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No. 714830
Previous thread
>Reminder that if you are a radfem/pinkpill/Terf sperg/gendercrit, the "unpopular opinions thread" is not your reverse uno to continue the discourse. Nor is it your general place to try and fight people. Ignore posters you disagree with.If you are here to;
>sperg about trannies ruining your board, or your conspiracies that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny - BAN.>explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN.>fight people who disagree with you - BAN.>post vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.>reply to someones personal experiences because you inherently disagree with their views - BAN.>discuss your views on racism - BAN.>have gender crit discussions - BAN.>try and score twitter cookie points by dunking on the "bigot" terfs - BAN.If you are here to;
>complain that your boyfriend did x/ you got cat called/ you had a bad day due to a man - NO BAN.>talk about your personal experience and opinions. - NO BAN.>HOWEVER, personal experiences and opinions do not devolve into long political discussions nor do they contain your tangent on how all men are scum or how you want to ethnically purge because once upon a time a (((man))) said you are fat. No. 714873
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first opinion of the thread: would prefer a different thread OP image but honestly I cant think of one I'd use either
No. 714880
>>714873Second opinion: I actually really like the OP image. It's cute and I hope there are more to come like that.
Not even trying to be contrarian, I was going to come to this thread just to say this
No. 714901
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>>714882I second this. Eyeliner is kind of hard to do, and sometimes makeup looks (especially natural/light looks) can be improved with none.
No. 714911
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I find it ridiculous that marriage between first cousins is illegal because "the kids may be born retarded", but marriages between people with serious genetical conditions aren't, when the risk of the kid being born with some genetic defect is much, much higher than in the case of cousins. I have zero empathy for people with serious conditions who choose to breed. There's no excuse for it. I personally don't get the appeal of fucking your cousin, but I still consider it far less disgusting and not as morally wrong.
No. 714949
>>714911agreed, it's irresponsible and selfish to put your own desire to reproduce before your offsprings health and the terrible quality of life they'll have. Shit, I don't even want to reproduce and risk passing my own ugly (but healthy) genes onto my child.
Society gives them asspats for it too, like well done for creating another monster, here's a fucking medal.
No. 714983
>>714911I have type one diabetes, and I can't fucking stand going to support groups because every fucking time I try, everyone there has reproduced and condemned more souls to the fucking nightmare.
The last time I went, this stupid cunt was crying about 3 out of her 4 children having diabetes when she fucking knew that her husband had it his entire life.
Why the fuck did you have four fucking kids with him?
Why would you do this to them?
You knew you lived in America, you knew your husband was diabetic, and
still you chose to get pregnant four fucking times.
You damned them, this is your fucking fault, selfish piece of shit, when they cut your husband's feet off and plug him into a dialysis machine, he fucking deserves it, so do you, but you'll never know this suffering you lucky fucking cunt.
Sorry for rant; you are right anon. End my life lmfao.
No. 715028
>>714911Ugh, I hate this. My mom's neighbours' all have had some type of horrible cancer, brain cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, overall terrible genetics on both sides of the family, and the neighbours' daughter (the one that had brain cancer) still decided to have children, even after EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THAT FAMILY HAD CANCER, in some cases multiples types.
I don't know that this is an unpopular opinion though, everyone I've ever talked to feels the same way even if they don't say it out loud.
No. 715089
>>714911I know a sonic obsessed autist woman who also has chronic fatigue, fibro, depression, can barely function most days… Talks about her pain and array of symptoms all day on fb.. But she's somehow had four babies over the years. All disabled in some way. 2 out of the four have autism. Not high functioning either. They all have different dads but her genes just shine through.
Living in a country with a generous benefits system you notice the dumb have more babies here while people with smarts or the earned means to raise kids seem to be skipping parenthood altogether. What a combination.
No. 715186
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>>715175>Thin lips honestly look betterI have to disagree (with this whole post but this point especially), anon. Of course they don't suit everyones face, but natural plump or big lips are superior imo but I'm biased. I even feel like a person with "huge" lips is better than someone with ultra thin Amy Schumer lips. A lot of people look good with small lips though.
Anyway, you sound like the type of person who doesn't notice subtle surgery, but suddenly thinks it looks horrible when they reveal it's ps.
No. 715204
>>715048>All body types are different, obviously, so it's better to see clothes on someone with slim proportions. and then you can estimate what it would like when you add your own curves inThis is how you end up with people who see a model with a rectangle/banana figure looking good in an outfit, and buy it, thinking the construction will give their hourglass figure the same effect. Bad idea, whether or not the customer is skinny.
The more body types are modelling items of clothing, the easier it will be for people to figure out what works for their body and what doesn't. I'd even go as far as to argue that having plus sized vs "normal" sized examples isn't enough. In an ideal universe, there would be pear/hourglass/rectangle/apple/hourglass/etc shape examples for items of clothing, in all size ranges.
It'd even give more jobs to more models.
No. 715242
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>>715186nayrt but that's a really bad faith example, amy poehler is ugly regardless, nasolabial folds, buckteeth and megachin. here's one example as unfair as yours.
i agree attractive thin lips are rarer, but i feel like beautiful thin lips are more remarkable than beautiful big lips because for thin lips to be beautiful they have to have a perfect shape, and their thinness make them more delicate on top of that.
i hope broad features go out of fashion soon and beautiful fairylike ones come back in, they are so much more unique and uncommon.
No. 715248
>>715246anon, please don't feel bad, i didn't mean to shit on women that look any type of way.
i'm really ugly myself, i just like looking at beautiful people in movies/ads or whatever, knowing i look nothing like they do.
also you do what you want, but there's a million other thing you can do with the amount you need for surgery. whataver you do i hope you end up feeling okay about yourself.
No. 715330
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>>715260Just because you don’t like a nice ship, doesn’t mean you have to shit on shippers. Don’t talk to me or my ship’s son again.
No. 715345
>>715200>>715184>>715245EXACTLY. It makes me confused beyond belief when this happens. Poor families at least you have no real expectation of support, so you can atleast plan on if you can get a scholarship or the reality of getting loans. So many middle class kids are fucked over because their parents have such a big income (by US standards) that they can't get any support or financial aid. My friend's mom owns and rents property, his dad has owns a restaurant and has owned others in the past. Both tried to claim him as a dependent despite the fact he's been on his own since like 17 and didn't get a stimulus because of them. He has to plan his income weekly and can't really afford to go off track on frivolous shit.
I really do hope with the new generation of parents someone finally makes it "cool" to actually fuckin be there for your children. That 18 doesn't magically mean your job is done for something you chose to sing up for.
No. 715388
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>>715204Picrel is the photo that inspired my post. I have to pick from a selection of bridesmaids dresses, but I can't tell if this dress is supposed to be hip hugging, or her hips are just super fat. If it was a skinnier model, I'd be better able to tell how the dress is supposed to fit with how the fabric hangs. If the model was a rectangle and it's tight on her hips, I know it would be extremely tight on mine. With this I have no idea.
No. 715397
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Despite all the cringe that spawned from the game, I still think Sans is a well-written character.
No. 715409
>>715388Don't they usually let you know the b/w/h sizes of the model in addition to the sizes on the dress? Couldn't you extrapolate it that way, knowing your own measurements and how they relate to the model's?
Maybe it's just because of my own experience and I'm not trying to invalidate your problem, but I feel like this issue is worse when it's about picking clothes when you're busty. Take your example; the model clearly has breasts that are very far apart and fairly small for her size. It gives me absolutely 0 idea of what a larger chest would look like in it and whether the cut would be too deep.
No. 715414
>>715409All it says is the model is 5'11 and size 16. The sizes are pretty close to my proportions, so it should fit. But I don't know the model's proportions so I can't compare.
Oh well. Life goes on..
No. 715480
>>715475You said that the point of lip injections/fillers is to make the lips resemble a pussy. I want a source on that, because it sounds like a leap.
Honestly, I think it's a leap in general to state that the point of all plastic surgery is rooted in sexual appeal. Kind of surprised to see that since so many anons on this board seem to be in favor of it, yet the anti-porn narrative is equally strong.
No. 715487
>>715476This is some circular ass logic. "If people want it big its a sex part"
What makes lips a "sex part" in the first place? Why are they more of a "sex part" than bellies and thighs?
No. 715498
>>715497Did I call them friends?
Sorry I wanted to type bullies tbh.
No. 715500
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Poor people deserve to be poor because they're too dumb to make money. It's actually a miracle we pay for their upkeep in the first place.
Especially the men are useless, it's infuriating to think them using their right to vote.
No. 715567
>>715519t. Instagram “influencer” with only male followers
I am flyyyy
No. 715569
>>715089I feel like the government should just give tax cuts to rich, smart career women for donating their eggs and start raising test tube children in government orphanages with hired nurses that smoothly transitions to a boarding school type living when they're 5. It would create more jobs, ensure the new generation is healthier, people who don't want to be parents wouldn't need to, but they wouldn't take their good genes into the grave either.
The person in charge of each orphanage should definitely be elected by the local cities and towns though, so the political party in power doesn't have too much power to teach them dogma.
No. 715575
>>715569No one is ever 100% healthy, someone being rich and smart does not mean they have good genes. Also raising a bunch of children with no parents in a boarding school (isn't molestation super common in boarding schools?) is not a good idea. You can't even say to put them in adoption centers cause, be honest, how many children are really getting adopted? How many children are being "adopted" so the foster parents can make a quick buck? How many children who
are adopted get mistreated? It's honestly just not a good plan for a lot of reasons imo.
No. 715590
>>715575I think the parents with careers would still probably like to see their children and have them over for summers and holidays when school's out. And that could be part of the program when you sign up for it. Many modern children spend most of their early life in daycare, sleeping and school anyway, so I don't know if it would even cut that much from their actual time seeing their parents.
>>715577Why do people always say dystopian? If you keep it democratically elected on a local level and transparent so social workers can make sure the conditions are good, it shouldn't turn into any "evil government raises loyal pawns" kind of thing. If you put one of these facilities in a nice small town that's very community-oriented, I'm sure a lot of the townsfolk would also volunteer to put up events and stuff for the kids especially if the mayor took initiative in organizing it.
No. 715594
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The "Karen" stuff is just a lowkey way to hate on all white women for having any sort of opinion that isn't orthodox idpol.
No. 715601
>>715594shit pic to pick as your example
Karen is annoying when used against any moderately annoyed woman, but the pic + your comment makes you look butt hurt
No. 715606
>>715603Police brutality affects all races, using "
PoC" as a whole here is stupid too since Hispanics and Asians are less likely to die as a result of an arrest than Whites. All you've done with BLM is turn it into a racial issue that most non-Black people see as increasingly militant and dumb.
>>715605I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm a socialist.
No. 715611
>>715608Not seeing what's bait about how taking the issue of US policy brutality and making it racially charged has.
1. Memory holed literally hundreds of white
victims of police killing
2. Created a social paradigm where opposition to police brutality is seen as a near-exclusively "anti-racist", idpol activism, as opposed to class-based activism.
btw: I don't give a shit about George Floyd. Dude was a piece of trash.
>>715606Of course police brutality affects all races, retard. You clearly choose to ignore that most of the people that represented the 2020 BLM movement were unlawfully killed, even George Floyd, who
is a criminal, but the officer who killed him wouldn't have known that but even if he did it wouldn't have excused suffocating him. Black people being targeted by the police is not a new thing. If other races wanted to stand up for police brutality against their people they could.
>>715609I did not put any words in her mouth. She simply said BLM, which is the entire movement. And if it was specifically about the people setting fires and attacking civilians (aka people who didn't actually protest for blm, but just did it so they could "riot" and police officers), then she could have clarified that in either of her replies, but she didn't. Either way, most people who were there for BLM encouraged peaceful protest and they were peaceful in the beginning.
(ignore and report, do not infight) No. 715791
>>715786If you look in /meta/ though (especially recently), some anons are dead serious about it.
I'm kinda just tired of the "Everyone on here who disagrees with me is a tranny and or handmaiden and I'm being silenced" stuff tbh.
and before anyone says it, no I have not been accused of being trans. I stay out of those conversations on here No. 715850
>>715810Yeah I agree and also it doesn’t make sense to ban her for
triggering people’s eating disorders when beautiful influencers will
trigger people anyway
No. 715992
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grossly overweight people who can lose weight by changing their diet and/or doing some exercise don't deserve to be defended/pitied since they're making the conscious decision to indulge in unhealthiness themselves
No. 716032
>>716023It really just depends on where the food fell.
If your floor is clean then you should be fine. If it's a carpet it's more likely to be dirty but it entirely depends on how clean the spot is
No. 716063
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>>714911I really strongly agree with this
I had a 1/4 chance to be born with a very difficult genetic disease ( and I do have it as a recessive allele )they knew about it, but my parents still took the risk. Sorry for the vent but I'm really angry that they never once though about the amount of pain they could have caused just because they wanted an other child.
No. 716088
>>714911Incest isn't illegal because "their kids can be born retarded", that's stupid. Incest is illegal because the setting is most likely about abusing your power as a relative by grooming your sister, daughter etc. into a relationship. When you hear about a father and a daughter having an affair, wouldn't your first thought be that the dad took advantage of his position? Because that's usually how it is, even when they try to assure that it's a "completely consensual" relationship. It's immoral in the same sense as a teacher dating a student because there's a questionable power dynamic but even more severe because you're directly related by family.
However I agree that people with severe genetic defects should at least be consulted about giving a birth and what risk it can pose to their children. It's considered unethical to let two animals carrying a lethal gene to breed but for humans it isn't for some reason.
