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No. 496349
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>494863Facebook: Twitter: & Snapchat: mariahmallad, xmariahmalladx
Twitch: Stories Archive: Drive: Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her lackeys have their own thread here
>>>/snow/386826The basics:
>Originally 'thicc Samus' with 2+ lipo sessions now trying keep some semblance of a figure (and failing miserably) all while lying by saying she's exercising >So laughably bad at making cosplays; gets 90% of costumes commissioned/bought and then makes gloves so she can credit herself as a talented cosplayer and claim her money is "hard-earned" >Does "boudoir"/softcore porn shoots to hide how shitty her costumes are>Thinks she's hot shit; delusional about her level of fame where she'll loiter around booths/other cosplayers or pretend to be a con guest>Has to beg for money, con passes, or just ghosts at cons despite +$10k/month on Patreon, not above bullying staff to get a free 'Professional' badge>Pretends to know about the series she cosplays, despite evidence proving otherwise; will tweet profound essays to prove her expert fan knowledge>Has lewded young characters for the attention; backpedals after backlash >Goes on crazy media tirades against people like old fuckboy KBBQ, old photog, yet preaches about being nice to everyone>Constantly goes on pity party rants or videos, trying to make people feel bad for her about things that are happening to her when she’s done the same>Lies about attending college even in the face of mountains of evidence proving otherwise>Rips off a dress design from indie designer MyOppa, denies it and has yet to make an "official statement" about her blatant bullshit>Also rips of well-known hentai character as her original character and mascot, once again denies it >Yes, her photos are being used for a KIK FOR FAT ad Recent:
>moo decides to "fix" kbbq's work so she can credit herself for "refurbishment" >apparently "used to lift", was sorely butthurt when multiple liftfags told her that her body form was dangerously off>TRUE LEBEANSE COSPLAYER>goes to La Mole Comic Con with her mom, was a embarrassment by yelling indoors, slapping her thigh on camera during a interview and annoying multiple other cosplay guests with her unprofessional attitude>the second day she complained of a sore throat. A doctor magically came to give her medicine and she went to the con. She wore her normal clothes on the last day when she said she would wear forest-kun. Sorry, forest-kun.>despite her schooling being ~so stressful~ she was able to go from Mexico to Las Vegas to Texas! >shooting with Sabrina Nichole Bunny, MomoAkuma and Bishoujomom currently No. 496353
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No. 496354
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No. 496355
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Find her ass
No. 496356
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>>496355Fuck. Stop posting before me. Lol. You can see the string better, but she legit looks like that pig gif with the underwear. Like holy shit. This whole set is disgusting and even Mom's obese, disgusting husband is shooting it.
No. 496357
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No. 496367
>>496357I'm so mad at her lack of theme, planning…everything. She's done a mediocre Wario, but not Princess Peach even though her whole brand is (very loosely and hardly referenced) about peaches, she could have done a cute "peaches and cream" set with milk bottles and peaches since she's rolling with the whole cow thing now, but did…corn syrup and green rope bikinis and stripper heels instead?
And now she's doing…little red riding hood halfheartedly flops her hammy fingers on a wolf in an empty guest bedroom. Ok.
Literally just going outside would have made this shoot 10x more cohesive.
No. 496378
>>496369It honestly seems like our dear cow has not had sex in a long while and is thirsty af for any sort of attention. I know this was an adult/ hentai podcast but the public doesn't need to know this, good lord.
> She mentioned she was sexually active with "someone with the same name". This person did a "costest" of Sangwoo and Moo was triggered by itwho
>She didn't lay down and did "all the work".>gave her ex viagra because he was a "one shot wonderSo probably throwing shade to KBBQ again. Its really fucking pathetic.
No. 496384
>>496382Her kinks are all babbys first hentai though. I mean yeah it's gross coming from her but these are all so vanilla it sounds like she read a wiki page on hentai and regurgitated everything.
I almost feel sorry for her. Imagine trying this hard to appear sexually appealing. Most people just have to exist but she has to double over backwards.
No. 496385
>>496369Wow work out guru momokun doesn't know that incorrectly lifting weight can actually cause a hernia? Rectal hernia is a real thing.
>>496378I doubt that kbbq is the viagra ex. Seems too much like the typical story girls say about guys who dump them just to get back at them. Plus you'd need to get a prescription for those and I doubt any reputable doctor would prescribe that to someone him age. Viagra also doesn't help with stamina. She should really use google before lying.
No. 496399
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No. 496400
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No. 496402
>>496397>>496388sabrina mentioned it but moo’s remark might be subtle shade at yanderejane who cosplayed yuno regularly for a bit. given she called her out recently for the myoppa situation and is close to sss and bunnyayumi i wouldn’t put it past her to try jabbing at the character that she is arguably known for.
sage for tinfoiling
No. 496404
>>496377As is mine. I'm going to need fucking therapy after reading that.
>>496380They probably ejaculate quickly so they can get the fuck out of there in case she clings.
>>496399Her breath is going to be hella smelly and is it me or has the past week and a half shown that she's given up on her diet and exercise? It's been tons of alcohol, junk food, lots of sodium and almost no exercise.
Mooriah always seems to do these spurts of two weeks of going to the gym(or pretending) and then it's just bad diet and exercise for a month. Rinse and repeat.
No. 496408
>>496399Oh pho, you really understand me for me, my dude, you'll never leave me like those jealous bitch haters just using my sweet thick ass for fame and fortune…
It is true that the sodium and calories are the only things that stick with Moo in the long term these days.
No. 496410
>>496406I was thinking the same thing, he probably has a Korean name
>>496409 said. Hopefully anons who know more can enlighten us
No. 496418
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Time for sweets
No. 496420
>>496415He never did. He only did a costest because it was the flavor of the month and because his name and his hair at the time resembled the character.
I still find it hilarious how hung up on him she is. He obviously doesn't give two shits about her but she has to always do him dirty every chance she gets. That's something only jealous bitches do.
No. 496427
>>496422She also apparently had a thing with Nomisphotos (who is a Korean cosplay photographer). It looks like he crawled back to Mariah even after she threw shade at him too and tried to ruin his reputation and made him quit photography for a while. He's currently dating my friend right now and she is in love with Mariah so it's really hilarious.
What is it with people and not having a backbone when it comes to Mariah?
No. 496428
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>>496369Jesus she truly is like a fucking 15 year old attention whore trying to be ~edgy desu~ with her "I love sexy psychos and I wanna be fucked in my cosplay till my mind breaks uwu" spergouts. It's no wonder her photoshoots are trashy as hell when she keeps thinking that being a TMI skank equals eroticism. I mean I'm a huge perv myself so I'm not trying to be a prude here but she's not just crossing the line, she's making laps around the track just to cross it repeatedly. There are fucking hardcore porn models who have more class than she does.
This inspired me to check her patreon numbers and hoo boy, she dipped hard. It's almost the end of the month and she hasn't climbed nowhere near her old stats. Better start saving up that money Moo.
No. 496433
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>>496425Here's the mention of the video anon.
Knowing Mariah worked with this photographer since she started. I trust that she isn't lying.
It looks like they had a falling out since they don't work together anymore and she was one of the photographers Mariah stopped crediting (actually tagging and linking their profiles).
No. 496434
>>496412my fucking god she just can't get over KBBQ can she? Mariah simply doesn't pass up the opportunity to throw dirt his way. You're being a creepy obsessive ex, Moo. Seek help.
>>496427>What is it with people and not having a backbone when it comes to Mariah?Because she's a scary psycho cunt who isn't fine with letting bygones be bygones, just look at how she's still ripping into KBBQ even almost a year after their fallout. Nobody wants to anger this whale and witness the wrath.
>>496430Patrons often scamper at the end of the month when the payments are being renewed for the following period, then slowly return during the next month if they feel like it. But she hasn't gotten back any of the pledges she lost last month. She went down from around 880 to 710. If this trend continues, she's gonna start bleeding money like crazy.
>>496432That is a possibility tbh, she always seems to be skimping on anything that requires money (that's not drinking, eating out or partying) and resorted to selling her old cosplays to fund her vet bills. But 100+ dummy accounts seems far off. I don't know if pledge bots are possible to even get, but it could be plausible that patreon deleted a horde of bot accounts which caused the massive drop.
No. 496446
>>496443It's because she's
extremely predictable. One anon a week or two ago said that she doesn't hang out with Sabrina anymore after she spilled the beans on the lipo. Now here we are with Mariah hanging out with Sabrina.
Some of us said that she didn't have a trainer and was faking it because we've never seen him and she shows all parts of her life like an idiot. Next thing we know she's showing off someone who might be her trainer.
She's an absolutely predictable fool who can't help but "clapback" every single time to try and prove us wrong.
No. 496451
>>496450Her getting naked for Valentine's Day barely even helped her.
Seems to be dropping steadily ever since she started this OC bullshit.
No. 496452
>>496440I wouldn't put it past her. She's the manipulative and deceptive type. It's the same way she handled her lipo situation. Just because she never out right said she never had lipo done she "technically" wasn't lying. She is likely getting cold sculpting so she can keep lying about not getting lipo done and still not be "technically" lying.
>>496428I know I shouldn't but I actually pity her. Without patreon and whatever following she has, she would be nothing.
Like if it all went away she has nothing to fall back on. She has no job skills (besides being a thot), she doesn't have a college education, and she has zero 'friends' outside of the community. When was the last time she talked about hanging out with someone who wasn't a fan or a calf? Really makes me believe she likely pushed all of her past friends away by being the same cunt she is now. Probably the same reason she doesn't play lacrosse even though she claims to have been a god at it. Her parents and family don't even love her. They obviously didn't approve of her taking her clothes off for money and basically ignored her until we saw that she was "paying off their debts".
If I was Mariah I would be very scared because at the rate she's going downhill she's going to lose it all soon. And it's no ones fault but hers because she chose to be a toxic cunt. She chose to be a bully. She chose to be unprofessional.
No. 496466
>>496369It's pretty sad how clearly starved she is for sex/affection. We know it's not her appearance that's preventing her from getting laid; KBBQ was porking her even at her pre-lipo fattest. attitude and personality is everything, and Men don't want her simply because she's an obnoxious idiot.
I do think she is extra hung up on KBBQ because HE rejected HER. I don't know if she was truly in love with him or just fetishized the fact that he was asian and would do cosplay sex with her, but I think if she had dumped him instead or they'd broken up amicably, they'd still be on friendly terms or at least she wouldn't be shading him at every opportunity. But how DARE he not want to take his obese fuck toy home to his Korean parents who would probably disown him for dating her? lmao.
Actually, what's the timeline on her lipo vs. KBBQ dumping her? Did she get lipo afterwards or was she still fucking him? If it was after, I wonder if the primary driving force was because he said she was too fat to date.
No. 496467
>>496463Lmao I'm literally no one, I don't even cosplay. I have called a few of her fans out in the past for saying she works out so hard. But she would have to lurk so deep for something like that and it has been a while.
>>4964Haha no I have never met our cow before.
No. 496512
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No. 496523
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CoNtExT Is AlWaYs ImPoRtAnT tO Me
No. 496524
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No. 496525
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No. 496526
>>496524She's always projecting herself with these things. We get it Moo. You want people to love you no matter how shitty you are.
Yes people change but her issue is that she hasn't changed. She's still the spoiled child from 4 years ago who would say the n-word and threaten to kill her mom because she didn't get her dream car
No. 496528
>>496518Oh lawdy, Moozilla in Japan. She'd be the drunkest, loudest, and most obnoxious white person to stumble in there since Logan Paul, I absolutely can't wait if she pulls the
trigger on it.
No. 496529
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No. 496530
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No. 496537
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>>496517Zero Two is super thin though, and actually has an ass… Not that that's ever stopped her before, but. She was totally canon a Fat Stocking but that's as accurate as she will ever get when it comes to Gainax/
Trigger bodies.
No. 496539
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>>496537That wasn't meant to be spoilered. Here's more Momo straight up groping herself and Vein-chan working overtime as an apology. Either someone else did her makeup or she's been lurking again because her eyebrows are shaped and done a lot differently than her usual half-circles.
No. 496557
>>496547she's gonna use her Moo wig or new sheep wig, get some shitty horns and put on a bikini. Bam "cosplay"
That's what bothers me. She never tries to make a costume and when she does, she makes others do it and it's shitty.
Flavor of the week cosplays also bug me if you don't actually like the show/manga/etc
No. 496558
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meme featuring moo i came across earlier
No. 496581
>>496518>in person with everyone else>it won’t be subbed in English in JapanMexico had tons of showings of the last DB super episode while she was there. Mole also had a showing at the con (per Leon’s stories) and a large crowd was watching. There was no mention of joining them there (it looked like she tried to watch it alone with English subs but the website crashed) so why bother FLYING to Japan to show she’s a ~super DB fan~ when she didn’t even join the crowd in Mexico?
sage for rly dumb observation
No. 496582
>>496535Saged because I cant sage on mobile right now.
Actually Moo lied and told Krissy it was rape cause she felt bad about "cheating" on KBBQ. So she backed tracked when Krissy couldnt keep her mouth shut and told everyone Krissy made it up instead
No. 496585
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No. 496587
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No. 496588
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No. 496589
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No. 496600
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>>496598Okay found them! There is a whole convo and these are the 2 screenshots I figured were most relevant. I sadly couldnt find the screenshots of Mariah denying she ever said anything but given the story she told and the story we all know I hope you can just believe me that she blamed it all on Krissy
No. 496602
>>496597It's like she completely missed the drama with Mariah for the past couple of months.
Most of the big names are avoiding her ass like the plague after that fiasco.
No. 496603
>>496594Oh man Bishoujomom is falling for her fake ass facade. Of course Mariah is going to treat her all nicely. She treats people nicely when she can get something from them. The issue is more so that she lies, she manipulates, and she steals. And she acts like a brat about it and will run with her tail between her legs when she gets called out.
If Mariah was this ~super duper~ great person then people who have been around her for a long time wouldn't be dropping her. Think about it. SSS and her were super close and they retweeted each other constantly but SSS saw through her bs and dropped her. Or look at how Jnig never ever mentions her directly in stories or promotes her. Or look at how Riansynth and her used to hang out a lot last year and they don't hang out anymore. Or look at how Thornechan who used to idolize her now sees her as a piece of shit.
Point is, it's easy to believe someone's fake front at first. It's a matter of how much longer Mariah can keep it up before Bishoujomom catches on.
No. 496604
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No. 496605
>>496600>>496601These are great anon. Holy fuck. I don't know how you got them but damn. It just shows the lengths she's willing to lie for fame.
>"I didn't want him to try and ruin my name"I'm sorry Mariah but you're doing a good job of it yourself.
No. 496606
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>>496594Mariah reeling in a fat Gabby replacement lmao
No. 496607
>>496603And Nanabear.
Mariah goes through so many friends because she can't keep them.
What ever happened to that Holly chick that fought for Mariah when she repeatedly kicked the tail of that one cosplayer?
None of the people that she did photoshoots with a year ago are doing them with her now. Not even her besty Vamp does any with her.
If she can't see that she's the problem in all of the drama then she's never going to.
No. 496617
>>496581I totally forgot about that
Didn't they like show the entire episode outside and a ton of people watched? Because why WOULDN'T you want to be there if you were in Mexico already?
No. 496619
>>496600>he took my pants off when I wasn't paying attentionyeah that totally happens
then again, she mightve been fucking wasted out of her skull like she always is
No. 496622
>>496601This does sound like rape, and I am inclined to believe people when they say these things BUT
the fact she backtracked it and tried to put it on someone else really makes it all seem like a lie she made up so she could keep kbbq. She didn’t intend for it to pick up at all because it wasn’t true.
No. 496628
>>496625This shit comes natural from Mariah who jacks off to porn containing rape, guro and whatever else
She's a sloppy mess w h e w
No. 496632
>>496630>>496631Yeah I doubt Deluca would leave because this. Especially since Mariah backpedaled hard so he doesn't ruin her name or whatever. Looks like she tried to get everyone to be quiet about it.
Thanks for finding these anon. Shows what a scumbag she is.
No. 496637
>>496634I still find it hilarious that she went on about kbbq being a snake but all the juicy milk like her lipo, college, and now this weren't even being leaked by him. They were all her doing. She lied to her friends about lipo being public knowledge so it all slipped. She lied about doing homework at cons and all it took was someone to confirm whether they saw her do homework. And now this whole Nathan Deluca milk seems to have been leaked by someone within her circle.
Fucking L O L. She is a mess.
No. 496640
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>schedule gets slightly busier
>”I wish I was home more!!”
No. 496643
>make an entire cosplay within a few daysSo you're going to do what you normally do and have Cat over to sew everything for you while you ~help out~?
Or is it just another wig and bikini?
No. 496645
>>496638Well she either:
A. Lied about being raped by Nathan Deluca to make herself look like a saint.
B. Was actually raped but covering it up so her won't "ruin her name". So basically lying to save her "fame."
C. Nathan refused to sleep with her so she made some shit up.
No. 496646
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No. 496669
>>496641Yeah totally, has nothing to do with the fact that this thread was literally just talking about how pathetic it is that you can’t form a genuine bond with another human being to save your life.
But yeh u so bizzzeree gyurrrlll, we getchuuu mahriuhhhhh don’t need no mannn
You are so damn predictable and unlikable.
No. 496670
>>496641Jesus fucking christ she is so god damn pathetic. As if anyone will buy this “Like um, a relationship would only hold me back lol. I’m just waaaay too busy for one lol.”
It’s because no one wants to spend any amount of time with an obnoxious bitch like her and doesn’t want their dick anywhere near her rancid, hambeast pussy. So she can just fuck off with this “I’m not going to look for a relationship, I’ll just let it happen”
>>496638I know she has done some fucked is stuff before, but this one really takes the cake. Lying about rape is absolutely one of the most disgusting things a person can do. She absolutely needs to get called the fuck out on this. Wasn’t this bitch just last week saying “This community shouldn’t give second chances to rapists”. Well how about bitches who lie about it to try to ruin people?
No. 496675
>>496594These dumb bitches never seem to get it, do they. Within minutes of meeting Moomoo they all do the same “Omg she is like the sweetest person ever. Don’t believe the lies about her!” bullshit. Almost to the point where she demands them to do it so her name gets cleared in the cosplay community. Of course she isn’t going to just act like a raving bitch towards you if she needs your collaboration you dipshit. She needs something from you, so she is going to be on her best behavior.
But sure, dismiss everything about her as lies. Watch when dumps your dumb ass when she realizes she doesn’t need you anymore. You’ll be right back to calling her a toxic bully.
No. 496677
>>496676if she's in college what's she missing out on? her cosplay 'career' is basically a part time job with her hours and outside of the niche cosplay group "mariah" is a nobody unless normies are gawking at "momo".
i mean, we know she's not in school so she probably is ronery as fug, especially since she only has superficial friends.
No. 496690
What is she missing out on? People pay her just to take her clothes off and she still makes money releasing poor quality photo sets. She was boasting about being an ~international celebrity~ just the other week and how she feels loved by everyone.
If she really feels lonely even with the amount of "friends" she has in her life she needs to reassess her whole life. Maybe you feel lonely because all of your friends are fake Mariah. You had your chance at a real relationship with Eric and you fucked it up yourself by dumping him to chase your so called dreams. I'm sure you didn't think back then that you'd be here now practically getting naked for attention when you left him right?
No. 496692
>>496641The fuck is she missing out on?
She has time to party and drink and earns more than most people her age. The only reason she is missing out on relationships is not because she is such a busy cosplay celebrity, but it's because she is a shit person.
She doesn't have time to get to know people?
Bitch, you spend most of your time at home doing nothing.
No. 496693
>>496690Nope, she fully expected to be Nigri's heir apparent to the Cosplay Queen crown. She mimicked Jess down to the letter: same mannerisms, same cosplay style, sometimes even the same damn costume.
Too bad she's let her turtle mouth ruin all of that for her, that and the fact that for all of her braying about how hard she works, she doesn't actually have a work ethic to speak of.
No. 496698
>looks at all the bigger well known cosplayers, whose cosplays are more extravagant then momos, who get booked at more cons then momo who have signifigant othersWho is she trying to play? The reason you're alone momo is because you're a shitty person hands down. Men only want to use you as a fuck buddy and thats it.
Also, midterm season just passed and she hasn't said shit about them. Oh wait, wasn't she traveling go mexico during that time? Keep up with your lies girl.
No. 496700
>>496641So dumb. ‘Missing out on my 20’s’. Isn’t she 21/22? She is traveling to places which is what many people WANT to do when they’re this young. Her ‘job’ is dressing up. She doesn’t have to necessarily do any hard work. If she played it right she would have a constant flow of cash for years but she can’t do that right. You can ABSOLUTELY have a relationship while constantly traveling but she doesn’t know how to do that which is why she’s whining.
I think she’s having travel fatigue (she’s only gone to two places this month hasn’t she? I forgot—Mexico, Texas?) on top of her linguistics midterms, eating right and getting sick gains at the gym.
No. 496703
>>496696Jessica Nigri capitalized on the viral photos of her which helped start her off but even she had to ultimately clean up her act to get to where she is. She commissioned a lot in the beginning and people called her out for it so she took the time to learn and better her craft. Yeah her boyfriend still makes some of her stuff but she isn't just laying on her ass. Jessica Nigri has had her share of controversy and she learned by now keeping to herself. When was the last time you saw Nigri start beef with anyone publicly or call someone out or doxx them? I can't even remember. Meanwhile Mariah is always stirring up drama even though she always claims to be AVOIDING it. Jessica even learned to separate her private life from her public life. I don't even know what she ate for dinner last night! Meanwhile Mariah the attention whore posts about every little thing in her life to the point I know what her meals were for the entire week.
All in all, for someone trying to dethrone Jessica Nigri she sure is going about it the wrong way.
No. 496708
>>496703The incredible thing is Moo's too stupid to realize that if she wasn't so fucking lazy and entitled, she could be doing better so much better than she is right now, she had the perfect chance. Her Samus pictures went viral enough to get her attention and a decent following. If she had just maintained her weight and shut her mouth, she could have kept on like that and would probably be doing better than she is right now. But she got slobby fat and fucked her body up with lipo, and stirred up too much negativity that now people don't even want to admit it they're fans of hers. Sure Nigri's still got haters, but she does enough clean work and has a good reputation, so it's not outright embarrassing to like her.
But I really think that she believes all these other cosfamous girls have it easy, and even now still believes the job should require less work than it actually does. It's not just laying around and looking hot. We all know that's why she got into cosplaying in the first place. Even after all this time she still believes people are asking too much of her when she goes to more than one con a month and does a couple photoshoots. It's also why she makes all those gross positivity posts about "how she does it ALL FOR YOU GUYS MY GUYS". She really believes she's working her ass off.
No. 496714
>>496708If she did one or two actual cosplays a month she might get her rep back, but she rushes everything buys it, or has someone else make it and doesn't even take it upon herself to correct details to make things accurate.
I don't think she understand that with her OC, no one cares either. People get hot and bothered over characters they have a connection or attraction to because of the source material. She doesn't have a comic like these other OC bitches, any material to make people want to know more about it and what creates a fanbase for a OC. She just figured since everyone else was doing it she could too, but thats so much more different than Hidori and SSS/Bunny. They have had these for a long time and worked on getting the exposure needed to keep patrons on their toes for sets from them. Moo doesn't have anyone on their toes because no one cares about her OC.
TL:DR - Moo doesn't know what marketing is at all
No. 496717
>>496707This is Moo who's ego alone is big enough to have its own gravitational pull.
I'm positive she really does think she's going to be next to Nigri or even surpass her someday. But with all the resources and materials easily avalible to the average cosplayer sex appeal alone isn't what gets you to the top anymore. Some average looking rando can easily make cosplays that compete or surpass "professional cosplayers" with enough time and effort. Nigri and other cos shots realized this fast and they are constantly trying to up their game because of it. But for some reason that isn't sinking in for Moo. She still thinks that if she just shows her tits she can soar to the top like Nigri did 10 years ago without taking into consideration that cons and companies don't want a cosplayer who can do nothing but let her tits and ass hang out of cheap bikinis no matter how many followers on you have.
No. 496718
>>496704Moo is stupid and doesnt pay attention to the actual work Jessica puts into her costumes. She just looks at what she thinks got her famous: sex appeal and being quirky. I think that she thinks that she can start off how Jessica started off ignoring that it was never the 'sexy costumes' that got jessica famous but her 'sexy costumes on a super fit jersey shore lookin girl' that caught the attention of people and then from there she was good at keeping the momentum going.
Moo is literally one of the dime-a-dozen chubby-then fat-now girls in cosplay. There are fatter girls who have been in the game and have been guesting at cons long before she was on the scene. Literally every single one of the things that momo uses as her niche has been done before and better by loads of people which is why she constantly has to try and latch onto something even more niche which is what's driving her into more disgusting nsfw stuff.
If she had gone straight from lacrosse to cosplay then she might have had a chance, both looks wise and she could have been a 'active college sports girl getting into cosplay' could have worked on a niche of cosplaying from sports anime that were really big at the time because she had that sporty body. Even from there she could have let herself go and worked the 'body positivity' angle.
There's a million ways she could have EASILY made it big if she had put in the minimum amount of effort. She just cant help but be a terrible person.
If you look at the people she has fucked up her ties with? So many of them were willing to help her, willing to hoist her up. She ruined friendships with people who she could have even learned really top tier skills from. KBBQ, Nathan, Vamp, Nana, etc. She could have learned how to make armor, sew, all of these things but she's too disgusting a person to put even in that effort to learn anything.
No. 496721
>>496713That post wasn't so bad. It was the trendy thing to do then and I'm sure she posted it for attention and body positivity points. What made me unfollow her immediately was when she started attacking Steff randomly. It was immature of her to start attacking her when Steff made a private post that wasn't even attacking her directly.
She's a child. She could have easily settled whatever beef she had with Steff privately and it would've helped her save face.
I used to believe Mariah was actually a sweet person before this because if you just see her posts you just think she's a quirky, extrovert but when you see her act like this and see other firsthand experiences with her you realize how much of a cunt she is.
Can't believe I used to look up to her.
No. 496725
>>496714I think what Moo is trying to do with her OC is similar to what Nigri did by commissioning Zach Ficscher. She wanted something that would make her stand out. But Nigri was smart and hopped on the trend of designing alternate versions of iconic characters. It guaranteed her cosplay would be one of a kind but still relatable to her audience. And since she was first no matter how many cosplay the same thing it's still seen as Nigri's cosplay and it also looks good on her by allowing everyone to make the same thing.
No one gives a shit about Moo's OC because it's not something they can relate to. If she was part of a DnD pod cast with a decent following (like Critical Role) it would make more sense. Her fans would be able to connect with her character through the podcast episodes and even be able to talk to her about it online and at cons. Without that what is there to seriously like about it unless you have a thing for cows and trashy hillbillies? Nothing.
No. 496727
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>>496725Amusingly Moo ALSO got a Zach Fischer design, of an 'armored' Moana back when Moana was huge with the nerd crowd. Just another instance of aping mommy without following through, as the design was not only ugly, it was too complex for Moo to attempt or commission cheaply.
No. 496729
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No. 496730
>>496727i forgot this was a thing but MAN does it show how much of a hack Zach is. If it's not copying WoW armor he really has no idea what he's doing
>>496725nah Moo is just jumping in and copying the other costhots that have mascots. The issue is they all have OCs that are based off of how they look irl. Susu, Bunny, Tenleid and Tasha all have mascots but they're based off of their actual looks whereas moo hates how she looks so she just copied the Milk Party cow
No. 496731
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No. 496737
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She’s going over info for Portland in her instastory, nothing too interesting except for…..
she is bringing her mom AND dad to Portland with her
“Mama momo and papa momo will be coming with me to Portland as well if you’d wanna meet them. have my dad crush your skull with his muscles”
No. 496742
>>496738It's always so embarrassing to see her lined up with actual cosplayers. Really shows how awful her quality is.
She really is quantity over quality when it comes to cosplay.
No. 496744
>>496737Man. She really is a loser. She doesn’t have anyone she can drag along with her other her parents. And it’s not like they are a huge part of her cosplay career or anything like that like maybe being her manager or something.
It’s that she is such a loser and toxic individual that she doesn’t have any friends she could invite. She burned every bridge imaginable and is now stuck dragging her parents along with her.
No. 496748
>>496737So once again he's choosing something inane of Jessica's to copy. Jessica takes her parents to cons with her every once in a while.
I'm also convinced it's because she thinks no one will come for her if her parents are there
No. 496753
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No. 496754
>>496747Didn’t she say her parents were having financial troubles and that she totally bailed them out (Which by the way, was a completely disgusting thing to talk about publicly for sympathy points)? I doubt her parents pay for anything for her.
>>496748I’m of that mind too. Maybe she thinks by having her parents around, people will be less inclined to call her out or come at her.
No. 496755
>>496740it's her existing shitty fat sculpt + filter and pose. the only people who think she actually haa body fat low enough for abs are her neckbeards who have never seen their own dick and fat women who desperately want to believe fatties can have visible muscle.
we literally just saw shes a flabby mishapen mess in Mexico in her candids so idk how people are so easily fooled lmao
No. 496763
>>496745Mariah Mallad is a third date cosplayer with fourth rate cosplays.
The only reason why anyone thinks she's a cosplayer is because she makes it look like she puts work into her cosplays by posting other people's progress and by saying she ~helped~. She's cosplayed for 3 years and yet her skills haven't grown. The only thing that's grown is her gut and ego.
No. 496772
>>496727I like to believe that Zach made this design ugly, complex and to top it off covering most of her body on purpose just as a fuck you to momo. When you compare it to the push up bikini edgy tiddy armor designs he normally produces it's just hilarious to think about.
>>496738That is a Royal Thot Flush right there.
No. 496774
>>496731ugh those "abs" of hers look like they're made out of butter. how can anyone honestly believe for a second that she's a "thicc" and not just plain obese???
i mean yeah sure she lifts (her fork to shovel food into her mouth) but….
No. 496783
>>496753What happened to "free" photo ops?
It's sad if anyone pays that much money to take a picture with her. She's a nobody. Plus with how cock hungry she's been I'm sure any neckbeard has a shot at porking her.
No. 496797
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>>496793i was about to say the same thing. i think she might go for stage 2 since stage 1 is a complete bodysuit and we know damn well she ain't wearing a bodysuit (pic is stage 2)
No. 496808
>>496783She's thirsty but she probably has "standards," kinda like how an overweight pimply neckbeard would rate a normie girl 2/10 for not having perfect facial symmetry.
She thinks she's above the only people who would actually fuck her when really anyone above a 5 would be repulsed by her
No. 496810
>>496797If she is gonna make this, or have her slaves make it, then it’s gonna look like one hot mess! I can’t wait!
>>496804Holy shit is this what she looked like before??? She really did fuck herself over with trying to be “cosfamous”
No. 496814
>>496600I love how she hasn't even addressed this yet. Fucking Mariah Mallad threw Krissy under the bus for her own decisions. Whether she was actually raped or not, the fact that she threw Krissy under the bus so that Nathan doesn't ruin her name or go tattling on mama Nigri is just pathetic.
Such a perfect role model
No. 496826
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>>496594Sorry I'm late but I had to drop this. There are lots of posts where she talks shit about Mariah. She's obviously just using moo or is dumber than moo to fall for her lies and flip sides so easily. 20 weeks isn't THAT long ago…
No. 496835
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No. 496837
>>496835See, this is what I meant earlier by this idiot documenting every five seconds of her pathetic life and why it's obvious proof as to why she isn't really in school.
She lies as much as the other cows on pt.
No. 496841
>>496835yeah i know moo, partying can really wear a girl out
oh and i guess you took some photos too
No. 496848
>>496428Damn, I know I'm late to this, but she's lost roughly 300 patreon followers over all in what… roughly five months? That's a pretty huge drop considering she's sitting at around 700 right now.
>>496645Honestly, I'm typically one to believe someone if they cry rape, but the way she went about the whole thing is super shady…
No. 496857
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Nice another """friend"""" with low self esteem. Sorry its cut weird but 1/2
No. 496858
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>>4968572/2. I like how this chick literally met her for 5 seconds
No. 496864
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No. 496865
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No. 496867
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No. 496868
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No. 496869
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No. 496870
>I look up to cosplayers like her mainly because I would love to get to their skill of crafting level…Fucking kek. What crafting level? You mean the shit ton of cosplays she commissions from people with actual talent?
This is what I mean people. Some people are fucking blind and don't read that she commissions EVERYTHING and believe she's some sort of crafting goddess.
Mariah's entire career has been made by stealing other people's work.
No. 496872
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Sorry for this upcoming flood
No. 496873
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No. 496874
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No. 496875
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No. 496877
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her face is a different color
No. 496878
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No. 496879
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No. 496883
Anyone else noticing how
>>496857 reads almost EXACTLY like
>>496594Moo much straight up have a checklist she's giving to these people
>Mention that they totally 'got to know her' after a short period of time (usually under 1 day)>Specifically say that her 'stealing art, being racist, doxing people' isnt true>Double down on how SWEET and NICE she is>Mention how pulling old tweets is totally petty>emphasize that people should meet her before judging herThere's too much in common for these to be 'legitimate'
The other option being that moo has a practiced speech she tells people when she meets them that brings all this stuff up and she words it in a way for idiotic saps to eat it up.
No. 496884
>>496857Also these thots and the whole "meet someone before you judge them" speak is getting old. People have met Mariah. It's not even like lolcow is filled with people who have never met her. Heck, with all the insider shit that's been posted here, I'm pretty certain even her friends and former friends are on here. That should say something. SSS, Bunny, kbbq, Nana, Yanderejane, Ohnips, and many others who actually spent a lot of time with her and likely know her better than anyone else dropped her. Is that not enough proof of her being a terrible person?
Why don't you fucking leeches spend some time with her instead of meeting her at a con for 5 minutes or just for a photoshoot?? I'm sure then you guys will find out a lot of shitty crap about her.
I mean come on. She even lies to her own friends. Like when they all thought lipo was public knowledge because that's what Mariah told them. Or the recent proof of her throwing Krissy under the bus!
The bitch is twisted!!!
No. 496894
>>496884I was just about to post something similar to this. Many of us here have met and seen Mariah at cons and can personally attest to how loud, ignorant, and rude this bitch is. Hell, you don't even have to be an "insider" to see how fucking entitled she acts at cons and for her to leave a shitty impression on you.
If it was just a small group of jealous bitches trying to spread false rumors then Moo WOULD NOT HAVE 50+ THREADS. There would be nothing to back up the claims and the rumors would die out. But that isn't the case. She's treated way too many people like shit both on and offline, and burned way too many bridges for all there "rumors" to not be true.
Some people need to wake the fuck up.
No. 496906
>>496864>>496868>>496872>>496875you lumpy disfigured fucking creature
the crop top still blows my mind, and then even to go through the effort to unzip it to expose even more of her completely mangled body.
Also she looks a SOLID 250 in all of these pictures. bless whoever took these tbh
No. 496909
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No. 496917
>>496868She wore that jacket on the plane trip down there and the first night, on their tour/"hike" out in the sun all day, and on her sick day. She also wore it like a day before she left in a workout video. I know we all know by now she wears whatever new piece of clothing she got mtiple days in a row but god she really has to smell.
>>496864Those filthy leggings lol. She's so sloppy.
No. 496918
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Guess she couldn't deal with people talking about her fake abs and deleted her recent post
No. 496922
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Her ass is a lumpy square, we always joke about how the front of her thigh looks like more of an ass than her ass but fuck….it’s 1,000% true
No. 496923
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No. 496924
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No. 496925
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No. 496930
>>496925>>496835"I'm missing out on my 20's!"
as she gets sushi for the 10th time this month after spending a day at the spa
Most 20-somes can maybe afford to do sushi/spa once every couple months
No. 496931 apparently wizard world is a scummy, scammy con. The reason why you have to pay for autographs is to cover the costs they put in to book these guests to begin with which means that someone at wizard world thought that it would be worth it to actually pay for moo to come over there hoping to get that cost covered by autograph sessions
Can't wait to see the stories from this con because it's going to be a ghost town and if moo doesn't upload anything, we'll know why.
No. 496935
>>496922I was just about to post this. Her anatomy is so out of whack that you can't even tell which lumps are what part of her body anymore. Is it a love handle, part of her butt, who knows, but it's all kinds of wonky.
>>496931I've seen people complain about the cost of Wizard World and the prices it costs to meet actual celebrities. I can't imagine she's going to be making them very much money if they really did pay her up front.
No. 496970
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Take a s e a t
No. 496980
>>496970Is she really pulling the “If this person were a true fan of this character, they wouldn’t act like this” bullshit? When she acts like a total cunt to everyone and portrays every character she cosplays as a cock hungry slut?
Go sit the fuck down someone Moomoo. This literally applies to you as well.
No. 496986
>>496970B…but Mariah you're the same exact way. This person is literally you.
And if YOU were a huge fan of fate like you claim you would be making the cosplays yourself to show your dedication and you wouldn't have done Saber dirty by fucking doing tasteless ~Lewds~.
>>496957Apparently that's exactly what she does when she meets people. She's super defensive. Like girl if all of the rumors about you were untrue, there wouldn't be 50+ threads. I understand if people ask but seems like people aren't even asking. When I became acquainted with Jessica Nigri she didn't start off with 'hi I'm Jessica, oh by the way all the rumors aren't true and I'm a super duper sweet person!!' Who the fuck does that?
Only people who have something to hide do that because they don't want people to do their own research and find out the truth.
If Mariah was so confident in her innocence she should just link everyone to lolcow and tell people to read everything starting from the first thread.
Jessica Nigri who is many times more well known than she is and someone who has had her share of drama doesn't even have that many threads!!! And Nana who is also a plus sized cosplayer with a huge following doesn't have threads like these either. And before she does the whole 'you guys are just jealous because I got famous fast!!' spiel again, Hendoart, Kawaiiqueentsun, Aru.rinh… are just some examples of people who have also gained popularity quickly and don't have threads full of ~haters~.
No. 496989
>>496923Bitching about us pointing out your sushi/pho/kbbq binges and ~artful~ spa photos eh?
>>496924Sheena only gets away with it because Mr Noodle is a(n adorable) murder weapon, Moo. Plus unlike Guzma, she seems to take good care of him and involves him in a lot of her bullshit.
No. 496993
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Fanart of Moo found while scrolling through her Twitter, don't know if anyone shared.
No. 496998
>>496923no one is making you feel guilty about self care. Please take a shower, wash your hair, face, being a drunkard. Please for the love of god, take a fuckin shower.
>>496995Being attracted to Momokun is beastiality, even if she isn't dressed as a sheep
No. 497002
>>497001But anon, clearly the VN game has all SORTS or rape and harassment, so its okay!
Her mental gymnastics make no sense to me..
No. 497008
>>496970If she was into lolita, she would probably be the type of person to say that unless you act like a 1950s housewife, you shouldn't wear lolita because its not in a 'lolita's character to be mean'.
She hates gatekeeping, but she's gatekeeping. The person is an asshole and I'm pretty sure I saw the actual post via Tumblr a few days ago. She girl was generous with her $800 offer and the girl flipped out. She wanted full armor, full everything done, but for like $100. Sounds JUST like Moo, but it isn't Moo.
No. 497011
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No. 497013
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>>497011also posted to twitter??
No. 497015
>>497013>>497011Trying hard to push home the fact she's sick, despite crushing tequila all night after ditching her "work" in Mexico.
Even if she is sick, it's obvious she only cares if it gets in the way of her fun. So I don't feel any sympathy.
No. 497017
>>497011You can take the pills with you and if its ONCE A DAY.. Jesus. She's fucking lazy. So lazy she can't even take medicine, but has time to get high all hours of the day and do nothing, but bitch. She wants fucking handouts, or she is legit trying to rake in those last few dollars on Patreon or her store before the end of the month. Enjoy you possible $300 bill for going to the UC facility, Moo.
She honestly went from eating okay-ish to shoving pho and mountains of sushi down her throat. She's probably not getting the vitamins she needs plus no sleep.. Girl. You aren't taking care of yourself and unless you have other things going on that could be anxiety or stress and you are having episodes, don't you dare accept something like xanax, you self-diagnosing idiot.
No. 497018
>>497011i think a couple people are misreading the tweet.
she's not saying she doesn't have time to take meds, she's saying she wants the doctor to force meds down her throat she can get better quicker because she doesn't have time to be sick
No. 497020
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No. 497030
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Such donation
No. 497033
>>496986>>496957Kind of off-topic but honestly Mariah is just Ashberbee with money. They both do this shit upon meeting new people, make shitty costumes, fat but think they're sexy, sexualize things that make no sense, has gross ass fanfics, have no idea what they're doing with makeup, fucked up their hair, act like toddlers that throw tantrums in public and think they're more popular than they really are.
The difference is only one of them has taken a break from social media. Mariah should consider doing the same to save what little reputation that she has left.
No. 497034
>>497023like why would Mariah stream it literally makes no sense. inb4 she never gets off her ass to actually do it or streams once.
if it was vamp who wanted to do something like this do you think momo would ~dedicate her time? kek
No. 497035
>>497019no she says
"i don't have time SO force drugs down my throat"
"i don't have time TO force drugs down my throat"
it's either a typo or she's hoping meds will be an easy quick fix
No. 497037
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oh good, red eyes and yellow wig month
No. 497041
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>>497020sounds like a steaming fresh pile of bullshit to me. If kinpatsu wants to go to blizzcon she could EASILY earn the money herself. Why would momo be the one earning the money? Also if momo is such a 'sweet person' who wants this cosplayer to go to the con why would she not pay for her herself and then brag about how 'giving and caring' she is?
Also if she wanted to help her get to the con why not suggest people buy stuff from her store or back her patreon?
I'm half convinced moo is doing this because kinpatsu is friends with Jessica and moo has ruined her friendships with every other connection to jessica.
Notes about Kinpatsu:
>Has almost 26k followers on twitter, 180~k on fb, 238k on insta>has almost 700 patrons.>Not a costhot. From what I can see she never does boudoir work>Her patreon is 100% 'cosplay'. Her rewards consist of tutorials and write ups. Prints and fansigns for the higher tiers>Also has a storenvy where you can buy 3d models and patterns for cosplays>She has surpassed the patreon goal she set up to make cosplay her fulltime job and is at 92% for doing a 'location shoot every month'I include all of this to say: There is NO reason she would need to or have asked momo to stream for her. Can someone with an account they dont care about ask kinpatsu if she's okay with this? Does that count as tipping because my concern atm is that if momo runs off with the money or something then Kinpatsu is the one who's going to look bad.
Reminding everyone that Momo has a history of ,not only scamming charity drives, but also running off and lying about stream funding. She used to stream herself and ask for funding to go to AX but would edit the amount lower between streams so it looked like she hadnt made as much.
No. 497043
>>497020i bet this went on behind the scenes
moo: i can't wait to get drunk and being annoying as i orbit around you at blizzcon, kinpatsu!
panics, thinking quickly oh… ummm… i-i'm actually not going to blizzcon…
moo: why not?
thinking frantically for a believable excuse oh because i can't afford it!
starts fundraising No. 497046
It's obvious she only does these things so people can start thinking good of her. Ironically it makes me think of her as being worse since she has to buy her friends. It's quite pathetic.
Also why does she never do these things for her BEST FRIEND Vamp??? Instead she treats her like her kitty day care and has her watching all her cats while she gets drunk off her ass.
No. 497047
File: 1521920546198.png (42.88 KB, 557x711, shedunneedmomo.png)

