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No. 385684
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To continue from the last thread…
>>385174>>385173Thanks ladies. I'm the anon who wrote
>>385159, and he still hasn't responded or even looked at the message that I sent over 48 hours ago. It's weird because my message shows up as "sent" rather than "delivered" on FB messenger, even though he's been online multiple times since I sent it. Not quite sure what this means because all my messages to other people show up as "delivered" right away until they are "seen". Does anyone know what the difference between "sent" and "delivered" is? I want to believe that Mercury retrograde is messing with me instead of him deliberately ignoring me (although the latter scenario is probably most likely tbh). Also I keep getting a new message notification but when I click it, nothing new is in my inbox. Maybe he read my message, responded, then for some reason deleted his response and marked the conversation as unread? I'm overthinking this, I know, but it's driving me up the wall.
No. 385706
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>tfw both of my siblings have already moved out to the same city>They get to hang out with each other>The one who moved out very recently has already got an awesome job that pays good and does fun things with her bf>Feels bad that I'm the only one left stuck living at homeDon't get me wrong I'm very happy for my siblings and living at home rent-free is great, but at the same time it's hard not to feel jealous of them having the ability to leave and do their own thing y'know? My parents are very controlling and judgmental, so I imagine it must be freeing to get out of this house.
Different vent:
I wish
>my mental health wasn't so shitty >I didn't hate may art so much >my bf didn't need to have heart transplants>my bf didn't have shitty parents>>385700Happy for you anon!
No. 385717
Recently found out a couple guys I liked a little while ago have started dating, and it's beyond embarrassing, so much so that it's almost fun for me to watch now but also frustrating and annoying at the same time. The one posts constantly photos of the two of them, which screams insecurity to me. I would die if I were in a relationship like that. It's so cringy. The girl even has one of a selfie of them laying in bed.
The other doesn't even post about his, but she does, tons of photos of just him. The first one being a ~sneaked~ one of him petting her cats. The worst and most cringy part, she posted three posts in a row of their new year's kiss, first as a picture, then as a video, then in a fucking collage.
What the fuck? 1. Why was I not good enough but that shit is acceptable to them? Guys hate clingy girls (which I try my hardest not to be, and to give them as much space as they need) and get weird when you tell them you have feelings for them, but then go for shit like this?
2. I'm glad I can see the exact relationship I don't want.
It still pisses me off at the same time though. Oh well, at least it's not a hurt feeling besides the in general not being good enough part.
No. 385731
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>>385729Welcome to the rest of your life.
No. 385792
Last week, I had just got a 24 oz iced latte from a drive-up coffee stand, and as I had just pulled back onto the road, a shitty pickup truck swerved in front of me and I had to slam on the breaks and turn onto the sidewalk to avoid an accident. All 24 ounces spilled all over the inside of my car and on the seats. I blotted it out somewhat with paper towels and then Googled what the correct course of action was to get it off my car. I saw it recommended a few times to pour baking soda all over the effected area and leave it for about 4 days, then vacuum it up. Delighted with such a simple solution, I pour half a box of baking soda all over my car, then let it sit.
So 4 days later I go down to my car with my handheld vacuum, ready to get it all clean, and I see that the coffee has somehow risen up to the surface of the baking powder, so you can see thick hardened lines of light brown that smell of sweet caramel, caked all over the interior and on the seat. And the baking soda itself does not vacuum up. It's just thick and matted in the carpet. I can't even scrape it off with my fingernail. And the carpets in the car don't come off, as far as I can tell. Thank fucking god it's still winter right now because I can't imagine the bugs or the stench that it would be getting in warmer weather.
I was able to vacuum the baking powder mostly off the seat, and covered the spot with a paper towel, and I've just been driving around sitting on top of that, with the entire floor coated in baking powder. Don't even know what to do at this point and I'm scared of trying another method and having that fail as catastrophically as my first attempt.
I feel like I do things like this all the time, for all of my life, like I'm just a complete dumbass with no common sense at all. I feel like a normal person would have just been able to take care of this mess in a few minutes, with knowledge they already had, whereas I spend twenty minutes on Google trying to ascertain the best course of action and then end up doing something completely fucking retarded anyway.
No. 385797
>>385790anon i'm sorry you have to deal with this. i've had to deal with my mom throw away my old sketchbooks before without warning.
i doodled dumb shit all the time, but i always liked to look back ever couple months about how much i've progressed and the memories attached to my drawings. rip all of my old tokio hotel and kingdom hearts fanart.
you'll still have memories of your best drawings, it's all that matters.
No. 385805
>>385790Aw, that sucks, anon. I sorta relate. I've had my parents tear up old drawings of mine that "weren't that good anyway" and toss them in the trash to clear up space. Shit hurts, even if I hated those drawings. It's not silly at all, lots of artists cling onto their early work. It's a part of you whether it's "important" or not.
Maybe take pics of your art in the future so you have a sort of backup? Your parents shouldn't have been snooping around and trashing something so personal in the first place, though…what a selfish, thoughtless move.
No. 385855
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Ultimately it's not a big deal because it's my decision at the end of the day, but what is it with the men I've been dating who upon asking what I do for a living try to make me feel bad about it?
I'm trying to work my way up into the standard 9-5 office job, because I'm actually really good at that sort of work and I just want a cozy job where I'm not slaving away like I used to do in customer service. Decent pay, etc. Right now it's just a small admin job.
>"But is an office job your PASSION anon? You're only doing it because you're good at it?!"
No obviously it's not my dying passion. It's work, most people aren't going to work because they're passionate, they're going to support their livelihoods. If I want to get passionate about something then that's what my hobbies are for, which I can do with the support of the money I make from the job.
I feel like they're projecting their own insecurities onto me. And maybe it's because I've spent a decade in customer service, but I don't see a job as a reflection of whether or not I'm passionate about things. I can't help but think it's really pretentious of others to assume people in offices are all miserable passionless shits.
And you know what? I'm good at this kind of work I really don't mind it, I can't relate to the complaints about it. If someone else wants to believe their office job is a demonstration in drudgery and a hopeless existence, what with their humane hours and pay, then they can fuck off and go work a customer service job and see what a true hellpit is like.
No. 385861
>>385855Capitalism forces this idea that we all need to aim to be businessmen, entrepreneurs and high-ranking workaholics to feel fulfilled, when really most people can't or don't want to do that. Men specifically are really into the delusional "I'm totally an entrepreneur, grinding everyday" bullshit.
It's great that you found something you enjoy and are good at. I hope I can find the same one day.
No. 385866
>>385861NTA but I agree that capitalism really is pushing an
abusive outlook on work, no one should be working as many hours as they are just to scrape by, we have such an awful workaholic outlook on what our careers should be like. Gotta be honest, I’m fine with having less and am content with not working many hours or even earning a huge amount as long as my basic needs are met, I can afford nice things for my kids and I have lots of time to spend on my hobbies and with my family. But maybe that’s just my optimistic minimalist speaking, I’m pretty sure I’m an outlier with this mindset
No. 385870
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I'm still mad af at my parents for dismissing my symptoms when I was younger and not doing anything until my brother showed concern and convinced them to take me to a doctor.
They kept telling me it was all in my head and even after I was diagnosed they still had the nerve to tell me there was nothing wrong with me and I was just exaggerating everything.
This really fucked with my head when I was a teen tbh, since I started thinking that I was seriously fine and tried to cancel my appointments because it was "all in my head".
No. 385936
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A few months ago I had a taxing breakup with my boyfriend, who I thought I was happy with and I really thought he was maybe The One. Turns out, he lost romantic interest few months into our relationship. He couldn't tell me about it until I pretty much forced it out of him. Apparently he was so scared of confrontation he probably hoped I would initiate the breakup. Mind you, I was pretty direct when it came to talking about my feelings but I always wanted to have a level-headed conversation and never raised my voice or even said anything upsetting. We decided to stay good friends and he swore up and down, that he truly cares about me as a friend and wants to be there for me from now on (as he was very neglectful to me towards the end). I've been trying to get over things and realize that as a bf he was an overly dependent manchild who didn't do anything to help his mental health, and just wallowed in self-pity every day. I can reason that he wasn't good enough for me but my emotions are harder to convince.
Fast-forward to few weeks ago when I saw he has started to date someone else on FB. Nothing wrong there, but he promised me he would ask me to know I was okay with him moving on when the time came. I messaged him, disappointed in him and feeling like a fool for placing so much trust in him. He begged for forgiveness, realized he had fucked up and kept telling how upset HE was about him being such an idiot. I still forgave him but made it clear that I want us to be more transparent if we want our friendship to work. He's annoying in that way that he's genuinely nice and I can't steel my heart to ignore him being upset, even if he deserved to feel bad. I just feel he got off the hook, I feel so foolish for taking this long to recover from my foolish crush and him being able to cruise on and get a new gf while being mentally way too ill-equipped to handle a relationship. Even he admits it but said he wanted to "follow his heart" or some bullshit. Why do I care so much about someone who lets me down constantly?
No. 385962
I don't know if this really fits here that well, but I just need to get this off my chest.
One of my childhood friends died yesterday from cancer. She was struggling for years but had always bounced back and we all hoped that since she was still young she could beat this thing. At Christmas time, my mom told me it wasn't looking good and I reached out to her to let her know how much she meant to me when we were kids. I felt sort of weird messaging her out of the blue all sentimental, especially since the reason of my message was pretty obvious that I knew her health was not good. We didn't really talk about the looming health concerns, but I do feel like I let her know how special and loved she is, even if we lived states away and had completely different lives.
I am so mad and sad, it's just beyond words to describe the feeling of seeing someone so young and hopeful die from such a piece of shit disease. It makes me feel my morality even more, which scares the shit out of me. I also just feel guilty that we lost touch after all these years and I really wasn't in a position to do more for her without it coming off as "pity". My empathy for her and her family made me want to do more, but really what can you do? I just felt so helpless and scared for her. I also feel bad even thinking about myself and how I feel about it in general when she has a family with a bigger loss in their life than I do. It just sucks, cancer sucks. She was too young and good to die yet, and I am just a mess over it today.
No. 385975
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I can't fucking socialize with people, and that shit is the norm in this piece of shit of a country. I don't let people touch me, I'm just too afraid and anxious. Where I fucking live everyone hugs each other and kisses each other, I am always left alone since I just move out and used to flee when someone tried to do that. Now even if i just want to hug someone I am afraid they will think I'm being creepy so I just don't do shit, at all.
And there is some girl that is just the loved one in the class. You know, there is always a person like that. The loved one, cute one that everyone wants to hug, and stuff. I personally never talked to her that much, but I just can't like her. Maybe I'm just jealous? She is just too perfect, and maybe she is just what I wanted to be? So I just hate her? She is pretty similar to me, in looks, talents and even hobbies. But still, I want that bitch to get out of my vision, even if she didn't do nothing to me. I guess I am just a really jealous person. I hate this.
Fuck, I just wish I could be normal, but I fucking can't. I should have just been born in some cold ass place like Finland where people are exactly like me. Fuck this.
No. 385981
>>385975>I wish I could be born in Finland where people are like me.I don't want to be mean but being able to socialize with people is a norm in every country including Finland. It's alright to be unconfortable with people trying to touch you, I'm not sure if I understand but are you saying that you were at first uncomfortable with being hugged but now not anymore and you actually want to hug someone?
Also being jealous at people who do better then you is normal, but you should probaly try to focus less on this girl and more on improving yourself and your life.
No. 386006
>>385962I'm so sorry, anon. My mother died of cancer too a few years ago.
>I also feel bad even thinking about myself and how I feel about it in general when she has a family with a bigger loss in their life than I do. It just sucks, cancer sucks. She was too young and good to die yet, and I am just a mess over it today.This feeling won't ever go away. We tend to be selfish because we're the ones suffering. The hardest part is having to realise that we're still here when they are gone and that's just how fucked up life is.
You did well, you reminded her of loved she was, even if you didn't talk that much, it was a nice gesture of you for her and I'm sure she appreciated it.
Some days when pain gets intolerable and I feel bad (because how many times I wished I was dead when I was younger and nothing like this ever happened? How many times did I spend afternoons going out even when my mother was sick? There's so much you can think of about it, and you won't get anything out of it) I try to remember something that my therapist told me once: life as she wished you to life. Think about her feeling seeing you crying, hurting, wanting to change something that won't ever change.
I know it hurts and I know it's just unfair but I'm also sure that they want us to be good, to keep going, because that's what we can do after all.
I wish you the best, anon.
No. 386016
>>386012I had that happen back in high school. I actually talked to a girl who thought I was scary and it turns out it was my resting bitch face and altfag style that caused it.
Might be your body language? Or since no one really knows you (maybe, idk the situation) people start assuming stuff about you?
But you should start initiating if you want things to change, or at least ask someone what's up, there has to be a reason.
No. 386017
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I started working at a chain breakfast place and while I LOVE my job and the work, my depression is making it impossible to function like a normal person while I'm there. My bosses constantly ask if I'm okay and it's not like I can just tell them that I'm not. I beat myself up constantly for little mistakes when we're busy and everyone goes out of their way to tell me I'm doing a good job, which is sweet and why I genuinely like it there but it doesn't help. I cry on my way home from work even though everyone tells me I'm doing great. Depression (and anxiety) is just making me feel like I fuck up everything when I'm there. I seriously don't know what to do and I don't have time during the day to see a therapist. I even tried coming in high to see if it'd help but the rushes we get at work kill my high instantly and I'm back to crying on my breaks. I even got a job offer for an adorable cafe that I love but I didn't wanna quit because of how understaffed we are, I'm starting to regret it but at the same time I don't think it'd help my depression, just move it around.
No. 386040
>>386017I’m sorry you’re going through such a rough time. I agree with
>>386025, you really should seek help sooner rather than later.
I know it’s easier said than done, I spent almost a decade trying to “get over” my crippling depression and anxiety and it’s sad looking back on all the time I wasted being fucking miserable all the time.
Recently I finally cracked due to a shitty situation in my life and I spoke to my GP about wanting to be put on medication. It was so terrifying and I was crying in her office but it was such a huge weight off my chest to even admit to another person that I was going through this. That same day I went to the pharmacy to pick up my new prescription for antidepressants. I haven’t been taking them long enough to truly say that I’m ‘cured’ or anything, but I really notice a difference, albeit subtle. I’m so glad I did this and my only regret is not speaking up sooner. I could’ve been so much happier by now if I just swallowed my pride and sought help.
Sorry for blog posting, I just wanted to share my experience because I totally understand what you’re going through and I don’t want to see others suffer the way I made myself suffer for so long. Even if you can’t start therapy right now (I can’t either, I’m still only on meds although hopefully I can get a therapist soon), please talk to someone. You can do what I did and just start on medication if you want (and can, if you don’t have insurance maybe meds are too expensive) But please don’t bottle up your feelings. Find some kind of a support system.
No. 386079
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>>386056Honestly I don't know if this will help you or not anon, depending on where you live but have you ever looked into doing seasonal landscaping? It's tough, physical work but you learn a lot on the job and they are willing to take anyone enthusiastic and willing to put the physical work in. You usually do not need any kind of experience in any field to do these kind of jobs.
If you go to school for horticulture you can also move up in these companies and focus more on creating entire gardens/vegetation spaces for private clients or run your own crew/business.
I apologize if this was an annoying suggestion, especially since I don't know anything about your situation but I just thought it might help, in the tiniest chance.
No. 386162
>>386137I agree with this. My mom gave birth to me in Sweden, where no one is allowed in the delivery room but Medical professionals until after labor. My mom was relieved by that, in contrast my sister had a baby in the US and her
abusive now ex was allowed into the room despite her screaming at him and his narc mother (who only appeared to take pictures with "her baby" and then left without saying a word to her) both created unnecessary amounts of stress.
It's a medical procedure. Do you want your husband and his parents there to witness the cathader going into your urethra before they do the first c section incision? Is he really that entitled that he has to throw a hissy fit if he has to wait to bother you until after you and the baby are ready?
No. 386164
>>386156Eh, yeah, mras and incels mainly. But ive seen women diss her too and its so damn disheartening. These are the same women who glorify ScarJo as Black Widow so it feels x2 shitty to me.
>>386159Yeah also this. Its asinine shit that male actors dont get criticized for. The movie even has a scene where some scumbag tells Carol to smile and she doesnt dignify it with a response. 4th wall poetic justice.
No. 386185
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i've lost all motivation to do anything in life and am just coasting by at the moment on autopilot. whenever i'm alone (which is most of the time) i end up working myself up into a spiral of self-loathing that ends with me just wanting to kill myself and i've isolated myself from most of my friends and feel like i can't reach out to any of them for help or advice. not to mention most of my friends have actually gone through actual shit in their lives so i feel even more horrible that i'm the one who's miserable all the time for no reason. i don't know anyone at the moment who i feel like i have a genuine connection with. most of the people i know i have to force myself to keep the conversation going because i just cannot relate to them and struggle to think of things to say to the point that conversing with people is physically exhausting. there are a few people in life i do genuinely enjoy talking to, but i guess i'm not close enough to them where i'd be able to talk to them about how i'm feeling. it doesn't really help that my roommates currently like to go out to parties and events and i go with them to be a good friend (since they want me there) but i always feel incredibly depressed and exhausted afterwards. i'm also incredibly sensitive about things now, so even the smallest remark or incident will set me off and i'll just obsess over it for weeks and use it to convince myself that that person doesn't like me and i shouldn't talk to them anymore.
i was thinking of trying to find a therapist, but it seems so daunting i don't even know where to start, and the process itself just seems incredibly frightening to me. i don't want to live the rest of my life this way, but i'm too chicken to kill myself and am too retarded and scared to find a therapist so i guess i'll just have to live the rest of my life like this or try to get myself out of this slump.
well, it felt pretty good to at least type that all out!
No. 386212
>>385665This board is worst board ever even worse than 4chan’s /adv/ and /soc/ and mod 3.0 is worse than mod 2.0 and mod 1.0 who was a bad mod except in the first days of this shit board‘s existence. You are all very very very cringy and probably underaged and/or fat too. And incredibly autistic.
Yes, I‘ll get banned. But what do I expect from this retard simian mod? Can‘t even say certain words that suit "her" or else I‘ll get banned.
No. 386226
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i'm getting into a new religion to broaden my horizons but i'm scared i'm not going to be as "devoted" as other people are. i know it's not a competition, but i can't help but worry that others may see me as a poser, or a wannabe, or something like that.
No. 386251
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did an incredibly autistic thing in class yesterday that really made me stand out and now i'm afraid to go to that class again although going to the other one isn't much better as the student overlap is like 80%. both classes are quite small too, like 30 people or so actually go to the lectures. now there's definitely no way i'll ever make friends with any of them, not that the odds were high as it has not happened in the last 4 years anyway (obviously my fault not theirs by the 100% failure rate kek).
unrelatedly, went to the campus earlier to print out something and saw people gathering for a poke go raid battle (it was dialga btw) and instead of joining them like a normal person who wants the fucking mon (debatable how normal playing poke go in 2019 is), i just powerwalked straight past bc the thought of being acknowledged made me want to die. why am i so fucking retarded. it's like uni has made me loose all social skills when it comes to people my age, every single failure piles on and on and i become more and more scared. i have always been sorta shy but i could befriend anyone when i was in school and always had a solid friend group despite being sorta nerdy and weird. i know tha tmy biggest issues are overthinking and jumping to conclusions and general insecure bitch shit but i legit think that's just who i am as i have been like this even in kindergarten.
i know it's sort of a meme but if uni indeed is the best time of my life i'm offing myself on my graduation.
No. 386269
>>385886>>385899I walked away after that. I felt bad because the first girl was genuinely passionate about it and made the effort to engage me but I didn't know how to respond to the second girl. The sheer lack of logic in what she said completely floored me. It wasn't so much the being told that I'm not a feminist because I'm married, it's not the first time I've heard that, it's that I needed to be a feminist at all. Police corruption and incompetence is a universal issue and it's something that everyone should be able to speak out against.
>>386122Men should be considered during labour. Believe it or not men do care about what happens to their partner and child. I had my husband with me when I gave birth and yes he was totally useless. He stood around looking helpless and confused. He did at least hold my hand and try to encourage me a few times. That's not why I wanted him there though. It's because the child I was giving birth to was his just as much as it is mine. When I gave our daughter her first feed, he put his arm around me and cupped her head in his hand. I will never forget the way his face lit up. Denying him the opportunity to comfort me and bond with his baby would have been wrong.
The needs of the woman should come first and it should absolutely be her choice. However to say that men don't matter at all is naive.
No. 386273
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>>386251I kinda get how you feel. When I was in highschool I was one of the leaders of the anime club and played Pokémon with everyone, friend or not, but in college I’m completely clammed up. I see people with shirts or buttons for series I like but I never engage with them. I’m in my mid twenties so I feel awkward about having hobbies like reading manga but there are so many other students who like the same stuff and are open about it.
It’s my last semester and I finally talked to a classmate about manga but they dropped the class we were in together, so I’m back to being quiet for now.
No. 386279
>>386185not that it helps but I really relate to what you've written. depression/dysthymia/the pain of living in modern society, autism burnout, or plain introversion? either way make sure to keep looking forward to something and kind of force yourself to keep moving. I know it's difficult and I'm struggling with the bare minimum atm, what's keeping me going is not thinking too much about the state of affairs.
>>386268I'm a horrible peanut butter binger, man. I keep buying another jar to "teach myself" to take it easy but it's like crack to my brain
No. 386280
>>386185not that it helps but I really relate to what you've written. depression/dysthymia/the pain of living in modern society, autism burnout, or plain introversion? either way make sure to keep looking forward to something and kind of force yourself to keep moving. I know it's difficult and I'm struggling with the bare minimum atm, what's keeping me going is not thinking too much about the state of affairs.
>>386268I'm a horrible peanut butter binger, man. I keep buying another jar to "teach myself" to take it easy but it's like crack to my brain
No. 386283
>>386277i’m neither of the anons you’re replying to but gee whiz i’m pretty sure
>>386272 is just gagging at the absolute cringe tier Chicken Soup for the Mommy’s Soul style description of how ~magical~ it was to have her kid hang on her teat while her husband was present
No. 386313
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>>386273i'm the same age as most people in my courses but i seriously feel so behind and older at the same time, being a foreign student prolly doesn't help much too. i did chat with my lab partner last semester about poke go bc he plays it too but he's a happy-go-lucky chad so i'm bit intimated to approach him outside of the lab set-up as he is always with other people and i don't want to appear thirsty or something.
i stalked down the leader of our anime and manga society and its a PhD student so don't be ashamed about your hobbies, anon, waaay better than having no hobbies and always resorting to the weather talk! and good luck with your diss/final exams!
>>386274i have one more year to go as well, although it will mostly be doing my honours project and writing the diss so maybe i'll see new people outside of this bubble. i am not sure what other's impression of me is as everyone has their little cliques and stuff and i don't interact with them (save for one-off events during labs), mostly i just assume they don't notice me but since my autismo event i fear they do/have all along and in a negative way too. fingers crossed for that nice post-grad spot for us both!
love that so many pepemons exist btw No. 386342
The amount of people denying that MJ was a pedo is staggering. I can't get away from them! They're fucking everywhere. Even my bf (whose family loves the Jacksons for some weird fucking reason) think it's just that he "had his childhood robbed from him and their parents set him up". Everyone is saying "IT'S A CASHGRAB!! WHY DIDN'T THEY DO IT WHEN HE WAS ALIVE??? IF HE WAS GUILTY HE'D BE IN PRISON!"
Right, because OJ went to prison? No one even liked OJ like they did MJ. There's no jury pool in the world that wouldn't have been tainted. They'd literally have to have flown tribesmen from Papua New Guinea to get an untainted jury.
And as if MJ didn't have literally like one of the biggest cult of personalities for an artist, ever. Shit, ngl, but if I was groomed by a universally acclaimed megastar that gave me the world when I wanted it, there's no fucking way I'd be able to go public with it and I, too, would probably be roped into defending him. He obviously had his childhood stolen from him, and yes, it's sad, but how can you listen to him talking to Martin Bashir and trying to normalize sleeping with little boys in their beds and saying that's "healing", and that that's how you 'heal' a child? Why would that even remotely be necessary? I was a severely abused and disadvantaged youth, and I needed M-O-N-E-Y and security, not to sleep in a 44 year old man's bed. Hugs and positive affirmations are one thing but this? There is no fucking excuse.
No. 386355
>>386342It's fucking strange. Certain gossip sites that I frequent are really steadfast in this notion that he did not molest anyone and yeah, he was never prosecuted, there's way too much smoke there. Who would leave their kid with him?
Also there's a lot of people who don't know or scoff at the fact that there is PR money that gets set aside for shit like this, to hire people to try and keep his name clear on message boards and whatnot. It's kind of like the old days when someone would write a letter to the editor that would be pro or con some issue, but it wasn't a real letter, it was someone who worked for the paper.
Even people at KF are convinced he did nothing wrong, except for one or two users, which is weird to me. I expect it from LA but not them.
No. 386358
>>386079It's not at all annoying! Thanks anon, I'll look into that.
>>386139Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately, I'm not in the US but I'm glad it worked out for you!
No. 386387
I'm feeling so torn about a friend of mine. I used to thing nothing of it but now I'm noticing so many red flags; messaging me all hours like she doesn't sleep, getting mad for not replying, always conveniently starting a conversation within a minute of me being online, getting mad at me for being "invisible" on any sites, etc. She never has anything positive or even neutral to say, just endless complaining of her life, being mad at her other friends, and occasionally reminding me that she's suicidal and has no one to talk to despite going to therapy. She's getting worse about all of this, plus I have to warn her with things like "I'm going out today and won't be on my phone, sorry." She's always so desperate for/demanding of my attention and its wearing me down.
I started thinking differently about the way she acts because she admitted to printing out a "suicide note" (it was really a years old teen angst vent post) of mine and keeping it in her binder. I told another friend about this because that sort of rubbed me the wrong way, and they asked if it was just A binder or a ME binder; that put everything in a different light and now I'm nervous. I don't know what to do because I feel like she hasn't done anything "really bad" yet, plus i still do enjoy when we can chat like normal. But I also feel bad because I know she IS in a tough spot in her life, and I'm afraid of being unsupportive/self-centered.
