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No. 364438
Previous thread
>>>/pt/359590- YouTube is being to crack down on what videos can be monetized
- As a result, Onion has lost monetization on multiple videos and is losing it
- Lainey is "dating" her friend Mercades; most likely encouraged by Onion for views
- Still won't leave Eugenia alone, though no longer using her name
No. 364439
New video, answers common "Is Onision…" Google searches Also another video showing off his new lesbian cut and he redid his makeup and eyebrows again
No. 364443
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Can't wait until he has to sell the Grease mansion to pay the bills.
No. 364445
>>364441The reason he was banned was because so many parents notified Vidcon about his fucked up history and feared for their children that planned on attending.
You just simply can't have a teen fucker in a convention full of teens. Everyone knew he was a gross hebephile even back then. And also he made a video explaining that he couldn't have possibly pressured AJ into sex because of her body count– effectively saying if you have had a lot of previous partners then you can't be raped!
Greg likes to say that he wasn't really banned, and that they told him not to show because of "threats". Yeah someone said they were going to egg him, SUCH A THREAT TO HIS SAFETY. GOTTA WEAR A BULLETPROOF VEST.
No. 364455
>>364438Is this the same face he makes when he's about to violate-I mean,
make love or bathe/shower with his victims? I now understand why they cried PTSD.
No. 364461
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>>364445he played off the bullet proof vest as 'oh look how kooky Onision is" but holy shit this photo still freaks me out
No. 364466
>>364462Yeah, he's definitely always been ugly and is steadily getting worse. His sort of face is not one that gravity can be kind to.
I've always been bewildered by how his fans think he's attractive. Back in the day I suppose they were taken in by the hair (and less deformed brow) but even now, when he looks like Carrot Top, he gets comments saying he's 'beautiful'. It must just be the cult mentality.
Also, the thing that's always freaked me out the most is how wide his mouth is. Especially when he grins. It is unnaturally wide, and coupled with the weird lips it is repulsive.
No. 364471
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>>364441>>364445He was banned from Vidcon, he confirmed it himself back in 2012… he backpedals on his bullshit all the time, it should really be of no surprise to anyone by now.
No. 364473
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>>364471Samefagging so I'm saging this post, but I know the screenshot looks weird as he's mentioning he was banned in 2012 and the Tweet is dated in 2012 the same year… this is a fuckup on his part, the tweet isn't doctored and a simple Google search of the first sentence will bring up the same exact Tweet.
So yes, he's lying through his teeth again… he knows he was banned, he's just trying to cover it up in front of his newer fans who don't know any better about his history.
No. 364481
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Oh don't worry, we are. Especially when it comes to your downfall. :)
No. 364501
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wonder if Onion's having one of his angry shower fap sessions over this kek
No. 364526
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this poor clock has seen things
No. 364536
Can we please cut down on the constant remarks about Grease's appearance? Just hide the OP image if it
triggers you. I know there's no new milk as of recent, but it's really no excuse to keep harping on about his obvious gross looks… it gets tiresome after a while, it derails posts that are trying to stay relevant in chronicling his actual, harmful bullshit and it's starting to make the thread sound like the kind of fodder that belongs in /snow rather than /pt. Although I can't speak for everyone else here; I seriously don't want that to end up happening.
>>364529The thread is barely 8 hours old… read it as it's already been answered here
>>364441 and here
>>364445, the post you're replying to is even directly replying to those two posts, jfc.
No. 364538
>>364478>>364480I don't know why she still assumes Billie is keeping tabs on her these days, especially since they weren't actually interested in each other as more than just friends.
Either way; reblogging a shitty horoscope post about how you miss the way your "ex girlfriend" kissed is just another one of her sad, desperate attempts to lure her back to that household for Gurg to diddle instead of trying to knock her up every five minutes.
No. 364554
>>364550He's still gonna be talking about her and bringing her up five years or more down the line, whether or not his YT career is dead by then, it's the same deal with all his exes.
He likes to tell them that he's superior to them because he dumped them - but technically, Billie finally dumped him because she didn't go back to him for the n'th time even though he wanted her back under his conditions and they still both want her back now… these are not the actions of someone who no longer wants a person in their life, they can't let it go but Billie is happy never having to hear from them ever again.
It was the same with AJ, you can tell she dumped him because of her refusal to respond to his voicemails and constant begging for her to take him back, she was so over his bullshit by then but he twisted it around by falling back on Shiloh and claiming "HA! I dumped you because I'm back with my ex and we're engaged now and you have a dirty vagina, hahaha!" it's like he's a six year old who's been trapped in a coma for 25 years and woke up one day in an adult's body… he can't get over the fact that these women are not little clay puppets that he can mould into whatever he wants and it angers him greatly.
He'll never shut up about them, he finds his own pride too hard to swallow.
No. 364558
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…and he continues to fall.
No. 364560
>>364554Yeah, it's obvious he never shuts up about people hes dated. He still talks about his high school/middle school gfs ffs. But my point was that's why now lainey too is also making those stupid posts on tumblr alluding to billie. Lainey could give two shits about billie, but shes playing onion's game.
>>364439I dont get how someone can so easily admit they are verbally/emotionally abusive as if its no big deal and just something you have to accept about them. Like no, that's not normal. And now his fanbase is going to grow up thinking its okay if their SO insults them as long as they are nice to them sometimes.
No. 364564
>>364563Yep, and I know I'm just using his main channel here as an example but if the numbers for his yearly earnings here remain the same on average for the rest of the year - he'd be earning LESS than a minimum wage job (£8K/$10k a year is diabolical for a family of four, he'd be teetering on the edge of lower-middle class and that would be a big nono for him) and that's why he's depending on the other four/five channels he has as a safety net in case that does end up happening.
He also moved all the videos that YT de-monetized from his two main channels (Onision and Onisionspeaks) to his "archive" channels to re-monetize them as of last week, it's guaranteed that he's been shitting the bed for a while now.
No. 364579
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Only in Esperanto does Oni mean One. Otherwise it means Demon or "They".
And -Sion is a suffix. It means in the ACT OF, STATE OF & RESULT OF. He's literally making up definitions to put some grand statement to his name. This is some cult of personality shit.
No. 364580
>>364579It's actually better to go by his definitions, because it's just a clear display of a bat shit personality.
>one divine communityNot creepy at all.
No. 364581
>>364580Bruh, that isn't a "batshit insane personality". That it idolization, liturgy shit right there. I've seen how brainwash some of his Bananas are - how much they've drank that koolaid. It's the same shit as when he was trying to pull off that Banana Nation shtick. You know the one: "We are not robots. We not not slaves. We are Banana Nation."
Goddamnit, he is trying to keep Sicesca going.
No. 364586
>>364581To be fair, most of them are young and impressionable. They grow up, feel embarrassed for thinking he was ever funny or smart ( a lot of the anti-o's are former fans ) and then a new batch comes along. The good news is he's not trapped in a time capsule and in a few years ( if not much, much sooner ) he simply won't be visually appealing to his target demographic anymore. It's going to look even weirder than it does now.
Who knows what kind of shit is he still capable of pulling until then.
No. 364587
>>364578It's because he has a superiority complex and thinks hes better than everyone and everyone is beneath him. He genuinely thinks hes this creative logical amazing mastermind and he needs no one. He thinks his youtube channels are amazing and how he built up his channels was all him and he needs no one, not even his fans. Getting all those views for so long off his shit content kept feeding his ego that his content was amazing. He can't comprehend that people watch youtubers because they like their personality and genuineness and people dont want to watch some annoying unfunny "villain" do the same shit over and over again lmao.
He never thanked anyone except himself for the shit he accomplished. Your job literally relies on your fans giving a shit about you, but you credit it all to yourself lmao. You do nothing for your fans, you never do charity events or help out anyone, and all you do is cause drama and insult people. And he wonders why his fans keep dying out. But now his ego is being hit when his views are going down and all the broken connections he made with people are coming back to bite him, because he cant use them to bring up his views/fame. He never appreciated his fans and thought he was above going to fan meetups and shit, and as he got older, his fans just dwindled. There are still the dumb onion fans, but I rarely see that many dedicated fans of his anymore and most of them age out of it in a year or so. Theres just so many better younger youtubers who are more fun to watch. Why would they care about this whiny middle aged man? It's hilarious how hes following more people on twitter and trying to engage them in convos to feel relevant. It's beautiful.
No. 364594
Sage, because not current, but:
>>364587>He never thanked anyone except himself for the shit he accomplished.Let's also keep in mind that at the same time, with his 'I don't need my fans' mentality, he's also someone who once begged his fans to "fight for him, fight for love." ( good old milky times )
No. 364597
He's well aware he's a gigantic shitstain but he has to keep up appearances that he's some kind of "young, attractive, ingenious, creative, multi-talented, honest, daring and successful business mogul" to attract a slow but steady stream of new fans who are none the wiser to his background… it's the reason he keeps backpedalling periodically on anything he's ever publically stated on his social media accounts. It's the reason he's so hypocritical all the time, he has to keep changing his opinions or he's stuck with the slew of the last batch of fans of that year who have quickly learned of what kind of person he really is… the only ones that really stay with him are the willingly ignorant, the ones that are just as bad as he is or kids who don't care to be entertained by him outside of YT.
No. 364600
>It's hilarious how hes following more people on twitter and trying to engage them in convos to feel relevant. Man when you think of it in a realistic pov, it's really sad and pathetic watching a grown man trying to make conversations with people who won't and will never reply back.
It's his own damn fault for burning all those bridges and starting unwanted drama.
No. 364614
>>364569Aside from what
>>364597 and
>>364587 have said, it's also his inability to move on at all. We all know that he has no friends due to his incredibly warped personality. It's mostly due to the fact that he is still stuck in that weird 16-year-old 3edgy5you phase that most everyone grew out of in high school and wants to distance themselves from. It's also part of the reason, I presume, why he tried to look so young, he doesn't want to accept the fact that he's growing old and looks far older than he actually is. He still wants to relive those precious days he had in high school (though no one liked him back then, either).
No. 364616
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>>364609Ahahaha, someone hold me… this is the funniest shit I've seen for ages, he's seriously been going on a rampage - literally, screaming at other circumcised males for years that they're useless, broken… don't have the ability to produce "natural lubrication" for masturbation and that the foreskin serves as an "anti-rape mechanism" HOLEE SHIT!!! Is he admitting to something?! Because that's the FIRST thing he has to say about uncircumcised penises in one of his rants!
He's been projecting for all this time, oh my god… those poor kids that he made to feel like shit and he was circumcised himself.
No. 364621
What is this?! This is probably one of the worst things he's ever said. Fucking preposterous Foreskin discourages rape. God save me. Is he implying that circumcised men make better rapists? What does that make him?
>bigger sizeCalled it. He's definitely got a micro penis if he thinks foreskin would really make that much of a difference in size. Sorry Greg, it doesn't, and you would still be pathetic either way.
Even when we have the same stance I still manage to vehemently disagree with him on everything. He's the most disagreeable person on the face of the planet.
No. 364623
>>364614>>364619He's just projecting through his daddy and mommy issues because they cut off the 1-2cm of skin that would've dangled off the end of his greasy bell. There are half a dozen ways he could've approached that issue without making anyone hate themselves, including himself - but nope, if the almighty gurgcunt has to feel bad about himself; then everyone else has to suffer for him too!
>>Is he implying that circumcised men make better rapists? What does that make him?That's exactly what I'm thinking as well, especially to start off a statement against circumcision like that, especially starting with a statement that's completely false and illogical as well… it sounds like a indirect confession to me.
No. 364628
>>364609Oh shi~! I remember now, this is the same article that caused Lainey to go to the hippy guy on Facebook who wrote it and asked him to amend/remove it because Grease didn't consider himself "among the broken" but was happy with keeping the rest of the article "intact" (kek) because it framed him in a positive light.
When she was followed to the hippy guy's anti-circumcision page by Grease's fans; they asked her whether it was true or not but she kept dodging and avoiding the question then stopped replying all together when not giving a straight answer wasn't good enough for them.
No. 364635
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Lainey's interjection of what Grease did or did not say about his peepee.
No. 364639
>>364616Is that how he justifies being a rapist? It's cause he was circumcised so his penis cant be stopped?
>>364600It's pretty funny how he thought his content alone could carry him. I'm sure he thought he was better than shane and all the people hes burned bridges with. Then you look at where shane is now compared to him. And he did it all without being a gigantic asshole to people and demonizing his ex's. It's refreshing to see someone like shane who is still friendly with their ex and doesn't stir up unnecessary bullshit for views
I also think how now there are more "villains" of youtube than ever before with all those channels created to diss/talk about drama that are more interesting than onion boy. His little "villain" title got taken away from him haha.
No. 364644
>>364621It's weird, but I guess I was one of the only people who just assumed he was circumcised (oh, sorry, "broken, rather) and
that's why he was so fucking salty over the issue. I feel like uncircumcised men don't sit around biting their fingernails over the millions of babies who're having a bit of skin snipped off every day…or maybe they do, I don't know. It really just seems like the kind of issue where only guys who feel like they're "missing out" would be throwing a fit.
His "anti-rape" claim is ridiculous for obvious reasons, but I've been with both circumcised AND uncircumcised men, when the uncircumcised guys get hard, the foreskin retracts. They don't really look/feel any different from each other when erect (a bit more skin around the base of the head, but, otherwise, no), so is…is he implying "When you try to stick your limp, floppy dick in an unlubricated vagina, it doesn't work if you've got a foreskin!". Like, no shit, Gurg,
no limp dick can penetrate a puss.
There's no floppy, extra skin hangin' around the head with an
erect uncircumcised dick, the foreskin is pulled back, that's not going to make any fucking difference. Is he seriously trying to say that the tiny bit of retracted skin around the base of the head is going to act as an anti-rape mechanism? It seriously seems like he thinks an uncircumcised dick still has it's hood up when hard and that it would make sex in general 100x more difficult,
while simultaneously claiming that it makes sex better for both partners.
Like, it seems as though he's not even familiar with what uncircumcised dicks look like when hard, but I also get the feeling he clicks through google image results of them at least once a day, sighing forlornly over what was
taken from him. Ugh, oh no, he's almost definitely one of those guys who's used one of those contraptions that stretches out your dick skin and recreates a foreskin. Oh, god, I can imagine him posting on a "regrown man" forum "Progress: 2 millimeters. You guys, it's happening!"
Gurg, I'm with a circumcised man, I've been with him for almost 5 years, not ONCE has it been an issue for either one of us. I'm not glancing at his dick like "If only…" while he weeps about genital mutilation. Nobody fucking cares, it doesn't fucking matter, you fucking weirdo.
No. 364648
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Oooooh, you guys, look at the HUGE DIFFERENCE in circumcised and uncircumcised dicks. The ones on the left look like anti-rape dicks to me, that's…that's what I've taken away from this. That tiny bit of skin stretched back around the base of the glans? Pussy status: unrapeable.
No. 364657
>>364644sorry for derailing.
I think he exaggerates his opinion because it's such a hot topic issue. Like when people argue, they're automatically on the offence, so that's why I think it seems more aggressive than it actually is.
Circumcision is genital mutilation by definition. It probably had a purpose in the past, but now it is more or less done exclusively for religious reasons or because it's tradition. Though it's not as horrifying as female mutilation, it can be interpreted as being hypocritical to condone one but not the other.
At the end of the day, male circumcision is done within days of being born so they don't know the actual operation was like, or know what it was like before.
Also he probably has a small dick, and is trying to prove how his dick is better than others.
No. 364664
>>364657It's still not a nice thing to do to a baby anon, whether they remember it or not. Plus it's completely unnecessary.
Sage for ot moralfagging
No. 364673
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Trolling or…?
Apparently Onion was trying to get freaky with a little girl a couple of years ago
No. 364675
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No. 364676
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No. 364689
>>364579Don't forget he's a huge weeb.
I think the "oni" is Japanese for demon, the "sion" might be from an anime or video game, as it's an anglicization of the name Shion. So Demon Sion, he probably appropriated the higher meaning later cause he's not smart or creative.
No. 364694
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>>364673>>364674>>364675>>364676Can we not? Not only have the anti-o blogs refused to touch this with a 20 ft barge-pole due to this person allegedly being very underage - but the fact that their social media is extremely strange and either reads like it was written by a really weird roleplayer (which has happened a few times already before now in the past) or written by someone going through an extreme schizophrenic meltdown.
If you have any first hand proof that this is all in fact real, please… by all means contact the police and alert them. But please don't attract it to lolcow, we're not even supposed to post about anyone under 16 years old here, let alone post about someone allegedly 10 years old.
>>364687>>364690It basically says that this nine year old girl lives around their neighborhood, Grease rode by on his motorcycle (describing it like something you'd see happen in a teen romance movie) waved at her and chatted her up and was ready to kidnap her, she says she already has "stockholm syndrome" (wtf) because of it. That Grease posted on her online child hangout game's (something like Club Penguin) guestbook under a different name called Gary (???) and messaged her asking about her private parts… it's just a jumble of word salad and not even the faintest sliver of evidence was posted whatsoever; even from the alleged "Gary" person. They also contacted Lainey multiple times asking to interpret Lainey's dreams (uhh), and kept begging her to DM her - as of this morning, their Twitter account has been deleted.
A few of the main anti-o blogs investigated it and decided this was something they didn't want to get involve with… it's either a mentally ill fantard who is trying to involve them in their roleplaying fantasies, or just a really shitty troll.
No. 364699
>>364698Yeah, I went to check it out before the anti-o blogs amended their details about it last night… and this person's Twitter account was just a complete mindfuck, it wasn't just the fact it was a fairly newly created account either, it was the word-salad accusations, the "evidence" they posted (which made zero sense) and the constant begging of Lainey to notice them that tipped me off that it was a troll… it was all creepy as fuck, tbh.
If it was worth documenting or if I felt that it needed our attention, I would've posted about it here last night.
For those who are interested in creepy RP'ers we've encountered in the past (who for some insane reason want to RP about Grease's life (of all people to RP about, ffs)) there's a thread about one of them in /snow who targeted Skye:
>>>/snow/201127 No. 364705
>>364704Sadly not.
I keep wondering if it's just the one particular dedicated troll who just can't let this insane RP'ing shit go… this "nine-year-old-girl" Twitter account exhibited the EXACT same kind of schizophrenic word-salad that the other accounts had on FB last year.
It's either a single dedicated troll or there's a collective of them doing the same thing periodically when they think they're safe again to post their insanity.
Either way; they're doing us no fucking favors at all.
Especially considering Grease makes ambiguous posts directed to them, uses them to prove how right he is and how this discredits anything his "h8urzz" have to say - and because of that; his fans confuse them for us and the rest of his critics.
It's annoying as shit.
No. 364709
>>364657>>364659>>364664…Yeah, none of my point was "it's fine to do to a baby", my point was:
-The vast majority of circumcised men don't care, they aren't fixated on something that most people don't give a shit about and they can't change. I've never dated a circumcised guy who cared that they were cut and I've never cared if a dick was cut or un-cut. I know if I had a son, I'd think "Circumcision is completely pointless and I'm not gonna opt for it, leave the baby ween alone", but I'm not going to call people "broken" and harass them for deciding to circumcise their kid. He's fucking crazy.
-That he doesn't seem to understand that even in the "intact men" activist community, they stress that there's barely any difference between a cut and un-cut erect dick and he doesn't seem to understand 1. how foreskin works 2. how sex works if he thinks foreskin or lack thereof makes a difference in preventing rape or even comes into play during sex.
I think it's telling that he believed a foreskin is even truly noticeable during sex, I think it was a big clue that he was circumcised since he seems so unfamiliar with what they actually look/feel like.
No. 364712
>>364694God, that's creepy. The troll/roleplaying, I mean, not their claims. I don't understand this need to roleplay and get personally involved in milk with fake bullshit, like, sage for OT, but some random person started posting as Anisa in her thread in /snow/ and was outed by the mod when they checked the ISP. I just don't get the point. I suppose it's the same mentality that makes people catfish, they like pretending to be someone else to escape their life and maybe joining in on internet drama makes them feel significant? I guess? So bizarre.
I also don't buy that Greg is a literal pedophile. I think he's an ephebophile…I mean, he's admitted as much…and
maybe he has some hebephile tendencies, but
actual "I want to fuck 9 year olds" pedophile? Nah. He's obsessed with this whole "grass on the field, play ball!" mentality regarding age and sex, as if having tits makes you emotionally ready for adult situations. This troll/roleplayer made their bullshit claims a bit too outlandish.
No. 364718
>>364712I'm trying to investigate the matter right now and it's a literal headache to do… I don't want to simply shake it off as another attention-seeking RP troll just yet so bear with me as I'm only going by the "evidence" that was posted to the anti-o blogs and the Twitter accounts that are directly involved with it… I'll be sure to post the findings as soon as I'm done, I don't think it will take me more than a couple of hours in and between IRL activities and duties; but considering his constant fucking shady shit in regards to underage girls - I just don't want to throw everything out of the window just yet.
>>364715Nah, he said that he doesn't mind his fans playing guessing games with what his username actually means - he had another one before "Onision" too; can't remember it exactly but it was the same one he uses for his Ebay and Yahoo accounts… I think everyone is giving him too much credit towards a weeb status, none of his Sicesca bullshit was related to weeb names and references either, his name is most very much likely linked to his Sicesca stuff.
>>364716I'm sorry if I caused any misunderstanding, I said
>>online child hangout game's (something like Club Penguin) meaning that I didn't know specifically what online kiddy game they were referring to at the time, I've found out that the game they're actually referring to is something called "MovieStar Planet"… like I said to the first anon though, I'm trying to make heads and tails of this first before we definitely write it off as another troll - it's very much more than likely that it is; but the devil is in the details.
No. 364723
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A bit OT but their dog lives!!
No. 364750
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When you slowly realize your career is dying and somewhat regret burning every bridge just because you're ALWAYS the victim and like to start shit for views.
Is this really it? Is he going insane now? -grabs popcorn-
No. 364751
>>364664>>364695I didn't really disclose my opinion on it. You can't exactly put a foreskin back on a dick. Plus I don't have a dick, so I shouldn't really have that much of a say on the issue.
>>364709Nobody said that you thought that. I was referring to his fixation on circumcision, while mentioning some of the legitimate reasons for/against it. also no1curr about your dick-history.
No. 364777
>>364766shit it started early
>>364752I never even heard about it until lolcow. Why is he still bringing it up?
No. 364790
>>364438oh god his deflated balloon looking flab
i want to die so i never have to remember seeing that again
No. 364791
>>364789It's just for April Fools. It'll be gone in 24 hours. Admin-sama is located in a future time zone from most of us.
Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.
No. 364852
>>364821I think he'll (try to) be more subtle because he thinks he's a good manipulator
Maybe go for another "exposing" video about SR saying how bad he smells lmao
No. 364856
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I'm sorry but no.
"Life is but a dream for the dead."
No. 364881
>>364858>>364856So I guess Onion is going for the Spiderman/Elsa kid-friendly route because views matter to him the most.
Wait until he forces Manly to wear Elsa costume lel
No. 364891
>>364867>>364879He thought he was going to become world fuhrer possessing eternal youth by making YouTube videos…
I can't find that picture with Skye
No. 364895
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>>364891>>364891Here you go! Found it on his ED article.
I wonder if he ever promised Skye the entire world err, cyberspace once he got "YouTube/internet famous"?
No. 364896
>>364648Underrated post
Many keks, anon
"Life is but a dream for the dead."
No. 364902
>>364537Meh I don't like that she blatantly home wrecked but I agree, she's average and fancy angles and makeup do the job for her. The coke nose isn't cute.
That doesn't mean billie is ugly though, she's just another alt girl.
No. 364906
>>364905Now that I think about it, I wonder if Milk-chan was apart of that club too…
Strange af man
No. 364944
>>364856The thing is; if he REALLY wanted to create R-rated content for over 18's - there's a shit ton of places that will host it. But no, he wants YT to bend over backwards for him, to suit HIS needs even though they don't owe him shit because he's been leeching off their free services for years.
He doesn't want to create adult content for adults because adults don't find his "sense of humor" funny, he wants to create offensive adult humour for children and teenagers, because it's the only demographic that can be easily amused by him.
No. 364952
File: 1491056453415.png (535.54 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-04-01-08-20-05…)

rly trying to make money remonetizing old videos.
"The color fades along the intervals I follow."
No. 364953
>>364858You've fucked yourself, bunionboy… you've had over six years to learn to adapt to the ever-changing course of the internet and instead of travelling with the current, you stubbornly tried wading against it; all because you can't control your fetishes and leave little girls and teenagers alone.
The reason why you're struggling is because you never had the mental capacity, creativity or imagination to produce original content. You've made your earnings through bullying people, dramamongering and lying - you have nothing to offer people, you sit on your ass all day "creating content" which basically means spending a couple of hours a day editing videos, spending more hours reading about yourself online, looking up dictionary definitions and applying them incorrectly to your most mundane opinions, screaming at/fucking dead-eyed Lainey and shoving Taco Bell into your greasy maw.
All whilst more successful vloggers such as Shane go to meet and greets and interact with their fans in positive ways, your idea of interacting with your fans is asking them to send in photos of their nearly bare bodies for you to distastefully and creepily review… and yet you wonder why you're not as successful as he is? He doesn't go around acting like a constant insufferable prick 24/7 by talking about how wonderful and great he is; not like those other YT losers, oh no.
You're not going to survive the purge because of who you are, you've wasted over six years online doing nothing to improve yourself and you deserve to sink, not even a lifeboat for you, or a rubber dingy… fucking drown you bastard.
No. 364962
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No. 364985
>>364962Yes Grease, You Tube owe you everyyyyyything!
How about you start paying up for the FREE video streaming service they've provided you with for those "10 years of your life" - if anything, YOU owe them everything for agreeing to host your shitty content without complaint and without subscription fees.
+++ Ehlers-Danlos/Hypermobility Syndrome +++ autistic and proud +++ PC gaming
No. 364990
File: 1491068479602.gif (19.7 KB, 150x150, RwAwQ0E.gif)