>>497041samefagging to add that if kinpatsu got desperate enough to really want to go to blizzcon and needed money I'm sure there are hundreds of cosplayers that would throw hundreds or even thousands at her for commissions or even a finished cosplay she already wore if the measurements were close enough.
Also after making the post i realized that this already makes Kinpatsu look bad because I feel like this looks more like she asked momo to do this for her so it makes her look like gross rather than momo trying to suck up to a real cosplayer
>>497043Not at all. Kinpatsu DOES have a donation drive going on from over a week ago to get to blizzcon. She's more than halfway to her goal in 10 days. That is to double down on there's no reason she needs momo's help to get this done. She's 100% doing it to either steal money from a good cause or as
>>497046 said to look better.
No. 497048
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No. 497049
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No. 497055
>>497048>I'm dying so I'm gonna take a videoShe's so hungry for attention.
>>497049If she was so sick that she needed to go to the hospital, why is she taking fucking videos?
No. 497056
>>497053They would give her meds if it was bad enough but if they only gave her a cough drop then she was being stupid and she wasted money going there.
But wasting money seems to be her main habit.
No. 497057
>>497041Im sure she didn't ask. Kin has been trying to get donations for it for over a week now and has been using ko-fi and the appeal of her sharing your donation through her Instastories. Moo is literally, like you said, only doing this because of Jessica. To try and get in that circle again I think. She hasn't been seen with her for a while and with her grabbing bottom barrel girls, I can see why she is freaking out. Losing patrons, people not liking your ugly face in actual cosplay without tits and ass. Like come on. This is not about Kinpatsu. Moo is making it all about her. Even with the 'oopsies I shared the wrong link, but you can't tell it was me because the name says fatefan123'.
She's transparent as fuck and Kinpatsu not denying the extra money shows she's kind of selfish and willing to take the money. She doesn't even have a goal sign or anything showing how far she is from reaching the target. Both as being sketchy. That wolf shoot never even went up for donations either. I don't trust Moo with money for one second.
No. 497062
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>>497059Looks like strep (again…..?). Wtf is she doing lmao
No. 497065
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No. 497069
File: 1521924521811.jpeg (194.72 KB, 750x574, 394911EA-E0A6-43D9-91DE-E631C6…)

