File: 1480185079651.png (1.62 MB, 456x2240, 1480144538588.png)

No. 338376
>>146678Old thread
Ash has gone full coo-coo.
She lies about having a seizure, having spirits inside of her.
Says she knows other people who are the same as her, but actually are just shitting with her by saying oh yeah us too lol
Scares the absolute fuck out of her therapist and lies that the therapist is also one of these weird as "seer" thing.
No. 338377
File: 1480185176080.png (1.6 MB, 456x2240, 1480144572185.png)

Going to post all the caps from last night's crazy adventure.
No. 338384
>>338376>>338377>>338378>>338379>>338380>>338381Ummmm… I don't think a therapist would do that. And if they did, they shouldn't be a therapist.
That was all just super weird and I don't even know if i understand it.
No. 338388
File: 1480217283704.jpg (238.41 KB, 779x722, sewmean.jpg)

>>338387how can you be so mean anon
No. 338399
>>338397She only became a cow in the first place because years ago anons tried to help her with advice on her props and sewing (that she was trying to sell) and she threw a complete shitfit that has only gotten worse.
If you say something she doesn't want to hear she shuts down and comes up with an excuse for why she's right and doesn't have to listen to anything otherwise.
No. 338400
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No. 338402
>>338377>2012>I was turning 18 I keep thinking she's in some sort of stasis and is perpetually 15, but she was even older than that when the /cgl/ threads started.
It's pretty fucked up that she's been completely lost in this whole chuuni-like state for so long. Is she actually going through episodes of psychosis/mania or is it really all just made up? Her entire saga is basically rehashes of the same shitty cosplay/makeup attempts and whiny Facebook posts, but there's still something engrossing about it all.
No. 338408
>>338403gdi ashley
I read her posts and get so angry when her friends try to help her then she makes up excuses and says their advice is shit and then deletes the status with all that helpful information. it drives me up a fucking wall jfc
No. 338412
>>338402She doesn't actually see these things. She might believe in it, but she's never seen it. It is pretend. She does have some days of mania however, she doesn't fit criteria for bipolar 1 or 2.
>>338397Her family is useless when it comes to her mental health.
Her mother buys into it and says they have witches in the family and Ash is just a witch or something.
Her dad gives no shits.
Many people have genuinely tried to hell Ash. Not just tough love or shit talking. I mean genuinely gotten close to her as a person to help her and she does not want the help because she doesn't think there is a problem.
No. 338416
>>338415We don't give up on her, trust us. But she will start to threaten people.
She doesn't want help. She thinks she's perfectly fine. If you tell her to her face she freaks out.
If you try to ease into the conversation of help she'll start saying how you're like the others or you're double crossing me. Then her mom comes and will spout about witches and psychics in the family.
Her mother fuels her insanity.
Ash has been bullied in school. Her dad has been abusive. She lies for attention.
No. 338418
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No. 338420
>>338419I'm so mad because she has so much potential. She genuinely looks nice in the first picture. I'm so frustrated. She could be a great make up artist. She could be a great cosplayer. I'm just so upset because the potential is right there.
Her jaw and chin are so nice. She could look so great if she fixed her teeth.
No. 338421
File: 1480486689128.png (167.42 KB, 516x434, how do you do this ash.png)

So I saw she mentioned she used a pose study for this picture, I found it… I'm amazed how she made it so bad. It's like a skill to be so off while using a REFERENCE…
No. 338422
File: 1480487957258.png (1.43 MB, 1080x1080, PhotoGrid_1480487894529.png)

>>338419I'm sorry but how is that wig even Kagome styled at all?? Where are the fucking bangs, I swear she is horrible when it comes to characters that have bangs and doesn't style them. Then again, this is Ashley we're talking about so I'm not surprised in the least.
No. 338424
File: 1480489709308.png (81.53 KB, 750x742, IMG_3212.PNG)

10/10 reason not to cosplay with this cow…
No. 338425
File: 1480489888631.jpg (409.48 KB, 1365x2048, IMG_3213.JPG)

Can't even keep makeup/dirt off places (smudge under your nose you couldn't even take care of before shooting you messy slob)
No. 338429
File: 1480501046428.png (48.22 KB, 1007x418, capture.png)

Didn't check my deviantart for a while and came back to be greeted by this. I feel like I've been blessed by the poop queen herself.
No. 338430
File: 1480505081073.png (56.96 KB, 750x409, IMG_3215.PNG)

No. 338431
>>338419I want to make a reaction image out of that second photo with that smug smile of hers.
>>338424Why is she constantly so thirsty?
>>338429This is actually pretty sad that she's got nothing better to do than
trigger warning your art, then come back days later to do it again and again, waiting for a reaction.
No. 338433
>>338429Lol what was so
triggering to her?
No. 338437
>>338429I hate people who tell others how to tag their shit. fuck you and fuck
triggered sjws who hate everything.
No. 338438
>>338429which art is this? I want to see what caused her to be so
trigger lol
No. 338441
File: 1480534036587.png (174.75 KB, 754x1060, helping_hand_by_axelash-daq7od…)

new art and it looks like the fox girls legs are broken
No. 338442
>>338440Jesus Christ what a bitch. That girl is probably 12-15. Leave children alone you little monster.
>>338441First of all, who did she steal that background image from?
Second, holy shit, what happened to dudes face? So many things are fucked up in this picture also why is dude trying to look like Inuyasha?! Aaarg! She doesn't have one original idea in her head!
No. 338450
File: 1480541507866.jpg (24.57 KB, 343x382, IMG_4202.JPG)

>>338440And so the bullied becomes a bully themselves. Oh wait, Ash has always been a two-faced cunt who will kiss your ass when she wants something and then bash your existence to anyone who will listen. She loves pretending to be "smol and innocent" for attention, but I dare say she's almost bad as, if not worse than, OC/Somersby. They're both vile, but clearly they were a great match for each other when it comes to being shitty friends with inflated egos and a habit of lying for attention. Wonder if any of the Facebook anons here will ever call her out publicly…That'd be fun to watch.
No. 338451
>>338446Meh, I don't think she goes for the tsundere archetype. More like, moe too innocent for their own good, someone is gonna take advantage of them.
But you're spot on about the rape-fetish story part. She's so sexually frustrated, I get second hand embarrassment.
No. 338453
>>338440"You're not willing to take the constructive criticism I'm giving you to improve yourself."
Look who's talking…
No. 338454
>>338452Ashley is 22. It isn't child abuse or endangerment at this point because she is a legal adult. The police would tell her to leave her parents house if she was being abused.
We can't do a wellness check unless she makes threats to her life or to someone else.
No. 338455
>>338454I can't believe she's acting like this at 22, holy shit.
If not child abuse, she's clearly a threat to herself and others if she believes these dragon spirits exist, she's threatened at least 2 people (that I know of) by saying one of her dragons wants to kill them. Doesn't that qualify for "hey, this person threatened someone and claims a spirit told her to" sort of call? Sorry, I'm not sure how these things work in the States, but I feel like that'd be something worth following up on just in case she's a threat due to mental instability.
No. 338456
>>338376Hi. US anon certified in mental health.
Stating that a dragon in her head wants to kill someone is not enough to warrant a wellness check. People have intrusive thoughts all the time that do not act upon them. Unless she is making an active threat, saying that she is going to kill them or kill herself, calling the police won't do much good. They won't be able to do anything. There would need to be more evidence than just "the dragon in my head wants you dead".
No. 338458
File: 1480548675510.png (83.44 KB, 750x410, IMG_3220.PNG)

No. 338459
>>338456>>338455Certified anon again. Reviewed the text in the screenshots again. Specifically, this one, where she says that one of the "dragons" says "Make him pay for it":
>>338379Such a statement is incredibly vague and would not be binding according to Virginia state law. This is what Virginia state law requires for any sort of mandated involuntary civil commitment or mandatory outpatient treatment (bold by me for emphasis):
>C. After observing the person and considering (i) the recommendations of any treating or examining physician or psychologist licensed in Virginia, if available, (ii) any past actions of the person, (iii) any past mental health treatment of the person, (iv) any examiner's certification, (v) any health records available, (vi) the preadmission screening report, and (vii) any other relevant evidence that may have been admitted, including whether the person recently has been found unrestorably incompetent to stand trial after a hearing held pursuant to subsection E of § 19.2-169.1, if the judge or special justice finds by clear and convincing evidence that (a) the person has a mental illness and there is a substantial likelihood that, as a result of mental illness, the person will, in the near future, (1) cause serious physical harm to himself or others as evidenced by recent behavior causing, attempting, or threatening harm and other relevant information, if any, or (2) suffer serious harm due to his lack of capacity to protect himself from harm or to provide for his basic human needs, and (b) all available less restrictive treatment alternatives to involuntary inpatient treatment, pursuant to subsection D, that would offer an opportunity for the improvement of the person's condition have been investigated and determined to be inappropriate, the judge or special justice shall by written order and specific findings so certify and order that the person be admitted involuntarily to a facility for a period of treatment not to exceed 30 days from the date of the court order.Source: basically, there would need to be clear evidence that she actually plans to or has made an effort to hurt someone outside of a single vague DeviantArt post, such threats would have to be determined to be a result of mental illness as determined by a treating or examining licensed professional, and other options that are less extreme are not feasible. If a less extreme option is available and feasible (such as mandatory outpatient therapy, and she already claims to have a "therapist" though I doubt they exist, let alone actually treat her the way she claims), that option is used instead of actual commitment. But as it stands, the comment of "make him pay for it" could mean anything from bodily harm to disconnecting his cable. She'd have to be doing a lot more than vague comments on the internet before anyone could legally intervene, and even then, these laws are written in a way so as to specifically minimize the risk of people getting forced into treatment for minor things. The law will not enforce mandatory treatment for just anything because people on the internet consider her to be nuts.
No. 338465
>>338461>>338464I've known Ash since grade school and never once has she mentioned doing any sort of dance at a young age, however, it isn't impossible. Many daycares and preschools offer tap, ballet, gymnastics.
She very well may have done some type of dance, however…
I highly doubt she danced to a song in an anime. This is more of her fairy tale life of trying to be a main character in an anime.
No. 338470
>>338458>>338467Because I don't watch the show or know anything about it, I couldn't find the scene she's referring to.
But I did look up the sound track, and they are all original songs, written for the show.
She's absolutely lying.
Maybe she thinks she's Yuri-kin? Like, she could be having false memories that she genuienly believes to have happened. Or she's lying through her teeth and knows exactly what she's doing.
No. 338473
File: 1480564916372.png (292.36 KB, 1532x1070, Screen Shot 2016-11-30 at 10.0…)

No. 338481
The song Yurio skates to is wht seems to be a modernized edited version of the original al classical one. So it's plausible she had danced to a version of this song. But let's be honest ash, floundering around the rink to music is not "competitive ice skating". Can u imagine how aweful a cow on blades would be?
Quick YouTube search yielded this: No. 338482
>>338440I did a little snooping around on the girl's DA profile and it seems like she's either mentally disabled or got a DA account really young since she's had it for like 2 years.
…Way to fucking go, Ash. You either bullied a kid or a disabled person.
No. 338483
>>338470>>338458Yurio and Yuri aren't the same people and from what I can tell, she's not much interested in Yurio aka Russian Yuri since she can't ship him with Japanese Yuri.
Still an outright lie though since it's all original music.
No. 338485
File: 1480616006723.png (153.7 KB, 636x822, IMG_5701.PNG)

>>338473>>338484lol this anon knows what's up.
No. 338487
>>338486That's just showing her rape-fetish kink even more. She likes it. She's into it.
I know actual people into it, and what Ash doesn't know, is it's all role play. She doesn't get that it's consensual. She's incredibly hypocritical.
She writes rape kink stories. You can't tell me she's just pandering.
No. 338492
>>338490A friend on FB sent it to me to post for them. I think the chick ash mentally abused a while back wrote it a short a status.
>>338491This chick needs to block ash. She doesn't deserve that kind of verbal backlash.
No. 338494
File: 1480637414115.png (68.2 KB, 541x294, f511b80b-fa77-45da-9a8d-862b59…)

Ash's deviantart signature:
>Warning. Beware of Bitch.
>If I say you're indifferent to me, it means one of the following
>A. I don't know you enough to care
>B. I don't feel like wasting the energy to care
>C. Means I don't think enough about you to care
>D. All of the above.
Pic related: the onision level of better-than-thou vibes from this sig triggered me
No. 338497
File: 1480690294653.png (21.41 KB, 569x122, IMG_5704.PNG)

No. 338498
File: 1480691402332.png (1016.31 KB, 898x938, Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 9.06…)

she has the chance of doing a decent male makeup because she seems to kind of have the shape but her makeup does not do her any justice
No. 338508
>>338498Get rid of the god damn eyeliner. Jesus Christ, we know she reads here.
She fucked up her nose and made it look terrible. She's caked on so much foundation, causing the eye brows to look like they've been drawn on with Sharpie.
She's obsessed over making males look feminine.
No. 338509
File: 1480705746088.png (1.21 MB, 936x820, Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 1.08…)

oh no ashley oh no
No. 338511
>>338509Oh my god. She legitimately looks like a pig???
She also needs to stop raising her brows when she takes pictures. Her brow bone is pronounced enough to the point that raising them causes an unflattering shadow. Plus she's going to give her forehead hell's wrinkles.
No. 338521
>>338376This is some Starrprincess-level tier shit.
>>338378Huh. I never realized she's had hip problems. I've followed her for a while, but that's interesting.
>>338380>r*Took me a while to figure out she was censoring rape.
>>338419>>338422STYLE YOUR DAMNED WIG, ASH. Nobody would know who you were cosplaying if you didn't say who it was.
No. 338523
>>338513I can't fucking believe that she is posting these, inadvertently manifesting as one of the FUCKING OOMPA-LOOMPAS from CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY.
(Oompa loompa doompety doo,
I've got another bad costest for you)
No. 338525
>>338513The bottom picture makes me so uncomfortable.
>>338516She's completely cake faced. Did nothing to get lashes. Can't stop doing winged eyeliner on male characters despite tons of constructive criticism.
>>338524Yeah, it looks like she rubbed dirt on her face.
No. 338527
File: 1480715577261.png (180.87 KB, 750x1007, IMG_3033.PNG)

>>338526That's kind of basic advice?
No. 338528
File: 1480715796096.png (68.86 KB, 750x333, IMG_3036.PNG)

Sound advice that Ashley crashed and burned with
No. 338529
File: 1480715877237.jpg (73.36 KB, 800x600, aoba___dmmd_cosplay_by_hikuja-…)

Female cosplaying Aoba, using her androgynous features to her advantage.
Ashley, take notes. Please stop using concealer on your lips.
No. 338530
File: 1480716231265.png (149.9 KB, 652x941, IMG_3034.PNG)