No. 716094
>>716091>t. an american obsessed with raceSexism absolutely is the worst type of bigotry in the world. Most third world countries wouldn't be such shitholes if women got the same opportunities as men do. Homophobia is inherently based on sexism. Women make 50% of the world population and have suffered for centuries around the world and even now have to fight for their rights, how is it
not the worst type of bigotry? Even inside the oppressed racial groups they still deal with misogyny and sexism, keeping the demographic from uniting against their oppression due to half of them being discriminated against by their own.
No. 716103
oof when you can woof
No. 716114
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>>716109Let’s put up our kin flags or something.
There’s so many of them.
No. 716120
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>>716114I identify as the band slipknot
No. 716130
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>>716121>>716127And not just that, Japanese people also have different standards of beauty for men, if you look at their media in general most guys considered attractive look skinny and frail. Other point might be that most of these games are directed to the western male public that prefers playing a strong looking dude rather than a cute femboy one. While I agree there's so much less fanservice for women in western games and less attractive guys I think the Japanese female and male design is just boring and has no variety at all.
No. 716134
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>>716128Given the examples anon used, if she's talking about DMC5 and the RE remakes especially, the characters have face models wearing the characters' clothes being scanned so it's not a matter of style in that case. Not sure if that's the case for the Yakuza games too, but I know it's the case for Judgement because of a face model being replaced for one of the characters because of a drug scandal and I think it's some kind of spin-off.
In the West in the previous gens games tried too hard to look realistic so there were too many games that looked ugly as fuck because the technology wasn't developed enough yet. I feel like that's still kind of the case for some very recent games, maybe it depends on studios. Meanwhile for DMC5 and the RE remakes Capcom specifically tried to hire handsome or beautiful models and their engine works better on male characters than on female characters because Trish looks uglier than her real life face model.
No. 716136
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I just remembered an example. The game Nier in the east was released with a young protagonist and in the west with an older, muscular protagonist. People in the west usually will find a teenager character who is super powerful unrealistic and stupid and they will want to play as a muscular hero. In the east it's normal to have young super powerful characters
No. 716138
>>716130I get your point, but considering
I listed
>Devil May Cry>Resident Evil>YakuzaHow are (most) male characters from those games frail or femboy-like?
>>716134I think this explanation makes the most sense, thank you.
No. 716145
>>716134Yeah, and I think Japanese male beauty standards (at least in terms of character design) is more focused on "prettiness" instead of being 100% rugged and hypermasculine.
And it's not like all of them are anachan femboys like that other anon said, plenty of Japanese male characters are still tall and muscular, they're just a bit more… elegant in the face, and tend to be clean-shaven and have longer hair, whereas western characters lean more towards the superhero Chad jawline and military haircut and beard look.
No. 716165
>>716088A lot of countries made cousin marriage illegal, and there's rarely a power dynamic there just because it often leads to bringing the worst of their family genetics. And even when it's legal, in modern times it's frowned upon, and discouraged by pointing at incest.
People with degenerative diseases aren't actively discouraged from reproducing because it's hard to not make it sound like eugenics (which it is basically).
No. 716284
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armpit hair on women is super hot
No. 716334
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>>715785I half agree… there are some completely warranted take outs but the tranny janny patrol on that thread is wayyyy stricter than other boards to where normal stuff that would slide on other threads doesn't. Every thread is policed differently tbh which is weird.
regardless this pic always takes me out No. 716336
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>>716251Samefagging, but people who think they're in any way marginalized for liking these stale corporate cashcows will never not be kekworthy
No. 716352
>>715810Being into thinspo doesn't make you anorexic. There are plenty of proanorexic wannarexics who engage in foolish behavior to try to emulate what an eating disorder is like. If you need to force yourself to do these things you most likely need to grow up and get your shit together.
Anyways I agree that EC won't give girls anorexia because that is obviously not how it works. Take someone like Ember Wahnn for example.
No. 716375
>>715810Eugenia personally
triggers me but I haven't thought about her in years until the commentary community hopped on the bandwagon and dragged her back into the spotlight. The best thing to do is just ignore her and hope that she gets help.
No. 716386
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Threads in /m/ that are meant to have photo spam in them shouldn't have the 30 sec flood cooldown. I know it's to prevent people posting spam cp and gore or some shit, but Idk. I feel like if scrotes wanna come here and do that they will regardless of the cooldown
reposted for error>>716362>>716384Oooh so edgy and scawy
No. 716421
>>716334At the very least there are different mods for different boards. It's not like stupid bans are only handed out to anons in the mtf/ftm thread though. There are stupid bans all the time, it's not some kind of targeted attack
admin confirmed she's a terf in the last townhall I think, but it's also possible mods are a little stricter on those threads because there's no containment board for that stuff anymore.
No. 716438
>>716421Idk man ive gotten between 4-2 day bans before. One was for forgetting to sage email (i said sage tho so it was evident)… Ive also gotten 2-1 hour bans which are more reasonable.
The punishments for bans are obligatory depending upon the mod. I don't mind taking the L for an hour but the variety and range in timeframe is really wild
No. 716444
>>716438>One was for forgetting to sage email (i said sage tho so it was evident)Typing sage in your post does not mean it's saged, anon.
>>716436Tbh, being a neet is not overrated. Normal people understand it's not a desirable lifestyle, it's only weirdos who think it's good. Mooching off of people to just play videogames and having to rely on generous people for everything while not doing anything to re-pay that generosity would make me miserable.
No. 716464
>>716449Im also a disabled NEET (I have a home business tho) and tbh it is nice to not have crazy stressors because managing my pain/sleep/ everything with University was really hard for me. Like I love playing Runescape all day and wearing pjs around but I really would want to finish my PhD and all of that if it was physically possible. Like knowing I can't ever live alone and am going to be in my family home forever is kind of weird because on one hand its easy, on the other you feel like a womanchild.
Im ngl it is fun sometimes but maybe just because I don't have a choice in the matter and living in despair about it isn't worth my energy.
Tl;dr NEETing is a mixed bag
No. 716466
>>716462Samefag, but whether or not being a
terf is a bad thing literally just depends on your personal opinions and stance
No. 716482
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this bed is a legitimate work of art. I'm not even one of those 'a banana taped to a wall is art'fags
No. 716586
>>716436I want to not work, but doing it via NEEThood is so unappealing. Being financially independent via savings and investments to the point that you can quit your job and still live comfortably? Amazing, my life goal. But being a a leech who relies on your parents is going to ruin your mental health one way or another.
That said, I do think not working could affect me negatively and would take a fair bit of adjustment. The routine really helps with managing my eating/sleeping habits, and it makes me appreciate my free time so I don't completely waste it.
No. 716621
>>716596I aspire to be rich and everything you just said about me is true.
I still want to be rich.
No. 716636
>>716600>It sounds like you just hate the rich.Well, I don't believe every single person who is rich had only ever aspired to be rich, so no.
>>716623Yep, couldn't have said it better myself.
No. 716673
>>716654Anon, no offense, but are you dumb? Do you realize how much shit costs in this world? A poor person would need money to improve their life.
Also rich-ness is relative. Rich to someone who is poor could be middle class. Rich to someone who is middle class could be a 7/8 figure salary. It just depends.
No. 716690
>>716682How is that being deliberately obtuse?
> Who the hell says "I want to be rich" and actually means "I want to be middle class?"Like I said, what is considered rich differs from person to person.
>Why wouldn't you just say "I want to make enough money to provide myself and my family a safe and comfortable lifestyle" if that's what you're actually after? Being "rich" would provide a comfortable lifestyle.
I don't get how someone describes how much money they want to make would even be an issue to you. Either way, a poor person would still need to make a lot more money to improve their life.
No. 716716
>>716690>I don't get how someone describes how much money they want to make would even be an issue to youYou really have to ask yourself after a certain point why having that level of wealth is actually necessary. Why does someone need to live in a mansion instead of a house? Why do they need ten luxury sports cars instead of one? Why do they need three closets full of brand name clothes instead of a modest selection of brand name/high quality items?
The problem with aspiring to be rich, if that in itself is your primary goal, is that, depending on how tied that goal is to your ego and sense of security, it becomes rigid and almost obsessive need. You become willing to cut corners and engage in unethical practices in order to make the most money in the quickest amount of time. You con and manipulate people, justifying to yourself that it's okay because you
need the money. Some of the worst examples of this are those who run pyramid schemes, or cults.
Obviously, some people get lucky and end up very successful and wealthy because they become well-known within a particular niche, or in the right place at the right time, but there's a difference between these people and those who are primarily motivated by the very notion of being rich. Realistically, nobody needs to be rich. People need to be able to provide for themselves and their families, and yes, the context matters here. For example, living in a 3bdrm house in Los Angeles as opposed to rural Kentucky, or if you have 3 kids instead of one. Aspiring to be comfortably middle or even upper-middle class is normal. Wanting to be rich, just for the sake of being rich, is not, and is almost always indicative of a deeper emotional issue that the person needs to address and work through. It's a cope, and it shouldn't be encouraged.
No. 716727
>>716716I don't understand why anons like to do this
"Let me post a controversial opinion with no/barely any explanation for why I feel this way, and then when a bunch of anons express disagreement, I will post a paragraph giving actual reasons for why I feel the way I do". Like, this isn't even completely about your post, and I know this is unpopular opinions, but I just don't get it. This is a discussion thread, so If you post something you know is controversial and not likely to have much support, why not explain why you hold that opinion.
No. 716731
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>>7167271.) I'm lazy
2.) I wasn't entirely sure whether or not it was an unpopular opinion. I felt inclined to come back and clarify because so many anons disagreed with me kek.
No. 716732
>>716731Well yeah, your op post is unpopular cause it basically sounds like "Having a desire for more money is bad" but this post
>>716716 "Hoarding wealth and having a desire to hoard wealth is bad" is a lot more reasonable. Tbh, I think it would help a lot if some anons here just elaborated more
No. 716786
>>716776>it's actually extremely easy to become overweight/obeseAgreed. People think that acknowledging that means you're making excuses for being fat, but so much money and brainpower is invested in making hyper palatable, ubiquitously marketed junk food, is it any surprise that many people can't keep a handle on their weight? I'm on the lower end of a healthy BMI but it takes a lot of effort and willpower to stay there because I have a big appetite.
I like reading weight loss stories but it's funny how most fat people have some essay length explanation for why they're fat. They always go in depth about whatever mental health/emotional problems/childhood trauma made them that way. But lbr, the simple reason is that high cal food is delicious and hard to resist for many people. It's not that deep and if it tastes good enough, people will make any excuse to justify eating it whether it's 'I'm an emotional eater' 'my parents always made me clear my plate as a child' etc etc.
No. 716801
>>716776Living on a highly processed diet has fucked people up. A while ago an ‘eating recommended servings sizes for a day’ challenge went around YouTube. Every video was “omg the recommended serving is a quarter of my normal serving, it’s tiny!”, did they seriously think they were supposed to be eating huge amounts of junk? How fucked are we?
Most people would drop a ton of weight if they just quit the junk.
No. 716803
>obeseEeeeh. I think you have way too much time to notice you're off-track before you reach obesity, and you'll notice your clothes not fitting you even if you never look in a mirror.
But I agree, if someone is just overeating a few hundred calories weekly, it'll a very slow gain, but there'll be a point you have to notice you're constantly gaining.
No. 716853
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The obsession with teen mums in media is creepy
No. 716881
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>>716121depends on where you look
No. 716938
>>716925IMO, it's cringy when women simp for men in general. They're the ones who commit mass shootings when we refuse to date them, and spend hundreds of dollars just to hear a girl fart through the phone. Even the "normal" ones would probably rope if women ignored them often enough.
If you have to go through leaps and bounds begging to be noticed by such a shamelessly desperate group of people, what does that say about you and your desirability?
No. 716944
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Picture of what you accomplish when you call someone a pickme
No. 716968
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Most beautiful girl in the world articles are just pedophile bate
No. 716989
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>>716968Agree. Kinda related, I remember during the Thylane Blondeau controversy Americans online saying “Europeans are different, they’re much more sexually liberal” as a justification. No, styling a 10 year old like an adult and photographing her in suggestive poses is still weird here.
No. 717000
>>716968most beautiful photoshop job
>>716989>“Europeans are different, they’re much more sexually liberal”What the hell is this meme anyway, it's the other way around
No. 717008
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>>717005lmao that's so stupid, as if 90% of clothes in thrift stores weren't size L or above. Also imagine the entitlement to think large sized clothes are there solely for large sized people to buy
No. 717030
>>717005>what if i wrote a whole piece about how large people should leave the high-calorie grocery store items to the underweight or malnourished people who "actually" need them? You should. That'd be amazing, lmao.
There's no particularly good reason for one single stomach to absorb a meal that could fill three. Only hard laborers or people who have to travel by foot/bike to work have much of an excuse (and of course, those people wouldn't be fat).
No. 717043
>>717031>hard to find and come in ugly designsYou're obv not plus size because this is already a thing. Most plus size clothes are hideous because they're made on the cheap to match the price point of clothes using less fabric, and often are a company's attempt to get rid of otherwise poorly selling textiles.
But no. That's not the reason why asians are thinner. Asians are thin because of their culture where being a fat female (fat men are socially OK) is the worst thing you can be.
No. 717051
>>716088No its due to genetics it was also quite common back in the day to keep family wealth.
see the hapsburgs for a more extreme case.
medical issues in the jewish population (tay-sachs etc.)
