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No. 321710
This thread is for:
>posting screenshots of disgusting posts/comments/pictures/videos men say or do to hate and shame women >stories or awful encounters with men>why you, yourself hate or avoid men>tips on how to avoid shit/incel-tier men>just venting about how shit women are treated in this society in generalPrevious threads:
>>>/ot/225502>>>/ot/217093>>>/ot/213878>>>/ot/220064>>>/ot/229274>>>/ot/233664>>>/ot/236692>>>/ot/270158>>>/ot/274298>>>/ot/279732>>>/ot/297885>>>/ot/305678 No. 321721
>>321720Also, I wanted to add it's not a big deal. There are much more pressing issues that affect us.
However, as the videos are being reuploaded, you can again see the incitement to violence against women and not just feminists being celebrated and echoed.
I've discussed this with a friend of mine and he said it's just teen edgelords and others hiding behind layers of sarcasm but I didn't get that impression. I do think that the next generations of men will be even worse and more violent and the internet will provide spaces for them to support their hateful claims and misogynistic beliefs. It only takes a small portion of them to enact on their fantasies out of the whole lot.
I'm really fearful for the younger girls that will have to deal with it.
No. 321723
>>321720And when we say men hate women, their little fanatsies always prove it. Theyd love to abuse power over women and kill us, joke about it and laugh along the way.
>>321721I dont think the edgelord excuse doesnt hold up anymore. Too many of them are autistic anyway
No. 321728
>>321720It's a great game, you can kill KKK members in it and ignored the nice first wave ladies if you want. That's what I'm doing.
That being said I'm glad someone posted about this video, and that it's been taken down. It keeps appearing in my feed and it grosses me the fuck out. These troglodytes are literally upset by women wanting the most basic of human rights, and yet they'll scream all day long about how they're "egalitarian" lmao.
No. 321750
>>321723> Theyd love to abuse power over women and kill us, joke about it and laugh along the way.Yeah, you should have read the comments.
I avoid the manosphere just so I don't think about what men really think about us. They were wishing female genital mutilation under the excuse that men go through that. They were wishing that feminist irl had that treatment by being shot in the face with a shotgun. And ultimately, there were a bunch of calls to abuse women in general in the sense of beating, taking rights away, and how we're not able to think and make decisions and how we're the cause of the downfall etc.
Hear this, one user was complaining because his mom wants him to find a job. bwahahaha
The whole comment section was insane all because of one suffragette NPC. And they're saying we're emotional. Fucking lol
>>321728Thanks! I'll still consider it.
> women wanting the most basic of human rights, and yet they'll scream all day long about how they're "egalitarian" lmao.What's funny is that in the comment section you have a bunch of NEET losers that scream how women don't deserve to vote while themselves are only good as worm food and have contributed nothing to the society.
>>321731If it were up to them, we'd still be second class citizens. They just pretend to be egalitarian so that they can play the victim because, you know, men have duties and obligations like child support and can be jailed for rape. Imagine the horror /s
No. 321817
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>>321720Welp that didn't last long.
But I agree. The comments gave a striking insight into the average dude's mind. I don't even think handmaidens could deny the hatred that was there.
No. 321827
>>321750>mom nags me about being a fat neet that does nothing all day but play vidya :(>blames all of women for this and promotes murder fantasy to othersYeah theyre frightening. I really cant grasp typing out how elated you are desiring to kill women for being women so easily like they do. But! at the end of the day, in reality they will always be useless genetic dead-end neets desperate to feel some control over their pathetic lives. Other women around them do. They work, vacation and travel, have relationships, own homes, start businesses, volunteer, are happy. They LOATHE it and LOATHE us for living life.
>>321817Sickening.. but surprising. The video is one thing, and those comments are another..
>>321811Do low sex drive/asexual men even exist? We need to clone them if they do and be rid of sexually aggressive men. Then maybe things can get better
No. 321828
>>321818Why are we like this?
I just want to get along and have us stop raping and using each other.
No. 321916
>>321899I went on a date once and we asked each other what celebrities we thought were attractive
>I'm pale, auburn hair>He lists european women with dark hair>I list people who look nothing like him>be thinks this date is going great and wants to see me more>I bail earlyGenuinely why do they chase after women who aren't their "type" in the slightest?
No. 321921
>>321916What? Just because you find some actor attractive doesn't mean that's the only kind of person you can be attracted to. Are you 15?
>>321899 has a guy she's seeing who, without being asked, tells her about how much he wants to bone Asians and fetishises Asian girls, that's something entirely different and she should really tell him to look for a freaking Asian girlfriend then.
No. 321942
>>321792> Remember that Marjan SickfuckIt's Marjan Siklic, right?'s also a thread about him in/pt/
> he had been previously arrested for detailing his plan of a murder-suicide of some girl who broke up with him> he believes that society has been brainwashed by “The Atheist Cult” (TAC) which consists of liberals, leftists, atheists, and feminists > he is sickened by the fact that rape is considered worse than involuntary celibacy (incel).> Marjan has at least three admitted arrests, one for beating up his parents, one for protesting naked on the court house steps in the name of incel, and one for threatening to kill a woman who rejected him and then kill himselfI remember reading years ago that he tried to rape his mother. I don't know if that is true but it's not on the wiki anymore.
I'd say he's a perfect representative of the "harmless" incels that totally wouldn't go out of their way to harm women.
No. 321954
>>321942Yeah, that was a pun on his last name. I mentioned his bizzare blog monicker (caamib aka coalpha anti modern…modernist? or something) so it would be clear who I mean.
His blog is a cesspool of incel degeneracy. He claims to be fucking a girl/woman and might have even impregnated her. If she exists, to say that he is abusive is an understatement.
At least his kiwifarms thread is very fun with him sperging and kiwis kicking the shit out of him kek.
No. 321963
>>321944This makes me sad because I've always suspected my naivety makes me attractive to men. I was beat up by my mum a lot as a child, and it made me very placid and always try to mediate for peace. Literally all of my boyfriends have hit me and barrage me with emotional abuse down the line after I open up about my childhood because I'm always quick to be on the defensive. I've had boyfriends use my mums obvious disdain against me as evidence I deserve to be put in place. I wouldn't say I'm aggressive but I guess I like to talk out my feelings and grievances. People have said I like to victimise myself but I always thought of it as me trying to rationalise why this shit keeps happening and I naively trust people won't use
triggers against me.
I doubt I'll ever feel emotionally supported by a man but I bet I'll always be in some mess of a relationship.
No. 321975
>>321963not really related to man-hating, but anon, you really need some proper trauma therapy. talking out your feelings and grievances with people who don't care about them won't do anything except harm you further. you're just getting sucked up in their circular arguments and then JADEing (justifying, arguing, defending, explaining), and the more words you say gives them more to twist and put in your mouth. you're like a bright white light to these narcissistic, piece of shit moths. which is NOT to say it's your fault, because you've been groomed for this your whole life due to your childhood of abuse; but more to say that makes you such an incredibly easy target for future abusers, since they don't have to go to the effort of "breaking you in" and grooming you themselves.
if therapy seems too daunting, at least lurk the CPTSD, raisedbynarcissists and the JUSTNO (justnomil, justnofamily) subs on reddit, because they have lots of practical advice on dealing with toxic people, especially family. they can also guide you to other resources to help you learn, and heal, and grow. one book that you'll hear suggested a lot is Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft, which you should definitely read.
you DO deserve a romantic relationship with someone who loves you and supports you, but in the mean time, i'd say that having no sandwich to eat (i.e., not being in a relationship) is a lot better than eating a sandwich made of shit out of some ill-conceived notion of obligation (i.e. being in a shitty toxic messy relationship). you're the master of your own fate, anon, and you can change how your story goes.
No. 321986
>>321850Honestly I've heard stories of men denying high-sex-drive women in favor of porn.
I don't even know what the excuse is there. 100% if I had a cute bf I'd be fucking him all the time instead of getting off to videos. It's just the superior option.
No. 321991
>>321986You don't get to see a double penetration followed by a golden shower in reality.
Porn-sick men will choose porn because their need for more brutal images will gradually be less and less fulfilled by real life sex.
No. 321998
>>321991But even I'm into hardcore shit in regards to men (like male anal prolapse and reverse pegging gangbangs) and I would still give up the fantasies to touch the flesh of someone I love. Even if it never went beyond gfd.
Men are just emotionally retarded.
No. 322016
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No. 322052
>>322051Yeah, the fact that they have to point out when a few men decide to do something good just makes it clear how rotten and violent men are in general.
What about all the women that don't commit mass shootings and help and volunteer and make sacrifices on the daily for everyone? Where's their article? Where's their recognition?
Nope. Nobody cares.
It's the same thing with single dads and single moms.
No. 322053
>League of Legends's developer is facing legal action over allegations it paid female employees less than men because of their gender and tolerated sexual harassment.>The legal action is being led by Melanie McCracken - an internal communications specialist who has worked at the company since 2013 - and Jessica Negron - a content editor who quit in 2017 after being employed for two years.>Their complaint - which has been shared online by Kotaku - states that the company fostered a "bro culture", with specific claims including:>Female workers had been sexually objectified, with an email chain that rated the company's "hottest women employees" and a thread that referred to one woman as being a good target to sleep with and not call again>One of Riot's co-founders had used the phrase "no doesn't necessarily mean no" as a slogan during a company meeting>Female staff had been regularly belittled by supervisors whose alleged comments had included: "Her kids and husband must really miss her while she was at work," and: "She's shrill">Unsolicited images of male genitalia had been shown to workers by their bosses and colleagues>Women had been required to take part in online games where they were "routinely harassed and demeaned" by othersIn addition, the two have made complaints about their own treatment.
>Ms Negron alleges that while earning $56,000 (£42,500) she had been asked to take on the duties of a former manager who had earned about $160,000.>After further setbacks, she said, she had left after realising Riot would never promote her or pay her a fair salary for the roles it had expected her to carry out.>Ms McCracken alleges that she had spoken in confidence to the company's human resources department about a supervisor who made sexist hiring decisions, only for the manager to reveal he had been informed she had made the complaint.>Ms McCracken said that in a separate role she had later been falsely accused of showing people pictures of another Riot executive at a strip club and of uploading naked images of him to the dark web.(lol where is reddit's outrage over this false accusation???!)
>This led to a situation, she claims, in which she had missed out on a promotion and faced a "dire future" at the company as a result. No. 322063
>>322053This makes me want to start a female only game company where no such things can occur. I think it's the only way to completely prevent harassment and unequal pay.
Also, the gap disparity is fucking horrendous. But I bet men will come up with all sorts of fucked up excuses like women work less or some other bullshit.
I'm soon finishing my STEM degree and I fret about the job hunt because I heard similar stories of sexual harassment and wage discrimination that never hit the headlines. If you dare to express your concerns you're just a paranoid feminist.
No. 322123
>>322085All races of men have the capacity to be fucking disgusting as evidenced in these many threads and I really am not a racist person but seriously fuck India. That place is a hole and all the men are rapey perverts.
There's reason that 'bobs and vegana' is a meme because literally every girl has a story of an idian dude trying to chat her up online crudely.
Also I work with a lot of people and I find indian men customers to be terrible with personal space, they often stand too close despite me moving a few steps back. They also try to flirt and often their eyes are drawn to lips and chest area a lot.
Sorry if I sound racist, I do realise that there are creepy dudes all over and there are probably okay indian dudes…but damn sooo many are creeps.
No. 322146
>>322085India is a literal shithole and if i could, i would relocate all those women to other countries.
the men there are literal beasts and they all deserve to stew in their own shit. i cant fathom how disgusting india as a country is. I have a friend who works for a tech company in America, but it's outsourced to india and she hates going there for meetings twice a year because it's sexist and she's scared of being raped constantly.
I fucking hate india and it makes me sick that nothing is done there for those women.
No. 322150
>>322053The league community is cancer. Recently the devs made a panel available only to women and non-binary people until a certain time if the day and gamer babies got incredibly
triggered and wanted to sue for sexism against males. Their strategy was an incredibly weak attempt to calm the drama about these accusations but to be honest I wish conventions had at least personal hygiene requirements and could block entry based on that.
No. 322155
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>>322150>sexism against malesThat's a fucking riot.
No. 322188
>>322169 sad is that there's MRA movements in patriarchal countries
Its like men want to run around and torture people but also cry male oppression when anyone say anything
No. 322191
>>322188I'm utterly enraged that there are very vocal women MRAs in India of all places.
> "Feminists are driving stupidity into people's minds, infantilizing women and demonizing men as a group," she beamed. "We talk so much now about Black Lives Matter. What I realized is, men's lives matter."I'm honestly sickened and wonder if they deserve feminism at all if they're going to shit on it. India has real rape tapes selling like hotcakes in local stores. I even saw an islamist condemning those acts. That's how fucked up that place is and those indian women sure love being regarded as cattle.
No. 322197
>>322191>using handmaidens as a representative of all Indian womenDo you realize how "undeserving of feminism" American women, with all their tradthots, pick-mes, Shoe0nHead and Lauren Southern clones, would be, by this criteria?
I'm not even Indian, but please stop going full retard, anon.
No. 322200
>>322197When I said they I meant indian handmaidens obviously.
India is miles ahead when it comes to institutionalized misogyny. Just look at their rape cases, they get ruled in favor of the rapist most of the time.
We're talking about a shithole were female newborns are buried alive. That's how fucked up it is.
So, you need to be a special kind of cunt handmaiden to talk about poor oppressed men.
And they got upset because of dowry law so that they couldn't commit dowry related crimes.
No. 322237
>>322218>>322232>>322213I don't know much about handmaidens, so I looked her up.
> She is a mother of several children, and a published writer of erotica.kek. For a supreme handmaiden, she has quite an empty and worthless bio. Her Twitter is shit too. Of course, she had to RT about the Shirrako fuss.
I don't know how she gets 600$ per month from Patreon considering she hasn't posted there for a few years.
No. 322261
>>322191Desperate women trying to stay on mens good sides so they dont end up raped and left for dead. They reek of insecurity. She and indian mras cant have much to say when they are in the rape country of the world. What are they so afraid of?
>false rape claims :(((>4 year was gangraped in icu and those rapist will never see justice because india>countless other gangrapes and murderMras in western countries always use india and the middle east to show women how bad it is over there vs here too.
>>322213Thought Karen fell from mras good graces a while back?
No. 322271
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I find it so funny when males browse this site and after a while of course can no longer contain their immature and hormonal brains from raging and spewing out those buzzwords they're so fond of, like e.g. "roastie". Goes to show again and again how sensitive, weak and emotional they are. They're just not mentally capable of successfully posing as women, they always end up outing themselves.
No. 322276
>>322232>Karen seems like the type that hasn't received a lot of male attention so she's had to resort to pandering to men this way because she can't use her looks. I notice some women who have a harder time attracting men resort to debasing themselves.I posted this in the Tradthot thread but JudgyBitch gives me a similar vibe. She really fucking hates women and is the ultimate notliketheothergirls.
Ironically she divorced/separated from her first husband sometime after she got doxxed. The guy in the video is her new man.
No. 322287
>>322276>women shouldnt vote, have rights and should just stay at home and shut up uwu very traditional right boys uwu im the perfect wife uwu>files for divorce from her husband and remarries Ok Andrea
Is anyone keeping track on that Thousand Oaks shooting in the us? Another male kills multiple people just having fun. Ex infantry marine. No motive yet
No. 322289
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>we wuz warriors
>we wuz emperors
>we wuz inventors
>we wuz soldiers
>we wuz strong
No. 322293
>>322053>League of legendsI mean just from that, you can tell it was going to be a mess. The gaming community is such a giant dumpster fire.
I’m glad more women are playing video games these days tho
No. 322301
>>322296There's just as many male doctors saving lives so that's not even a point. Plus doctors aren't putting themselves at risk when they save lives, and they're being paid huge salaries to be doctors. Not exactly the most noble reasons for saving lives.
No woman would absolutely EVER jump in front of a random man to protect him from gunfire or any other danger the way men constantly do for women. If anything she'd jump behind a random man to protect herself because she just assumes it's ok for her to immediately put her own life above any man's. Women have zero empathy for men despite all your bragging about how kind and gentle you are, you expect men to suffer and die for your sake and never spare it a second thought because you're so heartless.
No. 322305
there is, but factually women take up the vast majority of the medical and you're more likely to survive if your doctor is a woman women never put themselves in dangerous situations in order to save mens lives? combat nurses? women who went on literal battlefields to save men lives? but yeah those evil women lacking empathy. It's people like you who make me just want to leave men to die anytime a life of a man is on my hands, what's the point of going out my way and putting my blood, sweat in tears into saving lives if I'm still going to be known as nothing more than an evil unemphatic woman who puts my life above any elses?
No. 322317
>>322305You seem to be missing the point. If you're being paid to help someone, you're not a saint. You're not doing it out of pure altruism, you're doing it because it's your job.
I'm talking a random situation involving strangers. A dangerous situation suddenly happens in public, men will immediately put themselves in even more danger for the sake of any random nearby woman. A woman would absolutely never do that for a man. When danger happens, a woman's first priority is herself every time. Men's first priority is other. The only times women might help is when there's no longer any active danger, and if someone is paying her.
And even after the men risk and give their lives for random women, the women go home and complain about how all men are scum who should die, zero gratefullness.
Also it's a pretty empty threat to say I make you want to not help men, as if you ever wanted that to begin with.
