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No. 252059
Previous threads:
>>94472>>246299My unpopular opinion: BIG fan of house centipedes. They are cute, they clean themselves, they kill roaches, and they are more than welcome in my household.
>inb4 t. house cetipede No. 252061
>>252042Who hurt you?
I mean I doubt you’re a model and clearly not a genius. Get better quality bait or a therapist.
No. 252062
>>252061Now you're pushing out baseless insults all because you have no actual argument. GG.
And no, no one has to be a model or a genius, but it's just selfish and shitty to know yourself/your partner and your/their family history, then purposely bring someone who has a high chance of being both ugly and completely average (or even below average) because "I want a kid >:((".
If that's what happened to you, I'd hope your life wasn't so cruel that you'd wish the same fate on others. Maybe you should see a therapist, and also practice critical thinking before screeching at people based on emotion.
No. 252065
>>252062Lmao is this incel logic?
Some ana chan having a mental breakdown?
What sort of homunculus are you to come up with this bright idea?
No. 252066
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>>252062You're funnier. Remember, you are angry at someone for saying people like this convicted murderer who killed a girl because she wouldn't accept his prom invite probably should not breed.
>>252064If you know you're hideous, not an accomplished person and that heavy mental instability runs in your family, you understand the risks of having a child. If a possible parent can't comprehend that or even consider these possibilities, they are probably acting on impulse, a typically bad decision when it comes to having kids.
>n-n-no uI'm neither hideously ugly, mentally retarded or an abusive piece of shit (no matter how angry my unpopular opinion made you), so I would be exempt.
>>252065More insults? I really must've struck a nerve. Have a good one, lmao.
No. 252067
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>>252066No really what happened to you?
No. 252071
>>252066>I'm neither hideously ugly, mentally retarded or an abusive piece of shit (no matter how angry my unpopular opinion made you), so I would be exempt.Forgot to add: One of the reasons I'm none of those things is probably because my parents thought things through before choosing to have me, which is most likely, in turn, because they also had parents who did the same. It's not difficult. Think before you have kids, plan ahead so they can live well and you can provide for them, and all that jazz. Parental responsibility is important.
>>252067Ask yourself that question.
>>252070Why not both? Even just being ugly can lead to mental instability and abusiveness due to outside factors and treatment. I'm not "moving the goalposts" just because you choose not to use your thinking skills, anon.
No. 252072
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>>252069pic related
>>252068Please appreciate their hard work
No. 252078
>>252071You’ve made your real point enough here that you should be feeling a little bit better about having to leave your cave tomorrow. We get it. you think you’re genetically superior despite displaying a previously unseen level of autism.
(But what hurt your feeling so badly today you felt like arguing the most retarded point you could think of?)
No. 252079
>>252076>being ugly = not deserving of being alive…If you seriously took that from all of my posts (especially since you tried to defend a woman who pushed someone to suicide), you must have zero reading comprehension.
And no, I'm not ana-chan. You'll probably deny it to save face, but her parents probably shouldn't have bred. Oh, well.
No. 252082
>>252076It’s depressing to think anyone can be that insecure if it’s one of the anachans.
The ones who say that not being model-tier is cause for death usually just seem like self hating girls deciding to play troll.
No. 252084
>>252078??? I never called myself "superior" to anyone, I just pointed out I don't have all the issues I'm talking about because my parents exercised responsibility (something that you despise the thought of for some reason).
I get it, you must feel inferior, guilty and personally targeted even though nobody even called you by name. I hope you develop some self-esteem, I doubt you're as fucked as you think (and if you are, I hope you don't push that unfortunate fate on someone else out of selfishness).
You can reply again with more (possibly projected) accusations of being "hurt" and lame ramblings about being an incel cave dweller ana-chan if it makes you feel like you're in the right.
No. 252086
>>252083Their insecurity and self loathing ate the parts of the brain that handle rationality?
Since the original argument was based on ‘ugly people are treated badly’ im guessing they’re some poor deformed fucker projecting their insecurity so hard it could be heard on Neptune.
No. 252088
>>252085I'm calm. Unlike the person I replied to, I'm not going full autismo and randomly insulting people for their opinions.
>>252087Seek help, you sound very unstable and unhappy.
No. 252090
>>252084TLDR that shit.
I’m not reading a fucking essay to get to your low effort insults. We get it, you’re sad cause you have a bum face and that sucks and I’m sorry your family had to deal with having you around but that’s no reason to think other people are as miserable and mentally slow as you.
No. 252101
>>252100Except its established that the very cognitively retarded suffer whereas only you and your parents are sad about you being ugly.
Besides one abortion isn’t eugenics.
Nobody wants to erase a group of people. Just one retarded person.
No. 252105
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No. 252115
>>252113I guess I'm still a ranch hand.
Also, for the sake of the thread: I really hate it when companies like Doritos try to push Pride or LGBT related shit. It's cheesy and feels fake. I hate that when I say this, people irl look at me like I just suggested harvesting children for their organs. I don't get it. Can't they see they're being pandered to?
No. 252132
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>>252072Heh, when I was in middle school up north I had no idea these things existed.
In 6th grade one of these scuttled across the floor during a science class between me and the teacher. I thought it was some kind of mutant bug and I just watched it, wide-eyed + silent until it disappeared underneath the radiator. Looked at the teach expecting him to act, he just chuckled. I thought he was nuts for letting that thing go.
Unpopular bug-related opinion: I don't like spider stans and I think people hype spiders to be more useful than most actually are.
Most spiders that wind up getting inside houses just bite the people in them, there's never enough house bugs for them to catch and be useful. If they aren't killed outright, they make a useless web in the corners between walls and ceilings and never catch anything. They become a messy looking hazard at best, and eventually the spider dies so then there's cobwebs to clean up.
I kill spiders on sight. Don't care. The world didn't end because I eliminated a pest. But try telling that to spider stans!
Last year I was in a shitty apartment with really bad door/window sealants so bugs would get inside all the fucking time because the complex didn't do anything about that problem.
Once I was on the toilet and heard really loud clacking on the linoleum.
Guess what it was??? A giant female wolf spider coming for my poopy ass on the toilet.
Spiders are fucking evil.
No. 252141
>>252132I live in a country where all of the spiders are completely harmless (The scariest looking is the Giant House Spider and they don't even bother biting) but I'm still terrified of them. I jump when I see one just sitting there, they look so wrong. Something about the way their legs move makes me want to peel my skin off. When they run for their lives, I can feel my heart racing.
I don't kill them though, I normally get my bf to scoop them up and throw them outside. But I could understand why someone would if they were afraid to touch them. I've no reason to fear them, I just do. I honestly think there's a reason that we don't like them and that's normal, it's the people who let them make webs in their houses and treat them like pets that are abnormal!
No. 252158
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I think genuine polyamory is extremely rare and the recent influx of people that are into it now are going to get fucked up psychologically from the lifestyle.
furthermore I can't stand anyone who is bi but insists that they must date both genders at once if they're already in a relationship. the whole 'i know i'm engaged to (gender) but i feel like i'm really missing out on (other gender)' like fuck off don't get engaged in your early 20s then
No. 252160
>>252142Ugh, same.
I have a fucked relationship with my mother, I can’t help but see her as a spider. I can’t stand them but I also can’t kill them because depending on how they’re moving (stupid, I know) I sometimes puke when I see them. They are from hell and I have no idea why they evolved to be that shape. They are fucking awful. People who go on about how wonderful they are seem to have loads of edgelord qualities.
No. 252169
>>252166>>252164Well that's the problem, I'm doing my best to help and I'm still failing miserably. My own profile has 1/10 of the effort.
>>252168You definitely should! It's worked out pretty well for me.
No. 252203
>>252080That's probably because people keep give them a big ego.
I think people who were ugly duckings, but got attractive when they grow up are more humble.
No. 252233
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IMO, some people need to stop getting emotionally affected by largely personal, unpopular opinions in an unpopular opinions thread. It's like some anons actually only want to see opinions they agree with, and they go on vicious tirades when an opinion offends them.
It's different in the case of Ana-chan and others who deliberately try to bait people by repeatedly posting the same opinion over days, but in cases when someone chimps out and drags their annoyance at an opinion in an old thread to a whole new thread instead of just ignoring it, it's clear there's a problem.
No. 252236
>>252233The amount of crybabies taking things personally in these threads is too damn high.
Most of the time the opinions are so vague you'd have to choose to get offended.
It's not like farmers are saying
>"I deeply despise short white 20-something females with brown hair and brown eyes that post on the lolcow /ot/ board!!1" it's more like lul pregnancy is gross
No. 252239
>>252236Love how people totally ignore that tokophobia exists and that a lot of people can associate pregnancy with trauma but you’re automatically labeled a misogynist if you find ANY aspect of pregnancy to be gross.
On that note, I find maternity shoots nauseating. Happy for the mom and the couple, yadda yadda. I understand that a lot of people find it beautiful and that’s great. Good for you. I don’t wanna see your half naked butt all over my FB feed. Frankly, the half nude maternity shoots with the big pregnant bodies make me want to hurl.
No. 252256
>>252075oh same about the chocolate thing. and as soon as you mention that you are not such a big fan of it everyone looks at you like you've sprouted another head.
also i'd say getting a degree is more of a proof of persistence or good memorisation or ability to find shortcuts (depending on the studying style) than straight up intelligence (although you could argue being really good at the either of the three is being intelligent). that being said there are some legitimate dumbasses sailing through life on a cloud of luck and or money and i am so jealous.
my unpopular opinion is that nickelback isn't THAT bad and most of the hate is preformative memeing. there are so many shitty dad rock bands, nickleback blends just straight in.
No. 252262
>>252132anon the term "spider stan" is fucking hilarious thank you. I agree though, spiders fucking suck.
I kind of like tarantulas, though. Somehow having hair makes them tolerable to me. I want to get the chance to hold an Arizona Blonde or something at some point and if I can handle it crawling on me I might adopt one.
little tiny house spiders fucking paralyze me with fear though, it's weird.
No. 252263
>>252110You're really gonna tell people to cut the holier than thou shit when you pull the whole "Sorry I like people for their personalities and not what's in their pants geeez"
I'm bi and even I find that hearts not parts bullshit condescending and passive aggressive (and low-key homophobic)
No. 252265
>>252158I think polyamory is bullshit and proponents oughta stop trying to normalise it or encourage it.
Screwing multiple people isn’t a higher form of love of being it’s just fucking whoever.
Plus there’s the disturbingly frequent crossovers between poly people and furries or other total degenerates.
No. 252270
>>252265Agreed. I think a lot of polyamorous people are just emotionally selfish and immature people who use polyamory as a way out of dealing with the compromise and self reflection of a relationship.
Why look critically at your own shitty behavior, when you can just run to a different designated person whenever the current one doesn't cater exactly to your wants. I won't bitch people out for it or anything if they tell me they're polyamorous in person, but I'm definitely rolling my eyes internally.
No. 252289
>>252286Agreed anon, and I'm not afraid to throw that bullshit back in their face either.
These barren bitches chew out some poor woman for having an abortion yet they never want to adopt.
>"B-but I want my own biological child!"Well then maybe look at how ridiculous you sound for criticizing another woman for what she chose to do with her fetus that wasn't biologically yours also.
And you know, being infertile doesn't make them inferior but holy shit do they project enough that it becomes apparent that it's what they see themselves as.
No. 252311
>>252270Same goes for 'open relationships' that's the biggest bull I've ever hear. AKA, let me fuck without you getting mad bout it. /eye roll/
Honestly I HEAVELY doubt that EVERYONE involved is geniunely poly. I think the majority of the time there is one 'dominant parter', and he/she kind of lowkey forces it onto people who love them, because usually if someone actually initiates that shit, it's usually when theyre ALREADY in a monogamous relationship and they want to 'spice things up'. lmao, no, fuck that? That's literally the most manipulative shit. They tr to make YOU feel bad because you don't respect their 'openness' and 'needs' and 'love without boundaries'. They try to make you feel as if you don't love them enough because you don't want to share them? what the fuck? That's not possessive, that's normal fucking behavior.
No. 252318
>>252311>>252314Yup. I knew a guy who brought up the idea to his long time girlfriend. He was the pretentious freshman philosophy major type and of course tried to paint it like this super enlightened thing and she was just being close minded for not even wanting to entertain the idea. I was surprised at her for not giving in because she did seem like the mousey, quiet doormat type. He broke up with her over it, which was a blessing in disguise for her, but totally crushed her self esteem.
I can't imagine springing that on someone well into a committed monogamous relationship. I'd probably break up with my boyfriend for even suggesting it.
No. 252344
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>>252081Yeah seriously. Michelle Carter might be a piece of shit, but she’s not hideous. Anon is dumb af regardless but that was a terrible example of someone ugly enough to be sterilized
No. 252347
>>252311>>252314this is so fucking true every single time. whenever i see cows go poly it always ends like that too. they never work! onions, cyr, every tumblr chick of 2014, they all break up and end up bitter.
its always dysfunctional couple who should have broken up like yesterday. and they bring in new people into the relationship as if its going to fix it. and that never happens. always one of them ends up deeply hurt, jealous, and bitter.
the poly couple and the relationship went like this
>lesbian couple. one of the girls was very pretty but she was a cunt. the other one was an ugly weeb AND a doormat, but her parents were rich.>pretty lesbian girl is abusive. she's white trash, daddy issues ridden and always takes advantage of gf's money. also constantly tells her she's worthless and ugly for fun.>pretty lesbian lives off gf for like 2years. whenever ugly gf tries to break up, the abusive gf says she's going to commit suicide and ugly lesbian has to stay in the relationship even though she can't stand her. pretty lesbian is violent as fuck and insane so ugly lesbian is trapped>pretty lesbian starts cheating with a guy. >gets caught>"uuuhhh.. its jjust… i thought we were open? sorry? let's be poly now altough you don't know the guy and you're a lesbian who has never met him">rich ugly lesbian completely devasted and heartbroken. but she is so much of a lainey that she follows up with her BS after a few months>ugly lesbian and guy actually become best friends>bond over the pretty gf hitting them, verbally abusing them and taking advantage of them and the money they make working. pretty girl is a camgirl for living who does nothing all day but play videogames>they dump pretty girl out of the relationship>ugly girl and man get engaged like just fucking break up?
>pretty girl is still hot as fuck and my lesbian ass stills breaks into sweat when i see her EVEN THOUGH I KNOW SHE'S 100% INSAAAAANE ugh why god why No. 252353
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Spiders are pretty whatever tbh, I could take them or leave them. Flies, on the other hand, get unfairly shat on (not like they care, they're all over that shit). Honestly the whole "they come into contact with feces" thing is so overblown, it's no worse than the menu at a restaurant, or doorhandles, or most likely your phone screen. I was forcefully desensitized to flies via accidental exposure therapy while working in Kenya. After a while the tickling sensation of their feet on your skin is actually kind of pleasant. Also, those images of poor African children with flies in their faces, meant to tug at your heartstrings, those ain't no thang. Obviously the endemic poverty is a tragedy, but your empathetic response to the flies is misguided. Those starving babies don't give a fuck bout them flies. They probably feel nice, they're oblivious to them before they even learn to speak. I've had conversations with locals that would literally have a fly go in and out of their mouth mid sentence without skipping a beat. At a certain point, you look at the fragile aid workers desperately trying to hang bags of water and pennies from acacia branches, and you look at everybody else just going about their day, and you have to decide where you stand. I'm with the shit flies.
No. 252355
Sorry to anyone who actually likes them, but I fucking hate Nirvana with a passion, especially when people who don't actually listen to rock beyond the mainstream lists them as one of their favorite bands. I really don't like how they sound in general, the singer is so unenthusiastic and uninteresting that he kills every song for me, the music and guitars especially sound so flat that it just becomes noise. I think there're much better bands who do the same dirty, deep themes much better, like Tool and NiN, but that's just imo.
Usually I would be fine with that, since there are plenty of bands I don't like, but then everyone and their grandma is like "I listened to Smells Like Teen Spirit once, I love Nirvana!" I find it so stupid that they say they like to listen to that one song that's just 'rape me' over and over again, and then turn around and listen to Taylor Swift sing about boys or Katy Perry sing about getting drunk at a party unironically like that doesn't make them look disingenuous and like a hipster millennial at all. Best example is Halsey, saying she grew up listening to Biggie and Nirvana like she was even a toddler when they were around.
And to top it all off, then they turn around and pretend like it's a giant sin to not like them and consider yourself a music fan in general. In all honesty, fuck people who like shit just bc it's popular and have no real opinions on it, and then shove it down other people's throats since "it's popular!!1!". If you like the band, you like it, but don't force it on other people, man.
No. 252356
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>>252353Flies only gross me out because they can potentially lay eggs in any food left out. But if there's nothing I'm putting in my mouth then yeah flies are annoying at worst.
Pic related is the real cunt.
>when they buzz in your ear No. 252361
>>252355I kind of agree with you about your main point.
I used to love Nirvana when I was really young, but I quickly outgrew them and moved onto better music. Haven’t listened to them in years but I can admit that they probably have a genuinely good song or two. I hate Dave Grohl’s band and all of those shitty ass generic rock bands that followed after. You know which ones I’m talking about. They sound like they took a lot of influence from Nirvana.
Tbh a lot of Kurt Cobain’s lyrics are just nonsensical and have no meaning, let alone being “deep,” but they pass enough to seem interesting.
All in all, they were influential but they truly weren’t that good of a band, especially compared to other contemporary artists who carried a similar sound.
No. 252375
>>252361with the past and recent uptick in of suicides of grungey singers i got looking into it and there is a study, a pretty small study but it shows that listening to grunge increases your instantaneous levels of anxiety, hostility and a bunch of other negative things. Now this study doesn't matter so much in itself except that it puts a bit of weight to what is in hindsight completely obvious. This shit genre just made people feel bad, and feel like feeling bad is cool. I can't even listen to soundgarder, nirvana all that shit not because i know the singers killed themselves (which is bad enough) but because now that i'm conscious of it it's really clear that, yep, put it on for about ten seconds and jump right back to the most detached/despairing feeling time you've ever had. Like, what a stupid genre. What a stupid fad. Thank fuck it's gone. I don't want to hear from anyone that other genre's are also 'negative' because it's not the same. Metal is about mortality but it's to make you
fear death. Sad music, angry music etc. these are all able to make you feel alive. Grunge just makes you feel like you're already dead, so [Eeyore voice] might as well make it official
No. 252423
>>252291Agree with you 100%.
>>252307You could just… put your milk into a bottle and take that with you to the restaurant… literally no need to whip your tit out in public (yes I've seen people do this too). The baby is not a paying customer anyway unlike Anon with their with the double whopper.
No. 252436
>>252307>>252316>muh baby is EATING!The baby has no agency. It's a baby. It cannot tell a Burger King apart from a fine dining restaurant. It is the mother who chooses to whip her tit out at a Burger King/restaurant despite there being a plethora of other places she could go, and breast pumps not being a new thing at all.
It doesn't make a difference to the kid but it does to paying customers who go there for the purpose of eating and you know that. Those women know that there are people who would be uncomfortable with screaming babies in a place where people go to relax in general, they just don't care because they're mothers which makes them super special and not like us other plebs. So no, I won't leave since I'm not the one provoking people out of my own sense of entitlement (unless you count anonymous people on the internet, in which case lol who cares).
