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No. 312676
Last thread:
>>298392What's on your mind?
No. 312700
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This is why I can't stand kiwifarms, despite then also being against trannies:
Dogs > women
Their reactions after a dog was raped
No. 312701
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>>312700Vs when a mentally impaired women (iq 52, meaning mental age of a 7-year old) "has sex" with multiple muslim men every single day + night…
Shit like this pisses me off so much.
No. 312707
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I'm at a very low point, at best, despair more honestly. I ebb between comfortable numbness and feeling crazy and right now it's crazy town. I hate my life and I hate the time I've irrevocably lost to my poor decision-making and depression. I'm 25, almost 26 which in the grand scheme of things is still young but I feel so fucking behind in making a life for myself and the weight of regret makes me ache. I have no friends, my family only sorta likes me and I've never had a good relationship or sex I really enjoyed and wanted, the closest I've come is a guy that belittles me and uses me but my self loathing keeps me put. I don't want to inflict myself on a nicer person.
No. 312717
>>312701The deep discussions forum is even worse with its extreme misogyny since a lot of people who post there are serious about holding those views.
I only stick to certain threads and boards on kiwi farms myself since I can’t stand the /pol/-tier bullshit and misogyny on most of the non-lolcow threads either.
No. 312739
>>312717yeah i tend to keep away from the off-topic board, a majority of the users there rarely ever post in the main lolcow boards. even if they do they're usually ridiculed for sounding exceptional as fuck.
beauty parlor, tumblr, internet famous, la zorra, and animal control is where i stay. i know BP and Tumblr have majority female users in those forums.
No. 312749
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>mfw mom died from ovarian cancer last week
>mfw I found out I have a benign breast tumor
>mfw I got test results for cancer risk today
>mfw cancer risk is increased
>mfw I'm 22
I'm going to see my gynecologist tomorrow and the results don't mean I 100% have cancer but fuck I'm scared
I thought after mom died I'm gonna finally turn my life around, move to a bigger city, get rid of depression, get some friends
Guess not, I'll just have to suffer more
No. 312754
>>312749I’m sorry for what you’re going through Anon. Losing your mother, especially if you were close, is a pain no one could ever understand without experiencing it.
I lost my mom a year ago.
It catches me in the most random moments. Here I am, at a good place in my life relatively, actually kind of “living my dream” and just a moment ago: I was reading Shay’s thread, and she lied about having a needle stuck in the middle of her fingers because the nurse couldn’t find a vein. Another Anon explains that nurses would be able to find a vein on the back of her hand.
And here I am, remembering the time my mom had to take IV from the back of her hand the last time she got hospitalized, because they couldn’t get it going from her arm, because her body wasn’t producing enough blood anymore, because chemotherapy, because breast cancer.
I wish she could see me reaching my dreams. Sometimes I feel like she’s watching. Sometimes I feel unbearably alone.
No. 312766
>>312754I'm sorry you experienced this shit too, anon. Cancer is the worst way to go.
It's not really getting to me that much, because my thoughts are occupied by the probability of having cancer myself, but it could have been prevented if she got regular check ups or went to a better clinic or a hundred other things but it was too late.
I really don't want to go through the same thing she did, it's pure horror, I'm too young for this ;_;
No. 312800
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God,i hate this family gathering sm…everyone is yelling,disrespecting others,trynna pick a fight and getting on my last nerve.The urge to leave is unbearable
No. 312881
>>312766Anon, my mom got check ups every 6 months. The cancer showed itself in between them, at stage four. Sometimes life fucks you in the ass. I am the Anon you’re responding to. The doctors gave my mom 6 months. She lived 2 years after that. My aunt had the same thing, breast cancer, and she completely healed and living her life freely. Just keep your motivation up, and try to pull through. You never know with this disease and the best you can do is live your life. Motivation changes everything. It is crucial for survival in this case. I wish you the best, and hope you will heal.
I don’t want to step over my boundries, and I know (if you are American) USA healthcare sucks ass but try to find the best doctor in your area. And never stop fighting. My mom’s fight taught me so much. Best wishes and best prayers to you. You can be strong. Be strong.
No. 312884
>>312801This is so cheesy, but if you were close to your mom, try to find her in your heart. I sometimes can. Sometimes I can talk to her. If you were close, if she raised you with everything she had, she is still there.
But, in reality, I know how you hurt. Best wishes to you, too. We will make them proud.
No. 312885
>>312884Thanks, anon, that's really nice.
It's a hard situation because my mother was an alcoholic (that's what killed her) and when she drank she wasn't a nice person. When she was drunk it seemed like all she wanted to do was hurt me and my dad and brother in any way she could. She was drunk most of the time in the final years of her life, so I rarely got to talk to the calm, loving woman who raised me, instead I had to talk to this slurring bitch who would say and do the most evil shit to try and get a reaction. In some ways I feel like I mourned the death of my mother before she had even died.
No. 312904
>>312881thank you for your kind words, I literally teared up
I know I have to fight or i'll die, it's just hard when I've been depressed for so long. I'm glad your aunt is ok now and it gives me hope.
When my mom got diagnosed she wasn't supposed to die, but somehow she didn't want to bother anyone and picked the cheap treatment(which we found out later), and refused to go abroad for chemo, and after a series of mistakes made by doctors, she got worse and died in a month. Me and my dad still feel guilty about not forcing her to go abroad earlier, but when she finally got that she needs to go, it was too late.
I still don't get why she did this, was this depression or what?
We second world, but I'm grateful that if it turns out to be cancer, I can get good treatment in europe
No. 313070
>>313005If you're American or European your country has directly caused the poverty and corruption those immigrants are fleeing
Criticizing immigration is valid but you two don't even understand why it happens or why people who bitch about immigrants are considered horrible
No. 313086
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I found out earlier that I can't afford my psychiatrist appointment at the end of next month, and I'm spiraling back out of control because I was using it as a fixed point to hold on to. I've already sent off the super in-depth history/symptom form I was asked to fill out, so I've been reliving my trauma and sharing it with a stranger for no fucking reason. I've been living with this shit for too long and I can't cope anymore, but I can't get help without that money I don't have. I'm so tired.
No. 313089
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No one will ever love me because my face is fucking ugly.
I could get a nose job (which I can't afford and don't want), but aside from that my proportions are a fucked.
No. 313094
this impossibly cute person joined a group for this weird, obscure hobby that miraculously has a society at my uni and i, haven't shown them much kindness. like, i haven't been outright mean? but i've been keeping our relationship strictly professional. i've even outright turned their invitations to go out down.
i get that they can't discuss it ( this hobby ) with any of their normie friends ( ( they're always talking about how they only listen to whatever's topping the charts + country )) but fuck, i wish they weren't in the club.
like, being attractive + coming from a good family has obviously lent them more opportunities to be social i guess? he's got that sparkly happy vibe all normies seem to have, the other members are so drawn to him/get along with him quite well. and to make matters worse they've got their eyes ( obviously so ) on this girl i really wanted to befriend, maybe i have a crush on her, who knows. it just sucks because i know they'll end up becoming the best of buds with her, and everyone else in the society, and i'll just get left behind as usual. i'm ugly and awkward, past attempts to improve myself have failed so i've sort of accepted it. but i was hoping i could make friends with my fellow rejects but fuck, why is he here. i hate being envious like this
man all of this is muddled, isn't it? i'm just sad.
No. 313096
>>313094to expand on this, i already know how it's going to play out? she's got a cute, dorky personality that's endearing her to everyone ( especially me jesus christ ) and he's fucking chad thunderfuck, that so happens to be cute and dorky too and ugh. i just hate it.
i hate that he's got a higher chance with her than i do just because he's a guy. and handsome. it isn't fair
it's not fair that i have to stand around and pretend to be happy for her either.
No. 313106
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>>313094>>313096I feel you, anon. Conventionally attractive people ruin comfy social situations just by existing. They steal everything from us below-averages.
What's your hobby, if you don't mind me asking?
No. 313111
>>313089Oh well, learn self acceptance and love (lifelong process for some) and maybe you'll roll a 20 next time!
source: am ugly AF
No. 313129
>>313106Incel tier bitterness right there lol. People in China could smell that insecurity.
>>313094You sound like the worst sort of lesbian nicegirl. Gross.
No. 313134
>>313129Are you denying that attractive people are treated better?
>inb4 deal with itYeah, of course, pretty-chan. We do on the daily. But this is the thread to be whiny in.
No. 313136
>>313129>the worst sort of lesbian nicegirlin what way?? it's not like i'm making this displeasure known to anyone.
and this is the
first time i'm letting these feelings be known to someone else
>>313106don't worry about it
No. 313141
>>313129You’re so upset about your own looks l that other people being not ugly ruins socialising for you lol. How is that not desperately insecure?
Nobody sits there going she’s so ugly she’s ruining this interaction
No. 313142
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>>313139>>313129Fuck off back to Instagram, Stacy
No. 313143
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>>313139it is definitely unfair that people can live an easy and happy life + make the hearts of other people flutter just because they were born with a pretty face lol
also i never said or implied this
>why can’t she like my quirkiness more?>>313141do you not believe in lookism
No. 313145
>>313141kek are you actually saying you don't hate ugly people? You don't look down on us whenever we step withing 5 feet of you?
Attractive people are just more socially valuable and they know it, and they hate us for existing.
No. 313150
>>313134I was never really ugly and still got treated like shit in school. In the end it's all about confidence. Some adults and friends told me I could model, meanwhile a girl who was so fat that she couldn't even sit with her legs crossed called me a cow face behind my back.
When I joined the japanese club all these fat greasy haired and smelling otaku guys didn't even have the courtasy to say 'hello' back. In the end I left, because sadly I wasn't able to be friends with anybody there.
Are you doing the same thing to that guy as well? Maybe he's really shy otherwise and only bubbly around people who share the same interest - you in this case. You're really not being fair here. Maybe the girl likes him because he's being nice and friendly, meanwhile she probably noticed that you treat him coldy…not a very good impression.
No. 313151
Oozing insecurity and bitterness towards other group members is far more unattractive than a big nose or whatever.
Most people don’t care about how people look as long as they aren’t being rude or weird. Anon sounds like they’re being weird af.
No. 313155
>>313094>>313096jesus, you sound like the fucking radiohead song.
>you are so fucking special uwu, i wish i was special :((( but I am a creeeepTell me why should she choose you over the chad? What are your good qualities? You spund so unhealthy with how low you speak about yourself and how high of some randomass girl. Gives me a second-hand embarrassment.
Go get some therapy and find a fellow quirky lesbian online instead of pining like a nice girl™. Just don't scare her off wih bitterness and insecurity. Good luck.
No. 313156
>>313150…he has a large circle of friends outside the club. did you not see the bit in my post about his normie pals? i thought that hinted towards it
starting to think you just skimmed what i said because nowhere did i mention rudeness. i did say i wasn't trying to get close to him, but like. there's nothing wrong with that
also the examples you gave aren't even actual signs of being treated badly? at least they aren't comparable to what some ugly people had to go through. the guys most likely didn't want a girl invading their space and the fat chick was more than likely jealous
No. 313162
>>313156So what horrible abuses are you being subjected to aside from a potential couple existing nearby?
How are you victimised and oppressed? You get fired for your face? Got beaten for not being a model? Denied medical care?
Or have a couple of people been mean like everyone else in the world has experienced, and you’ve been romantically rejected a couple times? Poor you. Such suffering.
No. 313175
>>313156>nowhere did i mention rudenessHe was nice enough to ask you to hang out, despite you being o so hideous, but you keep it professional and turn him down. "professional", at a group in uni, you've got to be kidding me…
>the guys most likely didn't want a girl invading their spaceFirst of, there were other girls as well, secondly it's not "their space", we started going to that class at the same time, I went there for a whole year and not once did they greet back.
But I guess you think such behavior is completely okay…
I hope that guy asks her out, she doesn't deserve a cunt like you lusting after her.
No. 313176
>>313173where did anyone say it was a personal attack
like, most people would be sad about seeing a person they like get swept away by someone else so…it isn't even that weird of a feeling
you just sound like a bitch, anon
No. 313177
>>313164And yet you sound like all incel crybabies bitching about lookism.
It sounds like this girl you’re into dodged a bullet.
No. 313179
>>313176You’re acting like people have deliberately done this to you. Your friends asked you to hang out, despite your bitterness towards them for having better self esteem than you do, and you’re sat there claiming that they ‘ruin comfy socialisation just by existing’ and ‘steal everything’ from you.
This girl wasnt stolen from you. Your creepy owner attitude towards her over your little crush makes you sound like those creepy guys who harbour grudges over people talking to his waifu.
No. 313180
>>313175it's not their duty to say hello to you? why have such entitlement. you had other friends outside of the club, why didn't you try cultivating an interest in anime within them?
and it's not like i made any mention to this guy that i wanted him to invite me places so? wtf
>>313177the person you're replying to isn't even me, but why deny lookism. lookism has been a thing long before the term incel
No. 313185
>>313180Lookism don’t real.
People with actual deformities are out there doing fine, getting jobs, getting married. Most of us aren’t model-beautiful. It’s not some curse or oppression.
A bunch of immature crybabies blaming their slightly wonky eyes or thin wrists for their misfortunes and shortcomings is pathetic, not proof lookism is some actual problem.
No. 313190
>>313180If there are 2-3 people sitting in a room and another person enters and says hi, you just stare at that person but don't answer? Every single week for a year? lmao Seems like your parents failed to teach you the most basic things.
Guess you never learned this either, but people don't invite others because they mentioned it beforehand, but because they want to spend time with that person. Maybe he even likes you but you don't notice because you're blinded by hatred?
However, I'm positive that you can rest assured that nobody who witnessed that will ask you out to do stuff ever again lol. Enjoy your privacy.
No. 313251
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Friends are all having a blast without me
No. 313292
>>313269My fucking country is in shambles too kek… To te point that people are killing criminals on the streets because the police does nothing, burning criminals alive in public spaces.
Still I'm sick of migrants traveling with kids just trying to gain sympathy, why the hell they have like five kids and then complain about having no money or food.
Every country has problems and that's not a reason to intrude everywhere violently.
No. 313305
>>313292This is probably the most sane comment I've seen in awhile.
A lot of migrants use kids as some kind of bargaining chip. It's kinda sick imo.
No. 313317
>>313305>A lot of migrants use kids as some kind of bargaining chipThat is exactly what "refugees" on Nauru do to their kids. Tell them to go on hunger strikes and they'll take us to Australia, Australia does not give in however and never will kek.
>"refugees" are allowed to come and go as they please>has to report back at some point in time in the evening>so horribleThe refugees who are entitled and think that ^ is "literal torture" and think their owed more riot like animals and break shit and claim victim. The male "refugees" also reportedly have a problem with raping. A 12 year old detained girl had to be flown to Australia for an abortion. Now how do you think that happened? Assaults are rampant cos these male "refugees" don't know how to be humans. I say, fuck em. Stay on that fucking island. WE DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE.
No. 313341
>>312679Dental Assistant here, it's more likely that she didn't grind the filling down correctly to match your bite and you're experiencing pain from that. It's a quick fix. To check, just try to bite your teeth together, does that hurt worse?
If you're experiencing pulpitis the pain doesn't come from the tooth, but lower in your jaw and it's near constant.
Root canals are a bitch, go to a diff dentist and ask them to check if your filling is "too high" they'll know.
No. 313345
>>312973I don't know can you blame them? I sure don't, I'd be getting the fuck out of my shitty country as well for the sake of my family.
It's my own country's fault for being retarded enough to accept them and lodge them in hotels and shit. Canada here, I'm a liberal at heart but this is some bullshit I can't accept.
But what mostly bothers me is that people either behave like this is perfectly okay, or are foaming at the mouth racist. Whatever happened to reasonable discussion? This just enables either side to call each other names so literally nothing gets done.
No. 313424
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>>312676The slow grind of unemployment is making me miserable.
Sending out dozens of resumes a day is tiring. Worst of all, I got a goddamn good personality and people skills and I'm sure if I were to meet those recruiters they'd at least consider me a little bit more.
I hate when I get the usual polite no (We reviewed your application and decided to not move forward this time, but we will contact you for a better suited position blabla) and wish they'd just give me real pointers. Like "You studied outside of the country and we don't know about those schools" or "Your portfolio wasn't all that impressive, maybe you should add more of this or that".
One of my former classmate already got called by Amazon and another company for an interview when I know for a fact he's actually less skilled than I am, since I'd spend my time fixing his code and helping him out on his projects.
I decided to sign up for pro events in the area and try harder at networking so hopefully I'll be out of this crap in a month or two.
Also Freelancing sucks. I hate my country's laws. It's too fucking damn complicated and I'm not an accountant, I don't know how to draft different contracts depending on the type of project and taking care of all the different taxes. And I hate those websites where people just lowball like crazy. Legit saw a listing for about 100h of work for $400. I'm tired of competing with third world countries.
No. 313432
>>313345I think most people are very on the fence when it comes to immigration, but both extreme left and right sides are so overwhelming that they are drowned out.
I'm fine with immigration when it is done right (proper vetting/screening and they are doing it legally) but i also worry about higher crime rates and other things. You cant just let someone in with zero consequences.
Also, what's going to happen when everyone who hates their country flees to another one? then that country left behind never grows or gets better. There is only so much room places like North America and Europe have.
No. 313490
>>313484I have the same issue (with befriending and meeting women), but I think it's because I just value the thoughts of women more than those of men.
Maybe try joining some clubs for non-normie activities and meet other girls there so you have something in common to talk about.
No. 313492
>>313454Well like other anon said, they move to over populated countries…
I was pro migrants before, i thought well poor people they are humans after all, what's wrong with them, let them in!, then i traveled to Europe and saw a bunch of immigrants everywhere, littering, begging for money, and just making chaos. THEN in my country, i shouldn't say where I'm from but fuck it you should guess kek, migrants use this country like a fucking bridge to get to USA and of course they don't get there or are rejected and guess what? They stay here, this country is overpopulated and in a very bad shape (crimen and lack of opportunities), there's no opportunities here for migrants, they might as well go back to Guatemala or Honduras or Salvador. And often you can read about Colombians committing crimes and what not.
Now we are being called racist because we don't want a bunch of migrants entering by force this country, people saying "what about our immigrants that get treated bad in usa, do you have a trump in your head" well you don't see a bunch of people trespassing by force the USA border (they do other dangerous shit hiding etc), i don't support them either anyways kek.
I would love to move to another country where there's low risk of being robbed or killed for a fucking cellphone in the bus, but that's no reason to go and do whatever the fuck i want and enter a country like a cave man.
No. 313563
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It's pretty soul-crushing to finally realize that someone who you've spent your whole life around is completely incapable of feeling empathy towards you and views you as little more than dirt. I really shouldn't be shocked because this family member is a textbook example of BPD with some narcissism sprinkled in, but deep down it still hurts a little, realizing that she never once has cared about me. I know this sounds really self-centered, but knowing she has never cared and never will care about my life, my interests, my passions… it does sting. All I am is a tool to her, a way to get attention and companionship. I'm a fucking lapdog. I don't know why I even bother opening my mouth around her because it's obvious she doesn't listen to a single word I say unless she can either boost her ego off of it or use it to attack me later. I'm such a fucking dumbass.
No. 313619
>>313563Anon you aren't self-centered, this familiar is. I can relate as the whole family apart from 3 people are full blown BPD/NPD and the fact the ones who should be at our side couldn't care less about us except to use as a punching bag or tool to take any sort of advantage to whatever they have in mind stinks. While you can't go away try to grey rock them: not sharing
anything about your life since they don't care anyways and giving short, boring answers, be boring. It's difficult to not engage or try to be closer to them but unfortunately these people don't change, as it's a personality disorder. Be careful when they throw bait, try to stay calm and not engage with their crap, and when you are able to, move away asap
No. 313639
>>313619NTAYRT but I've been very rocking some folks and now when gossip comes back to me it's about how my life is empty. I don't share details anymore so I must just be staring at a wall all day. Lol.
I guess it's better than them having real information they can use against me.
No. 313670
>>313619Thank you anon. I've heard a little bit about grey rocking but I never really looked into it because I'm such an emotional person and I felt like I would always fail. It's so easy for me to fall for their bait because I get so caught up in the heat of the moment and I feel like I have to "defend" myself even though I know she'll never listen. I'm trying to work on it. Thank
God I'm moving out fairly soon, to somewhere very far, and I'll be able to go low contact with her.
No. 313677
>>313675What do you enjoy about it?
Is it morbid curiosity, kind of like how some of us like crime scene photography?
Is it sexually gratifying?
Do you just enjoy that squicky cringe feeling like horror movie enthusiasts?
It’s not necessarily related to mental unwellness. Sometimes people just like fucked up stuff.
No. 313680
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Our AC is broke and it's so humid here in Florida…I hate it. It won't be fixed till Monday which freaking sucks.
No. 313682
>>313678Omg I can definitely relate. I recently found out who my bio dad was after taking a DNA test. No one in the family knew.
You might not be a rape baby, I was a surprise since my mom was told she was infertile by her gyno.
No. 313695
>>313675I wouldn't worry too much about it anon. You say that you aren't violent and don't look at real life gore which is honestly a whole other ball game from drawn gore. A lot of people are into the same things. Unless you start wanting to hurt people/animals in real life or you start not being able to concentrate on anything BUT horror I'd not think too much about it.
I'm the same way and love the aesthetic of horror but show me a real crime scene photo and I'm vomiting and traumatized.
No. 313736
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>>312676I'm feeling particularly lonely. I realized I really have no one else besides my boyfriend, who I see maybe once or twice a week at max. No friends at university. This means I don't have conversations with people for the majority of the time and I have no online friends too or am in any discord servers. I don't know why but half of me really wants to be alone and the other half wants someone to talk to. I somewhat wished that my boyfriend could just fill up all the friendship that I need but thats asking way too much.
No. 313753
Everytime I feel happy or content with being alone, it all comes crashing down, like right now. I think of all the things I do when I'm alone and think this isn't so bad, but then I realize how pathetic I sound trying to convince myself that this is fine. The only times I see my friends nowadays is through social media. No one invites me to hang out, in fact one friend was having a party and didn't invite me wnd got annoyed when I found out. No one messages me, no "hey what's up" text, nothing. Certain friends know I'm depressed and in a bad place, so it would be nice to be checked up on. That's what I do for someone I care about, but maybe I'm just selfish for thinking that. Maybe I'm asking for too much. Even if I do get in contact with someone, it's always because I initiated it. It would be nice to be reached out for once and be thought about. I can't even remember the last time I someone spoke to me first. College is coming up for me soon, but if my current friends don't want anything to do with me, I sure as hell I won't be able to make new ones. I never thought of myself as a bad friend, I'm decent I think, I don't know what I did wrong to be alone. I hate seeing everyone on my snapchat with their bfs/gfs, or going out to parties, or even just a cute group picture. It reminds me of how alone I am and how alone I'll always be. I just want somebody to love me, somone who enjoys my company, somone who misses me. Won't ever happen though.
No. 313793
>>313784It’s shitty but I can see how it’s kind of my own fault if I did have one. I chose to screw around and put off intervention until there was no choice.
At least if it is, it’s my preferred way to exit the planet. Not many people get that bonus so hey, bright side.
No. 313859
>>313829Cosplayer of over 10 years giving you an easy answer: Stop giving a shit about social media numbers. I used to be hooked on following my follower count, always calculated when to get the best exposure and algorithm feed optimization, what to write about to make people like me, stressed over not getting enough likes etc. It became a cage and it was extremely hard to get out of that mindset. What made me snap out of it was when other cosplayers started re-posting themselves and telling people to like their posts simply because they wanted a bigger reach. It made me re-consider my goals and if I really wanted to be a desperate, attention-hungry, sniveling asshole like these people.
After I got over this, my attitude with cosplay improved heaps. Now I make costumes just for the fun of it and enjoy wearing them with my friends with no pressure. I used to be sort of "cosfamous" in my country (a big fish in a small pond sort of thing) and it's not that awesome. People making up shit about you out of jealousy or being judged even before you enter the room is not glamorous at all.
It's also better to just give up the dreams about actually making a living with cosplay. It's never going to happen. I used to know a person who had like 500k followers on FB and a massive, dedicated fan base but even with those metrics they made peanuts with their work. Jessica Nigri, Danielle and the other top-5 of the "adult cosplay list" are literally the only people who get money out of this and even with them it's the good connections bringing in the bucks. There are plenty of girls showing skin and doing trashy "boudoir" sets yet making next to nothing on Patreon.
The community has absolutely gone to shit though, I completely agree. But that's why it's just healthier to gather a good group of friends and stay within their company.
No. 313863
>>313677Maybe it’s morbid curiosity
I love when people talk about how fucked up a manga or game is, it makes me want to check it out
But I guess I don’t find it as fucked up as they do???
Euphoria wasn’t that bad….
I also find violent anime more entertaining and interesting
I’ve never gotten sexual gratification from it and I never will, I guess I don’t find it sexually appealing?
Maybe I do just like fucked up stuff, even though I don’t react like some people
No. 313870
My cousin and her husband just had a child together. Her husband has an 8 year old from an earlier relationship that didn't work out, a huge brat who is prone to being very rude, and now when there's a baby in the picture he's acting out even more due to lack of attention.
What annoys me is how they're parenting him. Our families are close, so we're visiting each other often. I get that parents can be tired of their kids, but the way they're yelling at him, calling him names like idiot and asshole, and are unwilling to listen to anything he says makes me upset at them both as parents.
His dad "jokingly" hits him and can do it very roughly. The kid will often start hitting both his parents when he gets upset, and when they tell him to stop, the kid will say stuff like "but you always hit me!" to defend himself.
Today I had to listen to the kid beg his father to apologize to him for calling him an idiot. An 8 year old clearly stating that he was hurt by what his father said, only for his father to go "but you ARE an idiot, aren't you?". Kid starts crying and yelling and slamming doors, and all my cousin and her husband do is sigh and wonder "how did he become like this?"
I'm not gonna lie and say that the kid is an angel, because he is clearly selfish and will often be annoying on purpose, but I also believe that it's the parents fault for him having become like this.
I tried to voice these concerns to them, but received no other response than "this is the way we do it. We're the grown-ups, he's the child and must learn to respect us".
