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No. 642799
I hate it here
prev thread
>>>/ot/637302 No. 642814
>>6428121) can a dildo buy you dinner?
2) can a dildo buy you drinks?
3) can a dildo share his weed?
4) can a dildo take you out to do a fun activity that's better with company?
5) can you make our with your dildo?
These are things to consider sometimes.
No. 642818
It’s already ruined by the ugly ass OP.
>>642811Stupid traumatized bitches, can’t even facts and science.
>>642812Real virgin energy is believing ~*communication*~ will actually result in a man willIngly spend time figuring out how to rub your g-spot
just right until you cum. Sounds like a reddit comment section
>BuT dID You cOMMuniCate???Maybe if you get a sub boy, more women should take the femdom pill now.
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No. 642910
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Thread pic sucks. This would've been better.
No. 642932
>>642923anon, do you have any hormonal disorder like PCOS? if it's not that, you probably just need to take a shit or the scale is inaccurate. Mine is shit too and it will fluctuate 40 pounds in certain positions. It's either you or you should get a better scale online.
weight tends to fluctuate per day for everyone, had you just eaten?
No. 642997
>>642974How could anyone forget
She and her other circle of friends were some of the blight on the oso-San fandom. I’ll never understand the obsession with dogs and piss
No. 643029
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im crying like a dumb ass bitch cuz i failed my exam. wtf. i studied so hard. stayed up late. reviewed so much. and then nothing on the exam looked like the practice test.
No. 643071
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I keep trying to find a job ever since May, but it's difficult while being an immigrant from non-EU country, especially with a pinch of the fact that some people hate my country while not knowing anything about it. Job-finding place even straight up told me I am going to be the least priority on waiting list because I am not from Europe, but from a 3rd world country.
However a spoiled family member has the courtesy of whining that she got forced to find a job (which she worked for the first time in her life as 27yo, all because her bf dumped her). It was brought to her on a plate to a friend to whom she havent talked in 5 years. After 4 months of working there, she dramatically quits it even though during 2nd wave and the way it's being handled there's no way to find a job. But she is not even going to find a job either because she wants to keep living her NEET life just to later complain on how she is "uwu nothing" to her male friends. She always spregs how she never wants to work a day in life and how ~ right wing and traditional ~ she is, while sitting on mother and grandmothers necks so they can provide her. They take care of her and the entire house like a baby, while she's not doing anything. Whenever they need help, I always come over even though I live pretty far. All because she always make up "im depressed guiz!!" Excuse.
No. 643107
>>643071Where are you from, anon? A lot of immigrants from outside the EU find jobs through contact with immigrants also from their country/nearby country. It’s all about who you know. Also might have better luck at big companies who have diversity targets
NEET family member will eventually lose out so don’t worry about it. It’s all fun and games being a NEET until your support system fails or gets sick of you
No. 643196
>>643192I guess when you get a monstrosity like that tatted on your chest and neck you need to grovel for respect.
And how tf does she not understand women and children first before men? Silly bitch. Reminds me of this woman I worked with in insurance. She looked like a little pig and fake cried when she found out how insurer's calculate the amount paid out in a fatality. Single men are the lowest value due to lack of dependents. She pretended to weep! She was having an affair with like 3 of the married men in the office lmao
No. 643234
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>>642799>have super light period (barely even a period, it's just very very light spotting) this month which hasn't happened to me since i was like 14>100000% not pregnant unless i'm the fucking virgin mary reborn>don't have PCOS or any hormonal issues that would cause a random month of spotting>worry.jpg>suddenly remember i was reading a romance book last month where i totally self-inserted into the main character and went on an emotional RIDE with her and her fiance/husband>character in book got pregnant>clearly remember immediately after i was daydreaming about what it would be like to be pregnant and touching my stomach and stuff bc i'm a fucking weirdo>am now worried i gave myself a false pregnancyi am fucking crazy.
No. 643278
>>643254They're all saying she looks older, but I bet you if that video was titled "23 Year Old Introduced To Boogie Woogie", they wouldn't be making those gross comments.
They're definitely fetishizing her age.
No. 643281
>>643254Wtf she looks at most 15 to me?
And it doesn't even matter, i wish these people would think just once before commenting. Imagine that poor girl searching for her video later thinking people will praise her playing and its all pedophilia "jokes". She probably has to deal with this from disgusting dudes irl too.
>>643268Most of them seem to be, it's just disgusting. They say it's biology/because of being attracted to women but lesbians in their own spaces never seem to say creepy shit like this and most view adult women as more beautiful than teens. Fuck i don't want to live in this planet anymore, poor girl.
No. 643296
I've been with my boyfriend for 7 years, 8 in February. We have both been faithful, have a good sex life, want to get married, etc. Last night I had a dream about this hockey player from our towns college team. He's our favorite player. In my dream, the hockey player was kissing my stomach, calling me baby, and i could tell he wanted to fuck me. I kept thinking about my boyfriend, but I wanted this guy. The way he was flirting with me, calling me cute and touching me. I feel so guilty. Nothing ended up happening. I woke up. And now I'm just like wtf.. You degenerate, anon. My boyfriend is amazing. He works out, he is kind, he works hard. He does everything he can for me, my family and his friends. I've never had sex with anyone but him. And I want it to stay that way. But sometimes I'm curious if I should've been with someone closer to my age first
My boyfriend is 7-8 years older than me. The hockey player is my age. Idk. Maybe i should tell my boyfriend about these feelings. I just don't want to hurt him, and i know it'd hurt me if he told me something like this.
Why do i have the hots for this guy whyy. I have dreamed about a threesome with him and my boyfriend, too. I don't even consume porn.
No. 643317
>>643296I mean anon it was just a dream. You didn't actually cheat on anyone so don't worry about it. It's natural for humans to be attracted to people other than their significant other, it doesn't mean you would cheat on your boyfriend. Plus, aren't dreams just your brain going over what happened in the day? Maybe you were thinking about hockey and sex and your brain mixed them up.
You should bring up your age difference concerns with your boyfriend if you haven't already. However, if everything else in your relationship is good and stable, I wouldn't let something like that break you up.
No. 643359
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>>643357>why the fuck can't i improve?Because you're worthless
>why everytime i wanna draw something different it looks like shit?Because you're worthless
>why don't methods/tutorials work?The do, you're just worthless
>why every attempt to get back at drawing makes me upset and sad?Because you're worthless
>i don't want to be some amazing artist i just want to improve after stagnating for years but i just cantKill yourself now
No. 643367
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>>643359thank you for the practical advice anon
No. 643376
>>643357your putting to much expectations on the result. draw for practice. draw boring things. draw fanart. but dont draw so you can have something that 'looks' good because odds are you will not like it or only like it for a short period. that's the essence of improvement.
like any sport, you have to draw everyday to keep your skills intact and improving. always do warm up, whether it be a sketch or underpainting. your lack of improvement seems to be an overall mental barrier rather than a physical one. understand at this point some of the stuff you make will fail or look like shit. when that happens, redo it.
i've never, and i mean never, have redone a painting and have had it look worse than the first. it is always better a second time. even a third.
No. 643388
>>643376You're pretty spot on about it being a mental thing.Idk what it is though(aside from depression and shit).I start with a good mood to practice on, let's say,head angles,but they look similar to what I already know how to do. It doesn't seem to work and I end up frustrated and sad almost every time. It just used to be so easy to practice on and on even if it looked bad I had enthusiasm. I guess not anymore
Thank you for the reply though
No. 643411
>>643395Honestly anon, you should break up with him if possible. If you don't have anywhere to go, maybe you can find a women's shelter? A break up would be the best for you and your baby. I always hear kids of divorce say they wish their parents broke it off sooner. Also, was he like this before the baby? Maybe it's just stress from having a kid. Either way he shouldn't treat you like that, and if he doesn't change when you tell him you don't feel satisfied in the relationship, it's time to go. He honestly sounds like he's blaming everything on you with
>he doesn't want to be affectionate with someone who constantly questions his loveAnyway, I hope your able to get out of this situation and find some happiness anon, good luck <3
No. 643424
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A friend will be back for the weekend before going back home to another country where she lives since the beginning of the month, and everyone in our friend group was happy so we wanted to plan a restaurant together or whatever. But she invited her friend who's a piece of shit fake feminist without telling us, we all hate him but she doesn't know that and it's too late to tell her we'd rather just be together without him. I ghosted him for 2 months because I was sick of him being a total weirdo and I don't want to see him again and explain myself just to be polite, and then have to ghost him again. I'm about to tell them I'm gonna have something coming up and just not come.
Fuck, I thought I'd get rid of him because our mutual friend was finally far away enough to stop trying to make me see him without telling me first.
No. 643449
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I have no desire to contribute to society. I hate being dependent on the system. I don't want the state to provide for me because I'm a loser but I'm not functioning enough to survive on my own. I wish my mother aborted me like she originally wanted. I don't want to live but I don't have the courage to kill myself. Suicide would seem like the only logical option and I admire people who are brave enough to do it, all parasites like me should kill themselves
No. 643458
>>643449Are you actually dependent on the state? Like, collecting unemployment or disability benefits? Because I'm pretty sure in either case, you can work a small amount (whatever you can handle right now) and they'll still give you something extra to help you get by.
Anon you really do need to find a job, even just something part-time or temporary. Do it for your own sake, if not for someone else. I know the feeling you're having right now, and no matter how much I didn't want to "contribute to society," I still felt better doing that than sitting at home doing nothing.
No. 643474
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I sent a tattoo artist an inspiration picture similar to the piece I was wanting and explicitly said I wanted something SIMILAR to it and they just copied it line for line and I felt too awkward and put on the spot to ask them to change it. It looks good but I feel like shit goodbye world
No. 643482
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any eastern euros there that feel shitty how big corporations open up in there, pay minimum wage, but once there is co-worker that comes from western branch they're paid twice as much as you're for the very same job?
In addition - my sister's friend moved out long time ago to work as a graphic designer in Iceland and she recently found out that co-worker that came from US is paid way more too.
It makes me feel so hopeless. I'm afraid that once I move abroad, companies will always see me as a poorfag that can be paid less.
No. 643499
>>643482Yes, I've experienced that way too many times. Westerners will say things like how it's terrible and it should change but they'll ignore it for their own convenience. Most of them will never admit this, but they consider slavs as second class citizens at best.
Not to mention that as a woman you're just doubly fucked.
Unfortunately, I don't see things improving in the near future. The only way to combat that in my case was through freelancing and selling stuff online on my terms and prices that I set.
No. 643556
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My uni keeps giving us so many reading materials that it's making me go braindead.
Normally I wouldn't be against it because I like learning new things(duh), but most of them could be shortened to a single page, whereas in reality they're at least 14 pages long each.
No. 643557
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I left my best friend from high school on read for the final time three years ago (she was toxic and spoiled). Before that I'd been constantly finding excuses to not hang out with her. About once a month I check her socials just to see how she's doing and I'm really conflicted about how I feel. Idk if I actually miss her or if it's just guilt (I was her only friend, she was the kind of person who was constantly angering her friends and subsequently losing them). I'd honestly been planning on growing apart from her for years – I have this memory of sitting with her and her bf at our usual table in high school, waiting for our other friends to arrive, and then realizing that they wouldn't, because they were sick of her shitty personality and attitude and me and her bf were the only ones who could stand her anymore. I know it's cowardly to pretend to be friends with somebody but our school was really small and cutting ties with her would have just made everything awkward and difficult for both of us. We were always together and people would 100% have gossiped and asked invasive questions if we suddenly stopped hanging out. She has a bf still so she's not totally alone but…I dunno, I've just been doing a lot of reflecting on my decision to ghost her lately. I don't owe anyone my time or friendship but maybe I should have stuck it out.
No. 643571
I wish my brother would just die, like it sounds terrible but he should die, he's worthless, like I'd never hurt him but if he had an accident I'd be like well, there we are then. But I don't want it to happen because, despite his absolute shit attitude, my mum loves him and would be devastated.
He slammed doors, broke my shit, left the house to go somewhere else (we're in lockdown), screamed at my mother, and scared the dog OVER TOOTHPASTE. And now my mother is downstairs mourning the cute little kid she used to have for this horrible boy that shit on us all. Wish we weren't in lockdown so he'd go stay with his gf, me and my mum have so much fun when he's gone.
No. 643612
>>643610Why are you forcing me to relive school at a time like this
Type one is the organ failure kind not the fat kind
No. 643614
>>643612More vent now, I developed diabulimia in high school because no matter how thin I was, everyone still accused me of being diabetic from eating too much
I got over it
Just sucks
No. 643621
>>643617I'm sorry, do you think following my diet and exercise routines will /heal/ my body?
That's not what the diet and exercise and medicine are for, they are to prevent further damage.
Your body will continuously deteriorate once you've gotten sick
Yes, it is different for everyone, and everyone goes at a different pace, and some people even get old, but no, not even following your medical team's diet and exercise instructions will cure your organ failure
I do, by the way, follow my stringent instructions and routines, I hope I'm allowed to be considered sick now, thanx
No. 643629
>>643627It is, in addition to insulin
Anon is right that those don't heal you, though, it's more like damage control
No. 643630
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its been a few months since an ldr (ex close) friend blocked me on all social media (i dont even know why) and i still miss him so bad.
right before the block i was ready to buy us concert tickets as a surprise to some bands he loves since they were playing in my city this summer. i was ready to risk having him kill me i’m sad
No. 643646
>>643643Jokes on you cunt, my family is dead and I've been planning my suicide all year
Enjoy candy and friendship, normie, I sure never did
No. 643652
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>>643644let me have fun bitch
No. 643653
>>643646Ok, so it's easy to be bitter. I get it, good reasons and all and you feel like shit. You're not going to win friends when you're lashing out at anyone that asks you questions. Let people give a shit about you. Your health is going to get worse just spiraling into bitterness.
Can you take adaptogens or any kind of supplements that can possibly do some repair on some of the damage? I guess if you're talking about suicide it's not really on the table.
No. 643654
>>643653Literally we are all anonymous, I have no way of knowing that it suddenly wasn't the person who called me fat responding to me, does that stand to reason?
Sorry I'm upset in the vent thread lmfao
I take all the supplements and shit that my doctors tell me to, I don't exactly know what "adaptogen" would be here, we don't use the term
Repair isn't possible.
I eat what they tell me to, I drink what they tell me to, I monitor my own blood sugar and insulin use on the strict time table, I wake up three times per night to test my blood sugar, I literally am doing everything I've been told
That's why I'm going to kill myself, it isn't going to get better
Of course I'm a miserable piece of shit with no friends, how could I not be?
All I can do all day is manage my own death, and it's still eating holes through my mouth and eyes and kidneys and I fucking hurt all the time
Even when I do go out, I try so fucking hard to be human and normal and not let anyone know, but without fucking fail, I wind up puking or shaking so hard everyone can see
I am fucking nothing, I wish I had never fucking been born
I am an incubator for disease
I'm staying in the garage because I can't stop thinking about my parents when I go in the house
I wish I had just fucking been aborted
No. 643657
>>643654You need to call/text a crisis line. Venting here isn't going to help. I sympathize, but this place is genuinely
toxic and you need someone who is actually going to be supportive and listen to you without judgment.
No. 643659
>>643657dude I've done that already, I'm in therapy, I've been through 5 psychiatrists, I don't even know how many therapists, like over 10
I can't get anyone to take me seriously
The second you try to tell them that the problem is the illness that is literally fuckign killing you, they go, no, you must have been molested at some point
And if you try to argue that, they go, oh shit, yeah you definitely got molested then
Which, yes, I did, but that's been over for fuckign two decades, can we maybe talk about how my vegal nerve is no longer strong enough to digest meat or seeds? Can we fuckign talk about the thing killing me?
No, you never can
I have tried every fucking resource, I was literally involuntarily committed two years ago and they let me out after 3 hours
I dunno man whatever
No. 643670
>>643662I mean it is, but what can you do
When one part of your endocrine system fucks up, the entire rest of it gets fucked up too, for diabetics, the key issue is your pancreas, thyroid people it's their thyroid, etc whatever, but the whole fucking system just goes to shit
Endocrine system controls hormones and stress and shit
I mean yeah, it is absolutely the stress making shit get worse so fast, but I don't know what the fuck else I can do at this point to fix that
No. 643674
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>>643670>>643659>>643608press F to send prayers to America
No. 643676
>>643659Adaptogens are supplements that assist your body with handling stressors. Tons of studies out there, effectively shit on so that big pharma can get their power nut.
