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No. 529483
Thread for discussing shitty art and even shittier attitude of artists
-Talk about art youtubers, since the worst of the worst usually crawls out of there
-Ask about art supplies, because surprisingly that's not derailing the thread digitalfags
-Discuss trashy art trends
-And so much more salt
Useful resources: fastest way to improve:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix Yoon
No. 529534
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Why do many shitty artist want to make art tutorials? I used to like filling my feed with them because every so often I'd learn a little art trick, but I had to stop because my recs were this endless stream of shit. Half of the tutorials are basic stuff or stuff even the creator of the tip isnt good at. What idiot looks at these and says "I want to learn off this"
The tutorials are how to draw a background, how to render hair, and how to avoid same face syndrome.
No. 529606
>>529551I agree with anon (
>>529600 ), if you just start drawing now, force yourself to do it, you’ll see better progress than not doing it at all.
But there are some ways to not make it feel like a chore by awarding yourself with food afterwards,
Personally, after looking at concept art or professionals (like sinix or industry artists) talk about art- it makes me motivated
No. 529611
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I want to draw with a pencil but then it's hard to show it around and participate in talk over the stuff you fabricated.
I also don't want to draw happenings and not instagram faces.
Those are my thoughts.
How to prevent snoring during sleep?
No. 529613
>>529604I think that this is the most
toxic mindset of All.
If you think you have depression, any tips on here may not help because you have a medical problem that makes you feel like shit for whatever you do
If you’re lazy, the tips here will not help because you expect immediate results for no effort in working towards them :)
No. 529617
>>529612Not asking for tricks or shortcuts. Just tips/ advice about what other anons do to get out of a funk, it's not that deep. Thanks though, you're the only legit reply so far
>>529613How exactly did you get 'I have depression' out of my post asking for tips about art block lmao
>>529615Please explain how 'help, I've been art blocked for months' is 'wanting everything handed to me' "Just draw" isn't a tip when I don't know what to even begin drawing again, landscapes? Anime? Fanart? Figure drawing??
No. 529620
>>529613What I meant to say is that there’s this
toxic ideology that you need to feel ‘excited’ and ‘100% passionate’ for what you do, otherwise, there’s something wrong with you.
This is not the case, you do not need to feel excited for something if you want to become better at it- if you do, that’s good, but for a majority of people, surprisingly they don’t feel as motivated.
But now, there’s a difference between being stuck in this ideology, becoming lazy and thinking there’s something wrong with you vs general depression
No. 529624
>>529622"Art blocked" has become the general catch-all term for
>I'm burned out/ I can't think of anything to draw/ I don't like anything I've been producing/ nothing's been inspiring menowadays me thinks, can mean any of those
No. 529625
>>529610>>529617Hey anon, it’s really just a mindset of not thinking too much about art.
lowkey, Picasso or someshit was right about the fact that a person needs to have a child’s mindset and not worry about the consequences to enjoy art and to actually do it
No. 529629
>>529627Damn, Anon caught us lmao
Please let this be a future banner
No. 529638
>>529634Artists being like "I hate drawing"
while drawing is a common experience for a reason lol
No. 529693
>>529686usually one of the two or both:
1. they were good at it as kids and worry that it's their best/only skill so they don't feel like they can quit
2. they can genuinely like it and once did but they're way too caught up in their own heads and insecure that they overthink themselves into misery and impotence. this is extremely common and seems to happen with drawing especially.
No. 529770
>>529728I'm in the same boat and agree completely. I used to be really fragile/precious about my art as a teen/early 20s and wrapped it up way too much with my mental health and identity and what not. It really does get better/easier when you break the bad habits and learn discipline.
I think one of the best things I did was get away from the online art communities tbh. It really poisoned my mind as a kid because it can be so competitive and petty and there is a lot of really bad advice that's taken as gospel and passed around. Taking actual classes and studying pros/books helped me form that discipline and stop being so wrapped up in being better than other people or views/comments/etc.
No. 529808
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I've been starting to watch Kattvalk again and I always like the way she draws animals and talks through her process. Her non realism is pretty meh though which is disappointing as hell
No. 529896
>>529808Realism and non-realism are completely different ways of going about art, you're not going to find that many artists that do both well imo.
Just supplement her videos with someone else's non-realism you like.
No. 529902
>>529770wow same. i had to detach myself from the idea of art as a super sacred spiritual self expression and just relearn it as an almost physical activity. you don't need to come up with something original every time, it's ok to copy others if it's to learn and you don't publish it, there's always some practice exercise you can do no matter how uninspired you are etc. then later on you can apply all you've learned to something more creative and personal.
i also agree about online communities. i observe two major camps that are pretty opposite. one is very adamant about all art being good as long as it's ~your style~ and the other can be quite closed minded and ocd about which techniques you should do and exactly how to do them etc. the latter is definitely more useful but i overthink in different ways if i spend too long in either of them. it's more important to just keep your head down and focus on specific goals imo
No. 530013
>>529551This isn't really what you're asking for but I'll tell you what I do when I'm really wanting to create but can't bother to pick up my tablet pen. Well, its two things I have to choose between.
The first option is just forcing some warmups. These can be the most basic warm-ups (circles, lines, spirals, cubes, etc) or something more detailed like gesture drawing. Either way, its nothing I'll have personal attachment to and its something quick that I can't go "I don't have time for that" at. Just enough to keep your brain flexible.
Second option is to just do something I don't normally do. Learn a 3D art program, craft with clay, pick up some watercolors, anything you don't really know how to do. Even switching from digital to traditional sketching can be enough. And its not just the medium you can change, change up your subject matter. Do you mostly draw portraits of pretty girls facing to the left? Draw a Transformer robot. Draw still life of the precarious stack of dishes you have piling up in your room.
Exploring other mediums like this is beneficial for two reasons. One, it can help you learn other stuff can be fun/you can have a surprising amount of talent for them. Or two, it can make you crawl back to your comfort zone with new perspective and appreciation.
Basically you just gotta get out there and fuck it up.
No. 530385
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No. 530390
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>>530385The real milk is her stans defending this shit.
No. 530426
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>>530385look at the fucking MOUTH
No. 530676
>>529671NTA but oh wow thanks anon! I would have never thought of this and I think I might try it!
With all this covid shit going on I haven't been inspired or motivated in weeks so this might help!
Can't wait to try.
No. 530690
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>>530677you're telling me ergojosh can't be fucked to learn anatomy? what ever could've given someone that idea? (pic related)
No. 530691
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>>530690idk if hes never seen a black woman before or is just way too used to drawing anatomically inaccurate instathot pictures
No. 530910
>>530900I was thinking the exact same thing.
A one-trick pony sure, bad at proportions, ok. but racist for not knowing how to draw black people? Lol no.
All he's been drawing is youthful insta-women. It looks like he's just now attempting to put some age on the ladies he draws.
I think he gets a lot of shade for just doing boring head/bust shots in general though, which is why he's trying to draw more figures to prove he can do it. At least he's attempting.
No. 530922
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>>528936She's been caught tracing shit she found on pinterest more than once
No. 530923
>>530900i don't check every artist's race you retard lmao, he is obviously not racist then. but then the question of how has he not seen a single black women in his life or why couldn't he at least look for a reference comes up.
>>530922can you stop spamming terezah's old drama, everyone knows this shit.
No. 530942
>>528936 didn't know, chill tf out lmao
No. 530954
>>530952yeah i remembered right, there's no reason for people to keep reposting her old milk and if there's something new it should go in there.
>>530951and i only checked the last post fam-buddy-pal, can we drop it? his proportions still suck, they just so happen to suck in a way that would also give racist vibes if he wasn't black.
No. 530997
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The post above me reminds me instagram is having a #toonme, draw your self as a cartoon along with an IRL photo. 90% of the people who're doing the trend have the same art style so I thought it was just some autist repeating subject matter and not a bunch of different artist. How do you achieve such hegemony?
No. 531036
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hopefully noone has talked about deputyrust yet. its no exageration when i say that all of his female characters have the exact same hair and body. his male characters are somewhat diverse, but thats not saying much. it shocks me how stuck he is on this one particular style of woman.
No. 531047
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>>531036Empahis on the "that's not saying much"
No. 531055
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>>531047Kingpin's lost son
No. 531059
>>531036Ew I detest artists like this
Probably draws rule 34 trash too not surprising
No. 531066
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>>531054Thats a shame because it looks better with less realistic art.
No. 531076
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>>531047this was one of his tweets that blew up and some might recognise. its funny knowing how he exagerattes male bodies to the extreme, but female bods are always hourglassed shaped, the only thing that changes is boobsize.
No. 531081
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>>531076That observations been around for years you're not unique or edgy rusty. 'her spine XD' fags are annoying, but they sometimes have a point.
No. 531117
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>>531076Those two things are all he can draw, the him making the point that they look equally like shit despite criticism is pretty ironic.
Also Moo and fuckheads like this have made me hate the word "lewd." For fuck's sake just say "erotic" or "smutty."
No. 531210
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>>531036Artists that draw thicc women are all bad. Pic related is Froggywithfries. None of them know any anatomy
No. 531211
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>>531210Shadman is a good example too.
No. 531251
>>531131you are completely brain dead aren't you? this isn't about not knowing how to draw black people, it's about the caricatureish big ass mouth and making them look like a fucking lizard person in his case. just because you are blind to the specific mistakes don't act like my criticism isn't
valid. you act more like a tumblrite with how you think everyone is wrong besides you, little piss stain.
No. 531346
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>>530677Look at the dumbasses (Cadence Chambers) in the comments trying to defend this video, yes he didn’t technically say you don’t have to learn proper anatomy but young naive artists certainly will take that away from this video.
No. 531361
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>>531356>>531355Lmao okay sjws and femcels. Just because you can’t draw lips properly, doesn’t make you racist nor misogynist.
No. 531391
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samefag but I posted the wrong pic
No. 531419
>>531384Even in the photo you coted he deviates in ways assicted with stereotypes (the biggest example being how the drawing lips are bigger)
>>531381But anon I am black?
No. 531425
>>531361NTA and don't know what the argument is about but that drawing looks like absolute shit compared to the photo lol
It's like he tried to turn her into a Planet of the Apes extra but she's actually cute IRL. The lips are so fucked
No. 531426
>>531425the argument is just
>>531424 sperging the fuck out and ruining the thread over nothing.
No. 531451
>>531442I've really been enjoying Marco Bucci's content, I like his outlook on drawing (he cares about having fun and expressing himself, but has enough knowledge of fundamentals to do it purposefully). He's a teacher IRL so he's good at explaining things clearly.
Obviously Proko is good for anatomy/figure stuff, and though I don't like his style, Sinix has a good grasp on fundamentals.
Most art youtubers focus heavily on anatomy/painting techniques though, I haven't seen much perspective content.
No. 531461
>>531210Everyone's dresses are riding up their asscheeks, gross. These characters look like babboons, and the center and far right ones have broken necks.
Thirsty men uplift the shittiest artists I stg.
No. 531540
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do ever just see a seemingly innocent artpiece that by just looking at it, you know that the artist draws degenerate porn?
heres an example
No. 531568
>>531489The way she paints you can see right away that she doesn't draw or do anything on a 2D surface as often as she should.
>>531540 I hate that I know exactly what you mean, the unnecessary shines and odd line weight screams "I draw borderline inflation porn."
No. 531623
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>>531540I agree, anon. The problem with this painting is that the artist applies the same "glossy" texture to
literally everything.
I wouldn't have thought of porn if you didn't mention it, though. My mind mostly just went to when restaurants have those epoxy desserts for displays. But porn does make since, given how most porn artists making everything (skin, hair) look glossy for some reason.
Texture variety is important.
No. 531642
>>531641Yeah, I know the feeling. I turned 21 not long ago.
Honestly though, I think there's an advantage to people judging your art objectively instead of on the curve of "being a kid/teenager." Your achievements don't have any less value just because they happened in adulthood.
Just make art, work on improving, and eventually someone will appreciate you for it regardless of your age.
No. 531668
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>>531361>>530691I wanna compare the drawing to the photo it's based on
No. 531678
>>531668Seeing the comparison I think he got confused by the slight upwards angle, tbh. He tried to convey that on the lips and nose but doesn't understand planes well enough to do it properly (you can tell by how he placed his shadows, they're too low/small and that makes the features look abnormally bloated in this context) and he symbol-drew completely flat eyes. He also made the skull way too wide for some reason, I don't understand why.
This is why you need to think in 3D and planes, in any case. Any slight angle will fuck you up otherwise.
No. 531684
>>531681is this a job portfolio or university portfolio? if job you'd probably wanna only include technical work that has to do with the specific field, but if it's university, they like to see a mix of studies showing your general skill plus your specialized technical work.
>>531668damn he really did do her dirty, so different in almost all areas of her face and he was only drawing her face. did he even end up coloring it?
No. 531824
>>531753>Nobody is going out of their way to draw fruitExcept for the old master's and literally anyone who's taken a painting or still life class.
The issue here isn't necessarily that the textures aren't "accurate"– it's also that all those highlights are distracting compositionally. You put the most detail and contrast in the focal point of the painting, that's composition 101.
Also not to get too autistic but there's a tangent where a nub on the pie crust lines up with the stem of the glass.
No. 531924
>>531210I can't stand these shitty, coomer brained artists who only draw one type of hyper sexualized woman.
They can't even be bothered to be at least a little more creative. they're hyper focused on one type of body that doesn't even look good.
No. 531984
>>531445she would probably become like those unoriginal "foreigner in japan" vloggers, i'm calling it
>>531484>because of animeso basically every weeb ever
>>531641>>531642i honestly don't get this, is it because of those artfags that brag how they're just 12 and can do well-rendered drawings already?
No. 531998
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>>531551Nah anon is right,that piece is this dudes sfw art.Seen him circle on Twitter
No. 532015
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>>531998I went through his twitter and it feels like he isn't even trying sometimes
No. 532020
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>>532015Same fag, but it'd his colors and line work that make it look so off. it reminds me of someone thinking their hard round opacity brush sketches should be style
No. 532024
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>>532015ew what the fuck? these look disgusting. the syrup or chocolate or whatever looks like tar. drawn food should look delicious or cute (or both) doesn't have to be realistic to scale but ffs. these look like boiled chicken skins covered in syrup.
No. 532110
>>531969>>531973>A black woman wearing regular eye make up and black lipstick with white contacts. An overall high-fantasy look. >Looks like a racist caricature??????
Anon, nothing about the photo or her face looks remotely like a racist caricature in any way. Maybe if she had bright red lips and a mammy scarf on or something, but she's doesn't. Sage for ot kinda.
No. 532206
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ergo.josh isn't racist, he's just shit at drawing, even with reference. most likely because of his (admitted) refusal to learn anatomy because he seems to think he's above it because he can "fake it so well"
sure thing, but i'll believe it when he's not displaying images as bad as pic related on his website. he puts himself on such a high horse i'm surprised more people don't criticize him
No. 532262
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>>532206>>532244he acts all high and mighty just because he went to school for architecture and has a viewer base of mostly 12-16 year old hobbyists who he knows in no way compare to his mediocre art
idk how he thinks he can teach anatomy when that nose looks like a mushroom clipart
No. 532504
>>531954I feel like it looks off because there's no sense to it. like blatant bimbo proportions, instead of something that makes sense and looks more aesthetically pleasing.
idk how to explain it but I feel like it'd look better if everything was more even with each other? like if you're gonna give her really thick thighs than she shouldn't have a two inch waist, otherwise she looks like a bimbo.
No. 532740
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Since a bunch of us will have free time to draw while social distancing should we make an art critique thread? Like IC, but less shit?
No. 532809
>>532740Honestly posting your art on lolcow seems like an even worse idea than posting your art to /ic/. Unlike /ic/, your art could stay up on lolcow for years. Plus, while actual industry pros admit to going on /ic/, it would hard to justify to outsiders if you're ever confronted with the fact you use a drama/gossip forum full of "
problematic" stuff.
A discord chat or something would probably be a better idea, since you can restrict which people come in/out and outsiders won't be able to easily view it.
No. 533185
>>532740You can already check out the redraw thread to see how well farmers take criticism so I think this is a really bad idea. I don't feel like offering advice to people who will fight me on it tooth and nail just to justify their dreams of grandiosity and then resort to calling me a pedophile weeb because I told them that a person's face doesn't work like this
>>530691 or something. It's too tiring.
No. 533228
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>>533164I don't deny many anime-western mix artists are supertalented, but they all copy eachother and mostly draw generic cute girls and it gets repetitive, and they're ALL influenced by
Trigger No. 533251
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>>533232this one doesn't have a nose on purpose, its a monsters inc version of aqua from kingdom hearts. sora's version doesn't have a nose either, and this is based on that.
No. 533302
File: 1585410617750.jpg (672.5 KB, 1055x1835, 20200329_024810.jpg)

