You don't feed trolls on anonymous images boards it just ruins perfectly good threads for no reason
No. 250509
>>250491Yeah his music is the definition of boring but honestly some of his songs are guilty pleasures of mine, mostly because of the nostalgia factor.
I genuinely really like this song, though. Way better than his other stuff, wish he would play like this more.
No. 250531
>>250515>>250514I think it depends on the level of closeness. Like, if you're engaged or married, that's just fucking weird not to be okay with it. However, of you're in a less serious relationship, it rightfully comes across as controlling and lacking boundaries unless that person has really strong evidence to suspect something. It's totally legitimate to not want your SO going through your persinal belongings unless you're life partner level serious. It's unhealthy and toxic to feel like they're not entitled to any privacy from you.
That being said, it enrages me when people are caught cheating and turn it on the person for looking through their phone.
No. 250536
>>250531>It's unhealthy and toxic to feel like they're not entitled to any privacy from you.If someone asked me to go through my phone I wouldn't mind, and I don't think it's toxic. It would be embarrassing, but mutual trust, honesty and openness are more important to me than hiding my gay fanfiction or whatever.
It's different if it's every other day and my SO is constantly suspecting me of cheating for going to the toilet for 5 minutes and being away from my phone, but asking your SO "hey can I take a look at your phone" randomly once in a blue moon is fine. I don't see how it's an invasion of privacy if they both consent to it, and besides there's a million other reasons for a person to borrow your phone for a second to a point where freaking out about muh privacy gives off a really sketchy vibe in the first place.
My ex used to freak out whenever I touched his phone, anything I asked was "none of my business" because he was "just a private person", he would type messages under his blanket when we slept together because "he was cold" and then I'd magically find messages to his ex on his phone when I looked.
We broke up not long after, and from now on if any guy says I'm not allowed to look through his phone I'm just straight up not interested in him anymore. Sure, have your privacy, I'm not holding a gun to your head or anything, but then just don't talk to me anymore.
No. 250546
>>250537A diary isn't communications with another living person. It truly is private thoughts and confessions.
It can't send or receive nudes. It can't call a drug dealer. It can't gamble or spend online. It can't make phone calls and texts to exs. It can't emotionally cheat on another living human. And so on.
You may argue that well there could be some conversations to another person that they want to keep private, but like other anons were saying that really shouldn't be an issue if it's a serious relationship. If not that, then I think the context of the person matters ie. My boyfriend wanting to talk about private guy stuff with his best friend versus talking to an ex and being secretive about their discussions.
No. 250547
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I legitimately don't get how anyone can hate anime itself. It's not a genre, it's a medium of storytelling with a wild variety of styles, pacing, art direction, writing, etc. It has a shitton of subgenres precisely because it's so varied. Of course if you're a lazy dumbass who only ever looks into overhyped trash, you'll see the worst aspects, and not really enjoy things unless you're part of its intended demographic.
It's like only ever reading shit-tier, vapid novels and banging on about how all books written after the 1800s are bad, or shitting on movies because of flop garbage like Suicide Squad.
Like, how are you going to complain about a field of animation as a whole? Not even just specific genres in anime like action or SOL, but everything? It just seems uneducated to me.
No. 250550
>>250547Agree. I also feel like they must have had a strange childhood to not like any Western animation at all, either. We’ve been primed since the 1920s to like cartoons, and visual art since recorded human existence. No one would say “I don’t like paintings” because that would be dumb. But so many people are comfortable saying “I don’t like cartoons.”
I’m not a big anime fan but I have fond memories of watching Spirited Away, Moomin, The Magic Roundabout, and Postman Pat. My friends watched Dragon Ball Z and Astro Boy. How can you say you dislike it all when surely some of it made up your childhood?
No. 250552
>>250536I can understand where you're coming from and if you only do it to people who consent then no harm is being done, but don't be surprised if guys see that request as a red flag.
I've been on the flip side of the coin where I had "nothing to hide", but my phone and computer are off limits even to my boyfriend because there were things I didn't want to share, was morally obligated as a friend not to share, and were frankly none of his business. About six months into the relationship, he demanded I let him go through them both and used that same logic of "if you have nothing to hide, you should be okay with it". He used my desire for privacy as proof I was cheating and eventually broke me into letting him go through everything. He ended up doing this a few more times.
Eventually we broke up and he spread all the shit he read in my phone to people, including my friends and family's incredibly personal business. To this day I feel like shit for how much my lack of spine fucked over so many people. One of my closest friends now doesn't talk to me about anything serious because of it and our relationship was never the same after.
So yeah, I'm the opposite as you. If someone insists on going through my phone, the red flags go up like crazy.
No. 250557
>>250552Nta but that would be the kind of exception I'd make to not pry. If you were honest and said you had secrets from your friends that you weren't allowed to share I would've backed off. That to me, is a red flag for crazy.
Flipside: My bf two years ago was talking to one of his girl "friends" and decided to invite her over to our apartment. He was honest about her coming over, but was dishonest about the length of time he told her vs. me that she was supposed to stay. It wound up being more time than what he told me, which made me uncomfortable, but he tried to say I had misinderstood. I went through his phone and found the text where he told her she could stay pretty much until whenever.
It was ironic how some of my friends thought I had breached his trust when I had literally caught him in a lie.
No. 250559
>>250554Uh… in the vast majority of context I've seen, when people insist on going through someone's phone, they mean
everything, not just conversations with a specific person they're worried about.
