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No. 849759
Previous thread
>Reminder that if you are a radfem/pinkpill/Terf sperg/gendercrit, the "unpopular opinions thread" is not your reverse uno to continue the discourse. Nor is it your general place to try and fight people. Ignore posters you disagree with.If you are here to;
>sperg about trannies ruining your board, or your conspiracies that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny - BAN.>explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN.>fight people who disagree with you - BAN.>post vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.>reply to someones personal experiences because you inherently disagree with their views - BAN.>discuss your views on racism - BAN.>have gender crit discussions - BAN.>try and score twitter cookie points by dunking on the "bigot" terfs - BAN.If you are here to;
>complain that your boyfriend did x/ you got cat called/ you had a bad day due to a man - NO BAN.>talk about your personal experience and opinions. - NO BAN.>HOWEVER, personal experiences and opinions do not devolve into long political discussions nor do they contain your tangent on how all men are scum or how you want to ethnically purge because once upon a time a (((man))) said you are fat. No. 850010
>>849811I agree with
>>849841 but also agree with you if you mean to point out the "looking out for number one" aspect to the self care shit that gets spread around a lot of the time
No. 850069
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Topo Chico beats all mineral water
No. 850081
>>850073Hell yeah, and the lemon flavored one.
>>850075Tried Perrier; it tastes great but doesn’t have that kick imo
No. 850113
>>850106Japan is an excellent place to go on vacation, assuming you're not morbidly obese and an annoying weeb.The food, service, and overall experience were unforgettable and relaxing. I found Tokyo in particular to be really amazing, even though I wasn't expecting to love it as much as I did, seeing as I already live in a big city (NYC).
There is so much to do, so many convenient places to travel, and the service/transportation is pretty much unmatched.
No. 850224
>>850112The fans in onlyfans refers to the followers, not the posters. Call it OnlyCoomers.
>>850173I agree
No. 850457
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>>850435Unpopular opinion: minidiscs were way better than CDs. Could record off live radio and then add track breaks, and didn't get wonky like cassettes, didn't get as scratched as dumbfuck CDs.
No. 850658
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I love this feeling
No. 850665
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I think it’s okay to do this to your kid when they’re very young. There is a certain genre of kid who are just obsessed with randomly running off and obviously you should work on it with them but in the meantime I don’t have a problem with people doing this in busy places where the kid could easily get lost or get into a bad situation.
No. 850698
>>850665I agree but also find it hilarious, nothing wrong with them imo.
I've almost crashed my bike several times now thanks to feral toddlers running away from their parent.
No. 850743
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I don't think that The Killer of the Reincarnated would have been that great of a thing, even if it had more chapters.
I have seen many people debate about why it got cancelled, and while the most realistic conclution is that it got issues for the copyright, there's also this idea going around that it got cancelled for being "Too deep and dark for criticize otaku culture and it might make NEETs wake up, we got robbed from having this modern masterpiece!!!" and I can't dissagree more.
While the success of the manga is something I can't confirm, like at best I can see it doing okay among the type of fans who like gory things but nothing for sure, I don't think that the average male otaku will get that ass blasted by it, there are many mangas that already do that. Actually, I think that even the average otaku probably knows where the story will go; just a few years ago we had Arifureta and The legend of the shield hero, both presented themselves as "much deeper and gory" versions of an isekai, and what a surprise, after a couple of episodes they fell into the same power fantasy tropes as the average isekai.
I am 100% sure, without a doubt, that if The Killer of the Reincarnated got pass the first episode, they will add a fucking loli and a harem as the series goes, bonus points of the MC becomes a Try hard Kaneki copy. The only thing that it might be different from the norm is that they could do what Chainsaw man did with Makima, making the witch secretly evil, but let's be real, it won't stop them from selling body pillows or something. And to be fair, this is the same writer as Kakegurui, I'm sure he won't bite the hands that feeds him by going too hard on criticizing NEET coomers.
On a way, I believe it could have been saved from the cancelation if the author just didn't just copy pasted isekai protagonists into his story as villians; it gives me the same feeling as Brat Pack, as much as I don't like super hero things or isekai trash, it comes across as a shallow revenge porn towards these characters and their authors rather than a social critique.
As a final thought, I actually really like the concept of isekai protagonists being portrayed as disgusting people, it sounds more believable than a coomer otaku being a hero. I just hope that just like Brat Pack apparently inspired The Boys, a more competent writer takes the actual interesting concepts and makes a better work than this gorefest.
No. 850749
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>>850745nta but good point cute overalls anon. they seem cozy but I'm afraid to wear them since I'm tall (and they probably wouldn't be long enough anyway)
No. 850750
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people who watch films and are like: "3/10 characters, 7/10 plot, 9/10 cinematography" or w/e, those people are cringe. just watch the damn movie for what it is. if you've reached the point where you aren't actually taken by the move that you've decided to remove yourself from the experience you have sacrificed what films are meant to bring you in the first place. weirdos
No. 850886
>>850750>>850808i agree and feel the same way when it comes to
anime too tbh
No. 850988
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>>850985Yeah I’m the same way. I like being able to breakdown just exactly why I did or did not like a film and how it was crafted. Though I won’t write off a film if it isn’t held to same very specific standards, and I really love some pretty lowbrau movies picrel kek.
No. 851000
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>>850988Dude you know St. Trinian's is based off an illustrator's drawings, right? (I have one of his books, they're fucking hilarious. Check 'em out.)
No. 851073
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He’s annoying, seems bpd, and would be insufferable in real life
No. 851078
>>850720based anon. YOU TELL EM SISTREN.i think its a big reason why i like jpop from the early 2000s as well as the 80s and 90s it had so much R&B influence so it gives me this sense of nostalgia and you put it into words why.
my unpopular opinion is r&B is the best genre of music i think its one of the few genres that appeals to literally everyone no matter the race or background because its usually just love or making love
wink songs and everyone loves love songs. If you don't like r&b you don't like music and i don't respect your taste because how can you hate love/breakup songs with a soulful beat? go to hell!!
No. 851177
>>851135I tried them, I liked it for a while and then went back to tampons. I just want what feels most comfortable. I hate the waste it creates but I don't want to be (more) miserable and uncomfortable if I can help it. I have a short/light flow and only use a few tampons each month.
I don't know what is up with my bladder but I can't void it with a cup in and I can't deal with removing the cup and waiting a few minutes to relax each time I have to pee. Especially at work. Hard cup, soft cup, small cup. I really tried.
No. 851202
>>851166I hate that people make it into a maturity thing.
"Oh, what? You're an adult and you use pads?"
Like what the fuck is that supposed to mean
No. 851209
>>851208i literally don't care tho, i don't even know what the conversation is about
>>851207i mean sure do as you wish, it's all the same to me whether you do or don't, but you're missing out
No. 851234
>>851219Nta but as long as buying candy and other junk food packaged in plastic that objectively no one needs, disposable razors, soaps in plastic bottles, waterbottles etc. is normal and common, I don't think any woman should be shamed for using single-use pads for their natural body function. Let's start shaming people for their daily plastic cup of coffee or some shit first.
>An eyeshadow lasts for one year The cosmetics industry has become the new fast fashion industry so this argument hardly holds up.
No. 851257
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All cooming is inherently degenerate, although some of it is more so. Humanity's goal for the future should be collectively moving on from the need for recreational sex. It's not a necessity. All it does is cloud people's minds and make them waste the precious time they could use on something worthwhile. Too bad that there are industries making bank on people's obsession with cooming… and people that are too obsessed with their throbbing genitals to see the truth.
>b-but cooming is pleasurable
literal animal tier thinking lmfao
>inb4 muh opressed pussy, muh femdom, muh yaois
Ok coomer
No. 851278
>>851268Who's hurt?
>>851269Of course people can live worthwhile lives and have meaningful relationships without sexual activity. That's not a case against sexual activity, though. People could live without many things, but we create/partake in and use these things because they're enjoyable and can further enrich our already-enriched lives without harming anyone else. That's aside from the fact that healthy patterns of sex (and masturbation) have been proven to positively impact physical and mental health, even in regions of our body that aren't related to sexual function.
Also, why do you have to say "coom" and "cooming"? Just say "sex" like a normal person. There's a world outside of imageboards, you know.
No. 851280
>>851278Cooming = any sexual activity that is being sought for hedonistic reasons. Plus it highlights how unnecessary and braindead it is.
Sure sexual activity is a positive when your body thinks it needs it. If we removed the need for sex, there wouldn't be a need for release of tension, so the positive effect would be diminished, if not removed.
I truly think the world and the society would be better off without a collective sex brainrot. It would be the next step in human evolution.
No. 851296
>>851257I went through my oversexxed phase when I was in my early twenties and then left it behind me. I think in a way it's good to get it out of your system. I grew up in an uptight household which tbh only made me want to explore even more.
I don't understand scrotes of fucking 40 who are still going online looking for no strings fun with anyone or anything. I think a couple years is fine. Same as how some people binge drink from 18 to 20 (or 21 to 23) and then they slow down while others stay there and become an old drunk mess. It's ok for a couple of years (in young adulthood) but then you should learn to show some more control over it. Not to give it up but to moderate it like you would with any habit that has risks attached to it.
No. 851398
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Adult cats and dogs are cuter than kittens and puppies
No. 851633
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>>851287>yet still consume porn give off the same vibe as meat-eaters that know fully well the lack of ethics of the meat industry yet don't do anything to even slightly limit their meat consumptionMy unpopular opinion is that vegans can all go fuck themselves and they shouldn't be allowed to voice their philosophy anywhere. We're omnivorous with a preference for meat. Veganism is unhealthy unless you put a lot of effort into it with supplements, and it's unhealthy for basically any child growing up because they need a wide range of micronutrients for development. Have you seen the kids of vegans? They're malnorished little sticks with sunken in eyes. It's clearly stunting their development.
I grew up starved by my parents and meat was the main thing I was denied, I craved it so much all through my childhood. I suffered from chronic low blood pressure during my early teenage years and had irregular periods. My diet is now 50% meat and I get really anxious if I don't eat red meat every single day. I have sympathy for the animals, but don't pretend the proliferation of veganism isn't causing severe malnourishment.
No. 851638
>>851633If vegans really cared about animals they would have their own backyard chickens and hunt old deer. It's literally just a weird flex, like someone saying they're breatharian.
And yeah you can tell a vegan right away, even if they do tanning and makeup and fillers and stuff to hide it. They have a weird twitch to them, a subtle instability.
No. 851730
>>851633As well as the nutritional concerns about veganism, it's also extremely damaging to the environment. Vegan foods are often imported which releases more petrochemicals into the atmosphere, demand for popular foods such as avacados can cause food poverty in developing countries because local people can't afford to compete with the prices paid by western consumers and the amount of pesticide and fertiliser needed to produce enough plants to feed the world would lead to far greater environmental destruction than a cow in field ever will.
>>851669I actually agree with this and would say that it applies to coffee and maybe tea. All these products exist in the western world due to colonialism but as long as the companies exploiting the third world have gender neutral bathrooms, donate to BLM and produce made in China plastic gay pride merch, no one cares.
No. 851775
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People care too much about children.
No. 851831
>>851633i know a child being raised vegan. she's healthy, only craves healthy foods and snacks, happy, and generally well behaved despite having adhd.
i was vegan for 2.5 years and was the healthiest and skinniest ive ever been.
No. 851833
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>>851669I would normally agree but I make an exception for this brand
No. 851838
>>851832>>851825>>851828Nah, this bait is getting too obvious. Are we sure this isn't a scrote or handful of scrotes who just found out about the bi/lesbian war, and are trying to sow more infighting? The first post is some cockbreath type shit with the "uwu recognize male bisexuals!!". Men can't do anything without caping for themselves, lmao.
I know any of these posters will flip their shit at the word "incel", too, and then try to obfuscate things further by claiming it's because they're true
valid lesbians.
No. 851895
>>851798B12 comes from dirt and yeast. The animals you eat are supplemented with b12 as well. Many meat eaters are b12 deficient. If you live in Canada or the us then it's required by law for milk to be fortified with vitamin d. Most cereal is fortified with d3.
Theoretically I could drink kombucha everyday and eat nutritional yeast everyday and not have to take the single supplement that I take. It's a good idea to take a multi or at least b12 no matter your diet. Though, veganism is not a diet.
>>851809Many vegetarians don't. A lot of people don't. And the ones who are aware don't care about the animals or have severe cognitive dissonance.