>>338527ashley vs ashley
second ashley seems done with her shit
No. 338534
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No. 338537
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No. 338540
File: 1480739365823.png (116.81 KB, 500x382, tumblr_inline_o6mo8yFmIo1tuus3…)

>>338535nose hairs NOSE HAIRS AIE AIE AIE
No. 338542
File: 1480745572286.jpg (44.39 KB, 405x720, IMG_3226.JPG)

No. 338544
File: 1480746762351.png (51.57 KB, 737x305, IMG_3227.PNG)

Guys she heard you lol
No. 338551
File: 1480812247030.png (108.01 KB, 750x920, IMG_3230.PNG)

No. 338552
>>338547Wrong person, you're thinking of another cow from around the same time called neo-classicneko.
That was a great time in cgl history
No. 338554
File: 1480815112340.png (160.27 KB, 750x1196, IMG_3231.PNG)

No. 338555
>>338551Oh god what has she done to her hair?
Also, those are still drag queen brows.
>>338554Ah! No! No no no! Oh my god you can see the purple glue!
No. 338556
You can just go on YouTube and watch drag queens and how they do their brows.
For some reason, that blue looks like crayola.
No. 338560
>>338558I don't know, but it makes me really uncomfortable.
>>338557But she's a make up guru!
No. 338562
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No. 338567
File: 1480855757342.png (73.15 KB, 633x456, IMG_5710.PNG)

>>338440Anon is late to the party. Still finds this relevant
No. 338574
File: 1480894143812.png (33.62 KB, 747x188, IMG_3246.PNG)

I think the word you're looking for is desperate….
No. 338576
File: 1480896832641.jpg (40.27 KB, 547x393, IMG_0267.JPG)

>>338574>hates men>try's to seduce the men of girls she's jealous of>but like has been totally sexually assalted by men so she's scared of them>after becoming desperate turns out to be attracted towards menSure ash. First you were bi, then lesbian, then you were trans, Now you are pan. Sure. This isn't attention seeking behavior at all
No. 338577
File: 1480907501772.png (128.36 KB, 749x775, IMG_3248.PNG)

No. 338583
File: 1480929516970.png (266.84 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3895.PNG)

No. 338584
File: 1480929865473.png (243.49 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0258.PNG)

No. 338594
File: 1480966492308.jpeg (143.66 KB, 730x1095, make_up_improvement_by_asherbe…)

DA Title: "Make Up Improvement"
Description: "Looking back, I'm EMBARRASSED at that piece of shit I came out with in 2012. I was such a snotty child who thought they knew everything, wasn't I? ANYWAY! I re did my "smile" make up tonight with scar wax and I'll be posting more photos shortly."
No. 338595
>>338594It still looks terrible, jesus fucking christ.
>>338588Oh my god, how dare you talk badly about Zavik the Russian dragon who totally has an English accent.
No. 338599
>>338598slightly ot, i just noticed the imaged is flipped because of selfie mode or whatever so it looks like she just wrote "slime" on her forehead
which tbh is a good word to describe her
No. 338600
File: 1481014272116.png (269 KB, 1500x599, 12616 StatusUpdate.png)

No. 338601
File: 1481022037028.png (114.58 KB, 746x804, IMG_3250.PNG)

Yes bitch because the world revolves around you.
No. 338602
>>338601She's so ungrateful for even being invited.
>>338600Her self esteem is so bad. I mean, I get it, but she also thinks she's hot shit? But then she posts thing like this and expects people to start cooing at her when she's trying to have this persona of she knows exactly what she's doing and she's so talented.
She is never going to be happy. She's putting her happiness on everyone but herself. She can't take responsibility for her own emotions. And you simply can't trust other people to be there 24/7 to make sure she's happy.
I mean, jeez. She's tired of people telling her she's doing a good job? Because it puts her on a pedestal? Are you for real? Why not, thank you mom? And, she absolutely freaks out if you don't praise her. And form of criticism, she takes as a personal attack.
And who gets mad at their grandad for trying to be apart of their life? I feel like she's lying about him trying to find a date for her though. If he is, she's right that he shouldn't be.
She says she's tired of being a last resort, but does she know what she does to people? Someone doesn't show up for something, she will go up and down her friends list to find the quickest replacement.
If her "friends" ignore her all the time, they're probably not worth keeping or holding to her standard so why harp on it? Remove them and move on to people who will want to be active with you.
She makes herself miserable by trying to cast this wide net, and she just ends up exhausting herself.
If people think they can get free art, set boundaries. But also, like, understand that people don't want to pay for bad art. Maybe take some classes and watch some art tutorials, don't trace. People want to pay for good art.
Lastly. The things Ash wants out of friends will only be achieved if she also puts that out to friends.
No. 338603
Ash is the only one responsible for her feelings and happiness.
No. 338604
>>338600>my familyYou mean the family she whines doesn't respect her or understand her and abuses her?
>my sisterYou mean the actual good cosplayer who Ash copies and tries to outdo?
Surprised she didn't bring up her brother as well. The one she wished would get cancer.
No. 338605
>>338600Samefag but I just realized her whining about being used for her costume commissioning is the biggest load of crap.
Last I knew she bugged her friends to get them to commission her and then shoved crappily sewn stuff at them in return and they had to accept it and pay her or she'd get mad and get her mother to stand up for her.
No. 338606
>>338600This is a whine party. If you're unhappy you have to reach out. People aren't obligated to MAKE you happy. I know she's got some issues but people are fighting their own battles as well. She should break out of her bubble if she feels she's being ignored and try to see herself in a different light. Why are 'people ignoring me?' Self evaluate. But she won't do that.
It also pisses me off she's angry about her grandfather sending her jobs. My own dad does that because he knows I'm looking. He'll send me jobs every other day that he thinks I'm qualified for but I know I'm not. Sometimes it's bothersome but I know he means well for actually helping me out. I don't know her relationship with her granddad but that's what her grandfathers doing too. He cares (or seems to) about his grand daughter enough to help her find costuming or art jobs. That shit's hard to find depending on your location too. It also means he's thinking about her so that should be uplifting that there's someone who ISN'T ignoring you and is actively helping you in some aspect of your life.
Anyway she says she isn't ready for the work force. She's 22 (?) when will she be ready? At 30? At that point you're expected to have at least 3-10 years experience in whatever you're doing (provided it isn't retail or something basic). Chop chop.
No. 338607
>>338600>>338606You took the words right out of my mouth anon. I can't believe she would get pissed over her grandfather who is actively searching for jobs that are in her line of light. Ashley has been sewing since what, middle or high school and she believes she's still not ready? I'm sorry but I call that laziness. If you really wanna shoot for something you love, then take classes, watch tutorials, improve yourself cause honestly over the years, her shit still looks the same.
And the friends reaching out to her shit, please just stop. Nobody is gonna make you feel better. If anything, she needs to do something other than cosplaying cause it's only making her ego worse and worse every year. Read a book, talk a walk outside, play video games, fool around with the kitties, but for the love of God, don't blame your emotions on us or anyone. You put yourself there, so you should grow the fuck up and face life. She's may be 22 years old but what is she gonna do once she moves out? She's never gonna face reality what with this attitude of hers. Also, here's a little advice from a full timer. Find a job that has benefits. Trust me, it will make your a lot easier but cons and cosplays are always her number 1 in her life. I shouldn't expect much of her to grow up.
No. 338610
>>338604Don't forget, Ashley sarcastically called her mother loving, a glory hog, and that she gets off to having a mentally ill child.
But also, omg mom keeps putting me on a pedestal, so exhausting.
She's mad jealous of her sister. End of story.
>>338606When it comes to jobs, here in Virginia is it very difficult to find jobs right now. And Ashley is mentally ill, so working will be even more difficult for her.
When it comes to people with mental disorders, they usually can easily do things that are selfish and have a positive outcome for them. They can do the things they want.
But not the things they need to. Because that's in the unknown territory.
Don't misunderstand me here. I am by no means defending Ashley. I do however understand why she does what she does.
No. 338612
File: 1481056804930.png (257.22 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3984.PNG)

No. 338614
File: 1481063488066.jpg (35.57 KB, 960x540, 10653479_1249999408350343_4676…)

>>338612Harshly criticizes people for their work all the while doing a worse job on something and crying people are too mean.
Pregnant Aoba?
Body odor?
Jipping people?
Horrible living conditions?
Letting your pets die?
Believing that people are out to get you?
Spending other peoples money and never returning it?
A poor excuse for a trans person?
A poor excuse for a Lesbian?
A poor excuse?
I could go on.
No. 338615
no one uses your shitty photography. No one wants your shitty costumes. And I'm sorry the last time I remembered ASH you couldn't stop gloating about how you were Face off ready and should be working on site at movies. So fuck off with your pitty party no one cares!!!!!
No. 338618
File: 1481072876715.png (138.57 KB, 750x972, IMG_3253.PNG)

No. 338621
File: 1481075137532.jpg (34.55 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1481075045575.jpg)

Hur hur! I'm off to steal yo Mink's+Trip and Virus's virginities, fam!
I can never get used to those teeth. JFC!
No. 338623
>>338618Haha. She even got advice to use brown as her contour and she used pink. Hahahahaha why?
>>338621And the eyebrows are still the wrong colour.
No. 338625
File: 1481086931864.jpeg (92.06 KB, 843x847, 15370034_1651747254850972_3856…)

ngl this shot isn't too bad
but its probably one of those 1 rare good ones out of 100 selfies
No. 338635
File: 1481136557781.jpg (49.03 KB, 405x720, IMG_3265.JPG)

No. 338640
File: 1481151204423.png (132.01 KB, 407x286, 5840c02d-acc6-47d4-9469-316483…)

>>338635What character is this supposed to be?
No. 338642
oh yeah she's infimous at katsu. Infamous for sexually asulting people in the name of fan service.
heard she won't be bringing her crappy Sarah dress back to Katsu cuz that friend the anon above was talking about who had to deal with that ash drama Cosplays the same thing but 100% better and ash basically showed up to her group and was kicked out for trying to grope that Cosplayers husband for fan service reasons.
No. 338645
>>338644Because she'll cry that no one is her friend and people start whiteknighting her.
As for the Sarah cosplayer, word is is that Ash was claiming she was better. This cosplayer had been nice enough to tell her how she was making hers… And Ash fucked her over at Katsucon (since they both wore it to the same con)
No. 338646
>>338645Not only that but this is the same cosplayers she later mentally abused. That cosplayer was nice enough to accept ash in to a cosplay skit group of Inside out and totally went ape shit on her. Using her for more than just cosplay tips and commissions. But forcing her to do things to keep ash in that cosplay group. Quote: she would make me compliment her and beg her to stay. We didn't want her to stay but we needed her to stay to be able to do the masquerade at Katsu. Its one month away and I've worked so hard. But she just kept demanding I should give her reasons to stay."
After that cosplayers friends helped her out of ashes clutches ash tried to ruin her image and bully her via 4-chan and deviant art. Akane Reaper is that cosplayers name.
No. 338647
>>338646Omfg ash seriously needs to be banned!
Akane Reaper? Wait I know that cosplayer. As in Noblesse Oblige Cosplays Akane Reaper? THAT POOR GIRL!
She's got like PTSD and anxiety issues or something. The last thing she needs is Ash pulling her around. Let alone sexually adulting her partner or bullying her.
Seriously you want to see real cosplay check this poor soul out on FB. No wonder ash tried to piggy back on her success. Shit biscuits.
No. 338649
>>338646She's used more than one cosplayer to harrass and mooch ideas off of.
I'm one of them and I regret every fucking second of it.
No. 338651
>>338650-Makes super hard cosplay that took months to plan and map out. Posts a couple of progress shots.
-Ash creeps in asking for me to give her help on cosplay
-Tells her I was frankenstining the shit out of patterns for said cosplay.
-She proceeds to bother for DAYS about this.
-Makes her own then rumor had it she shat on mine the whole time, claiming hers superior.
(Keeping cosplay anon bc she most likely stalks this form)
No. 338655
File: 1481177675101.png (65.77 KB, 629x278, well played.png)

No. 338656
>>338640The bird from Dramatical Murder.
>>338643I didn't hear about the hounding but even as far out of the loop with updates on her as I was a while ago, I still heard about her cosplaying Sarah because she disliked a girl who did and Ash's top tactics for that sort of situation are: 1. Whine vaguely about the person. 2. Cosplay whatever they're cosplaying but BETTER (in her mind at least).
It's hardly the first time she's stolen someone else's idea after seeing how popular they get from it.
No. 338664
File: 1481235509290.png (259.15 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-12-08-17-16-22…)

No. 338667
>>338664'U assume rolf'
People are going to if you don't describe shit out. Also, tiny… tiny hand.
No. 338668
>>338664>I'm going for a unisex feel and design.Maybe…I don't know…give them short hair or…an Adam's apple…or any indication that they might be male? Maybe face structure? No?
Then don't be a bitch when people can't tell what gender your shitty art is.
No. 338670
File: 1481271933885.jpg (119.77 KB, 509x720, IMG_3268.JPG)

More shitty comic guys
No. 338674
>>338670top middle cloaked dude was my face looking at this
sticking barely filtered real life photos where she's too lazy to draw backgrounds just makes her shitty art look worse on top of it kek
No. 338675
File: 1481342293090.jpg (75.41 KB, 528x960, IMG_3271.JPG)

Trying to show off new boots? All I can see is mess…
No. 338679
>>338675Omg her floor still looks like shit.
>>338677No, blood would be darker. Looks like poorly cleaned fake blood or some type of liquid.
No. 338682
>>338675It's like looking at a hoarder's house. Her carpet has probably never been hoovered much less steam cleaned so it likely reeks of animal.
Also I'm pretty sure that's a pair of panties to the left and definitely a bra to the right.
No. 338683
File: 1481389033793.gif (4.84 MB, 512x288, S T O P.gif)

>>338651She does come on the forum. She ratted about OrangeCitrus a while back.
>>338675Absolutely disgusting. Why is the concept of cleanliness so hard to understand by many cow cosplayers
No. 338685
File: 1481487578048.png (33.14 KB, 540x185, Screenshot_2016-12-11-15-16-46…)

I actually feel sad for her. If I lived close I'd probably go out to eat with her and try to be the voice of reason in her life if I could. Wasted effort but I feel like she could do better in her life if she just had help.
No. 338686
File: 1481489047233.jpg (39.74 KB, 720x383, IMG_5782.JPG)

>>338685Jesus ash when will you realize no one wants to be around you because of you.
And anon don't bother. Many have tried and failed. She blasts anyone who tried to legitimently help or reason with her.
No. 338687
>>338685OC tried to help her. You saw how well that worked out for Ashley.
She will turn on anyone. On a dime. And, she won't buy the food. Trust me on that.
No. 338689
File: 1481499547960.png (2.37 MB, 1100x1500, demonsangel_by_axelash-daim9rl…)

