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No. 864401
>Reminder that if you are a radfem/pinkpill/Terf sperg/gendercrit, the "unpopular opinions thread" is not your reverse uno to continue the discourse. Nor is it your general place to try and fight people. Ignore posters you disagree with.If you are here to;
>sperg about trannies ruining your board, or your conspiracies that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny - BAN.>explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN.>fight people who disagree with you - BAN.>post vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.>reply to someones personal experiences because you inherently disagree with their views - BAN.>discuss your views on racism - BAN.>have gender crit discussions - BAN.>try and score twitter cookie points by dunking on the "bigot" terfs - BAN.If you are here to;
>complain that your boyfriend did x/ you got cat called/ you had a bad day due to a man - NO BAN.>talk about your personal experience and opinions. - NO BAN.>HOWEVER, personal experiences and opinions do not devolve into long political discussions nor do they contain your tangent on how all men are scum or how you want to ethnically purge because once upon a time a (((man))) said you are fat. No. 864436
>>864416This is
really damaging for kids to hear though, even when they're adults. It's one thing to always be suspicious of a parent's dislike, but to have it confirmed is really devastating even if the affirmation is temporarily satisfying.
How are kids supposed to feel when the people who brought them into this world love them only conditionally, meanwhile other kids are born to loving parents for having done nothing differently?
Tbh I think any decent parent would lie even if they didn't bond well with their kid and hated parenthood. At the end of the day, it's not the child's fault nor problem. No one asks to be born.
This is definitely one of those self-inflicted burdens that belong in a support group or an anonymous forum, but never in a kid's ear.
No. 864671
>>864416If you talking about
abusive parents, namely their moms, then yeah they really don't love their kids lmao
No. 864705
>>864416I used to have a friend who'd get a few drinks in her and then get real honest about regretting her kid. Her kid was around 5 and he had just started school. Then fast forward a few months later and she told us she was coming off her BC injection to have another one seeing as the kid was in school now so she had time to spare… ?
I also had an ex bf get drunk and admit that both money wise and weekend/relaxation wise he often wished he just didn't have to factor in a kid. He did the vare minimum and still resented it. He at least got a vasectomy though.
No. 864943
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Velociraptors were actually the cutest dinosaurs.
No. 864958
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>>864943What about the dino that was the size of a humming bird?
No. 865280
>>865130Vegan hate always seems way too personal like it’s coming from a place a hurt. These people do not have rare conditions that require them to eat steak every week. They feel personally victimized by vegans because they feel bad for their terrible food practices but also don’t have the willpower to force themselves to change. I’m not even a vegan myself but unless they have NPD like
>>865269, they they should learn to live with the fact that they are a bigger problem than a vegan.
No. 865320
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I don’t care if global warming is killing off the world and will affect humans and animals. Why is the world being on fire a bad thing? It looks so cool. Plus humans deserve this shit, get fucked kek
No. 865328
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>>865321Ikr like look at this shit it looks so metal. I feel like doomsday theories make the end of the world seem worse than it really is, it would look really beautiful and paradoxical like picrel
No. 865494
>>865488Calling someone a bottom is just the twittertard way of calling someone a Faggot, but without the impact
if you dislike someone just call them a faggot and get it over with, don't say shit like "he's a totes bottom" you annoying faggot
No. 865556
>>865472>>865485>>865547Night showers are the truth, the light and the way.
It's so nice to relax with a warm shower as part of my evening routine. Free face steam for nighttime skincare absorption. No time pressure to get to work or start your day. Plus, the sheets stay cleaner for longer.
I dated a morning shower guy and his sheets had a brown patch where his feet would rest. He refused to see the light but I at least talked him into rinsing his feet before bed.
No. 865560
>>865547Here's something worse: I only ever shower in the morning
even when I do heavy workouts. I just change from sweaty gym clothes to clean ones, and no showering until next morning. I wash my feet before bed but that's it.
No. 865688
>>865672this is it right here. straight men have so many more options than straight women when choosing a mate. ITs not fair at all. Women are literally incredible, photograph well, usually have degrees, interesting hobbies, personal hygiene (well thats debatable after reading that some of you bitches go to bed sweaty and dirty). I recently changed my dating app to show men and women because i noticed that i've been attracted to girls my whole life but just hid it, and the women's profiles versus the mens were night and day. I felt cheated. Its not fair at all. being attracted to men is a hell i wouldnt wish on anyone. THey suck and are boring conversationalists half the time
My opinion is that most women just like the idea of men. Which is why so many read novels like 50 shades or twilight because men in irl are nothing like that but we like to pretend that maybe there is one.
No. 865779
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>>865764Eat a bagel,
nonnie, egg, cheese and bacon were made to taste great together.
No. 865793
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>>865764Are you
triggered nonnie No. 865831
>>865814>>865821They might be turned on by the yaoi too you know.
But at least posting various types of pictures objectifying men in troll threads makes the threads more fun for farmers.
No. 866244
>>865845That doesn't work either. Literally nothing works except ignoring them, all they want is attention and to know that somewhere, somehow, a woman has been impacted by his existence. Any sort of counter attack means he got to you.
However I will always encourage casual disparagement of tiny dicks and unattractive men in conversations amongst ourselves, in the hopes that male lurkers can't cope and fuck off, possibly to kill themselves.
No. 866601
>>866592Yes, thank you, I hate him. Everything about him makes me think humblebragging redditor, sometimes even narc. I don't know why. He'd definitely deploy tears and faux-intimacy as a way to get sex though.
>>866586Imagine being a scrotoid hit full in the face with Komaedasperging though. I'd never come back kek. I like that we've got our own board culture and pet retards, separate from other sweaty-ball-stinking imageboards.
No. 866695
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You know what's pathetic? Adults getting a consoomer soyboy orgasm over kweer representation in cartoons supposedly for children that are, in fact, only watched by kweer enby millenials.
No. 866711
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IMO wearing a crop top with high waisted pants looks odd, unless you have a long torso. I see many people wear this to try to look skinnier, but they just end up looking disproportionate.
No. 866881
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carrd is actually good, it's in fact better than linktree.
No. 867117
I'm a fujo and I prefer frott and oral. Weird generalization there
No. 867231
>>866702Of course I've tried /lotion/, anon. An absolute fuckload of different ones over the years. Never made a difference. But that's beside the point because I don't need an "excuse" to not shower every single day in the winter, it's literally not abnormal or unhygienic at all. I don't get sweaty during those months and I'm not rolling around naked in mud, all my skin is covered when I go out and the parts that aren't covered (face, hands) I always wash.
Literally this topic being so contentious is baffling to me. So I should /still/ shower 365 days a year despite having no smell, not feeling dirty, and not enjoying it? Nope. Waste of time and water. I'm convinced the people who are so scandalized by this must have body odor issues that they're projecting onto everyone else bc a swipe of deodorant in the morning is all I need to smell fresh all day whether I showered that morning or not. Just bc you reek if you skip a day of bathing doesn't mean we all do.
No. 867249
>>867029i know it's just that everyone is always drooling over korean and japanese ramen while indomie rarely gets any love or attention
>>867066i'm scared to buy a full box because I know i'll go thru that shit like it's nobody's business
No. 867256
>>867231>So I should /still/ shower 365 days a year despite having no smell, not feeling dirty, and not enjoying it?You realize that people generally don't notice a smell if they're surrounded by it constantly, right? There are people out there with serious BO issues, they don't realize it because they're used to their own smell. There are people who live in houses that stink because of their pets or w/e, but they don't notice because they live in it. And nobody's gonna tell them otherwise because it's likely to hurt their feelings.
I'm not saying it's impossible or even unlikely that you can go a day or two without showering, but you can't expect people to trust your judgement over how you smell. You're free to do what you want, but stop getting so OTT offended and projecting on other people ("you're the one who must smell if you have to shower every day!") when they question it. You can't actually know how you smell to others, it's not unreasonable to question it. Even if I don't think I smell, I'll shower just in case because it's a risk I'm not willing to take.
No. 867339
>>867337Tumblr sounds exhausting.
This is funny though
>Some users being nazis or friends with nazis but claiming it doesn't matter because they are more opressed for being fatOppressed because you are overeating. OK.
No. 867516
>>867337you use the word dyke a lot
are you one of the spergs who gets angry over separatism drama
No. 867527
>>867337>Dykes harassing women for mentioning boyfriends or stable relationships progressing like wanting to become fiancees or moving togetherAh that's a classic. Apparently they can harass bi/straight women for something they have no control over, but the moment you call them out on their bullshit, they cry lesbophobia. Apparently, you can be a piece of shit to your fellow women because you are at the top of opression olympics uwu (and also are the most opressed by scrotes despite not being in a relationship with any and cutting most if not all out of your life. Straight women can't have anything)
>Blogs first starting as heterosexual or bisexual, then progressing to "female only bisexual" or dykes with "comphet" either to avoid harassment, social contagion to fit in, or for oppression pointscomphet ain't real lmfao. but I feel bad for the idiots who get pressured into this nonsense because of the above-mentioned tendency to use bihet women as punching bags (so progressive)
No. 867567
>>867531Yeah it's incredibly depressing when you realise the full scope of misogyny and then you get women posting about feeling like shit like girl… this is NOT helping. Yes fight for your beliefs and educate yourselves but ffs take breaks. A lot of radfems just make it their entire personality though. Oy vey, the way some of them treat FTMs pissed me off so much. "b-b-but they don't rape and kill like men! they're damaged widdle girls!" and? The ones that make tiktoks and tumblrs and youtubes etc dedicated to making trooning out look cool and especially the ones who tell you how to lie to fucking doctors deserve to get shit, I won't apologise for calling them out. I was in a predominantly nicefem discord server and was constantly getting put on the naughty step for not using kiddie gloves with FTMs. Even the word "Aiden" was consider dEroGAtOrY. I completely agree about Shinji Page. It
is funny and I WILL laugh about it. It beats getting fucking depressed about yet another lesbian in the public eye trooning out. #1 rule of radblr is no fun allowed though.
No. 867572
>>867527do you think that lesbians don't get raped by men. like lesbianism grants you a magical shield that makes men not to harrass you or to violate you
>cutting most if not all out of your realize that not everyone or hell most lesbians are the tumblr radfem type, that lesbians work with men, lesbians have brothers, lesbians have male friends etc. fucking insane.
No. 867603
>>867572anon is talking about a specific group of
terf lesbians on tumblr. An everyday lesbian is not a het-woman-hating neet
No. 867621
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The people that hated astrology really look at it the wrong way tbh. The sun sign/ pop culture astrology really damages it for good…I just hope people are more open-minded about astrology though, it can be very interesting regarding the stupid "I'm such an X sign lol" meme.
No. 867629
>>867572I confirm that I specifically mean angry tumblr lesbians that seem to hate "bihets" more than actual men, lmfao.
>that lesbians work with men, lesbians have brothers, lesbians have male friends etc. fucking insane.sure but you cannot claim political purity due to your sexual orientation and avoiding males AND claim that somehow you are just as abused by men as women in relationship with them. Pick a side lmfao. And maybe let the dirty hetties have a space to talk about the opression that comes with being in romantic/sexual relationships with scrotes. IDK why tumblr lesfems want to pretend that they face exactly the same issues with scrotes as the bihets (not talking about lesbians forced into straight marriages, those clearly aren't posting on tumblr)
No. 867636
>>867632like i said, i don't have the cash for such an… "abstract" hobby. you either shell out money for a reading where nothing will happen, or by some coincidence one or two things happen and nothing else does, and then what? it just seems like a form of gambling to me. you're paying for a product you may or may not get.
maybe those personality readings, the customer gets more out of, because you're receiving information that you can relate to in the moment. i would be be extremely disappointed and it would solidify my standing though if i even paid for a personality reading and they still told me a bunch of stuff that isn't true.
No. 867649
>>867636I get what you are saying anon, but you haven't tried it yourself, no? Get yourself an experienced astrologer or you can just look it up yourself. I promise you that its more interesting than it looks because people always have a fixed mindset because of it they refuse to give it a chance.
