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No. 641643
Ask away, dumbasses.
Previous questions and answers:
>>>/ot/632146 No. 641767
>>641759Anon, are you okay?
Out of all condom users (who are actually using them correctly), 1% will fall pregnant. It’s not like you fuck 100 times then have a baby - it’s 1% of the people using condoms while fucking on the regular
Can’t argue with wanting to be careful though
No. 641773
>>641759I used condoms exclusively for fourteen years and never had a pregnancy scare until one time with husbando where we got drunk and forgot. As long as it’s on right they’re effective.
Would an implant or iud help you feel more secure? They’ve got excellent success rates apparently.
No. 641813
>>641648they do in the states
to be fair, in some parts of the south that's /sometimes/ due to fear of fire ants or scorpions, and anywhere you'd think of of like where hillbillies live, genuinely it's because of how shitty and dirty the floors are
I'm not sure why everyone else does it
No. 641921
File: 1601436179661.png (2.01 MB, 1471x684, sdfghj.png)

Is there some kind of data base or anything similar to that to find these kinda ugly 2005 visual novel style CGs without having to look for specific games? I tried it with the same keywords as I did back in 2009 (think "anime girl gothic emo angel sad blue hair pink eyes" kinda stuff) but ever since anime really took off into western mainstream and everyone and their dog started to draw digitally it seems like it became impossible to find stuff like pic related even when trying to limit the search by year…
No. 641948
>>641928Do you only ever see tall guys with gfs? Of course not, so clearly it's not every woman's standard. Most women don't want super short guys and do find tall guys hot but being 6ft tall is not necessary and charisma can overcome height (the Chaddest guy I knew in HS was prob 5'6, super popular and got the hottest girls).
I think the expectation of a guy being a specific height has only become so common with online dating, where women can make their expectations clear before meeting. If you meet a guy naturally irl his height will be secondary to his overall impression, whether you prefer taller dudes or not.
No. 642144
>>642132Unfortunately no, that’s more just a white based style like
>>642140 has described. I guess it doesn’t exist, which is a shame, because the academia styles are lovely but too mature for me to adopt convincingly.
No. 642153
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>>642132I'm astonished that there's an actual word for this. It's like I'm totally oblivious to all this ~aesthetics~ stuff that's popular right now. Is there a wiki or something where I can find all the names of popular aesthetics? How do people even get into this shit?
No. 642157
>>642153There's but it's a long list with a lot of very obscure aeshetics so I don't know how useful it is
>How do people even get into this shit?Aesthetics spread on social media, I guess most people just find about it through instagram/tiktok/pinterest/youtube
No. 642188
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>>641921This brings me back to the mid 2000's when I used to google search 'anime girl' all the time for references for my shitty drawings in my lined notebooks, when no one else irl knew what anime was.
It's so strange to have been alive for a long enough time to have seen the internet change
>>642172>The one with the cross is such a classicOmg yes.
No. 642195
>>641921left is the original Air visual novel
3rd from the left is kaede from the shuffle visual novel
if you search images from those games you might find similar old art style cutscenes(beware NSFW)
No. 642209
>>642198I'm like this. And I don't know if it stems from me being a bitch and up myself. I haven't had any proper friends since highschool really. Shared interests, hanging out was always easy and stress free. Could fight like sisters and be friends before we part ways. The older I've got, the harder grudges have been held. Fall outs don't have make ups anymore. I've noticed with my male peers they're quicker to bury the hatchet than women are. Women tend to lean on their partners and I guess can move on easier from a platonic friend. I don't know?
Also there's certain people that make themselves available but hanging out isn't fun, stress free or easy. I find a lot of my adult 'friendships' have been more similar to networking. Feeling obligated to do so to ease work place situations or accommodate partners friends. I haven't joined any clubs tho as an adult and I use to be way more active in social groups as a teen, so maybe that's my issue. I'm not making friends based on interests. I'm just so jaded
No. 642258
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At what age would you say that mewing won't fix your chin at all? Also, how tf do I mew? My face Iooks retarded whenever I try to mew, as if I have a overbite ,and my tongue feels tired to doing it for a minute, yet alone for hours
No. 642285
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What do you anons think about face yoga? Is it worth it or a waste of time?
No. 642289
>>642209>>642198More than anything I miss the relationships from childhood/teenhood that just sort of happened and stuck. I miss being able to spend hours with someone spending our time shooting the shit without making the conversations solely about work or general complaining about life. As an adult it's a lot easier to make excuses to not spend time with people. Too busy, which is
valid in itself but then it comes down who and what is actually worth the time. Relationships have to be more than 'I enjoy your company/we have similar interests/we've been besties forever.' I've tried to join small book clubs but even they fizzle out when something goes against someone's expectations or "rules". Connecting with people as an adult is all about schedule, what you want to say you do in your spare time, not necessarily enjoying time spent together. The definition of friendship gets complicated in adulthood, and said relationships become difficult to maintain.
No. 642304
>>642280Oh man I'm drawing a blank on movies suddenly kek. But I'm watching HGTV right now and it showed the house hunting couple playing with their kids and kissing them on the lips, which is what spurred me to ask.
Anyways, a general thank you to everyone who's answered so far, it's fun seeing the range of reactions.
No. 642361
>>642119>>642085>>642069ty anons, i will try tonight and whenever shows start back up (hopefully)
>>641990godspeed anon, i wish you the same luck
No. 642400
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what are some words/tags that I can use to describe this style? I want to find more stuff like this, but 'boho' stuff seems too loose and flowy compared to this style
No. 642445
>>641650> It’s considered fucking gross in Europe, not to mention rude if you’re a guestDon't generalize Europe please. I'm a white Eurofag and in my part of Europe guests don't tend to take their shoes off, although this isn't a strict rule. It can be considered kind of weird to take off your shoes, like you're too comfortable/homely in someone else's home. Not even my aunts and uncles will take of their shoes when they're over. Of course we don't wear shoes in the comfort of our own house.
What's up with all these "Do white people really do xyz thing?" questions lately.
No. 642455
>>642448The one anon who took their county's mandatory mask mandate to multiple threads hoping for sympathy.
>I'm appalled! this is a police state!It's rock bottom when you land in the tinfoil thread.
No. 642772
>>642762Online: Can admit I'm wrong and reformulate the argument as everything is in writing for anyone to see. Granted it's in good faith and not someone shitposting and making shit up. If it's the latter then I'd rather let them have it than waste my goodwill energy, sometimes I even double down if they annoy me enough just to spite their time.
IRL: Much more likely to double down or deflect because the truth of the matter is people take an admittance of a wrong as a weakness and use that instance to steamroll the entire argument in their favor. If it's not professional that is, like at work, in a class, or during a lighthearted debate between friends. I'm talking about some asshole who I owe nothing to trying to start shit with me.
I have more to gain by sticking to my guns and hoping the other person concedes and relents to my argument than being held by the balls cause they caught me in one oopsie.
No. 642953
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The yellow and pink one I can understand but the rest of them? Are these really considered microaggressions? lmao
No. 642959
>>642953Most hispanics I know, myself included kek, love spicy food, so it's not an unreasonable thing to think, sure it's not for everyone but many do like it tbh.
None of those are aggresive, hell the "Your english is so good" one seems more like a compliment if your native language isn't english, I do feel happy when my friends from the USA tell me that.
So, is most likely a non-hispanic
or a chicano speaking over hispanics to feel ~woke~
No. 642969
>>642965It's really fucking annoying. If someone says "say something in your language" what do you think you would say? Your mind goes blank because you've just been told to perform but given no direction.
It's ok if it's a friend asking "it's so cool you speak Russian, what's Russian for hello?" but someone that doesn't know you demanding you say something that they won't even understand just so they can confirm that you do speak that language or so they can laugh at how foreign it sounds is just irritating
>>642959>"Your english is so good" one seems more like a compliment if your native language isn't englishI'm not Hispanic but usually it's offensive to people because the person is assuming they don't speak proper English just because of their accent or skin colour. You can have spoken English your whole life but some inbred boomer will patronise you like you just did a party trick
No. 642980
>>642953Orange is definitely a micro-aggression, especially when English is one of your first languages, so them expecting you to not know English just because of how you look is wrong.
I guess I can see blue as being one but not really. It mostly stems from stereotyping Mexicans as liking spicy food. I didn't know until recently, but the only hispanic countries that are really big on spicy food are Mexicans, so it's sort of as being all hispanics as Mexicans.
For the green one, it's because they see hispanics as "exotic" so I can see how that can be a micro aggression.
The pink one isn't a micro aggression but its annoying.
The dark blue one is definitely a micoaggression. It's like thinking just because you have a different skin color you can't be from America or whatever western country you are from.