Kasey's dumb ass is finally leaving Japan. Her sister left too. I don't understand why they waited so long to leave when the pandemic situation was clearly not going to get better anytime soon, especially when her sister admitted not being able to speak the language at all. They're both idiots.
No. 533340
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>>533164Vent art. For a genre based off of expressing emotion it's so samey. it ranges from good artists drawing mental illness for woke points using the most lame as metaphors to teens trying to vent by using popular insta art trends. Hey guys I used a red and black color scheme, hey guys I gave my character extra eyes, hey guys I drew a wolf! The comic version of the style are worse because they all tackle different subjects, but sound the same.
>Normal subject>I'm fine>I'm not fine>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE No. 533360
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>>533339They probably keep them
No. 533385
File: 1585421235157.png (2.97 MB, 1100x1373, ivyatoms_libido_trauma.png)

has ivy atoms ever been brought up in one of these threads? I know people who have had bad experiences with her before as a worker at one of her shows and her art truly is next-level furry garbage. she has some interesting concepts, but her entire career is based on her drawing glorified vent art using these two characters she writes comics about who are lesbian dog girls based off of these dolls she plays with. she definitely gives off cow vibes and i'm pretty sure the only reason she's successful is because she caters to the furry/tumblr crowd
No. 533737
>>533360Fuck, that's a shit-ton.
>>533351I also thought about selling. But then again I wonder how to price them. (And what you said that said sketchbooks seem to be filled for that reason.)
>>533564You're right. I could totally tear out what I like and toss the rest.
It's so obvious that I'm too dumb to think of that. lol
No. 533774
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>>533742if there is a record of all her dirt, i'd love a link.
it's not dirt persay but she recently got hit by a car and somehow among her getting a concussion and needing multiple stitches after being rushed to the hospital, she found the time to have this photo taken to upload to her social media page.
not sure how true it is but i also heard rumors from ccad students that the only reason she got chosen to have that exhibition mentioned above is because her art is so shitty and unconventional/reprehensible compared to modern art that they basically just picked her to be the posterchild for "weirdo tumblr art"
No. 533897
>>533774 anytime anyone has a problem with her, her sycophants go wild. any dirt on her can't be documented well because she'll bully anyone that has a problem with her, and her fans will agree with her no matter what. im curious about
>>533620 , but i know if she's successfully covered that up, she has no problem silencing people that had bad experiences with her
No. 534014
>>533774Pretty sure the photo was taken by her on again off again boyfriend. Half the indie comics community is pretty sure he's an
abusive piece of shit, if her weird vent art is anything to go by.
No. 534167
File: 1585577095872.png (15.51 KB, 937x185, 2020-03-30 15_03_52-Window.png)

which one is ccad? I googled it and I am not sure which ones you lot are refering to. (obviously it's not the dictionary one)
No. 534185
>>534184you're right, stupid nitpick is a fair call, but here we are
I also love how she clearly traced the pic of Aquaman and conveniently skipped to the colouring in part. (what is the point of just copying a photo?)
also she always goes on about how only content like unboxing and 'troom troom hacks' does well on her channel, but she never seems to want to change that.
No. 534214
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I'm usually pretty tolerant of these sorts of things but… yuck.
No. 534344
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>>534214why are animal crossing fans like this
No. 534356
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pic related is probably the only good hazel fanart that I’ve seen so far. artist is heybiji on twitter
No. 534385
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>>534356really cute; I made a quick edit on the eyes so it'll blend smoothly with the original design.
>>534214sort of had the right idea but unfortunately shoe-horned in a needless man beard.
No. 534388
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Are there any artists that make visually interesting vent art?
No. 534647
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>>533897>>533774you're telling me someone who draws shit like this can't handle mean words about her rainbow vomit furry art? so surprised
No. 534989
File: 1585738128175.png (639.17 KB, 926x595, Screen Shot 2020-04-01 at 6.46…)

can someone explain to me why this person has 294k followers? the art is atrocious, which could be forgiven if the comics were funny, but they're not.
No. 535119
File: 1585766569624.jpg (415.53 KB, 1078x759, 20200401_114209.jpg)

I know a lot of people love Jazza, but I can't help but roll my eyes whenever I scroll past his videos. His whole "obnoxious but consistent" thing isn't as endearing as he thinks it is.
No. 535125
>>535108ok but what is it really..
No. 535233
File: 1585786437404.jpg (198.62 KB, 736x1030, 1577049919529.jpg)

>>529551If you don't feel like drawing now, use your time to find artists you like, make an inpiration and reference folder. I fell into a really deep depression two years ago and i have been a HikiNEET since then. Recently i had the will to pick up the pencil again thanks to getting inspired by looking at art i like, my reference folder also really helps when struggling with what to draw. It's really, really hard to get back, but try not to lose your sense of aesthetics and build a strong visual library when you don't feel mentally well enough to draw.
No. 535244
File: 1585789813392.jpg (30.43 KB, 768x768, IMG.jpg)

? The one on the right looks better…
No. 535249
File: 1585791144923.png (106.88 KB, 406x223, 3425465.PNG)

>>535244They were trying to explain how to us highlights I assume? A lot of tuts squeeze out a lot of into in exchange for a simple x O format so it can fit on Instagram. Another one for the collection I guess
>>529534 No. 535252
>>535244>>535249Incompetent artists making shitty tutorials will never
not be funny to me
No. 535644
>>535641That's understandable. I've been perusing around this thread and other threads like this for a while and a common theme that goes around is basically "anime bad practice your fundies".
Yes, back then I was a very nervous teen and self-conscious about my art (still am) so much that I used people's criticisms as fact and stuck to them, trying to do the opposite of what I really wanted because I was afraid of being bashed for the way I draw, seeing as drawing is very personal to an artist.
And oh yes! I'm actually 26 years old currently, haha.
I don't think the same as back then with my style much anymore and I'm letting it grow naturally while also taking the time to practice aspects of other artists' styles I like to see if it works for me. And of course practicing my fundies.
It's not that I hate anime style, in all honestly I prefer it over most because of the eyes and hair details – it's detailed but not 100% realistic, cartoony but not 100% simple. But I'm still worried about getting shit on for having an anime style, even though it came naturally and it's MY style.
No. 535674
>>535671A fair point! Thank you! I'll definitely keep that in mind.
>>535653Thank you very much anon, this was super helpful and I appreciate your advice.
No. 535700
File: 1585875155920.png (1.73 MB, 1850x739, 345.PNG)

>>535698I really don't want to do this, but the original designs are better than half of these redraws. Look at how the artist tries and fails to draw a dynamic pose on snowflake when it's obvious they can only draw crappy 3/4 heads. The re draws are mostly done by delusional clout chasing insta artists who are trying to beat a, shitty albeit, professional industry artist. The worst part is most people only re-drew Snowflake/safespace because they just saw the headline. They forget about the other 3 cause that wont get clicks.
No. 535702
File: 1585875237442.png (635.08 KB, 1289x819, 345466.PNG)

>>535700people are praising this trash
No. 535817
File: 1585898231466.jpg (1.25 MB, 1953x922, tracey is back.jpg)

>>521062She's back at it again
Can you imagine being so bad at art you have to trace an illustration of a switch that someone else drew instead of tracing a reference photo
No. 535845
File: 1585906134518.png (717.67 KB, 925x1098, 1585842332378.png)

Just what were they trying to achieve here?
No. 535849
>>535817the anatomy of the girl on both pictures is trashy, but og artist at least made the environment nice and appealing. tracers will never progress with their art and they need to be exposed as soon as possible for their own good and to stop them from stealing other people's art.
>>535845who's this character supposed to be? also agreed, the rendering doesn't excuse the shittyness of the art overall, so stiff and that weird lean back he is doing doesn't make any sense.
No. 535875
>>529611>I want to draw with a pencil but then it's hard to show it aroundIt's really not, there are so many artists that just snap a photo with their phone and use an editing app to boost the contrast/sharpness. It's also very fast to scribble some colour or shadow layer over the top using photoshop and will get you more attention, but don't fall into the trap of believing it's necessary.
If you want participation/interaction, don't just post stuff on instagram and expect it. Join drawing communities like the character design challenge and those on facebook groups, or take part in hashtagged challenges.
No. 535881
>>535847Come on anon it's just cartoon stylization, the arm muscles look way off but otherwise it's pretty competent–
>the unsettling aging up of a 14 year old characterOh, you're one of these people. Please fuck off back to Twitter.
No. 535889
>>535644There are plenty of amazing anime artists who are skilled at rendering and know their anatomy. The "anime sucks reeee" people are often bitter about being told this by their art teachers and pass the fundamental on, and they often claim that people like Michiru Yamane or Ghibli "aren't anime style" as a cope.
Sticking with any style (including western cartoons or even just grayscale pencil portraits) without learning basic tools of trade like drawing from life and color studies makes your work look stunted. One of the most resourceful tutorial providers at the moment is Mangamaterials who does amazing anatomy studies and tutorials despite being a Japanese manga artist. Condensing an entire genre into "just anime style" and slapping a "detrimental" label on it is such a snobby look based on a crab bucket mentality instead of actually encouraging people to improve. 9 times out of 10 it's salty artfags who hate how an anime commissioner gets a queue of clients willing to pay big bucks for their basic ass cute anime girl drawing instead of handing their money to the ~real~ artists who aren't crowd pleasing. Like it or not but that's how it is.
A related story: I had an art teacher who absolutely hated my anime drawings. She kept on bitching about how I should stop drawing this crap and develop a style on my own, how unrealistic everything I drew was, the generic angry art faggot rant. I was so confused and discouraged, until I got a new art teacher. He never once mentioned my anime style, he only gave objective feedback based on anatomy, rendering, colors, composition, gave me suggestions on themes and inspiration and so on. Guess under which teacher did I develop my skills the most and felt most comfortable to try out new things?
No. 535942
File: 1585928905296.jpg (48.93 KB, 476x506, IMG_20200403_174625.jpg)

>comment by artist who drew the gross Love Live interpretations
Even a broken clock is right twice a day, though I'm too late on this.
No. 535954
>>535942This is the most first world shit lmao, how is drawing voluptuous women oppressing anyone? But considering op drew those ugly ass love live headcanons (and is proud of them) I'm not surprised they think that drawings are LitEralLy KilLinG MinORitIEs.
It is pretty cringe how the artist had to put herself like that though. Don't position yourself as the "big tiddy female" who has to stand up for shit like this, lol
No. 535955
File: 1585931564397.jpg (69.24 KB, 720x1101, IMG_20200403_183243.jpg)

>>535954I think it's more about girls who are handmaidens/pickmeisha's and cater hard to the fetishes of male fans. Drawing big boobs is great, drawing them attractive and shapely is great, but then there's the plastic balloon style or Raita anatomy you see in shitty art. A lot of ecchi artists get away with shit tier embarassing drawings because it gets dicks hard.
So I guess the opression part is about uncomfortable looking tits
No. 535956
File: 1585931595895.png (1020.65 KB, 992x903, Capture.PNG)

>>535942"shut up SJW's talking about broken spines" has become the new "It's muh style". If you read the twitter thread all the people posting art that got the SJW mad are actually very bad at art. If Pic related is what got you insulted by the SJW's for a broken spine maybe they had a point thread
No. 535978
>>535942The only thing oppressive about my massive tits is how I can't lay down on my stomach without crushing them. This a load of crap.
If your tits give you back problems, exercise. Fix your posture. Get a fucking breast reduction if you are lazy. Nothing about having big tits, let alone drawing big tits, is oppressive.
No. 536041
>>535889Thank you for the insight and your story anon! In truth I've never had an art teacher tell me I can't draw in the style, but it was most likely because at the time I was still forcing an anti-anime style as much as humanly possible.
It's reassuring to see so many positive views about this thing I struggle with that has been getting better, but still there.
Thank you all very much.
No. 536086
>>536083It's hilarious because I doubt anyone who DOES have a large chest would care to comment. And referring to them as massive? Hilarious.
I bet she thinks a C cup is huge.
No. 536200
File: 1585960940615.png (94.62 KB, 360x450, pokemon lana.png)

>>534925I don't think you haven't read enough manga/anime to realize that isn't the case.
No. 536287
File: 1585978478760.jpg (Spoiler Image,98.4 KB, 601x595, Annotation 2020-04-04 002953.j…)