No. 322321
>>322317have you ever risked your life for a random women? okay then stfu
most men are too busy running their mouths about how the world should follow india and women should be forced to be their sex slaves, chances are most men will never lift a finger for random women, there wasn't even any proof that saving these women were the motives of men if any motives at all
No. 322322
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No. 322326
>>322325I'm sorry if there's an active shooter in a building my first reaction is gonna be to get my ass out, not stand in front of men just because it pleases incels
cry all you want, I feel like even if say, for some reason, women did put themselves in danger for the sake of being a heroine, you'd still either ignore it or keep insisting all women are evil and unemphatic for not dying for strangers, out of all things remind you
No. 322327
>men write novels about how women should all die, oppress women for years, in some countries even kill females simply for being born females, beat women for no reason, torture them, take up the vast majority of murders, rapes, and any sick and twisted case you can think of
I will again, ask you, will you, or have you ever put yourself in danger for a woman? if you truly believe most men are taking bullets for random women you are beyond delusional
No. 322328
>>322326Daily reminder that when a woman held out against an ISIS attack for hours while alone at whatever Outpost they were at, called in the location so they could wipe the area of insurgents even if it meant she would die, and kept fighting them until they were literally breaking down the door- which is when she chose to end her own life rather than face what ISIS does to women.
And what was the typical male reaction?
Men literally cause every problem in the world and then get upset when women can't fix it all for them.
No. 322330
>>322329where is your proof an average man will step in front of a bullet for a random woman? this is the only time that's happened out of the thousands of shootings that have happened over the years, you still didn't answer my question either
and you still didn't recon the combat nurses who literally stepped in front of millions of flying bullets,bombs,landmines, etc in order to save men, but by your logic, since there were millions of those it's actually men who are evil and your ass should STFU about evil women
and lots of army nurses didn't get paid either, some even had to buy and sew their own uniform, pay for their own equipment, etc
not one drop of thanks, but yeah, evil women
No. 322349
>>322335Women should also be angry about the man shooting the gun.
Instead you spit on the graves of all the men who tried to stop the shooter on the logic of "the shooter had a penis therefore everyone on the planet with a penis is also a guilty and is a horrible person"
No. 322351
>>322349no, it's the millions of men who oppressed women over the centuries, beat women and children and laughed about it, tortured children and animals, molested and killed children, killed over billions, tortured the rest, made war, made women suffer from what they created, shoot shit up, but expect men to be worshipped because some men might have stood in front of women during that one shooting and all women are evil for running away from danger
you claim we're "spitting on the graves of the men who stopped the shooter"
when no one tried stopping first of all, but we've said since day one not all men, it's sad we even have to keep repeating ourselves but you're allowed to claim we're these big evil women no exceptions, why should we give men the benefit of the doubt when the person preaching it can't do the same for us?
No. 322352
>>322150>and non-binary peopleI'd probably join the males outside complaining about reverse sexism. If you're already allowing males in might as well allow all of them instead of validating the snowflakes
>>322125>>322063Just make sure to start up with an all-female group and don't openly discriminate against males. Just do it the way they've always done, accept male applicants but hire only women.
Nobody can prove you didn't hire the male out of discrimination. If questioned, you can always say "they were just as/more qualified than the women but idk man they just didn't seem like good team players".
This literally applies to every male so you can exclude them all while also pretending to be treating it on a case by case basis kek
No. 322357
>>321899I'm asian and I avoid males like him, they have this very warped view of what asian women are supposed to look and be like, and when you're outside the standards they set in their head of you, they'll cry about how you're being westernized for not shutting up and taking their bullshit, or how some fetishists will try to turn your white friends against you, not to mention how horribly these males will treat their girlfriends if they do get an asian girlfriend.
I feel like maybe if you'd had low enough self esteem you can deal with it, but no one who isn't self hating would go for a racial fetishists whether or not they fit their standards, they're the lowest of low
No. 322390
>>322388I find it pathetic how men struggle to even go a day without jacking off/looking at porn.
I can go months without masturbating without even realising. How can men be such slaves to their lust and still think they are higher beings than women?
No. 322399
>>322390I find it pathetic how lactating women struggle to even go a day without milking themselves / feeding a baby.
I can go months without squeezing my chest tissue without even realizing. How can women be such slaves to their boobs and still think they are higher beings than men?
I will now explain my satire, because I know women would be too fucking stupid to understand a non-literal argument and you'd just rage at me "men don't have to Jack off like a woman needs to drain excess milk lol ur so dumb". Well actually you're the dumb ones, because a man's reproductive system is constantly producing sperm and semen and all those other fluids, and if it isn't regularly emptied out can very much start to become painful and sore. The term "blue balls" isn't just a metaphor.
Therefore, the point of my comparison was to showcase that a woman bragging that she doesn't need to masturbate when her reproductive system doesn't get sore from not doing it like a man's does would be as stupid as a man bragging that he doesn't need to milk his breasts when he doesn't have breasts that build up and get sore from not being emptied like a woman. I wish you could learn a bit from this post but as we all know you hate men and have no empathy for them so you will of course not care about the differences in their reproductive organs and how they would necessitate different behavior from your own, easier to just be stupid and say "lol men suck cuz dey jack off so much and I don't".
No. 322401
>>322188wow what an interesting article. I'm happy for those men, they're pushing back against western backed feminism.
The ultimate goal of feminism is to revert society back to pre-historic age where only 20% of men reproduced while 90% of women did. The biological hatred women have for non-alpha males makes them push this feminist agenda against the average man. They want 80% of men neutered and alone, but at the same time paying high taxes to support women and the children they have with the 20% of men who get to reproduce.
Congratulations, indian men. Keep those harpies out.
No. 322404
>>322401yes anon those evil feminists are conspiring against you
go to india since it would be like your wonderland and you don't have to worry about those evil feminists, since no matter how much evidence we can show you to debunk your claims you'll still repeat it
No. 322407
>>322406do you have any proof this is what feminists are trying to do? explain, write a paper if you need to
"why I think feminists are conspiring against non-chads!"
No. 322409
>>322400Try and change the subject if you want it won't change the fact that you were just ignorant about something but would rather deny it to be in line with your angry narrative.
>>322405>"No!"Great argument. Cause you'd totally know for yourself what having testicles and a prostate and etc is like.
No. 322410
>>322409no, YOU missed the point, it was nothing about having to take care of yourself (and no, you won't die if you don't jerk off every 4 hours)
the point was men being slaves to their genitals, which you further and further prove our point, so thank you.
No. 322411
>>322407Women overwhelming vote for welfare so they can have children out of the wedlock, replacing fathers and marriage with the State.
Sexual freedom and the end of monogamy allows women to share the 20% of men they find the most attractive.
In the perfect feminist society 80% of men would work like cattle so they could support women and the children they have with 20% of men.
No. 322412
>>322411source? proof? examples?
like I said, write a paper
No. 322417
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Femtopia soon sisters. Just keep voting blue.
>>322418still wasn't proof evil feminists are going to take your money and make you pay for chads baby
>>322417keep crying incel
No. 322422
>>322417you're right
incels don't deserve to see such beautiful womens bodies
No. 322423
>>322421this doesn't prove shit
explain to me how, this graph, proves evil womyn feminists want to make ugly men pay for babies
do you even have any charts explaining how they're making ugly men pay and proof the money is going to mothers?
No. 322427
>>322426wonder if the conspiracy theorist incel, who once said womyn are evil and unempathetic for not dying for men and not having sex with him, are going to praise this murderer and see him as a legend
I love when incels prove our point
No. 322431
>>322429you realize this literally debunks it, right?not only are you only getting it from one country, but you also don't mention how many are single families out of the 50%, which means even if it, worse case, was 49% it would just be mostly very old dudes, who are often very rich so it would make sense they're paying more since older people often have more traditional families, you know, the one you praised so much
so no
what you proved is
>old rich men pay lots because they make lots and some of what they make goes to single parent families sometimesnot
>evil feminist whores are making ugly males pay for chads babies while 80% of men don't reproduce No. 322437
>>322431>>322431>Roughly half of means-tested spending goes to families with children, most of which are headed by single parents.>Another way of examining spending levels is to look at welfare spending on families with children. In FY 2011, total means-tested spending was $927 billion. About half of this spending ($462 billion) will go to families with children. (Around one-third of this spending went to medical care.)Aka single mothers.
>Some 28 percent of spending goes to disabled persons. Another 14 percent goes to elderly persons.There are fine.
>A final eight percent of spending goes able-bodied, non-elderly adults without children.I'd bet most of these are women too.
>evil feminist whores are making ugly males pay for chads babies while 80% of men don't reproduce Like I've said before this is the feminist GOAL for their ideal society. Right now they're still working for it.
No. 322439
>>322436no! of course! you're right!
we've been conspiring against you all along. pretty soon 80% of ugly guys will be in concentration camps and we will be draining your bank accounts to pay for our babies we made from chad harems
No. 322444
>>322443first evil women run the government, next it doesn't
which one is it?
No. 322500
>>321921This Anon
>>322355 had the exact thing I wrote (but in reverse, I was the blue eyed redhead) so I think it's valid. A preference doesn't need to be of a different race to be annoying or insulting. Nobody should be dating someone who is so different from what they "want".
No. 322502
>>322500Also I should emphasize the
chasing element. They act super keen or even have a relationship with someone they think is second best. I should note that at the time (sorry blogpost) I just went on dates with guys who went after me, and I don't have a specific type image-wise. But I think these things shouldn't be ignored. I had another guy I casually dated who messaged me constantly, lost interest after I went blonde. Their "type" means a lot because men tend to be obsessive about what they like. We can't just overlook that because the difference isn't huge, hair color and eye color stuff, or skin tone. anon quoted above and original anon obviously were annoyed by it.
Basically, men: date someone you are
actually attracted to and stop insulting and wasting time of those you're not
No. 322505
>>322399>When you try and sound smart but end up sounding even dumberIf a lactating woman doesn't breastfeed, guess what happens? It dries up. Lactating is dependant
on milking which is why some woman can lactate years after a pregnancy. The male sperm production system is not comparable.
No. 322531
>>322495Oh, I'm glad you're at least a femanon. I thought it was a robot larping.
I'm not sure what to do with them tbh.
No. 322578
>>322510That's because women are very attracted to dark triad men and do everything to have their babies. Obviously this sort of guy ends up bailing on them.
This is one of the reasons no matriarchy ever became an advanced society in any corner of the planet. Female biology is inherently incompatible with civilization.
No. 322638
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>A 22-year-old man left in a coma after his genitals were "ripped off and eaten" by a bulldog had apparently smeared his crotch in peanut butter.>Biggie Smalls, who was covered in blood and restrained, was taken to kennels and later put to sleep.Men are disgusting
No. 322654
>>322638lmfao imagine being this guy
imagine waking up and realizing that everyone knows you got put in a coma as a result of trying to make a bulldog lick your dick
No. 322655
>>322638Something tells me this was beastiality gone wrong.
>>322584We have a cute guy thread in /g/, but idk how a man rating thread would work. Just find randos' selfies and post them?
No. 322666
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>>322638Serves that sicko right
No. 322679
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>>322638RIP faithful canine and clearly woman’s best friend. I hope that fucker has gangrene on his dick, fucking sick. Bulldogs don’t attack people like that.
No. 322706
>>322670I dont like dogs, but it clearly wasnt the dog's fault that happened. very sad
>>322679Makes me worried he was molesting the dog, cuz who the fuck does that to begin with??
No. 322740
>>322638>owner agreed to put the dog downI would have fought tooth and nail and refused to sign anything that said they could put the dog down. What court is going to declare it a dangerous dog when it's so fucking obvious what the sick man was trying to do to it?
I'm glad the guy is dickless and tbh I hope everybody finds out his name and never lets him forget why he lost his member. Bullshit like this is a downward spiral and he'll only abuse more animals and maybe even people if nobody keeps an eye on him.
No. 322822
>>322740keep in mind the owner that agreed to put him down is the same man who put peanut butter on his dick to get his dog to lick it. he probably only got the dog to abuse it.
>>322747dogs developing a "taste for blood" after killing an animal/biting a person is a myth. it would be one thing if he had bit another dog/person unprovoked but wtf do you expect when you stick something covered in peanut butter in front of a dog
No. 322828
>>322823>My dad even told my sister when she was around 16 that he 'checks her out sometimes'..Throw the whole dad away
Im always disturbed about this. Like how do you have kids. Have a son and risk getting killed like this, one of many stories: raise daughters and risk their own father being sexually attracted to them, fuck. Thats beyond horrid
No. 322837
>>322747>>322822Naw its actually just that abused/neglected dogs tend to be the ones with aggression problems n easier to put em down, sad really. You can try and rehab em but it doesn't always turn out…not from taste of blood but i mean, can you imagine how traumatized poor fellow was to go for actually biting the dick off? Christ. Anyway men really are terrible.
Also dunno if anyone's else had this but i got what any incel would arguably say is "led on" by a guy for two months straight and today, when I'm honest and direct about my feelings, is when instead of putting me down gently (which he had plenty of opportunity to do) he finally raged at me? For reading into flirting? Wanting to take it further? Ok fuck you too then men. Jeez.
I'm probably much better off as that's a red flag for a particularly ragey and abusive one but damn.
No. 322887
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No. 322904
>>322882I have a supervisor like this right now. Coddles male coworkers even when they're lazy incompetent assholes, but is hypercritical of any female coworker. Several of these guys are constantly making overtly sexist and racist comments but she insists they're really "sweet boys" on the inside and are "just joking" even when they're clearly not. Meanwhile an overworked heavily pregnant female coworker doesn't sound chipper enough when saying good morning one day and she rants for fifteen minutes about how rude that is. She's one of the main reasons I don't feel comfortable reporting these guys to HR because 100% she'd be one of those women going
>umm well I'm a woman and I don't have a problem with them calling female coworkers cunts and making sexual remarks all the time, so like, maybe you're just oversensitive? uwuand undermining me at every turn. Imagine having a 50-year-old shoe0nhead as a supervisor and in charge of extending your contract.
No. 322933
>>322914She constantly refers to our group as herself and “the men”. Not even “guys” which I could accept as semi-gender neutral, but specifically her and her men. Outsiders and new people have been legitimately confused when I showed up to meetings because they didn’t think there was another female member of the group.
The most pathetic thing is that she’s physically downright unattractive and old enough to be everyone’s mother. That ship of being the hottest girl in the room has
sailed, if it were ever an option at all. I have no idea why she’s trying so hard. Most women that age have stopped giving a fuck and I have so much more respect for them.
No. 322951
>>322917Yes anon, ignore the fangirls, the several upon several studies showing women like feminine guys, the cute boys thread, who we date, marry, etc
Clearly we need an uwu man to tell us what we like and you caught us! We actually liked meatheads all along
>>322935Same, almost all dogs and cats I met loved women but strayed away from men, even farm animals get herded better when being herded by a woman. Men truly don't deserve women
No. 322952
>>322887The fact we was so quick to get backlash for it literally debunks any male oppression claim you can make
Meanwhile men do this shit all the time, men even hack women and steal their nudes just to judge the everloving shit and be supercritical of a woman who's twice as hot as that man can only wish to be, or the scrots in the older threads who would creepshot and violate women just because he didnt like their buttsize, not one drop of hate and when they did get hate other scrots white knighted them quickly
If only men had to pay for their consequences like women do
No. 322979
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If dog's are man's best friend then how come dogs being afraid of men is one of the most common fears for dogs according to experts like Cesar Millan?
Whoops, guess dogs don't like you guys so much after all.
No. 322984
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>>322977Bonus article: 45 year old man arrested for threatening to shoot an 11 year old after losing on Fortnite No. 322985
>>322979Don't worry, even if you shove the evidence in their damn face they'll still nervously deny it
"experts who have studied this agree with me"
"b-but, t-they don't!"
sure showed us
No. 322988
>>322985If you google "dogs hate men" you get tons of articles from experts saying this is an extremely common thing.
If you google "dogs hate women" you get… articles about dogs hating men and liking women. kek
No. 322989
>>322986Don't forget that furry circle that got busted for raping and murdering dogs were ALL MEN , not even one female.
"""best friend""", sure
No. 322997
>Attention to bestiality was first widespread in the United States as a result of the well-known Kinsey studies. Eight percent of American males reported sexual animal contacts (Kinsey et al. 1948). However, more notable is that40 percent to 50 percent of rural males reported such acts (Kinsey et al. 1948).Females have a much lower rate of sexual involvement with animals, with only 3 percent of adult females reporting any such sexual acts.
No. 322998
>>322997Would like to add more recent studies back this up, with the lowest estimates for men being 4% and the highest being 10%.
Women hover around 1 to 3% in all studies, including the ones focusing on just dogs.
Men are the ones raping animals. That's why dogs hate you.
No. 323001
>>322874That's the thing lol exactly i didn't try to be an incel about it, i just was like "look i sense were dancing around the issue and wasting time, truth is i like you and want to be with you and am willing to go at your pace with your complicated situation. And if you say no i understand."
And that was met with fucking BRUTAL rage. Rage where he decided to inform me we apparently weren't even friends? Just friendly acquaintances? Um. Ok 2 months of flirting and talking could have fooled me…
Men rage at women for fucking everything is my conclusion. I've had them rage at me for putting them down nicely, like just "hey that's nice but i don't feel the same" and now there's rage when i try to pursue one and leave lots of room to put me down gently, because i assume we are friends and I'm trying to respect that. What the fuck.
No. 323057
>Not inventing things as we've established. >we establishedBut we didn't establish that, your argument got BTFO'd
>>323039 >>323042 >>323052
>not starting businessesBut they are?
>not being political leadersBut they are?
