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No. 831987
Too Dumb to Live, Too Dumb to Die
Previous Thread:
>>>/ot/823177 No. 831991
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you think I chose this life?
No. 831998
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I love blindgossip and how they usually write their blinds, but I am so tired of Meghan Markle blinds
No. 832008
>>832002Lmao this is normal if he knows you, it would only be weird if he was a stranger
I would love if anyone told me my hair (or any part of my body, for that matter) smelled nice.
No. 832020
>>832016Im convinced skincare and a bunch of other industries are a huge scam. Like they just put shit in bottles, says it does something and we're supposed to buy it.
I feel the same way about energy drinks. They don't give you energy. They just suck your energy so you feel the need to buy more.
No. 832035
>>832020A load of skincare is bollocks because they shill shit like topical collagen. Collagen molecules are too big to penetrate skin. Retinol can diminish tissue and age you more by making your skin sink in, looking gaunt.
best thing you can do is drink water and clean your face of residue like make up and just daily grime. I use to use serums and different moisturisers to tackle different parts of my face and it just caused breakouts and horrible looking skin.
I just use the simple brand cleansers and toner and the pink bottle Olay as my day and night moisturiser and I drink a lot of water. I swear the fine lines around my eyes look better and my skin tone is more even. It also doesn't feel like such a burden to clean my face just using 3 products.
No. 832092
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I’m gonna drop some acid tonight and I’m trying to choose a movie to watch. I’m thinking either Suspiria (2018), Midsommar, or Kill Bill V2
I’m open to more suggestions, of course
No. 832095
Stay safe anon
No. 832137
>>832092Do NOT watch midsommar on acid
It already felt like a bad trip without it
No. 832174
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>>832092Watch a shin chan movie. Rakuga Kingdom would be trippy as fuck.
No. 832183
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To the two anons in the last thread
>>831566>>831571I suggest you check out Namasenda!
No. 832225
>>832092Those titles would to be too fucking intense for me! I have only ever watched eye-candy, musical animated movies on acid lol
I saw Monsters University in 3D and my brain melted, in a good way.
No. 832245
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>>832183Niiice, anon. I like Kilo Kish, personally. She's this awesome mix of alt/"quirky" and carefree.
It's kind of hard to pick a photo of her, every single one of them gives a different vibe.
No. 832257
>>832035>Retinol can diminish tissue and age you more by making your skin sink in, looking gauntThat might be true short term, but in long term it enhances collagen production and thickens the epidermis
>Interestingly, Fisher and colleagues (1996, 1997) further demonstrated that retinol inhibits UV induction of MMP and stimulates collagen synthesis in photoaged skin. However, it was observed that retinol is 20 times less potent than tretinoin and it requires further conversion to retinoic acid (in vivo) to demonstrate its action (Kurlandsky et al 1994; Kang et al 1995). Duell and colleagues (1996) demonstrated that retinol could be as effective as retinoic acid in producing ‘retinoid mediated histological changes’ (like epidermal thickening and keratinocyte proliferation), but with much less irritancy. No. 832270
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I haven't watched her in years and I know she's gone insane now but some of her music is good tbh
No. 832284
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wtf why would she ruin her special day like that
No. 832299
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Aruna Khilanani, a legit psychiatrist, thinks ypipo have such intense collective shame over colonialism that they have stopped eating bread.(racebait)
No. 832331
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I spent over ten years bragging about being a redhead underneath all the hair dye, now I've finally gone natural, it's not even fucking red any more because of age. Pride cometh before the fall.
No. 832505
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I love it when anons have a kind of unrealistic dream like marrying adam driver without his knowledge and anons would never say no to you, they’ll just be honest and upfront with the difficulties of trying to achieve your goals no matter how unhinged it is
No. 832523
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I loved this show so much when I was a kid ugghhhh. They don't make shows like this anymore
No. 832548
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>>832537Yep she is! It's a show called Relic Hunter. Imagine if Lara Croft had a male sidekick and went on adventures around the world hunting for relics. But with really goofy, silly humor
No. 832559
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>>832546Not surprising given the amount of fan service it had haha
No. 832563
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>>832335Isn't copper the same as dark auburn? What do you mean?
No. 832589
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LMAO anons my period is coming and Duolingo story of all things made me tear up, this is a new low
No. 832624
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I cut my hair like a mohawk because I wanted to look cool and mean for once but everyone still says oh you look so cute you look like a little girl and it's really getting to me I feel like cutting it all off like tank girl but I know it would look like shit. God I wish I was tank girl and my boyfriend was a kangaroo
No. 832643
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>>832563I should have been more clear. My hair still grows red, just a different tone. It used to be more like the third pic on the bottom, now its like the second pic in the middle. Dunno if dying it affected the richness of the color in my hair.
No. 832675
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>tfw you have to wait for the iPhone 13 to drop so you can continue playing your dumb gacha game
No. 832703
I was memed into shaving my coochie hair bald for years and it looked ugly so I recently started trimming it into a nice shape. Looked pretty good and then I realized I could condition it, now it's so curly and soft and magnificent. Love my bush!
>>832695What kind of mice, organic or computer? Love you goddess anon enjoy your glitter!
No. 832707
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Am I being classist? I'm privileged enough to be middle-class, and it's possible that I'm detached from actually poor people, but I don't get when youtube commentators say depop is becoming gentrified and stuff. Like, they say 'poor ppl can no longer buy cheap clothing off of depop' but I think you can, at least from my experience. You can type 'H&M' and get some stuff that's less than $5, though I will admit that they're probably low quality. Even then, poor people could thrift online using other sites, like eBay, vinted, Poshmark, Etsy, Facebook sales, and local trade groups. I also don't get 'middle-class girls are taking all the cute stuff from thrift stores' and, although I understand the importance of beauty, especially when you're down-trodden, I doubt a homeless man or poor single mother who needs clothes for job interviews wants your 'vintage y2k fluorescent lime green cargo pants'.
No. 832712
>>832707thrifting used to be something poorfags did for fun and to have nice things they couldn't just pay a tons of money for
>I doubt a homeless man or poor single mother who needs clothes for job interviews wants your 'vintage y2k fluorescent lime green cargo pants'.that's not the only type of a poor person, holy shit. poor people are allowed to want and to own aesthetic things
No. 832715
>>832709Genshin Impact I play it on my computer but because I won’t need it on my trip, I thought of getting a new phone since my iPhone 7 is already getting buggy and slow.
My parents want me to get the iPhone 13 because they say that if I will get an expensive phone, i might as wellI just get the newest one of the year, but now that I think about it, I won’t be able to get the 13 because my trip will be over by the time it gets released, so I might actually just get the 12.
No. 832716
>>832712Literally there is so much stuff available to thrift that no amount of depoppers could make a dent in it. People who say stuff like this have no clue as to the scale at which clothing is donated. Goodwill literally doesnt have the capacity to handle the amount of donations they get as it is - only about 5% or less of clothing actually gets put on the shelves at goodwill stores, the remainder is put out in heaps at goodwill outlet locations where maybe another 1-2% at most is purchased. I would estimate that 95-97% of donated clothing isnt even able to be gone through by poor people or thrifters or anybody because there just arent enough customers or store capacity for secondhand clothing. By being regular customers, depoppers are actually helping goodwill etc process more donations and help more people.
People who think depoppers are "taking all the good stuff" just dont have the patience to find nice stuff or dont know where to go. I could go to a goodwill outlet and get about $2k of depop inventory in 3-4 hours…got to get your hands dirty but its literally there for the taking at pennies on the dollar. If you dont want to do it yourself (understandable, you will touch filth) then you can buy it from people who do, thats just the way of the world.
No. 832721
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>>832716>>832716> If you dont want to do it yourself (understandable, you will touch filth)>(understandable, you will touch filth)>you will touch filth What do you mean? I’ve never been to a goodwill, but is it really filthy? Like, don’t they wash the clothes or something before selling them?
No. 832732
>>832726samef to add that because of this, goodwill outlet is the place to go if you want first look at donated stuff, because what theyre putting out (they put out new stuff every hour or so) is stuff no one has been through before you. Its straight from dead grandmas attics to you.
I should also add that there may be competition…its mostly crustpunks and skaters though and they only want graphic tees & sweatshirts, so if youre looking for womens stuff theres probably going to be no one fighting you for it except old ladies or 35 dominican women (depending on your location), and theyll usually be just looking for mallbrand stuff rather than vintage.
No. 832763
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anons it’s a fictional characters birthday today and I have a cake ready and a pretend “photoshoot” with him. I did this all as a joke but I’m actually going through with it, I’m tempted to post the photoshopped pictures of me and the character online but at the same time I just want this to be a shitpost for me and my friends to look back at fondly.
No. 832816
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>>832764>>832774>>832777Ty anons! I wanted to do an edit like this(same char btw) and save them to my phone but post pics of myself without the char instead to any public accounts I have. I won’t let my cringe leak out to the public yet lol
No. 832826
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Maybe Zack Snyder isn't all bad
No. 832851
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>>832846based on how disgusting you are I can just tell you’re a eurofag. you are FOUL and should be banned off the internet
No. 832860
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>>832846The fact he knows exactly how many days the pussy is ripe and just right when not washed.
No. 832862
>>832855It’s okay,
nonnie, I’ve felt like this before
I can’t sperg about Snow Lilly I say it’s okay for you to sperg about your obscure husbando, maybe you could make a collage of pictures you want to share or share them every once and then in the hornyposting thread, I mean, it’s more about sperging anyways, you can say how much you love your husbando and nobody will get mad.
No. 832864
>>832863Just do what
>>832862 said.