97% of hospital cases of childhood defects due to genetics in the UK is pakistahn in origin yet they are only 5%~ of the population.
muslim inbreeding since mohammed said cousin fucking was a-ok as caused an IQ drop across the arab world. Now apparently its islamaphobic to study/report.
No. 717061
>>716682you should prob check your privelage (western?) anon
>Why wouldn't you just say "I want to make enough money to provide myself and my family a safe and comfortable lifestyle" if that's what you're actually after?There is still quite a large population of the world that would consider the above to be 'rich'
No. 717068
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Most anime are poorly written
including so called "mastepeices"
No. 717072
>>717063One of my least fave parts of being a woman is having 'good hair' and 'bad hair' dictated and then the trends changing anyway. The whole thing of attaching massive sweeping fake lashes and making your brows bushy or really why? I mean the amount of time we spend removing body hair but then we'll buy and glue lil fake hairs to our eyelids and paint on bold brows because brows and lashes are the good hair! You need more of the good hair!
Every part of a woman that has hair needs to constantly groomed or upkept in one of two ways, either removed or exaggerated. There's no hair that we can just leave be and say "that's the amount of hair I naturally have and it's fine the way it is"
I saw a bunch of scrotes rushing to a youtubers comment section lately because some male youtuber had essentially sent them there to harrass her. The thing that half of them chose to criticise…her brows. Her entirely natural brows. They weren't bushy, they weren't overplucked. Entirely normal no makeup brows. Scrotes are playing 'brow critic' now. Parroting the same lines the bitchy women and bitchy gays use except…men don't have clue what it's like to be told every hair on your body needs constant adjusting or fixing.
No. 717133
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Anita was based for getting all those scrotes mad
No. 717302
How come no one, left or right, understands that relationships should strive to be equal. Not that it's easy but using compromise. It makes plain sense that two people would be happiest if both are treated like human beings on the same ground. I'm thinking of heterosexuality in fact. The right thinks women should submit to their husbands and the left basically supports that too, but calls it kink. It frustrates me that both sides critique the approach of the other but can't get it right. They can't comprehend that maybe, if you treat your partner well, they would be happier and healthier.
tbh I read 4chan men's opinions that women are attracted to misogyny. bullshit for me, though tbf I guess the bdsm and tradthots are, but that relationship is not going to be healthy… How can they not see this, I know I know what can you expect. I think they're blinded by their limited view of women and can't see that if she's unhappy, it'd probably affect them too, and their kids. If you expect her to be happy being mistreated, it's just not going to function because no one can. I know you can't expect anything from them but NO ONE gets this, when it seems so obvious. I think that's why so many relationships are miserable but never confront why. The happiest couples I've seen loved each other as equals and you could tell.
Btw "equal" doesn't have to mean "do the same role" which is why some "trad" couples do well, they are basically larping the trad way while clearly loving and listening to each other's input, I have seen that on occasion.
No. 717429
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>>717405>people still think gamergate did trump>2021it was just 2014 internet autism on both sides (inb4 "le both sides are bad", but in this case it really applies), let it go
No. 717452
>>717337True. Sarkeesian isn't a feminist icon or based, she's a con artist who wanted to make money by igniting controversy under the guise of surface feminism. Almost
all of the influential alt-right icons who were riling people up during the 2016 elections got their start from Gamergate. She gave a platform to disgusting degens like Brianna Wu and opportunistic sociopaths like Zoey Quinn who in turn promoted their close companions to positions where they are allowed to radicalize the masses more.
She could've opened up a good discussion about sexism in video games but instead she opted to go for the babby's first "hurr damsel in distress baaaad" discourse and then branded every internet troll a death threat sending murderer to milk for more donation money. She created this whole pyramid scheme of merchandized liberal feminism where you keep making superficial claims you know will cause controversy and then run off with the money you make with the pity bucks. As an oldfag I would say that she was one of the biggest reasons why the misogynistic gamerbro culture came to be in the 2010's and I had never met as much aggressive sexism in gaming communities in the 2000's or 90's for example. The occasional "lol girls don't play vidya!" turned into "get raped you dumb roastie whore".
No. 717462
>>717120There can be fun things that are still decent or written well, I really dont get why people act like this is mutually exclusive now
>>717431Thats been everything in the mainstream from 2005 to present. Im tired
No. 717466
>>717452>>717457You have to realize some things are allowed to grow tho if whoever is in charge wants it to be spread. I know many movements that could rival the misoygnistic alt right sperg shit, like the "
TERF" movement or the ADOS/modern Black Power (not BLM) movement. But those end up getting constantly suppressed, censored, and derailed in ways the alt right sperg shit didnt.
No. 717470
>>717466They did get suppressed in the beginning. Social media sites kept banning them left and right and deplatforming them the best they could. 4chan kicked them out because moot was too afraid of being sued. That's exactly why 8chan opened their gates for them, they weren't welcomed anywhere else. And that's where the radicalization started. Then the ideology kept branching out and digging deeper everywhere and becoming mainstream.
Also I don't know how radfem/black power communities can compare. Alt right is mostly young white guys who are ultimately more privileged and louder than fringe communities like radical feminism that barely gets support as a group for women.
No. 717472
>>717466I think it grew so quickly because Sarkeesian accused such a large group of people of being misogynist, racist, transphobic shitlords because she got caught having sex with journalists for good reviews. The coordinated "Gamers are Dead" articles attacked anyone that enjoyed playing video games.
For most people back on 4chan in 2014 it was there first experience of having to deal with SJWs, social justice and critical race theory. It was an extremely unpleasant awakening that these people aren't just harmless nutjobs posting pronoun lists on tumblr.
No. 717522
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>>714830Belle delphine is fucking ugly with or without makeup and the only reason men like her is because she says and does whatever they want. If she was an outspoken feminist they’d call her an ugly flat chested FAS rabbit looking herpes riddled thot who looks like a boy without makeup and they’d be right.
No. 717654
>>715785>>715791Ntayrt, and idk anything about a "tranny" janny but I have also noticed in a few cow threads unrelated to gendersperg shit that a janitor has been heavy handed with temp bans for certain posts while completely ignoring others. In the last 2 months or so it's getting way more noticable, to the point where users who don't go to /meta/ have posted in threads asking wtf.
Tranny or no, we probably have a new janny who is personally or emotionally invested in the farm and who may be trying to quietly change board culture by screeching about the rules while only halfway enforcing them.
No. 717689
>>717676>>717654>>717684Me again, another thing I need to point out is that any time this issue is brought up, someone comes and Spergs about it in a very distinct way and dropping their favorite word- retard.
>>717680You are way too personally invested in this site. Take your meds.
No. 717693
>>717689Kek why is "take your meds" supposed to bother anyone nowadays? Who cares if someone takes medicine. That's the lamest thing ever and you had to delete your previous post just to fix your incorrect tagging and add your little "take your meds" gotcha. Did your feefees get hurt by me calling you retarded? Anyways, you still look pretty stupid based on what you said.
>They know other people aren't getting banned because I've seen posts about it in meta. You don't know that other people aren't getting banned just because you get a redtext and other people don't. It's not about being invested in this site, it's common sense that has been said time and time again whenever anons tinfoil about the latest tranny janny or newfag janny. Even if that WERE the case, you still don't know who is or isn't getting banned.
No. 717695
>>717693Granted, we don't
know the controversial posts aren't getting banned, but we do know the people repltingn to them
are getting bans for BS reasons while others seem untouched. The whoke point is that there's some ass backwards moderation going on lately and ebrryone2 who tries to point it out gets shit on by the spergtard and their "I'm not bothered, YOU are bothered and ur here too anyway!!" strawman. Not everyone who uses this site uses it to shit on others, a lot of posters here hang out for the chill threads and media/discussion threads, but you respond like you're being personally attacked when all that's going on is… People don't wanna get banned over bullshit just because a janny is on a powertip and is too invested in the site.
No. 717721
>>717664I watched a few youtubers react to episodes for a while there. Then it came out that two of the men included in those episodes had criminal histories and had battered several of their exes, how there was proof that exes had restraining orders against them and where the pattern was so strong (multiple exes with police reports)
It was discussed in comment sections and male profiles were always so insanely quick to brush that shit to the side like it's nothing. Gotta keep bashing the women for being golddiggers. A string of domestic violence incidents spanning many years and several relationships…
> "I'm sure he's grown since then! He's not controlling her either, he's just a man who knows what he wants!" No. 717763
>>717721Yes, they always brush the legitimate male abusers under the rug. There are men on there who have beaten their exes half to death, and Paul allegedly set his exes house on fire but everyone just treats it like a joke. Gotta keep on shitting on all those women from 2nd/3rd world countries who were repeatedly lied to, manipulated, and exploited by fat ugly American men who are now rightfully angry and frustrated tho!
Take a look at how fans reacted to Azan calling Nicole fat vs how ppl are reacting now when Natalie (is that her name?) called Mike fat last episode. Fans made fun of Nicole for being fat and took Azan’s side, some even called her disrespectful for not wanting to change her diet. But when a woman calls a man fat, people make post after post after post about how she’s an evil manipulative ungrateful
abusive harpy bitch cunt who needs to be put on the next plane back to Ukraine.
No. 717854
>>717832Oh yeah I forgot one more. Forgot to add that people who are addicted to substances are stupid and weak. Stupid because they made a dumb decision to start taking the drug in the first place when they knew they would probably get hooked. Weak for taking the easy way out of their problems and not facing them head on.
>>717844Not bait but suit yourself.
No. 717869
>>717864To some it is. I don't mind the odd bit of porn while dating, esp as I know I watch it in moderation too.
I think any woman who clearly feels that strongly about it will tell the scrote that anyway. Then it's up to them how they handle that
No. 717982
>>717981(by trend I mean emphasizing/faking big lips and big butt, not people who naturally have them)
That kinda style of faking those traits feels very kinda 2015 to me.
No. 717984
>>717889Yes! I don't know if this is a good example, but I like to think of it like if it's a Friday night after a hectic work week and a friend randomly shows up with dinner. Would you be excited or angry your friend surprised you with her company when you didn't have anything planned that night?
Introvert me would be kind of ticked she ruined my much awaited night to unwind and browse lolcow on my couch kek.
No. 718159
>>717496this would be so helpful. i'm small but not flat so clothing is usually either too baggy or too tight for my size.
>>717571same anon. the first time i discovered lolcow i thought it was all this and i hated and avoided it for years
my unpopular opinion is that men should wear makeup. they can, but they don't. and i mean hetero, cis men, not trans. but they are so plain and never make effort. girls with the slightest blemishes will make an effort with concealer or foundation but guys will go out with puss leaking and flaming red pimples all over their face, it's disgusting. i think colorful eyeshadow to match an outfit or guyliner or whatever these insecure scrotes decided to call it make them look so much better. but maybe i'm closet gay and live in the hunger games.
No. 718161
>>716776It's a functional way of thinking because you avoid "
trigger" foods meaning those super tasty things they created to hook you.
No. 718186
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>>716121They understand that women enjoy youthful beauty in their mates unlike in the west where we're constantly gaslighted that old men are powerful and sexy, but only because they can still breed us until the day they drop dead and that's an "advantage" they love holding over us.
No. 718207
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>>718186This guy is supposed to be a lifelong smoker in his mid fifties, regular guy, no sci-fi plot elements like being kept in stasis or genetically decelerated aging. This kind of character in a Western game would look like a corpse compared to him.
No. 718210
>>718196Pornhounds are so fucking twisted, and they have weak erections. They care more about your performance of pleasure than your actual pleasure. They can’t connect or engage in intimacy properly. They are severely detrimental to their partners mental health.
If he has any of the following symptoms, dump and never look back. No. 718211
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>>718207Samefagging, I really do like Dishonored but it's just so jarring that Yakuza: Like a Dragon Goro Majima and Dishonored 2 Corvo Attano are both supposed to be around 54.
No. 718239
>>718207See that's weird as hell because a 50 year old is not a 20 year old.
Even V is 40 years old mentally, referring to Nero as a child when his body looks even younger than Nero's.
Then again look at Sakurai and tell me what is happening there.
No. 718273
>>718203So are gymnastics as well.
Any sports that requires the girls being as Ana-chan as possible, in order to be considered decent -but never good enough to be proficient- at them, should be looked into with a magnifying glass before parents put their kids through that bullshit.
No. 718275
>>718236Did someone invalidate your feelings honey? We ain't on, sorry it can't be perfectly unbiased, level-minded and
tolerant like twitter or reddit kek bye
No. 718285
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>>718236I love that every reply to this post proves this post correct.
No. 718291
>>718236And? You're still here anyway. So clearly you have some capability to compartmentalize the parts you do and don't like about lolcow just like everyone else.
Don't be so bitter that a chanboard didn't turn into a hugbox of lovlies just cause you said so and get over it. It's a gossip board.
No. 718296
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>>718236The martyr we need, but don't deserve. I feel like you lowkey should have expected the cascade of replies you got, but that doesn't make what you said any less true.
No. 718298
>>718236I agree with you. This place is in a spot where its much better than Reddit/Twitter/Youtube comments/4chan/IG/8ch but not better than LSA and some other more obscure forums. Its bitter and super
toxic but its a lot better than the majority modern internet so. . .
No. 718300
>>718236Okay but, like, why so mad about it? If it bothers you so much, how about you make a change to the best and try to show some
valid points that might make people change their views?
This is what bugs me, if you’re going to complain, at least give a solution, don’t just whine like a toddler because things are not going the way you want them to be.