No. 250572
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People who take dogs into grocery stores. You don't need to take a dog into a grocery store unlike a child who needs to learn how grocery stores work. That dog isn't your child. Leave your god damn dog at home when you shop
No. 250585
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>>250572To piggyback on this somewhat, I think it's disgusting when people kiss their dogs on the mouth.
No. 250587
>>250572But some people
do need to take their dog with them when they shop like support animals.
No. 250634
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I don’t like Oprah and I don’t get why she’s famous. Her magazine with her always on the front cover strikes me as super weird and narcissistic.
No. 250652
>>250514You're the anon who was called out on the Confessions thread for being a controlling and manipulative bitch and now you come here to try and gain sympathizers? lol
Yes, secretly going through your bf's phone is bad! Relationships are based on trust, so if you can't trust him and act in a way that makes you undeserving of him ever trusting you again, you're both doomed for failure…
No. 250664
>>250652‘My relationship is perfect except for my absolute lack of trust, respect for my partners privacy and boundaries, and need for constant validation’
Lmao they’re doomed to failed relationships but will never fix their shit.
No. 250671
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>>250634this is so funny I didn't know she did that. thanks anon
No. 250675
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>>250671>>250634>I don’t get why she’s famousI guess she started out representing a caricature of something wholesome that has now mutated into
something else due to overlapping financial interests of sponsors.
Which I guess is how you might describe a lot of ultra famous people.
She's just there to bolster mainstream perceptions that
anything is happening.
I might give the book in pic related a read soon.
You know who
She just says straight up disgusting things and they cue an applause.
No. 250680
>>250679Well it does matter in the context of you thinking that relationships end due to that specifically. My bf has lived with me for four years and I did this two years ago
There's trust in every relationship, but only to a degree. And you will find that your trust sometimes fails in your significant other but that's not necessarily a dealbreaker depending on what it's about.
No. 250754
>>250547I don't think anyone is obligated to explore the genre more than they want, but it's so weird when people watch a couple of popular series then think they know exactly what anime is like as a whole and proceed to complain about it. I don't typically complain about how bad something is if I've seen 0.001% of it and know that the most popular/entry level shit is widely considered terrible.
There's something like 40 new series a season, much of it is garbage but there is easily room for a couple of great series each year that contradict the bad things someone has to say about the medium.
No. 250757
>>250547I agree with you. This reminds me of French professional critics who don't know much about Japanese pop culture or modern culture in general who praise well known manga by saying they're NOT manga but "real" comics/bandes dessinées. They think that just because they like some really famous seinen manga (typically Akira, Ghost in the Shell or anything by Jirou Taniguchi for example) they get to say these series aren't manga but "Japanese bandes dessinées", which is literally the definition of a manga. They legit think that shonen manga and anime represent every manga and anime ever and they're paid for it.
I also feel the same way for video games. There are so many genres and companies that you can almost always find a game that you can enjoy. Although video games are less accessible in general so I can get why people don't always want to get into this hobby.
No. 250838
>>250822Agreed, also I'd like to add, I never understand why girls hate curvy bodies so much because it looks sexual and vulgar, like we're sexual beings lmao, of course a fully developed woman's body looks sexual, it shows she hit puberty and can produce children
Do they even actually hate curvy bodies for this reason or some weird way to humble brag
No. 250868
>>250821I can see why people find them
Admittedly while I don't know much about those pops, I do know nobody needs a script for them.
I imagine people with disordered eating habits will still buy them regardless if they're intended only for people who are overweight or obese.
While anorexia is way less common than obesity, it is more acutely morbid.
Speaking as a former landwhale, I don't think these are very effective tools for long term weight loss anyway. It's not teaching fat people about proper eating and exercise. It's advocating to suck on a pop when they get hungry. So what happens when there comes a time when they don't have those pops, or stop eating them? They'll go back to old habits and balloon.
>when you're obese you crave food because your body wants to maintain weight That's half true but the reason is wrong. Fat bodies crave more food because the body is trying to get nutrients. Fat cells make certain vitamins, like vitamin D, less bioavailable because it's absorbed into them. The body tries to compensate by telling the person they're hungry.
The first thing a doctor will recommend a fat person do is take supplements for that reason. It happened to me and that's what they told me.
To be sure–some of the cravings are purely psychological too. Like eating just because it's routine.
I think it's okay to tell fat people to eat when they're hungry, but the key is that they have to eat something clean. High protein, low carb, and low cal. Problem is, it takes the prior knowledge and willpower to do so. They won't gain that from the pops. Sadly.
No. 250981
>>250922that's a really good point
>>250891well that's why it's an unpopular opinion thread, but i get what you're getting at.
i've thought about it though and until a femcel shoots up a building they aren't as bad we incels, imho.
No. 250999
>>250878Yeah I don’t get comments on pretty or even average lolcows about how they are ugly and with ugly ones why it’s so drilled in. They are lolcows because their personalities and sometimes how they
dress not because of appearance. I’m interested in hearing about the batshit stuff not Dakotas chin.
No. 251002
>>250996Yeah like I said I thought about it and that was a dumb statement. It's more like female neckbeards.
(The only true female incel may be Lorena Bobbit tbh)
>>250999This smart person here states it better than me.