Lmao… who made this gif?! I haven't stopped laughing at it for 10 minutes straight, and it still continues to amuse me every time I see it.
+++ Ehlers-Danlos/Hypermobility Syndrome +++ autistic and proud +++ PC gaming
No. 365015
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>>364962is he really trying to use implied suicide to get his way?? KEK
No. 365020
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"And in the end, we were all just humans...
Drunk on the idea that love,
Only love,
Could heal our brokenness."
~ Scott F. Fitzgerald
No. 365029
>>364962I can't believe he actually mentioned offing himself @YT. Gerg, you're a fucking loon.
Vegetarian [somewhat] - Dx: Social Anxiety/Depression/Bullimia - Pansexual - dd/lg - I like Offensive memes and Joji
No. 365041
>>365029When you think your manipulation tactics that only work on tweens will work on a big corporation lmao. They have so many big youtubers that bring them more money. Onion is not that important.
>>365031He gives about 0 shits about his kids. He only gives shits about lameo sometimes cause he needs to stick his micro penis in her.
No. 365050
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>>365029>>364962B-but he just wants to follow in the footsteps of his idols!!!
No. 365058
>>365038Anything involving healthcare is probably completely off-limits as a manipulation tactic for Gregma given his deep distrust of healthcare professionals and the healthcare industry at large. Just look at how long they let Troy's teeth rot to the point where they only took him to the Dr. when it was bad enough to require surgery with fucking general anesthesia.
That said, if he gets super desperate then it might not be out of the realm of possibility. It is the standard 'lookatme!' manipulation tactic for people with personality disorders.
No. 365064
>>364962I wonder if he'd actually off himself if he lost his YT money. He said that it was the only reason he never pulled that
25 / Argentina / Hufflepuff
No. 365069
File: 1491087479562.png (65.93 KB, 615x149, onion.png)

When you wish you were shane dawson actually getting views for conspiracy videos, but all you can do is parody them in hopes you can still make money off other youtubers.
No. 365070
>>365064Is it bad to say I hope he does?
>>365059He's going to regret saying that when his YouTube bux stop coming in and he has to get a real job.
25 - Engaged - Deaf - INFP - Burner - Stoner - Cantheist Pastafarian - Slytherin
No. 365131
File: 1491102679460.png (173.93 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3920.PNG)

Stop writing letters to yourself Greg, it's embarrassing.
No. 365148
>>365064I mean, could you see Gerg downsizing to a small home, not being fed compliments by teen girls all day, not feeling successful, not having access to teenage girlfriends and feeling happy? I could see him losing all of his success and not even trying to adapt to normalcy, I could see him giving zero fucks about supporting his family and taking himself out. His need for narcissistic supply at this point is so insane after being treated like a sooper speshul guy for 10 years, he'd probably sink into the worst kind of depression if he only had Lainey and 2 kids as his audience.
#1 Supporter of: Yaoi and all things slashy & perverted.
No. 365150
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triggered by billie hair colors. haha
No. 365177
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It all returns to nothing
It all keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling dooown
No. 365181
>>365177How does he have
negative 20 million. I guess I don't understand the SocialBlade way of tracking views/subs, but I sure do understand that his channels are on death's door and, good god, this is the best schadenfreude ever.
No. 365183
>>365153He's so stupid when it comes to informing people. Like the target audience for people who use lotion is much larger than just "dude jackin it" Plus he has yet to talk about problems that come with being uncircumcised, although most activists don't because those problems don't come about till later in life. (You ever had a middle aged woman cry on her shoulder bc her and her husband can't have sex cause his forskin cracks every time he gets an errection and hey can't afford adult circumcision cause it's not fun)
Sage for OT and blogpost-y it just makes me mad when people ignore these issues and just focus on "THERE CUTTING BABY DICKS"
No. 365190
>>365183Oh, jesus. Cracking foreskin.
I mean, the benefits of being uncut don't even seem
that fantastic. Yes, you don't have to use lotion when jerking off. Yes, the head of the penis is more sensitive. Those both sound nice for the men out there who aren't circumcised, but I doubt the increased sensitivity is mindblowing and pumping a dollop of lotion into your hand before masturbating isn't the worst. It seems like if you're uncut, then, okay, you get to enjoy these little benefits. If you're uncut, then, okay, you don't and that's kinda unfortunate but not
unbearable. It just seems like more of a "man, I'm missing out" issue, like, he seems more stuck ruminating over what
could've been instead of just shrugging and giving his money over to BIG LOTION.
If he wants to come at the issue and focus on how it's genital mutilation, okay, sure. It is weird that we snip off a little bit of skin when it isn't necessary to do so and it is, by definition, mutilation, but don't compare it to female genital mutilation. Like, for fucks sake, Grease, they aren't comparable. If a doctor sliced off the tip of your penis and sewed your urethra or some other orifice shut,
then it would be comparable, but it's insanely hard to sympathize with circumcised men when they piss and moan about how having their foreskin removed is just as bad as little girls having their clitoris sawed off without anesthetic.
I just can't stand how he comes at the issue with such a melodramatic, self-righteous tone. Like, he has the same tone and air of indignation that somebody will have when telling you that abortion is murder. If he simply explained in a calm manner that this is a silly, outdated practice, that there's a lot of misinformation concerning cleanliness, that we'd quickly get over how "weird" uncircumcised weens look if they became more common and so on, then I'd think "Yeah, I mean, that's all a good point, that's reasonable." Instead, he wants to wear victimhood like a cloak, he wants a reason to shake his fist and yell from a soapbox and since his life has gone relatively well thus far, he's latched onto "they cut off my foreskin when I was a baby" so he can justify feeling outraged over how
wronged he was by the world.
Grow the fuck up, Gerg.
No. 365192
>>365190Most people (at least the people I know) circumcise their children because the father is circumcised and they didn't want to explain to a child why his penis doesn't look like his fathers (kinda dumb but I don't have kids so I don't judge)
Also Greg is uncircumcised. I remember reading somewhere that the reason he's so "passionate" about being anti-circumcision is bc he was made fun of ALOT when he was younger in the locker room and by girls in school (my experience in a high school where everyone is circumcised girls usually aren't the nicest about it when they've never been with one) Plus he asked AJ how she felt about him being uncircumcised before they met up. (talked about in the letter)
"If your car skids into oncoming traffic, and you die listening to The Archies sing "Sugar Sugar" it's your own damn laziness." -Chuck Palahniuk, Rant
No. 365199
>>365192Oh yeeaah, I forgot about the AJ thing. That's right. I was just assuming he was circumcised due to the weird amount of rage, like, it'd make
some sense if he felt wronged over some doctor stealing his dick flesh, but he was just teased a bit in high school. That's it. We were all teased in high school and, yes, it can leave some psychological scarring, but this is too much. Part of growing up is looking back on those awful moments in High School and learning to get over them.
I remember this scene in Jodorowsky's biographical movie where he's about 11 and the other boys invite him to jerk off with the rest of them (group activities, huzzah), but once they see his penis, he's teased for being circumcised since it emphasizes that he was Jewish in a country (Chile) where circumcision/Judaism are both rare. I'm 100% certain he's not sitting around today, stewing in anger over the fact he was circumcised and railing against strangers for having their kids circumcised. It was a painful memory, clearly, but he got over it. He had other shit to worry about. Gerg has had girlfriends, a wife who had two kids with him, like, it's clearly not getting in the way of sex/romance. At this point, he's probably just going on an anti-circumcision tirade to convince
himself that it's fine…plus, I'm sure the thrill of feeling outraged over something is fun.
No. 365201
>>365058>Just look at how long they let Troy's teeth rotHonestly I don't even understand how this happened. It's so easy to keep your kids teeth clean when they're young because you can be there to help them do it and make sure they're cleaning them all properly and for long enough. I've never seen a young kid with rotten teeth and I say this as a britfag lmao.
>>365131I love that his "concerned fans" all type like he does. I'm especially loving the comma usage from the Onion squad.
>>365136He's ugly as shit and picks up girls online. He's the definition of attainable, so maybe that's why.
No. 365207
>>365203Oh, absolutely. He's hoping to convince himself/the world that he isn't a weirdo and, IN THIS SINGLE CASE, regarding the state of his dick, he's not. He's so hyperfocused on whether or not the presence of a trivial bit of skin that some kids made fun of 15 years ago makes him a freak instead of standing back and realizing there's a phonebook sized list of serious shit that does make him weird as fuck. Great priorities, Gerg.
Imagine being in your late 20's/early 30's and trying to retaliate against the world by being just as awful, if not worse, as some children were to you during your adolescence. Like, what a lovely mindset: "I was psychologically scarred by some kids years ago, I think this calls for, me, a grown man, shaming the fuck out of innocent bystanders. That's probably the best way to deal with this. Yeah. Bully strangers. Fuck therapy."
No. 365208
>>365201I know if u give ur kid juice as a baby it can fuck up their teeth - but it generally takes years for it to catch up to them (around like 7-9 yrs old). So it is seriously concerning how a 2 year old with fresh new baby teeth ended up having them all rot….
Sage for old topic and off topic
No. 365219
>>365208If they feed him a lot of gummies and don't brush his teeth for a few hours after that could cause it. Kids don't pick at things stuck in their teeth like adults do so instead of removing stuck gummie it sits there and the sugar rots the teeth. A Friend of mines toddler had to have dental work because of this. The fact he was under General anesthesia isn't that bad since dentist often put toddlers and kids under for procedures they wouldn't put an adult under for so the kid sits still and doesn't mess anything up.
She may be a shitty person but I think Taylor is an okay mom. Parenthood is hard and everyone messes up so I wouldn't be too critical of Taylor. Greg on the other hand needs to be as far away from those kids as possible. Even the oh-so-horrible testicul emergency room fiasco seemed like it was all Greg, the only time he even mentioned Taylor in that video was about how scared she was and that was probably just because Greg was causing a scene and making everything worse and more frustrating than it needed to be.
No. 365233
>>365223Yeah, I actually went back into the older thread out of curiosity because I didn't remember the cavities story and most anons were pointing out that the only real way a 2.5 year old could develop multiple cavities was if Lainey was breastfeeding him/bottle feeding him milk right before bed. Lo and behold, Lainey was still breastfeeding him at 2.5 years (Jesus christ), probably pumping and feeding him breastmilk via bottle before bed, specifically mentions feeding him at night still and being worried about how the dentist said she couldn't give him any drinks or food after midnight because of the general anesthesia. She's basically admitting right in the FB post that she fucked up her kids teeth after only TWO YEARS with bad feeding habits. You breastfeed/give them a bottle of milk before they fall asleep and after you brush their teeth (if they even bothered with that at all), then they end up with teeth coated in milk and they go to shit.
It's just insane that it got so bad that Troy had to go under general anesthesia due to multiple cavities. How did they not notice beforehand? Did they never take him to see a dentist? God, then right in the same FB post, she's admitting that she's
continuing the bad habit the night before the procedure, the same bad habit that caused her kid's teeth to rot in the first place.
Their idiocy, Gerg's insistence on knowing everything while doing nothing to educate himself ("Why do I need to read a baby book? I'm a genius!") and his hatred of doctors is fucking those kids up.
No. 365235
>>365190You (and others ) are trivializing male genital mutilation, both with word choice ("snip off a little bit of skin") and misinformation. It's off-topic and grating.
The foreskin is half of the penis' skin. Men who have lost it have an unprotected glans (supposed to be mucous skin) that dries and becomes more and more calloused with time. Calloused skin = less sensitivity. The foreskin is the most sensitive part of the dick to begin with. It has 20,000 nerve endings, while the clitoris only has 4,000. The nations that use the most viagra are the same that circumcise the most. It's not a coincidence.
It's also not "the norm" in the US anymore. The rate is below 30%. There is no medical or practical reason for it. That people would defend the ethics of performing unnecessary cosmetic surgery on unconsenting children's genitals is beyond me. They're awake the entire time, no anesthetic, and their most sensitive body part is being crushed and ripped off of them. Just watch a video of a circumcision being done and you won't be so happy to defend it. There's studies that showed it causes permanent psychological harm because of the agonizing pain kids go through.
Men that have had adult circumcision compare the feeling lost to going from 10/10 to 3/10. And foreskins CAN be restored by stretching to keep the glans covered, but the nerve endings are lost permanently. is a cunt and his reasons for being anti-circumcision are retarded, but cicumcision is just as barbaric when done to males as when done to females. Both were promoted at the same time by the same person (Kellogg) in the US, to curb masturbation. All this BS about hygiene and how insignificant the foreskin is- is just indoctrination without sources. Men who don't complain don't know what they've lost. Please shit on onion, not on human rights' movements.
>>365235No. Circumsion is not as barbaric as excision. No matter how many time you tell it won't make it true.
Hell, I'm a fucking euro-fag, really against circumsion but hearing that make me seethe with rage. Stop triviliasing excision by trying to make it the same. It's like telling us that chopping off a finger is like lopping off a whole limb. Both are terrible, one is still less terrible than the other.
No. 365250
>>365242I dunno. Knowing she'd be sad and definitely traumatized from losing a spouse, especially so young, but with money versus being sad and traumatized over emotional, mental and possibly physical abuse with some alimony coming in plus whatever job she's working now. That's…I really don't know which one is the better outcome for her. I wish there was an alternate reality where she never spoke to Gerg at that bus stop.
>>365242>Dreams of becoming a doctor>Settles for attending an online college and receiving an undergrad degree in Psychology>Still lets her son's teeth rot so terribly that they need to put him under general anesthesia for multiple cavities by the time he's two and a half years oldI'm happy Lainey never pursued that dream, she's too self absorbed to have ever been a good doctor…and
a ton of doctors have a shit capacity for empathy. That's saying a lot: when you're too self absorbed to be a doctor.
No. 365252
>>365250Never understood why he went after her when he was still pining over the other exes, what made him think he needed to stalk the shit outta her if she was just a "negative person" to be around with?
Also, Lainey's a lost cause at this point
No. 365253
File: 1491157713390.png (271.72 KB, 1136x640, IMG_3921.PNG)

Slightly ot but there's a subliminal message in one of Onion's videos.
(Join Sicesca)
No. 365288
File: 1491171119977.png (359.12 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3922.PNG)

Onion takes a personality test yet again! And the results don't go on his favor. Oh and it shows that he has difficulty understanding certain words.
No. 365289
>>365288I'd like to watch it go poorly for him and see his ego die a little, but I also don't want to give him anything.
>it shows that he has difficulty understanding certain words.I'm honestly so confused whenever certain people commenting on him will say "He's not
stupid, like, he's not a dumb guy" because he so clearly
is a dumb guy. He
is stupid, that's always seemed abundantly clear to me. He seems to have an innate understanding of what will rustle people's jimmies and bring him attention, but that's not intelligence, it's a personality disorder. His vocabulary is fucked, I can't count how many times he's shocked me by casually admitting he doesn't know the meaning of a word/mispronounces a word 6th graders know and shrugs it off as if he didn't just reveal how shit his education is. His writing is horrible, his understanding of basic concepts is beyond limited, his grasp of pop culture and history doesn't extend beyond Family Guy shit and it really does seem like whenever he's looking up the definitions to words in the dictionary, it's the first time he's even
thought about it.
Sage for rant/stating the obvious, but it drives me insane how many YouTubers go out of their way to state he's not an idiot when all evidence points to the contrary.
No. 365291
File: 1491174379456.png (108.17 KB, 247x265, Screen Shot 2017-04-02 at 7.02…)

he doesn't read books because he "doesn't want to wear glasses"???
nah m8, you're just stupid
No. 365293
>>365289He's smart in the manipulation department and business management, I'll give him that. He's retarded in everything else.
I'm surprised he wasn't in any special ed classes though, are we sure he's not autistic or just having a very low IQ?
No. 365294
>>365291Oh god…I can hear that overly confident, loud, smug voice he uses while explaining why he does/thinks something, as if his take on it is so plainly obvious when, in reality, he looks like a fucking tard.
"Books are
stoopid, why would I want to stress my eyes, go blind and waste expensive morningstar chik'n nugget based brain fuel on something as
dumb as reading ~guh huh huh huh~."
No. 365299
>>365291lmao. But he will stare at a computer screen all day? Reading books wont cause you to have glasses. Especially if you read only occasionally. He doesn't even read ONE book. He's an idiot.
>>365288Lol there were so many questions he refused to answer honestly. He picks the neutral one instead of yes/no so he can seem better than he is. Half his quiz are neutral answers because he refuses to pick honestly. Especially like the manipulative one. You have literally said you are, but refuse to say you do it on the quiz. yeah right.
Some of his "neutral" answers:
>"I manipulate others to get my own way">"I love a good argument" >"I believe i am better than others">"I get irritated easily" >"I am empathetic" >"i try to be in charge" >"i frequently lose my temper" >"i take advantage of others" >"i easily resist temptations" >"i have a high opinion of myself" >"i am not easily annoyed" >"i dont understand people who get emotional" >"i always even the score with others"I feel like most people would feel strongly one way or another about these answers, and he does too, but doesn't want to admit it.
No. 365316
>>365293He's an absolute moron in the business sense. He has a few successful yt channels. He never branched off into other forms of business. Never started channels that other people run for him. He's burned every bridge with possible business partners.
And I'm tired of people saying he's such a great manipulator. He manipulates kids and young women with mental issues/past trauma.
No. 365317
>>365316Completely agree. I highly doubt his YouTube channel would've gotten off the ground in the first place if it weren't for his ex-wife Skye. All his fans are teenagers with shitty judgment because any grown adult can see right through his bullshit. His one relationship with a woman around his age lasted for three fucking weeks.
Maybe he's a decent manipulator compared to a normal person, but for someone who's been doing this for his entire life he's not very good at it at all.
No. 365322
>>365304>>365317Well, lemme clarify: I don't think he's a good manipulator, but I do think manipulating is a very innate character trait for him, it's like breathing for you or me. He almost definitely is doing it without even noticing at this point, which is why I said it's not a matter of him being clever, but rather a symptom of a personality disorder. He's not a champion mindfucker, he's very basic with his shit and, you're right, anybody over 20 (excluding Lainey) can see right through it after they spend a small amount of time with him or watching him.
Sage for blogpost, but as a teen, I couldn't wrap my mind around how this girl (who turned out to be a psychopath) controlled me and everybody around us, it seemed like she was always 3 steps ahead. Then, like, once she hit her mid twenties, she was using the same manipulation tactics and expecting the same results when 25 year olds are not the same as 16 year olds. Gerg's just like her, it's why he loves dating teens and appealing to a teen audience, he's still a master manipulator for that level. I read the Luxymoo texts and I'm like, damn, I'm pretty certain that would've worked on me when I was a kid. So while I look at somebody like him or that girl now and roll my eyes, he's still just this destructive ball of fuckery that plows through teen girls and wrecks their lives without even trying. Like, I don't think he could even stop if he tried. It's still effective because, unlike that girl I knew, he can surround himself with the age group he can still successfully mindfuck. He's figured out a loophole to continue getting everything he wants, but, again, this isn't because he's smart, he's because he's very mentally ill.
No. 365335
File: 1491189323631.jpg (84.23 KB, 540x960, IMG_3923.JPG)

So…should we be worried or nah?
Saged for possible irrelevancy
No. 365342
>>365335they hate each other, i think this is very interesting and relevant!
grease called her "the ugly friend" couple of months ago and now this dumb bitch is following him and liking his pics? no way.
No. 365358
>>364438Just imagine Onion in this pose as he's about to aggressively pull the covers off you as he's straddling you bare naked and rips your nightgown and panties off without warning (and your consent). Then, he forces himself on top of you as his greasy sausage fingers dig inside your nethereagons in a thrusting motion, he starts to kiss and nip at your neck leaving copious amounts of drool while his breath lingers of vegan cheese, tofurkey and onions. After kissing you
passionately; he thrusts his hard rock smegma-infested and lubricated cock as you fight to no avail as Cucky McFucky has moved on from your face to your torso, sucking and biting them young, supple titties - hard. It goes on for hours and hours after the first round of sexy time is through
>>365368still not sorry for it
at least we know the greaselings are lurking
No. 365373
>>365371Wait, are you attacking me or
>>365358? Cuz I didn't post that shit. Ew!
No. 365399
>>365291That is the most piss-poor, pathetic excuse I've ever heard anyone give to exempt themselves from something.
He has no interest whatsoever in improving himself - what he wants is everything handed to him on a plate, he truly believes he doesn't have to put the time and energy into something to get a positive result, it will just fall into his lap - jesus christ… YouTube has ruined him, or should I say; he's ruined himself through devoting his every waking breath for ten years to a dead-end career he's only ever had limited fame from.
I want to know how he graduated high school, he must've been made to read books there… surely he's had to of read a few classics at least for homework and writing essays.
He's as thick as pigshit and soon he'll be having to carry that sloping brow around in a wheelbarrow.
No. 365401
>>365399He is too lazy to improve himself and too full of himself to try something that might show him failing.
UhOhBro used to be a gaming channel. Turned out Gurg isn't much of a good gamer and he was too embarrassed to show people how bad he is at playing video games and on the other hand he was too lazy to train to be better so he changed his channel to "Let's google something and comment on that"-channel because Googling is something that isn't too hard for him.
No. 365403
>>365316Everything about this is spot on.
>>365293He's a really shitty example of a businessman, everyone knows he got lucky because Skye began submitting videos to YT before the bubble popped… uploading videos ≠ business and management skills, lol.
He's done absolutely nothing to insure his future online, he can no longer depend on YT guests and partners to give him a boost in views, his own fans are tired of his repeated and constantly reused content, he's not even respected by the scum of YT and he has no valuable skills outside of video editing… he's even shitty at that considering all his jump cuts are very obvious and he steals graphics instead of paying for them or creating his own for use in his videos.
The list goes on as to why he's a shitty businessman, and he's just as bad at manipulating people; he's only ever able to make vulnerable and mentally damaged teenagers bend over backwards for him - it doesn't work with grown adults; he just comes off as a whiny manbaby who uses the most basic of emotions to get his way, which is why AJ was so disgusted when she had to witness how pathetic he really is.
his unchecked personality disorders have left him mentally retarded, he should've checked himself in with a psychiatrist/psychologist as soon as he discharged himself from the air force… letting it/them manifest for this long has left a permanent scar on his psyche, I'd be really surprised if he'd ever be able to fix things, the best he can hope for is therapy sessions on how to manage his behavoir before he does some serious irreversible damage to his family.
No. 365408
>>365406On the bright side, Billie-bob and Old Yella are about to turn 20
reeeally soon!
No. 365410
>>365401So basically, that was his ONLY attempt to branch out and extend his brand. He created something that needed little skill to succeed and he still managed to fuck it up. What he was left with instead was just another channel on YT about himself… where he already had three YT channels… when everyone else was already branching out to places like Twitch, being invited to shows, conventions and events, generally picking up a lot of new fans and money along the way and having a good ol' time touring at some pretty nice destinations.
Sucks to be Lainey.
Yeah, there's some mental retardation going on behind that sloped brow of his.
No. 365411
File: 1491231006228.png (266.18 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3924.PNG)

When you realize this fucker only had four jobs and most of 'em didn't last long… he should use this video as a resumé for when he goes into fast food again, or Macy's recovery team.
Note his expression as he worries for the kids he took care for. The feels man, the feels!
No. 365415
>>365411I feel bad for laughing, like… my mom taught me not to laugh at those less fortunate than myself.
His features look like they're all about to slide off his face and into his lap.
No. 365431
>>365399I read the HSanon interview/posts the other day and he said Gerg was on a very basic reading level, if he ever had to read out loud in class, it was very obvious that he was having trouble. I find that incredibly believable. Watching his "Let's learn about ___ today, kids" videos, he's so poorly educated and not well-read, he just relies on googling dictionary definitions to understand entire concepts, ffs. He mispronounces words and has to constantly look up basic ones, his vocabulary is fucked and it never improved because the guy can't be bothered to pick up a book.
It's the most Gerg thing on Earth to believe you're an amazing writer and can produce fantastic books, but you don't ever fucking read. You learn SO MUCH about writing by reading other authors, you learn different styles and find inspiration, but he got it into his head that he's a sensitive, creative intellectual with an innate skill for writing that
nobody can appreciate. Gerg, your writing is fucking
horrible and I'm sure every english teacher/creative writing teacher has told you this. Please never write another book, don't do that to humanity.
No. 365475
>>365467Ooooh. I can't wait to watch his shitfit on camera. Will he go for "I'm suicidal", "YouTube is stealing the food out from my family's mouths and I am
outraged" or "Everybody spam YouTube with requests to have my videos monetised again!"?
God, watching him think he can use the same manipulation tactics that work on 16 year old girls against a corporation is going to be delicious.
No. 365480
>>365475I have a feeling we will be seeing all three tactics in coming videos, if not all in the same one.
I guess if he really isn't making any money we don't have to worry about watching his videos straight from his channel lmao.
>>365478I hope so. This has been something he's done for years now, purposefully reuploading videos to make more $$$ from them. And people have reported him for it, but the Eugenia issue was so fucking BLATANT. Maybe Youtube had no choice.
No. 365485
>>365478It's about time, Youtube, ffs
Who would want their ads to appear on a channel like his? There are so many other people that Youtube can successfully make a profit of and are appropriate for advertising. They should not care about some old guy's dying channel where he talks about underage girls' bodies. Gerg is a fucking idiot if he thought this would never happen. Literally nobody wants content like his.
No. 365486
File: 1491257871263.png (226.97 KB, 1265x517, ha.png)