Also, is it really that bad that we get annoyed and bitter at times? Sorry for not being a lovely flower 24/7 I guess, m’lady bitch.
No. 718302
>>718236This exact comment gets posted here time and time again with no clear substance. What exactly is bothering you? The fact that it's a gossip forum? Manhate? People not coddling you in /ot/? Or are you just tired with the constant spergy nitpicking and forced tinfoil milk? I wish people could at least elaborate what makes Lolcow so ~
toxic~ to them because I feel this place is much more constructive and civil than shitholes like PULL or Kiwifarms.
No. 718306
>>718302I honestly think that the anons posting the same stupid comment are the kind that have never lurked enough anywhere, just get into absolutely any 4chan board and you will find people spewing lots of vitriol, or Twitter itself, even fucking Pinterest has a bunch of people sending death threads and shit.
So I don’t really get how is lolcow *~
No. 718310
>>718306Every place on the internet is
toxic: PULL, Kiwi, and others are worse because of the typical forever online crowd it draws in. This website was more
toxic before radfem ideology came in, which ended up attracting a more unique crowd and different discussions not seen on the majority of the internet
No. 718320
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I don't support the trans agenda, but if I have to choose between two evils, I prefer women becoming trans and infertile rather than becoming breeders to males who breed even more Y chromosome parasites into this world.
There, I said it. I'm not a "radfem" btw, keep your labels.
No. 718332
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>>718236I mean…yeah? It's an imageboard coupled with a gossip forum. You kind of expect it going in. But that's what makes it lovable. If you wanted a completely curated, wholesome experience you'd go elsewhere.
No. 718358
>>718316There are evolutionary reasons for people to find blonde/fair hair attractive, I'm sorry non-blondes.
But yeah, I'm against fake blondes. Only 2% of people in the world are natural blondes.
No. 718363
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>>718358is there an evolutionary advantage for those 2% of people looking so offputting if they don't darken their brows?
No. 718379
>>718372I dont get this "logic"
1) How are many populations going to prefer fair hair if its not commonplace or even native to their population ? I thought people are supposed to prefer who they were raised with which is usually a homogeneous population
2) How is it that the fertile and youth signals only exist for women, yet doesnt for men ? Men have a peak fertility too and a youth where their testesterone is the highest, so why doesnt youth signalling work men as much as it does for women ?
3) How can fair hair be a signal of youth to some populations who never have fair hair in their youth ?
This never makes sense to me and always seems to be Eurocentric evopsych bullshit that opens to pedophilia, considering people who are born with fair hair that gradually darkens normally appears when they are toddlers/very young children. Not the actual "fertile" years, by this same line of logic, of adolescence..
No. 718381
>>718371I know a woman who is a single mother of 4. 2 of her kids are autistic and I'm pretty sure I know which parent they inherited that from, seeing as her whole house looks like a shrine to sonic… (all her toys not the kids) I like sonic too and have nostalgic memories but damn.
Hate that I can't stop making the link between liking sonic and being a full on tard. I want to buy myself a chao plush but y'know…the stigma lol
No. 718382
>>718377I always wondered why blonde hair that appears in Europeans as toddlers and young children is synonymous with the youth of fertility aka the teenage years to young adult years?
And if puberty darkens hair due to the sex hormones expressed, why isnt dark hair regarded as the one signifying sexual maturity considering you darken when you grow up?
I just dont get it
No. 718383
>>718376Men preffered blondes since the Ice age (yeah I know it's the Guardian article but they link sources to studies here)
>There are higher numbers of females born blonde than males and retention of blonde hair into adulthood is a sexually selected indicator of fitness in females.4 Caucasian blondes are usually slightly higher in oestrogen than brunettes and are likely to exhibit other infantile sexually selected traits (indicating low levels of testosterone) that are considered desirable by males, for example finer facial features, smaller nose, smaller jaw, pointed chin, narrow shoulders, smooth skin and less body hair, and infantile behaviour such as higher energy levels and playfulness.5It's sad men have those pedo tendencies but that's just how they're programmed
No. 718387
>>718383But how does this apply to non Caucasian (or related) races who never selected for this or had it available in their population ?
And you said men prefer blondes since the Ice Age but even in European civilisation there were periods where dark hair or darker hair on women was preferred like during the Victorian and Edwardian era. Blonde hair didnt start to get ideal in West Europe again until Nazi Germany, funnily enough.
Thirdly and lastly, I dont know about the more feminine argument because this same argument is used for East Asian women who have some of the darkest hair and eye colors on the planet. Idk man, all this evopsych shit is contradictory within even its own consensus and ahistorical. Everyone who believes in this and replies to me can never actually counter my points or questions either. I sooner believe this is a cultural trend from the early 20th century when European society didnt always idolize blonde hair or Nordic features itself
No. 718398
>>718387Well if it wasn't available they obviously couldn't choose it kek
And you know, people in ancient China and Japan saw fair skin as a sign of royalty long before white people came there, same with India where the caste system was heavily tied to colorism (fair skin good and pure, dark skin bad and associated with low status), not everything is caused by muh evil euro centric influences.
No. 718414
>>7183834) source is just a wikipedia link so I just default to it being wrong source is a slight misrepresentation of the source material
>Jones (1996) favours the sensory bias theory of sexual selection as an explanation for human female facial attractiveness. He shows that the impression of relatively neotenous female faces, i.e. faces that appear to be younger than the actual age of the face, based on certain facial proportions – small lower face, lower jaw and nose, and full large lips – are rated as more attractive by male raters from five populations>Males prefer the ‘rare’ colour. The reason for this situation might be a quest for ‘rare’ genes, which could help in the host–parasite race discussed below. In addition males seem to prefer long hair (Grammeret al.,2001) and female hair growth on the head is more stable than that of males. No. 718430
>>718398NTA, but are you trying to imply fair skin is blond-adjacent or something? Stop this shit, kek.
Why are evopsych people so cringe?
No. 718542
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I see a lot of Americans complaining about how their national anthem sucks and how it's too hard to remember/sing, but I like it because it has unique structure and it's kind of fun to sing the lyrics.
No. 718579
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I feel like a lot of gay ships and headcanons often take away from the actual beauty of actual platonic friendships, like I love my friends but I'd be weirded out if people shipped us together, and sometimes force Gay Subtext reading so fucking annoying
I liked Merlin series and I really did like the Arthur and Gwen ship cause it was a nice non-toxic ship but and maybe I liked seeing myself represented in Gwen but there were so many insufferable fujos who screeched about how Arthur should be with Merlin only, cause apparently straight men can't have friendships with other men for some reason, also Gwen is a lesbian as well and if you dislike you're a homophone
No. 718586
>>718580I mean … I
kind of agree. But I've met and seen the homes of some actual people who live a) in ghettos and b) on reservations. And those places ARE 100% exactly like living in a 3rd world country. Bad water you can't drink without getting sick. And the cops can just come and bash your head in for fun at any time. So, I believe that there certainly are
parts of America that are very much like a 3rd world country. But not all of it. For what it's worth.
No. 718594
>>718585Russia, China.
>>718586NTA but that still sounds more like a second world country because the investments in public infrastructure in the shittiest parts of America are still better than the best hut in a third world village.
Our country sucks but it's downright ignorant (and privileged) for people to claim that this is the worst country in the world.
No. 718681
>>718624Must be underaged to still have the “I’m so fucked up uwu” mindset just for being depressed and saying nigger lmao
>>7186765’s sure look fine to 3’s
No. 718686
>>718681>>718682Im not even ugly I just have notoriously shit taste in men anons, here's the thing about men from r9k tho
they are just pussies really, if you push back even a little bit they start treating you like a goddess and boom now you have a bitch boy who will adore you for the rest of your days, sounds like a fine deal to me
No. 718688
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>>718686Pic is the bar. You bitches are desperate, but I should expect this from lc.
No. 718691
>>718635 >Men are programmed to prefer fairly young and fertile womenAnal fucking a hot 18 year old won't lead to babies. Titty fucking her won't lead to a baby, getting pegged by her won't. Ejaculating in a teens mouth won't lead to a top quality baby. Fucking a young trap certainly won't give you offspring.
Men aren't trying to make babies and their sexual tastes are so far removed from 'muh instincts to make healthy babies with healthy women'
No. 718699
>>718686Pure cope kek on uglies develop that shit of taste and delusion they can wrap incels around their fingers just because they’re incels.
When you bitches actually got with one, you inevitably come here to cry about how he still treats you like shit after letting him fuck you in the ass.
No. 718702
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>>718699You would actually be surprised how many actually gorgeous women get with weird ugly men.
No. 718722
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Expensive lingerie is largely for straight women's confidence, not men's desire. Most (straight) men aren't going to turn down Rihanna or Megan Fox in a potato sack. It kind of helps, but it's not a necessity.
I feel like it's a bit of a cope when straight women spend thousands of dollars on "sexy" underwear, especially if it's not even comfortable. If he wants to fuck you, he's not going to care what underwear you're wearing, unless it's pic related.
No. 718894
>>718579Couldn't that same logic apply to Arthur/Gwen, why does romance improve their relationship but romance would take away from the beauty of platonic friendships when it's gay?
idc about shipping Arthur and Merlin, their dynamic is so good it's fun enough without any romance. But it's no surprise people like them as a couple when they have so much chemistry. It just sounds like you self insert as Gwen and don't like that other people prefer a different ship. Fujo screeching can't stop anyone from liking what they like so why does it matter?
No. 718933
>>718579>I feel like a lot of gay ships and headcanons often take away from the actual beauty of actual platonic friendshipsLiterally all the friends-to-lovers ships and headcanons do that, anon, even some of the canon ones
Also the
>is a lesbian as wellthing is so annoying because those who say this are always fujos who only care about the m/m ship but don't want to look like misogynists who hate female characters who get in the way of their ship but instead progressive legbutt allies, when the truth is that they never ever actually care about their pwecious wesbian, as you can see in the difference of both quantity and quality between m/m and f/f content. F/F ships are always an afterthought unless shipped by lesbians or bi women themselves.
No. 719062
>>719046kek I'm pretty sure russian children of oligarchs are not any better, it's less to do with local culture and more with what the social elite are like.
But I do agree that making children dream of "being a youtuber/instagram star/tiktok sensation" is incredibly depressing. Talent shows existed before social media, but they still needed actual talent to get to the point where they were made into marketable artists. Now people get "youtube famous" from reading reddit threads out loud.
No. 719117
>>715080What I remember hearing that was kinda similar to this was that the body released insulin to deal with the expected sugar and increased cravings as a result of there being none to be processed
"Artificial sweeteners rock" is my unpopular opinion
No. 719120
>>719116interesting, the art
style sure makes them look like a bunch of emo kids. Not attractive at all. Any time I see that Komaeda dude, I wanna tell him to go do his homework and stop being a fucking baby, not fuck him
No. 719267
>>719109I agree. When I was younger I wanted to have a son and I had a lot of internalized misogyny. Now I don't want kids but if I did I'd absolutely prefer a daughter.
>>719232I mean I think that's the easiest way making sure your kids resent you. I guess if your children go no contact then they won't need you to support them.
No. 719336
>>719109I don't want kids anyway but I do remember telling a friend years ago that 'if I did' want kids I'd want a boy…that memory sure hits me sometimes.
I then went on to date an
abusive scrote with a spoiled and selfish 12 year old son and after that I felt pretty fucking different. The guy only saw his son 4 days a month but he was passing down the worst lessons to him and undoing all the mothers efforts to raise a considerate boy. I would lose my mind if I had to live her life.
No. 719390
>>719346>I'm technically in the obese BMI range and I'm not even big enough for plus size clothingSo are you tall or muscular or…? I'm super short and I start needing plus size clothing (US 12 and up) around 150~ pounds. On taller or athletic women that weight would be average and not super fat at all.
Imo being fat isn't necessarily permanent. Being "afraid" of being fat is retarded.
No. 719517
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>>719496We can still make them popular p.s. please enjoy this image I made in light of recent posts by kmfdanons
No. 719522
>>719511I don't even think money is the appeal, women say it is but I think they're more willing to settle for an average income old scrote than they will admit.
The real reason is that men hold commitment hostage while simultaneously telling women we're worthless without marriage and kids. If men in their 20s point blank refuse to start families, but women in their 20s are desperate to do so, what else would you expect but girls going for older men solely to secure that commitment? It's very calculated and intentional on men's part, it benefits them in every way. Sleep around in your youth, get a girl out of your league when you're old and fug. Women need to stop buying into it.
No. 719537
>>719522> If men in their 20s point blank refuse to start familiesI can't stress this enough, the amount of men in their late 30s and early 40s that are approaching me in the past few months and without beating around the bush ask me how I feel about marrying (I'm a closeted lesbian and therefore single) and starting a family is fucking huge. You can see that they're panicking and wanting to find anyone who would pop out their disgusting offspring. I think the myth how older men have no problmes finding younger women that would date them is partly to blame.
Recently there was a thread on reddit where one obviously female poster provided a link about man's sperm quality taking a nosedive after the 35 year mark and she was downvoted to hell by men claiming it doesn't matter.
No. 719538
>>719522Yeah, youth is beauty. It doesn't mean older people can't beautiful, but there youth in itself is pretty. Young men with nice skin, a full head of hair and fit bodies are obviously more sexy, it's just that women don't feel entitled to sex with young guys, and they'll actually laughed at if they lust over guys 12 years younger than them.
