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No. 496005
Lainey's gay husband Onision/Onion bans patrons because they didn't find his suicide jokes funny as well as going on a witch hunt against anyone who he thinks is leaking screenshots from his online cult, "The Coterie". Only patrons who donated $250+ in the past year are allowed access.
Lainey gets her hair bleached at a salon and it looks awful. Bitches about the hairdresser on YouNow. She dyes her hair a color and it still looks awful as always.
Lainey's gay husband streams again and makes fun of the suicide joke situation again as well as brags how he doesn't wear deodorant, similar to how he used to brag about his poop not smelling when he became a vegetarian.
Lainey's gay husband posts a tweet on twitter to insist to himself that he doesn't need constant validation from online strangers. Continues blocking people who mock him in his twitter replies.
Lainey's gay husband hangs out with his sister, a pilot who is way more relatable than Lainey's gay husband will ever hope to be.
Lainey's gay husband continues to release 3-4 page chapters of his "book" that features a self-insert and dozens of grammatical errors.
Lainey made a """fake""" Tinder account where she catfishes women as a straight guy named Landon Paul, seems genuinely confused and hurt why no one falls for her or thinks she passes as a straight guy.
Lainey's gay husband gets his hair bleached twice with a dye put on top of it in an attempt to become Liquid Snake. He fails miserably, due washing the dye out immediately after Lainey put it in his hair when it should have set for a while. He even edits the video about it to make sure that the part where he calls Lainey "the biggest, fattest cunt ever" was left in for his viewers.
Lainey's gay husband takes inspiration from his friend Social Repose by making dozens of fake tweets of people he circlejerks about constantly and turning them into a shitty song in "This Needs To Be Said…" on OnisionSpeaks.
Lainey shows off her disgusting choking bruises on her neck.
Lainey's gay husband posts a video titled "Just Needed To Vent" where he spends the entire time ranting hypocritically about how his unpopular opinions are not making him popular. Brags again about being a member of the Air Force when his position before being discharged was part of the Chair Force.
Lainey's gay husband is so embarrassed about his hair that he streams in black and white.
Lainey's gay husband makes a video that shows how misinformed he is about tampons and the female anatomy.
In an effort to hold onto any shred of popularity he has left, Lainey's gay husband reuploads dozens of older videos he made, barely breaking 10k views on any of them.
Lainey says she is going through a "gender crisis" but leaves it at that.
Sam confirms that Lainey's gay husband tried to get Sam and Lainey to kiss for a video while Sam was there, confirming that Lainey's gay husband brings over women to fulfill his lesbian Barbie fantasies.
Lainey's gay husband convinces Lainey to get cheap silicone engagement ring replacements with him
Ex-friend Tomato makes a video about Lainey's gay husband sperging at an Olive Garden because Tomato corrected him that not all pasta is vegan even though fReElEe SaId MoSt PaStA iS vEgAn.
For the sake of making Onision threads more readable, please follow these rules in the future:
- No nitpicking. /pt/ no longer has the sage function.
- Don't liveblog streams. Unless something of importance is happening, we don't need minute by minute updates.
- TempCow is gone, live blogging can be done in
>>>/pt/490442- Important streams will get their own threads with loosened rules.
Thread Image courtesy of
>>494048Gregma: Thread:
>>>/pt/492985 No. 496012
>Lainey's gay husbanddead
Just in case anyone missed it, Gines has been streaming her reading of Reaper's Creek
Chapter 1: 2-3: 4-5: No. 496063
>>496012Carryover from last thread
Reaper's Creek - Chapter 7 8 No. 496103
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Took this pic from a post in the previous thread: but holy fuck what a manipulator, look at him wearing his fucking nirvana shirt, trying to get people to make the association with him and Kurt, just coz now he has lighter hair. So transparent and cringey, I almost still cant believe that this is an actual person making these decisions and thinking anything they do is a good idea.
No. 496118
>>496103He has multiple Nirvana shirts, and I'm pretty sure they're all from Target kek.
His taste in music (and everything else) is so generic, it makes me cringe.
No. 496122
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I love how Lainey is wearing Shane’s merch in her recent video. husband must be so pissed. He can’t even get people to buy his merch and the merch that Lame did buy from him, she recently threw away or tried to sell on her Poshmark. But she’s giving money to Shane and supporting him. I can imagine the various remarks she receives throughout the day every time her husband sees that shirt.
No. 496128
>>496005>Lainey’s gay husband woah there anon, we don’t want Lainey’s gay husband to pop a brain vessel when he rages over this! Remember, tHeY’rE nOt In A qUeEr ReLaTiOnShIp REEE, he man she woman. Kek
Seriously though, I don’t even think Lainey’s husband is even embarrassed by his hair. I think the guy actually likes the way it looks. Because if that was me or just about anyone else, it would be dyed back to a dark color or something. And I would never go in public looking like that. He’s not going to be able to rejuvenate his hair. It’s damaged. He can let it grow out and cut it as it grows out or just shave it and start over because it is not going to be soft. His hair is clearly dry and stiff. Probably even hard. That’s what you get for not researching before you change your hair. Guess her husband isn’t all about researching everything.
No. 496134
>>496128He probably just doesn't want to admit he was wrong about dying his hair and that he needed a lot more research than he did. Makes his recent video (bitching about how people need to take responsibility for their actions) make even more sense.
>>496132That makes it even better, Onion himself would have given Shane money then.
No. 496146
>>496143Or Lainey's husband will accuse Shane of stealing his money and demand a refund for the merch, kek.
Even if he bought her that shirt for Christmas, he's been making a shit ton of videos making jabs at Shane, so I highly doubt he ISN'T making remarks when he sees her wearing that shirt around the house.
No. 496147
>>496103Please tell me I look like Kurt Cobain, please! Validate me!
>>496105They know from hot topic
No. 496149
>>496103With that shirt and brassy yellow hair Laineys husband looks like a deranged bumble bee!
>>496147Lol he wants people to compare him to Kurt so bad he even wore that Nirvana shirt to push the subliminal mesage. Any anons remember when he swore someone said he looked just like Zac Efron?
No. 496151
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Lainey got her new ring, she's surprised the size 4 fit so well (so smol u guyz). Her husband said the silver finish was dumb. He got his in black so their rings don't even coordinate any more.
No. 496152
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>>496122They put the toilet brush next to the sink. Gross. Some people in the comments mentioned it's because of the kids but still, ew. Can't you just teach your kids not to touch it?
I also find it very strange how all of a sudden she makes a video about cleaning her brushes, shortly after we talked about her dirty looking sponge… it always seems like people point stuff out (dirty brushes, lack of skincare routine etc.) and then she makes a video to prove she's doing these things? It's weird and transparent.
No. 496169
>>496150I tried to watch this but I couldn’t do it. Once he got to the “knife wall” analogy I got tf out of there. This guy is so stupid. I do think Lame’s husband is talking about Sam in this video. Obviously he blames her for his kid falling. Like yeah, that’s a great attitude. Let your kids know that if they ever do anything bad or get hurt, you’ll just blame it on whoever was watching them. That’ll teach them.
“Mommy! Daddy! I fell and it’s Sam’s fault!” I really hope to god these kids don’t grow up with the same attitudes and mentality as their parents.
No. 496174
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P1. His logic just doesn't make sense (I'll post his reply in p2)
No. 496175
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No. 496177
>>496175you can really imagine him breathing extra hard and gritting his chompers while replying.
slimey's gay husband needs to chill
No. 496184
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>>496152They're so filthy, why can't they keep the toilet brush in the cabinet under the sink? Most parents of young kids have safety latches on floor level cabinets anyway.
>>496155She's trying to wash the color out. She said she's thinking about doing a bleach bath on it but she's not sure. Basically who knows what what either of their hair colors will be next week lol.
No. 496194
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>>496184I want them both to just shave their heads. It would be hilarious on so many levels. Imagine onion looking like this again, only with his aged carrot top botox/sunken brow face. Even the last remaining fangirls would leave.
No. 496202
>>496169I thought the thing Grug was harping on when it came to Sam and his kids was him insinuating that she hit them, or swatted them, not that the kid got hurt while she was babysitting.
My take on this is that someone was babysitting the kids and trot or clot got injured. Now we need to figure out whos the usual suspect when it comes to being the babysitter. Grugs mom? his aunt? Laineys sister?
No. 496210
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was ths one of the girls he banned because of the suicide jokes incident?
No. 496220
>>496215he's better off without that lame gaming perk.
from the last lainey's fuckboy's game stream (advertised DISHONESTLY on twitter), he was entertaining someone who was clearly a fedora. i mean, this patron wanted to sue pubg creators for making a bad game or something lol. that's who grease's last paying supporters are…
also, not sure if this was brought up, but where's fat becca???
she doesn't kiss plain's ass on younow anymore. is she actually trying to get through college?
No. 496234
>>496229>>496226And Lainey's husband just kicks him out and covers his name over something like that? Wow.
>>496215He better have gotten a full refund if he never got gaming…
No. 496247
>>496202Shit, huge tinfoil here but didn’t Sam say they have a lot of shit on Sarah?
Maybe Onion is just getting crazy and deciding to pre-emptively scare Sarah by just making a hypothetical video about something with no details but that Sarah and Lainey would understand.
No. 496251
>>496150I know in the Truth about Kids video Laineys gay husband says
>this doesn't have any for certain real world parallels in a sense that there was no babysitter in real life that Im talking aboutBut we all know how he likes to play with words and manipulate situations to suit himself. Like when he called Laineys friend the childrens "nanny" and then reversed himself when the haters slammed them both for it. I assumed he originally tried to pass her off as the nanny because he felt it gave him an air of superiority to have paid staff to take care of the mundane things like cleaning the house and raising their children.
So Im thinking this was a family member or friend who watched the kids for a few hours, and in Grugs mind he can say it wasn't a babysitter because a babysitter is some teenage girl that you pay 5 bucks an hour.
Another strange thing about that video is he says-
>If your single at the age of 60 and you've been divorced 4 timesThat's oddly specific with the age and how many times they've been divorced. Its like a thinly veiled dig at this person.
I really think this is shade towards his aunt. She visits weekly to clean the house and I wonder if during one of these visits she was suppose to watch the kids while Gurg was ~~fapping to loli hentai~~ editing his videos, and Lainey was bukkaking liquid concealer all over her face on YouNow, and one of the kids hurt themselves.
No. 496260
>>496151Not to mention a BLACK ring doesn't even say "I am married" anymore. I love how he managed to erase his marriage and kids off of his vocabulary and daily life, he must really hate his life/reality.
I think i'll have to call him Taylor's gay roomate from now on
No. 496272
>>496005You can call this tin foil material but still. Shane and his boyfriend have done videos (Shane’s is 3? Parts) about them having a child together.
Betting lame and grunt show their sprogs for views soon because of this?
No. 496282
>>496279This is why the Space Prince is a cow.
>muh genderfluid>parents actually gave her a gender fluid/androgynous name>autistic noises about it not being feminine enoughTaylor is every transpersons dream birth name, since it is an androgynous name everywhere in the world. So much for that dysphoria, eh?
No. 496286
>>496150wtf. did he just tell his viewers that they all have the problem of not taking responsibility for their actions?
No. 496289
>>496276>>496279>>496281Taylor is definitely more neutral/masculine than "Lainey". Lainey was the name Greg "chose" for her though, based off her middle name. If she decided to go by something else, it would be another strike to his ego.
I wonder what this new "gender crisis" is going to bring us?
No. 496295
>>496150Let me get this straight.. if your kid falls down and bonks themselves in the presence of an adult it's the adult's fault (I'll let this slide, within reason) but if a parent neglects their child's dental hygiene to the point that said child must be put under anesthesia and HAVE THEIR BABY TEETH PULLED OUT OF THEIR HEAD.. well that's just fine! That's not abusive or neglectful!
The mental gymnastics shouldn't astound me anymore, but alas…
No. 496302
>>496005You forgot to add "" to the chapters… With three pages they're "chapters" kek. Literaturefag here and unless it's EXTREMELY ON PURPOSE and used as a literary device, no chapter is that short.
Unless you're lazy. Gee, I wonder which one Lainey's gay husband is.
No. 496314
>>496295Grugly would find a way to blame the doctor or something, saying that they were uneducated (oh irony) in lactation and "tHeY DiDNt tEll uS nOt tO BreAStfEeD aT NiGHt".
Watch, if people go after Lainey's husband enough for this, there'll be a video called "The Doctor that Failed Me" or some shit.
No. 496344
Aldlii, if you’re lurking PLEASE use this video for one of yours. It’s a perfect rant of contradiction.
No. 496347
>>496318Do people still think HIAS is lainey's husband? Most of the fake accounts were exposed by each other to be anti-O'ers around the time temp went down.
It seems creepy that someone would pretend to be lainey's husband and befriend shiloh. Talk about a skin walker lol.
No. 496360
>>496299I guess it’s Lainey’s husband’s fault about what happened to JG since he compared her to a child and he was “looking out for her.”
It’s hilarious how everything is always someone else’s fault, but when it comes to Lainey’s husband he has a million excuses and false reasons as to why it’s not his fault. The only time he admits responsibility for anything is when there’s nothing at the moment to admit responsibility for.
No. 496394
>>496374Lmao, and Lainey’s husband was probably punishing Beck for clogging the toilet so she didn’t have the privilege of using his plunger, instead she was forced to use her hands. That’s so nasty.
If they don’t have a plunger that’s pathetic because they’ve been living there for a long time and had plenty of time to get a cheap plunger. Unless they do use the toilet brush to unclog the toilet because they are that fucking stupid.
No. 496448's new video
can a piercing anon tell me if it's possible for your body to reject a piercing that is non-surface? (like a normal nose piercing, for example)
i'm talking about 1:45 specifically
No. 496449
>>496442Didn’t really seem like it.
Watched it and she didn’t say a damn thing.
I think some gross Grease stand are trying to insert here, tbqh.
No. 496460
>>496448not a professional but i did have a nose ring, i never picked it like she does on YouNow nor put makeup ON top/around it.
i cleaned it with a piercing solution i got at claire’s every morning and night.
i did get a bump like she did, but the weird thing is that i went to the beach and it healed, google says because of the sea salt but i don’t know for sure.
wish i could sage
No. 496470
>>496448lol she started using a chopping board and petting the other dogs because we mentioned she talks shit about them all the time.
While making breakfast she mentions that Greg isn't up yet and it must be 9/10am at that point (lmao what a hard life). Also at 8:10 have they bought a mini toy car for Troy?
No. 496477
>>496470I noticed that she got left alone all day so Gronk could go watch that movie for free and bitch about it later.
Riveting content here.
No. 496485
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what the hell is in the dog bowls? there’s another one next to this one that has like the same shit in it, but this is a close up. is that filthy water? this is also from Lame’s new video.
No. 496491
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>>496448It bothers me how she shows herself only making enough breakfast for herself and Greg if he wants some. Even in other 'A day in the life' videos she only mentions what she eats and never brings up trying to feed the children a healthy breakfast. It seems like the kids only eat cereal during the day and the only 'home' cooked meal they get is dinner. Also did she just smear a ton of makeup all over her dirty face?
No. 496497
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This greasy creep Photoshops chicks all over him, barf.
No. 496509
>>496448It's probably not possible for a nose piercing. Rejection refers to the jewellery being completely ejected from the skin and the hole being made not a hole anymore. It's pretty gnarly. For a nose piercing, that would mean it was pushed out to the side.
She just has hypotrophic scarring. It happens all the time and would go away if she salt soaked and left the jewellery alone.
No. 496511
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No. 496514
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No. 496516
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P3 gag
No. 496538
>>496511But Onion, you say if people don't like you don't watch you. Don't make obsessive videos on you, yet you are the king of irony with how many obsessive videos you done on many YouTubers you find
No. 496570
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>>496564Word for word off if the last thread
No. 496571
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My screenshot from the last thread on the same page. Tumblrfags, find your own shit to post ya wankers(derailing)
No. 496572
>>496555>so he can do whatever the creep does when he's alone.ass play with himself, while jerking off to loli hentai and Harley Quinn bestiality
oh… and phone sex with Fat-Becca on his burner phone
No. 496654
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>>496570Sorry for bringing up old news, but
>this shit>real helzberg ringlmaoooo, jewels are literally falling off of that taobao shit.
I wish I was there when anons did detective work about the ring.
No. 496664
>>496660It's more to do with overzealous farmhands (short-term)banning users producing any emerging milk unless it was sourced and acknowledged by greg himself, despite ss being posted to add credence to onions insane rantings combined with constant "temp-bashing" despite most users of temp being longterm users of lc the user base kinda tapered off and people lost interest. I know I stopped posting stream/patron/forum shit after multiple bans for derailing, I'm sure others did too.
Plus onion is an irrelevant twat rn.
(derailing (ironically)) No. 496666
>>496654Assuming Helzberg is in the same category of cheap mall jewelry as Kay and Zales.. That looks like a generic $1000ish ring. I think the reason it looks so dingy is because of the yellow gold backing the pave diamonds and also because you know she never cleaned and polished it. Pave diamonds can get really gunky and gross.
I'm betting it's real, it's just ugly.
No. 496683
>>496561That's not rejection though, that's failing to heal for whatever reason. Sorry for terminology autism but rejection means when the jewellery is physically pushed out of the skin by the body, in the same way splinters are ejected, and the area is not able to be pieced again. It can be quite serious depending on the area.
She's calling it rejection is because she wants to make it sound more serious than it is. Everything has to be the worst possible scenario. She hasn't even had the jewellery in for the full healing period yet.
She just has some mild hypertrophic scarring.
No. 496689
>>496683Let’s just point out the obvious, Lame is as big of a pussy as her husband. He can’t keep bleach in his hair for more than 3 minutes without screaming and running and she freaked out the second her piercing did something normal. I, myself and plenty of other people have gotten bumps with nose rings, it’s normal. All you have to do is soak it with salt water a few times a day and then the bump disappears and never returns. Lame just freaked out and wasted a nose piercing because she’s actually stupid. This is like the time she took a bath, soaking in her own filth right after getting a tattoo and wonders why it hurts.
I’d like to know how much money she just wasted AGAIN. First her hair and now the piercing. When I got my nose pierced it costed $60. So unless she went to a sketchy place then it wasn’t cheap because popular tattoo/piercing shops cost quite a bit.
No. 496697
>>496654Why she would keep wearing it is beyond me. Why she would insist it's an allergy is also beyond me. An allergy gives you an itchy rash and redness, not a green-grey stain.
I don't get how she couldn't just put her foot down back when they had tons of money before the IRS shitstorm. Like at least ask for a pure sterling silver ring or a steel ring something. Stop wearing shitty metals.
No. 496785
>>496781>14kt white and yellow goldWell, that explains the green finger. 14kt gold means it's roughly 60% gold, 40% other metals. I'm guessing the other metals were copper or nickel.
I imagine he paid quite a bit for the ring but I'm also guessing whatever he paid was wayyyy over what it was worth. It would have been interesting to see if he had made anything close to what he paid back when he was selling it.
No. 496786
>>496697>>496761Did some investigation. Lame said her ring was gold, right?
Apparently, gold jewellery is often made with other metals because gold itself is soft and other metals harden it. Doesn't matter if it's 10k or 14k; just means that the ring would be 10/24ths or 14/24ths gold and 14/24ths or 4/24ths other metals.
Lame is anemic, but not sure if she's iron deficient anemic. Gold jewellery can cause skin discoloration of black or green in those with iron deficiency, especially if it's 14k gold, because of hemoglobin science words.
On the other hand, most gold under 14k has nickel in it, which can also cause discoloration.
Lame said she's allergic to gold, which isn't true if it's caused by iron deficiency that she refuses to treat.
On the other hand (ha), she's lying if it's a nickel allergy.
No. 496791
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>>496781Here's the cost of the ring
No. 496792
>>496781not a gemologist, but i can say this: j-k is not great in terms of yellowness. it's not terrible or anything, and still can be super pretty, but onion was a millionaire. what's worse is the fact that ALL of her diamonds were included, not even very slightly included, or slightly included. that's terrible. there is only one stage of diamond blemish that's worse: I2. all of her diamonds were I1s. that's pretty shit. pretty poor quality diamonds considering how easily the onion would drop cash in the past. included diamonds break, crack, chip, much more easily. and the ring itself is hideous. she has terrible taste.
previously, he got her that cluster ring (clusters are incredibly cheap), though admittedly, it was prettier than this weirdly masculine walmart looking one. either way, i expect that he over paid, but still didn't pay that much.
No. 496798
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>>496791that is a disgusting markup for that shit quality ring. what a racket. that stupidly thick pave shank looks like it's made of rhinestone ribbon. tbh though, greaseboy probably got it on clearance. god knows how he hates to spend a cent on the foot.
No. 496801
>>496792>>496791I’m one of the anons that feel that the cost of a ring doesn’t equate love but he’s a pics of shit.
He’s never once spent any significant amount of money on her.
He spends $10k on Billie on MAKEUP.
I really wonder if Lainey picked that ring out.
Fuck, at least push for your Fiji trip, Plainey. Do one single thing for yourself this entire marriage. Stop living in squalor with cheap things and do one thing for yourself in your totally great six year marriage.
No. 496803
>>496798I think they went for something that looked ostentatious rather than something that looked nice. The markup will definitely have been wild though, there's no way that ring is worth what it cost.
Before Lainey's husband played this "I'm poor help me" shit, he was always tacky and nouveau riche. He always valued looking rich before enjoying quality. He bought a mcmansion because it was a big house even though he couldn't decorate it or keep it clean. He bought a tesla because it was cool even though he never went anywhere except to go grocery shopping.
>>496791Imagine spending that much on something that looks like it came out of a cracker and turns your skin green. Can something be cheap and expensive at the same time? Because that ring definitely is.
No. 496811
>>496807Makeup for Billie, plane tickets for Billie, plane tickets for Billie's friend, trampoline park for Billie, trip away for Billie…
I hope Lainey uses her youtube money to buy a shiny new ring and go to Fiji without him because unless she can skinwalk for real, he's never gonna like her that much.
No. 496815
>>496786If it was caused by anemia, there would be discolouration on the fingers next to her ring finger.
If she genuinely is allergic to white gold, then they're just plain fucking stupid for having two white gold rings in a row. Allergies can be pinpointed and white gold and yellow gold are mixed with different alloys and present different reactions. If she turned out to be allergic to the actual gold and not the nickel in the white gold or the copper/silver in the yellow gold, there are other metals out there for her to have.
The thing is, Lainey's husband doesn't give a fuck and she's too scared to give a fuck because then she'll realise their marriage is a shitshow.
No. 496846
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I joined her stream late (it was just makeup application) and it looks like she scrapped off that nail polish she had applied the other day.
No. 496847
>>496813This is actually so accurate. Most unfaithful men WILL shower their wives in gifts out of guilt, but instead Lainey’s husband blames her and manipulates her into excusing his actions and only blame the other person. The other person being an 18 year old kid.
I know we don’t like bringing up past people, but I have to say I don’t give a fuck that Shiloh cheated on Lainey’s husband. Still to this day he makes it a big deal to talk about how this girl cheated on him but for fuck sake she was a kid. They ALL were kids. I don’t care that she cheated on some gross old man who only dates/marries young girls. Does he actually want people to feel sorry for him? He’s a sleazy piece of shit, she was just a kid who shouldn’t have even been engaged to him and honestly she got fucking lucky because if she didn’t she could be right where Lainey is. The difference is Shiloh had a back bone and people would have stuck by her. Lainey is and always will be an idiot and she’ll always be unhappy because she was only a kid when she got married and knocked up and now she will never get to find herself or do anything in life. How sad and miserable. Sitting in a house all day with a creep who sits in a dark room watching hentai and rating underage girls all day. I believe the reason Lainey feels that the happiest time of her day is being with her kids is because they are the only ones that love her and they are her escape from the reality of her fucked up situation. Sorry for the rant/tinfoil but I’m so tired of Lainey’s husband bringing up how Shiloh cheated on him. Like who fucking cares? She was a kid, she didn’t need to be making commitments to you anyways.
No. 496852