why is she acting like she’s literally dying
No. 497073
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No. 497075
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No. 497076
>>497055Because it's not personal. Just like her mom's dna shit wasnt.
Reminder her course load is.
No. 497079
>>497003On one hand, she doesn't have to do Camilla/Corrin photoshoots if she doesn't want to. On the other, she doesn't even get Camilla's character to start with since she calls her "my little psycho ~" and completely "forgets" why she is like that (Hint: she had a horrible past and is "siscon" to Corrin because of it.)
So LOL at both parts from here, but double LOL at Mariah for being a fucking hypocrite and not knowing anything about the charas she "cosplays".
No. 497080
>>497041Kinpatsu was saying that taxes in her country fuck her over and she doesn't really make much of a profit after taxes
she streams pretty regularly though and isn't the type to ask for help when she's more than capable to raise money on her own as shown
No. 497082
>>497074Because as we have seen time and time again Mariah treats people differently if she can use them or if they have a bigger following than her. However, she will treat them like shit once she gets what she needs from them.
Example: she copied SSS's ideas like her slogan and POV shoots and used her to retweet her photos and as soon as she starts making more money she tossed her aside and treated her like shit.
Another example: she was all lovey dovey with Vamp in the beginning but as soon as people with cosfame started talking to her she started to neglect Vamp and now Vamp feels unappreciated.
Here's another recent example: she basically told Krissy that Nathan Deluca raped her but when Krissy told people about it she threw Krissy under the bus and tried to make her look like she was crazy!!!
Mariah the Manipulator Mallad everyone
No. 497097
>>497094I know she did, but she toned down her crazy after her nasty fanfics came to light.
While nothing absolutely disgusting that Mariah does will make her tone down her crazy.
No. 497098
>>497082More examples:
Used KBBQ to make props for her and to lige the weeb dream if having an asian boy toy. As soon as he didn’t want to have a relationship she drags him through the mud.
She also used Nomisphotos for shoots and also for asian boy toy dream and again, shit talked him when he didnt want to continue a relationship.
No. 497106
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No. 497107
>>497106she spoils shit all the time
i hope someone spoils whatever db shit shes behind on
No. 497114
File: 1521945667769.png (2.3 MB, 750x1334, CA94E015-8B0E-4D56-AE83-33D940…)