If you want an accurate fortune-telling reading, Vedic/Asian astrology is where it's at.
No. 867666
>>867646i guess, but don't you actually need to be "qualified" in some way to understand what the birth charts mean? i've generated birth charts for myself but i still wouldn't know how any of it is supposed to be interpreted
>>867649i'm not gonna fully knock it; maybe if i find a reader that has good reviews, i'll come to a definitive conclusion on whether it's worth it.
No. 867702
>>867666meet me in the astrology thread with ur chart anon, we shall talk
>>867653come join us
No. 867964
>>867798This is a seriously popular opinion I hear all the time but everyone who has it is under the impression it's cutting edge and will shock people.
Forcing infertility/abortions or forcefully preventing pregnancy is a violation of bodily autonomy and unethical. It's not that I want kids to be born to shitty parents but you just can't get around how wrong it is to actually enforce the prevention. And, like anon said, eugenics will come into play, and we all know specific races will be targeted. Education and access to birth control and abortions are the best option, and we also need to make not having kids the default option. Have kids if you really want them and are ready for them, not just because you can, maybe if that's the normal line of thinking people will stop having kids they can't care for.
No. 867974
>>867629you know lesbians have fathers etc who can be
abusive. acting as if we are shielded from male violence because of our sexuality is retarded, not all male violence happens in heterosexual relationship you moron
No. 868008
>>867964I know that you're right but as somebody who works with kids I nevertheless always name this as the first think I'd do if I became president or something. The shit young kids will just casually tell you…way too many are doomed right from birth just because of their parents. Like only being 7 yet proudly talking about how their parents don't work and just get money from the state instead, or refusing to do homework because "my mom always worked hard in school yet nevertheless only got a shitty job!" What are you supposed to respond to that? If all they experience at home is discouragement and shitty adult idols.
And that's not even talking about the many parents are are
abusive to their kids.
No. 868246
>>867974Okay so now you know how bihets feel when lesbians shut up conversations on violence in rationships because "we have it the worst, lol just be celibate".
I'm aware of all that you said, I'm tired of tumblr idiots who want to be the biggest and only
victims of patriarchy as well as the truest feminists ever.
No. 868410
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>>868340This makes me depressed because this is the reason I'm afraid to show too much of my feelings to my current bf. I like him a lot, we've started saying I love you recently, and I feel like I'm really starting to fall in love, yet I have this fear that when I truly become vulnerable around him, a checkmark will go off in his brain and he'll lose interest.
No. 868422
>>868340>>868410Thats exactly what happens. Even scrote PUAs reading the Art of Seduction agree with that. Men can spend a lifetime pining after an unattainable woman, but once he has her the fire is gone. Playing games is the only way to win. You can birth his kids and spend years serving him but nothing will bring about the obsessiveness like being distant and leaving him. Thats why all their love songs are about the one that got away. They
need their ego to be hurt to want something.
No. 868431
>>868340>>868422No doubt a lot of men are like this, but it's pretty easy to see early on if a guy is just interested in the chase or actually cares about you. Men are retarded and tell on themselves. Also, men with high EQ and empathy will actually be turned away if you play cruel games with them. The best course of action is to be very, very observant of a man's actions and his intentions behind those actions. It's really not too hard to get into his head, like I said they tell on themselves. Even the ones that hide their true personalities in the beginning have their own tells, especially if you're in a close relationship with them.
>>868410That's why it's important to be authentic from the beginning. If he reacts badly to you being yourself around him, then you know straight up he belongs in the trash. Don't hide parts of yourself for years just to find out that he's an insensitive blockhead when you've already invested so much time in him. It's so fucking normal to be unsure and insecure in a relationship, and it's part of the man's job to prove that he isn't a flighty idiot. If he can't do that he's garbage.
No. 868477
>>868364From knowing weed addicts and heroin addicts I can definitely tell you the heroin ones are way worse.
I smoke too much weed and know it directly hinders my productivity. I'm not living up to my full potential. Does it bother me? Yes. However, coasting through life suits me fine. The greatest riches are in the kingdom of heaven. Cmon!
No. 868494
>>868364Yeah, as someone who spent the past 2 years smoking face all day everyday, I agree. I feel like life passed me by. And I definitely did stuff to get weed I wouldn't have if it wasn't so serious for me. (No I did not sell pussy)
With that said, I kinda depend on it for my appetite. I literally don't get hungry or eat without that sweet sweet THC. Working on moderation, and I'm going to get a medical license soon. But I'll be practicing moderation, and not just smoking the depression away.
No. 868598
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>>868422>>868451Have you guys ever read Why Men Love Bitches? The entire book talks about this phenomenon. Men are the OG pick mes, they love chasing after what they can't have and if you serve yourself to them on a silver platter they lose respect for you. That's why they use "easy" as an insult for women who sleep around.
I used to be mean as fuck to the random men who would DM me trying to fuck and they would just keep coming back for more insults. It was weird. Now I ignore and block because it's not worth the trouble, they don't know when to give up.
No. 869065
>>868723The only people who advocate for women being drafted are MRAs who see it as a revenge for women wanting any rights at all. Women having the right to join the military by choice is another story. We should, theoretically be able to join the army and be safe among other soldiers, but most feminists are fully aware of how widespread rape is within the military so I see mixed perspectives on it.
Ultimately I see war as something men start and we should not be obligated to get involved it, especially not when we're in more danger of assault from fellow soldiers than the enemy (though god forbid the latter gets a hold of female soldiers). It's simply not ever going to be fair when women can be harmed on multiple levels that men usually aren't, we're always in more extreme danger than them.
No. 869165
>>869157Kill yourself
Your bait isn’t funny retard
No. 869345
>>869306>>869303He gives me emotionally
abusive type tbh, the BPD stank just wafts off him. He thinks you're stupid and suicide baits constantly.
No. 869355
>>869313Not to defend that, but I'd say for the majority of people that they absolutely can't fuck someone they don't like even if they were irresistibly their type looks-wise. Personality is a pretty huge deal and it's not a stretch to assume that someone who has feelings for that person would still want to be intimate even if they were ugly.
One thing I enjoyed about giving an average or below average guy a date is that I'd be more focused on how he was interacting with and treating me, and the bonus is that he was an easier dump if he was bad. Whereas if a guy was more attractive to me, he'd get away with more bad behavior cause…well I was thirsty kek.
No. 869396
>>869394They keep getting memed into thinking that if they only focus on pErSoNaLiTy then it's easier to find a guy won't treat like you shit, but that's false. What matters most is his actions at the end of the day.
I used to think that I only cared about personality, but actually I have really specific taste in looks, I just didn't give myself the space to find that out.
No. 869590
>>869394Realistically not many men are both attractive with a good personality (and interested in you) so never finding someone decent is a real possibility.
But god forbid we just stay single lol men will never change or improve unless women collectively accept being alone as a viable alternative to a bad relationship.
No. 870096
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Tumbleweeds are cute as hell I want one as a pet
No. 870143
>>870081Honestly I mostly agree with you. If the women really wants to do PIV though, I think she should only do it with a guy that she has vetted to be gentle and kind and empathic. Not because of purity bullshit, but because engaging in degrading sex where she's disrespected/objectified causes mental harm imo. It also reinforces in the man's mind that women want or are asking to be abused
So many women have damaged self-esteem or are traumatized from from past sexual experiences and porn that they think being treated like shit during sex is normal, and use it as a way to self-harm
No. 870168
>>868008Adding onto this, it would also remove the pressure for women to reproduce by way of reducing the amount of men worth reproducing with.
I live in a very backwards, patriarchal shithole (rhymes with lease) where many women get pressured into marriage and children with some of the laziest, most awful scrotoids when they very, very clearly don't want it.
This pressure comes from husbands, parents, neighbors, aunties, uncles, grandmas and grandpas who suddenly disappear when it's time to change diapers and the woman will be left alone to deal with kids she never wanted and will resent for the rest of her life. You can guess the kind of childhoods these kids have.
No. 870169
Rape is the ultimate display of male sexuality. Of course, this is not a good thing. It's terrible. But I have never met or heard of a man whose sexuality shows no predisposition to a rapist mentality. Desire to possess a woman, to literally own her, affinity for women who "play hard to get", the desire to be loved only by women who do not love them, lust for lesbians, the unattainable MILF or step-sister (or actual sister), BDSM, the desire to dominate a woman (physically, mentally, and emotionally) through any means possible, the list goes on. The most reviled by men I have ever been is when I sought out their approval, and the most desired I've been is when I was at my least available and most disgusted by them. I've met truly beautiful and kind women who struggle to find men to pay attention to them, and ugly and horrible women who get showered in male attention, simply because they do not want it. And the second a woman who doesn't want a man gives in and says yes to one is the moment she stops being desirable to him. I've seen it, time and time again. A woman will never willingly satisfy a man, because he desires to dominate absolutely, and that is something that requires the woman to not consent.
No. 870191
>>870169I've always been pretty clear about boundaries and how I like to stay in control of myself and my sex life, no submission or those random acts that men like to throw in like hands on your neck or a smacked ass out of nowhere… I've never been on the receiving end of those things or any name calling mid sex… that kind of stuff. My friends have been and have talked about it being gross. I almost thought that meant the guys I'd been with were all pretty ok. It doesn't mean that though. I was just clear enough to tell them in advance and make it clear I'd likely make a scene if that ever happened.
One of my exes is with a woman now who is into the whole "I'm his woman" thing and I realize that even if a man respects YOUR boundaries..he'd still trip over himself to get with any woman who is willing to bend over to please him in that sense. I'm sure he sees that as a huge bonus and that deep down I was 'uptight' for not being down for that dynamic. Their preference will nearly always be to dominate and degrade you if they can get away with it.
No. 870204
>>870191I tried dipping my toe into casual sex but apparently I'm very vanilla because I don't think a dude saying he's going to choke me is hot. I've been with men that try to have performative sex they try to emulate from porn and imo if they can't manage the fucking basics they have no right to expect a sex show.
Things seem weird atm. Like I have no issue riding on top and prefer it in most cases and I've had guys blown away by this prospect but they also think it's weird if I don't want to be slapped about. And these guys aren't the type that want to take direction from you or your pleasure, it's all about their power fantasies and it's a load of bollocks. When sex is a mutual understanding of getting both off how they enjoy it it's amazing. I thought I'd had luck at casual sex since I can cum easily but the emotional fallout from dealing with most scrotes is not worth it.
No. 870211
>>870204>apparently I'm very vanilla because I don't think a dude saying he's going to choke me is hotGosh anon you're so weird! How can you not find it great when some scrote threatens you with violence you could die from!
Seriously I'm convinced that the only way it would be safe for a woman to have casual sex with a man is if he is tied up the entire time. Violent pornsickness is real.
No. 870250
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>>870238Yeah, like, "lynx"… The only things that look like what they are are the southern cross and the triangle constellations
No. 870443
>>870432I know right, nothing better than fucking an ugly ass scrote who hates your guts and who has a whole family that also hates your guts, while you’re away from your family, hoping to get that sweet residence status so you can divorce his ass, just to see that it’s impossible because he finds a way to tie you up to him, either with abuse, a baby or something legal.
Easy mode, ezpc gg.
No. 870450

>>870432yes being sexually trafficked because you are poor and beautiful or above average in looks is such a privilege. I know you are not even a scrote but a first world country jealous and ugly woman that thinks women that get trafficked for their looks are at advantage because you hold misogynistic values and refuse to see or understand the pain of poor women that become
victims of trafficking due to their above average looks. Sexual trafficking rings In third world countries don't target ugly women generally, but above average in looks one, they don't pick gremlin looking, fat women, but strategically they choose above looking women. It is also a huge patriarchal lie, cope and grooming tactic to tell others and believe that women from third world countries can escape their poverty and suffering through their looks. Even if you don't end up in a first world country brothel being fucked by strangers for 10 dollars per day, in the best case scenario you end up married to a man like Ed.