>>496813>no, the majority of men will compensate for their infidelity by getting their wives beautiful jewelry and lavish vacations, etc… he values her even less than the average unfaithful husband does.THANK YOU ANON
That's the whole point, when men fuck up bad, they have to make it up to their lady, and big jewels and tons of flowers is a good classic way to go.
Remember what Conan O'Brian said, "The rule is, it has to be 5X what you spent on the hooker," at 1:25 - 1:45 here according to Conan, Greg should have bought Lainey a piece of jewelry that is $50,000.
(Since he freely spent 10k on B)
Instead, all Lainey is worth $35 for a silicone ring. How sad and pathetic that she accepted that.
>>496781Her diamond was only 3/8 ct???
And J-K/I1????
Taylor Elaine sure don't value herself anymore than Greg values her. Which is Zilch, zero, nada.
These are shitty piddly diamonds, he couldn't even be bothered to get Taylor Elaine a full carat or a 1.5 carrat diamond that was GIA certified.
Greg purchased her crap, if the ring and stones are real and not a counterfeit dupe from Wish or alibaba, and every time i see Lainey with her Silly-Tone ring, I shall laugh at the worthless pathetic human who thinks her husband still loves her.
Because Greg has never loved Taylor Elaine, Greg just wanted an underaged snatch, and she happened to trap him with her ovaries instead.
No. 496862
>>496842a youtuber that Lainey follows is also “non binary” (female) and is having top surgery and also refers to herself as trans.
i think Lainey sees all the support this youtuber gets and is trying to leech on someone else since skinwalking as Billie isn’t working for her
No. 496886
>>496853>>496854But didn't he later say that he paid her $9k and then it was $8k? Judging by her youtube around that time she did spend some of the money on makeup but I highly doubt it was a large percentage. Also he was
triggered about makeup use at that time so that's why he whined about it, that was before Lainey started getting into makeup more and doing her beautybot thing which brings a little income to their household.
No. 496905
>>496103Holy shit that IS cringey.
Most youtubers when they do that kind of shit point it out.
For example-
'Hey guys channelling Kurt Cobain realness today with my shirt and the blonde hair' or 'haha I feel like this whole outfit with the hair today is giving me Kurt Cobain vibes' or even self deprecating 'yo I look like a $2 Kurt cobain!' or some playful shit like that.
It shows that they were somewhat inspired by their idol's clothing choices and as to not show that they are simply being a wannabe. Even if they DO want their fans to point it out, at least they've put their cards on the table.
Grug instead says nothing about it
and comes across as someone's dad going to a dressup party as Kurt Cobain or a really bad cosplay and it's so painfully obvious that he's trying to get that connection and is desperate for someone to point it out.
Greg, you look nothing like Kurt Cobain. You look like carrot top with a bad bleach job. The fact that you try so hard to point this 'likeness' out subliminaly (and I use the term likeness loosely) is retarded because your actual fans are kids and have no idea who Kurt Cobain is. Maybe some of the tumblr kids but that's how you like them dumb, young and edgy. Maybe you can take the likeness further and actually kill yourself.
Also I fucking hate how when he spergs out about something he's a fan of and does shit like this. He ruined Death Note for me by all his autistic imitations and I hate the obvious changes in character when he imitates another youtuber or cartoon character. He only shows his true self when he narc rages on streams, otherwise every other video has some kind of element stolen from someone else. Voice patterns change depending who he's trying to channel. Leafy, Shane, the deep serious one he tries, the nasally gay one. He tries to draw comparisons to Ian somerholden or whatever the fuck that guy's name is, it's pathetic. Imagine being that insecure that everything you do is just ripped off more popular people because your persona isn't original or entertaining enough on it's own. Yuck.
No. 496907
>>496157He probably thinks they are sooooo alike because Greg tried to put a gun to his head once! He's just like me guyssss.
Either that or some girl or fan stupidly made a comparison.
I'm sure most girls have had a seedy or desperate man say they look just like Angelina Jolie to get into their pants. This is the same deal…except Greg actually BELIEVES the comparisons.
No. 496911
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>>496905The look you are going for vs what you actually look like
No. 496938
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>>496920The eyes sometimes tell you what may be in a persons future.
No. 496946
File: 1521876328382.png (406.59 KB, 890x605, 74327788.PNG)

>>496939Laineys gay husband says-
>You know I never realized how close this was to the fluid that comes out of mens ummm you know.Im assuming that hes making a comparison to his own "man fluid"
Why does Grugs semen look like spit? If his semen is as clear as spit then he has some major fertility issues. I have friends who are trans (MtF) and because of the HRT and testosterone blockers they take their semen is now clear because of the lack of sperm. Maybe Grug has low testosterone. That would explain the patchy beard when he cosplays as Dean Winchester and lack of body hair. Even Greg said years ago (before Lainey) that he was probably infertile and couldnt have kids, but low and behold he somehow got Lainey preggers twice.
Major tinfoil- Grugs actually infertile, and thats one of the major reasons Lainey doesnt want to get a divorce. She knows that if they did end up in court, Grug would pull out every asshole move he could think of to fuck her over during the divorce proceedings, and one of those things would be asking for a paternity test on Trot and Clot. And once the DNA tests come in everyone would find out that the kids father is actually that psycho she was dating in Las Cruces.
No. 496947
>>496786how does she know she's anemic anyway if she won't go to a doctor? and if she did go at some point and was dx with anemia, they'd tell her what kind.
if she even has it it's definitely iron deficient because muh vegetarianism
No. 496950
>>496939Greg muses that he wishes that Lainey wasnt just 25% Mexican, but instead 50 or 75% Mexican.
If Lainey hears about this shes going to panic that Gregs got "brown fever" and we're going to see Chola Lainey on her next YouNow stream.
No. 496951
>>496946>Im assuming that hes making a comparison to his own "man fluid">Why does Grugs semen look like spit?Because he jacks off too much every day. After #3 or #4 it starts to get more liquidy and less thick and goopy.
But definitely after like 5 times it starts getting real clear and i guess spit looking.
Does he fap 5+ times a day?
Even that seems too extreme, but perhaps since he's a long term daily chronic fapper, it never gets a chance to go back to a milky white color and thicker consistency???
So maybe he faps 3 times a day and porks lainey somewhere in between.
And thats why it looks like spit.
No. 496952
>>496939Wow,he's kinda being racist in a retarded backwards way.
Basically acting like black women are a thing to cross off his list.
Trying to white knight black women in an attempt to appear more open minded.
Also the way he spoke about being a dom and saying that he would have sex with a women that had transitioned except she had women parts then that would be okay.
Secretly trying to get Lainey to indulge his homo fantasies.
Why do I feel like when things go tits up he's going to pull a Kevin Spacey and admit that he's gay to try and distract everyone from his bullshit. At the same time I wouldn't be suprised if he wasn't actually gay and only explored the idea of coming out to skinwalk Shane Dawson.
No. 496956
>>496950I can't wait to see her with a shitty fake tan cracking out the bronzer kek
Tinfoil, but anyone wonder if he's not only trying to virtue signal with whole black girl mixed race thing, but that he's currently chatting one up? Or maybe Lainey is into a black girl at the moment and he's trying to do the poly shit again.
Most likely, it's just him trying to get brownie i'm-not-racist points, but it's interesting to wonder.
No. 496958
>>496939I think he has to constantly remind us that hes a dom, because he needs to convince himself.
Same with how he would tell us over and over how honest he is.
This is just his new 2018 pep talk in a mirror. If he says it enough, he'll fool himself into believing it.
Fake it till you make it.
No. 496959
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>>496939I'm pleased to see he still has his bumble bee hair for the time being.
No. 496960
>>496959Bees are cuter and a lot more useful, that's the difference.
>>496952As he's lying about being into black girls he feels like he's fetishizing them too. No black woman (or any woman of color) wants to be told their skin color/culture makes them more thrilling than white women.
No. 496964
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>>496959I kept wondering what his face reminds me of, then I remembered this
No. 496968
>>496966Wasn't he JUST arguing that the reason he uses patreon money to buy things like an iPhoneX, and why him and Lame buy loads of shit like clothes, hair dyes, useless luxuries etc, is for videos? Talking about how its all for vids so it's purely an investment on getting the money back through their vids?
Billie has a fucking make-up channel. By his logic, of COURSE she's gonna buy a bunch of make-up… fancy make-up too, because she does fancy looks with her actual talent, unlike Lame. So shouldn't it be totally excused/a non-issue to him?
I very much doubt she spent the whole 10k on make-up either way, but with his own logic he has no reason to complain about her buying a lot of make-up with her pay.
But ofc hes talking out of his arse about him and Lame buying all those expensive luxuries for vids. They're just spoiled, delusional, and consider simply not having a rich lifestyle as 'poor and struggling'.
No. 496971
>>496938The white space under, above or around the iris is called sanpaku, and it has many negative connotations lol.
Quoted from Wikipedia:
"Conversely, when the upper sclera is visible it is said to be an indication of mental imbalance in people such as psychotics, murderers, and anyone rageful."
Perfectly describes Onion.
No. 496976
>>496847I still don't know how Sh gets a pass for being young even tho Greg knocked up lainey who was even younger and Lainey never lied about memory loss and wanting to paint a rainbow and all the other cringe shit Sh did for attention and Onions attention since the whole memory loss shit was her burying her head in the sand after all the lies that came out then about sepsis and the fake pregnancies and using images of a stillborn etc etc.
Sh was fucking crazy too, her and Onion were probably the best match because they were both attention whores
No. 496981
>>496950I hate Greg so much. I hate men like him who just see a woman as an extention of themselves.
>I wish Lainey was more mexican so I can look tolerant! I love Lainey because she proves to my fans I'm not that bad because she won't leave me!
I love that Lainey supports me even though I can't keep my lies straight and I keep trying to fuck other girls!
I love that Lainey can be poly for me!
I desire x, y + z qualities in a woman; it's not about getting to know the person, it's about them serving me!
I love making videos rating people's appearances and seeing if they are good enough to stand next to moi
I love to say I told you so!
>I'm Greg I'm just super together in my life and have all of the answers, so my woman needs to understand that I'm the DOM and she needs to toe the line. If not I will replace her with a better model, with 5 more skill points in various catergories such as a) being a doormat b) enjoys being exploited and exposed c) low self-esteem d) make an ass of themself for my career etc.Like, how does he have people paying him for existing. It actually depresses me.
No. 496982
>>496964Fucking kek
It's only missing the bumblebee hair, add that and it would look indistinguishable from gurg.
No. 496990> Once a man told me that I could never show my body in even something as simple as a bathing suit, because it was his. ~That if I did, I must be seeking attention from other men, I must want to be seen as a sexual object.
is shiloh talking about grease boy?
(learn to screenshot) No. 496991
>>496984Sh got groomed and stockholmed so bad her mother had to take away her passport so that she would not go back to Gurg after he shoved her and caused her miscarriage. Her mind got messed up due to how severe the abuse was. She was not in a right mind the whole time. Not to mention she gave up on her budding popstar career for love and got abuse instead. She didn't even get to recover in peace as stuff mentioned by other anon happened.
Gurg ruined her life and she is just getting on track. I wish her the best. Not to mention she never groomed any teens or done anything truly wrong, just caused drama (like the 'i wanna make a rainbow' thing that greg masterminded/exploited for views anyway).
She truly got the worst deal out of all Greggums exes. At least plank gets to be the more famous one.
No. 496992
>>496990Def sounds like him.
I feel like he used to tell Lainey the same shit during the honeymoon period and she got off to it. Now he doesn't give a shit for Lainey so she prances around in underwear on camera, possibly hoping he notices and gets jelly.
No. 496996
>>496976Lainey wasn't even younger. He met shiloh and lainey (supposedly) at 17. Lameo was pregnant at 18/19. The whole shiloh relationship happened when she was between the ages of 17-19. Shiloh is only one year older than lainey. That's how creepy gerg is. And Shiloh hardly got a pass. If anything, lameo is the one truly getting the "pass" as now his fanbase has died out where she will not experience the backlash and bullying off the internet from his fans that all his other ex's got when they split. And lameo is also as huge of an attention whore as shiloh was. And shes way more obnoxious with her fake transtrender bullshit and "im gay!!!" bullshit that no surprise people find her more annoying. She might not have lied about memory loss or whatever, but she lies on the daily anyway to protect gerg and her transtrender image and for a significantly longer amount of time than shiloh was even in the picture.
>>496959how has he not just dyed his hair back to brown/black and pretended this never happened. this is god awful.
No. 497000
Also shiloh actually sometimes opposed gerg's bullshit and argued with him. That's why they had their break-ups often and why his abuse got worse and worse in short time period.
Lainey, on the other hand, claimed "no homo, greg is my only love!!" until gerg told her he needs to get his dick wet with someone else so she was like "okay im gay now!!!". Then she gets butthurt when greg indeed gets his dick wet but blames it solely on the other woman. Puke worthy.
No. 497025
>>497006 As someone who recently just tried to sell a $6k tennis bracelet (at sale) for my boyfriend's mom claiming she'd at least get $2k for it from a jewelry store. They only go by melt down value of the gold. The only time they'd resell a piece of jewellry is if it's worth more to sell whole than melt down. It has to have certificates or be very rare, unique, vintage. They offered his mom like $200 for a $6k designer tennis bracelet with diamonds on each link. She also had no papers claiming authenticity.
So yeah Lainey's ring is worth more to fans than melted down at a jewelry shop. Also I feel like any jewelry made out of her ring would need to be sent to the Vatican first for a blessing. Like imagine the bad juju that goes along with that. Imagine the fan who wins it actually starts to become haunted by Onion's demon poly sluts who try to ruin their relationships like they tried to ruin Onion's. End sarcasm.
No. 497091
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>>496959Oh hai Gurg!
>>497004Loving the way he messes with the contrast on his videos to hide how carrot orange his rat's nest is or goes full on b&w to hide it. Just buzz it all off and buy a wig or wear a stocking cap. There is no saving that clump of turds.
No. 497099
> Before Lainey's husband played this "I'm poor help me" shit, he was always tacky and nouveau riche. He always valued looking rich before enjoying quality. He bought a mcmansion because it was a big house even though he couldn't decorate it or keep it clean. He bought a tesla because it was cool even though he never went anywhere except to go grocery shopping. Quoted it because gr8 post.
Lainey, if some guy asked you on a dinner date and showed up at your door with a gas station sandwich, would you go out with him? Because your ring is the ring version of a gas station sandwich.
>>496905And Chibi Derf is a direct ripoff of that Fred channel back in the day. Derf is even Fred backwards.
No. 497108
>>497086>I think he takes out all of his anger and frustrations verbally and physically during their totally consensual and loving play time. I think so too. Considering that Onision faps to hentai daily, it damages the penis, making it harder to ejaculate from basic PIV sex, because scar tissue starts to build up and kinda numbs the penis.
He probably just battle rams from behind so he doesn't have to look at Foot's face. Explaning bruses on the back of the neck.
He needs to say shitty things to her to stay hard probably, and probably grabs her and chokes her and pulls her skin and hair.
I think he's so mentally unhinged and sick in his power hungry addled brain that Onision is INCAPAPLE of having slow tender lovemaking.
If Greg claims to only have sex when in love, then according to A.J. hes only concerned with ripping off the clothes to just jackhammer it in with no foreplay or tenderness.
>There’s no way some of those bruises on her are hickeys. I wonder if she has other ones and is careful to hide them so that we don’t speculate more.Oh, to be a fly on their wall….
No. 497110
>>496847I always figured Shiloh probably cheated because she needed a way out. We know he loved her more than Lainey or even Billie, so he would have put up a huge fight if she just said she wanted out. She needed to give him a reason to let her out of the relationship.
Sage for tinfoil
No. 497111
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Or in her colouring books
No. 497132
>>497115Talking about Shiloh in the chat on younow really seems to
trigger the fuck our of Lame, worse than if you bring up Billie.
No. 497143
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I hope I'm doing this correctly, first time posting here. It's something I found on Tumblr, thought it might be interesting. It's about Sam. 1/12
No. 497144
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No. 497145
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No. 497146
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No. 497147
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No. 497148
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No. 497149
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No. 497150
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No. 497151
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No. 497152
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No. 497153
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No. 497154
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12/12 That's it! I have no clue where these are from though.
No. 497155
File: 1521973243683.png (42.85 KB, 808x331,…)