I hate such parenting so much, and it's painful to watch it happening within my own family.
No. 313887
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here's a vent for ya, I'm starting my training for the company at my new job tomorrow, I've been ignoring it, pretending thats it not happening now that it actually is I don't know how the fuck I'm going to do it. My heart is fucking pounding right now as I type in this bed, I feel like I could actually faint laying down which is I heard impossible but Jesus Christ how the hell am I going to do this? I haven't left the house in nearly 2 years suddenly I got this job and I'm at my highest weight ever. I haven't even been able to walk into the store cos of embarrassment over that, I legitimately think I might collapse tomorrow and I'm so scared I'm going to be late cos I've never been there by bus and I have to find the city bus which takes you closer to it, I have to be there by 8:30am but I'm gonna wake leave at 4:00am, I don't care I'm too paranoid over being late.
No. 313926
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My best friend doesn't want to go with me to a trip to Japan. There was a flash deal going for $545 (round trip from the east coast) and we both have the means to pay it immediately and save up until April 2019 for the whole trip (six months worth of savings plus what we already have in our bank). When I brought up the deal up to her, she was excited and wanted to do it but now she got cold feet and kept making excuses like she has all these other conventions (that she hasn't invested money in yet) and what if she doesn't enjoy her trip like she thought she would when she was younger. I told her that's why she has to help plan for things she's interested in and conventions happen every year, this flash deal is pretty rare in our area. I'm very adamant in going to Japan next year because I'm going to attend graduate school for the next three years without having a "summer break". We got a mutual friend (MF) involved who is interested in doing the trip and MF and I tried to convince her but in the end, she said no and both of us and us fearing of losing the deal, MF and I booked our ticket. I always told myself if I end up not going to Japan with my best friend, I would feel like shit and it's hitting me now. I fell asleep crying, I woke up crying, and these kind of events aren't really like me I never feel so sad or anxious but here I am typing this up. I just feel so guilty and I don't really consider MF my best friend so it feels awkward to some extent. Now MF is inviting his two roommates to the picture to help cut down costs and whatnot but I don't even really know them either. I said yes to them coming because I wanted the trip to become cheap with four people rather than two. I really don't know what to do, I don't want to stop my own plans because my best friend doesn't want to go but I can't help but feel anything but sad if I do actually go on this trip but it's such a rare opportunity to just pass up. I really don't know if it's worth talking to her about it again. She's a fickle person so I'm afraid she'll just say yes again for my sake and then change her mind but maybe not so much if I can convince her about purchasing the ticket already.
No. 314105
>>314063sadly that's a common believe on this site that's why
>>36918 exists
No. 314164
>>314066what's up with your reading comprehension
Not that anon but the way you interpreted her posts baffled me
No. 314210
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I was dating this guy for 2 weeks. One night we did some sexual things, mostly him eating me out and fingering me (sorry for TMI). I'm a virgin and he asked to try putting it in, I said ok and he did (WITH a condom of course.) It hurt like fucking hell and he tried a few times then I asked him to stop. After that he ghosted me, don't really care that much, yes I know he's an asshole, I'm over it.
But now I'm freaking out thinking I'm pregnant when it's pretty much impossible. This happens every time I do something sexual. I didn't have sex with my bf of a year back in highschool because I was so afraid of being pregnant. I have been diagnosed with OCD so this is not a surprise. But I just hate myself so much. I'm supposed to get my period in the next 4 days or so but it can't come soon enough. This all happened maybe 3 weeks ago now.
Why do I keep thinking I'm pregnant when there's no way? He didn't even cum inside of me. He literally just tried putting it in a few times and it hurt too bad so we stopped. But my brain keeps telling me crazy things like he had precum on his fingers and it got inside of me so now I'm pregnant, or there was precum on the condom and when he put it in it made me pregnant, just crazy fucking shit like that. I feel so infantile and I'm almost 20 years old. This is killing me. I know I'm not ready for sex and I will not be for a while. Someone tell me how stupid I am so I can feel better.
No. 314212
>>314210Just buy a pee test and have a good giggle over some tea.
Stressing might delay your period further.
No. 314214
>>314192>>314196My theory is that since a lot of anime forums have more guys, shoujo is barely discussed and that's why a lot of people only know the cliches. Also the bad mistakes some female artists bring into BL, incorrect male anatomy and behaviour, that fuels the disdain. There might also a wish to be different and more sexually open than other girls.
But anyway, it's annoying when every series with cute guys has to be fujo and they can't just say "it panders to women in general."
>>314210I was on birth control and after our first attempt I researched possibilities of getting pregnant from pre-cum, hah. It's normal to feel that way because it's the way society scares us.
No. 314216
>>314210Relatable, I once was overcome with anxiety about being pregnant because of backsplash in the unisex toilet at work.
Go test yourself if you're so worried, though. It might ease the stress.
No. 314252
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I think my mom is (becoming) an alcoholic. Actually, both of my parents could be considered alcoholics as they drink larger amounts of wine every evening. However, as it has always been like that and they don't get drunk, I never questioned it.
The problem with my mom is that she started drinking secretly. I visit my parents often (moved out 6 years ago) and realized that she keeps going to the fridge during the day to drink from her white wine bottle. The kitchen is next to the living room where I usually hang out and I can hear when she opens the bottle, even though she always coughs slightly to cover the sound I think. I heard this the first time when there was a big family event she was nervous about, and I thought that drinking in the afternoon is a bit weird, but her being nervous kind of explained it. That was one year ago. When she calls me, her speech sometimes is slurred and she is super affectionate, which is untypical for her (she was never really able to tell me that she loves me, and when she does now, I can tell that alcohol is the reason). I also witnessed a very weird meeting with some of my parents' friends where she was obviously drunk, but that is the exception. She usually never seems drunk.
I am visiting my parents right now and she has been doing that "secretly drinking during the day" thing every day so far. I cringe whenever I hear the sound, but I somehow managed to ignore it. But when I was taking a bath earlier and searched for bath additive, I found an empty wine bottle that was hidden in her bathroom cabinet. At that point, I couldn't ignore it anymore and just started crying.
I really don't know what to do. My mother and I have a very hierarchical, rather distant relationship. If this was my father, whom I am very close to, I would probably sit down with him and try to talk about it. But with her, I just don't know how to do that. I like her because she always supported me, but I also have lots of issues with her as she did many wrong things to me when I was younger. At the same time, I feel sorry for her. And I don't want my parents to break up because she is an alcoholic – I'm not sure whether my dad knows, though. She always tries to seem controlled, too, and I know that voicing my concerns would embarrass her and probably result in a very awkward situation. But it is becoming more and more obvious to me. She keeps forgetting things that were told to her, keeps repeating the same stories over and over (yesterday she told us that the dessert glasses I brought could be used for drinks like, 10 times, even though I asked her to stop repeating the same sentence) and when I went shopping for my family yesterday, she actually wrote 4 bottles of white wine on the grocery list. No shame?!
I didn't even tell my boyfriend about it because I feel so conflicted. I didn't want to post it here, either, also because I know that some other anons have parents who are severe alcoholics/addicts and what's happening in my family seems pretty harmless, especially because my mom functions so well. But I had to tell this to someone.
No. 314368
>>314192Because they're self-loathing women, that's why. I also see fujos online getting into shipwars, and ones pulling out the "gay men like this ship, fujos like the other one" thing as some sort of "trump card" that they're ship is better.
>>314176I've actually seen people on /co/ trying to meme "hetshit" as an insult lately, and it just boggles my mind.
>>314214>Also the bad mistakes some female artists bring into BL, incorrect male anatomy and behaviour, that fuels the disdain.That's pretty funny considering, at least within the massive world of fan art, women draw better porn than men. Porn of men drawn by women is usually better than porn done by gay men. And straight porn done by straight dudes is just a whole different level of terrible.
No. 314389
>>314382Beards are great, stop hanging out with dirty people if you find them so filthy.
A man who bathed and doesn’t eat like an actual hog doesn’t have some swamp of disease growing on his beard.
No. 314421
>>314419Because the guy I'm seeing is growing a beard and I find them gross.
Any other questions, mini mod?
No. 314426
>>314421 You're right anon, how could I be so stupid. Beards are the worse thing a guy can have, that's for sure. You were so right to post in a vent thread about it.
Btw, No-Shave November and Movember started as movements to support prostate cancer patients, but yeah, it's definitely just a dumb 'facial pube' meme.
No. 314431
>>314426Hey I appreciate your follow-up to let us know your
opinion about what I posted. It was a great contribution and we're all better off for it.
Most guys don't know that no-shave is about prostate cancer awareness and do it for a fad, but yeah. Growing facial pubes for a month is a real great way to really make an impact for those who struggle with cancer.
No. 314436
>>314432Except pink ribbons are usually bought in support and association for the Susan G. Komen research organization. At least when someone wears a ribbon they know what it's for.
Men who grow beards don't even know it's supposed to be for prostate cancer awareness.
No. 314445
>>314438Right. But don't ask me why anon's honing in on that other than trying to guilt trip me for hating beards.
>Do you hate cancer awareness anon? Lol.
>>314439I don't have to assume that because that's literally what dudes have told me. They literally think it's a fad and have no clue where the original idea came from.
People could donate money with or without tugging each other's dicks over who can grow the longest beard. It's dumb.
No. 314449
>>314446So why are you dismissing my pov when I'm here telling you that most dudes I've interacted with don't think it's about cancer awareness?
Still don't like beards either way.
No. 314471
>>314382i agree with everything you said. why does anyone even find gross pubes covering someones face attractive?
its basically catfishing if you think about it. men reee all day about women covering their true face with makeup, but literally covering half your face with hair is completely fine apparently. i would not date a guy if he had a full on beard, i want to actually see his face.
No. 314476
>>314451Because they seem to not.
>>314452How's it a non issue?
How many men would whine if the women they initially were seeing suddenly did something bizarre with their hair and then shaved it off for cancer? Absolute bedlam.
No. 314494
>>314491>some trans women truly are mentally women and should be treated as such.Girl, HOW. You should have stopped right after formulating this thought and then asked yourself what the hell that even means. There's no such thing as being 'mentally' any gender. You can mentally convince yourself you're another gender, that's dysphoria, but the brain itself isn't gendered. If it was, it still wouldn't manifest in the 'wrong body'.
You are clearly right on the verge of peak trans, don't fall for their sexist bullshit.
No. 314504
>>314498Unhinged because I don’t think a guy you’ve casually dated owes you daily shaving any more than you’d owe him shaved legs?
Nobody cares that you dislike beards, you’re obnoxious sperging out and acting like anyone should care. You sound like a basket case.
No. 314505
>>314491Idc if a bloke wants to wear a dress and snip his dick off but he still doesn’t belong in the ladies room.
I used to be way more accepting until seeing just how many trans expect a lot more than a place to pee and at the mall or gym.
No. 314509
>>314504nta but i think if you start dating a guy and you shave your legs, if they tell you they don't like unshaven legs, you make the call to keep dating them or not. and they'd be okay to tell you they want you to. same with beards or whatever.
i think it's stupid to assume your partner is just going to go with the flow on whatever you decide to do with your body. if this was something like tattoos or piercings i bet you wouldn't think op is "a basket case". beards are uncomfortable to kiss. just get over yourself.
No. 314515
>>314514Are you anons just dating shitty dudes? My guy doesn't care if I shave or not because it doesn't fucking matter.
>>314509>if this was something like tattoos or piercings Your significant other shouldn't get to decide what piercings or tattoos you get lmao.
No. 314520
>>314509I think anon is a basket case, and now you, because there is zero reason to be this worked up over beards. You literally never have to touch one, you can date people who dont have them, it’s just not a problem.
If they were somehow forced on you it would be worth complaining about but man, you guys are mad over nothing.
No. 314538
>>314533A handmaiden is someone who goes out their way to support men blindly, not sure why a handmaiden would make a post mocking women who do that
>>314524You're right, the fact the man hating thread is a controversial thread on an all female site proves the fact that men can't last one day as women, no wonder their suicide rates are so high, they've been babied all their life and now that reality is coming for them they don't wanna stay, sad!
And also. Reminder that some of worst posts here that pop up once a month are average posts that pop on reddit, 4chan, YouTube and social media comment sections daily if you switch "men" with "women". Too bad everyone is focused on the girl who hates men on lolcow and not the actual shit spreading through the internet everywhere we go and see
No. 314582
>>314546I'm sorry; I know being a support person can be really draining and exhausting.
I know you just moved, do you have any friends yet in the area? Maybe you could spend a day with a good friend to get out of the house/work/chore cycle and out of caretaking mode. If not, maybe you could do something out of the house for yourself for a day. If you have money for a massage, maybe get one? The most important thing is to give yourself time and space to do things for you.
No. 314636
>>314176I'm a turbo feminist, love my gender and I'm proud to be a woman. However, I'm also a massive fujo and you know why?
>It's romance stories/porn made for women by women>No pressure from heteronormative gender roles assigned to women i.e. no "perfect female companion" trope >For some people the het otome stuff it can be intimidating/awkward to be forced to self-insert to the story, this doesn't exist in BL>The male characters are often very feminine-coded, not by appearance but by behavior and thought patterns>Sharing the fandom in a female-only/mostly female space with other women without menIt's not just about "huff huff hot men making out fuck girls I hate them ^w^". The "fujos hate women" is a stupid trope and only applies to those retarded fakeboi MLM types who want to be better than other girls, OR teenaged cringefest fujos who aren't really a realistic take on the whole issue. I actually see more otomefags shitting on fujos than fujos calling otome "hetshit" unless it's in an ironic sense.
No. 314639
>>314636No one is saying all fujoshi are like that.
However I'm in some fandoms with tons of male characters and damn they attract a lot of the misogynist fakeboi girls. Like another anon wrote they value men/male characters/male opinions over anyone/thing female despite being fangirls themselves. It's so sad, I need to vent about it.
No. 314642
>>314635Thank you. Really. But I don't think I can believe you. My brain is so fucked in that I'm still more willing to believe him than other people that have proof of me not being at least
that bad.
No. 314651
>>314643I wonder, why don't MtF trans people ever yell at males for fetishizing lesbians (or policing and fetishizing women's bodies in general)? If they put 1% of the energy they place on bashing TERFs into telling misogynistic, objectifying men to leave us all alone, maybe they'd pass a little better. But they don't, probably because many of them literally
are those men.
Back on the fujo/~*MLM*~ thing, it's almost like a lot of women are raised to feel that they have to prove themselves morally justified and pure in all they do (even if it means lying to others/themselves and attacking their own nature), while a lot of men are raised to not care, and just expect the world to readily see their actions as justified, no matter what they do.
No. 314653
>>314651Actually I have seen more than one male trans "girl" do the same thing. "Ugh don't fetishize lesbians! Fuck off men I'm a dyke!!"
No. 314670
>>314643If you read my post again you'll see that I said "some" fujoshi and pointed out how I have nothing against fun shipping until some people get aggressive about it. My post wasn't aboit fujos hating women, it was about the subset of fujos that do.
And I do encounter them on 4chan and tumblr, especially because there are also regular fangirls who think they're above fujos (see: that YoI interview translator who was nohomoing them for months) so I can see where the tension comes from. I can't stand either of these types, but since I ran into the first of those types yesterday I vented about them here.
No. 314846
>>314679Lol this happened to me, (as in I'm the person getting watched)
I got paranoid about it but also the paranoia was just related to general man-fear.
It could be their spideysense or it could be viewcounts or whatever each site provides in terms of analytics informing them of unusual activity. Instagram and Twitter both have detailed analytics.
Also they may be being stalked by several people at once and the others made contact.
In my case I have posted inviting people to like/comment/follow if they're checking my stuff, which seems to be helping. I don't care who reads/watches me as long as they say hi. It's not knowing
who it is that's creepy. I'm sure they wouldn't mind knowing it was you.
No. 314904
>>314866Semi-serious, but ask your mom if he's cute! My mom was always honest about my ex's appearances haha!
I'm sure he's cute, anon!
No. 315127
>>315112She’s insulting you and has no respect for your time or feelings.
Get rid of em anon. You deserve better than this from a friend.
No. 315128
>>314679I stalk people all the time and I've never had this happen.
I believe the only way to know if someone is stalking your profile on fb is if you participated in one of those "find out who's checking your profile!" sort of things on fb, because you'll be consenting to having that data shared with your friends. But if you haven't, then no one should know even if they signed up for that.
No. 315137
>>315127It sucks because I really wanted to have a good friend at school. I don't think she is malicious to me, just incredibly inconsiderate and un self-aware to everyone. For example, returning a drink because she didn't bother to read the menu.
I've been ghosted several times before and it sucks. I do think it's the decent thing to do to let her know. I don't think anyone in my life has gone this far with me.
I feel like my friend's attitude would make more sense if she was more popular and was more used to being treated in a special way. And if she was i would probably be more willing to put up with her behavior. But seeing her constantly trying to act like a rich hot sorority girl is just sad.
No. 315158
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>>314846how do you access instagram analytics? Do you have to have a large following?
Unrelated vent: I don't know if I'll ever be able to get over my relationship history. My first ever relationship was an abusive one, followed by one failed relationship after another. The last one being the most devastating, even more devastating than the one I was physically abused in. I found out I was being lied to about basically everything in our relationship and he got another woman pregnant behind my back, and then dumped me like a load of trash. Except he never formally dumped me, he told me he "needed a break" but still wanted to talk to me and be my friend, then completely stopped interacting with me and blocked me on all social media. I had no clue what was going on then weeks later a third party clued me in on the pregnancy and it was like everything fell into place. I told some people IRL about it and laughed it off but inside it still hurts knowing I was treated like that. I don't have any feelings for the guy anymore and I know things ended for good reason but I feel so unable to trust anyone especially in a romantic sense. And I know I have my own issues if I just keep attracting these kind of men but I don't know how to change that. I just feel like I'm unable to be truly loved but for some reason that's a major thing I want in life. Shit hurts man.
No. 315189
>>314814I bought a really fucking nice American Eagle parka from TJ Max at half price that was so incredibly warm, good quality and amazing in freezing temps but i had to move countries suddenly and had to leave my jacket behind because it was so bulky and its too warm in my homecountry to bither taking it.
I’m moving back there soon and really fucking regret getting rid of it.
No. 315356
>>315137>>315112Here's another thing to complain about. My friend had a facebook conversation with a guy I'm fwb. After that she decides it might be a good idea to sleep with him. So she asks me if I would give her my permission. Uhhh…
Then to make things worse, she decided after a month to ask me the question again.
Don't get me wrong I understand my fwb and I don't have a commitment and he can sleep with anyone he likes. But why the fuck would someone think it's a good idea to sleep with someone your friend is already seeing? Wtf.
Can't believe I forgot to mention this in my first post.
No. 315367
>>315352Relatable. I agree that the dating scene is hot garbage anymore. I had been in a relationship for years so I hadn't noticed how drastically things had changed until I broke up a month or so ago.
Online dating used to be my refuge because I always felt I could express who I was and build a rapport with someone as opposed to meeting someone blindly irl. But…everything online is basically like Tinder now unless you pay money. It feels shallow.
I look at people in my age group in committed relationships and they don't seem all that much more prettier, smarter, or accomplished than me. It's like finding the "right" person is an arbitrary matter more to do with luck and chance than anything. I find myself on guard even with the guys I've been successful in going on dates with recently, because I just expect them to screw me over eventually.
No. 315369
>>315356why the fuck not? you are not exclusive with him, she can do whatever if she finds him hot. It was nice enough of her to ask you. If you don't want such fuckery don't be fwb with anyone.
You are not tthe only one allowed to find him hot and fuck around, you know?
No. 315372
>>315356Don't get mad but fwiw, at least she was upfront with you about her intentions so you had the opportunity to say how you feel. Most backstabbers would never be truthful and would just sneak behind your back hoping you don't find out, no less over a fuckbuddy.
Honestly I don't think your friend is malicious, just an airhead and incompatible with you like you said. You don't have to be mean to end things with her, but just hang out less and over time the relationship will fade like most school friendships tend to.
No. 315381
>>315369Do you think there is anyone in the world ok with sharing fwbs? In either case nobody needs to ask twice about it.
>>315372I don't think she's a backstabber. I do think she's obtuse and pretty self-centered.
No. 315405
>>315384Huh, that sounds eerily similar to my experience except my bf constantly bitched when we'd do anything involving spending the money we saved, yet would have no problem blowing money on the high end Tokyo bars and alchy for himself. I planned the entirety of the itinerary by myself and did all the research, and he never once contributed except to bitch about the prices of things. He wasn't even grateful I had got first class tickets for the plane ride from my job since that was merely a "fringe benefit" so I had done nothing to earn them, he whined. He always tried to act macho and in charge when he fucking wasn't.
The kicker is
a week after I took him to Japan I dumped his ungrateful ass.
Not saying throw the hat in on your relationship, just that major international trips can bring out aspects about someone's character that may not bode well for future tribulations if you continue the relationship.
No. 315426
>>315381Doesn't matter as you set yourself up for failure by being fwb with that guy. If he wants to fuck her, he fucks her and you have nothing to say.
Kind reminder that you are not exclusive and you are not supposed to have feelings for each other. Why are you jealous about the dick? He is not your bf lmfao
FWB and polyamory are always such trainwrecks.
No. 315433
>>315426If they want to fuck then they don't have to ask me about it. Even if you're dating someone and they decided to fuck someone else and leave you, you can't do jack shit about it.
But I think the idea she thought I would say yes to such a request is bizarre. In any case why ask twice about any request when you were already told no?
I'm not poly at all. Not sure what that has to do with my situation. It's pretty normal for people to have fwb as opposed to being poly lol.
No. 315438
>>315433I assume she did not want to create an awkward situation where you are the only person in a room unaware that they fucked and wanted to be honest. About asking the second time… I don't know, she really wants to slobber all over the dick that you feel entitled to for no reason and asked hoping you changed your mind?
The difference between a normal relationship and fwb is that you are supposed to be exclusive. If your bf cheats, you drop his ass. With fwb you are not allowed to get emotional over someone else fucking your fwb. You just have to accept it and continue fucking your friend as usual.
You are not being honest with yourself. You sound jealous cause you put your hands over the guy first lol
Also remembered knowing someone who thought that fwb is a best type of relationship and he was very okay with fucking each of his female friends. So while fwb is certainely 'normal' for some, getting salty over sharing your partner (which you are not emotionally invested in, remember?) is not the point and a reason why those trainwrecks rarely work out as they should.
No. 315448
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Having no friends in university is so hard.
I think I know now what gives me the most anxiety when going there: I have to hold a presentation in nearly every single class. I absolutely dread having to do that because I'm a nervous wreck when speaking in front of people, but there's nothing worse than having to do a group project and not having anybody to be in a group with.
I'm usually in class super early, I always sit so that there's a seat free next to me and I never look at my phone, just sit there for half an hour until class starts, to appear more aproachable (I'm not, because I'm super tall with a resting bitch face).
Sometimes somebody sits next to me, but even if we talk it' s just always so awkward. Last week a girl sat next to me but mainly talked with the girl on her right. I was super nervous today, but surprise the girl came to sit next to me again, we even talked quite a lot (for my standards). But after talking about the project we have to do, she suddenly gets up goes to two other girls, seemingly her friends, and starts to talk with them about it.
I know I should just ask her to do it together, since she probably couldn't refuse, but I'm so shy and scared of being rejected or appearing needy or annoying.
When I just walk down the street and hear somebody laughing I'm scared that it's about me. I'm already in my 4th year, so I already gave up on ever finding friends, but I wished I was at least confident enough to be comfortable when alone and not sweating and nervous and feeling stared at. I admire others who are able to simply be on their own so much; like when they can freely smile at strangers, sit relaxed, unashamed of being in class without knowing somebody and just texting their bf. I don't even have somebody to text.
I also gained a lot of weight which further decreased my confidence, but when I put on makeup and compare myself to others, I sometimes feel like I might not even be that ugly. What if I still feel like shit after losing weight? I fear that I'm never going to be content with the way I look. It's embarrassing how vain I am, it's the only thing I can think about all day long (while not doing anything to loook better besides putting on mascara once in a while, the rest of my hygenie is shit).
No. 315450
>>315438>I assume she did not want to create an awkward situation where you are the only person in a room unaware that they fucked and wanted to be honest. She's never met the guy, only talked to him on facebook once, and I don't think they are going to meet in person anytime soon because they live several hundred miles away. So it's not about avoiding a potential awkward situation.
> About asking the second time… I don't know, she really wants to slobber all over the dick that you feel entitled to for no reason and asked hoping you changed your mind? I've already said it's not morally wrong for them to hook up. In any case she would be better off being friends with someone who thinks that's ok (which I still feel like isn't the majority of people) instead of an entitled person like me.
>The difference between a normal relationship and fwb is that you are supposed to be exclusive. If your bf cheats, you drop his ass. With fwb you are not allowed to get emotional over someone else fucking your fwb. You just have to accept it and continue fucking your friend as usual.Why do I "have to" continue fucking my friend? You sound delusional.
>You are not being honest with yourself. You sound jealous cause you put your hands over the guy first lolUh yeah I am jealous when someone personal is involved. It's pretty normal. I never claimed to be not emotionally invested and you are putting words in my mouth.
Have you been burned by a fwb before? You sound a little bitter. Or really bitter.
In any case, we have a lot of different values. I wish she would recognize that and not try to see me anymore.
No. 315452
>>315448Samefag, wanted to add this:
I'm sure that not having friends also affects my grades; for one, I feel uncomfortable and therefore either skip classes or can't concentrate, and secondly, I don't have anybody to study together with or to just ask if I don't understand something. I'm worried I won't be able to graduate.
No. 315453
>>315448That really sucks anon. I know that feeling. I think you sound pretty depressed. Not really sure what is the best thing to do. I can't tell you that it will all work out. I never found the friend group I wanted in college but I did meet some friends in other ways.
>>315452I flunked my classes several times, partially due to being depressed from having no friends. But now my grades are much better. You never know anon. Just don't try to hole yourself up in your room and make sure you do some homework everyday. (I suck at this but it's the best way to succeed)
No. 315489
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i'm just really tired with how slowly the week has been going. it feels like it should be at least wednesday or thursday but it's only tuesday afternoon
No. 315511
>>315497It is a rule. Just not enforced, it seems. Which is weird because it's right above the rule written about male posting, which is enforced thankfully.