No. 832870
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>>832860Well he was great at logistics and always knew when and where his opponents would be and would use speed to surprise them
No. 832874
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>>832872Welcome to the club
No. 832884
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>>832834I love these letters, not only was he an Olympic-level simp (and used questionable metaphors about eating pussy) but his based wife always left him on read
Also yung Naps was defintely a twink.
>>832872One of us one of us
No. 832887
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>visits 4chan for the first time in a while
>visit /qa/
>see's this
whay in the blithering fuck did i just walk in to?
No. 832888
>>832884He was a soldier and was a fit in his youth, I don't think that qualifies as a twink
I have seen twink being used for men who have literally average builds, it seems like anyone who isn't a fat ass gets called a twink these days
No. 832922
>>832916Napolean is a big deal for a lot of people, Italian's, French and Polish, he's a bug figure in their history and the Napoleonic code is benchmark of civl
Its wrong to "lwed" him and it is disrespectful over all for any historical figure, like hke scrotes fetishize Joan of arc
>>832911I said it falls under the same category
No. 832926
>>832922I'm a baguettefag and we are able to make fun of ole Naps, believe me.
The man was a conqueror and reformer AND a simp who ate pussy, it's just historical fact.
No. 832937
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>>832922>>832932It'll be okay. It's fine. I promise. History won't change because some anons lewded some long-dead men from centuries ago.
Also, let's be real. They were males. If they were alive today, they'd probably be kind of into a bunch of women fetishizing them.
Reposting because I think the first pic I found was actually a girl.
No. 832939
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>>832932 Enough with the moralfagging, this is the dumb shit thread, why can't you let people shitpost in peace?
There were plenty of people who wanted to fuck Napoleon when he was alive, I doubt he'd give a fuck now he's dead.
Some people want to bully this twink. Cope
No. 832956
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>>832891I feel this way but with charles I
No. 832961
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My horny posting caused a bit of a ruckus. I'll take it to one of the horny threads next time.
No. 833021
>>832938>>832965>>832939Napoleon saved my people form the ottoman's, he gave us dignity when we had lost faith in our selves and proved to us that we have value, I grew up Idolizing him
So I won't stand here and let you dumb regards mock him or call him a fucking twink or bottom
Seriously how would you feel if people started leweding Nelson Mandela or Mother Theresa
No. 833033
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>>833023nta, but what did she do?? Spill the tea
>>833021>>832911>>832916All this Napoleon talk is so amusing to me, haha. My dead crush is Kafka
No. 833035
>>833030He was the first man in 2000 yeses who gave any semblance of women's rights in my country, he gave us pride in our pee-Islamic Egyptian past
And its disrespectful, your probably a bitch who ships IRL people probably
No. 833036
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>>833033Also Schostakovich
No. 833046
>>833045That's a myth
It originates from Hitchens lopsidedly presenting an article published by Dr. Robin Fox on the Lancet.
Dr. Fox actually prefaced his article by appreciating Mother Teresa's hospice for their open-door policy, their cleanliness, tending of wounds and loving kindness (which Hitchen's quietly ignores). Dr. Fox notes; "the fact that people seldom die on the street is largely thanks to the work of Mother Theresa and her mission" and that most of "the inmates eat heartily and are doing well and about two-thirds of them leave the home on their feet”.
He also notes that Mother Teresa's inmates were so because they were refused admissions in hospitals in Bengal. Only then does Dr. Fox criticise the MoC for its "haphazard medical care" which were the lack of strong analgesics and the lack of proper medical investigations and treatments, with the former problem separating it from the hospice movement. The latter is largely due to the fact that Teresa ran hospices with nuns with limited medical training (some of them were nurses), with doctors only voluntarily visiting (doctors visited twice a week, he notes the sisters make decisions the best they can), that they didn't have efficient modern health algorithms and the fact that hospitals had refused admissions to most of their inmates.
Most importantly, Mother Teresa did not withhold painkillers. Dr. Fox himself notes that weak analgesics (like acetaminophen) were used to alleviate pain; what was lacking were strong analgesics like morphine. The wording is important, Fox only noted 'a lack of painkillers' without indicating it's cause, not that Teresa was actively withholding them on principle.
What Hitchens wouldn't talk about is the responses Dr. Fox got from other palliative care professionals. Three prominent palliative care professionals, Dr. David Jeffrey, Dr. Joseph O'Neill and Ms. Gilly Burn, founder of Cancer Relief India, responded to Fox on the Lancet.\7]) They note three main difficulties with respect to pain control in India: "1) lack of education of doctors and nurses, 2) few drugs, and 3) very strict state government legislation, which prohibits the use of strong analgesics even to patients dying of cancer", with about "half a million cases of unrelieved cancer pain in India" at the time.
They respond, "If Fox were to visit the major institutions that are run by the medical profession in India he may only rarely see cleanliness, the tending of wounds and sores, or loving kindness. In addition, analgesia might not be available." They summarise their criticisms of Dr. Fox by stating that "the western-style hospice care is not relevant to India, The situation in India is so different from that in western countries that it requires sensitive, practical, and dynamic approaches to pain care that are relevant to the Indian perspective.”
No. 833061
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>>833035Reminder that he also liked the smell of pussy that went unwashed for three days
No. 833078
>>833055>>833058My country is awful and I wished Napoleon made us a sister republic, fuck the Anglos for ruining the Dream
>>833061>>833055Him liking pussy doesn't mean you have to lewd him, I respect him but I've never even dreamed about having sexual thoughts about him
No. 833084
>>833078Try not to lewd this
>“How happy I would be if I could assist you at your undressing, the little white breast, springy and firm; the adorable face; the hair tied up in a scarf a la creole – good enough to eat. You know well that I have not forgotten the small visits [to your] little black forest. I give it a thousand visits and impatiently await the moment to be there… To live inside a Josephine is to live in paradise. To kiss the mouth, eyes, shoulder, breast, everywhere, everywhere.”>>833058I don't get how they end up on a haram site like lolcow.
No. 833086
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>>833021very unbased
ataturk was better, he delivered the final blow
No. 833113
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>>833035>>833078>>833021Sorry napoleon isn't gonna eat you out
No. 833119
>>833021Clear the searches:
Napoleon twink
Napoleon bottom
Napoleon simp
Napoleon pussy eater
No. 833125
>>833115>>833104Fun fact he was both short and average for his time, see compared to the average French peasant he was likely average but there were noticeable difference between members of the upper classes and the peasants just by their height, cause of course if one was a struggling peasant who starved most days he wouldn't develop properly, Napolean came from a minor noble family so he was technically short compared to the other Nobels
Its also worth noting that he was Corsican by birth not French, people from the Mediterranean are usually a little shorter, so 5'7 wouldn't be too short for a Mediterranean guy either
No. 833130
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fucking love to come to this jocular website and share jolly tongue-in-cheek comments with fellow Jesting, Jolly jokesters such as my self. naturally the whimsical waggishness of this imageboard fills my kek-vessel to the brim with mirth. indeed. many lugubrious talkings-about hath turned jocose
God Bless the Farm, it is our Home at Home.. not on phone. Amen
No. 833143
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>>833125>NapoleanThe young slim version before he became Napolard.
No. 833163
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>>833143tbf its understandable how he got that way, he spent all his time at his desk working from noon to midnight, setting up countries, solving centuries old border and regional problem's in a matter of weeks, also fixing Europe's borders from personal duchies and dukedoms to proper nation states
But despite setting up countries with regional borders that make sense, he would make his family members the kings of these states
He made his brothers king of Italy, another brother king of Holland, King of Spain, King of Andora and made a distant relative of his king of Sweden, he also married his sisters into royal noble houses but would break those engagements if those arrangements seemed
abusive all without permission of the pope mind you
No. 833168
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stumbled upon this post on 4chan and i have realized i want to be this type of wife
No. 833172
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I literally cannot wait for the day I find gelatin free marshmallows in the grocery store. I've been a vegetarian for 6 years and it's the only thing I miss. I've never checked if my local health food store has them tho.
No. 833177
>>833143I still would.We went from this kind of man
>>832846 >>833061 to
>>833168How do we get manlets to act like Chad Napoleon instead of insecure little faggots?
No. 833183
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>>833166He started putting on weight after 1805, so mid-30s.
He had heath issues on his 20s and was really underweight, guess he went overboard on the other direction.
if I had a time machine I'd go bully long-haired twink napoleon ngl No. 833195
>>833183Bitch I would fight guy if you dare even think anything like that about Napolean , I will fight you for real and I'm tall and strong so I'd probably win
Bitches like you get cunts like King Louie
No. 833198
>>833195learn to spell their names first lmao
sorry napoleon's never gonna visit your little black forest
No. 833202
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>looks at twitch general and sees a bunch of cute girls doing sexy poses
>turn into a slip and slide
i feel like such a pathetic scrote.
No. 833258
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I'm feeling chill wheel
No. 833303
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I'm making potato salad later and it's gonna be delimshus
No. 833321
>>833300Nothing gets internet posters more
triggered than religion, black people, fat people, and women
No. 833370
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I have so much shit to do today I don’t wanna to do any of it and I don’t want to go to work tomorrow I just want to post in the OC thread listen to shitty music eat tortellini and read book
No. 833396
>>833021All this Napoleon sperging reminded me there was a tv show about him and Josephine when I was a kid and I loved it so fucking much!!! It had beautiful costumes, love and drama. I think it broke my heart to find Napoleon divorced Josephine
cause she couldn't give him sons. I wanna find the tv series and watch it, or read a biography/novel focusing on their relationship…
No. 833438
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I see SE is running out of ideas kek
No. 833460
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>>833396if you like romance novels this one is pretty cool
i also recommend reaidng napoleon's simp letters to joséphine for maximum keks - they should be in the public domain
No. 833497