No. 252492
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>this thread
No. 252498
>>252488this may come as a surprise to you anon, but most people actually enjoy spending time with their kids and dont want to leave them at home with a babysitter 24/7.
also i agree that parents shouldnt bring their kids to places which are innappropriate for them, but i dont think ive ever seen a small child in a bar or even in a restaurant past 9pm
No. 252507
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>>252492obviously not anyore lmao but at the time they claimed to be lesbians and that's how we became friends. i just thought it was relevant because the hot gf lesbian literally forced the ugly weeb into a relationship with a guy and it fucked her up during the first few months tbh.
kinda like onion forcing lainey to go bi just so that he could get threesomes and not be accused of cheating. actually exactly like that. they're both bi now obvi lol i just think its funny how that shit ended. they were the type to go on social media and pull that pixielocks shit of "I'M SO GAY FOR MY WIFE!!" like… tumblr bitches lmao
i had a crush on both of them at the time i was so mad when they ended up with a man tbh No. 252509
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Male to female trans who wants to date lesbian and bi woman because they're "lesbians" = weird sissy porn obsessed crossdressing men who couldn't get laid as dudes but still obsessed with getting laid
Female to male trans who wants to date gay men because they're "gay men" = weird fujoshi fetishist fag hag bitches who desperately want to be in a gay fanfiction
as for straight trans people = eh whatever
No. 252525
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share unpopular cow opinions
>the cyr/mina/dasha/edwin thread should exclusively be a dasha thread. the other 3 are not milky at all compared to dasha and it seems pointless to discuss them
>pixieelocks didn't have a real ED. if she was ever underweight, it wasn't by much. and it didn't last at all, she wasn't in danger since she was so young and clearly not spoopy level. like she has a handful of skinny pics and they were photoshopped: wannarexic antics. she seems like the type who made a proana account, used it for a few months and now will claim for the rest of her life that she has totally real ED who totally haunts her to this day guys. i don't take it seriously. she's a follower, from her emo era to her lolita era to whatever. she just had a shortlived pro ana era during her emo days so now she will never shut up about it. i'm the same height as her, i know she was not dangerously skinny ever lmao.
>abby brown seems legit off the rails to the point i feel bad for her. also her emo looks are kinda impressive in a retard way. like, she's not a thot claiming to be goth because she has a black tshirt and purple lipstick. no, she's emo and she's as emberrasingly emo as possible. legit wonder how she finds some of that ugly outdated shit. makes me nostalgic and even though its ugly i can't hate it because she seems insane and the effort that goes into her crackhead emo looks just amazes me.
>i feel bad for aly_sjourney since her ED seemeed super serious and sad. i can't even make fun of her because her ana chan pics are so depressing
>that stefany lauren thread seems suspicious. i thought it was popular because she had gone viral or something. that she was getting featured in shit and getting invited to events for her fake looks? but i read it and its a boring nobody. she has 7,000 followers on instagram. my SO has more on a private insta account for drawings of cats like… i don't see who is taking that much effort to stalk her every social media post when she's not popular or insane or milky. reeks of self posting or vendetta
>lainey was cute when she first cut her hair short. when she had a pixie haircut, dressed normally and didn't use dragqueen makeup. i liked it. she gross now tho
>a lot of fakebois would make cute ass fuck lesbians if they stopped pretending to be gay dudes wtf
>everything soren said was a lie and trying to figure it out "what was true and what wasn't" is completely pointless. also i don't like that most people in the threads call her a "he".
No. 252635
>>252525More of a general thing, but I hate how quickly threads will derail about how fat/ugly/thin/old-looking a cow looks. Talking about their looks is to be expected, and I'm guilty of it myself, but it's a pain in the ass to scroll through all the nitpicking to get to the actual content. There's only so many times a person can read the same insult before getting bored.
I agree with you about Soren and aly_sjourney. There's nothing amusing about aly_sjourney's thread, it's just sad.
>>252561Anisa is really boring and no one has been able to properly explain why she's such a popular target here. Tried reading through her threads and watched the embarrassing Pearfax video, but nothing was interesting especially compared to the other cows on this site.
>>252627Someone in the thread said they'll compile an imgur album of her cringiest old moments, so the derailing about that stuff should end soon enough.
No. 252641
>>252636this post contains truth
its pretty telling how her whole thread is pretty much nitpicking her looks ("i'm prettier than her!") and calling her a ho
No. 252682
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>>252636people's opinions change tho. i used to find ian attractive and even said so in the early threads. but when cc started becoming massive he started looking greasier and gross. and i started noticing things about his personality that i didn't like. so i became one of those "fuck that ugly beta cuck" anons. he annoys the fuck out me now and strikes me as a manchild, anisa can keep him. same thing with cyr even. its pretty normal to stop finding someone attractive once they become annoying.
>>252525>>252669people bend over backwards to believe jill's fake ED but don't believe aly was anorexic? what the fuck? i don't get the threads, her relationship with food is obviously fucked. i don't follow ana cows, but it sounds like fatties lurk jill threads while the (ex?)skeletons lurk ana chan threads.
i actually tried reading her first threads but seeing her spoopy pics triggered the fuck out of me, and then when i read the new ones and saw everyone saying she was getting fat and ate like shit i just got weirded out. i truly don't get it. No. 252705
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girls who like yuri
>probably smell good
girls who like yaoi
>fat weirdos
>ugly as fuck
>obsessed with gay man
>haven't showered since september of 2010
No. 252707
>>252705honestly more like
girls who like yuri
>99% chance of being a greasy, disgusting tranny>the remaining 1% is straight or bisexual females who are only into it to impress males or to seem special (lesbianism is trendy on tunglr rn)>ali express maid outfit> cosplay>definitely a whoregirls who like yaoi
>cringe>might be a lesbian>or a batshit straight girl who larps as a gay man>wears the same jacket every day>wears the female equivalent of autism shoes>unpopularanyways, anyone who likes homosexual anime shit outside of jojo and/or sailor moon is lame.
No. 252713
>>252705>>252707top kek anons
all my friends who read it don't fit that description tho
it's more like girls who call themselves fujoshis who end up being greasy and cringy af
No. 252718
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>>252712kek did you guys rock sketchers, asics, or new balances?
some of the fujos at my school also used to sit like L from death note, obsess over symmetry to be like Death the kid (which was hilarious because it made them look like literal autists), pull their jacket sleeves over their hands to make them look smol and kawaii desu, and one I was friends with said something like "i love u like grell loves bassy, anon-senpai uwu" to me one time.
ngl i liked it No. 252775
>>252718What's so autistic about these shoes
well the color isn't pretty but since when are shoes primarily intended for exercise "pretty", they look like standard running shoes for girls. Where I live even "Stacy" type girls wear this type all the time, not just when running. Am I really surrounded by autists?
No. 252782
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>>252775not the anon but the issue isn't the shoe, it's what they
represent. they're grood for excersise! ugly af but comfy i'm that stacy wearing it for my morning jog. but the shoes (outside of exercise setting) are a known stereoype. in high school everyone is finding their personality and doing cool new shit with their hair, makeup, scene and style in general. but without a fail theres always that one awkward as fuck girl who
>dresses like mom still picks their clothes for them>wears no makeup because they don't know about makeup>wears those ugly running shoes because they don't know about shoes>no fashion sense whatsoever>has her hair in some ugly ponytail or doesn't do her hair at all and just has it long as fuck and ugly>is into some super dorky internet culture thing like harry potter, yaoi or cringy fanfiction>probably no friends>dorky nerd or stupid as fuck>autistic No. 252785
>>252782>>252718My HS self feels so called out and shamed by you girls.
But it was a fun phase while it lasted so no regrets.
No. 252793
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>>252775it depends on the person wearing them. you can tell when someone is wearing athletic shoes because they like the aesthetic or are athletic, and when they're doing it because they don't think about shoes at all.
>>252782my best friend in high school was this exactly except swap out the woodwinds for a violin and the cross for "I ONLY BELIEVE IN SCIENCE AND LOGIC" lmao
No. 252800
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>>252782>outside of exercise settingA real Stacy can wear them as a casual shoe and make it work.
No. 252807
>>2527827 years past high school and I'm still that awkward girl
I honestly don't give a fuck. Maybe find something better to do with your time than constantly judge others by their looks, you vapid whores.
No. 252825
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>>252768>>252775It has to do with the type of new balances. Some are very cute, but if you're wearing the kind from walmart that look like children's shoes after grade 5, you're wearing autism shoes.
Sketchers are pretty much always autism shoes though.
No. 252841
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>"This mega huge event is happening and it'll be absolutely life-changing!"
>What is it?
>"Ugh I'm so angry and depressed about thing thing…"
>What is it?
You know I excused this shit back when social media was new and people were younger, and everyone was just trying to get some attention.
But if people are in their 30s and still treating their friends and familiy like a Youtube fanbase with these literal clickbait "statuses" and "updates" then they can fuck right off.
Sometimes I feel like saying 'nevermind, I don't care anymore.' When they do that. It's dismissive and rude as shit when people publicly tease something going on in their lives but want to keep people on a string for more attention for themselves later. I'm not their fucking supply, they can go fuck themselves if they wanna treat me like a number.
>b-b-but anon this is socially acceptable!
No. 252891
Sex is boring and I fake it everytime. I’ve never been into it. But I’m in a happy loving relationship so it’s a sacrifice I’ll make happily for my partner. It’s not rape because I’m giving consent, but honestly, secret I’ll never tell anyone: I don’t like being touched, looked at, or fucked. I considered for a time that I might be asexual but I think tumblr ruined all labels for me, so, here I am. I feel guilty as fuck for faking with my partner, but I know the honesty would compromise their happiness more than pretending. I’ve always been really good at pretending I’m normal, and pretending sex doesn’t repulse me is part of that, pretending it’s okay for people to look at me, and pretending that I’m fine with being touched (this is the worst one, even in a non-sexual setting). No past trauma that I’m aware of, and I’m not asking for advice, this is what works for me. I’ve dated a number of people and it’s always the same, I love loving and being loved and, no exaggeration, but i would die for my partner. I can’t really express what would satisfy my needs in a relationship, because it wouldn’t be fair to any partner. But some days I truly wish I was a ghost, not dead, but unseen, involved, and left alone at the same time.
No. 252909
>>252347That story had a really satisfying ending actually.
Also unpopular opinion, someone else might have said this already but:
I don't get the fucking hype around dogs. They smell awful no matter what, and have no concept of boundaries. They're needy and overwhelming and they constantly are vomiting, shitting, or eating their own or other animals shit, vomit, tampons, any disgusting thing, the more disgusting the better. And then people let them sleep in bed with them while they fart noxious gas clouds from eating all the feces, vomit, pine cones, and dead birds and rats.
And then, people act like you're Literally Hitler if you don't let their dog deeply french kiss you.
People only like them because its a source of constant validation, both from the dog who doesn't know better, and from other Dog People who pour thousands and thousands of dollars into trying to save the damn things when they become more tumor than healthy tissue and can't walk anymore.
They're also completely inappropriate to have in cities. Imagine if narcissists decided to ride horses down city streets for attention, that's how impractical and outdated keeping working dogs is.
No. 252912
>>252909>And then, people act like you're Literally Hitler if you don't let their dog deeply french kiss youwho fucking does this?
>People only like them because its a source of constant validation, both from the dog who doesn't know better, and from other Dog People who pour thousands and thousands of dollars into trying to save the damn things when they become more tumor than healthy tissue and can't walk anymore.
They're stupid but people do the same for their cats? Even on here you see more people BAWWing about poor Mittens having liver cancer and having to be put down. Maybe both kinds of pet owners genuinely love their animal companions? Sounds crazy, but so do you for thinking either side is "better" for having a pet with a different temperament.
Just fucking get whatever pet you like best and shut the fuck up, seriously.
No. 252916
>>252912Damn, you're
triggered. This is the unpopular opinion thread sweaty, go put some more peanut butter on your crotch
No. 252919
>>252891I also see myself in a lot of the stuff you write, anon, only in my case I eventually broke up with my boyfriend because while I loved him, I knew I wouldn't be able to keep doing something I hated even to make him happy for the rest of my life.
It would be interesting to have a thread for people with low libido/no sex drive on here, actually.
No. 252927
>>252909I love dogs - almost all animals actually. But I don't let them sleep in my bed. I think people try to replace human relationships with dogs and then it gets weird and kinda obnoxious. I'm always a little suspicious of people who don't like dogs but I will admit that they're kind of gross.
I hate "dog moms"
No. 252939
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I think cats are 1000 times cuter than dogs and that the average cat is smarter than the average dog. Not like poodles or border collies, but your average lab or beagle. I also think that the affection from a cat is a lot more meaningful than the affection from a dog.
No. 252940
>>252938Bingo, I knew a guy that claimed to be a rape victim because he got drunk and got fucked in the ass by another drunk guy
I think its good men can express emotion but the thing I hate about it is the vast majority of men who do it are complete pussies and want to be whiney victims and use tears to manipulate, once I gave a guy a ride after work and he started bursting down in tears because I pushed him away when he tried grabbing me, I've seen men call women pieces of shit for not having sex with them when they're dating and one said she wouldnt have sex due to religion and that she was lazy… Or men who claim abortion oppresses them and not being able to have freebies mean courts hate men, I wish men were actually fucking oppressed and everyone didn't baby them, they're worse than tumblr feminists
No. 252945
>>252939Not to burst your bubble, but dogs have over twice as many neurons as a cat, so a dog is smarter than a cat.
Unpopular opinion, I think both cats and dogs are equally great. I actually think all animals, including reptiles and bugs, are great.
No. 252946
>>252929>people who hate dog are extremely obnoxious about it and unironically act like they're oppressed by a grandma walking her Maltese around the blockLiterally where, when, how?
If you just go for one longer walk, you're very likely to encounter some dog owner who's pet is either sniffing at you, barking at you or even attempting to lick you.
I always tell them that I don't want this, because I'm allergic to fur and also am very much scared of dogs. But no matter if you're an adult or even just a little child, they'll never hold it back and instead go "He's a very nice one! No need to be scared, he doesn't bit hehe." "Oh he likes you! Look, he's even kissing you!"
To somebody who finds dogs cute or has one themself = fine, but if I state that I dislike this or when my mother used to ask them to hold it back because her young children are scared of it "B-but why???"
Everybody would be lying if they said that this hasn't happened to them already. So how can you say that dog "haters" are worse? Do they just randomly walk up to families and annoy and scare them? You'll only encounter people who openly express that they dislike dogs very rarely or not at all irl, this only might happen online, but then it's of course by far not as bad.
So no, I don't feel "oppressed", but the majority of people like or even have dogs, so you shouldn't act as if you are either.
You always have to remember: many dogs are taller than little children. Is it justified to be scared of something that's bigger than you, is stronger than you and has a much bigger mouth than you? I'd say yes. So why is it so hard to understand for these adult dog owners, that if somebody voices fear, they need to react and not laugh?
No. 252947
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>>252939>the average cat is smarter than the average dogI absolutely agree. I think it's kind of pathetic that dogs listen so well and do (nearly) everything you say. (But of course not training them would be dangerous as well, so…) If you throw a stick, they'll run and bring it back. If you were to tell them to jump fom a bidge some might even do it out of blind obedience.
A cat however has its own free will. So even if a cat isn't as affectionate as often as a dog, at least you can be sure that it really means it and does it on its own accord and imo that's a lot more human-like, which is nice.
No. 252949
>>252939haven't studies shown that dogs are on average smarter than cats? beagles are fairly smart breeds, too.
but cats are cuter for sure though. pretty much every breed of cat is adorable, whereas dogs vary so drastically. i wish i wasn't allergic because i'd adopt one in a heartbeat.
No. 252950
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>>252947>tfw I had an awesome black cat as a child who would fetch, cuddle, and listen to commands but it died due to retarded biological dad who said it got eaten by a fox outsideBut in reality, the cat probably just got hit by a car. I hate it when people let their cats outdoors. Damn I'm still salty about my cat…
No. 252951
>>252948Then please continue reading, because I also wrote
>You'll only encounter people who openly express that they dislike dogs very rarely or not at all irl, this only might happen online, but then it's of course by far not as bad. I know this is getting old, but if this is bothering you so much or if you don't like it her , then why don't you simply go offline?
(Not going outside to never encouter dogs and their lovely owners ever again is sadly not possible for us people from the other end of the stick…)
No. 252952
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>>252947To add some more reasons why I prefer cats over dogs:
I love how agile they are, knowing they could slip/run away whenever they feel scared/threatened. While dogs (especially small ones) seem so helpless, like they can't move their legs all the way.
Their voices are more pleasant/less disturbing.
Also cats smell less.
No. 252954
>>252953yep, and the last man-hating thread thing where the guy was bragging about how before womens rights happen "if a woman didn't want sex you threw her lazy ass out and the cunt starved to death"
these men, you can tell they're absolutely shitty in bed or are unattractive, the fact they see sex as a chore just proves how much they suck at it
if a guy rejected me the last thing I'd be thinking about is how "lazy" they are, or maybe they expect women to do all the work or something? who knows, I don't know why any man would openly state that women who don't have sex with them are lazy, since it's pretty much just like putting a blinking red "avoid me" sign on them
No. 252958
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Jason Dean did nothing wrong.
No. 252964
>>252952I think cats can be big on personality, but in general, they are better pets. don't have to walk them or train them not to jump on you or bite you. I know cats can bite, but the damage a big dog can do vs a cat is not the same.
I think cats in general are smarter and cleaner pets. They are loyal to a degree, but not stupidly unconditional like dogs.
No. 252965
>>252938lol yup I have a friend who's always going on about how abusive his ex was. She was toxic and a shitty person but he was a doormat and was with her for convenience. She wasn't a violent or vindictive person at all literally the worst thing that would've happened if he left her is that things would've been awkward in our friend group for a while. So many men seem to think shitty women are automatically abusers.
>>252940>the vast majority of men who do it are complete pussies and want to be whiney victims and use tears to manipulateagreed, I don't want men to have to bottle things up but at the same time it's fucking annoying having to manage other peoples' emotions.
No. 252967
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I think the thing is that different pets will appeal to different people. It’s not a personal affront to you if someone prefers dogs and you don’t or vice versa.
I love cats. I’d love to own some but my apartment is leased by a woman who is allergic and she said no, but I could have dogs. I love my dogs. I think they’re different animals with different pros and cons. I like being able to train my dogs but I like the individuality of cats. I like going on walks with my dogs but I also like the low-maintenence of cats.
It’s ok to like them both, it’s not a war. And it’s ok for people to not like or want the kind of pets you have. And insulting animals or being nasty just makes you look ignorant and mean. You can dislike something without attacking it.
>>252964>don't have to walk them or train them I get that is appealing to some people. But don’t forget some people enjoy daily walks and the challenge of training.
No. 252979
>>252940Tbh I think the whole thing about how "women are allowed to show emotion and men aren't" isn't entirely true, which makes it more annoying when people will often use that as an example of sexism against men or something.
Sure, people might think a guy is weird or a pussy for bursting into tears in public. But think of all the depressing, navel gazey, self pitying art, literature, & music that men make that's so often praised. Edgar Allen Poe, Vincent Van Gogh, even fuckin Drake made things that may seem whiny or put their emotions on display and get tons of money and praise for it.
Plus, anger is an emotion. People always seem to forget that when they talk about how everyone suppresses men's emotions. Nobody seems to be doing much to suppress anger in men, that's for sure.
I've also had so many of my guy friends come to me, or our other female friends, to dump their emotional baggage onto us and talk about all their problems. But they very rarely do the same for us.
Plus emotion is definitely not always accepted and welcomed with women. Our anger is almost always considered to be more unreasonable and emotional than men's. And our tears are not always welcomed with understanding and open arms. We also feel pressure not to cry in front of others, or at least I certainly do. I feel like when we do get emotional like that, it's often used as "proof" of our supposed overly sensitive and irrational nature. Or it's perceived as being manipulative or deceitful.
I definitely wish men could feel more in tune with their emotions and be able to emotionally mature much sooner in life, but idk why they pin the fact that they can't and don't on us like some big gotcha to feminism. Like…we didn't do that to you?? And our emotions are used against us as well. More often I see men enforcing stoicism on each other rather than women doing it to them, so why don't they take it up with their fellow dudes if it bothers them so much
No. 252984
>>252967I agree, it's not a war. And I apologize if i sounded very blunt. I enjoy dogs as well, but cats have that low maintenance that i also like.