No. 386446
>>386342>>386355There is SO much evidence of Jackson being a pedophile too. out these links, it's crazy how much evidence there has been for decades, still fanatics worship him like Jesus.
The most damning is how one of the boys could draw what his erected penis looked like, spots and all.
No. 386458
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Reason #9853835895353895 why I hate dd/lg and its whole fucking community. Why can't these freaks just fuck off and leave people alone? Why the need to vie for acceptance for their disgusting kink?
No. 386459
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Why is it always by force with them? I'm sick of the way they invade spaces not meant for them. They're like fucking trannies.
I won't even be surprised if the next big "revolution" after transgender rights is dd/lgfags and then eventually pedophiles. I've already seen these retards insist that kink is a sexuality, in regards to BDSM. I'm just tired.
No. 386462
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Sweet lolita looks a whole lot like ageplay. Now, don't get me wrong, I like old school/elegant/gothic. Sweet is cute, but it freaking creeps me out. What I find ironic is how anti-ageplay/sissies/daddydlg all the Sweets claim to be. Sweet lolita coords literally look CHILDISH. The goal is to look as childish as possible with pale colors, frills, stuffed animals, cutesy clips, etc. The accompanying makeup is always child-like and even the way people pose…pigeon-toed, hip bumps, etc. Not to mention a lot of them shop themselves to look even younger. Oldschool and EGL have a longer skirt, less "cutesy" colors, and I think that those components bring down the uncanny childishness. Feels like projecting/doublethink imo.
No. 386464
>>386459Has it crossed to this person that you can just block them and turn off anon asks? Lmao at 4chan threats, tell them you got their IP from tumblr logging anon ask ips in case on block.
And you’re right, they sound like trannies.
No. 386471
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>>386462the sweet lolita people are anti-ageplay because the ddlg freaks attached themselves to the fashion. sweet lolita came first, not the other way around. the girl on the bottom left is wearing old school and her makeup was scary and not childlike at all, she looked more like a scary doll.
this is why i like over the top sweet lolita with pink wigs and shit. it looks less childish bc what child is wearing a pink wig and a cake on their head?
No. 386484
>>386462Ageplay is gross sexual/kink shit. Sweet Lolita is just about looking super cute and girly.
I don't like Sweet, but even I know this.
No. 386501
>>386472too lazy to use conditioner = conditioner is unmanly
anon I think you need to stop putting everything under the lens of men vs. women, it's not good for your mental healt
No. 386524
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I love you stupid bitches. Even the ones I disagree with and think are terrible. I feel no competition towards you guys and I just wish you all the best and know you guys are capable of everything you set out for and have so much potential. I don't like seeing posts where you guys are down on yourselves for such minor shit when I know FOR A FACT that you guys have it all. Make the most of it.
No. 386549
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>constant brain fog for the past 3 months
>can't concentrate on anything
>can't draw
>can't play video games
>can't study
>can't read for long periods of time
>if i try to do anything that requires concentration i quickly develop a headache
>tired, sleepy and fatigued all day
>try eating more and eating better, taking several vitamin supplements
>try my best to work out and find new hobbies despite headache
>still feel the same
>change up the kind of meds i'm taking
>in fact when i stop taking them i feel nothing change either
>take breaks from social media and my computer to hang out with people
>still feel horrible
taking all these expensive ass meds, paying all these expensive as doctors that tell me to "try harder" as if i've been sitting on my ass WANTING to be depressed WANTING to stagnate and WANTING to suffer 24 fucking 7. "Have you tried not being sad?" "Have you tried just focusing more?" "Have you tried distracting yourself?" "Just keep going at it! It'll eventually go away" yes, of course i haven't those incredibly obvious solutions! how silly of me.
I should have died that day i was hospitalized. I have accomplished nothing from still being here.
No. 386551
>>386549I've been in a brain fog as well for about the same amount of time. I've recognized it as having generalized anxiety. It's been getting better, but still hard to concentrate. Grounding techniques seem to help to distract me from the disconnect, having a couple sips of water every hour and exercising regularly helps keep off the edge.
I hope things will start looking up for you anon.
No. 386559
>>386552Same anon, well not just gay sex for me…just like sex in general.
Just gonna segway into my vent now…so basically I'm almost 20 years old and have never masturbated I think? The closest I've done is like hump pillows when I was younger and wasn't aware of what I was doing. I grew up with this intense guilt for thinking anything sexual, I'd like to say it was because of my religious grandparents who raised me but I feel like it was mostly just me who would beat myself up over it during middle school/high school. I'm not sure why but at this point I have not even used a tampon, or even put anything up there at all. And every time I say I'm going to just do it and get it over with I chicken out. Realistically, I have nothing to be afraid of, it's normal, but I can't bring myself to do it. Even thinking about it makes me feel dumb and like I'm sexually stunted or something. I only just in the last couple of years have allowed myself to have fantasies past second base. Maybe when I live on my own I can try it, I don't know…
No. 386600
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My mother recently made it a habit to sing with every single 80s song that comes up on the (old music themed) radio station and I am exactly one more song away from stabbing her with an icepick
No. 386653
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I hate how men feel so entitled to our attention.
I added a guy to my fb off Tinder a two days ago because he complained about Tinder being 'difficult' to communicate on and I have no other social media. He seemed alright.
He started messaging me but I've been so busy and tired between work and things to do at home that my replies were short if I could reply at all. The first time he was passive aggressive because I didn't respond back immediately within the hour after reading a message, and then he had a different passive aggressive tone a bit later on that night saying he didn't wanna "disturb" me because I didn't answer quick enough again I guess. He never asked if I was busy or anything. It really put me off.
His final straw was yesterday. Asked me how I was and I told him but also mentioned that I had just gotten a task done and was making dinner. After that fb was down so I had no reason to really check back. Shortly after dinner and preparing my lunch for today I hit my bed with my work clothes and makeup still on at 9pm and I didn't wake up until 6am for work this morning. During that evening, the dude messaged me about a trip I made several months ago. I was gonna reply later today but before I could respond he sent "Or maybe I don't wanna know…" at like 3am when I was sleeping. So passive aggressive! This giant baby thought I was ignoring him on purpose, not that I could have just been busy, sleeping, and didn't feel like writing a novel response about a trip I took several months ago.
So I responded this morning with "Hey Facebook was down yesterday man. It's cool." I meant "it's cool," as in, I wasn't ignoring him on purpose. I went into work.
Just checked my messenger app on my break and this manchild threw a tantrum at me and blocked me. In no uncertain terms he accused me of purposefully ignoring him despite Facebook not working properly, and he thought I wrote "It's cool" in response to being asked about my trip. This idiot then thanked me for the "riveting" response, how he never could have guessed my trip was cool, and blocked me. And because he blocked me, I can't even respond with an explanation and tell him what a stupid little bitch he is.
It makes me irritated. Bullet dodged, but holy shit what an unstable douchebag.
No. 386655
>>386653Lmao. Glad he did you the favour and left. I can’t stand people like that. I’ve gotten it from guys and girls though. I don’t need to be in my friends/SOs back pocket 24/7.
What a garbage person
No. 386671
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I'm trying to get closure for almost 8 years now. This is one of my most favorite quotes.
No. 386709
>>386653You fell for the "this app is hard to use why don't we move to Way_I_Can_Find_Out_More_Personal_Info_About_You/It's_Harder_To_Get_Rid_of_Me"
Lesson learned anon. Always keep it to the app
No. 386725
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I miss my bf so much, I wish I could be with him so he could eat me out before I fall asleep. I also want to smell him.
No. 386758
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I'm sick of having a Resting Bitch Face™, it makes me overcompensate, constantly acting way too kind and too soft so people don't assume I'm a serial killer, I'm a naturally sensitive person and I'm generally nice without effort, but even then people think I hate them, it got to the point where this nice girl who is basically everyone's friend straight up asked me if I hated her (Not in a rude way, she actually was worried about it) and I had to tell her I didn't and I was so fucking surprised like it got so serious even this girl feared me, it's just so unfair because even if I was the only harmless person in the entire room I would be seen as Public Enemy No.1 anyway
No. 386795
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I MISSED THE BUY 1 GET 1 FREE SALE FOR MY COSPLAY CONTACT LENSES im about to ree. I had a feeling I should check the website but now my prescription is out for most of the lenses I want. I wish I had checked sooner. Now I have to actively wait for good deals or look for discount codes but nothing will truly be as cheap as this yearly deal. At least I have a good job lined up for me but still I'm such a penny pincher, especially for something that's just a vanity hobby
No. 386834
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Why is obesity so commonplace with lesbians? I just want a cute gf who also likes to take care of herself
No. 386841
>>386820I'm on the same boat as you anon. Literally idpol is just a platform for narcissists who don't actually care about the people they claim to care about. They just want attention, they love the sound of their own voice.
Someone who truly cares wouldn't brag all the time. They would just go ahead and fix an issue themselves without calling attention.
No. 386856
>>386820>Chinese international student I’m gonna pretty safely assume that her universities and workplaces back home aren’t particularly ‘diverse’
But of course it’s only Caucasian majority countries that need to have a disproportionate amount of ethnic diversity
No. 386862
>>386856This got me thinking: if my friend hates being around white people so much, she should have stayed home and saved herself at least $100,000. Or she could have gone to a historically black college like Howard but it's not prestigious enough for her. kek
>>386850See, my goal is that I want to be treated like everyone else. I also try to treat people of all races fairly. Apparently now if I do that, people think I am racist now. Because I have to treat black people better than white people or something. It's so annoying.
No. 386867
>>386857as long as it's something decent or universally useful. Aliexpress sellers sometimes include free items and I always end up throwing them out because it's only ever some random useless key chain or whatever that I don't want or need. They're so cheap and poor quality that they aren't even worth donating. Makes me feel wasteful.
>>386865fuck, hadn't heard about this.
No. 386869
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>>386863i'm selling my high end career suits that no longer fit me, though, and they tend to be older women purchasing them, so while i'd prefer to add in things like that, i don't think it's really appropriate considering the items.
like pic related. granted, this is way less cute than what i typically send, but it's brand name and my thinking is that at the least, even if it's not their style, they can regift them, but they never seem to be appreciative.
No. 386874
>>386871well, i like receiving little gifts and i figured that they'd be less likely to be bitchy and start shit if they got some kind of little nice 'surprise' in with their order that matches nicely with their purchase? they're brand new pieces of jewelry and don't cost me much. i just think it's a nice gesture to be surprised with a matching piece of jewelry or item that complements your purchase. it makes me happy when i receive free gifts and little surprises at least.
>>386870yes, maybe this is it. older women do seem very entitled tbh. i worry about them being mean to me so on top of just saying 'thank you', i thought maybe they'd be less likely to be very rude and to kick up a fuss should something go wrong or something, since i felt it'd be fairly obvious that i care about making the 'customer' happy, but i guess not. they've not been more rude, i just expected more people to be appreciative. i am certainly appreciative when i receive a little surprise from sellers. surprisingly, i've received waaay more appreciation about these surprises from husbands buying for their wives, than the women themselves. go figure.
No. 386897
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Why i am attracted to nerdy, annoying types?, why i have to be like this?, literally every one of them end up being manchildren uncapable of adulting on their own, they also end up being the type who are avid fans of Rick & Morty, have a philosophy degree and understood the "underlying nihilistic message" of Pop Team Epic and make up 95% of the Filthy Frank fandom, and you know fucking what?, I STILL like them, WHAT in the everloving fuck?, I hate them but my ass keeps on thinking they're somewhat worthy of my attention, it's just something little but I had to vent about it.
No. 386932
>>386350>>386343There are a few things you can do to stop youtube from doing this.
Don't log in to your google account
Delete your cookies for google services and youtube. You can either do this manually or by installing a browser addon that will do it automatically.
If you can't be bothered to do this Brave offers a this functionality built in and it's easy to do with a drop down panel.
No. 386959
>>386928I agree so much.
It makes me so upset that people can look at another person including children and think they deserve death due to this excessive hate created by these people. I believe in free speech but all these people with big platforms/audiences for their hate-speech is clearly making sense to those who feel ostracized, want to belong or be outraged. There is a large part of the left as well as the right that make it us VS them. And this shooter having killed at least 49 people (including little kids) that we know of so far and is just going to be one event till the next horrible hate attack. And to most they'll just be another statistic.
And I actually think this guy's plan to make people more racist and to cause fear for certain demographics is going to work.
Why is called a shooting and not a terrorist attack? He's trying to cause fear in the name of his political ideology? It's pretty certain given that it was at a mosque, but I don't see the media calling it that.
No. 386971
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Know what’s really fucking me off? That kids have globally protested the inaction against climate change today, and some utter psychopath is all anyone can talk about. I’m so disgusted by this piece of shit on so many levels, and this is just making me angrier. These kids lives are at stake, their futures and their children’s futures, and when they finally gather up the courage and numbers to make a stand and enlist the help of adults, some trigger happy white supremacist goes and shoots up a mosque. My heart goes out to the victims of the shooting but also all the people that tried to make a stand today and are being overshadowed by terrorism that the media is feeding into.
Pic related is the turnout at my home city which usually gets abysmal amounts of protestors. All day I saw kids and their caregivers walking around with signs and they’re getting little to no coverage
No. 387025
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Ok, apparently there’s a video around from that mosque shooting in Australia. Has anyone seen it? If so, could you describe what exactly happens in the vid? I’m a chicken shit and my degenerate curiosity is at a high.
No. 387027
>>387025Yeah if you go to 8chan you'll find a thread, tons of videos. Basically he goes into a mosque, shoots, goes around to piles of bodies and shoots them.
There also was a video taken from one of the
victims during the aftermath. It was absolutely horrific, dead bodies everywhere, people screaming, in shock. One person picked up someone slouched against the wall only to reveal a massive bloody wound from his head, he fell to the floor leaving a trail of blood and a bunch of people screamed.
I had to stop watching after that. Absolutely horrific. The internet is radicalizing young white men. It's no different than ISIS
No. 387028
>>387025According to the news I have read, the terrorist had a camera on his head filming as he killed the people at the mosque.
He treated it like a v-log, he wanted it to be shared. So don't share it, don't watch it. Fuck that scum.
No. 387032
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My internship is about to end and I'm so pissed off about everything about it. I had high hopes when I started this internship but now I'm disgusted that I was taken for granted even though I asked to get more training to gain more skills and make my job easier and so I can market myself as much as I can when I'll look for a job in my field. But my team always treated me like a drooling retard by repeating things over and over again no matter how many times I said and proved that I understood their instructions. I always proved myself to be competent and take my job seriously, with or without anyone's help. An incompetent intern is going to be trained for the things I wanted to be trained for and she didn't even have to ask for it. I'm pissed because there's going to be a new intern next week I'll have to train before leaving in the middle of the week and she'll be treated much better than I was as well because I had the worst manager out of the two we have so far. Fuck me, I can't believe I had to redo my last year of college just for that trash, since nobody else wanted to hire me for that shitty mandatory internship despite me being competent and having the degrees for the internships I wanted. I feel like everything about this was a huge waste of my time.
I'm also seeing many of the people who were in college with me and got their mandatory internship right on time, and who graduated, on linkedin and I see them having really nice jobs that pay well, even though when I sent job applications to these companies last year for my internships, they said I didn't have the correct degree or gave other vague reasons like me not having enough job experience, even though these other people have no job experience in these fields AFTER graduating. Some of them never graduated and still get really interesting jobs.
I guess that'll teach me not being white, being a woman and looking younger than I actually am, and being too poor to leave my city to get new job opportunities, no wonder nobody takes me seriously next to incompetent people who look the part enough for nice jobs in nice companies.
No. 387037
>>387025He drove to a mosque playing the remove kebab song. He said to subscribe to pewdipie. He walked in, shot everyone he saw, then shot them all again in the head to make sure there weren't faking, left, went back to his car for more ammo, came back, shot some stragglers he missed and the bodies from before again, left again, shot a lady in the street from a distance, got closer and shot her in the head while she screamed for people to help her, then drove off directly over her corpse while playing the gas gas gas song from initial d.
I always thought /pol/ were just joking, but I guess at least one of them meant it.
No. 387044
>>387037This is what's so disturbing about the whole thing. That's a guy who grew up bathed in /pol/ memes and couldn't separate irony out of the equation any longer. The video is troubling because of a lot of things, but also because he's memeing as he's killing. Like shooting those people was so abstracted from reality in his head that it was no trouble at all. Like the act of killing was an irl shitpost. That scares the fuck out of me.
Twitter is being really reactionary and stupid rn, like are you crazy focusing on pewdiepie? We have to get a handle on why people are doing what they do because everyone is at a breaking point.
His manifesto is so creepy, almost all memes. He even stuck the navy seal copypasta in there. A lot of people think he was just a fucked up accelerationist.
I so wish the guy who jumped him had been successful in that fucking tackle, he was one brave dude.
There's some discussion that the mosque was of a liberal sect; the Ahmadi, does anyone here know if that's actually the case? They don't even ask the women to cover their heads. If you're so set on saving your nation from the invaders why the hell are you going after moderate people? Nothing he wrote makes sense in terms of what he did at all.
What a fucking nightmare.
No. 387046
>>387037>then drove off directly over her corpseHoly shit you're right, admittedly she was directly in his path.
He shot at some people from his car too, blew out his left windshield.
Near the end he comments a bit to himself; about dropping a magazine in the mosque, 'there wasn't even time to aim, so many targets', 'shit happens', etc.
This is what happens when you mistake memes for reality. The Muslim fertility rate (which he thought spelled doom for whites) isn't even all that high outside of sub-saharan Africa, just the European one is so low (and that will not continue indefinately). He wrote about the battles of the liberation of Bulgaria extensively on one of his magazines, why didn't he just move there?
No. 387049
>>387044Yes. It's scary how he acted like it was just one giant meme. But I'm not surprised that it has happened. The weaponization of memes and internet culture, "ironic" hatred towards others.
I think it was a calculated move, made to inspire other hateful internet-addicted young men to take it to real life.
No. 387053
>>386907and the worst part it's that these types of men tend to be "Devil Advocates" who cry about "mUH OPINION!!1!" and like to
trigger other people with their bullshit "politically incorrect" input because they're just so thirsty for validation of alt-fags or literally anyone on the internet due to their childish behavior, they're only useful to
trigger dumb fourth-wave feminist SJW's
No. 387055
>>387047please god let me meet a lesbian near me who is comfortably GNC, dislikes trannies/isn't libfem, is relatively sober and is chill about food (not vegan or eating disordered)
tfw sweden
No. 387056
>>387049I don't if you've ever read it but if you know Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation, this event takes on a never ending hellish hall of mirrors aspect. Mass shootings or acts of terror are always disgusting, frightening, whatever word you want to choose, but this one is weird in a way that's extremely creepy to me but also becomes hard to define. The things he said, the music he played, the fact that he was able to go back and make sure everyone was dead is horrifying and actually evil. I don't know if what I'm saying even makes sense. It's very scary. There are a lot of people out there who have this same relation to reality. What are they going to do?
>>387050The way everyone jumped on the pewdiepie thing immediately is fucked up too. Like, how about the people who got killed? How about a thought for them or their families? No, let's feed right back into this massive shitshow by calling out an e-celeb, thereby boosting your own e-celebrity in the process? What even are these people thinking, because that's not where my head goes to first. This whole thing has me fucked up and I think I need a drink.
No. 387071
>>387056people tend to blame the first thing that's accused, isn't that evident with mob mentality? hm.. shouldn't they be researching it beforehand and getting the full details, instead of mindlessly agreeing to the first thing people accuse? pewdiepie doesn't strike me as being in the alt-right as he literally follows ben shapiro, a zionist jew kek.
i agree with you, there shouldn't be blame put on an e-celeb… how about focusing on the lives lost instead, or a way to prevent it.. but oh well, let's blame him!!
No. 387072
>>387044It's bizarre disconnected he was from what he was doing - like it was upbeat and happy.
I didn't watch but read about it around, when he first came in he was greeted with shout of "hello brother" by a man coming to welcome him and immediately shoots him.
I wonder if any of those famous (or general) muslim-hating right wing youtubers / twitter users feel any remorse or blood on their hands. They're certainly a massive part in the spreading of this kind of ideology.
No. 387074
>>387072samefag but I mean like Tommy Robinson et al.
Not really like pewdiepie
No. 387084
>>387079I feel the same way, anon. It breaks my heart to imagine the family and friends of the
victims having to know that their loved ones died for memes and are being mocked by edgy internet idiots. I don't understand how all these retarded 8channers can laugh at this and have no empathy at all.
No. 387088
>>387027Not the internet, but 4chan (and 8chan's) /pol/, Reddit, Stormfront, a certain pocket of YouTube and Gab specifically. The sooner imageboard (and Reddit) owners and site hosts do away with boards, spaces and subreddits dedicated to hate speech, genocide defense and propaganda-pushing under the guise of political discussion and memes, the sooner this can be curtailed.
I think LC (and most of CC) are the only places I haven't seen this scum proliferate. Not to step on the "freeze peach" crowd's toes, but once you're at the point where you're mowing down innocent children and other people who did nothing bad in religious buildings and saying "Subscribe to PewDiePie" beforehand, I think you've long since revoked your right to "free speech". These kinds of people need to be driven back to the weird, obscure fringe end of the internet, just like in the early 2000s, so they can't recruit any more young, impressionable, mentally ill people looking for an identity.
They all whine about censorship now, but the only way to stop more of this from happening is to take a truly draconian approach to censoring and de-platforming these people IMO. No more getting vortex'd into a world of "alt-right! fascism is good!" videos in your YT recommendations after watching just one single Lauren Southern video. Since that would take actual work and it might result in these corporations losing their money, it might not happen, but it really is the only way at this point.
No. 387093
>>387089I think what he wants is actually more than that. He wants actual violence enacted by Muslim people "striking back", so that more white people will be outraged, militarized and encouraged to do what he did. Ebba Akerlund's death is what spurred him on. If more of that happens, and it happens at the same time as the censorship, it really will be part of his plan.
If everything is just censored, they'll reee, but they'll flounder and give up like water circling a drain. He was bold in advertising exactly who/what influenced him so freely, but it was a grave mistake in the sense that no one but the brainwashed will fight for his camp's free speech at this point. They've shown what they are capable of.
I'm kind of worried there really will be some terrorist blowback in "retaliation", and I don't know if that can even be prevented. Either nothing is done and more young boys and men are militarized to kill by this hateful agenda, regardless of whether or not there are any terror attacks from what these people view as "the other side", or something is done, and then the same attacks that their side uses as ideological ammo happen again, and young boys and men are militarized to kill by this hateful agenda anyway. It's a rock and a hard place, and the only good turnout is if there are no terrorist attacks for them to go "See?!" at, but I'm not sure how that can be ensured at this point.
No. 387095
>>387093My gut reaction is that this is a modern columbine, with the livestreaming it, the memes, the manifesto, it feels like it was all purposefully designed to inspire copycats, and I think it will, censorship and retaliation attacks or not.
I hope I'm wrong though
No. 387107
>>387089So one group of violent men are going to attack another group of violent men.
How is this news? Because we believe that we live in civilized places?
It's really hard to act surprised when this happens as if men would choose any other alternative.
No. 387113
>>387088>I think LC (and most of CC) are the only places I haven't seen this scum proliferate. Not to step on the "freeze peach" crowd's toes, but once you're at the point where you're mowing down innocent children and other people who did nothing bad in religious buildings and saying "Subscribe to PewDiePie" beforehand, I think you've long since revoked your right to "free speech". These kinds of people need to be driven back to the weird, obscure fringe end of the internet, just like in the early 2000s, so they can't recruit any more young, impressionable, mentally ill people looking for an identity. Agreed. And people in the mainstream need to stop humoring or tolerating their "opinions", meaning their desire to kill and maim innocent people, because of muh free speech or because they are afraid of losing sponsorships, patrons and viewers. It's clearly gone a lot further than that now.
Every time we give these people a platform we are enabling them.
My concern is this will lead to there being no anonymous spaces online, harmless ones like these and other places I use - because for public safety we need to tie every word we type back to our irl ID. I see that as a consequence to this. In that case the authorities can act sooner, for example as soon as his plan was laid out on the forum. I guess there will always be a place to hide onine for these people, but my concern is it will lead to a
reduction in free speech for the majority of non-criminals.
I hope from this point on their "opinion" and hateful ideology is no longer tolerated or humored.
No. 387124
>>387107The problem is that it's always women and children that are the worst
victims and casualties of this, worldwide. They won't just fuck off and kill each other, they have to involve the innocent every time. Rape and mass murder of the defenseless is these sociopaths' bread and butter.
I wouldn't care if they did it to themselves, but why must we be looped in? I'm from a very violent, torn place, and I agree it's hard to be surprised, since I'm always hearing of death and destruction anyway. That doesn't mean we're ever wrong to be disgusted, though.
No. 387131
>>387098They all are cut from the same cloth of conspiracy ~whites are the
victims of the world the evil liberals are destryoing civilization~ mindset. And alot of the listeners and supporters of violence to solve everything. Then you got the guys who are just in for the memes and are probably really lacking basic empathy. I don't see anyone "retailiating" them like they assume but more right wing/ultra white nationalists/supremacist acting more and more violent until their spaces are snuffed out. And they all hide in the deep web or something
No. 387153
>>387125Your "friend" is a retarded ingrate.
My friend is very successful at her career so she used to buy me fancy dinners and even bought me an expensive dress once for my birthday.
You bet your ass I worship that woman and I'd ditch any man for her friendship in a heartbeat. I can't believe someone would be so rude over some cock they don't even know off Tinder. Jfc.
No. 387166
>>387098>Lauren Southern deleted her popular video "The Great Replacement" GOOD.
Stupid ethots should suffer the consequences. This is your audience.