And it's not like in the oonga-boonga guys 35 year olds were better than younger guys. They hada experience, yeah, but their bodies were also fucking falling apart from age. And it's especially funny when 40+ guys try to shit on young guys out of clear jealousy.
No. 719545
>>719516The two times where I've met guys and discovered they somehow thought they were promised sex just by virtue of us meeting up, it was when I had met them for coffee dates. I don't like ayone spending big on first meet ups and I prefer coffee over eating in front of a near stranger. In one of the cases the guy queued up ahead of me and ordered seperately which was an awkward move. The second time I bought the other guy his coffee because he travelled further to meet up and it's only a coffee. No spending on me either time and those were the guys trying to invite themselves back to my house. Getting pouty and all that when that wasn't on the cards.
I really wish it was as simple as 'no spend equals no desperately trying to self invite to my house after' Feels like you can't win either way
No. 719829
>>719814>Libfems believe in individualism so hard that meaningful or nuanced discussion of society has become practically impossible. They want to pretend this isn't the case, saying things like, "But we don't ignore how society impacts POC or trans*people!" But, truthfully, they handwave in-group racism, and fail to say anything insightful about transgendered individuals' relationship with society.
>Radfems disagree so fervently with individualism that failure to be perfectly counter to the patriarchy is taken as a sign of ignorance, faultiness, or maliciousness. I've personally seen scorn for most everything, from preforming any femininity (makeup, skirts, heels, shaving), to not being vegetarian. The worst one I've seen yet is shunning women who receive psychiatric care, particularly medication.I feel like I'm being made to choose between two different kinds of cults, when all I want is for women to be treated with humanity, dignity, and respect.
No. 719834
>>719829And one thing I hate about both of the sides, the thing I absolutely despise. Is that in both communities the focus goes on TRANS WOMEN, even in rad fem communities who hate them. I'm tired of troons. I just want to hear about women and their issues not about troons either being demonized or put on a pedestal. Like even on rad fem tumblr most of the discussion centers around how TROONS are the most evil creatures in the world and then in lib fem circles it is of course the classic omgg the oppressed trans women. TRANS WOMEN ARE REAL WOMEN uwu.
I think they fail to see that even sex work and trans women are a result of patriarchal society FFS because men were in charge of our society for the most part of our human history and they miserably failed us. And guess what, old habits die hard. Even if women apparently have the same rights as men in most places, the society is still ran from behind by men.
No. 719840
>>719836anon, of course it was a metaphorical exaggeration. But a lot of rad fems end up putting the blame on the women inside the sex work industry when it is the men who run it from the back and when it is men that abuse and neglect those girls that end up being sex workers or groom them. Some radical feminists also advocate for shaming sex workers which is not very smart since they are
victims even if they have money and seem happy or they make marketing choices such as Tweeting positive stuff about sex work. I know it may seem like they are pushing sex work on young women but believe me, men are the true culprit here and they will promote sex work towards young women because they own most of the capital in the world and all pornographic enterprises.
No. 719854
>>719848But being a stay at home wife is not universally a bad decision for women in these days altho feminism arised as a way to liberate women and give them the opportunity to work in the same fields men do.
There are circumstances in which being a stay at home wife is more feminist than being a slave to a male owned corporation. Now you will think house wife= woman under the control of her husband but it is not like that in all cases. Some men are nice, educated and treat their significant other very well and bring in a lot of money. In such case it is a very feminist decision to be a stay at home mom.
So if you compare these two hypothetical situations: Woman working hard in a corporation owned by men where she is not respected vs woman staying at home with a nice husband that can provide for her I think the latter is more feminist. It all depends on the circumstance
No. 719855
>>719814Radfems are ridiculous exactly because they attempt to save everyone at the expense of innocent people. You don't escape accountability just because you're a
victim and caring for the greater good means that you will leave people behind if they drag everyone down.
Also I'm not a radfem, I can't fucking stand them. I think libfems are the more reasonable out of the two, I mean the career libfems not the sw libfems.
No. 719861
>>719854Feminism is not a synonim for "happiness". Feminism is a bunch of goals to reach near equality, activism associated with it and a political discourse. That's why 'choice feminism' is funny, because everyone demands that their personal choices should be regarded as feminist, and if it isn't, they get narc-rage.
Plenty of women in high paying positions are anti-feminist. A woman who uses her family's funds to help girls is a feminist. It's not about their state of emloyment or what makes them happy.
No. 719869
>>719838I think I may have been one of the people that replied to you anon, and the point was not that women shouldn’t be “allowed” to be SAHMs but simply that if your sole source of income is your husband, then you are putting yourself and your child at extreme risk if said man decides to cheat on you, becomes
abusive, molests your child and so on. That’s the exact opposite of “living freely” and being outside of a man’s control by the very nature of the setup. If said woman has a considerable amount of savings so she could easily leave with her child and seek employment in that situation then fine, but also, you’re kind of fucked sometimes depending on whether the man wants to take you to court and have joint custody. It can be hell for both the woman and kid. The nature of radical feminism is such that it advocates for women developing total independence outside of men’s control, so yeah, putting yourself in a position where you are placing a ton of trust in the hands of a scrote isn’t in line with those beliefs. But as
>>719846 said your choices don’t
have to always be political, I know some radfems who are happily married with kids and that’s awesome for them that it worked out, but they are very cognizant of the fact that they aren’t the norm and many other women have gotten screwed over in similar setups. Doesn’t mean that they’re excommunicated from the community though.
No. 719988
>>719838>>719854I consider myself pretty feminist and while I don't agree that stay-at-home-momming is feminist, it's also not anti-feminist.
The fact of the matter is: It exists because most societies aren't conducive to offering parents adequate, affordable, and trustworthy childcare so they can continue their careers while their children are young. It's more of a capitalism issue and a problem with the solo nuclear family. The misogyny comes into play when people think women should be EXPECTED to sacrifice their careers and stay home in order to be "good" parents while their husbands get to fuck around and receive asspats for taking their kids to the park like that one time.
I don't blame women an inch for choosing to be stay at home. If I have children, I'd be very tempted to myself because US childcare is an overpriced scam. I want to be able to spend time during my child's early development and formative years. I really don't care about my job, but I do want to make money. I realize full well that having a gap in my resume could affect my future prospects and earning potential, whereas if the man had the same it wouldn't affect him nearly as much. It's an unfair system.
No. 719990
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>>719496They fucking suck too. Get better taste in industrial, pleb.
No. 719999
what are your industrial recs, queen?
No. 720037
>>720000>they were doing it communally Yeah and this is a huge deal and a major difference as opposed to doing it solo. You're right there's still sexism in that, but the point stands that women had an outlet of support back then that they lack today. US mothers who aren't rich enough to buy parenting or aren't extremely poor to qualify for programs get fucked on all fronts.
First world countries (that are not the US) have been fairer to new mothers by guaranteeing long terms of paid maternity leave, subsidized if not free childcare, and social welfare resources to make up for any other differences regardless of income. Mothers rely less on men and become more productive when society steps up for them. Men never have and likely never will step up to be parental managers in the way women are socialized to, and saying otherwise wasn't my point.
No. 720058
>>720050Radical feminism is literally dominated by straight, bisexual male-partnered women and political lesbians (so not real lesbians)
Jesus christ, why do you people still act like a marginalized group?
No. 720074
>>720068I have rights because feminists fought for them for all women.
>>720069>every choice a woman makes is feminist because a woman made itI don't agree with that statement. I'm not claiming to be a radfem. I'm asking what is the point in excluding women who make certain lifestyle choices from feminism entirely.
No. 720080
>>720056NTA, but does feminism being "for all women" mean "Every choice a woman makes is inherently a feminist act", or to establish social, political and economic equality of women?
Is a woman pimping out other women for scrotes feminist, because she's "empowered" within a misogynistic framework and she technically chose that? Is it feminist to surrender your wellbeing to men, just because you chose that for yourself? What does deliberately choosing to be unequal and uphold unequal aspects of society do to support women's equality?
You can still support feminism without all your actions being feminist-oriented. Most people really are just living life based on what's convenient and least painful for them, even if they do want a better future for others/coming generations. Not everyone can be a super activist or ideologically/personally perfect. It's whatever, you already exist.
The answer isn't to twist logic to make it seem like being a normal person who doesn't go that far against the norm still somehow counts as activism, it's to keep supporting and enabling others to make the big leaps you're unable to.
No. 720084
>>719988One of the ayrt, I agree that being a SAHM isn't necessarily feminist, but I guess my point was It doesn't
HAVE to be. I just don't like how radfems seem to think everything a woman does has to be about defying (for lack of a better word, it makes women sound like rebellious teenagers but you get what I mean) men's expectations, and if it's not you will be shamed. I also think it's important to remember SAHMs that do have their own source of income. Idk how many that is cause I'm not in that community, but they exist.
Not related to your post
this post is all over the place lol, but I do agree that women in certain situations (poor, in a third world country, extremely religious family/country) should not be SAHMs, but they also may not have a choice in that situation.
No. 720085
>>720074>what is the point in excluding women who make certain lifestyle choices from feminism entirelyNo one is excluding SAHmoms from feminism, people are just saying that the act of choosing to be a homemaker isn't a feminist act. It might be the ideal personal choice for some people, but I don't know why people need to be
called a feminist rolemodel for choosing to stay home. It's like anons are reading a completely different discussion.
No. 720088
>>720072I'm on tumblr but specifically around female separatists (both het/bi and lesbians), look for female separatism and essentialism tags
I wish I could link sespursongles essays but the link doesn't work anymore and she deleted her blog and left radfems on tumblr because of the constant lesbophobia
Sakhmet She-Owl on YouTube is great but too redpilled for most het women. this entire blog No. 720091
>>720087IMO, the reason it can't work is that even if all women "wake up", men will just kill and rape us all if we try to separate from them en masse.
In an ideal (unrealistic) scenario, the best that can be done is, I dunno, maybe a large amount of female leaders being elected slowly on a global scale, and all of them secretly agreeing to put chemicals in food and water that physically weakens men. No one will know what's going on until it's too late, and at that point, the problems with men (their violent tendencies, entitled behavior, power, etc) will either be completely neutralized, or it'll be much more possible for women to go full separatist.
No. 720100
>>720095Nah, "psychotic" is the rates of rape, domestic violence and murder enacted on women and young girls globally (both in modern and ancient times), the insane justifications for these things we see constantly, and the fact that men still belittle feminism and claim it's not needed.
It'd actually be batshit insane to ignore it and pretend it's "not that bad". It really is.
No. 720103
>>720080By saying that feminism should be for all women I mean that all women deserve to have their rights and women should work together to achieve that. I don't agree that everything a woman does is automatically feminist. Women do things that hurt other women and that should never be considered feminist.
>The answer isn't to twist logic to make it seem like being a normal person who doesn't go that far against the norm still somehow counts as activism, it's to keep supporting and enabling others to make the big leaps you're unable to.I'm not claiming to be feminist activist. I agree that the majority of women don't have the opportunity to take part in activism. What I'm asking is who do ordinary women support? Libfems are insane and radfems don't care about anyone that isn't part of their clique.
No. 720111
>>720103>all women deserve to have their rightsNo one denies that. But you have to understand that women who are feminist but still interested in marrying men and raising children with them (so the wast majority of women) have completely different goals than, say, women who - regardless of orientation - want their private lives to be separated from males.
Feminism is not just about rights, it's also about goals. The end goal. Most feminists want equality with men (whatever that means), but there's a small number of feminists who want liberation from men. They will always be a minoroty (because living in a man-made system is easier with a male partner), they don't pose any threat to women who still want to marry men, be housewives, be stay at home moms etc. So why do you want them to fight for "all women", even though their goals are completely different?
There are also black separatists (and there's a big difference between separatism and segretation btw). Of course there's much more black people who want to live among white people than black separstists, but do black separstists evoke fear in white people? Probably yes. I wonder why.
No. 720112
>>719814Radfems don't call women worthless whores. Literally the point of radical feminism is to help women in such situations and not ridicule them and push them down further.
I don't think those anons that scream whore all the time in celebricow thread would call themselves radfems for example, even though this site has a high amount of us.
All radfem circles I've been in have been very civil when it comes to sexwork conversations and even accepted fellow women that did and
still do sexwork and camming.
No. 720122
>>720069If societies would recognize the value of mothers bonding with their babies and small children, and would pay them a wage so they wouldn't have to sacrifice a third of their income to childcare while playing supermom between work, or make themselves vulnerable by depending on a man for income if they choose not to work for their child's benefit, what exactly makes staying at home as a parent not feminist?
When you take the financing out of the equation, it's normal human behavior to be with your kids raising them during the first years of their lives.
You're hung up on the fact that SAH parenting was discouraged because it made women vulnerable to men due to money and control. When societies provide these women with a baseline of income, abuse isn't likely at all and quality of life increases. So stay at home parenting isn't the true issue.
No. 720132
>>720125There's a button for it now on the little video bar next to the CC button. I find that mine sometimes turns on by itself though, which is fucking annoying.
>>720112Tbh there are lots of anons who call women (not just sexworkers) sluts, whores, and other derogatory names in /ot/. It's one of the reasons I can't take radfem conversations serious
on lc of course, I'm not speaking about other radfem communities on the internet. I'm not in them so I wouldn't know. I can't help but think that farmers who calls themselves radfem, are the same ones calling women sluts, talking about meeting up with men from r9k, saying that women choose to be abused when they enter relationships with men, picking a part every action of a woman they don't like, shaming women for small things etc…
I know this website is anonymous so we can never know for sure who's who, but a lot of the posters claim to be radfem so I feel like it's pretty fair to assume the ones saying that are also the same anons posting crazy shit.
reposted for small typo No. 720153
>>720133I agree with you. Here's the scenario I had in my head:
If I have daughters and sons who I choose to stay at home with, telling me that raising them with feminist values and teaching them about equality (things they most likely would not receive in most childcare settings), giving my daughter extra attention, etc. isn't feminist because it isn't picket-activism is bullshit.
