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No. 124808
Last thread is in auto-sage:
>>86224Last time we left off, Dakota mentioned that she wanted to make her own brand for her 20th birthday in September, including make-up.
Youtube: blog: No. 124873
>>124841This is what I was thinking aswell. It would have to be similar to Etude House, HolikaHolika and Tonymoly. All 'kawaii' and 'pretty' with a classic tint, perhaps? I know they're all gushing over the larme kei/risadoll look at the minute. So it would have to be on that path to grab her more attention.
I mean, hey if it is good I might possibly invest myself. People would start doing reviews ect but not too sure in a way because of all the PULL drama and tumblr tags.
I think a PS app would be more idle tbh. They crave that shit for their instagram over there! Big eyes, paled out and blurring. I know there is Meitu but it'd be KOTA'S APP GUYS!
Probably, they'll get the Chinese to start making it, probably use the same ingredients they use for most lipsticks and packaging all done in Japan so me thinks. Sorry, don't know much about that sort of thing.
No. 124875
>>124831I thought she wanted to get away from the dolly shit and rebrand to something more "~punk " like collars and stuff.
I maybe wouldn't buy her stuff considering I'm not an edgy teen but I'd sure like her brand to be successful so Kiki can rage in jealousy that lilkitten went to shit in a matter of days
No. 124881
>>124875Well, I know kota kind of always wanted her own brand. Even the scene days when she was doing graphic design/designing clothes for that shit clothing line her and kiki did called "KND" aka kiki and dakota. She couldn't make a career out of art so the doll thing was the best thing for her probably to get that design career all a go.
If she does collars it'll look EXACTLY like everything that is out there. They all look the same, you've got Creepyyeha who has knock offs now. You've got Monlily doing collars, you've got etsy sellers doing collars, tumblr weebs, Swankiss… everyone is doing them and quite frankly, they're getting old. Garters, straps, the lot is repetitive.
Can't imagine it'd be lolita or pastel. I think her line would be very school girl like and typical Risadoll knock off style. Probably even similar to Avril's shitty Abbey Dawn clothing line.
I think she might even just name it after herself tbh. She desperately wants her name out there after all.
No. 124917
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>>124809they talk about her being a hikkikomori lol
No. 124918
>>124917my shitty translating:
> i told my parents i dont wanna go to school> we were always fighting> i quit at age 8guy randomly interjects "so really now, did you have plastic surgery??"
> hell nooo No. 125019
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Is kooter trying to look like taytay and vice versa?
No. 125049
>>125031Now that's the Dakota I remember (from myspace days)
I guess shoops really do wonders
No. 125091
>>124831I guess if she ever launch her make up line, the quality will be crap otherwise the price will be too high for her to make a profit and fans wouldn't buy it, or not enough fans would get it. Plus wouldn't the make up be vegan since she is ? Not tested on animals and not containing any animal byproduct, it will probably drive the base price higher.
Not that japanese would probably care but that would be really confusing for a vegan to sell non vegan stuff.
Like I said in the last thread, expensive crap quality kawaii goods have a higher chance of selling with western weeaboos. Why would japanese girls buy a Dakota edition when they have a large range of kawaii stuff to chose from ? On the other end, weebs don't have "kawaii" brand cosmetics and are ready to throw their money at anything marketed that way. I was a weeaboo too and I remember spending something like $30 on a badly sewn cat ears hat with punk pins on it.
I don't get why she threw away her old fans like that, she could have milked them and do vlogs like "How to become a model in Japan", then sell them crap like Pewdipie's book.
No. 125094
>>124988Exactly, it's the same questions being brought up on these tv shows/interviews with her. It's like they're secretly clowning her by slyly showing her up in a way with "well, why don't you look like your pictures?" when ofc they can see clear as day kota looks nothing like them. Popteen was the same when she first started working for them, put in the worst possible pictures of her into their magazine.
Eventually it's going to get so boring, I think they'll start asking her why she is a 'real barbie'. Especially as she gets older.
I think give it another year and that'll be it for the barbie thing. I think kota knows this, hence why she wants to immediately get that brand out there so its another direction to follow into if talento doesn't work out. I mean, yeah, alright it's good to have a back up, I'd do the same. But I think she knows, she isn't that interesting. I mean, how many living dolls are out there now? We've got the crazy Russian, the other russian barbie, Venus, French Japanese doll and not to mention a real live Ken too. So it's not exactly a new thing, I know she did this style when it wasn't as popular but it's pretty overplayed.
No. 125104
>>125019Shit this is adorable. Looks like theearly ttumblr Dakota (best Dakota) a bit.
Like anon said, too bad for the shoop to hell
No. 125106
>>125091Pretty much.
Doubt they'll be vegan, they don't care about that over there. Aside from places like Bodyshop ect
Exactly, they've got Jill Stuart, Etude House, Tonymoly and more ect. So it'd have to really stand out, I do think mostly her fanbase will be the ones catering to it. I do question if other models like Amo, Yula, Risa will buy it to maybe give Dakota that push… I've only ever seen kota work with Yula though and not the others.
Weebs would buy it, it's cute and can't get anything like it in their own department stores. That's whether they're a fan of her or not, you know how weebs love to spread shit about people. However, I know some weebs do support her or have started to.
I mean… I don't want it to go downhill for kota, I do hope it works out and I hope she creates a decent range. I know it'll have some kind of weird quirk because her style has always had a unique tinge. I would be interesting to see.
I do think it was stupid of her to throw away her western fanbase, whether they supported her or not. I know, yes I know she had to concentrate on Japan, learn language, fit in more ect and that not all western fans may know about Japan as much. It was a mean move to make, I get it would be a bit difficult to keep up with both but dammit, that's the point. You wanted fame, now you've got it! From both bloody ends of the world. Plus, if one fanbase ever sold you out at least you'd have the other to stick by you. But obv, she chose Japan because kawaii, they're too blind to see what's going on and yeah the style/they can market her better basically.
No. 125108
>>125102Mmm, I think she will eventually fade out. Right now it's still her 'era' in a way, not as much compared to before but still WILL fade out. Until the next big thing comes along.
Curious to know what they'll look and be like. If this barbie thing ever does happen again then they really would have to be the full package. Interesting, looks like pics and can model or maybe sing. Definitely would have to be a little more than kota.
No. 125109
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they just love hearing her say it…
No. 125115
>>125111It's like "the hell" or something. It's a boyish, broodish thing to say. It's basically what makes her on tv, people have been saying she's cute but has a guy way of speaking Japanese. So she's playing the "I'm a doll but I can kick ya fuckin ass" sort of attitude.
Rola apparently used to talk like a 5 year old and Kota is talking like an old jiji lol
All tarento must have something that makes the crowd piss themselves with excitement
No. 125446
>>125109I didn't realize that it's so her sthick now that they even subtitle it each time.
I do hope they keep bothering her about the fetal shoops.
No. 125453
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No. 125454
>>125109her chin and nose are so damn pointy,she looks mixed between an elf and a witch
How the hell did she manage to shop her self to hell and back and still manage to get a modeling contract? Oh wait.. It's because she's white, with blonde hair and blue eyes isn't it hahahaha
No. 125469
>>125468That's not a circle lense
Did you even look at a picture
It's a really, really bad shoop
My nose is shooped into the width of a pencil
No. 125480
>>125477I only made a PULL account today
Plus it was just an imitation, oh jeez, stop being so butthurt
No. 125503
>>125115>>125111its her response to the scripted question "have you had plastic surgery?" its like "no i FREAKIN havnt!" kindve a harsh answer to make her look tomboyish/too cool for school
the latest one is so rehearsed/unnatural she even does a little finger wag 'oh no you di-int' kindve action.
No. 125531
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>rehearsed/unnaturalwelcome to Japanese variety shows
No. 125695
>>125475Three years she's been there, arrived at '16' and looks like she'll be there even longer. She's even bought furniture for her apartment so, probably. But funny, what she showed us in that interview of her room didn't look very homey or cosy. I've seen Risa/Yula/Amo's rooms and yeah, I get that they're natives anyway but even they settled down right. A part of me wonders… how long does she plan being there. Unless she's opting for another manshionnn when her $$$$ comes in with her new clothing line!
Again, Japan only took interest in her because she looked animu/fit the criteria and she likes cute things even back in her scene days. I bet if America took interest in her, she'd have moved to like NY or something and stayed. Even if Korea did, I bet she'd just go to Korea. But nope, Japan got excited and so she fled.
Maybe that's just her default self? I remember an old video with her and kiki, not messing around on cam but kiki was recording them talking to some black guy… It's an old, old video and idk where you'd even find it now but I saw it on PULL ages ago. Kiki caught her sister on the video and kota was just stood by here, looking all limp and uninterested. So maybe she's just ALWAYS like that. She tends to look that way in her old old pictures too.
No. 125696
>>125632Same with Jdrama, I remember asking some of my friends over in Japan and even they were like "only people who watch those are housewives and little kids who are at home with their mother's."
Say, it's a bit like Jeremy Kyle here in the UK. Mother's who are on the dole, sit at home all day and just watch telly before getting up to do some laundry and cooking dinner before kids come back from school lol.
No. 125698
>>125674Kota has always had special treatment from the start.
1. her parents paid bravo off
2. company just wants to milk out doll juice until she's dry and boring
3. shagged her manager
No. 125706
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>>125703placed next to a dog, at the bottom of the page. nice
No. 125713
>>125706"placed next to a dog, at the bottom of the page."
LOL I wonder if it's taylor by any chance?
No. 125723
>>125722Actually if you look at the last friend, someone else came up with the third option.
I said I didn't believe she would. The other person wanted to turn it into another feminazi drama.
No. 125727
>>125724Yeah, kota was just at the side like "why am i here" which is what she is like on these tv shows lol and its like, girl you're here cos you're the living barbie which you proclaimed yourself to be
duh ~
No. 125778
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from her samsung debut
No. 125781
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No. 125947
>>125944HOWEVER, do I can recall on one of the interviews they did ask if she was 'hafu' and I nearly choked on my drink when I heard that.
I see no trace of oriental in her.
No. 125979
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>>125975Don't most hafu (white/asian ones) look like this anyway
Tell me how kota has those eyes lol
No. 125985
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>>125981At first I used to think she was doing the whole typical fringe thing asian girls have to pass off as half… She's not and she wasn't. Obv, but at the time that's when she started getting asked "are you hafu?"
No. 126013
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>>125986Wrong. I feel like we've gone over this in a past thread lmao
No. 126020
>>126013They look weird with light eyes, I remember seeing a hafu ginger kid too. Probably what Jun & Rachel's will look like.
But most do have the Azn genes. Still Kota ain't hafu.
No. 126087
>>126077Not sure if it's sarcasm
But if you have a moon face and wear japanese fashion/make up they think you are half (also happend to a friend)
No. 126096
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>>126077>>126073literally nobody gives a shit. Stop self posting
No. 126127
>>126121But youtube pays almost $2k per 1 million views.
She has 53 million.
No. 126220
>>126013Hafu babies can be born with blue eyes (like my cousin who is half Japanese). but baby eyes change a lot and sometimes it takes up to 9 months or so for the final color to set. it'll usually be greenbrown or brown. The chance of blue is soooo small it almost never happens.
That's why some hafu babies do have blue eyes. But they will not remain blue.
It's different if the parent is white with brown eyes, because Asian genes themselves are so dominant, they usually dominate everything.
No. 126244
>>126219It's because she has shitty posture and slouches constantly.
>>126220>That's why some hafu babies do have blue eyes. But they will not remain blueThey
can, they just usually won't. It's not impossible for a haafu to have blue (or green) eyes, it's just extremely rare.
