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No. 240997
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Not a particularly interesting pic, but I haven't seen it get posted yet. From her line blog.
No. 241021
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>>240997she has the weirdest fucking shaped legs
No. 241050
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>>241046Not that anon but Taylor's hair is def not thin at all. I have thin hair myself (although, not Kota-tier) and I'm quite jealous of hers.
No. 241066
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>>241040kiki's are worse, but these arent weird to you?
No. 241069
File: 1456331387173.jpg (128.98 KB, 600x800, 20150924_6d35b9.jpg)

probably super old but i havent seen one before.
i knew tiara milly did some super lazy shoops but this anatomy is comical
No. 241088
File: 1456334303894.jpg (34.83 KB, 400x300, image.jpg)

she edits her lips so lumpy that all I can see is that fucking little dinosaur from land before time.
No. 241099
>>241089size 5 isn't tiny, what crackpipe are you smoking?
her feet are perfectly normal and average
No. 241121
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No. 241124
>>241099>tfw you always thought size 8/9 was 'average' because those are the sizes that sell out fastest in storesso what's small, then? like a size 4 or something?
sage for no contribution.
No. 241132
>>241050I think Taylor has some kind of extensions going on.
>>241121For a model she needs to hit the gym.
No. 241134
File: 1456341615386.png (887.25 KB, 600x800, COnipngUcAABK6c.png)

another relatively candid shot i havent seen
No. 241144
>>241136and arent city people supposed to be more fit? like i get that there are trains and stuff, but overall, don't you walk more?
oh wait she probably taxis everywhere. cant be too pleb now can we
No. 241146
File: 1456342801628.jpg (59.02 KB, 640x480, HfYAn.jpg)

one of my least favorite outfits of hers
her and kiki dress so trashy sometimes
No. 241151
>>241135Clothes in Japan are short. At 5'2", a lot of Japanese dresses hit me mid-thigh or a little bit above mid-thigh. So the length (i.e. shortness) of the dress combined with her heels makes her legs look longer than they really are.
>>241134Ngl I think she's actually pretty cute here. She looks better with more natural makeup.
No. 241188
>>241146I assume that the company dressed her. I know some people cream themselves over any Japanese fashion, but tbh a lot of it is horribly tacky.
Like, Russian leopard-print lady tacky.
No. 241197
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No. 241205
File: 1456352731762.jpg (768.68 KB, 875x1241, pop06_cover.jpg)

looks like peachy milk (or w/e her name is)
No. 241246
>>241021But why did she do that to her head
Her legs just look weird because they're closer to the camera
Dat fucking forehead tho
No. 241264
>>241205The photos from this set are so wonky. It's noticeable sometimes with other photosets, but it's really apparent here that the editor had no clue how to shoop her into her ideal and just kind of ended up making her look like an overshooped Japanese girl and her chin disappeared.
It's interesting seeing the different beauty ideals. They really gave her the v-line mega chin over in Korea.
No. 241267
>>241202i think you were just dying to shit on some shea butter bitch with an ankh who tells others that theyre not Woke enough therefore a self hating black person with internalized racism, or whatever buzzword of the week they would use probably
which would be understandable in a thread about somebody who is like that
but you don't even have to be black to know those ostrenga genes are catching up on her and that she looks like a ghoul from fallout in some of her recent photoshops?
No. 241298
>>241267Oh my god, take it to /b/.
And that person was talking about Taylor R, not the ostrengas.
Back 2our kowaii elfu goddessu-ne.
No. 241306
>>241277I hear what you are saying, but her knees are enormous compared to both her thighs AND shins. If it was a fashion illusion it would make sense, but her knees (and head btw) look giant compare to the rest of her body. Plus with her obsessive personality and brief childhood "fame" it would make too much sense. I hope not though, for her case, but it seems pretty apparent.
>>241205Kek is this a free magazine, like the TAKE FREE text suggests? BABY is pretty big but going from POPTeen to a free random magazine isn't exactly an upgrade. I have no clue why she doesn't just make more videos and ride out getting the youtube dollas.
No. 241401
>>241196I'm not of sub saharan african descent and taylor wears extensions. And even if she didnt wear extensions, her hair has a bit of texture in this pic
>>241050The straight parts in the roots are completely flat.
My point: straight haired people almost always have thin hair. If you take a, what you call, a "nigger" (dont ban me admin) and straighten her hair with a flat iron properly, so no kinky edges, she'd have thin hair. Bone straight hair has no body, so it appears almost always thin. If dakota fluffs her roots a bit she'd have "normal" hair, but she isnt going for that effect. I also respect her for not wearing fake hair. So…ehm…thanks for reading all of this I guess.
No. 241423
>>241332she has made a few videos in japan.
but she said she forgot about youtube for the most part because she is sooo~ busy
No. 241452
>>241449How is any of that relevant to getting a visa?
The immigration office isn't going to look at her posture and body fat in their assessment of whether she should get a visa or not.
Come on, y'all. Her management company probably just renewed it and that's that. Yeah, she's a shit model, but they're clearly still keeping her working and doing shows.
No. 241520
File: 1456427786536.jpg (32.36 KB, 292x438, w292c-e_1264156.jpg)

this kota is best kota
No. 241524
File: 1456428284919.png (288.85 KB, 620x372, e4a829e2.png)

>>241482Kota not all about fame?
No. 241559
>>241520I never thought she was ugly, in fact very pretty, but you're right she is darn cute.
And her nails omg! Perfect tbh
No. 241561
>>241462She doesn't care about her non-Japanese fans because so far everybody but Japan has mercilessly shit on her for being so fake and photoshopped. Even Korea laughed at her.
We probably won't ever see any new YT videos of hers unless she gets a crew to edit her videos to make her look kawaii and hafu with a small chin and bigger eyes and tell her what to say and do as far as content. She's way too lazy and scared of anyone seeing her real face anymore.
No. 241576
>>241561You're lying. Absolutely lying. Not to anyone but yourself. Girls like you pretend that Dakota is not famous in Japan. Or that she is considered ugly (yes I've heard those excuses). You should be happy a white girl is famous in Japan, that means you can be finally a kawaii weeb star too.
i have seen dakota in real life and she looks better in real life than on pictures. Without her circle lenses of course, with the circle lenses she looks creepy as fuck. But thats not really her fault.
No. 241583
>>241576> that means you can be finally a kawaii weeb star tooyes because dakota paved the way for all the white wiminz
ive seen her irl too. she was aight
No. 241585
>>241583Well not exactly, as most weebs like us aren't as pretty as her…
She is aight indeed for me too but for Asia she is a goddess lel.
No. 241589
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>>241580Very fat and ugly you're right
No. 241600
>>241576I'm sorry Sandy-chan, but what exactly does any of your Kotastan ranting have to do with my post? I never said OR implied Japanese think she's fat or ugly, all I said was everyone but Japan laughed at her when ty saw her real face and that she's too lazy to put in the effort for a successful YT channel because of how hard she shoops her face. What a reach you have there.
But since you felt the absolute need to bring it up to white knight your white trash waifu, no, she's not "famous". She's infamous at best, she went viral almost
four years ago and she created a trend that is now well and truly dead. She hardly does any modeling anymore, doesn't update her blog, ad only half ass updates her IG/Twitter when she feels like it. She let herself fall off the radar, probably because of how embarrassed she always was to be recognized by people in public. She's grown out of her kawaii desu shit and now she probably just wants to be left mostly alone to do her own thing and keeps modeling to pay her bills, but she's obviously not trying to push this ~Japan famous real Barbie moderu~ thing anymore. Get over it, she got some internet popularity, got a free trip to Japan and a job out of it, but she's not a household name like you think she is. Jfc, I'm so sick of non-Japanese speaking foreign weebs insisting they know soo much about what Japanese people think and what's popular. The kawaii pop culture highlights you get from lolcow/PULL/tumblr is not a proper indication of Japan, it's culture, or how Japanese people think.
No. 241610
>>241602yes and she could actually look pretty.
but i think korean girls are more catty. they would rip her to shreds.
No. 241699
>>241610She would have fit right in then lol
>>241681Yeah this is the most obvious point. The amount of work she does vs how long she's been there on a supposed entertainment visa are greatly uneven. She should have 5x the content she actually does. I do wonder though, how long did she manage to string it along before she had to take the visa plunge?
No. 241755
>>241736I'd bet they knew what would happen. Especially after being fed this image of a girl who seems to have a perfect face and big dolly eyes, of course I would want a pic with the real thing if she claimed she looked like that and turned out to look like any other plain Jane white girl. It would be hilarious.
>>241753I think that's why they asked for pics with her and not just of her lol
No. 241757
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No. 241921
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No. 241923
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Can someone translates please?
No. 241952
>>241921She's truly given up, hasn't she? The pictures are actually becoming scarier.
>>241923For a model… Dakota you could at least put in more effort into your look/apartment. All these e-famous flaunters who blog and shit have nice places. Dakota ends up with some weird hideous throw, dodgy cat pillow from Aliexpress and fur thing.
No. 241964
>>241921still trying to hide that chin despite all that shoop
also i miss the hq photos dakota used to post. i guess she's just gotten too lazy to do all that work
No. 241984
>>241923My soft throw blankets came in! It's fake fur. (I don't buy real fur. It's bad for rabbits and foxes)
Isn't it a little big though? My beds a double size one.
No. 242082
>>241962She is, she got traded for it on a show once after saying she never goes out or does anything.
>>241923Why does she need a full sized bed? even for it to fit in her room without taking up most f the space her room has to be pretty big by Japanese apartment standards. And if she has an apartment with 2 bedrooms that are that spacious then we know she's not the one paying for it.
No. 242257
File: 1456542162384.jpg (18.1 KB, 320x240, fd3296c538234b15384a425f081761…)

>>242082because full sized beds are awesome to sleep in lol
you're digging too deep anon. kooter milk has dried up ages ago.
No. 242724
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No. 242930
File: 1456669128281.gif (43.84 KB, 361x200, 200_s (1).gif)

>omg her bed is too big for one person!
>omg dakota has like zero taste in room design and she's a model? UGH
I wish she would do something lulzy again, because this thread is full of people just grasping for things to complain about tbh.
No. 242933
>>242930I know, it's sad as fuck. This is how low we've stooped guys.
Plus she DID have a double bed back in the US and she probably just likes fucking room like the majority of us in the damn thread!
No. 242934
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the OP pic reminds me so much of tsuplastic face
No. 242964
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>>242943i know. anons just cant anymore
No. 242982
File: 1456686061191.png (88.08 KB, 231x194, Screenshot 2016-02-29 at 3.59.…)

>>242975"Ugh, as if she keeps her room like this all of the time! I bet she only puts kawaii stuff out just to take a picture and then takes it all down after she uploads it! Kooter's so fake ammaright?!?!?"
"What's with all the kawaii stuff in her apartment!? Ugh, she is an adult, she shouldn't have all of that shit in her room!"
No. 243265
File: 1456747496853.jpg (1.37 MB, 1920x2560, 16-02-29-12-03-54-330_deco.jpg)

