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No. 973535
>>973520I’m sure the Jannies would be like
>omg this fucking idiot again.Or they think that someone is vendetta reporting you, kek.
No. 973556
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The idea of the thousands of random kids being named after kpop Idols makes me laugh uncontrollability
No. 973569
File: 1637423496713.png (7.86 KB, 859x43, jimin.PNG)

>>973566Jimin is a real name tbf. Most of the children in the US named after him are probably not Korean though.
No. 973573
File: 1637423632806.jpg (92.9 KB, 720x960, cow with bows.jpg)

>>973568You're still #1 to me
No. 973594
>>973592He’s everywhere already,
nonnie, I think this might be the soyboi from Shayna’s calves thread.
No. 973662
File: 1637431226145.jpg (215.3 KB, 720x719, 1594815785164.jpg)

Mods banned me for a few days but the message was nice and I deserved it after getting away with too much baiting so I did the time. Ok I ip switched when I was desperate but I seriously spend too much time here.
No. 973669
>>973556I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and say
maybe some of these people are actual Korean people naming their kids a Korean name, though I doubt it because they would would probably spell it as ‘ Ji-Min’ instead of Jimin
No. 973677
>>973654yeah, it makes me realize how shitty their taste is. Tumblr used to have girls running porn blogs with some actually arousing gifs but scrote taste is literally bad framerate, pixelated garbage but as long as its busted looking fupa-sporting males with drugged out girls in as much discomfort as possible - good to them.
No wonder they get ED if they ever try to do anything irl
No. 973682
File: 1637432829513.jpg (26.08 KB, 185x138, Tumblr_l_18743167537379.jpg)

>>973662Baiting on this site is too fun I get you anon. Here's to one day leaving this website for good lmao
No. 973717
File: 1637435524347.jpg (126.1 KB, 1280x500, Dreams and Reality.jpg)

The second the last drop of whimsy is drained from your heart, you'll die. Don't forget this and stay strong.
No. 973770
File: 1637437787169.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1521x2000, 864e98b2-fad9-4420-bb9d-d0a88b…)

does anyone else remember these weird earrings girls used to wear like early 2000s? what a weird trend. fucking corona virus looking bastards.
No. 973814
>>973810I backed my car into a cop car the other day, well, he just drove off, sometimes life's okay.
I ran my mouth off a bit too much, oh, what did I say? Well, you just laughed it off and it was all okay.
Already, we'll all blog on, no, don't you worry, we'll all blog on, alright, already, we'll all blog on, alright
Don't worry, we'll all blog on
No. 973816
>>973814Blog on Normie Twat
(BoNT for short - has a nice ring to it, don'tcha think?)
No. 973823
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But I would prefer the right but with more defined curls
No. 973838
>>973809I got two phones out of pure paranoia
I got two phones, one for the bitches and one for the dough
No. 973888
File: 1637445705575.jpeg (138.32 KB, 1032x890, D779F48C-07B3-47A1-A266-0B2072…)

>>973881I don’t get how can anyone trace, it’s so annoying, it always looks like shit and it never truly conveys what you wanted to say with your art.
I get needing some references since not everyone can draw from memory because it’s hazy and shit, but outright tracing
always looks like shit.
I wish I knew the person who shilled art as a way to get easy clout so I could get a bunch of people to point at them as they shout profanities and spit in their direction.
No. 973930
>>973888artist here. I don't know this dude or his art aside from the overblown mikasa drama, however this isn't trace but a badly redrawn (considering the proportion doesn't match with the original drawing).
is it just me but from the Art thread from /m/ to here there's always one or two anons crying over "youre obviously traced!!", stop watching Daftpina and youtube art videos - those people aren't artists and they're killing what left of creative braincells youve had left in your skull.
No. 973990
He's a hasbeen famous for 00's cartoons mostly known by amerifats. Not that weird. Personally, I know who he was thanks to reading tv tropes 13 years ago and being subjected to 'HaRtMaN hIpS'
No. 974084
File: 1637457207479.jpeg (431.69 KB, 750x728, BC4DC0B8-6167-4AD9-8A9E-04CED4…)

<3 my ass hurts
my ass hurttts
my ass hurts hurts my ass hurts
my ass may be fat
it may be thick
it might be able to destroy you and your family
but my ass and ASSHOLE HURTS in a good way now (thank you immodium)
No. 974095
>>973968Cartoonist isn't my profession. Ask about concept and environmental artists then maybe I can name some for you.
>>973990Same. I'm not familiar with Western/American artists, not that America hasn't done enough to be the most loudest in the industry (lmao).
No. 974198
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Saw this on depop and checked out her ig due to the blatant humblebrag anachan desc and
No. 974200
File: 1637472029228.jpeg (1.48 MB, 1170x2089, 1D61744D-C3D3-462C-A707-2C49FD…)

>>974198Why do they do this? You are not even a size 4 let alone a size 000.
Just KEK at calling a size 0 thick.
No. 974260
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I still really like this poem some anon posted a while ago
No. 974348
File: 1637498676560.jpg (9.1 KB, 168x250, Generation Fucked.jpg)

Anyone here born on the cusp of millennial/Gen Z year ranges and feel like they can't relate to either generation? Do you feel like you relate to one generation more than another or that you're just rootless?
I know I shouldn't care but "zoomer" memes are everywhere and it feels weird knowing 96/97 and afterwards is technically a zoomer but I feel like I have nothing in common with these people whatsoever. They're only labels but pic related made me feel this way even more
t. 1998 fag
No. 974350
>>974348huh I definitely relate to this but I think the cusp is more like 1998-2002. 25-26 year olds are millenials imo. I always think of the zoomer/elder zoomer divide as the kids who had musically unironically vs the kids who were making fun of them lol
t. 2000 fag
No. 974352
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>>974348I'm retarded, I meant to post picrel
No. 974519
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>tfw the compliment sperging from a few days ago made me feel embarrassed by the random compliments I impulsivley give out to other women regularly
No. 974557
>>974519You can give compliments,
nonnie, nobody will shout at you for doing so.
No. 974580
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>>973888Tracing is based I used to do that shit all the time. Fuck freehanding it with mistakes I'm coloring in that perfection and sliding in the clear part of my binder for all to admire
No. 974634
>>974350I'm 97 and my sister is 2001 and I don't think we're far away generationally at all. I think most of this is bullshit anyway. My country was in a war in the early 90's so we were late in many things american kids already had at that time for example. Generationally growing up, we were all behind. I got a ps1 in 2002 and it was novel to us, and ps2 had been out for 2 years by then.
I'm more well versed in millenial internet culture simply because I started browsing it really early, but my sister picked up on a lot of it growing up.
I don't really buy into generational wars like these because they vary so much, but if I had to put myself somewhere it would definitely be in the middle, I don't have issues keeping up with zoomer trends because of my surroundings. Once you stop caring less about what's trendy you fall behind and that's when the divide happens. Now you have a trend on tiktok that's making fun of millenials for using slang that was trendy only 4 months ago or so kek.
No. 974680
>>974634It's weird because I'm 93 and feel the same about people born until 98 but not 99+. Like you said, it's really personal. I get along better with people in their mid 20s probably because I have less life experience than people born in late 80s-very early 90s, but the deeper you go into zoomer territory the more tired I become just listening to all the new bullshit.
I'm glad I grew up before tiktok and social media became popular, for what it's worth. I feel like there's no youth subcultures or teen heartthrobs anymore, it's very alien.
No. 974718
>>974580Based take
>>973888Can’t believe you’ve been fooled into thinking artists don’t trace.
No. 974793
File: 1637541496627.jpeg (9.26 KB, 194x259, download.jpeg)

>>974680>>974634I forgot you guys were referring to the year y'all were born so I just thought of this
No. 974810
>>974602Bruh I'm gonna lose sleep laughing over this it's so harsh. Every zoomer I've met has looked kinda sideways though.
>>973823Right looks fucking greasy as hell, I feel like this is just curly hair for people who desperately want straight hair but know they can't have it naturally so are bargaining with god. Left is cool and natural looking.
>>974732Tracing vs no tracing debate is so juvenile. Tracing doesn't make anyone better at art, looking at references teaches people to actually learn anatomy instead of just thoughtlessly squiggling over someone else's work. Just get coloring books if you trace tbh.
No. 974843
>>973823There's no way anons think right looks better. It's not
bad, but come on…
No. 974844
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>>974793Who BABUSHKA here??
No. 975018
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I truly wish actual body positivity existed, imo body positivity should be about encouraging everyone, men and women regardless of color and class to be fit and healthy
for too long the fatties have forced us too accept them, fatties cannot contribute anything, they can only take and fat people are the only who deserved to be disseminated against in society
No. 975025
>>975018Hating on and being harsh to fatties only makes them worse because their problem is emotional eating
Even if they lost weight due to the bullying they would end up having body didmorphia and get worse
I agree with your post but the encouragement should come from a place of virtue, celebrating your body, not hate
No. 975035
>>975025 "body didmorphia"
here thinking about DIDclaiming teens on tiktoks crying didmorphia
No. 975170
>>975168My grandmother had pain issues for a couple years due to my dad and apparently its cause of those pain issues my grandparents drifted apart and my granddad blamed my father for that
for almost killing my grandmother and "ruining" their marriage
No. 975258
File: 1637596026645.jpg (49.96 KB, 828x828, FETjAd5WUAAk6ID.jpg)