>>497154Why can't you just say you got them off of tumblr?
Afterall, DSSCTM self submitted all these caps to himself. The original post has been deleted since.
No. 497156
File: 1521973735965.jpeg (184.85 KB, 1242x269, 9DC35AB3-5A4A-40EF-8AD1-16A3C8…)

>>497150Just a bit confused at this one because sam herself admitted how the last day or so she stayed in her room and didn’t talk to them or eat because she felt uncomfortable… photo related - transcript from a livestream where she said hersf she spent the days in her room…
No. 497186
>>497149So this was the reason for gurg's pre-emptive "truth about my kids" video.
>Gurg watching his kids and one suffers a blunt head trauma. >but it wasn't MY fault mmkay.. it was obviously sam's for distracting me somehow or lainey's for expecting me to be a dad, btw did I mention lainey is an awesome human yet?I wonder if this coincided with his twittersperg'18? (I remember this incident being liveblogged on temp, would be good to cross reference). Tinfoil lame banned him from twitter because he was too engrossed in sm/anything else to properly parent his children..
No. 497188
>>497143Thank you for sharing. I really do believe Gurg was being a creeper while Sam was there; however I don't believe she was put off as she so claimed. She obviously liked Lames husband before going to Grease Mansion and it is also well known he lavishes the person he's trying to win with attention, praise, and gifts. The problem comes when he's gotten his prize and no longer has to put the effort in.
I also 100% believe he spells out insults in front of the kids. He even does this in his stupid videos as a way of 'censoring'. In my opinion, any fighting shouldn't be done in front of the children because they will often internalize that shit. Right now they may not understand what he's saying but I'm sure they can pick up on the tension and emotion between their parents.
No. 497199
>>497153wtf… why did he pull the covers over her legs? I don't get it.
>>497194I'm sorry, thats so horrifying.
No. 497200
>>497186I believe in his kids video he said something to the effect, If you could look back and see that there was something you could have done differently then you are at fault.
The main point for me is he has a huge "I could have done this differently". He could BE THERE FOR HIS KIDS. He works at home and barely leaves the house; there is no reason he can't spend more time with his children. Instead he locks himself in his office and claims he has no fault in what happens because he wasn't there. Even when he does watch the kids he is too busy with is online life. I clearly remember him rage tweeting while Lame was live streaming. (As far as I know that's the only time he really watches the kids.)
No. 497208
>>497199it’s like when billie was over and they were always so close on camera and lainey had a problem with it so then they brought in blankets.
he probably did it so lainey didn’t have to see them being so close
No. 497211
>>497207>>497208The Onion household is madness and legit just sounds like a bunch of 12 year olds somehow live alone and have produced babies.
Like, onion uses a blanket so his wife doesn't have to literally see the physical contact. Fuck I wonder what he does behind closed doors, he is such a creeper
No. 497212
>>497208>>497211it just makes no sense. Its even creepier with the blankets…
I hope these kids get out of there somehow, I mean they have grandparents, but they don't interfere.
No. 497215
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awkward onion blanket cuddles are apparently a thing
No. 497218
>>497214He's so insecure he can't stand to be seen as shitty or wrong. So Sam probably witnessed Troy throwing Cloe or pushing her off the couch or whatever and Sam gasped like 'oh shit' and instead of running to his kid's aid or whatever, gets offended at Sam's gasping as he thinks she's judging his parenting or it's a reflection of him.
Everything that happens around him must be about him somehow.
It's like how he got
triggered over Drew saying that Billie told him she's never seen children cry as much as his kids do. He acts like it's about him not wanting them talking about his kids when in reality, he just doesn't want the world to know he's a shit parent.
He also is probably the type to let his kids do whatever the fuck they like unless it interferes with him somehow. That they break shit and are just given new toys. It's obvious from the amount of toys they have that these children are spoiled. I bet they are given ipads and whatever to entertain themselves and never taken to the park or have playdates over because Grug and Lainey aren't friends with any other parents and the reason they act violent (troy) or cry all the time (according to Billie) is because they are constantly ignored and cry or hit to get attention.
Troy's behaviour will soon mirror Greg's as he gets older. Cloe I imagine will have self esteem issues since her only female figure is a submissive sexually confused doormat and her father is awful to women (despite his white knighting and virtue signalling)
No. 497221
>>497159Yeah, that's what I meant! Sorry if I worded that weirdly. The screenshots seem to be from a stream as far as I can tell, but again, I don't know. Does Sam even stream on Twitch anymore?
>>497219Sorry that it bothered you that I didn't censor the names but I don't really get it. That may have been my first post, but I've lurked for some time and I've never seen anyone censor any chat names?
No. 497224
>>497221I’ll let you know this much: someone is lurking many anti-O platforms and stealing content for their shitty tumblrs.
Sam wasn’t publicly posting these things.
No. 497225
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>>497221>The screenshots seem to be from a stream as far as I can tellLooks like Discord?
No. 497236
>>497227I think Sam was naive too, and I think what ended up happening was that she learned just how shitty Onion is after she left (because everyone started telling her what he had done through out the years) and she is mortified that he would try to ruin her life like he has done in the past with so many others.
I also believe she’s probably just a decent person and has saw a side to the Onions none of us have: them as parents and the faces of their kids. And that probably humanizes them a lot more for her than any of us could understand. So, she likely didn’t talk about this stuff because she didn’t want to do anything that might cause harm to the kids in some kind of way.
No. 497271
>>497147So not only was Greg showing Sam sepiroth porn, but he was also showing her photos of Lainey topless?
>But it was totally platonicHe was so grooming her. Ew.
No. 497273
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>>497147>>497111IS THAT THEIR CARPET? JFC!!!
No. 497289
one tumblr blog, there are good other blogs
No. 497290
>>497283I always think this when I see these old photos too. He looked so happy during his time with Billie and actually came across slightly more likable.
I guess that’s what true happiness does to a person.
No. 497300
>>497294Can you stop? You appear everytime someone mentions sam in a vaguely positive light and whiteknight lame.
Nobody was "shilling" Sam, anons were discussing screenshots.
No. 497339
File: 1522027793615.png (421.74 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2018-03-26-03-31-16…)

He managed to filter his hideous piss yellow hair in his new uhohbro video to the point that his skin is piggy pink. Still looks like shit. Oh by the way, he's lovebombing lame at the end and it's very random and strange.
No. 497365
File: 1522032125933.jpg (25.31 KB, 257x463, Capture.JPG)

Lame's denial though.(cowtipping)
No. 497383
>>497369but according to lainey she's not a girl so her husband is attracted to masculine types. they're in a gay relationship! gay onion.
the sad lies these two idiots tell themselves to make them appear so in love. lame's even said her husband's more attracted to feminine girls like billie and it makes her feel bad because she isn't feminine.
No. 497396
>>497300Thank you anon. Seriously, why is it that anytime someone mentions Sam when she is relevant to the Onions, the same person comes in bitching about it. Go make a snow about Sam, pretty sure she has one. We're not here to talk shit about Sam. She's only relevant when she mentions the Onions with new milk.
And honestly, anyone is better than the fucking Onions. Stop whiteknighting Lainey. I see too much of that in this thread.
No. 497399
>>497149i know i'm late but this is absolute bullshit and these dumbasses are going to get their daughter killed. you aren't supposed to react when a child is hurt because it ends up making them freaked out, and it makes them more upset and harder to help.
you are NOT supposed to suppress a reaction every single time a child is hurt, though! like if they fall and hurt their knee, or drop something, or small things like that? sure, no need to make a big deal. but if a child is SERIOUSLY injured or HURTS someone you're supposed to react negatively! that's negative reinforcement! idk what kind of rinky dink online for-profit college lame went to for her psych degree but she's obviously not putting it to any fucking use at all.
No. 497402
>>497363if she’s being serious about top surgery and going by he/him pronouns, the divorce papers WILL BE served. Lainey’s gay husband has stated that he wouldn’t like the idea of his spouse getting top surgery because he prefers breasts and isn’t attracted to feminine females.
he would tell Lainey that he isn’t attraced to her new “identity” and isn’t the same person he fell in love with and that she should be with females (since she’s always talking about how cute girls are and wanting a girlfriend)
No. 497404
>>497363It's funny because Lainey always says she and her husband have talked about it and he's okay with it AFTER he says countless times that he wouldn't be okay with it. Is she stupid? The reason people say this shit to her is because they get it from him. Her husband says he doesn't want her to get top surgery and wouldn't be okay with it and then she comes onto streams and lies and says he's okay with it. No he's not. Who is she trying to convince? Us or herself?
>>497365She says this every single time. "I've seen them, ha. I do it too, haha." I highly doubt she's seen all of the texts. Also, why is she comparing this to how she talks to her friends when she literally kicked Sam out because she was uncomfortable with the way Sam and Lainey's husband behaved around each other. I can't believe how sad and ignorant she is. Clearly she didn't trust him because if she did she wouldn't have freaked out so bad that she constantly went to check on the two of them and whispered to her husband about how she didn't want Sam there.
>>497399>idk what kind of rinky dink online for-profit college lame went to for her psych degree but she's obviously not putting it to any fucking use at all.She's not putting it to use and she's not even using for this specific situation. Everything they do that's fucked up with the kids is all of her husband's rules and ideas. I'm pretty sure Lame would have her kids on video with her or at least have pictures of them if it wasn't for her husband's paranoia. Whatever her husband says goes. And she ignorantly listens to him. She doesn't even use her psych degree, anytime she gets into an argument with him, he googles shit and she shuts her mouth. She lets a loser who didn't even go to college correct her when it comes to her degree. So she has no say in what's right and wrong for the kids. She goes with whatever that dumbass wants.
No. 497417
>>497402The only thing that will keep him is if they bring in an attractive female and disguise it as poly again.
He will tolerate her for keeping her vagina but I think it’s goung to really gross him out.
No. 497418
>>497405I’m pretty sure I’ve heard him call Dobbs awesome.
How great to be essentially as good in your husband’s eyes as the family pet. At least she’s important enough to be on the same level as the favorite one.
No. 497447
>>497225>>497154It has to be a discord, cause you can drawings in there.
No. 497473
>>497468I'd love to know the context of this. Does he keep a framed pic of her milkers around the house or did he have the pic on his phone? If he showed her a picture like that intentionally what kind of response was he looking for??
>>497149BTW Lainey was on stream tonight and denied that her baby got thrown. While she always denies rumors even ones far more minor than this I think that Sam and Gurg were the only adults around who witnessed this and her gay husband just never told her. That could be part of the reason he wanted to subdue any hint of a reaction from Sam, can't cause a scene and have it brought to Laineys attention.
No. 497529
Gentle reminder that Greg only brings girls to his home for sexual reasons (Apart from girl's like
Maddie he uses for YouTube and she has a kid - but Greg is probably always up for a fumble behind a blanket - or JG, I think he fancied her obviously, but even then knew she wouldn't lower herself to him, Tomato's wife etc.) No need for "I think's" or "tinfoil: greg wanted X in trinity" That is all greg does.
Sam can feign ignorance but screencaps in which she admits to loving Greg and him knowing can lead anyone that's not a moron to realise Sam fancies Greg and wanted to be around him. She is bigging up his boners as per recent screencaps and suggesting she got his dick caught between her legs after he lifted her for a hug
1) greg is short, I doubt he could lift Sam high
2) greg wears trousers too big for him because he is a self conscious manlett, and has a small penis as stated by Adrienne. I can't imagine his penis being able to make any impact in his baggy trousers that Sam gets caught on it when being set down
3) Does he have an iron dick that Sam's bodyweight couldn't push down?
This story is sensationalising and alarming. This may have been the most exciting month in poor Sam's life, for which I will feel sorry for her.
We are witnessing a low for Onion. Another girl has came and went and he has not had a threesome. It's upsetting for him. He's drastically attempted to change his appearance, he is acting like his wife. New hair, new me! Except no, because he does not have the capacity to grow.
To reiterate, never give Greg a tinfoil or the benefit of the doubt in regards of "Does he want to fuck this young girl?" The answer is always yes. He is an ugly freak that thinks his YouTube notoriety will get him laid for life, he hasn't quite caught on to how much of a joke him and his life is.
Prayers to the kids.
No. 497540
>>497531This. Pretty sure she didn’t mean it was literally “caught”. I read it to mean that she simply felt it brush against her legs. Which is pretty believable.
I do wonder, however, why she has waited until now to mention any of his stuff. Her credibility was kinda shot when she claimed she had info to “destroy a marriage” and then backpeddled on that claim. Until these screen shots, the stuff she had shown us was along the same lines of the stuff he said to Vix. Definitely talking to her in a “familiar” way, but things he could also cast off as “just friendly” conversation
No. 497543
i wonder what it's like to be their unicorn. I mean obviously it's rife with abuse psychologically, and possibly physically, but some deep part of me craves the knowledge of how it could go this far and get this bad - publicly - without stopping.
I guess it's the same fascination I have with cult leaders, but greg isn't ambitious enough or talented or charismatic enough to ever garner the attention of more than 2-3 women at once.
I have this fantasy that we will train and style a beautiful late-teens-early-20s alt chick out of one of us and she'll go in like a mole and live under the radar at their home, reporting back every evening.
I literally volunteer. It's so fascinating.
>>497504if lamey ever gets top surgery she will regret it immediately and realize she's still herself and she's still stuck in that marriage, with those children, and with her stupid wasted life, even without tits.
(blogposting) No. 497555
>>497553>>497552The first comment was me from before speculating, if it's not you then it has to the the Onions spare account because that girl is pretty much the only good comments on his shit.
I really love that everyone has seen how much of a shit show Laineys husband is and just roasts the fuck out of him on every 'post'
No. 497589
>>497339I'm confused.
If Greg is so anti-drug and so completely against anything associated with them … how does he justify his idolization of Kurt Cobain? A pathetic strung out druggie junkie?
He puts up Kurt Cobain posters, wears his t shirts, makes references in videos, and now this.
No. 497591
>>497588'pretty sure' 'pretty sure'
I for one am thankful for the anon that released caps from the discord anyway. Perhaps Sam truly is autistic and retarded for trusting a bunch of anons from LC
(infighting) No. 497592
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Why sam stans insist on hanging out in this thread to read things that are only going to hurt their feelings so they can then white knight her and derail is beyond me.
Anyone who has hopped on the funion carousel of madness and abuse is going to be discussed in a critical way. Here on lolcow, on kiwifarms, on tumblr. It's something you newfags need to get used to or leave pls.
No. 497594
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> wonder what it's like to be their unicorn
> some deep part of me craves the knowledge
> this fantasy that we will train and style a beautiful late-teens-early-20s alt chick out of one of us
> I literally volunteer
> some deep part of ME
> beautiful late-teens-early-20s
> i literally volunteer
No. 497595
>>497543Please seek professional help, anon.
>>497563Agreed. She went on and on with the teasing to release damning info and never did it. Now she's spilling beans? Girl, it's too late for that shit.
No. 497601
>>497589He's a hypocrite. Most of the people he 'idolizes' would hate him anyway, but I'm sure he justifies it as appreciating the art and being disappointed the artist is gone or suffering in some way. He's not really as anti-drug as he claims he is anyway. It's just another thing to one up on people and act superior. I'm not a criminal druggie!
It's also his how do you do fellow kids moment. 90s nostagia is huge now and kids are wearing Nirvana shirts without ever even hearing a song or knowing anything about Kurt Cobain. But isn't Papa Onion cool because he wears the same shirts and he's in with the kids?
He's just a creepy pervert doing everything he can to be noticed and potentially find a new teen snatch to groom "for his wife" so he can get his dick wet.
No. 497605
>>497604ugh please anon I haven't
reee'd in M O N T H S
>>497681I fear their son will grow up either a mega narc like papa Onion gay husbando or just someone with major anger management issues.
I hope it's neither and that he'll eventually go seek therapy for shitty parenting in his early childhood though.
No. 497780
>>497774You'll have to scrub through Footfaces videos. She says Grug calls her faggot, but its bleeped out (you can tell whats said by lip movement) Greg acts shocked that she said that during the video and says that she should only keep that part in for her Patreons.
They never really said that he calls her faggot in the bedroom, just that he calls her faggot. But its easy to put two and two together. He likes to degrade during rape-sex with Lainey, and she loves to be degraded. Whats better than being called "faggot" while your husband fucks you doggy style while choking you with your leash.
No. 497785
>>497543> "I literally volunteer"You sound stupid as fuck.
>>497529Have you never had a bf, or been around a guy that wear boxers and gym pants? Even if his weiner is super small, if it was erect/ hard im SURE you would be able to feel it, esp coming down from s high position AGAINST his body.
Someone needs to show Blame these caps of Sam tho, im dying to see her reaction and excuses to all this shit she just said
No. 497794
>>497785I was gonna say
Lainey has pointed out that Greg practically lives in pajama pants and sweatpants while at home
No. 497855
>>497848I was asking about that a few threads ago. He's such a manchild. No breaking the ice with drinks or letting the girl/new victim settle in and get used to his and Lainey's personalities. Instead he does this autistic hugging thing which allows him to push boundaries and if they complain, he screams IT WAS ONLY A HUG. FRIENDS HUG.
I have only ever been on dates with horny betas that ask for hugs. They only do it because they are too chickenshit to kiss you or brush your hair away from your face, and instead of giving you a firm embrace, they do these limp wristed 'hugs'
No. 497867
>>497855lol yes, friends hug! friends pull their friends into their laps for hugs. friends pick their friends up for hugs. friends touch their friends assess when they hug. friends rub their dicks on friends when they hug. friends give friends nude massages.
but a christian side hug?? GET OUT, HARLOT.
No. 497870
>>497739Troy: Mommy, where is Aunty Selena, Big Sis Sarah, Aunty Billie, Aunty Ayalla, Big Sis Maya, and Aunty Sam…? I really miss them."
Daddy Lain: I don't want to talk about this right now, its really stressing me out right now, lets talk about something else and just chill.
Lain's Husband: You see Troy, those people are gone forever because they were garbage people and we can't have them around you and Cloey.
Troy: But they were nice to be Daddy, they always played with me and fed me food.
Lain's Husband: They don't care about you, if they cared about you then they wouldn't be garbage people. Now hush and eat your veggie lunchables.
munches on a piece of processed pizza with cheese and ketchup as toppings so everyone who leaves me is garbage…
No. 497890
>>497785>Someone needs to show Blame these caps of Sam tho, im dying to see her reaction and excuses to all this shit she just saidLame's reactions will just be the same reactions she always has; laughing ignorantly with a smug smile, repeating how she trusts her husband and has seen everything while accusing only Sam and calling her a liar. Makes you think, if she really did see all of these texts and she's actually okay with them then she's dumb as fuck. Also, how can she sit there and say she's poly and NOT find anything wrong with the shit her husband does/says, but then get pissed off at the various girls they both bring into the house and kick them out? You can't kick people out because your jealous, but then say you saw what they were doing and act like you were okay with it. Make up your mind Lame. She kicked Sam out because she was jealous, yet she saw everything Sam and her husband said to each other, but then says they were just friendly texts? This bitch is stupid.
>>497867Also, everytime Cuddlegate is mentioned, Lame's husband always uses the excuse that he was cuddling with her just like he did with a friend he had in high school. The difference is, that was a friend he had when he was single. Why the hell would he need to cuddle with a friend when he has a wife? This guy thinks he's great at coming up with excuses, but they are always flawed. Like his mom gave him a massage, but that's his mom and he didn't give her a massage. Does he even give Lame massages? I know I hate giving massages and so do most people who aren't in that profession. So, he clearly had a motive in mind otherwise why would he even want to give a massage when we know he's lazy as hell? And he cuddled with a friend he had when he was single. Key word being SINGLE. A lot of people cuddle with friends when they are single, but not when they are married and their spouse specifically asks them not to.
No. 497911
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>>497855Thing is, he can't use drinks to break the ice because all the girls he tried to fuck were under 21 ;) besides I doubt Lainey's husband can even handle a more than one shot. Anyone remember that video where Lainey and her husband were trying out those shitty single shots you get at liquor stores? He was clearly buzzed; his face looked so red, and yet had the audacity to yell out how BAD and EVIL alcohol is
No. 497926
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a solid 90% sure no one posted these yet. texts between Groggle and Bill that B released(lurk moar)
No. 497930
>>497890She already answered it in her usual way. She said Sam is a liar (by sarcastically referring to her as the most honest person) and said “(scoffing and sputtering) THIS IS SUCH oLd NeWs!!! LiTeRaLlY NO ONE CARES!!!!!” and then hastened off YouNow.
Typical Lainey response. She’s got her head in the sand and doesn’t want to think that anything bad could be happening, so she refuses to believe any of it.
No. 497937
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Reaper's Creek - Chapter 9 No. 497961
File: 1522165751676.png (765.5 KB, 836x471, antitrans quiz.png)