3.5c Don't engage in race-related arguments outside of dedicated threads. (racebaiting)
No. 315517
>>315450Maybe I am wrong, but I have always thought that being fwb is about having a stable sexual partner but ~omfg no catching feefees like ever!!! we are free and dtf anyone we like :3~. If your type of relationship is different, than I was obviously wrong with making assumptions.
Of course you can break up the fwb thing, I just meant that (again, my assumption) you are not entitled to have any say on their sexual life and make drama because they fucked someone you dislike (by which I mean you can, but your partner might see you as a clingy psycho or worry that you want an actual relationship with them).
Thank god I have not dabbled in fwb. If I sound bitter, that's cause my personal opinion is that is a fucking stupid arrangment but people can do whatever they want. Your post confirmed my bias, but again, maybe I am wrong about how your relationship works and so on.
Maybe your fwb is okay with you saying you feel jealous/hurt over a mere thought of him bedding a girl you know etc. It seems to me like a very unhealthy situation to be in cause you feel jealous but hey, he's not exclusive with you, so you kind of 'have no right' to expressing those feelings (beyond quitting).
With your explanation I see that it's really weird for your almost exfriend to be into this guy. I think that letting her know you have nothing in common and ending the relationship would be best for both of you. It sucks when someone tolerates you just to cut you off and you are ledt wondering for how long they were sick of you.
No. 315522
>>315448i'm in 4th year of 5 yr degree but in the same boat, anon. my degree doesn't have presentations but rather labs, however you have to work in couples or groups of 3 and i always just get seated w randoms since i have no friends. bit sad to think that i've gone through 24 courses, each having 2-4 lab partners on average, so like somewhere between 50 and 90 people, and have not managed to befriend a single one. i think i am pleasant enough, like i try to make small talk and ask about them and talk about safe normie topics and even if it feels like it is going somewhere, as the lab ends it's back to being strangers. at this stage people telling me that it is just random and surely i'll make friends at any moment now is a lie and this is obviously a me issue.
i've thought about joining societies but honestly it is way too intimidating at this point when i'm not a fresher anymore and i can't find anything that i could possibly be interested in anyway. and, even if i went, i think it would be fruitless bc most socialising is done through pub crawls and i have strong alcohol aversion due to family alcoholism history.
No. 315524
>>315448Don't join a sorority
Waste of my fucking time and money holy shit
No. 315538
>>315517You never have to do anything you're uncomfortable with. But I personally would rather do this than hook up with strangers. Everyone's different.
>It sucks when someone tolerates you just to cut you off and you are ledt wondering for how long they were sick of you.Yah it sucks
No. 315600
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when i was around 14 i was a onion fangirl & i had a active tumblr acc where id occasionally post onion content. one day he started to reblog my posts & i was happy i had caught his attention. months passed by, he would sometimes reblog my posts. i sent him a message one day asking if i could be in his videos since we lived in the same state. he replied asking for my age & a picture of myself. i sent him a normal selfie & he asked if i have any full body pictures. from there i stopped messaging him. feels strange venting this off my chest, but it's something i think about sometimes..just thinking about what could've happened & ending up like sarah or something.
No. 315625
>>315610meh, he wasn't
that ugly years ago.
No. 315706
>>315567How do people think this won't happen? It completely blows my mind, it always happens yet when you point it out people call you a boring vanilla prude who's too 'jealous' and possessive.
On that note, I don't get people who vilify jealousy (within reason) as if it's the worst thing to be in a relationship. I'd get it if someone were violently jealous and controlling, but jealousy on its own is a normal human emotion when it comes to interpersonal relationships and everyone experiences it to some degree, I see so many people who try to prove a point by talking about threesomes and being bi and shit but would only ever do it to prove how much of a cool girl they are to their boyfriends and would feel uncomfortable the whole time.
As long as you communicate well with your SO, I don't see what the problem is if someone is a jealous partner. Of course I would mind if my bf gave some other girl more attention and time than me, why would I be with someone who is more emotionally invested in his female friends than his own gf?
No. 315709
I had falling out with a friend of 10 years and I need some validation because I'm not used to being mad at someone to the point I think this was it.
So last spring this performer announced a gig in our country and me and my friend are fans so we decided to go. And because we are not rich, and for me because I travel so little it's sad, and it takes 7 hours in train and that's a lot here, we decided to stay 4 days. Or rather 3 days because of train schedules we could be there half a Sunday and until Wednesday afternoon.
My friend was going to see her long distance boyfriend after, which is also why I too had to leave early on Wed, because my friends I could have met were busy since it wasn't a holiday or anything. Well I've been on the train happily looking forward to our trip for 4 hours or so and she texts me telling she will leave on Tuesday morning because she wants to spend more time with her boyfriend.
Well I am furious. Not only does it mean most of our plans will get cancelled because half of the trip is gone I feel like she either did not think about my feelings at all or decided to ignore them. And like I said we have been friends for ten years, half of our lifetime, she knew I'd have to go home, she knows I don't have friends all over the country. I cannot imagine she could have possibly thought I was okay with this.
Part of the reason I'm So Angry and offended is that we have been friends for 10 years. She has Known her bf for what, five or six months?And I feel like I deserve more honestly. I feel like she doesn't care about me as much as I wanted her to and thought she did. And yes, no one is obligated to care about me at all, but I also don't have to swallow ignoring my feelings. And it isn't the first time my plans get changed last minute because of her but never to this scale. This is kind of irrelevant but I keep recalling so many things that make me wonder why we were friends for so long, she is pretty draining person.
Still I can't shake off the feeling that I'm overreacting and not allowed to be angry and offended.
No. 315748
>>315706Dunno how to say it without making it sound like women have no agency, but I feel like we are getting duped with the fwb thing. Not saying women can't enjoy sex but usually it's men who benefit the most from such relationship. They basically get a prostitute they do not have to pay for and can drop at any time when they find a women worthy of the girlfriend status in their eyes.
Women have so much more to lose when it comes to casual sex and making it fwb is even worse, in a way, as there is such huge chance of falling in love with the other person and feeling used and discarded once it suddenly ends.
No. 315771
I have to walk 30-40min to my university campus 5 days a week which doesn't bother me, i choose to walk over bus or anything because I like the exercise and it wakes me up more in the morning.
Anyway I just can't stand, mostly people of the ages 40+, who think they're boss of everything because they're ""older""
I'm 21, final year of university, I refuse to be late to my classes and consider myself late if i'm not at least 10 mins early. I'm paying for this education after all.
Here's a list of stuff that pisses me off on my daily walk:
>If you're walking slower than me, thats fine. Just don't block my path If i say "excuse me" I expect you to move out of my way, if you don't after the second "excuse me" I will push my way through you
>If you have a pushchair with a child, don't park it in the middle of a path or aisle and have a chat with someone else, you're in the way, move to the side and chat, it's common courtesy
>If you smoke while walking in busy/crowded areas in the city you're a fucking cunt. People like to breathe real air. Again, move to the side and some, it's common courtesy.
>Bonus: Smoking single mums with pushchairs blocking paths who refuse to move out of the way for anything and anyone. They then scoff at you for trying to get past them in a timely manner
I'm sorry for the petty vent but this shit pisses me off.
No. 315788
>>315748What if you want to fuck a guy regularly but arent attracted to a guy romantically at all?
I hooked up with a guy a couple of times last year before leaving for winter break. The sex was pretty good but i didnt like his personality. He was kind of boring and we didnt have much in common. I was going to offer him being fwb but i havent had a chance to see him in person since then. I;m in a similar situation with a guy who is pretty nice but again not my type personality wise because he is kind of boring.
No. 315797
>>315771Couples are the worst.
I don't give a fuck about how lovey-dovey you feel, can't you just quit walking next to each other and therefore blocking the whole path for one second to let me pass?! Old people too, but at least being slow is not their fault.
No. 315821
>>315785Mostly Men for me too, I'm a very quick walker if you're not going to move out of my way politely I will shove past you. I got places to be.
>>315797Elderly get a pass in my books, it isn't their fault after all but I agree with the couples thing. When i'm with my bf I make sure i'm not blocking the whole path to people can get past.
I've found the worst age is early 20's mum with no baby daddy and anyone from the ages of 35-50. The worst are the ones who can't text and walk so they stop suddenly on the street, walk off to the side or something so people dont walk into you?
idk it wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't in a crowded city but damn it pisses me off more than it should
No. 315828
>>315771i relate to you so much anon. i'm a smoker myself, but fuck people who smoke while walking (fuck me if i'm doing it sometimes when i'm particularly pissed) and FUCK smoker moms. once i was at an airport smoking room and this woman walked in with her child that couldn't be older than 4 years old. if you've never seen a smoking room, it's a small,
very crowded space filled with dirt, smoke, basically designed to make you hate yourself. some people gave her a dirty look, and she just shrugged her shoulders and went "well, what can i do?" not have children dumbass. i felt so bad i got out of the room without finishing my own smoke.
No. 315928
>>315918>>315922you don't know ANY details of the situation, but you jump to calling me a bad pet owner? first of all, he's a senior dog who DOES have health problems, and a history of aggression. i have NO CHOICE. have you ever owned a dog?
i have tried everything in my power and he still attacked, which means according to the fucking law, not my personal choice, he has to be put down. do you understand that? he's on record as being aggressive. has to be put down. so i should never own another pet because of a heartbreaking situation I had with ONE pet? do you not think this is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do? are you retarded? you can't just give an aggressive dog away. please stop.
No. 316003
>>315993Those pharma meds are bs money grabbers which is why they're not helping you and in fact could be making you feel shittier and killing your motivation. Get off them asap.
It sounds like you need to take care of yourself before you continue schoolwork. People are pressured to go to college right out of high school and some aren't ready for it.
No. 316017
(( novel incoming, sorry girls ))
my bf and i are trying to save money for a big move next year, which means going out less. i’ve mostly stopped going out so much but my bf has not. i try to encourage him during the day, but when he gets off work, i’m going in to work, and he goes out.
we usually do the same thing every night we go out, but my bf suggested we try to switch it up and go to a town about an hour away some time. a few friends live out there and the fair was happening around my birthday, so i asked if we could go as a little treat. he agreed (more like a “yeah”) and i told him we’d try for the next weekend.
the night before our mini-trip, he goes out. i ask him to please not get too drunk. he gets too drunk of course and is extremely hungover the next day. all of the sudden, the drive is so long and he’s acting like he really doesn’t want to go. even though he’s been advocating going out there for weeks now, acting like it’s not that far (which it really isn’t). pretty much the whole ride over is silent and it takes him a while to warm up to friends once we arrive. he just sat on his phone the majority of the time and wouldn’t really let me get close to him.
it was frustrating! i thought maybe i had pushed him too hard, but i had an awfully disappointing birthday for years and i’ve let people walk all over me, and yet i still did a little for him by thinking he would enjoy going out too. it feels like once anything becomes my idea, he suddenly hates it or seems less enthusiastic.
a few weeks ago, my bf got really excited over a halloween themed show a few hours away. he threw out an idea for a couple costume (the first time we’ve ever done this!! i was secretly excited, i’ve been craving to do corny stuff with him) and seemed set on it. for weeks, i said we should start looking for our bits and pieces. i encouraged him to go out while i picked up my pieces, so we wouldn’t be rushing last minute. i’ve bought my pieces and have even offered to buy his costume, as his paycheck doesn’t come until right before the show.
now, all of a sudden, he’s saying he’s not sure if he really wants to go because he doesn’t wanna blow his paycheck…. but it’s his fault. i’ve stopped going out so much, been frugal with my paychecks, and put tons away in savings now that i’ve stopped going out as much. he keeps going out and drinking with our friends almost every other night (which scares me, but he has issues that he’s (barely) coping with and won’t let me help so i feel like he’ll go crazy if he doesn’t drink….) and has been for weeks and complains about being broke. i have no problem helping him out with gas or food or drinks, he knows that. plus, i already asked for the weekend off and bought my costume online. i feel like maybe he is depressed or overwhelmed, but he’ll never admit that and even if he did, he wouldn’t accept the help.
(he really does have a drinking problem…. he doesn’t get violent or belligerent but it does scare me how drunk he gets. and when he gets too drunk, i can’t stop him. he’ll find some way to keep drinking.)
No. 316052
>>316017It sounds like you two should put the breaks on this 'big move' and get yourselves on the same page. You're clearly more committed to this move than he is, as evidenced by his inability/want to save money. You acknowledged that he has a drinking problem and that certainly won't stop when you two move in with each other.
>once anything becomes my idea he doesn't wanna do it He clearly doesn't respect you or your efforts. My ex used to do this with me and over time it made me lose confidence in my decisions because they were "never good enough" because I made them. Honestly anon, your bf is a hardcore dud and I would heavily encourage you to leave him. You have a long life ahead of you and you don't need to be held back by some shitty alcoholic manchild who is going to be financially, emotionally, and mentally draining you for as long as he can milk it. Leave him, cut off contact, and keep saving money for yourself and what you want to do.
No. 316053
>>316017You need to have a serious talk with him about drinking and finances, if you're not united in these two things. i.e. you want to buy a house but he doesn't, you want him to stop drinking, but he doesn't see a problem, then it's not going to work anon. Relationships take two people to work and it seems like this is mostly you pushing forward with your goals while he is along for the ride.
He's a human being and has motivations the same way you do, and you need to find out if those motivations and reasons are going to be a dealbreaker.
No. 316060
>>316017there are so many red flags in this post, so many that it's scary. I really hope you wise up and leave him because things are only going to get worse when you move.
source: dated an alcoholic manchild and didn't listen when people told me not to move in with him, all my savings gone.
No. 316184
>>316016your boyfriend would be perfect for that autist in red flags thread who thinks being in contact w your partner more than twice a week is a red flag kek
but seriously, talk this out with him, it is perfectly normal to want to hang out with your bf more frequently than people normally see their coworkers kek, you are not being clingy, rather he sounds cold and distant. also is there a specific reason why it is only him who decides when you hang out? are there any ways you could make other friends?
No. 316208
I tried bumble thinking oh, how nice, what a cool idea that guys can't just randomly start a chain of sexually harassing messages with me. Sure, there's still gonna be fuckboys, but it can't just be a fucking sea of them far as the distance settings you set will go, can it?
Oh. It can. Every single fucking message i sent that was 100% neutral, like just "hi," was 3 messages in met with implicit or explicit invitations to hook up. And not even fucking classy ones!
"Hurr will you sit on my face" (after i sent a message basically welcoming him to our state and saying he should stay because its pretty great here because his profile invited people to say why he should)
"I'm looking for someone to please me" (after i said hi, gave him a polite compliment, and asked him what he was looking for in a date, then escalated to him throwing a little shit fit when i said i was looking for a relationship)
"I'm looking for a relationship. Not necessarily serious but I'm not looking for hookups" "oh. Well hit me up when you feel like having fun" (implying I'm a frigid unfun bitch for not consenting to immediately jumping on his dick)
I could go on.
I give up and will invest a decent amount of money into mechanical companionship.
No. 316301
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I've been working for a month now in an internship and I don't understand my coworkers who are also interns who stay at work a little more than planned. Why the fuck would you stay at work for 7h and a half instead of 7 hours a day like described on your contract when you're paid less than half of the legal minimum wage? Especially when most workers are paid a lot more than the minimum wage and get bonuses all the time? Fuck that shit, I'm doing the bare minimum and saving my time and energy for other, more important things.
No. 316311
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>>313680This anon again.
The AC ended up not getting fixed till this morning instead of Monday like they said…Anyways I'm just glad it's over with.
No. 316315
>>316296Pretty rural area with most immediate local options being the opposite of what I'm into. I probably would do this in another context, as is, it does at least offer a quick guide as to whether the local or close enough guy has enough in common to be worth a shot.
I'm not against dating people outside "my type" per se, but an ultra conservative hardcore evangelical Christian kinda dude whose only interests are sportsb guns, and the outdoors and i will simply not get along.
No. 316360
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>>316311Happy 4 u, nigga. Stay cool……..
No. 316401
>>316213I feel your pain anon. I'm in a similar situation and don't trust them, they are never interested in me or I got cut off, ignored or talked over whenever I said anything that wasn't of their interest. Some of them are extremely dumb and immature, gossipers and generally shallow so I lowered contact.
What about having a talk with them about how you feel? But if you think they won't listen to you perhaps it's time to find new friends, slowly drifting away from them or lowering contact. Also, it could be that your personalities are too different and these friends aren't necessarily bad ones but not suited for you.
No. 316403
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I wish my mom and stepdad would break up, they argue so much and he's never going to change, I keep telling her this. She's the one who pays all the bills anyway, I don't get why she stays with him if he's not going to even listen to how she feels. I just walked into the kitchen where they were at and all of a sudden they started yelling at each other. I was sort of surprised and stood there watching (I wasn't thinking) and my stepdad looks over at me and yells at me to go to my room and starts ranting about privacy or whatever. I'm 18 but when stuff like this happens I feel like a helpless little girl. I wish I could do more to help my mom.
No. 316430
>>316403I'm so sorry to hear this, anon!! I went through a similar situation. My parents divorced when i was 6 and my mom basically got remarried when i was a teenager.
Unfortunately, your mom wont listen to you and probably never will. I had to leave home asap. It makes me said cuz moms should always put their kids first and i hear awful stories about stepdads being abusive or worse.
I hope she'll leave him soon, but i wouldnt hold my breath
No. 316452
>>316401We are all going to different universities so there's no danger of us not drifting apart lmao. I don't know if I can't trust myself to make friends at uni but I absolutely need to try.
Fact is it's enjoyable to spend time with these people but it's impossible to talk about more serious things. Everytime I tried tp be consoled I ended up feeling somehow worse
No. 316474
>>316437The fuck? Of course having your child's dad walk out on you and leave you in financial/social despair is fucking traumatizing.
>>316440This. jfc the robots here are retarded
No. 316480
>>316430Thanks anon, They've been together for 10 years but I didn't start living with them until 7th grade bc my mom was addicted to drugs, obviously she relapsed while I was living with them. I moved back into my grandparents about 3 years later and finished high school living there. But my grandfather and grandmother eventually started abusing alcohol (my grandfather was sober for years idk what caused them to start drinking again) so bad that it was holding me back so now I'm living with my mom again. She moved away when we left and got sober so I'm really proud of her of course.
She's got a good paying job and is supporting us. (My step dad is on disability but only pays the phone bill) he doesn't do anything around that house, like at all. The only thing he does is drive her to work. And my mom only gets one day off a week so I try and do as much as I can for her, like asking her what needs to be cleaned so she doesn't have to worry about it. My stepdad can just be very mean spirited and gets offended very easily, meaning we can't have a normal conversation without him yelling at us and getting pissed. He's 6'5 (not exaggerating) and probably over 300lbs so he scares me very badly. He's never gotten physical with me but he throws things and kicks things. I don't know if he's ever hit my mom for sure but I have suspicions.
I just feel like I'm walking on eggshells lately waiting for the next fight to happen. He won't ever see my mom's point of view so I think they're just doomed to always disagree. I just want better for my mom, she works so hard to provide for me and to see her like this breaks my heart and there's only so much I can do. In the morning they'll just pretend the fight didn't happen, he won't change and she'll get tired of dealing with it again and the cycle will repeat. (This is super long so sorry about that, I just needed to put down my thoughts)
No. 316542
>>316541oh anon please stop!! this isn't helping you and you know it. binging happens with extreme restriction and this cycle is only fucking up your body more. it's gonna grab onto anything it can if you keep doing this.
but i'm really sorry this is happening to you right now. it's fucking miserable to be where you are. please eat moderately and forget about your size and weight for a little bit while your body gets back to grips with your hunger and natural eating habits. then maybe you can do something about it in the future.
peppermint tea might help your digestion a little bit if you have any around. rest up anon :(
No. 316561
>>316541Actually I thought it was encouraged to sporadically have higher calorie days to reset your metabolism, but like most things related to diet and weight, the science is inconclusive. Everyone’s body is different and reacts differently to calorie restriction.
You say you aren’t an ana-chan but this is ana mentality. Food is one of the few joys life has to offer, and depriving yourself of good times makes like bleak. You fed yourself fish and chips while having a fun time with family. You deserved that food and the good memories you made while eating it.
No. 316569
>>316541Anon, I used to be a literal anachan and let me tell you, it's not what you want. Yeah, it might make you thin, but it'll also make you hairy (google lanugo), spotty, and greasy.
You will do better if you don't hold yourself back from eating things you enjoy, but enjoy them in moderation. Have fish and chips, but have a smaller portion. Exercise for half an hour each day. Have something healthy for breakfast, like some fruit. Cut out soda and have water instead. That's the way to sustainable weight loss without turning yourself into a cross between a yeti and a skelly.
No. 316581
>>316550From another anon I think this is pretty solid and simple advice.
My other tips are try to eat a lot of protein (like 2 eggs for breakfast) because it will fill you up. If you have soda, you don't have to cut it out ASAP. You can wean off on diet soda. And it's fine to have a cheat day a week with your family.
Also be sure to take things slowly and sustainably.
I'm a little sad that people can't seem to understand that you can be thin and not have to hate food. Food and eating out are some of the biggest joys in my life. I just have to do it responsibly.
No. 316595
>>316591I didn't even know they were rebooting it and holy shit this sentence alone made me cringe:
>But watching Netflix's reboot, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, you realise that the much-loved teen sitcom has been replaced with something a lot darker and scarier.They're literally taking the fucking riverdale route lmao, it's getting so goddamn old.
>That's not the only difference - the modern Sabrina is as Kelly-Leigh puts it, "woke". She's a feminist icon for a new generation of teens and is not afraid to question the archaic rules of the satanic cult she's a part of.Oh great, it's the Emma Watson Sabrina. This is also getting ridiculously old and an obvious virtue-signaling, cheap cash-in for the WOKE audience that's never going to watch the series past the first episode anyway.
And they removed Salem, literally the best thing about the original show. Fuck this reboot.
No. 316602
>>316592sure thing anon, some actual quotes from the show:
"you mean like a club to topple the white patriarchy?""he wouldn't let me start a daughters of the black panthers club last year"WICCA club: women's intersectional cultural and creative associationAnd other less cringey stuff but more regularly, and I have only seen the first episode so far so idk if it goes away. Definitely written by twitter feminists
No. 316630
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Ulllllg I'm so horrible and my life is a mess and I'm always paranoid everyone is judging me. I'm struggling so much to get over this and invest my mental energy into bettering myself. I'm also constantly worried something horrible will happen. I want to move away and have nothing to do with my home town and start over.
I have almost no filter when I talk about shit. I can't keep secrets, even my own. It doesn't even occur to me I'm sharing things about myself that are especially prone to judgement until after the fact then I obsessively worry about it.
I'm a NEET living off my husband. I'm going back to school in the spring and I'm so worried about fucking that up and wasting his money.
I'm fat. I only need to lose like 30 lbs, but I don't even have the discipline and willpower to do that and I dress eat junk food like crazy.
I don't do anything useful hardly at all and I'm not remotely interesting.
No. 316637
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I had a date with a cute guy yesterday. I had a really good time and thought we had a nice conversation, but when we said goodbye he just hugged me very quickly was like "Maybe see you again sometime. Keep in touch" which seemed like a huge blowoff :(. He hasn't texted me since (it's been exactly a day) and I don't think he will.
I've been single for 3 years now and this same thing keeps happening to me. At this point I'm pretty sure I myself am the reason why guys are never really interested in me. Also I am wondering why my judgement is always so off. I always think the date went great but then the guys don't seem to think that way at all.
I just want someone to be as excited about me as I am about them for once..
No. 316641
>>316630being an unmotivated NEET is self fulfilling because the brain wants what it's become accustomed to, especially if your life is objectively comfy. as a human designed to survive hardship, your brain is like "you're telling me we found the perfect shelter with all our basic needs met? why the FUCK would i get up and use up my energy for no reason? we're staying right here bitch"
you need to trick your brain into hard work again lol. like, when i have a job, i end up doing way more productive shit in my free time than when i was a NEET, even though i have less time. if you get used to having one consistent activity, it's much easier to add others as well.
No. 316643
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>>316637OH ANON, I had this exact problem recently and I'm still upset over it. It's like you're cute enough to score a date but something about your personality ruins it. But they act nice so you can never identify the issue! wtf men! I spent so long being ugly and having that be an issue, only to overcome it and realize my personality is apparently fucked.
I wish they'd just be honest, I'm tempted to ask the next one what's wrong with me lmao.
It's not exactly "good" to hear someone has the same issue, but it is comforting in a way to know I'm not the only one. I wish you luck in finding a bf who gets you.
No. 316647
>>316643I'm glad to know I'm not the only one having this problem!
I've thought about straight up asking them too, but I guess the chances that they will actually give an honest answer are close to zero..
I keep wondering if he thought I was ugly or obnoxious or whatever :(.
No. 316650
>>316643Eh I'm getting near my 30s and for both of your sakes I'm gonna say that i think from all my experience it kinda just boils down to meeting the wrong men and you simply weren't compatible or when it was obvious you aren't vulnerable enough to agree to putting out in a one sided arrangement they bailed.
Self improvement is great and definitely worth your time, but men being…Like that makes it kinda difficult to say whether you'd ever get an honest answer from asking. Whether because most people in general would rather avoid hurting peoples feelings like that or because they were hiding ill intentions anyway.
But whatever it is you just can't let yourself focus on it for your own mental health. Harder said than done and i still struggle. But you just have to keep in mind that well, if all that was true that they're not compatible or you both have different end goals then they just weren't for you and you're better off.
Have some indulgent date-less nights and fall in love with yourself again, corny as that sounds, and i guarantee you'll feel a lot better.
No. 316667
>>316633Because being financially dependent on someone is a shitty feeling for me. Especially when my husband only makes enough for us to get by and if I was working a decent job we would be very comfortable.
>>316641Yeah, I'm hoping going to college will help me reprogram my brain to work that way.
No. 316677
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I'm kinda in the same situation where I'm financially dependent on my bf who I've lived with for 3 years, and I feel like I'm not doing enough to better our situation because I'm stuck in a cycle of depression and smoking pot every day just so I don't break down over how dull life seems since to me it just boils down to constantly paying bills and being miserable over how expensive it is just to fucking survive.