Anyhow, your mental health providers sound like they're shit quality for issues that are obvious even here to not be related wholly to past molestation.
Stress can literally kill you though. I'm assuming your kidneys are in shitty shape, and you don't need your blood pressure any higher than it already is, or it's going to potentially blind you further. I only know what you've told me, but dealing with even one of those things is hard even with decent support. Do you not have aunts/uncles/grandparents or anyone at all to stay with right now?
No. 643679
>>643676The despair I feel every time I realize that I am a government paypig just gets deeper
All of my healthcare providers are shit, I absolutely talk to my regular diabetes team about stress and shit, I know it's important
Hilariously, I got waaambulance'd because I was trying to tell my new endocrinologist about how stressed I am, and she got so angry at me, that's why she called 911
I literally did not even say I was thinking about self harming or anything, I was literally just telling her about being fucking stressed
She literally went, "Well what do you expect me to do?"
And I was like, you are a fucking endocrinologist you stupid gash, what the fuck do you mean what do I want you to do? Do your fucking job
I didn't say any of that obviously, but tbh I think she must have been
triggered by something else I said, it was weirdly impersonal
So you can get v&, you just can't get anything to help
I've been on every antidepressant, and that's literally all I can get anyone to let me try
No. 643680
>>643676also, no, no more family to stay with
I have a boyfriend, but I keep him at an arm's length so I don't abuse him
Because I /know/ I'm a piece of shit
No. 643684
>>643670Even just little things to manage your stress will help you. Like, if you have anyone in your life that is a drain on you, you might consider going no contact, or limiting contact with that person. Be gentle with yourself, try and engage in positive, soothing affirmations, rather than thinking of yourself as sick and defective. Essentially, try changing your attitude towards your illness. Your body is going through a hard time right now, which is likely due not just to your disease, but other stressful factors in your life that are making the symptoms worse. The mind-body connection is real. Doctors won't always acknowledge this, unfortunately. Being chronically sick really is so much more than parts of your body not working optimally.
Also, if you find that eating certain foods make you feel worse, don't eat those foods. There are certain diets that are known to be effective in managing autoimmune diseases, like AIP, paleo and keto diets. There was a study where a 9-year old went on paleo and it managed his diabetes (type 1) to the point that he no longer needed insulin injections.
From a personal standpoint, I was diagnosed with a chronic pain disorder that is possibly autoimmune related (doctors aren't sure what causes it) that I got under control through a combination of stress management and diet (mostly paleo, but still ate legumes). I'm not cured, but my flare-ups are extremely mild and only happen about once a month at this point. Like, I literally went from being in 7/10 pain all the time to none at all after like two weeks of my diet. I no longer even think about it anymore, even when I am in pain.
Like you, I also had a lot of trouble getting doctors to take me seriously. All they really can do a lot of the time is just prescribe you meds, which typically don't do much on their own. Doctors also tend to know very little about nutrition, and will just tell you to avoid like one or two food groups, completely glossing over the fact that many things in the standard American diet are typically more harsh on people with health problems, like grains, dairy and sugar.
Try and get outside, if you can. Even if you're just going on a walk. Any amount of exercise that isn't too strenuous will probably benefit you.
There is hope anon. I'm sorry you're struggling so much right now.
No. 643689
>>643684How do you like look forward to the future? Like, how can I look at the future without this burden in the way?
I just can't even see one
also, aside from the obvious and non-obvious with sugar and grease, I'm no grains, seeds, legumes, meat, or dairy
I had to find out bread and fruit and shit are just sugar a million years ago when I got diagnosed, I do not remember ever enjoying food
Diabetics must take insulin to live, if it is curable through diet, it is not type one
That kid was still in the honey moon phase, which is when your body still produces a tiny amount of insulin by itself, it's common in newly diagnosed patients
He'll be on insulin eventually, or he'll die
No. 643704
>>643679Everyone needs help, and so fucking what if you're using government benefits. Better you to take advantage of it for something you need than some piece of shit that does everything possible to abuse the system and get on disability to get a free ride when they don't need it. You're not a burden, you're using benefits from a system that your parents likely paid into.
Your endocrinologist is a bitch, and you should report her to medicaid. She's limited in what she can do for stress without stepping on other providers' toes, but she should have approached it like a professional.
You're not abusing him by having him around while you're in self destruct mode. You need someone around. And stop avoiding the fucking house. It's depressing, but there's bound to be good memories of your family there.
No. 643718
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>>643710>I know that food is making you sick right now>>643704>You're not a burden, you're using benefits from a system that your parents likely paid intoI wish I could have gotten people in real life to understand
No. 643720
>>643689No meat? Really? Did one of those psychiatrists tell you that? I'm certain you can still eat fatty stuff as long as none of that is paired with carbs.
Anyway, the midwest ain't that bad if you're in a rural area, cuz I live there too. There's bound to be some more vacant place to shop in the next town, if that's what you're worried about.
No. 643722
>>643720Proper dietician, I dump anyone with an online degree in psychiatry who tries to give a diabetic food advice
Also carbs aren't an /issue/, if you don't eat a certain amount, in fact, you won't be able to get enough insulin in your body to prevent ketones
In 15 years, no a single one of my doctors told me that
I literally got hospitalized from ketones and my blood sugar had not been above 90 in months
My a1c is actually 4.9
Honestly, I think that might be part of why no one will take me seriously, it's like I'm not sick enough, or if you take care of yourself too well, you must be lying about being stressed
Also my bad, I mean midwest as in literally the city of St. Louis
No. 643728
>>643720actually a further also, I stopped eating meat and seeds myself because every time I tried to, I would regurgitate it completely undigested hours or even a day later
I told my dietician that, she said I was correct to stop
No. 643749
>>643745>this was ketoacidosis?yes
I have no idea about anything else you said, I've never heard it talked about it that way, but that is needless to say very interesting
My doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with me for those months either, like I did piss test and blood test after piss test and blood test, and it literally took going to the ER to get someone to look at my frothy fucking urine sample and go, "Oh"
No. 643759
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My mom has brought me so much pain, I am so tired of it all.
When I try to have a nice moment with her, she ruins it intentionally by bringing up a bad memory of me or nitpicking something "off" that I did (she always uses the word "off" for some reason). She complains about me constantly to her friends, often lying about stuff that I did to make her side seem more agreeable, and shit-talks me on her Facebook page by, again, lying about things that I never said or did or exaggerating a conflict.
When I was younger, I was falsely diagnosed with a mental illness and she told EVERYONE I was going crazy in the head, and that my symptoms are so strong that I couldn't be around people or else I'd go ballistic (this has never happened). I lost the majority of my friends because she posted this stuff publicly, and my friends' parents did not want their children around me. Along with other things that have happened, her actions have caused the darkest times of my life. I was socially isolated and tried to commit suicide twice.
I don't know why I keep trying, she never changes. I have moved out now but the effects of her abuse have remained. I wish I had a better childhood, I wish I could've comforted my younger self and gave them the support they needed.
No. 643760
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>>643754I have always gotten better help from anons than I have from doctors
even before lolcow was created, even 4chan anons have historically had better information for me than anyone else
you, anon, you looking at google for me, that's more effort than anyone has expended for me in a long time
No. 643766
>>643759I don't know if this could possibly make you feel any better, but once she's gone, it is weirdly like none of it ever happened
like, the damage is still there, don't get me wrong, but it's like the person who did that died and is gone, the part that stays with you is the part that really did love you
Have you ever seen Evangelion?
It's good, it's about parents and children
I think that once your mom starts abusing you, part of her dies and stays with you, I don't think your real mother would want to hurt you
No. 643772
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I don't know why but i do not understand why i feel much more comfortable talking about my mental issues on the internet than in real life. I really cannot face my mom and talk to her about it, she has been calling me crazy and an idiot for self harming when i was at my worst, no help, no nothing, not even a "i will get you help" from her, just making me out to be the stupid one and telling everyone in my family about it even tho i didn't wanna disclose it with anyone but her, but she tells everyone in my family everything. My dad doesn't understand it either and also called me many names for self harming. The only people in my life who i can atleast trust with such things are my two siblings, also internet friends and my SO of course. Literally everyone here is a stranger on the internet, but i feel so close to everyone here dealing with the same problems, and its almost like i know these people even if i didnt ever meet them or talked to them.
Fuck, i just want my parents to help me through this, thats all i want from them, im not asking for much, i just want validation and love from them and i want them to show they actually care about me. But it always ends up them insulting me and not listening to me and instead telling me to get over it or that im an idiot.
Sometimes it makes me question why they even brought me into this world when they do not care at all about me and just neglect me for whatever reason, i know im not perfect, and i know my mental isn't entirely good, but damn it hurts to know that the people that have brought you onto the earth just straight up dont care and treat you like shit, im at my limit honestly, but im happy i atleast got my two siblings caring for me, but it would be nice if my parents did too, afterall im their child and they are supposed to be there for me even when im at my worst, which i am right now, all i need is them to love me and support me, its not that hard.
No. 643792
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>>643766I don't know, anon. I just can't help but wonder: why? To an extent, my friends ditching me because of what my mom said was kind of understandable. Their parents thought I could potentially be a bad influence, maybe even harm their child. Basically, it makes sense why they'd want me to stay away. I know now the things she said about me are not true and my actions speak for themselves, but I couldn't accept that when I was younger and it hurt me a ton.
The thing I ponder, however, is why my mom said those things, when she knew for a fact they weren't true. Was I really that insufferable to her? Why would you put your kid through that much pain consistently just because you were feeling angry and malicious one day?
I haven't seen Evangelion, by the way; might check it out. Thanks.
No. 643806
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>>643792>why?I am extremely sorry for the answer.
You already know.
I think that's why, maybe it's like faith or something, I don't know, I was raised militant atheist tragically, I think you have divide those two people
You have to believe your mom wouldn't do that, so whoever this is, well the woman who loved you wouldn't want her to hurt you
no shock I was raised by the tv huh, have you seen The Babadook?
It's about what trauma does to mothers
A lot of people didn't like that movie, at first I didn't either; tbh because it gave me nightmares, not because of the monster
I'm sorry I'm being vague, but I think you know exactly what I mean better this way
No. 643809
>>643797Thank you, anon, I'm trying my best but, as you probably know, it gets so hard sometimes. Wish you the best as well.
>>643806Thanks for your advice, anon(?)
No. 643814
>>643760Western medicine is borderline evil. It is entirely profit driven. If you aren't dying, or if they can't justify subjecting you to tons of tests that allow them to bill you/your insurance company for thousands, your doctor is unlikely to be much assistance to you. People with autoimmune diseases and chronic pain disorders tend end up neglected by and ignored by the system, usually because they aren't "sick enough" for doctors to care. Even doctors who go into medical school with the best of intentions tend to get sucked into the hierarchical for-profit structure eventually.
I've dealt with a number of chronic illnesses over the past ten years. In that entire time, I have have met ONE doctor that I liked even a little bit. The rest were cold, insensitive and arrogant. They especially hate when you ask questions, or if you've done research of ANY kind into your issue. Even nurses are awful. The whole culture of western medicine is absolutely
toxic. They are literally trained not to care about anything other than your wallet. It's a serious problem, and unfortunately, none of what you're saying here is surprising.
No. 643951
>>643919>>643949third, this must be rill fuck ups hours
I can't even get back into the video games that once satiated the crisis
No. 643967
>>643890Idk anon, it’s nowhere near as bad here but it probably exists to an extent. The whole thalidomide crisis was caused by the German creators (literally ex-Nazis) pushing an unsafe medication for profit. The drug was actually never approved for use in America, though there were some trials
I’m a UKfag and we think we’ve got the best healthcare system in the world despite the fact it’s shite. There’s research suggesting NHS trusts often work with drug companies but don’t disclose it. Have known of people given a medication that has no scientific backing and wasn’t even appropriate for use in their complaint… then there’s the whole issue of drug companies colluding to raise prices so the NHS can’t buy enough and have to limit prescriptions even if more people need them
Also a lot of medical professionals are sick of the system, overworked and not paid enough and it shows. When you finally get a GP appointment, the doctor does not give a fuck. I’ve known of multiple people having serious illnesses not diagnosed or diagnosed too late. One friend eventually paid for some private appointments and was diagnosed with cancer, which had progressed quite a lot because of being undetected. He went back to the NHS who told him there was a waiting list for treatment despite the fact waiting any longer would make it less likely for him to survive…
I mean it’s preferable to being a burger and maybe other European countries are (funded and organised) better but the assumption that universal healthcare is always better is incorrect
No. 643983
>>643631A handful of anons love to do this kind of thing. They say some stupid shit, insist on it, and then when you correct them, they come back with "Ok when did I ever disagree with that??" as if you can't go back and reread posts on imageboards. And then they insult you, without fail. I stay for the good anons, but it boggles the mind.
I see it happen the most with medical topics, too, for some reason (though there's no real "safe" subject).
No. 644020
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Possibly a dumb artvent. Anyone relate?
> I've got big wrist pains so I always need to take breaks every 30 mins after drawing. Currently working on a pretty big halloween-related piece. It's my 2nd day on said drawing but so far I only did the lineart.
> Is jealous of my friends that manage to do Inktober even though deep down if I look at it it it's just them quick linearts in black and white while throwing some gradient for shadows at best.
I feel like such an idiot. Is it what imposter syndrome feels like? Really immature vent, I know, but I need to get this out of my chest.
No. 644033
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I don't care what anyone says. The evolutionary approach to attractiveness is the most detached from humanity perspective ever. Maybe it applies to other animals because they don't have as high thinking processes as we do (as far as I know). This is something I had to read in my psychology of sex textbook. Is my boyfriend older than me? Yes, but do I think it has something to do with an innate inclination encoded in my genes? Absolutely not.
No. 644080
>>644033The fertility/years left to raise children argument doesn’t make sense. Chimps who have babies at a young age aren’t able to take care of them. I read about a 10 year old chimp living in a sanctuary, her birth control kept failing (seems like a common issue) and they’d have to take the babies away from her as she’d go off to play and forget about them. As chimps have about half the life expectancy of humans, that’s the equivalent of a 20 year olds attitude to babies
Of course I don’t think it’s as simple as that but from personal experience, young parents tend to be emotionally immature and less capable. I believe statistics even show that the babies are more likely to die. How is that supposed to fit in with ~evolution~?
No. 644089
>>644080I think evolutionary psychology focuses primarily, if not exclusively, on one's physical capabilities. So in this context, they're arguing women ideally have the most amount of viable eggs the younger they are. Late teenagers are probably mentioned because they fit in that window and are technically at the point where a women can carry out a successful pregnancy. Mentally and emotionally, they aren't mature enough to nurture a child, but their body will still continue to provide breastmilk for it regardless. My textbook goes on to explain that on dating apps, men in their early 20's opt to seek out women 2 years younger than them and the gap increases as they age (meaning they want even younger women as they themselves get older) but women start out looking for men 2 years older and once they're older, their desired gap is nonexistent (i.e. they prefer men their same age). It also mentions the trope that men want female "mates" who are fertile/physically attractive and women want male "mates" who offer intelligence, wealth, and social status. Personally, I think so many other factors go into determining attractiveness, and I rank evolutionary reasons at the bottom.
No. 644104
>>644089>intelligence, wealth, and social status. That doesnt make a lot of sense though, "wealth" in ancient times? And shouldnt women have wanted someone who was stronger to defend them and had good fertility markers too, since sperm quality decreases and chance of kids with birth defects increases a ton as men age? The fuck would social status do, a man with high status would likely have a ton of kids with different women and have to divide resources between them, what advantage would be there if we are not monogamous by nature?
I never understood women having an ideal age range but men not when they get weak and unfertile with age too. Women should have evolved to want a partner who could physically protect them and be less likely to have other kids around, so they should want men at a certain sweet spot age range too no?
No. 644109
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>>644104It leans heavily on unconscious desires and expectations. Honestly, I could just be interpreting all of this incorrectly.
No. 644126
>>644119Tbh that sounds like a very normal weight distribution for flat chested women, but even if you were a complete monster
>laughingstock of the town the con is held in>All my past eves have left me because of that (claimed it was about something else but I know better).are not rational ways to think. I agree with your boyfriend, you should really go to therapy. Don't do it with the intention of being able to give sex to someone else, get help so that you can learn how live in partnership with your body.
