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No. 13204
Please post all general issues and complaints here. If you want mods to do something, or have some issue with or suggestion for site content, you should use this thread.
>>>/meta/6821 should only be used for technical issues and suggestions (can't load site, site slow, bugs, site feature requests). This thread is for non-technical issues.
No. 13212
>>13210If it's indeed radfeminism sperging
>Definitely should delete the 2X boardthen yes
If it's not, which I hope it isn't, then no, they need a containment board.
No. 13217
>>13211The post history checks out.
Take the sperg here. Anyone derailing the complaints thread will be banned for now on.
>>>/meta/13215 No. 13221
File: 1579130802343.png (55.95 KB, 1872x192, jnknknj.png)

>>>/ot/504305I don't know if this is linked to the posts in the dumbass shit thread, but I hope it doesn't become a trend.
No. 13227
>>13221You got to be fucking kidding me.
If this isn’t bait this got to be the most blatant scrot-self outing. Either one should be banned tbh.
No. 13230
>>13227After further inspection it seems this is an actual GC anon who was shitting up the previous complaints thread. They are now VPN hopping after creating a fake scrot thread and replying to it with threats against radfems.
This is some next level shit. You be be permabanned for attempting to deceive the farms in any way. This goes for anti-pp/gc as well.
No. 13274
>>13270>It's clear it started as a vendetta thread Against who anon, who is it a vendetta against? I'm the op of the thread and I'm begging you to tell me who I specifically have a vendetta against because you keep repeating it over and over again.
>Can a mod set rules in the cosplay cringe thread?There are rules, the rules were "talk about the cows/milk that don't fit in the costhot thread" (because costhot is a very specific category that doesn't apply to most of the cosplay cows/milk these days, and that thread stagnates because of it). You're the one trying to police what people are allowed to think is cringey. If any rule should be set there it should be this one /ot/ rule (which should be a global rule imo):
>Don’t go into a thread to complain about the exact same thread. Hide threads you don’t want to see and take topic complaints to /meta/because there was zero mini-modding/infighting/derailing prior to the Disneyfags.
>its just nitpicking and personal feelings towards what is and isn't allowed for cosplayNo one said anything was or wasn't allowed, it's literally just people's opinions (yes….personal feelings, that's what opinions are) on what they dislike about cosplay(ers) right now. Multiple people saying "I find Disney cosplayers annoying for xyz reasons" and other people agreeing is not saying "Disney cosplay is now ILLEGAL and you should be banned from conventions and hunted and burned at the stake for their crimes!", so drop the
victim complex. Again, the only people who have said what is or isn't allowed are the people who went in there and suddenly started trying to make up rules about what people are allowed to talk about. Why are you on this website or the internet at all if you cannot handle people having opinions different than yours?
Even if some dingbat on an anonymous internet forum said x thing isn't allowed for cosplay…..that's just an opinion and has absolutely no bearing on anything you do with your life? Why the fuck does it matter? Christ please love yourself anon and stop putting so much stock in people wanting to vent about what is undeniably at it's core a VERY stupid hobby we're all involved in, it's not that serious.
No. 13275
>>13272>a clusterfuck of people just agreeing with each other and no real discussion happening besides nitpicking what you personally just dont like.That's… basically every thread on this imageboard? If you can't handle people having different opinions you're probably better off in some tumblr hugbox where you'll never be challenged. Anons in that thread did pretty much nothing but call Disney cosplayers retarded attention whores and some sperg took it personally. God the newfags really do need to grow a pair and stop coming to /meta/ to baww about every small thing that hurts their feelings. You do know you don't need to react to every post that you don't agree with?
No. 13286
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>>13204Sorry to bother you mods, but why was I labeled a scrot and banned just for pointing out radfems cowish behaviour on meta? How can I appeal this, submitting proof I'm a female handmaiden or whatever?
I only got to see this ban now because I live in two cities and I barely post with this IP address. I've been posting with the other one and mods didn't seem to have a problem with my posting, except this one.
No. 13288
>>13287Nah, the post was made by me but I don't see how it warrants a non expiring ban for being a scrot.
If it was the "you girls" that set the alarms off, I meant "you girls (in the radfem general I was posting)".
At most I could see it getting a short ban for infighting or bait, I would take the L and leave.
I just don't kmow how to appeal this ban, tho.
No. 13291
>>13286I will ask about it but emailing me the original post and IPs can help me reverse it. Sorry about that happening.
Edit: another mod lifted your ban earlier, and the janitor who banned you hasn't been with us for a bit now
No. 13327
>>13318People on Reddit don't say that, either. The only places I've heard people say "doublepost" are regular forums, like Kiwifarms, PULL, GuruGossip, etc. Some of you guys call it samefaggotry, which is also wrong. Samefaggotry is when someone replies to themself or posts more than once while pretending to be another person to push the conversation in a particular direction. If you're using it really charitably, it can also mean any time someone replies to themself.
I've used LCF for two years, and I'm not going to stop calling it doubleposting. I'm sorry that it's not adequately chanspeak for you, but I'd rather use a word from another site than misuse samefag, which does not refer only to when one person posts multiple times in a row. It refers to someone being deceptive. Samefagging is a bannable offense. Doubleposting is just newfaggotry. There needs to be two separate terms for these things.
No. 13347
>>13346KEK No the fuck they are NOT. Now you sound completely delusional.
Let me go ahead and stop replying because I already know where this is headed
No. 13351
>>13349>>13350Check /ot/'s catalog. We've been having GC shit since as early as 2016, while most standalone threads emerged around 2017. The first official GC thread was made because it was such a widely discussed topic.
I've been here since Ian was admin and Kiki was still relevant. I don't understand why you would lie about something we can double-check.
Just two examples:
>>>/ot/34124>>>/ot/113748If I went through the oldest vent threads, I'd probably find more examples of anons hating on troons and discussing feminism.
No. 13353
>>13351>A thread with like 30 posts great evidence
Shitting on troons isn't gc, radfem, misandrist, or female exclusive. They're hated on every board they don't own like /lgbt/ /r9k/ or /cuteboys/. The real GC and radfem anons all either immigrated from reddit or facebook and a huge wave came after the Dec 2018 tumblr rule change. You can tell by the way they act alone. The results of that poll were telling.
No. 13354
>>13352>>13353>this backpedalingWe're talking about both GC and radfem shit, not just radfem. Follow along.
Besides, GC is considered synonymous to it. Who is the "real GC" exactly? Post proof.
Once more, I don't understand the motivation behind lying about this. Any actual oldfag knows we've never been a troon-friendly site, and we've always discussed politics freely. There was an entire feminism general where anons debated being libfem vs radfem.
You can claim it's a "mass reddit migration" all you like, but post history is stacking up against that theory, and so far, you've had nothing to back up the reddit claims. I'm not even a frequent poster in any of the feminism threads, but I'd be a lying retard to claim it's new.
No. 13363
>>13362it's only one anon
>>13340, the same that was racebaiting yesterday. just ignore the retard
No. 13364
File: 1580252269013.jpg (27.03 KB, 300x240, again and again and again and …)

