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No. 259082
Last thread
>>248827Anonymously express your emotions about whatever
No. 259105
>>>/ot/259074(I forgot how to link posts, sorry if this doesn't work lol)
Yup. I'm also worried about the pay. Especially since she's the accountant and I wouldn't be surprised if she came up with a reason not to pay me in full.
What bugs me the most is that I'll have to explain in future job interviews why I was there only a month. Sadly "my supervisor was a fucking cunt" doesn't really sound good. Hell even saying the truth will might sound like a lie.
No. 259113
>>259105You'll need to figure out what to say for interviews because I've even explained my situation to friends and family and they don't believe me and think it's paranoia even though I got my pay backdated. I made a fuss before I quit I was making the most commission in my department, they never allowed me to be employee of the month because I wasn't off probation yet I had to pay for a uniform. I kept a record.
I'd advise anyone to keep a work diary and write everything you do down. I've had work colleagues delete my clients information from files so I lose track of cases yet been able to prove it and the fucking idiots just end up costing the company money it's no skin off my nose to reduce my outbound call list
No. 259120
>>259113Yup. I'll find some generic, boring response.
Been thinking about stirring shit up myself, just because I'm petty, but she's so far the managers ass there's no point at all.
Thank you anon
No. 259121
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I had a job interview on the phone for something super interesting and I'm hoping I actually get this job. I'm used to be completely ignored by companies who interview me usually for some reason (interviews are ok and my cv is usually more than good enough for the small jobs and internships I apply to) so I'm really worried. I'll get my answer next week but the more I'll wait the more stressful it'll get for me. I feel like no matter what answer I'll get I'll have a heart attack.
No. 259171
>>259145I mean at the very least of it he took advantage of you when you were in a vulnerable position and on drugs.
Baseline that makes him an opportunistic scumbag, and most rapists and sexual abusers are. He's really no different.
No. 259189
>>259180I feel you anon. I’m 26 and my teeth are fucked despite daily brushing, flossing, mouthwash, not drinking soda, reduces sugar intake etc etc.
Copped Ludwig’s angina a couple of years ago, nearly died because of a fucking tooth. Seems unreal, in this day and age, and in a first world country.
No. 259196
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Looks like my friend's older sister started dating my male friend yesterday. She posted her facebook relationship status on her instagram story and my other friend messaged it to me. Idk it doesn't look like they're joking around, I didn't even know these two were messaging each other. Aside from feeling extremely anxious about being single I also know she's so fucking jealous over her bfs I might end up losing my friend. I was supposed to go to the movies with him tomorrow but who knows if he's gonna cancel it.
I don't know how to feel now, I'm baffled. I'd never have thought these two would end up together. Can't believe he got himself a gf in such a short time after breaking up with the girl he met on tinder. I sense it's going to be a recipe for disaster though, since he's a extremely immature guy who spends too much money on unnecessary things and never admits he's wrong/can't stand being criticized. From what I know, she's pretty immature too, to the point she told one of her friends to break up with her bf just because he LOOKED at another girl in the street. That's some psychotic shit right there.
I feel lame for over analysing them like that but it's something I always do when my friends date around. Maybe when I move out I'll be able to do the same. Anyways, I hope everything goes well for him.
No. 259217
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it's fucking pathetic when men complain that women only find __% of men attractive they come to the conclusion that women are evil and not hmm maybe i should put more effort into my appearance
No. 259224
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I wish it wasn't so expensive having the mental illnesses that I have. The cost that comes with properly treating it all is becoming overwhelming. I finally found a medication that works for me but WITH insurance it would still cost me 750 dollars. There's a coupon plan but things keep shifting in health care so I'm scared of my body becoming adjusted to it and then not being able to afford it anymore.
(Also I loved the game Elebits. It was a nice surprise seeing a cute little guy from the game lol.)
No. 259247
>>259167Yeah you’re right. When taking to my mom about it after a few days it happened, she told me that she didn’t think I was raped. But she’s always had somewhat conservative values and she might say something different now. Idk it depends on her mood. On the other hand, my best friend wanted me to go to the police and definitely thought it was rape when I told her. I definitely need therapy in general though.
>>259171Yeah the worst thing was that he had no idea that I was clearly uncomfortable around him even though I gave off multiple signs. I rarely, if ever, replied to his texts after that. A few days after it happened, he
called my phone like 15 times and called the restaurant where we worked at to get a hold of me. Because of this, I had to block his number. Then the next day, he came up to me multiple times to start a conversation with me, as if he didn’t get the hint. Luckily he got fired for showing up drunk that day lol.
Also before he raped me, I told him that he was married and because of that, we shouldn’t do it (I was also casually seeing some guy too). He then told me “They didn’t have to know”
Ugh, why are men such trash?
No. 259258
>>259247If he's married he definitely shouldn't have done what he did, but you seem very taciturn about what really happened. What's the whole story?
>>259167>>259171All you know are four lines of one side of the story. How can you both be so sure?
No. 259259
>>259248Because male contraception is just a rubber sheath, but female contraception is hormones?
Of all the things to complain about!
No. 259262
>>259259Because they're working on hormonal male contraception but keep suspending the tests because of reported side effects like…acne and…mood disorders.
You know, things women put up with all the fucking time and worse.
Why are you coming at me when you don't even know what's going on???
No. 259267
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>>259217The most annoying part is that the 'women find 80% of men below average' statistic people parrot is from an OkCupid blog post that fucking NOBODY HAS READ, or even bothered to understand anything beyond that one sentence. To be fair it's deleted now, but it was up for a long time and people ignored all the damning facts about men. It was called 'your looks and your inbox' and I can't get it to show up on the wayback machine, but I distinctly recall it stating things like men are competing for the top 1/3 of women while women are far more likely to message men in the lower rankings for looks. Pic related, this was posted on the MGTOW subreddit and they all literally ignored the statement that men go for the 'unattainable'.
And people have never, ever stopped to think beyond the surface level about the statement. Maybe they should take into account ideas like
>women might rate men below average and still find them attractive/in their league>women dont spend all their time rating men's looks (unlike men with women's looks), so they have yet to really figure out what their objective ratings are and may rate very conservatively>men take fucking horrible photos of themselves and perception of their looks online is very different to IRL>women are attracted to things other than looks and are strongly influenced by charisma and presenceIt's complete nonsense to think rating photos of strangers online low = someone thinks they're good for 80% of men. Also, I've seen people say that this study was based on info from a system that would send a notification to that person if you gave them a higher rating. If so, of course women would be disinclined to do it.
It's funny how men have to cling to this one debatable little statistic to prove that women are more shallow than them, when all evidence throughout history proves that they care about looks far more than us.
No. 259271
>>259258What do you mean? I’m not saying I was completely innocent in the matter but I still felt like I was taken advantage of. Basically, the reason why I kept the whole story condensed in this thread was because I was on my phone and I was trying to avoid blog posting.
You can think what you want but it doesn’t change the fact that the guy is a scumbag and I hope his wife eventually leaves his ass.
No. 259272
>>259271>>259258 here. I actually agree, there's a special place in hell for cheaters like that.
It just seemed to me like you were hiding a part of the story, like the something that made your mom say it wasn't rape.
But either way, I hope he's gone now.
No. 259276
>>259274I'm sorry as well; I came across a lot more aggressive than I meant to be.
Hope you're okay!
No. 259341
I am a lesbian having a secret crush on a 'fakeboi', that would be impossible for me to pursue anyway but I can't deny my feeling for 'him'. In fact, I didn't even know now if I should call that specific person she or he, she gives a strong fujoshi transtrender vibe to me so I'll let you decide. I'll just call that person B.
So, I've known B about two years from a fandom scene. we've talked to each other almost every day and we've shared a lot about our lives and become a pretty close now.
From the first day I met B, B has already identified as a 'gay transman', pre-T, pre everything, didn't even try to make the voice masculine. In the usual Tumblr fashion, where B seemed to send a lot of time in it. However, the longer I'm with B, the more I'm questioning B's identity as a transgender. From what we've talked, She hinted me that she may be sexually abused by her ex-boyfriend, strict christian family. And fit into the usual stereotypical Tumblr trender behaviour. (Sudden 'dysphoria' that seemed to be about gender roles than body, 'straight men are icky', gay fetishization, drag race, yaoi slash fic, cosplay etc.)
In fact, one thing that bonded us are because our not so happy past. I grew up in a 'ridoculousy overprotective but busy family' even for Asian standard. I've been on-off neglected and left in front of computer/tv for the most part of my childhood, academic achievement matters than anything else, frequent beating and verbal insults, no privacy, and could never leave home alone before 18. learning any 'real life' thing. It has caused me to be very emotionally/socially stunted and turned into fandom in most of my childhood life too. Although I could understand why they'd act like that, even if I do not agree these as a good upbringing.
I've moved out for about a year now, in college trying to get my life together. Getting therapy and catching up what I've lost. And I learned that I don't need these Vidya/anime fandoms anymore. Life responsibilities just took my free time out for me, gained new groups of friends. Ready to have my life goals.
I don't know about B situation, B complained about family a lot and B's parents may be divorced, and placing a strict gender roles on her as well as frquent insults/criticism. That's all I seem to know, there could be more though. Just a different kind of unhealthy upbringing.
I've moved apart from B, B went to art school and lately B seemed to complain a lot about panic attacks, breakdown, suicidal thoughts. Either related to school stress, 'misgendering' and B's crush.
At first I tried to be caring but it's getting tiring now. B got own groups of friends too, seemingly fandom/geeky kids as well. While I was thrown into full normies place. (Although It's also hard for me at the start not really had social skills/cultural references someone with.. normal parents would learn. and self esteem issues)
I don't think there would be anything out my crush anyway, B is having crush on a straight guy, and complained occasionally how hopeless it is. B wouldn't be attracted in that way to me. The only thing now is, I just feel deeply for B. We can be just friends. But I do not want B to finally transition and regret (it just feels fishy to me, compared to some trans people I've met that feels legit), but Is it only just my wish for B to be girl so we could date? Or just being transphobic in general not believing that B's identity is valid?
B feels more mature than me in many occasions, especially when it comes to relationship (I've never had anyone before) but B is also bought into many Tumblr SJW black and white world view. (B is white, but seem to fetishize the idea of 'PoC' and black people in general. But the word PoC made me uncomfortable as an Asian, it feels too much us Vs them. Also found lesbian fic 'for straight men' too sexualized and disgusting which I agree, but ship every men into hot gay love and kinky sex…)
And the whole fandom thing made me feel a bit sad too, I feel like I'm living a more fulfilling live now than before. I started to love this 'Normie' world, and try to improve my mental health for it.
But sometimes… Wish I could just still be a Tumblrina fangirl, at least they've got hugbox unlike the 'harsh real world' I like to torture myself with.
No. 259357
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I failed my damn driving test yet again yesterday. This time I did everything correct but the parallel parking. I know how to drive dammit! I wish that stupid parallel parking wasn't on there, I'll never learn how to do that shit I watched videos and shit before the test and still failed it hardcore ( ;-; I almost hit the car, the lady literally had to stop me or I would have). If I can excel in literally everything else just give me the damn license wtf I'll just.. not parallel park in the real world UGH.
No. 259361
>>259357Don't worry anon lots of people fail their tests, one of my male friends failed 9 times and eventually had to go on beta-blockers so he could pass because he was getting far too nervous.
Maybe you could practice parallel parking in one of those cars with the rear view camera?
No. 259368
>>259357That's weird. I don't know how much driving tests have changed in a decade but I completely bombed my parallel park yet I passed. The guy didn't even check the curb because I was nowhere close. He told me I "didn't pads by much" but I still did.
Was that the only thing?
No. 259385
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I think I'm too awkward to ever properly get along with the black half of my family (I'm a weeb who grew up around white people and asians kek). Makes me sad because they're nice and I love my dad.
No. 259403
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I have no purpose in life and it's killing me. I have no goals or will to choose a career path for myself, no self-motivation, and no idea of where I'm going to end up in a few years.
I think it's because when I was a child I was costantly put down by my parents, who mocked me everytime I expressed interest in something. They always said that I couldn't accomplish anything useful and that I should just find a rich man to marry. It looks like they were right in the end, but I doubt I could be good enough to be a trophy wife anyway.
I think I could find something to do if I had enough motivation, but I can't seem to be able to regain it even with therapy. Oh, well.
No. 259410
>>259082>>259382damn anon, it seems that you are in a terrible situation.. what I'd do is to finish that relationship, even if he's the only one reaching to you rn…it's not healthy when you have to cry and hide it, maybe you need to focus on yourself first and then try to get other people to support you, there are good people in this world anon!
I'd set small goals for myself, really small ones, that can lead to a better life, even if it takes time, also, sometimes.. being alone is better…
Damn I wish I could give you better advice but english is not my main language, I'm so sorry…
No. 259476
>>259424former bi that was lez in denial. I dealt with lots of attempts at straight relationship out of fear of loneliness, but also fear of perusing what I wanted.
The longer you stay, the worse you'll sink into the tar. Don't get trapped to the point where you're like an animal and have to begin chewing limbs off. You are stringing him along in a sense, but not intentionally- gay women realize their sexuality much later.
Would you rather not marry him and instead marry a woman and be potentially happy, or live with him and always cage yourself away from something you know to be true to yourself? Would you be a better mother to your child if you were happy with a wife and shared custody with the father, or stayed only with the father?
You're not pathetic, you're faced with a difficult path toward your own happiness and feel powerless. You have to be your own advocate, life is more flexible than you think it is.
No. 259590
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I'm finally in a good place in my life but my best friend ghosted me before I got here. I want to get back in touch with her but I know it'll probably be pointless. Feelsbadman
No. 259611
I have basically given up on figuring sex out. I have been masturbating since I was a child and I'm yet to have an orgasm, or at least something that is like what other people describe as orgasm. I masturbate plenty but it's not even fun, it's like I do it out of habit- I'll just absent mindedly start wanking while I'm watching youtube videos, etc. I've been confused about my orientation my whole life, and used to consistently have really obsessive crushes on both girls and boys, but they were never really sexual- slightly more sexual with girls but I was terrified of penises til I was like 21. I had a bad rejection after I touched my first weiner 3 years ago, and since then I haven't been very attracted to anyone, but have ended up sleeping with a close friend for a few months (ruining said friendship), and have now gotten a boyfriend. The only thing I enjoy about sex is the thought that someone finds me attractive. I feel like I have to roleplay as a person having sex while I'm in intimate situations and I usually feel pretty weirded out at the end of any encounter.
I thought the problem might be men, since I don't really find them physically attractive, but I slept with a woman for the first time last year and I felt the same. It's kind of weird, not very pleasurable, and actually quite boring.
My friends constantly say that I just haven't found the right person yet, but if I can't make myself cum what hope does anyone else have?? I really hope that it's just my low self esteem and something I can figure out eventually because I don't want to be asexual.
No. 259727
I'm less depressed than I've been since the end of last year but after a big fight with my dad, and maybe also because all the celebrity suicides had come impact on me, I'm feeling kind of suicidal, more than I've been in my worst days.
It's weird because I've been sadder and I have plans and stuff but I can legit think about throwing myself off heights, trying to get hit by a car/metro, etc.
I'm feeling so destabilized these past two days, I can't bear to talk or look at my dad, yesterday I slept at a hostel and today I'm planning on spending the night at a Mcdonalds, I don't know if I should just move, I was planning on only studying this month and then look for a job and move after two more months.
So I'm like, what's the point and why everything has to be so dificult, why even try… I'm just fed up with the bullshit that life is. I wish I had a normal and functional family and friends.
I just had a therapy session yesterday but I'm considering calling my therapist to see if she has another hour this week, but at the same time I don't want to come off as too needy or like a crazy borderline patient lmao
No. 259759
>>259611You sound like me anon. If you don't like your bf you should end it and meet other people.
I'm 25 and still haven't found good sex but I think I just haven't banged enough people.
No. 259785
>>259196sounds like he has bad taste in women
if he starts having to cancel on everyone because his girlfriend says 'no', he'll be isolated by the time they break up. very stupid decisions.
sounds like the usual honeymoon phase bullshit where both partners basically isolate eachother and act like theyre something more than just a girlfriend and boyfriend. lol, most of the time they break up.
No. 259798
>>259790Because not all women are the same? Or what, do you fantasize about being able to kill gender traitors?
A lot of men don't care if their girlfriends make a lot of money or have a car. No straight guys care about their gf's sense of style either.
>>259791No you're the one who's different than other girls. Most people don't give a shit.
>>259795Stop being delusional lmao
No. 259809
>>259791I don't think that's fair. Men straight up attack us if we dare to have standards, it's not surprising if some girls end up internalizing it. I don't think it's conscious not-like-the-other-girls bullshit, I think we've just been socialized to cater to men's fragile egos no matter what. We don't feel entitled to every single man being super hot and meeting our narrow beauty standards.
I think far more women lie about it to avoid hurting men's feelings than actually apply such a sad lack of standards to men they know irl tbh.
No. 259822
>>259809A friend actually told me I have really low standards! I didn't even realize my standards were that low until someone pointed them out.
Like damn, makes sense as to why I was falling and probably still fall for pretty trash dudes. I just wish I could break the cycle of falling for men who care very little about me. I would try to date women, but I have basically no dating pool available. I'm at the age where everyone is either still with their high school sweetheart, or just hooking up -__- is it even possible for men in their early 20s to want to be serious, im starting to doubt it. I feel like women would only want to experiment too. I don't know if it's ridiculous to want an intimate relationship this bad. I just want genuine intimacy because I've never experienced it. Is it even real? or is it just a trope you see in romance?
No. 259825
>>259820I feel you anon. Do you have a support group? Have you gotten treatment?
I always want to like befriend every depressed person I see because I'm also very depressed, but I fear that trying to make each other feel better would probably lead to a bad dynamic.
No. 259849
>>259112I've just read over the whole situation and I feel sick. Not because it her, I've no strong feelings though I think it's fucked to do that to someone so young, but because this has happened to me on a smaller scale.
Someone started making memes about me on an imageboard a few years ago, really nasty shit. That I was a nazi, that I wanted to be put in my place, that my bf had abused people, that I went to cons soliciting men, countless image manips, it was fucking horrific too because they used my full name a few times. Every so often someone would even write a huge story about how they met me in public and how I told them they were ugly, or to lose weight, or started laughing at them or goodness knows what else. It looked like it started with one person making up shit, and then it escalated to the point where I couldn't go on the board at all without cracking up a little. I didn't respond (even though I was losing my shit inside) but even still it never really went away, and I have no idea why it even started in the first place.
It sort of fucked me up for a while, even though it shouldn't have since it was probably just one or two people doing all of it. I assumed at one point that it would never be a big deal since it was a tiny, tiny corner of the internet, but later deleted or seriously restricted all my social media because I started getting PMs about it.
No. 259862
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>>259861I only wish it was from work.
It was a weight lifting plate lol, which makes it even more pathetic.
The other injuries were from judo/BJJ, I have glass bones (and years of birth control….)
No. 259863
I feel so dumb right now. I went to the cinema yesterday do watch a movie with my friends, "Hereditary". They told me it was a "family drama/thriller with some horror elements" and I didn't check it because I trust their taste in films and didn't think twice (they didn't know better btw; it's not like they wanted me to suffer or anything). Thing is, I have an anxiety disorder with paranoid tendencies and, after watching it, found out that this film is supposed to be the scariest movie of 2018. I was doing soo well mentally before and I think I fucked everything up by watching this movie. Well, I didn't even watch the last part, but even with closed eyes I could hear the sounds and whenever I took a glimpse something deeply disturbing was happening on screen.
I started feeling weird during the film already and got into full-blown panic mode afterwards. My bf left for holidays this morning and I'm alone right now, which is bad as well. I keep replaying the worst scenes in my head and imagine how they could happen to me. I know that I should distract myself, but I can barely move because I am so scared. I know that this is incredibly dumb and "just a movie", but my anxiety doesn't care. Sedatives help a bit (= I was able to write this post and the paranoia got better), but I guess this is not over yet. The movie itself is great btw, just too heavy for my poor lil soul.
No. 259872
>>259868Please seek professional help. I recently started therapy for similar reasons
in the process of getting a diagnosis for bdd and it does help. It can be embarrassing to talk about or make you feel shallow, but that doesn’t change that it’s negatively effecting your life and should be worked on. You deserve to like your reflection. I know it’s so awful to feel like that, I’m sorry you’re going through it. Professionals won’t think you’re pathetic, they will want to help you. Good luck anon.
No. 259913
>>259863I'm so paranoid about shilling that I can't help but think this is Ari Aster or someone employed by him doing some guerrilla marketing for Hereditary kek.
jokes aside that sucks that you got
triggered like that. being in "spooked" mode sucks.
No. 259921
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>>259913I wish! I actually didn't leave the room because I thought it was a) embarrassing and b) I hate movies that are advertised like "This was so hardcore, it made people vomit and leave the room" or whatever. But yeah, tbh I pretty much felt like that and simply should've left.
Thanks though! I will watch cute animal videos and play video games today, hoping that I'll get better soon.
No. 259923
>>259880>>259910You're mentally deranged. Notice how I never mentioned fat balding broke dude who plays games 10h a day in my original post.
You didn't say "partner who can support himself", you said:
- not making a lot of money
- having a shitty car
- having a trash sense of style
You obviously don't just want a man who can support himself, you want a man who makes a lot of money and who has a fancy car and fancy clothes. That's called being a gold digger and thinking men owe you money. I make my own money and don't need my boyfriend to support me.
(stop) No. 259924
>>259923It's not called being a gold digger, it's called having fucking standards, you don't need to be filthy rich to dress nicely or have anything other than a literal trash can for a car.
You sound butthurt, are you dating a man baby?
No. 259929
>>259924You're the one who started with the "I'm laughing my ass off at a reddit thread full of women saying they don't care about a man… not making a lot of money" and now you're backpedaling saying you "a lot of money" just means being able to support himself. Why can't you just admit that you want a loaded man with fancy things?
And no, I'm not dating a man baby. I make more money than my boyfriend because I'm older than him and he's fresh out of college.
No. 259939
>>259924Don't worry anon, people coddle and baby men nowadays so its okay for them to expect women to look like perfect dolls and make magic money but ask them to not dress like inbred trash means you're a gold digger by today's standards, due to how fast people are to scream gold digger its pretty much lost all meaning
>>259923>not making a lot of moneyThat's literally what not being able to support yourself means, and while I do not know much about the situation, chances are no one wanna dates greg who works part time at the dollar tree at 30, maybe it would be fair to call them out if they were young but if they're at an age where there's no excuses outside of laziness for not having a career then…
>having a shitty carLol, I wouldnt wanna date a guy with a falling apart ford 1999 either thats filled with trash, its just gross and careless, don't know why you think there's no inbetween of "must have a Mercedes-Benz or nothing else!" Or "I don't like it when a guy has a POS car" I'd personally rather a guy have no car than a crappy one
- having a trash sense of style
Fairly valid, I'd understand if a guy would be turned off a woman who wears torn fruit of the looms and walmart clothes fron 2009 all the time
And no, the fairy tale myth of the part time gas station employee who wears cheapo clothes his mom got him from walmart with a turd for a car somehow having a heart of gold is an incel myth trying to guilt women into fucking the first uggo they see, I personally praise any woman who has standards, too many women today have no standards which have got men thinking when they do have standards they're entitled gold digging western roasties
No. 259943
>>259938as a career woman i don't give a fuck what my man is doing as long as my house is clean when i come home. but some of us really don't give a shit.
>>259939again, sorry if
some men seem to want girls to look perfect and not put effort in themselves, but stop trying to push a standard because other men do it. concentrate on what
your man is doing, they're not a fucking collective. and neither are we.
why is everyone in this thread so backwards?
No. 259951
>>259939dude you sound more like an incel than anyone else here tbh. this whole "as a woman i only want what incels think women want" shit is platinum cringy. it's been said before but the guys you like are going to be the ones trying to abuse you. there's a huge population of people that are in between incels and what you're talking about, but both incels
and the type of guy you're talking about are shit misogynists. every attractive rich man i've tried dating has been a superficial emotional mess who wanted to get me a boob job for my bday.
if you are a woman, you sound like you don't have a man. you're also likely not attractive enough to get the ones up to your "standards" in the first place. and you have such a chip on your shoulder that you probably think you're entitled to one.
No. 259955
>>259952lmao. the guy i was dating was from a wealthy family, but also had a high paying job and made "a ton of money" like anon is wanting. but he was the most shallow superficial man baby i've ever met in my life. he'd always bitch about how he loved material things but felt like he was being judged by everyone, and he would hold my body to some impossibly high standard because he didn't want to be seen with someone that "wasn't on the same level", then he tried setting up a boob job for me for my bday despite my lack of interest. on top of that, he was always busy with stuff and we had like no emotional connection. when i broke up with him he threw such a tantrum and made me give him back gifts he bought me, he even told a security guy in the building i worked in, where is office was, that he'd pay him not to let me in the building.
tbh maybe anon deserves a guy like that. she seems to think that her standard is a one-way street, when in reality, if you have sky high standards and push them on your SO, your SO is likely going to do the same and i'm sure anon would throw a shit fit if some guy proposed she got a boob job.
right now, my fiance and i have a great relationship! he was a messy student when we started dating, though he loves to dress up and go out, i do too, but neither of us would require that from one another. some days we go out and some days we laze around in our underwear watching animu, or playing games for hours. i'm not sure what anon means about 'lots of money' but combined my fiance and i make around 80K US a year, which isn't "a lot" tbh, but we have great fun and are best friends. neither of us have a car either, cause we live in the city, so that helps. but it's a shame that anon thinks i'm "settling" and will miss out on something like this just because she has lofty requirements for her man.
(stop) No. 259999
>>259082>>259994Diet and exercise, eat what you love but only once in a while, count calories, change something
I did this (it was hard AF to stop eating how I was tbh) and now I actually feel better when I look at myself, it's hard tho, it's impossible to not care about how you look so the only viable option is to change what you can
No. 260017
>>259994>i wish i didn’t care about my looks. or i wish I could die.Might get backlash for this but there's really something to be said for the body positivity movement. You are the kind of person who could probably benefit from checking it out. Not talking about giving ppl a free pass to be unhealthy and obese, but rather to just learn to be content with what you've got right now. You can always work to change it.
Personally.. a trip to Walmart can usually fix up my insecurities over appearance in a pinch. Go ahead and try it!
No. 260026
>>260020i usually don't like just saying "dump the bitch" without going into more specifics but this is an exception.
guys doing shitty things and brushing it off as 'muh hormones' is just as bad as them brushing off opinions because 'pms'
No. 260027
>>260020hate to break it to you but pretty much all men are like that, even the "beta" low test ones (actually, sometimes they can be even worse.) men always have to prove that they have balls or whatever, they are retarded.
as long as he's not actively looking for a fight I think he's fine. just explain to him that those comments make you uncomfortable. if he doesn't respect that, THEN consider dumping him and moving on.
also, if he ever talks about hitting a woman then get the fuck outta there
No. 260058
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Usually I like dressing up pretty decently, leaning on the goff side, yeah, with little after-work coords and having fun with accessories and hairstyles and such, etc
But lately, because of work and a little Depression streak a few weeks long now I suspect, I find myself thinking more of 'giving up' or being lazy and just dressing 'normally'. We're talking a nice pair of capris or things in that shade of melon-beach-peach orange moms seem to gravitate to. Feels bad, man. I found myself browsing Target's website for generic summer looks because… I just dont have the will or energy to be creative with my look anymore, but I don't want to look like a slob, and I feel sad about that.
I'm self-aware enough that putting together a few ordinary outfis for the time being isn't an issue and I know how to look nice, it's just not my preferred brand of nice, you know?
>TL;DR: Too tired to be gothcow anymore
No. 260059
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god fuck Ye and Kim. I liked dressing in hi vis and shit because I'm an autist but now people are going to think I look up to Kim Kardashian.
No. 260060
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Bit of a doozy but here goes.
>me, 17 y/o collegefag living separate from parents, not in dorms
>jumped into a lease bc I hated commuting 2-3 hours to and from work and school every day
>surprise, roommates suck
>trying to find a place since March but kept having issues with parents refusing to co-sign/being out of my budget
>one roommate tells me in late May that they aren’t re-signing the lease at the end of June and I need to gtfo
>parents finally agree to let me get The Ideal Apartment, teeny studio with cheap rent in a residential area but close to public transit
>”haha sorry you’re not 18 we have to throw out your application”
>ok guess I’m moving back to live with a relative two hours out, sure
>fast forward to today
>check venmo to pay a utility bill that my roommate kept bitching at me to pay her back for (I already told her that I had to wait till I got paid today but whatever)
>the 3 of them have receipts to each other (idk what else you would call it?? The caption that says what you’re paying them for) that say “lease renewal”
Right……….ok, so you’re all trying to lowkey kick me out. Enjoy your roach-infested kitchen shitheads
No. 260111
>>260099Good luck anon, prices in Paris are fucked up and that why as a French person I couldn't study there. Would you be ok with living with roommates? It'll be easier finding something big enough to live in that's not too expensive.
You could also try to look for a student residence, if they're like in my city they should be more affordable than "normal" apartments and I'm sure they will be understanding of your situation since there are a lot of foreign students in Paris iirc.
No. 260118
>>260083Have you looked into medical care for the migraines?
You can always make new friends, get new jobs, make your own family if the one you have is shitty. The constant pain is the main problem here and you should be able to improve it via medication and lifestyle changes. Not saying it will be quick or easy but all these problems can be solved anon and not by terrible drastic measures either
No. 260136
>>259082here we go, this has really been bothering me
i'm sick of this trend online of people who defend pedophiles, i don't care if they claim they would never hurt a kid, i don't want them to exist, i wish even admitting to be a pedophile would warrant a death penalty. one of those sick fucks destroyed my childhood, i probably wouldn't be such a fucked up mess even as an adult now if it weren't for him and i immediately don't trust anybody who shows even a slight amount of sympathy for pedophiles. i've even seen people saying that child rapists deserve a second chance and that they can change, people care more about making sure pedos are cozy and validated than they do about children being safe these days and the whole thing just makes me sick to my stomach
i wish they would all just burn and i don't feel sorry about saying that.
No. 260165
>>260159yeah, the fact that they're seen as poor misunderstood souls when they fantasize about violating children and know very well what they're doing pisses me off a lot
>>260152the ones who say they'd never sexually abuse children are always the most suspect to me, tbh. not going out of their way to rape children doesn't mean they're not looking at cp, traveling to places based on how low the age of consent in the area is, spending time around kids when they
know they're an inherent danger to them, etc. i know i probably sound crazy but so much of the pain i deal with is caused by what happened to me, i can't deal when people try to humanize them, if that makes sense
No. 260170
>>260156Starsigns especially seem to mostly be used as an excuse for being a miserable twat.
‘I can’t help it I’m a taurus’
‘Ugh of course, you’re a leo’
No. 260183
>>260170found the virgo /s
but nah astrology is mildly entertaining and a way to kill time at most imo, the people who take it incredibly seriously and base their lives and all of their friendships/relationships off of it sort of freak me out
No. 260248
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William Control gave me a bad vibe the second that I saw him and all this shit surfacing about him is giving me life and I'm having a ball watching at least one creep in the world get his immediate comeuppance
No. 260249
>>260247this is the vent thread, so not necessarily unpopular. afaik it's only people online who are doing it, and they usually are pedo themselves, just using blanket defenses.
i think it's fine to acknowledge that for some people, it's a mental disease, i mean, science has proven that some stem from either trauma or fucked up brain chemistry. i'm only okay with the people who actually know and acknowledge it's disgusting and get themselves committed and out of society. i'm sure eventually for the medical side, there will be a cure but there have to be many more scientific advances and tests done to prove they can be cured before i want any of them out in society.
for the people who don't see a problem, or hide it in fear, or even MAPS tier shit who want it accepted, they don't deserve to live.
i guess i'm just saying, don't ignore the medical science part of it because there are people out there who are suffering that have gotten themselves away from society, and that's good. but everyone else is absolute garbage.