Socialblade definitely isn't bugged, it's working fine for other YT'ers.
It's possible he's recently disabled views of his income/profit for his main channel, he disabled them for his uhohbro channel quite some time ago and seeing as he lurks here; when an anon posted screenshots of his falling numbers it probably hit an nerve so he's blocked them from being publically viewed… hmm… it doesn't really explain why his "onisionencore" channel's numbers are still viewable though.
I'm hoping that it's all because they were actually demonetized on his onision and uhohbro channels, but we'll have to wait and see.
No. 365490
File: 1491259390427.png (183.31 KB, 1287x525, Holyshit.png)

>>365467Holy shit you aren't wrong at all!
No. 365492
File: 1491260279666.png (501.44 KB, 871x611, vv.PNG)

>when you have 2.2m subs but only manage to get 20k views on obvious clickbait
but grease doesnt buy fake subs!!! never!!
No. 365494
>>365492He actually did a vlog style video and man is he obnoxious. He's also filming while driving, holding the camera. I hope the kids aren't in that car. Him and lainey also stayed at a hotel so i guess their "vacations" are just going south of washington lmao.
>>365493Most of onion's subs are probably dead subs. Hes been on YT so long, thats why he even has that many. But how many of those accounts are even active? I bet if youtube did a purge for inactivity, his number would severely drop.
No. 365500
File: 1491263464543.jpeg (706.77 KB, 1538x2048, image.jpeg)

New lainey.
No. 365509
File: 1491264275393.png (1.3 MB, 1193x718, awkward.png)

No. 365539
>>365500Her makeup is awful and that's obviously a wig, and yet she still looks 100 times better with longer hair. I wish she'd grow it out. She can be a special space prince
with flattering features if she wants to be.
No. 365542
File: 1491272652592.png (25.69 KB, 578x284, onion.png)

>>365538Someone in the comments recognized where he was, so i don't think he went very far this time lmao.
No. 365544
File: 1491272673977.png (259.04 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3935.PNG)

Yeah Greg, keep telling yourself that you're the sexiest man alive!
No. 365545
File: 1491272837575.png (128.23 KB, 1136x640, IMG_3936.PNG)

Aw what's da matta Gweggy? Ya don't want your feefeess hurt? Your internet career is crashing down - hard! Cuck-man!
No. 365549
>>365545Everyone has been complaining about subs getting unsubbed for the past month, but it isn't that huge. I like how he is acting like hes specifically being targeted lmao.
And all your subs didnt vote in that poll, so you cant say its unsubscribing 1/3 of your 2mil subs. lmao. Only about 2500 people voted. And it's now only at 24% yes.
>>365544he is so easily
triggered when hes called fat/ugly/old lmao.
No. 365553
>>365544i could be wrong about the years, but back in 2012 or so he would post dumb rants on onisionspeaks about fat people. it got him some heat, so he kept doing it. then he released a song on his onision channel called "I'M FAT" making cringy jokes about it for like three minutes. He was also skinnier back when he made those videos, so its funny seeing how it went back to him. even now, in his uhbro (whatever its spelled) channel he keeps posting those videos rating girls, and if the girl is overweight he jumps to insults…to his own underage fans… like, dog let go.
you can tell this is something he's super insecure about. its fine that he replied, but posting the screenshot to facebook to get compliments? GREASE, JUST STAY MAD!
No. 365558
File: 1491275528707.png (589.2 KB, 1136x640, IMG_3937.PNG)

Geeze man, it's like watching a snuff film of a predator trafficking a sex slave across the country (err, Washington state). Of course, Lainey was dull and boring af.
No. 365569
>>365567Yeah, I remember him tweeting something, comparing himself to Kurt Cobain when it's like…dude, no. No. Nope. Firstly, he's nothing like Cobain. Cobain was a sweet guy with a rough life who'd been taken advantage of by greedy people and a batshit wife. If anything, he's more like fucking Courtney Love, but with zero talent. Secondly, had Kurt Cobain died today, Gerg would be the first to jump on the chance to say something like "Oh, we're gonna cry over a piece of shit junkie who shot himself in the head? He was a selfish idiot with an amazing life, first world problems much? Boohoo, I have money, boohoo, I love breaking the law, wah wah wah. It's so stupid, I'm glad he's dead."
Yet, somehow, he's obsessed with this idea he's the 21st century Kurt Cobain. Gerq, you're fucking delusional. You're fucking insane if you truly think that.
No. 365585
File: 1491286523398.jpg (289.4 KB, 779x789, onionboy.jpg)

Sorry fellow farmers. I just had to…
No. 365586
File: 1491287373608.gif (2.25 MB, 363x269, Nope.gif)

>>365585>5'11>174lbs>Fat?I'm not surprised he doesn't understand the concept that he really isn't in shape despite being Vegan. Doesn't seem to be doing him any favors.
No. 365590
File: 1491288468076.png (443.63 KB, 585x641, onion.png)

when your ego is so fragile
No. 365602
File: 1491302117248.png (297.58 KB, 325x453, tumblr_ontf3r6quk1rgyhcpo1_400…)

>>365500Maybe she is trying to become a more alternative version of her freshman self so Grug will like her again
No. 365604
>>365544technically, it's 6lbs away from being fat.
Don't worry, Greg, you'll get there soon enough.
No. 365614
File: 1491311425933.jpg (202.22 KB, 900x1200, C8kiAGyXoAADcmv.jpg)

Name a more iconic duo, I'll Wait.
No. 365620
>a shitty situation with shitty people.I agree, have always though Billie got a raw deal. Both Taylor and Greg deliberately manipulated and gaslighted her to make her the bad guy,
especially Taylor. I don't think she was a homewrecker at all, she was invited out there with thevexpress intent to have sex with both Greg and Taylor. You can't complain that someone is banging your husband when that is precisely why they were brought out there. Greg and Taylor's hypocrisy on this matter is absolutely breathtaking. It wasn't Billie's fault that Taylor couldn't handle her jealous feelings or that Greg is a classic manipulative Cluster B chucklefuck. I have never understood people who called her a "homewrecker."
On the other hand, to be fair, she returned out there several times after Cuddlegate, so she is at fault for that. She should have known what she was getting into after that first time.
No. 365624
>>365614He captioned it "weed". He also tweeted there will be a livestream. I'm sure lameo and gerg will be watching even though they rage if billie shows up in their streams.
It's nice to see her next to a guy that doesn't look like hes her dad.
>>365616>>365620I feel like gerg made billie into a "homewrecker" and then all the blame was placed on her. I think she made dumb decisions, but doesn't come off as malicious. I also feel like lameo hated her from the start because gerg was fawning over her, which is why she could never get close with lameo. I'm sure gerg was feeding her this fantasy life she would have that would be amazing with him and lameo and all her dreams will be paid for/etc. But then the reality of it smacked her that he was just an insane loser who would wreak havoc in her life and she got the fuck out. Unlike lameo who just makes excuses for gerg.
No. 365625
>>365620Yes but as a former sugar baby I sympathize with that because it's easy to ignore some of the shitty things your sugar daddy does as usually it's better than dealing with shitty customers working minimum wage.
Sage for blog post-y but my format SD was extremely sexist but with almost two grand a month I could easily deal with it.
No. 365626
>>365602She's always had awful fashion sense.. yikes
Also kek at your caption anon
No. 365629
>>365493>>365492>>365494I've been saying the same thing since mid-'16, his views/fan interactions do not match up anywhere close to his subs/follower counts.
800,000 members = less than 500 likes and 200 comments (on average) a post.
400,000 followers = less than 1k likes and 100 RTs (on average) a post.
So it's not only YT where his figures are immensely disproportionate - basically, he keeps on saying some bullshit about how "famous" and "popular" he is and his fans don't care enough to go through the numbers; they'll just take his word for it.
He's not been "famous" or "popular" for a long time. It's the reason he keeps tacking onto his profile descriptions that he was hosted by Tosh-0 and countless of other networks nearly 10 years ago. What he's omitting from that description is how long ago that actually was, that those networks were linked in hosting less than a couple of minutes of a video clip of him in a banana suit and it was just as forgettable as any other random video clip/submitted home video on television… he's a fraud, but his fans don't care to do their homework about him, it's the only reason why he's been hanging onto YT like a stubborn zit for this long.
No. 365632
>>365542Except Kurt HATED living in Aberdeen, he wanted out of there asap as there were too many bad memories hanging over him there.
…and he thinks he's a Nirvana fan, ffs.
No. 365633
>>365545Considering YT isn't affecting anyone else, especially those who abide by the TOS - he can cry some more.
He's the one who chose to build his career on drama mongering, bullying and clickbait - I can't see any sort of FREE video hosting service who try to host family-friendly content putting up with that shit for long.
How about this idea Grease, you start hosting your own videos so you can write any kind of offensive content your little onion heart desires and stop leeching off free services to do that for you. It'd stop you from crying every five minutes because you're breaking their TOS - but you won't because you don't want to fork out thousands of dollars a month for the bandwidth charges, you fucking jew.
No. 365637
>>365633All of this.
It's so incredibly satisfying to see Greg revert into such a whiny pissbaby over all of this. I don't understand how he can't realize that youtube is a PRIVILEGE. They don't have to host his videos if they don't want to. I think the only reason why they've put him with him for this long was because of the money he was making them– but now that advertisers have pulled back, they're dropping the hammer on him (which should have been done long ago).
Greg thinks he's entitled to money purely because he creates "content". Okay, Greg. Let's forget all of the other starving artists who still create despite it not being a feasible income. He thinks he's so special, but he's just like the rest of us trying to get by.
Greg chose a career with virtually no stability and is throwing a shitfit now that he's losing money. Boohoo. Youtube doesn't owe him fucking anything.
No. 365642
>>365640Yeah, you're right… they probably would've continued to do fuck all about him if it didn't hurt their pockets in any way (which is kind of depressing).
>>365614This is a nice photo to wake up to, it's funny how this dude looks like Kurt in the way he dresses and looks as well. For smoking a joint indoors, it's possible they're both currently in Amsterdam? I'm sure it's absolutely exciting for her to travel overseas and hang out with someone who won't judge her for her lifestyle choices… I kinda want someone to print sparkly "LOL BE MAD" text at the bottom of it and viral post it all over Twitter until Grease sees it.
No. 365643
>>365642Yeah they are both in Amsterdam after billie's attempt to visit the UK failed and apparently drew cant visit the states either. Apparently they have been planning to meet up for awhile. She gets to travel more than lameo ever did lmao.
>>365639if they do join, it'll probably be a throwaway account. I doubt they will use their actual accounts.
No. 365644
>>365643Aww, I'm so happy for them - Amsterdam is a gorgeous city full of amazing architecture and art.
Unless they're both pulling all-nighters (Grease and Doormat) I doubt they'll be on there, he'll probably just watch a re-run of it and throw out a bunch of snarky subtweets in their direction later on.
No. 365656
>>365590It's horrifying that he apparently thinks this is a sexy picture.
Protip, Greg: a pasty, flabby, untoned body is inherently not sexy.
No. 365662
File: 1491326828717.jpg (223.18 KB, 810x1267, IMG_20170404_192519.jpg)

getting desperate
No. 365671
>>365662he's such a shithead. youtube support emails give you a case number IN THE SUBJECT LINE.
wonder how many times he used "literally" in those emails
No. 365672
>>365670The situation is shitty but I wouldn't go as far as to label Billie a good person. Fame seemed to be her motivation for this whole Grease saga with its multiple chapters.
Remember that she once made a GoFundMe for lights and cameras so she could make YouTube videos until she was shamed into deleting that.
No. 365676
>>365492It's been a full day since this was uploaded, and even though it's clickbaity as hell, it's only hit 80k views.
He has 2 million subs and less than 5% watch his content. That's just plain pathetic.
No. 365677
>>365672She's a teen, what teen hasn't wanted to be a celeb or YouTube star. She's literally neither good or bad, she's a teen girl who makes bad decisions as a part of growing up lol
People r so black and white when it comes to anyone in the grease timeline
No. 365689
>>365614ahahhaahahahha fucking LOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVE IT!
look upon this image and despair, greg. and then eat a bag of dicks.
i ship it! <3 <3 <3!
sage for retardation
No. 365698
>>365642someone please make this happen with the glitter text and have this be the next thread image so that every time onion comes here he nearly has a heart attack.
No. 365706
File: 1491338662802.png (87.02 KB, 750x361, IMG_9925.PNG)

>>365671>>365662I looked at their response and they sent him a message through his twitter dms and asked him to respond via dm. I predict soon gurg-sperging when they don't give him what he wants.
No. 365710
File: 1491339247915.gif (829.17 KB, 516x768, LOLBEMAD.gif)

No. 365726
>>365706I wonder what he is sending them exactly? If they changed their terms, I'm sure there isn't much they could do.
>>365710Love it.
This is the english guy right? They look like the same kind of person. It'd be nice if she found a happy successful relationship right after Grease. Wonder if there's going to be any incoming sperging from him
No. 365738
>>365736God, why does he feel the need to share such mundane facts about himself? He really thinks that he's so fascinating and special that everyone's
dying to know the dumbest little tidbits of info about himself and his life.
No. 365740
>>365710lmao perfect. I dont see how a relationship between them could work long term though since they live in different countries and cant even get into each others countries to visit. This is the first time onion's ex wasnt chased off the internet and he gets to see her having fun and making videos with younger/better looking guys. Haha. Lameo also gets to see that shes stuck with her old fart of a psycho husband and chained to her couch, while her evil homewrecker gf gets to travel with a chill dude. Shes already emo splurging on tumblr.
>>365706What is he even asking them?
"Please let me monetize my videos of children in their bras and allow me to give a tour of my basement i chain people in. These are clearly advertiser friendly! I also would like you to let me continue raging and demonizing this anorexic chick on youtube. She should be demonetized! Have you seen how she influences people to be anorexic just by existing??? Also why you steal my subs?! "
No. 365744
>>365742But he doesnt read books because he doesnt want glasses anon. lmao. Dumb as that statement was, i doubt he would have said that if he was losing his vision? I think his neanderthal brows sinking into his eyes probably make them look funky.
But I mean we already know hes visually impaired because he thinks he looks like a high school zac efron.
No. 365766
>>365740>This is the first time onion's ex wasnt chased off the internet and he gets to see her having fun and making videos with younger/better looking guys. God, him freaking the fuck out about his "career" dying and Billie being happy is like the perfect storm for his downward spiral.
Although I really hope we don't wake up one day to see the news "WA Youtube Celebrity Murders Wife and Children"
No. 365789
>>365785A lot of countries have restrictions on people with felonies entering. Not sure if the US or UK do but I wouldn't be surprised. (Could be as simple as a drug charge).
Odd that Billie can't enter the UK though… that seems unlikely. Maybe they just wanted to go to Amsterdam.
No. 365803
File: 1491354116942.jpg (97.53 KB, 537x806, 17814070_817450501742436_92603…)

>>365799>>365800I'm assuming she made it to the UK. She was at least on a plane. Plane pic was posted around the same time as the tweets.
part 1
No. 365810
>>365250>>365403Skye was obviously the talent.
Lainey's unempolyed fam. Gurg will never let his SO have a job. See Skye…
No. 365859
>>365830>>365833(Blah, my third edit now, apologies… I'm tired.)
As far as I know, you can stay in the UK for under three months if you can prove you can financially support yourself for that long… but you must also prove that you already have somewhere to stay for that long at a place of residence as well… if you can't prove either, they'll assume you're a vagrant and will hold you in customs until they're able to send you home on the next flight.
It sounds like they didn't plan this out too well enough in advance or knew what documentation was needed to ensure her visit to the UK.
No. 365885
File: 1491363808541.png (130.98 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3961.PNG)

Dude, Onion once had dreams; he he wanted to be on fucking TV…!
9 years later and the fucker's still stuck on YouTube. Y'all are right, it DID ruin him (along with the help of his own selfish gain).
Are you happy with your life, Greg?
Screenshot's from the "I'm so whore song" where he molests Skye on camera.
Saged for old shit that might be irrelevant now.
No. 365931
>>365830sage for ot/blogpost but
this exact thing happened to me when I tried to visit a friend in Canada as a US citizen, when I was 18. I took a bus all the way to detroit and then was denied access by canadian customs because I didn't have a passport back then AND didn't have "proof of funds." It's a real thing, and I had to get a bank statement from an ATM (or whatever) and it was horrible.
Having that happen after flying to another country, though… whew, I do feel bad for her.
Some reasons people came up with for my experience was possible runaway or drug related things, considering I was a fairly unassuming fresh-out-of-highschool 18 y/o girl at the time. Even all my senior pictures my friends had given me, which I'd kept in my purse, were interrogated. It was ridiculous.
No. 365974
>>365973I really doubt she's that thick. Though this conversation should be had on her thread. This is a blog post too. A while back my then boyfriend tried to come to the UK for 6 months. Had no proof that he had enough money. Couldn't prove that he had a reason to go back. The age gap concerned border patrol. The fact that we were in some sort of a relationship was a red flag.
Plus if she didn't have a passport, she wouldn't have been able to go to Amsterdam.
No. 365982
>>365980Yeah, they don't care about funds as long as you have a return flight and it's not too far away. I can imagine that she either didn't book one or that it was too far in the future, I needed one to stay in Canada for 3 months as well as proof of funds. But, you know, that's all online and shouldn't be hard.
still happy for her and that guy though.
No. 365988
>>365785Uh, untrue you need an ESTA to travel from the UK to the US. They last for a year, however, and are fairly easy to apply for online.
>>365830If you show signs that you're going to say illegally, like say, because of a relationship, they will deny you entry to the UK, totally. I know a girl who I went to school with who got denied entry because they read her diary about how excited she was to see her bf. They were determined that she was going to just marry him and move illegally to the country. The UK-US immigration is really strict and any whiff that you plan to stay over 90 days, will get you in trouble.
No. 366059
File: 1491414004033.png (178.41 KB, 550x153, ohlawdy.png)

I'm…. at a loss for words.
No. 366066
File: 1491415632135.png (628.14 KB, 1136x640, IMG_3962.PNG)

And here I thought military Onion was ugly af but this takes the cake!
No. 366121
File: 1491424264003.png (810.33 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1480.PNG)

I bet Greg is pissed now that she's clearly moved on
No. 366124
>>365972>>365973chillllll. It wasn't the ID issue that denied me, and I was a dumb 18 y/o like I said. That was over 10 years ago.
I can definitely say I was an idiot and entitled because pretty much all teenagers are. But I got in without the passport once I had proof of funds. The ID was never the issue.
My BF at the time lived in Canada and got into the US without a passport before all that, and I don't think customs gave him any problem back then.
Also someone needs to learn to sage.
>>365973>>365975Never meant to cause some infight, I just wanted to weigh in on the whole customs denial and proof of funds stuff, and the fact that it happens even with more "local" traveling.
>>366075No. That is such an insult to Gordon Ramsey.
>>366121That filter isn't doing them any favors though.
Just noticed her hand looks outright bloody.
No. 366135
>>366121Can we take Billie to her own thread? She's no longer involved with Greasestain and we should respect that much at least.
>>>/snow/85507Can someone post the new photo there so we can comment.
No. 366195
>>366160A farmhand said earlier to stop talking about Billie, and take it to her snow thread, because it's not relevant here.
It's already been mentioned, we all know Gurg's gonna be a butthurt baby onion about it. Post his response when he has it, but these posts don't belong here.
No. 366205
File: 1491437767567.png (19.29 KB, 294x218, 6478814_orig.png)

>>366085Pffft, Grease would never really be vegetarian either. Reading labels is too much work. Like I've said before, he eats gelatin (bones and hooves) and rennet (calf stomach - meat) on the regular. This only pisses me off because of the moral high horse he sits on, chastising everyone else for eating meat…when he does too…because he's lazy. It's hypocritical and downright laughable.
His Seventh Day Adventist style anti-drug stance is similar. He'll demonize caffeine and smoking weed, but he's more than willing to inject his face with botulism toxin. He's a parody of himself.
>>366121OT I know, but these two are the cutest couple, omfg.
No. 366210
>>366208Seems to me like it would have been for show. We all know he consumes dairy; things like ice cream, sour cream, yogurt and whipped cream contain pork biproducts.
Onion boy won't even read a book, much less a label on his food, even if he did read labels I wouldn't give him enough credit to know what words are used to let you know that pork is an ingredient.
No. 366229
File: 1491443567111.png (1.02 MB, 1136x640, IMG_3964.PNG)

>>366214Not candy or food-wise but do you remember when L'Oréal used to make powder and eyeshadow containers with brushes attached to the tops?
Oh and doesn't L'Oréal use animal products/tests on animals?
Yeah, well…
No. 366231
File: 1491444976469.png (674.41 KB, 837x1033, lameo.png)

>>366131No she just emo posts on tumblr now. Her recent posts might be due to billie or just her general onion "mah soulmate why must u hurt me so i love thou so much and always will. my love is too strong unlike other people!" shit.
No. 366244
>>366231>In need of someone to be gay withFor some reason this is so funny surrounded with all of the other MUH LOVE posts
Something tells me Lainey likes being the hurt, poor, victim more than actually having someone. Maybe that's why she's still with onion. She can be the victim over and over and over again.
No. 366254
File: 1491451983764.png (427.44 KB, 1136x640, IMG_3965.PNG)

>>366214>>366233Shiloh never told him there's animal products in tattoos either. Kek
No. 366256
File: 1491452957055.png (757.82 KB, 1136x640, IMG_3966.PNG)

Another L'Oréal product (hair dye)
No. 366262
>>366231"She's" been doing those reblogs since cuddlegate 1.0, I'm fairly convinced that's Grease's Tumblr and not actually Laineys.
Evidence being that Grease has actually reblogged some of them from her Tumblr to his actual Twitter account.
No. 366311
>>365830It seemed like I was about to get turned away at Heathrow until I pulled out my Italian passport. I learned to just use my Italian passport in Europe.
Sage for mild irrelevance.
>>365740The same thing happened with Black Friday. They turned her away when she was trying to visit a few years ago because they thought she was trying to live there without paperwork and a place to live or a way to support herself.
And to add to Smegma, I'm loving his downfall, as is everyone else here. It's been a long, overdue, time coming. How long do you think it will take for them to start looking for a smaller house?
>>366321>>366334sage your shit ffs
also no1curr about your opinions on immigration to begin with but the audacity to not sage this shit is just… lol just lurk more please
No. 366420
File: 1491504466453.jpg (281.69 KB, 1280x718, projection.jpg)

Projection much, Gurg?
like, stfu about her you fucking creepy narcissist! i've been stalked by narcissistic ex's and that shit is exhausting and, at worst, scary. they never let up until they move on to someone new to harass.
No. 366424
>>366420Except she exhibits no personality disorder behaviors, he just loves throwing around words that he has absolutely no concept of.
If she "betrayed you" because she wouldn't put up with your bullshit, psychotic ultimatums and demands, then good for her - it's her first steps into adulthood and the beginnings of a healthier mindset.
Also, clean your fucking ottoman… it looks like you've wiped your greasy face all over it whilst leaning over it and crying over Bilbo.
No. 366430
>>366429He's copying Drew's old hairstyle, presumably. Or going for what he thinks is a generic "stoner" look.
Greg is the narciest narc who ever wanted to narc. That wig wouldn't be out of place in a police sponsored D.A.R.E. play from 1990.
No. 366446
>>366436Agreed. I've known people like Gerg before and I think there's this thing about people who dump them first, get over them quickly, are less upset about the breakup than they are, etc. that completely sets them off. They end up fixated, sometimes so much so that they think it means this person was "the one" when, in reality, it's just their ego's freaking the fuck out over the idea of a toy having more leverage and power than they did. She didn't roll over and show her belly like Lainey, she didn't become a hysterical mess like Shiloh, he didn't break her fucking soul like Skye, she just casually texted him "LOL BE MAD", called him out in a video and quickly moved onto a cuter, younger guy who actually has shit in common with her. Now the internet is laughing at him about it, so that's double the sting. Billie needs to keep ignoring him and his desperation, he's just gonna keep being a pathetic ween, making little jabs at her, her new beau, potheads in general, until he eventually finds some new 18 year old to obsess over.
No. 366448
>>364438exactly. he's not used to someone talking back. he can't control billie, so he loses his shit. plainey's a push over, and he's groomed her to be submissive with a confused identity. it's only after grease fucked billie and wanted to run away with her that plain's FINALLY starting to see through his bullshit. you can tell in that proposal clickbait vid she's sooo over it. she's boring, but not like that in videos with anyone else.
>>366446i don't think billie's going back… but i really reeeeally hope she doesn't even respond. you HAVE to go NO contact with narcs.
No. 366454
>>366420It's because he isn't, as far as I know though I am not into it, truly poly and is just using it as an excuse for extra fucktoys to control. He seems the sort to only count Lainey having a relationship with another man as a 'real' relationship, whereas with a woman isn't as serious as far as he's concerned. It's just for his own sexual gratification. Lainey fucking another man wouldn't be appealing to him and he would get too jealous so another man is a no-no.
I think it's also evident in his apparent hatred of women and how he will go mental at females that 'disrespect' him in any way but tends to let it slight with guys.
I'm not explaining this brilliantly but I hope this gets the point across.
No. 366457
>>366420I like how he decides saying "LOL BE MAD" is how a sociopath responds. But telling someone to be chained in a basement, become an oompa loompa, and whatever is totally not a sociopath. Just normal behavior. Lmao.
>>366451>>366454lmao. He just used the poly excuse to cheat on lameo and have a harem of women for himself. It's not like he gave two shits to open the relationship for lameo. It was always about him. Theres no way he'd allow another guy in the relationship because it doesn't benefit him and he doesn't want other people touching his womenz. His microdick would be much more noticable then.
No. 366464
File: 1491514232671.png (Spoiler Image,206.82 KB, 488x200, lain.png)