Sam Crowder was crying like a piece of shit while people following him in the comments kept meme-posting and being edgy autistic fucks.
To anybody with an alt-right/ loobertarian platform this is who your audience is. This is what they want and you embolden them.
No. 387167
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>tfw buying myself expensive jewelry, clothes, and good food because no one else will
At least I don't let myself down even when other people will.
No. 387168
>>387107Did you not notice in the video he focused on gunning down every woman he saw?
White supremacists believe in taking down women and children 1st because they are the future. It's why they go crazy when white women date out
No. 387185
>>387168Yeah, you're right. You'd think that, by the alt right's fucked up standards, traditional muslim women are perfect. They just do whatever their fathers and husbands say and pop out kids, they aren't doing anything 'degenerate' excepting not being white/christian. But they're women, so who are they to defy their fathers and husbands and choose a different religion? How can they be held responsible for being muslim when the alt right don't think women should have a say in their lives to begin with?
Senseless violence from arrogant, delusional men who are so easily manipulated they ruin their lives over 4chan memes. Fucking pathetic. Men love to say we're the sheep but buying shit we see advertised is nothing compared to how extreme influence on men can be.
No. 387192
>>386971oh shit fellow melbourne local here. i'm mad too.
on the climate strike, the kids of my mum's friends were there and were even interviewed on the news but the thing is, the mum drives everywhere because she's too much of a snob for public transport and they have 2 air conditioners in a small house on full blast all summer. she's a bit of an unstable soccer mum and it makes me really fucking mad that she and her kids only showed up for "clout" and don't actually do anything to help. i'm sure most of the protesters there were genuine though.
No. 387204
>>387201its time to break up anon, you cant save this
its good you found out now and not after getting married or something
No. 387220
When I was with my ex girlfriend, I spent the night over at her place once. We were in bed trying to sleep and we gave each other a peck on the lips here and there, and at some point we were very gently making out and holy fuck it's the moment I felt like I confirmed I was just a gay piece of shit lol. But aside from that, I can't stop thinking about it. We broke up shortly afterwards (for other reasons) but I can't stop thinking about that night because I could clearly feel that something was off (I attributed it to her maybe just being tired from work since it was busy season at her job- it wasn't that lol. she had been mulling over our compatibility and our relationship for a while). I stopped because she asked me to, and the following morning when we woke up I rolled on her and gave her kisses again until she asked me to stop again (and I did).
I just have this dumb sinking feeling in my stomach that I crossed way too many lines. Just before our break up, we talked a little bit about the whole day and sort of how she was feeling off, and I apologized for making out with her because I was so afraid that it made her uncomfortable (she's had a lot of emotional and sexual traumas from past relationships) and she assured me it was nice and fine but post-breakup I can't stop fixating on it that I did something wrong, that I sexually assaulted her. It's definitely my brain going to an extreme, but it feels like this heavy weight at the pit of my stomach and I feel so fucking god awful about it. I removed her from all my social media to really force myself to not peek at her stuff (I'm nosy) and to really give myself the time and space to heal from the break up (she was my dream girl- I was following her for years and knew of her from mutual friends but she didn't know I existed until a few months before we dated), so I can't even talk to her about it again. At the same time, I feel like I have no right to talk to her about it- our relationship is over. All of that is over. It's not my place to bring it up, or to force her to talk to me about it to satisfy my own selfish needs to be told that I wasn't in the wrong. I guess this is just some shit I'm gonna have to live with lol. I know it's not as extreme as like… other acts of sexual assault, but thinking of how I made someone that I cared so deeply for even a little bit uncomfortable with an act that's supposed to be comforting and physically show my affection makes me sick.
sage for gay rambling
No. 387240
>>387201Report them, if you don't you are complacent.
Now you wonder why minorities don't trust us.
No. 387248
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This guy I talk to online is annoying me for a lot of reasons, big time. Especially because he fits one of the types of guys I hate most: the clueless neet guy with an anime waifu who acts like the lead male character in a harem anime (he even admitted he knows he acts like that and explained to me about what that NHK anime was about). His personality just screams that he wants some girl to come "rescue him" and romance him and it's just a totally disgusting, selfish dream that is unrealistic. I cringe so hard when I get those vibes from him because all I can think about is how he's just another dumb guy who feels entitled and wants some woman to come along and mommy him.
He apparently has some irrational fear and every time he gets it, he crawls to me to calm him down and tell him it's all in his head, that everything's going to be okay and it makes my skin crawl because of the motive behind it. I can't imagine him acting like this with his guy friends. He also is super moralfag and anytime something bad happens on the news, he repeatedly flexes how mad he is and how he wants to kill the perpetrator. I thought it was cute at first but now I think it's to show me what a 'good guy' he is and how he isn't like other men in that aspect (not that I talk about hating men to him). I thought it was just how he was at first and maybe it is but at one point he told me how his friend sent him a video of some guy abusing a girl and slapping her in the face with his dick and he got so mad that he unfriended that person. Like why would you tell me that? It just really seems like he wants brownie points from me, you know? And the way he repeatedly goes on about how upset he is…
Another thing that upsets me is that I noticed he talks about himself a lot. I almost NEVER mind this because I love listening to other people and learning about them, but it seems that whenever I end up talking about myself to him, I get some less than half-assed reply like "nice" or "epic" (even when he asks me a question about something and I answer?). Am I overreacting on that one? I tell myself maybe he's just bad at responding but it just seems really rude and lazy and discourages me from talking or keeping up conversations. Maybe I'm super sensitive to shitty little replies like that but it just seems so fucking insufferable. Makes it seem like he doesn't care at all. I pretend to care whenever he talks about shit I don't care about because I know that conversations are a two way street and it isn't all about me or what I want to talk about all the time.
He also told me he wishes he was still in contact with a guy back from high school because the guy could "tell when I didn't care about what he was talking about". That's such a selfish thing to say, not every conversation is about what you specifically want to hear.
He also talked about swapping selfies with me to see what each other looked like but ended up randomly sending a picture of him from 6 years ago (because he said he hates the way he looks on the phone) with some shitty filter on it and half his face hidden behind it without even wanting to see a photo of me lmao. I thought that was really weird, usually you're curious to see the other person not just show yourself, or half of yourself. I was getting some self absorbed vibes there too. I thought what was the point of sending me one with half his face hidden? Maybe he wanted me to compliment what little was shown? I don't know it was kind of bizarre and I still don't know what to make of it.
After this, he said he has warped beauty standards because of anime which at that point made me not want to show myself at all after I was totally excited to because now I know he probably expects me to look like some retarded cartoon character waifu instead of a real human being as if women don't already have enough pressure on the way they look. Now not only do I have to live up to photoshop magazine expectations but I have to be compared to some flat drawing? Fuck outta here.
I feel conflicted. I've never felt so bummed and depressed when talking to someone. I guess I'm just disappointed. He seemed like a cool guy but today showed me a douchier, colder side to him and I don't like it.
I also feel sick that gender is in the way of everything and he's definitely looking at me differently because of it.
I can talk for hours with him but by the end of our conversation this time, I felt so drained all of a sudden piecing things together in my head about him.
Excuse me if this reads like shit too, it's late and I am very tired.
You all can tell me if I'm acting like a dipshit and overthinking things because that's what I love most about you beautiful anons.
No. 387249
>>387210This. I hope you left anon and don't fucking look back. They can't say they agree ironically anymore for laughs. 49 people forever gone because of it. Lauren southern's The Great Replacement video was taken down quietly while she defended her alt right pov to people critiquing her. She and others know the people they pander and financial exploit want violence and want civil wars to occur. They're radicalized
The best thing for you is to keep yourself safe and stay the fuck away from these guys.
No. 387255
>>387248>You all can tell me if I'm acting like a dipshit and overthinking thingsOverthinking? no way, you're fucking right this shit doesn't sound good at all, but being honest, you should know better especially with him being a "clueless neet guy with an anime waifu". What it's very worrying is that, despite being obvious he's a trash bag, you still have some doubts and think it's your fault or something which isn't true, you are not forced to talk to him or worry about him.
He doesn't see you as a person, he sees you as some npc or minor character in his anime. You're very empathic and careful but it's obvious he can't be the same towards you, you don't deserve this, love yourself and dump his ass. (my english is shit sorry)
No. 387266
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I love my boyfriend
I’m not attracted to him physically anymore because his work demands him to work way too fucking much so he let go of his looks
I feel like an asshole
No. 387307
>>387301That's shitty, I wouldn't want to be with someone who makes it so obvious they aren't attracted to me. What even, does he have no other options? Your gut feeling isn't wrong anon, guys who suddenly have problems got something going on in their heads.
Just be straightforward and ask for the truth. And tbh, if he admits it's an attraction issue again then start looking for another person who can physically appreciate you.
No. 387317
Since this Wednesday I haven't been feeling like myself anymore. I feel sick, sleepy, dizzy, I can't sleep well and I feel like shit in the morning, I've been vomiting and getting diarrhoea twice, too. I feel like nothing brings me happiness, I feel doomed and too tired to do anything. Thing is, in the next weeks I should begin a paid course, and those money will help me a lot. I've been trying to move out of my town and country for a while, I almost did it last April but two months later I had to come back because I was living at a host family and I didn't have enough money to rent my own place. Yesterday I realized that a year has almost passed, and it passed SO quickly it made me feel worse.
But before this week I was fine. Not happy, but fine. I felt alright and was looking forward to work. Now I feel constantly hopeless. I've never felt like this before and it's really scary. Later I will try to take my sister's anxiety meds, but I'm really scared. Anyone ever had this happening to them, so suddenly and in such a bad timing? How did you manage to go back to your normal life?
No. 387321
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My stepfather is complete trash and I feel like he might have sexually abused me?
I was probably around 5 or 7 when he came into my life after my parents divorce, and things were fine for a while, but things started to get weird around when I started going through puberty (I was an early bloomer so around 9). I had much bigger breasts than most of the girls in my year (I hated myself for having them, as well as my weight), and he would do things like grab, squeeze and fondle them, as well as my ass, at random times, such as when I was getting ready for bed, alone in my room, or just in the hallway. This probably stopped at around age 13/14, but then he would talk about sexual things to me instead.
He's always been weirdly open to bring up sex and masturbation to me, asking what type of porn my friends and I like to watch, and offering to buy me sex toys for my 16th birthday. I think this gave him a sense of pride, as I could never talk about such sensitive topics to my father (I liked being daddys little girl kek). He would only do this at times we were alone, and would try to join me on my daily walks so we could have these conversations then.
In the middle of the street and on these walks, he would forcibly hold my hand and people would give us strange looks, but when I tried to let go, he would hold it tighter and laugh
At night, when my mother was at work and brother's upstairs, he would ask me to sit on his lap (sometimes I would face him, sometimes I would watch the tv), and it honestly scared me what he was going to do (I was unfortunately conscious of how close I was/sitting on his dick) (I was 12-now during all of these).
This is also excluding the times he would yell at me, degrade me and my family (my brothers + my dads side of fam) by calling those with our name stupid or idiots, hit me for messing up, bully me for my interests and all the other things he did to my siblings (as well as just being a massive cunt in general)
No one knows of these things, not even my mum or friends, but I don't really think I can call myself a victim, it's not as if he ever raped me or anything. Maybe he's just a trashy person? I don't quite know what to make of it, growing up I thought all of it was normal. Regardless, I now fear and hate men, and I can't stand being alone with one
No. 387329
>>387321Anon, none of this is normal and just "trashy" behavior. Even if there were no actual sex acts, the things you describe are sexual in nature. Even as a clueless kid you had a weird feeling about it, so of course your adult step-father would know just how sexual and unacceptable all of this is. He took advantage of his authority over you and of your childish innocence, which is disgusting.
I'm really sorry this happened to you and that it affected how you feel about men. Seeing a therapist and discussing things with your family might help you process all of this.
No. 387330
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>>387201One of my friends messaged me in the morning asking if "I follow news about NZ shooting? :D"
When I said that I only did read what happens in the vid she started telling me that she can send me the vid and "there's no much blood there anyway" ???
"There were so many attacks related to muslims in Europe, now the tables have turned"
"Maybe now they will know to not mess with whites"
I'm fucking mad at people and I see similar comments in my country's social media..
No. 387336
>>387330I'd just respond with "He killed innocent children." and leave her on read after that point.
This is no friend.
No. 387337
>>387330Your friend isn't wrong and those comments are spot on. Whenever there is a muslim attack, I see muslims being gleeful and saying things like the victiims deserved it. If you're going to be a useful liberal idiot then go ahead.
>>387333It won't make a difference, idiot. Also, since when does religion have anything to do with race?
>>387336And those kids would grow up to be just like their vermin parents. Good riddance.
>>387334I agree. Anon doesn't deserve her friend. Bitching about her for virtue signalling on anon board. lol
No. 387345
>>387337Actually go fuck yourself, anon. I'm from a town that has had several terrorist attacks, I lived with the fear of terrorism every day and I know people who survived attacks. It's because I know what it's like to live in fear that I have empathy for the
victims and their loved ones. Just like my countrymen who died at the hand of terrorists, they were innocent people caught in an ideological/political conflict they're not even a part of.
You must be some sheltered scrot if you think this has anything to do with liberalism or virtue signalling.
No. 387346
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I can't stop thinking about my former friend and how much I hate her. She keeps invading my thoughts and ruining my mood, this has been going on for months and I know it's not going to stop anytime soon because this isn't the first time a former friend has haunted me for years. Even worse, you bet she isn't thinking about me because who cares. I'm just a fucking dumbass who can't stop thinking about this shit. Fuck.
No. 387362
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I just realized the only reason I don't have any social media is because I haven't made any new friends since leaving high school 5 years ago. I'm also scared of adding/following people I used to know since they probably don't remember me anymore and I was never close with anyone.
I feel like I'm missing out on meeting new people because of it but also don't really miss social media in general and I kind of try to value my privacy.
I guess I'm just feeling lonely and am going through a rough patch atm or something.
No. 387404
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I’m pretty sure that my partner is going to end things between us because I had a really bad depressive meltdown that was most likely from using birth control. I wish I could explain my actions to him better than the night where I was having anxiety attacks but it’s probably too late now. I also confessed to him that night that I wanted something more than a casual relationship which probably put him off even more. It was “casual” for him but he has was texting me almost every day, arranging weekly dates, and sought emotional support from me when his dog was dying so I don’t know. We haven’t talked in a week since my meltdown happened.
My love life has been utterly shit considering my only relationship before this one was emotionally and physically abusive. Boohoo, weh self-pity. Whatever.
No. 387406
>>387164My older sister is also complaining about these things with me from time to time, it feels good not being the only one in this shitty situation. My younger sister, who looks like she's white because of some of her features
including plastic surgery and even her ambiguous name and who looks older than I do, doesn't suffer from these problems and it's frustrating having to explain how everyone around you treats you like an idiot before you even open your mouth and after you proved yourself to be more than competent for your job. I even have complete SJWs who don't believe me when I say I'm not respected as much as my peers by my coworkers, my professors or my managers, and they try to cheer me up by saying that maybe it's my imagination.
Cheer up, let's hope that our situations will improve.
No. 387414
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I fucking hate my life.
My boyfriend had an operation recently and the recovery has been extremely rough. I try to be there for him, but I don't think it's good enough, he just feels worse. This has caused my PTSD to flare up due to intense trauma related to medical operations in the past. I feel like fucking ass. I hate that I have this past. I don't want to be alive anymore because I'm so miserable. The thing that fills my head is "what if what happened to me happens to him?" and "what if he never gets better?"
I just don't know what to do. He's miserable as fuck, and I'm miserable as fuck. It just feels so hopeless. I want him to recover so badly, but if his body isn't healing properly, there's nothing that can be done. It breaks my heart that he's in pain and I can do nothing to take it away. It breaks my heart that this reminds me of the past. I've been having multiple anxiety attacks a day due to this, which isn't normal for me, usually they're once a day or every other day.
I just want to sleep forever. I just don't want to exist anymore. I don't want to die, I just want to forget about the past. I want to forget about his suffering. But I can't do that. Yet, I'm far too weak to do anything else. I'm too weak to be there properly for him. I'm too weak to face him strongly.
Not only that, but dealing with my fucking narcissistic insane mother lately has put me over the fucking edge.
I just want to give up. I hate myself, and I hate my life.
I have absolutely no friends to talk to, either. I don't know what to do. I feel so empty. Yet I'm in so much pain.
No. 387417
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One of my closest friend had recently moved to america, im gonna miss her a whole lot from now on <3 sometimes i walk on the street and visit the places that we used to hang out, everytime without a doubt bring so much fond memories of us…i want to cry but i need to be strong, because i know things are gonna be difficult for her to move to another place and to start everything from scratch again ~~ i cherish her so much ^^ and im never gonna find another friend like her again.
( pic related, its her favorite pokemon )
No. 387475
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went to get my computer fixed at a store, i use linux and the dude who was trying to figure it out gave me a weird look while he saw all of my saved anime reaction images and shit. suddenly self conscious of the fact that i'm disheveled and just wearing a mismatched hat and wrinkly clothes. in this moment i knew that im basically a female neckbeard
No. 387477
>>387449hey anon, have dealt with emotionally closed off men almost all of my life. if you step back enough from the trees to look at the overall forest, he either cares and has absolutely terrible ways of handling and expressing his inner thoughts and feelings, or he doesn't want to/can't give you the amount of care and attention you want from him.
A lot of people shut down when faced with vulnerability, either in themselves or in other people. It's like seeing that flash of lightning and you know that soon enough there will be a crack of thunder. A lot of men grow up stoic and not encouraged to vent or open up emotionally. They just suck it up, or if they are asked for help, it's in the form of problem solving. So they haven't learned to be supportive. There's a reason the stereotype exists of girls listening to girls talk and guys are really bad at this because their idea of helping is offering a solution, when you don't NEED one, you just need to vent. They haven't grown up receiving emotional intimacy and that's why so often guys find that their girlfriend gives them that emotional intimacy and they dump all their needs on her, whereas women often have several channels in friends and family to seek that out from.
Have you read the love languages? The book itself has some funky Christianity vibes in it but the gist is that there are 5 ways of showing that you care for someone, and some people tend to unconsciously favor one language over the other. They are quality time (as in you and them without distractions, one on one), gift giving (either big or small), physical affection (not just sex but even hand holding or hugs or head rubbing), acts of service (like doing the dishes for you, taking out the trash, making your coffee before they go to work, gestures), and words of affirmation (compliments, verbal affection, verbal reassurance etc). A lot of people are a balance of those languages, but some people speak one language much more than the other, and the other person craves another one, and so they think that the other person doesn't show enough that they care, but they show it in different ways. I remember reading that a girlfriend felt like her bf wasn't very verbally affectionate especially with "I love yous" and they came up with a system where he'd squeeze her hand three times to signal he loves her. And she noticed that wow, he was squeezing her hand a whole lot throughout the day.
Because I don't know your relationship, how long it's been or how he acts on average and on his good days, I'd maybe take some online tests about which love language you are, and maybe ask him too if he is willing, and see if there is maybe a way for you two to compromise and work together, assuming he really does want to be with you and put in effort. If he seems lukewarm to actually try to make things work with you or step up to the task of being a good partner, then you have some stuff to think about.
No. 387478
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>>387475Same poster adding on to this, I'm autistic and I inadvertently ice people out all the time. I'm only close with my boyfriend irl really. I'm good at what i do because i get so absorbed in it, but people think I'm really weird because of how i talk and move around. Ihave been called "intense" and "intimidating," not in the sense of "lol im soooo cool and BEAUTIFUL theyre SCARED of me" no but because I am so blunt and can be overwhelming with infodumping and seeking to know more about someone else's interests. I'm trying to accept the fact that i will never be able to adequately perform femininity like society expects me to, but it's hard when your only other option is being a nerdy freak. Anyways I'm trying to make more friends but my social blindness makes it like navigating a minefield with a flashlight
No. 387495
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>not a great artist but have a small dedicated following
>open D&D token commissions by request, get way more orders than expected but not complaining
>other art friend starts negging me hardcore
>"anon you're taking their money when they could get better art for it, don't you feel bad about taking money from hardworking artists?"
I know I'm not that good but my followers asked….
No. 387499
>>387495What the fuck? Your friend should be fucking supporting you and happy that you're making a living off your own art and skills.
Fuck her and keep collecting dat money baby.
Do even more commissions to spite her lol
No. 387501
>>387495You're not somehow taking money away from other artists though. Your followers commissioned YOU, they want your work, your style. If they wanted to give money to """hardworking artists""", they would, but they chose you.
Is your friend not getting commissions ? Sounds like she's jealous.
No. 387507
>>387495If your followers like it then it's good art to them, and that's that. Art is subjective, I bet your art is really good and you sound sweet. You're friend is seriously insecure. You deserve your success, don't let a bitter person overshadow what a super cool achievement that is! Keep doing your thing!
Ps. next time you might want to have a limit on commissions like including "I can take up to 5 commissions this month" or something in your post etc. so you don't get overwhelmed. Good luck!
No. 387517
>>387511Thanks, I'll definitely look into that when I get it more under control and there are less pustules to tear open haha.
Exfoliating speeds scar recover, doesn't it?
No. 387529
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High school bully is having her third child, and can't take the hint that she's an unfit parent. One of the main reasons why I was tormented by her in high school, aside from the fact that other people egged her on, was that I was one of the only people to openly disapprove of her teen pregnancy. All the pro-life people in school jumped down my throat to "support" her (they just wanted an excuse to knock me down in actuality). This girl was stupid enough to believe anything they said and started fights with me over nothing. Nowadays, since she doesn't benefit their images and is no longer a tool they can use to harass me with, everyone's abandoned her–because oh shit, I was right! She should have never had children. If it weren't for the fact that her own mother was raising them for her, the state would have taken them away. Rightfully so.
I'm angry that people like her with their histories of drug abuse, unemployment, and neglect are allowed to continue breeding. She is a literal retard with no regard for anyone beyond her own selfish wants and desires. She acts like she's too good for birth control and couldn't have possibly prevented another oopsie for a third time. It's disgusting.
Her oldest is already so stunted and setback, I feel bad for the other unfortunates.
No. 387537
>>387105dude i totally agree but then you get bitched out for conforming to men's beauty standards or w/e
and i live in a majority nonwhite area so i'd get called a racist if i suggested a black or hispanic chick would look better thinner
it's cool tho, i'll just die alone :^)
No. 387541
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I want to make friends but I'm afraid I'm too negative and a burden to be around. Just when I was starting to believe the opposite, I get hints from my family that I'm annoying to be around whenever we go out to do something fun like movies. Maybe I should give up after all. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what emotions/reactions they were showing. All I know is that I feel defeated
No. 387555
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>>387541well then stop being negative
just bottle up your negative feelings
nobody wants to hear about your problems, no matter how much they like you
No. 387562
>>387555I guess I should have clarified that I have been trying to be more positive/not so negative.
I just don't notice when I'm being that way before it's too late sometimes. No one has told me that I'm being annoying/too negative lately but I'm paying attention to their behavior and how it changes.
Thank you though, I needed that mental reminder that no one likes negative talk. I need to save all that shit for my counselor.
No. 387613
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I… I don’t know why, maybe it’s because I’ve always been called naïve ever since I was a kid, but I believed that we’re better than this. I genuinely thought only men can get this toxic, this obsessive, this… fucking spiteful. It’s making my consider abandon this site since, well, my frustration with it has been consuming me for a while, and I don’t want to become like the users here.
No. 387616
>>387609Why be a waitress then?
t. not a burger
No. 387624
>>386971If people won't listen to scientists what the hell makes you think anyone's gonna listen to a bunch of kids? And let's be honest, those kids are just doing what they're being told to do / what their peers are doing. Hardly the sort of protest effective enough to change minds.
>>386979Fuck anti-vegans tbh
No. 387636
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>Me trying to return to follow the Momokun threads but sped anons can't fucking control their "mariah is a pedo" sperging and throw a hysterical shitfit when people tell them to sit down
No. 387674
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>any hot guys I find attractive only ever talk to me for hookups and aren't looking for anything serious
Not like I even give out thot vibes. They must think I'm so ugly that I'm insecure ergo I'm desperate thirsty enough to let myself be used in that way. They're right about the insecure part, but who doesn't get sick of being taken advantage?
I remember when guys used to lie about wanting relationships in order to get into a woman's pants, yet astoundingly some are so brazen about their slutdom that it removes all shadow of doubt. I feel sorry for the women they eventually settle down with, no doubt they'll be ridden with stds and emotional baggage.
No. 387675
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anime openings and lofi music have been the only thing to bring me happiness this week. i wish i wasn't such an isolated weeb
No. 387679
>>387674iktf anon, except that the men I like aren't even conventionally attractive.
Incels like to cry about "modern women" being sloots, but honestly? It's modern men.
No. 387688
This is gonna sound really “WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY”, but I really do hate what the Internet does to people. I hate how it churns out all these sad people who have somewhere they’d rather be, but don’t know where that is.
There’s this one part in The Inferno that talks about this one place where everyone is all sad and lie face down in this large lake, or some other body of water. And they just stay there, face down, alive, but not living. I always thought that was pretty poignant, because it’s an apt description of what’s happening.
Maybe it’s because times are changing, or maybe people just kind of fall behind in life and never quite catch up. But for whatever reason, people are just sort of being left behind. They look at this world, and all they can see is how much, despite their best efforts, they don’t understand it. They can’t wring what they want out of it. They can’t live the way they want to or find somewhere they can fit. So instead of working harder, they just decide to lie down and take it. They don’t want to try and understand anymore, they just want to try and pretend like they never wanted anything, because that hurts less than knowing you can’t get it.
I wish I knew how to stop it. I wish I could save everyone, even the people that don’t deserve it.
If that makes sense, anyway. You know what I mean? I just can’t bring myself to believe anyone deserves to ridicule and hate.
No. 387716
>>387670Not a boomer, but I literally dropped out of college because I was a poorfag. Get a full time job and go back to school when you have the funds to later on. It's not hard to find a position without a degree.