No. 251158
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>>251026i think seeing how weirdly emotional and personal anons get about certain cows makes me realize about the type of people who post here. sure, mentally ill anons with nothing to do like me lurk. but also i think we need to admit that we aren't alone. family members, IRL friends, definitely
ex IRL friends, and other people who know the cows from personal experience post and lurk the threads. they're not hard to find! the people posted in here are mostly irrelevant as fuck. lolcow is one of the first results when you search them. i'd even say most cows do post in their threads (more than the ones that have been outed). it just seems logical. this place is completely anonymous. if let's say, you met xcow and she was a cunt you can easily go here and laugh at how """ugly""" they're totally getting, and how you have "inside knowledge" from people who know them from high school/convention/college/whatever about how much of an asshole xcow totally is. like it seems transparent to me tbh.
unpopular opinion: cows, their calves and personal enemies constantly walk among us. you can't change my mind. these people ain't even z list, there can't be that many people
that invested on them from shitty internet posts.
No. 251169
>>251159clearly spoken like someone who has never faced sexual abuse.
>but you have it pretty good if that's what worries you most.the only worst thing is getting killed but go off.
i think you're overgeneralizing a lot of shit together. sexual harrassment is the talk nowadays, maybe that's what you don't care about? because its still hell. date raping is a controversial issue, is that it? because the trauma in the victims is still very much real, regardless of how uncommon the situations are.
i'm someone who was sexually abused by an older person when i was a child, so i'm very sensitive to these types of topics. that type of trauma follows you for your whole life and heavily affects your love life and how you interact with people, theres a reason people never "shut up about it". it ruins lives.
you're clearly some edgelord who is probably sperging about metoo or whatever so i'm not sure why i bother. the reason make a big deal about rape is because it fucks with your head for good. the rape paranoia you're talking about is just you being bitter that a lot of rapist have been called out the past year or so. the reason why they're being made into a big deal isn't because its a huge epidemic that happens to everyone and every single woman is actively terrified of it happening; the reason so many people care is because they have/or know people who have actually being sexually abused and know how much it can ruin a person's life and self worth. or hell, they're just normal empathetic people unlike you. regardless, don't be so vague about your wording. rape is not just something that happens everywhere and that everyone is talking about, again sexual harassment, sexual abuse, physical abuse, sexual assault all different hot topics nowadays that shouldn't be put together as this thing "women can't shut up about bohoo".
legit you sound like a teenage edgelord. hope you have fun narc piece of shit life.
No. 251190
>>251159Of course women are more specifically afraid of rape. It's not just rapists in alleys we've got to worry about, it's potentially any man whether they're someone you're close to, a date, a stranger at a party, etc. And then the aftermath may not be the black and white process that a robbery is - you might have trouble admitting it out of shame, you may not be taken seriously, you might get victim blamed, you could know the rapist personally and suffer if you out them, etc etc.
Anyway I think it's weird that you're assuming fear of rape = not caring about muggings. A woman who takes safety precautions to protect themselves from rapists is probably able to use those same methods to protect themselves from a mugger. It's not like girls aren't aware of the possibility, rape and robbery aren't mutually exclusive.
No. 251193
>>251169>the only worst thing is getting killed but go offThat's exactly what I said
I have faced pretty bad sexual abuse and still live with the consequences, but I'd rather be alive to even feel these consequences than be not-raped but dead. Anyway, you and the other anons are projecting views I did not express in my post at all but you think I have because of the misogynistic incel stereotype you think I fit in. I don't think anything I say will make you change your mind, so I won't even try. Toodles.
No. 251196
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I hate dogs and won't date someone who owns one.
Small ones are okay sometimes.
No. 251197
>>250485Lolcow mods are not shit, this dumpster fire is just undermoderated, people who get in the staff have no willpower to keep moderating because it is a ungrateful job.
When the admin changed he kicked every single moderator just because. Didn't even bother talking to anyone. We followed rules and banned according to them. When incels and robots found out about here it was basically me and two other people trying to get rid of their attacks 24/7. I am actually glad I was kicked because the moderation never did much and it was tiring moderating when people reported everyone they disagreed with. Ana-chans were especially salty because they reported everyone who said anything bad about their special illness. I guess mods are just tired of having +30 posts alerted everytime they log in, because when people infight they report each other instead of reporting the actual
problematic posts like the robots trolling or "rape is not bad you roasties xd" kind of shit.
I will probably get banned for this post but I don't really care since I don't come here often anymore. This place has degraded significantly.
No. 251201
>>251200After seeing some of the posts here I truly believe some anons are visibly disturbed and probably ward off potential dates even if they're lowering standards and are vocal.
Nobody wants to date unhinged people even if they are vaguely attractive.
No. 251216
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>>251196Me too.
I work at a grocery store and right after the front door is a play car for children. Afterwards is a door again, that separates this area from the main store.
Dogs aren't allowed to enter the store yet everyday tons of owners think that it's okay, if they carry their "babies".
Anyways, loads of parents put their kids in that car and leave it there alone while they're shopping. Sometimes they're so damn young and still stay put nicely without crying for their mom.
But whenever somebody ties their dog there the dorks barks, whines, etc.
Nobody of the other costumers gives a fuck of a little toddler is left unsupervised, yet if a dog is "Aw poor baby, who left you all alone out there?!"…
A while ago a father left his approximatly 5-year-old son with his dog outside of the store. The dog was super big and aggressive, barking at anybody who's entering. What does my coworker? Goes outside, screams at the little kid "Don't get yourself a dog if you can't handle it!" Little boy cries, she pets the "cute doggo". I can't even, this people (who're otherwise super friendly and have children themselves) don't feel a remorse of pity or sympathy for babies of our own species. Those mibehaving dogs could be old or at least adults, who knows? Yet they're the "babies" who needed to get coddled.