No. 243269
>>243265It's sad knowing that every strand of hair on her head is pushed to the front of that hood and it still doesn't look like it's enough.
I kinda feel sorry for her; imagine looking in the mirror every morning and watching your hair gradually thin out.
No. 243273
>>243265somehow this is creepier than before.
its making me more and more certain she lurks here and wants to push the limits of creepy til our heads explode
No. 243290
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is this dakota?
No. 243298
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>>243293Yeah they do, I would be too. Sorry to sound like a jelly hater to ya'll, but in this photo alone, she looks like such a basic chick. There is 0 appeal in her attire and overall look.
No. 243303
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>>243300Ok anon they are thrilled to be there!
No. 243385
>>243383I like Dakooter and I have no interest in having a career in Japan, nor anything other than maybe going there as a tourist for a week sometime in the future. I just don't think she's a despicable person, I don't think she's fat, and I think that she's reasonably cute.
I think Kotex gets a bad rap. She was a shitty teenager, sure. She photoshopped her way into a modeling contract, definitely. But she's doing nothing now but minding her own business and trying to support herself. I don't think there's anything inherently terrible about Kota. She's hardly a cow anymore. The most that can be said about her is that she's getting less work as time goes on, she shops herself into an alien baby, she doesn't have a good body for a model, and she keeps her life mostly private and doesn't interact with her fans. Hardly evil.
I don't understand why farmers hate her so vehemently. What's so ghastly and terrible about her?
No. 243391
>>243385I don't think anyone hates her anymore, it's just fun to pick and tease at a girl who thought she was so much better than everyone and that she was gonna live the kawaii model dream only to realize she isn't suited for it. I love stories of weebs going to Japan and being so disillusioned. Also I love spoiled kids growing up to have less than glamorous lives compared to what they thought they were gonna have. All those little reality checks give me a good chuckle.
What does annoy me though is the shit like "she's not basic, she's unconventionally cute! (Only with makeup whic doesn't really count tbh)" or "her hair isn't thinning, you're all just jelly!" Or "she's not fat! She's just short and apple shaped! (Insert Popteen bikini pic with obviously fake measurements here, pls)". That shit is annoying. Dakota used to be friends with Charms, who everyone loves to tear apart for being a shallow, spoiled, self centered bitch but when it comes to Dakota who was very similar (without all the money ofc) suddenly she's a sweet little kawaii saint because Bravo cracked down on her social media and taught her to shut her obnoxious mouth and stop acting like a twat in public. That's annoying. And it ones to show how new some people who post on here are, they never saw Dakota the Cunt firsthand and only heard about it via rumors and ED and think that because they weren't there for it that it didn't happen and it was just ~jelly haterzzz~ that made it up. I'll never
like Dakota because I was around for her Stickam/Twitter faggotry where her true colors were still shining bright. But I don't hate her, she's too irrelevant to care about anymore.
No. 243428
>>243421Because people like you enjoy saying "she was just a kid!"
Yeah, a kid who was about 16/17 years old (we ALL know she lied about her age) and KNEW what she was saying. Plus kaka, she knew too. They're hardly innocent. But she's white, blonde and a kawaii barbi desu so kota gets away with it.
It's obvious, the drama and her family have turned her and her sister away from the world. Dakota may turn up at events and model but that's just for show, it's just a job. Unlike the other weebs who model there who make an effort to go out, collab ect. Even Taylor is making an effort… yet she gets bashed to fuck.
At the end of the day anon, she never really apologized it. People won't just get over it because her and kiki were OLD ENOUGH to understand what they were doing. People keep excusing their asses.
Dammit, Jessi Slaughter who was younger than Dakota and Kiki who made an ass of herself even went on that interview and apologized. She was younger fgs.
Plus people aren't that big of a fan because Dakota doesn't speak correctly over there apparently. I've been speaking to a few Japanese girls who HAVE actually seen her on tv and said her Japanese is just either too masculine or she talks badly for someone tarento. No, they're not jelly or ugly girls either. Just girls giving out their thoughts.
Others criticize her modelling… ect ect
People may have different reasons for not being Dakota's fan.
But sorry no, in my eyes she didn't really apologize for anything. Apart from a half assed paragraph on her old blog which virtually said not much.
They were old enough to understand what they were doing. They knew what the words they said meant and how hurtful they were.
Even if they're older now. They got caught out, it's forever scarred on the pair of them and tough shit.
If you act up on the internet then be prepared to deal with the consequences.
No. 243474
It's pretty ironic how you all are screaming that she's still a racist and hasn't apologized for what she said/did when she was 16, when you're the ones posting shit like this:
>>243298 in 2016 and you constantly throw that word (plus "jap") around. Just saying. The irony is strong in Kota's threads. Pretty laughable if you ask me.
No. 243559
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No. 243560
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>>243559Her caption. Can anyone translate? Ta
No. 243566
>>243560Her caption is:
"Before today's business meeting. Today's clothes. I definitely like/wear jeans more than skirts. It's cold, the wind is too strong, I think people who can wear skirts in this weather are impressive."
That's a rough-ish translation! Other Japanese speaking anons, let me know if I messed up somewhere.
No. 243622
>>243559I agree this is just looking lazy. It looks like she just simply edited the horizontal length of the pic (because last time we checked, she was getting a little chubby) and once again, just turned up the brightness. Also I'm wondering why the new mirrored image layout too, it just helps to show how uneven her eyes are.
The pale brightness is also making her look really ill and ghastly. I'm just shaking my head at this.
No. 243629
>>243608My jawline looks like this when I'm at a low weight.
Maybe she's just getting haggard from dieting.
No. 243632
>>243622she probably keeps doing the mirror effect to create more illusions and distract from her flaws.
koot, it just magnifies them ;)
No. 243771
>>243747It looks like a structure of sorts to me. Maybe a statue or sculpture.
Her ass still looks weird. Her hip just looks massive at this angle. It's so
No. 243921
>>243839There are stupid fucks who present other people's art as their own solely for unwarranted attention and praise. It's not hard to imagine someone presenting a fake image of themselves for the same reason.
I don't really understand it, since at the end of the day it's still a fantasy non-existent version of you that receives validation, which would make you feel even worse about your real self, but to some delusion blends with reality I suppose.
No. 243955
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posting a few from her recent GLB appearance
No. 243956
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No. 243978
File: 1456951696282.jpeg (46.26 KB, 500x750, image.jpeg)

This dakota is best dakota
No. 244046
File: 1456968929292.jpg (292.87 KB, 630x944, Dakota-Rose-2.jpg)

>>243978Beautiful, though the hair looks somewhat damaged here. Anyway I would kill to look like any of the old Kota styles (despite the shoops)
No. 244047
>>244046Best Kota by far, but I never actually noticed South Park playing in the back there lmao
~kawaii living doll desu~
No. 244158
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No. 244161
>>244158Gosh, she's so top-heavy and shapeless even with the guaranteed Meitu abuse this pic suffered.
I don't understand why she would shoop her tits bigger instead of cinching her waist in or something. It looks so gross.
No. 244175
>>244161Amusingly, in Japan the beauty standard is to have very narrow hips as it's seen as small and feminine.
As is typical with human anatomy however, narrow hips usually mean no waist, but for some reason this isn't unattractive to them.
Just different standards I guess.
No. 244187
File: 1457015132156.jpg (87.41 KB, 422x1021, shadow.jpg)

>>244158the leg shadow is fat
No. 244214
File: 1457020590103.jpg (82.79 KB, 398x391, 1457015132156.jpg)

>>244187Did she literally just draw two white lines to make her legs look slimmer? How lazy can you get?
No. 244222
>>244214I'm pretty sure the very thin line on one leg is literally just the 'edge' of her legs (or even tights) and the thick white line is the side of edge of that white wall or whatever that she's stood in front of.
Yes, she does stretch and photoshop herself thinner, but you're looking at the wrong details.
No. 244225
File: 1457025582449.jpg (192.08 KB, 1036x1013, 1457003611636-1.jpg)

expectation vs reality
No. 244226
>>244222Lol are you kidding? There are white gaps between her legs and the wall behind them, when there's nothing between the two. And her knees wouldn't look like that if she were wearing tights, they smooth that shit out for you.
Also lol at the right leg below the knee, anatomy doesn't work like that koots.
No. 244237
>>244225Imo the right looks super cute and curvy. The left looks like a bizarre figurine and not in a flattering way. Having that heavy of a chest with a toothpick body looks so weird and almost mannish.
>>244214Dat shameless leg shoop jfc.
No. 244238
>>244231Fuck the different standards, if it doesn't look good then don't do it.
>>244225One on Right looks better. If she had just lightened then that it would've been better
No. 244388
>>244242>she's got to cater to her audience.Dakota is probably the only one who thinks this looks cute unironically. She shooped herself to have the prior options of a MTF transsexual who just got milk jug implants and is now saving up for hip/butt implants.
>but the likes!Likes are cheap on Instagram, even if you don't actually part for them. Her being white and speaking Japanese and living in Japan are the main reasons why she has a fanbase.
>>244225>>244245This might not have looked so bad if she shopped her shoulders as narrow as her hips, but that boob shoop is ridiculous either way. It's like she wants the body of an anorexic bimbo with the face of a late term aborted fetus.
>drawfags now is your chance No. 244389
File: 1457067228770.jpeg (133.66 KB, 640x1004, image.jpeg)

Can't believe nobody posted this.
Apparently she watched TWD with some "friends". Guess she got a little miffed at everyone calling her a hikkikomori with no friends lol.
No. 244490
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No. 244495
File: 1457111381525.jpg (54.43 KB, 320x240, tve122622-2384-20110417-0.jpg)

>>244490I'm getting Lotte Verbeek vibes
No. 244545
>>244388It's true, she is quite broad. Only slightly but she isn't that petite within the shoulder department. Not like it matters but meh, she won't learn.
Just leave kooter to her weirdo shooping.
No. 244836
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>>244821I don't know why you'd think they were fakes, it's not like they're particularly expensive.
No. 244848
>>244836cos shes known for taobao and shitty chinese copy fake bags
hence how she got famous due to her "im so rich" wardrobe
No. 245131
>>244850Scott and Cathy bought Dakota and Kiki designer clothes to keep up their rich internet famous image. Dakota had a
shitload of Taobao knockoffs probably because she wanted so much at a time compared to Kiki. Thy still bought it for her though.
No. 245148
File: 1457252102850.jpg (280.1 KB, 1908x2222, 16-03-06-08-13-07-963_deco_1.j…)

This is a video from insta, which she's taken from Snapchat.
Do you think maybe she'll allow people to add her on there eventually?
No. 245153
>>245148It's not from Snapchat, it's from a Japanese clone app called Snow. And lol @ her editing frames by frames. The app males videos, not gifs, so this just looks plain obvious edited frame by frame.
Moo, Dakota. Moo.
No. 245154
>>245151Looks exactly like what she did. lol
No. 245160
File: 1457255247297.jpeg (87.28 KB, 749x682, image.jpeg)

This 4 year old girl looks exactly like what Dakota probably wishes she looks like. At least in this photo.
No. 245347
>>245260Dakota is not goals. She dropped out of middle school, is uneducated, has no friends, and she's losing her job slowly but surely and she's so insecure about her looks and her body she shoops herself into a fetus-faced tranny.
>not in a relationshipsurejan.jpg
No. 245369
>>245353seconding this bit since her house isnt covered like you seem to imply. She has like 20 pieces of 'kawaii shit' I rewatched through the video and counted about 50 things that could be counted as 'kawaii' that might sound like a lot but between 4 rooms that's only a 12 item per room setup and most of her items are seriously small and that doesnt include at least 6 items that she put in the rooms to make her apartment seem less boring. tbh I'm pretty sure half of it she went out and bought right before making the video since there are so many unopened boxes and the such.
sage for responding to old milk
No. 245378
>>245260I agree with this, tbh. Koti has sort of wiggled her way into my heart, coming from someone who also went through a scene phrase and played sidekick to someone who got much more attention. For her to even have this little bit of independent success and recognition is something she should be proud of.
Even still, the negative aspects of her lives are things most channers have at some point been through (no friends, uneducated, insecurities). We pity her, but we also empathize with her and wish for her to find personal happiness. I like her a lot – I think she needs guidance and someone she can confide in without fear, but who doesn't at 20? I just hope she finds a way to stay financial secure should this popularity pass, and is happy in the end. She's not a bad person, she's just been surrounded by them for too long.
No. 245387
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>>245378>channersgross. get some better goals, sis.
No. 245420
>>245405Her "achievements" are only impressive to weebs who don't want to get real jobs, and maybe to people who hear she's a "model in Tokyo" and speaks Japanese but have no other exposure to her and haven't seen any of her pics. In fact even that might not be so impressive given how she doesn't take care of herself anymore. To any other functioning adult who wasn't emotionally and ethically stunted by trashy fame hungry parents, she's absolutely
Any weeb can get a crappy McJob and save up for a trip to Tokyo, get a job teaching English (you don't even need to speak Japanese) with someone willing to sponsor a work visa, then you have a reason to live in Japan and a way to make money there too. Problem is the kind of desperate weebs who idolize Himezawa and Dakota and Taylor are so impatient and childish that they want it immediately and for nothing. Fuck's sake, some of them act like you can't set foot in Japan unless you're rich or you have an Internet following.
No. 245437
>>245308>>245347But that's kind of the point, she went from a really shitty home situation and made something out of it. I dunno if her modeling is gonna have long term staying power, but for now she seems to be doing quite well, working in something she likes, and on a foreign continent too.
>>245378Yeah, same here on all points and I hope things will go well for her.
No. 245447
>>245437>she went from a really shitty home situation and made something out of itWell that's usually what drives the person to get out of it all the more. But yeah, it's always a good story to hear about someone getting out of such a mess to make it themselves but Kota… Well I think she went about it the wrong way, but regardless I can still agree on the same thought.
However I still just find it sad that that's the reason why those people left was because of their dysfunctional families but not all of us can have a great family/home life.
No. 245537
File: 1457348539698.png (211 KB, 393x575, embryo-chan.png)