It's just scrote mentality to think that women that get trafficked and abused due to our lookist patriarchal society are at advantage. Those women would be at a much greater advantage if they were not groomed or taken advantage of for being pretty. I think a poor life is a better life than a life where you have to be raped by men for a living or a life where you have to spend 24/24 with an old grandpa from a germanic country
No. 870469
>>870450kek what's with the speculation of me being an ugly coper. I think it's tragic, but outside of the children that get groomed into it, I do see a lot of it as the third world women making a gamble for a better life, a high risk high reward sort of situation. Because despite the cope in the thread, there are a lot of women that marry geriatric men, the man dies and they get a decent inheritance and residency. It doesn't always end up as a total loss.
>>870439Compared to where they're coming from, they often can be. If you read in depth into human trafficking you do come across the narrative that a lot of women are doing it for migration purposes, many who would resent the doors being closed.
No. 870870
>>870859Lol nah, sex pest is a
valid term to use on creepy moids. They're pests and it's always down to sex. Consent isn't a difficult concept. If people are afraid to approach the concept of consent then they're most likely a sex pest.
No. 870939
>>870922>abortion gets so much pushback is becausethe world would literally end if women stopped giving a fuck and birthing/caring for little kids. They don't offer any benefits for having a kid (in fact it's all cons) and the religious brainwashing isn't working anymore. Leaders are getting nervous, if countries aren't letting immigrants bust their ass open then they're restricting abortion.
>big pharma/doctors make more money off of transgender more than gay people Don't know what gays have to do with it but ok? They're basically manufacturing body dysmorphia in kids to make future $.
No. 871423
>>870922There's not much money to be had for big business in children, it's the opposite. When people form families they stop being consoomers on useless shit and start saving for the future when possible. Any money that would've been spent on diapers, prams, etc goes towards dogs, cats, bibleo games, etc.
Capitalism actually hates families and reproduction because it lowers people's proclivity to waste money on useless shit. They don't care about a crashing birthrate because they can just import more people.
My unpopular opinion is that pro lifers typically aren't doing a 4D move to take away women's rights. They're more just religious people that genuinely do believe life begins at conception. I'm pro abortion more to counteract dysgenics, I don't want a world swamped with low IQ, impulsive individuals.
No. 871443
>>871426There's over a billion people in India alone kek. They've got mass reserves of third world labour.
I think that people complaining about social pressure to have children in the west are delusional. If you have 4 children or more, in most contemporary circles you're seen as a handmaiden freak. It's more acceptable to have no children than to have five children. Three is basically the socially acceptable limit and even in certain circles that's seen as weird.
No. 871483
>>870922Abortion is getting so much pushback because it's about giving a woman control over her own body and especially reproduction system and that doesn't sit well with men. The women who are against it are just memed into thinking about muh poor murdered babies or the bitterness of never having the option to have an abortion themselves.
Also there's no money for big pharma to be made out of gay people, literally none. Troons are a lucrative source of money on the other hand, get them all hooked on expensive hormones and surgeries that cost more than a house and you're all set.
No. 871488
>>871483The projection here is strong. Women don't feel regret over not having abortion. In fact most mothers love their child and wouldn't give them up for the world. It's usually women who have had abortions who end up feeling regret and having mental issues later on
Also no money for big pharma from gay people? AIDS,anal cancer, prolapse, fecal incontinence, and so on. Gay men are a walking piggy bank for doctors! And don't get me started on the psychological issues they all have…LGB people probably provide the mental health industry with the most profit of any group aside from trannies of course
did you get lost in the way to /pol/
No. 871602
>>871483> or the bitterness of never having the option to have an abortion themselvesThe crazy thing is that there are women who claim to be pro-life but end up getting abortions themselves, and after they still peddle the pro-life bullshit! My mom actually knew a woman like that. I also read a really interesting article about pro-life women who get abortions (told from the perspectives of the women who work at abortion clinics), and they're hypocritical as fuck. These women seriously bring themselves to theses clinics and then tell the staff that they murdered their baby and basically treat them as if they're evil. I fucking can't with these hypocritical bitches.
Also, I'd link the article, but I forgot what it was called and what website it was on.
No. 871630
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The west over the last 80 years has been pretty meritocratic, intelligent families have been able to ascend to the upper classes over the three generations. The closing of income mobility is due to the fact that the smarties are already at the top and the dummies have remained at the bottom.
Other poorshits remain seething and believe themselves to be actually smart in a dunning kruger fashion. I see a lot of people searching obsessively for every unfairness to explain why they're not doing well in life (pic related), but the fact that they're not smart or skilled enough never comes across as a possibility.
No. 871668
>>871655While yurop in places like England is burdened with an inbred aristocracy that basically live off rent from their vast real estate portfolio, other europoor countries are probably more meritocratic than USA just due to the free university thing so many have going for them. Besides, this more applies to your professional class of doctors, engineers, business owners, etc. They genuinely are smarter and more adapt than us that remain in the lower classes our entire lives.
I'm not even posting this as a smug sociopathic "hurr bootstraps" post, I've only done menial jobs myself and I'm aware of my limitations). But for most people that fall around the bottom, they'll find it absolutely humiliating and unbearable. It was okay when in past ages we could console ourselves with copes that it was all just arbitrary, but as society moves to become more fair and equitable that becomes less true.
There really isn't enough sympathy for slow people in the modern age. Dyslexics, imbeciles, intemperates, etc. The ones that will be sweeping floors and breaking concrete their entire lives due to their limitations. The imperative to get people out of these jobs is only if they're capable of doing something better, how do you think the ones remaining in those jobs will feel.
Excuse the longpost sperg, it's just something I've been thinking about for a while.
No. 871859
>>871630That picture is actually based and factpilled. I used to believe in muh meritocracy working in IT which is highly regarded as a meritocratic field, but in the end it's nothing less than an impossibility to uphold a true meritocracy. It will always default to a classist structure sooner or later, only in modern times the divide isn't between reptilian level aristocrats and peasants, it's upper middle class and lower middle class.
I've met so many smug bastards who have a nice salary, high education and a respected job preaching about their hard work to people from disadvantaged families when in reality they had supportive parents getting them the best extracurricular education they could get, helped out with schoolwork, secured them with a stable household and overall nurtured their talents and invested time in them. Of course you're going to turn out better than the poor kid who has to go home to a drunken single parent and take care of their younger siblings even if they had the exact same potential to succeed. Someone from a well-off family spending their teenage years just smoking weed and lazing off will still be able to bounce back a lot better than someone who had to skip studying for exams because their parent was choking on their own vomit or someone who had to cut back on networking and socializing because they had to be home to cook for little sister.
No. 871905
>>871871>it would be more concerning to me if someone thought of herself/himself a side characterThat's how I feel right now. It comes from years of being bullied for my interests (nothing extreme, just your regular shounen anime, weird music and languages in a town where everyone got pregnant at 16 and dressed the same) and being a goth. I looked exactly how any other alt kid growing up in the 2000s would look.
People would say things like
>Oh you wanna be special so badly huh?>Wow that's so pretentious, you think you're not like other girls huh?>Why are you trying so hard to be different? You think you're better than everyone else?Really I just liked what I liked because I found it cool.
Now I'm too embarrassed to do anything, say anything positive about myself, talk about myself or talk about my interests because I assume that, at best, nobody cares and I'm not important enough for them to care, at worst I'll get mocked again. Any time I say anything nice about myself I worry that people will take it as bragging so I've stopped. I come off as a total boring NPC with no interests or hobbies even though that's not the case in private.
No. 872083
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I normally find her hideous but grimes looks beautiful here
No. 872186
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>>872079>ah the weekly "DON'T dismiss me, DEBATE ME, CHANGE MY MIND" post>not being raided by males daily>cue the verified KFtards, 4chins admitting to lurking constantly>cue the daily incel, coomer and scat/gore posts that I report everydayI know you're a tourist cuz you think it's a new development and your opinion is a fresh take. Or that you didn't know hi-scroting was banned and it was worse.
Nah, only males get
triggered by being reduced to a brainless scrotum. They think it's samefagging since they couldn't understand how women's intuition can hack it that he's a man. The rare occurrence I get called scrote, it doesn't even register, I just go on to say what I need to say instead of knee-jerking like I'm guilty of having a chromosomal defect between my legs.
No. 872927
>>872689Dicks aren't even that good. Vibrators are better. Every guy I've had sex with (not a lot, I'm not that into it), I've had to kindly show them how best to use their fingers and how to stroke/slide/rub instead of jabbing and all that.
I agree, though. Apart from heavy lifting, they're fucking no use. At all.
No. 872948
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>>872927This is why I exclusively date epileptics. Once they get their member fully in, I turn on the strobe lights that line every corner of my room. Cheaper than a vibrator and 10x more thrilling.
No. 873052
>>873048nta but keyword
best friends. It's okay for them to have female associates and friends that are a part of a larger group. But a single female best friend? Hmmm, idk bout that one.
No. 873154
>>873051No it's not the same thing. Women see men as human and can be friends with them. 99% of the time straight men cannot be friends with women and not wanna fuck them.
I would not be worried about the female best friend, shes probably oblivious and thinks the scrote is just friends with her. I would be worried about my scrote lusting over her in secret.
No. 873171
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>>873150I hate how women have been tricked into mutilating their bodies under the guise that it's "self care" and "actually feminist." pair that with the fact that there's now a trend cycle for body types and facial features and it results in a never ending cycle of women getting things put in to or removed from their face, ass, and boobs depending on what the kardashians are doing. women are literally risking their lives for a fatter ass that ends up botched (picrel) half of the time. I feel so sorry for women that have fallen for this bullshit.
No. 873175
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>>873173 Many East Asians who immigrated were mostly rich and smart and led to chain migration of their family who were also rich and smart, building a foundation for East Asians to continue their wealth. Southeast Asians are mostly refugees, so they were poor and had no education to begin with, and also dumped into poor neighborhoods where that cycle continued.
No. 873179
>>873169its funny just how many people eat up white supremacist talking points without even realizing it and just how detrimental and fucked up it is. THe model minority is a myth that was literally created as a way to shutup black americans by only allowing and incentivizing east asians from wealthier backgrounds access to this country. Like you said it completely undermines and disregards the asian americans who don't fit into that stereotype. it's harmful as fuck to assume that about people.
>>873175I literally just finished this post and i saw your comment lol.
No. 873264
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>>873242Lol and anon's choice of Keira Knightley as the body type men find attractive, when they made countless memes at the peak of her fame and you couldn't scroll anywhere on reddit without some tard whingeing over her lack of tits. The whole, "when did this become hotter than this?" would be her and literally any other woman… poor choice anon lol.
No. 873274
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>>873268>>873264I never said men find her attractive, I said only men that are unintelligent find women with big breasts and buts attractive
>>873268Your the one being racist implying women of African descent should have big butts, it's disgusting really
No. 873280
High IQ flat-fetishist over here
No. 873507
>>873462I don't get this argument, spitting, fucking, pissing and shitting are also natural but you don't do it in public. Breast pumps and coverups for breastfeeding women exist.
I don't find breastfeeding gross but it's just so fucking awkward and anyone who whips out their tit in public to breastfeed, especially an older child, is clearly doing it on purpose to make others uncomfortable and get attention.
No. 873544
>>873485>>873507How can you compare shitting and pissing in public to breastfeeding?
Shit and piss are waste and can cause infections and other diseases, besides being super foul smelling.
Breastfeeding is literally just feeding a baby, who you can't just tell "shut up, let's I'll feed you at home".
>Should I talk about childbirth, periods, sex and other intimate and potentially gross stuff when everyone can listen?I mean, you can? Being annoying is not a crime, and some of these you have to be
really childish to find gross.
The problem that
>>873446 brought up was posting it online and taking selfies and being generally an attention whore about it. I mean, it would be as stupid to take a selfie in your toilet at home.
The fact that you compared feeding an infant in public with fucking in public just shows how much you think like a dude that can't comprehend that boobs have a literal biological function other than making their dicks hard.