Saged for blog
No. 251220
>>251209nah fam, with the internet anything is possible.
imo the internet allows incels to find eachother and justify their shittiness, if they're beta and would generally just stew in bitterness, they're exposed to extreme idiots with bullshit entitlement and it kind of snowballs. obviously men were historically worse, because they're raised to think their entitlement is okay.
obviously, most women aren't raised to be entitled in the same way, but i'm sure if femcels get their own r9k or subreddits, they'll end up being just as bad as incels are. hell, someone on this board even said they fantasize about hurting "normie" types and shit. don't underestimate the power of the internet bringing fucking idiots together.
No. 251238
>>251232Oh god, that's another thing.
Hardcore dog people will go on and on about how shit cats are because "they don't really like you they like your food", as if their fucking dog "loves" them for any real reason other than the fact that they provide it food/shelter and don't yell at it. They know they're wrong and just as fucking sad as any lady with four cats, but they need to pretend otherwise so they sperg out at the here mention of another animal (especially cats) being as good as dogs for companionship. In dog people world, there are no differences in human personalities, and anyone who doesn't submit to the Grand canine fuhrer must be exterminated. Seriously, not liking dogs can kill your social life.
Try pointing out sometime that breeding certain kinds of purebreds is animal cruelty, and that their pug isn't cute, it's spastic and in pain. They'll go fucking apeshit. Worse than horse people do. I've had them try to tell me I'm "schizophrenic" trom toxoplasmosis, and they literally don't have a response when you tell them 80% of the human population has been exposed and is fine. Because in dog people land, only craaaazies don't love their vicious shit eating beast.
I don't even mind dogs. In fact, I love how big dogs like labs seem to help with my PTSD. But god I fuckin hate dog people.
No. 251256
>>251248They treat animals like human children.
I mean I'd rather see dogs left at home too than being tied up in public or left in a hot car.
Not because I think it's as precious as a newborn baby, but because the owners are morons and feel the need to take their pets with them everywhere. Even if that's detrimental to the pet.
Another unpopular opinion: I don't think service animals perform all that much and they're mostly for the emotional comfort of folks who don't want to be alone with their illnesses.
Not that it's less valid or anything, but I don't think it's this huge, lifesaving service that people make it out to be.
No. 251314
>>251313Agreed. Some anons are so high strung and aggressive. I get letting off steam, but if anons are genuinely pissing them off, why do they even come here? They act like they can be condescending bitches but if you tell them to knock it off you must be “
No. 251317
>>251313ik this has been mentioned before but I feel like it's always the same few anons as well
I just don't understand why people are willing to take days and days out of their life just to fight on the internet, and out of lolcow on all places
I lowkey wish people can be sent to mental institutions or be put in therapy for what they post online No. 251325
>>251313Lately I feel like it might be cows and snowflakes who get posted here looking for "flaws" in the userbase to attempt to undermine what's said about them.
Like I've seen a lot of comments recently like
>"AHA! I KNEW FARMERS HERE WERE UGLY/FAT/DATELESS/ILL/ETC.!!!!!" Omg woah, you totally discovered everybody has problems and likes to vent them anonymously. What a discovery…
No. 251326
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I'm not a fan of Beyonce, but I don't get why some people think she's narcissistic, or arrogant. She's just hyperfeminine. You can tell it's a stage persona and she's a rather carefree person in her downtime, too. A lot of these same people seem to give Taylor Swift a pass (in spite of her being sanctimonious, obsessed with trashing her exes, constantly getting into drama and playing victim with even more lackluster music). It's just weird.
No. 251327
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>>251326yea you can tell her "goddess" image is an act. she's probably funny as hell to be around too. shame we'll never see it again like in the dc days
No. 251343
>>251326>I'm not a fan of Beyonce, but I don't get why some people think she's narcissistic, or arrogant.bad at telling her stage persona maybe, or those people who think anyone who doesn't hate themselves 14/7 is an arrogant narc
>Taylor Swift a passI don't wanna pull the racism card but other possible reasons maybe the people who do this choose to ignore taylors faults, and use beyonces faults against her, all celebs have faults, because at the end of the day, they're still people and people fuck up
not to mention feminism, how outspoken beyonce is about her feminism, notice how she gets fuck tons of hate from the alt-right, which maybe why, people seem to have a HUGE problem with feminists in western society for some reason because they use 2014 "i hate men stop slut shaming there are millions of genders" type feminists to represent all feminists despite most feminists in todays world being nothing like that, but as a feminist, I can agree she's overrated with all kinds of "no one is perfect except beyonce" memes
No. 251399
>>251216dog people are fucking insane. too many owners seem to revel in the inherent filth of their animal (lmao he ate a dead possum and threw up all over the floor then he had diarrhea and ate that too HAHA DOGSHAMING XDD) and their house stinks like dog. they think it's cute and funny when the dog is a destruction asshole too.
fuck dog people.
No. 251406
>>251196There's an awesome park I like to walk in but it's ruined by all the people who walk their dogs.
Some dogs that can walk in a straight line are okay, who don't bark, etc.
But too many have ridiculous dogs that zig zag all along the narrow walking path, making it difficult for others to pass. Some of them even let their dogs shit all over the path and not pick it up, and even if they do, it's still repulsive to be enjoying a walk in the park and suddenly see a dog squatting for a shit in your view. It's so gross.