Is there something wrong with Lainey? Why are her veins so evident?
No. 366465
File: 1491514348263.png (Spoiler Image,1.61 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1437.PNG)

lol those brows are a whole new level of uneven
No. 366466
>>366420ngl he reminds me of joy sparkle a bit with that disheveled hair.
also others covered it pretty much but he's a fucking idiot. he wants to own that response so it's no longer hers. it's a form of control. he's so pathetic.
>>366464where is this from?
>>366465i'm more concerned with her mouth and choice of lipstick (that shade looks bad on her imo) and her bruised-looking collarbones.
to me, her eyebrows look fine. she could have been slightly raising one, and her head is also at a slight angle.
much worse things to say about her though.
though regarding appearance i do agree with other anons that she'd be better with her hair grown out. but would gerg allow that?
No. 366468
>>366451It's because it was never a poly relationship to begin with, they were looking for a unicorn. was his idea to begin with because he's simply bored with his wife, he manipulated her into believing that she HAD to "explore her bisexuality" to be genuinely bisexual (which is utter, utter bullshit). Billie was chosen to be the one to engage in threesomes with them, Lainey initially backed out of it to begin with, but Grease continued to pressurise her into it by claiming Billie really was interested in her and not him… you know the rest of the story, so I'll stop there.
But yes, it wasn't a poly relationship to begin with as no research was put into it, or effort, or respect or boundaries, it was just a selfish game that Grease played with Lainey to satiate his desires.
No. 366475
>>366465Her eyebrows are uneve you can see how much thicker the beginning of one is than the other one.
Her lips are god awful. She has the kind that would benifit from being slightly overdrawn and she NEEDS to use a lip liner that bleeding is killing me.
She's also got foundation crusted in the baby hairs on her temple
No. 366476
File: 1491515487955.jpg (67.68 KB, 736x989, flawless-dewy-makeup.jpg)

>>366465I feel like she should go back to blond and do makeup like this. Better than looking like an edgy clown
No. 366477
>>366465This picture is gross. It's not even appealing in one of those high contrast purposely ugly ways. The makeup is applied badly (we've seen lamo's technique so it's not a shocker), not artistically bad. Instead of looking like a grunge shoot, she just looks like she hasn't showered in awhile.
>>366466Her collarbones are bruised because gurg is daddy and gives her lovebites~ (really he probably gnaws on her like a dog with a bone and she pretends to like it because she's such a sensual goddess and also so their marathon sex sessions end sooner)
No. 366478
>>366472That's pretty alarming, but idk much about medical stuff. At her age especially. Maybe it was due to cold/paleness/malnutrition or a mix of the aforementioned. I definitely think she's malnourished regardless. I know I'm pale af but my veins do NOT look like that, especially not on my chest.
>>366473agreed 100% and it's funny when you combine it with
>>366469good lord that video sounds like a trainwreck.
> Sensitive - shes sensitive FOR me so i dont have to beaka "she cries at the drop of a hat and I can use that to my advantage"
seriously what kind of relationship - even a friendship ffs - boasts about a partner being emotionally unstable?
oh, right, consider this all is following him saying BILLIE is a sociopath, and this makes a lot of sense. of course he'd have to lovebomb taylor after talking about billie in a video, and side-by-side, this is a compare/contrast for him.
this really sounds like that song "breakfast at tiffany's" where the couple has nothing in common other than the fact they like breakfast at tiffany's and the guy is trying to exaggerate it to paint their relationship as some great worthwhile thing.
No. 366480
>>366477samefag but I didn't mean to say she is definitely bruised there. she just looks it. she could be, but who knows. I don't want to think about their bedroom activities, ugh.
I'd bet she might be anemic due to malnutrition (I am) and I believe that causes bruises to be more common. I forget precisely, but I know I experience both. And as picky of an eater as I am, I am sure I get a ton more nutrients than Taylor does unless she's taking hella vitamins (and idk where vitamins/supplements stand with vegetarianism, or if they've stated their stance on this - by they i mean greg, since he speaks for everyone under his greaseroof).
sage for samefag and medical speculation
No. 366481
>>366474"She always pees when she's around me although I haven't been mean to the dog in a long time" wtf he said he would rub her nose in piss to try to get her to stop pissing and she would piss more although I think he beat her too tbh. But one of the first things they say on anything about potty training dog snsays never put their nose in it fucking dick.
Also says he would leave Taylor but "only for like a day" red flag as fuckkk
No. 366485
>>366480ugh samefagging again, sorry!!
Thinking about Taylor's nutrition actually legitimately concerns me, as much as I hate both of them.
It also directly reflects what their kids are dealing with. I don't want to imagine. You KNOW they aren't giving their kids meat.
And then I also thought of another thing I keep thinking to mention, which
>>366482 just touched on
Breastfeeding is known to be a form of hormonal birth control. idk how effective it is, but I wonder if she intentionally breastfeeds for the sake of not getting pregnant again (yet). Or if either of them even know that. Though like I said, not sure how effective it is, but it is a thing. (I've taken women's health and sex health courses but have never been pregnant)
Though I didn't know veins could do that due to breastfeeding, even so far up the chest.
sage for speculation
No. 366486
>>366481>"Lainey thinks that i am going to leave them at any point in my future. They are being absurd. I will say 'oh we're over' maybe…once twice. But a few hours later maybe at most a day, i will be crawling back again"OH GEE? I wonder why she thinks you'll leave her. Totally absurd to think that!
Man what a shitty relationship. No happy marriage has your spouse saying "we're over" even one time.
No. 366489
>>366481Holy fucking shit. I've never owned an animal that was terrified of me and, if I did, I'd feel fucking horrible. He's just casually throwing it out there that his dog is so afraid of him that she pisses in fear. I've known dogs that piss everywhere when their owner comes home because they're too excited, but whenever they're simply around their owner? And he acknowledges it
is due to how he's treated her in the past? Like, fuck, I don't think he just rubbed Leelu's nose in piss, I have a strong feeling he did much worse to that dog.
HSanon said he knows Gerg and his bitch mother would get dogs and other pets, but never take care of them, ending up with one or two dogs dying of malnutrition. Like, that's fucking insanity to me, the guy clearly can't muster up enough compassion or empathy to make sure his pets aren't starving (or asphyxiating, RIP turtle, never forget), so it's not exactly farfetched to believe he wouldn't feel bad about hitting or kicking a dog that's pissed on his shit. Then when she
keeps pissing, out of fear of being hit, he hits/kicks her and rubs her nose in it some more and the dog becomes a wreck whenever it's around him.
God, he's such a piece of shit in every fucking way imaginable.
No. 366492
>>366486Oh, fucking wow.
only threaten my wife, with whom I've had two very, very young children with and who relies on me
completely for financial support, that I'm gonna leave her once or twice during a fight. I
always come crawling back to her, I mean, once I've realized I don't have another girl waiting on the backburner, so it's simply
absurd of her to be afraid of this whole 'leaving her someday' thing, it's not like I've given her every impression that I'm looking for a way out. Get over it, Lainey, you dumb bitch."
If my partner pulled that shit even
once, I'd tell them "You don't fucking say that unless you truly intend on going through with it. So are you gonna leave or deal with your anger like a fucking adult? What's it gonna be?"
God, I bet he's the king of ultimatums, too. Threats and ultimatums: the best way to ensure your partner is stressed out and resents the shit out of you.
No. 366503
>>366497She had the baby a few months ago, I think she had it back in December. I've never had a baby, but I figured the more obvious signs of pregnancy (besides the deflated beach ball belly) would have started to fade away after 4 months. I'm also pale as fuck and when I was a skinny teen, my veins were pretty visible, especially when cold. We know he hates paying for heating and she's very pale, but she's not exactly incredibly skinny. I mean, she just had a kid, it would be weird if she was. It's probably a weird mix of paleness, lack of heating in that house and malnutrition. I don't think pregnancy is really playing that big of a role, though, again, I've never had a kid.
No. 366507
>>366474He's pushing out so much I LOVE MY AGENDER SPACE PRINCE WIFE I LOVE HE-THEM, I MEAN THEM, SO MUCH content out lately. I get the feeling that Lainey's expressing some interest in ending the marriage and he's trying to lovebomb her back into docile submission, he's trying to convince her to abandon any idea that there's anything wrong and get her back into that state of mind where she's fine with turning a blind eye to all of their marriage problems. I also get the feeling that she's only gonna cruise along with the marriage until she has more proof that he's financially fucked. She isn't going to be interested in living in a dark, cold apartment with two young kids hanging off her teats while Gerg insists they can afford groceries this week if they sell some of her clothes. Like another anon pointed out, you can tell how done she is with him in the vacation vlog, she's getting tired of his bullshit. It's odd, most narcs only have to do some
serious lovebombing in the beginning of a relationship, enough to get them hooked, and then some mild lovebombing whenever their victim starts questioning the relationship. Having to seriously dedicate whole weeks to lovebombing is a sign that she's slowly waking up to reality and he's losing his firm hold on her life. If he has to do this much lovebombing, this late in their marriage, it's a sign that 1. he's shit at manipulating anybody who isn't a dumb teenager 2. she's mentally and emotionally done.
No. 366515
>>366428i think he's so used to people, especially his SOs, doing everything they can NOT to make him mad and/or to apologize/fix the situation when he
does get mad ("oh I'm so sorry please don't be mad, I'll do [x]!", etc.) that for someone to just be like, "ok. that's how you feel. not my resposibility or fault." is
triggering as fuck for him
No. 366517
>>366512Oh, anon, no, the guy has a history of being god awful with pets and it's been pretty much established that he's not even really a vegetarian. Somebody he went to HS with told everybody how he suddenly decided one day that he should harrang anybody eating burgers, in an attempt to make himself feel special and important, while he'd eat burgers during lunch. He just never happened to let go of this belief that being a vegetarian makes him better than anybody and still can't be fucked to at least live up to his own standards.
The only reason he's not a vegan and couldn't stick to a vegan diet was because he found it too difficult, he prefers living off of the processed, ready made, microwavable vegetarian food and being vegan actually requires
some effort. If he could be a vegan, if he had the discipline and actually cared enough about animals to be turned off of animal products, he'd do it in a second just to get that opportunity to look down his nose at everybody and smash it into everybody's head that he's
so much better than all of you plebs.
No. 366521
>>366516Yeah, I just noticed that too. I've always found Lainey pretty dull looking imo (the fact she looks bored as shit in all her selfies can't help either) but her eyes are a beautiful colour. It's a shame the wonky eyebrows, clumpy mascara and blotchy lipstick distracts from them so much.
sage for nothing to contribute but pointing out Lainey's shitty makeup skills for the billionth time.
No. 366523
File: 1491524856106.png (282.48 KB, 500x500, BAD4A7F0-78ED-4DD8-A36C-5B09FA…)

>>366465She looks like Chucky's son Glen/Glenda LMAO
No. 366530
File: 1491526291139.png (862.11 KB, 1136x640, IMG_3968.PNG)

Onion looks really sketchy with those little animals…
No. 366531
File: 1491526344919.png (911.7 KB, 1136x640, IMG_3969.PNG)

>>366530It's very unsettling.
No. 366534
>>366532You're going crazy.
>>366531Whose cat is that and what happened to it? And why does he keep adopting animals if he's clearly incapable of taking care of them and does not care about them? If I remember correctly, he also gave away a dog of Skye without telling her.
No. 366553
>>366545I bet they've fought about it because gerg probably wants to keep pushing the poly thing. And Lainey is probably suspicious of his motives after the Billie thing. And he's probably frustrated she won't trust him and bring him another girl. I'm sure he's done his "were over" shit to guilt her into bringing another person. He's probably noticing Lainey is getting really pissed off and feeling done with him So he wants to gain back her trust so she will agree to it in the future. There's no doubt that he wants another poly relationship and he's trying to seem understanding about why Lainey wouldn't want it but you can tell he's disappointed and wants to convince her to do it again lmao. He was pushing that "cute couple" shit with Mercedes so hard.
Also when he was saying he appreciates Lainey being sensitive he goes "sometimes too sensitive" in the most annoyed voice. Like you can tell he's sick of her crying all the time but then he tries to say oh no it's a good thing. Lmao. Jeeze that relationship is a wreck.
Does he still pay her $100 every time he insults her like Jaclyn said he did to Lainey when she was visiting? Or is he getting too poor.
No. 366566
>>366480I'm pretty sure her left/our right collarbone is bitten. You can see the scrape marks from teeth. It wouldn't be the first time she's flaunted hickies and bite marks from Gurg.
I honestly don't think Lainey is malnourished, Ana, etc. She's probably not in fantastic health between the stress of being married to an antisocial psychopath, caring for a newborn and a toddler, finishing her schooling, and all the drama she's been going through. Also keep in mind that she's been breastfeeding for YEARS. Troy was still breastfeeding while she was pregnant. Breastfeeding, paleness, combined with harsh flash photog, is going to make your veins stand out.
No. 366570
>>366565I'm pretty sure he thinks making these videos prove his love without him having to change himself. He goes 'see i told my 2 mil subs how much i love you and what an asshole i am. that means im committed and love you".
He did the same shit with adrienne when she wasnt talking to him and he mentions in his voicemails he made a video saying how right she is. Then when she was still not responding he starts getting angry and saying I made that video that makes me look bad to prove how much im serious about us but im getting nothing back for it!!!! I had to make another video explaining the real truth!!!
And also how he wanted billie to make a video apologizing to lainey. He thinks thats like the godsend of proving your love. Instead of you know, change…communicate…work it out.
No. 366581
File: 1491536002985.png (53.38 KB, 588x263, sr.png)

While onion's channel dies, his andy love is working with someone he hates and his ex-gf he'd rather have instead of his wife is working/probably sleeping with someone he hates ("a druggie loser").
And then onion is over there trying to keep his wife in line so he can keep her around until he finds her replacement but the supply is running dry with his fame dying. I'm lovin' it.
No. 366587
File: 1491536629983.png (11.07 KB, 381x80, so emo.png)

Grease demoralizing Lain again.
No. 366589
>>366587We also dont know why you try. It doesn't matter how perfect, loving, forgiving you are, gerg will find something to not like and get bored of you.
But keep trying though!! It will totally work some day!!! It's been 5+ years and you can't get your husband to give a shit about you, but it will totally somehow work out in the future!!
No. 366630
File: 1491542493349.png (150.27 KB, 400x383, onion.png)

Seems like lainey passive aggressively unfollowed onion yet again. Trouble in paradise? I thought the problem was Billie?!! But shes not there this time to blame?!
No. 366661
>>366469He really is a child. Wtf is this shit. Who makes videos like this? Talk to your goddamn wife you psycho and stop airing your shit in public like white trash on FB. But then, this isn't actually about her, it's about him, because
>>366507 is right. It's better for him to make all these videos like 'Look how supportive and how much I love my wife!11' then to actually manup and work out your marriage issues in private like normal fucking adults so when it invaribly dies, Onison will come out looking like a 'sad husband who tried his best to save his marriage' to his braindead fans.
God, he makes me wanna be sick. Who could stand this behaviour and be attracted to it in the first place? Dude is a manipulative unstable child in a man's body.
No. 366667
>>366420I can't help but wonder if some of us tweet the pic from
>>365710 was partly responsible for that?
One can hope..
No. 366676
File: 1491571143586.png (143.84 KB, 569x167, onion.png)

Lol what is he attempting to do here? Is he trying to tap into the kids market?
No. 366684
File: 1491572622342.jpeg (293.57 KB, 2000x1000, 56263ac91400002a00c7a547.jpeg)

>>366465Those Amy Schumer lips. She could benefit some lip fillers, even a permalip, to balance her face better.
No. 366690
>>366485Just to touch on the subject, I know someone that was breastfeeding and got pregnant with their second within the same year. So if they are following this stupid form of "birth control" we can expect another greaseling.
Maybe someone should tell her the best form of birth control is ummm..birth control? or a condom (HAH)
No. 366693
>>366690They would know at this point breastfeeding does not = birth control. She's been breastfeeding for years. Troy has been on the boob this entire time and he's like 3 or 4 now? And she just had another kid. Like
>>366691 said, if she gets pregnant again, it's because Greg wants her to, not because it was an accident.
No. 366696
>>366693Yeah Troy turned 4 recently, he should be starting school next year.
And I remember someone posting about a facebook post Taylor made, saying she didn't have her period for years or something after having Troy? Like for some reason she couldn't conceive until bandaid baby. She and Grease are probably trying for a third as we speak.
No. 366705
>>366690Actually, breastfeeding IS an effective birth control but only for about 6 months and you have to breastfeed very often (something like every 3 hours?).
Afterwards, you might still not have a period properly but you could still ovulate and get pregnant (as that's clearly what happened with Plain).
No. 366707
>>366696I'd take whatever Lainey says with a grain of salt in regards to "not having her period for years" because it's way too coincidental that they conceived right after Cuddlegate 1.0. She's been known to be just as manipulative and lies as much as her husband does, she cries wolf for attention on the regular.
After the scare that Grease would've left her if Billie agreed to elope with him; she wanted some extra security that it'd be harder for him to do if she had two babies to support rather than just the one who is almost ready for school. It doesn't seem to have worked in her favor though considering he continues to hint at divorce even after Billie is now out of the picture.
No. 366717
>>366707Yeah, the timing of events is really sus. Like how they dumped Billie on Halloween, literally a week before bandaid was born. That's probably why Grease had the "true trinity" conversation with Taytay. He wanted to get his dick wet, but Taylor was almost full-term, so he turned to Billie.
Taylor should know by now that he doesn't give a shit about the kids and will sign them away in a heartbeat lmao.
No. 366723
>>366676Called it.
Views really are everything to him.
No. 366727
>>366725Ugh this is why lainey is a piece of garbage as well. She purposefully gets pregnant AGAIN when they are in the middle of bringing in a gf/fighting/almost divorce. She gives 0 shits if she screws over these kids. She just wants little play things to keep onion tied to her.
I feel like its a toss up whether the first kid happened due to onion claiming hes infertile and they dont need BC or if it was crazy lameo trying to tie onion to her forever.
No. 366738
>>366729I think someone hypothesesed that she wasn't taking any birth control and when they where fucking he said "lets have a baby" and she agreed and he didn't pull out (gross I know)
So in theory he was "planned" but not really.
No. 366764
File: 1491591236795.png (226.19 KB, 532x299, hahaha.png)

He mad.
No. 366768
>>366765Alright, I'll do some rooting and see what I can find; thanks for the tip though. I always thought she could only be pescatarian as he tried to move her too quickly onto a vegetarian diet and she wasn't getting enough nutrition from it.
It would explain the spotty periods though if it is the case, what an absolute fucking bastard he is.
No. 366769
File: 1491591651013.jpg (107.48 KB, 570x825, gerg.jpg)

No. 366772
File: 1491592043143.png (43.11 KB, 638x319, lameo.png)

>>366768She was vegetarian before meeting up with gerg. Thats what gerg-obsessed fans do or they'd never be considered for marriage. It was later when she was with him that she realized she was deficient.
No. 366777
>>366771>>366772>>366770Thank you both so much, this went completely under my radar and I've been around since thread #1. I must of missed them whilst away at some point, I appreciate that you dug these back up to attention.
It's sometimes feels like following a treasure map and then when you go to dig it up, it's a pile of shit-booty, like… you don't expect to find more evidence of how much of a nasty piece of work he is, then you actually keep on finding more and more evidence that he is and has always been this way, it's amazing.
No. 366783
>>366772Who in their right mind would give someone they "respect and love" an ultimatum to stick to a diet (that isn't suitable for those with those kinds of deficiencies) just so they can just feel high and mighty about themselves? I wouldn't mind so much, but he can't cook or make nutritional vegetarian meals himself and neither can she. It's all ready-made store bought products and there's also the questionable rumors going around that he was never actually vegetarian to begin with on top of that - (and was she even vegetarian at all to begin with, or was it just another lie to impress and be noticed by him?).
I wouldn't be surprised if the diet change on top of those medical conditions have malnourished her brain and has made her weaker willed and more passive, I'm wondering if it would partially explain the need for a nanny too? Having low amounts of energy to do more than just basic self-care… it's another factor to consider at least.
He's a monster.
No. 366786
>>366783With all of that being said and done, is it possible that he's …trying to slowly kill her?
Reaching, I know
No. 366787
>>366786It's just about control. For the pets, he isn't intending to kill them - he just either neglects them to death due to indifference and having no empathy for another being's suffering, plus "experimenting" with their suffering to see what will happen.
With Taylor, part of him wants to control her behavior, part of him is annoyed by her non compliant suffering (he can't understand it or empathize, so it makes him angry), and part of him just doesn't care. He would neglect her to death if she was unable to feed herself, like the dogs.
No. 366792
>>366787>>he just either neglects them to death due to indifference and having no empathy for another being's sufferingSadly, this is how those with extreme and untreated NPD work. "Sociopath" and "Malignant Narcissist" are interchangeable terms, but… I'm not sure he's reached the point of the latter yet but if it continues to go untreated (and has been for 6+ years now) it could regress to that point. I really fear for his family and peers because it's no longer slowly creeping up on him anymore, he's actually actively isolating himself from any outside intervention, I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't even spoken to his own mother since New Year.
The treatment of the little pup breaks my heart, no animal should cower or piss itself through fear whenever their carer approaches or interacts with them, he's been mistreating that animal for years and when he says it's only through Lainey that (who apparently is TOO SENSITIVE) that they've not been abandoned somewhere… it makes you wonder.
No. 366793
>"experimenting" with their suffering to see what will happen. That truly is disturbing, but I wouldn't put it past him.
But don't usually psychopaths start out with hurting/killing little animals before moving up to "the big leagues"?
No. 366798
File: 1491598759967.png (217.53 KB, 565x682, facepalm.png)

This is no longer just his usual hypocrisy, it's pure delusion.
He's getting worse and worse as the weeks and months go by.
No. 366801
>>366800Yep! I'm sorry for not clarifying as I took the same screenshot from two previous threads and added to it at the bottom with one of his recent ones.
Something to be always aware of though, whenever we screenshot things in general; can we start to also include the timestamps of them… it's very helpful.
No. 366802
File: 1491599708700.gif (Spoiler Image,2.19 MB, 500x281, plzhelp.gif)

No. 366803
>>366802Poor worried doggy friend, let me take care of you!
I tried to laugh, but I can't.
Everything is just a prop to him, including other human beings.
No. 366804
File: 1491599993090.png (522.94 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3970.PNG)

Is he trying to take the anti-American route now? Given with the current events
No. 366807
>>366804Dat projection! Dat deliberate use of "honesty"! Dat use of the woods bordering outside his Mcmansion! Gross little man.
>>366805Your response got me all misty-eyed, I really hope so too.
No. 366808
File: 1491601825425.png (934.35 KB, 1136x640, IMG_3971.PNG)

I remembered watching a Rob Dyke video on the green river killer from the Seattle/Tacoma area and the exact locations where he dumped the bodies (some in the woods (think Ted Bundy did the same as well) and it got me thinking…
It's the same damn spots!
Saged for not contributing much
No. 366812
File: 1491602221933.png (55.47 KB, 659x289, DrewIsSharing 8987.png)