I know plenty of people who went to college and it was just money wasted for them. Now they're out and getting paid the same amount I am. I have no degree, they we're in college for 4 years and now are also paying off college debt along with their bills.
Don't complain about being poor when you could've waited and saved up. I think people are too eager to go to college right out of high school. If you can't afford college, don't sign up for classes.
No. 387719
>>387616Cause I’m still getting my degree and there aren’t lot of job opportunities at the moment. Worked in retail for several years before this and it sucked.
Sorry for double posting. I’m on mobile and can’t see all the replies.
No. 387720
>>387609People who don't tip you do so because you give off shitty vibes, have a bad attitude, have bad body language, or seem like you don't know what you're doing, whether you know you give those vibes or not. You have to be enthusiastic and really good at your job for people to want to pay you and you need to kiss ass hard, more so than any other retail worker.
Can't stand when I go somewhere and the bitch who's serving us has a bad attitude for no reason. This is all too common. If you don't like your job, please quit.
If you genuinely don't think this applies to you, then please ignore my personal cross-vent.
No. 387728
>>387724Don't even stop yourself because of your husband, he's not gonna attend anyways. My boyfriend talks about how retarded Kingdom Hearts is but I still play series in front of him no matter what he says. He even gets into it in the moment because he sees I'm enjoying it.
Your husband will see how much positive energy you radiate under all the frills and he'll put aside his comments and be happy for you because you're already happy.
No. 387729
>>387724>I respect him though so I won’t spend money on it.Um, unless you're a stepford wife or something, it's none of his business how you spend
your money, anon.
No. 387732
>>387726I really hope you're right… I've never felt this bad before, it's unbearable.
My sister had this same thing some months ago, but in her case she wasn't lethargic/sleepy, constantly cold and food deprived, and she had panic attacks only when she left the house. I have them all the time, one after another, with approximately one hour of peace in a day.
No. 387733
>>387729Well, I understand that, but it is our money. We share finances so both of us consult before making a purchase that is outside of the allotted budget. The main issue is I wouldn’t want to be inconsiderate by using our money for something he totally hates, I would be annoyed if he spent $400 on something I didn’t like or considered frivolous
>>387728You are right, and I did not even consider that it’s not like he would have to be around me. He is supportive, albeit a little judgmental.
No. 387769
>>387766He sounds like one of those snooty
>How dare you be inspired to immerse yourself with a foreign by their pop culture, you uncultured swine!!!people. I've had tons of friends first become interested in anime, then they learned the Japanese language, went there as an exchange student and now live there, constantly learning more about the culture.
No. 387775
>>387771He just wanted to fuck but doesn’t want to commit to you. He’s giving you a lot of different excuses, but that is really all it comes down to.
Try not to be humiliated, I know it is hard now but he is the one who mislead you and makes excuses for his behavior. He should be embarrassed.
No. 387795
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Finally hung out irl with a friend for the first time and months. She was playing this gacha game based on an anime we both like and they were doing a limited gacha thing. She spent the in-game currency she had on it and didn't get what she wanted. Instead of just closing the game and moving on she takes out her credit card and buys more in-game currency right there in public. It wasn't even a little bit either, it was over $80.
I'm starting to get worried that she's gonna become a whale.
No. 387807
>>387795Which one was it? If it’s fate grand order then… she’s gonna go broke if she’s like that.
I’ve watched streams of someone who would throw down like $800 on it, his roommate was in the back room being passive aggressive asking him to pay rent before he rolled.
No. 387808
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>>387807It was Revue Starlight Re Live. I've heard from so many people about how bad the rates in this are that I'm sure that she's gonna end up broke eventually..
No. 387826
>>387706My advice is to stop going online so often
especially weird places like imageboards and especially when you're bored. Instead use that time to gain a skill, or learn about something new, or do something to stimulate your mind a little bit. You'll feel like a lot less boring person and get motivated to keep getting better. (At least that works for me, I get that everyone's different and this may not work for them)
No. 387834
>>387688It's not the internet's fault that this happens to people. People are using the internet to cope with a loss of connection to society.
>>387706Nobody has their shit together at 22
>>387833Just continue living off of your husband
No. 387839
>>387716>I think people are too eager to go to college right out of high school.Yeah true, but that’s because teachers, parents, and other adults (usually boomers) make it seem like college is the only viable option when leaving high school. Of course most kids are going to go to college after high school because they don’t know what else to do. Even if there are other options like trade school, community college, or working right out of high school to save up money for college, there’s a stigma attached to those who decide to pursue those. At least that’s how it was when I was in high school, 4 year college was shilled as the best thing ever and if you decided to do anything else people would lowkey look down on you. I just think it’s hypocritical for boomers to blame kids for going to college and not having the money to support themselves, but they’re the ones who told said kids that college was the only
good option.
No. 387841
>>387833Former NEET here, after some job interviews the feeling starts fading.
Try to get prepared for the interview in advance, and by that I mean getting into a confident mindset, minding your body posture and tone.
Power posing just before the interview and, at least for me, listening to songs that fire you up really helps too.
Another trick that you can already try if you know who will interview you or at least has some of the company info, be it on linkedin or visiting it if it's retail, is to pretend you know the people there, that they are your long time friends and that you are happy and excited to meet them at the interview.
Another interesting thing is that biologically I read the feeling of anxiety can be quite close to excitement, so maybe you can try re-framing into getting that you are excited about the interview after overcoming NEEThood, which is amazing btw anon.
I'm sure you'll be able to this anon, if not with that interview in a next one. Just keep going forward despite the fear.
No. 387852
>>387775Thanks for such a nice reply!
Yeah I figured as much :/ It's so annoying because I told him months ago before all this even started about my trust issues regarding relationships and intimacy. like how I feel like men only want sex from me and just say what they want to get it (because of two past experiences with it) and then the fact that he proceeded to just do completely that has really done a number on me and reaffirmed my fears. The whole thing just feels really cruel to me and has made me reexamine the "friendship" we had.
No. 387908
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Anybody else feel completely miserable and useless because they haven't been able to move past their depression their entire life? I've had depression onset ever since i was a very, very young child, and now i'm a young adult expected to be thrusted into the workplace when i don't even know how to not feel terrible. I've done everything. I've tried to get my shit together for a long, find new hobbies, work out regularly, eat and sleep better, take breaks from social media, socialize, medication
,switching medications, therapy, suicide hotlines, etc. Nothing works, it's been years and years with what feels like a curse that refuses to let go of me. Why am i not improving? Why can't i be happy? Why can't i just be content with what i have? I've been taking all these expensive ass medications and going to therapy for a decade but i'm not improving. It never feels like i am. In the end i just give up on everything. What's the point of going to the gym and doing all this shit that everyone tells me will make me happy but doesn't? I don't know. I just want a normal brain that can think correctly. I've been hard working and trying hard to overcome these feelings but they always persist. Is there a point in trying so hard when i'm not improving? I'm trying all this shit, man but it never works but people tell me i'll be even more miserable if i stop even though i feel no fucking change. It hurts i'm so tired i just want it to stop i feel like if 10 year old me knew she was still going to be miserable 10 years from then she would have definitely not bothered to live all those years wasting her time. but that little girl at least had a smile and a dream, i wish i could have saved her.
No. 387935
I feel super lonely and isolated at night, even though I live with my boyfriend. I think in some part it's my timezone so there's not a lot of people online to chat with in the evenings.
>>387908Yes. I've given up on the idea that I can be a happy normie tbh. I just try to get through the day and make my life as comfortable as possible.
No. 387944
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I'm so fucking done, can't even keep my shit together to do a fucking hormone test. All I have to do is not be nervous or at least not more nervous that I usually am, get a good nights sleep before and smoke less. But nooo I woke up in the middle of the night and had a panic attack about the fact that I can't fall back asleep and if I get hungry right now I wouldn't be able to eat because it would mess with the results. So after a crying fit I had to eat because stress makes me extra hungry. So I fucked it up and didn't go today and now I'm super stressed about it, so I'm fucking it up even further.
God why can't I chill
This isn't even the first time this happened, had the same thing happen this winter and on the third day I was like fuck I ain't got a week to wait till I calm the fuck down.
Doesn't help that my hormone imbalance is stress induced. I'll see what this gyno says after the tests, but I doubt I can fix it without fixing my depression/anxiety. So I'm fucking up my body by not getting better and this year I just gave up. I tried last year and the year before that but I just get worse. Sometimes I wish I wasn't as much of a pussy so I could off myself.
No. 387954
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>>387935I hear you, anon. I try to accept that reality but when someone reminds me of how young i am it makes me depressed. I enjoy nostalgia and things that remind me of my childhood and the simpler times, but whenever i specifically look at pictures of me as a young girl i start crying. When i remember how i suffered and still am, it makes me feel like i'm looking at a picture of a child that died a horrible death. Like looking at a newspaper with a horrible story about how a child was brutally murdered in some way, and her body left in a horrible, mangled, unrecognizable and unsightly state.
So many missed opportunities, so much innocence stolen at the hands of others. It makes me even more depressed. I wish i could get another chance at a normal childhood.
No. 387963
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>>387944I'm sorry you're having a hard time. Hugging you through the screen
No. 388007
>>388005I feel bad for the
victims and I don't think they deserved at all
but I'm not gonna lie and pretend that Islam ins't one of the misogynistic and
problematic religions currently existing
And while I'm not fond of Christianity either I will say thats it less dangerous globally then Islam
No. 388010
>>388007> And while I'm not fond of Christianity either I will say thats it less dangerous globally then IslamI agree. Statistically it's true. But I'm also angry how hypocritical the media is. The same people spouting how race and religion doesn't matter when a muslim commits an attack are condemning all white people when a white individual does it.
I have to say that I do hope the shooting today gives people more anti-immigration sentiment and that it affects the voting to stop more of this madness. And I hope that Erdogan is held responsible as he incited for this violence, but I have very little hope the media will condemn him.
No. 388034
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>>387988I hear that using antiperspirant before going to bed helps with sweating
I hope it works for you anon and good luck with your job interview!
No. 388035
>>388013People have been programed into believing there is only duality in things. Left/right, good/evil, hell/heaven, the examples are infinite.
Primitive environments forced the human brain to make incredibly quick, snap judgments when the amygdala is
triggered by a threat/violence/fear, which is why you see the behavior you do today.
It is almost impossible to have nuance when your amgydala is in control.
No. 388043
>>388034 said plus get some wet wipes to refresh yourself once you reach the destination. Good luck, hope it goes well!
No. 388044
>>388034 said plus get some wet wipes to refresh yourself once you reach the destination. Good luck, hope it goes well!
No. 388064
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when i was 9 i was molested by my friend's older brother at a sleepover. i kept it a secret and didn't let anyone touch me until i was 13. when i came out with it, my mom said i was lying and my dad said if it did happen it was no excuse for me being so reserved.
when i was 14 i began a "relationship" with somebody 11 years my senior. he groomed me for nearly 5 years. he convinced me he was my only friend and nobody else would understand me. i believed him after having my feelings invalidated by my family. he raped me multiple times. i went to online school and hardly left my room. i had no other friends.
when i turned 18 my next door neighbor broke into my house, beat me until i almost died, and raped me on my living room floor. shortly after i left the nearly 30 year old man who had been grooming me. i had no friends still.
a few months after my neighbor raped me i started college. my second semester i met a guy who seemed really nice and we hit it off. in retrospect i was very lonely and latched onto the first person who made me feel safe. turns out he was an abusive drug addict and dealer. i admit that i let drugs into my life to self-medicate after hurting so long.
he tried to murder me twice but i looked the other way. one time i had to jump out of a speeding car to get away from him. it took me about 8 months to fully realize i was being abused again. i left and quit cold turkey.
it feels like i haven't caught a break in a long time. i'm only 19 now, and it feels like this decade has been extremely damaging. aside from my family (who still doesn't know much about most of what happened) i shoulder all of this myself. i'm stubborn and don't want to let PTSD control me, or use it as an excuse. i'm just really tired, that's all.
No. 388214
>>388212Or maybe people don't want unsolicited advice over common sense things. Nothing about saying you're going to the gym indicates you don't know what counting calories is.
I hope you don't do this, it's annoying behavior.
No. 388218
>>388214You need to chill
Are you fat?
No. 388230
>>388206>>388225ive been here since the beginning and there was truly no noticeable difference except that there was a fuckton more nitpicking and shitposting because we had 0 moderation like most chans (not that i mind the moderation now).
i think you guys just want to idealize the past.
No. 388231
>>387944 anon reporting in
Just had a crying fit again, after sleeping for four hours, gave in and smoked weed and ate because I fucking can’t
This time is definitely worse than the last time and even worse than yesterday
Guess that sets me back again and now I feel like not going in for tests this month. I feel bad already about telling my gyno I was too much of a wreck to do it.
Thank god I have therapy today
No. 388242
I wish I felt less "isolated" from other people. I have a bunch of friends, for example, but they are a lot more close to each other than I am to them or they are to me. Some of them seem to not like me even, and it's obvious. I just can't fully open up to them and prefer to stay silent about my interests, which is sad, because we share a lot of it. And because I chose not to speak up, they think I'm boring (it's not just my imagination, I know some of them said so). Only a handful of them know me well enough so that I am invited to spend time in a group.
I feel like it has always been this way. I never participated in anything that had something to do with amount of people higher than 2. But it's not like my head it empty and I have nothing to say - it's quite the opposite, and again, I usually share a lot of interests with my friends. It's just, I kind of let them speak and never interrupt with my own thoughts on the topic. I'm an active listener, and it helps when any relationship begins, but I suffer emotionally from being unable to talk, and later start to distance myself even more. No idea how it started or why. Psychologist didn't help, although we worked on most of my other, harder problems with quite a success.
Sorry for mistakes, I'm not from an english-speaking country.
No. 388249
>>388244Delete your social media/dating apps/messaging apps and guy's numbers off your phone, don't party or socialize with men (feel free to ghost them because they're probably shit anyway). Only leave the house for work/class, errands and wholesome hobbies, ideally female dominated.
I really can't relate because I've been celibate for years and the above works for me 100%. Not having sex is reaaaaally easy when guys have no way to hit you up.
No. 388284
I am running into the same problem with my partner over and over. I love him but holy shit.
I'm a pretty spontaneous person, though do plan and research rigorously as well when it's a big thing. When the task is annoying or tedious I have to do it on the spot as I've thought of it, or I lose my inspiration and just don't do it later. My partner is the opposite, has to plan things days in advance most of the time. He is also very impatient and will get visibly agitated by things like waiting in line.
So I have to push to schedule something, I have to insist on doing the thing the day it is scheduled to happen, and even then he complains about how his weekend is precious which is probably a jab at me being a freelancer, picking when I get to work. He doesn't get that weekends will always be precious for him and they will also be the only days to do adult tasks that take a while due to his busy weekday schedule. I've spent an entire year waiting for him to clean out the closets that he had actual recyclable trash in before I moved in. We lived with two chairs and a desk as our only pieces of furniture for nearly a year. Not even a bedframe. He freaked out when I ended up getting one piece more than he thought I would at Ikea, even though the cost didn't go over the budget by any means. It's just literally "you said you'd get 2 things and we have 3 things now". Didn't have an actual argument as to why that is bad. I built the furniture mostly on my own anyway, I love building shit. All I asked of him was to help me carry the boxes upstairs, and then throw away the boxes which I took the time to flatten and prepare for recycling the day before… Would help carry the boxes down but he refused my help over and over. Just huffed and puffed and carried the boxes to the bin in like 6 installments. Lol.
Still hasn't gotten around to cleaning up his own piles of paper trash and other small bits of weird useless shit that he brought over when he moved apartments. Instead of sorting through things he had, he just indiscriminately crammed all his shit into boxes and then shoved the boxes into the walk-in closets. Two years later I move in and I find that his clothes are being used out of the dryer because the closets are full of trash so they can't contain anything else, such as clothes.
This nigga can't do anything on the spot, unless it's to preorder the deluxe edition of a game that won't be out for 6 months. I love gaming too but he easily throws the idea of budgets entirely out the window, although he's anal about budgeting when I want to buy fresh fruits or basic furniture. Also utter trash at cleaning and can't be assed to organize anything. No cupboard in the kitchen has a theme as to what it might contain. Everything is random. Worn clothes go into piles on the floor instead of the hamper I set up. He doesn't sort his mail, they just turn into piles on the floor once he brings it in. He'll use a razor and then leave it on the counter instead of throwing it away. I just threw away 9 razors in a pile. Fridge is full of empty milk cartons (that I keep thinking are full and realize shit has been out the entire time when I go to use them for cereal) and half expired/never gonna get used sauce jars take up an entire shelf that he throws a shitfit if I attempt to clean out bc muh waste of money. I HATE THIS.
I do arrange and clean things but he won't make any effort to stick to it. This includes simple things like "let's do dishes every day so they don't pile up" or "let's finish the TP roll we're using before opening a new one so we don't have many almost-finished baby rolls in a pile". I can't believe I've become the neat one in my relationship bc I'm honestly a pretty lazy person who is prone to bad habits. His complete incompetency in domestic shit has made me look like an expert. Why does he act like an autistic hoarder????
I know his mother basically thought men shouldn't learn any domestic skills and purposely banned him from attempting them as a kid. His sister was forced to do all the work alongside his mom instead. I guess this is the result: an intelligent and mature man who is an utter retarded baby in domestic matters. His positive sides shine every day, in so many ways but THIS SHIT IS KILLING ME.
Feels good to vent. Thank you based OP.
No. 388286
>>388262That sucks anon. But be glad you turned her down, it wouldn't have been a good relationship if it started with such pressure.
>>388264Stop acting so retarded.
No. 388288
>>388284>This nigga can't do anything on the spot, unless it's to preorder the deluxe edition of a game that won't be out for 6 months.Bless you anon, this made me laugh.
But I seriously, it may be ultimatum time otherwise he’ll never get it through his head to not be a useless slob - I’m not saying a huge ultimatum like dumping him, but just refuse to help out with anything of his until he at least starts making an effort to be a functioning human being
No. 388305
I'm confused are people assuming I'm a man cause I post about dating a woman?
>>388286Yeah I was getting some red flags
No. 388339
>>385665here's my ex-related vent of the day ;)
ex bf and i were in LDR for not even that long, broke up late last year because he said he confused romantic and platonic feelings. yada yada. cry for a month straight. we decide that we still love each other a lot and start considering each other best friends instead. everythings pretty good, i'm mostly okay with us not dating now (even though it kind of hurts to think he will probably be dating someone else eventually, he's way out of my league anyway).
problem is just, i'm still incredibly attracted to him and i don't think that's going to stop. he's a very playful and sexual person, and that hasn't changed since we broke up. he's very affectionate in real life too, and while its cute and i enjoy being close to him like that it's also frustrating because there's obviously some kind of boundary we're not allowed to cross since were exes. at least probably. i really don't know. he's always been someone who sends a lot of mixed signals, and he keeps being that way even now. we're going to be meeting up again soon, and a big part of me is just hoping something's going to happen. i don't even want to get back together, he's just hot and i'm confused if he'd be okay with that kind of thing or if he's just playing around.
i dont even know if this qualifies as a vent, but it's just a little (very) frustrating.
No. 388362
>>388350Shit anon I'm sorry
can you borrow a friends or family relatives laptop till yours starts working
No. 388369
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I absolute hate my sister-in-law
She is a Mooch and a woman child
She stays with her parents but sometimes comes to live with her younger brother i.e my husband
so all she does is stay in the guest room with her laptop watching anime and cartoons
She bathes about once every 2 weeks and refuses to change her clothes and sometimes takes my shirts
she makes comments about my height and becasue I'm GNC she "jokes" that my husband and I are a gay couple
though she is 26 she sometimes asks my Husband to carry her up the stairs
she also self describes as a hikikomori
No. 388469
>>388461I had the worst luck with timing eggs due to conflicting information (such as my mom telling me to boil 10 min for a soft egg, wtf??) until I found yours worked out perfect!
No. 388500
Unpopular opinion thread maxed out, but still need to vent…
Even though I find the recent NZ terror attack horrific on a personal level and the video disturbed me, in the grand-scheme of things, it was necessary. Islam is a cancer on this earth and nearly 100,000 lives get taken away each year in the name of such drivel. The media, and most westerners, don't take it seriously and autistically defend it. "Thoughts and prayers" needs to fucking end. I'm sick of it. People are going to keep dying all across the board if you defend a set of dogmatic beliefs. On average, middle-eastern people have lower IQs and are inbred, the invasions fucked them over and replaced their culture with what you associate with them today. They were raised to believe since birth, their only worth is serving an almighty creator, who will give them riches in death, and save them from the treacherous, poor, and hungry sand lives most suffer. They're willing to die for it, and that means killing you too. They have no problem throwing acid on their wives or sending their children on the line of battle with guns. It goes against every basic human value, there was bound to be an asshole who gets frustrated and seeks revenge.
I expect more terror attacks to rise, because normies boohoo for them and accuse YOU of being the piece of shit for calling it out. I don't feel bad for "moderates" getting treated like shit either; their books very clearly state to kill non-believers, torture, and the like. It has no place in the west, and that goes for all Abrahamic religion. If you believe it, you're a piece of shit in my eyes, even if you choose to ignore the bad parts. The Torah, Quran, and Bible state they are ABSOLUTE TRUTHS. It means everything said in those books is the divine word of God, none of it is wrong, ALL of it must be believed and followed. Yes, the verses about murdering homosexuals and taking your wife as property. They don't magically disappear from the scriptures because modern values change, they're still applicable as the day they were written, as the books clearly state.
No. 388502
>>388475Oh wow I have never heard of anyone doing their eggs like that! Do they like peel easier or something? If so, I'm willing to try haha
And congrats!
No. 388503
>>388500How was the murder of innocents NECESSARY, you fucking nutcase? How will that slow islam's influence in the west? Even if your rambling was accurate, muslims being murdered by a meme spewing psycho only INCREASES sympathy and support for them.
I don't want misogynistic, patriarchal religions in my country either but mass murder does nothing to fix it and only an uttet sociopath would consider it 'necessary'.
No. 388523
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My face broke out overnight in angry, red spots on my cheeks and concentrated clusters of tiny pus heads on my chin and unibrow area. I don't know why! I'm trying to follow a skincare routine. I'm trying to cut down on processed sugars and breads, but my skin fucking hates me and I'm approaching 30. It's depressing as fuck to walk outside with this face and have everyone give you unsolicited advice about what to do. I tried the oily skin routine, never worked. I switched to nourishing, moisturising products instead and while in general my skin has taken to that better, it still doesn't solve the acne and the simultaneous dry patches.
inb4 anyone says Accutane we don't get it here. My skin is already fucked from teenage acne, my lips have acne scars that ruined my lipline, I have closed comedones all over my lipline even though I barely wear makeup and when I do it's not cheap shit, my nose bridge is full of skin tone bumps like keratosis pilaris. And I have the open pores under the eye area.
I'm so fucking jealous of people with nice skin who don't even care for it. "I just splash my skin with some water!" fuck you, it's not fair that I spend so much money and still look like a fungal goblin and you get to have smooth flawless skin
No. 388524
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I wish I could tell men that I have a bf first thing, but without giving them the opportunity to save their asses and turn it around like pic related. like dude what am I supposed to do when 99% of the time their only intention is to fuck? Of course its what im expecting from you and all I wanna do is save both of us the time and effort.
and im aware that the pic isnt the best example bc the person is a classmate who didnt have the intention, i know those cases too, ive been in college. the reading comp here is horrible so i have to mention it anyways so its not nitpicked.
No. 388527
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>>388524>msg me back when you canWhy couldn't he have asked about the powerpoint then and there?
No. 388531
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Today I rear ended a car. I was preparing to enter a road, lady in front of me went forward but suddenly stopped, I was looking left to see if there was any incoming cars, and bumped into her.
So I got out of my car and before she even looked at her car, she immediately said “You crashed my car and now I can’t drive!”. Mind you, my car didn’t even had a SCRATCH. So I asked if she had insurance, and she denied. Then, she said that “I was lucky that it was a woman, if it was a men he’d beat my ass” (wtf).
She was taking her two kids to school, and they weren’t crying or whatever. There was only a little bit of black paint on her bumper (my car is black). We exchanged numbers, I asked if she wanted to take any photos, she didn’t. Gave her my first name only, not my license plate and other information. No photos were taken.
She was pissed saying that her car was totaled (???) so I asked her if she could please drive a little bit to see if there was any noise. Her car was kinda old and she was visibly lower-class. She just drove off.
My friend was with me and said that it was strange that she claimed that I broke her car when it was fine. I was visibly shaking, arrived at our campus, went back to my car and cried a lot. Also called my mom, she said that I shouldn’t get worked up over a car, that she would pay for it if the woman came after me. I felt incredibly spoiled…
But here’s the thing: when I was crying and shaking, I blocked her number. Yeah, I was a coward. Then I called my uncle who’s a mechanic after sending photos, and he said that there’s a chance she could claim insurance fraud. And also, if there isn’t a mark/scratch in my car, then the chance of damage is very, very low.
Been thinking about it non-stop all day. But then, she was driving a car without any kind of insurance with her children (!) and was rude to me while we were talking. I live in a big city so the chance of her finding me is really small.
If it was a really bad crash, with a lot of damage, of course I’d act differently. But everyone said to me that this happens and since there wasn’t a scratch there’s no problem. It’s the kind of bump that would happen if you were parallel parking and accidentaly hit another car in front of you.
In any case, I’ll be taking the bus for a while. I hate driving and I think I’m a shitty driver. This only confirmed it.
No. 388541
>>388524wear a t-shirt that says: "I HAVE A BOYFRIEND" in big bold letters.
Jokes aside, having a photo of you and your boyfriend as a profile picture on social media/texting apps may help.
>the reading comp here is horribleTrue.