And for the light green one, it's people thinking that all Mexicans have a certain look to them. Being hispanic isn't a race, the same way being American isn't a race.
No. 642989
>>642953The dark blue one is usually pretty fucked up since Latinos are basically the same as Americans where we have people of different races.
As some one who gets "you don't look Mexican" on the daily it gets annoying but I wouldn't call it a micro aggression since most people can't differentiate between ethnicities in general, like if I were to post a picture of a Swedish and a Danish person and asked which was witch most people wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
No. 643005
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Does time go by extremely quickly for everyone?
I've heard people say time flies when you're having fun or are busy but for me its all the time. Like i could be doing nothing, just sitting or laying down and while for me 10 minutes passed its been half an hour. Sometimes i don't even bother doing things like drawing because i know i'll grab my supplies, do literally half a sketch and my entire morning or afternoon will be gone. It feels pointless to do anything with how quickly times goes by to me.
No. 643006
>>643005You must have a pretty active mind and focus properly on whatever you're doing at the time. I'm jealous, time goes sooo slowly for me. I'm in a phase where everything bores me and I'm losing interests in my hobbies, don't have the attention span for TV or books, etc.
Also I'm dieting which means I'm constantly just waiting for the next time I can eat, which makes the day fucking crawl.
No. 643010
>>643006I actually do. Guess it makes sense but it still feels so wrong.
Aw man, i'm jealous of you too, i feel like i'm wasting my life because it's on 4x speed and i'll never watch/play/do everything i want to, but i can see why it's bad for you too. Wish we could trade half and half with each other to make 2 normal people
No. 643087
>>642999It's only supposed to work for about 3-4 hours for instant release. Do you have problems with impulsivity or just inattention?
Adderall XR works better for me because it lasts through the day and I would forget to take it otherwise
No. 643090
>>643085Also, how do I like, care about books and video games again?
I don't understand what's wrong with me, I used to love reading and RPGs and platformers, now I just can't even get into anything
I just want to sleep all the time, but I want to play or read again so badly
No. 643378
>>643371I technically have an "office" job even though my official title is an inspector. But yeah, I got my desk cubicle. I'm mostly running queries and creating reports. Mashing some buttons back and forth between company software and an excel spreadsheet. Sometimes I have to assemble a folder, print out some stuff, attend a meeting, etc.
The biggest culture shock to me about office work is that the majority of people don't do dick throughout most of the day. Including myself. Like I emailed all the reports and worked on all my spreadsheets this morning that now I don't have anything to do for the rest of the day unless something comes up, but I've got like three more hours to go. So I sit here and try to look busy but I'm really on my phone. The reason why people work so slow is because there wouldn't be any work to get done if they actually went at a faster pace. I caught on eventually, but then I get instances like today. Guess I could be an overachiever and find more work but lmao not when I'm a low wagie paid by the hour.
No. 643386
>>643371I have an office job. I do clerical work at a hospital. I manage reports and censuses, rosters for patients we have in different programs, make calls to patients and vendors to coordinate care and problem solve, stuff like that. Like
>>643378 said, you run out of things to do, though. I keep pretty busy and still find myself, well, here, as well as on my phone here and there. I get a lot of other tasks thrown at me because I'm quick/good at my job and my leadership is all about using us to our full potential (in a good way) but I still find ways to dick around.
No. 643402
>>643389Find a local dealer? I buy mine from a friend.
>>643397Who incidentally listens to them kek she tried to introduce me and I only liked their Only SWERF episode, everything else has been annoying.
No. 643886
>>643744running (unless sprinting ig) doesn't actually do shit for losing weight and is pretty bad for your joints. try bodyweight exercises esp glute-focused stuff
eat lift thrive by sohee lee is a great book geared towards women for exercises and learning how to eat better, check it out
No. 644149
>>644093Everyone wants and needs external validation to a degree, what you need to be mindful of is how you react when you are denied it or let too much go to your head.
Examine how you react in those situations and see if there's any healthier ways to react.
No. 644164
>>644146There's something like a 30% difference in calories burned between a moderate walking pace and running for the same distance, and as other anons have mentioned you're way more likely to injure yourself running. Plus it's not like out of shape people can just hit off running and have the endurance to keep a running intensity for any meaningful period of time that walking couldn't easier accomplish.
Running truly is an inefficient exercise for the payoff.
No. 644185
>>644157If you really don't want to stand up for yourself you should tell your room mate that it's making you feel low about yourself but keep it about your self esteem and how those words make you feel, framing it as if you are asking for help wit how to deal with these thoughts it gives you. Don't let it turn into a discussion about the other girl or else there is ammo for drama. If your roommate isn't a bitch it should at least make her go quiet when her friend says those things so there is no reward for saying them.
If you want to play mind games you can use the mean girl's comment as an opening to vent everything you've ever thought about that topic and ask if she has any advice as if you really value her input, for every reply just keep asking her what she would recommend to help a girl, making it a chore for her. This shit is tiresome as hell if you're not made for it though, it's easier to just go grey rock on her and learn to ignore it.
No. 644250
>>644234I will try something like that, there are like 20 videos, all 30 min, to go through. Ugh.
>>644243I cannot but he's mostly not facing the camera so it wouldn't have worked.
I think I will play some music on my phone, put on headphones and play the videos on the laptop, maybe that'll help…
No. 644368
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Is it too early for a new years resolution thread?
No. 644630
>>644593I always assume it's because the average person runs on 4 hour sleep cycles and getting through or close through one makes you feel more rejuvenated (short term) than two if you're not going get through it. I could be speaking entirely from my ass, though.
>>644615And excuse my extreme retardation for laughing at "click" looking a little like "dick," I am 12 apparently
No. 644782
>>644693No idea if that was covid because hospitals weren't taking anymore people back then where I was but when I recovered two months later and went back to my country my GP told me she's 99.999% sure that was it. I felt horrible and legit thought I was gonna die the first month, it started exactly at the same time as my periods with similar symptoms but worse (weak legs, headache, diarrhea) so I didn't suspect anything, but then I couldn't breathe properly for three weeks and the symptoms got worse and worse. I was terrified I'd die in my sleep but thinking about it I was feeling better when asleep. The only unusual things where that instead of not feeling taste and smell anymore it got super amplified like I was a constantly nauseous pregnant woman, and I didn't have fever which meant I couldn't go to the hospital anyway since the rules were that you had to monitor you body temperature and only go to the emergencies if you reach 37.5°C everyday for 4 days.
The second month I had ups and downs so I had no idea if I was recovering or not, the real consistent problem was that I was shitting myself to death anytime I tried to eat something the following minutes. I was starving and just surviving on mcdonald's and soda. Even the third month after going back to my country, while I felt better I still felt super weak and always tired but now I'm doing way better. Given the timing I must have caught it near the end of the mask shortage but since I was careful I must have caught either in pubic transport when going to work or when buying food. I got masks not long after though near my job.
Thinking about it, I had food poisoning a few months before that and I'm used to getting sick because of epidemics and getting tired fast and that time it didn't feel like anything I've endured before.
No. 645082
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saged for samefag– sorry at first posted in wrong thread (dumbass because I am one)
Q: where on lc do you go to ask for art advice, really. Artist salt thread is supposed to include that but its 90% … salt. as the title implies. so I dont blame them for ignoring my boring ass questions lol
is there a thread I missed? I dont want to show my art though
pic unrelated
No. 645117
>>645110As a follow up to this
>>645113,I guess it's because people who are in the LGBT spectrum want it to be known, even if they are in a hetero relationship. Why? Because we all know that straight people are not viewed as great. Bi folks are likely to have gay and lesbian friends already, so of course why would we talk about being hetero?
No. 645142
>>645117>Because we all know that straight people are not viewed as great…No? People's sexuality doesn't define who they are as a person.
You can't choose to be straight any more than you can choose to be gay, you're just embarrassing yourself for woke points and Twitterfag validation. You sound lowkey homophobic saying that.
No. 645156
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What is this sort of fashion called?
No. 645161
>>645156i would say twee or preppy.
dark academia might interest you also, it's darker and more tweedy, but the people who like it are insufferable and pretentious about being the cultural elite even though all they do is scroll instagram all day.
No. 645179
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Where can I find 60s-ish fishnets that's aren't sexy but have nice patterns like pic rel?
No. 645190
>>645175NTA but
you type like you're a scrote.
No. 645233
You're so fucking gross, wash your mouth you filthy neolib newfag.
No. 645236
>>645143Bi does not equal gay
Stop muddying the term
No. 645240
>>645156>>645157This just reminds me of Kate Nash..
Also what the other anon said.
No. 645262
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>>645231>chudWho let Vaush orbiters in? Gross.