>>365922Her age must be 12 then
No. 366815
>>366802God, is that a dauschund? That breed already has a lot of health issues that getting worse with excess weight.
Oh, and don't forget the singular guinea pig, if it's still alive! Stuffing a herd animal into a cage barely bigger than it is so inspiring to his young fans
No. 366816
>>366804ALL of his skits are paaaainfully unoriginal, and just reinforce his feelings of moral superiority.
>Person A says something ridiculously stupid.>Person B condescendingly corrects them.>Person A uses terrible arguments to try to make their point.>Person B continues to REKT THEM, calm and calculated.>Person A gets upset, freaks out, maybe shoots himself/others in the head.>Person B remains emotionless, doesn’t give a fuck that they’re upset/dead.Grease clearly thinks Person A is himself & Person B is everyone else in society ever. His narc fantasies are so transparent.
No. 366821
>>366517>>366518>>366524This guy has such a high level of turpitude that I'm just learning this about him. Going through these posts is upsetting, only because it's pissing me off that scum like this get any sort of good life, at least his career s crumbling now.
Sage for not adding much/failing to lurk more
No. 366830
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>>366812Leaving out the context anon.
No. 366831
>>366802This poor soul. I feel so bad for every animal that has ever had the "luck" of coming in contact with the Onion.
Please pup be safe.
No. 366833
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The only Grease that's acceptable, and Steve French.
No. 366834
>>366833saged, but fuck i love this show
can you imagine onion on an episode? The ways he'd be fucked with.
No. 366838
>>366731As soon as you stop taking the pill you can get pregnant. Depo is every 3 months - and if you miss the next shot, you can get pregnant. Pretty much any birth control, if you stop taking it or miss your next dose, you WILL get pregnant. This is how bitches get accidentally knocked up, they think they're magically immune when they stop for a few months, but you're pretty much fertile as soon as your dose wears off or you stop taking the pills. Same with IUDs removed, etc. There's only anecdotes that women couldn't get pregnant after birth control, no hard and fast evidence.
That said, Gurg only believes in pull out shit, I'm pretty sure.
No. 366848
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>>366838never forget this gem
No. 366855
>>366848His logic though lol
Btw pulling out is 70% effective
Condoms are at least 82% (overall) effective 95% when used correctly.
No. 366874
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That did not last long.
I'm laughing at all the comments on this saying "goals!!" "So cute!" when hes pretty much making fun of her for unfollowing him when angry.
No. 366880
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>does somebody need me yet because i need to be needed.
Your two kids??
No. 366889
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>>366874Proper losing it.
No. 366898
>>366874Lainey, if you're lurking here… get in touch with one of the admins on Discord. You're safe talking to them and none of us will know shit.
There are people willing to help you and ensure you and your children's safety. Reach out, this man is dangerous and you were never prepared for that.
No. 366901
>>366898>>366900Yeah. People have offered to help her for years now. She always just tells onion and they make a video laughing at them and saying they are ridiculous.
She also values "love" over the well-being of her children.
No. 366931
>>366917A bunch of shit happened around the same time, I don't think it's just her being petty.
We got only to see the fallout in the form of her unfollowing him, but this is how I believe it went:
>Onion is increasingly frustrated and desperate about his failing Youtube statistics>To make matters worse, Onion sees pics of Billie having fun, seethes even more>With not even Sarah there to share the blow, he takes it all out on Lainey, breaking up with her during the fight brought up by his impotent narcissistic anger>This was for a moment a drop too much in Lainey's glass full of spousal neglect, domestic obligations, loneliness and general shittiness of life>In a brief instance of clarity and backbone, instead of chaining herself in the basement to regain his approval, she says "fine", unfollows him, and walks away>Onion reacts the only way he knows, by making a video. Damage control in it consist of a bunch of lovebombing, with a tiny, just sufficient sprinkle of back-pedalling>Lainey predictably gets back to being a doormat. Greg predictably immediately mocks her, to reestablish that sense of power and control over her he h-a-t-e-d not having even for a short while>All is back to the regular dynamic. The show goes on. No. 366933
>>366931The video in question is the one where he admits to having a habit of breaking up with Lainey when fighting only to come "crawling back" to her the same day (ie when he gets his way). Typical manipulative tactics, except this time I think it misfired.
sage for clarification of unprovable theories
No. 366942
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>>366933which isn't a new thing for him, Adrienne called him out on it being a cycle and unhealthy as shit.
No. 366958
>>366855OT: I've always wondered what kinda of retard can't figure out how to use a condom correctly..
It's not a super technical thing..
No. 366987
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>>366955Don't do Gourry like that, anon
No. 366988
>>366955don't fuck with my husbandu
greg could only wish to be that brainless angel
No. 366992
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Is she still whining about Billie or is she talking about herself lmao.
No. 367000
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Onion isn't getting his way and hes mad hahaha.
No. 367002
>>366992She really needs to see a shrink. She gets literally nothing out of her relationship with Greg except financial stability, and not even that now. I mean, financial stability is nothing to sneer at, esp when you have two very young children, but she's paid, and ispaying a premium in terms of her mental and emotional health (and probably physical too, if the big plan is for her to keep pumping out babies). And she's paying it for fucking Greg, who, while not being a mass murderer or rapist, is about as loathsome a human specimen as one can find short of that. There is nothing whatsoever redeeming about Greg, and it is pretty disgusting to see her throw her life, and her two kids's lives, down the crapper for the dubious pleasure of clinging to him.
No. 367009
>>366676If Onision was a normal person, he would actually start making kid's videos instead of cosplaying a teenager and judging little girl's bodies.
He's a father of two, he could be making videos his own (and other) kids would enjoy, doing it with love for them while also making big money.
No. 367028
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>>367000He's losing it so much its fantastic!
>>366992If she is referring to Billie, Bitch let it the fuck go, Billie has long since moved on from your abuse and manipulation. God I hate Veiney
No. 367042
>>366992come to think of it, billie was probably the only good thing in her life (at least for a while). remember that before bilie, lainey didn't have any IRL friends. i don't think she misses her romantically at all, she just misses hanging out with someone who isn't her phone, or Greg. Its kinda sad. And when Billie started clearly liking Grease, Lainey brought Sarah so she could have a friend again.
during weedgate, i recall billie posting a screencap (or maybe it was in her video) of her telling onision that he shouldn't be so mean to lainey/sarah. that stood out a lot imo, because lainey/sarah are fucking spineless, and i was glad that billie called him out. lainey would have never dared. billie was edgy, confident, pretty and everything that lainey isn't. but she still liked lainey (as a friend at least).
billie really was one of the highlights of her marriage. sadly
No. 367043
>>366992What's sort of amazing about this shit, if it is about Billie, is that she doesn't seem to get that she was abusive to Billie too. She seems to get Greg was shitty to her, but she doesnt seem to get she was shitty to Billie also.
If it is about herself, it is just as pathetic. Either way, it is something she has the power to do something about, instead of lamely vagueblogging.
No. 367050
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no comment necessary…
No. 367053
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Now he's spying on the neighbours who I presume are setting up an easter egg hunt and showing the world. jfc gerg why don't you concentrate on doing that for your own kids.
No. 367059
>>367050Oh my god, he's so fucking patronizing. It's like a parent going "Awww, look at Jayden raking people's yards for money, he's so grown up!", plus he's trying to sell the idea that he
totally isn't in control of all their finances like the classic, abusive asshole that he is. Lainey couldn't support herself or the children on used shirt money, Gerg, stop trying to pretend this is as good as allowing her to work outside the home, you trash.
No. 367061
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Promises promises
No. 367068
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>>367061>>367063Well, we start with this: he's "not posting FOR NOW" to UhOhBro, his lowest viewed channel.
No. 367072
>>367068That is his only channel claimed by a network (Fullscreen).
He's trying to minimize his losses by uploading only to channels where he gets the full cut of ad revenue.
(Didn't watch video, but makes perfect sense)
No. 367080
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He blames his viewers for not watching enough and blames YouTube for restricting his content without reason (lol)
No. 367081
Warning, this is a really long video
>>367074He's "leaving" UhOhBro only, for only a few months, maybe, there just won't be any new videos, okay maybe there will be other kinds of videos, but "no new content".
He's doing this as a protest against the entire channel being branded as weaponized autism by YT, and un-promotable to advertisers.
Still being sponsored by an essay writing scammer, because "SCHOOL IS A JOKE"… and they know that Greg's audience are all pre teens and teens of course.
YT didn't give him "a chance to succeed" and put "my channel on the crap list, and I have to say that because YT won't let me swear any more"
YT said it's his fault because his content is offensive "which were't even remotely offensive!", totally ignoring everything before the last 2 days where he tried to make kids videos.
He "can't even say what kind of content!" is inappropriate, and he can;t "talk about people's beliefs!" or he'll get "categorized as inappropriate" for saying stupid and women in titles. Go figure!
He's releasing a video on OnisionSpeaks about this too, of course.
"To future YTers" "if this is your dream" you can't even talk about cutting or harass girls with EDs and it's totally bizarre!
He asked how to get off the blacklist, and got autoresponses, and his little narc brain is having a meltdown over autoresponses. He tweeted at them and nothing happened! It's like they're a private company that can just ignore him!
He respects that YT has rules, and you know he loves rules - but then those rules applied to him! Can you believe it?!
He made like 3 kid content videos, and even THAT didn't fix this problem!
"It's rare for a channel to be successful these days" = he's doing badly, so everyone is doing badly, Says something about giving his family PTSD??
He gets into statistics and advertisers, he's just running around and around in his mind. "They say it's not big deal, but they're not BEING HONEST WITH US!!"
He keeps spelling out swear words to attempt to get around the restrictions, and will be making videos on both his other channels, of course. Calls himself a messiah who will return.
Says no one can talk about lesbians, or gay stuff, or poly, or politics, or religion any more. Spells out more shit. Says it's "passive censorship" and aligns himself with politicized news censorship, instead of a being a creeper who cannot be monetized.
Tells the audience that YT is telling THE VIEWERS they're not welcome anymore, carefully saying it's THEM being punished.
No. 367091
>>367088"It's just a job" is what
triggered Greg; it's all Greg thinks about, all the time. But the money part is equal parts important as the attention to him - it gives him something lord other other people, to show them he's better than them, and also gives him power over Taylor and any other vulnerable teen girl who comes his way. Without fame and money, he has no power.
He hated Shane for implying that there's more to life than these things.
No. 367095
>>367090Sadly, he
did enjoy creating content at once point and even wanted to branch out of YouTube. (See
No. 367113
You know, it couldn't happen to a nicer guy, but I have to wonder why he seems to have thought he was going to be able to be a You Tube denizen forever.
It's the same as people like Mariah. I mean, there's no evidence that she is making preparations for her future at all. What does she think is going to happen in two or three years? What did Greg think was going to happen, that he was going to be the next PewDiePie, despite all the evidence of his horrible personality to the contrary?
Relying on stuff like YouTube as the major source of income is inherently risky. It's like these people have no idea how riskily they are living. I mean, maybe Greg made plans for his future, but the way he acts in general, and the way he is acting now, I kind of doubt it.
TL;DR: I guess I am wondering why he is surprised by this. He should have seen it, or something like it, coming, and made plans for that eventuality.
No. 367116
>>367074Now if only he would quit all his channels.
Also hes dumb as hell. He made a few chibi videos in in the past 4 days and hes acting like thats all hes been doing for months now. Why don't you chill and keep trying to contact youtube for an actual person before freaking out. You're not the only content creator trying to contact them. Hes so entitled.
Also are his other channels not restricted? Haven't they all been getting shitty amount of views recently? How come hes only concerned about uhohbro?
>>367088Lol him and any YTer who says its not about the money is a load of shit. Onion would not still be making videos if he wasn't getting paid for it.
No. 367117
>>367113>>there's no evidence that she is making preparations for her future at all. What does she think is going to happen in two or three years?Lolcows are notoriously poor planners. You could ask these same questions of Margaret Palermo, who though her kid's bank accounts would be hers for life, and that she could just keep pushing her kid into weirder short term scams (knock off pop single?? student film appearance??) while screaming "fite me" and cash out infinitely.
>> I guess I am wondering why he is surprised by this. He should have seen it, or something like it, coming, and made plans for that eventuality.Like all malignant narcs, he makes no future plans, attaches to no one, and burns through all his cash on shit he can't afford with zero backup plan (McMansion, tesla, etc).
No. 367121
>>367116>Also are his other channels not restricted? Haven't they all been getting shitty amount of views recently? How come hes only concerned about uhohbro?See
>>367072He's tanked so much he needs to keep every penny for himself, and networks take sizeable cuts of ad revenue. Since UhOhBro is the only channel claimed by a network, he's decided to redirect all views to his other, unclaimed channels so he can keep all the ad revenue for himself.
No. 367125
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>>366676>those views His channels really are dying.
No. 367126
>>367117>>367121Of course, he didn't frame it that way in the video although it's the truth.
I'm surprised you believed and took at face value his (as usual) broadcasted lies and panderings. Anon, are you ok?
No. 367130
>>367121>>367119Ah that makes sense that he'd be greedy like that.
>>367113If he saved and smartly invested his money, he'd probably be set for life by now. He also shouldn't have had two kids he doesn't give a shit about, because that's a big financial drain.
No. 367146
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wow he really isn't earning anything, hah I guess youtube really wants this guy to just go away.
No. 367180
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No. 367191
>>367186they both appear and disappear from her life. like that lesbian friend who was plain looking and that grease didn't like, who she just stopped talking to. idk, maybe lainey ghosts on people a lot (like the lolcow anon said in that old thread). but billie was consistent to me.
its fine, we can agree to disagree on this. at the end of the day, grease is still the worst.
No. 367192
>>367189She visited a little while ago and then went home. Onision was trying to create this fantasy relationship between them for more views/likes/RT's, it was insanely transparent. Selena was living in their guesthouse for awhile, I do know that. Maybe she's not in the area anymore. It's not really accurate to suggest her life was completely devoid of any real friendships before Billie came out there, like, other people have been coming and going from that house. I do think Greg leaves her incredibly unhappy and unfulfilled in terms of companionship and she got her hopes up thinking Billie could fill the void seeing as he's incapable of doing so. Not saying she was
in love with Billie like she enjoys pretending, but I'm guessing she wanted someone to dedicate 100% of their time to loving her. She seems like a narc in her own right.
>>367190Nah, they fucking hate him and he's banned her father from his home for being rightfully upset. I mean, maybe he does have the audacity to ask or to tell Lainey to ask, he is mentally fucked.
No. 367203
>>367198That sucks but to be realistic there are a lot of women that have the same problem. I bet she wont leave him even if he physically hits her. She is royally screwed and she knows it. The only way she could get out of it if is she found someone stupid enough to date her that has money to mantain her (and deal with her extra baggage) . But its obvious Onision has her 100% watched, probably has all her passwords to account etc so if she started talking with someone new behind his back , he would find out fast.
I feel a little bad for her but thats what she get for being a gold digger.
No. 367204
>>367186>>367191Wasn't selena consistently there in the beginning for a long time but she got out of the limelight? But she goes to school in new mexico and has a boyfriend, so they probably drifted apart. She probably wanted Sarah to be her replacement but then that didn't work out. Lainey is always desperate to fly some chick over there to hang out with her. Like how about make some friends that live near you? lmao.
>>367180She is so predictable. I hope its gerg posting on her account, because this is just dumb.
>>367194>>367198I feel like if they ran out of money, she'd definitely leave. Right now, they fight and he sucks, but then she remembers how comfortable her lifestyle is, and doesn't want to ruin or change it.
I don't think she ever admitted she was staying because she can't support herself though?
No. 367212
>>367210She'd have to admit they were right and she fucked up, and she doesn't want to. And she will lose her comfortable lifestyle.
>>367208Eh, im sure she could find someone who would date her. There are plenty of people who date single moms, and don't care about the agender shit. Maybe this time she can actually care about personality and not money.
>>367207I think the earnings are skewed by him deleting big money making videos, so i dont think he is netting $0, but its definitely way less than before.
No. 367214
>>367208Thats why i said "if she finds someone that can deal with her extra baggage". Even though shes kinda pretty (after 2 lbs of makeup on her), who would want to date someone that was married to a turd like Onionboy? And with all her crazy shit? And now with Onions channel going down in flames, she will never have the same lifestyle she has been having until now.
>>367210If she moved back Im sure she would have to start working and she seems like one lazy bitch. Also doesnt she has a psychology degree? that is worth SHIT without the doctorate or at LEAST a masters, so she can use that online diploma to wipe her ass.
No. 367215
>>367214Nah, a BA in psychology can get you some decent jobs, but the fact her resume would likely be blank (
maybe one shitty job she worked as a teen) would fuck her over, plus any potential boss could google her name and see all the batshit awful shit she's associated with. We discussed this pretty thoroughly in the last thread, though.
>>367213I dunno, anon, just because one girl told you "I stopped liking girls because most of them are poor" doesn't mean all queer women will only date super financially stable chicks. Lainey's, what, 21? If she dated someone her age or a year or two younger, they definitely aren't expecting financial stability in a partner. I mean, they also aren't expecting two kids and a horrifically insane, narcissist ex who would, without question, use those kids to constantly invite himself back into her life and harass her and whoever she dates after him, but as long as she just started making
some money, I'm sure finances wouldn't be a problem.
I'm sure she could also find some dude out there with a saviour complex who'd want to feel like a big, important, special hero by taking in a woman with an abusive ex and two young children. There are a lot of men who really enjoy that. I mean, it's unhealthy, but as is Lainey, so it's even.
No. 367219
>>367074Hmmm, I'm subbed to channels with controversial content and they're being doing better than ever. The key seems to be using Patreon for revenue instead
Oh but poor Greg can't do that because his audience is too young to be able to pledge via Patreon, let alone have any of their own funds to contribute.
No. 367233
>>367232You cant just undo a prenup just because. Thats almost impossible. Also when you calculate alimony/child support Im sure they use like last year salary or some thing, so in that way shes good (but Onionboy would be screwed, its exactly like what happened to Brendan Frasier, he got fucked because he stopped acting as much as before but still had to pay the same amount of child support he was paying while he was working). BUT if Gag can prove that she has other source of income (like her youtube videos, maybe even her new "clothing store") then that can go against her (her amount of alimony).
Maybe Gerg learned from his first marriage/mistake and made her sign a good(for him) prenup, although I doubt it.
No. 367234
>>367233I'm aware, but anons mentioned her dad, a lawyer, offering to have the prenup overturned (or whatever the term is) for her when she left during Cuddlegate 1.0.
Was just thinking about Gerg's "lovely" video about how he's doesn't intend on leaving Lainey and it's, like, well…yeah, Gerg, obviously
you don't intend to. If he left her, she'd get half his shit. The prenup is only legit if
she leaves
him. It definitely shits all over his attempt to reassure her.
No. 367235
Greg’s too controlling to discuss details of his income with Lainey. It’s obvious he’s blown it all (classic narc) and isn’t saving and that’s why he’s freaking out.
>>367233Ohhh! I knew he wanted Lainey to make her own income because he’s bored, she’s fed up, and a divorce is inevitable. I knew he wants to appear like he's so """supportive""" of her, but we all know better. If what you’re saying is legit, it makes sense that he’d want her to be making an income so he doesn’t have to pay her as much. What a garbage human.
No. 367241
>>367233Her dad did offerbto help her, and apparently explained how to overturn the prenup, and she told Greg all about it.
That's why I no longer give a crap about Taylor: zero problem with throwing her own family under the bus. And not being willing to stand up to Greg have her family to her home. Or only seeing them once a year on Greg's orders (he tried to pull that shit with Billie too). It's beyond disgusting, and it is a testament to her family that they keep reaching out to her despite her objectively shitty treatment of them. I know one might try to keep avenues open when someone you love is literally suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, but after the zillionth time ofbeing thrown under the bus, I personally might consider letting that person lie in the bed they seem determine to make for themselves. Or maybe they are mostly concerned about their grandchildren at this point.
No. 367244
>>367240Youre right on your last statement(i never said he could be extempt from paying child support btw) and also right on the part that if Lainey didnt have a lawyer maybe something can be done (also she was just 18 or something when they got married right? that can work against her). BUt dont you think her dad would have adviced her about what to do? Wait a sec, she probably didnt even mention a prenup to him to begin with. Yes, shes that dumb.
At the end, unless we can read the prenup we will just be guessing. Also just because her dad told him it could be overturned doesnt mean it will (and her dad cant be her lawyer because that would be considered conflict of interests and he could be disbarred )
No. 367249
>>367244Lmao like her dad even knew she was getting married. She ran off and got married listening to some old guy with a history of being a creep/screwing over his gfs and married him and willfully signed a prenup because he wouldn't marry her otherwise. She was dumb then and she is just as dumb now. Shes gonna stay with him forever for da tru luv soulm8s nvr die <333.
Onion has failed to trade her in for a new model because the one he wanted was too hard to tame. Lainey just accepts that she can stay with him as long as she bows down to everything he wants and doesn't protest too much because she thinks thats the one thing that makes her stand out compared to these new girls. Her one "redeemable" trait is that she is a doormat who will let onion do anything he wants, probably even abuse her kids. What a great relationship.
No. 367251
>>367241>zero problem with throwing her own family under the bus. Lainey let Greg:
1) Call her father a moron and abusive multiple times on social media
2) Call out her mother on supposedly being "abusive" over Twitter
3) Call her sister a slut on youtube and Twitter
Greg always comes first, way before her family.
No. 367254
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lol, at least he managed to get few fans who are thick as pig shit
No. 367255
>>367250>thinks unfollowing you on twitter is good communicationI remember thinking "Pfft, good luck with that" when I heard they were going to marriage counseling after Cuddlegate 1.0, knowing that Gerg could never tolerate therapy sessions due to his hatred of doctors and his shit communication skills, but it never really occurred to me how doomed that shit was due to
both of them, even though she insisted on it.
Veiney pushed for couples therapy because she probably just had heard it's what you do when you've hit a rocky patch in your marriage, but I can see her getting all passive aggressive and pulling the silent treatment on the therapist after they gave her constructive criticism.
They're too immature to ever benefit from shit like that, it's not just him. Maybe after she gets away from Gerg and starts dating other people, somebody will call her ass out on it and she'll make an effort to change, but she won't anytime soon.
No. 367256
>>367254Oh, DodgeCast, you simple,
simple cunt. All you gotta do is look at SocialBlade and think over the data for a minute, but, sure…"life" is getting in the way of Gerg's upload schedule. He just wants to spend quality time with his weeping, miserable wife, the two children he just sees as extensions of himself and can't be fucked to raise and the dogs who piss themselves in fear when he comes around. Sure, buddy.
totally not sending self-righteous emails to YouTube, ignoring Lainey until he feels like mounting her and busting a nut and using her twitter account to chat with underage girls in an attempt to lure them into the trinity before the money dries up and he can't pull puss anymore. Sure.
No. 367257
>>367255For real. They both laughed at the counselor after ONE session and said they were horrible and not helpful. Really? Why? Cause they made you guys actually try to talk to each other?
Then they had the audacity to say that they were the happiest/best they ever were in their relationship after that but not because of the counselor. Why? Cause you had something in common to hate/laugh at? And then unsurprisingly your relationship went to even worse shit with onion completely cheating on you.
I'm sure thats what made them feel really good after the billie shit was done. They had the common enemy of billie, and they have the common enemy of da interwebz. Onion just deflects all his problems on someone else and lainey sits there and holds her hands to her ears going la la la la to the world except for whatever greg says because she wants to believe her whole life isn't a waste.
>>367251If someone i was dating did that to my sister, not only would my sister smack me in the fucking face, but theres no way id pick them over her. That shit really pissed me off and lainey is the older sister who should care about protecting her younger sister. But she gave absolute 0 shits about her and was back to going onion love of my life its perfectly fine you called my sister a slut and degraded her in front of the whole internet <333.
>>367256Lmao he even has stated multiple times youtube comes first and he basically would never put anything before it. So I'll go with my channel is dying, and im not getting money out of my minimal effort anymore, so ill do even more minimal effort until its fixed.
No. 367258
>>367257"until it gets fixed"
But it wont. This is it. He will never be as popular as he was before. If i was him I would apply for the same online university his wife did . If she graduated cum laude maybe he can too. (im being sarcastic btw, the university must be utter shit if she graduated with that, she doesnt seem intelligent at all)
>If someone i was dating did that to my sister, not only would my sister smack me in the fucking face, but theres no way id pick them over her.I dont think she had any option. Either go against her husband and stop living her "glamorous" life or stand by your family. What do you think a gold digger would choose?
No. 367261
>>367258Im surprised he isn't making lainey crank out videos on her channel since its less restricted, but he probably does not want her to become more popular than him even if he is the one making the videos.
I got a psych degree and it's not that difficult tbh, so I can only imagine how easy some bullshit online degree that probably has minimal requirements is.