No. 388556
>>388531Ugh, this is a terrible way to learn this experience but ALWAYS take photos. Also call the police and get a report immediately. It’s illegal to drive without insurance for a reason and now you are liable. Even if the people cry/whine about you getting the cops involved having a written report makes it harder for the people to sue/their insurance agency to fuck you.
people can literally claim all sorts of crazy shit, that there was a hit and run and injuries… protect yourself and always, always take photos (even if they don’t) and calll the police for a written report.
Sorry this happened to you. I know much it sucks.
No. 388562
>>388560Oh anon, thank you so much for your reply. It really means a lot, I didn’t think anyone would read what I wrote lol
And yeah, I’ll do what you said if it happens again. I’ve only been driving for 8 months, and this was my first accident involving another person. Again, thank you.
No. 388612
>>388595I always got the impression that scene was satirical/making fun of itself. Especially where that random effeminate guy walks out and is like "omg r u ladiez doin the bend and snap??? works everytiem!!" combined with the weird twisty camerawork, the loud music, and that one chick randomly busting out dancing. seemed like it was making a joke of itself, so while I definitely didn't enjoy it, I didn't mind it because it wasn't tryin to be serious at all.
also appreciate the diversity of the people in the salon and women supporting women and encouraging them to go for the guy they like (even though the bend-and-snap is a dumb AF and ineffective way to do it lol)
No. 388636
>>388608She doesn't
I don't know how to deal with her
No. 388698
I feel so depressed. I feel like absolute shit. My girlfriend broke up with me a few months ago, we talked everything out, and I understand why she wanted to break up. Now, I’m just left being a sad sack of shit and I feel like I constantly have to argue with myself to stop letting these thoughts consume me. I feel like theres two people in me, screaming back and forth. I feel so fucking trapped in my body.
I don’t want to be mad or bitter that she seems totally unaffected by the breakup. She’s wonderful, and I wish her all the happiness in life. She’s got so much on her plate to deal with and spent years of her life before we got together dealing with abusive, manipulative relationships. But I hate that I seem to be the only one so broken up about it. It’s been months and I can’t stop thinking about her. I don’t want to think about how maybe years down the line we might get back together again, I don’t want to have stupid hopeless thoughts that are going to make me feel worse. I took her off all my social media just recently, and it feels like a weight lifted off my shoulders, but there are still so many days that I can’t stop thinking about her.
When I was in college, I let myself revel in my depression, I felt like one of the cool kids in my friend group because- hey! I have a mental illness too guys!! Everyone was a special snowflake with a tumblr. Now that I’ve graduated, I’ve separated from most of those friends, I recognize the beauty in living the most normal, productive, not depressed version of my life. Now I’m depressed again over stupid shit like this break up and it feels fucking awful and I can’t even take some shitty enjoyment about being a special snowflake anymore lol. It’s a fucking prison and I want to constantly kill myself because I hate existing in my own head. Any time I do things to occupy time, like going out shopping or talking a walk, my brain is idle and immediately starts thinking about my ex. I’m afraid to go to sleep because I know my mind will wander to her, or worse, I’ll dream about her.
I wish someone would push me in front of a train. I’m so tired of feeling miserable. My job is shit and I know it’s not helping me at all and I’ve been trying to leave. I wonder if I should just put in my two weeks. I’m scared of my parents giving me shit about leaving without having a job lines up, but I’m hoping taking this drastic step might be the first step towards feeling better. I know a new job won’t be the key to my happiness, but… not having to return to a shitty retail job that made me want to die before my breakup even happened might be a good place to start.
No. 388701
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>Tfw I went from being an ana chan to obsessing about being thicc
Why won't my brain leave me alone.
No. 388713
>>388697thats a reaaaaally bad idea imo, don't do that !
if you have noone to talk about it with you should post it here instead or in the confession thread if it helps you get it out of your chest.
No. 388717
>>388698your pain is not stupid, breakups cause suffering. even if we live in a world where you are expected to get over somebody in the blink of an eye and keep up appearances, breakups do damage you very much. I can relate to you, it's been 7 yrs and I still hurt from this fucking breakup whereas my ex never missed me, and I'm just now beginning to see the end of it, and all of those lost years because I didn't take care of myself and let myself rot away in self loathing, so take this as a cautionary tale, try new things and attempt to derive self worth out of a productive hobby (ie not media consumption). time is precious and you shouldn't let it go to waste.
just because a particular person (who seems hurt herself) doesn't give you attention doesn't mean you are worthless, I recognise my story in yours and i would hate that you hurt yourself anon, I hope you can keep your head above water level and eventually flourish someday.
No. 388724
>>388500While I agree with most of this post, condoning the death of women and children is still very wrong. It's not the women doing the killing and raping, it's the men. The women are subjugated and abused by men and have very little power. They are taught that it's normal and moral because it's written in a book. They're just another
victim of the barbaric cult of rape and death.
I can only see more terrorist attacks from both sides. For decades muslims have been treated as a protected class by politicians and the media. They've allowed to rape and murder other religious and racial groups without punishment and condemnation. Anyone that dares to speak out about what is happening is hounded by the police and silenced by the press. One of our politicians even suggested that muslim rape
victims "keep their mouths shut for the sake of diversity". It's getting to the point where the resentment and anger is boiling over and more people are going to snap.
No. 388731
>>388724nta but I had quite a few interactions with muslims and muslim women and in a lot cases they were pure scumbags. They may not be on the same level of aggressiveness like their men, but I've seen them shouting slurs and encouraging violence like stoning against other women. Personally, I was harassed (with sexual implications) by young teenage-aged muslims and their mother just didn't pretend to hear or see that despite being close. I had plenty of other negative experiences that I rather not talk about and I'm sure I'm far from being alone.
I can't feel empathy for women that seriously don't deserve it. And I'm not talking about the NZ attack, just muslims and muslim women in general.
There comes a point when you can't excuse their actions by claiming it's patriarchy and they should be held accountable for their actions.
Maybe it's just that my experience is tied to France. I've met maybe one nice muslim family and they were rather secular and from Tunisia.
I can't say I cheered for the deaths in NZ but I'm definitely not sad. Best way to put it is a feeling of relief.
No. 388742
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My partner wanted a weeks-long break and it's kind of put me in a depressive state. I understand and respect his need for space but if he wants to break up or just stay "friends" as he suggested earlier, I wish he could just end things between us immediately instead of putting me through this period of uncertainty.
No. 388764
>One of our politicians even suggested that muslim rape victims "keep their mouths shut for the sake of diversity". Germany?
>It's getting to the point where the resentment and anger is boiling over and more people are going to snap.Agreed on this and it's def something I have noticed around me. Everybody seems really tired of the "Muslims can't do any wrong" thing because it doesn't really fit their personal everyday experiences. That's why when somebody mentions Muslims (aka refugees) people get very, very angry and in all honestly, the NZ attack was no surprise because it wasn't allowed for people to criticizes critical things about Islam without being called a nazi or whatever, so they go ape shit about it now because a normal conversation was never there. Also one of the reasons why the far-right got so many supporters in such a short time. if people can't openly talk about it, they go and vote for them, that's one of the bib reasons why we are in such a dumbfuck political situation now. It's not rocket science.
No. 388771
I have extreme health anxiety about cancer. Meds haven't helped much with treating it. It's the stupidest condition, because I know I'm wasting my life by worrying and not being able to appreciate how lucky I actually am. My doctors probably hate my guts, because every time I feel something weird in my body, I'm in the office or in an ER. I've started telling docs upfront that I have this problem, mainly because I am trying so hard to keep it under control. I recently told an ER doctor that I had it and he was actually so nice to me about it, talking with me and just being kind that I broke down. I kept telling him how sorry I was for wasting their time. He told me I probably needed sugar and gave me a jolly rancher. It makes my family so upset every time I go through another crisis. I hate that I do this to them. I hate that I do it to my husband. I mostly hate myself and can't forgive myself for this because it's so destructive.
My mother had cancer twice before she was forty, so it's not outside the realm of possibility, but I found a great site that can help you see what your chances are of actually dying from something, just out of the blue. I'm not lucky and don't usually win lotteries, so seeing numbers helps me put things into perspective. I'm going to tell my doctors and my shrink about it too. Instead of me being useless, maybe someone else will get even small comfort from this. Anyhow. No. 388777
>>388771I totally relate to this. I have a lot of health-related anxiety, too. It's costly (emotionally and financially) for the people around us. I am sure your mom's experience with cancer was very scary for you.
You are not useless and for me what has helped are being able to see numbers from an at-home heart monitor, occasionally getting blood tests(my insurance covers this), and also having a very particular vitamin routine ritual. It is frustrating and totally irrational to a lot of other people, but you are not alone.
No. 388784
>>388769I'm sorry
Hear's my advice:
Don't respond to any bait that comes your way and privatize your social media while narrowing down your friend list.
Also decrease overall internet usage and get a hobby that isn't internet based. It'll help take the stress off and help you focus on real life.
No. 388790
>>388777Did you talk about it with your doctors at all, explaining that you had it?
What's hard is that I honestly don't know what's worth seeing a doctor over and what isn't, or how to separate the fear from a real concern, even after years in therapy. I don't want to take time away from the people who really need their help so when I am sick, I ignore things. I had bronchitis that got pretty bad, because I waited so long. I feel like I have no right to waste their time. I don't know what is important enough to be seen for.
I have my yearly physical coming up, maybe I can just ask her what she thinks. "If you had a health anxious patient, when do you think they should come to see you? What would you go to a doctor for?"
Do you think that's a stupid idea? I can't do this much longer.
No. 388796
>>388790I don't think that is a stupid idea. I see the same primary care physician and she offers e-consults, so if there is something I am fixated on/worrying about I can email her and she usually responds very quickly. If there's cause for concern I come in. Usually just talking to her can help to lessen some of the anxiety. If it's very pressing, I call and talk to her.
There's certain things like, "my vision blurred today, my heart has been racing, I feel very faint and weak" that I just email her about. Those are what I'd call less "rational" health concerns, and I label them as irrational as they are all based on feelings. If I am coughing and running a fever, that is cause for concern, as was your case with bronchitis. My health-anxiety comes from having bronchitis frequently as a child which would very quickly turn into pneumonia (I was hospitalized very often for this) so I am super cautious about any kind of cough or cold-like symptoms.
If you could find a way to consult your doctor prior to making an appointment, that might help you to feel less burdensome. Ignoring symptoms, real or not, does not help the anxiety.
No. 388820
>>388796Thanks for talking to me. It's been an awful day and I keep crying about nothing. I wish there was a medication that worked for me to ease this thinking.
I'm going to ask my doctor about what would send her to a doctor, and also ask her if sending a brief message is okay, like you said. I never even thought about that, even though we have a patient portal online with a message center.
I hope that we get better, or that one day no one will have this problem anymore. It takes a lot of happiness out of living.
I was in a bad way today but you really helped.
No. 388828
>>388803Do you still have any records of him contacting you? It might be worth it to seek a restraining order if it's worrying you that much.
My experience with someone like that ended when I contacted the cops over it. Having police involvement in any form scares the shit out of someone like that.
No. 388839
>>388838It’s not just the guys themselves, plenty of women are now spouting bullshit about how you just have to relax and use plenty of lube and work through the pain. If a hole is making it that obvious that things shouldn’t be pushed into it and your vag is wet and ready to go then I don’t understand why even women are perpetuating this idea that anal is a completely normal part of hetero sex.
I was in high school when this all really started to take off, got pressured into it, have only had a single partner and my asshole is still damaged because it was something I felt like I had to do and I feel so much anger towards everyone who pushes the idea that this is normal
No. 388868
I posted about this on dumbass shit thread
>>388681 >>388727 because this is some dumbass shit but I just gotta vent since this keeps bothering me even though this probably is a really stupid thing. Basically, my sister seems to think she has suffered from child-on-child sexual abuse because I made her smell my ass when I was a kid.
I mean, I was actually abused when I was a child (by different people, touched and masturbated to) so maybe that's why this bothers me. But like in my understanding seeking sexual stimulation is a pretty relevant point when it comes to child on child abuse, and… Does my sister honestly think I got some sexual gratification from making her smell my butt when I was a kid?????? If that happened since I have no memory of this kind of shit. I mean I try to rationalize this, she suffers from psychotic symptoms so maybe it's related to that, but I just find this so disturbing. On other hand I think maybe it is me who is actually insane because I was actually abused so maybe I don't know what is appropriate and what's not fucking hell
No. 388872
>>388862I’m kind of the same way even though I watched the video. I felt awful for the
victims when I was watching the video but I’ve become so desensitized to fucked up stuff online, that I didn’t really care shortly after. It sucks and I think it shouldn’t have happened but too much fucked up shit has happened for similarly senseless reasons that it’s hard for me to care. I find myself caring more about the free speech issues that resulted from this than anything.
No. 388874
>>388868I can't really speak to your sister's motivations (either she's seeking attention or really does think that was abuse for some reason) but if farting on your sibling constitutes as such then my older brother is the biggest rapist because he used to fart on me all the fucking time when we were kids. I've never ever thought of it as anything but shitty things siblings do to each other.
I don't know if it's worth bringing up to her, but it's an option, I guess. How are people responding to her posts? Do they agree it was abuse? I think that's probably the most dangerous part, if people are enabling her then it might escalate.
No. 388877
>>388874No one has responded to her posts about it, but yeah I am afraid that someone might enable her.
I really don't want to bring this up with her unless she escalates it, because I don't want to take away "her space" either, like I have never told her that I recognized her posts because I want her to be able to have a place where she can went about things without me invading it. Because she has actual legit reasons for seeking social support from people.
>>388875Yeah it's kind of funny but I'm worried if her mental health has gotten worse or something because what the fuck. Like yeah I agree if I did make her smell my ass it obviously was gross but I just can't understand how it counts as sexual abuse especially since I didn't have any kind of idea of sexuality back then (my abuse happened later so I didn't have any of that, err, experience either)
No. 388878
>>388877Same, also since she suffers from psychotic symptoms I am afraid if I tell her I know about her account that might
trigger paranoia in her, and I don't want that.
No. 388880
This is such a long story and I don't feel like writing it down entirely.
I've been talking with this person I met through 4chan for months, he's 6 years older than me. He's truly nice with me and I'm too socially isolated, of course I'm overly attached to him now. Some weeks ago I discovered something I shouldn't have, when I confronted him about it, he acknowledged his faults and he told me all over again how regretful he was for it, while begging me to give him another chance. He also told me out of nowhere about his last girlfriend and how he fucked up everything with her, yet he said that he wanted to change for my sake. Everything is more or less the same now.
I don't expect anything from him anymore, but I still like him, he's still very kind with me despite everything. But I can't stop thinking about it and it's making me uncomfortable.
I'm so fucking stupid. I should have cut all contact with him in that moment but I felt bad because he told me about how lonely he is. I'm lonely too, I enjoy his company but I just feel like I can't do this anymore. Now I don't know how to handle this situation, especially not after I told him that it was okay but it's not okay.
I don't think there's anything I can do about it now, I'm too sensitive for this. Maybe I'll get over it someday.
No. 388931
>>388922Thank you!!!! That's like, really dumb and autistic, right? It
is exhausting! I can't casually make a comment about anything without him acting like I'm completely insane because I'm maybe a little hyperbolic wrt exact percentages (though objectively correct for the most part). It feels annoyingly formal and pedantic. Like, why can't I just jokingly vent to the person I'm dating? He acts like I'm contributing to the persecution of like, trannies or gamers or something for literally only speaking to him and my mother like this, and am being like annoyingly childish for not being moderate and reasonable enough or whatever with him. I can understand if I spoke to everyone like this, but it's just him and my mom. I'm not out here saying this shit to everyone, like, damn.
>>388918I agree, it's obvious the bulk of them are legit zoophiles. I'm going to say it but tbh I feel like he's going to defend them. Anything where I generalize and sound 'irrational' ends up making him upset. I feel like he's going to trot out that media shit and that he buys the bit about them "just being a bit quirky and more at home around animals!".
No. 388936
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>>388931>persecution of gamers This reminds me of the time my bf got really upset with me when I said all magicians are weirdos. Little did he know that making me watch Pen and Teller: Fool Us would just prove my point.
No. 389009
>>389004Just yesterday, a Senegal muslim in Italy tried to set a school bus with 50 kids on fire. Luckily, the police stopped him but most news just titled him as a 40 something guy in Italy, no mention of him being muslim anywhere. Only a select few news decided to state what he was.
No outrage either. It's really sickening. It's hard to like muslims when you constantly see them committing crime while everyone keeps telling you that they're an endangered minority. Never mind that they multiply like cockroaches.
No. 389039
>>388731I'm from a conservative muslim family and I don't do any of that shit, y'all wilding. Who tf openly encourages stoning? Can't believe you're fine with innocent people dying because some wackos killed a random european girl, are people like you out of their fucking mind? I don't deserve to die because someone who shares my faith killed someone. Why are muslims constantly forced to deal with the consequences of one of their owns actions. IT'S A RELIGION! Damn you people are fucking sick and need help.
If anyone advocates for violence they need serious help, you obviously haven't met a lot of muslims if the ones you met say that shit. I've been muslim my entire life and grew up in one of the largest muslim communities in the states and never in my life met anyone who fits the description you're describing. I bet you made this up to peddle your bigoted nonsense.
No. 389058
>>389046Anon, you really have no one to blame but yourself. You can’t stretch BC to make it last. You must take it daily to make it work. You knew you couldn’t handle a child financially, you knew you were personally against abortion, you had sex anyway and didn’t make your fiancé wear a condom.
It’s time to face the music and take a test. It’s scary but you have to wise up and take responsibility, the sooner you have a definite answer, the sooner you can start making plans and decide what you’re going to do.
No. 389061
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So I got a letter from my dentist about my upcoming procedures and how much they will cost because I need to get some things fixed and oh boy I'm still sweating from reading the letter. I knew it will be a lot but wew lads I had a hard time reading the sum because I needed a moment to comprehends what everything about. I will still talk with my health insurance about it (maybe they will pay like 10€ of it lol) but yeah JESUS CHRIST
I do have savings for investments like that but yeah 1.328€ is still a fucking lot. At least I can finally open my mouth and wont be ashamed of my theet anymore. So I guess it will be worth it, right??
No. 389062
>>388500My vent is that it disgusts me that we allow bigots like you to live instead of publicly hanging you.
I say this as someone who thinks organized religion is a plague and entertains the idea it should be banned.
No. 389074
>>389046Don't know why other anons are telling you to keep a child and/or marry when you've honestly said nothing to make abortion not a viable option for yourself.
I could blame you completely like them, but I also think it's scummy of your boyfriend to have fucked you while knowing you weren't protected. Considering your career, your financial situation, and your bf's skeeviness-absolutely-neither a pregnancy nor a child is what you need right now.
If you detect a pregnancy early, a pill abortion is no different than a period.
>I would feel so guilty knowing that I did such a thing when my own mother fought to keep me. This is really hokey. If anything her struggles and what she was held back from doing, including what she may not have been able to do and provide for you, shouldn't negatively influence your consideration for abortion. You could have a child when you are more prepared so it benefits everyone, "fighting" isn't always the virtuous path and you have options.
>an aunt of mine had an abortion and it rendered her infertileRarely happens. If you take the pill and antibiotics as instructed, it was a different time in your aunt's day. Pregnancy is way riskier.
Repost for spelling.
No. 389075
>>389071I'm not going to say anon should have an abortion if she really doesn't want one, but I agree with the general gist of this post. The fact that anon tried to stretch her birth control to the point of missing five days and is too afraid to even take the fucking test are both really bad signs as far as her level of responsibility goes. The fact the boyfriend went along with this also shows we're not really dealing with a pair that makes good enough judgement calls to raise a kid.
>>389074This anon speaks truth.
Also, abortion and keeping aren't the only options, OP. Adoption is also a thing to consider if you really can't stand the thought of aborting.
No. 389077
>>389074Not a single anon here is seriously advocating for her to marry him or keep the kid.
>>389064 is being sarcastic.
No. 389080
>>389058>>389063>>389064>>389071Yeah, I get it, very stupid for me to drag it out. I've been on BC for 2 years (this same pill) and I figured it would be ok. This was not 5 days consecutively, but a total of 5 days spread out over a 1.5 week period while I was waiting to get my script filled.
>>389074I am going to take the test. Catching it early, as you said, would make a very big difference in my options.
I am fine with marrying him. We are engaged already, a lot of our assets are already combined. Still not responsible enough for parenting, clearly.
No. 389082
I think I'm going through an identity crisis rn.
I've been basically browsing 4chan for 8 years (casually), 2 of which I've been present on the site 18/7. At first it was a fun little habit. I enjoyed the edgy humor and got delved deeper into my board's sub culture. Of course I knew it was anti feminist, anti SJW, anti women period. I didn't care.
Browsing became addictive this year. If I don't get my daily fix of dopamine hit shitposting then I neigh go mental. Ridiculous I know, but true. Of course being hyper present on the site meant that I was also indoctrinated by /pol/'s ideologies (even though I stopped going on /pol/ in 2018, that damn board leaks on the entirety of 4chinz).
This is the most retarded non problem ever, I know, but I gradually started to identify more with the persona I LARP with on the chan than my real self. Eventually this turned into searing uncontrollable loathing aimed at my own fucking self (because I'm everything I've been indoctrinated to hate, a roastie, a brown person, a third world shitholer, non christian) Idk, this is dumb. I know it doesn't warrant this blogpost but still.
>inb4 I'm blowing things out of proportion
Everyone has their existential crisis at one point or another right? The first time I started questioning the things I learned on 4chan was after the recent terrorist attack. That's the moment where I went "oh? This isn't just shitposting. These aren't just harmless memes. This shit has real life consequences on the actual world." It's funny, because I went from rabid SJW in 2013 to apolitical to completely openly hating my own gender (as they call roasties) and my own people. Oh well.
Tl,dr: I swallowed the redpill and now the ZOG programming is starting to wear of. How do I start to appreciate myself as a girl again?
No. 389084
>>389082stop visiting 4chan. it does go away.
>gradually started to identify more with the persona I LARP withwho is the persona you LARP as?
No. 389091
>>389029nowhere near the same scale of gorgeousness but a park close to me was covered in the densest lawn of crocuses I've ever seen, it looked beautiful for a day until all the poeple and dogs trampled them, why can't they dogwalk in the allocated spots jfc.
I hope you got to see the flowers just once before it got ruined! it looks absolutely breathtaking on google images
No. 389109
>>389089I read from another anon that 2nd/3rd gen immigrants are basically settled in a ghetto like community where they form a home away from home. That's why most diasporas fail to integrate. You have to realize that given the nature of your government, your leaders would rather hire a cheaper and easier to control workforce comprised of brownies from its former colonies, rather than employ white French people from the provinces. This shit is old news as France has been the largest recipient of cheap low skilled laborers along with high skilled expats from the Maghreb (what you lot call nafris) and Africa since the 60s. The current refugee crisis is an amalgamation of decades of destabilization in the regions (ME and central Asia and NA) and proxy wars waged by much more influential powers trying to take the upper hand in their own conflict.
>inb4 pointing fingers and placing blame on the westNo. I'm not insinuating that the West was behind this domino effect that swept across the whole Islamic world. Surely the people have their share of blame. But to claim that 90% of Muslims are radical, woman beating, gonna rip you from limb to limb inbred goat fuckers is a gross overstatement. Because they've suffered their share under extremism. To declare that all Muslims are inbred towel heads who are incapable of rational thought or that all of them call for those heinous crimes (lynching and stoning) is to imply that the initial 1000 years of prosperity and wealth that their ideology inspired was just a fucking stint and that their current pathetic state is the norm. In truth, that shit is only state mandated in Saudi Arabia, a country that, need I remind you, assassinates a diplomat in cold blood without bothering to disguise it. a country that is rightfully mocked and shittalked by most other Arab speaking countries. You know damn well that Nafri countries have had a Western style of governance implemented since even before the independence.
Why not just nuke the whole region? I as a Nafri girl give you permission. Just end our fucking existence and be done with it.
No. 389120
>>389039So, you don't do any of that shit, therefore, things those anons, including myself, have experienced are not
This is what people are sick of in Europe. You can't even complain because heavens forbid that you criticize muslims.
I wish we could agree that we disagree and have all the muslims in Europe shipped back to wherever they came from. Either way, I'm looking to migrate somewhere in eastern europe where's less of them.
No. 389151
>>389146As a fellow easter europe fag, fucking thank you. It's not that bad for everyone, but I dislike how
>>389136 clearly has no idea what she's talking about
No. 389155
>>389148I was actually thinking of going to either Poland or Hungary. Besides, I'm working on my online stream of income.
And I'd rather have less money and be safe than more money and more stress.
Besides I find the quality of life in eastern european countries to be on par or even better to Western europe. It's only the economical situation and the corrupt politicians that are the problem imo.
No. 389164
>>389160Took 2 weeks to get into a new gyno. Recently moved to the area and old doc would not refill the prescription without me coming in for an annual. So I had to wait to see the new one and split up the remaining BC. I skipped every third day up until the end of the pack.
Anyway, I took the test and I'm not pregnant. Lesson learned, never skipping days again.
No. 389170
>>389162Yet another fellow Eastern Europen here, immigrated to the west when I was a teenager.
Not only gypsies, but a lot of locals are pretty dangerous people. Alcoholism is rampant and it's very common to see people crawling on the streets because they're so drunk they can't even walk. Catcalling and slurs are very common. If someone finds out you come from a rich country you'll probably get robbed or even raped if their inferiority complex is high enough. Police is corrupted as fuck and they expect you to pay them to do their work. Same with any paperwork or healthcare.
If you want to move there you'd better be crazy rich or have important connections in that country, or you'll be screwed.
No. 389174
>>389155firstly, firmly disagree on the quality of life angle as a person from eastern europe currently studying in uk. posh, upper middle class people of back home would be working to lower middle class in UK (and I'm not even in a rich area). economics obviously tie into it and you can't just disregard that because you have to work waaay more to earn salary with similar buying power which obviously takes away from your quality time off from work. secondly, of all the "brown immigrant free" countries you choose Hungary, lmao! also gl with those language skills, i have few Hungarian friends and Hungarian is an absolute hell of a language, also gypsies are a big problem (so I've been told).
