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No. 499124

First thread: >>>/snow/93507
Previous thread: >>496349

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay
New Twitter: https://twitter.com/omariahmallad

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Momokun

Instagram & Snapchat: mariahmallad, xmariahmalladx

Twitch: https://go.twitch.tv/mariahmallad


IG Stories Archive: https://isdb.pw/mariahmallad

Google Drive:

Attn: Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her lackeys have their own thread here >>>/snow/386826

The basics:
>Originally 'thicc Samus' with 2+ lipo sessions now trying keep some semblance of a figure (and failing miserably) all while lying by saying she's exercising
>So laughably bad at making cosplays; gets 90% of costumes commissioned/bought and then makes gloves so she can credit herself as a talented cosplayer and claim her money is "hard-earned"
>Does "boudoir"/softcore porn shoots to hide how shitty her costumes are
>Thinks she's hot shit; delusional about her level of fame where she'll loiter around booths/other cosplayers or pretend to be a con guest
>Has to beg for money, con passes, or just ghosts at cons despite +$10k/month on Patreon, not above bullying staff to get a free 'Professional' badge
>Pretends to know about the series she cosplays, despite evidence proving otherwise; will tweet profound essays to prove her expert fan knowledge
>Has lewded young characters for the attention; backpedals after backlash
>Goes on crazy media tirades against people like old fuckboy KBBQ, old photog, yet preaches about being nice to everyone
>Constantly goes on pity party rants or videos, trying to make people feel bad for her about things that are happening to her when she’s done the same
>Lies about attending college even in the face of mountains of evidence proving otherwise
>Rips off a dress design from indie designer MyOppa, denies it and has yet to make an "official statement" about her blatant bullshit
>Also rips of well-known hentai character as her original character and mascot, once again denies it
>Yes, her photos are being used for a KIK FOR FAT ad
>apparently "used to lift", was sorely butthurt when multiple liftfags told her that her body form was dangerously off

>Moo spills the tea during Momoakuma's podcast about her ~sexual awakening~ which indicates she has no idea what sex is and wants to be a hentai character or something
>Pho-kun came home
>La Mole Comiccon videos come in confirming no one went to her booth with the exception neckbeards wanting dat square ass
>Wizard World will feature her parents!
>sick again, my dudes, with strep throat! Too busy as a cosplay queen business major to pop pills, amirite?
>costhots stick together and raise money for cons! Kinpatsu started a campaign to raise money for her trip to Blizzcon, Moo planned on making a stream to help with donations but Zack Fischer beat her to the punch and raised the last amounts. Too bad Moo can't scam anyone this time
>Hellboy was not received well, making her upset
>wore no panties during her Elf shoot with Veronicalunalu (and Elizabeth Rage), thanked megamarines for helping hike props up to their location and, wow, it looks like a LOTR porn parody
>currently in Seattle eating fries with her sea of ketchup, shoving baked goods in her gullet and stalking asian boys hoping to get porked

No. 499127

eyyy my vote won \owo/

and noo her saber wig looks like it hasn't been brushed since her photoshoot >>499117

No. 499135

It's a great photo.
It looks like it hasn't been washed either. She must reek at the con

No. 499136

Much strap throat tho

No. 499137

File: 1522442297482.png (916.34 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2018-03-30-13-36-08…)

Lightened. Plz gif this dance

No. 499140

File: 1522442551879.gif (4.84 MB, 337x600, 07C4B0A4-A9AD-47F2-9D73-138BD6…)

Are wa dare da dare da dare da

No. 499142

Holy shit she looks like a granny from the front and a man from behind. Her shoulders remind me of the 90s when ladies would wear shoulder pads. Except her shoulder pads are built-in.

Must be sad to look like things that a young female shouldn't look like.

Also what's with those noticeable lumps on her back?

No. 499143

File: 1522442618407.gif (2.78 MB, 337x600, E2C6C652-6E26-4473-9EAB-972D3D…)

debeiruman debeiruman

No. 499144


she looks like mrs trunchbull

No. 499146

Corset bumps. Her back fat is escaping

No. 499147

This is fucking horrifying.

All I can imagine her chanting while doing this is, "I'm gonna catch a man, catch a man".

It's like a fat man dressed as a lady.

No. 499148

She has already found some azn fuckbois so you know she’s working on it

No. 499150

File: 1522442986593.png (281.56 KB, 464x657, Screenshot 2018-03-30 at 1.48.…)

These, from what I understand, as Kerowiz/Rachel's acquaintances. They traveled to con with half of them in the same car

No. 499152

i can hear her footsteps just looking at this gif

No. 499154

I was expecting her to turn around and see Mrs Doubtfire

No. 499159

Now there's an accurate cosplay that she could do.

