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No. 723449
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated.
Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc use the vent thread. For minor annoyances in your very personal daily life use the annoying thread. Thank youCommentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues.
Continuing the tradition of making OP pic that of a borzoi, but with one that's wearing cute space buns
Previous thread:
>>692468 No. 723465
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Lifeless, flat ironed hair
No. 723511
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conservative women
No. 723534
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i hate this baby
No. 723651
>>723603samefag, imagine writing an entire article calling yakuza characters himbos with no reference to their bara tiddies and washboard abs. i hate game journalists
>>723649kek every single self-identified himbo is a dumpy fakeboi
No. 723655
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>>723449Marmite smells like dehydrated piss
No. 723766
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I hate when girls are like omg don’t take my pic uwu then proceed to post their photos. The internet will take them if they’re aesthetically pleasing or cool. If you don’t want that don’t post them? And they always get upset if you don’t give them credit like their selfie is a piece of art or something idk that bothers me
No. 723767
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>>723766Their @ in case you want to cyber bully them or something idk
(a-logging, not your personal army, cowtipping) No. 724024
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i hate my tits i think they are deformed,ugly and not feminine enough and im too scared to go to the doc because what if they assume im dysphoric and i want to be male? i like being woman but not my tits and my hip dips.
No. 724070
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Gray dye:
it never looks good
it's too complicated to achieve
it's too complicated to mantain
it ages you up
could be good in theory, but even wigs look bad 60% of the time
No. 724073
>>724024this is not the vent thread
but I understand you. I bet your tiddies are fine
nonnie No. 724099
>>724085Please don't be mean to her zoomie, it'll happen to you too
>>724084Why don't you try dying it a crazy color? You'll look kinda cool like that
No. 724596
>>724593Ayrt, she was actually 50, sorry! Here's the thread. Just scroll to the bottom cause her post was one of the more recent ones
>>>/ot/601371. Reading her post over, some of how she types doesn't seem very boomer-ish, but maybe that's just integration.
No. 724844
>>724722>>724772It's an imageboard thing so I guess the association is
valid kek. I like it, it reminds me of slow obscure boards.
No. 724929
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The pixar mom meme and how everyone thinks it's hilarious. It just makes me uncomfortable, along with the female character sameface issue why can't they design female characters properly?
No. 724941
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Anything rose gold, the coppery undertones remind me of tarnished jewelery. I feel like this is an unpopular opinion though.
No. 724950
>>724929Same, it's really gross and intentionally pervy with the ways they present them sometimes, but if you criticize it everyone (every man) has the perfect excuse to be all, "They're just movies for children! Why are you overanalyzing it, you're the one making it
Gaslighting fucks.
No. 725027
>>725005racists, sexists, homophobes etc
No. 725351
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I hate this greasy look trend whether it's on makeup, anime, etc. No it doesn't look "healthy", if anything it looks like you have a sweating problem and/or stink.
No. 725475
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people who constantly hype and think disney is the epitome of quality in animation and media, it gets on my nerves. every film they make is superficial and stale which means marketable to children, family, and international fans
legacy does not equal good, authority does not equal good manbabies
No. 726514
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>>726506This was posted in the MtF thread, I've also seen it a few times in the Shayna thread and maybe once in PnP's thread. I guess I shouldn't have said it was in quite a few threads, now I'm thinking it's the same anon
No. 726829
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This youtuber’s teeth, smile, and the way he talks. They’re too big for his mouth and in general, and he chooses white bands for his braces which makes his teeth look off-white and dirty. The way he talks replaces all ‘s’ sounds with a “Sh” because his teeth are fucking massive.
No. 728700
>>728694i doubt its the same anon but there was a rude anon on the luna thread complaining cause someone didnt know who roger was. which yeah, lurk more for sure, but damn dont get bitchy about it just dont respond. then nice anon comes along to explain who roger is and bitchy anon gets even angrier. and they kept being bitchy for no reason complaining about new faggotry and spoonfeeding and integrate more and lurk like yeah thats
valid but maybe let the mod do their thing? if it really is newfaggotry or integrate issue or things like that and its very transparent, they WILL get banned. thats… pt is very serious about that type of things. if its truly that bad, i promise theyll get banned. you dont have to rule the damn thread and be a dick to random people for no reason. take a xanax its a luna thread who gives a shit!
No. 728724
>>728709i love this tinfoil lmao. i want to add to the lore that meth anon is probably someone who lives in conditions as shitty as luna but thinks shes better than her cause she doesnt have corpse lips. girl, listen to your family and try rehab… if youre a normal functioning adult and youre shilling for meth use to get "better", you need to reevaluate… several things…
like, yeah, sure, luna would lose weight and stuff like that lmao. but its funny to me like, anon was trying to be helpful, but instead of saying, she should go to rehab! shes like, she should try meth! the fuck you're talking about lol. if thats the best advice you can give to a junkie than maybe youre not that much better than them.
No. 728750
>>728700Was one of the newfag anons, but I shut up. Sorry for shitting up the thread. I admit I was in the wrong. I remember when asking dumb questions was against the rules and frowned upon, but now I see it's not (?). Maybe I'm blind or cannot ctrl+f.
Anyway not the meth anon, in fact I was annoyed by the crap and I don't know why mods didn't stop it. Shit was insane. I think mods slept on the Luna thread since a lot of posters deserved a ban (probably including me) and didn't get it.
As mentioned, there was another person bitching than me, so your tinfoil may still be true kek
Anyway I still think people shouldn't waste time with questions like "whos roger", might as well ask who is Luna kek. Either you are interested in cow or not, just google No. 728755
>>728750interesting. and yeah, you can get banned for asking dumb shit. i was actually curious and read the OP of the luna thread and it does explain who roger is, so you were right anon… sorry about that i just checked it a second ago, i dont read the op on luna threads cause i dont need recap for her. so i had not noticed that anon could literally ctrl+f that shit.
if its in the OP, then yeah, you should check that shit first before asking anything about cow. i always check the OP of cows im not familiar with so that im caught up. just seems like the smart thing to do.
anyways, we dont know who the other anon was and i still want to believe shes a methhead. we can only dream… i want to believe
No. 728821
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They're the feline pugs. I don't hate them, but looking at their faces makes me feel unbearable pain, not sure if it's pity or because their ugly-cuteness makes me uncomfortable.
No. 728889
>>728881a common example you see anon?
i find people in jill threads getting mad at very stupid shit. shes a boring cow. literally all you can do is nitpick and project. so whenever an anon there gets to passionate im like… shes not worth getting pressed, like ever, unless you see yourself in her or something idk i just find jill anons odd
No. 729382
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The gifted kid meme was funny at first, but now I'm fucking sick of it. It's like the zoomer version of a mid life crisis
No. 729438
>>729398Hard agree. People who harp on that peaked in grade school.
People have to learn how to deal and cope with anxiety and depression rather than tweeting about it and thinking it's ~uwu quirky~ and expect people to tiptoe around them in case they get
No. 729451
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>>729409Me too except I like the colorful kitchens
No. 729518
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>>729409>>729430>>729451>>729469Welllllllllllllll shiiiiiit.
That's how I feel about the 70s I'm but sure some of you love it.
No. 729540
>>725475>>725811>>726104I could've written these posts, anons. I usually don't judge people for liking stuff past whatever arbitrary age limit society puts on it but adult Disney fans are beyond autistic, I can't help it. They spend heaps of money on shitty consoomer merch just because it has Ariel's face on it, publicly talk about crying hysterically during a Disney cartoon movie and get massive fucking tattoos of Disney characters.
They never have a "normal" relationship with the franchise, they need to go all out Disney World traveling, collaboration crap buying and cosplaying route over literal children's movies that aren't even that enjoyable to anyone past the age of 12. It's not like they analyze the movies, characters, soundtrack etc. or care about the production in any way, it's a very shallow level of "I bought the collector's edition because oohh shiny cover eeeee" interest overall.
I'm sperging because some of my friends are the worst Disney womanchildren I know and I hate it
No. 729652
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>>729518I love the 70s. They were unironically tacky as fuck and completely shameless, but they were
fun. I especially love men's fashion in the 70s, it was ridiculous as hell but still better than what men look like today. Most importantly, clothes were fun and expressive rather than overtly sexed up even on kids.
Just look at this absolute Chad.
No. 729656
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>>729652> I especially love men's fashion in the 70sTAYRT, okay, that's the one thing I agree on. It was silly and tacky, but tight fitting and really looked good on the male physique.
No. 729672
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Polo shirts. Especially flabby men in too tight polos with the little sleeves riding up from arm fat.
Seeing another persons pimples being popped or their pus makes me physically nauseous. Actually just seeing gross body things on others like drool, stains on mouth etc. I’m a fussy piece of shit
Annoying ass weebs talking in that stupid way that’s like a blend of role play / tumblr lingo and anime dialogue on Twitter
Troon / genderspecial worship invading every fandom in existence.
No. 729676
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Out of all mainstreamed 4chan memes I hate this one the most. Maybe I have rose tinted glasses, but the older version of the meme you had to have them say 10 lines bare minimum and maybe give the wojak his own costume. The modern one you just put one line.
No. 729705
>>729660I think every severe (and maybe not
that severe) mentally ill person should get free euthanasia. They and their families suffer so fucking much. And it's not until you have a family member like this that you understand how painful it is for them to live, and how they can ruin the lives of the family itself.
Example… My dad had a mentally ill brother. And because of the severity, my dad was left alone most of the time, and whenever my uncle had violent outbursts, my dad couldn't do anything to defend himself. This made my dad develop a lot of trauma. and I know of another case that is just like this.
The fact that twitter keeps this narrative of "EVERY SINGLE MENTALLY ILL PERSON MATTERS" and "SOCIETY IS THE ONE THAT IS WRONG!" pisses me off. They really don't know how sad this shit is.
No. 729741
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>>729676This sleazecore one is my favorite for some reason, I love this meme
No. 729846
>>729774the fuck, why are kinnies calling real life "the meatspace"
Got it sounds like they didn't complete elementary education
No. 729847
>>729846nta but oh it's kinnies? I assumed it was cringy lefty twitter lingo because it totally sounds like that
when it comes to kinnies I think that one big problem gen z is having is spending too much time in a fantasy world in our heads
No. 729925
>>729744It's so annoying and impractical, I don't understand why they haven't fixed that yet.
>>729409Glad I'm not the only one, so ugly. Tbh I hate pretty much anything vintage.
No. 730173
>>730129It's seinen so technically it is, but that's not what I was thinking of.
I'm not the poster in the 'rate my taste' thread by the way, pretty sure that anon is baiting. Made in Abyss is genuinely disgusting though.
No. 730228
>>730002I love Rick and Morty.
Ever since bronies took over My Little Pony I don't give a fuck what isn't "for women" anymore. I like what I like.
>>730160Why screencap a bad argument?
>the hour during which something airs means there is a demographic that the producers are aiming forEveryone knows this. It doesn't mean that every aspect of the show will appeal or not appeal to a specific gender.
>no matter what the international audience consists ofBecause it would destroy this argument and prove my point above, the OP knows this and wants people to discard international reception because he knows female audiences are different elsewhere. I CAN appreciate that this show aired during Otaku hour and why it was enjoyed by males, but the fact is a lot of women picked it up who aren't necessarily a Japanese audience for reasons that appealed to them so it's fair to say it's not as "male oriented" as OP would like to argue.
"How to tell it is aimed at men:"
>no fleshed out male charactersPlenty of anime aimed at males has fleshed out male characters.
>no fleshed out het romances 1. Madoka literally has the most fleshed out love triangle between Sayaka/Hitomi/Kyousuke. Saying "it doesn't count cause plot device" for no reason will not change this fact? A plot device can be fleshed out, it's not like they're mutually exclusive.
2. Don't most male oriented animes have fleshed out male characters? Why would not having good male characters mean an anime is for men? This is an argument that could go either way. It's like saying a female oriented anime wouldn't have fleshed out woman characters. Unless the anime would be using men to pander to women (as if this is popular…), would we not expect fleshed out female characters? It doesn't make sense because this argument fucking doesn't. Men get everything, OP might as well say anime is all for men.
>mainstream female audiences don't like yuri Lots of women are fucking gay and/or tired of het romances. Yuri is pretty popular with women, as is most gay shit.
>intense focus of conflict of ideologies Women don't care about ideologies amirite?
>why don't they talk about gorl things though?! I mean, they do but obviously the extent is limited by the fact that it's an anime where they're dealing with timelines and fucking dying.
Examples of "girly" things Madoka talks about:
>every morning teeth brushing session with her mom talking about hot goss >Madoka showing off her magical girl fashion conceptLike does OP expect them to be talking about painting nails and shit? Why do they have to be constantly talking about girl things for it to qualify?
>madoka having a one on one coming of age convo with her mom can't count because coming of age discussions are only for men ………
Is anything for women?
No. 730260
>>730173I'm not that poster. My complaints aren't about the taste thead (except for MiA)
No. 730745
>>730160NTA but holy shit this has got to be the dumbest argument I’ve ever seen.
>only men like stories with conflicting ideologies, plus the girls don’t talk about periods and hair, it’s totally for men!And who cares about the supposed demographic for anime/manga that much anyway? Kino’s Journey is seinen, guess only men can like it. The LoGH manga is shounen, guess the fanbase must be mostly 13 year old boys. FMA/Inuyasha are shounen, definitely no female fans for those. What a shit take.
No. 730784
>>730160I mean Madoka ticks off boxes that spell out scrote pandering because it's cute girls doing cute things but in a grimdark environment, and then they went full on disturbing lesbian sexual lust in the movie with Madoka and Homura but it's not
aimed towards men. It's a unisex seinen series first and foremost.
In theme of the thread I hate the Homura x Madoka ship and how many thots take scrote pandering yuri cosplay shots of them because uwu lesbians. Homura has an unhealthy BPDcunt tier obsession with her Favourite Person and it's not cute.
No. 730835
>>730784movie bad, agree
but nothing wrong with doing whatever it takes to stop your best friend from being killed by a magic storm
she had no way of knowing she was making madoka that powerful, and she was stunted at middle school age the whole time she was time traveling, it's not like she ever got to go to college or had to get a job, she never matured in all that time
No. 730861
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I hate these shitty kpop baby plushies stans are obsessed with. The fact some people think it's healthy to own a naked plush of a real person to dress up as a baby is so disgusting
Also even when they are based on fictional characters they are still so fucking ugly kek
No. 730885
>>730861Not into kpop at all but I think those are cute. Clearly meant to be chibis rather than babies, so like a mascot of the singer rather than a child version of them. That makes all the difference in my eyes (yes, chibis kind of look like babies because they are meant to be cute, but that's it).
It must suck twice when the idol whose plushie you own turns out to be s rapist.
No. 730927
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>>730897I see why you may think so and you are 100% entitled to your opinion, but I wanted to say that they look super nostalgic to me! They remind me of 90's chibi art, mostly from shoujo manga. I remember there being a trend of portraying chibis as naked angels/babies, though I cannot google examples for some reason.
No. 730928
>>730922Really? Are you going to call her a radfem? Out of saying something that has common sense? wow. That's fucking stupid
nonnie. If she's a radfem or not, she's saying something that is true. Maybe you're not a
nonnie, maybe you're a scrote.
No. 730964
>>730922I barely even know what a radfem is tbh. Just tired of seeing the same comments under vids that are addressing the very situation that they claim 'everyone is ignoring' Like here's a whole playlist of other vids where people are racking up millions of views addressing it.
>Why is nobody talking about this!?They are lol
No. 730973
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>>730927>>730885Plush anon here, they literally get dressed into baby outfits, this has to be some kind of weird breeding fetish
I love retro styles too but these are just ugly, not cute at all
No. 730989
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I always hated it how the musical community online has like 5-15 musicals. 90% all made after the 2000's, they wont stop talking about while everything else exists exists in obscurity. Pretty weird how in the community a musical is either super big or no one gives a shit
No. 731075
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>>730922I swear "Begone radfem" is the biggest, easiest bait on /ot/ these days. Now everybody's a fucking radfem.
Think pedophilia is wrong? Radfem. Don't agree with rape? Radfem. Have a vagina? Radfem. Don't like corn? Radfem.
No. 731798
>>731794Nta but although I understand your frustration and knowing good artists giving free art advice is something we all need and something I'm very thankful for, you know those books are also online right? There's nothing wrong with paying for courses either, teachers can give personalized advice too and can see what you're doing wrong and help you correct it. Some people just plain need the atmosphere of an art class, and some people aren't so good studying on their own. You can't really say "sucks to be you" in this case imo
>>731363I think I understand where you're coming from, but I think everyone needs a solid grasp of the basic stuff or to refresh their knowledge from time to time. There's a reason why so many artists repeat the basic stuff all the time, plus can you blame them? They're doing it for free
Now when you say zoomie influencer though I think of lavendertowne or whatever her name is. Now that's something I would never take the advice from, or any tumblrish artist for that matter, but the video you linked seems fine?
No. 731882
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>>731791Quick hipster sperg, but the playlist is laughably bad at being the weird and obscure vibe it's claiming to be. Most of the artist have 1M+ views and the low end is 100K, when compared to most obscure music is super large. Most are also 'babies first X' artists. Why are these playlist youtube videos always so trash? I frequently browse youtube playlists, not vidoes actual playlists people make, and they always have pretty good picks.
I've also noticed them using aesthetics to replace personality, but I'm also seeing it in a more sinister "replace hard work" way. Not sure how to explain this, but you know how in the dark academia aesthetic everyone wants to do academic stuff, read, draw, and write? Instead of striving to do that, do academic things, the people in the culture strive to copy the symbols, the stereotype view of "What makes you academic".
Aesthetics have filled the void of doing thing to achieve a look instead try to make you imitate symbols to achieve a look. It's a simulacrum and we're on stage 2 right now I think
No. 731894
>>731873I want to do something like the last one, but to confiscate certain series from men (not necessarily cooomer waifu shit, just things that might have coomer elements), gatekeep it from them and basically ruin it for them so it becomes a "girl" thing.
They do that to us all the time.
No. 731899
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>>731894The Capcom samurai action franchise Sengoku Basara originally had young men as the target audience but the biggest fans turned out to be women age 18-30.
>>731897That's funny! Surely some gay men read it too, the author is gay as fuck.
No. 731909
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>>731897any time I read the series name I just think that pic related is the only 'golden
eyed kamuy' that I will ever give a fuck about and I hate that most people don't even know wtf X is
No. 731925
>>731912i fucking love X (mostly manga tho) and yes, I'm very mad about lack of canon ending. Both movie and the TV series had one, but Clamp clearly had something else in mind.
I pray that the new TB anime revives interest and we will get those final X volumes after all these years
No. 731936
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>>731894Isn't that what's happening with sports shonen mangas/animes? Stuff like Free! or Yuri on Ice has definitely been made with women in mind but I'm convinced Prince of Tennis was supposed to be for boys, and I don't know a single male interested in it; all the merch right now seems to be made for women, the musicals are not boy thing at all too.
No. 731937
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>>731927I love how Capcom ended up making more and more cute male designs in SB because of this, it made the scrotes furious, raging about those evil fangirls ruining games.
No. 731942
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>>731882I actually think we've reached stage 3 or 4 with some things. Like, when you see something tagged as "dark academia", you know in your heart it's not really going to be anything academic, just someone's moodboard, lmao.
>even claims to reality are expected to be phrased in artificial, hyperreal termsIt's not really out of place to hear things like "That's so x-core!" among some types of people. Pic related, it even dates back to when pastel goth was popular. This is tongue in cheek, but it reflects that outlook.
>Any naive pretension to reality as such is perceived as bereft of critical self-awareness, and thus as oversentimentalI swear it'll only be a little while longer until posts saying shit like this:
>"You guys who are like 'Omg it's not anything-core, I just like all these things that happen to fit this particular aesthetic. I have never read a single tag on a post, I don't even know what a Pinterest is. I'm the most uniquest flower in the room' need to grow up. You were not born in a vacuum lol"go viral.
No. 731964
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>>731936I've never read Prince of Tennis, but I stumbled over picrel (or something similar) a while back and thought about how obviously it's geared towards women when I had always thought the manga/anime was made for boys.
No. 732209
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Imagine having a hot body on the left and yet feeling you have to shoop yourself a baboon ass like what's on the right. We're so fucking fucked.
No. 732718
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The youtube comment section is the most mind numbing and repetitive thing and yet I still scroll through them
Why do people think this shit is funny? Every comment section is just a caption contest, but instead of being creative, they all use the same set up with slightly different variables.
Im fuckin stoned lol insert the tyler the creator cyberbullying tweet cause I should not be this pressed about text on a screen. Saged for shame
No. 732730
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i hate when this happens
>someone starts discussion on a thread
>i respond
>another anon responds
>another anon responds to the anon below me, completely ignoring me although we are talking about the same thing
>sometimes anon below me is literally just saying what i said in other words
>anons still ignore me and respond to the other anon instead
>anons start talking to each other and even though i try to stay in the discussion and keep replying i almost never get a response
No. 732749
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>>732730Happens to me sometimes too. It'll be ok bb.
No. 732912
>>732771pretty sure we have one obsessed anon that kept sperging about her artbooks and stuff and maybe like one or two occasional spergs kek.
Anyway if I never again see those uggos or hear about kAnEoYa SaChIkO, it will be still too soon.
She would be based for objectifying males if she had some goddamn taste in them. Sad!
No. 733178
File: 1612764527240.png (132.38 KB, 694x303, ok eva braun.PNG)