No. 260254
>>260159Agreed. My main issue is they
say they just want better mental help, but what they're really vying for is acceptance. No, pedophilia should not be fucking accepted. It should be considered disgusting, a pedophile
should be terrified to be around kids or even so much as look at them because they are a danger, and we shouldn't start placing their feelings above children's safety.
I've read their talking points. When given a fraction of an inch, they ALWAYS eventually make the jump to "Some CSA is not bad, it's society that's really traumatizing the kids and making them think they were abused!!1" or "It's the same as homosexuality!". That type are fucking pieces of shit who put their sexual proclivities over other human's wellbeing, they cannot be reasoned with and they need to be castrated or stoned to death.
No. 260284
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>that moment when you realize conversation is absolutely clogged and the other person lost interest in you
No. 260298
>>259082Father's Day is tomorrow and I fucking hate having to celebrate it because I have to pretend that I appreciate my stepfather's existence.
My biological father hasn't been in my life since I was an infant, but not having contact with him doesn't bother me much. However when I was nine my mom starting dating this guy and they've been together ever since (I'm 20 now). The dude isn't awful (he's not abusive or anything) but his personality is just so unpleasant. He's annoying as hell, can be a real asshole at times, and I've never been able to bond with him. It sucks because people are always calling him my "father figure" and implying he's like a dad to me but he's not. The man is not my father, and I'm not willing to pretend like he is just because he's with my mom. We have no dad-daughter connection. I'll admit that I did have a bond with the guy my mom dated before my stepdad so I'm a little bitter that she left him for a dude I hate, but I just mostly hate pretending that this dude is a parent to me. It gets even worst when he tries to act like he has some authority over me. Like the other day I went out to dinner with friends for my birthday and he tried to make me change me outfit because he thought it was too revealing; it took all my strength not to tell him to fuck off considering a) i'm an adult b) i only care about my mom's opinion since she's, ya know, my parent and c) he's. not. my. father.
It's even worse now because my mom has not-so- subtlety implied that she kinda hates him too. I think they were in love at one point but now she can't stand him and they fight all the time. She's probably still with him only because she feels old to start dating again and plus her and I would be screwed with him helping pay the bills.
Anyway now I have to spend all of tomorrow pretending that I'm grateful for this douchebag. Hope I don't sound like a bratty bitch for this.
No. 260300
>>260293Okay so why reply?
How is it relevant that you enjoy mlm tier scams and embarrassing pseudoscience?
There are people with friggin cancer being told to quit chemo and stick some quartz up their chakras whilst eating only spinach. You think that’s fun and harmless?
I’m sure gwenyth Paltrow thinks those seaweed pearls she sells to infect your vagina are fun.
>>260258That’s depressing fam. I really hope she gets some sense and drops that bullshit.
No. 260302
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>>260300Chill. You could do with an aura cleanse kek.
Like I said, yeah people getting scammed is shitty. But that’s not all it is. If something makes someone happy, why get angry over it? I don’t care if people feel good buying crystals anymore than I care if they buy games or dolls or whatever.
No. 260303
>>260302Why do you care so much about me thinking it’s a scam for tards? Sorry your feelings got hurt and you support an industry that only exists to scam and hurt people. It’s a vent thread, why would you feel so strongly about protecting smelly hippy thieves that you need to defend them multiple times?
Enjoy your magical woo. Get a crystal up your clacker.
No. 260306
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>>260305It’s a fucking vent. In a vent thread. That you inexplicably decided to post inane defenses against as if anybody cares.
Go rub some opal glass and watch videos of people who believe in magic if you want. There’s no need to stan for adults playing charmed so give it up already.
No. 260328
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Getting us back on track
No. 260388
>>259863I decided to go see this film after reading this post and a few reviews from people who were calling it "this generation's Exorcist" or saying things like "horror films don't scare me anymore, but I couldn't sleep after watching this!" But it was really mild. In fact, I started giggling during parts. The sound was great but the ending was so cliché and predictable that it let the entire TWO HOURS of build up down.
Hope you're feeling better now though, anon!
No. 260456
>>260388You have my respect, anon! "Mild" really is the last thing that comes to my mind when I think about this movie and the other people in the audience seemed pretty shocked, too. My friends who liked the movie a lot (and are way more tough than I am) screamed at one jumpscare and seemed pretty tense during the whole finale. However, I had to laugh several times as well because some scenes were really bizarre and some cuts just were so… random?! And I agree about it being cliché, but I'm afraid of those clichés and I thought the finale was pure terror…
Reading your post helped, though! I have no idea how you can be so brave/unimpressed, but knowing that others can handle that movie makes me feel better. I still replay some scenes in my head and feel anxious in general, but I think I'll be better soon as the fear slowly vanishes. I'm avoiding anything that's scary though! BTW, if this film is mild in your opinion – is there any horror movie that shocked you? I'm obviously not gonna watch it, but I am curious!
No. 260494
>>260136I think it seems that pedo support is much larger than it is because these people exist in echo chambers online. Most people irl also agree that pedos should be hanged.
There doesn't seem to be any proven method for "curing" pedophilia and I believe all pedos (virtuous or not) pose a threat which should be eliminated either by removing them from society and/or through chemical castration.
I see people talking about how pedophilia is either a mental illness or similar to a sexuality in the same breath. Meanwhile, you would be crucified for calling homosexuality a mental illness that can/should be cured with treatment…
No. 260506
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>>260147I just want the hippies to leave because I really like crystals and minerals and I'm sick of sellers artificially inflating the prices of super common ones because they know Wendy from reiki class thinks quartz cleanses the chakras and is willing to pay a premium.
No. 260552
>>260541Nta but it's more like if people were selling vegan recipe books and products claiming cancer could be cured.
And yeah that's a complete scam too.
No. 260558
>>260506i feel your pain anon
i'm a geology student and i enjoy building my mineral collection but am so tired of seeing decent specimens either 1) at ridiculous prices 2) coated to make it "aura quartz" 3) incorporated into god awful jewellery
hopefully the hype dies down
No. 260579
>>260570Sounds like planned obsolescence - except for the fact it sounds like you haven't had it for that long?
My last two phones did that at about 1.5 yrs, but this one is still kickin' on because the entire line is defunct now, so I guess there's no point in it bricking. Is there a warranty or upgrade deal on your phone plan?
No. 260588
>>260579I've had it for a few years, long enough for my warranty to expire. They did make an updated model of my phone, but I feel like it wouldn't make sense for the company to have malicious intent on owners of the old model. The gimmick for this phone and the new version is that they have products that attach and detach to the back of the phone that gives you a projector, Polaroid printer, gamepad, etc. They're compatible for both models and I wouldn't see how limiting their new market would be beneficial for them, you know? I don't understand business well, though, so it may be obvious that it's a profit somehow.
>>260580I thought about updates being the problem. I haven't had a system update in a good minute and I didn't see notifications for apps updating before I restarted, but it's totally possible that I messed with an update without realizing. I didn't have restrictions on accessing data, just paying more if I exceeded a certain amount. Thinking more on it, restarting with an update in process is likely what did it. It makes me sick thinking that I'm the one at fault by not paying enough attention.
No. 260601
>>260600It's sort of strange, but why would this be cause for a breakup?
A lot of people watch stuff like that. I go on /r/watchpeopledie sometimes too. It's just interesting, stuff you don't see IRL.
No. 260609
>>260600I do this sometimes, mostly out of morbid curiosity and what the process of death is, but never out of
enjoyment. Some stuff I can't watch like beheadings.
If it were my bf it would make me feel better (or idk worse depending on the reason) to ask him what he gets out of it.
No. 260624
>>260600>In his spare timePsychopath detected, he's either a genuine psycho or wants you to break up with him…
Which you should definitely do.
No. 260626
>>260614>>260624Wow, even the description of the film made me feel sick…
Second quoted anon might be right. How can you casually watch this stuff and not feel horribly depressed and sickened. You've got to have zero empathy.
You can try to give him chance to explain himself, but I'm not surprised you want to break up. I would too.
No. 260635
>>260600I can understand watching out of morbid curiosity, but doing it more than once and actively seeking that kind of stuff is a little suspect…
Regardless, if this relationship is serious, you should sit down and ask him why he watches that stuff, and what he gets out of it. What he says can be used to further make or break your decision.
No. 260636
>>260618you're not whiny, you had a rough day and it's a vent thread for a reason. take it easy for the rest of the night and go into tomorrow with the mindset that it'll be a good day, then take some time to destress and take care of yourself after you're done with work tomorrow. everything will be fine.
should dump him because of that. i know other anons might say it's an overreaction but it's a huge red flag, better to keep yourself safe than force yourself to be okay with his "hobby"
No. 260640
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>tfw you suddenly have to hide the pro-ana scumbags thread on /snow/ because you unironically found some pics in it triggering
I hate how sensitive and hyperfocused this brain disease called an ED has made me. How am I able to scroll past various shock images and hard gore without flinching, but some spindly legs will immediately put me in a bad state of mind? How does that make sense? It's fucking ridiculous.
No. 260643
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Bf posted a picture on his fb posing with my reptile and his bitch sister commented to the effect of "EW KILL IT."
Wtf? It's a pet and I'm pretty sure her stank ass isn't gonna pay the monies to come see us nor be around my pet anytime soon. Almost felt like replying 'no1curr' because I frankly dgaf what she dislikes. Who even talks about someone's pet like that?
I hate his sisters, and I'm so upset they're bad people because I was really hoping I could bond with my bf's family. I guess not. Everyone in his family is stupid and shitty and even bf admits it. All hope for them is lost.
No. 260646
>>260600To play devil's advocate I do this sometimes because I had a really tragic death in my family when I was very young and it manifested itself as a morbid curiosity thing when I get older to help cope with the fear.
Or he could just be a psychopath idk.
No. 260647
>>260644Not who you're replying to but I suspect everyone tends to post how little they eat because if they were honest they might get made fun of or called fatties.
Someone said I had a 'weird' diet before because my meals and snacks were random and I guess and not matchy? Who knows. I didn't think it was that weird but indulged that anon so the thread wouldn't derail.
I'd personally love to have discussions about food and cooking but many here are closeted about actually enjoying food.
No. 260687
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My brother in law is so fucking lazy that he dumps his rubbish literally two steps from the bin. I’d call him an animal but most animals aren’t this disgusting. 26 years old and still too much of a pissy little boy to put his dishes in the washer, wipe a bench, or clean his toothpaste spit off the bathroom sink.
He’s a foot taller than me and about thirty kilos heavier but I’m still so close to punching him right in his big dumb face.
I hope he catches staph from his unwashed sheets.
No. 260699
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I think pair-bonding might actually be real shit. I've paddled the pink canoe a few times to an acquaintance I have a crush on and it's made the romantic fantasies more prominent/less embarrassing to think of than with past crushes.
I'm assuming this isn't as simple as robots and incels imply (having a limited amount of Bonding Funds to spend, not to be wasted on the forbidden Cock Carousel) and is different for every person, but jeez. I just didn't think it was so real. I'm sure girls who aren't khhvs have more experience with this.
Anyway, the true vent here is that I can't wait to speak with him again. I really want to get to know him, give him a tight hug, and eat his ass.
No. 260701
>>260700I know it might feel "selfish" leaving him but you should always put your mental health first. A person suffering from depression can still appreciate all the good things you do for them and at very least, say thanks.
Take care of yourself anon and find someone who makes you feel good, not like shit. You'll actually look back and be glad you did.
No. 260791
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>go on an imageboard other than lolcow for the first time in ages
>oh cool, a thread about creepy crimes, I'll read this
>Colleen Stan case comes up
<"lol what a retarded whore, she probably liked it"
<edgy jokes about women having it so easy that they just have to lie down and they get sex handed to them eks dee
>then toybox killer comes up in the thread
<"i got a boner reading the transcript tfw no teen girl to keep as a slave and watch her get fucked by a dog :3"
i just don't know if it's just typical ~ironic~ imageboard shitposting anymore turned up to 11 or men of my age (even my friends? even my boyfriend?) are genuinely this sociopathic inside and just pretending to be nice to me for whatever reason. yes i guess i'm fucking "triggered" i just.. regret telling my bf about being abused like what if he faps to the thought of it? i sure hope not, he doesn't seem the type but how can i really know. jesus christ
No. 260805
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My coworker is starting to annoy me with the way he behaves towards me.
There's currently 3 of us in the office: him, me, an intern. The intern is there longer than me since I started only recently. He gives her full answers, meanwhile he keeps brushing me off, telling me to do things on my own (which would be fine if I wasn't new) and giving me fucking vague answers to simple yes or no questions. At first I thought he was under a lot of pressure because the job isn't easy, but it's been weeks and he still keeps doing it only to me.
I understand it can get annoying, but the shit needs to be checked before it goes out and every retarded order is different. I've been avoiding asking him questions because he's been honestly making me uncomfortable with his attitude, I can take criticism, yelling, whatever, but don't fucking ignore me and then get pissy when things aren't going well just because you can't be arsed to answer a yes or no question.
No. 260827
>>260822Except he has a wife (maybe even a kid) and is around 13 years older, while she has a bf
I mean…yea, it does sound like it
No. 260857
>>260791People on imageboard are edgy and sick.
More news at 6
No. 260859
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I'm fucking glad xxxtentacion died. He was a rapist, a racist, a woman-basher, a homophobe and a criminal. This "person" beat his pregnant gf so badly she needs/needed eye surgery, raped her with grilling tools, attacked a gay guy for looking at him in a way he didn't like, sympathized with Dylann Roof, made posts saying things like "Death to all darkskins", the list goes on. His death was a result of his shitty, criminal decisions, he was a piece of trash, and I hope more trash get cleaned from the face of the earth. He should never even have prospered.
All the cringy emo teens and meme-worshipers who will mourn his death because they place shit-tier SoundCloud rap over human fucking decency and the lives of women (especially black ones, considering that's where the bulk of his abuse went) absolutely disgust me.
No. 260866
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>>260857It's not just about "edgy people on imageboards", that board (not in English) is an extremely popular board in my country, widely known even by "normies" these days. So known that probably 70%+ males ("normies" and non-"normies") aged 13-30 here at least lurk it, not even an exaggeration, our country has a pretty big internet presence for its size. There's tons of posts daily and the majority of them seem to be the kind of trash I mentioned in the last post.
I mean hell I'm on an imageboard too, I have been on boards for over a decade. But idk men on the internet just seem so extreme these days? Everything that used to be "ironic shitposting" is turning into real views and opinions and it's scary thinking that the cool chill guys I know irl might actually be online calling a woman that was held as a sex slave a "dumb whore" who didn't escape not because of stockholm syndrome but because she "probably ended up liking cocksucking so much she didn't want to anymore". God I don't want to think this, but what if??? They'll never admit it to my face of course… I hope I'm just being paranoid…
No. 260881
>>260875Fun fact: Men don't wash their hands very often. They have higher immune systems or something because I'd be sick very quickly if I didn't wash my hands..
Men also don't wipe their asses very often, which is I guess good considering the above fact.
No. 260888
>>260875Install a nightlight in the bathroom (one with a switch) so he can have a little bit of light without blinding himself.
Also mention that you'd rather not come across urine randomly in the toilet, as this is your private shared bathroom and not a public restroom. Also mention that it's a disgusting habit to get into should you ever have guests over, what if they think you did that?
No. 260889
>>260881I thought women had higher immune systems? That's all I've read, anyways are the ones who stay sick and dying all the time in my personal experiences too.
No. 260891
>>260791Hey I share your
holy shit what is going on in their heads but they are so nice to me wth feels Anon. I just count myself lucky I don't have to hear that nonsense in person. Guys always self censor with me which I MUCH appreciate considering what's going on in their heads
No. 260894
>>260889You may be right, well,
they should really start washing their hands in any case.
>>260888Good advice, I think a motion-detect light would be good so he doesn't get his pissy hands all over the switch
No. 260905
I just can't imagine someone taking a picture with their pet pitbull and someone saying "KILL IT" and that going going over well. I don't see why that's acceptable just because it's a reptile.
It's not funny.
No. 260969
>>260791>>260866It's safe to assume all men are sexual sadists/pedophiles/necrophiles and have had at least one fantasy about it. It's how they're wired, sadly. Even those working against crimes against women or whatever just do it in order to get newer, first-hand information to jack off too later.
Men are all psychopaths, they feel no empathy or compassion, for women or for each other. Many women are also disgusting, sadistic, and self-centered, but men are all like that without exception.
Men do not deserve rights, the reason they argue for the opposite because they know this is the truth. Men should be barred from leaving the house or associating with each other in any form. They should be treated as property of women.
No. 260986
>>260953>there are actually thousands/millions of white supremacists and men who have a legitimate lust for murdering womenYes, because poc would never hurt a woman, right?
>>260969>It's safe to assume all men are sexual sadists/pedophiles/necrophilesNot sure if this is bait…
Jesus, both of you should go outside more, the real world is actually pretty alright.
No. 261037
>>261036and also try dating someone who gives a fuck and can handle some emotional baggage.
No. 261044
>>260986that anon was clearly listing white supremacists and violent men as two separate things
>>261043that's kind of how I felt when Lil Peep died but with X I truly feel if he hadn't been shot he would've gotten himself killed in prison or started a fight or killed himself, and I don't really believe he would've stopped hurting women.
No. 261051
>>261044Yeah it sucked when Lil Peep passed.
I was conflicted with x as it seemed like he 'changed', his core message was spreading positivity and discouraging suicide and donating to charities and giving money to schools. His music changed too.
I wanted to believe that he was a good person. Easily swayed by his words.
Now I look back, and maybe he did all of those things to clear his name. Maybe it wasn't real. And it didn't mean anything. His fans love him and think he's a positive influence.
I just feel so stupid how could I sympathize with an abuser. Because I was invested in his music.
When I heard Tay K killed innocent people and then made a song saying 'I beat the case', I wanted to see a bullet in-between his eyes. Yet because I related and enjoyed X's music, he gets a pass?
I'm a disgusting person.
No. 261053
>>261051I can understand wanting a person to be different. It's not like you were in the "free my boy X he did nothing wrong" or victim-blaming camp. As much as I hated X, I can't say I'm happy that 20-year-olds getting shot in their cars is just a thing that happens in my country (and in an apparent robbery too). Another rapper, Jimmy Wopo, got shot and killed in a drive by the
same day, and he was 21 and just got signed. as much as I don't blame the people figuratively dancing on his grave, it's a shitty situation and it's okay to be upset by it as long as you aren't blinded by your emotions regarding his death to the point of absolving him posthumously.
No. 261061
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Bf just told me he'd like to try getting fucked with a strapon. Okay, nothing weird about that, but then he told me he'd wish we had one of those dildos/strapons that have fake cum inside.
Well…now I'm really surprised. I know he's really a sub but I did not expect that lol. I'm bi myself so it makes me wonder if it's just a fetish or something else
No. 261072
>>261061Probably bisexual.
As long as you're not uncomfortable with it then it's whatever. Took me awhile to process that my bi bf had dicks in his mouth.
No. 261082
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Left the Netherlands today and I'm already nostalgic. And for whatever reason the youtube algorhytm decides it's a good idea to put music videos shot in Amsterdam in the recommended videos. Fuck
No. 261089
>>260859he came up from behind her in the crowd, grabbed her neck, and walked away silently. Later that same night, he hugged her and invited her to a party at the house where he was living in North Miami. At the house, he told her he liked her and suggested she could move in with him, she later agreed that night
He slapped her and broke her iPhone 6S, because she had complimented a male friend on his new jewelry. (XXXTentacion later repaired the phone.) Later that day, XXXTentacion left the room and returned with two grilling implements—a “barbecue pitchfork” and a “barbecue cleaner,” she said—and told her to pick between them, because he was going to put one of them in her vagina. She chose the fork. He told her to undress. He was lightly dragging the tool against her inner thigh when she passed out. He did not penetrate her with it.
"pinpoint the days he threatened to kill you,” the reported victim responded, “Well, when we lived in Orlando, it was literally like every day.”
"And he was asking me why I was singing his friend’s part of the song, if I like him, why do I like him, like do I ever look at his Twitter,” Then, XXXTentacion head-butted her, punched her, stomped on her, and put her in the bathtub, where he continued hitting and kicking her. “He also wanted to cut out my tongue because I was singing the song,” she said. She tried to run away down the street. He tackled her, causing her head to hit the pavement. She suffered black eyes, a lump on the back of her head, scratch marks, and bruises, including a large bruise on her ankle where he stomped her.
Also while living in Orlando, he hit her with white plastic clothes hangers. “He broke a good 30 hangers on my legs,” she said. Around this time, he tried cutting her hair, and he held her head under running water in the bathtub.
In August (2016), XXXTentacion was arrested in a separate case. (As previously reported, he was charged with armed home invasion, robbery, and aggravated battery with a firearm, stemming from an alleged incident in November 2015.
He told her he knew she had cheated on him. He put a knife to her neck, strangled her “a little bit,” and called her a “ho,” she said. That night, he woke her up and told her to go outside, where he picked up an empty glass beer bottle and demanded that she tell him the truth or, “I’m going to fuck you up.” She replied that she already was telling him the truth, that she had cheated and was sorry. He dropped the bottle, slapped her, and let her go back to bed.
In two incidents there (Streetwater, Fl), XXXTentacion grabbed her by the neck, strangled her, and forced her down on the bed before another person who lived there came to the rescue.
After finding out she was pregnant (which she claims was planned by both of them), XXXTentacion called the man she slept with while he was in jail. He then started elbowing, head-butting, and punching her. He strangled her until she almost passed out. He took her to the bathroom and demanded one last time that she tell him everything or he would kill her in the bathtub. She couldn’t even recognize her face in the mirror—it looked “distorted”—and her left eye was completely shut and “leaking blood.” She was losing vision. She vomited.
After she requested to go to the hospital, XXXTentacion told her she couldn’t leave until her face had healed, because otherwise the police would be called. They left her in a bedroom, and XXXTentacion confiscated her phone. She didn’t get it back until he was arrested on October 8.
For the next two days she didn’t leave that room except to use an adjacent bathroom. She couldn’t find a way to flee. There were bars on the windows. “If you’re smart, you would stay with me until you get a car and you have enough money to move into an apartment,” he told her. “Because if you leave now, you’re just setting yourself up for failure. You’re going to be homeless.”
Around 2 a.m. on October 8, XXXTentacion was in the living room of the apartment playing Minecraft and using Skype. She let him know she was going into the kitchen to make him some food. She opened the refrigerator door wide enough so that he wouldn’t be able to see her if she crouched down, and then she opened a side door and ran to the nearest main street she knew. She didn’t have any money. She asked someone if she could use their phone and called the only number she knew by heart. It was the number for the ex-boyfriend she had been living with the night she agreed to move in with XXXTentacion
No. 261095
>>260859I don't think anyone "deserves" death per se, but I'm not surprised, and I don't feel bad.
I heard he openly invited people to kill him and made a lot of enemies over frivolous stuff.
I feel worse that there are genuinely better people in the world who died this week, and won't get their 15 minutes of posthumous fame because they weren't soundcloud rappers or whatever. Kinda makes you wonder.
No. 261111
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despite trying my best to wear sun protectant, I gained a new freckle right under my cheekbone.
I could cry.
No. 261115
>>261111As a super freckly scottish person the only shit that prevents freckles in summer is a high spf sunscreen that blocks UVA & UVB well and sunglasses and a hat with a rim.
I also wear makeup with SPF and buy powder makeup with SPF so I can top up without taking all my makeup off, been wanting to try the new powder mineral high SPF sunscreens that have came out recently to use on top but they are expensive.
No. 261148
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Is it possible to move on from a crush that didn't work out? Am I doomed to forever think about them whenever my mind becomes idle? Is this what people have to live with?
No. 261157
>>261148Of course it is.
Is everyone around you constantly suffering and aching over a relationship that didn’t happen but seemed like a nice possibility?
I’m sorry anon but if this is really the worst pain you’ve ever experienced you should be counting your blessings as soon as you’ve got done crying.
You’ll hurt for a few weeks and then be fine. This is disappointment, not heartbreak.
No. 261158
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so i think my best friend is getting together with my ex and idk how i feel about it
i mean, yeah i broke up with him but it was because i couldn't handle a relationship at the time and i also felt like we'd do better as friends but the other half of me is jealous and i wish i could win him back (i know i shouldn't and i don't plan on doing it but im a very jealous person and it just makes me frustrated that i'm like this).
i should just be happy for them and forget about it but him and i were so close when we were together… ugh fuck sakes. i'm just being selfish and i shouldn't be mad about it like a teenage girl.
dunno what to do, farmers. i don't want my friendship to be ruined with my bestfriend because i'm a jealous piece of shit.
No. 261184
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Stole this from the Sh0e thread to let this off my chest:
What indicates to me that these ~not like the other girls~ types are being dishonest about their past is how they pretend that because they were bullied by girls, that it meant they automatically became total bros with all the boys.
In what backwards world does this happen?
Often the same reasons why girls bully other girls (unpopular, unattractive, socially inept, uninteresting, etc.) are the same reasons why guys won't like said girls either!
Even if, it doesn't mean a bullied girl never makes a single friend with another girl. That's all too improbable unless the school has some kind of mass conspiracy against her, Carrie style. I knew bullied girls who still had other girl friends, usually outcasts like themselves.
I've also seen boys act just as cruel towards outcast type girls.
In my own experience, I was pretty outcast in middle school and wanted to be ~unique~ plus I was pretty socially stupid. Grade sizes were less than 20 per.. I still managed to make a couple friends with other outlier girls, sometimes in different grades, even though the popular girls thought less of me and were bullies. The boys absolutely wanted nothing to do with me though even though I had typical "tomboy" interests.
I didn't make worthwhile friends with guys until high school, and even then I still befriended more girls.
I can't be the only one who thinks she's a complete liar.
Also, another unrelated thing that bothers me
>I got a job working with all normie women to help my social skills
>wah other people are meat robots!!!
? So using people to try to zap social skills from like they're resources at your disposal isn't robotic, bitch behavior either? And then she acts like women have been awful to her…
I think she forgets her own narrative sometimes.
No. 261185
>>261184I don't trust women who say they only have guy friends because they're "not like other girls" either because of my own experience with being an outcast when I was younger.
I didn't get along with most girls in middle school and high school, mostly because yes I wasn't like them, I was more childish (they were wearing makeup and getting interested in fashion and I was playing barbie doll and addicted to the internet) and a tomboy but I didn't get along with boys either, because they liked the pretty and not socially retarded girls.
Now I'm a adult and I caught up withe everyone in term of growth and I tend to have stronger relationship with women. I think it's healthy and natural to get along a little better with people of your own gender.
No. 261187
>>261169>My step dad says that she is only doing this to make me feel bad because I called her out and wouldn't apologize when she cried or got angry.Be that as it may, committing suicide is still a very irrational reaction to criticism. Had she taken all those ambien and xanax while having alcohol in her system, it would have been a death sentence.
I would have called paramedics regardless, she needs to be sectioned.
She's a mentally sick person and needs psychiatric treatment. Freaking out over a pie, getting drunk, and reacting that negatively to criticism are all signs of being ill. Sorry you have to go through that regardless, but yikes. If someone in my family tried to commit suicide in front of me I'd be trying to get them to a hospital, I'd worry about her selfishness later.
No. 261189
>>261184Big agree. Guaranteed these types of girls had only male friends because they go out of their way to make male friends, or like June they're lying about it.
Anecdotal, but for every neckbeard friend I had in HS I had a fujoshit pal to match. Most ""outcast"" groups (metalheads, goths, weebs, etc.) tend to have a mix of genders, even in the small farm town 300 student high school I attended. Heck, even Chads and Staceys intermingle outside of dating.
No. 261202
>>261201>asked if I was cool with sharing a room with her and the baby.Haha what the fuck? Who would be?
Ask if she wants to share a room with friend and baby, then. It sounds like your mom and Aunt each have their own rooms, and they’re willing to share, so why don’t one of them share with her instead of you giving up your room? Fuck that.
I love kids, I’m basically baby crazy, and I would still say no. Are they delusional? Do they understand what a burden this would be on you? Insanity
No. 261203
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I've got a crush on my older friend who's already in a stable relationship and in the process of getting a house with their SO.
I'm happy for them and don't want to be a homewrecker but at the same time I can't stay away and despite all my friends doubting me I managed to befriend my crush and even go out a few times.
I want to see them happy and not ruin their relationship but I've had this crush for months now and have made a lot of progress despite all my friends doubting me but I'm just fooling myself cause they're way older and their partner is way better than me
No. 261212
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>>261211I want to be I'm scared of rejection, plus I know it won't be worth since I work with them
No. 261235
>>261230I'm glad the skin cancer scare finally got through to my family's thick skulls. I never liked baking out in the sun and never believed how shit like that could be good for anybody.
I was overweight in highschool and my mom would always say shit like if I were to tan, it would make me look slimmer, hide cellulite, etc. Just straight bullshit.
I was weird for having pale skin and WANTING it that way.
When I went on a trip to Mexico my junior year, my mom forced me to go to tanning beds because she thought if I tanned beforehand I wouldn't get sunburnt in Mexico. I burned anyway. I remember the tanning booths having bullshit propaganda posters in them. They said shit like how the lamps give you vitamin D, how the studies at the time against the booths were 'inconclusive.'
When the evidence against tanning became irrefutable and everywhere, my family finally stopped talking shit.
Mid aughts were a strange fucking time for skincare. Sorry you still have to put up with ignorance.
No. 261239
>>261234Anon I think you need to process your feelings and focus on what about your relationship with your current SO makes you feel uneasy. People get crushes while in long-term relationships, even with they're with 'the one'. It's natural and you shouldn't focus on that. I wouldn't focus on what this other person could probably offer you (Especially because you probably barely know them tbh) and focus on what your current SO offers you. Does he respect you? Can you communicate to him without judgment? Do you guys want similar things in the future? Do you enjoy being around him? The grass is greener where you water it.
(Sorry I got unexpectedly dumped last week for similar doubts and he never told me about his concerns so this stuff has been hitting a chord with me lately)
No. 261247
>>261245Lol how is that stressful?
>I might be ostracized if I say my opinions at the workplace Welcome to the real world.
No. 261251
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Super irrelevant first world problem mini vent, but I just saw one of my favorite operas live and now I’m so sad it’s over. I wish I could watch it all over again. Feel free to ignore, but there’s no possibility for me to buy another ticket and who knows if they’ll redo the production ever again.
Wah-wah, woe is me. I’m just sad it had to end.
No. 261255
>>261247Yeah you're right. Even most corporate places nowadays have dumb SJW policies and diversity shit. But everyone here is talking about political shit all the time. I'm around only the program members 24/7 and I have no way of making any sort of connections in this town. I don't even have time here to work by myself. At least when work is over, you're free.
Also everyone here seems to think alike. Like, I don't get why it's white men's fault that more racial minorities aren't into hiking.
>>261249That sounds like a great idea! I'm just not sure if I can pull it off. I'm also forced into talks and seminars about this shit too.
>>261248I don't disagree that I have lived a pretty blessed life? I think I'm stressed because a lot of money is on the line and this is my first professional job. It's also hard for me to shut my mouth sometimes. Yeah it's dumb but I really struggle with it.