I think dogs are great for people who are very active and athletic. I think dogs are terrible for people who don't want to get up and walk them daily and it makes me angry to hear stories about people who get dogs just to stick in their purse and show them off like accessories. Dogs deserve love and they give a lot back.
No. 253000
>>252993agreed went from obese BMI to 19. mostly what changes is how men treat you. which is funny since its always the men the ones that claim fat people aren't harrassed for being fat.
when i was fat all men were super rude to me for absolutely no reason. because, since you're not fuckable to them, you might as well be dead. i got rude comments on the street, to my face, and was made fun of relentlessly for anything i did because everything looks ugly on a fat chick. now i'm skinny and literally none of that shit happens anyomore and no one is rude to me unless they're narc bitches. men are nice and friendly and if i get called out on the streets its not because they're going to insult me (altough i fucking hate catcalling and its super common where i live so i have to get used to it).
no, you don't have to want to fuck fat chicks. but don't treat them like literal hot garbage. that's all. i've spent 2 years maintining this weight loss and sometimes i still get weirded out by people being so friendly to me. like people were bs from elementary school to the first years of college. and now everyone is nice. it's very strange.
No. 253029
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>>252993>>253000This! It's really weird to see your (male) environment change from overlooking/disliking you to perceiving you as attractive. It also helps with getting taken serious in jour job and more friendly reactions in general. I went from fat to skinny to fat again and those years of being skinny were the best! I started losing weight again – not because I hate myself when I'm overweight, but because I want better chances for my future. Your weight really affects how people judge you. This is why the fat acceptance movement never made sense to me. Yeah, it's nice to love yourself no matter what, but if you're obese, you can be left behind in real life because of that.
No. 253082
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I'm in a love/hate relationship with tattoos;
I think some of them can look really pretty on young people but they all end up making you look trashy when you get older, especially on women, no matter how minimalistic they look.
also: The idea of looking at your tattoo, and realizing that you'll never be able to see this part of your skin "virgin"/without anything on it ever again kinda freaks me out.
and I hate the way ppl with tattoos talk about them when explaining their significations, kek; I always find it super cringy
No. 253097
>>253096Just because you don't want to accept facts that don't fit with your world view doesn't make them any less true., what the fuck kind of education did you have? This is basic biology. This is shit I was taught in 6th grade and I didn't go to a particularly good school.
No. 253100
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Jordan B. Peterson is a pretty cool guy, some of his ideas have helped me get my life together, and also I would have fucked him when he was teaching at Harvard because qt3.14.
No. 253109
>>253106More likely to get STDs
Less likely to be considered a stable long term partner
It weakens the special-ness of sex when it's with someone you love
>>253107This is the unpopular opinion thread you dumb slut
No. 253115
>>253109You sound like you need to get laid
Just sayin’
No. 253121
>>252059>>253107Judgind people because they're primiscuous is a thing, more STD's, less stability in relationships.
Getting tired of this
uwu I'm offended if you don't think everything I do is ok uwu uwu bullshit, So fucking tired of SJW's tbh
No. 253128
>>253101I agree with you to an extent. The sad thing for me is that almost everyone seems to be promiscuous these days, so the chance of finding someone who wants to be and has been (even serially) monogamous will be lower. It's more what it suggests for the future than anything else, a person who lived the life of fucking a new person every weekend just has a tendency to be that way and isn't settling down material imo.
>inb4 repressed people can also have secret promiscuous tendenciesSure, but they've shown to at least have been too shy to act on their impulses. I'm a horny bitch but I just jack off a bunch rather than go to clubs/parties/bars and hook up with strangers.
>>253120>>253111You're as free to judge us for being idealistic losers as we are to judge you for slutting it up a bit. Perhaps it is silly and childishly romantic to want to be someone's Only One, but it's not entirely out of insecurity.
No. 253129
>>253128My SO is the only person I’ve ever slept with, and now we are married. Conversely, I’m pretty sure he’s slept with upwards of 10 women. I sometimes feel like I missed out somehow or feel weirdly jealous in a really stupid way (he obviously slept with them before we started dating, so it’s not like he did anything bad.)
But I also abhor hookup culture. I don’t think it’s bad or wrong to have multiple partners or flings—but I hate this weird societal pressure to hook up. I’m really glad that I haven’t been single in 7 years, because I feel like I’d be super awkward and out of pl
No. 253132
>>253071Do you live in a Black neighborhood?
I'm from a predominantly white area and skin tone is practically never even brought up around my light skinned friends. Even when it is, it's just about being Black in general.
If anything, they humblebrag about their hair or features.
No. 253135
>>253129>>253128I completely agree with you.
I'll be honest, I look down on people that are promiscuous, guys or girls, and I really hate virgin shaming by such people so it made it even harder for me to not detest this hookup culture.
In the same way, I dislike and distrust people that show signs of not having self-control, fat people, lazy people, substance abusers and so on.
It's getting harder to find a guy that would fit my criteria as I grow older. A friend of mine met her virgin boyfriend in a Christian society, so I was thinking of joining it too despite not being religious myself.
What happened with taking things slowly and appreciating each other's presence?
The few dates I've been I got the impression that the guy I was with wanted to have sex on the third or fourth date and that it's considered the norm.
No. 253147
>>253104those feels when you used to suck dick in bathrooms for blow and still think it was a fun activity
get over yourselves
No. 253148
>>252979>>252985This is why I don't make male friends, they see you has a therapist.
Men are so fucking bad at expressing anger, to the point where they become violent and dangerous
No. 253150
>>253135>What happened with taking things slowly and appreciating each other's presence?This so much. As soon as you're older than let's say 18, just starting out normally with a few dates, first holding hands, then kissing, and so on, is nearly impossible.
I feel like I'm gonna stay alone forever just because I'm not willing to hook up with any of those guys who immediately only want to fuck. Are there not any "normal" ones left?
I don't even care how many he's had before me, but please first ask for my name before you try to slobber my face like some dog and expect me to follow you home after just one evening. Disgusting.
Sometimes my friends admit to having had a one night stand and while I wouldn't call them a slut I simply can't understand why they do that. Have some self respect. We're humans not animals whose only instinct is to mate lol
No. 253152
>>253150and not everyone has the instinct to hold hands LMAOOO get over yourself.
fucking feels good. fucking is fun. discovering a guys body and seeing how vulnerable he looks when he cums for the first time with you is amazing.
No. 253154
>>253122Thissss. I stopped going when I realized I could afford a plane ticket to Japan after just one year of not going to cons.
They've pretty much become frat parties. It'd be different if they were more adult-oriented.
No. 253156
>>253110Just Googled what you suggested and all the sites saying so are random blogs and articles written by unnamed "student contributors". Whereas there's plenty of legitimate websites confirming it is indeed linked to aggression. Ffs one of the first listed symptoms of going on testosterone is aggression and pretty much any ftm will tell you they've experienced that. Not to mention the entirety of human history and the fact it's almost exclusively men committing mass shootings, but apparently that's only because ~physical strength~.
Why is it that people love to bring up the emotional effects of estrogen in women, but you bring up testosterone's effects and suddenly biological facta go out the window? Oh right, because people only want to accept women as inherently crazy due to hormones, whereas men are totes sane.
No. 253157
>>253152>"Who would ask for something as freaky as holding hands or kissing LMAOOO get over yourself, seeing how vulnerable a guy looks when he cums is the real deal!">>253153Not fucking everything on sight =/= "my vagina is a prison door lmao".
And why would you think that only insecure guys are willing to take things slow? Because nothing screams more like high self esteem then trying to hook up with as many girls as possible every single weekend, right…?
No. 253159
The grossest thing is black people who attack other black people in hopes that people of other races might think of them as an "exception" and accept them. It's literally the same as those "white guilt" people from Tumblr, and it's nauseating.
You can defy stereotypes and be liked for who you are by just being yourself, not a walking example of the "bad" reputation that racists will pin on you to make themselves feel superior. There's no need to undercut everyone who shares your color. If people still don't like you when you're just being a decent person, they're not going to turn around and warm up to you simply because you decided to RP as one of them and complain about your own people. In fact, they'll just see you as a pathetic tryhard, but they'll also feel vindicated in despising your kind because "See! The n-word says it too!", and all in all, they will continue hating you for your race (but occasionally prop you up to use you).
I know people who have retarded /pol/-tier opinions, but they still like me, possibly because I act like a normal, pleasant human being. I've never once shit on my own people, and I never will. It's just so pathetic and spineless IMO.
No. 253162
>>253110What a solid argument you have there
>>253108Yeah, not to mention mtfs say all the fucking time how their anger greatly decreased on estrogen. But scientific facts are just a myth because random article from sketchy sources say so.
No. 253163
>>253157No one's fucking everything in sight you tard.
Only people with shit self esteem and poor social skills can't and won't get laid that's why.
No. 253166
>>253158Of course I know that. But if sluts like you think it's fun to ridicule every person who's not as interested in sex as you, that's what you'll get.
There are reasons people don't want to fuck or a least not upon meeting somebody for the first time, but many seem to can't understand that and instead go "LMAO virgin, prude, insecure!" and so on. Don't act as if we're the 'mean' ones, everybody knows that the virgin kid is always the one getting bullied.
See exactly like here
>>253163 Don't want sex = there must be something wrong with you.
No. 253174
>>253170You're really dense aren't you? lol
You (or another anon) wrote
>why is it prudes like yourself always say…that's why I wrote that.
In my first post I already said that I wouldn't call girls who sleep around sluts, but I simply can't understand why they do this.
No. 253180
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>>253176>Fucking hot guys and getting orgasm from them is disgusting. Yeah I feel so bad and dirty when they eat me out.
No. 253182
>>253175they have the exact same views on sex. why don't they match up together and leave everyone else alone?
>>253180her future pure husbando will give her a lick or two before he cums in her after 15 secs of putting it in. dont worry.
No. 253183
>>253173Where did I say that I'm a virgin?
>I'm not willing to hook up with any of those guys who immediately only want to fuck.>please first ask for my name before you try to slobber my face like some dog and expect me to follow you home after just one evening.If you read carefully you'd know that there were guys interested in me. If I'd want to, I could have sex - but I don't, if it doesn't lead to a real relationship.
No. 253186
>>253180That’s naughty! Shame on you! You should be a pure virgin and have a cobwebby vag! Enjoying sex is repulsive!
Seriously, the incels here need to get out of the house and do some fucking. It’s terrific fun.
No. 253187
>>253184Shh. Don't let them know when you can see the cracks in their veneer. Literally no one except racists use "blacks" over "black people", but they never seem to notice this small detail about themselves. Call it a red flag.
Seriously, allow racists to expose themselves by accident. It makes everything easier.
No. 253194
Why use Incel = involuntary celibate as an insult for girls who just don't want to?
And shooting up schools is really only an american (and a male) thing, so stop with the projecting.
That seems incredibly like samefag…>>253187Shh. I asked that and I'm not a native speaker. So again, why is saying 'whites' okay, but saying 'blacks' = super racist? I really can't see the difference?
No. 253199
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I think Chihuahuas are cute.
No. 253201
>>253194This. Just because some of us aren't having casual sex or don't have positive opinions of others doing so doesn't mean we're incels, I can't believe we're even having this discussion. Sex positivity is literally a meme.
>>253195Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding!
No. 253202
>>253201Who cares about people who aren't into casual sex? She got ragged on for calling women into it sluts.
>Have some self respect. We're humans not animals whose only instinct is to mate lolShe deserve to get shit on for that tbh.
No. 253205
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>>253202By definition, they literally are.
No. 253208
>>253194>why is saying 'whites' okay, but saying 'blacks' = super racist?It's not really a problem if they use "Whites" alongside "Blacks" since it's just easier to say than Black people vs white people.
But using "Blacks" alone tends to imply they don't see them as people or separate them from people.
>Blacks sure do like ChickenAs if White people don't also like Chicken. The people who say it that way often don't make the same generalizations for White people's behavior.
Anyway if you're not American, it's sort of a grey area.
No. 253209
>>253198NTA It's not about what girls should do, this is the unpopular opinion thread, right? So we are allowed to express unpopular opinions.
Besides, my opinion applies to both girls and guys, in fact, I stopped being friends with a guy because he constantly changed gfs.
I just hate the era we live in. I don't want to go to the 50s housewife life, but I hate this idea that being modern and liberated means having sex reguraly because of that the number of dateable guys is really low and it's difficult to find someone who wants to take things slowly.
Also, this is what I was talking about in previous posts, this virgin shaming. It's absurd that not liking casual sex and hookups equates to being a school shooter, or a murderer or not being desired.
I don't understand women that rate their value by the number of sex partners since getting laid is disgustingly easy. So, "you're ugly and no one wants you" is ridiculous.
No. 253211
>>253207I don't think being critical of
casual sex necessarily makes you a prude.
No. 253213
>>253209but there are tons of guys into traditional women. no one virgin shames until you guys poke your noses into "our" business.
>I don't understand women that rate their value by the number of sex partners since getting laid is disgustingly easygo find an incel bf. you have a lot in common.
No. 253218
>>253214I never implied that. I just hate the general consume fast, meet fast, live fast western way of life, which includes the hookup culture and casual sex being presented as something normal which I will never approve of. That's just my opinion.
It takes a long time for me to consider someone as my friend, let alone to have a night one stand or casual sex with someone. It's odd and it appears to be imo completely unnatural to trust someone with an intimate act like that.
I cannot but feel disgusted.
No. 253220
>>253209>>253218Can you just admit you're insecure and move on with it?
You're insecure about Other Women fucking men who, in your mind, are potential husbandos and those men would have really great sex with those women and they wouldn't want to be with women who aren't good at it.
You don't understand why those Other Women are the way they are, which is the opposite of you, so you have to write them off as having no respect for themselves.
In your mind, all women must crave romantic relationships and chivalry because if they don't, that makes you feel like something is wrong with you and not them.
No. 253231
>>253229you're really agreeing with that misogynistic "study"? the one that only talks about women's sex lives. ooookay
>>253230and this
No. 253235
>>253234>because anon called me a slut? Why are you still going on about that?
I already explained that I wrote jokingly 'sluts like you' in response to 'prudes like you'.
Does this bother you so much?
No. 253240
>>253234I think you're insecure because of how much you're responding. I don't think having a ton of sex is actually that fulfilling for you and you're pretending it is.
You're the one saying guys are fucking super hot chicks all the time and that's why they don't take things slowly, which is a stretch. If they could fuck 10s whenever they wouldn't be pressuring average girls for sex on the third date, what Anon was originally complaining about.
>>253237Yeah. I'm done now.
No. 253245
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I think I said this already, but I'm sure that a good portion of farmers on here only pretend to be super hot, successful, popular and now in this case desireable, when in reality they look more like pic related lol
No. 253247
>>253242It would be amazing if farmers could stop making autistic posts that lead other farmers to think they're fucking crazy. Interesting you didn't choose
>>253220 as an example of that btw
>>253245>every radical feministhmm… daily reminder that obesity is libfem culture
No. 253248
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So does anyone else think Chihuahuas are cute? What animal or breed do you find cute that everyone else hates?
(Seriously want this sperging to stop. It’s so damn annoying and petty. Go hug a cat or something guys)
No. 253249
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>>253248Like rodents. Anyone love rodents?
No. 253263
>>253135>A friend of mine met her virgin boyfriend in a Christian society, so I was thinking of joining it too despite not being religious myself.Anon please, are you out of your mind? Adult virgin men are usually fucked up in the head, religious ones are probably even worse.
Get yourself a guy who's past his "wild" days and is ready to settle down. Get a guy who has already been in long term relationships and knows what he's doing. They're far better, trust me I've been with plenty of virgins and it's always a disappointment.
No. 253271
>>253248I fucking love chihuahuas even though they're kind of annoying.
my unpopular animal that I like is tarantulas. I hate house spiders but I might get a tarantula.
No. 253279
I genuinely believe there's something wrong with this girl. Having multiple sex partners is not my cup of tea and idc if others do, but this girl admitted to have sex with over 50 guys ever since she came to Japan last September. ( I mean I'm pretty sure that at this point you should recognize this as a problem.
No. 253294
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>>253293Write it anyway anon, he's hot for an old dude tbh
No. 253295
I think people who hate vegans are cringier than vegans.
>>253282I love tarantulas, but if you own one you basically can't have people afraid of spiders over ever. I've had to ban people from coming in my house for threatening to kill mine.
No. 253300
>>253280What I find to be a problem here is having over 50 sex partners in a quite short amount of time. It's just concerning.
>>253292Ikr? I wonder if she'll ever regret this when she gets older.
No. 253310
>>253279I like this girl, but I wish she wasn't so quiet in her videos.
>"…You're too focused on getting a boyfriend instead of getting some dick when that's all they're fuckin good for." @ 2:25fucking kek'd
No. 253312
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>>253303Yes! I've thought this forever and everyone thinks I'm crazy for it. I don't think blue/green eyes are ugly or anything, but when they're super bright they are kinda scary looking. Brown eyes are my favorite, but I've had people literally say to my face that I'm lying.
No. 253319
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>>253303>>253312Same. Pale eyes show much more of the creepy muscle structures of the iris.
Blue, green, grey eyes are beautiful, of course, but I prefer the familiarity of very dark eyes and how enigmatic they can be.
No. 253322
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>>253302It would have to be femdom. UO though it’s not an opinion so much as it is a failing for me, but I can’t flick the bean to two dudes. /sadface
look at that cute mullet, I bet he lets his wife do him in the butt tho
No. 253331
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>>253312blue eyes are so soulless looking and often look super beady for some reason. i prefer dark eyes for sure. i have pale green eyes and they look soulless too imo.
No. 253332
>>253279>>253310I kinda like that she's destroying the weird stereotype that Japanese men are just ~too shy to approach you uwu~, kek. It seems like it was pushed by a lot of unattractive and/or middle-aged white gaijin who expected to be worshiped in Japan and were disappointed that didn't happen, so they needed a way to defend their egos.
It's definitely not healthy to have that much sex, but her life, I guess.
No. 253338
>>252599There are multiple reasons for me to dislike Venti as a person but as long as she keeps exposing the fuck out of Shoe, I'mma let it pass. The 24/7 BDSM relationship tweet becoming a copypasta was fucking gold. Our prayers have been answered.
Don't bite the hand that feeds you milk. Not yet at least. :^)
The newfags are definitely annoying though.
No. 253344
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I’d give half my body for someone to make me look this good.
I’m tired of being ugly
Who ever said that being “a good person in the inside shines on the outside” lied
No. 253346
>>253315to bounce off your post, most threads on here become garbage one they start getting into the topic of weight or appearance. the shoeonhead thread becomes horrible anytime someone tries to judge how much she weighs now or what her real height is.
the suzy thread stopped getting posted in the moment she started to lose weight. most of the "milk" on /snow/ is just picking on weight.
No. 253359
>>253303>>253312>>253319I'd say that's a real unpopular opinion for once lol
Only a very small percentage of this world's population has blue/green/grey eyes, so rather than saying brown eyes are looking "enigmatic". they just look basic and normal af.
Everybody can post a picture of a cute girl with big eyes and claim the opposite is ugly, but that's got nothing to do with the colour.
I'd rather look "scary and creepy af" than boring. I doubt people come up to girls and go "Wow! You're eyes are brow?!", because well, it's nothing special after all.
>>253331>i have pale green eyes and they look soulless too imo.Guess that's your personal problem then lmao
That reminds me of that one anon who said she's gonna kill herself because her eyes are brown and then a bunch of other farmers came in sperging about how cold and bland coloured eyes look.
No. 253384
>>253359> That reminds me of that one anon who said she's gonna kill herself because her eyes are brownkek, that was me. Though I didn't post anything related to eyes or eye color ITT.