I'm fucking screaming
Ffs she's trying to sell art? Look at that fucking hand! Look at that anatomy! Little guys eye is melting off and he lost the back of his head.
Please tell me that isn't pale dudes penis….
No. 338690
>>338689The right arm on the pale guy.
Where'd it go
No. 338692
File: 1481521021346.jpeg (186.92 KB, 1365x2048, ohno.jpeg)

apparently bad ending aoba
No. 338698
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No. 338699
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No. 338700
>>338698Did she give herself a black eye?? Bad ending Aoba never had one to begin with. If she thinks she looks attractive as a person who looks their covered in marinara sauce then she's crazy. Can you imagine how disgusting that bathroom looks? I feel so bad for anyone that's rooming with her. Take my advice:
DON'T cause shit like this will happen.
No. 338703
File: 1481541750193.jpg (57.99 KB, 516x236, Screen Shot 2016-12-12 at 6.08…)

>>338699lmao that was me. i sent a polite message last night, I didn't want to send it through my real account, cause you know. funny that she only sent me the last sentence of that fb post. i saw her horrible demon/angel yaoi that was posted here, and wanted to entertain myself by blowing her little mind with a good digital work of her OC while I got some funny shit in return. I'm an art student geared towards professional concept art, so i thought it'd be lulzy.
No. 338705
>>338702I forgot how malformed that back leg was. It's sad when I have no art experience but can draw better legs in MS Paint in 30 seconds than she has with access to actual drawing tools.
>>338700>>338694Is any one going to the cons she is in early 2017 that can snap a photo of her in the wild with her group she's been hyping?
No. 338707
File: 1481582292107.jpeg (39.07 KB, 540x960, 15391076_1662309353794762_2725…)

See! She doesn't look half bad here. just wish her hair line wasn't so far back. But my head would turn if I saw her walking down the street ngl
No. 338708
File: 1481582353280.jpeg (41.43 KB, 480x853, 15390744_1662312443794453_8615…)

>>338707… and a bad angle proves me wrong
No. 338714
>>338707Decent angle. Hairline looks fucked up. Too much eye shadow, it spread to her nose. Lip colour is nice. Contour looks terrible. Too much blur tool. Can't tell what she's wearing, probably doesn't match.
>>338712Completely agree. That's what happens when you shave them off without knowing their natural shape.
No. 338716
File: 1481600873720.jpg (17.71 KB, 400x400, yqEJrWUM.jpg)

>>338715Not a good enough reason to shave your fucking hair line.
Plenty of people wear wigs just fine without shaving their fucking baby hairs.
Tons of cosplayers and actors. It comes down to not being lazy af.
No. 338721
File: 1481613432523.png (37.1 KB, 750x321, IMG_3285.PNG)

No. 338723
File: 1481647642982.jpg (64.77 KB, 552x780, FB_IMG_1481647527211.jpg)

Hot off the presses.
No. 338724
Also, cannot read this page properly. Paneling is wonk.
No. 338726
>>338723I swear she makes these super feminine uke boys to try to pretend she doesn't have a rape fetish, because if the characters were straight/cis it'd be "
problematic." Everything about this comic so far reads like a shitty hentai that tries to have a plot to deny it's just porn.
No. 338728
>>338726The crazy thing is, like, having a fetish isn't necessarily a bad thing. She has a fetish of being raped and forced, not being the rapist. So it isn't like she's going to go out and start raping people. She can even watch fake rape porn and as long as it isn't real, it's no big deal.
But she's just a big sexually frustrated liar. Having consensual role-play sex isn't wrong.
Making comics romanticizing rape is wrong. The same way 50 shades of grey showed an abusive relationship as BDSM, she's trying to romanticize rape without clearly stating that it's pandering or fantasy.
I wouldn't have the problems with her I have if she didn't claim to be scared of men.
She's showing this image that men are power hungry sex war lords who have no self control and are rapist monsters. She's seriously warped.
She's still stuck in the impression that it's all real, romantic, wanted. Rather than consensual role play.
No. 338730
>>338703dude thats such a good idea
i'd do it too
No. 338731
File: 1481689484678.jpg (41.71 KB, 476x595, c.jpg)

>>338726no, i don't so. whether she knows it or not, I think Ash has a very specific fetish for traps. boys that look like complete girls until you see a dick. it doesn't mean that she's into straight rape.
No. 338732
File: 1481689699568.jpg (360.79 KB, 880x1112, fb.jpg)

>>338703went ahead and commissioned her instead through another account. i'm disappoint. she literally just traced the reference image I gave her, and then weirdly elongated/thinned out the image, I guess so it wouldn't match up. I sent her a PM 7 hours ago saying that it looks almost identical to the pose in the ref, and that he doesn't have a left arm. dA shows me that she read it, but hasn't replied.
No. 338733
>>338732the elongating is all kinds of wrong to my senses. Did she really just alt+t and stretch it up?
I'd demand money back or take it up with paypal and knowing her she'd throw a huge bitch fit.
No. 338740
File: 1481697901466.jpg (580.09 KB, 1365x1991, fb.jpg)

here's the head in full size. it's messy as fuck, she didn't even bother to color in the lines
No. 338742
>>338738No it's just ash stalking the page again.
How the fuck tho. Is that commission quality art.
No. 338747
File: 1481758456327.png (162.14 KB, 750x772, IMG_3291.PNG)

Ow your kitchen matches your room
No. 338748
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No. 338749
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No. 338754
>>338747>>338748>>338749Yikes. That is super terrible. Not funny at all, just devastating.
There's no way to spin this into being Ashley's fault. Like, her being a good or bad person couldn't make this happen. Just unfortunate. I really hope no one was hurt or any of her animals.
No. 338757
>>338755I don't actually think they have any close relatives, at least in Chesterfield. So unless they travel outside the county, a motel would be their best bet.
Who knows, maybe they'll move house.
It would not be safe for them to remain there with the state its in.
No. 338760
>>338759We're not monsters. We do feel bad for her at times until she finds a way to fuck it all up like when she had illness in her family but then turned around and said "Well I hope my brother has cancer because it'll be a good lesson for him."
We'll feel bad for her until she manages to turn the situation into a main focus for something shitty.. likely doing a fundraiser to help pay for the repairs but then using the money herself.
No. 338763
File: 1481822000721.png (535.06 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-12-15-12-07-05…)

I just want to clean her room so bad. I'd even do it for free.
No. 338764
>>338763how do people live in this filth? how does it not drive them literally insane?
sure i let some pants lay on the floor and definetely a sweater or two but living in a hoard of random objects is so? wrong to me.
how can someone be so nasty and live with it? i know mental illness is a thing but even at my lowest point in my depression i would wear the same 2 outfits for a month and still have a relatively clean room. i know it's blogposty, but cows always have this filthy gross room
No. 338765
>>338764Nah I agree anon. It's really gross and is confusing to me. Like how can you justify going out of your way to get around in your room just because you've left everything on the floor? yes depression and mental illness can cause people to not care about their surroundings and I get that but does her entire family and friends suffer it too to where they are blind to the mess? Most of our cows are in filthy environments too.
The easiest way for a cleaner place is, put shit back where it goes once you're done using it and throw away trash.
I'm surprised their house didn't go up in flames instead of a tree smashing into it. Look at all those electrical cables on the floor next to trash.
No. 338767
>>338762Literally, shut the fuck up.
>>338759If this happened to anyone it would be unfortunate. But her and her family already have money issues and this is just more stress. I really hope they had some sort of home's insurance or that the neighbors (who she said the tree belonged to idk if that's true) can help too.
No. 338769
>>338767lol I'm with the karma anon. With all she's done and how much people here have complained about her and made fun of her antics/cosplay/personality here (not to mention repeatedly hope something bad happens to her for it said by many of you) it's not uncommon to be slightly "well yeah karmaric debt."
Don't act so holier than thou now that something actually happened.
No. 338770
>>338419Ash legitimately has very nice skin, for someone who's constantly bloated and eats like shit. And maybe avoid smiling, because it seems to make her chin grow. Compare the first picture here to
>>338432. If she wasn't such an ungrateful cunt, she could have be madeover into a decent crossplayer, with weightloss and manners.
No. 338773
File: 1481894161450.png (165.29 KB, 540x832, Screenshot_2016-12-16-08-13-15…)

Micah is so fucking petty. Them and Ash are perfect for each other if that's Ash's "I have a crush" friend. I'd be shocked if it wasn't them.
No. 338778
>>338775Jesus Christ what an asshole. Admittedly, I've blocked people too only to see someone talking to what looks like themselves and deducted it down but I've never gone out of my way to tell that person.
Petty is the perfect word.
>>338772I've heard she's relatively clean in hotels. At least with her stuff. I don't know about herself in general.
I have personally been to Ashley's house many times. Only once was her bedroom clean.
I get it to a degree, my bedroom looked similar when I was a lot younger. And every once in awhile when my depression kicks my ass it might get bad, but not like hers.
I think her mental state is cluttered, so her surroundings become cluttered.
No. 338781
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No. 338782
File: 1481946415783.jpg (234.97 KB, 1365x2048, IMG_3304.JPG)

No. 338783
>>338782her crusty ass lips are
triggering me
No. 338784
>>338782Terrible eye brows. Just terrible. Drag queen arch is back.
Eye lashes are white….? For some reason?
Eyeliner is major fuck up. Wing is too long. Bottom is way messy. Lines too thick. Needs to stop using pencil and look into gel or thin tipped liquid/marker.
She put white speckles on blush to…make it look sparkly? I don't know. But it didn't work.
Wig is messy, unstyled. Looks waxy/shiny.
Eyebrow colour doesn't match wig.
Needs to learn how to use chapstick and lip scrub.
No. 338785
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No. 338786
File: 1481948809392.jpg (256.7 KB, 2048x1365, IMG_3303.JPG)

No. 338789
>>338785Sorry double post but she went to Cracker Barrel again?! She went there last time she decided to go out in costume. Here
>>199857Cracker Barrel isn't exactly healthy.
No. 338792
>>338791I'll say good on her for not eating out too often (at least that she shows). Mostly because she can't afford to, which is why we're never quite sure when she's actually going to pay.
I don't know how often her family goes out to eat. They don't have much income.
But besides her eating unhealthy, I'm concerned that she's still at home whilst there is a gaping hole in her house? I'd be terrified, and cold! They can put plastic over it but that won't do much.
No. 338795
>>338792I'm pretty sure all her home meals are quick fixes like the mac and cheese, as far as I remember. She also went to Applebee's quite often when I knew her, but I've no idea if she still does that.
Her neighborhood isn't really that great, either. And keeping that tiny house warm… impossible. There's a decent inn just down the road, why don't they go there or SOMETHING…
No. 338796
>>338792I'm pretty sure all her home meals are quick fixes like the mac and cheese, as far as I remember. She also went to Applebee's quite often when I knew her, but I've no idea if she still does that.
Her neighborhood isn't really that great, either. And keeping that tiny house warm… impossible. There's a decent inn just down the road, why don't they go there or SOMETHING…
No. 338799
>>338792I'm pretty sure all her home meals are quick fixes like the mac and cheese, as far as I remember. She also went to Applebee's quite often when I knew her, but I've no idea if she still does that.
Her neighborhood isn't really that great, either. And keeping that tiny house warm… impossible. There's a decent inn just down the road, why don't they go there or SOMETHING…
No. 338806
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No. 338807
File: 1482062432810.png (76.47 KB, 194x191, Screen Shot 2016-12-18 at 6.59…)

No. 338808
>>338806Next page: the Uke is going to whine, be put in a cell/bedroom, mull over the situation some more, then the seme will do generic shit then they fuck (or it will be heavily implied)
I'm hoping I'm right. Her plots pretty predictable.
No. 338813
File: 1482150485090.png (588.58 KB, 540x895, Screenshot_2016-12-19-07-24-21…)

Said she found some photos on her dad's camera from 2009. I actually remember that second one but I'm not sure if it was a Halloween party or a birthday party.
No. 338814
>>338813Fucking dying.
She used to tell me she was a natural blonde.
No. 338817
File: 1482201459732.png (63.53 KB, 750x755, IMG_3310.PNG)

No. 338821
>>338820Uhhhh not quite.
It started with one of Ashley's friend, who I won't be naming, coming out as ftm trans.
That's when she became vocal about it.
However I do think it's influence by her looking at yaoi at a young age.
Like, she thinks she wants to be a guy, but I know this girl would never gave gender reassignment surgery. She's so dumb though because even if she did, it wouldn't give her a prostate. Like analyzing sex would just be analyzed sex. Unless she's super into putting things in her butt, she'd end up more sexually frustrated than before.
No. 338823
>>338822Woops. My phone corrected anal sex to analyze.
But to answer your question, this was back when they were in highschool. Maybe 11th grade year (I don't know what it would be)
No. 338824
File: 1482214620994.jpg (339.38 KB, 1381x983, Screenshot_20161220-011327.jpg)

She's literally sticking 6 people into her Katsu hotel room and she's still adding more people to the room. WTF?!
Btw, she's staying from Thurs-Mon so if you bump into her easily near the beginning and the end of Katsu, now you know how long she's staying.
No. 338827
>>338826No, it would be closer to 2011/2012.
Ashley is 22, if she graduated at 18, was in 11th at 17, so it would have been one of those years.
The ftm friend still actively looked feminine, long hair, wore "girl's clothes," stuff like that.
That was when Ashley started to copy them.
It's really annoying because she has actual issues and things she could be fighting for but instead she's pretending to be trans.
No. 338829
File: 1482331916668.png (70.12 KB, 540x348, Screenshot_2016-12-21-09-46-43…)

Her throwing a shitfit over what some guy said about her OCs. Too bad it's true.
No. 338834
>>338833Despises until they do something for her and then she praises them for one post before going back to despising them.
>>338831You haven't been here long have you? Ashes only goal is to become cosplay queen and have all the uke rape sex with hot cosplayers and the partners of people he hates. She wouldn't life a finger to help anyone but herself let alone when it means missing a precious convention. No see life comes before cosplay only when it suits her needs and drama. Not when it's the smart choice.
No. 338835
File: 1482358565330.jpg (16.62 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg)

>>338786i hate when people think making this dumbass face makes them look masculine all i see is this:
No. 338836
File: 1482359317131.gif (997.32 KB, 470x290, gs49u3j.gif)

>>338835dying because she acts exactly like him
>'i was trying to lead the way!!' No. 338837
File: 1482378127916.png (267.25 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4460.PNG)

No. 338843
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No. 338844
>>338843Has she actually seen freckles before? Because they don't look like you've face planted into a dirt pile.
Also what is it about every short wig that makes it look like it's levitating just above her head? I noticed this with her Yuri wig as well. The top two photos look fine but the middle-bottom one looks like it's just been dropped onto her head.
No. 338845
File: 1482407148989.jpg (16.42 KB, 300x255, Pigpen.jpg)