No. 261260
>>261240Hey now, it’s not pathetic. Just know that kissing someone consensually is a lot different than having a kiss forced on you. It’s okay to be afraid and have those feelings, you’re not weird or pathetic. But please be brave and know you’re not alone. If everyone woman who had been sexually assaulted no longer enjoyed sexual activities at all, we would have a lot more therapists. And if you find you don’t like kissing (which, hey, you never know), then you really
should seek out a therapist. They can help you and are trained in these areas to know how to get you back on track. There are some people who are traumatized after sexual assault and need therapy, but it’s not every single person. So you’re not alone if you do but it’s not a guarantee that it’s the case for you.
No. 261266
>>261202Lol, my aunt would never share a room with a baby in a million years. Granted, I think part of the reason she suggested it was because I do have the biggest room (only reason because my mom and aunt wanted to be downstairs and the biggest room was upstairs). She then mentioned that I could have my mom’s room, pregnant sister can have my room, and my mom can move into my aunt’s room in which they could share. It’s a bit better but I still think it’s unfair that they have to give up their personal space to someone who’s not even related to us. Last Sunday, my aunt again suggested me
sharing a room with Pregnant sister and her baby, I shot her down.
I feel like even I don’t have to share a room with a baby, I still don’t want to share a house with one. I can tell it’s gonna be a fucking nuisance and all I really want at home is peace and quiet. If this is truly happening, then I’m telling my aunt I’m moving out.
No. 261282
>>261266>She then mentioned that I could have my mom’s room, pregnant sister can have my room, and my mom can move into my aunt’s room in which they could share.Nope nope nope. You have your agreed set up. Why should you give up the bigger room? Fuck all of that.
Sorry about your situation, anon. It's actually insane. I'd bounce pronto. Shows a complete lack of respect about your space and comfort.
No. 261305
I have no idea what to do about my new neighbors and their dog. Today has been a shitshow. They leave him tied up all night, on a ~5 foot rope, causing him to bark nonstop. During the day they just let him run loose on our street, and it's a busy area for a suburb with a lot of stupid drivers and pedestrians. He's a big dog and looks part pit bull (just to give a description, not trying to start a debate on whether or not his breed makes him intrinsically dangerous).
A few days ago the dog was in my yard when I came home from work. I had never seen him chase people or show aggression at this point, and I'm usually good with dogs, but it made me nervous. I was actually more afraid of one of my cats would dart out the door than I was of being attacked. Thankfully nothing happened that time, the dog quickly ran off, but this morning justified me being fearful.
I woke up to hearing a woman screaming, saying "get off of him!" and "come get your fucking dog!" The woman was walking her beagle, the pit bull was out and had gone after the beagle's throat. This all happened in my front yard, and by the time I realized what was going on, my neighbor was yanking the pit bull away by its collar and firmly smacking him in the face. No apology, no checking to see if the woman or her beagle were okay, didn't say a damn thing. Fortunately no one was hurt, but this woman was understandably shaken and called the police. I told her I saw some of what happened and would act as a witness if necessary. I told her she could stay on my porch until the cops showed up.
Eventually three damn cop cars showed up (I guess it was a slow day?) and first they spoke with the woman with the beagle. By this time the woman's husband had shown up as well, and when the cops were done with her, she left to take her dog to get checked by a vet. The cops only asked if I saw what happened then went to confront my neighbor. If I had known what was going to happen next I would've stayed outside, but i don't think I missed much. The neighbor also has an 7 or 8 year old son with some disability or impairment, and is non-verbal. Apparently he opened the door when the cops knocked, letting the the pit bull back outside, and terrifying the son. I looked out my window when I heard him screeching, only to see Chief Wiggum running across yards to catch the dog, the son running around in the street to get away from the cops, and his toddler-aged sister, completely naked, peeking out the door. The neighbor was no where in sight. This chase went on long enough for me to get bored. I'm guessing my neighbor just got a warning, as the dog was returned to him and he wasn't arrested.
While this was an entertaining way to start the day, I don't want to deal with this regularly, and I don't want to live near these people. I am only certain that the neighbor and the children actually reside there, but I see other random people come and go constantly. I don't know if this dog could escalate to attacking people. There's a lot of feral and outdoor cats in this neighborhood too, and I do not want to see one of them mangled or dying. I'm concerned for those kids as well. I don't think law enforcement or animal control can do anything. I practically just renewed my lease. I have absolutely no idea how to deal with this or protect myself.
No. 261332
>>261184Yup, I remember being bullied by popular girls and guys alike. I mean I was terribly butt-ugly so no surprise here.
But yeah I still had girl friends who were just as cringy and weeby as me, or were plain nice to everyone (they exist !). I can't believe she couldn't befriend a few girls in a whole school. When I look back overall I had a mixed bag of friends and we took solace in being the outcasts.
I think it's mostly guys, especially if they didn't go to the general school cursus but more of a trade one you could go to, that had no one but only guy friends.
I remember going to say hi to my cousin when he entered HS and his friends were like "omg you know a girl" even though like mentioned, I was terribly ugly.
No. 261339
>>261305God I don't get why the police never have enough balls when it comes to animal control. If there's a dog that's a danger to animals and possibly people around him, it shouldn't exist there. The owners should at least be forced to put a muzzle on it.
On a related note I'm late to the pitbull debate but I just want to throw it tout there that I. HATE. Pitbulls. I don't understand why anyone would get one. I just don't. They're ugly as sin. They're hard to train. They're prone to severe dog aggression. They're hard to control if they lose it. They bite to kill. They're dumb. You could get a smart, beautiful/cute/at least normal looking dog breed that doesn't have its background in dog fighting and can be controlled and trained. Why the fuck do you choose to get a Pitbull out of all the options?? So you could slide into any online discussion to whine about what a misunderstood breed it is and "chihuahuas bite you too you know"? To have a scary dog that intimidates people? It makes no sense to me.
No. 261351
>>261184I was one of those "not like other gurrrls" girls back in the day. But I was like.. 14 at that point? I was bullied by my peers, girls and boys equally, but most of my friends were adult males that in retrospect were trying to groom me to some extent. A lot of media portrays outcast girls being "saved" by a boy when they're being bullied by other females and really hammer the "you're not like other girls" message home for anyone that doesn't fit the shallow teenaged female stereotype. It's no surprise really that a ton of teenaged girls harbor a lot of internalized misogyny but it's even sadder when an adult woman like sh0e spews her anti-woman bullshit. At that point you should be mature enough to realize that the female gender isn't limited to high school tropes.
In the end those "not like other gurrllllss" women are either the laughing stock of the orbiting guys or someone they're racing to fuck. I once heard someone say that "with women you actually have to have a likable personality, with men you just need a pussy" and it's so true, a lot of them are the worst drama queens possible and suffer of a mad case of Queen Bee Syndrome, being vile towards any woman trying to make a contact because they're threatening their position as the goddess of orbiters. I really hate how the society is enforcing the idea that abandoning anything feminine or the company of other females is seen as intellectual and unique.
No. 261354
I work at a high school, and during summer break each person in the team has to work one week in July or one week in August.
I have two bosses, who are equal but constantly hating each other and being contradictory to one another. I've told them numerous times and for months I was going to go live abroad starting the end of August, so I want to work in July.
Yesterday Boss 1 finally made the schedule, putting everyone where they want to work. The thing is, Boss 2 is going to be working in August, and she wants me to be there when she's working. Yesterday since we got the schedule I took my flight ticket because prices are already getting high, and this morning Boss 2 calls me and tells me she's not ok with the schedule, I have to come in August, of course she gets angrier when I say I have my ticket already.
Her problem is that 2 of the people who are working in August won't be working here next year so she thinks they won't come, and so I have to be there. Then she says that she'll just put me in August and if I don't come it'll be deducted from my salary, which is probably just because she wants Boss 1 to have less people as a revenge or something?
It feels fucking unfair. I worked hard all year when my colleagues were slow and unproductive a lot of times, but instead of being rewarded for my relative productivity by being able to choose when I want to work (mind you, ALL THE OTHER COLLEAGUES are getting what they want between July and August), I get punished because the boss working in August wants me there?
The only reason I got this job despite having school 4 days a week and extracurricular activities was to have enough money to go abroad. It's the only thing I want right now. Fuck them.
No. 261363
>>261339I actually really hate pit bulls too and that's why I'm scared of him. I didn't want to say that outright though and have the rest of my post be ignored. Dog breeds were developed to encourage certain traits (like herding, hunting, protecting, etc.) and pits were bred to fight, that's it. I don't care if they've been "rehabilitated," more than just a few headlines of attacks and deaths (especially involving children) tells me they're not worth the risk. If they're not being used for fighting, people only adopt pits for one of two reasons; they are dangerously ignorant about dogs and just something that intimidates others, or they get smug satisfaction from looking like ~the most charitable dog lover ever~. They do not have exceptional personalities or skills, and I hate to admit it, but they are so fucking ugly. Hell, their fur isn't even nice to pet.
I don't know if they're still considered the most populous breed in shelters, but if so, I don't know why they aren't getting put down more often. The shitty reality is that it's for their own good.
No. 261377
>>261260thank you kind anon, i feel better now
i've just had a particularly bad day yesterday and a lot of old feelings returning
Also i'll definitely look into professional help as soon as I get to move into a bigger city
thanks so much for taking the time to reply in the first place
No. 261403
>>261339>>261383I don't like pitbulls either, they're ticking time bombs. They're not even particularly intelligent or trainable dogs. They have no appeal except to people with dangerously naive bleeding hearts and thugs who want to use them as power symbols.
Bf was raised white trash though and his grandfather had a massive uggo one. Now whenever there's a fucking pit on the internet or outside when we walk he's gotta say in this widdle baby voice "awww puppyyyyy" just no. The walking jaws with slobber and bloodlust are not qyoot, sorry bf.
No. 261406
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I'm trying not to be ungrateful because I'm still on my parent's mobile plan and they pay for it, but this month my job forced me to work overtime almost every day so apparently I racked up 6gb of data because my building has no wi-fi.
I thought I was safe because I turned on data saver and try to play offline games, guess not. I must browse the internet too much.
Dad called, not really angry, but was just irritated that he's paying $15 for 1gb over until next payment. I just wanted to say I'll write him a check or something because I'm trapped in a building from anywhere between 10-14 hours a day and I need distraction. My last stint was ten days in a row with no day off.
I wish my job wasn't so intense so I could actually read a book or color or something. I also wish my parents would shop for unlimited plans instead of signing rape-contracts with their current provider just because it's familiar and convenient.
No. 261408
>>261406God I feel you.
Similar thing happened to me, and I was annoyed that my dad was getting anal about it so I said I'll just pay for my own mobile plan. I can afford it. He refused.
It's like they don't want to let go of those little things because that's like losing some control over you and reasons to be annoying.
Also I think some apps consume a lot of data even when just running in background, like snapchat or ig, maybe that's draining your data too?
No. 261421
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I want to message my ex so bad. I miss him so much and just want him back in my life. He was such a great boyfriend and I'm so sad he's not in my life anymore. I was looking at pictures of us and he looked so happy- now everything he posts he looks miserable. He was everything I wanted in a partner.
No. 261427
>>261362update: I didn't go because I didn't want to go alone or ask if anyone else was going. I'm such a fucking coward, kill me pls. I will never be with this man, fuck self sabotage
>>261424 I'll second this question but with body acne and scarring all over, but still
No. 261491
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Shit. A guy I have a mild crush on tweeted #ripxxxtentacion and uploaded a picture of the rapper as his new profile pic.
I wonder if he's really just ignorant or he doesn't care. Either way, time to uncrush.
No. 261577
>>261424Fat people don’t care enough to stop killing themselves with calories, doubt they care about someone getting offended over their belly. Plus it’s hot and sweaty work carrying around excess weight. The breeze feels as good on a big fat body as it does on a regular one.
Weird mix of confidence and apathy.
No. 261670
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First world problem, I know.
I'm a bit upset me and bf chose an AYCE sushi joint as our dinner date today instead of going to a new southern seafood boil place.
At the time it felt justified because the sushi was only $12 a person whereas it looked like the seafood place was way more expensive and could've been $20 each easily.
Usually we have good luck at the sushi place but we hadn't been there in months. This time they sat us towards the back of the go-round and it fucking sucked. We usually sit near the front so we get first pick. This time I waited forever for certain rolls only for the people before us to leave the oldest and deformed ones. They took the newer and better looking rolls each time without fail.
I gave up after 8 plates, it was enough, but I wanted more. I saw bitches with like 20 plates at their stations. I could only fill on the cheaper, boring sushi that no one else wanted and that never feels like money well spent.
Then we got home and we both napped for three hours. Sigh.
No. 261688
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>>261634Pic related is from her IG. There's a video of her crying/screaming while being harassed at the vigil, but she deleted it. Someone reposted this video of her crying after the fact: No. 261689
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>>261688Another post she made about it. She left this one up, but removed the caption (
With this on top of the x fans (most notably Skai Jackson) who falsely accused a man of killing him, made threats and generally made his life hell based on rumors shows that these people are not operating from a place of "love". They can't even stick to their own "innocent until proven guilty" defense. They're sick and blinded by something, I don't know what.
No. 261755
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I'm turning 19 in a couple of weeks and i'm so disappointed in my self for not having a job or at least enrolling in a community college. My mom only wants me to go to college so i can "start my life" and meet people but I'm scared of starting school and having my parents pay for it when i really have no idea what i want to do with my life. I just don't want to disappoint them. I've been hiding under the "I'm still young, I'm 18" excuse but i can't use it anymore. I've also cut off all ties with my friends(?). I don't regret it, i don't really need friends.
What am i doing to myself?
No. 261762
>>261755Oh my freaking God anon, are you me? I am 18 as well and turning 19 in a couple of weeks, never had a job, cut ties with all friends. I'm going uni in September and parents are paying but in denial tbh ;_;.
literally spent the first two weeks of hols in my bedroom sleeping/computer. Why are we like this Anon.
Do you think that you could be depressed or have anxiety? Because you've isolated yourself and don't have interests?
Don't worry Anon we'll get through we're still young, take one day at a time.
p.s I'll be your friend ;_;
No. 261764
>>261363>If they're not being used for fighting, people only adopt pits for one of two reasons; they are dangerously ignorant about dogs and just something that intimidates others, or they get smug satisfaction from looking like ~the most charitable dog lover ever~.Jesus, THIS. I swear to god these are the three exact reasons I've ever seen people adopt pitbulls for. I was reading up a discussion in which someone sincerely asked why anyone would prefer a pitbull over other breeds and the replies were just spergouts over how "pitbulls are misunderstood, it's the owner, not the dog" without offering real reasons why they're getting one. OR they'll straight up say they wanted a "real dog" and not a "shitty little yapper".
>and I hate to admit it, but they are so fucking ugly.Gonna be shallow here but all the aggression problems aside, I think this alone should be enough to stop anyone from getting one.
>>261383Yep. Like I said, any time I see people owning pit bulls they're out there to sperg about what a good puppy their pit is and how people are just ignorant and prejudiced against them, posting photos of their pits with kids and all sorts of faux wholesome shit. Like they're the most virtuous dog owners because they had the courage to adopt a poor wittle pit despite the world being against them. And later on their pit just happens to bite someone, either a person or a dog. And we've all seen the videos of pit attacks, the police can fucking shoot them multiple times and the dogs just keep on going. They're beasts that shouldn't exist.
No. 261767
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>>261764Some people just think they’re cute.
No. 261773
>>261762Anon, I'm glad you replied! We do sound alike, I thought i was alone in this.
I've been depressed on and off since my early teens, isolating myself too. I can't keep deep friendships for too long because i feel like i'm too selfish and only care about my own feelings. (i prob sound like an asshole :( sry).
What about you? Have you struggled with anxiety/depression?
I guess, we are still young. I just want to stop using it as an excuse.
p.s. it'd be nice if you were my friend :)
No. 261780
does it get any better? How did you feel 18 going 19, do you still have the same thoughts?
also My bd is in July 11
(what a coincidence if we 3 had the same birthday lol)
No. 261783
>>261780Oh my Lord, mine is July the 14th, so close that's crazy. Kek the other anon may have one of our bdays.
Yeah I cut of all my friends/ childhood friends, people I've known for years.
Since teenage years as well lol, idk why.
And yeah I've had depression in the past and having crippling anxiety has became the norm for me.
Last year the depression got really bad and I did something stupid, so this year I've just not tried to think?
If that makes sense so I don't slip up. But enough about me kek.
>>261775Don't worry anon we're all in this together.
is there anything you want for your bday anons :D
We've got this.
No. 261791
>>261783I undertsand what you mean by trying not to think.
I oftentimes think too much about certain things that will drive me to tears. I have to distract myself from myself lol
There’s really nothing I want, I guess I just want to spend a nice day with my family.
No. 261802
>>261791>I have to distract myself from myself lol That paradox but its so true haha.
Yeah that'll be good to spend time with ur family.
Do you have a discord? :D
No. 261807
>>261805Do you want me to add you? Is a messaging site where you can send messages, and voice chat and send memes and stuff. It would be cool if we could stay in contact ;-;,
My user name is Ash#4751, or I could add you, maybe the other anon wants to join as well
No. 261947
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I don't mean to sound like I don't appreciate invites from my friends to go do things, but I don't like it when a friend is all 'Hey u wanna get dinner?' and I say sure but then they go 'Oh ok u pick."
Like if it's their idea then they should definitely have a place in mind. And I hate picking because this particular friend has a child's palette and won't eat many things, she has to check the menu first, so it makes more sense for her to make the decision anyway.
No. 261968
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Men in Latin America are disgusting misogynists. Every time a woman dies at the hands of a man they justify it by saying terribly disgusting things like "she deserved it" or "she was probably a disgusting whore".
I can not stand living in my country anymore, because it hurts me to know that I have no rights and that I am a victim of violence in any circumstance (sorry for my bad english)
No. 261983
While I've learned to deal with it rather well, I sometimes wonder how it feels to be beautiful. Not even striking, but have generally even and nice features that people find pleasing.
I had jaw surgery as a kid that, while it saved me from a lifetime of headaches and pain, resulted in a very poor jawline that makes it look like I don't have a neck. Growing up I had other kids tell me I look like I ran into a wall because my face is so flat. I jokingly refer to myself as Big Toe because my face/neck ratio resembles one, and making jokes about it has helped me a lot socially when it comes to making friends.
Most days I feel fine, but sometimes I stand in front of the mirror and just wonder what it would be like to look pretty. To not have to prove to people that I'm a person beneath my looks, or to wear pretty dresses and cute clothes without being ironic. I love skincare, fashion and makeup, yet I struggle with feeling like I don't deserve it. Like people see me put on this stuff and wonder why I even try. Reading the makeup and skincare threads on here helps a lot, though, but today I was shopping for summer clothes and seeing myself repeatedly in the mirrors just sucked.
No. 262006
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I started a new job just a couple months back. Not the best pay, but in a neat enough workplace that I figured I'd enjoy it regardless.
Turns out the boss is a top tier bitch and she's ruined it completely for me. It's a small business, so I'm one of four employees. She makes snarky comments constantly without seeing how rude she is, and treats me like I'm incompetent. She talks to me like I'm some dumb teenager at my first job. There was a couple shady situations besides that…
I was GONNA stick with it, but my boyfriend's job had an opening and he said I might really enjoy it, especially because the pay is a lot higher and it's actually in my field.
I ended up getting the job! Despite my boss being completely awful, I was still feeling guilty for leaving so soon, and knowing that even with two weeks notice I'll be leaving them in a bind.
Except, today's payday, and by 5pm my direct deposit (which normally comes through early morning) still hasn't hit. I finally text my boss, asking her if she knew of some issue.
>"Email (payroll company), they'll fix everything"
>No explanation, no apology, literally nothing else
I'm not lazy, but literally you're asking me, on a Friday night, to email the payroll company to ensure that I'm being paid?? You're my BOSS, you're in CHARGE of doing payroll. At least act like you recognize it's a pain in the ass for me, at least act like you care at all. But you're fucking with my money and all the guilt is gone out of my head.
I can't wait to put in my two weeks and I can't wait to be gone and I can't WAIT to screw them over.
No. 262007
>>261245So I'm still stressed about my summer program. Not as stressed because I talked with my best friend who is still pretty liberal and they agreed with most of my complaints. I think overall the people are generally nice if we aren't talking about politics. But today they were saying dumb shit like non-Indians getting henna done in India is cultural appropriation and so is non-Chinese people own a bubble tea restaurants. They weren't even bitching about white people doing that.
I feel like this summer is ok and I can still have my money and go camping if I just stay quiet. But I'm annoyed because everyone else seems to be so into each other and I'm the odd one out. I feel like I shouldn't bother with people who don't have my values.
No. 262035
>>262002There’s been a few occasions but it’s mostly one friend. She doesn’t get that I can’t stay out 8+ hours without going home to walk or feed them. She doesn’t get that I can’t just go on trips with her at the drop of a hat anymore because I need to make plans for them. She (and her friends) think dogs can just be put outside with some food and be fine, so when they’re over they basically demand it. If you say no to her, she gets really offended and acts like you don’t want to be her friend anymore at all.
The vent was inspired because she invited me to a join her on her weekend away and I said I couldn’t go because I didn’t have accommodations made for the dogs. And she basically said I “choose them over” her and that I need to get my priorities in order.
No. 262042
>>262035Oh god I just remembered another time. She texted asking to come over and I told her
>I’m actually about to walk my dogs but you’re welcome to join!So she shows up and I’m out the door
>you said I could come over?>yeah but I’m going to walk my dogs. And you can join if you want>girl, you know I don’t walk>… okay?So she waited at my house pissed that I was walking them. When I got back she was like
>actually something came up, I’ll catch you laterAnd left. Fucking weirdo.
No. 262088
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>>261997One of my earliest childhood memories is a man coming up to my parents and asking them to take a picture of him and his dog.
I asked them, why is he on vacation with his pet?
And they answered that he probably doesn't have anybody else.
Even as a 4/5-year-old I already found that incredibly sad.
No. 262092
>>262011There's only 20 other people here so I doubt I will find anyone. My new plan is to be super woke and out woke everyone else. Starting with saying y'all is AAVE so people should stop using it. Also I'm mega annoyed at how people say folks here all the time so I'm also going to say it's AAVE too and appropriation. lmao
>>262024I missed part of the conversation so I'm not sure if they said Chinese or Taiwanese. Wouldn't be surprised if these people couldn't tell the difference between the two. I'm just super annoyed because I pointed out some immigrants in my town owned a bubble tea place and they said that the owners should have just cooked food from their culture instead. It's infuriating.
No. 262150
>>262092Careful with that kind of expression. Going too much against the hivemind, and showing even the slightest sense of weakness is just asking for your life to be ruined.
>>262096>>262105You subconsciously care for babies.
>>262111>>262116He's talking about another kind of family you're trying to replace with pets. It's called a "furbaby".
No. 262190
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I'm so annoyed at myself for gaining back all the weight I worked so hard to lose. Luckily it was only about 20 pounds so it shouldn't take forever to lose again but I can't believe I ruined all my progress, especially since I was so close to my goal weight.
I've been dying to change up my style and completely revamp my wardrobe but I want to wait until I'm comfortable with my body (plus I don't want to waste money on clothes that might not fit later on). I've saved up so much money for new clothes and I keep drooling over online stores… I'm so mad at my dumbass self for binging and stress-eating and snacking, but recently I've been eating much better and even getting some exercise in. I just hope I can stick with it.
No. 262214
>>262182I mean they're technically right, baby screeching is unnerving and distracting. I want someone to address its issue so it can shut up.
Problem with teething is that the baby never shuts up unless its given medication, those adults were just being selfish and inconsiderate.
No. 262217
>>262214Probably not a good idea to get them on drugs at an early age. All they really need is something you won't regret getting chewed up, like a cloth. Otherwise, they can't get their gums below their teeth, which can lead to them needing braces later on.
When I said you're urged to help them, I didn't mean you should. It helps for anyone to be more open to social contact, these days, but chances are the lady won't be more expressive to your aid, if you bother her.
No. 262223
>>262217>Probably not a good idea to get them on drugs at an early age.While it’s true they should chew, this is such a stupid opinion. They sell baby Tylenol for a reason. And there’s a reason infant mortality is lower in most developed countries than it ever has been before: among which are cleanliness, knowledge, and
gasp drugs.
No. 262231
>>262229It is but it’s not effective
>These products are not useful for treating sore gums due to teething because they wash out of a baby’s mouth within minutes., chewing should be used but the attitude of
>don’t get them addicted to the drugs as babies!!!Is retarded
No. 262238
>>262210Thank you!!
>>262216Yeah, for sure. I'm trying to scratch the urge for new clothes by buying accessories like shoes, bags, and sunglasses.
No. 262247
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Hi, I'm the bi anon from a few vent threads ago (>>247820), want to give an update on this crazy woman that I was stupid enough to try and forgive despite y'all telling me to cut ties with her
>3 months after we break up I think about her negatively because I keep seeing her on social media with her friends who enable her shitty behavior
>want to stop feeling hate towards her because it's emotionally draining, and I genuinely believed that she would have changed or grown some way (boy was I wrong)
>start talking to her again
>she immediately becomes overly attatched again
>talking about how she wants to visit me
>fuck she's still crazy isn't she
>we catch up for a few days
>3 days later she texts me "hey are we together?"
>what the fuck
>turns out she "got a crush on me again" after I started texting her again
>okay whatever psycho
>keep seeing her joke about wanting a "goth gf" on ig, still hanging out with her ex
>mind you this is the same ex she dumped for me and then dumped me to try and get back with
>I live in western europe, she lives in my home country (latvia)
>LGBT pride week happening back home
>suddenly I see her kissing some girl on a friend's ig story
>she later tells me how much fun she had at pride, and that she had a "fake gf for two days"
>this infuriates me even further considering that when she was in a relationship with me she couldn't even hold that together because of her impatience and impulsive behavior, so I'm scared shitless for the poor girl she's involved with next
>then the breaking point was when a friend told me that she was at a party and saw her kissing her ex
>I get increasingly scared and frustrated of her because of all the dumb self destructive shit she does to herself, and the fact that I'm moving back to latvia to take a gap year
>2 nights ago she drunk texts me while on a tinder date, I tell her that I'm moving back
>"oh, that means I need to stay away from you even more because I'm crazy and I'll fall for you again"
>she unfollows me on ig
I guess I'm glad she wants to stay away from me, but I feel frustrated because I was planning on finally confronting her when I'd be in Latvia, to tell her how I feel like she's ruining her life by hanging out with terrible people, especially her ex boyfriend, who is a complete tool and wasn't even supportive of her during their relationship in the first place
The obvious answer is to cut ties with her, I get it, but my stupid brain keeps wanting me to fix the people in my life, whether I love them or hate them. And I feel like because we have mumtual friends in Latvia it'll be impossible to avoid her.
On the other hand, a sadistic part of me wants to keep provoking her and intruiging her by staying in her life, because I know that she's still attracted to me all the time but won't admit it. Like she actually enjoyed what we had together, but couldn't hold it down because of her psychosis. So I want to do it as revenge, like a kind of "look what you could have had, but you threw it all away". It's evil and cruel and irrational, but I feel like I need to get back at her for the way she hurt me.
No. 262251
>>262219>>262220>>262222Blame the biological functions everyone has in their body. If it weren't for that, you'd be able to ignore it.
>>262223>>262231Drugs are for emergencies, and last I checked infant mortality has next-to-no ties with teething. You can't just throw drugs at all your problems.
>>262238Oh, what'd you get?
No. 262255
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Anon who had a job interview with a company abroad and talked about it at the beginning of the thread here; the manager told me to wait for his answer this week except by now where he is it must be Sunday in the middle of the night. I don't know if I should send an email to make sure he didn't forget about sending me a confirmation that I'm hired or not, because he told me not to because it won't be necessary. But still, I'm worried, it's my dream job and the interview went so well. I guess that means I'm not hired but if hat's the case at least let me know so I won't have false hope.
No. 262258
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>>262251>biological functions>If it weren't for that, you'd be able to ignore it.Yeah, totally! It's about biological functions, not loud and unwanted noises being annoying. That's why we are never bothered by loud sirens, alarms, phone ringtones, whistles or any other loud or unwanted noises, just crying babies, so it's 100% biological function
To any anons that do find loud alarms, ringtones and whatnot annoying, it's because subconsciously, you want to take care of them
No. 262274
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>>262251Some recent stuff I got was a really nice olive coat pretty similar to pic related, Chelsea boots, and a simple black Kate Spade purse. I know a lot of people think KS bags are trashy but I'm a college student and I don't really have thousands of dollars to spend on "classy" brands - plus it's cute and works for me! My next purchase will most likely be sunglasses or a watch.
No. 262284
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>tfw caught a cold
It wouldn't be so bad if my throat wasn't so sore. I think I have an infection on my tonsils or something because it's so hard to swallow water without it hurting. I'm so angry since it's entirely my dad's fault, he had a terrible cold earlier this month but the guy doesn't bother to cover his mouth when's he coughs.
I just want it to be over
No. 262288
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>>262274Kate Spade is popular right now, not sure who calls it trashy. The future Queen wears her designs often. I think they’re great.
No. 262373
>>262370No I’m suggesting therapy for the insanely obvious issues like trauma, sexual hangups, and an irrational belief system. Nobody is out of their mind for not particularly wanting to have sex with a man, but anybody who wishes there were brainwashing camps that will forcibly alter their sexual preferences is pretty obviously struggling with some bigger shit.
Jfc I know heaps of you think that literally anyone with a Y chromosome is sent here from the bowels of hell for no purpose other than to torture you personally but it’s alarming to see someone who has had so little support with their trauma that they want conversion therapy.
It’s not about hating dudes it’s that this person deserves to feel okay.
No. 262613
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I've been spending the last few days browsing the internet from morning til night; I guess I'm literally addicted to it. My exams are in 2 weeks. Kill me.
No. 262623
>>262613Two weeks is a lot of time if you buckle down and get serious now.
Don't wait until it's two days.
No. 262660
>>262657No. It's your human brain paying special attention to the cries of a baby. Everyone's wired to react, with virgin males being the least alerted, and non-virgin females the most.
>>262383Bingo. Nobody should rely on the internet for friends. It's the exact opposite of that.
No. 262688
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>drive around aimlessly because i have no friends and nothing else to do but dont want to be inside all day
>decide to take a little evning hike
>cool breeze
>leaves rustling gently
>sky is soft because the sun has set but there's still some light
>nice at first but then realize how nice it would be if a guy were with me
man im so fucking lonely. i love sleeping because once in a while ill have dreams about being cuddled or having my hand held and its seriously the best feeling
No. 262697
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>>262671This is the most retarded thing I’ve ever seen and I know multiple flat earthers.
Is this incel or is this bait?
No. 262705
>>262671Nice bait fag.
How come women's brain don't change when they shove a tapon up their vag then?
No. 262769
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I'll have to start driving alone soon. Yea I'm terrified of driving alone, but it wouldn't be a problem if the parking wasn't so fucking narrow/small and the company wasn't in the middle of nowhere so I can't park anywhere else. If I come in too late there's literally no place to fucking park and the company doesn't want to provide one.
Now I'll either have to get up waaay earlier, at like 5am just to get a parking spot or go with the bus
No. 262779
>>262725It is Ftm
I don't even know if that's the case anymore
I have been thinking about mentioning it for some time
It's funny because we have talked about fake boys and how they are gross and just follow trends but I'm beginning to see she is a fake boy in herself
No. 262991
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Fuck, I could have gotten an internship abroad and I had the perfect profile for that but they chose someone else even though they really considered choosing me. I'm so frustrated, so I told the manager I'm available for the same position some months later, since they already interviewed me anyway, but I'm so unlucky I just know they'll ignore me or tell me to give up.
