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No. 156500 cosplayer with delusions of grandeur, tries to conceal that the only publisher that prints her "manga" is actually owned by her family.
Denies photoshopping, begs for donations for vet bills while churning out new cosplay, claims to need a lacefront wig to visit children's hospitals as Elsa because toddlers can totally tell the difference and it's not just her wanting her followers to buy a high quality wig for her.
No. 159180
>>157572no she admits
fat butt
big arms
huge nose and so on
No. 160981 girl gives me so much secondhand embarrassment.
Isn't she in her 30's? Yet still thinks embarrassing herself in public is "funny". Yikes.
No. 223024
I googled this thread because she is one of my favourite personal cow, sadly there doesn't much fresh milk I guess?
Her newest video… stupid accent is killing me
No. 223070
File: 1453151218850.png (601.21 KB, 779x727, fahrphotoshop.png)

>>158889I knew this would come in handy one day again!
Basically her moms fb confirming she was the one who photoshopped the armour on (her mother is a professional photographer and takes most of her photos if I remember right). Her comment in the photo is "That is pretty much the before and this is the after ;)" showing the photoshopped armour.
No. 223366
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>>223302The publisher she works with (Butter and Cream) has a terrible "I'm 12 and what is this" website that looks just like Fahr's personal one, and it's registered in England despite being a German company. So I checked the company details and guess what…
No. 223532
>>156500Got bored and looked at this cow's links.
I have a feeling she plans on being Kylo Ren next to ride the SW bandwagon.
No. 224828
>>223366omg, thank you detective-anon
what a cow. Is Martina Hardten her mother/photographer? She is listed as the photographer for many of her cosplay pics.
I don't the family tree of the Sindrams but she is surely somehow related to Sybille Sindram-Schmid from Kiel (Fahr being from Kiel herself), wife of the owner of a big mobile network company who together embezzled more than 70mio € of company money.
No. 224832
>>160981This is so embarrassing. Why do people even make these dance videos in public where there are so many people?
It's also kinda rude because I doubt she asked everyone if they wanted to be in her video on youtube…
No. 305683
File: 1476240737234.jpg (88.37 KB, 1064x394, cD5YOMs.jpg)

She does live Q&A sessions every week now. How many times can you rehash the story of how you met Tom Hiddleston?
No. 305757
>>223024The accent is not her fault. At least find something she's actually guilty of to be
triggered by.
No. 305763
>>223366yeah, her publisher is basically a company she (or rather, her mum) started. this was obviously never disclosed officially (?) and she just went on pretending she got discovered by a publisher and it was all a big deal and super legit.
also, founding a limited company in england despite being german makes sense and shows it's not a "big publisher" and they probably didn't put much money in it either. (until a couple of years ago, germany didn't really have an equivalent of an ltd, making it hard for people with no capital, or basically less than 25k, to start companies. so many germans founded one in the uk instead.)
No. 305772
>>305767Yes, it's "victorian" shotacon porn with a kawaii male prostitute in lolita clothing.
She received an award for being
omg so brave, a warrior against child abuse wow, but several newspapers criticized her work for being suspiciously indulgent.
No. 305774
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No. 305775
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No. 305778
I don't understand how she has so many whiteknights in the lolita community. You can't say a single not-asskissy thing about her without someone bursting in to tell you she's a great person who's famous and has won awards. I think some of her lolita photoshoots are aesthetically pleasing (if shooped to hell and back) but that's not enough to undo how cringey her shota manga or Tom Hiddleston obsession are/were. How can anyone look at
>>305683 and not cringe, at least a little bit? Are they blinded by the e-fame?
It would be one thing if she acknowledged how weird and creepy she was in the past and said that she's moved on since then, but seeing how defensive she gets when anyone brings it up she clearly hasn't grown over this shit at all. Unless she proves otherwise she will always be a minor lolcow in my book.
No. 306695
>>305773Lol I can't believe I used to trace from this manga when I was 10 and thought it looked good.
Also (kinda off topic) but my ex bf's dad met her in a train once and talked to her. (That was 2007-2008 though when she was sorta popular in Germany I think)
No. 515581
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Gender fluid writer obsessed with Lolita and comic book villain Loki spends £19,000 to dress as the colourful alter egos.
Fahr had a liberal upbringing in Berlin, Germany, with encouraging parents keen for their children to express themselves regardless of gender stereotypes.
In the cosplayer's late 20s Fahr began to feel torn between masculinity and femininity and five years ago decided to do away with gender all together.
Fahr, who was born female, said: 'I had good days where I felt "oh this is great, this is princess, this is really cool, I feel like a girl I look perfect".
'And then I had days where I was like, "I feel like I'm an imposter, I feel like I am a man pretending to be a woman in a dress".
'Five years ago I just said to myself "I will not identify with female gender any more".'
Now Fahr spends at least an hour every morning assessing whether to live that day as a man or a woman.
The cosplayer has spent over £7,000 on Loki outfits and is now hoping to have a nose job to complete the look.
Worryingly Fahr even admits in the past to living off just apples and coffee each day in a bid to achieve the lean look of the character.
Fahr said: 'Loki for me is like an escape to hyper-masculinity. Lolita on the other hand is for me to feel pretty.'
Fahr admits that there are negatives to living through made up characters and even claims to have lost a sense of identity and sadly last year suffered a breakdown.
Shaving off all of the long Loki locks was an attempt to start afresh, but it was unsuccessful.
Fahr said: 'It was a bad decision because after that I felt like I was not me, not him. Not anything. Of course I knew I wasn't a Norse God but I'd lost my sense of self.'
Now Fahr tries to spend some time in neutral clothes and feels more comfortable.
Fahr, a comic book writer and illustrator, has also been praised for her work in child protection.
Fahr's comic 'Losing Neverland' was recognised by the European Council of Sustainability for highlighting the dangers of child pornography.
Fahr said: 'Making comics and books for children is really important to me and many children come to my signings and I read to them.
'But just imagine, I read to children and in the back of the same room Loki fans are shouting for me. It was so stressful.'
Fahr met partner William [pic related] through a cosplay chat room three years ago. And William understands Fahr's gender identity better than most.
The 36-year-old teacher is a transgender male, and is supportive of Fahr's lifestyle.
William said: 'I do feel like I have a boyfriend and girlfriend and that is fantastic. Personally I think everyone should be free to be who they are.
'I feel a lot better presenting as male and living as male every day but that is not the case for everyone and I think Fahr is is a lot more complicated and has more difficulty than me actually because it can be changed from day to day.
'I actually love both. I have no preference between the two. Most of all I love Fahr as Fahr.'
Read more: No. 515605
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Posted today.
No. 515608
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With Will.
No. 515612
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Peep the tomhiddleston tag.
Her Instagram is littered with photos of her mooning over him at various events.
No. 515620
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No. 515680
>>515320>>515665In the video she says that she has XY chromosomes (which she describes as having "a mix of male and female chromosomes together" which happens in 46,XX/46,XY chimerism* but she most likely misspoke), external female genitalia, internal male sex organs, a male skeleton, and that her testosterone is "being blocked by estrogen".
She appears to be describing Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome in which the androgen receptor in cells is impaired so that the body does not become fully male. Testosterone is not being "blocked by estrogen". People with Complete AIS have external female genitalia, a short or shallow vagina, no uterus, and internal testes instead of ovaries. The testes are usually removed due to the increased risk of testicular cancer. The condition is usually not discovered until puberty when menstruation does not commence. The majority of people with AIS identify as female. AIS is estimated to occur in 1 out of 20,400 births of 46,XY males.
Otherwise, many of the intersex conditions she lists do not exist (or she is describing them poorly).
* 46,XX/46,XY chimerism, which is the presence of two complete sets of DNA in a single individual due to fetal absorption of a twin, results in the presence of both testicular and ovarian tissue, ambiguous genitalia, and varying secondary sex characteristics which is not what she describes.
No. 515693
>>515681Honestly I'm not very knowledgeable in the topic of genders, but just looking at her I would totally believe she has female and male stuff or some sort of imbalance. She has very masculine features and in here
>>515510 dressed as a girl she just looks like a man in drag.
That tumblr lingo
>>515681 killed me though, scatter my ashes into the ocean please
No. 515731
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>I’m sadly chronically ill, so I can only work a few hours each day.What is her chronic illness? No. 515736
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No. 515737
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A complete coincidence, I assure you!
No. 515741
>>515730she doesn't
think she is, she *knows.
No. 515743
File: 1525712304911.png (826.69 KB, 997x675, Screenshot at May 07 04-13-13.…)

She met Hiddleston again too, masturbation fodder for another decade to come
No. 515744
File: 1525713120942.png (714.69 KB, 800x898, Screenshot_2018-05-07-10-02-24…)

>>515730The UNILAD video is just clips from the 2 year old BarcroftTV video
Her quibble is with the expository text that says [pic related] and refers to "Lolita" as the name of one of the characters rather than as a fashion style.
>[Shaving off Loki's locks] was a bad decision because after that I felt like I was not me, not him. Not anything. Of course I knew I wasn't a Norse God but I'd lost my sense of self.Then can you blame people for being confused?
No. 515747
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When cows cross paths.
No. 515776
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>Not a girl tho
No. 515779
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If I call myself out, then I am exempt from criticism!
No. 515781
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No. 515791
>>515736Wait, she's 37?
No. 515908
>>515736>>515743She's so embarassing. This behavior is unacceptable for an almost 40 year old woman, but i guess some people never grow up
>>515737I feel bad for Tom hiddleston to be creeped on by people like this constantly.
>>515781Holy shit.. Wow. So much second hand embarrassment.
No. 515934
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No. 515959
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>>515791Ebegging last year.
No. 515962
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>>515959Ebegging this year, March 30.
She also had to ebeg to pay for large emergency vet bills for both of her cats.
No. 516007
File: 1525760784634.jpg (36 KB, 500x281, whatthefuck.jpg)

>>515572>"The comic book artist spends an hour each morning deciding on her gender for the day"Maybe just bad phrasing on the part of the narrator…but I've just never heard anyone experiencing it refer to gender dysphoria/gender neutrality/whatever this is as a choice? It's not something I personally have any experience with though so maybe I just don't understand.
No. 516012
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>>516007samefag but also I thought her "neutral" look or whatever you want to call it actually suited her well and looked cute. Or maybe it's just that it's the only time she looks normal and not completely overdoing it on either end of the spectrum.
No. 516481
>>515776She's shooped to death in both fucking lol
>>515779Her new excuse is that her phone camera doesn't work so she HAS to use Meitu guys!!!!!!
>>515959>>515962So she can't work for money because of illness but she's fine frequently cosplaying and traveling? Do people pay for her lolita shit too?
No. 516816
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>>515681So on Tumblr she is FTM but in the comments from My Trans Life video she is IntersexTM (how does that even work)
>>515731It's very interesting that she talks so much about herself but she has never said what her chronical illness actually i
No. 516876
>>516816Depending on the specific condition, some people with DSD are in a position to choose to live as either. Some are raised as one and identify as the other when they become older. But she has never named which condition she has, and her description is vague
>>515680. How can people educate themselves about her condition if she isn't specific?
I haven't found any other mentions of her chronic illness aside from
No. 516880
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Today's pics.
No. 516881
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>>516880Tell us again how you don't identify as a character.
No. 516888
>>516816On Twitter ( gender fluid Trans man HE/HIM )
On Instagram (Trans Male he/him )
I found another account, but it's age restricted and I don't do tumblr
http://fahrnight.tumblr.comShe used to have
Personal Facebook No. 516898
>>516891Her e-begging for lucre and praise and creeping on Tom Hiddleston is top cow.
Have you looked through her instagram? She has templates for several captions which she uses on most of her pics which always ask, "What do you think? Do you like it?"
And she reposts many pics from months and years ago, sometimes several times. How much ass kissing do you need to extract from one photo?
And this is topkek:
No. 517169
File: 1526010695596.jpeg (161.43 KB, 750x1094, AC88728E-54C0-4204-93BE-F14842…)

She flat asks for full free costumes
No. 517171
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Isn’t she almost 40?
No. 517178
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>>517169And dropping hints today.
No. 517444
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>>517422She has a few pics as Eve, but I don't think she has cosplayed her in public.
No. 517714
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>after five years of beggingLiving a fanfic. #lifegoals
No. 517750
>>517714Rape, abuse, self harm
And she has thrown fits about all of the above and how wrong it is; only to glorify it in some crap fanfic
No. 520277
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No. 520278
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No. 520279
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No. 520280
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>>520278Forgot the original pic soz
No. 521333
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No. 521661
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No. 522411
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No. 522416
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I thought
>>521333 was the real you?
No. 525741
File: 1527720290782.png (680.26 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3684.PNG)