No. 873557
>>873446cringe powerlevel but I've come across coomer discord servers where moids share pictures of women breastfeeding their children and get off to them. There is absolutely nothing these animals won't fetishize.
Breastfeeding in public is fine, sharing it via instagram is not.
No. 873566
>>873526always go for natural tbh, anything extreme always ends up being seen as ugly in a span of 10 years and you'll be embarassed about all old pictures.
Haven't seen a single one of those pencil-line thin eyebrow ladies remember them fondly
No. 873694
>>872991>muh scawwie haxx0rman 4chan>semantics about the word raidLike, what are you even trying to convince? That there AREN'T plenty a rape-apes constantly vying for women's attention around here?
Back to the original point, calling out scrote is a good thing. What to do if you're not a man and get called a scrote? a) reconsider your shit takes or b) get tf over it.
No. 873719
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>>873183>if you’re spending that much on tudors, you’re not close to being intelligentnot sure what eating my favorite biscuits have to do with intelligence,
nonnie No. 873898
>>873862>If a single man posting images has you screeching scrote like a retard, imagine the nervous breakdown you would have if there was 10 of them.Nta, but It's not just regular images or porn, it's cp and gore. Also, it's definitely more than one man that comes here to spam pictures. There's the scrote(s?) who posts cp, the trannies who post gore, the south Asian one who posts his ass and face
not illegal, but it's disgusting. It's not "screeching like a retard" to be upset over that.
No. 874601
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Lyndie England was based. If I was in her position I would probably do the same thing kek
No. 874618
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>>874601Actually psychopathic.
No. 875177
>>875173Agreed. I look down on people who are posting pictures of their kids online everyday. Just tells me they're not doing much of anything besides forcing little Susie to act happy for the camera for their own image. It's really fucking gross.
Funny thing: One person who I know does this has a teenage son now who looks so awkward and uninterested in being photographed, so now she focuses most of her energy on her little girl who doesn't quite know better and still wants the attention.
I can't wait until they both start telling her to fuck off lmao.
No. 875283
>>875263I guess we should ignored the imprisoned raped women then.
I would have stan her way more if she did that to the raping scrotes tho
No. 875332
>>875291Representation is moralizing. do you think women would be plagued with insecurity if tv showed normal women and not primped dolls? Do you think women would feel like their only use is a servant hole if tv constantly showed power trip fantasies like they do for men?
Anon why do you think society was controlled by religion for so long.
No. 875367
>>875332Og anon here but,
Personally I haven't found much moralizing/ life affirming "representation" even after being suggested many things that are supposedly good ( I'm a minority in many aspects outside of the woman thing) so really I wonder how subjective good or bad representation is.
I personally think it can matter and should be normal to want to depict the whole spectrum of the human experience just because seeing the same boring shit gets repetitive but I don't blame people especially the targeted minorities for being skeptical or unsatisfied
No. 875375
>>875367My biggest issue with representation is that even when it's "well-meaning", it often exposes the seedy underbelly of the culture producing the media.
It's so often the same shitty archetypes and stereotypes, and I can't really appreciate the effort because it just contributes to the wider problem. Writers are lazy, and often prejudiced themselves.
No. 875394
>>875388I wasn't huge on the birds of prey but I appreciate what was trying to do to be fair and I like most of the clothes.
I'd like it a bit more if it had been a Gotham sirens movie. Especially since poison ivy and cat woman are usually such sexually charged characters it would have been interesting to have seen a more female gaze friendly presentation.
No. 875395
>>875388Speaking of skin deep, shadow and bone did that so sloppily with Alina, not only did they adapt the least praised and popular part of the grishaverse, the add ups were a mess as well as the visual direction.
We're supposed to root for Alina when she's as paper thin as a pad and as far as I'm concerned the racial aspects stop as soon as she gets into the little palace.
Between Alina being cast as Asian for brownie points and having it cast for brownie points and shittingly inserting it idk what's worse
No. 875397
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Guess what? The three pitbulls in the pic that attacked a corgi and a little boy were sentenced to euthanasia, then their owner appealed and sent them to a remediation program in Montana. Why the fuck does this keep happening? I feel like once a dog attacks it should be put down, full stop. But instead they get spirited away or get petitions for them. I can't believe this is an unpopular opinion now. The pitiots run the world
No. 875398
>>875397To be fair I'd feel bad putting down a perfectly healthy dog just because of shit head owners who didn't know what they were doing.
At best they should have their dogs removed from their owners and actually rehomed properly or something.
No. 875410
>>875409Just classic pitbull owner apologist crap. They always try to downplay their dogs' violence and spin it around as the
victim "provoking" their heckin good nanny dog puppers that would never ever hurt anyone.
No. 875425
>>875408I wonder if one could bread pits to be less aggressive as well?
Lots of big dogs have even temperaments when well raised and their genes definely help, so why not make pitties more like that on the long run?
No. 875459
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>>875397fucking hell, what is that wording?
>shitbulls break through a door to ""play"" with a small dog and child>unfortunately since the woman panicked her dog got maimed by the heckin friendly nanny pupperino pit supporters are dumb as hell. These dogs were BRED for aggression, yet people turn a blind eye because all dogs are the goodest bois, even after they've killed a child or two. These dumb ugly dogs just randomly snap and cause so many injuries but apparently that's dog racist to point out. This mistake of a breed should be round up and shot, it would drastically decrease dog attack statistics.
No. 875506
>>875459>it would drastically decrease dog attack statistics.Yep.
>From 2005 to 2019, family dogs inflicted 54% of all fatal attacks. 65% were perpetrated by pit bulls. Of the 346 fatal pit bull attacks during the period, over half, 53%, involved killing a family or household member.>In the 15-year data set (2015 to 2019), there were 74 owner-directed attacks, when a dog kills its primary owner. Pit bulls inflicted 62% (46) of these deaths, over 11 times more than any other dog breed.>In 2020, 79% of adults killed by dogs involved pit bulls (22 of 28). Of adult male deaths (≥ 25 years old), 92% were killed by pit bulls.>In 2020, 15% of fatal dog attacks involved multi-victim attacks. 100% were carried out by pit bulls, of which 86% (6 of 7) were inflicted by a single or pair of family pit bulls attacking multiple household members.>Unlike all other breeds, pit bull terriers were relatively more likely to attack an unknown individual (+31%), and without provocation (+48%).B-but it's just the owners' fault, heckin good nanny puppos would never hurt anyone unprovoked!
I swear pit owners have some sort of a dog savior complex and they want to prove their worth by "taming" this dangerous and aggressive breed. I honestly have no idea how any sane person would take in one of these hideous, ugly creatures instead of a normal dog that most likely isn't going to maul you to death. My heart breaks every time there's a new case of a pitbull sending a kid to ICU or killing another smaller dog.
No. 875589
>>875408>>875506The misconception of a “nanny dog” come from the fact that people don't really differentiate between "pitbulls" anymore and instead discuss multiple breeds as one which mixes up the info. The idea comes from smaller breeds, like the english staffordshire bull terriers. The easiest and most common breed to get hold of in the US is the american pitbull, which came from dogfighting and was bred to be better at it. This means people hear nice things about smaller SBTs, thinking they’re hearing nice things about “pitbulls” and then go get an actual pitbull because they're typically considered better-looking. People sperg about how great pitbulls are because they know someone who had one and it practically raised their kids for them or some shit but that person might not have even had a pitbull.
The mixing up has gone the other way in the uk. SBTs are widely considered dangerous but most of the dogs involved in fatal attacks were proven to be APBs, which are banned, or were so unusually tall and heavy that it was likely they could be mixed with APBs. Animal charities have even pointed out that they didn’t meet breed standards size-wise and that people import APBs and successfully pass them off as SBTs because of the similar head shape. That’s one of the reasons that breed-specific legislation never really happened for SBTs despite all the media outrage and the banning of the pitbull. Dogs that were proven to be SBTs just didn’t show the aggression of proven APBs.
People have muddied the waters enough that it’d be very difficult to enact decent laws that could be enforced. Until people start correctly identifying their dogs, people will always be able to question statistics or keep saying “they’re nanny dogs” despite owning an entirely different breed of dog. It’s a shame really because these people think they’re saving these dogs but in reality, correctly identifying them, researching the breeds, neutering the ones that are “unfixable” and then allowing them to die out slowly would be fairly easy, kind to both dogs and owners and just generally more beneficial.
Sorry for the dog sperg
No. 875634
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if the early 2000s could imagine a world without constant flavorless heterosexual relationships in media this would have been the true endgame.
No. 876198
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>>876195how can you say that about this perfect boy?
No. 876248
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>>876245Straight hair is overrated
No. 876251
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>>876248is clean hair overrated too hun?
No. 876303
>>876239The fuck planet are you from? Reggae is literally an indigenous music style from jamaica, trinidad & other afro caribbean communities. I don't think it's definitionally possible for an indigenous music style to be pretentious. It can be, like, hard to listen to, like i dont sit around listening to tibetan throat singing, but its not pretentious for the tibetans to throat sing.
Perhaps you meant white people who make white "reggae"? Yes, they suck and are fakechill fags. But that has as little to do with actual reggae as post malone does with tupac, ie its not really relevant at all.
No. 876441
>>876422Yeah, like I've seen plenty of old Asian people with very minimal wrinkles but you can still tell they're old from the sagging and age spots.
I concede that Asian celebs do age spectacularly a lot of the time, but I think it's simply more important to them than western celebs and they have a more advanced beauty/surgery industry.
No. 876470
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>>874601this post screams of 'FBI trying to figure out which farmers should be put on a watchlist'
No. 876525
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I've had a short but diverse sexual life with multiple partners and I have come to the conclusion that the best sex between heterosexuals should be "bureaucratic" in nature, no kinks or cliches or any shit
acknowledgement of the physical ability of both partners, agreement of what exactly is to be done, practice and preparation and then have simple yet enjoyable sex for both partners involved
No. 876695
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Idk if I was just unlucky when I had it in a restaurant, but I find that instant pho is much tastier and flavorful than the real thing
No. 877382
>>877345Related (not accusing you of this, just your post reminded me), I don’t understand the weird flex of bragging about living in a small space. I get youtube recommendations about small apartments and most of the time they’re not even crazy small. I live in a 30m2 apartment which is considered pretty small by my country’s standard but it’s more than enough space for me and my non-minimal possessions. Considering living in this amount of space or larger to be noteworthy is dumb unless you’re sharing it with 2+ people.
I do find literally tiny homes like that girl’s 8m2 Tokyo apartment impressive because they require creativity and discipline to be habitable, but they always look cluttered so I don’t understand the appeal there either.
No. 877405
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>>877387Maybe bragging is the wrong word, more acting like it’s an uncommon and difficult living situation. A search for ‘small apartment’ on youtube shows endless examples.
>NEVER TOO SMALL channel>featuring 50m2 apartments Of course it’s not too small for one person (those videos feature people living alone).
No. 877407
>>877405These sound like very American things. I can't believe 50m2 is considered small, I lived in a 25m2 studio for a while and it was an apartment intended for
two people. Two!
No. 877413
>>877345A bigger place is just more cleaning and more time and effort to fetch things or move about. I do like open, spacious areas but I'd rather have one big room. I want my bed, sofa, tv and computer all together because I'm constantly going from one to another and it would be convenient for me.
Problem is studio apartments are not the best investments, it's not ideal for having guests and (this is the big one for me) I have a lot of clothes and want a big ass wardrobe. Disproportionately big storage space isn't common in small apartments.
No. 877495
>>877484Not to mention shaming someone for cutting scars will generally be frowned upon as a dick move.
Whereas people actually fancy themselves as being helpful when they shame a fat person.
It's twisted and you're 100% correct. People do this and see nothing fucked about it.
No. 877568
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I’m pretty sure this isn’t unpopular but I’m so sick of seeing wigs styled like this. I miss the days when weebs would just wear a flat wig over whatever the fuck this is.
No. 877578
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>>877574Disagree, I find it very funny. How else am I going to post this manhating meme.