It's gotten so bad, I catch myself oftentimes opening lc in public. I only ever browse /ot and /m but I'll mindlessly do so while waiting in a store for someone or in uni before class starts, until someone gets a little too close to me and I'm reminded
No. 975376
>>975351its because progressivism is fucking full of people that call lesbianism any time two women are affectionate with each other in any context
I hate those "just gals being pals haha right guys??" jokes social justice-y types make. Sometimes it really is just women being really close friends, which women normally are with each other when compared to men
No. 975394
>>975376Also, sort of related, but me and an old friend of mine used to kiss each other on the forehead because we were soppy and emotional and really loved one another.
We were both straight, but I know for a fact if I brought this up to people, everybody would act like fucking autists about it and insist it was lesbianism. Nobody is allowed to have a romantic aspect to their friendships anymore without it being called "queer" or whatever.
No. 975540
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No. 975542
>>975540the language of the gods.
Is this the lyrian superior feline race from space I keep hearing about?
Majestic indeed
No. 975553
>>975547He lied to me more than once, and for big things as well, like getting the job I wanted, flunking uni, travelling, getting scholarships, etc.
I don't trust that bitch, ever.
No. 975562
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No. 975678
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So I'm the tricycle idiot from the last Stupid Questions thread:
Don't fucking do it, girls. The one I got takes up so much goddamn space. LOOK UP THE MEASUREMENTS. According to my partner who picked it up from the shop for me "it rides like a deathtrap". And even if I could ride it, where the fuck do I put this thing without taking up a whole lot of sidewalk?? Thank god I called the Amazon drop-off near me and confirmed that they could probably take it for a return… I'll just admit defeat and try to learn how to ride a regular bike. Jesus Christ I wasted so much money
No. 975737
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>>975458Your perspective is very interesting nona. I wish we could philosophize about it further. I wonder what your other observations on society are.
>>975730Mongolian basketweaving
No. 975838
>>975783Mines is brutal after getting vaccinated. Not mad about vaccines but dang, would have liked a warning.
Is it your first cycle after getting your shot?
No. 975846
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>>975790>great blood and shit at the same timePB&J wipes.
No. 975967
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so yesterday I learned those old white greek statues used to be painted.
Idk why this is so weird to me, they just looks so strange, almost cartoonish
No. 975997
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No. 976009
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>>975967Terracotta army used to be painted too
No. 976311
>>976252I've never actually used their bath bombs but I used to buy and use Angels on Bare Skin religiously and I love it, but I've found other skincare routines so I can still get the exfoliation I need without shelling out $20 every 3 months for it. Their bathbombs are just too damn expensive for me to justify.
>>976261It feels like a false feeling of self care. There is no self care in sitting in a tub or ignoring your chores to play video games. How is that really caring for oneself? The dishes are still piled up in the sink, waiting to be washed.
>>976304I buy a big jar of bath salts from Marshalls or other equivalent for cheap and that's enough fance for me heh. I did get one with rose petals once and it was a nice aesthetic but even just some petals were a pain in the ass to clean out. Or the Body Shop will sell mini bathbombs for a dollar each or something that smell really nice and fizz for quite a bit, no extra shit in there either!
No. 976314
File: 1637689275002.jpg (238.69 KB, 1920x1389, 1637688790067.jpg)

>tfw you find an artist with art you like, no pronouns in bio, they don't post/share tranny shit, and their bio says they have some opinions the average tumblr/Twitter user (depending on platform) disagrees with
>tfw the opinions they were referring to were thinking anyone disappointed by lack of racial diversity in AAA multiplayer games is a stupid crybaby, and that men deserve consideration/empathy ("wow I love men uwu", "men have feelings, let men cry!")
No. 976347
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which one of you guys is this because this is so fucking cringe
No. 976493
Is it a savior complex or does he just want attention/money? I always thought something was off about him because I always assumed he made a decent amount of money via YouTube but only a tiny part of that actually went to the animals. Tinfoil and haven't checked up on him in some time tho. Maybe I just can't believe any scrote would ever do any selfless kind-hearted act without trying to gain anything from it kek
No. 976498
File: 1637694433965.jpg (24.11 KB, 564x718, original.jpg)

Should I get headphones or nah? Are they annoying to carry around in a bag? I'm fed up with earbuds, the ones with a cord and jack always and are annoying to move around with but the wireless ones never have enough battery. I just don't know if I could get used to having headphones on my head and having to carry it around.
No. 976503
>>976498They can be a bit annoying to carry around, and it gets really sweaty when it’s hot or when you’re doing exercise with them, but if you don’t mind the smell and when they start peeling the leathery thing of the ears, then I think you have nothing to worry about.
I had some huuuuge headphones for lots of years, and I only got annoyed at them when I was doing exercises that required me bending over or jumping, but otherwise I was really fine with them.
I feel like the wireless ones have been a godsend to me, I can do a bunch of stuff comfortably and even wear only one or another so I can keep an ear on my surroundings.
No. 976509
>>976493Samefag. I just skimmed through some of his most recent videos and hoooly shit it's fucking infuriating how many sick cats and tiny kittens there are in that apartment. He's borderline hoarding them. And not a single set of healthy clear cat eyes to be seen on any of them. Nitpick but I hate the way be picks up the kittens one-handed by squishing their upper bodies like they're toys or something. Jesus christ. Sorry for sperging, I'm just
triggered right now
No. 976541
>>976501>>976503>the smell and when they start peeling the leathery thing of the earsoh nope nah nah I'm so glad I asked lol, no headphones for me
thanks for the input anons
No. 976619
>>975838nope my second, but I had my period literally the day after I had my first and second shots kek. they've always been bad but my bleeding has been way heavier since getting the vax.
I actually got my period today (at uni lol). it's crazy how I can almost tell when I'm gonna get it because my pms gets so bad
No. 976628
File: 1637703865957.gif (962.64 KB, 245x219, 1460775501684.gif)

So last week I bought a ticket for a band I always wanted to see. Even signed up for the pre-sale stuff to get my hands on one. So I bought it and was super happy about that, paid my shit and forgot about that because I thought I will get my ticket a few days later in my mailbox. So I'm sitting here and realized I have not gotten any ticket yet, so I checked my transaction and yes it was paid but I never got an email that says they got my money. Then I sat down and did some research about the ticket seller and you know you are in deep shit when you type the name of the online shop, followed by "is a scam". So I've read the one star reviews and thinking "oh fuck" because I guess people almost never get their ticket from them, but then I checked other sellers and there are non. Usually there is the one big company that does all the tickets here but the gig I go to, there no option to buy it there. The gig was officially announced by the band but why can you only buy your shit at the scam company? Normally you can get your hands on a ticket on several sites but it isn't the option here for whatever reason. It's too late to do write an email or so and will see what I can do tomorrow because this really kills the joy for the concert … I do not think that the band is involved in this or so, because it is the same thing for other cities that you can only buy your ticket at one webshop but why does my town from all other dates has the shit scam company?? Big bruh moment right now.
No. 976660
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Everyone was saying during townhall how much they wanted Sanrio themes and I am with them, as long as we have an orange theme featuring Retsuko.
Preferably a simple image of her working in the corner like this, it would be super cute and honor all of our office worker farmers lol
No. 976753
>>976739I offended and hurt a troon once when I was like 16-17 (guy was like 30) on my FB back when I had one because I didn't like my boobs and said I wanted to get a reduction.
He kept insisting why I shouldn't and it was so obvious he was jealous. Fuck tranny groomers
No. 976788
>>976772I use my
toxic femininity to tear down trannies. When he laments abt his male features I humblebrag how blessed I am by genetics to not have to deal with that. I hope it constantly reminds him that I am effortlessly a woman.
No. 976790
>>976788Based Nona.
“Hmm cannot relate” seems to strike such a nerve with them and they desperately need to be shamed as often as possible.
It’s lack of shame that led them to make their fetishes public problems
No. 976791
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>>976739Ultimate troll queen, breaking trannies delusions is fun and good for them. One I know asked me how I prevent ingrown hairs from shaving and "idk I don't shave". It's like his brain was going to liquefy.
No. 976818
File: 1637722909052.jpg (7.22 KB, 143x208, 111.jpg)