she’s doing a live watch/reaction to the newest dbsuper episode on insta
No. 497116
File: 1521946061116.gif (5.67 MB, 337x600, 50DF4C39-76D8-4E37-A7C1-FC52E3…)

>>497114muh fan engagement
No. 497119
>>496930that shit
triggers me so hard
i haven't been able to go to a con in a year and conside a week fun if i can go to target and buy some cheap makeup, she gets to travel all over the fucking place and party while having the easiest job
she's such an oblivious cunt
(no one cares) No. 497136
>>497135Yeah she's not dragging Vamp to places anymore and it can't be because she's busy with work or something because while Mariah was in Mexico, Vamp was just chilling at home according to what she posted on social media during that time.
I think either Vamp is done with her and wants to keep a distance or Mariah is ditching her for her more ~popular~ friends.
Again nothing is confirmed until someone posts about it but it's the only conclusion is can come up with since Mariah used to drag Vamp everywhere.
No. 497140
File: 1521968222286.jpg (Spoiler Image,116.28 KB, 544x578, Screenshot_20180325-015524.jpg)

What I don't understand how is she vaping when she has strep throat. I currently have strep and my god I cannot even swallow my own spit. But man she looks so haggard. Her vagina eyes are at 110% Here
No. 497187
>>497160I doubt she c
Leans it.
>>497170Yes. Moo was supposed to as well but idk, she's lazy
No. 497195
>>497187Hmmm that whole situation seems fishy. It seems like something must have really happened between them and the whole moving out situation was an alibi. They probably started fighting a lot. Vamp was apparently living rent free so I can imagine Mariah going off on her for being a haggard leech and Vamp taking offense to that. But I don't think Vamp was kicked out because if that was the case she would have given us a lot of milk. Mariah is likely trying to play it safe with Vamp since she has A LOT of damaging evidence against her. Or wants to avoid doxxing anymore people with all the backlash she's gotten for doxxing multiple people now.
Time to wait and see….
No. 497206
>>497195Moo wanted her to get rid of the new cat (namine?), Even though everyone in the world knows guzma is the problem due to moos raising him
She said she'd just move out and finally did
I don't follow her on media, but I'm not surprised she was playing cat/house sitter
No. 497209
File: 1521996765453.png (1.05 MB, 1334x750, IMG_7600.PNG)

Jessica Nigri was in howtobasic's new video (along with our very own Onision). Made me realize that the screaming and the "quirkiness" were both things that Mariah tends to do in all of her videos. It really proves how hard Mariah is trying to be like Nigri. Mariah needs to learn to be original and get her own personality. I literally cringed watching Nigri in the video because it just reminded me of everything Mariah posts.
She's really trying hard to wear Nigri's skin. I even noticed that her recent fashion choose of wearing "work out" clothes is the same thing that Jessica does. Even when she had her lumberjack flannel phase, it was also something Jessica started wearing at the time!!! She's just a tryhard.(nigri has her own thread)
No. 497220
File: 1521998405685.png (Spoiler Image,327.69 KB, 381x898, 20180325_121732.png)

From Katsu, I think that butt gap is the real reason she didn't wear forest in Mexico. Everyone would be able to see how she can't fill it out in the booty
No. 497238
>>497142Something tells me you don't read the whole thread before commentating
See ->>>497062
No. 497253
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No. 497257
>>497253god, that pose makes her look as if she has terrible scoliosis
>>497238you seem to have missed the point of
>>497142. I'd find it an amusing form of poetic justice for her new calves to immediately catch the plague from her
No. 497266
File: 1522005833555.jpg (61.4 KB, 640x645, 1521097499618.jpg)

>>497262>pic relatedthe point was it'll be funny to watch her calves get the plague from her, not to debate whether she actually has it. anon probably didn't read the thread too carefully but that's not the point of the post in the first place.
No. 497270
>>497265Tru. Farmhands/admins, we love you dearly, but that really was about Maria.
>>497262 pls no bulli
>>497262It'd be so like her to fake a doctor's visit though…
I believe it's real but if there was anyone to make up a diagnosis for brownie points/not having to go to a con, it'd definitely be her.
No. 497317
>>497306Someone told me that at ALA she was just standing outside with her Roadhog. That in itself isn't weird, but she was standing there for HOURS literally just swinging her chain and waiting for people to come take pictures of her. I couldn't believe someone would be that sad, friendless, and pathetic.
She'll probably do the same thing at SakuraCon kek
No. 497324
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No. 497326
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>collars are fun
No. 497327
File: 1522023639587.jpeg (88.27 KB, 750x250, 9676AE70-A387-46C1-AFB8-2D7C9A…)

>>497326many collabs with her many friends who take such good care of her
No. 497330
>>497329someone said hellboy earlier… so maybe that?
is she seriously gonna do hellboy lmfao
No. 497333
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No. 497334
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No. 497351
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>>497340also her poor mother seems so confused
No. 497359
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Happened to catch this. Yikes.
No. 497385
File: 1522036138161.png (204.77 KB, 597x455, reminder.png)

>>497380Just so you guys can see what it says when you pledge also. Surprised this hasn't changed too considering only physical rewards are in the $100s. According to
>>497359 doesn't even bother with double the amount.
No. 497387
File: 1522036290913.png (227.7 KB, 361x469, trash.png)

No. 497388
File: 1522036305575.png (217.39 KB, 377x552, trash 2.png)

The tail is for Android.
No. 497389
File: 1522036327165.png (Spoiler Image,433 KB, 750x500, trash 3.png)

Gotta spoil this one. There is so much editing.
No. 497392
File: 1522036357074.png (23.49 KB, 355x254, trash 4.png)

No. 497395
File: 1522036871050.png (14.29 KB, 80x105, 1522036327165.png)

hello darkness my old friend
No. 497400
>>497389This is just wow… She really went downhill. I remember like 2 years ago when she started she used to be all "I don't need to be a slut to make it in cosplay. I'll just become famous with my skills and personality!!"
Now she's just…. ugh. Where do I start? There's nothing wrong with doing sexy stuff in all honesty. I've considered doing some myself since I'm low on cash. What bothers me is her flip flopping. With people like SSS it's fine to have your primary products to be "Lewds" since SSS's whole concept is to be like those Japanese gravure idols. For someone like Mariah who tries so hard to be taken seriously as a cosplayer this is frustrating to see. Like many anons have also added, her "skills" haven't improved at all since she started, yet she parades around on social media and at cons like she has even a fraction of the talent some of her associates have.
What's worse is she doesn't even correct people. I've been keeping watch on how she reacts when people compliment her armor work (aka Kbbq and Keintastic's armor work) or sewing work (aka Cat's sewing work) and she NEVER bothers to correct people. The only time she does is when people ask her where she got the pieces.
It's just wrong that she continues to take credit for the works of others.
Did people not watch that Black Widow disaster on Facebook???? It's so clear she's never ever touched a piece of craft foam in her life!
No. 497406
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on her story showing off a shirt for “monika” (it has to be monika from doki doki unless someone else can think of another one) she’s finished dying it and said she’s going to sew lines across to give it the texture. The only think is on doki dokis monika shes obviously wearing a sweater vest?
No. 497407
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>>497406pic related if this actually is what she’s using this for
No. 497411
File: 1522038974475.png (4.77 MB, 750x1334, E0B20775-EC87-4064-9592-5A559C…)

She also said besides SEWING in the lines she’s going to weather the T-shirt to make it more dark orange
wig for someone, hopefully not monika because wrong color…possibly hellboy? no one on the list has black hair
No. 497415
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No. 497416
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shooting with vamp tomorrow
No. 497422
>>497389They did so much shoop and yet there's still marks all over her ass.
>>497406How is she this stupid? It's a sweatervest. That bright orange is going to look so stupid. But you know she HAS to list "undershirt dyed and altered by me!!" because the rest of the uniform is coming straight from Amazon-kun.
No. 497423
>>497415who else cant wait to see how shitty her bodypaint/makeup is?
Eric vegas is a 'video director' who does really cringy overly editted/produced videos
Maglirisphotography is who shot her stocking shoot and seems to overshoop everything.
No. 497429
>>497406God this is gonna come out sooooooo bad! She could easily buy the whole outfit on Aliexpress if she wanted to. Fuck, it would even look better than the trash she making.
>>497411This looks more like Brigitte?? Just how it looks. Still wrong color wig. This girl is dumb as shit
No. 497431
>>497416What about that contagious strAp throat
So considerate
No. 497432
>>497430>weathering a shirtwhy….
is weathering the only thing she knows lol
No. 497434
>>497406>>497407She lives on Amazon/eBay and couldn't find a rust orange vest or dye a white/cream one
Color me surprised.
No. 497436
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>>497435She's going to force Vamp to paint her…I can see it…
No. 497443
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No. 497445
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No. 497449
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not too relevant but apparently she has a kimono Mei we haven’t seen
No. 497458
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What an ugly bitch… how is she only 22
No. 497459
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No. 497461
File: 1522049258156.png (926.14 KB, 750x750, patreon.png)

>>497457She never did it, but I was just looking at it the other day too. There are a few things she didn't do for a lot of months. That month she dropped over 150 patrons. She hypes this shut up, can't get the stuff out or the quality [as always] isn't good enough and people leave. She's gotta be sweating.
No. 497465
File: 1522049666531.gif (4.11 MB, 270x480, 293B469C-66BA-4559-899E-02B23C…)

talk about your hair but make sure you have the tiddy out. she’s talking about how she finally figured out how the viral color shampoo works (it’s like all other shampoos moo, you turned yours purple last time because you bought it instead of purple toning shampoo.)
No. 497466
>>497387This makes me irrationally mad, I collect her figures and Moo just looks awful as her.
And she had the gall to complain about a Saber cosplayer being out of character?
And don't even get me started on the wig she uses. she loves her "thicc baby" so much but can't even shell out a couple more dollars to get a chibi style wig from arda.
She would destroy it by "styling" it anyways though.
No. 497471
>>497466Go figure someone who likes Pochacho is here posting in the Moo thread, fat fetishists are weird.
>>497359The fact that while perusing all his choices on Patreon that 1. He chose this fat bitch 2. He chose to spend 100 dollars on her is just gross and sad. What is wrong with the weirdos that like her? It's so easy to research her and instantly see she's unreliable before you drop 100 bux, but I guess guys like that can't think past their shriveled chafed dongs.
No. 497472
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No. 497474
File: 1522055956198.png (938.5 KB, 1080x1400, 20180326_051759.png)

jesus fucking christ
No. 497475
Man her hypocrisy kills me
>>497471>fat fetishistI'm a girl (with bad taste) who just likes cute figures, don't project.
And man am I tired of obese woman not putting any effort into cosplaying Pochaco/Sonico because they think being fat is enough to pass. COUGHmooCOUGH.
No. 497477
>>497472Because your declining followers means you're flourishing, right moo?
It's unbelievable how much she lacks self awareness. People may always hate her but she could easily fix the actual problems people hate her for and make this quote actually true, but she must enjoy festering in her mediocrity.
With her current trajectory, I'm going to give her a year
No. 497511
File: 1522065993771.jpg (61.09 KB, 520x442, (((.jpg)

>>497476You don't get psoriasis from your hairdresser, Moo
That's comes from genetics, unlike your calorie intake
Perhaps if she went with "contact dermatitis" it might have been believable
And there are experimental treatments aside from swimming with salmon retreats for dealing with psoriasis
One is an injection but it takes its toll on your immune system even though it'll get rid of the psoriasis mostly, if not completely
But we all just know she got a fucked up scalp from the treatments
No. 497517
>>497430Oh my god that's even worse. What the hell is she thinking? It's so obviously a knit sweater west and this dumb bitch is cutting open a t shirt and painting it. How can anyone be this retarded after 3 years of cosplaying? If anything, her costumes just keep on getting more haggard. She's so goddamn lazy that instead of learning how to sew she's doing these ridiculous alterations to clothes she buys, and because she's a cheap bitch she buys the most inexpensive option that doesn't fit the source at all. Where's that incredible eye for detail she claimed to have?
>>497359Just as a side note her patreon pledges are expensive as fuck. Most people have $1, $5, $10, $20 available and maybe a few slots of $50 but hers are insanely priced compared to the return of investment her patrons get. It's no wonder she lost 100 pledges from February, and it's undoubtedly going to take another dip at the end of the month when people are made to think twice if they want to renew their payments.
No. 497533
File: 1522072541560.png (Spoiler Image,843.98 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180326-145423.png)

>>497389>>497389The stains (?) on the floor make this look like a still from a piss/squirt porn video.
Also lol she's doing the fake ass spread with her hands and still has NOTHING there.
No. 497534
File: 1522074408620.jpeg (126.78 KB, 1239x409, BE584FCC-D11B-4D52-8BD2-46098E…)