I try to go when it's overcast or a light sprinkle, most dog owners are lazy pansies and won't walk them if there's a risk of getting them wet or muddy because then they'd have to clean up after them.
No. 251415
>>251411Yes, it's "cool" for young people to hate on Taylor Swift and love Beyonce. At least on more SJW spaces. Most of Taylor's fans are are young children; Katy Perry fans are the same.
Unless anon was talking about older people? Then they usually don't like Bey in my experience and like to call her arrogant.
No. 251420
>>251324Neither is cutting off friends for minor disagreements over shit like music or whether pot should be legal, but that's the age we're living in. I feel like I have to walk on eggshells around everyone, or risk the chance that they'll fucking sperg. There's a handful of people I can be real with, for sure, but everyone else gets my nice generic personality. I'm by no means an asshole on purpose and I don't get enjoyment out of hurting or upsetting people, so I find it easier to be fake with people I don't know. For some reason this is frowned on, as if it isn't practiced in every job that requires customer service everywhere. I'm simply tired and not looking to stumble into a stupid argument over every little thing, and sometimes it feels like that's a pretty easy thing to do with people these days. To some extent, it feels like everyone is looking for a fight about everything, so I just ignore it and keep my head down.
I know there are still lots of good and reasonable people in the world, probably more than the jerks. But I've personally dealt with enjoy jerks to make me a rather reserved person irl.
No. 251478
>>251313What's with bitches trying to bait arguments hours after derailing has finally stopped?
Holy shit it's annoying as fuck.
No. 251490
>>251489She's accusing you of being a tranny, almost surprised she didn't accuse you of being a fat SJW too tbqh.
There's been quite a troll here lately.
No. 251523
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>>251522Starting with a bunch of felons in prison that get themselves moved to women's prisons, I think you are right
No. 251535
>>251515I really enjoy a bit of it with my fiancé but coming from someone outside the kink community, I’d gladly take your word for it having creeps abound.
You’re right to speak up about it even in places where it’s an unpopular opinion.
No. 251536
>>251515Agreed 100%
The people in it are always either
1) Pedophiles, lesbian pedophiles and male pedophiles, some go as far as wanting to ask subs for children they can rape
2) Misogynists, the ones who clearly hate women and try to pass it off as a kink, like the one tumblr dom who wants to beat and shave women, finds random girls to call ugly for his ~kink~
3)highschoolers who discovered rope for the first time with r/ihavesex level shit they're always sprouting out, you know how this goes
4)attention whoring women who egg it on, the type to agree with anything and claim to be into it even if its more then obvious they don't like it but just go through with it just to be seen as kinky, the type to claim to orgasm when they're getting waxed to prove how masochistic they are, the type to claim that sitting on a leash and doing nothing or having anything done to them is sexy and kinky, you know the type
5)edge lords who claim they wanna be stabbed and shit, the type to think gore is so hot, nicole dollanganger level shit
6) uggos, they're all over the bdsm community, no clue why either, you'd think someone who revolves their life around sex would actually you know, be sexually appealing but apparantly not
No. 251586
I'm not a hipster for making my own bread, beer, sauces, dehydrated stuff, ice cream, etc. I'm also not a hipster for growing my own fruits and veggies.If this fact compels you to argue that I am a "hipster", or to insult me for enjoying the act of cooking, you're probably fat redneck trash who enjoys eating damn near literal garbage.
Also, people would be less fat if they cooked at home more. And sugar is okay in moderation, it's not literally Satan; enjoy ice cream, just don't have it every single goddamned day, or even week. I mean, do if you want I guess, but that's not good for you.
No. 251590
>>251586You are not a hipster.
You are cool.
No. 251592
>>251586Never met someone against a person who grows their own veg, or cooking. It would be pretty odd for that to be
No. 251608
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I don’t get people who make their illnesses the focal point of their lives. People who join “spoonie” communities and write essays on instagram about their chronic pain. Or include their diagnosis on their professional website. I’ve had relatives with chronic pain, I have many relatives with mental disabilities or illnesses. None focus on their diagnosis. They’re fully rounded people with hobbies and interests, who you wouldn’t know were sick unless you met them in real life and it came up. I understand everyone processes everything differently and I’m not hating, just confused. YouTubers like Annika Victoria sort of brand themselves based on their medical condition. It makes me a little uncomfortable. Are they looking for attention, sympathy, or what? I don’t enjoy content that’s just constantly forced motivational or depressing.
And I don’t get people who share their entire medical histories publicly. I’ve had a life threatening condition and only my family and very close friends knew. I wasn’t putting it on instagram or Facebook, because I was scared as fuck and high on the prescribed codeine. It was private and personal. I was vulnerable and didn’t want to blast my shit out there for everyone to gawk. I don’t get this oversharing of every medical thing, like getting wisdom teeth out or having stomach pains. My friend has sciatica right now and it’s a struggle for her to walk. But she’s not going on social media and talking about it. Because that would be weird.
No. 251644
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>>251515I won't buy that those 24/7 no limit relationship are truly healthy, what kind of miserable person accept this kind of treatment and claim to enjoy it?
No. 251649
>>251647True, I absolutely agree.
I know this is gonna sound like I'm a prude and childish, but I even felt disturbed after the watching the final hitting scene in the first 50 Shades of Grey movie. The girls in those relationships are often so young that they don't know what is right or wrong or considered okay in a relationship. An older men (especially one who's also financially superior like in the movie) could say or do literally everything and condition them to "like" it.
And nobody can seriously tell me that a sane person could enjoy hurting a loved one.