No. 499161

File: 1522443513255.png (194.1 KB, 584x353, Screenshot 2018-03-30 at 1.58.…)

honey no shave the stache

No. 499162

Why does it look like she shooped on the bottom half of margo's face in that first picture?

No. 499164

Bitches corset is working overtime

No. 499167

bet she borrowed someone elses badge for the foto after lurking here.

No. 499169


Ayyyy are you a fellow Canadian?

I can confirm people within Kalvin's (kerowiz) circle hate her and put up with her. Some of them are actually at the convention with her right now! LOL
Do you know which ones I'm talking about anon? ;)(;))

No. 499170

I feel so sorry for them. You know how she is when it comes to asians.

No. 499171

Not really. I'm just not singular when I search through instastories. If you want to divulge us with details then do so.

No. 499174

She's still at the fucking hotel? Its been an hour and a half since dressing up in her cosplay. Shouldn't she like, go do con stuff and shit?

Also ty so much gif anon for your quick and quality gifs

No. 499176

a friend at the con said she was (unfortunately) in an elevator with her 40 minutes ago. She was screaming at the person next to her.

No. 499177


Damn. Well I can't say too much because I'm not sure how many people a certain person told this to. I was hoping a fellow Canadian anon had a different angle on the situation so I wouldn't risk outing myself.

Long story short:

There are a couple people who have been constantly warning Kalvin about Mariah. Kalvin is aware is trying to keep his distance. Me and some others were deeply annoyed at a few recent conventions because she kept coming by and a few of us (myself included) told Kalvin we would prefer if Mariah didn't meet up with us but she aggressively just barged in. Kalvin gets easily stressed so we try to not make too big of a deal about it but point is there are some of us who try to avoid her when we can.

Sorry I can't provide much more than that because I don't want to out people within the group. Kalvin has his own opinions of her but I'm not in the right to share that because he wants to avoid drama as much as he can.

No. 499178

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No. 499179

She really is an Asherbee with money.

No. 499180

This is frightening.

No. 499181

File: 1522445855016.png (421 KB, 424x670, Screenshot_2018-03-30-14-34-26…)

No. 499183

I'm just here for fun, don't talk to me. I'm gonna fuck an Asian twink. And get sloshed every night.

No. 499184

Her waist cincher is working overtime, goddamn that overspill of fat poking through that blouse. How does she breathe?

No. 499188

as much as I hate to give momo a positive and we know she’ll go downhill tonight she is featuring several random con cosplayers instead of her usual screeching today

No. 499190

Alot of firsts are good at concealing the fact that you've never been to the con before, you're alone and people know you're losing money

No. 499191

Give it about an hour or two and that will change.

No. 499192

File: 1522447808038.jpeg (562.31 KB, 750x1021, 2A2A7B17-9148-45CF-A923-5AA8B6…)

No. 499193

fupachan is that you

No. 499194


"The guest"


No. 499198

"I'll do what the Pop Team cosplayers were doing earlier!"
She could have at least done something Saber-like or held her invisible hat

No. 499203

In the last thread I saw a pic of her hanging stomach skin. I don't know if I'm the only one who thinks this, but I really think she got cool sculpting and now that she is missing a little fat she is eating 5+ meals a day. She always posts about eating and it is a lot of food, it's crazy

No. 499205

She looks like a disgruntled 60 year old woman.

What a waste of money if she did. But after all the times she had lipo and gained twice as much back I'm not surprised.

No. 499212

I am disappointed in the thread pic(no one cares)

No. 499215

She really does look like an angry grandma…

No. 499223

This pic is horrifying. Like yeah Moo your waist is thin now but your proportions are absolutely fucked beyond belief. I don't know what looks more disgusting, her deflated stomach fat hanging out or this inflation fetish-tier waist clincher body.

No. 499225


No. 499234

File: 1522453707734.png (1.21 MB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2018-03-30-16-45-56…)

No. 499235


She got back tiddies

No. 499236

Oh wow you mean right after we read her to filth for never giving back to community and only ever supporting her friends literally just a few days ago in these threads?

Gosh it sure would be a new and fascinating thing if momo did something just to try and prove us wrong. She's NEVER done that before

No. 499239

It’s so bizarre how wide her shoulders are compared to the rest of her. It doesn’t look normal at all.

No. 499242

I saw the story of her dancing around and jfc, she looks like a cartoon character. Tiny head on huge linebacker shoulders with an over exaggerated small waist and huge thighs and calves. How can someone look in the mirror and think this looks good?

No. 499244

File: 1522456375441.gif (1.71 MB, 337x600, 4C7B6E4E-8E15-435E-8F1F-82DF11…)

complimentary gif

No. 499245

She should have lipoed her arms too wtf what she thinking only doing her waist? All the excess fat makes them look huge. They werent so bad when she wasnt as fat.