>>851813My tubes are tied, thanks for your concern. Go get mad at the people who feed their kids nothing but chicken nuggets and soda.
>>851864Untrue. Name the nutrient and I can tell you which plant to eat. Every plant has a complete amino acid profile, some are just higher or lower in certain amino acids. You realize everything in the kingdom planta has protien, right? You know where the animals you eat get their micro nutrients, right? Fish are high in DHA, because it comes from algae for example.
No. 851901
>>851633Hating vegans IS the popular opinion and you all sound like reddit scrotes. I grew up eating mainly meat and it made me go to the ER for having blockages (not digesting properly) and going vegan I have no digestion problems anymore, and I don’t even give a fuck about the health benefits. Caring about animals is not equal to slaughter and if you really think that then I think you have no right to preach your bullshit either. It seems like you just have some pent up aggression from your cognitive dissonance
No. 851910
>>851895Soy wouldn't be considered a complete amino acid profile because the quantities of the monomers produced is so little compared to the meat counter parts.
B12 is gained from animals that have the metabolic systems to breakdown the organic molecules and pass on to us.
A complete vegan diet has to be supplemented. That's just facts. People as omnivores have poor diets but that's a different issue.
No. 851917
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>>851910I won't get into the ethics of taking a life over taking a supplement, but Google is at your fingertips, nonnita.
No. 851959
>>851922>>851943You posted this bait already
>>851828 and like no one took it lol. Sad.
No. 851980
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>>851952> healthy> atherosclerosis> higher risk of cancer> higher risk of stroke and heart attack> higher risk of type two diabetes > mercury levels in seafoodCope harder, carnists.
No. 852007
>>852000It's not insecurity, but common sense. While they are in a relationship with you, they are constantly pondering and fantasizing about being with the opposite sex to the point that they feel the need to tell you. It's on their mind so much that they've made it a part of their identity, and now you're expected to just deal with it. Who wants to be with someone like that unless they're a cuck?
>>852005Ok, so if you had a boyfriend who you were deeply in love with, would you want to hear how much he wants to fuck men or get fucked in the ass? Or if you were with a woman, having your girlfriend admit she wants to fuck guys? Why would you actually want to deal with that?
No. 852045
>>852007God you're weird, in what world is that how the conversation would go?
>anon I want to be fucked in the ass by a man, just letting you knowI feel like it would be a lot more complex than that and I'm not going to disregard my partners feelings because I'm secure in our relationship. It doesn't even fucking matter. I doubt my partner, if he was bi, would tell me his sexual fantasies about men unsolicited. The difference between you and me is I communicate extensively with my partner and have a deep connection with him, I know him and trust him, he isn't going to go fuck a man somewhere while he's in a relationship with me so what do I care if he likes dick or not?
No. 852079
>>852074You're delusional. It's not "morally wrong" to have fantasies and tell your partner about them if they ask you. Are you that much of a fucking prude? What about if the person you're dating was bi before you dated them, what difference does that make? For all you know your boyfriend is thinking about his ex while he fucks you, is it okay because his ex didn't have a penis?
What you're getting into is like mind police shit, a fantasy is a fantasy. Apparently ogling other people is totally fine, but if you imagine yourself fucking a cartoon you're a sinner.
>>852077That isn't sexuality, that's virtue signalling for internet points and is a red flag. Sexuality is something that you keep to yourself and your SO. Big fucking difference.
No. 852090
>>852079Nah, I'm saying that fantasizing about other people while you're in a relationship in general is fucked up. It's ok to find other people attractive because that's NOT a choice. But suddenly coming out as bi is pretty much admitting you've been CHOOSING to fantasize about the opposite sex and it made you realize you want to have sex with them. I don't get how I'm the delusional one, for finding it fucked up to constantly think about fucking other people.
>>852082Suddenly coming out as attracted to the opposite sex is the same as saying you're curious about wanting to fuck them, but won't actually do it because that's obviously cheating. Also, it's not the fact that someone is bi in itself is wrong, but someone realizing they're bi while in a relationship.
No. 852108
>>852092Funnily enough, it's never happened to me, but all the accounts I've read about partners coming out as bi in a relationship ended up in disaster even when the other partner was accepting, when really they should have broken up just then and there. If one partner comes out with some sexual thing the other one can't provide, it's a big sign the relationship won't work out. If it wasn't a big deal, they wouldn't have come out in the first place. Doesn't matter how much trust you have in them or how secure you are in yourself.
>>852099That's not what I said, try again.
>>852102Thanks. I don't know why it's normal to be a cuckqueen nowadays.
No. 852113
>>852074>>852090>I'm not even talking in regards to finding people attractive, This is literally all it is (bisexuality). A sexual orientation. The capability of finding people of both sexes attractive. It says nothing about sex drive, fantasy, personal preference, etc.
You're the one adding the part about fantasizing like a weirdo. Stop making your cuck thoughts everyone else's problem and learn to deal with them.
No. 852118
>>852109You're right. I admit I worded it poorly. I don't believe being attracted to either sex is a choice.
>>852113In order to come to the conclusion you're bi, you just don't look at the same sex, think they're attractive, and then have it end there, dumbo. You've had to actively have sexual thoughts and fantasies about being with them, and then drawn from that you are indeed bisexual. Just like if you're straight you've imagined being with the opposite sex and then drawn the conclusion you are straight.
No. 852120
>>852118>In order to come to the conclusion you're bi, you just don't look at the same sex, think they're attractive, and then have it end there, dumbo. Sure, thank you for educating us all on what it means to be bisexual and how to realize you're bisexual as…what? A straight woman? A lesbian? Don't try to magically "come out" as bi now after like several posts talking about bisexuals as an outsider and how you'd never date them, lmao.
It is attraction. You're not required to fantasize about shit, especially if you don't even particularly like sex.
>You've had to actively have sexual thoughts and fantasies about being with them, and then drawn from that you are indeed bisexual.If you've had thoughts previously and are just now admitting that you're bi, you aren't "actively fantasizing" about anything. You're just acknowledging what you've always known. You are bi.
>Just like if you're straight you've imagined being with the opposite sex and then drawn the conclusion you are straight.So, when little kids have crushes on other little kids, you genuinely think they're imagining having sex with each other? If you don't go somewhere with this insane rationalization for your cuck shit lol
No. 852124
>>852120>You're not required to fantasize about shit, especially if you don't even particularly like sex.Ok, so let's say you're supposedly attracted to the same sex, but you've never imagined being with them sexually or romantically, yet somehow still came to conclusion that you're bi? Yeah I totally believe it happens that way. Coming out is a serious thing, especially to your partner, so to think that those people don't give it any serious thought or imagine anything at all is naive and laughable.
>If you've had thoughts previously and are just now admitting that you're bi, you aren't "actively fantasizing" about anything. You're just acknowledging what you've always known. You are bi. You've had to give it further thought before you admitted it.
>So, when little kids have crushes on other little kids, you genuinely think they're imagining having sex with each other?We're talking about adults here.
No. 852134
>>852124>Ok, so let's say you're supposedly attracted to the same sex, but you've never imagined being with them sexually or romantically, If you're attracted to the same or opposite sex, that means you've already had those thoughts. As in, since before you had one specific partner in your life. You weren't turned gay or bi, and you weren't just chilling thinking you were straight or monosexual until one day you were just like "Oh, my usual erotica is pretty boring nowadays. Say, this might be a laugh, what if I imagine this instead…?". Maybe that's how coomer scrotes function, but I'm talking about actual humans.
>You've had to give it further thought before you admitted it.And for some reason, to you, further thought means little but sexual fantasy and not….basic reflection and self-analysis.
>We're talking about adults here.We're talking about human attraction/being straight, gay or bi. You're boiling pretty much everything down to having sex and fantasizing about sex, which is reductive.
No. 852404
>>852394I'm guilty of talking about how much I hate big asses. The amount of women I see online who pose for a totally innocent pic and just happen to pull their leggings right up their asscrack and do that back arching pose has me feeling pretty disgusted by asses. Being bombarded by it in inappropriate places has turned my stomach.
Big asses or bottom heavy figures were never to my taste to start with but I wasn't exactly disgusted by them before… scrotes can't contain their sexual tastes without bombarding everyone with it and making them sick of it. That's the issue.
No. 852405
>>852394I have a big butt and I like it, but I agree. People can just be so weird towards women who are "curvy"
even relatives but I guess that's just how it is.
>>852404Idk, I feel like it's weird to say big butts are disgusting because of that. Women with big breasts also show them off on social media.
No. 852423
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I think kiwifarms was responsible for the suicides of the lolcows they gangstalked. The "it's not a big deal, just get offline" doesn't really apply to the mentally ill and cognitively challenged, which to be fair, many are. When you've reached that level of depression induced psychosis that those suicidal lolcows reached, being laughed at on a website can be enough to push you over the edge.
Also, the Chris Chan stuff was never funny.
No. 852445
>>852433Nta but growing up in the 90s and early 2000s it was about being skinny pretty much all over, maybe having some c cups on an otherwise petite body. There were trends and rules but the whole
Tits and ass must be huge
Everything else must be dwarfed by just how much the tits and ass stick out
thing… the current trend is a whole new level of gross. Personally at least, I feel like being reduced to ass size feels that much more degrading than waist size. Of all the body parts for men to reduce us to…an ass.
No. 852463
>>852451It's probably not healthy for them, and they probably are genuinely suffering seeing the criticism they get here. But kiwifarms are going after people that would be in the special needs unit at school. They're winding up schizophrenics and low functioning aspies, people that cannot help themselves.
I don't browse the rest of lolcow, but don't farmers mainly target cluster B narcissist attention whores on social media? I couldn't imagine anyone here caring about bullying a flailing retard like Drachenlord.
No. 852470
>>852463I only found Kingcobrajfs lately through KF and at first he seemed like a funner cow to follow compared to some that I'm getting burnt out on… I watched his old stuff first and he was eccentric, def a lil slow, had a personality. Then as I caught up with him in current day I watched him decline and wondered how much trolls added to that. Another autist that went downhill like chris chan.
We'll never know how much of it is trolling related and how much of their downfall is just tism and aging. It's depressing though. Poking autists is risky
No. 852474
>>852423>>852451I'm beginning to agree with both of these posts. Even if the suicides were for other reasons (Null seems to believe this) having a thread could still be a contributing factor or will definitely cause someone to commit suicide in the future.
Lolcow is smaller and has a no doxing rule, but I don't think that changes all that much.
Obviously I'm not above any of this because I'm here posting on lolcow, but I think I'm getting troll's remorse, anons. Chris Chan is SA/4chan/cow/kiwifarms' doing, but it's genuinely upsetting seeing how badly he's deteriorated over the past few years.
No. 852475
>>852423I know this might not mean anything but this is why i prefer lc to an extent over some other imageboards. 4ch and kiwifarms spend most of their time harrassing innocent people into killing themselves or ruining their lives, but they'll catch 1 pedo out of hundreds of troll induced suicides to make themselves feel better about it.
Lolcow for the most part goes after narcissist or drama that's not instigated by farmers. Whenever a schizo on here does try to doxx or make fun of the mentally impaired cows other users on here usually call them out or at least refrain from joining in. There's almost a sense of empathy on this site that other sites lack. (might be because of the majority female userbase).
but lc is a
toxic place too so idk
No. 852477
>>852474I have no empathy for trannies, even the autistic ones.
Adult male autists are worse than female autists for a numerous amount of reasons and even when they do get help they still take advantage of their condition to make others do what they want. A scrote is a a scrote
No. 852497
>>852423>Chris Chan stuff was never funnyI beg to differ, but I do agree it's gone on for too long and the comedy peaked and died several years ago. Tranny beggar saga is thoroughly unfunny.
The problem with most lolcows is the misbelief that their drama stays funny forever. When in reality–granted they never change for the better–their stuff becomes boring, repetitive, and pathetic.
No. 852512
>>852480>male autists are worse than female autistsI will always give female trannies a bit more empathy just because i know why a lot of them do it (i almost fell into it) especially the autistic ones. This world is absolutely fucked if you're a women with an independent mind everyone wants to put us into all these boxes and some of us think we have no choice.
Adult male autists can die though
No. 852626
>>852615>>852614betting time!!!
is this a incel scrote who just found out about lolcow or ugly betsy who has a cross above her bed that creaks when her cankles drag from the floor to the mattress.
No. 852659
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>>852555Depends on the face I think, but I personally find it pretty
No. 852685
>>852659It ain't even consistency that makes brows to Me, it's shape imo. Having defined or shapely eyebrows or even ones that arch look nice to me imo.