Speaking of minors, Lizbeth R Jimenez literally draws shota. Her main character is 16 but to make things worse he has the height and body of a child. And within the series his romantic interest is a grown ass adult. She also drew this child's penis in like the first volume. Most of her audience are minors. Yikes.
No. 536292
>>536287I'll admit, I always thought that character was a girl. Granted, I never read Sacred and only loosely keep up with Lizbeth because she's technically skilled. Her actual videos skew too young for me to watch with the volume on.
Going off this image alone I'd say 'height and body of a child' was pushing it, but then I went to the official site and…
>"Cecero is a soft spoken, petite, and VERY short young Mystic (he's only 4' 8" tall!), but don't be fooled by his appearance! In battle, he is virtually unbeatable. How, you ask? Because Cecero is the son of the great Lady Alumrion–future ruler of the mystic realm– and it's obvious he's inherited his mothers great abilities. Cecero has been awarded the status of Class-A mystic, which has earned both the respect and hatred of his classmates. This little neat-freak has become somewhat of a "house wife" to his childhood friend and room mate, Sheko (whom he cooks for, cleans for, and watches over 24/7! LOL). But when he's not repremanding Sheko (or popping one of his room mates blow-up dolls), their unbreakable bond is obvious to everyone." I don't know where to start. Does Liz have an editor or is she getting published based on skill alone?
No. 536328
File: 1585990770963.jpeg (515.28 KB, 1125x1764, 843B3BFA-2F08-4DE2-BFDE-488952…)

I cannot… fathom why this is a good idea. At all.
No. 536339
>>536328i hate to say it, but this could have been good if a little more effort was put in. like if her hair was brown and in ringlets reminiscent of cardboard tubes, or even if she was wearing a white empire waist dress with the serrated square pattern on it. she could even keep her weird tp shoulder bows.
idk. if youre going to do something this dumb, at least DO IT. this is just Pink Haired Anime Girl #456 dressed up as a slutty toilet paper mummy
No. 536349
>>536235Jfc ten years ago people were drawing Naruto characters as adults and no one bats an eye but
triggered Tumblr rad fems are here now to save the fucking day when Bakugo is drawn as an adult man the audacity clearly everyone involved in aging up a cartoon character is a pedo you got them good job
No. 536368
File: 1586002840799.jpg (7.51 KB, 201x251, download.jpeg-1.jpg)

>>535881No I mistook the character for bakugo when i posted this
>>535845I was disturbed not because the artist aged him up, I was disturbed that he fetishized him into a muscly body.
No. 536414
>>536349>triggered Tumblr rad femslol.
why does this debate always come up?
No. 536445
>>536408Bakugou is not real and he will not fuck you for defending his 16 year old ass. Shut up already.
Can we please ban the "aging up child character = PEDOPHILIA!" AND THE "aging up child character =/= not pedophilia" discussion that we always
need to have in these threads like how nitpicking was banned in the kpop critical threads?
No. 536493
File: 1586026130897.png (233.44 KB, 482x754, Screenshot_1.png)

>>536485Reverse image searches work wonders. guess he IS supposed to be an OC.
No. 536495
I wonder if OP even read the description.
No. 536505
File: 1586027062429.png (360.11 KB, 589x538, Screenshot_29.png)

Rin blaming the watercolour paper, when really it's her oily fingers touching the paper surface that's making her paint application look splotchy and bad.
No. 536506
>>536505I'm getting so tired of her repetitious art ngl. I used to watch all of her videos in succession but everything looks the exact same no matter what medium she uses.
And blaming the paper for her own callous mistakes? Stupid. She obviously hasn't studied how to use watercolors or else she would know that you're not supposed to touch the paper.
Everything of hers just blends in now.
No. 536539
>>536534Woah there anon, you need some chocolate? You need a warm bath? Chill out.
It's not as stupid as you think, they look very similar.
No. 536679
>>536349Bringing up Naruto is a good point because Shippuden and Boruto are a thing. The mangaka himself aged them up, so if you draw the characters who used to be kids, now as adults, is it okay because you got the mangaka's canon interpretation of them as adults?
I always thought changing ages of characters interesting, you can make up reasons for their behaviors in canon by things happening to them when they were younger, or you can have the long term effects of things happening to them in canon affect them years down the line as an adult.
Obviously making past/future headcanons isn't pedophilic (i think), but what if someone likes my interpretation of this adult version of a character and starts feeling a certain way about them? Is it still fucked up?
No. 536869
>>536325>>536326They always seem to read in the same weird tone of voice. It feels terribly clunky and childish. Those posts all feel like they're from the same person. I know they aren't.
Just like how a lot of them have samey art styles, they adopt samey online writing style.
No. 536876
>>536326iirc correctly the insta algorithm loves longs desc. and comments. this ends up with them all imitating the same 'ideal instagram' description.
> I drew X> Blogpost 2-3 sentences> Question> forced emojis It sounds childish and clunky because they're putting the literal bare minimum into the description.
No. 536879
>>536326Yes! Finally someone else noticed. It feels so cringey and fake. Like they'll ask something so generic just for interaction I guess. "What's your favorite color?" "How do you like your eggs?" I think part of it is being as plastic and polished as possible, so you don't have anything
problematic in your descriptions (such as actually talking about what you're going through or how you feel, even if it may be unpopular.)
No. 536911
>>536505Using a small brush to fill in big spaces didn't help, either, even though she had a bigger slanted brush from the box she "liked this one bEtTeR" (the one in the screenshot)
I've got literally nothing against Rin, I still watch her videos anyway, but she's stagnated HARD. She always tries to make all art supplies bend to her usual way of making art instead of trying to draw anything other than colored in lineart of girls with very detailed faces.
No. 537519
File: 1586207932749.jpg (179.94 KB, 589x462, 2020-04-06.jpg)

Bust adopts are a thing…? Seems really low effort to me.
No. 537764
>>537751I've watched a couple of his videos and was surprised by how little he actually drew. All I saw him do was be "sarcastic" as he redlined flat shapes that made no sense, and he only "fixed" the art he criticised at the end of the video, but really just made it be in his own style with no improvements. I honestly didn't even understand what concepts he was trying to convey because his attempts at being funny confused everything. I'd rather watch artists who aren't trying to be edgy memers but know how to convey information.
Also you can't make such obnoxious clickbait titles and expect people not to be put off, anon. No matter how "respectful" he is in videos (and I'd argue using these artists for clickbait isn't respectful at all when he's calling their art garbage), he's chosen a persona and people are allowed not to like it.
No. 537828
File: 1586262734520.jpg (65.51 KB, 1280x817, ff.jpg)

>>537751Problem with him is he talks like he's hot shit cause he worked on voltron, a cheap anime knockoff, and despite having a good sense of dynamism his art is ugly most of the time. He's got that RCDart thing where the lines are polished and some skill is clearly present but the stylization is just. Yuk
No. 537843
File: 1586264465325.png (645.12 KB, 948x548, Capture.PNG)

>>537828>>537751went to his IG, notice that he has drawn disproportionately mainly black women
No. 537861
>>537857dick sucking lips are lips that are unusually big, plump, and pouty -aka pornified lips-, and it might be an unconscious choice but it's definitely for sexual purposes.
I support the theory that he has a black fetish.
No. 537876
File: 1586267419118.png (277.35 KB, 758x730, 34525.PNG)

>>537751Plus on the "has talent, but waste it in shit style" point. I watched his videos and the concepts he covers are the lowest of the low. It's always something someone else has covered better on YT or something so basic even mother fucking "drawing on the right side of the brain" covers it. His audience is the lowest level of art normie who thinks "abrasive=right"
No. 537880
File: 1586267757778.jpeg (250.77 KB, 1280x817, becker.jpeg)

>>529483Did you look at his art past his instagram page which is only fast sketches though? For example finished pieces from his tumblr, character sheets, stuff compiled in his character design references interview and so on. Dude has a great grasp of shape language and wide range of stuff he's capable to do, he definitely knows what he's talking about.
This said I totally get how his persona may be unlikable, or how his stylization unappealing, it's subjective. What's objective though is that he is an accomplished creator and has good knowledge of fundamentals, and all of the comments about him I've seen here in the past were just like "reeee untalented trash", which is a bit unjustified.
No. 537949
>>537861+1 on the black fetish thing, thought I was the only one who saw it. he has a video that's a conceptual animatic that's, I guess, a personal project of his and the characters (that we can see) are black.
in the description/comments he's asking if it's "cultural appropriation" and his fans are like "NAH, as long as you're respectful you're good, I'm black this is so cool" etc. Link related. Make of it what you will. But I think he's got a fixation, definitely.
No. 537957
>>537843>>537857>>537861>>537949Especially in the current environment, fetishes and virtue signalling have a lot of overlap. It'd be one thing if that were just features he liked in a woman, but this is downright grotesque.
>>537947A lot of my core skills came from studying under several local illustrators, and I'm grateful for it. Depending on your learning style, it can be a great experience. You don't
need to, but if you feel stagnant, learning with someone who is already at a stage where you want to be (in my case, illustrating and drafting professionally) can accelerate your process. I'm a kinesthetic learner, so Youtube videos and books, while very helpful, only go so far for me.
tl;dr not necessary but can be incredibly valuable with a good instructor
No. 537961
File: 1586280334976.png (39.15 KB, 1065x319, 8tng1hke11p41.png)

>>537957>Especially in the current environment, fetishes and virtue signalling have a lot of overlapreminds me of this
No. 538109
>>537751We haven't talked about him in quite a while.
I just don't like his art style. Seconding other anons, it feels gross and cumbrain-y to me. This doesn't strike me as respectful towards black women, it strikes me as fetishistic.
He also just isn't a very good teacher.
>>537880The environment is nice but the characters look just as shitty as his other character art. Also the painting is very competent but styles like this are really common and not particularly unique.
Becker seems like he's much better at landscapes than he is at human characters. Which is fine, it's okay to have a specialty.
Why are you caping so hard for this guy, anyway?
No. 538207
File: 1586310935484.png (708.32 KB, 768x1024, Untitled9.png)

>>536302Sage for ot & old tweets, but I think this on top of her comic should answer that question for you
No. 538245
File: 1586315993458.jpg (75.83 KB, 512x659, picrelated.JPG)

ever notice how merch production has become so accessible through the years. sometimes i think about this and the amount of plastic people are wasting just because manus will print anything for a price
inb4 gatekeeping
No. 538369
>>538109>Why are you caping so hard for this guy, anyway?tbh I don't even know, I just wanted to ask about the negative bias because I do like his art/videos, but with the discussion ensuing I ended up caping. I guess this is how all internet feuds begin, haha
In the end it's all subjective, some people will enjoy and some will not. And that's it.
No. 538441
File: 1586354909243.png (1.69 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200408-090205.png)

On an unrelated note, I don't understand how Sara Tepes has such a large following. 75% of the stuff she posts is just slightly polished pencil sketches like attached. She's got 340K subs on YouTube and 250K+ followers on insta. No vendetta, I'm just confused about her popularity.
No. 538466
>>538109Yeah i totlly thought his drawings of black women are disrespectful fetsihistic and even ugly, but no one seems to want to call him out.
I don't fully get rcdart incident because most of trans artists draw their characters with boobs/ or post surgery bruises. Seems like everyone just jumped the bandwagon
No. 538477
>>536326>>536876I don't have a problem with this, you need to put something short and simple at the start of a caption because it's going to be cropped off, so you put something short that will make sense.
And then below that, they write what they actually wanted to write.
The question part is of course a forced way to invoke interaction for the algorithm but that's just par for the course if you want your art to be seen, and it also starts to feel pretty weird just posting without receiving interaction.
>>537397What's the point in them not taking advantage of the algorithm? This stuff is no different to doing a pr drive for an album or advertising a new product, it's not immoral, it's just the way it's done.
No. 538491
File: 1586363056060.png (1.27 MB, 1389x2048, Screenshot_20200408-112229.png)

>>538454She's very basic imo. I like her coloring (sometimes) I thought her BEASTARS fanart was kek-worthy. The rabbits face, I mean…
No. 538511
>>537949It doesn't seem like a fetish to me. Watching the video, the big lipped women are barely in it, and the stuff that is refined is dramatically shot and not hyper sexualized at all. It is one thing to look at still images like
>>537843 and get the idea he had a thing for black women, or at least big lips, but seeing the animation, I get a different vibe. If anything, those still images are character designs or starts for the animatic. The comment he put on the video even asking if it is cultural appropriation seems like he knows he isn't 'his place' to make something like this. He clearly wants to but doesn't want to get crucified and have his career in shambles over the internet mobs because's he's a white dude making a story with predominately black characters. I never understood that, but he at least is trying to cover his own ass from woke butthurt Twitter threads.
I would actually love to see more of this Delinquents project, it seems like a cyberpunk-meets-modern ghetto action-drama and I am down for that. He seems to have two obvious inspirations for this; Carbi-B's song, and American-anime style fight scenes. Especially at the 0:25 in the video, that is a clear call to Legend of Korra. Empire crossed with ATLA, maybe? I'd be down for that.
No. 538530
File: 1586369726241.png (1.47 MB, 1963x944, DEB574EB-2B88-4CF9-9F1A-3B477B…)

Not that much surprised I guess
No. 538592
>>538530yeah this gijinka is completely fine, little similar but doesn't mean it's a rip off
>>538589this smells of self post so much, both you and godsdogg put a space before a punctuation mark lol
No. 538621
File: 1586388917647.jpeg (772.62 KB, 1185x1303, 2BFEBC01-E413-4ED0-BB9F-EE7F5E…)

The “new guy” comic artist has now uploaded another terrible comic that justifies shoplifting from art supply stores because they’re “big corporations”
No. 538630
File: 1586391741641.jpeg (425.92 KB, 741x983, FAE86A33-FBB1-4754-A69D-7262B1…)

>>538621>>538622She deliberately shows shoplifting numerous of art supplies and shows it as “quirky” and is surprised that people have a moral system
No. 538633
File: 1586391793021.jpg (403.54 KB, 447x754, 4cIBvSA.jpg)

>>538621At least it isn't as ugly as some of her other comics.
No. 538643
the point of this was to acknowledge how the one made by godsdogg (they also made the post on twitter I just noticed it first on instagram since it came up in the explore page) looks so similar to the one on the left, should’ve circled the dates but at this point it seems like random sperg.
No. 538667
File: 1586398117411.png (203.92 KB, 603x419, h.png)