>>13362it never fucking stops. someone goes around using the term 'radfem' as bait and like 3 people reply
No. 13367
>>13366after the admin of that radfem board turned out to be a self-hating man I wouldn't be shocked if some of them are XYers. there's something so uniquely masculine about the way they behave… like how they have THE absolute
worst takes but still talk down to everybody as if they're always right? or how they think all real women subscribe to groupthink and berate the ones that don't. I defo get the vibe that some of them want to be men if they aren't already. it all feels like robot invasion 2.0
No. 13370
>>13364Isn't it weird that radfems have already "lost" (technically), but there are still some anons screeching about them daily here and in /ot/? I saw one randomly accuse a Courtney Love stan in the tinfoil thread of being a "radfem", even though said stan was shit-talking women in general, claiming that very few women are talented. It's tired, and this is tinfoil, but it really does seem like some shit a bunch of bored invading moids would do to cause chaos on a site they know is full of women.
>"Lmao so radfems are their big issue right now. Just call someone a radfem so the whole thread gets derailed, dumb bitches fall for it every time"The bizarre aggression and insults both ITT and in /ot/ are very male-sounding, too. Aside from that whole possibility, though, what do these "anti-radfem" spergs writing novels about how their radfem boogeyman is literally ever-present and Satan-incarnated want? The whole website to be banned until their own special, specific opinions are the only ones allowed? Are they just doing this in hopes of convincing the admin to ban PP threads too?
I wish they'd just yell that they've had enough, bitch out the admin, and make their own sekrit anti-feminist imageboard or whatever where they chase their boogeyman away. Then we could all have peace.
No. 13378
>>13373I'll try to get on it as soon as possible, I've already hired more mods to help with the task.
Don't bring your GC related complaints here
>>>/meta/13215 No. 13383
>>13378Thanks, admin!
The Onision thread has gone down the shitter again with moralfaggers, derailing and people who can't take their Sarah shit to the anti-o thread. It's been going on for hours now and has turned into bickering back and forth.
No. 13400
>>13399>onisions victims are very much apart of onisions threads but… it goes into the anti-o? They willingly associated themselves with anti-os so yes, it goes there.
>But the anti-o was originally for the twitters and anti-o group and not really the victims, right?It's now a thread for onion side milk as well. Legal discussion and side discussion can go there.
No. 13403
>>13390Readjust you radar. Fuck reddit.
But the drama on both sides has been such an embarrassing demonstration of stereotypical female catty bitchiness that I've stopped contributing my other thread OPs, resources I access through my employment, and gold star transcripts.
No. 13411
>>13407I agree. Admin got
triggered when she noticed that a big chunk of the users didn’t browse snow or pt and preferred ot. Honestly snow and pt have become so boring, nitpicky and autistic that I understand why anons stopped browsing those boards. Lolcow has genuinely become an edgy version of Pull.
No. 13418
>>13415You assume I haven't hidden the the kpop threads.
I want them gone because they invade nonkpop threads. Why should they be allowed to make the entirety of /m/ and /g/ their playground of fail? Better they go back to twitter or wherever they came from.
No. 13427
>>13419Not talking about twitter lingo.
>kpopfags never leave the kpop threadsIf that were true then I wouldn't be here complaining.
No. 13436
>>13434Is that a threat anon?
I take donations only, not bribes.
No. 13449
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a request for the anisa thread autosage to be removed so people can see her pt level-tier modeling
No. 13455
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Can we please get a hellweek
No. 13465
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>Don’t go into a thread to complain about the exact same thread. Hide threads you don’t want to see and take topic complaints to /meta/
please be implemented as a global rule? At the very least in the drama boards?
Reporting for whiteknighting/mini-modding/derailing never seems to make any difference when one anon is parked on and shitting up a thread and purposely disrupting actual milk discussion responding to every post with “you guys are obsessed! this isn’t milk! I don’t want to talk about this! post something else! this is vendetta!” and accusing everyone of being vendetta samefag. This feels particularly rampant in /w/.
We can’t ever call them out for blatantly being the cow themselves because we’ll get “hi cow”-d. If we respond to it we get redtexted for infighting. Doesn’t really fall under whiteknighting if they’re not actually defending the cow and only trying to staunch any convo by accusing anyone who posts of vendetta. Doesn’t fall under derailing either because accusing anyone who talks about a cow of being obsessed with said cow….is still technically talking about the cow. And an anon refusing to actually acknowledge the milk in front of them (being purposely obtuse) isn’t against the rules.
That or like, some kind of /w/ specific rule about not crying “vendetta” in every post when there’s clearly been multiple examples of milk posted? Idk, it’s just making the threads unbearable cause the cows are evolving and I see it happening in more and more threads.
No. 13470
Can mods please do something about Nicole blatantly spiraling out in the costhot thread?
I've tagged them all (*suspected) in one post for easier reviewing.
>>>/w/81456>>13467Go home Nicole, you're not even trying anymore.
No. 13471
>>13470NO ONE knows who this chick is, you dumbass. How are anons asking for proof =/= Nicole? Tinfoiling is against board rules. All the anons have done is complain about her making a patreon and tinfoil about whether she called the cops and bitch about her quitting 2 jobs. WHAT does she actually do thats milky. If you just hate her, say it. But dont try to push some weird nonexistent dialogue about her being
toxic or scamming. Post this shit if she is and stop bitching about 'spoonfeeding'. POST the relevant shit anons are asking for.
No. 13475
>>13471>Tinfoiling is against board rulesTinfoiling is only when there's no basis to a claim. No one's even claimed anything other than "she's full of shit" which has already been backed up several times over. No one is going to break into the police station to see if she filed a police report, which is what you seem to be demanding us to do to be allowed to talk about her. It's not tinfoiling if
you anon just refuse to read the numerous posts that are already there and demand people spoonfeed you milk from years ago and throw a tantrum when people won't repost the same shit over and over again.
>If you just hate her, say it.You need to take a nap anon, seriously. Calm down. Nobody there hates her anymore than any of the other thots and ebeggars in that thread. You taking it personally doesn't make it true. Even if someone did hate her….so what? It wouldn't make her any less of a cow? We're on a website that is entirely for talking about people we think are stupid?
>WHAT does she actually do thats milkyShe's a thot and she ebeggs…that's why we're talking about her in the thread for thots and ebeggars. It's not a hard concept, really. If you don't think thots and ebeggars and milky, then why are you hanging out in the thot/ebeggar thread?
>POST the relevant shit anons are asking forIt's already there, it's already posted. If you refuse to read it, there's nothing I can do. You're not even hiding your samefaggotry well, you keep screaming to POST things, then people tell you it's right there read it yourself and then you ignore that person and scream at the next person to POST things. It's just boring troll/whiteknight/selfpost bullshit.
>>13474>what else has she done thats milky aside from 'hurr durr shes a thot"Yeah, we're talking about a thot in the the thot thread. That's it, that's the milk, she doesn't need to have done anything else. Go to another thread if you don't find that interesting, no one's forcing you to stay.
No. 13493
>>13492I've reported it in the past, and I saw other anons complain about it before.
Look I'll just hide it, anon gets her special infight thread for unspecified reasons.
No. 13498
>>13495I believe you got an automatic system ban but I lifted it when you submitted your appeal. If you still have issues posting you can email me your IP so I can manually whitelist you.
Automatic system bans are inherited from previous bans and IPs. Sorry about that anon.
No. 13500
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I'm not a rich white bitch.
No. 13502
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>>13500Tell farmers how you really feel about them!
No. 13508
>>13500>>13502>>13503What's the context of these? A janitor?
Also, mild nitpick, but
>cloudflare demographics posted 2 years agoThose stats were obviously inaccurate, and I don't understand why anyone would take them seriously enough to remember them years later, even for this dumbass "Everyone I disagree with is a rich white racist" argument. Wealthy women in their 30s and up aren't hanging out on a fucking /cgl/ drama offshoot lol
No. 13516
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>>13513>diarrhea>from running an imageboardI…
Also, am I the only who finds it weird that the person in the KF thread who posted the Twitter acc of the user who brought this milk is calling her a "crazy bpd femcel", "femoid", "femishit"? Sounding a whole lot like an angry, woman-hating tranny/moid. That person's only made like 4 posts, so you know it's an old account that was logged into specifically for this purpose.
So, a misogynistic tranny or scrote with insider knowledge on Lolcow's staff, and/or other people who would be able to "bring cream" on Admin. Certain radfem tinfoils about tranny jannies are starting to look just a bit more legit.
I'm not white btw, just a brownie like admin
No. 13517
>>13516>>13516Or then bringerofcream is a personal cow we don't know about. Looking at the sick fucks twitter makes me think it's some obscure cows twitter. No way in hell is that person not being milked by someone.
Probably bragged about their le epic leak to orbiters on discord or some shit, who just now realised their precious moon to orbit hates men. This femcels twitter is full of full cream milk, no way are they not a major cow. I've gotten more laughs out of that twitter than their shitty screenshots. Who the fuck care if janitors talk shit about femcels? They do it for free for fucks sake, let the hot pockets have their empty enjoyment to fill their autistic void.
No. 13518
>>13517Nah, this person is an unrelated nobody to me. A random Twitter sperg like all the rest.
I find it way funnier to laugh at our admin's hijinks. Milk from home is always sweeter.
No. 13523
>>13518>>13520I don't see how random Twitter sperg and random milk bringer are related or how random discord caps are actually proof and not random caps.
>snail That's crystal cafe's admin. Our admins discord is in the lolcow discord. Sorry if I'm not getting something here but this is confusing
>>13494Thanks for locking that thread it reeked of anachans
No. 13525
>>13523Regina and snail were on good terms, so it's not impossible one of Crystal Cafe's jannies would end up as Lolcow's admin after aussiechan stepped down.
If admin originally came from Crystal Cafe's mod team, everything that's happened makes more sense now.
No. 13526
>>13524>dime a dozen russian anachan e-girl with a blood fetish on TwitterI'm sorry, but this is just too common. I've seen too many of these types in the wild to care much.
I just want more admin milk and diarrhea tales.
No. 13528
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>>13522>>13523So is this an asherahsgarden mod a crystal cafe mod or a lolcow mod
>>13524They initially didn't deliver milk except for receipts from the site itself so it's weird for random zero context receipts to get posted. Some highlights of what she said from the kiwi thread
>Her ethnicity makes her especially sensitive to criticism>Ultimately, the reason the unlisted board on lolcow was deleted is because she was tired of being called a tranny. I can still access with the capitial X
>There are rumors that she is anorexic because she really doesn't like being called fat and makes sure to remind everyone that she is a skellyIsn't russian anon anachan ?
This reeks of some sort of vendetta and I'm living for it but I really hope this anon isn't a farmer or angry gc anon because fucking yikes
No. 13530
>>13526the weakest attempt to divert attention from a cow of all time
where's the thread? I could go for a mystery.jpg style milking
No. 13531
>>13528My money's on former Lolcow mod who was spurned after being removed from her position. How else would she have access to a mod Discord, if this is real? The ingenue account also looks very familiar for the Lolcow Discord scene, so I'm inclined to believe the screenshots are legit. The full context would be nice, so I'm hoping whoever this is dumps more shit so we can get a full picture.
I'm not shocked by the shit from the Twitter account, because this is kind of what I expected, anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if they're all mentally ill anachans, edgelords or other assorted spergs. It seems like people who run imageboards are always fucked up or cowlike.
No. 13532
>>13530>voicing personal disinterest is now diversionTake off the tinfoil hat.
Honestly, start a thread to talk about this Twitter person. We have massive threads on boring people like Shay and PnP, so it's not like quality is the big issue here. She'll probably freak out and lock or delete her account by the time she finds out she's being mocked here and KF, though.
I genuinely just only care about admin milk right now. This "sterilesaint" person isn't enticing enough for me to distract from it. If she turned out to be like Nemu or Chris-chan, maybe I'd be into it, but this half-assed shit? Not really.
The only thing that makes her interesting to me is her connection to Lolcow, and I want that to be expanded on.
No. 13536
File: 1581114662487.png (21.01 KB, 598x130, Screenshot_2020-02-07 purgator…)

>>13532Or it could be a deranged manhate anon. The 2x board was supposed to close on the 5th afterall and the pp thread has been awful to read through lately. Since admin moved the thread back to /ot/ there has been multiple femdom anons shitting up the thread and crying about their nigel fwb.
No. 13540
File: 1581115484574.png (Spoiler Image,232.34 KB, 590x707, 2.png)

>this is who gets picked to be a mod
No. 13541
>>13540We don't even know if that twitterfag is even a mod of lolcow or if this is beef between two mods
>>>/ot/386275 some nostalgia from the r9k drama from quartz.bistro
>townhall>two mods beef at each other over shittalking>mod reveals to entire userbase during townhall that other mod gave r9k robot her login>anon finds a cringey love letter a moid posted on r9k>anon loses her shit No. 13547
>>13542You really responded a full hour later with an unsaged post to "hi cow"?
Autism. Anyway, still waiting for real milk. You can keep obsessing over this Twitter chick if you want.
No. 13549
>>13500>>13502>>13503Why did race become a part of the problem? Were people supposed to know Admin wasn't white or something? I don't really get it, and I'm not even white myself. It's weird that she was talking about being discriminated against, but then went on about "pajeet coons".
It seems like the person who shared this shit on KF was racist and guilty of a lot of the same things she accused admin of, too. Some interesting people involved with this site.
No. 13553
>>13552 stated she is most likely asian/white and this anon is probably mexican so this seems like some massive false flagging or fake caps
No. 13556
>>13554are you lost or something?
why are you fucking retards all fighting in the meta complaints thread? go to /ot/ or something
No. 13561
>>13513>she took over lolcow at 19 and is now 20Fucking called it. I knew she was really young and insecure which is why she took everything personally and was ready to ban any topic that made anons come to /meta/ to scream at her.
Admin, you really bit off more than you could chew. I appreciate the effort for wanting to help the board out but you got to know your limits. Also, word of advice - don't trust your mods. Never trust your mods with any amount of personal, possibly embarrassing information about your life. They're not your friends. They will rat you out at some point. It always happens.
No. 13562
>>13561A better word of advice -
never let batshit man-hating radfems mod or take over your site or else the second you do something they don't like they will chimp the fuck out and try to dox you. You can never win with them. Exterminate and move on.
No. 13564
>>13563The person who was posting discord leaks clearly was. had to be a mod if they're legit; how else would they have gotten access to the server in the first place?
The first kiwi post happened right around the time admin decided to get rid of 2x
No. 13565
>>13562Who tried to doxx her? All anyone did was post Discord caps that may or may not even be real. If anything, someone tried to doxx the former mod or CC person who was mad at her.
Are you living in this reality?
No. 13572
>>13570I just tried to check the Twitter account, and it's been deleted. What the fuck even was all of this? I saw some anons try to relate it all back to PP, but PP anons don't even have anything to be disgruntled about, considering their thread is back on /ot/.
The fact that there's a focus on femdom and literally nothing about trannies makes me skeptical about pinning it on GC, either.
No. 13573
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meta always has the best drama
No. 13575
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I don’t know if this is related to the kf tranny who offered to buy the site off me, or the 2X situation. All I have to say is that I knew how the user base has historically treated its former administrators; even I have participated on shitting on my predecessors. What I underestimated was the lengths some people will go through to manufacture drama or conflict. However, this is thread consistently delivers pure cream and I can appreciate that. I do want to keep this thread on topic though, if anyone wants to continue the discussion I have zero issue with anyone going to kiwifarms. Sometimes I chuckle when I read that shit.
Onto other matters. Confirmed themes that will be coming back in an improved format:
• darkcow
• girltalk
• keekweek (obviously)
• default lolcow (Yes? no?)
I've also had multiple requests for more dark themes, if there is enough demand we can add more. If anyone wants improved variations of girltalk in different colors then that's also doable.
No. 13577
File: 1581173621801.png (81.9 KB, 597x780, therapist thirst.png)

I knew she'd lock down her twitter so I did some digging yesterday. Enjoy the milk.
No. 13582
>>13577>>13580>>13581>"tried not to get hard, failed">"me jerking off 9 times out of 10">"does jerking off kill empathy cells">"Tfw no qt maido servant to rape you when you were a boy and corrupt you irreparably">"i like making women say sorry over literally nothing, basically apologising for their very existence because the weak should fear the strong"Wait a second. Didn't this same person who dumped the apparent LC mod Discord caps brag about being a mod themselves here
No. 13584
File: 1581174416583.png (1.02 MB, 594x1381, hand.png)

>>13582>>13583If a hand specialist wants to analyse whether this is a man hand or not then go for it.
No. 13586
File: 1581174918849.png (120.87 KB, 472x388, wtff.PNG)

>>13584>>13584hands don't really show anything, especially like this, but their steam profile names are very sus/creepy. the lalafell objectification gives me strong male vibes tbh, and if female, it's gross either way. tough to tell considering the imageboard environment, but it certainly would explain their racism. is this a self-hating male that is preoccupied with the role of a domme? this shit is so bizarre. anyways, would make sense as to why admin dislikes gc/pp if this is her idea of them. this person is completely wacked whether troon or female.
No. 13588
File: 1581174937135.gif (6.95 MB, 384x379, confused drake.gif)

>>13584>>13583>>13582>>13585Maybe this is the tranny mod radfems were sperging about? Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
>inb4 it turns out there actually was a tranny mod who admin ousted upon finding out>inb4 this is the tranny mod who decided to "expose" admin by attempting to get radfems to go at herI refuse to believe anyone but a tranny would be this mentally ill and unhinged.
No. 13589
File: 1581175311853.png (1.61 MB, 1682x1080, Untitled-1.png)

>>13586I went through the twitter account before it got deleted and found these pictures. This looks like a woman to me, but honestly it's scrote-ish behaviour and embarrassing.
No. 13590
>>13584>>13585I just want to talk to whoever insisted this was a femcel or femoid. If they had enough access to the Twitter account to dig up screencaps from 2016, there's no way they didn't know this was a tranny.
There is no "fem" whatsoever going on here. This is a straight-up cumbrained incel scrote/troon, lmao.
What happened to the anons who all but jumped at the chance to turn this into a "When radfems and manhaters ATTACK" situation like
>>13562, too, kek?
No. 13593
>>13591This person outright referred to being male. I don't think it's much of a question anymore.
See the meido post in
>>13580. Couple that with the post about punching walls, getting hard, and cringy coomer Steam usernames in
>>13586. I'm going to be very surprised if this isn't a man.
No. 13594
File: 1581175907991.png (3.16 MB, 1682x1080, troon confirmed.png)

>>13589>>13589That fucking adams apple and quarterbacker shoulders. Even has the troon nose (tm). Troon confirmed. Why do troons always try to cause drama in female spaces?
No. 13597
File: 1581176364127.png (69.75 KB, 595x776, movie night.png)