I think the biggest reason for hating my eye color is because my father has brown eyes and my mother has really captivating blue/green eyes. I don't like my father at all so any resemblance to him makes me feel like shit.
I think even without my father I'd still consider blue/green/grey eyes more beautiful than brown eyes but probably not to the extent that I'd kms over it.
Like you said, only a small percentage of people have bright eyes which immediately makes the eye color more valuable.
Fortunately, I came to peace with my eye color due to the fact that many people that I admire have brown eyes and it doesn't make me a lesser person if I have them.
That and the fact that I'm soon going for a LASIK surgery. I don't think I could ever undergo a surgery just for cosmetic purposes, seeing how I'm already anxious about the date of surgery.
I didn't think someone would recall my spergy post, I was hoping it would be forgotten quickly. It wasn't my proudest post tbh
No. 253395
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>>253359Having blue or green eyes won't always make you look interesting. If you're ugly, you're ugly even with pretty eyes.
No. 253398
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On the topic of eyes, I'm not into this almond eyes/hunter eyes craze at all. Big, round-ish eyes will always be the cutest to me on both men and women.
This is just personal taste btw, I'm not trying to insult anyone. Many models share your eyes so chill.
No. 253420
>>253278>Makes me wonder if anons are like this offline as well or only use this as an outlet for their anger/play up being mean.Everybody has balls online. Half of the shit written on this site wouldn't be said in public or to anybody's face. Even the anons that cowtip use sock accounts most of the time.
>so fucking scared of anybody I know irl finding out that I'm still a virginHonestly, don't worry about it. Healthy, normal adults won't care that much about your sex life. People have their own lives to focus on and they'd have to be truly pathetic to kick up a fuss about somebody else having or not having sex.
No. 253431
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>>253359I always notice anons with blue or green eyes have a tendency to get angry whenever people praise brown eyes, and bring up that brown eyes are common, therefore "basic" and not attractive.
It's kinda funny, because the truth is, everyone has blue/green eyes. Brown eyes exist only because melanin is used as a sort of protective layer from sunlight for the eyes (which is why having visibly blue/green eyes is technically a mutation, and a recessive gene - it's actually a
lack of something in the body, not a new, unique thing all its own).
All in all, just let people appreciate brown eyes, anon. I personally like them because IMO they make the person's eyes look a lot bigger. They also look amazing and glowy when the light hits them (light brown eyes are so subtle, yet striking), sometimes they almost look red or orange, and they're warm. It doesn't have to always be about you.
No. 253433
>>253429Yes, she's just who I thought of right away.
+the guy is Riz Ahmed.
No. 253440
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>>253359>I doubt people come up to girls and go "Wow! You're eyes are brow?!", because well, it's nothing special after all.haha where do you live where anyone says this to people with blue/green/grey eyes? I have grey eyes and literally no one comments on them, because they all have them too. The only eyes someone would be shocked by are like people with heterochromia or albinos
>>253351Wash them in the bathroom with the door closed. What situation are you in where you don’t have access to a sink with privacy?
No. 253441
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I think what matters most in regard to eyes beauty is the shape. Zayn has some of the prettiest eyes I've ever seen, the shape is gorgeous, the crease is long and not overly droopy which make them look bigger, even the under creasing is perfect.
Plenty of indian or arabs guys have those kind of sexy eyes, I find them irresistible.
Sorry deleted my post because I wanted to post a front view instead of side view.
No. 253447
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>>253248i like snakes. idk how unpopular that is though.
No. 253465
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>>253425>Sounds like we touched a nerve here though lol.I'm the only one who said anything against multiple farmers claiming that coloured eyes are creepy and then 7 anons responded to me and defended themselves.
But "my side" is the
triggered one, right?
>>253431>All in all, just let people appreciate brown eyes, anon. I wouldn't have said anything if op would have just praised brown eyes. But she didn't. They just shat on blue and green ones.
>People with blue eyes or any kind of bright color eyes are creepy as fuck, I don't get the hype.>I don't think blue/green eyes are ugly or anything, but when they're super bright they are kinda scary looking. >blue eyes are so soulless looking and often look super beady for some reason.
>Maybe your eyes are the only thing you're complimented on>Blue/green eyes are technically a mutation…yeah
No. 253467
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>>253465Marilyn had very dark brown eyes, I don't understand why people photoshop her to have blue yes. They looked big dark and dreamy.
No. 253470
>>253431you're honestly being really delusional and you're clearly
triggered so maybe calm down and stop pretending that blue and green eyes are half as common as your small brain is claiming they are. can you please just say you love brown eyes and put that other bullshit away? because you made it very clear you know nothing when you said "the truth is, everyone has blue/green eyes".
No. 253482
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>>253467And even reproductions of her make her eyes blue, it’s bizarre. Like wax sculptures, paintings, etc.
No. 253486
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Pit bulls are really ugly dogs. I wish people would stop trying to force people to think they're cute.
I don't have any other opinions on them otherwise. I'm not educated on pits as a breed, nor do I really want to be. They're just ugly dogs and everyone on the internet lately seems to be convinced they're not. Same with pugs. It's cruel and selfish to keep breeding those deformed pups just because you think they're quirky. I can't imagine most pugs are happy compared to the average dog with their abundance of health problems and all.
>>253475Depression and anxiety can be treated though, even with something as simple as diet and exercise. No clue about how cluster b is managed though.
No. 253492
>>253483>>253486I should have been more clear, I meant people with depression and/or anxiety who either don't do anything about it or aren't responsive to treatment for it after a long time. I hate it when I see people bitch about their miserable life when they are the ones continuing the "miserable" part of it, and that they take advantage, even if not on purpose, of the fact their family will financially support their butt because most families feel a responsibility for the members in it.
I essentially meant NEETs with depression and/or anxiety who don't do anything to improve themselves or aren't responding to treatment.
I feel angry that at least in the US it feels like so many of these people exist. They're like self-aware ultra expensive pets that people feel morally obliged to keep alive. Just euthanize them at some point when they get too inconvenient (and same with cluster B type because they tend to inflict so much damage mentally on healthy people that they aren't worth keeping alive once they're identified).
This is more of a fantasy in my head I like to wonder about. I know it's unrealistic to implement.
No. 253498
>>253495Agreed. Tired of seeing yaoi where the 'guys' literally act like no guy ever would. They're basically depicting females on a male body.
Saw it in the fujos thread, anons saying they prefer the dicks censored like wtf? Why even read it then.
I want to see them cocks too No. 253522
>>253492Wow. I can’t believe how popular this sort of insane shit it.
Murder the mentally ill fanatics, dog killers in the secrets thread (why kill someone’s dog when you could kill yourself?) and two days worth of the worlds most insecure people getting horribly offended over eyecolors. I almost miss the anorexia sperging.
No. 253545
>>253529>Letting your cat outdoors is animal abuse.The absolute state of lolcow…
My family has a big garden, edging on a few other houses, the majority of them have cats.
Sometimes there are up to 3 different cats in our garden, they sort of "meet up" together, it's pretty cute. And when the owners call their name in the evening, or if rain starts they run back home for food and cuddles, everything's fine.
No. 253547
>>253529I think the only exception is when it’s a neighborhood stray you love and feed. My parents took in the neighborhood stray, cleaned her up, feed her, etc. But she’s too determined to get out. They trap her in at night when they’re home so she’s not getting in to fights or getting run over, and then she just sleeps in their garden during the day. If they keep her in during the day, she knocks over their shit and causes mayhem. And they have cameras all around the propert so they can confirm she’s just chilling in their giant garden.
They’d be devestated if she died but she’s pretty savvy, and she’s not really their pet.
But yeah, barring super specific cases, people should keep cars indoors
No. 253556
>>253549>you're clearly a moron. being in a garden or yard isn't outdoors. no one is talking about them going outside supervised. And you clearly can't read and are an ass for insulting me on top of that.
Cat from neighbour, not my cat, is outside = outdoors
Sometimes in my garden, sometimes somewhere else, all around the neighbourhood = unsupervised
Did you think I would babysit all of my neighbours cats if they happen to be in my yard? They're free to stroll wherever they want to and that's fine.
No. 253559
>>253557Yes, I'm not an owner, I don't have any pets and never claimed to.
Again, learn to read.
>my neighbours cats No. 253582
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Which side wants it more?
No. 253588
>>253584>no it doesn'tNice ESL there anon. In any case
>>253567 wasn't even correct, tumblrcore doesn't refer to people from tumblr.
No. 253591
>>253586Hide the thread if you're so
triggered, anon. If you gave a shit about the board you'd shut the fuck up and report shit you didn't like.
>inb4 i don't give a shit about the boardI'm not implying I do, but you clearly seem to, given how
problematic you think these posts are.
No. 253602
>>253591>>253599I do give a shit about the board that's why I don't want it to derail further. Why have two threads derailing/discussing the same thing? If anything you're the
triggered one here seeing you're double posting.
No. 253604
>>253602>triggered about me trying to get the thread back on trackOkaaay
You realize that you're the one who is derailing. Hide the thread and move on. Report and keep your mouth shut. You do more damage bringing shit up because people will look at what you're replying to and start it all over again.
No. 253605
>>253586People are capable of controlling themselves and not chimping out. Besides this thread practically started with a eugenics-tard.
>>253555Almost miss it. Still amazed that people are upset over different eye colours.
>>253525 Hold me.
Do you guys think there’s anything at all that could be universally agreed on here?
Sometimes it feels like you could say something totally harmless like ‘I like milk’ and it will become a fuckin war zone.
No. 253607
>>253602I kind of like to watch the constant fighting in this thread (except the ana bs, that was just annoying and crazy) but I agree that it's dumb we have two threads arguing about the same stupid thing.
That anon sperging at the anon who's cat got killed sounds completely nuts and never sages.
No. 253609
>>253607NTA but the anon in the other thread doesn't sound nuts to me. Are you the one getting
triggered by her for cussing? Like many others have said not even OP knows the cat is dead, she was told by her mom who was told by someone else that they overheard the guy talking about it. OP deserves all the hate she's getting.
I'll say that it's pretty cringy how many people are getting upset that another thread sparked conversation. Get over yourselves.
No. 253616
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>>253609>Are you the one getting triggered by her for cussing? No, I haven't even made a post on the topic before the one you replied to
>>253605>Do you guys think there’s anything at all that could be universally agreed on here? cat villagers are objectively the best class of villagers in animal crossing and mice
(NOT hamsters, but mice) are the worst
controversial opinion: ketchup is best girl, marshal is overrated as fuck. he has a good house though, the lazy furniture set is cute.
No. 253619
>>253616Oh damn. I agree on cat villagers (punchy is my bff) but I think cows/pigs are the worst villagers.
Marshall is not welcome in my village.
No. 253623
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So, getting back on track
I love frogs and toads, I think they're so cute! I like touching/petting them.
Stole this pic from the wholesome images thread.
No. 253626
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>>253618take that shit the fuck back
I would accept chickens (not rhinos or gorillaz because merengue is a qt and that hello kitty gorilla is too), but not bears, not even the tall ones. Totally agree on Marshal though.
>>253619I kinda agree since Curly is one of my least favorites of all time, but there are a few cute pigs. Chickens and mice are all fuck ugly, as are cows/bulls.
Punchy is god-teir taste btw
No. 253627
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>>253616>cat villagers are objectively the best class of villagers in animal crossingtrue. rabbits are a close second.
>and mice (NOT hamsters, but mice) are the worstwere all the ugly ass bulls, hippos, chickens, gorillas, anteaters, monkeys, and rhinos suddenly deleted from the game?
>ketchup is best girldebatable
>marshal is overrated as fuck100% true
>>253623Is this an unpopular opinion? I thought everyone loved frogs.
No. 253629
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>>253627okay, I changed my mind about gorillas, but there are cute monkeys.
Most hippos and anteaters are fug, but I've never seen a mouse that wasn't.
cats, dogs, rabbits, most ducks, and deer are God teir
everything not mentioned above or below is ok teir
birds (the twiggy kind), pigs, tall bears, lions, rhinos, hippos and frogs are bad teir
gorillas, chickens, bulls, and mice are shit teir
No. 253634
>>253627Oh god I forgot about gorilla villagers fuck those weird assholes.
>>253626Stitches is up there with punchy.
Peanut is one of my favourites because she was my first AC friend ever.
No. 253639
>>253627>>253627Where? Everyone I know says they're disgusting/dangerous/creepy. It's the same on the internet too.
I think cake and chocolate are overrated
No. 253645
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>>253629>frogs are bad tierrude. lily and henry are some of the best villagers
No. 253650
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>>253645The most common ones are pretty ugly, like croque, camofrog, and jambette, who is another one of my least faves of all time.
might just be bitter because camofrog moved two (2) feet in front of my house and wouldn't move for months… I really like some frogs though, like the ones you mentioned and raddle.
No. 253669
>>253656BM as satire is too in-your-face, but the episodes where they focus on crafting a story around a concept are pretty good.
Curious to hear your other British recommendations.
No. 253679
>>253656>>253669I'm this anon
>>253655 and I only managed to get to the second season. The episodes I hated the most were written by this same guy Charlie Brooker, imo he has no idea of how normal people work so his characters end up behaving unnaturaly. The best episode out of what I saw was The Entire History Of You because the characters actually felt like humans, the technology part was clever and it was written by a different guy. Just like the other eps the ending was shitty and confusing tho. Sorry for the rant
No. 253681
>>253679The first two series are actually the best (maybe I mean just the first, I can't remember). When they were originally released it was like 2010 and the themes were new. Now
dystopia AI blah is a constant theme all over the media so it's passe
The more recent series is the same stuff but with half the episodes being time-wasting filler and Brits pretending to be Americans.
I really hate the Prime minister episode, the one with the cartoon character is boring, and the one where they're hunting people is kinda unpleasant. But there is sorta good stuff in there if you dig
Apparently there's a lesbian love story episode in one of the recent series which people really like. Ep 1 of a recent series where a redhead girl gets judged on a kinda worldwide IRL Instagram platform is sorta good theme-wise but overlong. Overall in 2018 there are more enjoyable things to watch that aren't direct commentary on the present rather than futuristic satire (as it was in 2010). It's just Not Fun and we've heard it all before at this point
No. 253688
>>253655Agree. Same for Orange is the New Black (boring af)
My unpopular opinion is I think lesbian sex is boring. (I'm bi)
No. 253690
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>>253616Oh no, I really dislike cat villagers. I don’t like their pointy ears, mouths, or colors. I don’t like the dogs either (except the mains)
I like the more natural colored wild animals
No. 253707
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>>253690Wow, this is the worst opinion in the thread. At least we can probably agree that Erik, Fauna, and Maple are cute.
When we have Kiki, Punchy, R o s i e, Bob, Lolly, Purrl, Kabuki, Ankha, pretty much all of them save for Tabby, Moe, Monique, and Katt… I don't understand jow can anyone can not like cat villagers. They are consistently the best.
pic unrelated, he's just a qt.
No. 253709
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>>253616>mice are the worstI'll take mice over fucking horses, anteaters or ostriches any day. I hate bird villagers (minus some ducks and a special exception for Apollo.)
No. 253713
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>>253707He is indeed a cutie.
Idk dude, the cats just freak me out. Pic related. Merry is a cutie. But Moe and Kid Cat? Stinky? Tabby and Tom? They just don’t live up to the cuteness of real cats. And they’re kinda creepy
No. 253715
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>>253709I’ll agree with you on the horses (except Colton obviously) but birds is too big a category. What about penguins and chickens? And you’re gonna call out my Ostrich babies but not the worst animal: hippos.
No. 253716
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No. 253717
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>>253709>Colton, Julian, Papi, Filly, Epona, Roscoe, Winnie, and Savannah>I'll take mice over fucking horsesside_eye.jpg. Sandy is cute to me and I don't find the other ostriches particularly ugly either, but birds like Twiggy and Jitters can fuck off.
All mouse villagers have ugly faces, rat tails, and gross ears. Broccolo is the only one that's even remotely cute.
>>253713I can almost see where you're coming from, but I still think they're so charming and cute overall. The way cats play the town tune is nice too, probably my favorite.
No. 253719
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Bear are best villagers. I also prefer villagers that are a little ugly rather than the all around cute one like Diana.
No. 253721
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>>253716a few ugly cats can be excused, pobody's nerfect
No. 253723
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On reflection I change my mind about hippos. Mice are definitely the worst. Hippos second worst.
No. 253724
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Hot take: sheep are the cutest.
Wendy, Willo, Muffy, BaaBara, Vesta, Timbra, Etoile, Stella, Eunice. Nine of the cutest animals and they’re all sheep.
No one can convince me otherwise.
No. 253725
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>>253724But also pietro the fucking monster
No. 253726
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>Bear are best villagers.YES
No. 253729
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>>253719>I also prefer villagers that are a little ugly rather than the all around cute one like DianaI feel that. Bears, sheep, and hamsters are underrated.
>>253727this is the most pleasant discourse we've ever had in these threads. would you rather go back to the ana/eye color sperging?
No. 253732
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>>253729>hamsters are underratedTHANK YOU.
Rodney doesn't get enough love either. He's such a neckbeard and I love that about him.
No. 253749
>>253741That's actually from HHD, they sing sometimes in that. Isabelle holds a singing contest where they sing kk songs too, it's so cute.
>>253743Hide the thread and move on :^)
Would anyone else be interested in an animal crossing thread, though? I know we have a pocket camp thread, but a general would be nice. We could post QR codes, dream codes, do item trading shit (which I kinda need because I'm still missing some fossils and paintings), etc.
No. 253833
>>253785nta, but
>every anon I don't like is the same anon I was fighting with in a different threadyou sound like a retard
No. 253838
>>253833Pretty obvious that you are the anti drugs anon since you use the phrase 'nta' in this thread and the other one hahahaha
At least disguise your typing.
I don't think I've heard anyone else say nta except you
No. 253839
>>253836I already said I wasn't the anon you replied to, what do you mean "my defensiveness"
>>253838are you fucking kidding me? lurk more, people say "nta" frequently on here. And I'm not that anti-drug anon, you paranoid freak.
No. 253842
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>>253467I got curious about this and googled and nowhere can I find a certain reference for her actual eye color. Doesn't help that a lot of the photos are recolors and her eyes are usually half covered and shaded by her eyelashes. This is an original color photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt and it looks like they might be a very dark grey?
No. 253843
>>253841I'm not samefagging, I only made one of those posts.
Again with the paranoid retards
No. 253849
>>253839You also use double inverted commas like the other anon, get butthurt as easily as the anon AND someone happened to defend you a minute after you posted. Hahahaha it's so obvious but I'm the retard.
No. 253850
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>>253842Tbh It's difficult to find a straight answer about it, Bert Stern who photographed her claimer that she had dark green eyes. But on her driving license she described as having brown eyes.
No. 253854
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>>253852>>253849uhm…no anon, i did.
>>253768i'm gonna go now…
No. 253855
>>253785I'm the "underage anti-drug anon" and these are my posts
>>253743 >>253747. Seems like we agree on something?
>>253838>you use the phrase 'nta'Many do, just scroll upwards a bit.
>You also use double inverted commasJust like dozens of other non-American anons as well.
So no, she's not me.
First I'm 12, then into animal crossing, then a fan of onision and now you accuse other anons of being me?
Seems like the drugs are getting to your brain…
No. 253860
>>253849Yeah, you are Hahahahaha. I haven't made a single post about the drug bullshit.
>double inverted commasYeah, because we're the only ones on the site who use normal quotation marks. Did all those drugs fry your brain or were you dropped on your head as a baby?
No. 253864
>>253863I share this opinion on most first person shooters.
They ALL look the fucking same and nothing sets them apart.