Poland being a safe, white paradise on earth is also a huge meme (i think something like 2mil poles work/reside in UK, do you think they do that just for fun?) but i don't have that much 1st hand info, hope you like no reproductive rights tho!
No. 389183
>>389173Ah shit. Didn't mean to antagonize you anon, sorry. I meant to ask the original poster who wants to run away from Western Europe because of muzzies.
Also, I know every country has its own problems. Hell, I'm from the literal third world (haha) so it kinda irks me when anon there thinks she can seek safety and peace elsewhere when her country is probably THE standard for civilized living conditions.
No. 389228
>>388764>GermanyUK. It was when the muslim rape gangs in Rotherham were in the media.
If you want to know how bad it really was don't recommend reading this if you want to sleep tonight.
>>389039Can I ask if you're Sunni or Shia?
No. 389242
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This might sound really bitchy but I hate when people are so dependent on me. Two people have told me this year I'm their "only reason why they haven't committed suicide yet".
One person is a family member and the other is an ex-friend. Like, what am I supposed to do? What do I do when I move on with my life and don't spend as much time with this relative? What's my ex-friend gonna do now that I cut ties with her? I'm not some ~inspirational~ celebrity or superhero, the fuck. Idk maybe this is selfish or something and I should be grateful, but it feels like a huge burden to bear. I dunno how I'm even supposed to word this man.
No. 389245
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>>388764I think you mixed that up with this.
No. 389257
>>389136Muh safe white ethnostate
Fuck of idiot, you don't know what your getting yourself into.
No. 389263
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I'm a 50/50 bi who wants to go febfem and, logically, should. But I've just always got this fomo in regards to men, like "what if I found the exception and we'd be happy and fit the hetero mold I always thought I'd end up in?!" even though almost every man I've ever known has been disappointing.
I think the social expectations of adulthood have forced me into this since I remember constantly having guilt-free fantasies about women since age…fuck, 10 was my first crush. I was also gnc in high school when fantasies got sexy (extremely doe now) so maybe I felt less pressure in that regard too, of fitting a mold.
I just know a relationship with a woman would be far superior since I'd view her as an equal and women, even nasty ones, have better emotional intelligence than men. On top of being attractive.
Also this was totally set off by a girl I've been eyeing (she's qt and gives off bi vibes herself) talked to me out of the blue, although I've been considering it for a while. Lesbians pls no bully, I'm unpolluted, I've never even touched a man and wouldn't force myself on any lesbians if they didn't want me.
Any other bi-anons have this issue? How to cope with being attracted to men?
No. 389265
>>389253>muslims, mexicans, blacksWhy would anybody outside of the US blame mexicans for anything?
Get this into that tiny brain of yours: not everybody is murican!
No wonder Trump was elected, when the gigantic amount of poc "minorites" there love to constantly play
victim - while being just as ignorant as the
whities they hate so much.
Also, I thought it's racists to say "blacks", no?
No. 389297
>>389265NTA, but they were obviously using hyperbole, you complete autist. Who is playing
victim? Why did you randomly bring up Trump?
Maybe if you do move to eastern Europe, reality might knock some sense into your /pol/-roach ridden brain.
No. 389298
>>389295I hate this dating app culture too. Too many men want something “casual” and are flaky as fuck. Was dating like this before shitty swiping app culture? I was dating a guy I met through Bumble for half a year who wasn’t seeing anyone else and he still considered my relationship with him a “casual” relationship. I only put up with dating apps still because I don’t go to clubs or bars and I hate the idea of dating anyone within or associated with my social circle.
I can kind of relate because my first and longest relationship was with an
abusive man too and I miss the intimacy and security. However, no way in hell I would ever go back to him.
No. 389300>American genderqueer person licks airplane toilet for Snapchat, claims there's no problem because they're a sex workerIs this really how things are now? Are these the fruits of sex positive feminism? How did it get to this point in American society, or
any society?
No. 389317
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Do die hard bernie stans not realize they sound exactly like Trump supporters half the time?
No. 389332
>>389320>cult of personality>brandLike Trump? This tweet is literally denying reality…. all because they think Twitter followers = votes. Next will be "Bernie would have beat Ted Cruz" kek
>>389327>>389329The fact that they still are clinging to the #birdiesanders stuff makes me cringe immensely, and so does the mental gymnastics they go through to explain why ~Bernie would have won~
No. 389400
I'm not really sure if I'll articulate this well, but here goes. Lately I've been dating some different guys, and while the dates are fine for what they are, the personal responsibilities and outlooks of many of them disappoint me.
They're immature.
I'm 27 so it's not like I'm dating younger, these are guys within the 28-35 range. I get along fine but when it comes to discussing any long term goals or if they want families, they seem content in living redundantly and not having kids because they'd rather smoke, play call of duty, or watch animu.
I'm not trying to knock childfree, but I generally feel like women have more vested reasons while men have more self-centered ones.
When I hear that a woman wants to be childfree because she feels it best for the environment, that pregnancy is scary, couldn't afford to give the child a nice life, or would become depressed/less productive–I respect those reasons.
When a guy tells me he wants to remain childfree because he likes to do whatever the fuck he wants and needs to play video games it's…such a god damn manchildish turnoff.
I don't have any children and would never have any except under the most ideal circumstances ie. planned, financially able, stable relationship, older, etc. It saddens me that I can't even entertain the idea because these guys are so "me, me, me." There are exceptions to every generalization of course, but the last childfree guy I lived with for years was a lazy slug who only ever concerned himself with booze and video games. I became a fuck mommy and a fuck maid.
I'm not saying wanting children proves unselfishness but I think I'm noticing a pattern; these men only get behind childfree to disguise their bad intentions while making it seem like it's an ethical choice. And no, it's not that I want these types breeding but it would be nice to call them out on their bullshit more often.
No. 389452
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I'm so tired of these annoying straight & bi girls I went to art school with calling themselves bottoms on instagram bitch ur not a bottom you're a SUB you're not a fucking gay man
I'm also salty cause these chicks were really weird to me when they found out I'm bisexual but now that it's cool they're super kweer uwu! I drink iced coffee and watch drag race I'm such a fucking bottom!
No. 389465
I feel like such a slut. I send nudes to over multiple guys (over 6, I don’t really remember right now) and I do it almost daily. I know they’re only using me for validation, they want me to make them feel good. And they want nudes, of course. It’s nice to get compliments, but it’s so shallow. I know, I’m doing it to myself. But I can’t have friendships. I always end up trying to mold myself into something they want. I cant vent to anyone either, everyone thinks they’re exclusive. I don’t have any girl friends, even if I wanted, because they all thing I’m slutty. I really don’t know what to do with myself, and I continuously have breakdowns over it. I don’t necessarily want to stop it either, even if it hurts. I really need the attention.
No. 389469
>>389467>Do you have any hobbies ??This. My first thought whenever I read about some girl wasting her time seeking attention from men is always get a fucking hobby. You can't rely on men for your self esteem. Even if sending nudes/sleeping around/etc WASN'T potentially soul sucking and life destroying, you're gonna get old eventually and then what will you do?
The answer is wholesome, legitimate hobbies that involve learning, creating, developing skills etc to give you goals to work towards and an enjoyable way to spend your time. I'm not exaggerating when I say getting into sport was a game changer for me. Suddenly my value isn't solely determined by how pretty I am, I'm more concerned with improving and achieving things. Suddenly I don't really have time for men because I've got fun things to do. And even though I don't expect to do the same hobbies the rest of my life, I can now easily envision a happy future that doesn't involve men at all because I know how satisfied and fulfilled I can be just focusing on myself.
No. 389473
>>389263holy fuck, are you me? I just got out of a relationship with a girl but holy fuck she made me question everything. I strictly identified as bisexual for years now, but only (officially) dated one girl in highschool, and had 3 male fwb. I found myself crushing on men more than women, but in hindsight maybe it was just strictly sexual attraction lol. I’m the shitty type of person who definitely catches feelings if we fuck.
After dating my now ex, I was like, woah wait. She was fucking beautiful, a fucking goddess to me (I had been creeping on her over the internet for almost a decade lol we have mutual friends). Her personality? Fucking amazing. She was always so kind and reassuring whenever I got too nervous about anything that would scare her away, and enjoyed me without the pretext of strictly fucking. It felt surreal that someone would want to hold my hand or give me a small kiss, and not expect to fuck. It felt surreal that someone actually liked my personality. When we made out? Holy fuck, angels were singing. It was so soft and so gentle, I didn’t even know you could kiss someone so quietly and hear them breathe. All the men I’ve been with tried to eat my fucking face off. While I’m sad we broke up (I’m
>>388698 lol), I’m also left questioning if I really like men after this. I can’t see myself with a man anymore, absolutely fucking not. But at the same time… I’ve been attracted to them for so long!! I genuinely crushed on some of the men I fucked around with, is it okay to decide that now I don’t like men? Were my feelings actually fake this whole time? Was I just playing into the heteronormative expectation that society forces on me? It’s so confusing. I’m afraid that maybe one day I will like a man again, maybe even date one. If I do while identifying as a lesbian, wouldn’t I just have been lying? I feel like I can’t strictly identify as a lesbian “just in case” a man rolls around who doesn’t fucking disappoint me. I don’t feel comfortable switching from a sexual identity that I’ve held onto for so long. Yet right now… I don’t feel things for men. I just don’t. I fucking love girls. I see lesbians on twitter talk about how they “liked” men because it was a societal expectation and a choice they made with lack of actual attraction, but I didn’t have those experiences. I think my crushes on men were my actual feelings.
I know no one outside of my head really gives a shit. All of my friends know I like girls, and maybe sometimes a man. It doesn’t really matter what I identify as, as long as whatever cute girl I meet knows that I like girls and will flirt with the intention to date. No lesbian/bi authority will come and strip me of my bi/lesbian card and jail me for incorrectly identifying myself lol. In the end, I’m trying to move myself away from trying to care. I’m not some special snowflake on tumblr (anymore), whichever label I pick isn’t gonna give me more oppression points over the other.
I wish you the best of luck in your journey of self discovery! I find comfort in the thought that sexuality changes, just as we do as people. I think it’s
valid to go from bi to gay to bi again. And as cheesy as it sounds, what matters is that you find someone you like!
No. 389490
>>389488I thought Pico was way too girly and too much of a stereotypical unbelievable "uguu" hentai protag. I would say the ending scene where he cut his hair and wore boy clothes was probably the best part of the OVA. Still, it wasn't my preference.
Pico+Chico was much better, especially since it had straight shota elements and Chico is much more boyish.
Pico+Chico+Coco was unwatchable trash.
>>389489Straight shota is my favorite besides just two shotas together. I'll say this, I really dislike older men with shotas. It seems too predatory to me.
No. 389493
>>389492I don't know if this makes me sound better or worse but I like when porn characters act like real people, even shotas.
I just can't get into something that seems so fake an unnatural.
No. 389501
Related to the discussion above I just find pearl-clutching anons reeing about predatory pedos i.e. people who like cartoon images hilarious.
>ugghh momokun is making a lewd set of a 16-year old character again??? told u she's a pedo!!!! i'm gonna have a panic attack over this!!!>>389497Hard agree though, I don't see the reasoning behind this. Why is straight shota good but gay shota is predatory? I get it's probably because straight shota is aimed at mommyfags and has a "loving mom" smothering the boy with her tits but I'm just interested in hearing why.
No. 389505
>>389501Well, I just really don't like seeing older/muscular/faceless men raping shotas. Don't like these kinds of guys with girls in hentai either.
Two shotas together seems more innocent. The inexperience and explorative nature of it is what I find attractive.
This doesn't reflect on real life at all, but I think straight shota is better because I feel the act of a shota penetrating an adult makes them a bit more equal in a way. Hard to explain. I like it best when the shotas aren't just scared crying whores.
No. 389507
>>389504I feel like porn ruined me as a kid, I watched it when i was about 12 or so and it definitely fucked with my image of sex and women. Taken a good while for me to grow out of it and actually assert my sexual boundaries. I think the average for boys to start viewing it now is as low as 11 which is just fucking wild
And then we wonder why young men are becoming increasingly sexually
No. 389508
>>389504I think a few cows on here have been involved in "underage controversies" and anons on here desperate for new drama hype it up and morally panic just to cultivate milk.
Someone already posted the example of momokun cosplaying 16 year old characters.
No. 389513
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>>389499ugh anon, i had a similar experience but we were 8-9 (i was the 1st to start puberty in my class and his remarks didn't help me deal with the whole "i'm becoming a woman while being a child" panic i had already internalised by then). i guess i can't fully blame him bc his family situation was beyond shit (his sister also ended up being 14 and pregnant) but i wonder if he even remembers me or will ever understand what that did to me. at least he hasn't gone woke from what i know. my condolences and i hope it won't affect you one day!
No. 389514
>>389511Oh please. I'm into shota and I've never once wanted to touch a real child.
I'm into shota and yet I support chemical castration for all legitimate pedophiles/child molesters.
Shota is a fantasy, and not real in any way. Actual children look and act nothing like cartoon porn characters.
No. 389517
Real pedos are big fans of loli and shota and also general cartoon representations of children. It's usually legal for them to consume and cartoon/manga pictures can be used to groom children. I can't help but think of Michael Jackson who was a big fan of Bart Simpson, and got himself self-inserted into the show and visits Bart.
He even features Bart watching him on TV after that censored part when he smashes cars and fondles himself in Black and White.
No. 389527
>>389520Exactly, consider what this site is and it's origin.
I'm just glad there are as many anti-pedos as there are on LC. This is truly the best imageboard.
No. 389531
>>389522But 17
is underage!
>>389523>>389526>>389527>>389528>moralfagI didn't know hating pedos is being a moralfag now…
>as many anti-pedos as there are on LCBut are there? Judging by the responses above there are just as many being pro or at least defending those who are.
Pedos are the bottom of the barrel of all degenerates. Also, the "b-but others do it too/are worse" is exactly the shit defense I talked about.
So sorry that I spoke out against your "fetish" of being into children. I will stop now, seeing as this
triggered too many of you.
No. 389536
>>389531We're never going to get a full picture so long as we are all anonymous, I'm not gonna be upset about 18 or 19 year olds lusting after a 17 year old k-idol. Realistically people in their mid-late teens don't look that different from people who are legal and when someone professes attraction to someone they are unaware is a minor its embarrassing and disappointing but I'm not gonna care so long as they don't actually try fucking them. I'm likewise not concerned with adult men accidentally finding a 17 y/o girl attractive they didn't realize is a minor so long as they don't try banging her.
In cases where anons here professed attraction to boys and teens in their life who they actually had access to people here have been pretty good about jumping down their throats.
>>389528they already think our board is degen
No. 389541
>>389538he's 17 alright and like I said in that thread he does in not any way look like a child or even a teenager
he looks like a fit adult male in his 20's
No. 389552
>>389520>finding small men attractive is the same as being a pedoNani?!
I agree that anons posting underage guys are awful and gross, but liking manlets is immoral? For real? Should no one ever date them if doing so makes you a pedo?
For the record men who are skinny and even 5'1" look like adults in regards to body hair, build, facial proportions etc. most of the time. They're just
smaller adults.
No. 389557
>>389528Honestly this, not even regarding the pedo stuff but the people who insist on everyone to behave so that the ~men don't get ammunition~ are laughable, especially when they're screeching about anons who get a kick out of bullying men. If men can't handle women being degenerate anonymously and other women are trying to police other anons to be more ~ladylike~ then they can go to leddit to have teatime conversations for all I care. Moralfags can call whatever they want sick and disgusting but acting like it's a FBI related matter when some anon posts a drawing of a schoolgirl slapping a boy is peak autism.
reposting for correct post number reply
No. 389561
>>389557>other women are trying to police other anons to be more ~ladylike~ then they can go to leddit to have teatime conversations for all I care.I agree it's annoying when anons want to defend poor adult men from farmer's "bullying" and omg manhating - I draw the line with actual underage pedo stuff though.
And I gotta say Reddit is a shit place for women.
No. 389569
>>389552Yeah this bothered me. Height isn't something you can control. I think we're aware that manlets can be disadvantaged dating wise because of that, and now they've got to deal with the additional burden of rendering the women who
are attracted to them into pedos? Damn, manlets can't ever win huh?
Weird to think of it lolcow is maybe one of the only places online where you have enough women liking manlets that it ends up bothering other anons.
No. 389575
>>389552I mean If I see a woman with a bf whose a couple Inches shorter then her then I wouldn't really even care
but If I see a woman with a bf who is slammer then 5'3 and he has a youthful appearance then I'm gonna assume she's a pedo
No. 389578
>>389520why are femsubs so insecure about femdoms anyway? they can never just accept not every woman wants some scrawny dude in a fedora to choke them, they've always got to start implying women who prefer to be dominant are pedos or bullies or
abusive or some other stupid nonsense.
No. 389580
>>389578I'd say the vast majority of both men and women are vanilla and I can say that I am vanilla and get disgusted by subs and domms of both genders
so your both equally "disgusting" to me at least
No. 389581
>>389577no no, men are allowed to go for women half their size, half their age and half their income level. but if a woman dares date a man who's shorter or younger than her, or who makes so much as a dollar less than her? she's clearly a controlling pedophile
No. 389582
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>tfw the only popular discussions anymore have been about fetishes
>tfw you can't even relate to any of this weird weeb shit
No. 389585
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>>389582Just keep trying anon. Sometimes my posts go nowhere, but sometimes they drive up discussion.
It depends on the time of day too, eurofags and burgers like talking about different things.
No. 389586
>>389569Honestly I'm kind of unsurprised though since I've had the argument used against my preference for them before. By my own mother, no less.
>>389575Are these men allowed to date ever then..? Or should they only be able to date equally youthful petite women? What if he's also into taller women?
If he's a fully functioning adult, even if he looks a bit young (and yes I know what types of men you're referring to), it's just not pedophilia. He's a consenting adult and it would be safe to assume 99% of the time she's into that aspect. Unless they're doing some mdlb stuff, which I believe is always questionable (same with ddlg).
>inb4 defensive because guiltyI have been on a date before with the sort of guy you're speaking of, but guaranteed if I found out he was underage it would have turned me off.
So I guess I must be a pedo! Preferring a guy that makes me feel protective and wanting to grow old together with him? Absolute pedophilia.
No. 389591
>>389582the site needs an influx of new people, preferably non weeb
>>389589the idea of a containment thread for a lone, raving anon makes me kek
No. 389592
>>389589Nope, I’m NTA I’m just sick of weebs with degenerate fetishes infesting every female space. I don’t need to hear about shota and yaoi shit in every female dominated community
And before you guys say ‘fujos weren’t even brought up!!’ the shota anon before was sperging over how shota on shota is pure
No. 389596
>>389592This is a vent thread. I've literally never brought up shota on this website before today.
There's so much more
toxic content on this website, and anime porn is what really bothers you?
No. 389602
>>389600I like it when the shotas fuck each other.
But actually I mostly like heavy petting/lewd non-penatrative "sex".
No. 389605
I'll continue to enjoy my shota content and continue to not hate dogs, thanks anon.
No. 389611
>>389606Because I've come across multiple posts of anons who want a sub who's extremely young, very short and skinny, a neet, shy, socially stunted, cries, etc. - in short, somebody who will be completely dependent on them, somebody who's as close as possible to being like a child. You want to take advantage of a person who might be legal, but is actually still mentally and phsyically sort of helpless. And that's just wrong and disgusting.
This, combined with pictures of bloodied anime boys in school uniforms is not much better than farmers who are downright into shota.
No. 389616
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Is it really necessary to ask every remotely popular/well known woman this question? Why are people so obsessed with women having babies, it has literally zero effect on them.
No. 389621
>>389613You know exactly that I mean "always cries", "cries very often", "cries while I do naughty stuff to him". Which in itself would still be okay. But if you specifically go for solely that type of person… No.
But yeah, keep twisting words to try and make yourself feel better.
No. 389626
>>389602You think that makes it better huh?
Pedos like to pretend that their pedo materials or actual abuse isn't bad because they weren't being physically invasive/didn't physically hurt the kid.
No. 389631
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>>389626I really don't give a fuck about your moralfaggotry. I like looking at pictures of little anime boys in my room alone.
Get over yourself. Sorry your mom's boyfriend touched you when you were a kid but has nothing to do with me.
No. 389638
>>389634He sounds like a coward. No person goes through two weeks of saying nothing to you if they really love you and want to be with you.
Take that number and go have fun anon, he doesn't care. And if he tries to slunk back and accuse you of not waiting (so he can look like the good guy betrayed) then play his game and ghost him.
No. 389644
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i feel so fucking guilty whenever i draw
pretty sure it's because my parents used to barge into my room and get mad at me for using my spare time to draw rather than study when i was a teen
funny thing is, they wouldn't say a damn thing about my brother's borderline gaming addiction
No. 389650
>>389645we don't want this place to become a degenerate shithole
theirs nothing wrong with that
No. 389652
>>389637>your desires are pretty unnatural.Hardly. There's people who get off to much more unusual stuff. Stuff that's not even conductive to breeding, primary/secondary sex organs, or even human anatomy. Liking teen anime boys seems completely natural to me.
>>389646Gee I duno I saw a hot anime boy picture when I was a teenager and I never stopped finding them hot.
>ur actually a pedophile, actually you're autistic, no wait you must have been raped as a child!! stop triggering my csa memories! it's your fault!>>389650It's too late for that. This place already has a terrible reputation. Masturbating to shota is fucking tame compared to the sociopathic shit some of you girls do. If you girls are allowed to brag about being cheaters/sugarbabies/irl sadists/unhygenic pigs I should be allowed to talk about my tame af fetish.
No. 389653
>>389631>Sorry your mom's boyfriend touched you when you were a kid Leave it to a shotacon to have amazing empathy towards
victims of child abuse!
No. 389659
>>389655Is this the hill you wanna die on ?
defending your stupid fetish for cute anime boys
let me guess you self insert as a anime boy don't gay boy don't you
No. 389661
>>389631You want to get reported to your local law enforcement and put on a watchlist?
Because this is how you get reported to your local law enforcement and put on a watchlist.
>>389655>>389652>>389660>"you girls">shota bullshittery >complete lack of empathy toward CSA victims that can only arise from testosterone mixed with porn addiction and emotional/mental instability>no sage>shitposting I smell a scrote (or gay troon).
No. 389666
>>389664Not for long, faggot.
I will enjoy your tears when they crack down the banhammer on shota and loli.
No. 389669
>>389664>doesn't deny anythingConfirmed. Everyone, let's stop giving him/it (You)s. Negative attention is what this individual craves most of all.
Hopefully, he/it gets the help and attention from their local authorities that he/it is so clumsily reaching out for.
No. 389687
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>>389664I mean, whatever makes you feel better for being turned on by little boys, anon.
No. 389689
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>>389684>the south park plushiesJesus
No. 389707
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>>389652>mfw the kinks you're ashamed of thread in /g/ is full of absolute heinous degeneracy from murder fantasies to forceful insemination yet the moralfags are here screeching at someone liking shota, try to silence anon by m-muh csa survivor status and when it doesn't work starts calling her a troon/scroteThis thread is fucking golden, my Friday evening is saved
No. 389717
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I am selling a service that I advertise in Facebook groups. A guy who does the same recently copied my ad and concept AND deleted my ad from a huge group he is admin of. My ad (a post made by me three years ago) was really important to me as there were many positive and sweet comments about me and my job. I told him today that I was really disappointed about that and that I don’t like my posts being copied one-to-one. He blocked me and I just can’t get over it. I never get angry, but if someone does something unfair, I just go into rage mode. I stalked his profile and joined all groups he is in to post my ad. I actually lowered my price significantly to hurt his business… I don’t even need commissions, I am just so pissed and want to hurt him. I have really childish thoughts like commenting mean things on all of his ads, but I won’t do that. It just makes me happy to think about it. I also did screenshots of the things he said before blocking me (like admitting to copying my things) and called them "my nemesis" lol
No. 389722
>>389707This, I can almost guarantee one of the moralfag posters is a hypocrite who has a rape fetish.
90% of the time anime shotas look and act nothing like real children anyways, I don't think most shotafags are actual pedophiles, and for the ones that are, the access to 2D didn't make them become one.
No. 389729
>>389723Just because I don't agree with you doesn't make me /r9k/ or a man. You yourself have no understanding of the shota thing, I only used rape fetish because it's the most common "socially unacceptable" fetish to have.
>>389721 put shota on the same level as necrophilia which I think is very extreme.
No. 389763
>>389747Did you just ban an anon
>>389721 who said something against them, but left the actual shota-lovers be? If sexists and racists get banned on lc, then please ban pedos as well!
No. 389801
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I have two siblings who got married to their high school sweethearts and I'm so incredibly jealous and bitter about it. The feelings came out in full force when my bf revealed he lacked deeper feelings for me and was unsure about the future of our relationship. So many people around me are either married or engaged and it's brought back all these feelings of insecurity, I don't even think I can feign being happy for them at this point.
Why did my siblings get to find their spouses and have 10+ year stable relationships? Why did I have to suffer an abusive relationship and a string of guys who didn't want anything serious or only saw me as a fwb? I know it's fucking petty and life isn't fair. It just fucking hurts and I feel so worthless and unworthy of any kind of lasting love.
No. 389814
>>389801most high school sweetheart relationships end up being extremely emotionally
abusive. my parents were high school sweethearts. it's nonstop fighting with them. they're still together, but it's extremely
toxic being around them. they may look nice to outsiders and the rest of the family is just begging for them to end their relationship since neither of them is happy.
No. 389824
>>389803>>389814One relationship can be iffy sometimes but the other is actually really solid. Extra salty about the latter because my sibling hitched into a rich family and has been to different destination vacations almost a dozen times now on the in-law family's dime. This is the pettiest shit because both sibling and in-law are really sweet, genuine people. I'm just overwhelmingly jealous because I can't even succeed in a normal relationship.
I just hope I can keep my shit together enough not to burst into tears in front of other people.