No. 877589
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>>877584Have another one then
>>877585weird because it looks 100% like komaeda
No. 877590
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>>877584I think it is funny and I want it to continue
No. 877611
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I feel bad for this Japanese volleyball player for always being sexualized everywhere online
No. 877752
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I'm tired of fashion having to be subversive or queer or whatever, I just want men to wear good fitting suits and be well groomed, is that too much to ask
thats all I ask for
No. 877811
>>877622I don't consider myself a
terf. I'm happy to respect pronouns and I'm supportive of SRS for those who have experienced debilitating gender dysphoria. I just don't like the argument that because gender is a social construct we should all just be "genderfluid". like I'm a woman regardless of what I'm wearing or doing. not sure if I'm making sense anyway. apologies, saged because not meaning to start gc discourse itt
No. 877915
>>877811That exact opinion is what gets women called terfs though. At this point it doesn’t matter if you’re actually a radfem. Any woman who believes women are oppressed on the basis of their biological sex (or that sex is even relevant at all) is automatically a
No. 878003
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Who cares whether he likes pussy or not, he is ugly in all iterations and looks like what incels think women find attractive
No. 878081
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>>877811>she thinks she can decide for herself that she's a terfSorry, the TRA mob has spoken. A woman questions a single aspect of their ideology and she's an evil
TERF. You can grovel about respecting pronouns and believe in ~real dysphoria~ but if you aren't displaying complete and utter submission without a hint of dissent you're on the wrong side of history to them.
Most of us were like you at one point, moderate and empathetic and willing to make small accommodations for the comfort of others. It's never enough.
No. 878250
>>878226men gaslight the fuck out of us. first they enforce rules at work like we have to wear makeup, dresses and high heels to look "professional" and all of the lawsuits I've heard of of women trying to sue their workplace for making them wear makeup/high heels have lost.
then when the #metoo movement happened all of these men like jordan peterson were like "well why were you wearing makeup/high heels at work anyway?????? that's not appropriate, it's for the sole purpose of garnering sexual attention"
can't figure out if they do that on purpose or if they're just stupid.
No. 878253
>>878250My idiot friend moved to Japan to teach and then complained every single day that she had to get up an hour earlier to do her hair and makeup. I asked her why even bother and she told me that most Japanese companies force you to wear makeup or else you arent hired and can even be sent home for not looking 'presentable.' It's honestly nothing more than a gross, sexist rule. Like when jobs want hosts to wear heels and makeup because they are the 'face' of the company.
>>878241I loooved the 80s for the cheesy horror. I was a kid in the 90s and on top of having good horror, the video game boom, and no social media to deal with, it was paradise. The hair was big and fun, accessories and makeup was colorful and i loved all the oversized clothing. Now everyone just looks like a thot. I miss the creativity of the 80s and 90s, that's for sure.
No. 878256
>>878241gonna have to respectfully disagree with some of this. I think really big hair is actually kind of flattering and while the fashion was ridiculous and not flattering I still prefer it to the fashion nova crap that's popular today that exists for the sole purpose of sexualizing your body. I also really hate 80's rock like journey and hair bands like snake and poison, but I love 80's pop music like depeche mode and dead or alive.
>>877656anon I hate to break it to you but your idea of an nlog isn't the only kind. there are women in their late 20's, early 30's and beyond who don't do any of those things and still say they're "not like other girls" and are smug about the fact that some of their interests and personality traits are traditionally masculine. tara babcock is the biggest nlog in existence and she made it her whole goal in life to pander to men and make herself look like a blowup doll.
No. 878481
>>875291I'm very late to this but I feel like sperging a bit. Representation in media nowadays feels so performative I often think they're just mocking the minorities or trying to make everyone hate them.
Let's take Star Trek for example. TOS was aired in late 60's had a black woman and a Russian on the bridge, and when it was remade into movies almost no one was surprised Sulu was gay. The Federation is basically a communist utopia (for peasants at least). TNG had quite the controversial episodes, DS9 was all about the Holocaust but with aliens, even Enterprise was damn good at addressing social issues.
Now take Discovery where every fucking one except for the bad guy is some minority and they're sooo in your face about it. They tried so hard to make all the characters unlikeable and now they're crying everyone but wokelets hate their show.
No. 878553
>>878481Right? It's like people think there Buddha because they depicted x minority or god forbid had a woman have a major role here and there when it isn't even a tenth as impressive as they think it is ( especially since it's so sloppily made!)
It's like one can't depict other people for the sake of it anymore; they always need a big reason to do it when " because I felt like it and I wanted to depict my characters just as I see them" doesn't do it seems.
No. 878589
>>878572You think TV writers from the 70s were all construction workers in their spare time? You're confusing them with novelists and poets. Truth is most people who study literature etc don't end up writing for a living, and most working writers are regular people who persevered with their talents, with the exception of society/academic elites in paid or prestigious writing roles. Screenwriting has always been an elite closely guarded role, for example Joss Whedon is a third generation TV writer.
I agree with OP that representation ain't what it used to be, but TV writers have always been sheltered soft types. That's why incel logic permeates through scrote-created media.
No. 878698
>>878667Depends why they choose not to have those vaccines.
>>878668Wouldn't work for me either, if I take a break it's gonna be 1-2 hours.
No. 878714
>>878701I get people being nervous about how new the vaccines are and how quickly they were released, It's just a shame that it's time sensitive though. Seems to be no way around it because by sitting back and waiting it's giving it time to turn into new strains that'll fuck us over again. What do we do then…make vaccines for the new strains and rush them out too? Acting fast is what'll get the job done.
Don't get me wrong, I can see all sides but I just don't see the solution if too many people choose to wait it out.
No. 878734
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>>878719Yes, people were skeptical and for good reason. The original rushed roll out was a disaster.
No. 879045
>>878886>Paper and cloth masks do not protect anyone against airborne infectious illness. This coming January will mark a full year since I've been sick. Yes, I've had to be at the office around coworkers this entire time. Yes, I've gone to public places without a mask on.
People with this opinion can kiss my ass. Scaring people to cover up their gobs, stay at home if they feel a cold, and wash their filthy little paws has done WONDERS for not spreading infections.
>suggests wearing googles, glasses or face shieldsYou said nose and mouth. A mask has got those things covered. Eyes? Well lots of people wear glasses. But the probability of getting sick through eye infections isn't likely. Some people were wearing face shields until it was revealed that face shields just trap contaminated air and may prolong someone's exposure to a viral load.
>The masks that do provide protection are rated N95 or FFP2 or FFP3, yet we're being told we don't need them.It's all dependent on exposure and viral load.
Someone who makes a casual romp to the grocery store a few times a week will have relatively low risk as opposed to a RN who's confined to a small space with multiple coughing and hacking covid patients. One group needs the legit protection, while the other doesn't.
No. 879071
>>878886> Paper and cloth masks do not protect anyone against airborne infectious illness.The reason masks didn’t work in America is because Americans are way too me-me-me. Of course paper or cloth masks don’t keep YOU from getting sick you tard, but they reduce the germs you spread if
you’re sick. If everyone around you is wearing a mask it’ll significantly decrease your chances of getting sick from them. If
you wear a mask it’ll significantly decrease others’ chance of getting sick from you.
No. 879197
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>>879155the pipi remains only with you
No. 879285
>>879282Agree and I feel the same way abiut Jon Lennon. At least Kurt was a decent person (from what I've heard) the same cant be said for Jon though.
People are just obsessed with dead celebs.
No. 879302
>>879280Agreed. It's the same with mental disorders, people arguing that "X disorder person" is offensive but "person with x disorder" isn't when they are in fact both exactly the same in 99% of contexts.
I'm a literal sperg so it annoys me that when insist I must feel offended when people call me "autistic person" instead of "a person with autism". Do they keep the same energy for "a person with blindness" rather than just saying "a blind person"?
No. 879351
>>879329Most skincare is useless or even harmful. Your body stops production of what it already has a surplus of to not waste resources, and the turnaround time to start producing it again is a lot longer as it builds back slowly.
Meaning if you add lotions/creams with vitamins/whatever to "boost" your skin you're stopping and training your body to NOT produce it by itself anymore and your skin gets worse - unless you of course just keep using the product over and over… so the second you stop using it it seems like your skin is "worse" and the product was working when all you did was harm your natural skin production that now has to heal back slowly.
No. 879421
>>878886Anybody that had an eye on covid since January 2020 knows this.
I tried to tell this my relatives and friends and they ignored me and continue to wear their papermasks.
I even bought FFP3 mask for them in March 2020.
No. 879424
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The thrift flip/fashion hack videos on tiktok are trash and 99% of the clothes aren't good fits themselves. Zoomers and just people in general don't understand what actually makes clothes flattering.
No. 879481
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>>879477Good, he should be sad forever.
No. 879485
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>>879477he was above average height for his time and country of origin actually
No. 879489
>>879484I agree. More cute manlets and amazons are needed.
>>879485I just knew someone would come along and make an ackhually…post about Nap-kun.
No. 879491
>>879329Nothing was gonna ever help me until I got pills for my hormonal imbalance.
I don't need any special kind of wash, cleanser, or lotion now that my androgens can be controlled. I can be like those faggots who slather their face with burger grease, sleep on it, and now wake up with a clear face.
I was lied to about what I needed to treat my acne and gaslit about it being my fault. I'm big pissed off.
No. 879514
>>879329I saw this one TikTok where it went something like
>I hate when girls be like "you don't need to apply skincare products to have clear skin" like Karen you don't need a car to get places but it sure helpswhile she was slathering a pancake batters worth of some mask on her face
And I realised how many women have cognitive dissonance and are prone to placebo effects when it comes to stuff like skincare. No bitch it will not help you to use $200 worth of products on your face no matter how much you want it to. Find a less expensive hobby.
No. 879531
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So I know that illustrations were only used in old magazines because photography was too expensive (or wasn't even invented) but I wish they used them more often today. Magazines used to look much more interesting in the past
No. 879556
>>879546Roman scrotes were completely patriarchal and awful though. I really doubt he was any better.
>>879520Only if they have…the Nap-kun complex.
No. 879576
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>>879571no julius cesar invented it and liked it so much that he put some on his head to save as a snack for later. autists actually misinterpreted it as a laurel wreath but it was actually salad
No. 879625
>>879624But if that were the case, how come so many people adopt Chinese/Thai/Russian children?
Adoption is piss easy in my country, people just don't want to adopt because it's "someone else's kid" and "will have baggage and mental issues I don't wanna handle".
No. 879643
>>879637Just said some short guys are annoying because of Napoleon complex.
Literally where is the fetishism anon.
No. 879644
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>>879635She's talking about women who
can't have biological children but want them at all costs.
No. 879653
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Bonnets are sweet! And men probably hate them so let's bring them back.
No. 879661
>>879656>Anonita NonatellaSounds like a Jojo character kek
Stand: laughing cow
No. 879777
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>>879768if you don't have a 9 step skincare regime you're a dusty ugly pick me bitch lol!
No. 879786
>>879768One of my friends spends ludicrous amounts of money on skincare products, most of it a specific brand. She's now reading a book on how to create the perfect skincare routine, which is published and created by aforementioned brand. Like, really? You don't see that this a complete scam to get you ro buy more shit???
In the meantime another shared friend and me have mostly clear skin and dont do shit with it…
No. 879789
>>879635>>879646They've been brainwashed into believing that wanting to have your own progeny is bad and selfish, specially because there are children somewhere in the world suffering; same children that get worked to death yet you still see this people buying iphones, tons of make up, brand clothing made in Asia, and so on. I've seen it a lot in the last 5 years or so. Imagine thinking that fulfilling literally the only purpose of your existence is egocentric. What's actually "arrogance" is believe we as species exist for any other reason than to procreate.
>>879653>men probably hate themI find that really hard to believe. I have the suspicion men like women to wear feminine clothing even if it's uncomfortable but are scared of saying anything. Last boyfriend I had went crazy when I bought a long georgette skirt for summer. He would always "casually" suggest I should wear it.
>>879768It's literally a scam to make money off women.