No. 323060
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Feels good to be superior.
No. 323114
>>323072We're ruining everything and their society by not being their sex slaves, chained to their stove at home, pregnant and barefoot 24/7 anon! uwu
They'll say that we destroyed the family unit for when its just code for 'women can choose not to fuck me and I want a wife to abuse who cant divorce me this isnt fair!' Men hate women when we're not doing what we're told and when we do for being inferior and weak to them.
Theyre really transparent about it all lol
No. 323142
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This tweet is so relevant to our thread discussion.
>men shooting people every week
>why aren't women saving men from shootings???
>men raping women, other men, children, and animals
>why don't women defend rape victims who aren't women???
List goes on and on.
No. 323164
>>323154I agree.
Also women can go into the male space if they want so mothers can see their male children if they want, but men cannot enter the female space.
No. 323171
>>323154>>323166We need to secretly ship all women & sperm at sperm banks to another planet. That way we can finally live in peace & breed out male trash. We could just carefully select the sperm & breed out high testosterone levels & the genes of rapists & murderers. Women with criminal history ofc won't be allowed to raise children & spread their genes.
This way the men on planet earth can bomb themselves all they want.
No. 323174
>>323171Women only elysium
>>323172cute husband android yes please
No. 323185"Take-a-Bullet"-For-Women-During-California-Shooting
I've already seen men use this incident to shut women up about everything..
No. 323266
>>323142Hopefully this is okay to be post here. I have a male friend who i've known since high school and we get along because he's more sensitive to women than some men. However, it's incredibly hard for me to empathize with men, even when they are assaulted.
he told me he was sexually assaulted/groped by a random man coming home from work and it was incredibly difficult for me to garner any real sympathy because this felt like what women go through all the time but when they try to stand up to these men, they get called liars or death threats. i dunno.. men do this shit to other women all the time, so when it happens to a man, i don't care.
No. 323290
>>323280Sounds like a future rapist, if not one already. At the bare minimum you know he's an apologist.
dump his ass
No. 323403
>>323401can you imagine all the things women could have accomplished, or things they did accomplish that were stolen/discredited from them throughout history? makes me sad.
on the other hand the second there's even SOME parity in the playing field we start outperforming them. sucks to be inferior, scrots.
No. 323427
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No. 323477
>>323427Yup, happens often. Stop having sex or birthing their children and watch them implode
Also KEK at males promising that robots will make women want them or make women worried about being 'replaced' Sex toys and sex dolls (used in porn all the time) already exist for men and they can easily live out their fantasies in peace away from us ebil women. But they HAVE to and make sure we know they're gone. Their genes wont be passed on anyway so not sure why they keep doing the same thing over and over and over again expecting different results, like us dropping everything and running to kiss their feet. Women not caring makes them go insane?
No. 323495
>>323484lolno. We're not far away at all from robots indistinguishable from humans (though obviously nowhere near ones that can incubate humans). However, what these men are too retarded to compute is that they're actually the ones who would become more obsolete from the existence of robot SOs. You need women to keep the human race going, but this point we have countless amounts of sperm in banks and if men magically vanished off the face of the earth, we could keep the human race going effortlessly.
Not that I'm saying I want that, I'm just saying that's the reality of who would theoretically be made obsolete by robots.
No. 323499
>>323486I've only ever had one friend who ended up being overtly misogynistic, but I have another who blames his mistakes on women manipulating him.
>guy has gorgeous gf with great personality>cheats on her with psychotic hideous hambeast stalking him>hambeast talks him into dumping his gf>he does and regrets it>"but she manipulated me anon! I was too afraid to say no to her and she knew that!"I bitched him out and told him he needs to take responsibility for his actions. He agreed. Still, though, men will blame everything they do wrong on women and it's disgusting.
No. 323502
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>>323484I'd give it another 20-30 years and I can have my Connor husbando.
No. 323526
>>323521I watched an interview with Elliot Roger's dad where he said he offered to take him to a prostitute to lose his virginity, but Elliot said he wanted to be loved.
Men pretend they only want sex because love is too painful for then.
No. 323547
>>323495>>32350230 years? No way. We're far away from a convincing AI and human-like materials for the body. You also need super advanced robots to mimic the human body.
It's gonna take a long time, but it will happen eventually.
>>323521You can't bring a prostitute to live with you though. With human-like robots you can.
I believe many people in the future will skip the dating game if a convincing and easier alternative is available.
No. 323551
>>323502God please yes bless that day. Give me a sweet connor husbando
>>323528Right. They claim they want love but love to them is simply women being their fuckmoms without any protest
No. 323559
>>323535It's frustrating because you can technically report this to HR. You can say this coworker is making this an unsafe and hostile environment (specifically use the words hostile .)
Sometimes HR arent absolute shits and you can actually get something done. i'm sorry you had to go through this.
No. 323560
>>323553>>323556>men dont choose en masse because sexual validationI don't think sexual validation is too important. Imagine it's the year 2300 and some guy can bring home a human-like robot that looks exactly like the woman of his dreams and has a AI so advanced you can't tell it's a robot. Another thing is that they can still pursue real women for casual sex if they want. Men get very invested in their toys, be it computers, guns, cars, whatever.
>passing on their genes is more important than sex itself.Even today a big number of people hate the idea of having kids, in the future I bet it's gonna be even worse. There's also the argument that in the far future there will be artificial wombs.
No. 323564
>>323560This is good, we can actually have separate societies for men and women and be satisfied.
Het or bi women can have gentle robo-husbands and no men will be present to rape and murder us since they can just do it to their own robo-wives.
I was born too early. I want a cute twink android bf to love…
No. 323578
>>323560Yes, men will like and want sex bots. But they will not replace relationships, just like how prostitutes and porn and sex toys haven't. They use those things in combination with real women because inanimate objects cannot provide a human connection, ego boosts, a family, etc. You talk like men are robots with no desire for anything but sex, but evidently that is not enough for most of them. You're exaggerating the importance of looks and convenience, they are appealing but cannot satisfy their biological imperative and self esteem.
Men only talk about sex bots in the context of revenge on women. That's how upset they get when women dont want them, that's how invested they are in us fucking them, all it does is prove that their egos depend on our sexual acceptance.
No. 323590
>>323578>inanimate objects cannot provide a human connection, ego boosts, a family, etcI guess it depends on how advanced those objects are. If you can't tell the object apart from a human, the brain might be fine with it. Another point is that many of those things can be attained through friendship, like ego boosts and human connection. Family could be attained by adoption or through artificial wombs.
>biological imperative and self esteem. I agree on the importance of the biological imperative to pass your genes, but I'm not so sure about the self-esteem part. Concepts like marriage and love are very recent, they aren't hardwired in our brains.
I don't think men or women really need one another that much.
No. 323628
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Black guys are sooooo romantic.
No. 323629
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This trigger me so much.
No. 323630
>>323628That's so so sad. That mother is probably traumatized and that poor woman is dead because she dared to reject an emotionally unstable man. I know the header is MEN ARE TRASH, but they truly are the scum of the universe.
Women do not pull this shit when men break up with them. this is horrible
No. 323642
>>323630Annoying thing is, other men will just blame her for dating a black guy and believe his race is the issue here rather than his gender. Even though black women aren't shooting their exes up and non black guys do the same shit all the time.
I mean, it is true that women should avoid dating black men if they want to prevent domestic violence. They just also need to avoid dating white, asian, middle eastern, etc men too. If we need to make decisions based on crime statistics, we will end up single.
No. 323645
>>323642>>323642Anon, In my experience, black men tend to be more "aggressive" than white men. And less romantic.
While whites have a "twisted mind."
In truth they are all fucked up.
No. 323657
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My friend is being shamed for breaking up with her boyfriend in jail for stat rape with a 14 year old at 24. They're making it about her not being able to hold out while he's in jail as opposed to the crime he was convicted of.
He was really jealous and she basically couldn't hang out with males. And then she finds out he was cheating on her with minors by him getting arrested. Imagine that for a second- your boyfriend being so jealous and distrusting you can't hang out with males… finding out he was cheating on your WITH MINORS and is a child predator… and then being treated like the villain when you leave him.
To top of all off, one of his friends made it into a misogynist thing. Acted like women are incapable of being with a partner the second things get inconvenient m the way he was talking, you'd think it was a guy sent to jail for a few months on a weed possession charge or something, as opposed to someone who engaged in sexual conduct with middle school girls.
No. 323693
Right? Men dictate how the education system runs and ban women from it for ages, claiming we're not smart or capable enough, then when we do well they change their story entirely.
I have to admit, the widespread acceptance (among men) that women are dumb or intellectually inferior was something I could not have fathomed while at school. I didn't realize anyone genuinely thought that until later, when 4chan's misogyny became more serious and political and less lame edgy memes. I never realized because my dad had a lot of praise and encouragement for me, and secondly because girls, including myself, were always doing better than boys in class. The worst students were always boys, and the smartest kids were a mix that skewed towards girls. I never once thought that men as a whole were smarter than me or many other girls in my school because there was just so much evidence that the male school population had plenty of slow/lazy/disruptive boys and the smart, studious ones were few and far between. My opinion has not changed since then, except that I probably concede that the vast majority of people of either gender aren't too bright. It's just that even slow girls are better students.
I guess it's just the typical male inclination to ride on others coattails - there are more acknowledged and celebrated male geniuses than female, therefore every man gets to celebrate himself as a genius by association.
No. 323729
>>323712I'm convinced the same anon who keeps shilling alt-right men from 4chan as the true pro-woman, anti-porn allies and screaming about everything being "the Jews" is also bringing their nonsense to this thread.
It's an attempt to "redpill" farmers to be part of their movement, in hopes of recruiting more ~*fashy*~ tradthots like Lauren Southern and Brittany Venti.
No. 323731
>>323712>>323729I had never said this but, I am a Latina woman and for some reason I am more attracted to blond guys.
Some explanation?
I don't think she does it with bad intention, in my class the white boys are calm while the blacks, always try to show their "manliness" in front of others. I just try to ignore them.
No. 323732
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No. 323734
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>>323521>It has never stopped men wanting relationships and children with regular women.Even so, just because they want relationships with regular women, it doesn't mean they'll get it.
The more sexually liberated a society is, the less sex the average men will get. If the trend of sexual liberation continues in the future most men simply won't have the option to be with real women. They'll either be with robots or alone.
Pic related is what will happen in the future, but in a much larger scale.
No. 323736
>>323734I believe is because in a more liberated society, women often prostitute themselves without feeling fear.
But only if we're talking about average men.
I think that even so, the chads will continue to have more relationships, curious case is that most of them in the background are misogynistic and if so, nothing would change.
No. 323740
>>323734Okay? That response is to the way scrots are always gloating about sex robots ruining women's lives in future.
I'm also sick of them touting that specific situation as the worst thing possible. Maybe they are biological garbage and deserve to be weeded out of the gene pool. As long as women aren't dependent on Chad for money and child rearing, his sperm is enough to keep the human race going while women support each other via extended family etc. The nuclear family is a meme men desperately try to preserve because it's the only way they can keep women dependent on them. You know a family structure is wrong and unnatural when the only way to keep it going is by restricting the rights of 50% of the population and treating them like a subclass, and you know men lack critical thought when 99% of their arguments are based on an inherently flawed premise (the necessity of nuclear families).
No. 323741
>>323739What I want to say is: Statistics show how many couples men and women have. But it doesn't talk about men who stop having sexual partners resort to pay for a prostitute.
I mean, in a liberated society average men would start paying for prostitutes knowing that they can't get a couple.
And yes, prostitution is legal in Finland.
No. 323743
>>323740In my opinion sex bots won't ruin women's lives. They'll just give more options to unwanted males. Women will get bots too if they want.
>I'm also sick of them touting that specific situation as the worst thing possible. Maybe they are biological garbage and deserve to be weeded out of the gene pool. That won't really happen. In the future people will be able to breed through artificial means if they wish to do so.
>>323741Well that graph doesn't show men getting the services of prostitutes, it just shows them having less and less sex partners. Men like that will be the prime market for bots.
No. 323747
>if the only way we can be 'good enough' for them to marry is by being submissive bangmaids?Gurl,Now I see the problem.
I think that is your perception of things, but in my experience I know many married couples where each of them has a job, the woman above all is the one who has a better position but at the same time has less time to be at home. Marriage is not a bondage.
No. 323750
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>>323734The 18-24 age group is skewing the overall appearance of the study. If you exclude them like I have in this edited image, then there's not much of a contrast.
Men seem to be more likely to have video game or internet obsessions that keep them indoors for long periods of time. You cannot meet anyone for sex if you're inside alone. The spread of MGTOW/incel/whatever mentalities among young men worldwide that make them repulsive to women might be another factor. There also might be something going on in Finnish culture that I don't know about since I'm not Finnish.
No. 323751
>>323748Anon I mean no offense but please screen who you're putting your energy into replying to.
When it's 10-20 word replies with anecdote or "b-but what about me" (literally in this case kek) please just don't. They're not after an honest discussion and just want to move the goalposts and waste your time. As you can see, they disregarded everything of what you said and instead want you to address their feelings on the matter. Don't give them the understanding they aren't giving you.
No. 323752
>>323750>then there's not much of a contrast.If you look at the 25-34 group, you'll see that the percentage was 30% in 1992 and 14% in 2015. For 35-44, it went from 25% to about 18%. For 45-54, 26% to 17%. All of these are big drops.
For older men the change isn't that big probably because most of them already have stable long term relationships like marriage.
No. 323769
>>323751Actually I am reading every word and I care about each one.
I like to express my feelings and that others can understand me.
Please anon, don't underestimate the argument of a girl just because you think I do it to waste other people's time.
>Pretty much all studies show that women do the bulk of domestic chores and child rearing even when they work as much or more than the husband.You are right in this, but… many of the wives do the chores of the house to please their children and that they come to have a good life, while the husband is in the background. That's my opinion.
No. 323771
>>323769>>many of the wives do the chores of the house to please their children and that they come to have a good life, while the husband is in the background. That's my opinion.Nah, wives do the chores and childrearing because men are too lazy and selfish to do them. Even in relationships where both partners work full time, the man gets to come home, relax, play with the kids, while the woman still has to cook, clean, and do the actual raising of children. It's not that it's a "good life," it's because they have to do it or it won't get done, because men are incapable of stepping up.
No. 323789
>>323788I think we should just rescind their right to vote.
Think about it, we had only men voting for centuries and it didn't work. Now we have both men and women voting and it's better but not perfect. Time to try letting only women vote.
No. 323793
>>323789Maybe their right to leadership roles should be removed for the same reason.
Also, they say women are tyrants on their periods, but we're actually just a little bit closer to men when we PMS. That pretty much means men must be tyrants 24/7.
No. 323811
>>323810The most radical woman I know works part-time as a model kek. She's happily married, one of the most gorgeous women I've ever met, and would make most of the man-hating anons in this thread look like sh0eonhead.
At first I thought it was strange that such a beautiful, successful person is so radical but now I'm a bit older it makes sense. She doesn't need to debase herself and suck up to men to make them like her. She can be as man-hating as she wants and they will still worship her. It's actually the ugliest women who are usually pro-men, because they don't have anything else going for them.
No. 323829
>>323825And who may that be? From what I've seen some of the most hideous women are pro-man, but some of the most gorgeous women hate men, isn't it funny how one minute anti feminists mock people for dieting and caring for themselves just to turn around and claim its actually evil feminists who are fat
There's a reason why red states tend to have the highest obesity
No. 323833
>>323829You don't expect me to release the info of someone I know, right? I'm just telling you that she's a super good looking model and still defends men and even incels.
Another thing is that some would argue that good looking people tend to be less hateful because they don't get the bs ugly people get all the time.
It really isn't set on stone.
No. 323834
Is there a thread to discuss NLOG girls with internalized misogyny? Men are obviously far worse in general, but there are also women out there that are beyond disgusting and warrant conversation.
>>323829NTA but I've seen some really pretty anti feminist women. It typically comes from extreme NLOG and narcissism. Like, they get off believing they're a unicorn for being pretty and "smart", so they need to knock other women down and feel like they're inferior. With those with an internet following it's also pandering to their fans. Depending what kind of modeling you do or general internet presence you have, you often get shitty males for fans. For example, girl gamers who use their bodies for attention like SSSniperwolf and Anisa have the kind of trash fans that eat that shit up.
No. 323887
>>323883It's because of their hormones. You know how sometimes your period hits and you feel very emotionally volatile? That's actually the part of our cycle where testosterone is highest and estrogen is lowest.
i.e men are like this All. The. Time.
We really shouldn't let them be world leaders, they might wake up one day and decide to start WW3 because they're feeling emotional.
No. 323916
I think some anon already shared a German-language version of this story in an earlier thread, but here it is in English from the NYT.
Men are just so lost without female guardianship. It almost makes me feel sorry for them, but in the end we can't be everyone's mommy. No. 324044
>>324018OT but as somebody who's living in west germany this pisses me off so much. It's been decades and the people living in the east still constantly complain and whine about how much harder their life is. The west had to pay a shitton to the east back then. They do earn less etc, but food and living expenses are also less, so in total they shouldn't be poorer.
I'm by no means leftist but these people (mostly men) are just a huge embarrassment. They're the living embodyment of all negative stereotypes foreigners have of us.