I just noticed this after having been following them for a while but…isn't this going a little too far? Forcing people to DM you an agreement to follow you?
No. 538669
>>538621"Be crimes, do gay" You're… fighting the establishment by stealing non essential items and possibly getting workers fired?
Also, I love the detail of the screen tablet/ipad. Really helps to cement the image of a person that is well off financially but feels the need to be trashy.
No. 538695
File: 1586403221633.png (595.11 KB, 696x696, claire.png)

i love when people struggle to draw actual humans because they've learned everything from anime and haven't bothered to learn the fundamentals because they might impact MuH sTyLe
i added an actual pic for reference so you can see that claire looks like an actual human woman and not a k-pop reject with enormous hulking man shoulders
No. 538697
File: 1586403418281.jpeg (435.55 KB, 750x1057, A7B0D7EA-B8AB-44F4-91F0-FBBADC…)

>>538621Her reasoning is so retarded
No. 538732
>>538623Imagine being so sheltered that you care more about fucking drawings than the hundreds of other appalling things that happen to real women and children every day.
Loli is gross. I would argue that it's a gateway drug to actual CP. But this isn't loli. It isn't even shota. It's bara fanart of a character that's above the age of consent anyway. Hell, it's not even fanart– it's an OC that happens to look like Bakugou.
>>538502I don't want to get banned for race discussion, but you're literally using the "black friends" argument. That's all I'm gonna say.
>>538621Lmao I came here specifically because I knew this trainwreck would be discussed.
Sure, plenty of people steal when they're teenagers. That doesn't make it okay. Teenagers are stupid sociopaths whose brains aren't done developing. The artist who made this is a grown-ass man and should know better by now. Theft doesn't affect higher-ups, because they make six and seven digit salaries. It
does affect employees making ten bucks an hour. While it's melodramatic to say that people get fired for it, people
do get penalized, especially employees who work in loss prevention.
Also, it's been pointed out before, but it's doubly gross that a character with a fucking pen display is shop-lifting. You can afford a seven hundred dollar piece of equipment, but not a few seven dollar copics? Come the fuck on. I understand that it's fiction, and that you can have fictional characters do all sorts of fucked up shit. The main issue isn't necessarily the comic itself, its the fact that Jesse is defending it so relentlessly. All he had to say was, "my OC is kind of a shitty person, that's why she's doing this," but instead he's dying on the hill of shoplifting.
No. 538733
File: 1586408738814.jpg (103.07 KB, 685x960, 89014047_869045233539417_24885…)

>>538695What bothered me the most is that she turned her into a webtoon thin 20 year old character.
he only features she seemed replicate to be is her hair
my guess is that Vicki wanted to draw a bakery girl and was like "oh I can make it claire fan art" last minute
>I thought this Bon appetit piece was cute though No. 538767
>>538764it's basically a friendship simulator.
(Chris is obviously the best ba)
No. 538769
>>538441Wondering the same thing…
It looks like she draws the same girl over and over again. Is it the same character or same face syndrome?
No. 538772
>>538695It bothers me so much that she’s a pinhead, like that’s usually the opposite problem of people who learn from anime cuz they try to cram so much in. But she also doesn’t even get the hair streaks correctly, like she’s too apprehensive of making her look old but that’s part of her look (and Claire is not old, I think she’s like 34?)
>>538764It reminds me that like the internet was sad that on mythbusters, Jamie and Adam weren’t friends outside of the show but like these are all delusional, lonely people who think you have to be friends with all your coworkers. The internet just makes personality based content of real people kind of creepy
No. 538793
>>538695The resemblance just. Isn't there. Like if she didn't write 'claire' in bubble letters, no one would know who she was trying to draw.
I get wanting to keep your art cutesy or aesthetic, but if I was Claire I would find this a little insulting tbh, like the only way this artist finds her pretty is by stripping away all of her unique features and rendering her as a bizarre doll creature that looks nothing like her.
And don't even get me started on those shoulders lol
No. 538810
File: 1586427080701.png (1.23 MB, 1435x2082, 2020-04-09 15.06.02.png)

Have you guys seen @ la___aura's art on instagram? I mean, no joke their work is really gorgeous and detailed and amazing but I saw her process videos she uploads on instagram and I don't know, it feels so mechanical to me, the massive amount of guidelines etc is just weird? Every process vid shows this many and even more guidelines. Is it really weird or am I being retarded here?
No. 538840
>>538621I saw this just now and had to check immediately if this was posted here already. This makes me too mad for words. All the actual art supply stores I know are owned by private people simply wanting to make ends meet and if every entitled twitter artist stole $100 worth of supplies it'd affect their bottom line considerably, in the worst case they'd have to lay off employees or raise the prices even more. Professional supplies are not cheap because they take a lot of labor and expensive materials to produce, have a niche audience that can't afford to spend big bucks constantly and you barely get yours back retailing them. And even if it was a ~big bad corporation~ selling these supplies it wouldn't matter. It's still wrong.
>>538697Fucking christ what a dick. I've worked retail and got yelled at for not noticing a shoplifter. Even if it was my boss who was in the wrong for blaming me, the thief is the one who instigated the whole chain of events. Even in the comic itself this bitch has the audacity to look down on employees for "reciting garbage" like they were thoughtless NPCs. Vain shoplifters pocketing non-essentials are trash and this is one of the worst takes I've seen in a while.
And of course it's a narc tranny. Why wouldn't it be. The art style alone was a dead giveaway but I just had to double check.
No. 538842
>>536368Just take the L and fuck off, anon. Your moralfagging is so retarded that it makes me want to physically cringe.
>m-muh aging up of MHA charactersYour kind is the cancer of our time. I hope after you turn 18 this will come back to you and you'll get cancelled yourself for stanning fictional cartoon ~minors~ by a new wave of entitled, sociopathic twitter swat team.
>>536408jesus what the fuck is your problem. get help soon
No. 538985
>>538855exposing myself as a sad amateur yet again
gotta incorporate some into my work too i suppose
No. 539016
File: 1586463820162.jpeg (906.72 KB, 1242x1645, 76310175-A65C-49D1-ADA9-10D798…)

why do people draw blush on fucking animals
No. 539206
File: 1586492435065.png (443.55 KB, 588x491, ElJ5vHc.png)

These have to be some of the most boring, uninspired gijinkas I've ever seen.
No. 539242
File: 1586498520327.png (1.68 MB, 1524x2048, Screenshot_20200410-020145.png)

>>539206At least it's not this tumblr shit
No. 539278
>>539172As if transboys don't constantly preach "even if we're men we can wear make up too" or no transwomen do nothing to look female and still are
No. 539298
File: 1586516077801.jpg (84.71 KB, 678x960, 1586450547147.jpg)

I wouldn't want this flower.
No. 539305
File: 1586518157318.png (318.23 KB, 790x790, muffy.png)

>>538643They both drew the same clothing Muffy is wearing in-game. Chill tf out. Hopefully u can also see the ribbon on this render.
No. 539390
File: 1586539175568.png (584 KB, 532x842, sfsdffggf.PNG)

Sageing but this comes off as heavily narcissistic. The "let's start a tag!" just seems to down play that. I love her art but she always comes off super self absorbed.
No. 539405
>>539396looks like lanajay art to me but that's just a guess
>>539390a person who only draws herself, her daily outfits, or her face on characters that are just her with a different hairstyle is self absorbed? shocking /s
no but seriously cyarin is such a fake nice person and it's so transparent to me. i used to love her work but seeing the way she talks to others including her own followers is offputting and over time I just got sick of seeing her on my feed. she's a major bitch and I wish more people would talk about their bad experiences with her
No. 539432
File: 1586545272691.png (635 KB, 526x861, uwu.PNG)

>>539390Her constant uwu posting is so irritating. Instead of uwuing and being fake maybe she should try fixing her same face syndrome.
No. 539458
File: 1586553339779.png (381.78 KB, 562x702, white privilege lmao.png)

>>538621Update on thieving tranny over here, his ko-fi is under review.
No. 539460
>>539458The theft comic comes across to me like a publicity stunt gone wrong. She probably thought she'd upload this 'spicy' content, rouse up people with common sense, she'd make a few snippy remarks to try and safe face, collect sympathy donations then go back into hiding for a few more months until she's ready to repeat. Guess that wasn't the case this time.
Countdown till Jessica uploads a cutesy comic about licking and coughing on expensive things in the department store because eat the rich tee hee anarchy guys.
No. 539466
File: 1586555465803.png (116.97 KB, 1096x418, Screen Shot 2020-04-10 at 5.50…)

>>539458bet they're gonna suicide bait now.
No. 539487
>>539483Pretty accurate, but of course weebs will be
triggered by this
No. 539496
>>539396ajuilustra on Instagram
I would've turned a blind eye to her shitty tracings but it becomes something else when you sell those tracings at conventions
No. 539520
>>539390This is dumb, like duh of course your portraits look like you, this is actually a problem for real portrait artists because your own face is the one you see the most often. It’s a skill to NOT make a portrait look like your face.
But yeah her entire Thing is her painted portraits that are cartoon versions of her but she draws more or less like a Loish without the range
No. 539529
File: 1586565558826.png (216.02 KB, 516x900, gross.png)

I don't hate this artist or think her art is bad, but the style is disgusting to me. This trend of massive tits and asses disproportionate to everything.
Also, this is how fat chicks think they look. You are not "thicc", you're fucking fat.
No. 539530
File: 1586565652422.jpg (179.32 KB, 1280x720, ~Diversity~.jpg)

>>539524Thank you for your insightful comment.
No. 539534
File: 1586565784458.png (299.06 KB, 551x1250, tumblr_por07zZrdz1qboi42o1_r2_…)

>>539531Yeah… it's not a bad technique or style overall, but the Kim K proportions are hideous.
No. 539566
my post was talking about gijinkas, you retards. learn how to read
>>534356this one is pretty cute
No. 539576
>>539575i wasn't angry at the person who made the art for political reasons, i just said that the aesthetic boring.
>not knowing betterlame excuse but whatever. i don't understand why people victimize japanese people.
No. 539587
File: 1586569834148.jpg (189.53 KB, 1200x795, anime vs real.jpg)

>>539558Thiis. Westerners will look at the left and think "two white girls". Japanese people will look at it and think of the pic on the right.
This debate is dead and boring. Tired of narcissistic white people and insecure POCs making everything about themselves.
No. 539620
File: 1586573111784.jpeg (43.84 KB, 504x608, images (6).jpeg)

>>538702Goddamit anon you
triggered flashbacks with those crazy eunuch russian sisters
No. 539624
>>539579keep putting words in my mouth. i don't think she's racist, just bland.
>>539587those things don't even register as humans to me. i'm talking about the left btw.
No. 539637
>>539587Ethnicity completely aside, do we see how the two people on the right have distinct and individual features, while the two characters on the left are completely visually identical besides the hair? This is the original problem with
>>539206, it's not that they aren't diverse enough but that it's the same fucking guy five times. Can we at least agree that that's artistically lazy and boring?
No. 539644
>>539632I dont think so
I think its bagoas. They love drawing that mofo
No. 539649
>>539637Finally someone said it lmao
There are some mangas other there, like MHA, that actually have a physically diverse cast
No. 539668
File: 1586581509321.png (82.76 KB, 648x312, boy4SBW.png)

I'm convinced trans artists want to be able to get away with anything they please purely because they are trans.
No. 539669
File: 1586581614825.png (61.92 KB, 604x480, AcSRsjz.png)

>>539668Cis artists get called out for weird shit all the time. Too bad so sad Mallorie's trans pass bounced.
No. 539716
>>539460I'm 100% sure this was how it was supposed to go. He's managed to do it multiple times before but this one happened to backfire because instead of being "just" sociopathic it's actually portraying a crime. And not only that, he was extremely condescending and aggressive towards people who brought up how wrong this is.
>>539478It's a man. What did you expect from him tbh.
>>539535This x 100%. I'll report every goddamn "not enough skintones!!!" post from now on for retarded americentric racebaiting.
No. 539727
File: 1586599090002.jpg (594.96 KB, 1080x1805, Screenshot_20200411_105219_com…)

So I've been following this artist for a while, but I've only just noticed how much her art suffers from same face syndrome
No. 539748
>>539487i really don't know why anon got her panties in such a bunch. no one gives a shit about tom nook's skin tone in this,
>>539483 is a badly done drawing and belongs in the bad art thread no matter what.
No. 539755
>>539458It's pretty fucking funny he lost his Ko-fi. Like why is he asking for money if he doesn't pay for shit anyway?
>>539669No one is saying what you can and can't draw. For fuck's sake, if you're this afraid of feedback, don't post your shit online.
The fact that it's a "cute" comic about theft is precisely the issue. It's making the point that this harmful behavior is cute and relatable. No, it harms real peoples' livelihoods. The author defending it instead of just saying his OC is morally grey also makes matters worse.
No. 539846
File: 1586634846991.jpeg (786.47 KB, 1066x1511, 5FF5B7E4-AA2F-4714-B6F0-428A88…)

>>539390what’s up with her always liking her own posts? you can check out the original post and it’s got both her accounts liking it.
you can like your own posts for all I care, have your own reasons for it, but with cyarin it just seems to add up to her self absorption when you think of it as a whole.
No. 539858
>>539812it's bait, ignore
>>539850just because it hurt your feelings doesn't mean it's bad kek
No. 539910
File: 1586645383513.png (307.5 KB, 720x928, classic cumbrain art.png)

Anyone see this trainwreck earlier?
No. 539925
>>539920proof or gtfo
>>539910people who use posers without any idea of anatomy are stupid. a poser can be helpful but youre so much better off using a human reference because then you dont get shitty balloon tits.
No. 540008
File: 1586659208149.png (2.36 MB, 1529x2048, Screenshot_20200411-213916.png)

Lana Jay has some of the worst sameface in her art. They all look like the same person
No. 540016
>>539727>>540008Both of these made me cringe so hard because the blatant same-face here coupled with the number of likes upsets me.
And people say it's only in anime this happens.
No. 540027
File: 1586662571369.jpg (232.48 KB, 1572x469, same face .jpg)

>>540008It looks like she just copied and pasted 4/6 of the faces lmao
No. 540048
File: 1586668597067.png (1.58 MB, 1080x1462, 20200412_011524.png)