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What happened to that girl on LSA that was trying to manifest meeting her oppas and becoming an idol or some shit?
No. 833527
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nonnie is mad with Napolewding when this exists
No. 833564
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>>833558That's a shame but also I can't be mad.
No. 833565
>>833558Conjugal rating: 52%
Emotional rating: 46%
Sexual rating: 62%
Communication rating: 72%
seems legit
No. 833597
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gotta be real my jesus rating was nothing to write home about but i saw obama on the list right below him and decided to give it a shot… was NOT prepared for the results
currently trying to figure out how to incorporate this new information into my present life's path, suggestions + feedback appreciated
No. 833603
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>>833558oh my gah I'm in trouble
No. 833607
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>>833597my obama percentages were higher than my celeb crush. and way higher than jesus cri
No. 833612
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Gimme those tiddies Adam
No. 833615
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>>833558Lol this sounds like some descriptions of becoming a Christian to me
No. 833620
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>>833558me and detroit becoming human <3
No. 833629
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thinking about the movie "Your Name" and crying
No. 833644
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>>833524>>833625I, too, used to be team Jacob, but as I got older Alice started replacing him.
No. 833664
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>>832534Same. Then I get manic and sperg and get banned from lc.
>>833558Ah, dang. We're not very comparable. Wish I could check Satan.
No. 833682
>>833558Conjugal rating: 69%
Emotional rating: 75%
Sexual rating: 69%
Communication rating: 86%
Balanced global rating
No. 833686
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>>833682Samefag, tried with a bunch of other celebrities (and got really bad results for 3 of my faves…
sad emoji) but at least me and Beyonce would be perfect together
No. 833696
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tfw you don't have Jesse's girl
No. 833713
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>>833558Am I literal satan
No. 833726
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cara pls respond
is there one of these for husbandos?
No. 833727
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>>833597I'll distract Michelle, you go for Barack
No. 833747
>>833460Love you, nonna. Will give those novels a shot. The letters are a must kek.
Petition to make history sexy so girls have some fun learning about it. Imagine the scrotes' rage at revealing sexy sides to male historical figures. I can already hear them sperging about dumb roasties thinking with their pussies like they aren't the ones that need everything lewded to hold their interest lmfao.
No. 833768
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>>833612I did this as a joke but sorry, Non.
No. 833773
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>>833612>>833768He seems to be compatible with every farmer, kek.
No. 833812
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>>833809>>833799yeah, did they look like this?
No. 833815
>>833809just a bald white guy, he was nice though. Opened the window outside my bedroom door and kept saying, 'come on little buddy this way"
I watched him out my window
No. 833832
>>833703My compatibility with adolf hitler
Conjugal rating: 99%
Emotional rating: 100%
Sexual rating: 89%
Communication rating: 88%
I can CHANGE him
No. 833858
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>>833558tsar nicholas my beloved…
No. 833926
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How come nobody did their compatibility with Napoleon, yet? I wanna know who's gonna get that musky pussy suck
No. 833937
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>>833921samefag. I have a feeling Da Vinci won't agree with our 99% sexual rating.
No. 833981
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>>833558>tfw I’m only compatible with a guy who only wrote fanfiction I wanted Botticelli to clap my cheeks.
No. 833983
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>>833981Samefag, it’s Dante Alighieri, he’s got a big nuose.
No. 834030
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>>834026You have to be 18 to post here
No. 834079
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>>834076Maybe, now I just need to know which one of the farm's popular uggo you wanna milk
No. 834109
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I love being a saggy. Well, more like, I'm a scorpio but I have too many houses in saggy that I just consider it my second main sign. It's fun.
No. 834112
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>>834098Presenting my 2D man of choice
I confess that I am more of a 3DPD gal No. 834126
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>>834112Good choice nona, I just hate how hes a bitch to his mom. Kakyoin would never
No. 834150
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>>834126Tbf the bitch thing is a mistranslation
i speak moon and he calls her something akin to "old hag". Not justified, but not as bad. He was a teenager though, he outgrew his edginess and started wearing white
I also like Bucciarati but this marine biologist motherfucker does it for me like no other, I guess I just love tall man with meaty tiddies
No. 834154
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Is it just me or her brows are way too high up?? I feel like if they were a little bit lower, she'd look better
No. 834175
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>>834075…. Wait that’s kinda hot…. I’m gonna start using that heheh
No. 834198
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I don't understand rightists who post stuff like picrel and complain about the imaginary issue of academia "ruining women" or acting like attending university somehow drastically changes women's (or anyone's) political views. I grew up in Arkansas next to the largest university in the state and 99% of the students were very "normie", dressed conventionally, were politically center-right or right, had land-owning/property-owning families, and engaged in pretty standard social stuff like being in fraternities/sororities and going to the bar every night. Most of them went on to start a business or married and had kids (or both.) There are lots of issues with academia, but I don't get how people legitimately believe it's "evil liberal feminist brainwashing!!!!" to this day.
I also don't understand why rightists imply that you can tell anything about a person's political views just by the clothing they wear.
No. 834199
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I fucking love horses! A childhood memory of mine is witnessing a girl finish a jump competition in the pouring rain. The horse jumped the final obstacle and the girl cheered. Then the horse neighed!
No. 834205
>>834199I checked to make sure this wasn't in the positivity thread… In my country a 15 year old girl was killed this week when a horse threw her off.
I like horses too, I lived near a place with those mini horses with the short legs. They bred them and I got to walk past the sweet sight of the moms and babies most days. Still scary what they're capable of when things go wrong.
No. 834209
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>>834199This reads like a story from "Learn English : book one" but I love it
>>834205It's dangerous but so rewarding tbh! I do horse riding all my life and I personally know people who were crippled for life by it, thankfully no one killed. It's always crazy for me how retarded most of the horses are, they'll run away from a bunny even thought they could easily kill a human. Not that i'm advocating for them to kill anyone but they could be a bit calmer knowing they can easily handle the majority of things coming at them.
No. 834210
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>>834209Gonna be honest with you…
No. 834217
>>834198It's just an age where people play around with their appearance. Young adults will do that. I never went to college but 19 to 22 were my 'piercings and hair dye' years.
Then I settled into just being butch which again nobody can blame on college lol
No. 834256
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Why does this tweet have nearly 40k likes? Do they actually do this? I feel like everyone’s in on some joke except me, I’ve never heard of anyone doing this ever.
No. 834446
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I was going through the unhealthy obsession thread and looking for the post I made when my ex left me for another girl and thanking the stars that I’m not that bitter and mentally ill anymore kek.
No. 834467
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i just had an existencial crisis over this game. I have been told i am smart all my life but i feel it was all a lie now because i got stuck in a level from a children's game. I feel so mentally challenged now.
No. 834561
>>834540Apparently its more about finding a decent bf rather than sex. They're generally not kissless virgins but are unhappy about the lack of dating prospects.
Bad relationships and meaningless sex are well within reach of any woman but who wants that.
No. 834641
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>>834622Holy shit, this so much
I wish we had cute, asian style press ons widely available in my country
No. 834658
>>834646Come at me, bitch
I wouldn't use those in particular though because I only do almond shape.
No. 834675
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Yesterday me in my bf went into some bushes to fuck and r both covered in mosquito bites. Im actually kind of allergic and my bites r weeping and oozing gross yellowish liquid.
It probably wasn't worth it…
No. 834676
>>834662>>834669There's an astrology general thread in /g/. I love astrology I've been reading into as a hobby since about 2013 and can try and help.
Basis of astrology is the energy at the time of your birth of creation (you can do a natal chart for projects or the founding of countries or even trends. marketing companies will sometimes release things during specific transits.And royal families use to have astrologers that would advise when was best time to implement certain things)
So you need your help coordinates and time of birth to see how the planet's were transitioning the horizon when you were born.
Pythagoras was an astrologer and Pythagoras theorem was invented so he could map the stars. It's all about harmonics and metaphysics.
No. 834679
>>834676one one hand, all this astrology sperging should go to the thread in /g/
on the other hand, it absolutely fits the "dumbass shit" theme here
No. 834686
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is there new Instagram/Tumblr/Twitter e-girls thread? it's been a couple of days and nobody is updating it
No. 834792
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>>834785like some kinda battle shounen wrestling ring shit just wanna push and toss someone around and throw eachother on the ground, maybe get into a screaming match and throw a few kicks then st the end i win and literally jump on his dick and start biting his nipples and neck off then we have angry, sweaty passionate sex the end. need a husbando who's into that.
No. 834810
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>>834792Are you ovulating anon? Because this is how I am when I'm ovulating.
No. 834836
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>>834823I feel that way about most user interfaces nowadays. they end up making it harder for me to know what to do by having a fisher price looking page with two buttons that lead through endless shit before I get to what I'm looking for. maybe.
No. 834886
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I have a test tomorrow in the morning and I haven't revised and written down formulas I have read the TF2 comics instead. they were good
No. 834914
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naomi elizabeth is THE gigastacy
No. 834932