No. 324090
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>tfw no qt robot husband
No. 324101
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Did anyone else see the shitty movie horrible bosses? I never understood Jennifer aniston's character, how she was a boss who sexually harassed her male coworker and patients. like, that shit doesn't exist.
i'm sure the guy who wrote it thought it was 'equality' but using a woman who sexually harassed people for comedy made no sense to me. also, in what situation does that ever happen? it just annoyed me, that's all. apologies for slight OT
No. 324153
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I have a love (platonic) hate relationship with a new friend of mine. On the one hand, we have very similar personalities and abilities and I feel as if I would be him if I were a dude. On the other hand, he's like me but more defensive/guarded and very haughty and proud of his abilities. I am just as good at what I do but I often feel as if I get overlooked compared to him because I am a girl. Not even dunning-krueger I don't think. Also he yells at his mom.
No. 324187
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>>324153>yells at his momPut him in the trash where he belongs.
No. 324212
>>324101It's a
fictional movie, anon. It's FAKE. Would you rather they make a mockery of sexual harrassment that does happen?
No. 324258
>>324209Is it different if a woman has those fantasies about men? Or just as bad?
t. Woman who has those exact fantasies about men
No. 324345
>>324209If you told someone "I watch simulated rape videos because I find them funny" people would (rightfully) think you're sick.
But if you told someone "I watch simulated rape videos because I find it arousing" that becomes A-OK and anyone who thinks you're sick gets told to stop being a prudish kink shamer.
No. 324392
>>324380This particular blog had submissions from women and it made it even more disturbing. There was a submitted video of a woman punching herself as part of her “training”, and photos of overweight women with insults written on their body. They called it “starvation kink” but what the fuck, that’s not a kink that’s fucking torture.
Imagine having a man like that in your life, knowing that every time you eat around him he’s fantasizing about starving you and making you vomit.
No. 324430
>>324075yes, yes, yes. It's a terrible addicting habit for me when I feel lonely.
(but it does help me see that my experiences with men are common and that they are trash indeed)
No. 324458
>>324392I always want to believe that submitted asks from women are men larping but then videos and photos of women hurting themselves.. hurts me. Because we KNOW its not mutual. Men take that and actually get off on abusing women in every way. Misogyny kinks only exist to fuel and justify misogynistic actions.
Notice too how many of those blogs are run by (often times) white middle aged men.
>>324386Right? Femdoms never go into detail about how useless, weak and pathetic men are for being holes and fucktoys. The degregation and humiliation is always extreme and painful. I wodner if we can discuss this more in the anti porn thread?
No. 324460
>>324442A few months ago there was an AskReddit post asking men if there was no age of consent or minimum age, what age of girls/women would they have sex with or watch porn of?
The vast majority of the replies were men proudly saying they would never go lower than 11, and would probably settle around the 13-15 mark. They truly seemed to believe that because they would wait for puberty to start their child abuse, they were good and moral citizens.
No. 324476
>>324457I am so sorry that happen, fuck. Is there a way to report him or at least rate him and warn others about him anon? Holy shit. And please find someone else
Men can only have empathy for other men. Women are only tolerated
>>324460The past taught them nothing.
>never go below 11 fellas>11>expecting awards for choosing not to fuck children but developing teenagers are ok>>324465Probably because they have to. 18 is the youngest they can go legally (most of the time). Theres so much teen porn out there where the selling point is "barely legal" because thats what they want - underage kids to ruin and psychologically hurt.
Sex segragated society cant come sooner. Women raise the children since men cant be trusted
No. 324486
>>324457Please consider going to a female doctor. My doctor is a woman and she's always been so empathetic towards everything I go through. She's never had any problem giving me strong painkillers (I've always had chronic period pain and often suffer from UTIs) or referring me to therapists/gynecologists. She prescribes me anti-anxiety medication when I have to fly and helped me find an oral contraceptive that didn't give me horrific side-effects through a lot of trial and error. When your mental health is bad or when you're in serious pain, you need someone like that who is kind and takes you seriously. Someone who will thoroughly run tests to get to the bottom of what's causing your problems, instead of just assuming. I love my doctor and I appreciate everything she does for me so much.
All the things above would not be taken seriously by a male doctor. Seriously, male doctors do not deserve your money.
No. 324496
>>324481It makes me double think. Because they can give you a shallow smile in publiv. Maybe be nice. But anonymously, they show what they really think about you. Or tell the world that they'd fuck a 12 year old or a 13 year old if the laws allowed it
>>324460 right here
its sick
No. 324535
>>324510A village of women raising children >
>>324520People are surprised that gay men are misogynistic. Didnt know you HAVE to be straight to hate women. You cant hide behind "im gay" shield and then talk gross shit about women. It makes no sense
And their baby was a girl, unfortunately. But the surrogate sued them after too.
No. 324538
>>324529They're blaming women somehow. Fucking sick pieces of shit.
>>324528i hope they went to prison to get raped repeatedly until they died.
No. 324567
>>324546Yes :( they claim shes happy and healthy but I wish that baby girl was raised by two women instead. Two men who mocks vaginas raising her.. I pray for her.
>>324550Men can be decent single fathers so long as they're asexual eunuchs basically.
No. 324574
>>324565If you mean partner violence: 12)
Haha, no.
That aside, men commit most crimes you dunce. You CANNOT disprove that. It's a fact.
No. 324581
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No. 324614
>>324581>Wouldn't date anybody below 25>Would fuck an 18yoThere's obviously a reason for this and I want to know what possible reason you could have for being unwiling to DATE a teen but willing to FUCK them
Are they not mature enough? Then don't fuck them.
Are they not adult enough? Then don't fuck them.
Are they not emotionally stable enough? Then don't fuck them.
Are they not ready? Then don't fuck them.
No. 324706
Reading through a light article: Vanessa Hudgens Isn't Looking to Get Married Anytime Soon Despite 7-Year Romance With Austin Butler the comments were mostly men criticizing her looks, age and the expected few "women arent popping out babies when i want them to they're gonna hit the wall wahhhhh" types. Took a look at one of the commenters history and yup, the same type of man who complains about women not being feminine sex slave baby makers is a white mgtow. (Brown migrants having babies is bad and white women should be forced to breed) Figures. Believing that everything and anything related to women is bad, helping women is bad, women shoulnt work or be hired anywhere, should stay at home, rely on a man for everything (women should just be born with money I guess or else its golddigging) and be controlled by them.
Men like him despise women but are obssessed over fetility and making kids, while also not giving a fuck about raising them for at least 1i years.
No. 324713
>>324625Every negative stereotype about women is really a projection of something annoying men do that they shit on us for.
>women are hysterical & emotionalKavanaugh and countless others prove this one is a projection
>women only care about money and sex!Men only care about sex and money.
>women get favored in custody battles!Men who fight for custody almost always get it, it's just that most men don't care
>women who kill men get lighter sentences than men who kill women!False & reversed ofc. Women and teen girls get decades behind bars for self defense killings while men get like 5-10 years
>women talk too much!Men talk more than women, also they think women are "dominating" convos when women talk more than 30% of the time, and they also think they talk way less than they actually do. Men are too stupjd to realize every problem in the world is caused by their projected insecurities, biases, and fetishes.
No. 324762
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>>324760>>324713Thank you for these posts
Men are dense walnuts that played themselves
No. 324774
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Fucking hell
No. 324776
>>324766There is no such thing as a ~tight vagina~, this is factually a myth. Being tight means your body is not going through the physical changes during arousal that allow for comfortable sex. When you're aroused, your vagina is supposed to expand and get wet to allow comfortable entry.
It's not that you have a tight vagina. It's that your vagina unfortunately doesn't respond to arousal the way it's supposed to. That's why it's painful and you're bleeding. You should definitely discuss this problem with your OBGYN.
No. 324778
>>324776I was going to say the same thing anon. Maybe tight anon is afraid of his dick/because she has been hurt before and it makes it even worse. A baby can come out of there, it's a muscle that stretches. I have trouble getting the smallest tampon in, but I'm very relaxed with men/sex and have no issues. Though ideally would not want an extra large man for the reasons in her post. Once a guy sent a pic to me and it looked like a little dinosaur. He was genuinely sad because his last gf dumped him because of it.
Basically tight vag is a myth, but large dick is not and if men aren't careful with theirs we are gonna clam up.
No. 324782
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>>323838Alright and? If that's the case, then they have no fucking integrity and are vapid, airheaded losers. They salivate at the idea of throwing away their character for a brief monetary gain so they can spend it on plastic, meaninglessness crap. It's so unabashedly shameful and pathetic.
Is promoting insincere, self-hating ideology for some fucking Funco poptoys or another PRO gamer chair or fucking kitty cat ear headband really worth it?
No. 324794
I finally realized the "real male feminist" i met is just another "male feminist" doing it for his own gain. Rather telling his twitter is the most self righteous bullshit on earth, but all he does is tweet and retweet about the black lives matter stuff and abortion rights. He never seems to comment or retweet economic disparity even though he'll kinda mention it irl but then look down on anyone that isn't a programmer making 6 figures like him, he goes on and on and on about helping people and volunteering and then just like, fucks off and only hangs out with other rich, high power career people, he doesn't actually do anything except get mad when someone beneath him wants him to demonstrate his beliefs and not just spout them. He gives his number out to random women to help "mentor" them because he's this guy that works for a silicone valley company, gets weird and flirty and has no boundaries, and then will be emotionally abusive and patronizing to these women. If you confronted him, they're all acquaintances and people he's trying to help mentor, he never ever does or says anything that might be predatory and creepy, no sir!
Fucking hate this guy. A lot of his coworkers are women. I hope his anger and narcissism fucks him over big time in the form of him getting caught sexually harassing and getting fitted or having inappropriate relationship but I'm not holding my breath because everyone loves what a great, down to earth, well traveled guy he is.
No. 324804
>>324797He's more like a personal lolcow. He's too rich and good at keeping it together for his public image to be a true lolcow. Just another obnoxious liberal on Twitter if you don't know him personally.
Also his mentoring basically consists of giving you links to resources anyone could look up themselves and then enacting a series of flirtatious, "deep" conversations over a long period of time. He drops them like hot potatos for asking for actual mentoring or wanting a relationship with him, which he then pulls the "i never did anything that should have made you think i want that, this was purely professional." Charming.
No. 324836
>>324802They don't really do this to poor white women though. I've never read an account or heard of it. Sure, I've heard of doctors pestering all poor women, even white, to go on birth control for the reasons you stated. But I've never heard of sterilization against consent and coercion like this unless its someone not white or if they are disabled.
So yeah, its fucked up and you're being racist and sexist. No reason to be sterilizing women against their will or trying to coerce them when shit like IUDs and other long term, highly effective birth control exists.
No. 324890
>>324852Were you not paying any fucking attention? These are native american women, in America, being coerced and mutilated, in actual, "first world" hospitals.
also ladies lets stop fighting and agree that maybe just male doctors often fucking suck and drag anyone that might have reason on their team down with them. My favorite doctors when I did try to go into healthcare were always the women. They may have sometimes been cold, aloof, and had some terrible bedside manner in the worst cases, but they usually never believed horrible shit like this or wouldn't dream of actually acting out on it and harming their patients.
No. 324891
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Reminder to never let men near your children.
No. 324897
>>324893They. Are. Being. Treated. In. Actual. Hospitals.
Not reservation hospitals.
Grow a brain.
No. 324911
>>324904And that suddenly makes it ok to sterilize them without their fucking consent? And boy are you ever looking ignorant as fuck, you need to sit down, shut the fuck up, and get out of this fucking thread. You don't know a goddamn thing about native americans and how they live. Yes I'm mad.
Native Americans are not ignorant savages. There are a lot of problems on reservations, but them being retarded to the point of not understanding or teaching that sex makes babies is NOT IT.
But I guess you don't care, A native american woman should just be fucking sterilized to fix the problem even if she never consented to the sex in the first place and it was an act of violence.
Please stop trolling and go back to /pol/.
No. 324920
>>324911Calm down, you could've just said "rape happens a lot on reservations"
When you start to rage like this, shit like this is why if you're genuinely trying to get the message through, you're just gonna sound like some all.hail.satin shit, instead of throwing a shit flinging fest, maybe you should explain to the ignorant instead of being so quick to attack
No. 324940
>>324936Yes anon, im emotionally abusing you through the screen when I told you to calm down after seeing you rage at someone who is ignorant about the rape issue on reservations, which you could've calmy explained, but decided to spazz out like a child shitting itself, calling them every name in the book, throwing a tantrum, at a non-threatening person
Again, you could have gotten the message through, but you just come off as a screaming banshee and will end up making anyone who actually cares about getting the message across, look bad
No. 324960
>>324904Maybe instead of forced sterilizations while the women are in altered, pliant mental states from heavy painkillers, doctors should be recommending condoms or morning after pills? Or giving out some fucking pamphlets on BC? Surely, rendering people
unable to reproduce, period without their educated, explicit consent isn't a solution the citizens of any humane first world country would entertain or support?
"They're uneducated" isn't an excuse for actual genocide of an entire demographic, anon. Rape is a rampant issue, as well, it's not like they're just addicted to childbirth.
Kind of shameful (and scrote-ish) to unironically try to defend systematic violation of women's bodily autonomy.
No. 324969
>>324963??? Just when did I accuse you of calling them "savages" in my entire post, or even use that word, period? I literally just said them being uneducated is not a feasible defense for sterilization, and you arguing that they're uneducated in a bid to make things seem less nefarious is scummy.
It's funny that you're the one to talk about projection when you're denying shit you were never even accused of, fucking hell. Way to tell us how you really feel, as unintentional as it was.
No. 324972
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>>324963You are not going to win this argument and i honestly think you need to be banned at least temporarily for this outrageous race bait. Even if you are somehow not a troll and didn't intend it, it was taken as race bait and your failure to self reflect on why what you said is offensive and wrong has shat up this thread beyond recognition.
No. 324979
>>324778>A baby comes out of thereSeriously. Stupid ass women who act like 'omg it's too big! i'm so tight' are uneducated as hell.
>>324766Sweetie, you have to be 18 to be on this site. No one cares about your boyfriend's 'big dick.'
No. 324981
>>324802While I agree there is absolutely no reason to have more than one kid if you're already living in poverty, the surgery and taking away ability to have kids without consent is dead wrong, no matter how you spin it.
Trust, I'm from Harlem, NYC and there are tons of poor and uneducated women having kids for no reason other than to have them, but there are better ways to do this. Education is key.
No. 325136
>>324902I'm actually not white and am NA/black/white mix LMFAO. My paternal grandma grew up on a reservation. Nice try, though.
>>324836Anon you replied to here. My area is majority white and all the women I've personally known to go through this are. I wouldn't be surprised if minorities were more exposed to this than whites overall, but white people still are too.
Also, you say that as though all women are open to birth control or only get pregnant due to lack of it or it failing. I live in in North East USA. My area is extremely poor, but extremely left. We have great sex ed, access to birth control regardless of monetary situation (PP location with tons of free condoms), and vast majority of women in the state have easy abortion access. However, there's a disturbing number of women who are happy to pump out multiple children when they work part time at a fast food restaurant and their spouse makes hardly anything either if they're luck to have an spouse at all. There is absolutely ZERO excuse where I live to have several children when you're poor as we do everything we can to prevent these situations and any responsible woman would utilize them.
There are always people who don't give a fuck about their monetary or financial situation. There are always people too stupid to recognize they should absolutely not have children. There are always people happy to spawn despite living paycheck to paycheck with less than a thousand dollars in the bank at any given time.
So yeah, don't act like there's anything wrong with wanting to protect society from these selfish and/or delusional people. It's not as simple as "give them birth control and this problem will be orally solved!" that's only one step.
No. 325138
>>321728Human rights are subjective.
The democracy of mediocracy shouldn't exist tbh.
No. 325150
>>325136I really shouldn't dignify this with a response, especially because you are definitely not who your claim to be with your shitty opinions like "forcible sterilization of the poors is ok" and absolute ignorance of native American issues (kek I'm so sure your grandma lived on a reservation, miss 1/16th cherokee so i can say native Americans being forcibly sterilized is a-ok!)
That being said, your problem sounds a lot more like a "children are suffering due to economic disparity, lack of education, and pervasive, subconscious religious attitudes to breed moar"
For a lot of reasons I'm not going to bother to explain because your won't care or won't read or will accuse me of being emotional or retarded, the solution is seriously not violating human rights on this level.
Please go stay in the unpopular opinions thread where you and your terrible opinions belong. Thx.
No. 325167
>>325136Not either of the anons you replied to, but
>I'm actually not white and am NA/black/white mix LMFAO. Seems legit, sure you are, kek. Just give it a rest.
No. 325170
>>324911>>324936>>324958>>324960>>324972>>325150if you truly cared about a point, instead of throwing a tantrum and attacking potential allies, you should calmly explain, listen, and actually read what that anon said (which you clearly didn't, as I can tell), although I do recognize your arguing and typing style so I know exactly who you are and hope you don't get as obsessed with this anon and go to other threads and start shitting yourself about how everyone is that anon
just go, not only did you embarrass yourself as well as revealing yourself but you also made people like me, who actually care about natives, look bad, you're just as bad as incels, did someone slip testosterone in your coffee this morning and that's why you keep freaking out like someone just insulted your mother?
No. 325175
>>325170I posted
>>324960, but none of those other posts. My reply wasn't even rude, unless you're straight out of PULL and expect everyone to treat you like a delicate baby. I'm convinced you're samefagging, because only that person would be so angry and accuse all their detractors of being one person.
Your post was fucked up. Learn from this dragging and do better instead of throwing tantrums about how mean people on a chan board were to you, and what a "potential ally" you'd be if only anons hadn't been so harsh.