>L: This one is to find out of I'M happy in the marriage.
>G: Who cares about that. laughs
>L: "How do you feel when you see your spouse? Loved, Happy, Insecure, or Worried?" I'd say happy.
>G: I'm worried I'm no longer going to be attracted to you.
How often do you fight? Greg says they fight about every two weeks. (Lainey answers the question as 'rarely'.) Lainey tries to answer the question "Do you go to bed at the same time" as rarely, but Grug butts in and says it's more than once every two weeks. (Lame changes her answer to usually.)
>G: "There we go, keep our honesty consistent!"
Greg says they talk constantly but seems a little annoyed by it. Last fun thing they did together was go to the movies and see Black Panther. Lame says Greg is not a romantic person and opts for 'fun loving'.
>L: "How often do you have sex?" I like how this is the image they include? Like hetro people only have sex? (She answers often)
>L: "Has either of you cheated?" One of the answers is 'we thought about it, but we would never act on it.'
>G: Well, I definitely thought about it.
>L: By-eeee
>G: No-well-I, I didn't think about actually doing it. I thought about the you know uh… like while fapping. That's emotional cheating.
>L: No that's not. That's stupid.
>G: Fapping is so emotional cheating.
>L: No it's not, that's stupid. Are you emotionally in love with these people?
>G: I don't know… No?
>L: Laughs I don't know? jump cuts Well I'm going to choose that one then because yikes.
>G: Yeah, Lames husband giggles Freakin' Jim from the Office.
>L: What's wrong with you?
>G: I'm sorry I'm emotional when I self gratify.
>L: That's weird.
Results are : You are unhappy in your marriage.
Lames husband blames Laineys answer saying he was addicted to his job as the reason why she would of got those results.
Greg now takes a test to see if his spouse is unhappy. Lainey is needy and admits she tells Grug way too much.
>G: Does your spouse ever communicate that he/she is disappointed in something about the marriage or in you? Yes.
>L: You do it too. You do it more than I do.
>G: Mutters Yeah Turn the fucking lights off after you leave the room.
>L: Fucking nice person. Huh?
>G: There was an open bag of cheese on the counter this morning.
>L: Okay Mr. I made you breakfast. When was the last time you made me breakfast? Huh?
>G: I just fucking made you dinner.
>L: I said breakfast.
>G: Laughs That's like the worst; Breakfast has different value.
>L: I made you lunch too so we're like two outta three here.
>G: Yah, well you paid for the groceries that lunch was made out of.
>L: Exactly.
Apparently Grug often will interrupt Lainey to talk about himself. He also says that Lainey only brings up the bad stuff in the marriage, and he says she is unhappier around other people. When was the last time she interacted with someone IRL? The results are that she's happy with the relationship. Grug ask the viewers to comment and let them know if they are in a happy or unhappy relationship. Lame asks him why he always does that and complains about how she'll get even more negative comments.
>G: And then study a little psych 101 and realize that the things you say about others are actually a reflection of yourself Laughs That would say A LOT about me.
No. 497964
>>497961God he's so done being with her. It's actually kinda sad. From reading this transcript it definitely feels like he's laying the ground work for his "I'm no longer attracted to my spouse because she is now a he" plan. Poor Lainey. If she was actually transgender I would feel a bit bad for her becayse it's not a choice, but she's just dog it for attention and purposely pushing her husband further and further into girls arms.
I may have said poor Lainey but in reality even I know she's not worth any sympathy at this point. She's made her bed and has to lie in it now. Her greasy garbage filled nest.
No. 497972
>is my marriage happy?When you're taking shitty online quizzes to see if you're in a happy marriage as "content" or not it's pretty indicative that the answer is a hard NO.
Well, that plus the cheating and the fact that your husband is constantly looking for a 3rd person to be a part of your "happy" and fulfilled marriage.
No. 497973
>>497962Does he constantly throw around “toxic relationship” to make it lose meaning and for her to have more trouble applying it to her own life??
When he talks about “not enabling and diffusing” it seems like that was something her therapist might have been trying to help her with and he’s trying to make fun of it and make it lose legitimacy. She does enable and she does downplay all the shitty things he does and says to her.
Thanks for mirroring this anon!
No. 497980
>>497976I agree, but if he truly considers fapping to be emotional cheating, he doesn't CARE that's he's cheating and doing it anyways.
You'd think Lame would care more that her husband regularly and willingly does something he considers cheating with no intention of slowing down.
No. 497987
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>>497980he only gets emotional bc hes got a lil dick
No. 497992
>>497973“Does he constantly throw around “toxic relationship” to make it lose meaning and for her to have more trouble applying it to her own life??”
Yup… Gaslighting 101
No. 497997
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>>497937Kek not even a full paragraph in and he's already stating what he wants through his book
No. 498025
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Lainey deserves all the misery she gets for being rock stupid
No. 498037
>>497962It's amazing how these fucks turns to quizzes for validation on their claims on virtually any topic.
If the internet says so, it must be true!
The transcripts anons provide tend to have some autistic nitpicking and exaggeration though. I've noticed this a few threads ago when I began to watch the videos instead of relying on just the TL;DR (as boring as the videos are) and noticed anons sometimes see shit that isn't there. This particular video isn't that bad and they seem to have a pretty average dynamic together. Yeah they look kinda bored with each other but that's not some sensational HAPPENING. You see this sort of bickery shit with most marriages after the honeymoon.
I hate Lamp and the husband but the video was pretty okay. Stupid, but it does not look like a marriage where they despise each other. It just looks like they're not too open about their issues but are not on the verge of a breakup. They need to get offline and stop trying to solve their problems by hitting on young girls.
It seems they do have fun together when they're both in a good mood, but Gurg has a wandering eye and it's really hurtful for Lamp even though she tries to be smug about it. He does throw shade at her and she tries to handle it in a coolheaded way but she's failing most of the time. I am disappointed in her for being such an enabler but then she was groomed. How do you begin to place blame in this shitshow? It's not even worth it at this point I guess.
They're both awful people for how conceited and callous they are about the people they manipulate but their relationship doesn't look so bad in this video itself. I think it's easy to imagine some shit when you focus on hating them.
No sage to be seen on /pt/ still, so sorry about the wall of text.
(yikes) No. 498044
>>498037In what world do you live in where that is not a clearly unhealthy marriage? No way do any healthy couples I know end up saying things about being worried about no longer being attracted to each other, FIGHT biweekly (which isn't rarely, that's a LOT) say they've thought about cheating etc.
Also your husband reaching out to every girl that gives him a boner goes past having a wandering eye lmao do not downplay it.
No. 498046
>>498044I never said it's healthy. The world has a lot of unhappy marriages. Unhappy couples do talk about their issues with infidelity and dissatisfaction, though. Theirs isn't outstanding in how unhappy it is. That's the point I'm making.
They're extremely gross for the involvement of young girls, though.
No. 498050
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>>498046Normal unhappy couples don't post videos monetising their shitty relationships. Sorry I came off a bit aggressive I just… Their relationship is extremely outstanding in how unhappy it is. They are so far past the whole "oh, yeh we have some problems" to at this point it's like they're only together to prove us wrong. Lainey literally flinches and tenses at certain points in this video.
In other news, is he balding?
No. 498053
>>498050Their relationship is disgusting and I completely agree that the only reason they haven't divorced is cause Gurg would have to admit he was wrong and Lame is probably way to scared of what he'll do when they split up (yes I said when and not if cause come on they are either going to kill each other or one of them will come to their senses).
As for the balding, his healthy has obviously gone to shit and as for mental health, well that's always been shit. The bleach probably made things a lot worse especially since he didn't go to a salon to get it done. I'd love to find out Lame sabotaged the bleach or something, that would be amazing.
No. 498054
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I’m disappointed that none of us have noticed the resemblance. Lame’s husband and Chucky are spitting images, kek. From the hair to the brow to the red face and shitty attitude. If you’re into voodoo, buy a Chucky doll; if you prick him, you prick Lame’s husband.
As for whether or not the Onions have a healthy relationship, they clearly don’t and the anon that tried to say their “bickering” was normal has probably never been in a relationship or at least not a happy one. The way Lame’s husband treats her is shit. The guy literally admitted to thinking about cheating on her and what he meant by cheating on her when fapping is that he’s thinking about having sex with the people he’s watching. That’s why he gets off to it. That in itself was pretty far out in their video. I don’t know many people who openly admit to that or even fap to porn when they are supposedly having sex with their spouse in a daily basis like Lame’s husband used to claim.
No. 498057
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>>498055It may not look like he's balding because his hair is lighter but when he had brown/black hair it was WAY more noticeable. Pic from first few seconds
No. 498066
>>498057plain's husband's insensitivity is amazing.
in this video, he singsongs the messages that patrons send when they pull their pledge. most of them are extremely sad, like someone unable to have internet because of low wages and long hours. one of them is "lost my job, be back soon" and he just sings the words like it's something to laugh at.
No. 498080
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>>497937Someone explain this to me, cause I'm in dental pain and can't find the words myself. I thought this book was written in "current" tense, now he's writing it in past (ie as an adult)? What the fuck is going on.
No. 498085
>>498080This absolutely bottom-barrel quality writing and his insistent "self-gratifying" terminology really reminds me of (hopefully) antiquated purple prose roleplay. It's not wrong, just really awkward for someone known for looking up the definition of "collect."
With his taste for questionable sexual activity with teens, hentai, fake domming, and sheer delusion, I'd be more surprised if he wasn't an erp site regular. Totes not a cheater though, shadow fans.
No. 498089
>>498054Where have you been for the last few threads? People have been comparing him to Chucky since he bleached the last few strands of his mop.
>>497961I don't understand how Lainey can be so obstinate in the face of how shitty her marriage is. Her husband doesn't even try to mask his resentment for her. "I'm worried I won't be attracted to you anymore" Lame, WAKE UP. your fakeboi shit is going to be the official reason your marriage ends. If you wanna be an onion wife 4 life then you better throw out your binders.
No. 498117
>>498038Depending on the lighting his hair is either orange or energy drink neon yellow piss.
Either way it looks disgusting.
No. 498125
>>498123nah fam i think we pretty much all feel that way
new money af
No. 498162
>>498156Her husband is the one who brought up Sam with the kids first, making accusations that Sam had to address. Does Lame not know this?
If someone with a significantly larger following than Lame were to wrongfully accuse her of laying a hand on their children, would she not say anything and allow people to believe that?
No. 498181
>>498089I made the last 2 threads pal, and this is the first time he has been compared to Chucky. So where have you been? Seems like you need to pull something out of your ass other than the bullshit you just said. I don’t know why anons get so offended in these threads lately.
>>498116I doubt that’s why they’re still together. The Onions are both extremely selfish people. Lame’s husband flat out ignores the kids unless she’s streaming and if she actually gave a shit about them she would have left him. Grunt obviously wouldn’t stay with Lame just for his kids considering he was going to leave all three of them for Billie. So my guess is her money. Without her, especially if the IRS takes everything from him, he’s going to be a literal bum. He needs her and she’s too selfish and sad to leave him because she wants to be validated and loved by him. So it’s strictly selfish reasons on both ends and nothing is ever for the kids.
No. 498186
>>498185Anon, let me make your life easier. Ctrl+F, you type in a word and it'll show you the amount of times it was mentioned. Anyways, this thread isn't about you, but you originally responded to me saying >"people have been comparing him."
Rule of thumb for lolcow, people want facts and proof, not bullshit. There was no point.
Now onto what this thread is actually about please.
No. 498188
>>498186Calm your udders, anon. I'm not
>>498089 and not making this about me. Like that other anon said, the comparisons have been made before the two threads you've posted. It wouldn't have even been brought up if you weren't so weirdly defensive over being called out on it. For some reason you still are.
Congrats on the observation, it's been made before so obviously people agree with you. It'll be made again. It's to be expected when they both share so many similarities.
No. 498203
>>498200No, anon. Only one person did that and the rest reported the person and went off on them for it. You anons need to stop making false claims. No one is wanting to see the kids and stop grouping all anons into one. Most of the time I see you guys claiming everyone in the thread said one thing when it was actually just one person and everyone else disagreed.
Anyways, no people don't want to see them. Despite what you just tried to say, most of us in here have agreed and said we understand why Lainey and Greg don't want the kids on the Internet, we just find it weird that they don't even talk to them or tell stories about them or anything. It's weird that the kids are in the same room as Lainey and she completely ignores them and her husband even shoves the kids down so they don't get in the camera.
No. 498216
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>>498189Lainey licking that herps sore.
Has that fucking thing ever completely healed?
Just watched all her YN moments, she was
triggered about Sam and Onision talking about the kids. She was looking extra rough tonight.
No. 498218
>>498204If I recall correctly, there was some speculation that there was some Downs or autism or something too. I guess that’s why.
I thought it was pretty hilarious for Taylor to claim that Sam is some kind of awful person for “involving innocent children”.
Bitch, you involve your children with these strangers regularly. Completely oblivious to how hypocritical and ridiculous she sounds. She also said something about “never involving the kids” and how they should never be spoken about because they’re innocent and then someone said “unless they’re being abused or something” and she was like, “Yeah but that’s completely different, I agree”. I can’t remember how it went down exactly but it was almost like the person was talking about Lainey and Greg’s situation exactly and she is too thick to see it.
No. 498227
>>497970That was stupid anyway to go on about fapping as the only cheating hes ever done when he did actually physically cheat on her twice with billie, and they just ignored that. Even lameo AND him called the cuddle thing "cheating" before, but now she just acts like it never happened because he changed his mind on it being cheating or not. And she follows whatever he says.
>>498013I like how she actually didn't even answer honestly on her own quiz and it still said she was unhappy. And then onion just dismisses it as oh its because you said i work a lot thats the only reason, and her dumbass just agrees with him lmao. She has no brain of her own.
No. 498243
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Greg just released a video on his patreon talking about his fans' shit taste in music. He added something special (and nsfw) for his patrons. No. 498255
>>498241She doesn't enjoy sex with her greasy husband because he's a two pump chump who won't even eat pussy. He's selfish and only cares about his gratification. It isn't just lesbians who have had traumatizing past experiences, it's sadly happened to a lot of females so saying that trauma puts someone in crisis to the point of "causing" their homosexuality makes no sense. Lainey's misery has more to do with missing out on her formative years because she got married young and had kids with her creepy husband instead of taking the time to figure out who she is.
>>498243Dat wet head and filtering to hide his rat's nest. The best part of it is that he's laughing and acting horrified but you know he popped a half chub and couldn't wait to emotionally cheat on Lainey some more.
No. 498264
>>498216Someone get this bitch some Abreva, for fucks sake.
You know she kisses her children with that herpes mouth and now they are no doubt infected. Sick.
No. 498270
>>498262I know his Patreons know how young some of these people are. Probably any of the “main ones”, such as Becca, Harley, Booty, or probably even Sylar. They all know there are underage ones there and they all get very hush hush about it. But that’s basically just being accomplices.
One of his Patreons pulled a pledge over it and it seems like quite a few others were disturbed or grossed out by it. Maybe something will actually come of it.
No. 498276
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>>498273He's in breach of patreon's t&c's
Surely they can't just ignore this one?
No. 498280
>>498276 said, he is in actual breach of the TOS. You could temporarily pledge to report since it only charges you on the 1st of the month. Per this link (, it does include animated children and I know that they've banned outright porn, which this is also.
sorry that I cannot screencap that link, it's a hassle to do so at work
No. 498281
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>>498255Oh gtfo with your SJW bullshit. read this and get educated. Lainey was a kid when she was raped by her ex and she was a kid when her husband got his hands on her. She was also a little kid when her teacher did what he did to her. And yes, studies show that more lesbian and bisexual women have been sexually abused as children than heterosexual women. This has been a thing for decades, so let’s not be ignorant. Sexual assault in adults is less likely to cause their sexual orientation to lean toward homosexuality, but in children yes, it does happen.
Anyways, my tinfoil still stands. I think Lainey might come out as lesbian or even a trans guy. I definitely don’t think she’s as in love with her husband as she thinks. I think she’s just afraid to be alone, especially after being with him for all of these years. But he and her ex have fucked her up. And I think she’s not having a mental break down
No. 498288
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>>498280Is Onision an 18+ patreon aswell?
>>498283Loli is fine
No. 498306
>>498288He's not an 18+ creator and as such should not use pornography (regardless of its medium) in any of his video's.
He doesn't outright state that his content is nsfw. He's clearly distributing pornographic imagery for monetary gain to a very susceptible audience, seriously it's kinda disturbing that kids have open access to this for as little as $1 a month.
This is just too gross for my brain. Ew.
No. 498309
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>>498270Nobody else will say anything, he's uploaded hentai in a number of other patron only video's but never to this extreme. He's finally succeeded in outing himself as a creepy paedo with a very unhealthy view of what's applicable or even comedic to an underaged audience.
No. 498312
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>>498243What the absolute fuck???? He needs to be shut the fuck down immediately how the fuck is patreon allowing this!?
No. 498313
>>498243>>498309Wow… Onion is really gifted… because literally everything he touches turns into sh*t…
It's incredible how you can live so deep inside your own echo chamber that you end up so out of touch with the real world…
No. 498320
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>>498309It's more than one that isn't impressed, but I doubt he'll stop. In a previous patreon video he said that he is going to make uhohbro more pervy because 'I have needs. I want to be gross in those videos. I want to talk about boobs and I want to do all this stuff.' So now 2 dollar patreons will get the books and boobs.
No. 498321
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>>498318No, unfortunately to report you have to be logged into an account. I know some anons are suggesting to pledge a dollar(or two), report, and pull the pledge. You can also report the creator without pledging.
No. 498324
>>498321You have to be able to see the content if you want to report it directly (if it's a content violation). So sadly you do need to have pledged, just tried.
You can report a profile but it has to be about what's on the profile.
You can however report them for something that is off of patreon but you need the links to evidence and the like. Not sure if this is of any help to anyone.
No. 498329
here is a link where you can report him for violating community guidelines you can attach files - I did screenshots from his most recent patreon video and screenshots of him harassing patreons pulling their pledges.
No. 498336
>>498329Done. I also voiced my concerns and reported the video to patreon.
Long time lurker and would never cow-tip or interfere with anything, but there's truly something wrong that he thinks it's okay to do this. It's really, really sick.
Imagine a 13 year old kid or younger seeing this. Finding normal porn at that age was traumatizing enough, let alone seeing an animated female child with a penis ejaculating. The whole thing is just fucked.
No. 498348
>>498279are you fucking kidding? he is a 31+ year old dude with a profile linking him and 19 year old Becca together as an oddball fetish couple, who he met via Greg. He may have a deep voice, but he engages in immaturity with the rest of them, he sounds just like some 13 year old boy that just got on XBL for the first time. The only male patrons Gurg interacts with are these creepy older dudes, like Respit. And they are all engaging daily with the community. And the community culture seems to be based around the sharing of nudes and sex talk with teenagers. Onion boy sure does attact a certain type.
The 'haters' are those vocal about the degeneracy of this manchild and those he facilitates or engages with. The most they can say about their criticisms is "well if you don't like him why are you here?!" Because people find it bizarre this man's corruption has gone unchecked for so long and that he is profiteering off of it. It is quite franky, sick.
No. 498356
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>>498243Onion constantly calling Shane Dawson a pedo all makes sense now. He's been projecting to the extreme. It's not uncommon for actual pedophiles to show children sexual cartoons as a means of grooming. I feel like there is no way to deny that Gregory Avaroe of Puyallup, Washington is a fucking pedophile.
No. 498362
>>498356Dude same…
There's always been straight evidence that he's an ehebephile and wants to bang teens, but something about the way he's laughing with that wannabe teenager nasally laugh, and pretending omg it's so gross! while legit hentai is playing creeps me out. His house is decked out like a child/teen's paradise and who knows who him and Lainey are going to secretly fly out when he opens his new 'fan forums' just for 'fans'.
Getting major Austin Jones vibes from this.
No. 498363
>>498243Wow. Just wow. Onion never fails to pull this kind of bullshit. Inb4 mental gymnastics and FAXXX about "most his Patreons" being 18+ because of course no kid has EVER lied about their age online, no sir so this shit is gucci. I wouldn't be surprised if he tries sperging about everyone reporting him just being a lifeless haturrrr.
I'm about to vomit.
No. 498365
>>498360I'd be super disappointed if they didn't. Money is one thing, but he's not THAT much of a cash cow to keep, while their reputation is tarnished for having this jackass on there. If enough people complain about his disgusting behaviour, you'd hope they would listen. Youtube eventually started to rid of him and demonitize a lot of stuff…the ultimate fuck you would be for patreon to just up and ban him. He'll probs just get a warning and the video will be removed.
We can dream though.
No. 498366
>>498243Imo and in my personal experience as being a naive child of the internet as most of us were at one point…. watching something or playing something that is completely unrelated to the SURPRISE PORN (or gore) that randomly fucking shows up makes it all the more traumatizing. He’s talking about his fans shitty taste in music then suddenly loli porn???? And not even anything that could be passed off as harmless or excused around. That’s so fucked up. He’s so fucked up. And Lainey is fucked up for not taking her children and leaving his disgusting ass. I hate this man more and more…..
wew sorry for the reee
No. 498367
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>from his youtube channel's community discussion page
holy fuck the replies he writes for his polls are so incredibly cringe worthy,
like the "how do you do fellow kids" meme to an extreme.
this is a 32 year old man with a wife and two children and a mortgage writing this.
No. 498377
>>498343Don't worry, I also have a Dailymotion.
Here is the link: Horrible Taste In Music - Patreon Excuisve (Gurg watching hentai) - NSFW
No. 498381
>>498378Yeah, the streams and videos following his shut down would be sooo fucking entertaining.
Can you imagine the ranting?
My fave time he ever chucked a sad was when Billie got with Drew because that tore him a new anus. He chimped out so hard it was hilarious.
This could be even better.
No. 498385
>>498382I feel like it got progressively worse but the end was definitely shocking. Like it was bikini dancing, then it got a bit more graphic where you could the nipples and suggestive faces, and then it was boom straight out hentai.
Even if he just showed the image of the girl with the green bikini pushing her breasts together with the nipples poking out, I'd draw the line.
No. 498404
Inb4 a fan sent it to me! Reeee!
No. 498405
>>498397I encouraged Patreon to do a thorough search on him (the whole "Onision Judges Your Body" thing, luring young fans to his house, his abusive language & behavior online, etc). I told them I would provide them with examples/evidence if need be.
Side note (hope this is allowed): I am a special educator & I have thought for a long, long time that Lainey's husband has high functioning autism. Please note: I am NOT saying that all people with autism behave like he does. I have a nephew with autism & I always say "If you've met one person with autism, that's just it, you've met ONE person with autism." You can't paint everyone with the same brush. But he seems incapable of seeing outside of his own POV, does not seem able of taking the feelings of others into consideration, insists that he is always right (the fact that he goes by strict dictionary definitions is very telling), that there are no shades of grey for him (except ::shudder:: in the bedroom), everything is black and white, right or wrong. Couple that with any of the other disorders he may have, along with his upbringing and well…you've got him. :/
(don't armchair) No. 498407
This is ridiculous. I don't know what to say anymore.
It's very telling that he has admitted he watches a lot of hentai but faked being grossed out and shocked by this. This is tame for hentai and we all know he regularly sees worse so he's either doing this because he's getting a subtle boner or trying to show it to his patreons.
He's such a sweaty, red, greasy little manlet pig. How is lame not straight up embarrassed to the point of just keeling over and dying is beyond me
This man has two kids. Imagine. Imagine growing up and knowing your dad routinely emotionally cheated on your mother by whacking his smegma crusted micropenis to hentai on the regular and partakes in shit like this. Someone else made a good point of questioning how he found this content.
>>498405I agree with you and you phrased your point very well.
No. 498410
>>498408Hopefully there's enough circumstantial evidence to show his patron and associated discord is full of the conditioning and grooming of minors.
No wonder he can't get a collab with a decent YouTuber. He's a known predator.
No. 498414
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>>498413How do you tell if it's flagged? It has 18+ in the tags now also
>>498406I have this cap of it when it was first uploaded
No. 498416
>>498406Will Patreon be able to see when it was made 18+ and that when it was live it was not?
>>4984071) He gets off on sharing his fetishes with his viewers, I think. That sort of sick pleasure pedophiles get from 'teaching/intiating' young people into this 'special grown up world'.
2) As much as I want to feel bad for Lainey, I can't. There are times in your life when you have to take a good hard look in the mirror and say "Is this what my life as become?" Even if Greg did groom her & coerce her, she has to have realized that by now and yet, she allows it to continue. She also doesn't know who Taylor is outside of what Greg made her into. Who is she other than "Onision's wife that might be transgender, but might not be, who has a crummy beauty channel"? What other adult friends does she have? I bet her concept of genuine sexual relationships is messed up too. She's either too weak or too selfish (and since she's a mother, and mothers are supposed to protect their children & want what's best for them, I find this selfishness abhorrent) to make that change. Because change is hard. Change involves action and effort. It's getting into genuinely uncomfortable situations & learning to deal with them & work through them. And she's not willing to do that. We can hope for the sake of her children she will be stronger enough someday, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.
3.) Those poor kids. They are going to grow up so messed up…no socialization, no emotional regulation/control, no concept of healthy relationships…has anyone ever hard them laugh? Even in the background of a video, in a car? Children that young who are that quiet are conditioned to be that quiet, unless they have some sort of speech delay….
No. 498419
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>>498417As of right now, he is not an 18+ creator.
No. 498422
>>498407we all know he was aroused but could he have been making a dig at lainey's transness/gender identity crisis by acting grossed out?
either way he really fucked himself over. there's something to hate for everyone here : creepily exposing youths to surprise porn, and sjws could even drag him for being
problematic since he's making fun of a girl with a dick thats probably transphobic idk
No. 498425
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>>498424Well, Booty fell for it lmao.
No. 498427
File: 1522263928574.jpg (143.51 KB, 500x722, ratings.jpg)