>>834927I came in late and didn't realise how long it was going and just generally thought someone was being a homophobic pickme.
Also the whole concept of people are only as good as the legacy or little bastards they birth is an annoying subject for me so it was nice to broadcast how inconsequential it is to breed.
No. 834942
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Plain Alpro yogurt and blueberries is such a sexy combo 10/10 would recomend
No. 834943
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>>834918They sure are, for example I will be thinking about Zhanna for the rest of my life, but the formulas I will forget in 10 seconds
No. 834948
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>>834933nta but please don't disrespect her
No. 834953
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I didn't know Kawaii International ended>"After a long run of 9 years on the air, Kawaii International is coming to an end. In this final episode, we will update you about Kawaii fans and communities around the globe. Our special guest, MASUDA Sebastian, joins us as we report on what the Kawaii community leaders and influencers are up to during COVID-19 pandemic."Kinda sad, ngl. I liked looking at cute stuff, even when I got out of jfashion myself.
No. 834958
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I lost 5 kg in a week and i feel like shittttTtt
No. 834972
>>834961>>834962Cancer kek
>>834969Getting iv shit tomorrow, always helps!
No. 835003
>>834972>cancer kekmy fucking sides guess anons better start smoking or something to reach their goal weight!1
hope everything goes well for you nonna, keep being strong.
No. 835006
>>834823You could install Linux and see if you like it. A good beginner distro is Mint. It's easy to use and has good support for new users. You can install it on a usb stick and then boot from it to test out.
>>834841Shayna's threads need to be compulsory reading for teenage girls thinking of getting an OF account. What happened to her would be tragic if she wasn't such shit human being.
No. 835030
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my baptismal cross is so fucking ugly I could cry, it's like those grille lamps you see at schools
No. 835170
>>835159God, I hate him so much. He's insufferable. I use rym. It's alright. Better than a discord full of troons im sure.
>>835148>>835153Oh thanks, nonnies. Im retarded.
No. 835196
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idk where to post this but I just wanted to voice my appreciation for regular old vanilla sex.
My bf is really not into kinky sex at all and at first this kind of bummed me out because I was used to trying all kinds of weird stuff sexually with my ex. But now I realize that if the vanilla sex is loving and involved and actually good, I don't feel like I'm missing out by not doing kinky things. Sure, spicing things up isn't a bad thing, but if the sex itself is already good there's less of a need to get experimental in order for it to not feel like routine.
No. 835197
>>835187At least they're not ugly characters from literal children's shows like that purple guy from OK KO all those autistic anons in the husbando thread are lusting after… right anon?
On a related note I don't understand people who are obsessed with kids' cartoons characters. I can understand animation made for teens and adults but come the fuck on how developmentally delayed you'll have to be to openly admit to masturbating to a Disney character or something
No. 835215
>>835197nta but one of my most
problematic husbandos turns out to share a voice actor with that purple guy… small world i guess?
No. 835252
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nonny. I think I can help you with that…
No. 835259
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I love when newfags posts their actual e-mails.
No. 835265
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>>835259Even more funny when you can find dirt on them online kek. No. 835280
>>835265>>835275She's just a teenager from what I can tell, she has time to grow out of it
Although I didn't know the deviantart furry commission economy was so low right now, sad
No. 835455
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Anons, I'm a cat whisperer. I'm so happy about this so I'm just gonna sperg.
There have been a couple feral cats living in my garage for about a year. Feral as in meeaannn feral. I feed and water them twice a day and throw them treats sometimes. One unfortunately had a litter about 3 or 4 months ago so now I also have 3 little kittens in my garage. I want to see about a catch/release program but I don't trust the shelters tbh.
Anyways over these past few months I have gotten the cats and kittens to trust me by being an autist essentially. Every day for about 3 hours I sit in the driveway, toss them salami, meow and trill at them, try and try to get them to play with strings, etc. Shit gets exhausting so sometimes i just go sit by them and read or chill with my coffee. I cannot tell you how many times the neighbors have seen me laid down in the driveway, meowing, rolling over on my back, and slowblinking at them. Lmao before I throw the salami I hold it up to my mouth and make dramatic noises while I pretend to eat it, to get the point across that im -sharing- my food. I also helped one of the kittens get unstuck once. I had to pick it up and it was not happy, but the rest of them saw me set it safely by the garage door and it didn't hiss when it waddled away.
Over The course of a month or so they stopped hissing and hiding, they pretty much let me get super close and maintain like a 2 foot distance most of the time. One of the adults (Ive named her Bindi) sleeps on my porch now and waits for me in the mornings. She follows me at my heel now practically, though she won't let me touch her yet. She talks to me all the time now too, and one morning I found her peeking in through my open bedroom window, meowing, basically telling me to get up lmao.
The main reason im so happy is because one of the kittens, 5 or 6 months old, got rhinovirus and was so sick he wouldnt even run when I approached him. So I (painfully for me, stressfully for him unfortunely) caught him, gave him antibiotics, and released him again. I did this twice, and both times seemed to make him warm up to me a bit more somehow. I like to think he knew he was getting better because of the stuff I was putting in his eyes lol. Hed play with the string right next to my leg (as long as i didnt move a muscle besides my hand) and was waiting for me on the porch in the mornings.
So 3 days ago he was on the porch and he was super sick. He hissed at me as i approached but was too weak to do anything, so he just let me pick him up. I set him up in a spare bedroom and got to cleaning his face (he had lesions and his eye was gunked shut)
He tried to bite me the first time I went to put the eyedrops in, and he would hiss at me and hide every time I opened the door.
So I started hanging out with him, just sitting quietly in the room with my laptop or phone. Started to get him to kinda play with a laser. Last night though, when I got in the room, he hissed but didnt hide. I was purring/meowing at him as I sat down and he just watched me and started meowing at me. He alternated between hissing as I moved my hands around but he didnt run or bite when I moved to grab him.
This time, i shit you not, as I'm cleaning the goop with a washcloth, he starts purring. At first i was sad because cats sometimes purr when they are stressed. But this mf started rubbing his head on the washcloth, purposefully, and trying to grab my fingers with his claw. So I obliged him and he started rubbing my finger on his nose. He had a thick layer of gunk over his nostrils that i couldnt get before, due to his writhing and biting lol. Anyways I pull this nasty blanket of dried gunk off his nose and he hisses at me. Soo I set him back down, and he does absolutely nothing lmao. Just sits there. So I reach out and pet him. Hes apprehensive at first, but starts to really get into it. Like about an hour later ive got him drooling from ear and chin scratches. This morning I think he forgot who i was for a sec, cuz i walked in slow but he still hissed. Took him a couple minutes but he came out to me and started biting my toes and trilling at me. Now hes full-fledged playing, climbing, meowing. Hes letting me pet his belly and stretches and rolls all over the ground like hes trying to show off for me haha. He even tried to sniff my nose like 15 minutes ago!!
idk anons I'm just so pumped and honored that this tiny creature trusts me and is letting me make him better.
No. 835511
>>835455I’m so happy for you
nonny! I did basically the same thing to three feral kittens born in my backyard as a kid. They lived long happy lives and the last one died about two months ago. There’s nothing in the world like the feeling of getting a scared, wild animal to show you affection.
No. 835530
>>835521Some of the things I get to research are pretty interesting (just because I like filling my brain with random information anyway), and usually even the mundane shit isn't terrible because there's lots of stuff to read through and take information from. It's just that this is so specific and niche, I'd probably have to call up a historian or someone to get the proper information he needs but I don't get paid enough to try that hard.
I'll probably vibe to some game soundtracks to make it through the rest of today heh. Thanks for listening to my dumb work vent anon.
No. 835592
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anon's first time greentexting! so proud of you bb you almost got it xoxo
No. 835846
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When I watched this season of 90 Day Fiancé, people on the show kept calling this girl beautiful, all I saw was botched. She looks waay better now, and apparently she's a body builder or something? Which is great, i'm not trying to hate on the girl but yeah.
I never saw this great beauty and IMO facially she and the scrote she was with were on the same level, in terms of face.
No. 835848
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>>835846Anfisa is the only golddigger that I can respect in this show. She is upfront and honest, meanwhile her retarded man did nothing but lied about his income, trying to play a
victim this whole time.
Her lips are super botched and she faked being russian, she is ukrainian but moved to russia during childhood. But I also agree that she looks much better now, especially because she turned into a bodybuilder. Her youtube channel persona is pretty sweet.
Imo there are much worse overrated examples on this show.
Woman on picrelated thinks she is hot shit and people praise her, when they could have spent few minutes googling to find out half of her face is full of plastic surgery (u can ez find pictures of her. shes always been a famewhore, putting herself on tv shows. She is also trying to brag about being rich while
buying luxury rip-offs from china / aliexpress which is hilarious to me.)
No. 835930
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Parents are so out of touch kek I was lamenting how I have absolutely zero friends and am lonely as hell to my dad and he sincerely suggested I "hang out at the bus stop to make friends". I can't stop laughing at the idea of actually trying that
No. 835935
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I'm thinking about changing my major to a more general field after this second semester. It means I've lost a year of my life and moved for no reason but switching will probably work out in the long run. I just wish someone else could decide these things for me, I obviously have no idea what I'm doing kek
No. 835938
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Cardstand threads were probably the coziest threads I ever experienced. Rip cardstand cam.
No. 835987
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Uhg I have to make a call I don't wanna
I don't even know how to explain them what I need
No. 835998
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>>835986I shouldn't be surprised that they had the audacity to ask you, a complete stranger, to sell them feet pics but here I am
Agreed any pics absolutely would have ended up shared around just like everyone's nudes can end up in pic related
No. 836096
File: 1624382988989.gif (496.09 KB, 500x246, 120654234689.gif)