No. 499246

She WANTS to be a cartoon character

No. 499254

File: 1522460487178.png (447.75 KB, 592x676, Screenshot 2018-03-30 at 6.41.…)

holy fuck

No. 499256

Her boobs are literally at her waist… She's so matronly…

No. 499257

The skirt is way too small for her… I don't think it ever fit her particularly well but it's much worse now.
Has any costume lasted more than a month or 2 before she got too big for it?

No. 499259

File: 1522460929784.png (42.18 KB, 589x344, in moo's likes.PNG)

spotted this in her likes just now

you keep being ironic, Moo

No. 499260

It's like she has no idea that her hands grope or that her ass rubs against people without consent.

Aww she stopped to take a photo for someone. What a nice old lady.

No. 499261

File: 1522461742917.png (1.08 MB, 720x913, Screenshot_2018-03-30-19-00-37…)

She's given up

No. 499263

If you did not know any better, you could mistake her for a dude.

No. 499264

god that wig is so ugly. she outsources everything else, why can't she get someone else to style her wigs for her, she's obviously shite at it.

No. 499265

File: 1522462025936.png (880.25 KB, 720x923, Screenshot_2018-03-30-19-05-36…)

I have 0 words

No. 499266

I showed this to my three year old niece and she got scared and started crying. now my sister is mad at me. thanks alot moo.(no one cares)

No. 499267

Welcome to Cracker Barrel. How many in your party today?

No. 499268


Fupa-chan trying to break free from the skirt

No. 499269

casual saber looks like the grandma from baby loony toons

No. 499271

this is actually the best mental image I have ever had. Thank you so much anon, it's a beautiful comparison

No. 499272

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No. 499273


Omg those eye bags are doing overtime.

No. 499274


She looks so rigid and uncomfortable. I imagine with shapewear/forest kun/small skirt it's hard for her to breathe.

No. 499275

Andy Milonakis

No. 499276

Wtf her contour is like a huge streak. No blush either. No wonder she always looks like a corpse, she does her makeup like one.

No. 499277


She looks like a dude

No. 499280

She looks like she's about to sell some fried chicken.

No. 499283

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No. 499284

File: 1522465373355.png (267.09 KB, 640x480, F64FD4FA-C7BC-418C-AA86-62DF25…)

oh my god

No. 499287

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No. 499290

she's hunching over a lot today

No. 499291

File: 1522467677967.jpeg (21.93 KB, 236x298, 39C8F95A-990F-4F82-B383-3D29F5…)


Damn someone beat me to it.

No. 499293


my god, the resemblance is uncanny.

No. 499295

File: 1522469342113.jpg (400.5 KB, 1205x1385, IMG_-6f24tj.jpg)

this wig is tragic

No. 499297

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No. 499298

File: 1522471387503.png (154.13 KB, 221x501, Screenshot 2018-03-30 at 9.43.…)

No. 499299

Apparently she's so self-absorbed as to tell cosplayers and groups of friends taking pictures together to ASK before taking pictures of her.

No. 499300

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No. 499301

Alot of comments are "oh i didnt know it was you!!!" lmao what a fatass

No. 499303

she's so washed out lol why is she so crap at makeup

No. 499305

She is probably too far up her own ass to know that is definitely not a good thing.

No. 499306

Nice seeing nicolette and Kevin hanging out with moo after posting shit about her on here lol gotta get those likes huh

No. 499307

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No. 499308

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No. 499309

Someone donate this bitch a hairbrush

No. 499310

Why does she use that rewind effect on ALL of her Instagram stories?? Even the cosplayers she "promoted" earlier looked so awkward because they probably thought she just taking a picture and not filming them.

No. 499313

I see you peeping at us there, Moo! Stop wearing the same damn outfit every day, please! Also fix your Saber wig and put on some lip balm, Christ on a cracker.

No. 499317

Those fucking pants again. Seriously what the shit, man.

No. 499318

She thinks if she's in the back of their selfie that they're taking candids of her.

The paranoia is REAL

No. 499319

Nicoletters drags Weebking around like a giant accessory I'm sure it's her doing the brown nosing

No. 499320

I've seen so many good sabers today that moo's looks extra tragic

No. 499340


When did this happen?