No. 251653
>>251644nigga what the FUCK
I swear the people in these lifestyles pretend the "doms" are just kinky when they are really massive assholes and abusers.
No. 251737
>>251644I honestly am super into the idea of doing these things to a guy.
But men deserve it kek.
No. 251751
>>251747I'm not sure if you're asking a rhetorical question, but I'll answer. For me it's mainly a power thing, I love having control in every aspect of my life and being able to do whatever I like to a boyfriend would fulfill me in both an emotional and sexual way better than anything else. Especially with aftercare at the end. As for the sadism alone, it probably stems from years of compartmentalizing my anger.
I think a lot of BDSMfags have kinks that stem from mental issues, whether they'll admit it or not. I know most of mine are a result of being abused by my father growing up, hence why (despite being bisexual) I have no sadistic fantasies about women.
No. 251754
My own unpopular opinion regarding youtube gamers: I like watching some of jack's playthroughs. His loudness has never been a problem for me, and he seems like a rather nice person to be around.
I unsubscribed to markiplier recently. I don't know what it is about him. I'm sure he's a good person and all, but he comes off as a bit obnoxious to me. After watching his livestreams of Welcome to the Game 2 where he would scream out the top of his lungs and curse the makers for creating an impossibly unfair game (which was kind of the point of it), genuinely getting upset and telling people in the chat to shut up when they asked him to calm down.
No. 251771
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Everyone loves this kid but she annoys this shit out of me. She's like a smug brat who knows she can get whatever she wants because she's young, confident, has big tits and is pretty.
No. 251782
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I think the hate boner everyone seems to have for Amy Schumer is way over the top and unnecessary. I don't even like her comedy, and can actually find her really annoying at times, but I just can't seem to muster up the energy to get genuinely angry over it.
She's actually pretty easy to avoid on her own. I hear way more ABOUT her than FROM her tbh. The only thing I've even seen of her recently is the trailer for her new movie. She gets so much more exposure just from people constantly bitching about her in the comments of anything she's briefly mentioned in. Most of the criticisms are just "she's not funny" or digs at her appearance. Then when she makes a movie that seems to be just one big dig at her appearance, the sjws get mad at her for that. Because apparently she already fits too well into the societal beauty standard to make a movie like that. Which…what are they smoking? I don't think she's even that ugly but in what society does she meet the beauty standard? I've only ever heard people shit on her looks, so now she's not even allowed to try to beat them to the punch?
Idk. If people really hate her that much, just ignore her. It'll make her go away faster instead of bringing her more attention.
No. 251788
>>251782It's 99%
triggered men who won't shut up about it and use her as an example to push their theory that women aren't funny.
No. 251802
>>251782>I hear way more ABOUT her than FROM her. Same.
I don't give a single fuck about this comedian.
Imo her jokes, the ones she didn't steal, are lame. The whole MUH VAGINA schtick is similar to the early aughts' dick jokes and I just don't find them all that amusing.
However that's no reason to hate her.
I always felt she got the extra hate because she's a chubby woman. I've seen fat male comedians get so much praise for the same kinds of jokes she does and it makes me wonder…
No. 251871
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this should not be an unpopular opinion in the lesbian community, but if you admit it you're immediately called hitler by SJWs.
>am a lesbian. i don't date bisexual chicks because most of them are just curious straight girls who are going to marry a man anyway. i don't date trannies either, if you have a dick i don't find you attractive sorry. and if you had "surgery" i still don't have to find you attractive because that fake pussy is way too high maintenance, you're way too fucking tall, your voice is weird and you're just "off" to me. i don't owe any of you weirdos to be attracted or want to date you.
fuck that REE terfs and REE biphobic bullshit. let my lesbian ass date lesbian ass wtf why do you have to cry about it every single time?
No. 251877
>>251871As a bi woman, I really don't get why other bi people think this is so horrible of you. In a lot of ways, it is just easier to be with a man and most bi women are gonna end up with them anyway like you said. So I think it's perfectly reasonable for a lesbian to prefer not to date them.
Ppl giving lesbians shit for not being attracted to transwomen are dumb. I hate how the ones who will begrudgingly "allow" gays and lesbians to have boundaries with trans ppl will still make it out like bi ppl have "no excuse" to not be attracted to trans ppl because we like both. Like sure, I've found trans ppl attactive, but probably not in the way they'd want me to. Like I'll find a transwomen attractive in the same way I'd find a man attractive, or I'd register a transman (not super jacked with facial hair and shit like buck angel or something) as a cute butch lesbian. Maybe it makes me a terf or whatever but I just can't force myself to actually recognize them as their desired sex so we'd just be super incompatible. But I can't say this anywhere else or I'm literally Satan.
I just don't know what makes these people think they have the right to force ppl to be attracted to certain things. Only a narcissistic entitled freak would actually get angry at someone for not being attracted to them.
No. 251878
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>>251871Along a similar vein of what you posted anon I hate that most of the lesbian community is all now gross obese chicks and you're a bigot if you don't want to date them. An attractive thin feminine lesbian is like a unicorn.
It's not like the butch spectrum is any better though. What used to be a masc lesbian 10 years ago is now a genderqueer nonbianry transhuman space lord.
No. 251879
>>251878I don't understand how the average lesbian would be attracted to this, bitch looks wack in general.
Also why there are so many fat lesbians?