Also whilst I don't think you should pressure yourself into sexual situations when you don't feel comfortable you could working towards being around each other in less clothes and eventually underwear in dim lighting as an exercise in intimacy. Set rules and boundaries, decide on for how long for e.g. a film.
No. 644143
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I'll forgive 2020 if Trump dies.
No. 644169
>>644168Oh. I read your post again
>unconscious desires and expectations Now I get it. Reeks of Freud, ignore it in entirety.
Class dismissed.
No. 644174
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>>644100But in hunter-gatherer societies women provided the majority of food, no? So how are men providers
No. 644184
>>644033I can't wait for when they write about dating during my time in another hundred years.
They'll find that the majority of women were mostly trying to dodge video game and porn-addicted men who couldn't handle the most basic of their own responsibilities, forget about being a provider or being hot.
No. 644196
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I took Monday off, now I have to ponder going in tomorrow to make up the hours or risk not having a day's pay. But also if I go in tomorrow that means only one day off. On the other hand, no one should be in the office Saturday so I'll mostly be free to fuck around on my phone. On the other hand, my boss also knows this and I'll look pretty cringe if I don't have something to be casually working on. Still, if I ask for work then there will actually likely be work to do in that case.
What a conundrum.
No. 644217
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Some anons are truly too retarded they have to be underage they just have to be
No. 644327
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I’m so fucking homesick… I hate it here. Everyone is so unfriendly and they’re fucking cunts. I miss not feeling out of place. I miss my hometown, my old friends, I even miss the shitty weather. I feel like a fish out of water. I don’t belong here. If it wasn’t for my SO, I would have never fucking came to this shitty state. The only thing good about WA is legal weed and pine trees and that’s fucking it. Between the freeze and the lack of sun, I’m going insane.
No. 644335
>>644327Huh? No one lives in that state because they like other people. They live there because it's fucking gorgeous and weed is legal and if you live on the coast the seafood is god tier.
I'm pretty envious. I hate the heat and I hate people, that state seemed like a gift when I was there.
No. 644366
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i hate that im attracted to men, because i hate them all and dont trust any of them. it sucks because i dont really care about looks to an extent (good looking men actually put me off) but i know it doesnt work the other way around. why are there so many cases of men cheating on or murdering their wives because they don't look 21 forever?
i think ive found a guy who at least doesn't seem to be a narcissistic psychopath, but i am yet to see if he's pornsick and/or hiding some fucked up shit.
He's chubby and very shy, but has a full time high skill job, doesn't leech off his parents and doesn't spend every waking moment playing games, which already ticks some rare boxes.
but even if i like him and he feels genuine, I'm so worried hes going to be a rapist, pedo, or just a fucking degenerate. I'm constantly paranoid; i just wish scrotes could be human, and women didn't have to live in fear of being tortured or murdered by literally any man in their life at any random whim he might have.
I sound fucking insane, but its just too real. We aren't viewed as humans by so many of these dudes, you can't afford to not always be on your toes or you'll lose your life.
Imagine a world where men loved and cared like women did. The world would be so different its hard to picture it.
No. 644372
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>>644366You're right, men are all pieces of shit and women are all innocent maidens and if a woman cheats it's because the man did something wrong. God, why can't men just all die and let women rule the world? Nothing bad would ever happen again and the girls would all go to Harvard college and men would go to mars to get stupider… God!!!
No. 644382
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just found out my older brother who molested me when i was 5 and convinced the family that he didn’t do it , then got separated from me which resulted in my family not talking to me or my mom anymore has decided he is a tranny and i am livid. fucking it’s ma’am looking ass. it feels unfair somehow that he thinks the world owes it to him to accept his identity after he ruined my life and gave me irreversible trauma. devon, you’re not a woman and never will be, you’re an ugly pedophile and a liar and i often think about how much i want to ruin your life. you’re lucky i haven’t yet. the least i can do is post your disgusting face on this anonymous forum, maybe it will make me feel a little better. probably not. i hate you and i hope you end up dead as a result of your “dysmorphia” which is probably just a fetish from your perverted and fucked up mind. pic related is him.
No. 644384
>>644366>>644379Anon, what she said is basically exactly what I was going to tell you as well. Just be mindful, but I'm sure it'll be okay. Also
> I mean, they might still be dumb as shit but without malice.Christ the accuracy kek.
No. 644388
>>644366In my personal experience good looking men were the ones with the best personalities because they don’t tend to be insegure fucks who neg you or shit talk women behind their backs.
The most attractive guy I’ve been with (6’3 8inch dick, has that skinny skater guy look) was very soft spoken and didn’t seem interested on just having sex with me, we went on plenty of dates were we just had dinner together at his apartment and talked about shit over drinks, he didn’t watch porn, was very close and in good terms with his mom, and was studying to become a social worker.
We didn’t click romantically since he , idk he was just too monotone to me? He was way too chill and never wanted to do something more spontaneous like camping or traveling, we are still on friendly terms tho, all around great guy.
No. 644397
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Het women should only breed with small low test men in order to eliminate male aggression and dominate men one day.
Also, women who want to have children should raise them communally with other females (like chimps), not with men.
Problem solved. If women don't want to do this and they still prefer partners who are bigger than then and earn more money than them and they want to practice hypergamy etc., then I don't want to listen to their whining about men. At this point, they're bringing it upon themselves.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 644413
>>644403Lmao but most women (even radfems) believe in socialization theory. And by believing in socialization theory you're basically blaming the past generations of women for not raising better sons (I won't even mention how ridiculous socialization theory is; imagine believing that men oppressed women cross-culturally and throughout whole history only because of socialization and not their nature kek). They always blab about about raising better men and they always fail. Women actively give power to them and if they refused to breed with certain men, patriarchy wouldn't exist anymore.
If women don't weed out shitty men through sexual selection, then nothing will ever change. But the wast majority of women don't care about female liberation, only their own security.
No. 644424
>>644372I hope ur discord crush sees this
>>644379Thanks for being nice anon. I ranted here because i knew people would be able to relate to my fears, even if my paranoia is getting a bit off the chain recently. I'm having a lot of problems with men following me and pestering me even in resturants (non-eng speaking country,its common here) and then i go home and see so many stories from everywhere of women being murdered/tortured/raped and the criminals having little to no punishment; i feel like it's impossible to just exist sometimes, you know?
No. 644428
>>644366an easy way to get a man to admit how much of a cumbrain he is is to just ask him in the context of you're flirting and discussing kinks (deniably imply or just lie you're pro-porn depending if you're comfortable making it clear you were just testing him if you get a favorable response, sometimes you don't need to do that and just ask "so what are you into sexually")
this gets them opening the flood gates to talk about how they love to edge to giantess furry lolicon every night or whatever because they are usually overjoyed that a woman actually wants to discuss sexual topics with them for once, pornsick men are complete retards who will admit it if they watch actual cp if you get good at vaguely implying you're into the same thing they're into they're so desperate for a woman to accept them sexually
men who don't watch porn will sometimes actually come across as a bit embarrassed when they tell you they don't because it's considered the abnormal almost unmasculine answer now adays
No. 644432
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>>644382wow I hope this ugly fuck croaks too anon. He's a piece of shit and I'm so sorry that happened to you.
No. 644434
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>>644400who linked you this board
No. 644453
>>644413Another thing I hate about socialization theory is that it often allows women to not be held accountable for their actions, even if they do something fucked up. A woman doesn't defend her daughter from a pedo partner? Muh patriarchy made her do it! A woman is
abusive towards her daughter? Muh patriarchy made her do it! A woman excuses her shitty boyfriend? Muh patriarchy made her do it! I've seen it so many times, even in radfem spaces. Those women want you to believe they don't have any personal agency so you won't judge them when they fuck you over for a male.
No. 644472
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Is everyone just overlooking the fact that we have a resident cannibal poster on lolcow or…?
No. 644495
>>644366Dating uggos will increase those issues
>>644472Which threads?
No. 644499
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But men will continue to force the age gap meme lmao
No. 644526
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I am feeling so overwhelmed today, I can barely work. I don't even know why. Every sound everyone makes in the house makes me uneasy
I am not usually like this so I really can't figure out the reason, but I hate it
No. 644529
>>644499This, when men brag about being able to get women pregnant at any age whereas we go through menopause… yeah that safeguard of having a cut-off age on reproducing is actually for the best. God knows why men weren't given the same safeguard by nature. There's enough autistic kids in the world. Who wants to take that increased risk?
Sad thing is, few women even know about those statistics. It needs to become common knowledge.
No. 644536
>>644529>>644499When an older man has a child, the child is more likely to be autistic. When an older woman has a child, the kid is 70 IQ retarded with 4 extra chromosomes and 14 fingers.
The solution is simple- America needs to heavily subsidize higher IQ partners having children in their 20s, and punish women who have children after 35. If you're so heartless that you would bring a downie into this world, you should be allowed to have children.
No. 644546
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It's been the third time that I've seen guys wearing neo nazi sign on their bags in the train that I take every morning. I know it's stupid but it's making so angry that I can't do anything about it. The worst is that nobody is recognizing those signs around them and I feel very alone freacking out. Those men were all very young ( like 20-25 years old ) . I knew that neo nazi group where around but I hate the fact that they are barely hiding it. (stupid detail that nobody cares about but I actually sat down next to one of them before seeing his bag and the dude was manspreadind so hard like that one buzzfeed video). Anyway, did some of you had to deal with something similar ?
No. 644563
>>644531Guys dont really care about fertility in these arguments. A 10-17 year old girl is more likely to die at birth or have birth defeats but they dont care. They just want to fuck little girls and need a
valid excuse for it. It just sounds too creepy for a 30 year old going after young girls to say "I just like the way young girls look and I get off on dominating them", saying "muh biology" will just seem more
No. 644570
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>>644338>oh no the homosexuals are inserting themselves to lgbt talkidentity politics literally makes you retarded
No. 644576
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>>644546This is from my 3rd world shithole country a week ago or so (Context: In a few weeks there will be a plebiscite in which a new constitution will be voted on. As expected, the conservative parties are against this process).
The worst thing is that they are protected by the police and far-right politicians.
>inb4 commieI'm just tired of seeing these idiots parading with nazi imagery and u.s. confederate flags.
No. 644578
>>644030People I consider family at this point will never support me over my
abusive ex. It's pretty messed up, but not much you can do other than find better people to hang out with. which I haven't had much luck with. I'm pretty sure my ex could murder someone at this point and they'd still accept him with open arms. It's actually mind-boggling to me how attached they are to him despite how openly selfish and rude he is to everyone. From what I can tell, he only emotionally abuses women, namely romantic partners, but it's not like he's an saint to everyone else.
I have one friend at this point who fully believes me when I say how
abusive he was to me, and 100% supports me over him. The other friend just keeps trying to reason with me as to why he's not that bad. It's bullshit. That's the last time I try and be vulnerable with anyone who isn't a woman, and who I know for a fact has been through similar shit.
Sorry to hijack your post with my complaining, but I just want you to know you're not alone. It's not a fun situation to be in.
No. 644585
>>644576If it makes you feel better, all of latin america is in this situation. I hope it's just a wave that will pass in a few years and that they don't do much damage.
And these look exactly like the far right loonies protected by the police here kek, we even had a neonazi march this year, protected by police. Try to march for better education and you'll be met with batons and rubber bullets though.
No. 644590
>>644578I only see my dad a couple of times a year. My ex cheated and had hit/thrown me around a handful of times. I only told my dad afterwards and tbh I wish I never did.
Every time he visits me he talks about how he used to like him and how he was a great guy… (who cheated, hit me, broke furniture by throwing me into it and then made me pay to replace the furniture 'i broke') Yeah thanks dad, I can see how that'd just slip your mind.
Hate seeing how common that kind of thing is.
No. 644607
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My savings are depleting hardcore . Trying to find a job that's decent is going to be hard. I'd go work in a grocery store if it weren't for the chemo I'm currently doing and this covid shit.
I asked my boyfriend if he can help me, and he just told me that I should find a job. I am trying my best to find a job, you're making almost 30$ an hour, and at my old job I was barely making 15. I've been looking at posting for remote jobs but it's so hard, and I have no confidence in my skills at all.
I really wanna die.
No. 644620
>>644612Anon, did you know this before you started dating the guy? Once people cheat, it's a pretty good indicator that they'll do it again.
That said, holy fuck. I would have tossed his ass out so fast after finding out he not only fucked another dude but also cheated on a gf with one, especially from Tinder. Barf.
No. 644624
>>644622Damnit. Sorry about that.
Maybe he'll die of some kind of shitty med resistant turbo-syphillis or something.
No. 644650
>>644613fuck off
>>644607i hope things work out for you anon. call center jobs/911 dispatch/remote customer support are easy to get into from what a friend told me. your boyfriend is a dick, you're doing chemo ffs
No. 644651
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No one responds to my real life posts. Either I'm boring or I say so much that they have nothing to add.
No. 644666
>>644655Girl, I don't even know….my coworker called the new management corporation to see wtf was up because she and I got screwed and she recorded the conversation and basically they could call us at anytime and that if the closing person didn't feel good or have to leave we have to go in and help
The fucked up thing is I am now at the bottom of the list and they didn't even call the two people below me to come back to work, so basically if the other OC person can't come to work and I say no I get in trouble. I get royally fucked no matter what.
We can only say no to 2 shifts or otherwise we get fired or not called again until FT opens up (which is what we were under the impression we were getting our regular shifts back not just two people) but I feel like I can't even say no once and would fuck up the whole thing. I am not even a closer so that itself is new to me…
It just sucks because I live in a place where hospitality is the main source of jobs here and since everywhere has been shut down and closing they brought back who they want…it would be so hard going from 22 dollars an hour to like 13 or 14 an hour
Thank god I'm going to school for medical billing but I won't be done with that for a long time.
No. 644676
My boyfriend is a bit of a push-over and it's causing him problems at work. He's constantly complaining that his company doesn't appreciate him, but from what he's been telling me, he does nothing to make it apparent in any way, shape or form, that he's feeling that way. He's so introverted, soft-spoken and agreeable that it's kind of absurd. They really do forget that he exists, but I can kind of see why. It's a very corporate, busy environment where you have to be actively engaging with everyone and making it explicitly clear to your superiors as to what you're doing, what you plan on doing, that you're looking to move up, etc, in order for anyone to acknowledge and remember you. My boyfriend definitely works hard, but he barely speaks to anyone and acts super squirrely and awkward around his co-workers and supervisors. I've come with him to company events, and it's not pretty. He's terrible at socializing and tries to make up for it by being like, extra nice and performing acts of service for everyone, clearing plates, asking if anyone needs more food, etc. It's honestly really pathetic. Like, there's a time and a place for that kind of thing, and it's not a professional environment where your job does not specifically require you to do that.
I'm really torn between telling him to look for a new job where people might be a bit more understanding and accepting of his demeanor, and telling him that if he wants to get anywhere in his current company, he needs to stop being a pussy and start speaking up for his own needs. The fact that he eventually runs into this issue with every job he's had so far makes me think that the problem is with him.
No. 644684
>>644598Tbf I never lurked /r9k/ and only ever associated with reddit tier normalfag men. They're still emotionally
abusive and neglectful and sexually creepy (watch teen/sister porn while being college age). It's almost worse since I rationalized their behavior and stayed for way longer than I should have.
>at least they're not as bad as 4chan males>if normies are like this then this is truly as good as men get No. 644689
>>644575you can screech about straight men but you going on about "ugh nasty gay men have anal sex and use drugs ew ew" is nothing but the usual goold old gay men are disgusting sex pests homophobia sweetey. you're not progressive go join the straight men with your attitude
almso lmao "white gays" because the uwu moc poc gayws just hold hands and have pillow fights amirite. identity politics make you retarded.
No. 644697
>>644692>>644689Feels like I lost brain cells reading this shit.
You will never get gay male dick. Get on your James Charles/Jeffree Star stan shit elsewhere.
No. 644700
>>644698>>644699>>644692KEK the
triggered HSTS reveals itself dial 8 honey
No. 644702
>>644700sorry that i was right about your passionate feminism phase starting like two months ago and deciding you're a lesbo after reading couple of lines by dworkin but some of us have actually been feminist for most of our lives and as real lesbians can sympathize with gay males when morons get homophobic for them.
go make fun of trannies in the mtf thread and be actually funny i like you better then over your idiotic posturing
No. 644709
>>644700 is right, it's what you'll never have lol
No. 644712
>>644709yeah as an actual dyke i'm not gonna marry men, you're correct.
funny how ms misandry pose getting a man to marry as some sort of achievement hahahaha
No. 644716
>>644702>NoooOo don’t bully gay mennn ReAL Gays EmpAthIZe with eAch OtherAnd then you say shit like this about lesbians. How the lesbians you don’t like are just going through a phase lol
true to life, gay scrotes care more about their rights to have public BDSM sex than what happens to lesbians.