No. 879804
>>879786>In the meantime another shared friend and me have mostly clear skin and dont do shit with it…I don't believe in the 101 step routine shit but you having clear skin when you don't use products doesn't mean products don't work, especially when menstrual or hormonal breakouts can be horrible for some women. Everybody's different. Some people could wash their face with a dirty rag and still have beautiful skin.
>>879782It's for oil. If you have oily skin or hair and don't wash your pillowcase every day it can make your skin a little gross. You don't really need a cleanser for it though. Assuming people wash their sheets regularly, I think just warm water and a cloth would be enough.
>>879794I think most skincare can be replaced by a cheaper alternative. People shell out for la mer when aloe vera is a nice moisturiser and it costs like $2
No. 879813
>>879809I find it tacky to do it, but…
>and think you're somehow better than them?Because they are not the ones exposing themselves online?
>If you went out and showed someone that, do you think they'd find the person weird or YOU weird?Them. What you described already happens.
No. 879818
>>879816Your/their example makes no sense. Why would you go to a random person you don't know to talk about a random topic? The comparison makes no sense because it can be applied to anything:
>If you went out and showed someone a youtuber cooking clothes in a pot, do you think they'd find the person weird or YOU weird?>If you went out and showed someone a video of mexican cartel duded beheading another dude, do you think they'd find the person weird or YOU weird?>If you went out and showed someone chris-chan dilating his perineum neovagina, do you think they'd find the person weird or YOU weird?etc.
No. 879819
>>879816It is weird, but…why would you do that?This is lolcow, 90% of us are autistic and it's kind of what happens here.
I think most people would find 70% of the shit we follow on here weird.
No. 879828
>>879822Don't assume what the OP means to tackle your point, which also doesn't stand ground for the same exact principle:
>If you went out and showed someone you know a youtuber cooking clothes in a pot, do you think they'd find the person weird or YOU weird?>If you went out and showed someone you know a video of mexican cartel duded beheading another dude, do you think they'd find the person weird or YOU weird?>If you went out and showed someone you know chris-chan dilating his perineum neovagina, do you think they'd find the person weird or YOU weird?They'll think you're a weirdo no matter wtf you show them unless you already have that topic as something you talk about often. It doesn't even have to be something shocking. You could go to a family member and show them something as innocuous as a comedy skit and they might think you're a weirdo just on the basis of not sharing your interests.
No. 879836
>>879819That's completely true, I only said that cause the anon I replied to said you wouldn't be seen as weird if you just started showing people pictures of strangers vaginas.
>>879828You also assumed what OP meant though. And showing your family member a picture of a strangers genitals to nitpick them is a lot different than showing them a comedy skit or a youtuber cooking clothes in a pot. If you can't understand that, then idk what to tell you.
>They'll think you're a weirdo no matter wtf you show them unless you already have that topic as something you talk about oftenBut why would someones vagina pictures even be a topic that cones up often irl?
No. 879850
>>879846I deleted it before
>>879833 replied, sorry though.
No. 879885
>>879879it's irrelevant to try and argue that skincare is a totes
valid real hobby because at the end of the day it's the most money wasting, vapid, boring, vain "hobby" to possibly have. just go put on some moisturiser and don't make it your personality
No. 879890
>>879838>Having a biological child as a woman is comparable to cuckold.Nta and idc if you think having a child is a terrible choice for a woman, but having your own biological child is LITERALLY the opposite definition of """cucking."""
Read a book.
>>879607>just adoptNow THIS is some cucked shit.
There's tons of nuance and variables regarding adoption that it's a joke anyone would think it's any more easy, affordable, or ethical.
No. 879909
>>879900>adopt, dont shopThat bs doesn't work for human beings since couples usually build connections and emotional love for each other. Mothers who have children have chemical bonds to them. It's an emotional and unique experience for each person, especially women. It's not my job to take care of children that other people didnt want. It's sexist as shit to tell any woman she should not bear her own children because there are starving xxx here and yyy there.
Children in adoption are sad, but that is more a social issue, leading into sexism and women with lack of education and access to abortions or plan B. No one should ever be forced to have a child. Just like no one should ever be forced not to if they really want one and are able to carry a healthy offspring.
No. 879923
>>879885I'm not into skincare, it's just tragic to think that someone thinks hobbies have to be side-hustleable
Like, should you not play tennis because you'll probably never be a professional tennis player? Should you not play solitaire because you don't work in a casino? Lots of shit is hobbies
No. 879926
>>879607Naw ur wrong on wanting biological kids but right on ivf.
Ivf kids are weird as fuck and often retarded and a genetic combination that usually wouldn't have happened. If it dosent happen naturally, dont force it, it dosen't happen for a reason.
No. 879928
>>879909>It's sexist as shit to tell any woman she should not bear her own children because there are starving xxx here and yyy there.That’s cool but it doesn’t negate OP’s point that trying to force a baby to be born when you can’t naturally have one is out of wanting a sense of ownership over another person.
>Just like no one should ever be forced not to if they really want one and are able to carry a healthy offspring.Trying to “defy the odds” doesn’t really equate to being able to carry a healthy offspring. And if it did, those babies would come without complications a lot more often. No one is inherently owed the opportunity to give birth, especially through IVF. Not doing so isn’t being “forced”, either. Wtf anon.
No. 879986
>>879900>instead of bringing another oneThat's the issue though. It's not "another one". A random child is not the same as your child. Pretending it's the same it's peak clown world; it's literally brainwashing-tier perspective.
>>879923Nobody said anything about it being "side-hustable". You can do things for yourself that produce an outcome that doesn't generate revenue, like playing a musical instrument, sewing, cooking, designing stuff, even autistic things like building gunpla. Putting shit on your face isn't a hobby.
>>879926>If it dosent happen naturally, dont force it, it dosen't happen for a reasonNow this is a reasoning I can get behind.
No. 880107
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Not really unpopular here, but tried to read some confession subreddits, and they constantly bitch about men's body shaming being "normalized", and I couldn't give less of a shit. It's for a petty reason too - young girls were constantly told about female ideals. If you spent your early years on the internet, basically all you read was men's take on female bodies. Let men feel insecure over actors playing superheroes needing to be buff and having porn-induced insecurity about their penis, maybe they'll learn some basic empathy.
No. 880132
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>tfw born through ivf and in perfect health with stacy genes
rip to yall but I'm different
No. 880168
>>879908I think it can count for self expression if it's really odd or kinda of Bordeline clownish? I've seen girls painting themselves to look like a cloudy sky and shit and I actually think that's pretty cool/ artistic even if not particularly practical. If I was ever going to wear make up id definely would do it to accentuate a specific look or to make myself look like an actual clown for all I know.
The argument doesn't hold up if your make up is natural / basic or following a current trend, though. One implies you want to hide your flaws and the other is really just following basic shit others are doing and doesn't always look fun.
No. 880189
>>880182They immediately think motherhood indicates a want for ownership and dominion which just sounds like a fucking scrote.
Like yeah women want to have their own children. Y'all never been in love and wanted to know what your offspring would look like? It's a very natural thing lmao
No. 880204
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This is the most meaningless thing ever but I think people born between 1994-1998 should be considered a different generation like a transition generation between y and z. We're nothing like millennials, who consider us zoomers, and also nothing like the zoomers who consider us millennials. Someone born in 1994 has very little in common with those born in the late 80s and is obviously not gen-z. People born in the late 90s are considered elder zoomers but there's a big disconnect between those who grew up on early fb/twitter/tumblr vs instagram/tiktok. I guess vine would be the defining sm for those in high school or college in the early/mid 2010s. Shit example but you know what I mean. Also using a pc vs using a smartphone. Most zoomers have no idea how to even open a folder and stuff like that. Can't even touch type.
No. 880211
>>880210It's literally our monkey lizard brain being like " breeed" even being gay/ Lesbian doesn't stop one from desiring children even if actually doing the deed to acheive babies would be impossible to excruciating.
Hell, even through wars, pest, famine and poverty people still had children.
No. 880226
>>880222avoid getting raped =/= female mammals avoid having children
Wtf is going on in this thread
No. 880244
>>880239Correct. They are only a threat to themselves like when they troon out from serious internalized misogyny.
Or if they like shota, I knew two fujos who got into drawing shota and later started to write some really worrying things about real life boys close to them.
No. 880262
>>880252radfems be like "we're the only group who actually accepts lesbians!" then go call lesbians with interests they don't like fake and
problematic>>880255again, this is on tumblr, but i'm seeing more and more "gender critical" gay men whining about fujos, even the otherwise normal non-gayden ones. but i would not even be surprised if quite a few of those fellows are actually gaydens themselves larping as actual gay men.
No. 880456
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>>880447I agree, most men love other men and dicks A LOT. Do you see them draw vulvas on the walls btw? No. Always dicks. They love them.
Here is some Roman "art"
No. 880504
>>879491long shot since this post is a day old but what imbalance did you have specifically, was it just adrogens? and what medication did you try? I have a hormonal imbalance (fucking testosterone and androgens) and my skin is oily and acne prone as a result even though I eat pretty 'clean'.
I would love to just use cleanser and moisturiser and sunscreen. currently I use BHA cause my sabaceous filaments/pores are huge/clogged. also recently introduced a retinal but I'd rather keep things minimal.
No. 880514
>>879653I agree, they're super cute!
>>879777eye creams are such bullshit. even all the skincare youtubers I follow agree.
No. 880886
>>880823Although I don't disagree with you, this could work if the director's put a little more thought into crafting the scene. For example, we can film Dolores from HH perspective, like over his shoulder to indicate it, and put on a male gazey lens
which tbh it's just tasteless anyway and then have the same scene, the same moment, from someone's else perspective like her mother or a teacher/friend and show literally how she was just being a regular child and not doing anything seductive, like chewing gum or reading comic books. It would also help to show HH acting like the freak he is when he's not narrating.
Stuff like that have been pulled off before in movies with unreliable narrators.
No. 880898
>>880823>>880886In the book there's a lot of hints that indicate his perspective is completely fucked up
>her pale-fredded cheeks were hollowed, and her bare shins and arms had lost all their tan, so that the little hairs showed. She wore a brown, sleeveless cotton dress and sloppy felt slippers. This is him meeting Dolores again when she's "past her prime" and for him she's become old and undesirable and Humbert is infuriated about the fact that he wasn't able to be with her during her most "desirable" age range, note she's only 17 during this
No. 880910
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I hate this recent obsession with "big bara tiddies" or whatever its called, I also feel anons who make these posts have never seen an actual muscular men or even muscular women, pectorals are a mixture of fat and muscles but mostly muscle, If you've ever tried squeezing the chest of a muscular male you'd know them you'd know its like trying to squeeze leather, its rough and hard and not anything like a breast, when I had sex with my bf I used his chest sorta a wall to adjust myself when he was on top of me
No. 880925
>>880924lmao okay? I don't care, if I wanted to look at hetties all day long I'd just open a TV on a random channel or talk to pretty much anyone outside. That's the point
nonnie, creating your own niche content because you belong to that "4%"
No. 881004
>>880994I think a big reason is because eyecreams claim to do so much or be a 'fix all' for the eye area when the issues with eye area can be so vast. could be dark undereyes, puffiness, could be fine lines or wrinkles. the manufacturers basically promise too much with their eyecreams and can hardly deliver. eyecreams tend to cost a lot more than other products too since their claims are so bold. basically it's better to just use products that will target what your specific issue is and just use it in the eye area. for example, products containing caffeine are good for undereye purpleness/discolouration since caffeine when applied topically this way is a vasoconstrictor which can cause the little veins under our eyes to constrict meaning less blood collectining in that area and causing the discolouration
this video by cassandra bankson explains a lot about why eyecreams are overhyped, she's a trained esthestician too.
No. 881022
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>>881009Again no muscular men has these "tiddies" or whatever and again I'm pretty sure you've never had sexual relationship with a fit man, if you want tiddies on men you'd have settle for men with fat boobs like Seth Rogan
>>881012Its mostly about some weird boob parallels
No. 881032
>>881004Thanks anon. Now I can save some money.
