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No. 47515
thisisnotjapan thread
http://thisisnotjapan.tumblr.comBasically some angry weeb(s) making up Japanese personas to fight against the white devil.
One of the mods on that blog was named "Jun", who turned out to be a catfish and has a thread here
>>12069Pic related: It's probably how TINJ mods look like IRL
No. 47542
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No. 47573
>>47555I just browsed through the blog and they made bunch of butthurt posts about western spinoffs of Japanese food. Some random peanut butter sushi recipe offends them very much because everything Japanese is sooo sacred.
Oh wait, that's sounds like your typical weeaboo think.
No. 47586
>>47515>>47555At least one of the mods is Japanese. I found her private Tumblr by accident where she posts selfies and mentions TINJ. I don't know about the others though.
It's weird that all of them are supposedly half-Japanese or live in the US but want to give advice concerning Japanese issues. Most of them haven't even lived there or don't speak the language. Where do they think do they get their authority from? What's more stupid are those asks about cultural appropriation and the like: No one cares if you dress in badly-made kimono or learn Japanese because of anime. You don't need permission from a couple of Japanese-Americans for that.
No. 47599
>>47586Yep, this is an issue I remember writing to Jun about on their blog. No matter how connected to Japanese culture they are, it will never have 100% Japanese influence despite being Japanese in ethnicity. Living in the U.S. is partly why they even felt inspired to make a blog about the issues they're concerned about in the first place.
Even if they up and moved to Japan for the rest of their lives, if they grew up anywhere outside of Japan during their childhood, they grew up with foreign influences shaping the way they view the world.
Their ethnicity does not give them enough of a right to speak for Japanese people who currently live in Japan. Japanese Americans are not contributing enough to Japanese politics or culture by upholding or adding to traditions. How could they if they would not feel the burden or benefit of it by living in the U.S.?
Honestly, Japanese Americans who have lived here their entire lives and know hardly anything about their culture shouldn't be called that, instead American Japanese, because their primary source of influence comes from America.
They should focus on the issues Japanese people who have grown up in America face instead. The whole model minority thing obviously sucks for them because they were accepted for rejecting their culture and adapting to a more american (often associated with white people) culture. It likely hurt them when white people who embraced the culture they were told to leave behind were celebrated.
No. 47604
>>47598Of course they don't. I never said that. Read it again.
>Is this an American thing to _claim expertise_ You can't speak for the whole nation where you don't even reside in just because your relatives are from there. Like these TINJ assholes are doing. You don't have any idea what's the daily life like in there. You have no realistic understanding of their society because you're not part of them. If my parents are from some foreign country and move to another country and I'm born there, I have no fucking idea what my parents' home country is like in reality.
No. 47607
>>47604I definitely agree with you. My parents are immigrants from the same nation. We live in a neighborhood where 99% of the people who live here are from the same country. I speak the language and have visited their home countries dozens of times. All of my friends and people I've dated come from this same country, as have about half of my teachers growing up.
Despite all of that, the second I go visit their country, people point out what a foreigner I am
all the time. I can't hide it because it's the little things I don't even notice that points it out. If I were to try and speak on their behalf I would feel like I was belittling them because I am not really from their. BUT I
can identify with the diaspora of these people who live in and grew up in the US. As a whole we are different to those back in our parents' home country.
No. 47609
>>47599It's usually the 2nd generation immigrants who turn radical because they feel rootless in the country they were born in, possibly because their parents held up to their traditions and culture at home and only spoke their native language, not mirroring the new culture outside of their house. When they finally have to deal with the majority around them, they feel like outcasts. Look at the kids turning to ISIS, they're usually 2nd generation muslim immigrants who want to feel like they belong and ironically contribute to the bad things their parents originally escaped from. In our country (European) we have had a lot of issues with 2nd generation immigrant teens beating up white kids simply because of their longing for the feeling of superiority over them.
>>47606She also replied to some Japanese ask with "LOL U USED wwww YOU SOUND LIKE YOU LEARNED JAPANESE FROM AN ANIME EVERYONE LAUGH AT THIS ANON". She's completely avoiding the question in itself and doesn't even reply to it in Japanese. Something smells here.
No. 47611
>>47606I thought Eri said she would start screening people for authenticity
because of Jun being a catfish. Anyway that whole "you must speak Japanese" requirement is fucked up as people who grew up in the US because I know kids of all backgrounds whose parents never taught them a language besides English to make it easier for them to live here.
Also, a funny thing about Jun was that he picked some great people to catfish on a personal level, with Jasmine I think it was that he was living with a roommate at times or was having anxiety problems and couldn't speak on the phone (but could type for hrs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). With Mae it was that his English was too accented and he was embarrassed.
No. 47614
>>47611But I doubt that those kids dub themselves the official moral police of their heritage and walk around speaking on an entire country's behalf.
If you're going to speak for an entire fucking country you should at least know the language. Also, Neither Eri or Solace have stepped their foot inside of Japan for years. What exactly is it that makes these two qualified to speak on behalf of every other Japanese citizen?
No. 47620
>>47615That's exactly what I mean, that because they themselves grew up in the U.S. they shouldn't become all elitist about being able to speak Japanese in order to rate how authentic a person who claims to be Japanese is.
Especially as blog mods who are either only half japanese, speak it an extremely basic level, have never been to Japan or are 3rd generation Japanese in the U.S. They have no right to judge and are being as exclusive to their own demographic as the people who outcast them are.
No. 47627
>>47623We've offered them suggestions for renaming their blog. Maybe the best would be this:
America Is Not Japan
No. 47650
>>47648Foreign as in non-American. Whenever this topic comes up, sure as shit its some miserable Europoor who thinks that they know everything and everyone should act according to how they think.
Then again, if I lived in a shithole like Europe I would probably be miserable, too. Rather go to Vancouver.
No. 47674
>>47652According to
>>47596 it is. :^)
No. 47697
>>47682What teens have you been around? Trying to be PC, mannered, or anything like that as a teen usually gets you made fun of and makes other teens target you because nobody likes a goody two shoes. At best, people think you're weird and just snigger at you as you walk by. You're seen as a teacher's kiss ass who takes life too seriously. The only people ever treated as martyrs in my high school were black kids who consistently got away with acting out, starting fights, and on one occasion throwing pens at my face in the cafeteria because according to my principal, "pursuing it would look racist, just ignore them."
Sorry, but I have no fucking clue what you've been smoking..
No. 47726
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No. 47733
>>47726When she gets called out, she always responds like that (if she decides to respond, of course)
What I hate more are her band of asslickers, especially those with white guilt
No. 47798
>>47697>>47713There are very few people on tumblr who are able to provide factual, unbiased information (whether or not it supports their own views). People, regardless of being on tumblr or not, will usually accept information that coincides with their view points due to the schemas they have developed of the world.
On tumblr this issue is exacerbated because their emotions do not have to be subsided, and the more passionate you come off about a subject that concerns you, the more likely someone will want to listen to and believe you (if those ideas fit with their own or there is no possible counter argument they can make).
When people you like make these types of posts on tumblr, it makes many young people, specifically teens, want to start speaking about it too. I think the fact that many college students are the ones making these posts makes teens want to learn more about it because these issues are not spoken to in much depth in hs if at all.
While not all of these college students are correct, teens make it worse because unless they're talking from personal experience or do research where they come up with their own theories, they just regurgitate information from other college students or shitty documentaries.