No. 253868
>>253864this, fuck all FPS games and fuck the people who play them (men and thottie twitch streamers)
I think men [who enjoy shit like fighting games (even smash), GTA, and FPS games like cow a doodoo and overwatch] should be gassed.
No. 253870
>>253867I used to when youtube was new and there was only a few people like Kandee johnson and michelle phan and costume novelty makeup tutorials were exciting but now everyone has the same everything…same royalty free music…same backdrops….same drag queen insta thot makeup…same WELCOME BACK TO MY CHANNNNEL'
It's so repetitive these days.
No. 253877
>>253518>>253522This person
>>253492 is talking about killing neets you retarded bitch, not dogs. Where the fuck did you get dogs from this? Learn how to read english dumbass
No. 253880
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>>253876Tattoo are the ugliest thing ever, the colored ones look like bruise from a distance and the black an white "minimalist" ones look like some scribbles by a bored teenager.
I especially hate everything like pic related. Just pin the pic up in your bathroom if you find it cute instead of inking it forever on yourself.
No. 253882
>>253877I think that person may have accidentally replied to the wrong post. Either way, that was ages ago, why are you getting so
triggered about it?
Unpopular opinion- i hate knee level black heeled boots. They always remind me of hookers. Not that there's anything wrong with hookers, i just dont like those boots. Black ones remind me of hookers and brown ones cowboys.
No. 253883
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>>253876The worst ones are the ones related to some move/tv show/other pop culture stuff.
Like, are you that uninteresting of a person that the only thing you can think of putting on your body is some movie you watched?
No. 253890
>>253887It's an unpopular opinion thread anon. I doubt the anon actually wants to gas them. It's like saying people who wear crocs are cancer. Are you jewish? Why does the gassing comments/jokes
trigger you?
No. 253891
I hate it when people try to insist obviously mixed/biracial people are black. If they can actually pass as fully black, like the girl from Grownish, it's not that bad, but Meghan Markle and other vaguely POC looking people that literally no black person can truthfully, unironically see and say "When I look at this human, I feel a sense of familiarity. They're one of us"? No…
The one drop rule was literally made up for the sake of slavery, and slightly brown skin does not a black person make. To be black, you must have two black parents, end of. I don't have a problem with mixed people or anything (I sometimes get mistaken for one, even, so that'd be problematic), I just think they should honestly be considered a racial group all their own, because they're genetically different.
The weird thing is, it's literally only when I say this opinion in front of non-black people that I get any real backlash, as if it has anything to do with them, or like they have the right to decide who we are (especially odd since even they'd be iffy about accepting someone who's only half-white, half-Asian, etc into their ranks). I don't get why us having a tangible identity gets some people so angry, it's not like I'm saying "Gas the tainted, pure blacks ONLY". You just…have to be black to be black.
No. 253895
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>>253616bitch gorillas and any sheep that isn't the goth one are the worst villagers.
Everybody been knew marshal is overratted, so it julian. he seems like gay boy to me
>>253707Unpopular opinion: Merry is underrated, no one remembers her and she's perfect.
No. 253897
>>253890tbh i find the general amount of violence on /ot/ really offputting. not everyone needs to be an edgy cunt. and so many people are outting themselves as violent shits recently too.
>OP of "femcel" thread says she actually wants to hurt men>anon who's cat may have been killed wants to kill dogs>anons think x, y, z person should be gassedand all the self-harm threats like anon who wants to kill herself or get murdered cause she feels like every other human (including women) hate her cause she's a woman.
it's a fucking mess.
No. 253908
>>253901I apologize anon, sorry I'll stop making such violent jokes and go gas myself.
No. 253909
>>253897This is chan culture. Mentally ill, violent people gather to these places to let it all hang out from the safety of anonymity. The nature of Lolcow, especially, encourages this. We're openly fostering a community that revolves around the near-idolatry of very fucked up, mentally ill people. Someone pointed out that anons tend to gravitate to cows they can relate to in some way, and I think it's true in a lot of cases. Not everyone is mad here, but a high percentage definitely are, and it's to be expected.
CC is a little better about these things, I guess because it's mostly based on hanging out, not closely watching the lives of insane, horrible humans.
No. 253918
>>253916Uh I don't know about you anon, but I find the fact I come here embarrassing in general. The way they described this place is fairly accurate.
Unpopular opinion- i hate watches. They are bulky, people judge you on how expensive they are and also we have phones to tell the time, who cares.
No. 253919
>>253916anon, the girls on /ot/ specifically are female incels. volatile and angry bitter cunts who don't really have any value, so they constantly defend this shit and try to devalue people who question it. ffs, 4chan isn't this bad, barring /b/, /cgl/ was never this bad, and /pt/ and /snow/ are not now. it's just disgusting women trying to act like they're the norm on here and everyone who's not the same is a babby outsider that should fuck off back to tumblr or c.c.
i honestly love talking to some people here, even shit talking with them, but /ot/ is like a festering fucking wound with more shit to wade through then fucking /b/.
No. 253920
>>253916I'm not defending it, I'm just pointing it out because it's true. What exactly did you expect when you came to a place called "Lolcow"? Wholesome behavior? Did you expect to able to set Lolcow as your home page and not look like a sperg?
There's a reason chan boards aren't really socially acceptable, and that some people still unironically think 4chan is full of pedophiles, drug peddlers and dangerous people in general. It's because it's basically true. Chan users are generally not healthy, good people.
>>253919The anon you agreed with on /pt/ or /snow/ about some cow being a rancid, haggard liar, the kindly anon who shared makeup tips with you on /g/, and the anon who talks about wanting to gas all men on /ot/ are the same fucking people. It's not a clean divide. It's certainly not good, but it is what it is. Accept it.
And no, /b/ is much worse.
No. 253922
>>253919Imagine being this overdramatic and clueless
Daily reminder that femcels are literally just a meme
No. 253925
>>253919A lot of the women here have had plenty of sex. Yeah a lot are bitter and crazy, but you keep saying incels, and incels are typically ugly virgins. Judging from the relationships/makeup/fashion/fitness threads there is definitely some attractive anons with boyfriends. Incel is not the right word.
And yeah it gets toxic here, but nowhere NEAR as bad as b. B is all traps and fap threads and actual gore threads. The worst that happens here is girls that troll about being edgy man hating animal stabbers, they never actually post gore pics. Also a lot of them seem to feel remorse about their perverted fantasies…on b they talk about wanting to fuck their little sisters and other anons egg them on.
No. 253928
>>253891I totally agree that mixed people have completely different experiences from other Black people, but it's sort of a weird gray area because of all the race mixing.
My dad's Black, but my mom's only half. Does that make me fully Black or mixed? What about people with two half-black parents? Mixed or still Black? What if your Black parents have white ancestors? How many Black ancestors do you need to even be considered mixed in the first place? If you have a Black great-grandfather you're only 1/8. Does that count as mixed or do you round down to White? Or if a mixed person was more culturally Black, would they be an exception? If Meghan Markle didn't straighten her hair or have a white accent, would she count?
It's the same sort of hair splitting that white nationalists avoid talking about because it's inconvenient.
No. 253931
>>253866Fuck you,
t. someone who wears sailor-inspired fashion 24/7 and looks great in it
No. 253934
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>>253876Especially septum piercings on men. So ugly.
No. 253935
File: 1527447744220.jpg (78.64 KB, 564x699, hipster-mustaches-11.jpg)

I think hipsters look fucking stupid. It's a combination of various fashion disasters put together in order to be quirky. It's just about the most unattractive look a man can have.
No. 253936
>>253928IMO, it really depends on whether a person "passes". If someone is mixed, but most people can't tell and think they're mostly one race, I don't think it's a big deal for them to be considered as that race for the sake of ease/convenience (though their actual genetic makeup says otherwise). Most people are sort of mixed, but one part of their genes is more clearly dominant.
It's only when the person actually looks like a perfect 50/50 split that things get confusing, I think.
No. 253940
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>>253935>>253938Right? I hate beards and hipsters, they look like cavemen
No. 253944
>>253941I can't stand most pop artists today tbh
Most of the songs are so forgetable
No. 253945
>>253942Can't name all of them off the top of my head: Crazy in Love, 7/11, Single Ladies, Halo
Unless I for some reason was only exposed to her few bad songs: she makes generic pop
No. 253947
>>253945lul because you listened to all her top 40 bait singles. she's more of an album artist (minus sasha fierce which is a TERRIBLE album)
listen to bday, 4, self titled and lemonade
No. 253948
>>253947Thanks I'll check those out.
You'd think with how everyone seems to worship her they'd play her actual good songs on the radio.
No. 253953
>>253941I agree. Her music is very overrated and uninspired. People always worship her and treat her like she's this beauty icon and the queen of all black people. She's not very good looking in my opinion.
But even more than beyonce, I hate the beyhive. They are toxic, spoiled brats who can't stand it when you give their queen a genuine bit of criticism.
No. 253954
>>253948her new music is more alt-r&b with better vocals whereas her older music is more neptunes-esque r&b/pop. if you like those things you'd like her music. if you don't, you wouldn't lol
she's popular and acclaimed because she's an amazing pop performer and has solid albums with interesting production and themes. idg why people say she's overrated because its not like she's compared to jimi hendrix or something. she's compared to mj and janet which is appropriate.
No. 253957
>>253954Mj wrote his own stuff tho. Janet is more appropriate I guess.
>>253955It's true that she is a better performer. I still don't think her songs are better than theirs.
No. 253961
>>253923Thanks for that popular opinion.
>>253930Can you afford it? Because there's a free app. It's not like the full game but it's pretty cute. I can't really afford video gaming as a hobby, but animal crossing is worth it. You can find some cheaper okay-condition 3ds's (acnl) and really cheap wiis (for accf)on ebay.
>>253934dear god
No. 253963
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Bodysuits/leotards/whatever you call these atrocities look like baby onesies and they give me the creeps, especially the ones with buttons in the crotch. Ugly as fuck and look like thot-ified ddlg wear to boot, no fucking thanks.
No. 253964
>>253955Yes Taylor can. This is the true unpopular opinion. She’s one of the few pop artists who actually can sing and play instruments
No. 253987
>>253923Tangled was the superior film in every way.
Also, doctor who is objectively terrible and even the superfans know it.
No. 253992
>>253949>She even steals from lesser-known, actually talented artists. She's a thief. If you Google "Beyonce plagiarism" you'll find a million examples. Like, she wanted credits for her covers of You Oughta Know and some other songs lmao. Or she'll alter a single word in the lyrics and demand writing credit.
I like her music just fine but her fans are straight up insane. They act like she's literally a god. You're not allowed to criticize her
at all, the Beyhive may as well be a cult.
No. 253994
>>253992Not arguing, but that video being used as proof of "theft" is kind of silly IMO, because it's obvious that extremely heavy inspiration was taken from the original. It's a clear homage, down to the cinematography. "Copying" and "theft" would be if she took the dance moves and put them in a completely different setting/context. She clearly wasn't trying to hide anything.
I did like that particular video a lot for the aesthetic and vibrant energy/activity (even though I'm not a Beyonce fan), so it's neat to see the "original". Thanks for it, anon.
No. 253998
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>>253848i agree but unironically
No. 254013
>>254011>sounds like you think everyone has the same sex driveno that's clearly you. you're the one saying all men like ____ and all men expect _____
lots of men like fucking all day everyday just like lots of women do.
No. 254023
>>254017>>254022no they don't. stop reading tumblr radfem blogs run by lesbians.
No. 254027
>>254024it would be funny that they actually believed this if they didn't spread this around and get other dumb girls to believe them
the truth is most porn sick men are the most passive lol you can get them to do anything
>>254025sex was never a "pure" place free of misogyny lul idiot
No. 254037
>>254034most men didn't expect their wives to do that because sex was for whores.
>normal foreplayno it's not considered that. stay off lesbian radfem blogs, they don't know what they're talking about.
No. 254038
>>254031They have not changed drastically. You just read too many articles about how men want to beat and stab women during sex.
Most people out there have super vanilla sex lives.
>>254034>Now a days being choked, slapped and basically beat up is now considered normal foreplay.What the hell? LOL
No. 254043
>>254040No it wasn't at all. what's your source? look at porn from the 70s. all men were watching it back then.
sexist ads from the 60s had women bent over and getting spanked
No. 254047
>>254043And what is your source that proves most porn was like that and that all men were watching it?you can go back and find black on white cuck porn from the 1900s, doesn't mean it was a common fantasy that people had lol
There have always been freaks and perverts through out history, that doesn't mean it was seen as something "empowering for women" or proof that one isn't boring during sex.
No. 254066
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Mordern feminism has almost nothing to do with women's rights. It's all about being as much of an obnoxious, ugly, fat and slutty bitch without having any consequences for it.
No. 254075
>>254071Check out r/IncelTears/
It's a whole place where men and women make fun of incel thinking.
No. 254096
>>254090Could you recommend some reading sources? I’ve googled but there’s quite a bit. The gist of it doesn’t seem to focus on enough (from my few minutes of google and Wikipedia, so not the fairest assessment) but I wouldn’t mind reading into it.
Sorry, just assumed you didn’t know what radical feminism is. My bad. I think I’m just used to libfems criticizing it without looking into it at all (as I once did)
No. 254108
>>254099I think dom guys are shit too
Another one, I don't believe in karma/horoscopes
No. 254122
>>254118Mainstream sex as in normal dudes have most definitely got worse since free porn. Just ask any "normal" older people. (if you can talk about that stuff with older relatives)
Most people didn't think anal, choking, hitting, hair pulling, rape-play, cutting etc were on the cards in a new relationship or fling but now guys think it is. That's a difference for sure. Obviously kink existed before free porn, but expectation of kink by every normie 21 year old is a new thing
No. 254126
>>254122>anal, choking, hitting, hair pulling, rape-play, cutting>expectation of kink by every normie 21 year oldToday I learned that my 21yo boyfriend is part of a rare breed of men who don't demand any of this stuff. He also gives me oral whenever I want.
I must be the luckiest woman in the world.
No. 254133
>>254113What about femdom? Anyways, I think BDSM relationships are disgusting and this is coming from someone with sadistic tendencies. Don't see the appeal.
>>254131What a crybaby lol
No. 254138
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>>253866oh what the fuck same. never thought i'd see someone else with this particular pet hate. they seem so stuffy to me and i can't place why. i can see the appeal of very close together stripes like pic related but further spaced/navy stripes i really hate for some autistic reason.
No. 254151
>>253859If you know you don't like these movies then don't force yourself to watch them, it's not worth it, especially if you pay to see them in theaters. They're similar enough that by just watching one of the movies you'll know whether you'll like the others or not.
>>253891I have no idea if you're talking just about Black people or POCs in general because of this part
>other vaguely POC looking people>>253897People here should learn how to see the difference between jokes/exaggerations and serious posts. I feel like the infighting and misunderstandings here are mostly because some anons can't see the difference sometimes since it's an anonymous board and finding sarcasm in written texts is tricky sometimes.
>>253941>Why does everyone worship her so much?She's good at marketing herself.
No. 254156
>>254153Also, I can't stand "pet people" in general. I like animals, and I'm a vegan, but holy fucking shit. They act like you're Hitler if you don't want to be in their cat piss smelling house for too long, have their mongrel dog slobber in your face, let their snake/reptile/other exotic touch you without warning, etc.
People who own pets are fine. "Pet people" are the kind of folks who want to wear Taylor Nicole Dean's face, and scream at you if you don't consider their "baby" of equal importance to a human baby.
No. 254158
>>253897>OP of "femcel" thread says she actually wants to hurt menI have to defend myself here, I'm the OP of that thread and this is what I actually wrote:
>Obviously, women would never go as far as demanding sex by threatening rape, murder, etc.>I wouldn't say I hate all men but getting bullied certainly leaves you quite guarded.Where does this say "I actually want to hurt men"?
Why are you lying?
No. 254160
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>>254153are you seriously dragging that back up again?
>>254157Not that anon but I think he’s cute. He’s obviously supposed to be a clown. There are worse
No. 254178
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>>254158>>254168Henlo u stinky sheep
Go eat a perfect apple UGLY.
>>254162Reeeeeeeeeeee people enjoy a harmless game and I do not
No. 254188

>>25417416 is still too young tbh. I gag whenever I see these videos in my recommended list "I'm 15 and pregnant!" and all those retards in the comment section praising them along with other preteens screaming "Goalzzz". There's nothing praiseworthy or strong about that. Do you really think it's the girls own accomplishment if they manage to graduate "on top of being a mom"? Or maybe her parents are the ones doing all the work?
I know one girl who was a mother of 2 at just 19. There's no change that she'll ever work at all in her life.
>Poor Bebe. She made a mistake guys and she’s learning from it. It takes a lot to share your story girly . You are so strong That "mistake" is a human being. You should be absolutely ready before that and not learning while it's already here.
>>254180>Under 18 isn’t considered a child in some places. Yes and in the middle east girls are "ready" to fuck and marry at 8. Not being considered a child, doesn't mean that they actually aren't.
>My parents were fully functioning adults by 17.I guess that's because they simply had to givien their circumstances - not because they wanted.
>>254183>In other countries you can impregnate teen girls, nothing wrong with that, only jealous american feminist harpies are against it! No. 254194
>>254188Calm down stretch Armstrong. I said I think you’re American because of how gung-honyou are for a blanket ban. Where the fuck did you pull this bullshit from? >>>In other countries you can impregnate teen girls, nothing wrong with that, only jealous american feminist harpies are against it! need to breathe.
No. 254195
>>254188Woah. How’d you jump to the rape of pre-puberty children in the Middle East? Back up. Just because in your country and in your experiences 16-18 year olds act a certain way, that doesn’t mean that is the norm or should be the standard. Think critically for a minute about how arbitrary the difference between 18 and 19 is.
>I guess that's because they simply had to givien their circumstances - not because they wanted.they don’t view it like that at all. They enjoyed the freedom and autonomy being an adult gave them. They were confused and frustrated that I was so stunted, in their eyes, after becoming Americanized. They thought I would want to live alone and have smy own income, instead of going to school parties and doing school projects.
Your lifestyle, your experiences, your culture- they’re not the only way and they’re not inherently better or more natural just because they feel right for you. It’s ok to prefer it for yourself, but it’s ignorant to try to enforce it in other places.
Again, not talking about literal children. Talking about post-puberty teens, which is a big physical, emotional, and intellectual difference
No. 254203
>>254194>>254195I'm not the original anon, I just responded to you as well. And I'm
not American. Whenever somebody says something you don't agree with it's immediately "hurrudrr stupid Americans!" It's getting old…
>Just because in your country and in your experiences 16-18 year olds act a certain way, that doesn’t mean that is the norm or should be the standard.>Talking about post-puberty teens, which is a big physical, emotional, and intellectual differenceOP talked about kids younger than 16 though? And the girl in the video I posted is only 13… Sorry, but if you think that 16-year-olds not having kids shouldn't be the norm or standard…then you're a retard.
>They were confused and frustrated that I was so stunted, in their eyes, after becoming Americanized. They thought I would want to live alone and have smy own income, instead of going to school parties and doing school projects. There's a huge difference between being a lazy party kid and being responsible. Being a young responsible adult
in my country means that you work hard, get yourself a place, car etc. and then, after working for a few years and saving up you can think about a child.
But yes, I guess that lifestyle is not the only way and not inherently better or more natural than being a teen mom, just because it feels right for me lol
No. 254206
>>254203Again, since you’re struggling, I asked if you were American because you expressed a desire for an immediate all or nothing response to a problem that is decreasing anyway. I’m not saying that teenagers are all fine and dandy parents, or as you declared earlier, super into children being married off and raped. Why are you so aggressive and personally hurt by this?
I never insulted you or your opinion and you’re acting like a kid who got cheated out of a prize.
No. 254207
>>254200Yeah, they aren't either in my eyes. And unless you were raped, if you accidentally get pregnant after your early 20s, there's most likely something wrong with you.