No. 645265
>>645264libs = pickme
Yea, you're probably a dumb troll
No. 645286
>>645283Bragging but make it woke
Lollll I’m sure they’re all hons
No. 645292
>>645274Of course, anyone that disagrees with everyone here has to be bait right?
I'm sorry, but in the same vein of "you must be a scrote" and "you must be a troon", "this is bait" is also dragging this board right the fuck down
(ban evasion) No. 645366
>>645359I thought that South Park was for dumbasses or people with low quality entertainment standards.
Rick and Morty fanatics are the one I always associated with the types you describe.
No. 645377
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Do you guys think it is inappropriate/racist to wear clothes from another culture? Or people are too sensitive nowadays?
No. 645385
>>645377no, it only looks bad because the dress specifically does.
>>645384i hate this because i am white passing but very cultural asian due to how i was raised and people like you always mistake me for a weeb. please look more at how the person is acting rather than how they look.
No. 645400
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>>645359you guys are reminding me of this meme I saw recently. Right now tf2 has a fandom with shipping and all, but I'll never forget it originally was for every basic ass dude in my school who played video games. If you time traveled back, showing them this would even be an own
No. 645411
>>645382I don't get this point of view at all.
So should all Japanese people only wear kimonos and no western atire and all greeks dress in tunics?
That makes no sense. Clothes are just clothes.
No. 645420
>>645365>>645392>>645404>>645414Okay clearly I was mistaken in how long there have been South Park fujos, I think a better question should have been why are there south park fujos in the first place ?
the characters are literal paper cutouts who swear and shit all the time, which is very different from the usual fujo fodder
No. 645429
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>>645384>>645377the difference between "white" and "non white" is often just a name, accent, hair cut, and clothing. Most People from the fertile crescent (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel/Palestine) look the same as most italians or greeks but one group is considered "white" and the other not, vice versa most white Americans and even Europeans can blend in my country Pakistan, seriously all it takes for males is just growing a beard and wearing one of the cultural outfits
No. 645440
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>>645433I would definitely say that South Park is cuter than ATHF. The art style is simplistic but it borrows from Peanuts and uses the Disney model of big head + big eyes like pic related.
No. 645442
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>>645441The voices and personalities are cute
No. 645497
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>>645433>>645441Fujos imagine them to be cuter than they are in their heads, our brains can easily extrapolate an actual attractive human from a simplistic drawing. Cartoon-y, caricature-y character designs are just the template and they get improved upon until they look appealing. Osomatsu san is another example of muppet looking characters who get transformed into cute boys in fujo brains.
No. 645504
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>>645448>>645458I feel like Americans have a really…unique idea of "cute" in general.
It's always struck me as weird, like a fondness for ugliness, and it's like they're the only country that does this.
And American cartoon fans just accept it and either "cute"-ify or sexualize the characters in fan art regardless. I don't understand it. Like, why draw this shit? Just watch anime at this point, even you can see that the art style's not cute.
No. 645507
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>>645497>Cartoon-y, caricature-y character designs are just the template and they get improved upon until they look appealing. Osomatsu san is another example of muppet looking characters who get transformed into cute boys in fujo brains.But why even do that? They have an entire industry of existing pretty boys. Is it some kind of personal challenge? "I can totally imagine even these characters as attractive, just try me"?
Is it the same logic as those women who date horribly ugly/fat men and insist they're hot because they like their personalities? It gives me the same vibes as Shuwu insisting her neckbeard ex was hot, but even that makes more sense, because as you get to know someone, you can actually like them for more than just their looks. With fictional characters you'll never meet, especially ones in the more comedic/silly western cartoons (Cartman from South Park has like no redeeming qualities, either from an outside or inside perspective), it's bizarre.
No. 645508
>>645504Is that really a big deal? Sometimes people like a show and want to draw fanart in another style, who cares? Maybe that's how they see it in their heads.
Fanart like
>>645497 is pretty cute because it's so drastically different. I doubt the creators actually care.
No. 645510
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I don't want to shit up the Nika thread with my stupid question so what's going on in this pic
No. 645512
>>645508It's not a "big deal", just strange. The love for sheer ugliness in western media is pretty jarring compared to something like French comics/cartoons or most anime/weeb shit.
The creators probably like it, I just wonder why they make the design choices they do in the first place.
No. 645520
>>645512I don't see what you mean at all. South Park's designs aren't ugly, they're just super plain and basic.
It's not strange to draw fanart in a different style. That's been a thing since forever.
No. 645547
>>645540Weirdly enough it doesn't activate my autism, I never got into shipping or husbando-ing any of the characters but I fucking love it, it's so funny.
Actually one of my favourite things about it is that the merch seems so innocuous because the characters just look like silly cartoons. I'd be embarrassed as hell with bishie characters on merch but I can wear/use Osomatsu stuff in public with no shame.
No. 645578
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Would it be a good idea to make an Etsy thread? I've been thinking about making an etsy thread to discuss nice thing/stores people find and the like, but I'm unsure if people would like it
No. 645612
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>>645576Ironically they did end up having a sanrio collab. But I can see where anons are coming from with the "anime but not obviously anime". Some people like more subtle stuff. Also, the matsus came around when itabags were starting to become popular. The brothers all have their own specific colors so it made it easier to have a cohesive bag and merch. I think that's what also gave them a boost in popularity.
No. 645673
>>645522Yes, but only if they're declaring their taxes legally
>>645507Why are you acting like any of this is strange when we live in a post-brony world. Didn't you see what horny Twitter did to the latest Pokémon designs already?
No. 645681
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>>645359I binge-watched in late in high school because I was bored. The characters have really distinct personalities, which is something that also often appeals to fujos. You've got examples every dynamic fujos tend to make ships out of in the show: opposites who hate each other, childhood best friends, pervert and innocent one, etc. The show isn't ~genius~ or anything like that– it's pretty much on the same level as Seth Meyer or Colbert in terms of comedy writing. It's watchable. There's also the thing other anons have mentioned about how its minimalist style is very easy to convert into whatever art style you draw in. South Park also has a weirdly strong cult following in Japan for whatever reason (maybe it's related to fujos, maybe not, idk.)
>>645404Anyone in the top group who liked the show has since abandoned it because it leans more liberal than it used to. Normies and fujoshis are what make up its fanbase today.
No. 645697
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>>645686You can get this surgery done, it hurts, but it works, I think.
No. 645763
>>645686Only if you're a kid and your bones haven't fully fused yet. But it's dangerous if you're just short in a normal way as opposed to having a HGH deficiency because of a tumor/injury that fucked up your pituitary or hypotalamus/deformed hypotalamus or pituitary/you're just insanely unlucky and were born this way, too much of it could increase chances of getting other health issuew like heart attacks or diabetes. If you had a deficiency like me of only HGH in childhood but it was as severe as mine the treatment can induce the production of other hormones so you have a normal puberty. Aside from having super small breasts it worked for me. But many patients need to have other hormonal treatments on top of it. Adults with a deficiency have very difference symptoms so the treatments have a different goal and effects aside from reducing depression and fatigue and memory loss (allegedly lol that shit didnt work on me)
tldr; dont take that shit unless you NEED it, it mostly works if you have specific health issues but it's risky if you don't bc of side effects.
No. 645797
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Married anons, what made you decide to get married? How old were you and how long had you been together? How do you feel about it now?
No. 645837
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>>645818My aunt gave me a desk mirror for Christmas. Puberty had just hit me hard and I was dealing with acne and face hair
No. 645877
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Is it normal for a woman to leech off a student in uni who is 4 years younger than her, attempt to e-date him and quit her job just to beg him for money all the time and do nothing but play videogames (and whine on discord)?
The woman is turning 27 and always makes up excuses to not work. I am confused.
No. 645916
>>645894>navalWhy do people keep calling it that? It's navel.
no hate at you anon>>645863They're pretty easy to heal just have to be a bit more careful. And no, it doesn't really get in the way during sex.
>>645875You just have to spray them twice per day with saline, they're super easy to heal (if done right). It's also like getting a new pair of boobs if your nips are inverted.
No. 645920
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Where can I get a dog phone case like this?
No. 645924
>>645920Just search up "furry dog phone case". There's tons of results
>>645916>It's also like getting a new pair of boobs if your nips are inverted.Nta but what? Wtf does that mean?
No. 645931
>>645926What? It's pretty easy to heal them? Just don't knock/pull them and clean them twice per day and there should be no issues. The healing time sure sucks but eh
I had mine for 4 months now and 0 issues at all.
No. 646038
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What does the average pussy look like from country to country? Is there like an image, similar to how there is for pic rel?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 646054
>>646047The saved reasons I've got in my report field atm are
>scrot>obvious pullfag>blogposting newfag>pedo trashI think we can assume mods are smart enough to figure out the issue from the post itself but apparently I use reporting to get my insults out.