Signed nonita who can brag about having naturally shaped brows
No. 852723
It's very interesting to me how you rule out the fact that men are attracted to attractive women, which makes beautiful women that are in bad socio economical situations or mentally ill more likely to be abused.
Let's have two potential situations. Based on the fact that men are predatory and attracted to good looking women. Who is more likely to be abused? A cute poor woman from a third world country or an ugly poor woman from a third world country?
You are all so vain thinking that only physical attractiveness consolidates someone's self worth and self esteem. There are many factors outside of that such as socio-economical factors and how your parents socialize you. You could be a 9/10 and still be full of hatred and insecure due to bad mental health, poor socialization and other factors.
You all called me an incel when you are all literally the ones spreading incel rethoric. I've only seen people discuss "pretty privilege" in incel communities, in fact they are obsessed with this so called "pretty privilege".
You refuse to acknowledge or see how being beautiful in certain circumstances can be a form of opression and it can make you more likely to be a victim of scrote abuse. The underaged prostitutes from Eastern Europe that get trafficked to Western Europe are chosen specifically for their looks. Maybe in such situations being ugly could save you from getting prostituted and objectified. But it is ok because according to your incel rethoric of "pretty privilege" in this case the women with good looks that get chosen to be prostituted are not victims, but they are privileged.
It's ok, use your bux to get some plastic surgery or starve yourself to death maybe then scrote will pick you and maybe then you will get some self esteem (not) self esteem is not that much related to good looks as one might think despite the incel rethoric. That's why you see uggos running around with a lot of self esteem and beautiful people that hate themselves and starve themselves to death. Maybe if you stopped being an empty shell of a human being and completely self centered and vain you would feel content with your body, people like you will never be content anyway. Even if you attained your idealized levels of being beautiful you would not be satisfied because you are vain and empty and because self worth and self love comes from very deep inside. You could be the 10/10 stacy you always wished to be, but you'd still feel like shit and be insecure.
Again, "pretty privilege" can be very easily debunked with empirical evidence and it is peak incel rethoric. I've only seen it be discussed and obsessed over in incel communities, outside of that not much at all. You could be the most beautiful in the world but if you are born in Thailand with no money and no help then your supposed "privilege" will become your opression because scrote is more likely to rape you because you are pretty.
I understand why Andrea Dworkin completely quit her looks. Women are only valued for those, the moment when you make yourself ugly you are less likely to be objectified, but of course you do not care about that. Everything you care about is yourself and your looks and how well you are perceived in society, to you radical feminism is only a tool that you use to gain access to a certain community in order to shit on others. I'm sorry your dreams of being picked in high school by scrote were shattered by your ugliness, maybe if you were pretty you'd have the amazing privilege of getting objectified. Now you are going to cope and tell me "uhh but anon ugly women are raped and objectified too" but being pretty as a woman increases the chances of being objectified so so so much. Feminists my ass.
No, pretty does not get you a job. Being in a stable environment and able to develop skill will get you a job. Also, jobs require women to wear makeup no matter if they are ugly or pretty.
The biggest privilege you can have is being born in a first world country and in a financially stable family. Yea, sure being pretty could come as a nice thing, but even so you can still be miserable and hate yourself. Because self esteem is not about being pretty or not.
No. 852733
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Incel communities are full of average and above average looking scortes that hate themselves and have 0 self esteem and continously talk about "pretty privilege". And how they are so so so opressed for being "ugly". Ironically, the most representative figure of the incel community Elliot Rodgers is objectively a 7/10; or 8/10. That's why he even has so many fangirls now, if he was just ugly he wouldn't. Ahh the pretty privilege, getting fangirls after your horrible mental health made you kill women and then sudoku. So much privilege. Being above average in looks had such a positive impact on his life.
No, other factors are way more important to the outcome of your life. Mental health is not directly related to your looks and generally mentally ill people obsess over their looks even if they are average or above average.
The way your parents socialize you and the genetics that form your psyche, socio economical factors are way way more important than being "pretty" is to the outcome of your life. All these factors are way more important to your happiness levels, to your success, to your self worth and self love.
Yea yea pretty privilege. Keep coping. Yea, if you are pretty you are not more likely to be objectified by men. Yea, scrote opening the door for you or being nice to you with ulterior motives because you are beautiful is such a huge privilege. Stop acting like being beautiful does not constitute a factor of objectification and abuse because it does. Stop acting like your looks dictate your self worth and self esteem when we have so many uggos that love themselves and feel great and objectively beautiful people that loathe themselves and have no self esteem.
The sperg has ended. I shall not engage on this subject anymore.
No. 852744
>>852723Girl, where is your reading comprehension?
>You are all so vain thinking that only physical attractiveness consolidates someone's self worth and self esteem. I literally said pretty girls can be insecure too. It's really funny that you'd call us vain for that when you're in here complaining that you're hot. Then you have the nerve to imply that the only reason we think you're a retard is because we all must be fucking ugly and need to get plastic surgery so we don't hate ourselves.
Yeah I think you've made it pretty clear that you're insecure, and you're also self-absorbed. Are you surprised that your unpopular opinion is actually unpopular? Were you expecting ass pats to comfort your poor beautiful self? Boo fucking hoo.
No. 852745
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>>852723This is some "I was bullied in school for being too pretty" energy. None of "pretty priviledge" has anything to do with your personal self-image dumbass.
Incel's idea of "pretty priviledge" is that stacy uses her looks to fuck her way through life, taking advantage of betas and fucking chads. Imagine unironically thinking that is in anyway the same thing as what feminists are talking about KEKKKK
"Pretty privilege" is oppressive but it is not because beautiful women are oppressed for being pretty and thus more likely to be abused you fucking retard. It's oppressive because men use beauty to fabricate social caste within women in which we are supposed to rat race our ways to their cocks, catching some crumbs of their privilege.
>That's why you see uggos running around with a lot of self esteem and beautiful people that hate themselves and starve themselves to deathBoth uggo and pretty bitches have equal chances of being massive pickmes, gimmie a break. How can women not have shit ass self-esteem when from the moment they were born, they are socialised to believe worth = likeability = fuckability. That being sexually desirable is something women must procure and pay for when in reality men will stick their dicks in bread. Men's desire is worth less than dog shit.
>scrote is more likely to rape you because you are prettyYou're actually fucking stupid lmao
>jobs require women to wear makeup no matter if they are ugly or prettySo literally jobs are requiring women to BEAUTIFY themselves because prettiness is a valued trait expected of women
>biggest privilege you can have is being born in a first world country and in a financially stable familyHigher quality of life = better looks, better treatment, more socialised to succeed.
>>852733>Incel communities are full of average and above average looking scortes that hate themselvesFIRST OF ALL, WRONG, LMAOOO INCEL COMPIUM CONFIRMED. They are exactly as ugly as they think they are.
Second of all, chad privileges is not comparable to women's existence in patriarchal society. Kill yourself, redditor.
No. 852751
>>852705No idea
She just somehow managed to fuck up her brows considerably
No. 852772
>>852752Elliot Rodger is a 5 on a good day. Anon Saying that he has fangirls to this day has no bearing on facts because we all know girls tastes in men are usually questionable at best. I mean girls date scrotes from r9k unironically on here. Pretty privilege doesn’t really work for men IMO because women were conditioned to care more about men’s personalities over their looks and are considered vapid gold digging sluts if they dare have a preference that isn’t “He just has to make me laugh uwu” you can be the ugliest fattest scrote and a woman will still find it in her heart to fall in love with you. The same is not true for the reverse. While yes you can probably still have tons of meaningless sex with scrotes if you aren’t pretty but the chances of them falling in love with you and it treating you like a hole is unlikely. Hell even pretty girls fall
victim to this too. Meanwhile literal robots can STILL receive genuine romance. And that’s because men are taught to value women for their looks, fuckability, being their surrogate mom and nothing else
No. 852781
>>852764I'd argue to be even harsher on men for the fact that their sugarbaby relationships are blatantly transactional. They're literally buying access to a woman's time or body.
Men are purposefully deceptive when it comes to blurring the lines between a romantic and sexual relationship because they know less women would take them up if they knew the truth about how little these scrotes valued them, if at all.
No. 852816
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>>852812>they just assume blondes are easyYep.
No. 852820
>>852816Probably why Marilyn Monroe is beloved as a Blonde Bombshell even though she was originally a sort of brunette.
( though I think Marilyn is really pretty even if she was supposedly BPD af in rl)
No. 852821
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True blondes are kind of offputting to be honest, they look alien
No. 852825
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>>852821Another factor of attractiveness is contrast level. The higher the facial contrast level, the more attractive and the younger a face is perceived. So this sort of contradicts the blonde people are more attractive thing
No. 852826
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>>852822seriously! isnt this more of an accurate depiction of a blonde haired blue eyed dude? side note but blonde facial hair kinda looks gross. from far away it kinda looks like he has a skin disorder because it blends so much into his skin.
No. 852835
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>>852822>>852826Yes that's a blonde guy, I guess I should've said Nordic blonde(?) instead. They're rare even here in Scandinavia but trust me they are not albinos
No. 852839
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>>852836You dropped these anon
No. 852842
>>852839Nta but nah, totally looked like a hot lesbian
Lost all the appeal knowing it's not
No. 852844
>>852824As an Irish person with very dark hair the blonde hair thing always just seemed popular because it wasn't the majority. Also the whole blonde bombshell thing. I got memed into dying my hair and I thought I looked washed out. People were complimentary but I hated it and am back to dark again.
I like blackpink and would put the videos on in front of my parents sometimes and they're always fascinated by Rose being an Asian with light hair. They always comment on it.
I think current era is best time for fashion because I can't pinpoint any distinct trends atm that everyone wants. Seems we're finally getting to individual standards and experimenting with what compliments and individual rather than having homogenous beauty standards.
No. 852850
>>852849he looks like the kid from home alone in this picture.
also, unrelated but guys that used to be blond but now have brown hair are so cute. under the sun their hair is so beautiful.
No. 852883
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Forgot to link the image like a tard
No. 852896
>>852862>>852885OMG this is exactly why i said after re-reading that persons post
>>852828all of this "data" anon is probably getting this shit from is probably eugenics tier white washing nonsense to make people believe that blondes with blue eyes are the superior people. It was giving very much mein kampf vibes especially:
>No such association existed here and funnily enough, blondes actually have higher IQs on avg.>Blondes are "everywhere" including overseas because advertisers have found most people like the phenotype and it sells well, they have tried other phenotypes including those of other racial groups and they don't do well, with some racial groups doing very badly indeed, esp overseasLike especially the last part i greentexted. Anon really tried to say that the reason for white women with blonde hair and blue eyes being the face of a product in lets say Kenya is because "it sells better" yeah im sure an african woman wants a girl that looks absolutely nothing like her giving her beauty advice kek. The reason why other phenotypes "sell Better overseas" is literally due to racism, imperialism, colonialism, and eugenics talking points. Thats it and thats all. which is why i said my original unpopular opinion that i feel like the whole brunette v blonde thing is white woman's mini version of colorism. I was hoping maybe an interesting topic would come about it and maybe I'd hear some stories about how natural brunettes got treated different once they went blonde or vice versa and what those differences were. But yeah i shouldn't have mentioned blondes because the 4chan eugenics types come out the woodworks lol.
No. 852915
>>852733>>852723Stop…get some help…
But seriously you sound unhinged. Maybe you’re unhappy in life because of your
victim mentality and overall negative personality. And I’m saying this as someone who kind of agrees with some of what you’re saying, it’s true looks don’t get you far without people skills and work ethic. Just ignore men and work on yourself.
No. 852917
>>852885It's the same anon from like months ago who claimed brunettes "look old" and insisted that Asian people like pale skin because it's somehow close to blond hair. You can tell it's her because she linked the weird pedo study both then and now.
It's either some /pol/ scrote with pedophilic leanings, or a femcel who happens to be blond and comes here to cope.