Some additional caps but these are less interesting. And it's not like I had to look for these. Almost every tweet from that account was caption worthy.
No. 13604
>>13602Could you please explain instead of spamming twitter caps? How is this twitter user the same that posted the (fake?) discordcaps on kiwi(that's what you want to say right?)? What do they have to do with lolcow and/or the staff? Why are you posting this on /meta/?
I'm so fucking confused lmao
No. 13605
>>13599>>13603A true and honest tranny wouldn't imply being a boy. I think we might be dealing with a severely mentally ill and porn sick woman.
>>13602This seems like sarcasm.
No. 13609
>>13605I've seen tons of AGP trannies refer to being a boy, talk about "boymoding", etc.
We have literally no reason to believe this isn't just a troon.
No. 13612
File: 1581178013327.png (177.47 KB, 1502x652, kf.png)

Wait a second, one thing I think is strange is how those posts on KF happened just after Admin posted her decision on 2X, just like
>>13564 said.
Here's when Admin posted about getting rid of 2X
>>12977, January 14. Bringerofcream posted this on KF on January 16. Is this someone who's unhappy with the 2X decision? Why would a scrote be upset about it? This whole thing is bizarre.
No. 13615
>>13612Could be what
>>13588 said. Tranny trying to turn all the women against each other after getting kicked out, either after being exposed or for some other argument with admin.
I kind of doubt anyone would foresee LC having a radfem board and make a Twitter account false-flagging as a tranny, become a mod, etc years in advance just to do all this.
No. 13617
File: 1581178568719.png (30.62 KB, 598x340, aussie.png)

>>13614No, it's a second gen Russian immigrant.
No. 13620
>>13611Where do you get from that they are a mod and the screens are real? Is there anything else?
And the person who claims to know that user with 3 posts and claims that it's some random twitter tranny literally just wrote "To nobody's surprise the bringerofcream is a mentally ill femoid. If you ever wanna see an example of why lolcow is full of crazy bpd femcels this is the one.
Meet Casey - an anorexic, unstable, cutting, pharmacy student from Australia who proudly posts on twitter about beating her boyfriend bloody. She also, of course, worships Russia in all its gulagging of the mentally ill glory, completely missing the irony in that.
Some examples of this special specimen:"
I swear I don't act stupid on purpose, this level of tusm is just way too high for me. Why would a scrote who calls women femoids and hates lolcow know that supposed twitter tranny feminist kiwi user who only posted 3 times enough to share all that weird data? He just states it as a fact without any proof and everyone believes it??
No. 13627
>>13621There were several anons taking it for a fact before the deletion too and if the thing with the anti-feminist scrotes is real this makes even less sense. Why would they be angry about the closure of 2X then? Why are would they talk with scrotes like that anyway if they were a feminist or pp anon? It doesn't really add up.
>>13622I don't care about the twitter cow, I want to know what they supposed to have to do with lolcow with proof and if the posted discord screenshots are real or not.
No. 13628
>>13620The fact that the sterilesaint user talked about being a mod, and deleted their account after this whole thing went down makes things suspicious. We know they were a LC user because of
>>13543, too.
The best case scenario is that sterilesaint is an angry former mod who orchestrated all of this.
worst case scenario is that sterilesaint isn't bringerofcream, just a regular mod who may or may not still be on the team, making decisions while bragging about how much he loves making women apologize and wishes he had a MILF gf, lmao.
The painful/humorous part is that either way, the "tranny janny" conspiracy theory is lent a certain amount of cogency by all this shit. It's just too much all at once.
No. 13630
>>13627Probably just salty they got removed as a mod and want to blow up the site with manufactured drama. Plus they know how sensitive admin is and have probably been baiting both sides super hard.
Seems like they were opportunistic and took advantage of an already existing problem to stir shit even further.
No. 13632
>>13631posted too early
prolly the person who leaked this could have been found in the interactions of the twitter account tbh. sterilesaint interacted a lot with scrots and incels to the point a few orbited.
No. 13648
>>13646No clue, I'm just wondering where all this leads.
The tranny janny thing shocked me a lot. Also, I'm pretty sure the only male here is the Twitter user/mod who deleted his shit after getting revealed, and now he's having stuff exposed about him.
No. 13651
>>13650shit no, seriously? Anyone could have seen this coming since the anti-radfem sperging started.
>>13562>this amount of damage control it's always you motherfucking troons. It's always you.
(samefagging) No. 13656
>>13650 and I wonder if the farmhands banned
>>13651 for samefagging to make it seem like we are the same person. At this point, it wouldn't shock me.
>>13660nta but the people bitching about radfems are not annoying but people who may or may not be rad fems are the issue?
So I guess people are only allowed to bitch about rad fems but not defend them/themselves?
There seems to be more people obessed with radfems then actual radfems.
No. 13666
>>136602X is 'gone' but you are still bitching?
No. 13678
File: 1581197893480.png (744.02 KB, 2276x868, UUWUU.png)

>>13675enjoy 2.0
No. 13689
File: 1581198486327.gif (1.43 MB, 540x304, GK12391.gif)

>>13687I will post as many cute anime girls as I want. Die mad
No. 13692
>>13688yes, when someone disagrees with you, they are immediately a troll
>>13689no matter how much horse pee you drink, you will never become one
No. 13693
File: 1581198977471.gif (471.79 KB, 500x496, 8256DA0E96A.gif)

>>13688Radfems don't need any help to look dumb af. Why are you still here? Don't you have an imageboard of your own now?
No. 13695
File: 1581200062975.jpg (292.35 KB, 543x685, 1566276556588.jpg)

>>13694This. You guys are really going to let this anti-GC/PP sperging and infighting happen so the real meat of things can get drowned out and go unaddressed: Tranny janny confirmed.
There's no more bitching about radfems to be had if the crazy ones were literally right all this time. How are we supposed to trust the admin and mods were being honest about literally anything if the most obnoxious tinfoil turned out to be legit?
No. 13697
>>13666we're still bitching because you're all still here and still shitting up the site, you complete and utter retards
you are all deranged
No. 13699
>>13693>anime moe ugu reaction piccut the bullshit out already you fucking sociopath trannies pieces of shit, you've been outed. Cry us some more, your larping and attempts to turn out against each other have been blatant to anyone with half a brain cell since the /2X/ drama started.
>>13695 already said it. There is no turning back after this. Let's see how our always competent admin is going to cope with being exposed to her userbase as a liar, god this is karma coming back to fuck you in the butthole bitch.
No. 13700
File: 1581200749094.gif (92.57 KB, 340x340, PQ9243Xn.gif)

Radfems are currently losing their shit in /snow/, not that I am surprised.
>>13699How misogynistic of you to assume that I am a scrote for enjoying anime. Women aren't a hivemind, you know
No. 13701
>>13699Don't even respond to him or her, or any derivatives who want to sperg about radfems or post their favorite anime pictures.
They're just here to shit up the thread so that the mods can safely get away with pretending none of this ever happened.
No. 13705
File: 1581201290181.jpg (153.55 KB, 476x514, ANIME REACTION IMAGE.jpg)

>>13701Can you please explain why posting anime images on LC means someone is either a scrote or a troon?
I don't understand how anyone can know the origins of the site and be surprised by the occasional anime girl picture.
No. 13707
>>13704Exactly. Let's stick to the most important thing.
We literally had a tranny on the mod team since the beginning of 2019. See
No word on if he's still a mod, what exactly happened, if he's the "bringerofcream" KF user, or anything at all. The mod team has gone completely dark.
No. 13711
File: 1581202343377.gif (1.17 MB, 498x278, M1989a09Ko.gif)

>>13705There is literally no reason for them to lose their shit over anime pics. But since they're radfems, it's probably because they're jealous of fictional characters stealing their men or some shit
(ban evading radfem larping as a troon) No. 13712
>>13707Stop derailing this thread, it's gotten ridiculous. There hasn't been a tranny janny or male janny, ever. PP is back as promised and other threads were moved or merged as requested.
I have personal obligations to attend to but anyone who continues with this shit flinging spergfest is getting banned from posting on /meta/.
For the anon that asked earlier, the kf folks were not apart of the mod team, they contacted me through other people offering to buy the site (possibly related to Dyn) during the radfem meltdown for 1k.
Edit: Stop losing your shit over anime pics and gifs. This is an imageboard and if it isn't loli or suggestive then there's zero issue.
No. 13716
>>13695This is not what I meant we should do instead anon…
And how is it confirmed?
No. 13717
>>13714Not that anon, but can you show their post history? There's been a rash of strange bans just like that one with no proof that it's radfems.
Please don't treat your userbase like we're stupid, all of this is so shady.
No. 13721
>>13712This is the one time an admin comes out and starts seething over "derailing"? The only derailing here is that your shit bucket needs to be emptied, you scat lagoon creature.
>No tranny janny or male janny.Explain. I was only reading up to this point, but what does that mean exactly? Not even a "That wasn't our mod" or "It's all faked"? Who is that person, and why did they have Discord screencaps? You didn't even deny the "ingenue" caps were yourself, just made some half-assed comment about manufactured drama.
You can't ban literally all of us for questioning your actions.
No. 13725
>>13720I've been banned two different times for posts I was already banned for days before. Someone else in the last General thread was accused of something similar by the Admin and they never proved it.
I'd love to know what the fuck is going on because there's always Radfem hate in Meta and then it gets super fucking crazy on both sides.
No. 13727
>>13230>>13231>>13235I'm talking about these posts where the admin went, "I checked their histories and they were this and that"
I'm not saying I don't believe them, I'm just saying, People would like to see proof. The admin's young and I know it's a lot of pressure but…
Im this
>>13725 anon by the way. I'm pretty sure i'm going to catch a ban soon. I used to post in GC right before it was banned, maybe I'll be accused of larping.
No. 13745
File: 1581210807002.jpg (203.9 KB, 930x1200, 74358291_p0.jpg)

>>13743I'm having a bitch fit because the farmhands tagged me as a radfem ^^
No. 13751
>>13712Since my earlier post
>>13663 was apparently overlooked in the fray, I'll ask again.
Were the discord caps fake?
No. 13767
Be careful what you wish for.
- Global rule #8 Do not attempt to use for attention or profit.
- Global rule #9 Do not deceptively post about yourself in the third person for any reason.
For the reasons above I've decided to post your entire known post history. If anyone has ever doubted that there are falseflaggers then this is the proof you've been waiting for. We haven't forgotten about the ban evading sperg either, but since they're using a cheap proxy it's going to take some time to verify things to the best of my ability.
ham-chan, opera vpn is not going to save you. We know who you are, and it will rain cream.
I can't drop my work and real life priorities to respond to random screenshots of a discord server that doesn't exist. We use tinyboard and telegram to communicate. I'm not sure if this is related to the situation on kf but the tranny who offered to buy the site off me is featured in a thread here, the former admin of (now shutdown).
In the future it would be wise to take tranny janny accusations to the proper thread here, it's a waste of time for staff to go through posts unrelated to spam, gore, cp, or janitorial issues.
No. 13768
File: 1581304134899.png (29.81 KB, 128x125, 387665167074197505.png)

>>13767 kek i love you admin
the cream truly is in /meta/
No. 13769
File: 1581307760815.png (31.7 KB, 1235x453, scrote thread.PNG)

>>13767interesting… if true, people sure are strange. but out of curiosity, where are the fake scrote threads you guys say she posted in pic related, and the threats against radfems? those seemed to be the straw that broke the camel's back in determining that this person is a falseflagger, previous to these anime reaction pic posts, which aren't all that damning. the alleged thread and threats are a lot more milky, js.
No. 13772
File: 1581308284757.png (176.09 KB, 1101x848, yikes.png)

>>13769Maybe it will be the next reveal or who knows
>>13771You're super cringe. Care to explain why you're making gc anons look like shite by acting like a child?
No. 13775
File: 1581308744896.png (16.33 KB, 811x112, cringe.png)

>>13767>this site has gone to shit it's 2.0>larps as scroteWhat the fuck is wrong with some of y'all lmao
No. 13778
File: 1581309160512.png (17.71 KB, 987x216, Screenshot_2020-02-09 Anon2's …)

>>13777Imagine being proud of this behavior like a smug little shit. Bet it's a scrot tbh
No. 13783
>>13780>^^>literally everything else I’d say jfc maybe at least try to integrate to some extent but I doubt that’s even possible for someone as mentally deranged as you.
Wouldn’t be surprised if you turned out to be 13.
No. 13785
File: 1581310180352.jpg (32.1 KB, 449x489, aadmin.jpg)

>>13773>Uh just noticed some posts arent mine in /anon1Never said they were but thank you for saving me the time and confirming that
you are indeed the asherah's garden admin/former mod spamming a few days ago. You slipped up in your confirmed history but I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt.
You don't need to deceive farmers to have what you want. I'll shill for you you continue I will make sure to include your blogging and 2X "mod here" posts to a collage matching the listed proxy ranges. Pathetic to be quite honest.
No. 13788
>>13785So, I'm posting now because staying quiet will be worse.
I'm the mod/admin of AG, and all my posts declaring myself as such were made using Opera VPN. I haven't "been spamming for the past few days". I don't know how I can prove it to you, but my virtual location on Opera is in Europe by default, and that has the "77.111." beginning.
I genuinely don't know what I can do or say to make my case, but I believe this is an honest mistake and not some huge malicious scheme on your part.
No. 13796
File: 1581311088443.gif (436.57 KB, 400x225, giphy.gif)