>>254201>I forgot that birth control is 100% effective You could just not let a guy cum inside of you or use a fucking condom and I bet that would fix that problem.
>there’s no such thing as rapeCan you prove that most of these girls were raped, non-statutorily? Because I'm talking about the majority.
No. 254211
>>254209>Why would you wear condoms if you're already on the pill or have an IUD?Because like you said, birth control isn't 100% reliable.
>Condoms can also breakThen use plan B, I don't know.
Love how you ignored my other suggestion btw
>I desperately need the guy I'm fucking to cum inside me, anon! It's the only way! No. 254215
>>254211This is nothing to do with teen pregnancy and 100% because you have a moral issue with 16 year olds having sex.
Anyone too stupid to understand that accidental pregnancy is a thing should have been aborted tbh
No. 254220
>>254214Retarded shit like that isn't something someone on the intellectual level of an adult would do
>>254216That anon was talking about the girls who weren't raped, stupid.
>>254217No, I just think it's their own fault if they get pregnant unless they were raped.
>>254218Nice strawman
No. 254221
>>254220Then why did they quote
>victims Can you read?
Also, you don’t magically understand how condoms work (and what they feel like when they break) when you reach a certain age. It’s not an inherent skill you develop. It comes from experience.
I’m curious, are you a virgin?
No. 254222
>>254221Can you? By "victims "I assume they meant "victims of an unwanted pregnancy"
>Also, you don’t magically understand how condoms work (and what they feel like when they break) when you reach a certain age. It’s not an inherent skill you develop. It comes from experience.Right, and if
your ass fucks up when using birth control, you should take responsibility for your incompetence and the hypothetical unwanted pregnancy that would follow should serve as another learning experience :^)
>I’m curious, are you a virgin?I've never been penetrated if that's what you mean.
No. 254226
>>254222Called it, anon is just a bitter harpy who’s mad that she didn’t get laid in highschool.
Also explains why they have zero comprehension of how birth control can fail. (It’s your fault the pill isn’t effective for you!)
No. 254227
>>254225Lmao yeah I think that's exactly it, thank you for laying it out so perfectly under the veil of
No. 254229
>>254227Can’t belive there’s girls so bitter about their own lives they think child rape victims deserve it and are prostitutes because a dick was forced upon them.
Goddamn anon love yourself, buy a good vibrator, and be autistic in private.
No. 254230
>>254210>they majority of young pregnant girls don’t have to be raped >for you to realise that it happens>your calling the victims slutty little retards.>>254222Is it clearer now? They’re talking about rape victims. Do you get it?
>>254228Nice straw man.
>>254226No I called it! I’m the one who asked if they’re a virgin. Let me have this.
No. 254231
>>254222>I've never been penetrated if that's what you mean.Wat
What else could they mean?
No. 254233
>>254230Aight it’s yours.
>>254231A good ol dry hump on the couch in the basement before mom gets home?
No. 254236
>>254229I never said child rape victims deserve it, are you fucking kidding me? All I said was the people who had 100% consentual sex deserved their unwanted pregnancies.
>>254231Oral, which I have done.
>>254230That's literally what you said. You said the only reason I think they should take responsibility for their bad descisions is because I'm a bitter virgin.
Don't know how many times I have to say I never said rape victims deserved unwanted pregnancies, but I'm not going to bother anymore.
No. 254237
>>254236SO who said
>>254213 ?
Someone said those victims played with fire
No. 254238
>>254237I interpreted the anons post wrong and meant the
victims of unwanted pregnancies *who weren't raped
* were playing with fire.
No. 254240
>>254238Your first thought was victims of unwanted pregnancy but you think underage pregnancies are choices and deliberate.
Mmhmm. Makes sense, considering that the original statement was about rape victims. Top level backpedaling.
No. 254241
>>254239Idk I've done a
lot of oral, dude
>Or is this a cultural thing and you’re someplace where virgin just means sexually inexperienced totallyYeah, actually
>>254240So, you're just implying I think all rape victims who got pregnant deserved it because I fucked up and read a post wrong? Cool.
No. 254244
>>254242>Kind of like implying anyone who ate grapefruit not knowing it could stop their pill from working is a filthy whore with no self control?I never said anything like "filthy whore with no self control." If you got that from my posts, that's on you. If a girl did something like that, I'd just think she was dumb and that own ignorance was the reason her birth control stopped working, AND that she should take full responsibility for any consequences.
Also, someone earlier said something like "why would you wear a condom if you're already on the pill," and just fucking lol, have you never heard of an STI?
No. 254246
>>254244You literally said
>they areTo someone who said that you’re calling victims sluts. Is whore and slut different in your culture too?
No. 254247
>>254244So people are at fault for not being experts at birth control at the age of fifteen, despite the abysmal efforts of sex education programs and doctors too rushed to give a comprehensive lesson on everything that might interact with the specific drug she’s on. Hell, some doctors don’t know the grapefruit thing but it’s all the kids fault.
A child who has never been taught to research their medication because their family just trusts the doctor is to blame for not knowing about drug interactions.
Someone who has been incorrectly taught to use a condom is to blame when it breaks, not the faulty teaching system. Compound this with boys and men who lie about what size condom they require for vanity, but that’s still the girls fault.
It’s her fault if she has been misled and lied to about pregnancy (it can’t happen the first time/if you’ve got your period/if you douche afterwards. All common misconceptions)
Damn anon. You’re judgy as fuck.
No. 254249
>>254245>Why didn’t you answer how old you are? Because I'm not underage and didn't feel the need to. I'm 19.
>You’re speaking about things you have no experience in to people who doWhat about it? Because I've never done heroin, does that mean I'm not allowed to have an opinion on whether or not someone who OD'd on it was responsible for their own death? I don't see how getting vaginally fucked would give me a better perspective on this particular issue.
>>254246Yeah, and once again, I meant the ones who had consentual sex and ended up with an unwanted pregnancy. I still think it's retarded, but I'll backpedal a bit on calling it slutty. Whether or not it's slutty depends on the situation.
>>254247Yeah, pretty much. If you're going to do dumb shit, you need to be very careful or just not do it. If you aren't careful and you fuck your shit up, that's on you.
>Compound this with boys and men who lie about what size condom they require for vanity, but that’s still the girls fault. Hey now, nobody asked me about boys/mens role in this. I 110% think they're to blame too.
>Damn anon. You’re judgy as fuck.Do you know what website this is?
No. 254250
>>254249Lmao someone who has been deliberately lied to is to blame for that? Goddamn why such a hate boner for girls?
You’ve clearly got a major personal issue with young women’s sexuality. It’s practically oozing from your posts.
No. 254253
>>254252So a girl is lied to and told that she cannot get pregnant on her period. It’s still all her fault and she’s a stupid hoe because she was misled but now you’re backpedaling again?
Or are you just rehashing the rape point since you made yourself look like such a psychopath earlier?
No. 254255
>>254253Not any of the anons in this thread but fucking hell you are strawmanning to an extreme even for lolcow.
Reminder that this is the unpopular opinions thread, you're not going to change their opinion with arguments like this so don't take it so personally.
No. 254256
>>254253Oh my god, your strawmanning is so annoying.
>So a girl is lied to and told that she cannot get pregnant on her period. It’s still all her fault and she’s a stupid hoe because she was misled but now you’re backpedaling again?No, now where's your proof that this is what happend to the majority of girls who accidentally got knocked up?
>Or are you just rehashing the rape point since you made yourself look like such a psychopath earlier?Good god, I've admitted to misunderstanding a post, like, 80 times, will you just drop it already?
>>254254I'm sick of arguing about this and don't care anymore, I'm
not reading 8 paragraphs of bs (feat. 50 logical fallacies) and giving you my opinion on each situation like it's fucking 4th grade language arts.
No. 254257
>>254256Why do the majority have to be by whatever accident for you to accept that accidents exist despite your insistence that it’s all just laziness and stupidity, despite zero experience?
It also doesn’t explain your raging hate boner for girls who have had sex but I’m guessing you’re just a prude who thinks their sexual hang ups should be the norm.
If you announce a retarded opinion people are gonna argue it. That’s common sense. I gave you a bunch of scenarios to somehow get into your Neanderthal skull that accidents are possible but you’re still too thick to get it.
For the best if you stay a virgin tbh. Genes this slow don’t belong in the gene pool.
No. 254261
>>254257>w h e n>w i l l>t h e>s t r a w m a n n i n g>e n dI'm done. You can have the last word, anyone with eyes can see all the holes in this post anyways. I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you anymore.
For all the other anons who thought I was crazy at first, at least I'm not this bad. Fuck right off.
No. 254286
i don't get mariah or why she was even in /pt/. when i see her next to literal crazies like onion, margaret, luna etc i just don't get it. she does shit cosplay and she's fat, sure. but i don't think she's ever done anything fucked up and note worthy. i keep reading her threads hoping she's ever going to do something remotely milky but it's just her posting some thot cosplay again and
maybe laughing at the fat jokes.
>>253876i think having a single or very few tattoos makes people look trashy. like basic bitches with a fake tan and a sigle generic tattoo like an infity symbol and shit like that is ugly to me. but people with full sleeves, neck, hands are ten times hotter than average people me for some reason. i just want to sleep with them immediately. but if i see someone with 1 tattoo of a peace sign or whatever i think they're tacky as hell. don't know why.
>>253862seinfeld >>>> friends
No. 254289
>S-stay mad, anon!I'm not the one you were replying to, and I don't agree with her at all, but that's a true mark of defeat right there. She shat all over you and you had no response other than "lel ur mad XD" like we're literally in 2011. Truly a beautiful sight.
Unpopular opinion: memes are by and large fucking retarded, and so are the people who use them/think they're funny. There are exceptions, but this is usually the case. It's what you use when you have no real personality or cleverness to you, much like people who couldn't stop quoting Monty Python back in the day. Also, the whole "le mental illness/nihilism XD lololirony" as a meme is eyeroll worthy. No one thinks you're deep or funny because you're sad, Stacy.
No. 254306
>>254286>i don't get mariah or why she was even in /pt/. when i see her next to literal crazies like onion, margaret, luna etc i just don't get it. The "milk" is that she's lied and manipulated a few times and acts like a backhanded skank in general.
She's only there because she's the fat girl who found better convention 'success' than most cosplayers who post about her. Per meritocracy, most don't feel she deserves it. Even though most girls who bank in cosplay "don't deserve it" by those standards considering they're all the same breed of coattail-riding, lying, mediocre panderers.
No. 254310
>>254308I was literally responding to this post
>>254122 you doofus.
No. 254328
>>254326I think/hope that's still the popular consensus
Every person should get a basic liveable income.
No. 254341
>>254290Strawmanning is misrepresenting someone's argument, which is actually what you're doing right now because I never said nor implied that the dumb scenarios were strawmans. Stuff like me misreading a post (which I honestly think
she interpreted wrong just to make me look bad), admitting to it, and then her still accusing me of saying all rape victims who ended up pregnant deserved it after I did so? Stuff like "It also doesn’t explain your raging hate boner for girls who have had sex but I’m guessing you’re just a prude who thinks their sexual hang ups should be the norm"? Those are some fucking strawmen, and her posts were riddled with other examples of them.
No. 254343
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i don't think melanie martinez raped that girl. mind you, i do believe the girl thinks she was raped because she's under 10 levels of tumblr and not reality. like the whole aziz ansari controvery where some tumblr bitch literally does not get what actual traumatic experiences are and think bad hookups are them. the bitch
>implies that melanie telling her to smoke weed was a way to get her to sleep with her, as if smoking a blunt before having sex is the same as women who get drunk and raped. except its not, because she was totally conscious of everyhting and her judgment.
>did not say no for the longest time and allowed her to do whatever she wanted did not push her away either. unless you're a literal child with no understanding of sex, you would know to do.
>giggled as melanie felt her up, as if its going to let her know she's uncomfortable
>allowed her to do everything she wanted
>but suddenly it becomes "i said no repeatedly. she used her power over me"
>"i lay still not reciprocating" as if this is somehow going to let melanie know she's uncofortable. and what happened to the whole you letting her touch her up and then suddenly you were saying no the whole time? did you just stop saying no and let her to do whatever? it sounds like it. maybe melanie thought you changed your mind.
>raped with a dildo, something that sounds like a bad hookup bc melanie was not even getting off, why would she continue if the girl was actually trying to get her to stop. inb4 someone tries the argument of "well some rapists get off on power" c'mon this basic bitch is generic as fuck not some narc psycho serial rapist
>did not fight back. which, when your "abuser" is some underweight midget mexican girl, you can absolutely fucking do. being "afraid" of her holds no water.
>actually didn't believe she was abused till her tumblr friends told her she was
>literal nobody who released their music around the time of the "expose"
>literally has green hair
>seemed to be totally cool with hanging out with Melanie after the whole ordeall and never stopped being friends with her till Melanie dropped her as a friend then suddenly she's evil
she's a mockery of real victims tbh. when dumb MRA complain about women who cry about rape because of bad hookups, i always think its stupid. but then i remember how melanie is apperantly a "confirmed" rapist now. yeah fucking right. so cool that calling out ""abusers"" became trendy so people who had shitty relationships and not actual traumatic events could bandwagon in. also fucking hate how now everyone uses her as an example of "female rapist exist too!!" when her lousy lesbian sex story is nothing compared to the vile shit men in hollywood got away with for years. inb4 someone calls me a melanie fan, don't care for her. i heard people dragging her years ago for her "Tag You're it" song and as someone who was molested as a child i thought that and the whole "child persona" was in poor taste and mockery or real victims. i know its a """character"""" and a """"conceptual story"""" but she's still edgy and a pretentious who thinks she's a lot more deep than she is. also tumblr core ew. keep her.
No. 254354
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>>254348Being falsely accused of rape is seriously terrible, but god damn her music is a steaming pile of horse shit. With her bad attitude and how terribly she handled things, I'm surprised people haven't uncovered actual dirt that would ruin her career.
The worst part is that she acts as if her basic tumblr pop is some ~2deep4u~ high brow, avant garde masterpiece. Like she seriously thinks she's the next Kate Bush or Bjork when she's more like Avril Lavigne's understudy.
~If you don't like pop surrealism you probably won't like me.~ and ~Because quite frankly, you. Just. Don't. Get. It.~ are borderline copypasta tier
No. 254358
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>>254351>>254354>"I look at music as an art form, and lately, I’ve been really drawn to vintage children's items like toys from the '50s and Russian teddy bears. I've clung to that as something I'm interested in collecting—pastel colors, that whole Japanese "Lolita" theme. I'm obsessed with that stuff. People usually write songs about how they feel and it's blatantly clear, like: “He broke up with me,” and the song that spawns is called “Heartbroken.” I always thought it was way more fun to say that in a completely different way. I have a song called "Training Wheels" and it's about being in love with someone and taking it to the next level by taking off the training wheels. I love the contrast between adult situations and the kid themes. It just shows it can all come back together."Sounds like children sexualisation to me.
She's friends with Yungelita aka Emma Harvey (a major pedo) too, it says a lot about her.
No. 254361
>>254354Unpopular opinion: she wasn't falsely accused, and the only reason that she isn't on public trial is because of the gash between her legs. Liberal feminists want women to have the right to be just as awful as men. They also shield my rapist, a relatively popular woman in academia, because she has the "right" opinions.
Another unpopular opinion: women commit sexual assault way more often than statistics indicate, they just get away with it. Or they faciliate it, like allowing their child to be sold for heroin.
No. 254362
>>254286She steals art and commissions people to make other makers' original designs, she sperged all over twitter constantly narcing it up before she was banned twice for telling people to kill themselves, she tries to steal men in very cringeworthy fashion a la Vicky.
Speaking of Vicky, she should really be in /snow/ since she only had one milky spergfest and then nothing really interesting since.
No. 254367
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>>253248Sphynx cats are one of my favorite breeds. They look so cute to me, but everyone else seems to be disgusted by them.
I just find them so elegant in a god-like way. I think of Egyptian gods when I look at them. Also petting them feels really nice.
No. 254370
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>>254367I think they're hilarious.
Unfortunately all I can think when I see one is "naked cat." I don't find them very regal.
No. 254372
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>>254367I love sphynx cats! They're a bit funky looking the same way oriental cats are but they're cool and cute. The babies are super adorable too.
No. 254377
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>>254367I think they’re adorable in a pathetic, vulnerable way. They just look so defenselsss yet also so arrogant. Love em
No. 254378
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>>254367And grumpy ones are the best
No. 254382
>>254372I really want that black one.
Also, cat-related unpopular opinion: Hello Kitty (while admittedly cute) creeps me the fuck out and I genuinely think that 99% of her adult fans are into weird DD/lg stuff. I almost could believe that Sanrio is aware of this, and caters to them.
No. 254388
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>>254383You might not find it cute, but you gotta admit they’re good at what they do. They’ve managed to make a library of quickly identifiable and visually simple characters that generations of people have intense nostalgia for. And then they capitalize on those generations growing up and having disposable income by releasing makeup collaborations and adult sized clothing.
No. 254389
>>254383>>254382Unpopular opinion though: I find the whole cute trend in "girls", actually adult women, clothes and acessories very worrying. Same with the "Daddy" kink/meme, it's like besides being objetified these people also decide that being infantilized is somehow healthy or a good idea.
I'm by no means a well adjusted normie, but most, if not all, of the successful normie woman I've met were ever obviously into weird baby fashion and all presented like actual grown ups.
No. 254392
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>>254389I just like cute shit. It ain’t that deep. Men (and women) are collecting pop vinyls, graphic tees, lego, and amiibos like overgrown children but no one says a peep. Why is cute girly shit off limits because it looks childish when guy childish shit is just considered nerdy?
No. 254402
>>254397Weird clothes don't bother me. I agree with what other anons here have said. Kinks are also fine IN PRIVATE. That is something I do agree with. Wtf is with 14 year old girls being littles and shit. Like back in my high school days we had emos and scene kids…and now weird bdsm subcultures are becoming like normal phases for kids.
Kitten play? Ddlg?
Even adults, like be a furry or weeb freak if you want but anything sex based should stay in the bedroom or limit it to your weird meetups at sex clubs. This includes ddlg and kitten play ect.
I'm not kink shaming, attach ostrich feathers to your balls while you sing adele for all I care, just keep that shit private and don't influence kids into that shit on youtube. (I'm looking at you binkie princess)
No. 254414
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I wouldn't necessarily say this is an unPOPular opinion, but pop vinyls are cheap, shitty, and ugly and simply owning one is a red flag to me. If you're going to collect dumb nerd shit, at least buy nendos.
SSB is a shit and it's community full of manchildren should suffer
Persona 5's style is fugly and the way everyone's eyes are pretty much on the opposite sides of their head is an unforgivably hideous design choice
Touken Ranbu should've been more of a fan servicey otome game and less of an rpg
No. 254415
>>254341So you said you’re over it and finished arguing but still mad and posting about it. Dude move the fuck on and shit your pants about something else.
>>254414Funko pop figures are literal garbage.
Also- nobody is shaming anybody’s fetish you’re just an animal for bringing it up publicly.
No. 254416
Unpopular opinion: short women have it lucky, especially when it comes to attracting a 6"+ man.
>>254383Cinnamoroll and My Melody are 100x cuter than Hello kitty, and no one can convince me otherwise.
No. 254423
>>254414>Touken Ranbu should've been more of a fan servicey otome game and less of an rpgAgreed. Browser games are just obnoxious and no one would play that shitty game if it weren't for the boys. And the anime just can't fulfill everyone's fanservice needs because of the very limited screentime you can devote to any particular character.
I get how the pokemon-ish collection aspect is very alluring, but I swear they keep people playing solely out of sunken costs.
No. 254424
>>254418The second it’s out in public, yes. Shame that shit away.
>>254416My melody is beautiful.
Really love gudetama and aggretsuko too.