No. 646092
>>646083I mean, it depends on the kind of attention that you want.
Do you want to be recognized by someone in particular?
No. 646200
>>646123Man, mine were from pregnancy. Didn't have a single one on my stomach until after birth, andmy stomach was flat. 3 busted up. 2nd go, I got maybe 3 during. Then when everything deflated a bunch of those white ones were everywhere. I've got them all over my hips, upper thighs and some on my butt. I'm not a specimen of perfection anyway though and they're white so I just try to worry about other shit.
They'll lighten up, just make sure to keep your skin moisturized really well, especially with that kind of loss and gain. No one's going to get out of that unscathed when it happens that fast.
No. 646212
>>646200I feel like yours have meaning and reason attached to them though, you know? You gave birth to a human and that’s metal as fuck and basically the only reason I never complain about my stretch marks, I think it’s rude to all the women I know who are moms. In my case I’m just so mad that they have no purpose besides me ballooning in a short period of time, the ones on my stomach go all the way up to my solar plexus. I didn’t even gain
that much weight so it’s very jarring and it almost looks like I’m covered in self harm scars. Not to be like corny or sound like a tumblrtard but you literally created three lives and that makes it badass. All I did was eat quesadillas.
No. 646244
>>646212Whoops, only 2. Sorry for the miscommunication there. Thank you though, you're very kind to say those things.
Don't feel like you can't be upset about it, it's something you couldn't control. Steroids have a habit of making people kind of balloon up. It's really rapid weight gain and loss and takes a toll on your skin's elasticity. You were taking them on provider orders, anon. It wasn't just a carefree month of quesadilla binging.
No. 646264
>>646262>syntax: order of words>grammar: how the words are writtenU can easily writ leik diz & understand wat it sayz becuz it’z got an logycal order.
Read this is very not easy there because no is any logical order decent but grammar.
that was fun to write tbh No. 646265
>>646262Grammar is just a general term for the rules of proper writing and speech. That can include syntax, punctuation, nouns, conjunctions etc…
Syntax is specifically sentence structure. So yes, it's just what order words go in.
No. 646347
File: 1601870186125.jpeg (44.74 KB, 400x344, 8210BD75-79A7-4C6B-81E4-F5FD7A…)

Is there a name for these particular types of edits? I find them so fucking funny and I just want to acquire a collection of them to look at for my own pleasure
No. 646403
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Anyone else get super motivated by aesthetics? I guess it's a sorta normal girl thing, like tumblr, moodboards, etc, but seeing mentions ITT of "dark academia" and following a bunch of ig profiles made me actually want to go back to college and get a masters degree lol.
I feel super dumb because it's so tryhard and romanticized, but at the same time it reminds me of feeling joyful at the beginning of college when studying languages and literature still held some magical charm. I want to feel that way again.
No. 646460
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I'd really like to own a zip-up sailor collar jacket, but with a hood. Am I chasing something that doesn't exist? Pic related is an example, but it has the standard sailor look on the back. I just really like the two stripes that typically line the collars and think it'd be really cute to own in hoodie form.
No. 646572
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wtf is wrong to make her face look like this
No. 646643
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>>646572ngl I almost thought that was the girl who played Kim Pine from Scott Pilgrim till I reverse searched
She looks a lot better with long hair, and as
>>646630 said could benefit from fuller eyebrows
No. 646665
File: 1601912642554.jpg (222.8 KB, 2221x1666, eliza-scanlen.jpg)

>>646639you think those tiny ass pig eyes and heavy eyebrow ridge are normal?
No. 646680
>>646535Yes, I'm a small person so I am always guilty of speaking too low even though I can hear myself perfectly fine. My tips:
>keep your mouth hydrated>enunciate>open up your throat (don't let our tongue block it)I often find myself almost talking in opera so that people can hear me
No. 646683
File: 1601915659391.png (21 KB, 306x617, gmail settings.png)

>>646558Have you tried fiddling with your settings? What you've described has never happened to me unless it was a really wide image.
No. 646704
File: 1601917962893.jpg (75.08 KB, 720x392, 20201005_191051.jpg)

I didn't want to derail the twitch-thread for this but are some European countries actually racist to this degree? I'm a scandi and had no clue this was a thing.
No. 646706
File: 1601918094330.jpeg (89.25 KB, 885x1080, 1E487DBA-1575-4A6A-8B5B-96C933…)

What the fuck is this and why do I see it on insufferable people’s social media all the time
No. 646708
File: 1601918374406.jpg (47.68 KB, 900x900, 5145453784_c64dee147a_o-147761…)

I doubt many kids will be out trick or treating this year and I won't be giving any treats out, but I still would like to put out a pumpkin for decoration as something for any kids to see as they walk by. I was also gonna put a sign saying 'no trick or treaters' or something but do you think parents may appreciate if others wouldn't hype up halloween at all this year? I know I'm overthinking this lol but I don't wanna encourage people going door to door when there's a pandemic
No. 646713
>>646704People are only woke and open-minded in public or social media as lip service and because they might face repercussions for it. Many girls only date black guys in my country to piss off their parents and seem cool and woke (I'm Northern European), in private I've heard girls talking shit about Africans (in public they brag about their African friends and how international they are for volunteering in Africa and taking pictures with little black kids for Tinder) and calling a Romanian girl a mail order whore.
If you want to see how racist people really are, just look at how they treat people who are fair game to discriminate against: Eastern Europeans (technically white) and gypsies (unknown to American wokies). It's pretty common to not be hired because your name is too Slavic, Arab or any other "bad" kind of foreign, then they will hire one Korean or Vietnamese woman and constantly talk about how important diversity is for them and point to her whenever someone complains of discrimination.
No. 646714
>>646708That’s a nice idea, you better put a huge sign though, remember that when it comes to dealing with strangers, the best thing to do is to assume that they’re absolutely idiotic.
If you were to only decorate your house without a sign, you could end up having a bunch of people without masks trick or treating, demanding that you give them stuff and whatnot.
No. 646743
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Why do people post crying selfies to show "awareness" about mental illness ie. screenshot I attached
No. 646812
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>>646810I don’t know, anon.
No. 646813
>>646807Theoretically… yes, according to this random webpage I found lol. I did not know before developing an unhealthy level of theoretical interest in cheese-making is that the enzymes found in the animal stomachs are specific to the species. To make cheese, you have to add rennet from the stomach lining of the animal you are making the cheese from: to make cheese from cow’s milk, use rennet from calves, to make sheep cheese, from lambs. To make cheese from human breast-milk, you would need the stomach lining of…. you get it.
No. 646816
>>646815idk what you mean by 'pro sexworker', it's not like radfems consider sex workers the bad guy in the situation or think they deserve to be punished for wrongdoing. They're the
No. 646901
>>646815I think there's a big difference in the sex work that involves actual vunerable women being pimped out and trafficked compared to some thot that thinks her tits are empowering others on onlyfans.
sex work is not empowering. there will never be an empowering reason to sell your body for money. like great if you have confidence and don't think there's any drawbacks to posting your nudes online but you're hardly the voice of a movement for doing so.
and anyone who glorifies actually fucking men for money is ignorant af.
No. 646989
>>646976But is he a
gamer gamer? I mean most dudes are capable of
abusive behaviors. Is he also a hentai loving weeb, a redditor, chan faggot? Does he simp twitch thots or harbor raging hatred for them?
No. 646997
>>646976Even regardless of whatever implications gaming might have about a guy's personality (like being an incel, manchild, nerd etc), gaming addiction itself is becoming a legit problem. Like, tonnes of divorces resulting from it, you can read any parenting forum or subreddit and see endless worn down wives complaining about their useless husbands who won't step away from the controller to even change a diaper. I had a gaming addicted bf when I was a teenager and it's like a physical compulsion to keep playing no matter how much it ruins their life, like he'd skip classes and stay up all night because he couldn't drag himself away.
I have no issues with gaming in general but it's a massive red flag for me, so many men just cannot play in moderation. Women don't seem to have this issue and can casually enjoy games with no problem.
No. 647001
>>646976Pointless to generalize, I do agree if someone's only personality trait is being a gamer it might be
problematic, but then, if a guy was an avid reader or obsessive movies fan would you be as worried? Games are just an entertainment medium like books or movies after all
No. 647029
>>647019>HypotheticallySure anon.
Influencers probably don't wanna date their fans. I know if I had any kind of social media "fame" I for sure would not want to date anyone that followed my content. Then again, I'm paranoid and would probably think any fan that was trying to date me is a psycho stalker. Also, youtubers/streamers usually have on-camera personalities. Someone who watches their content doesn't know how they really act. That would probably turn them off. Camgirls, female streamers, and people who sell NSFW content would for sure think their fans are simps. But maybe they would go for a simp if they're rich.