>>338843bitch be looking like pigpen
No. 338850
>>338840to be fair, you don't actually /need/ make up experience to work as a beauty advisor, you are supposed to learn on the job.
but you're supposed to have people around you who know what they're doing.
No. 338853
File: 1482527879627.jpg (40.89 KB, 405x720, IMG_3319.JPG)

No. 338854
>>338853WHY DOES SHE KEEP DOING THIS HOLY SHIT. i'm the anon from
>>338850, and i'm not the best at make up but if i showed up with a base like this they would make me take it off and do it over
No. 338855
>>338853She needs to leave her face alone. Just stop. Stop touching it. Stop putting make up on it.
Stop raising your fucking brow for pictures, you're going to give yourself wrinkles for fucks sake.
But more than ever, if you're going to do makeup for the love of all that is holy, PUT FUCKING MASCARA ON OR KEEP FOUNDATION OFF YOUR EYE LASHES!
No. 338857
File: 1482545535523.png (1.51 MB, 750x1334, IMG_3329.PNG)

No. 338859
File: 1482554488859.jpg (1010.6 KB, 1440x1609, Screenshot_20161223-233914.jpg)

Her eyebrows don't even match her wig! Plus damn her lips,just stop concealing them! Omg, can anyone imagine kissing those thick things?
No. 338862
File: 1482555719750.png (156.94 KB, 370x580, AS.png)

I don't know guys. She makes a pretty spot on Aoba.
No. 338863
File: 1482556073571.jpg (383.43 KB, 1280x960, classique.jpg)

>>338862She does, but it really depends on where you're getting your basis for comparison.
No. 338867
File: 1482561488360.png (139 KB, 750x933, IMG_3332.PNG)

What horrors will we see next…
No. 338868
>>338857Lmao she's at cici's pizza.
>>338859Her eyelashes
trigger me
And she needs to learn what chat stick is. Eyebrows aren't quite drag queen, but they are the wrong fucking colour.
>>338867This is going to be bad.
Also these totally play into her rape fetish. Notice how peach guy looks to always be in pain.
No. 338869
>>338868Man I almost wish it was Cici's, I was there tonight for a while, we would have taken photos.
No. 338872
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No. 338878
File: 1482719004305.png (757.76 KB, 939x607, 5BPywt6.png)

old post from her instagram, but idk what's funnier. the fact that her dad padlocked the icecream, or the fact that she didn't just use her brain to slide it off because padlocking a carton of icecream does nothing
No. 338883
>>338878everyone in this thread trying to say padlocking fucking ice cream is fine and dandy lmao. thats some next level shit right there
although i somehow doubt her dad even did it considering what anon said, that you simply have to slide it off to open the ice cream. ash probably just looking for attention
No. 338887
>>338878I don't know how they divide the food in home but if that icecream was bought by his father to himself to eat, she has no right to whine not being allowed to eat other peoples snacks.
Get your ass up and go buy icecream with your own money.
>waah I'm over 20 and dad won't let me eat his snacks for freeAlso it looks like Ash has just put that chain on on it by herself to get pitypoints.
No. 338894
>>338880My mom has to lock our pantry because her 16 year old step son would eat every. single. thing. out of it in the middle of the night. He would eat entire boxes of cereal, and on more than one occasion, entire cans of ice cream. My mom's definitely not abusing him. She's probably just an ungrateful fatass though, or maybe she really does uncontrollably eat everything, i mean, she's clearly not psychologically healthy. Either way, this looks like a corny dad joke.
sage for blog-post
No. 338895
>>338894To clarify, he completely believes she will eat his food. He's also protective of his drinks as well.
Truth being is she will eat the food in the house because she doesn't buy her own groceries.
No. 338896
File: 1482758323904.png (43.66 KB, 487x473, axelbro.PNG)

>>338885Sorry it's super late but I was traveling when I posted that.
No. 338900
>>338898Omg anon you hit the nail on the head. I wasn't aware of this condition and my mom might not be either. I'll have to ask her about it. He looks just like the kid in the pictures and is deffo kind of autistic.
Sage for continuing this but I never knew that existed.
No. 338901
>>338896>>338896She doesn't give a shot about being a better person. She thinks everyone else around her needs to change in stead.
We all have family conflicts. But we don't all wish cancer on our family members. We don't all fantasize about literally bashing people's teeth in like what the fuck.
There's no way she's actually in therapy. Like I don't believe her for a minute. Absolutely not. She isn't getting better.
No. 338902
File: 1482821303673.jpg (1.37 MB, 1402x1940, Screenshot_20161227-014641.jpg)

Her Katsucon cosplays. Who's ready to see her Yuri cosplay cause I'm gonna be crying bullets to see that train wreck. XD
No. 338903
>>338902>XDPlease don't do this to yourself, anon.
And we've seen photos of her Yuri already unless she's found a way to make it worse.
No. 338911
File: 1482952471299.jpg (54.82 KB, 540x960, 15747849_1692051980820499_7754…)

How did she or her family afford these for Christmas? They're like $100 and they just got a huge chunk taken out of their house.
No. 338915
File: 1482985115273.jpg (55.14 KB, 405x720, IMG_3344.JPG)

No. 338920
File: 1482995748311.png (72.94 KB, 750x774, IMG_3345.PNG)

No. 338923
File: 1483003815836.jpg (51.79 KB, 576x472, 1482905137798.jpg)

>>338920i thought she said she was a trans man? wouldnt that
trigger her with dysphoria?
No. 338926
>>338920>>338923From my resources, she only wantsbto do Harley cause that Akane Reaper chick is doing it.
Also, she only says shes a transman for attention.
No. 338927
>>338926>she only says shes a transman for attentionYes, we know. She's mentioned how many times? Once in the past few weeks?
She bounces between that, her animus, her OCs, and her costumes every other day. She doesn't know who or what she is because it changes every single day.
No. 338931
File: 1483079054012.png (55.06 KB, 730x404, IMG_3348.PNG)

No. 338936
File: 1483226102163.png (102.86 KB, 750x1081, IMG_3353.PNG)

No. 338940
File: 1483231715837.png (106.43 KB, 750x1084, IMG_3352.PNG)

No. 338945
File: 1483313380152.png (38.47 KB, 734x239, IMG_3364.PNG)

No. 338949
File: 1483317443019.png (108.75 KB, 640x1094, IMG_1546.PNG)

Stop. Please stop.
No. 338950
File: 1483317566844.png (123.62 KB, 640x1090, IMG_1545.PNG)

I caaaaant with her expressions, its like her whole jaw got kicked outta centre.
No. 338952
File: 1483330340403.jpg (49.2 KB, 320x480, IMG_3366.JPG)

She put glue on her eyebrows…
No. 338961
>>338949I wish she would use some fucking chap stick.
She's also trying put…freckles? on her face? It just looks dirty and not like freckles. It looks like she took inspiration from anime pictures.
No. 338962
File: 1483393593719.jpg (90.24 KB, 1280x960,…)

>>338949What the fuck is with that hairline?!
No. 338974
File: 1483621635714.png (100.18 KB, 540x525, Screenshot_2017-01-05-07-59-31…)

Multiple posts coming since I'm on mobile and can't edit the caps all together.
In the past 24 hours she's been on a massive FB post fest including this gem. With as much as she posts about spending and her bills, why does she think no one is going to comment?
No. 338975
File: 1483621765510.png (43.89 KB, 540x233, Screenshot_2017-01-05-07-59-45…)

And then just a while ago she's suddenly deciding to spare the world her awful Eros because the fans on scares her. She probably was lurking on cgl again and saw her cosplay being trashed there.
No. 338976
File: 1483621830062.png (74.26 KB, 540x432, Screenshot_2017-01-05-08-00-19…)

This is from her Eros post suddenly going pity party on herself.
No. 338977
File: 1483621905657.png (79.64 KB, 540x479, Screenshot_2017-01-05-08-00-34…)

And final cap is the most incredible to me. She honestly considers herself to be cute so clearly something else must be wrong with her to make people avoid her.
No. 338978
File: 1483622254202.png (109.28 KB, 540x602, Screenshot_2017-01-05-08-14-46…)

Okay I lied one more cap. Found out who Ash is ranting about over her money issues… a kid. Her niece is suddenly a spoiled Trump supporter micromanaging her because as a kid she has no concept of money. Even $20 is a lot to kids.
No. 338979
>>338978The most delicious part of this is this isn't hard earned cash, is it?
This is probably christmas gift money or bennies, isn't it?
It's too good!
No. 338986
>>338985At this point she might as well not have any friends cause
friends who help < hobbies that causes more harm than good
No. 338990
>>338989it's clear she needs to watch toddler shows only.
Her constantly playing characters that are victims of some sort feed into her mental illness.
No. 338992
File: 1483761391918.jpg (82.05 KB, 960x528, 15941235_1716717358353961_6241…)

And she just splurged on more makeup to add to her collection. What happened to her putting half her money into savings?
No. 338994
>>338989Oh god, it was only a matter of time she was gonna get into that comic. I bet she doesn't read any other gay comics unless it's uber popular. I wouldn't be surprised if she's also part of that 12 year olds fantasy that wants to be part of an abusive relationship.
inb4 she posts a Yoonbum costest
No. 338997
I don't think she has the ability to understand how deeply troubling that manhwa is. The two characters aren't meant to be portrayed as ~uwu kawaii boys~ because they're fucked up and I can see her portraying them as that. Or her just doing really bad make up and pretending to be an asshole. Either way, it's an awful idea she shouldn't pursue.
sage because I read/watch a lot of stuff on serial killers and sangwoo reminds me of Ted bundy which is why I'm butthurt about people cosplaying it (it's a good manhwa, it's just hard to stomach)
No. 338998
File: 1483772463213.jpg (649.26 KB, 1413x1793, Screenshot_20170107-015722.jpg)

>>338994WHOOP! THERE IT IS! Apparently someone on her instagram said that her eyebrows are on point….
No. 339001
>>338996You're right, she did do that. If she's so
triggered by men being abusive towards her.. why would she want to cosplay a victim of male abuse??
>>338997Hell I like yaoi and I like horror but even I looked at this one and decided it was too much for me. I don't know why it's suddenly THE thing. God help us all if Ash ever finds Hoshi no Yakata with her love of BDSM yaoi. She'll be doing HnY/DMM crossovers for fucking days.
No. 339008
>>339003She most definitely lurks here, despite advice from friends.
Like, I was one of those people who told her to just block this site and ignore it because it'll just bring her down or make her feel bad. Like if you don't see it, read it, it can't hurt you.
But she decided to come here to shit on Somersby, everyone licked her ass for a while and she thought she was was safe. But that's not how things work.
No. 339009
>>339003Ash is no stranger to lolcow. She came into the OrangeCitrus thread for retribution several months ago.
Also lol about being posted on /cgl/. She's been posted in the bad makeup threads and bad cosplay threads lately too. She's never going to escape ridicule if she doesn't just walk away.
No. 339012
>>339011She just got some new Nyx stuff too.
>>339009I looked into the OrangeCitrus thing maybe twice but didn't pay much mind so that's probably how I missed it. She must be pretty awful at pruning if she keeps cutting out everyone but the farmers on her list.
No. 339013
File: 1483820844166.jpg (98.5 KB, 750x750, IMG_1820.JPG)

Ngl the most expensive shit ash has is from Sugarpill and KVD and its not alot she has of it, the rest is just shit you can get at walmart (not saying its all bad) but 90% of her shit is 2-10$range and shes a hoarder so i get how quick she could fill up space…
Shes still retarded for constantly spending money on make up she doesnt need nor will ever use well, invest in a lip scrub and some good balms
>how she continues to sport that hair line is beyond me
No. 339015
>>339014I believe that. I saw them on display there after Christmas but couldn't find any nondisplay ones to get myself.
Her shirt's from Walmart's Halloween shit, though.
(saged for useless store knowledge)
No. 339017
>>339013Her hair in general
triggers the fuck out of me.
Her hair line is a mess, her hair itself is a mess. It's been bleached and dyed that awful red colour more than I can count. She fucking cuts it herself, but claimed OC tried to make her into a clone by getting her a decent hair cut. A real hair cut. At an actual hair salon. And she didn't pay for that.
Her eyebrows annoy the fuck out of me. She needs to stop shaving them and let them grow normal. Seriously. Pluck the strays, but stop Fucking shaving your brows because you have no fucking idea how to draw them on.
Her eyelashes, oh my god, her eye lashes. Bitch has all this crusty old makeup but can't buy mascara.
She has facial hair too, but you know what I can let that slide because that is hormonal.
No. 339019
File: 1483856141960.jpg (895.97 KB, 1413x1647, Screenshot_20170108-011219.jpg)

Oh God, her eyebrows and her new dirty ass shirt.
No. 339021
>>339019Foundation is caked, shows more imperfections and impurities. Is streaky.
Shaves off 2/3 of her eyebrows but doesn't get rid of the baby hairs and coats them in foundation.
Coats remaining brows in foundation because…? Drag tutorial said so?
Messy eye liner. Looks like it was done by a 12 year old.
No mascara AGAIN.
Loaded blush. Please stop watching drag tutorials.
Put blush on nose for cutesy effect but it looks like an accident.
Coated lips in foundation.
Lips look chapped as fuck.
Messy lip colour. Goes off of her lips and around them.
Dirty, makeup covered hands.
Unstyled wig.
No. 339024
>>339019>dried shit eyebrows>foundation caked to hell and back>eyeliner drawn on with crayola>lipstick smeared like the Joker>fingers stained??>shirt is stained and dirtyAnd she just made a FB post saying her problem was caked makeup but here she goes again.
I just want to sit her down and do her makeup so damned bad. I'm not even good at it but I can do better than this.
No. 339025
File: 1483887440905.png (15.88 KB, 488x138, cokelips.PNG)