>>498425Pretty sure simulated child porn wouldn't be rated "R"
No. 498435
>>498429You could do it but it would have to be done in a very thoughtful way otherwise it will just drive traffic to him and keep his channel on life support a little longer.
It’s the same thing with a content cop. Idubbs could a great job but it still risks brining exposure to him.
No. 498438
>>498414Oh poo. He's most likely going to get away with this now. I believe enough people reported him when he initially uploaded it but now it has a warning label. Unless Patreon can do further research about him (I doubt it) and post history, the gay cockroach is good. The only hope for him to get ass fucked is more and more people outing him with solid proof. But all we have are ragreynolds tier twats talking about him. If iDubbbz would expose him for being a pervert, his career wouldn't last long. Sure he might feel an influx for some days but who would like to get outed as a creepy disgusting pervert in such a massive way? Even the remaining advertisers would drop him, Patreon wouldn't enjoy getting labelled as a safe spot for creepy motherfuckers. He needs massive negative exposure.
I don't know, but right now it looks like his "career" will dodge this.
No. 498442
>>498367If you look at the comments under that "Are you a member of my patreon" poll, a good majority of the replies are from kids under 16 lamenting that they have no income/their parents won't let them join.
He is well aware who his viewers are yet pesters them for money and offers "uncensored" material as perks. Makes my stomach turn.
No. 498448
>>498443This would be justice.
You know, I don’t want to be that brown noser here but as a viewer I’m so proud to see Shane’s growth and adaptability. And his content just gets better and better.
Why can’t Onision see that he is the problem? He hasn’t changed his style. He can’t make people click his video. A public dragging showing him treating the person who helped him get “big” in the first place like trash with false accusations only to have the world see he’s the one with the pedo tendencies. If defranco got involved 100% patreon would termo Onision.
No. 498453
>>498377The link fell
Another Anon have the video? I didn't have time to watch it.
No. 498464
>>498350>For someone who was so careful and drove over state lines just to fuck a minor where it was legalAbout that, I like how Lame's husband always says "but the age of consent where I live in WASHINGTON is 16."
1, the age of consent in Washington IS 16, however, it is only okay up to a 3 year age gap. If there is a minor under the age of 18 and their significant other is more than 3 years older than them, that's statutory rape. He's lucky his ass didn't get caught when she was still young.
2, wasn't he living in California at that time? I'm pretty sure when he was dating Shiloh he lived in California or had JUST moved from California… but if he did live in California, the age of consent there is 18.
No. 498468
>>498460Agreed, I'm frustrated that people ignorantly and pointlessly called CPS on the Onions so much that now they get a pass and have become buddy-buddy with social workers near them. If anything were to happen, they'd probably get away with it because of all the bullshit times CPS has been called on them over little things.
Also, about the Rated R on his video, that's so incorrect. He showed porn. That's NC-17. Not Rated R. Rated R means children can watch it if their parents research it and think "ok this movie with a bit of sex is fine." NC-17 is NO KIDS AT ALL. Movies like this you have to be 18+ to even rent. So, I'm pretty sure ACTUAL porn is 18+ and not "some adult material." This moron honestly thinks he can count it as Rated R because he only showed porn at the end. That wasn't a sex scene in a movie, it was actual porn. His patreons need to report him. How do they not feel uncomfortable with a grown man in his 30s showing them sexual content and talking to them about sexual things? Do parents these days not warn their children about predators on the Internet? Whatever happened to "don'talk to strangers"? Now they are subscribed using their parents money to a man who is obsessed with sex.
No. 498469
>>498464>”but the age of consent where I live is 16”“not that it matters because I’m with my spouse who is 23
**who I met when she was in high school and 17 even though I was in my mid to late 20’s and this isn’t a single occurrence and I have targeted young teens with limited exceptions.
He always tries to age up his partners with manipulative framing. Creepy.
No. 498470
>>498467No offense, but she's irrelevant and quite frankly, a bitch. I had a shitty run in with her. She's interested in gaining subs and Lame's husband will not give her that.
>>498469You responded to me, but THIS. He needs to stop because it doesn't matter that Lainey grew up, so did he. He keeps getting older as she does, always staying like 10 years older than her. It will never not be creepy because she wasn't an adult when they met and did things together. She was still a kid. So no matter what excuses Lainey's husband uses, it'll never make it OK. And the fact that he even attempts at mentioning the age of consent proves that he knew he was doing something wrong. Like I said, the age of consent is only OK if the people are no more than 3 years apart. What he did was so beyond illegal and this could have all been prevented had Lainey's father reported him like he should have. But the guy didn't and now his daughter is screwed up and having an identity crisis.
No. 498496
>>498470It really is strange. He’s so obsessed with saying everything that happened with Billie wasn’t bad because she was an adult (as if her being 18 negates everything he put her through) but has he ever admitted that he fell in love with what’s legally defined as a child (17) TWICE between Lainey and Sh?
Maybe he talked with them but really fell in love with them at 12:00am on their birthdays when they were “legal”.
No. 498498
>>498482Sure he would, he has to defend his honor above all else.
And theres no way he wouldnt throw aome kond of race jab at her, which would beautifully send him into a fuether downward spiral.
No. 498502
>>498498He'd most likely rather jab at her being British or overweight rather than being a POC.
He's stupid but being an (in)direct racist would fuck him up - he'd rather say "if her accent isn't fake, why do British people sing with American accents" because she's British or fatshame her. But I really doubt he'd go for the race jab nowadays.
Then again, not many thought he'd post actual porn to Patreon as that is a pretty retarded move to make, even for someone who has gold in mental gymnastics Olympics.
No. 498507
>>496005Meanwhile Lameo at 6:28 admits to being void of personality back in c. 2016 pre-Basementgate era and thinks she has sooooo much personality right now. (Plus her makeup is "better").
Bitch, you're still sucking up personalities from other people like a sponge. At least back then you weren't pretending to be a twink as hard as you do now.
No. 498509
Here is a censored version of Lainey's Husband's "Your Horrible Taste In Music" video
>>498243 is the uncensored clip.
No. 498511
>>498509What the actual fuck is going on with his hair though? Did he try to dye it darker (it looks blueish/purple, assuming the intention was to take the orange out) and left the top blonde? That… is even worse than being Chucky.
ftw Lameo is your hair stylist tho
No. 498521
>>498502he's already made tons of racist comments, i dont understand why youre so set on him not making another
todays posts are weird
No. 498526
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No. 498527
File: 1522276606044.png (1.06 MB, 1350x668, gay boi.PNG)