No. 254425
>>254423>Browser games are just obnoxious and no one would play that shitty game if it weren't for the boysYeah, it feels like such a waste of really nice character designs
>the anime just can't fulfill everyone's fanservice needsthis, and a lot of the fan service that was in it was just straight up cringey. Wtf is up with the Udon Song?
Mikazuki coming out of ths woodwork to sing about his damn egg near the end was 10/10 though
No. 254471
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>>254423>Browser games are just obnoxiousUm try again sweaty
No. 254506
>>254414>pop vinyls are cheap, shitty, and ugly and simply owning one is a red flag to meBoyfriend was stupidly obsessed with these things when I first met him. He had to try to order the entire set of them shits on the grounds that they'd be "worth money." He had no idea what the fuck he was doing. Most times he'd wind up with random shit, incomplete sets, and damaged goods that would get shoved into a box and forgotten about. Nothing about his collection was gonna be "worth money."
He once got pissy with me and whined about how he couldn't "display" the ugly fuckers in our apartment, because I didn't want it to look like a 'nerdy' college dorm.
Only one thing worked to get him to quit: Calling them Beanie Babies.
I basically shamed the fuck out of him by calling them that and from that point forward he suddenly realized how juvenile it all was–but at least Beanie Babies were played with!
He finally got the message that Pops were cheap wastes of money that weren't even worth having around. He sold the majority of them and has only a couple in storage.
There they rot…
No. 254525
>>254372Orientals too! They look like Dewey from Malcolm in the middle and they're really endearing/funny
>>254437Agree with all you said. I like New Moon a lot, the scenes in the forest with Jacob are really cute and it's so cozy.
No. 254528
>>254506That sounds pretty manipulative and kind of like what guys do to women and their interests frequent. It sounds like you have a personality disorder tbh. And this is coming from someone who hates comic/nostalgia shit. Can't wait for your BPD/narc-fueled reply.
Unpopular opinion: it's not okay to bully your partners out of an interest if it isn't seriously affecting their life/health. That makes you a self obsessed, boring twat.
No. 254535
>>254528>Can't wait for your BPD/narc-fueled replyOr maybe I'll just laugh at how off-base you are, lol. Why are you trying to diagnose anybody based on a single story?
By the by, I think telling my partner to lay off the toy purchases while he bitches to me in another ear about his money issues (directly affecting our lives and healths) and having storage issues is not "bullying."
It's called growing up.
No. 254542
>>254528I don't think that is an unpopular opinion but I agree. I also hate it when girls somehow think it's okay to tell their boyfriends to shave their facial hair/get a certain haircut because they prefer it. I think it's rude and a double standard tbh. If a girlfriend was told by a boy to cut their hair because they preferred it, they would never hear the end of it.
My mother in law nags her husband about shaving his face.
I hope I don't sound like a white knight for men, but yeah, I just think controlling your significant other's looks is a bit selfish.
No. 254543
>>254542>If a girlfriend was told by a boy to cut their hair because they preferred itWhat do you mean? This happens all the fucking time. Men constantly tell women what they prefer!
Damn straight if I didn't meet my boyfriend with a beard I'd tell him I didn't like it if he started to grow one.
Stop whiteknighting men.
No. 254545
>>254543Hush anon, think of the poor men.
Of course if you say anything about their toys and their looks, you're just an evil manipulative bitch like why do these men stay around you even haha.
No. 254546
>>254544Beards are unhygienic as fuck.
–t. unpopular opinion
Watch a guy with a beard eat and you'll see how food and drink gets caught in those hairs. Or how they're constantly fingering their unwashed hands throughout the facial hair all day.
No. 254548
>>254547Nothing I said would come from an SJW and just because someone disagrees with you also doesn't make them an SJW.
This isn't about "saying something nice" to men. You actually think it's audacious for women to tell their own boyfriends what looks they prefer on them, meanwhile guys get away with doing that to their girlfriends all the time.
Almost like attraction is based on preferences, fancy that!
No. 254553
>>254548Honestly, 'guys get away with telling girlfriends how to look' is a generalisation. Yes, I dated a pig who would tell me he preferred me a certain way, but now I am with someone I've been with for over 7 years. He doesn't give a hoot if I shave my legs, if I was to shave my pubes ect, just like how I am not going to pester him if he decides to keep his beard for winter, or shave his head for a change.
Honestly if you think all guys are controlling assholes, you are dating the wrong person.
Also there's a difference between a girl or boy asking their partner 'do you like me blonde/brunette better?' Or 'do you like my beard or clean shaven?' and the difference between someone actually controlling how their partner looks.
I wasn't trying to be a white knight, I just noticed a lot of girls are bitchy about facial hair when it's not their body to comment on.
Also, those complaining about beards being filthy sound like the immature men that say unshaven vaginas are dirty.
I'm not trying to bash people with preferences, if you like your partner a certain way and they are thick skinned enough to change it for your criticisms, that's fine, I'm just saying that to me personally, I feel like it's a bit mean.
No. 254556
>>254553>I just noticed a lot of girls are bitchy about facial hair when it's not their body to comment on.>Men making comments on women is just a generalization! I doubt many men would exactly leap for joy if their girlfriends stopped waxing off their mustaches and quit plucking their unibrows.
Most men can't handle it when their girlfriends have hairy legs and armpits, and no less a hairy crotch. Let's not even talk about short or bald hairdos on women.
No. 254557
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I’m tired of people assuming that I want to look like a man because I lift.
lifting weights won’t make you look like a man
No. 254559
>>254549'I liked you better with long hair' as an unwarranted comment is just as rude as 'ew I hate it when you have a beard'
If a guy tells you to get implants, leave him.
Also, once again, critisism is okay when the person ASKS for it, I was talking about when people say openly 'i like you this way better' instead of just accepting change in their partner.
The way I see it, we are going to get wrinkly skin, saggy everything and white hairs eventually, why not let your boyfriend have a lumberjack phase if he wants, it doesn't change the person you are dating inside.
No. 254565
>>254553Some of us have standards for what we look like and what our partners look like too. I don't want to
triggers you but I also nag my bf to put some effort into the way he dresses. Nothing scream "I have no self respect" more than an filthy beard, an ugly walmart shirt and some cargo pants.
>Also, those complaining about beards being filthy sound like the immature men that say unshaven vaginas are dirtyBut a lot of beards are genuinely dirty just like some women have stanky hairy genitals. I'm tired of that "not all men" bullshit growing on here.
No. 254573
Some men don't take care of their beards, so a woman's criticism isn't invalidated just because her primary concern is aesthetics.
I'm sure most anons are happy that you're complacent and comfortable in your relationship but that doesn't mean airing preferences is wrong.
No. 254575
>>254572Agree, and not that I'm an insecure pile but I wish boyfriends/girlfriends were more honest with each other when it comes to looks.
Nothing makes me more irritated when I can tell someone is holding back their opinions because they feel they have to.
No. 254576
>>254572And that's totally cool for you to be like that, I guess I'm just a bit more sensitive, I wouldn't like my bf telling me my dress was ugly so I don't put down the things he wears/likes.
We are different people anon, and that's cool, I just originally put my unpopular opinion on girls hating on guy's facial hair because I've seen quite a few friends and people I know do it it to their SO's and I thought it was a bit mean, that's all. I knew it was a popular opinion and that's why I said it here.
I also wasn't trying to change anyone's mind by replying to some of the posts, just more explain why I felt this way without coming across as a not all men whiteknight type.
But yeah, like I said I'm sensitive…I'm also the type of person to quietly hate it when a friend says 'shut up!' Or calls me 'loser' as a joke. Like I know it's a joke, but I don't like it haha but I never say anything.
My boyfriend and I are very similar in that aspect, so I guess that's why we don't have the type of relationship where we state our preferences bluntly. We joke around, but not to the extent that others might do.
Anyways, no hard feelings.
No. 254581
>>254575I don't think there's anything wrong with being blunt if the person asks for your opinion though, like if I asked my bf, 'does it look like I've put on weight?' I would like him to be honest. Even then, be blunt but not a cunt.
For example-
'Yeah, around the belly and thighs' is okay, but-
'Yeah you look really fat and bloated lately' is harsh.
Depends if the critisism is warranted and also how they word it.
No. 254582
>>254580i somewhat agree with this? nta, but i think it's shitty to criticize or complain about something someone already had
before you started dating. i wouldn't want my bf to suddenly say he hates my hair or something, cause that means he obviously felt that way the whole time. anything you or your partner decides to do during the relationship is fair game for criticism tho. there's a huge difference between not liking how someone already looks and not liking how they
want to look.
No. 254585
>>254580The anon that you were replying to, I get what you mean. Something like tattoos and piercings are fine to speak about, and speaking up if they want a drastic change is definitely healthy.
Like If my partner wanted a face tattoo, I'd talk him out of it big time, and explain I'm not a fan of tattoos and explain the repercussions…but I wouldn't be like- 'you fucking twit that's a terrible idea! Why on earth!?'
No. 254586
>>254583that's totally different and the same level of gross as when men force women to shave. bitch should know how it works considering she probably shaves too. my bf and i
both hate all body hair but we only really dislike our own and don't treat eachother poorly when we're too lazy to keep up with it.
No. 254602
>>254600Ah yeah, I do put a little bit of pencil eyeliner to blend it in.
If you have good skin you can wear lipstick or eye makeup without foundation.
No. 254603
>>254599Yes and no (in my opinion not trying to fight)
I have generally even, unblemished skin,(not humblebragging) but unfortunately I have the worst blackest eyebags in history, so a pair of falsies and no makeup on me would look terrible. It would make the bags look worse. Probably could not get away with only concealing the eyes because I would look like I'm wearing a weird mask lol
Also I agree with you that some girls could get away with it but it depends on the lash length and whether they put mascara on the bottom lashes or tinted them to match the extensions on the top.
Like if you had a bare face with long black top lashes and the lower lashes were blonde/light brown, it would just look super obvious you are wearing fake lashes.
No. 254607
>>254600She did say spot conceal and a tiny bit of eyeliner.
But I so agree with part of that, eyeshadow alone or just eyeliner/eyemakeup alone looks retarded.
No. 254612
>>254610eh I think you are being a bit paranoid anon, I've had arguments on here whilst saged and unsaged, some arguments I've forgot to sage because I've changed devices or simply forgot.
I don't doubt there are shit stirrers or trolls, but not everytime some disagrees unsaged are they the same person.
I only really cared about sage on the cow threads and snow threads, it doesn't bother me here at all.
Sometimes I think people that whine about sage constantly are a bit petty. Like sure if the thread gets shat on, but generally I find it resumes to normal convo if you ignore it. This thread has had many arguments, and as long as others post their unpopular opinions, then the fights get forgotten about.
I do realise the significance of having sage, I just don't really care to notice it.
No. 254613
>>254610I've gotten into so many arguments here but trust me when I say I was actually annoyed at the anon you are referring to that said they lie/start fights for fun.
Constructive debates? Cool.
Retards that fight for fun? Stupid.
No. 254617
>>254596This! Like all those girls that now look odd from lip injections that don't suit their face shape.
Like I get it's a trend, and I understand majority of society finds big lips attractive, but there are many beautiful women with unconventional features including small thin lips. Why force it, if it doesn't suit you?
No. 254621
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>>254358>>254550i don't know who this Yungelita person is that you guys are talking about but… i googled her and holy shit bitch is ugly. tranny looking as fuck. big tits can only get you so far, uh…
No. 254623
>>254621I don't know who she is either but she doesn't look that bad. She should ditch the blonde hair for long dark natural hair with side swept bangs to hide that five head and maybe don't pose her mouth like that because it makes her look like a mongoloid, but she's not totally unfortunate looking.
Mind you, that's the only pic I've seen of her.
No. 254624
>>254610Yeah I see your point. There's
>>254153 who brought up the argument again after everyone had moved on. Idk if she's trolling or if she was still legitimately butthurt over the whole thing
No. 254629
>>254615Half the people who actually make an effort can't debate for shit anyways.
Some anons win by taking advantage of how bad the other anon is at getting their point across. One of the only times that hasn't worked was the loli discourse a few weeks ago, and that was because they were both cows. It was almost impressive how the anti-loli girl managed to make herself look more retarded than the pedo edgelord she was arguing against.
No. 254649
>>254642Definitely disagree. The reason most women don't date short men is because most
women in general are basic bitches who eat up the idea that they're supposed to be short and fragile, while men should be tall and strong. It kind of sounds like you feel that way too…
No. 254654
>>254642I won't date a short men because I don't find them attractive, I'm okay with a dude just a little taller than me but not shorter, It's an instant turnoff. I'm 5'7.
I won't date dudes my exact height either because they lose their shit over not being taller, like they act pissy when I say we're both 5'7 "No!! I'm… I'm 5'8!" I'll see them extending their whole body when I'm next to them to hide their manlet status, it's too sad.
No. 254657
>>254642Thissssss so hard. I have a young looking face with round cheeks because I'm malay/white, and almost every date, the man has said something about me being taller than expected.
Not every shorter dude is rude, and I'm certainly not a bitch about heights, but it doesn't really make you feel feminine when guys point out immature shit like looking too tall for heels. I'm a girly girl, and i want to feel feminine.
I so wish I was shorter!
Also I have very broad shoulders.
The only upsides is that when I gain weight, it doesn't show up as obvious as my shorter friends. Also I have long legs which is kind of nice. Still though, I wish I was a little short girl. Amongst my friends I feel like Sally from 3rd rock from the sun, or that giant chick from house bunny. Or a fucking tree. My voice is deeper than theirs too, i fucking hate it.
No. 254670
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>>254665>well you're small for a manTfw I will never be tall/amazonian enough to say this.
No. 254693
>>254678This. I like looking girly, and I don't care about anyone else's choices on whether they want to adhere to gender norms…it's just my choice that I wanna look girly, and I don't feel it because of my damn height!
>>254684Tall anon from before here, I feel you. I am constantly exercising and eating less. Making myself thin makes me feel less terrible about the height situation. Those comments really stick with you and affect you later on in life. Well some of us anyway.
I guess some of us are just fucking idiots who succumb to genderrrr normssss
No. 254704
>>254676You do realise that both anons are insecure from being bullied right? I'm sure if they hadn't those experiences they probably wouldn't give a shit about being tall or not.
Also lol 'gender norms are fucking stupid'
For someone that sounds like they came straight from tumblr, you are quite abrasive and insensitive.
No. 254707
>>254693I feel like if I were bigger I'd just look like a big ass gorilla. I remember a guy at work compared his feet to mine and said "haha look how big her feet at", and I'm thinking "well of course my feet are the same size as yours since you're 5'2", logically I know he's wrong but it still
triggered me. I wear an 8 shoe and I sometimes feel like if I'm not 5'1, 80lbs with a size 5 shoe then I'm too big.
No. 254719
>>254707Wow, relating so hard right now. I'm an 8/8.5 in shoes.
Also doesn't help that because I work in retail, often short couples will ask me to get something down from the top shelves (which I'm happy to do, it's my job) but occasionally I'll get a smartass comment about being tall. 'You should play basketball hurr hurr'
I've received comments from the wives, but typically it's dudes that comment rude things.
Also if you offer to get something down from the shelf, i find that some short men are almost hostile about it and will say no and continue struggling to reach.
Same with the ones that you offer to get a trolley for the 30 kilo buckets and they say NO and then you witness them struggling to carry it to the registers.
No. 254732
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>>254621>>254623I know you people don't like PULL but she has a giant thread there.
>inb4 go back to pullI just lurk there sometimes
No. 254733
>>254712This! I'm the anon that said they just wanna feel girly and can't because of my height. I'm not saying that you can't feel girly and be tall for fucks sake, maybe you can, maybe you can rock the whole tall/big feet/wide shoulder look while wearing heels and a tight dress, GOOD FOR YOU.
If you fucking READ, I was saying I. As in ME. As in I, an individual. Stop acting like I'm enforcing gender stereotypes or some shit. I don't give a shit that others are confident with their heights, good for them, I'm saying I have fucking issues about disliking my height and stating the reason why and you just keep calling insecure anons stupid for being insecure like that fixes anything. So what should I do anon? What shoukd I do? Tell me, since you are such a fucking expert. I'm already seeking counselling for poor body image…what else? Stop watching literally every tv show or magazine that shows petite short girls? Avoid hanging around my friends when we go out because it makes me insecure? Please, share with me how to grow a thicker skin overnight because I'm just a fucking retard that adheres to gender norms by my own choice.
No. 254742
>>254733It sounds super cliche but the best way to look good is self confidence, when you put effort in looking good and cary yourself with confidence people will genuinely think your good looking.
This is how the ugliest girls in highschool could sometimes become hyper popular, because they had a big mouth and were convinced they were hotshit.
And tall girls can be girly, look at Taylor Swift for example, she doesn't look out of place in her girly outfits.
No. 254743
>>254724They weren't implying that though. They were saying they were conditioned to feel like that through negative experiences impacted from other people.
Yeah, they should probably not care about it and let it go, but I can kinda see where they are coming from. A girl in class (my friend actually) was weird and used to say I smell bad all the time. I washed my uniform every day, brushed my teeth twice a day and always wore deodorant, but she would continue to say it. Not in a bitchy way either but just like always say it.
As a result, I got a bit of a complex about hygiene even more so than I already had.
TLDR-Some people get weird insecurities about dumb shit and are unable to simply let it roll off the back.
No. 254752
>>254737But I know I am insecure and working towards solving those issues. How am I stupid? I'm actively seeking help for something that I personally KNOW holds me back. Almost every single person in the world has insecurities, even successful people. How does insecurity equal lack of intelligence? Sure, it can hold you back from achieving goals, but I think it's silly to say every person with any insecurity is an idiot.
You are telling me you have absolutely no insecurities at all?
Absolutely none.
Well then you are either an android or someone who has no sense of self reflection whatsoever.
No. 254757
>>254754Yeah. Apparently if you are a mere mortal who falls slave to their emotions and insecurities you are immediately an absolute dunce idiot.
Gee I wish I was just like this robot lady with no insecurities, I'd be perfect at everything! Not to mention intelligent. I wish she'd show us her ways.
Step 1- don't have feelings or you are an idiot.
No. 254760
>>254745>why are you upset? >insecure people are weak pieces of shit. I bet you are the edgy anon that kills their hamsters and tortures all their boyfriends because it's
fun and you don't feel bad about it all because emotions are weak.
Do you like Huey Lewis and the news?
No. 254773
>>254771Literally what I was trying to say in response to
No. 254778
>>254766ALL the anons arguing about cheating/not cheating in that thread are annoying tbh
Both sides.
Like I didn't agree with the homewrecking shit, but christ let it go! No need to drag it into every thread goddamn
No. 254781
>>254776So? That's their issue. You don't have to be a shit because other people are, that makes you seem bitter. I honestly feel bad for the people who seem to only have negative shit to say about anybody, but I feel like there's a double standard. Anyone who bitches about women, even if they've had only negative experiences with women, get people saying #notallwomen or accused of being #notliketheother girls. And when people try to defend men the same way, they are accused of being a handmaiden. And some anons seem so quick to defend women who are garbage so they can shit on the man.
Some people are shitty, men and women, but we should be able to talk about our experiences with both. Neither men nor women are a collective, so notallmen and notallwomen are both valid.
No. 254787
>>254782I said it before but it's men's problems if other men are treating them that way, it doesn't mean you should be bitter and use it as an excuse to be shitty.
Also, you're making generalizations about people in general right now.
I personally think generalizations are fine, and defending against them are fine to, but just understand that's what you're doing.
It pisses me off when people say they're not generalizing. Like, you are.
No. 254798
>>254788You're pulling that out of your ass, it's not like that at all.
Ime any man who makes a comment about women nowadays will get fucked over.