>I-I”M’ a lesbian feminist btw You won’t fool me, hatchet wound
No. 644726
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No. 644733
>>644725No one who's been posting for the past few minutes cares about lesbians or was even talking about them until you started sperging about lezzies this comphet that, though. They were talking about gay men and you went insane.
It really does make you sound like a weird man with a lesbian obsession who hangs out too much on Tumblr and tries to LARP as one of the popular mentally ill girls there.
I'm not saying that's what you are for sure, but this and the cringe "uwu i am animu girl" samefag posting really makes you sound unhinged. Are you a tripfag on /lgbt/ too or something? You sound like that one pathetic one who was screeching about "detrannies".
No. 644736
>>644735>called them outBitch go back to twitter
How is it GC if they're criticizing gay men?? How is all the sperging about fake lesbians not homophobic. The fucking brainworms.
No. 644738
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No. 644740
>>644736sorry that as an esl i don't know how else to phrase what, well, calling out is
and you can't be homophobe against fake lesbians they're not actually gay hahahahaha
No. 644744
>>644740its a scrote posting bait
is it not obvious at this point?
vent moar bitches.
No. 644757
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again with my issue cus of the dumbshit interruption but what do when your only friend left, of 5+ years, seems to be ghosting you…
No. 644765
>>644759i have no interest in meeting guys. I assume you mean yourself
anyway I'll just keep trying to forget it
No. 644772
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>>644710(stop responding to bait)
No. 644774
>>644764I hope we both find closure… hnng
>>644767it's ALWAYS been me reaching out first. last time that friend reached out but I dont want to be as clingy as i was, so I'm not now. We used to talk every day but it seems initiating 2 times in a row is too much for this person, even though our convos seemed fine
No. 644821
>>642799Holy shit i feel like my bones are made of lead, i apent the day sitting or lying down and i still had to take naps because i was too fatigued, i didn't even do anything worthwhile either
It's probably the depression and the way my mind runs nonstop but jesus it feels like i'll die soon from not being able to get up or do anything
No. 644892
>>644872Don’t dwell in the past, anon.
So what if Bobby Billy Brown never replied to your love letter in valentine’s? High school love is bullshit, you can’t do shit and there’s the high chance of ending up pregnant because kids are stupid and “love” makes them be even more stupid.
So don’t worry, anon, I’m sure there’s no loss to mourn.
I hope you get to find someone that will forget about their “first love” because you’re awesome.
No. 644912
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I stopped speaking to my friends two months ago for personal reasons and they were trying to reach out to me during that time, but I just felt bad and kept putting it off. Finally decided to message them and apologize today and neither responded. So I'm just gonna delete my text and pretend that never happened
No. 645032
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I have to go to a fucking BRIDAL SHOWER this week and a fucking WEDDING in a few months and i'm forced to go because i'm very close family with the bride and i don't see a way out of it without hurting someone's feelings. i'm almost positive they aren't going to reschedule this shit like they absolutely should be doing and i'd bet anything i'm going to be the only person wearing a mask, at least at the shower. i have never wanted to not go to something as much as this. which is not even really selfish for me to be feeling about it given OH I DON'T KNOW THE GLOBL;E PANDEMIC MAYBE
i mean no one can tell me not to wear a mask/ refuse hugs if I go, and i guess it'd be the same as when I run errands in a mask. I'm the most diligent quarantined person I know and I've been healthy all year so I'm not worried as far as catching or spreading anything goes, I just really worry for like… all of the old people in my family being put in danger by all of my cousins' outgoing young friends who have acted like there isn't even a crisis right now. i love my family but jfc, who the fuck reschedules a wedding to be a few months after the original date when the world is still fucked instead of just postponing and waiting at least a year? would give anything for them to re-reschedule or just fucking elope (the way everyone else in the world should be getting married imo, esp right now) would love to not feel so obliged to go to a large unnecessary gathering that everyone else except for me seems not scared of whatsoever
No. 645034
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I hate that my mom is so old. She’s got a few years left at best. She’s the only person who I can always run crying too and will love me regardless of how sad and pathetic I am. I don’t have any kids, a bf and all my friends have moved around and have families…I’m honestly really afraid of how I’m going to cope when she’s gone.
No. 645187
>>645114What makes me more angy are the ones who don't care about IVF destroying embryos. It's the same shit, but with IVF you can see the embryo does not resemble a human at all in that stage and there is no woman to punish so it's not as sacred to them i guess.
>>645128Not even that for me. All pregnancies come with a risk of death and high chances of permanent damage/changes to the body, they don't get to decide if the risk at 1% or 20% is enough for an abortion if they really believe a fetus is the same a fully formed child.
No. 645260
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i keep getting so scared ill see my ex boyfriend. why does he have to work down the street from me? its just fucking insulting. our breakup was terrible, when we broke up we started abusing each other and manipulating each other, im trying to change since then (i was being influenced by an extremely abusive friendship i was in at the time, so i began to think it was normal. ive never been in a relationship or friendship where i wasnt being hurt) which is stupid, im older now. i SHOULD know. i shouldve handled it better but everyone around me at the time he left me degraded me to a point id lash out over anything, i fucking hate it. i hate my ex friends. i hate my ex boyfriend. i fucking hated being with them. im not even bisexual, im a lesbian. id be suicidal every day with a fucking man. i just wanted to feel normal, and i did that with psychological consequences of emotional trauma. im a fucking idiot. im doing better now, i just wish he didnt live so close. and if i see one of my old friends, shes likely to attack me. i should start bringing pepper spray on me, pull a chris-chan. fucking hate everyone ive cut off. sorry jesus but they really deserve to go to fucking hell. im so angry. and i was so fucking stupid. i wanted to be the Normal Straight Girl Extrovert and all i did was spiral and end up lonely as fuck during quarantine. im back with my actual friends now, but this shit is giving me fucking panic attacks. why the fuck. why. god sorry its so long im saging this
No. 645293
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my crush just made their instagram public again. nooooo I don't want to go down the rabbit hole again, I don't want to stalk social media of the person I can never have but I can't stop
No. 645306
>>645287even then you are still probably taught your own specific north African Islamic history, our neighbors Afghanistan and Iran are taught only their Islamic history but its still their own history
In Pakistan Studies no single people group are ever refereed to, ethnicity and race are never mentioned in our history and people all lumped into being just Muslims, Hindus or the British and conflict between Muslims states themselves in not even mentioned
its always "The Muslims did this" "The Muslims were resilient" "The Muslims beat the Hindus" e.t.c
>>645297Hey that's not true anon were also taught to be Turk bootlickers as well, like seriously the Turks I have talked to online tell me they and many others turks find Pakistani's our pakistanis turk worship to be cringy and pathetic
No. 645310
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>>645293its all chemical, master yourself sister. dont be weak
No. 645323
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>went to beach with bf
>got bad sunburn on my boobs
>days later now peeling
>in bed next to bf
>peeling skin
>bf gestures and says 'I wonder how that tastes.'
>momentarily believe he's joking
>'Give me a peel, anon.'
>he's serious
>peel off small sheet of boob skin
>sheepishly hand it to him
>he stares intently and then devours it
>hear audible 'mmmmm's
>he gets up
>doesn't ask for more, seemingly satisfied with his morsel
No. 645337
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>>645323This is serial killer behavior.
No. 645354
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>>645324on a state level nothing is being done, the government is absolutely terrified of any mention of ethnic history but mostly what happens in that while Pashtuns and Baloch(who together make up around 22% of the nation) are proud of their own separate history but they only even focus on the period after they became Muslim, while Sindhis(about 20%) proudly celebrate their pre-Islamic past, for Muhajirs and Urdu speaking Punbabis who make up more then half the countries population Arab and Turk worship are there ideologies, they look down on people speak local languages and want nothing more then to suck up to Arabs and Turks
No. 645360
>>645355You should definitely try to lay off of destroying yourself and picking yourself apart to please literally anyone.
Ime, a lot of guys have terrible fucking self esteem. It's worse when they make an effort to look better (gym, heavy dieting to lower bf%, clothing, acne, etc) and still don't end up meeting whatever stupid standards that they've set up in their head. Some of them are lazy and disgusting and will refuse to do anything outside of being a walking potato, and expect to be treated like Adonis.
No. 645494
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I want to a-log pixielocks so effin bad. She’s such a fake cunt with all the queerbaiting and self dxing. I hate herrrrr rrrrrrrgrrrrr like pick a struggle bitch! You’re ugly and fat have no personality dress like shit and screech like a toddler about toddler shit. Take a big rainby dick up yr straight girl ass and shut the fuck up
sage for my retarded bullshit just need to let it flow 2 let it go
No. 645529
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How come when ever i have a day off I laze around all day like a piece of shit? When I have to work I'm upset I can't do anything that day but when I have off I do nothing but stare at my phone in bed and eat junk food. I literally took a nap in the middle of the day and didn't do anything ffs
No. 645557
>>645546Lmao c’mon
/w/ has been shit for a while and the spergs don’t help
No. 645579
There was a study conducted by Northwestern Medicine that shows face yoga can work for anti-aging. It's a small study though, and I doubt there will be more soon because plastic surgeons would lose a lot of money
>>645561most of the time I do excercises from these channels's also separate stuff for mewing which can also help and it's easy to find on youtube
No. 645584
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i think i’m falling for a guy i only know online and i don’t even know how to drop hints about meeting up or w/e without him realizing my feelings
i’m not ready to have my heart broken into a million pieces again but i bet i will, maybe some people just arent meant to experience love
No. 645624
>>645617If it makes you feel better, 90% of the people on Tiktok are children or adults who still haven't left their edgy phase behind. The comments don't reflect the state of the world, it's just attention seeking tweens trying to feel powerful after they got yelled at for not doing their homework.
It's basically the new Youtube comment section, but with more retardation.
No. 645667
>>645617Don't eat yourself up about it. People find reasons to group themselves no matter what to feel special.. and then everyone still hates eachother in the end. If the world were nothing but the aryan dream of white dudes like those retards idealize, they'd still be killing eachother for something.
I'm bad about looking for reasons to be depressed too though, as evidenced.
No. 645680
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I've been feeling a bit paranoid and unloved, so as I drove home tonight I rolled down the windows to feel the breeze and sang along to Third Eye Blind.
Motorcycle Drive-by came on and I started to crying while singing because I could relate to the lyrics:
>Your axis on a tilt, you're guiltless and free
>I hope you take a piece of me with you
>And there's things I'd like to do
>That you don't believe in
>I would like to build something
>But you never see it happen
>And there's this burning
>Like there's always been
>I've never been so alone
>And I've, I've never been so alive
reminds me of my boyfriend and how I probably want marriage and he probably doesn't
>And this is our last time
>We'll be friends again
>I'll get over you, you'll wonder who I am
>And there's this burning
>Just like there's always been
>I've never been so alone alone
>And I've, and I've never been so alive
reminds me of my ex-roommate. We used to be super close and I low-key loved her but we had a falling out and today was the day we both went out separate ways
and a little before the song ended a motorcycle drove by my car and I kinda took that as a nod from the cosmic gods and I just couldn't help but cry even more.
Sorry for blogpost I am tired, a little drunk and emotional as fuck.
No. 645688
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why are my neighbors having a party and listening to we will rock you and setting off fireworks? wtf is happening?!?!
No. 645756
>>645753I’ve read posts where anons will admit they come here just to let out their aggression
So it could be either or both even
No. 645762
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>>645741>>645722Gavin from vine. He makes a lot of weird, oddly adult looking faces. No. 645789
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In the characters you hate thread someone said Miranda Priestly and I have to ree about it
For one thing Streep is absolutely gorgeous styled this way. I love Miranda because she’s one of, if not the best, written female characters I’ve ever seen in a movie. She’s a complex woman who knows she has to channel male bs to get to the top and she doesn’t apologize for playing the game, but she’s also not unaware of the travesty of it and how she is a pawn herself. It’s also just nice to see driven and actually competent women on screen.
No. 645796
I have hypothyroid from hashimotos disease and I hate taking my medicine for it. It makes me feel like shit in a different way and it makes me retain mass amounts of water weight (unbelievable fluctuations up to 30 lbs in a week, at times I can't even walk from ankles swelling, etc, I shit you not). I quit taking it because I used to be incredibly fucking fit/into fitness and it's made it almost impossible to do even basic shit from the way it makes me feel… not that the symptoms of hypothyroidism pre-medication weren't life ruining, but I don't know, I just wanted some freedom man, I wanted to just be "me" "naturally" without this garbage…
It's been going really well, I've had more energy since quitting it, I've been working on my goals/hobbies, I've been better than I've been for years… or at least, I thought. I started getting weird fucking hallucinations and mild psychotic episodes etc… and I couldn't think of ANYTHING that could be causing them, the only consistent factor I could pin down was quitting the thyroid meds… now I'm googling it and this SHITTY FUCKING THING CAN EVEN CAUSE PSYCHOSIS, WHAT THE FUCK, WHAT A SHITTY FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT THING, FUCK YOU THYROID, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAESGHDROJT
the stupidest fucking part is I'd take the random mild psychosis over the piece of garbage shit that the meds do, but I Imagine it doesn't stay "mild" and will slowly ramp up and get worse.
this is frustrating as shit and I'm crying and raging but I'm not giving up, I'll figure SOMETHING out, but holy fucking balls fuuuck thyroid disease.
No. 645806
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i hate my ex best friend she screwed me over and hurt me in the worst ways she could and now runs around with my ex roommate talking shit about me i only ever cared about her she turned on me bc i didnt ask to hang out enough literally thats it but i loved her so fucking much like a sister and i only had roommates bc i was trying to help out my friend and his gf but his gf was a messy bitch who brought this whole mess upon me and now theyre like best friends dyeing their hair together and im alone it is ripping me apart so much it's been months and ive been getting thru every day trying to ignore it but the situation keeps seeping into my thoughts i fantasize about beating the shit out of them both they ruined my ability to trust people they ruined my self confidence that i had just built up they ruined everything and im trying so hard to rebuild bc i know im better than this and i dont want her to have the satisfaction of seeing me rot and thinking she was right about me but i was best friends with that girl for years i loved her for years we went thru so much together and went to each other for everything and everything makes me think of her even after months of trying to drive her out it makes me want to just go fucking crazy i have my boyfriend who i love with all the heart i have left and he makes sure i dont go crazy and i dont wanf to hurt him but im more suicidal than ive ever been why would they do this to me i did nothing to them i was even apologizing after she did the worst to me but then i got a grip on myself and realized i had litrrally nothing to apologize for and she certainly wasnt sorry no one is sorry they just shit all over me and leave
No. 645862
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I'm an artist with a small following on a certain social media platform. I mostly draw inoffensive shoujo weeb shite. Somehow, these past few days I've been receiving anonymous messages asking if I'm a Trump supporter. Bitch! I'm not even from the USA! I don't have any opinions about the political situation in your country or any other countries for that matter. My own country's political situation is already a shitshow as it is and I'm tired of it all! I just want to have fun and draw weeb shit man! I hate how political topics are seeping into every social media like poison. I just want a place to share my arts and maybe make weeb friends and talk about weeb shit.
No. 645870
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>>645865I'm so very tempted to say something like that but I'm pretty sure the person will still continue to pester me. I've noticed that some people on social media are too overzealous when it comes to political matters. I'm just gonna ignore the messages because I don't want to give them a chance to interact with me at all.
Here's another cute cat pic for you anon.
No. 645876
>>645812Unpopular opinion incoming.