No. 325178
>>325175then you're just as dumb as the other anons because nowhere did the anon support tying womens tubes without their consent, shit like this is why arguments here get so out of hand
someone can say "those flowers are pretty", a crazy anon will pop in and say "wow are you saying those other flowers are ugly? rude" and instead of actually reading, anons like you will pop in, read the responding posts and go "hey its your opinion but you shouldnt say those flowers are ugly thats mean"
my "post" was defending the first anon because of how crazy, novel writing anon reacted like a fucking baby instead of explaining and trying to get people on her side, the thing she cared sooo much about but she rather just villanize anyone who doesn't pat her on the head and tell her she's right
No. 325184
>>325180>People dont have to calmly and kindly educate anyone out of fear their feelings might be hurtif you want to get your point across and not seem like a screaming tumblr banshee who thinks everyone is literally hitler, than yes you do, and it's not about their feelings getting hurt, when you're so fucking quick to have a mental breakdown it's only going to make people repel
> People are allowed to get angry and not soften the blow for retardsthey are, but when you blow something out of proportion over a misunderstanding then, again, you're doing nothing but making what you stand for look bad
>who need educating aka common sense.anon, not everyone is going to know everything about everything, as I suggested earlier, maybe instead of screaming your damn head off about how the anon is an evil racist nazi who failed at everything and has shit for brains, you could have just explained there was a problem with pregnancy because of the rape issue amoung reservations, now you've done nothing but make people repel and cause war as well as making your side look crazy, happy?
No. 325188
>>325178You're "not that anon", but you're writing these stupid, emotionally charged, long rants in their defense and claiming different people are one person with "the same typing style" after they were rightfully called out by multiple people for replying to "Forced sterilization is wrong" with "Uh but those people are rly uneducated about birth control, whose job is it to fix that?".
Sounds likely.
No. 325189
>>3251881. wasn't that anon who said that
2. there was miscommunication, yes the anon could've worded it better or been more educated, but to be fair, no where did she activly support forced sterilization, in fact when other anons accused her of supporting it she made it clear she didn't support it, but anons ignored it and just kept insisting…and insisting…and insisting, shit like this is why you will get nowhere when you make everyone an enemy
No. 325193
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>anon implies sterilization is ok and not based in genocidal history, the doctors are doing a good thing bc they're uneducated and poor
>when called out doubles down on implying its ok bc apparently they don't teach kids the facts of life on reservations, which is actually not true revealing anon has no idea what they are talking about
>anon shits up thread with insulting anyone that is understandably angry about this and plays the victim card
>anon triples down, claims to be ACTUALLY NATIVE AMERICAN Y'ALL and again doesn't DIRECTLY say sterilization but states "So yeah, don't act like there's anything wrong with wanting to protect society from these selfish and/or delusional people. It's not as simple as "give them birth control and this problem will be orally solved!" that's only one step."
>now anon is quadrupling down, pretending to be someone else, and claiming "that other anon" said they were against sterilization, which they only said AFTER at least two different anons got angry at the clear implications of the OP
How hard is this to get? That sterilizing people without their consent is wrong according to ever law and ethic we have? People aren't mad at you because they're tumblrites, people are mad because implying sterilization is the next best step for economic disparity and lack of education is Hitler level shit and its disingenuous to say otherwise or try to take back the clear implications now.
No. 325200
>>325193I truly miss when this shit was contained in unpopular opinion threads. People need to just stop replying instead of employing damage control when they're almost universally disagreed with by a whole thread. We've all been there, I get it, but grow the fuck up. It's an anonymous board, there is no reputation to protect. Live and learn.
This anon really got so mad that they wrote this essay
>>325170 WKing themselves (after racefaking, of course) and yelling at people who just wanted the thread to get back on track. God.
No. 325207
>>325193What actually happened
>anon said something that can be percieved as rude, but ended up being a miscommunication>another anon, instead threw a shit flinging fest, cursing and blowing shit dramatically out of propotion and played victim when she got told to calm down (literally accused another anon of using an emotional abuse tactic when being told to calm down after using every word in the book)>first anon made herself clear that she didnt mean what anons claimed she meant>other anon(s) kept insisting she actually meant it the whole time>anon claims to be part native>anons accused her of lying, still writing her out to be hitler despite making herself clear>anyone who doesnt agree anon is hitler must be that anon>claims the anon was actually playing victim, while playing victim>insists the argument went one way, writing out 1 anon to be this crazy horrid racist lying person, all while ignoring how fast the crazy anon went batshit on the anon even after the anon made herself clear>instead of actually wanting to stop infighting, you of course, continue to villanize the original anon despite making herself clear, as if we can't scroll up and see the actual argumentCould've fooled me
No. 325210
>>325200fuckin right? prolly just a scrot that wandered in because honestly the woman hating tone in the man hating thread is so suspicious lmao.
anyway moving on…
yeah tbh idk if sterilization of quite a few terrible men would be necessary, I'm gonna go ahead and agree that what with waifus and daikamakuras the problem with some of em will solve itself. and if its seriously not obvious, I'm pretty much joking about the sterilization bit. I don't actually think anyone should be. Funny that a lot of genes will simply get held back by waifuism though tbh.
No. 325220
>>325193I am
>>324802 and this is the only other post on this topic in this thread
Multiple people can disagree with you.
And it's really gross to insist someone is lying about their race when they disagree with you. Why is it so hard to wrap your head around the idea that some people who see first hand the suffering caused from being born into extreme poverty would see no issue in lowering the number of kids people who can't afford them pump out? Sorry I don't see the problem in capping impoverished people at 2 before they're conceived? Sorry I care more about the quality of life of innocent children than some selfish person's desire to have more than two kids?
No. 325227
>>325209Oh you mean just like all the other anons are doing, but you're not starting shit with them, why?
If you really cared about the thread not being shit up you'd either sit the fuck down or stop pointing at one person who is literally doing the exact same as all the other anons are doing, singling them out, and tell them to stop, which has been proven to do nothing but make infights was, as we seen from the past
And of course, youre nta, just like theres magically 10 other anons here at the same time, with the same typing style and defense mechanisms, not accusing you of anything (just saying that before you throw a shit show about how you're "NOT THEM!!!" And "stupid racist anon thinks we're all the same people!!!) But its just funny, you know?
No. 325235
>>325227>more sperging and samefag accusations(You)
Now let's get things back on topic.
No. 325238
>>325235Oh, its reasonable when me and several other anons are accused of being a samefag
But when I even remotely touch the idea the there might be samefagging going on the otherside, its sperging, got it
Just like how im shitting up the thread and baiting, but others who are literally doing the same, aren't!
No. 325259
>>325227I think I'm the person you're thinking is other people samefagging, and I literally just was offline for like, 2 hours. What the fuck.
Can you not drop shit or what? Do you just have a burning need to shit up the thread with how impoverished women with a few kids personally rustle your jimmies?
Again, this is the man hating thread. Either start hating on some dudes or leave. No one cares.
No. 325273
Has anyone else heard about the Korean women who were beaten up because they "looked like feminists"? Apparently Korean news is trying to spin this like it's the women's fault and not even calling it assault. The news stories are all in Korean however and are being translated in English and posted on kpop forums. No official English translations as far as I know.
Can any Korean anons give more insight? No. 325375
>>325273 a different post about it too.
I wouldn't be suprised tbh, reminding myself about spy cameras in public restrooms/toilets.
No. 325380
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>>325377samefag, but I also got a 2 years old great article about violence against women in South Korea that someone did link due to recent event: No. 325387
>>325384Korea has been anti-feminist long long before the Park Geunhye scandal, scrot.
A scandal that you should probably do some reading on because you have your facts wrong.
No. 325412
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>>325388That's exactly what scrots think.
South Korea was ran by a feminist cult…because it was run by a woman.
If something is run by a woman it is feminist. Because it is feminist it is inevitably bad. And feminism is bad because females.
They have no idea that it actually means "equality for all", they only read the "fem…" and their bird brains immediately translate this to "female, meaning not for me and if it's not for me, it must be bad."
Imagine we'd say every country, every organisation, every brand, every factury, every firm etc. run by males = MRA.
But that's simply how their brains work. They can only think in collectives. Park Geun Hye was shite and therefore all women protesting against sexual harassment via spy cameras must be lying feminazis. But if a man does something wrong - oh no, #notallmen!
Imagine that your biggest issue with this board are other women letting of steam from being treated shitty by men in their day to day life or simply wanting to discuss the gruesome things that are done to women (in more unfortunate places in the world)… I really don't understand it. I hate kpop and anime, I can simply hide those threads. We are not "infesting" everything here. That's a straight up lie. This might happen once in a while, but is it really worth gettting this
triggered over? Literally, why do they care so much? Can't they just igore it?
It's not us who are spamming this site with gore and cp, but men. Maybe it's just me, but I'd say that's much more severe and a much bigger problem, no? But go on, whine to the mods about how this thread hurts your feefees…
All I want for christmas is for male larpers to fuck off.
No. 325417
>>325412you can immediately tell someone is a scrot here by seeing them complain about the man hating thread.
I've seen "go back to your man hating thread" thrown as an insult on multiple occasions even if the discussion had nothing to do with man hating lol
Their egos are so frail that one single thread where women discuss their negative experiences with men hurt scrots' feefees :((((
But let me tell you this, after spending much time on imageboards with presumably larger male userbase, their women hating threads can't even compare with our man hating threads. They post gruesome gore pictures of women brutally murdered, raped. They post porn excerpts where the woman is brought near death with various disturbing methods. An average man thinks like this. They want to see us dead. If they don't get off CP, then they get off on stuff like that. They're mentally insane. They are incapable of empathy.
They're going to use whatever excuse to hurt us which is why there are so many girls being killed just for rejecting a guy, this is the man's default state of violence.
No. 325421
>>325412If a woman running something makes its feminist then I guess a man running something makes it run my men's rights activists.
Which means the Korean cult was still an MRA cult, because a man created it. lol
No. 325432
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Men are subhuman.
>The 19-year-old took several photos of Noceda naked, unconscious, and blue-lipped on his bed and texted them to his friends in a group chat, Varela's friend Jayson Pepito said.
>Pepito said Varela boasted about the act, saying, "She died having sex with me."
No. 325440
>>325439There are some African tribes where women have all the positions of power and one of them was interviewed for a documentary. The matriarch said "You cannot give men power. They ruin everything, they cannot help themselves."
She's wise and I want to make her our President.
No. 325448
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Men are the biggest fucking crybabies I swear
>>325432>"She died having sex with me."It's really amazing how something can stoop so low and be so retarded and fixated on sex that they go on thinking this way. Like fucking bravo, you proved how fucking subhuman you are.
No. 325455
>>325452> he broke the corpse's legs to stuff into a crate and tried to bury it.Absolutely disgusting!
Imagine being the girl's family, that your daughter was treated like that in her last moments, not only desecrated by being raped to death, but to give her a humiliating burial by breaking her legs too like she was some trash.
No. 325487
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A man in Ireland was just acquitted of raping a 17 year old because of her underwear choice despite a witness seeing him dragging her by the neck and covering her mouth and heading to a dark alley. the rapist's lawyer is a woman and she pulled that panty lace argument. It makes my blood boil.
It's also similar to the case of Lindsay Armstrong that killed herself after having to give evidence, the same underwear argument was brought up against her to do the victim blaming.
Wtf is wrong with this world. No. 325488
File: 1542295911153.jpeg (Spoiler Image,230.68 KB, 267x1607, D7E86DED-C894-4404-9B29-7C79AB…)

It’s really long, so I’ll spoiler the pic. Anyway, it’s this word vomit I found on Omegle, written by a troon. It’s basically a TERF’s best argument against trannies.
No. 325498
>>325487>>325490wonder how many men will STILL cry male oppression, yet when have you ever seen a man getting blamed when something bad happened to him? It's always womens fault, never the mans, people treat men like retarded babies and coddle them to hell and back, being a man is literally life on easy mode and you never have to face consequences
isn't it funny when men cry about male oppression over shit like men not getting off easy when they murder and rape, or if women are sentenced to death if they shoplift or get speeding tickets, but stay silent on stuff like this, why?
they don't want equality, they want men to get away with everything and women to be sentenced to death anytime a woman isn't a perfect pure angel
No. 325500
>>325412I agree, and it blows my mind that scrots and weird femcels mad about this are always like "REEEEEEEE MAN HATERS, WANTING TO KILL EM, WANTING TO STERILIZE THEM, HOW DARE!"
Its like they've never heard of the concept of hyperbole or considered the fact that for those hyperboles were not being 100% serious all the time.
Important protip: when we say we hate men, we mean men as a class, not necessarily individual men.
How hard is that to get?
Meanwhile like you said woman haters seem a lot more legit violent, posting things like gore and cp, demanding anyone that says anything negative about men "go back to the man hating thread" etc.
Its almost like they are willing and able to be personally violent to a woman on an individual level for being a woman speaking out against men. Gee. Wonder why that is…
And the woman hating has been RIDICULOUS. i saw what I'm 100% certain was a scrot non-stop harass a mother in another thread for no particular good reason. Maybe its the woman hating that needs to stop.
No. 325577
why is it when I google "man kills himself" the only news stories I can find are murder-suicides or men raping them commiting suicide? but muh male suicide rate, it's proof poor men are oppressed and women should give up their rights!
ladies, anytime a scrot wants to cry male oppression over the male suicide rate, link them to this No. 325642
>>325627Nah dw, men are just obsessed with being hyper-critical of women, even if women saved the planet men would bitch about women playing god and use it as proof of why those evil women shouldn't be in power
Nothing women do is right, we can save their life and still be in the wrong
No. 325646
>>325635Men, especially white men are actively protected by court of law, so much when they DONT get freebies males will cry oppression because they're so used to using their get out of jail card
They'll actively ignore millions of cases where the man got away free, but use the same 3 or 4 cases where women got away with murder to prove how "evil women get away with everything"
They want their cake and to eat it, they want to get away with everything and be treated as a superior, while doing everything in their power to paint straight white men to be this poor oppressed group
>>325625 I'm as straight as a womens sweet curves
No. 325647
>>325625It's because most low quality males relish in being disgusting and repulsive, very few males attractive enough to turn a woman on, that's why so many women around the world are having painful, anorgasmic sex, because we're brainwashed by society to believe that we should settle for a nice fat guy, and pray we'll eventually start to feel sexual attraction for him.
My sex life has completely changed for the best now that I only go for chads.
No. 325649
>>325625it probably does lol.
read any male orientated website, they always bitch about how "low" beauty standards are for women (lolwut) and how "high" they are for men. im so sorry that women are just naturally more beautiful and dont want to settle for your subpar looks kek.
these babies unironically believe that women expecting them to not be a fat piece of shit always 5 minutes away from a heart attack is the same as what men demand of women.
No. 325662
>>325652The most ironic part is that its average or even below average men who often tear apart celebrities and models
"Ashley graham is too tall, Megan fox has no ass, Reese Witherspoon and Angelina jolie hit the wall, Marilyn monroe is skinnyfat and ugly, kate moss is flat chested, emilie browning is average with no figure, etc"
Just think of any female celebrity, find their social media and watch as millions of men tear these women, who are literally known for looking good, ie above average women, apart, men even think Victoria secret models are flat, too tall, too skinny, etc, when literal above average lingerie models aren't enough for most men then the average woman is fucked to find a man who will find her genuinely desirable and endearing
Meanwhile most women give an insane amount of praise to even chubby and old male celebs, despite men constantly repeating its us who have these crazy high standards and women have it so easy
No. 325669
>>325647>>325648I'm not very shallow, and being a fattychan that's not overly beautiful i stay "in my league" for the most part.
I really think its funny and sad when incels say this, because the amount of times I've had a fat, what other anons would consider dumpy man bitch and moan that they don't want to date me or move into a committed relationship with a fat woman because they deserve to experience a hot thin model once in their life is truly pathetic.
No. 325697
>>325669what's sad is men demanding thin women with cute faces is just the tip of the ice berg for the shit men are demanding nowadays
even the most ugly men see women as drawings to rate, judge, and tear apart, a lot of men will randomly shift the conversation over to womens looks, or if other men are praising a womans looks some douche has to come in and point out whats wrong with her, basically unless you look like a damn shapeshifting fairy princess, there will always be men to tear your looks apart, yet we are expected to get use to this instead of you know, men being shut down
sure men will fuck anything with a hole, but they won't give two shits about if either of them are happy, they'd rather send women to mental hospitals if it meant being able to have a hole to fuck
No. 325698
>>325432Sentence date is today I believe. Men like this dont deserve a happy life. He is a complete sociopath who needs to be thrown away
>>325631Its like their objective is to make rape legal.. or at least just ok. They hate women having any independence so they want to take as much power away as possible
Wish all women everywhere can carry guns. Or live 100% seperate from all men
No. 325843
>>325840I've gotten wicked harassed on here, particularly in the last two months, and its made me consider leaving a little bit.
But never has it ever been as vicious, disgusting, over the top, and deeply, deeply disturbing as places like 4chan or 8chan.
And that's why I'm just gonna stay and try to help make it a little better.
We have to stick together with men like that.
No. 325853
>>325850Eh. I'm used to the usual tone and crudeness of anons on here. But this hasn't been like that lately. There's been anons full on going into what seems to be a damn near mouth frothing rage with all their insults and chimping out at people, and at reasonably chill anons not doing anything i can perceive as a provokation. And they seem pretty bullheaded too. Won't stop for anything, even people trying to move on.
And that's when i feel it kinda goes from "a little excessive Chan culture" to "retarded flame wars no one wants to sit there and read" which is exactly why i don't really like 4chan.