So is she graduating or not? She mentions just sleeping for a year after may. I’d be surprised if she’s actually graduating and getting a degree.
Also her mom liked the post.
No. 497564
>>497559How would they know? Seriously, Mariah lies about literally everything and has already proven that she isn't in school. Her parents seem oblivious to half of the shit that she does online.
For example, showing her bootyhole and vag lips to the world. I doubt they even know that she got naked for Valentine's Day. She could easily lie to them about school.
Her mom seems blind to 90% of what she does anyway.
No. 497565
>>497564because moo was in school before her cosplay career so she would have used her parents for financial aid. also, in the US even if you're an independent you need to cite your parent's income till you're 24 to get financial aid. so unless she told them she was paying herself, they will get notice.
anyway, we already put the school shit to rest. she's not in school, no one is going for her, she's not paying anyone to go and she's not taking online classes.
moo's not smart, she just thinks that she is, she also doesn't ever think of consequences for her lying. the only reason she's mentioning 'taking a break' is because she can get out of the school lie easily.
No. 497571
>>497565Wouldn't be surprised if her parents were in on the lie because she gives them money. She was probably like "mommy if you want me to keep giving you my money, you need to lie for me."
She got caught lying way too much about school and other things at this point that she really can't blame people for not believing her. Ffs a lot of us thought she wouldn't get lipo and thought it was a conspiracy theory and it all got confirmed!!!
No. 497573
>>497569also this. wtf is up with this thread? did everyone just wait on /pt/ and miss all of the threads in /snow/?
No. 497579
>>497572God this gets worse every time I see it. It really does look like explosive diarrhea all over her body and her tits are sagging like crazy. They're well below her elbow.
>>497571I really doubt her parents are in on the lie. It's easier for her to let them in on the truth and just not tell them that she's bullshitting people online about school. So my bet is that her parents know she dropped out but what they don't know is that she's lying to her followers about it.
No. 497582
>>497580Same haha. She seems really delusional about the way that she looks. She seems to mentally still be at her old weight even though she's nowhere near it the way she keeps yoyo-ing with her eating habits.
She seems to think that all she needs to lose weight is exercise two times a week, not diet. She's not consistent with her weight or her lipo recoveries whatsoever which is why she has a lumpy looking body.
No. 497598
File: 1522087626432.jpeg (79.14 KB, 750x237, 0A5B1F65-13EF-451A-B1A3-B0C440…)

oh boy oh boy, she’s going red
No. 497600
>>497598There is no way in hell that even a full body contoured bodypaint and makeup should take 4 hours especially if it's just red. She's not getting any prosthetics done cept for maybe the horns so????
Maximum it should take 2 hours. Yes even for this massive cow.
No. 497608
File: 1522089369695.png (16.59 KB, 635x178, 4b22da5704066d0188e71991f20a13…)

>>497602That's what I mean though. Even with the most generous estimates. Base color could only take maximum 30 minutes and then even if you give them time for contouring it shouldnt take more than an hour. if this was something where there were precise markings, color variation or multiple prosthetics? then I could understand it but she's blatantly lying.
I tried googling the hellboy makeup and i figured out where she got 4 hours from but she's proving how much of a professional linguistics major she is since the actual makeup time only took about 2 and a half hours with a total 4 hour allowance.
No. 497625
>>497624She's had the Hellboy gauntlet months ago.
She posted a instastory of her terrorizing her cat
No. 497626
>>497625Why does she purchase these things so far ahead and then wait months and months to do anything with it? Its Hellboy, the hardest thing would be the gauntlet, and the nub horns… and she just buys that shit anyway.
Same thing with her Saber chestpiece KBBQ made, she has that for around 5+ months just sitting around.
No. 497627
>>497534So, this is her plan.
When this drama first blew up all she said was that she was a fourth year, and after this current semester all the other classes she needs to graduate, would be on campus. But she didn't want to do that because it would cut into her SO BUSY LIFESTYLE~
So now she's going to imply she's going to take the next year off, but whats really going to happen is that she's never going to mention school again and hope that in the next year everyone forgets and it'll blow over.
Her excuses for not wanting to take those ~on campus~ classes is BS. Which makes it pretty obvious she isn't even taking any classes at all.
No. 497636
File: 1522097324959.jpg (Spoiler Image,232.99 KB, 2896x2896, 20180326_154604.jpg)

I think the only reason some of y'all didn't think it was her was because her arm is covering part of her thigh, she spread out her legs to make them look slimmer but her butt is sad either way
No. 497638
>>497636>all those red spots on her assHow hard is it to just…wash your ass
I can only imagine it's worse after pouring corn syrup on it
No. 497642
>>497627She didn't mention school at all until we brought it back up.
Since I know that you're lurking, hi Mariah! Go see a therapist for your compulsive lying!
No. 497648
>>497646It was just a lie that she said along with her taking "dual majors". Her courses don't exist online and I think one is only for a freshman.
If she really did have dual majors like she idiotically claimed, she wouldn't be flying to Mexico for a vacation, that I can assure you of. Just taking classes for one degree is hard, but fucking two?
Mariah has no idea how fucking stupid she sounds sometimes.
No. 497655
>>497653dont worry dad, its okay the public can see my coochie flaps, since I'M IN SCHOOL!!!
Although according to her, he never approved of her going to buisness school either sooo
No. 497656
>>497642Exactly. I kind of wish whoever told her about midterms on twitter didn't say anything because she didn't mention midterms until after that person said something. She was also out of state both weeks where her midterms should've taken place.
I've taken online classes myself and yeah they're easier than normal classes, but even then you still have to do school work to get decent grades since midterms are still timed.
One of the biggest hints to her going to school being bs is the fact that she lied saying she brings her laptop to cons to do school work and when someone said they never saw her do any school work, she panicked about who leaked the TRUTH. You don't panic like that unless you have something to hide.
No. 497657
>>497654Don't forget her Skype theater classes! What a joke!! My friend is a theater major at a reputable school and she has never seen courses like that!
She's lost all credibility as it is.
No. 497659
>>497654She did? What a cunt. More people need to call her out cause her lies are obvious to everyone except naive idiots.
>>497656Fucking indeed. She also kept trying to find out who the person was and promised "not to attack them". No one believes that shit cause Mariah attacks anyone who speaks out against her.
>>497657I still can't believe that she tried that lie.
No. 497660
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y’all RED-y?
No. 497661
>>497658>>497659And it's even fisher that she started claiming she does school work at cons when she literally documents the whole con on instagram! When she was at ALA anyone who saw her stories knew what she was eating, when she was eating, when she was drinking, what she was drinking, and stuff.
That whole "I do school work at cons my dudes!" was the last nail in the coffin for me because that was just pushing it. Especially when she documents every little thing. It's not even a bad thing to not do school at cons because let's be honest, who actually does? I'm a physics major and even if I have a big workload, I never do it at cons because I'm there to have fun and enjoy myself.
No. 497662
>>497333She's so fucking stupid. Pochao's body doesn't even exist irl and Moo is obese, not just fat.
>>497359Damn, nigga waited almost a month. I hope he/she gets their money back because $100 isn't pocket change.
No. 497663
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>>497660why does she look like the old man devil from hocus pocus
No. 497668
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>>497665left it out because it made the gif too long but here’s the second half for any anons who are curious
No. 497674
>>497660Jesus does she own ANY other clothes???
This has been her outfit for like the past month
No. 497677
>>497674This happens every time she gets a new article of clothing. She'll wear it for a fucking
month. I think it's been two months with those leggings, though.
>>497675She never cared, anon.
No. 497687
>>497672Best part is, she could've just said it was fake and stood her ground about it. Instead, she was extra paranoid and told all of her friends on FB to not answer questions like that from people. Shows how afraid she is of being caught in more lies.
Reminds me of when her friends unknowingly gave away the fact that she got lipo done.
No. 497688
>>497677she said she bought multiple pair of same legging, but we all know its a lie kek
i mean, whatever, but if you sell your image the least you can do is buy more than one fucking piece of clothing. i doubt she even washes clothes, prob just buys new ones.
No. 497691
>>497688She could have bought them in different colors to show that they aren't the same. And we know that she's far too lazy to wash the same pair literally every day so she can wear them. It's especially doubtful because how can she wash it if she's
always wearing it?
Also doubt that she washes it at the hotels that she goes to for cons.
No. 497692
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No. 497694
>>497666This is exactly what I was thinking. Is she trying to spite someone? Who?
>>497690We're not even asking or expecting her to have fashion sense. Just to change her fucking pants and shirt more than once a month!
No. 497698
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No. 497702
>>497698Considering hellboy ain't cute, this is a good (for her) cosplay.
You know, once you get past the wig, the horns, the bad paint job, her face and the cat fur all over the shirt.
No. 497706
>>497700Yeah, for a 4 hour paint job this looks really bad.
They didn't properly cover the roots either so it looks super tacky, not that this whole thing isn't extremely tacky already, but it's just so lazy.
Also Bra-chan makes yet another appearance.
No. 497709
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>>497698full version from twitter…is that deoderant on the bottom of the shirt?
No. 497716
>>497709something looks different about her teeth. maybe just an optical illusion from the paint
i wonder if she's going to her android 21 shoot today as well to take advantage of the body paint & tail
No. 497731
>>497692Jesus Christ to looks like a horrific spray tan if not outright blackface in some angles. There's no way she sees this as good. This design doesn't even make sense for Hellboy. The one cosplay that she could get away with wearing less clothes for she fucks up by wearing a shirt because she's too lazy to do the body paint.
Wow I didn't know it could get worse than saber in terms of time invested/yielded results but here we are. What is it like to waste so much time on something that looks so awful?
No. 497741
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No. 497744
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No. 497748
>>497744She couldn't even get the jacket right and her nasolabial folds look like two grand canyons on her face
Moo why do you even try?
No. 497759
>>497757I went through her insta and it's pretty funny how her "on location" saber shots max out at 8k likes and her lewd stuff easily leaps 40k. I guess we can't blame her for pushing lewd content.
She's going to be in 4 hour makeup and barely break 10k likes for it because it's just not good
No. 497760
>>497759she's probably got ZERO self esteem and thats why after every "big build" cosplay she's done, the next immediate thing is to post lewd shit. EX: her higurashi or whatever the fuck video she made, whose bloopers had more views that the actual video itself. She posted that ugly yuri-lite HOTD shoot after, tits out.
inb4 there's a lewd hellboy shoot
No. 497761
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>>497759Haha I noticed that too but forgot to post.
I love how his random dumbass drunk photo w her guts out got more likes than her carefully planned destination thing. All that “refurbishing” for nothing.
No. 497762
>>497741This is the one time her jowls and eye bags work for her since it breaks up the uncontoured red paint on her face.
Honestly at the end of the day it's an alright, pretty mediocre "HellGirl"
No. 497763
>>497759>>497760It irks me that she keeps saying that doing lewds is ~empowering~ when it actually isn't. She's objectifying women and sometimes even objectifying powerful female characters by trying them up like some roasted ham. She's just adding to the problem in cosplay to the point people almost expect female cosplayers to take their clothes off and because so many people do it, it's hard to stand out unless you do. There are even MINORS trying to get in on patreon and lewds. Even though I'm not a super famous cosplayer, even I get asked by people if I will ever do lewds. It's not fucking empowering Mariah. Stop using it as an excuse to be a hoe.
Fucking hate the current cosplay culture and it sucks because it's ruining an actual fun hobby. Fuck, when momokunt can have 100k+ followers for tasteless porn, why can't other actually talented cosplayers have more of a following?
No. 497764
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I think her cosplay is perfect 10/10 lewd Gary
No. 497765
I cant find the post but I swear someone recently called her out on not doing many 'real cosplay' recently a while ago in one of these threads and I think that much be why this hellboy cosplay obviously came out of nowhere. Old dirty turtleneck, shitty wet look leggings, both making the tail and styling the wig last night? She shat this out cause she realized 'what costume can i pretend is impressive that people might respect me for?'
She's definitely planning on bragging about the makeup and 'look i'm fully covered my dudes'
>>497762Her makeup is muddy and bad. the rest of the costume is completely inaccurate. The sloppy coverup of her hairline and horns is terrible and her makeup is already rubbing off.
>>497763calm down jan. Most of these costhots dont get any attention at cons. It's not 'cosplay culture' it's 'internet culture'. Youtube, twitch, instagram, fb, every website is about getting popular no matter the costs. Just look at top youtubers like the Paul brothers who are terrible disgusting people but they still get people who support them and want to be like them. Stop acting as if just because it's 'nerd culture' it's not gonna be the same. It's the current world 'fads'
If you have an issue with people asking if you'll ever do lewds. Say no. Make it obvious that you dont accept being treated as such. Getting your nipples in a twist because some randos said something gross has nothing to do with 'costhots' as people have always been gross on the internet and cosplayers even back in the early 2000s were getting asked if they would do porn or do you think people getting dick pics was caused by 'lewd cosplayers' too? Yes my jimmies are rustled.
No. 497766
>>497765samefagging to add:
Comparing mooriah to other costhots is also unfair since you'll very rarely catch the others (other than the truly desperate ones)talking about how much they wanna get fucked so hard they mindbreak, have daddy/mommy kinks, get off to doujin, read guro doujin, have (or want to have) cosplay sex or in general actively demean themselves as much as moo does.
I do believe that doing lewd/sexy cosplays can be empowering but what moo does simply isnt. Especially because one of her 'many' cosplay expressions is the dead fish look that seems to imply that she's not consenting.
No. 497769
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>>497709Didn't even bother doing the arm. She's just a red elf in dirty, stained, cat hair infected clothes with a belt. This might be the worst I've ever seen from her especially when you compare it to a competent cosplayer.
No. 497771
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No. 497776
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>>497775Or Ellie from Borderlands
No. 497779
gotta have friends for a gang, sweetie
>>497771who wants to bet she'll never cosplay this again
No. 497786
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what are the odds she forgets to credit him even though he's posting it on his social media pages? No. 497789
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No. 497793
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No. 497796
>>497779it requires "4 hours" of paint, of course she isnt. i am also betting on android next.
>>497786she probably found it while looking for shit to ebay and was like oh guess i should cosplay this i dont remember who its from tho
>>497784she doesnt even wash her feet.
No. 497803
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No. 497804
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>>497803and the credits, thanks eBay!
No. 497805
>>497803Bet you anything the photoset is just going to be her doing this ghoulish grimace that looks nothing like the character.
Poor Hellboy. You don't deserve this, buddy.
No. 497807
>>497806Which is wild because when she turns in
>>497692she looks pretty slender but then you see her from the front and she looks so wide.
That shapewear must been putting in mad overtime.
No. 497810
>>497809that was the joke, retard
but guzma will destroy it the moment she throws it on the floor again at home
No. 497815
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Sometimes I wonder if she has a legitimate lazy eye or if it’s those heavy ass lashes she’s always using.
No. 497822
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No. 497823
No. 497824
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>>497823missed the best part
No. 497832
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>>497824>>497804Love it so much that you can’t even quote the most well known line right.
“Essentially real fans will know what I’m talking about regardless if I’m 100% accurate or not.”
No. 497838
File: 1522123841524.png (56.41 KB, 622x388, Screenshot 2018-03-26 at 9.09.…)

i love how whenever a fan or a passerby mentions a character she immediately knows that character and ~wants to make it perfect~
No. 497839
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No. 497841
File: 1522124464871.gif (2.01 MB, 337x600, 2A6142F2-2D13-402E-8EB9-D15A65…)