No. 647198
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Can we have an attractive couples thread?
No. 647228
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How easy would it be to immigrate to Asia and become a model, if you’re white with light blue eyes but otherwise too ugly to be a model in the west? Doesn’t have to be somewhere cool like Tokyo or Souel, can settle for China. Pic related
No. 647231
>>647228You'd endlessly be competing with poor 12-16 year old Eastern European girls funneled in by predatory international modelling agencies.
Kind of a crapshoot if you don't have the doe-eyed "look" they're into, either. I don't think Sarah Jessica Parker would get very far. Also, the jobs don't pay very well, so you might end up having to do seedier things on the side just to make ends meet.
No. 647233
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>>647231i've been thinking about it ever since i saw this image on an incel board. this guy is a model in Japan and could not be any uglier.
mind giving me an example of a "doe eyed look" girl?
No. 647238
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>>647233I feel like this can only happen because the standards for men everywhere are on the ground. People will LARP that the ugliest dudes alive are "cute" or "hot", and it's probably even worse if it's a white guy with light hair/eyes in an Asian country because they have the "exotic" factor going. For women, it's a different story. People basically expect dolls or mannequins or something.
>mind giving me an example of a "doe eyed look" girl?Like Nadya Vall, who was featured in the documentary Girl Model about this subject. Big-eyed, skinny/petite girls. That kind of aesthetic.
No. 647286
File: 1601968461016.gif (536.41 KB, 1000x562, ssi15bez0cujlkzszlxo.gif)

Is it cheaper to wrap presents in wrapping paper ( with or without getting a box for the present, but I will probably buy boxes for a gifts along w paper ) or buying a gifting bag?
I am slowly preparing for Christmas here… And it's only my 2nd Christmas so I am a noob in terms of that. Supposedly I am going to give 5-6 gifts.
Used to always buy nice and fancy gifting bags but with coronavirus and moving, I ended up not having much income this year…
No. 647288
>>647286Wrapping paper is cheaper. You can probably even get a couple of patterns and it will still cost less than bags. Hope you have fun.
>>647282I've been reading about emotional labor a lot lately and this makes sense. I wonder if men will change if asked to? Can they be taught to do things like this or will they always depend on others to do their work for them?
No. 647291
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>>647286I usually have some brown paper left over from various things so I use that with some twill, twigs, ribbons etc. since it's more eco-friendly and cheaper than wrapping paper or bags, but looks just as nice.
No. 647311
>>647298Didn’t Bella Thorn make $1 mil in a single day when she signed up? Yeah.. at $35 per pop and with Belle Delphine’s popularity I don’t doubt it one bit. Good for her, love seeing girls get rich on their own.
I'm sure some salty hoes will refuse to believe it tho, like they do to, um,
other patreon/onlyfans people on here. But the fact is these girls are making ridiculous money doing nothing and a lot of people are mad about it
No. 647332
File: 1601975172373.jpg (114.1 KB, 962x1088, P00273329_b1.jpg)

DOnt know where to ask this so pls dont hate…
Anyways, thinking about getting the purse in this pic. I know its small, so I wanted to ask the girls here that have small purses like this one, what are the others cons of having one this size, besides the "not too much space to fit shit in it"?
No. 647368
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>>647342Oh wow I didn't think about the hair part, that would definitely suck because I have very long hair. Luckily this one doesn't only have chain on the strap but also leather (pic attached, I don't know why it cant be seen in the original pic)
>>647340I don't generally use makeup so thats good. What do you do if you need to bring something extra with you, do you just use another bag that you carry on the side or you just use a bigger purse that will fit everything?
No. 647389
File: 1601979067638.jpg (193.4 KB, 729x820, UGLY SCHIZOPATH.jpg)

A guy who looks like this hits you up. He makes 80k/year in software development and really likes shitposting on imageboards. What do you say?
Asking for a male friend(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 647406
File: 1601979737732.jpg (112.32 KB, 1200x800, 19221248c00e63667a31aa14467bbc…)

>>647404Damn, 2/3 are kinda hot. You think he should become a tranny?
No. 647427
>>647389I have a friend who is GORGEOUS (think Gisele Bundchen look-alike) and she married a guy that is like half a head shorter than him, fat and very very ugly. As you probably guessed, he is loaded.
So OP, I guess even if its "only " 80K, its all about finding a woman who is desperate enough to bang the guy
No. 647429
>>647389he could make $500k/year and still No.
besides ain't that the white supremacist walmart shooter?
No. 647554
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>>647540kek based lol kek lol
No. 647566
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>>647554based recognize based kek
No. 647601
>>647575Depends on the reasons why parents had the kid and their treatment of said kid
I'm an only child and my parents genuinely wanted and cherished me a lot, but I've seen people (in my country this is still practiced unfortunately) gear up for a son to "carry on the family name/genes/estate", but first they'll want to give him an older sister so she can be the third parent and take care of them when they're old, and the son when they die. There's usually a massive difference in treatment of the two, the son never has to do shit but reach for his dreams, but the daughter is trained to be nanny and nurse from day 1.
Those are parents I'd personally leave in a muddy ditch.
No. 647611
File: 1601998825524.jpg (217.66 KB, 768x1024, 3275549629_5372896aa0_b.jpg)

>>647602Can we go as a couple anon?
No. 647729
>>647725I wouldn't think anything of it on a friend or a partner at all. I find it odd that your doctor asked you that and I'm sorry that happened wtf, though tbh it may have been a timing coincidence since you were there for breast pain specifically and you'd just taken your bra off?
Anyways, it's not over for you, most people genuinely don't care about that sort of thing no matter how much nitpicking goes on around here. I'm sure your boobies are perfectly fine, and you can always try to look for a bra that makes you feel confident!
No. 647737
>>647725ngl this got me sad. that was me, but thats a kind of thing young people get caught up on but the older you get, you start to realize that its not that big of a deal.
try to come to terms with what you have. learning to love yourself is dummy hard but at least from my experience it really isnt even a thing. i never had a 'perfect' body but i never was without a physical partner. im saggy and have stretch marks and a flat ass and loose skin but no one has rejected me yet. you got this b.
No. 647772
>>647758Here's the drill: fuck everyone else's opinion on what you decide to do with your own money that you earned with your actions.
You wanna spoil your boyfriend or take care of him because he's not as well off? As long as he appreciates your doing it and makes an attempt to pay for things for you and himself, it's fine.
Not everyone is going to be in the same situation, and I'm willing to bet a grand majority of women in either space would tell you to do one thing and simp out themselves on their own private time.
How many secretly bitter souls are in FDS?
No. 647776
>>647772based twice
tell him to take a financial class with you or something, though, it'll be good for both of you in the long run! ♥
No. 647779
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is are these heart dresses/ jumper-skirts called? Is there a proper name for them?
No. 647788
>>647776I second this.
>>647778It's most spaces everywhere, which is why relying on opinions is a tough call. Someone will always inevitably be there to make a huge judgment call on another person's actions, then turn around and be a hypocrite with their personal lives.
No. 647836
File: 1602015402430.png (1.51 MB, 1418x1681, Girl.png)

Is this considered attractive? How?
No. 647838
>>647821Same, we should move in together and create a pasta haven.
For real though since it's not healthy to have pasta all the time I'm forcing myself to do other things, watching cooking youtube channels helps a lot for the reason
>>647833 mentions.
No. 647870
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>>647863I didn't mean that I found her to be pretty, I meant it looks like those exaggerated, pretty girl drawings but as an irl person. Even the pic attached isn't quite what I mean, but I can't think of anything else to compare to atm.
No. 647889
>>647886I’ve been extremely open with my therapist/s and psychiatrist about being severely suicidal and was ever only almost committed on my first day of therapy; I begged the ER and inpatient psychs to not make me and my bf at the time vouched for me and said he would keep an eye on me. I think you
can talk about those things with your therapist without being committed, you just get committed if you’re actively suicidal or have a plan, which I was at the time (but still didn’t wanna go kek). Hope this helps, and hope you feel better. It’s not fucking fun.
No. 647895
>>647886sort of bouncing off what the other anon was talking about but a good therapist with recognize the difference between rumination and a plan. most all people think about death and a good portion think about dying themselves. a lot of the time when people say they want to die they just want the bad parts of their life to end.
you seem like you have a lot of work to do on yourself. find where the unhappiness is stemming from and start from there.
No. 647901
>>647895Yeah but i can't really tell if mine would see the difference. I would only find out after telling and risking being thrown in the psych ward and that's worse than dying for me.
If i were to be really honest i would have to say i think about it a lot and about methods too. It seems like the best decision to me so i think that would be worrying to her either way?