More lovely fetus shoop
No. 245609
>>245438I understand what you mean anon. Thing is, Dakota marketed herself to the Japanese but she couldn't speak Japanese as well back then. Reckon she was reading off a sign or something in her first Japanese speaking videos. Not convinced.
But Venus will probably end up either teaching English or Jvlogging. I can't imagine her getting into the media over there. Maybe? We don't know. She needs to get on with her life and kind of get on track if anything.
But it wouldn't surprise me if she got into the media. Yukapon is already there. All the big weebs are.
>>245450Pretty much. She got an email apparently off Bravo when she went viral hence why they signed her up before meeting her. She was definitely lucky, remember the timing? The doll trend was NEW at the time.
No. 245654
>>245631thats what her mom and dad are for
sort of related, i wonder how many times the ostrengas have tried to take lolcow down
No. 245668
>>245609She marketed herself to tumblr, got picked up by bravo when she was thinking about China and then
they marketed her to the Japanese. She couldn't speak Japanese at all before Japan, the video in her FL room where she was speaking Japanese was a basic phrase book-tier intro she got off google translate. She didn't make her career in Japan happen, Japan made it happen fr her to fill their kawaii white foreigner hole. There were others before her and there will be more after I promise you.
No. 245674
People act like Kota is this marketing GENIUS. 238k is NOT that much especially if you look at her following to see lots of them being empty accounts that only follow 2-3 accounts. If anything her tiny insta following prooves that (even minori who is in a SUPER subset fashion has thousands more)
She's not that popular job wise cause, even though she's not often on tv, rinrin obviously gets more modelling jobs.
Yes she's modelling and living in japan but all her success comes from her management. No one's looking at her baby fetus shoops and going 'we need HER' and the proof is that if they liked that they would shoop her to look like that.
She's just an easy (and usually not busy) popular white girl that they can throw into ads and they know she wont get mad when they shoop her. She's a discount canvas that anyone can paint on
No. 246023
>>246010Scott and Cathy can't do much about Dakota anymore since she doesn't do anything in English anymore, and I doubt either of them would put the effort into learning enough Japanese to file flimsy copyright claims on her shit.
It seems like te Monstrengas don't really care about deleting all negative Dakota content anymore since… About a year ago? Which might be why koots has calmed down so much, her parents aren't running interference for her anymore or can't.
Kiki flying back and forth to Japan 2-3 times in a row and burning money while she was there without having any income probably put a big dent in their finances, and Dakota refusing to be seen with her, tweet at her or mention her at all had to have chapped their asses a little bit when it became apparent to Kiki, Scott and Cathy that their precious favorite middle child didn't get the same deal Dakota got, and on top of that Dakota wouldn't even lift a finger to help Kiki get a modeling deal (which would have been career suicide for Kota tbh so good for her). That paired with the fact that she hasn't gone home for Christmas, thanksgiving or any other holidays in like 2 years is a pretty good indication of Dakota not speaking to her family anymore, or at least not being in good terms with them anymore because of spoiled earth princess Kiki.
No. 246104
File: 1457416584458.png (900.99 KB, 1190x1194, Screen Shot 2016-03-08 at 12.5…)

She looks so strange now even more than before I used to love how she would dress to the point that I would copy her I dont like her current look
No. 246118
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All from her Instagram. Which was conveniently started with pics of her in a wedding dress which we never saw photoshoot pics of anywhere else. Also conveniently was the same time Kiki started talking about getting married.
No. 246119
File: 1457418185986.jpeg (155.05 KB, 640x640, image.jpeg)

>>246118Derp meant to quote
>>246103One more from her IG for posterity and to drive the nail home. If any ameblo anons want to post pics from her blog that aren't on her insta that would be cool too.
No. 246127
>>246122Who would you wear the same ring on the same finger every day even to shoots and appearances if it wasn't a wedding ring?
Wedding rings are a newer thing in Japan, most couples don't wear them but those that do can wear them on any finger they want, usually the only "rule" is that it's on the left hand on one of the two middle fingers (not the pointer or pinky).
No. 246128
>>246119Even though this isnt an actual 'marriage ginger' but it's DEFINITELY a wedding ring. None of her accessories match it and it's way simple compared to ALL of her other accessories and the fact that she ALWAYS has fancy nails
>>246122in the red top pic she's wearing a different ring than the others (it's silver) but it's very suspicious that she would ALWAYS wear a single ring on the same finger.
The middle finger thing could be to throw off rumors but keep his 'this is mine' symbol.
tbh her having a sugar daddy husband makes everything more reasonable imho.
Why does she never go outside? Hubby doesnt want his arm candy fooling around. Why does she have such weird body dismorphia? Hubby keeps mentioning that he likes younger looking girls. She might legit think that shooping herself will help her situation.
Explains why she hasnt been caught dating ever since that one guy when she was first there too.
No. 246136
>>246131>>246134Why would that make sense? An heirloom ring? Dakota hated her grandma (and from her stories the feeling was mutual) and I really don't see Cathy sending Dakota an heirloom ring after she shaded princess Kiki so hard and stopped coming home for holidays. Plus if it was from her family she would maybe wear it a few times and keep it in her jewelry box when she's not, but she wears it
constantly since the wedding dress pics, and she even wears it to work and appearances- except, like it was mentioned before, to a "business meeting" where that kind of thing might be frowned upon.
No. 246138
>>246131that would only make sense if she was wearing it before though. Kota doesnt wear ANYTHING that often and goes out of her way to not wear the same thing time and time again.
Also yeah what
No. 246141
>>246138>goes out of her way to not wear the same thing time and time againI hate when middle class girls do this. It's to create the illusion that they're so loaded they can just buy new clothes rather than rewear them. It's sad really, especially considering rich girls wear expensive clothes and don't mind rewearing them
because they're expensive.
No. 246164
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No. 246167
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No. 246270
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No. 246301
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The wedding dress was for the Wish Upon A Star event, guys: agree that she's probably married, tho
No. 246344
>>246317It is. Can't you tell by how lumpy and bloated her face looks compared to the pics she usually posts? Also holy shit, se really is aging like milk, no wonder she plasters her fake age&DOB everywhere, lol.
>>246320How is that genius? And we know what she really looks like, so does everyone else, she can't shoop every picture of herself, as evidenced by
>>246317 No. 246406
>>246023yeah, i find hilarious how kaka mentioned her
reallifebarbiemoderugaijintarentoveganetc Dakota oneechan at every chance she had, and Kota just regarded her as "my older sister" on social media kek
No. 246410
>>246395Eh, she took what she could get to get out of that atmosphere. And I'm sure being in the fashion industry doesn't help with whatever body image she has, she more or less is supporting herself and got away from her family.
Also Dakota sucks at make up, she could never be a make up artist. Also when has Dakota done music?
No. 246480
File: 1457474480746.png (368.82 KB, 640x464, wedding comparison.png)

here's one of my favorite comparisons between Dakotashop and a "real" photo
No. 246484
>>246413Se also claimed she had a degree in sound engineering when she was 14 but "didn't use it" because she "lost interest in music".
Yah cuz a kid who "dropped out of school at 8" totes just has a "degree" she got at "14" she doesn't use ~just because~.
No. 246496
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>>246271It didn't seem like she did much, only when you put them side to side it is noticable.
No. 246527
>>246496She actually looks cute in her rl picture tho :/ not fond of her new hair though but her real face looks better
(why kota)
No. 246557
>>246554This desu.
Honestly willing to bet that a lot of the hate is emanating from girls who are still jello after all these years.
I've seen it a million times already, plain, paunchy white/Hispanic weebs who legit believe Dakota got to Japan and stole their living doll idoru dreams out from under their feet. PULL is crawling with them, and we all know that their ilk lurk and post here.
No. 246567
>>246497embarrassed to say I first saw it in PULL's comparison thread awhile ago. But yes, if you search social media for the Japanese name of an event or look at fellow models' accounts, you can find more candids.
I know this board kind of hates kontrakoti but I miss her. She was great at collecting and organizing candids and social media reports. I don't understand why sie stopped.
No. 246570
>>246554>>246557Nice projection, Kota-stans.
Nobody gives enough of a shit about her to actually hate her, most people who bother to still come in her threads are just talking idly to pass the time and reminiscing on an old cow.
>"She's married to a fat middle aged man! Nobody implied he's fat. It's all just speculation anyway, and ots fun to speculate because of how buttmad you wannabe moderu-chans get.
>She only gets jobs because of him, but at the same time she's too basic to do any work at all! If he's her manager then yeah, that's kind of how modeling works. Your manager books jobs for you. Duh.
>She's ugly! She's fat! Nobody is calling her ugly, just basic/plain and doughy. Because she is.
>She's not successful! She works, has an apartment and spending money. She's middle class, not a failure but not what I would consider a dazzling success. The only reason anyone thinks she is some famous success story is because of their inaccurate preconceived notions about both Japan and modeling. Trust me, neither one is all that magical once you see the
real side of it.
>She's a racist and a liar! Nobody cares or even bothers to bring either of these up anymore. Keep up.
>She photoshops!"She does though. And she doesn't
just photoshop, she does it so badly that it's the joke that keeps on giving!
She probably is married, though. Idc how much you love her, she just doesn't do enough modeling anymore to pay for a 2 bedroom apartment in Tokyo.
>it's not that expensive!!!111Spoken like a teenager who still lives at home. It may not be the most expensive place in the world, but it's still a decently sized 2br apartment in a popular part of a major city which isn't cheap anywhere except a shithole. And her apartment clearly isn't a shithole.
No. 246579
>>246554>>246574See this right here is bullshit since MOST of us think she's cuter in her candids. We only call her ugly in her fetus baby shoops. It's like you guys dont keep at all.
>>246570Also this so hard.
It's funny how people take speculation and the such as us insulting her. None of us even implied that it was a BAD thing that she was married :T
Anyway why DOES she have a two bedroom??
No. 246584
>>246570Funny how I said absolutely
nothing about her apartment or it being expensive/not expensive. Maybe you should stop projecting so much, since you're probably the teenager who is living at home :^)
No. 246585
>>246582>Projecting this hardokay. I get it you want to live through kooter and people insulting her is
triggering my bad.
>>246584It's often a thing brought up and that bit was obviously added seperately so calm down.
No. 246588
File: 1457485366168.png (360.6 KB, 858x725, image.png)

>saying anything about Kotex that isn't negative
No. 246594
>>246579>>246582My theory
- Dakota has a single bed
- Dakota movies to a larger place, that conveniently has an extra room
- Dakota puts her old bed in that room
- Dakota enjoys her new big bed in her main bedroom
I DID THE SAME THING. Is this really such a big deal? My extra room was just a room. Only my old bed decided it was a bedroom when I placed it there. Just a damn room. lol
No. 246598
>>246597But… You already have your own thread…
You're posting in it right now.
>zing No. 247184
File: 1457588223572.jpeg (74.49 KB, 640x413, image.jpeg)

Comments on
>>245537This shit had me dying. It takes a special kind of gullible to be a fan of Dakota Rose.
No. 247292
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>>246271Shooped for accuracy
No. 247322
File: 1457610959533.jpg (1.17 MB, 1920x2560, 16-03-10-11-54-59-845_deco.jpg)

No. 247324
>>247322Man, I never saw the resemblance until this photo
And jesus fuck, her hairline. She could have at least photoshopped it lower. She would look waaay more cute.
Can someone do it?
No. 247330
File: 1457613039646.jpg (1.28 MB, 2560x1920, 16-03-10-12-29-09-029_deco.jpg)

>>247324Please forgive my poor Pitu attempt
No. 247343
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No. 247356
File: 1457622551953.png (189.46 KB, 501x891, 2016-03-10 10.08.49.png)

>>247322Some wild ass shit some dude left underneath this pic
No. 247364
File: 1457623568652.png (137.96 KB, 500x888, 2016-03-10 10.22.19.png)

>>247358pt. 3 jesus christ
No. 247365
File: 1457623608011.png (123.78 KB, 501x889, 2016-03-10 10.22.47.png)