I'm cackling. Who wrote this?
No. 339030
>>339029he's the victim of stalking/abuse in a korean webcomic called killing stalking. the theme is psychological horror
it's the new tumblr flavor of the month, because it's yaoi and there are people arguing about it, whether romanticizing it is wrong since it's literally about someone who has stalked, kidnapped, and abused someone but you know since it's two guys, the fujoshits are going absolutely wild for it
naturally, ash is all about the one who is abused, kidnapped, and has had his legs broken by the stalker (yoonbum), because he's so kawaii and weak and shit like that
No. 339031
>>339029Nah that's one of her rare female cosplays. This
>>338998 is the abused uke fetish cosplay.
No. 339032
>>339030This is a pretty confusing synopsis,
(Mine wont be better but clears some shit up)
Yoonbum was never stalked nor kidnapped (if anything held hostage really)
is the stalker and even has a creepy track record stalking others before that incl restraining orders.
>Yoonbum breaks into the apartment of Sangwoo? Or whatever the killers name is called and is like jerking off this his clothes etc then finds an abused chick in the basement and thats when the killer comes home.>The only reason he keeps YB around was because YB was so in love with him but he breaks YB's legs so he cant run away (like he did with the abused girl inb4 killing her)It got boring quick but for once the uke is also a creepy fuck and p much an underweight, unhygienic, stalker neet like Incel tier,
Sage for sperging and youre still right about Ash being a tard for cosplaying it considering all her 'trauma' and 'experience' regarding the subject of abuse
No. 339033
>>339032I agree. I don't understand why she has to cosplay characters that involve abuse, rape, torture when she said she "delt" with it before.
IE: Aoba(DMMD. especially her bad end one), Konoe(Lamento), Yoonbum(Killing Stalking), and any other heroin characters from otome games: Yui(Diabolic Lovers) and Chi(Brother's Conflict).
She might actually get rapped down the line if she's not careful. Shes likes this kind of kink but doesn't want to admit it when it actually happens.
No. 339034
>>339033Worst part is based on the 'cosplay' of StalkingKilling shes clearly making him just another poor helpless uke even tho like i mentioned hes just as fucked up and creepy…
But she seems to really romaticize being taken advantage of and Raped/abuses, one thing is being a fujoshit and all that with mangas etc by yourself/on boards/friends but holy fuck youre literally bringing a rape story to life, i thought the concept of cosplay was having fun and being creative and indulging in fandoms you like not putting on a wig and playing abuse victim lmfao
>kek at Yoobum being underweight>dead at the fact that hes an unhygienic, jobless neet like a certain someone No. 339035
>>339034She's basically cosplaying a nightmare. Both characters shouldn't be romanticized because they have real world problems that make it more horrifying. It's meant to scare, not 'uguuuu uwu kawaii boys just being cute!!!' Shit like what happens in killing stalking happens in real life (ex; the kidnapped woman found alive on thanksgiving last year) which is why I don't think she understands how dark and heavy the story actually is.
It's one thing to have a fantasy but sometimes those things should be kept behind closed doors.
Also wondering if she would take it to her next con at this point.
No. 339037
File: 1483923037131.png (17.51 KB, 470x147, dramaqueen.PNG)

>Help! I wasn't expecting anyone I don't acknowledge to have a life outside of meeeee!
No. 339039
>>339038It can't be Stockholm syndrome because Yoonbum was already in love and obsessed to begin with before being held hostage.
>>339037Why the fuck does she need to be coddled because a person has an instagram? Loads of people she downright hates have facebook. Block them and move the fuck on? Or it's someone she knows who knows her past or lies (like her stealing attempted suicide stories from friends) and she's scared that it will get out.
>>339035>>339034Kind of off topic, but not. In /ot/ there's a topic about rape fetishes and what a lot of people were saying is they more have a ravishing fetish rather than rape. But when it comes to Ash, I genuinely believe she has a rape fetish. Or at least thinks she does until it's someone equally as disgusting as her. Like she wants a stranger to molest and rape her and she wants to cry and wants to be the victim.
Well damn, maybe it isn't so much as a rape fetish as a fetish to have had horrible things done to her. Like those people who fake having had cancer. She's got a sympathy fetish.
No. 339043
>>339039>she has a rape fetishI agree with this part but I disagree with the rest about her wanting to be the victim and having a sympathy fetish tied in to it.
On one hand, yes, she definitely has to be the center of attention and have people feel bad for her. She'd be a munchie if she could what with her past of faking self harm helping her out there.
However, I don't think that ties into her rape fetish at all. If you look at just about every single one of her stories/art pieces, the rape and abuse ends up a love story. She even takes DMM bad endings and twists them into uguu love even if it's wildly unhealthy. In her twisted little mind I like to think this is her big loophole to making her little fantasies a reality without having to be judged on them.
I mean just look at us. We know she has a fetish for this and can talk bad about her because of it but for her she thinks "If I frame it as something bad happening to me I didn't want then I'm fine!" even if she enjoyed every damn minute of it and you know she gets off on it just by what she writes/draws. Everyone knows she's a twisted pervert but she's still under the delusion that no one knows. That's why when she breaks up with someone she immediately has to paint them as ABUSER STALKER KIDNAPPER like that guy she dated what, once? It's all damage control.
Sorry for the wall of text. I just have a lot of annoyance for people who do this shit to make themselves look so naive/innocent and that's what she's trying to do.
>>339041I wouldn't doubt it if it was. Her and her would-be BFF/loverboygirl both like to bond by dissing Akane for some reason.
>>339042Hadn't heard about the pet actually dying but back when she was drama on /cgl/ one of her cats got sick and she wouldn't take it to the vet because she was spending her money on other things. I think maybe some anons called ASPCA on her? I might be remembering that wrong and confusing it for when anons called the police on her a few times for welfare/suicide threats.
No. 339045
>>339043Dissing her. Lol from what I've seen she's an angel
With what ash did to her I'm surprised she doesn't dis ash all the time.
One could only imagine what lies they are coming up about this poor abused cosplayer. It's seems to be ashes favorite pass time to put people down who don't deserve it just because they are better than them/don't take shit from her
No. 339046
File: 1484001281882.png (119.61 KB, 633x865, IMG_6128.PNG)

>>339045>>339043As a friend and follower of Akane I sometimes send her stuff to keep her up to date on Ash's movements.
Akane Reaper was mentally abused by ash a while back. Ash used her and then dumped her but not before making out to be a huge "but I'm the victim" scene and trying to/successfully send her friends to bully her and talk bad about her via FB and 4chan.
This was almost a year ago. Akane handled whatever Ash through at her very well. But told me specifically that she wasn't perfect. That she made a huge mistake trusting ash and whatever followed was her fault.
Ash kept stalking her via Skype, FB and at conventions. Making it out to be like she was sorry and wanted a second chance. She had to leave mid discussion on skype when ash started giving her more bull shit excuses on her behavior than actually apologizing.
Ash to this day still talks bad about her. At a convention she Akane was Vending at (with her own mother) Ash tried to get them kicked out by spreading a rumor that she was under aged and fucking her boy friend who was of a much older age. After the con chair who was a friend of Akane's came to her to get the details she had to explain that her and her boyfriend met when she was of legal age in her state and wasn't involved in sexual activity until she was age 19. And then has to explain the person spreading this lie was just out to get her and would not leave her alone. She was then guarded by con security incase ash and her friend Caramia Capone (an sjw who stood up for Ashes abusive acts) who was also out to get Akane tried anything further.
The fact that ash is still trying to ruin the reputation of a cosplayer who stands for equality. Who does more to help her cosplay community than help herself. And who even before ash got a hold of her, openly admits to having PTSD, depression and anxiety (from being in a genuinely abusive household, I'm sure ash used that knowledge to guilt trip Akane into doing whatever she wanted) and said that she is to easily to trust people who seek her out (yes ash sout her out for help) and she knew that with her past she would be sucked into Doing whatever ash wanted. It was actually her best friend that pulled her out of ashes gript and ensued the wrath that came from the epic breaking off she did from ash.
I just got a response from Akane. She is very upset to hear that ash is still talking bad about her and hopes that if anyone on here truly has any problem with her that they please come to her and get all the information before assuming she is a horrible person.
No. 339047
>>339046That's me in the cap and I had no idea Akane and Ash dated. I took a few years hiatus from Ash drama because she fell out of my social circle for a while.
That explains why Ash's would-be new relationship gets such a giddy thrill out of commenting on every post with comments on "Who are you talking to? I don't see anything so it must be an ignorant ass teehee" like
>>338584Micah and Ash seem made for each other and that's just going off Micah's comments and nothing else. They suck up to each other so much.
No. 339048
>>339047If Akane and ash dated it was news to me. I don't think they did, unless she's spreading lies about them dating. I think they were just cosplay partners for a while.
But damn holy hell poor Akane.
No. 339050
Anon from
>>339046No they didn't date just cosplay partners. She "dumped" her meaning that she quit the cosplay group she was a part of last minute and then made it out to be that she was "bullied out of the group"
My bad for not explaining that.
No. 339052
File: 1484007359635.jpg (214.19 KB, 814x728, 1459410806614.jpg)

>>339051Pretty sure this is her complaining about the cosplay group.
No. 339053
File: 1484007513754.png (49.38 KB, 507x755, 1459410857083.png)

>>339052One of the cos group members responding to Ashley's post.
No. 339054
File: 1484008012557.png (108.12 KB, 500x1563, 1459410949982.png)

This post is most likely Akane? She refers to Ashley stealing her cosplay ideas or past cosplay.
Re-reading this and I feel awful for this person. 4 people they knew died in a short span of time. That's fucking rough. And you know Ashley was probably like, "b-b-but my cousin had a seizure" then proceeds to never talk about such cousin ever again! Also love the call out about how Ashley claims to be afraid of men but worked closely with the men in the cosplay group. Ah I love it.
No. 339055
File: 1484008685733.png (152.4 KB, 526x2084, 1459411197649.png)

>>339054Sounds like Akane again, feat. Ash's inability to admit any wrong doing and stealing people's cosplay ideas to out do them as revenge.
No. 339057
File: 1484009434705.jpg (205.47 KB, 2048x1014, 1459411363838.jpg)

Ashley being a flake about the Sadness cosplay.
No. 339058
File: 1484009546012.jpg (556.3 KB, 1848x1010, 1459411497157.jpg)

Ashley blaming Maggie's death as a reason for her to not do the cosplay instead of just saying she changed her mind.
No. 339059
File: 1484009694200.jpg (231.99 KB, 960x691, 1459411515642.jpg)

Cosplay group member, possibly Akane, trying to be kind by including Ashley in the group has the whole thing blow up in their face for literally trying to be a decent person.
No. 339063
File: 1484025038330.png (558.46 KB, 844x2990, 1431534357464.png)

>>339061She hates doctors, counselors, and psychiatrists.
Probably because they make her think about her actions. Doubt she has one.
(Also she had personally came to me crying and wishing she was on antidepressants, then got super excited when she was prescribed 5mg of one, but in this text here acts like she hates medication, too.)
Lmao because she straight up lies about seeing shit, and she'd be on antipyschotics, medication and does not actually need, yeah I wouldn't want to take it either.
No. 339066
>>339065That was around the time she faked slitting her wrists, right? When she was telling everyone not to call a certain hospital but the nice hospital because she liked it better.
It's honestly amazing that she hasn't ditched cosplay for being a spoonie/munchie yet.
No. 339067
>>339066she didn't fake it per se, they were just really superficial cuts. There is only two psychiatric wards in our area, poppler's (sp?) And Tucker's. Never been to poppler's myself, but I've been to Tucker's a few times.
The teen ward sucks and the staff was abusive in my experience. Adult ward is a lot better but still has its issues.
She's never been to poppler's.
No. 339068
>>339067So she really did cut herself. Wow.
From what I remembered she only posted a picture of one wrist that looked make-upped on and posted another picture a few days later where her wrist had nothing at all so I assumed the entire time she had just faked it.
No. 339069
File: 1484055952946.jpg (33.93 KB, 800x533, 800px-Ashleyproveshercutting.j…)

>>339068Found the picture I was looking for.
No. 339070
File: 1484059120022.png (46.13 KB, 540x277, Screenshot_2017-01-10-09-37-10…)

Speaking of
No. 339071
>>339069Lmao oh yeah those are fake for sure. That looks like failed burn makeup.
She posted pictures at another time on her dA of her superficial cuts. They looked like scraps. Nothing major.
>>339070She makes a lot of threats (towards herself and others) so this doesn't surprise me.
No. 339078
File: 1484114701679.jpg (1.17 MB, 1434x2045, Screenshot_20170111-010011.jpg)

Oh God! Look how shitty this looks. Stop making Aoba look bad. JFC
No. 339086
>>339083It's like you guys don't realize she's been doing this same shit for YEARS and countless people have tried to help/befriend her etc
She's not lacking in available resources for improvement, she simply does not want to improve
No. 339087
>>339078Drying on a can of soda. Classy.
Also this looks like it was painted with nail polish.
No. 339090
File: 1484144432300.jpg (1002.8 KB, 1390x2033, Screenshot_20170111-091913.jpg)

Look, now I can act like a fuck boy and drink like one too.
No. 339093
>>339090I'm cackling at that remark.
Honestly though where is she getting all this cash all of a sudden?
No. 339099
File: 1484176282185.png (30.73 KB, 490x356, whine.PNG)

Oh yeh she's definitely lurking.
No. 339101
>>339099Not for nothing but there are SOOOOOO many people who cosplays the same things as her. So whoever she is talking about is completely vague. She needs to understand that not everything is about her. She must be lurking on that other person's page just to make herself feel like crap.
It is JUST cosplay. OMG GET A LIFE!
No. 339102
>>339100Anthony no stay the fuck away from her!
(Anthony is trans, ftm and I bet this dumb bitch has no idea.) Scared of men, clearly!
"Let's be gay fuck boys!" Yeah Ashley okay Ashley
There is so much karma in the things Ashley has done and how her life is coming out to be. I wish she would just disconnect.
>>339099"Her doing the same cospway as me, but better, hurts my fee-fees. Waaah."
God. If she actually but real effort into her cosplay, would she have as many? No. But would they be falling apart by the end of the day? Maybe not!
No. 339103
>>339099"About a situation"
Hmmm, there are so many things she was hurt by. Which one would be the worse for her??
No. 339104
>>339100Wait wait wait, this person stole one of her friends from her??
Ummmmmmm did she ever take into consideration that maybe THAT FRIEND got fed up with her bs??
No. 339110
>>339100Antony has some issues. That's for sure. Poor thing… I could tell stories.
But honestly he's prone to #
trigger and go ape shit on people. I'm honestly surprised he can tolerate ash's bull shit.
No. 339111
File: 1484187123488.jpg (791.13 KB, 1377x1674, Screenshot_20170111-210744.jpg)

Okay is she that insane to think that an instrument like that is going to be cheap? Bitch plz!
And you are not a BIG nitro+chiral fan unless you at least know most of their past games except the popular ones. I bet she doesn't even know the ones that are just recently debuted.
No. 339113
File: 1484188079558.png (110.44 KB, 640x1001, IMG_6152.PNG)

so I'm one of the anon's that feeds Akane info on ash sometimes. And I sent her
>>339099This was her response. I asked permission to share.
No. 339115
>>339113Fucking gold
We got 24 hours till ash says she's cosplaying Beetlejuice to "out do her competition"
No. 339126
File: 1484204674843.png (403.68 KB, 608x648, what is this.png)

what even the fuck is going on
No. 339129
File: 1484212320558.jpg (5.25 MB, 3443x5000, Shui.full.1594471.jpg)