No. 47800
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>>47727Stormshit pls go, you are literally Tumblr in reverse
No. 47802
>>47697lol they threw pens at your face
just for being white? Its weird, I live in a big city, and I've never seen a black kid beat up a white kid just because he's white or vice versa.
Thats the type of thing I hear or read about in the news about some backwards redneck town in the south or midwest that usually includes the kkk (which is fucked up that they're allowed to exist, so whenever blogs like TINJ talk about issues like that, I agree with them).
No. 47805
>>47800They're not being storm anything whatever. Have you really never been around those obnoxious types who say that their made up, ghetto as fuck name ending in 'iqa' or 'isha' means and I quote "African Princess in African"? Africans, as in ones actually FROM Africa, fucking hate African Americans with a passion because they come to that country all of the time and say that they're reclaiming their roots when so many black people have no idea if their ancestors came over on a slave ship or just came here via typical immigration within the last 50 years or so.
>>47802Jersey was weird, dude. I don't pretend to understand anything about that state. I'm just glad I fucking moved.
>>47727Plenty of Whites do it, too. You've never heard of a Plastic Paddy?
No. 47807
>>47727Do you have any idea how many white people I've met that tell me they're 1/12 Cherokee and then go on to explain that their great great great^12 grandma was actually a cherokee princess? I feel embarrassed for them.
And lets not forget the other white people that constantly go one about their Irish heritage even though they weren't born in Ireland, their parents are white trash who know shit about their ancestors, and they've never been to Ireland.
But ok white folks = mastur race.
No. 47811
>>47805Why are their names ghetto? I've honestly never understood why people make fun of their names, they're not hurting anyone. Some are known to be an altered version of names from their ancestors home country, while others are made up.
I genuinely don't believe that Africans hate African Americans (it's stupid to call them Arican American if they don't know anything about their roots in Africa, so I'll just call them American black people). How many times have you traveled to every one of the 54 African countries and spoken to the people there to claim this? Both groups of people share a fucked up history, but by no means is it the same, it's not as if black people in the u.s. let them down or something.
Also, lmao, how would they not know if their ancestors came to the U.S, as immigrants since 1965? Their grandparents or parents wouldn't know that? You make no sense, it's like you're defending African people but then hate black people in the U.S., simultaneously grouping/separating them.
No. 47814
>>47811>Why are their names ghetto? I've honestly never understood why people make fun of their names, they're not hurting anyone. Some are known to be an altered version of names from their ancestors home country, while others are made up.You live under a rock, don't you? That or you're white guilt as fuck.
>I genuinely don't believe that Africans hate African Americans Really, how many immigration centers within your inner city have you volunteered/worked in? How many have you had to deal with who say that black people here wear racism on their foreheads? How many have you met who own homes both here and in Africa and spouses doing exactly the same? How many have you met who regularly drop their children off here for the daycare/mentor service who will shoot the shit with you and compare home to here and detail their experiences to you as if you two were close friends?
I love how whenever someone hasn't experienced something, they're quick to deny that it exists as opposed to trying to understand it. It's almost as if you're phobic of shit happening where you're unable to witness it, so you need to reject it. Because a stranger online totally would lie to you for absolutely no reason on a rip off of 4chan.
No. 47817
>>47809>>47813Years ago I've seen a photos of (dark skinned) foreigners in Polish folk dresses floating on Tumblr. Only people to scream cultural appropriation replies were Americans and they all pulled out this patronizing bullshit like: "those poor, poor Polish people don't even know they're SUPPOSED to be offended! We'll be offended for your sake because you're not ~*sensitive*~ enough yet when it comes to this kind of topic!"
When Polish people tried talking back that no one in their right mind would feel offended by this because folk dresses are not ~*sacred cultural tradition*~, they were all dissmissed as poor babies that don't know any better and should be protected at any cost.
Tumblr doesn't give a shit about what cultural appropriation really is.
No. 47818
>>47814I'm saying that you can't speak for all Africans as a whole. In my city the main group of people I know Africans who either just immigrated here or who are 2nd, 3rd generation here to interact with are black people who have no knowledge of their roots in Africa. I've been witness to arguments between "African americans" and Africans because "African Americans" here discriminate over stupid insensitive things, like when the ebola virus was spreading, degree of education and their class status back in Africa.
Other than that, I've never seen Africans go out of their way to avoid black Americans here. That's the view point I speak from, because I thought Africans would
want black americans to take pride in their ancestors roots. The same way people say that Japanese people don't hate foreigners for being interested in their culture.
No. 47821
>>47817Tumblr in a nutshell. You can definitely tell that the tumblr hive mind is influenced by america's need to be politically correct, which is funny because they bash the shit out of everything that isn't military, gun, and eagle centered.
I have a friend that traveled to both Ireland and South Korea for vacationing and work and came back to the US talking about how shocked she was about the lack of pc in either country. She was so uncomfortable by it because she always felt the need to shush them and tell them not to say whatever it was they said concerning race, sexuality or appearance.
No. 47826
>>47823someone mentioned giving TINJ a different username option, but I think theirs fits pretty well, because it really isn't Japan. I wish they would focus on the achievements and rights of Japanese Americans, not those of their ancestors home country considering they aren't doing much for them. I'm p sure Japan can handle itself just fine without that blog being around to mediate what's acceptable foreigner conduct when even thinking about Japan.
At this point I think even Japanese Americans can be complete weebs. They're completely disrespecting Japan by discussing it under an American view point.
No. 47833
>>47827Her response is not okay (it's starting to sound weird now that I've read it so many times). Who gives a shit if she likes Japanese foods, holy fuck it's not like it's so sacred that non-Japanese taste buds will seize to function if anyone else eats it.
But yeah, thinking about it, I usually hear moms telling a kid that after he or she hit someone else or something, "Sam, that is not okay! Apologize right now, mister!"
Okay = pc version of yes
No. 47843
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No. 47847
>>47843Translated for non-weebs: "This is not Google".
She always replies like that to every question that requires actual knowledge about Japan instead of something semi-made-up from 2 seconds of ogling the wikipedia page.
No. 47848
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yeah right, weeb bitch
No. 47850
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And our dead "born and raised" hardcore shinto mod isn't even aware of Kojiki and Nihongi
No. 47853
>>47851Well I think it's fine that the sentence is written in kana but still the これは reveals her basic weeb japanese skills.
グーグルじゃないん(だ)よ is sufficient.
Also, is Eri female? Because using だ is usually masculine way of talking. Typically females don't use it.
No. 47854
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Keep telling yourself that
No. 47856
>>47805That anon was going on about how African people are monkeys and calling it "Apefreaka", a term common on white supremacist forums.
So, yeah they were.
No. 47857
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Yeah, let me just keep whining about da white devil on my shit blog
No. 47862
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>>47857>We keep blogging biased shit based on nothing about how white people are the devil and everything they do is racist, cultural appropriation and damaging our fragile superior culture desu!!!!!!11>Okay, so what can I do to make up for it?>UGH WE'RE NOT HERE TO EDUCATE YOU GAWD PICK UP A BOOK LOSER That's some real good activism.
No. 47863
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lol hypocrisy
No. 47876
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Eri epxplains why her Japanese is so fucked
No. 47880
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>>47876what if eri is pixyteri?