I know we're all tired of the new six fan art trend going around, but this has to be one of the worst ones by far…
No. 540070
>>540034I feel like you have some milk on her
Pls spill it
No. 540148
>>540063Which Intuos and which OS are you using? I used to have a lot of issues with Win7 back when I still used my Intuos4 and Bamboo Fun P/T with drivers randomly quitting. Since the Create (what I've used for the past 6 years) uses the same driver as the Bamboo Fun I had issues with that one too. I found that I could get around the rebooting issue by keeping a tablet preferences backup file and restoring preferences from that when the driver quit. The other method of stopping and starting the driver service rarely ever worked for me. For the preferences file:
Wacom Preferences File Utility -> Backup
when the driver quits:
Wacom Preferences File Utility -> Restore -> select your backup file
While this would occasionally fail it worked more often than not.
I will say that for all of Win10's faults I have much, much better experiences with the same Wacom driver and have never had it just up and die on me. I've been using my Create with Win10 for three years and not had any issues. If you're still using Win7 (etc) it may honestly just be how the OS handles driver software.
While I have no direct experience with XP-Pen I have at least heard good things. Gaomon pen displays are also good, but be aware of color bit depth. Some pen displays out there are only 6-bit/channel instead of 8-bit/channel and this leads to fewer colors displayed, usually biased toward green and against red. I have a Gaomon PD1560 with this feature but I don't care much because I don't like coloring or shading with pen displays for a reason that also plagues the ever-expensive Cintiqs: input lag. Even Cintiqs as well as "off-brand" pen displays have some degree of input latency, which can be seen in some videos out there of tablets in use. I use a lot of quick scrubbing motions for coloring and shading and the latency throws me off really bad, making me over or underestimate my stroke distance. Tablets have this normally, but because with surface tablets you're looking at your monitor and not your hand it's far less noticeable. If this doesn't bother you then don't worry about it, but it may still be worth keeping in the back of your mind.
Hope this helps at least a little bit!
No. 540336
File: 1586744464990.jpeg (852.67 KB, 750x863, 7DE81436-E5C8-40B9-90C9-814E58…)

This isn’t very milky but I hate the way roxartss uses color literally her portraits look like clowns I can’t stand it there old art is so much more pleasing to the eye
No. 540337
File: 1586744544308.jpeg (707.77 KB, 750x909, C364611C-ED8C-482D-A386-98E5DA…)

Their* also here’s an older peice
No. 540357
File: 1586749720143.png (195.17 KB, 500x553, EqvQKjI.png)

>>540337Such gorgeous art.
No. 540387
File: 1586760794552.png (891.07 KB, 792x894, Screenshot_20200412-232640.png)

Saged because there's no milk;
I hate how hypersexualized dorotero's art gets (pic related) Their non sexual shit looks nice but their porn gets overly repetitive. 'sAcHiEl gEtS fUcKeD bY dOgGy DiCkS or rAnDoM mEn aNd sHeS tOtAlLy tRaNs!!' or 'BIG BOOBIES AND TENTACLES OR DILDOS!!'
No. 540397
>>540008I checked out this artist and to be honest the sameface syndrome doesn't really apply here. The faces are visually identical but her drawings have a lot of variety with poses and arrangements. The sameface syndrome goes a level deeper than just facial features, it's also the character's body language, attire, colorization and expressions. Sure most of her drawings are just pretty fairy/witch girls or something but they still look like distinguishable pieces to me. You can make stick figures look different by using other means than just facial features.
But then again this artist
>>539727 (lesly.oh) has characters with identical body language, expressions, poses, aesthetics, settings and rendering techniques. Because their faces are more detailed than the artist above (lanajay) you end up paying more attention to how identical they look. They all have the identical full lips, hooded eyes, thick eyebrows, straight noses and angular face shape with very little variation in fashion styles. When you draw very simple faces like lanajay you tend to focus on other things around them more, making their art pieces more like a complete picture than just facial/half body portraits like lesly.oh does.
I'm an ESLfag so I don't know if I got my point across right but this is how I see it. Don't really care for either artist but lanajay seemed to be much more stimulating when it comes to the sameface debate.
No. 540411
You just explained exactly what sameface syndrome is in your first comparison…
>The faces are visually identicalThat's what sameface is.
No. 540412
File: 1586774240478.jpg (424.9 KB, 1199x1563, Screenshot_20200413-123629_Twi…)

No. 540439
>>540412Don't people age them up because they're NOT pedos? If you're drawing NSFW art of Bakugo at age 35 or something I assume that's because there's certain aspects of the character that you like, but you're literally being put off by the idea of having sex with a 15-year-old.
Are the people who get mad about this all really young? I wonder if they're not old enough to have experience of relating to a character much younger than you because all the characters much younger than them are like… 6.
No. 540442
>>540412kek I can already hear the "AGING UP UNDERAGE CHARACTERS IS DISGUSTING" sperg anon rushing to call you a pedo
>>540439They're usually in the age range of 16-22 and haven't yet realized that they themselves are (or are soon to be) adults. It's been said again and again but it'll come back to haunt them when they get a bit older and the next wave of woke 16-year olds starts turning against them when they stan a 15-year old anime character with indeterminate features that could very well be 22 if the high school story setting didn't force them to be underage. A lot of these people completely forget that the characters are made by adults and don't represent real people at all.
I remember back in the day seeing Misty porn (from Pokemon) and nobody thought there was anything weird about it because she was always aged up to have an adult body and you pretty much assumed that this was an adult character despite her canonly being like 11. The same goes for people shipping Gary and Ash, even when I was Ash's age I didn't really consider him my "peer". Fictional characters represent concepts, not actual people. 20 years later I still have a very hard time thinking of him being 10 because it's such an ageless entity. You're attracted to the character as a trope and an idea, not an actual physical being. No matter what's your stance on underage characters there's a world of difference between finding a fictional character attractive because you project your own interpretation to it and admire the idea of this personality and then jacking it to toddler porn or grooming real life teenagers. People are so goddamn privileged when they can give their time of the day to be more worried about fictional characters' rights than actual people.
No. 540539
File: 1586808353954.jpg (3.83 MB, 1985x2825, 1059763.jpg)

>>540535bro get yourself a cup of water and look at these cute anime girls to calm yourself down
No. 540605
File: 1586817821455.jpg (29.99 KB, 361x298, enough.JPG)

i have no idea why i keep seeing redraws of this particular sailor moon frame
also, clip studio tips is now being plagued by shitty how to draw anime eye tutorials. do they actually give real money for winning tutorials anyway?
No. 540638
File: 1586824072071.png (159.26 KB, 605x701, snowflakes.png)

>>540559>drawing rights activists spergouts single handedly scaring off non western artistsThe joke writes itself, holy shit. Nobody gets to draw anything spicier than a coffee shop soft gay au anymore, because anything outside of that gets a target painted on your back for all the snowflakes to see.
No. 540651
File: 1586825982103.png (526.93 KB, 1194x1186, Mioree.png)

Since the threads a little dry, anyone seen this commission drama going on between two artists?
sorry, there's a lot of screenshots so i'm linking the thread No. 540657
File: 1586826371502.png (163.19 KB, 1228x580, why are you booing me i'm righ…)

>>540654And this just made me kek. Reading through the chat, I understood where he was coming from and why he'd get annoyed at Mioree for repeatedly saying she'd provide thumbnails and then putting off delivering. But his response to her explaining the situation is where I completely sided with Mioree, he acted like an asshole.
No. 540706
File: 1586832075318.png (378.44 KB, 1194x1186, Screen Shot 2020-04-13 at 6.19…)

>>540692Sadly I didn't save that particular post before he deleted the thread, but the gist of it was just him saying "She hadn't even started so I asked for a refund which she refused to give me", and echoing some of what he said to Mioree in the chat, that she shouldn't have taken on work she knew she couldn't handle, don't ever work with artists like this, said she "broke her TOS" and called her a scammer. He included a small portion of the chat as well (which is included in Mioree's thread with the entire thing)
I have a few of his replies though.
No. 540738
>>540651I side with CJ and hope paypal agrees to the chargeback. They usually side with buyers anyways.
Commissions of that cost should be done via emails instead of a discord chat wtf
No. 540810
>>540720this is the weirdest post i've ever read here honestly. there's absolutely nothing entitled about taking a commission when someone is willing to pay the extra fee, and she did mention in a post that they have mutual friends so she probably thought he wasn't so bitchy. it's way more entitled to commission someone when they clearly say they are busy (even have their commissions closed) and then ask for a refund before the deadline is even over. one month is enough for a shit ton of artists to finish a drawing with no background and a basic pose, he underestimated her ability, and that makes me even more confused as to why he commissioned her.
>>540738lot of artists like to talk through twitter/discord/instagram/ect because it's way faster to get a response. maybe it doesn't give you that ~professional~ flair or whatever you expect, but being able to discuss matters in real time is very useful and obviously gets things done faster.
No. 540882
>>540706Yeah, he’s right. If you can’t take the commission because you’re busy, then don’t take it. The dude paid a grand, the ToS he agreed to was broke, he demands a refund. All he needed was a progress report, three weeks is wayyyy too long to not get anything. Especially if he just wanted thumbnails, SOMETHING to show the project had started. He paid a large sum, and wanted to be sure his investment was being acknowledged.
As far as calling her a entitled little slut; yeah, she is. She got a commission worth a GRAND, and didn’t bother to even start it/post proof of progress for three weeks?? That’s fucking stupid. Especially when, as an artist that takes commissions, you write your own ToS to avoid shit like this! Yeah, she is 100% a dumb, entitled little slut. Not a good one, though, since she lost out on an EASY 1000$ for something a 30-minute sketch could save.
No. 540944
>>540763I’ve seen this everywhere but I honestly don’t see tracing, maybe slight inspiration but that’s a fucking reach.
I usually don’t say this but honestly it looks like the accusers are jealous and bitter over someone else’s success
No. 540975
>>540835Yeah, the namecalling is uncalled for.
But according to the discord convos, the artist said that CJ will receive the sketches on that day( April 12 9:15pm)later that night states how she is too sick to wrk (April 13 5:29 am). CJ continuously states how they needed the piece by a date, but has not received any info about illustration and was given the estimated date of the first week of April to see the sketches- mind you the artists might have started by roughly March 21, as she states that she may on that day on discord.
Personally, the artist should have known ahead of time if she was able to complete such a task during that time or keep her customer more informed about her process- a rough estimate on how long it take her to complete commissioned work, especially if this piece requires ALOT
No. 540977
>>540975Can I also include that in her 4/7 thread,
She said how she planned to start the commission on 4/13, past the date where she said that she would already have the sketches for her customer, CJ. Never informing him that, while yes she had other projects, she never did state her process of when exactly that she was starting on CJ’s commission, only that he’ll receive the sketches on the first week of April.
She alludes throughout her thread on discord that she had already started on CJ’s commission piece, so it would make sense that CJ would asssume that he wouldn’t need to immediately need to ask for a refund if he was lead to the assumption that the sketches were almost done
No. 540980
>>540936 from my understanding, he wanted an UPDATE to the progress of his commission and asked for thumbnails sketches; he wasn't looking for a final piece. A pretty simple request after two weeks. She said to contact later as she was busy and he contacted her again a week later. Should be noted that she told him that she would have his sketches then and she didn't pony up when he contacted again. At that point he got irritated and started this whole meltdown. This guy is a dick but he's not entirely wrong, I would probably ask for a refund too if your there was no kind of basic update to be presented to me a week after the date you told you would have them.
This whole situation could have been avoided if either of them just noticed from the start that Mioree was already overbooked and just backed away. But no, Mioree got in over herself and took the money while CJ just assumed his project would top precedent over all of her other commissions.
No. 540987
>>540980Exactly, an update that she never provided, she said that he’ll receive the sketches roughly the first week of April, he reminds her of the deadline, then she continue to state “I have some thumbnails” (April 10) right before the date due for a refund, then states how on 4/13 she planned to do the thumbnail work on that date- she LIED
and told him that he cannot get a refund despite no work has been done during that 14 day wait- which goes against her TOS
No. 541001
File: 1586900571430.jpeg (471.44 KB, 1800x1298, 6F014309-F599-4F5E-BEBF-CB1960…)

Jfc Moiree, stop victimizing yourself and give the guy his money-
No. 541005
>>540999What sucks is that we won’t know when or if she did the thumbnails because she states that she’ll work on them around 3/21, claiming to have them finished by first week of April and that she wanted more sketches done, but then contradicts herself by saying that she planned to start on them on 4/13, on the same day that JC wanted a refund because he was worried about her work progress.
Maybe if she did show at least one sketch of the thumbnail, it would prove otherwise, that she had considered his commission, making her TOS valuable to protect her and to keep the money, but she never did, and claimed to never lie to him
No. 541020
>>541009But we still don’t know if she even started on them because she never posted them :/
And He did ask for the thumbnails later on 4/12 9:15pm, she responded later that night, then 8 hours later on 4/13 5:29 am, that she won’t be able to show him because she’s too sick, then states after he asks for a refund that she was going to work on them on that day.
IF she had then provided a few images of the work that she has started on, it would have validated her in her agreement, but she never did, she could have stated: hey, this is what I have right now, and I do plan on seeing this commission through. But instead, she never does this or tells him about the two “90% finished commission” that had caught her attention for those near 3 weeks, that now she can pay 100% on his commission.
I really love the artist, her work is outstanding and beautiful, and I do pity her for feeling overwhelmed, but there was a better way of communicating. Especially when this customer asked of her for a refund-
No. 541024
“He fucked himself over by asking for a refund so early on”
“he was over her 2 week refund policy in her TOS”
Which is it???
Like I get that the guy became an asshole for saying that Moiree is a slut or someshit, but her guidelines specify that work must have been done, and we or him have never seen any of the progress that she has made on his commission and just alludes to the idea that she has, only to contradict that on 4/13
No. 541056
>>540438Congrats on not understanding what same face syndrome actually is and writing a pointless ramble under the guise of self-importance.
I did read the entire post, you nitwit. It doesn't matter if you're an ESL fag, you still have no idea what same face syndrome is so I was correcting you.
Don't get your panties in a twist or make assumptions.
No. 541243
File: 1586943362041.png (647.38 KB, 482x603, Capture.PNG)

I don't understand how Stephanie Priscilla has 391k when her art looks like a 12 year old drew it
No. 541308
>>541243People who don't draw can't tell between a deliberately simplified style, lame scribbles and whatever is inbetween
this one isnt so bad, people look like they're made of glass, have no legs, and girl looks like she has a dick but the focus is on the background which is cute and the colours are clean and look nice
No. 541331
>>541320Because not everyone of us have so low self-esteem that we need to shit on every single piece that's not ruan jia tier art. Art can have value outside of being just technically good you know.
>>541322Sure it's not "good art" but it's not bad either. It's just generally makes you look like a very sad person if you get so butthurt over some rando having a following online for art you deem as "not deserving it". Sometimes you could at least appreciate the hustle.
No. 541364
>>541243Not the best but not the worst drawing i see. Prespective and anatomy need some work. Anatomy part especially in male jeans pant seems off,female hip part need some work look like having a dick. For the storytelling is ok giving those a couple aesthetic chill vibe to in
>>541322Need to disagree,a good art doesn't need to be technicially or fundamentally correct but instend give a intersting storytelling behind the canvas.I don't think profesional artist feels awkward when they draw a "bad piece" ,most of them are chill hey its just a drawing.
>>541324Need to add here instagram artist market is not profesional lots of them full of amateur pastel,anime artist or some aesthethic pastel meyoco bootleg /knock off artist.
If you want to go see profesional stuff go to artstation , pixiv (doing for the anime/manga/japanese industry)
No. 541392
File: 1586973902250.jpg (214.23 KB, 1000x858, IMG_20200416_005930.jpg)