>>733177If you're wondering what you're missing, this is it
No. 733181
File: 1612764636038.png (50.85 KB, 666x359, what the hell..PNG)

>>733178Sorry for spamming but what the fuck lmao
No. 733186
File: 1612764899756.png (57.58 KB, 626x453, what nazi thirst will to do yo…)

>>733181Ok ok last one but wtf. I barely go in the lc discord but I didn't think this caping for nazis was what the girls were up to. I don't even thnk German people would say shit like this lmao
Ok, I'll stop posting screencaps now, unless you guys want more
No. 733189
File: 1612765017272.jpg (206.55 KB, 869x1390, cows-who-are-dressed-like-cowb…)

>>733186Kinda do this is pure milk. Sometimes the farmers are cows themselves.
There's often like…
No. 733194
File: 1612765313954.png (75.14 KB, 722x593, invading 4chan nazi servers.PN…)

>>733189Ok, here you go I guess. I'll scroll back and see what they were talking about earlier. What thread would be better to post this in? I just don't wanna shit up this thread and idk if the lc screencaps is the right place for this.
No. 733195
File: 1612765371865.png (84.29 KB, 643x524, what.PNG)

>>733194Samefag, wtf is a copt?
No. 733197
Coptic is egyptian
No. 733199
>>733195Also top kek of Nefell thinking she found her dream aryan man to realize only he's a fat chincel manlet.
they all are at least internallyTinfoil one of these girls is the anon who fell in love with a /pol tard
No. 733200
File: 1612765673095.jpg (34.66 KB, 155x275, 1612751074786.jpg)

>>733195>>733194>>733186>>733181>>733178Pic from
>>>/snow/1155445If this is the lolcow discord, wouldn't that mean babivampire/fake babivampire from the egirls thread is in it
No. 733206
File: 1612765971885.png (217.34 KB, 635x502, illegal.PNG)

I guess this is why they were talking about fetus feet. Someone shared some horror channel video.
>>733201Weren't those screenshots confirmed to be fake
No. 733207
File: 1612766014306.png (9.24 KB, 312x66, papi hitler.PNG)

No. 733212
File: 1612766325583.png (34.6 KB, 408x248, interestingly wild.PNG)

>>733207What is up with this one girl???
Google translate says
>my sister, you rely.>i was already groundedI translated it from greek and I have no idea if that's the actual language
>>733209Yes these are real and from the lc discord! Idk how to confirm but anyone else who's also in the discord can also see them. I can post a screenshot of the full page if that proves anything? I am using the snipping tool to take these screenshots so maybe that's why your device says that.
No. 733216
File: 1612766995486.png (468.51 KB, 1080x1080, hit me babi.png)

>>733200They talked about this yesterday. I think Nefeli is a fake babivampire, the way they're joking about it makes me think so. Also, eldritch is claiming to be related to a famous Greek musician.
If anyone is still interested in this, I'll just make a discord caps thread so the derailing can stop
No. 733259
File: 1612771221486.png (686.83 KB, 910x510, Screen Shot 2021-02-08 at 2.57…)

I can't stand spoony, munchy, "chronic illness" fakers and I know that once Covid is no longer a hot topic it's going to be CONSTANT with this type of woman. Already all the retarded articles about Covid "long haulers", and wouldn't you know? The people who are going to be living with this forever, who doctors mysteriously just cannot help, happen to be the exact demographic that also claims chronic lyme disease, fibromyalgia, and Morgellon's. We barely got anybody vaccinated and already bored hausfraus who miss attention are claiming to be too exhausted to work ever again. I got bit by a tick too and feel tired a lot, where's my disability and takeout?!
No. 733277
>>733268That's because zoomers have been conditioned into thinking that them disliking something means that the thing is somehow immoral and needs to be eradicated. You can't simply "dislike" something because that would be mean and shallow minded.
So you can't just "let someone like something" because that means you're letting literal crimes happen. Twitter user gamerdude1998 can't simp for Mario Kart since it encourages a
toxic, competitive environment and violence, we need to call him out!
No. 733471
File: 1612790375273.jpg (129.26 KB, 534x688, granny mad.jpg)

i hate gurugossiper and youtalktrash though its mostly dead. i like the cows they have since its mostly youtube focused and i think those are fun. like i can read a sex worker or instathot thread here and be entertained. but i enjoy watching the cringe in action. but the userbase is so fucking bad there. i cant read that shit, even on slow days in lolcow.
Gurugossiper: they get genuinely offended by their cows. instead of here where we point and laugh at their stupidity. but there, internet is serious business. so much pearl clutching. long ass texts of pure autism, literally walls of texts that could be copypasta. its so autistic. and they will be like "oh i told my SO about cow and they thought"… like ma'am they dont give a shit about petty internet drama cause they dont know the context like you do. its fun when you know about cow but imagine these autists explaining cow lore to their significant others. i cringe and they do it very often. like, some anon linked to a gurugossiper thread and i was curious. im following but then this bitch had a wall of text saying she talked about some irrelevant youtuber to their doctor and had his thoughts. girl what the fuck.
Youtalktrash: They are just people who were too edgy for gurugossiper. they do say insane shit sometimes like pic related. but its mostly the same thing as gurugossiper about sperging about nothing.
the thing i hate the most about this shit drama communities is that they all blogpost and mods allow it. i hate it so much. i do not give a shit about your life. im here to laugh about cows. i truly do not give a shit about how youre better than cow. i dont care that you have a better figure, that youre smarter, that you did this and they didnt. i am not reading the threads to know about your amazing life. WHY WONT THEY BAN THIS PEOPLE WHO GIVES A SHIT. this includes r/beautyguruchatter but their main crime is just being boring people.
lolcow supremacy. kiwifarms is also better than those sites but lolcow is still the superior cow place.
No. 733509

I fucking hate how "Oh this female media wasn't that bad it was just disliked for being feminine", boy bands and twilight were picked on more for the fact girls liked them than their quality, caught on the past 1-2 years.
My first irk is that it's a super basic take. Any person versed in basic sociology or feminism should know that a cultures ranking on society is very closely connected to the ranking of their art. I have seen published notes on this ranging all the way to 2005. The fact that anyone thinks this a new radical take is kind of stating they know jack about feminism 101.
The second part is that it's been appropriated by libfems who through out all nuance in the debate and just decided "Liking cheesy girl stuff is now radical!", never mind some of the media was pretty sexist and had some really weird attitudes toward abuse. I'm just sick of it
>>733268I also experience this when I vent about people I dislike online, thats why I mostly vent on lc because I wont get a "who cares?" unless I really sperg out. A lot of the time "who cares?" is used as a way to avoid acknowledging something.
I also want to put "Oh this is just a stepping stone for them!" under this umbrella. Can't make fun of people for liking main stream crappy version of a genre because "It's a stepping stone for them discovering older better stuff". 90% of the time they don't find more obscure stuff and they just simp Sewerslvt
No. 733834
>>733636I didn't typo. Around the end after Watanuki chimps out and has the Yuko dream, it's revealed that he remained in the shop as its owner for almost 100 years, and now Doumeki's descendent (who looks exactly like Doumeki) is at the shop watching over Watanuki and has the egg. Watanuki ruined everyone's lives with his selfishness. Doumeki and that little girl marry just to make sure Watanuki doesn't run into a door knob because they "love" him so much.
Also Watanuki is the child of the Sakura and Syaoran clone from TRC, except he is supposedly a split from the actual kid so there are two halves running around. I wish I was lying.
>>733647>XNever ever, sis.
>Drug and DropIf only but they're so riddled with ADHD that they may never come back to that one.
No. 734006
What the fuck, that shit makes no sense, watanuki was a fucking idiot but wow. Thanks for rewording it so i got it but sorry for making you relive that shit
No. 734017
>>734006He learned anything. And the series ended with him never learning a damn thing. CLAMP deserves to crash and burn.
And it's okay. People need to know the sort of tripe they're about to get into when attempting to read CLAMP.
No. 734099
>>730228i LOVE rick and morty the slut dragon episode fucking sent me.
I love a lot of scrote media like Konosuba, MLP, Berserk, Runescape, Coolmathgames dot com…. but the thing is women view it differently we don't identify with Rick or any of the charas as a self insert because we're built different. When girls are edgelords they don't project the same way scrotes do
No. 734103
>>734093Hard agree, this is my parameter though:
If you're a hambeast or a tranny = cringe
If you make cosplay your job = cringe (unless you are a prop maker, big respect to those, everyone else = cringe)
If you want to be cosplay famous or call yourself a cosplayer = cringe
If you make cosplay your main hobby or your entire personality = cringe
If you want to cash in any way uploading thotty pics of yourself in cosplay = super cringe
When is it not cringe? When…
>You're having fun!>You do it because you like the character or the show>You do it only at cons>You don't do it in an autistic way>You don't care about fame and just like sharing your silly cosplay stuff with people>You're not toxic or competitive>You have a life out of dressing up No. 734242
>>733201I'm in the discord but that doesn't match her account or the mods
>>733209Even then I feel like being into cosplay and genuinely getting a rush out of it is cringey.
No. 735350
File: 1612948351777.png (431.74 KB, 1000x562, 1611928482415.png)

