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No. 877139
Previous thread:
>>868889The thread was a dumpster fire of infighting, derailing, racesperging, and retarded takes. There were 7000 Billie Eilish photos and 4000 plastic surgery experts, most of whom specialized in lips.
Events and non-events:
>>868893 Ewan McGregor and Mary Elizabeth Winstead welcome baby boy
>>869262 The House of Gucci trailer is appealing only to Driverfags
>>869320 Camila Cabello weight gain spergefest revival
>>869425 Selena Gomez weight gain spergefest revival gives birth to the evolution of the glorious OP pic
>>869754>>869599 Grimes is making a space opera about AI lesbians
>>869792 Coco Austin is breastfeeding her almost 6-year old daughter
>>869865 Cara Delevingne nepotism story
>>869833 in search of Margaret Qalley milk anons find that Rainey Qalley
>>870023 is a bigger cow
>>870063 Billie Eilish appears to ignore a fan in a video call, looks stoned
>>871567 an ironic Spotify ad starts a thread long discussion about everything, from
>>871719 problematic drawings to
>>871933 her brother calling her out on AAVE,
>>872198 real age discussions
>>872297 and a shitty album party outfit
>>870609 Lana Del Rey looks rough, LDR fags are in denial as usual
>>870609 Kathy Griffin has lung cancer, undergoes surgery
>>870925 The Weeknd appears to have stolen music from a small time artist
>>871513 Lena Dunham has become a deathfat with a boyfriend who's one small misshap in bed away from certain death by crushing
>>872195 walks on the catwalk looking like she needs a breathing tube
>>872389 >>871680 Dababy dropped from multiple festivals after homophobic rant
>>871997 Ariana Grande Fortnite skin release, along with a Fortnite 'concert' which is just a playback of her songs
>>872290 Courtney Love middle-age crisis monologue
>>872467 Fetty Wap's 4-year-old daughter dies of congenital heart disease
>>872789 Kristen Bell waits for children to stink before bathing them
>>873126 Justin Bieber complains that the media is making him look the way he actually looks
>>873415 Miley Cyrus reaches out to DaBaby
>>873434 Halsey posts a breastfeeding photo, anons are displeased
>>873794 Olivia Rodrigo drops crappy merch, fans complain
>>874147 Jessie J claims Nicki Minaj asked to be on Bang Bang, Nicki says her label wanted her to do it, Jessie puts out a clarification that could have been 20 sentences shorter
>>875802 meanwhile, Ariana Grande hates the song
>>875807>>874403 Jake Gyllenhaal joins the list of celebrities who aren't fans of bathing, prompting interesting tinfoiling and autistic derailing about anons' hygienic habits and smelly cities fueled by authentic autism
>>874903 Britney Spears gets hee first iPad
>>874909 Mara Wilson publicly supports Britney, anons aren't fans
>>875598 The milk is dry, infighting has stopped, let's talk about imaginary scenarios
>>875888 sleep paralysis demon appears
>>875957 Cardi B fights with a tea channel, may or may not have doxxed her
>>876129 Trevor Moore, co-founder of comedy troupe The Whitest Kids U Know dies in an unspecified accident
>>876308 Jamie Lynn Spears uses her daughter to garner sympathy
>>876706 Amanda Knox is mentioned for some reason
>>876835 A raging alcoholic and a middle aged Photoshop addict continue attention whoring
>>876991 Jon Stewart and Pete Davidson are organizing a 9/11 benefit, the lineup is absolutely horrendous
No. 877150
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ty for the speedy and stellar new thread! Prob the best thread pic we had so far kek, a true masterpiece.
Speaking of Gwen: At this point I'm 100% sure that there will be NEVER a new No Doubt album or tour. Always wanted to see them live once bc I loved them so much as a kid in the 90s and early 2000s (still listen to them from time to time). Only got to see gwen yeeears ago here in europe. Always felt like they all stopped being connected to each other, bc it looked very different when gwen went solo. They supported this but idk gwen's future is now being as yeehaw as possible for blake and nothing more.
It is from before the wedding but if confirms what I was thinking the last few years. No. 877160
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No. 877167
>>877161Anon, this is simply early 2000s fashion, this was the norm.
God I feel old now.
No. 877179
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>>877171I recall it being an okay album. Sure, nothing special but it had some songs here and there. But it did felt really forced and then I remember that they had to withdraw the mv to "looking hot" because of picrel. Maybe it is for the better, or they pull something like Garbage and just tour if they feel like it and drop an album out of nowhere again. Return of Saturn is imo the best album of them.
Kek, weeb gwen will forever have a special place in my heart. L.A.M.B is forever her best album, without a doubt.
No. 877238
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>>877139>When more than 3 of your posts are in the recap and your photo edit is the thread picI need to take a break from lolcow…
No. 877273
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>>877160Followed by this.
No. 877364

>>877333Two anons did discuss how she definitely didn’t write ocean eyes, given that her independent SoundCloud shit was asscheeks. Also someone mentioned how Billie Bossa Nova on her new album was just a repackaged Bitches Broken Hearts.
Most of the criticism seemed to be “She whispers too much on this album, SKIP. Let’s mock her body now.”
But what was fucking nutty to me is how Billies whole “Body empowerment arc” WAS A FARSE. She was openly flaunting her breasts and body on instagram and vine, for years!! Strangely, when she worked with phenis that’s when she became oh, so insecure about men commenting about how “slim-thicc” or whatever the fuck she said she was in that Calvin Klein advert.
It was all a publicity stunt. So when she did take off her welfare mom sized clothes, people would talk about her boring ass. That milk should’ve been dived into, not her push-up bra obsession.
(Find attached her zombie apocalypse song written at 14 before ocean eyes. Most of her songs were like this, slow generic movie credits osts)
No. 877367
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>>877364Fuck it, I just wanna make memes
No. 877386
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>Queen Elizabeth's son is being sued for sexual assault in federal court by Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who claims she was a victim of Epstein's sex trafficking scheme for powerful men, including Prince Andrew
>In the wake of Epstein's arrest and death in his jail cell, Prince Andrew went on "BBC Newsnight" and claimed he couldn't remember meeting Giuffre, despite a 2001 photograph where he's apparently posing with her.
Of course he can’t remember a girl he raped 20 years ago, he’s raped dozens before and since.
He’s a foreign royal and he’s only getting sued so I don’t think he’ll end up suicided…
No. 877411
>>877386>Of course he can’t remember a girl he raped 20 years ago, he’s raped dozens before and since. I do wonder if other
victims will or already have come out against him.
I’d doubt anything will happen to him but good for the
victim for not backing down.
No. 877527
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i may be stretching the definition of celebrity here but, scrotes gonna scrote
No. 877535
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>>877527I fucking knew it from the moment I read the lyrics to the song "Panty Shot". Shit sounded too much like the words of actual self-pitying, narc-tier pedophiles, but people just ignored it under the veneer of "satire"/"dark humor". Notice how none of this actually shits on the described pedo for his actions/thoughts? Nothing is being satirized.
I'm just surprised no one came out earlier.
No. 877537
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Jimmy Urine and his wife Chantal Claret (from the band Morningwood - mid2000s alt-radio one hit wonders) attended a pedo themed party. That's her in the picture, in the yellow dress. Jimmy has ties to James Gunn personally, as in 2017 James gave Jimmy a voice role in Guardians of the Galaxy 2
No. 877542
>>877351her life fucked her up, give her a break. she's really only as batshit insane as any neurotic mother with limited knowledge of social media/internet, she only just got an ipad. doesn't mean she deserves to be grossly exploited, robbed of her rights, psychologically tormented & forcibly pumped full of lithium (an extremely hardcore drug, having extensive personal experience i can tell you the reason they checked her blood levels so much was because if there was any sudden drop it could literally have her frothing at the mouth insane) by her own family. she's talking about pressing charges and she should. her new self-chosen lawyer has been pointing out how shockingly low britney's net worth is compared to her income, an observation forbes made in 2016, and it's because her family is robbing her blind. but sure because of a couple unhinged social media posts that aren't even half as milky as the cows we have on this site (some of which probably actually should be 5150'd) she deserves to have her life completely ripped from her
>>877539conservatorship abuse is a global issue and a nightmare plenty of actually helpless disabled people go through, her case could be a big step toward reform depending on the ruling
No. 877546
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>>877527Not surprised from this fucking album cover
No. 877547
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>>877537I remember Jessicka Addams (from Jack Off Jill) made a reference to this. Seems she was one of the people accusing him the most.
No. 877551
>>877537Disgusting degenerates
>>877527Wew. 10 minutes ago my life was so much better. When I wasn't aware of this cunts existence.
No. 877552
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>>877547Here Jessicka (a lolcow in her own right, thread here >>935041 )claims that Jimmy and his wife moved to NZ as a pre-emptive move against potential #metoos.
No. 877558
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>>877529the simplest explanation is most likely to be correct. which is more plausible: that she's actually batshit insane, or that someone behind the scenes is conspiring to make her appear to be batshit insane? obviously the former, given the evidence available.
>>877539based nonita
>>877542> because of a couple of unhinged social media posts . . . she deserves to have her life completely ripped from herfirst of all, ease up on the straw man fallacy. nobody's arguing that her life should be "completely ripped from her". while it's true that her family's involvement in the conservatorship has been
problematic, she regularly takes trips to Hawaii, she lives in a mansion, and she has a team of people waiting on her every need. her situation is nowhere near indicative of a ~global issue~. secondly, her social media posts are just the tip of the iceberg. she legitimately had a very public mental breakdown and she obviously has a significant psychiatric diagnosis that impedes her ability to function. the public is not privy to her specific diagnosis, but it's the only reason why she would still be under a conservatorship. the concern is that if she's left to her own devices, she could seriously harm herself. even aside from social media posts, she sounded manic as fuck and confused in her recent statement to the court, which was written in advance.
> she's talking about pressing chargesregular citizens don't press charges, the police do. if there was evidence of an actual crime having been committed, a judge wouldn't just stand by and let it continue to happen. it's all being handled in the civil system, not in the realm of criminal law. the judge recently denied her motion to move up the next hearing to sometime this month or alternatively to suspend her dad immediately. in other words, it's not so urgent that it needs to be resolved ASAP, and the judge isn't kowtowing to her demands just because she's a celebrity.
No. 877559
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>>877537Allegedly Jimmy in the rabbit costume
>>877540James Gunn apparently. Couldn't find who hosted the party until reading the Jimmy Urine court docs
No. 877564
>>877558>she legitimately had a very public mental breakdown and she obviously has a significant psychiatric diagnosis that impedes her ability to functionRetarda wasn’t this because she was being forced to cohabitate with a mental abuser and no one on her team believed her as she was tormented and drugged, while paparazzi furthered the sadism with constant heckles, stalking, and verbal taunting. Of course that would drive someone crazy.
>b-but she lives in a mansion and goes to hawaiiBeing forced to keep an IUD and stay on lithium is not excused because your expensive handlers let you go outside whenever they feel like allowing it. All that house she paid for, and she’s not allowed to go out of it whenever or to wherever she wants.
No. 877571
>>877567It was submitted as literal evidence in the court case, to support the accusation of Jimmy being a public pedophile and that his record company did nothing to prevent his molestation of minors, despite being fully aware
I agree it wouldn't work as stand-alone evidence, but when their behavior fits into a pattern it should be considered more heavily imo
No. 877581
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>>877567Ah, yes
>muh edginessThe perfect guise to actually do fucked up things behind closed doors. Nothing to see here folks!