No. 647908
>>647901youll find that most hospitals are not that bad. the mental health field and its facilities and notions are always talked about like a plague but understand social work is so hard. people wouldnt stay with that kind of thing if they didnt want to make a difference. its a running thing but a lof of people who go into that kind of work have a history of addiction or and/or mental illness themselves.
you seem like youre suffering hard. going inpatient might actually help. you could have people listen to you at any moment, you dont have to worry about the little things, just being able to focus on being well..
dont be fooled by the big boogyman people have made of mental health care. that only hurts yourself in the long run
No. 647911
>>647901Even with that, if you express that you don’t want/feel like it’s right for you to go inpatient, they might not make you, especially if you aren’t a minor—that might help, but I’m not 100% on that. I’ve told multiple therapists when I’m experiencing suicidal ideation as well as feeling actively suicidal, and they still allow me to finish my session, and that’s the focus of it. Those tended to be the most helpful. I will say that if your suicidal ideation is taking up that much of your life and brainpower, you should talk to your therapist, and if this one isn’t trustworthy, I hope you can find one that is. They will help you learn how to cope healthily without going inpatient if that would be worse for you. Again, though, this is solely my experience, and I don’t want to disparage inpatient treatment, but I also get where you’re coming from. I want to hug you anon, I’m so sorry.
No. 647969
>>647934This is me all the time and like anon said it's mostly lighting. And I think I'm fairly unscathed by the feminine conditioning to care about how you look so much compared to a lot of girls I'm friends with, but
>>647950 it's totally universal.
No. 648029
>>647908It's not a boogeyman, i've seen it myself and how it would hurt me considering my fears and what i've been through, it wouldn't be a stress free place to heal, it would be a prison i can't escape while having meds forced on me and strange people running around with access to me, many who do like hurting patients. Even if it was the best facility in the world with only women (which it's not) i would come out even more suicidal because now i can't trust even a therapist to not put me where i can be abused and can't get help. If i was suicidal before a stay in a psych ward, after it would make me sure i need to do it before i get hurt even more. It's not an option.
>>647911I'd like one please…
I'm thinking of writing to ask about what her criteria are and state that i'm not going to do it and have no plan. This would raise some red flags but not enough to lock me up, right?
No. 648047
>>648029Ignore that b8 reply from the one anon, they’re going into a bunch of threads and being retarded.
>>648031 said, they won’t since you’re not a minor and haven’t attempted and aren’t going to have a plan or anything. You can, or at least should, be able to talk about thinking about plans without there being an “action plan,” or something. Seriously, speaking to your therapist about this may help you more than you know—and if not, I really hope you find a new one that will. It helped me survive.
Something very important I learned is that our thoughts, especial our sick ones, aren’t truths, and that we are/can be observers to those thoughts without acting on or believing them. It’s easy enough to do with good things, so of course that translates to bad as well. “I’m better off dead” as a thought? Factually incorrect. Your family would miss you, your friends would miss you, the world would generally be so much less cool without you. Try and practice that when the bad thoughts are berating you. Again, I’m so sorry you’re going through this, and I really do mean it when I say I understand. Best of luck, anon.
No. 648050
>>648031Ok, so just saying i feel suicidal does not fall under plan to?
Sorry, and thanks for replying. This is taking a lot of effort, i haven't trusted anyone in years so it's hard to trust her when she has the power to do this, i've been crying for like an hour.
>>648036Kindly fuck off, if i didn't want to try i would just not go to therapy and risk having one of my biggest fears come true. Sorry if i reminded you that mental health institutions aren't all flowers and kisses for everyone.
No. 648056
>>648050they arent but youre the one ascribing the
abusive attribute to social work. you obviously have trust issues and its hindering you accepting help. you are willingly sabotaging your own well being but yes, be offended i pointed that out
No. 648059
>>648036NTA but fuck off. It's completely reasonable not to want to be institutionalized. I can tell you from personal experience that mental hospitals are, at best, not that helpful, and at worst, like being in literal prison. They are extremely underfunded and full of workers who are burnt out, underpaid, and don't have enough time to fully evaluate individual patients and get them the best care possible.
Also, that anon clearly wouldn't be asking for advice if they weren't serious about getting help. You're still allowed to have standards even if you're suicidal. In fact, it's a good sign that she still does.
No. 648060
>>648047Thank you, this means a lot.
It's funny because this thought refuting is one thing she tried to teach me too but i was too fucked up on panic atacks to really try. I'll try it again, not like it will hurt.
That other anon said it's likely she won't too, so i'll make an effort to write and ask what her criteria for commitment are and reassure that i don't have plans or anything. I hope it will go well, because this feeling of mistrust is wrecking me.
Thanks anons.
No. 648091
>>6480871. He likes you
2. For whatever reason he'd find it easier to leave the next morning than to go home at night
3. He is going to murder you in your sleep
Pick one
No. 648129
>>648098Brakes on. This is the first time you're meeting at all, or have you met up before outside the context of Netflix and Fill?
How long have you been talking to this guy?
No. 648172
>>648156I inhabited a weird sort of limbo between the group of popular kids and social outcasts. I went to a fancy private school so popularity meant actually being intelligent and getting good grades in addition to being sporty, somewhat charismatic and artsy. But because I also had weeby interests like anime, robotics, video games and history I also hung out with kids who were sadly treated like lepers. I never felt like I belonged entirely to either segment.
Fwiw I literally only browse ot/g/m. I found lolcow by accident when I Googled an internet "celeb" and found it kinda weird and silly, then stayed for the general sense of female companionship.
No. 648190
>>648156I was solidly part of the weird nerdy group, but a bit of a stacey within the nerd group if that makes sense. I was actually a total normie and originally hung around the real staceys when I started at my school, but was so intimidated I could barely talk to them and they ended up disliking me for being so awkward. But with my uncool friends I was outgoing and talkative, unfortunately I also had a bitchy streak exacerbated by my bitchy gay bff that I still feel bad about. But it was a big group, we had a really fun time, and I'm still friends with a couple of them.
The only thing that really stayed the same is being intimidated by staceys, now I'm an actual nerd with nerdy hobbies and became a lot more shy and quiet over the years. Also generally nicer. My loud, bitchy phase was mostly attention seeking and insecurity and now my self esteem is good enough that I don't have to act like that.
No. 648210
>>648156an absolute freak. even the other freaks and nerds disliked me and some people genuinely,unironically thought I was retarded but I can't blame them
>>648203weebs cannot be stacies by default
No. 648221
>>648215True, take Megan Thee Stallion's lyrics
>I'ma make him eat me out while I'm watchin' anime (Wow, wow, anime)>Pussy like a Wild Fox, lookin' for a Sasuke (Yeah, yeah, ayy, yeah)But it seems like anime is cool with zoomers anyway at least the e-girl types? I don't pay a lot of attention, maybe it's ironic idk.
No. 648226
>>648206I use and 9anime. Putlocker quality isn't the best, but it's fine and not absolute shit unless the movie just came out. Keep adblocker on tho.
No. 648234
>>648229Because normalfags pretty much only latch on to a handful of anime series. Naruto, Sailor Moon, DB, and whatever they find merch showcasing.
God, I hate Naruto so fucking much.
No. 648238
>>648156I was popular but also hated. I was captain of a sport's team, the hot older guy I crushed on ended up being my boyfriend and I got special permission to go to his formal (I was younger) and then he was allowed to go to my formal.
Last two years some girls started shit talking me for being a slut (lost my virginity to long term bf) and my boyfriend graduated. Because of the hours he worked he was able to meet me for lunch and I was able to get a break from the bullying.
Now I don't talk to anyone from highschool. When I do see people from highschool they always introduce themselves and are overtly friendly and complimentary but I've literally blacked out my last two years and can barely place people to names. If I could do highschool again I wouldn't go steady with someone for like 3 years, I'd focus more on my peers.
No. 648240
>>648206Literally no. I use and sometimes I just google "movie title" free online into google and that site 123movies or whatever has it.
No. 648390
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what does being in love feel like?
No. 648518
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>>648510I know she says "this isn't exactly how it happens" at the end, but is it still close? Even the verbal description is grime.
No. 648609
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>>648607the a e s t h e t i c
No. 648618
>>648607Zoomers are saying she's not actually a bimbo but a smart entrepreneur who clowned everyone in her 5D chess game of only pretending to be mean and retarded in order to get her brand to make more money.
…except pretending to be retarded wouldn't have ever gotten her more money if she weren't an heiress who already had the money to boost herself into reality television in the first place.
She's just a wet fantasy for girls with similar personalities who wish they also had fame and fortune for being useless.
No. 648624
>>648607>The fact that she's trying to reinvent her character as some poor abused girl with her current muh boarding school sob stories is beyond retarded. So what, you're saying she wasn't abused? And invalidating testimonies or other, non-rich survivors of the camp? They're all spoiled and lying for attention too?