>mfw pixytERI No. 47888
>>47876>the reason I came to live here…to live with distant family that live here…I've had no one to speak it withRiiiiight, that makes sense. But let me get this straight, one of the requirements of being able to mod for TINJ is being at least part Japanese and being able to speak the language, which she herself just admitted she can't speak (or write) for shit. How the fuck can she fitler out who actually speaks Japanese or not then? Why is she still a mod if she can't speak it? How fucking hypocritical.
and then, so that people won't down her throat, she throws in this pity story about how her reason for not knowing is embarrassing, even though she just said she didn't have anyone to speak it with, but wants us to just accept her bs excuse as being mysteriously embarrassing. Meanwhile, other Japanese Americans who don't remember how to speak Japanese either can't mod for her. Wonder if their reason is embarrassing too.
No. 47908
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I really don't like eastern Europeans.
No. 47936
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We just want to be friend :(
No. 47997
>>47555I was kinda stunned to learn that weeaboos were such a huge problem for thousands of tumblrinas. In fact, before I stumbled upon TINJ I had never heard the term "weeaboo." I guess I knew about silly youth who attended costume play events. I had met online friends who gave themselves Japanese names (but most of them were from Philippines, Singapore and other SE Asian locales). I knew that anime/manga was popular and that JPOP groups were touring outside Japan. It never had occurred to me that any of this would be a huge problem. Youth gravitate to all sorts of stuff – goth makeup, fantasy games, whatever. Doesn't really affect me. Wasn't any of my business. But then I found TINJ and discovered that eradicating weeabooism was seen by thousands of tumblrers as an issue more urgent and more important than, say, dealing with ebola or ISIS or bank lending rules that exploit students. A while back I sent questions about weebs to Eri's ASK box. Something like these:
>1. Won't weebs eventually grow out of their youthful fixations even without TINJ's interventions?>2. Are weebs causing real harm to themselves?>3. Are weebs causing real harm to Japanese society?>4. Are weebs causing real harm to Japanese Americans?>5. In terms of serious, progressive social activism, should weebs be such a priority?Never any response.
No. 48018
>>47997the only people weebs can cause harm to are Japanese people living outside of Japan. For ex, Japanese Americans may feel that they don't have real friends, just people using them to fulfill their Japanese friend quota in order to feel special and ask a whole bunch of questions to about Japan. Also, weebs who fetishize the shit out of Japanese people may harm them when one of these fetishists wants to take a Japanese person by force because they want their attention.
(I know some people have a problem with the word fetishization when it concerns race or ethnicity, but I think it is possible to fetishize a group of people.)
No. 48080
>>48063oh lawd. I could see it. Their Japanese is shitty too and they love pretending to be stuff they aren't. Like Desi. And a sex worker. And a myriad of other oppression point things.
Riley tho. She's been super quiet for a bit especially since she scammed a bunch of people with that Ankh Project bs.
No. 48090
>>48055It's true though. It was the same in my school.
Black girls bully white and asian girls like crazy, at least in the UK, I don't know why they're so butthurt.
No. 48092
>>48081Eri has a complex. She is probably sucking white cock irl and then complaining on the Internet. Same as many mamma boys are whining how misogynist they are on the Internet.
Also, I don't know if you guy know hoe Eri is old, but she said few times how she moved from Japan when she was young adult and she lives in US for about 20 years. She is in her 40s
No. 48194
>>47899>>47927Sorry, I don't have a link. As I said in my previous post (>>47817), I've seen it years ago. They weren't Roma either, it was some sort of Polish folk dance group made entirely out of foreigners.
Also, there are plenty of Americans claiming that Polish people (and other Easter Europeans) are not white. For some strange reason.
No. 48238
>>48232You sound either incredibly retarded, or like some leg/neck beard trying to impersonate a non-obese female poster.
>I'm a hot white girl>the other whitesLiterally who says this
No. 48254
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>>48248>>48252Are you that one person from like last year who talked about having "beautiful, pale skin" and got shitposted away?
No. 48256
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>>48252That's terrific but what does that have to do with what I asked
>>48254Hahahahaha oh my god I completely forgot about that
No. 48283
>>48269Nah mate, I didn't say anything about "confidence". Humans get mad when humans are conceited, it has nothing to do with skin colour.
Anyway, I'd rather not derail the TINJ thread too much seeing as it's a lot more interesting than "lol niggers", so is the /pol/ thread on our /b/ the kind of place to put this OT race discussion or would it be better to make a new one?
No. 48475
>>48400It's a good question. And, why would someone want to derail this thread?
No. 48518
>>48435its exactly why people make these blogs, to respond to the bs racist messages they get for calling out behavior they encounter in real life
I remember not giving a shit about race a few yrs ago, despite being witness to a lot of the discrimination my poc friends faced. They could probably make hundreds of posts from what they've been through and it would likely sound similar to what TINJ and other blogs post.
The only thing I don't like about TINJ is that their main mod, eri is a huge hypocrite, that there are some issues they are mislabeling by applying them to non related cases (telling people that cooking other cultures foods is cultural appropriation), and that they're just plain stupid when it comes to answering asks.
No. 48554
>>48475It's no ones fault but your own that you get offended by everything and feel the need to spout your opinions, so stop complaining.
>>48283Except it does have something to do with skin color, considering how black bitches are massive fucking arrogant cunts, yet get mad over white girls getting more attention than them.
No. 48586
>>48573>>or a guy who's been repeatedly turned down by them. No one likes black girls.
>>bit of jealousy of "black bitches"Why would I be jealous of ugly, fat poor girls that no one wants to date? I've been put through a lot of hardship because of these shitskinned subhumans, and so have many people that I know. They're the most useless race to ever exist, all they do is destroy everything and everyone around them while white people clean up the mess. Fuck them. You're the one who got offended in the first place, and I've done is respond to your bitching.
No. 48598
>>48586Every group has good and bad people in it, you're literally fucking retarded if you think otherwise. If you're going to continue to derail the thread with your bs, may as well take the time out to go to a black neighborhood and share your sentiments with them. Go "fix the problem," since being on here isn't doing you any good.
Anyway, I've always wondered if Eri, Jun the catfish and the people he got to mod his blog were all involved somehow, specifically that Rachael chick. She disappeared the second she got hate (from what we know, it could have been because she was privately accused of being a catfish). I always questioned this because Jun's popularity seemed to have risen out of nowhere, with him being a mod for TINJ fairly quickly. I'm not sure if this was done because of how many people were, as he would so eloquently put it "after his asian dick" and therefore made him a more appealing candidate for a mod.
No. 48606
>>48598I can't help but feel that Eri is Jun. Eri is a fake, that craptastic Japanese says it all and earlier someone else pointed out the many ways it just doesn't nake sense for Eri to not know that Jun was fake. There's something going on there for sure.
Rachel was probably just not able to deal with whatever she was getting. Probably was the only legit one there as she didn't stick around.
No. 49040
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Mimicry of robot?
No. 49331
Eri proudly announced that she's monitoring the IP addresses of those who submit to TINJ's ASK page. This way, she says, she's able to weed out the asks coming from a link on Reddit. (Does that exist?) Well, to anyone who wants to fuck with TINJ, here's something you can do:
About 20 times a day, at random intervals, go visit this page and just let your browser sit there for a while without submitting: (Good, friendly, internet mischief.)
No. 49556
>>48595Yaaaaaa, no. I'm just the only one who gets banned for it. This thread has been derailed since the start, skim through it. Even my post in
>>48232 was just a response to an off topic argument that other people were having. I also got banned some other times for saying things that aren't so different from what other people were saying or would normally be allowed on other chans. The problem with /pt/ is the same as on /cgl/, they can't just scroll past things that make them upset.