I hate twitterfags and tiktokers so much why are they trying to make gringo a fucking slur. Twitter please PLEASE let me block entire countries from interacting with me
No. 735553
File: 1612969166506.png (22.22 KB, 847x69, Screen Shot 2021-02-10 at 8.56…)

i hate people who say shit like this. imagine thinking this highly of yourself over something as insignificant as your music taste. literally no personality trait people. they have to cope by listening to shitty music.
No. 735680
>>735445agree and would add 23andMe as particularly hateful to me
however I have to defend Etsy a little since it's actually from like 2005 and is just eBay + artsy I think lol, and I feel like all of the -sy crap after that (tradesy, for one) is imitating Etsy.
No. 735742
File: 1612981879673.jpeg (136.56 KB, 828x445, 7C4B2AF4-70A6-482C-BB1A-20E8D5…)

scrotes describing women like this in books
No. 735840
File: 1612991273698.png (31.87 KB, 1231x167, 46757787.PNG)

4 months in and I'm already sick of the quirky playlist title and "playlist to pretend you're x to/in x movie" trend. First is just a normal playlist with an irritating title and the second is just kind of cringy and sad. The latter one most likely arose because people are stuck inside and without anything to do so they use music to LARP their ideal life. it'd be a fun silly thing, but a depressing amount of people take the LARP to seriously. I think it's mostly children, but I can see a couple of sad adults. It also doesn't help that most of the people who make playlists like this have the most basic taste
Overall it's harmless. Just cringy
No. 735846
>>735742maybe I'm being too charitable, but maybe this is a way of saying that she's hunched in and put forward her shoulders?
It's shit either way, but I think that's maybe the image the author is trying to communicate.
No. 736468
>>736422Its always been a thing, but the worrying part it that how its basically mainstream and easily accessible. At least before with the tumblr "proana" days and forums, it was a hidden niche that wasnt as known. Unlike now, how you can stumble on it on twitter or tiktok easily. Just another thing for attention seeking teens to add to their ~
valid~ mental health issues.
No. 736664
File: 1613071548486.jpeg (412.59 KB, 1009x768, 429A53A1-2768-422C-AA4D-32ED4C…)

God I fucking HATE acrylic yarn, I can fucking hear this picture. And the goddamn fibre community has the gall to claim that saying acrylic obviously sucks dick is RACIST. Goddamn these they/them straight women have ruined the community. Same with the BBIWOC people who just look like tanned white people and complain about "fibre racism" I fucking hate them. I couldn't make this shit up if I tried and was given a heroic dose of mushrooms. Identifying as any singular word or group is fucking weird.
No. 736679
File: 1613072600624.png (325.31 KB, 750x1334, A8A85DF5-B6E3-46A1-B885-7B70D2…)

>>736667>>736674This is the lunacy of the instagram fibre community currently. I didn't have to search very hard or long so find a sea of ranting about it, kek. It's a horribly trimmed screenshot but the important part is there. Enjoy!
No. 736700
>>736679I miss the time when the "yarn/knitting/crocheting community" meant facebook groups filled with old ladies making mismatched afghan blankets
>It disproportionately affects fat folx because larger sizes means more yarn means more money I refuse to believe this is not satire. What the fuck can the person who made the pattern do if you need more yarn than the average person? That's how materials work you numbskull
If you don't give a shit about the quality of the yarn and you're not willing to invest into good materials for your clothing then enjoy your smelly plastic sweaters. Jesus this made me angry
No. 736717
>>736700I wish it were satire, her account is @yelleyknits she doesn't have a very big audience but her shit is reshared by wokies constantly, so even without following her I see her stuff.
She blows up and calls people out who block her though, and suddenly you're swamped with hatred from people with xe/they in their bios.
Goddamn I miss old ladies. They need to replace these weakwilled losers and reclaim their rightful thrones.
No. 736749
File: 1613076887239.png (1.01 MB, 1280x720, 2vuc0z.png)

People who think they're cool hipsters when they only listen to youtube-core music. You know Japanese city pop, that caretaker album, electroswing, hyperpop, Ryo Fukui, and vaporwave are all things that got big off of the biggest SS media sites in the world mass recommending them yet people act like it's the most obscure shit ever. Liking plastic love online is no different that liking queen at this point
It's not that I hate them, but no one has ever mocked or knocked them down a peg. I have a feeling no one has acknowledge how basic it is to make your entire playlist out of algorithms recs because most people online are into youtube core and any meme on it would cut to deep
No. 736777
File: 1613079436687.png (298.12 KB, 1024x1024, NONE.png)

anons who show this site to their boyfriends, male friends, coworkers, or any scrote in general
>bb-but they don't post!
so? they still need to fuck off. they shouldn't even know about lolcow to begin with.
No. 736784
>>736777I only found lc because my ex showed it to me.
He was trying to harrass some girl and he submitted her here hoping she'd become a cow. Instead she disappeared from the internet. Funniest part is he was harrassing her for being a pity-me munchie with chronic fatigue/fibro. Now his current gf has all of those and her fb page is her sympathy baiting all day every day. Strange twist lol
No. 736806
>>736749Seriously. I remember when the YouTube algorithm was actually decent and everyone would find something different tailored to their interests. I found some of my favorite singers/bands just clicking on random shit on YT back in like 2012.
Now it's "Everybody, here's this exact same video/album that only would've been obscure if you had found it 7 years ago", and so many people are tricked into thinking they've cracked some sort of code and have great taste.
No. 737008
File: 1613093959024.jpeg (35.46 KB, 610x674, 36712A34-13E9-4045-B8CD-41676D…)

I fucking hate — no, I absolutely DESPISE podcast banter. Why the fuck do they have to go completely off topic for an entire 5 minutes right in the middle? Why do in charismatic people and their mediocre friends think their boring conversations are interesting to anyone? I want to learn about the fucking topic!
Then I have to skip forward and end up accidentally skipping past the content. Jesus chriiiiiiist just shut the fuck up
No. 737021
File: 1613095038566.jpeg (36.7 KB, 523x620, 59CE8F9F-D7DA-4CA4-91B9-3800C0…)

>>737012Kind of a random example but the only podcast I’ve ever listened to that struck a good balance is “Hey Do You Remember?” Just enough banter, the hosts have good chemistry, and they move right back to topic before the banter gets too drawn out
and yes this game is a reaction image goldmine
No. 737061
File: 1613097873300.png (165.2 KB, 450x300, 4C3E1214-844A-40AF-8521-0F2436…)

>>737020Damn what no keks does to a mf. Heres some anon, feel better.
No. 737187
File: 1613112099997.gif (18.27 MB, 600x600, touchscreen.gif)

Touchscreens. Fuck touchscreens.
I don't think there is a single other thing that works so poorly but is in such widespread use.
No. 737214
>>737212Too imprecise. Doesn't register my finger touching when I want to, registers a drop of water falling onto it. It keeps missing stuff I want to click, clicking stuff I never intended to. Glides randomly. So many tiny inconvenient things like that. If any other product failed to do what you
intend it to do so often, it would be rightfully called bad design.
No. 737226
>>737219NTAYRT but I agree so fucking much about this. I love touch controls in general but jesus I
hate typing on touch screens. It literally drives me to the brink of insanity. I constantly misspell words and it takes me forever to write the same shit I would speedtype on a keyboard and the screen is so small proofreading long texts or editing paragraphs is a nightmare. I simply don't understand people who prefer their phone 100% of the time and
only post and message from it.
No. 737310
File: 1613123327264.png (25.86 KB, 512x384, 259749BE-83F4-41F5-8D0D-4FF9A4…)

>>737298You mean your mums pussy
>>737305You will when it all comes crashing down
No. 737311
>>737310I will not, if the power goes down globally, I only have 3-6 days left to live
I don't have to worry about none of that shit lmao
No. 737433
>>736700>>736717I miss the old ladies too. Maybe I’ve just been unlucky but most online communities I’ve tried are overrun with they/thems who spend all their time virtue signalling and barely even make anything. Being ‘inclusive’ takes precedent over anything else and people who have the time, skill and materials to produce impressive work need to sit down and check their privilege. The US-centric race virtue signalling is especially silly because these local (tiny European country) fiber groups are even whiter than the rest of the population, which is saying something.
>in honour of BLM all white creators should refrain from posting for a week so the spotlight can be on our amazing BIPOC creator(s)!>nothing is posted that weekSewing communities are similar. Slightly less identity politics (I have yet to see an overhyped post about poorly sewn trans/NB/asexual pride flag Nintendo Switch cozies which is more than I can say for crochet) but the same crab bucket mentality, where people who barely put in any time or effort and never improve are
so valid uwu and people who’ve spent decades developing their skills are just lucky they’re talented. Just like in knitting and crochet though, preferring higher quality natural fibres over cheap synthetics makes you an elitist and hell, probably racist and fatphobic too because why not.
No. 737523
>>737386God yes I hate that. Just delete their stupid threads from existence. Do mods only keep them up because they put sick burns in the redtext?That’s giving them free attention.
>>737389Same I have specifically trained to not give them the reaction they want. Thanks 4chan.
No. 737693
File: 1613160333501.png (766.59 KB, 673x803, gh.PNG)

That 30% of memes at this point are just undercover advertisements. Advertising may be run by incompetent suits, but those suits are the same people who made the Wendy's twitter meme take off. That was like 4-5 years so ago they've had plenty of time to improve and grow. There might even be scenes in shows that just exist to be memed at this point. I legit predict in 2-4 years 70% of memes will be created by companies.
I have a hard time believing grubhub made their "bad advertisement" unintentionally or that the "Home depot theme" came naturally
No. 737822
File: 1613169081367.png (171.19 KB, 694x575, CC5CAA04-150C-4574-B35C-14BF90…)

The alegria art style, just makes me wanna throw up
No. 737833
>>736749god yeah i fucking hate it, people really are such sheep it's insane. and the fact that they think their taste is so unique when it's literally just algorithm-core pisses me off like no other.
it enrages me just as much as these youtube "essayists" who are, frankly, not intelligent people, yet they continue to get millions/billions of views on their shitty videos because these sheep cannot formulate opinions/have critical analysis thinking skills of their own.
however, i also think, we, as individuals with knowledge of this, should be inclined to taking advantage of these people. it's truly so easy to set up and adsense account with youtube and start making money off of these morons. once you understand the algorithm, the catchy "tunes" that people like, media ppl are interested in, you can make bank off of youtube advertising revenue.
No. 737870
File: 1613172498814.jpg (125.79 KB, 1024x704, 1613170580332.jpg)

Social Media starting to ban actual women because they won't bow to "Women".
For instance, Vanessa Vokey. Who was calling out women's sports being forced to accept troons.
Let's look at all the women who reported her- oh.(this thread is not a pass for gc/pp )
No. 737877
I think viral marketing became a thing a long time ago and enough young people have now grown up to be paid to pretend to be hip, and it's terrifying.
No. 737880
File: 1613173204716.png (371.96 KB, 660x999, ae4.png)

When companies pander to scrotes like this or pander to weebs
I mean this is just too moronic
I'm still surprised it wasn't a fake tweet
No. 738331
>>738250>Not only does it feel exclusionary to the other POC,Isn't that the point though? To talk about issues that specifically affect black and indigenous people but may not affect other groups of
POC as much/at all?
No. 738344
>>738331NTA but yeah lmao. If other
POC want a term, make it. APOC (asian ppl of color) and HPOC (hispanic ppl of color) can be a thing. The whole point of BIPOC is to narrow down things specifically.
No. 738378
>>738344>>738331except the whole BIPOC thing is entirely american-centric in the first place, and it’s a very obvious ‘oppression olympics’ phrase that literally only exists to point out yet again how much harder XYZ community has it than absolutely anybody else. it’s also rarely if ever used to even discuss racism against indigenous communities from what i’ve seen, and like another anon says, the black experience and indigenous experience really aren’t the same when you actually look at the specifics. i’ve never even seen canadians or australians or any other country with an indigenous community use the phrase because it’s that out of touch
also i have to laugh at your idea to just ‘make your own phrase like APOC!!!’ as though freaks on twitter wouldn’t start crying about appropriation and anti-blackness and whatever other buzzword is trendy this week, lmao
No. 738442
>>738421she was sexualized in movies too
she played a prostitute at 5 years old
No. 738721
File: 1613256853404.jpg (31.31 KB, 1200x600, C6MYLIEZINDINNMGXOPP4OYVSA.jpg)

If there's one thing I hate about Summer it's those bitches flying in through my window at night while I'm just trying to chill with my bedside lamp on.
>inb4 they're harmless
I know. I still think they're one of the most disgusting insects ever because of how weirdly big they are, their gross long legs, the hideous buzzing sound they make and most of all the way they spaz around like absolute retards, bumping into everything, me included. I have general fear of insects coming near me but none of them trigger the intense hatred the way crane flies do. I can't tell you how many times I had to get up at 1 AM and throw slippers at my walls until I finally managed to kill the piece of shit that decided to invite itself into my room and ruin my mood (I've since found out that the best way to eliminate them is with a blowtorch though).
No. 738939
File: 1613285221102.jpg (69.69 KB, 512x474, unnamed.jpg)