>>835197>but come the fuck on how developmentally delayed you'll have to be to openly admit to masturbating to a Disney character or somethingok but get this: tarzan the himbo king
No. 836101
File: 1624383719196.jpg (188.75 KB, 700x394, george-of-the-jungle-di-02.jpg)

>>836096No. This is the real himbo king of the jungle.
No. 836157
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what type of bitch are u? I'm a 5c!, what about you guys ?
No. 836199
File: 1624391955118.jpg (2.2 MB, 4032x2268, 20210622_134808.jpg)

>>836182Thank you! I hope you get to as well, it's such an awesome experience!
>>835455I actually have a little update, pic related! He loves me now lol! And omg I love him. He's very much a lap cat, he never wants me to move. His face is clearing up and he's started to breathe normally again. Hes due for a washcloth bath as soon as I think it wont give him a heart attack lmao.
What do I name him anons?
No. 836205
>>836199omg he is adorbs! He truly is in good hands awww
Idk what about Herbert? Kiki?
No. 836207
>>836199he loves you meow
No. 836210
whos the women in picture 1 tho?
No. 836251
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I just love the movie
and Fincher but I don't identify with Amy, I don't know if that was the implication or not
Love MF's looks
No. 836320
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I like touching the spines that my cactus has at the top. They're actually kinda soft.
No. 836337
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>>836335A few threads back I found some anons’ radfem twitter accounts since they followed and interact with each other. They were cool but I hope in the future anons will be more careful. There was nothing I would or could actually do with the information so I inevitably forgot about it.
No. 836432
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lord stay my hand not to infight with this anachan or any others.
>farmer acknowledges anorexia exists
>instantly called a fatty
every time…
No. 836442
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No. 836490
>>836472how about reviews on books (as products being shipped to you, not talking goodreads)
>terribly written with no plot!>I disagree with the author's political views>book is too long, not going to read all thatbro I just want to know if it physically comes in one piece.
No. 836512
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Imagine seeing a pelican trying to swallow a rabbit or a cat
No. 836572
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>>836561Tell me about it anon. As always anime ruins everything.
No. 836615
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>>836512Pelicans will eat pigeons.
No. 836633
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>>836611The mongolian basket weaving forum thing originated as a 4chan meme but I still think it's funny too.
No. 836715
File: 1624458338924.jpg (235 KB, 1200x1260, m.jpg)