We both moved to another country recently, thanks to a connection I had, and things aren't working out as great here as I thought (the country we left still sucks ass though and I wouldn't go back). He has a good degree and great experience working in a serious company which he left to move here, and now I'm regretting it because he can't find work here yet and neither can I and we keep living off his savings.
I wasn't as lucky and didn't manage to get any impressive education or work experience and I'm 25 so I'm limited to bullshit retail jobs, and even there I get rejected. The economy is fucking bullshit and I'm sick of thinking of how much we have left to pay rent and bills for until the scary probability of moving back just because he could probably go back to working at the same company. And even if that happens, it basically means he wasted all his savings to dick around doing nothing in an expensive rental apartment in another country while supporting a hopeless mental piece of shit aka me.
I just feel trapped cause it's too late and not financially possible for me to get any better credentials to then find better work, but even if I did it's discouraging as fuck when even someone with a much more impressive CV than mine keeps getting rejected anyway. Not to mention my mental health got to the point where nothing in life seems worthwhile and I have no career ambition in the first place.
pic related i guess
No. 316700
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The fact that this happened in an area SO close to where my family lives is so fucking terrifying, and just confirms to me that white supremacists are a serious danger, no matter what anyone else tells me. That could have been my family target and it angers me.
No. 316706
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>tfw I think I got love bombed
I met this attractive guy a couple of weeks ago. We hit off real nice, the sex was great, and he seemed real eager to want to hang out/send me pics/talk about future plans/fb call me a lot. He even dropped the 'love you' a few times, and I was honestly so giddy that I couldn't help but fall into habit of saying it back.
I never expected anything too too serious from this, and while he's attractive I don't think we have a super lot in common. But I resolved to just enjoy the attention and not get attached right away.
Something changed within the past week where now he doesn't do any of that at all. I try to initiate but it's just not the same. Maybe it's coincidence of him having stress and working a lot. Yet the sex has been kinda bad because he'll lose boner about 20 minutes in and not come, just as a tmi example.
He seems distant now in general.
He hasn't really done or said anything mean like a typical bomber suspect, but there's a noticeable drop in communications and expression. It feels like the carpet got pulled from beneath me. While I'm not insanely hurt by it…I'm disappointed I guess. I didn't want the feeling to be over so soon.
Has my novelty as a new love interest just ran its course? Is it over already? It came and went like a matchstick.
No. 316720
>>316717Sorry but this is a waste of time for everyone involved. If he says nothing, he did not like anon enough. He might push himself to go out of pity or cause he's bored but there is a small chance he will change his mind and see anon as a dating option.
Speaking from experience here.
No. 316729
>>316706>a couple of weeks>mentioning love>already has trouble in bedYou got yourself a love-bomber with probable mental issues. That ia
not how to have a casual fwb. And that is not how to have a normal relationship either. It seems like a couple of weeks is all anyone can last at that level of intensity.
Wish guys wouldn't shoot themselves in the foot like this. If he just calmed down and took it easy you could have fun for longer.
No. 316730
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I was supposed to escape years of psychical and mental abuse to move to my ldr-boyfriend, yet now I realize that I don't and I am not going to have any currency for the tickets… All thanks to my parents who kept drinking out all the money that I got from work, and now all I need is to buy myself packages and pay for a fucking dentist, including many other medical stuff so I would actually get rid off everything. And no matter how hard and how many working hours I would get, I wouldn't be able to pay for the tickets because they are too damn expensive. I don't know what to do, I am completely lost. He doesn't have money for my ticket because he bought new apt. I mean—he does has currency from the time when he visited my country, but that might be a problem because they are not exchangable to EU in his country, plus idk if he'll be able to throw em on my credcard. But the main problem is that i am too afraid to tell that I fucked up and it all got ruined by 0 help from people around me, because all i think about that it's only my own fault and i dont want him to force himself to spend money on me once again. I am so scared and lost. So sorry for this messy message, but i am too full of emotions and idk what to do.
No. 316781
>>316779Not a weird panromantic asexual whatever the fuck but i have some insight here.
I'm a dreaded bi that has tended toward men and lately I've been noticing, if i go into dating apps for example, and find a potential bi woman, i just…immediately write it off. Its never an attraction thing, I'm attracted to so many women, i love women, and I've definitely loved loved loved the rare times I've dated another woman or had sex with one. I finally got around to figuring out that its that heteronormativity bullshit.
Basically, I'm getting all hung up with internalized homophobia and my self esteem issues, and if it's not the scary trying to be more out about being bi and actually seriously dating women and then dreading the judgement + issues, its being utterly convinced by years of misogynistic subculture osmosis and formativev experiences of being forcibly outed and bullied by straight women for being bi in high school that they won't like me anyway or will horribly reject me. Lots of straight girls playing a really horrible game with me in the past where they would confront me on the subject of whether i was attracted to them. As you can guess, either answer was a losing situation, and it was a shit show. Running to an internet culture that had room for some queerness helped to cope for sure but also created that osmosis of misogynistic bullshit.
So its like, dang, as an older adult women now i feel is the time to really try dating other women. But THE STRUGGLE.
Also don't want to be that gross bi by adding this, but i do truly like dick too much. I consider it a real problem lmao. Sigh.
So i mean. If it wasn't tumblr weirdness it could just be all that too. Being bi is weird and complicated.
No. 316809
>>316781Oh I get where you're coming from and your story is almost identical to mine, the internalized homophobia&misogyny and even impostor syndrome ("not gay enough") is real in a lot of bisexuals and a lot of us restrict ourselves to straight relationships only because of the social stigma and judging affiliated with being gay, even in 2018. I've had both straight girls and lesbians give me shit for being bi. Even this board has some militant lesbians screeching about how bisexuals are basically predators and fetishists and whatnot and then again straight people claiming that bis are all faking it for attention.
But that's pretty much credited to the straight girls who "have" to be non-straight in certain communities to be accepted or simply because they legitimately think they're gay for having platonic girl crushes. It's a bunch of bullshit and it benefits nobody, you can be a straight ally just fine without having to describe yourself without this retarded "panromantic asexual demigirl" word salad because you thought a victoria's angel lingerie model was hot.
No. 316820
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it's Saturday night and I want a drink so fucking bad I'm afraid I'm gonna do it, I can't stop thinking about it but I'm trying to stop, its only been a week.
No. 316862
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I'm in a relationship with a man, but I don't feel sexual attraction to him anymore.
I've been with him for 3 years, and at the start of our relationship, I was 15 and he was 22 and I was hypersexual due to years of grooming. We did a lot of things we shouldn't have for a while but for the last year I just lost all sexual attraction to him.
I like girls. I don't feel attracted to men at all anymore. Like, not at all. Dicks are gross. Men as people are gross. He's been abusive to me multiple times and threatened me and done awful things to me. Yet other times, he's wonderful and caring and the best person to me that I could've ever asked for.. he's just not a female.
He constantly tries to do sexual things with me and makes sexual remarks and I tell him to stop, and he gets bitchy when I tell him I'm serious and uncomfortable. I think it hurts his feelings and I hate that.
I care about him like a close friend. He's been shit to me sometimes, but I still care about him. And I still love him, just not sexually. I'm not happy. He keeps me just because he buys me things.. if he didn't do that I'd be far away from him. I don't have a job right now so he's my only financial support.
I feel so trapped. I just want a cute girlfriend. I don't want to be with him but I don't want to hurt his feelings.
Just kill me now. I really don't know what to do.
No. 316872
>>316862girl i am so sorry. the man is predatory trash and you know it.
you are extremely young, are you living with your parents or with him? if with your parents, drop his ass and look for a job. If you are not living with parents, can you go back to them or live with a friend or non-abusive family member? Any women's shelters near you?
You have to drop him, but also stay safe
No. 316880
>>316872I know he is.. borderline pedophile since he knew how young I was. And he's obsessed with calling me child-like and small and things like that. It really creeps me out and I did ask him to stop and he did, but I can't brush the thought of his pedophilic tendencies. I actually told him that so many people told me that I should avoid him because of how he treats me like a child, and he was basically like "well who cares what other people think??"
I live with my parents thankfully, not him, he tried to move me in with him but I told him I just wasn't ready for that.
I really, really want a job but I don't have time for one and no where will hire me. I'm a full-time student so I only have so many free hours and the hours I have are practically worthless when I can only work 3 hours a day or less. I also can't even drive to a job. I do art commissions on the side but that's not sustainable at all and isn't something I can rely on.
I might see if anywhere would be willing to hire me, but I have no experience and little time, so it just doesn't seem possible. I feel like until I get a job I'm trapped with him for finances. Unless I want to give up all my sources of happiness (clothes, vintage stuff, and merch) just to get away from him.. I sound like a gold-digger but I enjoy collecting things, and without money, I can't buy anything for myself. That's the #1 reason I'm with his nasty ass.. and also that I'm delusional enough to care about his feelings.
No. 316887
>>316882I'm attending a private highschool and I'm graduating in June. Our school is so small there are no job openings besides cleaning (which already has multiple people). The pay is awful for cleaning, like, less than 5$ an hour shitty pay because it's not an "official" job, just helping out. And working say, 2 hours a week is less than 10$ a week so.. really not much to even be worth it. It's something, sure, but I don't even think they're accepting anyone new to clean right now.
I guess if I applied at enough places they'd accept me, but I just don't really have time between classes and studying and homework. Doubt anywhere wants to hire someone for so little hours.
No. 317018
>>316880>I live with my parents thankfully, not him, he tried to move me in with him but I told him I just wasn't ready for that. Wtf? You are literally not financially dependent on him at all. I'm utterly confused as to how you came to that conclusion. Wanting luxuries like
>clothes, vintage stuff, and merchis NOT financial dependence, it's being a spoiled child. DUMP HIM. You have absolutely no excuse, you are a teenager and you do not need that shit, you should be working at fucking McDonalds if you're still in highschool.
I seriously can't believe what I'm reading. I felt really sorry for you because he sounds awful and I'm disgusted by pedos, but you really need to get some perspective and grow up.
No. 317049
>>317043A noticeable gap in your resume is like 5 years of doing absolutely nothing. I've had friends get a job after 6-12 months of looking for one. I take part in the recruiting process at my job at times and I barely even look at the job dates of the applicant, I'm more interested in what they did when working.
However don't get too accustomed to NEETdom, it's a lot harder to adjust back to working life if you don't keep yourself busy. But don't stress too much, if you gotta make the best of the situation just enjoy the free time you'll have to improve your skills and concentrate on hobbies while looking for work etc.
No. 317106
>>317101I'm kind of sick of the expectation that people's insecurity about their looks deserves a tonne of coddling. If you're fucking 103lbs at 5'6, you know damn well you are thin af and nobody thinks you're big and manly. Anon has an ED, she needs to find proper ED support, but in general people want to be the skinniest, prettiest, most perfect girl and throw themselves a pity party when they aren't. Being mediocre is okay for
other girls but not them, they have to be the best just to be good enough. We all get sad about not being a 10/10 instagram model sometimes but dwelling on it is not genuine insecurity, it's vanity and greed.
No. 317110
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>>317073You're not alone, anon. I know that feeling well. I'm not really considered "dark-skinned" by black standards (just by every other race's, lmao), but I think any black girl who's not super light-skinned is subject to that sort of thing. I've never been mistaken for a man once in my life, but I have body dysmorphic disorder, and all the racist memes and insults eventually get to you and make you paranoid, you know? It hasn't been easy, but I'm slowly learning you don't actually have to look like a small loli to be feminine. It's one way, but you don't spontaneously become a man without it. It definitely helps to surround yourself with images of pretty/cute/beautiful black women (not just the hyper-sexualized ones we see all over the media. The "tan/dark skinned beauty" thread in /g/ is a good start IMO), be around people who do see you as cute and feminine (like my boyfriend), and dress in ways you find cute/feminine.
I actually think black women are more naturally womanly, with pear-shaped/hourglass figures (I've noticed from looking at black thinspo that whether thin, "thicc" or even fat, black women are almost always shapely in some respect. It's all bone structure), a slower aging process (and nice skin in general), and naturally lush lips. Women from other walks of life funnel insane amounts of money into artificially getting all these features we are born with, but we're supposed to be "manly"? Okay. I remember one study that claimed we have more estrogen and testosterone on average, and racists would deliberately omit the part about estrogen so they could go "See!! Most testosterone! Black women are basically men!" just to boost their point. It's dumb.
It's also important to remember none of the "Black women are manly" shit is true. There is no scientific basis, it's just racism and dehumanization used to justify treating us like we deserve harsher, more callous treatment than women of other races. It goes hand in hand with the "angry/sassy black woman" and "independent black woman who don't need no man" stereotypes. Somehow, though, """manly""" black women were historically made to be nannies who took care of white women's children, to the point of breastfeeding them, and the "motherly, soulful black woman who can cook" stereotype is also still a thing. It's just not sensible, so don't lend it any more of your energy.
I guess all I'm really saying is: It's not just you going through this. It sucks, but don't fall for the bullshit.
Especially don't lend the words of any
triggered racist-chans and trolls who might attack you any serious consideration.
No. 317112
>>317101>>317104>>317106>>317109Yelling at people who have eating disorders and dismissing their issues as "whiny" and "conceited" does not help cure them.
This is the vent thread. If you're sick of seeing vents, hide it.
No. 317122
>>317116I don't want to come off asv fetishy but.. I'm a white chick b admittedly kind of a weird white chick I'll give you that, but I've never understood this racist as fuck perception and have generally thought black people look all right. Even seen a lot of black women, heavy, small, tall, short, that i thought had things going for them that were quite attractive.
I know society is racist af and maybe it doesn't help a whole lot…but I'm pretty sure there's more that feel the same. I am willing to bet you're actually all right irl,me and a lot of others would not have that racist perception of you in a physical sense. Can't speak for otherwise…i personally am aware i live and grew up in a shitty racist society and have to actively try to be better and probably fail a lot.
But all that makes me really hope you get better? A malnourished, unhealthy you will be very sad for sure.
I'm a woman with a more uh… "Wide" body, and that's not even the fat, to put it generously. I definitely feel with you, the whole "ugh so mannish" dysmorphia. But something clicked tbh and i don't know what, but I've gotten very into wanting to own being strong and declaring my own femininity even though its kinda butch? Idk if that makes any sense, but I'm getting into weight training, getting fitspo about getting kinda buff…and idk, when I'm thinking about doing it for me, and owning it just to own my own "natural" ways, it really helps and gives me a goal that is not "lol become ana-chan" however is more centered on owning my natural prediliction for strength and more "mannish" traits and refusing to let the thought that i am not allowed therefore to be feminine and sexy in my own way keep persisting.
Idk if that's for you but it's just some thoughts.
No. 317127
>>317116>Other races of girls don't really have to be smol or that pretty to be considered attractive but I feel like I have to be a 10/10 model just so people can see me as average/human looking.This cuts deep, I feel the same way and I see it everywhere. The only real solution I've found is to divest from such people. Soak up the compliments if randoms tell you you're "pretty [for a black girl]", but keep them at arm's length and make sure they have to work to get close to you.
Learn to love solitude, and only try to keep around those who are either already very close to you, or understand what you're feeling. In the latter case, I personally figured out that spending more time around other black girls and women online is crucial. I'm a 4channer and a farmer through and through, but it gets alienating at times. I don't like or agree with all the things I read there, but LSA is about the only forum I've found where being a black girl doesn't make you an "other", or some sort of easy target for shitty jokes and poor treatment. The less you're surrounded by people who think your race or height make you inherently less feminine, the better.
No. 317128
>>317112People come here to vent, not be shot down for being whiny or whatever. Those replies were thoughtless and unnecessary.
No. 317131
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This isn't a true vent so much as exasperation. It baffles me how anons on /r9k/ don't realize how shopped/angled pictures such as these are. Men are truly retarded.
No. 317148
>>317142f u c k h i m
No. 317169
>>317164I think that's extremely inappropriate of your friend anon, especially if she went into detail. So she sees you again after however long and just
has to tell you about how she used to fuck your now bf? I'd say stop contacting her, return to her being out of your life. You bf is with you now so the past is entirely irrelevant, but why keep contact with someone that makes you feel so uncomfortable?
No. 317170
>>317169They used to be a good friend to me and the fact that they fucked wasn't even why we stopped talking, I moved overseas and we lost contact. She never used to even talk about them fucking in the past, I found out from my bf. I don't know why she brought it up 2 hours into our conversation COMPLETRLY out of the blue but I stopped replying. And will be definitely blocking (not sure if I should tell them why I'm doing it or just cut them off completely). But the damage is done.
I'll get over it again eventually but right now I feel like throwing up, my bf is upset and wanting to cuddle but I feel so repulsed atm. It makes me want to be vindictive. I hate myself.
No. 317228
>>317121Yeah, it's hard to feel sorry for somebody who's complaining about being "big and manly" at a completely average height.
Put yourself in the shoes of women who are 6ft. How are they supposed to feel when they read shit like that? No longer just "manly", already a freak of nature??
No. 317232
>>317229>im a racistI'm not, but go ahead and fling your tired, abused buzzword.
>who believes in white genocideWhat's wrong with believing that the actions of upper class Jews constitute an effort to reduce and control the anglo-saxon population? I'm punching up.
>but it’s okay black anon, you aren’t ugly :-) Well, when you've come to believe someone else's asspained bullshit, who better to hear it from?
No. 317248
>>317232>>317237Not even involved in this conversation, but seek help. Seriously.
inb4 "therapy is a ploy by the jews"
No. 317254
>>317248>inb4 "therapy is a ploy by the jewsWell, have you looked at all the names of those therapists? lol
Seriously though, if it's so crazy, go ahead and tell me why it's 'white privilege' when the average white income is higher than the average black income but if anyone points out the fact that the average jewish income ins the highest in the country, it's 'anti-semitism'.
Jews make up 1.73% of the US population, but 35% of the Forbes 400 richest Americans.
If 'white privilege' is a problem, then a problem orders of magnitude larger is Jewish privilege.
As soon as you look at the numbers, it is undeniable, the media is silent on it, academia is silent on it, and if you say anything about it publicly, you will be made an outcast.
No. 317255
>>317254No one even mentioned "white privilege" ITT except you. This is how deep your mental illness runs.
No. 317258
>>317255Nice dodge.
Why bother addressing the fact that what you call racism is called academic thought when applied to anglo-saxons when you can just spew ad-hominem?
No. 317283
>>317232I think it's insulting that the average person cries about white genocide when they have had a long lasting history of actually doing it to
>Native Americans>countless South American Tribes>Tribes in across Africa>Aboriginals in AustraliaAnd they assume that ONLY white farmers in africa are being killed when it's ALL farmers, but they want to play up the racist Idea that farmers are only white because black people are too stupid to farm when it's obviously not the case. It's just that more white people own farmland due to generational wealth. Did you forget apartheid ended in 1994? Those racists aren't gone!
No. 317288
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My vent: my short (former) friends "comparing" their bodies to mine has made me feel insecure as hell, especially when I was younger.
>wow, look anon how small my hands/feet are next to yours!
>my legs are so tiny, why do I have such bony knees?
>god, I wish I also had big hips like you
>60 kg is quite fat for girls, isn't it?
>who the hell wears a size medium, that looks so huge…
Fuck you, humblebragging bitches. Most of them had bmis higher than mine, but somehow didn't get that me being over a head taller also means I can weigh a lot more. If we sit next to each other and my thigh looks fatter, maybe you should also note that it's a good portion longer than yours as well?
I even knew one girl who loved to "complain" about how "sm0l" and young looking she was, she even started to change the way she sneezed to make it sound higher and cuter… And of course everybody else who didn't know her that well fell for it.
The worst was my former best friend (who already knew how much I starved myself and encouraged it) saying I had "birthing hips". I wish that if I were to meet her again one day, I'll be brave enought to tell her off.
Just take memes like pic related for example. Most short girls know exactly (or at least hope) that they're considered "cute" yet love to half-heartedly act as if they hate it.
>huh, do I really look cute when I'm mad? You're so mean! ("pouts")
Ironically nearly all of my friends nowadays are short as well (just a lot better than the old ones), but I'd really like to have one tall one. I hope that the whole situaion gets better once I reach an age there simply no women no longer looks cute.
No. 317301
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I really dislike my new job but I feel like such a dumbass for complaining because I quit my job of a few years to take this one. Luckily I only have to deal with it for another five or six months before I leave for school, but damn, even though my old job sucked ass and treated me so unfairly, I still have a nagging feeling in the back of my head thinking that I did the wrong thing by quitting. Thank God this is all temporary.
No. 317303
>>317283>I think it's insulting that the average person cries about white genocide when they have had a long lasting history of actually doing itThat's not a denial that it isn't happening though, is it?
Your argument is basically 'lol you guys did it so suck it up!', which strikes me as a tacit agreement.
As for whites in Africa, imo they should all leave and return to Europe.
No. 317326
>>317307My father once got pissed because I didn't acknowledge how "skinny" my grandmother was for wearing a size 6 at a height of maybe 5ft
>uhm, you think you'd fit into her dress?! No? And you know exactly why.
In my experience short guys are just as mean to tall girls (just in a different way) and therefore I can't really bring myself to feel sorry for them. So many people told me that I should also go for guys shorter than me, since we're in the same boat, only wanting a bf taller than you is shallow blah blah; as if they would like that.
The bf of a friend of mine once said that it's weird that some girls wear size […] shoes in front of me, yet he wore even bigger ones even though he's a lot shorter than me. Okay…?
No. 317331
>>317288I think the things your "friend" said to you are fucked up and 100% her insecurity. If it helps, imo this ~cute stuff originates from men and a lot of short girls just try to own it because they can't stop it, same way lots of bottom heavy girls go for #thicc, and tall ones might work long legs.
Obv it's fine for everyone to work what they've got on a night out or a date, the issue is when you get a girl who tries to squash a real, 3 dimensional identity so she can present herself whichever way men find her most acceptable 100% of the time.
Imo the result is inevitably competitive obsession with other women's bodies. Also as a weird undercurrent of sexual competition in random non sexual situations because they've tried to replace their whole, entire personality with a something designed to attract guys.
No. 317337
>>3173296'2" here. It doesn't work that way and you have NO idea what you'd be inviting. There'd be boners all around you.
Submissive guys with tall girl domination fetishes will come out of the woodwork if you talk like that. Half of what you just typed could literally be verbatim quote from amazon domme porn.
You can't go around saying that shit.
No. 317429
>>317228Anon vents about their personal feelings in a venting thread, other anons dogpile to say how selfish anorexia is because taller, larger girls might also feel bad.
You guys are expecting rationality from anorexia and it’s hilarious. Getting angry at someone’s admittedly irrational emotions. You’re like the people who say ‘well think of the starving African children’ when someone says there’s no food in their house.
No. 317430
>>317425Thank you very much anon. I can't go to an asylum because of my pets that are my children, I also can't leave the country but was comsidering going with them to a near one has been a while.
The squid did some bad things but took away a lot of people from extreme poverty, now I'm really fearful for our future because the minions are even more violent and literally insane than their god.
Tbh I already expected my parents to vote in him because they've always been fucking toxic, narcissistic and neglectful trash. Many people are pissed and something might
very probably happen, let's see….
No. 317446
>>317445Who cares?
Is your day worse because anon weighs what they do? Are you personally suffering now because of their bmi?
Did their stats cause you to break out in bulimia?
Peoples stats are meaningless.
No. 317458
>>317454If anyone with an ED is in a place where they are so vulnerable and sensitive to
triggers that seeing that someone in the world weighs however many pounds then they shouldn’t be online unmonitored.
I’m saying this as a former anachan. If you’re so unwell you can’t not get
triggered by other people existing then you are too unwell too browse the Internet by yourself.
Either quarantine yourself, or accept that some strangers ED is not actually what is causing your own and deal with your shit instead of blaming other people for existing and having feelings.
No. 317471
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>>317288WHOA, I can relate so hard anon.
This reminded me of my own best friend back in Jr. High, she had daddy issues and would seek attention all the time.
She's the primary reason I had low self esteem during that time, she was shorter than me, stick thin, had a high voice, and really played it up with an added shy persona - Being into anime did not help this autism let me tell you.
>look at this belly! it's so tiny!>I'm so short and lightweight, I bet none of you guys can pick me up/lift me!>Would fake an even higher voice and act "hyper" after she ate candy>Wow anon your boobs are huge, mine are so small and perky!! :3>oh anon your ass isn't big it's just fat - Yeah I was chubby, but I did have an actual big butt>would pick on me about my eating in front of others - "OH WOW ANON IS THAT ALLLLL YOU'RE EATING?? ARE YOU REALLY GOING TO GET FULL WITH JUST THAT??" >"It's not over until the fat lady sings, anon sing". This one was the most painful memory, since she said it in front of her bf and all his friendsOn top of all this she would talk shit about me to her bfs or ditch me to be with them, it's really incredible how I was still friends with her after that fiasco, but typing all this out I now realize what a fucking doormat I was/am.
It's fucked up looking back at pics of myself because I was only slightly chubby in the face and thighs, but at the time I thought I was an ugly fucking whale.
Feels bad. I became so self conscious about my body, obsessed with weight, and to this day I can't eat in front of her or anyone really. As of recently I've finally gotten my weight under control, and I'm losing all the weight I've gained from emotional eating these last 2 years and have accepted myself more. I only tried calling her out once, but she ended up making a half ass apology and making herself the victim; "What! I didn't know I did that?? I'm sorry such a horrible person, I don't feel ok :(". then logged off. It was really bizarre … and I'm still struggling to cut her off. The only bright side I guess is that she's gained a lot of weight and is still gaining.
No. 317473
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>>317466like…anywhere? I'm in my late 20s and my boyfriend doesn't give a shit about anything I say. in fact I've never dated a guy who was a fussy little cunt, and I met almost all of them online. Why would you be with someone you can't be yourself with or can't stand being around for more than 2 hours? Does that sound like marriage material to you? If you stay with him because you're under the misguided motion and easygoing, laid back men don't exist you're hopeless.
No. 317479
>>317466Your bf doesn't sound "bland" and boring, he sounds like an insecure and controlling jerk.
There's a difference between someone introverted and home-oriented and someone who wants to control everything their partner does so they're as quiet as possible.