No. 49561
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No. 49563
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Riley pretending to be asian.
No. 49604
>>49561Essentially says that Jun reserves the right to break someone's fingers just for the "offense" of having touched her or him. Depending on the type of touch, the situation, the intention, the place, that punishment may or may not be extremely severe, eh!
Jun wrote with a lot of imagination and violence. Sort of unhinged from the real world.
No. 49649
>>49556You replied to
>Black girls bully white and asian girls like crazywith
>Also, blacks were the fucking worst among them. I never got bullied because I'm a hot white girl and niggers/beaners are obsessed with us, but they bullied other white people a lot and they teachers did nothing because racist. Black/mexican girls are incredibly jelouse of white girls, so they would target me for harassment.
>That's funny you say that, because I'm a hot white girl and it's weird how you think hot white girls sound a certain way that I can't emulate. And it's true that brown/black women are jealous as fuck when it comes to white women. Prolly because their nasty ass men lust after us.There is practically no way the thread won't devolve into a race debate after that. The post you were replying to was not nearly as inflammatory as yours. You are not the only poster with opinions similar to these (the number is very small though), but you escalate much quicker and much more melodramatically than the others. Every time you do this the threads start to go off-topic, and if they were already somewhat off-topic, they become much more off-topic.
I don't care what other chans do, /pt/ is not /pol/. You can post /pol/ shit in /b/ as much as you want. You're an active contributor to the site so I really don't want to ban you for longer than I have so far. Please try to keep inevitably divisive remarks and anecdotes very relevant and on-topic, or make them more neutral in tone.
>>49548It's very easy to see both IPs and referring URLs on web pages that you have some control over, like Tumblr blogs. I know nothing of this person but I don't see why they wouldn't be telling the truth.
No. 49802
>>47876What is it with people on tumblr who feel the need to pretend to be opressed?
This bitch is very obviously not Japanese, lying about your race for pity points is like the whole fucking otherkin oppression faggotry
No. 49836
>>47853Eri is female, just not cis
She said that ones, same as Aki (ex mod)
My comment on that: lmao
No. 50390
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>>50382Reminds me of a certain someone.
No. 50425
>>50423This. If she was raised by a Japanese family, she'd primarily be speaking Japanese in her household, which would make her fluent. If anything, it's her English that should have mistakes tbh.
This whole thing stinks.
No. 50430
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Born n' raised Shinto
No. 50438
>>50430pfffffft sounds legit
maybe i should apply for a mod position on TINJ. i'm a slav but don't tell anyone
No. 52224
>>52083I checked the Notes as you suggested. Saw this…
>icykynite said: For fcks sake, STOP using our Japanese names! You have ANY IDEA HOW us people of Japanese descent of ANY OTHER ASIAN DESCENT are not fcking allowed to wear our names because of people like you?!…and thought it was an SJW parody. Apparently ickynite wasn't trying to be funny.
Could ickynite be the new Jun? No. 52234
>>52232We don't know Jun the person or Kynite the person. Don't know their actual ethnicities. The blogging is remarkably similar, though. And this comment is breathtakingly stupid:
>icykynite said: For fcks sake, STOP using our Japanese names! You have ANY IDEA HOW us people of Japanese descent of ANY OTHER ASIAN DESCENT are not fcking allowed to wear our names because of people like you?!Most Japanese don't even know that weebs exist. Nobody has been prevented from using their own names.
No. 52239
>>52234Japanese people in the US? The ones who take the time out to follow these specific blogs know about them, as did the ones I met. I'm not saying all Japanese people are the same, I'm saying that the ones I've met by in large had personalities similar to Jun's, which is why I always found it surprising when people doubted his Japanese background on the basis of him having an "un-Japanese" personality despite having spent time in the US (going off the lies everyone was fed then).
Also I think that they mean they can't use their real names here because people can't pronounce them, similarly to how a lot of Koreans have park as a last name only to cope with American pronunciation here because they refuse to not butcher their names.
No. 52891
>>52084OT but this is so dumb why are you even asking for permission???
>me: how can you want to seriously LIVE somewhere you never even visited once?????///// is it because… you have a weird racist preconception of how things are there ?why are you even questioning this anon's motives??? they sound like they have a genuine interest, and good on them for really going at it and trying to learn about japan first hand by living there! i just think this was so stupid because i think the best way to clear up all those misconceptions you hear about other places/cultures is to go there for yourself and just live it out first hand (if you're able to ofc). hardcore weebs are beyond saving, but why are so many people mad about people getting into japanese culture through anime and other weeb shit?? i understand hardcore weebs are garbage, but what's even wrong with anime sparking an actual genuine interest in japan? do these people think it's something that's not possible? i just think it's funny since at my uni, one of the professors made a poster to encourage students to take up japanese by saying stuff like "DO YOU LIKE ANIME/MANGA??? THEN TAKE JAPANESE!!!" lol i wonder how mad tinj would be seeing as how my prof is white as white gets, teaches most of the classes about japan+intermediate japanese, gave his kid's japanese names, and is a casual weeb… doesn't negate how he's a good prof who knows damn well what he's talking about tho :T
ugh it's late and this is probably really redundant but tl;dr tinj is just so dumb and people asking for permission is so dumb.
No. 52899
>>52239Honestly, I agree with you. Asian Americans or any asian in the US are usually well acquainted with weebs and have bitter feelings about them. I was also surprised about people thinking jun was fake based on that. That's why I think Jun is either an Asian American or a frustrated Asian immigrant.
And about the name thing, do they not realize that white immigrants with none-Anglo names had to change them too for that same exact reason? They act like English is the only white language to exist.
>>52234Do you know how many weebs travel to Japan?
No. 52925
(This is 52918, continued. Excuse my multiple posts, please.)
If you're here you can often meet Westerners (including white, latin, black, Asian, or half-Japanese 日系人 like the TINJ mods, or others who grew up somewhere other than Japan) who seem to wish that they could visit or stay in a Japan where there are no other Westerners except themselves. So, for example, they wish they could visit Kyoto and have a "pure" Japanese experience, i.e., an experience where no other Westerners are there to spoil the scene. These types are annoying and seem to frustrate themselves. The reality is that gaijin are a part of modern Kyoto. If you go with what's real rather than fight it, the experience is better. See the international aspect of the city as a feature rather than a bug. Besides, if you're a Westerner and you somehow get a genie to grant you a wish of removing all Westerners from Kyoto, that would remove you, too. The thisisnot blogs on Tumblr seem to be run by self-hating Westerners, ハーフ who hate their non-diasporic halves.
No. 53154
>>53134The thing is that the vast majority of people don't want to take the time to learn how to pronounce someone's name if it sounds too foreign to them, and offer them an alternation without their permission, for ex "can I call you ____ instead? It's easier for me to pronounce." It's like wtf… thats not their name. You're literally calling them by something else. Idk how many chinese kids I went to hs with that had names like jerry, billy, michael, daniel only to find out that its the name they have been using because teachers can't be bothered learning strange chinese names. It's fucked up, if you're going to work in a place where you know you'll be working with a diverse population than you shouldn't try to make yourself comfortable. What does that leave for the person whose name is changed?
It's different if the person literally is incapable of pronouncing certain letter, but let them choose the alternative.