Still, can't ever be thankful enough our dumbass shit doesn't usually involve deranged men posting gore or cp randomly.
No. 325859
>>325855lol neurotic. she said
reasonably chill probably because she
wasn't trying to claim she's perfect.
No. 325863
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Someone should make this flag real
>>321827>Do low sex drive/asexual men even exist?Yes, they exist. 2 of my 3 male friends have low to inexistent sex drives (the third one is gay). Of course, I don't have any actual proof of this, but they are porn critical, and uninterested in having a girl friend. I honestly feel safe only around them when it comes to men.
>>322375anyone can care about their family? Like the men that rape their children and beat their daughters if they wear skirts too short and that are generally shit fathers ?
On another note, I hate that mods here are too friendly to males. There are tons of obvious males in other threads that don't get banned but you get a notice how you should take your man-hating in the man-hating thread if you post something even slightly critical of men in some other thread.
Actual radfem image board WHEN
No. 325972
>>325966One of my best friends is such guy. He also always seemed to have a pretty low sex drive.
Had only one gf as I remember, and said that sex is overrated for him. It feels nice, because he's one of few guys I am not anxious around + a person who would want to cook/bake and even sew stuff with me.
No. 325983
>>325843How do you get harassed here or on any anonymous image board?
>>325853>Still, can't ever be thankful enough our dumbass shit doesn't usually involve deranged men posting gore or cp randomly.I've browsed 4chan for years and have never seen gore or cp. idk what boards you have been reading. Unless you want to expand the definition of CP to cropped hentai with underage characters. To which me and other fujoshi are guilty of.
No. 326001
>>325999What did the text say, anon?
That sounds kind of weird. Your doctor shouldn't be contacting you via phone at all unless it's for a telephone appointment or something.
No. 326002
>>325991There's plenty of users who use 4chan who never go on b. And most of it is just porn these days. Do you even go there?
>>325997I've been using 4chan for years and I even bought a 4chan pass at one point. I've been on /d/ once lmao.
>>325995Where is this magical "illegal content" option?
>>326000Maybe you need to go outside
No. 326003
>>325999Don't call him. He might be up to some inappropriate shit and call recording may not be legal where you live.
Call the surgery he works at and speak to the receptionist there. Tell them about his text to you. If it's inappropriate, they will know and be obligated to pass it on to their boss.
No. 326007
>>326002My mistake.
Fujo spends a year on /cm/ and now thinks she's an expert on 4chan.
No. 326164
>>326002Why would you admit to buying a 4chan pass, even anonymously?
>>326158I thank those young women for their service o7. May they enjoy much prosperity while keeping the stupidest shallowest men of society occupied.
No. 326178
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>>326158Always makes me think of this
No. 326223
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No. 326272
>>326271god yes, and I 100% fucking KNOW none of them are doing it.
This shit is dumb anyway. I never understood it. Who the fuck is raising money because a dude decides to be a fucking sasquatch for a month or lie about not masturbating?
No. 326279 it‘s only im German. The article talks about a statistic from the police that basically says that in 2017, every 2 or 3 days a woman in germany was killed by her partner or ex(147 women)
I really hope that the police and politicians will take this seriously and do more to protect women and properly punish violent men.
No. 326298
>>325828wtf it is YOU who is a huge red flag you are literally counter-arguing against everything MH threads claim
I would have dumped you before hanging up the phone
No. 326311
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>>326309you are a fucking scrot baiting right now this is the last reply
No. 326328
>>326326yes the main focus is helping the woman but I cant see how a rape baby is helping here
Its only making her situation worse
No. 326354
>>325828hmm it's not right to expect a woman to raise a rape baby so why would it be right to expect a man to raise one?
Did you expect a "yes ma'am I'll accept this emotional and financial burden for the rest of my life"?
No. 326477
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I get the joke, but why are men supposed to be threatening?
It's the same as when they make fun of young girls being attracted to pretty boys. Why do women have to accept male violence in order to be "mature?"
No. 326484
>>326477It's so dumb.
Obviously someone would like a non-threatening partner. Men don't want threatening, abusive women do they?
No. 326491
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>>326384you're a true hero anon
fuck that guy
>>326477I feel like it's jealousy tbh, let's face there's a lot of men out there that would lose their shit if you told them to maintain basic hygiene
No. 326493
>>326477because they are confused and insecure
usually turn out to be the most childish ones
No. 326541
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have they never heard of a dildo? >inb4 those aren't the same thing as real peen!
I mean I guess but at least those things don't get tired, pre-ejaculate or beg for you to get on top lmao.
And aren't most lesbians with men at first before they realize they're lesbians?
No. 326544
>>326504Someone I briefly dated years ago posted the faceapp of himself saying it was hot, his mom commented on it, and he replied
to his mom saying he's lucky he didn't have a sister (implying he would have been sexually attracted to her/raped her)
They literally have no filter, boundaries or morals
Also briefly dated another guy who admitted his sister was hot/his ideal woman/his type
My father once told my mother he had dreams we (young children at the time) were lying naked on the sofa and he could see our vaginas. After that she never left him alone with us, and luckily we were never asaaulted. I've always avoided him and never hugged him. He also used to make weird comments about my sister when she would come out of the shower.
>>326505I think we need to be incredibly proactive about not leaving children alone with men, whether relative or stranger, or even their own brothers. Take note of weird comments or jokes. Be wary and proactive.
No. 326547
>>326541Getting on top is the worst like…why do I have to do the work when
he is gonna get the orgasm? Never got an orgasm from a man ever. Yet I gotta work. K
No. 326550
>>326544I suspect that sister admiration from my husband but he never admitted it. Ugh.
I’m sorry about your dad that’s really awful and traumatizing imo :/
No. 326551
>>326545I'm part of a local lesbian and bisexual women's club and I know two lesbians who there who slept with men after being pressured to "give it a shot."
Both of them said it kinda sucked. One of them stopped him halfway through kek.
No. 326577
>>326575one of them had a perfect guy in their life but he turned out to be as a classic case of user asshole and broke the princesses heart
now she is bitter and still can't get over him
the rest are just girls who never got attention from boys and follow the Bitter Prime as followers
No. 326594
>>326575My dad is perfect, he's my best friend and I trust him with anything. I still would never trust men as a whole, I have massive reservations about marriage and kids because men are so inclined to being pedos. Are all men pedos? No. Are enough of them pedos that I would be unwilling to risk a child's safety by breeding with one? Fuck yes.
It is extremely.naive to think a good father figure negates th statistical evidence of men being abusers.
No. 326665
>>325983>I've browsed 4chan for years and have never seen gore or cpLucky you.
cp gets wiped pretty quickly but it still gets posted on the regular. Hell, 4chan used to have a loli board years ago that was a huge cesspool until they finally axed it.
>>326477Toxic masculinity is kind of a buzzword but that describes it pretty well, being aggressive and violent is considered "manly", and being caring, kind or nurturing is associated with femininity and therefore "undesirable" in a man, except that only works in theory because having a partner that's emotionally crippled and aggressive is nothing anyone actually wants.
No. 326704
File: 1542507827325.png (Spoiler Image,141.44 KB, 1288x264, 5f64ca58b6a07a0433ed8c0b307fbd…)

Men are trash and this is just more proof (spoilered bc they decided to use a RAPE SCENE for their thread image)
No. 326734
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>when scrots just prove us right
it's just really sad at this point, jeez
Also thank you to the janitor/mod that cleaned that sad mess right up.
No. 326779
>>326502>>326561Why are you all so weak? You people hugely overreact to the most trivial inconveniences in life and treat every minor "microaggression" like an attempt on your life. You obsess over things that are complete non-issues in the real world.
You are the female equivalent of /r9k/ incels. You take the bad experiences you've had with an abusive father or a neglectful boyfriend and project them onto every single one of the billions of men in the world. The way you experience the world is so fundamentally divorced from reality that it's laughable. You would know that men aren't how you claim them to be if you interacted with a man without the intention of twisting everything into an act of aggression so that you can confirm your delusional fears of half of the entire human population.
No. 326780
>>326779Why are you so
triggered by this board?
No. 326781
>>326780Why are you
triggered by men?
No. 326803
>>326705Women: We hate how men are violent towards women.
Man: I'll show those manhaters…with pics of violence against women!!
No. 326827
>>326779Why are you all so concerned? You people react to the rates at which men abuse and kill women with disgust and anger, and I don't like it. You talk about issues that don't exist in the lives of men, like me, because men don't harass other men like they harass women, but I don't like that you are talking about it.
Having had abusive experiences at the hand of men, like all women, and being weary of them is the same as hating women because they won't fuck you. You take bad experiences you've had with the men in your life and project them onto the men in your life. The way men make women experience the world is sad, but I don't care. You know that men are exactly the way you claim them to be because you interact with them, but it would be better, for me, if you just accepted their harassment and let them erode your self-esteem, because that makes it easier for me to fuck you.
No. 326828
It's like other anons said earlier about that Simpsons non-threatening boys joke. Men think we're not only supposed to take the violence, abuse and torture from men, we're supposed to like it and ask for more.
No. 326833
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Its funny how pathetic and stupid men are, especially when it comes to self reflection. They really think they deserve a partner no matter how worthless and ugly they are, and throw temper tantrums when confronted with the truth about their shitty selves. Its amusing.
No. 326836
>>326832They must be really dumb if they get confused by an degenerate anonymous image board thread filled with with everything from being turned on by cutting off men's limbs to fishes with weird teeth.
This is not your average woman's wants geniuses…
No. 326876
>>326871Imagine being the type of woman who goes off and panders to the same men who will call her an attention whoring slut and a roastie, knowing full well how much abuse, violence and misery is inflicted disproportionately by men on a global level. Those numbers didn't make themselves up.
Imagine not being satisfied with having a boyfriend, husband, brother, father and/or son who is not trash and loves you, but having to beg particularly putrid men (/r9k/ers) for appreciation by saying you're "not like those crazies uwu".
Embarrassing life.
No. 326894
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>>326876Seriously, it's going to bite them back in the ass eventually.
"hurr durr I'm not like those other *~girls~*", except you are.
Just like every other damaged psycho who shows up on those boards every now and then to attention whore.
Get some self-respect, goddamn it.
No. 326958
>>326949yes, especially when they don't even actually want kids. men are like, most likely to cheat on you while you're pregnant. this "gotta impregnate!!" meme is insane. i miss when guys used to avoid getting women pregnant and were relieved when women didn't want to get pregnant.
all of these men that are pushing for having children are the same as the non-committal men that don't want kids and will ditch you anyways. either they just believe they want kids because they're retarded and impulsive and don't actually think things through and are later disappointed by the reality of being a parent, or they get some kind of sick pleasure out of impregnating women (a la onision) and leaving the women they feel they've now marked as their territory, to clean up the mess.
No. 327039
>>326958Breeding fetishists want to nut without any consequences when they are most likely one of the worst types of men to be fathers. I kinda think its because also it keeps women vunerable and dependent too. And then thats easier for men to control and abuse without much protest
Ive wondered too about how many porn blogs there are that post women yet will say the most misogynistic things about them. Ive seen porn blogs on tumblr weigh in, call women whores and sluts and cunts (not in their kink context) when the discussion is about BC, being pro choice, or any serious issue related to women. Yet go back to reblogging their porn solely involving women
They hate women but cant jack off without them. And they hate us for it. They want to shame and degrade and still expect those women to enjoy it and enjoy being shamed and degraded. Its.. bizarre and fucking depressing
No. 327048
>>327039>>326983>>326958I am convinced any man enthusiastic about getting someone pregnant is a. Trying to control and subjugate the woman
b. Wants it as proof of his masculinity
c. Has a breeding fetish
Or all of the above. I never buy the 'but muh child that I care about so much' shit from men
No. 327206
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>>327051You forgot to mention how many of them avoid to pay said child support.
Mine has 5 kids from 2 different moms (second is 25years younger than he is) + served as sugar daddy to some more, but not much info about them. Just remember one did lie to him about being pregnant.
While I still get support, my friends have so many problems with their dads that they decide to change their surname to mother's with time and just cut all the contact.
No. 327274
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No. 327285
>>327278i remember reading somewhere that the source that's taken from also counts verbal and emotional abuse on the same level as physical?
like, as in it counts some man getting yelled at by his wife as the same as a woman getting beaten to a pulp by her husband. idk tho.
No. 327304
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anyone ever been on the r/whereareallthegoodmen sub? unironically i would kill myself if i was this bitter
No. 327315
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can this be next thread pic?
No. 327332
>>327329No anon, clearly those men were raised in single
father households!
No. 327341
>>327335This 100%
Anytime a man cries 80% of the time he is using tears to manipulate but almost no one can see that because everyone is so brainwashed into believing men crying is "real crying" and women crying is women being dramatic or manipulative
Read up on loser ex threads, all the stories about men crying when their girlfriend doesnt want sex, when they dont give them money, etc
But those poor men!!!
No. 327362
>>327334> Real sexism is having your gender stereotyped by society as being violent, abusers, etcNah, real sexism is being responsible for 99% of violence, abuse (personal and of human rights), and committing basically all atrocities throughout history, and STILL not actually getting blamed as a collective for any of it. If women were so exclusively responsible for those things, you bet your ass they'd be blamed for it by the majority. Even now if women are responsible for a tiny % of abuse they are called out for it and lies to exaggerate it are spread everywhere, women cape for #notallmen and men refuse to acknowledge their violence at all, choosing to shift the blame to cruel roasties who won't fuck them.
But somehow it doesn't even register with most people that men really are the problem - there are so many of them, they are the 'default' so when they do something as a group they are subdivided and categorized further in order to be blamed (eg black men, white men, sociopathic men, lower class men, alcoholic men, etc). I like the concept of #nametheproblem because it's really that simple. Men just do not let up on committing horrific acts of violence, sexual and otherwise, and this is consistent all throughout human history. It needs to be acknowledged instead of complicated by people trying to determine which men are violent and why, because the common denominator is being a fucking man.
No. 327371
>>327359Being gay =/= having to be misogynistic though. You dont have to see someone as sexually attractive to treat them with respect as a human. Men just hate women, period. And would rather plot ways to remove us from the world entirely.
Although! there was an old quote I heard that male heterosexuality is homoerotic. Praising male forms and male work while dehumanzing women because they hate being attracted to them.
No. 327386
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>>327358Sorry to disappoint you, scrot, but it's real. being part of a sex so worthless that even actual facts about them sound like insane strawmans. Can't relate.
No. 327397
>>327274Reminds me so much of this lmao.
Even if men had their perfect isolated male society they would still rage and whine about women and how they can't get laid.
No. 327405
>>327397>>327274>we gave women rights and now barbarians will rape and murder them now so we should have just kept them without rights as humans so we could rape them murder them ourselves!Sooner women and men live in 100% seperate societies, the better things will be tbh. Tired of realizing how much they're ready for genocide
They'll whine about not getting laid but they have their toys right?
No. 327409
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>Incels will defend this
This is why I get mad when i hear men whining about being hated-if you guys were only as mad at your fellow men for being shitty rather than women who have to fear for douchebags like this then maybe we could trust you.
Seriously tho less than 3yrs for this. where is the justice?!
No. 327414
>>327409>sentenced to 2 years 10 monthswtf
>>327412it's disturbing that the co-worker was the first one to alert the police. he literally bragged to his friends about raping her the night before and none of them turned him in. I hope they were punished too.
No. 327416
>>327409This same state has issues with unfair prison sentencing this is just one examples of the many I can think of, I wonder how many scrotes still cry about court systems being sexist against men despite witnessing the complete opposite on firsthand
No. 327485
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No. 327665
>>327485Wonder how pissed the men doing the same "all women are evil!!! What about men???" Shit on women's day reacted to this
>>327489Just use women like I do, I use to just use men for sex and so many got upset despite claiming they only wanted sex, ie they wanted me to fall for them just to hurt me
When I found out about the true nature of men I dropped them alltogether, and let's be honest, such vile and disgusting creatures as men don't even deserve to look at womens bodies if they can't learn how to respect and appreciate it, but too bad all they know how to do is "ruin" it as they like to say
No. 327697
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Today in men are evil news..
No. 327699
>>327697Meanwhile Tondalo Hall was sentenced to prison for 30 years because her abusive husband started abusing their son, and she only realized when she saw her son's leg was swollen (and took him to hospital). She was charged with "allowing" her son to be abused.
He got 10 years in prison.
She got 30.
No. 327700
>>327699Oh, and he only served 2 of the years he was charged with. Meanwhile Tondalo is still in prison, and her repeated requests for appeals and commutations are denied.
Men hate women to death.
No. 327703
>>327667I've done both, and the mode where they were crying, declaring love and self harming due to my impassiveness (just not wanting to date, that's it, I'm very kind) was preferable to the
>not wanting to date but wanting you to want it for the ego boostCaring about men is a mistake. I've gone back to not caring and it is blissful
No. 327704
>>327703I had one who made a big deal at the start of our hooking up that he didn't want commitment, just wanted no strings attached sex. That was fine because that was also what I was looking for, so no big deal.
Except after about two months he started launching all of these attempts to make me jealous. He'd constantly bring up girls he was going on a date with and stare at me waiting for a reaction. When I didn't react he'd say "Are you jealous?" or "Does that upset you?" and when I shrugged and said I didn't really care he'd get upset and say "You say that but I know you're actually jealous."
In the end he said he didn't want to hook up anymore because of "feelings." I didn't ask him to elaborate lol. I wasn't in the mood for a big mantrum about how he got hook-upzoned.