>>738839Are you British, anon? In the Burgerland, we call pic related daddy long legs.
No. 739021
>>739016same anon, always referred to
>>738721 as daddy log legs. Though to be fair,
>>738939 is giving him a run for his money.
No. 739028
>>739026Same. In all honesty I have more understanding for that chick in /g/ that is sexually attracted to a flowering plant. At least it's a thing that, you know,
exists. And it's got
all the dimensions.
No. 739030
>>739026I mean at the point of people trying to manifest tulpas (bring characters into reality), it's literal mental illness. Like anyone who actually hallucinates their waifu into their room must actually be schizo.
Also, hotgluing disgusts me.
No. 739034
File: 1613301264075.jpg (26.87 KB, 800x533, close-up-daddy-long-leg-spider…)

>>739021Yo their leggies can get even longer than that. Look at this one.
No. 739126
File: 1613315000562.jpeg (108.67 KB, 800x600, 1C1EDFA9-FF33-4314-9160-D955A6…)

>>723449hi trypofags
love you be safe
this is the most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen make this stop make this stop make this stop No. 739468
File: 1613349302026.png (21.4 KB, 807x111, he has a name.png)

The fact that no one refers to the Aquabats, a band were they pretend to be super heros, by their actual names. Like their wikipedia page lists the band members under their pseudo names, they at least mention normal names at a certain point. The most irritating part is people use the pseudo names when real ones would be a lot more appropriate.
Super spergy, but it irritates me
No. 739821
File: 1613394120373.jpeg (31.72 KB, 615x409, 2805B7AB-D137-4CF4-8C86-A9C655…)

I fucking despise the sound of a motherfucking phone ringing at any time, even if I’m already surrounded by other sounds I hate it so much.
I also hate the people that can’t live without doing a phone call more than 4 times a day i get calling at certain times to make sure your loved ones are okay, specially when you live with elderly people and such, that’s really nice and comforting.
But calling someone 5 to 9 times a day to resolve something that could be made clear by text messages? Why? Just stop and if you’re not even a family member of that person, learn to send texts you fucking moronic asshole or just don’t communicate you retard, who the fuck needs to call someone at fucking 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and fucking 8 and 10 pm? Shut the fuck up, retard.
No. 739965
>>739866Like what
>>739956 said, 99.9% of FtMs don't want to look like normal adult men. They don't mind having predominately feminine features or exhibiting behaviors characteristic of female socialization (even when taking testosterone, or getting a mastectomy) because they want to look like the ~soft enby femmeboy shota yaoi prince~ they idealized in their Tumblr days, not pass as a human male.
No. 740013
>>738861Agree anon, it seems so fake. Most of those accounts only pander to the most popular ~aesthetics~ and people retweet them for omg uwu so aesthetic points
another one for the modern day internet culture collection
No. 740390
File: 1613433701437.jpeg (65.64 KB, 640x480, 06C51451-E349-4545-A49E-8CCD19…)