>>247364i'm gonna check back later to see if he's still going at it
No. 247367
File: 1457624281919.jpg (14.12 KB, 320x400, Alexandre.jpg)

>>247364>>247365Never go full autism
No. 247369
>>247356>>247358Poor guy he is mentally ill (!)
>Fuckin first time ive felt good and happy in almost a year and not completely psychotic, which I literally am. It'sjust fucking sad you cant get govt doctors to give the meds people like me need and end up having to self medicate to be happy and sane. Govt Docs arent allowed to prescribe anything that can help crazy people like me except for garbage meds that have side effects that will turn you inside out and/or not even work
>I cant go to a normal doctor or psych cause my medicade tenncare wont cover them, so why the hell did they give me the fucking insurance if i cant use it?! It's pretty bad when you got a $400 hr psych ( this was 2013 when i was seen probono by a psych and she was seeing me for free cause im a "rare case" super bad shape) and then tell you that all I need is 1 or 2 meds along with MARIJUANA to help me with my PTSD etc, instead of the 7 meds i was having to take
>take a look at my posts over the past fucking year or 2 off and on when i tried to medicate their way, and compare it to my posts from over the past week or since ive been gettibng better by self mecidating. Instead of talking about alien cats coming to take over the world im actually able to sit here and look back and say "holy shit I am crazy, and this si what I need for help to keep me sane"
>Word of advice, if you know someone that is depressed or "crazy" and they start talking insane shit to you, like for example they are telling about "friends" they have that are real to them but arent actually real in real life, or if they look up and tell you they see a flying cat, NEVER EVER tell them that it isnt real, or doesnt exist, but at the same time dont tell them it is real etc.. just stay quiet and calm and get them somewhere safe and away from the public, telling them it isnt real or doesnt exist etc.. can trigger a hardcore violent reaction towards you or themselves. Let their doctor work it out with them etc…while i was at my worst, i was trying to hang out with a friend, even though in this condition, and of course at that time i was so crazy, i wouldnt have been able to sit down and type somehting out like this, that actually sorta makes sense.
>So anywyas i was rambling on about "maddie" now the Dr. will tell you that Maddie is one of my split personalities, like an imaginary friend along with "Dakota". No. 247425
File: 1457635785505.jpg (93.61 KB, 600x886, Untitled-1.jpg)

i did a thing
No. 247431
>>247322This makes her look like she has autism and a developmental disorder.
No wonder she's attracting people like
>>247356. She looks like a mental dredge herself.
No. 247480
>>247365I'm just laughing so much imagining Kota's face reading this
And here she thought pedophile lesbians were bad
No. 247505
File: 1457650673351.png (64.58 KB, 513x533, Screenshot_6.png)

good lord
No. 247512
File: 1457651097199.png (71.73 KB, 523x359, Screenshot_10.png)

>>247430holy shit, "Maddie" is Maddie Ziegler, the girl that dances in some Sia videos No. 247513
File: 1457651236152.png (20.75 KB, 515x189, Screenshot_11.png)

>>247512ok I'm done spamming this thread with this lunatic, but he should be shut away or put out of his misery. this "dialogue"…
No. 247671
File: 1457686391982.jpg (247.39 KB, 1226x1748, image.jpg)

This kind of thing legitimately makes me worried for Dakota. She attracts the craziest kinds of men.
No. 247792
>>247356noooo he lives in my area
how distressing
No. 247924
>>245160Oh my god, I know this family IRL. Worlds collide!!
The kid has a huge Japanese following and her mom gets sent fan art all the time.
No. 247937
File: 1457760823311.png (1.76 MB, 1920x1876, kotiunshoop.png)

>>247330I just wanted to remove that fucking stupid overdrawn top lip.
Then I made some other adjustments.
No. 247954
File: 1457767072413.gif (348.24 KB, 275x179, 1427747062638.gif)

>>247322wtf? why would she do this to herself? not cute.
No. 247971
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No. 248016
File: 1457778351000.png (84.38 KB, 510x371, Capture3.PNG)

I guess she kinda does with photoshop, kek.
No. 248060
>>248003such edge desoo
>>247971coat looks very ill fitting
No. 248149
>>247322i'm weeping. GIRL, your hairline is nonexistent. you are two high ponytails away from being bald. i see you trying to hide dat chin and jaw with your turtleneck. she looks like the benjamin button'd offspring of an aging librarian and terry richardson.
i am, however, forever jelly of that audrey kawasaki print
>>247971Jesus H. Christ. This girl has lost her damn mind. I would pay to see the original photo.
>>248103there's definitely still shoop going on. i have a feeling she defined her waist more, but couldn't go for the inflated bimbo tits and erased hips look she usually does.
No. 248258
>>248236Then she must be blind.
The point is she looks like shit in that coat, which might be why, even with heavy face shoop she still looks miserable. Plus Dakota never wears all black, someone else probably picked that outfit for her.
No. 248289
File: 1457849073794.png (2 MB, 1920x2560, help.png)

>>247322I was trying to unshoop this but then I gave up.
No. 248390
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What's happening
No. 248396
File: 1457887676185.png (1.7 MB, 1280x1559, debut_image1.png)

Found this.
No. 248398
File: 1457888021558.jpg (439.01 KB, 1280x855, dakota_debut4.jpg)

No. 248399
>>248396>>248396so interesing to me that she decided to go with a bat theme and motif for her brand. it reminds me so much of her and her sister's ugly, plastic bat necklaces, and you think she would try to distance herself from that considering how many people complained about the product and business practices.
also, the fact that she named it baby fang to me indicates that she still is the same wannabe edgelord on the inside as she was in her scene days. she could have played up the doll or sweet Loli image in the brand name and aesthetic to appeal to her fanbase more. goes to show the sweet doll shit is nothing more than a facade
No. 248400
>>248399nah its very creepy cute
fits with her current image perfectly
No. 248404
File: 1457889599078.jpg (20.64 KB, 320x213, vwMinh.jpg)

>>248390it's happening
>>248399iirc her ameblo had a bat wings header too? maybe trying to make a cuter, less shitty/more pro approach of what KND could be.
No. 248414
File: 1457890872705.jpeg (167.44 KB, 500x750, image.jpeg)

Yeah, the bat motif does seem very Ostrenga sisters circa 2007.
Kiki will be rolling in her grave.
No. 248427
I'm surprised grade C models like her can afford creating their own brand and products.
>>248415"Our #1 Kota clone"? You're not on Pull, dear.
No. 248430
>>248377>>248381So I'm guessing she's finally trying to find another source of income? At least that'd make sense for the next step to take when you're a model [who's modeling license may expire] and you need to find some other related field of work to stay in Japan.
Although I know she said she wanted to become a fashion designer so maybe that's also the reason.
Regardless, her sudden dark outfit and edgy accessory line seems pretty… pretentious.
However I think it's exactly as
>>248399 said so it's gonna be entertaining to see how it turns out.
No. 248440
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Translation please??
No. 248441
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No. 248442
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No. 248443
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No. 248455
>>248448he says
>この度ダコタローズちゃんとアクセサリーブランドを立ち上げる事となりました☆彡> ダコタローズちゃんとso… he has some part in it?
No. 248458
>>248440My English is really bad, but I'll try anyway
"I've built up an accessory brand with Dakota Rose! The brand will be called 'babyfang' , as chosen by Dakota Rose! —web link—- Everyone, please support us!
No. 248494
>>248396LOL and when I said "when is kota getting her brand?" and y'all were like "IT AINT HAPPENING!"
kek told you all fucking so
she gets EVERYTHING handed to her :)
No. 248495
>>248409Here we go Venus! Go apply and huddle in with kota so you can all weeb out!
Himezawa's big chance and maybe yukapee too
No. 248499
>>248398>>248414I reckon Dakota's theme is going to be this dakota and edgy tone. I noticed Risa Nakamura recently did that Ehyphen Gallery Bon Bon theme which is the Larme one where black, lace and thrill is included in her style. Tsubasa Masuwaka recently did her new EAT ME apparel which again was similar to the Ehyphen Gallery Bon Bon range Risa designed. They all include dark, lace, sexy, bit on bondage, black.
It seems Dakota is going in that direction too… because it's IN at the moment. She's kind of dropped the loli dolly shit and she's moving on to the things the bigger models are into.
No. 248501
File: 1457905933725.jpg (38.41 KB, 300x450, tumblr_inline_nm9c7ypGp71r0rrj…)

E hyphen gallery bon bon range by Risa
No. 248502
File: 1457905998287.jpg (158.85 KB, 920x530, tumblr_inline_nm9c7ypGp71r0rrj…)

Tsuplastic's range EAT ME
No. 248529
>>248494We always said she wasn't getting a
clothing line unless all the work was done for her, which looks like the deal with this accessory line. Unless she's been taking classes on the side, Dakota has zero business knowledge for something like this. She's just the face of it, this Akira guy would be the one calling the important shots.
No. 248531
>>248502I get that it's supposed to be a tad sexy but those leg garters and somewhat sheer lacy top stockings and shiny heels just make it look kind of trashy, like an ex-prostitute trying to go for a job interview.
Simple black opaque stockings with the shoes in the third dress pic would've been a lot better.
No. 248540
>>248532You're right anon. Fuck it, all Japanese worship Dakota. Fuck Budda, just thrown in Dakota there dressed in a robe and katsura on her damn head. She is the real tru azn godessu! Her blue eyes shine light and glory upon nippon!
They'll kiss her ass like the japs in this video with good ol' avril
No. 248547
>>248532I think most of these anons are joking about the other weebs joining her anon.
It's pretty funny of you to immediately assume Kota wouldn't use a white model. We won't know who she'll select until she selects them, so until then it's speculation.
But those are a lot of good points you brought up on why she wouldn't select them.
No. 248548
>>248488Oh my god, I kind of want to apply for shits and giggles.
…Should I?
No. 248551
>>248548Me too anon, but I wouldn't actually follow through it (also I'm not that good at moonspeak).
Go do it anon. Do it for all of us.
No. 248556
>>248555Sweet Jesus all those typos!
I'm genuinely sorry, fam. My phone is glitchy and sometimes autocorrect just doesn't even try.
No. 248558
>>248551I did it. I sent it in.
And yeah, y'all are right that she probably won't hire a white model. But I'm bored and that gave me something to do for at least 5 minutes. Haha.
No. 248565
>>248558Did you photoshop your face? Meitu the shit out of yourself anon! Make yourself look kawaii and ugu ~
or just use a shoop of mira or something meh
No. 248570
>>248564>>248565Ahahaha I almost spit out my tea! I didn't think of that, actually, but I sent in the ugliest picture of me that I could find.
But, damn, photoshooping mira would have been sooo good! I missed my chance…
But none of us really have a chance when it comes to the kawaii elf goddess desu for she will always be prettier than any living being on the planet until she turns into kawaii kira kira dust.
No. 248571
>>248564let's be real here. dakota's gonna surround herself with some ugly japanese girls with snaggle teeth and bow legs so she can look like a ~white purincessu desu~ by comparison. there's no way she's gonna hire any half-decent looking models.
hiring uggos is just gonna work in her favor regarding her public image and fan interaction too. she can pretend she gives half a shit about the people who adore her photoshopping ass by saying "look i let my fans model for my brand (:"
No. 248583
>>248570Shoulda sent mira in anon, she is a white japanese and hideous! perfect combo </3
>>248577and she'll probably try and get sailor moon to collab with her some way
No. 248643
>>248555I agree, it's pretty obvious she's specifically targetting young Japanese models who are not
too cute.
She's going to model along with them but they have to make her look good.
Why else would it say "Dakota herself is casting!"
No. 248667
>>248653nope, kaka just took a couple of videos with her usual
I just hang out with famous people attitude , and that's all. This is most likely what happened after that
>>248665 No. 248672
File: 1457936745193.jpeg (125.43 KB, 640x888, image.jpeg)