No. 53624
>>53517In my experience it has been closer to the latter, with the convo usually going something like this:
>I'm sorry could you pronounce your name again?And after a few failed attempts that get progressively worse:
>Do you mind if I just call you ____ for short?Usually this nickname is a version of the persons name, which the person may not like, which is why I think that if the person feels uncomfortable with you butchering their name or not trying after a while, to let them choose what they want you to call them if it can't be their actual name. The Chinese kids I knew that already had names like Billy or Jerry were not their actual names.
The names on the attendance were hard for us to pronounce initially but learned eventually, but they said it was too difficult for them to deal with in elementary and middle school. SO to make things easier they would offer these alternative names to people. I just think its sad. We even told them that it was probably because the other students were kids that they were immature about learning their names but they said the biggest influences were their teachers who would make a big deal out of not knowing how to say their names.
This is something I've been witness to this semester where two of my college professors seem to go out of their way to make it seem like the other person is being difficult for having a certain name. It boggles my mind because they probably wouldn't do that to their colleagues.
No. 53698
>>53624People consistently fuck up my (Irish) name. I know it's rare, I know the spelling is wonky, but it's like their brains shut down when I say it. Almost everyone will continue screwing up one of the vowels and putting emphasis on the wrong syllable. My best friend of 10 years sounds like he has Down Syndrome when he tries to say it correctly. My father-in-law of 8 years calls me by a nickname.
It's not anyone else's fault for growing up with linguistic habits that result in them having difficulty pronouncing my name. It's so childish to get butthurt at people for not saying your name correctly (unless they refuse to even try).
No. 53937 the fascist republic of Tumblr, the peasants are forbidden to use loan words from foreign languages even though all people in all countries do that all the time.
The TINJ attitude is like… East Asia is soooooooooo special that nobody is allowed to touch it. That's the fascist tumblrina Zeitgeist. There shall be no joie de vivre. You suck. Feel bad. Drop dead. If you don't know why you suck, why you should feel bad and drop dead, don't you dare fucking ask me. You should research it and then feel bad and drop dead.
No. 53955
>>53937>>53947I get what they're saying about not using language as an accessory, especially when there are words available that can directly translate meanings, but… thats not what this is, lol. For fucks sake it's just
I can get people being more upset about "ulzzang" as you mentioned because it has different connotations in Korea and "ulzzangs" are treated/depicted a certain way due to culture, but there are certain words that transcend language barriers.
SK has a bunch of words that are actually english but pronounced in Korean accents, aka Konglish.
No. 53964
>>53955I was browsing some Korean blogs on Tumblr. These were social justice blogs in Korean. One blog is called 영어 아니야! (thisisnotenglish) and some anon asked if it was okay to say "self camera" or "selca" since those were loan words from English. The blogger told them that it was not okay ever to say selca because it's damaging and insulting to anglo culture. She said it's gross, not okay, problematic and needs to stop right now.
Oh, wait. No. That never happened.
No. 54124
Recently, Eri responded to an ask about Jun. She did her very best to minimize any TINJ connection with Jun. But, even by constant reblogging, they were prolific collaborators. You can go back and read Jun’s bloody-minded rants about wanting white people to die. Those kinds of posts are still on TINJ. Presumably, Eri approves that sort of messaging. She allowed it to go up. She hasn’t taken it down. Even if they’re not the same biological human being, until she takes this hateful, vicious, sociopathic, misanthropic material down, it’s actually pretty reasonable to say that Eri = Jun.
Examples No. 54279
>>54124you don't have to be Jun to agree with him, the first post you linked to, was about tourists taking pics of people without them being aware, all because they're Japanese? That
is gross though, can't fault Juns disgust there as irrational and a product of prejudice
No. 54284
>>54170it's funny because initially people who were at least half were the ones showing solidarity between one another, then tumblrinas starting getting butthurt and mentioning that 1/4th of their poc ethnic background they never gave a fuck about till now or the times they wanted to sound exotic. People didn't wanna seem like discriminating assholes so they attribute being a poc to people who are at least 1/4th (sorry no 1/16th cherokee for the yts).
People should discriminate though, doesn't matter if you're 1/4th or 1/2 if that side of you has no bearing on you. Sure there are white passing poc who
don't want to pass as white, so they're affected in that sense, even though they have the privilege of not being discriminated against (and here I speak from my experience travelling with dark skinned friends vs light).
To me its so obvious that people just wanna be included in the whole tumblr hivemind, when they have no business being a part of it. Two or three yrs from now when tumblr is dead I highly doubt they'll still be mentioning how important it is to conserve their Han heritage and how hard it was for their 1/2 Han mom to marry and integrate into a white family, and how it almost killed her to raise their kid white. They'll also conveniently forget about those stories they told of how they didn't even know anything about their Han background and how everyone including themselves thought they were white, and how it was all fine and dandy till tumblr. Then they'll leave with the memories of wanting to be accepted by tumblr and in order to do so, wiki Han facts to share with their tumblr peeps so that they can scream "down with the yt man!!" from their bedroom, except not loud enough for their white bf's and fams to hear.
No. 54422
>>54279"Jun" would "investigate" this person …… and conclude that they're…
>"pretty fucking gross. I'm nauseous" (sic). "How fucking appauling. No respect." "Jun" was correct to cite Japanese law prohibiting even non-commercial use of people in public places. And, it's true that most of us wouldn't feel comfortable doing that. We can agree on that.
>"I have had tourists in Osaka try to do this shit TO ME."Most likely a lie. Jun didn't actually exist. The catfish was mostly likely American and there's no evidence that he/she had ever set foot in Japan.
>"Expat plague needs to be taught that we as Japanese people are not their for their amusement."Even though Jun wasn't Japanese but was pretending to be Japanese, he/she didn't like the idea of any non-Japanese even existing in the archipelago. The existence of "expats" is assumed to be no good just on its face.
>"Learn some fucking respect for others or face the consequences."Euthanizeallwhitepeople was essentially punishment porn. We're supposed to enjoy seeing people punished.
No. 54680
>>54577But TINJ weren't the only ones to reblog, a lot of other blogs did too because it coincided with the exact same messages they were spreading about their own diaspora within the US. Those blogs had a lot of info that was actually legitimate (like the way Muslim people or dark skinned people are treated within the country they're living in or visiting due to media portrayal). TINJ basically restated everything these other bloggers did, as did Jun, which is why he would mostly stick to making fun of anons or giving advice about how to handle white people.
Before the shaming white people craze took over on tumblr, a lot of bloggers (I'm thinking specifically black bloggers?) would talk about
all races discriminating against black or dark skinned people, because even in placed like southern India where a lot of people are dark discriminate against it's own people.
Anyway, it suddenly became about white people and supremacy pretty quick (I'm not sure but maybe because of the Nazi blogs trolling people?) and east asian-american bloggers jumped on that. Which surprised me because as much as they supposedly dislike the model minority stereotype, if they're not gonna hang out with other people from their specific ethnic circle, it's usually white people.
It suddenly became cool and trendy for them to be like this online, meanwhile they would have white friends/bf's or gf's irl (i.e. Chi and Mae from euthanizeallwhitepeople).That shit was so hypocritical, but whatever.
The thing about TINJ and Jun is that they would combine issues diaspora faced and issues people in they or their parents home country faced (because of privileges some expats received) and place it under the umbrella term: white supremacy.
It doesn't really work that way because there are multiple issues at hand. They always come off as ignorant because they
want all their problems to be due to white supremacy.
No. 54713
>>54691It's hilarious how the whole post is made up and yet so dramatic
Nice roleplay
No. 55145
Eri has a tag "#bullshit asks." But sometimes there’s no bullshit involved. For example: sounded to me like a valid question from an anon who’s grounded in objective reality as it really is.