I have another interview for another position at the same company and I'm really scared it won't go well because I don't know much about this position and I'm worried I don't have the correct profile for that. But at least I know what sort of questions to except.
No. 263026
>>261230>>261235Same boat here anons.
My Mum, even though she's a ginger has tanned for YEARS. She used to own a home tanning bed. I've never seen her pale.
Over the years i've seen her skin age a lot quicker because of it. She's slowed down now but still goes to tanning shops before a vacation so "she doesn't burn".
I suffer from backne, and a couple years ago for my prom i was super conscious about it. She INSISTED that tanning would dry up the spots and make me look slimmer and healthier, even at 16 I knew it was bullshit. She guilted me into getting a spray tan the day before the Prom because if i didn't get it, it would be a waste of money (since it was a package at the salon with my hair and nails).
I hated myself, I cried while walking home from the salon which made the spray tan on my face streaky and it wouldn't come off in the shower. My foundation didn't match my orange skin and my eyeshadow and and dress looked funny because I was such a different colour than when i tried everything on beforehand.
This was FIVE years ago now and i can still feel how awful i felt that day. People who go through my facebook always point out my old prom pictures not knowing i had a spray tan and say I look funny/odd. She was indirectly telling me i would look ugly without darker skin. I love being pale, I think it suits my complexion and style. I'm happy my skin won't look fried at 50 years old like hers does.
No. 263047
>>263043In the time leading up to his move he kept reassuring me that he would make the effort to make it work between us and that he wanted to start a life with me. He built me up and gave me so many expectations. He never gave any indication that he wasn't sure until he went out there and two weeks later he apparently knew all this.
He didn't even try to make it work IMO, he just instantly gave up. Like I said he has problems keeping people in his life after a year and got a bunch of new (shallow) friends and left me so he could fill the void inside himself. He tries and touts his decisions as 'self-awareness' but in reality he just uses people to make himself feel better and dumps them when he realizes that they can't make him hate himself any less.
No. 263050
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As hurt as I am I still am in love with him. We had a very good relationship before this and I'm hurt that not only did he not even try, he never even communicated the fact that he was uncomfortable. Him not having people in his life after a year is something that he himself has said makes him unhappy, it's not just projection. The long distance part of the relationship was only going to be about three months anyways.
Like yeah I realize that it's better now than later but he's not who I thought he was and it hurts.
No. 263170
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>>263134Thanks anon. I guess to give more context in the months leading up to his move he never told me that he was concerned about the distance and that he felt like he couldn't handle a relationship out there. He assured me multiple times that he was able to handle it and that he wanted to continue the relationship/have me go out there/start a future together. It wasn't until he was actually there that he decided all this, and even then it was only within a three day period. First week he was there everything was normal, he talked about how he missed me and wanted me to be out there, second week he breaks up with me out of the blue.
Obviously because I know him I also know that this is a trend within his life. He doesn't feel connected to people, he doesn't truly feel like he belongs, and his longest friendship ever has been three years. This is a huge problem that he has acknowledge but was so defensive when I tried to point out that he was repeating his bad tendencies and that he was only going to make himself more miserable in the long run he just agreed and said that he hated himself. All these people he was putting before me, his roommates, his new "friends" (Good luck with that, it's fucking LA), he has only known for two months at most. And even then he has this weird skewed perspective of what a close relationship consists of and tends to overestimate just how much you need to interact with people to actually form a bond with them. One of his friends told me that while he considered her one of his closest friends, she felt like she barely even knew that much about him.
And even after all of this I still love him so much and it hurts me both that he is not in my life anymore and that I know he is only continuing to make himself even more isolated and sad. I know I've been sperging about how he can't form relationships but I really feel like he was truly vulnerable around me for one of the first times in his life. He was really only truly open with me and his best friend about his problems, he told me this, and I have really never felt as close to anyone as I did him.
I've dated a lot more than him and I know that, at least for me, our relationship was really special. He was the first significant other I had that actually made me feel like an equal rather than just a girlfriend. We had so many things in common, enjoyed the same things, had the same goals, had the same dreams, we able to talk about our problems constructively (At least as long as he fucking told me), he was really respectful and really seemed to love me and I have never loved anyone like him before.
I know he has the right to not be with me. I know it takes two to make a relationship and one to end it. But I think if someone you cared about for, and they said the felt the same way, just dropped you like that you'd be devastated too. I was willing to give us a chance and he wasn't, and that kills me.
Sage for being sappy and overdramatic kek
No. 263211
>>263200Yeah I did. Ever since it happened I've been around here a lot. Something about being able to vent anonymously was really comforting in ways that you can't have with close friends.
He really does have a lot of growing up to do. At this point all I can really do is focus on myself. I'm still going to do what I planned with him, but by myself if that makes sense. The whole moving part of our relationship benefitted me both by being with him and also for what I want to do with my career. I'll just have to do it without him.
No. 263398
>>263375I'm 5'2 and around 120 pounds, give or take a couple depending on how much i pig out. im trying to eat healthier and exercise, but the cold hard truth is that theres nothing i can do to get the body i really want. it just isn't meant to be, without some kind of waist surgery to give me a waist and injections to get rid of my hip dips.
i think i need to stop visiting /snow/ sometimes. i now some of the flakes are bad people so i shouldn't take comments about their body to heart, but i can't help but imagine what anons here would say about me and my body if i was posted.
i know your advice is correct, my dumb brain just doesn't want to accept it. i hope some day i love myself.
No. 263399
>>263393Lmao, I get you anon.
Let us suffer together.
No. 263403
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I'm really proud of myself because I got down to only smoking weed once or twice a week (used to be a 5+ days a week smoker). However, my bf remains a daily smoker and I feel it will eventually be something to get between us. When I do bring it up, he's kind of like, "yeah, I know," but it's sort of brushed aside and he maintains his current habits. He's even told me he used to not do it as much as he does now. It makes me think I'm somehow part of the reason even though I don't think that's the case.
I know it isn't the end of the world, but I get concerned he's getting lost in the habit, like he doesn't know what to do with himself if he isn't high. He's a very wonderful person who has been through some trauma, so it's understandable. I just wish we could chill out without him being blazed, it's felt like a long time.
No. 263404
>>263403It's unlikely he's going to change. He needs to have his own motivation to do it.
>He's even told me he used to not do it as much as he does nowThis another way of saying "I could totally stop at any time" - it's probably not true. Has he been to therapy for his trauma? Sounds like he needs it.
No. 263418
>>263170I'm in the same boat anon and it sucks really. I can relate to the "not even trying to make it work" too.
In the end everybody deserve to be with someone who's excited to be with them. I'm very sad I'm going to lose on someone with incredible qualities (hardworking, extremely intelligent, funny, faithful) but also is too selfish to care about me.
I know from the outside it sounds easy to just break it off but often you can't turn off feelings in an instant. It can take weeks, months, sometimes longer.
In my case I have to wait until my lease is over and instead of going together to a new place like we were supposed to, I'll go alone, which is now scary because my budget just got slashed in two.
But thinking about a potential new SO who won't shout or give me the silent treatment whenever something doesn't go his way, or who would be excited to do stuff with me and show me off to his friend just makes me hopeful for the future.
Strangely enough I'm pretty sure in both of our cases, it's them who are going to deeply regret this. The thing is, when you're a positive person and a giver in a relationship, you tend to make a long lasting impression. I had a few exs hit me up because they were way more affected by the break-up than I was, even several years later.
No. 263419
>>263403>daily smokerI mean I enjoy my weed too but I find I have to take months long breaks sometimes because otherwise daily smoking kinda levels out for me after about a week or two of daily use. Like it's no longer a high, it's just there.
Is it a psychological thing for him? Surely the highs can't be all that great.
No. 263428
my sister loves cats. she had the same cat for 10 years, and when that cat died of old age, my sister wasn't ready for a new one. it took her a very long getting a new cat. eventually she did, and her new cat loved her. literally acted like her baby. my sister had finally moved on and was happy.
anyways. that cat died today. my sisters place is small, and the cat hyperactive, so she let him go outside for 10-15 per day. never more. the cat just hanged in rooftops, smelled things, and went back home. every day for like a year. so, we are NOW finding out that one of our neighbors HATES animals and didn't like that the cat went to her rooftop. so she did the classic psychopath move and left poison and food mixed together, the cat ate it and died. she never contacted us and told us to watch our cat. NEVER. she just decided that killing the cat would be easier cause she's a fucking demon.
the cat went out badly. my sister called him as always, and he went home. few moments later he’s convulsing on the floor and crying. she says he looked possessed. the cat agonized in absolute pain for a few minutes, then collapsed and died, and there was nothing to do. it traumatized my sister. man, we're all fucking defeated. this is so cruel. the cat did not need to suffer that much. and my sister didn't either. I feel so bad for him. The poor cat was playing with me and my own cat only a few hours before. I can’t believe this.
i fucking hate this world. fuck you, old lady neighbor who hates dogs and cats, i hope you rot in hell. other neighbors are telling us this isn't the first time she's done this and it’s just… fuck you. fuck you. fuck you. fuck you. you are a goddamn monster.
cats are such precious creatures, man, i can't deal with this. fuck you.
No. 263431
>>263428That's awful… I'm so sorry for you and your sister.
There's people that don't deserve to be called humans. I hope that idiotic woman gets what she deserves some day! In this world or in the afterlife.
I'm again so sad for you and your sis and the poor cat.
No. 263439
>>263428Monsters like that bitch deserve to die in the most agonizing pain possible. Someone should have her swallow the poison she left for animals and have a taste of her own 'medicine'.
I hope you and your sister find peace one day. I'm not sure if I could handle it. Fuck.
No. 263445
>>263428Go to the police immediately for animal cruelty and mental damages. Hope she rots in hell and dies alone for that.
Hope your sister will be okay.
No. 263450
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There's no work today, which would be awesome if our offices weren't made out of glassand our manager's right behing us.
Not to mention the little bit of work that comes is given straight to my other coworker, even if I worked on the stuff prior.
Uuugh,only 4 more hours to go
No. 263470
>>263463I'm almost glad I've watched it when I was in primary school and didn't even think about fandoms on the internet at the time, the hardcore male fans are always cringey at best. It's like they literally only watched the show because they want to fuck Asuka or Rei, or they want Shinji to fuck Asuka or Rei, and they don't even know there's a plot.
>>263464The fujo side is chill from what I've seen. It really depends on fanbases but they're cool most of the time.
>>263467 said, and if possible block the websites with the fucked up userbases with coldturkey or something similar if it's that bad and you have no self-control.
No. 263481
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This is really vain and first-world but I feel so fucking ugly because of my nose. It's really long and potato-like, I hate it. This may seem like such a minor thing but for some reason it has really taken a toll on my self-esteem.
No. 263492
>>263170This is why I'm scared about getting into a relationship. So many guys do this kind of thing suddenly and for no reason.
Also over time my fear of guys/hooking up/relationships has built up so much now. The last guy I hooked up with really put me over the edge and now it's a full blown
trigger for my anxiety. I used to have fun hooking up with guys and sending nudes or whatever but for some reason most of the time it's used as a reason to start treating me like I'm nothing and to disrespect me and it has the worst effect on my depression and anxiety and now its just horrible. All of the people I've hooked up with have been friends, so no one night stands or anything, so I trusted them, and felt like just being nice in return is fair. Men aren't even capable of that much. They say "friends with benefits" but 99% of the time I didn't even get the "friends" part. It confirms what my depression tells me about myself, that I'm not worth anything, that I'm nothing, etc.
I met a new guy and I feel so anxious and insecure about him. I absolutely don't want to go over his place, and I don't want to hook up with him (even though I would like to if I didn't feel this way now). We haven't done more than making out laying on a blanket in a park.
I just feel awful and that this guy will probably just get annoyed that I don't want to hook up. If he asks about it I'll probably tell him how I feel about it (translated in a socially acceptable way). I just wish I didn't feel this way anymore. I used to be so different. I wish people didn't have to be so horrible.
No. 263503
>>263481>>263482fucking same
However, I think our flaws seem worse than they are when we're fixated on them. (and noses especially with short focal lengths haha) Like in
>>263484 - btw, I've been there before too. Can't count how many times I've stayed home because of acne or frizzy hair or "nothing to wear". But I've found that when I'm feeling insecure about something, I feel a lot better if I "dress down". If I look like I didn't try that hard, then I don't feel as embarrassed and can just relax and enjoy myself. Dressing up when I feel bad about myself just makes it 100x worse.
Anyways, back to noses. In the real world most people have flaws, and you probably have other features that are nice that balance things out. It's okay to not be perfect. I know this gets repeated a lot and might be annoying to hear, but I think it's the truth.
People on this site can be really ruthless with tearing apart other women's features, but I imagine they probably have their own insecurity as well. I think it's somewhat comforting to be able to say, "well at least I don't have…", "At least I'm not…" etc. But that doesn't mean that the feature in question is absolutely horrid and unmanageable.
For the past two months I hadn't really thought about my nose all that much, but just today I stumbled across the plastic surgery thread, and now I can't stop thinking about it. I was happy before, so I know that I don't need surgery to feel happy again, I just need to focus my energy on more productive things. For me, improving my skills or completing work gives me a boost in self-esteem. Picking up a musical instrument also helped tremendously. Just seeing improvement that I have control over gives me more confidence in other areas; and when I'm happier, looking in the mirror isn't as hard.
No. 263589
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>>263556Stand up for yourself and offer to do it only when you actually feel like it, rather than every single night.
Then invest in one of these and use that on him instead. They feel fucking awesome and you won't have to get dandruff on your hands.
No. 263617
>>263556>mfw my bf gives me back and head scratches every nightFeels good, he even pops my back pimples and sometimes uses a comedone extractor.
If you don't like doing it, tell him the truth.
Or, make up a bullshit lie.
"Hey bf, I think the acne on your back is getting worse because the scratching has caused irritation."
"Maybe I should get a back scratcher tool instead to help not spread so much bacteria."
Also start demanding you get scratches/rubs in return. Watch how quickly he'll not want to do it as much if he's gotta work for his.
No. 263632
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I really. really don't enjoy superheroes. Especially movies and series about them. There's maybe only ever been one or two Marvel movies I thought were re-watchable and they're extremely recent.
Boyfriend has been binge watching a new series on Netflix for about a week and thankfully I think there's only one episode left. God the overacting, the transparent characters, the plot.
Jesus I'm so bored.
No. 263648
>>263632girl s a m e
i thought the superhero thing would have passed by now, how long is it going to be a fad? even people who i normally find to have good taste in movies seem to watch all the superhero shit thats coming out constantly, its for children ffs
No. 263710
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I have a past friend from high school still added on my facebook. I don't know why I do this to myself, maybe I hate watch her because I'm still burned that she used me so much. Everything she does as a so-called "adult" peeves me.
The worst is when she posts articles complaining about minimum wage.
She's salty because she made poor decisions that have set her back financially. Like having a child when she was a teen, and having another which resulted in a brief marriage and divorce within a year. People like her think they have a religious duty to have children, regardless if that's not for the best. I'm sick of her acting like these decisions were ever forced onto her. Nobody ever thought her dropout teen ass or broke adult self should ever have had children.
But nothing can be done about that now.
She could have gone to study to possibly get a better job, but she's not motivated for it. I think she bragged about a community college course once but I've never seen her post about it again. She couldn't handle having expectations and deadlines, she can barely handle basic responsibilities. She doesn't want to, because that requires effort.
The financial bitching is so grating bc the area she lives in is actually pretty low-rent (think $400/month to rent a decent 3 bedroom house). Also plenty of section 8 that would favor her because she's single with kids. She would be able to afford it with minimum wage if she could bother to work 40 hours a week like most single moms are forced to. Or get a roommate. Instead she supplements the gap by using welfare and living at home and still has the audacity to act like she struggles so much and is a hard-working single mom. It's all a front, if not for the fact that she's gotta shove that image on social media everyday instead of letting her day to day speak for itself.
She overshares everything on her facebook. She only posts about working 4 times a week and posts about eight pictures of her kids a day doing new stuff, usually at playgrounds in the middle of the day or photographing them being babysat by Spongebob on tv. Meaning she isn't working. But oh man, if she's gotta work 10 hours for one overnight in a month my feed never hears the end of it.
I think one of the reasons why her ex divorced her is that he realized he was being used as a workhorse and she wanted to be lazy and stay at home–nothing wrong with that but she doesn't clean, nor cook well. She doesn't have a car and has fucked up priorities. She wanted to be a bum on the back of someone who gave a shit about her.
I can't stand her but it's like watching a trainwreck, she never improves and doesn't care. Yet she wants so much validation and unwarranted asspats from everyone for doing the bare minimum.
No. 263748
>>263744>>263746Happens to me too. I feel very guilty about it and apologize to my previous husbando and tell him I'll get back to him but I never do.
Though each husbando lasts for a longer time, about four years or so. The habit started when I was a kid, I'm not sure if it will ever stop or if I will ever get a real bf.
No. 263766
>>263746>>263748>tfw you've cucked multiple fictional menI think I feel the worst about this one since he was tailored to my tastes specifically and I've drawn him a ridiculous number of times.
Good end this time is drawing porn of my husbandos together. Cuck myself.>>263763Realistically it would probably be a good aid in a romantic relationship, for me. I have a very specific type and it would be (too much) proof that I'm attracted to any guy I court. If it doesn't creep him out, of course.
I wonder what the magic thing is with 4 years, when I think back on it that's been the same for the others as well.
No. 263851
>>263849I could understand once or twice, but being continually late was absolutely a disrespect to you. That's like a way bigger margin of being a fuck up than just 10%.
Expecting a man to be there for you and be on time does not make you needy, don't worry.
No. 263852
>>263851Yeah, I'd tell him how rude it felt and sometimes get so frustrated I'd cry. He'd apologize and say he has poor time management, but ultimately it never changed.
It wasn't that expectation that made me needy though, more that he didn't want to talk or see each other to focus on exams for those few weeks (I've posted about this before, rip) and I got really upset over never getting texted back or getting the chance to talk, especially while I was stressing over some school decisions a lot and felt alone. I have a hard time not beating myself up about it, but close to no contact was just hard on me
No. 263855
I wish I had more friends/that they came from different groups of people. I'm in my last year of highschool and all the people I talk to, often at least, are in my class: I lost touch with my middle school friend and I don't really talk to the internet friends I made in the past anymore.
My current friends are all nerds, which is fine and welcome of course because I am too, but it doesn't really help in the social aspect of life. We don't really go anywhere we could meet new people, and there's no fucking way I'm going drinking alone. It's not just that I want a boyfriend/girlfriend, though that plays a part as well: I just want to interact with individuals that have experienced (slightly, I guess, nothing too extreme) different things from me.
Boy, I hope university is going to be decent. I'm not asking to know the whole campus, but having a social circle larger than 10 people wouldn't hurt.
No. 263858
>>263404>>263419He is very open about his experience (a severe injury which landed him in the hospital for months about 5 years ago) and is even willing to go into nitty-gritty detail about it. This makes me assume he has made his peace with what happened for the most part. He also used to be a big party guy and he couldn't do that so much after the accident, so getting high could be a symptom of missing old times or something akin to it. It's hard to say.
Like I said, it's not the end of the world and he's very sweet smoking or not. Even though it troubles me a bit, I'm just glad he isn't going for harder stuff, tbh.
No. 263924
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One of my friends is a serial flaker. It's not that it would bother me if it would only happen on occasion, but she's the one who always makes up plans with me and says how she misses me?
Only to then spend her plans with someone else or forget.
I think it's immature, it's not that I care greatly because I actually enjoy my alone time and time with bf when I'm not working. It's the indifference and how she acts so unapologetic about it is what I can't stand. She's now done this thrice in a row and I feel like telling her to stop saying she wants to hang out if she doesn't actually want to.
Like last weekend she made a plan to come see me tonight after she got out of work, said it could be a "late night." I was supposed to work tomorrow because I picked up for someone, but I took a vacation day, mostly because it was a shift I didn't actually want to work but also because I thought this would be a "late night" tonight.
Well tonight she DMs me the usual 'miss you how's u' back and forth. I cut to the point and asked her if she was staying in. "Not unless you have something planned," she said. Lol. So I tell her I'm staying in too, and was only asking because I remembered her saying she was coming over tonight. "Oh I'm out of town tomorrow."
Alright, sure. that's cool. Have fun I guess.
I know I'm not the only one who has this happen but I hate how people get away with treating others like this.
No. 263945
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I've been constantly thinking about death and every time there's this sinking feeling, like my heart dropping. I don't want to stop being. I don't want my feelings to stop or my memories to be erased.
I don't follow any religion so i don't believe in a afterlife.
I have no friends to talk about it and every time i try to bring it up to my mom she just dismisses it and tells me to stop being "suicidal."
If she'd just listen to me she'd know dying is the last thing i want lol
I guess that's why a part of me really wants to skip to the part of my existence where i bring life into this earth, to nurture a child and to teach it all the beautiful things about the world.
No. 263956
>>263947So instead of telling your friend, or stop being friends, you'd rather get mistreated forever?
I feel bad for you tbh
No. 263983
>>263974Kek, you know who fucking ditch or leave over any perceived mistreatment? Dramawhores noone wants to be around.
Waiting to cool down and thinking after the fact is what adults do. You leave or fight once it becomes a pattern and there's nothing left to do.
No. 264018
>>264015I know that feeling anon. My bf's dog acts like a piece of annoying shit and is just terrible. If he was a bigger breed he'd be probably put down already.
But I'm trying to focus my anger on the owners rather than the animal.
No. 264028
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I'm pretty sure weed is causing my herpes outbreaks and it bums me the fuck out that I might have to drop it or only use it once in a blue moon. Probably for the best since it sometimes makes me feel paranoid, upset, or too existential for my liking.>>263945I've contemplated death and the ways humans try to cope with it. At the end of the day, no matter your wealth, age, religion, or race, death comes knocking on your door. It's one of the things that every person, animal, and plant which has ever existed has in common; one day we will die. I personally find comfort in this unifying truth. One day I will cease to exist as I am, and eventually not even the memory of me will remain. I will be but a flash of a moment in the existence of the universe, just like those who came before me and those who come after me.
On the topic of death, I often think to the Twilight Zone episode Nothing in the Dark. Death says the line, "It isn't me you're afraid of. You understand me. What you're afraid of is the unknown." I find this to be true. I don't think any religion has the answer for what comes after, no one does, and it instills fear in us.
The best we can do is to enjoy life before our time comes. Constantly worrying or thinking about it only squanders and wastes this precious time, something which not every person is granted. So don't fret, anon. Do the things you enjoy now and don't worry about the end and what comes after.
No. 264057
>>264028Hey anon, just wanted to let you know I relate to a lot of what you said and wanted to pass this along: might like it, interesting to think about.
Also, if you're getting paranoia, stopping weed is probably for the best. I was a daily smoker up until about 3 months ago, I stopped cold turkey. I found it put my mind in an uncomfortable place. I realized my thought processeses were altered for the worse and in no way relaxing. I was really only doing it out of boredom. No. 264065
>>263924i'm a serial flaker and trust me it's because i don't care about anyone but myself, your "friend" is prob the same way. Even if she lies and says she misess you.
Just stop talking to her lol
No. 264098
>>264089No emergency vet?
If she thinks it's that bad that it's causing him to become hotter and breathe incorrectly, I don't see how panicking at you or blowing a fan on him will help.
No. 264101
so i have bad anxiety. my boyfriend of nearly 2 years wound up breaking up with me for his ex at the beginning of our relationship–we got back together and have now been together for a year and nine months, but i still worry sometimes. i wish i didn't but…thanks anxiety.
so he has a new friend lately that happens to be a girl. lives in the apartment right next to us. he constantly goes over there to smoke with her and won't invite me, just leaves me in our apartment alone for an hour or two at a time. i told him it bothered me because every other one of his friends, including girls, come over to our place at least once in a while and are at least friendly with me. this girl isn't however. she won't even look at me in the hallway when i pass her, on the rare occasion i am around her i have to try really hard to make conversation, etc. so i was chalking it up to my anxiety at first and i hated myself for not trusting him.
but long story short, i found out one night he went over there to play beer pong. he was on the same team as this girl and apparently she got black out drunk and wouldn't stop touching him and being flirty. he never told me this, i just found this out yesterday and this happened over a month ago.
apparently he pushed her away and he felt guilty but he was into it/finds her attractive. i understand finding other people attractive, i find people attractive aside from him, but he continues to hang out with her knowing that he felt something. he continues to put himself in that position. and now he's mad at me for confronting him and being upset, because she's "just his friend and so what if he finds her attractive it doesn't mean anything!" but he won't talk to me about it. he won't just talk to me and reassure me, instead he gets defensive and pissy. i told him to look me in the eye and tell him if he was in my position that he wouldn't be upset. and he couldn't.
we went to the lake and he had invited her but i told him i would be more comfortable if she didn't come (it's MY lake place and i don't even fucking know her) and now he's holding it against me, i can tell. he's mad because he feels like he can't hang out with her, even though i never said that (although of course it's what i'd prefer). but on the other hand i think that if he cared about our relationship he wouldn't want to jeopardize it by hanging out with her and perhaps developing feelings? i don't want him to hold a grudge but i also have been through enough shit and self doubt to know i have a right to feel this way. i just don't know what to do here
No. 264105
>>264101So…Your boyfriend gets a new friend, who happens to be a girl, he told you he finds her attractive, she seems to be flirty with him while being straight up rude to you (or kind of distant), he invites her to spend time with you two and when YOU feel uncomfortable, HE gets mad at you?
I'd be so hurt if my SO didn't tell me all those things that had happened behind your back but it'd hurt worse knowing that he tries to make you seem crazy or childish about it.
>but he won't talk to me about it. he won't just talk to me and reassure me, instead he gets defensive and pissy. i told him to look me in the eye and tell him if he was in my position that he wouldn't be upset. and he couldn't. I've been there. I had so much trouble with confidence and trust in my boyfriend, I was always jealous about other girls. At first I didn't tell him all those things I was feeling because I thought it wasn't that important and maybe I was the one making things up inside my head but when I told him, at first he got defensive.
Until that ''one girl who was only a friend'' made a move on him and he cut her off definitely. He was really sorry about everything and even as hard as it was, I trusted him again. Now, everytime something which can hurt me happens, he tells me straight away, even if he knows I could feel unsure or inferior, just because it's better to know these things that having to realise it later.
What I'm trying to say is that if your boyfriend can't put himself on your shoes, if he knows he'd be hurt if those things happened to him, why does he keep repeating it? Why does he get mad at you, instead of explaining how exactly he feels? He prefers not to tell you things but when you're hurt - obviously, who wouldn't? - he gets mad at you…
I'm sorry for the long rant and I'm sorry you have to experience this because it sucks. If he can't respect your feelings about it, or at least try to talk about it in a reasonable way, just dump him. You'll find someone who doesn't keep secrets from you, specially when it can hurt you in some or another way.
No. 264110
>>264101Seriously, I wholeheartedly agree with
>>264105 on this. A lot of this behavior seems really fishy and the fact that he's not willing to take your feelings into consideration and gets defensive is a huge red flag to me.
There are people out there who will go after anyone no matter what. Sometimes people in relationships get pursued and there's nothing they can do unless they cut off all contact. This situation sounds way different. If he really respected you he wouldn't be putting this bitch's feelings over yours. Honestly seeing as though all he does is get mad whenever you try to talk about this I would just dump him. Find someone who puts your needs above anyone else's. I know that feeling of not knowing whether your anxiety is justified or not but I think you have every right to be upset.
I hope everything works out for you anon.
No. 264113
i just really wish i enjoyed anything. anything at all. 12+ years of dealing with anhedonia. sucks because most people that are depressed seem to have at least one passion that propels them forward, even if their feelings toward it have been somewhat diminished. i just really could not give a shit less. my fiance thinks i will get over it since he got over his depression and thinks it's age related/hormonal, but he only experienced any depression for like, 4 years, and it's not like we're 20 anymore. it's so difficult to justify living when it feels crazy irrational and you've got nothing to tether you to life, no passions or ambitions, etc. i'm literally content with being the lowest level unskilled worker as a result and face a lot of annoying, patronizing bullshit which just depresses me further, on top of the fact that i truly cannot accept more liability or responsibility than the lowest tier of worker, anyhow. sucks. the assumption that everyone should be taking on high responsibility jobs is so irritating. some of us don't want to, and literally cannot. i'd rather people that are cognizant of their capabilities and their shitty limitations only take on what they can handle, not the other way around. i wish people understood this.
No. 264115
>>264105i really appreciate this reply. he just sat me down and talked to me, we had a nice heart to heart. so we live with his sister, and him and his sister are really close and she's the one who told me about the whole "drunk touchy feely" event. she made it sound like he had feelings toward her, and that he liked what she was doing. what he told me five minutes ago was that she blew it out of proportion and that he never said that, he just offhandedly mentioned that he kinda feels bad because he thinks this girl is attractive. and she apologized profusely for being touchy with him, because apparently she was drunk and she didn't remember it even.
it still bothers me that it happened and that he didn't tell me, but we've always been honest with each other and i trust that he's telling me the truth. he just literally has refused to talk about it with me until today which made me wonder if he was being honest. but i'm really glad that he talked to me, i feel a hundred times lighter. thank you so much for listening to my vent and giving a thoughtful reply because i really needed it. like you said, sometimes i feel like i might be overreacting and i never mention it. he just told me that he gets so upset so easy when it's brought up because his last girlfriend always accused him of cheating. like 24/7 apparently, for two years (she was really abusive it was awful). but anyway, i guess i learned tonight that we both just have issues with our pasts and we need to get better at talking about them in order to not be mad at each other for all the wrong reasons. thank you again!
No. 264121
>>264115I'm glad you talked with him, anon. <3 Now that you mentioned the last part - about his ex gf accusing him - I can understand a little bit why he gets deffensive. I understand that when someone's faithful to you and hopes you trust him, when something happens and maybe he doesn't see it as bad as it is to you, he can feel hurt too. Obviously, it'd be better if he told you since the first moment and I hope he can talk to you from now on and takes your feelings into consideration. I almost messed up my relationship because of my anxiety so I understand your fears.
As I said, I know by experience that sometimes it's difficult to understand and accept other people's feelings, specially when you don't see some things the same way, I think that the key is that you two make the same effort to try to understand, accept and respect eachother's feelings, even when you disagree.
Feel better soon!
No. 264159
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>making an ingredient list for okonomiyaki but the asian grocer is closed this late and I really want to make it right now
Damn I am jonesin
No. 264227
>>264223Nobody likes getting mistreated, but a response like "PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE THE REASON WHY OTHERS MISTREAT YOU" is really overdramatic and sounds like it came from a flake who doesn't want the onus of their bad behavior placed squarely on themselves, where it rightfully belongs.
Hence the post
>>264065 is so nonchalant about being a sociopath.
If you make plans with your "friends" and say how much you "miss" them only to abandon them, that's on you. Not them.
No. 264230
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>mfw making bf watch Moomins with me after he made me unironically watch three seasons of Yugioh
Payback's a bitch.
No. 264234
>>264233I know what it's like to lose out over false accusations, anon. It sucks. But please if it ever happens in the future don't substantiate their lies by getting physical.
For all you know–maybe since they're clique-ish and wanted you gone–the guy made up the accusation hoping it would manipulate you to act out how you did, and it worked.