No. 877582
>>877566Yes, which is what makes the idea that she was naturally dispositioned to become crazy so dumb.
>>877567It’s pretty incriminating when his behavior backs the reoccurring “joke” up.
No. 877607
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>>877535He also wrote this song about an actual child from a nick show.Wrote pedo shit about about the little boy too.Fuck,Planet Of The Apes is about him going to jail after having sex with a minor.I hate that I wrote this off as “edgy humor” as a teen.
No. 877619
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She’s a pedo too,literally bragged about assaulting a little boy
No. 877651
>>877648Lyn-Z was the only "normie" of all them, really. No wonder this band lasted only a little bit.
I loved her moves with bass and always hoped she would move to a different band, but no… At least her and Way seem like amazing parents, and Lyn-Z took care of his sorry ass and helped him with his addiction and depression. She's the real MVP.
No. 877658
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>>877648>>877654yes they are! they have a child together
also kek didn't know his cousin is joe rogan
No. 877691
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>>877641Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he also turned out to be a pervert, they are friends after all
No. 877792
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What made her think “this is pretty”
No. 877812
>>877533>>877535Friendly reminder that like a year ago or so, fucking farmers were defending him based on MSI being obnoxiously edgy for the sake of it (why write from the POV of a pedo without shitting on him if you aren't one? use your fucking brain), 'it's just humor!', Jimmy and Chantal supposedly having ~goals marriage~ and so on. Hope this pinkpills them forever
>>877567Oh my god, there is no hope for you. Someone can tell you 'yeah I'm a pedophile' over and over again and you will still be like 'idk, probably that was just a joke'
No. 877819
>>877812yeah because they also have other lyrics like
>use your money for crack>i love my mommy cause she fucked the shit out of my dad>i know what it takes to put a nigger in a hearse>smoke my crack, i kill your baby>defecating, masturbating>kill yourself because you don’t get what you wantand countless other edgy over the top bullshit. but panty shot is definitely the one song that he was dead serious in? kek. wait until you hear this crazy song by oingo boingo, he’s totes a pedo too!!1
No. 877824
>>877819Cope harder. Either you are naive or underage, hope you learn before either you or someone close to you pays the price. Pedos always tell on themselves.
>wait until you hear this crazy song by oingo boingo, he’s totes a pedo too!!1IDK anything about them, but don't be surprised when he gets #Meetoo'd as well. 99% of cases if a male has unhealthy interest in pedo topics, it's not a humor or intelectual discourse or a fight for freedom, he's a pedo. We've seen it with Onion and Urine, and we will see it with countless others.
No. 877886
>>877819Are you the same moron who posted
>>877567? He's literally been taken to court. It's over. Shut the fuck up with your idiotic copes. You were wrong to place your trust in the 30+ year old man who sings about rape, violence and drugs, how sad for you.
No. 877946
>>877566>>877582>>877823drugs are designed to make people
less crazy. no doctor would prescribe medication to make patients sound batshit insane. they would lose their medical license. Britney would sound even crazier than she does now if she wasn't taking any medication.
>>877937she's not performing anymore and she probably never will perform again.
No. 877951
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>>877791Wtf… I didn't know…she's crazy af
No. 877952
>>877937That’s not even a particularly weird thing for people with guardianships or assisted living situations, what’s happening to britney is awful but like other anon said, it’s run of the mill as far as legal care goes. The logic is that while ok maybe you are completely off it and can’t be trusted to run a home or care for yourself(or see ur kids), being in a work environment can help u feel like a normal productive part of society in fact failure or refusal to work is claimed to be a sign of you deteriorating and can be used to further justify the care and to remove even more privileges/independence.
It’s “if you can’t even keep it together enough to work a full time job how do you expect us to trust you to have a baby or see your kids?”
No. 877979
>>877958Well, she’s going to court to prove that it wasn’t right and
abusive but again, disabled people (mental or otherwise) are often asked to work beyond their abilities sometimes beyond what’s asked of people outside of care it’s normal, wrong but Normal. Imagine if Britney didn’t have a movement behind her and it was her management telling us what she was doing, which, regardless of how you feel about it is and was refusing to work take medication, see her therapist, just all around erratic behavior and trying to sue caretakers most people would agree she was just being difficult and shouldn’t be removed from care a lot of people would say more restrictive care was in order.
No. 878109
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>>878076I mean he's been in a really bad depressive state that's why he has gained all this weight the last 10 years.Like I know age and years of drugs and drinking obviously ages people, but I'll always have a soft spot for DD's and blonde Gee (even though he was suffering from an ED).
I think with the drop of the two makeup launches, and the forever on hold tour are some signs that they might be missing the money. Because comics and a Netflix series won't last forever.
No. 878115
>>878109the weight gain i think is good. he's always been chonky even at his eating disorder's worst. thing is, under the makeup he was always a greasy comic book guy.
he looks very healthy and happy in the photo you posted; dirty hair is gross yeah, but his skin is clear, not pitted or red, and he doesn't even have eyebags let alone wrinkles. he's just a fat italian guy so this is about the best he'll ever look kek.
No. 878183
>>877946>>No psychiatrist would ever be stupid, incompetent or easily manipulatedAre you the same anon who also trusts every judge ever?
>>would lose their medical licenseKEK. I don't give a shit about Britney, but your trust in the system is adorable.
>>877958Speaking of the Jackson 5… remember how MJ died? Another extremely competent doctor. Not that I'm particularly sad about it.
No. 878293
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>>878115Nonnas are really pressed that piss-loving fat Italian men don’t look like emo twinks forever
No. 878299
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>>878293Some even crawl out of their mother's womb looking 40 years old.
No. 878325
>>878299Wish I hadn’t enlarged the pic
>>878305Word. And if I hear that beggin cover one more time I’m gonna scream
No. 878347
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kek, her own stan dragged her…..but i do prefer these black uncle cookout clothes to her weird beige aesthetic….she had some cool outfits
No. 878351
>>878347i don't think she realizes that yeah, it looks ugly at this angle - it was """different""" amongst the crowd of every other wannabe instagram baddie who showed off their tits. Instagram fashion all bleeds together and some of her old style was actually pleasant to look at compared to all the other typical hoe shit that was goin on.
I get she's 18 and by then everyone wants to go wild and be 'free' but in this day and age if your own stans are saying your outfits suck then there is just no getting around that lol.
No. 878357
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>>878322Can we just get cursed Gerard pics ITT? Does anyone have the Batman suit one?
No. 878358
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>>878347Ngl, miss her ugly ass mishmash shirts. Gave her a unique shitty style.
Like, wtf is this? Simpsons? Pokémon? Dictionary definitions? Chicken scratch?
No. 878360
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>>878357Happy Halloween babe
No. 878363
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>>878360T-t-thank you, nonna
No. 878368
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>>878362Holy shit, she had some strangely good looks, like she could be in Jet Set Radio
No. 878369
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>>878368Now she just looks dead, wearing undergarments like they’re outfits
No. 878370
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>>878369She needs to wear more blue
No. 878371
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this also looked really good on her, and she looked way more confident in these clothes. whoever allowed her to do that vintage thing should die
No. 878373
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>>878347this is the outfit the fan was referring to btw, she wore this yesterday on jimmy fallon. she posted this performance on tiktok and the top comment says she’s dressed like an olive garden waitress kek
No. 878376
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>>878358she was going for the trailer meth horsegirl down the street kind of vibe and now she’s trying to be soft and adjustable like taylor swift is trying to be now, but the way she dresses and her music makes no sense. when she wears baggy bling spongebob thug fleamarket shirts and pants she looks like she’s going to make hardcore and explosive music full of personality, but nope she does the absolute safe route and ends up making lame starbucks lounge songs, it gets really confusing. i feel like miley accomplished the edgy white trash persona and she does it well, billie fails because she doesn’t even really know who she is
No. 878377
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I dont know who this is or if she's even a celebrity but this just popped up in my recommended No. 878378
>>878377Serving silicon doll mask realness
>>878363Anytime I enjoy kinda still fanning about mcr, but feel I'm a little too old to do it in real life
No. 878393
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No. 878430
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"Gerard looks happy and healthy" literally where. I'm tired of this nonsense all his fans keep repeating as if it would become true. He looks awful and I swear he hasn't taken a shower in 20 years. For all we know he and Lindsay could be beating each other up. He's hiding from the world in his California mansion not giving a fuck about the band that made him famous nor his fans. He was a fake all his life just like his wife who can barely play an open chord on her bass.
Also he doesn't look bad because he's Italian. Have you seen Mikey? he looks great.
I still love their music though, but I stopped being a fan the moment I read this book and realised he's just a farse and a failed comic book artist.
No. 878450
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>>878440Agreed. Here’s a photo of him in 2020? from an article I found. Looks just as bad as his brother.
>>878441The one to the right of gerard. Always heard his name but never knew til just now kek.
No. 878460
>>878437He's only succesful because the band made him famous in the first place (with good reason, they were really good).
Not much milk since everything has already been published by the journalist that wrote it or it was part of LOTMS. Gerard tried to start a career as a comic book artist after college but no one gave a shit about his stuff so he started a band after that. Mikey had all the connections and it was his idea actually. They were really successful from the beginning and everyone knew they would get far. During Revenge he said he was a character, that he played a drunk rockstar when in fact he became one and was in denial. During TBP the recordings got so ugly Mikey had to leave. Ray was super controlling and treated everyone like shit during that period and he didn't know until years later when someone mentioned it during an interview. Frank lost track of some days because he was terribly wasted. Before Danger Days, the producer hated Conventional Weapons and it was scrapped. They had to record everything again. Bob was kicked out because the producer didn't like him and even had a replacement ready. Gerard ended the band when the tours weren't selling out, his band wasn't as perfect as he pictured it, released Fake your death that's pretty much a defeat letter. End of story.
I remember that somewhere it says that he met Lynz years before Projekt Revolution but not so long ago in a blogpost he said he married her just 2 months after meeting her. He likes to rewrite history and also brefriends famous people then pretends to be BFF with them and later tosses them out. Grant Morrison, Jessicka then Mark Ridden, hell even Frances Bean was friends with them.
Lynz's sister is milky, I remember her coming out of nowhere saying everything Lynz said about her past was a lie and that she was basically a fame whore. Her @ is emt2001 on twitter but I don't know if the videos she uploaded are still up.
>>878440By comparison. He's not my cup of tea either nonnita.
No. 878467
>>878430tbh he just got fat and old, he was always a bit greasy and unkempt. He could pull it off when he was young and cute, though I still think he's quite babyfaced.
He might be happy and healthy compared to being a substance addicted and having an ED like he did iirc but who knows. Some people get fat from depression binge eating and hate themselves, some people get fat because they're just having fun living life and don't mind the extra weight. I like Gerard so I don't mind if it's the latter, but I have to admit I'm seeing MCR for the first time next year and it kinda sucks that he won't look the way he did when I became a fan.
No. 878503
>>878450WTF he is looking good. Not fat, styled, a lot of women dig that type of men. Reminds me of Davey Havok from Crash Love onwards. I think Mikey's handsome, even though he doesn't resemble the twink from the book cover.