that one anon who went on /pt/ to "bump" threads she likes when /pt/ has had the same threads in the first page since forever. i hope you see this, read the rules for fucks sake. i hate people trying to join communities without reading fuck all to know how to use them. it's not that hard. they literally all have rules in places you can see easily.
No. 740419
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>>739821My old roommate was like this and it was super weird. On one hand I appreciate that level of technological naivety but I don't want to talk on the phone if I can avoid it. It is really infuriating.
No. 740949
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I hate hearing the sounds of people constantly grunting, moaning or huffing, I makes me want to stab my eardrums, I wish I could put them out of their misery so I don’t have to hear them anymore, it’s so fucking annoying, specially if they moan while shitting or peeing, I get that it’s a relief if you hold it for too long, but don’t fucking do it all of the fucking time, just die in a ditch already.
No. 740991
>>740949Oh my god this, this is is so right, this is the best post on this website, preach
My brother always does these "Aaaaahhhh" sigh sounds in the most aggressive manner, I've been abused by him so whenever he does that I feel like a thing that wants to die. I hate these people
No. 741003
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Is it me or has 4chan gone down hill recently? It's been shit for a long time, but I could at least browse it a bit and find 1 thing of worth. Now it's such a miss of 5 word responses you can't find anything. It truly suffered from "If they did the hobby they wouldn't have time to post on an online forum" the worst. 80% of them sound like uninformed dolts or spammers
I also hate how 4chan has melted into popular internet culture. The amount of reacting to popular e-celeb and current events posts along with the 4chan to reddit meme pipeline, how popular wojacks, "they don't know..", nordic dude, etc memes became out of the blue, means the site gives the same content as a big 5. 4chans a bit edgier, but not by much anymore. Seems most of the good users went onto smaller imagebaords
>>740909Maybe it's my add block glitching out, but have you seen the new community adds on that site? They mock companies for pandering, but their adds are all "Alt-right based and redpilled t-shirt brand!". Half the adverts feel like a boomer pretending to be a channer.
No. 741355
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whatever this is… it looks psychotic to me, idg the appeal of this styling
No. 741365
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everything to do with these assholes, this fanfiction, and the person who writes the twitter blurbs for every fart one of these chucklefucks squeezes out on stream
i could write a thesis on how much and why i hate them, without even delving into dumb shady shit theyve done. i just hate them, and i desperately wish teenage girls had higher standards
No. 741375
>>741003I also dislike how 4chan keeps becoming more mainstream, but as for it going downhill.. what boards do you browse?
On one hand I agree that it's gotten worse, but on the other I remember people saying 4chan had turned to shit as far back as 2011. At this point I think it's mostly looking at the past through rose tinted glasses. In 2012 they were saying it was shit compared to a few years before, in 2015 people were nostalgic towards 2012 4chan, and nowadays people claim that 2014-2016 were the glory years. While I do think the quality declined as a result of userbase growth (especially during/after the 2016 elections), the site has always been shit and it's not all that shittier now than it was a decade ago.
No. 741390
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>>741386i wish i was you. god i wish i was you
its minecraft youtubers
No. 741397
>>741390Lmao I have no idea who they are but jesus christ, I guess obsessive teenage girls drawing youtubers being gay for eachother is a phenomenon that transcends generations. It's one of those very specific things that they think is super hot but to everyone outside of their little group is incredibly cringe. Brings back nostalgia I didn't even know I had. The word 'smexy' comes to mind.
(I don't doubt that these particular people are awful if you hate them that much, just commenting on the phenomenon as a whole)
No. 741604
>>741569This is snitchery or whatever, right?
I'm not a huge fan of her because of the photoshop and all that, but she doesn't seem much faker than your average influencer. Maybe I'm wrong tho
No. 741672
>>741636Wasn't her boob job just to fix sagging?
Idk anon. It's probably just me but I don't personally care if someone has ps and wears makeup/a wig. It's kind of weird to hate her specifically for that kind of stuff. Anyway, Snitchery isn't even big enough to where you can't avoid her content.
No. 741907
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>>741683I liked milk tea long before becoming a weeb. When I was growing up, my dad always mixed milk in with tea. I've always preferred drinks cold, so the idea of iced milk tea is naturally appealing to me. There's a really cute locally owned teahouse near where I live, and they have so many flavors to choose from. The also make their boba pearls from scratch in house, and you can definitely taste the difference.
No. 743686
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Is there a single cartoon reviewer who isn't a flaming autist or trend chaser? I just wanna watch someone go over a semi nitch cartoon and riff on it, but no it's always some dude who has to nitpick every single thing or the same 5 cartoons.
I also hate how little everyone in the cartoon community has no clue how the animation industry even works.
I just want mars review to upload again bro.
No. 743694
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>Isn't it amazing how Gen-z can't talk on the phone yet they're protesting?!
They're two separate groups moron.
No. 743898
>>743868Thank you, this was validating to read lmao. I am also pretty sure I want kids someday, but I have no plans of posting them all over social media, or centering my entire life around them. This may be a harsh opinion, but I really think that people who do the latter are mentally deranged. Like you just know they're emotionally
abusive as shit behind the scenes, and their kids are probably terrified to go against this obsessive image they have of themselves as being perfectly loving, wonderful parents.
No. 743912
>>743842Some of them are
abusive and compensating.
No. 744066
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I hate when they don't remove the black seeds in passion fruit flavored desserts or jams, it might look cute as a decoration but they bring nothing to the taste, they are way too crunchy and the fragments always get stuck in the teeth and stay lodged for weeks because they are so fucking hard to remove.
No. 744171
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No. 744214
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I want to make a startpage that looks like this, but I'd feel like an autist having LC or the 15 other imageboards I visit on there. No one will look at my computer, but theres still a chance
No. 744262
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>>744231I didn't make it, it's just an example from the thread on start pages on /wg/, but it's a HTML and CSS file.
>>744254It's for whenever I open up the browser. It's like the news pages or most used sites a browser starts up on expect the user has more control
No. 744279
>>7442624chan /wg/? Sorry I don't get out from muh favorite woman space a lot.
Thanks for the tip anyway,
No. 744296
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The chalky lingering taste and texture of toothpaste.
Mules …even worse, sneaker mules
And fucking FaceID, that shit works like 1/2 the time
No. 744345
>>743868I mean, since I'm technically a zoomer, my mom would post me to her FB/instagram in late elementary/middle school. Her accs were always on private and content was simply first day of school/soccer games/birthday etc. benign life events.
I asked her recently if I had been a baby growing up now would she post pics of me on social media all the time, and she didn't give me a straight answer at first, but said probably not. which is honestly weird because she hammered me over the head as a kid about stranger danger on the internet.
I'm so sickened by parents today who are social media "savvy" and purposely use their child to make money. It is plainly exploitation. But I'm happy you've told me that there are parents against this, because if/when I ever have kids I will absolutely not be posting anything on social media.
No. 744544
>>744377oh please the song is really catchy! it's just been ruined by tiktok
and the whole band is great now im angry
No. 744548
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How clunky java is. It takes me 5 lines of code to achieve what C++ can do in 1 line. The over explaining has a place, but holly shit sometimes I just wanna write "cin >> x;" instead of "Import scanner, New scanner object, new int". At least this will be over once I finish this specific CS class
No. 744585
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This might be kind of a weird post, but when I see pics like pic related, I automatically assume it's an adult woman taking it of herself. Even if everything about the photo is child-like (the colors, the clothes, the accessories/toys, etc.),… it feels like someone mimicking a kid. I'm not saying adult women can't like cutesy things and take photos of it, but there are some photos that just feel like the person is TRYING to be a child, and it almost always backfires (imo). It almost feels like they're fetishizing the things kids like, but they're missing completely why. This might not be the case but it's just how it feels to me, at least when I just see the photos.
No. 744597
>>744585I know what you mean, I think. I think it's just meant to be based on cute anime pictures, which are childlike/inspired by childish things, but not actually aimed at children.
They're mimicking anime characters and a weeby aesthetic that mostly adults/teens like, so that might be why you get that vibe.
Like, I don't think most kids give a fuck about the things in that picture, they like Fortnite and other "normal" things, so it makes sense that it'd make you think of the adults with those interests.
No. 744620
>>744585speaking from personal experience; it's mental illness and cope
not necessarily fetish shit, but always mental illness and cope
no one content is into this
No. 744656
>>744627Oh my god I used to want that my size Barbie so bad as a kid. Kinda jelly kek.
Honestly, I know there are some doll collectors here, but most adults who collect children’s toys seem a bit unhinged to me. Dude’s entire room is Disney and dolls. He sorta feels like a more organized Chris-chan.
No. 744839
>>744827It's a game of picking 3 to 4 sizes in the hope one will fit and ending up chocking up tears in the mirror because none of them fit and you're having a very nasty look at your cellulite under fluorescent light.
Fun times all around.
No. 745237
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I like learning about plastic surgery and how to do it, as a fun little hobby, but whenever I google videos on it to play in the background it's always some influencer talking about how they got fillers at 20. I can't even gleam anything from their videos because it's just them using shitty choice feminism arguments to say "I mean whats wrong with botox at 16".
Guess it's just pirated textbooks for me
No. 746464
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I hate when you put a bit of effort into posting an opinion on here or elsewhere online and you word it well because the subject matters to you or it's a personal story, then someone comes along to correct you on a point that you never even made and often one you wouldn't ever make anyway. A lot of the time it's on par with those bland PC reminder tweets like
>Friendly reminder, All pain is valid.
Like cool. I never said or implied otherwise so that's just fuckin random. People are reading others words through this personal lense where you don't know what hidden meaning they'll find and tell you off for.
I used to only ever see it on reddit and I'd laugh at mostly scrotes screeching "check your reading comprehension!" at each other but it's spreading now and not so fun anymore lol
No. 746631
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I hate how common massive age gaps in shoujo and sometimes josei series are.
No. 746633
>>746631Well I hate the whole older boring man x big eye girl thing.
Is there any josei/shojo about middle-aged women dating young moe blob guys?
No. 746687
>>746625They absolutely do, especially in tabloids and shitty magazines or talk shows
Your experience might not be the same as mine but you can't just tell me my experiences don't exist
No. 746891
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I hate washing dishes.
No. 746893
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I've been growing more and more irritated by wikipedia because it's slowly becoming obvious the site is run by autists
Like if a show has a big or autistic fandom you can bet wikipedia has one to many pages on it. I know Undertale and Naruto are big, but they are not big enough to the point were every character needs their own wikipedia page, which could just be a subset of their main page.
Wikipedia also has no standard outline when it comes to explaining things so some pages will have in detail plot summaries and pointless details while others are sparse. Like one show has episode by episode summaries while another has nothing.
Also wiki works bets for STEM subjects. Trying to get a small liberal arts text or philosophical summary means you find no page or a badly summarized one
No. 746895
>>746464I feel this in the art community. If someone says "practice as much as you can" or "learn your fundies" someone comes out of the woodworks and says "BUT… Avoid burnout and not everyone wants to be a professional artists". No shit, anyone with a smidge of reading comprehension would know it has exceptions and you apply advice as you see fit. I've seen this little effect make people put giant ass wall of texts saying "You don't have to do this…" before giving the most weak sauce advice
The fact beginners do this the most makes me think it's some type of defense mechanism
No. 747051
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How the mainstream internet failed to be anything countercultural in the end. I know small sites in the corners are doing something, but the big 7 conglomerate sites should give up saying how their different from mainstream culture or how they're doing anything.
I think YT got hit the hardest because it fell right into Chomsky's mass media propaganda theory. Everytime a YT get's demontized from a touchy subject I can only think of step 2 of Chomsky propaganda machine
No. 747543
>>731791>>731799>>731942old posts but i agree and i am bothered by this as well. i think the cause of this is the advancement of the internet. everyone has internet access at any age nowadays and it has completely killed the "subculture" phenomena because everything is easily accessible to anyone online. for example, you see some "metal" person on youtube/social media and decide you want to become a "metalhead". scroll various forums and wikipedia pages, join a ton of facebook groups and pages, order a shit ton of vinyls, band merch, clothes from amazon and you've now become a part of the "metal scene" in less than a full day. anyone can do this with any niche whatsoever, metal is just an example. and so the meaning of subcultures is completely diluted and kind of gentrified in a weird way.
>>733259couldn't agree more. i know several girls like this irl. maybe the reason you're suddenly experiencing more health issues is because you're inside all fucking day long, don't exercise or get enough nutrients, don't sleep well and on top of that you already were a sedentary fatty for years before getting hit with covid and quarantine life. some people will just not accept that their lifestyle is harming them, and it's always some mystical uncurable disease (which relieves them of all responsibility to improve their health by themselves) instead. and i also hate how people think vague terms like "tired" or "depressed" or "brain fog" are actual indicators of illness. and then they spread this mindset by validated each others delusions in facebook groups. and influencers spread this bullshit as well for pity points and relatableness or whatever.
>>739821anon are you me? i haven't had any sound or vibration on my phone turned on in years.
No. 747568
>>747543>i haven't had any sound or vibration on my phone turned on in yearsMe neither! People always complain about me never picking up the phone when they call or being hard to reach but I don't give two shits. I fucking love being able to put my phone aside and decide for myself when I want to pick it back up and check for messages or calls. Getting startled by a noise or vibration instantly after receiving a message seems so stress-inducing to me.
Idk if this is just a boomer thing but my parents, especially my mom, always have their ringtone volume set to max and their phone going 'ting' loud enough to hear from another room whenever they get a text, which is a billion times a day. I can feel my cortisol levels spiking when I'm with them and their phone goes off and assaults my ears. I can't understand how they're not even phased by it. It's not even that they're hard of hearing or I'm particularly autistic or anything.
No. 747608
>>747573It's just insecurity and jealousy really. An alarming number of farmers on /pt/, /snow/ and /w/ are obsessed with perfect looks, more often than not propelled by anachan tendencies.
It's actually really weird and kind of funny to me how big the contrast is between how cows are nitpicked and how accepting and positive anons on /g/ are when discussing eachothers bodies and physical flaws. Annoyance about how bizarre the nitpicking and judging gets also seems to be commonplace on this board and /g/, so I have this theory that it's a divide in userbase. Like, most super nitpicky posts coming from anons who only use lolcow for the threads about cows and never go to the other boards. It's either that or every other farmer being super hypocritical and twofaced, idk.
No. 747631
>>747573There's a weird divide. I can post in ot or g saying that I haven't shaved in months and I quite like my body hair when it's grown out, I'll quickly get anons chiming in that they're the same way. That womens shaving and body hair standards are bullshit and so on. Even anons that say they personally stay shaved will say they resent it and are jealous of anyone who can brave going against the convention. You wont get called gross.
Meanwhile in snow someone will point out 2 day old stubble on a cows leg and say they're gross. They'll get a bunch of posts in agreeance.
No. 747660
>>747651Maybe I should've worded that as 'I could post' instead of 'I can' but I was giving that as an example of discussions I've often witnessed…
Was not talking about myself there anon, chill lol
No. 747715
>>747608I once got here for /snow/ but I outgrew it. Now I hang around for /ot/ and /g/. I totally buy that a large part of the userbase frequents either only the lolcowside or the offtopic side.
Maybe anons are right when they say /ot/ needs to be nuked or become it's own seperate imageboard. I'd browse it.
No. 747887
>>747660 and I don't get it either. I shave because I have trich, it's a type of ocd where you feel a compulsion to pull out hair. If I don't shave I'll end up in bed at night pulling at it.
Without that I don't know if I'd be inclined to shave.
No. 747902
>>74751299% of the time people I hear saying this shit irl say it a way where it's implied, even if they don't believe it themselves entirely, or the people who say it try to give some horrible tragic events some positive results. It's usually this reasoning with them:
>something terrible and traumatizing happened to me out of nowhere but maybe I've done something to deserve it>maybe it's god's punishment, no idea why but I must have done something bad somehow>oh I heard someone I know died from a disease/accident/murder, that sucks and they didn't deserve that but that's god's plan anyway>that person I know was born with a painful disability but that taught them humility, empathy and respect towards other people so that's lowkey a good thingMaybe anon meant something else but that's what people say to me and people I know sometimes and it's super weird or straight up offensive. I've been told the same shit for things that happened to me that were out of my control and it never managed to make me feel better, and usually it's either insane religious people or people who get super awkward when they learn something about you and have no idea how to answer and change the topic.
No. 747990
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The trend of trying the squeeze information into smaller in smaller chunks and the people who think it's a good idea. The internet is amazing when it comes to short overviews, but when it comes to in depth educational topics it starts to falter. An educational audio book at its shortest is 2 hours, 10 on the longer side. I know most of it is fluff, but once you start cutting 80% of a 2 hour topic so it can fit into a 25 minute video you lose a lot, this is even more brutal on a 10 hour video. Even a 1 hour video, which is considered ultra long on YT, is simply not enough to be anything except a more in depth general overview.
This irritates me because you can't find any in depth content on YT any more because of how much it leans towards the "summarize big events. No indepth videos on small ones". I know they do it because it's cheaper and attracts more people and I don't really hate them for that. I just feel a bit irritated no good in depth videos exist, most in-depth videos are made by PHD students with the shitiest mics. I do think a few indepth videos exist, but they're often made with the backing of a college or apart of a company, khan academy as an example.
My main irate is when it comes to people who preach the simplifications as a replacement for an actually education. The amount of times I've seen a person think art tiktoks and lavendertowne videos are the art education they need are way to high. Or the "I just need school of life and some random person interpreting a philosophy in their insane ideology for philosophy". Etc.
No. 748043
>>748001My mom does this too. Whenever it's her period or PMS she makes a big announcement to everyone, yes she told me and my brother every time she had a period starting at age 6, and we have to treat her super nice. The fact she includes her 2 week PMS means we have to be ultra nice half the month instead of 2-3 days. She also used 'muh period' as an excuse to neglect me and my brother.
>Anon my PMS means I can't make you guys food this week OK?I actually think she wasn't faking because she had dises that made her period worse, but wouldn't take meds because ~natural healing~ and she always leaned a bit BPD so the cycle must have hit her hard
No. 748157
>>747651Go wax your shit in peace and bleed, no one cares lmao
I feel so bad for the anons who replied to your bait who are trying to explain themselves on why they don’t shave and they become clearly insecure about their body hair because of you, bleh you’re a total bitch.
No. 748189
>>748154The fuck, that sounds really hurtful and not okay. Have you asked your bfs why they seemed ashamed of you before?
As for the old friend, my first assumption is that she might have had a very jealous boyfriend that possibly would give her shit if she would hang out with people besides her family. That's just because I've had similar experiences, but it's still not ok to treat a friend like that.
No. 748902
>>748900Also fuck
>This tweet blew up follow I tried twitter for 20 minutes and I'm already sick of it
No. 749174
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Stuff like this (green is a white woman).
No. 749651
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This is a character archetype I dispise, I'm sure anons have seen this in one form or another on tumblr and twitter, the ambiguously brown hujabi Muslim girl, now I'm an ex-Muslim so I have my issues with Islam but even when I still had my faith this character cliche always made me sorta mad, usually made by some western lib for the Sake of inclucivity, now her identify is just that she's a woke Muslim, not Sunni or Shia or Whabbhi or Hanafi or Twelver just a Muslim, this shows that they have as little an idea about actual Islam then the right wingers they claim are all ignorant
Its just another thing I see with American leftist who have this bizzare obsession with defending Islam, while condoing Christianity, like its the ultimate hypocrisy
No. 749742
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When nature documentaries show people in it. It makes me irrationally angry. I don't want to see fucking disgusting humans and I wish the narrator would shut the fuck up sometimes.
No. 749754
>>749651From an exmuslim to another: THANK YOU. I despise how westerners portray Muslims. They're either terrorist immigrants who want to take over the west or they're poor little
victims who can do no wrong and the hijab is great and empowering actually you phobe. It's all so tiresome
No. 749767
>>749754Again they literally have no idea about the massive theological differences, Most people in my home country despise Shia Muslims and wanto declare them non-Muslims, ISIS considers the Taliban to be kafirs cause the Taliban follow the Deobandi school of Islam, While ISIS follows the Takfiri school which is an off shoot/sub-sect of the Whaabi sect of Islam, Most Hanafis would never marry a Brelvi and a Brevli would never marry a Deobandi
I mean Islam is fucking convulated of a religion that you need interpertations for it function, like the Quran literally only ever Says to bow before Allah five times a day, not complicated Islamic prayers
No. 750173
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i hate how often trans positivity includes making death threats
No. 750339
>>750173Despite the fact that this subject has become forbidden fruit on here I'm just going to say it. I hate tranny positivity period. I hate how we live in a world where you're looked at as being a man if you like "man" things or work in "man" professions or are even mildly attracted to women, even though you own a natural pair of boobs and a vagina and are puny. It's stupid and backwards and extremely autistic. Why is being a woman not good enough for me to be a woman why do I have to act like a stereotype to avoid people thinking I am a man even though I look, sound, and move like a woman. It is so backwards that we prioritize these fuckers over people who live in reality instead of delusion. It is literal torture for people to think you have a penis or want a penis or something because you "act male" after a whole life of scrotes saying this shit to you to get under your skin, now people unironically believe it and think it makes them a good person to believe it. I hate that we live in a world where you can't just be yourself, you have to be some fucked up, fun house mirror, warped, made up ass version of a person in order to just live your fucking life. We don't need tranny positivity right now period. We need to stop being so goddamn delusional as a society. What makes defective, insane people who cut up their bodies and pump
toxic chemicals into themselves any more strong and worthy of life than people who are capable of simply existing without forcing themselves into some autistic fun house mirror version of the sexes. Why do we reward weakness over strength. Why do we demand that strong women infertilize themselves to become weaker versions of men, why do we reward compassionate men to fuck their bodies and minds up in order to become inferior versions of women when just letting these people exist as they are would make society better. This is so fucked up and it unironically deserves to be looked down upon. Fuck trannies and fuck the pedophiles making little 12 year old kids think this is just the best thing ever.
No. 750507
>>750418>"you better respect women or i'll murder you"then maybe we should start doing them
>>750371>People who say 'we must' in their Twitter rants, like they're a world leader adressing the citizenry or something.Holy fuck I fucking hate this too… the internet gave power to the wrong people. I don't want to be corrected by a furry with a troon avatar that thinks his voice is as important as the new christ incarnate
No. 750617
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Never saw a funny version of this meme along with the bee movie lawyer one.
No. 750928
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>>750920scrote replying to lauren chen repost of that tweet
No. 751077
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Jerma. Not only is he ugly, he’s fucking boring. And the humor, if you can even call it that, between him and his fans is mind numbingly retarded at best. I have never laughed at a meme about or relating to him. I have nothing but ill wishes for him and his supporters. I can’t wait for his internet presence to die out into nothing, like those before him.
No. 751199
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>>751162>I never see any whining about algorithms or engaging from actually successful peopleIf we replace successful with 'Good artists' it makes sense. SM has made blaming all art problems on algorithms the trending diagnoses. I know the alg can be bad, but to be brutally honest 90% of the time someone says 'how do I beat the algorithm?' their art is always shit. It's beyond /artist salt/ drama level shit; it's person who just picked up drawing shit. I've seen "It's the algorithm suppressing my shitty anime doodles" so many times I'm surprised it hasn't become an artist meme to mock newbs.
I've actually seen people mock this trend, but they get flamed to hell and back by salty artists.
I'm not saying the algorithm isn't bad, but some of the people who say that should look at themselves first
No. 751530
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I hate the look of damaged hair that's really thinned out in the mids and ends like pic rel. From a purely aesthetic perspective, there's no good reason to hold onto the length if your hair looks this empty
No. 751602
>>751530Hair like this makes me wince, I just want to cut that shit off.
Idk why short hair is such a sin, I’d much rather have healthy short hair than damaged long hair. It reminds me of people who keep their nails way too long, they start getting yellow and gross after a certain point.
No. 751749
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I hate tall fat men, specifically Quinton reviews and Moviebob who are 6'3 and 6'7 respectively
I don't think anons here realize how much of a factor height can be gaining any form of mass, like I'm 5'9 and I have to work like twice as hard to gain the least bit of muscle but its much easier for me to lose weight then other women, and when you're super tall you have to eat a ridiculous caloric diet to gain even an ounce of mass
I can't even imagine how much food these lard ases consume to get thas fat
No. 751824
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>>751749Quinton reviews is another fat bastard, he's a chubby incel who even the left wing consumers make fun of despite being 6'7
No. 752076
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I irrationally hate this fucking 'ship dynamic' meme so fucking much. There is something that irks me about the way these incredibly specific 'dynamics' are pictured by these ugly fucking bald cockwomble blobs with their early 2010s DeviantArt base facial expressions.
Its just:
Step 1: Pick your favorite/popular ship.
Step 2: Remove all character features.
No. 752311
>>752076I'm pretty sure the point of them being blank is so people can redraw them with their ship
>>752081I think that is a boner? Why would there be an A on that character but no B on the other one? Why would the second character in the pic even have an A
No. 752316
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>>752081>>752311Here's the first panel. I had to reverse image search to solve this mystery.
No. 752559
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I have an unspeakeble disgust for this "aesthetic" or whatever it is of filling their faces with random stickers.
It so disgusting to me it actually makes me gag. Hatred
I generally don't like stickers very much so that's why it's so gross to me
No. 752590
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>>752559Same. It always reads to me as "messy child", like a relative's hyperactive kid who has sticky hands and always something smudged on their face. It doesn't really elevate any aesthetic. picrel
No. 752598
>>752591Yeah, she doesn't look like she's trying to be "japanese decora kawaii" or anything, so this is why I like it too.
>>752592What's her insta?
No. 752693
>>752671I have never enjoyed Stand up, back when it was made primarily straight black and white men it was never funny and now with women and ethnic minorities its still not funny
The lowest and unfunniest form of comedy
No. 753149
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I hate the Amogus Meme
No. 753398
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'CoomerspostingtheirLs'-type blogs. You can tell that they're run by men who are anti-porn, not because of basic ethics, but because they have a limp dick
No. 753848
>>753398That's the only way you will get men to turn against porn tho. They will never not jerk off to it just cause of morals or sex trafficing. Only once it affects their own pp.
Better than being a coomer still.
No. 754360
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>>754352>most of the costumes if they were ever done in the accordance of the original show are going to borderline look like Lord of the Rings clothing no matter how much you try to “y2k/internet subgenre fashion” style itWhat the fuck? In what way does Winx club clothing look like Lord of the rings clothing? Winx club does already have a y2k-ish style in the show.
No. 754362
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>>754360Samefag, you can look at some of the civilian outfits and see where people are getting the y2k idea from
No. 754407
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>>754360>>754362I was giving examples, it’s not similar but it’s fantasy-like and costumey, it has the same vibes from other fantasy-like shows or webs series like Monster High or Ever Acter High. None of it is really y2k, and as the series evolved their fashion choices also became even more modernized. It shouldn’t be solely restrictive to early 2000s fashion trends, that’s just how the show started and what I’m trying to say is that they’re restricting their knowledge of the show from only season 1. As the characters developed, so did their appearances especially around season 3-season 4. Why should the Winx Club live action start off from the beginning instead of being its own thing? There is plenty of ideas and plot lines that they left out from the decent parts of the series, they could have made the show more centric around their adult lives (they did that around season 6? season 7?)
Basically, no one would wear their clothes in real life, that’s the point, their style is incredibly restrictive or even more indicative of the world that the characters live in, completely cartoonish, fictional, and playful. Adding realistic garments or styles from our reality to their reality isn’t going to translate well. Learn to pick up fucking social cues and comparisons, you autistic.
No. 754412
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>>754362>>754360Honestly, the clothes in the Winx reboot are fuck-ugly regardless, and the casting decisions are awful. From any standpoint, it's a fucking failure. Even if they were to be toned down for real life, take inspo from the iconic outfits from Mean Girls, Jennifer's Body, even the werewolf sister from Ginger Snaps if they wanted to go for a darker vibe. Even Riverdale did a better job regarding design in some regards, honestly. Don't be boring, bland and shitty.
Also, that particular YTer makes tons of videos about fashion, design, the accuracy of the clothing in period pieces, etc down to the tiniest details. I don't know her major, but she definitely doesn't seem like some random girl complaining. Don't know what that anon's problem is.
No. 754421
>>754407>Learn to pick up fucking social cues and comparisons, you autistic.Oh wow, you're really mad huh? You compared the fashion of Winx Club and Lord of The Rings, so obviously I read it as you saying that the clothing in both shows are similar. Also,
>social cues…on the internet?
But anyway, the clothes of the Winx reboot are still trash in comparison to the clothing in the later seasons.
>>754412Yep. I've only seen screenshots of the show, but the clothes are just gross, dreary and boring as fuck. I don't understand how you can take the fashion from a show like Winx Club and turn it into that mess. They could've still been interesting, and even colorful, while still being "realistic"
No. 754593
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Hate this smug bald headed motherfucker. Even just the sight of him sends me in a rage lmao. His fans are the absolute worst
>>754406Same, it's just getting boring and repetitive at this point. Those "we need to talk about blah blah blah" video """essays""" are so formulaic and usually made by self righteous twitterfags
No. 754614
>>754566>>754590See post
>>751751 men's metabolism is insane compared to women, I have seen fatty males become reasonably fit with minimal effort, especially compared to women
Any fatass 40 year old man could lose his gut with just 3-4 months of healthy eating, jogging and moderate exercise
At least in the 2000s they were rightfully made fun for their laziness but now its men's feelings and whatever(like I do have some sympathy for any skinny teenage pretty boy who gets bullied by other men, but none for these lazy old scrotes)
No. 754649
>>754597was that when he called a trans woman a
terf or was it a different time? i hate baldy fucking ugly scrote dickwipes like him that pick up on whatever woke language they can to demean whoever they think is a woman who dares to disagree with them
No. 754689
>>751749>I'm 5'9 and I have to work like twice as hard to gain the least bit of muscle but its much easier for me to lose weight then other womenShout out to the salty anon who tried to gaslight me on this like months ago when I said I dislike being short for this same reason.
Also, I agree with everything you said. To be male, fat
and tall, you've got to be working hard on being a food-addicted fuck.
No. 754694
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I hate tiffanyferg's content. All her videos are very agreed upon opinions it feels less like she's making an essay with a point and more like she regurgitating opinions from twitter and reddit. I can't tell the difference between her content and a reddit thread at times. I think my real hatred of her is disappointment. She has a degree in media analysis from a good school, but her opinions have the depth of a twitter leftist who's never read theory.
Also I hate twitter/reddit culture so thats mostly why I hate her content. You haven't seen cringe till you watched her 'being GIFTED RUINED MY LIFE!1!' video.
No. 754827
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>>754694>>754694She’s one of those commentary channels that like to orbit and suck hontra’s sweaty cock because sadly she isn’t aggressive or confident enough to stand out from the crowd. She’s honestly just another rebranded blonde trendy Lindsay Ellis for twitterfags.
No. 754837
>>754826Actually, a lot of black people
don't believe this. A lot the ones who do are "hoteps".
>if you ever meet one they'll show these images of the statues and the don't know we're edited or they show the paintings with really dark skin.I kinda want to know how many people you have met irl that have done this
No. 754840
>>754826Is it racebait week or something? One or two conversations about race in different threads was whatever, but why is it popping up in nearly all the threads in /ot/ now? While this is going on, anons are also arguing about whether or not Kurds are white in the confessions thread, and some other anon in the unpopular opinions thread was shitting on black women earlier for some reason.
What is going on? An invasion? The Egyptian thing is such an inane, boring bait topic too. Literally only /pol/tards think it's relevant, and for some reason, they're permanently buttblasted and obsessed about it, even more than the "wewuz" people they complain about.
No. 754891
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I kind of hate how eurobeat just became a meme genre. At this point no one see's the genre as a dance movement originating from Italian disco and Hi-NRG, but as "that race car anime", "fast driving music", or "music to put over something going fast". It's also a shame that no one gives a crap about an eurobeat artist unless they appeared on initial D.
I've actually grown fond of smaller eurobeaters and I'm getting sick of "OMG IS THAT INITIAL D" sperging on all their comments
No. 754988
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>>754965>breakcoreFuck has this one suffered a lot the past year. A bunch of hyper-pop, kidcore, and Sewerslvt kids sometimes find themselves on smaller breakcore videos and they stick out like sore thumbs.
Not to be some elitist boomer, I'm a zoomer like the rest of them, but they infest videos with "Wow major X inspiration" (even though they preceded X by years), their annoying slang, and their misrepresentations of a subcultures history.
I feel kind of liked the breakcore scene would die soon once I saw a bunch of zoomers being amazed how Lain and breakcore mix, even when they've been together for a long time. I think the worst part is they wont fully like breakcore because earlier artists had a strong association with the lolicore movement and doing edgy stunts/samples. They'll probably say they like breakcore, but only listen to some new wave PC version of it.
No. 755027
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>>754997This post will evolve into a days long debate wont it
No. 755312
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>>754360They look like hookers.
No. 755315
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>>755312talk shit about them again anon
No. 755319
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>>755312no shit anon, the show was made by an italian scrote obsessed with le fashion~
now retro pixie “bbys” can identify with it because all their life they felt pretty for dressing like a glamorized hooker because women can do what they want
honestly w.i.t.c.h deserves a reboot rather than winx, the clothes that the w.i.t.c.h cast wears mirrors a lot from the winx live action show
No. 755435
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>>755319>honestly w.i.t.c.h deserves a reboot rather than winxYessss this. I sometimes get so nostalgic for the comics and want to read them again but I threw them out when I was 14 because I felt it was embarrassing to read comics at that elderly age
No. 755478
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>>755475thinking media has no impact on childrens development is ridiculous especially when many kids were just put in front of the tv/computer and not much else. do you think every social trend just comes out of the blue? I have a feeling you know this tho and are just trying to rope me into a stupid strawmanning argument
No. 755501
>>755495bruh you must think im this anon
>>755314 and not this one who just replied to vent about my hate for the 2000s in general
>>755451 im not sure how ur argument applies to my post but ok
No. 755503
>>755478NTA, but children don't normally have a concept of what counts as sexual gaze regarding aesthetics and what doesn't.
Like anon, I didn't really understand what made clothes "slutty" when I was a kid, because I didn't see bodies as sexual objects. I just saw "pretty girl, colorful outfit".
If Winx Club had actually included sexual content or the girls being hookers (or low-key pushing pro-SW talking points somehow), it would've been a different story, but the clothes themselves don't really mean shit.
Also, I actually was one of those kids that were basically just placed in front of the screen. I saw tons of inappropriate content, I'm just saying it was more than just some crop tops and mini skirts, lmao (and I still don't really see those kinds of clothes as sexual, to be honest). You don't get groomed by clothes, but by social structures, knee-jerk reactions to certain things and taught behaviors.
No. 755857
Weirdos who randomly spam trans right hearts with ZERO context. Jerma had to somewhat address it, he called it "Spam" and people were saying he was more so annoyed with the reactions to the spam. Which I get, when you randomly start posting trans rights hearts in chat, there's tards who'll be like, "Stop posting that shit" and people going,"Oh my god, this has nothing to do with anything, now chat is going to be in shambles"
They try to say it's randoms posting it to start shit, but I just left the stream where the spam started and when I popped into pre-chat first thing I saw was, "Is this the streamer who said trans rights?"
Like shut the fuck up. It makes shit uncomfortable for everyone. Jerma doesn't want to deal with that SPAM.
Nobody does and it's 70% troons/tras doing it, I'm not buying it's bigots mind fucking people into spamming.
No. 755864
>>755857SA- The thing is EVERYONE is annoyed with it except for the troons who probably start squealing and shit. People who are pro-trans know the emotes will cause people to talk shit, people who don't care get sick of the random emote that has shit to do with whats happening on stream and the troons love it because they love getting attention for existing no matter what.
It's spam and it's retarded.
No. 755870
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I was looking for miniatures. I hate coomers. This is why I never play ttg with men.
No. 755882
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>>755853Are you ESL? 'Literally' and 'hyperbole' are mutually exclusive by definition.
No. 756021
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i hate this guy. i don't know why, he just deeply annoys me as a person and he looks smelly.
No. 756073
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>>756021>>756026>its cuz he's a manftfy
No. 756226
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people who describe bare labia as "clean"
No. 756265
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>>756096lmao anon that's so spot on
No. 756302
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I hate the people on quora with obvious fetishes clearly making shit up for spank material but they still get serious answers. I also hate that I get emails containing this content from quora.
No. 756314