>I dont think she had any option. Either go against her husband and stop living her "glamorous" life or stand by your family. What do you think a gold digger would choose?Lol she knew her family will come around and still support her no matter what she does. But onion will turn on her for the smallest thing. Which one is actual love? But of course she goes for the bullshit love with money.
No. 367263
>>367262Wait a second, didnt he only serve in the armed forces for a short time? If so I doubt he gets the full pension.
I heard his stories about his military career keep changing so as I said, it wouldnt surprise me if he doesnt get a good pension.
No. 367265
>>367263I think he does, several threads back someone posted the public records for payments to his house/s and one of them stated that he was receiving some kind of veteran benefit.
I've no idea of the ins and outs of what that implies or how military benefits work, but they were definitely on there.
No. 367269
>>367264Just saying, as a queer lady with queer lady friends, you're still perfectly capable of being jealous of other women when gay or bi. I mean, there's even that thing where you're attracted to someone
while envious of them for the same very reasons. It can get weird.
That being said, I don't think she was ever into Billie. I get a strong faux-Bi vibe from her. If anything, she's hurting the Bi community. Unless she pretends to be Bi forever and never admits she's straight, it'll only feed into this fucked up belief that Bisexuals are just straddling the fence until they "come to their senses" and "pick a side". It irritates the shit out of me, especially since she fancies herself a brave, strong LGBTQ warrior, fighting for all the oppressed speshul agender space prince snowflakes of the world by tweeting trite catchphrases and gushing about how
any queer relationship is "sooo adorbz uwu!!!1!".
I'm sure that Plainey is more than happy to throw any chick who's prettier or more interesting than her (aka 99.9% of the population) under the bus if it'll make her feel better about herself temporarily. She's the worst kind of chick.
No. 367270
Did anybody else facepalm/laugh when Gerg tried to spell out LGBTQ (an initialism…something YOU SPELL OUT ANYWAY), got to "G" and blanked on the rest? In his
last video, he's oh-so-proud of Lainey for being a ~strong, brave, bi-agender-poly warrior prince~ who cares about the LGBTQ community, plus, he tries to use his wife's sexuality* all the time to pander to the SJW crowd…but then the DUDE CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER 60% OF THE LETTERS. Very heartfelt, Gerg, must mean a lot to you, very believable.
No. 367271
>>367270Your first mistake is thinking Gorg gives a shit about the LGBTQ movement. He doesnt. He acts like he cares because that helps him "reach out" to the lgbtq people. Broader audience, more views.
He is probably ok with lainey faking it too because then he gets to see his wife with another girl, and many guys think thats hot. And of course as we all know already he gets to hook up with said girl too.
No. 367272
>>367269Ah, don't worry about it; I'm bi myself so I understand what you're saying and I know also personal standards come into play with attraction as well… I was just mentioning it's odd that she's usually always jealous of any woman who she feels encroach onto her territory, even her own sister who she claims was favored by her parents. I think she just has jealousy issues in general, and that's going to be constant hurdle that she'll keep tripping over if she ever left Grease to pursue a same-sex romance (which she won't) or another "poly" relationship in future.
Grease just uses her as a puppet to attract in the current popular "social justice" demographic/trend amongst teens and young women… he can't do that on his own due to his history of actually shitting on the LGBT community for "fun and profit". There's so many things wrong with what he's doing, especially considering he uses Lainey to lure them in for his greasesomes and she's totally fine and complicit of it… she probably even gets off when he focuses all his hate and anger on them instead of focusing it on her.
No. 367273
>>367271What? No, I know he doesn't give a shit, that's why I said
>he tries to use his wife's sexuality* all the time to pander to the SJW crowdand
>Very heartfelt, Gerg, must mean a lot to you, very believable.and found it so funny. If you're gonna pander to the queer community and you can't remember a simple, common 4-5 letter initialism…an initialism that I'm sure his wife says all the time, goes to show how much he pays attention to her…then you have failed queer pandering 101 on an epic scale. All he had to do was take 1 minute out of his life to double check it, but he cares so little about the LGBTQ community that he can't be fucked. It's so fucking transparent.
Also, yeah, it goes without saying that he's fetishizing Lainey's (alleged) bisexuality. Only a naive 14 year old girl would buy into the idea that he's encouraging her to explore her sexuality because he's just
such a nice guy.
No. 367277
>>367275> The fact that her "dating" billie resulted in basically nothing physical but kissingWait a fucking second, they didnt do ANYTHING but just kiss? after all the time they were together (on and off, but still), and at first thing shes out the house, billie goes and has sex with Onion? L.M.A.O
tldr; she dun goofd
No. 367279
>>367275His whole "you need to explore your bisexuality" to actually be bisexual tirade rubbed me up the wrong way as well.
You just -know- you're bisexual, you don't have to even kiss or sleep with someone of the same sex to be bisexual. If you're sexually attracted to both sexes, you're bisexual… that's all "exploring" entails, but no, he just wants to push her into doing something she doesn't want to do because she's a fake to him otherwise and he won't get his "hot lesbian action" to tickle his microdick if he can't manipulate her into doing what HE wants.
>>367277She said something about being able to count how many times they actually kissed on both hands (which isn't a lot for someone who is head over heels in love and you've been seeing them for just over a year.) and Grease described their greasesomes as him just performing oral (OH GOD, BRAIN BLEACH PLZ) on Billie whilst Lainey rides him (KILL ME NOW!)… it seems that was basically just the extent of it all, until he finally coerced Billie into fucking him without Lainey being around.
No. 367283
>>367281All the stuff we've been talking about here and in the ONE thing she/he/it focuses is on whether shes bisexual or not?
lol gurl i hope youre taking pics, saving emails and phone logs, youll need them soon when onion decides to drop your dumb ass for someone younger.
No. 367286
>>367277I know, right? Gerg spins it as though Billie and Lainey were fucking. He said "
we only got to 3rd base on the first night before Lainey said stop" and, when you're a queer woman hooking up with another woman, 3rd base
is sex. Now it turns out that he meant
he got to 3rd base with Lainey and/or Billie while, apparently, they just kissed. They'd just makeout in bed while Gerg got serviced. Or they'd awkwardly, with zero fucking passion, kiss on command while Gerg snapped photos to plaster all over social media. Because,
sure, that's
totally a balanced, 3-way, poly relationship, it's
totally normal for a queer woman to feel super squicked out by the idea of doing anything more than kiss another a chick. Jesus christ, ugh.
Honestly, in my experience, you can tell when a chick is actually just a curious straight girl when you keep trying to move past kissing and she shuts everything down and panics a la Lainey. Obviously it's fine to not want to do anything more than makeout if you don't want to, but there's this certain
thing where you can tell they're perfectly happy to kiss because kissing girls is enjoyable for everybody, but are just straight up freaked out by the idea of doing anything below the belt.
The very first night, it was beyond clear that Lainey had realized "Uhp, okay, I've explored my sexuality enough, I'm done." That's obviously why she told Greg she'd changed her mind, that and the fact she was
not emotionally ready to share her husband. Good job, Gerg, for pressuring her to "date" Billie for your own benefit, you dickgoblin.
No. 367288
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Onion's still bitching at YouTube, is jealous of iJustine for still going above water because she's "corporate friendly", may have to change his algorithm for the sake of $$$
On the plus side, he's looking more and more like his daddy every day!
No. 367289
>>367059Surprise, surprise. Lainey did a make up tutorial video using a sponsored product. Greg did the voiceover, making fun of the product and insulting Lainey the entire time. I'm pretty sure when Greg was doing the editing, Lainey didn't know he would do this.
So whatever money Lainey could have made herself on YouTube, she was forced to kiss goodbye after that.
No. 367293
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>>367277Same anon as before, just to show the tweet she says the whole "it was emotional hurdur" but also that they did do stuff.
No. 367295
>>367288I can't stand that he's gotten it into his head he's this punk rock, super subculture dude who's anti-corporation and makes "the man" uncomfortable with his radical, anti-establishment views.
Like, this is incredibly petty compared to other complaints, but…Greg, you were a Hot Topic "emo", you think Marilyn Manson, MCR and Kurt Cobain are as alternative as it gets. He doesn't even seem to really understand what goth, emo, punk, etc.
are. Plus, he's a 31 year old dude, get the fuck over this "damn the man" attitude. He can be anti-establishment as an adult, he can have more subversive views on politics and social issues, but he has this whole pffft-I-hate-my-dad version of being "rebellious", he's so stuck at 17. He's stuck in his anarcho-punk stage without even knowing what anarcho-punk
is. Ugh.
No. 367296
>>367293oh man.
I feel like she has a mental disability and now I feel bad for making fun of her.
No. 367298
>>367290Exactly, it's fucking hard work trying to explain that you're genuinely bisexual to both straight and gay people as it is… all Grease and Lainey does is perpetuate negative stereotypes for their own selfish gain, it's no wonder nobody takes bisexuals seriously.
>>367293Yeah, it sounds like they possibly got to 2nd base with each other less than a dozen times the whole year they were together whilst she idly stood by and allowed her greasy husband to go all the way with Billie on numerous occasions.
No. 367302
>>367279I don’t know. I don’t think Lainey felt uncomfortable not because she’s straight, but because Greg pushed her out of her comfort zone. I bet her intuition was telling her that the whole mess wasn’t right. I think she knew to some degree that he was up to something, and when she voiced her concerns… well, we all saw how he tried to gaslight her until she blamed anyone but him.
It’s just, I’m queer and have been in poly relationships with another man and woman. If I suspected he had selfish intentions, I'd be turned off AF. Of course, I'd also leave the situation… but if I was a teenager, or manipulated… I'd probably do the same thing to appease my partner. It's fucking depressing as hell, because as long as she's with Greg, Lainey's never going to have a chance to genuinely explore that side of herself without being fetishized and used by her husband. Like wtffff
No. 367307
>>367305I think she's either bisexual or heteroflexable. People are so quick to say she's not bi now that she's out yet refused to believe she wasn't bi before she came out.
I believe she was bi, saw Greg didn't like it so she hid it. Greg knew about this so when he wanted a new model but didn't want to look like the bad guy for leaving his wife and kids said Taylor could have a gf thinking she would leave him for the girl. Greg saw Taylor was pulling hotter and younger girls than he could get away with and decided he was going to fuck whatever girl she brought home.
No. 367309
>>367307I think people wouldn't care so much if she would shut up about how gay she is and stop jumping on every bi twitter trend as if shes the face of bisexuals when shes in a straight relationship and the only "gf" she has was shared with her husband and he fetishized bisexuality/lesbianism. It makes it seem shes only "bi" for her husband's pleasure. Shes in a supposedly committed relationship but all she posts about is wanting a gf and shit while simultaneously acting like shes so hurt by billie and can probably never have another one. It's horribly attention seeking.
I dont care if shes bi/straight/lesbian/whatever. Shes just obnoxious. And the fact she wants to drag girls into her fucked up relationship is disgusting.
No. 367310
Like, imagine Greg in an art gallery. Or, even better, a diy artist space: People are socializing and having a good time, talking about exciting ideas and projects, drinking, maybe smoking cigarettes or a joint. He’d be in the corner, plug his nose, and scowl at everyone with his arms crossed. Then someone would offer him a drink and he’d freak out, tell everyone off, and storm out.
OR imagine him in art school, LOL. He’d throw a tantrum during the first critique and drop out, then blame the whole establishment for his own failure. Imagining this is really, really funny to me lolol
Greg’s not creative or intelligent enough to execute any concept with passion, depth and nuance. He’s just another edgelord narcissist pandering to pre-teens. His idea of controversial content is having a character blow their brains out, in what are clearly his own revenge fantasies.
I spent most of my teen/adult life with broke diy artist weirdo kids, and they would laugh him out of the place. He's never struggled for his art a day in his uninspired life. He had to isolate himself because he knows if he actually went out into the real world trying to push any of his creative direction, he’d be a laughing stock to anyone with actual taste.
No. 367311
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He is back to making polls to feel important and getting angry when people tell him its obviously biased if its on his website lmao.
No. 367312
>>367310>OR imagine him in art school, LOL. He’d throw a tantrum during the first critique and drop out, then blame the whole establishment for his own failure.Grug confirmed for literally Hitler
sage for shitpost
No. 367313
>>367308Woops, I responded to the wrong post. Meant to reply to this one
>>367286 with that comment. My bad. I agree with you.
No. 367316
>>367309>when shes in a straight relationship and the only "gf" she has was shared with her husbandEhhhh, it kinda feels like you're buying into the same idea that Greg buys into; that Bisexuals need to
prove their sexuality to society by fucking multiple genders, that being in a relationship with a member of the opposite makes you less Bi or something. Sexual behavior is not always the best indication of sexual orientation.
But, yeah, I think the way she reacted in her tweets after Cuddlegate made it seem pretty clear that she had just been exploring the possibility she was Bi or under the Bi+ umbrella and Gerg pressured her into hooking up with women because he wanted IRL girl-on-girl porn and didn't respect what she really wanted after she figured out she wasn't really into women.
Sage for SJW faggotry.
No. 367318
>>367316They don't have to prove it, but when she specifically thanks gerg for helping her be the one to figure out her sexual identity out and then you see he fetishizes bisexuality/lesbianism and he uses it to get himself a gf pretending its for lainey, it makes it seem like this was all gerg's doing and not her own coming to conclusion of what her sexuality is. It makes it apparent she is screeching at the top of her lungs about how gay she is because her husband loves it and jerks off to the thought of her bringing him another girl.
Her tweets after cuddlegate showed she never wanted a gf and was planning to spend the rest of her life with just gerg monogamously, and for some reason she is now agreeing that she wants one when shes back on good terms with gerg. It's all about gerg and what he wants.
No. 367320
>>367319I just looked at his website and its full of spam. kek.
I also like how if you google the archive of his pedo shit comes first before his site hahaha.
No. 367321
>>367318Oh, totally. Yeah, I agree with you on all of that. I do think she's playing up this super speshul bi-agender-poly thing and crowing about how GAAAAAY (ughh, Bisexuality does not equal Gay, Lainey, jeeesus fucking christ) she is not just because it gives her asshole husband something to jerk off to, but because so many followers throw attention and praise at her for doing so. It makes her feel ~cool~ and ~different~…y'know, just like how tumblrinas have "I'm a polyamorous demisexual squirrelkin furry with BPD, OCD, Autism and BDD, xie/xer/xey pronouns" in their bios. Because, for some reason, being a cis, straight girl=boring these days when it doesn't fucking matter.
No. 367323
>>367318It seems to be becoming another one of their cycles now… she'll flipflop back and forth on the idea on a whim if it stops him from being a shitbag to her. She's so addicted to the lovebombing, of him taking her side whenever she feels threatened by a new "girlfriend", you can tell she gets off on the little amounts of attention he gives her - so to her, this is probably all she's ever known or experienced from him and if she can't appease him, then she's lost because her regular emo lyrics and mopey doe-eyed bullshit doesn't work on him because he doesn't care about her feelings.
I feel at this point she's just using it as a tool for validation and adoration, I'd hate to be the next potential "girlfriend" that he has lined up for them both. You know for a fact that person will never be able to run to her for help, she'd shrug it off and just say they must of deserved his shitty treatment somehow and then find ways to sabotage it all through jealousy when he starts lovebombing them instead of her.
No. 367324
>>367318Ohh, okay. Then, yeah, I agree with you about all of that.
I do think she's not just doing it as jerkbait for Grease, though, I think Plainey's crowing about how GAAAAAY she is (wow, much Bisexual, wrong sexual orientation, so neat) because she likes how her followers throw heaps of attention and praise at her for doing so, the kind of attention and praise that Grease will
never give her. It's just like how tumblrinas feel the need to write "polyamorous demisexual neurodivergent squirrelkin, xie/xer/xey pronouns" in their bios because they can't stand how being a cis, straight girl makes them feel ordinary. All these labels make you ~speshul~.
No. 367325
>>367310You don't even have to imagine him in art school. I got to a community college and one of the classes we have to take is a public speaking class. One of th first things we talked about in that class was how to keep bias out of your argument and how pretty much every poll ever is bias so they can't be used during arguments.
That alone would make him shit himself in anger
No. 367332
>>367278I'm not sure if onion was dishonorably discharged, but he was at least other than honorably discharged (this requires him to still state the reason for the discharge truthfully to any future employer, cause they'll just call your command to find the truth anyways lol). The only benefit he is able to get from his service is the VA loan for his house. That's it.
Just wanted to clarify for anyone without military background or knowledge, the only way to recieve a continuous check (of varying amounts depending on the circumstances) from the military is if you either retire out (about 20 years), or if you end up with a serious injury that requires some type of surgery, they'll throw you a bone for it. Or even better if you get medically separated for said injury, they pay you a pretty penny because they are ending the contract.
In short Gurk is getting jack shit from the government and when his youtube "career" is over he doesn't have that to fall back on. The shit stain deserves to crash and burn.
No. 367334
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What does he get from making fun of his fans? Like you would think with his channel dying like it is he would be a little nicer
No. 367341
>>367334The proper question is: what DOESN'T he get from interacting nicely with his fans anymore?
Answer: money.
No. 367365
>>367363I was wondering if all the info covered by lolcow when searching for her name would appear on google and connect to her pedo tendencies. Specially nowadays that employers use google/Facebook for their needs?
The thought of having these scumbags working with people in need or generally just working outside their house gives me the creeps.
No. 367405
>>367366True, but that would mean supporting that faggot Null
>>367365There's probably tons of info about Greg when you search either of their names, but most sites/pages regarding Greg still paint Taylor out to be an innocent captive rather than a predator in her own right.
No. 367428
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>>367405Speaking of…
Someone's a mole here!
No. 367429
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>>367428Either they'd copy and paste their posts on both boards, or are stealing someone else's shit and passing theirs as their own…
The question is, why? No hate, just wondering
No. 367431
>>367429Why not? It's a good and detailed post, relevant on both websites.
I think it's good it was doubleposted/reposted like that.
No. 367456
>>367454… because if everyone here made derailing posts every time something was posted on a corresponding KF or PULL thread or tumblr, we'd be as lulzy as the cows themselves?
No one really cares. If you don't like josh, I think he has a thread here.
No. 367457
>>367333I am 99.99999% sure she was trying to emulate an ANIMU character. In this case, Haruhi from Ouran Host. In the series she gets her hair cut short (and its brown btw) and she starts working as a host, while hiding to everybody that shes a girl. I love the anime/manga, its hilarious and Im disgusted that that dumb hoe is trying to be her IRL. (and yes she definitely likes it since her and Greg has been seen wearing an Ouran Host club in a couple of videos.
>>367319lold whole heartedly at this. 13 votes.
No. 367471
>>367457Ehhh, nah. No, I don't think that's it. It's just a run of the mill pixie cut, I could list multiple characters from pop culture who you could just as easily say she's copying.
I think a lot of girls go through this thing where they love doing shit to their hair, dyeing it and getting haircuts, and they end up going shorter and shorter and shorter because they keep messing with it before letting it grow out. They get bored. I did that, that's how I ended up with short hair throughout my teens and a pixie cut when I was 20.
Like, Lainey fucks with her hair all the time, she probably just got bored and decided "Ooh, I'd like to try something
different, I'm gonna go
real short." Then, next thing she knows, people are cooing over how she looks androgynous and she somehow takes this to mean she's really been agender
this whole time. Ugh, no. Not how that works. being non-binary isn't
just gender expression, but that's
all it is for her. Non-binary is a fashion statement in her mind.
No. 367493
>>367486I mean, I can't recall anybody off the top of my head who was crashing and burning in slow motion to
this degree. There have been other YT'ers who've had scandals and they start slowly imploding in front of an audience, like Bashurverse, but I think Greg might be the first of his kind to ever. so. fucking. slowly. be dragged to his YT career grave while kicking and screaming.
It's so funny that he fancies himself some kind of 21st century Kurt Cobain and has the audacity to compare himself to him when Kurt's famous for saying:
"It's better to burn out than to fade away"
He emphasized how he wanted to go out with a bang (oof) and not slowly, painfully fade away into obscurity, clawing desperately at his past fame, refusing to go with any sense of dignity. Meanwhile, Greg's hellbent on the latter.
No. 367496
>>367493Wouldn't Trisha Paytas be like that too? Her comments session since Sean's drama has been getting kinda sour. And specially after she got a lipo and started to binge eat again in mukbangs.
They are all desperate for the YT dollars.
No. 367499
>>367496Yeah, that's true. I never pay attention to her, the last time I went out of my way to watch her content was when I found her "dogs don't have brains" vid, but I've been aware of her self destructing in front of an audience in a sort of peripheral way.
Like, I'm not too familiar with what she's up to now, but they are pretty similar. Her channel blew up around the same time Gerg did, like, they're both dinosaurs from this lost, bygone YT era and, while Trisha has tried to adapt by doing mukbangs, both of them have this really dated, lazy, cheap production value that hasn't changed since back in the day. They're both just sort of lost, confused as to how to successfully appeal to today's teens, but absolutely refusing to acknowledge that maybe it's time to sign off and start the next chapter in their lives.
They're just slowly crashing and burning, fading away, never accepting that it would've been better if they'd given up after failing to change with the times.
I also like knowing how furious Gerg would be by the idea of being compared to Trisha.
No. 367502
>>367486Not in youtube but myspace… someone like Tila Tequila?
But seriously though, how long did Greg expect his whole shlick of "im an asshole to everyone because im super honest" was going to last? he aint no Greg House.
No. 367505
>>367502That he made cash of this scam for a decade is a minor miracle, which he should thank dog for ever day. Its not often a barely HS grad with a personality disorder and no work history can make a decade long run at never having to work to feed his family.
But now: if he thinks he can have Taylor run a virtual garage sale to support them, he's got another thing coming. He should have made a Plan B and Plan C after his first divorce, or at the very least have been socking away huge chunks of cash for outside investments, instead of buying a McMansion he can't afford to heat, with tons of empty rooms they can't furnish and don't need, and a sports car to sit in the driveway when he rarely leaves the house.
No. 367529
Trish is always making new content, whether it be vlogs, music videos, dance videos, hauls, sponsored crap, manic rambling, crying, mukbangs, etc. and has such a wide variety of them. Her comment section has always been a shit show too, but she's never lacking in views nor do I think she depends on just views for income. She gets money from stocks or something.. I think that's what she said one time. She spends very lavishly in a way that makes me think she doesn't depend on youtube. Sometimes she hires a whole hair and makeup crew just for a day of making videos (or doing nothing!) She hires huge production crews and dancers for her music videos. Even her music career is just for fun and not for profit. Even if she didn't make money from youtube I think she would still upload a lot. She needs constant attention, good or bad. Trish is a machine that just keeps going, even as her mental health declines with age. She puts every aspect of her life online. She's not as dumb as people think she is because she's resourceful and squeezes money out of everything she does. She's like Snooki from Jersey Shore. She knows how to make money off her own self-destruction.
Greg is the definition of a cookie cutter style and he has no versatility and doesn't try out new things. Just with these new setbacks he's immediately crumbling! It's pathetic. Trisha is kind of indescribable, not good or bad, just chaotic. But she would undoubtedly survive a loss of views. Personally I can't really compare her to Greg.
No. 367549
>>367546Answer: Only if he gets rid of his previous content. Youtube takes into account all the vids on a certain channel when determining whether it will be age restricted.
Keep in mind Onision channels are only suffering this bad because his audience are children. YT has it right this time, his videos on how chaining people in basements as punishment is totally cool and kinky should never reach a child's eyes.
There are two separate new things YT did: demonetize controversial content, and impose age restrictions on channels. Onsion is hit hard by both, but more the latter.
Greg tried to paint a picture in his last video (one of the many lies in it, and you fell for it, shame on you Anon!) that meanie youtube is hindering him because he posts "offensive" edgy content, just like they did to Pewdipie ("look how cool I am kids, just like Pewds and Idubbbz" "look fellow youtubers, we're on the same boat, support me pls")
In reality, his main problem is not that he is making controversial content, but that the entirety of his subscribers consist of kids and Youtube does not let him serve adult content to them anymore. This is why he is tanking far more than other creators, he's got the youngest fanbase of them all.
And this is ultimately why his channels are now doomed. It lasted so long with the exact same repetitive kind of content because there were always new waves of 11 year olds discovering him when his old fans grow out of it. With the new restrictions, his channels and videos will not show to preteens and teens AT ALL, not even in the search, nowhere.
No. 367558
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>>367551I honestly remember emo/scene kids in the early 2000's just being like proto-hipsters who listened to hardcore bands, Sunny Day Real Estate, Coheed & Cambria, Blood Brothers and weren't even slightly close to what Gerg seems to think they are. I'm younger than him by 3 years and I still
know for a fact that by the time he started doing YouTube in 2006, that shit wasn't cool anymore. By 2006, what were previously known as emo/scene kids had transformed into that early version of hipsters who were crazy about American Apparel and Vice Magazine.
I know emo/scene became this whole other thing, like Eugenia Cooney, and I have NO CLUE how Grease is 31 and yet he's
only familiar with the corny mall-goth shit emo/scene apparently turned into. He would've grown up seeing the same version of emo I saw, but…he thinks emo kids wear black lipstick and shit? It's so fucking confusing for me.
Anyway, yeah, to the best of my knowledge, he's fucking failing miserably trying to come across as relatable to the HIP, GROOVY YOUTH. He's old as fuck and out of touch mixed with the fact he seemingly never understood what emo/scene was to begin with. Why is he so bad at subcultures, yet feels the need to
insist he's some super alt guy?
Sure, Gerg, enjoy your MCR, you're
so overwhelmingly alternative.
No. 367562
>>367558You're absolutely correct… unfortunately Grease isn't the only one to misuse pop culture terms because they either didn't know anything about it or even care to do a bit of research.
Clickbait media sites such as Buzzfeed are really prone to doing the same shit, even when their readers comment on their articles that they're mistaking "emo" for "scene" but it just goes over their heads.
When you're quickly churning out clickbait "content" for cash, I guess it doesn't matter to them how accurate it is as long as they pull in views, heh.
No. 367582
File: 1491832331341.png (109.48 KB, 423x259, Screen Shot 2017-04-10 at 10.5…)