She is shaming people like this im puplic almost every day rn. She even made a post like this bout a person who praised her art skill and said they wish they could draw like her. She went off and made a post talking shit about that person how they could see and say something so hurtful "undermining her hard work". Gonna take a look later if the screen shots I made still exist somewhere.
Years ago I was friends with her but now I don't even want to say anythin because she scares me and I don't want her and her stans talk shit bout me. It's absolutely mental what she is doing to everyone around her claiming she's allowed to do that because she's depressed.
No. 525925
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No. 525927
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No. 526142
>>525925In some comment or story she said 'one of the people in the photo is a professionally trained actor so of course it looks like he is enjoying it!' she just can mean Will but wtf. I feel like she makes up new professions and life backgrounds each day.
Are they still a couple btw?
No. 526443
>>525741To be fair, what Fahr posted about Nashi is just the tip of the iceberg. If you check out her twitter, she's retweeting Pizzagate is real-tweets and stuff like that and the German artist community is just catching up with it this week.
I'm not endorsing public shaming in general, but the topic alt-right is a big
trigger for Germans.
No. 526612
>>526443Just give in to the nat soc again, Germany. No one will blame you at this point.
No. 527189
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Her Twitter is an endless stream of retweets of Thorki and Tom.
No. 535040
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No. 535041
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No. 535042
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No. 535043
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No. 535044
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No. 535479
File: 1529932363501.jpeg (72.56 KB, 750x310, 239FE6A4-66E4-47F2-B8E2-746A0F…)

No. 535482
File: 1529933701786.jpeg (61.91 KB, 585x596, 0A8F298F-8134-42C4-96FD-3F7088…)

>>535479Is “talented” considered ableist or am I just out of the loop with snowflakerino-ism
No. 535492
why do all the crazy fujos obsess over loki? also, fahr wants to be the ultimate #1 fan so bad but just looks like a huuuuuuuuuge cunt. lmao
>>535479 she and mariah need to learn how to not shit to the ppl who pay them/are fans of them
No. 535844
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>>535482Why would you say that to a FAN? Jesus, what a bitch. Who does that to someone who just complimented you.
No. 537249
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I still can't get over this one of her recent series.
No. 537398
File: 1530223403154.jpg (422.93 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180629-000252.jpg)

Annnnd back to e-begging…
No. 537399
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No. 539532
>>537249this looks like they wear those creepy realistic latex mask. ( I'm referring masks like in this video )
Maybe they bought a Tom Hiddleston mask? lol
No. 543379
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No. 551784
File: 1532073970642.png (1.18 MB, 800x1114, Screenshot_2018-07-20-00-59-46…)

She managed to come up with a new take on tired Loki.
(but not until after reposting a pic of herself with Tom again again again)
No. 551790
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No. 552203
File: 1532160788843.png (965.87 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180720-193824.png)

No. 552306
>>552203Nothing of this is a chronical illness and most of it what she lists is not even severe, she just listed everything to make it sound more horrible.
And I wonder if she really has severe anaemia, chronic fatigue and depression, how does she still have the energie to be active online so much?
No. 552606
>>551995I've seen this image posted in some lgbt groups criticizing it as fetishization but I doubt nu-wave tumblrite kids would able to see the issue.
>>552203Basically all of this is treatable, what the hell. I deal with most of those as well and I work and go to school full time. She really has her priorities straight using her energy to dress up as a comic book character instead of doing something productive.
No. 552647
>>552203I'm betting on that most of this is, a GP mentioned something, so she self diagnosed. Goes in for a cold, "you COULD have an allergy", and so from then on, she announces said allergy/illness.
I've also seen her consume dairy and nuts.
And living with a allergy to cats when owning them isn't a 'chronic illness'. Sometimes you get itchy eyes, and honestly, in most cases it goes away after prolonged time spent near cats, and she owns cats. I have witnessed no allergic reactions when she's been hugging them, touching them etc.
Y'know, the ones she makes all her fans pay for.
No. 553135
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No. 554603
>>554593Oh her ego is plenty big. She has posted before that Tom Hiddleston and her are meant to be because they are around the same age and he “knows” her.
Remember he meets hundreds of people daily he doesn’t know her the way she thinks he does
No. 555886
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Update: more e-begging.
I've had issues with landlords in the past, but being an adult and not knowing your notice period time is embarrassing.
She can request her deposit go towards the last rent payments instead of constantly begging her fans and pretending that she may 'be homeless.'
I've actually been homeless as a kid, it's not fun. Sell two of your brand dresses, and then you'll be fine. You utter fanny.
No. 556071
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No. 556073
File: 1533028399047.png (177.39 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180731-114844.png)

>>5560She posted these twice to her onsya and many more time to stories. Also those tags….
No. 556704
File: 1533217027365.png (648.04 KB, 668x1034, Screenshot_2018-08-02-06-31-42…)

>>555886>>556193Looks like she gets to keep her dresses after all!
No. 556709
File: 1533217321616.png (476.06 KB, 667x1038, Screenshot_2018-08-02-06-30-17…)

How better to celebrate getting money out of your fans than by RPing Loki masterfully teasing with a crop?
No. 556712
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And in case her fans are unclear on their position…
No. 556716
File: 1533218434777.gif (1.87 MB, 244x300, tenor.gif)

No. 557240
File: 1533288588931.png (553.03 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180803-004116.png)

That blurring…
No. 558570
File: 1533572140377.png (903.5 KB, 1600x2482, xxxxx.png)

I thought she is a boy now?
No. 559393
>>558637Just don't. She just shoops herself to look OK in photos. All while she badmouths other cosplayers behind their back and tells others they have to edit their pictures more to "becum faymoos" like her.
Has she ever had an actual job and looked after herself instead of ebegging or getting everything from her parents?
No. 559938
>>558637I feel you. I was once a big fan of her drawings. I was so happy when she added me and some friends of mine a couple of years ago. We were so hyped. But then I saw all the drama that was going on. The first time I saw her e-begging was for her cat, dream, he was very sick back then. So of course I thought this is a pretty good reason to ask for money. Then I stumbled across the twitter hashtag #furzlicht ("fartlight") because she posted and whined about it, so I found out that she was also e-begging for cosplays.
After months and months I only read on her profile whining, complaining, begging, searching for attention, even on her cosplay page she barely posts the content people were subscribing for.
And that gender thing… first she is genderfluid, then she claims to be intersex(but cant describe the condition correctly) and then she says she is trans. I will never refer to her as "he". She is an almost 40-year old woman who has to take a long break from the internet and needs some professional help.
Instead she will continue to post the same pictures over and over again, to get the attention from thirsty little loki fans in order to beg for money.
I am shocked everytime that there are still people giving her money. seriously that graphic tablet for example wasn't neccessary, because a cheaper one would have done the same job and she doesn't draw anymore anyway. commissions my ass >D
File: 1533998777355.png (210.09 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180810-125706.png)

Crazy neighbours, cat got attacted and now car is broken…
No. 560141
File: 1533998851678.png (269.59 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180810-192939.png)

No. 560143
File: 1533998978101.png (443.34 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180811-173235.png)

No. 560243
File: 1534024911015.jpg (840.04 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180811-235850_Ins…)

between all that ebegging and pity a random fanservice pic. lol
No. 560347
>>560141So suddenly within 2 weeks her neighbours got crazy, she has to move out, her cat got sick and her car broke, and she asks for over 1000£. Then she conviniently got a job during this time suddenly after all the years of not working, but ofc she can't take the job for some stupid reason.
And then she already has the keys to her new apartment but for some reason can't already move there, but between all the death threads she still has time to dress up in Loki costume and take tons of pictures for instagram.
To me all of this sounds more like she wanted free money to move out.
No. 560356
File: 1534076427330.jpg (726.19 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180811-235756_Ins…)

No. 560357
File: 1534076504336.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180811-235840_Ins…)

that self pity xD
No. 560783
>>560347>>560141What job needs a valid passport before being accepted?
A lot of UK based jobs just need to scan your passport to have official records that you are able to work within the country.
Also very much doubting she'd ever take on an actual day job - that involves too much responsibility and effort when ebegging her fans with the same Loki photos repeatedly is so much easier.
No. 563195
>>560783Last time she took a job it was a few hours the week and from home (something about graphic design iirc) but she got sick after only one week in and got fired again.
Sometimes I really wonder how "sick" people have to be to not even be able to work a few hours from home.
No. 566198
File: 1534842037167.png (583.62 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180821-114855.png)

No. 566341
File: 1534898454315.jpg (105.49 KB, 1111x559, Screenshot 2018-08-22 01.38.49…)

She's now inking herself at home.
> in before she gets an infection, then ebegs for money to get it seen to.
No. 566970
File: 1535007215447.jpg (877.31 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180823-085010_Ins…)

What a surprise xD
No. 567778
File: 1535270649415.png (601.24 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180826-105914.png)

Kids dressing up is not cosplay. Same with dressing for halloween is not cosplay.
No. 567779
File: 1535270664498.png (555.67 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180826-105917.png)

No. 567911
File: 1535315058433.gif (1.29 MB, 195x229, giantbomb.gif)

>>567779Oh ok, sure. So everyone who ever dressed up as a kid for Halloween was cosplaying before it was cool? Tight.
No. 569105
>>537301Don't compare ogre to this chucklefuck
>>560334More accurate
No. 569130
File: 1535622425326.png (1.1 MB, 800x1184, Screenshot_2018-08-30-02-42-28…)

>>568324Always dictating comments.
No. 569132
File: 1535624020276.jpg (711.98 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180830-120725_Ins…)

"outsmart" "logic" "reason"
nah girl you just get angry and rant about that person on your public social media…
No. 569133
File: 1535624202415.jpg (973.85 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180830-120838_Ins…)

every other cosplayer who gets question like this: "let me explain to you how I did it, if you need help, pm me!"
her: gives the dumbest answer ever seriously if you don't want to answer these questions why do you even ask your followers to ask questions?
but I guess they are only good for admiring you and giving you money :)
No. 569257
File: 1535673265580.jpeg (481.24 KB, 743x1334, B8F55F7B-6E47-487D-A9B3-6B8BF8…)

lol this dumb bitch.
She recorded her screen to Google something for someone, and it shows her bookmarks for buying YouTube views and Instagram likes/follows.
No. 569267
>>569257Yes, almost every answer can be googled, however if you're trying to be a well known or at least respected person online, you don't act like a piece of shit.
>app shows she buys viewsHilarious
No. 569406
File: 1535713047978.png (781.59 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180831-125436.png)

No. 569407
File: 1535713071859.png (671.29 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180831-125553.png)

No. 569409
File: 1535713748786.gif (1.86 MB, 650x293, hiddleston-1-loki.gif)

>>569406Someone as obsessively, meticulously organised and controlling as she is would not micromanage her bookmarks? Please, tell me more.
No. 569713
File: 1535833667155.jpeg (161.14 KB, 750x849, 5175BE52-DB81-44B0-9214-F0AA74…)

New name
No. 569763
File: 1535843649413.jpeg (173.54 KB, 750x1055, E2316B03-BB34-4C7C-AEA0-094FF5…)

No. 569764
File: 1535843667959.jpeg (154.21 KB, 670x954, EEBC2705-8D00-47A6-B75E-BFC744…)

No. 570057
File: 1535917383417.png (643.36 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180901-172642.png)

From her recent instagram stories.
Can't afford rent but can afford legal representation?
I'm assuming she doesn't know this thread exists otherwise we'd be getting contacted by the make believe lawyer too…
No. 570070
File: 1535920166729.png (639.94 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180901-114920.png)

No. 570071
File: 1535920193406.png (638.3 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180901-114922.png)

No. 570072
File: 1535920219954.png (597.68 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180901-114933.png)

No. 570073
File: 1535920254444.png (493.98 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180901-114939.png)

No. 570074
File: 1535920278103.png (952.9 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180901-114944.png)

No. 570075
File: 1535920310442.png (523.03 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180901-115038.png)

No. 570076
File: 1535920330624.png (789.75 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180901-115046.png)

No. 570375
File: 1535985131186.png (609.45 KB, 640x1136, D074A7D1-1C13-4043-81E1-0DB377…)

No. 570376
File: 1535985188130.png (632.78 KB, 640x1136, 55E8A151-6721-4FFE-BF30-A9A84E…)

No comment
No. 570377
File: 1535985265635.png (1.36 MB, 640x1136, BE0AEDE4-B08D-4980-82D6-22E0F4…)

This is just embarrassing….
No. 570380
File: 1535985619528.png (100.19 KB, 640x1136, 9CB7E599-69AD-47BE-83EC-88093B…)

No. 570450
>>570377Jesus Christ she's like a forever erupting cringe volcano. I can't believe that this woman is older than me.
The outfit there combined with the punchable face she's making is
No. 570503
>>570484She let it expire without getting a new one in time. She probably got a lecture about it and cried because she can't take critisism, and got “sent away“ because they didn't wanted to deal with her shit anymore.
Getting a new passport is literally just go to the embassy, bring a picture, pay the fees and wait a few weeks and then pick it up. There's absolutely nothing difficult about it.
No. 570875
>>570688She's making a scene of it so she can ebeg again. I bet you.
The tears are actually from knowing she may be working soon, and that involves effort rather than just sitting and moaning.
No. 571051
File: 1536157160154.png (970.45 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-09-05-17-15-31…)