Now it doesn't matter if it was false before, the fact that you got aggressive makes people think you acted out of defensiveness because it's true.
Speaking of wanting you gone, I don't think it's a good idea to go back even with a friend. Don't put yourself in a submissive position where you'd have no control or authority over the situation. I have no doubt that they would escort you out if you showed up again, and you don't need to go through that. Is there any other goth clubs?
Even if things miraculously got patched over, I wouldn't be okay with potentially running into that guy or anyone who believed him at the same club.
It's not "running away" to choose not to enter toxic environments with toxic people, although I understand perhaps that your alt-scene is limited and maybe there aren't a lot of other social options.
Just my .2c
No. 264235
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I feel that I have a pretty good sense of knowing when someone is wrong, but the problem is when I get into the argument the other person often says shit to fluster me. So I wind up with thoughts clouded by frustration and my points never come across as very good.
Then hours after it happened, I look back and see multiple fallacies, false equivalencies, and all the shit I should have pointed out. I just didn't think about it because I was too angry at the time to really focus.
Idk if other people struggle with that a lot, but I hate thinking of the right shit to say when it's way too late. Worst of all is that the person who is so. fucking. wrong. actually walks away thinking they're right. Ugh.
No. 264237
>>264236I can't believe someone who admits they ghost people and manipulate them because they're "self-centered" is getting angry at their victims for saying they've been victims.
Why are you complaining about it when you know you've been shitty? You're the one who's got no right here, sorry.
No. 264238
>>264236>>264237Why not both?
Anon should stop talking to the flake, and the flake can carry on being an irredeemable piece of human feces.
No. 264239
>>264234Hello anon, sadly, the alt scene in my city is very limited. Basically that was the only 'frequent' one. Then there's another hold by a friend of my friend.(who told me it'd be fine)
It's still very possible that I'd run into some of his friends but It looks like most people prefer not to care, except his inner clique.
Thank you for a reply, on the day I was told by his friend that I must apologise him even If I didn't do anything and I refused to do so. I guess I really don't want to submit in this bullshit anymore.
No. 264241
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Sometimes, I wonder if the way certain anons are in online arguments transfers to real life. Like, there was one who vehemently insisted black/brown girls never, ever get bullied or treated badly for their looks because Instagram exists. They later admitted they're from the "European countryside", which means they probably doesn't even know anyone who's black or brown, let alone seen how they're treated. Does someone like that have tons of poorly-sourced opinions on things that they present as fact, or was it all just internet shitposting?
No. 264242
>>264241I had a friend in high school who was sure that racism just wasn't really a thing anymore because I (her nonwhite friend) hadn't personally really experienced it much in the town we lived in. She was also incredibly naive and believed all kinds of stupid stuff because she'd hear something once and then assume it was fact. I think we were 18 when I had to explain to her that blood is not in fact blue before it leaves our bodies.
On the other hand I have personally spouted shit I knew wasn't true just for the sake of shitposting before (never on here though, usually 4chan). so it could be either.
No. 264243
>>264241Obviously I have no way of knowing for a fact but someone who describes where they live as "European countryside" sounds a bit like a larp.
I'm Murrican, and that shit sounds like something an anonymous Murrican would say. Like to throw someone off their racist trail, "Can't say I'm racist if I pretend to live in a country that treats the brown people well even when we do get one in our great homogenous rhineland."
Lots of them on social media think because they see black people getting support online that it means no problems for them exist irl.
Either way that scenario sounds like it came from someone out of touch, either literally or mentally.
No. 264245
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>Pic related is my life
I really don't know if it's worse to be so meaningless to your friends that they don't really even acknowledge your existence or have them secretly hate you but keeping their thoughts to themselves. I'm leaning towards the first option because at least the second one could be fixed with talking it over and me changing my behavior but if they really just don't care about you there's nothing you can do.
I'm social and I have an easy time talking to people but man I just can't make any close-knit relationships and instead watch from afar when people I would like to be friends with are having fun with others, never inviting me along.
No. 264248
>>264244I live in a smaller town in Europe and people here really aren't exactly welcoming to poc.
Our town has around 5000 inhabitants and about 2 years ago they built a refugee home here there 500 of them live.
At first it were only Arabs but now Blacks as well. When my grandfather saw one of them he literally said "Look anon, there's a black man!" - that's how shocked he was. Might be hard to believe for Americans, but it is how it is.
Of course the younger generation like me travels a bit and therefore is more used to that, but many people here have never gone further away from home than maybe 1 or 2 hours.
Also, I wouldn't really say we're treating them badly ( I mean we pay for all their shit) - we just don't interact with them.
But frankly, I don't think that's really racist. Like I explained before the way they look, speak and act is just so strange to most people here, you can't really expect more of them than to simply allow them to be here. I don't see why i.e. people in big Asian cities are still allowed to openly discriminate against foreigners while some elderly peasants in Europe have to act overjoyed by having to pay for the living expenses of literal strangers.
Also, "my country" is not poor, so I imagine that it's hardly any different (or rather a lot worse) in less well off places…
No. 264252
>>264248I'm also from a smaller european town and I don't understand why we should be welcoming at all.
I understand that we should accept people from Syria that were persecuted and are christian because of similar values, although I'm not a christian myself.
But accepting these obvious economical migrants from Africa and other places from the ME is pure rubbish.
If americans can openly say they're not welcoming ILLEGAL mexicans and other immigrants, then why should it be a problem if europeans express the same without being labelled as racists?
Also, these men from africa are nothing but trouble. A lot of them are superstitious af and extremely horny. Rape and theft have increased in the parts of my country where the shelters and makeshift homes were made.
But now that they've spread into the bigger cities, and they cause trouble there and I don't feel safe passing by them.
When will people realize that it's not really about racism but a plethora of other reasons, mainly the economical aspect and the cultural gap?
And these boats are not stopping. You hear less about them in the news but they keep arriving most of them being men in their prime that don't look malnourished or scared at all.
I'm honestly considering either moving out of europe as soon as I'm done with my PhD. I'd like to go to either Russia or just leaving for a V4 country. Anything's better than this mess.
No. 264260
>>264252Live in one of the Visegrád countries and can confirm: we haven’t had big issues with this. People here resist it too much, so it’s just a non-issue. I hate to say that I’m quite happy about this, but I am. If it was genuinely women and children and disenfranchised people seeking asylum, then I would be more accepting. But if what
>>264252 is saying holds true (and I’ve heard similar things from a lot of people living in Sweden, Germany, and France so I’m inclined to believe that it is) then I really don’t have a problem with saying that I’m not going to support it.
No. 264263
>>264252Another eurofag here reporting in and confirming refugees being a problem. They're always aggressive, smug, arrogant and rude. During the initial wave of 2015 those assholes were complaining about the FREE FOOD they were getting at the shelter, saying it's "more suitable for dogs" despite it being the same normal food served at schools and other public facilities. They also complained about the shelter being "too far" from the downtown area so they couldn't go out to party in the evenings. What the fuck kind of a refugee is that?
And it wasn't like one guy saying all of this, they actually had a demonstration to demand "better food". Rape statistics also skyrocketed. One anonymous policeman told the press that they received instructions from the higher ups NOT to talk about the problems refugees cause in public or to the journalists.
Seriously, the only people who support taking in more refugees live in the nicer areas with all-white population and minimal contact with them on the streets. A lot of my pro-refugee friends changed their opinions when the shelters started popping up near their own places of living. Some refugees are nice and eager to integrate but most of them are just thugs and crooks.
No. 264272
>>264263I'm from Italy and I'm glad our new Interior Minister blocked all the ONG Boats.
Migrants are a PROBLEM, I don't care if I sound racist or whatever.
They don't respect our tradition and seem to escape "war and living hell" only to bring war and living hell here. Notice how the lefties who scream "racists!!!!" don't actually live with refugees.
They rape because to them women are there only for their pleasure, I've heard about a group beating up a woman because she was dressed like a hoe (with shorts. It's 34°C here. It's hot. I don't wanna suffer the heat because you cant control your dick). They're smug, because other pieces of shit call them from Italy saying "Lol, police aint shit here xD", they steal, pee and shit on the streets, do drugs, molest people and screaming like babies who don't get what they want.
I'm from a major city in my country, I cannot count how many times, while walking downtown, a "poor refugee" put knock of purses, drawings and other stuff forcibly on me and then said "You see, it's nice, now you buy it" and if you say no, they start touching you saying "Where's the wallet? Now it's yours, pay."
Never gave them a single cent, but if this is a normalized thing, just imagine how bad we have it,hopefully this shit will stop soon.
My city is beautiful, one of the most culturally important for Italy and I don't want to move out and start hating it because I can't walk without having to look around me from these "people"
No. 264276
>>264272Italian here
I wish they could take out all the eastern europe immigrants also, they are shit too. always drunk,picking fights with everybody, robbing people etc
No. 264278
>>264265I'm African, and it's sad to hear about so many refugees bringing nothing but trouble to their host countries. They should be fucking grateful for the chance to escape life and death situations, and I'm tired of the bad ones poisoning the waters for refugees who are actually just trying to live in peace. My family were refugees at one point, too. They migrated to the UK because of extreme political unrest and violence back home. They did nothing but work hard, study, and create art. And then they literally came back to their home country to try and fix things. They weren't exactly ravaged by poverty, so I guess classism plays a role in things, but that's still no excuse. There's no reason to be shitty in a country that takes you in, and I hate that if I ever decide to vacation in Europe, I'm automatically going to be associated with shitheads who harass people, rape women and children, steal, make stupid demands, etc because of my skin color.
I think refugees/migrants should be checked under a vetting process. Women and children should be prioritized, while men should get a bit more scrutiny, and if they do get in, they should be put under closer watch and face harsher punishments than locals if they rape, kill, etc.
No. 264280
>>264276Yes, this too.
There are some cool people, I have some romanian and macedonian friends who are 100% perfectly integrated but they get teased by other eastern people because "Duuuuhhh you got local friends, traitor!!!"
Shut the fuck up, you're in italy. You despise us locals? Go the fuck back.
No. 264282
>>264275This. My country had virtually no black/brown people before the refugees started flooding in in the 2000's and 2010's.
>>264278It's mostly somalis, syrians, moroccans and iraqis causing all the trouble so if you're not one of those people, then don't feel bad.
>>264281And also this. Everyone with half a brain realizes who's a tourist and who's a refugee.
No. 264283
>>264272>I've heard about a group beating up a woman because she was dressed like a hoe (with shorts. It's 34°C here. It's hot.My mother's workplace enforced stricter dresscodes (has to minimum touch knees) because some refugee asked her very young collegue whether she's still free for marriage, since he'd know plenty of men in need.
She's working at a day care and this was the father of a child…yikes
>>264282Recently we've got some from Sierra Leone and a police officer who's friends with my parents complained that they're called on them nearly daily, because they can't keep their hands to themselves. I think it's worse since they're able to speak English (something most Arabs can't) and therefore they can hit on girls "more effectively". I also think the physical aspect plays a role: blacks > whites > arabs
Many girls in Europe are tall so some short Arab doesn't feel like much of a threat, but if some black dude decided he'd want to hurt you, you probably wouldn't stand much of a chance.
No. 264284
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>be an ugly kissless 22 year old virgin
>the only way i could ever hope to look good is with tons of ps
>the only way i could ever afford it while i'm still young is to get a sugar daddy
>tfw too ugly to get one
i hate my life tbh
No. 264290
>>264283I get dresscodes for workplaces, but for walking around on a hot sunday evening? I dress for feeling good when I get out.
They don't see nothing wrong with it because in their country, that's normalized.
I show my arms? I need to get put in my place because my body is "dirty". Fuck them. If they get caught they just cry "That's my cultureeee I didn't knowwww ;_;"
Wow, so you don't know that beating a woman is bad? Fuck you.
The sad thing is that their women are like that too.
Some months ago, a libyan, italian-raised journalist (she lives here since she was a little baby and follows italian fashion/rules and speaks italian perfectly) went to a playground in an arab ghetto (ugh, the fact this exist makes me vomit) and asked some women why they wont interact with italian women and don't speak italian, they all answered
"Because this is not my country and I don't like it. My husband works here so I have to follow him. I'll return to Egypt/Libya/Morocco/whatever shortly because if I raise my daughter here, she will spread her legs to anyone!!" (Source: Rajae Bezzaz, the journalist I'm talking about)
I get that you have your own religions and rules, but once you migrate to a new country, they stop existing. Don't like our stuff? Don't come here. Don't make other places the hell you're escaping from.
No. 264292
>>264290The thing that makes me angry as fuck is that they get benefits too.
Ohh you brought with you your wife and your seven kids? Here, have a house and full maintenance, you can live with only one paycheck (because women cant work and they're not very well viewed here, nobody's hiring a veiled and oppressed woman).
I want to move out and I'm alone? I need a fuckload of diplomas, a degree, a fulltime job (understandable, but kinda a problem when I want to study) and then give to the landlord 3 months of rent as I sign the contract. Fuck them and our retarded government. Hope our Minister kicks out some leeches.
No. 264293
>>264101I hate being this kind of person but dump him, you tried to talk about it but it seems like he's got his mind set, you're better off on your own or with someone that respects you enough to not put you in such situations.
I know it'll be hard but it's either that or you continue being a doormat
No. 264295
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I got drunk and made out with this older girl and now I feel disgusted with myself, I think I kissed about 2 or 3 people but I didn't care since it was like a peck with them but now that I'm sober I just feel disgusted with myself, is this normal?
No. 264298
>>264265I was a refugee that escaped a war torn country with my family in 2005 and I think Europe needs to stop letting in so many refugees, I know a fair amount want to integrate and lead a peaceful life; I'm proof of that, but at the same time I can also see that the majority aren't coming over to escape war and death, the majority are coming over because they're told it's easier here, that they'll get everything handed to them on a silver platter, and a lot of these people have no intention of integrating yet politicians and mainstream media are too terrified to point this out.
I'm left leaning but even I'm sick of the trash that keep being let in
No. 264312
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My Dads Garden is the pride and joy of his life. He's spends so much time, money, and effort into it. Considering he has a hard time moving around he really had made it amazing.
Since moving out a few years ago, cats in my dads neighborhood have increased tenfold. Not cute cats, """""wild"""" outdoor cats.
There's ATLEAST 5 of them that come into his garden regularly, shit in the plant pots, dig up flowers and kill the birds and leave them on the lawn. We don't get any wild birds anymore because of it.
Just the other day one cat decided to walk into the back door from the garden since it was a hot day, and the door was open. Made itself at home, scared the life out of our pet bird and fucked off.
Seriously, why can't people get a cat to enjoy it and not shove it outside for 99% of its life destroying gardens and fighting on other neighbours lawns. The only cat not like this is my direct next door neighbour who has 3 cats, all perfect, kind, and stay within their boundaries when they roam outside. Lazy owners piss me off so much, and to see my Dads beautiful garden ruined from this is aggravating.
No. 264314
>>264295geez anon, i wish i made out with an older girl
but srsly, it's normal to lose some inhibitions when drunk and normal to regret it the day after. especially if the people you kissed weren't 100% your type or you wouldnt have done if if you were sober. but dont beat yourself up about it, it happens, its normal, life goes on. nobody thinks any lesser of you bc of it. dont worry too much
No. 264324
>>264241>>264242My high school friend will one up these: she read the book Secret for our english class and got convinced that EVERYTHING ever has happened because of positive thinking power. I asked if that true for bad things too like wars and slavery etc, like surely the people coming out on the bottom were positive thinking to the max to not end up like that right? and she said no, the colonisation of africa happened because european positive thinking power was superior to that of africans.
We went to one of the top schools in my country and she was 18 at the time.
tbf I have also said my fair share of utter bs for fun and in earnest due to upbringing or thinking I am knowledgeable when I wasn't. sometimes people are just dumb and genuinely unaware of it.
No. 264325
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>>264312Get your dad one of these bad boys. Then call animal control if you trap one.
I've considered doing the same for squirrels who destroy my plants and piss and shit all over my patio. People around here feed them and don't give a fuck about how destructive and annoying as pests they are.
No. 264328
>>264312>Seriously, why can't people get a cat to enjoy it and not shove it outside for 99% of its life destroying gardens and fighting on other neighbours lawns.THIS. I never understood why people decide to keep cats as pets but then throw them outside for most of the time, then get a new one to repeat the whole process after the original cat goes missing (either dead or went feral). There's literally no good reason to fucking do this, domesticated cats don't belong in the nature.
The big old list of why you shouldn't let your cat out:
>They get killed by cars, other animals or just animal-hating people>They might get trapped somewhere without a way to get out and starve to death>They could ingest poison meant for moles or rats>They get into fights with other cats and can be permanently or fatally injured>They mate with other cats and cause unwanted kittens if they're not neutered, kittens often end up dead or start a feral generation of their own>They fucking KILL BIRDS FOR FUN and FUCK UP THE ECOSYSTEM. This is a real goddamn problem! >They can fuck up peoples' gardens or patio furniture by just ripping shit up with their claws or peeing/shitting on stuff >They can get diseases such as rabies or FIV (the "cat HIV") or catch parasitesAnd why do people let them out?
>bluh bluh my kitty needs to be free!!!! If you don't want to take care of your cat or keep it company, don't fucking get one! Indoor cats don't even have the need to go outside if they've never been there so they can't really become stressed out because of it.
No. 264333
>>264325The cats belong to neighbours who live just a couple doors down from my dad, i've suggested it before but I know if he did do that it would cause a war.
For example someone was parking in front of our parking spot of our house and he refused to complain in case it got worse, hes really just too nice of a guy
He's put up those motion
triggered sounds things - they play a high pitched sound (not noticeable to humans) to scare them off, it worked for about a week then they got used to it.
He put up small spikes on the top of the fence where the wild bird feeder is to stop them waiting there for a kill - they legit just stand on/over the spikes
He even planted lavender to make them stop, they DUG IT UP BEFORE IT COULD BLOOM FULLY.
it's so fucking annoying
>>264328this this this this this
Don't get me wrong, i love cats. But only when they're pet cats and not outdoor pests that go inside someone's home for food once every other day
No. 264335
>>264282>My country had virtually no black/brown people before the refugees started flooding in in the 2000's and 2010's. Actually I think when talking about this subject we should first make the distinction between countries with brown and black people who are here in the first place because they're from countries that were colonies back then (especially with France and the UK) and the other European countries that didn't have colonies at the time.
For example in France a lot of people that are from the Caribbeans, Africa (Maghreb especially) and Asia are here because they or their parents or grandparents were from previous colonies and they went to France because at some point France didn't have enough workforce. Many of us are well integrated one way or another. We're still treated like idiots and have stereotypes assigned to us from back when colonies were still a thing. We're sometimes told we're not integrated enough because of completely stupid reasons that nobody in the country will fully agree with and some people move the goalposts as to what it means being fully integrated in society.
The thing is that it's completely different with the refugees we're talking about here and we're sometimes lumped into that group when the subject comes up. And even then there are people who claim to be refugees but are just pretending that's the case, when they're from poorer countries and want to find a job in Europe to send money to their family that stayed in their country and eventually go back. Whether they adapt or not will depend on each person.
Also, male refugees are much more dangerous than female ones but I barely hear people say that.
Anyway we went from brown girls being semi-popular on instagram to debating about politics and European stuff, I hope it's not going to off-topic>>264272Will it work though? Because if they come from another European country then they'll be able to go to Italy anyway somehow. Although I guess that measure is better than nothing.
No. 264346
>>264312>shit in the plant pots>dig up flowers>kill the birds and leave them on the lawnGod I fucking hate cats. Absolutely cover your garden in smells. Doesn't matter what they are, just as many strong smells as possible. Buy some essential oils (the cheapest tend to be lemon, lavender, orange, bergamot, peppermint, tea tree) and put a few drops into a spray bottle diluted in water. Then spray it daily everywhere in the garden and they'll be able to smell it from down the street. Essential oils are natural so they won't destroy the garden, they smell great to us and they repel other pests like slugs. That might give you time to plant some smelly plants (lavender, rosemary, thyme, lemon balm…), your garden will smell beautiful.
Another thing, clean the piss and shit as they'll come back to a place they think they "own". Disgusting that you have to clean up for some lazy, irresponsible pet owner when dog owners are required by law to clean up after their animals (especially since cat shit could make you seriously ill) but at least it'll help protect the garden. If you can get sprinklers, that's another good option.
No. 264349
>>264346The essential oils are a good idea.
I know there are gadgets that are supposed to repeal cats (with ultrasound) but they don't work at all so don't fall for them OP.
No. 264360
>>264290>I get that you have your own religions and rules, but once you migrate to a new country, they stop existing. Don't like our stuff? Don't come here. Don't make other places the hell you're escaping from.This so much. They abuse the system of every country they enter. I hear so many foreigners bragging about how they're claiming social welfare while working a job, how they have access to unlimited free medicines which they bring home and
sell, get free education thanks to the Saudi government, get paid to have kids, get houses handed to them in
prime areas that I could never dream of affording.
It's mostly Muslims from Arab countries here who are also extremely demanding. They demand mosques, halal food stores, salons for Muslim women only, prayer rooms and washing stations in every workplace/college, Muslim banks and for anything Christian/Jewish to be taken down. They're the ones abusing the system the most and they're also the ones on the highest paying jobs once they leave their free education because they're all working in the medical field. They're honestly the greediest people I've ever met.
I honestly don't get people who come from fucking shit countries where women have no rights, everyone is poor as shit, religious police are controlling everything you do and animals we consider pets are regularly abused and try to change our peaceful countries to make them like that. Like why do you think we're all happy and well-off? It's because we don't follow your shitty, oppressive traditions. I hate how you can't voice your opinions on this. I also hate how much Turkey wants to be part of the EU.
No. 264397
>>264389I have issues with the whole romantic interest stuffs irl, so there
I do like anime male characters tho lmao I used to be really into sasuke/naruto and the "free!" guys
No. 264420
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I saved up for months to buy myself an Xbox one, so I can start gaming with my coworkers and making friends, but it keeps giving me problems. First with not being able to connect to my wifi, then unable to connect to live, and now it wont load any apps to download. I woke up sick, so all I want to do is lay in bed and watch Netflix but I can't because when I select the Netflix app to go to download it, it just spins the green loading circle before it says the page cant load and to try again later.
I've tried googling it but I get no results related to this problem, and I'm so fucking annoyed with this thing. I tried rebooting it, unplugging it for 5 minutes and turning it back on, but nothing works. The network troubleshooter says the connection is 100% working and I can connect to live now, but that's not what I want to do. I even tried googling the error code at the bottom of the screen but got no results for that code. I just want to watch goddamn Netflix.
No. 264421
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>>263170Another update because this shit seems to never end. All of that was lies, turns out he left me for another girl and wasn't man enough to own up to it. He didn't even tell me, his friends did, and they're all upset with him too.
Apparently he is truly doing bad mentally though and can't decided on whether to make it official with this girl or not. Lol yeah no shit, you don't fucking know her. She's nothing and he'll realize that soon enough. Too bad I won't be there.
Any anons been in this situation? Did they ever regret their decision?
No. 264429
>>264421ya, i was also in a relationship long distance with an autist (as in he had a really hard time connecting with people and felt closer to ppl than the reality) too and he left me with no context and then i found out a month later he had a new girlfriend.
Like a dumbass i wedged myself in there again and made him cheat on her with me only for this to all end like a month later cause duh, resentment is a thing.
I totally regret my decision and wish i never got re-involved,–he was also super bad mentally so getting out of the relationship was secretly a win-win.
Keep rocking you anon, he's probably just building a fake relationship with her and just trying to mask depression. bullet dodged
No. 264509
>>264495>>264500I second the advice. I used to get horrible pangs of feelings and I would miss my groomer so bad. Getting a loving boyfriend made me forget about him. It took me years to be able to be in relationship. I was so broken and I felt like an idiot cause the abuse was never physical (cause I did not meet him, even though he tried to get me out of house so that he can do whatever to me) and yet I was sexually abused and traumatised.
I hope he rots, but judging by his facebook from a few years back he's doing great.
No. 264510
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My husband used to compliment and hug me a lot more, but being the fucked up person I am I was never expecting them and reacted weirdly, now he doesn't do it anymore and I feel like I am ready for it, why do I keep fucking things up
No. 264621
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I work for a family business and it’s tearing me apart. Aside from generally bad business practices being used, that I have absolutely no control over, I’ve also been witness to many instances that could potentially ruin the business. This brings me to the smaller, but more emotionally devastating problem, I’m not respected, at all. If I weren’t part of the family, i feel I would be treated with more respect, but as it stands, since I am the youngest member of family working there, I am overworked in a position that does not require me. I am, basically, a secretary. However, the extent of my work can be completed in 30 minutes, I am required to work a full 8 hours. At first, I enjoyed the office setting, and the 7 hours of reading or writing. But lately, my anger has really overwhelmed me. I should be spending my time productively, and honestly, I have a full plate of work to do at home and I feel so useless just sitting and staring at my phone for 7 hours, only to come home and not having much time to myself to clean, make dinner, or any of the things I have piled up at home. I feel like I’m wasting every minute of my time and it’s truly festering into something bigger. Every day it gets harder for me to bite back my fury at this job, at my family, at the employees responsible for tanking the company. But most of all at myself. The only upswing is that I’m getting paid a few dollars above minimum wage, but it’s bitter sweet too, because I’m struggling on that advantage and know I couldn’t afford to get another job where my time isn’t wasted. I feel stuck and all I want to do is run away and start over fresh.
No. 264651
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I just realized that pasta makes my acne worse. Fuuuck, I love pasta, it's cheap, filling and has enough calories so I don't go under my limit. If I had the money for the different kinds I'd try them but I'm too damn poor
No. 264691
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I just masturbated and I feel so weird, as if I had a bad trip and the effects are wearing off
Am I gonna die?
No. 264705
>>264621You only work 8 hrs, exactly the same as the vast majority of people. And those people find the time to cook and clean at home, wtf is keeping you from it unless you spend hours commuting? I honestly can't see what the fuck you're complaining about, you're living the life. Paid above average, low workload, run by your family so you can take liberties you wouldn't otherwise. What's the worst they could do, fire you? If you want to be more productive with your time, bring something in to do during your downtime. If you want a more challenging job, ask for more work. Or just quit, nothing is keeping you there, you can go spend 8 hrs in an office where you have to work your ass off the entire time instead.
No. 264716
>>264705this. i wouldn't want to do a job like that forever, but as far as temporary entry-level full time jobs go, that's one of the luckiest ones i've heard of. if you really think you're overqualified, pinpoint exactly which job you want instead and study about it/plan how to get it during your down time. This is a situation where it's really easy to spin it positively or negatively, so stop acting like you're trapped in a prison when you can quit and you claim you're overqualified, so it's not like this is the only job you can only hope to have.
The only other immediate alternative is to see if you can switch from full time to part time at this job and pick up another part time job that's more interesting, but like you said, most entry level jobs are just going to be minimum wage, so if the pay cut isn't an option for you, just soak up the glory of being paid to read/surf the inernet/doodle/meditate
No. 264721
>>264621I’m not trying to be mean but I’d kill for that situation rn. What’s your cleaning and cooking routine like? Do you do mise en place? That cuts a lot of time from cooking.
I’m not sure how it could take hours to clean unless you’re cleaning up after other people, your home is gigantic, or its really disorganised to begin with. What’s your system?
No. 264725
>>264721Same. Anon basically has the minimal responsibilities of an unemployed person while actually being employed at a respectable job. She needs to stop being so goddamn internally producive and embrace her inner lazy fuck for the time being.
Anon, even though I believe you when you say a lot of shit to do at home, just think of it like your workload is the reversal of a lot of people- instead of hustling at work so you can laze around at home, you work hard at home so you can get paid to do nothing lol. Is this your first time having a full time work schedule, or have you had a different one that you preferred?
No. 264732
>>264360As a frenchfag I agree. Sad thing is I have a lot of black, arab friends I went to school with. I don't want to put them all in the same bag.
Some of those are second gen immigrants who went to public schools like the rest of us and are working jobs just like everyone else.
Like another anon said, a lot of black people in France also come from past colonies or islands. They're just as french as me and are integrated.
But it's a fucking taboo to say you don't think arab people are not as victimized as they pretend to be. In fact they're probably the least tolerant people you'll know. They shit and insult on about every culture, intentionally or not. They don't care if they can't discern between different asians cultures. Now imagine a white person saying publicly that either Japanese or Chinese, it's all yellow and slanted eyes to them. But I guess Gad Elmaleh can ?
I'm mad because asians don't bring half the shit they do, and even rustle the anti-racism associations because people trying to defend muslims/arabs don't want to aknowledge they're the first ones to assault and be racists towards asian groups. Or jewish for that matter (Look up the murder of that poor old Mireille Knoll).
It's time to wake up and realize Islam is a slippery slope and while I have no problems with moderates, it's downright dangerous for anyone taking slightly too far.
No. 264763
>>264727I would go through the automated refund process. Buying stuff from China usually goes great, but one time I bought two skirts, got one and they sent an out of stock notice for the second. I messaged them and they said the second was in the mail, but it never turned up.
They're really busy too, but sending you a random decal isn't compensation so definitely ask for a refund. Especially because it says it was delivered. Make an item not as described case.
(and I'm sorry you couldn't get your swimsuit! Hope you find another one)
No. 264782
>>264771My brother is also "convinced" that I and our other sister were doted on and favored more than him and that boys in general have it much harder. He's literally jealous of a 13-year-old, meanwhile he reaped all the benefits of having an older sibling, being allowed to do the same shit as I and receiving the same amount of pocket money at a younger age, etc.
>tfw you're 22 and he's 21 and you still constantly hear "Take care of your little brother!"So, maybe it's the same for your friend as well and he's just imagening shit lol
No. 264793
>>264791Anon is not wrong tho. For example studies have shown that men think women are dominating a conversation when they only occupy 30% of the speaking time. Men think the conversation is equal when women speak 15% of the time.
I think this thinking probably shows in many other area as well.
No. 264800
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I've been craving rice lately, it's ridiculous. Anyone else get weird carb cravings? Where's that noodle anon lol
I ate like shit yesterday but the rice was my favorite part of either meal.
First meal before work was chinese fried chicken with pork fried rice. Only ate the skin off the chicken but demolished that stupid rice.
Then I got out of work and went out with bf and his friends to a mexican restaurant. Ordered poblanos stuffed with potato (it was gross and I didn't eat it) but there was spanish rice as a side and I ate all of it.
Then sushi later. I've never eaten this much rice before and I'm not sure why I crave it.
No. 264842
>>264840I feel the same way anon.
I understand and agree that a biological man can never be a biological woman. Yet unless the tranny exposes himself as one, I feel horrible profiling women out there as possible men just because they look a certain way. I know some women just look masculine or have strong features, some women have deep voices or behave manly.
It makes me feel like a shitty feminist, especially considering I'm not the ideal woman either.
No. 264844
>>264840>tfw cis woman but when not dressed up nicely people think I'm a man because deep-ass voice, big head, and broad shoulders from liftingI know this feel.
Try not to worry too much, though. I don't think anyone's going to attack you on the street because you don't have the perfect WHR or you're too tall kek.
Most people don't even notice something is off with genuine mtfs, let alone feel like they should do something about it.
Don't listen to robots calling every feminine person they encounter a trap, either. They're insane anyway.
No. 264845
>>264838I don't know where you live now anon, but just keep looking. I know it's frustrating as fuck, been looking for a job for 5months and when I finally found something I only lasted 3 months.