>>878460Thank you! Now I feel like reading The Umbrella Academy to see how bad (or good) it is to a nonfan. I could never get into MCR.
No. 878510
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>>877949That's just his image, he often says he hates people, including his fans, and how he's a loner but he goes to Comic Cons regularly, and has no problem with talking in front of big crowds and making fun of them in their faces or even giving interviews regularly. The loner thing is just part of his edgy outsider persona
No. 878569
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>>878357I had this one as my profile picture for ages and when i argued with people online they'd tell me I looked retarded or on drugs bc they thought it was me. My mom also got a fright when I emailed her for the first time because it was my Gmail profile picture as well
No. 878580
i think i might've been a tiny bit too young to have been into mcr back then so i don't really get the nostalgia about it, but wasn't gerard way always on the chubbier side? he only got fangirls because he wore makeup
>>878347her former outfits might be ugly to normie adult women but for teen girls she offered the perfect healthy alternative to copying the jenners/kardashians. missy elliot still wears similar stuff at 50 and it's cool
No. 878596
>>877937I suspect there are like at least 2 anons who keep on posting shit about britney in every thread.
How can anyone claim she's "BaTsHiTT InSanE" but don't mind that she should be working as an entertainer for the rest of her life AND NOT have access to her OWN money?!
If she's sick, she shouldn't have been performing since 2008. Her father claimed she has DEMENTIA. Britney was in her mid 20s back then. Her conservatorship is pure abuse and anyone who claims otherwise is retarded.
Kinda funny how Britney herself said she needs therapy but sure she is batshit insane.
No. 878643
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>>878377Never heard of her but I really had to look up how she looked like before whatever she has done to her face wow. This is just bizarre and spooky to look at. her pregnancy is prob just another body modification to get attention.
No. 878644
>>878596> Britney herself said she needs therapyshe also said:
> I don’t even believe in therapy. I always think you take it to God. No. 878652
File: 1628693771514.jpg (9.74 KB, 275x183, download.jpg)

>>878643"May has said that she received shots of what she later learned was baby oil from a woman who claimed it would help her keep a youthful appearance. No negative side effects were felt in the short term, but the procedure eventually resulted in serious abscess in her face."
No. 878654
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>>878652Also why is her head so huge? Her body still looks great but her head looks like she's playing the game in "Big Head mode"
No. 878686
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>>878539Yes,both him and Jimmy are into piss
>>878129did you really just say sussy
No. 878697
i love seeing all this gerardposting lol my teenage self is having a blast rn. i'll go listen to some mcr now
>>878430i don't think he's that unwell, he's just old now and has a dad bod and became a very private person after bandit was born. and that's good, his kid doesn't need to be raised in a celebrity environment.
>>878460the drummer role in mcr was always cursed, they had another drummer prior to bob. afaik bob left because of a wrist injury
No. 878731
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>>878658Well he definitely had disordered eating for a bit.
No. 878756
>>878363MCR came out when I was in high school and I've never heard of anyone my age who liked them. Must be weird to have a bunch of 13 year olds as fans.
Anyway I always thought he looked like Billy Corgan, but now I see the lovechild of Billy Corgan and Onision…
No. 878772
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>>878697I'm here for the MCR flashbacks.
Also iirc the first drummer was kicked out for stealing money and other things from the guys.
I always found it funny that people thought Bob was kicked out for being "racist".
>>878731Both Gee and Mikey had ED's. Mikey even flat out stated he lost most of his weight from high school from just not eating cause he was tired of being the fat kid who was picked on.
>>878756I dunno man some of those late 20's early 30 something are still fucking crazy ass fans. Like I just want to enjoy the music/memes and other dumb shit. Not tots Gee is a closeted troon and other dumb shit.
No. 878774
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>>878765Then you’re not gonna like this
No. 878786
>>878604you're welcome nonnatella
>>878686omg I remember this era, tweeting weird shit was kind of his shtick iirc (not saying I don't believe the greasy fucker is into piss unironically)
No. 878787
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>>878774God I'm so happy he's no longer on Twitter and that she is almost inactive.
Young Mikey really does it for me.
No. 878791
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>>878787Nothing hits quite like young Mikey Way,based anon
No. 878802
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>>878791He just hits different
>>878793IIRC they were separated (but not legally) and then he was dating a 19/20 chick and posted a picture on his Twitter having breakfast with her and her family. This leads up to the expose Mikey Tumblr that Lindsey and His ex made.
No. 878900
>>878772I don't think he's a closeted troon but he used to cross dress in college afaik.
>>878894Choking? I knew about piss and vomit but that's new.
No. 878906
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>>878896Yep, no milk to be seen from our feminist queen Lily, who totally forged her own career and wasn't aided by nepotism.
No. 878913
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>>878906Who cares, it was consensual. Let me love something, nonna.
No. 878929
>>878697Matt was kicked out because he fucked up the tempo in live performances and didn't want to use a metronome. Bob was kicked out for 'artistic differences' but the fact that the producer atm had a replacement ready for him makes me think he didn't like him. He posted some boomer racist memes but that wasn't the reason lmao. Pedicone was kicked out after allegedly stealing gear to frame a guy he disliked instead of confronting him. And most of the time Gerard told Ray or someone else to fire them because he didn't have the guts to do it himself. So yeah Gerard has always been an asshole but hides it behind a woke rockstar persona. Too bad he looks like he acts now.
Oh and don't make me start on Dewees, official keyboardist since 2008 I believe. All the bands he was a part of parted ways with him very publicly except for mcr that came back without him with no explanation. He abused some girls backstage and even scammed some poor single mother.
No. 878940
>>878929It's easy for me to believe that Gerard is a crypto-douche when he's married to established Mean Girl Lyn-Z. I knooow, fans want to act like he's a
victim of her machinations, but more likely - he's a wimpy dude who gets pleasure from everyone else being nasty while he maintains the innocent image his fans love him for.
No. 878953
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>>878940I don't doubt any of this.
No. 878955
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>>878946If that's so, I was way off. I gathered my impressions from the lynzuglyliar Tumblr when that first happened and thought I had seen various tumblrs supporting this idea (picrel, which is not to say how widespread this belief is), but I haven't gone through it again since and am not a part of either MCR's or MSI's fandom.
No. 878962
>>878955ayrt, newbies don't know about the old drama and lynz' alleged blogs and her antis. they mostly argue about her being racist and msi being
problematic. at least that's what i see. the conspiracy theory blog has her supporters, but she's regarded as a delusional freard fangirl in the saner/older parts of the fandom.
i don't like lynz but the obsessive blogs against her like lynzuglyliar are weird. comes of as rantings of a shizo.
No. 878973
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>>878772Based revenge era MCR. Wasnt Bob kicked out because he called Mikey out on being a liar and a cheater? He cheated on Alicia Way with a fan, i think?
>>878787 I wanna thank my fellow anons bringing me back to 2003. What a good year that was when Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge came out. I still listen to it and love that album so much
>>878953I thought this Guillermo Del Toro. Jfc, he's huge
>>878966His character (Rumor?) literally just gossips as her power? And dont get me started on Vanya.
No. 879002
>>878940I don’t get douche vibes from him but I do think he’s severely mentally ill and looking back at the woman he was with before lynz, is very attracted to
toxic possibly mild
abusive relationships. Maybe because he’s a huge dork even if he is/was a rockstar and people like that tend to either date unhealthy people or be into uwu types. I know quite a number of people who are fine but date terrible people due to low self esteem and the rush/chaos of said relationships.
Though I’m not sure if lynz is even actually awful or it’s just rumored and guilt by association with MSI. The woman he was with before her though was absolutely insane and even wrote a fanfic about their relationship when they separated. Have no idea how his other partners were. Will give both of them props for keeping bandit out of the insane celebrity world.
No. 879003
I'm also enjoying the MCR discussion, I like their music but I never paid attention to gossip much.
>>878973Is Frank milky at all? He's cute and, dare I say it, a short king so I hope not.
No. 879013
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Sorry for being retarded but how does Ariana get her skin so dark, is it all fake tan?
No. 879020
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>>878503> reminds me of Davey HavokAnon, what?? Mikey doesn’t look terrible but he sure doesn’t look like Davey
No. 879023
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>>879017Her normal skin tone is completely different.
No. 879052
>>879005It’s called commit me already, and basically makes Gerard seem like a confused alcoholic/drug addict and Eliza herself seem like a lunatic who wanted her cake and to eat it too and could never be happy or fulfilled. And that’s her version of events and we all know people tend to make themselves seem more sane and better than they actually are, so who knows just how insane she was. Gerard cheated possibly with Eliza because the fanfic mentioned him having a gf and some relationship issues and Eliza basically kept pushing it. But judging from the fanfic depending on how true it is it seems like Gerard is a serial monogamist, possibly dependent, with a penchant for
toxic women, at least back in his 20s/early 30s also that Mikey was the only band mate to tolerate and like Eliza. Eliza seemed to have gotten close to Mikey, even using his substance abuse stuff, to get even closer to Gerard. A lot of people think she didn’t even like Gerard but liked the idea of being with a famous person, she then went on to be around other famous people, and try to be in the celeb world despite just doing hair.
No. 879084
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This is milk from last year but she knew. At this point she didn't know what to do and disappeared from twitter entirely.
No. 879221
>>879017Nicki is light, but she's not
that light. Ariana is just very dark for a girl who is naturally pale.
No. 879241
>>879023Her normal entire ethnicity is totally different. Anyone else remember when Lana Del Rey pointed out that Cardi B, Ariana, and Niki during some beef and everyone was upset because Lana had picked out "three black women"?
Arianna knows what shes doing. I'm sorry, I'm not being weird about race, but between the skin, the lip fillers, and her hair, Arianna is very clearly LARPing as either black or hispanic
No. 879313
>>878958i find it funny how everybody claims different reasons for him leaving mcr so i did a bit of googling, his wiki page says that now he's into dog rescue and helps dogie sanctuaries and just overall seems like a very nice guy?? idk i never got bad vibes from him
he had several health issues (he also mentioned his wrist issues in his myspace posts) and that affected band performances as well. even while he was unable to perform he still toured with the band and helped with backstage stuff
so i suppose there wasn't that much drama between them and his departure was due to his illnesses and injuries
No. 879397
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>>879396samefag for another example
No. 879400
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>>879396more samefagging, but this is a screenshot of a video from her victorious days and if this is "white as a moon", idek what my own skin colour would be. transparent, perhaps
>>879021 No. 879401
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>>879396oops, forgot the first picture
No. 879404
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tfw i listened to mcr as an emo tween/teen, but i was a sucker for simple plan more than anything. does anyone have milk on them? i'm almost afraid to ask, kek. i never followed gossip but in my head they were/are cute and wholesome boys
No. 879519
>>879328not a jab at you but only a retarded twitterfag would get
triggered by that. based lana for following whoever she wanted and not caring about PC quota, as if it means anything
No. 879552
nonnie, but getting spraytan is not blackfishing if you just go a few shades darker. that screenshot is not far from the shade she had in the photo of her as a kid
No. 879695
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Apologies in advance for posting kpop news, hopefully the thread doesn't get overrun.
Seungri (formerly of boy group Big Bang) was sentenced by a military court to 3 years in prison following the 2019 Burning Sun Scandal
Link to npr article on sentencing:>SEOUL, South Korea — A South Korean military court sentenced disgraced K-pop star Seungri to three years in prison on Thursday for crimes including providing prostitutes to foreign businessmen.