>>13788if this is really you care to explain why you popped up 2 minutes after admin's post if it totally isn't you and you already confirmed the posters information here
>>13767 No. 13797
>>13790Look, the false-flagging person was literally posting at the exact same time as me and spamming nonsense. Unless I was mentally destroyed beyond all repair, wouldn't it make sense for one persona to literally disappear for the benefit of the other?
I lurk very often, but I swear I'm not responsible for any Opera posts besides the ones that specifically highlight me as a mod.
If there's anything I can do or say to prove myself, I'll try.
(stop) No. 13799
>>13788>>13787This is a classic example of samefagging and it's painfully obvious. Typing liek randum xD is not going to make you look like any less of a trainwreck.
I just have one question, are you the male admin who made AG or are you just insane?
No. 13803
File: 1581312921096.jpg (28.97 KB, 500x643, ITT.jpg)

fuck y'all and your GoT level weird-ass scheming
No. 13812
File: 1581331625081.jpg (206.74 KB, 1067x1717, Screenshot_20200210-024503_Chr…)

>>13807This sick fuck has a spam bot directly linked to his github
Very fucking suspicious considering the increase in CP spam in /g/ lately
No. 13821
File: 1581368180082.jpg (55.35 KB, 646x431, billie-eilish-side-eye.jpg)

>>13820just stop posting you bloatlord
No. 13824
>>13823When has having an admin with totalitarian power who is resentful or biased ever worked out?
Also, presumptuous much?
No. 13825
>>13824>>13823It's pretty weird that someone accusing admin of being an anachan is an anachan themselves.They're obviously incredibly racist calling people slurs on Twitter. Bringerofcreams first milk leak was a bunch of speculation like
>admins ethnicity clouds her judgement How is this remotely milk, and if the screens are legit where is the proof? According to the kiwi thread some lurkers in the lolcow discord say admin is a weeb living in japan or a SEA girl.
No. 13827
>>13823this bootlicking is embarrassing. you honestly sound like you belong more on a forum, no offense. no one should be above constructive criticism and questioning.
>>13826anon isn't saying she wants power. she's saying people who hold administrative positions are held to a higher standard of conduct. whether or not the discord caps are true, no idea, it's possible they are or aren't, but an admin's behavior should never be held to the standard of anonymous randos who aren't entrusted with responsibility.
No. 13834
>>13833Lolcow isn't some big website like Reddit with execs. It's a tiny imageboard. She probably pays for this out of her own pocket.
No. 13836
>>13767Holy SHIT this same person is the deranged BPD-chan who was accusing
victims of BPDs
wanting to be abused by them and getting a kick out of it. Anon please get help
No. 13840
File: 1581452373963.jpg (30.43 KB, 266x400, WhiteKnight.jpg)

A lot of whitekniting.>>13837
>>13835>>13834>>13833>>13826>>13823>>13817You are really taking this too seriously.
No. 13843
>>13842I'm just assuming because ham-chan was meant to be black and admitted it before, but the person who posted ITT said anon 1 and anon 2 pages were both themselves even though some anon 1 posts weren't right, but the only person who's selfposted is white.
You could be right about the chimp thing, I don't remember what she said about the mod exactly and cba to dig.
No. 13849
>>13841this is a bpdchan who larps as a male though
I wonder if they were trying to hide being white with the smurf filter but who knows lol
No. 13861
>>13859Can we do something about OP? No one can say anything in the thread without them trying to infight, complaining about people asking for proof, the OPs OP has infighting in the headline.
Im beginning to think OP is one of this chicks stalkers. They are trying reeeeeeally hard and its all just nitpick shit about photoshopping her face.
No. 13862
>>13859>>13861Can mods do something about this anon who demanded we leave the Costhot thread and make a separate Nicole thread numerous times, and then followed us to the Nicole thread to continue having a meltdown?
>Can a mod go in and edit out the infighting instigation at the beginning of the OP?>No one can say anything in the thread without them trying to infight, complaining about people asking for proof, the OPs OP has infighting in the headline.I'm the OP and I genuinely don't know what you're talking about here. What infighting instigation? Infighting is mentioned nowhere in the thread or the "headline", and it's also not happening in anywhere in the thread? What are you talking about? If mods look at the thread they'll see clearly none of what this anon is talking about is happening, and if it is by all means edit it. As far as I'm concerned I (and other anons) have backed up everything I've said in the OP with proof (which is what you've been sperging about this whole time in the first place). Either way, this is ridiculous. We've done everything you asked us to and you're still mad.
No. 13863
>>13862When you spam another thread constantly with someone, yeah. Anons are going to ask you to take your spergfest hate boner for 1 person to a thread of just them. Youve been shitting up the costhot thread, pissed anons ask for proof and give run around images that prove nothing.
Stfu. You keep replying to yourself. And stop spamming uwu. You need to be 18 to post here.
No. 13864
>>13863>Anons are going to ask you to take your spergfest hate boner for 1 person to a thread of just themSo we did. Why are you mad?
>pissed anons ask for proof and give run around images that prove nothing.So we made a whole thread full of proof. Why are you mad?
No. 13866
File: 1581627820162.gif (525.73 KB, 245x138, F4E23521-310C-4DA6-8D9C-2CC2AA…)

>>13865> Like wtf did op need to infight in the first is it possible for one person to infight with themself? the hell are you talking about? you are retarded as fuck
No. 13876
Can mods please do something about the wk/tinfoil/vendetta-chan in the NED thread? They're just posting pics of some other girl's tweets going "PROOF THEY'RE SKINWALKING NICOLE!!!!" without actually posting anything that shows it has anything to do with Nicole. And they're all caps stolen from a blatant Vendetta/harassment twitter account
>>>/w/82736 I know I'll get red texted for "hi cow" but….honest to god who else could possibly be this obsessed with Nicole and relentlessly trying to derail the any discussion of her? If there's not an anon sperging about how Nicole is a
victim and has no milk, it's an anon tinfoiling/vendetta-sperging about Addi.
It's reaching "but mina!!!1!!11!" levels at this point. inb4 they come to sperg at me here
No. 13880
>>13871I agree, we know he's a man, he knows he's a man (his boyfriend may pretend he's "Straight' but he knows he's a man), that's the LEAST milkest thing about Blaire.
Esp. with all thats going on, but the best thing to do is post Milk, report and move on.
No. 13892
>>13888It could have been someone with a fetish for it, but we literally have no idea who did it but people are running with their speculations and acting like faggots. Tuna isn't different than any other SW though and no one's clutching their pearls when their content gets posted. She's a junkie who uses people and now someone used her for entertainment.
She is the one who involved her dad when she could have easily said no. We won't know if it's cowtipping until someone inevitably spills.
No. 13910
>>13905We don't know whether or not a farmer requested the call. If a farmer did they touched the poo, if a farmer didn't it simply is what it is. There's no point in continuously moralfagging about it.
There should be much more outrage over the amount of cowtipping in the onision and TND threads, in my opinion. It's definitely increased over time with the twitter and Instagram newfag diaspora.
I need suggestions for a reasonable townhall date.
No. 13914
>>13910maybe time for another poll?
also, when do the (You)s show up?
No. 13925
>>13924there isn’t a ban on anything rep related, and no he’s not friends with the admin lmfao. the
threads made about him were locked bc the person making them was an extremely dedicated sperg who refused to follow site rules and constantly accused admin of conspiring with this youtuber nobody truly gives a fuck about.
No. 13928
File: 1582629686543.jpg (62.19 KB, 1200x742, oldbessie.jpg)

A Polite Request. Would admin please consider locking the Aly Realrecovery and the Ashley Isaacs thread and allow these cows to be herded into the ana chan containment thread?
They're tough old steak these days yet still their udders leak the occasional droplets of milk. They don't need their own threads bumping but some anons are still curious what's going on with these two and are mentioned in the general proana thread.
End of request. Ta.
No. 13937
A response to admin
>>938194>I've decided to lock this thread again because anisia does not even meet one of the snow thread creation criteria.Rules
>An unhealthy desire for attention Anisa's own mouth- she posts pictures on the internet because she wants validation from the internet(negative or positive, it doesn't matter). In her previous persona as raihnbowkidz, she admits to saying stupid shit for attention.
"I'm one of those people who pretend to dislike something to seem more interesting"
>Failure to accept criticism challenges vegan gains to a debate because she listened to a Joe Rogan podcast and she took a nutrition class in college once. Gets destroyed because all she brought to a debate was anecdotal evidence. Instead of taking criticism she decides - veganism is stupid and vegangains is mean.
>A lack of self awarenessClaims to have BPD, BDD, Eating Disorders etc: afterwards goes and makes fun of someone with an Eating Disorder know venus has become a cow again but it doesn't change the fact she has an eating disorder)
>Delusions related to their skill or self importanceWhen she started youtube she thought she was going to become popular because ian said so. Becomes extremely upset she doesn't immediately get 1mil subscribers. makes constant statements in her videos that stretch out the truth:
-"When I was a police officer" - she only took one police academy class"I was so good at Lacross, I played on the men's team"
her parents bullied the lacross team into letting her play
>No willingness to improve upon their behaviorMultiple times has broken down in front of her live audience saying she's not making any money, that she needs to go back to school. Says she needs therapy for her PTSD, but when she went said it was too expensive(100$ per session).
>A documented history of bizarre behavior displayed online
>Some sort of public presence outside of private circles, groups or irc channelsHer OnlyFans, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube
If these examples don't fit your rule criteria, I can bring plenty of more evidence.
No. 13940
>>13936Man, Pear is one crazy bitch.
She may be pretty irrelevant overall, but she's definitely a cow and could at least keep her snow thread.
She got a bad boob job and does everything wrong with it afterwards, ofc people are gonna talk about it because it's the most recent thing she's done.
No. 13941
>>13936you must be really new then bc tons of shitty threads have been locked over the years from lack of milk. i actually want the anisa thread around because i find the irony in her actions deeply ironic, but i see why admin thinks she’s not milky enough for her own thread.
we could probably have a twitch streamer general (if there isn’t one already) and put her in there with permission maybe? what do you think of that instead, admin?
No. 13944
>>13934>>13935Shiloh had her own thread at one point. Was locked for “vendetta posting”, and people being spergs iirc.
If there’s enough new milk, and interest, I’d say just make one. Worst case it gets locked like last time.
No. 13953
>>13952It was unlocked by an admin here
>>>/pt/750991But the thread was stuck on autosage(admins would not reply) and OP was outdated. It was a year since the lockdown happened so a new thread with updated information was made
No. 13956
>>13955I've been dealing with a personal emergency, and you're a stranger to whom I owe nothing.
>>13941Sure, but it will probably devolve into nitpicking and a few vendettas like most general threads.
No. 13961
>>13960NTA, but why did she even respond, then? A member of the staff easily could've done it for her.
Besides, no one forced her to be the admin.
No. 13964
>>13963I disagree. New admin has been nothing but shit.
>splitting the already slow as fuck boards into more, despite votes against the idea and then claiming it was "close enough">adding sage back on to /pt/ even though every other imageboard has done away with itNot to mention her chimping out like a 5 year old ITT when she is criticized. She has
less excuse to be shit
because she's doing this for free, no one is making her be here. Obviously it's not a crime to have other matters to deal with, but at this point it's just an excuse. Her attitude and inconsistent response rate have been piss poor literally the entire time. She has literally put herself in this position, but she seems like one of those people who wanted the power without any responsibility.
Admin if you're reading this, realize right now, no one thinks of you as a person, your life doesn't really matter and you should get help for your clearly debilitating depression or pass the site to someone competent with a thick skin (despite it not being a cause of your bratty attitude).
No. 13965
File: 1583250251943.jpg (21.16 KB, 540x304, stare look away.jpg)