It will take some time but you'll find something eventually
No. 264858
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People are congratulating him but this sound 100% like rape to me…
No. 264859
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>>264858He also claimed that even thought she screamed in pain, she was "wet on the inside" so she liked it.
No. 264860
>>264858idk, I'm inclined to see it as consensual since they did establish a safeword and she didn't say it. They were also probably familiar with this sort of thing, since his note about them doing doctor roleplay shit hints at them being a little non-vanilla. She also said she enjoyed it afterwards, if we're taking everything he posted as truth.
I'm very uncomfortable with reading maledom+femalesub shit as a domme, but honestly were I in the reverse situation and my partner didn't say the safeword then I'd also continue fucking him.
Some people are just into that shit, anon. Even a few girls on our very own lolcowdotfarm are masosubs who want to try rapeplay.
No. 264865
>>264860You're probably right, it just made me extremely uncomfortable I guess.
>>264862I'm aware that not everything is rape. The dynamic sounded quite unclear to me and it made me question her consent.
No. 264943
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I think I'm allergic to raw apples, carrots and bell peppers. I was fine with eating them raw before as a kid, but now it's suddenly irritating my throat and gums. Why is this happening to me? It's definitely not genetic. Two months ago I got told the amount of my white blood cells are low but they didn't do anything apart from taking another blood test (didn't even update me about the 2nd test). Is that it? Imagine getting played by your own immune system.
No. 265058
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i thought i was going crazy because after a lot of weight loss i still did not look the way i wanted to. turns out i'm banana/straight shaped so my figure will always look like shit no matter what i do. also i'm never having a tight gap because my body wasn't made that way. im always gonna look chubby/skinnyfat. kill me anons. i don't deserve this.
No. 265089
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>>265058Any body type can look hot if you’re fit and healthy. Ignore the brainwashing of social media and don’t try to wish you had any body but your own. So many celebs have a rectangle or “banana” shape to them and they still look banging. This insta-tho thigh-gap bubble-but bullshit exists to sell you unexessary surgeries, “detox teas,” and fucking “waist trainers.” Turn off social media. Embrace your body. You get ONE. And you better love it and treat it right because before you know it you’re going to be an old woman lamenting all those years you hated your body for stupid reasons.
Sorry to go off. It’s not you. I’m just mad women today are brainwashed into hating themselves and desiring something that’s been deemed arbitrarily better. Your body type is good enough. Slap anyone tells you otherwise, even yourself.
No. 265121
>>264858Yeah, that's rape. Something you talked about three weeks ago as a joke is not consent. I've had something happen where a guy talked about something that happened with someone else as a random conversation, then proceeded to do it to me. I was shocked and cried afterwards
This guy's a fucking jerk and I hope she divorces him
No. 265156
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>>265089im 155 cm and i fluctuate around 44kg-45kg. the lowest i've been was 43kg and i looked almost the same. i couldn't lose any more because i felt like shit all the time and it wasn't something i could maintain. i let it go for the best. i really did try my best. and i still hated that everyone on social media (especially instagram) seemed to be taller and skinnier or curvier than me no matter how much i tried.
its kinda liberating knowing that its just my bodyshape mostly. but its still frustrating that it can't be changed. you are absolutely right. social media is cancer and i've noticed those things too. like i know its just photoshop and angles and it still hurts me to see that kinda shit. the internet was a mistake tbh. i felt happier when i was younger and didn't give a shit about my appearance and didn't give a shit about celebrities or influencers. i wish i could go back to being that person.
No. 265269
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>>265187I agree anon.
>>264858>>264859Where did you even pull this from? Reddit?
It doesn't sound like a real story at all. It sounds like some made up story by a pervert who's looking to fap to REAL responses from REAL women. It's bait.
>I'm wondering if any other women out there can relate with my wife.What does this have to do with sorting out the sexual relationship with the wife? Oh and, he has a WIFE. Even if the "wife" were real, it's insanely creepy that this fucker would want to know or care what other women get off to.
>wife had a baby in March>"due to hormones and her cycle is back now so wahhhh why won't she fuck me?"If this were a real relationship, the dude would know it's completely normal for some women to not feel sexual desires after childbirth.
Either this dude is an idiot or it's made up.
>"I don't care, whatever you want.">"No I don't care.:>"Whatever, I don't care.">"MY PUSSY IS THROBBING"Yeah, women don't talk like this. He REALLY wants us readers to know his made up wife really doesn't care though. Which makes no fucking sense.
A moron wrote this.
No. 265273
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>>265269Idk the dude's post history just gives me the creep. Pic related is the advice he gave a man who didn't stop fucking his gf when she asked him to.
No. 265274
>>265157>submissive guys are the only men worth being with tbqhnta but this is solid truth. Even GFD guys.
Their sexuality 100% requires a woman's consent even when men have evolved to overpower and rape women. Sub men (and to an extent, men who can't get going without enthusiastic consent) are the future.
No. 265275
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>>265269>>265273this. the whole post screams fake. even if it's not the dude comes off as a grade A creep. another gem from his post history
No. 265404
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>tfW grew up quite sheltered and didn't have many friends
>started a new job and suddenly have lots of friends to do stuff with outside of work
>can't stop getting drunk and going out every weekend
>feel myself losing interest in hobbies I previously enjoyed
>feel kind of sad
No. 265521
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I was joking around with my new coworker, who I thought was really attractive, even date-able, and then he revealed that he's 15. (I'm 20+) Like, we weren't even flirting or anything, but I feel so gross and predatory for thinking about him like that now that I know. How the fuck do people fuck kids and convince themselves that it's okay? Absolutely disgusting
No. 265525
>>261187She's done this before, more along the lines of leaving "suicide notes" where we would obviously see them, it's the first time she's marched in with pills as far as I know.
Since that night, she has called me crying because her daughter doesn't want her there anymore. And that she wasn't drunk that night or trying to kill herself. No, she was going to put her xanax in a ziplock bag because "that's what I have to do when I go to (daughters)". That was an obvious lie, no one had even called her daughter to pick her up until she stumbled in with the pills asking for water. I told her tonight that we all still love her, we don't want this drama but she needs to own up before we can all move on. She claims she did own up, then got defensive saying how it was "none of my goddamned business" what she had in her hand & damned if she was gonna let me steal her pills or something. Last Summer I had an incident with her and left her in Oklahoma. I had since forgiven her for everything that went down, and I thought we could be cool. I know yall are gonna think I'm stupid but I guess I just hoped she would pull it together you know?
She told me tonight after I said she needed to stop lying that "I need to go on Dr.Phil & get help". I just wish she would leave my life now honestly, but I worry about what she'll do if I cut her off for good.
No. 265570
Is it even possible to become an average "happy" person with a functional family when you've been going in and out of depression and other issues since puberty?
All the success histories I read about feel so unreal and shallow, like:
>how getting a puppy cured my depression
>I met God and now I'm happy and healthy
>I was about to off myself because <inserta relative dying or bad brake up> but then I saw a rainbowl and everything turned all right
Or stories where the person had a legit terrible life before but was always the positive and hustler type, like, how is that any relatable?
Sometimes I feel like I'm regressing with each passing day, everything still hurts a lot even though I know people go through worse, what makes me feel even more a failure of an human being, like I always fuck up, while thinking "this time things are going to work out" what would be different now?
Even though I' still trying part of me feels like some people are just unfixable, be it because they were born like that or maybe because of past circunstances, and if that's so how can I plan or expect for decades to come of unhappiness?
All the people I know that overcame anything are all that annoying type of person that nevers get depressed or actually shaken up by anything. Like fuck, I can't even handle when a store clerk is kind of rude to me. Why do I have to be so weak and feell traumatized by everything; getting triggered by other's happiness and by stuff that I'll never be abble to experience because I wasted my school and college years being a cunt obsessed with my grades, not that I evengraduated lol, starving myself and deluding myself that I was some how better than the others.
But still I miss the myself that used to believe things would all work out and that there was some order in the universe. I just wanted to be sure of anything in my fucking life.
No. 265600
First of all, sorry about my bad english.
Have you ever felt like those cows we discuss on this page? I do.
I've recently saw this real life cows thread and I felt so related.
I'm a good looking girl, I'm loved by my family, they care about me, I have two good friends and a boyfriend. But I'm an alcoholic, depressed, and I'm a very sad person.
I've always tried to be this kind of strong girl, I'm always that friend that tells people what to do when they need an advice but sometimes I can't with myself.. sometimes I just want to die and I tried but the two times someone found me and I felt so dumb, specially because my best friend is a nurse and she took care of me one of those times. I'm that person that always takes care of you and that always makes fun of you when you're making shitty choices. But then I'm depressed again. And when that happens I stop working, I stop doing everything like going out. I just eat 1-2 times a day and I sleep. The thing is I hate attention but I receive it. From everyone. I have scars on my wrists from years ago, I hate that, and the people that's close to me wants me ok but I don't know how to deal with that. I went to therapy and I'm not taking my meds but my doctor also said I needed to go with a psychiatrist and I went for like a month and a half, maybe two. And he is a friend of my aunt and my mother and he told me I'm manipulative and that I just want attention and that if I don't want to accept that is ok but he's going to tell my family about everything. (Everything means rape, ED, violent relationships, my apparently manipulative behaviour and that I just want some privileges from this.. they don't know about some) and I'm scared because maybe I am like this but I don't know. Maybe I am. He told me I want attention because of my wrists, and because I don't want to go out, because I know everybodys gonna know and because my job of graphic designer is a hobby. I just don't know what to think and I just want the truth farmers. I really do. Maybe I need to go back, maybe I'm just being a crying baby, you guys had worse stories. You know.
No. 265604
My doctor also told me I needed to go with my psychologist.* My bad.
No. 265623
>>265600>Have you ever felt like those cows we discuss on this page?Only whenever looks or weight is being nitpicked to death. Which is why I stan so hard over some uggos and fatties who haven't really done anything wrong but managed to get posted because their only crime is being ugly on the internet. I assume the anons who do the nitpicking are just as insecure about their own looks.
All that aside anon, you'll never be on the same tier as a lolcow assuming you don't seek attention on the internet and you keep your personal life to yourself. That's like a fundamental cow tenant.
No. 265630
>>265600>Have you ever felt like those cows we discuss on this page?I relate a scary amount to certain cows, except I'm more conventionally attractive, I'm not a hooker/camgirl/"sexy" cosplayer or some other degree of "public thot", and I'm not idiotic enough to broadcast my life to the whole world.
I fucked up and hurt people in a stupidly convoluted way the other day, and I joked to myself that I am my own cow. It's funny in a biting way because it's honestly true.
No. 265731
3 years ago, I dated a really close friend of mine right after getting out of a long-term emotionally abusive relationship.
We didn't last long but it was a pretty passionate relationship while we were together. He was super sweet at times and prior to dating him, he had had a crush on me for years. He still had his faults though, and would tell me about other women he was interested in, and would frequently tell me he didn't care about anything I had to talk about.
He was the one who ened the relationship to "figure out if he wants to be with me" and ultimately strung me along for ~5 months.
Once we finally ended things for good we tried to stay friends, but maybe I wasn't at the right mind state to handle it. I felt used after the whole relationship but I didn't want him to be out of my life so I went with it.
During this time we would argue constantly. I would always accuse him of never caring about me and only ever being in my life to use and hurt me, and he would always tell me he didn't care about me but would then turn right back around later telling me he didn't mean it, and that he does care about me.
Our friendship eventually ended when I tried to have sex with his best friend to spite him, and we didn't speak for a year. He did contact me eventually and we both apologized for the way we acted and he wanted to try to be friends again but I declined his offer, that was about a year ago.
Since we've talked only a handful of times, with the last time we spoke being another agreement cause by me. I found out that he was talking to a newer close friend of mine, that has a similar situation that my ex had (major crush, yada yada, with the exception of me dating him). And he was telling my friend that I was easy and who knows what else.
Prior to him and my friend talking my friend had been ignoring me for a while. I felt like maybe his talk with him would encourage my friend to try to do the same thing my ex did. So I ranted to him about how him and my abusive ex left me with the inability to trust anybody and incapable feeling like anyone's feelings towards me are genuine. I also mentioned that I missed him and that I felt like he was the last person who I fully trusted. He didn't argue back or anything, he acted super mature and offered to be there for me if in needed to vent. We haven't spoken since.
About 3 weeks ago I started a new job, alot of people who I went to high school with work there but I wasn't really friends with any of them, and neither was my ex.
A few day ago I ran in to my ex's best friend. We caught up with each other and he mentioned that he heard I started at my new job.
I asked him who he heard that from because I don't think anybody would find it worth mentioning that I started there. He said that my ex told him, which is really weird because me and him don't talk, have mutual friends, nor do I post about my life online. His friend could just be lying to me, probably just to see if I would message my ex acting crazy again or maybe my ex really is just keeping tabs on me, I don't know.
I really want to message my ex just to see if his friend was telling the truth but I won't. I tend to act crazy and shitty when it comes to my ex, and I don't want to be that person again. I haven't been in a relationship since him because I'm so scared of acting that way.
I just feel like I'm crazy but since I refuse to act that way towards anybody I have to act that way towards him because hes already seen it and know it.
No. 265733
>>265656I'm in the same boat anon. Everyone just stays an acquaintance or work friend and I don't know how to make that next next step of "actual friends" happen.
I actually had a movie double date the other day with a co-worker and thought it went well, then she made some comment about how she told her bf I was kinda socially awkward and it crushed me lmao.
No. 265813
>>265788Lol that's such a stupidly sweet thing for him to do anon.
How you're feeling rn (guilty) is likely how he felt when he through his own phone. You aren't responsible for his actions.
Also yeah tbh it's really over dramatic. It a just a phone, yeah it's a damn shame it broke so soon after you getting it, but hey sounds like you have a really caring bf so you guys CAN get matching shit phones together.
No. 265821
>>265805They both still work perfectly fine and I won't be replacing mine for a long time, just wondering for future reference when I have an income. I know he'll want to replace his soon though.
>>265813>Lol that's such a stupidly sweet thing for him to do anon.He reminds me of a dog lol. I know he meant well and he keeps assuring me that it's all on him but I can't help feeling guilty. It'd be really nice to get matching phones again one day.
>>265817I don't need a replacement right now. I looked into a new screen but it's almost the same price as I paid for the phone itself (I actually bought it as a second hand phone).
No. 265832
>>265823I was upset over the crack and he felt guilty for bumping into me. He also helped me pick out the case and I was upset it didn't help protect it. I feel like all of that drove him to smash his own.
>>265824Yeah I told him if he didn't care about the phone he could have bought himself a new one and given me the old one but he just said "Yeah, you're right but I wasn't thinking".
>>265831Basically this. He thought it'd make me feel better but it didn't work lol. He keeps apologising now, saying that wasn't the reaction he was hoping for.
No. 265860
>>265857>He sounds caring as fuck, Kek what? He sounds like a five year old. How is it caring to break your phone to try to make someone feel better? That’s autistic as fuck.
>it's miles better than boys who don't even acknowledge when they've upset you. Ah yes because that’s the alternative. A spastic who breaks expensive things as a form of apology or a dickhead who doesnt apologize at all
No. 265869
>>265835Nah, he's a good boy usually.
>>265857Lmao don't worry, I really appreciate his concern. I realise I'm being over-dramatic but it was only because his phone was smashed.
>>265861>He wasn't thinking, he did something dumb, he and OP will laugh at it one day.I mean, in a strange way he kind of succeeded in doing what he set out to do. I've been so concerned about his phone that I've almost forgotten anything happened to mine lol. I think we will laugh about it one day.
No. 265910
>>265906For being asleep?
Dude nobody can help how they sleep short of restraints.
No. 265917
>>265910did you read the same thing i read?
>His snoring is very uneven with sudden pauses and gasps that makes me worry he has sleep apnea, but he gets snappy when I talk about it. >I asked if he could at least turn the other way so I could feel like I had some more space in the small hotel bed. He said he just wanted to be facing me for a while since it was more comfortable. Now he's asleep and snoring into my face.>Gets upset if I bump gently into him, tells me that since he gets up to work an hour earlier than me, he shouldn't be woken up.all of this is incredibly selfish.
No. 266260
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>>265912This. Or if you have the funds, join your two king beds with one of those mattress bridges. They sell giant fitted sheets. I'd say use normal flat sheets, though, and each have your own.
No. 266295
>>265788I've been using Windows phones for years. They are literally defunct now but you can get a second hand one unlocked vverryyy cheaply. Just get the updates on it to make sure it works with everything.
They don't have the type of screen that smashes or have any maintenance costs.
Smashing something that's important to him and you both to "make you feel better?" What will he smash next?
No. 266303
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This long distance shit sucks. I couldn’t even fuck him the last few days we were together because the extreme chlorine in the hotel swimming pools we kept going to chaffed his dick. But I’m not really minding the no sex thing, I’m just really fucking lonely. I can’t see him again until I go back to school in the fall and all of my local friends either moved away or don’t actually like me now that I’m back home for a bit. It’s like the moment I moved forward with my life to make it better I’ve been cut off. I’m actually one of those weirdos that keeps regular contact with lifelong friends, but once I finally stopped trying I got radio silence. It’s great to know you’re the only one who actually kept a relationship alive and without your continuous energy put into it, it dies because to the other person you’re really not that important. So I miss my boyfriend and it’s only doubled because most my friendships are dead, and there’s no point in making new ones because I won’t be here long enough to establish anything significant. He’s one of my only friends when I’m use to a bigger circle and it sucks because he’s not here. This is a long summer.
No. 266326
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I wish I had some fit friends so we'd work out together and I had someone to talk to about fitness and girly shit. Every time the bf sends me a picture from his cf class or him working out with his brother I can't help it but get a bit jealous, I want that too.
Also thought about starting cf but the gym is 1h+ away by car and late at 7pm so I wouldn't come home before 9pm. Not to mention it's only 2 classes per week, which is for me personally not enough
No. 266472
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is it just me or are there lots of dumb male souls commenting "hurr durr i'd bang her post her nudes" on thot cosplayer threads lately? i feel like its been happening more lately and i haaaaaaaaaaaate robot posting talking about their peens and mewchan.
this site isn't for giving you the wankmaterial that cows post on their patreons reeeeeee get out. they obviously always get banned but just reading that shit begging for links and pics irks me.
must be summer in the us or something
No. 266494
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I'm so tired of my landlord and her piece of shit old crackhead boyfriend. I live on the ground floor and she lives above me, and he regularly comes in the middle of the night and stands outside and yells up at her window, or comes and knocks on my door and tries to talk to me. Plus the walls are super thin so I can always hear them yelling at each other upstairs.
It's not even a bad neighbourhood or anything, I don't know how tf I got stuck with this. At least rent is cheap fml. It'll probably be at least a couple months until I can move out and find a different place. Pray for me, anons.
No. 266547
I hate how my high school group of friends still hang out with each other but never invite me or talk to me.
Last time I saw them was like 2 years ago, it didn't go badly but I guess we didn't super reconnect or anything. One of the friends started talking to me again from times to times a few months ago because she got into something I like so we talk about it sometimes, but I've had no contact with the others. The others went to see her when she was abroad, and I saw today on their snapchat story that they're hanging together again…
I'm not reaching out to them either so it's understandable, but it's making me feel like rather than just not having contact, they're avoiding me on purpose because they don't like me. We didn't finish high school on bad terms from what I remember. Or I guess since my ex invited them at my birthday party earlier this year but they couldn't come, this leaves us on pretty weird terms? But then again, I don't even miss them that much and I'm pretty sure they don't care much for me, I just dislike that feeling of being excluded. I think it could be fun to see them again and generally I like them, but they've hung out together without me so much I can't help but think that they must have talked me down behind my back at least a few times.
Honestly I just feel weird about it. Maybe I'm jealous that they kept their relationship from high school while I didn't manage to. But it feels so regressive to think of it, I've become a much more confident and happy person since starting college, seeing my group of friends from high school being together just makes me think of all the effort I'd put into trying to make them like me and how miserable I felt in general. Now I see it wasn't even worth all that pretending to be exactly how they wanted me to be since it only lasted a few years.
This sounds like a dumb teenager rant lol. I have to get over it.
No. 266574
>>266533Your dad needs to get a fucking grip. Regardless of what your mom is doing, breaking tables and slamming doors isn't gonna make her ass come back to him. She'll just point to his aggressive outbursts and say that's why she cheats.
Why doesn't your dad leave?
No. 266590
>>266515I don't know the details, but she said she had lost attraction for her bf for some time, because he's so clingy. So I guess she felt stifled and some guy came onto her and "it just happened".
>>266552I don't see how that's going to help anyone, though. It would just make her bf miserable and probably cause long-lasting trust issues (apparently he's been cheated on before, so…). She intends to break up with him anyway so it's not something she'll have to keep up throughout a relationship.
In a way I wish I didn't know, it's a secret I'll have to keep too.
No. 266599
>>266547Man I completely relate to this. My high school friends ditched me out of high school. I don’t take it personally and actually attribute it to them being shit people, but back then (around 5 years ago) I was extremely broken about it. I tried to win their friendship back by being “cool” and throwing parties and getting into drinking, because that’s what they all seemed to like doing. I desperately wanted my friends to just like me again, which of course, never happened. They used me till I was completely empty. They frequently took long distance trips without inviting me. They stole money from me, asked me for loans they’d never pay back, thrashed my house, broke my shit without telling me, the list goes on. Sorry I’m getting carried away but they were basically a herd of 3 personal Lol cows. At the time I wasn’t laughing, I was desperate. When I finally cut ties with them, my life got so much lighter, and more manageable. I ended up blocking them out of pettiness when I moved away, but I’ve never looked back. It’s been years since then and I’ve got friends who actually love and support me. If you take any advice away from this, just let them go. They sound pretty tame but still inconsiderate for leaving you out. Find the people who appreciate you and want you around. Don’t cling to friends that don’t cling to you.
No. 266611
>>266599>They used me till I was completely empty.Nta but I had the same experience. It's not uncommon for most highschool friends to make shitty adult friends.
Mine only ever stayed in contact with me post-highschool because I was the only person with a car and a stable income. "Anon buy me a pregnancy test, anon drive me an hour so I can see my bf, oh and there's this party you can come too but bring booze and can you give us a lift???" They never cared about shit like my birthday and would only enquire if I was throwing a party so they could eat my food and drink my booze. One cow would beg me to take her to my college campus because she wanted to bag a guy out of her league, would even lie about going to college there instead of admitting she was a single mom highschool dropout.
I got so fed up with them using me that one day I told them all off and deleted them from social media. They turned it around on me and pretended I had a '''freakout''' over nothing. I still have a couple added on social media so I can watch their miserable lives, because I'm petty.
No. 266624
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Work has a draconian sick policy where if you have paid sick time accrued you still get an occurrence point if you call out, and certain warning levels after so many points. The last time I called out was last September, I was gonna try to make it the full year so my points could drop completely to 0, right now I have 2.
But I decided to say fuck it because I have 136 hours of paid sick time and I'm burnt out. They gave out time off today but granted me none even though I put in the request like everyone else. I'm tired, mentally sick, and I'm not gonna pay some bastard coworker the $80 it would take to swap off.
I hope they all enjoy the customers today.
Meanwhile I'm looking up what I wanna order out for dinner. I'm gonna be messy all the way today.
No. 266636
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I feel miserable these days. My shitty retail job pisses me off, I still haven't graduated and don't have an internship lined up for the start of the school year, I'm seeing people from my college bragging on fb about how they're about to graduate because they found and completed an internship despite the fact that several of them cheated at all our exams, I'm still stuck living with my family full of psychopaths who actively wish I'll fail at everything in life just because. I had a job interview for a nice internship abroad and I'm ready to receive an email from the recruiter to tell me that I am the perfect candidate and they wish they could hire me but that they found someone better, because that wouldn't be the first time and won't be the last. I'm not into my hobbies anymore and don't have enough free time for video games and watching tv anyway, and while I used to have online friends and mutuals on tumblr and twitter, I think the few ones who haven't blocked me or unfollowed me for some reason are ignoring entirely now.
I feel like everyday is the same and I'm failing at life, I hate it so much. I hate that I feel like I'm being too ambitious when I just try to get my master's degree so I can find a decent job and I won't be poor anymore. I wish I could drink to forget.
No. 266640
>>266547First of all, I'm sorry you're feeling like this, I know well how this can piss you off even if it sounds silly to other people, it's not just a dumb teenager rant.
>seeing my group of friends from high school being together just makes me think of all the effort I'd put into trying to make them like me and how miserable I felt in general. Now I see it wasn't even worth all that pretending to be exactly how they wanted me to be since it only lasted a few years. Maybe the truth is that they never wanted you to be this way, this confident. My ex-bestfriend for years used to complain about me being insecure and dependable of others but when I started doing things on my own, meeting new people and not telling her EVERYTHING I did, she'd get pissed off and told shit about me to other people, about how selfish I was, me, keeping secrets from her when we used to tell everything to each other.
What I learned after all those years - and after being hurt so, so many times - is that you can't force people to like you just because you want them in your life. I'm not saying they used you or that they don't like you straight away, maybe they prefer other people to spend time with because they realised that you changed (it's not a bad thing and I'm proud you're more confident and happy than before!).
People can be selfish even if they don't do it on purpose and maybe that's the situation right now, them being reunited and not thinking about how hurt you can feel about it.
I've been there, I also lost contact with people and in some moments I felt guilty for not reaching out but nowadays I see it differently: if they can contact eachother to meet up, why can't I be included? Who knows if they talked before meeting up, or it was just casual? When you're an adult, you don't have to keep contact all the time to meet people who you didn't talk with for months or so…
No. 266643
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It's been a month since my boyfriend left me and I am still still torn up about it. I feel pathetic because I can't move on. These past few weeks have literally felt like months and I feel like I'll never move on. It's so dumb but I really thought he was the one. I just don't want to be in pain anymore. I want to feel okay and normal again.
When we broke up he told me he was kind of interested in some girl but had no intentions of dating her. I know for a fact he had only known this girl for two weeks A few days after we broke up he's hanging out with her, and two weeks later he's telling his friends he might start a relationship with her. It took us a month and a half to reach an official status. I'm desperately hoping that she's a rebound and nothing more but I'm terrified it's not and he'll be so much happier with her. I've read that even dumpers can have rebounds. His friends have told me he's been really torn up about the whole break up as well and feels really bad about it. She's nothing like me except she actually has all of her art credentials worked out while I'm a depressed piece of shit. My anti depressants aren't working that great right now and there are times where I really want to die.
No. 266667
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I broke up with a shitty guy 3 months ago and have been feeling lonely so my roommate made me create a Tinder account.
I ended up with this guy who's in his early 30s (I'm 25). We went out on a date (my first ever), then a second one on Friday.
Yesterday he invited me to a farewell party for his close friend, and introduced me to his friends who are all super nice and social, and everyone is super pretty. Like model-tier pretty. He's also really buff and goes to the gym daily, is super outgoing, ambitious and a turbo Chad aside from his love for tabletops, games, LOTR and other geeky stuff (which is how we ended up bonding in the first place, he's also a game dev).
Meanwhile, I'm short, kinda cute if I put in effort with a decent body but otherwise average with no titties to speak of (meanwhile all his female friends have plenty in that department), a shy introvert who's so socially oblivious it's bordering on assburgers and really clumsy. I didn't have many friends until recently, didn't drink almost at all, all I did was sit at home, study and play Runescape.
I am nothing like him or his friends which makes me insecure, yet for some reason he apparently finds all that adorable, seems really into me and I don't know if I'm buying it or not. It's a bit too good to be true and guys like this aren't usually into people like me.
I thought he just wanted to hook up and he has made the offer a few times, but has otherwise been super understanding when I said no, is otherwise really affectionate, buys me shit all the time, and has been frank about certain things I had no idea about, like that he'd gone on dates with another girl a bit before he met me (and another after our first date) but claims to have no chemistry with her and that he's going to meet her once more to break it off in person because he can't do it over text. I told him to tell me when he does and he kept saying that I shouldn't worry about it and can already "consider it done" but that it's no problem and that he'll tell me anyway.
I also told him I'm not sleeping with him until I can trust him, so he deleted Tinder for my sake, though he did ask several more times if I was sure I don't want to and that "he wouldn't think less of me if I did", and has tried things last night until I made him stop. That, coupled with the other girl mentioned above makes me doubt him.
On one hand it's hard to put into words how nice he is to me outside of him wanting to fuck me (by which I mean in front of his friends, when we're playing games etc), on the other I'm afraid all that effort will stop if I say yes, and I'm not sure I trust what he says completely either, even though he has told me things he didn't need to in order to be open and honest (like that other chick). I don't know what to think.
People like him weren't meant to be with people like me and there's tons of better girls out there that he could easily have, I don't know why he's bothering so much when I told him I only sleep with people I trust 100% (at which he asked what % is he on right now, and has been making jokes about it).
I'm really really bad at this and just want to run away from everyone to make it stop.
No. 266673
>>266672Yeah, Chad-fucking anon here - I made that mistake with my ex and 3 months in he started throwing tantrums because I didn't trust him yet. He ended up not being very trustworthy.
This guy reacted differently though, he seemed pretty okay with it even though he would keep asking what he needs to do to make the % go up semi-jokingly.
No. 266675
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>>266643Long post ahead… Your situation sounds almost exactly like my breakup with my ex. What made this especially painful was that it was my first break up, and with the person I considered to be my best friend, who was also the only friend I had at the time, but we were also long distance. (Bonus: he dumped me the week after I'd taken time off and spent money to take a trip to see him.) After he broke up with me, he was already seeing another girl within a week. She was his other female best friend who was clearly a rebound.
He still talked to me during the break up, mainly too yo-yo me around and tease me about maybe getting back with me in the future (ex: "You're still my friend, I need you in my life!/Don't talk to me anymore, you're too clingy and I have other things going for me!") I was all alone while he was in another state surrounded by friends and his new girlfriend. He would drop in updates about his new relationship and lowkey brag and compare her to me. And I totally relate to how you feel inferior, this girl had a full ride to his university with a similar STEM degree as him and everything, meanwhile I was at a CC back home w/ no idea what to do with my life. She was also much shorter than me and he would constantly fawn over.
(And still a virgin until she started dating him which he would later report to me and rub in my face). Idk how long they stayed together cause I eventually cut him out of my life, but last I check they were still an item :(
For over two months I felt extremely melancholy, lifeless, and suicidal all day every day, waking up in the middle of the night with panic attacks. I'd count down the days until I'd see him again and hopefully win him back. I also got on meds for the first time, but they didn't help. At the time I didn't have anything to make me feel better and nothing anyone told me could lift my spirits. I was offered dates by other guys and went, but was miserable and lonely the whole time cause it was still too soon. It was a painful long journey, it took me three months to heal from just pain and another month to get over him entirely. He sucked so much life out of me that I didn't even know what kind of guys I was into once I was single, or what my other life goals were outside of what we planned (I too thought he was the one). It made me feel really pitiful. Even years later while in a new relationship I was still thinking back on the pain, feeling I wasn't worthy.
I wish I had some advice for you that could help you immediately. The best I can say is don't spend too much time alone. Surround yourself with your family and friends, or whoever you can. Focus on work or school, or whatever other activities you can (I finished 4 tv shows during the period). Stay busy and know your worth in life; you'll distract yourself and eventually forget you ever needed him. Also please see your therapist or doctor to see if you can get on different meds (??) Your mental health is important at this time. If not, see a counselor or contact come sort of hotline or chatroom, just so you have someone to talk to… Best regards & good luck, you can do it.