>>339127This is the character she wants to cosplay asking about the lute prop, so I can only imagine…
No. 339130
>>339126She dipped the tails in Fucking white paint! Fucking what!!!! What what what! Who the fuck
Oh my god I can't I fucking can't. She dipped the fox tail in white paint you dumb fucking whale
It's going to dry and be hard and cracked and paint is going to chip everywhere and you've ruined perfectly good fox tails. You dumb mother fucker.
I literally screamed. I audibly screamed when I saw this.
No. 339131
>>339128Sorry double post
Yeah I agree she needs to be moved to /pt/
No. 339136
>>339132I was thinking the same. the foam would be easy to work wth if you're careful and mindful about it. You'd be able to get the desired shape really quick and for $7.
>>339130Is that characters tail a cat tail? It looks like a cat. Regardless, it looks like she has the wrong tail (it's also way too short) all together so she ruined a perfectly good tail for no reason.
No. 339137
Wasn't ash moved to snow during that short lull in her drama where people were asskissing her mistakenly thinking she was turning her life around etc etc? At least I'd assume that's why princess shit brooch isn't in pt
>>339136Yeah, he's a cat. Lamento has a cast of half cat boys, half horned devil type bishounens. It's str8 up yaoi, as to be expected of the makers, and her interests, of course.
No. 339139
File: 1484246841425.png (48.53 KB, 540x265, Screenshot_2017-01-12-13-44-15…)

Next update on this will be her slicing her fingers off. She can't even use paint correctly so no chance with power tools.
No. 339141
>>339139Please do NOT
oh man the idea of her using a power tool like that is scary
No. 339142
>>339139No no
Use the power tool
Then you have something besides your family/other better cosplayers to blaim for your costumes being so bad.
>horrifying prop and costume>IT WOULD HAVE LOOKED NICE IF IT WASNT FLR THE POWER TOOL No. 339143
File: 1484255718311.png (62.9 KB, 640x597, IMG_6154.PNG)

So I want to break down the latest video ash posted on her cosplay page.
1: "we've got a big problem in the cosplay community, cosplay bullying."
Says the biggest bully I know in the cosplay community.
2: "im seeing people being made fun of their weight and the people they cosplay"
Says the church who skinny shames and says that some people just shouldn't cosplay some things and basically type casted her own body type saying "so because you think im would be good as Rose quarts means I'm a "bigger" Cosplayer?! How dare you call me fat"
3: "I'm tempted to quit"
4: "spread this video around"
Because I'm so narcissistic that my face should be the face of cosplay and what I say goes even though I'm just a hypocrite looking for attention.
5: "if you would not say it to your mother father family"
6: "I've had people shut me down from making friends because they didn't like how I handled a situation."
Why because people warn people about how you bully, cause drama, scream rape, are overly touchy, are over clingy, lie, and be a bitch. So basically you're mad people tell the truth about your personality and actions and you don't like that? Wow.
7: "can you not make other people's opinions for them"
I don't think earning people, presenting evidence and stuff YOU WROTE. Is making people's opinions for them. It's showing proof you are a bigot.
8:" there's no reason for us to start attacking each other"
Again says the bully!
9: "trump will build a wall around anime"
Oh honey if you really believe trump is going to do half the things his twitter says you really are a dumb cunt.
10: "it's childish this is schoolyard shit
Again says the girl who can't let go and keeps bashing cosplayers who are better than her that didn't take her shit.
11:" I'm not doing yuri on ice cuz the community is so bad"
Omg thank the gods my eyes will. E sparred. But the community isn't bad. You just can't handle other people trying to help you fix your cosplay cuz it's bad.
12: "when did my appearance become an issue"
Because any cosplayer worth their salt understands that cosplay means becoming the character as best you can. Cosplay for fun is different but when you label yourself a professional, as she has done, you have to hold yourself to a standard in body type and look. You can't say you're a professional cosplayer if you don't strive to look exactly like a character in both look and costume which yes does mean weight to! Reasons I work out and eat healthy.
13:"we decide to attack people who's a little bit worse than you"
I think you are mixing up attacking with attempting to help you understand what you did wrong and how you can fix it. Lol but ash we all know you can't handle critic's and help.
(On a side note can I bring up the fact again that you attack anyone better than you whenever you get the chance)
So yeah honestly just fuck you ash. Stop trying to play the saint when you are what's wrong with the cosplay community.
No. 339144
>>339143>trump will build a wall around animeI need that on a bumper sticker or something
Is that video on her private Facebook? Or is it viewable elsewhere?
No. 339147
>>339146 I found out the reasoning behind them.
Japanese gods are often depicted with small eyebrows like that.
She thinks she's a god
No. 339150
File: 1484260062272.png (225.61 KB, 494x1048, 1.PNG)

I take what I said back about Anthony. They're cringey but they've finally hit their breaking point.
No. 339154
File: 1484260888769.jpg (28.32 KB, 583x166, IMG_6156.JPG)

Ash's video in a nut shell.
No. 339155
>>339150There's the Antony I know.
God I'm so late to this party. If ash is a god then Satanism sounds rly good to me right now… damn
No. 339161
File: 1484263424539.png (45.17 KB, 494x360, 3.PNG)

>>339160Here's all the caps.
And just so I don't have to double post:
>Axel Ash Bailey>42 mins>Im not a nice person. Sorry No. 339176
File: 1484329300488.png (8.42 KB, 386x110, incoming.PNG)

No. 339178
>>339176What possessed someone to want to be a bitch so badly? I mean really? Who brags about making their own mom cry? Why is that a good thing? Why is that something you'd want people to know?
She is a damn liar about going to therapy. I don't believe her for a fucking minute because she's making no progress. But don't forget guys she's borderline genius.
No. 339179
>>339176I make my own mother cry
Yes ash this is such an accomplishment. Please tell me more about how horrible of a person you are.
Did she say in her video "if yo wouldn't say it to your mother don't say it to someone else"
Where did that holier than thou logic go ash?!?
No. 339181
File: 1484344743936.png (21.54 KB, 491x195, asskiss.PNG)

>>339158>>339150She finally replied to Anthony and has a new asskisser.
No. 339182
File: 1484344900098.png (70.15 KB, 424x647, replies.PNG)

>>339181Posted the wrong one first. This is the first part of it.
No. 339183
>>339181 >>232616
>>339176What a fucking spoiled brat. Its one thing to be involved in a drama with somebody but actually have the balls to brag about something that you're not even in and make this all about you really say something.
No. 339186
>>339176jesus christ no one should purposely make their mother cry.
For how horrible Ash is though, I would assume she got that from the people she was raised by. Or maybe she is one of those people with good parents but she still ended up a rotten egg.
No. 339187
>>339186Her mom loves her and gives her every thing she wants. Her mom also puts her on a pedestal and fuels Ashley's delusions that she can see dragons and move things with her mind and whatever, by saying they've had witches in the family.
Her dad resents her though. I've personally been there when he's blown up at her and she cried and said sorry and how embarrassed she was. It shook me, too. Feels like mom isn't tough enough, but dad is abusive.
Last time I was there he was a lot nicer though. He's had a gambling and cheating problem.
No. 339191
>>339190Different person but she always seems to flip-flop between whether her brother is alright (if he's giving her something) and her brother is the devil. This is the one she wished had cancer right, so he'd learn to be nicer?
No. 339192
>>339190Oh, I wish I knew but alas, I've never met her brother. He doesn't live at home and whenever he does come I've never been there. I do believe he's only her half brother though. I've never met her sister either but I hear she's really nice.
>>339191Yes she hoped her brother had cancer when he had a cancer scare because to her it would be karma plus it made him nicer to her somehow? Those were her words, anyways.
No. 339194
File: 1484451917857.jpg (407.3 KB, 1258x951, Screenshot_20170114-224233.jpg)

No. 339201
>>339194So you've already gotten mo sky from people, you're hosting a room so it's in your name and you don't know if you are going to go? You would screw those people out of a place to stay? As I assume she'll need to be the one to check it to secure this room, and would she be that fucking stupid enough to pocket their money and ditch the room?
I have a friend who she blocked/unfriended who honestly did nothing but try to help her for the longest time. They'd message me
About cosplay prop ideas to see f it was actually a feasible solution before posting it to her, figuring if it's a sound idea and simple she'd have no problem with it, and poof, just like that thrown away. She keeps adding friends to her list (after the purge it was 262 now up to 269) so seriously, she's only adding people who will worship the ground she walks on and kiss her ass.
No. 339204
>>339195Poor span, I remember the good old days of
Cgl when you defended her so valiently. And not even you were spared?
No. 339205
>>339194>I'm considering not going to Katsu anymore>I have people in the room who've already sent money to meI got no further than that before I started raging.
1. That's a fucking shit thing to do because you want to be a little pissbaby.
2. $10 says she's already spent their money on herself or something.
>>339199Well when all she posts is shit-tier stuff and "MEMEMEME" statuses, it's hard not to post everything she says here. She's perpetually stuck in her whiny 13-year-old stage back when she was making journals about wanting to shoot her up school and making hot glue monstrosities as commissions she got her mother to force people to pay for.
No. 339215
>>339213as the other anon said, it's a bit of both.
Ashley does have a part time but she doesn't buy her own food or pay rent or anything.
And if she does need money, her mom bails her out every time.
All her money goes to cosplay and make up.
She was supposed to save up for a car. She was supposed to take her pets to the vet. But cosplay is more important than life apparently.
No. 339216
>>339215Pretty sure she also hella spent the money she got for throwing a huge bitchfit about her luggage being lost by Delta and going to the News, practically bullying Delta in to giving her refunds for her shitty makeups and wigs.
Part of me thinks she lied about her luggage cause the Aoba wig she's using still looks like her shitty one she lost.
No. 339218
File: 1484663593139.png (114.35 KB, 750x624, IMG_4407.PNG)

> I want to get my parents a gift
> How about pictures of me! MEMEMEME!
Christ, she can't even do something nice for her parents without it being all about her. They had a tree fall in their kitchen, maybe get your parents some nice tableware to replace what was broken? Or a useful kitchen gadget? No, pictures of yourself are obviously the perfect gift to the parents who constantly wish you'd get your shit together.
No. 339219
>>339218Your parents have to see you everyday why do you think getting them pictures of you is a good present.
How about you stop treating them like you do. Or maybe stop being a parasite and get your own place and a car and a divers licesnce and maybe a life?
No. 339220
>>339219lmao or buy your own food and stop eating your parents food Jesus Christ hahahaha she is too much for me.
Or clean your room, that's a nice gift. Or take them out for a nice dinner. Maybe buy your mom some nice makeup and dad a nice watch?
No. 339224
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No. 339227
>>339224How DARE her mother lose her job and inconvenience her.
I'm also partly deaf but I'm more quiet than loud so idk I guess it's different for everyone but I always talk really quietly because I feel like I'm too loud.
If she starts a fundraiser 100% of that money will absolutely not go towards what the fund was intended for.
No. 339230
>>339224I just. Can't even.
No one in their right mind knowing her rep is going to donate to her. The little shit will just spend that money on conventions and Cosplays. She doesn't have bills she lives Scott free with her parents and omg so her teeth are crooked (just like her soul) spending money to fix teeth is a luxury. A car is a necessity. Something she's been saying she's been saving for, for about 4 years. And haven't actually put a cent towards it. Omfg ash why.
No. 339231
>>339224Braces are cosmetic. She's stupid. Your insurance wouldn't cover it anyways. 5,000 is the typical price of braces, you pay it over time, not all at once.
She's stupid and would be lying about needing the money. If she saved up on her own without buying cosplay shit, she would easily have the money she needs.
No. 339233
File: 1484767674765.png (268.51 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-01-18-14-24-02…)

Oh yeah she's definitely spending the money she got for the hotel room.
No. 339251
>>339234She's in-fucking-sane.
That's why. And she's scummy as fuck. OC literally spent like 300 bucks on this girl and repayed her by threatening to call the police because she asked for 20 dollars back.
No. 339253
File: 1484776357175.png (222.08 KB, 483x492, fhp.PNG)

Ash made it back to /pt/? I'm so proud of little poop-broach!
>>339237It already is. She took a cos shot of it and said she looked like a fat hobo. Just found it on her FB again. Looks like she's purged again too but still hasn't gotten the right people.
No. 339902
>>339253That hood wouldn't be quite so bad if she turned it inside out. Basic sewing 101: don't put your fuckin seams, hems or edging facing the outside.
God, how fuckin stupid can you be?
No. 339945
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No. 339968
>>339902Ash I a level of stupid on its own yet to be recorded by the Genus book of world stupid.
>>339945So I'm guessing no one actually did inform her room mates that she's spending their room money. (Bbff=Akane and the Noblesse Oblige Cosplay group she damn near "tried to ruin the reputation of" most likely since she's always pester them about doing groups with them)
No. 339987
>>339253i don't understand how you could sew a hem this badly! I DONT! UNDERSTAND! JESUS CHRIST!
i feel like no one is going to recognize her costume because it will be too bad.
No. 340222
File: 1484860568342.jpg (806.67 KB, 1390x1634, Screenshot_20170119-154935.jpg)

No. 340560
>>340222Beautiful as. Now just move that wig hair a little bit more center to cover up your ugly no shame for your actions face and it would be perfect.
Seriously she doesn't have a single ounce of remorse. Wigs aren't fucking cheep. Costume stuff isn't fucking cheep. She has got to be scamming her room mates
No. 340698
File: 1484882558386.png (394.89 KB, 498x498, longoverdue.PNG)

>>340560There's no way she isn't. Let's look at the facts:
>claims she spent half her Christmas money on cosplay fabrics at one shop>claims she put the other half into savings
>doesn't earn much at her job>says she has a few bills plus groceries>tax returns aren't in
>bought cat headphones ($90)>bought Aoba mug ($15 going by Redbubble similar design)>bought new leg covers for Aoba (leg covers $20 on ebay)>bought new gloves for Aoba ($8 on ebay)>bought new wig ($16 on ebay)>bought wig for Shui ($15 on ebay)>bought geta for Beni ($18 on ebay)>bought four Nyx products ($25 roughly)>bought Aradani ears ($30)>misc makeup ($25 at least)>shipping for everything (????)
>wants to buy new colored contacts>wants to buy Katsu pre-reg>is still waiting for purchases due by the end of the monthTotal scammed so far: $262 more or less.
No. 340762
>>340698Wasn't this video also made on Jan 1st too? Who knows when she bought all of those things. Plus, I don't believe even for a second she has any bills. Maybe her phone one from time to time but for anything else, I call BS.
Also let's not forget the blue watch for Aoba as well, which could be between $10-15.
I so wanna watch this video to hear her rants.
No. 340764
>>340762Timestamp says Jan 1.
Given most of her items probably came from China and the "end of the month" estimate, she had to have bought them mid-December through early January. So before Christmas or during Christmas for most of them which means no using her Christmas money so logic says she used money she had on hand aka room payments.
No. 340830
>>340698Why does she look like a druggie house wife red queen in this screen cap. Like damn honey. Lighting. showers. It does wonders.
I'm waiting for her katsu room to fall aparent or for her to start begging for more money out of her participants.
No. 341352
>>341340If getting her teeth fixed were such a big priority she would have done something about it long ago instead of suddenly out of the blue having the idea to ask donations for it. Especially adding in the part "Well I would save up for it but I want a car."
Well clearly if you want a car more than fixing your teeth then it's not a big enough priority for you and you shouldn't expect people to pay for your teeth while you waste your car money on more cosplay shit.
No. 342194
File: 1484968486763.png (58.29 KB, 750x437, IMG_4437.PNG)