>>756021He irks me because all his critiques are just taking an overly literal approach, often on things that are metaphorical, and pointing out 'plot holes'. It's Nostalgia critic tier and super easy to rebuke, but no one points that out because they agree with him or are to uneducated on the subject to disagree.
His good place video showed how his "literal" approach is a god awful way to look at media. It's a shame he has a stupid analysis style because his topics are somewhat interesting, the school of life and Dr.Phil ones.
I'm still supper mad at his god is weird video because of how shit it was. All his god is weird points are fedora atheist tier and most of them have been answered by ancient christian scholars. I'm not saying this as a christian, but as someone who's read about Chrisitnties theological history.
Looking back he's had multiple videos with shit conclusions, small content creators video is a notable one. Don't even know why I watched him
No. 756349
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I hate what short form media has done to debate. You can't stuff a good argument into twitters size limit or what an adhd kid considers long, so the internet is stuck with basic debates or barely points.
The basic posts are when someone is constrained by a size limit, so they can't explore complex ideas and are stuck using basic 'if group do X, if group do C, X contradicts with C so group wrong". It's a good argument, but I get sick when every argument is this surface level dribble. It's basicness also ruins debate because nothing nuanced can exist.
The second barely points argument is just when they don't say anything, but combine a bunch of buzzwords. The amount of tweets that have no logical conclusions or steps that get retweeted, but have popular words that allude to a point is to goddamn high.
No. 756352
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>>756349Tf anon you think internet debates should be high art or something? Internet arguments remind me of animals fighting for territory, that’s all it is. Animals trying to maintain their echo chambers or to impress others for destroying another animal’s ego. It’s a cringy analogy but it’s true
No. 756358
>>756299i guess, it's just that pubes are associated with being "dirty" and calling it "clean" is gross to me. it has nothing to do with hygiene. men like to pretend it does.
No. 756786
>>756687>>756686Slightly butting in; people that deflect your criticism of their repeatedly horrible and or
abusive behavior with "why are you so obsessed with me?" It's like a self absorbed deflection to boot.
No. 756876
>>756786Fucking yes. This happened to me too.
>>756685Anti intellectual and retarded culture reigns supreme now. Emotional investment and knowledge bad and intimidating so u must be mentally ill even though all of the fucks browsing the internet all day are crazy anyways
No. 757579
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I never liked motivational pictures but this type straight up bothers me
No. 757741
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The term Homonationalism, for those who don't know Homonationalism is an SJW liberal term used for gay men and lesbians who have gasp issues with Islam, it began being used when many lesbians and gay people in Europe started objecting towards the increase of Muslim refugees who had an incredibly homophobic views, and objected towards Islam so neo-liberals started calling them Homonationalists
Recently in France a lesbian activist was egged for being "Islamaphobic"
No. 757745
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How due to bookstores making less and less money they've slowly stopped selling books and sell more geek related merch. I would be fine if they used this to support their other services, but most book stores seem intent on replacing everything with reddit/tumblr tier works.
I'm mad because I just discovered my local B&N got rid of their pretty big nonfiction section in exchange for a gameboard and and anime figure section. Now the only non fiction stuff left is 'I fucking love science'-tier or YA fiction tier
No. 758143
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No. 758184
>>758163I also hate only fans, but men deserve to be used, so don't feel bad for them
I don't feel bad for any grown man that sticks his dick in an electrical socket either, he knew what was going to happen
No. 758224
>>758191I know many girls in lolcow think using men for money is super cool and all, but I honestly find it super degrading. Just being a money hungry person is disgusting to me. This is why I can't stand my friend anymore, she's in a
toxic relationship with a shitty scrote only because she wants to get a boob job with his money at some point. This is some degrading shit, so disgusting. I'm not suprised she started an onlyfans after showing her tiddies on stream anymore. She always was a big cow, I just felt bad for her because she had no friends. Her drama goes far back as 2010-ish because she was a drama hungry cosplayer. Oh yeah and she's a lolita. IDK how she expects people not to notice she's selling her nudes online if people know her from her cosplay and lolita stuff.
No. 758252
>>758227Idk how to reply to this really. I just think being as money hungry as she is makes me sick. She had a good decent paying job but she keeps pushing the idea she's better doing onlyfans. Last time we spoke she said she got like $350 a month… very little if your dignity is on the line.
I don't care about her scrote, no. But I still don't think what she's doing is right.
>>758242I totally get you, and I totally understand you. I hate the "as long as you get paid" mentality too.
No. 758375
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>>758348>It's always predictable, reads like a shitty young adult horror story and never has any creativity to itThat perfectly describes the NES Godzilla fanfic. Except the author thought that autistically describing game stages and how he got through them by going right, jumping and attacking will be interesting.
I would say that pasta was a waste of time of the person responsible for the fake screenshots, but that's the same autists who probably got orgasms writing passages like above.
>something that's faked to sound like an urban legend circulating around the internet, hence the name "creepypasta".I miss actual creepypastas. I know I'm contradicting myself but do you remember some actual good ones that you read in the past? I need some brain bleach
No. 758522
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It really annoys me when some people talk about autism and refuse to call it a disorder or a disability, avoid saying that autistic people have "difficulties" or "issues" with certain things, think that the term "low functioning" is offensive etc. Basically filing off anything that could have even the slightest negative connotations and sugarcoating it into just some "different way to be normal uwu" instead of an actual neurological condition. It feels patronizing to autists, like they need to be protected from reality with this fluffy cotton candy language, and also slightly insulting to me with my ADHD, like what makes autism so much more special and better that you can't treat it the same way as any other disorder, and it has to be rolled up in sparkly bubble wrap while the rest have to face harsh reality? My ADHD is not a personality trait, I'm not "experiencing the world in a different way~", my brain just simply does not work like it should. And that's fine, it doesn't make me any better or worse than neurotypical people, but I do have to learn to navigate around it as best as I can. And the same goes for every other disorder, including autism. I don't know why some people insist that it's somehow an exception. Autists are not some magical alien fairies from another planet, they're just people. Also I've known some who are closer to the low functioning end of the spectrum, and you just cannot convince me that it's not a disability, or that the term "low functioning" is completely useless.
Just to clarify this is not aimed at autistic people in general, just people (especially neurotypical ones) who think that autists will crumble down to pixie dust if you use the wrong words.
No. 758601
>>758522tbh nobody should sugarcoat autistic shit.
We have terms like low functioning for a reason. Tell me, is this another way to be normal? lmao
No. 758603
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I hate the absolute state of the animal crossing franchise
No. 758987
>>758986Fewer trees*
Sorry, ESL
No. 759010
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I hate Elon Musk and all his dick sucking fanboys. While he is a somewhat intelligent and creative person, the level of idol worship and obsession surrounding him is entirely unwarranted. He's lauded as this benevolent entrepreneur, a scrappy startup bro who became richer than god yet still looks out for the little guy and wants to make the world a better place. Seriously? Outside of the tech world he's an absolute retard and tweets out of his ass like Trump did. He was one of the first people to call the coronavirus "dumb" then later forced his workers back to their jobs amid the CA lockdown. His employees have passed out and experienced seizures at his factory while other workers are told to ignore it and keep slaving away. They're paid poorly and he's extremely anti union, firing anyone that tried to organize one. He's not some tenacious poor boy who came from nothing to make something of himself, he was born with a platinum spoon in his malformed mouth. His father owns half of a fucking Zambian emerald mine and said, “We were very wealthy. We had so much money at times we couldn't even close our safe.” Oh, the struggle! What a self-made genius! He hasn't accomplished anything particularly useful, and in fact his Hyperloop design which he never intended to build himself and is entirely unproven, requiring a brand new, expensive and time-consuming infrastruture, only stalled the far more feasible high-speed rail. The Boring Company, indeed. He's been quoted saying such charming things to his first wife who bore him five children as, "I am the the alpha in this relationship" and "If you were my employee, I would fire you."
He's no fucking hero. He's a selfish, capitalist, masturbatory asshole just like all the rest. On top of all that he's fuck ugly and looks like a bloated, misshapen drunkard who's either had too much botox or is just a fatass. Likely both.
No. 759032
>>758986don't worry anon, even non-ESL people say less trees and nobody bats an eye.
but i'm not as optimistic as you are, it's becoming more and more accepted to basically never grow out of children's media and explore actual quality books for adults. i feel like people read way less overall.
idk about audio books though, maybe that's where the future is.
No. 759036
File: 1615454178468.jpg (134.12 KB, 1080x871, IMG_20210311_094529.jpg) hate everything in this thread, from the scrotes who pretend they're being the most helpful by "supporting the small creators" against the exploitative professional porn industry (as if the big influx of new girls on OF wasn't prompted by the massive loss of jobs during the pandemic, which mainly affected women) in nutting to women in need but then say shit like the comment in the screenshot; to the ones who say they just wanted to coom to a woman they knew IRL and paid a month of subscription, like the top comments say.
Moids are so fucking primitive.
No. 759053
>>759036God it's so fucking exhausting and obnoxious. These sacks of shit feeling self congratulatory and giving each other asspats for exploiting women. "It's cool bro, I didn't pay to fuck a trafficked woman, I paid to jerk off to a brainwashed, desperate woman who
chose to degrade herself!" They're still paying for access to a woman's nude body who wouldn't have shown it to them otherwise. Coercion is not consent. If they really wanted to support these women maybe they should've just given them some obligation-free lunch money over contributing to them whoring themselves out online. There are mentally ill hobos who will let you stab them for a fiver too, but you wouldn't say you're "supporting" someone by paying to hurt them, would you? (Unfortunately, yes men would and do. Just look at some of the gross Youtube videos of them abusing the homeless for laughs.) Scrotes truly are subhuman.
No. 759462
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pickmes who do shit like this in servers with a lot of males
No. 759475
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>>759469>>759471>>759472>>759474Are we just sharing 2 brain cells on this website now or what?
No. 759491
>>759469I do think asexuals exist, but those who are like "I'm asexual but I masturbate
:)", "I have kinks but that doesn't mean I'm not asexual!
:3", "I, an asexual, am having sex with my scrotelet for the connection! ♥" and the like are talking out of their asses.
No. 759684
>>759469Not ace, but why does everyone need to fuck or care about fucking?
>hating something that doesn't existKek
No. 759804
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>>759654God I feel the same. The house my parents bought for 60K is legit worth 250K now.
The price boost is more than normal millennial woes because my city is going through insane gentrification, so each year everything doubles in price. My parents don't get why I want to move because they don't get how 1,500 apartments and 300k houses are the market baseline. Anything lower is a legit crackden.
No. 759819
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When ever woman talk about how sexism made them develop confidence issues in STEM some fucking dude always chimes in with "I'm a dude who feels insecure too. A STEM degree is hard for everyone". It's not the "What about MeN!1!" logic, but the assumption that their feelings of dread are as bad or anything simaleer to that of a woman in STEM.
To be honest some of the dudes who post 'STEM hard' only do it because self deprecation is in and they spend to much time on reddit.
No. 759833
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>>759654The housing market is extremely overheated in my region too, like white collar professionals are priced out of the market. It's totally absurd, the state and the banks are telling us that our generation doesn't deserve affordable housing or to live a life without sky high debts. It's like some kind of a sick twisted joke made even more ridiculous by how little pressure there is to regulate these institutions
No. 760016
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I hate people who breed munchkin cats! Poor deformed things can't live their life and do the cat things they want to do. Giving an athletic animal a disability is not cute and I'd expect someone who breeds an animal to care about it more than it's "cuteness".
No. 760201
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I hate this comic, bubble gum areola blobfish character and the other characters that look like they came out of a curious george book
No. 760227
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>>760201The comic was funny at first with the juxtaposition of the blobfish and the cute design. The artist must have saw money in it or got to attached to the characters because they're dragging it out. The comics at doodle 100(?) and all the jokes are Garfield tier. It's only living off the blobfish, even though blobfishes stopped being funny in 2010. It reminds me of the Jock and nerd comics. 3 strips would be funny, but 20+? You're dragging the joke out
Also the writer wont stop shoving their political views into the blobfish comic. Apparently the blobfish is an expert on BLM, immigration, wage gaps, and beauty standards, these are legit things blobby talked about.
No. 760234
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>>760227Samefag, but I legit thought some of the political comics were troll edits because they were such a tonal whiplash.
No. 760432
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When people insist "This show has realistic characters and is therefore better because they're all drier-than-crispbread cynical assholes who critizice society and recognize they're a piece of shit themselves". No!!! Sucks for you, but nice people exist!!! Nice people who are nice to everyone at 99.9% of the time!!! I've met more people who are nice to everyone (or at least have the decency to pretend to be) than people who sit smoking on their balcony while complaining that humanity fucking sucks!!! Fuck you!!!
No. 760443
>>760442Why so many smokers in France but not Belgium? Belgian cigs are cheaper and more readily available.
It perplexes me to no end.
No. 760571
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The 'Reject wojacks and embrace troll face' was funny at first, but now that people are unironically embracing troll face it's grating. I have a feeling it's pure nostalgia pushing this movement because legit 80% of the troll face memes were extremely unfunny. Most of the troll face revival memes are shit and reek of 15 year old 'reject degeneracy. Based and red pilled'
No. 760907
>>760900I mean, it wasn't a good thing to do then and it's not good now but he's also apologized for it. I try not to cape for dumb white men but I fucking love Talking Heads so I might be biased. I find it hard to discuss these things because I don't want to write off things that seem innocuous but really aren't; but at the same time it was almost 40 years ago at this point and is a negative instance in a very long career.
I think it's important to be consciously consume media and recognize when a certain joke or use of a word is bad but also not base the extent of any activism on bitching about irredeemable media. Especially stuff that was made decades ago.
I recently reread Scott Pilgrim and while I had completely forgotten just how much they used 'retard', and recognize that doing that isn't great and shouldn't be continued today, I'm not going to worry about my own moral failings in not speaking up about a comic that was written in 2004 on Twitter.
No. 761734
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I hate bimbofication shit and I hate "aesthetic goals" lists. This shit is so disgusting and pathetic
No. 761846
>>761734i detest how it's been made out to be some "feminist" thing, too, when there's absolutely ZERO real feminist rationale in putting this much time + effort into your looks and literally looking like a caricature of a dumb, airheaded sex doll. it matters nothing that these women delude themselves into thinking it's just "for them" or that somehow men will find them LESS desirable for being feminine (??????), because that's a big ass alienated lie. you're not an empowered #girlboss for spending hours and money on make up, nails, fake lashes and trashy clothes that were trashy even in their prime.
god i fucking hate libfems, they're a parody of themselves
No. 761854
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I hate whoever is posting that fucking image!!!!!!! Die!!!! Nobody go to /m/ or /meta/, it's all over the place. God damn it how many fucking times is that image going to get sent to my ISP before I stop using this fucking website. God damn ittttttttttt I guess I really have to go back to tumblr, I can't take this shit.
No. 761878
>>761734How is mahou shoujo and cutesy anime related to bimbofication? What the fuck.
This whole goal list is nothing but "pastel uwu" aesthetic.
No. 761960
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>>761878holy shit i just read the "stop reading the news so i can be oblivious" HOW is this not obviously the most antifeminist shit on earth i want to commit violence
No. 761996
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I hate this fakeass "shocked" face youtubers make for their thumbnails. Just use a screengrab from your actual video or if you want to pose so bad, just smile.
No. 762004
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Go to this moid's account and you'll find hundreds of other tiktoks making fun of ""pickme"" girls (does he even know what the fuck a pick me is??).
Shit like this makes me wonder if he's posting these on his account imitating basic teen girls to feel better about being a beta scrote.
Worst of it is, the comments under the tiktok I capped are worse than the video itself.
No. 762008
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>>762004Gen z likes to pretend they're the most progressive bunch who will end sexism and fix women's struggles, but then they congratulate each other on who can beat a girl the hardest for being basic and dislikeable.
No. 762009
>>762004White gay
>checkMoob mipples that could poke a bitch in the eye pointing out of his cotton shirt soaked with gallons of sticky coomer sweat
>check Chris-chan haircut
>check Making tiktoks mimicking teenage girls because he probably stalks them like a creep
>check No. 762010
>>762004>"Guys he'll listen to me I promise" I don't know the full context, but I can imagine a pickme getting between two males in their tard rage thinking she can be the one to diffuse the situation because poor men just need to be reasoned with and understood. I've seen girls whiteknight their violent boyfriends in this way, whereas I think most rational women would leave a guy who routinely got into fights.
But yeah, men who make fun of pickmes are literal faggots.
No. 762011
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>>762004I also hate this scrote on tiktok who's made hundreds of videos mocking female teachers. The first one was okay but he refuses to let the joke go which gives off sexist vibes. Imitating women for "comedy" is so lazy.
No. 762568
>>762536The point is ease of speech. If an English word comes first to mind, why
not use it spontaneously? The only reason not to, excluding pure peer pressure, is out of some sense of loyalty to your native tongue, which honestly just sounds silly. Why be loyal to an abstract thing such as language? There is no benefit to being loyal it, you don't get anything from the language in return.
No. 762585
>>762568>Why be loyal to an abstract thing such as language? There is no benefit to being loyal it, you don't get anything from the language in return.kek
I work in a company that has English as it's main language despite being in a non-english country, plenty of times I've heard my ESL colleagues talk in a mix of 50% english 50% our language between them for no reason, it kinda rewires your brain if you use language a lot without even living outside of your country. Then I go online and see people seethe because some celebrity that spent their entire life in USA dared to use an English word in an interview and it's so bizarre to me people would be pissed about it. If anything, getting too agitated about this subject is a sign for me that this person is close-minded and never had an opportunity to be in a multi-language environment, or/and is really bad at English, otherwise I'm sure they'd be much more understanding.
No. 762591
>>762579Nta but I kind of get you, it’s like when someone will use words in Latin to sound smart when in the end they sound ridiculous and pretentious, if not wrong, because sometimes they don’t even know the meaning of the word during the context of the language they’re supposed to be using.
It’s really annoying tbh, not to rip your hair off, but it does feel off.
No. 762719
>>762676i find it annoying and cringey when people get pressed about a character being shipped in a het ship bc a majority/percentage of the fandom headcannons them as gay. it's totally cool to ship a character with a same-sex one or consider them gay, but they're a FICTIONAL fucking character who isn't gonna be upset by who you ship them with.
even if the character has a canon sexuality i still think it's a-okay to ship them with whoever, even against that canon, because it's fucking fiction and some random on the internet shipping a gay character with the opposite sex isn't "erasing" them or LGBT rights in any ways; i know fandom is 90% sheltered teens or stunted adults who think their fictional gay men and women are "activism", but they aren't, a show is never gonna do more for the rights of anyone than real life activism
No. 762729
>>762568Language is tied to culture, and without it one's culture is erased.
Also, the English decimated my native language and punished people who spoke it in schools only to now laugh at people from my country for speaking English except with a silly accent. I will not be using the English equivalent of any word that exists in my language out of sheer spite and will encourage anyone who attempts to speak my language to do the same.
A pissed off Englishman is reward enough to me, get bent pissteeth.
No. 762775
>>762334dude same. In my country I sometimes see actual journalists talk like that on twitter. Like a jorno using the word "paperwork" intead of "papelada" wich means the exact darn same and has one less letter.
"blah blah global village" more like everybody else becoming culturally subservient to the usa. I don't see anglos saying random german words when they're speaking english.
I'm admitedly being too spergy about this, but you have no idea how jarring it is to see people on twitter speaking in portuguese but then shove in whole phrases in english for literally no reason (and I'm tired of "globalism" being so one sided)
>>762729My people were never prevented from speaking their language, so it's not the same, but this is a bit similar to my idea. When people randomly speak english for no reason, to me that's a symbol of american cultural influence creeping in a bit too much
Unrelated but if I see another euro magatard I'm kms
No. 762936
>>762729Lemme guess, your precious culture is horribly misogynistic, right? Totally worth preserving just as it is /s
English for me is not the language of my colonizers but just a widely accepted lingua franca. This is why the two of us are communicating in English now. In today's interconnected world, there would have to be a "common tongue" even if it wasn't English. And people would start using words of that common tongue intertwined with native speech just like they are with English now.
No. 763216
>>762936French people didn't beat my great-grandfather for speaking in his native tongue so I'd be fine speaking French.
>>762733Welsh is.
No. 763487
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This is most likely because I'm an autist, but people ask questions that are to vague. For example "Does talent or hard work matter more?". What does talent mean in this context? Is it the brains geography? If so whats being affected? The ability to work hard? The ability to mentally process things? Is talent the cap of your skill or the start? Same can be asked about hardwork. It's so vague it can mean anything.
This wouldn't bother me, but this vagueness leads to circular debates that go nowhere. I've seen 'is talent real' debates go nowhere because each person has a different definition of talent. Just flesh out your question
No. 763592
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>>763487This bothers me too and I don't think it has to do with autism, it's a problem of imprecision. The example you gave shows that people often ask the wrong questions and draw inaccurate conclusions because they lack the tools to sharpen their ideas and cut to the core of the problem they're looking at. You can't even scratch the surface without precise language. So instead the discussion goes in and out of focus and meanders aimlessly around the subject without piercing to the heart of it.
I think there's an assumption that speaking with precision means that you have to use weirdly stilted and scientific language like in the meme you posted or avoid using figures of speech, but this isn't necessarily true. The aim is to represent your ideas with clarity and communicate directly so that you can build an opinion or argument based on facts and truth, sometimes informal language and slang are more expedient at doing that. The point is that ideas that are simple and clear cut are the most effective for actually building meaning like you said.
No. 763713
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can /an/ go a single day without pitbull posts that devolve into racebaiting. Like why are they so dedicated. I just wanna see cool animals and specultory evolution not 'duh jews'
No. 763746
>>763445I love it when they say Mum and Telly
shit is cute
No. 763842
>>763714I feel like today's 4chan is way more tame than it used to be.
Even /b/ isn't as bad. There is still disgusting degenerate shit for sure but it's nothing like it was years ago.
No. 764487
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I hate shit like this and Tiktok in general. Both videos are so cringey
No. 764508
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I hate the saying "Even if they're not alive anymore, they still live on in your heart uwu" to my very bones. It has never made me feel better about losing someone i love. No, they don't live in my heart forver, they're dead, and I can't get them back. That's such utter bullshit. What does live on in my memory is my memories of them, and my knowledge of them and what they would maybe say in a certain situation if they were to give me advice.
But my knowledge of them isn't complete. The true person - the breathing, warm organism with it's own thoughts and experiences - and them against mine in a hug will never fucking happen again. What, am I supposed to talk to a fucking ghost? God I wish someone would stop fucking telling me this bullshit, it's a completely empty statement that only serves to mildly help someone to get over grieving. Fuck that saying.
No. 764569
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Whenever normies, think take downs with 5M+ plus views, find a lolcow they kind of ruin it for me. I think it's how a lot of them are insane a-loggers, but none of them realize that and the community isn't big enough to realize it either. It's also how they catch onto a cows tricks a lot slower so they always pearl-clutch over things cows have done multiple times. Finally their nitpicking gets weird because they always insert their weird political beliefs into it. Not saying LC is immune, but most of the time these flaws are shut down.
Also big hate fandoms keep a lot of LC's alive. Nickados 500,000+ hate posse is the only thing keeping him afloat.
No. 764834
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>>764792try twitter or reddit then
No. 764907
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Girls who fail at being an ~ uwu hot anime girl ~ so they start saying shit like this. They're not attractive enough to have people kiss their ass, but they're too narcissistic to accept being treated and seen as a normal human being. It's such an obvious and pathetic cope for plain girls with a vain power fantasy.
No. 764942
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Rate your music really needs a list filter. I like going through lists an artist appears in to find similar artists, but it's hard because I have to sort through 20 "2021 listening blog" lists. I have to scroll so much to find something that isn't someones disjointed music diary. I don't hate the people who do this, but I hate how it interrupts my search. Couldn't they make a hide button for these "Music I've listened to" blogs? Or at least let me filter out words
No. 765111
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>>764907Idk I don't like being approached either. I see this as more of a response when people ask why you look a certain way or try to give you "advice" on fashion.
No. 765178
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Edgy retards shitting up places that are not there for their idiotic ass takes, no one needs to know that you’re a racist faggot nor that you want to kill people while playing a cute game or watching a nice video.
It isn’t funny, quirky, cute, sympathetic nor relatable, it’s retarded and bothersome.
I really wish usernames could be filtered so those bastards can shove their stupid ass names up their fucking ass without lube.
No. 765256
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>>765163Being tall and fat is better than being tall and lanky or manlet and fat
No. 765268
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>>765256Being tall and fit is infinitely preferable to any of that. But in absence of actual fitness, being tall and slightly fat is a whole lot of a better look than being a giant skeleton. At least if you sort of squint, slight chub can be mistaken for muscle, whereas lanky just looks like skin and bones always.
No. 765317
>>765256being skinny and tall makes more sense than being fat and tall.
How is having the body of a orangutan with really long legs better?
No. 765318
I hate anti-natalism. Plain and simple.
I used to be anti-natalist myself, because I'm primarly attracted to women, and I think my depression genes shouldn't be passed down. But as I grow older, my outlook in life is more optimistic, less suffering oriented. I want to be a good mother. I want my kids to surpass me, and be amazing.
If anti-natalism was more wisespread I assure you, only intelligent people would be anti-natalist, and that means we would have even more dumber people in this world to pull up with. Rather, let's all make better babies, with better fathers, less trainwreck families. That's the smart solution for a better world. The dumb people shouldn't reproduce OR outnumber intelligent ones.
So I went from being anti-natalist to supporting a moderate approach to eugenics. Go me!
No. 765331
>>765318>If anti-natalism was more wisespread I assure you, only intelligent people would be anti-natalistOnly reddit 'muh depression' tards are anti natalist. "Smarter people" having less kids is simply due to them being to career focused for them not a philosophy.
Also dumb people in it's self is to abstract. Most dumb people have not genetic linkage and instead are factors of their environment. Stopping them from breeding does nothing compared to social programs.
Also you cited Solar sands. The dude who made a career off of shitty DA critiques when he can't even draw
No. 765336
>>765318>only intelligent people would be anti-natalistBy and large, this is the case already.
Under-educated people are the ones who tend to have the most babies and also a lower quality of life for it. The reason why the birth rate is dropping in first world countries is because people are becoming more educated and can see that children are burdensome/expensive. It's not that having babies will make someone homeless (it's why we have welfare and social safety nets after all, or else we'd have kids living on the streets) so why would folks still choose to not have them knowing there are safeguards? Because their life quality would dip and intelligent people like to remain comfortable and happy if they can help it.
Particularly when it comes to educated women. Why would intelligent women want many children today?
Not only are they expected to still work upwards of 40 hours a week, but they're expected to be the main caregivers of new babies and children. Women with high IQs are less likely to have kids and it seems intuitive as to why. One puts her body through hell just to propagate a scrote's genes and then she also winds up doing all the work while trying to fulfil her own life. Makes sense why intelligent women would only have a limited amount of kids under ideal circumstances, if at all. We're gonna have an idiocracy because smart people don't pop em out.
No. 765348
>>765336>Under-educated people are the ones who tend to have the most babies and also a lower quality of life for it.I hate this, but I don't know how to solve this, and I don't want to suggest massively injecting people with things so they don't have babies, or genocide. I want people that have no money, no time, no patience, and no parental instinct to NOT have babies.
I'm a smart and nurturing person, so I will have a kid, maybe two. After being anti-natalist for so long, I just want to be optimistic.
No. 765468
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>>765465ok then sounds rational and not unhinged at all.
No. 765487
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I hate when men who look over 30 wear flat brimmed hats. Regular baseball caps with a curved bill still look good on guys older than 30, but a flat brim cap just screams “trying to look young.”
Picrel, youtuber Mark Rober is one of the worst offenders. I really like his videos but the fact that he tries to dress like a zoomer makes me cringe so hard.
If you have visible wrinkles, it’s okay to still wear hats, but it should have a curved bill. I don’t know why, I don’t make the rules.
No. 765616
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>>765603I feel kind of the same. I always wondered why people were so uptight about "No eMOjIs!" until I saw how the average person spam uses them. My most hated version is the eye-nose-eye and the quirky ones.
No. 765737
>>765691>like some bitch in heatI HATE
HATE this phrase so much.I heard it once in some stupid fanfic voice over and I've been angry ever since.
People who get off to that kind of shit got something seriously wrong with them.
No. 765745
>>765724The only way to win is not to play but I'm not delusional to think that women will stop having kids en masse, it will never happen.
> When you continue to shame and exclude mothers, prochild women will only feel prosecuted by their own sex, become even more reliant on meThere's just a few antinatalists ITT and then there is r/childfree. In reality, most of society is in favour of mothers. They always get priority. They always get help. The only time they fall out of grace is if they refuse/abuse their role.
> She and her children continue to be enveloped by incubator-coded societyI think men are not only at blame here. I truly think some women just enjoy that role even if it means that they have to sacrifice so much. And sacrifice for what? Creating more humans for the capitalist meat grinder?
Another thing that irks me is that lots of women are determined to preserve that status quo and put other women down for not following that same path. Nothing will change. Women will give birth to sons and daughters and they'll continue the vicious cycle. Anyone who has any wits about them will opt out.
No. 765747
>>765742> Motherhood, ability to give life, was always celebrated in every culture ever since the beginning of timesYes and all of them patriarchal cultures which is exactly my point. A woman that "embraces" motherhood just does man's bidding like a useful idiot.
> Only in our modern times it's used by some as a reason to degrade womenStop being overly dramatic. The entire society encourages motherhood. It would be stupid from a societal's point of view not to.
No. 765847
File: 1616278469643.png (215.66 KB, 1026x1170, 1616004213413.png)