>>880962Yeah I don't know any women who are into that, I like TV femmeslash and stuff like Gentleman Jack.
>>881017>objectifiying people (or even worse, cartoons)Won't someone please think of the cartoon men?!
No. 881072
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>>881022I mean I watch pro wrestling and a lot of those men have big pecs, like picrel. are these not the irl equivalent of those barra titties anons talk about?
>I'm pretty sure you've never had sexual relationship with a fit manlmao you've got me there
but as for the seth rogan thing, I would settle for that honestly kek. I've literally posted him on /g/ before in the unconventional attractions thread.
No. 881082
nonnie I have dated marital artists and weight lifters most of my entire life, I tried having a relationship with a "regular" guy and while we broke up for other reasons the sex was also a factor, I only do it with a man that has a decent build and knows how to use his body, the guy you posted pectoral muscles are not at like the "bara tiddies" you read about, they are rougher and more trying to fondle someone's calves
even my breasts are pretty rough and stern due to years of exercise and Karate training
No. 881147
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>>881142Men need to make themselves more appealing to women.
Hush now and post more bara titties
No. 881202
>>881171This "women can't be horny, they're pure virginal ladies by nature" is an awfully malebrained take
nonny, maybe you should drop it
No. 881203
>>881175I just realized that there is a lot of hornyposting on LC because it's okay here.
You really can't post like this on other websites without getting dumb male input or be considered inappropriate by other women.
I felt glee when I saw the retarded hornyposting thread in /g/ for the first time because I've never seen threads like that before for women.
No. 881211
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>>881160What? Attractive asian men get more and more popular in pop media
No. 881227
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People fawn over him but I always found kinda ugly looking and after him saying he enjoys filming rape scenes he's even uglier.
No. 881248
>>881171>>881010Why are you on an imageboard making fun of female spergs for being female spergs? What did you expect?
Are you the anon in /g/ who was ashamed of masturbating kek
No. 881317
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>>881307>>881240>>881257>>881237>>881236>>881234Yes there are so many reasons why women appear to have a weak sex drive. Especially compared to men who are more risk-taking, not picky and constantly see softcore and hardcore media aimed at them. I've seen men say that women like sex less because we are less likely to want to sleep with a random stranger.
The thing is it's a risk for a woman to sleep with a random guy. Physical safety risk, pregnancy risk, and risk of being disappointed by an uncaring "lover" who won't make us come.
That doesn't mean we can't be horny as fuck.
I'm sure btw if instead of intercourse with a rando, you ask women if they would like to get oral from their ideal type with no risks, the amounts of yeses would go up.
No. 881330
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>>881324Whining about younger people and what they like, they pretty much just ruin everything. Gen Z is dumb because they’re mostly children, teens, and young adults, not people who go brunching and infight about their favorite metal band that no one cares about. The problem is that millennials always take the bait like picrel and it’s a desperate attempt to kick down. Really wish we can start redtexting the word “twitterfag” as well.
No. 881335
>>881330This stuff is funny because I recall younger millennials circa 2012-2015 having similar "discourse" on tumblr. I'm the oldest a zoomer can be and people a few years older than me were leading the nonsense.
Teenagers just overthink identity because (surprise) they're figuring themselves out for the first time. Weird for people in their late 20s to be beefing with teens anyway. I go out of my way to avoid minors and so should they if it upsets them so much.
No. 881358
>>881330Have you ever met a zoomer? Kek those videos aren’t bait, a large portion of terminally online zoomers are exactly like, if not worse than their millennial counterparts were when tumblerinas were a thing. Twitterfag is an apt title for them and their autism.
>not people who go brunching and infight about their favorite metal band that no one cares about.But anon, plenty zoomers don’t go outside. All of their friends are online, they send death threats captioned fancams to other stans twitter for not streaming Good 4 You and Positions. “Touch grass” is popular with because of how they’re constantly tapped in to online bullshit.
No. 881425
>>881396It's always brushed off as old people complaining, but zoomers and whoever comes after are seriously stunted compared to even millennials and this is coming from a(n admittedly old) zoomer.
Many people I've met have been raised by the internet and their parents are nothing more than spineless providers and enablers. All they do is consume content on social media and repeat whatever YouTubers tell them to think.
No. 881428
>>881330Kids in their late teens and early 20's have always been extremely retarded and dumb but the difference now is that they get a louder, public outlet for their dumbassery. I'm 30 and in my teens you couldn't broadcast your identity crisis to the whole world in a way you could now or much less had people exploiting it. It's so easy for older people to recruit young people for their demented cults as we have seen with troons, incels and alt-right spaces for example. Social media singlehandedly destroyed a generation.
>inb4 b-but livejournal and myspace Back in those days statistically much, much less people were online and the dubious activity was limited to various niche spaces, not two sites owned by megacorporations that got too big for them to handle.
No. 881520
>>881428>but the difference now is that they get a louder, public outlet for their dumbasseryThis, they get rewarded for retarded behavior with attention at best and ruin their entire lives by inviting angry internet bullies at worst.
I can't imagine how obnoxious and cringe I'd be if I was allowed to get a Tiktok account at their age and validated by some internet circlejerk that kept telling me everyone else is the problem and not me. And not only that, imagine what being cancelled does to a fourteen year old, especially if the people doing it is someone the kid considers its friends. Add onto that attention span issues, constant exposure to porn, internet echo-chambers where they're told they're ugly and worthless after 20, called holes, etc etc.
Zoomers can inhale their copium all they want but I can't see how this is anywhere remotely the same as old people bitching about midriffs and weed.
No. 881529
>>881428 > I'm 30 and in my teens you couldn't broadcast your identity crisis to the whole world in a way you could nowI'm in my 30s and one thing that always trips me up is comparing this.. at 13 I was put on antidepressants, when I told my best friend she had no idea what the fuck depression even was. She'd never heard of it or anyone who has a thing called 'mental illness' or the meds that exist for it. It was shitty being looked at like I was that strange over such a now 'mundane' mental health issue. It's so weird to think how things have changed in that time because of the internet mainly. We surpassed 'mental health awareness' and went into a whole new set of problems in no time. Same with sexuality and identity. We went from one extreme to another in the space of one or two decades, from hush hush to oversharing and self diagnosing. Was there ever a good balance?
I feel for kids now surrounded by so much oversharing of mental health and identity talk that they're going through their own very public struggles with it and indiscriminately sharing it anywhere that they can. We were all cringe teens, up until now only our siblings got to torture us by telling those stories back to us. Now it's on record.
No. 881693
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I DON'T BELIEVE IN THE LOCKDOWN! … But I'm lost for words to explain why.
I feel completely betrayed by everyone I know on this issue (not to mention, deliberately marginalised by state sponsored media (or media sponsored state) (OR BOTH! I DON'T CARE I CAN'T KEEP LOOKING AT THE FUCKING TELEVISION, FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE, FACTUALLY, OBJECTIVELY, WITHOUT BIAS, IT IS ALL FUCKING PROPAGANDA - CAN SOMEONE AT LEAST ADMIT THAT?).
I'm not a fucking conspiracy theorist! I don't have any illusion that the vaccine is going to kill me, or implant 5G receptors in my head, or that it won't boost my immunity. It is not that! It is not that!
Why can't I go outside? Tell me why. Why the fuck can't I? "Oh anon, it is a collective effort, there are people more vulnerable than you". YES! There are! And they should EVERY RIGHT to stay at home, for as long as they want. I would never dare intrude on someone who is concerned for their health in this regard (although, most of these people seem to have no problem forcing other people to import an untested substance into their veins for their own benefit).
But why is the answer for the government to enforce its authority on every day citizens? Why is that the answer? Whatever power is being exerted by the government should be on: landlords, companies (if you can fucking tell me I HAVE to stay home, you can tell companies they HAVE to permit people to work from home if they choose to), banks, services. There is so much energy being spent on forcing people to comply, how about you FORCE THE SYSTEM TO ACCOMODATE FOR PEOPLE WHO VOLUNTEER FOR LOCKDOWN, and allow for people like myself (however fucking stupid you want to say that I am), to continue living their lives. The amount of people who are out of work is astounding. I am not anymore, but I was. I had a job at a really high intensity Sales company. The company wanted to stay open, all its employees wanted to continue going to work. Not a single member of that company wanted to stay home or stop. But everyone had to. Why? We were all willing to accept the risk.
Now I'm in lockdown and I will be in lockdown for next 6 months probably. I am literally a prisoner in my own home and I don't give a fuck how you justify it. I don't want it. People are protesting and people act like they're retarded. It is nothing retarded. There are vaccines active in the community now, people are willingly getting them. AND DO YOU FUCKING KNOW!!
DO YOU FUCKING KNOW. Every time a lockdown gets lifted EVERYONE!!! EVERYONE GOES BACK OUTSIDE! No one actually gives a fuck. No one ever fucking follows through with this sentiment. They act like they're informed or they're in the right or they know what they're talking about but the literal fucking SECOND a voice of authority declares it "safe" they just fucking get the fuck back outside, out and about, masks off - OH WELL THE MAN ON THE TV SAID IT WAS FINE SO YUP! OH NO IT'S BACK AGAIN, WELL, BACK INSIDE AGAIN, IT'S THE ONLY WAY!
This became a non-sensical rant but fuck it. There is so much dissonant shit I am observing throughout this whole thing. All I have left if this stupid "vaccine hesitancy" that people are treating like an issue, and that's the last bit of freedom I feel like I have in this matter and people are treating me like I'm stupid. They promise life can return back to normal once we reach 70% vaccinated in the community, but what happens when we reach that number and I'm vaccinated and it turns out, oh actually, no, the risk is too great, we run this country like a fucking neutered public service office and the only acceptable degree of risk is 0% this is all for your own good. And I've thrown away what feels like my only bargaining chip. Fuck you. Until I can guarantee it's actually going to give me something in return, I'm not getting this vaccine.
No. 882145
>>882127Maybe goes for American blacks
But African blacks, that same thing applies to black women, they go for white supremacists type scrotes
You should see twitter war these two communities have going
(racebaiting) No. 882173
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>>882095I just think Fionn is cute in a rat-like way, I want to give him a block of cheese and see him run on a treadmill for a while.
No. 882229
The fact that certain feminists push for women to be portrayed in historical shows as warriors fighting alongside men is IMO unintentionally misogynistic, historically its true that women have never significantly fought in the front lines in combat but they have always contributed greatly in wars and battles, everyone seems to downplay the importance of support roles in war. women made up 40% of the USAF in WW2 rear echelon support roles. That’s just under half an army, and still doesn’t account for the millions of civilian women contracted by the army to help keep it running.
Arguably every siege of a city saw women fighting as well, they knew what was coming for them when the walls fell, they didn't sit in cave and hope, they hauled rocks, carried spears, tended fires, pulled injured away. They were organizers, and strategists. They manned the bulwark. They held the breach. They fought with their lives
We have direct accounts by the Romans who wrote that during Battle with the Celts, the Celtic women would be throwing rocks at the Romans and insulting them(calling them Ugly. manlets and insulting their manhood) to distract them, while they took the gravely inquired men away from battle and made sure to berate any Celtic able bodied who attempted to run away so that they would contuse fighting, these tactics saved lives and won battles
I think by trying to peruse the "warrior" role of men, we greatly undervalue and ignore how much women already contributed in times of warfare
No. 882249
>>882233Or maybe you don't want to reveal that you're married and want a baby to your potential employer because you might get passed over for a job
Stop being paranoid, not everyone is always out to get you
No. 882304
>>882229I think the worst aspect of this debate that it gives the MRAs and anti-feminist's more ammo about how feminists "distort history" and so libfems double down on the rhetoric and create a completely imagined history which only just proves those Morons rights, a couple years back during the whole "Viking female warrior" debate(when a burial site was uncovered that had a woman's Skelton along with burial artifacts which were usually only found with upper class warrior nobleman) many libfem sites and news pages started publishing article after article about how there were so many Viking warrior women who fought alongside men as equals, but actual female researchers who studied Nordic and Viking History such as Judith Jesch and Caitlin Green(who have devoted their lives to the history of specifically women in those societies) pointed out the more logical and actually plausible explanation that the skeleton likely belonged to noblewoman who was buried with her artifacts as mostly a display of her class not her occupation
It just seems such a stupid hill to die on. of wanting to prove that female warriors who could fight just like men existed, Its not about progressiveness but just physical reality, even semi-Matriarchal societies had males being the warriors (it was just that in those societies fighting was viewed as necessary jobs but also a less then noble job. like taking the trash out or cleaning toilets)
No. 882310
>>882304Warrior women such as shieldmaidens existed, they just weren't that common. should neither ignore that they existed nor pretend they were the norm.