Posting some OG Tardthots
>Norah Elam, also known as Norah Dacre Fox (née Norah Doherty, 1878–1961), was a militant suffragette, anti-vivisectionist, feminist and fascist in the United Kingdom.
No. 976820
File: 1637722935719.jpg (101.58 KB, 285x417, 112.jpg)

>Mary Raleigh Richardson (1882/3 – 7 November 1961) was a Canadian suffragette active in the women's suffrage movement in the United Kingdom, an arsonist, a socialist parliamentary candidate and she later resigned as the head of the women's section of the British Union of Fascists (BUF) led by Sir Oswald Mosley.
No. 976821
File: 1637722965923.png (405.46 KB, 694x977, 113.png)

>Rotha Beryl Lintorn Lintorn-Orman (7 February 1895 – 10 March 1935) was the founder of the British Fascisti, the first avowedly fascist movement to appear in British politics.
No. 976823
File: 1637723089384.jpg (46.05 KB, 369x500, 114.jpg)

>Unity Valkyrie Freeman-Mitford (8 August 1914 – 28 May 1948) was a British socialite, known for her relationship with Adolf Hitler. Both in Great Britain and Germany, she was a prominent supporter of Nazism, fascism and antisemitism, and belonged to Hitler's inner circle of friends.[1] After the declaration of World War II, Mitford attempted suicide in Munich, and was officially allowed safe passage back to England in her invalid condition, but never recovered.and here's a good article around the whole phenomenon No. 976898
File: 1637729933714.jpg (42.27 KB, 546x800, ww.jpg)

one I forgot
>Mary Sophia Allen OBE (12 March 1878 – 16 December 1964) was a British political activist known for her defence of women's rights in the 1910–1920s and later involvement with British fascism. She is chiefly noted as one of the early leaders of the Women's Police Volunteers. Allen repeatedly sought to challenge or modernise the existing systems of the time, ensuring the Women's Police Service could become an auxiliary force after women were admitted into certain British police forces. She stood once for the House of Commons as an Independent Liberal, turning over her Women's Auxiliary Service to breaking the General Strike of 1926. Thereafter she met and talked with European fascists and anti-communist brigades, entailing frequent trips abroad and publicly joining the British Union of Fascists in 1939. In retirement Allen was an activist for animal rights.
>Allen learned to fly. She attended international police congresses in Austria and Germany. She also visited the Netherlands, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Turkey and Brazil, advising on the training of police women. She travelled to Egypt in 1936 on holiday (wearing her uniform), but was received as if sent by the police authorities in Britain. Her interest in combatting prostitution continued to be a preoccupation, and she attended the League of Nations conference in Geneva on the traffic in women. Wherever she went, she was perceived by many as the leading British policewoman. She did nothing to discourage the impression, and made contact with police chiefs and political leaders all over Europe.
odd woman
No. 977046
>>976739Only tangentially related but this reminds me of a friend who got mildly canceled this summer among his genderspecial friends because he went to a pride event and posted a picture of himself next to a “DEFEND EQUALITY” sign, but he didn’t realize because of how he was standing all you could read was “END EQUALITY” topkek. Trying to support these people always backfires.
Much like how a great white shark’s heart stops beating if it ever stops swimming, so too does a troon’s if he ever stops finding offense in everything.
No. 977070
>>975730put in the interest rate of any loans you might have lmao
describe the general traits that a hobby would need to have in order for you to consider taking it up
No. 977158
File: 1637778967012.gif (599.95 KB, 245x190, tumblr_inline_mqhc5eWEqe1qz4rg…)

We're back!
No. 977194
>>976628Kek just complained about this last night and was about to write an email to the seller but I just discovered the ticket in my mail box lol. I'm glad I got it without a problem because it seems like it isn't the norm with this seller,
No. 977350
File: 1637792651639.jpg (Spoiler Image,166.89 KB, 1080x1673, Screenshot_20211124-162225.jpg)

>>977325I put pic related in a small spray bottle with some rosewater for my hair
No. 977475
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>>977473t-take me out to dinner first anon…
No. 977488
File: 1637804685442.jpg (91.29 KB, 1077x1191, 2019-11-27-211248-1c.jpg)

Homemade chocolate pudding tonight, ladeeeeezzzzz
No. 977493
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a chocolate company here made a tasteless commercial about violence against women to commemorate the death anniversary of the mirabal sisters what the fuuuuuck
No. 977504
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No. 977529
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I like my men like I like my potatoes; skinned and mashed!
No. 977536
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Wow I just found my folder from 3 years ago when I binged The Real Ghostbusters and obsessively took screengrabs of Peter Venkman. Cringe
No. 977621
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depression thanksgiving? depression thanksgiving.
No. 977714
File: 1637831544022.png (449.15 KB, 460x613, Kurt Cobain.png)

Because of the cold weather I've been wearing a bunch of baggy, lame clothes lately. I know people either look right past me or look at me and think Im a loser who doesnt know how to dress, which is what i thought of my outfits lately, too until I realized i basically dress like kurt cobain. it pisses me off because i know if i were to tell people that my style is influenced by him, everyone would suddenly think im cool.
No. 977722
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>>975967>>976018I need to spill. I understand how you guys feel, because i too really like the look of the plain marble. Marble has really incredible qualities, which we see renaissance and baroque sculptors take advantage of. Light shines, bounces, and scatters very beautifully through marble, especially if you carve different textures on the marble. Paint usually masks those qualities and flattens those highs and lows. Thing is that most sculptures that were painted were painted in layers, but we can’t really know what those upper layers were for sure. Paint residue we see on sculptures is usually the first layer of paint the porous marble takes in. However, there’s a lot of different technology that can help us identify how these sculptures are painted, but if I’m going to be honest whenever i read about tech like that my brain glosses over it so I can’t tell you specifics. Different techniques and technology can result in different variations of how the sculpture could have possibly been painted.
We of course need to take into account why the Greeks (sorry don’t know shit about terracota soldiers) would want their statues painted. Temples were brightly colored, and this is necessary because these sculptures from pediments, metopes, and friezes needed to be visible. (Picrel is Paris, and he sit up high on a pediment. From a glance you can easily recognize him because he’s in distinctive Persian clothes. That pattern is carved into the stone, by just millimeters, and it needed to be visible. This pattern was meticulously measured and pays attention to the bend in his knee, they weren’t just vomiting color for the sake of it.) Even aside from this they would have just enjoyed color, the statue you show here is a kore, a funerary statue. It’s possible that these earlier sculptures could have just been flat, but its also possible that the other layers remain unknown, or even as i see it, the naturalism of this piece is not so important as the decoration and symbolism are. Some people also argue that these sculptures (the Paris and Peplos kore) were just painted flatly, but i feel like that doesn’t give them enough credit. I personally have a stick up my ass when it comes to this because i really like Archaic art but people seem to ignore it because its not Classical art, so they dismiss the nuances. I say that, but there are differences to how an Archaic statue would be painted and a Hellenic one. Archaic painting would have been simpler. Also note that sometimes these renditions are only for research purposes, focusing more on getting the pigments and patterns right. That’s not to undermine what they do, just mentioning that these aren’t always done with artists or artistry in mind.
Sorry, i just hate that usually the only way people talk about this is
>SCIENCE shows greek statues ugly! Haha ancient people stupid and TACKY ohohoho!>these statues are WHITE and racist you are stupid and RACIST if you like white statues haha!I’m not saying this is you though, I understand being shocked and weirded out by it, i was too at first. I just feel like its all misunderstood reee
Here if any nonas want to dive further> Unfortunately, while those traces may tell us the statues were painted, they don't give us a real idea of what the statues looked like. Nguyen thinks sculptures may have had several layers of paint for a more nuanced effect, but since the layers closest to the surface were exposed to weathering and cleaning, only the base layer of paints lingered in the nooks and crannies of the marble. really nicely shows the techniques, reasoning, closeups. It’s long but the text is small and simple and the images speak for themselves.
No. 977734
>>977730I wanted to post it here too! Even though I criticize those kind of games, somehow it's so cute and wholesome how she loves Neptunia, Fate (I assume? She has a daki and figure of the red Saber, I think). She made me want to play Atlier Aisha.
The sad thing is that she got really awful comments in the past and that's why they are closed. She posts on Reddit too, so you can send her a nice message or a comment!
No. 977772
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I kinda want to have a penpal, I used to have one as a kid. I think the slow communication would just be a really nice break from everything going so fast. Sucks stamps have become expensive af though.
No. 977785
File: 1637844354523.jpeg (13.26 KB, 470x364, 4.jpeg)