>>248665>All you have to do is pay him and meet upNot even that, those nail runs she posted the poctures of were just pic related- he ships them anywhere, you never have to meet him.
>>248667I don't remember her in any pics or videos with Fangophilia, I'm sure she would have plastered that shit all over Twitter and insta.
No. 248686
Pics (suprise surprise) deleted now but here's the thread from that time
>>53420 No. 248694
>>248690okay then.
As I said before,
I don't remember if he was on pics, there's only that ring video still up. Kaka deleted everything else from that time, so I have no way to corroborate if anons from said thread claimed was true or not, all the links they posted 404'd.
Thanks for making it clear though.
No. 248708
File: 1457942401269.webm (3.78 MB, 640x640, 939722743137243902_13455835.we…)
I know this Instagram video was first named "@fangophilia gave me my cat claws, real life cat woman yo #catbond #felinefriend #purrrfect #tokyo #tarochan" and then she changed it to "real life cat woman yo #catbond #felinefriend #purrrfect #tokyo"
No. 248735
>>248724Not that anon, but she definitely did meet him. She had a video with him on her ig (pic related) and he was friends with her on fb at the time.
Sorry for the shitty pic, it's the only screenshot I could find of the video.
No. 248741
>>248736Different anon, the pic on the right with the guy on the bed and the bottom pic is fangophilia. If I'm not mistaken, no one could figure out who the guy in the hat was…
My best guess is this is how it all went down:
1. Kiki bought the nail jewelry from him and they hung out a few times.
2. My guess is Kiki exaggerated her "huge fan base" and fangophilia thought it would be good publicity to hang out with her.
3. Kiki thought this was another way to get a husband and stated taking constant videos of him and trying to be his girlfriend.
4. Fangophilia shattered her fantasy by confirming that he only wants to be friends.
5. Kiki freaked out about him using her and stalking her.
6. Fangophilia realized that she was crazy and carried on with his life.
7. Kiki removed all traces of his name from her social accounts, but continues to check up on his profiles in the middle of the night.
No. 248771
>>248735>>248736no those are different people
ugh this is a srs pull invasion going on, where people just 'forget' the truth and spew nonsense
No. 248781
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No. 248790
File: 1457971066632.jpg (82.57 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

They have a Instagram now
No. 248799
>>248792At this point I really don't care. Her edits are interesting in an aesthetic way and she hasn't had any real drama for literally years now.
The only people targeting this kind of shit and calling it milk are usually thirsty Hispanic goblins from PULL who're pissed because they feel like Dakota got to NipNop land and ripped their kawaii-idoru dream rug out from under their feet. Most of lolcow is #teamKota at this point so I can't help but smirk whenever I see posts like yours.
If her Babyfang brand is nice enough I might even end up purchasing some.
No. 248804
>>248799Of course it's not real milk but I agree with anyone else saying her shoops are fucking ugly
>>248801It's not purple, it's just her filters making it look a different color.
No. 248883
>>248799Meh, not everyone is so supportive anon. Most people still don't like her. But I don't think anyone cares about the shoop anymore because we all KNOW it isn't real and no one can actually look that "doll" like in person. So we all just kinda laugh at it and scroll on.
Her new brand will be cats, old KND designs and creepyyeha. Already know it. Nothing new.
Meh other girls can get to kota's position if they work hard. Anyone can probably do it if they're cute and small ect ect know Japanese.
The milk is dried up and Dakota even though she has a brand coming out… still isn't that interesting. Wasn't it her aim in the beginning 2011?!
No. 248902
>>248741It's strange she said "Fangophila gave me" then changed it after. I guess they never met.
>>248783I'm looking at the thumbnails and the head is definitely too big on the top half.
No. 249027
>>248781Desperate to look 12.
It's cute but it looks nothing like her when she shops that hard.
No. 249042
>>249034Wow, this looks so much like her candids
Well done, anon
No. 249138
>>249052I'm thinking the latter. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she browses lolcow here and does some of the things we complain about just to spite us and the other half on suggestions (like she should have darker hair) to take as advice.
Though I'm immediately reminded of Sakura from Naruto when Ino says to expose her forehead in order to [ironically] try to stop the teasing. But it's just making it worse.
No. 249140
File: 1458031452606.jpg (35.54 KB, 480x640, tumblr_o42h1zhDq51ufislwo5_500…)

Were these posted before? Saw them on Tumblr
No. 249145
File: 1458031914038.jpg (34.18 KB, 500x500, tumblr_o2twviPUK31rrye22o1_500…)

Random shit I haven't seen before
No. 249148
>>249143>>249144She looks good here! She should shoop her pics like this from now on.
Though she doesn't have that alien baby vibe she's trying to bring in, it's definitely appealing.
No. 249149
File: 1458034050939.jpg (35.61 KB, 480x640, tumblr_o23qk88JBd1qdp0wso6_500…)

Geez, she looks like shit in this one
Those lips are gross
No. 249151
>>249150>>249149Wow her chin juts out so much. Not even the good ol' high angle is helping.
But man, she's really gotta stop that stupid fake fuller upper lip, it's definitely not working. Makes me wonder if the business is tired of it too.
No. 249153
File: 1458034601650.jpg (37.26 KB, 480x640, tumblr_o23qk88JBd1qdp0wso2_500…)

>>249152Her eyebrows have a nice color, but there's something about the shape that makes them look off
No. 249181
>>249143>>249144i really like these
but i have no idea how you get from there to
>>248781 No. 249186
>>249131More than a fluke I think she very intelligently associated with the right people, because it's obvious someone is pushing her carrier really hard but she still hasn't take off because she's a shitty model and apparently very lazy.
Just think about it,
-they tried to make her the gaijin barbie doll super model thing - failed
-tried to give her a cool tomboy personality and make her a teen model - failed
-tried to make her a tv genoujin - failed
-tried to make her a lolita model - failed
-pushed her into line blog/instagram
-and now they're trying to push her as a designer, wonder how much and most of all why are they trying to hard to push her carrier? I am seriously starting to believe the sugar daddy/manager rumors
No. 249208
>>249188>>249206yeah, hopefully you don't mean the times she tried to fake an accent.
"an aaaandroid from naaaasaaa"
When she did it in Korea, it was especially awful.
No. 249212
>>249141she is literally drawing over her lip line for half a centimeter. how does this happen, do these shoots not have makeup artists on set? why does noone fix it in editing? surely noone can think this looks normal or even good? her actual lips are fine.
also lol at he face here
>>249142for some reason she eminds me of elijah wood as frodo
No. 249243
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No. 249247
>>249210Pfft. Okay anon.
I don't think this site is for you. Might wanna browse something more friendlier.
No. 249271
File: 1458069510387.jpg (352.98 KB, 500x750, koots.jpg)

>>249245>>249247I went a little bit tr.igger happy selecting posts, my bad!
But deep down you know im right No. 249304
>>249206Nah i just miss her speaking english and giving a damn about her english fans. Also her normal english speaking voice (kinda deep) in her old videos is really relaxing and i loved how she was being cute yet would still swear sometimes and shit. Now she comes accross as tryhard. Her shoops are horrific and ugly,i feel like nothing about her is interesting or appealing anymore. She suited the cute mature style so much better than pastel vomit i really hope she would come back to that. I am so sad that most cows have dried up or lost their "charm".
I will always remembering browsing PULL version 1 in summer 2012 on hot afternoons…good times
No. 249306
Now i feel all nostalgic. I miss milk flow and interesting cows.
No. 249411
>>249325Lel no, but she did anyway. Which might be why once she got on with Popteen and they let her do her own makeup she stopped doing as many shoots for other magazines.
>>249334>>249350It's confirmed. A Russian model blogger who did a purikura machine shoot with her way back in her first year or two in Japan wrote about how short and rude she was and how she "wouldn't let any stylists near her" an that she caked on her makeup super thick. If you care to look for the link it's in one of the old Kota threads.
It makes sense, since she set foot in Japan she's done her makeup to look younger and cuter, but when she did the ad for Vogue Japan where their stylists did her makeup and Elle magazine where they also did her makeup, they did it less cutesy and more flattering to her face shape and western features. She didn't look old, se looked her age and it actually was nicely done both times but it wasn't ~uguu kawaii~ like Dakota wanted. Then se started doing Lolita modeling and Popteen which are both kawaii garbage in terms of fashion(sorry not sorry) probably so she wouldn't have to deal with that again.
No. 249465
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No. 249468
File: 1458133553614.jpg (202.92 KB, 1078x1514, Screenshot_2016-03-16-13-03-43…)

I don't think she's ever shared anything exclusively in English since she moved to Japan. There's a couple of words here and there, but the last time we got mostly English was in October (pic related)
No. 249471
>>248690>>248724>>248743>>248771>>248902Sorry to bring this back up and I know it's not relative to Dakota, but I'm the one who originally posted this comparison picture
>>248736 (but bigger) in Kiki's thread ages ago when those videos of Taku + Taro (Fangophilia) were first up on her instagram.
We were trying to work out if they were the same guy and figured out that the top right pic was Fangophilia (bottom pic) because the freckles around his mouth and other things matched with the guy in the video on her bed.
Taku was an 'unknown' other guy at the time.
tl;dr -
>>248735 and
>>248741 are right; Kiki definitely met up with/hung out with Fangophilia.
No. 249482
>>249476>>249479It's not broken, but "he said many good things" sounds odd when said out loud I suppose.
"He shared some great tips" or something along those lines would of worked better.
No. 249483
>>249482*would have
I shouldn't comment on someone elses English when my own sucks
No. 249484
>>249479It just sounds like fake broken english. Short sentences that sound weird like
>>249482 said. No native English speaker would say that. Idk how to describe it, it just seems not natural/ weird.
No. 249490
>>249482>>249483>>249484its because she was homeschooled.
and by kathy at that.
No. 249492
>>249484maybe she's trying to make it more understandable for Japanese people learning English? i'm not sure, it's odd
>>249479there's nothing grammatically wrong with it, but it's phrased in an unnatural way. i wouldn't expect a native speaker to write like that.
No. 249500
>>240979Okay I was browsing twitter, and this girl looks like a Kota copy cat though I'm not sure if it's shooped She's even started doing that weird top lip thing
>>240979 No. 249514
File: 1458146685511.jpg (80.51 KB, 600x600, CcnrMYMUAAASBBd.jpg)

>>249501Yeah, seriously. I thought this was Taylor for a second.
No. 249515
File: 1458146775178.jpg (69.19 KB, 600x751, CdQrbDqWoAAiD8v.jpg)

>>249500Just another boring alien-faced weeb but damn, she gives Kota's chin a run for its money.
No. 249523
>>249468tbh with her history I'm positive that Dakota has zero interest in accumulating a fanbase outside of East Asia, let alone from English speaking countries.
tbh it's a smart move, I'd have done the same if I were in her Tokyo Boppers.
No. 249535
File: 1458149916640.jpg (133 KB, 960x717, enhanced-buzz-wide-25043-13402…)

>>249407Mr. DiGiannantonio is proud
No. 249539
>>249532more like $250 anon
she doesnt even own tokyo boppers tho.
No. 249543
File: 1458151926098.jpg (56.58 KB, 594x536, uncanny_valley_01.jpg)