I agree that not every SAHM is feminist, but being a SAHM can be feministic.
It's a mistake for anons to assume being a working mom, or limiting the choice to have children, is feminist. I don't see what's great about society making child rearing so burdensome that women who might have entertained raising kids don't want to risk it. Or that a woman now has to work a 40+ hour week and then come home to be a domestic manager in order to be considered a "feminist" parent and doing a good job for essentially working herself dry.
No. 720165
>>720155Bisexual women are abused more than straight women
Also no one forces western middle class women to live with men.
No. 720171
>>720168And plenty of women have succeeded in raising responsible sons and not monsters. But sure anon, throw in the towel and let patriarchy win.
>>720165I'll take your word for it but the point still stands that women who fuck with men are more likely to be abused by them. Surely bi women who date men fall under the umbrella of hetero relationships.
No. 720191
>>720178it feels like separatists (the ones who want all women to be separatists, not the ones who want it for themselves) have no hope or plan to make anymore strides in society, which it's hard and long I know, but it's like they don't believe any feminism is possible. We have made some small progress it is just excruciatingly slow and imperfect progress. They bring to mind the black separatists, I forget what those are called
>>720180exactly. I can only understand the separatists who want their own small communities but not the ones who get mad at most other women who won't do it.
Honestly seems downright unfeminist to give up on ever improving things for all women, even if it's slow. It's like agreeing with anti-feminists that it is weak with no chance
No. 720198
>>720185But that means being with men is just prostitution in many cases. Exactly what I've been saying for years kek
I'm working class btw.
No. 720201
>>720185Yes, let's add dozens of whatifs. I don't deny that an excrutiating number of women find themselves in situations where they aren't left without much choice but it doesn't change the fact that they're bringing more people into the world that will continue the old order. Technologies go forward, political systems go through pendulum swings, environments transform but the archaic position of a man subordinate to an idea/ideology/god and woman being subordinate to man is forever because it's unfortunately determined by biology and men holding power and sources of power like media and universities can mold opinions that will impede any significant progress.
>>720195nta but noone's saying or at least I don't mean that straight women wanting to lead a traditional life of being mothers should be denied rights. There's plenty of branches in feminism if not almost all that take lots of time and effort to speak for mothers and the majority of straight women. I don't know what you expect us to say?
No. 720208
>>720203No, sorry if it seems that I'm against separatists doing what they want. I regret replying because really I'm thinking of all the times on here they say things about non-separatist women like they are a "lost cause" but even that is probably out of emotion is all.
I'm not against feminism but I never want feminists to give up on helping all women, however if some want to be separatists that is kind of cool actually I just don't get the expectation (of some) that all women should do this or they are un-feminist lost causes
No. 720211
>>720187I'm asking for the justification as to why women shouldn't come together to help each other instead of excluding women that don't meet some arbitrary ideological standard. Women are 50% of the population. In the west at least women have more political power than ever before, yet world wide progress on women's rights has stalled and even reversed in some cases.
>>720198>>720201What if feminists fought to create better circumstances for these women so that they had the choice of living apart from men?
No. 720234
>>720199>I would rather go out tryingExcept most women never go out and try, they just sit and breed and benefit from what a (fairly) small group of activists fought for. It will never be enough.
And like this anon said
>>720185 some women prefer to live with men rather than alone and struggling. So male-partnered women have to admit that living with a male makes it easier (financially) and it also gives them a higher status in the eyes of society, women who are alone, or homosexual, or childless are seen as lesser. In many european countries they literally pay you for breeding and you get money for the child until they're 18. A woman with a child won't end up homeless, they will give her an apartment to stay in. But a childless woman, even if she's young, won't get help. A woman who has children and a husband will be prioritized for medical care. A woman who's childless, especially if she's older than 30, may not even get any help, especially now in covid times. Many such cases in my country. Are those women less valuable as people? Of course not, but society values you as a mother MORE than childless women. Society values het-partnered women more than singles or lesbians or febfems.
I constanyly struggle with money and my life would've been so much easier if I had a male partner, but I'd rather be poor than live with someone who feels entitled to my body and expects me to be his psychotherapist, maid and a breeder.
We should be focusing 100% on helping women to be self-sufficient, not on telling them "it's ok if you want to be a housewife and completely economically dependent on a male"
No. 720257
>>720255Well then they're using it wrong, stop screeching. Do you also think anons calling every ethot old and haggard really makes them old and haggard?
Pickmes are women like shoeonhead or tradthots who say what they think men want to hear and cosplay male fantasies in hopes of getting picked. As we've all seen, it rarely works.
No. 720289
>>720287Well, I will never accept that lifestyle or consider it feminist. Doesn't mean I wish a harm upon those women.
But if a tradwife pickmeisha actively shits on feminists, I literally wouldn't give a damn if a scrote hurt her. I wouldn't give a damn for a pickme who shits on other women. I don't believe in "sisterhood". There are women who are sellouts and I won't solidarize with them just because we have the same sex organs.
(pickme derail) No. 720291
>>720257Nta but those anons are annoying too tbh
>>720258The problem is many people apply that term towards women who aren't faking it and genuinely like those things. Sometimes it happens with feminine and normal interests too, it's like people can't fathom the idea that some women just like things. Not every woman has an ulterior motive for liking things.
No. 720341
>>720335I thought porn was for the single and lonely tho.
But oh I forgot about men. Yeah they can’t watch it, they’re just as retarded and lame as the average anti-porn shitposter actually. I wish all women would stop slutshaming stop moralfagging and collectively watch porn.
No. 720344
>>720329Kek as one of those people you're talking about, that's not even an unpopular opinion. Being anti-porn is by far more unpopular.
But do you really think that we're all pretending to not watch porn? I haven't masturbated to porn in years. Every time I see it now I just become physically repulsed, never horny. It's all so fake and depraved and I'm truly sorry that you think everyone must secretly be a coomer deep down.
No. 720346
>>720329This makes no fucking sense
>complain about a website that hosts child porn and rape videos
>you are a former hoe or a hoe in denialWow anon you suffer from some logical inconsistencies.
No. 720352
>>720346Doesn’t this website host childporn when a scrote has a tantrum on here
Idk much about pornhub I just click any vid i see on google that has a cute girl having fun with herself
>>720344I just watch girls who masturbate or lesbian couples and idk it seems genuine especially because it’s amateur. The super professional hetero sexual thingies are often bad yeah.
If I dated someone or had sex toys I wouldn’t feel the need to watch porn no.
No. 720355
>>720344Forgot this to add to my post:
Most people in the irl world are feeling icky to talk about porn (in my environment at least). It’s either having a bf or you’re a loser in my circles sadly.
>>720343>having sex with men at allEw
No. 720363
>>720345I read it, and what I got was
>"I'm a porn addict, so everyone else must be too, at least secretly">"Who cares about the industry existing off human trafficking, violence and child exploitation/pedophilia?! I need to COOM, stop moralfagging!!">"You're slutshaming!! Also women who don't support porn are hoes…heh"Some "anons" really just post anything to try and get replies. That, or the literal brain damage porn causes has really fucked some people up. I feel pity.
No. 720372
>>720363>"I'm a porn addict, so everyone else must be too, at least secretly"Why am I a pornaddict?
>"Who cares about the industry existing off human trafficking, violence and child exploitation/pedophilia?! I need to COOM, stop moralfagging!!"You sound like those anti smoking activists.
I just need to coom at sexy legal videos.
You’re a bit angry maybe you need to relax too and I know just the way…
> >"You're slutshaming!! Also women who don't support porn are hoes…heh"What’s wrong with being a hoe or sex worker? Unless it’s not going so well of course.
No. 720373
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Doesn't sound that radical to me!
No. 720379
>>720377Nah I’m not hot enough for it sadly. And if I’d cam it’d indeed fail.
Maybe if you’d coom once in a while you’d be calm too.
I think that even aside from the rampant pedophilia and rape that runs the porn industry, people who can't masturbate without watching porn just have a fundamentally broken sexuality. Well-functioning, balanced humans don't need it, and in a sense, it's almost like a form of self-cuckoldry. It doesn't really make sense to train yourself to primarily be aroused by watching endless clips of people who aren't you having sex.
I don't care how many coomers try to normalize it, or make it seem like everyone does it. It's pathetic, like something a heavily isolated monkey stuck in a box, disallowed from interaction with other monkeys, would grow fixated on.
That whole "gooning"/porn addict community isn't just a fetish or fantasy talk, it's a raw admission that many of these people have fucked themselves up, and are too addicted to do anything about it. It's basically a greedy porn company CEO's dream, and any sane person's nightmare.
No. 720390
>>720379Don't need to, I can masturbate using my imagination. Feels pretty good.
Also, porn addiction causes emotional problems, while not watching porn has no such effect.
No. 720393
>>720390>without imaginationAbout that, aren’t sex toys on webshops that look just like any porn website and use models that are in the porn industry?
Mods are being bitchy so I can’t reply to the other one.
No. 720404
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>>716968Somewhat related note, I was looking for eye references on pinterest the other day and stumbled into this nightmare fuel. These over-edited pictures of children with their eyes made 200% larger, over-sharpened and over-saturated are such a bizzare genre of photography. The kids are always poor or in war-torn countries and their eyes are always piercingly bright blue. I don't know if I think it's pedophilic. I also don't know who, except a pedophile, would make pinterest boards full of childrens' eyes either, so… To actually tie this into the thread, my unpopular opinion is photos like these & those in the same genre of the Nat Geo 'Afghan Girl' are at worst exploitative and at best uninspired.
No. 720408
>>720404Not sure if it's just the examples you picked, but it seems like someone has a fancy for ethnic kids with light eyes.
Maybe not related to pedophilia per se, but definitely ~look at these unique unicorns~ pedestal type of vibes which I find equally dehumanizing and gross. Nazis liked the same shit.
No. 720419
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>>720404I'm sure it has to do with this
No. 720427
>>720410Are you trying to passively agressively one-up that anon or something
>>720404I don't think it's pedophilic, but I think people just like "exotic" (ew) faces and feeling pity for people from third world countries. For some reason rough + beauty is something people like. It's like "Awww, it's a poor, hungry, dirty child…but look! They're so beautiful! Who knew people in poverty and war could be so captivating! I guess there really is beauty in everything, even countries in poor conditions :)". I hope that makes sense. It kind of reminds me of people who do volunteer work in third world countries for their own personal benefit for some reason (white saviors I think is the term?).
No. 720450
>>720427Something about this feels so fucking gross though. We can only feel bad for impoverished children when they have overly shooped ice blue eyes?
I know about the popularity of the Afghan Girl photo, but I see pictures like this all the time on Instagram and other sites. Just creeps me out and feels vaguely racist.
No. 720484
>>720483Perhaps you’re right to a degree. I hate genderspecials but we shouldn’t allow this place to become an echo chamber. We aren’t emotionally fragile like the incels, we are big girls and can handle dissent occasionally.
Fuck ever puttting up with men or TIMs though. They can go to hell.
No. 720485
>>720250i don't think it's misogynistic since pickmes are hated specifically because they constantly shit on other women as a way to attract/keep a man. i do think the nlog meme is misogynistic though (even if it didn't start off that way) since it gets twisted and used to shit on gnc or butch women just for existing
No. 720486
>>720485Exactly. Pickmes are pickmes because they are
toxic to be around,
toxic friends and coworkers that start campaigns of bullying against women who don’t fit male ideals.
No. 720572
>>720467Odd to think up-keeping a decent appearance is underachieving.
People who are proud of not working out/eating garbage/gaining weight and looking slobby seem more like underachievers to me.
At least they strive to do ONE thing because plenty of people who don’t bother with their looks don’t bother achieving anything else either.
No. 720676
>>720663I don't understand why men have an obsession with their assholes, it's not a sexual organ, it's where you've shit from since the day you were born, it's a task you do everyday
My Mom used to tell me that back in her day it was said that If a man asked for anal he would have been considered a sick degenerate, and now it's an expected thing
No. 720690
>>720676They do have a prostate though, which is like the female g-spot.
I've also never gotten my asshole licked (and never want that to happen) but apparently it feels good.
No. 720757
>>720690What is the appeal of it though, it's your literal asshole no matter any pleasure you revive it's still beyond disgusting
It's where fecal matter comes from, any pleasure is negated bu how disgusting it is
No. 720763
>>720757Nta, but tbh I'd still eat and let someone eat my ass like french toast on a platter.
Pee is also gross (even though shit is gross-er, but who really wants to eat piss), but we still suck and lick on other peoples genitals.
No. 720772
>>720768Pee is still nasty but what is this
>One of my exes had skid marks frequently in his boxers and we were 69ing once and he had shit stuck in his ass hairWhat do you mean frequently? You mean you didn't break up with him after the first time you saw a pair of boxers with skid marks in time? Please tell me you stopped when you saw the shit in his ass. What the hell is going on
No. 720773
>>720772He was a high functioning alcoholic, he got dumped for being an
abusive aggressive piece of shit, the shit was the cherry on top.