>"hmm.. what if i look for a girls only discord group to find gaming mates"
>enters a group with an uncanny pink filtered icon of a some kawaii cake or some shit
>"nsfw channel? hmm interesting"
>a shitload of animu girl tiddies and yuri
>not a single husbando posted
>selfies channel next
>knows by this point what's in there
>uninstalls discord
No. 977806
File: 1637848294838.png (771.52 KB, 737x798, omfg.PNG)

Came across this while scrolling twitter and it's just so fucking funny to me. In one of the panels Ivy even motions for Harely to come over to bed with clear intent. "Makes my ace heart happy" Sorry that comic characters get more pussy than you kek
No. 977825
>>977822Same. I'll never understand this platonic relationship thing. They swear it's more than friendship, but you don't have sex and don't kiss nor do anything, that's pretty much friendship, what's wrong with calling it by what it is?
And don't get me started with the demisexual thing aka being normal nor aromantic aka being a fucking player
No. 977829
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Connie changing so much makes me a little sad, feels like im watching a friend having a mental breakdown as i've always liked her since her noodlerella days, idk something about her edgy persona and the way she acts seems so off
No. 977854
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I'm so excited to eat macaroni and sweet potatoes today, best food combo ever. Happy Thanksgiving to the farmers celebrating!
No. 977865
>>977854I'm so jealous
nonny. We're going to a restaurant and they're not even gonna have mac n cheese or sweet potatoes, just butternut squash and mashed potatoes. Bleh!!
No. 977953
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>>977921Ohhh I love cleaning very filthy things too, it makes me so happy to see something disgusting become clean again, but I tried to watch her and I can't stand her voice it's like she's speaking inside my ear, I think I will just watch and not listen, thanks anon. Pic unrelated.
No. 978103
File: 1637879683658.jpg (111.52 KB, 700x500, SimonIceKingFeaturedImage.jpg)

This sugar keeps me alive, but it's making me crazy
im addicted nonas
No. 978164
>>978122Aw thanks for the encouragement! And congrats too! I'm looking forward to all the skin and mood benefits going sugar-free has
>>978123It's so so addictive, crazy
No. 978310
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don't have anything to say, just had to share this ridiculous photoshop I came across on ebay
No. 978567
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>>978543I hope you remember soon
No. 978568
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My friday evening drinking beer, stalking coworkers on social media and posting about it on lolcow. What's yours like?
No. 978587
File: 1637957094981.jpeg (90.73 KB, 633x783, 736A77A0-D13F-4F1D-A8B1-A1FF84…)

Driverfags sitting cross-legged on a palanquin of their very own retardation and trying to convince me that man possesses any microscopic semblance of good looks. I have been looking at this picture for a good ten minutes and fucking wheezing. What he’s truly missing is some some rat’s whiskers and a nice, small block of cheese. Be careful of that cheese trap, Driverboy! Keep nibbling just like that! Imagine getting out of your house and seeing him. I’d shriek, make a 180, and resign myself to NEETdom forevermore; surely a life on terminally online monasticism and scholarship is more dignified and pleasant than being subjected to that sight. They should give me his money and his assets. And why the fuck isn’t he Jewish?
No. 978600
>>978587>What he’s truly missing is some some rat’s whiskers and a nice, small block of cheese. This is so cute, I wanna give him a block of cheese while I draw whiskers on his face
>And why the fuck isn’t he Jewish?Yeah, why?
No. 978612
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they should just get together already
No. 978639
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I want pink laptops again, not rose gold but actually pink.
No. 978662
>>978654you bitches always complain, complain, complain like go diy your own laptop and computer with your aliexpress stickers already and go
>”uwu my hands are a lot smaller and delicate than male hands why are phones so big”KEK man that is such bullshit female and male hands are only have a few inches of difference between them
No. 978677
File: 1637963811619.jpg (88.1 KB, 866x959, 1635968887303.jpg)

>tfw her middle finger is larger than a ring size 5
Man-hands crew, so sorry for you
No. 978693
>>978687You know multiple models of phones can exist at the same time. It's just that the overwhelming majority if obviously getting oversized for hands and pockets.
>>978686I bet she gives great massages.
No. 978697
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Wtf happened I leave for like half an hour and we are arguing about hands
No. 978774
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I love the r/s thread so much
No. 978801
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im always shocked by how hayao miyazaki is able to write such incredible female characters so effortlessly, how does a moid do it
No. 978816
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>>978811nta but
don't know if anon meant this one specifically tho
No. 978817
File: 1637978772821.png (132.97 KB, 706x494, 140g09323y579.png)

>>978816samefag he also apparently said this too but idk if it's accurate
No. 978829
>>978816it's not weird for a teenager to have a crush on a fictional character tho.. ?
>>978826how so
No. 978874
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>>978846>I might have been taking dumb 4chin baitprobably. miyazaki vocally hates anime tropes and weebs
No. 978899
File: 1637987771386.gif (1.06 MB, 800x800, ly2ee7v3bdp71.gif)

I was dancing like pic related, then i felt my fat rolls, now i want to [[BIG SHOT]] myself
No. 978905
File: 1637988331673.png (275.05 KB, 646x799, FEi9KNGXMAEC8eT.png)

>>978899just twerk and feel your ass cheeks rolling instead
No. 978978
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i love this pic of paris hilton, such a look
No. 979032
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No. 979150
File: 1638027985948.png (6.51 KB, 222x227, 3683EBE1-6BE3-48E7-8675-4F9DF5…)

I honestly didn’t know bay leaves were a real plant until the last decade, I thought it was just the name of the evolved form of chikorita
No. 979151
>>978975>So idk who these are built for see
>>978701. why won't you guys give me your phone. i'm begging you. the tiny ones work like potatoes. the fact that you even have the money for it…
No. 979186
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I still can't believe that I manage to clean up my entire flat, clean all windows, bring out the trash, clean up the basement AND decorate my flat with festive decoration because I tomorrow is already first Sunday in Advent and I really feel the Christmas spirit this year. Now I'm sitting here, eating my my noodles in my tidy and with fairy lights loaded apartment. I like that.
No. 979338
>>979333I wasn't talking to
>>979315 but to
>>979325 No. 979353
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Whats up with spotify suggestions of podcasts/shows/whatever, how it came to this. I don't even speak spanish and I don't like nor listen to podcasts
No. 979380
File: 1638044000326.png (651.35 KB, 1500x1300, nonas cockroach.png)

>>978923I went and found this just for you ♥
No. 979416
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>>979380I hope she incorporated that roach into a new manicure
No. 979424
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>>979380ayrt and holy fuck. i like how they said it "probably" contributed to the ear infection kek.
No. 979494
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It's 11:30pm
I just had a somewhat big birthday party (15 people, which is a lot for me) and everyone left fairly early because it's been a long month for everyone, and everyone kept their trash pretty concentrated so it took me less than 20 minutes to clean everything up.
Couldn't have asked for anything better really
No. 979554
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fixing to end my 7 year relationship soon and overwhelmed as fuck. at least he’s aware it’s not working anymore and it won’t be a surprise. still overwhelming as fuck though.
No. 979558
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What do you guys think of my poppy edit?
No. 979766
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I keep laughing at this photo. He loves Ford so much. Shirt, tattoo, likely the car he’s in.
I wish someone loved me that much.
No. 979767
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is it really true most women have men approach them in public super frequently or are people on social media lying? im a hikki neet now thankfully but i literally only had 2 creepy male customers try to flirt with me the entire time i worked in retail (1.5 years) and they were both severely underage looking, like middle school or early high school… and i was 21. i didn't even look that young, definitely over 18 looking. also an elderly fat black man that looked like a walmart neil degrasse tyson blatantly took a picture of my ass while he was sitting in a mart cart and sped away as soon as i caught him but i rather not count that.
No. 979972
File: 1638109591495.png (1.42 MB, 1200x1200, imagen_2021-11-28_082627.png)

>>>/g/215102We have a friend finder thread now! approved by admin
No. 980034
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I’ve been fucking around on gotoquiz for so many years, I’m now halfway through the third option down, when I started at the first. I wonder if I’ll make it to over 60.
No. 980067
File: 1638112860170.png (6.81 KB, 301x65, itwasjohnnywith82%.PNG)

>>980034I never heard of that website, and when I went to check it out the very first thing I saw was picrel
No. 980159
File: 1638123395330.png (200.15 KB, 998x765, I need to get out of here.png)