>The Defense Ministry said the former member of the boy band Big Bang was also fined 1.15 billion won ($989,000). He was taken into custody after the ruling by an army court in Yongin, near Seoul.
>Seungri, whose real name is Lee Seung-hyun, was indicted in January 2020 on multiple charges, including arranging illegal sexual services for business investors from Taiwan, Japan and Hong Kong from 2015 to 2016. He was also convicted of embezzling funds from a Seoul nightclub he ran and violating laws prohibiting overseas gambling by betting heavily at foreign casinos from 2013 to 2017. He denied most of the charges.Link to wikipedia article on Burning Sun Scandal:
>The Burning Sun scandal, also known as Burning Sun gate,[1][2] is a 2019 entertainment and sex scandal in Seoul, South Korea, which involved several celebrities, including Korean idols of popular K-pop groups, and police officials. It was the largest scandal to hit the K-pop industry. The allegations of sex crimes involved added to the country's "epidemic" of what is called molka, a Korean word for the online distribution of unconsented sex videos taken of women, and the scandal became fodder for political parties, who argued over how to handle it.
>It began on January 28, 2019, when MBC Newsdesk reported a November 2018 alleged assault of a male clubgoer at the Burning Sun, a prominent nightclub in Gangnam, by a staff member.[6][7][8] The Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency investigation soon turned to one concerning the club's alleged involvement in prostitution, drug trafficking and police corruption.[9] Seungri of the band Big Bang, one of the club's directors,[10] subsequently resigned from the entertainment industry on March 11, 2019, after being charged with sex bribery.[11][12] No. 879697
coincidentally looks a whole hell of a lot like a blackfish if she isn't one. She's Italian, not Hispanic or black or mixed. Her tanning and atyle choices are carefully curated to lean her more toward the cool minority groups she steals her image from instead of plain pasta eating tanned white people she comes from.
No. 879732
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>>879328are you one of those people that think dominicans aren't black lol
No. 879745
>>879719Exactly. Ariana Grande is a basiq rich white girl from Boca Raton who pedopandere'd her way into being a blackfishing popstar by fucking Dan Scneider when she worked for Nickelodeon. That's why she's fucking
everywhere and nobody can point out what a fake she is without hee being stanned. She represents a spoiled white pickme being handed everything for all the wrong reasons so she has to pretend to be mixed so the blatants handouts don't work against her as hard. No actual tan/brown girl could ever get that big or do as much as she has with 0 backlash.
No. 879760
>>879755Good news, but
>Mr. Spears intends to work with the Court and his daughter's new attorney to prepare for an orderly transition to a new conservator.What, she is simply getting a new one?
No. 879765
>>879760I'm pretty sure this is just the first step in the long procedure to be free of the conservatorship.
Iirc she's been asking for a "neutral" party to take over for quite some time.
No. 879815
>>879396But trying to look mixed isn't too diff from black fishing tho no? She presents herself as a woman with African ancestry or Latina (most Latinos are mixed w European, native, and African depending where at).
>>879745Strong agree with everything said here. She wants to seem more relatable to her audience.
That cash me outside bhad babie girl is doing the same thing she looks like doja cat (her way of speaking is just her tho imo her mom also talks a similar way and they just sound really southern to me)
No. 879827
>>8796953 years?! this is really horrible. I knew he was going to get a light sentence, but he literally set up women to be raped. This is beyond horrible… I'm disappointed, but not shocked. South korea is a conservation country, rampant with christianity and sexism. Horrible.
>>879755Free Britney. When is this dude gonna take the dirt nap?
No. 879837
>>879732Don't care about Dominicans, but you need two black parents to be black. Sorry if that
triggers you, not my problem.
>>879695looks like he was getting some….
dirty cash.
No. 879871
>>879863Tbh this. Everyone knows she is from Italy.
I think she is trying to make herself look, weirdly enough… "Exotic" to stand out in front of the same basic bitches. Remembering her failed Japanese tattoo, I'd be not too surprised if she is taking inspiration from Gyarus, but I think she is too normie for that.
No. 879888
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Remember when this wax figure made Ariana furious? The only thing she could realistically be pissed about is the light skin.
No. 879893
>>879889That's exactly what her face looked like before surgery though. this figure is like a mashup of several of her styles which is why it's jarring. It honestly does look like her and it's hilarious that it's her own fault no one can get her fucking image correct. That woman has deep deep deep issues
She can't even stand when teens attempt to imitate the way she looks
No. 879901
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>>879888>>879889>>879893Pic of her in 2011 placed next to her wax figure. Change the hairstyle and makeup and voila….you've got Ari
No. 879938
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he's literally comically evil. what a demon
No. 879962
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Man this sucks
The source link is broken for me and Bill Skarsgård is
possibly a smelly Hollywood boy even though there was also a Deuxmoi post that says he smells amazing what the hell
Farmers, do you think this is fake and gay or is the link just broken for me? No. 880005
>>879987kind of shitty of her when Lily's playing a patron saint of feminism… or maybe that's to be expected since she's a typical libfem.
Also we would shit on scrotes that do the same if it was in the news (sorry if that was what you meant). I'm not surprised press latched on to that since it's rare for woken to visit prostitutes, much less talk about it.
No. 880023
>>878913>having to pay poorer people to have sex with you because they wouldn't do it otherwise>consensualpick one, libfem.
>>879901yeah, it's not the artists fault she changes her face every month
>>879987nah let's go after them all. Nice try to distract from your favourite cow, though.
No. 880045
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if marilyn monroe had been a celebrity of today, she wouldve had hella lip filler. you cant change my mind
No. 880046
>>879901i hate that wax figure so much, it looks nothing like ari, it looks like a British teen girl who loves american media and posts dance covers on youtube
if I were her I would be much more pressed about this monstrosity than some lookalike girl dressing up as me on my wedding day
No. 880088
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>>880045Marylin Monroe wouldn't be a celebrity today because she would be too "fat" and too "mediocre" for today's beauty standards.
Also, even in her times she allegedly had nose and chin surgery so she would probably do anything possible to herself.
For the record, she was incredibly cute and I wish beauty standards from the past would be still in place today instead everyone being perfectly sculpted with heavy make up that takes hours to make. Sorry to be a boomer
No. 880125
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>>880115Not to argue but even if the world didn't have obesity problem this really is not plus size body. She was attention seeker but I wonder, with not being naturally stunning like it's expected nowadays and having no family connections she could just be a huge cow instead being famous.
No. 880147
>>880108Yeah no, she was nowhere near plus size by any timeframe’s standards. I saw her dresses in person when they went on display before an auction a couple years ago and she was tiny. People like to use pictures from when she was pregnant to “prove” she was plus sized when even then her waist was still only around 27”.
Not to be morbid but her coroner’s report weighed her in at 117lbs, 5’5 at her time of death. Pretty slim for a 36 year old who had multiple miscarriages, abortions, etc.
No. 880181
>>880151exactly what I was thinking
kek where do people get these ideas
No. 880198
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>>879938Fuck this nonnies, I hope this project will fail. I'm so sick of ads, it's already absolutely everywhere, I hate how weirdly accepted this type of visual pollution is.
No. 880275
>ghetto ass Florida The whole state is like that. The “rich white kids” do it too. That was whole point retards.
No. 880277
>>880269Doesn’t matter
Source: Florida fag
No. 880292
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>>880270He played Cyberpunk and got ideas. Nevermind that the game's genre is dystopian…
No. 880295
>>880292>>880270Anons please read my post
>>880208, I hate seeing people learning about the world from baity headlines
No. 880315
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>>880031> free britney, she doesn't need a conservatorship, all the people around her are overly controllingbut also
> britney can't apply sunscreen on her own, it's not her fault she has sun damage(an don't say "she's not allowed to buy sunscreen" because she's allowed to go to the craft store to buy paint on a whim, so it would be absurd to suggest that her handlers are deliberately withholding necessary health products that prevent cancer)
No. 880320
>>880275That's literally not an excuse. And no, the entire state isn't like that just because
your part of the state is. The
poor parts are ghetto shitholes where everyone of every color is considered a nigger and THAT is why AAVE is used by everyone in those areas. None of that has anything to do with Ari or ever has. She does it because she knows she wouldn't be as popular for just being a rich white whore who was given everything. She only started the bhaddie shit and talking black when she started aging out of her uwu smol loli shit anyway.
Fuck Ariana Grande's rich white ass and every middle aged pedo who put her where she is. Stop making excuses for her, it does you no favors.
No. 880337
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>>879962Fuck it, samefag
The question has not been answered and I’m a Billtard who doesn’t get jokes
It has been a while since he has been in GQ, like 2 years ago so 2019
I found two interviews he did in GQ and none of them mention how he bathes
They were mainly just interviews about his upcoming projects and just some seksy photoshoots
I remember reading a part of the interview that he did for the GQ Korea magazine but couldn’t find it
the link posted there is also broken and unavailable leading me to the possibility that this is fake and GAY (and also some billtards would’ve found this already kek)
got damn this is some smelly milk right there, apologies if i sound like im sperging
pic related is one of the photos in the GQ Korea maganize
No. 880350
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>>880320damn anon kek i was never a fan of her despite growing up during the time of her peek popularity with middle schoolers but she is objectively talented and has done nothing
that bad to warrant such vitriol
No. 880354
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>>880320cool it anon, nobody cares that much
No. 880364
>>880350nta but
>objectively talentedlmao. she can barely pronounce words in her songs, it sounds like she sings with marbles in her mouth.
No. 880375
>>880184>She was never fat like the standards of today but she's not special enough for ugly women to project on toI don't even know what you mean with that.
>Her voice and everything about her is annoying af.You don't have to like her, but I hope that you know that she was more than the dumb blonde that you know from the movies. Monroe was constantly fighting with scrote directors to give her heroines some kind of emotional dimension. She was also obsessed with working on her acting skills, as she didn't want to be just a pretty face. Also among other things, Monroe was one of the first celebrities to talk about csa she went through, founded her own film production company cause she didn't want to be exploited anymore, helped boost Ella Fitzgerald's career by getting her a gig at nightclub Mocambo (they didn't want Fitzgerald singing cause she wasn't sexy), etc.
Her entire life shows why we need feminism, no wonder Joyce Carol Oates wrote a scathing novel about what it means to be a woman based on Monroe.
No. 880388
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Not really milk but I keep getting this ad and it's just extremely funny to me that this company picked the most dehydrated malnourished junkie looking "celebrity" to market their water
No. 880477
>>880375Sorry I was really stoned when i posted that lol. I mean Marilyn wasn't that special that I don't know why people put her on a pedestal so much. I suppose cause she looks sort of dumpy fat girls find it easier to project on to her.
I just don't see her as an icon, I still find her very annoying. I don't think networking excuses the fact she imo isn't a great actress and didn't do much for women.
No. 880481
>>880382she is CRAZY. i don't know why the obamas would associate with her. she has some kind of mental illness, i know, but it's so wild to see her constant meltdowns over things where she changes the story to look ike she's ben attacked. like what tess holliday does, idk what to call it.
she's also a baby factory and i'll never understand people like that. why let 5 different scrotes use you to carry on their dna and then never help raise the product of that.