Not even 24h since that prediction.
No. 571155
think she is saying that she needs to get some other form of ID to travel to Germany and that's what the money is for. Doesn't she have some other form of ID? She also doesn't need to go to Germany to get her birth certificate, she can ask for it to be sent to any address at least within Germany, and I'm sure she'd be able to find someone to send it on to the UK.
Serious question though, how does she support herself? If she doesn't even have the little money it takes to travel within the EU…
No. 571631
>>571460You do if you're flying.
A lot of countries now have those photo and passport check machines when you land that were implemented post the Brexit vote.
I have relatives in Spain and when going from the UK, I have to have a passport.
No. 571775
File: 1536307690261.png (1.31 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180907-110631.png)

So she got the job
No. 571813
>>571775Has she said what the job actually is?
I could only make out that it's in the Gyle centre in Edinburgh, but that's it.
No. 572284
File: 1536409091696.png (380.02 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-09-08-15-15-51…)

The predictions.
No. 572285
File: 1536409122073.png (1.01 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-09-08-15-15-59…)

No. 572286
File: 1536409189113.png (960.7 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-09-08-15-16-10…)

Started to beg again before probably telling us she quit/will quit.
No. 572288
File: 1536409463254.png (337.81 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-09-08-15-16-31…)

Give me a break.
No. 572358
>>572288She's just trying to make up excuses why she can't work anymore, because she knows really well that there is no actual reason.
Also, nobody - especially at Claire's - cares what you wear. Just wear boyish clothes if you want, nowdays it's totally aceptable for girls without getting weird looks…
No. 572367
>>572366those are like the same thing.
if she was so ~dysphoric~ why did she decide to work at a store full of cutesy stereotypically feminine jewelry?
No. 572639
File: 1536483479304.png (180.02 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-09-09-11-54-28…)

I would make a joke about not paying her bills but it might be true lmao
No. 572714
File: 1536508488627.png (1.57 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180909-184839.png)

No. 573170
File: 1536566722998.png (2.22 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180910-104816.png)

No. 573193
File: 1536581177887.png (637.11 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-09-10-15-04-15…)

Oh yeah,let's not forget about her eye infection, again, not beacuse of excessive make-up, and let's wait for her to announce us how bad it is and ask for money again.
No. 573210
>>572805I've been a Christmas temp in a Claires in Edinburgh and granted its been a few years but this is absolute bullshit about regular theme days. You occasionally have to wear some accessories from the store but that's no different to New Look or Topshop asking staff to wear their clothes whilst working.
If she really wants a valid complaint it should be being forced to pierce 6 month old children's ears with a gun or management speaking to staff like they're toddlers.
But that's not oppression Olympics enough for Fahr. And yeah, she's as insufferable irl as she is online.
No. 573224
>>573170>>573193oh my god never thought I would say it but she should transition
She looks like one of those males who wear uwu cute girly clothes and claim to be trans but it's just a fetish.
No. 573401
>>573193If she doesn't want to present all female because MAH DYSPHORIA, why does she wear so much fucking makeup? Compare this pic to the banner picture here
>>569713, she looks fine with what looks like a lot lighter makeup & it'd come with the additional bonus of not getting eye infections from dirty makeup all the time. If she feels so uwu male, putting on that ugly lipstick should hurt her feefees.
No. 573732
File: 1536684135302.png (260.97 KB, 330x389, Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at 18.4…)

>>156500he should really just stick to drawing comics…. (from an old insta story)
No. 573832
>>524578My German is pretty spotty, but here's an article: sure if that woman is really related to Fahr, but admittedly, Sindram is not a common German surname, and the fact that they're both from Kiel is probably not a coincidence.
No. 574411
>>573329She really is.
Like with Instagram, in person she'll talk non-stop about how 'famous' she is in Germany with her manga, and how she's friends with all these other famous people.
She also shows off £300+ gifts from fans.
She's a pathological liar online and irl and honestly needs to be held a psych ward.
I got fed up of not being able to get how to be her friend.
No. 576033
File: 1537119669133.png (1.01 MB, 1440x2392, Capture _2018-09-16-13-39-42.p…)

What the…
No. 576065
File: 1537127909637.jpg (780.06 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180916-215715_Ins…)

pretty sure nothing happened.
No. 576244
File: 1537165497011.png (731.6 KB, 800x1108, Screenshot_2018-09-16-23-08-15…)

Fahr and William have a new roommate.
No. 576245
File: 1537165533168.png (662.44 KB, 800x895, Screenshot_2018-09-16-23-09-11…)

No. 576247
File: 1537165640234.png (544.98 KB, 800x1099, Screenshot_2018-09-16-23-11-21…)

No. 576250
File: 1537165768424.png (106.08 KB, 800x469, Screenshot_2018-09-16-23-15-29…)

She frequently comments on Lainey's videos. Space princes gotta support!
No. 576251
File: 1537165793135.png (402.17 KB, 800x807, Screenshot_2018-09-16-23-14-46…)

No. 576260
File: 1537171684277.png (Spoiler Image,537.05 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2018-09-16-23-34-26…)

I found this gem while looking for her shaved hairline.
No. 576375
>>576257"looking girly
triggers me!!!" suuuuure
No. 576422
File: 1537221226738.jpg (335.45 KB, 600x450, toysrus5.jpg)

>>576375i think i figured it out. she has a contract with toys r us where they sponsor her cosplay but she isn't allowed to buy clothing from anywhere else. so her only options are to wear boys' superhero costumes or to shop in the barbie section if she wants to appear as a woman. very sad!
No. 576542
File: 1537241382969.png (69.16 KB, 328x285, guy.png)

>>576245Why she look like guy sensei?
No. 576605
>>576542You hush, Guy sensei is a handsome dude in the springtime of his youth~
(For real though, why the fuck would anyone voluntarily shave their hairline like this?! She looks like my aunt with alopecia.)
No. 576658
>>572284>>572285I don't understand why she doesn't just transition then? I see FTM/MTF people working everywhere now, it's much more commonplace and people are a lot more accepting. Tbh she looks more like she's already MTF than a woman anyways.
>>576258>>576257>>572285>I can't present female!!>photoshops self to hell and back to look more cute and female while complaining about having to present female???
>>573170>nothing wildcat ears in public tho
No. 576662
File: 1537286016588.png (234.64 KB, 525x446, ss.png)

>>572285>>572288>>572714>>573170>>576065(Sry, samefag) I didn't realize she WORKED at Claire's. I take back my cat ears comment, it's not that weird then. Why the fuck would she apply to work at the girliest store? If she wanted a part time mall job why not just go for Hot Topic/Box Lunch or something equivalent then? They hock so much Marvel shit to dumb teenage fangirls she could probably dress like ~casual Loki~ and get fawned over all day. Also they probably thought she was MTF and they were being progressive by hiring her.
No. 576709
>>576658Remember, she's
actually intersex.
No. 577015
File: 1537350446054.jpg (105.57 KB, 611x716, 1483491030380.jpg)

>>569713>>571775>>572285>>576257>>576258she doesn't have gender dysphoria she has chin dysphoria
(rip sweet prince stefan)
No. 577026
File: 1537354498322.png (1.48 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180916-230925.png)

No. 577032
File: 1537357034173.png (2.04 MB, 1600x2501, IMG_20180919_133523.png)

Now she's a gay man!
No. 577158
File: 1537385381461.jpg (693.44 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180919-212551_Ins…)

wow… that escalated quickly xD(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 577208
>>577158rofl that's hilarious because being born intersex is considered a biological defect since most intersex people (if not all) are sterile.
(no hate at all on sterile people, but that is what happens) It isn't a label or a sexuality.
No. 577541
>>515680 for her description and an explanation of how she is incorrect.
Also, she said that she didn't know that she was intersex until a few years ago. If she has CAIS she would have realized something was wrong long before then.
No. 577791
File: 1537496749713.png (431.96 KB, 686x1028, Screenshot_2018-09-20-19-21-29…)

No. 577845
>>577032so, a straight woman?
>>577792why does she try so hard to legitimize incest? it's completely bizarre.
No. 578207
File: 1537605858393.jpg (29.2 KB, 500x279, 635.jpg)

>>577845>gay>but I could love anyone>so pansexual!>but like the gay versionGoddamn I really don't want to yuck anyone's yum and to support this whole gender revolution we're going through but this kind of shit sucks so much. My sexuality is Occam's Razor and I'm
triggered by this!!!
No. 578364
File: 1537651662552.png (724.68 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-09-23-00-15-32…)

"Blah, blah, blah" (she tries to make a big deal out of anemia.)
"Blah, blah, blah" (is hard to make money)
"Blah, blah, blah" (She can't cosplay without moneey)
Which means..
You guessed it!
She needs money again, I give it a week until she begs for it.
[Attention whore indeed.]
No. 578385
File: 1537654198532.jpg (962.03 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180923-000823_Ins…)

"wahh wahhh you are sooo disgusting!"
No. 578386
File: 1537654272089.jpg (820.17 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180923-000828_Ins…)

….and 15 minutes later she calls another actor a "thot".
but it is only for fuuuunnnnn!!
No. 578629
File: 1537719984017.png (500.69 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-09-23-19-13-41…)

No. 578631
File: 1537720101392.png (627.56 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-09-23-19-14-19…)

Did she just describe herself?
curb your meme song starts playing
No. 578660
>>578631So someone who is checking constantly everything that is posted about Loki on social media, dresses up as Loki every other day and spamming Loki pictures on Insta every day is complaining about fans who are too obsessed with Loki?
(And also what person thinks they are actually Loki except for mentally challenged people…)
No. 578699
File: 1537733325244.png (413.57 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180923-225509.png)

No. 578700
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No. 578701
File: 1537733360215.png (468.7 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180923-225828.png)

No. 578702
File: 1537733432839.png (628.74 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180923-230102.png)

Here are some highlights of her rant about Loki cosplayers. She really needs to chill.
No. 579223
File: 1537779924281.gif (732.4 KB, 300x168, 37b96a27-b4eb-4f78-a1c2-18f194…)

No. 579715
File: 1537872951453.png (988.13 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180925-134146.png)

She really cant take a compliment, she just loves to fight with people
No. 579716
File: 1537872978519.png (1.33 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180925-134243.png)

No. 579811
File: 1537900726049.png (431.64 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180925-164407.png)

No. 579812
File: 1537900755076.png (1.74 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180925-213700.png)

No. 580034
File: 1537951175309.jpg (1.14 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180926-093555_Ins…)

I thought she hates J.K. Rowling for liking transphobic tweets? why is she so hyped for phantastic beasts then?
No. 580035
File: 1537951278133.jpg (419.73 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180926-093620_Ins…)

ahahaha xD
No. 581307
>>581098She just chose the religion because it has Loki in it. But it seems she never actually practised the religion.
You can't just say you are are part of a religion when you never ever practise it and are also not culturally born into it.
No. 581316
>>515934I hate the gateway fans the MCU has created, christ just read this she won't make an effort to read the comics but OMG LOKI YOU GUISE uwu
pathetic fucking child
No. 583506
File: 1538405773838.png (1.22 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-10-01-17-50-23…)

Of course not but you can use it to get money.
No. 583507
File: 1538405807027.png (410.44 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-10-01-17-50-37…)

No. 583512
File: 1538406254308.png (1006.97 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-10-01-17-52-04…)

Lmao, so for her these anti lgbt laws don't mean "you can't do your intimate stuff here, it's against our beliefs so just respect our laws while you visit {like any other country that has laws} :)" it means "IF YOU ARE LGBT YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO COME IN THIS COUNTRY EVER!!!!!"
No. 583870
File: 1538464361788.png (670.1 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-10-02-10-11-10…)

Attention everybody!!
Soaps can be pagan now!!
No. 584435
>>584009they only banned things with alleged metaphysical properties.
like, if she tried to say she blessed the soaps with her mystical energy then they're banned, but she can still sell soaps.
hell with the ban she can even say "these herbs are said to do x" she can't just make the claim as a fact.
No. 585343
File: 1538806920104.png (330.01 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181006-091536.png)

No. 585344
File: 1538806980599.png (379.76 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181006-091545.png)

So now she is jewish… also is germany as bad as she makes it to be?
No. 585367
>>585344She forgot to add that she‘s Astru pagan lol
Also Germany isn’t thaaaat bad. It’s totally fine to be gay or whatever you want to be. Of course they are some people who are homophobic but I think every country has those people
No. 585370
File: 1538814811882.png (300.28 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181006-013225.png)

Germany seems fine with a lot of shit she complained about. She just wants pity
No. 585372
>>585344I don’t know how it is in Scotland but in Germany you just have to do a lot of paper work if you’re mentally ill / sick and want to work. So I think she’s just lazy
My sister lately married her wife and they got treatend like a "normal" couple
No. 585439
>>585344The only really bad thing for her in germany is that at her age the job agencies won't allow her to go study again or do another job education. That age they just try to get you to work, either in the field you originally learned or whatever they can find for you. Otherwise your welfare (the infamous Hartz IV) will get shortened if you keep declining job offers or drop out of the jobs they get you.
I think that answers why she doesn't want to come back to germany.
>>585422The neighbours in their old place. That's why she collected money again to emergency move
No. 585595
File: 1538878505081.png (1.93 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181006-185624.png)