>>980134>>980034Apparently there are more of these. These are on the "featured quizzes" page btw nonnas
No. 980355
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I see guys saying they need a woman to be sexual with them right away because "physical touch is my love language". But try that line with gifts and watch their head explode. That's right mother fucker, buy me a PS5 and get these nails done.
No. 980395
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Convincing myself that my stress-related signs os premature aging do not make me look haggard, but instead perhaps, a little rugged and handsome…
No. 980734
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Why is buying stuff in the USA so weird? I bought a cup for drinking water, nothing fancy, it’s made of plastic, and I thought it was a regular size, like the usual cups that you would buy for your home, I grabbed it my own hands and thought “well. This is a nice sized cup, not too big, not too small” and now that I have it here, it’s humongous, which is honestly nice because it makes me drink more water. But it’s weird.
It’s the same with food, I will go to the grocery store to buy some stuff that I can’t find in my country, and when I receive it in my home, it’s a different size to what I thought it was when I got it. I’m surely just insane at this point.
No. 980735
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Sun bears already kinda freak me out because they look like people wearing bear suits trying to gain their trust to join the secret bear council
But this guy
This fucking guy
If you squint he kinda looks like a guy named Roy that would cat call you from across the gas station
No. 980737
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Furries are curing covid
No. 980744
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>>980740You don't want to see me hoop in my sexy gorth gorl get up? I'm sure there are people in the downtown area who would love it if I took up public space to hoop for their viewing pleasure. Hoopin for life.
No. 980750
>>980744It’s always Midwest alt bitches hoopin
The city girls just do pole and aerial comprised of 98% floor work
No. 981058
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Enough brain damage for today
No. 981093
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I'm stupid excited for Christmas. My family doesn't celebrate it and have refused to get a tree for all my life, but I am still so excited. I'm not buying too many gifts, but I did custom order something for me and my closest friends. I might get dinner with them around Christmas time to give them their presents. I'm so excited to break out my vintage Christmas sweater that is so over the top and obnoxious. My family might not care for Christmas but I think I have enough Christmas spirit for all of us. I don't even know what it is, I just love the holidays so much. I don't care what my friends get me, I'm just excited to see them for the holidays and I really hope they'll like their gifts!!! Should we have a holidays thread?
No. 981246
>>981205I knew more **NSYNC songs than I did Backstreet Boys’ - I only knew like, one or two songs from them kek. I was 8 or 9 when my cousins introduced me to the teen pop stars back in the day.
The guys come off well-grounded though. Can’t believe they’re in their 40’s. Fuck
No. 981378
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I visit /biz/ and have made money thanks to them but holy shut do I wanna die when I visit them
No. 981471
>>981412There have been multiple threads anons that have died, many of which I was the last to make a post in them.
>>981386I am no way a pro in this. I just pump into shilled projects and swing some BTC and ETH and also I use Brave lol.
No. 981504
I have a take-home coding project for a job I applied to due Wednesday and I just cannot make myself do it. I think I subconsciously want to stay a NEET forever.
>>981451At first I read this as
>got my blood drawn through my pussy No. 981578
>>981575There is a personal finance thread>>>/ot/734134
And a crypto discussion thread (but not for advice)
>>>/ot/795180Maybe there should just be a "finance general" and call it a day
No. 981596
File: 1638245255253.jpg (30.87 KB, 434x600, 8bdb721bffa7d84b761efaef863c86…)

reject human form
transfer your consciousness on inflatable tube man
No. 981626
proud that I can recite the entire Al Harrington Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man Warehouse and Emporium on Route 2 in Weekapaug speech and
no one can take that away from me. Ever.
No. 981632
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I don't know what I clicked on but now my youtube recommended is full of moid videos now
No. 981639
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crackhead vibes
No. 981641
>>981596There used to be so many of these. Sniff. Now they're almost extinct. Weeps.
>>981639My day is suddenly better!
No. 981643
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No. 981759
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Anons with orange cats, is it true that orange cats are sillier than other cats? Because i saw someone said orange cats always gets in trouble or get themselves stuck in the stupidest places ever. Can anyone confirm?
No. 981774
>>981773bad wording sorry
*he wasn't the brightest but still most obedient/organized in compared to other cats
No. 981776
>>981755Because it is a natural phase of being a teenager. Your mother is right and is evidently sane and balanced enough to recognize that teenagers are hormonal loose canons and so distanced herself from reacting emotionally to it.
Make sure you treat her well, some of us had unhinged mothers who never sought to understand teens and took everything as personal attacks. She sounds like a great mom, I'm jealous.
No. 981799
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big ol heckin BORF @ whatever that mint MONSTROSITY is!! KEKK!! VOM! BORF!
No. 981829
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ancient graffiti never fails to lift up my spirits
No. 981861
File: 1638285074866.jpg (Spoiler Image,379.18 KB, 1044x1200, DZYdWRDWAAEovPp.jpg)

>>981837kek, there were also penises carved into the floor indicating the way to the brothel
No. 981870
>>981837For the life of me I can't find it, but I was reading from a book about Cleopatra/Antony/Caesar and apparently Caesar used to do a lot of shit talking about Antony in public, call him a simp easily led by a woman etc etc. In one of Antony's letters he wrote something along the lines of: "I congratulate you if you have not fucked Flavia yet. What does it matter where a man puts his cock?"
I'm still trying to find it. Historians disagreed on the wording on "cock", but mostly agreed that Antony used the more crass term for the male genitalia. Man, I feel like I want to read up on it again. These people were way too funny.
No. 981878
>>981861This shit sums up the Scrotman empire tbh. Glad they fell.
>>981872At least he made some women happy, hopefully.
No. 981942
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Minors shouldn't have access to the internet if they’re going to say stupid shit like this
No. 981989
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ate samyang noodles yesterday (the regular ones) and holy shit they were unusually spicy and my stomach doesn’t really hurt but i can still feel the effects of eating it yesterday im definitely going to eat another pack of it today idc
No. 982054
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I am so addicted to these. Especially the Flamin Hot one. Especially paired with beer. Those will be the death of me, I swear, me nonnies
For those that are not feijoadanons, these are peanut "eggs": a peanut covered by a crunchy, salty starch crust. These are the wasabi and flamin hot flavored ones, and they are relatively new, but I am already in too deep.
No. 982066
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>>982054we have these in my country too (literally described as 'dough covered peanuts'). i love them! and since every supermarket chain has their own cheapo version of it, they often have funky names - like party nuts.
No. 982067
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No. 982080
File: 1638301317084.gif (3.99 KB, 182x200, LatticeMethod3_500.gif)