But Eri didn’t dig it, apparently. Instead of attacking the idea, she attacks the person: "you’re really creepy and very ignorant." Some people in the world deserve to be called "really creepy" and "very ignorant." But you need to know a lot about someone before painting them this way. Does Eri know the anon? Japan borrowed kanji from China. That’s a fact. It’s not a creepy fact. It’s not an ignorant fact. When you back Eri to an argumentational wall, she will resort to ad hominem attacks like this. Because she smears the anon as a person, and all her followers click Like, Like, Like, it gives the smear an air of righteous truth. But, the real truth is that the anon asked a legitimate question and showed no sign of being either creepy or ignorant.
What she’s doing is exactly what Fox News does. When David Corn of Mother Jones simply states facts about where Bill O’Reilly was during the Fauklands War, the response is not to engage the facts but rather smear David Corn and Mother Jones. This is the weird thing about Tumblr SJ warriors. They’re leftists who employ tactics of the American far right. Eri and Bill O’Reilly may be ideologically at opposite polls, but they’re tactically aligned in a win-at-all-costs strategy. See: should worry more about TINJ’s bullshit posts. Nevermind the bullshit asks.
No. 55423
Eri's dumbass never answers "really creepy" questions same thing with this ask anon didn't say shit about reading their (Eri's) precious inbox, but leave it to Eri to change the topic
No. 55648
Eri has spoken. she's upset about oppression (all the time, we have to suppose), she's not interested in "polite" activism, she lacks patience, lacks energy, and she doesn't care. Rather than attack ideas or behaviors, she simply gets her kicks by attacking people. This is what she's always done and this is what she'll continue to do.
Almost a hundred of her followers slavishly clicked their approval right away.
Compare with Jay Smooth's approach to fighting racism: approach is concerned with practical results.
No. 56060
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No. 56340
>>55807A lot of people follow TINJ who aren't asian or care about asian people themselves because as was stated here
>>54680, they all believe in the same issues that other poc deal with in the US. Thats why it's US centric, because its more of an issue of poc than the issues the homogeneous population of other countries face.
They also reblog or like those posts in support from what I have seen. I don't really get upset when black bloggers blog about police brutality and the like because I know they experience it or at least have actual knowledge of it because it's happening in their neighborhood (most of the time).
TINJ is different in that these people don't live in the country they're reporting about, even though they're related to its people. They cannot possible accurately depict whats going on there right now because they're not there. At least with the hispanic, native american, black and muslim blogger they're talking about issues they experience in the US to other american bloggers.
No. 57517
>>57504I would say that Jun is a girl because Jun is so extremely PRO feminism, so into it, so much feeding poc girls with love, saying woman of 200 lbs can sit on his face etc.
Also Jun was talking about fucking with guys… It supposed to sound gay, but I think Jun was actually straight girl who was describing how she's giving blowjobs. And Jun was never upset when somebody would refer to them as a girl.
No. 57900've only read a few stationberry posts in the past. Seemed reasonable/rational each time. Eri refers to stationberry as "people like that"?
Like what?
No. 57901
"Fetishization" of Japanese …… Is this construct valid only outside Japan? What if people inside Japan prefer Japanese? Is that different?
No. 57920
>>57906Its considered a problem because of the way people think about the people they have a "preference" for. The Japanese minority who are really into dating foreigners aren't being problematic if it was just that, them wanting to date
foreigners. Though it has to be for a reason that is not related to an idea of what they
think they're like outside of them being non Japanese.
For example, it's fetishization for a Japanese person to say they want to date a white person because they love European culture because of how classy the people are, along with thinking White people are all tall with blonde hair, saying that it's the beauty of white people and wanting to travel to Europe because of it. We know that it isn't true, and to describe it this way erases all the other people that don't look the way they're being stereotyped as, and reduced Europe down to having a single type of people. It's not about the initial physical attraction because they already have preconceived notions about what this person is like: European. That preconceived notion is responsible for most of the attraction in my opinion.
Now when people say they have a preference for Asian people, a lot of times they're not even being specific. They're usually referring to East Asians, which is fetishization because East Asians are made up of more than 1 group of people, but they're being reduced down to this because of an eye shape, hair texture/color and stature.
First of all, not all east asians look like the stereotyped east asian, not even like those in media. Each nation has beauty standards that make them look different enough already. Secondly, there are other groups around the world that have the same features being described, except no one ever says anything about them because they're not East Asian. People specifically want someone that fits their idea of being East Asian. There are tons of blogs out there talking about how disappointing the people are there because they thought they would be a certain way and aren't. People don't acknowledge just how great cultural differences are because they ignore it in favor of admiring the people from this place.
No. 57984
>>57969I don't think you can fetishize your own race, if you're Irish you can't go, "I only like Irish girls because they all have light skin and blue/green eyes." You know the type of people that make up your racial group so you would be dating them for their personalities. That doesn't mean you can't stereotype your own group though, just that you
should know that these stereotypes are not accurate and would make no sense if you only date within your group because of them.
No. 58084
>>58028I was thinking about this… if you grow up in a community where you represent like .01% of the population and the other 99.99% are the same, than you can't really be at fault for having a preference towards them. At that point though, you'd be very familiar with them, as though they were your own ethnic group. You can still fetishize them though, by wanting to perceive that they're a certain way. Say that random Irish person being mentioned, if they lived in Japan half their life, they may prefer Japanese features and appreciate the culture, but to be attracted to a girl on the basis that they think she'll behave a certain way is wrong. To also assume all Japanese girls have a "Japanese look" to them is wrong, because not everyone looks the same.
As was stated before, I think it's all about the reasoning behind someones preference that makes it problematic. If someone stated they weren't attracted to Irish people because they all have weird speckled skin and hair, it sounds both strange and racist. If someone were to reverse that statement and say I love Irish people because they have such nice freckles and long curly orange hair, it sounds creepy, paints them all as the same and reduces them down to that feature.
No. 59673
By the way, the leftermost, most Frankfurt schoolish feminist critical theory comes from Japan. There is a new Japanese quarterly journal of feminist critique. It's call "Cliticism." Get it?
Speaking of which, one more Moosepoo link. (Too much? Anyway…) Hope you will enjoy: No. 59834
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Te Uzaku
No. 59953
>>59825It seems strange…I seldomly see polite language used on the internet on a board nevertheless. And especially the last sentence, doesn't make any sense to me. Maybe they mean something like:
No. 61841
I guess this was pointed out lord this eri is such a lying mess. Her Japanese is straight from Google translate and I know she has a complex. The only thing she is not lying is that she can't go back to Japan. No matter the reason, weird people like her and weird people like he describes her parents are really not welcomed in Japanese society and it's rare to see those freaks in normals towns, you can meet them only in some shitty area like some parta of Osaka or so.
No. 64961
>>64957Unless you work at a shrine I don't think anyone really does. Shintoism and Buddhism is so deeply ingrained into Japanese society that I think it's something that Japanese people just /do/ as just a Japanese person, rather than a person who is Shinto or Buddhist.
Does anyone have links to their personal blogs? I'd really like to see what they blog about outside of TINJ.