so much body paint…
Her head, her one arm, and titty window. 4 hours you guys
No. 497845
>>497824It’s shit like this that makes me want to punch her in the face. This bitch is the biggest bully ever and is constantly chasing people out of the cosplay community for various retarded reasons, yet she has the nerve to bitch about “gatekeeping”? She acts like a complete cunt to everyone and if anyone tries to call her on shit she pulls that “Well obviously you aren’t a true fan like me” bullshit. Not to mention throwing men under the bus when there are just as many women who act shitty in fandoms and try to keep people out. But no, it’s all the evil men who don’t want women intruding on their comics and videos games. But if this dumb cunt actually knew about the shit she claims to be a fan of she’d know there are countless women in comics who have written seminal and widely beloved runs on characters and it isn’t this “no girls allowed” bullshit she claims it is”.
Seriously, fuck her. I really wish people would call her out on this shit more. Watch how fucking fast her dumbass will try to walk it back.
No. 497847
>>497845I feel you, anon. I feel dumb because she's not really doing anything concretely bad, just having a rancid ass personality, but by definition of who she is and how she operates, she really just cheapens everything. When people say she ruins cosplay, it's not necessarily because she's cosplaying a waifu or husbando but because she cheapens the craft with her low-effort tripe, acts like a complete immature asshole to people in the community, and to add insult, tries to convince people that she's a real fan despite all evidence to the contrary.
It's really frustrating.
Mariah, I hope you read this and I hope you know that for every normie throwing $50 onto your nonexistent ass, there are at least 5 people who wish you would just leave the scene forever. You truly do ruin everything.
No. 497868
>>497857If you start at 1:15 you can skip to our cow.
How sad. You know it must’ve driven her crazy seeing how unpopular she is compared to the other [actual] cosplayers. Oh but don’t forget she totally had fans waiting for her when she got off the plane! kek.
No. 497871
File: 1522128929180.png (7.57 MB, 1242x2208, 1E53EED6-EA84-4E89-9B1B-B8DC0A…)

did she really choose her trashy mememe ahegao face for her poster??
No. 497878
>>497876She's too dense to realize that she has absolutely no excuse.
It's not because she's a foreigner because Leon Chiro and NMJ are also international cosplayers. Obviously Mexico is going to be more supportive of cosplayers from their own scene, but the other non-Mexican cosplayers were doing way better than moo
Honestly a lot of people meandering around probably aren't even cosplay fans, but even as a passer-by, are you going to take a picture with Gaston, Velvet Crow, or the schmuck in training clothes? This bitch really thought she was big enough to get attention without trying in a foreign country that has its own burgeoning cosplay scene. Absolutely pathetic.
No. 497880
>>497876>>497878>>497879She knows no one actually cares thats why she went on and on about how thankful she was and 'how many people' TOTALLY showed up.
Note the girl next to her who's crowd eclipsed her booth only has 11k followers on twitter compared to moo's totally not bought 39k.
This is what happens when you pay for followers and all you do is whore yourself out with cheap cosplays. No one cares about you but you have to keep perpetuating the lie
No. 497885
File: 1522130257384.jpeg (71.19 KB, 456x689, BA6FB687-E1C4-4AD2-A660-973229…)

She has a such a ridiculous looking little square ass. She’s worn tights before but lately it looks noticeably odd and box-like.
>>497871Seeing her raunchy fat girl banner pop up on the video was hilarious after seeing all the pretty, tasteful ones
No. 497886
>>497838*real slutty she means
I can definitely (unfortunately) see her doing a lewd photoshoot with her and I'm already cringing.
>>497885Wait…is that not a phone in the back pocket?? If not, that ass is so sad.
No. 497898
>>496738oh no WW what the fuck are you doing
get that fat piece of shit away from my precious jvd
how did moo even manage this shit
No. 497904
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So only time vamp was present was when they went to go eat I guess.
No. 497905
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>>497856Why didn't she wear her gauntlets btw? She had them in some pictures, but in most of them she doesn't. Maybe they broke.
No. 497907
File: 1522134313873.png (Spoiler Image,354.96 KB, 483x562, lol.PNG)

>>497885I kept wondering why her ass looks like complete shit and I realized why. She is wearing of those those shitty chapless shapewear things that's supposed to make your ass look nice.
The thing is, if you're really fat like moo, it just squeezes your fat into an odd shape and looks square. Know a girl who does this and thinks her squished, more dimpled ass looks good lmao.
No. 497917
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She hasn’t filmed it lately but please don’t forget she goes to the gym my dudes
No. 497921
>>497917Has “strap” throat, has hours long photoshoot, goes out to restaurant, goes to gym.
Bitch I thought you were “so sick”?
No. 497932
>>497822"my bby", vague claming that she is such a big fan.
gives Hellboy pointy ears..
she really did her research on this one, huh?
No. 497956
>>497949There IS a new movie coming, but this is absolutely her trying to be a "real" cosplayer again, down to trying to suck up to one of Jessica's friends by using their buddy over in South Africa for the hand.
Was this what one of her $500 a month idiots wanted done, or is she trying to ride on someone's dick? It is really hard to tell this time, but with how far in advance she bought the hand, I'm thinking it is the former.
No. 497958
>>497949It depends on when she bought the hand. In roughly sept??? The news o the reboot broke but the hype died down pretty quickly and there hasn't been any news since the casting controversy.
Really?? She's probably going to try and become 'that horror thot' like so many LewdGurlz before here. I was waiting for it after the Devilman nonsense. She should just lewd Hellsing and be done with it. Genderbent lewd Montana Max would be a great fit.
No. 497959
>>497952do we have caps? drs usually don't give you that. as someone who had strep before, you get a quick test and then they tell you at the appointment. it only takes 10-15 minutes, there's usually no result sheet available. i wonder if she filled it out herself kek.
also you basically
have to take antibiotics to prevent abscess/ulcers which can infect your tonsils. they work in 24 hours and get rid of fever, pain and contagiousness.
No. 497966
>>497963Won't post schedule of classes with her information and professor names blacked out because it's too private.
But posts medical information with the name of the doctor and nothing blurred out.
No. 497967
File: 1522166955829.jpeg (237.39 KB, 1242x1045, A64A29DB-3A1A-413A-8DBE-F8DBF0…)

>I’ve been planning for months!
>threw together a tail night before , makeup artist had to make horns on the spot
>she didn’t announce it in a single one of her “PLS DONT UNPLEDGE” Posts over the last few months
What’s the point of lying like this??
No. 497969
File: 1522167111456.jpeg (542.96 KB, 1242x1661, 77512669-E302-432A-8680-CDCC03…)

>>497967I think she’s trying to spite Tasha. She posted this yesterday as a repost of what she shared at the end of last year and hellboy is on it. Tasha and moo went at it on twitter once when Tasha advised her to stop posting about ghosting cons.
No. 497971
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>>497969Moo hasn't done anything near that many cosplays yet. She'd only be giving herself yet another L.
No. 497977
>>497969I'm pretty sure Tasha and Mariah don't like each other anymore. They used to be all buddy buddy before but I don't even think they follow each other anymore.
I think the last straw for her was when Tasha told her not to ghost cons because I'm sure Mariah views Tasha as some low tier thot and that she herself is some thicc lewd goddess.
Mariah hates it whenever someone tries to correct her or lecture her. Remember that whole "we all do porn" incident? She tried to talk all high and mighty and had the guts to talk over IvyDoomKitty, who has been doing cosplay way longer than she has. The only reason she backed down is because Jessica Nigri stepped in and told her she was wrong.
Heck, she apparently went off on a friend of mine who was only trying to give her advice because she saw Mariah was always attracting drama. And Mariah's reaction was basically
excuse me? who do you think you are? you think you are better than me? (if I can get screenshots I'll post them asap!)
When I heard she said something like that my blood just boiled. She's fhe kind of person who is so narcissistic that she will never think she is wrong.
No. 497989
>>497978You realize anyone can look at her patreon and see all the posts she's made right?
So she says these are all '2018' plans even if I include december there are only 13 image posts since the beginning of december. 4 of her patreon posts are clearly Nero from the same red underwear set from her twitter and 1 being media of her styling the wig. You're trying to tell me she fit 25 costumes into 10-13 image posts?
So wow Tasha is actually worse than moo cause at least Moo hasnt lied about 'doing' a costume but then obviously being full of shit.
tbh never try to stan a costhot in the momo thread cause we're allergic to bullshit here.
(offtopic) No. 498010
>>497956Also her probably trying to suck up to nicoletters.
Once the shape of water came out, she did nothing but freak out over abe sapien and go on about ~what a big hellboy fan she is~
No. 498014
>>497969I also saw a post where ThroneChan commented on my friend's post about Abe Sapien saying she also wanted to cosplay Hellboy
But that was like over a year ago?
No. 498021
>>498017Made by the same director and the actor for the sea creature was the same actor as Abe from Hellboy. That's why people kept drawing parallels.
>>498014I have a theory that Mariah spites her. Thornechan used to be one of Mariah's biggest fan girls, but she recently changed sides after seeing what a cunt she actually is. I'm hoping more of her calves will follow her lead.
No. 498031
>>498014>>498021I'm pretty sure this was confirmed many threads ago when people mistook Thorne for Moo at a convention.
Probably "threatened" that there are other "thicc" cosplayers
Having followed both of them, I'm surprised the scenario isn't the other way around, I never thought Moo would be the famous one
No. 498064
>>498031Well the reason why Mariah ever got famous was luck. Her Samus became viral because before anyone ever met her or knew of her, they thought she was genuinely thicc and fit. She seemed to have a likeable personality until it all went to her head and also became a lazy slob. Furthermore, she kept either starting drama or became the center of drama with her toxic and over aggressive personality.
And before Mariah keeps flaunting
muh marketing skills my dudes , she needs to understand she has none. She's probably spamming instagram stories for days because it tends to get attention with the current algorithm. That doesn't make her a genius because that's what everyone's already been doing. She keeps posting everyday for the sake of "content" when a lot of it is recycled. She has no genius marketing skills because she's not doing anything different from anyone. The only thing that made her different from other thicc cosplayers is the fact that she went viral. Look at Kawaiibro cosplay for crying out loud. He has zero skills in cosplay and if his virgin killer set didn't go viral he would still be a regular con bro.
No. 498071
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No. 498079
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No. 498087
>>498079Fucking Mariah always has bs like this to say. Fuck girl. You could've just said "it's because I do not think that with my current skill level I would be able to make such a prop. Please be patient as I am trying to cultivate my skills."
What's wrong Mariah? Is it too hard to admit that you're not talented? I also refuse to believe you would get a Hellboy prop for display before you got a Dragonball prop since you know, you're such huge fan~~
No. 498092
File: 1522190257365.png (162.36 KB, 288x286, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.…)

holy shit her photographer hates her
No. 498094
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No. 498098
>>498094iM sUcH a NeRd LOL! DAE CHESS?!?!?!
so who is new around her, male, and likes to play chess?
No. 498119
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No. 498120
File: 1522195753412.png (18.37 KB, 424x154, Screenshot 2018-03-27 at 5.09.…)

No. 498121
File: 1522195886504.png (211.1 KB, 589x352, Screenshot 2018-03-27 at 5.11.…)

yikes 1 hour and hardly any comments or retweets
No. 498124
>>498121What are people supposed to be excited about?
Her only appeal is that she does nudes/lewds. So when she presents this cosplay that she made 1 thing for, it isn't something people are really jumping to comment on. Especially with her following mostly being thirsty nerds.
I've seen 100 better Fem Hellboys from people who do cosplay as a hobby, even sexy ones
No. 498133
>>498126>hastily slapped on muddy black/dark red makeup around the hairline/horns>Pointy ears>literally a dirty turtle neck with holes cut to show cleavageIf this was some newbie cosplayer that uses the left over savings after paying their bills to make this cosplay? I could give this a pass. This is, no matter how she tries to deny it, her job.
If she had put effort in it? Sure but she obviously threw this together last minute. I can put aside the fact that people constantly think 'oh because i'm fat i can cosplay this character that's just 'dad buff'' but the rest of the costume is just so sloppy. Why did she need to cut holes over her boobs? I could pass the cleavage holes if she had done proper weathering on ANY other part of even did scratch makeup/blood on her boobs? Maybe then it would be passable but her coat and leggings and belt are PRISTINE compared to her shirt.
Can we stop saying that just because she put together a costume that would be passible for a newbie it's not 'so bad'
Also as
>>498129 said Hellboy is not a 'cocky open mouth grin' character. He when he smiles it's usually a VERY slight smirk not some under bite troll face.
She's been being paid hundreds- thousands a month to supposedly 'cosplay' so something anyone could put together in a day is not 'not so bad' it's complete bullshit.
PS- Hellboy doesnt have pointy elf ears.
No. 498135
>>498126Sorry, I am not very knowledgable of the character besides knowing what he looks like. I still don’t think genderbent hellboy is a bad choice for momo given her body type and that the costume is flattering on her. I thought her expression with the cigar was much better than the weird deer in the headlights thing she would do but if people say it doesnt suit hellboy’s personality then I have nothing else to say.
I guess momo is just as knowledgable about hellboy as I am, lol.
No. 498138
File: 1522198568910.png (69.21 KB, 629x443, Screenshot 2018-03-27 at 5.55.…)

No. 498139
File: 1522198817757.jpg (897.64 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_0314.JPG)

>>498126Anonymous now No. 498137
>>498126Apologies for shit photo but just because she isnt spreading her musty cheeks and dripping with some sort of pantry condiment doesnt mean it isnt complete lack luster garbage.
>store bought(ofc)>no rosary??(like AT THE VERY LEAST?)>wtf are those pants>wtf is that belt supposed to be>101919 details missing that takes 0 effort to attain (ie rosary) >5$ wig >NEVER FORGET THE TITTY WINDOW>Her whole costume is colour wise way too darkThe colour palettes on these two alone is enough to que one in on how little she cares.
(Sorry i read your reply further down but to truly high light how bad she is tbh)
No. 498141
File: 1522198893403.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.29 KB, 453x292, IMG_1272.JPG)

>>498092I still don't know what the fuck I'm looking at
No. 498145
>>498144>>498143Nuh it's her coochie, anon.
Her fupa would be where the small, twiggy branch lays
No. 498153
File: 1522200803295.png (2.64 MB, 750x1334, 8BA40CD4-20C6-42CD-8247-12C1CD…)

here’s that ~weathered vest for monika, I scrolled back up and you can see that it’s not a vneck shirt and actually was a vest-y thing the whole time whoops. either way, let’s wait for those lines to get sewn in
No. 498177
>>498094It isn't like she wants people to be smart. She knows nothing about nerds, and thinks about the most stereotypical things nerds like.
"What do these dorks like? Oh! These losers are probably band geeks or chess club dorks. I should pretend to be like them. Never let on that I was one of those mean skinny girls that only hung around the popular kids and bullied nerds into leaving the school or killing themselves. I need to be more relatable, tee hee~"
No. 498179
File: 1522203937214.jpeg (280.45 KB, 584x903, 7556F6DE-6113-4206-941E-3158D5…)

wrongfully banned from twitch? momokun will save your account with her lapdog
No. 498182
>>498138hinting someone should go kill themselves by drinking bleach. And people really think Momo has changed.
Yuh, it was mean of the person they may need bleach for their eyes, but she needs to realize the cosplay was crap. She just went into her closet and put some clothes on that fit her probably 2 years ago. The make up artist did most of the cosplay for her, along with the guy who made the arm.
>>498179I can see why Nigiri has been ignoring her for months now. She just tags her, expecting her to get things done for her.
Does someone have the screenshot of Momo's meltdown where she says she done with all popular cosplayers, calling them fake and she doesn't need fake friends after people didn't defend her?
No. 498193
File: 1522208541044.png (822.07 KB, 720x953, Screenshot_2018-03-27-20-41-17…)