>>982067Speaking of math, I'm absolutely retarded and have never been able to do long multiplication the normal way. I have to do the lattice method or it doesn't click in my head. I know it's just doing the exact same thing but the visuals of the boxes has to be there or my brain shits itself and I suddenly have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. I fell asleep in class as a kid the day we learned normal multiplication the normal way and was awake for when we learned the lattice method. My friend is studying education and I had to explain it to her because she didn't get it because she does it the normal way kek. She tried to make me feel better about it by telling me different methods exist for people like me who just can't get it to click one day.
I still wish I was good at math, doesn't seem like there's much downside to being good at it. The rare occasion I had a math teacher who really held my class of retards hands through pre-calc was the one year I genuinely enjoyed doing math and enjoyed having things just click in my head, even though we were months behind the advanced class.
No. 982083
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>>982054>>982066In burgerland we call them Japanese-style peanuts, which is kinda a misnomer because they’re Mexican.
No. 982091
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>>982083>>982066I am the OP and we also have the "japanese" peanuts, but the "ovinhos" (literally "little eggs") are a bit different. I actually really like the japanese peanuts as well, especially when they have a bit of sweetness to it. But the ovinhos type have a thinner crust, and it has a hollow space between the peanut and the crust, which makes it even more satisfying to bite into, for some reason.
This was the only pic that I've found that kinda shows how the crust is. I guess it's hard to find cause everyone in Brazil know how these are lol
No. 982196
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How the fuck did anon manage to do this
No. 982363
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This stuff smells so fucking good
No. 982431
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>>981837some more:
>Gaius Sabinus says a fond hello to Statius. Traveler, you eat bread in Pompeii but you go to Nuceria to drink. At Nuceria, the drinking is better.>We have wet the bed, host. I confess we have done wrong. If you want to know why, there was no chamber pot.>Chie, I hope your hemorrhoids rub together so much that they hurt worse than when they ever have before!>I made bread on April 19th No. 982539
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Amy Winehouse’s yahoo profile
No. 982745
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the alice llani girl that has a thread on /snow is a borderline horrorcow to me, something about her whole situation is so sinister to me and her groomer boyfriend looks straight up like a crackhead from breaking bad. But i dont want to shit up the thread either so im just thinking about it here in silence.
No. 982754
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how are yalls spotify wrapped look like
No. 982758
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>>982754My top 10 songs were all either from Grimes or the Birthday Party. I think Venus Fly was my top song of the year just as it was last year lol… Pretty much confirms that I just autistically listen to the same five artists over and over.
No. 982768
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>>982754Top artist was Britney Spears (top 0.1% of listeners), most played song was Zetsubou-cho Pride (the Yakuza karaoke song, 115 times), overall listened more than 98% of users in my country, listened to 1337 different artists and 134 different genres (??). Top genres were dance pop, industrial, alternative metal, K-pop and electronica. What a year lmao
No. 982775
I'm jealous of you with spotify every year, that's so cool that you get to see statistics
>>982300Me too I've been feeling the need to have a boyfriend SO BAD today, I don't actually want a boyfriend because probably we will not get along perfectly and it's hard work but today I want to give someone 100% of my attention and have them welcome it and get 100% attention back and I want to hug him and go for a walk in the city, it's so nice and full of christmas lights
No. 982785
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What's up with the mods? How they decide how long your ban's gonna be? I get 2h for an emoticon, 30 minutes to 1h for infighting, samefagging or saying something a tranny janny didn't like, and then 2 fucking days for a short unsaged sentence in the unicorn thread. How they decide that? "Hey, it's that tard again, today you gonna get 2 days to chill" well guess what bitch? My appeal was listen. What you gonna do? I served half of my sentence. Fucking 1 day in the real world. But now what you gonna do? You ain't gonna do nothing. I ain't saging my shit here. I ain't!
No. 982861
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The fuck is "indietronica"
No. 982873
>>982799I got engaged on my birthday. It was shortly after midnight and I was having some sort of 'my life is shit' moment (as you do around your bday lol) the guy asked while we were just in bed and I think it was a weird attempt to salvage my bday or stop me crying. We bought a cheapo ring the next day. Looking back my mom was dying and that's what my crying was really about. It was the last bday she'd be around for and he made it all about him. He left me a year later during the worst part of my grief.
I'm not too materialistic or fancy but I do think proper rings and planned out proposals are good for weeding out that impulsive shit. A bad proposal or rushed cheap wedding won't generally end up well.
No. 982881
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That is absolutely fucking right, yes I am.
No. 982885
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Nonnies I want to know how many minutes you listened, I love this shit
No. 982897
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>>982893That is the cutest thing I've ever heard
No. 982909
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>>982885i never make it past the 25k mark kek. also i got really into ed sheeran's three latest songs and now he's in my top 5 artists. the shame.
No. 982936
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>>982909Embrace the shame.
No. 982962
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I’m pretty sure I’m the only person who listens to him. Curious if anyone likes him too
No. 982984
>>982974Depends entirely on the flatmate. It's doable if you have enough to do outside of your place of living, or if you live online. I was in this situation for about 6 months last winter and when I had a nice flatmate it was fine. I did yoga, made my dinner and watched netflix while drinking tea.
Then a nasty flatmate moved in and left all his shit in the sink, his actual shit in the toilet bowl and I'm pretty sure used my towel so I had to keep it in my room and take it with me every time like some kind of prisoner.
So long as you make your room as comfortable and warm as possible, it should be OK.
No. 983019
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>>9827681337 super leet hax
I was really surprised at how many artists I listened to
No. 983043
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you guys wish you were as based as me
No. 983046
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>>982885this is my friend's and i am concerned for him
No. 983054
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did anyone find the super rElAtAbLe text irritating? especially shit like
>you deserve a playlist as long as your skincare routine
it feels mocking and condescending, like they say down and were like "yeah let's put that in those braindead consumer retards are gonna love it lmao"
No. 983057
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bully me
No. 983058
>>983054Yes I did, it was making cringe. Grimes was in my top 5 ♥
>>983057I have nothing to bully you for, love dream pop especially
No. 983161
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I wish I could be one of those people who don’t wear shoes indoors, especially because we have to Hoover so much more and the floor probably has bacteria since it’s carpet, but we’ve been doing so for like a decade, so we can’t go back now. That, and the fact that it’s more comfortable and warmer to wear shoes indoors than just socks and flimsy flip-flops/slippers
No. 983182
>>983175>falseHow so? My family has been putting their shoes on the carpet for a decade now. We can’t just start walking barefoot on the floor because the carpet already has germs
>disgustangYeah, It is kinda gross, but I think I’m safe enough from disease if I don’t touch my floor or anything.
>>983178Do you have another pair of flip flops to go to the bathroom in? Like, does everyone in the household have their own pair of flip-flops?
No. 983188
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Lindsay Lohan wearing an $11,000 mink coat she stole from a girl at a nightclub. The girl didn’t know who stole her coat until she saw these pictures of Lindsay in Ok! Magazine. When she went public with her story, Lindsay had her attorney give the coat back to the girl without an apology note and smelling like booze and cigarettes, January 2008
No. 983190
>>983187Don't be afraid and start and you will do it one day. But the bad thing is you may want to draw him all day every day
>>983188That's nuts
No. 983210
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>>983182second anon here, i was referring to pic related. but as for actual slippers/flipflops (aren't flipflops the one with open toes? idk) yeah everyone at home has their own
No. 983239
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>>983188Kekkk what is this picture of her? It's from her Wikipedia page.