No. 126261
>>125019oh god, but i
love her room though.. it looks very cute tbh.
sage for ot
No. 126275
>>126244A lot of hafu babies are born with blue eyes, actually. But even as early as 3 months they become green, then brown.
And the chance of green eyes on hafu is way, way higher than blue. A lot of hafus have dark green eyes, some have medium green but most have brown.
My point is, hafu babies are actually often born with blue eyes (usually if the caucasian parent has blonde hair and blue eyes), but they almost ALWAYS become either green or brown.
No. 126276
>>126244>>126275Sorry, samefag here
>They can, they just usually won't. I guess you meant the final color. I mean we seem to agree, it can happen but it's extremely rare.
And those who ARE born with blue eyes, usually NEVER keep them, after 3~9 months old.
No. 126321
>>126161Yeah, a recessive gene that's only present in white people. I've posted this in another thread already I'm sure, but the mutation originates from one individual.
The point is, if they're actually 100% Japanese on one side, with no white mixed in, they cannot have blue eyes. The gene could have been gotten 500 years ago, but that doesn't mean hafu's can have blue eyes, it means their Japanese side has white mixed in somewhere.
No. 126379
Enough with the eye color talk…
Anyways, I'm slowly beginning to like Dakota/think she's cute, but she looks AWFUL in this video: face looks bloated and greasy… And wtf is with that fake baby voice again…
No. 126404
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No. 126405
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No. 126412
>>126379Maybe she finally had some surgery but more subtle than taytay? I'm shitty at spotting something like this. Also I suspect they edited her voice, wouldn't make sense if she changed voices at one single event. She's not that dumb.
>>126409Big hair.
No. 126434
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More popteen
No. 126584
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>>126411As you said, people have different standards of beauty. It's all subjective.
I think she's plain, but I also think she's very cute. I like plain girls with soft features and a nice smile. I think she's a lot cuter than her witch nosed hobgoblin of a sister, at least.
But then again, that's just like, my opinion, man.
No. 126585
>>126583I actually wonder this myself. What's her PSN?
(OT but have any PS4 fags downloaded the new ether one game? I fucking love it.)
No. 126618
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Here's the thing..Dakota is pretty but she doesn't quite live up to her Photoshopped beauty.
Too bad she doesn't actually look like this irl.
No. 126640
>>126637i've always thought he looks like someone i would cross the street to get away from
but we're all entitled to our own opinions
No. 126644
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No. 126646
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>>126618Because that fact isn't appallingly obvious… Come on now, PULL.
No. 126688
>>126584hey man i agree.
and isnt plain but cute… its more relatable.
for example misako from BTSSB.
No. 126703
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tv or something
No. 126726
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>>126636>>126637your shit bait is shit.
No. 127059
>>127032Her jaw is very wide too, not that this is a bad thing but it's the one part she really slims down in her alienfetus shoops.
Plus no matter how many circle lenses and falsies she uses, her eyes are actually tiny like in that pic.
No. 127102
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No. 127158
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>>127154>unnecessary comments on lolcow?!>that's just unacceptable>better be passive-aggressiveI want PULL to leave. This isn't a worship site.
No. 127165
>>127154nothing on here is necessary, wtf. you're on a trashtalking site?? ?
ostrenga spotted
No. 127166
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she says this was an event but it looks like a photoshoot for wedding dresses
if it was an event damn thats a fancy dress
No. 127170
>>127165im not even an ostrenga but i thought we established she's not even ugly
y'all are babies
No. 127177
>>127170Nothing's "established", everyone has different ideas of attractiveness
Some people think Kiki is the prettier sister
No. 127188
>>127185I hope you realize Dakota only seems popular because of all the autists from here, PULL and /cgl/ stalking her.
She's just a typical gaijin model, not even the first of her kind.
No. 127194
i think its fine to keep posting her selfies and vidoe clips for some light lolz, but its getting old with the RACIST HOMOPHOBE LESBIAN-HATER SHE SO UGLY GUIZ
No. 127204
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>>127166Her hairdo is really fucking ugly
No. 127211
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>>127204Looks like an event.
No. 127215
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>>127211Funny watching everyone got got a pic woth her tag her on Instagram as the fake @dakotakoti account
No. 127225
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>>127204Koti-selfie vs other people's photos is always amusing to compare
No. 127232
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>>127231So much filtering
No. 127233
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>>127232Not quite done yet
No. 127259
>>127239idk, the event was called Wish Upon a Star or something. I guess they want it to be magical or some shit.
She wasn't the only one in wedding dress though, there was an event with tons of models/girls in wedding dresses
No. 127263
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No. 127269
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>>127267She does. Wish she'd just embrace her real face
No. 127276
She's a million times cuter without the photoshop, it's sad she uses it as a crutch as much as she does. I hope it's just her maintaining the 'barbie doll' persona and that she's self-aware enough to know she's totally fine as is. I'm sure that the success she's had in real life gigs and the more minimal editing third parties tend to do on her shoots has done a lot to assuage whatever insecurities her post-ostrenga upbringing left her.
Bickering about her appearance is petty, it's her personality which deserves the criticism. At least she's learned enough to know to keep her bigotry to herself, or (hopefully) has grown out of it. She really has come a long way since /cgl/ started talking about her, especially since most of what people have to talk about her here has been reduced to whether or not she's fat/cute rather than a hateful liar.
No. 127278
>>127263She looks cute here? And whoever did her make up did a decent job, or cupid's bow doesn't look like a weird growth like it usually does.
Also lol @ just a few days Kiki posting about she's looking at wedding dresses and here's Dakota wearing one for an event
No. 127322
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>>127292i wasn't talking about those. i meant the pictures that actually got her to where she is. i followed her pre-kotakoti, and she was nobody with only second-hand kiki fans.
No. 127328
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her alien phase sometimes does look better though
No. 127338
>>127188True, we only make a big deal out of her because we THINK she is a big deal.
I suppose, given the right ingredients = cute face, slim build, fashionable, somewhat talented and can speak Japanese you could get into this type of business.
But there is so many girls already out there trying. It's hard to pick who's the most 'kawaii desuu'
No. 127499
>>127328For god knows what reason she shoops her eyes further apart…
Also is that a vibrator? Lel
No. 127516
>>127328God, whenever I get depressed about having thin hair, I just look at Dakota. Those are literally the saddest bangs I've ever seen. My hair is a lush and thick compared to hers.
I think she has issues with female balding almost. Her proportions are really icky irl too, such as her forehead here. I hate the lines by her nose a lot and gets why she shops them.
No. 127615
>>127499both dolls and anime characters have eyes that are ridiculously far apart. it's also considered more attractive than close-set eyes.
>>127516agreed. i don't think she's ugly, but her bulky jaw, chin side profile, smile lines, and thin hair are really unfortunate and i don't blame her for trying to conceal all of these things. she does have some very good features too though.
No. 127765
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You can always rely on Kota giving you material for a good kek.
No. 128000
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>>127992kek bitch needs an anatomy lesson
No. 128040
>>127992Aaaand no ones gonna say anything about that head/face shop? Lmao.
Also I'm surprised none of you started a fanclub yet. Claiming that Dakota would have gotten to where she is now without the Barbie elf alien shoop? Please. Without that she looks just like all these other white weaboos. Gotta give her props for conning her way in like that and having no shame haha.
No. 128073
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>>127992This is how her top fits her chest.
No. 128083
>>128073fuck I hate bad eye shoops
I mean, bad shoops in general, but when people do shitty eye edits it looks so much worse than other shoops
No. 128325
>>128320Yeah, I've been wondering about it for ages too.
This is just a particularly bad example.
No. 128361
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>>128358you have no idea what sharp features mean. dakota as a round, chubby cheeked look.
THIS girl, has sharp features. sharp meaning a harsh edge to her cheeks and jawline. dakota has no sharp lines in her face.
No. 128367
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Soft VS
No. 128368
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No. 128371
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>>128368yeah no, ask anyone who isnt a weeb used to looking at asian faces if dakota has a sharp face and they will say no
here is a quick side by side of sharp features vs soft for caucasians
No. 128385
>>128380where did i defend her? im just pointing out that you are using the wrong terms for describing her face. sharp implies lines and angles, dakotas face is a rounded blob with fat cheeks. her nose is snubbed and pointy at the tip but its short and not sharp. her chin sticks out but its rounded, it doesnt have sharp lines to it, her jaw is fat, not sharp.
her face isnt totally "soft" but it sure as shit not sharp
No. 128386
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also there are sharp faced asian women too, they aren't all cute round faced dolls where dakota stands out as "sharp" in comparison
No. 128489
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Is she even trying anymore?
No. 128522
>>128509Right? Just look at the plastic surgery thread in /b/, "I want a nose like Kooters".
People here always complain about PULL, while in fact this place is not that different.
The only reason people are allowed to be more annoying and noticably retarded on PULL is from the ability to sign in with an avatar and a username.
No. 128542
>>128509Right? Just look at the plastic surgery thread in /b/, "I want a nose like Kooters".
People here always complain about PULL, while in fact this place is not that different.
The only reason people are allowed to be more annoying and noticably retarded on PULL is from the ability to sign in with an avatar and a username.
No. 128572
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>>127992Now let's compare to these photos taken by others. Always fun to compare.
And lol at the white powder under her eyes.
No. 128576
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She doesn't look bad here but she still does not look like her shoops, and it sucks so many people use so many filters to conceal themselves (most Japanese do this, which is why no one there cares if she looks different IRL).
No. 128578
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Uguu kawaii real barbie, dess
No. 128585
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So much filtering, the girls have no noses anymore.
No. 128633
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>>128598minus the butthole lips and the eyebag disaster, still pretty cute
No. 128729
>>128576that dress with those shoes
No. 128818
>>128811Meitu has the same shit (and more) and it's web based, meaning not having to install crap.
Your post sounds like blatant advertisement.
No. 128826
>>128818The point of an app is so you can edit shit while you're away from a computer or just don't want to fuck with a full site. Pitu also has the added bonus of being in English. Not to mention the subject of discussion was specifically photo editing
apps, not websites. And guess what else has an app? Your precious Meitu, and it's also mostly in English. I have the Meitu app, it's geeat, but it doesn't have as much as Pitu does, and the facial recognition isn't as good.
Way to get super butthurt for no reason, clown.
No. 128856
>>128572oh god
when your makeup is too light for you and then get hit by flash…
No. 128860
>>127787the left is bizarre as fucking shit
like chromosomal disorder tier
it has to be bait
or she is just damn tired
No. 128867
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>>128576red plaid shoes
blue floral dress
No. 128879
>>128868Nah, kota is known for dressing badly. Look at her old outfits videos. The first one that set her fanbase off with the sugarless girl playing in the background.
Nothing went properly… or when some things did the shoes didn't.. nor did the hairstyles…
Yet this year, come September which is only a few months away. We will have koti's very own clothing line brought to us!
No. 128880
File: 1435540712467.jpg (46.97 KB, 586x422, barbie-without-makeup.jpg)