>>496005Gay husband: I hate Twitter REEEE, so much hate and negativity, I'm such an honest person.
Also gay husband: welp, better update my profile with a cute emo photo to lure in those teenage moneybags. I'M NOT OLD.
No. 498529
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>>498525Newest BeautyBot still
No. 498531
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>>498526a whole forum for child grooming pedophile Gregory Avaroe / Jackson of Pullayup, Washington, to bitch? and it only costs like 250/yr for it? seems like a steal!
wonder how many of the .xyz forums were actual fans and not pedos stealing his fans photos
No. 498533
>>498532Ahhhhh.. Thank you. Is this what hentai patron was referring to with the
>I can't wait to see what you say about this laterWell we saw, and he deleted the comment in full.
>I'd take a good hard look at who you're allowing into your forums.Possibly referencing the 12-17y/o that are being used as paedo bait for forum "members".
No. 498534
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>>498531Just so there's no confusion it has been confirmed last name is definitely Avaroe now.
No. 498555
>>498547Do you mean tomboy or something? Any girls who dress boyish are now "male presenting"? Nobody is going to take her seriously until she actually goes on T or gets some kind of surgery. She is a mother, her children call her mom and she is married to a man. I hope she
does officially transition just because it will not go over well with Gerg.
No. 498557
>>498547The problem is the majority of people watching her doubt she's going to go through with transitioning. She's not interested in bottom surgery, she only wants her breasts to be smaller because they're saggy, her dysphoria is soooo evident when she's showing skin on camera or photos, she probably thinks being "trans" will make her more interesting.
If she does, hopefully she won't backpeddle once she realizes she doesn't want the commitment, she doesn't want to alter her, like Smegory would say, "perfectly healthy body". She may act try hard when she forcefully cringes at her past as an "official" cis girl but it's so fake and transparent.
No. 498561
>>498557She's definitely not going to transition. I agree that she only dislikes her chest because of her boobs being saggy, but that's what happens when you breast feed two children. I feel like the only thing she would do to her chest is get a breast reduction so her tits would be perky like the girls in her husband's saved hentai porn. Right now, she looks like a grown woman and a mother of two. She doesn't want to look like that. But I really do think she's having an identity crisis because she presents herself as a little boy, but then wants to be a little girl for her husband? How can someone live like that and not be miserable?
And if she ever did transition, I feel like her husband would be okay with it for like 5 minutes so he could use it for sympathy from a bunch of teenage girls he'd hope to pick up and leave his daddy lain for, but also to get points for being in a gay relationship (as if that would save his reputation). Until he'd realize he was stuck with her and wanted out.
No. 498564
File: 1522282701327.jpg (75.41 KB, 720x1027, IMG_20180328_211657.jpg)

I know we're done with the chin tinfoiling but this made me laugh
No. 498570
>>498526>Some meanie sent her boyfriend after me!>REEEEE YouTube admitted destroying channels. >Some jerk is telling lies about my military service>You guyyzz, I'm feeling attacked and it's no fair!Jesus Christ. Don't the teens on his patreon ever get tired of his incessant whining and acting like he's been victimized by the world?
Anon, if you have screenshots of any of these, I'd be curious to see them- especially the one where he's crying about being "attacked".
No. 498571
>>498570I think the attacked post was about a Patron of his leaving and when he asked why they didn’t kiss his ass. It’s in an older thread.
Tbh all I see in this is him expecting his teen asslickers to be his therapist and tell him it’s going to be ok.
No. 498578
>>498377Here you go, I uploaded it to google drive.
Your Horrible Taste In Music - Patreon Exclusive (WARNING HENTAI) No. 498581
>>498557Most trans men are not interested in bottom surgery. Not because they don't want a penis, but because the end results still suck right now (plus you lose a bunch of flesh off your forearm).
Not saying she is trans though, just that not wanting bottom surgery isn't a good indicator
No. 498582
>>498216Ugh no wonder Onion faps so much, who would want to put their dick or lips on an oozy puss gushing sorefest on her lips, yuck!
Why doesn't she try and treat them? If you actually put in effort and get medicine, even over the counter meds can help so she doesn't look like an extra in Cabin Fever.
No. 498584
>>498577Yeah that's the way I see it too. He likes to whine to his fanbase so he can relate to whiny teens.
It's also an oversharing thing. He is incapable of having an argument or rage at home. Even if he's mad at Lainey, he still finds a way to bitch about it online.
Now that he has patreon and 'doesn't' use twitter, he can whine to his heart's content, and instead of getting people telling him to stfu like on twitter, he has his little circle jerk of kids to help his ego. Pathetic.
Wahhhh everyone tries to discredit my minor stint in the airforce!
Don't worry Greg, WE know you're a war hero.
Thanks guys
runs his fingers through his greasy orange hair No. 498594
>>498585I called it, he's going to Kevin Spacey this scenario if it gets worse.
He's always had a gay demeanor, but I always thought that was him just skin walking Shane Dawson.
Also what is this dom shit he keeps going on about? It's like he's scared of people questioning his masculinity so he has to insist he's a manly man dom. He sounds like the retards in always sunny- 'but I'm a power bottom!'
Either you like men as well, or you don't. Sick of him trying to get queer points with all these little comments like- i would fuck andy biersack/fag from supernatural/whoever but then is so insecure he has to follow up with but I'm a DOM and I also love girl's vaginas!
Onion, noone CARES if you also like dick, quit being so insecure.
No. 498596
>>498594Lainey also annoys me with her transtrender thing.
Do the two of them know that gay/bi/trans people have been around forever? It's like they are stuck in 2003 when being bisexual was considered edgy for highschool kids. Why does she act like she's the most special agender demigirl motherfucker around?
Lainey. You are a woman with 2 fucking kids. The only woman you've kissed is some child that your husband convinced you to 'love'.
You aren't some hot Ruby Rose looking androgynous queen…you are a crusty coldsored, pointy chinned, STRAIGHT plain jane who wants to feel different and special and is desperately trying to get your husbands attention by turning into Billie 2.0 but with a twist.
Being a butch Billie is not working, he still wants other holes to fuck. No matter how much he claims to love you.
Such a try hard it makes me actually rage.
No. 498599
>>498594You've hit the nail on it's head with this entire post. Not to mention no one ( ah, well, the majority ) would be surprised if he said he's bisexual or something.
Since he had such a weird/strong reaction to Cyr/Stefan messing around and to Plain saying they're not in a straight relationship I wouldn't be surprised if he's suppressing some shit. That's the vibe he's specifically giving out ( not saying it's like that for everyone ) - but at the end of the day it doesn't actually matter.
It only matters because it's milky to see him sperg out over this.
No. 498604
>>498578Here are a few more Hentai Breaks. I may have missed some but I didn't want to scrub through all of his more recent videos. If you know of anything that should be archived just let me know the title of the post and I'll see if I can't reupload it.
Gurg's Hentai Breaks: No. 498611
File: 1522290039148.webm (5.39 MB, 1280x720, Hentai Breaks.webm)
>>498606No one wants his awful hentai stuff on their platforms. I'll just upload them here.
Hentai Breaks
No. 498613
>>498607The short hair thing is spot on AND he hates it when women wear heels or makeup.
He also pretends to hate makeup and acts clueless about it when Lainey talks about it. True, he IS clueless about foundation shades ect…but still so fucking hypocritical for someone who wears it like everyday.
Not to mention he seems to love dressing up as a woman for characters and stuff. He's really projecting.
No. 498614
File: 1522290103207.webm (10.44 MB, 1280x720, Your Horrible Taste In Music -…)
Your Horrible Taste In Music - Patreon Exclusive (WARNING HENTAI)
No. 498619
>>498599Maybe that's why he pushed Lainey to be bisexual. So he can live vicariously through her. He also sneered at Shane for crying when he came out because it's meant to be a happy thing according to him.
If it's meant to be a happy thing and he thinks people should be 'honest' about their sexuality, then why does he spazz out about anal sex/prostates/penises being yucky constantly? Projecting hard! Also he made me cringe in that video where he goes on about how Maya rejected his hug and 'HUGS ARE JUST FRIENDLY. I hug my GUY friends!' And then follows up with an extremely forced sounding obviously fake laugh and looks at the camera and says 'haha wow…that was kinda gay wasn't it?'
He's halfway between wanting to admit he likes men, and halfway between acting like he doesn't really and just has 'crushes'.
I get the vibe because he and some of his fans are weebs, he's also doing this in an attempt to appeal to the weirdo yaoi fangirls.
Notice he always crushes on guys that teenboppers love eg-the fag from supernatural, andy ball-sack.
I doubt he'd actually want a man in a poly thing or even to date/fuck because he's too insecure so he's using Lainey's fakeboi shit to his advantage. Also explains why he watches futa porn. Probably gets Lainey to wear a strapon.
No. 498622
>>498611>March 10How fucking long has this greasy caveman creep been doing these "Hentai Breaks"? So fucking gross…..
Also, you're the true MVP for making these and bringing this shit to light.
No. 498646
>>498611>"Oh yeah, I'm tearin' yo BUM up!" (0:32)His narration of this somehow makes it even grosser. Why would he show his underage fans these unedited clips but choose to not say any of the bad words out loud, even substituting "ass" for "bum"?
Does he think he's off the hook for his perviness if he doesn't have a pottymouth?
Then again, I probably shouldn't try to make sense of a person who deemed it necessary to spell out "S-E-X-Y" when attempting to paint someone else as a pedo.
No. 498654
File: 1522298145047.jpg (93.97 KB, 1200x700, cTC0HrO.jpg)

>>498594Take some advice from your Hentai, Onion. No one gives a shit if you are into penis. We do take issue with you trying to convince us you're an emo Christian Grey however.
No. 498659
>>498658hell no. i wouldnt wish lame on Shane or any decent human. I also hope no one with a lot of fame ever gives her attention.
>>498627That's how you know shes those girls who were obsessed with shipping guys together and bromance and wishes she were a twink in a gay relationship instead of just being a normal boring straight girl!
No. 498704
>>498640They are both extremely unoriginal. Earlier it was noted how many people Greg copies and imitates, there's a bunch of youtube personalities you could definitely notice that Lamey steals from and imitates. Billie, and even that Jessie paege chick she stalks and wants to collaborate with. I never knew who Jessie was until Lame talked about her, and after checking out her content it's easy to see that she imitates her.
Make your own content and have your own personalities you fucking dropkicks GOD.
No. 498706
>>498704I feel like Lainey fits into that saying when people say 'I can't decide if I love her or want to be her'
She's straight AF and claims to crush on these girls but it's all superficial. She doesn't actually want to date these people conditionally, she more just wants to be them. I feel like she's looking for a Billie type she can take selfies with and act SO GAY for instagram, but it's obvious that she is very uncomfortable with females unless it's platonic. I truly believe she could have experimented with Maya, as they seemed to have a tiny bit of chemistry, but Greg had to ruin it by demanding attention, plus she didn't like how private Maya was. The privacy issue even shows evidence that she just wants an instagram trophy gf. She couldn't deal with the fact Maya didn't want to be in videos ect. She demonstrated that 'if you don't want to be in my videos/selfies or fuck my husband, then you can fuck off' If she really liked Maya or had an iota of attraction, she would have kept her around, even as a friend. But she discarded her like trash. Just like they both did with Billie. They just want an attractive fucktoy to make videos with and get more contraversy over their poly relationship.
No. 498713
>>498706"but it's obvious that she is very uncomfortable with females unless it's platonic"
she's uncomfortable w everyone unless it's platonic. even w grog, in the earlier days she seemed to have zero personality (even less than now)
and she ain't poly, she is extremely jealous of everything, she just wants to gain more oppression points by being an agender space prince bisexual multiamorous dad
star emoji No. 498714
>>498706Lol you know shes fake gay when she says greg was the first to realize she is gay. Thinking girls are pretty doesn't make you gay. She clearly has not given one crap about any girl that she claims she has a crush on. She never even tried to do anything physical. Anything physical she did was basically forced by her husband or for show on camera. Shes literally those girls who are straight but kiss other girls in bars for attention/because guys think its hot, except she does it on younow.
It's honestly so ridiculous how far she takes her lies. If she just came out as bi and then shut up about it, no one would even care. But she mentions it every second she can. Like I cant imagine being that attention-seeking that you'd emphasize your made up bullshit to seem more interesting. Her entire persona and life is one big fat lie.
No. 498717
File: 1522325656326.png (266.04 KB, 699x409, Screenshot_2018-03-29-13-01-29…)

Lainey's husband's new hair.
Idk why I'm getting Chris de burgh vibes.
No. 498718
File: 1522325705996.png (300.98 KB, 699x389, Screenshot_2018-03-29-13-01-09…)

hysterical laughing No. 498726
>>498717>Greasy futa manchild as Chris de burghDear god is this appropriate to post, Hehe sorry I didn't put the link in properly before.
No. 498728
File: 1522329249988.jpeg (90.07 KB, 723x915, DE8AF2FE-F011-415D-A5D2-71220F…)

>>498717The way he clings on to that childish haircut, he looks more and more like David Allen Turpin each day
No. 498744
>>498405The traits you mentioned are not exclusive to autism spectrum disorder. He's a narcissist through and through. If it weren't for his low intellect and inability to control his impulses long enough to charm normal people, he could be cult leader. He's not a high-functioning autist, he's a low-functioning narc.
>>498407He did the same fake grossed out act in a body rating video when he was trying to get rid of his ephebophile image and convince people he's actually disgusted by teenage girls. He's so transparent. The harder he's yelling EWWW the harder his micropeen actually is.
(armchair) No. 498753
File: 1522338836377.jpg (8.12 KB, 200x247, shaver_200x247.jpg)

>>498717>>498718Worth mentioning that this idiot "cut" his own hair by rubbing it violently with a razor. The kind you shave your face or legs with. WTF?!?!?
No. 498756
>>498753But anon you don't understand he has 140 IQ, he is above us all peasants with his superior intellect! /s
On a serious note this man's stupidity hasn't reached its peak yet, we'll probably see dumber shit soon.
No. 498760
File: 1522341268423.jpg (59.52 KB, 636x310, kiddyscissors.jpg)

>>498753This dumbfuck has also cut his own hair with scissors made for children! If Laineys gay husband is too "busy" to go to a real barber he can buy a set of clippers and scissors made for hair cutting fairly cheap.
>>498757I'm a little sad to see the bumblebee hair go, it was hilarious!
No. 498768
File: 1522343624122.png (97.48 KB, 897x834, IMG_1837.PNG)

>>498717LOL. I wonder if his inspiration was that singer Christofer Drew Ingle, who is the guys Billie is obsessed with. The guy had this type of haircut since he started his career.
No. 498770
>>498763he is definitely channeling hobbit style with this horrid look.
give it up gurg, you're gross.
No. 498773
File: 1522344338075.png (1.48 MB, 1334x750, AEA51DFE-028F-4B90-B3C1-67B7B2…)

So Lainey just uploaded a video on patreon of them dying their hair. Greg going grey and her toning, Greg dumps it all on his head and Lainey is like what the fuck, then proceeds to go to the bathroom when he realises he’s making a mess and tries to RUN HIS HEAD UNDER WATER for some reason and when Lainey explains he shouldn’t put water in his hair while dying he just goes “oh” and Lainey tells him he’s not touching her hair. He proceeds to be annoying, calls her a Twink a few times. Then cuts to both of their hair pretty much not changing and Greg’s looking a little more fucked up. Then the next day and they try again, Lainey deciding to go pink. Greg’s ends up being fuxked still, he like ridiculous, Laineys ends up not working so she tries to wash it out and it just goes “rose gold” is what she says but really it’s just splotchy pink and ginger lol. She says she’s going to do a bleach bath and update.
No. 498775
File: 1522344371066.png (1.34 MB, 1334x750, 73599206-B237-44AD-B3F2-0EB08E…)

Greg’s “new” hair
No. 498776
File: 1522344412957.png (1.32 MB, 1334x750, A4661CFB-35C6-4E3F-8FFD-6DE8B8…)

Laineys fucking mess of a mop
I forgot she said she might just buzz it off
No. 498778
File: 1522344440629.png (1.23 MB, 1334x750, C97B3A52-F669-49D8-A951-57140E…)

Sorry for spam but one for the nightmares
No. 498779
>>4987731) who the fuck dyes their hair like that
2) dying hair on a bed, i guess the bathrooms are filled w laundry to the top
3) she looks sick af
No. 498782
File: 1522344786642.png (1.44 MB, 1334x750, CEB0470A-C4D0-4930-98F1-A0FA42…)

>>498779When Lainey tried to help spread it because it was dripping almost off his head he spazzed because it hurt and then started being annoying with “NO youre NOT allowed to touch me anymore” and he’s joking but she just looks so fucking done with his shit
No. 498791
>>498773>>498778>>498782hahah, oh shit this can't be real!
>>498501Thank you for your prayers.
No. 498795
>>498760>cut his own hair>>498773>Greg dumps it all on his head>tries to RUN HIS HEAD UNDER WATER>He proceeds to be annoying>Lainey deciding to go pink>rose goldThe comparison between their hair dye vids and Jenna and Julien's has been made before (
>>494112 ) but now it's undeniable that they're trying to copy their videos. I haven't seen Lainey and her gay husband's video yet but they're not even trying to be subtle from that summary:
>Jenna buys hairdressing scissors* and cuts Julien's hair herself>There's a running joke about Julien rinsing his hair with his pants off, I'm guessing that's where Grease got the inspiration to run his head under water>Julien is a little annoying but it's clear Jenna finds it funny>Jenna mentions a time when she dyed her hair red and it faded to rose gold No. 498799
>>498782It’s so funny because in past videos of Lame and her husband together, they always make a point to do cringey shit like cuddle and kiss at the end, but in this video Lame’s husband didn’t even touch her. Clearly he didn’t want to kiss her with that thing on her lip.
Seriously though, there are ointments for sores like that, why doesn’t she try to heal it instead of picking at it. I know people who get them regularly but they are always months apart. Lame has another one like every two weeks. And she constantly applies makeup and lipstick over them, that’s probably why they keep coming back so quickly. Because she’s touching it with her lipstick and then using the same lipstick when it’s gone.
No. 498805
>>498776good lord lainey just leave your goddamn hair alone
with how frequently she bleaches and dyes it i bet it feels like elastic
No. 498807
File: 1522350227679.jpg (32.29 KB, 408x403, grge.jpg)

>>498803Suspenders can look cool if you were them with a proper buttoned shirt or some shit. He seems to think that they go with whatever shitty T he has close to hand… his fashion sense is painful.
No. 498822
File: 1522351310263.png (299.04 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180329-142001.png)

I Was Watching Some Old Blargh videos and holy shit I found a gem of a comment from Greg's mom's neighbor?
No. 498823
File: 1522351340032.png (295.15 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180329-142011.png)