No. 251897
>>251886Straight women aren't attracted to fat men. Men just get hella lazy and fat when they get old and no one calls them out for it. I remember someone on reddit wrote about how she lost weight, and her fatass husband got conceited for having an attractive wife so he only got more arrogant and fat.
You wouldn't catch me dead going after a fatty.
No. 251898
>>251871Isn't it amazing how SJWs love pointing out rape culture and male entitlement, but then blatantly ignore it when the people perpetuating it are trans? They act like everyone is morally obligated to sleep with them so they don't hurt their feelings, how the fuck is that different from any other form of toxic masculinity just because they guy doesn't ~self-identify~ as male?
Transmen do this a lot too, just not as much as transwomen. I'm straight and have had a transman who sexually harassed me worse than almost any real male ever has.
No. 251901
>>251897>Straight women aren't attracted to fat men.Ehhhhh. You say that but it's a stereotype for a reason.
> any case, sorry thin lesbians are hard to come by for you. It must be lonely.
No. 251906
>>251902Those are selfish "feminists."
Notice how the pedestrian lights would be for them, because that's something they interact with everyday and changing it to fit their ideal would make them feel better.
Whereas helping out homeless women or donating for their medical coverage is useless to them. What do they get out of selflessly helping out other women? Unless there's a photo opportunity of course…
>>251905I disagree. One need only look on /snow/ and see June worshipping her fat noodle boy and pretending he's built to see these mental gymnastics play out.
No. 251908
>>251902I agree they're gross and harmful to feminism but…
>Obsessive man haters are just as bad and ignorant as incels. No. This is false equivalency at its finest. Incels hate women because they won't have sex with them. When women hate men its because of how violent and abusive a horrifyingly large portion of them are.
Not to mention, the many examples of incels and anti-feminist men committing mass murder.
So yeah, not really on the same level.
No. 251909
>>251906The selfish feminists and the angry man hating ones are honestly hurting so much of what they claim to stand for.
At what point does someone become so ignorant and so arrogant that they take their own preferences as gospel and start actively harming people?
How come they’re encouraged not told to stop being so petty and tiny-minded?
The purely selfish ones are like cockatoos and you can ignore them but the ones that call themselves misandrists like a badge of honour are just insidious in the way they harm people.
No. 251911
>>251908I mean the real extremists. Like the women saying abort all male babies, or abuse them so they grow up feeling subjugated and less-than.
The ones who cry out for torture and mutilation of innocent males to pay for the crimes of others.
The ones who say all sex is rape because a man is involved, the ones who attack other women for having husbands or for getting along with their fathers.
Those really extreme ones are honestly indistinguishable imo.
It’s harm for hates sake, and the hate is because the object of it dared exist.
No. 251916
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Pregnant women look gross and there's nothing "glowy" and omg so byootiful about them. They just look bloated and sweaty and when they walk they just waddle around like particularly retarded hens. The bellies are the worst, nothing makes me dry heave as intensely as seeing that fucked up belly button through a way-too-tight shirt. It's like the world's most nauseating balloon.
No. 251924
>>251917There's a childhood friend on my fb who won't stop blabbin' about her pregnancy, and she's one of those people who feels the need to tell every little detail along the way.
Real nice girl, but omg.
She keeps bringing up stories about the random hand or foot that smashes through her abdomen and how "beautiful" that is.
I think it's pretty gross. Even if I were pregnant I don't see how that's amazing, if you need a freaking hand sticking out of your gut to remind yourself that you're carrying a human baby then that's pretty bizarre.
No. 251926
>>251916I also find the whole pregnancy thing DISGUSTING, the idea of having a human inside of you is so grotesque and even more the birth labor.
Also hate when women and more particulary MEN start talking about how beautiful women are bcz muh they create life, I just want them to shut the fuck up, we are not baby makers and shit should be avoided at all costs
No. 251933
>>251926Are you 14? Being able to grow a human is actually a really cool thing we can do. "Babymaker" implies we are factory farmed to create babies for The Man, when most women choose to be pregnant/choose the father.
Considering how unnatural we are in every other regard, growing a human is miracle feat and very cool.
Do agree with all the above about posting it online+oversharing, know your audience. Anon who hates pregnant women randomly
>>251916, take it to the unpopular opinion thread. People are allowed to look unsavory in your eyes if they want to.
>>251924>>251926Some of the weird behavior can be attested to the crazy high hormones pregnant women are on, also known as "baby brain" pls don't judge them on that basis. They're basically high constantly so they don't have a heart attack when a live human comes out of them at 9 months. A sober woman would freak out, same as the visible feet/hands is scary to sober women
Tl;Dr it's natural to be a lil creeped out but please stop blaming or judging them for being pregnant
No. 251939
>>251933Lol thought this was the vent thread, there's a little overlap, well you posted it in the right place after all
Still disagree overall. I can understand if you have tons of pregnant people CONSTANTLY shoving it in your face but I barely see pregnant people where I live
No. 251943
>>251902i thought those kind of "feminists" hate gender roles though, why the fucking skirt? that's so damn stupid. anyway, that's
real misandry, which is a huge problem. people who hate every single because of the patriarchy are kind of dumb to begin with. they never look at the individual and just believe everyone who is male is worth hate, just because they're men.
No. 251950
>>251943Right? They basically said ‘I can’t cross the road unless the person on the lights is wearing something traditionally feminine.’
It’s embarrassing as a sensible woman to know that these selfish girls are the ones who are spearheading Australian “feminism”.