No. 389831
>>389825>because it was packed, the lines were a mess and confusing, and the workers were belitting everyoneThe only thing worse than being at the DMV is working at one.
>the lady asked me how old I was and I had to think about it for a second like a retard and she laughed at me which made me feel like shit. Can you imagine how many old people do this every day? How many people have to pull out their ID and check? She probably laughed because you’re so young. And if she was older, she laughed because she understands completely.
>She told me that I looked like I was going to kill somebody and she said she thought to herself "shes really going to take a picture like that?" as if I could see my face. No one likes their ID photo, but shame on your mom for being so unsupportive, critical, and bitchy. You were uncomfortable, overwhelmed… of course you aren’t going to look your best. Lighting is always super unflattering in those places and because you felt uncomfortable that is going to show in your face.
>Idk this is retarded but I feel like a complete failure. My life is shit dealing with my abusive mom and severe isolation, I'm a weirdo and everyone can sense it, and now I feel ugly as fuck even though I didn't before. No, not everyone senses this. These are your feelings and unfortunately your horrible mother is reinforcing them. The last thing you need when you are in vulnerable state like this is a narcisstic, rotten mother reinforcing your über-conscious insecurities.
I am not trying to invalidate you. I know exactly how this feels and please know that your feelings are not reality.
No. 389833
>>389825The best thing you can do now is moving out. If you can't really move out try to get some really good friends who gonna care about you and respect you. That way you gonna get out from home often so you won't be with your mother and you gonna get some life/social skills, also you won't be that scared anymore. Even internet ones may help you but irl would be the best.
Also, don't worry about that you are a "failure", i also had extreme anxiety but after years i managed to kinda function normally. It's just matter of time, it won't be like that forever, it's not your fault. Good idea would be doing some outdoor sport, jogging for example, it did wonders for me.
No. 389834
>>389827Not at the moment, I totally understand what you mean though. My mom sent me off to live with my father when I was 19 but that didn't work out because his girlfriend was getting jealous of my dad spending time with me and he had bipolar disorder so eventually they both started treating me like shit all the same as my mother. While living there in the beginning and middle though, I was pretty happy and feeling like myself without depression and anxiety smothering my personality. Even when my mother came to visit, she told me I was a completely different person.
A different environment is definitely needed for me.
>>389831>>389833Thank you, anons. I know the workers are tired of dealing with dipshits, I've been there. I am just ultimately mad at myself for being ill.
I am starting school soon too so I will be able to get out more then and it's in an outdoorsy field.
No. 389921
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No matter how good i get at drawing, no matter how kind i am to people i am never accepted because i don't like the right things. I've always been an outcast when it comes to tastes, i can like a mainstream or modern thing but I'll usually focus on the part that people don't usually think of. Even people who were supposed to be my friends lashed out at me because i didn't want to be mocked for liking different things. I'm never drawing the right characters, the right couples, the right series, the right moments, right ideas. I'm never talking about what everyone else is talking about either. I move on to different things often but i always get attached to the wrong thing. I can get really autistically good at drawing these few things over and over again, i can perfect my technical skill to a T but it doesn't fucking matter. Nobody wants to see it because it's "boring" and i need to look at the shiny new thing everyone but me likes. I have to force myself to like it.
And i'm not even talking about inflation furry scat vore or something. It's usually a character from an extremely popular series that nobody cares about, and i'll just keep doing what i want the best way i can but people go out of their way to remind me that I'm worthless, and that I'll never "go big" because "Hah, anon you like X? Everyone's seen X before. You need to start making Y because It's really progressive, cool, and it shows you care." Nobody says it outright to me, but i can tell by the way they act. They don't acknowledge me, and "joke" that I'm dumb and that i'll never catch on. When confronted like my old friends were, they usually say they were joking, and that i was "okay" with it. I was okay with being fucking mocked even though i make it clear that i don't enjoy it. Not even people that are supposed to be my friends even praise me on technical skill alone. Even though they have apologized to me i have a hard time believing them. They were so okay with mocking me for so fucking long, what changed now? They promised me that they never meant any harm, but i don't believe it… I want to believe but i don't. I've seen this pattern over and over again.
No. 389924
>>389921I'm similar to you in that regard, I like weird things or the unpopular characters in things people like. It used to bother me more but I have good friends (both IRL and online) who don't care about things like popularity and virtue signalling, and while they might poke fun at the things I choose to write and draw sometimes, it's all in good fun.
Have you tried joining an art server (as in, not dedicated to fandom stuff but art in general) ? They can be hit or miss but the good ones won't give a shit that you're drawing unpopular things, and that's how I found my online friends.
Also, it sounds like they mocked you more because of your personality rather than for the things you like. You made it clear you didn't like the way they treated you but it sounds like you're a nice person who feels bad about herself rather than feel angry at others, which makes you an easy target for stupid bullying like this. It's good that you confronted them, and I hope you either cut them out of your life or stand up for yourself more. You don't need friends who think it's fun to single out and mock one "friend" in the group, and you deserve to enjoy drawing what you like just as much as anyone else.
No. 389940
>>389922Usually niche characters in popular series. Also i don't really have any LGBT headcanons so that immediately gets me singled out in most art spaces these days.
>>389924I have actually joined an /ic/ improvement server last year and they're generally nice people! I'm only a bit intimidated because there's people leagues better than me, but it's definitely not a strong suffocating feeling about what I'm going to draw. Thank you for your words of wisdom too, i feel like this especially stings because they were supposed to be my friends.
No. 389945
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I have a incredibly important, must-pass exam on Monday and of course, I'm putting off studying because I just love fucking myself over. I hate that I'm so afraid of failure that I procrastinate yet the reason I don't perform as well as I could is because I procrastinate. Fuck my brain.
No. 389987
>>389945Try studying for an hour, then rewarding yourself with something you like, such as a episode of a series you enjoy watching. Then do another hour of study followed by another reward.
No. 390033
>>390030I've heard this a lot from people who live in
buildings with airbnb apartments, kids come there to party and make a massive noise. I wish they added penalties for guests who can't fucking behave like normal people.
No. 390057
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I had a breakdown yesterday and it sort of pushed me to finally look up colleges and shit, except it's SO difficult to find up to date information about them (and peoples experiences) in my native language. The first shit that pops up are forums from 2007 - 2012, yey. I got so much digging to do and I'm not happy abou it
No. 390088
>>390086Fuck it and put in your two weeks. Your education and your mental health are way more important than a shitty retail job.
It sucks when you're anxious and are afraid of letting people down, I'm the exact same way. But you live like an hour away from this place, are you really ever gonna see any of your coworkers from this job ever again? And if they're lazy, who cares about fucking them over, they clearly don't feel guilty taking advantage of you so why bother trying to please them? Let yourself be happy, don't make yourself miserable by staying at this job.
No. 390099
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I so want to be good at art but I don't have it in me and it hurts. I took a course in pixel art and was having fun but when I joined a few pixel art communities I realized how shit I am at any form of art, including pixelated one.
I know that it takes time to become good at something but I just think I'm not meant to be an artist. I want to create cute pixel games and make nice pixel art that others will want to look at. I've been creating stuff for a few weeks and none look appealing. Anons that know how to draw, you're so blessed.
No. 390100
>>390088Thank you for encouraging.
I guess I'm gonna go for it.
Really thank you so much.
I guess I just needed someone who would assure me that I'm not overreacting.
I have one same age coworker which is nice and does work normally so we discussed it and she had same opinion and that she understands it.
Well they probably wont be happy since our boss is leaving too but I guess I dont have to care about it anymore.
Really thank you.
No. 390106
this is kind of bitchy, but… i'm really sick of my friends and bf moping all the time about uni, jobs, etc. i think they feel kind of bad around me because i balance full time uni, a shitty part time job, and constantly networking/putting my foot in the door of the industry. meanwhile most of them take 2 or 3 classes, have no job, and haven't tried to make a name for themselves among prospective employers.
but the thing is, it's not easy for me either. i bust my ass to perform well, and they have the potential to do the same. i get that it's not fun, but like… get over it and push harder. it doesn't take being a genius to put in the work.
my only goal is to be a successful careerwoman who can take care of herself. i wish i could celebrate wins with them (e.g. killing some interviews with a great company) without the inevitable "i wish I could do that" types of reactions i get. do your work, y'all.
No. 390107
>>390099Please continue to work on your art and try hard on it. It needs time to create something quite good and you have to understand that there is years of work behind all the great artworks you can look at.
The most important is to not surrender and keep working.
I have been drawing for a good 10+ years and I am still not satisfied with the final result. Yet, it is far better from what I may have done a few months ago.
No. 390109
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I met a friend at training for a job I was going to take a few months ago and now that we're back in our respective states (Washington and Florida, totally opposite sides of the US) she wants to fly me out to see her (not out of pocket, she got a voucher for a flight that she had to cancel) and I don't want to go. I have no problem with her I just hate getting close to people and flying across the country to hang out with someone is massively out of my comfort zone. I haven't had an actual friend in years (I'm 21 for context). I dunno what to do. I wish I was the kind of person who jumps on opportunities for adventure but I'm not.
>>389931>tfw I just got a bed with storage underneathThey're the kind with add-on drawers that roll right out, should I just periodically remove the drawers to air the mattress out? Didn't even think of that, damn.
No. 390143
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>>390099use a reference is my best advice. making a pixel art is easier when you break down the attributes of each object in the scene.
No. 390308
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Being hungover sucks. The day after side effects of alcohol are legitimately some of the worse I've experienced compared to any other drug.
Cannabis, psilocybin, even MDMA has never made me feel so physically fucked up and empty like alcohol does.
On a different tangent, I feel like my relationship with my old best friend has changed because she has a serious boyfriend and it's killing me. We never get any one on one time anymore, all our conversations have to be filtered and toned down because of his presence, I barely get to physically see her while they live together etc. It's hard to have the natural conversations I once had with her.
No. 390321
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i cant believe there are people in the world (many of which are on this board) gullible enough to buy weeb or nerd shit at premium prices when it's so ugly and constructed so poorly.
this literally looks like a flea market chinese dress, like, something i'd assume penniless immigrants in my country are forced to wear as their best sunday dress. it's $117. wtf.
No. 390383
I'm graduating in a couple of months and figuring out moving/jobs/etc. is stressing me out so badly and I'm terrified of making the wrong decision or screwing myself over.
The place I currently intern at offered me a full time position after I graduate. The company is fine but it isn't really my passion, nor is it the field I ideally want to work in. The pay isn't great but it's enough to live on. However, I'm not crazy about where I live and don't really have any friends here. I feel like if I don't move somewhere else I won't be able to push myself enough, if that makes sense, because I'm "comfortable" here.
Pros: Wouldn't have to move, city where I live in now is pretty reasonably priced, wouldn't be stressed about getting a job right after graduation
Cons: Wouldn't move to a new city, feel stagnant, not the most exciting job
I've also been applying to tons of jobs all over the US over the past week, because hypothetically I could move anywhere. I know it can take up to a month or more to hear back from a company, assuming I hear back at all, so there's the possibility that I end up with nothing at all or don't know what I'm doing until the last minute. I feel like if I move somewhere new I would finally have the push I need to pursue the life and lifestyle I want and come out of my shell, purely because I would be forced to (out of your comfort zone, in your learning zone or whatever).
Pros: Move somewhere new, more exciting job, possibly better pay, out of my comfort zone
Cons: Have to move, stress of not knowing what I'm doing after graduation, out of my comfort zone
I'm also afraid that if I don't break into the industry now and just work where I'm an intern, I'll fall behind and it will make it harder to get work in the industry later. Or that I'll commit to working where I am now and then I'll start hearing back from places I applied and won't be able to back out. Sensibly I know just working where I am now is the better choice but something is telling me to hold out. Which will probably lead to me screwing myself over.
No. 390456
>>389998how the fuck do you get banned for that? I go onto /lgbt/ and post "Trans-women are not women" all the time.
On 4chan? wtf..
No. 390457
>>390383I'd take the job offer. It's not like you're signing your entire life away by working there, you can always leave after a year. And it gives you good time to save up money, figure out what you want to do and where to go, and it'll give you something good to put on your resume. Even if this job isn't related to the industry you want to work in it's still good to have some kind of job experience to show for instead of being fresh out of college with no experience whatsoever.
Don't stress too much. You're just about to graduate, you have your whole career ahead of you and even if there are hiccups along the way it's not like you don't have time to figure out a solution. Good luck!
No. 390458
>>390444>>390452Because if you actually read the posts, most of those anons are in the same boat: stuck at home in rural areas, suffering from anxiety or long term neglect who didn't get much from school or social life as kids/teens from simply not having anywhere to go or anything to do.
It's a huge issue in the states because since the 90s more and more families in rural areas are tightening the leash on their kids now that millenials have so many more options and paths to choose from in life than their parents, and for many Boomers/GenXers seeing their kids grow up without being saddled with kids and a spouse and a mediocre job to waste their lives the way they thought they had is simply unacceptable. That's why 10 or so years ago public school went from being all about expanding the curriculum and testing every kid to find the high achievers to just being repetitive shit and cutting subjects like history and social studies (to prevent the younger generations from seeing the same pattern of abuse that Boomers started that fucked up GenX so badly (remember the porn crisis of the 80s? all those whiteboi serial rapists and killers, most of who were never caught bc of sheer laziness and fearmongering to push the public into thinking more police and military and less individual freedoms are for the greater good).
The sad truth is that thread is a good reflection of the current state of most of America right now all because millennials were poised to break the "graduate, get married, have kids & work your life away while blowing money left & right & actually do things for themselves and society to make life better on an individual level so they don't have to pair off just to survive. That's why the economy is taking a shit, it's not unintentional.
The "gear of aging" isn't a fear of aging at all, it's the subconscious knowledge that you've lost a quarter of your life not being able to grow and learn and socialize properly because of the shortcomings of their parents and grandparents and/or being treated like property and more or less isolated in rural areas populated by people they aren't socially compatible with and probably don't have the same morals and beliefs as the majority of people where they live. That much long term stress and nothingness can manifest in so many ways to destroy the psyche and cause depression, issues with aging and image, and insecurity/indecisiveness or an inability to make life decisions (because they were never able to/had to because they had no way to support themselves outside of the home as a single person).
No. 390463
>>390461Drunkass anon again, don't feel attacked bc now that we have the internet & it's the Millenial/GenZ safe haven that can be accessed anywhere from almost any income level, all we need to do is keep noticing patterns and comparing the present to the past (there are
so goddamn many parallels between the way Boomers fucked GenX and the resulting social issues VS. the way GenX treats millenials and the resulting racial issues, sexual and abuse issues and economic issues it could have it's own thread) and keep calling it out in the open (online). The more young people are aware of what's being done
and why the more power they have and the more they can learn how to fight it.
When any public school system stop teaching government, history, social and health studies you know the cycle is about to start over. History gets erased and rewritten while everyone is distracted by celebrity scandals and wall street scares that only effect the superrich.
If every anon in that thread could find a way to link up and pool resources, I truly think it could start a social movement to change things. Millenials don't want to have to pair off for life to be stable, but that doesn't change the fact that the current American economy is literally designed to only work for people with inherited wealth, people born into financial stability who have family support, and people who marry off to get out of their parent's house.
There needs to be an app or something where people under 35 can group up with people in their age range to help each other get where they need to be. I don't really know how to explain this idea (I'm only good at noticing patterns and finding old documents and shit) but I feel like enough young people would benefit from that if someone could just get it going. Background checks, references, the works. Being isolated and not having friends doesn't mean a person is lazy, uninspired or going nowhere in life just because the only options available near them aren't compatible with who they are or what they want to do in life.
No. 390511
>>390463Anon I totally fucking feel this.
I hope that you keep this idea and refine it more in the future, I want to see something like this happen in the future.
No. 390517
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>>390509happy birthday anon! i hope this year will be better for you!
No. 390528
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>tfw for two years i walked 2 to 4 hours daily
>maintained myself skinny no matter what
>gf moves in with me
>start eating more
>stop walking cause gf thinks its "weird as hell"
>get a job that takes 999% of my day and where i'm sitting doing nothing all day
>gain 18 pounds
>want to die
>i'm back at walking and now doing low cal diets where i'm always hungry and miserable
>i just want the weight off me so badly
>have had four different breakdowns in the past two months about this
>my mom yesterday when i showed her a dress i wanted to buy "oh but you know that's a dress for a skinny girl. you should buy a different kind of dress that's more…for you"
so far i've lost 6 lbs. 12 to go. i can do this. i know i can do this. but my god. i wanted to scream
No. 390537
>>390528>gf thinks walking is weird lolwut
also congrats on the progress, you can do it anon!
No. 390572
>>390528Honestly that's weird that your gf thinks it's weird. In my experience of past gfs, they love how active I am since it motivated them to live a healthier lifestyle and would even joke that I was like a workout partner as well as a gf.
Also that comment from your mother, holy shit ain't that awful. Buy the dress anon, make it your inspiration and motivator
and to rub it in your mother's faceKeep it up anon!
No. 390613
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I fell in love with this man but I just discovered how he lied to me, manipulated me and it ruined any possibility of me trusting him ever again. The worst thing is that he doesn't know that I know, I'm still thinking how should I tell him.
I know it's just a heartbreak, it will pass, but I'm so upset right now. It will take a while until I stop fantasizing about our life together.
No. 390616
>>390613Ughh no anon! That is one of the worst experiences :(
Be kind to yourself and I hope he gets what’s coming!
No. 390617
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Anons, please give me strength for this morning. It's the last day of the most annoying family visiting time EVER and I couldn't wait since last week monday for this monday to be over. Maybe I will come back later to reeeeeeeeeeeeeee in all details but for now I just tell myself that I'm too tired to be pissed about everything about. I just want to end all this NOW.
No. 390643
>>390622Isn't this better than the typical guilt tripping that discussing suicidal ideation is? He respects your agency and understands there is nothing he can do. Because there isnt. Would you rather him pull that obnoxious "please stay alive, so may people care about you" bullshit? I realise this probably sounds harsh but as a person who has been there, and has friends who have been there…..This is the most freeing thing he could have said to you.
Go to the hospital if it's this bad. It's not fair to your self to not seek professional help of you're that bad off. Friends can't cure you, no matter how nice that would be. You have to cure you.
No. 390646
>>390528Keep it up anon, you're doing great.
Also, fuck your mom, she's a cunt.
No. 390686
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I feel mad that i can't draw. I can't concentrate on anything in fact, not even games, work, studying, etc. My head starts hurting and i get irritated, i cannot even read for extended periods of time. But i really miss drawing the most… i want to draw my characters, i want to draw pretty things. I can't, i try and try but my thoughts get fuzzy. And it's not even about the drawing coming out nice or not, every single stroke tires me out. This has been happening for 3-4 months now and it's absolutely depressing. I've been drawing for years now and I've never felt this way.
No. 390700
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gonna post this here because I don't want to derail the phoebe tickner thread with my blogging.
I have one of the chronic illnesses she pretends to have and there is no way I would be able to travel to the centre of a large city to take place in a protest like this. It's something I have wanted to do and could not. She's not even using a cane here. I am so triggered by this bitch.
No. 390705
>>390700that poster lmao
>socialist worker>workerkek, sure
No. 390725
>>390086Update I handed my termination paper in. My boss wasnt at work even though he should have been I had to leave it in office so im expecting call tomorrow. I felt nervous but now I'm happy about it. Also forgot to mention it I have wrist tendon immflamation since February which still havent healed and got into my other wrist too. And they force me to do hardest work with it. I cant even open waterbottle now.
And also forced me into closing shop even tho I have kind of contract because of which I'm not allowed to do it.
No. 390728
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>>388982Back again. After leaving the conversation on a rocky note on Thursday, I did some reflection over the weekend and got back to my friend. I said I was just pretty let down, but she could come next weekend after all and make the most of the times I won't be at work since it's better than not visit at all.
She responded with "sorry I might not be able to make it but I'll let you know at the end of the week!"
No. 390744
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Lord Jesus help me, why is this ugly fuck always the banner whenever I’m on mobile. What have I done to deserve her face popping up everytime I load the page.
No. 390746
>>390700Tbh if she also had autism as she claims, she wouldn't go out nearly as much as she does, especially if her sensory processing is as bad as she says. I'm keeping myself from sperging in the thread about my own experience being autistic but it's killing me to see her passing off all the shit we suffer from as quirky, funny traits.
She's not the only tumblrite playing the caricature of an autist for oppression points and I hate them all.
No. 390757
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I can't find my kitten, we think she got outside at some point yesterday. We're still looking but I think she's gone.
No. 390758
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There was a bake off competition where I work today, and we were really pressured by management to enter and make it a “showstopper”.
Spent my whole weekend prepping and making this monster of a chocolate orange cake, buttercream, ganache, homemade candied peel and orange syrup - the fucking works.
The winner was vanilla cupcakes. Didn’t even look cute just bland and dull. I didn’t even want to take part but my giant cake was just sat there next to a load of sad loaf and traybakes. Waste of my damn weekend
No. 390776
>>390770You're right, it disgusts me. I'm supposed to see him latter and I don't really want to anymore.
>>390771He doesn't know most of them and my guess is he follow them so he can get aroused and / or masturbate to them? They post a lot of lewd stuff.
No. 390781
>>390776Talk to him about it. Ask him why he does and be open with your feelings that it makes you uncomfortable.
I’ve lived with my bf for awhile and I caught him watching porn once. We had a conversation about that and it’s been 2 years and he’s corrected the behavior. Men are stupid and will do shit like that for no reason. You could literally have bomb ass sex that morning, they think about it later in the day get horny and jack off. It’s really not that deep but talk to him about it
No. 390782
>>390776>You're right, it disgusts me. I'm supposed to see him latter and I don't really want to anymore.i'm glad to hear that. again, unless you need him for something, (like help in getting out of an
abusive homelife or something similarly dire) there's no reason why you should feel like you have to tolerate being disrespected like this. i know not that many men are decent enough people to not be scuzzy and gross, but it's better to be alone than disrespected and feeling like you're second fiddle to so many girls
No. 390842
>>390757Don't cats have a habit of wondering for a few days then coming back home? They're amazing trackers and generally housecats don't go super far, she's most likely still within your block if that makes you feel any better. If she's old enough and not spayed yet maybe she was entering heat for the first time? If she's already made her "spot" there and feels comfortable and cared for in your home, she could still very well come back. Its not abnormal for cats to roam for a few days and come back like nothing happened. When/if she shows back up, take her to the vet get her microchipped (and checked for babies if she's not spayed!).
I hope she shows up again anon, if you have a local facebook group for your community try putting up a bulletin about your cat. Or go the old route and put up fliers so people know its a kitten with a home and not a stray. Even if someone found her and is keeping her right now, a lot of people are very cautious in this situation and will generally wait a few days to see if anyone comes and claims her, especially if the animal looks clean and cared for.
No. 390859
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>Had a great date yesterday
>guy texts me this morning saying he had a great time and wishing me good luck for a project this week
>I'm busy all day so not much time to think about a good reply
>end up sending him an awkward ass text because I didn't want to wait too long
>he has read it 6 hours ago but hasn't replied
Why do I always have to fuck it up……
No. 390876
>>390858>>390842>>390757WE FOUND HER
My uncle (our neighbor) had her, assumed we were all asleep when he found her so he didn't tell us.
No. 390878
>>390876Yay! That's great news, anon. I'm glad she's okay.
I lost a kitten myself when I was little. I went to sleep over at a friend's house, and when I came back, the house help said she "ran away".
To this day, I think they just didn't like her and purposely got rid of her. They're not employed anymore.
No. 390908
>>390904naw there are both men and women who do it, I think the they/thems are at least partially serious about it. It's more a certain age group that does it
>>390899lol k
No. 390922
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My brother now has a crossed-out swastika tattoo on his forearm. I'm not sure how to feel about this besides "at least he's not a nazi". Like… the moron still has a swastika on his arm, despite the context.
No. 390925
>>390923think she means he just got a line tattooed through it or whatever or an X to cross it out when he decided he was no longer a nazi
>>390922kek, that sucks to be related to this. why not recommend he get it removed? he sounds very dumb.
No. 390926
>>390923>>390925 No no no, he literally got it tattooed today like that, he didn't have a swastika before.
I do hope he gets it covered somehow soon because what the fuck
No. 390938
I didn't find out until after I'd been hired at my new job that the office is "dog-friendly" and that several employees have "emotional support animals." Between 1-3 dogs are in the office every day. They are untrained, spoiled, and shit and piss all over the place because the owners are too lazy to walk them. I thought I could tolerate this at first, but it's becoming unbearable to be in close proximity to feces and urine at all times (the dogs are small and we're always discovering excrement behind the couch and in other places). The dogs regularly have diarrhea because they're constantly eating things they shouldn't because the owners are neglectful and treat the dogs like accessories. In meetings, the owners spend the entire time chasing their dogs around, pulling their snouts out of the trash, cleaning up feces/urine, and begging their dogs to behave. The dogs also bark loudly, get into fights, and hump things. It's extremely distracting and unsanitary.
I really want to complain about this to HR but I don't want everyone to think that I'm a rabid dog-hater just because I don't want to work in an unflushed toilet all day. I think dogs are fine, but I really don't like sharing my office with them. I can't even eat my lunch or sit comfortably at my desk or in the kitchen because every fucking trashcan in the office has dog shit in it. Every single day.
No. 390958
>>390950She’s recently resurfaced because of the Netflix show, but Marie Kondo has been popular for ages - probably because her books are a gentle introduction to the concept of minimalism and are a reminder to express gratitude for the material possessions you have the privilege to own
I personally like some of her stuff like how to fold clothes and being mindful while decluttering, but a lot of does seem to be common sense. Then again common sense proves time and again to not actually be all that common
No. 390977
>>390968Hey, a fellow Koreanon here. I empathize so strongly with you about how stringent Korean beauty standards are and how society dictates women to be lesser unless they do X, Y, or Z.