Uber capitalism fucks everyone over, but hits women more than men. Now we're expected to throw kids to neglectful daycare centers at 6 weeks postpartum (US) to recup pay and immediately be model employees that never call out or actually take advantage of off days. These rights that were promised and fought for are an illusion. We walk about life overwhelmed and unappreciated beyond societal lip service. I almost wonder if it might be on purpose, like a big experiment where they see how much shit they can get away with unloading on us, and how we react as we're slowly marginalized again and have each right to autonomy slowly taken away
No. 645975
>>645971Families with at least two daughters and no sons: hi
Everyone else: oh poor dad! must suck to be the only guy in the house! no one to do boy stuff with! imagine all the estrogen haha
No. 645988
>>645639Anon, next time restrict yourself like a child. When you get that box of pizza, pick out two slices and immediately fridge the rest.
t. me who eats with small bowls/forks
No. 646010
>>645975It’s true lol, I hear that from about one of my coworkers who grew up with all females. He says he preferred it that way though, which I can respect.
I’m the opposite— I’m the only female with a dad, and 3 brothers. It’s worse, ha. Until I moved out a couple years ago, they always ganged up on me and treated me like the live-in maid. They made fun of me for being weaker than them, but I’d just roll my eyes at it. Now I live in a blissful, clean apartment, and none of them can even figure out how to use the wash. Men are helpless.
No. 646026
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>>645949Yeah. He seems a little narcissistic and I cringe at his use of sex related wordplay (or maybe it's just typical male humor) but he gets a pass because he's a 10/10 I guess. I hate when I'm into a fictional character, then I check the actor behind the role and it turns out his personality is quite off putting, but the phsycial attraction is still there. I didn't know he was taken and stuff. But I keep stalking his social media because I'm a horny virgin. He's streaming his workouts now and his audience is 100% female, dude must be loving this shit. I don't like him but I still want to fuck him and I'm angry I could never have someone like him. I also wonder if all 9-10 men are narcissistic irl or is it just the actors
No. 646074
reading back on a post i wrote (
>>434161 )
amazing how, a year later, very little has changed.
i'm still stuck living with my mom, but at least my 0-hour contract became a 32-hour indefinite one. also got my driver's license test coming up in december.
meanwhile mom managed to buy a car.
that's it. no job, again. she worked at my place through a temp agency for a few months.
she got told a few weeks ago that she doesn't have to return.
and according to my mom, it's because one of my coworkers had it out for her.
she hasn't done shit to find new work,
all she does is browse pinterest and youtube tutorials and watch tv.
meanwhile i've been dealing with paying the rent by myself for a year now, while she's sitting at home.
also lately she seems to forget shit. whether it's on purpose or because she's old, idk.
we alternate every week on who does the dishes.
and every other week, the same thing happens, where it's a sunday, she walks into the kitchen and mutters to herself asking when i'm going to do the dishes, while it is her week to do them.
i've considered to take a pic every week i do it.
when i confronted her an hour ago, she instantly said that i had to do them.
the exact same situation happened 2 weeks ago, and after a while she confirmed that it was her turn, cause she wrote it down on a calendar.
this time however, she's fully convinced that she's been doing them for the past 3 weeks now.
it sounds really petty, but i'm just so fucking tired of her shit.
i'm trying to find a place of my own in this town, but it is small and there's not a fucking apartment available.
No. 646090
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i found out my boyfriend does modeling on the side and it kinda reaffirmed to me that he's physically out of my league. he's long, lean and has a really beautiful angular face–i'm like, a nugget. short, cute enough but not particularly beautiful. i've never felt not good enough for someone, it's odd
i'm alone in a hotel room while he does his shoot, bought him stuff from a local bakery as a surprise, pls god don't leave me for being stubby
No. 646124
>>646118Can you people shut up about this?
Some people have emotional attachment to sex other people don’t, its not a one size fits all thing.
No. 646129
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I made super dope rendang curry. I'm excited for my other dishes. I have a wood ear salad dish in the fridge as well. Tomorrow I'm going to make pork dumpings, hell I might even add in some mushrooms. Was gonna make a broth out of bones to go with it so I could have a pork dumpling soup.
This week is gud eating.
No. 646143
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i'm letting my life pass me by but i can't stop because doing nothing feels great. it's more like i'm doing the bare minimum, but that's still not enough. staring at the wall or passively playing a video game is too comfy. i don't have much time left.
No. 646145
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Boyfriend has an emotional attachment to octopus.
So much that I basically am no longer allowed to eat octopus. If I do I can't tell him I ate it or have it at home, or else he becomes visibly upset. He squeals with delight if there's some kind of positive media about octopus (Yes, we watched that Neflix movie My Octopus Teacher or whatever), he can't watch media where an octopus is injured or killed and he almost cried during that Netflix movie. He even got upset by a random youtube video that showed a living seagull escaping an octopus who was trying to eat it, cause that meant the octopus went hungry.
He spams the fuck out of the octopus emoji.
I don't know why he has this fixation.
No. 646185
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There's something about the way he moves
No. 646207
>>646184lol I just made a post talking about my friend who was annoying me for this type of behavior but they definitely don't think they're ever wrong!!
First step is acknowledgement so I have hope for you OP
No. 646318
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Sorry for deleting my posts, but lately he has been acting weird, plus has been keeping an eye out to who I am talking to and general internet use. My post was too specific that he would know it was me. I'm paranoid, but I rather be safe than sorry.
No. 646326
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I am 99% sure I have OCD and am trying to get help for it. I know other mental illnesses have intrusive thoughts so I'm not ruling those out.
However if it turns out my intrusive thoughts are real and I'm actually a degenerate freak in denial, I will kill myself.
No. 646355
>>646326Anon, I empathise with this. I started getting intrusive thoughts as a teenager, really horrible things. Things that made me wonder if I was actually a dangerous person (specifically to do with children).
I still get them, but realising that "pure O" OCD is a thing did really help me. I'm pretty sure an actual deviant wouldn't be troubled by such thoughts.
No. 646358
>>646326It sounds like it's just the OCD talking, but even if you were a "degenerate freak," it's not as bad as you think, here me out.
Messed up desires or fetishes, even really harmful ones, aren't a death sentence or anything, having something in your mind doesn't mean you need to act on it or encourage it, it's probably not biologically encoded in your brain forever or anything. Developing a healthier relationship with yourself and focusing on things which are wholesome to your mental development should help either way.
No. 646364
>>646355That's the type I had. It sucks bc it really impacted the career path I wanted. It fucked up my life for a long time but I'd say I'm cured now. Like, I did a placement for work around my
triggers and didn't notice until later!
>>646326The only thing I can recommend is to sit yourself down and actually go into those thoughts. If you're resisting/ hesitant/hate it, then YOU don't want it. It's your mind playing tricks on you.
No. 646378
>>646355>>646364>>646358I also started getting them as a teenager. I know they're not real or true at all but the possibility that I'm in denial is the scariest part. I have always knocked on wood to make them go away. Recently I have to knock on wood every hour it seems. Sometimes they go away for days but then they come back full force when I am depressed or anxious.
There's a lot on my plate so my intrusive thoughts are out of control. I know they're not real and even if they were, it wouldn't be the end of the world but it doesn't really help in the long run. Thanks for the support anoms
No. 646413
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>>646390I know that feeling, anon. All you can do is wait for yourself to fall asleep. You'll be dehydrated as hell and/or sick when you wake up, too, so drink water, take vitamins and all of that.
To find someone who cares about you, there's sadly not many options, realistically, but that doesn't mean it can't happen. I don't know your circumstances, but I'm sure there's places you can go to meet people, or even smaller, non-anon online communities you can join. Don't think you'll be alone forever. Wish I could offer better help, but I hope you feel better soon.
No. 646423
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my boyfriend is controlling and sadistic, and has online affairs despite being considered ‘ugly’ by most reasonable standards. i’m too spineless and in love to leave him. he has several of online simps who orbit his posts and i find it humiliating.
i know it’s probably a matter of time before he progresses to IRL affairs.
>inb4 just leave him
yeah i could, and then come back to him like 1 week later after realising being alone fucking sucks and that i love him and miss him
i have lost many friends by refusing to leave him
i want to walk away because i fucking despise him but i literally can’t. he’s like an addiction
i deactivated all my social media because i’m so ashamed of his affairs, and because his ex gf has been antagonising and stalking me for years
No. 646425
>>646423i should also add that two of the women he has affairs with have harassed me or tried to ruin my life in some way
he also downloads her lewds and says ‘wow that made me hard’ and he never responds that way to my nudes :/
>>646424so i eventually grow out of this? nice
it’s a catch 22 because i’m so much more miserable without him than with so i just put up with the horrific conditions
(emoji) No. 646427
>>646423So you think you two are special and other people don't love and miss their shitty exes when they dump them? If it was that easy people wouldn't be in shit relationships for so long.
The difference is they can tell someone is bad for them and they break up anyway despite those feelings, then they wait it out until they're mentally okay and don't miss their ex anymore and try to find someone who isn't a cheating waste of oxygen. You should do the same.
No. 646442
>>646424I feel the same, guess it's why I wanna help this dumb anon
>>646423if you want to leave so bad you don't actually love him anymore, you ARE just addicted, it's oxytocin withdrawal. walk away, block him, and use the friends you still have as your support system - they can help you stay away from him. you will be a wreck for a couple of weeks and then you will wake up, and you won't miss him. then you will be much happier for the rest of your life
alternatively you can choose to indulge your lower nature and keep being miserable and humiliated
No. 646444
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>>646429>tfw no gay male friends who love hxhI feel ripped off
No. 646470
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I am so angry, why did I eat that spaghetti carbonara???? My boyfriend works a late shift and usually eats something when I'm already in bed, he'll come to me with a plate of whatever it is he cooked and give it to me and I have literally zero self control when I've just woken up! I wish he could just stop, he knows that he's only making me more miserable (I'm a bit overweight) so I feel like he does this purely for selfish reasons, even if I can't really work out the reason behind it. The fuckign carbonara is making my stomach feel heavy and I feel fat as fuck, I'm so ANGRY AT HIM, I've told him not to do this several times
No. 646472
>>646470All men are like that, anon. That's why women in new relationships gain weight. Men don't understand we have to really watch what we eat at all times or we get fat. They can eat so much without consequence.
For what it's worth I think he actually believes he's being loving and is doing something nice for you. Good intentions even if it's ultimately unhelpful.
No. 646489
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Sorry I just need to scream into the void.
I have a friend who refuses to take any advice I give her so I'm slowly just giving up on helping her and distancing myself from her unless it's absolutely necessary. I get nothing out of being her replacement mom, it stopped just exhausting me years ago, now it's also actively pissing me off. I care for her immensely but it's like jousting with windmills.
I've told her a million times 'hey, maybe you should do xyz, it will make things better I promise', I've talked to her for hours on the phone when she was suicidal, I've given her exact instructions on what to do, I've made her schedules in her daily planner that she can follow one by one so she's not overwhelmed. I've given her money, I've given her shelter, I've cooked for her, I've given her my Nintendo DS when she said she was bored, lonely and wanted to kill herself. She still does whatever she wants anyway and then comes crying when she gets burned.
Her room's floor is covered in ashes from incense, mummified noodles still on the plate, tax papers, opened tuna cans (with some tuna bits still inside), cigarette butts. The bed doesn't have any covers or sheets (I've given her some, she won't use them). I've cleaned this with her several times, it gets like this again after a week. Somehow her many boyfriends don't seem to mind.
Every single goddamn time, same song and dance:
>She hears my advice and promptly ignores it
>"I think I'm gonna go to this party, it's gonna be nice and will get me out of the house"
>"Anon I'm at the party and I hate it! I just did some ecstasy because they offered and now I'm having a panic attack, help me!"
>I told you it's a bad idea
>"I know now, I'm never gonna do this again!"
>Does it again months later
>"Anon I need to do x, y and z for next week, I'm so happy I'm getting my shit together at last!"
>Great, just remember to do it, write it down in your calendar, set 2 alarms
>"Yeah sure I'll do that"
>One week later: "I didn't do x, y or z because I forgot and then got a panic attack, I'm so anxious! I'm such a failure, I hate myself, I wanna die etc etc"
>Now it's my turn to console her and tell her how she isn't any of those things and how she's super great
>Dates a guy who is obviously looking for something serious, she says she is also "looking for her person"
>"Oh it's nothing serious we're just fwb teehee"
>2 months later: "Why does he keep messaging me and calling me a cheating whore?! It's not my fault I went to a different city and slept with a stranger from Tinder, I was super sad uwu so I got high and it just happened!"
>I tell her this is shit behavior and she should respect herself more and not be with anyone until she gets her shit together
>receive messages from our friends telling me I'm a big meanie for slut-shaming her
Fuck me she always gets everyone to spoonfeed her and still can't do anything, and if you mention anything about it she sics all our mutual friends on you who defend her because she's a sad uwu spoonie baby who knows how to act cute and helpless to get other people to do things for her.
This messy bitch gets away with smelling like Satan's unholy asshole and people just tell her she's cute and adorable to her face and let her walk around like the Eugenia fucking Cooney of abstinence and personal hygiene.
I never had any friends or help when I was her age, people bullied me for being ugly, stupid and poor, whenever I had any genuine issue people would doubt me and say I'm just "looking for attention".
I built my life from nothing despite the pushback and to this day nobody ever listens to my problems because they're never important enough. She used to, but doesn't anymore.
Meanwhile people fall over themselves just to do things for her and she's still a useless, whiny child with no marketable skills.
No. 646533
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My college works didn't come through in the online system since basically the 25th in one subject, I did all of them, I even showed them to the class, its quite obvious i actually did the work I had to but because the system didn't receive them my grade will be a fucking unrecoverable 4.
Im genuinely having a panic attack and crying over this shit because I have no fucking money to retake this semester and the teacher is a fucking cunt who isn't being helpful, she took like 4 days to respond to my emails.
No. 646544
>>646542 said. This is bullshit. If your teacher won't help, there has to be someone else who can.
No. 646545
>>646433>I can't leave him bc I'm pretty much all he has leftThat's his problem, not yours. You already admitted he's shit person, and you're not his mother so why are you really taking care of him? Go adopt literally any other man off the street and focus on them instead if you need to make someone else your world
I wasted years on some jerk because I was all he had, and he would kill himself without me, but when I finally cut all contact and stopped playing these games he was able to pretend to be human just long enough until some other woman stepped in to take care of his sorry ass, and now she's the only one he has. Your boyfriend doesn't actually need you, he just needs someone who will put up with him.
I hope you can be free of his dead weight soon.
No. 646552
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>>646518Put a sign up above the bed that says not to feed you after bedtime, and to put leftovers in the fridge? Pasta is a great breakfast.
No. 646594
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>at work
>phone goes off
>don't recognize the number but it looks like someone's personal cell
>answer without saying anything cause I expect robo call
>robot female voice
>"Hello. This is just a test call. It is time to stay home. Stay safe and stay at home. Stay safe and stay at home."
>the call ends
No. 646607
>>646594That's creepy af
You can try googling the message and also the number to see if anyone else has had it posted about it online
No. 646613
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>>646582Update, yep i basically got a "sucks to be you", the teacher said I might have luck submitting a form to the dean but thats going to cost like 30 dollars, just to submit a complaint form and no guarantee they will fix my grades.
God I hate my life.
No. 646624
>>646594hey anon! i did some (very light) digging– like it's just your generic robocall and, assuming you're in Canada like the article suggests, it wouldn't surprise me if the government sent some weird shit like that out. i would be creeped out regardless, something about robocalls are so spooky.
No. 646637
>>646628it's not like they're saying to stay at home from work, anon, they're saying not to go out to bars and restaurants and unnecessary things like that.
>>646633i'm in burgerland too but i get a few from canada now and then too, mostly spam ones about my cars insurance. the creepiest thing with the one you got though is that apparently they're just taking random phone numbers and using those to make the robocalls.
No. 646647
> but I'm thinking he tried to molest his sister, and when she showed signs of resistance and that she would tell on him, he panicked about what he did and decided to shut her up for good. Then he fled thinking he could get away from the crime or had nothing to lose at that point anyway. A lot of scrotes would rather be known as killers than feel shame and face consequences for being creepy pedos.
Sorry to blog but something terrifyingly similar happened to me when I was about that age, five or six. My retarded selfish mother left me in the care of a teenage boy cause his sister was unavailable to babysit and by damnation mommy needed her night out at all costs.
So the guy wound up molesting me and tried to get me to touch his gross pimply dick. This obviously upset my child self and I started to cry and fled to my room where I shut the door behind me. I don't recall if my door locked or if he knocked after me, but a teenage boy could have easily busted down the door if he tried. But he didn't. Instead he fled back to his house across the street in fear that I was going to tell. I remember because my mom came home and she made a comment that he was gone, but she assumed all was well because I was in my bed.