>>128866I thought so.
It's just that everytime I see a picture of Kota in the press or with folk with no edit, I always look at her laugh lines and cheeks. I remember this girl at school who had the exact same laugh lines as kota and the same long chin too. Plus if you look at her mother, cathy you can see how her smile and the laugh lines are caving in… Kota will age the same way.
No. 129126
>>129121da fuk?
just because they have red dots on them?
you guys…
No. 129163
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>>129126No she even said they are meant to be blood
Hence menstrual nails lel
No. 129165
>>127263Can't believe she kept those nails for that event
No. 129180
>>129167or some really hideous trashy goth neon ugly shit like KND Couture used to be
remember, even though dakota dresses and acts kawaii, once in a blue moon she lets her true "disgusting" (her own word) self show though
(remember her pics of vomit in the train.)
No. 129188
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>>129180She still draws the same way too, look at that apartment interview she did where she shows us her bedroom ect and she shows us her sketches… It's still the same guys.
I hope to gods this isn't what the clothing line will look like…
No. 129190
File: 1435585274370.png (787.9 KB, 500x825, Vlcsnap-2013-10-25-16h55m34s17…)

>>129188She had Kiki model these monstrosities…
No. 129191
File: 1435585379063.jpg (42.19 KB, 500x756, Ginger asian man_b25e47_501416…)

KND was like a rip off of Drop Dead basically
No. 129192
File: 1435585602949.jpg (94.52 KB, 500x688, zombie-cream--large-msg-125511…)

>>129191Kiki Kannibal and Dakota Rose create pleasing eye candy that is unisex, classy, stylish, edgy and high quality to make anyone feel like a gem. The goals for Kiki Kannibal and KND Kouture are to change fashion by opening minds to beautifully eerie designs and thinking. Everyday these sisters create new fashion statements that inspire people to be more creative, outspoken, and not afraid to be one's self. Kiki Kannibal Jewelry was founded in November 2006 and has branched out in KND Kouture apparel which was founded in January 2008 by designer Kiki Kannibal and artist Dakota Rose. These two blood sisters' minds intertwined to work as a creative team bringing fancy and racy thinking into reality with high quality, edgy modern apparel and sparkling eye catching couture jewelry. The mission is to create pleasing eye candy that draws emotions and a new way of perceiving beauty/ fashion with their designs making the scary beautiful and the odd more than interesting. Details are major in their designs and fashion, from the immaculate presentation and quality of Kiki Kannibal Jewelry and KND Kouture apparel and art, to the packaging of the products. Every customer feels as if he or she is opening an elaborate gift. The two sisters have been featured in articles of multiple international CosmoGirl magazines in the Netherlands, Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Italy. Kiki Kannibal Jewelry and KND Kouture has been shipped worldwide to Japan, Slovenia, Africa, Italy, Malta, Singapore, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, Poland, Russia, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Spain, Brazil, Argentina, Israel, Egypt, Austria, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and to every US state. These young pioneers of fashion are here to inspire, create, and bring vivacious fresh thinking to fashionable human beings.
No. 129204
>>129192>the immaculate presentation and quality of Kiki Kannibal JewelryDidn't people literally make videos about ordering Kiki's jewelry and seeing it broken and falling apart when they opened it? Lmao
>Kiki Kannibal Jewelry and KND Kouture has been shipped worldwide to Japan, Slovenia, Africa, Italy, Malta,>Africa>in a list of countriesMurrikan education
No. 129219
>>129215This. That's why it's called KND for
Kiki and Dakota.
No. 129314
File: 1435610481663.jpg (138.96 KB, 500x500, dako-collection.jpg)

>>129238probably like this
school girl skirt, obligatory weeb element, a touch of narcissism, and of course the clashing shoes per usual
No. 129338
>>129203Haha oh boy I totally didn't catch that on the first read through.
I wonder if they've shipped to the Ottoman Empire too.
No. 129523
>>129238>>129280I hope for her sake she doesn't have much control over the designs, she can't dress herself for shit because she has no idea about how to match patterns or colors, probably the Only way it'll be ers is having her name on it and maybe her modeling it.
>>129316She has to, she's about to turn "20", which in Japan is when you're supposed to stop acting like a kid and grow up and be serious. Another reason Kiki will never be famous in Japan, she's stuck as an obnoxious, bitchy 13 year old in her head and acts as such in public and everywhere else.
No. 129562
>>129558i know they can release collections. actually i was a fashion student. a capsule wardrobe isn't gonna be something mass produced. it means a couple garments that MAYBE she can get shoved in some shops but more than likely it'll be online
inb4no1curr it's really not an easy thing to do. my point is i have a hard time believing she's going to release what ya'll are hyping it up to be. idet she has the fame or notoriety to have some company sponsor her for it.
MAYBE somebody came along and said "okay i like dakota, let's release a bunch of things and slap her brand on it and let her design/pick out some things or have a voice in it"
but barely no-name fuck models don't really really get that opportunity. at least not here in NYC
maybe i'm wrong but the time, money, and almost complete dedication to be an independent designer doesn't seem to make sense considering dakota's tv personality/random modeling gigs. those students are literally slaving and create nearly everything by hand
No. 129762
File: 1435688011158.jpg (51.43 KB, 600x450, CH6sLatUsAAzxo0.jpg)

more tv appearances
No. 129871
>>129772>>129763>>129762Shes looking cute.
Cant wait till it kills kaka
No. 129899
>>129314that shirt (croptop?) is hilarious.
Is that all just her own shoop or has it been exaggerated?
I'd wear it. (at home that is)
No. 130262
>>130007yea i was just thinking that! some of dakota's recent outfit shots like
>>127765 are barking up kiki's style tree a bit
or whatever style kiki wishes she had
No. 130411
File: 1435800100559.jpg (32.84 KB, 600x800, CIpizWHVEAAeay0.jpg)

Look kinda like a goblin in this pic
No. 130413
>>130411What is that neck of? Again, she keeps being lazy and taking blurry shit quality pictures.
I give up with kota, I really do. She doesn't even interest me anymore.
No. 130438
>>130413"I give up with kota, I really do. She doesn't even interest me anymore."
same. basically. it's so fucking boring
RIP Living Doll trend 2012-2015
No. 130650
>>130604you know, imo it's probably indicative of a healthier mental state that she doesn't shoop so hard anymore.
I mean, yeah, at least partially it's because she's involved in an industry where she has to show up in person and candid photos will be taken and videos that she can't control the angle will be taken, but I think at some point in the past Dakota probably had pretty bad self-image problems. Remember when she was always posting photos of her 'kawaii bruises' or whatever? skin that's prone to bruises like that is an indication of anemia. I've had the same kind of thing happen to me, and it's indicative of a diet low in iron…if you're restricting calories, it's a condition that's easy to develop. Plus, all of her shoops from back then (as well as her art) depicted extremely skinny limbs. In the case of her drawings, visible ribs, too. I think that when she lived in Florida, Kiki and Mama Ostrenga were probably very critical of her weight and looks, which is why she shooped so hard back then in order to compensate.
now that she's moved to Japan, I think she's in a much more supportive environment. She actually seems to have friends amongst the other models, and even gained weight; she looks healthier now, and her leg bruises have disappeared. I think it's likely that her agency noticed her poor health and maybe got her a dietician or something. There was that one video of all the popteen models exercising in a gym together, right? so in my mind, the idea that they would've hired a nutritionist as well isn't too far-fetched.
idk though it's all speculation
nowadays she seems much more comfortable slapping a filter on top of her selfies and calling it a day, but maybe she just doesn't have the time to edit like she used to because she's actually working and getting out instead of sitting in front of a computer all day.
No. 130666
>>130662or she just doesnt -need- to take the time to do her own photoshoots
shes appears on tv and all they do is repost those 2-3 year old pics from when she was "16"
even though he pro photoshoots look nice, she only posts things she controls
No. 130703
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No. 130712
>>130711or not being the driver?
she said she wants to get her license but as for now it is public knowledge that she cannot drive in japan. tbh i dont know why you wanna drive in tokyo.
No. 130741
>>130724Yea, she looks gigantic…
I'm wondering why she's dressed like that during the summer tho
No. 130905
>>130741Maybe she pulled a Kaka and uploaded a pic she took ages ago to make it seem like she's more active online than she actually is
>>130742It is, it's supposed to make your lips look fuller and rounder by drawing over your Cupid's bow. Makes Koots look derpy af tho.
No. 131524
File: 1435938118105.jpg (30.34 KB, 599x494, CI-1Q_lVAAARBx-.jpg)

No. 131534
>>131524Oh fuck what with her and Kiki sucking at foundation now!?
That baby face. Put it away fuck you look like a toddler.
No. 131536
>>131524did she like
copy and paste her face onto this? what the hell is going on with her chin?
No. 131718
>>131524Showing off taobao purse, cheap nails, egg forehead and glum expression to appear cute with pink tails while being deathly pale.
Yeah… I'd like to see what the before edit was like.
No. 131932
>>131524Goddamnit, she's erasing her top lip again, but this time only on the sides. WTF, koti, stahp.
Also I feel like she's shooping herself to look younger and younger because her birthday is coming up, it's getting out of hand. Maybe in addition to her BDD she's having an age crisis as well, realizing her childhood was wasted on the pursuit of internet fame for her sister.
No. 131973
File: 1435997760214.jpg (955.36 KB, 2448x2448, image.jpg)

Look how adorable non-selfstyled/photoshopped she is. She looks like a real and prett human being.
No. 132454
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No. 132666
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>>132539spoken like a true butthurt fattie.
don't worry, you too can be a kawaii model in japan one day. why don't you do more self promotion? look at how easy it was for dakota.
No. 132671
>>130703this reminds me of taylor
>>131524i like her nails
No. 132721
seriously why are so many bitches so obsessed with this chick? Like that autist on pull kontrakoti she has a whole fucking blog that documents dakota's every move in japan….that is so fucking creepy. But people who arent obessed with her are the jealous ones… okay.
No. 132734
>>132683I don't know who is worse in this thread.
The worshippers who proclaim everyone else fat jellies or the 'why don't the glorious Nippons notice the difference between her pictures? What do the real supa kawaii models think of her?' weebs.
No. 132738
>>132683I agree. This shit needs to be moved to /b/ since it's nothing but an ass kissing Dakota fan club and we sure as fuck don't need those here.
They should just go to /b/ is they want to worship this basic chick.
No. 132805
>>132804cos she's western
its like the mira thing
youll never be a jap
end of
No. 132807
>>132804Yea there are a tonnnnn of Creepy men following her…
Let's put it this was way
She has 160k followers but from all over the world. her model friends have 100k or more followers but all Japanese. That' helps show how she ranks in Japan
No. 132815
>>132807I still say she'll fade out in a few more years. She's more interested in getting her brand laid out than anything else tbh. Can't picture her acting or singing, just doesn't have the personality. Modelling… yeah can still see it. But designing, yeah. She'd be best moving on to designs more… Well when she's further on in her twenties I'd use that opportunity to move away from kawaii and focus on getting her name big elsewhere. Only people in Japan/korea/china ect know about the cutesy sort of brands like liz lisa, swankiss, ank rouge.
She should aim bigger and worldwide
No. 132962
>>132683hey retard, you do know that typing the word "admin" is not going to bring them magically into the thread, right? You do realize you have to go to /meta/ and address them specifically, or even make a report?
Btw, the samefagging in this thread is fucking ridiculous.
No. 133096
>>133093Holy shit, I wonder what's going on?
The Kontrakoti bookmark redirects me to a google+ sign in page, maybe it's just private? Or maybe Momma Monstrenga finally got to her.
No. 133193
>>133119Aw hell, Kota's probably about to do something big and she wants there to be as little negative shit about her online as possible.
I wonder though, all the copyright claims seem so frivolous, and they have in the past even claimed stuff they didn't own. At what point do the Ostrengas have to worry about getting in trouble for abusing copyright claims?
No. 133205
>>133193Meh, it'll probably end up like their last big copyright spree- whatever she tries to get "big" for will get her a few magazine and TV spots and then she'll go back to Popteen.
Wait, can they use kooter once she's (supposedly) 20? The magazine
is aimed at teenagers, hence Pop
No. 133214
>>133211I still say kota is 20/21 since the recent magazine claimed kaka was actually 23.
But yeah, it's aimed at the most 21 + I'd say but mostly for teenagers. I bought it just for curiosity and cos I like kawaii but it was very… Meh. Still, prettier and brighter than British magazines! I'll be honest lol
No. 133216
>>133212I do aswell you know, I feel like she's bored of the whole living doll thing (not that she even lives up to the title anymore) and after chopping her hair off, I think that was either a "thank fuck for that I'm almost free from this persona" or "I have a new life now and let's move on to something else" kind of attitude? Call me weird, but I feel maybe it had something to do with that Asian hair cutting business they used to do. Not that kota was ashamed or anything but like a new start? A new look or something. But whatever.
She'd be better off moving away from Japan and getting her name out there, properly and focusing on designing if she wants to be like Viv.
That's what I would do anyway. I think there is only so much Japan can offer tbh. I mean there is A LOT but only so much until it's… boring I guess. I'd defo aim higher.
No. 133247
File: 1436215812327.jpg (35.34 KB, 315x400, kota.jpg)