No. 317481
>>317469i think he'll just be relieved if i do this and would not miss me. i truly think if i passed away, he wouldn't even try to reach out beyond not getting any response, like, i don't even think he would try for a second to get in contact with my family to see if i'm ok. like, no concern toward whether or not i'm actually alive. but then he'll be affectionate and loving and tell me all of these wonderful things. it feels like he tries really hard to talk himself out of caring about me or being with me.
i'm scared of walking away and losing him because beyond all of this, we are very similar to each other and understand each others fears and anxieties. i know i shouldn't care if he doesn't care about me, but i care so much about him and i can't just shut it off the way he does. he used to be incredibly loving before i hurt him (our relationship was his first), and he said recently that my behavior from the past has changed him permanently (that is, he can't trust me and is scared i'll betray him [i've never cheated or anything like that, so imo, it's kind of dumb]).
No. 317483
>>317481Why are you so willing to justify staying miserable and in a relationship that is unsatisfying and detrimental to both of you?
You both sound unhappy, and it sounds like there’s no progress happening. This relationship sounds dead, despite you two rattling around in it’s carcass.
Let yourselves be happy.
No. 317490
>>317483>>317484well, we aren't in a relationship anymore. he broke up with me because he doesn't think he will stop being scared. he'll reach out to me and hang out with me (we aren't having sex as we're broken up, but i know he isn't seeing or talking to anyone else) and he will want to make amends/signal that, but then he'll freak himself out a few days later.
i guess i should just ignore him. he takes like, anything as a cue that i'm going to be distant or talk to my ex guy friends again because he's being affectionate. like, if i'm sad and depressed, he'll interpret that as me not wanting to be around him, or he'll think of something that makes him jealous and then he'll push me away again.
the crux of all our problems is that i would continue to talk to my guy friends behind his back (platonically), because i didn't want to be emotionally reliant on him when we first got together, and now he keeps assuming i'm going to always go behind his back to talk to my former male friends (some i had kind of romantic history with, but not really, because i never liked them like that, really). i get it if i cheated, but i really feel like this is a dumb hangup. i have nothing to break up with though anyways. i guess i'll just try my best to ignore him when he rarely contacts me with 'i love yous' and all that
No. 317494
>>317490So this terrible thing you did, was talk to your friends who are male?
Jesus how did he get you so browbeaten? Anon please forget this guy and I hope you find your self respect again. He sounds like a possessive, jealous, emotionally abusive creep.
No. 317507
>>317493that's a totally fair assumption to make about almost all men, but i think he'll get into another relationship for a while, if ever. he's happy alone. he has turned down multiple women to remain a virgin before we got together. he's not that social/sexually or romantically inclined and is very into being alone like those lego autists and shit.
>>317494well, tbf, the worst is that i once tried to make him jealous by hanging out with a male friend that i once slept with (3 years before) as a self-harm proxy, when i perceived (tbh accurately) that he didn't give a shit about me and i tried to rub it in his face that i slept with him years ago (this was the worst offense but was a dumb retaliation to feeling unloved when i was doing really unwell and was suicidal), and yes, i would talk to my guy friends when he was at work after promising i wouldn't talk to them for like, 4 months, many years ago, at the start of our relationship.
he told me recently that the straw that broke the camels back was the time when i felt he was avoiding me and that i had no future with him, so i told my one guy friend that maybe he could rent a room from me (platonically) so he could avoid being evicted because he's bipolar and his financial situation wasn't that stable, and him renting from me would help to pay off my mortgage faster. i think he keeps choosing to interpret this as "living with him" and that i would be willing to live with any guy, possibly in a romantic context.
the issue is that i was impulsive when i felt unloved and uncared for and went behind his back to talk to my friends who were interested in me when i felt hated by him. i think he feels that i'll try to hurt him by sleeping with them or something if i feel hated by him. i guess i am browbeaten. i dont mind jealousy or possessiveness, because i can be the same way, but what i do mind is the fact that he has no sympathy or understanding for WHY i did those things and that it's avoidable and that i'm not impulsive anymore. he says he doesn't blame me, but he just can't get over it. he has read and listened in on my conversations with my guy friends and i didn't speak to them in a romantic way ever and i really have no interest in them, but i guess that i would sometimes try to make him jealous because i felt hated or unloved was just too much.
No. 317513
>>317474Yeah, it was rough. But I’m glad I’m not the only one who catches onto this kind of weird behavior. The final nail in the coffin is me chewing her out properly and cutting her out of my life completely.
>>317482True facts.
Alot of the reason I was too scared of saying something back, other than risk being socially isolated was that our mutual friends would take her side, and defend the shit out of her because she’s a smol shy bean that needs protecting and wouldn’t hurt a fly uwu~
It’s really baffling how people fall for that kind of act.
No. 317535
>>317526It’s like anon has been trying to justify his emotional bullshit and put herself down as hard as she can.
Why do you put up with men like that when you could be single or with someone who isn’t a manipulative twat? Stop throwing around the ‘love’ excuse because this ain’t it.
No. 317559
>>317557Sadly not. Low income rural Australian town. Obesity second only to meth addiction.
The families start young, usually aren’t educated, you’re seen as mean if you don’t buy your kids maccas a few times a week and homecoming means putting frozen chicken nuggets into the deep fryer. It’s honestly part and parcel with the regular neglect. In twenty years the local hospital is gonna be reduced to ruins by junkies and the price of bariatric equipment for the patients.
No. 317650
>>317648Not that anon and yet you're just as fucking stupid. The same could be said for people who willingly choose to smoke, drink, and starve themselves.
Except that's a choice they're making for themselves.
It's absolutely not the same as being genocided. Don't say stupid ridiculous shit and maybe it won't get called out.
No. 317653
>>317630>>317647>>317651Same but my face gets sweaty the most… I cannot apply any cream or concealer cause it starts sweating like mad in 5 minutes. I dunno.what to do. I am laying off meds so maybe it will help.
I know I have to lose weight to but it's crazy how my face becomes because of a little bit of make up.
No. 317666
>>317662>complains about others not knowing history>"And claiming colonialism is directly responsible for poverty is ridiculous. People in africa were happily killing each other and rolling around in disease and poverty before they've seen even a single white person."lol was, and still is, one of the leading cancers of the continent. Everything would be better if former colonial powers would just pack up their shit and go entirely. No "charities", no foreign intervention, no aid, no military agreements, no shitty "trade deals", no colonial taxes, nothing. Just a clean separation.
I wish /pol/tards who reee about not wanting immigrants or multiculturalism in the world would also tell their cousins to follow the same advice by going home, and their governments to focus on themselves, lmao.
No. 317672
>Europe was doing great before WW1, look at the roman empire!You're a loon.
No. 317674
>>317672>strawmanningYou got angry at someone suggesting that colonialism was bad, but I'm the loon. Okay, anon, kek.
Hope you get some therapy.
No. 317680
>>317674Saying you're a loon is not strawmanning. I'm saying you're spouting stupid shit, though.
Sure, colonialism wasn't all pink and dandy but let's face it, those countries were fucked way before that.
No. 317697
>>317680I was referring to the line of greentext as strawmanning.
>Sure, colonialism wasn't all pink and dandy Understatement of the century. Look up "the effects of colonialism" anytime.
>but let's face it, those countries were fucked way before that.Please give me an in-depth, detailed explanation on each country, the history of its ethnic groups and why everyone was doomed before colonialism.
Keep in mind that I don't believe any country should have to take in refugees or immigrants, but I do believe the countries that caused the problems need to own up to it, fix it, give back whatever was stolen and then fuck off.
No. 317723
>>317721Find me a circumcised male who would rather have a 60% higher likelihood of getting HIV.
Also, why is it you almost never see cut men sperging about male circumcision? It's always women and uncut guys. I literally don't know a single cut man IRL who would rather not have been circumcised and online they seem to make up the vast minority of people who complain.
No. 317726
>>317717>greatly reducing their risk of HIVNAYRT, but so do condoms. Also idk how cutting off some skin and nerves is suppoaed to prevent you from xontractinf a sexually transmitted disease, but ok. The foreskin is meant to be there, removing it only serves to decrease sexual pleasure, especially wbc the foreskin protects the glans from becoming desensitized from overstimulation (which contributes to the "men cant cum from regular sex anymore" thing for sure).
Circumcision is only a thing because some mega-rich asshole named John Harvey Kellogg, the CEREAL guy, was a puritanical religious nutbjob and thought masturbation was evil and cutting off the foreskin would curb their desires. To your credit thpugh he
did suggest FGM- the female equivalent of circumcision im his mind was to burn off the clitoris with carbolic acid.
No. 317729
>>317719The reason "aid" goes nowhere is because it's a scam made to trick citizens of the colonialist countries into donating or paying higher taxes in exchange for peace of mind. Less than 1% of the money will ever go to Africa. You will never meet an African person who is surviving on foreign aid, because it does not exist. It's a sham. The fact that in 60 years you never figured that out for yourselves is embarrassing.
>What DO the ex-colonialist countries have to do in your opinion?Stop strong-arming countries into unfair trade deals to get resources, stop setting up military strongholds where they won't even allow those countries to see what they're doing, stop setting up "charities", "schools" and "orphanages" that are just fronts for child trafficking and pedophile holiday spots, return stolen cultural relics, reverse any deliberate tension created between ethnic groups to secure colonial power, dispute all the arbitrary countries declared (many,
many ethnic groups have been split apart or smashed together with no regard to culture) so that sensible lines can be drawn, etc.
>Take over the African countries and make them work at factories until their economy is able to stand on its own two feet?Nope. Just do what's said above and leave. The notion that Africa doesn't "work" unless others come and take over is tired and inaccurate.
No. 317734
>>317721All mutilation is bad but you really can't compare FGM with male circumcision, ever. FGM results in a lot of pain and is usually done when the girl is 8-12 years old, causing further mental trauma, longer healing times and a ton of complications. Even the most minor form of it removes the head of the clitoris, and the most extreme form removes the clitoris in whole including the inner and outer labia, finishing it by sewing the vulva shut. All often done without anesthesia. Sex will be painful to woman after this and the mutilated vulva will be prone to life-threatening infections.
It's disrespectful to compare these two because often when someone is talking about FGM some asshole pops up to whine about "m-muh male circumcision why isn't anyone talking about that" despite it being nowhere near as severe as FGM as it only nicks the foreskin off, not the whole glans tip of the penis.
No. 317737
>>317723There are literal focus groups of cut men upset that they were mutilated at birth. I don't know where you've been looking, but you must be very lost.
The implication that having foreskin = HIV is pathetic, too. It's not cute to take sharp objects to a baby's genitals, ever. Sorry.
No. 317742
>>317737Yeah. They are midly upset that they lost some sensitivity.
Poor babies, it's absolutely like being barred from any pleasure and being in deep pain every time you have sex (with a chance to go septic if you're not lucky and end up dying septic because of your own period macerating up there).
Come on. No one should mutilated but it is absolutely like comparing pulling out a nail vs amputating the whole hand.
No. 317745
>>317723YMMV. Circumcision is fully and completely unneccessary. As for HIV prevention, doctors still don't fully know how the virus enters the penis, but saying circumcision needs to be normalized to prevent the spread of HIV is stupid because that would take decades to work. Just… wash yoir foreskin and leave baby penoses alone. The only one making that choice should be the owner of the penis in question, and since kids don't usually jump to have sex before puberty odds are they will have plenty of time to make their own decision. Tbqh if you ask me the only reason it went on for so long is because men want their sons to be clones of them, or maybe they were just jealous of the thought of their sons feeling more during masturbation/sex than them.
Also I have yet to see an actual source for any "cut dick prevents HIV better than condoms!" claims. All I can ever find are inconclusive studies that are done in second and third world countries wherr the infected barely give a fuck to begin with.
No. 317747
>>317738>Without doing that, it's not really possible.Do you have a single source to back that up, or are you just surmising that out of convenience?
>naughty child-traffickersNice. If your child, sister, brother, cousin, niece, nephew, etc ever get kidnapped and raped, I hope you take this very same dismissive, uncaring approach and minimize how disgusting it is.
>if you have no real authority over them, there's not much that you can do.I'm saying they should leave, because a fuckload of them are from "charity groups" created by colonialist countries. No need for authority if they're not even there to begin with, and they're useless, anyway.
No. 317750
>>317726>Also idk how cutting off some skin and nerves is suppoaed to prevent you from xontractinf a sexually transmitted disease, but ok.The fact you're ignorant of this fact and even suggesting it's not true shows you're not well researched enough on this subject for your opinion to be taken seriously. Google is right there.
Also, I am well aware of Kellogg and how horrible he is, but you can't be ignorant enough to think he was in inventor of it. It started as a Jewish practice that he coopted. And regardless of it's origin, it was found to-like I already said- have really great sexual health benefits and not actually harm the male's sex life in any way.
If this is so barbaric and anyone who isn't foaming at the mouth over it is a piece of shit condoning child mutilation, then where are the hoards of circumcised men coming forward to end this practice? Most men in the US are circumcised, so why isn't this a major issue males are taking on as a rights violation? Why do the same men who are circumcised usually do it to their sons?
It's almost like they don't mind being circumcised and this movement is composed mostly of women and uncircumcised men for a reason.
No. 317756
>>317750>If this is so barbaric and anyone who isn't foaming at the mouth over it is a piece of shit condoning child mutilation, then where are the hoards of circumcised men coming forward to end this practice? Most men in the US are circumcised, so why isn't this a major issue males are taking on as a rights violation? Why do the same men who are circumcised usually do it to their sons?You do realize a similar argument can be used in favor of FGM, right? A lot of the same women who get mutilated pass on the tradition to their own daughters. I've seen images of grown women from Southeast Asian countries SMILING maniacally as they mutilate crying little girls because it's just "the way things are". That doesn't make it anywhere near okay.
Culture and tradition are often backward and disgusting. "But they do it anyway and haven't all stopped, so there's no way it's that bad" is a piss-poor argument.
No. 317762
>>317745I've seen the most pertinent research this user is referencing, probably behind a paywall now which is why its hard to get to, and I'm not an expert but i did kind of understand it.
Yes, it is true that there appears to be a phenomenon where it is more likely to get HIV with an uncut penis. It seems to be that the fold of skin, like how a woman is more likely to contract HIV, is basically a really friendly and inviting environment for the virus to get under and then more easily enter the urethra. For women, its that their whole vagina is just prone to being susceptible to infection, any STD just gets into the bloodstream so much easier for them.
So…the whole study itself did have a discussion section, iirc, and the debate was whether the risk vs. Reward of the procedure justified circumcision without informed consent. There were definitely ones pushing it hard as a preventative thing, but it was rebutted that, some data strongly suggests the risk of transmission goes down significantly (not as much but a noticeable amount) for uncut men when they simply practice basic hygiene before and after sex. Making sure your dick is clean before, taking a piss after sex, and cleaning up after basically. If a man, upon reaching legal adulthood, is a high risk for HIV and decides it would be worth circumcision, that can be a thing, no need to violate the consent of little babies. Plus, condoms exist. So many people saw the ones pushing for it without informed consent as basically just having a bias for "tradition" or whatever.
I believe later i asked at the hospital when i had to make my choicec what the protocol was about all this stuff, and i was told that yeah, because of that there was a push to not pressure mothers into circumcision and there are even pediatricians that don't want to do it anymore and see it as both unethical and a huge liability.
Anyway in sum:FGM is utterly tragic and yes arguably more tragic than circumcision, doesn't make it ok to mutilate babies to "prevent HIV" lol.
No. 317787
>>317750You could have answered my question and provided sources but instead you resorted to being a cunt with the typical "google it" and "I shpuldn't have to eksplain it to u" arguments. Your bias is showing. Nobody should circumcise babies or children before they are old enough to consent to sex.
>where are the hoards of circumcised men coming forward to end this practice? Most men in the US are circumcised, so why isn't this a major issue males are taking on as a rights violation? A little over half, actually- 55%. And because men don't organize that way for things that don't benefit them directly. Men who are already cut
benefit from hysteria like yours because they're seen as "normal" instead of incomplete. Notice you don't hear about men who are uncut growing up to get adult circumcisions en masse.
As for the HIV argument, I have yet to find a study done on that claim that wasn't done in a second or third world country, and they all say it doesn't
prevent men from getting HIV. The benefit doesn't even carry much merit in America because guess what? More peole in the US are afraid of getting pregnant than getting HIV because it's not as big an issue here. The relevance of that statistic only matters in places where the disease is spreading rapidly because men refuse to use condoms.
Jewish people didn't "invent" circumcision either, and it wasn't born from any religion. Men have been dping it for a laundry list of reasons, but as far as I can see the only time babies/toddlers are involved is when it is religious. let them decide when they're old enough to have sex. If that in itself is such a radical and offensive idea to you then you must be the type who thinks men and boys are too stupid to be taught to wash a foreskin properly. Circumcision is a waste of perfectly good nerve endings all for the sake of either tradition or control.
No. 317789
>>317787nta but can we stop talking about it, the girls on this board are never going to care about relating to "evil men" because they don't have any empathy for them.
>inb4 hur dur """men""" have no empathy for ""women""i don't care if many men don't have empathy for me, the important ones do, and important men in my life have been ruined by this shit.
No. 317790
>>317785Lol right? Its almost as if just children in general shouldn't be mutilated without their consent when the risk and ethical issues outweigh the preventative benefits. This is why they're starting to only "correct" intersex genitals if they have to for a legitimate medical reason and have started treatment plans around informing them of their options at ages where they can make the decision of how they would like to present and/or function sexually.
The vent here is that people who generally don't understand that shouldn't be having kids or spouting their shitty opinions everywhere lol.
No. 317796
>>317790>>317788worse than that, many doctors use it to "correct" physiological conditions for $$.
imagine how up in arms people ITT would be if a dr. told them that their daughter needed her labia cut off cause she sprinkled pee. it's an absolutely disgusting opinion to alter a child's anatomy like that when all the reasons aren't even compelling. any of the reasons are "it will cause issues later", then they should decide later what they want.
i have one elongated inner labia that causes me issues because it sometimes gets pinched against my underwear, yet i would have been furious if someone cut it off when i was a kid, no matter what the reason.
it's fucked up that we teach children that genitals are a private thing yet some children get them altered to suit their parents' desires.
No. 317798
>>317759>except that women in these cultures are subjected to extreme oppression and taught/forced to believe their sex/breeding objects who shouldn't be feeling pleasure.God I need to vent about this, ex-muslim who grew up in a conservative Muslim-majority country here. I'm so, so sick of Islam being romanticized by people who don't have any idea about Islam. Of course people have the right to believe in whatever they want and not all Muslims are bad people. I have nothing against Muslims who have no malicious intent but Islam by itself is not a religion of peace and can be criticized. Most of the shitty aspects of our society is caused by religion.
FGM isn't practiced in my country but my country has a huge problem with misogyny. Child marriages are illegal but it still happens in the rural areas. Women having sex before marriage or not being submissive to the older male figures in the family is still a taboo, domestic violence and honor killings happen often and the government doesn't give a fuck, people's mindset is "if she dared to fuck someone before marriage, she deserved to get beaten up to death". If you have sex and just one of these people hear about it, they'll ruin your social life, they'll think you owe them something. You have to basically be your husband's mother and do everything for him or you are a shitty woman. Having a son is more important than having a daughter, women will raise their sons like princes and treat their daughters like shit because they are taught that giving birth to a boy is the best accomplishment they can achieve. Girls are ashamed of their female parts, ashamed of having periods. Men complain about our women as if everything they complain about isn't caused by them. They'll complain about women being deadfish in bed but they'll also treat a sexually-active woman as a slut who deserves to die. They see foreign women as easy sluts who are ready to hop on their dicks and will judge them if they don't live up to their expectations.
There are so many things to talk about. I hate this society, I hate it for fucking up my life, for fucking up everyone's lives. I really hope that things are going to change but I lose my hope and just think we are in too deep and nothing is ever going to be better sometimes.
No. 317811
>>317788>male circumcision is to blame for violent sexuality in men>>317804>you deserve to be infertile for choosing to circumcise your son>>317805>male circumcision is tortureMy vent: I'm mostly against circumcision and I hate how many who share my view point just spew a bunch of ridiculous drivel like this that makes it hard for most to take this position seriously. I can't blame people who dismiss us all as crazy when these are the sorts of things you commonly see in these discussions. Honestly, the anti-circumcision side sounds fucking batshit in the majority of discussions I see. Also, I cannot find anything supporting the idea that 55% of men are against it and the argument of "wait until they're old enough to decide" is absolutely retarded since it's so much more painful and more prone to complications. Again, you're not doing our side any favors.
Anyway, everyone participating in this discussion for or against it is stupid and here's an article explaining why you're all dumb: we all move on now?
No. 317821
>>317811Eh, I disagree with you. Like other preventative surgeries, it's being phased out. They used to do preventative tonsillectomy and no longer do it for moral/consent reasons, only if it's medically necessary, same with this.
Besides, your article, like someone else said is outdated, and doesn't really reflect most physician's positions on it anyway. I have a son and the only people who have ever recommended it to me are urologists who preform the surgery, urologists who don't have told me that everything you said is bull, namely the "more painful" aspect, since in recent years we've discovered babies actually feel
more pain, couple that with the fact that babies get less anesthetic and medicine for pain and it's obviously wrong. I also had an ex bf who got it done at age 20 and he said it was less painful than getting wisdom teeth pulled.
For someone who thinks the argument is stupid, you were sure quick to find proof of how "dumb" everyone else is.
No. 317870
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I’m so fucking sick and tired of my ptsd ruining my life. I was in club today and a guy was joking about how good a rape scene was. even the word makes me tear up hearing it, and it’s so fucking embarrassing. Any time there’s a scene that remotely has anything to do with it makes me just… ugh. I’m so happy at least my bf is understanding and always warns me of scenes,’making sure to use “sexual assault” rather than the word. My ex was shit about it and legit asked why it still bothers me when it was ages ago. I have to take 800mg of seroquel or I’ll have trauma dreams and sleep paralysis where I’m being touched. I have to be constantly doing something or else my mind wanders, I’m recovering but I deal with a bad eating disorder from wanting to ruin my body and be unattractive. i’m just so tired
No. 317959
>>317811People lose their minds over it. I once asked for input because I didn’t know enough to have an opinion but my husband is pro-curcumcision because he has issues with his own.
Literally got called abusive to any potential child, unfit to be a mother, am a handmaiden so under the thumb of very abusive husband I was willing to abuse my baby, a man pretending to be a woman just to upset them, clearly supportive of any and all genital mutilation, retarded, and a sicko who obsesses over baby penises.
All for saying ‘I don’t have a dick so I don’t know’.
Farmers come to lolcow here to find a fight, not to discuss.
No. 317966
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>Meet girl at con a year ago, we really hit it off
>Start going to all the local cons together, make tons of cosplay plans
>Going to cosplay two characters who are practically a couple together
>Really quickly realize I have a crush on her, try to push it down and forget about it
>Doesn't work
>mfw she's straight and probably doesn't even like me that much as a friend
It hurts bros, I just want to hold her in my arms.
No. 317989
>>317984I don't understand why people keep coming in here to be like "express opinions to make you feel shitty and guilty about feeling that way" at people's vents… not saying we have to pat each other's asses but this is getting to be a little much tbh.
like im not sure what you expected me to think, that you're not an asshole just because I hear that my kid is "baggage" 24/7? thanks I guess.
No. 317990
>>317982if ur cat is that ravenous I'd look into any medical issues that could be causing it, esp if he is older.
my cat started eating the dog food and trying to get into any food he could get even though he had his normal amount of cat food everyday. turned out he had beetus.
No. 317991
>>317982How chubby is a little chubby?
It’s not that hard. Train your animals, seperate them if one is being nasty, don’t provide constant food, feed them separately.
There is no excuse and fat pets are products of abuse. Anyone who says they can’t find time to invest five minutes daily into keeping their pets healthy is full of shit and they do not deserve pets.
No. 317993
>>317991 >>317957Here's my vent, you're being a dick. So having a chubby cat isn't exactly the best thing but it's better than that cat dying abandoned in the streets or euthanized in a shelter.
I love my pets, and none of them are overweight but if they were, well I'd try to fix things as best as I could of course, but sometimes you have financial and time limits and it's just not that easy if you have more than one cat for example.
No. 318009
>>317993It’s easy if you’re not lazy. Justifying animal abuse by ‘well if I wasn’t abusing it it would be starving in the streets’ as if normal people don’t adopt mistreated animals everyday, is so weak that Christopher reeves could beat it in an arm wrestle.
If your cats are overweight, you don’t deserve pets. Being offended about it doesn’t mean I’m nasty, that’s just projected guilt.
Anyone who doesn’t have five or ten minutes to feed their pets seperately is too time poor to have an animal at all. Anyone who thinks it’s expensive to feed an animal less food is too stupid for a pet.
No. 318016
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>>317870>joking about how good a rape scene was.What the fuck is wrong with that person
Sexual violence is such a scary thing, I literally cannot understand how people can treat it as some joke and then when called out brush it off as hurr durr you're
I'm happy that your bf is at least understanding anon, I wish you the best of luck to getting recovered.
To add to this I hate how common it is in
anime and the community just accepts it/fetishizes it.
Watched a certain popular animated movie with a scene revolving around it, and it was so disturbing I burst into tears and turned it off. The movie itself was great but I'm forever traumatized by that scene No. 318022
>>318006I am in a small town and all my matches on dating apps were fuckboys, conservative men with nothing in common with me, or generally adamantly refused to respond. Ran out pretty quick and deleted it all.
Crush is the only one I've even really wanted in a long time anyway. Even have family and friends pretty baffled at all the seemingly mixed signals when i tried to ask advice. Guess I'll get over it and be forever alone lol.
No. 318024
>>318022You could, y’know, leave the small town instead of resigning yourself to being alone forever after a few bad dates.
There’s about 3billion men out there, the handful in your small town aren’t it.
No. 318047
>>318016>>318021NTA but I'm going to guess and say Perfect Blue.
The scene is traumatizing but necessary to the plot and works on many levels. I still hated watching it but it's done right.
as in clearly meant to be horrifying and not fap material No. 318056
>>318047Well, it's not even a rape scene, it's the characer acting a rape scene in a tv show.