>Find cool book
>No pdf's of it on libgen
>No pdf's on b-ok
>Wordcat says closest library is 500 km away
>Amazon lists cheapest price at 50$
No. 765878
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I can't stop finding reasons to hate men
No. 766122
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Cant even put into words how much i hate when only hypersexual balck female rappers are promoted in the industry but what I absolutely hate is seeing liberals defend this bullshit and use it as an example of women reclaiming their sexual power
Like I'm sick of the only mainstream black female representation being this hypersexualized "ghetto" aesthetic and any black girl who difers from this I'd accused of acting white or being a prude, like fuck you I just wanna be treated like a Normal woman
No. 766170
>>765878I happen to be an expert on this topic.
1. It was two white girls who blamed an afro-native American woman for being a witch which caused all of this shit
2. Men were also tortured during the witch trials like this but worse
3. Gender hating when there’s no scrotes itt is unnecessary, tbh.
No. 766258
>>766122what I hate is that anything they do is called, "Empowerment", like the songs are about the dumbest shit and to me it's just dance music, but it feels like they want young women, especially young black women to think the shit in these songs are "empowering" to us. I legit saw people adding CARDI B to lists of important women in history, HOW?
What has Cardi even done?
And Megan's music sounds all the same, she's so overhyped in every way, but thats just a personal opinion.
I thought the music was supposed to be just fun bullshit you danced too, not a lifestyle or "empowering' when the message of most of their songs is just the same shit anyway. Sex, men and money.
Just like Male rappers.
No. 766285
>>766258Honestly I just pray for a cute Taylor swift like happy song by a black girl whose just in love, is that so much to ask
Either I have to be incredibly political mule for everg social issue or hypersexual "ghetto" girl, just can't be a Normal girl can I
No. 766292
>>766285im sure there's girls like that but they won't make it big. The thing is people LOVE "pussy rap" and I don't blame them. My problem is when it's pushed to be more then good time music and we have fucking Cardi B talking to Joe Biden or shit like that.
And don't get me started on male rappers, but at LEAST they can drop some "Woke" shit and people will buy it. If a female rapper isn't talking about her pussy, her man, your man, money, selling sex. etc. nobody wants to hear it.
No. 766296
File: 1616330533262.png (117.52 KB, 1620x327, HOKUS POKUS.png)