>>249500sorry i had to do this but this is the uncanny valley of living dolls
No. 249610
>>249602>>249602 Are they not?!
How much do you reckon Kota makes tho? I thought she'd be on some good money.
No. 249612
>>249610Kota does a lot of low end niche jobs. Consider that models aren't paid especially well anywhere, but they really earn peanuts in Japan.
I always thought her two bedroom apartment from the walkthrough video was a shared model apartment paid for by her agency with her own booking fees, but others suspect she might be married. She's a mystery.
No. 249625
>>249624Pretty much but I think she looks too bare without eye make up. She looks better with it on in pictures and more natural in person/tv. I remember her first interview and the eye liner looked messy. But without as much make up she looks nicer.
Her face is so weird.
No. 249626
>>249622Me too, I remember her book release and I've yet to see anyone actually buy a copy or see pictures of it apart from Kontrakoti who did minor scans of it back on the old PULL.
I think she should have started up a brand then. Now she's quieter regardless of the tv appearances and shit. I think she's sorta lost her spark. But I am interested in seeing what the brand will be like tbh.
No. 249678
>>249531Whoa, I see it anon! The facial expression and angle.
>>249543You need to put real kota in there somewhere.
No. 249749
>>249615>I think her being married is reaching too farWhy? Uneducated white trash girls get married for convenience all the time, and half the time they pop out kids before right before for benefits. Dakota being married isn't a stretch unless you think for some reason that she's popular and motivated enough to keep herself in Japan by her own means. She's not and hasn't been from the beginning. Sure, when the kawaii living doll ctap exploded she was everywhere but that's been over for a while now, and nobody uses her as their "spokesmodel" anymore. Aside from being an awkward, chubby model she never bothered to try anything else until now either. She was and remains a one trick pony that's played out.
It legitimately worries me that there are people on this site that believe you can live in an apartment like that AND hold an entertainment visa while barely working. even Japan isn't gonna just let you waltz into their country and hand you everything while you halfass all the opportunities they give you just because you're cute and white. Even Japanese Anglophiles have limits to what they will put up with and they'll lose interest quickly. And yet here is Dakota, the lazy antisocial brat who couldn't ever even be arsed to wear a body shaper or stand upright in her pics, got you all thinking she's some rich and famous Japanese princess when she's not. She's vague, not to protect her identity, but to avoid revealing how mediocre her kawaii glamorous life really is. Japan isn't that magical once the weeb appeal of others being jealous of you for being there wears off and you realize people are mostly only nice to you because they're being polite and they don't really want to be friends with you except to treat you like the token foreigner. White models can get jobs easily but they don't get famous or make a ton of money unless they have a Japanese doing everything and making them famous. And why would someone go through all the effort for a model as lazy and unsuited for her job and with a past like Dakota? It doesn't make sense for her
not to be married, or at least a SD pulling the strings. There's no way she's doing it on her own. The last kawaii thing she ever did 100% by herself was edit her pics that got her tumblr famous. Everything else was Cathy/Scott whoring her out and then Bravo whoring her out.
No. 249760
File: 1458197682016.png (290.38 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>>249532>>249523Have you ever seen Tokyo Boppers? Dakota wears normalfag looking shoes, not TB style stuff.
No. 249763
>>249749Idk for me it's just, why? Why would she sleep with or get married to some gross older guy for 2 minutes of fame? If she wanted to have more attention, and marry or fuck someone for it surely she would put in more effort. But nope.
She's just so passive and lazy and bleh. What is she even trying to do?
No. 249778
>>249763What effort do you think it takes to get married for an easy ride lifestyle?
>why would she get married to some gross older guy for 2 minutes of fame?You're talking about a girl who had no education, no future and was considered the fat, ugly loser compared to her two siblings, one of which has a long history of using sex for personal gain, not to mention parents that have drilled it into their heads to use sex appeal from a young age for profit and personal benefit. Yeah,
you might be disgusted by the idea but for Dakota the idea of getting a real job or going back to America might be infinitely more disgusting than being a permanent sugar baby who never has to worry about anything.
No. 249800
File: 1458210473201.jpg (143.36 KB, 1078x1512, Screenshot_2016-03-17-10-25-16…)

Is this something she's drawn or has it been given to her? I can't read her caption.
Maybe this is an indication of what's to come from Babyfang
No. 249805
>>249800She drew it
Looks like the good ole anorexic Ostrenga drawings are back
No. 249828
>>249760>>249532>>249539being this autistic to fight over anon's joking phrase "shaking in her tokyo boppers"
it was a play on words… instead of shaking in her boots. jesus
No. 249854
>>249828>it was a play on wordsThen it was a bad one. "Shaking in her Westwoods" would have at least made some sense.
>>249810This. There's no way she's making $3,000 (roughly) a month doing only 1-2 appearances and 1-2 shoots, especially when they're not big brand name ones. It doesn't add up. She's got herself a meal ticket an a visa somehow but it sure ain't by modeling.
No. 249857
>>249800It's hard to see given the lack of definition, but it looks like she drew a studded lace pentagram choker?
Yeah this is gonna suuuper popular I can tell already. Nobody's ever done
that before!
No. 249897
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>>249858calm down, sandy. You're the only one who cares at this point.
No. 249916
File: 1458248857823.jpeg (15.44 KB, 278x249, image.jpeg)

I really think it was just a misguided, lazy attempt of a gem. If I'm wrong, I overestimated her.
No. 250122
>>250014It is bad. Anybody that draws can tell you this at a glance.
I can already tell she's the kind of person that draws the same face over and over to the point of perfecting that one specific angle whilst never learning how to draw faces from any other angle and neglecting to learn any human physiological anatomy, hence the fucked up titties. She looks pretty uncomfortable handling cloth as well.
No. 250123
File: 1458299536354.jpg (5.33 KB, 225x225, download.jpg)

>>250122>>250014Also I just looked again and I don't understand why she seems to think that a prominent sternocleidomastoid (neck muscles) is a sign of a low weight, it's ACTUALLY a sign of a tensed jaw/emotion distress so it looks like her character is hulking out internally.
Also, pillow-shading. Come on Dakota? Where's your light source? You can do it!
No. 250124
>>249800 Idk wtf you guys are going on about, the drawing isn't horrendous and I don't see wht the big deal Is about a person who might occasionaly draw as a hobby not being perfect. Did kooty boast herself as a trained artist at some point or are you guys sperging over her daring to humanize herself with her hobbyist understandably meh art (hilariously contrasted with her baby manhwa fever dream shooping I'm kinda drunk rn that correlation makes sense to me) ??
>>250123I was super into emphaizing it in drawimgs when I was very active on furaffinity but I was mostly drawing twinks and drug addicts I would sage this the other half of my comment is kind of relevant sort of whatever I'll sage it anyway
No. 250127
File: 1458302385446.jpg (83.91 KB, 500x644, Kotakoti_aspiring_artist.jpg)

>did kooty boast herself as a trained artist at some pointYes. She sold digital art like picture related for like $500 a piece and her and Kirsten sold her art printed on overpriced t-shirts back when they had that KnD Kouture website up. It's kind of disappointing that she hasn't improved one bit over the years.
No. 250143
>>250136m8 calm down, I'm not lambasting her, I'm just expressing my personal disappointment in not seeing her develop as an artist as it's clear that she once had a great deal of potential.
You asked whether or not she'd ever touted herself as a legit artist, and I proved that, yes, she at one point had.
No. 250145
>>250136Art school farmer weeb here
Her drawings aren't the worst. But they're not the best and the fact that Dakota smudges is just… very amateur. Some artists do smudge and it works, Dakota's doesn't. Everything isn't balanced, I mean the lips are okay and the eyes. But I can tell she took ages on this piece. Any drawer who has been doing it for years, naturally can just sketch something and it looks ite'. Dakota was definitely one of those girls who took ages on one drawing, smudging with her fingers and then claimed it "looked good".
She's average, I wouldn't say she's amazing. Definitely not when you head on DA or Behance and see some of those works there.
Even Kaoru Hasegawa's work looks better and he fucking traces!
Still though, at least she has some get go and drive.
>>250127Those ana-chan drawings still make me cringe. She did fuck tons of them too all in weird locations. I admire kota for being creative, I get she probably prefers to just pop some ear phones in and draw, keep to herself. I'm much the same too. Whereas Kiki probably can't even do a stick man.
But… as long as kota doesn't introduce that ana-shit in her new range, I couldn't care less.
No. 250148
>>250147I know she likes Aimer, I like her too actually she's pretty good and I get why kota likes her. Aimer has quite a deep voice, isn't the usual high pitched shit. Check her out if you've never listened.
I think she likes things what she used in her videos? I know she was a fan of KPOP (not sure if she does anymore idk).
Also I think Perfume and Capsule.
No. 250159
File: 1458317635827.png (300.83 KB, 660x674, rtertretretret.png)

oh my
No. 250160
File: 1458317727370.png (221.48 KB, 585x680, ed4754ea09e00c0b313ff62e5c9386…)

No. 250180
File: 1458319790522.jpg (66.7 KB, 594x499, g6m3GzbOuYXl.jpg)

>>250159Looks like she's trying to pull off a Twiggy look.
No. 250189
I've been feeling as though Kota is going back to editing herself like her art. I'm just getting those vibes as of late.
I like the twiggy pic
>>250160>>250159But the lenses make her look demonic.
No. 250233
>>250215Yep, look up "kaoru hasegawa tracing" and the Japanese have framed him. Tons of proof because he is copying over some bjd owner off Flickr called Bluefairy or something. He traces, steals the poses and then add bows and shit.
Japanese won't buy his work and he knows he can milk idiot gaijin because we aren't clever enough for moon talk.
No. 250235
>>250159Only Twiggy can do Twiggy.
Kota stoppit. Go back to your winged liner, falsies and dolly eye shit please.
No. 250257
File: 1458332895147.jpg (23 KB, 600x800, Cd1ZebOVIAADcd8.jpg)

such fashion
much model
No. 250258
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No. 250259
File: 1458333043523.jpg (31.29 KB, 600x800, Cd1pZ6qUAAAsQKM.jpg)

No. 250263
File: 1458333400013.jpg (299.28 KB, 600x600, 55874443_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 250338
>>250180She is, she even said so in
>60's era Twiggy style makeup>>250257>>250258>>250259You know you're packing on the pounds when they only dress you in baggy clothes, wow. That's sad, no wonder nobody wants o hire her anymore, I wonder what kind of strings jimusho-senpai has to pull o get her work these days.
No. 250590
>>249989There's nothing wrong with traditional art and not using a tablet.
Kooter just sucks at it.
No. 250706
File: 1458362359483.png (14.71 KB, 497x501, 1256799610506.png)

>>250160short dark hair looks really really nice on her. Even with her natural jawline, I think this would look nice. Her hair is so babyfine, that it would give her the illusion of more fullness.
It is also so against the grain in regards to the cookie-cutter look most Japanese models have nowadays. I think she would stand out and be a major hit if she had a unique dramatic image change like this.
No. 250707
File: 1458362651054.jpg (18.17 KB, 300x380, 6a00d8341c630a53ef0148c6f3303e…)

>>250257>>250258>>250259She looks a lot like Ginnifer Goodwin.
No. 250717
>>250263I feel like these accessories are jumping on a bandwagon that's already been.
Dakota is still stuck in 2012.
Get off the tumblr train bb.
No. 250723
>>250717I thought the same thing; it is very 2012 with the pastels/cats/kawaii creepy style.
I'm disappointed, to be honest.
No. 250729
>>250706Honestly that wouldn't help her. Se already cemented her image as an ageless kawaii hafu-not-hafu blue eyed blond foreigner Barbie doll. Changing her look so drastically now wouldn't help her, nobody cares anymore because she let her career flop by being a hermit.
Short hair does look good on her, even a layered Bob would look nice, but I think the dark brown/black is a bit harsh. Maybe a medium brown or a milk tea color instead.
No. 250796
I don't read most of this shit. I just like coming to see her shooping style get weirder and weirder.
Glad it's not just me.
No. 250961
File: 1458429968056.jpeg (113.55 KB, 894x894, anime_oc_2___dakota_rose_by_ja…)

>"Dakota was born in a slightly weacause of their way of treating her, she have always felt very lonely though. As said earlier, she likes Youtube and owns a channel with over a million subscribers. Most of the views comes from Japan, since she is very popular there because of her doll-like appearance. On her previous schools and home place however, people tended to think of her as weird because of this 'Lolita' style of hers, which was part of the reason why she wanted to rather move to Japan.lthy family. They were not by the richest, but they had quite a bit more money due to her father owning a decently successful company which is a candy shop. Her parents have been very strict, however. They rarely were there for her, and always told her to do more progressive things with her life other than her hobbies and Youtube. Therefore Dakota decided she wanted to move to Japan by herself so she could become more independent of her parents."
It's literally Dakota, but with purple eyes, 4'8, and 13 years old so she can be a qt anime loli
No. 250975
>>249800So looking back at this picture I see what pisses me off the most about it.
Once again kota's being a fake piece of shit. She's tossed on some ~*zomg big glasses* and musses up her hair a bit to look like an 'artist'. She's obviously dont her makeup and spent the effort of shooping everything else so why would her hair be missed up and why would she suddently be wearing these glasses that obviously have no prescription (comparing the hair placement)
It's like she's trying to say 'omg look at me I'm like totally relatable and just nerdy and loose too guyz cause i'm an artist'
No. 251150
>>251046I love how she's all "look at my new lovin room lights!" (Insert legs in a pose that makes all legs look super skinny here)
Nice try, Kota. If you were really as skinny as you pretend to be they would look a lot thinner than that even in that pose. Just do yoga or something, goddamn it's not that hard.
No. 251178
New video the hell is she trying to even look like?
No. 251179
File: 1458517123015.jpeg (89.41 KB, 670x725, image.jpeg)