But yep, it's a chilling one. Anybody thinking it's sexy is throwing a big bright red flag, for sure.
No. 318065
>>318056technically you are right but does the distinction matter when reality gets so blurred in the movie and the heroine seems as affected as if it was not just acting? It's also presented to us in way that makes it seem real even if it's a scene in a movie doubling as a showcase of Mima being figuratively raped (robbed of her innocence and dignity, used and abused) by the movie industry.Don't mean to come off as a neckbeard asshole, I just goddamn love the movie and talking about it.
Can you imagine I've seen gifs of the scene circling on tumblr with thousands of reblogs
looped so the guy keeps thrusting forever.
I wanted to fucking vomit
No. 318066
>>318024Lol as if i got any actual dates and not just gross sexual harassment within 5 minutes of any interaction i did have. That's honestly more the reason i gave up. I'm a busy lady, don't have time or energy to deal with that.
I'll work on pulling out all that money and resources i don't have out of my ass. No offense but if you live in a big city you end up sounding really out of touch when you tell people living in rural areas they can just move as if it's that easy. That's even pretty out of touch in general tbh, given housing prices and wage stagnation.
No. 318078
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Note: I'm aware that a lot of what happened is my fault for not establishing stronger boundaries and being a general mentally ill retard with no social skills or limitations.
>meet a friend on stan twitter about a year ago
>we both like the same artist and have similar music tastes
>he's in between stan twitter and normalfag twitter, actually he is just mostly a normalfag
>talk to him over time
>find out he lives in the same city as me
>i think he's gay or mostly bisexual for some reason, though at the time it's just me reading him wrong
>we meet up and this is like, in march 2018 or something
>the meeting is awkward since i end up getting drunk since he brings alcohol (yes this is EXTREMELY retarded and dangerously brainlet-tier behavior, i know) and we go to a sleezy hookah joint before he safely drops me off at home
>after the night he tells me he thought i was interested in him because i was giving him a hug and accidentally touching him and i told him it wasn't like that and we cleared it up
>we talk off and on online for months
>3 days ago we decide to meet up again
>we go over to his house and he convinces me that staying in his bed is alright since he's not interested in sleeping with me, he makes that clear for like.. months
>we take pictures together, mostly because i havent had a picture in a year since i have a strange anxiety and low self esteem about how i look in pictures
>i act affectionate with him (im like that with all my friends, male or female & i tell him that), awkward shit ensues, like me accidentally feeling his boner and him asking me if i want to see it, and him asking if he could suck my breasts three times before he finally took no for an answer
>i did nothing with him and didn't kiss him or anything like that, but obviously i must have lead him on with my sex and masturbation jokes i was making before and during, even though i reminded him i have a boyfriend and i wasn't interested in crossing that line (lol)
>once he gets ready to drop me off he acts more irritated, i ask him if everything is alright and he says yeah but the night was weird
>i try to message him for 3 days just to see how he's doing and he won't answer me, he even cancels out my calls
>i just really want my pictures man
I feel like screaming at myself for being a complete retarded fuck AND being so close to another male while in a relationship i want to fucking die. I just ruined my friendship too.
No. 318081
>>318065I don't agree with you. I've always seen it as Mima
being this good of an actress (she's professionnal and reassure the guy playing the rapist that it's ok when he's feeling awkward during cut). She wants to act and she loves doing a hard scene, it's just everybody else (Rumi, her CHAM ex-fans) making it disguting and making her split and feeling unhinged.But maybe I got it wrong all this time.
No. 318082
>>318037Men are far less empathetic than women. I do think that majority of men hate rape and sexual harassment, and would stop it occurring if they ever saw it, just that they joke among themselves to be the most 'heartless', because the less sensitive they are, the stronger they appear (I'm going off stereotypes here but to an extent this is what I believe). It's disgusting, but honestly I don't see it a lot, and I don't really think that stopping the "good" men from behaving like this is going to do anything to change the fact that some men are born assholes. I do really want to believe stopping rape and sexual harassment is that simple, but I'm afraid it's probably just something you can never stop people from doing, like robbery or other cowardly crimes.
>>318078>sleeping in the same bed as another man>while in a relationship>thinking it won't be sexualWhat the fuck did I just read.
No. 318093
>>318087I admit I don't have much RL friends right now and I'm really in a rough part of my life right now mentally and in everything else and they know this, so it did influence a lot my decisions.
>>318092Yes and I regret being naive because I just ruined a good friendship
No. 318121
>>318078It doesn't read like he was ever your friend. It sounds like he was just playing the long con to try to get into your pants and was pissed off that night didn't go as he thought it would've. It really doesn't matter what signals you have off that night because he had made plans well before that. I assure you.
I don't view it as you having ruined anything. It's a man who's angry that he didn't get laid and is now ghosting you for it. Him having a boner and insisting he touch you are all aggressive signs he wanted you. A "friend" would've been embarrassed if not horrified that maybe
he was the one ruining your friendship in that moment. I'm just glad he didn't assault you, or worse yet, rape you.
I'm sorry that you didn't get your pictures though. I think that's the real tragedy in this.
No. 318221
>>318109>>318121Thanks anons
>I'm sorry that you didn't get your pictures though. I think that's the real tragedy in this.Heh, true.
No. 318231
>>318081Thank you for your perspective! I would love to watch the movie again and try to see it from your side. Maybe I will do it soon. I don't think you are wrong, just that our interpretations are different(
I've always thought that it's cruel and exploitative how Mima goes from recreating the virginal uwu jpop idol to being pushed to erotic photography and sexual scenes as an actress, I never thought that this is what she wanted to do but rather what had to be done so she could act).
I think that PB supports different interpretations.
No. 318346
*he was generally light-hearted and trustworthy
Again sorry for this but I can't stop obsessing over this right now…
No. 318351
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Idk what's wrong with me but I can't finish any of my art, I feel like I'm not good enough and will ruin all of my paper sheets and paints. I know nothing is perfect but this is so frustrating because I've been hoarding a ton of sketches and barely did anything this year…
I managed to do 6 inktober paintings this month and of all results, only one was below I expected, three were above I was thinking they were going to be and now idk why I'm feeling like this. I have sketches from one year ago waiting to become full paintings…
No. 318372
>>318016It was really sickening. Like, it’s so normal. I almost started crying bc a semifriend told a rape joke, people throw the word around to basically mean “this annoying thing happened to me” it’s such a cheap form of horror, so much stuff has it for shock value. Even if I didn’t suffer from ptsd it’d be so uncomfortable and awful, but this only makes it worse.
Thank you though
No. 318389
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My shrink told me to get off meds in preparation for new ones. It's been a week or two and I literally ponder smashing my head into a mirror or cutting myself because I feel that bad.
How is this fucking responsible to have your patient be without meds and without any kind of supervision or care for so fucking long. I bet if I told him that he would say BUT YOU TURNED OUT OKAY AND DIDN'T HURT YOURSELF AFTER ALL, RIGHT? :)) Now I want to do something to myself even more
No. 318422
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>>318372>bf’s roommate just now, after being good about not saying dumb shit, used the word to describe a shit priceI’m done friendos
No. 318457
>>318426thank you for replying and sorry for being unclear: I am only seeing my shrink. Two months ago he told me that I should take my medicine every second day so I did. When I saw him around 20th of October he was like 'oh cool, no prescription for you, stop taking your meds btw and come see me in a month'. So I have a visit scheduled on the 2nd of December and I am not sure how will I make it till then. I am very scared of having a breakdown at wotk (right now I am at home thanks to flu), but I am feeling horrible in an non-stress environment, so just imagine what happens once shit hits the fan at work…
He might have wrongly assumed that I will be fine as I did not feel THAT bad on one pill per two days.I have been on medication for 5 years now without stopping, why did he think it would be ok? I literally would love to go to mental hospital for the time cause it's so bad. I am also scared his genius solution to meds killing my libido is taking me off them. I do not think I can function without medication for depression.
No. 318505
>>318488I mean, nobody should have pets they can’t afford, and that includes an emergency fund but I understand that those funds get eaten up quickly and diseases are unpredictable.
It’s not abuse to not have $6000 for dog chemo, it’s nothing but abuse to let, say, a Labrador get to 45kg.
People like the scum that post on r/delightfullychubby, they’re animal abusers. Gathering together online to compare just how damaged their furry victims get before they die, sighing with joy over the immobility and helplessness.
No. 318514
>>318482Remove him from everything you can. Right now. I can't believe you've lasted a month like this. Men are like stupid dogs and need to be punished immediately. It's kind of like because you set no boundaries, this moron thinks it's okay to push you.
Immediately stand up to him and tell him to not treat you like a wall and message you like a creep 10 times in a row. You're not his girlfriend and say it like that. Then remove him and block him immediately from your Facebook and Instagram. Temporarily private or even "delete" your Facebook for a week (if it's no hindrance to you) so when he figures out you've blocked him, he'll think he chased you off the internet.
I've had to deal with stalkery, pushy men and you have to put your foot down. As for school, make him uncomfortable to be with you, not vis versa. You have more power than you think. Tell a teacher and some fellow girls if you can, so they're aware. It's not that they'll "protect" you necessarily, but they might confront him and give him social pressure so you don't have to. When men are aware they've set off creep alarms with everyone, they back down. Because he thinks he can push you alone with no societal backlash and you won't make a fuss, he continues to.
No. 318621
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i don't like penetrative sex and am pretty sure i never will
i feel that this has ruined my chances of ever finding a longterm partner
i cannot handle the feel of penis in vagina (it's uncomfortable at best even if we get past the 'it hurts' stage), nor can i get off with the idea that someone is fucking me, someone is taking control of my body like that
therapy hasn't helped change my mind
no man in the world will stay long-term with a woman who doesn't like PIV sex because every single straight man ties his self-worth and how much he 'loves' his partner to if he is able to put his dick into a vagina and fuck it
feels bad
No. 318623
>>318621…me and my fiance don't have PiV sex, cause he has a super low sex drive.
i was feeling for you till your shitty bait sounding bs at the end of your post, but now i see you've just decided to give up before even trying, so it's good you'll end up alone tbh.
No. 318625
>>318623i'm glad you hit the one in a million chance of a man who has a low sex drive but thanks for completely invalidating my feelings by "lol bait xd"
go fuck yourself
No. 318627
>>318625are you a retard?
>no man in the world will stay long-term with a woman who doesn't like PIV sex because every single straight man ties his self-worth and how much he 'loves' his partner to if he is able to put his dick into a vagina and fuck itif this isn't bait then you don't deserve to be with anyone.
No. 318632
>>318621You're not wrong, anon. The vast majority of men DO expect PIV sex and some of them will claim to be OK without it but only because they think you'll change your mind. Then when you don't they get all angry about it.
There's a couple of men out there who really won't mind never having PIV. A lot of them might be submissive guys who get off on being in chastity though, so that might not be your thing.
No. 318637
>>318628>femcelJudging by their post they've had sex before lol. Idk why people are getting
triggered when it's obvious that most men will expect PIV sex at some point.
No. 318646
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>last night
>hanging out with new bf
>getting drunk and high
>mention how I gotta work on Halloween and it's gonna suck
>bf tells me I should call out
>explain how I can't really and the only way to get out is to have someone pick up
>plus the coworkers usually want $70 to take an entire shift
>says he'll give me money to do it
>politely say no
>stuffs $100 bill into my tits and won't take it back
>"I'll at least give you back the extra $30"
I don't like taking the money. I think I'm gonna slip the excess back into his wallet when he's not looking.
No. 318676
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>>318646Anon, you know what you have to do.
No. 318682
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They released the first shots of the Netflix Witcher series and it looks like a dumpster fire, just as expected.
What is this fucking partycity wig lmao
No. 318685
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>>318682The only good result would be growing out his hair for the role but it's Netflix, they need quick results. Geralt from the Polish movie/series wasn't the best but natural hair looks so much better, even fried this badly with bleach
This wig is just so fucking tacky
No. 318687
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>>318682>>318683Mads Mikkelsen would have been perfect.
That dude's chin is just weird and his forehead looks like he's balding already despite being only in his 30s…
No. 318747
>>318721>He is an awful actor and a cunt irl to boot.?
Please tell us more
No. 318754
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>>318752Ciri is white, but Yennefer is indian and Fringilla is black.
No. 318771
>>318770Im not the anon who originally wrote that I just don't get what's so racist about it?
Wouldn't you also say e.g. "an American"?
No. 318772
>>318771"An Indian" might be comparable to "An American", but "a black" is just weird and sounds gross for the same reasons using "a female" is weird and gross.
If English isn't your first language, it might be hard to grasp. It's just dehumanizing.
No. 318850
>>318627Are you? Do you really think that even a man with low test will put up with no PIV sex ever? Pretending like straight men don’t inherently tie their self worth to having a vagina to put their dick into is just plain naive. Even if your BF has a low sex drive I really doubt he doesn’t somewhat resent not having PIV sex unless you begrudgingly give it to him when you DO fuck.
It is biological and straight men cannot escape the biological nor societal need to fuck pussy.
No. 318851
>>318847Tall girls are cute and long legs are super feminine. One of the cutest girls I know is about 5'11"
Cuteness isn't inherently tied to shorties.
t. medium girl
>>318849You can change weight though (not height), unless you have a health issue or a rare metabolism. In which case I'm sorry it makes you feel bad, anon.
No. 318852
>>318621I can't help with the physical, it seems a lot of women just don't get off from penetration. Does clitoral stimulation work for you? Why not do that while riding him?
Psychologically, why not try only being on top? Tie him down if it makes you feel better about the situation. If you're the one choosing the actions you're the the one fucking him.
No. 318854
>>318851That's true. There's nothing I could do against my height. If I was short I could at least wear heels, but sadly there's no way to make me shorter.
Weight however is changeable, even if it might be difficult for some.
No. 318862
>>318847I mean…. the same thing happens to short women. Not all of us like being treated as cute and smol uwu.
People get shit for everything.
Also, when did feeling girly and feminine get so tied up with height? I never feel particularly girly just because I'm short. Do really you need other people telling you stuff just to feel feminine?
No. 318865
>>318851Not related to the other posts but that reminds me when a lot of anons thought I was humblebragging because I was complaining about my lack of options when it came to clothes because I'm short and skinny, even though I've never seen anyone who's normal irl find my body type attractive or even just ok and I look the way I do due to a genetic disorder I've always had. Anons here are insecure and want to complain about anything and everything. They think anons posting about themselves are directly attacking them or making fun of them even though none of us can see each others in the first place.
Funny enough, every time I see fat people saying they're fat because of their health, they tend to underestimate how much they eat or they had an eating disorder. I always expected them to say they had to take some heavy treatments for actual physical diseases or disorders that make you fat like cortisone but they actually just eat too much and are in denial.
No. 318866
>>318862>Also, when did feeling girly and feminine get so tied up with height? Literally the only reason short girls are considered more feminine is because being tall is something guys are gigantically obsessed with. Standing next to a girl that's taller than them makes them self-conscious, so guys translate that as the girl being too masculine.
If guys could get over their height obsession, it wouldn't be a problem.
No. 318867
>>318862>I mean…. the same thing happens to short women. Not all of us like being treated as cute and smol uwu. >People get shit for everything. This is the vent thread and I decided to vent about getting shit, isn't that the purpose of this thread…?
>Also, when did feeling girly and feminine get so tied up with height?Since guys and shorter girls decided it's funny to bully tall girls by saying they're manly?
Man=tall, woman=short and it's been like this since centuries.
You might not feel particularly girly, but you at least don't need to worry about somebody calling you a man or freak.
>Do really you need other people telling you stuff just to feel feminine?No. But if people don't feel sorry for me when I talk about having a problem with my height I would at least like them to stay quiet and not make it worse by calling me big, strong, warriorylike etc. Like I said, many tall women don't feel of that getting labeled an amazon is complimentary, so I wish people would stop with that. I'd simply like to be a average, not having to be strong or outstanding.
No. 318872
>>318866This is true and I hate it. Men complain about girls only liking tall guys but then won't date a girl who is as tall as them
in heels.Also I wish 5'4" and under boys would hurry up and let me date them. That's my vent since I've been feeling that very strongly today, I want a shorter bf so bad.
No. 318876
>>318866guys will be obsessed with it as long as women keep making fun of manlets.
inb4 I get called a handmaiden
No. 318881
>>318867>isn't that the purpose of this thread…?You're absolutely right. I didn't notice which thread I was in at first, sorry.
>but you at least don't need to worry about somebody calling you a man or freak.There are many ways to make a short girl feel like a freak for being short.
Seems like your body type (aside from height) contributes to your experience, though. I could never look at a skelly tall girl and think "yes…Strong, Amazonian". Just like I'd never look at a 5' 300lb minimoon and think "smol uwu…". Not trying to throw shade, but it might not be
because you're tall, but bc you're tall and xyz…
Anyway, sorry for stepping on your toes. Thanks for your reply though! I'll keep you in mind next time a tall girl complains about her height to me.
>>318866I don't even understand that. Only absolute twinks look more feminine next to
some tall girls, and there aren't much of them around anyway. Even manlets look masculine next to tall women, maybe a bit childlike but still a male child. Men with height complexes are such losers.
No. 318944
>>318943It’s not about that one guy you like tho it’s about the majority
This is like saying nazis were ok because a lot of them didn’t want to commit the crimes and it’s also the boring old notallmen argument
No. 319008
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My bf is a dumb fuck sometimes. His friend showed a picture of me bf and I To his new gf and she called us both ugly and he's still going to be friends with him. He showed a picture of me to another friend and he said "she's not pretty but she's not ugly either". Why the fuck does he keep showing/telling me this shit? when he knows I'm anorexic and hate my face.
No. 319010
>>319008Lmao what kinda bait are you anon, if this is your Bf he's literally fucking asking people if you're attractive or not and if its reversed its not better ("really young one"??.) Either break up or resign to the fact that you like getting cucked by chadlet tier men who talk about women like they're picking meat at the supermarket.
Ngl i borderline think this is bait (kek? Either your bf is a /pol fag or ur talking to your other women friends who browse lc)
because what kind of wet sock acts like this is just a vent and not outing themselves dating every negative trait in a man: the bf prototype.
No. 319037
>>319009No, it isn't. Anon and her bf are just extremely cringy.
No. 319049
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Some web comic artist I follow posted this and it makes me so fucking mad. If you know even the SLIGHTEST thing about rabbit care you would know that if a rabbit isn’t eating they need to be taken to an emergency vet asap, as they can die from digestive issues so quickly. She says they had this rabbit for TWO days of it not eating. A quick google search would let you know that is an emergency situation that needs immediate treatment, as bunnies needs to almost constantly be eating hay to keep they’re digestion running well. They said after this “I think she was injured internally and probably wouldn’t have made it even if we took her to a vet”. fuck off. To me it sounds like you found a bunny, “rescue it” and let it slowly die from a likely treatable digestive relatived issue. If you don’t know anything about the type of animal you think you’re rescuing you’re better of taking it to shelter.
No. 319051
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So me and my friend made up after that awkward night and we cleared some things. He mentioned he was half asleep and under a lot of stress & basically pointed out my miscommunication to him. It's all good
No. 319054
>>319049what a fucking stupid cunt. How hard it is to google 'is it normal for a bunny to not want to eat' or just take the rescued animal straight to vet to check if they are ok, since you don't know anything about them and not all illnesses might be visible.
Seems to me like the idiot wanted asspats from her followers for being an ~animal angel~ as well to get an ~uwu kawaii pet bunni~ for free. Disgusting
No. 319211
>>319209It gets worse, anon.
He also has an army of millennial and gen-z men.
No. 319214
>>319209My mom is similar, but she blindly follows these anti-vaxxers who always share articles about preventing diabetes and muh chemicals in our food.
I'm glad to be out of the house, but seeing the shit she shares in Facebook that can be easily debunked with a quick Google search is like looking at a trainwreck that keeps happening 3 times a day. I've even tried showing her most of these "doctors" are fake, but the trainwrecks don't stop.
I honestly hope I don't become this dumb when I grow up. She had me fairly young so I guess it was already a given, I just didn't put two and two together until I moved out lmao.
No. 319215
>>319214I thank fucking god my own is either intelligent or worried about judgement enough she hasn't gone full retard with the anti vaxx things and what not…that really sucks I'm sorry. I get very a-loggy about those kinda people since they frequently commit heinous medical neglect.
I promise you won't. You may hold some irrational opinions or whatever like everyone does, but the fact you're even worried about the potential says you will never be that bad.
Just keep nurturing your healthy skepticism and all that, you seem like you got a good head on your shoulders.
No. 319315
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I work as a cashier in a clothing store and have a middle eastern coworker is generally nice, but I have noticed her saying really racist remarks concerning asian people (spefically Chinese.)
My spouse is from China and it makes me really uncomfortable. I want to say something to her, but not sure how to approach the situation. I told her a few times her remarks were racially ignorant, but she has done it more than a few times.
No. 319357
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>Try to harass a person enough for them to leave because they are a tedious pain in the ass.
>Lose my job because of it, despite the fact that most of my coworkers hated that person and confided in me for being an asshole to them.
I hate how telling the truth became so unpopular recently.
No. 319364
>>319360"Harass" is kind of a strong word. What I mostly did was walk up to the person in question when they had a conversation, and just told them how much they sucked in front of everyone. I ranted and looked like an asshole to be sure, but that person really needed to hear about how much they sucked.
I did it twice after getting a warning not to do it, but they were just so obnoxious and shit so maybe that's why I got fired. However every time I bring it up to people in order to brag about how much of a bad bitch I am, they think of me as being a bad bitch in the bad way.
No. 319368
>>319364>Told not to do something>Does it anyway twice>"Can't believe I lost my job!!1!"I understand dealing with shitty people is super difficult/annoying but this is just so dumb. You set yourself up tbh.
Especially when you're bragging about it and seem to not get that you are - maybe, just maybe, being an actual dumb bitch.
No. 319399
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>>319397oooh honey! that is what you derive pleasure from?
No. 319404
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So, I'm pretty sure a dude at work likes me or wants to fuck me or something. It sucks because he was one of the few people I didn't hate and now I have to avoid him. I work with like 90% men and my boyfriend also works with me, I had the dumb idea of wearing a Halloween costume with a short skirt to work on Halloween. I thought it was ok because I was wearing tights, knee high socks and safety shorts with no skin showing. I heard some dudes making fun of him for having an erection or some shit and told him to stop "staring at the Halloween costume" when I was the only one dressed up. I just thought okay that's gross but whatever. Then later on I was asking one of the women I work with about something and she told me to ask him since she didn't know. He's sitting in the floor stocking something when I ask him, I don't really think anything of this at first, but as turned around I'm walking away he said "I wish I had your number though" and I just sped walked away without saying anything. I swear he was probably trying to look up my skirt as I walked away too. He's always acted weird/awkward/shy around me and I never thought anything of it but I think I understand now. I told my boyfriend and he's not happy about it either but he's also fetishizing it because in his mind "I get to fuck you while he goes home and masturbates thinking of you, I get what he will never get" and it's not helping me feel better. I feel like this is fucking high school and I'm 20 and this dude is probably almost 30. Today was awkward as fuck because I want to pretend I didn't hear him but obviously I did, I don't even feel comfortable looking at him. Fuck this.
No. 319423
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So far every Mariah song she's releasing on her new album have been so fucking good. I am obssesed with A No No. I haven't been this excited for anything in years & I am so happy to hear new music from the only artist I even care about anymore. Oof.
No. 319425
>>319421It's some crazy shit anon, I had the exact same worry going from an extensive wear nuvaring to an implant in July.
Anyway, you're probably fine. Take a pregnancy test in a week or so for safety. Keep in mind that going off nuvaring (especially if you do an extensive wear/on the implant is going to make your cycle do weird shit. Spotting is not going to be a reliable sign of not being pregnant.
Also, don't forget to wear condoms for a week, you're not protected by the implant yet.
No. 319426
>>319425Forgot to tell you : cramping is not from the implant. It's microdosed (that's why you have to wear condoms for a week, it takes that much time for your hormones to get to a good level), I highly doubt you'd get side effects in a few hours.
You're probably having your period, congrats.
No. 319497
>>319357Listen dude i feel ya but theres a certain finesse a manager has to get someone like that to leave but also not give the impression to everyone else they are unprofessional. That's often why when there's a dick like that they want you to ignore it or tell them so they can deal with it.
Its not easy. I worked in fast food and they had to do it all the time. There's a few different methods, but most involve subtlety and the last resort is "get out or I'm calling the cops."
I really get it, i hate that customer is first culture means you can't just tell an asshole they fucked up, won't get any services or goods, and should come back when they can behave or never.
And then there are work places that are much more professional where what you did is arguably never, ever ok, even if I'd kinda be forgiving about "lower end" jobs and that behavior. You need to work on that if you want to move up for sure.
No. 319502
>>319469Not trying to debate this just genuinely curious and since this is the vent thread you can kinda go off…
Why do you think surrogacy should be illegal?
I'm kinda on the fence about it.
No. 319619
>>319616That's inexcusable. I'd say if you ever lucky to save enough for an attorney in the future, to take her to court. Fuck that. A mother should be making sure you're stable enough to have a good future but had the gall to take a year's worth of salary to use for her own means.
Even if you don't have the nerve to do that, since legal troubles are a hassle and could be drawn out, you should distance yourself and cut contact. She knows what she did and until that's made up for, she can find a way to take care of herself alone. You're not her piggy bank.
No. 319620
>>319616Can't even say I'm shocked by this behavior.
Too many parents out there who feel they're entitled to exploit their children in every way possible. I see this so often now.
I'm sorry, anon.
No. 319654
>>319616That's terrible, I'm so sorry.
I don't know what to say other than please don't let her get away with it.
No. 319663
>>319641I was 18 when it was created. Could I even sue her since it was a joint account? Doesn't that mean it's equal ownership and each other can do whatever they please with the money in it? I'm stuck right? Like she just genuinely fucked me over and there's nothing I can do. I really want to know what she used the money for and she won't answer me. Probably for her debt that she's been in since I was a child.
I also remember realizing when I was 17 or so that she stole all my child support money my dad paid her which was supposed to go towards buying me a car and going to college. I still don't have a car and am not able to attend school because of it.