No. 585660
File: 1538899764951.png (265.35 KB, 678x1032, Screenshot_2018-10-07-01-06-47…)

6 days ago.
No. 585661
File: 1538899812727.png (226.58 KB, 800x886, Screenshot_2018-10-07-01-06-05…)

2 days ago.
Is their roommate having to play nursemaid to them both?
No. 585671
File: 1538904363809.png (1.48 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181007-121151.png)

No. 585672
File: 1538904418584.png (2.32 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181007-121214.png)

No. 585673
File: 1538904452238.png (687.46 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181007-121238.png)

No. 585825
>>585344>I can't live in Germany because I'm Jewish>2018Huh?
Anyway, you can live in Germany pretty comfortably while being all of those things she listed, either she doesn't know how the system works or she figured "because I wanted to" wasn't dramatic enough.
No. 586064
File: 1539011115717.jpg (333.29 KB, 884x1506, Screenshot_20181008-170138_201…)

No. 587447
File: 1539245938327.png (683.87 KB, 676x1171, Screenshot_2018-10-11-01-15-37…)

She must be seriously ill. She's cosplaying a character not played by Tom.
No. 587474
File: 1539254846772.png (456.96 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-10-11-13-45-37…)

Suuuuuuure lol
No. 587651
File: 1539289954152.png (658.24 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181011-195516.png)

No. 588162
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No. 588163
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No. 588164
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No. 588166
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No. 588167
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No. 588168
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No. 588169
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No. 588170
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No. 588171
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No. 588735
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No. 589213
Is she referring to a specific person or am I missing something here?
No. 589469
File: 1539809017348.png (1.11 MB, 750x1334, 171A8E4E-7DC0-4427-B791-304B8C…)

How can someone be so annoying?!
You could tell her how cold it is in fucking Antarctica and she’d be like "excuse my how dare you assume that I didn’t know bc my grandmothers cousin lives there so I’m part of this culture"
No. 589479
>>589469This is one of the worst things about her. She's so rude and condescending when people are just trying to converse with her.
I dunno how she can keep this haughty attitude up when she's a broke loser who resorts to e begging all the time.
No. 589617
File: 1539851885728.png (187.42 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181017-170201.png)

No idea what this is about.
No. 589618
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No. 589619
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No. 589620
File: 1539851940097.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181018-113019.png)

No. 590139
>>589693I don't entirely disagree, but you can see most of her top lip under the foundation
But you can also see the sharp edges from b where she took two separate photos and basically pasted half of her face from the photo with makeup.
I don't really get why she did it, but she did.
No. 590445
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No. 590446
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No. 591645
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No. 591646
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No. 591647
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No. 594432
File: 1541162156857.png (1.56 MB, 750x1334, 2A23E5C5-7ED9-4D6E-8614-3A1683…)

Apparently she’s also half polnisch
No. 594759
File: 1541265059343.jpeg (195.02 KB, 407x645, 2B0142F8-F1A5-4FDB-8CB8-4E79B6…)

>>594683Half man, half bear, and half pig.
No. 595072
File: 1541343859520.png (875.17 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181104-124136.png)

No. 597729
File: 1541878465755.jpg (796.77 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181110-203151_Ins…)

I really don't get why people without dysphoria should be considered as trans. You DO need dysphoria to transition. If you transition without dysphoria you will get dysphoria AFTER your transition!
No. 598380
File: 1542048100666.jpg (873.85 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20181112-194039.jpg)

Looks like she forgot her own Manga….
No. 598470
>>598463in the second season a blonde boy named alois is basically a sex toy/sugar baby to a rich old guy for the benefits
Fuck i wish i could sage this shit
No. 598572
>>598463Before Japan made underage things illegal, the mangaka did a few shotacon stories independent of Black Butler fetishizing it. She DID sort of help with creating Alois Trancy for season 2 of the anime but, unlike a few of her previous stories, the shotacon wasn't shown as a romantic thing or in a good light. And of course never explicitly. She's also insinuated that Ciel was raped when he was in the cages at his younger age, especially in more recent chapters, but I'm pretty sure she no longer does explicit things and doubt she would do these things going forward with the law changes. Not defending the mangaka's past. But. Sometimes you need to make that coin I guess??
TL;DR: Mangaka used to be a shotacon artist but has since pretty much villainized shotacon relationships. Pretty much like Fahr claims her comic does.
No. 598582
File: 1542087970986.png (Spoiler Image,984.89 KB, 1374x868, 2018-11-13 06_44_40-.png)

>>598572>Before Japan made underage things illegalThey didn't, child pornography is illegal but that doesn't apply here, and the main reason Yana Toboso probably stopped making shota is because she's too famous now. That said, Fahr is still in no position to criticize her considering pic related is how she draws and talks about her child prostitute character, and even though this was 13 years ago she was still
in her 20s.
This is openly accessible on her dA, spoilered because it's nsflw anyway.
No. 598630
File: 1542105528552.png (495.86 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181113-123719.png)

No. 598631
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No. 599649
File: 1542323876774.png (651.29 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181116-001716.png)

Ummm didn't she ask for money just some weeks ago?? What's that with a new drawing tablet now??!
No. 599918
>>599731Feelings aren't real unless you post about them on social media anon, everybody knows that.
>>599649Someone has asked her for a recommendation, not the other way around.
No. 600106
>>598631 Lol, she can fuck right off.
I've cosplayed from Marvel but was never a die hard fan of Stan Lee. A ton of people contributed to Marvel works which people can like besides him. Plus, a lot of people are still pissed about him not crediting other folk for creating characters with him.
Funny how Fahr, who constantly bitches about crediting, doesn't seem to remember that.
No. 601714
File: 1542659942390.png (723.96 KB, 682x1122, yer a girl.png)

>stop triggering muh dysphoria!
No. 601716
File: 1542660015148.png (552.33 KB, 800x1036, not a guy.png)

>please ask me about my health!
No. 601819
>>601714>>601758Yeah, they never once stated specifically female. Only the species of the character. She's nearing 40 and she's so fucking
triggered by everything for no reason. what a dumb bitch
No. 602566
>>598630>>598631So let me get this straight. Its ok for this woman to talk down to Marvel cosplayers who do this for fun and make them feel bad because they didn't say there thanks to Stan Lee? But the actor who owes his career to Marvel doesn't need to say his thanks simply because he isn't as active on social media as he used to be? WTF!
Hiddleston who works for Marvel and has benefited immensely from Marvel ,and continues to, and owes his damn career to Marvel, should be the one most of all who should say "Thank You" to Stan Lee on his social media. Especially since he lately has returned to social media.
But this is what happens with sexually frustrated fangirls/ special snowflake lgbtqabcdefg SJWs. This woman is out of her mind. Who the fuck does she think she is talking down to people simply because they didn't say 'thanks' to Stan Lee. I don't think Stan Lee cares, especially now that he's dead.
She needs to get a job instead of making her life revolve around Tumblr and Tom Hiddleston. She's not a girl she's a grown ass woman.
No. 602588
File: 1542830058304.jpg (1001.6 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181121-171853_Ins…)

This bitch. She recently got on someone's case for assuming she likes Drag Race and went on a rant about how she'd never have anything to do with how transphobic it is, but ignores all the ~problematic aspects of media she likes because she has no absolutely principles where foppish, twinky Brits she wants to cosplay are concerned. Also she did see this movie but since someone else paid for her cinema ticket she doesn't support it even while cosplaying the main character? Guess she doesn't support anything then, as she doesn't pay for any of her shit.
No. 602614
File: 1542835252671.gif (1.51 MB, 498x221, tenor.gif)

>>trannies being triggered>>but Harry Potter is childhood>>impotent tranny rage mixed with inner conflict>>JK has literally millions of whiteknights>>trannies get squashed in internet slapfightsBased JK. Makes me want to forgive her for being so cringy on twitter.
No. 603094
File: 1542964134085.png (475.27 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181122-160327.png)

Why im not suprised that she doesnt like Rupaul. She loves to hate popular things.
No. 603324
File: 1543017625664.jpg (1.67 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181124-005937_Ins…)

Huh. Will she actually get T? I highly doubt that.
No. 603421
>>603324Why such an arbitrarily long time away anyway? It's not like she's being forced to wait 2020 by a healthcare provider.
>>603384 Rupaul says that drag is exclusively for men and if youre not a man then it's not drag. Personally I found his opinion to be reasonable, but I think there was drama around Rupaul saying that transgender women shouldn't apply to the show.
No. 603461
>>603421Most clinics have wait times and require referrals which means an additional wait time to see a GP. Glasgow Sandyford Gender Identity Clinic accepts people from anywhere in Scotland. The Sandyford NHS Gender Identity Clinic currently has around a 12 month waiting time for a first appointment. Often people are referred to the Sandyford NHS Gender Identity Clinic by their GP Practice but it is also possible to self-refer to the clinic by phoning 0141 211 8137.
The Edinburgh Chalmers Gender Identity Clinic accepts people from NHS Lothian, NHS Borders, NHS Fife and NHS Forth Valley areas. The Edinburgh Chalmers GIC currently has around a 4 month waiting time for a first appointment. The Edinburgh Chalmers GIC prefers people to be referred by their GP Practice to the clinic.
No. 603484
>>603483 for her for seeing things as they are and not getting duped
imaginary sage
No. 603492
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No. 603511
>>603094Ru may not be perfect but at least he eventually apologised, and Drag Race is bringing Sonique and Gia back, who are MTF and completed transitioning.
But whatever, he is cancelled in Fahr's eyes, even though he has done way more for the causes that she claims to care about than all of the people she stans.
No. 603522
>>603421Ru paul also said that it would be an unfair advantage to bring transppl onto the show for obvious reasons. I agree with him.
>>603484She's still dumb and racist, but at least she understands some things.
>>603508It's all documented here too. Stupid bitch probably thinks she can just pretend it never happened and jump on the trans trend train cuz she's a more masculine looking woman.
No. 603531
>>603522This video needs archiving
If she is truly intersex she would not need to attend a gender clinic for treatment and endure the wait time.
>Ru paulAgreed. The fact that he was harassed for having the audacity to gatekeep his own show and felt he needed to apologise under the pressure is just sad.
No. 603623
File: 1543095700014.png (962.92 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181124-232527.png)

Oh i wonder why she posted this. Not to beg someone to buy these for herself forsure
No. 603933
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No. 603934
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No. 603935
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No. 604271
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No. 604470
>>601714Late to the party but Dax has had both male and female hosts and both Trills and Vulcans can be male or female so there’s really no reason whatsoever to think that poster told her to cosplay a woman. She already lashes out at imagined slights and if she really starts taking testosterone it will probably make her even more aggressive.
>>603492>a healthy fit for my body>it hurts and makes my arms go numb…okay
No. 605620
>>604275>no one liked her 3deep4u photos of her in slumsPlease tell me more.
She's so gross so I'm not surprised.
No. 605699
File: 1543383364978.png (732.59 KB, 843x552, b121bc5362fb690d1d22be39199854…)

>>605620she just took a ton of "artsy" pictures of her in sweet lolita in like fast food restuarants and dumpy train stations, or shitty parts of towns. she tried to pass them off as deep and meaningful, as if lolita was some beacon of hope or some shit and everyone thought she was full of it. pic related was her infamous mcdonalds one.
No. 605766
File: 1543386710745.jpg (65.53 KB, 452x700, fahr_mettenhof.jpg)

>>605699another from this series. iirc some anon on cgl claimed their cousin was one of the girls in this picture
No. 605827
File: 1543393380839.png (1.3 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181128-100906.png)

No. 605864
>>605769Yes, I too have random bullies who laugh and point fingers a metre away from me when a camera is directed in their direction. It's an obviously staged photo.
(Not saying you didn't know that)
No. 606858
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No. 611715
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No. 611716
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No. 611786
>>610154I'm very interested anon, please post them!
I can translate if you don't feel like it.
No. 612649
>>610154Now that you mention it, each time I was over at her house, she had an international friend staying over.
During that time, she also displayed her elephant trunk dildo which I
think she said a fan bought her.
I'm glad I have dissociated with her - though I miss Will and do not get what he sees in her and how and why he puts up with her fake bullshit.
No. 613387
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No. 613415
File: 1544688942784.jpg (11.08 KB, 275x236, 1528573188842.jpg)

>>613387so she's an ugly straight girl. who's shocked
No. 613535
File: 1544723812582.png (949.74 KB, 800x1045, much male.png)