>>13964>get help for your debilitating depressionyooo what anon lmao
No. 13972
>>13971Yup and in addition, it was voted to return sage to /pt/
>>8684Anon is just cherrypicking what she wants changed on the site.
No. 13973
>>13970>>13972>>13971I said that
other sites don't have sage, not that people on here didn't want it back or not. Learn to read.
No. 13977
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>>13975Hiding sage was one of the most stupid things moot ever did. 4chan is worse for it. No one knows what sage is anymore or how to use it. The result is shit threads constantly get bumped. LC has preserved the original use and culture surrounding sage where other image boards failed.
No. 13980
>>13977>mootmoot isn't the one who did it.
>>13978lmao you must be super new if you think this site has more than 1000 regular users. we only get like 20-50 in our town halls and about the same number for surveys. you'd have to be an idiot to think there is a higher number of consistent users or site traffic. 1000 was being generous.
No. 13995
>>13993She didn't mention anything about unique users, just that there were obvious vote duplicate. She never explained how, but she did seem to use the results from that same survey to decide which board themes to keep in the new server, so kek.
I would think this site has a lot of lurkers who come for the Onision threads, at least. One of our past admins have said it's difficult to get accurate stats on how many unique users there are. One reason given was that people use mobile devices and can cycle through up to 30 IPs in a single year.
No. 13997
>>13995Tempcow was a good indicator how active the site was with the live typing. There were times there were over 700 active users in just the Onion thread.
Also a hell of a lot of people lurk and get her thru other links and can't navigate for shit. When I was newfag I can't remember how long it took me to actually post, and I spent days catching up on past threads. I think it took me months to even know what /meta was. Not everyone uses image boards. I would use forums now I solely use here, I much prefer the culture and female userbase
No. 13999
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>>13997What you said is probably the case for a lot of users. I think the actual community is small, but the people who come here just for cows like Onion is large
>>13998I'm not sure that's possible. When you enable e-mail address collection, respondents see pic related. They have to enter their email themselves, and are notified that their info is saved.
The /meta/ survey only required users to be logged in, so they couldn't make multiple responses from the same account. It's most def. still possible people were just using multiple google accounts, but she wouldn't be able to see them.
Google also doesn't give form creators their responder's IP addresses, so if she could see, she wouldn't be able to match email addresses, unless the fakers were idiotic enough to just use the same username for all their accounts, like,, If the form had actually been embedded on the site, she could've used Google Analytics to track voters and get IPs, but she used an external link, so that's probably out.
The other way is if she was going by how many people followed the actual link to the survey from here. That would track visits alone, not votes.
But if we actually only have maybe less than 100 people here max, including lurkers who only looked at the survey after seeing it linked at the top of the site, 788 responses really is way too much. I don't think the site is that small, though.
TL;DR We'll probably never know what really happened, but I'm a little sceptical.
No. 14007
What the fuck is with this Aly thread?
>>>/snow/740653They were considered a cow when they were ana, but now they're completely normal. The thread is constant nitpicks about her food and making fun of her weight gain/loss. At one point there was a long thread investigating her food pics to see if the teeth marks are legitimate? How has this autism gone unchecked for so long?
It seems like the people posting about her are proana and getting off by putting her down wtf
No. 14015
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>>13999I appreciate your informative autism, anon.
>>14007When has her thread been anything but? And besides, the real reason her thread persists is the hope of one day catching a glimpse of pic related again.
No. 14017
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So are we obligated to refer to all males as scrotes vs dude/male/guy because this post genuinely confused me when I saw it? Apologizes in advance for probable autism.
No. 14020
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>>14018Ty for the response anon. It's just some infighting in the egirl thread as far as I can tell? I don't think the tagged post infers there was a male posting but idk lol I'm clearly a bit of a newfag…
No. 14033
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People are freaking out on Twitter and reddit, but let me guess, this still isn't enough to qualify for a thread huh? No bias at all from mods lmao
No. 14036
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>>14033Fanbois in subreddit is imploding, and they made it to pol kek. No. 14040
>>14039read the quotes
people are making the point one thread shouldn't exist because it's not milky enough - there are only nitpicks etc Momokun is just an example.
we have plenty of other threads that do the same shit with no milk.
momokun threads are people posting pictures and then talking about her cooch, bleached butthole, and recent lipo etc
momo getting plastic surgery even though she preaches body positivity is milk, but Anisa getting plastic surgery even though she preaches body positivity is somehow not milk?
No. 14059
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>>14052>03/16/20 (Mon) 10:02:36 PMI think it's kinda funny you're posting this 4 minutes after this post. Try harder next time luv
No. 14067
>>14066>Tons of infighting and "hi cow"Racist Uncle is aware of the thread though, so it's fair to assume it might be her or her
minions. And the infighting was caused by a scrote defending lolicon shit. I agree with the rest tho
No. 14071
>>14070>>14068From what I saw in the thread, it's because the conversation came over from the P.P thread.
>>14067It's still fucking obnoxious to shut down someone by accusing them of being the cow. Also, no one was defending lolicon, one anon just said they don't care about cartoon rights in a response to someone asking if it's ok to post an example.
No. 14072
The infighting in the coronavirus thread is getting ridiculous.
>>14071No, the conversation started in the same thread because of >>527344
No. 14088
>>14086I'm not a liar and can post proof of everything I've said, but the thread is not about me despite your baiting me to defend myself. But you and the other anon with the druggie ex (if you are not actually samefagging, interesting how you both have been commenting in close succession and call me a druggie), please go ahead and keep wasting your energy and posts a-logging me and calling me an "entitled mean deranged crazy druggie" and see where that gets you in life.
Imagine being so bothered by a post in /ot/ that you wait around for hours to attack anon again as soon as they post.
No. 14093
>>14091New? Been here for years. At last count 18 months ago I had nearly 5K posts from only one of the IP's I have used.
With my health conditions and having Medicare I'll be dead soon enough. Have patience, anon.
No. 14095
>>14094I thought you meant "spoony" as in munchie as you did not capitalize it. Get some proper grammar so that you're not misconstrued.
Like I said, I'll be dead soon. If you doubt me then you're not paying attention.
No. 14103
>>14100The second post you're referring to was my correction. I'm 49 now.
>not integratedThat must be why Admin emailed me asking if I would like to help compile the next drop of Raven posts.
No. 14106
>>14096You guys literally sperg out, but thinking complaining about a filter and cropping out the filter caption at the top left screen is milk. You keep bringing up dry 2014 and 2015 old milk claiming she still 'Googles herself all the time'. The thread is a nitpicking, vendetta disaster for anyone who actually looks at it. Stop being so samefagging and jacking each other off for all the 'Where'd you find this gem anon lol uwu'. We know who is posting. You literally spam UWU constantly when Nicole never even captions anything uwu on any of the posts and you add extra narritive to shit to try and make milk seem like it is there when it isn't.
The anon who called you guys out is right. You literally sound like the same 3 people obsessed with this chick. A mod needs to comb the thread and smell how bad of salty vendetta is it. Stop posting the same shit and people will stop calling you samefags.
No. 14110
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>>14096>>14109>>14106The redtexted photo that's being defended as 'this is real milk'. This is all the thread is, every day. Old posts and nitpicking shit. Aside from when she posts about money or pateon or moving and suddenly the anons add extra context saying she's scamming [which she isn't], SHE USES FILTERS [so does every thot, that should be under nitpicking at this point in the thread], and 'She can't move she's UWU POOR SO SMOL' [which is constantly added to posts where none of that is being mentioned or insunated by Nicole]. Its a grab at straws that these anons are making posts. This is why people call you guys out and why your post was redtexted and deserved.
Thats all Im going to say on this because it seems like other anons are calling you guys out on your vendetta bullshit thread too. Post real milk without fake subtext and maybe you will have a viable thread.
No. 14113
>>14107PS I declined as I don't use fb or ig but I gave her suggestions re how to find out her IPs. I do know when the drop will be.
>>14112Have you not heard of appealing? Admin reversed it herself. I don't even use a VPN for this site. I cut my teeth on Usenet beginning in 1993. Trolling was birthed in the group for which I was the FAQ maintainer, and I was the target. Try harder.
No. 14114
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Coward smdh
No. 14118
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>bragged about a new IPWhen? You are the living end!
My latest "forever" ban was lifted by I assume a farmhand upon appeal.
No. 14124
>>14122Shut up now. No one care about how you being such a fantastic shitposter/poor/disabled/ oldfag (but don't know who Spoony is, right kek)/in a sooper sikreet club with Admin for Gravy's post reveal.
Shut up and leave already.
No. 14136
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I've been accused of being a lot of things I'm not on this board, but this takes the fucking cake!
>>>/ot/529409 No. 14139
>>14138rules exist for a reason. if you don’t like it, make your own imageboard.
oh wait.
No. 14140
Does anyone notice the extra amounts of asspats anons are giving each other lately? Its like they come in pairs or 3 at a time in threads and congratulate each other on finding the most mundane shit or nitpicking.
>>14138 I hope they purge you all.
No. 14148
is the mod redtexting the nicole thread new? or have they just not read any of the thread at all? seriously they don’t seem like they know what they’re talking about or understand any of the context
> Tinfoiling with no basis to a claim it’s speculation for sure but it’s not tinfoil, like one anon said we have more than enough ‘hard evidence’ of nicole’s self obsession and that she and her friends lurk here to believe it’s plausible
every cow on here gets accused of running their own fan pages and i’ve never seen a single one of them get redtexted before
mod is confusing ‘basis for claim’
with the ‘hard evidence’ wks keep sperging about. there was even already a
>where’s your hard evidence!!!!!!proof-chan wk response. we have plenty of basis for claim, but that’s not something that we could ever concretely prove (because we can’t break into all of those instas)
> Do not post about someone who doesn't have any drama simply because you personally dislike them. (vendetta posting)how is posting about the subject of a thread IN their thread that is FULL of milk/drama/proof of their bullshit ‘vendetta’?
normally i wouldn’t fight back against mod ruling but why do you guys keep letting her do this shit? any time you give her an inch the wks come barging in and this time will be no different
we have proof that she AND her friends are active in the thread and they’re desperate
the only people who would possibly be reporting those posts would be nicole and co because no one else would ever give a fuck, so why are you listening to her?
>>14106>>14109>>14110even this is the exact same sperging almost word for word that’s been happening since day 1 when she was mentioned back in costhots
>multiple wk posts in short amount of time>IT’S NOT MILK!!!!>WHERE’S THE MILK!!!>EVERY THOT DOES X IT’S NOT MILK!!! >IT’S VENDETTA!!!!!>UR ALL SAMEFAG!!!!>NONE OF THIS IS MILK UR OBSESSED WITH HER>(1 single redtext) SEE MODS AGREE WITH US!!!!! NICOLE CLEARED OF ALL CHARGES!!!!!>WHERES UR PROOF!!!!>(proof of lying) THIS IS OLD IT DOESN’T COUNT!!!!!!just hide the fucking thread if you don’t want to see it! why the fuck are you STILL parked on there reading every single post to the point where you can come up with an analysis of the entirety of the thread AND all of the recent discussion if you don’t think any of it is milk? huh? explain why you STILL haven’t just hidden the thread and moved on with your life? why are you so obsessed with her?
> We also know it is the same anons> Weok where’s your hard evidence of this proof-chan? you’ve said this 1 million times in your whiteknighting and ban evading, so show us your proof since you keep demanding it. otherwise shut the fuck up with this paranoid tinfoiling
No. 14151
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Just throwing out a question I think about that I’m not actually expecting an answer to but…..why are /g/ and /m/ so strictly SFW + no porn allowed?
Ever since Tumblr did their whole anti-porn bullshit, it feel like there’s no female driven porn space. Every thread on /g/ is already so horny (and shame based?) as it is
>Femdom General
>Masturbation thread
>Fetishes You're Ashamed Of
>Fetishes You're NOT Ashamed Of
>Attractive Men you want to fuck
>Turn ons (that you're unashamed of)
>Sex Advice Thread
Would one teeny tiny lil porn/gif thread really hurt?
Say what you want about Tumblr, but they had a real woman’s eye for porn. I’ll try 4chan every once in a while but /gif/ is alway so violent and male centric and it’s always webm which isn’t mobile friendly. It would just be nice to have an equivalent space somewhere on the internet.
No. 14157
>>14153they'll stick around for the porn and get off on the fact that they know women are probably getting turned on and masturbating to the same content they are, etc.
>>14151noooo, absolutely not. it will 100% draw in more men. crystal cafe has porn shit, just go on there.
No. 14162
>>14160>>14159Forgot to mention the editing photos to try and make it look like she is photoshopping as much as the anons are claiming. Other anons already pointed out that someone is deliberately editing her photos with other photos to make it look like before and after editing shots.
Hey anon, its obvious everything you are posting is shit, so just stop. Multiple anons calling you out isn't the same whiteknighting anon you would hope it would be. Anon keeps sayig Leda is being skinwalked, she was actual friends with Nicole and her scene look is the same as every bubblegum pop scene kid from the day, so nitpicking this 2014 shit is so pathetic every time it's brought up.
>we have proof that she AND her friends are active in the threadAnon you havent posted once proof that she lurks. Lol. You just want anyone who reports your shit to be here and her groupies. You sound paranoid about your vendetta
No. 14163
>>14162>editing photos to try and make it look like she is photoshopping as much as the anons are claimingnta but sorry, what? 1. do you have pRoOfS of that (since you love cold and hard facts, right), because everything posted came straight from her instagram, fb, etc?
2. where is the horde of "other anons" "pointing it out"?
>Anon keeps sayig Leda is being skinwalked, she was actual friends with NicoleI've been following her for a while and never found any indication that they even knew each other.
…could it be? nicole?
other threads are chock-full of nitpicking and actual tinfoiling, and no one does anything about it. this is damn fishy, and makes me think nicole is a mod or knows someone here.
>>14160>anon having a meltdown anytime someone mentions that the reaches have no holdwhy is this even happening tho, and so often? I don't see anyone defending a cow so much in other threads. If there is no milk, no one will read and contribute, and the thread will die a natural death. But it's not, and that's somehow bothering you. Why?
Not everyone discussed here is super milky (esp in /w), and not a single thread on this side is 100% pure facts and nothing else.
unless all of the the posts were actually made by the same 1 or 2 anons, there's not a single reason to interfere?
No. 14165
>>14164those were
valid questions, and I'm confused.
look at taylors thread for example and tell me how this stale rich girl is somehow milkier than nicole, and mentioning her fillers or how she's soo old looking for the 100th time isn't nitpicking? or look at the other threads.
I just genuinely wanna know how photo-shopping, e-begging and badly lying nicole is different.
No. 14172
Hi sorry I've come here to ask about this, other anons have come here to ask about this. What's the point of telling people to come to /meta/ if all you do is continue to ignore everything we're asking about and just let the Nicolefags overrun this thread too? Literally every single complaint they've made here and in the Nicole thread could be solved by them just hiding the thread, you've specifically told them to hide the thread, and yet you let them sperg on. I genuinely don't understand why you let them keep saying it's samefag vendetta when you can see that it's not? It's not like this is just one post or a new occurrence, every single wk thread for months now says it's a samefag vendetta. Step in and tell them it's not so they'll shut the fuck up?
>>14159>>14160>>14162>>14166>>14168>>14162>Forgot to mention the editing photos to try and make it look like she is photoshopping as much as the anons are claiming. Other anons already pointed out that someone is deliberately editing her photos with other photos to make it look like before and after editing shots.No, only the whiteknights were saying that, and that was weeks ago. For someone who doesn't think she's milky, you sure have been reading EVERY SINGLE POST in that thread. Except for the ones that have the actual proof somehow, weird.
Here's the proof she and her friends are in the thread
>>>/w/85232>>>/w/86057Or are you gonna sperg about how she must be talking about something else that's ruining her life that just so happened to start on the exact same day as the thread (which was also immediately filled with wks).
No. 14179
>>14174i agree here. incels do raid the board and sometimes post in threads that
trigger them, but the general assumption is that there are not going to be men posting. so it's just a weak and dismissive insult.
No. 14196
>>14190It personally doesn't bother me, I was just defending other anon's
valid suggestion.
>Please post all general issues and complaints here. If you want mods to do something, or have some issue with or suggestion for site content, you should use this thread.Read the thread description.
No. 14202
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No. 14207
>>14206Why do you want men to post here? Men already only spam /ot/ with /pol/ posting(see vegan wizard-kun), then post dick pics in /g/, and thirst-post nudes in the cow boards. They're the dumbasses who keep bumping random threads with "anymore of her??", not to mention the guy who randomly spams cp link and the notrious scat-kun.
Do you really want more of that? How would that preserve board culture?
No. 14211
>>14207Ayrt, because I don't have a vendetta against the opposite sex? I think they have something to contribute (there's plenty of autistic post from females on here)… And for the last time I personally don't care if they can't post to LC, I just think it's a
valid suggestion on the basis stated above. It doesn't personally affect me at all. But it's funny how heated you get over a question that involves the oh so dreaded male.
No. 14212
>>14211i agree with you
(ban evading)
No. 14215
I mean they can already post here sans the gender attention whoring, and this rule only deters that which is a good thing
No. 14216