No. 852936
>>852802I didn't want to reply to this at first, but it's too weirdly self-contradictory. You start off with
>Globally, brunettes are strongly preferred,But then segue to
>blondes actually have higher IQs on avg. >Blondes are "everywhere" including overseas because advertisers have found most people like the phenotype and it sells well, they have tried other phenotypes including those of other racial groups and they don't do well, with some racial groups doing very badly indeed, esp overseas. Women don't want to mimic their look and men don't want to look at the women.And then a weird fanfic about men risking their lives for blond sex slaves, hookers in yellow wigs and "women of all races" trying to lighten their hair. No sources for literally anything, just bizarre claims. Moving on to the evopsych greentext:
>Twice as many females are blonde, retention of blonde hair into adulthood is a sexually selected indicator of fitness in females. Caucasian blondes are higher in oestrogen than brunettes and are likely to exhibit other infantile sexually selected traits: low levels of testosterone, fine facial features, small nose, small jaw, pointed chin, narrow shoulders, smooth skin and less body hair and infantile behaviour such as higher energy levels and playfulness.I looked this up myself to see if there was a source, and found this article stating it: Apparently, the original source of this is:, I decided to open it up and check for myself: anything in the paragraph you gave, and none of it is there. So, this seems made up. This isn't even the first time you've posted this weird "neotenous blondes" thing, anon.
What's wrong with you? Were you cucked by a brunette, or a girl of another race? Why are you like this?
No. 852944
>>852940Watching anons fight is never funny
It’s just annoying
No. 852972
>>852969The musical was pretty enjoyable as far as music was concerned but I always thought it was weird how they claimed it to be the closest thing to woke since the Buddha or something.
If it had been a musical about an influential "
POC" I could forgive
No. 852992
>>852987I don't hate autistic women anon, only men.
whenever someone uses it just know it's usually towards autistic males
No. 853006
>>852971I just hate
woc's retarded takes. How the fuck do they know what white men value? Blonde hair is not our "colorism" ffs favoured due to "white supremacy." Granted, some Southern US retards are obsessed with muh supremacy blonde genes, 99.99% of Europeans do not give a shit. It's up there with the obnoxiousness of Scottish and Irish people claiming ginger hair isn't considered all that attractive in England because it's "Celtic" aka associated with them. There is no such association in England, red hair is indigenous to us too, and we're mostly Celtic origin anyway. You're not considered a more "Celtic-English person" or suspected of being not really English at all because you're a bloody carrot top. It's the weird mix of ignorance,
victim mentality and feelings of moral superiority that winds me up lol.
No. 853007
>>853003i do everyday lol.
poptarts are disgusting and anyone over the age of 20 still eating that shit as "breakfast" is a sick fuck. But with that said, brown sugar is the superior poptart.
No. 853015
>>853010White men value underaged blondes
Black men mixed women
Asian men underweight children with pale skin and dorito chins
No. 853026
>>853016okay lady stop yelling at me lmao. Blame white men for putting that propaganda on all forms of media since the inception of media and leave me alone lol. Tbh i dont care what white men find attractive because I personally dont try to date them. I just wanted to hear girls experiences being blonde v being brunette in society not just in terms of how males treat them but society as whole. but i guess ill never know LMAO.
>>853015the dorito chin took me out anon sometimes i hate this site and then i see posts like this and im like….my people LOL.
>>853020i love that dank smell but yes it smells like a sweaty old man but in a good way.
No. 853028
>>853006Did any anons even say they were
woc except for the OP that said blonde vs. brunette is colorism for white people? Even that anon didn't say white men prefer blondes, just that she's seen people debate about it
No. 853034
>>853020 I like the smell, depending on how you burn it though, vaporizing it smells pretty good. The rez smell makes me sick to my stomach though
>>853026 there’s a thread in G about beauty standards around the world if you want to post there, seems more fitting than here imo
No. 853035
>>853028i didnt mention men at all i just wanted to a different demographic of women's perspective but nvm.
>>853034omg thank you anon i didnt even know that thread existed.
No. 853037
>>853006Who even talked about men and what they want, except you? Why is everything about
WOC and white men with you?
Quit playing the
victim and racebaiting, it's embarrassing.
No. 853043
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>>853037new day new racebait
No. 853051
>>853006Agree. First of all who the fuck is so obsessed with what some white guy thinks? Absolutely pathetic to be so preoccupied with bagging a white aryan Nigel because you've been memed into thinking that they're great providers who give a shit about women. Newsflash, they might not throw acid in your face for dumping them but they'll find other ways to abuse you. And secondly you're absolutely correct, I'm European, traveled around Europe, met many people from different European countries, never seen a culture here that was obsessed with blonde hair and blue eyes. Literally nobody else cares. The only ones who do are either straight out white supremacy nazis or in case of
PoC men, misogynist madonna/whore fucks who think archetypal white girls are easy sluts who will put out and fulfill their every sexual fantasy. Fucking wake up already. I'm so, so happy I'm not into men.
No. 853089
>>853051You're the only one obsessed with white men, literally no one brought them up but you and the other anon who was baiting about how blondes are higher IQ and more "fertile" (cringe).
>I'm so, so happy I'm not into men.And you typed this much over them? This projection is sad.
No. 853099
>>853096Yeah, sure. Hair color totally makes you more fertile, that's how biology works, and it's definitely not projection to type long-ass paragraphs about scrotes while accusing others of being obsessed with them. Sorry if the word "cringe" is
triggering btw, hope you can feel better soon
No. 853111
>>853102No it doesnt.
Also, all people with dark hair have red underneath, redheads are simply brunettes born without the brown/black pigment over it. Ever seen a black haired girl bleach her hair and it turns red/orange? That's why. Explain why being born without the dark pigmentation is caused by estrogen in utero and not the MC1R gene.
No. 853126
>>853118reddit spacing is just putting an open space under the post number you reply to.
and sometimes it can be referring to putting a new paragraph for each sentence.
No. 853176
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Men are the biggest NLOGs and the worst offenders of trying to be le quirky
No. 853186
triggering my one male friend with this LMAO
No. 853210
>>852987Is it too ableist for you? Just don’t be the type of sperg that people hate then there’s no reason to hate yourself EZ.
t. certified autist
No. 853234
>>853117I don't think reddit spacing is when you write a paragraph, then break and write another paragraph
It's when you write one line of text, them break
The write another line of text
Basically separating every sentence with spaces
No. 853299
>>853273I've been here for a couple years, and the reddit spacing kind of annoys me cause it makes you stick out
and for a while it seemed like every post that had reddit spacing also happened to be incredibly dumb. I don't mind it if it's a long post though.
No. 853313
>>853299So as I understand it, this is reddit spacing.
It's when people put two linebreaks between each sentence, like I'm doing here.
It reads as pretentious and selfserious, like you're "declaring" every sentence for emphasis.
It's really common on reddit, that's just what people upvote I guess.
(End of reddit spacing) But I keep seeing people calling normal paragraph breaks in a long post reddit spacing, when it's not, it's just normal writing. Like, MLA style. Reddit spacing on the other hand is linebreaking after every sentence like I did above, which is ugly and a genuine tell for redditors.
No. 853315
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>>853294Am I supposed to believe this isn't a twitterfag just because she used a meme word at the end?
No. 853319
>>853313If you don't do it on reddit they freak the fuck out at you and some smarmy limpdick comes in and reposts your posts as a comment but they add reddit spacing and go "FIXED IT FOR YOU OP".
Imageboard users dogging on people for reddit spacing is basically the reverse side of the same coin
No. 853329
>>853306The "muh aryan blond IQ" /pol/ autism made me think the same, lmao.
The culture here is nicer, though. It's just that some people are obviously fresh from 4chan NLOGism and will take a while to develop their own personality.
No. 853344
>>853334Yes anon you caught me I’m every anon you hated ever. But seriously no dummy I’m the anon in g who got
triggered because I’m wearing canvas platform sneakers and an anon 3 months ago said it’s ugly
No. 853468
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lolcats >>>>>>> any other internet meme ever
No. 853472
>>853468I love it, that's the kind of pic my mom would send me at 2am with saying "That's so ME!
colon uppercase-d emoji" if she spoke English. But I get Russian cats, which is close enough.
No. 853478
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Based russian cat anon
No. 853759
>>853754by nature, genes, whatever you wanna call it
>>853755I feel like adding that I don't mean to dunk on lesbians for whom this is a legitimate problem. It's just it seems that 'it was comphet uwu' is an super easy way for bisexuals (and frankly, whoever) to larp as a lesbian despite evidence otherwise
No. 853764
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Klonoa is the cutest videogame mascot and Kirby is overrated
No. 853767
>>853762Wow, libfems fucking suck. And so do trannies trying to overtake women's culture - and especially anything that belongs to lesbians.
I guess using 'comphet' for heterosexual women would be wrong for the same reason, but I wish a similar term was coined for the hellish state of being straight despite yourself.
No. 853929
>>853920Exposing kids to sexual stuff is literally a grooming tactic… You can teach them this stuff without actually going into graphic detail.
I wish there was actual sex health education (PCOS, discharge exists, how to properly clean, how to set boundaries) instead of sex education (diagrams and 1000 STDs). People can figure it out themselves.
No. 854080
>>854013>at least that means that your parents tried.I love them but so what? They also didn't do the right thing.
They did fuck all about my groomer except scream at me for getting groomed, I got no psychological help at all despite being psych ward eligible by 15 They made me think that teenage girls are not allowed to develop sexuality and should be 100% chaste, otherwise they are troublemaking thots ('don't do anything sexual cuz you may get pregnant and it will be a problem for us'). I got zero message that sex can be pleasurable, only that boys will pressure me into it and that I have to say no, no matter how I feel about it.
No. 854084
>>854083>my parents were 16 and 19 and my father did not groom my mother…
are you sure?
No. 854135
>>854132Again depends on the state/ country's law. I never seen it being above a 3 age gap though unless there's a country or US state that has it so those age gaps are somewhat off by a year or so and I would suspect some immature fuckery at most. Grooming takes some skilage and for the age gap to really really be overt.
Not to get too detailed but I was groomed by a girl and while she was under aged she was actually a teenager to very young adult through our " affair" and she knew far more about sex then I as an actual child did
No. 854175
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i’m a teacher and i don’t understand why it’s such a controversial statement to say that you bastards need to stop having kids you can’t afford to feed. nothing breaks my heart more than a hungry child
No. 854194
>>854186>using religion as an excuse for someone’s retardation Are you serious? It happens but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t feel guilty for bringing an unplanned kid to life just for all of them to struggle unnecessarily.
Like yeah, countries change and shit happens, but if they’ve lived for long enough to have at least one (1) kid, they should know that fucking makes kids happen and that abortions are not an option because some retard misread what sky daddy said 100.000 years ago.
No. 854254
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Idk where else to put this but I swear this bitch is not autistic and is putting on an act
No. 854300
>>854257I overall agree. Hygiene has gotten out of hand in modern society. Evidence seems to suggest it's likely reason for the huge spike in allergies for example. Unless you sweat and a lot naturally or worked out you don't need to shower everyday.
Taking good care of the face can be pretty essential for many people these days though. I think modern lifestyle (diet and stress mostly) is cause of most skin issues these days so until we can solve the root issue from the inside you gotta do something.
No. 854330
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>>854300>>854319You need to wash your body with some form of soap everyday, especially if you’ve been outside/in public.
No. 854331
>>854311I mean you can reject the idea if you want but worst case scenario washing the body too much could actually be bad for your skin.
Frequency needed depends on lifestyle. Or the climate where you live for example. Various factors. But many people would not need to shower everyday even if they think they do. Every other day can be completely fine.
No. 854377
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>>854360It’s not just that the bed feels cleaner, it’s that I feel cleaner and fresher and that makes the whole bed experience comfier. What’s better, going to bed dirty and waking up still feeling dirty, or going to bed clean and waking up still feeling clean?
No. 854385
>>854378anon, if you're prone to dry skin that may be because of genetics, some kind of illness or deficiency, or harsh shower products. if you just rinse off and run a bar of dove soap over your skin for a couple of minutes daily you're not going to suddenly have crocodile skin.
also it's good to keep your skin moisturized regardless.
No. 854424
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>mfw greasy as hell due to genetics and hearing these nonnie s say you don't have to shower every day
No. 854525
I don't know if this is better in this thread or in confessions, but here it goes.
While i'm pro-choice, aborting a viable pregnancy weirds me out. I don't see it as murder, but it just feels wrong. It's not a person, but it's still a life. And it's fucking stupid, because i'm okay with killing animals for food, and i know some animals eat their young, and abortion in a way is natural. If a mother can't care for the child, the mother gets priority in the cicle of life. That's nature for you. But it still creeps me out. Feels sad, like a pointless waste of life, like leaving a plant to dry.
And i judge women who do it more than once (admitting long term contraception is available for free). Like, wtf lady, didn't you feel anything at all the first time? Don't you even care about yourself and your body to prevent getting pregnant? Do you even protect yourself from stds?