No. 327734
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can we go back to not allowing men into the delivery room? that was the one and only thing they did right in the 1950s kek. or at least they should do a check for violent tendencies so that the man doesnt end up harming someone. ive seen/heard of shit like this happening way too frequently, and people just laugh it off, like in pic related. had he punched just a little harder or in the wrong place, he could have seriously injured or even killed the doctor. also, causing a commotion in the delivery room like that can pose a serious risk to the mother and the baby, its not a good idea to stress out someone who is in thbe middle of giving birth.
even in the best case scenario men just act like a nuisance.
No. 327768
>>327665Guys say how much they love "ruining" your genitals, your body alot.. its creepy. Why are they like this
>327697 the comments and most are disgusted. Except i noticed 1 ex con playing devils advocate for other ex cons to have the ability to apply for any jobs once they're out of prison. He didnt give a fuck, obviously, about the victim and only stressed about the poor mens employment opprotunities. Even if those poor men are abusers, murders, rapists etc. They hate women, in life and death.
>>327676Yikes anon im sorry. Tbh, its probably because deep down, men dont care for rape/dont consider it a bad thing or legit. When it is, its because the rapist is another race (white man does nothing wrong but brown muslim? Rapist). Theyre always more worried about themselves than the victims. So they demonize the victim and claim its all fake. Its disheartening too when handmaids chime in to protect their egos and demonize victims too. Anything to be the cool girl
>>327704Did he try to get into a relationship with you anon?
>"does she make you jealous?? ;))"Would get me annoyed if they asked that over and over wow.
No. 327772
>>327352I'm "abusive" because i didn't shut up and doormat enough about my now ex husband cheating on me, neglecting our child, and exposing him to a new stepmother figure who neither of us knew if we could trust before the divorce even started.
Women are just so "abusive." Expecting men to have empathy and consideration for others, especially their own children.
No. 327781
>>327768Imagine if a woman said "I'm gonna ruin your cock" to a man. He'd freak out. He'd think she was planning to cut it off.
Yet they expect us to be OK and even turned on by the same rhetoric.
No. 327810
The shakeup on campus sex assault rules in the US going at it again. Its so easy to see where this will and how things will be. Theyre so transparent. Men will just destroy all forms of communication (how easy it is to take her phone and break it), make their friends take a vow of silence and assault with no cameras or witnesses anywhere. The victim gets blamed and harrassed for "lying" and the guy gets to ride the "its hard being a male these days :( am i right brothers" train. Rape kits are hardly counted for too. Theres a backlog for thousands of them.
im starting to think.. sex segregated schools?? Conceal and carry???
I remember that steubenville case. There was actual evidence and the victim still was trashed and harrassed for speaking up. Those "poor" rapists were coddled and treated like victims.. googling them and you find out how theyre at college, playing football and people like him uwu. fucking dispicable trash
No. 327816
>>327804This, men trying to romance prostitutes is a thing, right?
Not that it's
actual love that they feel, they just get weirdly attached to the idea of a woman. Never her actual personality.
No. 327860 screenshot properly on my phone atm
But remember ladies if you dont graciously welcome all male strangers warmly, youre rude and men deserve to be mad and annoyed at you for daring to be protecting yourself against strangers especially males /s
No. 327864
>>327856Why would they date older women when there are plenty of young girls willing to date older men?
Most of the girls here have dated much older men. Three of my friends are dating much older men.
No. 327879
>>327877Similar story, my mom met a man 9 years her junior when she was 50 and they're still going strong.
Man-hate aside, they're very much in love and spend all of their time together. She's even gone through a health issue and he's staying by her side. I wish more men were like my stepfather.
No. 327880
>>327875I once went on r/askwomen where older women were asked what changed with age and it was depressing to read how most of them felt invisible. I'm not talking about being catcalled and so on, it's more how other people see you and treat you in the workplace, in the public.
I don't know if you've watched the handmaid's tale but the colours of the wardrobe kind of represent how the world perceives women based on their roles. The infertile/madonna wives are dressed in blue/green, the handmaids that are only seen as incubators are in red, and the single old infertile women are dressed in grey because they blend with the environment, that is they're invisible.
It sucks that society doesn't see you anymore past the "expiration date".
No. 327882
>>327871Are you a scrot? No idea why you would defend your dopey friends if not. Women are brainwashed into thinking they prefer old men, but it's a defense mechanism. Being younger with an older man means they are more valued and more likely to get a guy who wants to settle down, it's leveraging some power rather than legit attraction to balding wrinkled losers. Without that external pressure, girls always gravitate to young pretty boys. If their peers wanted to settle down in their early 20s, girls wouldn't be forced to date older.
Women need to stop buying into it, it's fucking pathetic. I'd rather be alone forever than with a significantly older man.
No. 327886
>>327882I'm not defending anybody. I was shocked when one of my early 20s friends started dating a 45yo drunk. When she broke up with that guy and got with a 40yo unemployed father. When my other friend, an innocent virgin girl, started dating a 35yo with a BDSM fetish.
Now it just doesn't surprises me anymore. I'd hear men brag about how much younger women loved them and I'd be dismissive but now I see how things are.
No. 327888
>>327882nta but most of my friends prefer older men but it's precisely because of financial security, not because they're genuinely attracted to. I don't think the anon meant to defend their taste, just that's ingrained in our society and it's considered normal. It will take a long time for any visible changes in the dating market.
I'm lesbian but I am attracted to older women. Not sure if it's subconsciously because of the same reason.
No. 327892
>>327880OT but i thought that the men were sterile but infertility was blamed on the women?
>>327880Im seeing things turn around though? Alot. I mean ALOT of people dont want kids nowadays. The narrative now is animals > kids.
No. 327986
>>327892It is, what's more sad is how men think the world not being revolved around womens fertility is oppressive to men
The best part is, the second you call out this vile behavior you're marked as an evil screeching banzee
Anyone who works in the medical field knows how, if a couple is having trouble having a baby, they'll hopelessly inject the poor woman with hormones until they even tap the idea there maybe something wrong with the man's sperm, hell most males cant even look at an older woman without thinking about her uterus
Honestly, I can't fathom the idea men are anything close to oppressed, at least when it comes to babies and relationships that is, these men want to cry oppression but at the same time, oppress women, really makes you think about what they consider oppression
No. 328090
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One of twitter artists I follow.
Good to know she learned it from and have contact with her half-brother. Must be hurtful a lot tho, especially when I got little half-siblings as well that I have never seen.
No. 328154
>>328136Men are so used to never being blamed for their actions they literally never think they can do wrong
He used her and blamed for because he didn't know what he wanted, its males second nature to be overdramatic and blow things out of propotion, if a woman did this men will kill her and she would be getting doxxed this very second
No. 328167
>>328111Reading those positive stories was really nice anon!
But tears from men crying that women SHOULD rely on men is just hypocritical at least lol. They hate women who choose to be on their own and have kids on their own. But they also hate it when women 'trap' men with kids. Wouldnt sperm banks be something they support? No child support, divorce, any messy situations – nada. They get to live as the bachelors they want to be and women who wanted to have babies get them without bothering those guys for anything. Its a win win
its like they want women to need them so they can complain about women being so weak and dependent huh
No. 328177
>>328111some honorable mention comments
>Did she forget a man gave her that jizz. God feminism comments like that are such a cancer people are so dumb.>Doesn’t want to rely on a man aka doesn’t know how to interact with men>This is pretty selfish if you ask me. I mean this just sounds like feminism gone wrong. I'm not saying that the kid is sad or that she's a bad woman/mother but it just sounds bad to grow up without a dad because your mom decided she doesn't need male support in life.>But she did have to rely on a man to give her what she wanted…why are men so hurt? why are they so in denial they jump through hoops in order to convince themselves women really need men after all because a man jerked off in a jar and sold it to a sperm bank?
I wonder how people would react if this was a male who wanted to raise a kid by himself so used an egg donor in order to prove he doesn't need to rely on women
No. 328199
>>328111Jeez they're so hung up on technicalities. Like an annoying schoolboy that has to get the last say to feel right. Ofc any women would know it's semen donated from men but they don't want to accept the point being that she did it to raise a child by herself and instead argue about the unnecessary details. So fucking petty and stupid.
It does go to show they still get personally offended when a woman chooses to be in charge of her own life and family instead of rely on a man.
No. 328216
>>328199it's the first stage of grief, but many incels are all throughout the stages of grief but eventually they'll accept it
first denial "b-but a man helped you! you stupid bitches can't live without men!!!"
then anger "stupid failed feminism!!!"
then bargaining "I'd bet all my money you bitches will fail!!!"
then depression and acceptance, which is self explanatory
how dramatic these assholes can get never fail to amaze me, I'm surprised they even have the emotional energy to freak out about something as mundane as women having stable lives without men
No. 328288
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>>327882>Without that external pressure, girls always gravitate to young pretty boysthis is why kpop and american boybands have culty followings from women of all ages. EVERYONE wants younger, not just men. the older partner thing is more of a fetish not the norm.
No. 328289
>>328283Samefaggging sorry but nothing is tagged properly so the blog has to be reported idgaf but I noticed this one comment on a gif set..
>Never care for fuckmeats feelings. Rape, abuse, torture, fuck her until YOU are tired. Not her. She is just a means to an know.. its all just a 'kink' you guys they dont ACTUALLY mean it (nevermind how many times they declare how they wish feminism was gone reblogging those sentiments, how women should be without rights) but hey, they at least admit their inner feelings about women
Males are and continue to prove to us to be a mistake
No. 328294
>>328054Shit, this is like 10m from me and it's actually not a bad area. I heard on the radio on the way home they now have someone in custody, and that when one of the women refused to perform a sex act on him, he shot her in the head.
No. 328296
>>328288>EVERYONE wants youngerThat’s not true, don’t excuse this bullshit. Most kpop fans are younger or the same age of the groups in question. Everyone in BTS is 21+ and a majority of the fan base is that age or younger. The hardcore “ARMY moms” are outliers, and even then might just be fond of the music and nod sexually attracted to the members.
The appeal of boybands isn’t their youth, it’s their non-threatening masculinity. They’re charming, romantic, not roided up, beer drinking jocks. That’s also why women loved The Beatles, Prince and Michael Jackson. It’s only recently that the whole fitbro, beardbro culture started to appeal to a minority of women.
No. 328305
>>328296you really think most older women would pass up if a hot 20 yr old twink came onto them? if they weren't married at least, unlike men who will actively go for girls their daughters age while being married
as for claiming it's not youth, same can be said about men, people just like attractive people, 20s are peoples prime, men attracted to teenagers are mentally ill as well as males who obsess about "THE WALL!"
the sad part is men are always contradicting themselves, think of how big MILF porn is,many men want to be with older women but also want to make women feel bad and undesirable about aging like ???
for all we know the same MGTOWs screeching about walls are the same ones jerking it to MILFs get fucked 3 last night, that's why I avoid men, they'll beg for sex from people they claim to hate and taunt
>>327882I almost believed you until you claimed the ~pure innocent virgin~ went for a 30 yr old man with a BDSM fetish, unless this is some sort of projection and you think someone who doesn't walk around with their tits out begging to get fucked must be pure
No. 328307
>>328296most of the kpop fanatics i know are 25+
you're delusional if you don't think women of all ages have a sexual preference for men aged 18-25, just like men do for women
No. 328308
>>328307and yes this accounts for women who would claim otherwise or "settle down" with an older guy
again, same as men
No. 328326
>>328310Yeah, but there’s nothing weird or showing a “preference for younger men” if a woman in her 20s is buying the albums and merchandise for a band of guys in their 20s. Most kpop boy groups are made of grown ass men. The fans might infantilize them but they’re not barely legal shoutas.
>>328305>you really think most older women would pass up if a hot 20 yr old twink came onto them?Yes? And I’m not doing this to justify women dating men extremely older than them, but young 20 year old dudes are assholes who aren’t that good at sex. Why is this thread suddenly full of incel logic? Why would a grown ass woman want to waste her time with some kid who can barely eat pussy well.
No. 328333
>>328326oh so you're a butthurt old man who can't stand when women like attractive men and now you're trying to convince yourself you're the best
younger dudes are usually better at sex, any older woman who's hooked up with a younger guy knows this, and why are you acting like fucking college age dudes is like fucking children? some of the best sex I've ever had was from 18-24 yr olds, some of the worst sex I've ever had were from 30+ yr olds, men have an expiration date too, and unlucky for them the only thing they can make up for it is money and brainwashing naive insecure girls, can't relate
No. 328334
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>>328326you literally just sound like a dude who's upset to learn that women like young guys too lmao
No. 328335
>>328333you’re nuts, i am not a butthurt old dude. i clearly explained why women like boy groups, that most of the boy group fans are closer in age to the members, with the older women being exceptions to the rule. (inb4 “but twimoms!!” literature where you self insert on a teenage girl falling in love with a teenage boy is not the same as what you’re talking about)
i don’t think fucking college age dudes is like fucking a child, not when you’re also a college aged woman. you were talking about older women with younger men, not just younger men in general. people generally should fuck and date people within their own age group.
im not saying women cannot like or fuck younger guys, but handwaving it as “everyone is the most atttactive in their 20s! it’s just natural to fuck people decades younger than you!” is literal MRA, incel, pedo logic, and we shouldn’t be parroting that here. Jesus, this thread really has gone off the deep end.
No. 328348
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>>328342No, that isn't really normal for women. That's male degeneracy.
No. 328371
>>328296i like k-pop and i've been to some k-pop related events before, there are some fans over 25 but most of the fans in these events and concerts are around 14-22, fans on social media are mostly around these ages too. of course women over 25 can be k-pop fans but the demographic of boy groups is mostly teen girls, go check any boy group's live performances and look at the audience shots or look at the fan accounts under their tweets, it's true
i'm 18 and into guys my age but there is nothing wrong with having a preference for younger or older people. however, it's so hypocritical how no one bats an eye when men date women half their age but older men lose their shit over women dating younger guys for some reason
>The appeal of boybands isn’t their youth, it’s their non-threatening masculinityit's true that their non-threatening masculinity is a factor but them being young is also a part of their appeal. the most popular k-pop groups usually reach the peak of their success in their prime and start to flop as the members get older and their releases get repetitive, this applies to both girl groups and boy groups
No. 328376
>>328371nta but
>there is nothing wrong with having a preference for younger or older peopleThere very much is. People should date within their own age ranges.
>them being young is also a part of their appeal. the most popular k-pop groups usually reach the peak of their success in their prime and start to flop as the members get older and their releases get repetitiveThat's only because, like you said, their target audience is teenagers. As they age, their old fans grow out of them and they stop drawing in new fans because teenagers don't want to fuck dudes in their late 20s and early 30s.
No. 328377
I'm under the impression that a person of either gender that would prefer to fuck someone decades younger than them are either seriously mentally immature, just looking for a fucktoy, or someone reasonably naive who they can control easily. You see this more often with men going after younger women, but I don't see any reason why the inverse would not also be true. What the hell would someone in their 40s have in common with someone who has 20 years less experience, that which they couldn't find with someone else in their age group? Those are two completely different life stages and developmental levels.
>>328326>Why is this thread suddenly full of incel logic? I used to like these threads but anons seem to be progressively losing more and more brain cells.
No. 328393
>>328376Within the kpop fandom especially in Korea it's actually a running joke that female fans are more valuable than male fans. Why? Because female fans stick around. There are popular groups with men in their thirties and forties who have female fans who have been there for decades.
Meanwhile male fans drop girl groups the second a newer, younger group full of 15 year olds comes out.
No. 328396
>>328393It's because women have deeper social values than men. They value only money, remember they talk about """"sexual market value"""" while wanting cook, cleaner, PA and escort for free -
They invent a value for a woman based on age, and want the most expensive one. This is in tandem with ditching their """preference""" for young women if they get a rich woman
No. 328434
>>328432scrot: we're attracted to 18 year old girls because they're the most fertile
18 year old girls: my hips haven't widened to a point where i can safely give birth without a statistically high chance of tearing yet
27 year old woman: i've already successfully given birth twice
scrot: …anyway, 18 year olds are the most fertile!
No. 328474
>>328472weed doesn't hurt anyone, but i understand what you mean.
this is horrifying because we're already fighting against anti abortion laws, but this takes the cake. fucking hell
No. 328479
>>328477Where am I? that is really fucking awful. In general, anyone who is okay with FGM are usually from heavily religious areas, but to see it here is insane. I don't like any religious, but to see it here with no laws set in place breaks my heart. I only feel for the little girls who have to deal with this.
Where are the far lefts now?
No. 328484
>>328483I funno. Poly relationships are garbage and have always been tied in to men wanting to fuck multiple women with no 'guilt.' That shit doesn't work
apologies for OP
No. 328508
>>328486Sorry, I should have put quotation marks around that word. I hate it too and I would never embrace that word, it's more descriptive of the vocal anti man hating thread anons since they use it a lot.
Next time I will use anti-man-haters.
No. 328513
>>328492You know I think why they did this? Because they want to keep male genital mutilation legal. If the judge ruled that FGM was unconstitutional, it would set a precedent that would lead to the banning of MGM.
And any civilized county should ban BOTH. I honestly don't understand why cutting up the genitals of children is seen as normal. Hell, I think one of the reasons your average American man is so mentally unstable is in part due to circumcision, as it does effect your brain chemistry permanently, which leads to psychological disorders like ADHD. Sexual dysfunction as well, which can lead to repression/angst and a stunted view of women and sex.
Also, for anyone who doesn't know, when circumcision was being pushed in the early 20th century, those same people also pushed for the female equivalent as well. They preferred to burn the clitorises of infant girls with carbolic acid.