welp, didn't take very long.
No. 367637
>>367582Well, technically, that's an old video of his and he did say he'd make no new videos.
I do give him a week or two at most before he posts a new never-before seen video though. lol
No. 367644
File: 1491847214260.png (356.18 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3978.PNG)

>Wah waaah why do people hate me?!?!?!
Can't watch right now cuz I'm at work, please provide transcript. Thanks!
No. 367658
>>367644Hadn't watched it. Guessing it will be:
1) "I'm just too honest and people can't handle the truth"
2) They're jealous of my successful wonderful life (couldn't type that with a straight face)
No. 367663
File: 1491851252497.png (27 KB, 817x61, Screen Shot 2017-04-10 at 12.0…)

>>367644He's pitching himself in with the "outcasts" who should, of course, come to his forums for comfort. Nothing like some lost souls for him to save.
No. 367666
>>367663Lol he probably got inspired by the people telling him he saved their lives and helped them, so then he thought why yes ill be motivating and save some more people with my great videos.
>>367582He uploaded another old video. Hes too greedy to not continuously upload on his channels to get that extra income.
No. 367672
>>367666The kids telling him he saved their lives AKA his fragmented sense of self typing out "Thank you for curing me of my compulsive need to cut and of my eating disorder by calling people like me idiots, you're so right, thank you for taking on Eugenia 'The Triggerer' Cooney, so brave of you. Has anybody told you that you look JUST like Zack Efron?" emails to himself so he can use it as an excuse to preen on Twitter.
>>367644I legit thought he was experiencing a brief, previously unheard of moment of clarity and self awareness and was mulling over all the reasons why he's a social pariah, but no. It is horribly unrealistic of me to think he's even capable of that.
Of course he wants to lure in some fresh young, angsty, emotionally unstable flesh. I wouldn't be surprised if one of his lesser known fetishes was "mentally ill, broken urchins".
No. 367705
File: 1491858052346.jpg (297.93 KB, 1440x1096, restrictedonion.jpg)

Put restricted mode on without signing into Google, and Onion's vids still showed up on all of his channels going back months. Signed into Google with restricted mode on, and his videos still showed up. Typed it up in the search bar with restricted mode on, and again, his name appears. Is he full of shit? Possible rhetorical question.
No. 367706
>>367705If you're not signed in, I don't think restricted mode will apply. It can only apply if it knows how old you are; did you clear all your cookies, etc? It may be using browser history to confirm you're an adult.
Or, Greg is full of shit and his channels are dying because he content is un monitizable and it has nothing to do with restricted mode.
No. 367863
>>367746You'd think he'd at least remember by now since he lurks here and "You're never going to Fiji, Lainey" has become something of a meme at this point. You'd think he'd make a HUGE show of how he knows she wants to go to Fiji just to spite people (while never actually taking her there because Gerg totally would believe that simply remembering your spouse's dream vacation spot after they've told you 20+ times deserves all the asspats in the world).
I guess everything Lainey says that isn't directly related to how speshul he is gets filed away under "meaningless drivel" in his brain and is stored in some deep, dark recess of his mind, along with any thought that's come even slightly close to being self-aware.
No. 367881
>>367863The lifestyle they're living right now sounds really fucking terrible, does anyone even know or remember the last time he spent more than 24 hours away from the computer?
From the age of 17 she's basically been "barefoot and pregnant", barely at peak health because she's trying to sustain herself on a pescatarian diet when she's anemic and hyperglycemic… she's never been abroad even though her greasy husband can more than afford to but he spends it all on buying plane tickets to fly out teenagers to fuck him under their own roof.
What kind of a fucking joke of a life is that? She's 22 and she's chained herself to his basement wall both figuratively and literally… and she's completely fine with it all for the sakes of getting a greasy hog of a husband to insincerely lovebomb her if she's lucky.
I can't decide who is the bigger lolcow, him or her.
No. 367895
>>367881I'm not sure if you've seen the video, but he just said that he doesn't have to go anywhere because he could just 'watch a documentary about Japan' and wouldn't have to visit it. That's…. sad. He also said he'd only go to Canada because it's close and he likes to stay home. (Vancouver is about 3 hours away from him, tops)
One of the questions was also 'if we would have to get rid of any of the pets, which would it be?' And Lainey said the guinea pigs because they're high maintenance and 'because they hate us'.
They're so terrible together.
No. 367896
>recently came outIts been a couple of years already
>She has only dated men Didnt she supposedly had a gf in highschool? also she dated billie right.
>wants another kidI doubt it. Even she would be fucking stupid if she wanted yet another kid, especially after her husband's "job" is going down in flames.
>she lives a very heterosexual lifestyleI mean either you re trolling or you need to lurk moar.
No. 367897
>>367895So he's more or less admitting he's a shut-in/recluse/hermit… yet he lured Lainey in by lying to her that they'd tour the world because of his super fame and revenue. This guy has used his YT career like holding up a flame to the moths, he's had an MO since the start of it, holy shit… devoting himself to the internet has completely ruined his body and mind, it's literally retarded him.
This is the funniest shit ever, the internet is supposed to be a learning tool and he's only been interested in using it to promote himself the whole time, lol.
No. 367918
>>367913Seems that way, but on more of an extreme and psychotic level. He never wanted to hang out with Skye's family and friends, he practically hid behind Shiloh at parties and didn't want her hanging out with friends or family back home, he tried the same with Adrienne and didn't want her hanging out with her friends, he's managed to make Lainey only snapchat with her family and have her mother visit just twice a year and he tried to cut Billie off from her family and friends as well.
We're not talking about the Tumblrina definition of "introvert" here, like… this is actually psychotic and damaging behavoir, he does not like sharing with anyone.
No. 367926
>>367895He also said he doesnt want to go to any other country cause he already did the whole south korea thing and he likes just staying home. Like that's great? Lainey didn't get to do her share of traveling, so you don't even do it for her? She's been talking about fiji for years but since he doesn't want to go, they are not going to go. You usually do stuff you dont want to do because it will make your partner happy, but hes so selfish.
Eh ah well, lainey signed up for this and shes staying with him forever and gonna go my soulmate <3 until the end of time. He might have to just settle for her if his fame dies and he can't get a younger model before hes completely irrelevant. I'm glad lainey is such a piece of shit because i dont feel bad for her if that ends up being her sad life forever. Just stop breeding.
No. 367930
>>367926He's going to find it so much harder to get laid once his "YT fame" dies out, I can't wait! He's either going to have to swallow his pride and settle with over-21s swingers from fetlife, or live with the fact that no sane girl or woman wants to get with a low-to-average waged, low-to-average looking 32+ year old with a manchild attitude and psychotic personality who is married and has two kids.
He's the bottom of the barrel, he's panicking because he knows he's not going to get the chance to fully envision and realize the perfection of what could've come from his Sicesca dream and his personal harem of teenaged, broken-willed cult worshippers.
No. 367931
>he does not like sharing with anyone.Yeah, in both literal and figurative senses. In an old livestream video, someone suggested that Skye should have an orgy with two other youtubers (Grease was also going to be apart of it). He looked pissed and tried to talk over Onionwife 1.0 as she was basking in the idea of being with and dominating other men besides the Gregster. Shit was funny to watch, kek.
>He also said he doesnt want to go to any other country cause he already did the whole south korea thing and he likes just staying home. Like that's great? Lainey didn't get to do her share of traveling, so you don't even do it for her? She's been talking about fiji for years but since he doesn't want to go, they are not going to go. You usually do stuff you dont want to do because it will make your partner happy, but hes so selfish. Kek guess Potatohead indeed gets sloppy seconds since Greasewife 1.0 took the good stuff (whatever that was), how does it feel, Taylor? Oh well, too bad too sad.
No. 367936
>>367933That was such an awful construction of a sentence I made there, lol… I fixed it a bit.
>>He's the bottom of the barrel, he's panicking because he knows he's not going to get the chance to fully envision and realize the perfection of what could've come from his Sicesca dream and his personal harem of teenaged, broken-willed cult worshippers.But yeah, he could still go the Marshall Applewhite route and trawl the streets of Washington for some mentally-challenged destitutes who would be happy with exchanging their lives for some shelter and food… but generally speaking, yeah; it's going to be a whole lot harder for him to get his teenage harem without the aid of his big ol' mcmansion and his internet fame.
No. 367937
File: 1491926350387.jpg (176.66 KB, 720x591, cute newt.jpg)

>>367932Fuck you, newts are cute. Lainey is actually less cute than this.
No. 367943
>>367940You usually offer something for your donators, and he doesnt want to do anything at all for anyone but himself.
Also his 12 year old fans dont have a steady income.
I honestly dont get why anyone would be a fan of gerg. Theres so many youtubers out there who are appreciative of fans and do events and stuff to meet them. And they are younger, better looking, and more interesting. I guess onion relies on the "edgy" kids who want to like someone who is not "mainstream" and controversial. But even now, there are more and more channels that do that shit.
No. 367945
>>367943I've been noticing that a lot of his fans that I've encountered are actually okay with his dodgy pedo-like qualities and don't find anything wrong with it themselves… so I suppose all he's basically attracting at this point are children and adults who share his mindset, opinions, morals and ethics.
"Birds of a feather flock together".
In the five years I've been keeping tabs on his fuckery, not once have I ever met a fan of his that was ashamed of him or unsupportive of his ideals. However, a good portion of them of them do either grow up or realize at some point that he's insane and distance themselves from him… I do find it curious that there doesn't seem to be any casual fans of him though.
No. 367948
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No. 367950
>>367948FFS… because they're your thirsty teenage fans who wouldn't care who was on the other side of the gloryhole as long as your name was written above it.
He is so fucking stupid, I swear.
No. 367960
>>367958My favorite thing is when he creates imaginary customer service reps, waitresses and cashiers up in his head that liken him to attractive movie stars, and then he feels the need to tell Twitter all about it because nobody on there would tell him otherwise.
Even though he's admitted to being an introverted misanthrope who doesn't even make eye contact with people, just cameras.
No. 367977
>>367960lol that sounds like possible schizophrenia
Saged for possible armchair
No. 367984
>>367950lol it's weird he uses "ladies" because it could totally be teen fans complimenting him. however he does attract that subsection of new age weirdo hippie moms who would give up their teen daughters to him because he's such a spiritual leader. I've seen a few comments on his videos here and there that reflect as much.
and not to give him ideas but he should just shed this YouTube shit and go full on fetlife at this point and make gross videos there.
No. 367991
Sorry, catching up, but:
>>367050>incomeFor someone who religiously uses he sure missed the mark on this one.
No. 368019
>>367995Don't worry anon, I feel the same disgust.
It says a lot that he won't even entertain the idea of traveling the world with the spouse he claims to love so dearly. What he said about Japan, the whole "they don't speak MY language", just shows how little he gives a shit about being cultured/educated. He won't even bother to learn basic phrases, but is totally content flopping his saggy vegetarian bodeh on the couch to choke his chode to hentai babes (while Lainey tends the kids, no less).
The only time he ever leaves Washington is to fuck underage girls in other states.
No. 368024
File: 1491945671606.png (515.03 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0523.PNG)

Onion trying to bait leafy talking to him. And he tweets cyr to come back online after he has tweeted he's grieving and doesn't know when he will come back to social media. Classy.
No. 368025
>>367895guys I actually cannot take anymore. sage for rage. i am a huge lover of guinea pigs and they are NOT high maintenance. if you keep them indoors you need to carefully clip their nails. other than that and cleaning their cage it's the same level of affection as for a dog.
guinea pigs have super diverse and unique personalities and usually reflect their owners. guinea pigs that are neglected to fuck and that were bought for the buzz of a new pet are usually poorly behaved.
i fucking hate greg and lainey. I mean honestly I fucking hate them a lot. what he said about their dog has had me raging ever since. you're a real bastard if your dog pisses itself when you approach it greg and there's NO denying that.
No. 368028
>>368024>Onion trying to bait leafy talking to him.Sigh, again. For the umpteenth time. This is so embarrassing and desperate.
He even admitted (to ColossalIsCrazy) that he tried contacting Leafy many, many times, but that Leafy never acknowledged him with a single answer.
Now that none of the other Youtubers took his bait and ran to his support as he expected when he made those videos and tweets whining about views (since they regularly support each other on this issue), he's taken to directly contacting and baiting them. So. Embarassing. And. Desperate. And above all, slimy. Ugh.
No. 368032
>>368025They keep the guinea pig in a glass aquarium, it's pretty obvious they don't give it a chance to show it's personality. I have 2 rabbits and know exactly how you feel.
>>368024This is literally how I get on when I'm drunk and messaging all my contacts kek
No. 368038
>>368036Yeah he has never had a pet that he really bonded with and cared for. He got 2 dogs and we know at least one 1 terrified of him and he rubbed it's face in it's own pee. He got a tortoise and baked it in the sun under a plastic box. He has a guinea pig that he keeps in a glass aquarium. He had a kitten that he gave away. He had chickens he neglected and killed. I'm missing some I'm sure.
It's clear he isn't vegetarian for the animals since he abuses and neglects every animal under his care.
No. 368045
>>368038Two dogs he owned as a teenager died of malnutrition. According to HSanon, at least.
If TWO dogs in your care die of malnutrition, you'd either have to be insanely fucking oblivious (so oblivious that you shouldn't be allowed to care for another life form) or you're just a selfish, unfeeling monster. I've forgotten to give my cat her dinner at the usual time and she'll make a huge fucking scene. She'll be in my face, yell-meowing, following me around, etc.
There's no doubt in my mind those dogs were making it clear they were hungry. Seriously, how do you not notice that a dog is slowly starving to death? How do you not see that it's ribs and spine are showing? How could you see that and NOT care? How could you have two pets die of neglect and think "Yeah, I'm gonna get MORE pets, this isn't a sign I can't handle the responsibility"? It's so fucking disgusting. I'm so upset knowing he continues owning pets, that his dog is clearly terrified of him, combined with the fact he neglects the shit out of a guinea pig and let that turtle die. I wish the ASPCA could check in periodically, removing any animals they find him hoarding and ignoring.
No. 368080
>>368076I dont think we should give him ideas.
We want him to suffer.
No. 368092
>>368051>Seriously, how do you not notice that a dog is slowly starving to death?And how do you not do anything about it until it dies?
>Seriously, how do you not notice that your son's teeth are slowly rotting away?And how do you not do anything until it gets to the point of having to put a toddler under general anesthesia to fix it
I'll tell you how. By not caring at all and not giving a single fuck. Total neglect.
No. 368129
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No. 368136
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>>368129Video's on the main channel
No. 368166
File: 1491968113588.png (361.66 KB, 585x418, Screen Shot 2017-04-11 at 8.34…)

And starting at 6:50, you get to watch Mama Onion manhandle her dogs and shove their faces
No. 368168
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And here's her sarcastic "I'm soooo grateful!" face
No. 368169
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>>368168Oh wait it was this one
No. 368205
>>367533>>367534House in question featured in the new clickbaity video.
So that's how Greg will deal with his career&financial fiasco. Mommy will cushion his fall. Of course.
The creep will soon be dependent on the uber-creep that birthed him again.
No. 368213
>>368085lmao she totally does
>>368211and he mentions his mom now sleeps in the same bedroom he once did. that's…weird.
No. 368217
>>368168Holy fuck does that woman have crazy eyes. In this one,
>>368169, I get that she's making a face to be "silly", but the first one is just creepy. They're way too intense, something's seriously fucking wrong with her.
No. 368258
>>368166She really is a horrible person. I will never forget the videos where she mocked Shiloh, a 17 year old girl who was clearly crumbling and suffering from mental illness. The apple sure didn't fall far from the tree with that one.
Basically, Greg looks exactly like his father, and gets his winning ways and stellar personality from his mother.
No. 368276
>>368262Oh yeah that reminds me…
Didn't Lainey claim that Greg's mother hates her?
No. 368283
Pretty sure his mom’s a narcissist. Narc parents typically have a scape goat, and a golden child who represents the narc’s image. Narc mothers usually choose the son because they perceive competition for sexual attention from their daughters. Narc moms can be flirty and sexually inappropriate (bordering on sexual abuse) with the golden son, sometimes treating him like a spouse.
Considering how Greg treats those close to him, how he always finds a way to “casually” bring up sexual topics or make sexual jokes, the naked body massages, and how they currently interact (remember that video where his character kept making sexual advances toward his mom?) there's something really unsettling and off there…
No. 368287
>>368169There has been so much that went down.. but didn't she give him a full body massage with his clothes off…. ?
> Looks like Margo > Also does "massage" therapy.. I'm done .. All she needs is to abuse Meitu and fry her hair a little more and I might start assuming they're long lost siblings.
No. 368311
File: 1492018058101.png (244.01 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3998.PNG)

Onion gets triggered from being called "fat", denies calling Shiloh fat, sees "fat" as a "medical term" and still sucks in his fat gut during the entire video to prove us haters wrong!!!!1!1!11!
We're getting to him, y'all!
No. 368327
>>368311I'd say he's neither fat nor skinny, but he's flabby and pasty as fuck. His body is certainly nothing to take pride in.
Not so fun when you're the one on the end of the body-shaming, eh Greg?
No. 368331
>>368311holy shit. someone commented that he was fat and he got so
triggered that he made a video about it? grease gets crazier and crazier
No. 368341
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>>368205Maybe I'm thinking too deeply about this but is it at all possible he's transferring the house to his mom as a way to protect assets from his eventual divorce? Regardless of how unfair the prenup may be towards Lainey there is no way a judge would let Gurg keep multiple houses and leave Lainey and the kids to slink off to her moms house empty handed. Either way I totally agree that one day he will be living there alone with momma onion when his youtube career is completely dead and he's broke as fuck with no prospects.
I watched that whole video and was horrified by his face so I'm spreading the misery(pic related). He also found a way to mention Social Repose sleeping in a box, not like we needed the confirmation that he does indeed watch SRs content lol.
No. 368343
>>368341You're probably right. He lied about his income/expenses during his divorce with Skye purely because he wanted her to get the least amount of money possible. Greg doesn't seem to understand that marriage means sharing everything, including your bank account.
Also his skin reminds me of those bumpy, textured ceilings you see in some houses. He seriously should see a doctor.
No. 368346
File: 1492026903794.jpg (128.63 KB, 640x1064, bi-winning.jpg)

Greg trying to motivate himself since nobody else supports him.
People are not having it.
This is some Charlie Sheen level meltdown and denial, lol
No. 368347
File: 1492026956280.png (35.56 KB, 750x472, IMG_0527.PNG)

Probably emoing about Billie since she posted that after drew's video went up. no one cares lameo. You're married.
No. 368349
>>368345and he has more furniture. casa de la grasas most furnished room is his creepy ass basement.
id rather have a small fully furnished home then a fucking greasy mansion that looks depressing and cold because i cant afford the heating bill let alone paint
No. 368353
>>368350No, you're not.
Everyone has known it was Grease who pushed for it since the start, Lainey's Tweets during CG 1.0 and 2.0 only further confirmed it.
No. 368360
>>368350She definitely didn't care at all and Billie could sense it which is why she got closer to gerg who was nice to her. Lainey was probably cold and bitchy/jealous from the beginning once gerg was obviously super attracted to Billie instead of her.
Lainey is just dramatic about everything. And thinks she's the only one who understands love and feels love strongly and blah blah blah. Just date a normal human and you won't be emoing this much. Her posts sound like my posts from high school over unrequited love. Now I'm dating someone and I'm older and less dramatic and we're super happy and I don't need to post emo shit. You're supposedly married in a "great" relationship and you're
posting like you're single crushing over someone who doesn't like you back.
No. 368387
>>368347This is not emoing, this is A BLATANT ATTEMPT AT GUILT-TRIPPING.
God, the Avaroes are so slimy. Disgusting people.
No. 368417
>>368283Yes, this. Sage for blogpost, but I dated a narc who had an insanely unhealthy relationship with his mother, he was 25 and his mom would accuse him of trying to abandon her if he started talking about moving out on his own, she suggested they get an apartment together (she was married to his father still. Yeah) and she acted as though she and I were competing for his affections. Not just a mom jealous of a girl taking her away her "baby", she behaved as though I was stealing her boyfriend (multiple times, she'd "forget" to get dressed, walk around in her underwear and flutter her eyelashes at him when I came over). She'd careen back and forth between being extremely verbally abusive and cooing at him that he was the most special boy in the whole world. Whenever his dad went on business trips, she'd try to convince him to sleep in her bed.
It was fucking CREEPY.
It's called "Covert Incest". "Overt Incest" is when a family member actually engages in physically molesting/having sex with another family member while "Covert Incest" is where a parent or stepparent starts emotionally relying on their child as a replacement spouse and…well, here, just read the wikipedia article:'d bet my life's saving that Gerg's mom has been engaged in covert incest ever since his father left her. However, giving him nude, full body massages does cross the line into overt incest territory. It must have confused the SHIT out of Gerg. I know for a fact it ruined my ex. It mimics the effect of actual, overt incest, it doesn't matter if you never actually fuck your kid, the emotional damage is still long lasting.
No. 368421
>>368413Lol for real. I felt sorry for her before when the billie thing was first happening, but after the shit she pulled with continuing to have her come back under the pretense she missed her and all that bullcrap. And also act heartbroken and shit for sympathy when she clearly stated she never loved her, never wanted a gf, and she was basically only there for gerg and she knew it. Like holy hell shut the fuck up.
Especially now. It's over and done with. Billie never once has mentioned lameo since that shit happened, but lameo keeps trying to emo over her. This bitch has to always wallow in self pity over everything. Like go outside. Go get a job/hobby instead of emoing online as your hobby.
No. 368422
>>368417holy fucking shit hahahaha this is crazy.
…Aaand it sounds a lot like Greg and his mum
No. 368426
>>368409It's either pissing, punching or shooting. Boy is washed up and childish. He even put the doll in the toilet and screamed "why are you in the toilet?? Do you WANT to get pooped on?!"
Give it up for 30-year something comedian, everyone!
No. 368430
>>368421yeah lainey/grease were the ones playing with billie's emotions. why they still playing the victim? it ain't right sis, log off.
>Billie never once has mentioned lameo since that shit happenedi think this says it all about their "relationship"
No. 368471
File: 1492040308634.jpg (248.86 KB, 725x1102, sanpaku eyes.jpg)