We all know about the shooping guys, k.
But oh my word…
Her style has definitely change… She's gone from like the old way of shooping from when she first hit Japan to shooping like the rest of the weeb/jap models like Amo/Risa ect with that horrid dreamy filter
No. 133260
>>133085Yeah but if you legitimately have a problem and want this thread to be moved to /b/, you would be better off addressing the admin directly rather than whining your fat ass off in the dakooter thread.
btw, the samefagging in this thread is completely obvious. One day you'll make it to Japan, jelly-chan.
No. 133261
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>>133247omg, all dat shoop lol
No. 133269
>>133234I hope for her sake she doesn't.
If she moves back to the states, luke LA or NY to try something in fashion, her sister is gonna go batshit with the leeching off her. The only reason she didn't manage to get as much of Dakota's Japanese shine is because she couldn't bother to learn decent enough Japanese or enough about the culture to appeal to them.
In America, scandal makes you famous. If Kota gets any kind of notariety here Kiki is gonna be back like we've never seen her before.
No. 133274
>>133269This is pretty much spot on.
Kiki would NEVER have made it in Japan anyway. Even Venus is struggling and Himezawa is TRYING while Taylor R is somewhat doing her best despite being a nobody at the most in Japan aside from another gaijin model who desperately wants some tartento.
Yep, Kiki would leech and milk Kota anyway she could possible. It'd be like the white Kardashians, cept poorer and even more trashy. Fucking hell, I do not want to see the ostrengas all over the papers.
No. 133277
>>133260Yes jelly-chan, you'll make it as a catalogue model and appear on a few tv shows. You go make it big jelly-chan! You can du dis ~
But btw you cant copy koti and the doll thing
try idk being a real life robotic geisha or something, japs love robots
No. 133286
>>133269It's also due to the fact her features just don't appeal to Japanese people in general.
I definitely think Kaka would have a much better chance at fame in the west/America than Kota because people here prefer harsher features like hers.
I honestly can't see Kota moving back to America. It would be a stupid thing to do because she wouldn't get any work here(well at least like modeling work and stuff). I think if she wanted to do that, she'd make more videos and try to appeal more to her English speaking fans, so she'd be able to get work like a lot beauty gurus here.
Honestly, I don't even get why she never did that to begin with, imagine how much bank she'd make if she started doing videos promoting taobao reselling shops and shit for her weeby English speaking fans on top of the kawaii modeling thing.
Although the kontrakoti thing is really strange.
No. 133402
>>133375It wouldn't surprise me. So many online personalities, and wannabes, make their own hate and fansites.
Personally I always thought it was either an ex-friend that was a little obsessed with her or some fan from Tumblr who is living out their kawaii dreams through Dakota.
No. 133422
>>133311>I'm not obsessed! I just spend hours in this thread negging every photo that's posted in order to show her obsessive fanclub how unkawaii she really is!m8, there is no fanclub. The fact that you've deluded yourself into thinking that anyone who's not agreeing with her 'worships' kota is pretty solid evidence of how much you hate her.
I'll admit that her shoops were ridiculous in the past, like when she fucked up her floorboards and erased her ears. Now she's just your average run of the mill white chick trying to make it in the entertainment industry. She has literally failed to provide us with fresh milk for years now. The people clinging to her controversial past and 'b-b-but she shoops! And uses filters! And looks ugly!' are the only real sources of amusement or controversy left. But the only topic you guys obsess over nowadays is her appearance. You've got to be pretty damn insecure if seeing someone else using meitu sends you into a rage worth sitting itt for hours, that's why people assume you're just fucking insecure.
No. 133556
>>133544>>133549This shit is ooooooooooooold. Tardo kids always go through dumbass phases. She was following her hideous big sister. She manages to still sell the "foreigner" rudeness/harshness as a part of her professional persona. In fact it's part of the gag she sells on her tv appearances. So whatcha bitchin for niggas? We all know Koots isn't that great looking, but she can pull off a decent stock model photo with a decent editor.
Does anyone even see Koots as a kawaii goddess? Perhaps you should learn Japanese and talk shit on 2chan because she's actually selling that image (once again, with the idea that she talks like a dude) to Japanese folks. No one in the west cares bout this level of basic.
No. 133560
>>133556dang you sound mad as hell anon
i just always find her old videos/ pictures so interesting considering how much she's changed/ grown
No. 133598
>>133564>all of her model friends are these sugary sweet bitchesKek no.
They act a certain way in public like the rest of the population in Japan. Girls like this can be some of the most vicious bitches behind closed doors. The major difference between kota and them is she's a foreigner (so it's forgivable) and she worked it into a persona.
No. 133642
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>>127166>>127204She looks like the kid in The Babadook in these.
No. 133644
>>133642first: that's been said before.
second: that lil fucker annoyed the shit out of me with his screaming. shit movie, shit acting. ugh.
polite sage for ot
No. 133650
>>133536my 'feelings' have nothing to do with it, it's all about the fact that there is literally nothing to talk about except how grotesquely unattractive the ~haters~ find her. which is like, whatever, your opinion, man, have it. but it's not the lulz that I came here for. and calling everyone who doesn't agree with you her 'fanclub' makes you sound batshit crazy/paranoid.
although I gotta admit, watching the same people accused of being jelly-chans get all huffy and butthurt enough to counter-attack with the same ad-hominem fallacies was pretty fucking ripe at first.
back to my shrine, I guess~ sorry for the late response, reciting my kawaii mantras in honor of kota-sama takes hours away from the time that I could be sitting in this thread f5ing instead.
No. 133656
>>133650I wonder if its kaka calling us her "fanclub".
Dont get me wrong I think kota can be cute as hell, but she isn't a lolcow these days.
No. 133672
>>133650Lol you know someone is mad when they have a long pointless rant. Calm down rage-chan and stop derailing because mean comments
trigger you
No. 133684
>>133650the bait is so real, keep trying anon.
It is pretty lame how this thread is either ass kissing or pointing how her obviously fucking shooped pics are shooped. Also think this should be moved to /b. She's just not relevant anymore.
No. 133787
File: 1436283003638.jpg (272.46 KB, 646x464, 1265349067449.jpg)

>>133672yep, it sure does take so long to type up six sentences. so much text, so exhausting to read and comprehend. you couldn't possibly finish. better just pull out your trump card & call the other person mad.
No. 133840
>>133787Yeah I have better things to do then try to calm down a
triggered anon, no1 curr
No. 133872
File: 1436298163532.jpg (181.61 KB, 750x732, image.jpg)

tfw you turn into your oldest sister of 3 in candids, compared to your selfies
No. 133888
>>133875Ahh, well done people of Japan. Finally you're all able to see rearu babi for yourselves. Still, koti looks pretty as always regardless of having been shopping or AE taken place. I like her real face, nothing wrong with it. Looks a lot like her mother though, I will say that.
She's very broad isn't she?
No. 133891
>>133872Times like this where I wonder how she's got away with it. Then I remember, the doll thing is just her image and all she did was market herself.
She's a semi-self-business woman or is slowly becoming one. Watch out Vivienne Westwood!
No. 133898
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>>133897are you sure about amo
No. 133908
File: 1436302999619.jpeg (45.46 KB, 640x640, eDHN8HRWALo8CQQ_gBaui_181.jpeg)

>>133901it is. its the subject of tv shows all the time.
the point isnt to make fun of the girls real appearance. its more like, the make light of the super makeup/editing job they do.
people watching arent like "OMG YOURE SO UGLY"
they're just like "wow are you a wizard"
No. 133910
>>133908Yeah, it's like korea worships people who look like dolls in rl and japan is obsessed whos pics look more fake and dolly.
It's like backwards isn't it?
It's kinda pointless but whatever makes them happy i guess
No. 133919
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>>133912Yurano ochi for e.g (Yula yula / kota's popteen bestie) actually looks decent without the shoop tbh like I think she's probably the cutest popteen model
No. 133925
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>>133898Even Risa is looking… I do like her wide oval eyes though but she always does the same ass poses in her selfies.. and I just sigh
No. 133931
>>133930Not really, she has more cheek and not that uplifted kinda youthful look in her selfies… She's still pretty tho.
I KNOW her eyes are weird
No. 134259
>>133675Lol nigger what?
This post
>>133650 wasn't me.
Is it really so hard for you to think there's more than one person on here that likes kota? Or that Kaka could be bullshiting up her kawaii lil sisters thread.
No. 134276
>>134247OT but I read a diet trend where you basically eat whatever you want but only in a 2 hour window for the day.
That might've been a korean trend though..
No. 134283
>>134259"Lol nigger what?"
Omg look im racist so kawaii edgy desu Give me attention plz
No. 134376
File: 1436350754617.jpg (102.81 KB, 1280x720, snapshot_01.58_[2015.07.08_13.…)

Can anyone identify these lenses? It's difficult find such lenses that blend so seamlessly with light eyes.
No. 134413
>>134408"Almond Brown"
Are you blind? This is what the Almond Brown look like on bright eyes. Clearly not what Dakota is wearing No. 134419
File: 1436361379669.jpg (270.72 KB, 527x576, Untitled-6.jpg)

>>134413Those aren't Princess Mimi Almond Brown lenses, they're Princess Mimi
Chocolate Brown, you can tell just by looking at the pattern. I have the Almond Brown ones and they barely even cover your eye. This is what they look like on light eyes
No. 134569
File: 1436382661000.jpg (50.89 KB, 900x597, toddlers-mouth-and-lips-hagai-…)

>>134376It's still so strange/shocking to see her real face.
When her lips don't look like a toddlers.
No. 134575
File: 1436383301797.jpg (53.89 KB, 534x316, herp.jpg)

>>134376I use EOS Ice Grey on my blue eyes and they blend pretty damn well whilst offering decent enlargement (picture related).
I never buy lenses that are advertised as "blue" as they're often exclusively that hideous, vibrant aqua colour and not actually a light blue. I highly recommend using grey lenses with any shade of lighter coloured eye as they're only going to enhance, not disguise.
It took me years to discover this.
My only warning with the EOS Ice Grey is that if you don't have a medium to large iris you are going to get the halo effect with these lenses.
No. 134579
>>134576No it's fucking Spoony. Literally ten minutes after being told to stop selfposting in the OC thread.
Quit posting about your vagina as well.
No. 134590
>>134579Do you salty cunts have to bring this up in every fucking thread and ruin it, especially when
>>134575 is actually relevant to a question that was asked?
No. 134605
>>134575Hey Spoony, do you have anyway I could contact you?
I'll tell you who I am here if you do. I just want to ask you some questions, there's reasons I can't explain here. I'm curious about somethings and I've noticed some things I have in common with you.
Just post a junk email or something.
No. 134617
File: 1436387298621.jpg (Spoiler Image,14.09 KB, 351x93, mimialmondbrown.JPG)