I feel like Friedman's decision comes from his archaic religious beliefs, as he is jewish. He'd gladly sacrifice the genitals of countless infant girls in order to keep perpetuating circumcision. He is supposedly a "libertarian", but before that he is a jew.
No. 328565
>>328455They should just admit that they have breeding fetishes only, hate women and move on. MUH FERTILITY males are never father material anyway. And will abandon you if youre sick or when you age. The male already admitted that much. Husband left wife because he wanted to fuck and breed and she couldnt naturally (assuming he didnt want to look at other options)
>adoption means youre cucked and no man wants another mans child…Damn. More reason that they dont give a fuck about kids welfare. Just genes. Wow. Thats actually really sad
>>328473Not Detroit but Deerborn. It has the largest mosque in NA and the largest muslim population. But no doubt that detroit would have alot of muslims too.. god those poor babies..
>>328479Dont look at far left for answers anon. There was a woman who had undergone fgm and was speaking out against it and who protested her? Far left who thought she was islamphobic. As you know, speaking out against fgm is bad and women should just shut up about it.
No. 328567
>>328552I don't think it has anything to do with them being against women, I think it's just how they cope. Like, imagine if you had your clit/labia cut off when you were an infant in a culture where it is normal. Confronting the truth that what happened to you is wrong is very difficult, it means admitting that you've been mutilated, that your culture is fucked up, and that your parents abused you, and that part of your sexual experience has been permanently taken from you by adults who should know better.
As for the defending of natural penises to girls who say they prefer uncut, are they the same group of men? TBH I'd be angsty as shit if I had my genitals mutilated but blaming women for it is retarded. Blame the industry that supports it.
>without painkillersMale genital mutilation is also performed without painkillers, and it's also unhygienic as fuck. Male infants have gotten STDs from circumcisions and chemical burns from their urine during the healing process, as well as infections that can mutilate your penis even further.
No. 328574
>>328567>imagine if you had your clit/labia cut off when you were an infant in a culture where it is normal.let's be real, if it was considered normal where I live and I was so young when it happened I don't even remember I'd be upset yes but it is definitely not comparable when you consider the usual FGM practice vs the circumcision
> it means admitting that you've been mutilated, that your culture is fucked up, and that your parents abused youin a culture where your parents take you to some creepy guy to cut your clit off, yes, in a culture where it happens straight out the womb and most of the males who do get circumcised often support it? eh..
>Male genital mutilation is also performed without painkillers
>and it's also unhygienic as fuck.not really unless it was some oddball practice done by a weird pedo church, if it's done in the hospital chances are all the tools were sterilized and there were aftercare
>Male infants have gotten STDs from circumcisions and chemical burns from their urine during the healing processcan you name me examples?
No. 328592
>>328574I'm not gonna argue that one is worse than the other, because it's marginal. I don't care if you think that male circumcision is less of an issue. If you think it's barbaric to remove the clitoral hood of an infant female you should be as equally disgusted at the thought of removing an infant's foreskin. I also don't care if you think it's ok because "most men support it". If burning infant clitorises was still popular and most adult women rationalized it in their adulthood, would it be "ok"??
It's some archaic blood ritual religious shit that has been accepted into our culture without anyone ever taking a step back and asking why. Males who defend it are acting only doing so to protect their own egos, because no human being would ever think that such an act is a "good thing" unless they were emotionally invested.
MGM used to be seen as horrendous/barbaric in western culture, until it wasn't. Until very rich men decided to push it on the population as a whole. Don't be fucking shocked if the same excuses for MGM are going to be used in support of FGM.
FGM was almost a thing in America back in the day until the feminist movement put and end do it. What kind of "feminism" do we have now? Where is the progressive outrage? Like this anon said
Feminism (the women's rights movement) is mostly dead, and the progressives there who picked up the torch are more concerned for the feelings of muslim men than they are for any little girl's body integrity.
I guarantee you that if this madness continues, in the next two generations you'll start seeing a movement to push FGM on the public as a whole, with """medical journals""" pushing the very same drivel and convincing uninformed average people that the removing of parts of a female infant's genitals is "more hygenic, preferred by men, prevents STDs" etc.
No. 328594
>>328567>Like, imagine if you had your clit/labia cut off when you were an infant in a culture where it is normal. yes, this happens in africa and no men give any shits.
why should i care about men getting a small piece of skin removed that barely affects them as an infant when girls who are old enough to remember get the most sensitive part of their entire bodies sliced off without anesthetic?
No. 328599
>>328591I use to until I found out that most circumcised men support the practice
Also my point was that I was defending it, its that, all things considered, its not even remotely comparable to FGM, plain and simple, if you can't understand that's not my problem
No. 328604
>>328601My thoughts exactly
The difference is men made and many support FGM despite women being actively against it and begging it to stop, not only do men support circumcision, they made it, have their sons circumcised, excuse people who want it to stop, hell they even villianize feminists who are actively against circumcision, I gave up on trying to help men a long time ago
No. 328619
>>328599I've noticed that most people who are so enraged by male circumcision are women and uncut men. All but one boyfriend I've had has been cut and they all couldn't care less about it. My husband is cut and he gets absolutely enraged when people compare it to FGM because the effects aren't even remotely similar.
Removing the for skin doesn't actually have a negative enough impact on men to care about it as much as people do. Most cut men do not care for a reason. They are still extremely sensitive and enjoy sex. To compare it to ridding a female of her ability to feel sexual pleasure and reduce her to a baby maker is sicken and anyone who does so is an ignorant piece of shit. Plain and simple.
No. 328715
>>328706you ever seen those spoilt kids who are so used to being spoiled, the second they're scolded they cry abuse?that's why
they're used to having it their way 100% of the time, so of course anything outside of it, to them is oppression
there's definitely some blacks that hate whites, but the white man does what it does best and blow shit out of proportion and over dramatize some teens on twitter picking on white men to be "WHITE MALE OPPRESSION !"
my favorite argument from them is when POC or women make male/white jokes and they pull the "IF THE ROLES WERE REVERSED!!!" card, but in the very same breath make fun of POC or women and claim anyone who has an issue with it is an evil libtard who wants to take their rights away
No. 328725
>>328715I think its dropping birthrates? I've noticed more and more white push for anti abortion, pro birth. They are going to be a minority soon and are probably afraid to be treated like how minorities have been treated by them.
>>328722Yup, read a comment from a man trying convince a woman how men sacrifice everything and heres the kicker
>men die in your [womens] wars????? WHAT?? What woman WANTS war in her country or anywhere else?? Last time I checked, all of the people in charge declaring war, sending men off to fight and organizing this violence is OTHER MEN??? It was baffling to see how men both hate other men and yet cleanse them of their actions to blame women. Astounding.
No. 328727
>>328716I understand where you're coming from, but I also think you're underestimating the power of the status quo. I've heard maasai women in kenya saying they'll have their daughters undergo fgm because it's just such an essential part of the passage into adulthood. That's on the way out thanks to the work of a lot of passionate young kenyans to educate people in remote areas about basic facts of human health, sexuality etc. but the reason it's sticking around is simply because of how culturally ingrained the practice is.
The way that people generate arguments to perpetuate something barbaric, simply because it's something they've already been doing forever is mirrored in the justification of male circumcision. I think the way to stop the practice is by demonstrating it's unnecessary, unethical, and dangerous regardless of the gender of the child. Treat it as a human rights issue.
And this should be obvious, I'm not sure how some anons seems to have missed it but if you attack the product of the practice, by for example saying "a cut penis is x" then it's going to be received as a personal attack by cut men and they'll get defensive because it describes them and all their peers — it's normal for them and you're calling them inferior (in their minds). The current generation will always defend the way they were brought up if it "worked for them". If you base your argument off of the amount of damage done to a child then it's very easy to see FGM is wrong, but the fact is that plenty of circumcised men get by just fine and it's only a minority where something goes wrong, so that majority won't have a problem perpetuating the status quo. If you can demonstrate that the practice is wrong in principle, and that the principle is that same no matter how severe the damage, then you can get a lot more people to agree with you and actually accomplish something.
No. 328769
i realized the other day that i've become attractive to men who project things on to me, especially men who have mommy issues. usually what seems to happen is they had moms who didn't pay attention to them enough, or they're a bottomless pit of attention-needing. but in some cases it sounds like their moms used them as accessories to get back at their SOs, or just accessories in general, so i can't blame the men in that case…
the most recent guy i was thinking about dating admitted he has mommy issues, so he likes mature, confident (dominant, actually) women (especially in the bedroom…yes he has a femdom kink). he's the first one to admit this, which scared me because i thought he was going to become needy, but after that he kinda backed off.
another thing i've started doing is asking guys, everyone from family, to friends…anyone about women who show up in their dreams. i read this book called man and his symbols by a bunch of carl jung devotees and there's a part about the man's anima, which blew my fucking mind. basically men have this feminine part of them that has a tendency to show up in dreams, or the guy becomes waspish and bitchy…like a shitty woman, probably his mommy haha. a lot of incels are like this, so i found if you want to make incels/thirsty guys stay away, think about what the guy won't admit to (what he represses) and don't seem like someone who can fulfill that.
No. 328881
>>328879it's a biproduct of mens obsession with women as well as the fact men will lose respect for women if they see them naked
their lives revolve around women so they assume that's what everyone else lives revolve around as well, they're obsessed with women and what to know every single detail and fault a woman does, it's also why you find so many men taking years to learn how to hack and use technology, just to get dirt on women, hack womens cameras, taunt them, expose their nudes, etc
it's what I hate most about being a woman, you're put under a microscope and having your every move watched, they'll beg us and violate us just to see if we have flaws then traumatize themselves when they find out we aren't all perfect angels, not excusing cheating of course before any incel tries to strawman
No. 329093
>>329078Men hate women so much they can't even date women without doing it to spite other women
They're attracted to the ideal of these races of women and had a bad experience with one or two women of that race, and do what men do best and blow shit out of propotion
Notice how black guys go for ugly white girls just to say they have a white gf, white guys go for ugly asian girls just to say they have an asian gf and use it against whatever race of women they don't like at the time, but simultaneously hold their own women to such an insane standard before ever even considering they're a worthy human being
You can guarantee most of these racial fetishists wouldn't have that fetish if they held whatever race of women they're fetishizing, to what they hold women of their own race
Oh and revenge fantasies
No. 329124
>>329121White men who shit on white women: Either creepy sexpats who think women should be barefoot and pregnant, or creepy "woke" men who are enjoying the chance to say as much nasty misogynist shit as they like while pretending they're just outraged by "white feminists"
Black men who shit on black women: Violently miogynist douchebags who hate any woman with a mind of her own who doesn't just submissively lie down and let herself be abused
Asian men who hate asian women: Incels with a terrifying inferiority complex who usually have severe mommy issues
No. 329131
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>>329124Could not have said it better!
No. 329173
>>329138The sad thing is that black men in particular are statistically shown to be huge domestic abusers in both intraracial and interracial relationships. The same is not true of black women in either sort of relationship. So, it's never been a problem of black women being "too uppity", no matter what they insist about us.
There truly is no winning with men as a collective. They will project all their faults on to women, and god help the women of their respective race and/or culture
No. 329185
>>329184Most men definitely are ugly. I'm bisexual and find roughly 50 - 70% of women within my own age group attractive. For older women it dips to around 30 - 40%.
I find about 1% of men in my own age group attractive. For older men it's more like 0.01%. Men just are not good looking.
No. 329197
>>329184Yeah, we've been over this a million times because the scrots keep coming back with this as their "proof".
And you're right, the truth is simply that men are ugly, and if there were a poll showing how heterosexual men rate each other it would be much harsher even than the women's ratings.
No. 329217
>>329213The thing about "the wall" was male projection all along, lmao.
I've met 30 year old women that can pass for early-to-mid 20s, and a 48 year old woman who looks 33. Men? Not so much. The closest is those 23 year olds who look like awkward 16 year old boys, and they almost inevitably piss away any good aging traits they have by not actually taking care of themselves.
No. 329251
>>329217>>329222Yup its just about sad how so many men will bash self care routines for being too "womanly"
May not like asian men that much i do love how they care and groom themselves from skincare to their fingernails.
No. 329266
>>329251is it men fetishize too old women or too young women make up your mind
>>329198>age gracefullythen why and for who do you need the make up for?
my sister keeps adoring my eyelashes but hello the mascara literally melts your eyelashes you would have the same if you took it easy
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>>329266Are you stupid or just male? Men fetishize both.
No. 329275
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God, males need female attention like real people need oxygen.
No. 329277
>>329275hey it's a thread that turns from men hate to black people hate to women hate to male hate again
fierce! FIERCE I SAY
No. 329303
>>329217Absolutely. It didn't really click until I tried Tinder, and I could link ages to faces instantly. Men look SO. FUCKING. OLD. It's incredible. I look at a face and guess before I look at an age, and it's often 10+ years difference. They are balding, wrinkled and disgusting by 30 and I just can't stomach it. The excess of bearded men makes it even worse.
It might be the same for women, I don't know what girls on Tinder are like. But we're actually willing to wear sunscreen and moisturizer for the most part so I'm sure it's nowhere near as bad as a bunch of tradesmen who spend all day outside and don't take care of their skin.
No. 329304
>>329275Man you girls really overestimate yourselves, we come here because you people are so easy to bait. It's just too fun.
>>329303Well men aren't able to plaster 10kg of paint on our faces to hide how disgusting we are, we age faster because our lives are much more stressful no matter what you say in this thread.
>>329303Speaking generally, there's not a huge visual difference between the ages of 20 to 30 for women. Even women in their 30s, if they take care of their skin properly, can often still pass for a woman in her 20s.
Men are a different story. You'll get the occasional babyfaced man but in general they just age so hard.
No. 329309
>>329305Right. Also big LOL at males who REEE at makeup like skincare isnt wildly huge right now. More and more women are focusing on their skin than makeup Ive noticed.
Maybe males should start watching makeup turtotials though lol get some tips instead of whining. Nobody is stopping them from covering up ugly shit
No. 329310
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No. 329351
>>329347But anon, men work! We all know no women work in 2018.
They also can't get laid and force each other not to cry, which is also our fault somehow.
No. 329373
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You always hear that modern women are the biggest whores boo hoo hoo but when you look at studies men always have higher rates of sex partners on average. The difference between lesbian/bisexual women and gay/bisexual men is especially astounding. It's almost like women are the more restrained sex when it comes to selecting mates and men are projecting their inability to keep their dick in their pants on women.
No. 329375
>>329373I don't think it's projecting exactly, they're perfectly conscious of their double standards. It's just that they have far, far higher standards for what constitutes 'restraint' in women and think none it applies to them.
It's hilarious that men are like
>all women have to do is be a virgin for marriage, it's so easy! Like that doesn't involve a lifetime of voluntary self denial, iron willpower, impeccable judgement, the ability to resist non stop pressure from men who are willing to lie and manipulate to get what they want, and all for the chance to marry a piece of shit who thinks her value is solely her vagina. Meanwhile men go to incredible lengths and stoop to incredible depths to get sex, and are willing to pay women or force them or trick them for it.
No. 329396
>>329387>Did your mommy not love you enough?this.
i post here because i want to develop a better perspective of how women think, what their interests are, etc. i'm over 21 and i'm a kissless virgin, but not bitter. i've had a few dating experiences, but they went badly, mostly because i'm deaf and blind to how women think.
my mother used me as an accessory, trying to turn me against my dad simply because he wouldn't give her more money which she would frivolously spend. my mom now does everything she can to disrupt me finding a woman i love and want to spend my life with. you have no idea how painful and empty i feel on a regular basis. i used to think i didn't need any female attention in my life, but i'm realizing i'm incomplete without it.
No. 329454
>>329396Protip 1: Never show emotions among women, they hate that shit. Protip 2: If you want to get a girlfriend, try to be as good-looking as possible first. Protip 3: Personality-wise, try to be as much of a daddy as possible: Stoic, never has any problems in life (handles everything like a good man), a good income but cares and worries about his girl and tries to protect her at all times.
It really is that easy sometimes.
No. 329509
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pic related is what men think is funny and if you don't then you don't have a sense of humor.
> relax it's just wordsJust read the comments and see how many upvotes it got: No. 329520
>>329464Nailed it
That's why they shove all kinds of "MALE crying is REAL crying" and shit, they want to brainwash us into thinking their emotions are more important, and I've definitely met more men who get butthurt easily, but then excuse women's emotions as being psycho, irrational, etc
Watch if a man get hurts over a joke about men, he's quickly cheered on and defended, if a woman gets hurt shes an evil psycho feminazi who wants to take mens rights away
No. 329659
>>329517Lol. You're all so devoid of any intellectual integrity, it’s actually mind bending how you still consider yourselves the logical sex. This remains me of a self proclaimed incel who would pester me with the OKC study, and when I’d provide him with further context of that study, proving him wrong in his 80/20 rule, he bitched and Reee-d about how it was bullshit, and how he still wouldn’t change his mind, like some fucking insolent child.
Moreover, he’d pull out personal anecdotes and go on about how a particular thing or behavior is “unatrual” and would think it would suffice as being a universal truth about that subject, all while thinking he was superior, ignoring the fact that he would drop so many logical fallacies in one sentence. I’d laugh if it weren’t so sad.
No. 329693
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>>329659And the truth stands that women don't care about morality when they make their sexual choices.
>>329693Who cares? They just wanted to bang a hot guy no one would care if it was a hot women who was priorly convicted for something and dudes wanted to fuck her
Newsflash: people like to fuck hot people