Gee, it's almost like you're an impulsive buyer who can't finance for shit…
No. 342327
>>342215>>342228Which I really never understood. Maybe because I went ages without using a debit card but now I'm anxious every time I use it fearing it won't work or I won't have enough money (even if I do) and I'd much rather use cash.
To just use your debit card all the time not even phased is just so foreign to me. I wonder how many times she's emptied her account like that.
Who wants to bet the money she deposited is more hotel money?
No. 342386
>>342362Yeah because her dad gambled their money away.
And with everything she buys online, I'd have to assume she has a debit card.
No. 342392
>>342386I was just wondering if she'd be dumb enough to get a credit card or even Paypal Credit because that'd fuck her over even worse.
Jeez, her dad sounds awful then. I wonder why the mother doesn't leave him but maybe they're just as bad considering what a little toxic shit they produced.
No. 342866
>>342857And what the fuck with the tablet…
>My friend deserves a tabletOkay so buy her one…
>I need moneyTo buy her one?
No. 342871
File: 1485074226600.png (149.49 KB, 640x820, IMG_6290.PNG)

Well look at that.
Looks like
>>340830Called it. "Someone dropped from the room" more like realized you scammed them and ran.
No. 342897
File: 1485091819412.png (90.54 KB, 750x855, IMG_4442.PNG)

Oh woe is Ash, no one wants to pay to see her anatomically incorrect, self-insert porn! Seriously? Brothel Boys? Fucking disgusting.
No. 342939
>>342871>all my room people droppedSo what, seven people dropped on her out of nowhere and she doesn't even have an excuse for why? You know that's a gigantic red flag for anyone looking for a room.
I wonder if they demanded their money back or just cut their losses figuring she'd spent it all.
No. 342942
File: 1485108120969.jpg (707.89 KB, 1390x2059, Screenshot_20170122-130030.jpg)

>>342871It's sad how some people don't know her yet here she is getting more people for the room.
No. 342945
>>342942Those poor people have no idea what they're in for.
Just imagine the smells that'll come out of her luggage when she unpacks. They have carpet that's never been cleaned, animal fur and unwashed pets, and then who knows what else.
No. 342960
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No. 342971
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No. 343019
>>342999Looks like it's time to save up for a car, learn how to drive, and be an adult.
Lmao I'm just kidding as if that'll ever happen.
No. 343277
>>343243She will never be the uber famous cosplayer she wants to be for 3 reasons
1: her costume quality sucks ass and never gets any better.
2: she isn't an adult and there for will never grow in life so growing to have a business mindset which is needed for professional cosplay will never be a thing. She will continue to be a bratty selfish diva wannabe.
3: she already has a reputation. A bad one. That is laced on the walls and hallways of every east coast convention. It's as obvious as shit smeared on a white bathroom wall. Everyone she comes across eventually finds out what she's like and half the people, especially influential people at anime conventions try to hide from her. Her getting close to a famous cosplayer would be like that one christian bitch who denied marriage licenses to a gay couple getting close to the Pope by accident. Even if they don't know her before hand They always regret it in the end
No. 343285
>>343277It really doesn't help she makes herself stand out SO much. When I make new cosplay friends, eventually I'll bring her up, show them screenshots posted to this thread of her cosplays and actions (deviantart/fb posts), then show a photo of her, and usually they recognize her. Then they make mental notes to avoid her, and pass along the info to THEIR friends. As long as she lives in the east coast, there is no way she can have a good rep. Girl needs to move and seriously look at herself and reinvent her personality.
But this is Ash, she'll never do that.
No. 343344
>>343243For wanting to avoid people from East Coast she's pissed off, she sure picks the worst conventions to go to. A lot of NC/VA people I know go to Dragon*Con and AWA.
>>343285Never thought of giving people an Ash 101 course but she is pretty much up there with other word-of-mouth notorious East Coast regulars like that creepy male Kuzco from Canada, the shitty Kuzco/Deadpool chick that got posted on /cgl/ last Animazement, that creeper Kirby/GIR guy, etc. The list goes on for a while.
No. 343439
>>343356>>343394Hope it's alright to link to the cgl archive but that's where they've been posted about before.
I forgot about Ashley Roberts as well.
Ashley: Montaya Chandler is in the same topic (aka shitty Kuzco/Deadpool who hot glues everything)
Creeper Kuzco aka JF Bibeau (who was photographed with Ash once during her Hetalia days): imagine a group cosplay with these four.
No. 343533
>>343511Considering she regularly room stuffs (and then some) she either wants to stay completely for free or she's overcharging to make extra cash.
I actually haven't looked at how much a Katsu room where hers is costs as compared to how much she's charging roomies.
No. 343617
>>343533Oh wow, didn't even consider the possibility that she could actually stay in hotels for free that way. It really explains why she wants to room with as many people as possible, doesn't it? It would be harder for strangers to pick up on the fact that the room itself might be ridiculously expensive to begin with or that the individual payments don't add up.
But more than anything it's baffling that some people are willing to share a room with a total stranger without asking to see a booking confirmation or some sort of receipts to make sure everything is OK. I mean she's not even using her real name on Facebook which should be a huge red flag lol.
No. 343631
>>343617I got bored and figured some calculations based on her posts and found something interesting.
>I've already made a desposit for I'm still out money if I cancel!Incorrect. Katsu's hotel page even states themselves that "The Customer will be charged, at the time of pre-booking of any hotel sleeping room accommodations, the first nights room rate, resort fee and taxes.
In the event that the guest wishes to cancel the reservation (s)
To receive your refund of your first nights deposit you MUST cancel your reservation 72 hours prior to the booked arrival date. Any time later you forfeit your deposit."
I'm not sure if there was a Katsucon discount on room prices but since all the rooms are booked for that weekend I used the Thurs-Mon the week before Katsucon for my info:
>Atrium View Room Reg Rate Thurs - Mon>$389 a night>$22 x night resort fee (Katsu site says $18, Marriott says $22)>$66 estimated taxes>TOTAL: $1,728
>$146 Ash room rate>7 person cap / 8 if needed>TOTAL: $1,022 / $1,168 maxSo unless Katsu has different rates when they went up on reservation, none of this makes sense because this means Ash is paying $700 or so out of pocket and there's no way she has that amount of money to burn.
No. 343642
>>343631Okay sorry for double posting but I actually googled around and found the information I needed.
>Atrium View Room: $245 per night (assuming she got regular rate and not early bird)>18 xday resort fee >$66 estimated taxes (too lazy to work out the actual taxes)>Total: $1,136 (less if she got early bird)So with the fixed calculations, she's definitely trying to room stuff to stay for free and/or make money off it.
No. 343740
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No. 343741
File: 1485247285486.jpg (526.94 KB, 1239x1503, Screenshot_20170124-033820.jpg)

Even her dad is telling her to stop.
No. 343756
>>343728The common denominator in all this is clearly her because she lost 7 people and then gained 4 people from the Katsu group and then suddenly lost them all again. She must be spooking them off during the 'interviews' she does.
>>343739She should really do this but considering all the money she's spent on cosplay stuff this month alone you know she won't.
No. 343762
>>343747She's absolutely lying! I have known her for YEARS! YEARS! Her hair has never ever never ever never fucking ever Benn tight ringlet curls! They've been loose, weak, frizzy ones if anything!
What would cause a person to lie about such trivial things?
No. 343788
>>343769Do you need anything special for Katsu or could you ghost the con? I know one year they gave special hotel key cards to those staying at the Gaylord for the con but if you're there, couldn't you just walk onto the floor? Or do they have people checking for badges before you enter?
sage cuz never been to Katsu and this may be a dumb question
No. 343834
File: 1485285856721.png (53.58 KB, 540x383, Screenshot_2017-01-24-14-16-14…)

We're a satire forum now. Caps incoming of her sending the FBI after us.
No. 343835
File: 1485285890146.png (145.93 KB, 540x832, Screenshot_2017-01-24-14-17-59…)

No. 343839
File: 1485286072444.png (146.53 KB, 540x828, Screenshot_2017-01-24-14-17-50…)

She's becomin self-aware. She is a pathological liar and a piece of shit.
No. 343844
File: 1485286773080.png (65.78 KB, 540x368, Screenshot_2017-01-24-14-36-48…)

She gets neither so why ask?
No. 343854
File: 1485289919717.jpg (44.73 KB, 405x363, IMG_3410.JPG)

>>343835>implying the FBI has any jurisdiction over what's posted hereDiscussing your bullshit isn't illegal, Ashley, you're not scaring anyone with that empty threat.
No. 343867
File: 1485294981675.png (65.2 KB, 296x287, 1485285890146.png)

Was trying to make a banner but couldn't make it fit the size constraints without making the text illegible. Wanted to share it anyway though.
No. 343874
File: 1485297339204.png (94.32 KB, 1057x755, fb.png)

>>342854>$30 for a "detailed commissions"lel Ash, there are people selling commissions like this on DA for $30, your scratchy deformed drawings aren't even worth real money.
No. 343906
seriously I love this
No. 343993
File: 1485324747232.png (1.13 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170125-010809.png)

Dear lord what is in that wig???? it looks….crusty and yellow..
No. 344018
File: 1485332016706.jpg (813.05 KB, 1395x1978, Screenshot_20170125-031129.jpg)

No, no you don't. That wig is fucking crusty af plus that whitish paint you're using is shit.
No. 344038
>>343995…so now /pt/ has two swamp monsters?
>>343993But seriously, this is terrifying.
No. 344047
File: 1485346826893.png (248.08 KB, 500x620, tumblr_static_elueqkb3qlss04sk…)

>>343993>>344018I had to google the character because I didn't know what she meant. There are no words to describe how I feel
No. 344068
No. 344139
>>344047Holy fuck, I like dramatical murder and I didn't put two and two together to realize who the fuck she meant til you posted this
Wew lasses. The ride never ends
No. 344192
File: 1485381493379.jpeg (205.06 KB, 750x1108, 1466498534148.jpeg)

>>344189Welcome to Ash's wild ride, friend.
Ash thinks she's amazing, point blank. She can waltz into a convention with stray threads, crusty makeup, and no eyebrows but still think she's going to get asked for photos and get invited to photoshoots.
She spends ALL her cash on this and then when she's done running a new trend (or a friend's popular costume she mimicked) into the ground she tosses it into a bin or on the floor and goes on to the next thing.
If something goes out of favor before she gets it done? She quits it outright. Something comes back into style after she's quit? "Omg new thing I'm gonna cosplay!"
Ash wants to be popular. That's her number one goal, followed only by living out her yaoi uke dreams. She's like Pixyteri in the way she literally has NO idea how she looks.
About her recycling stuff based on popularity? She tried her latest makeup test a year ago and never got it done but yet here she is again.
No. 344194
>>344192excuse u pt looks flawless….
in all honesty, pixy in a too small, stained cosplay is 10x better than anything ash poops out
No. 344264
>>344202Snow has one but I don't think it's active right now.
>>344206She's getting a reputation for being a group stalker as well.
No. 344322
File: 1485412652194.jpg (884.96 KB, 1395x1979, Screenshot_20170126-013446.jpg)

Does this mean she's gonna end up bringing Shiroba to Katsucon instead of Yuri now?? Dear God, is there no end to this girls DMMD obsession?? I'm really glad I left the fandom cause of weeaboos like her.
No. 344371
>>344290You ever see her trying to get fanservice photos? If you're dressed up as the other half to her OTP she'll never leave you alone. Well, unless you're male. She's scared to death of males (supposedly) but has dated them and then claimed they tried to kidnap her after.
>>344322Yuri from YoI? She claimed the fandom terrified her and that people told her she was too fat/ugly for Yuri so she dropped the costume for Katsu.
1. That's a lie because she camerawhores ALL her costumes but there's barely any photos of her Eros Yuri which means she probably got zero attention for that hot mess and ditched it like she always does.
2. There's a big DMMD group going to Katsu and she made a stink about how no one wanted doubles (aka her Aoba) and everyone else was taken so she's scrambling to finish as many alt designs as possible to get in with them while still being able to 'steal the show' by being the main character/focus of fanservice.
There's always a method to Ash's madness when you look and it's always as petty as you think it'll be.
No. 344387
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It amazes me how sometimes she'll look pretty in a costume/makeup. She'll get a bunch of compliments on it too but then she thinks this is the look makes her really attractive.
No. 344395
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>>344388It's funny that she made a stink about doubles when it was her who doubled in a Labyrinth group run but Akane Reaper and her team. Showed up as her shitty as far Sarah and tried to seduce Akane's fiancé who was doing an amazing Jareth. Literally pushed Akane out of pictures. Groped her fiancé and tried to take all the attention, then afterwords complained that "well she knew I was doing Sarah so she should have done something else" when ash was never invited to the group nor did they know she tosses together a Sarah and was going to be bamboozled buy her crazy. The more I learn about these two the more they become my cosplay OTP. Litterally everything they do is magical.
No. 344417
>>343993>>344047Holy shit, why does she think with her fat features and shitty makeup skills that she can pull off all of these bishounen characters? She can't even contour her face to look more delicate.
She'd be lucky if she could pull off fat! Yuuri, honestly.
>>344388Ash is only OK with doubles if it means she gets a spot. Already another Aoba? Well then doubles should be allowed so she can show off her magnificent self and attempt (poorly) to steal the spotlight.
She's the only Aoba? Time to be the best damn Aoba at the con because she knows the only way she can win is if she competes against no one.
No. 344493
File: 1485464752736.png (38.14 KB, 540x246, Screenshot_2017-01-26-16-01-13…)

Went from this to "Doctors full of shit. Getting second opinion." to "I was worried over nothing lol" in the span of 30 minutes.
No. 344497
>>344493What I imagine probably happened:
"You may develop diabetes unless you eat better"
"I'm being BLIND SIDED"
No. 344563
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Is it bad that I can't wait to see how this will unfold??
No. 344571
>>344563Why the fuck did she use STYROFOAM?
I mean, maybe if she used them as a base and coated them properly to make them smooth, but that looks like shit.
The image makes them look like they are supposed to be like jewels, and should be flat-backed.
No. 344833
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Her Patreon has 0 people and $0 as well.
No. 344856
>>344833Huh, I guess I didn't get that she thinks she has DID. How does "Ash" know what "Axel" says? Or vice-versa too.
Anyway, this is one of the least self-aware posts I have seen from her, and that is saying something. There's a reason people don't want to be around you, Ash. Think about the common deniminator in all your social issues.
No. 344865
>>344856I didn't even notice she used 'Ash does' and 'Axel does'. What's up with that? I never really understood this whole weird personality thing.
>>344860>favorite autisticIt's Anime Mid-Atlantic, isn't it? Ash won't go to that any more because it's too small and too many burned bridges. She's worried about running into people she's screwed over so she's sticking to out-of-state cons ignoring the fact that everyone goes to them as well.
No. 344890
>>344865-Ash won't go to it anymore-
Ah-huh that what she said last year and went anyways, that's what she said about Nekocon, and went anyways. I'll believe once both cons happen again.
No. 345043
File: 1485563524265.png (108.95 KB, 749x954, IMG_4474.PNG)