Part 2
No. 498828
>>498823There's people bitching about the commenter spelling Chloe wrong but if the info she got was from talking to Greg's mom it makes sense because that's how Chloe is spelled 99% of the time which makes me think they had a conversation.
Greg's mom hates Lainey so it's no surprise she would talk shit and imply Taylor is a bad parent.
We know a family member cleans their house once a week, maybe it's Taylor's mom and she's staying nearby. Or maybe it's Lauren. Sage for tinfoil but I think there's truth in this comment because we know quite a few things in it are definitely true (laundry, looking for girls, sleeping apart)
No. 498866
>>498840You guys keep mentioning breastfeeding but you do realize there’s such a thing as pumping? Mothers who breast feed pump milk and send their kids places all the time. You don’t have to be with your kid 24/7 to breastfeed them. Lainey has mentioned before that she used to have to pump for the oldest, so it’s not totally impossible that she pumps milk for both of them if they are staying somewhere else.
But also, they are both at ages where they don’t NEED to be nursed. She’s choosing to do that.
No. 498867
>>498861Ntayrt but a stream wasn't mentioned.
Troys head was seen shown in lainey's hair dye video which was uploaded 18 days ago, proving that the children were/are clearly at home at the time this comment was made.
No. 498868
File: 1522355905132.jpg (3.18 MB, 2545x1422, 61fZ7Xn.jpg)

>>498807What he envisions in his head when putting on those suspenders.
No. 498876
>>498861I'm hoping that linking to a message that got red text isn't a bannable offence. But here:
>>470989The video is still there. Hoping I didn't just shoot myself in the foot for it.
No. 498880
>>498876the kid sounds so sad! tinfoil but still, that's the voice i connect to when kids want cookies or something
and that comment is fake, i don't necessarily believe Lainey and her husband wins the best parents award but also the worst parents one for the kids to call another person "mommy" and call Lainey "Lainey"… that just sounds farfetch (although i believe lainey takes far more care of those kids than her husband)
No. 498888
File: 1522360152804.png (10.09 MB, 4998x4032, 66849434-573C-4133-BAA8-42B377…)

>>498778Okay looking back on this now is this not low key the face of social repost lmfao. It might just be because it’s so long and gross in this photo but god damn.
Regardless I love how he thanks Lainey for buying the hair dye because little greggle isn’t making any money I guess. How he thought he would achieve grey hair over that orange fucking mess and even tried to put WATER on his head before finishing dying it. And this man brags about his fucking iq really. Guess dying your hair grey helps hides his actual greys with the excuse “omg no it’s the grey dye I put in god. I just got some on my eyebrows. So dumb haterz”
No. 498893
>>498744He did the same thing with Sam. “People are saying xyz about us and I’m really grossed out.”
>“Sweety Troll”>”Just trolling around the worldwide web.”Sounds fake but ok.
No. 498896
File: 1522362577395.png (Spoiler Image,7.55 MB, 3665x2000, screaming.png)

No. 498902
File: 1522363159326.jpg (88.84 KB, 1200x654, 1478154379240.jpg)

>>498896this is fucking beautiful I can't wait for his chimp out
No. 498904
File: 1522363820968.gif (1018.65 KB, 240x182, 4CE6C20A-8FE2-4DC9-A4FE-87457F…)

>>498896Is that vsauce fucking him
No. 498909
File: 1522364747643.jpg (93.17 KB, 600x800, 1520513475094.jpg)

>>>/snow/432327the male in the image is definitely sylar being pegged by fatbecca
No. 498919
>>498896Theres no way that Onion isn't going to see this and not pop a little chubbster gerkin.
You just know that Greg is gonna fap hardcore to this image for weeks to come. Ha! Kek
No. 498920
>>498896Fucking amazing work anon.
Grug n co can't possibly denegrate this after his futa hentai escapades. I mean he can show explicit cartoon porn to an audience of minors then he'll have no problem with an 18+ audience viewing this masterpiece.
Edit, I may have somehow inadvertently saved it and then accidentally uploaded it to onioncord in about 30mins or so.. /s
No. 498926
File: 1522366444260.jpeg (383.01 KB, 750x1131, 9AEE2C83-5154-431A-947B-1BCD16…)

Proof that Greg has been Lainey’s puppet master for a long time. Not only does he choose her hair color, but he’s been slow cooking this poly fantasy for a long time (not that we didn’t already know this, just found this caption interesting)
No. 498937
File: 1522369127037.png (Spoiler Image,1010.71 KB, 976x808, domblaire.PNG)

Finally, some more realistic Blaire pegging
No. 498980
>>498978Sounds more like a failed attempt at defusing an insult that's used against her regularly and seems to hurt her heart each time its said
"maybe if I joke about it they will stop saying it"
Sorry Lainey, wont work. Now joke about how you don't understand why people keep trying to wipe their shoes on you.
No. 498989
File: 1522400033949.png (323.04 KB, 730x495, Screen Shot 2018-03-30 at 9.51…)

Idk if anyone pointed out that he has herpes on his lip too. I'm sure everyone's gonna be lining up to join their triad.
No. 499007
>>498876Thanks anon, you responded to me. I wasn't in that thread, so I never saw that.
I never heard T before, but hearing him breaks my heart. He's just a baby and he's got to live with such fucked up parents. I mean his mother ended her stream because he walked into the room. I know he's a kid, but growing up like that would be upsetting. Your parents shoving you down and shutting all of their stuff down just because you come into the room would feel like they were ashamed or embarrassed of you. All she had to do was turn the camera so it didn't show him. They are so fucking weird. This would explain why T is so quiet now, the one time he did accidentally talk on his mom's livestream he clearly got bitched at.
No. 499012
>>499007I wonder how they explain all their odd behaviors to T. Scary to think he's conditioned to all this dysfunction. When mommy & daddy aren't locked in their bedrooms doing "work" they are talking to a camera, shoving the kids out of view, reprimanding them when they speak (BE QUIET MOMMY IS FILMING A VIDEO!), daddy running around the backyard screaming, setting your toys on fire… Oh, and not to mention the revolving door of people that come into the home..
T must be 4ish now… he's going to start asking questions soon. Questions like, DADDY WHAT DID YOU MEAN WHEN YOU CALLED MOMMY A C-U-N-T? WHO IS THIS GIRL? WHY DOES DADDY SAY WE HAVE TO LEAVE? IS SHE MY NEW MOMMY?
No. 499015
File: 1522416439345.jpg (38.06 KB, 710x473, ahs-cult-cheetos.w710.h473.jpg)

>>498778Is he trying to be Kai Anderson? Cannot unsee
No. 499026
File: 1522422238443.png (5.95 KB, 481x242, onisiongames_unavailable.PNG)

Does anyone know if Onision (onisiongames) has been banned from twitch? Getting this error when trying to view his account page. Can't see anyone complaining yet about the twitch api in general today on twitter.
No. 499028
>>499026I just checked and got the same error, but other channels work fine.
I know other channels can have "mature" content, but they are flagged as such. Does Onion flag his content as "Mature"? Or will that exclude too much of his fanbase?
No. 499033
>>499032Don't you need a LOT more viewers than he gets to become a partner?
He gets, what, 10 people in a stream?
No. 499048
>>499026He just switched domain to>>499032I don't think he's gonna get partnered. He brings in a maximum of 25 viewers, I seriously doubt that is enough to get partnered.
No. 499053
File: 1522429469672.jpeg (57.63 KB, 750x368, 169660A3-C3E8-48B7-AF92-AEFDB5…)

>>498896He used his 3dge twitter yesterday, should give it some lovin’ too
No. 499058
>>499055Maybe he is finally embarrassed enough from his low views and knows he won't ever be a partner?
I'm still pissed patreon did nothing about him showing porn to minors. Of course he gets away with another fucking thing. I'm sure those kid's parents would love that their kids are watching this creepy old man show them hentai.
No. 499061
File: 1522430410934.jpeg (434.98 KB, 750x978, 6203FFD8-6869-4888-A57A-C60F0E…)

>>499049Anon, there was no email shown and he only gets around 27 viewers on a good day. He does not meet the requirements to be partnered. He doesn’t engage with his audience and he often breaks twitch TOS.
No. 499065
File: 1522430889920.jpg (756.49 KB, 808x1407, Laimey Warty Mouth.jpg)

>>498989>>499008>If they get a new poly girlfriend, they should just call themselves the Herpes TrinitySeriously. They both have extreme chronic Lip Sores. The frequency in which Lame-O gets then is gargantuan.
The Onions could be mentally unwell, but they sure are physically unwell and riddled with disease.
Imagine they court a young virginal 17 year old to come by. How many STD's she's going to walk away with is appalling.
Even if you just kiss them, you'll get the Onion Herpes!!!
In The Blargs newest video about Lainey saying she isn't rude or snarky, i found this gem of a comment, and snorted when i read the replies.
See how lainey tried to cover up with concealer and makeup??? Its still bumpy as shit. No. 499078
>>499069Lainey's husband has been STD tested, if you recall that video where he got tested basically just to shame one of his ex-partners.
On another note, it's kind of madening that Lainey dyes her hair then two days later is trying to strip the color.
No. 499083
>>499080If she was only dying it with semi perms with rationally long breaks in between dying and used lots of conditioning, it wouldn't be nearly as terrible as bleaching it needlessly as much as she does. Stripping color doesn't help her hair condition either.
I'm surprised she's not more bald than her receding hair line.
No. 499094
>>499058Patreon truly gives no shit whatsoever about the patrons, only their money and the creators. They've admitted to being pro-creator and will let a TON of things slide.
People shouldn't expect for Patreon to do anything to stop Smegma the Bitter Caveman.
No. 499141
>>498797Jenna and Julien are nice, normal people who don't antagonize others, don't constantly e-beg and don't put their weird personal drama on the internet.
The thought of Lainey and Gurgle copying them makes me so upset
No. 499149
>>499141Yeah it's been pretty awkward to watch a weird, abusive couple painstakingly try to replicate the behaviors of one of the healthiest relationships on the internet.
They don't have chemistry because of the things they do together for videos, lame and gerg. Jenna and Julien make good videos because they actually like each other. People would watch no matter what.
No. 499151
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>>499026For me it shows he’s a Verified Twitch Partner.
No. 499156
>>499151Twitch is notorious for accepting anyone whom they think will bring in more people and more $$$. They don't give any shits about his reputation, only about his numbers. Its likely they also are the ones who suggested he change his twitch name to be the same as his YouTube name.
If anyone thinks twitch is gonna ban him for being, they're sadly mistaken. Twitch is no better than YouTube in letting shit slide if it helps their bottom line. And if they gave him a personal invitation, that means they simply want the best known youtube names moving over to their side.. end of story. Most of the top twitch streamers are full of drama and toxicity.
No. 499157
>>499149Jenna recently admitted (the obvious truth) that she and Julien don't always get along and argue, but have learned how to argue in such a way that they both feel heard and respected, so they can get their feelings out there and go back to having fun and getting along.
EVERYTHING about Gruggles and Lainey just screams dysfunction, at least the way they conduct themselves online. I'm sure they have decent moments, but no relationship based on a MUCH older man getting involved with a 16/17 year old girl and getting her pregnant at such a young age can be healthy. He calls her names (I have NEVER been called a c-u-next-tuesday by a significant other), he fucking CHEATED on her and made a ton of videos saying it was her fault for being insecure, trolls for young tail to bring into his house… I know this is all old hat but these people are seriously disturbing. I hope she leaves him and gets half of his assets. He warped the shit out of her, she never stood a chance.
No. 499172
>>499139Patreon itself is known for not following their own rules, though.
>>499156Also this. They'll take a long while before take action on a twitch partner.
No. 499243
>>499065Herpes could have been passed to her from a family member giving kisses when she was a child. My grandmother has herpes of the mouth and she would never kiss me when she had an outbreak. To this day in my mid-30s, I don't get cold sores. Thanks, conscious parents and family!
But to be real – she probably got them from being stupid. I wonder if Greg has them on his ding-a-ling.
No. 499248
>>499243No, I think Lainey's might be from highschool she has claimed to have kissed over 30 people and gotten mono so bad it nearly killed her. Makes sense for her to have caught it off one of her exes or those random dudes she was making out with for attention.
I just find it hilarious that Onision did those videos shaming Shiloh and Andrienne for being dirty sluts and took an std test and then he goes and gets an std from his next teen bride. Just hilarious. I wonder if he ever flips out on Lainey about it, we know how obsessed he is with his looks.
No. 499250
>>499204I agree but it goes to show that not teaching kids the right way to deal with their anger can have serious implications in the future.
Lainey and her gay husband don't want to do their job as parents and discipline him properly, I have a friend and family who work with young kids and at Ts age when he has tantrums he should be encouraged to self soothe and use his words not fists.
Remember he already threw C off a couch and faced no punishment. He's showing violent tendencies because his parents are too lazy to do their jobs.
I doubt he will be bullied because he never interacts with other kids, aside from his sister and maybe Madison's kid. I worry about how bad he would be bullied if kids he eventually did befriend found out what his gay hentai loving dad and transtrender herpes mom do online.
No. 499251
>>499204I'm just saying, shitty parenting like Gerg and Lameo seem to be doing leads to shit like that. At the very least he will be a total terror to deal with because his parents will probably defend him the way Onions mom did for him.
I wonder if Onion thinks Trot is an indigo child like he was and that's why he is unwilling to parent him properly.
No. 499262
>>499053It isn't Greg stop with your OT tinfoiling
>>499165They only gang up against the women they're abusing and manipulating but for their own reasons
No. 499304
>>499243just saying, but a lot of people with hsv 1 are asymptomatic. just because you don't have outbreaks doesn't mean you're not a carrier. lots of people are carriers and have no idea.
>>499248i think she said she kissed 40 people, but it's not like just sharing drinks like kids and teens do, or just being a kid couldn't be a very likely culprit. it is possible she could've gotten it from not being gross. lots of kids do have it.
No. 499316
File: 1522474875034.jpg (404.88 KB, 1055x839, Meltyeyes_onion.jpg)

>>499243>Herpes could have been passed to her from a family member giving kisses when she was a childThen conversely, since Lamey and Grunk both have the Onion Herpes, they could infect their tiny children with an STD before the age of 5.
Seriously, all it takes is a shared straw, a shared sippy cup, or even an affectionate kiss from the Greasy Parents, and Troy and Chloe will be afflicted with the sexual sins of the Father and Mother.
No. 499326
>>499324 Sigh, not the anon you replied to, but yes you can. Moron.
You in the US? I'm hazarding a guess there, because it always baffled me how people in the US can be so ignorant, uneducated and over dramatic about coldsores. People in this thread doing my head in.
You can get coldsores (which is, yep, a herpes virus) from kissing - that includes partners sure, but also family members when you are a child, or friends if kids decide to peck each other on the lips as they may do.
You can also get them from sharing cups or utensils with family members/friends as a child (or teen, or adult, or at any point). If something touches the mouth of someone with a coldsore, even just the start of one without it even being visible (as long as the virus is 'on the skin' already), and then touches yours without being washed, you can contract the virus that causes them. They are so easily transmitted, it's laughable that anyone thinks it's a scandal that someone has one.
Coldsores are seriously no big deal whatsoever, almost everyone has the herpes virus that causes them. Some people are just more prone to breakouts than others, that's all. Someone can catch it at 5 years old sharing a sippy cup with their 6 year old cousin who is having a breakout (after catching it from their parents or whatever), have it lie dormant for years, then get one sole breakout in their 20s when they get stressed one time. Similarly, someone can catch it at 14 years old kissing loads of sluts and then have them every month for the rest of their life, depending on their own immune system - or ANYTHING in between those two scenarios.
If you're still pissing your pants over coldsores and don't believe it, then google is right the fuck there. Go educate yourself and calm down.
No. 499328
File: 1522478401746.png (76.14 KB, 1067x312, herp.PNG)

>>499314>what exactly are you trying to get at? If anon knows what herpes are I’m sure they would know whether or not they have it.uh, all they said was that they've not had an outbreak, not that they definitely don't have it, and that doesn't mean much, seeing as how WHO reports that the majority of people that have oral herpes don't know they have it, as they're just carriers. people aren't typically tested for it, either. 'extremely bad herpes', it's bad because her immune system is for shit and she's stressed. it's not like laryngitis or some shit. the intensity of it has everything to do with her immune system and stress. she definitely could have less of them if she took better care of herself and stopped touching them, but tbh i think living in an abusive household is going to bring them up either way. she's constantly in fear of fuckface leaving her/cheating on her, despite being so smug, on top of having to clean the house, take care of the kids, work, etc. she's got a lot of stress, on top of living with a man that hates her. it's def more than enough to activate them often.
>>499324yes, you really can. pic related.
No. 499329
>>499321Yes and no. I think long winded tinfoil paragraphs about them being murderers are dumb and should be discouraged. I do think talking about Lame and Gurg's parenting is fair game especially when there is evidence of it (like when billie said they cry a lot) or Lame's posts on parenting Facebook pages.
I even think saying offhand comments like 'if greg does this, his kids will pick up on it/imitate' as long as it's only a comment on the end of a relevant post. Otherwise calling the kid's actual murderers and ugly ect is harsh and tinfoily. Given evidence by Sam (true or not) that Troy pushed Cloey off the couch I think is okay to talk about their behaviour or speculate, just maybe don't insult the kids directly.
Not trying to backseat mod, but I can see how some anons are interested to see how Troy and Cloe turn out because of their awful parents but I can also see how it's mean to insult kids when they have no control of their shit parents.
No. 499334
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>>499331it's really pretty pathetic that you're sperging like this when you have no idea what you're talking about, anon. mid 30s doesn't mean anything. the virus can lay dormant for many decades, or just never result in active cold sores at all. i'm not sure why you're placing all your faith in that anon, who, beyond straight up saying "i've been tested and i'm negative for it", has no real clue as to whether or not she's a carrier. just fucking read about it, like, holy shit. it's not onion-tier to quote from health org factsheets rather than one post on /pt/.,OralHerpes No. 499354
File: 1522485161406.png (51.37 KB, 949x464, twitchtos.PNG)