>>613510Were they a straight couple before Will had hormones, top surgery, and facial hair?
Why is Will's dysphoria and identity as a TiF valid and Fahr's is not? You can't have it both ways just to satisfy your narrative.
Acknowledging that they are both female taking cosplaying their slash fic so far as to go trans is infinitely more milky. Fahr behaves in such an exaggeration of masculinity towards her female friends as to be a cringy caricature.
And they aren't the only TiF cosplayers in their social group.
No. 613547
>>613535* I do not know anything about Will, but I do know about Fahr. There's a big reason why Fahr is the cow here. She is severely delusional, and I don't care if you think all trans people
are in the same boat as her. There is no milk about Will other than some shitty Thor cosplay and it's seriously boring to read about.
* Fahr has done nothing to transition, nor do I think she ever will. She is like Lainey that way. There will be some excuse later for why she will not get hormones etc.
* In your estimation she's a lesbian. Are you saying that if a Hiddleston lookalike man showed up she wouldn't dump Will? Why is it so important that shes a lesbian?
* I honestly don't have a horse in this race but it is becoming really tiresome to hear the same rhetoric over and over again in this thread. Come back in a few years, Fahr will have a new identity and perhaps a new obsession. There is a difference between fakebois who never intend to have surgery and fake dyphoria for a few years and those that do go through with it, no matter what your feelings are on trans people as a whole. Transtrender is a term for a reason.
Now can we please get back to the milk?
No. 613613
File: 1544732161457.png (786.32 KB, 800x1101, error.png)

>>613547She doesn't want Tom, she wants to
be Tom.
>I do not know anything about WillBut the crux of your argument that she is straight is that Will is masculine.
They got together before Will medically transitioned. Thus I described her as a lesbian. In the interview that brought her notoriety for being a confused gender fluid snowflake Will said, "I feel like I have a boyfriend and girlfriend."
She is expressing dysphoria more and more and seems to have dropped the intersex nonsense. If she were truly intersex she wouldn't have to be on a waitlist for treatment at a gender clinic. Only time will tell if this is a phase and if she's a trender.
No. 614171
>>613613Shes bi at best so stop using lesbian as a weird umbrella term, she wants to transition so she can be a gay man together with another gay man (another woman who wants to be a gay man)
Its just a snake eating it self, Will is just another tranny and this fahr thread has been filled with cosplaying trannies who try to shit on her gender sperging while caping for "legitimate" individuals like they dont know what site they're on.
Not to mention you would be surprised the shit fakebois will put up with of same sex relationships just to get to some weird moral end goal of living a gay male life or until they drop taking testo, call themselves gender queer and get a bf instead.
Just let the milk flow instead of shitting up going back sounding like underage locals who just wanna talk shit about Fahr but not anybody she associates with bc ur ~not rlly "transphobic" just to those who arent "legitimate" uwu~
No. 614192
File: 1544882841114.png (38.71 KB, 800x211, fahr.png)

>she wants to transition so she can be a gay man together with another gay man>Will is just another tranny That's been my point.
>Just let the milk flowWhere are the Facebook farmers?
No. 614390
File: 1544949997984.png (1.76 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181216-103516.png)

How was Nagini racist?
No. 614468
File: 1544978933445.png (498.58 KB, 800x1103, fahr askfm.png)

She started using her account again recently. No. 614469
File: 1544979108988.png (176.9 KB, 799x816, fahr askfm2.png)

Older posts.
(And fuck all these web 2.0 sites that can't be arsed to date content)
No. 614471
File: 1544979291238.jpg (33.56 KB, 449x600, 10346460_10204256087228756_451…)

Also older, from around the time of her Only Lovers Left Alive cosplays. She posted this pic and a convoluted novel of a reply to the question
Do you think it is okay to ask for donations again even though you didn't even deliver anything after the last time you begged for money? No. 614544
>>614471Does anyone remember what she was in hospital for?
Also dunno why she's using paying doctors as an example when her medical bills would be free in Scotland. Unless she's on private, but no way she could afford private healthcare.
No. 614616
>>614544For her VERY SEVERE (totally normal) iron deficiency.
It's so easily treatable and the fact that she's in hospital all the time for it tells me that she WANTS to be sick for pity points. Even if her levels were low enough to make her feel faint or dizzy all she needs to do is take a supplement once a day.
No. 615697
>>614471Her deliberately putting on sadface for the camera
triggers me hard. Grow up for fuck's sake.
No. 615878
>>615729I wish Will would just dump her instead of fueling all of her bullshit.
But she'd probably just ebeg for her own place and whine even more.
No. 616134
>>605585Good. She deserves all the self-inflicted suffering she indulges in for oppreshun points. What a twat.
>>605699The faces of those three guys behind the counter. What did she tell them?
>actually I'm a guy like you guys uwu>>606858>if I'm a guy and vajazzle my vag that makes it masculine!All these fake trannies who think their words are magic and make it so need to get rolled off a cliff, the ones with the feminine penises even more than this one.
>>613415A gay bottom with two fuck holes instead of one, anon, that makes her extra double bonus gay and so much better than run of the mill cis gays.
No. 616821
File: 1545518739999.png (623.02 KB, 687x1050, Screenshot_2018-12-22-14-41-46…)

>>613613I spoke too soon. The #intersex tag is back.
Hi, Fahr!
No. 617459
>>156500Lurk more
>>515320 and learn to embed.
No. 619105
File: 1546166621819.png (1.67 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181229-191740.png)

No. 619106
File: 1546167990797.jpeg (92.43 KB, 589x1045, 8587DE1C-3799-4B75-9894-C0196F…)

This woman i swear…
No. 619107
File: 1546168048571.jpeg (81.78 KB, 578x1026, EB4B62DC-2261-4E50-88B8-E1EE8D…)

Oh boy …
No. 619459
>>619107I get it that it can be tiring when rabdom people messages you about their suicide thoughs, but she is such a draamaquuen. She had to go some shelter because she was so
triggered about other peoples suicide thoughs. Just blog those people or dont read their messages.
No. 619572
>>610154Sorry for the late update, I didn‘t have the time to get screenshots. But Fahr blocked me on Instagram shortly after I posted here so all our convos there are gone now. I‘ll see if I can log back into my old facebook.
(I can remember her telling me something about being unable to sell prints, because they cost soo much money. About roughly 20cents in every drugstore in germany. So she had to beg for money etc.)
Also she refused to come home over the holidays, because „mother I am so jewish“ or what ever.
No. 619978
>>619572So she actually lurks on here regularly then?
You'd think everything we post would be a wakeup call for her to stop being such a piece of shit.
Doesn't she sell those incest Loki polaroids still?
She has no clue about the value of money considering Will pays for everything.
No. 620184
>>619978Concidering that she used to google herself almost every day when her Loki first went off, I wouldn‘t be surprised if she actually lurks here. I can ask a mutual friend if she‘s ever mentioned anything.
Fahr is so delusional that she would never ever admit that we‘re right. I‘ve the feeling that she‘s told so many lies by now that she can‘t keep up with what‘s actually true.
No. 622972
File: 1546879275216.jpg (410.94 KB, 1080x906, IMG_2019-01-07_17-31-38_mh1546…)

Instagram dump incoming.
Fahr rallies her troops of white knights to fight a catfish and asks her followers to harass two people the catfish interacted with.
Would fahr only put all this energy work into keeping a job…
No. 623295
File: 1546957510674.png (305.53 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190108-155926.png)

This catfish thing is kinda interesting.
No. 623307
>>623295Why is she so obsessed proofing that she's the real one to these people?
I can get behind sending them one message but doing more than informing her own followers is really weird imo.
No. 624074
File: 1547106815252.png (331.04 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190109-153718.png)

When you cant answer simple question without whining.
No. 624075
File: 1547106872197.png (856.22 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190110-092722.png)

No. 626529
File: 1547589628149.jpg (640.98 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190115-215924_Ins…)

How does she not afford rent?
She'd get working tax credit being unemployed and Will works full time. Plus they have a flatmate.
She just wants money for cosplay or Loki shit I'm betting.
No. 626754
>>626529Omg. She just 'casually' posted this AGAIN. Check her insta highlights.
Someone donate 0.1p and tell her to stop ebegging along with.
No. 628287
File: 1547999332302.jpg (265.86 KB, 1080x681, 20190120_124454.jpg)

Omg finally!!
No. 628608
>>628566With the cosplay thing, what ones DID she actually make?
She goes from saying she 'commissions talented people' to 'I make some' on a daily basis. Whenever I saw anything being made she didn't commission it was Will making it…
I know she only has like 2 cosplays but still.
Also dreading her ever cosplaying Alucard from Castlevania like she's hinted before.
Please don't bring your bullshit to Castlevania/SotN fans, PLEASE.
No. 628609
File: 1548100512025.jpeg (245.2 KB, 640x1136, 17D492DC-6EB8-477B-A870-0151FD…)

No. 628634
>>628609>Chronic depression, anxiety, PTSDThese are literally the only ones that keep her from work.
>Anaemia, hormone imbalance, blood pressure issues, lactose intolerance, cat hair allergyWho doesn't? Like almost every grown woman has anaemia, her hormones aren't in check and blood pressure is too low lol
Lactose intolerance and cat hair allergy are not at all relevant when it comes to looking for work.
>Damaged stomach, damaged spine, fractured knee, damaged noseGet a desk job then.
Does she think the working population is all 100% healthy and happy all the time?!
No. 628870
>>628634In fairness, she also sounds too stupid for a lot of desk jobs.
I think a lot of workshy people think people that actually do work are 100% healthy, and I've personally gotten "omg you shouldn't be working." from those in that mindset who know about my spooniness and my job. idk.
No. 632968
File: 1548683487020.jpg (659.33 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190128-144813_Ins…)

Any bets how long she will actually keep the job this time?
No. 632969
File: 1548683624886.jpg (618.42 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190126-220544_Ins…)

Quits her job at claire's because she "has to" to dress girly, wears lolita…
No. 632976
File: 1548685443134.png (580.25 KB, 684x1052, Screenshot_2019-01-28-06-19-32…)

>Your purchase entitles you to used the artwork I’m creating for you ONCE, for a tattooHow can she stipulate and enforce that?
>>632968Has she said what the job is?
No. 632980
File: 1548685701834.png (521.98 KB, 677x1183, Screenshot_2019-01-28-06-16-16…)

>>632969Quit her job cause dysphoria, yet
>clothing have no gender No. 632981
File: 1548685773896.png (715.25 KB, 687x1053, Screenshot_2019-01-28-06-18-05…)

No. 633017
>>633002My point was that if she believes clothing has no gender, how can she claim to have been so
triggered by having to "dress like a girl" that she had to quit her job?
No. 635237
File: 1549009953488.png (4.95 MB, 1125x2436, 2EF2C5DB-628D-487C-9BBE-D8B1B1…)

Cries about having no money but buys a plush which costs around 45€
(I assume that it’s new because I own it too and it was added around December to the Disney store)
No. 635718
File: 1549105002130.png (661.92 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190202-114716.png)

No. 635719
File: 1549105051126.png (456.97 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190202-114726.png)

No. 635720
File: 1549105077614.png (559.66 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190202-114848.png)

No. 635721
File: 1549105105726.png (354.45 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190202-115001.png)

No. 635736
File: 1549113478828.png (85.48 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-02-02-15-17-27…)

She clearly didn't blew up that "triggering" message out of proportions so that the fans will feel bad for her and then post a random shit about the bills so that the touched ones will donate.
Totally not intentional.
No. 635848
>>635736Her insta stories are my favourite, they make her look absolutely monsterous and she has no idea how badly her narc delusions are on display.
"My disphoria is killing me, can't live with being perceived as a girl!"
followed by simpering pic of her in Sweet Lolita oot coord"My job is so hard. I might have to quit soon. Why don't my colleagues see me for the gift that I am?"
"Will's really ill right now but I'm sad because nobody is thinking about MY struggles!"
"Followers, post an assumption about me! Why YES, I AM a kind, wonderful person who is one of life's givers uwu"
And of course beg beg beggity beg all day every day. It's more on brand than Loki at this point.
No. 636190
File: 1549198579130.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190203-113931.png)

Yeah Nigri hire her so she can draw boobs. Its not like she can do it free or because she wants to.
No. 637410
File: 1549453062394.png (1.33 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190205-162014.png)

No. 637714
File: 1549527688108.png (534.11 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-02-07-10-20-02…)

I'm a prediction god.
No. 638351
>>628287>You are an almost 40 years old manAre you kidding me? The genderspecialness is just as much bullshit as every other cundishun she has. She's almost forty and utterly useless, but she is not now nor will she ever be a man.
>>628634Right? The rest of us keep our mouth shut on social media so we can keep our fucking jobs and not risk our promotions because we needed to overshare things our bosses do not need to know.
>>633017She's a moron and insane, and whoever hired that, is going to deeply regret it. She's going to fuck things up for all gender specials, her boss will never give any of them a chance again.
No. 638424
File: 1549731976679.png (25.26 KB, 558x169, e2qDVRj.png)

>>638419You mean like Mira, Momokun, Sheena, and… Pixyteri, who this board is named after? /pt/ encompasses all genres.
>theyNo. Just no.
Anyway, there was a drama thread on /cgl/ that got nuked and Fahr made an appearance. I checked her tumblr and saw that she goes by Philippe now.
No. 639405
File: 1549996976505.png (73.64 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-02-12-20-41-36…)

No. 639406
File: 1549997117494.png (131.85 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-02-12-20-41-43…)

May I ask, what exactly is triggering here…
No. 639407
File: 1549997223368.png (62.68 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-02-12-20-41-47…)