No. 882506
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Pop music from the late 00s and early 10s was shit, I used to think I wanted that era back too but when I listened to those songs again as an adult I realized they're mostly terrible.
No. 882512
>>882506It was definitely shit, I turned legal drinking age in 2009 so I vividly remember hating much of the music played at clubs, parties etc. I Gotta Feeling was the worst offender.
That said I hate recent music trends a lot more, it's just more boring than straight up obnoxious.
No. 882543
>>882528Yeah? I'm 4'11 and my last boyfriend told me he wished I was taller.
Only assholes care that much about height.
No. 882545
>>882543this 100%, i see it as a big red flag when a man has a super specific type or height preference. People like that think so highly of themselves even though they’re shitty and average.
there’s a lot of other things i look for in a partner that come before height, i don’t give af if my lover is 4”11 or 7” as long as they treat me right
No. 882560
>>882547I was just making the point that my feelings are based on experiences and not japanese pop culture or whatever, for fuck's sake learn to read.
>some guys like short girls and some guys don'tI don't really give two shits if some/most men prefer short girls, what fucks with me is that they will get in a relationship with you when you're not their preference and then rub it in your face.
No. 882563
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Is this place basically 4chan for women? I got here from googling lipedema and have no idea wtf I'm looking at.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 882572
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>shitty imageboard gui>insecure neets whining about the dating market>tranny mods ban on sightfemale 4chan confirmed.
(male) No. 882582
>>882564Oh that guy is a sumo wrestler posing with a fan. They wear the loincloth for competition.
But seriously though where the hell am I? I feel like I opened up /r9k/ in an alternate universe where everyone changed gender.
No. 882616
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>>872186she's right you know.
No. 882696
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Her unphotoshopped face wasn't even that different from the real one, nowadays shoopers are much more egregious imo all Felice needed was a nosejob.
No. 882706
>>882266>>882249I don't even want a baby and people treat me differently when they know im fucking married so sorry but hubby is going to be relegated to partner at all times.
Im fairly young (mid twenties)so everyone assumes im some conservative tradwaifu baby-maker, the complete 180 people do is absolutely terrifying and i hate it, potential employers judge you, neighbors judge you, would be friends judge you, its genuinely awful.
As someone who got married mainly for financial reasons (not that i don't love him but we got married mainly because it allowed us to buy some extremely nice housing at a young age) it's quite depressing.
No. 882722
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>>882718I don't want people to think im a fundie you absolute retard.
Also its 2021 why the fuck would a woman choose to get married if not for the financial benefits, that's the main reason people ever got married for most of history anyways, i went to the court house, signed some papers, now i have a decent house not a 2k a month 1 and a half bedroom stained carpet bedroom that the landlord won't fix water leaks apartment, it's nothing to be ashamed of to me tbh and im pretty honest about it, but if i say "i have a husband" at 23 most people assume im some creepy quiverfull christian baby momma.
No. 882781
>>882770I seriously couldnt care less about some tiniest fraction of US workers getting examined in a likely biased study, I suppose you're not an office worker yourself otherwise you wouldn't be quoting first google result at me.
If you really like reading google results that much though, I'll refer you to this article talking about exactly what I've said in my original post about significantly increased overtime that's done during oh so incredible home office work, among other things not taken into account by these studies.
No. 883052
>>883014Walking away from a situation isn't being the "bigger person" tho, it's just sparing yourself the wasted effort of trying to reason with them. You can still shut that person up some other way.
Like, if someone keeps dragging your name through the mud of course you're going to fight back and make them stop. Trying to reason with them just won't be one of the ways to do it.
No. 883102
>>882897Because to me if you like women it makes sense you’re attracted to a woman and not a cringe pickme who acts like a caricature of a cartoon boy character…
>also by lesbian troons do you mean lesbian ftms or "lesbian" identified mtfs?No lesbian troons actually do make sense a lot even if it’s a deviation, i meant “lesbian” identified mtfs.
No. 883128
>>883102>cringe pickme who acts like a caricature of a cartoon boy characterwhat gnc woman have you met that acts like that? that would be a turn-off to me too lol.
tbh i can't entirely blame you considering that even old school butches and femmes had this "yin-yang" mentality and looked down on lesbians who weren't like them (butch4butch, femme4femme or those who were neither)
No. 883237
>>883196I don't want them near me.
>>883177because many butches are misogynistic rudes that sound like scrotes. ok?
No. 883295
>>883289I shaved my head twice, and I felt confident when I had it, but I do regret it now that I'm growing my hair out again. I don't think girls who hype up women who want to shave their heads are doing it to be malicious though. A lot of women
do look good with shaved heads, and I think it's only natural to want to hype up people who are making big changes to their appearance. I just see it as them trying to give other women confidence
No. 883296
>>883289Given the society expectations put on women I see voluntarily shaving head as liberating, I know a woman who did it and honestly, I look up to her in a way, wishing I had her confidence. It's possible for women that would encourage this kind of thing it can be more about them wishing in a way it was them to be able to do somehting this radical? Like
>>883295 I prefer to believe women wouldn't be so malicious about this.
No. 883301
>>883289More like a blind inclination to encourage people to do what they want with their bodies, yet since those people cheering on the decisions aren't personally impacted by them, it's not as if they really weigh the consequences or give it much thought. They're mostly concerned with appearing supportive.
Don't attribute to malice. What's really going on here is that people don't really care about anyone except themselves.
If the other replies to your post have told you anything, then notice most people admit it's little to do with manipulating someone into ugliness than it is about the comfort that ugly people can survive without being attractive. Not everyone lightly volunteers themselves to be unconventional unless a part of them wants it deep down anyway, I reckon.
No. 883340
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I wanna watch the Evangelion Rebuilds on Amazon so bad but my attention span won't let me watch them subbed, and more importantly, I absolutely can't stand Spike Spencer's take on dubbed Shinji.
the only times he'a bearable in the role is when he's screaming and that one iconic outtake in the EOE credits. Otherwise he just sounds way too old for the role and plain awkward, but not in the right way. unironically enioyed the Netflix dub more for this reason tbh
No. 884476
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Healthy Heterosexual relationships should be prized and promoted more then "Kweer" or "progresiisve" ones, especially gay male relationships, the vast majority of people in this world are straight and we should see positive and healthy forms of that dynamic on screen rather then some faggots or 2 straight same sex characters shipped together
No. 884478
>>884476But that doesn’t bring any money because it’s “boring” and “predictable”.
I think it will take a while, like when the novelty of the soup letter group ends, I don’t really know about lesbian representation, which is honestly the least I’ve seen, unless you count the obviously fetishized pairings in normie media.
But I really can’t see any good examples of straight pairings with mature characters in which the guy isn’t pushy and the woman isn’t a caricature of a woman.
No. 884568
>>884476>>884517How can someone be this pressed over a small group of people shipping same sex couples? Literally all of media is catered towards hetties, you can't be this fragile to have a fit over some minority audience having fun reimagining characters as gay.
>b-but all of these mentally ill tumblr snowflakes I hatefollow only create gay characters!!!oh no what a waste
No. 884574
>>884476Maybe the world is collectively more autistic, because they can't interpret strong friendships and always make it a ship and actually HATE the canon het love interest for being in the way.
Honestly it's bizarre to exist in a time where queer rep/queerbaiting media is accessible, but our own country is very much anti-gay.
No. 884606
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>>884573Anon even posted Guts/Casca… they aren't a bad ship at all, but lbr all the real chemistry and emotional intensity in Berserk was poured into Guts/Griffith instead. They're an excellent example of the way writers almost always give the most interesting relationship dynamics to men. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone when they get shipped.
Anyway this argument is retarded, I couldn't even count the number of times I've heard it from butthurt moids on /a/. They spend all day cooming to waifubait and constantly rage over male MCs who don't fuck their entire harem like a proper Chad should, but the moment a male friendship is treated as shipping material they suddenly cherish platonic relationships and are mortally offended by corrupting precious pure friendship with sex.
No. 884607
>>884582>You can demand more healthy het representation without asking for less of the already tiny gay rep there is.This. Gay people creating their own healthy representation for themselves is what it is, them being the change they want to see. Straight people can follow suite and start writing healthy relationships instead of demanding gay people to stop doing so because they start feeling bad about their own
toxic relationship models in media. Even now most of the "gay representation" is just offshoot lesbian kisses here and there or some side character's implied homosexuality, complaining about gay relationships taking over media is some /pol/ globohomo tinfoil bullshit.
No. 884702
>>884076As someone who went to school that taught sex shaming and abstinence only, please fuck off. Having your (male) teachers tell you that you were a crumbled cookie or chewed up piece of gum if you weren't a virgin was really messed up especially for
victims of sexual abuse and assault. Sex is a normal part of life and avoiding talking about it or acting like you're a bad persong if you think about is not healthy either.
No. 885109
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I think astrology is fake and it kind of annoys me to see so many people waste time on it. I know that it’s not really my business and I don’t think people who invest a lot of time in astrology are morally lacking in any specific way, but I feel like astrology encourages narcissism by making thinly veiled self-obsession and navel gazing seem like a valid pastime. Thinking about yourself and your own personality shouldn’t be your primary hobby, and sinking a ton of time into justifying your desire to do so by reading crackpot websites and learning blatantly pseudo-scientific “analytic” techniques should be criticizable.
What’s really annoying is that a lot of online astrology types are quick to deflect criticism with the “why are you taking this so seriously? I didn’t say that it was real, it’s just a fun thing I like to treat myself to!” defense. Occasionally indulging in astrology isn’t a big deal, but it feels like such an obvious lie when someone who constantly talks or posts about it claims to not be invested. It’s just depressing to see so many women forsake learning or cultivating a skill (or literally doing anything other than constant introspection) in favor of loading up on unspecific compliments paid out by deranged boomers in costume jewelry.
No. 885128
>>885109I think some people do almost just inherit a belief in astrology like you tend to inherit religious beliefs too, you hear about it from relatives and if you're young and there's enough of it around you.. it can stick and be born more out of that than self interest but yeah there's also a type of person that I don't enjoy listening to. They do the whole starsign thing to death and a few others
> I'm like this because of my sign, oh my gosh that's so how my sign would react. I'm a total.. libra or whatever > My eyes are blue but also green and in the light they turn hazel, and when I'm pissed of they're gray with flecks of green > I actually remember my birth and have loads of memories from when I was say 6 months too. Let me tell you how many stitches my mom got and what my first cry sounded likeThey all go kinda hand in hand to me lol
No. 885621
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>>885231Based. We've been brainwashed into believing a woman's only value is beauty when it's actually true for men. Ugly men don't deserve pity fucks or "give him a chance he's a nice guy!!". They should be ignored and made to feel shame for daring to talk to an attractive woman.
On the topic of men, femboys are hot and r/femboys has been ruined by trannies and female skinwalkers.
No. 885940
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These comics aren’t clever or funny. The edits people make of these are much better.
No. 885944
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This dude looks like an albino monkey and his eyes creep me out.
No. 885958
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>>885940What the fuck am I looking at here
No. 885966
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This character got so pornified, but I've to admit her character design (besides that skirt and boob window) is very nice imo, i would even call it elegant and beautiful, she looks very dinamic like a ballerina. The monochrome pallette is a nice touch too.
No. 887025
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plastic surgery never looks good. it's all just a giant expensive cope.