>windows trying to do another update after i just updated it 4 days ago
No. 836759
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this will never not be funny and I bet this loser probably still thinks it was a funny tweet but had to do the obligatory puppy face to his fans. why do people always trust men in flannel? kek
No. 836782
>>836776I want to get my driver’s license this summer so hopefully that keeps me occupied for a while kek
>>836780come hang out anon~
No. 836825
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I used to read fanfiction to procrastinate studying now I don't even have the attention span for that
No. 836832
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>>836628lmao poor kid
>>836825me too, can't believe I use to read books too, what happened to us
nonnie ?
No. 836835
>>836833right now star wars
>>836832>used to read bookssame! growing up on the internet completely fried my brain
No. 836840
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>>836825>>836832I too miss my attention span and ability to focus nonas I want us to all get it back
No. 836844
File: 1624471119236.jpg (60.62 KB, 512x398, unnamed.jpg)

>>836840quick! prayer circle for our lost attention span kek, I want to believe
(seriously is there any exercise to work on this)
No. 836863
File: 1624473330028.png (10.13 KB, 1038x89, THEETHS.png)

here we go again. but this one sounds like a boomer instead of the usual.
No. 836931
File: 1624478141689.gif (505.41 KB, 540x303, 1515530330613.gif)

Bf insisted that if I ever want to have a lady on the side, to go for it. He has experience with this (being the bf of women with gfs) and he's completely fine with it. I most likely will never take him up on it, but it makes me feel good that he's offering me this for some reason.
No. 836942
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>>836931Wow congrats anon
No. 836959
>>836947Why do you think it's acceptable to tell your partner in your MONOGAMOUS relationship that you're fantasizing about being with someone else? He happened to be on board with it (probably because he fetishizes women being together like most men), but generally telling your partner you want something they can't provide is a dick move.
>>836949She clearly undervalues both her relationship and the woman she's going to be with, so there's a double whammy.
No. 836961
>>836947He'll probably beg you to try out a threesome at some point, he most likely thinks that bi people are like that. Or he doesn't give a shit about what you do because he only keeps you for sex. No well adjusted person who truly cares about their partner would be okay
with them having someone else on the side. But sure, your scrote is somehow above all that.
No. 836970
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>>836947Replying to myself. This wasn't a deep conversation at all (this was legit a ten-second exchange during lunch), we weren't talking about romantic relationships, bf is very confident in his standing with me and gets sick at the mention of porn, he NEVER brings non-monogamy up without me doing so, we're very honest with each other because our communication is amazing, and I 99% would not go for this anyway so ya'll have nothing to worry about? This isn't something we think about for any significant amount of time, I really think there is some rabid scrote-hate here.
No. 836974
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>>836972Don't tell me what to do. Also, nice.
No. 836978
>>836970>I really think there is some rabid scrote-hate hereWhere do you think you are? Anyway I'm not any of the anons who have previously replied to you but yes I am distrustful of men and any man who would say that, even off handedly, I'd ghost without another word. A lot of what previous anons have said can still apply to you having a "lady on the side" without being romantic with her (e.g. eventually becoming one of those couples who scout on tinder for their unicorn).
I don't know if it not being a deep conversation makes it better or worse. Saying that without so much as a second thought like it's always been a thought in the back of his head? Who, in a monogamous relationship, accepts possibly getting cucked so easily if it isn't for some nefarious reason? You can do whatever you want
nonnie, but I think the other anons are right to be wary and criticize you and your boyfriend.
No. 836983
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>>836970> gets sick at the mention of porn We’ll still be here for you when you find out he’s lying kek. Like
>>836950 said we’re just letting you know what’s coming bc believe it or not you and your scrote aren’t an exception
>>836962What a concept!
No. 837018
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I’m so fucking retarded anon gave me instructions on how to socialize and I accidentally pasted my exchange on lolcow
No. 837063
>>837029I haven’t seen this girl’s videos in so long. I remember her mom got cancer or some shit and was beating her while she was making those commentary videos while also being in and out of jail, so she had to live with her grandmother who was also
abusive. It was maybe 2 or 3 years ago and she made a video after CPS left her house? And she was going to quit youtube after that because her mom was arrested again.
No. 837253
File: 1624512689321.png (487.53 KB, 1366x768, cape.png)