I smell some e-begging soon.
No. 640644
File: 1550326225865.png (605.3 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-02-16-10-29-48…)

No you don't*
No. 640646
File: 1550326386146.png (331.59 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-02-16-16-12-33…)

- this is called truth*
+ and your family knows very well how delusional you are.
No. 640734
>>640644This. It's sad that idiots like barflight use '
triggered' so lightly when actual people with ptsd have real life
triggers and struggle to function in the real world. She's trash
No. 641154
File: 1550451042334.jpg (714.21 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190218-004855_Ins…)

No. 641177
File: 1550453552031.gif (1.08 MB, 320x240, A7FCCBF2-941B-4406-9133-C06E58…)

>>641154Imagine having this bizarre obsession with a character/actor so that your top priority is to out-fan everyone else.
No. 643343
>>643335-Cries about being broke
-Goes on holiday and gets tattoo immediately after asking followers for money
No. 643378
>>643369She's still in it but she said something like "until Will is better" in her live, which suggests she's gonna quit as soon as her meal ticket is well enough to work? I feel bad for her Claire's colleagues. They were probs just normal friendly people but Fahr has to be the
victim so she dressed up high femme and cast them as the bad guys when they misgendered her.
No. 643470
>>643378I thought she quit her job at Claire's because she was expected to present as feminine and simply couldn't deal with the horrible clothing-induced gender dysphoria any longer.
Of course then she turned around and started wearing lolita again because clothes have no gender and don't make her feel like a girl at all:
>>632969>>632980I wonder what her excuse will be this time.
Her old colleagues are probably glad to be rid of her, because she seems like the type of person who spends all day in the break room on her phone and then plays the
victim when asked to do her job.
No. 643807
File: 1551454512914.png (237.54 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-03-01-17-30-31…)

I like how everything has to revolve around Tom or Loki.
Just say your damn age.
(Or is she too embarrased about being old and still acting like a little prick?)
No. 643913
>>643807I think in this case she's just counting on people being too lazy to look up Tom Hiddleston's age lmao.
…Oh Jesus, I just looked up his age and apparently that makes Fahr 38. How is an almost 40-year-old adult acting like this? Lord what the fuck.
No. 644005
File: 1551568135319.png (454.2 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190302-150858.png)

"Forced" Oh jeez…
No. 644058
File: 1551602149456.png (327.16 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-03-03-10-30-15…)

How ironic.
No. 644583
File: 1551877843723.png (714.93 KB, 750x1334, DB174873-8F53-45CE-9DA4-AB6D04…)

Let the e-begging commence!
Also “I work to help out Will.” How about working to support yourself because you’re an adult?
No. 644844
File: 1551983524247.png (1.1 MB, 750x1334, D7CAD759-6797-488C-9954-AA8212…)

Oh how convenient.
No. 645248
File: 1552171078666.jpeg (161.58 KB, 750x827, 645544C7-F109-43F9-8E7A-ECA7C9…)

No. 645249
File: 1552171177398.jpeg (350.41 KB, 750x1165, 5BB020AA-AEE4-41E0-A416-6C5457…)

No. 645250
File: 1552171298022.jpeg (252.39 KB, 750x1171, 2DC5AD8D-ADEB-4D3E-A08D-FEC1DB…)

Note this dramatic line “And I’ll be frank, I’ll be dead by then”
No. 645539
File: 1552314363852.png (1.33 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190311-160948.png)

No. 646698
File: 1552819847835.png (169.88 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190317-124303.png)

No. 646716
File: 1552832626626.png (1.58 MB, 750x1334, 7D4AAA56-3A4A-4AB1-BB62-76A77F…)

Is she asexual now? I thought she was a gay man.
No. 646893
>>646885Nah, it's a real thing- one of my friends is asexual, as in, she legitimately has no interest in sex and no desire to have sex, and she never has.
Fahr, though, is not asexual and is just stating, in a very roundabout way, that she's a normal person who's not constantly horny. Big whoop. Fahr, in case you read here: most people are not, in fact, constantly horny lmao.
No. 647691
File: 1553188492921.png (1.38 MB, 640x1136, 13DD8AA5-8E03-48F5-ACC6-DD72C3…)

No. 647858
>>643335>everyone misgendered her but she didn't correct themthat's understandable given that correcting them means outing yourself as trans and it can put you in danger, not saying that was the case here but it's not proof
>>646715And if it's not about Tom Hiddleston, same deal. It's a catch-22.
>>646716You can be both. I'm ace and I'm romantically interested in girls so I'm both asexual and a lesbian.
No. 648789
File: 1553711763683.png (599.23 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-03-27-20-32-00…)

No. 648790
File: 1553711791414.png (727.75 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-03-27-20-32-28…)

No. 648791
File: 1553711813766.png (603.08 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-03-27-20-32-31…)

No. 648792
File: 1553711954856.png (770.45 KB, 680x576, 9f9.png)

No. 648948
File: 1553791902448.jpg (520.45 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190328-174609.jpg)

Wtf is this Himezawa?
No. 648968
File: 1553804659070.png (1.86 MB, 750x1334, 3E324368-4629-4D6C-8011-9D2AFF…)

No. 649063
File: 1553868535433.jpg (371.16 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190329-150600.jpg)

B-but remember, she doesn't support incest
I'm so tired of this shit
No. 650517
>>650357She lives in Scotland.
Could she return to Germany for medical care?
No. 650820
File: 1554302527893.png (1.61 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190403-164050.png)

So Fahr and Himezawa are best pals now.
Didn't know Zawa was living in Scotland.
No. 654503
>>650843Himezawa thread can be found here
>>>/w/39353She's a burnout weeb idol wannabe who visa married in Japan, escorted to "pay off her husband's debts" in her words. She divorced him, went back to Germany, and then got a dodgy looking nosejob. She's now riding some kind of fakeboi/costhot phase out I guess.
This might be one of my fav cow crossovers.
No. 654755
File: 1555789935264.jpg (37.96 KB, 640x397, titties.jpg)

>>644844but how is she going to be oppressed on the internet without tiddies??
>>644005this is wild….I can't even begin to wrap my head around what this logic is
No. 655391
File: 1555995077261.png (795.97 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190422-130055.png)

She says this but gets triggered when people come to her with their problems. You cant be all "im here for you" and then get upset when people open up to you.
No. 655692
File: 1556108940529.png (254.72 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190424-142616.png)

She just needs to be the MOST chronically ill person huh
No. 656358
File: 1556347500550.jpg (303.11 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190427-084320_Ins…)

this is just so cringy
No. 656519
File: 1556403690766.png (1.17 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190427-152041.png)

Or maybe because she Photoshop and make up her face a lot.
No. 657595
File: 1556724198366.png (2.2 MB, 750x1334, 7D4817C4-FA22-4E2D-8760-D06703…)

It’s interesting that she is doing the e-begging “for her transition”, and just as the money rolls in, they suddenly have enough for new costumes.
No. 657803
File: 1556793199597.png (968.47 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190502-033226.png)

Yes totally spent "hours" making this, not just added minor things and just coloured it green..
No. 657809
File: 1556800287719.png (2.66 MB, 750x1334, C81428C8-0E15-44A1-A0B4-A2F962…)

No. 658266
File: 1556984819437.png (695.54 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-05-04-16-45-01…)

Chronically ill huh?
No. 658535
File: 1557045974309.png (770.37 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190505-113252.png)

No. 658600
File: 1557084243915.png (758.15 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-05-05-22-20-35…)

Grrrrr how dare you call me a girl after I dressed as one.
No. 658637
File: 1557099528207.jpeg (46.29 KB, 344x291, 7BB79EA0-BF32-438E-B089-2DC35E…)

Someone: h-
Farlight: I have celiac. I’m a guy. Also reminder I’m not Loki. I’m Hiddleston approved cosplayer. I’m a Scandinavian Jewish pagan pansexual asatru MAN and your compliments are literally abusing me. Also pay for my transition and car bills.
No. 658718
File: 1557146372224.png (866.7 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190506-150405.png)

No. 658719
File: 1557146431514.png (1.76 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190506-151944.png)

No. 658720
File: 1557146474312.png (843.29 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190506-152200.png)

No. 658754
File: 1557156201552.jpg (135.29 KB, 750x1000, raf,750x1000,075,t,101010_01c5…)

>>658041it does say, this is from the redbubble page for the design
No. 658834
>>658720 She's such a dick to her fans, how does she still have any at this point?
I swiftly avoided her at that con on Saturday, she was walking around on her own a lot being creepy.
I'm glad that con has the sense not to ask her to guest judge ever. Could not deal with any more of her self importance.
No. 659589
>>658834She walked past my table at one point and it was surreal seeing her in person but pretty unnerving taking into account that she basically skinwalks Loki/Tom Hiddleston.
I guess this is what an alien encounter feels like.
No. 660821
File: 1557747016679.jpg (449.92 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190513-132927.jpg)

As always
No. 661443
File: 1557931110962.png (836.2 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190514-124319.png)

… i dont know about you but to me all kids looks the same.
No. 661575
File: 1557957311733.png (2.41 MB, 750x1334, 355690BE-F25C-4290-BD2C-7FCDE9…)

I swear half the questions she’s asked in her Q&As are written by herself.
No. 661580
>>661575lel no
if you have "no way to fight off infection" then you're dead
No. 663002
File: 1558362801084.png (553.6 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-05-20-17-30-07…)

"In my reality.."
No. 663194
File: 1558421839836.png (301.13 KB, 373x1042, Screenshot_2019-05-20-23-49-03…)

I hadn't checked her Twitter in maybe 3 months. It's private now.
She posted endless Madonna memes last night on her fahrlight tumblr. Compare [pic related] to
No. 663256
File: 1558458790352.png (1.77 MB, 750x1334, A96D414F-FBD6-4F37-A1DD-F7B7A2…)

If she were actually intersex like she claims (she said she has xxy chromosomes and a prostate), why would she have to be diagnosed as trans? Isn’t she already diagnosed as intersex and this would just be a medical treatment? Does anyone here have info on this?
No. 663553
>>663256Not to get too Tumblr on here but:
Intersex people typically still get gendered at birth and are raised as one gender. XXY chromosomes and a prostate are traits that wouldn't be diagnosed for a long time because it's not something that gets tested unless there's a very specific reason. In Fahr's case, intersex or no, he was born with a vagina and went through the puberty caused by female hormones and developed female secondary signifiers like boobs, so outside of very specific medical contexts, he'd be perceived and treated as female. So since he identifies as a man, he experiences dysphoria over some of those specific feminine traits, and because his biology is close to that of a cis woman in all the ways that count in this context, it makes more sense medically to treat those procedures the same as what a non intersex trans man would receive.
No. 663554
>>663553fahr is a woman. she's not intersex, she's tumblr. this whole phase didn't start out until it got popular on tumblr. she's also basically a fiction-kin.
you also have to remember, she never explained, anything about how she was allegedly diagnosed as intexsex. to your own point, there is no reason that it would have happened. she just started saying she as if she always had that info. same with her trans phase, she just started claiming she's always been trans and pretending her lolita was drag.
No. 663555
>>663553See her muddled explanation
>>515320 and her explanation debunked
No. 664869
File: 1559076328454.png (2.44 MB, 750x1334, 8FA68BE8-E4EF-41CF-9A92-D6A827…)

She’s pansexual… she’s asexual… these 2 were posted about a week apart. I wanted to save them here so we can collect them all.
No. 665057
File: 1559117381280.png (988.46 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190529-010807.png)

Yet she is pretending to be Norse pagan. And she's now listening to metal? Didn't she say before she hates heavy metal?
No. 665074
File: 1559132820242.jpg (635.4 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190529-141458.jpg)

Fahr's going full delulu
No. 665077
>>665074That’s borderline rapist logic, too. “If you don’t wanna sleep with me because of my cock / vagina, YOU’RE AN ICKY TRANSPHOBE!!!!”
Thanks for fueling the transphobic stereotype of the “pushy and creepy trans person who pressures lovers into sleeping with them”, Fahr!
No. 665082
>>665074excuse me what the fuck?
congratulations fahr, to your transition from insane to retarded
No. 668197
File: 1559907551432.png (1.77 MB, 750x1334, BE02C36A-2ABB-4AC1-BDE7-1A3762…)

Now she’s gay AND pansexual. Her sexualities are like Pokémon. Gotta catch ‘em all!
No. 668199
File: 1559907751649.png (1.6 MB, 750x1334, 224F3A5F-A8A9-4FEC-804D-4A0F5A…)

Ahhh there it is.
No. 668244
>>668197>identifies as 100% male>non-binary
>LokiLGBT icon
Everything is contradicted by something else wtf.
No. 668733
File: 1560098794915.png (635.57 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190609-094436.png)

I swear, this was a picture she tried to cosplay someone not sure whom. But now she is using it as "I starved myself because I looked feminine now I know why" there is another "before" and "after" of 2010 of before but it's obvious she's sucking in her cheeks. It's not so hard for her to look gaunt with her jawline. And if dysphoria hit her, dressing in Lolita would've set it off.
No. 668749
File: 1560105787467.png (746.96 KB, 1051x536, Liaaar.png)