I shudder to think what might have happened if that scrote really had fucking panicked about getting into trouble. He could have killed me and framed it as an accident. But the joke would have been on him, I never told because I (justifiably) thought it would get me into trouble, and lo and behold the gutless bitch didn't believe me when I came out with it years later anyway. Guys get away with so much and it's often their overreaction to things that cause their own undoing.
No. 646671
>>646647That's awful anon. I'm glad you escaped.
Men were a mistake.
No. 646730
>>646383Me too. And on top of that my mom said i suddenly changed personalities, from being outgoing to withdrawn and i was terrified of touching older men, even the ones i knew.
Have you talked abt this to anyone?
No. 646804
I'm so busy I have like 30 minutes a day of pure, free, non productive time, and I use it to post here.
I'll post my thoughts on vegans, because I went on the vegan circle jerk subreddit today and it was full of lingo for meat eaters I've never heard of, like carnists, bloodmouths, corpse muncher etc.
And maybe I'm uneducated on the subject (I've definitely been on and off with veganism for a while due to meat being expensive and I find it hard to morally consolidate loving animals but eating meat) so input is welcomed.
Of course being a vegetarian is inexcusable to vegans, but like…I think unless you want to eat curries for the rest of your life it DOES require a certain level of privilege to be vegan. Not only money wise (where niche "exotic" ingredients cost a shitton because the only place you can get them is at the pricey health store, but their whole argument for that is "oh but you buy 50 dollar slabs of beef huh?" but like…what if you just eat chicken, or bacon bits? It's cheaper. Anyway it's not only that, but cooking vegan meals can be INCREDIBLY time consuming and require a lot of planning ahead. Personally I don't think I could do it unless I sacrificed at least 1 of my productive things.
And all that shit about vegan food tasting just as good if not better, like no? Not anything that attempts to emulate meat, anyway. For me, it's always just tasted like something either mushroomy, beany or vegetably in baked, stewed or fried form. It gets dull.
No cakes or chocolate unless it's crumbly shitty stuff from health food store mentioned above. It's like…just admit the food is shittier, more time consuming and limited but you're sticking to it for moral reasons, you know?
I totally think there's a problem with the mass cognitive dissonance with factory farming, and with meat taking up a huge portion of the diet in the west, but I don't think it's the epitomy of sociopathy to enjoy eating meat at all. And I don't like that veganism is associated with any political leaning. It also seems to be associated with a particular identity. And I wish it came from a more neutral ground instead of like…someone's considering eat less or maybe no meat? Well fuck you coward for drinking congealed baby cow food you pussy! Here watch this cow getting its throat slit THEN see how you feel.
I could've worded it better but my 30 minutes is up. Goodnight.
No. 646822
>>646688anon i promise that you have at least one of these things. most are subjective unless you are legitimately retarded or have some kind of deformity.
if you're worried that you're lacking in these areas, you should do something to improve. but if you're posting on lc i'm just going to assume you're too depressed to see the point in trying
No. 646826
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one day until i see this girl i was talking to again ive only known her for like a week n i want to do cheesy girl slumber parties with her. why am i so retarded kek i havent had a friend group in so long now that i havent been afraid of, and shes so nice. terrified
No. 646864
>>646688Just because you may be average in one or several of these aspects doesn’t mean that you have none of them.
This is such an obvious thing to state but most people are average in all of those things; they don’t have
one thing they’re great or even good at. You only have people who cope and say stuff like “at least I’m smart/funny” or whatever. It just means, I feel the least insecure about those attributes.
Literally, it’s fucking fine to be average.
The idea that you have to be above average or you might as well be as worthy as a mean, drooling retard goblin is capitalistic and absurd. You’re good anon!
No. 646919
>>646912its so weird that people can wake up and not be depressed or anxious or can eat regular or not hyper focus on harmful things
>>646915nta true but ouch lol
No. 646941
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I suffered a serious blow to my right frontal lobe last year and the longterm effects fucking suck. Not only did everyone think I was retarded (despite having clearly been told I had an injury) for months afterward because of the difficulty I had verbalizing my thoughts, but no one believes my emotions have been dampened as a result. I can’t cry anymore unless something devastating happens. People don’t realize how cathartic crying is until they can’t do it anymore. I’d rather have bpd tier meltdowns than to not have an emotional release. I tend to just get angry because my body physically won’t let me cry. No tears come out and I’m just sitting there groaning and getting annoyed at that point. So people go around projecting their insecurities and emotions onto me because they can’t possibly believe a woman isn’t a ball of messy emotion. I wish it never happened. It seriously ruined the trajectory of my career and now I have to deal with the social repercussions. I just hope I can get through the learning curve that comes with getting what is essentially a brand new brain and come back out of it with some kind of success.
No. 646970
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I've tried so hard to improve my life and it feels like I'm still going nowhere at best. Losing weight but it's not going fast enough and I still look like a fatty despite being told I loom all lot better, nowhere is accepting my job applications despite going at it nonstop for a year, and my lupus is getting worse despite everything. I grew out my hair and style it as well as wear light perfume and very light makeup so I look like I give a shit.
I can't even make local friends beyond my girlfriend. I feel like I'll just be an autistic ugly NEET no matter how hard I try to improve myself as a person both physically and mentally.
No. 646992
>>646964I had invisalign fuck up my tmj more and another dentist who had to run braces actually fixed some of the jaw asymmetry, not fully the tmj problem but
My face finally looks even when I close my jaw to smile
No. 647075
>>647068Are you ok bitch? Where in anon's post did she state her mom made her do chores and that's why she's
abusive? That wasn't even the point of the post.
No. 647092
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I'm really anxious about friendships and relationships on a theoretical level.
Why do people even have each other in their lives? Logically the person should benefit them directly (money, attention, ability to fix things, etc.) but that doesn't seem to be the reason why people just enjoy spending time together. I know people with essentially no skills or money find people who love them, and on a personal level my friendships bring no practical benefits to either party. It's just making me very, very stressed.
I guess it's just unsettling to me that people could dislike me for instinctual reasons that are completely out of my control. And yet when they do like me it also makes me anxious because I STILL have no idea why. I've spent 8 hours many times before with a friend just fucking around and I have no idea why he volunteers to spend that time with me! It's crazy!!!
No. 647098
>>647092Wow you articulated what I’ve thought for a long time.
I don’t get it either and it’s a driving force behind my avoidance for some reason.
No. 647102
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>>647075>>647073everyone says they were abused. it's the new thing to sound cool. I know like 3 people in IRL who claim they were abused and have PTSDADHDBPD because their mom put them in timeout one time.
99% of people who claim they were abused weren't. it's just an easy way to gain
victim points and seem cool. any time someone claims they were abused, i immediately tune out and write them off.
No. 647109
>>647102>99% of people who claim they were abused weren'tIdk anon have you looked at the sexual trauma threads? I most guess more women were abused as children than weren't
And then we take into consideration that hitting children wasn't even illegal until not long ago. Is it so hard to imagine that actually we're only realising that most people were abused?
Obviously there are people who lie about everything in life, but you're not a judge and people like that obviously have something else going on anyway
No. 647113
>>647102Is this a scrote post? The wording here is near-identical to how scrotes accuse women of faking being raped. Accusing people of faking any form of abuse is pretty scrote-tier in general, and usually just something they say to justify their own
abusive tendencies.
No. 647116
>>647105the reality is that in this day and age being a
victim increases your social standing. of course people will take advantage of that.
No. 647123
>>647121How exactly do you know they weren't? Just wondering. Abuse is something that widely goes on behind closed doors…
This is def a scrote post
No. 647133
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>>647127you're clearly PMSing so there's no point in arguing with you. not everyone who disagrees with your post is a male.
No. 647135
>>647068>>647102>>647116Are you the same faggot from like months ago who told an anon to kill herself because she talked about how she heard saddening news about her own body from a gyno and her tranny friend made it all about himself?
There are more recent posts with this "angry, testosterone-laden retard" energy, but that's the one that comes to mind.
What's with this needless aggression toward innocent posters? Take your fingers off your keyboard and shove them up your ass.
>social status>on an anonymous imageboardHave sex incel/go outside/die
No. 647143
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A moid called me a sexist pig and said I'm no better than incels because I said men commit the wast majority of pedophilic crimes. He said that "most scientists" agree that women have pedophilic tendencies just as often as men but they're just studied less, he sent me some article about it (not even a study). Of course, he called all my ideas stupid and uninformed and acted like he knows more about humanity because he's an archeology student and I'm just an artfag.
No. 647160
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I think I must be really stupid. At least involving things like politics, what is attractive, what is socially unacceptable– these things baffle me sometimes when I thought I knew the basics. Well, I know enough to go under the radar myself. I'm not autistic by any diagnosis I've got, just socially anxious. I don't know if that explains how each day I learn something new from what others assume to be true. "what..? that's a thing…?" "that's what people think?" I want to say its mainly online i encounter this, but in school I felt the same, like an alien. it's too tiring and inauthentic for me to pretend to fit in. I will have to make do with the one good thing i learned from being raised religious: "be in but not of the world"
I have never been bullied for being socially inept, so I'm surviving. I think the truth is I understand the basics which makes me average even if I'm shy. other people simply show deeper understanding that makes them popular, beautiful, or politically intelligent. I understand most social norms but when people nitpick or get specific, I'm surprised. It takes me longer to learn, but i usualy can. all my life have felt like an outsider. worst case scenario, i know it isn't too bad to continue.
No. 647171
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Why is this basically every post on r/relationships? Huge age gaps and fucked up kinks. I can't stand this, I can't stand young women wasting their lives and ruining their mental health because of scrotes. The male is a scum, but at the same time, 19 is not a child anymore, sure, you're still moldable to a certain degree, but I think that a 19 year old should be able to recognize that a 32 year old dude jerking off to an idea of raping a minor is not a good partner material. I'm not that much older than her and I can't understand her. She still defends him and admits she likes it anyway. I'm angry at both of them. I wish this was fake.
No. 647193
>>647171It's probably fake, don't lose sleep over it.
That being said this is why i hate the "kink positive" crowd. I'm sure there will be some bozos in the comments saying age play between adults is a-okay and healthy even if he fantasizes about a kid, and that some people just use the thought of raping kids to "cope" kek
No. 647200
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>>647169kek this sounds like it was written by a middle aged man.
>"He got off so hard, harder then any guy I've ever seen get off." Also what modern 32 yr old pedo coomer is having his teenaged gf dress up as a cheerleader or girl scout? Those both seem like outdated 'underage girl' costumes from the 80's. Also notice that it's schoolgirl, cheerleader, girl scout 'or something', which indicates a person coming up with ideas rather than recounting specifics.
Plus the juxtaposition of an undeniably freaky age gap with 'He's not creepy otherwise though!!' is obvious bait made for dipshit redditors to shriek over. I'm sure the karma harvest was plentiful and many stickers were awarded that day.
Anyways sorry for sperging. Reddit's inability to recognize badly written fiction is a personal fascination of mine.
No. 647208
>>647171He was open about it from the start. It's not like he hide it and slowly groomed her into it. It turned her on. She was fucked up from the start and I personally don't care about women like this once they're 18. Nothing justifies getting off to the idea of raping a minor and enabling this behavior. As a
victim of CSA I don't give a fuck about broken cunts. Also fuck straight culture
>>647199Literally every woman is socialized in heteropatriarchy. Yet not all of them do this shit. Not all women let their partners molest their daughters etc. Socialization theory is just an excuse for women to not be held accountable for their actions
No. 647220
>>647208Okay? No one is saying that this bitch isn’t retarded for entertaining the scrote. It is unfortunate that she was too preoccupied with having no spine (product of nurture) to read feminist literature, like most women. Most women put up with some version of this, dismissing personal morals and boundaries in favor of catering to a man’s porn induced degeneracy (anal, threesome, rape/race play, etc) because they’re taught that sexual compliance is requirement to being a good girlfriend (read: deserving of love).
Don’t let your CSA trauma make you more brain damaged by believing that women are actually self-aware of their conditioning but still choosing to act in this self-harming way just because.
No. 647308
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>>647287Oh god I'm so sorry anon, that is a fucking nightmare. Have you been able to catch any bugs on your own? Unfortunately they're probably living in the baseboards or other pieces of furniture in your room, so getting rid of the mattress isn't going to help. If your landlord doesn't do something about it, maybe inform the other building tenants? I know it's not fun to tell everyone you've got bedbugs, but it may be your best bet to have action taken, since they can potentially spread to other apartments. God they're so insidious. Good luck, seriously.
No. 647334
>>647327Yeah, can confirm. I've talked about preferences with a lot of other women, most are drawn to good looks, a charming personality and talent/skill. Not once in my life have I heard a woman utter a preference for a man who drives a certain car or just an expensive car in general.
It's funny how men think that women are so vain and materialistic. There's pleeennnnty of women who aren't, but these scrotes usually just go after the kinds of women who look like high-class prostitutes. What you see is what you get, guys, fucking humble yourselves.
No. 647360
>>647324It's not poverty, it's upbringing.
I live in the "bohemian quarter" of a wealthy liberal Western city and it's full of alcoholics, immigrants (of which I am one), junkies and upper middle-class art college girls puking on the street and fighting each other.
I've also lived in a literal third world shithole where the average monthly wages are what I make in a day here and it was a nice place with not a lot of crime (except for the mafia, but they usually push drugs abroad and leave normal people alone). Public services were a lot shittier but people there were more traditional and would take you to the cops if you puked, pissed or fought on the street and you'd be told to fuck off back where you came from if you caused trouble.
No. 647461
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>Show my hairdresser a pic of an e-girl with a cute shag haircut
>"WOW that's so cute anon!! You're going to look realy cool!!!! Let's do this"
>TFW he gave me pic related
No. 647491
>>647487I…I'm sorry anon, that's never a fun feeling, but why were you snooping through anyone's phone, especially your roommate's? That's odd behavior and not something you should do to anyone's private things, your friends', fiancé's, roommate's, etc. It saves you the hurt, but also, it's just not very appropriate.
Is it something you can talk to him about or want to, even?
No. 647494
>>647491Blame anon for finding out she's being backstabbed by her male friend of years. This is peak scrote mindset and I won't fucking stand for it.
Anon, fuck this other anon. I'm so sorry that this happened to you and it's not your fault for finding out even if this retard feels like you "got your own feelings hurt by snooping"
No. 647503
>>647092You probably weren't interested in a response but I've been looking into this subject recently. Forming relationships and social bonds is a biological, evolutionary response. Social bonds were extremely important to survival when we were cavemen since it could mean the difference between life and death, since bigger numbers mean more ability to hunt, create children, and learn and pass on information, and being rejected or isolated could be a death sentence. At a biological level our brain tells us that rejection and loneliness bad and companionship good and rewards us with the happy chemicals.
It's interesting to see how it works in the modern world, because obviously with technology its so much easier to keep in touch but I personally don't think it provides us with the same psychological satisfaction as in-person interaction. I know there's theories around pheremones and how subconsciously a persons' smell can make you more or less attracted to them, I wonder if that has something to do with how we befriend people and spend time together.
No. 647518
>>647487It sucks but he's just a roommate.
Keep the peace so you're not at each other's throats but it's fine if he doesn't like you, you're not dating or marrying him and it's likely he's just jealous anyway.
No. 647523
>>647491>>647494>>647517Mobile so sorry for issues
How it happened was:
Last night while we were watching a movie, I looked over to see if he was enjoying it and saw he was on his phone. I glanced down to see what he was doing and he turned his screen away and locked it, which he never does.
We're super close and even use each others phones for things like google or connecting to the wireless speakers, whichever phone is closer is the one we grab. Theres no secrets and a lot of trust.
After the weird turn away he went to pee and a message popped up, it caught my eye when it lit up and I saw the message was about me. His friend responded to my roommate and it wasnt complimentary.
I said nothing but felt like shit. This morning after he got up and turns on his pc he went to shower but left the messages with his friend up on discord and I could see where the conversation from last night was and so I snooped because he never hides things from me and I could clearly see it was negative and about my personal life.
I should not have looked, but I didnt expect to see my best friend and roommate that I console and care deeply about and love to air my dirty laundry and use it as a point to rip me apart over in private.
No. 647534
>>647506I said "sorry that happened to you, it's never a fun feeling," but then asked why she snooped (her word) because to me, that's not normal or healthy and bound to lead to hurt feelings. Plus
>two weeks worthReads as though she scrolled/read through shit. Didn't mean to come across so rudely, I just really do not understand snooping or looking through other people's things, especially when it's not even your partner.