>>541367Lol anon hate the drawing because have popular type of aesthethics behind it.
having basic bitch aesthethic isn't a bad thing.Example is nakedcherryart its have the "basicbitch" aesthethic but with good undestanding in funde .
No. 541398
>>541367Have to agree here on value outside of technical skill. I'd say
>>529483 is an unfair comparison, it's not that art like this isn't realistic/well-rendered, there are just a lot of characteristics of amateur art that makes the piece overall weak and best enjoyed as a cute doodle. I wouldn't say it's the worst art I've ever seen or that Priscilla has no skill, it just leaves no impression.
I also get confused why art like this becomes so wildly popular, but ultimately I guess that's just what the majority of users on Instagram want to see. I could understand why a lot of young people would be drawn to it though, and that's probably the largest audience of art like this and other 'aesthetic' artists.
The only salt I have with all this is that it floods my recommended page with art I have no interest in no matter what I do/who I follow. Only solution is stop using IG honestly
No. 541408
>>541395Ok i understand that cleary naked cherryart is far from basic bitch (see her oldart) but her recent art has the type of aesthethic that instagramers like
>>541400Go back worshipping ruanjia asshole
No. 541426
Personally, idk why but I find this:
>>541243Better than:
>>541392It’s certainly not the technical skill, but I assume the colours/mood created to tell a story
No. 541441
>>541426I dislike both but
>>541392 has such weird proportions (the character is really small compared to all her furniture), it makes me suspect the entire background is made from traced 3D models (it has that trace-y line quality, too) and they compressed the image weirdly to hide it. Why is everything slightly blurry when the character's eyes are SO crisp? The other drawing is super wonky but it doesn't make my head hurt, at least.
No. 541444
File: 1586981021029.jpg (2.6 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20200416_030331301.jpg)

Any thought for a kpop fanartist that only redraw kpop idol from photo(fansite or offical photo) and modifiy the image little bit to make them look pretty
Pic related
No. 541579
File: 1587008920980.png (28.44 KB, 591x239, Screenshot_2.png)

I still say style theft and closely trying to emulate a style aren't as bad as people make it out to be. And those that are blowing it out of proportion are stupid.
No. 541597
>>541579it's inevitable that artists get "inspired" by certain elements of works they see
but perhaps it's a completely different story when you emulate something established, say, like the styles of The Simpsons and claim that's your style. Thoughts?
also i just got reminded of those tearzah clones
No. 541606
>>541579Yea no one can own a style but it does get pretty creepy when people copy your entire trademark. When someone just copies your style there's not much you can whine about, especially if they still have a personal twist to their work but when they copy the topics, the themes, colors, characters, poses and every single other element then yea I feel like you have a right to say something. It's sort of weird how online type of identity "theft" is accepted or even glamorized yet in real life if you copied someone to the T it would be a good enough reason for a restraining order. You see plenty now a days how people don't just become copycat artist but downright try to copy their whole identity from their way of typing to pages layouts etc. It does get creepy and I feel like it is
valid to call these people out in those cases.
No. 541610
>>541583 said, style theft is not really that big of an issue and i think most artists that have been copied will agree to that.
but the fucking skinwalkers running rampant, i once had a girl copy my art style to a T, she named her OC after me IRL because she got my name through commissioning me on paypal.
her social media usernames are a reference to something i said once when she wasnt even present.
she dated a guy i'm friends with just because people thought me and this dude liked each other.
and then when i got married to my husband like 2 weeks later she was calling her boyfriend "hubby" and "husband" even though there was no proof they got married. lol.
but ive had so many people tell me shes not copying me and i cant "own" my art style even though thats only the surface of what these people do.
No. 541629
File: 1587019881167.jpg (45.16 KB, 800x450, C-658VsXoAo3ovC.jpg)

>>541392Jesus Christ, are there enough lens flares in this picture?
The girl's legs and hips look really weird compared to her torso. Why is she taking a bath in her underwear and a tee shirt? Why is she cross-eyed?
>>541579It cracks me up when Instagram *~*aesthetic*~* artists accuse each other of style theft. All these Instagram artists draw the same because they're basic hoes with a hard-on for uwu kawaii pastel animu crap. They all copy each other and all have the same influences, so their art is as inbred as a West Virginia trailer park.
No. 541639
File: 1587022263219.jpg (498.75 KB, 2896x2255, PicsArt_04-16-02.09.21.jpg)

>>541579I think emulating style/copying style is a good tool for learning.But It is cross the line when the artist stole the aesthethic or the brand from the artist own. I think youngster feel preasured to be unique with their own art today because socia media. In the end they be grown out as an artist,giving death threat or hate won't probably help them. The best way is to encourage them to find their own artsyle in the end
Speaking of art style theif
Guweiz used to be Illya Copycat until the illya fans started attacking him, after that he devolped his own style
No. 541641
File: 1587022920409.png (219.05 KB, 651x402, Keys to drawing chapter 2 snip…)

I wish i can slap this quote for overbutthurt instagram artist who claim to own an artstyle and the original by attacking copycat artist with their fan
No. 541642
File: 1587023117993.gif (1.84 MB, 400x225, 0C351A34-1BC2-4F25-A14C-5C9146…)

>>540070Actual milk? I’m unsure if this qualifies but here’s my rant
Her first words to my group of friends was “do you guys have insta?” You know so she could flex her follower account.
She’s insufferable and according to her ex refuses to work/clean after herself, leeches off her parents and spent most of her time living off gov benefits whilst going to a community college that she didn’t even finish to “start her business”.
The quintessential NLOG she made fun of a girl behind her back at a con and that’s when my group decided to not talk to her anymore.
The Sydney cosplay community is already a shit place to be but she takes the cake as the most up herself person I’ve met in that community.
She’s nice to everyone on their face then shit talks people behind their back
No. 541647
>>541610Agreed with
>>541640 I'd like to know more about this. Sounds crazy.
No. 541667
File: 1587027627571.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1242x1843, 5D113BC1-85A6-40FE-99AF-0ADA81…)

this must be a fetish thing, she even gave her animal crossing character ridiculous body hair.
No. 541668
>>541642Thanks for the milk anon
She just sounds like a basic bogan bitch
From what I heard all she does is complain at Cons so I'm glad she didn't do Sydney Madfest this year
No. 541753
File: 1587039604128.png (742.39 KB, 476x592, grossPNG.PNG)

>>541692this artist constantly draws women with abundance of hair
No. 541755
>>541692Anons are probably just on edge because of the Aggy fiasco.
It happens all to often where people will discover artists who draw seemingly harmless shit only for them to reveal it's fetish related.
No. 541763
>>541692>>541717Jfc, where did these Twitterfags come from?
It's bizarre that the artist gave the character arm hair when it doesn't even have fingers. That's just a stylistic inconsistency, a bizarre unnecessary detail that creates visual noise. No one is saying
your arm hair is gross.
Lolcow is not a hivemind. It would be psychotic if someone upheld literally every beauty standard indicated by the nitpicks on this site. Also, we obviously don't hold ordinary people to the same standards we hold cows– most cows are obligated by their professions (as SWs, cosplayers, MUAs) to be conventionally attractive, so aesthetic nitpicks are understandable.
No. 541956
File: 1587066344251.jpeg (1.73 MB, 1242x1838, 9CB3A7C7-610C-4B28-89E5-E33613…)

>>541753definitely a fetish
No. 541973
>>541763>It's bizarre that the artist gave the character arm hair when it doesn't even have fingers. That's just a stylistic inconsistency, a bizarre unnecessary detail that creates visual noise.Thank you, I couldn't properly articulate what felt so off about these types of images.
Everything about this style is extremely cartoonish and disproportionate, why start adding hyper realism? This artist didn't draw the eyebrows as individual hairs, so why the fuck would he do that with stomach and leg hair?
No. 542044
>>541639Fuck that is such a great shift of style
Fuck ilya
No. 542056
>>542046personally I feel like anons wouldn't care if somebody drew unconventional looking people - as long as it was drawn well and with a certain level of professionalism.
I think the issue is that anons see young/beginner artists who haven't developed a high level of skill yet and aren't patient enough for them to learn. Of course a beginner tier, stephen universe-esque cartoon blob with dark skin and acne scars is going to look like stupid diversity pandering. But if that same type of person was well drawn and rendered by a professional grade artist, I don't think anyone would mind.
I think it's actually great that new artists are trying to draw a wide range of people, because they won't get trapped in the "I can only draw pretty skinny white 20 year olds from the bust up with a 3/4 view" stagnation swamp. When I started drawing six years ago, it probably looked like the type of stuff that would get posted here and made fun of for trying too hard to be diverse, but at least now I know how to draw humans in all their forms. I think it made me a stronger artist. Anons are free to disagree, these are just my thoughts.
No. 542091
>>541641Who or what is this from? I’d like to read more.
>>542076According to some anons here, he draws women with same face big lips and hair so that makes him racist.
No. 542109
>>542076he seems to only ever draw black women, he seems to have a
problematic colonization fetish for black women
(twitter, racebait) No. 542118
File: 1587101357662.jpeg (1.08 MB, 933x1164, 58A62036-49DD-47B9-B8C7-526AE0…)

>>541956Going through their Instagram I have to agree; almost every single female character has just an inordinate amount of body hair that’s really emphasized. For a lot of artists featuring more unconventional aspects of a character can be interesting but when almost every illustration you do includes a certain feature it’s, at the very least, a fixation.
Ultimately in terms of weird fetishes it’s a fairly harmless one but I guess it’s disappointing seeing a very arbitrary taboo for women still sexualized. At least for me personally it’s not really about an individual artist or fetish but more just an overall feeling that no matter what women do it’ll be turned into cumbrain fodder.
I really do love their coloring style though No. 542174
File: 1587109805684.png (447.06 KB, 853x437, baddragon.png)

I like Jackie's craft kit reviews but, MAN her sculpting and understanding of art beyond kid stuff is really embarrassing. You look at her gelatos review or her guide to 16 different polymer clays video and you notice how immature her understanding of the mediums really are. Her sculptures look so juvenile and messy while someone like Tina Yu has such amazing detail. You could argue that she just does it as a hobby and her channel is aimed at kids so she doesn't have to be extremely good but, then she goes on rants about different clay brands and has no idea what she's talking about from a professional standpoint. The dragon sculpture below is just really ugly.
No. 542182
>>541763no1curr about the armhair or thinking it's gross or not, it was calling arm hair a fetish just because she added it on there
>>541753>>541956what is wrong with you that you think adding hair to women automatically makes things sexual? that's like claiming anyone who draws characters with big noses, acne, or any other unattractive feature must be a fetish
No. 542187
>>542180Don't play dumb. Adding thick, visible hair on bodyparts women usually don't have it (all over the thighs and arms for example) is a pretty telling sign that it's done for aesthetics and not to portray natural women. Especially when drawing fanart of clean-shaven characters it's obvious it's done to intentionally provoke people.
>inb4 but muh hormone and ethnicity diversityI'm not ready for another round of this shit.
No. 542197
File: 1587116807752.jpg (688.68 KB, 900x900, EVBFKAGVAAIUbCl.jpg)

>>540763Late to this but at first I thought it was jealous and petty reaching but then I checked out more evidence on Twitter. Hanamura's work has many telltale signs of someone who relies on tracing and plagiarism such as messed up hands, body proportions and foreshortening being fucked up on top of double joints because she clearly has no actual idea of how a human body works. It could be a coincidence though because the poses and expressions are extremely generic but this one really made me go hmm. an interesting tidbit Hanamura is an ex-Otomate artist and they're notorious for tracing because the company is apparently encouraging it and offering reference images to rip off from.
No. 542199
>>542197Is this guy seriously trying to argue that someone traced
one half of a generic anime face?
This seems like a reach.
No. 542213
>>542201>This isn't a feminist site, guys. But the majority of us are women.
>Most people are grossed out by women with tons of body hair.Yeah
tons of body hair, but not a little arm hair here and there and on the belly too. Also, do you know how immature you really have to be to be grossed out by something as natural as that? Same level as those guys who go "ewww periodssss!".
Sure, most artists don't draw arm hair or leg hair because it's a very stupid detail to put focus on, but you can easily put 2+2 together and see that the person who drew that is doing it for SJW woke points like every other artist who is the same as them. It's the same as those people who just
have to include a fat POC person with disabilities in their drawings so that everyone sees how "diverse" they are.
No. 542252
File: 1587131639514.png (1.76 MB, 960x1172, Screenshot 2020-04-17 at 14.45…)

>most artists don't draw arm hair or leg hair because it's a very stupid detail to put focus on
This is the real point, right? If you include a detail that small on style that simple it means you want to draw attention to that detail for some reason. I don't know if that reason has to be a fetish, it could be for woke points, or the artist has thick body hair IRL and likes to imagine their faves have it too or something.
It's definitely not 'realism' though because prepubescent boy Link here wouldn't have adult body hair unless he has a hormone problem.
No. 542255
>>529483>>542252What a weird thing to give a shit about lol I also don't like it when men draw women with XS waists and boobs the size of watermelons but alas, it's their art, not mine.
This person's art is overall completely harmless and just fun and silly. If you don't like it, block them and find something actually worth throwing a fuss about.
Quarantine is turning your brain into peas.
No. 542440
>>542230Plenty of "naturally growing" things are gross. Skin tags are gross. Pimples are gross. Dandruff is gross. I'm sorry that society expects you to put minimal effort into grooming yourself.
Also I didn't say body hair in general is gross, I said
tons of it is gross. The women this artist draws with hair on their stomachs are examples of "too much."
I literally have leg hair right now, but you literally can't see it unless you get really close to me. Very few actual women are as hairy as this artist is depicting them. Plus I think both sexes should shave their underarms, since hair holds onto odor-causing bacteria.
No. 542542
>>542537I take commissions a few times a year, since I'm just a hobbyist. I'll give most anything a shot but I won't draw eccentric fetish shit like the Wonderbread guy or lolishota, and I only take 3 clients at a time.
>>542541Not everyone here is EFL. Don't be a sperg.
No. 542548
>>542542i'm not either if that wasn't apparent. that's not weird english use, the way they talk would be weird in any language.
>>542543luckily sounding rude isn't being rude, that just means you find me rude for being straightforward.
No. 542552
>>542551How is that bait?
>>542548Can you stfu? Why do you retards always have to derail the thread omg
No. 542556
>>542552if you idiots didn't get so easily upset by everything than there would be no derailing.
>>542555it's hilarious how upset you are about 9 day old posts.
No. 542563
guys pls let's not derail this thread every single time
>>542537I took commissions for a period and wouldn't do stuff outside my 'specialty' aka comfort zone. Not because I wasn't practicing different subjects (I am now able to draw properly many more things than back then), but because I didn't want to disappoint the client.
You won't get weird requests if you don't normally post weird art. What I was asked to do was pretty much in line with what I usually post.
>>542536Depends where you're lacking. There are some recommendations earlier itt like
>>531451 No. 542589
File: 1587170963579.png (96.66 KB, 500x409, how-original-wow-claps-4-u-so-…)