had some cake that my mom got from a bakery today and it was putrid. i've rarely ever had any issue with cake before. how do pros make a cake so bad?
No. 837271
>>837268I didn't even know petras was a tranny for awhile because I stumbled across a few songs randomly on YouTube and Spotify and started listening. It's basic pop shit but it isn't atrocious just because Petras is trans
now if you want a tranny artist whose truly sucks, Dorian Electra. One good song, everything else is just white noise to me. Absolutely unlistenable garbage. Which sucks because she's kind of hot if you take away the genderspecial bullshit and has an interesting aesthetic, but that can't counteract the garbage she outputs
No. 837280
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>>837268It’s the opposite for me. I thought his music was fun and cute and I loved the halloween album, but then him being a deranged tranny sunk in along with the pedo rapist producing his music. It made the “I’m a real girl who loves pink and diamonds!” thing feel extra gross and AGP. It’s what ruined ayesha for me too. It’s hard to think pop is a fun while smart and an on the nose and facetious narrative about the female experience (as pushed by his listeners) when it’s just some sickly faggot genuinely projecting his fantasies.
No. 837323
>>836970>I really think there is some rabid scrote-hate here.Man haters??? In
No. 837360
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>>837347that's your brain telling you that you need to sleep. In all seriousness, that's sad to hear, anon. I hope these suicidal thoughts you have eventually subside
No. 837366
>>837347This is very common, 3-4am used to be called shit like "the devil's hour" because people are at that point generally sleep deprived, it's dark so you can't see shit or leave the house, other people around you (often including social media) are asleep so you feel more alone and have less distractions etc etc
Dumb obvious advice, but since you know you feel the worst at that time, work hard to make sure you're asleep BEFORE 3am. Simply "erase" that time by sleeping through it. You feel the worst at 3am? Then fuck 3am. Vibe with the other hours, this bitch hour deserves none of your time.
No. 837518
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you can't tell me these "fingers" aren't photoshopped root vegetables
No. 837523
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Zoomers discovering the Beatles was a fucking mistake
No. 837570
>>837537My passport pic is so bad that the customs people get visibly confused/suspicious. I was at my absolute heaviest, greasy unwashed hair bc depression, no makeup to cover my horrible acne, dark circles bc I got no sleep, retarded expression, all of which were exacerbated by the horrendous florescent lighting. I literally looked like a fat homeless crack addict, even my mom who almost never admits when I look her was like "jeez that's hideous."
So now I'll be at the airport, 40 pounds lighter, hair washed, better skin, and usually a bit of makeup, and anyone who has to identify me is baffled.
No. 837578
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This shit smells so good, almost worth the grueling, harrowing, backbreaking task of cleaning a stand-up shower
No. 837590
>>837587Did you know who was fighting?
Guys or gals?
Was the a clear winner?
Any arrests?
No. 837596
>>837589that would have added some spice
>>8375901) my friend headbutted my other friend's ex, who was baiting us the whole night
2) gals
3) no clear winner physically but we had the last laugh. i played damage control with the bartender to make it seem like we did not cause it
4) no arrests but a TPO has been filled out against the ex
No. 837597
>>837557>>837570I had to take an emergency passport photo last time and it looks terrible. I look so angry because I was stressed and hadn't slept.
Let's look fucking fabulous next time, nonnies.
No. 837656
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Can you guys believe elephants are real? I just noticed how they have very human-like eyes
No. 837667
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>tfw my taste is so shit I get accused of being underaged 50 zillion times
>tfw actually 25
tbh despite being here for several yeas I still feel like I don't belong. i'm the biggest most autistic womanchild here and even "weird" anons are still more well-adjusted than me.
No. 837671
>>837441I dislike fujos and don't really like animeshit anymore so to me it's both cringe and hilarious
Fight cringe weebs, fight!
No. 837771
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We had thesis presentations today and I talked to one girl about hers, which was whether the brain is a gendered organ (her conclusion: absolutely not), picrel is me attempting not to terf out in public. It's nice to remember that normies don't feel the need to care too much about things that are illegal to say on the Internet
No. 837774
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if i don't have relationship like this in thw future i'm going to riot
No. 837775
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I don't doubt that teen girls and fujos can fuck up a fandom, but why are people out here acting like men don't have their own autism that ruins shit? Those fucks just run memes into the fucking ground and don't know when to shut the fuck up. Especially during theater showings.
No. 837784
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I wish there was a word like "bros" but for women. "sis" has a different connotation and I see "dudes" as gender neutral but not everybody does and here I'd be assumed a scrote for it. I think this is why variations of anon (nonette, nonny) have caught on so much because we are lacking in those kinds of words for women. also don't suggest "comrade" I hate how dweeby and creepy it sounds
No. 837792
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made the mistake of joining a niche anime-related community, most profiles there are of underage users
being the retard I am, I suggested they watch a few of my fav series amd now they won't stop sending shitty, low-effort memes
No. 837793
>>837771idk why but that's cute of you
nonny. I guess I would relate in the same scenario. I bet you weren't the only one enjoying the moment of wrongthink
that said, I kinda think the brain could be gendered, or I mean sexed, but not in a way that makes either sex superior or tied to certain roles. really we know that brain size differs between sexes (it doesn't equate to intelligence levels though), and the truth that keeps me a
terf is that a man just physically can't have a brain other than a man's and vice versa because every cell of the body is sexed. even while brain patterns can vary per person which means gender roles are false, the brain is still either part of a male or a female (even for intersex) at least this is what I understand
No. 837800
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>>837784Just say sisters.
No. 837825
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>>837788it's like everyone forgot how autistic the XY chromosoids can be
No. 837830
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all of the big bitty bitches suffering from back pain and male gaze couldn’t be me big shirt small tit gang haha stay sage anons
No. 837835
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I tried bottom watering my plants for the first time, and holy fuck I think I made a mistake. They soaked up so much water (probably because I re-potted most of them with some coco coir) I'm just squeezing a ton of excess out. Praying they don't become over-hydrated. Also, for some reason they smell kinda like cheese.
No. 837840
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I wish my bf had big man milkers but he just has nipples
I have to carry the burden for both of us
No. 837844
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No. 837882
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I like to click on a certain person's tweets just to watch her spaz out and cry about her impressions and how badly her tweets are flopping. I'm torturing an insane person and it's a lot of fun for me.
No. 837884
>>837875I haven't seen that episode, good to know bold anon
Mystery Inc was so obviously made for adults that I can't think why they even made it to be a kids show to begin with
No. 837909
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I like to imagine I have a store. Sometimes I sell bread and other baked goods in a large patisserie with warm lighting and interactive events. I promote healthy and happy eating with delicious and inspiring ingredients so that it’d be something unique to remember. Patrons could take apart their food or build it up into dioramas and complete the cakes and it’d be like a game. And there would regularly be partnerships with brands (that I personally like) where you could eat small meals based off of them. There would be a large variety of drinks but no typical soda for sale, only special house drinks with carbonated water as an optional add-in. There’d also be kracie-like candy making kits for sale to take home. And you can order tea sets and custom lasered cutlery that you can take home.
No. 837910
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Can someone who speaks japanese tell me what this shirt says?
No. 837915
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i haven't dated anyone in almost 2 years, should i kms
anyway bitches i'm lonely
No. 837919
You can draw signs on google translate for the next time
No. 837921
File: 1624592048028.jpg (22.34 KB, 297x368, 1401790445209.jpg)

feet anon a few posts above reminded me of that one time when I was like 18 and a few girls at a subway stop kept staring at me and my feet, and were giggling in that annoying way that you could tell was at you
It was like the only few times I ever wore sandals so I never wore open-toed shoes again. I know my feet look normal and maybe even cute (my ex was a footfag for them) so I don't know what gives with those girls. I hope they're dead or something
No. 837931
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Came across this in one of the sewing tags I follow on insta; girl embroidered "mischief managed" on a top and wore it to Wizarding World, constantly talks about her "hufflepuff style", and had the audacity to end her caption with this kek. I love how ineffective the campaign has been to Read Another Book
No. 837934
File: 1624593921704.jpg (81.32 KB, 680x383, 1581782114074.jpg)

Slowly coming to accept I will not be truly content with life unless I'm sharing it with someone romantically even though I'm a very closed off person and awful at meeting new people. Fuck!
No. 837958
>>837934You and me both
nonny! Sucks wanting to share your life with someone but at the same time the very idea of intimacy makes my skin crawl
No. 837966
>>837691spicy straight, they think it means everything outside of "vanilla" straightness that gets called boring/oppressive or they
are that way but don't want to be perceived as boring/oppressive
No. 837973
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I kind of want a tattoo of the Three of Swords. But at the same time I feel like It'd just come across to the world as "oh she's DAMAGED"
No. 838007
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Seeing lolcow caps in the wild is weird
No. 838027
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I just had a dream about me desperately (but successfully) seducing Kristen Stewart. And we were farmers…
No. 838121
File: 1624625535751.jpg (101.8 KB, 2048x1694, 05327a24fab6b2a1a8486523.jpg)

lc's getting slower and slower and my posts are getting more and more ignored because all anons want to do is fight and talk about scrotes all day
>"just post in more threads anon!"
that's what i'm fucking doing!
No. 838126
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returning on twitter was a mistake, you see hashtags about reality tv shows trnding every other day in my region
No. 838144
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My absolute retard of a brother burnt lunch AGAIN and now I have nothing to eat. I am seething.
No. 838175
>>838112Hmm, it's hard to say because he's not my usual type. I usually get a hard on for skinny dweebs who code, and this is a pretty big, masculine guy who likes to box and stuff. I'm slowly getting over the discomfort of the unfamiliar and embracing the excitement and novelty of a different type of guy, he's cute.
I haven't seen his dick, but when we kissed he got a raging hard on that he tried to conceal, I sneaked a peek and it looked a decent length and really thick, so…
The only thing to really question is his sexual prowess. Are masculine men generally better fucks?
No. 838193
File: 1624636034396.png (836.84 KB, 556x670, oh parappa.png)

i took a midday nap and now im sweaty and confused
No. 838195
>>838191And he's never gonna be a disgusting man, but he has more maturity then 90% of males, hell he has more masculine qualities then 99% of males
What's not to love
No. 838298
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>>838151"legal shota bf"
No. 838315
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Discovered a skyrock blog still active she had so much 'tism I love that
No. 838325
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>>838324they are trapped babies. free them
No. 838352
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>>838335good that you're over it. even someone famous and pretty like selena gomez has baby knees
No. 838416
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I'm probably super late to this revelation, but I had no idea John Mcafee watched Jojo…
No. 838422
File: 1624659184960.gif (1.81 MB, 410x230, 570.gif)

>>838417Anime truly is garbage
No. 838423
>>838325THE FUCK
I looked in the mirror and I have the same SATANIC BABY FACE ON MY FUCKING KNEES.
brb gonna cut off my knees with kitchen knife
No. 838454
File: 1624662016854.jpg (56.87 KB, 439x750, 44a8e4476cadb18d49d2e0b8a9dafb…)

are there any decent anime forums that aren't filled with scrotes?
No. 838492
>>838462there's the homestuck thread here
>>>/snow/981279 and kf one that mentions some of this shit. i never kept up with most fandom antics or the revolving door of people working on it and related projects though.
No. 838551
File: 1624671069851.jpeg (69.56 KB, 375x500, 2157F626-3614-4088-84B8-858B80…)

>>838121this site has an expiration date anon. face the facts and embrace the chaos
No. 838585
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I am once again re-reading my favorite cow threads to fill the void.
No. 838607
File: 1624676251712.gif (885.77 KB, 220x226, 9CB38BA8-BCC3-4F26-87DC-FCC9AA…)

>>838598>>838604spoiler. your. shit. dumb unsaged big bitch deaconess 8.99 dollar per month netflix ass
No. 838615
File: 1624676821216.gif (43.08 KB, 220x205, cope.gif)

>>838614hide the thread, genius
No. 838649
File: 1624680408787.png (15.32 KB, 95x103, peeku.png)

my personal cow nuked nearly everything. rip. i wonder if she got raked over the coals for a shit-eating fic she wrote. i couldn't even bring myself to click on it
No. 838678
File: 1624686290366.jpg (2.28 MB, 3200x1800, 86c0a7.jpg)

>>838551there hasn't been any good chaos in a long time anon
No. 838689
No. 838708
File: 1624691750079.jpg (273.31 KB, 1446x1646, 20210511_031127.jpg)