No. 720799
>>720772My boyfriends old room mate had skid marks in most of his boxsers and he would wear my boyfriends boxsers if he couldn't find any other clean ones, I ended up buying like new boxsers all the time because he would knick my boyfriends nice clean new boxsers and somehow get shit on them and then just chuck them in the common laundry basket in the kitchen and then would get annoyed at me when I would put a wash on with his shit stained bokkies cause I wasn't up for fishing out the shit-stained boxsers by hand out the basket to seperate them.
His part of the couch also stank of BO, it was bad.
No. 720860
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>>720830Fuck me you're right
No. 720863
>>720799>>720788>>720768The actual fuck? Do better for yourselves and find men that aren’t unwashed mongoloid retards. I’ve literally never seen a dude who wasn’t chronically ill or over 65 with “regular” skidmarks in their panties.
I cannot believe there are women out there that would tolerate this shit
No. 720873
>>720620You sound pretty stuck on the “fleeting youth” thing. If people want to enjoy looking good and have memories of their beauty to look back on, I see nothing wrong with it.
Just going to repeat: There are plenty of fat sloppy people who don’t even bother with careers or education either. At least the person maintaining their body is doing one good thing.
No. 720876
>>720873I'm really surprised that opinion is sitting so sourly with some of you considering lolcow is basically documenting looks-obsessed people on their social media and laughing at them for being abject failures.
By the way, nothing about being looks-obsessed means someone actually looks the best or anywhere near good. Plenty of vain people fail at that too and are deluded.
No. 720880
>>720872That’s what I’m saying, these idiot dudes that can’t even be bothered to properly wipe their own asses don’t deserve women, they deserve to be hosed down outdoors and housed in barns.
Stop. Coddling. Men.
No. 720888
>>720876We laugh at them for being awful people in general, you’ shouldsee it’s not just about them being random ugly bimbos. Not to mention, nitpicking is technically against the rules.
You sound like you think you’re more intelligent than you really are and it makes up for your lack of decent looks. Either way, this IS the UNPOPULAR opinion thread so I’m just gonna leave this alone.
>>720878That’s on you for looking good for HIM. We shouldn’t put in effort for scrotes, they’ll find anyone showing tits and ass hot. Being attractive is tied into good habits, not listening to men’s ideas of beauty. Good food , sleep, hydration= good skin, better mood, better body.
No. 720897
>>720467lolno. This is factually incorrect. People who are in shape and take care of their appearance are more likely to be successful in their education and careers. It's almost as if people with the discipline to optimize their figure and appearance have discupline in other areas of their lives as well. What a shocking concept.
The idea that living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a good figure isn't an accomplishment is peak fat cope. Absolutely laughable. This is why it's so hard to respect most fat people. You guys will tell yourselves anything to feel better about your lack of discipline.
No. 720908
Also, the "fleeting youth" thing is also retarded because as far as weight goes, your size makes a dramatic impact on your health later in life. So, if anything the fact youth is fleeting and you only have so much wiggle room before your weight catches up to you makes being in shape way more important. Fatties are the ones who need the fact youth is fleetibg emphazised to them more, since they're the ones behaving like their body is going to be in its 20's forever and there will never be health consequences for how horribly they take care of it.
No. 720920
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>>720872But you're still the stupid bitches that decided to date and fuck men who can't wash their ass. This isn't even about ass-eating or anal. It literally doesn't matter what country you're from, don't date grown ass men who cannot wipe and clean themselves.
The fact one of you were buying new draws and washing the roommate's underwear is what really disgusts me. And the anon who let her boyfriend stick his shitty ass in her face. What the fuck.
No. 720932
>>720923It's becoming relevant because you want to make a point about how being hyper fixated on weight will actually do good in the long term when it's been documented that women who obsess through all the weird diets, drug use, and surgeries that harm them to be their "better" versions actually wind up doing more harm than good. If not killing them.
I actually agree with you about fatties but you're being too defensive. It makes me wonder.
No. 720963
>>720932>it's been documented that women who obsess through all the weird diets, drug use, and surgeries that harm them to be their "better" versions actually wind up doing more harm than good. If not killing them.As I said, when anorexia's high morbidity rate is due to the minority of severe cases. Not every woman who has ever crash dieted. The reality is, very few women are dangerously underweight or can maintain extremely restrictive diets for long enough to cause serious health issues. Even fewer abuse drugs or surgeries for the sake of it. There are harmful outcomes from trying to lose weight in unhealthy ways, but it's nowhere near the epidemic of mass proportions that obesity is.
And, again, this conversation is not even about anachans?? It's about people who live healthy lifestyles and stay fit, literally the opposite of anas. I'm defensive because these are really, really dumb strawman arguments that make no sense in context.
No. 720989
>>720932Oh god, how do I even unpack all this top-tier fat logic. Forst of all, stop pretending anorexia is the only alternative to being fat.
1. You are corrct that dieting is proven to be typically inefective. However, one of the most annoying things about the fat acceptence movement is how you guys regurgitate the misinformation that this is the only solution promoted in weight loss when complete lifestyle overhaul is promoted far more than dieting for this very reason. It's pretty transparent why that is.
2. The negative health effects of obesity are extremely well documented, but the fat acceptence movement is die hard in their dedication to not accepting or acknowledging this fact.
No. 721117
>>721025>no matter how fat they areImagine worrying about someone who’s restrictive dieting when they weigh 200 lbs…
But their problem is that they gained 10 lbs in high school because they decided to skip 3 lunch meals to feel anorexic isn’t it
No. 721278
>>721253Which thread anon? The anorexia thread? I’m literally a 140 kilograms?
>not everyoneThere’s not a single fatass who suffers from crash dieting or any sort of eating disorder that’s nothing to do with eating like a pig, trust me.
Our only problem is obesity and overeating, if we ever bothered healthy dieting or crash dieting we wouldn’t be fat.
In fact I’d love to try a water fast (complimented with supplements) before I die of a heart attack.
No. 721284
>>721278You sounded like anachans for a moment, they're the ones getting angry at anyone using the term anorexia for themselves even though most people don't fucking care.
But why not just commit to a 1000/1200 calorie diet instead of doing weird fasts? Saying "we don't do those" is the exact problem, because a lifestyle change will be better than a diet that just makes you miserable and feel like you need to do absurd shit to keep off the fat.
No. 721300
I'm going to sound like a schizo here, but I don't care. Anything to get this out, even if it's minuscule and cryptic: Any grown man over the age of 24 who uses ":3" or ">:3" casually/commonly is a pedophile, even if he tries to downplay it as "ironic". I used to say "men who use ":3" are creeps haha" jokingly, but after observing some things about completely separate individuals, I'm not fucking joking at all. Stay away from them, don't trust them, warn kids away from them. 99.9% chance they are groomers.
At the moment, this concept is either not known, or considered a meme. Use that to your advantage to weed out creeps.
If you like, ignore this and find out. You will regret it.
>inb4 the typical dumbass comes in to do the "My Nigel does this!!"
Yeah, bet he jacks off to loli shit and you two do dd/lg shit in bed, too. Very high chance your ass will be crying here after you look on his phone and see some shit you can't unsee, and if I see those posts, I'll be one of the anons that tries to offer support, but also, you're a fucking moron
No. 721319
>>721300Tbh whenever a man uses some sort of uwu-cutesy emotes, that's already a red flag. They all turn out to be shitty manipulators or worse.
Other than that, I fully agree with you. A lot of groomers that I've met were using 'uwu , :3'.
Such a weird thing tbh.
No. 721350
Anime is weird and people who actively watch it are socially awkward and generally unpleasant to be around.
>>721325Helps drive the point home.
No. 721436
>>721423I think the cottagecore moodboard thing is dumb too if harmless. I'm guessing half of these girls never step outside. If you want to go farming, at least you could try WOOFing first. I did that and realized how miserable it is. Real farming can be even more labor intensive with people working 10 hour days with no vacations. Or there are even domestic opportunities to volunteer/help out on farms/the outdoors and they don't do it.
I'm just annoyed by how many people think they are too good for society while not admitting they are too incompetent and lazy to do otherwise. "I'm sooo totally going to move into a farm/cabin and be away from society." No you're not so shut up.
No. 721548
>>721545I have seen anons here say men can't be raped at all before, so that's why I thought it was a little unpopular. I'm not saying women rape more than men at all though, just to be clear. Just that it does happen and women who rape and sexually assault people (no matter the gender of the
victim) deserve to be held accountable.
No. 721551
>>721548Nta, I believe that men can get raped but in the rare case it happens it's almost always done by other men. Just the other day I was reading an article about rape
victims and there where a few male
victims who were like MeN cAn GeT rApEd toO11! but it was all raped by other men.
No. 721620
>>721617idk, bernie does make many
valid points, watch vidrel if you're skeptical
No. 721958
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Being famous sucks, being rich must be amazing, but being famous must be the most shitty thing that could ever happen to anyone.
No. 721961
>>721951I'm surprised that this song is viral. This is such a basic and bland song.
>>721954I think it's fine for pre-teens and teenagers to enjoy, but if you're over 18-19 and still listening to those regularly then I do find it cringe.
No. 721966
>>721958Agree, why so many people want to be famous it baffles me. The only perk you might get from being famous is that you can meet various groups of interesting people but it's not like you can only do it by being a celebrity.
I don't know how celebrities keep up with having thousands if not millions of strangers nitpick on them, baby and ideolize them, paparazzis on their backs all day, their personal image becoming a brand, no privacy (not even for people related to you)… iaics
No. 721971
>>720192>That doesn't mean it's not true that having children sets us back individually If you ask most mothers of sons, they would say that their sons benefited their lives. I don't see how having more family that will live them would set back a woman individually.
>more men sets us back as a collectiveI don't see this either. I'm fairly certain that the majority of the men of your country benefit you overall, by producing goods and services, paying taxes, serving in the police and the armed forces, just as the majority of the women of your country benefit you overall.
No. 721977
>>721975Ignore them. I didn't read your post, but it's probably
>>721956 and
>>721790 trying extra hard to bait people. Since the roommate anon, anytime i see pickme being thrown around I assume it's a redflag for bait.
No. 721981
>>721954Why do you feel that way?
I find it so interesting how people connect to different kinds of music.
I think country music is absolute shit, but I believe it's the most popular genre in the US.
No. 721997
>>721961>if you're over 18-19 and still listening to those regularly then I do find it cringewhat? are you the anon that listens to opera when she masturbates kek
>>721980an annoying attention whore larper that repeatedly spammed the same bait on here about her imaginary pickme roommate
No. 722020
i have no idea what these britbongs are singing about half the time but it's cool
No. 722169
>>722157Are you saying people who appear to have nice voices, but are technically ignorant and haven’t been trained, aren’t good singers?
I kinda agree with that but it seems weird to declare that someone’s not a good singer if they sound like they are to most people’s untrained ears. Raw talent can go a long way, and there’s a big difference from someone who can stay in tune versus a completely tone deaf person.
No. 722225
>>722006agree, along with adults who watch shows like euphoria, skins, stephen universe, and all those netflix cartoons etc.
my unpopular opinion is that social anxiety, social phobia and being "introverted" are just overused terms that mean nothing. and the people using them always have completely normal social lives. i know several NEETs who claim social anxiety/phobia is keeping them from getting a job, but then they hang out at parties and social gatherings with no issue whatsoever and post a billion public instagram posts and stories everyday, go to meetings and group therapy etc. yeah no, you're just lazy.
No. 722230
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>>722227Wait, Skins isn’t set in college/university?
No. 722238
>>722227Agree 110%. Society has progressed past the need for 20-somethings and 30-somethings playing high school teenagers.
>>722230Kek anon did you forget the whole story arc when they would open their A-levels?
No. 722242
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>>722237>>722238I didn’t know, I didn’t pay too much attention while watching it because I was a kid/teen back then and didn’t care about the plot too much, I just wanted to look at the pretty blond guy.
I swear I used to think they were some cool university students with lots of freedom because they were grown up and shit, not some edgy teens, my teenhood has been ruined furthermore than it was.
No. 722244
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>>722242It's okay, anon! I'm sure we've all got lost in Maxxie's eyes at some point ♥
In hindsight, I definitely feel like I shouldn't have been watching that show either when I did. Freshman me was way in over her head.
No. 722248
>>722240Ntayrt but I was slightly younger than the main cast in the first season when it came out originally and I thought it represented my expirience of being that age in the UK.
Underage drug and alcohol use, sex and partying was very common and pretty much what a lot of highschoolers did on a regular basis around that time, dunno if it's different now.
No. 722335
>>722326Wtf type of Christian mom thinking is this…?
Women's basketball, women's track and field, softball? How the fuck is any of this softcore porn?
With this backwards thinking you just invalidated a bunch of women's sports because of tHe ClOtHes ThEy wEaR
No. 722345
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>>722340I take it you're a fat bitch and have never been an athlete huh?
This is what men wear during running as well. It makes sense to wear as least as possible to help with running performance.
No. 722347
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>>722342>>722340Nice cherry pick tho
No. 722353
>>721289Uh… because it's a fun creative outlet? Just like any other artform?
I don't wear makeup to look more attractive, I wear it because it's a fun pretty way to express myself.
No. 722355
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>>722340just because scrotes can - and do - attempt to sexualize anything doesn't make it softcore porn.
I might have to complain to the olympic committee for all the bulge they force the male athletes to show.
No. 722369
>>722237for some reason i thought british students started college earlier than other places and stopped wearing uniforms by the time they get there so my brain went "no uniform=not in highschool or under"
>>722353imo it depends on how you style it. i don't think it's creative or expressive if someone is just following trends or styles it the same way everyone else is. same goes for clothing.