I mean I get that Paris is not the most sympathetic celeb but saying she's spoiled and exaggerating in her documentary is so insensitive
No. 648628
>>648618>She's just a wet fantasy for girls with similar personalities who wish they also had fame and fortune for being useless.This is the perfect way to put it. However I'm still confused over how many actually woke people consider her both some sort of a mother mary image for a pure boolied girl and a yass slay goddess simply for existing and putting on designer clothes. I feel like it started out as a meme and then kids who don't remember her Simple Life era took it seriously.
>>648620Most schools are genuinely awful places to be at. She was sent there because she was living the reckless reptilian spoiled trust fund baby life and lacking discipline to begin with so it's all on her. It's not like she was living there for years from the age of 7 or something.
No. 648633
>>648629Sorry, I meant spoiled in a context of considering her complaining about the camp a spoiled behavior. Otherwise of course she's spoiled.
>>648626Not necessarily. Their parents are most likely rich but not even in all the cases. I really recommend dr Honda commentary on the documentary, he mentions given the camps advertised themselves well there were cases of families going into debt just to send their kids there hoping it's gonna help. even if the parents were rich, doesn't mean their kid is gonna be rich also.
No. 648638
>>648607I know I have the worst sense of humor, but I just think she was retardedly funny in the Simple Life and the movies she acted in. Also had some nice songs (definitely NOT the one about Kim) that may or may not have been ghost-sung. I definitely do not think she's anything other than some spoiled rich party girl.
To be frank, I actually prefer her to Kim Kardashian
because she doesn't borderline racefake or pretend to be anything than the basic white bimbo she is.
No. 648712
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Why do people who throw around the word colonizer also refer to themselves as a queen?? Isn't that a conflict of interest
No. 648732
>>648664Ok, that's actually really disappointing (but not entirely surprising) and somehow I didn't know about this
Gotta find an otherwise unproblematic party girl/bimbo celebrity to project on to
No. 648735
>>648732>>648664don't care about paris hilton but i feel like every mid-late 00s celebrity/yter has said the n word at some point
its just a game to see who can find proof and publicize it first
No. 648740
>>648735Trust no whites tbh.
Guess I'll just stick with kinning Kelly Bundy and London Tipton. Or preferably manage to find a stupid but likeable black girl character who is not a sassy black girl sidekick
No. 648796
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Sure, a guy could get his peen up easily, but how do you know if a guy TRULY doesn't watch porn? Do you just take his word for it?
No. 648798
>>645920your phone and its case is one of the filthiest things. at least with a normal case you can wash it easily with a bit of soap. how would you go about cleaning this? that said, it is adorable, if you want it go for it lol
>>646743I think it's just to show a range of emotions on their account. like, no one is always happy, it's to say 'I'll show my followers every side of me' especially since social media can often be this stream of people pretending to be happy. I think these crying faces are to be 'real' with their followers I do find it a bit uncomfortable when ppl I follow do it though
No. 648881
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>>648864>>648872except i'm not joking. that really would be the closest you'd get to truly knowing if a guy is not lying about not watching porn.
Now, I'm not saying go and be controlling…..
No. 648897
>>648884Just integrate and pretend you follow their views, it’s not that difficult, annoying, but it means more possibilities for a good or decent grade. Being confrontational can work if you have made a name of yourself and sometimes you will still get dogpiled.
I tried confronting a teacher of mine about his retarded political ideas and I got a shit grade, so it really isn’t worth the hassle.
No. 648900
>>648885i know, i know. it just really pains me, especially during (virtual lol) class when we're encouraged to discuss, to not question the nonsense my professor is saying. especially feeling like i could possibly plant a seed of doubt into my classmate's heads. idk
>>648890this is a good idea. i've been trying to do this a little bit. i asked her what she meant by "womxn" and she couldn't really give me an answer. the shit they say literally cannot be backed up by logical thought
>>648897yeah. fuck
No. 648905
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>>648890NTA but I want to do this, but I also don't really want to sit through these people condescendingly explaining complete bullshit to me directly (as opposed to hearing a professor spew it, and having to write some fake shit that agrees with him/her).
I feel like while I'm asking questions and playing dumb, I'll end up saying something that goes too hard,
trigger them and make myself into a target. It's so much easier to just not engage.
No. 648931
>>648918AYRT and i'm asking because classes encourage discussions? and i wish to share what i believe to participate in said discussion…? crazy concept ik
i said nothing about men idk why you wrote that. big
oof chief i promise
No. 648936
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>>648776Hmmm well, if a guy would say that to me I'd think it was pretty hot so why not the other way around
No. 648996
>>648918Because trannies and those who want to virtue signal using them literally never, ever shut up, and are obsessed with forcing their opinions in any space that's not full-on Nazi hell.
Trans people make up like 0.4% of the global population, yet account for 30% of worthless bitching on the internet alone.
Also, more and more girls and women are getting sick of the bullshit and are brand new to becoming "terfs!!1", so of course they'll talk about it. Self-reflect and figure out why.
No. 649075
>>648833It usually means an anon is specifically bragging about her measurements as if anyone cares
>>648793Experimental phase. Sexuality is fluid imo
No. 649120
>>649089imageboard meetups have always been a thing
>>649113I would actually be worried about this
No. 649455
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I haven't taken a math class in 4-5 years (pre-calc was the last class I took) and I want to relearn math before I take a college placement test because I don't want to waste my time paying for courses I already covered in high school. How does a lazy bitch go about relearning math on her own? I have a hard time sticking to routines and usually give up on things after a week or so, but this is something I really need/want to work on. I just need structure and a concrete lesson plan.
No. 649465
>>649459It's definitely something I need to work on motivation-wise. Khan Academy has been helpful in the past, so I'll check out that site again, get myself a graph notebook and go at it. I'm gonna also look into other resources like daily math problems and such, since I do enjoy calculating and I'm thinking receiving texts/emails of these sorts would keep me interested and motivated when my attention isn't quite focused on math. I'm thinking maybe I'll start with reviewing algebra concepts and then move from there to calculus. I'm dreading graphs though, I've always preferred formulas over graphing.
I think immersion might be the key in my situation. If I'm not forced to focus on it, then I just don't care, so if I make myself consume math-based resources I might actually (re)learn something. And if I manage to learn more than I learned in school, even better!
No. 649564
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Non-gamer weeb anons, be honest, do these guys look white to you? I've heard many people call them whitewashed but I really don't see it
No. 649624
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>>649564They look pretty Asian to me. I googled "Yakuza" and this picture has the same vibe/facial features as the guy on the right. They could also pass for Native American or Mestizo.
I feel like the idea that they look white is more of that "Every drawing or person who doesn't fit the racial stereotypes in my head has
white features, no this isn't my subjective, biased opinion, I'm right, fuck you" thing western SJWs and other actual racists like to push.
No. 649648
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>>649564lmao they look fucking Japanese. same with Akiyama. there's plenty of Japanese people who don't have the stereotypical slanted eyes and big buck teeth lmao. is that what these people want?
their high cheekbones are very prominent in asian and indigenous genetics.
No. 649659
>>649569>>649571>>649579>>649589>>649592>>649597>>649624>>649635>>649648OP here, didn't expect to get so many answers! While a lot of the people calling these guys white are indeed ignorant whites, I've also seen quite a few Asians saying it too, so it kind of made me think, since I'm not East Asian at all, nor do I know any of them IRL. But even then they were all Asian-Americans or otherwise diaspora in the West, and most of them were either
>SJWs drawing fanart of them with heavily exaggerated features in order to make them look less "eurocentric" and "destigmatize poc features"or
>incels butthurt that no one will ever find their William Hung-looking asses attractive so they think this applies to every single Asian man and those it doesn't apply to must be somehow white-adjacentBut thank all of you for the validation and assurance that I'm not actually a face-blind autist kek
No. 649757
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Do you shower in the evening or in the morning? Why? (Trying to decide whether I should work out and take a shower tonight or wait until the morning and take a shower before my appointment.)
No. 649776
>>649757in the morning and in the evening, sometimes after lunch too
it's hot here
No. 649813
>>649757Only ever in the morning, because showers wake me up. If I take it before bed I won't be able to sleep, and if I don't take it in the morning I'll be all doozy and sleepy.
However, I always wash my feet before going to bed.
No. 649831
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>>649564Kiryu kinda looks like Tomoya Nagase.
No. 649832
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Do you think that simps actually respect the women they simp for?