>>134433I bought the Mimi Almond Brown back in 2012 (my first circle lenses) and this is what they looked like on my greenish / brown eyes.
they really let most of your own eye colour through.
No. 134621
>>134605This sounds potentially suspect, but okay.
My email is in the field, I don't really care who see's it.
>inb4 one million Baddragon registration emails >>134617What an absolutely stunning natural eye colour you have. Usually I don't like overly thick limbal rings but it really does you.
No. 134634
>>134633>she self posts in every thread I never see this and honestly the only time it gets irritating is when people start responding to a completely innocuous post going "spoony! spoony! omg it's spoony!".
If it weren't for these posters I wouldn't even notice her.
No. 134635
>>134633Personally I like Spoony but the idiocy of her saying
>I cultivate my online personality very carefully I only post about certain thingsAlong with her posting shit like complete address history, the ins and outs of her uni course, information about her vagina and basically every personal detail she can aside actual addresses is getting annoying. You only have to be paying the slightest bit of attention to tell when it's her posting, and she makes no effort to obfuscate her identity.
You may as well be tripping if you're gonna continue to post shit like this all the time girl.
No. 134642
>>134621ah, thank you! haha
I just wanted to give a "irl" example since is used to wear these lenses. Then moved on to more natural looking ones. I spent so long looking for the "green" version of Kota's lenses back in the day even bought that Urban Decay tinted moisturizer "Halo" or whatever haha
No. 134647
>>134635Okay hold the fuck up. I have been trying not to get involved in this shit because I despise prolonging it but where did I ever say "I cultivate my online personality very carefully I only post about certain things".
I do not want to cultivate an "internet personality". I do not "want" an internet personality. If I wanted an internet personality believe me, I could be racking up massive amounts of attention in less than a month tops. But I don't. I don't want it. The shit I did back on 4chan I did when I was an idiot teenager. I am a 23 year old adult now and this has got to stop.
The fact is I have been anonymous for many years now, I think for actually longer than my "spoony" phase ever last. I have no real concrete information attached to any of my posts so really, you don't know which posts are me and which are not and it has led to people stumbling across random posts (and I'm not accusing you directly), and saying
"Hm, this post is Anon but it kind of sounds like spoony, it must be spoony, spoony said this thing!".
The only place I have posted the "ins and outs" of my uni course is to my personal Tumblr so you're obviously visiting it in order to get that information. My Tumblr is not lolcow. You have no right to complain about information I post to it. It is cool that you like me but really at the end of the day it means nothing to me especially when you're attributing false statements to my name. I'm not trying to attack you, I'm just tired.
For years I have had people telling me "just stop tripping, just go anonymous ffs", well I am Anon now and look, I still have people analysing posts and trying to "point me out" and I don't even know why.
If it were any other person posting an image of their circle lenses nobody would bat a damn eyelid, case in point with
>>134617. I don't see anybody going at lengths to try and discern her identity.
God fucking damnit I am just so fucking sick of this shit. People need to make a decision on whether or not to let this shit go because at this point, if some of you hate me this much, why are you going to such strains to make my presence known?
Admin-sama, I'm sorry. I'm going to email you about a potential resolution because it's getting ridiculous and I don't want people shitting up this board any further clinging onto old, irrelevant drama that was never even good in the first place.
Maybe the word "spoony" should just be filtered completely.
No. 134651
>>134647And yet you are the only person on this board who feels the need to constantly self post photos of yourself.
Of course if you post identifiable pictures of yourself users familiar with you are going to respond, as you've already seen in the other two threads you've done this in.
I don't give a shit about your 4chan camwhore past just please stop identifying yourself and derailing threads. This image board is anonymous for a reason.
No. 134652
>>134647Lol Spooky, Gtfo and/or stfu
Gd, you don't realize every time you selfpost it gets derailed? If you can't realize that is the reason most Anon's get upset, then yes you do like attention.
No. 134658
>>134647>but where did I ever say "I cultivate my online personality very carefully I only post about certain things".Either here or /cgl/ it was part of you saying that anons here (Or there) Don't actually know anything about what you're really like 'cause you're picky about what you post and were even when you tripped back in the day.
>The only place I have posted the "ins and outs" of my uni course is to my personal Tumblr so you're obviously visiting it in order to get that information. My Tumblr is not lolcow.That's fair enough. Though I remember you being identified in threads and then continuing to post identifying details about your life, here and on /cgl/. You know that the userbase of /cgl/ and her intersect widely, and how much of a long memory anons have. There are tons of details you can omit in posts that don't affect the quality of the post.
>It is cool that you like me but really at the end of the day it means nothing to me especially when you're attributing false statements to my name. I'm genuinely not doing it on purpose, if I am. It's just what I (Incorrectly) remember.
>I'm not trying to attack you, I'm just tired.You don't owe me anything, no worries.
>I don't see anybody going at lengths to try and discern her identity.Yeah but we don't have to go to great lengths lol. If she were Charms, OC, or fucking Dakota herself or anyone else this board could immediately identify at a glance you can bet your ass they'd point it out. Hell, they could even be someone generally well liked people would still point them out.
I don't think it's that that's pissing people off, it's the fact you continue to selfpost and self identify all over the board. You're not really staying anon if you post selfies.
No. 134668
>you're not really staying anon if you post selfiesOkay I understand that grievance but I don't really consider
>>134575 a selfie.
I don't know how many of are circle lenses users but I personally am. The vast majority of people who do use circle lenses have brown eyes, and it is so frustrating having somebody recommend a particular brand to you, Googling "[brand] on light eyes" and turning up shit, so then you're tentative to make a purchase because you have no idea what they're going to look like on your own lighter eyes, especially if you're on a budget. At one point I even considered building a catalogue website with tagged sections dedicated to specific lenses worn on specific eye colours to remedy this.
In this instance I genuinely thought I was being helpful and honestly if people are so easily able to identify me by a pair of heavily made up eyes sporting lenses and what amounts to 30% of an eyebrow and 25% of my nose, I actually kind of feel sorry for them. Those are the types of people I know for a fact are camping out on my Tumblr and analysing every photo I post and then complaining about it later, and I know that people do it because I see the same IP's coming to my page originally from lolcow or 4chan or wherever it's been posted, going to my askbox and my /tagged/me page time and time again.
People think I'm crying for attention but you guys should see my fucking Tumblr askbox o lawdy. I must only publish about 10% of the asks I get because a lot of them are shit relating to drama and I'm just so done with it.
I actually feel even stupider for wanting to believe that some of you are mature and/or intelligent enough to have grown up past this shit. I don't care if people want to bitch me out, but for christ's sake at least keep it contained to one place. What bothers me is it spilling out onto other threads and trashing the board.
No. 134771
>>134668yeaaah, people jumped on you too quickly this time. I thought your contact lens post was fine. I also know how annoying it is to find good reviews from other people with light eyes.
Just lay low and let the shit blow over.
No. 134854
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>>134852A circle lens "halo" is referred to the appearance of what happens when a lens with a translucent outer edge and a not very thick limbal ring extends beyond the diameter of the natural iris and creates an "empty" ring of sclera.
It's mostly only noticeable when somebody is wearing lenses and looks to the side.
No. 134861
>>134859A thicker ring or a lens with a smaller diameter.
Personally I think really thick limbal rings look creepy and off, but it's down to personal preference.
No. 134928
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>>134376Possibly EOS Fairy Grey?
No. 134980
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>>134928I don't think so, the outer ring is darker and thicker than that.
Whatever contacts she's wearing, she has worn the same for like 2 years. Probably because she lies about her eyes, and can't change the contacts nice since people would notice. she also found the one pair that really matches her natural color.
It's super obvious in some photos too.
No. 134983
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lmao, this girl…
No. 135072
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No. 135073
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No. 135093
File: 1436458926634.gif (875.35 KB, 408x230, tumblr_mjvim505KK1qc5ljco1_500…)

>Dat missing nose>Dat red eye>Dat ashy grey color to the skin on her face>Dat blur No. 135103
>>135097What's that anon dense for? they only pointed out the editing and such. Dakota and the rest were wearing 'costumes', she was an elf. The elf ears are noticeably fake. Plastic or rubber, they weren't Photoshopped, what's the problem.
>>135072I personally find her cuter in this pic.
No. 135113
>>135103Thanks anon.
The shoop is ridiculous. I don't care about her achieving "Bahbee elf desu" dreams.
No. 135130
File: 1436466329333.png (450 KB, 379x592, 11229825_806078346172921_86957…)

Dikes beware of the elf goddess
No. 135131
File: 1436466441528.jpg (49.76 KB, 599x712, CJfYeA3WsAAo1LF.jpg)

>>135073Hm. She deleted that and replaced it with this. Maybe she was worried people wouldn't realize she had on sfx make and would just think her foundation was ashy af
No. 135142
File: 1436468653243.png (100.96 KB, 239x205, morso2.png)

Dakota really reminds me of Morso, a character from a Finnish kids show. Especially with her edits.
No. 135181
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No. 135183
File: 1436472030227.jpg (20.41 KB, 297x450, m_sponichi-spngoo-20150709-013…)

No. 135193
File: 1436472537674.jpg (14.19 KB, 236x351, IMG_2730.JPG)

>>135183what she have been guys
No. 135272
File: 1436479485371.gif (472.67 KB, 320x240, grandpa-simpson-arrives-and-le…)

sup /pt/
so this site still exists?
this thread still exists?
No. 135545
>>135535There were quite a few of you and all tweeting in English. What happened to her not caring about her non-Japanese audience?
Her follower list is a nightmare. If I went to see who was following me and mainly saw middle age (or older) men and a large assortment of neckbeards, I'd step away from my computer and have to give my life a long evaluation.
No. 135552
>>135549I want to add, I think that's why she doesn't really care about her English speaking audience. I've heard people only associate their feelings with their native language. So if someone says something negative to you in your second language, it's probably not going to affect you as much as it would in your native language.
This pretty much shows she's just as sensitive about negative comments as before, but she's just gotten better about handling it.
No. 135560
>>134376I still think she looks a LOT cuter without the shoops. She's seriously adorable here and looks a lot more presentable than the creepy mannequin she used to be like.
I'm gonna be honest guys, I think that the separation from Kaka made her grow up and develop a real persona.
No. 135561
>>135549I would agree if it wasn't for the fact these weren't even bad. Just a bunch of 'ugh alien/baby head' and 'why are there so many weird looking asian chicks on here'. She's gotten way worse on other pictures and typically ignores them.
Just trying to figure out why such bottom of the barrel insults suddenly matter to her. The only big difference is her sister saying she's moving to Tokyo, but I still don't see why it would matter.
No. 135729
>>135724This and the fact that
>before that reply on the tweet about being scouted, Kota hadn't acknowledged Kaka in over a year online >Kaka was asking people on twitter questions about Japan when she first went even though she has a sister that lives there she could ask (Kota also said in that ameblo post that she hadn't seen Kaka in a really long time even though her first trip was about a year before her second)>she apparently sent back the Audrey Kawasaki print Kaka got her for her birthday>she unfollowed Kaka on twitter once (I think around the time she took down the AK print)>they both seemed to have gotten in a fight while Kaka was in Japan?(with the ameblo post and the salty tweet that were edited/deleted)A lot of people, including myself, feel like Kota was only close with her because she was the person there. I mean, would
you want to be friends with someone like Kaka if you had a choice?
No one of course knows Kota hates Kiki, we're just basing this all off of what we're seeing and maybe experience as well.
I don't think Kota hates Kiki, but I definitely don't think they're as close as they used to be and I'm sure Kiki annoys Kota sometimes.
No. 135742
Some people seem to assume that we mean that Kota absolutely despises Kiki and wishes she was dead or some shit, it's really fucking annoying.
No. 135769
File: 1436561278244.jpg (377.54 KB, 990x713, Untitled-4.jpg)