>"I'm going to ignore the haterz!" -24 hours later- "ROLF THEY'RE STILL TALKING ABOUT ME, SO DUMB!"
Make up your mind, Ash. Also lol'ing at attractive cosplayers following her on Instagram, she's probably never heard of people who follow shittier cosplayers/makeup artists/etc to keep themselves motivated, like thinspiration. At least that's why I keep up with her shit, always reminds me I could be way worse and miserable.
No. 345044
>>345043I wanna see the comments under that status.
My guess is they only follow her just for a follow back. I'm pretty sure they could care less about her shitty cosplays.
No. 345049
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>>345044Not them but I got you fam.
Anyone else hate how her using idioms?
>shooting fish in a barrel>gravy on the turkeyShe sounds so stupid when she does.
No. 345050
>>345049Double post but no one in her comments seem to realize what she's being accused of. The lack of logic here..
In case her or anyone else is lurking, I think all of us are under the impression that Ash is using room payments (paid ahead of time) like a cash advance for herself. It's no coincidence that as soon as she gets confirmed roommates for the con with some people paying ahead of time, she starts ordering a ton of cosplay supplies while still going on about how she's saving her money and struggling to pay bills.
No. 345081
>>345049I love how she continues to talk about us but never have the guts to share the link to us.
Hey ash if you are so confident you can do no wrong start sharing the forum. I'm sure your friends will have a good laugh.
No. 345169
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>they aren't very old
Gotta love using possibly expired contacts probably stored in a nasty container like she used to have.
No. 345172
File: 1485617690446.jpg (201.71 KB, 1385x749, Screenshot_20170128-103227.jpg)

Apparently she's whining about her dad, again.
No. 345186
should kick her out. Having to live with and put up with wholly obnoxious, ungrateful people is very stressful. I imagine their entire family would have a new lease on life if she had to find her own living situation.
No. 345189
File: 1485622244214.png (20.96 KB, 606x102, Screen Shot 2017-01-28 at 16.4…)

kek she followed me
No. 345310
>>345271my posts are basically just kinda kawaii/goth aesthetic but i wear wigs and my makeup doesn't suck so i guess???
i was going to unfollow her because she spammed but now imma stay just to see if she interacts with me kek
No. 345376
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>>345366No caps because I'm still on her friends list and I'd like to survive the purge. I just don't interact with her at all now.
Was one of the 90 people invited to this.
>I'll bring the plates and cups so you all supply literally everything else kthx No. 345382
File: 1485662041267.png (157.25 KB, 750x1021, IMG_4478.PNG)

>>345376And of COURSE the event photo has to be about her. Christ.
No. 345395
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>>345382Fucking christ, that gut.
No. 345429
>>345403>>345405Can confirm I have visited Maymont You can walk around without many places being blocked off I also looked it up about having a wedding there. This is from their website
"Will the ceremony location be blocked off from the public?
The grounds at Maymont are open to the public everyday. We do not have the ability to block access to the gardens. You may certainly place your own signs around the gardens to direct your guests. In our experience, visitors are very respectful when they come across a wedding taking place in the gardens. Visitors sometimes stand to the side and watch for a while before continuing on their way."
I definitely see Ash trying to be apart of someone's wedding.
No. 345431
>>345415Man, I remember that, who even said that…
>>345425Yup, happens every year, as far as I know. Been a few times.
No. 345442
File: 1485680252283.png (65.19 KB, 694x658, IMG_3445.PNG)

I'm so glad I know where this place is, because if I went by the directions to the place listed on the invite page (which is fucking wrong) I'd be so far from
The event and pissed off…
(Image of where the information she put in on the Facebook page takes me when I click on it…)
No. 345462
>>345442That's pretty sad.
>stuck her name/face on event>event photo isn't even of the event/area>already changed the date once>expects guests to provide all the food/drinks and even the tables>can't be arsed to even bring plastic utensils, tells everyone to make finger foods>asked old event head when they typically had it>"Right before final exams." "I don't go to college so I don't know when that is. I'll just pick a date."How is she even going to get there? She can't drive.
No. 345463
File: 1485694467683.jpg (190.22 KB, 636x1086, 20170129_075304.jpg)

This shit though! Only for popularity purposes. Girl, you are fooling no one.
No. 345507
File: 1485717119767.png (334.3 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-01-29-14-10-03…)

Even my morbid curiosity isn't enough for me to click play and see this hoarder house.
No. 345509
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>>345508They've had ASPCA called when Ash complained about her sick cat but used her money on everything but a vet.
Fire hazards and mountain dew to no one's surprise.
No. 345522
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>>345521Isn't a witch's alter supposed to reflect them in some way?
No. 345534
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There's the door, get the fuck out…
No. 345548
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>>345544Not enough attention? It's strange, because she actually didn't look terrible, the wig was flattering on her and her eyebrows actually looked kind of nice.
No. 345572
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I want to scream and pull my hair out just reading this. How can you be this fucking stupid to think it's AUTISM that's running everyone off?
No. 345573
>>345572Does she legitimately confirmed have autism or aspergers or whatever?
Because that would answer years of mind fuck I've had over everything
No. 345578
>>345573I checked the archives and the only time it's been brought up was in 2012 and then they said she had neither. It hasn't been mentioned since but then I found this: to be clear, these are some of the official diagnosis I was given.
Bi Polar Disorder
And High functioning Autism(Aspergers to be exact)
But with her lying so damn much you can't take her seriously.
No. 345581
>>345572As an aspie, I can say that I have screwed up and done dumb shit that pushed people away.
BUT I always try to learn from it so that I don't do it again. I think most people do. We dont WANT to stand out or have trouble socializing, we want to fit in and be able to work with other people.
I can't tell with Ash because I've never interacted with her. But even if it is a spectrum disorder that causes her issues, she needs to take responsibility and work on it herself.
No. 345595
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No. 345599
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She doesn't even play Overwatch, wtf? I'm calling it now, she tries to cosplay Mei.
No. 345600
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>>345599Continued, does she just find random shit Tumblr is bitching about and make a status about it? These "fuck boy" opinions have been around since the game came out. Late to the bandwagon as usual, Ash.
No. 345603
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No. 345743
>>345534It's true that you can't shit out a good Zelda costume overnight. I'm impressed she has that much forethought. I think it took me 9 months to do mine between work and whatnot.
I'm still gonna wring my hands in anticipation of this trainwreck, though.
>>345606>series>one gameHa. This isn't SC/WC/Diablo, Ash. Not yet, anyway.
No. 345988
File: 1485871255723.jpg (333.77 KB, 1402x949, Screenshot_20170131-085853.jpg)

What happened to taking it slow??? Don't you still have Katsu disasters to finish?
No. 346003
>>345988>>I went all out on the armor..So we're going to pretty much just have poop shaped pauldrons with squiggly line details that won't even match the other.
Can't wait to see all the hand painted decorative work on the fabric that look so watered down, streaky and probably the wrong color with every edge fraying.
Before you do anything, Ash, learn to fucking hem properly please.
No. 346004
>>345988Oh look another page ripped out of the Akane Reaper book. Her and her boyfriend have been doing things with armor since last year. Why the sudden "omg armor" ash.
This is going to be a disaster.
No. 346060
>>346004She wanted to do some Cosplay video skits and music videos of the whole Servant of Evil series with Rin and Len. Which would have required armor. Armor she could not make. And I've seen the armor piece she made for commission and it was foam. Like squishy foam. With marker on it. This was sold too. Like someone actually said, "yeah this is good," and I'm just like what the fuck.
She has no idea how to make armor.
No. 346066
File: 1485896252893.jpg (203.36 KB, 1409x988, Screenshot_20170131-155645.jpg)

Please don't.
No. 346217
File: 1485926242985.jpg (191.97 KB, 1423x574, Screenshot_20170201-001535.jpg)

She's so delusional it's almost sad? Almost.
No. 346258
>>346140>"I mostly cosplay things people I hate cosplay only to out due them"I'd say she's awful but she's tempted me to do the same thing. Though my reason is to give dignity to the characters she butchers on a regular basis.
>>346217Zelda made from sateen and craft foam. They'll be saying damn but not for the reasons she wants.
No. 346463
File: 1486001132888.png (58.73 KB, 540x328, Screenshot_2017-02-01-21-01-57…)

is this the same niece she snapped at for saying she spent a lot of money at the craft store?
Can you imagine her spending that much money on someone else though?
This is just like wanting to give her parents a gift to make up for graduation photos then never doing it.
No. 346581
>>346423She never ratted Ash out becuse she was done with ash's bs. After having to sit down with some head of staff and explain where the rumors were coming from and why she didn't want to make anymore trouble for ash. I remember she was wearing a hand made Twi'lek costume with hand made armor that would have beat the shit out of ash in competition. But Akane didn't want to be anywhere near ash. Ash even approached her aria and had the gul to shout "looking good Akane!" While talking to some cosplayers to act like she knew people to make herself look better.
>>346463Translation continues: I just want to have another excuse to spend people's money for my own personal gain. This costume won't be my nieces favorite character becuse I'll be doing something I probubly don't have the figure or talent to pull off and I may scare the living shit out of her and traumatiz her. Oh did I mention my niece hates me.
No. 346629
>>345572Saging because I'm late but
As someone with autism I never believe anyone claiming to be autistic that says "the autism". Also I've never read her as autistic regardless of following the threads for a while. One of the key elements of autism is difficulty with social interactions, including making friends. Not being able to make them quickly but them running off. I mean, it does differ for everyone but that's a pretty consistent part for most. She's more likely pushing them away because of her shit attitude, but is trying to blame autism for it because it's an easy out. Shit tons of people do it these days, claiming to be professionally diagnosed with autism but focusing on certain elements as an excuse for their social awkwardness while ignoring other symptoms or comorbid disorders. I sincerely doubt she's autistic.
Side note, one of the common comorbid disorders for autism is OCD. Her house weirds me the fuck out. Seriously I feel dirty just looking at it.
No. 346652
File: 1486063849227.jpg (113.43 KB, 960x540, IMG_4524.JPG)

In the years I've known Ash, she viciously mocks her parent's diet while simultaneously living off the same food. Once she started working I wondered why she didn't just buy her own groceries and make her own food. Then I realized she'd just be like pic related since the only thing she can make is instant mac and cheese.
No. 346677
>>346652Oh fuck I'm having 'nam flashbacks
Ash put a near whole stick of butter in when she showed herself making mac n cheese, yes? Am I associating this disgusting memory with the right cow?
No. 346688
File: 1486073758424.png (114.39 KB, 750x1100, IMG_4526.PNG)

>>346677That would be Ash, yes. And considering how much butter has already seems to have melted, I think it's safe to assume she likely used a whole stick.
No. 346702
>>346629I completely understand where you're coming from, but as a person who used to be a close friend with Ashley, she has been diagnosed with autism. She parades it because she thinks she's going to get pity points or use it as an excuse for certain actions.
But then she also has this complex that she is never wrong ever and is perfect in every way and doesn't need to get better and the world needs to change not her.
No. 346742
>>346713Meh, I've never been diagnosed so, no I don't know how easy it is.
However you have a point, you don't know if I'm telling you the truth or not since this is all anonymous and what not. But I haven't got a reason to lie for her and make up excuses.
Whilst I've never seen paperwork, her mom has also confirmed the diagnosis in conversation with me.
I don't think it excuses any behavior, however I do think it can explain some of it. For instance she is completely lying about making friends easily. She has extremely few "real" friends and more so people she hangs out with when convenient for her, which is actually why she has trouble keeping them.
>>346717I agree, she uses it as an excuse for shit behavior.
>>346720Well when she left for Florida and came back, her dad was actually a lot nicer to her. He had had some therapy for cheating and gambling and anger issues.
Her parents are much less abusive than they used to be. But I'm sure they all still have out bursts.
They also allow her to continue to have little responsibilities. It would be harder for her to leave and have adult responsibilities so she opts for the comfort of home than the harshness of adult life.
No. 346901
>>346688Fuck how can a person even eat that much
How can that even taste good
She should join up with the butter diet incel
No. 347039
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Haven't seen much of Ash's kiss-ass lately so now I get why she's let Tony stick around. He's been snapping at her a lot lately and she hasn't blocked him yet. Probably thinks she can get some.
No. 347122
>>347053This sort of mindset is pretty insulting as well if anyone connected the dots. I was talking to a friend earlier and despite Ash being bisexual neither of us can actually remember her having a girlfriend ever. She only mentions men in having dates with them that end up like an episode of Dateline NBC (yet still goes on dates with men again after??) but has never mentioned going on a date with a woman and always seems to have beef with JUST women. Just like she's always paranoid of JUST women being behind /cgl/ or Lolcow.
The only people she flirts with is transmen despite her proclaiming to be scared of men. If I were trans I'd be pretty suspicious of her because if someone's that vocal about hating men but trying to shag me, they clearly don't consider me a man. She's flirted heavily with Micah? who as far as I know could be trans (going off pics alone) and I've seen her flirt with Anthony as well on top of letting him get away with stuff that any female telling her would equal instant block.
Any thoughts? I could be totally wrong but I'm seriously questioning if she's even bisexual or if she's just using that as an excuse.
Females just seem to be an easy route for fanservice for her but anything FtM trans is like instant lust target. One glance at her friends list and it's all crossplayers or very androgynous women with a fair smattering of transmen.
No. 347139
>>347135This is why I was asking for opinions because I wasn't around for the Akane saga so all my knowledge of it comes from here. I knew of her back when she was first posted on /cgl/ but there's a big gap of maybe 1-2 years in my knowledge between that and 2016-now. When I last kept up with her she had a ton of friends to defend her but some where along the way she burned all her bridges and had her BFF? posted here.
So I'm pretty vague on her sexuality status aside from knowing she describes herself as genderfluid and likes both females and males (supposedly). Back in the /cgl/ days I don't remember her being involved with anyone aside from being crazy about yaoi fanservice and making her yaoi drawings so I don't think anyone paid much attention to that aspect of her life. It's only recently that I've started noticing who she flirts with on statuses and how she testing the waters about maybe being trans herself which I don't think she will because it's too much effort to keep up a story like that and actual transmen on her friends list will call her out on her shit so quick.
No. 347169
>>347165I highly doubt it. She's never mentioned it.
Also are we autosaging/maxed out?