>>14214People obviously mean the original board culture that they feel has been significantly changed for the negative in the past 12-18 months. I think it would change the atmosphere in a positive way, there would be less paranoia and calling people scrotes because it wouldn't matter if they were and it would at least stop attracting new users of that kind
>>14215But it hasn't deterred it though, there was no gender attention whoring before the rule and if anything there has been an uptick in it since
No. 14221
>>14214Because of how emphatically you're trying to explain your contention. If I misread I apologise. I'm just not here for all the uneccisarry man hating that's become the culture.
>>14219It doesn't expressly affect us but the amount of opposition towards men that has arisen on this site is frankly concerning. It's like LC is being moulded by mainstream divisive politics which is ultimately shutting down discussion. That's what bothers me and I'm sure many other anon's.
No. 14227
>>14188i personally don't want men to post cause we would just be /cgl/ again, and cow threads are already full of men reeing about anons being jelly uggos. but i also don't want people to think like
>>14192 does. the amount of radfems/manhate on the site is annoying though and they're pretty aggressive. and they will come here because we advertise that we don't allow men. i wish anons would stop acting like the site is the same as it was 4 years ago. the misogyny thread was totally different than the dumpster fire PP thread that exists now, and that's because the general feel of the internet was different too.
No. 14231
>>14227Yeah agreed. You basically encapsulated my feelings perfectly.
>>14229>Move on with your lifeComing from the anon that's reeeing for an entire paragraph filled with political generalisations. No one's shilling for men, we're having a discussion. The fact that you see it from that perspective "really makes one think", calm down we're all allowed to have input. LC didn't always have such rules so I'm not understanding why are you acting like our discussion is a new, unthinkable form of airborne cancer? Realistically, this shouldn't be such a contentious topic. We're all aware men are still able to post without flouting their masculinity, it's just the rule is attracting anons who're modifying the board culture for
IMO the worse. If you disagree that's fine, but if anything you're the only one reeeing here.
>You faggots were here reeing about muh evil radfems and gendercrits for ages and when you got rid of them, you start talking about allowing men to post. Really makes one think doesn't it?This is literally the first time I've posted in /meta/, but nice try anon. Broad generalisations really aren't helping your narrative.
No. 14234
>>14231This is exactly how I feel. Men literally don’t even factor into my thought process, Its not that I ‘want men to post’, im not looking to be some martyr for the downtrodden men of lolcow as some people are choosing to interpret it, I’m not thinking about them at all, I’m thinking about the site and the culture of the board and all this ‘makes you think’, ‘are you complaining about the rule because you feel called out by it’ conspiracy bullshit is exactly what I’m talking about. We can’t even have a discussion about it.
>>14229You can’t just tell people they don’t get called a scrote and it becomes reality. It happens all the time, look in any thread in OT. It happens multiple times a day to me and I’m just one person, and I’ve never even posted in the pink pill thread, even in this thread a few posts up people have implied it. ‘Just get over it’ is not a helpful response. That is the point of this thread, everytime anons complain about this they are told either it doesn’t happen or to stop complaining about it in the ‘general COMPLAINTS and ISSUES’ thread…
No. 14235
>>14231The rule doesn't say that men can't post here, the rule says they can't announce their gender via "male here" or just generally being obnoxiously obvious about being a man. This is to prevent this place from turning into /cgl/ like
>>14227 said, if you want to take a look what kind of a cesspit that place turned into then feel free to. Or just go to CC, they're chock full of men.
Even if maleposting was allowed Lolcow would
still be regarded as a "girlchan" and we would be getting scrotes shitposting just the same. That's why they were initially banned. /cgl/ allows maleposting and it gets that on the daily - "tfw no cosplay gf", "ugly whores jealous of my patreon waifu", "why do you hate male cosplayers", tranny caping, /pol/ derailing etc. The much bigger problem is people on Twitter constantly cowtipping and breeding shit userbase like the assblasted Nicole sperg above, I have yet to see the downside of banning people who announce having a dick and the rule has been in effect for like 5 or 4 years. But only now we're suddenly having a problem with it? Even the hardcore normie radfems fucked off to the new site and I haven't seen them around anymore.
>>14232>We can’t even have a discussion about it.We can't because the reasoning makes no sense for the reasons above. In the light of recent happenings (such as the kiwifarms tranny trying to buy the site off the admin
just as the GC drama was going down and ham-chan samefagging to cause false flag posts) it's reasonable to expect plants trying to steer the board culture whichever direction they want to.
>>14233Honestly if you can't get over people calling you names on an anonymous imageboard then you would probably be better off on Reddit or Twitter. People here are extremely cordial compared to a lot of other places where the discussion revolves 100% around low quality, aggressive shitposting and infighting.
No. 14236
>>14235… - exactly, that’s my point. Without the rule, we would still be getting men shit posting, so it doesn’t detract them at all. What it does is attract women who would be attracted to a site that has banned men or banned men who ‘make it known their men’ which is now being interpreted as anyone who disagrees with you
- I see plenty of unrelated radfem sperging still, as do other people who have posted in this thread.
- the site is barely 6 years old. We have not had the no men rule for 5 years
- we are not suddenly complaining about it, this has been an ongoing problem with the culture of lolcow
- regardless of any ‘happenings’ on a totally different website, it’s not reasonable to accuse people who have an opinion you dislike of being plants, and people who you disagree with have every right to have a discussion on what they think would better the site
- I don’t care about being ‘called names’. This is such a disingenuous argument. I’m clearly talking about a single specific example of people constantly calling people scrote and it’s not because I can’t get over it it’s because it derails and stifles discussion etc. The exact same reason ‘hi cow!’ Is banned.
No. 14237
>>14236>it’s not reasonable to accuse people who have an opinion you dislike of being plantsTHIS. this is my main issue. calling someone a handmaiden for their differing opinion just implies they have beliefs you don't agree with, which is fine. calling someone a scrote/tranny is just shutting down the conversation. it shows a huge lack of respect for the
person you're talking to. implying they are someone who isn't supposed to be on the site, which is fucking stupid.
No. 14242
>>14241lol. even if that was the case do you really think people who can be so easily swayed then it barely matters. farmhand just clarified that the site bans
maleposting and that's all.
No. 14245
>>14242>even if that was the case do you really think people who can be so easily swayed then it barely matters.what? i made no mention of people being easily swayed, nor is that a concern of mine. the point i'm trying to make is that there are ill-intentioned men on the site that don't necessarily go out posting their dicks and saying "male here", and per the rules, they're allowed. they have a specific purpose to try to popularize their views and convert farmers. they do it in every female based community. it makes no sense to be upset that farmers are suspicious of people they suspect to be doing just that. if they're allowed on here, then why can't women call out what appears to be astroturfing? i don't even understand why anyone should care if they're offhandedly called male. ignore the suspicion and move on. i've never seen it derail anything unless the anon gets hung up about it.
it makes no sense, if men are allowed on here, why can't anons ask or suggest that the anon they're speaking to is male? men are allowed on here, but no mention of the fact that they're possibly or likely male, would be allowed? how would that be the fault of people who suspect anons to be male? additionally, if they make no mention of being male and larp as female, farmhands would have no clue anyways, so they're just as blind as we are. so, to even have a problem with people being suspicious makes no sense because of the nature of imageboards and our specific rules. honestly, from what i've seen, much of the time they do turn out to be men. not every time, but much of the time.
No. 14246
>>14242>>14236>>14221I don't get it. This seems to be going on circles. Why should the rule be removed? Seriously who is helped by that?
Unfounded male accusations already result in bans, so how will removing the rule against maleposting fix things?
If Lolcow remains a girlchan like you say it will, the community you want gone will still be here anyway
because it's a girlchan.
The only way that won't happen is if we actually do get multiple maleposters running free, going unbanned and thinking it's okay for them to come out, since nothing in the rules will state they shouldn't make their phallus known. How will we remain a "girlchan" then?
>>14208>>14188>But the reality is when there wasn't a no men rule, they didn't post.>but the reality is not a lot of men if ever would post. We didn't have this rule for years and it has never been a problem that there has been a significant amount of men posting This isn't true at all. We had multiple robot containment threads always leaking and random males infiltrating constantly. The rule against maleposting was made in the first place because it was so bad.
I can link to threads from 4 years ago talking about that very problem.
No. 14253
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>>14252>>14252>just a dog whistle if anything>brought an influx of people like you and it hasn’t been good for the boardThe rule has been there for years, and it says nothing about no male posters. Farmhand already explained that it's to keep scrotes away who cant stop talking about muh dick. Let me guess, you also report people for using any of the following words FAGGOT, NIGGER, SLUT, TROON, FATTY, WHORE and MUDSLIME?
Fuck off you faggot nigger slut troon fatty whore mudslime. webm related, you on your way whiteknighting other faggot nigger slut troon fatty whore mudslimes.
No. 14262
>>14260It's gay and autistic af, nice deletion of your green text post tho lol.
If you tag the post you're replying too why are you writing it out again.
No. 14266
>>14262That's not the issue here anon.
And I dropped my image kek.
No. 14270
>>14263It;s curious that you'd ignore:
>>14246>>14249 to only reply to anon asking if you're a tranny. Like they've crossed a line or struck nerves or something. It looks like you have not been posting in good faith.
But anyway this is a reminder that what you've been complaining about is already against the rules. If someone is calling you a male and it's really unfounded, they'd be banned for derailing. If not, they probably actually had a quite good reason to call you one. Consider the things you do post and be fair about how reasonable they are. If it's happening to you literally all the time, maybe you are the problem (sorry).
You told some wild mistruths about what this site was like before the rule was added so we kind of know you're not the most reliable narrator
To be honest, there are lots of boards that are friendly and welcoming to male posters. You can go there instead. Let this place be a female chan in peace, it's not killing you lol
No. 14271
>>14252Spotted the tranny.
>>14270>to only reply to anon asking if you're a tranny. Like they've crossed a line or struck nerves or something. It looks like you have not been posting in good faith.^This. It's so obvious that anon's definitely taking the issue personally.
No. 14276
>>14262>nice deletion of your green text post tho lolI didn't write that post.
>If you tag the post you're replying too why are you writing it out againBecause I can reply to your points more clearly and you don't have to scroll back up to see what you wrote. The feature is there for a reason.
Sheesh, I actually thought you were being sarcastic, hearing greentexting is a scrote thing is the first for me.
No. 14277
>>14276Why are you responding to an infight shitpost from 3 hours ago?
Tons of on-topic posts that actually address your arguments have been posted. You did this before with the "are you a tranny" shitpost as well
No. 14280
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>>14277>Why are you responding to an infight shitpost from 3 hours ago? Sorry I watched a movie and went back to this because it really perplexes me. Greentexting is like quoting on regular forums, do you go around accusing people of being male for quoting there too?
>You did this before with the "are you a tranny" shitpost as wellThis is my third post now, all about the greentext thing, I really don't know which side you're even on I'm just laughing my ass off at greentexting being called scrote behaviour
I'll leave you to your fighting, have a good night.
No. 14281
>>14280>I didn't write that post.Which post?
>>14260? I wasn't the one who said greentexting is scrotish fyi
I don't really know what's going on at this point, but goodnight. I hope this thread can be filled with replies that aren't troll b8 or shitposts
>>14279What do you mean by "it"?
No. 14286
>>14282There won't be any changes to the rules regarding maleposting. If you think that greentexting or typing in a certain way that doesn't emulate a teenage girl reads automatically as "male", you're part of the problem.
>>14283It was in the catalog in /snow/.
>>>/snow/314257We will continue banning anons who derail with scrote and tranny accusations. It's the "hi cow" of /ot/ that had bled to the other boards. 2 years ago this issue originated from a particular thread that had severe issues with ignoring male bait. It's also nice to note that the majority of anons with this issue are actually not frequent posters on the drama boards (to no one's surprise).
Regarding last week's canceled townhall, I'm unsure if anons would prefer me to reschedule or prefer a hellweek.
No. 14288
>>14282LOL, anon you know greentexting as a thing is not only on
every imageboard but ">text" is what signified a quote on literally every CSS based board ever that's why it's on chan boards.
No. 14296
>>14295I don't think most of us want the maleposting rule removed, we've just been trying to reiterate what and
why the rule exists. i can definitely tell from what anons are saying ITT that admin and mods get tons of reports of "scroteposting" when it's not merited.
No. 14304
>>14297I'm not male but would like the thread closed. I wouldn't care if it had just stayed as a containment thread but it just has ultimately attracted a lot of users who have made it so almost every thread gets derailed with pink-pill related sperging.
I view a lot of the gender talk kind of how I view race related debate in that i'm sure there are many
valid aspects of what people are saying and think these are important topics but its no less annoying to read about and have every conversation centre it. It will always cause infighting and derailing just because of the nature of the topic
No. 14306
>>14304If you got rid of pp thread you can expect the other boards to include more of it as the containment would be gone. Also, unsure how anons complaining about usually one man in their life in vents, annoying, or relationship advice warrents a full deletion of pp. Pp is the dislike for men and a handful of political opinions that everything is man-centered as well as bad for women. There's a load of red and black pill communities for men out there. That doesn't mean all negative complaints about someone's gf, mom, coworker are on the same level.
Not pp: why are celebrity threads in ot if we have m? I'd assume the Manson thread would be m or pt, rockcows in m, breadtube is media, and celibricows are definitely part of the media. All of kpop is contained into m I dont see why western or European can't be as well.
No. 14338
>>14329You ignored quite a few posts yourself for some reason.
>>14330No. Maybe if the people making those claims for 3+ months now actually showed which posts they are talking about like everyone else making complains in these threads, other anons could see it too or at least understand. Unless you really count using the word troon or scrote as pinkpill leakage. Also, Reminder: No. 14339
Please help us reach next month's server bill goal, anything helps.'s going to be difficult for staff to fund server costs in the next following weeks.
No. 14344
Isn't patreon quite anonymous too? You only need a username and a credit card or paypal. I don't think the other info gets checked.
>>14342Yeah, seconding ko-fi or other one-time payment options.
No. 14347
>>14342Ko-fi doxxes the creator, otherwise we would be using kofi. You can make a burner patreon account. Patreon doesn't show payment info on either end. The biggest downside would be having to unsubscribe for 1 time payments.
>>14342This issue was considered 2 years ago by the previous Admin. The patreon is fine and up.
The server costs and additional info are on the patreon page. The patreon has been around discreetly for a while but if people want proof of payments or withdrawals it can definitely be provided.
No. 14349
>>14347i just made my first patreon. im trying to donate but its blocking me from making the payment, saying i should reach out to you another way.
any tips? do i have to complete my profile first?
No. 14350
>>14349Not currently at my PC but shoot me an email if you still have issues or errors.
To donate anonymously just make a burner email or use an email
not tied to you in any way, make a username you never use anywhere else.
No. 14369
>>14364You already got what you want, just hide the thread or leave if the words
trigger you so much jfc.
No. 14370
>>14369Can't have the wamenz talking bad about the glorious male half of the species, it hurts their feefees!
Hilarious that anon is offended by the word "scrote" or "troon" while conveniently ignoring a lot of GC/"pink pilled" women are traumatized women who don't have as many safe and accessible places to congregate and vent as the males who hate them do.
No. 14373
>>14372lol. the point is that admin clearly thinks it's a problem. give it up and stay in your shitty containment thread. hide this thread if it's
triggering you so much to see how annoyed people are about you.
No. 14374
>>14373>lolabsolutely seething
>stay in your shitty containment threadi don't even post in the thread but ok dude
>hide this thread if it's triggering you so muchshouldn't you do the same?
No. 14379
The host server is lagging
>>14371That has been a bannable offense for a long time now. What was that about integration again?
>>14373How about you contribute to the server cost since your demands are endless? Maybe admin will then ban all the meanie biological women for you. You can even DM them and ask directly.
No. 14382
>>14364>your kind isThis anon be sounding like a karen who wants to speak to the manager, much like
>>14373>>14379Kek exactly! Also true as
>>14380 says saying hi [anyone/anything] is bannable, not the term in itself afaik. Also who throws a shitfit over a word ffs? Admin got enough to deal with.
No. 14386
>>14375NTA but to the anons bitching about "PP sperging" they count anons venting about their straight out
abusive husbands/boyfriends in the vent thread to be "PP sperging". Put the pieces together.
No. 14388
>>14384See it yourself because I just reiterated whats in
>>14286 so why are you replying to me dumbass.
>>14386Ty anon then thats doubly stupid given its a vent thread.
>>14387I will say last year there was an issue with the sperging, but I came back recently and browsing /ot/ there really isnt or at least, none that I saw. And when I asked in this thread got accused of being another anon. Go figure.
No. 14390
>>14388I dont really read /ot/ anymore but I do see some pp sperging around in other places sometimes. Like here in the baby thread
>>>/g/133698 which I have to say definitely has no place in that thread lol. But, maybe it's gotten better overall since pp came back by itself? As I said I dont really read /ot/ these days
No. 14407