No. 498196
>>498193why the fuck would you take a pic of someone obviously pouring nothing.
>panties here No. 498207
>>498193The fact that they're not matching at all
triggers me. Moo is weirdly 'modern' outfit because her harness just generally looks too clean but also doesnt match with the rest of her look. Meanwhile veronica looks like she's wearing 'working' clothing which still doesnt make sense if she's wearing a tiara? The two outfits dont mesh in the setting. Moo's would be FINE without the harness but who would wear tight leathers to a 'feast'?
Also those are fake grapes and I can tell from here which is sad. You couldnt spend $5 for real grapes? Hell why not actually prepare a full picnic? Grapes, Apples, some artisan bread loaves, actual wine to put in the jug.
But why only thank one person? Still trying to push your new besties but cant thank the rest of your 'team'? if you're gonna thank one person you should thank all of them instead of picking favorites
… The panties showing also made me realize that she actually must have not been wearing underwear in
>>498071 No. 498210
>>498138She's such a tactless bitch
>>498139completely inaccurate, as expected.
No. 498219
>>498207You know what's funny? Veronica did a similar concept with a different group of friends (some high fantasy elvin shit) but it was way, WAY better put together than this… Really coordinated outfits, a very specific and cohesive aesthetic, detailed makeup on everyone involved, on location, etc.
To be fair, maybe it was coordinated by someone who actually knew what they're doing, but if that's the case, then I get the feeling Veronica or Megamarines let Moo take full control knowing damn well it would look like shit. They've done better shoots before, so I don't see why they would chip in to try to make the shoot better since they're such good friends and love each other and all.
Or maybe moo is that controlling a bitch.
No. 498228
File: 1522216177525.jpeg (144.18 KB, 640x960, C6AC4CA4-063A-4B89-B808-B9E58A…)

She definitely took off her undergarments for the photo shoot
No. 498230
>>498193Tags megamarines, refers to the rest as “our team”
No. 498232
>>498228This full on makes her look pregnant. You can see that the fabric is hanging infront of her crotch rather than laying flat.
Also this picture really emphasizes the terrible color choices. The wig with the jewelry is fine because that's just her copying Sakura from Naruto's colors but that pink does not go with green, teal and blue. mixed with the brown and the gold? It's a color mishmash
No. 498236
>>498228I don't get this? I mean, I don't get her dress? What is fantasy about this coord?
She could've remained in the brown family (or a forest green) and still looked different if this was "her set" but this is just lazy. It looks like she did have some bits left over from her PArty City haul and decided to put it together with a Amazon dress she ripped up the leg seams to make it sexier? Why not a low hip skirt? I'm confused.
No. 498237
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No. 498242
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No. 498246
>>498242holy god i didn't mess sewing wefts that bad even at my first try. and i had never sewn in my life.
mariah can't you even TRY?
No. 498253
>>498237"It's not that hard to ignore the stuff you don't like"
Take your own advice?
"It's not that hard to ignore the comments you don't like"
No. 498254
File: 1522223311529.jpeg (1.48 MB, 1242x2011, 1A4D8AFE-F949-4CA7-A67F-41A1EC…)

>>498139This girl popped up on my feed. Maybe moo saw this? We know she follows Alyson.
No. 498272
>>498064I always wondered how her Samus got viral? Did she get featured somewhere?
Because even when she looked better the Cosplay just looked very boring.
No. 498290
File: 1522243464031.png (Spoiler Image,648.64 KB, 424x762, horse person.PNG)

saw this randomly in one of the facebook groups i'm in. had a good laugh at the comment so thought i'd share
No. 498301
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No. 498305
>>498272She was in the right place at the right time. I think gamespot or something shared her and it was during the time when the whole body positivity movement in cosplay gained traction so she was the perfect target. She was decently fit too so she also went the "former athlete" route to promote herself further.
But in the end people got sucked into her lies. She wasn't the top tier athlete she claimed to be and likely got kicked off of her lacrosse team for being toxic rather than because they were shaming her for cosplaying. Especially since when she started she didn't do trashy "lewds" like she does now. She wasn't even thicc. She got caught instantly for using a body shaper underneath her Samus suit. She started fights with people on 4chan and lolcow.
If she never went viral, I can guarantee she would've just ended up being another normie cosplayer. She probably would've quit from the lack of attention and maybe finished school by now instead of lying about going to school.
No. 498310
>count my friends on my handsOkay then let's see Mariah:
Your munchie
Mama Nigri
Mugen Yoruichi
Holly Wolf
That's already more than 10 if you're counting just the people she's been latching into recently. There's countless others she's been around at cons that she will act super comfortable with. So she's the kind of person who shrieks at and sticks down food into her "co workers".
Oh gee Mooriah. Way to make yourself seem even more unprofessional by telling us that you act very comfortable and annoying to your "co workers" too. I totally thought they were your friends!
No. 498323
File: 1522250336074.jpeg (134.73 KB, 1242x1551, 2A18BB21-4934-4D73-9F33-6BAE41…)

I’m looking forward to the end of this month. She hasn’t released a single set yet, at this rate the only way for her to come out of this month in the green would be to suddenly drop nudes or something.
No. 498325
>>498323dude look at that slow decline.
also, sorry for tinfoil shit but i'm on the 'bought subs' camp especially with the clearly 100+ sub dip you see every month. do we have another thotreon's account to compare with?
No. 498327
File: 1522250533368.png (2.38 MB, 2808x960, wigs.png)

>>498228I'm no photoshop expert (sorry, guys!) but it's beyond me how just changing the color of the wig it can make the composition more bearable.
No. 498347
>>498323Ya know, at this point I'm surprised she hasn't done it tbh. She had zero regrets leaking her own nudes for attention just before getting into cosplay. Besides her high and mighty attitude and flip-flopping between admitting and denying she does sofecore porn just so she can shit on other thots, I have no idea what's holding her back.
I doubts it's her parents because she certainly wasn't thinking of them when she leaked those nudes.
No. 498364
>>498314But that's the thing. She's pretty much outright saying that those people who consider her
their friends aren't considered
her friends.
Wonder if Bishoujomom thinks she's such a ~sweetheart~ now.
No. 498372
>>498302 This is one of the most cunt worthy things she's said in a while. Who is she to say what the classification of a friend is? Maybe it matters to her because she has literally none.
"Don't let people going around calling you their friend when they don't deserve to"
Fuck you, you egotistical bitch. I can guarantee she's not once going to approach someone and say "Yeah um, excuse me, I'm not your friend, so stop."
No. 498374
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No. 498375
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>>498364I was gunn a say that this was provoked by what she and that mugen thot said
No. 498386
>>498327But then she' wouldn't be MOOMOO THE ELF!!! DO NOT STEEL MY DUDES!
Thanks for this, she looks a lot better in B and C given the colors of the outfit, but nope, Bubblegum Pink is her 'trademark color' now, one of the worst colors she could of slapped on her skin tone.
No. 498387
>>498302"Goes to goat yoga at 6pm"
I'm pretty sure she's talking about Gabby in this post but Gabby isn't friends with her anymore??
No. 498391
>>498347She kind of already has. All she would have to do next time is remove the paw emote and nipple pasties.
Even though the idiot went nude, her patreons still didn't give a shit kek!
>>498374But not do your homework right, Mariah?
No. 498393
>>498388It'll be messy. Megamarines is just as sanctimonious as she is and can never see himself in a critical or negative light, plus he's an enormous Chad so you can bet he won't let her down softly and she'll explode in response.
Can't wait
No. 498398
>>498228God you can see where they edited out her gut spilling over on the left side of her waist.
>>498237Why the fuck does she always have to be so hostile? She's the one whining about people not caring enough about her non-lewds and now someone is giving her validation for something tasteful and she has to be a prissy cunt about it. She could've just ignored the comment but no, she needs to clap back at any single thing she comes across.
>>498301>>498302This is the fucking olympics of passive aggressive vague tweeting. I wonder who hurt her feefees now? It's seriously ironic considering how she constantly calls herself a friend of multiple famous people that barely know her.
No. 498412
>>498392Hm I just noticed Gabby and Roxy have both been absent in her life even though they were all up on her a few months ago.
Mariah maybe the problem isn't your "friends" or people being fake. Maybe the problem is you? You seem to jump from people to people. And you seem to abandon them as you do it. Maybe that's why you think people backstab you. It's because you seem to treat them like shit.
>>498375Matt is really sucking up to her hard. With his past track record on cgl and Reddit, he's obviously a snake. He's only around her for the attention. If she didn't have a following he would brush her off to the side and think she's just some creepy overweight girl.
No. 498441
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No. 498447
>>498387i thought her and vamp did goat yoga at the casino
and the goats hated moo
also the hiking is jnig
i cant figure out the rest cause i just woke up
No. 498452
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No. 498456
>>498452Doesn't this bitch have "strap" throat?
The fuck she doin at a gym?
No. 498472
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No. 498473
File: 1522270891299.gif (4.19 MB, 352x352, 9CCDB625-EC54-498D-912E-61297C…)

>>498472She’s doing the same old same old but we can clearly see these are 10lb weights she’s using. I still don’t know anything about fitness but she still can’t get the bar over her chest without rocking back or jumping
No. 498476
>>498472moo no one fucking cares. just stop writing novels of lies and people will get off your non-ass.
No. 498517
>>498490So what you're saying is moo forced her to bring a costume that fits her? That makes no sense. if anything the reason she has no friends is the opposite: She wants people to do all the work for her.
Can we all agree that people who choose to be around moo at this point are usually just as shitty and toxic as she is? There are people who havent been around her long like Kinpatsu who have actual merit of their own but people like her newer full on 'calves' have no excuse because they're obviously toxic as well since at this point moo has shown her ass all over the internet and anyone willing to believe her twisted bullshit wholesale is obviously just as trash as she is
No. 498540
>>498490Of course she is controlling. She's THE momokun. She's super oh so famous. So she has the right get what she wants! That's why she throws a tantrum when things don't go her way. It's no wonder she's always losing friends and clinging to new ones. I remember in her Q&A video she claimed kbbq was talking bad about her behind her back but can you blame him? She seems like someone who would be a very toxic and manipulative person to be friends with. And he's not the only former friend of her that's done this. Bunny, SSS, Ohnips, Yanderejane recently came out and trashed her. They were also former friends. If it's one person then something's wrong with that one person. But when it's multiple people who no longer want to associate with her after being close to her, there's something obviously wrong with her.
>>498497Mariah can't help but stick to terrible people. Terrible people attract terrible people. Matt is a leech through and through. He's fame hungry and all he wants is attention. Same with his girlfriend. Nicoletters is the same way. She's always been an attention whore for years. She thinks she's big shit in the California scene just because she's cosplayed for so long and had a decent following for early cosplay standards. Now she's being overshadowed by all these newcomers with actual talent so she's doing all she can to stay relevant.
I'm still curious was Sabrina hangs around Mariah. I think since Sabrina doesn't know much about the cosplay community Mariah takes advantage of that by convincing her that everything people say about her are
lies even though there's a mountain of evidence. And because Sabrina is new to the scene she believes it since she hasn't been around long enough to actually do research on Mariah or see all the drama she's caused in the past.
No. 498542
>>498540Exactly. It wouldn't surprise me if Vamp speaks ill of Mariah behind her back. Mariah treats her like shit and Vamp puts up with it because she's put on this facade for so long already. I have no doubts that Matt talks shit about Mariah too. She's the kind of person Matt hates: overweight, fake gym rat, and makes fun of furries.
Honestly I'm just waiting for them to have a falling out because knowing Matt he's going to actually air out her shit so he's the perfect match for Mariah. Who will doxx who first?
No. 498543
>>498542The furry bit seems far fetched.
The screencap said eight years and he’s 24/25? Yeah? I’d put zero weight in it.
No. 498545
>>498543Good for you.
Moo said the same things about her old tweets about being young and dumb. Guess what? She's still doing the same shit.
No. 498589
File: 1522286436932.jpg (130.83 KB, 1080x1247, bitch.jpg)

>>498473I don't think she knows how to not be a raging cunt to people
No. 498593
File: 1522286887280.png (161.88 KB, 720x776, Screenshot_2018-03-28-18-26-04…)

Cant wait Moo
No. 498597
File: 1522288445607.jpg (16 KB, 300x450, rotten_pear_2_by_awphotography…)

>>498589>MelonsMore like moldly pears, bitch.
No. 498603
File: 1522289236581.jpg (439.83 KB, 1079x1318, Screenshot_20180328-190632_Ins…)

Someone just tagged her in this and I'm so over her "bra" stars.. like girl.
No. 498620
File: 1522290855964.jpg (641.31 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180328-193348_Ins…)

Man her figure looks knock off
No. 498624
File: 1522291731021.jpg (80.48 KB, 600x710, 208850.jpg)

>>498620Did she just get it? This is a $100 fig from 2015 that is now pushing $200.
It also has a garage kit/bootleg, so it's easy to know which she owns.
Also, it's ugly.
No. 498626
>>498624>>498620It might be authentic, the picture posted is too blurry but the hair ends look sharp. However, the prepainted looks awful because it has none of weathering or blood the gk's paint job did.
Plus, the whole period cramp pose…
No. 498638
>>498477>>498473that's a Hang Power Clean. she's supposed to be jumping a little bit, yes, but she should be catching the bar on her shoulders with her elbows high, not fucking… lowering it.
vid related.
No. 498643
>>498589She is a fucking IDIOT. This is why women wear sports bras to the gym because it helps flatten them out and helps when you do running/ lifting, etc. She is such a god damn cunt to anyone who has any real advice to give her.
It doesn't matter how many weights she lifts. She won't gain muscle or lose weight without a proper diet. She's going to be stuck in an abyss of nothing gained or earned.
No. 498647
File: 1522297089782.png (18.42 KB, 432x154, Screenshot 2018-03-28 at 9.17.…)

underneath Hellboy pic
No. 498649
File: 1522297202692.png (22.48 KB, 447x179, Screenshot 2018-03-28 at 9.20.…)

No. 498653
>>498647How many years has it been since she got into cosplay? She's still acting like it's year one and can't take critique whatsoever.
She's extra sensitive today.
No. 498661
>>498589I bet the only reason she got so hostile isn't over her form, but because he's implying she doesn't have a real trainer.
She always gets so aggressive when she knows she's lying.
No. 498662
File: 1522300438663.png (65.78 KB, 1000x1000, hmmbitch.png)

All this time to "clap back" at dudes commenting on her Facebook (which she rarely uses dudes) but can't reply to the Patrons that haven't received rewards
No. 498669
>>498593I just want her to rewear her Rogue cosplay or her Black Widow
Please don't cosplay any more Marvel characters, we all know you don't read any comics
Who do you think she is going to cosplay?
Black Cat, Psylocke, or Ms.Marvel to jump on the "totes muslim" thing
No. 498671
File: 1522303496338.jpg (Spoiler Image,17.62 KB, 333x514, 2f704a1dd82d0c86c5a139d8f49913…)