>>647523Anyways, with more context, that makes sense as to how it happened, and that sucks. I'm still sorry that happened to you, and I hope you're able to fix your friendship if you want to, though it's understandable if you don't.
No. 647573
I started my first graduate job, it's pretty sweet since it's a shit load of training and 6 months long at a big reputable company.
But I found out that despite being told it was a mon-Fri 9-5 it's unpaid break, so either 8-5 or 9-6. But not only that, it's actually shift work. And the early times are so early it takes way longer to get there. The kicker is that the usual train I take gets me in 10 minutes later than the early start time. But nah, that's not acceptable it seems. Plus. PLUS. The late shift ends after 7 hours of work SO if we want to make up, you know, the wages and hours that were promised to us, we need to come in for 5 hours on Saturday.
Christ I hate to be complaining about my brand new job within a week, but that's shit. I'm glad it's super well paid and I felt like I was ready for hurdles, but certain work hours just fuck you up completely and I was excited for structure. Up early, evening free, plenty of cash for saving and hobbies while training for my actual desired position.
I think because it's my first job I just need to eat shit and get my first professional reference.
No. 647582
>>647102I think my mom hits points for being "emotionally"
abusive and I think it fucked me up in some ways, but she also wasn't/isn't that bad either and I'm not like a complete mess or anything. I don't really know how to think about it or how I should consider my moms behavior. It's a weird feeling
No. 647637
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Found a gold freemason ring, thought it was actually a gold ring until I went to the pawn shop.its gold plated,no shopping spree for me I guess
No. 647638
back to complain and ask stuff about my mom. how grateful should i be to her that she fed me, kept the bills paid, and a roof over my head?
i mean don't get me wrong i am very thankful – i am absolutely blessed that she isn't a retard and didn't raise me to be materialistic (e.g. i know that unless you have the money, you shouldn't be paying for a car note lol just buy one used) or uselessly evil to people, but she acts like because she did what she's supposed to as a parent (???) i should ignore all the bad shit she's done.
and whenever this topic comes up she's like
>i could've had all sorts of men in and out of the house! i could've beat you (though she did when i was in elementary-kindergarten lol)! i could've starved you! i could've done [x terrible thing you should never, ever do to a child] so be grateful and shut up! don't you remember when you did x y and z thing when you were in MIDDLE school??? what about hiding your grades when you were 15? you pushed me to do bad!!
and i don't know. am i in the wrong for wanting her to realize that she also did all of this >>647142 ? i mean i'm pretty sure that i was also suffering from autism or something growing up, but she never believed in mental illness (still doesn't).
and yeah she wasn't a terrible mom, and i wasn't the best kid, but it tires me out whenever she tries to act as if everything bad in our relationship is solely my fault, and that i should just totally ignore the things she's done wrong. i mean, unless i should? is it normal to just ignore your mom's misgivings?
thanks if you read all this shit. i'm just confused and have too much time to think
No. 647653
>>647646In anon's defense most "happiness" on youtube and social media is extremely manufactured and scripted in order to receive views and keep an audience.
Multiple studies have said that people who often go out of their way to project happiness online are often not so behind closed doors.
> people who are unhappy deep down get off on the fact that they've successfully sold others that they are happy. Couples wouldn't really need the outside validation if they truly were present in each other's company and didn't have shit to prove.
No. 647655
>>647654Wtf I've never heard this. I believe it, but I don't think that countering it by
being the one that grandpa cheats on his current wife with is the answer kek.
No. 647657
>>647651But at least they will start off with a stable mental health situation and probably have family and friends supporting them. Also they can go to therapy without breaking the bank.
>>647654If you pick someone rotten who would consider cheating that won't work kek a shitbag will aways go for women in their 20s as his wife ages
If anything i think marrying a guy who sees no issue in dating 13 years younger is more dangerous that one who dates in his own age bracket
No. 647666
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I can't stand my manager, she disgusts me in ways I can't even explain, seeing her boring, unfulfilling life is the best motivation to get the fuck out of here, get an education and finally get the comfy life I deserve.
I hope she's stuck in that shitty ass job forever, being constantly shit talked by everyone because she can't stop walking all over them.
An ex employee visited us a few month ago and my manager was very visibly distraught by how much she leveled up, can't wait for it to be me, I won't miss the opportunity to rub my success in her face
No. 647690
>>647680I never said she was a huge dick or a dick at all, I said it was odd/inappropriate behavior at worst. Also
>and the fact that he’s trying to get her fiancé to dump her is extra suspiciousNo he isn't? She has said this nowhere that I've read. He said he hopes they break up which absolutely rude, but that's not the same.
I read his messages as jealous, petty shit talking/venting but still private, not really nefarious. That shit is obviously still hurtful to see regardless, and I feel for OP for having to have seen it and her friend doing that to her. I still just disagree with snooping, including reading open messages that aren't addressed to you. It's just something I don't and wouldn't do personally, but to each their own. I really didn't mean to be unsympathetic to OP by questioning her behavior, though, I'm sorry to her for coming across that way. I was baffled and focused on the wrong thing.
No. 647693
>>647679This is honestly what I would like to know. I know so many men around my age (I'm 30) that have cheated on their partners but they still stay together because of their kids. I told one girl because she cried to me saying how her boyfriend had her kids saying "I hate you mommy" and he would break and hit her in front of them. I found out from my bf at the time this man had been cheating on her from when she was pregnant with their first child with a family friend. Gave her all the information and it's me that got isolated out lol. I suppose it's more humiliating to be cheated on, stay with the fucker and have someone realise you have no self respect than just dump the stupid fucker. This girl is gorgeous too, bilingual and clever. Just the one instance I know for certain where he cheated the other girl was a fat fucking desperate mess.
I was called a homewrecker for telling someone their husband to be had cheated lol. What the fuck ever!
No. 647703
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I'm in love with a man who I found out today is married AND has a child. I am absolutely heartbroken. I was dreaming of starting our lives together and now that fantasy is just a delusion.
No. 647705
>>647693Well, most people have this mentality "what stays in the family stays in the family". The survivial of institution of marriage is more important than anything else. I had more extreme cases than just cheating in my family, a woman got beaten up by her drunk husband and her own mother told her that a husband like this is still better than not having a husband at all. And this is a little OT but it's fucked up and I wanted to talk about it here anyway: my uncle and my mother had a romance when she was still in high school and he was
already married to my aunt, and my aunt put the entire blame on my mother. But of course, their marriage survived to this day. This sociopath was stalking my mother when she was pregnant with me. A year ago I had my last encounter with him (shortly after my mother died). He told me he loves me like he loved my mother and he tried to touch me. This fuck is 60 years old. And guess what? I can't say anything to my aunt because she would blame me and I would "ruin" the whole family.
No. 647707
>>647680>>647690OP here again.
I do want to correct that he isn't trying to break us up, he is however slamming our relationship and my fiance's personality to his friend and it guts me to see it.
At first I was upset a bit at you saying I shouldn't have snooped, but you're right that I shouldn't have in other circumstances. However, since the message did reference me and was clear that it was shit-talking over personal matters, I felt that since my privacy wasn't respected and I was being backstabbed that snooping wasn't out of line.
What frustrates me is that I made a vague comment about a Dr. appointment my roommate had to my fiance on a phonecall and he blew up at me after saying that it was his personal private life and I had no right to mention it. Which fair, I suppose. But he's got no right then himself to go into detail of my private personal life to his friend to make the butt of commentary and outright be vicious towards me for no reason.
I held him while he cried for 40 minutes last night about his depression and his feelings and I didn't mind it one bit because I care about him deeply, but to see this morning that he was being vicious towards me in that way hurts deeply and I feel betrayed and used.
And everyone can get mad at me here, but one thing they said seemed to reference a different conversation so I ctrl+f'd my name and saw a lot of other vicious commentary about me between my roommate and the friend and I have no clue how to bring it up since I shouldn't even be aware it exists.
It's hurtful and upsetting that I've held his hand through failing out of his dream job and his issues in general, pushed him to seek therapy and SSRI's and the shit-talk goes back to July.
I did get what I deserved, hurt feelings and the truth, of which is more shitty I'm unsure.
No. 647718
>>647707I didn't really understand the nature of you and your roommate/best friend's relationship from your OP or, obviously, how deep the conversation went or what it was about. I jumped to conclusions/criticized the behavior thinking you were just reading through a roommate/acquaintance's messages which don't hold much weight imo, but obviously, that's not the case. Things get lost online/when you don't have the whole story, and although I appreciate the clarification, I still should have been more considerate to your feelings than focusing on the wrong thing, and again, I apologize to you directly!
Yeesh, though. All that in mind, that sounds really rough, anon, and I'm sorry. It's not fun in the simplest of circumstances, but considering your relationship and background, that's harder. He sounds like he's unstable/going through a very difficult time, and your kindness is being lost on him. I don't know what to tell you in regards to moving forward or if you're even looking for advice, but I hope that your own self-worth isn't diminished by his messages. Your personal life is still yours, his perception of it and how he (unfortunately) shares it with others doesn't make it reality.
No. 647727
>>647707I stayed out of commenting on your OP cause I knew there had to be more details, but I just wanted to say it's best to move out because that kind of relationship dynamic is inappropriate and frankly super bizarre. Not necessarily because of anything you did, but the fact that your male friend seems very enmeshed in your business and takes your emotional energy. What's your payoff, are there no better friends for you to have? Even my friends who go through shit I can at least still have fun with every now and then and expect they won't talk maliciously about me.
I'm not going to ask how old, but if he's above the age of 25 and retreating into another man's wifes' arms for comfort–he is a giant baby with no boundaries. It's creepy.
No. 647744
>>647739Ngl I don't trust a single costhot/ddlg person who justifies it by saying they're CSA
victims. I'm not saying she didn't go through those things, I just don't think that it excuses or created her kinks/behavior. She should go to therapy for hypersexuality and healing from her trauma, not perpetuating pedo/ephebophilia. This goes for all of them btw, not just her.
No. 647747
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>>647716Yeah, but attentionwhoring males are fun to watch. The wast majority of his stuff got deleted from insta but from time to time something like this happens. This cat is like "please kill me" kek. Unedited photo was deleted too and thank god I haven't seen the original. I wish I had the power to stop following him. At least I don't write cringe comments
No. 647748
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>>647745Exactly this. She’s still very young and probably thinks/is influenced to believe she’s reclaiming her sexuality, but she’s not. None of them are. I wasn’t, this anon isn’t, and she isn’t.
Then of course there are these cancerous, malicious bitches. This was posted in another locked thread, but I can’t not think about it in these contexts. These men are her audience even if she doesn’t respond this way.
No. 647749
>>647739naj judge her. shes only feeding into the people who do that to young kids.
being slutty isnt an answer to csa.
No. 647759
nah people take it seriously just people like her make a joke of it.
No. 647764
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I moved to a different country alone as a teen because mine isn't livable. I'm very grateful for everything my host country provided for me, but I'm fucking miserable here because they're all extremely unfriendly and after 10 years here I still have zero friends except two of my exes and a few people from school I'll talk to once in a while online.
I speak the language and have a good job, but most people at my work are older, people in college didn't want to be friends with anyone who is foreign (they refuse to go places together or say they're busy), they don't have any café culture to speak of, all they do is go drinking and have parties with drinking games with the sole purpose of getting shitfaced and I don't like alcohol so they thought I was too judgmental (?) and didn't invite me anywhere.
Men here are boring and inbred-looking, they don't flirt or approach anyone, they expect the woman to do the approaching (not worth the effort, rather kms), and all they do is play video games, watch ice hockey and drink at home. But they all want like 5 kids lol and will neg you for not being submissive like they thought a girl "like you" would be.
The worst part is I've approached so many girls asking to hang out over the years and they always act like I'm creepy and weird to even ask them to hang out and makes me feel like I'm smelly and gross or something. I thought the issue was with me and I was too creepy/autistic but when I went on study exchange to other countries I had no problems meeting people and everyone loved to do stuff with me. Then I had to come back because my visa expired and now I'm back to square one.
I'm so incredibly lonely and I want to go somewhere where people aren't so miserable to be around, but I can't because I'd need visas just to think of living in another country since I'm from a veritable shithole in the Middle East. I can't even visit my parents back home.
No. 647766
>>647759Yeah. I was pushed to make this post after she posted a pic of her and a topless girl with nipple covers giving her a kiss on the cheek with a cig hanging out of her mouth. At "rehab." Captioned "I love rehab." I can't fucking deal with it, she only posts shit like this and how her therapist is hot.
You're right and I know that, but jesus christ does it suck to see people shitting on proper mental health care or making a joke out of their resources. Nothing about the actual care or therapy she's supposedly receiving.
No. 647773
>>647769Was it the inbred men that gave it away?
>>647770Capital, like all other immigrants
No. 647784
>>647775You need citizenship, and I'm from Iran so it's quite difficult to move around with my passport.
>>647777Already said that I speak the language and have a full time job where I use it, before you also accuse me of leeching off the benefits like some people have in the past.
Got no bad attitude towards natives or the culture, good for your friends but I literally described my experience which was very different from theirs and I'm not the only one.
The only people who didn't complain of this were exchange students who are treated differently.
Sorry you feel called out by my post.
>>647781That's quite sad, don't they get lonely and want a female friend to talk to?
No. 647793
>>647773When you say you speak the language, what's your realistic level and do you use it primarily instead of slipping to English? I've met a ton of foreign expats (because of my work) from all around the world who live in Finland and most of them are very happy to live in here and integrate well, but the ones who don't usually don't understand the language and don't feel like becoming fluent in it as it's very hard for a non-native to grasp. Vice versa most Finns find speaking in English exhausting unless they're very seasoned speakers. They're self conscious about their accent and plenty of them aren't able to converse in it for too long. I find myself struggling to find words all the time when speaking in English even though I consider myself fluent enough to survive in a professional environment.
Another thing is that most people are shy in general and have an inferiority complex towards foreigners (historical reasons) and stray away from facing them as they think they'll offend you somehow. Especially because you say you're from the Middle East, people are particularly scared of saying something
problematic even if they don't mean to. That's probably why you feel they consider you "creepy and weird".
Not trying to devalue your experiences by any means, just explaining my own observations. However I don't know where you find men who only watch ice hockey and want kids because most men I know don't really care about hockey and are even horrified of the thought of getting kids, there are even constant headlines of how native men don't plan on having kids and hate the thought.
No. 647818
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>>647814Most of it in terms of sheer land, at least that's how it looks to me going off the maps I googled. But I get it, I'm just a dumbass american lol
No. 647824
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Every year looks like this for me. Time goes faster and faster and I can't find a purpose in life
No. 647830
>>647791I tried to apply twice but was refused because of my family's "criminal background" (I'm not a terrorist, they're just political opposition) and then because I didn't have the right permit long enough upon application, will try again soon. I do have permanent residency now.
>>647793I'm fluent (I'd be ashamed of myself if I wasn't after this much time), I do have an accent but that can't be helped. People understand me fine though and I have no difficulties in my professional life, I'm a dentist. I don't speak English with people unless they're also foreign because Finns switching to English was a huge issue for me trying to learn the language at the beginning and I had to pretend I didn't speak it.
>People are particularly scared of saying something problematic even if they don't mean toI've been heavily pushed to be a lähihoitaja (don't know the English word) as a student, patients asked for another doctor a few times, a teacher didn't believe I could score high in exams and told me I was cheating. I don't think absolutely nobody means it but that's a different story.
>most men I know don't really care about hockey and are even horrified of the thought of getting kidsDamn can I have their number? Granted I don't date much but those that I dated wouldn't stop pushing for marriage, or kids "so they can raise them when they're young and be a hot dad". Though they'd need to be hot to be a hot dad but w/e.
>>647820I don't like the Muslims here, they're mostly Somali and too trad for me, it's what I ran away from. Anyway I've been to France, Spain and Germany and they were much better for me in terms of socializing. And unfortunately Finland is only woke when it comes to trannies and gay people, there's plenty of xenophobia when you pay attention to it.
No. 647859
>>647718It's okay anon, you don't need to apologize. Thank you for being understanding however. I hope you have a wonderful evening/day.
>>647719Atm I cannot, due to covid my fiance are in different countries since I moved for uni but he should be able to come here once restrictions are lifted on travel.