No. 880488
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>>879901used faceapp to change the hair and makeup, now i can see it i guess
No. 880492
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Vogue did her dirty
No. 880501
>>880495Ariana can sing and obviously has talent. I don't find it hard to hear the lyrics in her songs and when you sing along if you can sing, you get what she's doing.
I love Ari though. Sweetener was her best album imo
No. 880505
>>880315omg stfu
everyone who loves to get a tan needs a conservatorship now or what?? what about smokers?? if she wants to ruin her skin, let her?! what's the deal you dumbass bitch
No. 880542
>>880385she spelt her own name wrong?
>>880481>she has some kind of mental illnessreally?
No. 880594
>>880483Yeah, this was debunked. It's a modern SJW take on the story. Apparently other black performers were starring there just fine. Here's a link:>While the part about Marilyn convincing the owners of Mocambo to allow Ella to perform is true, the reason they were hesitant wasn’t because they had never had Black performers at the club.>While her race would undoubtedly have played a part given the era, Black entertainers including Eartha Kitt and Herb Jeffries had played at Mocambo before Ella. >‘Marilyn promised to be in the front row every night and to take friends with her. According to Dorothy Dandridge, however, the real problem with Fitzgerald at that time was not that she was African-American but that she was overweight, without much sex appeal.Fine by me if you want to blame it on misogynoir, but the 'it was racism lmfao' isn't the whole story.
>>880477Probably will not change your mind (since you seem to have a hateboner for Marilyn), but I recommend you to see The Bus Stop or The Misfits. She had range.
>I don't think networking excuses the fact she imo isn't a great actress and didn't do much for women.The fuck was she supposed to do lmfao? She was an extremely damaged woman living in the 50's, her acting career is her legacy. I wish we judged scrotes like this. Monroe didn't have to be some feminist warrior to be worthy of respect and remembrance. I mentioned the Fitzgerald thing because it proved her kindness. I don't think she has gained anything by this 'networking'.
No. 880598
>>880552I'm thankful someone finally said it, the kids just don't know how weird that period of time was about tans. My sister and cousins who tanned all look a decade older than I do now, it's shocking. The same sort of leathery skin with patches of damage. Most have had to go to specialty doctors to screen for cancer since they turned 30. It was not just a
toxic beauty standard, it was a health thing. I genuinely had doctors who told me my acne would improve if I forewent sunscreen and that young people didn't get damaged by the sun the same as older people. You can see it most on white women about 30-40 now because that's the exact age that would have been subjected to it the most. There were tanning bed places every other block in that era.
No. 880731
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>>880594>While her race would undoubtedly have played a part given the era, So even the "debunk" admits racism played a role? Those damn SJWs, recognizing anti-black racism in….the 50s. Kek.
Also, this was Herb Jeffries.
No. 880782
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>A woman who accused the rapper Nicki Minaj’s husband, Kenneth Petty, of sexual assault during high school filed a lawsuit on Friday against the couple, alleging that they harassed and intimidated her while trying to convince her to recant her account.
they kept harrassing her through unsolicited visits, sending lawyers to pressure her and nicki offered $500k to recant her rape allegations
No. 880894
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>>880782Nicki's romantic life peaked when she was dating Nas. imagine going from one of the most influential rappers of all time to a registered sex offender who was also convicted of first-degree manslaughter and spent years in prison. to call it a downgrade would be putting it mildly.
No. 880896
>>880864kek what. i said she was hotter than the rest of us. obviously she's talented but not at singing. at business networking or whatever. and being skinny and pretty.
maybe the women here are pissed at an industry that allows mediocre-to-average belting style singers to succeed over more talented, but fatter/uglier/saggy-boobed women because our merit in mainstream entertainment is never truly the product of our talent.
No. 880984
>>880894I love Nick's songs but she's a clown for ending up with someone like Kenneth… like is this really the standard she holds a man up to? Smh why do so many female rappers say they're bad bitches but then end up with men like him?
She could do so much better.
No. 881067
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When I saw this picture I could not fucking believe it’s Kelly Osbourne. She got a completely different face. Anyone knows whats up with her? I figured she went through rehab and ps?
No. 881078
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>>881075Picrel is an example for Botox in the jaw muscles
No. 881080
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Damn, looks like she had just about everything done.
No. 881088
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>>881067She obviously lost a lot of weight but I think she abuses facetune and filters like crazy. Definitely had some shit done, lips and brow lift are obvious but jaw is noticeably smaller and you can see she naturally has a wide jaw from Sharon so it wasn't just face fat.
No. 881109
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>>880864>I feel bad for the people ITT who are so bitter and wound up they can’t enjoy a pretty, talented womanariana grande skinwalks black american music and culture, this literally isn’t racebait this is an observation that has continuously been made by other black people for years yet she still gets away with it. take your bait and shove it up your coochie anon because no one cares lmao
No. 881115
>>880855I cant wait for summer and twitterfags to go
>>880894The problem is that Nicki was always a pick me bitch, and anyone who thinks she's some kind of empowering woman is delusional when she spends her time with rappers and rape apologists and actual rapists.
No. 881116
>>881080That's sad! I always thought she was cute because she was different looking and chubby. Now she looks exactly like her mother, filled with PS and botox. sad
>>881088She looks so odd
No. 881121
>>881110Not that anon, but she doesn't exactly have ti be rapping to be an obvious skinwalker. She
literally changes her appearance to emulate black/mixed/latina girls and only relatively recently dropped her fake blaccent after she was called out too many times.
Can we stop with the Ariana sperging now? It's taking up too much of the thread. There's a simple answer to whether or not Ariana is good and its "no". Pedopbaiting, looking pretty, and having vocal skills that a million other untrained teens girls have isn't a talent. She started in Nickelodeon and got a leg up on her career. The anons calling this misogyny need to really reflect on what misogyny actually is
No. 881126
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>>881080>>881067Her sister also PS-ed herself until she erased any resemblance between her and her parents
No. 881127
>>881115Sometimes i think about that diss song she did about lil Kim (stupid hoe), calling her "Biggie's monkey" (who abused her relentlessly) and saying she "looked like a rat lab" for her extreme surgeries after being
beaten by her partner to the point of ruining her nose. That was way too low and shitty. She's a pickme for sure, her empathy towards abused women is almost non-existent.
No. 881179
>>881126I never knew what the other sister looked like! Sort of weird they both changed their face. I'm a long time the osbourne's fan, and love Ozzy's music. I've obviously heard the various stories about infidelity and all that, I wonder if there's like a deeper reason for them both to dispose of their family traits. Idk. Sort of sad. Then the older sister never even wanted to be on reality, maybe she does just want to be unrecognisable.
I wish cosmetic surgery wasn't a thing and doctors couldn't in good conscious mess with bodies for no good medical reason. Shit's weird. Humans are too retarded to have certain abilities, like some people are xenophobic and can't comprehend that people from different areas are still human. No wonder you get incels shooting up the places thinking Stacy, Chad and normies are races and you can buy in with surgery and blah wah blah. Society is fucked like
No. 881188
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>>881080>>881126>>881179This reminds of when Sharon was asked about her PS history and she said that she didn't want to look like her own mother. Interesting to see the daughters following those footsteps and do the same. Idk I always thought that they had lovely face features from mom & dad
No. 881280
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>>880492Do you mean the man jaw? She's always had that. Did she get her ridiculous fake boobs removed btw? In some pics it looks like she might have them and then sometimes not. Also, I can't believe men are so stupid to think her tits are real. She's laid flat and they're practically levitating lmao.
No. 881381
>>881376Idk if Nicki was sexually abused
she was pregnant in highschool, but that doesn't necessarily mean she was abused but it would make since if she acts the way she does because of her father. Meek Mill was also
abusive towards her apparently. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think its common for people to end up in
abusive relationships after being abused by a parent.
No. 881390
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Never forget
No. 881397
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Picrel to
>>881280 must hurt surely? Or at least feel weird?
No. 881401
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>>881379The trout pout doesn't fit her face, otherwise she looks much better. She looks a bit like Lana now.
No. 881415
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No. 881573
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>>881390Holy shit that picture brings back memories. As a chunky mall goth myself I had the biggest crushes on her and Jessicka from Jack Off Jill. And they both turned out to be cows lol
No. 881578
>>881500Even by goth standards, she'd be fat-shamed.
In fact, the whole gothic aesthetic is kind of fatphobic in general, lmao.
No. 881584
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Kek Ellen's scars really were airbrushed in that pool reveal photo. She still looks desperate and miserable imo.
No. 881597
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>>881584Jesus Christ, I don't even follow this thread or even get into celebrity gossip discussions, but I just can't look away at how terrible Ellen looks on each picture, she genuine looks depressed and not far from bursting into tears.
How do all Twitterfags/Tumblrtards who make posts like "I can only imagine the happiness and euphoria that Elloit felt while taking off his shirt and finally being himself UwU" can keep lying to themselves? This is like watching a public mental breakdown.
No. 881598
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>>881594She's attempting to conceal her receding hairline.
No. 881651
>>881576>>881627>>881628We WUZ KANGAZ AND SHEET
Seriously though, just cause there may have been a handful of African traders and the greeks knew what black people looked like doesn't mean there were even a small% of black people in Greece
seriously Africans are so insecure about their own history, they are west African but LARP as Egyptians, East Africans, Muslims and every other culture
No. 881661
>>881651more than a few actually but most of those were metics, xenoi merchants or slaves from war and definitely not Greek.
it's already irritating enough as a person interested in ancient history seeing Cleopatra, a Greek Macedonian woman with a Greek name, be claimed as black for no reason. i wonder how actual Greeks feel about this mess.
No. 881677
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>>881584Is this the new Space Jam? I didn’t know Elmer Fudd was in it.
No. 881691
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Dove Cameron should instead invest the time she uses to photoshop herself in therapy for her extreme body dysmorphia.
Alien levels of delusion
No. 881720
>>881719Yes! This one!
No. 881729
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>>881691You forgot to include her retarded caption
No. 881737
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Is there milk on Matt Damon? I saw No Sudden Move and I never liked this dude.
He can't be good… friends with Ben Affleck and close with Weinstein? As if there's no dirt on him…
No. 881745
>>881651>AfricansThose are Americans, lmao. Not sure what West African shat in your cereal, but this racebait is so cringy. I miss when were talking about France smelling like piss.
Also, Islam is cancer everywhere on earth, no one would willingly LARP as a Muslim. Are you from the Effina thread or something? I remember the posters in there were defending Islam and getting angry about her ditching the Middle East.
No. 881751
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Billie used to be cool
No. 881755
>>881751I mean her previous sad girl persona was definitely more tolerable then her new "liberated queen" person that their trying to market her as
obviously this will appeal to fags and faghags
No. 881774
>>881121anons are funny saying ari is obviously pedo baiting by sitting like a kid and wearing pigtails but no!! Her excessive spray tan and blaccent are totally innocent and not trying to be racially ambiguous at all!
>>881576The CGI is so fucking bad LMAO it goes well with her brand I guess
No. 881793
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>>881584she radiates the same energy as this broken vending machine …
No. 881794
>>881759You're black and butthurt.
>>881761I said ethnicity. And this is untrue.
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>>881798>black obsessionyou mean this?