I'm wondering, because in general men, even though they'll masturbate to porn, don't consider the actresses worthy of respect or anything. Is it different with simps all of the sudden, despite no real changes in the way society perceives sex work? (except for some woke people on twitter ofc)
No. 649896
>>649875Legitimate kek
>>649876>Just leave it alone, damn it!I'm saying, I just knock his hand away and take over. No matter how many times I show/tell my bf (and past male partners) how to touch my clit, they do it wrong. Maybe it's just something they can't figure out bc they don't have one, but god damn is it bad. It's very sweet that they try, though. Note, not an issue I've had with women really.
No. 649990
>>649943>>649951>>649961Oh my god… just in time for my weekend lol
>>649944Shut your fucking mouth don’t ruin this
No. 650115
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Is someone more vain or superficial for keeping up with celebrity gossip in their spare time? And are people who don’t follow celebrity gossip or care about looks/fashion/beauty “above” those who do?
I’m curious bc this has been a casual hobby of mine for a long time and although I never explicitly state it, when people figure it out I get judged for wasting my time. I like reading the drags on LSA, lolcow, twitter, etc bc they’re funny and entertaining. But idk.
No. 650148
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What’s with the tulpas’ warnings? What are those? Ever since that /mlp/ post I can’t stop wondering about not only why the fuck, but also what the fuck.
No. 650151
>>650148Imaginary friend for weirdos.
Those warnings are stupid, just like warnings about astral projection or any other imaginary woo woo.
No. 650331
>>650327Then make your own site and mod it when it eventually happens? (or use asherahs garden)
You’re not the one having to deal with seeing cp and gore, the mods are, I understand completely why they wouldn’t want to deal with that and just ban man hate in general.
No. 650338
>>650335Not wanting to deal with GORE and CP isn’t lazy at all? This shit scars people for life.
You want the mods to be straight up psychopaths just so you can enjoy one thread that has nothing to do with the site purpose (which is still gossip woah).
No. 650352
>>650304There she is. There she goes again. Look, everyone! She posted it once again! Isn't she just the funniest gal around?! Oh my God. I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a little boy as you once again type your little “tranny admin“ quip. I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown woman who spends all her time on lolcow posting about transgender people. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a “Tranny admin” poster. A pathetic unfunny “admin is a scrote, our jannies are trannies” poster. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is “TRANNIES SCROTES TIMS TIFS PICK ME INCEL R9K“ You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little woman laughing in the dark by herself as she prepares to indulge in the same old dance that she's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.
No. 650356
>>650346Yeah but you can’t deny it has genuinely gotten better after PP and Radfem stuff was banned, most of the raids we’ve had since then were just annoying or plain silly, gross stuff seems to be a rare occurrence nowadays.
>>650348>>650349Apply to be mods then since you’re so tough and desensitized.
No. 650369
>>6503614chan is a huge ass site with like over 60 mods?
Im pretty sure lolcow has just 9 people or so.
No. 650378
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>>6503724chan mod perusing his brand new fresh catalog to pick from a raid.
No. 650389
>>650374>>650379Honestly, all anyone has to do is wait til some wandering scrote reads this conversation, runs back to /r9k/ and is like "Guys, we can control the femoid's board if we just bother them enough".
Then they'll decide to raid hard until we can't have shit, the "no men"/"do not announce your phallus" rule is removed because "It attracts scrotes!" and the whole site itself goes to shit. If that doesn't happen, you know it's not just "scrote raids" that caused this.
People just need to accept that MH was banned because the mods and admin didn't like it for their own personal reasons. Remember the way that site-wide survey was swept under the rug? There wasn't any grand reason for any of this. All anyone can do is hope the next admin and their team has a different outlook.
No. 650400
>>650397When you put it like that, yeah anon really does sound similar to the typical rape
victim blaming narrative.
No. 650426
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>>650397Based and pinkpilled
No. 650429
>>650132Kek definitely not. I'm not a fan of any celebrity, I just like reading their drama/gossip. I think it's because I'm very logical and reserved IRL (aka I live a boring existence) so I enjoy reading about people with little self-awareness and too much money.
>>650397Finally someone has some sense here
No. 650455
>>650388You don't have to be a TERF to feel frustrated about men and hate oppression. You don't have to be a TERF to want to express this without being silence. You troons are the worst and can't accept the fact that women have things that they should be allowed to be fruratrated at without being called a TERF. Go make your own handmaiden forum if you honestly can't cope with some anons hating men.
Congrats if all the men in your life haven't been rapey or annoying fucks, but that's not how it is for the rest of women.
No. 650828
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Recently my mental health has plummeted to all new lows so I'm gonna try and work on that again through bullet journaling… if any anons have any advice to share on that sort of thing I'd be grateful to receive it.
No. 650943
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What is the discord like? I hate discord as a platform so I don't want to join, but I'm curious
No. 650973
>>650828I don't bullet journal, but there is a journaling thread over here
>>475318 if you'd like to check that out.
I've kept a journal for about 5 or 6 years now, and I'm just about to finish my 4th one. I'm doing a lot better mentally now than I was 5-6 years ago, and I think journaling helped keep me sane. I've written it before, but physically writing out my vents, it feels like all those bad emotions are being poured out from my body and onto the pages, where they'll be kept for forever instead of festering in my head and body. Keeping private twitters/blogs felt like I was just typing into the void and didn't help in the same way.
I keep a separate hobonichi daily paged journal for work/keeping my schedule (not as a regular journal because I don't usually journal daily and when I do write, sometimes I can write multiple pages just for one day lol).
No. 651217
>>650853I dunno but I'm going to be lo-fi hip hop girl.
>>650857Massage, make them tea, put on candles, etc.
>>650957Are you talking about weevils? That happened to me repeatedly when my retard roommates opened bags/boxes of rice or cereal and left them open. Keep them in sealed containers and even if they came in the bag/box from the store they'll be contained and not spread all over your pantry.
No. 651312
>>651217I already always put it in closed containers. It seems I had a panic attack from seeing that "rice soup" picture in the pro-ana thread which resulted in me throwing away food from the pantry. I even started itching all over from thinking about these critters and had to take a shower. Finally I know what being "
triggered" means. I'm much calmer now. Gonna stock my pantry again tomorrow.
No. 651348
>>651338I think it depends on what’s going on in your head and how is your subconscious processing stuff.
I have quite a few every once and then, graphic and scary, but I wouldn’t say they happen often.
No. 651359
>>651352Yeah, that doesn't sound good.
The cause doesn't have to be psychological though. Nightmares can also be caused by inadequate sleeping conditions or some physical issues.
I'd get it checked out if I were you, good sleep is essential for health and you deserve it.
No. 651373
>>650999Depends on the person, some of them have proper Chinese names as their legal name on documents and go by an English one as a nickname, others have an English first name and a Chinese surname written in the Western order.
t. tfw I'm the latter, I do have a 'proper' Chinese name out of tradition but even my closest family stopped calling me that for my legal English one before I even started school, same with my cousins.
No. 651408
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>>651397The moment I saw him I discovered that I wanted to do more than hold hands and hugs.
No. 651458
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>>642410I agree with you
This is an artificial crisis remember, the important question is; why?
The distraction and information overdrive tactics of the groups in power had been efective
No. 651493
>>651467I thought male gynos would be better but the three I’ve gone to have been creeps
First one: moaned while giving me a breast ultrasound
Second: fingered me and asked me to add him on fb
Third: touched my vagina without gloves and smelled his hand
No. 651623
>>651524There wasn’t anyone else in the room except for the dr and me. Btw I am from a shithole but men are just as gross wether it’s the first or the third world imo.
>>651512Oh man I’m so angry this happened to you, it’s weird asf
Be careful girls, men are pigs
No. 651933
>>651920Contrary to
>>651931, my boyfriend eats beef and pork all the time and I know this'll sound weird but I've never directly smelled him sweating, ever, and my nose is really powerful with scents. Maybe a small hint from really old clothes or after the gym but just a tiny hint of it. I, on the other hand, smell fucking rancid even sweating a little or forgetting to deodorize before bed.
Take with that what you will.
No. 653374
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Anons, how do you support your friends who just… Resolve their whole worth and life around dating someone? I got these friends who would always date someone the moment they meet them, just to burn bridges later. When they are single they are just the worst. They start soap operas on how unworthy and terrible they are and how its xyz fault, would whine and whine.
The problem is I… I always casually say that you can always be happy while being single (I never cared about having a lover and was just vibing and focusing on improvibg myself as a person), but they don't listen because I am in a relationship. To them it really as if I am from a whole different world.
The most worrying case is this friend who resolves her whole life and insecurities along w mental illness on any man she meets instead of for once fixing her issues and learn to be kind to yourself. But instead she always runs after any man who would be her own babysitter instead while being 27. I really want to cut ties with her at this point because she takes everything as a personal attack, living in unicorn world, but even without her I still got friends with familiar problem.