Does it look like her face was badly photoshopped on or am I really high?
No. 983356
>>982893me but with stitches
im not a furry either so not sure why lmao
No. 983363
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>>983326I thought I was the only one who couldn't stand her with that bloated filler face and duck lips.
No. 983381
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something about caligula makes me incredibly horny how do I make it stop
No. 983450
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I bought myself a funko pop today. I swear I won't buy any more and I didn't pay full price for this one. It's fine.
No. 983608
>>983566I have copies of 3 external harddrives and probably over 12 USB's at this point, but there's still so much more
I'm thinking of buying 2 more external harddrives specifically for films and tv series
No. 983735
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>>983728With her little hands
No. 983839
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I can't get over the fact that there are users here who have kids here
makes me scared for their kids, imagine having a NEET mom spends all day hating anyone that doesn't cigarette waif aesthetic
No. 983852
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Why do tourists keep saying thiiiiis reee stfu
No. 983858
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>>983852I really hate that the edtwt thread brought these people here
or maybe it's just a cringy anachan farmer No. 983874
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I was in a store today and xmas music was playing. They were selling alot of xmas stuff too and my cold heart was weirdly enjoying the festive shit for once. Then some woman took a phone call and was obnoxiously loud while talking about a vomiting bug 'that's been going around' and how everyone she knew had it, covid is up too!…oh and back to talking about puking and shitting bugs again. Pukey shit and covid. Everyone is catching it!!!!
No. 983887
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The discussion in the unpopular opinions thread just reminded me of when an anon posted a picture of her friends miscarried, fully developed baby, and got upset when mods removed the pic.
No. 983906
>>983839anyone else remember the mom anon in the plastic surgery thread who had a meltdown for several posts because her implants didn't look the way she wanted
>>983887what are they discussing, i refuse to unhide that thread
No. 983909
>>983903If I can find the post I will link it. The photo is deleted so no worries.
>>983906>what are they discussing, i refuse to unhide that threadSome anon said she can't support abortion because of pictures of dead babies she's seen pro-lifers spread. Another anon actually chimed in to say that those photos can't be from abortions. Btw, I'm pretty sure that anon from the PS thread was a complete troll. She did that whole thing where she pretended that she was gonna do surgery on herself and take the implants out.
No. 983916
>>983909Samefag, I can't find the posts through our shitty search feature. Maybe some other anons remember, but it was a couple months ago. Basically anon said her friend had a miscarriage and posted picture of the baby on Facebook, anon complained about it and then posted a picture of the post. Mods removed it
I actually can't remember if they deleted the entire post or just the photo, and then anon said it shouldn't have been removed because she gave a warning for the photo, and worse things have been posted.
No. 984206
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My boyfriend only ever goes down on me when I'm on my period, he can't seem to ever be bothered to do it regularly but for some reason he just prefers it with blood
I mean were both edgelords but yeah he's a bit much
No. 984210
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>>984208! Did you know that you can cheaply and easily manufacture a permablinding laser weapon that will instantly blind targets at ridiculous ranges?
No. 984213
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>>984208nah just an edgelord, I'm one as well though
but he's actually very sweet and understanding
No. 984214
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>>984213I'm just a guy who blinds people with lasers.
No. 984217
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>>984216>>984216Human retinas can't regen
No. 984323
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I'm positive netflix will be they/them-ing ed
No. 984440
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>>978565It came back on the first. I did not miss her.
No. 984452
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>>984323Lupron/Netflix does directly benefit from childhood transitioners so it makes sense for them to push it as hard as they do. It's pure corporate greed so no wonder the keyboard warriors can't see the woods through the funko pops.
It's not progressiveness kiddies, it's pharmacorps making money off your mental disorders
No. 984459
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Thinking bout wizard101 anon. Hope you're enjoying the new world that came out!
No. 984462
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would it technically be against the rules if we used emojis as pics instead of actual emojis in post?
No. 984483
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ANONS i just got a new job that pays extremely well what yall want from the game store my treat
No. 984517
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>>984483congraaats, pls get me hyakka hyakurou, i forgot to get it during the sale
No. 984524
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>>984462Even emoji pics should get banned, ugly shit unlike the superior emoticons
No. 984557
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>>984483Can I have the pikachu plush?
congrats though nonna!!!! hope you have a good time at your new job! get that bank No. 984579
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i love her but why is she so cucked?
>he doesn't marry her
>has his baby
>still doesn't marry her
>gets all bimbofied for him
>he leaves
>"uwu don't worry baby you're so cool and smart and better than me I don't mind that you're leaving me and our child to go fuck aliens on mars or whatever the fuck. we'd just be dead weight <3 love you"
No. 984586
nonny post this on the celebricows thread not here
No. 984594
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I never drink alcohol, my roommate's friend gave me some alcohol, she gave me wine yesterday but I hate wine it stinks so today she gave me something that doesn't smell and just tastes a little bitter, it was ok I drank it, it was like a carbonated drink. But now my stomach hurts, this is stupid why do people drink alcohol anyway, it's just poison.
No. 984656
>>984639NTA but yes it's normal to not have any tolerance if you never drink alcohol. If you have alcohol flush syndrome (aka asian flush, but it's not exclusive to asians) you can just have a body that can't process alcohol and gets really fucked up.
>>984645>I get so much pressure to drunk it so others feel more comfortable in their drinkingI'm sorry the people around you are shit. I'm very glad my friends don't force me to drink and will deter others from trying to offer me drinks because they've seen me react terribly to it (I drank too much once and started shaking uncontrollably even though it wasn't that cold, on top of regular asian flush and the nausea/increased heart rate/difficulty breathing on top of it). Nowadays I just tell new people I'm allergic and they back off immediately cause they think I'll go into anaphylactic shock or something kek.
All alcohol tastes like rubbing alcohol to me. Do people who enjoy drinking regularly not taste that off putting poisonious taste? Or do they ignore it? If something is flavored, it never tastes even remotely close to what it's flavored as to me. If it's mixed with a mixer (no matter how much) I can almost always tell there's alcohol in it. Maybe that's just my body warning me to stop drinking lol. Why drink wine when I can just drink grape juice?
No. 984671
>>984665AYRT and I've tried my fair share of cheap and decent alcohol/cocktails via friends who always offer me a sip. It all tastes like rubbing alcohol to me. The nicer cocktails have the slightest mask of fruity flavoring, but it takes a backseat to the taste of alcohol (actually, maybe not even backseat. It's more like a rollercoaster where alcohol takes up all of the seats except the very very last ones in the back). Lots of friends tell me I'm just a little bitch who's too sensitive to the taste of alcohol though, because they'll take a sip and say "really? tastes fine to me!"
I spoke to a coworker about alcohol flavoring and she said she doesn't taste the alcohol at all. She was ordered by her doctor to stop drinking because she wouldn't stop since it was so tasty to her kek. That shit is mindboggling to me, I can't even make it past a small glass of a basic mixed drink. It makes me sad because some cocktail descriptions sounds absolutely delicious (anything grapefruit/citrus flavored instantly tempts me) but I know I'll hate them.
No. 984820
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we’re feasting good today
No. 984834
>>984820>reverse search>nothinghmm..
oh well, the body hair and beard are disgusting, whatever this thing is.
No. 984844
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Just bought a baby teether for myself because when I get very angry (which is kinda often) I sometimes try to relieve that stress by biting shit or grasping/clawing shit to the point of breaking it.
This will have to do until therapy, I guess.
And I bought this realistic TV remote one so at least I don't feel like a uwulittle.
No. 984867
File: 1638579936251.gif (7.6 MB, 640x640, ezgif-6-635780a0ba9d.gif)