So I take it that you just don't give a fuck? Or was it one of the mod team sperging? Would make sense since that was also a weeb living in Japan. You have time to ban people for the harmless offense of not posting a pic because "this is an imageboard", but not this?
No. 14417
>>14409Echoing others, you just gotta not reply to the bait.
HOWEVER, I think any kind of extreme sperging like anachan reees should just be deleted (I noticed a mod doing this to one sperg yesterday so thank you for that whoever you are). Like what happened to robot raid posters. Leaving the posts up just causes anons who haven't caught on or who just want to argue to reply and clog the threads up more. If the problem posts are simply deleted, then no one can split hairs over what's redtexted or what isn't because posters who obviously just want to break the rules just…won't be enabled with an audience anymore. Not suggesting immediate censorship, but I think you guys have the abilities to look into IP histories and see who's just having a sperg moment versus someone who just comes here to stir shit constantly. /2c
No. 14419
>>14418You new? The decision to outright delete r9k raid posts was made (gosh, has it been two years ago or more?) and it had a great effect of reducing the amount of raids when robots realized nothing they typed would stay up to be read by anyone. There's already precedent. It's not about deleting posts someone doesn't like. Which is why I brought up the ability to look at poster history to determine if they're shitposting assholes or if they just are saying something unpopular.
Why do anachans get to take out their shit across multiple threads when no other subcategory of anon posters are allowed to do the same? Kpop sperging stays in kpop, pinkpill sperging stays in pinkpill. Those are the terms a majority have agreed to on this website and there's nothing unreasonable about it.
No. 14426
>>14425Imo Kota shouldn't even have a thread anymore. Her anti asian and lesbian scene queen drama was way over a decade ago, her going viral and moving to Japan also close to a decade, she hasn't produced real milk in years, she's no longer fat and lately she doesn't even shoop much anymore. She once was my favourite cow and the reason I even found lc, but now I think she grew up for real and should just be left alone. Being a weeb who lives in Japan, does low profile modelling work, who might or might not be married doesn't warrant a thread.
Unless there's soon a sudden turn in events like with Venus you should just autosage or close it.
No. 14437
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What kind of twitterfag are you hiring? Previous poster making false pedophilia accusation is okay but using chan language on a chan board results in this level of snarky hurt feefees "reason"? Wtf does calling bait bait have to do with racism or feminism lmao. At least try to not sound retarded when banning.
What rule was violated specifically? If you're gonna police language, put it in the rules. Don't wanna see those icky words fggot or trnny or r*tard uwu.
No. 14442
>>14440What the actual fuck?? Do you have me confused for someone else? I have never even been banned for racebaiting. In fact, I report racebait pretty often.
I have received ban notif for posts that weren't mine more than once btw, even though they were resolved quickly. I'd like to see these "recent racebait posts".
No. 14444
>>14442She might be talking about the weird "white people" posts that clogged up /ot/ and /snow/ in the past 2-3 days. Also this
>>14443 , I'm sure admin can see more than just IPs.
No. 14452
>>14450>>14445I realize many misinterpreted what I said. I quoted posts discussing race to highlight the line that had been crossed long ago, not with the venting anons but with the anons who got really comfortable instigating race related arguments because of the thread. Anons can vent about their experiences in other threads but I no longer want to harbor pink-pill because it clearly encourages racially charged rhetoric presented as manhating. Anyone banned for racebaiting had a history of racebaiting in multiple threads. There is now an alternative board that isn't being touched, I hope it serves as a better platform for those discussions. It seems like the staff are passionate as well.
>>14447Context matters.
No. 14457
>>14437Using the word Nigger counts as racebait which your post seems to be tbh. In 2020 it's mostly used to bait people, it outlived its "chan slang" status due to all the racist /pol/ posters using it as an edgy slur. Don't know where the "racist woke feminist" reason comes from tbh when it's obvious racebait trolling but I guess admin has seen the poster history.
>>14452The racebaiting has been really bad all over the boards for the past weeks. Big thanks for banning the sperg in the Artist salt thread going fucking on about Japanese artists being racist for having fair skinned characters and continuously derailing the thread to have a psychotic fit about muh diversity representation. You might want to have a farmhand keep an eye on the posters there because every now and then kids show up derailing the thread with ridiculous spergouts about whichever hot topic they came across this week and think their "lmaooo fuck you racist pedo bigot" twitter takes count as civilized discussion.
No. 14467
>>14462just use the report function, mods are doing their jobs.
if they are still posting, the mods are allowing it and you're a sperg
No. 14468
>>14467nta but
>if they are still posting, the mods are allowing it and you're a spergso if the mods allow threads to go to shit, the people who take issue are the spergs? what a shitty precedent
No. 14478
>>14477as someone who
used to use that thread, the old misandry threads, you're wrong. the thread turned to shit when radfems began using it to push their political ideals onto the site, which was about 1-2 years ago now. the thread used to be a good place for us to share personal stories and vents, rather than as a platform for generalized anger towards men, pushing the radfem rhetoric. older threads had way less caps from the internet, and way more personal stories. as they are now, they are closer to propaganda using really extreme examples to illicit hate or fear of men. this is just something i think newer users don't get. they were
vent threads not
hate threads
No. 14486
>>14465Agreed. That personal bias is showing kek.
Also ot, but would like to add that holding Jews to a higher standard than Christians and Muslims (insert other religions here) is fucking dumb. They're not a race, therefore a vast majority of what people say is about as much of a racebait as "the Catholic church are all pedos" (literally couldn't care less btw, it's their fault for institutionalizing pedophilia). IMO it's so beyond cancerous they're the
only religion off limits because ~muh
victim class uwu~, especially considering how radical some of them are (similarly to some Muslims). The past certainly doesn't bar them from future critisism, although I have no idea where you can openly critisie them.
Also think nigger can be used in context, it's presumptuous to assume the person using the term's race by marking them as racebait immediately. I even got marked for telling anons "sticks and stones" because they were reeeeing over song lyrics including the term. It was in poor taste, but it was a song, let's stop immediately assuming racism, then grabbing our pitchforks from the smallest things.
In an effort to moderate threads from getting out of hand, we've paid a price on open discussion. Defeats a lot of the purpose of being anonymous, but what can you do? People are so radical in regards to politics… even going as far as to morally police others. I can definitely see where mods are coming from to an extent and I certainly don't have any better suggestions. Not really achieving anything from posting this either, more just complaining.
No. 14488
>>14487Everyone should be held to the same standard. None of it is off-limits or all of it is, Thought Police-Chan.
Stop lumping me with the rest of anons you're proving my point.
No. 14499
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>>14489>Then leaveNo, I don’t think I will.
No. 14503
>>14493This. Dark-skinned women pouring their hearts out and writing walls of texts about their experience and encounters with men of their OWN race? That's obviously just concern trolling. Only white women are allowed to do that. Ban those racist so they'll never speak out again! /s
>>14496Those weren't muh radfems and not a "meltdown" either but anons rightfully saying how lame and meaningles the term became. Sorry you are upset by that on a female oriented website.
No. 14508
>>14507I mean okay, but have you ever seen people going significantly out of their way to make disparaging comments about them specifically though? Because that happens very frequently for men of other backgrounds here.
>>14504All the racial slurs used regularly on image boards, including this one, are used regularly against women of those backgrounds, often in traumatic or even life threatening scenarios. I don’t care that people use them here, although knowing there’s like 4 non white anons I don’t love it, but it’s just funny that ‘Karen’ is the word that got like 5 different anons upset
No. 14510
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>>14505this is the most twitter fueled post i have ever seen on lolcow holy shit lmao
No. 14511
>>14510It's true though, you just get
triggered by a subset of words that hurts your feefees while you're fine with other insults.
No. 14516
>>14515That's not even close to the truth
>The only ‘political’ takes you see here are criticising men and trans people and you know that.So all the insults towards murrican politics and discussion of it doesn't count? Not only american stuff, with the corona situations other countries and politics are brought up too.
>All there is allowed is the same ‘I hate men!’ And ‘I hate trannies!’ hamfisted into every thread even when it’s totally unrelated.If it's offtopic and unrelated, just report it. I haven't seen such examples unless you mean you get overly sensitive when somebody writes *he in a tranny thread.
>All discussion or diverse opinions have been stifled to make a radfem safe space echo chamberYou say that while "radfem sperging" is banned on the site, gender critical and man hate got merged and pink pill keeps getting locked. Nice radfem site, bub. Not like there's been anons constantly complaining on /ot/ how anything pink pill related hurts their feelings, so homogeneous.
No. 14517
>>14515Well I have been here since staminarose migrated here and I disagree with you. Maybe because I don't see radfems in every mean word I don't like or because I recognize more topics as political discussion than just daring to talk about women's rights and tranners.
>there is no diversity of opinion on any social or political topics.>All discussion or diverse opinions have been stifled to make a radfem safe space echo chamber.What now? Do you want political discussion on lc or not?
No. 14518
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No. 14522
>>14487Not that anon, but you're really calling other people racist to defend a light-skinned latina woman branding black and brown women "hostile" for talking about their personal woes with men
Sit and think about this. If we're going to talk about Karens on this site, you have to admit it's not just the radfems lol
No. 14530
Whenever these threads get a huge spergout that lasts for hours without mod interference I get a slight feeling that it's mods tripdropping and taking part in the fight.
>>14519The racebaiting is really bad in every fucking thread right now. It even made its way here.
No. 14535
>>14534The two I have seen have been very batty, absolutely. Like begging the anons they are Benning and, I actively see get redtexted, before banned them. It's like they second guess their remark as looking bad on them, so they delete it asap, but like why even fucking post it to begin with if you're just going to ban the person you just baited to begin with. The mod in these two cases were kind of trying to insight, but I'm thinking maybe what happened was that when they went to give the extra ban details when you're taken to the ban page they, instead they accidentally posted the remark to the thread.
Is that a possibility?
No. 14546
>>14545Istg if I see your autistic out-of-place fat writing one more time, I'm driving to where-ever you are and coof in your face.
Thank fuck this thread is ded soon.
No. 14547
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>>14546why are you so angry,
No. 14548
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>>14547Because anon's bad takes and lack of integration
trigger me. I'd prefer not to recognize their posts. I even partly agree with the one I replied to but still.
No. 14549
>>14536This ridiculous goddamn slapfight has been going on for 12 hours straight with no mods banning the racebaiting or the obvious shitposts like
>>14527 and
>>14524, it's not even tinfoiling at this point that the mods are taking part in the fighting.
No. 14553
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Fuck forget the other boards this thread is way too entertaining kek
No. 14554
>>14539Go and collect at least 5 actual racebait posts from pink pill threads. Any of them.
You can't. Even the admin couldn't. Accept that the site is just full of racists and other retards already, stop blaming everything on PPers and radfems lmao
No. 14562
>>14561Anon I checked every single one of those posts. They're the same ones the admin tried to frame as racebait, but are literally just brown women discussing their issues. One of them says black women tend to be the biggest pick mes, but then it's added that black women are the most pink-pilled as well, and you included that one for some reason
Compare that to the shitflinging in here, all over /ot/ and in the celebricows thread where someone tried to say black people should just get over bratty non-black teens appropriating black culture because "slavery was just 250 years ago, sorry you're getting kicked out of school, that's not her fault, just share already" or the circlejerking around white women and the phrase Karen
If that thread was the face of /ot/'s racebait, we wouldn't even have a problem. It's so damn civil in there lol. You've just proven my point more
No. 14564
>>14562What are you talking about? I can't believe this isn't just gaslighting at this point, do you not know what racebait means? None of these posts identify as brown or black women and that wouldn't even necessarily not mean it isn't racebait anyway.
>>>/ot/534107>best example of this would be black women, who outperform black men in nearly all educational and social fields, the only reason black women aren't more successful is because of forced loyalty to the black communityYou don't think the suggestion the only reason black women 'aren't successful' is 'forced loyalty to the black community' is racebaity?
>>>/ot/535917>I also don't wanna racebait. but black women themselves are perhaps the biggest pick-me's of any race, I know pickmeism infects all cultures but it is without a doubt worst in the black community, like without exaggeration black women literally hold up the black community and earn more collectively then black men, which is unheard of any race'black women are the biggest pick me's' is racebait
>>>/ot/536020>Tbf black women are also the most pink pilled. It’s just the pendulum effect, this polarization exists in communities with heightened misogyny, my SEA hellscape is like this too.Saying black culture has 'heightened misogyny' is racebaity
>>>/ot/536459>Ah so female brown skin is dirty while male brown skin is just how it is. Of course the women would get shit if they date out. They wanna abuse you but still feel like they own you. Any white woman who decides to get involved with an indian man is naive and needs help. Imagine not having to do anything with them, but choosing to. Insane.this is also racebaity
>>>/ot/529149>yeah, indian men are pornsick, but this is also part of the culture of women must obey the men no matter what and women are literal objects to be married off as prized cows>>>/ot/535879>He typed this essay while knowing his entire group is basically infamous for being abusive, broke and absent fathers. I feel so so bad for black women having to deal with this shit. The only men worse are probably Indian.This could literally be taken directly from /pol/
>>>/ot/536471>Why are Indian men this way? Has it always been like this?>>>/ot/538894>Adam Sanedler and his friends groups are the worst group of Idiots making films in hollywood, Kevin James, David Spade, Rob Schneider and Chris Rock, all starring in the same generic story of a loser male who wins the hot woman at the end of movie. Chris Rock deserved his own category because he actually produces similar movies with more or less the same plot just with a loser black male who gets the attractive lightskinned black woman at the end No. 14566
>>14564>first thingMaybe it's because I'm black and I've discussed this subject at length with other black women, but…lolno. I don't think it is. Black women are constantly expected to be mules for the community, while black men downplay us being abused, raped and gaslit. It's been pointed out so many times that we show up to march for black men who are unlawfully killed, but black men don't do the same for black women and little girls.
That anon actually understands it and isn't trying to place blame on us or defend black men to be woke.
>second thingThis is also literally just true. No black woman who is honest will ever deny this. It's not racebait because it's not attacking the entire race or insisting it's some genetic thing like actual racists do.
>third thingI honestly feel like this post was made by a brown woman who's annoyed about colorism aimed at women. The separation from white women gives me that impression. Again, this isn't racebait because it's not attacking or demonizing any race. It's the men of that race and their culture.
>fourthNo, /pol/ would say black women deserve it, and that they might have hope going for a "pajeet" but even they don't want us, with some slurs thrown in lmao. Do you ever check what /pol/ says? Again, I feel like an Indian woman made that post, but maybe I'm wrong.
>fifthAnother post that could've been made by an Indian woman. Doesn't assign some weird genetic inferiority agenda to Indian people, but criticizes men and their expression within a culture.
>sixthThis is literally criticizing a white male's racism. Chris Rock is also a piece of shit for the same reasons. He's in the same category as Eddie Murphy and his shitty misogynoiristic movie Norbit.
I feel like you believe any discussion having to do with race is automatically racebait. That's just not true. Where is the bait? Everyone is in agreement, anons are not being attacked for not being white, and it's ALL criticism of shitty males. Scrotes are scrotes. It's actually kind of narcissistic for only white male's issues to be focused on, because it centers white women only and perpetuates the notion that they are the default
No. 14568
>>14566Oh, didn't see this one
>yeah, indian men are pornsick, but this is also part of the culture of women must obey the men no matter what and women are literal objects to be married off as prized cowsHonestly…more of the same. This is probably by an Indian woman and it is criticizing fucked up moid behavior above all
These are not racebait anon. Hell, even the anon that said black culture has heightened misogyny was a SEA woman who clarified her culture has the same problem, it's not some Karenanon being a patronizing ass
No. 14574
>>14569>Every culture is misogynisticIf this isn't the most naive and/or white thing I've read today
Yes, all cultures are misogynistic. However
1. Some are worse than others
2. We should be able to talk about that, link up and raise awareness, especially as women who actually live in those cultures
>>14570Where is the bait? Who is being attacked? Remember: Men do not count as
valid people we should avoid offending in the PP thread.
Are non-white women not allowed to discuss how we are treated in our own cultures?
Even the admin backtracked and said they were to show the line being crossed, but where? Lmao.
Btw, they got redtexted only after the admin replied like 4 days ago claiming they were racebait randomly. They've been undisturbed for the two or three weeks they were posted, but she suddenly decided there was a problem very recently, so that's not a
valid defense
No. 14578
>>14576Did she say American?
Also, are you black yourself? I feel like if you were, you wouldn't be trying to nitpick a comment that was clearly observing the pendulum effect in action, something they literally relate to as a woman who's also from a ridiculously patriarchial culture, and trying to force it to be "patronizing" so bad
No. 14579
File: 1586998075481.png (15.89 KB, 906x325, LM_2020-04-16 ot - off-topic.…)