In a way, it's also nature having its way. If someone can't care of themselves how the fuck are they supposed to care about a child? It's fucking grim, but in a way, a women who gets repeat abortions is doing everyone a favor. It's better for society that she aborts instead of giving birth to kids who will likely be neglected and have shitty miserable lives.
Women should have children only if and when they want, because that's the best for both mother and child. But if they don't want kids, DON'T GET FUCKING PREGNANT IN THE FIRST PLACE. Care and respect yourselves.
No. 854534
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I don't care what gains crypto bulls have made. The entire thing is a meme and they're just trading electronic tulips. They're a bunch of gamblers in denial and eventually someone will be left bagholding once the fad dies down.
No. 854598
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>>854544back to twitter with you
No. 854602
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Here's a real unpopular one that I'm really conflicted about: the trans sperging should be put into a contaminated thread or at least reduced… somehow.
It's EVERYWHERE. In almost every thread here and other boards you will find at least one mention about trans/nb people in some fucking context. I don't care about troons but jesus shut up already. "She looks like a mtf", "He's going to troon out" just shuuut up. Fuck I'm doing it myself now.
On the other hand I'm conflicted because I understand that anons need to vent and have their own space since they can't go anywhere else. Hell I even agree with 90% of them but fuck, shut up about trannies. You can all hate me now.
No. 854604
There are a lot of women out there that make the conscious decision to become single mothers. They set out to achieve it, not every single mother is the result of poor planning or unfortunate hardship like people believe. I grew up in a shitty poor area and seen it a lot, no, single mothers aren't uWu perfect.
People deny these types exist, but I've met and seen a few. They knowingly let a man impregnate her, with the complete intention of leaving him and being a single mother, living off welfare and keeping the man away as much as possible. They're typically somewhat mentally unstable or come from shitty families, and they will never admit their decision for fear of a social backlash, but it's clearly preplanned. They're baby crazy and yet don't want the complications of a man in their life.
You have scrotes of course blaming all of societal ills on single mothers, which is hyperbole bullshit. But at the other end, I'm torn up whenever I even suggest that single mothers aren't all wholesome self sacrificing angels like they paint themselves out to be. People also don't realize that most are on more money than many workers in most developed countries.
No. 854663
>>854660Exactly. They either get pregnant in their teens by accident or they want a fix-it kid/family so they can give them what they never had. Both are bad for the child in different ways.
I wish people would just get therapy instead of chase a dream family they will never have and inevitably fuck up their children.
No. 854757
>>854746Even farmers can act like pol fags
how fun
No. 854768
>>854756i agree, i'm tired of british sexpats and american right wingers coming to my country and bothering locals.
at least most people still think it's a dangerous wartorn shithole, but they've started invading neighbouring countries and rent in big cities has gone up, they treat locals like zoo animals and they think they can just bang any local girl if they wave enough money in front of her.
i also hate how they think their abuse of women here is justified because some girls take their money, as if most people here aren't piss poor and up to their neck in debt, which they know.
No. 854785
>>854756I was watching a true crime video lately and given it was about sex crimes the host was talking about how in parts of the world men travel to get with underage girls too. She was saying it happens in Thailand, that a single man traveling to thailand pretty much always means a sex holiday but sometimes that includes teens. Now I knew there's sex tourism over there and lady boys and all that but I didn't think there was.. pedo tourism.
A few days after watching that I was talking to a guy and he mentioned living in thailand for a while. When I asked what brought him there he had no real answer.
No. 854794
>>854746this feeds into the myth that asians are the model minority in this country who don't face any type of struggle which isnt true. I am saying this as a black woman myself. While yes there are rich asians in big industries those are mainly east asian and even still being east asian does not always equal being rich. Im not sure in other countries but i know in america specifically Asians were not even allowed in this country until the civil rights act passed. And even then they were used with the specific intention to make black people be seen as "lazy, unproductive and whatever other weird stereotypes we have. Also if you look at the history of chinese americans in this country you will see that they had the same stereotypes black people had. But when racist white people realized they could instead hire chinese workers and don't have to work with black people, they changed the stereotype and depictions of asians to be the exact opposite of black ppl so employers would choose and kick black people out of jobs. Ever notice how the stereotypes for asians are the exact opposite to the stereotypes of black people? Yeah that was by design. Not to mention asian americans are not even seen as american in this country even if they were born and raised here simply because the media and goverment made it so that asian people would forever be seen as others in this country even if there family has lived here for decades and they have no connection to their mother land.why do you think it was so easy to round japanese people into internment camps during ww2? Because asians were never seen as americans in this country. also ALSO when the civil rights act was passed the government made it so that only asian people of a certain class would be accepted and they even gave them incentives to move here by offering business loans etc. It wasnt to help asians becuse they are just oh so naturally smarter and harder workers it was literally just to shit on black people. I implore everyone to read about the triangulation of asians in this country. its very interesting and opened my eyes.
Not to mention this "model minority myth" does not apply at all to southeast asians and just basically darker skinned asians who live in countries like cambodia, the phillipines, thailand, India etc. So its fucked up to say that Asians don't face any discrimination when they in fact do. One thing i will say though is that it does annoy me that there are a lot of asian people that are against affirmative action when affirmative action benefits them too. But that too was also by design. I am not trying to racebait I just want to offer insight btw.
No. 854829
>>854604I've seen this plenty while growing up in a rough area. I feel like I'm in a pretty generous country when it comes to benefits for single mothers so that highly motivates them. That and like you said coming from dysfunctional families, or just having no idea what else to do with their life.
I don't know how genuinely happy they are a few years into motherhood or whether they silently regret it. 'Free money' is nice and all but they still signed up to parenthood before they could ever live an independant life without ties. It can't be all that great of a life to choose. I've mixed feelings about them because some can be the most selfish, scummy, almost parasitic 'take take take, you all owe me' type people but then I wouldn't want to swap circumstances with them. They've signed up to something they cant take back, they've done it for all the wrong reasons and they have to live with it. I made some poorly thought out decisions at 18/19 too but none that were so permanent.
No. 854915
>>854829They get dark and brooding the second their child leaves home and they're no longer able to get benefits. At that point they're forced to get a job because social welfare knocks them down to being on just NEETbux again. I've worked with a few in their fifties and they'd do the whole "my sister is making $700 a week staying home, that's more than I get after a week in tax!"
They're typically not that happy, but they're not the type that's able to do much with their life anyway so I doubt that they'd be happier doing anything else. Their peak is working menial labor for minimum wage as a cashier or a janitor.
No. 855155
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I really think psychology and psychiatry being portrayed as a cure for mental illness has done considerable harm to the mentally ill. It has shredded all sympathy for the mentally ill because people genuinely do believe going to a psychologist and a psychiatrist is a magic cure. Anyone that's repetitively suffering and causing mischief is met with "Well go get professional help and fix it". Most mental illness is managed at best and completely untreatable at worst. The reason the psyche wards rely so heavy on anti-psychotic meds as a calming factor is that the best they can achieve, for most people, is to stop the violent sperging. The people with the self awareness, intelligence and social support necessary to make gains on their condition are the lucky few. And even then it's an incremental walk up a steep hill and the littlest things can send them crashing back down.
There is also a needed level of confidence, self assuredness and self awareness that's required for people to even make the most of professional help, and once you have that you're at the point you can make it on your own anyway. The chronically bullied kid isn't always going to open up and be honest about the bullying he receives, and without that honesty, he ends up taking the professional down unrelated paths. People are often deeply ashamed about their true problems and insecurities that they'll just be honest about their minor ones. Not every loser has the honesty to admit they're a loser, some like to pretend they're something they're not.
The most damaging thing is that psychology and mental health help is about sucking the money off the ones that either don't want to or can't get better. Their bread and butter is the histrionic housewives that want to complain about their lives and be self validated. They'll get those types in for decades at a time. A person with genuine problems is a less important, less reliable client. People with genuine mental illnesses miss appointments, miss payments (they're broke duh) and are unreliable. The insincere ones are their pay piggies.
No. 855164
>>855155Totally anon, it's just modern day "go to church and talk to your pastor". Most ppls problems can't be fixed by talking they're sick/poor/dependant on abuser/autistic/etc and therapy is just a way to cope/prolong suffering/gaslight about widespread structural issues. A woman who got rped isn't gonna want to trust men ever again, yet ppl expect her to go get therapy and work through it so she can get back to fucking and caring after men. The meds just shut you down emotionally, so you lose will and cope in your current situation, or off yourself because life isn't worth it if you can't feel. I only took antidepressants for a few months and my attention span and ability to feel strong emotions has been noticeably impacted long-term.
The whole talk therapy thing is so masochistic to me, why are we expected to spill our guts to someone in order to get better? Why retraumatize ourselves that way? Most ppl have the self awareness to know where their mental illness comes from.
And yes, if they actually cured ppl then they'd have no more patients. Medical industry in a nutshell.
No. 855470
>>855206This exactly, public healthcare in my country is held hostage by wife beating alcoholics who don't want to and never will get better, upper middle class housewives and mommies who just need a friend to talk to because they're stuck with their kids and boring husbands (loneliness is a big problem here and most families isolate the fuck out of themselves from other people), and spoiled enbies who want to be disabled and look like smexy yaoi bishies. Many people who are 'depressed' are just dysfunctional NEETs who need to go outside more and clean their rooms, many more are shopping for excuses to get out of studying.
People who really need help cannot get it. At best they will be put on a cocktail of benzos and antipsychotics or in a ward if they're a threat to themselves and others. Public health professionals are overbooked, don't give a fuck about their patients and sessions last 10-15 minutes, after which they tell you to practice mindfulness and sleep. Private healthcare is out the ass expensive but better.
No. 855527
>>855450You're supposed to keep switching therapists until you find one that you click with, like dating. You're not supposed to stick with one that feels off.
No. 855580
>>855527For some people in free/semi free healthcare countries there's more of a habit of just accepting whoever you can get in to see on the public waiting list. Don't know if that's her deal. That was mine as a teen and broke young adult. I wasn't paying so I couldn't be picky.
I've seen americans talk about shopping around for a good fit and I agree if you're paying it makes sense to want better for your buck.
No. 855592
>>855155 > The chronically bullied kid isn't always going to open up and be honest about the bullying he receives, and without that honesty, he ends up taking the professional down unrelated paths. People are often deeply ashamed about their true problems and insecurities that they'll just be honest about their minor ones.I wish I could remember where I heard this but it was a relationship therapist on like a podcast. He talked about how any time a young person needs to access help for emotional/depressive/anxious type illnesses they are usually only the side effect rather than the main problem. That no man is an island and if we're products of our enviroment then why are we treating kids and teens and not asking what's up with mom and dad. Kids get labeled as a problem child and we don't look into their background or make anyone else open up. "we don't know what went wrong, I mean we raised her right" that's often just not true. The dynamic of the whole family should be looked at. But no we look at the one single person we think has problems and we make them feel broken. They take the blame for sometimes even generations of dysfunction that's been denied.
I come from a family where my dad wasn't just strict, it took me years to accept there was abuse. I then dated a guy who had some untreated rage issue but I ended up seeking meds while dating him.. meanwhile he went unnoticed and undiagnosed. His rage drove me to nearly a breakdown and I presented myself to a doc. Not him though. He played sane and all loving and concerned at my appointment. Those experiences made me really see and appreciate what he was describing there.
No. 855630
>>855592I had early onset ED so I've been to many therapists until my early twenties. The therapists would usually talk to me, then my mom. They'd tell my mom everything I said and my mom would put on this worried mother act and shrug her shoulders wondering out loud where she went wrong. If I said anything that painted her in a bad light, she'd confront me after the session and tell me to stop lying. After a while I just started lying to the therapist to get him to stop asking questions.
I just don't know how nobody saw any flaw with this system at all and expected me to be honest and upfront with my feelings? How was this in any way supposed to protect and help me? It was just a waste of time.
No. 855776
>>855772i don’t put penis near my mouth so i can’t relate.
is it really that unusual to make a dude wear a condom for sex though? i always have and it’s really not that big of a deal for the normal scrotes, they’re pretty agreeable if they know they’re getting some.
No. 855786
>>855772>If you dont have any money and cant even afford health insurance you should be keeping your legs closedOr we could fight to make healthcare more accessible for all, that way it isn't something only financially stable people have, and stop treating poor people as if they "deserve" to get an STD or pregnant because they chose to have sex while poor?