No. 65274
>>64976I appreciate where you're going with this and I think it's worth keeping on this line of criticism. But let's be sure to distinguish between the Japanese royal family and the socio-political construct of the Chrysanthemum Throne. The current royal family is fully modern in their thinking, useful vis-a-vis regional politics (especially their opinions regarding the upcoming updating of the Murayama Statement), and generally fulfilling their roles in good faith. The Murayama Statement of nearly twenty years ago (August 15, 1995) was an official apology to Japan's East Asian neighbors on the anniversary of the end of the war. This isn't a minor issue. This is something we all need to be watching this year as Japan is about to make another official statement of some sort on the 70th anniversary. If you live in the region, you'll know that this is a fraught area of discussion. Mark your calendars. It’s going to be a hot summer in East Asia. The Abe administration could go rightward. The royal family (in coded but clear language) has cautioned the administration against it. The ministry around the royal family is conservative even though the family itself is more-or-less progressive. The Japanese citizens who worship the ministry are really, really right-wing. (It's complicated.) I just wanted to add this and also note that, although I think TINJ are misguided in so many ways, they seem to be on the good side of facing this history. I can't fault them there.
Anyway, though, your point remains valid that these SJW tumblrinas go so far "left" sometimes that they come out on the right. Jun was a fucking fascist. Let's face it. But he/she was a pretend person and a pretend Japanese, so who knows…
No. 65740
>>65631I know, just found that out yesterday. Basically she was saying its a low chance that TINJ are Japanese and Eri doesn't know how Japanese colleges work some ask idk. She deactivated because of She wouldn't admit she was wrong.
No. 65936
>>47515I honestly just think they aren't Japanese. They're always talking about them being Japanese and never gave proof of any mod being Japanese. Their facts about Japan are always from Wikipedia and it's obvious they know nothing about the country except Japan doesn't like China and Korea and after that, nothing. If I were Japanese, and had a blog like TINJ I'd at least want to prove I was who I say I am, unlike Eri's exuse whenever someone asks them to prove they're Japanese "HAHA U FRUM 4 CHAN?!??1?1?1?1!1!11?1??1!?11? I BET IF WE GIB DA PICZ U! RACIST WHITE MAN WILL PHOOTHOSHOP DEM IN PORN N GORE!!!11 #racists #bullshitasks #eri #creepyasks #4chanisst
#albeism #transphobic" Also like I've been saying, all the moderators act the same and have the same typing style. Eri and Solace act alike and T, Miya, and Aya are little Eri's. Oh yeah didn't Aya say she speaks Japanese? Why is Eri the only one responding to Japanese asks? Is it because she said she speaks Japanese, but can't turn around and make up a sad sob story like Eri's because she actually can't? made a mistake srry*
No. 67067
>>65936This is what I thought the first time seeing this blog. They so obviously aren't Japanese and have no idea how the Japanese society works and how things actually are in the country. They might be 2nd generation haafus, I'll give them a benefit of doubt since some of them (assuming there are multiple admins and not just one person faking it) speak Japanese, but their Japanese is not native level or even advanced. And like you said, all facts are straight from the first google result anyone could find out and they don't take into account any small nuances that exist in the everyday society but not in the textbook examples. The mods also are very similar to each other and there is no proof of them even existing or being of Japanese descent. I've tried asking in a sensible manner if they could provide some proof of their qualifications for speaking for the Japanese population, but my asks go unanswered. What a shock, right?
And all the asks answered with the "LOL SAY HELLO TO REDDIT UGH LMAO" routine with 50 asspatting weebs liking their "witty retort". Just another proof that they're evading asks and their followers aren't critical enough to question them, they're too busy circlejerking to their own sense of self-worth.
Blogs like this are shit in the sense that anyone can pose as anyone in the internet without having to proof their legitimacy and spread hate speech and false facts without sources. This could just as well be one white/Asian-American kid posing as 5 Japanese people pretending to police people into supporting their quest for self-satisfaction and attention by means of attacking them. Like making westernized sushi or enjoy the beautiful yukata designs? You're a racist shitlord and going straight to hell unless you come forth and request the great TINJ to forgive you for your sins. Because people are so obsessed with not wanting to be offensive, this only creates unnecessary gorges between nationalities and they practice an extreme form of separatism, and all for one frustrated kid that might not necessarily even be Japanese. I fucking hate it.
No. 67095
>>65936Wikipedia is their best friend and it's hilarious because most of Japanese "history facts" are writen by US, China and South Korea, WW2 winners.
Japan has to suck their dick forever.
And eri's tag #bullshitasks is also hilarious. That is the tag for all questions she can't answer. It's a big tag so you can clearly see how her knowledge is little.
No. 67110
The original Ask here is such a breath of fresh air…… with a down-to-earth tone, clearly someone in touch with reality. Before reading all the SJ tumblrina reactivisms, I somehow, by some accident of pure optimism, thought that the message might get through to them.
Well, no such luck. They just followed up with their usual illogical, feel-bad echo-chamber-dogma-blah-blah crap about "tone policing" and privilege and blah blah blah.
I reach for my headphones.
No. 67644
>>67387I think that what they mean by dna=identity is that you're treated based on the way you look racially. Your race=your identity to a lot of people, i.e. that asian woman, that black guy, that white girl. With that, many of the stereotypes people have learned throughout their lives come up, whether consciously or not and whether you acknowledge them as true or not.
It also becomes part of your identity too, because of the benefits/hardships you face due to your race.
No. 68285
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>>68272help me farmers
i am trying to apply as our Queen
No. 68627
>>68285Yeah anon, you might want to listen to
>>68433Eri is probably reading this but I doubt she knows pt or she would've talked shit about her on TINJ
No. 68703
>>67644Yeah. Okay. I know what it's like to live and work in a society where I'm very much a minority. And it's perfectly valid to get to know and acknowledge all the realities of racism, privilege, ethnocentrism, microagressions, all that. But you'll never get relief from all the stress until you stop taking it personally. All this stuff arises out of various causes and conditions, much of which aren't even knowable. As long as you cling to your anger and dwell on the benefits and hardships, you're going to be adding problems on top of what's actually there. Compounding problems and making no social headway. TINJ recycles and regurgitates the same complaints over and over and over. As long as they do, they're going to continue to reproduce stressors and irritants for themselves and everyone who reads.
In other words, it's totally valid to identify the causes, conditions and results of racism. Truth is truth. Truth matters above all. But… Mixing this mission (of uncovering racism) with your very identity is a choice, and not a healthy one. None of us owns the copyrights to racism or to anti-racism. None of us created racism and none of us can resolve all the issues that racism creates. SJ tumblrinas cling to identity and take it all personally. Having set up this entire community of angry tumblrinas, the conditions are set for constant horribleness that solves nothing and goes nowhere.
No. 68957
Eri asks her followers to "Please report this blog…" tumblrinas are like busy-body church ladies. Why not just leave other bloggers alone? If their fetish is not your thing then they're not blogging for you. Why not just say, "avoid this blog"?
No. 68997
>>68957They must be joking ..
there has been like 100 billion ''funny'' blogs like and and other crap.
No. 69605
Seems like the policy has a big, gaping hole. can force someone to stop trying to communicate WITH you. But you can't stop them from communicating ABOUT you. So, slander, defamation, all that is OK according to Tumblr.
No. 69619
>>69478Idk about you guys but I just got a whiff of Jun from reading that post
I get tumblr creating people with the same repackaged personality because its filled with young impressionable little fucktards, but TINJ takes it a step further. They literally all sound the same.
Whats the point of even having an application link at TINJ if in order to even qualify you have to be Jun?