Thankfully my parents and many of my relatives are chill, but I remember my mom saying that a Korean girl I was friends with was too dark to be pretty. I don't get it…
I "fortunately" fit the Korean beauty standards for the most part but I can't imagine how annoying and difficult for those who lie beyond that. It's stupid.
No. 391004
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Last night I had one of the best dreams I had in a while. It wasn't necessarily lewd but it left me feeling both pleasant and wanted, which is something I rarely experience in reality. I wish that were different.
No. 391012
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>>390774NTA but I just have to rant
>tfw talking to a guy>seems cute, there's some mutual interest>look him up>find his insta>unironic "muh car" posts and "wealth" flaunting>edgy joker pics >supreme posts like pic related>the most unfortunate and unflattering selfies (up-nose shots and grainy bathroom mirror selfies both of which feature bad lighting and weird eyebrow gestures)>following 4.5k people>almost 99% of which are cam models and cam site accounts No. 391027
im so tired. im so tired of living.
i feel so trapped- emotionally and mentally in my own head with screaming that only gets louder and louder, and physically, in my stupid retail job where i fear not being able to find any work after this because despite job searching for several months, im still here. im at my wits end. i want to kill myself.
i hate existing. i hate being such a fucking crybaby because i cant stop being such a stupid pussy and just deal with this dumb retail job. why am i so stressed over folding clothes? why does this stupid company drive me so fucking insane? my former boss (she’s still with the company, just moved to a different dept is now general manager so she pops in more nowadays) who i was definitely the favorite of just talks to me with such disdain now it makes me sick to feel like i let her down. being told “if you want to leave, then just leave” even though i tried to put in my two weeks but the stupid hr girl made me talk to my dept manager (who tried to talk me out of it) and by the time i finished talking to him, she had already left lol. and being told “youre just complaining. why are you such a negative nancy” and i… just am. im fucking miserable. i fear leaving because i fear not finding work. i fear leaving because i fear letting my parents down, because saying “going to work makes me want to kill myself” seems like such a cheap excuse when they immigrated here over 30 years ago and work low wage shitty restaurant jobs and gritted their teeth through it so i could grow up with all the things they didnt. i fear leaving because its just going to prove that im a piece of shit who cant handle anything. i feel a weak piece of shit. how am i supposed to survive working anywhere else stressful if i cant even fucking do this right? i cant lead my team right, i cant train the new hires right, i cant do anything.
im scared im making the wrong choice putting in my two weeks. my boss said “i just want you to at least have a job lined up before you leave” and hes so, so kind but i just… cant fucking be there anymore. i cried in front of him bc im just a stupid crybaby. like, am i just pmsing??? when my emotions reel themselves back in im just going to be left without a job. then ill just go back to being miserable, except now im jobless to boot.
i already graduated college. i have a useless degree in a field i definitely dont want to go into. whats the point? i have no future. i should just kill myself and get it over with. i just want all the screaming to stop. i want to stop feeling like my entire world is collapsing in on me.
No. 391029
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i miss these stupid phones so much. tmobile sucks for not making a new one. they were so reliable and great little machines
i got my sidekick 2 signed by my favorite band when i was like 12 because i didnt have anything else on me for them to sign and some asshole literally reached into my pocket and stole it from 13 year old me when i was at another concert for another one of my favorite shitty emo bands. still pisses me off that the hoe (and i know it was some stupid hoe because i saw that she logged into my accounts) that stole my phone not only got my sidekick, but an emo band relic at the same time. still makes me so angry to this day
No. 391034
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>>391029Oh my god same, though I had one of these. I still miss having a physical qwerty keyboard after all these years, touch screens are great for everything else but I still despise typing on them. If a company could combine the two, like having both a proper keyboard and a touch screen for scrolling etc, I would pay out the ASS for one.
No. 391035
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>>391032Forgot to attach a pic, this was such a good phone. The screen was the first to go.
No. 391036
>>391027I relate to the whole boss turning into an ass thing. I get along with most of my managers at work and this one was no different, I remember me and her weren't friends by any means but definitely got along. One week she came in and just had this horrible attitude that hasn't gone away, turns out she was/is going through something pretty major with her family. So just know that a lot of people don't flip like that because of anything you did but because they have something they're going through in their own lives. Doesn't excuse them taking it out on other people whatsoever, but let yourself vent, and do your best to move past it.
But you need get a therapist, and check yourself into a hospital if the thought of killing yourself right now is that bad. Also about the crying in front of your boss thing, I had a coworker who worked at there for 11 years and cried in front of our boss because she was so stressed about working there and couldn't do it anymore so do not beat yourself up for having emotions. I know things feel like shit right now but you're at a pivotal point in your life with just graduating college (congratulations by the way!), and you're still figuring things out and that's ok. Just don't tell yourself its not worth it to be alive altogether. Ask for a vacation or just request a few days off, just let yourself relax for a few days. Take yourself somewhere quiet and calm like the park or a library, I know it sounds stupid but even just a quick little reset like that has always made me feel insanely better even just for a little while when I'm in a bad place.
Also you need to quit that job, if a work environment is making you feel that terrible you need to get out. Just start applying to places, even if its temporary. There are so many other jobs out there besides retail and food service, and with a college degree you're way more likely to be considered than someone who's only been to high school, regardless of your degree. You're at a place a lot of people have been in, and you'll get out of it.
No. 391037
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>>391035i just dont understand why companies aren't making things like these anymore??? everyone HATES typing on touchscreens. why haven't one of the fucking countless mobile phone companies realized we need a functional, reliable, fast, userfriendly solution to this today??? i had a phone like this with the slide up, but oh man, nothing beats the feeling of the sidekick turn flip. i would spend ages just unflicking the screen and turning it back (and it never broke!).
>>391034oh man i looked up to see if they came out with a new one and tmobile made a whole page last year for april fools of them coming out with a new sidekick and my heart skipped a beat i was so excited until i fucking realized it was fake! if they know so many people want it that they made an april fools response, why tf aren't they trying to get a new one put into production? everything about that phone was so cool. i loved it. so easy to use and it worked super well. i've never had a more reliable phone honestly. i had like every model and each one was great. you dont even see that kind of success in each generation today!! i just dont understand why physical keyboards arent a thing today. i think it would save a lot of people problems when it comes to miscommunication!
rip literally the greatest phone of all time
No. 391039
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>>391037Our prayers are being answered!
No. 391043
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>>391039omg, praise jesus! the closest i found before this i think was the new blackberry for a physical keyboard, and it looks like a bitch to use. i really hope this results in a change in the way phones are designed. i know they were making smartphone/keyboard combos like 5 years ago (but they seemed to mostly be low-end phones and i dont know why) but for whatever reason stopped. i guess five years ago people were still charmed with the novelty of iphones still. the only thing is like, i actually LIKE the bulky feel of the older keyboard combo smartphones and all of these companies are obsessed with sleekness, even for this phone. i don't think it's so needed. i want the old raised buttons that we used to have on the old slide outs and the clunkiness (that could also serve to keep a larger battery!). i'm tired of these annoyingly slippery sleek phones. it's literally the only style of phone nowadays. we used to have so many fun designs and phone quirks in the early 2000s (the chocolat, sidekick, juke). the phones were just less serious. we need more quirk/gimmicks on phones, while updating them to smartphones, too, imo. these companies aren't keeping up. people are really into nostalgia AND anything that's a throwback to the noughties would do hugely well
No. 391052
>>391043>i actually LIKE the bulky feel of the older keyboard combo smartphones and all of these companies are obsessed with sleekness, even for this phone. i don't think it's so needed. i want the old raised buttons that we used to have on the old slide outs and the clunkiness Agreed!
>>391039 is very pretty and slick looking, but I really just want a chunky click clacky sliding phone for the tactile sensations. It's the same reason I like having a mechanical keyboard I guess, it's satisfying to hear and feel.
No. 391072
>>390781>>390782So I talked to my bf about how disturbed I was by all the lewd instagram account he was following (I also discovered he had liked a LOT of sexy fb pages) and at first he seemed really surprised, I think he didn't expect to ever be criticized for it, he told me it's just something men share with each other (they apparently also have no-women-allowed private pages) and it's so normal that he didn't think twice about it, I think he could see in my face how disgusted I was. He kinda got upset at one point because I "made him feel like a creep" but when I told him following a bunch of pornographic account on a social media you're looking at all day long is definitely something a creepy dude would do, he started to get it.
Bottom line we had a long conversation about pornography, body image, the overabundance of explicit content online (and everywhere tbh) and he decided to unfollow those accounts and apologized for being inconsiderate to me and I apologized for making him feel like a mega creep.
No. 391077
I was on tinder (just for casual shit, drinking, maybe sex if I liked them enough, honestly) and met this cool guy. We met in person ~3 weeks back and really hit it off, we were laughing our asses off. He complimented me a lot, said I was really cute, was really slim (he meant that as a compliment) we had sex that night afterwards and it was good. We’ve been chatting casually since then, trying to find another date to meet up, finally decided on tonight since we finally both had free time. He’s been proactively sending me messsages, I wasn’t the one initiating every conversation or anything, so he seemed still interested. Then tonight around 5:30pm I send him a message on tinder asking if he’s still able to hang out tonight, I checked my phone again 10-20 minutes later to see if he replied and he was GONE from my tinder. Wtf. I guess he must have unmatched me but I’m not sure why?? It was just a fuck buddy but I feel pretty shitty about it. I’d have preferred if he just told me he didn’t want to meet and why. Being ghosted just feels so shitty. It’s so difficult to find another dude that’s reasonably attractive, reasonably fun to talk to and has a decent penis, no STDs, can fit my schedule, lives somewhat nearby,and isn’t going to murder me or anything, now I have to go through this vetting process all over again.
No. 391124
So The EU has voted in favour of Article 13 European anons
No. 391156
>>391124people thinking it will destroy the internet or shit, did you even read it?
besides, it's imprecise and like every directive, has a lot of room to interpretation. the mass hysteria over it is ridiculous
No. 391247
>>391235I went to a hackathon once with the CS club I'm in, I thought we were all going to work together as a club but everyone kind of branched off into their own groups of previously made friends, I fucked around a little but ended up making nothing of value and left early. I don't really know anything useful, my college doesn't really have many opportunities either because it's a community college. I'm still technically a first-year timeline-wise (I took a gap semester to work two jobs, in my third one at the moment) so I guess I'm not completely screwed yet.
I find CS fun enough but I'm not really "passionate" about it and struggle with learning new stuff outside the classroom.
No. 391279
>>391270Whenever someone replies to this thread, I am worried that this will be another post shitting the thread up with
victim blaming and judging women for their sexual choices.
On a similar note, I've recently stumbled upon a post arguing with a sensitive review of Margeaux Fragoso's Tiger Tiger (a memoir about being irl groomed by a pedophile for over 10 years, including being raped by him as a child). The shitface blogposter claimed that the author was a IRL Lolita that tempted the pedo and wanted to be fucked by him, as well as to be in the relationship. I felt like puking.
How can you believe that a child wants to romance an 50 y/o grown man? I can't believe that adults are falling into pedos hands when they say that children that are responding positively to attention, kindness, emotional support and gifts deserve to be sexually abused.
No. 391281
>>391270I haven't seen these posts so I'm not defending anyone but maybe farmers aren't shaming anon for being promiscuous in itself. More like, anon knows it's a manifestation of their abuse and yet instead of seeking help she chooses to continue re traumatizing herself through
abusive sex. I know many farmers around here are abuse
victims, it's hard to not get angry at someone actively hurting themselves against better judgement.
No. 391290
>>391279All I can think is that they must be pedophiles themselves, or
victims who rationalized it and are projecting it onto others so they don't have to feel bad about what happened to them. Only those two groups (and people who simply don't want to change their opinions on someone who they admire when they turn out to be a pedo/
abuser) would unironically believe that a little kid can "tempt" a grown-ass man.
No. 391358
>>391067Nobody knows for certain but I think the safe bet is it'll be something like before you were born. Your existence is an itsy bitsy teeny tiny drop in the vast ocean of time. To the universe, your existence is statistically nothing, but to you, it is everything. The odds of you being here and having this thought process are astronomically rare, so cherish that everyday.
To be even more cliché, no need to fuss about the inevitable. You will find out soon enough.
No. 391400
File: 1553670684287.png (206.92 KB, 359x247, coconut head no.png)

MFW I dropped my phone in the fucking toilet.
I was taking a shower and my phone was on that little bit of counter that hangs over the toilet. My phone was playing music, so I reached out of the shower to change the song and I knocked my phone into the toilet.
Luckily the water in the toilet was clean and my phone had a case on it, so nothing was damaged. But I was so disgusted that I had to stop showering so I could clean my phone and soak the case in soapy water.
That's the last time I try to listen to music in the shower.
No. 391415
>>391412He sounds fucking awful, I'm sure conversing with such a dickhead would be unpleasant anyway. Hopefully you don't take it to heart, I'm an enthusiastic man hater but even I acknowledge that loads of guys genuinely do like small boobs and it's not something to be insecure about.
Also shit like that is why I can't stand men bitching about the friendzone. If a woman isn't attracted to a man, she still treats him like a human being and can enjoy his friendship. If a man isn't attracted to a woman, he resents her presence and ignores her as much as possible. They are soulless.
No. 391441
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Quick question: do you think it's normal for a father to go into his adult daughter's room without even knocking on the door and staying? And she complains about that because she's still in her pj and could have been changing her clothes, is it normal for him to threaten to beat her up and kick her out?
No. 391445
>>391443>>391444Yeah that just happened. He was always violent but I thought he would calm the fuck down at the moment. Right now my parents are letting someone paint the walls of some rooms in our new flat for the week so everyone is going into my room without warning at all hours so they can put all their stuff and just stay. Problem is that nobody ever knock on doors because they think it's a fancy people thing and since there's no way for me to lock my room I have no intimacy for the week, even less than usual. So he did just that.
Even when I was a minor whenever I wasn't happy about everyone going into my room when I was changing or sleeping I would be told that I should shut up or my father would beat me up or force me to leave.
No. 391454
>>391441I didn't live with my dad but my mum would do the exact same thing. She even hoovered about in the landing when I was getting a shower in the morning and soon as she'd hear the water stop running she'd demand to come in to get towels from the cupboard in there (she had her own bathroom with everything). I hate this memory but once she came in to give me a goodnight kiss and shoved her tongue in my mouth. I'm going to feel like gagging now for several hours.
Move out when you can.
No. 391456
>>391454>I hate this memory but once she came in to give me a goodnight kiss and shoved her tongue in my mouth.The fuck? Why do people like this even have kids? Was she also the type that knew she was fucked in the head and acted like a completely normal and average parent in front of others?
>Move out when you can.I've been already saving money for this and this is going well so far but I don't have a job anymore at the moment. I have to prepare my exams so I can graduate soon. When that's done and I find a nice job I'm getting out asap and I'm never inviting anyone from my family.
No. 391461
>>391459I asked that because I was curious but some other things you're mentioning like
>I use to love the bathroom because it was the only door allowed to be locked in the house>she would use a 5p coin to open it from the other side and come inare things I also remember from when I was a teen when my father was at his worse. I'm glad you managed to get out. Oh and while we're still talking about it my entire family came back in my room right now.
No. 391467
>>391441My mom did this to me all the time, she's a narcissist. It would've been worse if an adult male did it to me but it's all the same principle. That is, they feel entitled to your space and subsequently disrespect healthy boundaries.
Into my early 20s my door didn't close all the way nor did it lock. At that my mom never knocked and always barged right in. If I'd go out then upon coming home, I could tell she had been in my room "organizing" or "cleaning" which was really just an excuse to rifle through my things and snoop around in my room. Much of my stuff was "accidentally" broken or thrown away, coincidentally the stuff she didn't approve of. I never had a concept of privacy; one time she found my diary among my books and proceeded to humiliate me and hold me back as I desperately tried to snatch it away as she read a passage I wrote about a crush when I was 8. I still can't write in diaries and journals because I'm paranoid and uncomfortable about someone reading it, if I do write personally I adjust the narrative in case someone would.
Anyway, whenever I got angry or upset she'd always shame me into feeling bad over her violating me ie. "My roof, my rules!" "Maybe you ought to move out then!" All completely unreasonable things to say when I tried to be firm on my boundaries.
Don't expect these types of parents to change. They'll never see their errors, and if you point out how it's not normal behavior, they'll insist other parents are doing it wrong and their way is the correct one.
She still wonders why I don't like her, and it's thanks in no small part over shit like that.
No. 391480
>>391459>>391461some of this has to be common shit with
abusive and/or narc parents. similar bathroom issues, single mom slept with me in a twin bed till i was fourteen, she never beat me but verbal and sexual abuse was huge with her. i was always trying to get away from her. she didn't like it when i would sleep in my closet, it was the only door in the house that locked. it was a three by four box but it locked and i would curl up on my pillows in there and sleep and it was heaven.
one day when i was at school she broke the lock. i got pretty hysterical about it and she made so much fun of me. i also used to draw and write on the walls in there, to make it feel mine, or something. she wrote on the wall, real low where i would have to look for it. that was almost worse than her breaking the lock. like, she contorted herself in there and got on the floor somehow. i don't know, the image bothers me. like a spider or something.
i have no contact with her now, but when i got older, she wanted it to look like normal mother daughter stuff, too. it makes me sad. i used to say that i was abused by a family friend for years, not in public, just privately, because i couldn't stand the thought my mom had done this stuff to me, but my doctor says that's actually kind of normal.
sorry to all the anons who had such shitty childhoods.
No. 391489
Last semester a family friend transferred to my school. I would see him around a couple of times, but not having seen him in a while, I wouldn't recognize him.
I ran into him and his parents a couple of weeks ago, and he looked pretty down. I felt like it would be good to reach out to him, because when I was in my super lonely and depressed phase, I wish someone had reached out to me. I asked him if he wanted to get dinner over spring break, and then I forgot to respond to one of his texts.
Anyways, I saw him yesterday and he was super rude about the whole thing. He said I had Aspergers, liked to sleep around (which I do, lol, but it's super weird), and said a lot of bullshit. He said I was spoiled and not a genuine person because I didn't respect his time by not remembering to text back. He also got mad I sent him a check up text 15 minutes before our scheduled time to see if he was still coming.
I also told him he shouldn't contact my sister because he sent her some weird texts and texted my dad too about how she had "loved" him. Apparently he and my sister hooked up once and he was still obsessed about the thing 3-4 later. He was mad at my sister for getting a boyfriend even though I'm sure it was 100% definitely just a one time thing. Apparently he thinks my sister feels "guilty" and insisted that we call her right there and then which was super bizarre.
I feel like I put a good faith effort to reach out, and while not perfect, it was better than nothing. I feel like NO ONE had bothered to reach out, and I would have been so grateful if anyone had. I feel like I tried to put in effort to do a really nice thing that is out of the ordinary and I got spat in my face about it.
Oh yeah, apparently he is going out on a date with a tranny who he has a "soul connection" with But he is really dense to realize that most of them don't look like their edited selfies. lmao. Also they are likely taller than him.
No. 391495
>>391467You guys talking about
toxic parents reminds me of how fucked up my relationship with my dad was up until my parents split.
I had the same experiences with my dad not letting my even lightly close my bedroom door, barging in when I would just be reading or looking out the window being quiet and minding my own business. He then would bully and nag me to the point I would have a meltdown and then use that as an excuse to take my shit (usually something new that my mom or grandma bought for me). It makes me sick thinking about it.
I’ve never understood what my father’s deal with me was. I’m an only child, and I wasn’t a bad kid. I was quiet, shy, and kept to myself, and he punished me for it. I grew up being chastised for being quiet, my shyness, and not being a loud mouthed idiot like my dad - he used to scream at me when I wasn’t comfortable talking to people or wasn’t interested in being the center of attention like him.
I’ve had to carry this burden on my shoulders all my life and no one really understands how painful it is to never be loved by the person who helped create you, because you weren’t born the person they thought you should be.
And then it doesn’t help that I’m still defensive/have a chip on my shoulder and I seem to attract or unconsciously involve myself with people who have similar psychological types as my dad: people who like a lot of attention, gregarious, outgoing, and really impatient with someone like me who is not extremely social. For instance, I had a former retail manager bully me constantly for not smiling enough or not being friendly and being soft spoken, even though none of the customers complained and in general seemed to like me. I enjoyed my clients, but sucked dealing with her. I don’t know how to explain to people that it’s just me, and end up getting angry and exploding or receding deeper within myself because I get confused and upset and when I’m emotional, I get irrational and can’t think logically.
I know that I frustrate certain types of people with my personality, but I can’t change who I am, and I don’t think I should have to, but I seem to be cursed with repeating this pattern in my life. I just wish I could be at peace with myself more, as I don’t deliberately do things to upset others. Most of the time, I just want to be left alone, and be at peace. But somehow this comes off the wrong way outwardly, and I think people misinterpret it as me being dumb or lacking in awareness.
I wish I could confront my dad about it, but he’s such a coward, and evades the issue or downplays it because of my gender. I wish I could tell him how much I hate him, because he ruined my childhood.
No. 391506
>>391495Wonder why our generation of parents are so shitty. I wasn't an only child, I had an older brother. He would bring trouble to the door but get doted on, I was made to wait on him, iron his clothes bring him breakfast in bed. It was like literal cinderella shit. I would get punishments for wanting to keep to myself and out of trouble. Nothing I could do was right. Even my older brother would attack me to correct my behaviour (such as looking at the ground while walking in public with them, apparently it reeks of lack of self esteem, no duh).
Fuck narc parents. I went to therapy and my therapist set me a homework to try and talk to my mum since she knew we still kept in touch. Fuck did that backfire. It dredged up so much shit and torment.
Sometimes we can't get closure directly from the person we just have to make peace that they weren't good to you and it wasn't fair. Please don't let it hold you back.
I struggle with relationships, my closest bonds are with pets. I use to be far more social but took a nose dive after therapy and isolated myself. I just figure I had friends before I can make some again
No. 391509
>>391495Oops, I forgot to mention as well that my dad used Christianity as an excuse or justification for his outrageous ego and belief that my and my mother’s life were supposed to revolve around him because he is a man.
He was emotionally neglectful of my mother as well. When I got older and we started talking more, she told me that the reason why they stopped sleeping together was because he wanted to do things sexually she wasn’t comfortable with. I think he wanted her to put on a strap on penis as I found out he was watching transgender porn on the family computer. I had discovered it when I was clearing out the cache and saw in the history all this nasty porn with his credit card information and all that. I couldn’t look at him the same way after that.
Subsequently I am also pretty dubious about organized religion and the people involved in it. My dad has that same pompous, I’m right because I say the right things attitude that drives me nuts and makes me avoid Christians in my day to day life. I have never understood why it’s okay for a man like my dad to abuse his wife and child while he does whatever he wants without consequence, no one says a word about him flirting with other women or just in general being a worthless ass, but somehow my mom is doomed to go to hell because she signed divorce papers and I’m a bad child because I am vocal about my hatred of my father? We weren’t the ones who took all the money out of their 401(k) to do who knows what, never explaining why he wanted a divorce other than that my mom was somehow ‘holding’ him back in life when she supported him, helped him on the process to get his doctorate (that he hasn’t finished as far as I know), and never asked him what he was doing on all these mysterious ‘trips’ he took to Chicago (I think he was having an affair from stuff I found online). But he didn’t want us to go to Paris and London for two weeks, even though it was for my mother’s degree?
Sorry for ranting but the memories just came flooding back.
No. 391538
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>>391512At least you have a boyfriend unlike me who got dumped recently lol. It sucks to be separated but be thankful that it's just temporary and that he'll be back soon.
No. 391557
>>391539You say you were internet friends, does his family even know you? If you cut ties four years back, why engage? It sounds like you wish you had called him on his shit when he was alive but that feeling is maybe transferring to the family. I wouldn't add to their grieving process right now, they may even have known he was a shit but when people die, it's extremely common for others to try and find something good to say, hence the old phrase 'don't speak ill of the dead', a lot of the time people do it out of respect for the family, not necessarily because the person who passed away was great or anything.
Maybe talk about it here, or with other friends who will understand.
No. 391561
>>391560As in he had sex with you while you were passed out? Did you discuss this with him?
No. 391570
>>391567It's just… it's different now. He actively is very aware of asking me if I want things, I think it was just a blurred line because I'm sure I didn't decline, the only thing was I said we should stop doing sexual stuff but..
I dunno. I know he won't hurt me now but it's just a scary thought. I don't even know how I would bring any of this up.
No. 391580
>>391578The issue is you are saying he raped you:
> I think raped me while I was drunk multiple times.Rape is a strong word. I get that you have CSA and other shit going on but even BPD isn't an excuse for this kind of behavior. Yeah, she is going to tell you to break up with him if you tell her he RAPED you.
No. 391581
>>391578Idk what you want to hear from us but obviously you Know that you have unresolved issues. Especially given your history and the way you second-guess your own experiences but are so eager to be sure that this man won't hurt you in the future. It is only the most logical recommendation to not get involved in romantic/sexual relationships to avoid further trauma until you have sorted your stuff out. I know it's extra hard when it's your first relationship though.
No. 391607
>>391027What's the point of staying in a job that makes you feel miserable and wanting to kill yourself? Is it the only way to have a good or nice life for your?
I get that finding a job nowadays can be difficult, but if this job is going to ruin your life, why would you do this to yourself?
>>im scared im making the wrong choice putting in my two weeks.Why? As I said, I know it can be hard to find another job but nothing's impossible, maybe you need a break, not having to do everyday to a place where you feel like your entire world is collapsing.
No work is perfect, but you should try to change what you know you can control before your own emotions end up consuming you completely.
You have the right to complain, but if you let all this go beyond you, you should understand that a big part of the problem is how you approach things and let them affect you.
No. 391657
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ordered a different than usual moisturiser (bc my go-to one is fucking expensive and i feel terrible about my vanity causing me such expenses kek) as the cos-dna results seemed excellent, however i looked up the wrong fucking version of it and the one i ordered has Cetearyl Alcohol as 3rd ingredient, i want to kms (at least i realised in time and could still cancel the order)