No. 881830
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>>881691lol anon I ss this like a week ago I forgot to post
No. 881839
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>Asked whether the recent rumors that he might work with Sheeran could be true, Dani said: "I've actually been e-mailing with him… He actually touched base with me. I've been invited up to his place. Well, he said he could come down to mine, but I pointed out to him that I don't own my own bar or village, and it'd be better if I went there."He said he'd do anything," he added. "Quite literally. He said he's a massive fan. He seems like a genuinely very nice guy actually."
>Last month, Sheeran floated the possibility of exploring a more extreme musical path while speaking to The Sun. He said: "I was really into death metal as a kid. I listened to CRADLE OF FILTH and SLIPKNOT and all that stuff. I'm not saying I could ever step into that world. I learnt all those riffs on guitar as a kid. That's something I've never thought about doing — but something I would not be opposed to creating.">>881825wrong thread,
No. 881941
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i’d love to know the exact filters she uses
No. 881959
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>>881945I think the fillers also contribute to the shapelessness. I feel like she had too much filler in her temple in addition to the cheek fillers she already had and it makes her headshape into a blob
No. 881978
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Lorde looks manly and has a man voice
No. 881984
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>>881978>'hothouse flower, a delicate person'Man, she couldn't even deny she worked with Jack Antonoff kek. The title of the article literally sounds like something of a Lana del Rey song. Also kek at how she keeps denying his influence it even though it's so obvious
No. 882187
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>>881941she looks unhealthy
No. 882271
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>>882187these are from the same day
No. 882281
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>>881691 all these celebrities have an insane amount of surgeries, it's surreal that someone would think that they're natural
No. 882291
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she's not tiny uwu small as she wants to be
No. 882294
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>>882284She looks even worse now, this is from this year. Her lips look super weird in motion
No. 882352
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>>882330She's always reminded me of Miss Priss.
No. 882379
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>>882327I haven't watched her crying but I saw a video of her twerking with her ass out near a park, you can see and hear children in the background. Her ass is out and it's kind of disgusting.
She's a fame whore, who fame whores and then cries. No. 882424
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>>882327> sometimes I feel like the world doesn't love me backI think she's upset about Drake's lack of a response after she name-dropped him in her song and tagged him in this tweet. she seems to vacillate rapidly between polar opposites of the self-esteem spectrum. one day she's twerking in a park with her ass hanging out and hitting up dudes like Chris Evans and Drake as if she stands a chance, the next day she's posting a crying sesh for the world to see
No. 882428
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>>882424samefagging but Drake probably hasn't responded to her because he knows she'll post all his DMs on tiktok like she does with Chris Evans. it's so creepy and cringeworthy that she publicly jokes about being pregnant with Chris' baby and fantasizes about drinking shots off his naked body
No. 882432
File: 1629074039733.webm (18.19 MB, 640x800, lizzos ass.webm)

>>882379Anon I had to post the webm. I just had to.
Look at this disgusting ass
No. 882445
>>882424It makes sense to me, people yass queen and slay to her face but behind her back people tear her down for her weight, her flat ass, her cellulite, her boobs, having visible rolls, wearing bikinis. Her self image is probably piss poor and I admire how stubborn she is about self love in her lyrics and interviews, like people either call her their 'spirit animal' or 'disgusting', that's gotta fuck with your head after a while.
Not trying to wk her or anything because this stuff with the park twerking and Christ is fucking embarrassing, but I thought the song was fine, just underwhelming after waiting for so long.
No. 882454
>>882428she throws herself at these men hoping they'll pander to her, she's thristy. In fact if she was a 10 out of 10 this behavior would seem even more thristy, becuase I know people like to "if this was blah, blah you would'nt say that"
There's plenty of men checking for big girls, Lizzo is everything wrong with "self love" personas, becauses it's not real. She only loves herself as long as everyone else is kissing her ass and smothering her with "yasses" and she's getting attention from famous men
Theres big girls who don't have nice faces like Lizzo, who you can tell love themselves and nothing can convince them they aren't the shit. Lizzo isn't that. She needs to have better people around her and self reflect more.
No. 882562
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I’m honestly not surprised, Eminem does not seem like the type to actually father his kids adopted or not.
No. 882603
>>882599Do you like, not remember 2000, or what? I can't believe I'm actually trying to convince someone that
Eminem would be
mad about his kid being a gender special, which to him, an old man, is just a
tranny, lmfao how surreal
No. 882612
>>882603No to old men a tranny is a man in a dress. To most men that's what it is. Genderspecial girls are a marginal side issue compared to the pressing matter of men in dresses. The only men who are liable to get angry about a girl going enbie are under-40 sargon adjacent internet dweebs.
And yeah I remember 2000, there were no enbies, and a tranny was a man in a dress.
No. 882634
>>882317He hasn't said anything and I don't expect him to. He's been silent for a long time and came back just to turn off the replies on his instagram and blocked a lot of people lmao. The mcr official accounts also turned off the replies on instagram and twitter. Only Frank and Mikey unfollowed Jimmy on instagram and that's it. Why would they silence their fans? Sus
I don't think we need a different thread, this stopped being milky after two days.
No. 882660
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>>882274>>882278It's a mole, sometimes it's just covered up more
No. 882672
>>881127Nicki's jealous hatred pf other men and stanning shitty,
abusive men comes from the fact that she used to be a regular New York nobody before she got all her work done and her mixtape started gaining traction online. I wouldn't be surprised at all to learn Nicki was given her career and then linked up with Lil Wayne early on as a boost because of the shitbags she now protects with her money and fame by shitting on women who come forward against them. Idk anything on Lil Wayne personally, but I also never understood why Nicki blew up so big and so fast just for having a giant fake ass.
No. 882734
>>882672Lil Wayne was basically handed over to Birdman when he was 11. There's a video on YouTube that has him high as fuck admitting birdman had him raped by an older girl when he was 11. It's sad as fuck honestly
I used to love Nicki as a kid but fuck her rape apologist ass and her sick husband (also fuck her pedo brother). U would think she'd want somebody on her level by it she goes for abusers like Nas and meek now this loser Kenneth. I wish she stayed w safarees corny ass
No. 882798
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>>882327>i genuinely felt bad for herI don't really. Her whole song is basically 'fuck the haters' and then she turns around and cries about said haters. The song is shit tbh, $2 beat and bars are a snoozefest.
Weird that someone like Lizzo who preaches positivity so hard would team up with Cardi who is known to have been a nasty cunt towards other women, ie. calling them roaches, calling black women monkeys and making fun of one woman's dead baby.
Picrel, so much body positivity~~
No. 882859
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>>882798And she's not even skinny.
No. 883112
>>883029No need to be
triggered fatass I'm not thin I literally said average and so is ariana. She's not thin or anorexics you anons are so dramatic about her 2014 ED
No. 883114
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Sorry to double post but I just saw this
No. 883119
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>>883114man they did her dirty with the photoshop
No. 883507
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>>883231anon you’re acting like a body positivity kaween on tiktok, keep rocking your rolls ig.
Ari on video looks healthy
No. 883575
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>>883538>healthyNayrt but she is obviously underweight.
No. 884236
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How the turn tables…
Apparently she left quietly five years ago. Her exit fee must have been massive, and this explains her offputting YouTube videos, books and home shopping network line.
They're lying about her husband never being in sea org. This is almost definitely related to the Danny Masterson case - both are in his inner circle, and she dated his brother for 7 years. Sounds like a deal where she tries to keep her name out of the accusations. The fact that they got together the year she left makes me think their relationship is a kind of pact.
Leah Remini has been reached for comment - they used to be friends I think - but hasn't said anything yet.
No. 884246
>>884237She doesn't look normal or healthy here
>>883575 , I replied to the wrong picture. I also have visible collarbones and get harassed about my weight but she looks… Skelly.
But what does some anon on a chan board know
No. 884253
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ik she’s only 18 but she is in hollywood after all……am i genuinely retarded or are these implants?
No. 884255
File: 1629234275612.jpeg (284.12 KB, 750x729, 7F3E6B3F-9BFF-4214-8E6A-495E62…)

Screenshot from Grimes’s latest stream.
No. 884277
File: 1629235932939.jpeg (31.89 KB, 649x402, EKDw6dGWsAEawoc.jpeg)

>>884255she looks like she has lip lickers dermatitis
No. 884283
>>884255she looks like a 70 year old woman
>>884236now i'm really convinced the blind from a while back was her
>>857382 No. 884317
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No. 884340
File: 1629241332437.png (325.71 KB, 637x647, u made this song with ur broth…)

>>884317Everyone knows that Phenis has a weird obsession with Billie nonita.
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this too but how could you possibly be thinking about sex when you're working right next to/with family. Maybe I'm a prude but nothing turns me off more than my own family.
No. 884361
File: 1629242870921.jpg (33.87 KB, 393x512, 20210817_201940.jpg)

Grimes did a live looking high and showing her bimbo transformation done.
No. 884364
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>>884345I'm glad we're on the same page Nonarella. I'm sick of these celebs getting plastic surgery and pretending that they're 100% natural, as if the general public isn't able to spot it from miles away.
It's damaging to all women everywhere
No. 884375
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>>884317>>884366Why do all these bitches look like they were popped out of the same mold? Do they all have the same surgeon?
No. 884376
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>>884371I believe these pics are from May, for album promo
No. 884397
>>884375I feel like I have face blindness looking at this thread
No. 884421
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>>884345Very true. This is just sad
No. 884422
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>>884421Why is a barely 18 year old looking like this
No. 884423
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>>884253i was already thinking it for a few months already but this new pic confirmed it. here are some other pics
No. 884424
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they genuinely look painful
No. 884445
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Her face looks pretty different too, but she'll get to be one of those 'natural beauties' that everyone defends
No. 884455
>>884440at first i read this as "Americans shut the fuck up challenge"
if only.
No. 884486
>>884388Smaller implants are smaller in diameter too but they’re still made to have some form of projection, so you can only go as small as your rib cage allows. She’s so underweight that my guess is she was literally flat chested before she got them, because they’re so small but so obvious. I bet she would have done fat transfer like others, but couldn’t because she just does not have body fat, and if it was fat transfer she would have to maintain the transferred fat which would mean allowing it to exist in other places. That’s why this is such a
toxic choice for herself and as a pop figure, she’s so unhealthily underweight and keeping that shock value was so important they chose a far less flattering option for surgery, and dangerous considering people can and do have adverse reactions to implants and it’s not a decision that should be taken lightly at all.
No. 884487
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any milk on the troon from the new gossip girl reboot?
No. 884502
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>>884487The only milk is that he will die a male, death doesn’t care about anyone’s delusions. In the Gossip Girl show he’s congruent with the insufferable rich mean girl caricatures and probably has no personality. According to the very few info about him, he transitioned at a very early age and likely has rich parents because no immigrant family could afford 100k of transition surgeries for this female minstrel show of a human being.
Was also in Melanie Martinez’s short film K-12.
No. 884537
File: 1629262279486.jpg (53.4 KB, 700x500, taylor-swift-boob-job.jpg)

>>884253This is depressing and looks painful. She probably has zero real breast tissue there. Her idol, Taylor, was similarly flat-chested and then got bolt-ons around 2014. Her psychotic stans deny this, though.