When people make "reading weird fanfiction" videos I hate it when they read obvious bait ones. I want to see how far the mind can degrade and not some 14 year old crack ship
No. 766297
>>766258Rap can be good music but I hate how popular rap is all about sex, from males and females and every race. I'm tired of hypersexualization
>>766292>The thing is people LOVE "pussy rap"I hate this. I hate this so much. I honestly feel so bad for black women being force fed this crap. I hope black women become free from this stuff in the future. It also kinda blends in inside my country because of reggaeton (I live in latin america) and we're also force fed how sexualizing yourself is good and etc. Hate that crap.
No. 766299
>>766129I'm sorry, but I'm a working professional and I fucking love WAP. Musically, not lyrically. Also, the chorus also really reminds of lolcow for some reason.
>>766292>If a female rapper isn't talking about her pussy, her man, your man, money, selling sex. etc. nobody wants to hear it.sounds like a misogyny problem.
No. 766304
>>766299>I'm sorry, but I'm a working professional and I fucking love WAP.Good for you? lmao
>Also, the chorus also really reminds of lolcow for some reason.Everyone has a wet ass pussy because of the discharge
No. 766307
>>766297I love rap too, maybe it's a me problem as well, I'm so turned off by the mainstream shit and everybody being a carbon copy of eachother, that I need to look into people who actually are making music I like.
I just stick to older music tbh.
No. 766761
File: 1616367003221.jpg (1.16 MB, 1037x2041, PicsArt_03-22-12.47.00.jpg)

This weird imvu tier editing, what the fuck is this and why does no in the comments call it out?