I’ll admit some of my distaste for misandrists comes from the fact that my grandfather, stepfather, and fiancé have been the best people in my life. Almost all the abuse and mistreatment I have experienced has been at the hands of other women (who happened to be rabidly man-hating)
There’s clearly a lot of personal prejudice going on but it’s hard to deny that it’s awful to call good and honest people evil rape monsters because people like Elliot Rodgers exist.
I think a lot of these women also choose to ignore the thousands of terrible women out there or justify any act of abuse or cruelty by women as ‘men made her do it’.
When you’ve glued your friends eyebrow back together and saved his busted out teeth because his girlfriend beat the shit out of him and even ER staff imply he’s the abuser it gets sort of offensive to hear them say beaten men deserve it and crap.
No. 251956
>>251950>There’s clearly a lot of personal prejudice going on but it’s hard to deny that it’s awful to call good and honest people evil rape monsters because people like Elliot Rodgers exist. Heh, the problem is, a lot of actual rapists/abusers ARE "good and honest" people and that perception of them is often used to discredit victims' experiences. I know this is sort of a tangent off one sentence, but I guess I get super frustrated at how people generally characterize rapists are these obvious big bad type of people when that's not how a lot of rapists act the majority of the time.
This is coming from someone who was abused and no one wanted to believe me or seek justice because it was a "good man" who abused me. My best friend has raped me violently multiple times in the past and yet I'd still call them a good person. I often wish I had the courage to go to the police like I did in the past.
saged for personal rambling
No. 251957
>>251878Funny you should say that, I'm thin and extremely feminine and I feel like I just get made fun of by lesbian groups I've been in because I don't want to be muscular or butch at all, and it's almost like they doubt me being lesbian because of the fact I'm so stereotypical feminine and because of the fact that I find other stereotypically feminine girls attractive.
>>251871Agree 100%
No. 251958
>>251956i think you're confusing people who
seem good and honest, with real good and honest people. those rich boys with "bright futures" and shit aren't good and honest, or they wouldn't have raped. of course society may view people differently than you view them, but that's true of everything.
No. 251959
>>251956There’s definitely a massive issue with rapists and murderers being presented by media as ‘such a good guy/pillar of the community/althete with a bright future’ but I think that’s got more to do with media sensationalism than anything sinister.
It sounds more alarming and interesting to hear about ‘beloved baseball coach is disgusting pervert’ than to hear ‘creepy dude who spends his weekends with children is as creepy as you’d expect’
No. 251961
>>251958This needs to be emphasised so much to people who argue points like
>>251956These are bad people misrepresented by the media and their lawyers. Their crimes shouldn’t be a reflection on the millions of men who aren’t abusive or rapists or misogynists.
No. 251983
>>251978See this is the shit that just makes feminism look like nothing but idiocy.
>>251977Discussing one issue doesn’t negate the thousands of conversations happening about women’s rights. If you want to be taken seriously don’t make up fake statistics and actually have a point other than ‘I hate men and anyone who doesn’t is a woman abusing rapist living monster reeee’
No. 252007
>>252005What do you consider ugly? What percentage of men and women are ugly?
These are the hard questions.
No. 252011
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>>252007If you are at this man's level, please do not have children. This man's parents probably should not have reproduced.
No. 252016
>>252015Most ugly people are not so intelligent, talented or otherwise valuable that the ugliness doesn't fuck up their life by some measure and make them a literal eyesore to the population. Deal with it.
I wager the incel population would be significantly lower (though not non-existent) if there were fewer ugly men.
No. 252024
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>>252016Is rather ugly people breed than anyone so hopelessly retarded they say shit like you are anon.
No. 252029
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>>252016How many of the smartest people would survive your looks based eugenics? No. 252042
>>252030>>252024>implying most ugly people are Stephen Hawking tierHoly shit, I'm sorry if you were born ugly and it made you so emotionally unstable, but calm down. You're the one who sounds hopelessly retarded to cherrypick like this.
Your own lack of emotional awareness would make you sterilized, you're getting pissy over nothing.
No. 252047
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>>252012Intelligent people would be excepted. The average person is not actually that intelligent, sorry to burst your bubble. And if you honestly believe looks and intelligence are mutually exclusive, you are delusional.
You also seem to assume that by "ugly" I mean anyone who's not a 10/10. Most of the people in that article aren't "ugly". I mean seriously unfortunate fucks like this and
>>252011. And before you claim she's probably a kind-hearted, intelligent, lovely person, this woman deliberately pushed a guy to suicide. How much of that do you want to bet could be a result of not only shit-tier genetics, but being treated like garbage for her looks all her life?
No. 252048
>>252047That 5headed bootleg Cara Delevigne got plenty of men thirsting after her, they really have no standards.
Pretty sure she wasn't treated like shit for her whole life, she was a just a regular teen, no history of bullying came out of her trial, they would definitly have exploited it.
No. 252053
>>252050She's shown to be ugly on not only the outside, but the inside, so it's not looking good for her, no.
Maybe if her parents had chosen not to breed, they wouldn't have ended up with a fucked up looking sociopath who lead to someone's death.
No. 252056
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>>252053Her parents are regular looking people do you only want ScarJo and Brad Pitt reproducing?
No. 252058
>>252056>do you only want ScarJo and Brad Pitt reproducing?>continually putting words in my mouthI didn't know her parents weren't as ugly as her, so my bad, I guess. Freak accident for them.
Doesn't change the rest of my point, though. She herself shouldn't be allowed to breed for both her obvious abusive/sociopathic tendencies, and her unfortunate face.