>>135767You can see it in Kaka's room in her videos from 11 months ago.
No. 135774
>>135769kekekek I'd love to hear the reason as to why they fell out and whether or not it was a case of "just" Kirsten logging into Dakota's Twitter and making those ridiculous Tweets, or whether it was something more.
Does anybody have any caps of what it was Kirsten wrote on Dakota's account? To be honest what a foolish, selfish thing to do when she KNEW that Dakota had just finished weathering a storm of criticism and was only just getting her career back on it's feet.
She could have seriously injured her line of work, stupid bitch.
No. 135776
>>135774Everyone was trying to sabotage kota's dream it seems
such jelly h8ers even kaka
jelly h8er
kaka if you wanna be a catalogue model then just apply for one pls
No. 135778
>>135774you should know by now
kaka only cares about herself and where SHE will be in the future, not her little sister or anyone else nor even taku-chan-san-sama #pray4taku
she's all mememememe
not even the animuls
No. 135779
>>135737cant she just go japan and fuck someone famous, have a scandal or something idk
kaka come to the UK and audition for big brother pls it may not be kawaii but you can ALWAYS pretend to be a famous loli on there and act up
sam pepper did it kaka, you can too!!
No. 135791
>>135774Wait wait wait, hold up there man
I thought all that happened was Kiki tweeting "wanna know more about your fave model Dakota Rose?"
I didn't think Kiki tweeted anything from Dakota's account…
No. 135792
>>135720>>135724>>135729>>135737>>135742I don't think Kiki and Kota hate eachother, but siblings can fall out and stop talking for a whle without hating eachother. Maybe their relationship is just strained because of distance/Kiki being jealous.
I was just saying, Kiki is a supreme jackass and if Taku tries to show her off as his token white bitch and she dresses/acts the way she always does, people will notice and may eventually start associating her with Kota.
No. 135795
>>135774I don't really think they had a big fight (they may have had a bunch of little ones though). I feel like we'd know about a big fight they'd had because Kaka would most likely allude to it like she does when she gets upset with just about anyone else.
I think, other than everything else mentioned, she and Kota just don't see eye to eye anymore. I'm not saying Kota is a perfect angel now because she's away from Kaka, but I think being in a foreign country on her own and stuff has most likely helped her grow as a person, whereas Kaka doesn't seem to have changed one bit since the myspace days.
>>135791No, the anon was talking about something that happened a long time ago. I don't remember what was said. But Kota changed all of her passwords after it and I think she got her mom/Kaka to stop copyright claiming everything about her around that time.
No. 135799
>>135791Yup, Kirsten logged into Dakota's Twitter account and made 3 stupid Tweets whilst pretending to be Dakota.
I can't remember what the Tweets were, but they ridiculous and written in that stupid hick way Kirsten likes to abuse.
Shortly after the Tweets were removed, Dakota stopped following Kirsten and the Audrey Kawasaki print Kirsten gifted her for her birthday vanished from her wall and later appeared behind Kirsten in a video of hers so Dakota presumably mailed it to back to her in anger.
No. 135801
File: 1436565478764.jpg (271.31 KB, 1280x1422, ddad.jpg)

>>135795It wasn't really that long ago Anon, it happened between the span on Apr 13, 2014 and Jun 19, 2014 according to her Youtube videos.
No doubt caps of the Tweets are on PULL somewhere if anybody can be bothered digging.
No. 135807
File: 1436566957826.jpg (633.47 KB, 640x860, 165856.jpg)

>>135183weird angle. extensions obviously don't match, time for a new weave.. seriously
No. 135810
File: 1436567212599.jpg (609.29 KB, 619x900, 165857.jpg)

forgot other pic
No. 135812
>>135807Don't extensions damage your hair? If they do, she does not need any more damage being done to her hair. If I were her, I'd just start wearing lace front wigs instead, she wouldn't be doing anymore damage to her hair and she could get one that is much fuller & overall better looking than her natural hair.
>>135811She's back now?
No. 135814
File: 1436567630302.png (487.54 KB, 544x655, Vlcsnap-2013-10-25-16h55m34s17…)

>>135811I remember PULL had a bitch fit about this girl because apparently she was too kota/kaka looking
No. 135815
File: 1436567718978.png (729 KB, 500x754, drphoenixnaturalhair.png)

>>135814but the living doll thing didn't work
No. 135819
File: 1436567903980.png (199.9 KB, 510x307, drphoenixnaturalhair.png)

>>135818watch out guys
new living doll at ur service
No. 135820
File: 1436567922404.jpg (53.87 KB, 432x668, tumblr_mftrcsnb9R1qjpr1lo1_500…)

>>135814At the time she really was another Kota-clone.
Also I decided to play around with her for giggles, took one of her photos and shooped Dakota's face onto it, posted it to Tumblr and it ended up racking up a tonne of notes because people thought it was a picture of Dakota.
Anyway Annette discovered it and she FLIPPED. She ended up making some ridiculous blog post about it and lawd she was so mad that in her attempt to piggyback off Dakota's schtick she'd only served to make Dakota more popular and her more irrelevant.
I can't even find the original photo any more, only the Dakota shoop that I created kek
No. 135826
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>>135810runs in the family guys lmfao
No. 135831
File: 1436568361571.jpg (58.51 KB, 453x604, z9MyeWen7fI.jpg)

>>135821mmyah you're right it's weird looking but i don't think it's anything interesting. the skirt (or maybe tights underneath) are weirdly cinching her in right before the pleats are released, which is kind of exaggerating that width. definitely a bad choice of styling.
Despite being skinny and shoopey i think dakota actually has a pretty severe hourglass shape.
No. 135833 <<< is this a real account?
College or university:東大 (Todai) '14
Department:人文社会系研究科 (Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology)
Mode of study:Distance Learning
Status:Alumna (Bachelor's)
School: Adams High School
Orlando, 2006–2009
No. 135837
>>135820I think the original picture was posted in one of the previous threads because an anon thought that picture was actually one of Kota's pictures.
Tbh, I hate to sound like a cunt, but you really did improve the picture. I mean, she isn't ugly at all, but honestly, she's not that attractive either.
Do you have a link to the blog post or was it deleted? I couldn't find it at all.
No. 135844
>>135842I thought this when anon said that, not that rectangle is a bad thing ofc but it's obv she isn't curvy or thick or anything.
Just straight down…
No. 135845
File: 1436569266791.jpg (72.96 KB, 480x640, 15cova8.jpg)

>>135831hourglass????? LOL
No. 135852
>>135842>>135844I think she's more apple shaped.
>>135848One positive thing I can say about this girl is that her videos are a lot more helpful than Kota's. She should really just stick to her diy videos, even if there wasn't a Kota already, I don't think she'll ever have people follow her just because they think she's pretty.
No. 135854
>>135807This photo is so tragic
Angle, lighting, makeup
No. 135860
File: 1436571075314.jpg (42.28 KB, 600x448, AtZdUgaCAAATCQG.jpg)

>>135842did i rustle your labia? sorry i'm not appealing to your #realwomenhavecurves agenda.
No. 135882
>and the apple shape really only applies to hamplanetsNot the person you're arguing with but it really doesn't.
Apples are generally difficult to detect unless they're carrying some weight on them in the first place, otherwise they typically appear normal albeit a bit stocky around the weight by comparison with their limbs.
The problem with apple shaped girls is that their body stockpiles their fat around their gut as opposed to distributing it around their body.
We've all seen from photos of Dakota that she has very slender legs, thin arms but this ever constant pouch of fat resting on her stomach. That combined with a near indistinguishable waistline shows that she is indeed an apple.
Other apple shaped cows include Charms.
No. 135884
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>>135882Aaaaand another example is Kesha.
No. 135887
File: 1436573171456.jpg (136.8 KB, 640x860, image.jpg)

Well she's either pregnant or has gained a lot of weight
No. 135888
>>135877Stfu. Apple means putting on weight in the torso. Even a size 2 can have that issue.
Why would one body shape only apply to hamplanets? Use your fucking brain.
Polite sage because this is entirely unrelated to Kota, who is likely a rectangle.
No. 135889
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No. 135895
>>135894omg stop body shaming her!!!
girl hate is so ugly -.-
No. 135899
File: 1436574399627.jpg (72.28 KB, 600x800, bf7001a5c4de57b54a85691686d909…)

>>135894Her legs and arms are very obviously slender, just look at any candid photo of her.
>-.-Get the fuck out and back to PULL.
No. 135964
File: 1436581868502.jpg (Spoiler Image,19.62 KB, 396x294, lordosis1.jpg)

>>135910And her posture doesn't help it either. She seems to have a lordosis from sitting most of her childhood infront of a computer in posture, I think.
No. 136154
>>135993obsessive jelly…fangirl
dont see a difference
No. 136194
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It's thin but it seems ok because of criss cross part.
No. 136201
>>136168Actually the opposite holds true.
Babydoll tops with a flared waist help give the impression of a more definitive waist, so apples should most definitely abuse them.
No. 136203
>>136202Also this one, she looks very charming in this one.
I can't believe this is going to be almost 4 years old soon. I remember the day she uploaded it to Youtube, how time flies…
No. 136204
Oh haha, I just realised that the original music from
>>136203 has been changed.
She must have received a copyright claim.
No. 136208
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I actually like Dakota but I wish she'd go back to her old video format.
She looked so cute when she first began making videos, her lighting setup was A+. She looks anaemic and strained in her most recent videos.
No. 136228
>>136217Let me guess, you're American right?
I always have problems with Americans attempting mock usages of language that, whilst defunct in educational curriculum in the states, is very much commonplace in the UK.
It's cringey to me that you consider such base language as "extravagant".
Pick up a book sometime, expand yourself.
No. 136237
>>136234I have the exact same skin tone and hair colour of her, so yeah, from my perspective it is nice to see somebody coordinating it a manner that's actually not only visually pleasing, but flattering too. I had no idea that navy and gold went so well together until I originally watched that.
Her hair looks fine in that video too.
No. 136252
>>136208I agree, I think that's what reeled people in the most. She looked… believable? Even though they were edited and in specific angles, she could get away with it.
When she started working for Popteen, I noticed she is basically just copying everything the other models do. Filters/edits/angles and it's boring. They all look washed out by the amount of brightness they add to their pictures and kota's recent videos just end up looking more scary than cute.
She should have just kept doing them in the style she started out… But I guess her videos out have to match up with her current pics…
No. 136267
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>>136263I don't understand why she wore this??
No. 136275
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>>136270It looks like she wore a high waisted pleated skirt but wore it at her hips, not her waist so it makes her look bigger
No. 136285
>>136208it's the harsh softbox and reflector she uses now.
the first videos didn't really have a light setup. i'm pretty sure it's all natural window light.
No. 136299
>that seems so complicated for a teenager to useidk if it's completely similar, but like Dakota I had a really destructive childhood and teenage years.
You'd be amazed what children can accomplish when you combine natural curiosity and a thirst for knowledge with an introverted personality.
Aged 12 I was writing out fully scripted websites, creating complex stop-motion animations and building my own computers.
That doesn't sound like a big deal but when you're 12 reapplying thermal compound with limited instruction available was like, so cool.
Given Dakota's past it's not that difficult for me to imagine her throwing herself into things like programming and software because I did the exact same shit, and I can see traces of familiarity at every turn from her building her own websites to her photoshopped artwork. I've no doubt in my mind that she became competent in AE at a younger age.
Dakota has always appeared to be the bright of the family imo.
Kirsten seems dumb a blunt nail and the only time you ever see her take up a hobby is when she thinks she can get some form of attention for it, and even then she has zero talent and plagiarises seemingly the majority of her "work".
Pole dancing, guitar, piano, Spanish, acting etc,… this girl is a Jack of all trades and a master of none.
No. 136333
>>136228I don't believe English is your native language. There is a lot of UK people on chans and they don't all come across as writing like creepy ESL people to Americans.
I'm not even
triggered by the pro-Dakota stuff since I'm a huge Dakota fangirl and agree with everything you said. It just couldn't be expressed in a more off-putting way.
No. 136335
>I don't believe English is your native languageWell it is, and this is just the cumulative experiences I've had over the years when it's come to communicating with people from the states. Some of you guys seem to have a very large stick up your arse when it comes to engaging extended vocab and get all uppity and accuse people of trying to be "posh".
I even mentioned in another thread how often I've experience Americans mocking or discounting Brits for using modal verbs such as ought and shan't etc., it happens ALL the time and it's absurd.
At the end of the day I couldn't give less of a shit about another persons reading level or expanded vocabulary but what a terrible thing to shit on somebody for.
"Hurghh you type different to me therefore ur a creep".
r u srs.
No. 136372
>>136364Oh wait no I'm not a Dakota fangirl lol, it's just in that one specific video I think she looks absolutely lovely.
In her latest vids she literally looks like a corpse, it's nasty.
No. 136377
File: 1436654346979.jpg (46.79 KB, 433x640, 16.jpg)