No. 266680
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>>266675Thank you anon, it helps to know that other people have gone through this. It's so painful. I've dated quite a bit before but I've never had feelings for someone like this, especially when he was reciprocating for so long. I loved him so much and he was everything I wanted in a man. I've posted about it a shitton of times on here and that makes me feel even more pathetic but I feel like nothing I do can make the pain go away. My mental health had been improving drastically while I was with him and now it's all gone down the shitter.
When we broke up he told me he still wanted me as his friend, that he wanted to hear about my day, that he had fun with me and didn't want me gone. I went back and forth a few times and after about two weeks I said I couldn't. I also declined to see him again in person the last time he was in town. It wasn't until his friends told me that he was about to start a new relationship with another girl that I freaked out on him. Multiple texts and calls, I lost my shit. I told him I didn't want to get back together, that I didn't want him in my life anymore, and that I didn't love him anymore (All lies but realistically I know it could never work again), that I just wanted him to tell me straight to my face that he left me for someone else. He just left me on read. No calls, no texts, absolutely nothing. I don't know if that means he's ashamed or just wants to move on with this girl. When his friends saw him when he was last in town they gave him a glass rabbit that he had given me and they said he felt really bad about the break up and felt like he could have handled it better. I want to believe he regrets all this but I know it's going to keep me spiraling and hope is the worst thing for me right now. Not to sound vain but this girl is also way less attractive than me. Her outfits are all badly pieced together thrift store finds and she has horrific teal hair. She has a fucking moonface and a jaw that juts out so bad.
I'm so sorry you had to go through all this anon. It really fucking sucks. I'm going back to therapy soon and hopefully I can start to feel better. I have a hard time with letting things go and relationships always hurt me so badly. Thank you for your kind words.
No. 266682
>>266667Don't let fear and insecurities get the best of you before you start anything with him. Enjoy the moment, try not to over think things and just go with the flow, whatever may happen, it will happen.
When I met my current boyfriend I was in the same situation as you. He was this social and handsome guy who hooked up with girls (sometimes one night stand) and hadn't had a girlfriend ever - he was in his 20s. He was flirty and just made it seem easy to seduce people, while I was the most introverted girl, only slept with one guy before him and didn't know how to react in front of sexual references or anything.
But he liked me. We've been together for three years and after some time we got together I asked him why me and not other girls, I don't consider myself especially pretty, I don't have an espectacular body and I waited almost two months just to KISS him. He said that when you like someone, all those things don't matter, you're just attracted to them, maybe because I was different than his girlfriends / other girls who he had met.
At first when I started having dates with him I got really anxious because I thought I owed him something / he would get tired of me but then I started to relax, thinking that if he couldn't be with me accepting that I don't have sex until x or y, then he didn't ''deserve'' to be with me…And things got better after that, because I tried to enjoy the time with him instead of letting my thoughts interfere.
No. 266744
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>tfw sticking to diet
>last week i had holidays, my brothers birthday, and more partying
>didn't have "one cheat day", had four….
No. 266889
I've been writing for years now and all the writing I did from the ages of about 12-17 is gone because I was constantly deleting entire projects back then. I had an urban fantasy story that was about 50k words that I deleted on a whim when I was 15 because I was embarrassed by it. A lot of the fanfic I wrote back then is gone as well. I can still find the forum posts of strangers sharing my fanfic and praising it but the links are dead bc I deleted them and it makes me sad. I also threw out all the physical journals I wrote in before I had a computer. I just wish I could read my old shitty fanfic :c
>>266876I get how you feel. I actually do enjoy a lot of my own writing but there's no coherent "voice" to it at all. I've tried imitating Ellis' style before and it came off really bad lol.
No. 266968
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It's not very important but my friends are pressuring me into getting an IG and I don't really want to?
Like I've survived this long without tumblr, twitter, snapchat, etc. and I just don't feel the need for it. I was kind of hoping as I near 30, that my friends would slow down too.
Takes me back to 2009 when everyone was calling me lame for still having Myspace and I had to get Facebook when a bunch of girls from a group project in college shamed me into it.
I know Facebook is the platform dying now, but…
I do like sharing some stuff online, and I know my friends are just trying to include me. Yet I don't like the whole 'keeping up with the joneses' vibe I get from having all these social media accounts and feeling like I've got to make posts to fit in and be social.
I'm starting to envy pre-internet days where people had to know someone's number or address to communicate with them, and it wasn't just taken for granted that someone could log onto an electric device and know everything about what the next person was up to.
No. 266971
>>266968Kek, myspace was the last social media I actually liked. I miss that shit, and MSN, everything since is garbage.
Anyway your friends probably just want more likes. You could just make one and not use it to shut them up. Stick to your convictions though, I find social media lowers my self esteem and I really hate the lack of privacy.
No. 266976
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>massive fight with SO four months ago
>we made up, but things have been rough ever since
>haven't had sex with SO ever since, hardly touched or seen each other in underwear
>slowly and steady have been trying to work things out
>both still love each other and have been doing our best to fix things
>plan nice evening together [[[[were FINALLY gonna fuck again]]]]]
>today i realize my period starts on our date
No. 266977
>>266971Myspace was my shit. I spent hours customizing my profile, organizing my best music playlist, and making bulletins for friends. I remember the Myspace forums being really entertaining too, not to mention groups.
To be fair, during its last years they changed the website in unappealing ways and took away a lot of cool features. But in it's heyday it was great. I miss it.
>>266973It's what I figured. A lot of my friends who use instagram honestly sound like robots when they post, not like people. I guess because they're trying to maximize the visibility of their posts and get the most interactions.
The whole conversation started because friend A PMed me to ask if I saw what friend B posted, which was a major life event. B didn't post it to fb though, only her ig so I didn't know about it.
I don't see how ig would enrich my life in any way, I wound up hearing about the major life event through the grapevine. Like other anon said, it would probably just have me develop a complex and get some self-esteem issues.
No. 266982
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>>266978i could never do it personally.
also we're both women and usually our periods are synchronized so i'm now realizing she's gonna be on her period too and we're both idiots and we're gonna die OMG. everyone itt pls check their period apps regularly…
No. 266999
>>266995No. Your friend obviously has different standards, and that's perfectly okay. I think it's a good thing that you know what you want (or don't want).
>>266981Have you ever gotten help before (medication and/or therapy)?
No. 267011
Does anyone else have a mom that is a diet saboteuse?
I'm not dangerously fat, I'm chubby/thick and want to get slim. When my mother is away I have no problems sticking to my diet and I lose weight quickly. In fact, I don't even like eating food that much, I eat seldom.
However, when my mother is here, she makes calorie rich lunches, dinners and so on even though she knows that I'm on a diet and struggling with body image.
If I do refuse to eat lunch, she throws a fit and becomes aggressive and violent.
She also cooks two meals, one for me which is a high carb, fatty meal and the other for herself, a high protein, organic lunch.
I'm moving out this autumn, and I know that once I do that, I'll be able to reach my goal and be at peace.
My mother also was the one that always called me a fat cow, pregnant and so on, and her first remark about anyone is their weight. Yet, she insists that I eat her fatty food which will only make me fatter.
I have no idea what her problem is and why she does that? Is it to make herself feel better or what?
I've been losing weight so nicely and steadily because she was away for a month and now that she's back, the first thing she does is stuffs me with disgusting fatty food. It's not just about weight, I hate eating food that lacks quality nutrients. It feels as if I'm poisoning myself. I can't wait to leave.
No. 267012
>>259189Holy shit I’m fucking screaming. I think that’s what I had when my the left side of my face was swollen due to bath teeth.
I also have fucked up teeth, and while I can afford them and have private insurance, I’m legit fucking afraid of dentists, and have almost killed myself due to having to go to dentist.
I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to die but my phobia is slowly killing me.
No. 267020
>>267011Sometimes mothers are jealous of their daughters. It definitely sounds like it's intentional, down to cooking a less healthy meal for you and insisting you eat it. She sounds like she's terrified of you looking better than her, which will obviously happen when you are able to lose the weight (you probably already look better than her hence the sabotage)
Reminds me of the bit in mean girls with the protein bars. Good luck on your healthy meals once you move out anon.
I was just thinking before I read this that I gain weight when I have a female best friend, but not if I spend time with my female family members, and I wonder what the cause is. They're not necessarily feeding me but our socializing would always be food-centered where I am not really interested in food. Or it could just be they are more active than me and I get really tired and need to overeat.
Makes me not want to seek a female friend or maybe just find ones that don't center meetings on places that serve food+run around a lot
(sorry for tangent anon) <3
No. 267021
>>259180>>267012I'm in the same boat. I'm nearing my 30's and my teeth are extremely fucked. Around 10 root canals, multiple fillings, lots of crowns. No extractions so far though. I just have a high bacteria count in my saliva and I grind my teeth a lot so it cracks them, causing old fillings to fail and end up fucking the tooth up or basically knocking them dead. I've spent around $15,000 to finally get them fixed after avoiding the dentist due to my extreme phobia.
It totally fucks you up mentally (I developed a case of orthorexia) and to make matters worse, people aren't very sympathetic towards people with dental problems. I couldn't count the times people have just told me to "take better care of my teeth". Sometimes it just can't be helped. "Thankfully" my teeth look fine and normal on the outside so nobody could tell what's actually happening in my mouth. I'm terrified of the day I have to start having extractions and have to waste a mortgage's worth on implants, not counting the amount of pain and stress it takes. I can't believe that in the year 2018 we don't have a complete cure for the caries bacteria.
No. 267023
>>267019In my experience, they do like to speak of Female Hypergamy™ a lot. But that may be limited to robots and incels.
These same men also cover what you mentioned, they just call it cuckoldry. You know, fucking Chad™ and getting a Beta™ to raise the kid. Or riding the Cock Carousel™ and finally settling with a Beta™.
Personally, I don't believe bioessentialism can account for the variety in human sexuality and relationships. It's fine to discuss trends, but they're not absolutes and speaking of them as if they are is ridiculous.
No. 267026
>>25918024 and I'm in a similar boat.
The majority of my teeth in the back, both up and down have fillings and my front teeth are pretty worn out because I can't afford braces.
It really sucks how much you have to pay for teeth, it's not like everyone's blessed with good genes.
Also eyesight. It pisses me off how much I have to pay to be able to fucking see and my vision keeps getting worse with age.
Fuck all that
No. 267089
>>267048They get to feel like they're the "cool girl" who is unique and so different from all those other, non-cool girls. They also get a lot of attention from men in a way they otherwise wouldn't get. I also feel like some of those types are hybristophilia-lite since it's pretty clear that most incels are about to crack at any moment.
Men are also massive hypocrites regarding this type of stuff. If a woman says she is against feminism they'll lap it up no matter what she does (even if she has a career and does all the stereotypical "thot" stuff). As long as these girls pay lip service to hating feminism/modern culture/whatever they can do whatever like and are rarely if ever called out on it and even if they are they have plenty of beta orbiters that'll ignore it all.
No. 267112
>>267111and just to add she put notes on the computer, because I saw two different doctors in the same practice and they wouldn't budge because of the note on my file.
So the best way to handle someone who was panicked about not having medication is to limit their medication.
No. 267143
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I'm disturbed by how many guys on websites are being more brazen about their pedo cravings and wanting pats on the back for their "kinks" pic related has now sent me 12 messages asking why i am not prasing him for this shit. I know I shouldnt expect much from these sites but man this is getting pathetic.
No. 267150
>>267143What the fuck
>on websitesCould you be more specific? Is this from dating sites or something like that?
No. 267186
>>267048>>267089This really gets on my nerves. The atmosphere at my job is pretty misogynistic but it’s hard to speak up against it, because the more vocal female coworkers perpetuate it too. When checking out the CV of a new potential hire it was a woman who first asked “but is she hot?” after which they googled her name and all crowded around a computer to pick apart her appearance. They never do this with male hires. Another coworker is rather like shoe0nhead and likes to bring up feminism and how retarded feminists are randomly during lunch. She likes to take a single soundbite, post or tweet out of context, exaggerate how unreasonable their argument was, and declare that
all feminists think this so clearly feminists are all retarded. This is a woman doing her PhD in a scientific field who denies that feminism ever did anything for her. Most of the male coworkers lap it up.
There’s also a WhatsApp group for intercollegial shitposting, gossip and memes which they mockingly called #MeToo and one particularly inappropriate guy who likes to make gross sexual jokes often gets joke-warned with “if you don’t cut it out, [female coworker] will #metoo you!”.
The fact that other women join in with this shit, whether out of peer pressure or because they want to be the Cool Girl, makes it so much more difficult for me to set my own boundaries. After all, if they’re okay with it, why aren’t I?
I’m the odd one out for not wanting to hear that guy talk about dick piercings or how stinky vaginas are. It’s my fault for not having a sense of humour unlike the other
cool girls.
Only seven more months…
No. 267333
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anyone else getting kind of weary of the "fuck centrists" mindset? I mean I can understand being annoyed by smug "le enlightened fencesitter" types who think they're woke for being centrists, but I'm typically centrist because I just don't trust anybody and every hard left/hard right person I know is just fucking abrasive and unpleasant to be around. my friend has gone from center-leaning-left to full-on lefty and his attitude is fucking horrible now. similarly one of my old friends went alt-right and while he used to be pretty funny his sense of humor is completely gone and he only ever makes racist jokes now. I guess it doesn't help that I'm from burgerland and our concept of left and right is extremely skewed.
No. 267334
>>267333Sometimes I consider myself a centrist on some issues, either because both sides present strong arguments, or both sides present weak arguments.
I definitely don't fencesit to be on everyone's good graces or virtue signal about being more intelligent than everyone else for it. I just don't like siding hard in situations like that.
I've had great liberal friends turn into psychotic banshees over the past two years, because they have an attitude now of "you're either with us or against us." Same with the alt-right.
There's people who unironically talk about civil war. Who the fuck is poisoning our water?
No. 267339
>>267333my general perception of centrists is that they haven't thought enough abt the issues and don't commit to a side b/c they're uninterested and unengaged in the issues in general. and tbh it was disappointing to read that you're "typically centrist" b/c you don't trust other ppl and your friends on different sides aren't fun or easy to be around since becoming more radical. i don't think you should decide your stance on an issue primarily based on whether you like the ppl standing on a certain side.
and in general that's why i sympathize to some degree w/ the sentiment "fuck centrists" tho i really hate the element of personal attack it contains.
No. 267344
>>267023The TMs made me kek
Good reply anon
No. 267346
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>>267339>i don't think you should decide your stance on an issue primarily based on whether you like the ppl standing on a certain side. ah I know you're right, that's weakness on my part.
>>267343>they're determined by the stances you take on issues.honestly I never considered myself a centrist. I always considered myself left-leaning, but I've been told I'm a centrist for various reasons. Like I'm all for more socialist policies in the US but my friend called me a centrist for not thinking going full communist is a good idea. I'm pretty sure just being in favor of more socialist policies is pretty dang left-wing especially in America but apparently not by some peoples' standards.
I guess what I was talking about was more like pic related – people assuming that because I believe in moderation in some areas that I must not have strong convictions or beliefs.
No. 267347
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I've been feeling so awful and stressed lately, I kinda just want to break up with my bf.
I know he loves me but I find myself growing so annoyed by him. It sucks seeing my sisters with great guys that treat them well, but in comparison my bf just sucks.
I don't know if autistic is the right word to describe his sense of humor and the way he acts but it's embarrassing. I don't like having him around family/my sister's or their bfs because I'm ashamed of him. It's obvious not a healthy situation. I'm afraid to break up with him, he might threaten to kill himself or do something crazy. He's in a rough financial situation and has a heart condition so that only straps me down more to him to be a caretaker. It's rough, I don't know what to do.
No. 267354
>>267339The problem is that both sides have glaring issues that not everyone should have to overlook or gloss over for the sake of the parts that they do agree with.
People shame centrists too much in a very "If you're not with us, you're against us" fashion, and I feel like it's just them getting angry that they can't attack everyone who doesn't blindly kowtow to them by calling them a "pussified SJW liberal" or a "racist".
No. 267360
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>>267347Your boyfriend and your feelings toward him sound a lot like mine. My BF is 25 and I'm about to be 23. We started dating in uni when I was really looking forward to our future together, because I assumed he'd be able to hold a job and take care of himself at this point. But so far he's gotten nowhere, and I don't know if he has a mental illness or he's just gotten too comfortable with me (and his overly lax parents).
He isn't too socially awkward around my family, he's just very slothful and avoidant of doing many adult tasks. He graduated uni last year but still hasn't been able to find a full time job. He also is really sloppy with his appearance, like he never wants to style his hair, wears old wrinkly comfy clothes, is afraid to tie his shoes, forgets to brush his teeth, etc…
I don't really have many female relatives close to my age much less friends to compare my love life to. But I always get jealous of other women when they talk about their partners' stable lucrative careers, or in general how their men are productive adults who don't just sit around all day on the computer & only work maybe 10hrs a week at a shitty paid internship (like my BF).
I too am terrified to break up with him because he's very sensitive and may threaten me in some way if I tell him how I feel. Like he may get emotional and try to kill himself, or he may get defensive and lash out and call me a gold digging whore or something. I'm also scared because we have gotten pretty far emotionally, are already living together, and our families think we are going to get married. I don't really know what to do either myself, anon.
No. 267367
I was, am having, another crying episode over feeling alone, being kind of kicked out, etc, etc, and found a really bad sarcastic post on a shitty Indian blog about ways to off yourself. That kind of obnoxious shit shaming you for feeling like shit when there are so many poor children in India living with 0,0001c a day, eating clay and being cantent, unlike those ungrateful depressed westerners.
I expected nothing from a shitty blog, but then I scrolled down the facebook comments and that shit was gold.
Depressed Indians and their broken as fuck English are too funy
>I want to suicide…
>I kill myself because will the only way
>this is my husband account
I should feel bad about laughing at them, I'm an ESL too, but I can't. It's too hilarious and it actually made me feel better.
God bless Indians, their weird online shenanigans and fake profile pics.
No. 267387
>>267368I am aware that those are very serious red flags of his issues, and not being able to groom yourself properly is a bigger problem than not being able to get a real job. (And yes I am serious about the shoes tying thing, he goes out in public with untied shoes all the time, and if I point it out he gets temperamental and acts like I'm asking him to bungee jump out of a plane.)
Aside of everything else I said, we are compatible in our interests, values, goals (for the most part), and physical attraction. Also he supported me so much emotionally over the last few years that I feel like I owe him something, and if end the relationship I'm betraying him in some way. It's like we have so much potential, but his man-baby shit won't go away so idk if it's worth it anymore. Every day his flaws get worse and worse and he thinks he can get away with it just because we're ~in love~.
No. 267393
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A close friend of mine is rushing toward a unthoughtful marriage, hell they're getting married in a couple of weeks and I feel all these types of mixed emotions about it. I'm contemplating if I should tell them as a friend to slow the fuck down and actually think about the choices they're making for their future because I care or decide it's not my place and watch everything eventually burn to the ground slowly and maturely. I see more red flags in this situation than the amount of flags in the United Nation Headquarters. To give you some insight:
>They're both in their early 20s
>They both dropped out of college
>They both don't have Drivers ID and can't drive
>They're both working minimum wage jobs
>They started dating a year ago, and moved in together 2 months into their relationship
No. 267406
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>>267398I wish the best of luck and god bless your friend especially the fact that she met the guy at a con of all places. The crazy part about this is that me and some other friends in our friend circle just finished school, have started new jobs and lives, and they both sort of just lagged behind because playing video games and watching anime/movies together is all it takes to sustain a healthy relationship and future. He's a nice and sweet guy but damn is he going to be in a world of shit.
No. 267408
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This is gonna sound stupid but it bugs me that my mom gets upset over me finding myself plain. She's my mom, she's biased, of course she's gonna think I'm beautiful. She tries setting me up with guys (never works out), gets upset I don't date (she worries I won't marry) but when I talk about the different beauty procedures I'd like to do (lash lifts, maybe fillers or something) she gets upset and says I'm overly vain and mentally ill.
She used to model when I was younger and I'm a potato. Thems the breaks. I'm resenting all of here advice, it doesn't work for someone like me but she won't hear it. "Why don't you say yes to any of the men that approach you? You need to be friendlier." I don't get approached and when I am its by old men, she just calls me a liar.
No. 267417
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I've been getting warnings from my boyfriend about not being one of those girls who can keep up with men when it comes to drinking. Last evening he bought 14 big beers, 3 were taken by friends, but those other 11 were all downed by him. I had half a bottle of vodka, without mixing it with anything, but I drank water in between. He became stupidly drunk, I only tipsy, he's having a terrible hangover right now throwing up over the place, and I am completely fine. He always warns me for shit and compares me to his friends (ex)gfs, but in the end it's him with the problem.
No. 267421
>>267420>Massive drinking problemsIf you think me drinking once a year without getting drunk is a 'massive drinking problems', you might be the one with a problem. My boyfriend has been giving me those warnings with no provocation. He just constantly compares me to his friends (ex)gfs for everything, even if it is completely unrelated and I have never given him a reason to worry about it. Like fucking hell, I usually don't even drink on NEW YEARS EVE or CHRISTMAS. Not even wine. He's the one who insisted that I should have some alcohol for watching football yesterday.
He does have an alcohol problem though. He wanted to buy 18 bottles of beer at first but I negotiated it to 14 because I knew this would fucking happen and I don't drink beer so was not about to help him drink them. He ends up drinking the 11 and doing exactly what he warned me for. He told me that he is bad with alcohol, but was more busy with warning me to know my limits,while he being so much older and more experienced than me apparently still doesn't know his limits. Well I don't know whether it is an alcohol problem or an ego problem, he always overestimates his capabilities and I am just a killjoy when I try to get him to be responsible.
I'm just pissed that while I never usually fucking drink, I never get drunk, he kept warning me for months that I should never try to keep up with the big men drinking alcohol if it ever happens, because oh no I might throw up. And now he is the one who insisted on drinking way too much to seem cool to his friends, and is now throwing up all over the place.
No. 267428
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The idea of someone caring about me is so fucking stressful. I've been getting closer to a dude and recently opened up to him about some sad stuff happening to me and my mother right now, the fact that he is super worried about us now and regularly check up on me/us makes me feel ridiculously anxious. Yesterday I couldn't go out with my friends and him and he sent me a nice message saying he was disappointed I couldn't be there and wishing me a good evening, asking me not to be sad and… I hate it, I know it's supposed to feel nice but it makes me feel like he's waaaaay too close to me (and I know it's not even a big deal at all, it's just regular kind stuff friends to for each other) I know I will be cold / mean to him next time we'll see each other because I'm just so scared of closeness and I feel bad about it but I can't control it, I always end up pushing away kind people like him.
No. 267464
>>267417none of sounds cool. you guys sound miserable.
you probably still drunk when typing that anon lol
No. 267487
>>267417Don't drink with him. If you can't enjoy a drink around your bf and it affects you this badly, why be with him? I personally wouldn't like being compared to exs, it just proves he still has them on his mind.
I don't condone my bf's drinking and I make it perfectly clear that I find his drunk behavior obnoxious. It makes me uncomfortable and I see it as a problem. Yet I don't enable his behavior by getting drunk with him because it sends the message that I'm okay with it. Once a year or so is fine, but I have no interest in proving that I can drink.
Trust me, it's not important to keep up with men and their drinking regardless. They get stupid drunk but pretend they're good, and pat themselves on the back later about totes holding their liquor when they fucking didn't. Lol.
No. 267495
I can't decide whether it is wrong for me to think that someone I know is bulshitting about being depressed and having serious health issues. Like they're one of those people that will come in to work and let everyone know how unwell they've been, how they "just can't cope with life atm", how they hate their job (while we're working) how everything is just "too much" and how "stressed" they are. But they throw those words around so easily and almost carelessly, if you know what I mean? And their job is generally not so bad for what it is.
They're also one of those people who you will see everyday, and they'll seem fine, while mentioning how much they're struggling, and they go back to acting normal. Then they said they've been to the doctors and got antidepressants straight away, super easily, which doesn't normally happen where I live. They start taking them, a week later they give up because they "feel better" so they don't need them, then in another week they'll let you know they went back to the doctors and they'll be taking different meds now because, actually, they're "really unwell" etc. A while later the meds become a thing of the past again.
Then there's the health issues. Some of it I know is legit, but they'll tell you all about how bad it is to a certain point, but past that remain really vague? Like, if it's THAT bad then wtf is happening? You'll ask them and they'll do the "answer but not actually answer" thing, for example "oh the doctors are doing tests so I don't know what's the issue yet". YEAH BUT WHAT IS THE PROBLEM, why can't you come out?
I don't know what to think because one day we're at work and they seem just pissed off at their job and tired maybe, the next I find out they're not coming in to work for 2 weeks cause they got a sick note from the doctors. Btw they also had 2 weeks holiday 3 weeks ago. And they were off sick quite a few times recently. Like I can't help thinking that they do have health problems but maybe they exaggerated just enough to get off work because they hate it so much? If that is true though, then I don't get why they wouldn't just say so? I'm not gonna "tell" because I don't care about that. It just bothers me because it pisses me off when some people are selfish and make a big deal about something and then don't care at all about the consequences affecting other people they apparently are mates with. If it's legit then ofc none of that applies, butthey're so unclear that nobody can tell if it is? I just don't know what to think and the whole thing is also bothering me, because it doesn't sound anything like my experience or other people's experience that I've seen and been told about.
No. 267505
>>267432>>267464You sound drunk yourself, or are you perhaps exactly like me not a native English speaker?
But yeah I never usually drink and don't feel half a bottle of vodka the one time I decided to, because I also drank enough water and happen to have a good metabolism. Water does wonders, try it sometime.
>>267487This was the first time in 18 months dating that I drank with him. So for 18 months he has been comparing me and warning me to not embarrass him and drink too much, but only now we drank together and HE is the one who can't hold his liquor. I don't ever attempt to 'keep up' with anyone because as you said it's not important and what is the point of it even?
I just feel hurt after being lectured and compared to exes for over a year when he's apparently a hypocrite.
No. 267566
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>>267428Girl, you need therapy asap, but I just wanted to say that it's okay to be vulnerable and it sounds like you have a good person in your life. Maybe this is the time that you simply acknowledge your anxieties without acting on them.
No. 267567
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years ago /g/ used to be my chill place and nowadays its mostly dead and now whenever i do post there anons are super rude for the strangest reasons. did all the nice anons went to cc? i swear it used to me comfy and i don't feel it anymore
No. 267571
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My mom is 59 and im in my early 20's, i can't stop having intrusive thoughts about the inevitable future and how its gonna happen sooner for me than alot of my other friends just by age alone. We got good health care and average life expetancy and shes pretty healthy but i just get upset suddenly and then i can't stop. I just hope i can work myself up so i can give her as much as possible before she is too tired to go places.
No. 267575
>>267570Lmao “breeders”
This sort of autism belongs on the reddit childfree hugbox. Don’t embarrass yourself like this.
>>267432They could have a lot of body fat. That makes it really hard to get drunk.
>>267571If she’s healthy she’s likely got another twenty years on her clock.
No. 267594
>>267571I understand your feelings because when I was little - 6/7/8 - I used to panic everytime I thought suddendly about my parents passing away. It was so unexpected, being with them in the same room and then feeling so small, thinking about them not existing anymore.
My advice is that you try to
rationalize those ideas, she's still ''young'' and maybe she has well 15 or 20 years to live yet, I know it's just a date but all those years won't pass that quickly. It's life after all and your feelings and views about death will change with the passing time.
I used to overthink about it when I was little and the truth is that we're never ready for it. Lost my mother in 7 months due to cancer (when I was barely 19) and my father went to live abroad the same year so I was left ''alone''. At least I think I enjoyed time with her and there's nothing we can do all together so, try to enjoy her company, love her and think positively about her life and not otherwise. Try not to see it as a ''end date''. I hope you feel better soon. <3
No. 267612
>>267608Wow, I'm in an eerily similar situation - down to the shared interests and activities. Though, I was the one who cut my friend off, as I was a detriment to her health in the long run. We had shared extremely traumatic experiences (perpetrated by a close friend who sexually abused us both) and, ultimately, I became a reminder of that time for her.
I miss her, and her absence feels like a void that I will never be able to fill. But at the same time, I can't help but think that it's best if we both move on.
No. 267613
>>267608Hey anon, I'll be your new friend :)
Haha but seriously I love all of those things (thrifting for clothes and toys, especially dolls, weird movies, concerts, etc). And I use to have close friends to enjoy those things with too. But I lost them due to either being cut off, being replaced, or just losing touch over time. It sucks cause the only person I have now is my BF, and he's great but he has his own friends and I like to give him his space… Also, it's not the same as having a strong gal pal to support you when no one else is there.
To be honest, I have a hard time making and maintaining friends because it's difficult for me to open up to people. I'm used to either being seen as weird, or ignored, or abandoned by the people I thought I had a connection with. So when someone seems interested in me and wants to bond over the things we both like, or even if someone is simply nice to me, I have a little mini panic attack and get scared of connecting to them. I really wish I wasn't like that, it prevents me from meeting new people.
But I hope you're able to make a new good friend soon, anon! Life isn't the same without them.
No. 267623
>>267612I am so sorry for your experience, anon.
It sounds extremely painful and it hurts me that you and your friend had to go through it…
It hurts so bad cause we were supposed to be friends together. We have bonded over a certain book about romantic female friendship and promised each other that we will always be there for each other. It was 'our' book. I've always found it a bit of a bad omen that in the end the heroines get torn apart.
I was always the uncool, poor friend who needed her help and support. It sucks that now that I'm not in constant pain and struggling with money, I still can't pay her back. I wonder for how long she's been waiting to cut me off, or was it a sudden idea.
>>267613I know it's not the same, anon, but do you have a throwaway email or discord or something so that we could talk? If it's not something you are interested in, I understand.
I'm in the same situation as you. My BF is my whole world and he makes me the happiest, but my life was the most perfect when I had them both.
I wish I knew how to meet another 'soulmate'. I don't even know where to look.
No. 267636
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I fucking hate my mom. She's a fucking bitch that never should have had kids. She wants me to treat and respect her like a mom, but she's not maternal, she isn't warm, she only supports me if I'm doing "well" aka being her slave. She got mad at me because my dog's nails messed up her stairs. It was only superficial nothing major.
She wants to put my hairy dog OUtSIDE even though we live in Texas and its summer and its 92-100 degrees for most of the year. Shes only giving me less than 24 hours to find a place for my dog to stay at.
She's a horrible and evil bitch. She knows how important my dog is to me but she still doesn't care :(
No. 267637
>>267636My mom's the same way, never was maternal and was a huge bitch to me unless I was actively pleasing her.
Oh man, I can't even imagine the fit she would've pitched if I were allowed a dog and it scratched up her floor. She put down my cat because as she got older she peed on the carpets.
Moving out was the best day of my life.
No. 267641
>>267612wtf… i had to cut off ties with the only real friend i had years ago because of some awful sexual shit too…im so sorry anon…i 100% understand. i love and miss her to this day but its been 12 years and something i will never try to drag up again irl..
but on a lighter note
>>267635 my ex was super dominant for the longest time, but that was boring for me and we explored me dominating him slowly more and more and towards the end there, he loved it when i was in control and was the dom. if he is open to it suggest being dominant. some dudebro types are way into it. as long has he okays it, get yo dom on!
No. 267644
>>267643you seem to think I’m arguing something else here. I’m not saying their mum isn’t a bitch, just that it’s unreasonable to expect anyone to not be mad about hardwood being damaged.
The dogs claws should be trimmed properly if he’s inside without the owner needing to be asked or having the stairs damaged first. I’m not saying the mother is right and a nice lady, I’m saying anon should have dealt with the claws before it was a problem.