No. 884555
>>884547A troon?? So millie is
terf confirmed
No. 884557
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>>884555it's a photoshopped joke take on this tweet, unless you were joking too in which case sorry
nonny No. 884594
File: 1629272555425.jpg (61.58 KB, 514x768, 2074077703_b676d4f188_c.jpg)

>>884376Kek she looks like picrel
No. 884737
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>>883519Anon 2/3 of americans are fat I think it's YOUR perception that is screwed, especially that you're talking exactly like a fat activist on tiktok kek. Ariana looks like bmi 19 to me she just has a flat chest and a low body fat %. Look at her arms and thighs she's not anorexic.
>>883610 bulimic cheeks? She's a singer she'd damage her throat very quickly if she made herself throw up.
MY POINT WAS: she's just attention seeking trying to look anorexic just like she does with everything else.
Anyways.. demi totally ruined her career. How is she an A list yet can't get views unless she uses jojo Siwa? And so much for being one of the best vocalists, no one cares about her performance. Picrel
No. 884754
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>>884487Ariana used to have this expression all the time
No. 884793
>>884361Grimes is stuck on 2010.
>>884367She had his kid, left him, now has money until the end of time. She won't ever stop being trashy.
No. 885000
File: 1629304941606.png (10.98 KB, 582x93, why the fuck you lyin.PNG)

I know this is spoiled milk bordering cheese at this point but what do we think Billie Eilish lied about? This is from Getting Older off of her latest album.
And before any retards start saying "bUt iT's JuSt a SoNg iT's NoT rEaL!!11!!1" this song is one of the most personal songs off the album, she's telling the truth about lying kek.
No. 885033
>>885000she’s talking about her past relationship with that failed rapper
nonnie, everyone already knows this
No. 885251
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>>884537taylor's not a good example though. the right picture is from a victoria secrets fashion show where she's obviously padded. that show was in 2014 and in any other pic of taylor in 2014 she's completely flat on her tits and ass.
after her controversy she gained a bunch of weight during her comeback and people called her a fattie. she quickly lost weight but still looked thicker than she ever had. then next year she explained she had an eating disorder most of her life and she has finally recovered in those "fat" pics and it made her miserable. nowadays she looks fine, she does have bigger breasts but also thick legs and figure she didn't have in her skelly days. she's a woman in her early 30s her body looks fine. people say she has implants now but she just looks like a healthy grown woman. everyone just got used to seeing her as a flat ana chan but she's not anymore and doesn't look crazy.
No. 885268
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>>884537>>885251Pic on left is her months after victoria secrets show, which would be after the boob job according to op.
Pic on right is a more recent picture, where she has a bigger waist, thicker thighs and bigger breasts. Doesnt look like a skelly with breasts. Just looks like someone got bigger with age. And again she claimed she recovered from the eating disorder and hasn't looked as skinny as left ever since.
No. 885302
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maybe I’m a tard cuz I don’t follow her but when did she get thick??
No. 885358
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>>885345they're both insufferable but they're even more insufferable together
No. 885525
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>>885512kekkkkk i was gonna say that
No. 885856
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lorde’s new album is tanking in reviews. i didn’t like any of the singles she released except for some parts of solar power. i guess billy and olive really did take her spot
No. 885883
>>885856Pure Heroin was an amazing album for it's time, but idk if I've overplayed it or in my 30s now and find some of it too teenagery.I can't even remember what her second album was called, but Green Light was ok, the rest I basically skipped over/can't tell you other songs from it. Pretty funny she had to put her ass on the third album to get attention, I can't recall what Solar Power sounds like but I do think I've listened to it.
Did anyone see the vogue question video she did (is it vogue?), she's so fucking annoying and pretentious.
No. 885887
>>885883Anon, she has
bravado remember?
No. 886240
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No. 886263
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>>886247that's dorian electra, a cringey hyperpop act and an enby. they were making tiktoks i guess
No. 886325
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>>885337Such a bimbo! Elon tried but damn he failed kek
>>886240She looks like baby glume which is funny because they’re both pushing mid-thirties trying to be uwu qUiRkY artists full of plastic
No. 886335
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Zoë Kravitz and Channing Tatum spotted in NYC recently
he looks like a Neo-Nazi
No. 886537
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One of Mindy Kaling’s co stars from The Office suggested she should lose 15 pounds. Poor woman, I’ve always thought she’s incredibly beautiful. Who do you think it was that said this to her? No. 886590
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>>886589she filed for divorce earlier this year iirc
why is channing tatums skull so pointy at the top
No. 886616
>>886606He's always had that doughy, bloated look to him. Kind of looks like someone that used to take steroids. Now he's 41 years old and dressing like a first year art school student lol, pathetic.
>>886608One hundred percent.
No. 886627
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>>886590His whole fucking skull looks misshapen.
No. 886660
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>>886335I'm sorry this is all they remind me of
No. 886677
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>>885413Youre just objectively wrong though… Bella was definitely smaller/super fit before. I personally think she looks good thicker though.
>>886263I’ve side-eyed Dorian Electra as a possible farmer bc they follow Jonny Craig’s baby mama Syd. It was just such a strange connection I noticed shortly after Syd started getting posted on here.
Also, they’re one of the few non binary people I’ve seen who actually pulls off being gender neutral/fluid/whatever.
No. 886749
File: 1629438582922.png (3.29 MB, 1242x2208, CFC7E121-1492-47D1-92EC-AC16E1…)

God, she’s insufferable
>>886537Idk who it is but I hope it’s not Steve Carell. That would break my heart.
No. 886774
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Surprised nobody has mentioned Selener's ELLE cover and profile. She looks awful, the photoshoot direction and styling is no better. No. 886819
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No. 886907
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>>8868942012 electra heart core??
No. 886915
>>886789magazines just can't afford proper stylists or fashion photographers anymore because print is dead.
good labels/brands are also not going for magazine covers or print editorials as advertising
all magazine covers or editorials, even really hyped ones (see billie eyelash's vogue crap) are so lifeless and stiff now, with no consideration for what suits the person they're dressing
No. 887341
File: 1629483669623.jpeg (191.82 KB, 750x1265, 2516B3A6-3D05-4565-9A1C-94AC73…)

What the actual fuck is going on with her mouth here? She looks like a grandma.
No. 887347
>>885961The showrunners said he is also a troon in the show.
His speach about feminism was also embarassing.
The reboot is just cringe and not in a good way.
No. 887457
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I love her music but OH my god…
No. 887538
>>887513She probably just doesn't want to push her luck. It looks like he's actually buying her things now that she's had his child.
Plus, "husband" would remind her fanbase that she's in her 30s instead of a TikTok/zoomer/"fellow kid". It's not really on brand.
No. 887636
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a fan made lizzo of all people look small. genuinely impressed!
No. 887667
>>887660maybe not. she has hank hill ass and fried egg on a nail tits.
i've seen fat girls shaped like her who don't even need to get thin to be hot though. they lose all the weight from their middle but the ass and tits stay and it looks good.
not everyone has to be kate moss, and i wonder if some deathfats give up because they think since they can never be 55kg there's no point in losing anything.
the most reprehensible thing is how young most of them are. if women in their 50s, 60s, and 70s can get into swimming/weights/walking than these girls with their whole fucking lives ahead of them can too.
No. 887682
>>887594Thank you, anon!
>>886774I honestly like this styling and outfit.
No. 887697
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>>887457>Stop harassing me on this app over fake news and I am not my bf's spokespersonGirl… you're 33 and have a toddler. Delete the app if you're not emotionally mature enough to handle people criticizing your autistic illegitimate baby daddy, it's not difficult. And coming from the same woman who'd to get into conversations with strangers on Twitter trying to defend him and the business practices he was sued for, claiming it was "literally fake news", despite information about the lawsuits being publicly available… She's a womanchild.
No. 887794
>>887767yes but there was enough hype that if you noticed you got called a haydur
(i'm the anon who always posts about the toronto and montreal hype labels/crowds worshipping and sucking up to her and majical clouds hardcore)
No. 887818
>>887642That outfit is not cute, just say what you mean and that it covers her shape lol.
>>887697Insufferable, why does she cape so hard for him? Does he even acknowledge her and the baby or just ignore her tweets when she @'s him?
No. 887849
>>887822>>887822ayrt and
>>887841 is right. claire also is an exmaple of this type of working class larper we have in ontario and quebec who grew up in a giant suburban or smalltown house with doctor parents (or some other high paying job with benefits), then moves to toronto or montreal and goes ALL IN on hipster affectations with the zeal of the convert.
she lived in apartment style dorms paid for by her parents while never going to class at mcgill and just playing dressup and affectation bingo with the trends of the day.
she spergs about Dune like she's the first woman to like nerd shit - the "fake geek girl" was something that really existed in 2007-2011, and she was it.
she went hard on the zooey deschanel type UWU i'm so quirky and the other toronto/montreal transplants fell for her whole thing because of their own insecurities.
i am a millenial hipster douchebag too, but never hid my upperclass/foreign city (HK) background. to give you an idea of the dumbassery, i used to get constant shit for "Dressing too nice" in the scene; i wore heels, blazers, traditional goth makeup and kept my hair short. i got laughed out of all but one band for playing/writing songs with choruses instead of wordless gang vocals over fake african drums sperg OVER.
No. 888020
>>887870Usually with most music it's shipped off to a person who mixes and masters the track independently from the producer. The only person I can think of who does the whole load from engineering/production/mixing/mastering solely on their own is Madeon, not sure if he still does, though.
Back on topic with Grimes specifically, the first three albums were mixed and mastered by Sebastian Cowan (the head of Arbutus.) Album three mixed by Spike Stent and mastered by Tom Coyne and Randy Merrill and album four was mixed by four people and there's no note on who mastered it.
No. 888138
File: 1629558769168.webm (7.47 MB, 540x924, grimestiktok.webm)

>>887849i saw this girl on tiktok who claims she couch surfed at that house and that not only was it not a crack den but that grimes was the landlord. and that she was a bitch
there's people from montreal and vancouver in her comments saying this is well known and that they know people who were in her circle and that everybody there hates her and she never would've made it in the music scene on her own
apparently her parents were millionaires, her mother is a former crown prosecutor and her father is a banker, she grew up in a rich neighbourhood in west vancouver (point grey?), and went to art school
No. 888282
>>888138i don't recognize the girl in the video but the rich parents giving claire a property to run sounds plausible. i was never close to her but she has all the signs of a toronto/montreal leisure class douchebag.
i'm a non-poor person as well, didn't grow up as crazy well off as her but came from another country where kids aren't so obsessed with larping as gangsta or whatever.
No. 888429
>>888246Smells like newfags in here, but it is /ot/
Lizzo is obese, you don't need to sugarcoat on an anonymous imageboard.
No. 888462
>>888385oh i remember emily! she seems nice but that head-in-ass concordia scene couldn't die fast enough.
as someone who was a part of big glasses/handlebar mustache 00's hipster culture i'm glad it's over.
No. 888496
>>888146HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA what in the fucking world. A daughter of millionaires tried to go full river folk and made the police chase them for weeks while their shitty shack broke down. This is the funniest thing I’ve read here I wish azalea banks could see this
What the fuck was she going to make with that stupid sewing machine oh my god who would larp this
No. 888666
>>888385If the boat thing and Elon didn't already destroy the mythos of grimes, watching this did.
For some reason I can't get over her leaving a true/false question blank in a test because she wasn't 100% sure of the answer. Why wouldn't you just pick an answer.