>>251178Kek at top and bottom comment
No. 251180
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No. 251181
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No. 251182
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No. 251184
>>251180>>251182>>251181Just looking at these is hurting my back and shoulders.
Dakota please, correct your posture. It's not difficult, you just need to get into the habit of keeping your back straight, shoulders drawn away from you and your chin up.
No. 251186 see times 2.45, 7.40 and 12.55.
Bonus at the end 14.30 she goes on with the designer.
No. 251201
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No. 251202
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No. 251203
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No. 251206
File: 1458522120342.jpg (129.21 KB, 660x990, hiromichinakano-2016aw-2016031…)

No. 251207
File: 1458522156637.jpg (129.21 KB, 660x990, hiromichinakano-2016aw-2016031…)

oi oi
No. 251212
File: 1458522575864.jpg (564.94 KB, 900x1350, tumblr_o48qciYUUv1tnzvzio10_12…)

moar spam
No. 251252
>>251250>>251251Stay delusional, you remind me of Kendall Jenner haters. Lets not discuss this further as I and any other person cannot reason with the frustrated mentally delusioned folks.
Tata and have a nice day!
(>"tata and have a nice day") No. 251254
>>251252>thinks Dakota won at being a "succesful (nice spelling btw) Japanese celebrity">claims other people are delusionalLaughing so hard, omfg.
Have a nice day in your own mental ward anon, tata!
No. 251275
>>251195Nah. Japan is just dumb and want models who are known (as in, she's probably been on TV/media/magazines more than the other models). It's not always about talent, but about who you know (aka who her agency/manager knows). Plus she's still brought up as the RIBINGU DORU.
The designer looks like one of those dumb Japanese people who fall for all of this.
No. 251336
>>251190Tf, she looked slouchy and tense.
Are her legs short or arms just long?
No. 251350
File: 1458568914548.png (293.53 KB, 402x713, k.png)

>>251186She looks absolutely miserable on the runway, like she's going to cry any second.
No. 251359
>>251186Her walk is awful; she's not even making an effort to walk in-line, it's almost like she's waddling in comparison to the other models.
And I don't wanna sound like ana-chan but LOOK AT THOSE CANKLES.
No. 251362
>>251207All of you are screaming "OMG FATTY" at these pics… Why? (Genuinely why, not trying to whiteknight or whatever.) Honestly to me it just looks like that cut is super unflattering on her. She obviously has wider shoulders than hips, so sleeveless stuff doesn't look very good on her. Her posture is also atrocious which just aggravates the whole thing. Not to mention that everything is super loose/flowy/big so it's going to make her look a little bigger.
I'm definitely not a Kota stan, just confused. I wish I could see the video to compare her to other models!
No. 251364
>>251350I guess she's trying to do the high-fashion model death glare?
…when I saw this picture, all I could think was 'Spock's baby sister'…
No. 251419
Japan really values slimness especially for models and idols.
But for a normal body, she's at an okay weight. However for her occupation, she's gotta stay in shape for the business because they have to use her image to advertise products and represent their company.
It also doesn't help that she shops herself so thin to almost anorexic standards that it becomes a shock to see her real appearance.
No. 251420
>>251350She looks unbalanced here… Like she's trying to have good posture but is just leaning her back backwards.
She really needs to google good posture and stop leaning her head forward.
No. 251611
File: 1458647783153.jpg (98.3 KB, 723x435, expectationvreality.jpg)

No. 251630
>>251618Does anyone else think she has mental illness at this point? I'm beginning to think she does. Like leaving her apartment in fear of being recognised or worrying about her face.
Then you've got her sister who is nuts and is scared to leave the house in fear of people remembering her. Yet she's so boring and dead at this point, her and Audrey Kitching are washed up old trash no one would even care about still.
I bet even though their brother is a cripple, he's still the most normal one in the whole fucking family.
No. 251652
>>251630We know literally NOTHING about her life in Japan, what she gets up to, who her friends are, what hobbies she has etc.
Don't do this Anon. It's embarrassing PULL-tier speculation.
No. 251666
I don't think the real picture looks bad or old, really.
The clothes are a different story
No. 251755
>>251740Anon think they know it all about her
"Dakota never leaves her apartment"
"She fucks bravo guy
"She has no jobs and is really poor"
Kota must be having a nice laugh
No. 251757
>>251206I really like this picture. Her posture just ruins everything about this tbh.
Anyway, didn't Dakota already have a 21st birthday? I was expecting her to turn 22 this year for some reason. Maybe all of the conspiracy theories have confused me.
No. 251890
>>251816It isn't fanfic. Charms herself told me Dakota was being abused at home and it got so bad Dakota very almost moved in with Charms.
I knew about this shit for an entire year before anybody found out, and even then it was only because I couldn't take the burgeoning troll's remorse any more and dropped a message to an active PULL member.
Go ask Charms yourself, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
No. 251904
>>251896This was the worst analogy I've ever seen in my life.
How long did it take you to try and think of an attempt at at snarky lingual comparison before you settled for that one? Yikes.
Bottom of the line is, she had absolutely no reason to lie about it, especially when she told me not to tell anybody.
No. 251909
>>251904you are the same one who shit up another thread about how Charms told you personally that she, lyke, really regretted everything that happened with Dakota.
Go find a new obsession. Claiming to have talked to a lolcow about another lolcow just makes you look stupid
No. 251929
File: 1458751420434.png (391.55 KB, 1280x828, bdulva.png)

Even though this report states that there were no visible injuries or arrests, it still paints a pretty shitty picture of the Ostrenga family. Normal families don't have the cops called on them for fighting… It definitely looks like Kiki was the main aggressor here, but bottom line it seems like everyone was being shitty to each other. It seems like an abusive home to me.
No. 251947
>>251909I can't remember if that was me because there are a fair few of us that have apparently been friends with Charlotte at one point or another, but regardless there were a few people like you in there doubting me as well until I posted emails and private messages of my past friendship with Charlotte, then they shut their mouths.
Don't believe me? Go look in the thread. I'm tired of spoonfeeding your fatass.
No. 251949
>>251946Man I don't even give a fuck. I was so tired of seeing her get torn to shreds on /cgl/ and PULL daily whilst being one of the few people that really knew what was going on in her domestic life. You have to be a special kind of asshole to not speak up when you know that somebody is being mentally and physically abused.
I didn't say it to her at the time, although I regret not doing so, but I actually thought it was wrong of Charlotte for not speaking out about what was going on with Dakota when she knew she had the power to reverse that entire situation, but I knew that at the time she regretted ever blabbing about Dakota in the first place and was still holding out that they could ever be friends again.
No. 251956
>>251929Tbh Kota and Kiki seem like spoiled little bitches who would easily take their angry teenage issues out on their mom
They're a weird family, but that doesn't imply domestic abuse. If anything, the mom probably felt more abused than anyone, having to deal with those two little shits
No. 251965
>>251956This. 100% this. Thank you.
>>251960Did charm tell you this too??? Ugh gtfo already
Ughhhh forgot to sageeee
No. 251968
File: 1458764704531.jpeg (163.07 KB, 744x843, image.jpeg)

She's been posting frequently.
No. 251978
>>251968She changed her hair colour? Looks more… platinum? Also I wonder how much heat she uses on her hair… since it's naturally straight.
Cute but… still not quite there kota.
No. 252143
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No. 252168
>>240979Bottom pics
>wanna know how i got these scars?can't unsee
No. 252236
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>>251968i dont think this look is ugly per se
but the hair irritates me to no end…
its so 80s mom
No. 252273
File: 1458835198822.png (529.89 KB, 519x550, Screen Shot 2016-03-24 at 11.5…)

>>252236>>252272i think its because she curls the bangs.
curly are cute, but keep the bangs straight or swept back. it looks like a mop on her head
No. 252288
File: 1458837970036.jpeg (177.55 KB, 600x399, image.jpeg)

>>252273>thinks two different hairtextures looks sane or cuteHairtips from lolcow guize!
No. 252331
File: 1458843897526.png (29.91 KB, 808x362, kota_surgery_rumor.png)

>>251972>>252304I've seen some people say she's gotten surgery recently could there be any truth to that?
>>252324I think it'd be a shame considering it's fun to compare her edited photos to her real face. Also she could end up like Taylor and make her face worse and get more flak for getting surgery instead of keeping her real face.
No. 252344
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>>252288 im not talking about chola hair, bby
No. 252347
File: 1458844990370.jpg (18.63 KB, 236x314, fbf57b76e5578734558a98479db12d…)

>>252288well of course when you use THAT shit as an example, it looks horrible. the girls fringe isnt even cut properly.
No. 252352
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>>252344>>252347Their hair looks shit fucking weebs.
No. 252355
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>>252344>>252347Also great example, their curls are looser than kootz and the roots are extremely straight so its natural that their bangs are straight. The bangs should match the rest of the hair, like I said. But still their hair looks really shit.
>>252316Thats because the texture of her bangs matches the rest of her hair. Her hair is indeed gorgeous.
Forgot to sage, I'm sorry.
No. 252386
>>252352They don't want that look dumbfuck
It still looks gross
No. 252587
File: 1458928776964.jpg (85.93 KB, 600x800, CeXoSZ0UAAAZ2lx.jpg)

Found these on twitter. They're from the hairdresser she apparently always goes to. The tweet says that she got her bangs extended.
No. 252628
File: 1458931649418.gif (1 MB, 320x250, giphy.gif)

>>252587Oh Lord no this is the worst thing for her
No. 252826
File: 1459022026682.gif (414.75 KB, 496x272, Np2HuvI.gif)

>>252588What is this Kota, what is this aesthetic.
No. 252836
File: 1459025595900.png (982.61 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

New post on her Baby Fang account.
No. 252837
File: 1459025997000.png (807.66 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Can someone please translate the caption?
No. 252950
>>252836Sooo it's an accessory brand right? And the website for t has lots of bat motifs and pastels, yet she does a shoot in a classical Lolita/retro style? Does anyone working on babyfang even know what's going on?
I feel like this won't be very popular. Dakota knows fuck all about real work, and having people pull strings for her still can't force her to be popular- her career is proof enough of that. This whole thing feels like a blip on the radar to try and make her relevant again, but without her actually changing anything or making anything. I mean, shouldn't she had some design concepts or previews by now? Instead all we have is pics of her… Wearing no accessories/jewelry??
No. 252957
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No. 252958
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No. 252959
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No. 252975
>>252957Why does she shoop her mouth so big? I get that she has thin white girl lips, but this is ridiculous.
Plus the fact that she seems to be progressively abandoning the concept of eye makeup entirely makes her look pretty bad. I get the appeal of "natural beauty", but it doesn't suit her. Why does she keep fucking with her style of shooping when her 2010 stuff was so nice?
No. 252990
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No. 252995
File: 1459086196711.jpg (41.15 KB, 520x406, 3ffac7495f16829c.jpg)