No. 74629
They really are not people who use much brain power. She keeps talking about the language settings on blogs in relation to the people who manage the blogs. don't consider for a moment the case of the followers/users being Japanese. It's not uncommon for non-Japanese people to publish blogs in Japanese.
It's not always about the blogger. You can't always read a blogger's tastes, intentions or even personal politics by what's published on the blog. In many cases, the blog settings are set to suit the community of users.
No. 84128
>>83249>>83123?? whatever happened to him
according to Mae, they were definitely Asian and thats about it, though neither Japanese nor Korean
No. 84165
>>84128That Mae is such a lying whore. Anyway, about 'Jun' she said she doesn't know how he looks like, she doesn't know what is his nationallity, who is that person actually or what so ever, the only thing she knows is that 'Jun' is not Korean and is not Japanese.
I mean, 'Jun' is bigger shit than Mae,
but she can not claim that 'Jun' is 100% Asian while saying in the same sentence how she doesn't know anything about 'Jun'.
I asked her that quesion, at that time. She went all defensive like I'm bullying her. But it was actually her responsibility to answer those questions, since she was the last person who talked with 'Jun'.
Mae said that 'Jun' wanted to tell her everything but she didn't want to listen so she left skype. Lying twat.
No. 84288
>>84238Jasmin was waaaay worse imo, Mae made the posts because everyone in her circle was giving her shit or stopped talking to her because she didn't break it off with Jun and responded to Jasmins post by saying there are 2 sides to every story.
Jasmin was a piece of shit though for leaving all the info Jun gave her about Mae on the original post and then posting convos she had with Mae about Jun when Mae made the comment above.
She literally made it seem like Jun had raped her when she and Jun were treating each other exactly the same. Mae seemed to think she was overreacting and that bit her in the ass.
I'm not fond of Mae, but at least she wasn't as deluded as Jasmin.
No. 86371
>>86357Yes, seemed to me that way too.
She just wanted to be a victim so much.
I remember reading her description and le
trigger warnings before those Skype logs. She described their ecounter so dramaticaly, like he sold her to human trafficking or something…Turns out it was just logs of two 13 year olds (mentally) trying to emotionaly manipulate eachother.
Not that Jun person isn't a piece of shit but she is a huge drama queen too.
No. 88502
I remember when "Jun" used to post his "guns" on tumblr, claiming he beats up those evil pasty white men.
No. 88590
>>88456lol I'm sure he added the little image over his phone because he couldn't shoop himself exactly the same there
tbh this chihiro guy seems so self obsessed, its funny that Jun would find him attractive enough to pretend to be him and emulate that narcissistic quality to a t
No. 101443
>>47555The little American girls who continue to maintain the tired, repetitive thisisnotjapan blog are seeing things 100% from an American overarching evaluative context, not Japanese. Here’s an example. Little American girls are obsessed with kimono. Real Japanese just about never think about kimono aside from very specific contexts — Coming of Age Day, weddings, etc. But the little American tumblrinas think about kimono every day, around the clock — kimono, kimono, kimono, kimono. If you look at a real political blog run by a real Japanese blogger, you will see just about NOTHING about kimono, ever. It’s just not on their political radar. THISISNOTJAPAN has 41 posts about kimono (because they are little American girls).
No. 121919
File: 1434397597646.png (54.02 KB, 519x394, Skärmavbild 2015-06-15 kl. 21.…) this could be another weeb posing as an attractive oppressed asian guy? something about him just screams catfish to me
but I could just be paranoid after the whole jun shitstorm
No. 121923
>>121919Looks so much like the brazilian guy that got surgery to look asian, kek
I actually thought that was a picture of him at first
No. 121930
>>121924*every, gdi
>>121923lmao yeah, glad I'm not the only one
No. 121969
File: 1434400545801.png (13.21 KB, 495x350, stahp.png)

>>121919Is…is this a thing now? Listing your privileges?
No. 121991
>>121969They have been doing that for a while.
"Forgive me, Tumblr, for I have sinned. Still a white woman who doesn't like puss.
flogs self"
No. 123780
>>121919Fuck, I followed their instagram for a while but stopped caring about them soon after lol. Can't believe they're sjw garbage too. As far as I've known/believed, this person isn't a catfish.
Their insta is for anyone interested. I used to think they were pretty attractive but the more I look nowadays, the more I realize it's meh as best :( All that sjw crazy makes him even less attractive.
No. 124003
>>123940What a dumb comment, racism STILL exists in the west. Based on your idiotic comment you are a hateful bigot. We may not be cutting clits, however, we only have a law protecting us from slavery again. Not only is there a "social" issue with racism in the west. There are dummies like you that like to broadcast their hate towards colors that keep the ass pedaling the hate.
FYI the people getting raped and ravaged daily are being so to build that tinkering laptop you got there (GOLD). Racism is everywhere. Temporarily for now lynching is a crime.
HATE CRIMES EXIST. how about you quit being ignorant and broaden your horizons a bit, ignoramus.
No. 124004
ass pedaling hateRage typing..
No. 124094
File: 1434722454273.png (26.58 KB, 527x409, 48d.png)

>>123940> i knew i guy from islamIs there a country called Islam?
No. 124113
>>124094You could argue that they are "in" that religion.
I think that guy worded it oddly.
No. 124314
>>123940i mean it could be alot worse
im not saying it doesn't exist, stupid
what i'm saying is it could be alot worse
No. 124315
>>124113my english is awful
i apologize
No. 124319
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No. 124379
>>124319this picture
triggers me
No. 124382
>>124375Congrats for being ignorant and missing the point.
Your stupidity isn't refuting my post. I guess your Iq is too low to comprehend. By the way the Clits getting cut off isn't because of racism dimwits. They are practicing their own tradition on one another because they believe the women would be taller and more beautiful. Try being stupid somewhere else.
No. 124423
>>124382so you are one of those idiots that think heightism is a fucking thing
im a short girl (5'1) and i have never experienced this non-existant "oppression" you speak of
No. 124424
>>124343>>124375did i say it is?
people of all races are shot all the time
but only black shootings matter apparently. yet people like you ignore it when blacks shoot a cracker. fuck off back to your hugbox and cry because everyone isnt kissing your ass for being colored
No. 124477
>>124423NO dummy I'm not talking about me. Can you read?
I said the people in that country that do clit cutting believe that. Not me.
No. 124578
>>124479u kno what they say
girls that spend a lot of time together have their periods sync up
No. 163575
File: 1439952098418.png (19.1 KB, 760x314, lol.png)

So, someone submitted this pretty much just to shove in people's faces how they can read Japanese, but most others following the blog can't.
I actually know Japanese and the link is someone asking on Yahoo Japan what a shirt that says "kawaii in the streets, senpai in the sheets" in English means. Someone gives them a translation, and they respond with simply "how embarrassing". I don't think they thought it was embarrassing for being ~cultural appropriation~ as much as just a fucking stupid shirt.
No. 163953
>>163939Yeah, when you block an anonymous person it blocks their IP
I can't believe how they don't see how it's ~
problematic~ for some half Japs who can't even speak the fucking language to run a blog speaking on behalf of Japanese people on what's apparently offensive regarding whites and their culture… which apparently, is everything under the glorious Nippon sun.
No. 164493
File: 1440028661629.jpeg (35.01 KB, 418x373, 4e33ea4fc5724d70a8cfe1345514ae…)

>>163575Yeah and Japanese stores sell shit with random English on it without any regard to what it means too?