>>542551How vacuous can you be?
No. 542629
File: 1587179457849.png (355.74 KB, 360x640, image1 (1).png)

so back to actual content relevant to the thread, i was just on tiktok and saw that the instagram artist and self-proclaimed "ex disney artist" honeyandabsinthe just made a tiktok accusing the instagram artist lord_gris of copying her work.
i can kind of see the inspiration in one or two, but most of it seems like bullshit and she's just being overly defensive of anything that looks remotely to her work. all of the comments are tearing her apart. here's a link if anyone wants to see: related is from the video, one of her pieces she's claiming was copied
No. 542631
File: 1587179642987.png (330.59 KB, 360x640, image2.png)

>>542629and here's one of lord_gris' piece she's claiming is copied from the pic above. i also forgot to include the link to the specific tiktok so here's that, but she might delete it considering nobody is siding with her No. 542637
File: 1587180118714.png (1.8 MB, 951x954, lmao bitch.PNG)

>>542629Is this bitch retarded?
I guess if you google "red skin demon girl art"
All those other artists "copied her art"
No. 542639
File: 1587180706195.png (876.03 KB, 1200x1200, lord-gris:honeyabsinthe.png)

>>542629>>542631>>542633here's some of the comments i screenshotted on the post of her doubling down on this bad take
No. 542646
File: 1587185599160.jpeg (165.79 KB, 534x468, EV3C2zRWkAIVqG5.jpeg)

thus is the first pic of sakimichan that I have no qualms in saying its gross, there's just something wrong in this
No. 542650
>>542646The head looks so weird and disproportionate.
It's like she drew a male's body, then realized she had no idea how to draw a male's head or face and was like "You know what? Fuck it, same difference. People like twinks, anyway".
No. 542674
>>542643She’s kind of known now in animation circles cuz she released that “why I quit Disney” video that got traction and she basically was just an egocentric blowhard who thought they were too good to work storyboard and left to do her omocat knockoff apparel at cons instead cuz she says it pays more. (But haha, all cons are cancelled now cuz of the virus)
Tho I’m not surprised she’s going after this, it sounds like she’s having a mental break as well as being an overall idiot, like there’s only so many concepts you can do by doing Instagram girl art and it’s not a trace and you can’t copyright an idea. There’s no standing for “I also drew a vaguely white girl facing forward except worse so I should be credited for it”. I wonder if she has BPD as well as being a big old turd
No. 542679
File: 1587193140604.jpeg (231.98 KB, 828x1449, 0C32CECF-48C2-4022-BDA1-E2C8B6…)

>>542639Oh lol I went to check out lord_gris’ IG stories and she is like “I have never heard or seen this girl before but she’s accusing me of copying her???” And already she’s had tiktok kids coming after her on tiktok
No. 542681
File: 1587193263415.jpeg (138.92 KB, 828x1113, CFE050DA-0B85-4851-B939-668C3A…)

>>542680I thought this one was funny tho
No. 542682
>>542197Oh so we’re going to copyright lines now???
This is so stupid
No. 542720
>>542708Same, I know people through twitter and irl in animation and they basically all subtweeted her when she posted that video cuz a lot of what she says was very immature and specific like cliques and stuff, but she literally only has 300 followers on there. She’s really burned that bridge for herself especially since twitter really is the medium for networking with other professionals and artists. She has only about 25k on IG (Gris has 655k) but on tiktok she as about 121k, I don’t use it but I know the user base is very young so she’s probably using whatever clout she has with 12 year old idiots to go after a perceived “original” idea while also using gris’ own clout for net gain. Same why she uses “ex-Disney” as a title, cuz that brings her more controversy and a sense of entitlement over other people.
that’s why I’m like armchair guessing that she might have BPD and going through a weird manic episode, I knew a couple people with it and they had a very inflated sense of self about themselves to where they were super delusional. The same though occurred when she posted the Disney video and then said she was making money with selling her apparel line at cons (tbh I don’t think she is, her art style is super generic and the apparel looks too much like she’s trying to rip off omocat styles)
No. 542737
File: 1587207163409.png (774.54 KB, 719x958, 20200418_183931.png)

Never liked this persons art
They suffer a severe same face syndrome even the bodies are similar af
No. 542745
>>542646Man, Sakimichan's work has really taken a huge dip in the recent years. I guess it takes a toll on your work when you create a patreon to fulfill evergrowing demand and push out piece after piece as fast as possible. She's still very skilled when it comes to shading and colorization but the anatomy and the faces have degraded a lot.
>>542659It looks more like the result of using a 3D body model than tracing. You can tell that the muscles and faces are just glued on a figure while the pose itself is quite stiff due to being basically a jointed 3D doll hastily put into a flat pose.
No. 542754
>>542646this looks like something out of the 2019 version of cats holy fucking shit. is that supposed to be that ugly cat from animal crossing everyone is wet for right now?
>>542720honestly i'd think she is delusional if not for the fact that she made that video. to me it just seems like trying to get attention anyway she can, since she isolated herself from the industry, so now she is relying children dumb enough to believe that gris was copying her. which would be apparent to anyone else that that's a bad tactic, not only because she won't have different kind of opportunities in the future, but in the present those children don't even have money to support her.
No. 542818
>>542737oh this is the one with the shitty pearl redraw lmao.
how do people like this not get bored of drawing the same garbage over and over?
No. 542819
File: 1587222011920.jpeg (675.45 KB, 1242x1272, 10475F38-5BD4-4C6A-AE46-10B2A1…)

>>542818dropped the image, my bad
No. 542845
>>542828I'm like 90% sure she uses 3D models to render a pose and traces over it because it saves a lot of time, as someone who does that as a study to memorize body proportions it looks very similar to what those sessions produce. After looking into it there are some rumors that she just sketches the characters over those 3D models and has a team finish them so she can produce 4-5 detailed HD pinup paintings per month but I don't believe she has a support team, the quality/style is so consistent that it's most likely her doing all the work. It's just that when you don't give a shit about 100% accurate anatomy and just draw/color the same thing over and over again it becomes a routine, I'm certain she has premade textures/patterns and brushes to help speed up the process too.
Anyway I don't really judge her for what she's doing because it's obviously just a day job to make money, not great artistic escapades. She's just giving her audience what they want. It's sad that her current work lacks the originality and soul of her older style but ehh, I would draw mediocre titties and dicks for 20-40+k a month if I was given the offer too. It's not like her stuff is
atrocious because her painting is really, really good and her anatomy isn't
that bad either despite some consistent hiccups.
No. 542848
File: 1587225996828.jpg (641.87 KB, 684x1000, oopsmyboobsfelldown.jpg)

>>542845>her anatomy isn't that badI really have to disagree.
No. 542852
File: 1587226865852.jpeg (43.41 KB, 499x338, 345F416F-14BB-40A1-A2AC-BAB1AD…)

>>542708The only “boost” she got from other industry people was, like the other anon said, awkward subtweets, catty tumblr posts, and Twitter-wide conversations about how stupid her Disney video was. It was actually kind of exciting to see a lot of my favorite industry people very gently call her out about her perception of animation industry work. I could talk about how awful that Disney video was for days. The fact that her work is so stunningly derivative and she thinks other people are ripping her off is delicious icing on the clown cake.
I don’t believe she’s BPD though, I sincerely think she’s just a really dumb asshole. I think I’ll watch that video again just to get mad for fun.
No. 542857
>>542240Most men don’t care lmao. At least the ones that aren’t 12.
And it a called looking presentable. Imagine if a guy showed up to a date and he hasn’t shaved in six months and showed up looking like a caveman or didn’t bother doing some basic maintenance on himself to look presentable. I highly doubt there would be a second date.
No. 542859
>>542852>>542718God, her IG is so obnoxious, every post of hers has loud stupid music.
And I guess this is how she thinks she'll be making more money now, huh; shitting out bland fanart and starting shit with other artists that would otherwise never give her the time of day.
And she wants to call someone else out on being unoriginal? The art she's claiming was being copied is from 2 years ago and still isn't very original work, thematically OR in execution. She's got some nerve bitching about a Disney job she probably bought her way into. Even Ethan Becker had some shit to say about that video that I actually agreed with.
She's burnt all her bridges at this point. Chuck her into the irrelevant artist pile with Holly and Bailey Jae and the rest of them.
No. 542869
>>542718>>542852Somebody get this woman to a therapy. Simoly delusional artiat who likes to bitching complaining about her job on disney which doesn't met her expectations to be treated like a special snowflake.Yet she called out another artist for copying lord_gris' concept of art smh. Dude, you can't own a concept. People CAN HAVE the same exact concept BUT with different premise or idea on the excution.
Maybe she's started to go insane after quitting disney then lockdown somehow made her mentality worse. And that's proven.
No. 542872
File: 1587229846356.png (230.79 KB, 375x613, Screen Shot 2020-04-18 at 1.09…)