>>984847Maybe you too need a remote baby teether, anon. Or maybe you got better, which is… better.
>>984850Good luck on your frustration outlet object,
nonnie! Some baby teethers are quite cheap. Since you said you're more of a hitter (can relate, sometimes), something like picrel might be useful. It's a desk punchbag, price is very manageable, almost bought one.
My remote arrives tomorrow, I'm actually looking forward to it a lot cause I feel like I have some pent up anger right now lol
No. 985022
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sincerely hope netflix goes under
No. 985044
>>985022I hate that they portray anyone who dislikes their abominations just "
triggered sexist white men" when I don't know a single white guy IRL whose watched bepop
The Tramp Stamps marketing team did the exact same thing "yup just
triggered white guys" even though most tiktok users making fun of them were mainly many
WOC who found their music condescending and offensive
No. 985063
>>985041Oh my god really?!!
This is the first encounter I’ve seen of lolcow outside of my own browsing.
No. 985158
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>>985022What are your honest opinions about netflix live action cowboy bebop nonnas? I don't use social media but the last time I saw any mention of it was a twitter video of incredibly over-acting of Ed. I checked the replies and there were so many defensive fans explaining that people shouldn't be mean to the actors and the adaption etc.
Unrelated but I'm rewatching Wolf's Rain and Samurai 7 to heal my millennial braincells.
No. 985234
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i made a shit ton of sweet buns hell yeah
No. 985330
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when you always get with the “i can fix him” men but break them even further
No. 985351
>>985340impeccably based
>>985347twitterfags emigrated from the ambrose thread maybe?
No. 985360
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James Charles should have been canceled years ago for teaching and encouraging his teenage female audience to facetune their pictures into unrealistic perfection. He doesn't see anything wrong with this because he puts his feminine face on and takes it off like a mask, making himself look unrealistically beautiful is just a narcissistic creative exercise for him, outside of his ig feed he can just be a guy and not worry about how he looks, while for women it's our everyday reality, we have to deal with our reflection every day and it's especially alienating for young girls who grow up on social media to see themsleves as different from the standard that the beauty industry and retards like James Charles set for them in hopes of selling more makeup. I can't believe I used to watch and enjoy these videos
No. 985377
>>985366>>985363I rethought how I see this whole dynamic when I spotted one lesbian anon sperging at people and insisting Adam Driver and Henry Cavill are handsome. She was full on arguing about it like a man would
Sometimes it's not straight women pushing ugly men, it's bisexuals in denial or scrotes
No. 985455
>>985406>>985399attraction is actually subjective, with Cavil the attraction towards him is fairly simple to understand, he's very conventionally masculinely attractive, there are many women into that look but many women who aren't as well
with Adam Driver it's bit more hard to pin down, from what I've seen the reasons fangirls have admitted to being attracted to him are more diverse, probably the most diverse out of any actor
1)Fangirls who simply like his body and don't give a shit about his face
2)Woman are attracted to him solely because of his face cause there into men with weird looking facial features
3)woman who are into both
4)ddlg libfems who liked his character on girls
No. 985543
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does anyone else find it morbidly fascinating how deeply ugly Kristen from buzzfeed and her troon husband are? I don't think I've ever seen one person this unfortunate looking in real life, let alone two of them together
No. 985593
>>985576Did you meant to reply to
>>985570 ? Because I'm not willing
No. 985603
>>985593I took it as her replying to me
I'm bj anon lol
No. 985609
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Another spider reeee do they come out when I'm negative or what
No. 985617
>>985612Diff anon but this reminded me. I've had a couple of exes 'compliment me' by saying how fresh I am while also telling me some horror story about a bad smelling woman in their past. Same guys certainly went on to have their moments where their piss smell was was too fucking noticeable.
I like going down on either sex but men are so weirdly unaware that it goes both ways.
No. 985623
>>985574Nta either but it feels pretty degrading to me, probably because of how porn makes the act seem and how that view of blowjobs is just engrained into 99% of scrotes. Also a lot of scrotes are unhygeinic as fuck.
I think I'd give a bj to someone I'm in a serious long-term relationship with where we mutually love each other but not just any short term bf.
No. 985669
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>>985609I saw one crawling on the wall in the bathroom which scared the hell out of me because I rarely see them around my place. Plus it was while I was listening to AB's song, Tarantula. Not sure if she summoned it with her lyrics/frequencies or I'm just paranoid.
Still going to keep listening to it though. No. 985768
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My birthday is in a little over a week. I don't really have much planned, but I'm blessed to be a Sagittarius.
No. 985783
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Why does this new lego tiger set have an anus?
No. 985913
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Unironically gonna do shifting because I need to be gangbanged by my husband
No. 985971
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Who do you think it is, nonas?
No. 985983
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>>985980>>985981As expected of you farmers!
No. 985988
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I hate men.
No. 986016
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>>986012NTA but I downloaded it to see what the fuss was and this was one of the first puzzles. The girl's bf is admiring the hot woman so you melt the makeup with the sun to reveal a man then the next screen it says "bad man"
No. 986018
>>985971>>985983I was worried for the moment that the blue shorts on the left mean that the woman is a troon after all
>>986012Cannot be unintentional, just look at the uguu kawawii clock and bear in the background
>>986016>Boyfriend likes to see beautiful womenThe simplistic English kills me, what is the name of the app?
No. 986022
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we need a feature on ao3 where on reader isnetr fics you can input your name in the beginning and it will display that instead of y/n
No. 986044
>>986039Try the
Seems to work for scrotes, might work for you too
No. 986053
>>986039I didn't suffer as long as you but my fetish and addiction lasted 5 years, I did fix myself but It took a while
I actually disagree with anon here
>>986045, when your into fucked up fetishes you can't simply just abandon porn all together you instead have to create new neural paths for Vanilla
I started a system where I didn't watch porn for 3 days, when those 3 days were over I then watched very gentle vanilla porn and erotica that I had downloaded(its important you pre-download the content and not have any online need for porn) I would watch the vanilla porn and pleasure myself once a day over a 5 day period, then 5 those days were over I'd take a 6 day break from watching porn and then continue the 5 day pleasure
I'd repeat the process going forth adding 3 more days, until finally stopping after 7 weeks
sorry I'm a ESA btw
No. 986064
>>986039Have you ever had a sexual encounter with someone else? It sounds like you didn't.
When I masturbate I can't get off without thinking about my fetish. But I don't need that fetish to be turned on when I'm doing something sexual with another person. You're probably fine. Just try to stop watching porn all together. Other than a quick coom it has virtually no long term benefits and can cause harm.
No. 986067
>>986054>Rarely hear of this happening to womenReally? Damn I guess it's rarer than I thought then.
NTA but I think porn did change the way I saw women, but also men, myself and I guess just relationships in general. I can't really tell exactly how though.
Now that I'm an adult and have realized how porn has affected me (and gone through therapy), I guess some of that damage has been reversed. For example I see people in a less degenerate way now, I naturally avoid sexualizing everything, perceive myself in a different way, and don't have any need for hardcore porn (of the 2D variety, because I've quit real porn entirely), meaning I can get off to more vanilla stuff now, even without using pictures.
No. 986093
>>986054I thought it was common among women who grew up online, but looking at the early porn exposure thread has opened my eyes. It definitely fucked my view up of men and women and myself because I used porn so often, maybe 2-3 times a day and it escalated rapidly. It would transfer over into my real life also, mentally I was a complete degenerate. That went away when I stopped watching it more or less constantly. There's still definitely a pre and post orgasm mindset, a minute before orgasm it's a mindset that's degrading to the woman, then post orgasm I'm disgusted at the men for subjecting women to it. I've watched documentaries and am disgusted at how the porn industry works and how women are treated so have tried stopping before, but so far it has literally meant giving up on orgasming entirely and so always, eventually, I cave.
But the very beginning, my first orgasm was to a rape hentai image. I can't tell if standard sexual things before didn't arouse me to that point or if I was just unlucky. If I tried to quit porn and masturbate, I'd just replay images and videos from porn I've seen.
It doesn't transfer over to my actual sex life at all though, I've had plenty of partners who really focused on me and my pleasure and it does feel nice, but I couldn't ever have a clitoral orgasm unless i'm fantasising about the porn content and masturbating myself with minimal help from them. It's upsetting to think that loving vanilla sex/foreplay can't make me climax, like I said I haven't tried rape play or deepthroating really, because I don't want to. Deepthroating would hurt. Rape play would make me feel disgusted with myself and whatever man I'm with that would agree to it. I'm of the mindset that the BDSM community is full of mentally ill women and disgusting predatory men.
>>986053Thank you, I think the creating new neural paths is what would probably be most healthy for me. I think that trying to do this online has been my downfall also. I'll definitely get set up and try this because every time I do try quit porn it's never actually taken away my fixation. Maybe it goes without saying but did it actually realign what turns you on permanently?
No. 986131
>>985866Hell yeah
>>985906Idk enough about astrology to completely understand this, but that's so cool anon! You're basically an honorary Sagittarius.
No. 986162
>>986125Oh of course, I meant more in the sense that I haven't done any of the degrading sex acts I like in porn to try get myself off.
>>986143You're completely right, the reactions in this thread have really opened my eyes to how bad it is. I honestly thought it was quite standard stuff. I'll start working on myself today.
No. 986345
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I don't care how fat I sound, those Koreans are genius for putting all this shit on corndogs. My favorite is a light coat of sugar with mustard.
No. 986379
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I love LSA. No site makes me laugh more.
>Peevish Woman with No Neck Joins Instagram Live Dating Show, Saying That She Is the Table and Needs the Bag Secured
No. 986568
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A text from my bf that ended up making me laugh and calming me down. He wasn't trying to be funny, just trying to get me to eat. I'm so dumb sometimes.
No. 986951
>>986802I sometimes step in in defense of other anons on here. That seems to be the only time I'll respond much. Like if an anon shares something really difficult and personal and then they just get shat on by one miserable poster.. that gets me going.
Shit on me and I'll most likely ignore it but other anons.. I've got your back lol
No. 986980
>>986951I defend other anons more than myself as well. I just don't like to see anons being unnecessarily mean to each other, especially in vent threads
yes I know this is lolcow, but still. Usually if I disagree with someone I only respond once or twice, and then ignore them. It's more enjoyable to just be nice to other farmers.
I've said this before, but I think farmers who have been here for a while get into less infights because LC regurgitates a lot of the same arguments and we've seen all of them.
No. 986998
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>>986978I think it's just okay. It's versatile and there's lots of different flavors you could do, but I don't really go out of my way for it, especially because I don't like the graham cracker crusts. Burnt basque cheesecake though? I'm absolutely bonkers for that shit. It's a bit more like a moussey texture towards the center and just a bit firmer on the outsides. There's something about it that I just love, even though objectively it's not too much different from regular cheesecake. Give it a try if you ever find some nona!
No. 987000
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>>986951I love you
>>986956Well, that is true.
No. 987017
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>>987009luckily i dont. sucks for them tho
No. 987032
>>987007Ayrt, I actually think cream cheese is gross, so it's kind of funny that cheesecake is my favorite lol. Whenever I make it myself I always have a feeling of "this is disgusting". I don't even eat cream cheese on bagels that often anymore, I only put it in other foods like macaroni and cheese.
>>987009No there isn't, wtf
No. 987051
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Christmas shopping is such a pain this year 70% of the shit I want is sold out and hard to find at other stores
No. 987063
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>>987060You've just never had a good one. Lemme bake you one up with your favoritest fruits
No. 987069
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>>986978It’s not meant to be eaten plain. It needs toppings to compliment.
No. 987164
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>>987152you've never had a cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese? or even strawberry or blueberry cream cheese itself is a thing!
No. 987185
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>>987178i know and its so stupid because i love that chocolate bar with saltine crackers stuff but its DIFFERENT damn it
No. 987228
>>987219you brought back memories
nonnie, i have to go grocery shopping again tomorrow just for this shit
No. 987296
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I find pic tel kinda funny. I’d say it’s an example of men not liking female class consciousness but it’s just a bunch of books popular with women
No. 987307
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>>987296this is a required reading list for tumblr bpd egirls. it most definitely is a reason to run.
mostly unrelated speaking of mentally ill faggots, there are many reasons to hate ethanol ralpg but this wigger is seriously flexing about gucci and old navy jeans i fucking swear.
No. 987393
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Someone posted Shayna in a thread on /x/ and I almost pissed myself when I scrolled past it
No. 987478
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I HATE TYPING TESTS. I'm taking a fucking typing test for this Call Center job and they're trying to test how fucking fast I type. JOKES ON THEM, typing tests are retarded and whenever I'm on I type FAST AS FUUUUUUUUUCK. Drama doesn't wait does it?
No. 987480
>>987296oh shit I have/want some of these books kek
Which one is the one on the bottom next to gone girl?
No. 987499
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>tfw your innocent dumb question results in 2 nonnies arguing with each other
damn this is the second time this has happened and the second time i will not respond to anyone lol. it's not in this thread, i'll just say it's in /g/ but i think it's over now
No. 987512
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TunnelBear got a few lagging issues and I needed to reinstall it. It was only for a few minutes, but I felt bad for leaving my bear. Don't worry my little bear, I'm here again…