>>498669She's done Black Cat
No. 498673
>>498671>>498669Which is exactly why I think she'd bring it back
I just looked at her etsy list and there were Black Cat masks
No. 498675
>>498672knowing Mariah she'd do it though. she gets to wear a corset, make the dress skin tight
And gets to throw her "POC" card everywhere
While also being able to say "omg a character I'm so passionate about and isn't revealing! See! I don't slut everything up my dude!"
No. 498676
>>498674The worst part is this is when she was "skinny"
This is Samus era
No. 498678
>>498669Better question
Who has Tasha, Nana, Thorne, Gabby or JNig done recently that Mariah can copy
No. 498679
>>498677This is pretty much what launched her fame before her Samus
But so many idiots defended her or thought she was hot so they followed her. It was insane watching her following count go from like 500 to 5k all because of this Black Cat post
No. 498682
>>498666Or watch chess videos
Or study for classes
Or send out patreon rewards
I can go on forever. Fact is, Mariah will never do what she has to because she's lazy. She herself doesn't think she's lazy just because she makes 10k a month and sets up 2 photo shoots a month. She acts like setting up photo shoots is even that hard. Heck, her last shoot, she traveled out of state and based on her stories the shoots only lasted 2 hours and she spent rest of the day eating and playing.
She needs to quit acting like she's some busy businesswoman marketing extraordinaire. Honestly, she should just own being lazy. Just show off how lavishly she lives by doing nothing. The Kardashians pretty much do it so I don't know what's stopping her? Oh right, she wants to be recognized by her mama Nigri so badly and be on her level.
No. 498684
>>498677jesus she really tried to lay on how 'totally scared she was' of posting this huh? Amazing how she went from that to doing the nude Black Cat pictures in a matter of months.
>>498683I'm not sure but also no one who was that shy would be going straight into full 'lingerie' looks either? How do you go from being 'super shy' to 'garters, thongs, corsets' and an angle straight at your ass?
Just proves that she's been full of shit from the beginning
No. 498685
>>498678Only characters that they've done that I can list are Black Cat (Nana, Sierra, JNig), X-23 (Tasha), Mystique (Nana and Sierra), Captain Marvel (Nana), Ms.Marvel (Nana, Sierra and JNig), Emma Frost (Nana, Vamp and JNig),Deadpool (Nig),Rogue (Tasha and Jnig), or JNig exclusives: Quicksilver, Magneto, or Iron Man
I'm hoping she does Savage Land Rogue (tasha and JNig)
Because that bitch half naked in her shitty rogue wig would be hilarious
Sorry, I'm too invested in this Marvel cosplay, I would LOATH it
No. 498689
>>498672I would LOVE it if she slutted up Kamala Ms. Marvel.
>underage>held on a pedestal by fans, esp sjw comic nerds, giving it the "ruining ur waifu" edge>would result in the disillusionment of the few idiot fans who believes she's actually a body positive poc herselfThe fallout would be great.
No. 498697
>>498689Moo, we know you lerk. Usually I wouldn't encourage you to cosplay a character because it would be too obvious you lerk lolcow but PLEEAASSEE do Kamala Ms.Marvel
It will be the perfect controversy to make you relevant again after your MyOppa shit. And we all know you can't function without doing something "controversial"
No. 498720
File: 1522327595192.png (1.49 MB, 1080x1795, Screenshot_20180329-154533_01.…)

found this is her tagged photos
"original oc"
No. 498722
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No. 498729
File: 1522329475959.jpg (73.73 KB, 500x686, 67890789.jpg)

>>498722What am I seeing here?? Is that guy for real or just shooped to hell?
No. 498735
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No. 498738
File: 1522335017919.jpeg (827.97 KB, 997x1238, FF76CDBA-5F0A-41E6-BC1B-8E63E3…)

>>498722It’s Ben swole everybody
No. 498740
File: 1522335271927.jpeg (326.76 KB, 1233x1536, 2CA54065-3D25-495B-B016-194681…)

How long ago did she change her goal? Did she finally drop below 10k?
>”the money goes back to the community!!!!”
No. 498755
>money goes back to the community!!Is her excuse as to why she commissions everything. She will never admit she doesn't have talent. Like when someone asked her why she commissioned the Right Hand of Doom. She just lied and said it was a display prop. Who is she trying to kid? Everyone knows she's not talented (besides a few neckbeards who think she's cosplay queen). They just want to see her naked and nothing more.
>>498722Proud of her success?? Does he know what she does? Anyone else think she lied to him and told him that she's some businesswoman and totally doesn't do porn? Because I'm sure if she was a flat out porn star, the caption would be different.
No. 498772
>>498677Holy shit I burst out laughing at that cringy ass caption.
>I'm just a silly, lacrosse playing barista who likes to dress up like a dork sometimesThis reads like a goddamn camgirl bot.
>>498699Most Fate nerds are pretty meek because the whole franchise is a powerlevel fantasy for dorks. They wouldn't dare to call her out. But trust me, the fandom fucking loathes her Saber cosplays.
>>498755I really hate it when she claims to be all "supportive" of the community and all that faux wholesome stuff. When she commissioned something, she always dropped the credits until (just recently) she was called out for doing it repeatedly. Even today she likes to downplay the fact that 90% of her every costume is commissioned. As for shoutouts etc she only highlights cosplayers that already have a huge following because she wants to leech on their fame while giving the cold shoulder to everyone who's not as famous.
No. 498780
>>498772She also completely excludes all of the cosplayers that she ridicules and starts drama with.
Maybe by giving back to the community and being supportive she meant supporting and giving headaches.
No. 498784
>>498772I knew this girl was bad news the second I saw her wagging her flat ass in a g-string all over the Facebook while claiming she is "oh so shy and reserved and would NEVER take sex photos EVER!" Brings back memories. The trainwreck that has unfolded these past two years has been quite the show to watch.
>only highlights cosplayers that already have a huge following because she wants to leech on their fameExactly. If she really cared about the community she would be using that fame to highlight all the talent out there that's overshadowed by the same popular thots she chooses to promote instead. This community is not short on exceptional talent by a long shot and I'm so fucking tired of seeing the same ten faces over and over again in this never ending circle jerk. No Moo, Jnig and her friends are the last people on earth who need MORE promotion.
No. 498798
>>498784The disappointing thing is she had a chance to be taken as a serious cosplayer at one point. She said at the start she would never do porn, go nude, etc but in the end she decided to become a sell out. I guess greed got to her and she just wanted more attention. She could have actually become an inspiration to plus sized women by incorporating actual talent and use her viral beginnings to improve her craft.
She decided to let her cunt ass personality take the driver's seat.
This is why her names become synonymous with "toxicity within the community". Admittedly, Jessica Nigri also had a lot of hate at the start but not to this point. If you try to find Jessica Nigri hate threads there aren't many and she's broken out of a lot of the negativity. Meanwhile, it feels like every year, Mariah's bad press gets worse and worse…. It is so bad that in a lot of the Facebook groups I'm in will instantly comment "not this thot again" at any photo of Mariah while no one says that with any other cosplayers posted on there.
I firmly believe the hate towards Mariah is legitimate and not just ~lol let's make fun of this easy target~ because there are plenty of easier targets and I'm sure people would've been bored of picking on the same person for
54 threads and
3 years.
It sucks that there some who will overlook her actions past and current because of her following or because they met her once. Like other anons have pointed out, there's a reason why those who have had many interactions with her dropped her.
No. 498809
>>496349Hey everyone. It's been recently brought to my attention who exactly Momokun is as a cosplayer and I'd like to ask for any help in regards to my upcoming video. She's toxic, a liar, and seems to have drama everyplace she goes. I've only started reading these threads recently, but if any of you know a file-dump of a compilation of things she has said with screenshots to back stuff up please link me?
There is so much to go through and I am slightly overwhelmed at how much juice there is and she needs a video made about her from someone who can showcase who she really is.
(read the rules) No. 498831
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No. 498838
>>498809there's a tumblr with some of her drama but it really is just the tip of the iceberg
I recommend reading through the threads from around January 2017
No. 498846
>>498835I know it's hard to go through so many threads. This anon
>>498838 is right, the tumblrs in the OP are helpful. Unfortunately when it comes to Mariah there's so much drama that even the tumblr blogs can't keep up.
If I were you, I'd focus on what she's done in the past six months. That's much easier than trying to gather everything she's ever done.
No. 498853
>>498850You're right but just report it if it really bothers you that much.
>>498831At least the size looks more accurate this time.
No. 498855
>>498798The issue with her backing down the hole of doing lewds and nudes was less her wanting 'more attention' but that she kept losing it because none of her costumes were an 'improvement' from her early days. She keeps doing crazier and crazier stuff to stop people from leaving because they are leaving and no amount of buying followers will stop her dropping interaction numbers.
She expected that as her costumes stayed the same, and she got bigger and crustier that her fanbase would continue to grow but because she's such a toxic person she kept losing followers and connections, hence why her closest friends right not are all no-name fame grabbers. She wasnt smart enough to be like Nigri or any of the other 'big names' who might have started off in a bra and panties but kept upping their game til they didnt have to worry about it as much.
Moo just expected to skate by with shitty hotel room shoots every single month and screaming about how she 'totally loves [insert flavor of the week anime here]' Remember when she was planning I think 3-5 Hero Academia costumes and didnt do a single one? From what we know she even sold or gave away all the pieces she got without thinking for a second 'well maybe when the next season comes out I can save it for then. She blatantly shows how much she doesnt actually care about what she's cosplaying every single time so any 'quality' fans she would have kept have long gone.
No. 498864
>>498855What bothered me was she opened a patreon and started begging for donations literally the day she decided to cosplay. She only had 2-3 cosplays and not only were they were all store bought and mediocre at best, they were characters had been done to death. She never really had much of anything going for her in the first place so once the "thicc Samus" novelty wore off she had nothing.
If she kept in shape and played up the strong sporty female trope, she could have had something going for her. Instead she just copied everyone around her in both cosplays and by hoping on the lewd bandwagon instead of finding her own nitche. She would still be a raging cunt but she would have at least had a shred of originality. Nothing about her cosplays makes her standout. Only her shit personality.
No. 498871
>>498812i vote for
>>496864 and the title to be like "Mariah Mallad/Momokun #55 Running from Responsibilities"
No. 498872
>>498864As a plus size cosplayer myself it bothers me that she uses her weight as an excuse for the hate. She's always saying ~wahhhh haters hate me because I'm fat~. I'm not necessarily in the best shape and I only have like a fifth of her following and yet I don't get negative comments like she does. Let's not forget she had negativity behind her even when she had only 5k followers.
I almost wish she just lost all her weight just so she has no more excuses to fall back on and accept that she has hate because she's a terrible person.
No. 498890
>>498809I actually commend you for this, I'd recommend just reading all the threads yourself and maybe messaging anyone mentioned in the threads who aren't friends with Moo anymore who might be able to give you "anonymous information" or something. They might be able to provide more insight and more screenshots than whats already on these threads
TBH these threads are long but its not that bad of a read
No. 498916
File: 1522365725225.gif (3.47 MB, 337x600, 465E9096-422A-4FCC-B7D5-3F1FA2…)

our princess peach is in Seattle really thinking that top lip lipstick is a look
No. 498923
File: 1522365986309.gif (1.34 MB, 500x281, tumblr_o5capyCG0Y1qzktbuo1_500…)

>>498916When she finally gets around to actually wearing a lip color, she can only be bothered to do a half-assed job.
No. 498948
File: 1522388152603.jpg (78.39 KB, 716x525, momo.jpg)

Lookie, Minus 8 did fan art of Momo! Seriously I just edited it a lil. Just goes to show how generic her "OC" is
No. 498955
File: 1522389338178.png (3.4 MB, 750x1334, 8EB0E960-A8D7-425F-9F1B-3F05FB…)

momo got her fat ass excited about some food, good thing she’s getting those workouts in
No. 498959
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No. 498960
>>498956totally doesn't eat junk or carb gaiz!!!
No. 498963
File: 1522389648191.png (2.73 MB, 750x1334, 3C803DE2-A443-4503-808A-05CECD…)

she’s been hanging out with this girl today as well, if anyone recognizes her. Assuming she’s a cosplayer and she dresses exactly like vamp does kek
No. 498965
>>498942no one cares lol
anyway, so does this mean moo never finished a ~new cosplay~ for sakuracon?? somehow i’m not surprised
No. 498969
>>498959Oh god. She looks like a Paula Deen demon.
Her makeup is so….blotchy. And she looks like she's been standing there like that for 60 years.
No. 498974
>>498971Don't insult flannel-kun like that, they've been with Moo through thick and thick.
>>498959She looks so haggard like a red faced hobo, that's another potential thread pic before the thread closes, Moo never disappoints, but I still vote for
>>498871 No. 498994
File: 1522407532580.png (99.51 KB, 1022x332, all thanks to mariah.png)

All thanks to you, moo!
No. 498997
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No. 499020
File: 1522419334649.gif (901.42 KB, 500x300, tumblr_nkcu3yQucK1sgixyoo1_500…)

>>498981Uhm? Excuse you?!
Red Guy HAS a beautiful voluptuous ass!! One thing Moo VERY MUCH does not.
No. 499021
File: 1522420172021.jpg (426.4 KB, 2048x2048, D1B86F35-2753-4672-9DCB-F9BD48…)

She tries way too hard to copy mama Nigri
No. 499027
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No. 499031
>>499027Is that not a schedule? If you know what you're going to wear 2 out of the 3 days
That's a schedule you moronic sack of fat and mistakes.
No. 499034
>>498883 a panel of girls talking about the impact of strong female characters featuring Moo (who thought the panel was about strong females in cosplay [so self centered])
All her answers are about tits and ass and only talks about characters she cosplayed while ThorneChan (Who Mariah seems to ignore and making bitchy comments to/interupts), Cheyenne Jaz Wise, and that cringey interviewer Squirrel Girl
TBH Thorne has really good answers and seems to care about the shit. She makes Moo look bad
No. 499035
>>499003Her stomach fold is like something from Little Shop of Horrors.
“Feeeeed me, Seymour! Feeeed meee!!”
No. 499043
>>499027>>499031I think she means she didn't schedule any photoshoots? It could be an excuse for when we start bashing on her for standing outside without getting attention.
"No one was around me because I didn't schedule a shoot my dudes".
No. 499056
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No. 499057
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No. 499062
>>499057I cant tell what she's eating but she sure is workin that #cosbodchallenge
Maybe she's just trying to be the biggest cosplay ever in her own way.
No. 499063
>>499004Please make this next thread image. This is the epitome of pathetic.
>>499057Her hair is so greasy. wow
No. 499087
File: 1522435996120.png (1.21 MB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2018-03-30-11-50-32…)

She did it
No. 499088
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>>499087Pottery Barn, costs 1595 dollars for just the mattress alone for Queen
No. 499092
>>499090"It's got tomato in it so it's healthy!" -Mariah logic
>>499088This is another reason why I doubt that she saves money. I get the feeling that she's relying a lot on credit cards as well as Patreon funds. She burns through money far too fast.
No. 499102
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No. 499106
>>499104time to ghost the con!
Bet all the pics will be taken outside
No. 499110
>>499106Of course she'll ghost it. Despite getting called out, she still has a habit of not buying badges.
But she's the great and famous Mooriah, cons should be giving her free badges anyway!
I vomited in my mouth a little after typing that bullshit.
No. 499113
>>499100It’s really easy to get a badge for blizzcon
Which makes it even worse that Mariah ghosted
No. 499115
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turtley enough for the turtle club
No. 499117
File: 1522440338914.jpeg (607.19 KB, 750x1094, 4BDCE4A1-A85F-4FC9-A61B-273E28…)

BADGE front and center
No. 499119
>>499118Yep. She's only there for the attention, not the con itself.
I noticed that she tends to only get it for one day as well and ghost the other days.
No. 499120
>>499118>>499119It was also confirmed by multiple anons that she tries to get free badges at cons by flashing her follower numbers at the badge booth.
Totally giving back to the community my dudes