>>542852good on lord_gris for absolutely not taking this shit. it's funny to see other ig artists join in as well on speaking out against this joke
No. 542873
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Ever heard of Miyushortie on twitter or Miyukikyun on IG? I lowkey hate her art, it strains a lot of my eyes thanks to oversaturated hue and shitty anatomy
No. 542994
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>>542926There’s a hashtag now on insta lol
No. 543012
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>>542994twitter memes too
No. 543144
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>>543008Her humble instagram persona lmao
No. 543152
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Holy shit her entitilement in youtube comment
No. 543159
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>>542911>doesnt like being happy lmao this is a mentality most people grow out of after high school. She's a bland married chick in her 30s so I don't get why she's still such an edgelord.
She's been going off in her IG stories about it all day too, she literally cant handle any amount of backlash without getting super salty in response. I'm sure she got a fuckload of suggestions, so why did she pick a bunch she hates?? And what does being a pessimist have to do with not liking kids shows?
No. 543162
>>543152The delusion is so tangible it hurts. Glad to see most people are indeed calling her out on her stupidity.
>>543159Jesus Christ just GROW THE FUCK UP KASEY. It's obvious you do like shit but, you constantly harp on about what you don't like.
No. 543164
>>543159Yeah with people like kasey who are in their thirties and like this it’s like, what do you fucking want? If you don’t like kids shows, like nobody is forcing you to be baylee or whatever, there’s lots of other shit to enjoy. Like if you want people to spoon feed it to you, grow up and find it yourself. And if you’re like actually physically genuinely depressed, to be a good example and get mental health help or a therapist.
She’s just a big cranky adult baby at this point
No. 543218
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>>543164I think she genuinely prides herself on being edgy. She's just that delusional to think what she's doing makes her cool and different instead of embarrassing and childish. Like putting dicks all her her animal crossing island - you know she wants to be perceived as ~shocking~. But she loses that pretense when every "shocking" thing she does gets criticized and she responds by whining about how dumb and wrong everyone else is.
No. 543228
>>543159>>543218She has the mentality of a middle schooler if she thinks crude dick drawings are funny and that not liking everything makes her edgy and quirky.
Kasey, not liking a lot of things and being pessimistic doesn't make you edgy or cool, it's just sad.
No. 543255
>>543152So yall mean to tell me that she basically quit Disney to draw a bunch of fan art to sell at cons. And then when it wasn't working out for her, when it started to set in she wasn't getting enough attention and everything got canceled, she decided to accuse an artist who didn't know her, to get more attention on her 2 and 3 yr old shitty art. OK. She's borderline cow material if she keeps this kinda shit up. Which is fine because we need more milky artists. One coming fresh from Disney's assembly line would be great.
>>542845Also, speaking on sakimichan she's going to start selling ahegao shirts. Presumably for neckbeards to wear to cons. The links in their Twitter bio. I love how she calls herself a pinup artist now.
No. 543440
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Can I just bitch about reddits /r/artistlounge? It's like the worst of /IC/ and discord combined. It's the NGMI of /ic/ mixed with 12 year old energy of discord. I even think the subreddit has a lower percent of good artist than /IC/
No. 543500
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>>542637How did someone with art this garbage get a job at Disney? This deadass looks like the kind of shit I drew when I was like fourteen.
Did mommy and daddy have connections? Did she suck someone's dick? Something isn't adding up here.
Also imagine being such a retard that you quit your well-paying job right before a pandemic destroys the job market. Good luck getting a job now that 10% of the workforce just got laid off you fucking clown.
No. 543516
>>543504thanks anon, will stick with the cheap one then
>>543511can you elaborate more? the video reviews ive seen on YT seem quite decent
No. 543517
>>543511oh do you own a cintiq then anon?
at least elaborate lmao
No. 543527
>>543517>>543516 are tons of articles like this. Tablets (as in tablet computers, not drawing tablets) have been on the downward trend for at least five years.
Buying an iPad now is like choosing to buy a VCR in 2000. You're wasting your money. Procreate is literally just a trick Apple is doing to try and extend the lifespan of a piece of hardware that is falling out of favor.
Apple products have planned obsolescence. Each new iOS update is harder and harder for old devices to run, and unlike Android, Apple doesn't have a cut off for OS updates. Apple devices are literally designed to keep updating until they brick themselves after a few years. Then they have the nerve to make you pay for one of their Apple Pencils for another hundred bucks after you just payed at least five hundred for a tablet that will run like shit in two years anyway. For the same amount of money you could have gotten a Cintiq that will last you at least twice as long.
Yes, I do own a Cintiq. It's four years old and it works just as well as it did the day I bought it. Talk to me in four years and let's see how well the Crapple tablet you bought just to use Procreate works.
Procreate is a fad. Feel free to participate if you want to waste your money, but steer clear otherwise.
No. 543661
>>543655lol….the ipad is just fine. there are hundreds of artists that work in the industry who use procreate and the ipad. I use clip studio paint on my ipad though, and I've done plenty of high paying commercial works.
wacom's quality control is atrocious - I stopped using it when they came out with the latest intous and the nibs were easily grinded because they made the default texture rough as sandpaper…so you have no choice but to keep on rebuying nibs - even if you replace the surface with a "smooth" texture.
however, you asked about the cintiqs. they're very good - but super expensive and you need to have a good computer to work with it or else it's null (like some people talk about lag but if your computer is outdated, then yeah).
I only ended up opting for the ipad because of portability and ease and I didn't have to plug in 3 different wires to get it up and going. Also, didn't take up such a huge space. the pencil is smooth. i really like it.
use the tools you have already. don't be too picky about it. you invested in yourself already - no need to run out and spend even more money because you feel "ashamed".
No. 543665
>>543655iPads are fine, for whatever reason some people get
triggered by artists that like using them
No. 543668
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I don't understand why people still praise Kristia. Megat0nRaid. Who is now apparently mooching off of another popular artist's penname, Raiko. girl can't draw for shit.
No. 543694
>>543655>>543661I'm definitely not a professional by any means but the last thing you should feel is ashamed tbh.
I'm one of those people who bought the Ipad just for the art programs. I previously had a Samsung tablet as a hand-me-down and I completely preferred it to my Wacom tablet (my computer screen is fucked).
If you're someone who struggles to get up and sit down to do art like me I would recommend. If you're a college student I would say it's worth the investment as you get decent art programs and editors as well as a nice place to take notes.
No. 543729
>>543720I won't lie it was a little wonky at first. It took me experimenting with different apps until I found something I could actually stick to. I ended up settling on Autodesk Sketchbook. The app ran smoothly for me, I never had an issue with it and I could do some relatively decent stuff with it.
I also had the S pen with it. Of course with all things, there is a small learning curve to both the art apps and the tablet in general but it's not unusable by any means.
No. 543763
>>543661Bought mine for the same reasons you did and I’ve also done commercial work on it. I don’t know why people get so up their butts about owning one like “VCR-Chan” earlier, it’s just a tool and it’s also still gonna work years from now and you can always upgrade if you feel you need to, you don’t need us random anons sperging about your choices. It’s harder now cuz of the virus but I tried out the ones at the store for a while before making the decision, but yeah fuck it the iPad makes digital art way more accessible to some people so of course people get their butts all twisted about everyone now being able to do digital art.
Plus Wacom is shit with updating drivers with all the current OS’s, both Mac and windows. Especially if you get an older cintiq which still work fine but you sometimes have to dig to find a driver that will work and sometimes the OS will just break it anyway.
None of this shit is perfect. Who gives a shit, you’ll probably upgrade in a couple years anyway like everyone else does, it’s your money so do fuck all. Get an iPad if you want and you can upgrade to a cintiq if u have a computer that can handle it or vice versa, they’re fine choices either way.
No. 543765
>>543665No one is
triggered. Ipads like iPhones only last a few years as they are meant to be bricked with updates forcing consumers to purchase new models and new pencils which is about $700 every four or five years with limited apps. You can choose to spend that money and so can others the anon that brought this up was only pointing out it will hemorrhage your wallet.
No. 543771
>>543767Lol I see iPad users are the the
triggered ones
No. 543804
>>543507Cancelling and falsely accusing someone can ruins someone reputation and career.
She obviously knows what she's doing cause she's a grown ass adult woman who's "worked in the industry". She's salty now cause things aren't going her way and she's rejecting any criticism.
I swear she'll be back to falsely accuse someone again
No. 543805
>>543694NTA but since the suggestion is being made, is there a model of iPad to aim for? Should I go for an Apple Pen, or is there an alternative stylus? Since I do work in CSP, I do want one that can support it.
I was looking into buying an XP-Pen display tablet for my PC, but I wondered if it might be worth spending a little extra and having something that's more contained. Normally, I just use my Intuos, but I've been considering upgrading and trying out a display. The only experience I've had was on my Samsung Note phone. It was small, but fun.
No. 543892
>>543805I say if you can afford the newest Pro and want to use it in conjunction and expect to do lots of work with it, get that one and the newest Apple Pencil since it’s more streamlined to it now. If you just want a sketching machine, then later generation pros are fine, you can get them refurbished directly and the Apple Pencil 1 is stupid to charge but it is fine. There really is no other substitute for the Apple Pencil for iPads unfortunately, any other stylus doesn’t register pressure and tilt as it does and third market stuff usually is just capacitive stuff for touchscreens. But I don’t work on CSP, I use procreate mostly, so another anon with CSP experience can answer that more accurately for that example
I think trickywagon did a video on an XP pen monitor a while ago, from what I remember even tho she was given it she did give an honest review
No. 543894
i was the original anon who asked about the ipad, i'm having second thoughts because of the planned obsolescence and dropping $$$ every few years is too much for a poorfag like me
>>543785 is this really an option on iOS? Would this extend the usable cycle beyond 2-4 years?
No. 543939
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Imo I'd only recommend getting an ipad if you plan to use it for more than just art, like taking notes for school/work, watching netflix etc.. and if you're on the go a lot. I'd say they're mostly for hobbyists with cash.
As for cintiqs, they are better in the long run and are perfect if you're serious about doing more polished/professional stuff. You don't really have to worry about running out of file space (or shelling out more money for more) and have a wider screen to work on. Sometimes there's issues with the drivers but I don't think it's that big a deal. They can be cheaper than the ipad pros (if you're eyeing those) and tend to last a long time too.
I've had my shitty poorly treated wacom pen for 10 years now and it still works fine.
Tbh I don't really like procreate that much and find CSP and SAI to be a lot better.
No. 543943
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honeyandabsinthe appears to be wearing an ahegao bandana in public on her story
No. 543965
>>543765Drawing on an iPad isn't very draining on its resources. Use a battery pack and don't drop it and maybe you won't be "forced" to replace it with the newest shiny iThing every year. People like you are just guilty you dropped 1k on an iThing and never used it.
Also, does anyone else hate brush fetishism when it comes to digital? No one cares about how to make a brush or wants to buy your brushes that you pirated five years ago.
No. 543995
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In the last thread there was someone sperging about that alyssa artist chick. This week a call out post has been blowing up reiterating the same points being brought up in the last thread.
Imagine looking like this and being jelly over the most basic shit lol
No. 543996
>>543965I’m in the
eyeroll camp of “planned obsolescence” cuz like whatever, it’s my fuckin money I do what I want, but also like some people I run my electronics into the ground before replacing them and usually it’s been like at least 7 years at the point I do and by that time technology has advanced enough to where using the old stuff doesn’t make as much sense anymore. Like my very first intuos tablet still works if you find the drivers for it but it’s like 15 years old and only has like 1024 levels of pressure while the starter intuos now cost probably less than a half than what this one used to cost and has like 4092, it’s not even the “pro” version either. iPads are fine, like i at first was expecting procreate to be eaten by Apple or Adobe or something but it feels like now they’re aware of an iPad’s use as a drawing tool, and even with the recent iPad updates my older one still works fine, they’re pretty slow and consistent with iPad updates really.
I really hate it more when people ask u about brushes and you tell them you use the defaults and they think you’re lying. Like no, I just have been doing this longer and probably have a better grasp of basic things than you, a brush isn’t gonna magically make you better at anatomy.
No. 544075
>>543939>hobbyists with cashThat’s not a bad way to describe it, when I bought an iPad Pro I wound up transferring all my “entertainment” stuff to it and use it in conjunction with my phone’s data plan.
I get that they’re expensive but for me it’s like a portable e-reader/drawing tablet/tv/scanner/computer, and I bought it when I was commuting to a school that I would be at for almost 12 hours a day. It was really convenient to have instead of bringing my 15” laptop. If anything I’m glad I fell for this instead of the Surface Pro meme.
No. 544156
>>544086Literally never said it was good either. The art is mediocre no contest.
But getting buttmad and preaching that this girl is rich and privileged just because she owns a cheap condo or her family goes on a vacation is so fucking sad. Obtaining a used high rise in Vegas and going to cheap vacations to third world countries is easy, If people think this is an unobtainable goal I feel sorry for them.
No. 544175
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it pains me to see artists like angelganev who shit out pieces as bad as this and then proceed to ask in the caption for followers to submit their art for anatomy critiques and art roasts. the lack of self awareness is mind blowing
No. 544235
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>>543995wtf is an alythuh white knight doing here? this bitch is bad at art and is so full of shit. i genuinely dont understand why she has fans
>>544094basically this chick on twitter made a post saying alythuh sucks and aly put her on blast to a bunch of randos online.
>>544156mediocre? her art is actual complete shit. you'll notice how no one that gets her prints goes "omg this is so pretty" but instead talks about "omg i love supporting women of color and independent artists" because buying her shit is not about having something nice to put on your wall. buying her shit is about patting yourself on the back for being supportive. because everything she does is genuinely hideous
also her condo listing is available online. she's paying 2995 a month. she's not some cheap bitch, she's making bank, and it has nothing to do with her art. her tits and going viral with posts about how far she's come are the reason she can pull in the cash.
dont be fooled. she's a full fraud
No. 544245
>>544156This is such a weird thing to bring up. She hasn't been discussed in a few weeks.
I think most of the criticism had to do with her scribbling, anatomical issues, and overall using her tits to market herself instead of just improving at art.
No. 544275
>>543892Thanks for the advice. I'd heard nothing but good about the XP-Pens from some communities I'm in, so I was sold on it; however, I'd also considered getting a cheap laptop/tablet for some other things and figured I'd get something that could kill two birds with one stone. I might still go the iPad Pro route, but I have time to think about it since as
>>543990 said, a new version is coming out.
>>543938>>543939I've seen people even suggest opting for an older Surface Pro to use CSP on and considered this route also. I would have just gone for the Cintiq, but I've heard the drivers were even more fickle (they were already a little fickle to begin with depending on the updates), and that the quality of recent models have been questionable. I'd opt for a big old used Cintiq, but I don't have much space.
>>543965>>543996With the exception of specialized ones for certain effects and textures, the best brushes are always the default ones tweaked to your personal liking and goals. I think lots of newbies fall into the "I need 10,000 brushes from a big name artist to be good" trap.
No. 544403
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This person has 83.8K followers.
No. 544428
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>>543763>VCR-chanI'm okay with this.
No. 544454
>>544441No, but thanks for the tip.
I actually found a lot of cool guides on
No. 544500
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>>544408What's hilarious is that people HAD called her out but like… blind people defending her. its gross. like for one the Tifa and kasumi art here, the bodies oh god the bodies dont match
..and then the other two were given blatant proof its traced off.
No. 544575
>>544442Same, anon.
I have my first bamboo tablet from 2011-2012 and I still use it, along with krita (found it more simplified than the cracked version of Photoshop CS6).
No. 544603
>>544419I'm not getting a cintq; only considered an old one because I come across really good deals for one sometimes (like 'free'). I missed the boat on my art school getting rid of the old clunky ones way back when. But again, I have no space for that anyway. Someone mentioned either upthread or last thread about old studios getting rid of their cintnqs being a great deal.
Huion Kamvas was suggested to me by a professional, and XP-Pen red circle series is still on the plate. I'm waiting for them to go on sale again. They both look great. I had a good night's sleep and now 'meh' on the iPad for now.
Even with all this, I may just get a bigger graphics tablet instead of a display tablet. I'm used to the disconnect and even favor it sometimes.
For some context, I've been turning my art into a "quest" and using my commissions to save up for the display tablet (or ipad). It sounds dumb, but I'm taking this time to really feel out my (profitable) hobby as a professional but part-time job. I sort of want to aim high and go for the iPad.
>>544442I would like to add: Sometimes I've seen people selling used tablets on eBay, Facebook, and Craigslist because their kid (or they) used it a few times and found out it wasn't a magic wand. That's actually how I got my Intuos a long time ago. Look out for these kinds of offerings. The people are usually pricing them to move.
No. 544618
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I'm pretty "meh" about Loish in general, but this ad keeps popping up on my facebook and it's utterly annoying because of the anatomy. This girl doesnt have any semblance of a chin or jaw. And since this is an ad for an online course, it really makes me cringe.
No. 544680
>>544442This. My very first tablet was a Monoprice that cost about $60 and lasted me around 6 years. I'm now on my second one that I bought two years ago for the same price and it still works just fine. It took over a year to fully get to grasp of working on a tablet but, now it's second nature.
I might sound broke but, I think tables like Wacom and other devices like Ipads are ridiculously overpriced and there are much better and cheaper alternatives out there. If people can make bombass art with MS paint and a mouse, you don't need expensive shit. Just the time an effort into learning them properly.
No. 544699
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No. 544737
>>544603I actually have a Kamvas and an iPad, anon.
My preference is the iPad, for two reasons: a) Procreate has some amazing perspective tools if you draw a lot of environments, which is about 80% of what I draw, and b) I can take it wherever I want, so I can draw in bed or outside.
But I've only had my iPad about five months now, so I can't say if it'll stand the test of time.
The Kamvas is good, and compares favourably to the Intuos I was using previously. I don't have any complaints with it, except that it was a bit of a pain in the ass to set up for the first time. If portability isn't important to you, I'd say the Kamvas is a good investment.
No. 544776
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I actually like this artist's work but her sucking up to the ladydick corner of NSFW twitter is just super annoying. Who fucking cares that much whether some rando doesn't like shitty udder hentai porn - which is such a typically male kink btw lmao - they'd need to call her out in front of their 10k followers. Celine's super into branding herself as a feminist, too, so telling an actual woman (I'm assuming, can't check now) she's "not in charge" and helping in getting her silenced for the sake of some dude's feelings is … not a good look lol.
(Reposted because wrong pic at first).
No. 544820
>>544776God, that art is repulsive.
Tbh NSFW twitter is such a Cesspool and artists are constantly getting into fights over bad takes and “antis”
No. 544884
>>544760I wasn’t able to watch her talk, but what should she say? That doesn’t seem helpful either. I get it but I think artists should just acknowledge we’re all in this and it affects us all to varying degrees and get on with her tutorial or demo whatever she was doing.
I’ve followed her since DA so it’s nice to see her get some attention for her talent but after I bought one of her art books I just fell out of love with her work.
>>544721 said once you see her sketchbook, especially the earlier woke, you can tell how lazy she’s become. Her Patreon has enabled her to draw whatever she wants now, her words, so maybe she’ll start drawing other ideas than pretty girl with chin ducked down with pout.
>>544877That makes sense. I have both and I’ve noticed my wrist hurts a lot more with my iPad than with my older Wacom tablet.
No. 544886
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>>544878>say this shit in publiclol go defend monster fetish twitter art under the guise of wokeness in public, idiot.
No. 544907
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Anon,can someone give me a red pill of Cyanparade/kiDchan drama/tea?
Pic related