No. 888739
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Or could circle back to woman when she’s older apparently. Themi’s gender = superduper fluid
No. 889231
I supposed her album cover choice was because "I'm empowered and this is what I want my legacy to look like".
Also, go back and listen to her old shit again. It's crap, she's just an industry plant similar to Billie.
No. 889238
>>889235i don't think that's true at all. most of the top female pop stars i can think of off the top of my head right now stayed successful and had their peak way after they were teens. look at t swift, beyonce, christina aguilera, britney, miley, etc.
a lot of teen artists are just poorly managed. it's called "sophomore slump" for a reason, it's hard to make a big comeback when you're essentially a one hit wonder (in lorde's case).
No. 889425
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I've just discovered Princess Sofia Hellqvist was a glamour model, strip club dancer and reality TV star before marrying into the Swedish Royal Family lmao. Royal Families can't even be bothered to put up a facade of sophistication anymore, can they?
No. 889458
>>889437According to themselves, yes. Royal families are obsolete yet have managed to retain power by arguing they still serve a purpose, which is to be a symbol of national identity and pride, representing common values we share etc. It's not a great brand image to marry an ex-whore kek. I just did some more reading and it was widely mocked in Sweden and his mother was furious. No surprise there.
>>889437I don't support monarchies anon. If they make for dull celeb talk it'll get ignored and we'll move on… what a thing to get mad about. Jesus.
No. 889466
>>888739she looks like she smells like sausage pizza and the bathroom down the hall after your roommate poops in it.
also too much filler.
No. 889507
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Of course this scrote would.
No. 889549
>>888739cut the bullshit and call yourself trans then. she's obviously even taking this seriously kek, just reaching for headlines ever since no one cared about her circlejerk documentary
when the they/them novelty fades she'll be a brave thriving trans man just like elliot
No. 889620
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kacey musgraves has a new cheesy manthing. he's attractive, i guess? does anyone know any tea on her? i was crossing my fingers she was bisexual but idk
No. 889635
>>889620didn't she just have some other boyfriend a few months ago? god she has wrecked her face with surgery/filler. i'm curious to know the story of what happened with her now-ex husband because I know he's a recovering addict and she thinks drugs are a personality trait, curious if that was a big factor
>>889632google is free
No. 889861
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lmao. kanye is as unhinged as azealia
>It all started on Saturday, when Trippie Redd’s new song, “Betrayal,” dropped, featuring a verse from Drake that seemingly calls out Kanye. “All these fools I’m beefin’ that I barely know / Forty-five, forty-four (Burned out), let it go / Ye ain’t changin’ shit for me, it’s set in stone,” Drake raps on the track. (Kanye, by the way, is 44.) No. 889902
>>889882truuuu I totally went into his comm with a friend and we snuck up to his windoe nd PEEEEped pinside. saw some kinda fucked up shit
nonny but no one will belive eif I say so nvm
(retard) No. 890052
>>890046I watched a little of this and it's cute, but I actually listened to the Driver license song and it's actually pretty good.
Does she have a lisp? IDK the way her mouth moves is kind of interesting, she's a pretty girl though.
No. 890088
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>>890048>soulless corporate cancer manufacturing muh 00s nostalgia is better than entire genre of varied innovative musicOK horsegirl
No. 890093
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>>890088>better than entire genre of varied innovative music>rap music yes just what we need more songs about butts, vapid materialism and faggot wanna be tough guy rappers
even one of the most mediocre pop-punki one the same level of talent as some of the great rap ever made
No. 890130
does anyone in this thread know how to archive/have experience with it?
>>>/meta/25695 says the site might shut down
No. 890135
>>890051yeah why are so many nonettes even tolerating olive, mitski, phoebe bridgers or lorde's music? it's not different or even technically good. it's literally the same corporate pop we've had for almost a century. they just have social media to to broadcast the image of how "Real" they are now
also all their music sounds like royalty-free background stuff to me.
No. 890138
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>>890046I kind of like this. I understand the vibe it's going for, and the lyrics are relatable. Something about it still seems so vapid and lame, though.
>>890093Are you 12? Lmao
No. 890159
File: 1629747373202.jpg (474.53 KB, 828x1444, cut it out karen.jpg)

Every stylistic choice Billie Eilish has made in the past 6 months have aged her tremendously.
Is she intentionally trying to make herself look more mature? She looks like a 35 year old recently divorced mother of 2, and her new hair cut just ties it all together.
No. 890161
>>890156I agree, Pink's music always had soul. She sometimes veered close to NLOG (Stupid Girls), but it was never really that bad.
I can't really say the same about Olivia Rodrigo. She's sort of like if Ariana Grande tried to be punk rock instead of an IG baddie. Nothing really unique going on there, it's like scrolling through a Dolls Kill catalog in 2016.
No. 890169
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>>890159i actually like it
No. 890200
>>890138>>890162Nothing against the genre its self, I do listen to some rap artists
Its just I find rap music to be beyond redemption in that the genre has late stage capitalism, misogyny, objectification tied into its very foundation, event the "feminist" rappers just shake their giant surgically altered asses and rap about "thot" shit, the genre just sucks
I'm tired of it being pushed into every corner of the world as well, for the betterment of all it needs to die from mainstream and become niche, that's the only way it can prosper
No. 890222
>>890203even early hip hop suffered from a lot of misogyny and a bad case of "wannabetoughguyism" that still is a part to this day, it was just pathetic and comical seeing a midget, a a huge fat ass and a skinny fat talk about how "tough" they were
>>890214I aboustetly agree, its shallow and has no soul but at least no twerking, no rapping about their pussies or other shit
No. 890224
>>890214Patrician take,
nonny. Hip hop and punk are two of my favorite genres of music and I agree.
No. 890228
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>>890049kek I know who she is nona, was hoping for more tea than this but ty for trying
>>889904no idea, I figured it was the name of a club or something
No. 890231
>>890203i like this, good explanation
>>890222damn i'm not even fan of hip hop but it doesn't take to be one to know you can find hip hop like you mentioned, but you can also find hip hop artist making songs about loneliness, politics, whatever you like other than gucci, money and shaking ass lol. there were times when hip hop was close to punk in terms of message.
No. 890236
>>890231Hip pop and Punk were both a result of the rebellious youth of the 80s and 90s, they were a generation against the system, most didn't know what they wanted but they they had their ideals that they committed too, they lived outside and provided for themselves
The slogan of the Gen-x was "No Future"
It embodied dissatisfaction with the status quo in a nihilist sense
In its core the were kids that were bored and didnt see a future a purpose etc and Without a real idelogy and organistion the could be reintegrated quite nicely
And the boredom of the 80 and 90 was quite effectively defeated by modern consumerism
The modern problem with Zoomers is the complete opposite, as there is to much to do to much to consoom and to little time/money
No. 890313
>>890251She feels organic to me and I totally agree about Lucy Dacus. Her voice is so interesting to me.
Phoebe feels organic to me because there’s plenty of articles and videos of her playing small local shows and I know people who went to the same high school as her. It’s not like she popped out of nowhere but I do find it odd that she suddenly seems big
Hilariously, Tim Kaine called Lucy Dacus his favorite artist a few years ago because she’s friends with his daughter. I thought that was really cute lol
No. 890343
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Ma'am, you are 36 years old
(spoiled because… where are her nips?)
No. 890405
>>890343She's a grown adult, better than barely legal Billie stripping.
>>890365>>890390You all are getting too nitpicky with Lana imo.
No. 890446
>>890441nta but OP said exactly that lmao
>Ma'am, you are 36 years oldWhat about a cleavage photo is innapropiate for a 36 year old?
No. 890447
>>890441Lmao stfu
Quoting the literal original post
>>890343>Ma'am, you are 36 years old No. 890515
>>890343She looks great. Hope she sticks with the brown hair or even goes back to auburn, I think that suited her the most. Blonde washes her out so bad.
>where are her nips?Behind her hair/the bed sheet, she doesn't have bolt ons. It ain't that hard to figure out.
No. 890520
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>>890343Her hair is kind of fried now but she needs to get some treatments and go back to her 60s Bridget Bardot/Priscilla Presley type look.
No. 890578
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No. 890640
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>>890572She's got a weird sense of humor
No. 890646
>>890640And before you say that it's just a blind item, it can't be true, she loves playing pranks on people like in the video.
The director in the blind item is supposedly Michael Bay
No. 890798
>>890790Did some digging and he's indeed an absolute asshat. Kate's a queen.
>“I'd just had my daughter and had lost weight,” Beckinsale explains, “but was told that if I got the part, I'd have to work out. And I just didn't understand why a 1940s nurse would do that.”
>But Beckinsale shared she wasn’t the only actor whose appearance Bay had an issue with. “Ben [Affleck], who’d already done a movie with the director, was like, ‘This happened to me. They made me get new teeth.’ And I was like, ‘Cool, at least I get to hang on to my actual teeth.’”
>Bay on why he chose Kate for the role: “I didn't want someone who was too beautiful. Women feel disturbed when they see someone's too pretty,” Bay, apparently a Ph.D. in Women's Studies, said. “I'm not saying Kate's not pretty. . .[she] is very funny, could hang with the guys. She's not so neurotic about everything, like some actresses.” No. 890803
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>>890046Obvious boob job is so fucking obvious
No. 890948
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No. 891019
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No. 891099
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Rita Ora and Taika Waititi are talking about marriage after dating for 5 months
No. 891144
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>>891120Yeah, that was the reason why they separated and no it wasn't amicable. Picrel was his assistant at the time, Polly Stoker
No. 891161
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>>891120His ex wife left cryptic hints on social media, it was a bitter split
No. 891181
>>890343No, not this stupid highlighted medium brown hair again. I hate this mall hair. She looks best with dark rich brown hair, it looks the best with her pasty skin and light eyes, she needs the contrast. I think she’s really pretty, but only with her dark hair. I have such a visceral reaction to these lame highlights.
I think it’s such a cop out when there’s plus sized models that can figure out how to do attractive thirst traps, and Lana del Rey gains weight and just can’t seem to figure it out and does this day drinking towel slipping shit. I’m sure she could hire a photographer and a stylist, and the old Hollywood glamour style has always suited her and still would. I wish she was more into collecting and showing vintage pieces because she has the access to it.
No. 891197
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>>891181Agree,anon. She looked awful with the blonde highlights but thankfully it was short lived. She can still look pretty, despite her weight gain, she just doesn't put any effort into dressing her body for her shape. I wish she'd go back to a style similar to picrel or when she was in her Lust-for-life-era.
No. 891208
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>>891181She hasn't done the half-assed old hollywood vintage glamour look in almost a decade now. She sold a fantasy to whatever higher ups that helped accelerate her career with that and now that's she "made it" she can be true self; frumpy and dating hicks kek at least she looks happier now
she does need to stop screwing Jack Antonoff though… he's an ass and recycles all his boring songs No. 891212
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>>891209My bad, she still looks good like that though and it's not too far off from Lust for Life.
No. 891286
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>>891239She has no taste or real sense of style. The vintage Hollywood glamour look that everyone loved was always created by stylists and her team. As soon as she got her foot in the door it was all ill fitting shorts and t-shirts. Her sister proclaiming that she'd kill herself if Lana ever became a style icon really should have tipped us off that it was all created by someone else.