Does anyone remember this pic? When someone asked her "What gender are you?" And she got all offended and showed pics like this? That she is a woman?
No. 669201
File: 1560278165145.png (1.98 MB, 750x1334, 24854A17-8616-47B0-955A-7C5936…)

Now she’s asexual again.
No. 669268
File: 1560295579826.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190611-162428.png)

"Clothes have no gender" dressing in pants and shirts as a kid doesn't mean automatically you're a boy. I have a sister almost the same age as her, wore the same type of stuff. She's no boy. And didn't fahr say her mom is against her being trans? She needs her stories together to make it at least believable.
No. 669463
>clothing has no gender>except the clothing my mother bought for me>>669265All those sexy time Loki and Thor sets she did with William don't lie. And her interactions in the comments were giddy and swoony.
Speaking of William, any sightings?
No. 669467
File: 1560354921066.jpg (67.02 KB, 874x874, 13108594_644611905703727_89245…)

>>669217Still, fahr isn't ugly either
No. 670051
File: 1560510482797.png (884.55 KB, 640x1136, 2922961E-9FCB-4C74-AB5E-9A7733…)

No. 670431
File: 1560681562843.png (345.36 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-06-16-13-35-42…)

Guess Instagram can't help you become a victim today.
No. 670699
File: 1560791922487.jpg (642.77 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190617-191632_Fac…)

lol she can't even spell her fucking-snowflake-name right
No. 671296
File: 1560945648835.png (1.44 MB, 750x1334, FED1BCD7-40D1-4A27-9745-82E919…)

She’s very important.
No. 671303
>>670051She's going to a private clinic for dx? If she had signed up 6 months ago she would have only 6 months to wait
>>603461, less time than to raise the funds.
>Goes for any job>Con>Job No. 674508
File: 1561927091866.png (2.29 MB, 750x1334, 2A30FDE5-2E82-496F-8CBB-2194E1…)

She really struggled with the decision to e-beg.
No. 674514
>>668227It's a cash grab and a way to make herself seem more interesting and special when really she's incredibly boring and has nothing going on in her life.
It really angers me as I know people who experience real dyphoria too, yet she glamourises it and uses it to fund whatever she wants.
She's actually a disgusting human being.
No. 674515
>>669208Just around the corner?
I used to be close with her and she told me she was in her 40s already…
No. 674516
>>669467She uses that facetune app pretty heavily.
Which is fine, but I can confirm that she has put on a TON of weight and looks really different in person. If you've ever became friends with her in person, there's always an initial 'oh' moment when you meet her face to face and realise just how much she edits her photos.
No. 674519
File: 1561932151081.png (1.82 MB, 750x1334, 5069EA04-1ACD-49B7-8422-9C74B9…)

She said on tumblr a ‘friend’ is hosting this for her.
But check that name, Will Neal, there is no way anyone but a cringey Loki cosplayer choose a name like that. I’m surprised she isn’t using it as her male name
No. 674900
File: 1561990772000.jpeg (220.79 KB, 746x743, 0FCA7BC7-35F9-4C65-AE75-CE1249…)

Your fixation on skinwalking tom hiddleston is not a urgent matter of life and death, but go off I guess
No. 675133
>>674900Seven months ago the wait time for the NHS clinic was 12 months
No. 675423
>>675032I bet she makes enough that she could sustain herself for a little bit if Will decided to kick her out….
This latest scam may be her wanting a new cosplay and extra money
No. 676044
I'm glad I stopped being friends with her.
She actually has the ability to make a good amount off of her art like tabling at cons, selling prints online but she is just THAT fucking lazy.
I hate all the guilt tripping she puts in her ebeg posts. We have the NHS, she could just wait rather than taking money away from people who might not have access to health care like that.
If she sold all of her brand lolita, and her £100 Hot Toy Loki dolls she has, she could get the funds herself.
No. 676293
>>669513Another anon who hung out with her irl several times due to having mutual friends here. She looks extremely cakey and pallid irl, that part of her selfies is accurate. But her facial features are way more mannish, though not in a pretty way. She shoops herself to hell and back for an "ethereal androgynous" look.
Usually I'd say it's unfair to use old photos to show how someone "really" looks, but since she was already in her 30s in these and your facial structure stops developing by then, I think it's fair game.
No. 676296
File: 1562266218495.png (515.03 KB, 398x748, Screenshot at Jul 04 20-42-05.…)

>>676295She didn't start shooping ultra excessively until she caught a whiff of e-fame not for being a ~mangaka~ but for her looks, so you have to dig way back for unaltered pics. But even in old galleries, most of her photos were uploaded by her with credit to the photographer, which is a surefire sign of shooping on the platform German weebs use. It's not like other social media where you just get a "tagged" folder; you can sort your tagged photos into sub-categories and showcase them on your profile, so there's absolutely no reason to re-upload the photographer's photos unless you wanted to edit them.
No. 679015
>>678615>>678893She has deleted the video, but her "intersex" condition has been discussed several times
No. 679608
File: 1562935124553.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190712-053741.png)

Gets upset if anyone suggests her to cosplay a female character but will do it if she wants to. Even though says it triggers her. Um ok
No. 679785
>>679608She only wants to cosplay Joyce as season three of Stranger Things went up recently and it's the 'in thing. That's it.
All she cares about is efame and getting attention from the same cosplay photos.
She also rarely cosplays new characters other than Loki so I doubt she'll even bother.
She keeps saying she's going to cosplay from Berserk and I really hope she doesn't. And again, she probably won't because she's lazy.
I never want to associate her ratty face with such a good manga.
No. 681335
File: 1563323072682.png (2.21 MB, 750x1334, D1272E37-F4CC-4E76-B91F-45EF24…)

Does she think that posting this will distract us all from the fact that it’s true?
No. 681785
File: 1563402655506.png (2.01 MB, 750x1334, BCC73473-A3A1-4310-AD3C-32F0AC…)

>>681770I think you forgot the picture but I knew what you’re talking about because I wanted to post it here too:
No. 682776
File: 1563718997282.png (806.48 KB, 750x1334, 48BF16A0-77E1-4FDD-824A-C06225…)

No. 682843
File: 1563741690551.png (22.13 KB, 491x638, waste.PNG)

>>674519So I decided to check up on this and it is up to a thousand euro.
No. 683132
File: 1563815875940.png (2.89 MB, 750x1334, 2BF90B27-EE25-4E48-8702-54D8EF…)

>>682843Who would give this freakshow their money?
And who would turn to Fahr for parenting advice?
I don’t understand how people don’t see right through her.
No. 683149
File: 1563823592141.png (1.9 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190722-122314.png)

Yet she gave people shit for calling her a guy years ago that she would show pictures of herself in cleavage. But no, she "knew" when she was a child.
No. 683386
File: 1563899242463.png (3.58 MB, 750x1334, C68A4F9B-3E9B-46A1-8EAE-7E15D5…)

Another ebeg/gofundme followed by suddenly having the money for a new costume. Is she even getting the T and surgery or is it all a lie?
No. 683439
>>683344She's going to a private doctor or something, honestly I don't really understand what's going on. Some time earlier she talked about having an appointment via skype, which sounds extremely unprofessional to me, especially if the topic is taking hormones that will basically fuck up your system.
Generally the whole private-doctor-or-what-ever-story sounds like you pay them and you get what you want period.
It's 'funny' how her life is at danger because muh dysphoria but going to germany and actually get everything paid isn't an option (we all know it's because no sane doctor will approve anything in germany, that's probably why she is even in scotland with private institutions or whatevs)
No. 684334
File: 1564100566517.png (1.24 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190725-172221.png)

How the hell does that trigger her and her"ptsd" wtf
No. 684554
>>684334I hate that I know this but she said a cosplayer who used to dress up as the 10th Doctor stalked her so now I guess the sight of David Tennant in general
triggers her?
She also seems to think she owns Good Omens because she read the book like millions of others, I think she's just bent out of shape because Crowley's not a Tom Hiddleston type and she can't live out her slashfic fantasy through this character.
No. 684560
>>684554>the sight of David Tennant in generalbut she said
short hair triggers her. This doesn't make sense.
No. 684569
File: 1564131972469.png (1.29 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190726-120508.png)

She always has to be biggest fan ever…
No. 684576
>>684569Oh no, the show stole her memories!!
Imagine being this dramatic over every single thing.
If she had a strong vison of what her version looks like she should draw it and put it out there like people do with GOT or Harry Potter. But then she couldn't complain and gatekeep anymore.
No. 684796
>>684569Of course, she always HAS to be the
victim! And she has to be the number one fan, probably the oldest and most loyal fan too! Many cows share these similarities, she reminds me of Momokun when it comes to this.
No. 685696
>>684554I heard of that guy too.
Afaik he gave her his car to go to a convention and she gave it back months later
No. 687256
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No. 687257
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No. 687258
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No. 687259
File: 1564963755047.jpeg (1.1 MB, 2304x4096, 50782049-3752-4BE1-A2A5-90CE20…)

I don’t think anyone feels it’s clever to “figure it out” when she still has pictures like this in her feed… How are they supposed to know she’s “trans” now when she says that feminine look is “reality”?
No. 687361
>>687259owo what's this trasphobia? Some boys have huge bOoBiEs anon uwu
God, what an annoying snowflake she is.
No. 687466
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No. 688204
File: 1565180456074.png (2.57 MB, 750x1334, 917131A4-9C12-4FBF-9F61-C0E6D7…)

What is going on with this letter. Why are there so many grammar errors? And why did she cover up the year she transitioned? Because it doesn’t match what she says on her instagram?
No. 688232
File: 1565186687565.png (1.84 MB, 750x1334, 7D49CDE1-D1B0-4FDA-BEAA-971403…)

No. 688283
File: 1565196632002.jpeg (147.09 KB, 750x1116, 1C83E3DA-486F-491D-B99B-092F55…)

No. 688285
>>688204"Your art is very impressive"
I don’t know much about official documents but do doctors really put this kind of stuff in a letter ?
No. 688300
>>688285Not trans so idk how it is with that kind of doctor but none of the medical letters I've received are anywhere near this informal. The doctors might chat about stuff in person but the letters are always very dry and official. I would also expect them to call you to inform you that you're allowed to go under the knife but it may be just procedure.
Interestingly though, the clinic listed (Refine Plastic Surgeons) doesn't appear to specialize in transition-related surgeries, they only list breast reductions for cis women and gynecomastia reductions for cis men on their website, so they seem like an odd choice.
No. 688313
File: 1565204473759.png (264.96 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190807-083900.png)

She didn't reply on her story but direct. She's very insistent about its legit. Also I asked before of back injury but I remember her saying years ago that she got it from martial arts now it's down the stairs. Or how she used to say she's a black belt but in her story shows yellow belt.
No. 688447
>>688204I have some questions
Did she already had her official name changed ? If not, this document would be no use for anything right?
Also..wasn’t she ‘chronologically ill’ with her iron deficiency? Would it even be safe to undergo a surgery?
No. 688477
File: 1565263794570.jpg (197.5 KB, 720x694, 20190808_122303.jpg)

I do find it interesting that the clinic in question doesn't offer top surgery and only offers enlargement, reduction, manboob removal and lifts.
I did a quick search on getting top surgery in Scotland and all recent results advise there are no nhs or private surgeons who carry out top surgery in Scotland. NHS patients get referred to Manchester and private patients also get referred to English surgeons.
No. 690389
File: 1565954740037.png (2.35 MB, 750x1334, 30EBFD11-85C0-4D62-B52E-6F2728…)

Here we go again
No. 692428
File: 1566483150526.png (2.61 MB, 750x1334, 45A10322-D546-4283-B78F-0B75CB…)

What is a “pro cosplayer”? Doesn’t she claim she has gotten paid to attend conventions in the past?
No. 692551
>>692428Nice how she avoided the question.
>Do you actually work or does all your income come from begging online?But yeah, she's so chronically ill, she just can't…
No. 695398
>>688204Lmao yeah, as someone who's gone through transition this looks like a very botched letter.
It also reads, like someone above said, a lot like how they type. Fishy at best.
I've also seen people ask about age in fahrs story as of late and they won't answer. So anyone here know that answer?
No. 697214
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No. 697306
>>697214Better a frumpy late thirty-year-old then an impressionable, not-done-growing nineteen-year-old.
At this point, it's totally her fault for fuckin with her hormones
No. 708404
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No. 708405
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No. 708547
>>708513she's annoying a hell because she's so transparent. she was in lolita happily as a woman for
years before transtrending was popular. on top of that she's even into shit that's popular with fakebois.
No. 708790
>>708547The most pathetic thing is that she’s almost old enough to be the average fakeboi’s
mother yet here she is, still acting like a whiny self-obsessed teenager herself. She’s emotionally stunted.
No. 708981
File: 1569351826553.jpg (13.2 KB, 400x400, 234.jpg)