No. 319668
>>319663I'm not shocked or surprised by it, unfortunately, because the amount of toxic parents that do this is higher than we think. I'm very sorry anon and hope you can do something about it, and fuck this piece of trash
You can find help in r/raisedbynarcissists about this situation, it's not only for NPD parents but toxic and abusive ones in general
No. 319692
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Ever since I broke off my ltr and moved back home, my mom won't stop giving these patronizing "pep" talks every day. About how I'll certainly find mr. millionaire; it's because I'm so smart, yet I still need to work on my career, but looks are kind of important actually, yet I'm so pretty already, but also I could work on my body. Be choosy don't settle~Don't base your decisions on just looks~Be independent even though you so already are~~~~~~~
Then she says how "hard I am on myself" after she just got done telling me how all the guys I've ever dated have been shit and how I need to constantly improve despite her praise because it's never actually enough.
She has about fifty mixed messages and every single one is so vapid and meaningless to me. I just want her to shut up because it's not "support," it's her own projection. Because she chose so badly in her relationships.
And does she know any "well off" bachelors to match me off to? Fuck no.
I wish she'd realize the dating game is about class status and dumb luck. No rich dude is going to fall into my lap because he'd be marrying down. I'm educated, but I have debt. I'm not broke, but I'm lower middle class for sure. I'm a 6/10 on a good day, but absolutely will never be model hot or considered sexy.
The dating scene has gone one of two ways for me so far:
>guy who's doing okay career wise but I'm completely not attracted and can't even feign it
>guy is very attractive but has prospects so poor I'm afraid to introduce him to my family
Either type would get nitpicked by her to death.
I want her off my ass so much. Even if I wind up in some white trash trailer with a kid off each nipple, I still think it would be better if I could find happiness in that rather than constantly fishing for her impossible approval.
No. 319719
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>>319692I'm not in quite the same situation but close enough. I know my parents mean well but I'm not sure why they are so gosh darn sure I can pair up with a rich guy. There aren't that many rich guys around to begin with, and I'm neither rich nor beautiful. They're just too blinded by parental love I guess.
My male friends are more annoying though. They are always whinging about how hard dating is, I'm sure it is for them but the way they end up bawwing over how easy women have it takes a bizarre masochistic twist. "Why aren't you dating a rich man that makes no sense? You're female that should be easy".
Is there like a secret cabal of millionaire hotties I don't know about?
No. 319726
>>319692>>319719Rich people tend to stay in their own circles. What benefit is there to dating someone poorer than them unless she's bombshell hot? Even then that's pretty bleak, as her worth would solely be about sexuality and ability to reproduce at that point. Just like how those 60 and 70 year old rich, male celebrities find model women in their 20s and 30s. Gross.
Also I'm sure the rich males have mommies telling them, just like their poor counterparts, that they shouldn't settle too.
Poor parents are so desperate that this logic eludes them. I think they just want so hard to believe their children can break through financial barriers, so that maybe some of that good life can trickle down to them as well.
I know when a parent is struggling when they yell at their kids to try to marry rich.
No. 319748
>>319684Enjoy the constant guilt and being reassured that you're loved even if it has nothing to do with how you feel
t. happily married 4 years, suicidal the past 17
No. 319763
>>319759That sounds like an unbearable prison and your mother is the slavedriver.
Whichever circumstance forced you to move to that shithole with your batshit guardians, I am so sorry for you. I feel like you could get in trouble if they knew you went to websites like these on the internet, or god forbid one that didn't view women completely as objects. Sends shivers up my spine.
No. 319765
>>319761I was supposed to be here for a month to see my great grandmother who was sick. Then all of a sudden my mother got this amazing idea to stay here for election season so SHE could work on her STORE and sell property we own and return NEXT YEAR. I told her I don’t see why I had to be part of the mix and that it was a dumb idea, but she sold our tickets anyway saying that I was being selfish, and I’m the eldest, and how dare I try to focus on myself, my studies and well being when she wants to run with some dumb idea she thought about for a week and will abandon in the six months leaving us broke and having to sell our car to get back. She manipulated my thirteen yr old sister into giving in, who later realized how fucking dumb it was since my mom can’t even handle money properly and gave away our Tylenol and medicine that can’t be found here. But my 13 year old sisters opinion matter more than I… the adult??
She’s anemic, diabetic and god knows what else and still has to see her doctor and get her meds but instead of focusing on being healthy she wants to complain about her health when she had free healthcare and was starting to live well off. But fuck it amiright? Let’s give her iron medication to her sister then blame us for the stress.
No. 319766
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I’m in a good place right now in life with school and work but I really want to get back with my ex. I don’t understand why. I’ve been fine with other break ups but not this one and in all honesty, I don’t even know if we’ve actually broken up because we aren’t are “on a break” but I will deem it as a break up since it’s easier to understand. It’s so stupid because he’s such a dork, sassy, isn’t afraid to say what’s on his mind and if you are as sassy as him or more, he challenges it in a way it’s funny and amazing. Although there are some things I don’t agree with him and it’s perfectly fine because I’m sure he felt that towards me too but isn’t that the beauty of people???
He’s the first person I’ve been also been physically attracted and that’s so confusing.
I’ve tried to put a barrier between us but he still wants to be friends and hits me with the “we may end up together if we are meant to be” and that only makes me even more confused and infuriated.
Just today I don’t knoe what possessed me but I asked him if he was up to play some casual on a game when I’ve been trying to avoid him and I had a great time with him but I don’t know about him other than he thanked me for playing with him and I was hoping he would say “maybe we can do this again soon?” But nope-
I feel as though I am obsessed-
For I’ve vented about this many times-
Gdi sometimes I wish I never met him, I get so paranoid with these feelings I feel about him.
Also a side vent sorry-
I was recently diagnosed with Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy and I’ve been dealing with it okay since I do see a therapist for something else but we’ve started talking about this as well. I’m okay with it because my family has a long history of heart disease from my dad’s side so it’s not a shock but I hate how my dad hasn’t really been around much. He tries to avoid me but still buys me gifts(??), he’s been encouraging me to either focus on work or on school rather than both for he says I shouldn’t stress myself yet it stresses me out more when I can’t even have a proper conversation with him. He’s completely fine around my siblings.
I feel like a baby but I just want my dad back-
Sorry I write too much-
No. 319817
>>319811>>319814Posters being edgy and rude will likely always be part of imageboard culture.
However calling others lads and fags makes you sound like a tumblr fakeboi.
No. 319917
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Sometimes I fantasize about being the only man left on Earth, and then having endless amounts of females who want to have sex with me to repopulate the Earth.
I wouldn't have sex with anyone but whites though. I'd feel bad about the Asians dying off but I'd only make hapas so I couldn't save them anyway. Maybe I'd create a race of Japanese hapas.
>implying I'd get assassinated
I'd have a huge security force and live in a palace and have someone test all food I eat for poison.
Anyone else know this feel?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 319937
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>guy friend texts me via fb after a weeks of no contact, is in some gamer pub trying to hit on girls I guess (?)
>comes out that he's no longer with his gf (they have been together for 4 years as I know) and asks if can come over to my flat. We have been playing games at my place before, so it's not new.
>hug him at first, since I know how breaking up is damaging
>we talk about stuff and how it all did happen in his relationship etc.
>"What a shame you're a lesbian, you would make a perfect wife"
>while I was sitting on my bed, he did sit next to me and grabbed me and layed on my bed hugging me like I am a damn dakimakura
>try to push him away all the time and he finally releases me
Uncomfy af. Not a big vent but this shit always makes me low-key anxious and I just slowly see, where this stuff goes with time.
No. 319961
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I broke up with my boyfriend of several years 3 days ago. Today, he randomly called me while drunk/high because his friend was too busy for him, and he went on about smoking for a bit. Then, he brought up going to meet up with some guy he met on a hook-up app before leaving.
I don't know why, but I'm just grossed out after that entire conversation. Everything about this whole set-up was just off-putting and disappointing, like God trying to tell me "You're not missing much". Looks like he's turning into exactly the type of person I can't stand.
At least now I'll start to miss him less, I guess.
When we broke up, I considered maybe coming back together after we've both healed to see if we can work things out, but if this is how he'll always be, I'm not so sure anymore.
I don't really know how I'm supposed to be acting around him, or what exactly he even called me for. This just really soured my mood.
No. 319978
>>319971Yeah, we're both bi. We bonded over that for a while, honestly, though our experiences are/were obviously different.
>>319973That's what I'm suspecting, too. Kind of dumb if that's the case, considering it just makes me want to distance myself more so he can continue his actions in peace.
No. 320013
>>319975Holy crap!
I don’t understand people
I work at a restaurant and it’s like they want a reason so argue or to find mistake and make more trouble then it’s really worth
No. 320038
>>319895That's terrifying anon. Can't believe people get away with that shit. The car bit sounds like attempted rape.
>>319925Hope you feel better soon anon. I like your phrasing "stalk tour". Try not to look at stuff that is gonna make you feel bad. You don't need to meet arbitrary standards of what you should achieve every week. Just do the things you enjoy and look after yourself. Just being a human is a challenge, don't let yourself feel bad about it. We all struggle the same ways.
No. 320039
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I want to stop getting into arguments, so I've stopped engaging with people when I see or hear them saying something I personally disagree with. Issues start to crop up when someone starts replying to me angrily when I wasn't even talking to them (and otherwise having a nice discussion), though. It's like when a person tries to get into it with me or "educate" me on something they obviously know nothing about, I can't help but tell them exactly why they're full of shit and need to fuck off.
I wish it didn't happen at all, because I love posting casually on imageboards, but it seems like the only option is to become a full-blown lurker. You never know what will trigger someone into ranting at you. Half the time, it's not even something that warrants heated discussion. Like last time for me, I didn't even post any sort of controversial or problematic opinions. I just got screeched at by a stranger over a picture of a random cartoon character because of normies supposedly thinking their J-fashion had something to do with it.
No. 320053
I think I might be autistic.
People don't really know about mental illnesses there I'm from (really small place, rural area), so my only image of autism was something extreme like in the movie Rain Man.
But the more time I spend on the internet and read about it on here or on other sites, the more I'm terrified I that I could have that too. I tick every box (even down to the stereotypical 'for some reason I really like trains'-thing). It certainly would explain a lot.
As a child I was always just the shy and silent one, but the older I get the more apparent it gets, just how weird I am in comparison to others. I'm aware of others, I (mostly) can read their expressions and emotions, but I have no idea how to react or just simply respond. I often don't laugh at jokes (or in general) even if I do find it funny. It takes me ages to answer and then it's always something stupid and I hate myself for that (even just saying "Hello" back is difficult). I often don't care enough about others, I don't have friends, I don't like getting touched, I'm impossible when it comes to scratchy or tight fabrics, and so on.
Im scared that if I were to get tested and really have it, what should I do then? I don't want that.
No. 320090
>>320080>>320053Same as you anons.
I know part of the reason I'm weird is from past trauma, but still I can feel that besides that something with me is kind of off, comparing to most of the population, and it all really fit in the asperger's criteria.
I'm probably never getting diagnosed though, it's already bad enough I fucked up my social and professional life wherever I went and don't want people, specially fucking HR employees, thinking I'm mildly retarded or a nut case. People in my shitty country aren't even aware aspergers is a thing, let alone in women.
Do you guys can also "feel" when you meet another aspie? I can tell most of the times when a person is of the same "species" as me and it kind of freaks me out how much better they understand what I say.
No. 320095
>>320086Mocking people who get comfort from online personalities sounds like somebody with no empathy. Unfortunately assholes make up the majority of the population, so someone who cares about other humans is a weirdo. I thought it was nice that Itsblackfriday referred to the people she makes happy etc in her "where am I/life update" video, even though I'm not one of them. Youtubers who actually care about their viewers+mental health is a nice thing.
Basically the ones who are mocking are wrong…they are the disposable worker ants. I don't believe they are even truly human in the ways that matter. Society isn't made up of people who give zero fucks about anyone else. There would be no art, movies, music, books, beautiful architecture etc if everyone was like them. The people they mock are the same ones that make human society/culture what it is. We'd just be sitting in the dust bashing rocks together if we got rid of all those pesky people with feelings.
No. 320112
>>320053>>320080>>320090it's really not a big deal if you are autistic tbh. if you're high functioning and it's not affecting your life in hugely negative ways there's no reason to get a diagnosis. people will just think you are quirky at worst. if you are a total fucking sperg or cannot function, then yeah, seeing a licensed professional would benefit you.
but mostly i think everyone is a little bit on the spectrum.
No. 320267
>>320263kek, I'm like your friend. We're the same age too.
But in my case, I do wash myself despite being sort of NEET.
I was told I had BO issues at my first job which was so embarrassing that I never left my house since that day.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I really want to deNEET myself but it just appears that I have a BO problem and I don't want to be told that by anyone ever again.
And frankly, giving someone shampoo and hygiene kits for birthday is downright insulting. What the hell.
No. 320291
>>320267Have you been to a doctor? Honestly if a regular schedule of showers, deodorant and brushing your teeth is not enough, it could be a hormonal imbalance.
Could also be that yout washing schedule is too light (or that you're overweight and need a little extra like an extra pass of wet wipes and deodorant during the day)
No. 320293
>>320267So what would you suggest, anon? I tried hints and she didn't wash herself. I tried telling her she needs to wash and she didn't wash herself. I tried giving her the things she needs to wash herself and she didn't wash herself. And then she complains she doesn't understand why nobody wants to hire or date her.
I care about her, but I don't know how to get through to her that she will be unemployed and single for the rest of her life if she doesn't take a fucking shower.
No. 320313
My friend's gf is so annoying. She graduated from two-weeks course for fashion stylists recently, and now this is the only shit she ever talks about, like it is a part of her personality and always was or something like that. Before that nobody heard anything about fashion from her, not like she was intresting to talk to in the first place.
But the thing is, they both struggle financially right now. My friend is unemployed for half a year and is desperate to find a decent job that is not retail or fast-food related because she is already tired of it. Her gf has a shit-paying job that allows her to skip workdays wherever she wants. Payment is after the shift, not in a fixed paycheck, and she missed a month of work because of this course, and keeps sitting at home now because she "doesn't feel like it". This "stylist course" was not the cheapest, and i guess they could live for a couple of month on that amount of money.
My friend complains on her gf a lot. She seems very infantile for her age, but my friend is older and "understands that she is still a child" when she kinda fucking isn't.
This is none of my business, but I care about an old friend. She deserves a better gf. It also pisses me off when we talk about it personally, and even more when I'm at their place and the gf says anything at all. Because all she says is pretty much attention-seeking shit, not funny "jokes" about "her luxurious life" that make everybody smile awkwardly, and bragging on how she spends her money uncontrollably on random junk. Like, she once said how she wanted to save money so she could pay rent, but immediately after that told me how she likes makeup so much and how much money she spends on it. And never saw a connection between her lack of money and this. Everything she does she does to impress her twitter followers, everything she says and does is shallow and ingenuine. My guess is that my friend is just afraid of being alone, so she keeps her. It is going for three years already, I'm very close to organising an intervention for my friend.
No. 320316
>>320313No offense but your friend needs to buckle down and get a job even if it's retail or fast food until she finds something better in the meantime. Six months unemployed is bad news.
How are they even paying rent if the girlfriend spends all the money she earns frivilously?
But honestly if your friend is sick of her that much, and there's no benefit to being with her as much as she says, she should break up.
No. 320320
>>319281was on accutane from september 2017 until mid-may this year. so worth it. took a while until i saw results, but once january hit i haven't had many cystic zits, maybe only one or two. the only side effect i had was my lips got chapped easily which chapstick easily fixed and i actually would get like, no buildup on my scalp so my hair stayed nicer longer and i didn't have to wash it so much. i don't have sex tho so i never had to worry about birth control or anything. seeing the doctor every month was a bit annoying but it's just to make sure things are going correctly.
10/10 recommend accutane, personally. i do not miss cystic acne that was painful and looked so ugly i would cry over, i do not miss my (older) brother pointing out how gross my acne was, and i barely get any acne now. now doing my makeup in the morning is fun and not about covering up my Ugly.
No. 320322
>>319281Just do it anon, my biggest regret is putting it off because I was scared of side effects. I could've had clear skin so much sooner and ultimately less scarring if I hadn't been paranoid.
Your skin will get dry. It sucks, but it's manageable and it also dried my scalp out which was great (barely had to wash it). I didn't have any other side effects really, and it kept my skin effortlessly clear for years. It took two rounds but it works. I get a bit of acne now but it's not persistent or cystic, no big deal.
No. 320334
>>320323You think I didn't?
I tried everything, from using a range of shampoos and other cosmetics to adjusting diet, experimenting with clothing materials, visiting a dermatologist, etc. and I'm sure that anon's cousin did the same. You and others are suggesting deo and shower like it's something that never crossed anyone's mind. wow, thanks for the insight, I never thought of that before.
I was that desperate that I'd even try some new age crystals and what not, I'd scrub my skin until there were little spots of blood but nothing worked. I'd smell okay for a short time if I didn't move a lot and then it was all back to normal.
It's probably something hormonal like another anon pointed out but the doctors in my country are shit. I honestly don't know what to do. Maybe I'm just genetic trash and should correct that with some good ol' carbon mono.
Also, I won't reply anymore because I don't want to clutter the thread.
No. 320349
>>320334It’s probably health related.
Could be Trimethylaminuria?
No. 320421
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I'm so low in life that I was as happy as Luna when I got my pills. I wish I never knew how wonderful sleeping your problems away is
No. 320469
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I haven't dated in two years but I hate that I still have feelings for the last person I was involved with. I don't even like him as a person anymore and I don't want him back either, but I'm still upset about how things ended. Some part of me still wishes that things could work out amicably, or at the very least I get to express the anger I've been repressing. Maybe if I wasn't so stubborn and prideful I could have let this go already, but remembering the past makes me feel sad and inadequate. Like there's an itch I can't scratch.
The situation is over but I wish i could accept that sooner so I could fully enjoy being single. Having emotional attachments to the past is hell.
No. 320477
>>320476Idk why he can't just fuck off and play his video games and shit on his own. He tries to forces me to build computers etc
I know I'm very capable of building my own computer and I'm very capable of playing video games…I just don't give a shit enough to try because I don't care about this stuff, it's boring to me. Then he accuses me of being "stubborn" or "simple minded" because I won't force myself to like the same bullshit he likes then he whines about how his friend has a gf who likes these things.
No. 320482
>>320080>Part of the reason I really don't want a diagnosis is because I feel like autism is such a joke now.Same. I was scared of writing that in the first place, in fear of sounding like an attention seeking snowflake. It's the same with being introverted - people glorify it and blurt it out whenever they can.
Whenever I told somebody about being shy or not having friends they're always like "Same, me too.", like no, you do have friends, you are dating etc, you might feel slightly nervous or don't feel like going out once in a while, but that's not the same as what I mean.
>>320090No, personally I've never really met anybody who behaved similarily to me.
On the one hand knowing whether I have it or not, would at leastmean that I finally know why I have so many problems with social interactions, but on the other hand it would also mean that it's not"just a phase", but me being stunted for life, which I obviously don't want.
No. 320692
>>320553My mom sexts an Indian fake bf online.
It could be worse anon.
No. 320709
>>320482why do you care about 'muh autie diagnosis', just live your life in the way that makes you happy and stop acting like a proto-munchie.
what are you going to do with the autism dx if and when you get it? write about it on the internet? come on, anon, love yourself.
No. 320814
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I want to be a normie.
Well not a complete normie, but I want to have a life and an identity outside of the internet, video games, anime and general nerd shit. I want to have an actual friend group with people who genuinely care about each other, not just some random group of internet acquaintances who only meet up IRL to drink and watch anime, and spend the rest of the time berating and shitting on each other in chatrooms because it's "fun xDD".
I want a SO who doesn't just constantly send me memes. Someone who doesn't even know what traps, lolis, nekos, waifus or furries are. Who the fuck sends their girlfriend a pic that says "girls are just dongless traps"? I have been thinking about breaking up, not solely because of this, but it is ONE of the reasons.
Even cosplaying is starting to feel weird to me. I love crafting stuff and making and wearing costumes, but I hate seeing all the greasy nerds at cons complaining about how the maid cafe girls skirts are too long, or all the costhots competing about who can win the most internet attention points by being the "lewdest loli~". I still want to keep creating costumes, but I'm thinking of switching from cosplay to making original stuff.
I almost started to reform my personal style based on what nerds on the internet, and to some extend my nerd boyfriend found attractive and I was looking at myself through an "IRL waifu" lens, but recently I snapped out of it before I could do anything drastic. Holy shit did it make me miserable, I was thinking of what kind of fucking thigh-highs or wigs I should wear to make randos on the internet think I was cute. I felt bad because I could never be as "kawaii :33" as some "meme queens" on Insta or whatever. I'm so fucking glad I realized that I don't want to be an "IRL loli animu gril waifu teehee", I want to be a real fucking person.
I don't want to ditch video games or anime or the internet completely, because they're still good for entertainment, and especially video games have been a big part of my life since I was a kid. But I don't want to live my whole inside a computer. I want to be a real person first and a nerd second, not the other way around. I want to have a real fucking life. I just kinda don't know where I should go from here.
No. 320820
>>320814I know this feel, anon. Although I didn't get deep enough to get a scummy nerd bf.
I haven't been super successful yet (I just have a handful of normie acquaintances although one is oddly supportive of my art on social media lol), but I think the secret is to just be more interested in the people that you're interacting with than shared interests. And watch some mainstream tv shows and movies if they want to talk about that.
From what I can tell from overhearing their conversations, most people just talk to each other about their lives and what they have going on with work/projects/school/etc. Men and women.
No. 320824
>>319692Yeah I'm with another anon, i too tried to date "above my class" (guys dad literally runs a multibillion earning corporation) and experienced an utterly chaotic relationship breakdown and extremely dysfunctional family bullshit. Granted, i was a lot more of a dumpster fire than his family would have ever bargained for at the time, but i got to watch as that guy i loved was constantly torn apart by the pressures of his high class family and their expectations. It wasn't pretty, wasn't fun, and though i overall feel pretty ok about him as a person that whole context is what makes the memory of it and the fact were no longer even friends probably because of all that shit we went through very, very sad.
So yeah you're spot on that like, even "lucking out" like that comes with it's own set of problems. I know I'm kinda jumping in late to reply to this lol but yeah i just wanted you and anyone else with this pressure to know that yeah you are valid in feeling super annoyed, cause it really wouldn't fix anything.
No. 320893
>>320745back at you!
enjoy writing long thinkpieces about how much you struggle wih your dx, hon.
No. 321133
Super pissed at my boyfriend today.
>Playing with new puppy and I notice he has large lump on neck that wasn't there yesterday.
>show bf and we agree to go immediately to vet
>he says ring the closest vet because the one we normally go to is further away and we decide this is an emergency
>I say 'how about ___?' that one is close.
>he responds back bitchily 'I DON'T KNOW BABE, I JUST SAID LOOK UP THE CLOSEST!!'
>We go to the vet.
>i pay them nearly 800 bucks to drain absess and they give us lots of medication. Dog has a tube sticking out of neck to drain pus and is wearing cone
>turns out puppy had an eye infection too
>Bf starts sperging at me 'I TOLD YOU HE HAD A WEIRD EYE'
>thought he meant a crazy eye because the dog gets crazy eyes when he's excited. Pup has been happy and I honestly never noticed anything wrong with his eye.
>anyway we get home and bf goes back to playing video games
>have to give pup eyedrops every 4 hours
>ask him to help me. He can hold while I drop in eye
>puppy squirms and yelps
>bf panics he's hurting pup (he's not, pup just doesn't like drops'
>bf starts sobbing and sobbing that it's so sad
>i say to him, yes, but he needs the drops. A bit of discomfort for 2 seconds while I do the drops.
>bf cries the entire time
>want to slap him for acting like a drama queen
I know I sound horrible but I literally paid the vet bill, stayed with dog constantly and am now putting his eyedrops in again MYSELF because bf is asleep.
Furthermore we found out that the bacterial infection was from one of our cats. After crying, it immediately turns to anger and he says horrible shit about the cat and how he hates it.
I tell him the cat doesn't know any better and we will just have to keep them seperated. The thing that annoys me too is that unless I'm at work, I'm watching that puppy like a hawk so it makes me think the pup got bitten while he was playing video games and babysitting.
Tldr- I sound like an insensitive bitch and I understand he's sensitive, which is one of the qualities I like about him, but today he acted like a nancyboy, which makes me think he'd be useless in an emergency.
No. 321143
>>321133He sounds like a bitch and while I like both cats and dogs, I think it's really childish of him to place any blame on the cat. I just hope he doesn't mistreat the cat or abandon.
You did a great thing, anon. I'm sorry that your bf was horrible towards you considering the effort you put both financially and with your time.
I can't judge the character from this one occasion but from this alone, I'd say he'd make a terrible father. If you ever consider starting a family with him, I'd think twice before doing that. He seems like the typical man that dump all the duties and chores on you.
>>321142Like this anon said. His anger is juvenile and concerning if you're not teenagers anymore.
No. 321144
I'm a recovering internet loser who lead a pretty much
normie life now. But doesn't it hurt to look back and see how cringy weebshit people have more romantic success than you.
I used to live on the internet and doesn't know anything else than nerd shit, growing up with abusive (physically too), strict yet neglecting' family. Wasn't allowed to have friends or go to places unaccompanied. Internet was my only way to interact with outside world. Didn't learn normal social skills or anything until I was out on my own in uni and I can say I'm adapting fast. I'm still struggling with insecurity, attachment problems and expanding my social circle. Although most of my friends are normie friends now and I have quite a 'passable' social life, I got quite good with conversation and I just see how things are going better each days.
The thing is… I am lesbian and kind of just assumes most girls to be straight to begin with. Coupled with attachment issues making it harder to feel a strong attraction to someone emotionally unless I know them well. I even find it hard to really trust most of my friends.
(And LGBT club in my uni is mostly political obsessed tumblrina breeding ground)
However, I also started to get a bit repulsed by the nerd/fandom community now after realizing how much socially out of touch a lot of them can be IRL and the overly political atmosphere I don't enjoy. Many just seem like they live in their head, and I just don't think I can go back there again anymore.