But if we are going to creepily discuss our favorite Dakota era, I actually preferred her slightly before the tumblr takeoff. Still looking like a human. Some kind of scientific theory of uncanny valley is at work here; the more commonplace and average her styling is, the further away her beauty seems from attainability.
No. 136396
File: 1436658268375.png (166.87 KB, 349x253, 1424395259126.png)

I'll never get over this unfortunate photo of her, Not that she's ugly. Just an unfortunate expression photo i suppose.
No. 136403
>>136396It's more the fact that she's sitting in what appears to be the most unflatteringly lit room of all time.
I had a tiny bathroom that did this exact shit with its shitty lighting and whenever I used to use it I would walk in with my eyes shut or my head averted so that I didn't have to look in the mirror and catch sight of my hideous reflection because it would literally ruin my day lel
No. 136569
>>136435It's because it's for kawaii and they pick 'cutesy' girls with baby face to model cute clothes to sell off to poor school girls to make dolla
I bought Popteen out of curiosity, it's a bit meh. I like how it's colourful and stuff like that but the models are terrible. Yula and some other are the only decent ones. The rest just look…
No. 136645
>>136604Uh, you say that but as somebody that has to use AE regularly as part of their studies her earlier videos showed very clear signs of it.
Also shoulders don't warp into duvets in real life Anon.
Don't comment on subjects you know nothing about.
No. 136660
>>136604Christ, there is proof she used AE back in her early videos. She stopped using it when she got to Japan and started using angles/lightening.
But if you look at her old gifs, especially the one where she is drinking that soy milk you can blatantly see her tit moves as her eyes do.
No. 136724
File: 1436734473009.jpg (99.93 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg)

She got a new purikura machine
No. 136759
>>136756i dont know who berry is and dont care about shooping/pointless shit posts like this.
>>136750angry fangirl is mad no1curr bout ur kawaii queen, try PULL
No. 136791
>>136774all you said was "hurr dakota got a new purikura machine"
Thats not a discussion retard, unless you actually have something valid to say fuck off. If we wanted pointless updates we'd go to pull or kuntrakoti's blog
No. 136805
>>136791Not the person you're responding to but holy shit is this level of aggression really fucking nessecary.
FYI I think you forget that threads like this are not only for chronicling drama but also the exploits of the people featured here, so in this case, yeah, imo the fact that she has a new puri machine is pertinent as fuck.
Goddamn I wish you salty faggots would stick some cotton up your chuff to absorb that flow already.
I get that this is a bitch forum but the in-fighting and uninitiated aggression is driving me up the fucking wall.
No. 136810
>>136789"PC" has become an overused buzzword for "i'm mad people are calling me out for being an asshole".
get over yourself. sorry slur-filled shitposts aren't funny.
the PULL/tumblr "insults" are a new level of dumbassery ya'll need jesus. it's getting repetitive and annoying.
can this thread PLEASE GO BACK TO BE OT
No. 136811
>>136809I don't care about the conversation, all I see is somebody trying to say that information in accompaniment of a photo of Dakota's new puri machine is irrelevant to a Dakota thread, which is patently wrong.
We are here to chronicle, analyse and speculate. This couldn't be more relevant.
No. 136817
>>136814she posted a ugly photo with a boy and I tweeted her "
No. 136819
>>136813I don't even know who I'm not talking to at this point but if you're the person that said:
>all you said was "hurr dakota got a new purikura machine">Thats not a discussion retard, unless you actually have something valid to say fuck off. If we wanted pointless updates we'd go to pull or kuntrakoti's blogWhat you personally like or dislike or find disinteresting does not dictate the direction of a thread.
Is it Dakota related? Okay it belongs in this thread, regardless of how small.
That's it.
That's the end.
No. 136821
>>136820im a different anon but i can confirm that you sound like a shitlord
let it go, friend
No. 136822
>kidHm, impressive.
At any rate just stop.
And for christs sake work on your anger. I can't even hear your tone of voice and I can already tell you have a temperment problem.
No. 136826
>>136823Now you're not even responding to me.
Get off this website for a bit if you're that angry, take a break. Jeez.
No. 136831
>>136828>>136829Kay' I'm going to bed but some choice advice, work on your samefag-fu, oh and stop shitting up /b/ with your inability to control your rage.
No. 136864
Ok so listen, everybody, just my two cents. And I've had a few glasses of wine and I'm sorry if this is a bit rambled. I've been her for about a year now and I know that doesn't qualify for oldfag cred, but come on. The dakota thread? We're not here solely to shit on her anymore, because frankly she doesn't fuck up as much anymore. The girl was raised in an abusive environment, but she managed to turn a new leaf so to speak in Japan. The story is interesting. That's why we keep talking about it. We'd all love to be a fly on the wall in the ostrenga household and know the full story. All that jazz. The thing is, and as I mentioned I haven't spent that much time on this chan, but I'm 25 now and i grew up with 4chan etc, not a timblrins, but ok, wine night as i said, BUT, my point in all this: just because we aren't all trying to be "super edgy nigger retard" with the way we type it doesn't make this forum any less entertaining. Gossip can be entertaining without having to be 2edgy5me. Get over yourselves angrychans. Not being a shitlord does not make you a fangirl- and for the record a lot of people here uphold a great sense of decency -even when feeding their fondness for e-drama and gossip. Chill anons.
No. 136878
>>136836>>136862Nahh i dont think so
I do think kaka will try to leech off kota's career, or ruin it. Wouldn't surprise me at all
No. 136933
File: 1436787528275.jpg (96.4 KB, 640x950, CJrYAibUYAAJhU-.jpg large.jpg)

I have no words
No. 136939
>>136933I don't know if it is sad or funny that she gets used as her own friend for the pictures.
>>136934Having a purikura machine with your face on it means nothing, it is not like if they get named after her, she is only the model like plenty girls nobody even knows.
No. 136996
>>136975i need delicious proof of these statements pls. she's worked with a bunch of those popteen chicks there has to be some milk regarding that.
what happened to one of those PULLers who would go to events kota went to and saw her in the streets and would buy the mags?? i think kota's been tweeting she'll be at some book signing event thing. it'd be hilarious if somebody could go
No. 137002
>>136939They're styling her with two separate style personas (sweet or cool), so it's not that they're making it seem like "hurrdurr, welp she has no friends, lets photoshop in another dakuter!"
It's a photoshoot, they'd just use another model whether they were friends or not if they wanted to.
>>136996That's would be cool to see some caps or something… I always wondered what it was like for people to see her for the first time after getting to know her shops.
No. 137006
>>136996its on this page's pretty old and kinda hard to understand bc it was translated from russian, the girl is not a popteen model just one of the other white models employed by bravo.
No. 137036
>>137009I read that too but then somebody posted pictures from the event including shots where you could clearly see her exposed back in detail and there was no bacne to be seen.
I think that user was just pretending to have been in Japan and at the event in order to make up drama.
No. 137096
>>137025She isn't popular, popular. She is more or less just… I think slightly well known in some areas but not so much.
It's like in the UK people here know Cheryl Cole and lets say, some people off TOWIE (The only way is essex) just e/g guys, but in America no one would even know who those people are. Like less well known celebs compared to movie stars, global celebs ect
But I don't even know if I can say kota is rising. If you know her past drama, real barbie or read popteen and seen her on some shows then I guess you'd know who she was. I don't think she is nippon's superstar tho and I doubt they'll allow it either. I mean Japan loves their hafu's but only in magazines, anywhere else then no. Kota would get the same treatment regardless of her being white and kawaii desu
No. 137101
>>137095Well, she is ordinary lol. She's pretty, defo not ugly and the prettier sister plus clever. But ordinary as in looks wise.
Japan will only serve her well because they love cute and shooping their own models anyway. I think kota knew she would have no place in the real modelling world. So, I guess she's just sticking to trying to get her name out in other areas aka clothing line.
We all know it'll be a rip off of lizlisa/ankrouge and the rest of those brands which looks exactly more or less the same.
I wonder how Venus Penus will take the news lol. Will she buy kota's clothes or make up? I doubt it OR maybe she will just to get japan to love her
No. 137137
>>137092 i think, if anything, some people are a bit envious that she achieved some fame just by posting selfies and she got whisked away to live in another country. sounds like a nice adventure, right.
but if she didnt have her whole backstory i doubt she would stand out at all from any of the other gaijin in japan
No. 137190
File: 1436833189159.jpg (20.38 KB, 400x400, profile_dakotarose.jpg)

>>124808her popteen profile picture is so unfortunate it's like:
No. 137192
File: 1436833419701.jpg (48.28 KB, 331x373, fashion-fairytale-barbie-doll-…)

>>137190"human barbie living doll kawaii desu how is she not CGI"
No. 137194
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>>137006my mistake this is news to me, THIS is her boyfriend?
No. 137371
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>>136933left is literally blow up doll
No. 137404
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>>137399I remember! Here it is:
No. 137432
File: 1436891867451.jpg (136.61 KB, 960x1111, image.jpg)

Damn, Kota. Did you forget your mega milks at home?
No. 137433
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>>137432Oh kota, your boobs are so huge!!!! Surely they must be real?
I mean, you were blessed with such natural 15mm irises.
No. 137435
>>137404>You are so tall!kek
isn't she like 160cm?
No. 137619
>>137502>>137435So like are you guys retarded or something?
>and then I looked down at my shoesimplying her shoes were giving her height and making her seem tall.
No. 137916
>>137433her top lip is flat where shes tried to make it fuller.
photo apps are great but theyl never work as well as photoshop.
id like to know how she erases her bulging cheeks
No. 137951
>>137916There's an option to get rid of the nasolabial folds and for cheeks you can slim them easily.
The top lip part is poorly done, she's redrawing it in one flat colour as there is no detail or texture on them like normal lips.
No. 138382
File: 1437031798472.jpg (135.36 KB, 900x900, photo.jpg)