>>499350Yup! It's a recent change in the TOS.
No. 499359
>>499336Jesus Christ he's a moron. First off, his doctor didn't "accuse" him of anything, it's standard procedure to protect sensitive information. The doctor doesn't give a shit who is cheating on who, for all she knows you may be swingers.
Second of all, they send your urine into a lab they don't just look at it and declare you probably have an STI on the spot. Also, they swab your dick for most STIs and call you about the results later.
As soon as he went to the trouble of saying what freeway exit this "OLD LADY DOCTOR" was on I knew this whole story was BS. It's just another attempt to paint Greg as smarter than the "EXPERTS" and to reiterate that he has never once cheated.
No. 499385
>>499365Sorry you are incorrect.
HSV-1 is traditionally oral herpes, but it can be passed to the gentitals by way of oral sex.
Once HSV-1 is afflicting the genitals, it becomes HSV-1 genital herpes, but its Still herpes. That's when it becomes an STD, because then by having genital to gentital contact, you can spread the herpes.
Just like an STD. With genitals.
Please read the CDC quick herpes guide, which talks more in depth, and explains how yes, HSV-1 will transfer to the genital region thus becoming an STD due to its location and mamner of spreading at that point. admins. Have to chance the ban, sexual health is important, and not everyone knows what can happen at any age in life.
No. 499418
>>499286Anon your personal experience of mono is pretty unusual and Lainey isn't full of bullshit just because what she said doesn't align with your experience. Honestly your story sounds made up AF. Mono can cause jaundice that can progress into liver failure and eventually death.
Not gonna derail further but I'm sick of anons passing of anecdotes as evidence for why cows are bullshitting when they don't even realise their anecdote is also unusual and sounds like bullshit.
No. 499537
The new ring reveal is up. guess most of us were wrong. Lame’s husband didn’t buy the new silicone ring for her, she bought both of them. So it’s confirmed, Lame’s husband really is leaning on her for all financial support. He can’t even buy himself hairdye let alone his wife a new ring when she needs to replace the jank ass one he bought her in the first place.
No. 499540
>>499537Samefag but short transcript:
>Lame and her husband talk about how he proposed. And how he didn’t surprise her with a proposal.>Lame’s husband brags about how he wouldn’t want to be a manipulator by publicly proposing>Lame pretends she would have been scared if he surprised her by proposing but actually looks disappointed>Lame’s husband performs a cringey, too long and weak comedy sketch proposal>They both discuss the failed rings and how Lame bought the new rings.>Onion makes shitty jokes.That’s pretty much it, nothing much to take away from this except that it was Lame who bought the rings. The rest we’ve already heard. Oh, but the rings are flexible, so there’s that.
No. 499554
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>>499537i dont wanna watch, someone post the poshmark screencap
No. 499555
File: 1522539833514.png (270.34 KB, 478x478, kinglame.png)

Lame whiteknights begone! King Lame has spoken (throws fidget spinners at the Wks)
No. 499559
File: 1522541537416.png (141.06 KB, 268x335, 2018-03-31 19_08_05-Lainey's C…)

>>499557Looks like she straight up listed it. Getting a little steep there aren't we Lame? Lol.
No. 499560
File: 1522541577112.jpg (614.46 KB, 1080x1625, ring.jpg)

>>499537>>499554She's selling the ring for $699
Down from $1995
No. 499562
>Plus don't forget she's been open about returning her used makeup to sephora so her nasty ass doesn't care if she spreads it. Do you think Sephora sells used makeup? Kek
This whole board is a clusterfuck of misinformation rn.
(stop derailing) No. 499577
File: 1522545031878.png (492.98 KB, 1117x748, sale.png)

>>499569It's real and it looks like it's sold.
No. 499582
File: 1522545918826.png (177.17 KB, 773x412, tubby.PNG) bitching about youtube again instead of taking responsibility for his shitty content.
No. 499587
>>499582More complaining about being a victim of youtubes algorithm. Goes on about how right he was and how he knows what he's talking about because he's been pushing out videos daily for 11 years. (That's like 40-50 youtube years!!) Said he sold his "Tesla, or Teslas and then I sold a business property." (Question, Did they sell both of the Teslas or did they have more than two?) Blames Pewdiepie for youtube starting to enforce their rules. Says he was very-very rich but he got solar panels, two fences, and a battery pack - that's where all his money went. Lames husband feels like since he made so much money for Youtube they should let him do whatever he wants. Gurg next says he makes about 10-26 dollars per video he uploads to uhohbro. Recording Time is 20-40mins, Editing 1-4 hours. (It's clear he's exaggerating for pity points. No doubt his earnings have plummeted but he's gotta make those preteens feel bad for him.) Says in the best case scenario he gets paid 8 dollars an hour, but he loves making videos and hanging out with his patreons so that's why he keeps youtube as his job. He says if youtubers stopped getting paid all together he would have to get a normal job, but he would still make videos from time to time. "Maybe one would be of me ending my own life, I don't know." (said while laughing but clearly he's thought about it and echoed this idea in many other videos. It's not his fault that his channels aren't doing well. It's because youtube no longer promotes his content because of his crude humor and controversial videos. He believes he can get around youtubes system by spelling out curse words. He goes on to make a point of saying all sorts of marketable words such as disney, super mario, toy story, star wars, and barbie.) Says he tried to start another channel but he can't help but be inappropriate in his videos. Makes a point to say on his patreon there is "japanese anime for A-D-U-L-T-S". Says how people remain famous on youtube is by who you know and colab with and working the algorithm. "The talented person gets smothered and destroyed and I'm not saying I'm talented but I'm just saying if I where talented I be that person getting smothered and destroyed." "I don't think anyone on youtube dedicates their life to you guys more considering I don't remember the last time I took a day off." Haha, you can hate me all you want but I was still right!!
No. 499591
>>499582>Look at me>I told you so>Pewdiepie is immortal for some reason Jfc those tags. He truly believes that life is super unfair and the world is "rigged" against him.
"Why is Poodiepie so successful while I have to sell one of my Teslas?"
Does he ever stop to think that his nonstop bitching about his money woes might be a turnoff to his few remaining viewers?
And if you're sharting out your unhappiness about being demonitized for showing your underage fans explicit anime, maybe you should reexamine your life instead of pointing your hair dye stained fingers at people who are successful.
This wrinkled up red taint has zero self awareness.
No. 499612
>>499591Confused, why are there three rings but she only talked about 2? What's that last one on her finger??
Also 699 is pretty steep for the ring she just sold lol, it's made from 10k White gold and none of the diamonds look like their above 3/8 cts. Going off the Fred Meyers website, likely her forts listed price was the full price Greg paid for.
No. 499621
>>499613It goes beyond the most reasonable person why he got Tay 3 rings
Just pay the price for one good ring and be done with it. Silicon or not
No. 499640
>>499587There is no way in hell it takes him anywhere close to 4 hours to edit hid videos. He does no real sound editing, no motion graphics, no multi cam syncing, it’s just him sitting in front of a glorified webcam and a trillion clumsy jump cuts. I’m a professional video editor and my interns edit better that he does in an hour or less.
Every time he talks about never having a day off I audibly groan, cause we all know the only thing he does is spend a couple hours a day talking about himself in front of a camera and spends the rest of the day surfing hentai on the internet and ignoring his family.
No one thinks you’re this admirable hard worker greg. Literally everyone works harder and longer than you.
No. 499646
>>499540>Lame’s husband brags about how he wouldn’t want to be a manipulator by publicly proposingHe’s doing that to detract from the actual creepy thing he did which was move waaaay too fast with a young teen he barely knew. Moving quickly in relationships like that is literally one of the criteria for abusers.
>I think he was seriously thinking of a name, before he realized he’d look like a douche and decided to say Andy to brush it off as a joke. I’m speculating his real thought process was “which one of my exes do I want back the most?”I also think he was trying to make it goofy with Andy but I think the part that was hurtful for Lainey that it was basically a re-enactment of what happened with Billie the first time. He even admitted later that Billie might have been the only person he might have left Lainey for “but didn’t!! Because I’m a loyal guy and then succubus couldn’t steal me away!!”
No. 499676
>>499645Kek, anon. That picture captures all that is Onionboy.
>>499662>Shes lucky that no one in that category would ever want him.I think the saddest thing about this is the fact that this is exactly how she feels. Despite all the bullshit he’s put her through, she still feels lucky that he pays any attention to her at all. Even women with little self respect, respect themselves more than Lame respects herself. It’s unfathomable how a human being can be so OK with being treated like absolute shit by their spouse and barely ever seeing them. The only time they see each other is during their secret DDLG play time, and according to the Onions, that hasn’t been often lately.
In their newest video with the ring, Lame’s husband made a joke about how Lame was allergic to his penis and that’s why they aren’t having sex and Lame scoffed and replied with “yeah.. that’s why.” So I take it their having some intimacy issues. How can you never see your husband and actually say you are happy in your marriage? Especially when he brings other women into your home and spends more time with them than he does you. It just mind boggles me how Lame is so set on being miserable. Is this really the life she wants at only 23? She’s way too young to be stuck in a situation like this.
No. 499701
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is it just me or does this look like ……
No. 499721
File: 1522597419560.jpeg (197.49 KB, 1079x1594, D79A3EB8-6E72-408F-A9BC-7C22F9…)

Saw this on fb and couldn’t resist laughing, somehow wondering if they were lowkey talking about Lainey in this.
No. 499723
>>499710Agreed. Chin has a cleft, Billie does not. No nose ring, eyebrows are a different shape. Aqua hair and Billie normally has blue.
If the artist knew onion or billie, this would faintly maybe tie into this thread, but there's no links to either so posting this here was really stupid.
Unrelated though, I do appreciate the artwork, it's very pretty. So is Billie but it doesn't look like her.
No. 499784
>>499756Saw this & made me think of Lame's husband.
"You are all the things that are wrong with you." (paraphrased) HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 499785
>>499756Saw this & made me think of Lame's husband.
"You are all the things that are wrong with you." (paraphrased) No. 499860
>>499833I think it's against the rules to name people unless they're publicly involved in the onions lives, lainey has a fair few older patrons too.
Https:// is where they bought the booful booful new wedding rings.. prices start from $10..
No. 499893
File: 1522628380296.jpeg (39.13 KB, 750x120, FC6A9056-615B-44AD-B77B-EB49B6…)

>Gets partnered
No. 499923
>>499893Top kek!
Also, funny that Onion has time for his gaming on easter. Taylor said she probably wouldn’t be on for the holiday, but you can always count on Onion to neglect his family on the holidays.
No. 499939
>>499937samefag but I meant *hope they (the baby onions)
No. 500044
>>499962 never thought JSBS could be anymore annoying until Lame’s husband imitated her. You’d think with the amount of times he prides himself for being an “actor” he’d be able to do much better impressions. His acting skills are as dull as his wife’s personality.
Also, I like how he makes another jab at Shane about how people only make one video to address something because they ARE guilty, but Onionboy makes hundreds because he’s not guilty and he keeps shoving accusations against him in your face. That’s so wrong, guilty people are usually the ones constantly bringing up accusations made against them and trying their damnest to prove you wrong. If Lame’s husband wasn’t guilty, he wouldn’t be making video after video trying to prove he isn’t. It’s like a serial killer that invites a cop into his home. An attempt to look less suspicious. Normal people who aren’t guilty feel no need to address something more than once because they aren’t afraid. And honestly at this point the only person still talking about the xyz controversy is Lame’s husband. He feels himself slipping and so he’s bringing up BW, JG and JSBS again in hopes that they’ll make videos about him again. But no one cares, kek.
No. 500048
>>500044God he looks old.
Also, when was the last time he made an actual comedy video?
No. 500051
>>500044Jesus. That Joy spergout was truly something to behold. Reminded me of the bitchfit he threw with that patreon who took issue with his suicide joke.
Like the true manchild he is, when he doesn't have any actual points to make, be just starts shrieking in a tragic attempt to mock their mannerisms and thinks that somehow makes him right.
Also the "anyone who criticizes me is obviously a religious Republican carnivore and therefore is an idiot" was one of the dumbest things I've heard out of his idiot mouth in awhile. I can't even figure out who he's trying to appeal to anymore with this incessant whining and chest beating.
No. 500072
>>499923Onion logic:
He feels more relatable to his younger audience, thinking that "doing the same things teens do over the holidays" will give him clout. Plus, more people are at home and might possibly watch TV / surf on the Internet.
He can't comprehend that his audience might actually go all "awwwww" and "he's such a caring husband and father" if he spends time with his family and shows that he is a caring person.
He wants to get away from his family as much as possible without leaving the house, therefore "work" is more important than anything else … because of the IRS.
It might be a mix of the three honestly.
>>500051I can't stand to watch his videos because of the way he structures his "narrative". He's always repeating himself over and over and drags information that he could have presented in, like three minutes but makes a 10 minute+ video. I'd swear he creates videos with the intention of making people stupid. >_>
Repeating statements still doesn't make then true, Onion…
No. 500077
>>500044I watched 3 minutes of the 9 minute video. By the thirs minute he had already repeated himself about 30 times because he has no substance.
Imagine a 32 year old being this autistic about it being ok that he collects photos of 13 year old girls.
No. 500082
File: 1522672232777.jpg (633.96 KB, 2245x1263, 18-04-02-05-28-45-374_deco.jpg)

>>500044Holy shit. Does he not realise the only person he's making look bad is himself? Normal people can't make faces this fucking retarded looking.
No. 500088
File: 1522679142066.jpeg (2.66 MB, 2808x3744, 68B80B26-A3D7-458F-A904-0DF7A5…)

>>500082He’s colour corrected himself so vigorously to try and make his hair tone look normal, his skin colour has become piggy pink. His hair is closer to my skin tone than his skin.
No. 500090
File: 1522679357891.png (Spoiler Image,636.17 KB, 848x450, Screen Shot 2018-04-02 at 10.2…)

Happy Easter Kiddies
No. 500097
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>>500082He looks like Trinity Taylor, the drag queen notorious for having a crazy amount of work done on her face. How can anyone deny Greg has had plastic surgery when it’s this obvious. Gregma is the middle aged soccer mom his kids will never get through Lainey.
No. 500112
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Okay I just wanted to post this because holy shit this comment. This was on a Blargh recording of Lame talking about top surgery. It’s nice to know that other people outside of lolcow and even people who have never heard of Lame and her husband before feel the same way. I think one day Lame will give this up, but it’s still aggravating as hell that she puts her kids through this. Imagine growing up thinking that was normal behavior coming from a mother. No. 500114
File: 1522687931405.jpg (137.74 KB, 615x633, Screenshot_20180402-124411.jpg)

>>500044Ahh, Onision Botox face.
When you've got soo much Botox in your forehead that your neck has more wrinkles than your face. Kek
>>500097Thank you anon, it's always been apparent to me too, watching since 2007. Continual surgery and injectible things makes all of hpllywood look strange after too long. (Take a peek at Tom Cruises newest fresh face. Puffy!)
My opinion is skin fillers, botox, an eyelid lift or an eyebrow lift, his eyes are much different than 2008 Onisionspeaks era eyes.
I tinfoil a nose job for slimming down the shape, and surgery to enhance the 2 top sharp points on his lips. He never had them so sharp in 2007 or 2008.
No. 500118
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>>500114& plastic surgery is a perfect explanation for his strange seemingly random intermittent use of lycra face masks.
No. 500119
>>500044he looks completely crazed.
>claims people are over sexualizing random pictures of fully clothed young women and girls despite being the only one creepily making those photos sexualjust stop onion
>mocks women with long hair in their natural color, calls it "mormon hair"onion's blatant hate for women and femininity is truly shining in this video
No. 500133
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>>500118Oh, the masks are when he's gone in for his Dermabrasion appointments and his Chemical Peels on his face.
You didn't think that he could "cure" his giant cystic acne by just slapping in tons of make up did you??
Look on old and new videos about his bacne and neck zits. Bacnee galore
But because Onion can't come up with a proper skincare routine, he has to get the chemical peels and Dermabrasions more often than regular people.
Hence the tomato red face. That many chemical peels and being rubbed raw gives him his tomatoey red glow.
No. 500137
>>500110Apparently so, and that’s why Shane is guilty! Because he didn’t make a million videos about the accusation against him like Lame’s husband did. He only made one and I guess that’s not good enough. According to Lame’s husband, you have to brood over something for over a year if you aren’t guilty. He’s such a moron.
Also about that video I like how he goes on to make fun of JG yet again because of her boob job, but then tries to pretend he’s some good SJW and does that dumb ass “why call yourself any gender? Just be yourself!” Followed by “get plastic surgery if you want! That’s okay!” Like you shame JG everyday for getting a boob job, but then in the same sentence you’re going to tell other space princes it’s okay to get plastic surgery if they want? It’s like a snake pretending it’s a puppy after strangling a mouse. You already showed us what you really are, what’s the point in pretending you’re a good guy?
No. 500158
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>>500114I don't wanna tinfoil, but I have always wondered why his face looks the same with every possible facial expression he makes. It's hideous. You may say it's those horrible filters he uses but even irl his forehead looks so puffy.
Left corner bottom you can see lames husband in a video recorded 2009, the other one is from his latest video on speaks channel and probably with heavy filter and Colorado correctipn. BUT the one on his sisters channel is without any filter? Dude what's wrong with his face?
No. 500164
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No. 500169
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Laineys husband uploaded an old video of him and Shiloh. I'm mostly triggered because they spell "Aang" as "Ang", and then in the vid Shiloh pronounces him as "Ung".
Would like to know laineys thoughts on him uploading all this old shit - it's a reflection of himself, he's stuck in a loop of the past and shuts himself in his "office", watching through old videos with past lovers. Creep.
No. 500170
>>500089>>500099He's such a lazy fuckwit, it takes only a tiny bit of research to see that fun things like egg-hunting and chocolate bunnies aren't Christian traditions anyway and stem from celebrating the Spring Equinox.
Instead of robbing his kids of fun family memories and traditions they can look back on fondly, he chose to hole himself up, play videogames and make yet another bizarre rant, beating his chest about how right he is.
If he's so bothered by religion, he could have chosen to make a video about the origins of Easter traditions or something cool, but that would've taken too much effort and would have taken the focus away from his favorite subject: how the world has wronged him.
No. 500179
>>500137So if I'm following his supreme logic correctly, the more videos you make about something, the more truthful and sincere your stance is.
By this reasoning Joy must have been right about him because she made A LOT of videos. Makes perfect sense.
No. 500181
>>500172The sick irony is that he's choosing to ignore his own kids in order to spend time playing videogames and complain about his sad life with
other people's kids.
No. 500195
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I'm not certain he has had any cosmetic surgery tbh, botox/chemical peel are a strong possibility but actual invasive elective cosmetic surgery seems too hardcore for the man who cried about hairdye hurting him.
Pic for reference.
No. 500219
Grug just holds his eyebrows high, opens his eyes, purses his lips and sucks his cheeks in.
When he lets that facade go, he looks like
>>500114It's the same dumb ass ugly mug he's had since the beginning, the retard just learned minimal makeup, lighting and post-editing to create an illusion.
He's still a neanderthal looking dude, except now he's balding with piss coloured hair and old wart spots.
No. 500230
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Lainey's husband's views continue to tank after his partnershit.
Great financial decisions Twitch.
No. 500267
>>500230So out of curiosity I looked up the requirements to get affiliated with twitch,and they are as follows:
At least 500 total minutes broadcast in the last 30 days
At least 7 unique broadcast days in the last 30 days
An average of 3 concurrent viewers or more over the last 30 days
At least 50 Followers
So literally ANYONE can get affiliated. It's very easy.
No. 500307
>>500282Here's the very loose guidelines/application for partnership. applied because of course he did, anything to eek out any extra cent, and they probably saw that he has a couple million subs on YouTube and greenlit him.
No. 500315
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we can't sage anymore but this is glorious
No. 500319
>>500301I'm kind of partial to this one:
>>500082But this one's also pretty great:
>>499555The hentai ones are topical, but obviously inappropriate. If I was better at Photoshop, it would be fun to cover the weiner on this one
>>498249 with something like Lame's stained ring finger or even one of her close-ups with her herp sore or infected nose ring.
Lots of good options this time around!