>>836825Scrotes ruined no thoughts, head empty. I adored stupid bitch memes and now I wonder how many of them may have even been made by larpers.
No. 838762
>>838737I confess, this actually did make me feel better. I'm smilin a bit "w-wow… beautiful.."
Just affection starved things~
No. 838833
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No. 838838
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getting ready to go to pride with my friends rn… saying no would have been sus, also they're both bi and I want to support them but I feel like a bad person
No. 838848
>>838838Praying for you
No. 838851
>>838842nayrt but I remember being excited when I got my first pubes, showing it to my mom all proudly even though it was only three little hairs. I'm glad I never saw body hair as a negative thing.
No. 838853
>>838849Do it anon.
Terf out. Be proud to be sane.
No. 838862
>>838849>>838853Even though being a
terf on main sounds fun, it's reckless. Troons can literally get you fired and make it hard for you to get another job
No. 838875
I need to get off the internet, everyday i become more of a
terf and scrote hater kek
>>838849This. I am trying to build a gaming channel and it's so hard not to sperg because everyone is either a troon or a scrote.
No. 838884
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Remember this goddamn guy? My nine year old self was obsessed with playing this every day haha. Good ol 2000s internet phenomena
No. 838886
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>high protein ice cream
>4g protein per 100ml
>container is 400ml
>costs 4€ (30 kn, which is a lot)
Stop slapping HiGh PRoTeIn on every shit just so it sells better.
No. 838900
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do any of you nonnas watch the news? what do you think of the ufo discovery? also did texas ever catch the tiger?
No. 838928
>>838852I am really, really hairy. Like, my mom is a waxer and she told me not even some men have as much hair as i do. On summer my legs get really sweaty and it's just gross.
>>838854Nah i am way too pale and hairy to go unshaved.It's just not for me. To be fair i also dislike hairy men.
>>838900WHAT. pass the news, i want to adopt one and call him ALF.
No. 838929
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I dislike kinkfags and BDSM in general but I have this really funny scenario regarding kinksters that I developed in the back of my mind for years, so there's this guy who forces Dominatrixes and Maledoms to act out his obscure historical erotic roleplay
so he forces a Dominatrix to act as the Sixth Shia Fatmid Caliph while he acts as the Sunni Caliph and have her whip him while also reciting the translated works of the Shia Caliph about the tenets of Shia Islam, and later he forces a maledom to act as Hulagu Khan and he act as the City of Baghdad and the maledom punch him in the stomach and describe first hand accounts about the destruction of Baghdad, he also forces them to dress up in his cheaply bought fake beards and robes like picrel
It gets to the point where every pro and amateur kinkster starts avoiding him cause he's so fucking annoying and highly specific, even people who are into shit play are like "leave us alone you fucking weirdo"
No. 838962
>>838936I love the Idea of people who think their "freaks or outsiders" interacting with actual mega autists, I want to see John Waters and his Dreamlanders and misc kinksters and beatniks be forced in the same room with autistic lolcows like Chrischan, Lionel Suggs, Gimpgirl
I want them to understand what true madness and filth looks like, what actual freaks are really like
>>838959wait what ?
No. 838973
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I think it's so weird that lolcow has people using one board exclusively, like solely uses /ot/ or solely uses /m/
I understand not using the gossip boards, but it's not like this place is big and fast enough like 4chan to only use one board. I feel like people are kinda missing out
i unno mang
No. 838974
>>838973Has it occurred to you they may be lying about their browsing habits. I know, who would do such a thing on the Internet…
I don't buy the existence of "drama-free" farmers.
No. 838980
>>838974I'm not "drama free", but I rarely visit ghe main boards anymore, and when I do, I basically just lurk. I'd say 95% of my posts are on the ot boards.
I wish people being outed on the site would post more on the ot boards, i wanna know theif confessions husbandos and who they ard ashamed to fuck, but they are always just catty bitches talking shit on /pt/ and /snow/>>838975I think /g/ is not as fun as /ot/ and /m/, but it still has some good stuff.
No. 839016
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>>838974Some of us are aspergic and asocial people who don't give a fuck about celebs or internet drama in general. I'd rather start drama with you guys than read about doja cat being fat or whatever.
No. 839019
>>838974>>838974I used to check pt and snow only during ItsBabyDash, Emiru and the beginning of Erin. I think a lot of cows ended up becoming boring over the past years, especially ever since COVID started. There's barely anyone or anything to talk about; all of the people who keep trying to create threads seem to have nothing but vendetta against written person.
I very much prefer ot and some g threads over snow.
No. 839126
>>839119lmao it was not
But even if it was, that doesn't mean shit doesn't evolve. This place was created to discuss pixyteri and nowadays she's not nearly as relevant anymore.
No. 839127
>>839119Samefag, the memories are flooding in. There were jpop and kpop threads #52375 and so on.
>>839126Yes it was. And I'm not saying what it should be now, I'm just explaining why people think of it as weeaboo central.
No. 839137
>>839127It wasn't, they came afterwards. It took a whole to move them ftom /ot/ to /m/. It literally says on the pinned thread
>All threads posted here must revolve around some sort of literature, music, game, film, show, or image topic. e.g “pictures of cute animals”. Are confusing it with /w/? Legit question. Because /m/ was always a mixed bag since its incecption, one of the first threads there was about my 600lb life
No. 839139
>>839137Definitely not confusing with /w/, totally different thing. That much I'm sure.
But like I said, my memory is shit, so there are some things I'm not as sure. Like, anyone remember why jpop/kpop threads got banned in /m/ in the end? I can't.
No. 839161
>>839137Where did you go? Come on, answer this question to me
>why did the kpop/jpop threads get banned in the endYou're an oldfag with picture perfect memory, right?
No. 839162
>>839139Ayrt, I actually do! The jpop ones were not banned afaik, it's just that it didn't have much of an audience anyway and it died out.
The kpop threads were banned because towards the 50th thread or so it was full of twitterfags, minors and shitty stans just shitting up the thread with random nitpicks, vendettas, shitposts and other bafoonery. I actually used to visit the kpc threads before it went to absolute shit, and it went so south, so quickly. I hate most of the new kpopfags, good thing now they're exiled to choachan.
No. 839171
>>839162Shit I didn't see this when I replied.
I have just one thing to say: I envy your brain capacity.
No. 839219
>>839142Ik you're underaged [and got banned] but I agree, I just tried listening to a popular podcast hosted by men yesterday and I was floored at the success of this podcast because all of the hosts are so unfunny. Nearly every joke was about their dicks and their cluelessness of women. Also can't forget the casual sexist jokes. All of the men were playing up that "bumbling idiot" stereotype that men love to use whenever they've done something wrong.
On the other hand, the women who host the podcasts I like rarely joke about men. They also rarely joke about sex but even when they do it's not like they go into detail of how they do it to say "I FUCK". Men love giving all of the gory details in their jokes to prove that they have sex, even on podcasts. It's bizarre.
No. 839228
I definitely know someone I follow posts on here. Maybe it's you.
No. 839298
>>839219Men are disgusting unfunny fuckers and through history most of their jokes are just "hahaha sex" and "hahaha women are dumb" and other woman hating shit. It's projection. And if you call them out they pull out the "ITS JUST A JOKEEEE YOU HAVE NO SENSE OF HUMOR" card.
I wish all men just shut up, we don't need any more """"funny"""" podcasts and comedians.
No. 839336
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Once there was a woman who was raped by Poseidon's demi-god grandson, she was the daughter of a common soldier, she prayed for vengeance and her prayers were answered by Ares the God of War who personally killed the man in pure rage
The god Poseidan got so offended about it that he tried to flood the whole village to kill her and family, but Ares informed the family to escape to the hills and so nobody died(and thus hills became the designated area to carry out executions)
Ares was hated by the other gods and common people, for being brutally violent. One of Ares’ most notable mortal lovers was the Queen of the Amazons, and he was said to be the only male God worshipped by the Amazons
If anyone is confused why Ares the brutal God of War has these characterizations, Its cause he represented all the bad stuff the Greeks viewed about War(Athena the positives) so Fear, Havoc, barbarism, Bloodshed, brutality but not rape, see an Ancient Greek would have viewed raping captured women as a positive not a negative, so due to the hatred of Ares and the he was was never associated with any sort or rape or sexual violence
No. 839339
>>839111are you aware that they made another series aimed at women? tokimeki memorial girl's side, they're really good and they're even making a new one this year after a decade of nothing
haven't watched the 6 hour video I don't know if he mentions that
No. 839370
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Watching Never Let Me Go while bleaching my hair
No. 839376
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had a fucked dream about frankenvags because i fell into a rabbit hole of lolcow mtf threads before bedtime
No. 839417
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>>839403I let my mom and sisters experiment on my head because she originally wanted to do highlights so I wouldn’t have to retouch up my hair so often. We thought the box was for “already blonde” hair which didn’t need bleach. I knew those little powder packets were bleach but it was already too late to do anything and just went with it.
No. 839420
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>>839417And this is the end result
No. 839422
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>>839420This is the box we used
No. 839501
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>>839376Ugh I once dreamt that I had a neovagina for whatever reason and it was horrific. I've never been happier to feel my vag when I woke up before. And another time I was dreaming I had to help someone "transition" their dog to female and they wanted to put these neuticle implant things in the dog's chest to make fake breasts.
No. 839544
>>839521The last live-in relationship I had, I had a lower income than him so I paid less of our rent but went half on all other bills. I also did everything around the house. On weekends I started asking that he do a little cleaning up after himself and I got told that I "do nothing all week but laze about!" Like I said I both worked and then did all house work (in my mind to make up for the income difference) It hit me that for 2 years he didn't lift a finger at home. I rushed to have everything nice and clean before he'd get home and he thought I was just laying around all that time rather than rushing around. How do they not factor in that someone must be putting hours into the clothes, the food prep and the house always being clean?
He honestly thought he was getting a bad deal. I didn't realise I was actually the one getting a bad deal til I found out he had that image of me lazing about. The difference in rent pay didn't even equate to all the extra effort I had put in at home over the years. Men don't get that housework has a value. They take it for granted.
No. 839624
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I can not stop laughing. I really wish Yaniv's /pt/ thread was active.
No. 839653
>>839631Yeah sure?
When people dye their hair pink or purple and any other unnatural colours, it doesn't look like anime hair, it just looks retarded
No. 839654
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>>839624It fell into my blender and drinking it as we speak. Mm high protein smoothie with extra deranged male fatty omega 3s
No. 839667
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Yahweh the Abrahamic God is really kinda tragic in a sense, he's a War God that was meant for the purpose of war and not much else, but Hebrew's made him their one and only true god and he got burdened with so many extra roles that never fit him
No. 839777
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i’m literally so done with being ignored in the vent thread, i’m fucking done. just going to hide most of the threads and going to stop posting altogether bye anons! enjoy your infighting
No. 839808
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what do you guys think of this art piece? please respond truthfully
No. 839814
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>>839808ok now how do you feel about this one
(this is from an actual serious exhibition btw)
No. 839817
>>839808Um welp. If this is done by a beginner or someone who is learning:
I like the overall look however the size of the purple thing makes it look like a maggot and not a caterpillar. The caterpillar should have been larger and green. The elf’s eyes could have been green to match the caterpillar. I see you (or they) tried to match with the purple.
The yellow makes the elf look sickly, should have added more pink.
Overall, the color-scheme choices could been better.
Technique comes with practice.
No. 839825
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>>839821Hmmm yes. aRt. I don’t like any of that exhibition from what I see except the lattice. The Outerweb and Janus exhibition looks cool though.
No. 839837
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>>839821the description has me in stitches. all that for something like looks like it came from lush
No. 839859
>>839814Looks like white chocolate. Would probably try to eat it tbh
Anyway Im reading rn a fanfic so bad I started to hallucinate the font as comic sans. I cant believe i had to experience with my own eyes someone describe dick as a "blessed length".
angle meme but instead its "i can be your blessed length or monster cock" No. 839898
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The pure, groggy confusion when you wake up form an accidental super heavy nap is palpable
No. 839927
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Dear Immune System,
You tried so hard and got so far.. But in the end, it didn't even matter.
No. 839943
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>Room smelt like shit all day.
>Sprayed everything down with febreeze, open window, like candles, ran 2 fans.
>Still smelt like shit.
>Finally checked under my bed.
>Dog diarrhea.
No. 839973
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I'm sure many have seen this depiction of the Hindu goddess Kali in one form of another, but I'm also sure most aren't aware of the mythological context
See Kali after killing some demons goes into a mad rage and starts dancing, her dance is one of the signifiers of the end of the world and it causes wide scale destruction, her husband Vishnu see's what's happening and tries to stop it, so he just jumps straight down with his body and interprets her mid-dance, Kali accidently steps on him and gets embarrassed and her tongue comes out
so the world didn't get destroyed cause of embarrassment
No. 839974
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>>839973I shouldn't find this cute but here I am
No. 839982
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>>839974>>839973Also Vishnu is married to Kali but that's not her primarily form, Kali is an aspect of the Goddesses Durga which is an aspect of the Primordial Goddesses Parvati
And all these Goddesses are the same person but at the same time different entities, for e.g Durga is the mother of Ganesh(the elephant guy) but Kali and Parvati aren't
Vishnu was also the Avatar, he comes down the earth in different Demi-God reincarnations to save it from going out of balance
No. 839987
>>839982thanks knowledgeable nonnu, I like learning all this. it goes to show how narrow my worldview has been, but I'm amazed to learn of other cultures' religions and think about how the extreme familiarity I feel with mine I grew up with is something they feel with theirs and not mine. like they probably feel equally distanced from the religion I was raised in as I do from theirs, and it raises a lot of questions to think about. being told that your worldview is 100% right and the only way to be good, meanwhile someone else may feel that way about theirs and never even have much contact with my supposedly best religion. wild. anyway this is all so cool to hear about.
bit different topic, but I love the style of many hindu artworks like these.
No. 839989
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>>839987This is the typical "central North Indian style" other parts of the Indian subcontinent have their own diverse art stylers
for e.g this is Rajput painting
No. 839990
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>>839989now compare this is with the South Indian Tamil depiction
No. 839998
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>>839991and now the Tragic part, the greatest statue makers and craftsmen in all of Asia once came from the region of modern day of Pakistan and Afghanistan
picrel is the oldest depiction of the Buddah that was found in modern day Pakistan
when Islam was forced into the region, this artistic style disappeared as the religion of the Arab pedophile has a animosity towards depictions of anything
No. 840010
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>>840002No that will never happen, just recently in Pakistan a couple of statues were discovered in Pakistan, probably well over 2000 years old and the local destroyed them, this happens every couple years btw
even though their ancestors were the one's who likely made these fine works of art, they can't help but them
the Idea of anything existing before Islam sends them into an existential crisis, it makes them rage and my own father(who is Pakistani) said that his ancestors are in hell for not being Muslim and worshipping Idols
No. 840030
>>840010I remember, a looong time ago on /pol/, some Muslim was flaunting his wealth and how he was married and had 3 sons and all that gay shit. Some anons were trying to troll him, so I asked the guy what his younger self would have thought of his older self. He gave vague answers, so I pushed harder and asked him "How do you feel about yourself?"
He said, in so many words, that there wasn't really a "himself" as long as he was Muslim, it was all about the community of his brothers and sisters and being a good Muslim. But to me it felt more like he was saying he basically lost any sense of self-identity and had given in to the hivemind. Is this true?
No. 840045
>>840030The Religion of the Arab Pedophile, really leaves people with one specific on Identity, that of the 7th Century Arab
for only LAPRing as an Arabian can make you a better Muslim
My own grandmother is ashamed of the way she speaks cause she think's she's doing disrespect Islam cause she can't pronounce the words properly
No. 840058
>>840031I would pity them if they weren’t so hell bent on ruining everyone else’s country too. Also when you meet them IRL they’re always ill mannered and rude. I’ve never met a nice Muslim and I have lived in urban areas full of them.
The worlds worst religion.
No. 840076
>>840075How is it untrue? The whole nature of their religion is about domination of non Muslims. They emegrate all over the fucking world and expect to be pandered to yet they brutally kill and imprison outsiders in their own countries. They are the most horrible people on earth.
I have never met a nice Muslim. Ever. Even Muslim drs and nurses are the rudest and most unsympathetic people you will ever meet.
No. 840103
>>840101Best choice possible. It’s weird how desensitised we get to filters and tricks when we see em fifty times a day.
Enjoy the clarity and unwanted time
No. 840158
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Did you know that if you get banned form lolcow it makes the whole website display backwards?
No. 840159
>>840158No it doesn't. That's only when you get
permabanned. You must be a huge and persistent pain in the arse
No. 840172
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>>840168Being banned from this website is like being kicked out of a dive bar.
No. 840187
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I find this gif really upsetting and scary. It's the no-lips thing, he looks like a shark. I do miss you though, Foops.
No. 840205
>>840196I've gone back and forth on whether I shave or not. Ime my pits do actually stay fresher when shaved (much as I wish that wasn't true) I do think it varies for some people though. I might just shave mine in the summer. I'm in a country where we get about 2 months of sun anyway.
I saw a pic of Madonnas daughter on insta lately and she'd hairy pits in it so both men and women were talking about how she must absolutely stink… how is it that only women stink if they're spotted with hair? I love how that just doesn't apply to men even though their hair is generally thicker and covers more surface. Dirty on us but not on them, How convenient. Even more convenient when women will buy that shit and even parrot it at other women with the same intensity scrotes do.
No. 840221
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I spent the entire morning hating my body and crying about how fat I felt but then I took a good shit and now the feeling is gone.
Guess I can't tell the difference between being fat and needing a poo.
No. 840232
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>tfw no one got the reference
maybe I should've gone with r.e.m.
No. 840239
File: 1624883369226.png (1.51 MB, 1331x909, a WHAT inspired playlist.PNG)

I don't think the zoomers are okay anons, they're making playlists of what "being a girl feels like" inspired by a rape hentai manga. Complete with music from Melanie Martinez, Kpop, and Kikuo.
No. 840242
>>840239The Zoomers are not alright, not at all
We need another Vietnam to thin out their ranks
No. 840291
>>840076They run away from a shitty country to get more freedom, yet keep their shitty mindset and set up their own isolated communities. Muslim women love it especially, since their scrotes can take their sexual frustration out on "western whores".
Also kill all Muslim men. They're the rudest, sexist, pieces of shit stained ass to ever walk the world. No one even says anything when they act out because it would be "discrimination" to tell them to stfu.
No. 852932
>>840291>>840076Those muslim immigrants weren't born in the country, they also feel the need to be accepted and lay low
You should see them where they they were born, have no need to be accepted or even need to lay low
Countries in Asia or Africa
They are bold in these countries because they know media will spin it so they will always come out as