No. 722371
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Rugby is inherently kind of gay. Many men are secretly bisexual, to be honest.
No. 722373
>>722353>Just like any other artformKek like oil painting or ballet dancing?
>I don't wear makeup to look more attractiveReally? You don’t wear concealer or cream/foundation to cover your blemishes and uneven skin tone? You don’t wear mascara or shape your eyebrows? You don’t high light your features? Not adding colors to your lips and cheeks? I’m assuming you’re painting rendition of Starry Night on your face.
No. 722377
>>722374It appeals to the caveman scrote mind: "my tribe stong better than your tribe."
Also it's a way of them coping, because they recall back when they played whichever sport, and claim that they had the talent/drive/vision to make it to the big leagues, but injury/career/some other excuse stopped them.
No. 722378
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>>722377>It appeals to the caveman scrote mind: "my tribe stong better than your tribe."You realize you're shitting on women's sports as well, right?
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No. 722381
>>722376Best at what? Also, you didn't answer what's realistically gained from watching them. You sound kind of angry about an honest question.
Is it a form of symbolic cuckoldry? You can't do anything athletic (or anything particularly impressive, whether in the most primal or abstract sense), so you get off from watching strong men getting physical, and try to live vicariously through them?
No. 722391
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>>722376Oh yes I'm sure the average man can accomplish this with minimal training
No. 722409
>>722388More like it’s the other way around. Few women’s sports are unsexualized. They are only sexualized to various degrees. Bringing it up is not to compare female athletes to porn stars. It’s criticism of the presentation (attires, filming,
makeup, etc) that enables the men to only watch women’s sports “for the plot”. In their minds if they wanted to watch the sports, they’d watch men’s. I’d love it if we lived in a world where female athletes can wear whatever and men and women would come to witness their mastery without being viewed as the “hot girl” version of a scrote’s preferred sport. But alas, it’s not this timeline.
>>722397Fuck off and die already.
(ignore scrotes) No. 722411
>>722376Anon why you gotta be like that? Male athletes already make substantially more than women and have much larger attendance for games so your take is absolutely unnecessary. Frankly it’s also sexist as fuck.
>>722391I agree with you but wanna add that mens figure skating is basically battle of the quad jumps with a little artistry put in depending on the skater and choreographer/coach. Nathan Chen for instance is a remarkable athlete but isn’t that fun to watch as a performer. Yuzuru Hanyu is better from a performance standpoint but overall I much prefer womens figure skating since the female form is a lot prettier to watch on the ice. So even if women are “behind” on jumps compared to men, they still are much more enjoyable to watch. Same can be said for women’s gymnastics.
No. 722461
>>722411I would argue that even on the technical side of things, many people are genuinely far more invested in women's skating than men's. As a group overall, men's upper body strength and lower bf% allows them 1 extra rotation in the air compared to most women on the same level, but it's the same jump with the same entry and is otherwise the same to watch. Their advantages do not improve their jumping technique, or make their skating skills better, or make their spins better, it doesn't make them more graceful or artistic, it doesn't make them more consistently able to land jumps, and it doesn't make them more interesting to watch unless you're particularly invested in quads (and even if you are, it can be just as exciting to follow the Russian girls quad battle). It's literally just related to their strength rather than skill.
People who try to discourage women from sports because we may have physical limitations compared to men are absolutely the worst fucking people, it's beyond mean spirited and goes completely against the concept of sportsmanship.
No. 722485
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>>722477I disagree, but I'm glad we both agree that it isn't pedophilia.
No. 722495
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I don't even fully understand why but something about D'Angelo Wallace really annoys me. Maybe it's just that I don't have any respect for drama channels in general. Especially when he's framed by his fanbase as this sweet little innocent cinnamon roll who's completely unproblematic (which he absolutely plays into and encourages), while making an entire career out of calling other people out for their mistakes. And I don't even like the people he criticizes! I agree with so many of his points on the people he covers and yet something about him just pisses me off and there's a part of me just waiting for the schadenfreude I'll feel when he inevitably fucks up and falls victim to the same exact environment he's been fostering on the internet.
No. 722521
>>722227Did you watch Skins? They literally are in college. They are the same age as the Euphoria characters, but college starts at 16 in the UK, and is also the age of consent.
Also, my unpopular opinion is that it's really not a big deal at all the Euphoria characters are in high school. It's not like the actors are underage, so you can't claim that any actual teenagers are being taken advantage of by pedo hollywood. It's controversial, yes, but it's not a serious problem.
No. 722528
>>722521Nta but
>college starts at 16 in the UKReally? I thought it starts at 18, like in many european countries. In my country college starts at 19, I see 16 year olds as babies.
No. 722529
>>722515>Well, odler creeps creeping on me when I was 15-16 was disgusting TO ME, most certainlyI'm fairly certain their behaviour towards you was what made it creepy to you, and not the attraction itself.
>if that isn't disgusting, do you think it should be socially acceptable for adult men to openly lust after underage people?What do you mean by "openly lust"? If you meant the way guys creeped you out, then I don't think that's right. But just stating the obvious, that such an attraction is a biological fact, that most men and women are attracted to beautiful or handsome post-pubescent teenagers even if they would never pursue them, shouldn't be called disgusting, and it certainly shoulen't be equated to pedophilia, the sexual attraction towards prepubescent children.
>>722518>It's ok to think teenagers are physically attractive, but no regular adult would be romantically or sexually attracted to teensThis is contradictory, for people who aren't asexual physically attraction is accompanied by sexual and romantic attraction.
> It doesn't actually matter, a minor is minorIt might be different where you live, but a 16 year old is above the age of consent in the UK, you might disagree with older adults dating them, but such a case is not pedophilia in any sense of the word.
No. 722531
>>722227I think 16 year olds in the UK can sign a lease and things like that, they start college at 16, can buy smokes I think? (or could back then) There's a few laws in the Uk that treat 16 year olds as very adult so I think in a way that's why they chose that age group for the show.
It's a weird age to be in a country where you can enter to win the lottery at 16, smoke and have your own house..but you're still a kid too.
No. 722541
>>722520Oh I definitely agree that one is a lot more gross, but to me they're all disgusting and I can't care enough to call them the "proper" names.
>>722529You can be physically attracteed to a person without being sexually or romantically attracted to them. Not sure wtf makes you think you can't.
>but a 16 year old is above the age of consent in the UKThat's cool. The aoc is as low as 12 in some places in the US, that doesn't make it less disgusting to date and fuck 12 year olds.
No. 722668
>>722373>Kek like oil painting or ballet dancing?More like fashion, actually.
>Really? I've been doing my makeup pretty much every day, despite being in a pandemic and almost never leaving my house. I'm the only person who sees almost any of the looks I do since March. So yeah, I can say with utmost certainty that makeup for me has nothing to do with looking more attractive, it's just really fun. (not that there's anything wrong with people using it to look more attractive if they want to)
No. 722672
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>>722529>muh hEbephiLia>muh age oF cOnsent>>722543Amateur numbers seeing that 90% of males do not deserve to continue genetically.
No. 722703
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>>722672>Amateur numbers seeing that 90% of males do not deserve to continue genetically.reminder that the average Western woman now weighs 170 lbs or 77 kg. truly the modern female deserve to be the choosers in teh sex industry UwU please give me your onlyfans or twitch stream so i can give you a tithe my QUEEN
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>>722703Kek not even that anon but fat women still have way more reproductive value than the average man and you can die mad about it.
No. 722715
>>722693Why yes I do in fact adhere to ever-changing beauty trends shilled to me by industrial complex capitalizing my compulsive consumerism in a bid to appease my sex-based anxiety around the need to intrinsically consummate beauty and self-worth. Why yes I do in fact engage in makeup shaming because there are in fact wrong ways to “self-express”; those bitches foundation don’t match, they contours muddy, their eyebrows fucked up and their pores showing. What’s the point if your makeup, I mean ART, is ugly.
A-are you implying that I can still be affected by female socialization when men aren’t looking? Nonsense. It’s for myself desu, I am very empowered, I don’t even go outside. The fat cat capitalists said so. Look at these KRAZY eyeshadow colors, look at these quirky flowers I drew on my cheeks. We all know men HATE unnatural colors unapproved by the church like purple blush or blue lipstick, I’m clearly not trying to enhance my attractiveness in a way that is socially acceptable. These facial fillers? Feminist af, I got it done so my ART looks better. Yas queen slay.
Beat your fucking face if you want to. Unfortunately, attractiveness does make it easier to navigate this sexist ass society. But do not get defensive and all mental-gymnastics when someone points out how oppressive it is.
No. 722725
>>722715I don't think anyone even "makeup-shamed", but I feel like judging people for makeup-shaming on a site like lc, where nitpicking women for incredibly small things is rampant, is kinda funny. Anyway, I hope you guys realize woman
can like things for themselves
or does everyone believe women can't exist without seeking approval from other people?, and that not everything a woman does has to be some act to defy societal expectations/beauty standards. Also, imo, even if you do it for other people that's not necessarily a bad thing. We all try to be "presentable" (what presentable is differs from person to person) to other people. I only think it's bad if it makes you extremely insecure. No one's denying that there are women that wear makeup solely to appease men, or because of how society is, but lets not act like wearing makeup because you genuinely like it is wrong.
Why do farmers always say another anon is being defensive if they disagree with them.
No. 722859
>>722858I had a cancer scare years ago when I got hpv from my ex, while I was having precancer cells burnt off my cervix.. He was fucking some other unsuspecting woman. Hpv sure doesnt play equal across the sexes.
None of us were young enough to vaccinate against it so I hope that woman is OK and that she didn't go on to get the same news as me. I'm more concerned about the mistresses health than he ever was. I have memories of the affair coming out and immediately worrying about whether this woman was good at keeping on top of getting smear tested. I highly suspect he's kept her in the dark about it.
No. 722865
>>722355Don’t care what a radfem whore accuses me of
This man is so sexy I really want to get fucked by him in my every hole
Who the hell is this faggot
I’m gonna lynch him if he doesn’t like girls
No. 722867
>>722859Wow I just googled it, and I didn't even know the hpv vacc had a cut off age. It's been raised to 45 (at least in the US) so I hope you were able to get it. I wonder if people above 45 can get the shots readministered if they got the first one before 45?
>>722865Google reverse,
No. 722870
>>722867Where I live you get it at 13 and it happens through the school. I think if you want to pay for it privately as an adult theyll still only give it to virgins. Where I am at least.
I already had one of the bad strains and my immune system cleared it eventually so I don't know if have immunity to that particular strain now? Ive been meaning to look that up. Not that I'm even sexually active since then. I honestly don't know if I'll return to being sexually active after the clusterfuck of cancer worries/affair news/cervix burning procedures etc.
No. 723141
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>>723128>n-no uHave you considered fucking off?
>>723131>You man-haters are the same as deranged racist misogynists, women are responsible for the physical and institutional violence inflicted upon them by menHi scrote, post this on Reddit for updoots, we don’t have that here
No. 723149
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>>722844>>723131>>723128And yet, you keep coming back. You often make these exact same posts, too. Obsession and addiction, lol
No. 723170
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>>723128"transphobia" isn't bigotry it's common sense
No. 723194
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>>723174lmao you're the same LiTeRaL nAzIs anon from the other day. Anyway you'll find most of the world agrees that trans women are men and vice versa
No. 723321
>>723299Um actually, ADHD is a neurological disorder not psychological. People aren't born with PTSD. People are born with certain predispositions for mental illnesses.
>disorders not real>but symptoms are realSo which is it? What does treatability have to do with anything?
I know ur just trying out a hot take and farm some replies but like think it out more kek
No. 723414
While individual physical features and traits can themselves be considered subjectively "attractive" or "unattractive" due to social and cultural connotations, and these connotations can differ from society to society, trying to measure the beauty of a whole human physical appearance - entire faces or bodies - is a fool's errand, because depending on so many various factors (some which a person is in control of and some which they aren't - age, weight, height, bone structure, lighting, framing, color of them or colors around them, clothing, cosmetic alterations) the exact same person can look conventionally "attractive" and then look conventionally "unattractive" five minutes later.
It is possible to take two pictures of the exact same person, but take the picture, and depict them, in such a way that someone could consider one of the pictures to depict an "attractive" person and one to depict an "unattractive" person. Every person you can think of, no matter how subjectively attractive you find them to be, can be framed to appear as unattractive as a person you subjectively consider the most unattractive person you can think of. Beauty isn't just subjective, it can be impossible to accurately assign to a person.
No. 723585
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it makes more sense for women to date younger men, than for men to date younger women.
>men maturing later is bullshit
>it is only prevalent now because we excuse and put up with manchild behavior
>men in their early 20s are stronger
>they have healthy sex drives and a peepee that works
>they look their best at this age
>women live longer than men on average
>a younger man will probably not die before you
>if they want to be the provider, they have longer time to do it during your companionship
>they still have a zest for life and some goals
>younger men are not yet bitter from divorce
>by taking the younger hotties while they still have potential we may train a generation of men to be of value, instead of squandering their life away on weed, videogames and porn
No. 723967
>>723823>while it also masculinizes us greatly so that were not real women in a senseAs a eurofag that lived in the US for a period, I've always felt like that in the states being stupid and helpless is seen as feminine for white women, as if the bubbly bimbo type is the ideal woman.
I can see how that would lead to masculizing/defeminizing characters by showing them as strong, independent, or wise. The US obsession girly=good, womanly=bad baffles me.