No. 267645
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>>267644It's also unreasonable to skip a reasonable solution and go straight to kicking her daughter's pet out of the house.
I'm sure anon will appreciate your 20/20 hindsight.
No. 267646
>>267645This relies solely upon the assumption that anon has not been asked. Besides that, saying that anon should have prevented the problem doesn’t support the mothers actions whatsoever. It’s not reasonable to remove the dog but it’s also not reasonable to act like this was unavoidable.
Anon has taken no responsibility, just dismissed the damage as though it should simply be expected and ignored.
No. 267647
>>267646>This relies solely upon the assumption that anon has not been askedSo anon's a liar.
>saying that anon should have prevented the problemIs stupid hindsight bullshit that doesn't help anon because you're in the mood to patronize.
Anyway, not my issue to defend but you sound like such a twat.
No. 267651
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>>267650What are you hoping to achieve here?
No. 267653
>>267652No I just don’t feel bad for dog-losing anon. Is the dog supposed to stay there and ruin all the flooring? It’s clearly not in suitable living arrangements and it should be.
You seem to think I should be offering them advice or comfort when they are part of their own problem.
No. 267670
>>267667my mom died at 42 i know the feels anon. its hard.
>>267571the anxiety is real and i dont want to take that from you. but know that you still have the present. live in love and embrace what you have. i took for granted the small moments i had with my mom. she had end stage renal disease and was not able to do shit all at the end, but she loved her children warming her feet and laughing and the dumb shit stuff we did as teenagers that we thought we got away with. cus it turned out, she was just as dumb and did silly stuff too. i regret now not spending enough time fixing her blankets or being there more often for a glass of water when she could have it.
but the older we get, the more responsibilities we have. we cannot neglect our lives, but to hang on the guilt self imposed on ourselves is only going to hurt you more in the long run.
No. 267689
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I look like a serial killer in my pictures, I have those crazy eyes. What can I do? Its only a problem when I smile.
No. 267770
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Idk where to post this, I just want to say how fugly I think Laura Lee is, every time I see her face all I can think about is a progeria kid and how I want to punch this child, her face is so fucking tiny compared to regular human being that she look like she was barely fed in her childhood. I also want to KMS every time she sings her stupid subscriber song.
No. 267779
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>driving on the highway in big company van i’ve never driven before, not quite used to it
>other workers are in the car with me
>stupidly underestimate how close a car in the other lane is, nearly hit them while passing in front of them
>hear sudden breaks and realize i almost got me and coworkers into a crash
>guy purposely pulls up next to me in other lane to beep at me and give me a dirty look
I hate making driving fuck-ups and then getting beeped at. I know i deserved it because I could’ve gotten people seriously hurt. It just feels like shit when it happens and im going to beat myself up over it for the entire week. Uugghhh
No. 267797
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Just managed to lose all my friends in half a day.
One of them copied my homework, but since it's university you can get in major trouble for that (both people, doesn't matter who was doing the copying) so I told the TA (who grades the homework) right away in order to not get into too much trouble.
Said friend was pissed that I e-mailed the TA the situation, blocked me and none of my other friends have talked to me all day, since they're all friends with him as well.
No. 267845
>>267835I overreacted a lot. The TA is p chill, so chances are there wouldn't have been any consequences/she'd have just turned a blind eye. But I'm terrified of getting into trouble, they've tried to talk me out of emailing her the past few days, but I just couldn't concentrate on anything. I was so scared the whole time. Uni is my only opportunity to not be a waste of space, I can't lose this.
He has done this once before in a different subject, aside from 0 points nothing really happened. But surely if this continues they're going to expell us? I was just so scared. I showed my project partner the email beforehand so he can say whether he wants something changed (since he at least had the decency to tell me that he let him do that). But I just couldn't tell the other friend, he would have tried talking me out of it again.
No. 267850
>>267845They sound like users.
It may not seem like it anon, but you did the right thing for everyone's sakes.
I want to say that hopefully this would teach them a lesson, but sadly I doubt it. They seem like the types to find another sucker to leech from, are you sure these were all that great 'friends'?
No. 267852
>>267845seems like that guy is lazy as fuck. if this ends up getting blown up even bigger, keep all records of people dissuading you out of speaking to someone about this. apparently he has a history of cheating and has an awful sound board group of people around him who are okay with it. also keep any conversations he may have had with you directly. understand, i dont want to get you more paranoid that you are, but you should have the opportunity to arm yourself against unnecessary b.s.
from what you have provided, you seem like a nice anon who got taken advantage of. this is your money, your time and someone else seems alright with fucking with it . not okay.
No. 267861
>>267852Thank you for the advice anon. Surprisingly it actually calmed me down, because once he blocked me I immediately thought of how he could just lie to the TA to put the blame on me, but the texts are proof of his cheating and attempt to cover it up, since they both told me via texts.
>>267850>>are you sure these were all that great 'friends'If they weren't I wouldn't have cried about them ignoring me. People make mistakes, but I can't let these mistakes ruin my carreer. That being said, even if they stopped ignoring me, I don't think I could remain friends. But I'm scared of being alone again.
>>267858I'm just so conflicted, both are important to me, I didn't want to lose them like this. It hurts a lot.
Thanks for the replies anons. I'm sorry for being so attention-seeking with this vent, but obviously I have no one irl to talk to about this right now. I really appreciate your replies, thank you.
No. 267881
>>267861im glad that you can find some calm in this. i would go as far as printing those texts and stuff to have a physical copy just in case. you cant truly predict what he will do, so yea, guard yourself in case this guy decides to throw you under the bus to cover himself.
cant really solve the issue of losing people irl, but anons got your back :) protect your future, youre young, there is absolutely time to find people a bit more human they they are.
>>267864some infestations can come from warehouses from grocery stores or other retail locations. an old apartment i had years ago had an awful roach infestation clearly before i had moved in there, but i made sure to force the complex to send the exterminator to come in monthly to try and fend them off and he told me its not uncommon for them to have eggs moved from one place to another. it still grosses me out years and years later.
No. 267893
>>267889$30 is equivalent to just about the monthly payment we make on the loan give or take. We really are in no room to be spending needlessly, granted that much can be made easily within 2 hours of working but the fact is we both agreed to only spend on things we NEED. A stupid 15 second video is not a need.
>>267892Makes me want to drag my face across gravel at the excuse. I plan on talking to him further about it when he gets home from work, I really don't get it.. your reply is exactly how my brain feels.
No. 267924
>>267907anon, don't worry, it's not just you, but i understand.
i've said this before, but the cosplay community is a prime example of why being too trustworthy and allowing hugboxes and "anti-bullying" to run rampant. moo is and was always fake as fuck, but no one wanted to see that, and you'd get reprimanded if you mentioned it. she's a toxic person that had the protection of people too naive to realize who she was, or too stupid to understand that not everyone deserves to be protected. then more toxic people took advantage of the same backwards community and it just overflowed. and fuck, i'm just glad the cosplay community cares so much about sexual assault that the rest of her issues are coming out.
No. 267965
I guess I had a seizure today? I’m not really sure what it was. Basically, I’m with my fiancé’s family on vacation and of course, I got my period. I’ve always had insane cramps, and I normally don’t take medication for them, but I wanted to be involved and not laying in bed moaning all day. Ended up taking excedrin and midol too closely together. Felt a little ‘weird’ but not in pain so I decided I was okay enough to hang out with my fiancé and his sister. Basically it’s here where I start to black out? I just don’t remember a lot other than it was really loud in the garage (where we’d been playing air hockey) and so I ended up sitting on the edge of a table to collect myself and breathe. According to my fiancé, I fell back onto the table twitching, and they rushed over to see if I was okay. I said yeah of course I’m fine, then my eyes dialted and I went limp and thankfully my fiancé caught me before I cracked my skull on the cement. I honestly have no memory of any of this and am having a hard time piecing it all together. I’ve been in bed ever since, and ate some dinner, but still feel kind of freaked out. My fiancé’s been checking on me every once in a while, so mostly I feel awful that I’m sitting our vacation out. I also kind of worry if it was a seizure, I should’ve been seen by a doctor? But I’m terrified of doctors and hospitals so I’m kind of thankful I didn’t get taken in? I don’t know. It was only 5 hours ago so I’m probably still messed up, but I keep telling myself it’ll be better when I wake up. But I can’t sleep either so who knows hah
No. 268137
>>267965dude you're so fucking lucky your fiance was there, that's dangerous you could have bumped your head during the seizure and ended up in a damn wheelchair for the rest of your life. i cannot believe someone is this retarded, go to a doctor like right now. that's an obvious sign somethings wrong with you. and again, seizures can eaaaasily fuck you up and especially since you're with people who are not nurses and who do not know how to treat and handle someone having a seizure. you literally described that if your fiance hadn't been there, you might have not being so lucky to even be typing that post.
fuck vacations. if you take a shower alone and seizure again you could die. just see a doctor. or die, whatever.
No. 268148
>>267965That sounds VERY concerning Anon, stop trying to please your boyfriend's family and think of yourself. Who gives a shit about a vacation or if you aren't involved in activities. This was
triggered by you dosing up to please this family. Please see a doctor Anon. Don't harm yourself "not to cause a fuss" which it really sounds like is your current stance
No. 268203
My aunt and uncle have a habit of spoiling their untrained dog and it turns it into an attention whoring, gross nuisance whenever I visit my mom and dad. They insist on bringing the dog over to my mom's place like a toddler even though they live a walk down the street and are only ever gone for 3 or 4 hour intervals. They act like it's an atrocity to crate the dog for a couple of hours so I can enjoy my visit for once, because I'm the one who drives in heavy traffic for an hour to see them. I want to relax when I'm there but I can't because of this asshole dog.
My nickname for the dog is Uggo Underbite, because it's a bulldog with a genetically smashed face and sausage body. It jumps up, claws, barks, wipes its ass on all furniture, chews shoes, begs for food at the table, and blows snot rockets on my legs and clothes. No, not lick or sniff–it SNOTS and it's a fucking disgusting result of the inbreeding. Plus he stinks.
If I'm trying to have a conversation with another human, the dog gets jealous that no one is paying attention or baby talking him every minute so he runs around, barks, and has a tantrum until one of them notices him. That shit ain't cute after eight times in a row. Worst of all is that they enable that behavior and give him the baby cooing attention. So why should he stop being an annoying cunt when it works?
In September my mom and dad are renting a beach house for a vacation, but they've invited aunt and uncle so of course they're going to bring the dog instead of having courtesy and boarding him so we all don't have to deal with his literal shit.
Makes me want to get a big, slobbering asshole dog to unleash back at them, and then when it misbehaves I'll dismiss it and say AWW BUT HE SO CUTE DOEEEE UWU!!!
No. 268228
>>268222That happens to me sometimes. Might be that all your Firefox data is suspended because your hard disk is full or something. Try closing other apps, deleting anything that might be taking up unnecessary space, and/or just restarting your laptop.
It sounds retarded, and I don't know why Firefox expresses "You have too much shit open" by hiding everything and messing up how websites function, but it works.
No. 268291
>>268220Same anon. Bonus complaint.
His younger sister also came for a visit even though she's sick. She's blowing her nose and leaving the snot-filled tissues on the couch beside her.
They're both lovely people and I enjoy talking to them, but their habits make me cringe.
No. 268317
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>>268267I'm glad I'm not alone. This obsession with dogs and "furbabies" has turned me against dogs and it's not even their fault, just their retarded owners.
If they're especially obnoxious they have a million stickers on their cars like pic related. It's unhealthy.
No. 268389
>>261997my SIL shares this attitude and it's rather taxing tbh. She has two dogs (and multiple other pets) that she puts in front of everything else including herself. Her job consists of cleaning toilets and mopping staircases, she refuses to find another job or pursue a higher education cuz her current job allows her to to go home on her lunch break and walk her dogs. She doesn't go on family outings cuz God forbid she leave her dogs alone for too long. She's nearing her 30s and has no partner, don't think she's gone on a date in years. What kills me is her dogs aren't even well trained for all the attention she gives them; one of them barks incessantly and the other (a chihuahua) gets very aggressive around strangers and dogs to the point where she doesn't listen to commands and has bitten my SIL.
It drives me crazy
No. 268461
>>268431just came across this video
>i would choose rescuing a dog over a baby any day!>that's right, humans don't have any more value than dogs!Jesus Christ, we deserve to die out…
Sorry for blog, but I once attended a show there the comedian said that if aliens were to visit earth, they'd think we're their servants: run after them all day and even collect their shit! And sadly that's true…
No. 268471
>>268422They're not going to say anything like that. If they say anything about you it'll probably just be that you look great/seem happier/got fit. No one's going to see real changes and call you out for "really" still being awkward and cringey deep down because that's insane and not how life works. Anyone can self improve or change things about themselves, especially as they change. Your ego and identity aren't some fixed inherent thing that you make when you're a kid and never ever get to change.
If you looked up an old school friend on fb and found that they have a different style, are in better shape, and seem more socially apt than when you knew them, which of these statements is a likely response you would have and which sounds completely fucking insane?
"Wow they look great! I barely recognized them. Seems like they're doing really well. I'm kind of jealous!" Or
"Ugh how pathetic. She might look different and act different, but I can just tell there's a fat awkward geek in there and she'll never be able to change!!"
Also, the only people who do give you shit for positive changes are people who know they ought to self improve themselves but they're either scared of hard work or scared of standing out, so they want you to be at their exact level to be comfortable.
No. 268559
>>268422>back in June>Is currently mid-JulyYour misgivings are because your life changes have only been in effect for
1 month. (And if you have lost significant weight in 1 month you are probably fucking up your body, please be careful)
You won't feel like a faker as long as you keep up your changes. If you want to change it needs to be consistent.
No. 268577
>>268544Why does porn bother you so much? If you think it's because he's comparing you to these women, I believe most well adjusted people never do that.
I you think he should only ever get excited for you then you need to work on your self esteem.
No. 268591
>>268588it can't anon, look up the studies, we've posted them before, i can't be bothered to share. it's objectively bad. also, relationships are about
compromise so if anon is insecure it's not 100% her job to fix it if her bf can help. that's what compromise means.
No. 268594
>>268591Anon 99% of adults watch porn and are just regular normal people.
If you're SO insecure that you can't handle the idea of your partner masturbating to anyone else and you have to be his whole sexual world you do need to work on it and fix it, come on anon.
No. 268607
>>268600NAYRT, but the thing is, no man will ever stop watching porn for the sake of his partner. It's just not realistic. It won't happen, and if your boyfriend tells you he doesn't watch it because it makes you unhappy (as opposed to him doing NoFap or figuring out that shit is toxic on his own), there's a 99% chance he is lying. Don't expect it, because it just isn't a thing. He will be annoyed at you for even asking, and if he tells his friends, they'll probably call him whipped, a cuck, etc etc. Pornography has rooted itself firmly in our current sex culture (and typical "male culture", let's be real), and the general population just isn't very "woke" on how bad it really is.
The best you can do is tell him fapping to so much porn is messing up his sexual performance, and maybe imply you'd like to see someone else to suit your needs. Then he'll start getting worried himself and cut back (if he values actual sex at all, and isn't just an empty husk that you like to call your boyfriend, at this point).
No. 268626
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>Browsing a website
>Find a person selling a bag I've been after for years
>Scan the photos and description, get super excited and Immediately purchase it
>Take a sec to take a good look at the photos again. Realize the shape is a bit funny and the tag is also strange
>Do some research and realize its a fake and an exceptionally good one at that
I fucking hate myself for being so compulsive, and I hate how I'm tempted to keep it ughugh
No. 268633
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>>268630thank you anon, I needed that.
tbf it's pretty cute for a knock off and I throw my money at the original company a lot so I guess it's not too bad.
>>268631That sounds awful anon, I hope your next appointment works out!
Lashing out because of a frustrating experience is normal, don't beat yourself up about it too much. I hope you have a good week anon.
No. 268675
>>268577I made the OP about my bf downloading porn. It doesn’t make me feel insecure, but it does make me feel bad and grossed out. Not about him but about our relationship.
I watch porn once and a blue moon myself. Usually when I’ve been away from my boyfriend for a while. I’m certainly not saving it on my computer and torrenting pornos for others so myself and others enjoy repeated use of it. Watching it on a regular basis where he’s downloading a new video every week is gross to me. That means he is regularly pleasuring himself to the idea of fucking other women. Seems pretty normal to feel bad about that. I’m sure he wouldn’t be thrilled if I was doing the same thing but with videos of men.
No. 268681
>>268604“Anon is probably going to lose her bf if she starts displaying her controlling behavior”
Well, no. He risks losing me. I’m grossed out and uninterested in him rn. If you think it’s controlling for me to express my real feelings about something my partner does, then you’re probably buying into the idea that women have to be subordinate to men and accommodating of them. Which isn’t my opinion so.
No. 268684
>>268681>you’re probably buying into the idea that women have to be subordinate to men and accommodating of themNo I just think it's nobody's business how people want to pleasure themselves in private. You don't get to have a say in every single thing your partner do.
I would say the same thing to a men who wanted his gf to dress modestly because he doesn't like other men checking her out..
No. 268688
>>268684Privacy gets muddled when you’re with someone a lot of the time and that’s why initially out of sight, out of mind worked for us. But it stops working when I confronted with “mommy’s girl remy whatever pleasures Arielle XXXXXX HOT BOOBS” and “MIA Khalifa xxx TITTY ATTACK xxx” like it’s no longer private when it’s in front of me as I’m trying to do work.
Also, if he wants to keep it private and personal, it will take a certain amount of lies and secrecy.
Unfortunately this will never not make me feel badly. It’s just natural to me.
No. 268710
>>268688How are you seeing those things? Do you go on his computer and check his browsing history?
Anyway, I don't get what's the big deal. What really is the difference between porn and 50 shades of grey? I don't see any.
No. 268729
>>268544Your reaction is entirely normal and justified. Not everyone is comfortable with their partner watching porn and that doesn’t make you a prude or controlling or whatever, especially since it’s not like you’ve even told him to stop or anything.
If out of sight out of mind works for you, then he need to do a better job of keeping it out of sight. However you mentioned that this seems like a big habit of his
pulling up pornhub and wanking one out =/= torrenting, saving, and sharing a wank bank and that would make most people uncomfortable, I think.
You need to tell him that it’s
how invested he is in porn bothers you, and he needs to get that in check if he wants to continue a relationship with you. Good luck anon!
No. 268731
>>268729I agree with this. Needing a quick visual aid is one thing (and pretty understandable since most people have shitty imaginations apparently), but having an archive of specific videos and stars is bordering on fixation.
Even when I watched/viewed porn for hours as an addicted teen I never saved anything.
No. 268762
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I began watching Bates Motel yesterday and I'm kinda obsessed with Norman-Norma's relationship.
I don't know why but it kinda turns me on, not necessarily because they're mother and son but more like, a young guy who's obsessed with you and loves you so much he'd be down with murder just for you, and treats you well.
I don't know what kind of problems I have, but I crave this kind of attention so much. Have any farmers ever dated an obsessive guy before? What is it like?
No. 268807
>>268790This. It becomes really obvious that being put on a pedestal is just as objectifying and dehumanizing as being treated as an inferior. Most of the time, they just project the characteristics they like or want in themselves onto you or treat you as a wish fulfillment fantasy of their dream girl, regardless of how much of it actually applies to you.
There might be exceptions and I'm not into the whole dynamic in the first place, but you need to be careful. If someone doesn't know you all that well, ie you haven't been together that long, yet they're obsessed and infatuated with you, you have to ask yourself what exactly they are obsessed with.
No. 268830
>>268829I thought that was how it was for most people. idk what kind of abstract porn consumption other anon has going on. Even if you're just getting off to other people getting off, there's some attraction there. You're enjoy
them specifically getting off.
Even when I was a fujo it was because I wanted to fuck a guy in the ass.
No. 268832
>>268830right, which is why men are looking up 'hot' women, not women they aren't attracted to making 'hot' noises. the whole point is that they imagine having sex with them, for the most part.
if it was so abstract for most men and it was just about the act, they'd be jerking off to people they weren't necessarily attracted to a hell of a lot more frequently
No. 268841
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I'm scared. I was left a house, it'll be paid off by the end of the year. Sweat, tears, and a lot of mental health strain has gone into working hard to make every payment.
I've put off a lot of stuff, gone without a lot of things, and made peace with living on an extremely tight budget to get here and I'm scared. Once it's paid off all I need to worry about are regular bills and property taxes, but it's the first time in my life that I'll really have disposable income to speak of. I can finally go back to and finish school. And it scares the fuck out of me.
It's really cliche to be afraid of finally having the freedom to do whatever I want, but here we are, it's a breath of fresh air and also a vast, unknown new world.
I'm scared, I'm excited, I'm anxious and there's the fear that I don't have impending mortgages, stressful family, etc to hold me back, any floundering is solely on my shoulders. I get the feeling of doom and gloom like for some reason I'm going to mess up after holding it together this long, and I don't know why, but my guess is because it still feels too good to be true?
No. 268843
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I have such a hard time saving money, I hate that the second I get money I spend it on something dumb.
No. 268860
>>268840Yeah they imagine themselves fucking the girl. My exbf was really addicted to porn, he had a usb filled with gb of hentai, Japanese trannies etc… when I told him to get rid of it he was like "but it took a long time to get all this!"… he ruined anime for me cause I couldn't stop thinking about the sexualized girls in any anime (I never thought that kind of stuff) he kept reading loli and weird hentai and weird porn andto even furries (he said he liked the art and the drawings, sure).
He said it was because he spent a long time single, sure now he wanted more degenerated porn to get off.
I told him many times to stop because it was gross and too much, he lied manu times about stopping, in the end I couldn't care less about it.
It's not normal to watch it everyday and download it. The mind becomes twisted about sex tbh.
And I don't think it's too much to ask him to stop, a relationship is for two people to be comfortable with their partner and try to make em happy,if it makes you feel bad they should try for you… It's not like you're asking him to stop breathing.
No. 268886
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Oh my god I'm tired and want to sleep but I want to purchase something on Amazon for a good deal but the deal is broken and customer service says it might take two hours to fix because they're swamped
aaaaaaa tired
No. 268887
>>268885Dude, you're tiny. The day he decides to punch you, all the hugging afterwards won't make your face less bruised.
He shouldn't be pushing you around and it's a big red flag that he doesn't even understand it.
Excuses after abuse mean nothing. That's not nice, that's trying to make you stay even after crossing the line.
No. 268891
>>268847From my admittedly limited insight derived from walking around in 6.5 inch heels on top of my real height of 5'7", the world looks very different from the male height and perspective and you can definitely see that the short woman (most girls I know) are very small and tiny. I wouldn't dream of pushing someone smaller than me for a joke from the perspective of being close to a foot taller than them.
It's just bullying, there is no confusion there and you're not being petty to be upset about it either.
No. 268919
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I'm so fucking tired. My boyfriend had major whiskey dick last night from too many whiskey sours. He wanted to cum so badly though, it took over an hour of on/off fucking due to him getting soft and trying to get it up again. Only got 3 hours of sleep.
No. 268941
>>268928My bf and I live with him, we’re in a city that isn’t affordable to live without a roommate. We’ve been considering leaving for some time but our jobs don’t truly allow for that at the time being. Kek I’ve considered breaking his xbox but bf thinks it’s overkill. Bf actually talks to him about most of my complaints, but bf is very nice and doesn’t like conflict so the roommate mostly just smiles and nods in agreement and then goes right back to doing whatever the problem was. Trust me, it didn’t start with him being a dick on Xbox. He doesn’t take part in any household chores, to the point of asking ME when I’ll do the dishes. My bf and I have lived here for a while before this roommate and we’ve asked him to move out - as a favor, since it would break lease we can’t just kick him out, but we had a friend who needed a place and roommate had been bragging about maybe moving out around that time. In response, our roommate took that personally and said we couldn’t make him leave and he has every right to be here. Fine, that’s true, but now we’re kind of stuck with this vindictive toddler who’s made it clear he’s not going anywhere simply because he doesn’t want us to get what we want. I’ll probably end up breaking his Xbox, but, he rarely leaves the house save for the five minute drive to McDonald’s.
No. 269087
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I don't know if i am being irrational, but i got some new friends and i always feel like "the other one" in the group.
They never fail to mention how they have their own private conversations even when it doesn't matter, and how much they know about each other to me even though we basically known each other for the same amount of time, i feel kind of excluded. I understand having private conversations and that's not why it pisses me off, i'm not a possessive bitch, but the fact that they always have to rub how the other knows about them whenever i talk, or how they are talking to one another privately so i need to hold on when i talk to them, makes me feel like the "other friend".
Whenever i try to learn more and ask about stuff they also tend to reply with "x knows" instead of actually explaining it in any way.
I feel petty as hell for this because i don't know if i am allowed to be hurt about this or if i am making a big deal out of nothing thanks to my anxiety.
No. 269117
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I just went on a date with this guy for the first time and it went great. Absolutely nothing went wrong and I think he is really cute. But then when I got home he asked me for my tumblr and I gave it to him. He gave me his in return and I took a look at his blog. I don't think he realizes but I can see all of the blogs he's following and it's 80% porn blogs. Now I feel fucking weird and grossed out. Yeah I know guys look at porn but I really did not want to see that. Fuck my life. At least it's vanilla stuff like cowgirl blogs and blogs about cum in pussy and asses and stuff. I'd probably feel worse if he was into some weird shit and I found out that way.
No. 269120
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I stopped talking to one of my friends a little over a year ago during my second year of college. I did it because more often than not I would come home from hanging out with her feeling annoyed about something she said (she was just really judgemental, loud, would talk over/ignore me, would loudly talk to me while I tried to take notes during the one lecture we had together, treated some of our mutual friends like shit, etc. just generally unpleasant) and started dreading being invited out by her, and generally we had almost nothing in common anymore. I started avoiding her on campus and then after I dropped out and moved to a different city I just stopped talking to her. I keep having dreams about her though, at least a couple times a month.
The common thread in the dreams is me running into her unexpectedly and then awkwardly trying to escape the situation while she desperately tries to reconnect, sometimes literally running away to avoid reconnecting with her. I guess I just have some residual guilt because I pretty much never voiced my aggravation with her in all the years I knew her, I just bottled everything up. I have no idea if she even knows how much she pissed me off. On top of that we've known each other since middle school and by the time I cut her off I was really her only friend (because the rest of our friend group wised up and stopped talking to her). She has a bf now so I know she's not totally alone but still. I don't miss her at all and I wish these stupid dreams would stop.
No. 269122
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The guy I'm dating rn is really sweet, good job, loves to cook and clean, all that shit, but he fucking haaaates his own race (Chinese) and it's getting real awkward whenever he gets started on a tangent about how much China and Chinese people suck. (I'm white.) Getting real weird listening to "China is the worst country in the world, I wish we'd been taken over by the English or Japanese or something then we'd have actual culture and manners". Am I meant to smile and nod???
No. 269138
>>269123it's normal, but it's also disgusting and pathetic. a lot of things are 'normal', but not even remotely ideal or healthy, imo. that's one of them.
>>269117abandon ship. he sounds gross.
No. 269171
>>269122I second
>>269168I'm not white and sometimes get into weird cultural self-hate moods. I'm not sure if it's the same with your bf, but perhaps try and point out that not all Chinese people are shitty and definitely not him.
If you just mindlessly agree, he may start to feel as if you resent him as well. Even if he baited you into it in the first place.
No. 269293
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>Scrolls a facebook page of a band
>Somebody in the comment section posts a photoset of a donkey that is being killed because people painted some political statement on it
Shit like this never fails to piss me off and upset me at the same time. And this goes for every kind of dumb and senseless killing and torturing of Animals. Fuck that. And fuck those people.
No. 269311
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>>269258that false equivalence, kek. keep up the stale male apologia, anon
No. 269314
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I recently started seeing this guy and it's going really great, not anything serious since we're both only in town for the summer. I love hanging out with him but he… can't text? His grammar and spelling are so bad, constantly using the wrong to/too or where/were, and I don't get it because he seems decently smart. Sometimes it's kind of endearing, sometimes it's kind of a turn off, I dunno.
No. 269322
>>269117sorry about running into that guy's pr0n collection anon, but you are brave for giving him your tumblr. i'm always too embarrassed to share that shit with anyone.
years ago i went out with a guy who googled me and managed to find my deviant art from like middle school and my nothing dodgy was on any of my accounts, but literally the next day he brought it up and was teasing me about my taste in music, my art style, etc… i deleted them immediately afterward.
No. 269478
Positive vent? Positive vent.
I've been at my new job for a little over a month now and the person that hired me (the CTO) came and talked to me this afternoon and, being the person I am that always thinks the worst, was caught off guard when the conversation started with "Is making a good first impression important to you?". I reply with that of course it is and that I try my best to make a decent one… and he, thankfully, responds saying that I have made one hell of a good one with my work ethic and how I've been able to knock out any project thrown at me, that the people I work with have good things to say about me, that I am smart, and that he is proud of me.
Like, I never really heard anything like that from my old job… much less from a chief officer of the company. I almost cried, tbh (could be period hormones egging that on, but I'm also always a sucker for people saying they're proud of me). It just feels really, really nice to be recognized for doing a good job, you know? My old job was a lot of talk about wanting to see their employees succeed and all that jazz, but my new one not only seems to talk the talk, but also walk the walk.
No. 269486
>>269481lol right?
But I'm glad it ended up being positive.
No. 269517
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I have a relative who could go into the personal lolcow thread and the annoying friend thread. In fact, they're so lulzy I'm pretty sure kiwifarms and /cow/ would be interested if they could get his personal info. I've even thought about getting him on trashy shows like 90 Day Fiance. Yet, I do care about him so I don't want to get him doxxed so I can only vent to my bf about him. My bf just tells me to stop talking to him though. He doesn't understand that I can't stop myself from bathing in this milk, and also he's a relative soo…it's a bit hard to just cut off ties.
No. 269527
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>>269520He's like a neckbeard to the extreme.
>believes he's the second coming of Christ because grandma told him about some crazy dream where he will fight the anti-Christ
>has gone from Christian, to Catholic, to Atheist, to Wiccan, to Muslim, back to Catholic
>thinks he has a connection to the world and he is the savior
>lives with his mother, barely provides rent for living expenses.
>mother literally cooks for him tendies
>threatened to burn down the town he lives in because he thinks his mother murdered his kitten
>she didn't, it was playing in his laundry basket the last he saw
>he was the one who started his laundry
>mother just heard a weird thumping and discovered said kitten
>head too crushed, he decided he had to bury it instead of going to the vet
>spent the rest of the day raging at her
>she messages me that she's scared for her life while he's messaging she did it on purpose.That's just a small taste, there's so much crazy shit he's said and done.
No. 269540
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>>269527 This is just sad autism milk, not fun narc/borderline milk.
No. 269560
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>>269556I think it's possible to be anti sjw and anti men at the same time. I don't fuck with tumblrinas on any level, I'm just a misandrist.
No. 269567
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>>269556and once you see their open hatred of women in one place, you realize it’s p. much everywhere.
>>269560I love when people try to imply misandry is a problem I need to overcome. lmfao, no, incels exist.
No. 269585
>>269560I always wondered about that. I personally am against
>muh white privilege and cultural appropriation>trans women are beautiful!!!but also
>le male brain and body is superior, misogyny is a myth! roastiesSo what does that make me?
No. 269740
>>269556i went through the entire thing too. anti sjw 4chan edgelord, to genderqueer tumblr sjw with danger hair, to now, lolcow user who is ambivalent to everything and avoids politics at all costs.
you get completely jaded eventually…