>>252990This look like something out of Keeping Up Appearances. It's waaaaaaay better than the previous one, she almost looks cute here. The bland, washed out aesthetic is super boring though
No. 253005
>>252995Actually cackling
loving the amount of britfags here tday
No. 253006
>>252975Her originally kotakoti persona was a lot better. You knew they were shooped to fuck but at least they were semi-realistic. This is just weird, saw it on IG when I got up and I cringed in bed thinking "fucking hell kota".
It just looks so weird. She should keep her hair shorter, lay off the big lip look and just accept that the kawaii era for her has ended. Actually focus on making her brand decent and just get into something else. No one believes her shoop anymore.
No. 253008
>>252950If I was Dakota, I'd be smart and buddy up to models such as Risa N or Yui K tbh. Even Tsubasa… since her and kota have modelling history together. As her new line EAT ME is very much in at the moment and has that sexy-dark edgy feel to it?
No one cares about bats and pastel goth as much anymore. It's been done before. Unless kota is trying to get her and kiki's tragically poor trainwreck of a KND back to life… could've made a secret pact together, get the brand they longed for up and running. Possibly?
I just think it's kinda pointless. The theme of it… she should go for a more dark dolly look than this.
No. 253009
>>252958she's like 2 pixels away from wylona-tier face shoops
kota why u do this
No. 253016
>>253009It's both creepy and sad, she's a pretty girl with her natural features - not stunning, but pretty. She doesn't have to shoop them this hard to be 'kawaii' or good looking. Just looking at the photos of her catwalk, she could do some really pretty photos that play up her western features - she always lightens the pics to the point that her nose is erased and it flattens her face, erasing all the structure under it. Compare her photos to
>>251206 and it just makes me so sad. She must really dislike some aspect of herself.
No. 253042
>>253038>>252957"I hung up a new picture. The atmosphere in the living room got better. Tako&Dako (word play with the word 'tako' (octopus) and her nickname Dako). Speaking of shopping, it seems like I buy more pictures than clothes."
>>252958"I'm so excited. I like this eerie feeling."
No. 253046
>>252958I'm kinda jelly of her apartment tbh. I would love to see more of it, it looks so spacious and light and nice. That sofa looks so comfy. It must be expensive as fuck to live there.
Kota lifestyle videos would be neat. Her environment and lifestyle seem quite nice.
No. 253128
>>253116Wow she speaks a tiny bit of english
fucking hell kota i thought you forgot it
No. 253174
>>253171My moonspeak isn't very good, but as far as I understood, it's not that funny. They are talking how the bath feels good, the moustache guy says he feels in "Thermae Romae" (a manga about ancient Roma spa or something like that) and they say it's kinda small but good.
Anons with superior moon can correct me, but really, doesn't seem any more interesting than that.
No. 253217
>>252995in this photo
>>252990 she reminds me of Elizabeth, while Kiki would be Hyacinth. Kiki is no longer invited over, because she makes Dakota drop all of her teacups from the stress.
No. 253255
>>253244You must be new here anon. Nah, tv shows like this in Japan are just the shit you get on telly and not pay much attention to. It isn't anything popular. Like other anon said, background noise. Stuff you put on while you're doing the dishes or painting your toe nails.
No one knows if she has changed anon, she is clever enough to keep her trap shut and not do stupid shit.
Her sister is the worst. Don't question it, just go with it.
No. 253257
>>253247You do get other models on tv there but Dakota just appears every now and then. I don't think many people care about her much anymore. I'm not trying to be negative, I think it's good she's got away from her family and living life with her weird new brand. Hey, fair enough!
But I don't think anyone cares enough to go "omg omg real dolly!" nowadays.
No. 253273
File: 1459185387555.jpg (122.45 KB, 400x600, dag-20160321_001-thumb-400xaut…) is referred to as a "real barbie" of beautiful stature, and this spring will see the debut of Dakota Rose's American accessories brand!
Dakota Rose's brand expresses themes of "small demonic cuteness" and the "duality of style".
PR/Corporation will be providing the consultancy (of whom the president is Hidetoshi Hirata). This spring celebrates Dakota Rose (Bravo Models), and will feature the debut of Dakota Rose's self-produced accessories brand "Babyfang".
Appointed as supervisor will be Matsuda, who has lengthy experience in helping to launch various start-up apparel and accessories ventures.
Dakota Rose herself has designed the brand concept, of which will follow a "SWEET DEVIL / SWEET AMULET" theme.
(Not even going to bother translating this, into Google translate it goes)① the cuteness dressed evil, expand the choker or necklace with the image of the Galaxy (the universe)
② Medaiyu, charm, rosary, such as developing products to become a cute charm wearing
* In many Medaiyu is subjected to a matte gold plated brass, we bear a natural diamond.
>[Price range: necklace ¥ 2,900- ¥ 8,900 / earrings ¥ 1,900- ¥ 7,900 / necklace ¥ 2,900- ¥ 8,900]The completed designs will be available in the following pop-up shops.:
>· 4/1 (Fri) -4/17 (Sun) Parco Shibuya Part 1 1F elevator next to special venue>· 4/22 (Fri) -5/5 (Thu) Parco Hiroshima shop annex 1F>· 5/16 (Mon) -8/7 (Sun) Parco Shibuya Part 3 1F>· 5/20 (Fri) -6/5 (Sun) Rukua 6F event spaceShibuya Parco will be the first of the venues to begin stocking merchandise and Dakota Rose will be in attendance at the celebration of the launch.
She is quoted as having said "In the future, we will be focusing on the development of the brand with a view to overseas expansion of which includes the whole of Southeast Asia."
No. 253289
File: 1459188728676.jpg (18.05 KB, 236x364, street.jpg)

>>253287I feel like the brand is going to be some sort of rip off of their KND and her sister's current style
No. 253293
File: 1459189002640.jpg (10.39 KB, 270x270, e4da7f453dd00ee3cf027b1f2df1a6…)

>>253273If that's the chokers belonging to this brand then it reminds me of the shit over on Etsy and Amo's E Hyphen World Gallery Bon Bon collection from about two years ago?
No. 253295
>>253291>>253289>>253288In retrospect, Kiki was much more gimmicky/tryhard than Dakota, but her outfits in this era weren't nearly as shit.
It's just too bad about her hair and face.
No. 253301
>>253273A few things.
1. Why are they calling it an American accessory brand when its being sold only in Japan? Maybe a translation issue.
2. I find it very curious that the promo so far (in truth, it hasn't been too much) hardly showcases the accessories at all. The website has no previews, Dakota posted a shitty drawing, and this picture is small and you can hardly see the accessories themselves, no close ups or anything. I have a feeling they're going to look very, very cheap.
3. I am honestly surprised they will be sold in shops and not just through an online store.
No. 253305
File: 1459192364105.gif (368.64 KB, 248x131, holyshiet.gif)

>>253273>that outfitBravo, PLEASE invest in a stylist! This is painful!
No. 253306
File: 1459192501101.jpg (301.24 KB, 976x955, article-1370803-0B60CAFF000005…)

>>253300You know I always hear people saying this about Kirsten, and whilst this is just my opinion I really have to disagree upon the whole "model" bod statement.
You seem to be under the illusion that being possessed of a skinny/wiry frame automatically equates to "model bod", but it's really not the case. For starters we all know that Kirsten is practically a fucking dwarf, but that aside her figure is unflatteringly angular and whilst she's obviously not fat or flabby, the way her skin sits on her frame is evident of a lack of exercise. High-models may be thin but they still work out, and it's obvious in how taut, sleekness of their skin. Something about Kirsten appears sallow and tired.
Angular isn't necessarily bad and in the case of many models actually works to their advantage, take Erin O'Connor in my OP for example, as angularity and her sharp hawk-like features are what made her famous, but on Kirsten she looks…. harsh?
I could ever see her being a model, even if she was tall enough.
No. 253310
>>253300being stick thin=/= having model body
Maybe when she was 16-18 could have some potential as alt model, but 2016 kiki definitely no, too malnourished and untoned for it. Even her bubble butt she's so proud of is just lordosis.
sage for off topic
No. 253315
>>253301>>1. Why are they calling it an American accessory brand when its being sold only in Japan? Maybe a translation issue.
Japan has a huge boner for America
No. 253316
>>253306kiki was 15/16 in that photo, I remember that one from her stickam days. imo her current frame of body fits the model standard. if you compare her current body to the photo you chose, she fits the look.

No. 253320
>>253316According to the date it was published she was 17 in this photo.
>her current frame of body fits the model standard>she fits the lookSorry Anon but you don't know anything about modelling nor scouting requirements. Nobody in their right mind would hire a 5'3" "model", least not for anything serious.
No. 253342
>>253306Agree with the anon.
Just because she's thin doesn't mean she's model material. You need the face, the height, to work out, the body. Kiki only has the slim body, that's it.
Dakota is only good for catalogue modelling.
No. 253350
>>253320frame of body, not height.
>>253342sorry to break it to you anon, kiki has the body type and a certain face type for modeling. if she had the height I def could see her working in the industry esp seeing other models' faces.

No. 253360
>>253354>>253306>>253310♪♫e-envy & jealousy, side by side working in perfect harmonyyyy ♪♫

No. 253362
>>253355Tbh, her face is better looking than a lot of the models I see on runway rn

No. 253365
can we see bodies of salty farmers who act like modeling scouts and agents????

No. 253368
>>253365Kek because you have to be a chef to know how to cook a meal.
You have to be a professional musician to be able to recognise good music.
You have to be a developer to enjoy a video game.
Bitch isn't model material. She's too short and angular. End of.
No. 253381
>>240979>>253355No, she's actually pretty.

No. 253401
Well thanks for shitting up the thread, everyone.
>>253273I don't understand how she even got this opportunity in the first place? Why not anybody else? Is it maybe because she's a shitty model so they want to move her into doing something else? I don't get it.
No. 253417
File: 1459226017293.jpeg (152.36 KB, 600x844, image.jpeg)

Is this Kota found the pic on tumblr
No. 253444
>>253401Well I'm guessing someone at Bravo is pulling some serious strings for her.
The better question is why are they bothering to do so? Who is so invested in her lukewarm
I can't see her getting these opportunities based solely on her sparkling charisma.
No. 253447
>>253444It's a well established fact that most of the men who work at Bravo either already have homely white wives or are hardcore Anglophiles. There's no shortage or white models at Bravo, but unlike Dakota they have real modeling careers, and unlike them Dakota went viral with her shoops.
My guess is some guy at Bravo became obsessed with her (and Japanese men, when obsessed with something, can be very scary/persistent/cunning) and promised her a fabulous modeling career and fame and fortune in exchange for being his token white internet celebrity waifu. Even without being actual model material, and chubby, and lazy with her appearance and completely antisocial she would still be good fap material for any Anglophile Japanese man just for being white and able to speak Japanese. There really is no standards for white women in Japan at all.
No. 253448
>>253447Forgot to finish my point in the first paragraph:
The other Bravo models, being actual model material, could always go to another company if one of the Bravo guys tried to pressure them into a scenario where they were promised widespread fame in Japan in exchange for marriage. Dakota has nothing else to fall back on, no skills and no education and no motivation to make a career for herself out of anything without someone doing most of the work for her. That's the way it's been her entire life, her parents and Kiki got everything started and she just followed alongside. Dakota would be an easy target for a wealthy older man with lots of business connections in Japan to fool with promises of fame and beauty and adoration from all of Japan handed to her for nothing. With her awful self esteem it wouldn't be hard for him to convince her she's seen as an exotic, foreign beauty even without her makeup and extreme editing. And with no other real options, why wouldn't she accept? It's not like she was ever high class enough to hold out for a real rich trophy husband in America anyway. Not to mention Charms claimed on /cgl/ that Dakota always had yellow fever anyway, so for her and him it was probably a win/win.
Unfortunately for them both, pulling strings and being white doesn't do all the work for you. Nobody likes an antisocial foreign bitch who lies about everything and ignores everyone.
No. 253457
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>>251968Reminds me of the animu sex doll asthetic applied to the female Samurai Warriors characters like Koshōshō
No. 253492
is that akira too?
No. 253591
>>253586There are, several threads back.
What do you want us to do, repost every single pic and event from every previous thread every time a new one is made? I know not everyone has been here from the beginning but damn, use the catalog.
No. 253593
>>253484Lol I remember that. I also remember a pic of one of their Bravo model parties and everyone was there
except Dakota. Even the dog was there.
No. 253904
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No. 253922
>>253909>>253904Looks super cute in these.
Jewellery is as I expected; unremarkable, generic and mediocre stuff that's mostly outdated by a couple years.
But she got a line, so good for her I guess.
No. 253928
>>253908i like the chokers.
not the pendants or earring so much.
>>253905is that a virgin mary?
No. 253929
>>253924I'll always think it's cool that she escaped the Ostrenga black hole but the earrings in
>>253910 need to go straight into the clearance bin.
No. 253932
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No. 253938
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No. 253946
>>253906>>253907>>253910>>253911It's cute but I don't understand how anyone, Dakota or a theorised string-puller or otherwise, launches a line of accessories that look exactly like everything else on the market and without intending to price it the cheapest.
There's no specific made parts or components, you could assemble any of this from bulk bought pieces.
I didn't expect the world, but this is depressing.
No. 253969
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No. 253972
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No. 253973
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No. 253974
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No. 253993
File: 1459371008326.jpg (54.17 KB, 736x467, niwcs.jpg)

>>253938The photo has been editted, since the lighting is more like
>>252990 and
>>252836, they probably spot metered exposure for her face since it's backlit on their camera, but raised exposure a bit. The also decreased shadows (why her face looks better but you can still see some shadows and lines around her eyes), added pink
highlights. That's also how the ribbon and the wall panelling, her hair, goes from a darker brown to a mousy colour. Most of it is post processing. Pic related.
No. 253994
File: 1459372147889.jpg (77.74 KB, 640x640, 1459085672084.jpg)

>>253993Better example. Using this same method
>>253993This grainy jpg with her candidly smiling and not necessarily posing
>>252990 begins to look like this image
>>253938 . They didn't alter her facial structure, or eyes, but lighting makes a huge difference, and if you're erasing all the shadows and darks from everything, people look better and softer.