But I still envy them just enjoying their hobbies in their social circle where most people are accepting of that. While for me it probably takes a bit of time to get my shit together. Just have a look at my complicated relationship fakeboi friend on Tumblr who is kind of immature, who still got successful with another weeb guy(always straight but pretending to be in 'gay relationship'), doing silly things in cons, posting not-funny-anymore memes/SJ stuff and always have tumblr hugbox squad for her frequent rants and breakdowns.
No one is entitled to anything and recovery takes time. But it's tiring to see how I tried so hard to get out of rut but there's no way to rush it while people I now share a different life goal hit the milestone faster. Perhaps now I've become qn uppity, judgemental bitch of my own making… Who knows?
>>320814I feel you anon and I completely get where you come from. While I came here to post my vent I just feel like it's… Relevant. I don't know what advice could I give now other than it's possible to be a nerd second. Try to step out of comfort zone and expand your interests in real life. If you're in college/uni it is much easier due to many clubs to join. But the process is not overnight, and there could be an awkward spot where you just don't feel like any groups are fitting.
No. 321162
>>321143>>321142Thanks for responding, it makes me feel better that I wasn't the one being irrational.
The whole cat thing annoys me too because he adopted some senile cat that used to mess everywhere and I literally got stuck with cleaning it's tray while he got the fun jobs like feeding it. It got to the point where I voiced concern about the tray and he would sometimes mutter under my breath outloud after cleaning the floor for the millionth time that day, and he would tell me to stop being so negative about the cat. I said I don't mind the cat's issues, i love him, I'm just frustrated about being the janitor 24/7.
He then offered to help clean up more after the shit. That lasted 2 days. I am back to being the janitor. Also I'm mildly allergic to it, but I love it and look after it anyway. It just annoys me that he was so obsessed with this old cat and the minute it does something to the new puppy he tells it to fuck off. Even though I had a million issues with the cat in the beginning, I never hated on it. The things I complained about were allergies and poop, I never told the cat to fuck off or say i want to kill it and make slippers.
As for my boyfriend, he does have a job but it's been off season so he's not working much and in turn, it's making him extremely lazy and annoying. He's been obsessed with some shitty online game. Lately I've been thinking he's become more and more selfish but I've been with him for ages snd I know it's not easy to break up period…but I have foresight and I know he'd be the type to be sad and then turn it around in his brain that I am a fucking bitch. It would be a screaming match and exhausting. I'm so tired with working, study and life and I don't want the drama that will ensue when he loses all if not most of his pets and the car that I paid for.
Oh yeah and i forgot to add he set up an expensive aquarium months ago and got bored of it and i am looking after the pets now.
Sometimes I think i am painting him in a bad light because he doesn't know he's being a prick and actually DOES try to fix things when it gets to a fight, but confronting him about anything just makes him so damn defensive.
No. 321192
>>321144idk why you're getting shit for this anon. people are cringy and disappointing af, that's why we're on lolcow laughing at them.
that said you might benefit from chilling out a bit and taking people as individuals rather than making snap judgements. do stuff that makes you happy without worrying about the community.
it's hard when you feel alien to society and your peers, but you're doing well considering. it's just going to take more time and more life experience for you to get there. it's not a race.
No. 321195
>>321181i think they used a variety of drugs, i think i only saw synthetic oestrogen mentioned, but they are definitely not safe.
i really dislike transactivists but i feel really bad for all the people who fall for it and end up getting all these hormone blockers. most of them are going to regret it.
im not sure about troons, but think most of the girls the therapy was done on had no significant effects on their height, instead they mainly got the negative.
No. 321202
>>321190As well as being used to treat cancer it's also used to chemically castrate pedophiles. It reduces sexual desire to nil or almost nil, and also often causes impotence and fertility issues.
Sounds like a great thing to pump into kids!
No. 321204
>>321195Pretty sure the trans kids who use hormone blockers are getting scammed on a global scale. Anyway,
>most of the girls the therapy was done on had no significant effects on their height, instead they mainly got the negativeWhy does that not surprise me? From what I read the doctors who prescribed that shit weren't even sure it was going to work as well as they hoped for so these poor girls were used as guinea pigs.
>>321190I only heard about Lupron specifically in these other cases so you taught me something today.
No. 321207
>>321202Lupron is one of three drugs used for hormone blockers. The other two (Zoladex and Decapeptyl) are also chemical castration drugs and are used to treat sex offenders with severe paraphilias.
Zoladex also causes severe memory loss.
No. 321229
>>321199Get some therapy
>>321184Just git gud at procrastinating.
No. 321265
>>321192Samefagging, the thing about being judgemental is that I really do need to drop that down but sometimes it's hard to do so when I'm trying hard to not fall back into the way that made my life unproductive in the past. The shit I got is justified… Still
I still agree with you though that sone people we are laughing here on the site are just cringy, even more so if you used to be like them and tried to stop but hasn't completely moved on.
No. 321312
>>321308tl;dr of her post is that she's bitter and jelly of weebs cause they're happy and she's now forever alone and unhappy
anon is obviously not intelligent.
No. 321316
>>321304Thanks, anon.
It's wild to me that people in their mid twenties can still say shit that sounds like something I'd post on Livejournal in 2005. I don't want to be inconsiderate to their disorder but god damn, it's so exhausting to constantly dodge being manipulated.
No. 321359
>>321313Being nerdy is really mainstream now. It seems like you haven't been hanging around normies at all.
>>321312Totally agree
No. 321362
My mom sent me a text this evening asking if everything was okay because I've seemed a bit off the last couple times she had see me.
what's bothering me is that I'm still upset she bailed on me the day-of the wedding of two of my best friends… a wedding I was a bridesmaid in. I don't have a significant other to bring to things like this, so I thought she would appreciate seeing me look all nice and done-up since I don't really do that sort of thing. I mean, she's met the bride and groom multiple times and she knows that they're important peope in my life… and the venue wasn't even out of the way for her–it was a 15 minute drive. I know it is. I passed by the neighborhood she lives in on my way there.
I'm just pissed because she literally did it the day-of. I had sent her a courtesy text about hoping she hadn't recently washed her car because there's a pretty long dirt road that leads to the venue and it got my car all dirty going down it, and she responds with something along the lines of "I've been renovating our old house so much lately, I've fallen behind on keeping up with our new one so I'd like to stay home and work on that. Is that okay? <3"
No, of course it fucking isn't because you're essentially saying you'd rather stay home and clean. It's not like I haven't been her +1 to shit where I know absolutely no one because she doesn't want to go by herself when my dad is working/hunting. I mean, I really thought she would want to see me look the best I'm probably ever going to look because god knows I'm never walking down the aisle. But of course, being the passive piece of shit that I am, I told her I understood and that it was no big deal. When, you know, it kind of was. Like, if I wasn't waiting to pick up one of the other bridesmaids so we could carpool when I had received that text, I probably would've broken down and cried in my car.
It also doesn't help that every time I've seen her since she's asked about pictures of the wedding and it's taken a lot for me to not snap back at her and say "well if you were there, you would know how everything looked".
No. 321371
>>321362Sorry anon but I think its a little ridiculous to expect your mum to attend a wedding of your friends just because you're in the bridal party.
Stop being a brat and show her some photos because you obviously care way too much about her seeing you look nice on the day.
No. 321393
>>321371I have none to show until the wedding photographer uploads any. I've developed a bad habit of not taking pictures of things because growing up we never… really took pictures of anything. So it's weird to be expected to do this when it was ever a norm.
>>321373I'm early 20s, she's early 50's. She had already agreed months before to attend and had been asking me for reminders of the date/time leading up to it. It's hard to invite someone else to wedding when the majority of your friends are either already invited or in the wedding party.
>>321379She's really judgemental. I'd almost put her at borderline narcissist level because she had always been overly concerned about how anything I did would reflect on her. So I wanted her to see me in a positive light and so she could have a 'proud mom' moment to share on social media.
But, obviously I am in the wrong here. Maybe I do have some sort of weird attachment. I know I have this need to prove that maybe I'm doing something okay in life.
No. 321505
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>invite friends to come over
>delete messages because they didn't respond withing 10 minutes at 9 in the morning because I'm scared they might not respond
great job, idiot
No. 321512
daddy issues, boo fucking hoo, i know
i grew up in a conservative rural area where women from the older generation were taught that they are only worth something if they give birth to a boy. my grandfather didn't give a fuck about his children, my grandmother raised my father like the second coming of jesus and my two aunts like subhumans. she made them clean up his shit all the time. she let my father to become an obnoxious fucker and treat her sisters like servants, she told them to ask for their brother's permission on what they can wear or if they can go outside to meet up with their friends, and he wouldn't let them do what they want.
my grandparents are guilty but that doesn't mean my father is innocent. he was the eldest sibling, he had control over all of these situations.
he ruined me and my sister's childhood as well. he became an alcoholic and he managed to get out of it, but during his alcoholic phase he used to beat me and my older sister up, he would yell at us over anything. he fucking choked me for not doing something he wanted when i was 8. after he stopped drinking, he stopped beating us up and but he was still an aggressive asshole and he would still yell at and threaten to beat us up for any stupid reason. he was about to kick my sister out for dating someone when she was 19. he couldn't spend his money wisely for shit, he always had debt and would waste my mother and sister's money on his shit too. when i was 12, my mom had an accident and couldn't be able to walk for 2 years, and that motherfucker cheated on her during that time.
when i was a kid, i used to cry a lot because of him. seeing people who have a good relationship with their fathers would make me sad because it made me wonder what the fuck i've done to deserve such a shitty one. i tell myself that i don't care about him anymore but thinking about him still makes me feel like shit. i wish i never knew him, i wish he never existed at all, but he did, and he is the reason why my life is so fucked up.
No. 321514
>>321512That sounds rough and quite disgusting tbh (e.g. your aunts needing to ask for permission)
My dad was kinda similar in some ways and then ended up dying. My life has improved honestly so if he wouldn’t have died, I know now that I definitely should have gotten away to make my life prosperous. I hope you don’t need to have contact with him. I’m really sorry anon
No. 321608
>>321505Deleted it on which program/app? Like they definitely didn't see it or did you just delete your side?
Also good luck on being braver and actually going out.
No. 321802
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I spend so much time and energy helping my friends when they are down or stuck in life. Some times 24 hr a day for weeks on end being support. To the point sometimes if I went to sleep I would even turn my phone on loud just in case they are having some sort of breakdown and need me there and then.
> Wow u so gr8 anon, thank u so much for ur help and love and support, I would not be here without u. Thanks for all the advice and research and links u put together to help me! U are honestly the best! My life is all healed now!
However whenever I say I need help or support or feel sad
> It will be ok anon :)
> *~exits chat~*
> crickets.wav
> Volume: 98%
No. 321808
>>321802I'm the same anon and the only thing I can say is just find new friends. I did and my life has gotten better.
There have been times recently when I broke down and told a friend I was suicidal and they laughed it off, or when I went through a hard breakup and family member loss and someone wanted my attention NOW and didn't really care that I was struggling too when they were just being dramatic over nothing.
You have to care about yourself first, sometimes just dropping people or putting them on hold is for the best.
No. 321819
>>3218021000% relatable and I started to stay away, NOT open up to them anymore or at least don't let them sob on my shoulder for too much time (most go for those who only give them pats on the head, and I don't sugarcoat words).
I realized some of them are nothing but massive sympathy junkies snowflakes who only wants to be pitied and told how "brave" they are while when you're going thru actual rough shit they either ignore or log off or cut you off. They also can't stand criticism and tend to make things about themselves such as:
>hey, X is going through some real bad things now and is considering suicide>"oh yeah I tried suicide too in 2007 when I was going through this and that" (no1curr)>then another one proceeds to talk about something that happened ages ago >everyone else joins>then the chat becomes a huge pity party mess Now I only care for one of who goes through real bad shit, the rest can explode that I couldn't care less.
Couldn't agree more with
>>321808 No. 321840
>>321802I'm so sorry you went through that anon!! It can be really hard to trust when you are always there for your friends 100% but they don't do the same for you.
I once had a friend txt me during a group dinner that she tried to kill herself and i called her and she never picked up, but just txed me a few times and disappeared for a week. She's not dead, but that shit pissed me off so much. i wanted to make sure she was fine since she was in another state.
No. 321905
>>321608on messenger and now I'm not sure
nah I'm not brave at all but thanks for believing in me anon
>>321618I….did not….
No. 321929
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Sometime I feel like it sucks that I don't have any friends (I only have 1, and she has a lot of friends) but at the same time, I'm pretty sure, I just like the idea of having friends. whenever my friend wants to make plans it falls through because, I end up not feel like hanging out. so its frustrating to think that I want any friends when I'd rather be by myself chilling
No. 321974
>>321904Fuck, I have the same problem except I just don't talk to any of the guys, ugly or not because I'm that retarded and scared of them. Three guys asked some girl I talk to if I hated them because I don't make any effort to talk to them but in reality, I don't get how to socialize with boys at all.
When a guy does try talking to me, I subconsciously put up a bitchy, teasing, holier-than-thou front to protect myself and essentially push them away. I don't have this problem with girls at all and am always myself around women.
I don't know how bad it is for you, but definitely watch your tone and what you say, try being your kindest self and try being open with the ones you like. You'll attract a lot of guys interests just by doing this because with a lot of men, just talking to them and being nice to them in their minds means you want to bang them lmao.
No. 322117
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SO I have to vent bc I'm really really scared and nervous right now. I got an email today of my former college, that they want me to send me a testimony of everything I have done there bc I managed to finally pay off all my shit. At first I was all right, finally it's happening because it's been a while since I graduated. BUT something about the wording of the email worries me. They wrote testimony and not DIPLOMA like what I actually did there and finished. Then I remembered that my name wasn't on the list for the "Diploma Party" that was held, I thought because my work sucked compared to everybody else (and because I knew my lecturer didn't really liked me), but now I'm scared that I wasted my time and money there for actually accomplish nothing? I knew my grade and they said nothing about not getting my diploma but still. I will flip the shit out if I don#t get it out of sudden? Idk I hated going there and was glad I could leave all behind me and shit but then I again I will realize how much more I wasted my lifetime until now and how pointless it seems make something out of my life because I'm in my mid-20s and I feel like it's to late to change my profession.
No. 322187
>>322184This sounds like me over 4 years ago dating a man twice my age.
I know it feels like you can't leave and he'll make it hard and awful to leave but honestly get out and don't look back. I was living with this dude too and tried to leave numerous times over the course of 2 and a half years and eventually succeeded.
Also you don't need to date anyone to feel complete. If you aren't attracted to women, you probably shouldn't even really toy with the idea, especially if it's only appealing because the men you date suck. Not trying to sound mean, it's just that a lot of girls date abusive assholes and say stuff like I'm tired of men, i should just be a lesbian! Abusive lesbians exist too, I dated an absolute crazy for 3 months and my friend who is gay dated a woman who ended up pulling her hair and punching her face repetitively because my friend tried to dump her.
No. 322194
>>322184Also that leaving you for a teenage thing could be your paranoia, however I would ask the older ex about girls all the time (he only ever dated younger girls with the exception of his ex wife)
Yes it's an extremely insecure thing to do, but I had weird suspicions. Anyway turns out he was looking at child pron. I found out because one of the drop down previous searches on google said literally 'pre teen porn'
Sooo you may doubt yourself at times or gaslight yourself but you might be right in thinking he's a creep.
No. 322208
>>322184Anon, please get out of there. I'm sure you have plenty to live for, and even if it feels like you don't now, you will find it.
You might be paranoid, but you also might be right about him. My ex was way older and after we broke up, he started dating someone a little younger than me. He was close to twice my age.
A lot of men suck, but there are decent guys out there. If you don't want to date again out of trauma, that's your choice. Otherwise, you can give yourself a while to heal.
No. 322238
>>322205Awww, nonny you aren’t a snowflake. You’re just a sensitive person, empathetic and other people can sense it and take advantage of that. I’ve been in this position before too, and it just took a firm “Dont say about me, I don’t like it” to stop the mean “affectionate” jokes my friends made about me (they used to call me an adult baby for collecting stuffed animals, they’d say this in public around their other friends)
The problem with standing up for yourself is that it’s hard to do when you care about what others think. I don’t think you should become a self centered narcissist, but just know that other people’s fun shouldn’t come at the expense of your own happiness, and if your coworkers/friends/aquaitences are treating you badly, you deserve to speak up.
No. 322257
>>322205>>322238Thank you. It means a lot to me, to read what you said. Sometimes I worry about how I come off as I don’t want to be a victim. I just don’t understand sometimes what is going on. I realized today after talking with family over some issues that a lot of the things I do in regards to spirituality has been caused by my experiences. And honestly I think sometimes it makes it worse because a lot of religious people say oh, it’s your fault or that you brought it into existence blah blah blah.
It’s hard for me too to let go of painful experiences. Even though I confronted my boss and other people who I’ve crossed paths with, it still haunts me every now and then. Like on my job, my boss decided to cut me off out of the blue and it was obvious she told my coworkers to ignore me as they never responded to my texts. She only piped up when I told her my future plans for next year and that was when she decided to fire me. I texted her a few weeks later and told her I thought she was immature, that that sort of behavior was unprofessional and belonged in high school, not amongst grown women 20 - 50 years of age. I wish I could let go of it but I think about them ignoring me and smiling in my face and all of the things they criticized me for, like that I didn’t smile enough, or that I wasn’t friendly or good enough for the job.
No. 322286
>>322259the frustration is understandable and ive got a pretty good idea the fat acceptance thing is just a way for her to deflect her unhappiness about her size onto something that is unhealthy but gaining acceptance.
shes got a really awful relationship with food. therapy is a good start but thinking that you can force someone onto a diet and exercise regime as a solution for an emotional problem really isnt a good idea.
No. 322303
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>lose motivation to draw these last two years, struggle to pump out art but improve slightly.
>sister has been drawing more often and is improving at a decent rate
>scared she’s going to get better than me
>All my friends see her art and probably wonder what the fuck I’m doing with my art
Feels bad
I want to improve but it’s getting even harder to stay motivated like this. Don’t get me wrong, im happy for her but also I don’t like being overshadowed. Being an insecure artist is suffering
No. 322324
Going to an art school and constantly seeing students who are better than you really damages motivation, especially when most of my friends are light years ahead of me.
Instead of getting into that head space, try using her improvement as a motivater to get better. Ik it sounds dumb asf and super competitive, but personally it helped me a lot.
I know you'll get better anon! Don't beat yourself about taking a break or being unproductive, whether it's a day or three years.
No. 322378
>>322259Everyone is saying you are mean for being like this, but I can relate so HARD. My older sister has always been overweight and would taunt me all through my teen years saying I had no shape or tits because I was thin. She always projected and would say the rudest things and I NEVER called her names except one time where I called her a fat bitch (she pushed my buttons) and she has literally never forgotten it even though she used to insult my body on the daily. I've also had a good friend who hated her body that would get mad if I didn't order as much or more food than her. I also had a coworker who was obese joke on the daily that I had no tits or figure. I am a B cup and actually have quite large hips despite being thin, yet all these fatties in my life would tell me I had a noodle body and no shape (probably because I tend to wear baggy stuff that doesn't fit tightly and it looks like I'm straight up and down)
Like I understand these people saying you should try and help your sister, but people with weight issues can be toxic as fuck if they are projecting, and just because she's your sister, it shouldn't give her a free pass to insult you.
She shouldn't be excused for being a cunt just because she has an earing disorder.
No. 322464
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We've broken up, and I'm still thinking about him. Obsessing over him, honestly.
I hate it. I hate that I spent so much time on him, and none of it was fucking worth it. I was so willfully blind, and I'm so fucking mad at myself.
Fuck you, get out of my head and let me enjoy my birthday in peace. You're like a leech for the heart. You slutted me out and lied to me, and my stupid self just forgave you each time. Thank you for giving me something new I will have to bury, something I can never tell anyone about because it's too disgusting and humiliating. I thought we were the same, but I would never do those things to you or anyone. I'm glad I left. If I ever get better, I still don't want to get back together. You would just drag me down again. You took advantage of my need to be loved, neglected me, and then had the gall to be upset when I left. Upset, without wanting to fix anything about our relationship, of course. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. I'm never coming back.
I'd say this to his face, but I have a feeling he'd screencap it, show it to people and make me out to be a horrible person.
No. 322533
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I've lost my sketchbook and now I'm a bit stressed.
It's most likely at home but my mind is of course anxious about someone finding it. My own fault for putting edgy NSFW stuff in it.
Why do I do this to myself?!
No. 322600
>>322599Same problem here with the same situation. I hate myself. There are so many people that would kill to be in my spot and I feel I should be doing more.
Instead, here I am procrastinating as usual.
No. 322633
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>>322599>>322616>>322600I have the same kind of issue. I'm fortunate enough to where I could live at home forever and my dad has no issue with that scenario. I'm incredibly thankful for my situation but it creates no sense of urgency no matter how much I really don't want to be that person living at home forever. I hate feeling like this freeloader but I cannot get motivated to make the steps towards independence.
No. 322858
WHY are all the “empowered feminist cam girls” the ugliest, greasiest, dirtiest looking people ever. WHO pays for that? This is kind of brought on by these two girls I went to school with who bacame “camgirls” or whatever. Neither of them are attractive, one is chubby, dirty, her hair looks matted and like she never brushes it, her pictures are all taken sitting in the dirty carpet, like she just sat down and lazily took a photo. No effort. yet she brags about apparently making $11,000 in two months camming. Low key jealous about that kinda cash of course, but it’s also pretty classless to brag about your money imo. The other girl is a fake boy that pretends to be some kind of cross dresser or something. (A girl pretending to be a boy pretending to be a girl) and has THE WORST tattoos. She did some herself, does so many drugs and got her druggie friends to tattoo the rest. She has a huge ugly black uneven, shaky piece on her chest that I don’t even know wtf it’s supposed to be. She has short chopped up fake boy hair that she dyes a different colour every day and is fried beyond belief. She’s also a mega SJW who once called me a racist because I wore a Yukata when I literally live in Japan and my husband is Japanese
No. 322873
>>322858There's a market for mediocre looking girls because guys feel more at east with them, thinking they're more relatable and attainable.
It's the same with mediocre looking girls who blow up to be massive meme waifus.
No. 322918
>>322886Tbh I’m starting to even doubt that much money anyway, Literally all her pics are her squatting in front of a mirror on the floor with dirty towels and garbage and stuff in the background. A mattress on the floor, ugly, dirty bathroom. Clearly a cheap, old, dirty apartment. And she always posts about getting furniture from ikea. I think her place would be a little better if she was getting 6k a month.
Just pisses me off how genuinely lazy her content is and how she brags so much about everything, when did this behavior become a virtue?
The sjw girl I blocked a while back. She’s basically a lolcow herself honestly. She got all her minions to spam me with messages calling me racist but then saying I’d have a “dirty half child” if I had kids, lmao. Then she tried to defend herself by claiming her boyfriend is like 1/8 Japanese or some shit, even though he literally is white
No. 322923
>>322858>That much is true pretty much everywhere. But Japan's idol culture is different. Part of the allure for idols is a girl/boy next store attainability that Western idols lack. In most cases, they are not supposed to seem larger-than-life; in fact, they're supposed to seem approachable, like someone you might already know in your daily life. It's all in the marketing; they're selling fans a virginal, innocent pure package of cuteness that can be "theirs".
>The same psychology of fandom applies here as with the Western kind of idol. However, this slight difference in image means a lot. It doesn't matter nearly as much if the idol has any real singing or dancing ability – in fact, it may be better if they're kind of mediocre. They don't need to have flawless complexions and necklines etched by God himself, because they're not supposed to be this perfect, inaccessible thing. They're supposed to be The One For You.
>Most Japanese idols work on the micro-level. They interact directly with their fans (for a price, of course), and often only release a handful of singles before their careers peter out. They perform at shopping centers and department store rooftops. With such an intimate relationship with their fans, many idol fans become obsessed, and get extremely upset when it's revealed that the idol has a romantic life of their own. That breaks the spell: the fantasy that was being sold was that they COULD, in fact, really be yours! Why else would you spend so much money on all their terrible songs and photos and magazinesQuoting this because it's basically the same idea.
No. 323118
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Two days ago my office chair broke, means it doesn't get up because the inner thingy just felt completely out of it and it looks like it's not possible to repair it in any way (I mean it's almost 9 years old at this point but annoying anyway). So I ordered the exact same chair from ikea again and if everything works out and I get my new chair on time, I will be able to live and work in peace again in around 6 days. But as long I have to wait for this shit, I have to sit on this fucking uncomfortable kitchen chair that blesses me with a stiff neck and shoulders and that makes me feel like constantly stretching my back because it's so small and hard. Sadly I have no chance to drive to ikea because I live in the middle of nowhere and nobody I know owns a fricking car lol I hate this so much jesus
>>323091Going alone to a concert is pretty fun and a great way to meet new people bc I feel everybody is in a great mood so they are super talkative! Go for it, enjoy the show and be happy that you had the chance to see your fave artist live on stage!
No. 323150
>>323098>>323118Thanks, that's reassuring. I never went to a concert before, excluding the small ones at anime cons, so I have no idea it's going to a concert alone is common.
>and be happy that you had the chance to see your fave artist live on stage!I actually never listened to my friend's music before, his band seems to have a lot of fans in the region so we'll see how it goes. I'm looking forward to seeing hm again in any case.
No. 323242
>>323221I feel you…I really like being sweet talked by guys I'm acquainted with.
>>323240How does someone liking being called a good girl by some guy = pet kink? Most people enjoy praise, guess most of the population is into petplay according to your brain. You sound like a genuine retard and your dad treating you like shit has nothing to do with anything anon said.
No. 323260
>>323245i don't have daddy issues. he talks to me weird sometimes, but we have a strong relationship.
>>323242"good girl" is what you say to a female dog when it shakes your hand, not a grown woman. that's a pretty weird compliment. it would creep me out if some guy said that to me.
No. 323288
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>>322324Thank you anon, I needed that!
I’ve actually managed to pull myself together and started doing some digital art . Feels really good to draw again.
No. 323299
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I just ordered these boots from online that fit my small feet, but when I tried to put them on for the first time I realized my legs were too fat kek. No cheeze nips tonight.