>>647727Sadly since I just moved countries for uni and he's the only one I know here, I don't have much other option.
I ended up confronting him and there were a lot of tears and an apology and admittal of sheer jealousy of me since things in his life have pretty much hit rock bottom and kept going.
We're 25 and 26, I think he's not an awful person inherently but just in a fucked place mentally and emotionally and his friend is 100% a
toxic influence.
The confrontation ended with him agreeing to seek therapy for his issues and to cut contact with the friend.
For right now I can't move out since I can't get a job atm to support rent alone but once I'm able to work I can probably split ways when I'm stable to.
No. 647862
>>647859I would still be on guard, sounds like he blame shifted to the friend. Not saying they aren't shitty too but mid 20s is old to be "roped in by a
toxic friend" and have that as a convincing excuse for anything. Hope everything is okay from hear on out though
No. 647919
>>647859Finland isn't woke to trannies what the fuck are you talking about. Racism I don't know since I'm a native but one look at AV-palsta and you'll see people shitting on troons all the time and doctors are constantly critical of them and are even tightening the requirements for tranisitoning. Not to turn this into a tranny debate but this just
triggered me and hurt my national pride lmao
Sorry you don't feel welcome though, I'd totally be your friend if I wasn't so afraid of outing myself browsing lolcow. Just gonna say (words of encouragement I guess?) that the grass isn't always greener on the other side, temporarily visiting other countries and meeting new and interesting people there is always more fascinating and different from actually living there permanently and having to deal with the bleak everyday life.
No. 647925
>>647913>He said he got it because when he went to the store there were people in the way of the white cakes so he grabbed this one. Hahaha. What's more likely anon: That a bunch of strangers bullied him out of the patience to get you your cake, or he just grabbed what he wanted and made up an excuse after the fact.
At least let him know you're disappointed and you won't be eating what he brought. A man who's decent would attempt to make it right to make you happy. A cake isn't asking much.
No. 647949
>>647939NTA, but
>when he went to the store there were people in the way of the white cakes so he grabbed this one. He was so bothered that people were "in the way" that he couldn't say excuse me or ask an employee for another cake? Who gets that bothered by the presence of other people when shopping for a gift? "Oh other people are standing in the way, guess I can't get that one," said no one ever.
No. 647952
>>647947>>647945go back to twitter.
sucks about the cake but that why i take myself out every year, i do exactly what i want with no one to tell me shit
No. 647972
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>>647960Oh gosh anon please don't have a baby until your financially ready and can raise them in a stable environment. Don't hook up with a dude on tinder and end up being a single mother with a child that wasn't raised by both parents. You have so much time to have a baby. Babies are gross sometimes anyway, see pic.
>>647963I thought so too, but the rest of the post made me think it was serious. How weird.
No. 647975
>>647954Ugh, I feel this so hard. My mom constantly criticized my friendships, essentially telling me I wasn't good enough for anyone. It was weird because I had some friends that were objectively awful people, and she would tell me to stop hanging out with them. But when it came to my friends that were actually solid, good people, suddenly I was the bad person who didn't deserve their companionship. Honestly, I'm pretty sure she was just projecting her own insecurities on to me. She has never treated me or my sister as separate from herself.
>>647965This. Moms like this are fundamentally broken people and don't even realize half the time how awful they are to their kids. They are so desperate for attention that they will openly abuse you in order to break you and keep you dependent on them.
No. 647978
>>647960I have a little baby fever right now, I think it's because I've got a coworker whose pregnant and about to pop and my ovulation cycle messing with me. Us buying her cute baby stuff warmed my heart so much.
I'd never actually try and get pregnant at the irresponsible ass state I'm in, though. I can think about having kids, like the idea, but I cant imagine actually having them until I'm stable
No. 647979
>>647913Uh… it's weird saying this over a cake but he just doesn't care that much about you or your feelings.
I'm considerate enough to buy shit my friends like and love seeing seeing how happy they get.
No. 647989
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>>647972God fucking dammit blowout diaper pics make me want to die every time. Baby fever cured before it even spiked this time.
No. 647998
>>647954>My mum asking me how the hell I have friends because I'm such an awful unlovable person. How could they stand to be around such a parasite. Her wanting to know if i'm compensating them in someway for the chore of pretending to be my friend. Your mother is projecting. She feels like an unlovable parasite who no one ever wants to do unconditionally for, and since she sees herself in you, how could you possibly be living any differently? She's seething with sadness and jealousy.
My mom once said similar, I feel like she always brought up my friends to make me feel isolated. She would flat out tell me that no one was ever gonna love me as much as her, which is an alienating and cruel lie. Whenever we fought she always accused me of having "no real friends" based on the fact that my earliest high school friends by and large took advantage of me (in no small thanks to her bc I was emotionally neglected and abused). When I started to list my adult friends, she rattled off reasons why they weren't true friends and moved the goal posts when I rebuttled otherwise. She'd gish gallop from picking apart every vent I ever told her about them in confidence. To saying how by virtue of her being older than me, she had the truest friendships and mine were only five years long or so, so there, I had no real friends.
Spoiler: My mom has little to no fucking friends counting the one high school friend she sees maybe every several years. Plus maybe a couple of old coworkers who she never sees and who must suffer her rants phone calls when she masters the narcissistic gumption to be vulnerable to another human for asspats. She has no friends to do anything with. She's a lonely, miserable hag and when she said that to me I was too hurt to realize she was projecting in the same way your mom is projecting onto you.
It's not your fault, you just have an emotionally unintelligent parent protected by a society that has painted them as saints.
No. 648042
>>648030So would you fuck a man?
>>648034Yeah I should say "repulsed by the idea of fucking a male".
>>648039>vaguelyNot really. But yeah, having sex with a male totally seems like a lesbian thing.
No. 648052
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>>648043Absolute queen shit, happy birthday!!!
No. 648057
>>648043Supreme queen shit, anon.
I'm proud of you.
No. 648072
>>648064Okay but what does it mean to look like a grown woman? People have always thought I'm way younger than I am and it's literally only because I have a small chest and don't use makeup or wear hyperfeminine fashion. I know it's treated as lying/humblebragging when people say this here because apparently all girls want to look like little kids these days like you said. But the idea that I need to have big tits or cake my face in makeup to be a "woman" when I'm a full grown woman just like anyone else kind of
triggers me.
This isn't exactly directed at you anon I'm just ranting
No. 648102
>>648002>>648092There's no difference. NEWFAGGOTS OUUUUT
>>648065I've only ever read it in an ironic tone here, dumb bitch meme type energy. You bitches have autism or genuine twitterfags who can't tell the difference.
No. 648106
>>648072I apologize I didn't specify what I meant by "women". What I mean is very UwU type of stuff some girls seem to chase despite being much older. I understand wanting to look cute but I guess the best way to explain would be Taylor R's chipmunk phase type of cute. The weird top shaped lips, trying to minimize chin type of aesthetic.
I understand some people may look young naturally and it's fine but like the other anon said maybe it's just the internet and the current trends.
I wish we were in an age where we didn't fear aging or where girls didn't feel the need to shoop themselves into children.
>>648073Maybe you're right about it maybe being just the internet and trends. I bring this up today because it was bizarre seeing it out in the wild today.
No. 648113
>>648105I'm inclined to believe you seeing that these babies actually think fag and faggot are different lol
That's some nigga/nigger type cognitive dissonance.
>>648112Bitch you on the wrong website.
No. 648120
>>648114>>648106Shit, meant to post more.
Aging is zero percent fun, as far as the physical aspect. There might be some cool things that come out of it like cheek fat fucking off, but outside of that it's mostly shit. I can't say that I've met anyone in person that's excited about their skin thinning, wrinkles, fucked up hormone imbalances, and shit just in general not being where you're used to. I don't think that's ever going to change
No. 648131
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>>648065Because it's fun and I can, and women who actually grow a spine fucking deserve the title. Peasant women are servile doormats.
No. 648151
>>648104I'm hoping I get discharged tomorrow, I've been in since Sunday but I'm still pretty sore tbh. They put me on morphine for a couple of nights which was awesome but I'm worried about managing the pain at home. Thanks for asking anon, that's really nice
>>648124Thank you anon!!!
No. 648154
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this is small but i just lost all my files after my windows backup fucked up. i had to reset my entire laptop for a stupid fucking hardware issue and i thought i had it backed up. i just lost so much of my fucking art AND all my games and shit!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!! FUCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!! SO MUCH SHIIIT goNEEE FUCK MICROsoft!!!!!!!! GAY RICH CUUUUNTS
No. 648159
They're still recoverable if you don't do any activities on it that would overwrite data.
No. 648193
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I can cum only when I have a half-full bledder. I tried to learn to cum without needing to pee but it seems like I can't
No. 648242
>>643728Dietician is probably correct. Many diabetics wind up with secondary gastroparesis from nerve damage and red meat is the biggest forbidden food for sufferers of that.
(sorry for replying to 5 day old comment)
No. 648314
>>648159i just needed to update the driver and had to connect an Ethernet cable into my laptop to be able to do it., so i tried the troubleshooter a shit ton of times i realized i did NOThave to reset my laptop at all, and im retarded. i couldnt search it up because the internet went out when it happened. My art is mostly saved from a usb but my minecraft saves are gone which is eh but im fine now. i had a bit of a headache during it and i just kept fucking around. radical acceptance. i did a lot of scans and checked things around seems like its back to normal but i do kinda wanna recover the game save files so i may visit a repair shop
No. 648326
>>648321Yes. 29 here–it gets worse!
Hearing people talk about 2014 like it's ancient history upset me cause it feels like yesterday to meee.
No. 648359
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>having light spirited convo on video call with bf after hitting a bowl
>mentioned earlier about wanting to trade what the one dish would be to prepare for each other if either of us ever has a bad day, what our code words are, etc
>it was rather wholesome imo
>I said homemade brownies, bf says he doesn't know how to make them without a mix–but that's ok bf just google it teehee!
>it's his turn to share what he would like
>forgot he's a picky fucking eater
>says chicken nuggets but only the frozen ones from the fancy organic store he works for
>say how I can make those homemade for him so wouldn't he prefer that?
>"WELL, if you're gonna make them from those antibiotic fed chickens from the factory where they keep them in horrible conditions and…"
>[insert sperg about factory raised chicken that I couldn't interrupt for a whole two minutes]
>"…my body knows the difference!"
>the sperging stops momentarily
>"Wait bf, so you're saying if I cooked a piece of farmed chicken your body would be able to tell you it's different from free-ranged right then?"
>"W-well not now but maybe TEN YEARS FROM NOW, see the chicken contains chemicals–"
>"Holy shit dude. Forget it, you completely ruined my good mood because you had to go off on me about abused factory chicken when all I did was offer to make you something you liked homemade on a rainy day. Remember what we were talking about?"
>"Sorry that the way I worded my preference offended you, anon. But you shop at places like Food Lion and that's the type of meat they have there."
Why are men like this? Do they just sense when you're trying to have a good time and squash all the joy from you? I ended the call early, he knows I'm annoyed. He texted me with a better apology and is now trying to make light, but jesus what a fucking buzzkill. I don't like to be pontificated to when I'm only trying to be nice.
No. 648362
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This shit year has been quite annoying, my uncle is crazier than even and 2 important people to my family died. I also gained a bunch of kilos and I can’t seem to be able to lose them even though I’ve been sick and can’t eat properly because of that.
I’ve been thinking about suicide and dying even more than usual and I just want to be with my family but at the same time I just want to be alone.
I’m glad I’m home and not in Africa though, that would have made this year even more shit, so I’m thankful for that.
Sometimes writing these whines can really help me realize how things are not that bad.
No. 648385
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I get so stressed when I think about how all the adopted cats from the shelter I work at are doing. I know a lot of people just don't value cats at all and will give them the bare minimum of care or dump them outside when they decide they don't want them anymore (or bring them to a kill shelter, even though our contract specifically tells adopters to return the cat to our no-kill facility if care can no longer be given. We just picked up one of our alumni cats from a kill shelter. They had him for a whole two years and dumped him there to die. We only got him back because his microchip led to our shelter). I hate shitty people with a lack of empathy for defenseless animals. What utter pieces of shit
No. 648394
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>>648385you have such a big heart anon omg ilu. I'm gonna give my cat a huge hug and kissy on the forehead just for you.
No. 648417
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>>648394Awww omg, you're so sweet. Definitely give your kitty the biggest forehead smooch!!
No. 648418
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>>648385anon I no longer have time to volunteer but just know what you're doing is appreciated and the cats and staff appreciate you as well! when I volunteered at a no kill shelter for a couple years, I cried a lot of tears seeing the conditions of some of the animals, but got to see a lot of them recover and the "unadoptables" be adopted. it's honestly a sad experience to see animals in a state knowing humans have treated them like shit, and it makes me hate humanity, but know that there's many heartful people like you and the others who work at the shelter who are willing to help and rehabilitate them.
No. 648452
>>648449Yeah, I know I'm being
abusive and there's no excuse for it. I think the best thing for us at this point is to spend some time apart, but that's kind of difficult with the rona and all.
No. 648460
>>647764Hey anon, late reply but I've had a similar experience.
I'm a white European and have many friends now but they're mostly foreign for this reason, when I tried to make friends before a girl literally told me she already has friends, an animal adoption agency said they didn't want to let me adopt a dog because I'm from a country they don't like so I might abuse it, I was called a visa whore from chernobyl and my exbf's mum said I was stealing taxpayer money for taking out a student loan that I paid back later, and I can't complain because people always say it must be something I'm doing wrong and I'm lying because this is the best country ever and they know 100 other people like me who are doing amazing so they can't be racist. They had no issues shitting on my culture and calling it poor and depressing though.
I'll drop a fake email if you wanna hang out, let's chat.
No. 648502
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I've been cheated on before and while I want to believe there can be a good man out there and I want good and trusting relationship, when I see shit like what just happened with Rooster Teeth guy, his private messages to these girls while he was married, it makes me sick to my stomach and I just lose all hope… why must men be like this? Why the odds of finding someone good and honest feel so slim?
No. 648503
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>>648502an anime husbando would never betray you
No. 648513
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>>648503NTA, but understanding that you don't need real dick to be happy is something amazing. Getting a husbando really helps with coping with loneliness and other stuff, men are disposable.
No. 648517
>>648503Even though I used to be a weeb I could never really get into husbandos lifestyle, even when I was younger, I guess I'm missing out lol
>>648508Realistically I know that's the case but given I was cheated on by a complete basic and not famous rando makes me paranoid every man is like this sadly, it just sucks, what if I can't move past this.
No. 648571
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Get some introspection.
No. 648592
Best of luck with your life going forward, anon.
No. 648599
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A professor for one of my classes ignored a question I had about our assignments, twice. I know it's petty, but I'm honestly irritated. He definitely read it, too. He just skipped over it and then started talking about other things.
Like, just say yes or no like a normal human instead of making me waste my time waiting in this Zoom after class. It's not difficult, lmao.
No. 648636
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>>648612The only reason I can think why he'd ignore it is because answering it might've made him look like a bad/lazy teacher or something (it was on whether or not he leaves feedback for our stuff, and where we could check). I asked another student, and they said they don't think he does, so oh well.
Also, it's a Yunnan snub-nosed monkey, kek.
No. 648652
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>>648636Thanks, I hate it. They remind me of this motherfucker. Also, sorry to hear your prof doesn't give feedback. That always sucks and makes it harder to improve.
No. 648830
>>648418Wow, props to you for volunteering at a kill-shelter! I would certainly have a difficult time working at one, but it's necessary and difficult work! It really is quite upsetting to see how cruelly animals have been treated, especially the ones who can't recover.
We had a coonhound this last winter with a hard lump on her head that the veterinarian we work with deemed was caused by a hard hit to the head. We ended up discovering after behavioral issues (sudden aggression, excessive barking, anxiousness) that she had been hit so hard that a lobe of her brain had detached and that there was nothing we could do. I cried so hard when I learned she was euthanized. (I had worked a shift with her the same day she went for xrays and subsequent euthanasia. I wish I would have known, I would have stayed with her and pampered her) She was wild and sweet and obviously couldn't help her neurological problems.
It's hard to see abused animals, and some outcomes are difficult to swallow, but it is the most rewarding feeling seeing an emaciated dog or cat gain weight, or learn to trust humans again. I'm so glad there are people like you and those I work with that care just as much. Makes my heart happy, really.