>>368169>>368217Sanpaku eyes are real
>>368280Agreed, but what does this have to do with Greg?
>>368283Is there any information about how Greg's mother treated his sister and how she turned out? Wonder if she was the scapegoat and managed to end up fairly okay/detatched from that shitty family as a result.
>>368341>Maybe I'm thinking too deeply about this but is it at all possible he's transferring the house to his mom as a way to protect assets from his eventual divorce?This sounds like a completely plausible theory. Though if a divorce were on the horizon, wouldn't it be smarter to transfer the larger house to her and occupy the smaller one?
>>368445I think she does it more for victim attention in general than attention from Greg. She's an attention whore, and she probably knows by now that Greg doesn't give a shit about how she feels unless he can use her emotions to some personal benefit.
No. 368480
>>368474JFC. I would like to shake her until her teeth rattle. I honestly don't blame Greg for peacing out on her; she must be irritating as fuck to live with.
Protip, Taylor: You are a married woman with two small children who depend on you, because we all know Greg is not Dad of the year. Grow the fuck up. If you ~want to fall in love again~, leave Greg and find someone to love, who loves you back. It really is that simple. JFC.
No. 368769
>>368471 The guy I'm with rn has #4 sanpaku and he's not psychotic but he is great at fucking. Also very hot.
sage for who cares
>>364438>>368817If the way he "cares" for animals is any indication, i doubt he gives two shits about his children.
So yeah, he probably is an idiot who thinks that abandoning his kids legally will save him having to pay child support. I don't like Lainey, but it's irritating how every so often he'll allude to Lainey making her own income and how great that is. You're married. Your wording makes it sound like she has to earn her keep. Alimony is going to look like nothing compared to child support for two kids.
No. 368835
>>364616It felt like my brain tried to reject out of my face.
This is the stupidest thing I've ever read in my entire fucking life.
No. 368849
>>368848Prenups like that don't hold. You can't circumvent child, and in many cases, the legal min for spousal support.
Lawyers will write them, and accept payment for doing so. Happily. Just as happily as they'll explain why it didn't hold, and how they can aide you in seeking a new agreement when the time comes. For a fee.
No. 368852
>>368833>>368846Thanks anons. I get a bit confused when the "second house" is bought up as I refuse to watch his videos, so I tend to either mistake it for the "servant quarters" on his property or the actual other house he has.
I had no idea his mom is currently living in it though, is he still using it as a meeting and filming spot with his collabs? That must be a really fucking weird encounter and surprise for them to behold - some random, crazy old woman appearing out of nowhere when you thought you only had to deal with just the one lunatic for promoting yourself, lol.
>>368848If how he's currently handling the way his career is going is anything to go by, I think he's always been edging close to retarded levels of stupidity. He's not going to get away with ever paying child support, prenup or not… they're his children and he has shared responsibility over them, you can't just give them away, even if Lainey was the doormattiest of the doormats and accepted it, no court will agree to her completely supporting them on her own without income.
No. 368857
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Speaking of his insistence that Lainey is getting some kind of income (selling shite clothes does not equal a living wage, Greaselord). Someone bought his fucking sweaty, nasty smeg-wiped scruffpants from her Poshmark.
I think these were the same ones "bought" (re: he actually gave them money to buy gifts whenever special occasions came up for himself and Doormat) by either Billie or Sarah for his birthday, I'm pretty sure they are.
Whyyyyyyyyyyy?! Why would anyone hate themselves so much to buy them?! You know some deranged fan of his is currently waiting by the mailbox every morning for them to arrive so they can sniff at the encrusted crotch of them.
No. 368859
>>368788He had a fresh victim in his arms and was ready to fully abandon that whole wife and kid baggage, I doubt he thought too deeply about the complexities involved at the exact moment he blurted that out. I have no idea how Lainey could
ever forgive and forget with that incident, it bluntly revealed just how little he loves them. I have to assume she thought it was all a lie so she could still sleep at night.
Something I'm curious about is if the second baby was intentional? The timing of that was crazy and I think the pregnancy sort of forced Lainey to tolerate extra abuse.
>>368814Onion is convinced fully nude body massages are innocent and fun to share with friends and family so of course they will.
No. 368865
>>368417There is at least one serial killer out there with what you described as his exact backstory, complete with the mother walking around in only a bathrobe and casually flashing him, but I forgot which one.
Maybe it's a good thing Grease found Youtube and became an internet-dependent loser too paranoid and stunted to leave his house and talk to real humans, because this way it's less likely he'll actually physically assault anyone. Washington-area prostitutes (and women in general), rejoice that this creep is too pussy to ever even approach you.
>>368454When Grease was outright bullying Billie and posting super sensitive personal information for the entire internet to see, all Lainey could say was "where's MY fucking support?" like bitch please, whenever people reach out to you because they think you're being victimised by Greg you mock them. That was your fucking support and you pissed on it.
No. 368876
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The abusive pedo couple <3
No. 368893
>>368890Or maybe she just doesnt care about decorating stuff? I was like that when I was around her age. My apt wasnt girly at ALL, no posters, not even family pics.
But Onion obviously own her ass so it wouldnt surprise me if it was all about "his way or the highway". We all remember what happened last time she decided to like a band that Onion didnt like.
No. 368897
>>368890>>368893I think it's weird. I don't care about decorating a place I'm not going to live in for long, or when i dont have that much money to spend, so why waste it on decorations. But gerg had a lot of money and thats supposedly her home for life. So it is weird that there isn't really anything up that is her interest.
I always wonder how she feels about selling off her clothes, especially band shirts and things. Those are something I would want to keep, but maybe she doesn't care as much. But her personality has been shot the longer she is with gerg. Shes so boring because she has zero personality now and no hobbies. The most she does is listen to some music, watch netflix, talk about how gay/agender she is, and emo about ~love~.
No. 368927
>>368865Oh, I'm aware. I've read way too many books about serial killers and there's a running theme with mothers who have a habit of alternating between being highly sexual, smothering weirdos and verbally/physically abusive, overbearing cunts. My ex was…eehhh. Enough disturbing shit happened while dating him that I now expect to see his face pop up on the news someday, labeled "The Modern Day Ted Bundy".
After seeing The Greasemother and hearing some anecdotes about her, I thought "Ohhhh, I'm familiar with this brand of batshit mother. Ooof." I can't imagine being MARRIED to someone and having a cunt like that as my mother-in-law. Imagine holidays: Gerg won't let you visit your family, they're not allowed in the house, he refuses to go on any kind of trip, so it's just you, your child, your grease-mate and his wild-eyed mother who is staring you down from across the table, never breaking eye contact as she mindlessly skewers half defrosted, freezerburned tofurkey with her fork and stuffs it into her bright red, lipstick smeared maw. I'd excuse myself to the bathroom to commit Seppuku. Fuck that noise.
Lainey is purely motivated by "What will gain me the most amount of attention". Questioning her sexuality and getting a short haircut turned into her being OH SO GAAAAAY and a hardcore SJW-agender-smol-space-prince because the tumblr set threw some attention her way. Billie being harassed and shit on by Gerg turned into her being permanently scarred and heartbroken because her followers seem to supply a neverending supply of kind words as long as she keeps up the online equivalent of flinging herself across her bedroom while sighing. She enjoys posting vague, emotional lyrics on public social media accounts because she likes people asking "WHO IS THIS ABOUT? OH MY GOD, YOU OKAY?". I'm sure the kind of cutter who actually IS just doing it for the attention if it wasn't for the fact that Gerg would shame her ass publicly.
She desperately wanted support after Billie bailed on the grease mansion because her self centered little brain couldn't handle knowing her husbands ex-consort was getting more sympathy and pity than her. She has no interest in actually utilizing that support, she just wants to know it's
there because it means people are focusing on her. She's the worst.
No. 368939
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Onision and his mother remind me heavily of Momma K, I bet his mom treated him this same way when he was a kid. If you watch some of momma K's videos its very obvious. She made her son film her dancing around in lingerie, etc. No. 368954
>>368876Plainey looks cute here.
Greg not so much…
No. 368955
>>368939Glad I'm not the only one who thought this.
Taylor would be the same fucking way of she could stop neglecting Troy and Bandaid for teenage girls on Twitter kek
No. 368973
>>368962I can imagine Greg and Lainey's daily communication goes something like this
>Onion is in the office all day>Onion comes out of the office>"Lainey are you ready to get a new girlfriend soon?">"Not really Greg">Onion goes back into office>Few hours later he comes out of the office>"Lainey suk mi">Lainey does the suk mi>"Lainey you should get a new girlfriend">"No Greg I can't">Onion goes back into the officeThis repeats until Greg throws a shitfit and Lainey lures a new teen to make him not leave her.
No. 368989
>>368973That's honestly what it's probably like, however, I'd forgotten about "suk mi" until reading this and the idea of Grease stepping out of the office, faplopping his smegma encrusted, pimply greasedick over the waistband of his jizz stained sweatpants and calling out with a loud, petulant "SUUUK MIII!", well, I'm fucking
No. 369014
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Lameo accurately describing her life.
No. 369017
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I wonder why? Oh…the past two weeks…where billie was hanging out with drew? Hahaha.
No. 369027
>>369017You know, it's quite clear he is regretful of Billie escaping his grasp, but he just can't bring himself to apologize. Because he is never, ever wrong. He deserves every pang she gives him. And I hope every time he sees her smoking or kissing another man, and his chest feels full of razors and nails, he remembers
it didn't have to be like this, if only he had been competent at being a human being.
No. 369051
>>369017>>369027>>369040He probably feels extra bad because he got rid of her for such a stupid reason. He was probably on a high when it all went down from lameo egging him on and supporting him kicking her out and confirming shes a liar/blahblah. She was probably playing up his ego, making him feel right to treat billie like that. It's like when you're pissed at someone, then you talk to someone about it and they agree with you and it can make you even more pissed at them.
Then it hit him a while after that he actually lost her and he was stuck with boring lameybot and it was for such a stupid reason. hahaha. And now hes extra mad cause lamey wont approve of him getting a new fucktoy.
No. 369076
File: 1492124385129.png (678.61 KB, 1018x726, Screenshot_2017-04-13-18-55-22…)

Fucking Christ Veiney why are your tits pointing in different directions
No. 369083
>>369027I agree. I think him seeing Billie having fun with this guy makes him finally realise she's over him and she's not going to come crawling back. He realises that apologising won't bring her back so why would he do it? It's not as if he's ever actually sorry for something like a person who isn't a piece of shit.
He knows there's nothing he can do to get her back and he's going to have a very tough time getting a new childbride now that his YouTube career is ending and his looks are fading so fast that even 20 filters and a face full of mismatched foundation can't help him. He's probably shitting bricks at the thought of being stuck with Plainey for the rest of his days.
No. 369104
>>369088yeah. it's pretty uninteresting, though.
Would You Be My Girlfriend? [MIRROR]: No. 369119
>>369013 the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, researchers morphed images of their subjects’ faces to create faces of strangers.They then asked the unsuspecting subjects to rate the attractiveness of their own morphed face alongside other random faces. Sure enough, subjects preferred the faces that had their own features.
Turns out most people would rather just date somebody who looks like them.
No. 369210
>>369208Seems she's been reading here too.
No1currs Lainey, gtfo!
No. 369211
>>369208For the love of god this is a mother of two with a college degree. It's like watching your mom try to prove how hip and with it she is by wearing a side ponytail and insisting she really likes that metal band Nickleback.
Lainey has so little self-awareness of how fucking pathetic her displays of teen angst make her look. And part of that is because she surrounds herself with teenagers who also lack self-awareness about how dumb they look, which is common for teens whose biggest worry is fighting acne and going to prom. Married mothers of two not so much.
No. 369218
>>369104WOWWW. He is REALLY making an attempt to shove it into everyone's faces that he is only interested in full grown, adult women. Me thinks thou doth protest too much, Greaselord. When you spend 3/4 of a video vehemently insisting you aren't interested in young looking girls (and how DARE these young girls get the impression that's what he's looking for in a girlfriend, it's not like he ENCOURAGED that idea), it doesn't come across as genuine, it comes across as an ephebophile nervously desperate to convince the world that they are a perfectly normal adult man who is not at all a disturbed, creepy fuck.
Then he spends the last quarter of the video gushing about Lainey, though it comes across as though he's doing it more to convince his audience that he's just ~soo in luv~ with his smol space prince. I'm sure he was aiming to do some good old fashioned lovebombing, but I'm certain Lainey would appreciate Gerg just being a sweet, loving husband who shows affection and love during their one-on-one intimate moments…but why would he do that if there aren't any child fans to witness it? I also love how he admits he'd date the single 19 year old girl, as though this proves he isn't creepy, completely missing the point that a 31 (almost 32) year old man being willing to date/fuck a 19 year old is STILL creepy and gross.
I couldn't tell if he was joking or if he's just an idiot when he pronounced "kosher" as "ko-shwa". He has a history of coming across as a functioning illiterate idiot, so mispronouncing words as a joke completely falls flat. You have to prove you have the vocabulary of a middle schooler first, Gerg, before you can try those kinds of jokes.
No. 369221
>>369119I've noticed this phenomena is most noticeable in same sex couples. It's easier to notice the doppelganger nature when they're the same gender. One of my queer lady friends was dating a clone (same haircut, same haircolor, same height [6'0], same body type, same weight, same style, same mannerisms, same speech patterns) and it was some spooky shit. When I pointed it out to another friend and suggested our female friend was dating her clone because she was just THAT into herself, he shrugged and explained that it's fairly common among same sex relationships, that he'd dated men who people would insist looked like him in the past. Then, later, somebody pointed out that all the girls I crushed on looked like me to varying degrees.
I think, for some people, yes, it is a matter of being a weirdo narc who wishes they could fulfill some kind of fantasy where they fuck themselves, but it's also just a matter of human nature, as the study says.
I also knew a diagnosed narc who only wanted to date people who shared every single opinion, hobby, view, taste in fashion/food/music, lifestyle, etc. They weren't so much interested in dating their doppelganger, but they wanted to date
themselves in the sense that whoever they were in a relationship with would share their brain. People want to have things in common with their partner, but they don't want to have conversations with themselves. Having your own separate identities is important. This narc would find somebody who would be roughly the same and then go to work, pressuring them to become themselves 2.0. That irritated me beyond belief.
I think Gerg does this, as well; finds somebody who shares certain things in common with him and then his overbearing personality/identity starts crushing their own and they're forced to take on every single belief, opinion, lifestyle choice and so on. He can't handle being with someone who has their own strong sense of self and identity.
Sage for blogposting a bit
No. 369231
>>369208i've always hoped that one day she would leave onion. now i hope she never does. they deserve to be fucking miserable and petty till they drop dead. no one is making you sad! you're the cause of your own misery! grow up!!
No. 369232
>>369231same. shes proven she is a terrible person, so i dont really feel bad that she has to endure onion. Its probably for the best as it keeps any new teen girl from getting fucked over by onion. Hopefully they stop becoming a pedo couple looking for new bait. At least if they do bring in a third she wont be tied to him by marriage and can easily leave. Lets hope he doesn't try to quickly impregnate the next teen they bring in to make her stay with him forever.
It's funny because they probably think they are proving the haters wrong by staying together. At this point you'd prove me wrong if you broke up. You guys are awful and deserve each other for life. Hopefully their kids dont turn up as deranged as them but there is little hope with two awful parents.
No. 369233
Yeah, I was talking about how common it is with queer couples. It's pretty weird when you first notice it.
>I've noticed this phenomena is most noticeable in same sex couples. It's easier to notice the doppelganger nature when they're the same gender. One of my queer lady friends was dating a clone (same haircut, same haircolor, same height [6'0], same body type, same weight, same style, same mannerisms, same speech patterns) and it was some spooky shit. When I pointed it out to another friend and suggested our female friend was dating her clone because she was just THAT into herself, he shrugged and explained that it's fairly common among same sex relationships, that he'd dated men who people would insist looked like him in the past. Then, later, somebody pointed out that all the girls I crushed on looked like me to varying degrees.
I think it's equally common with same sex and opposite sex couples, but it's just way more noticeable with same sex ones for obvious reasons.
No. 369235
File: 1492162706202.png (815.81 KB, 1136x640, IMG_4014.PNG)

He looks like Laineybot here
No. 369248
>>369243I don't think Gerg is smart enough to think of having an NDA written up for every girl he finagles his dick into. I think he just relies on making it clear that if you leave him, he'll harass the shit out of you, send his teen army after you and make your life online a living hell. He will mention you in videos for years (he'll dedicate a series of 10+ videos to shit talking you for awhile, without a doubt), telling some twisted version of events that paint himself as a reasonable, rational guy who was victimized by a crazy, unfair, money hungry, lying whore who SMOKES DRUGS and has a dirty "house".
That's probably enough incentive for women to make an effort to avoid pissing him off by talking, you don't want your name associated with him and his batshit fuckery online, always coming up in search results. You can't escape his wrath entirely,though, since he has such a charming habit of fixating on every girlfriend he's had since middle school for decades, again, he's made it abundantly clear through his past actions how he'll go about handling breakups, but if you pull a Skye or Billie by threatening/taking legal action while also promising to disappear, he'll back off to
some extent.
A non-disclosure agreement, though? He doesn't have the foresight to think of that. I mean, he couldn't even bother to get an actual cease and desist letter written up.
No. 369252
>>369076She's braless and been breastfeeding for 4 straight years, you weren't really expecting them to be perky, were you?
>>369251This would be nice, not only for the sake of milk and Greg having his world shattered before having to duct tape it together, but for the sake of the kids, who are still young enough to grow up relatively normal. Hell, save the poor fucking dogs. Lainey, why can't you stop being a lazy self-absorbed idiot and do something for the people relying on you who
actually love you?
Oh right because if it's not a man's love it means nothing to you and you have no reason to live. Christ.
No. 369264
I dont understand why so many people ITT think of Billie as a martyr, saying things like "omg im so glad that shes happy now, she deserves it!", "she went thru a lot, she deserves happiness".
Except that no, she doesnt deserve it. She went into the poly relationship KNOWING what she was getting into and knowing how Onion is (she was def a fan so it is pretty obvious she knew of all the shit related to them) . For people saying " shes only 18". my answer is, yes, shes EIGHTEEN. She KNEW what she was going into, she accepted it and demanded it. Shes a cunt and a famewhore, just like Lainey and Greg. But all for those youtube likes, amirite ?
No. 369266
>>369264Feel free to talk shit about Billie in her thread, she's hardly relevant to Onion now. We only take amusement from Onion and Plainey being so salty over losing their harem toy.
Also, we should praise the girls who stand up for themselves against Greg. It drives him into an overload of narc-rage and thus plentiful milk. She's only a teen and stood her ground against a sociopathic 31 year old and his obedient doormat, so pump your breaks.
No. 369267
>>369264I don't like Billie either. She's really dumb for her age. Also she looks crusty
But she was obviously just trying to get that coin so I understand
No. 369268
>She KNEW what she was goingI honestly don't think its's possible to really understand that sort of thing until you experience it, which is why her young age is relevant. I don't fault her for trying it out the first time, but the subsequent times made me roll my eyes pretty hard. Still, it's a long way from saying she should have known better after the first time, to saying she deserved her treatment. No one deserves abuse, not even Taylor.
As far as her connection with Greg, I am actually pretty happy she got out with seemingly only minor trauma, and that she has more or less successfully moved on to a much more suitable relationship. His and Taylors sad tears about it are quite delicious, and I am eagerly looking forward to more freakouts from them.
No. 369279
>>369264You must be close to 18 if you can't understand that a person around that age doesn't have the best decision making faculties just yet, and won't for several more years. Add in the fact that it's not like she comes from great up bringing and that makes her even more susceptible to being manipulated, like she was. There's reason why Greg likes girls this age, because people will hop on your side and use the "legal adult" faulty logic without taking into account actual psychological development. Anyone who isn't also very young themselves can see that Billie was mentally immature, so that's why I felt bad for her. She didn't truly
understand what she was getting into.
No. 369280
>>369266Thats why I saged my post(and this one too). Still related to Onion tho since they "dated". You go back to that thread of hers and keep licking her ass.
>>369268"Young age". She comes from a country where a 13 yo has 8 million followers on IG because she treated her mother like shit on national tv, same 13 year old that is hooking up with rappers that are double her age and posting about it online. Girls grow up preeetty fast over there (and lets not act like shes from a classy or traditional family please, shes 100% trailer trash ). Every action gets a reaction. Like you said, if it happened once then I would feel sorry for her(again, as you said, no one deserves abuse) but the bitch kept going back so she knew what she was getting to, and she also knew she was going to get some of that sweet sweet YT money from making videos with the Onions and co-existing with them.
I think shes Lainey part 2. The only difference is that she didnt get pregnant.
No. 369283
I like how you're using one extremely bizarre 13 year old as representation for all of America's youth. Good argument.
Anyways, a part of abusive relationships is returning to your abuser even after separating, or expressing the desire to. Greg and Lamely have broken up multiple times, yet still stick together. Lainey admitted that although she knows shes being abused, she can't leave Greg because she's codependent af.
And don't forget that it would be them crawling back to Billie every time, never vice versa.
No. 369286
>>369280Are you faulting the 13 year old girl for her actions too? That's on parenting. Your child doesn't just grow up and act like that. a 13 year old having instagram followers and dating older men doesn't make her an adult or mature. It makes whats happening scary and sick. Idk how you can say a 13 year old is mature for that or "grew up pretty fast". That's not how mental development works. And thats not how the average 13 year old's life is.
>>369264And people stopped faulting billie because she left, stuck up herself and didnt give into gerg's every actions when it got ridiculous. Theres no doubt he acted supppper nice to her in the beginning, and blamed them breaking up on lameo. It was only towards the end where he became super hostile towards her. She probably fell into the trap that he was going to make all her dreams come true, but at least she hasn't been a doormat and giving into his every want for 5+ years now like lameo. And since she hasn't been around gerg, she hasn't done anything that bad, so theres no reason for me to hate her. She also had a history of dating shit people, so its not that weird that she'd end up in another shit relationship, so I'd hope she'd find a normal healthy relationship. Even tho i dislike lameo, id still hope the same if she leaves gerg.
No. 369287
>>369281The difference is billie was young just like lameo when it started. She was 18 when she got into it, 19 when she got out. If lameo got out of her marriage at 19, even 20, i think people would agree she made a dumb mistake, and she was very young. But she is 22 now, going to be 23 in half a year. Where does the line get drawn where she is no longer young and is responsible for her own situation? She has TWO kids and is a mom as well. And unlike billie, where this only lasted a couple of years, she has 5+ years of completely defending gerg's actions and supporting him hurting other people.
I think what turned a lot of people on lameo and took away their sympathy was how she acted during the final billie break up, even attacking a 16 year old "lane" who looked up to her just for sticking up for billie. She also did not have one ounce of sympathy that gerg revealed billie's very personal info, and just wanted sympathy for herself. She displayed a lot of gerg-like qualities and nastiness during that time. Whereas billie only shit talked gerg, didn't put down lameo, sarah, or anyone else. Billie ended up looking better at the end because of that and lameo lost a ton of sympathy. Also how shes been acting since then, by playing up she still misses billie and was so heartbroken , when she has admitted she never loved her or wanted to date her, has gotten ridiculous.
No. 369289
>>369286she left because HE broke up with HER. Even after he talked about chaining her up in the basement she was OK WITH IT but not 100% sure because she didnt want him talking about it in social media. "stuck up for herself"? She even kept the ring he gave to her up until he made that video trashing her. So yes she was most DEFINITELY going to go back with him UP UNTIL that video.
>>369279>you must be closz to 18 cuz ur opinion suxz>>369283>one extremely bizarre 13 year old.Are you kidding me? When I lived in the US I volunteered in many different places, including public schools.(first year because of school's requisites, years after because of my own will.) Kids were talking about having sex and getting "dat" money since their early teens. Accept it, they grow up FAST over there compared to other countries. And they seem proud of it.
You said that that behaviour is the parents' fault? Maybe to some extent. Id say 1/3. The other 1/3 is on their environment (school,acquaintances, etc) and the last 1/3 is on the person itself.
>>369281 Exactly. But hey, if her age is younger than me/us, then good lord shes so YOUNG,god bless her the poor innocent child. 10/10 haram.
tl;dr: Wont talk about this particular theme anymore, i can see many of her ass-minions are lurking. God bless and RIP Charlie Murphy .
No. 369295
>>369258>>369263I think you're both talking about two different people here, lol.
I think the first anon is talking about Mercedes, and yeah… they've known each other since HS. She visits them once or twice a year since Lainey moved to Washington 5 or so years ago… they were just clickbaiting and attempting to make Billie jealous.
I think the second anon is talking about the latino "seitanprincess" chick. Either she was cowtipped or she was lurking here because she locked up all her social media accounts as soon as we started discussing her here… she's kept her head low ever since, so I don't think we'll get to see anything more of that, Besides that, I think Greg hates those who are vocal about their mental illnesses and he's pretty racist to boot so I don't expect anything to ever come from it.
No. 369297
>>369231Hey Greg: LOL BE MAD
Hey Taylor: LOL STAY SAD
Yes, I like this
No. 369331
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Pic is from his latest video's description. It's a shit video where he destroys his YouTube Play button plaques with sledgehammers and shit, no talking at all.
When you are so broke you have to sell your YouTube awards on eBay, and only give 10% to charity. He clearly needs the $ and the tax breaks.
Who the fuck is going to buy these though?
You can see everything he is selling here: No. 369338
File: 1492197806905.png (12.47 KB, 592x87, onion.png)

>>369331That money is never going to charity.
No. 369344
File: 1492198972001.png (422.64 KB, 855x887, onion.png)

Onion has concluded from talking to youtube who told him they are going more PC or some shit and from assessing leafy's channel without actually talking to him (so basically assuming) the reason his channel is dying is because he deleted his 'successful' videos that attacked other youtubers (specifically the ones about eugenia) and that has gotten rid of promotion to his channel. Because people would find that popular video and then find his channel.
>he looked at Social repose, jaclyn glenn, etc videos and saw they are also struggling
>says social repose puts a lot of effort into his videos then back pedals and says he doesnt watch his content but he assumes he does HAHAHA
>Takes the blame for his channel dying because he deleted those videos now hes only at "40% success as he used to be"
>Tells other youtubers dont delete your successful controversial videos!
>We are going to see a brand new onision! He admits he took the lazy route with videos, but no more!
>He changed his schedule and will have exciting new content!
No. 369350
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No. 369353
>>36935210% is $30; $3 is 1%.
But I would bet anything that 0% will actually go to a charity of any kind.
No. 369361
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>>369331>>369332Is he going crazy? He just posted a video of him throwing one off his roof?
No. 369365
>>369289here's google. "The rational part of a teen's brain isn't fully developed and won't be until age 25 or so. In fact, recent research has found that adult and teen brains work differently. Adults think with the prefrontal cortex, the brain's rational part."
you can grow up fast but that doesn't mean your brain is fully developed. billie gets a pass because she was 18, sorry dude
No. 369366
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>>369344seems like our little onion boy has gone full Amanda Bynes mode
No. 369392
>>369372His mediocre ass should thank his lucky stars that YouTube gave him a platform to attract fans and get rich in the first place. He has no skills so what would he have done otherwise?
Hes so fucking entitled its disgusting. So glad that all the things he never deserved are disappearing. Couldnt have happened to a nicer guy.
No. 369404
File: 1492214408294.png (268.08 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4015.PNG)

The old fuck is STILL obsessed with Hannah!
And fantasizes about kissing and touching his exes. Yes Lainey, he's your true soulmate daddy! <3
No. 369421
>>369404he calls every guy in the video gay for not immediately kissing their ex gf. Then a girl lesbian for not immediately kissing her ex bf.
Well guys, we see how onion convinced lainey she loved girls.
>forces lameo to kiss billie>OMG YOU LOVE VAGINA NOW LAINEY! SOOOOO GAY NOW. NOT EVEN STRAIGHT AT ALL. BRING ME GIRLS TO FUCK.Then lameo agreed and parades how gayyyyy she is.
No. 369426
>>369404After he "kissed" hannah minx:
"And to my wife if you're watching this, stop caring about hannah minx. She is no competition of yours."
So basically he admits lameo hates all these videos he makes about ex's and it hurts their relationship. He makes them anyway. Great. Haha nice soulmate love of your life there lameo. What a catch!
No. 369433
File: 1492219121157.png (21.77 KB, 581x174, lameo.png)

No. 369443
File: 1492221867431.jpg (217.79 KB, 1280x1280, FaceApp_1492221811314.jpg)

I highly recommend putting onion through these filters