How old are all those ITT saying they used to know her or used to be friends with her? Are you 40 too or just casually friends with a 40 y/o ?
No. 709435
>>708981Knew her through mutual acquaintances and we only ever hung out at conventions. With all the weird-ass styling and everyone caked in weeaboo eye-makeup and decked out in wigs it's hard to tell anyone's age. But yeah, like
>>709252 and
>>709425 said, almost everyone around her is at least a decade younger.
No. 709674
>>708981She tried to add me on social media a few years back and she's got more than 10+ years on me.
I'm sure she's tried to befriend a lot of people in their 20s because I'm sure very few people in their late 30s and early 40s would put up with her immature bullshit. By then people have their own lives to live and don't have time for her shit.
No. 713943
File: 1570195298381.jpg (199.73 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191004-152026.jpg)

No. 713944
File: 1570195326413.jpg (460.99 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191004-152035.jpg)

No. 713961
>>713943You're too sick to work, but you're not too sick to cosplay or beg for shit online.
Go figure
No. 714218
>>713944She “only posted that 3 times”!!
A) Ha! Please! She posted it on her story 3 times this week alone! She couldn’t handle the people meeting him this week getting attention.
B) Most people don’t post the same pictures on their accounts more than once but she just keeps recycling the same old crap over and over so 3 times on the main account is still a lot for one picture!
C) She may have only posted that one picture 3 times but she posted 500 other pictures from that day too and they’re all pretty similar…
No. 714248
File: 1570239450562.png (315.6 KB, 750x1334, 334E30DB-19B4-4FDF-B33B-5D04DE…)

No. 714249
File: 1570239587277.png (444.79 KB, 750x1334, 93919410-1657-4E86-8028-D60666…)

Wow, you ended friendships over pizza toppings and preferred comic books and just realized this was unnecessary at 40?
No. 716344
File: 1570568387094.png (397.63 KB, 1080x2666,…)

Trying to use the Eurocosplay drama to score woke points, still insisting she's not white
No. 717280
File: 1570699737346.jpg (742.2 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191010-112722_Ins…)

sending all her whiteknights to harass one girl over "transphobic" comment. how is it transphobic? did I miss something?
No. 717282
File: 1570699799596.jpg (690.22 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191010-112659_Ins…)

"go attack her, my little winged apes"
No. 717428
>>717402Fahr may not have started it, but she definitely made it into the massive battle that it became. She posted on her story to go after Livanart long before Livanart posted Fahr’s name in a post. The ones above regarding Livanart saying (imaginary) transphobic stuff were not the first posts telling people to attack Livanart.
And Fahr’s lying in the stories posted above… she says above that Livan changed her post to say Non-Binary, but she actually changed it from NB to “sad.” Which is true.
No. 717866
File: 1570821389158.jpg (14.71 KB, 720x400, FB_IMG_1568516228314.jpg)

>>717826Why doesn't this surprise me…..
No. 718662
File: 1571028753282.jpg (534.3 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191014-065041_Ins…)

No. 718876
>>718826Not only that, but it also sounds vaguely like that one-drop rule. She can't possibly be white, because hundreds of years ago one of her ancenstors might not have been white. Even though she looks like a Central European, so white as fuck and hasn't ever had to deal with racism in her life.
The funny part is that all of this makes her sound racist as shit.
Not surprised, though, as if someone expected her to have just the tiniest modicum of self-awareness.
No. 719338
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No. 719363
File: 1571236169463.jpg (811.83 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191016-162835_Ins…)

No. 720884
File: 1571660621991.jpg (586.17 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191021-142141_Ins…)

Aren't you supposed to get a weekly shot? Correct me if I am wrong
No. 720896
>>720884You won't have the money in a fucking month??? Sell a Lolita dress or accessories…. Sell your Loki cosplay to the highest bidder…. somebody will buy that funky ass cosplay I'm sure since she's "Hiddleston approved".
And didn't she get get T in the mail or something like that??? How hard is it to keep your lies in order?
No. 721121
File: 1571706421584.png (2.55 MB, 750x1334, E328AB49-5B43-4B7D-9E83-C3E976…)

I tried looking this up. I can’t find anything that says testosterone can be injected as rarely as every 3 months. We need someone to clarify this. This sounds totally false.
No. 721123
File: 1571706776880.png (254.91 KB, 750x1334, D1903715-74A9-4382-9309-A44415…)

I scrolled up and found the post (above) were she showed the exact type of T she gets- Nebido. I looked it up and it can be injected every 10-14 weeks.
No. 721264
File: 1571724526620.png (313.08 KB, 351x538, IMG_20191022_080413.png)

Joker phase incoming?!
No. 721306
File: 1571740023243.png (2.08 MB, 750x1334, 814F3FDA-450B-453A-A0E8-F9AD9F…)

No. 721307
File: 1571740070231.png (2.28 MB, 750x1334, 3657BAC5-1AB0-4BCD-9D4C-9E267B…)

No. 721344
>>721264I hate the Joker and the new movie is gonna bring in a new breed of try hards.
>i always thought the joker was evilYes, he is. He a mass murderer and rapist. Or did we forget what he did to Babs (batgirl) so quickly? She's such trash. I can almost understand people who like Loki as a villain, but Joker is a romanticized sociopath.
No. 721368
File: 1571763517444.png (3.77 MB, 750x1334, A3DFC5A4-7C08-4C2E-85E1-A446A6…)

>>721344He has her whole heart.
No. 722852
File: 1572159084944.jpg (378.68 KB, 1080x1660, Screenshot_20191027_075034.jpg)

Yeah… Right…
No. 722924
>>718662>I'm an asatru paganAsatru is a religion, you dumb shit, you can't be an "Asatru pagan". Either you're Asatru AND pagan or you're just Asatru.
Also given how much you want to suck Loki's dick most Asatruar wouldn't want to touch you with a ten-foot pole. It's like if someone who called themselves "DEVIL on Earth" said they were a "Christian pagan". It doesn't work like that.
No. 723156
>>722924* Asatru pagan AND Jewish
Fixed that for you
No. 725768
File: 1572961113399.png (1.83 MB, 750x1334, B72C3327-85F7-42C2-B37F-B20F81…)

Why is Thor and Loki not incest but Umbrella Academy is? They’re both adopted siblings.
No. 727818
File: 1573386982947.png (3.66 MB, 750x1334, 2E3236B1-1298-4257-B108-80DE0B…)

No. 727819
File: 1573387101343.png (2.74 MB, 750x1334, E6F73AAA-C36E-436E-AB22-10F3B4…)

No. 728733
File: 1573583282828.png (4.16 MB, 750x1334, 7AB0A9BA-6A4A-4143-8CE5-1A6A36…)

yes, we get it.
No. 729619
File: 1573755184801.png (1.28 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20191114-101237.png)

She still looks the same just without make up, filters and other shit. She's really trying to trick people. Lmao
No. 729925
File: 1573834172730.png (1.66 MB, 750x1334, 49C8FB41-F282-46E1-93A6-A83B4F…)

These 2 are both on her stories right now. 1/2
No. 729926
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No. 730331
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No. 730426
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No. 730428
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No. 730429
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No. 731840
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No. 731841
File: 1574355339069.jpeg (133.75 KB, 750x475, CC67E96C-A484-4758-AB4B-765FA1…)

I wonder how long until whatever happened gets posted on her social media.
No. 733053
File: 1574617800860.png (310.57 KB, 750x1334, 2951FCFF-C756-480D-8CF9-E0FFBE…)

No. 733241
>>733053Literally anything is
triggering for this 40-year-old womanchild.
No. 733748
File: 1574732462837.png (2.93 MB, 750x1334, C13B6A17-024C-417D-A1BB-3AFE53…)

Now we can add “demisexual” to her long list of identities?
No. 735284
>>733748I can believe she doesn’t want to have sex with Tom Hiddleston. She wants to have sex
as Tom Hiddleston.
>>734043>Sometimes I feel like the existence of androgynous girls w/o any gender dysphoria or mental health issues is like a threat to these people’s worldview or something.It is. Especially for grifters like Fahr who treat gender nonconformity as a disability that prevents them from working.
No. 737260
File: 1575473322642.jpeg (658.11 KB, 2304x4096, D6F325E9-4681-4548-A613-E98727…)

She just posted a bunch of one sentence Instagram stories so I put them into collages for easy reading here.
No. 737261
File: 1575473422107.jpeg (770.08 KB, 2306x4096, 699D1FE5-DCB6-42F7-B3A8-B54666…)

No one helps her with her breakdowns and people aren’t helping her by paying for her attention whoring surgery.
No. 737262
File: 1575473452201.jpeg (644.95 KB, 2304x4096, 5FBCFCF0-EAD7-4E88-9FFD-B66D7F…)

Here’s the 3rd one.
No. 739057
>>731841I hope it's Will dumping them to get out of that mess.
I don't get how, Will, an actual trans man, can put up with all Fahr's fake, pandering bullshit, especially when he pays all the bills and Fahr does nothing and doesn't try to do anything and when he's actually a good person.
No. 739163
>>739057Hope so for Will's sake, he seems too kind for his own good and the only person with a job in that house. Living with Fahr must be exhausting, pay for her, clean after her and no room for anyone's needs but her own.
Idk I feel like Fahr kind of has to put her money where her mouth is at this point? 8k is a lot and there would be outrage if she didn't go through with it now. But she is a shit person so I can see her Photoshopping herself to look more male and lying about surgery with no remorse. She'd find some way to justify it to herself.
I just don't get how people can follow her for any amount of time and not see she's a histrionic leech with an eternal
victim complex who's a rude shit to the people who donate money to her. It'd be embarrassing at 20 let alone nearly 40.
No. 739466
File: 1575986976561.jpg (333.11 KB, 720x960, 20191210_150921.jpg)

What a man
No. 739595
>>739163I genuinely don't get why and how he puts up with it.
I wasn't ever really sad when I stopped being friends with Fahr, but I was sad to stop hanging out with Will, who was lovely, interesting and generally fun to do stuff with. Fahr is the polar opposite.
The one flat of theirs I've been in was a shithole, so I doubt any cleaning after Fahr is done…
No. 743516
File: 1577716336137.png (1.11 MB, 750x1334, CAE41845-850A-42A5-A796-837B64…)

Or maybe they don’t know you and didn’t read your bio? Not everything is a transphobic attack. (But then why would she be “trans” if she couldn’t be a victim?)
No. 743517
File: 1577716405528.png (3.96 MB, 750x1334, A2EFBFAF-BDDA-45E4-83CC-C02D42…)

I thought she said she wasn’t doing cosplay because she’s too sick and poor?
No. 744716
File: 1577964458325.png (3.3 MB, 750x1334, 89B0A093-213E-4893-8370-E1F594…)

Just a reminder people! You need to give me more money! (Also note that she says “raise” and doesn’t even try to pretend that she would earn it herself)
No. 746109
>>743517Probably doesn't cosplay anymore as no one on the UK scene took their 'I am cosplay famouz' shit seriously, and so they don't get invited to judge events or anything. I don't think they an handle not being the 'most famous person' at an event.
She only waves she made was being known as that cosplayer who pretends to make their own stuff and only ever cosplays Loki. Aka, no one cares.
No. 746365
>>730331This sort of thing angers me so much. If you don't have dysphoria, you Rent trans. Full stop. The only reason to ever transition is to alleviate the symptoms and effects of dysphoria
The hell would anyone ever advocate otherwise
No. 748907
File: 1579200520970.png (2.1 MB, 750x1334, EA8699FE-7136-45E3-913D-46B92E…)

Right now there is a multi story rant on her Instagram about how her mother is the absolute worst because she thinks the surgery may be dangerous, doesn’t support her in wanting it, and also won’t give her money for it. This part is about how her mother physically abused her for being “gay”. A few screens later she posts a picture looking sad and saying how she wishes her family loved and supported her. Then she links her gofundme and asks for donations.
No. 748911
File: 1579201256730.png (1.54 MB, 750x1334, 80E403F5-956C-43B8-81BF-AF0A95…)

Boo hoo I’m 40 and my mom won’t give me money it’s so unfair
No. 748934
File: 1579204368557.jpeg (297.6 KB, 750x1194, 45F93C6C-C2C0-4DA1-BCD3-5AD3FF…)

No. 748935
File: 1579204401244.jpeg (294.26 KB, 750x994, 65CB0ED7-EB47-407F-9A0E-8D6231…)

No. 749258
File: 1579254844057.jpeg (699.55 KB, 1125x1998, BA641AEB-31F7-49F0-B1C9-CE9D21…)

…but you are using your mother for sympathy
No. 749332
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No. 749532
>>749332You outed yourself dumbass good job. You know she and her cult actively lurks here right?
>>749346I predict a literal snatch and run. She's at the snatch part. Now let's see if she runs.
No. 749740
File: 1579428801106.png (714.76 KB, 480x901, oyikes.png)

No. 749844
File: 1579467621799.png (1.96 MB, 750x1334, 7E17F79D-5356-40C9-948F-1156B6…)

Funny… now that she has her surgery money, she’s suddenly back with the Lolita pics that were “too triggering” before.
No. 750622
File: 1579641618981.jpeg (1.26 MB, 3464x3464, 78B1BFC5-CF67-4C16-8FF3-8A66DC…)

She has posted this at least twice before. No one is mistaking her for Loki.