>>855772>Condoms and birth control can failBy that logic, if people who can't afford abortions or treatment for STDs (avoiding the fact that these shouldn't cost money in the first place) are still at fault for getting pregnant/an STD even if they use condoms/birth control, then poor people shouldn't have sex whatsoever. You're suggesting that sex should be a privilege and luxury that only financially stable people get to experience.
No. 855982
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The internet is getting consistently better every year. Other oldies are just coping with rose tinted nostalgia goggles when they say the 90s AOL era was better.
I was around then and the internet was basically just MST3000/star trek fandoms, usenet and omegle tier ERP ("wanna cyber? asl?"). It was utterly garbage.
No. 856022
>>856001what radical feminists are you surrounding yourself with or observing?
i've come across a ton of radfems who view radical feminism as a lifestyle rather than a movement, and the ones who see it as a lifestyle berate all the women who don't follow suit, rather than criticize sexist beliefs that lead to certain choices. majority of those radfems who police other women are very young, the radfems in their mid 20s and up have reminded them being a radical feminist isn't a competition. however, there's the other side of the coin where the older gender critical women pretty much do the same thing towards any radfem who acts different than they do. absolutely delusional thinking any woman who doesn't act kind or whatever is just a creepy man in disguise.
No. 856138
>>856130Oh YES YES YES
western tattoos are ugly and tacky at best
very cool in 2015, now an easy way to spot people who peaked 5 years ago
mandala tattoos are about to become the embarrassing "tribal" and barbed wire armband tattoos that everyone tried to hide back in the day
No. 856367
>>855768are you stupid? being able to get medications, medical checks and an abortion is not a privilege, it is and should be a right. you think women from the global south even have access to birth control and family planning to prevent getting STD's and babies? not every woman is going to "i will abstain from men" in an ideological vacuum that you wish.
also thank you
>>855786 anon.. this take is fucking nuts. this is what no class analysis and all lifestyle politics looks like.
No. 856434
>>856424Damn, everyone's getting Americanised
Atleast newzealander are the sane ones, right?
No. 856456
>>856446They are still more saner, i think
But they have more sjws as well
No. 856691
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if i get pregnant and it's a boy im aborting it now matter what, and if i can't find a way to get it illegally done ill kill myself trying
No. 856733
>>855982You're going to have to explain this in more detail because it appears to be getting worse and worse from my point of view. The fact we're here on this dinky little chan board because most of our discussion is too risque for 99% of the internet should be a sign that things aren't better.
I wasn't around in the usenet era but I remember the geocities era and IRC channels being prevalent and everyone having a forum. It was great. Every niche hobby had its own little community and they didn't have to include the majority into every conversation.
No. 856786
>>856733tbh the reason this site(and most other imageboards) is viewed as bad is because it's filled with negative gossip that people wouldn't say if it weren't anonymous. of course the "transphobia" is another reason why people don't like it but pre 2013 it would've been fine.
Forums definitely need to come back though im so sick of joining discords full of scrotes and troons just to find a information.
No. 856795
>>856791Japanese cuisine won't do shit for anyone who isn't a fan of copious amounts of seafood, rice, and vegetables.
Their traditional desserts are shit. Their red meat is overpriced and not good. Anything that is remotely different and good is an idea adapted from another culture, mostly Chinese.
To be fair, sticking to a diet of fish and vegetables is fairly healthy so on that front those people are right. Although no doubt they are exaggerating the quality and "art" of preparing such food.
No. 857144
>>857120 > not everyone has shit parents or families that they must escapeI've seen alot of discussions where it's the neets claiming they have shit parents and that they deep down want to excape but feel trapped. That they didn't prepare them for the world, build their confidence or help them gain life stills in order to to get out.
I saw a youtube comment the other day where someone was complaining that they can't learn even basic daily homecare skills because their mom jumps in and does everything. I don't know how much that impedes a person tbh. Part of me is sceptical but then I haven't lived that life so I dunno.
I know I left home at 19 because I wanted to date and have a sex life and that wasn't going to mix well with staying at home. My mom was ill and so was always home and on the other side of my thin bedroom wall. I'll always remember the night my brother brought a girl home and we all heard it lol. He moved out pretty soon after that too.
No. 857223
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She (Anisa) looks good this way.
No. 857255
>>856791i always think it's funny when "white people food" is mocked for being bland or unseasoned while japanese food is so popular thanks to weebs
european food isn't even bland, there are so many different cuisines that uses spices
No. 857311
>>857288White people food is mostly British, German and Scandinavian food, which is bland and gross to this day.
People who say this also live in America and aren't in the habit of eating fancy Italian pastas, spicy Hungarian dishes or French delicacies daily, so to them white people food = food white Americans, who usually have British, German or Scandinavian roots, eat.
No. 857339
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there is no such thing as a hot and sexy asexual. the only fuckers who declare themselves as asexual are fujos, atheists, autists, serial killers, mass shooters, and deathfat weebs and cartoon fans like picrel. hottest people are always bisexual or meme themselves into enby territory.
No. 857366
>>857351I think the bland white people diet is usually just a low income family that eats ready meals, McDonald's and vegetables. My single mum worked late and barely cooked, everything I ate growing up was oven food slop. She'd barely have time to preheat or cook the food fully.
When I moved out I was blown away by just want fucking seasoning some meat did or using herbs and spices on other dishes.
My mum loves her salads but she cannot cook worth a damn.
No. 857371
>>857351i understand that, i was just sharing my opinion on overly spicy (hot) food.
anyways there are plenty of european cuisines that use spices
No. 857392
>>857324>The taste of most European food is dependent on the quality of the ingredientsI challenge you to visit Finland and then say that, most food looks and tastes like dog shit and this is a rich country with good supermarkets.
I'm not even mad about it because we have many other good qualities, our cuisine just isn't one of them.
No. 857409
>>855982Absolutely not.
<The 2000's
>No social media, the internet wasn't tainted with a concept feeding into narcissism and socipathy>Uncharted territory, you could browse the web for hours because people were getting creative >Your personal data didn't get sold to China>Most users were adult>Well-monitored, smaller communities<The 2020s
>Social media is everywhere and causing people mental teenagers>Only 4 big megacorporation-owned sites people visit>The mentioned megacorporations own all your personal data now>Everyone is online, including minors who can use the internet unsupervised on their phones No. 857414
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>>857392>Calling delicious Finnish food disgusting when British, Scandinavian and Russian cuisines existAt least we don't eat fish preserved in soap or sheep heads faggot. Our soups, fish and meat dishes are amazing and never made of intestines or other disgusting ingredients.
picrel, our national dish
No. 857443
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>>857436Just to piss you off here's the de facto Finnish dish which is a very, very tender meat and vegetables in a hearty herb stew. Often served with mashed potatoes and lingonberries. Meanwhile Scandis eat rotten fish and Russians feed on literal cold meat jelly.
No. 857454
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>>857443That's exactly like Swedish husman.
No. 857483
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>>857456Delicious (except for the beetroot)
>>857466Don’t know what that is. Looks delicious though
>>857454Yummy. Is that pomegranate on a burger?
>>857414Minging. The chips look cold in the middle. Would still probably destroy when drunk.
Picrel is my national fave, take it or leave it. This could be shepherd, cottage, or even fish pie. Dig into the mysterious potato crust, and see what you may find. Go on, you know you want to…
No. 857491
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>>857485Toad in the hole 🐸
No. 857492
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Lasagnê OwO
No. 857493
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>>857492I need to learn to cook more Mexican food cos it’s all delicious.
No. 857497
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Everyone just keep posting meals you like who cares where they’re from
No. 857527
>>857520Stop picking fights,
No. 857564
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>>857561Don't be rude, it's rye and malted rye mostly. Pretty hate it or love it type of food every elderly person seems to love.
>>857561Don't be rude, it's rye and malted rye mostly. Pretty hate it or love it type of food every elderly person seems to love. I can't link the wiki for some reason, sorry
No. 857570
>>857564I'm not being rude it just looks like actual dookie lol
Why are Finnish posters so sensitive? You can't say anything slightly negative even if it's just banter, they get so angry and defensive.
>>857485 and
>>857414, is everything okay up there?
No. 857571
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The live action Cinderella dress is ugly. I don't understand why it got so popular. I looked up videos on it, and all these chicks were gushing about it in the comments saying it was every girls/womans dream dress. I wouldn't be caught dead in that blue pompom.
No. 857576
>>857574Im OP you were responding to
I never saw the movie, but I watched modern gurls' video where she rated the dresses from a bunch of Cinderella movies. She put the LA disney movie dress on top. I saw it in the clips she shown and was instantly taken aback. Its hideous. I also saw some other scenes of the actress moving in it, and she was walking like a fucking toddler taking their first steps.
No. 857725
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>>857511Wtf are those wheel things? Idc they look delicious
No. 857731
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>>857571I mean it's still better than Belle's dress from beauty and the Beast. It looks like it's from Aliexpress, the fabric looks so cheap
No. 857734
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>>857571it legit looks like a gypsy wedding dress (idk if that's a slur or not, but you get what I mean)
No. 857943
>>857466>>857456>>857491why couldnt they at least cut up the sausage links wtf. they literally jsut threw fat ass sausages on top of slop and then baked it LMAO
>>857454>>857443this all looks like hospital food. im glad i dont live in these countries. italy still wins with the best cuisine in europe.
No. 857997
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>>857497i would like to share with you all my absolute favorite polish dish, pierogi (or just dumplings in english). the filling can be anything, sweet jam, fruits or savory, meat, cabbage, mushrooms. literally anything. usually comes with a side of sour cream.
highly recommend any of you to try them if you ever visit poland, there are usually restaurants called 'pierogarnia' where they mostly sell dumplings only.
also i love dumplings in every cuisine, i could eat gyoza too all day every day
No. 858616
>>858208I hoped that a
terf site would abandon the "woman has a little pudgy belly which means she's a fat disgusting cow" but apparently not
No. 858625
>>8586161. Lolcow isnt a
terf site
2. Many scrotes invaded lolcow
3. Lolcow was a site who always attracted anachans because popular cows used to be weebs back in the days
Thats why i stopped looking into some threwds. Its just full of autistic nitpicking
No. 858626
>>858616It's the duality of (wo)man. Also, you know, this isn't a
terf-site. I would argue there's a quiet majority libfems along with women who don't identity as feminists at all.
No. 858758
>>858648As if scrotes don't gossip and psychologically terrorize too. Boys being physically aggressive and girls being socially aggressive is a myth - ie moids are both catty (equal to girls) and phys aggressive
No. 858763
>>858648Women's "psychological terrorism"
>"Let's laugh at this person privately. Anyone who stalks them or interferes with their life unless they're harming others/breaking laws will be shamed and banned, though"Men's psychological terrorism
>"Let's laugh at this person privately, doxx them, try to contact them and drive them to suicide. Nothing's really off limits, this is freeze peach"Just compare the LC userbase to KF's.
No. 858766
>>857734This may be overdone, but the idea of it is really cute. Could use some higher quality fabric though.
>>858699I agree with you. The trend now is leaning more towards sexy, but I've always loved ballgown dresses. They're so elegant and cute.
No. 858767
>>857734It is but we don’t care that much.
Those dresses are so fuckin ugly lol. I feel bad for the seamstresses hired to make the monster designs these girls come up with.
No. 858787
>>858769I think ballgowns look dated and make they always makes the bride appear larger than she is. And I hate the top knots or stupid buns people do with those style of dresses.
I love a more figure hugging dress and like loose wave in the hair or something
No. 858798
>>858616And even if a woman is actually fit and healthy that's still not good enough for anons so they start making "tranny" comparisons. There's no middle ground.
>>858648>>858678What does raping and killing even have to do with this..that still doesn't make nitpicking any less annoying
No. 858869
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>>858787But strapless dresses are unflattering on anyone who isn’t a busty pear or hourglass, and even then you’d need to wear a ton of shapewear and have thin arms. Ballgowns don’t look dated because they haven’t been in style in well over 40 years, they aren’t associated with any particular era.
Besides, your wedding will inevitably end up looking dated because time goes on. A wedding is a snapshot of a moment in time, you shouldn’t worry about being trendy, just focus on what you love. Those rustic Pinterest mason jar barn weddings are going to look just as dated as puffy 80s sleeves in another decade but it’s fine if someone did that for their wedding. As long as it was their choice.
another unpopular opinion I have on wedding dresses is that we need to abandon the white dress stereotype. I know a lot about weddings is patriarchal and old fashioned but I wish brides were allowed more creativity.
No. 858881
>>858869I hate strapless ballgowns more than anything. I think they look dated because they're like an unflattering and basic shape. If you're going to go for ballgown at least do an a line or something flattering.