No. 254800
>>254788Agreed, I can't even watch the news anymore without seeing hoards of people going out of their way to defend men and shit on women, even if its the mans fault, it gets disgusting as hell to the point where I've seen people accuse a 16 yr old girl of having consentual sex with her dad when she reported him for rape, people would do ANYTHING before ever admitting a man is at fault for anything
Every single fucking woman on the planet can be cookie cutters of what they want but the second one woman isn't theyll hate all women for it
>>254791What planet do you live? If women ever even did HALF the stuff men do everyone would hate women more than they already do
>>254798Go to the man hating thread, men will say vile shit and not get any hate for it except from us
No. 254814
>>254812All of this is dead on true, and I love you anon, but this is the unpopular opinion thread, not the common knowlegde thread.
Unpopular opinion- I don't think ryan gosling is hot
No. 254816
>>254813Lmao like anon said
>>254812 saying you can't get along with other women is a huge fucking "I'm an insecure cunty person" red flag.
No. 254818
>>254812Another unpopular opinion I have…
I think it's nearly impossible for women over the age of 16 to be close friends with each other . There's always some jealousy or they stop talking over something really stupid/pointless. I don't know any females who stayed friends for longer than a year or they're "best friends" who stop talking to each other for long periods of time because of something dumb then they make up and then rinse and repeat.
No. 254826
>>254813Yes and no. There's probably a few like that who only have males friends but judging from threads I've read, I think a lot of girls on here have social anxiety and are shy. I have lots of female friends online for example. Only a couple male online, but literally none of either sex irl. I have acquaintes of both genders irl, but not actual friends. I'm really friendly when people talk to me too, I'm just too nervous to make plans or hang out. I'm not ugly either, just shy as hell.
I get way more of a shy vibe from most farmers than a 'not like the other girls' vibe. Normally those girls only have males friends irl and most farmers complain about having friends altogether.
No. 254828
when did unpopular opinions turn into things that are objectively false, >but i believe them anyway!!
>>254818this just isn't a thing, like at all
No. 254831
>>254829Not always i agree a lot of these types are hot unapproachable types, but a lot of them are unlso flakey assholes who only care about themselves and the boy they are dating at the time/guys they are seeing. I knew 3 girls like this, and all of them were ugly but serial daters. They have female 'friends' but only see them once every 4 years when they break up from their last breakup.
As you can tell from my bitterness, I'm the 'friend' they use when whoever dumps them/they get bored lol
No. 254841
>>254838okay. that's fine. i think just admitting that girls who don't have many female friends aren't cunty "not like the other girls" types. some of them got used by shitty bitches, some of them are just shitty bitches and some are shy.
i think my problem with most anons on here has nothing to do with men or women, but just that people want to assume everyone is shitty and that's a horrible attitude. that's why so many anons in relationship thread say "break up with him" without even reading, or accuse girls of humble bragging when they're just trying to give context. honestly i think people who just assume others are shitty are probably shitty themselves.
No. 254845
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>>254841Does that mean you're shitty yourself?
No. 254851
>>254833just like women who've had a lot of awful experiences with men can end up hating men, women who have bad experiences with women can hate other women, however
as a woman who has had bad experiences with women, I feel like a lot of woman-hating women overexaggerate their experiences, like the anon who claimed that when they worked with women "they were always dragged into drama and the place was filled with jealousy where as when they worked with men it was about getting work done" and so many other anons came in disagreeing and, if anything, had the opposite experience of men being obsessed with drama and women being more lax in the workplace
given, statistically, men are much more evil than women,but women definitely bully and have girl-on-girl hate issues, but what I've noticed is that women can just leave mean comments and move on with their day, or gossip, with men they take their shit to a whole new level, they'll throw literal tantrums just because they are not attracted to a woman, not to mention men are more violent as well, and they act as if a woman not being fuckable personally offends them
despite having been abused by a woman, I much rather be around women than men, they're more calm, understanding and relaxed where as men will lose their shit really easily and play victim a lot, or get power trips and have delusions about how they can do whatever, they also tend to make everything about them
No. 254859
>>254845not really. there's a difference between assuming someone is shitty because you're
triggered and thinking someone is shitty based on how they actually act.
No. 254927
Meat eaters are often more in-your-face and obnoxious than vegans IMO. It's like they feel like they have something to prove.
If offered something that happens to be vegan (and the word "vegan" is anywhere in the title), some of them are like "No, fuck you, you can't convert ME!" proudly. Like, chill. It just means the item was made without animal products. Do you think it's full of brainwashing kool aid or something? Why are you this averse to trying something new (and even proud of said aversion)? And then these same people want to go on about how vegan food is most definitely bland and disgusting, but because of the previous reason, you can bet they haven't had any experience with it, and are talking out of their ass.
I'm only a vegetarian, and I don't even talk about it, but when people start noticing my plate, with some of them, it has to turn into some sort of weird debate/interrogation. They feel legitimate annoyance, and even anger, that not everyone is as dependent on animal flesh as them because it makes their taste buds feel good. I don't even give a fuck what others put in their mouths, but I still have family members trying to convince me to eat meat again after years. I can't imagine how much worse it'd be if I was actually vegan and dared to utter the word.
No. 254928
>>254927I think a lot of vegan products these days are delicious. But to be fair, the stigma about vegan products being bland or shitty garbage is because those products were that shitty up until a few years ago.
I remember the only palatable, quick-made product a decade ago was a choice between frozen Boca or Morningstar burgers.
Now with a larger selections of options, more restaurants, and an array of
good recipes online there's hardly an excuse anymore.
Other than that, I think people just like to pick on people who eat foods they're not familiar with eating.
My white parents used to make slant eyes and mock asian accents whenever I wanted something like sushi as a teen. Because in white Murrican society in the 70s, they didn't eat asian food because it was weird and they thought they'd get food poisoning.
No. 254931
>>254414>Persona 5's style is fugly and the way everyone's eyes are pretty much on the opposite sides of their head is an unforgivably hideous design choiceIt was pretty much the same in Persona 4, but I don't think that's the case in Persona 3's portraits even though the art style was far from being perfect. I'm surprised you don't mention the fucked up necks in the portraits. I don't find the style ugly overall, but it has flaws.
>>254510More like it's the same but worse because assholes from tumblr made accounts, especially when tumblr was bought by yahoo, and are very active on twitter as well.
No. 254932
>>254414>Persona 5's style is fugly and the way everyone's eyes are pretty much on the opposite sides of their head is an unforgivably hideous design choiceIt was pretty much the same in Persona 4, but I don't think that's the case in Persona 3's portraits even though the art style was far from being perfect. I'm surprised you don't mention the fucked up necks in the portraits. I don't find the style ugly overall, but it has flaws.
>>254510More like it's the same but worse because assholes from tumblr made accounts, especially when tumblr was bought by yahoo, and are very active on twitter as well.
No. 254933
>>254927Yep, and if you ask to other vegetarians and vegans, you'll see this is not an unpopular opinion at all lol. And there are a lot of videos and articles on vegan pages about this phenomenon too, seems it's everywhere.
The other day my vegetarian friend who's in vet school called me to vent because two of her classmates basically cornered the discussion to "lol vegans and all are so radical, you can't have a discussion with them". Not taking the bait my friend said she did not want to talk about this, they kept pushing her, until she got visibly frustrated and they went "SEE it's impossible to talk with y'all".
It can't be helped. People sometimes get really aggressive about it and if you reply any other manner than by smiling and being patient and coddling them to show that you're totally not judgmental and you're so happy to hear about the fact they only buy free range beef, then you're the bad guy.
No. 254969
>independent qweens/radfem/men hating anonsjesus mind the edge, lolcow is no tumblr or reddit
>insecure about not getting dick/enough dick andsome of us are lesbians we don't give a shit.
>(unless they're lesbos, in that case they're just jealous)okay literally fuckin neck yourself. that's not even an unpopular opinion. you just got super
triggered in an argument with other anons and you think your sperg deserves your own post.
it doesn't deserves its own fucking post, keep arguing no one cares. you sound so angry i don't even get it. if you don't like anons disagreeing with you just go to a
triggered SJW copilation and complain about degenerates, you sound like you're 13.
uuuuuhhh THIS IS MY TOTALLY NECESSARY UNPOPULAR OPINION POST GUUUYSSSS PAY ATTENTION!!!!! all these weirdo shoeonthehead type anons are annoying as fuck and need to get their pussies eaten, they sound like they fucking need it teeheeee <3 no breeders lolcow when?? No. 254975
>>254973Telling other anons to shut the fuck up has also been part of this board culture since forever. They have as much a right to air their grievances about behaviors as you do your opinions.
They can even have an opinion on what you post and the way you post it.
No. 254990
>>254758Right, because there's no way anyone but an insecure, jelly harpy would dare say one mean word about muh precious men; they dindu nuffin!
I think people who are this obsessed with sex and assume everyone else is too actually have issues. Are you borderline, anon? You really do give off shoe0nhead vibes.
No. 255003
>>255002The fact
>X said thing>X is now fired>Whew great achievement for societyIs something that continually happens and enraptures the public, just shows how stupid the public are. And from what I read the reboot was a lot more leftie than the original so nice work Twitter morons
No. 255005
>>254939I’m just guessing, but I think it’s a small minority of vegans who put their dogs on vegan or vegetarian diets. Purely anecdotal, but other vegans I know all feed their dogs and cats normal diets. And I’ve never met a vegetarian who pushed a vegetarian diet on a pet. I think it’s because vegetarian is typically seen as just a diet (a lot of vegetarians change up their lives but a lot of them just stop eating meat but still wear leather/wool, for example) whereas veganism is a lifestyle.
But I hate vegans who push their diets on their pets. I don’t want to hear how much their dog “thrives” on vegan kibble. When people asked me if I would switch my dog’s diet to a vegan one, I was disgusted. That’s definitely a popular opinion, though—most people are reasonably horrified by dogs on vegan diets.
No. 255014
>>255002I didn't care when they put it back on the air and when they canceled it, but seriously, fuck everyone on my fb feed acting like this is some sort of progressive victory.
Whoop de doo.
No. 255051
>>255048Didn't want to be that cunt, but I'm honestly more upset that the stupid bitch couldn't keep her mouth shut on social media to get paid an obscene amount of money for her two-bit sitcom.
People have gotta be more professional than that if they work flipping burgers these days. Employers fire for anything. Forget about making hundreds of thousands!
I'm glad her arrogance got thrown back in her face. It's not that she called someone an ape, it's that she thought she could get away with it. All these celebrities should learn what the fuck it's like to be an average person without a protective PR bubble around them.
No. 255092
>>255066>>255089Agreed, but very unpalatable opinion. I'm sure some whiny anon will again use this as an example for crazy feminazis ruining this board #notallmen
I don't see too many men mobilizing against female infanticide.
No. 255101
>>255098Because monogamy (the heterosexual variety) has historically been implemented as the ownership of the man over the woman and the children she bears him. Of course, polygyny as practiced in recorded history has not been any better.
I'm assuming that anon means that we should normalize polyamory as the idea that noone owns anyone when it comes to love, sex and romance. In any cas, if the male population is significantly reduced, widespread monogamy might not work out anyway.
No. 255121
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>>255103Agreed. Those people are honestly projecting when they call people oversensitive.
The thing I've noticed is that black Twitter is at least actually pretty creative with their white jokes, too. On the other hand, most of the jokes about black people aren't really jokes, just basic, passive-aggressive insults hinging on "lol ur monkey and no dad also crime haha". It's like the goal is not actually to laugh, but to feel vindicated because they're salty, hate-filled people in general. Eg compare pic related (1/2)
No. 255124
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>>255121to this "clapback". (2/2)
Like, it just radiates "I need a comeback for those fucking niggers and their mean memes, grrr" not "Oh, we're doing roasts? Alright, how about this?". No creative use of images or clever wording, just an attempt to preserve a fragile ego that was cracked by Twitter memes. It's pretty clear no one would actually laugh at this, but they'd probably think "Take
that, negroes!" (as if the actual point wasn't just humor).
No. 255131
>>255121It might be "creative", but on the other hand, why do they feel the need to constantly make these jokes in the first place?
I once called out an american online friend for always liking posts like this (ane even worse ones like "in 2017 we came for white men, now we come for white women"), because reading those hurts me and she only saif "oh I don't mean you, I only mean white americans", but still, why?
Makes me wish I never learned how to speak english and come across the ongoing race war the english speaking internet consists of…
No. 255136
>>255131Semi agree.
I'm not an sjw, and racist jokes can sometimes be funny on both sides but some of them annoy me.
Especially the ones that imply white people's parents don't hit them or white kids are spoilt and answer back to their parents.
I dunno, maybe I'm just a
triggered asshole because I came from a trash family and was hit with a belt constantly for no reason.
There's always ones about spanish/chinese mums being cunts and abusive.
Like I said, there are dumb ones on both sides though.
No. 255157
>>255136same, people on both sides of the race war are acting like fucking insane emotional apes
I just hate when they try to pass it off as fact all white kids are spoilt, or make actual attacks on women, like when they got a picture of beyonce and the white girl and said "black women vs white" or "cornbread fed vs lettus and mayo" type things
white, trump types are being aggressive, I hate how they act like being black is a privilege, similar to people who think men are oppressed
No. 255171
>>255125>about who can work the most hours for a measly wage at a miserable jobI really hate this. At my last job, I only wanted to work about 20 hrs a week as a student rather than the 30 they gave me. When I went to go talk to my boss his reaction was mainly
>But x, x, and x all work more than you and they are also students! X works full time as a manager while also being a full-time student too!Why does it matter if others work more than you? Why are you made to feel ashamed for wanting free time?
Another work-related opinion I have is that I wish more employers offered chairs for menial work that really doesn't require standing. I dislike the "if you aren't standing, you aren't working" attitude that is common in the US for basic part time jobs.
No. 255172
>>255171Working a full time job while going to university? How does your boss expect that to be the norm?
Where I live, most students work 10~ hours a week, 20 hours is already considered A LOT.
No. 255175
>>255172During our meetings he spoke about his pride in working, how a lot of the time he didn't have time to see his family but that's ok because he is working hard, etc. I see that kind of life as pitiful, not something I should strive towards.
I wish I could find a job that only gives you 10 hrs a week of work. Most places around where I live want to give you 25-35 a week for part-time, even asking for 20 makes you seem lazy to employers sometimes; and this is for basic jobs like fast food and retail. Right now I just don't have a job because I struggle with balancing a work and school life with those hours.
No. 255177
>>255175Unless the job truly fullfills you/makes the world a better place I don't see how it could be more important than having time for family.
Is that the norm in America? Here students (in university, in hs cashiers/waiters were the most common jobs) don't really go for jobs that aren't related to their fields. Most people I know just work for the university (either in tutoring or research). And all of those are listed on the uni's website as 10-hours per week.
No. 255179
>>255175Where do you live/work? I get the impression that employers these days are stingy with hours for part-timers, hiring more people than necessary and encouraging high turnover rates so they don't have to give them additional benefits or overtime pay. Part-time doesn't mean jack shit and you could end up working once a week for four hours or five days a week for 20.
I just now started getting 20-25 hours again. It's great. I went from 25-30 hours to 10-15 and I was miserable. Money-wise, at least.
No. 255181
>>255177Even for regular workers, where I live the maximum hours are 35h/week. We have over an hour for lunch, lots of paid time off and a good pension fund. People earn thousands of euro for normal jobs like these (I don't because I'm foreign and a student, but it's better than the alternative).
In my home country, people work their asses off, some even have two to three jobs at the same time and we're still considered "lazy". The average salary is 600€ per month. That is nothing. You can only dream about retiring at a reasonable age now. Yet some people will unironically parrot American motivational speakers and tell you to "hustle", and we're still blamed for all of Europe's financial problems even though the EU (mainly Germany) is the one causing them by not letting us recover financially.
Why should I work my ass off just to be paid peanuts, then be told that I should be grateful because some people "don't even have that much"? I've seen how much the people who caused us to be in this situation have and how they live, and they don't work much at all compared to us yet were the "lazy" and "uneducated" ones for being forced to be poor, cause we were born on a bunch of rocks that the EU milks for all they're worth and doesn't let us have any of the money.
Working your ass off so a middle class German family could live comfortably while you worry about being able to pay rent is not virtuous. Being a workaholic is not a virtue. It's a disease. I want my god given 8 hours of sleep per night and I want to be able to feed myself and see a doctor and go for a swim at the beach without being made to feel guilty about it, fuck outta here with your American bullshit. No I don't want to work as much as I do and I don't feel bad about it one bit.
No. 255184
>>255177I just finished with my first year of uni and it's mainly the upperclassmen at uni that do the research jobs, I don't have the qualifications for the jobs I've seen.
>>255179I live in the wealthier part of California. It seems like everywhere is understaffed, most employers are fine with giving overtime here. I think it is because low-paying jobs have difficulty attracting full-time workers because the cost of living is really high here.
No. 255187
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>>254927I agree with this so much anon. I’m not vegetarian or vegan but I still like a lot of those kinds of foods. Sometimes I’ll get vegan food purely because it sounds good and I still get shit for it. Like I eat meat and people still act like it’s an affront to them if I go out of my way to eat something vegan.
No. 255222
>>255182that's interesting.
I saw a doc some time ago, from a country where suicide is actually assisted and legal, I guess it was in Northen Europe, and it appears that just by having more support, people to listen, and to not be shamed, even if they want to call the suicide off last second, most of the people that seek that service end up not chosing to die after all.
I think the way we treat suicide like a biggest tabu actually alienates the people suffering even more and then contributes to more suicides.
No. 255230
>>254542nagging =/= telling your SO what you think is attractive on them
my boyfriend prefers my hair short and so I get it cut short, I don't see any problem and I doubt anyone else will, haircuts are haircuts
No. 255231
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>>254621what a butterface
does she shoop?
No. 255236
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>>255231Everyone said that in the ig thots thread too kek. I don't think she shoops though.
No. 255350
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I swear I'll never get the subgroup of women on twitter who are in their late 20's and go to disney all the time in cheap anime schoolgirl style clothes and ott modcloth dresses. It's like Jasmine Blu did it years ago and to this day tons of women are stuck on revolving their lives around this caricature because they think it makes them quirky. Like nothing against adults enjoying cute shit if they find it fun, but these chicks treat it like their entire personality
No. 255356
>>255336>implying older than 23 is old Kek
But yeah I agree.
No. 255357
>>255182Kind of agree, but it would be so hard to put into practice. Like what about people that get into debt or have kids? Does it get passed onto to their families?
But I do get what you mean.
No. 255372
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This hairstyle is flattering on absolutely no one and makes you look like a cocker spaniel or some other similar breed of shitty, yappy, rat-sized dog. Stop.
No. 255386
>>255372Fuck I totally forgot about this hairstyle but I TOTALLY AGREE anon.
I used to see so many girls with this hairstyle and it sucks. It's always attractive girls too I've noticed. Same with high neat buns on the very top of the head. It looks like a pawn from a chess game, or a snobby bird. Messy buns are cute imo, but the pulled up tight ones on the top look weird.
Some people think it makes them look like a ballerina, but it doesn't.
No. 255388
>>255355Even before the ~donut incident~ she came across as annoying. Not sure what it is but she just comes across as very unlikable imo
>>255350These women just make me sad, it's like they think their only worth comes from being young. What will they do once they're past their 20s? Not saying you can't enjoy playful things once you hit your 30s, but it's obvious these women only like these things because it makes them seem youthful
No. 255392
>>255062I was one of those anons. 2 different people, sounds like you are paranoid.
>>255187I experience this a lot. There's a place that I go to and I always order the same vegetarian burger because it's my absolute favourite and everytime I've gone with a different person, they always ask if I'm vegetarian.
Unpopular opinion- I think all soundcloud/mumble/xanax rap sounds the same. I honestly can't get into any of it.
No. 255496
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I find short and chubby girls really attractive