>>14577It's amazing how we're being completely respectful and you still resort to unnecessary insults and aggressivity. If the farmhands agree with you, then let them do their job and clarify things for us.
>>14578I wanted to ask the same thing but I know they'll probably brush it off as racebait again.
As I was about to post this I noticed this little gem in the Confession Thread. I guess the admins will get rid of it as well?
No. 14581

Stop using this thread for your personal catfights. I can't even be bothered to scroll through days of this to view actual complaints.
Here is verification for the patreon funds, I think we're covered for next month too thanks to a generous donation from an anon. Total payout $108.21-$57.07 = $52.14 remaining for next month. This doesn't include current patreons, just last month's payout.
http://www.4wxnumwn5zljjkyi.onion/u/patreonpayment.png [onion link] Invoice receipt [onion link]
No. 14583
File: 1586999074329.png (10.7 KB, 1253x182, Another one.png)

Anon responding to a 21 days old post to talk about interracial relationships.
No. 14585
>>14558>>14559Sorry but it's so funny to me how the farmhand made this exact same mistake in
>>14584 with the /ot/ posts, then edited their post to fix it
On the same day people were talking about mods dropping their trip to be snarky to anons? Tinfoil intensfies
No. 14587
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Whew! Life was so much simpler when you were defending your netspace against 50-something boomers, eh?
No. 14588
File: 1587009991366.jpg (26.62 KB, 275x266, 1584042933684.jpg)

>>14586cant blame them when they deal with responses like that.
No. 14589
File: 1587011775616.png (176.36 KB, 1080x1903, Screenshot_20200416-063142 (1)…)

The mods on this site are really a lost cause, this pointless ban on a snarky comment feels like they're trying to shut up anyone who disagrees, my sides
>>14588The bootlicking comments with reaction images a teenager would use are so out of place in this thread.