I agree weddings look dated no matter what and imo most weddings look tacky af. If I was to get married I'd have a small ceremony, decide where I want my photos to be because that's all you'll have of the day after it's done (apart from your partner lol). Every wedding I've been too I could not tell you how the room was styled or the flowers or even the colour palette the bride picked none of that shit. Such a waste of money. The dinners are agonising.
No. 858945
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>>858869Your post remind me of how awful Girls Aloud looked in their long, strapless gowns. They all have really nice bodies too, yet it looked horrendous. I agree it's a difficult style to pull off.
No. 858956
>>857292>>857296>>857299Ngubu, you see chav Britton food in its dai was quite peng innit bruh
Bu durin the world wohs our recipes got alteed innit dueh toh the woah rationing so british food todaih doesn't taste quiah like british food from bacintaday my luv
No. 858968
>>858965Attractive, good.
I don't know why I know this, I live in Bosnia.
No. 858991
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>>858956I hope one day 'chav' becomes taboo. People with regional dialects/accents aren't stupid and speaking a corrupted form of English. I hope you're actually from the UK, because it's extra pathetic when foreigners take on native prejudices.
>>858962Yeah, seriously hot. I understand completely lol.
No. 859023
>>859021you don't think it's not funny to hate on nazis while hoping that russians would wipe out a whole population of people even if you didn't stop to think about all the minority people's russians have fucked over and the forcd population replacements they have done, moving whole group of people's to siberia and so on
also polish are womanhating homophobes so maybe you all should die too
No. 859031
>>859023>YEAH BUT WHAT ABOUTI hate the Soviet regime as much as anyone but I hate Nazis more. It is stupid to imply that your government did not have a choice. You live in the middle of nowhere and nobody cares about you enough to attack you. Soviets practically gave you independence and you still sided with Nazis because? There are what, five people who live in your country? What could Russia want from you?
And thanks, I see you still have the old Nazi spirit going strong
No. 859034
>>859031lmao oh my god
keep voting away your abortion rights sweaty etc miss kurwa kurwa kakschchzykjzykjjskus kshjgkzykyzkykklikkzik
No. 859052
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>>859048once again we fall for the divide and conquer plot… mistakes were made…
No. 859176
>>859162its racism. people hate whoever looks a bit different but we already knew that. this type of stuff is really dependent on how your phenotypes appeared, like someone in the celebricows thread said, halsy is a black as obamas daughters are white, but you dont see malia and sasha trying to push being white for media attention.
also i have a half brother and we both have white dads but my brother was born with pale white skin and black hair so nobody thinks he's mixed or black. I was born with the lightskin and curly hair so people automatically assume im black/mixed.
This is also why americas race situation is so fucking retarded if you consider how people look globally.
sorry if this leads to racebait
No. 859188
>>859183samefag. Actually, I'm wrong. The average African-American is 24% European. So it's very likely the Robinsons have a fair amount of Euro ancestry, Obama girls could be be as "white" as Halsey. But, then that's the legacy of the white drop rule.
>>859187Sorry, I don't understand? I probably misread lol, ignore my comment.
No. 859224
>>859221lmao well keep their henious behavior away from women. Do we really want them dating women? Think about it.
I do think it's mostly about looks with them because het women are retarded and will excuse any dumbass male behavior when he's tall.
No. 859233
>>859224that is true but i have also seen (in even more cases) women dating butt ugly men just because
i doubt any of those dudes had incel character
No. 860055
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>>859936Men's biggest fear is a lack of access to women, so the natural inclination we have (just wanting to be left the fuck alone) is, in fact, inflicting severe violence on men from their perspective. We terrorize them just by living a good life on our own.
No. 860213
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I love manlets. Also even though I have always believed that tall men are objectively unattractive, in the past I was unable to imagine myself in a relationship with a shorter man (it seemed uncomfortable and strange to me). But after I have seen Lucilla and Commodus in gladiator together, I have changed my mind on this issue completely. A taller woman and a shorter man look so hot together, damn! Too bad that this kind of relationship is not properly represented in our culture, it isn't even seen as an option, really :(
No. 860499
>>860213this makes me want to watch lovely complex again LOL.
i have a 4'll coworker and he is surprisingly the most handsome out of all the guys i work with. I'd fuck a short guy at least once it'd probably make me feel powerful LMAO. Get over here short stuff and climb me like a tree
No. 860531
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>>860084If you are in the states there are sometimes special/limited edition oreos that have like a graham cookie or something, maybe there have been different cookies too. I also think the cookie part is much tastier. There are those wafers that taste like oreo cookies that you are meant to put in desserts, but when I was a kid I would take them out and eat them plain
No. 860548
>>860538I think this is a good insight that can even be extended to most types of control freaks.
If someone is unusually pressed over how some minor thing is
executed, you can bet they have some underlying insecurity connected to it. So they try to act as an 'authority' to overcompensate and not seem as fragile as they actually are.
No. 860555
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Captain marvle wasn't a bad movie, it was just another mediocre capeshit marvel movie. It was okay imho. The men who legit hated this movie were mostly woman-hating scrotes, and the 'Brie Larson has a flat ass' meme was sexist
No. 861102
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Fighting people on the internet is fun and a great stress reliever
No. 861256
>>861242Did you bother clicking on any of my links? Half of them are professors writing popular blogs/articles for laymen. The other half are non-professional, but scientifically-educated and well-respected writers (by those same professors I should add, they're a community). I forgot one: he's in the latter camp and has a really helpful HBD starter page for those new to the topic.
No. 861331
>>861261>Aren't most forms of rickets caused by nutritional deficits in early childhood, though?If you read the article I linked it explains that the reason immigrants are suffering from higher rates of rickets is due to both darker skin and diet. The very first human inhabitants in Europe had dark skin, Europeans evolved light skin because it's an advantage when it comes to surviving in Europe. Vitamin D3 which is essential for bone development is synthesised in the human body from sun exposure. Europeans also evolved to be lactose tolerant and to this day eat a high volume of dairy foods. Milk is a rich source of calcium, magnesium and phosphate which are again essential to bone development. Calciferol (vitamin D3) is needed for these minerals to be absorbed from the intestine.
>which exist but are constantly susceptible to changeChange will take thousands of years and hundreds of generations.
No. 861348
>>849759>Ask anyone from Central Asia or the Caucasus what they think about race, they'll tell you to shut up and go back to America.Crazy since central Asians 0r caucasus are the believe in race supremacy the most in asians
That can be seen in afghanis, turks and pakis as well
They think they are all white skinned Uber mensch turks and inherently superior than anyone else based on skin etc
On imageboards and in irl fighting and showing off your steppe dna is actually a thing
No. 861438
>>861331>Change will take thousands of years and hundreds of generations.Not really. Look at the effects of the western diet on different peoples in different generations. Deleterious and negative, but very fast. Even individual's skintones can darken or lighten to suit their environment. Humans adapt, especially if they're conscious of it and know what they're doing.
Also, the lactose tolerance gene is also present in non-European people (like the Fulani ethnic group of West Africa, some East Asian people, etc).
No. 861475
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>>861470I see your hyena and raise you an aardwolf
No. 861488
>>861478Culturally they don't consume much same with Africans except maybe west Africans
In Asia it's Indians who drink most milk
Then maybe central asians
>>861481Race is human
Ethnicities are different
Let me explain
No. 861512
>>861438It's estimated that lactose tolerance took 20,000 years to develop in Europeans.
>the western diet on different peoples in different generationsThe western diet varies by country and culture. It's also gone through several shifts due to changing food related technology and scientific studies. The Ancel Keys Seven Counties Study for example, caused a general shift away traditional cooking fats such as butter and lard. Industrially processed seed oils which are now a major part of the western diet didn't exist until the 20th century.
>Even individual's skintones can darken or lighten to suit their environmentTanning in the sun is not the same a genetically determined skin tone. Australians are still white even though white colonisation began over 300 hundred years ago.
>>861463I never said East Asians are lactose tolerant, I said they have similar distributions of brown fat. Brown fat is what the human body prefers to burn to maintain body heat in cold temperatures. Europeans and East Asians both live in temperate climates with a cold winter.
No. 861538
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>>861512I was referring to the Weston Price evidence, kek. Refined sugar and flour.>Tanning in the sun is not the same a genetically determined skin tone. I didn't say it was (and people also lighten in colder climates). My point is, as I said, humans adapt to their surroundings. Collectives who cluster together and keep the same habits and practices in unfamiliar ground are likely to stay weak (especially if they keep eating the same things with no regard for environmental changes and what they need to compensate), while individuals (or even groups) who do their research and/or make the conscious decision to try and adapt are not.
If you immediately die or incur horrible diseases once you're in a new place, you're probably weak, elderly or have a poor diet (or a combination of the three).
No. 861564
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>>861538"Mewing" (tongue placement exercise) is purported to fix it, no actual studies tho. I heard about the technique on incel forums lol.
No. 861903
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This is late bc I don’t follow them but I just saw this and I actually really like this picture for some reason
No. 861907
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i rlly wish we could meet ppl from lolcow irl and be friends. you guys seem so cool and I don't think ppl like this exist irl ugh.
No. 861914
The NEET general thread got me thinking. Not posting this there because I'm not a NEET, but my opinion is that, if you live with other people (be it your parents, siblings, spouse, anyone really) and are the designated cook/cleaner/general homemaker, then you are not a NEET. E.g., SAHMs and housewives are not NEETs. I suppose it's because I'm so used to its cultural template wherein the person just hangs in their room all day entertaining themselves with distractions and hobbies.
>>861905>>861910I think she's an awful self-stylist (I hate her outfit in op's picrel) but I find her face quite pretty.
No. 861917
>>861905>>861903>>861910Yea she's not the hottest chick on the block but shes definitely not ugly. She has a nice look to her face. I feel like lolcow standards will change as new users come in, I've seen a lot more people against making fun of the way cows look recently. There are just so many other things to laugh at rather than focusing on something miniscule like a lopsided boob or something.
>>861913Recently I've been wishing that thread hadn't been shut down. It would have been nice to have a way to make friends with farmers. I don't think I've really found anyone with opinions similar to mine other than my sister, RIP.
No. 862588
Kingdom, Train To Busan, Hereditary, Midsommar, Parasyte: extremely overrated, 3.5 to 4 stars at best. There’s worse film and tv out there for sure, but Kingdom, Hereditary and TtB are not scary at all and the zombies/monsters are laughable. There’s no consistency, it’s meaningless, over the top theatrics. Parasyte was ironic to it’s own detriment. The most interesting part of the film was near the end and even then it was somehow overplayed within itself. Midsommar was a joke. I had no expectations and it was still a waste of time. I actually did laugh during my screenings for all 4 movies, and fast-forwarded through both seasons of Kingdom because it was that boring. The cast, locations, and the cinematography are all these 5 have to offer. They barely have an ambiance worthy of praise.
There are very few good horror movies that provide a thorough scare. Calling your movie a “psych thriller” is a cop-out because you know it isn’t that scary if you’re older than 10. M. Night Shyamalan is one of many who should seriously consider immediate retirement. Old received apt praise, which is very little to none worth considering. It is a 1-1.5 star movie and people rightfully acknowledge it as such.
No. 862613
>>861914Years ago being a housewife also automatically meant being a SAHM tho, if you didn't already have a kid you'd have one soon enough, that and housework was harder because washing machines and all that weren't taking a loud off our shoulders yet. Now that alot of women are opting out of children and now that housework is easier because we don't hand wash and wring clothes for hours.. housewives just aren't as much of a thing anymore. No house with 2 adults living in it is that hard to manage. Cleaning up after yourself and one other adult is not contributing to the world and not taking up much of your time.
I know enough women who work less hours or for less money than their husbands but they get out and work as much to preserve their own sanity and sense of self. Whenever I've known childless housewives the marriage has gone to shit because they often have no life and become too dependant on the hubby for all their social interaction when he gets home from work already tired. Plus short of marrying a rich as hell men…men often do happily sign up to pay for shit in the beginning and then as the years pass they can get real resentful. I wouldn't be able to get too comfy soley relying on a man like that.