>>135811I used to be obsessed with this girl before she looked like this. She used to go by the name "NanaNarcotic" on youtube and had black hair with a platinum blonde fringe. I thought she was the most beautiful girl ever. When i rediscovered her earlier this year i couldn't believe how much she changed. She's still really pretty imo. I've always liked her eyes, even without lenses.
No. 138419
>>138382Yeah, they usually start off as scene boppers and then return to the internet as living kawaii dolls regardless of how many pics of them are out there already from their scene era then CLAIM they look like living dolls.
She has the same face but style is more natural and prettier. She seems alright though, so it's not a problem. I just wouldn't want the girl to turn into a complete cunt like most of these living doll type cows on here.
No. 138464
File: 1437060482723.jpg (177.06 KB, 500x610,…)

>>138425shes not ugly but somehow i just dont like her face
idk if its her long nose and big mouth or what.
cant unsee velociraptor
No. 138472
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No. 138906
File: 1437144657990.jpg (101.06 KB, 832x1024, image.jpg)

Am I kawaii? Uguu~
No. 138978
>>138910She looks quite cute here though, we all know it's lighting anyway.
But her selfies need to stop :(
No. 139053
File: 1437162980161.png (554.55 KB, 743x411, 11705330_809780532469369_52400…)

She dun fucked up on tv
from Kontrakoti
>Dakota, it's your damn fault that you're hated in Japan right now because of what you did on that karaoke show. Excellent. Great job!
>She gave Kumamushi 12 out of 100 points. She's not even a singer, how could she talk about technique, hahaha.
No. 139065
>>139053ouch! damn, can't resist being rude, can she?
also, when you say that's from kontrakoti, is it on the facebook or what? because the blogspot still isn't up, right? i don't fuck around on facebook unless i have to, so
No. 139076
Deleted my last post since I was wrong about there being a shit storm but there's quite a handful of nasty comments. comments include "who the hell is Dakota?" and "she's cute but she shouldn't talk."
No. 139078
>>139076Pffft lol like kota even cares about this shit.
Also this shot translated from google its all jibberish
Dakota Rose what kind? 12 vertical such do Ya to tardigrades song horse throne you are doing now
No. 139082
File: 1437166092750.png (68.43 KB, 762x538, kooter.png)

>>139078It's a pretty big deal. She's mostly had her terrible personality hidden nicely but people seem to be really upset by this.
Apologies if my translations are off, but I'm only really unsure of that one sentence.
No. 139084
>>139078I'm sure Kota doesn't give a flying fuck about internet forums but there are a lot of comments on twitter as well.
Lots of people are saying that she shouldn't be on tv and that she's cuter when she doesn't speak etc
It's become a pretty big deal.
No. 139085
File: 1437166251289.png (12.54 KB, 587x78, kooter.png)

>>139082Whoops, forgot possibly the best one.
No. 139087
File: 1437166443768.png (222.65 KB, 506x565, Skärmavbild 2015-07-17 kl. 22.…)

They're posting her scene days photos now
Translation: "I think the Dakota Rose from this time was cuter"
No. 139088
File: 1437166914780.jpg (16.79 KB, 413x231, lmfao.JPG)

>>139077i don't need to know how to decipher moon runes to figure out what's being said here, kek
No. 139101
File: 1437168135110.png (221.74 KB, 311x399, tert.png)

kooters trolling dem japs
No. 139103
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No. 139136
File: 1437170954753.png (153.09 KB, 279x293, 11695971_809758599138229_63273…)

No. 139137
>>139135You da real MVP, anon.
>>139136holy fuck
No. 139138
File: 1437171017388.jpg (14.21 KB, 473x61, lmao1.JPG)

>>139136unexpected jaw meat indeed
No. 139152
Kiki must be having a better day today, haha
No. 139153
>>139136holy shit she is aging so bad, her face is getting so chubby.
>>139144>>139142She's fucked. Now if she tries to debut any clothing line for her birthday, it'll be marred by this. Japanese fans will look past and ignore a looooot of shit of they like you, but if you get them on your bad side there's almost no coming back from it, they can be goddamn vicious.
No. 139154
page translate sure is quality
"junk transcendence child" is my new fave nickname
>>139140ah, ty anon
No. 139163
Japan is fucked that way.
No. 139165
File: 1437172293772.jpg (323.63 KB, 728x1174, image.jpg)

Bye bye dakota
No. 139167
>>139159>are japanese people so fickleYes. These tv shows follow the same boring formula every day and stirring the pot is not appreciated especially since this karaoke contest was between two comedians, not singers, so it wasn't meant to be judged harshly. It was seen as a really childish thing to do.
I would have liked her to have fucked up in a more lulzy way but the reactions are enough to satisfy for now.
No. 139168
>>139164She already is. In Japan there's no such thing as "bad publicity is still good publicity", it's better to be not well know but liked than well known and hated, at least for a model.
We'll have to wait and see if Popteen stops using her as much (as in, less than the 3-4 pics per mag as is her usual these days).
No. 139170
>>139159I think a lot of people will no longer see her as "rearrru bahhbi desu", but as "the one bitchy gaijin that hates Kumamushi" instead.
Japanese people are generally polite and will praise people for what they've done, even if they don't genuinely feel that way. (Google honne vs. tatamae if you're curious.) Dakota totally overstepped her bounds.
No. 139207
>>139190i had no idea that this had such a negative backlash on dakota. i remember watching it when was first released and laughing, but thats because im a jelly hater
+1 korea
No. 139220
>>139212It seriously depends. If Popteen decided they don't want to be associated with her then Bravo will have to find another magazine to put hire her in between odd jobs and appearances.
But tbh I don't see her doing any appearances like at the Grimm premiere for a while, her agency is probs gonna advise her to keep her trap shut for a while.
No. 139242
File: 1437174970704.jpg (29.33 KB, 211x221, kikkings.jpg)

And y'all said she had "grown" and "matured" and "become a better person" who "knew to keep her mouth shut in Japan".
No. 139247
>>139241Not about kimchi. A lot of Korean culture is borrowed from Japan and China, so anything that is 100% theirs they're hella defensive about. If she said she didn't like it POLITELY it might not have been a big deal, but she said it like a bitch so they turned on her.
Korea don't fuck around about kimchi, bruh.
No. 139248
>>139238>the quality of those modelskek
And jesus, I gotta say props to Kooter for dealing with these annoying bitches day after day.
No. 139254
>>139190The moderators are so annoying. I don't blame her.
>>139204>>139208She's exposing her lash line like "look, no falsie glue visible".
No. 139262
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No. 139264
>>139259I don't feel sorry for her at all, can you imagine being pulled from school at such a young age and sitting in your room for
years watching your sister be the pretty, popular and famous one while you're just in the background getting called fat and ugly by both your mom and sister? She probably pissed herself at the chance to get out.
No. 139270
>>139251>>139257>>139263anyone remember she used to have a group of guy friends? people found the one guy's tumblr and he got upset that people were trying to tell him about her past. i wonder if they're still friends?
i seem to recall she said in an interview once that she didn't like girls as friends because she gets bored by typical girltalk and such
No. 139271
>>139266This is Dakota and
Charlotte Charms we're talking about.
Also worth mentioning, back on /cgl/ wen Charms was selling Kota out she told about the time she and Kota went to the mall, and Scott drove them. He kept trying to get her to buy their clothes and Kiki's CDs and shit.
No. 139275
>>139269She probably has nobody close to her in Japan.
Then I wonder what the rumors of a boyfriend are based on.
No. 139289
>>139278Right at the end they gave her a towel to cover up tho
i never understood why… maybe body issues? ;(
No. 139293
>>139279Honestly I think the entire thing is taken way too far. After seeing it, it was obvious she was joking around and it's just a stupid karaoke contest thing.
>>139280Kiki mentioned it in the "Why I'm Learning Japanese."
No. 139294
>>139289Because pudgy guts ain't kawaii~
>>139287gotdamn, she mad.
No. 139298
>>139289>i never understood whyShe's twice the size of everyone else.
In b4 ~chill out ana-chan~. It's just a fact.
No. 139312
>>139301Inb4 jelly-chan replies but..I really feel like she is not a good person. During her tumblr phase when her yt comments were moderated I would see comments from young girls along the lines of "you're so thin, I wish I looked like you :(" It made me really sad to think of the impossible standards she set for the impressionable girls following her. She enjoyed getting comments like that because it inflated her ego even though she was shooped to hell and back.
And she never really apologized for the slurs she made with kiki, and in said apology she claimed she didnt use photoshop and that "haters were altering her pictures" so thats why they didnt look the same. She's just a selfish bitch and she deserves the end of her career. Sorry for the rant..
No. 139318
>>139312Nah, anon. Most folk online feel that way about her. From the day she was signed up at Bravo till now, I mean some have forgotten about kota but others not so much. Some don't give a shit about her. But everyone I ever spoke to about her, like mentioned both Japanese and American/Brit/Aus all laugh and were like "Oh yeah, her." so it's pretty… yeah. You get people defending her, licking her ass.
I mean I don't hate kota, I just think she's gone about this doll thing in a weird way. I know she marketed herself, good for her and is trying to set up a life for herself, again good for her. But I still do think to myself "Why do undeserving people get shit like this thrown at them?"
Some will say, she deserves this cos marketing and "its just ps u guys" and others will be like "fuck her, naw!"
No. 139319
>>139310hahaha, that's too involved for her! she's stopped making videos for her fans because she doesn't give a shit, and she stopped caring about her english-speaking fans from the time she got to Japan.
>>139311Same, honestly? There've been things in the past I thought she'd get dropped for, so there's precedence for it, at least, even if everyone's saying this action is the one thing that's gone too far. No wonder she feels confident enough to be brash when she's never gotten marked for it before.
No. 139327
>>139318>"Why do undeserving people get shit like this thrown at them?"That's just how things works. You DO something, work on it, and saturate the market and it will eventually want you. Other ~deserving~ people just don't do shit.
I'm loling at myself rn bc I slowly leave the hate train. I'm just amazed how annoying the genki attitude of the other models is and how boring Japanese social rules are in general. Like seriously, she better had saved some ¥ and finds a place she's comfortably living. I'd rather see her showing her true rude personality than none at all.
No. 139333
>>139327Well, duh.
Btw I'm not "hating" on Dakota either, I'm just saying. Anyone in this world, obv, undeserving fuckers get everything lol. It's a known fact.
No. 139336
>>139327But that's the thing, japs don't like rude. She know try to CATER to her fan base rather than diss it if she wants to stay in a cushy spot. That's just how they are over in nippon lol.
I miss dakota's rude self tbh, she was more interesting back in her stickydrama days tho I will admit lmao but she has to be polite and kawaii cos japan wants that and not rude murican girl
No. 139355
>>139353True, kota would have been best to smile and nod along if I'm honest. Yeah, laugh here and there, make some comments but know your boundaries even if you think the singing was a pile of dog shit. Most of the judges probably fucking think the same thing but they gotta keep quiet, keep up the same sad façade in order to maintain a happy audience and wonder why half their country doesn't "open up much" and feels depressed/lonely.
Japan is interesting but even I think that part of the culture is horrible. Nothing we can do.
No. 139360
>>139354Oh Mira will be pissing herself with excitement, laughing and probably getting involved with this forum as we speak.
I bet kaka is all happy today, rubbing those grim long fingers together and sniggering as her baby sister's mistakes on nippon tv.
No. 139361
>>139358A little yeah, but that's the audience she was trying to target anyway, so.
Although I do chuckle whenever Twitter translates "dako-chan" to literally "baby octopus".
No. 139369
>>139365I did pay attention, I saw that video and the screencaps of her passport. She had tape covering most of her info but none on the line where her name was, and it only had Dakota Rose on it.
Really, how hard is it to believe she changed her name to be more marketable/easier to pronounce?
No. 139370
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>>139359Yikes, dat make-up.
No. 139375
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>>139365>>139368>>139369Bam. No tape on the name line.