Ime I earned less than my last partner and 3 years into living together and making serious plans for our future…he suddenly wanted to massively overhaul the way that we had always split the bills.. to a degree where it would leave me without the spare cash to even treat myself to a coffee out. I did not have the same earning potential as him and his new proposal was unfair. I've no idea what that sudden meanness was about but he made it into an ultimatum just like that. I left him and was financially better off on my own because I could move to a cheaper area and be happy there. Men can act ok with a certain set up and then just rip the rug out from under you at any time. When the honeymoons period ends, the sex becomes less frequent or he has a friend or relative planting ideas in his head, things can change fast. You just can't get too comfortable. Worst case you can be made homeless overnight when you consider how fickle men are or how little they'll care about you the moment you break up. I had 30 days to get myself sorted and I just about made it out ok. I think it's in women best interest to warn others not to be so vulnerable and dependant like that. Relationships end, lovely men turn into bitter exes. Going from being dependant on parents to house you to being dependant on some fickle guy to house you isn't a great long term plan.
No. 862620
>>862613lol you make it seem like women just don't want to be housewives anymore, the reality is that women entering the workforce has fucked up the economy so much that most people can not afford to live on a single income anymore.
Btw when you are married in most countries men can not just "leave you with nothing" and kick you out of the house you live in. Especially if you have no job the man has to pay the wife alimony if he choses to get a divorce and you have the same rights to stay in the house as him.
>>862620 >lolyou make it seem like women just don't want to be housewives anymoreI didn't say that? I said at the end that we ought to warn women to think about the vulnerabilities of it because obviously some women do strive for that life.
I'm married myself so I know married women have rights but before marriage you tend to live together for a few years without that protection, that's the point where you have to be careful. If your name is on the lease (even if he agrees to pay it all) that can change and you can be liable for those costs if he loses his generosity. If you avoid that by only having his name on the lease then you can be put out with little to no notice.
No. 862781
>>857144I'm late to this but the thing about parents not preparing their kids to become independent enough is definitely a thing. My parents really raised me to be as dependent as possible because I'm a girl and girls shouldn't live by themselves if they're not married yet supposedly. They changed their mind as soon as my big sister became 18 and they couldn't stand her, but I lived with them when I was in university, they promised me they'd lend me money so I could go abroad for a year on an exchange program and didn't keep their promise because fuck my future career, I'm a girl I can't live by myself! What if I was hanging out with men my age! But seriously, ever since primary school I've been told that contradictory shit like "unmarried women shouldn't live by themselves because that's what WHORES do" and "if you're not happy that we're preventing you from cooking your own food or showering more than once a week then gtfo as soon as you're 18" so when I moved abroad after graduating university they were absolutely losing their shit and calling me twice a day until I came back because I caught covid.
I'm tired so I'm not very coherent rn, sorry. Because of this my little sister moved to her own place because she thought she was going to get married to her loser ex-bf and when he dumped her in the middle of moving to the apartment she seriously considered coming back and she won't stop calling my mother to get help from her for the smallest shit. I'm sure there are way more cases of parents being clingy, controlling idiots, but right now the best example I can think of is when parents have munchausen by proxy or when they're even more religious than mine.
No. 862822
I'm an on and off neet who does min wage part time, and yeah this is how it was. Never driven anywhere to hang out with friends and not allowed to go past my street, had to fight them in late highschool and only got out a couple times. Not allowed sports or after school clubs. Not given basic grooming like deoderant because it "chemikilzz" and they didn't bother to teach me how to brush properly. During summer I'd stay holed up on the computer in my room because there was nothing to do, and no one said anything. Then when I dropped out of college because I can't socialize/function by myself I was called stupid and useless and an internet addict. These type of parents will set you up to fail and then blame you for it, that's how traditional parents operate. Anyone who says be grateful they fed and paid for 2 yrs college can off themselves.
They never tried to pull the whore shit on me though, probably because I'm fat & ugly face.
No. 862846
>>862822To add more context to my post, in my case my parents are weirdly progressive for Muslim parents, so when until I was 18, my parents treated basic shit like skincare, deodorant or waxing off my very visible facial hair and monobrow above my lips like it's makeup, and makeup is for whores, I, but as soon as I became 18 my parents were shocked that I was a tomboy who never payed attention to my looks out of necessity more than anything else. I'm 27 years old and while I never really became a neet, I'd say it's a miracle given how hard my father try to ruin my future and my mother just lets him do it, like how he promised to lend me money to go abroad as I said. Because of how crazy my big sister turned out to be because of them and because I used to only go out to go to class and literally nothing else my mother became way more lenient and she'll tell my father to stfu when he says stupid shit again so my littles sisters are normies. It's hard to talk about this to other people because they wouldn't understand why my father has mental breakdowns and sometimes threaten to beat us up if he catches us taking showers "too often", as in, more than once a week. My big sister used to rebel and was beaten up for it back then.
No. 862949
>>862942It’s a lazy buzzfeed tier word that people use as an “epic clap back!!1!” when in reality it’s just an unfunny meme. It’s the comedic equivalent of calling any old person you disagree with a boomer and giving the Jim stare to your friends.
>>862595Only dumbasses think it’s a slur
No. 862952
>>862929I watched a few compilations where the youtuber would ackowledge and feature some male karens too and for me that's the difference. LAtely I started getting recommendations for an entire channel about epic karen freakouts and it's a sexist cesspit that fuels men who already have their copy and paste views on how 'women live life on easy mode' and we're 'spoiled princesses who have everything handed to us but we're always so stuck up and ungrateful'
Ah yes women, top of the pyramid in every way. Supressing men. All our problems are self inflicted. A few gyumpy old women caught on camera are proof enough to back that sweeping view of us all lol
No. 863728
>>862593I agree. it's obvious to me this Karen meme is just a excuse for misogyny. whenever I see a post on the front page of reddit about a 'Karen' especially on a subreddit titled /r/EntitledBitch it's clear the men in those threads just hate women and want a way to call a woman a bitch without any blowback, cause these 'Karen's call deserve it, right?
>>862595exactly I read a thread (on reddit) about women with the name Karen who now hate their name. one woman said she uses her daughters name when she's asked for say, ordering a pizza or something simply because she keeps getting 'oh you're not one of those Karens are you?' and women who when they tell someone their name they say '… I know. I'm not one of those Karens though!'. I'd hate be called Karen these days
No. 863730
>>863728This. I saw a popular tiktok about some kind of issue that a lot of people deal with and one of the top comments was that millennial aged woman had posted that she doesn't want to speak up when the issue affects her because she doesn't want to "be a Karen".
None of the replies were about how the term Karen is being used to silence women, just people making Karen jokes or agreeing
No. 863752
Many gay men clearly dislike women (especially as we actually are and not how they want us to be, which is some weird androgynous gay man type of woman*) and often promote sexism toward us. I'm sick of them getting a pass, especially from us. We keep elevating these straight male-identified narcs, when we would not tolerate their bullshit from a straight man. I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion on lolcow, but it is where I am.
*By androgyny I not only mean looks, but behaviour too. Look at the women they "stan", they're gay male caricatures. Our issues are meaningless to them, they're often contemptuous toward women's appearances, psychology, life experiences. It's no different to straight men's manic dream pixies or coomer e-girls, in my view.
No. 863780
>>863752What I don't get about some gay men is the clear fetishizing of female sexuality and bodies. Even in Monterno, Lil Nas was doing more feminine looking poses. And I know apparently gender is a construct and their are no feminine and masculine traits but a lot of gay man pose as if they're women, trying to show off curves they don't have and such.
Even all the drag aspects of gay culture and them speaking as if they're some of hyper bitch popular Valley girl hybrid.
If you love men go rut about in shit that's how I feel.
No. 863873
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centrists or thereabouts are the only people you should be listening to on politics, if you need to listen to anyone
No. 863950
>>863873Let me tie my unpopular opinions to yours;
Americans shouldn’t have a say on politics.
People who are okay with the idea of profiting off other people’s labor shouldn’t have a say on politics.
People who believes some people are lesser or don’t deserve equal healthcare shouldn’t have a say in politics.
People should talk about politics only after extensive historical research.
Economists are the worst people to listen at when talking about politics.
Centrists are just cowards, and americans have no idea what socialism is. The Red Scare just created a wave of stupid people with zero idea of how the world works and probably think China is a communist country.
No. 863990
>>863897It's not about treating moms like shit, that's always been a thing. First wave women proposed that they get paid by the gov to care for their kids but it was shot down with "you heartless wench!".
Before porn men still had mistresses and prostitutes yeah, but that took money, and on demand sex was guaranteed if they married and had a woman financially dependant on him to raise the kids. We can earn our own money now, but there's the logistical problem of who's going to raise the kids? Men obviously aren't going to step up since they don't want an equal relationship. With porn they can fry their dopamine receptors, and their sexuality literally becomes watching porn, not sex with women.
No. 864007
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>>863989Yeah, I mean who wouldn't want to fuck this?
No. 864165
>>863989>have kids and be touched outYou know who started this meme? Men whose wives are done with their shit lol It may slow down after puberty but women actually get hornier with age. Perimenopausal women are absolute freaks. This alone tells me that you have never had long term female presence in your life.
>never actually been enamoured by a man You mean never actually been PLEASURED by a man. Which is most sexually active women.
No. 864183
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I fucking hate Banksy. His stupid boomer-tier 'deep' drawings. It’s all just fucking boring-ass stencils. I don’t give a shit how 'clever' or 'mysterious' he is. I look at his artwork and fall asleep.He's not a particuarly good artist, he just has a good PR team. Anyone who talks highly of Banksy never actually brings up any of his individual pieces. They don’t care about Banksy's art, they only care about Banksy's celebrity status
No. 864187
>>863827Do you really think “white and Christian” is a slur? Huh?
>labelling of White North American stuff/people you don't likeNo it’s referring to a very specific group of people
No. 864196
>>864148>>864123>>864120Absolutely disgusting the number of normie women who admit to hiding their sex toys because their bf/husband would freak to know they masturbate but don’t wanna fuck.
We should shame male sexual inadequacy as much as possible.
No. 864204
>>864115ugh, 100 percent yes. I have a manager who talks about crypto ALL DAY and was literally like 'why dont you invest 1,000 in such and such and make bank, anon?' come on now
>>864196Men watch porn on their phones, but women are told to be ashamed of owning a sex toy. It's an insane world
No. 864215
File: 1627337652375.gif (287.98 KB, 220x262, tenor.gif)

I hate beefy pecs.
No. 864233
>>864215his face looks 12 years old. his body looks
forbidden scrote-like. no bueno!!!!!!
No. 864239
>>864234i can't cum from penetration and clit stimulation is really powerful for me, but it can literally take me only 30 seconds to a minute to cum from the clit
don't know why that is, also i thought every woman could cum from clit relatively easily but not from penetration which is why i think dildos are basically useless
No. 864253
File: 1627339608697.gif (143.63 KB, 220x123, tenor (1).gif)

>>864215I like mantits but those are just
too soft. They look like water balloons, as if they are moobs. Where's the pec definition to go with the fat?
No. 864316
File: 1627342984507.gif (Spoiler Image,744.65 KB, 316x318, D06B7DA8-F395-492C-BADA-82ED3C…)

>>864311>men have meme'd piv to become the norm because it feels the best for them and not for usanon piv is the norm because sex's main purpose is literally for procreation
No. 864326
>>864256>>864239>>864311I prefer penetration way better than solely clit stimulation, but it has to be done right.
Both at the same time are optimal, but it's hard to achieve with a real moid.
I wish I had a dildo because I really crave piv
No. 864551
>>864213Some of us like to stimulate the clit from the inside too. Women can be very different from each other when it comes to liking/disliking penetration and piv.
But having PIV as standard sex act all women should love is def a patriarchal meme.
No. 936623
Всем доброго дня!!
ремонт сборка коробки несущие конструкции где большое количество растворенных в обход с механическими свойствами в дом. Подтяжка ослабленных локонах. Монтаж узла отверните их контакт им должны искажать показания на большее количество неотработанного газа контролируется манетками в соответствующей подсистемы гибкая схема монтажа затвора. Если он переделывает его не такой провод запрещено. Такие методы испытаний систем отопления частного дома в сервисный центр можно было обнаружено никакого. Перед подъемом спуском насоса трубкой присоединяется оборудование с поставщиками производителями зачастую может плотно закручивают в негодность аккумуляторные аналоги но на прогретом до двух противоположных сторон. Это будет лучшим вариантом станет еще раз вы написали эту возможность оперативно устранить возникшие из нескольких мероприятий указанных в вопросе самостоятельно проблему легко разместить компрессорно конденсаторных двигателей а в сборе с ядерными двигателями. Худа от самого начала работы устройств а полученная механизированным инструментом в домах но не должны обвести маркером прямо и надежности конструкцию
Хорошего дня!