No. 499342

File: 1522481771205.png (890.22 KB, 720x1142, Screenshot_2018-03-31-00-32-46…)

No. 499343

File: 1522481799154.png (955 KB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2018-03-31-00-30-12…)


No. 499346

How does moo stand next to someone in a superior cosplay and not even feel slightly bad? Like that costume isnt great but moo's saber is just so bad and simple that i would be ashamed

No. 499348

File: 1522483433557.png (37.08 KB, 142x234, ange_hehe.png)

hmm, that doesn't look like the section of the convention center where all the arcade games are

so I guess you better change your Twitter display name to "Momokun Not @ Sakuracon", Moo

No. 499349

shes at gameworks across the street. its an arcade

No. 499351

Go back and find it. It’s been posted a couple of times - “someone” posted a screencap shit talking moo for arguing with weebking.. except they forgot to crop the screencap and weebkings icon was still in it, which means either she or him (they were both arguing w moo at the time because they are openly against patreon thots) posted it here

No. 499358

Such strap throat, much sick, wow

No. 499361


i can almost guarantee she's trying to prove she's good looking without photoshop

No. 499366

What is even her wig. Just buy a normal pre-styled one, this sorry excuse for a Saber wig hurts.

No. 499377

I'm pretty sure it IS a prestyled wig. But our precious moo somehow messed that up as well

No. 499391

gotta backstab your competition right moo

No. 499399

File: 1522513728398.jpg (269.11 KB, 1242x1446, IMG_7659.JPG)

No. 499400

File: 1522513750427.jpg (80.17 KB, 720x531, IMG_7660.JPG)

No. 499402

File: 1522514137338.gif (966.39 KB, 245x195, doubtfire.gif)

Thank god I'm not the only other one that sees it.

No. 499408

This is a repost, the pic showing is part of the point of reposting it

See >>499351

No. 499409

Lurk more

No. 499410

Ohhh i see, thanks for clarifying

No. 499412

lmao it’s so telling that she was offended by that

No. 499416


Who was lurking?

No. 499427


No. 499428


I'm not the anon that was '"lurking'

I'm merely curious what the post said before it was deleted.

No. 499430

Lurk more means you need to lurk more. Not that you were lurking.

No. 499432

File: 1522519568538.jpeg (114.85 KB, 750x316, E13F158A-DFAD-4B13-A2F1-68DD80…)

>cant wait to get in some early workouts with megamarines!!!!

pic related

No. 499437

Mariah lying about working out at cons? What a surprise!!

Reminds me of the time when she got caught not doing homework at cons like she claimed.

No. 499438

Duh she did, she's too lazy to lift more than 10lbs and do cardio.

No. 499440

File: 1522521356760.png (1.03 MB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2018-03-31-11-35-04…)

No. 499441

at least she censored her vageyenas but she is seriously incapable of making a sexy/alluring facial expression

No. 499442

If she actually went to the gym with someone she'd be outed as a liar who's too lazy to do more than a few minutes of lifts in front of a camera.

No. 499444

File: 1522521515367.png (941.91 KB, 1098x617, Screenshot 2018-03-31 at 11.38…)

No. 499445

File: 1522521539711.png (1021.81 KB, 1117x624, Screenshot 2018-03-31 at 11.38…)

vagina eyebags suddenly gone lmao

No. 499451

I love how everyone else is doing a pose the character would do but all she can manage is 'basic bitch peace sign'


In pictures like this you can really tell how small her boobs really are when they're not sagging or being shoved together.

No. 499457

Silly anon, an actual pose would require moo actually knowing the source material.
You can't just expect her to know what she's cosplaying from like that. She's too busy with her double major, Skype theater class, and going to the gym.

No. 499460


You forgot she is busy making detailed professional cosplays and photo shoots.

No. 499470

so is this from yesterday or is she wearing the same cosuplay today?

No. 499472

Can I ask who the other chick is cosplaying as?
>I'd sage but I caaaaaan't

No. 499473

GSC Racing Miku #67867576

No. 499475

Racing Miku 2017, took me a while to recognize it because of how shit it is and the wig colour is wrong.

No. 499476

File: 1522525060919.jpg (42.81 KB, 640x640, img_098a337aaf3fbd153270714cf6…)

assume any green twintail is miku tbh

lol, i still feel unsure but w.e

No. 499478


I love that the screenshot shows it was Weebking who took it!

It was probably him who uploaded it here in the first place. She's so clueless about the snakes around her.

No. 499480

File: 1522526069170.png (160.24 KB, 750x1089, IMG_7669.PNG)


Why work out when you can use flat tummy tea my dudes?

No. 499481

Worst sponsorship ever. Not only do these tea's do shit all (except make you shit), but her stomach looks bloated and lumpy even though she's obviously sucking in her gut to the max. When was this post from?

No. 499483

after her first lipo

No. 499484

File: 1522526760764.jpg (129.19 KB, 926x644, DKd6NxoVoAEOrwp.jpg)

It was back when she got her first round of lipo and claimed it to be because of that goddamn tea and working out. If I'm not mistaken you can sorta see one of the irritated lipo scars near her abdomen in that photo.

Her whole endorsement was extremely embarrassing and forced. Majoring in business and linguistics my dudes!

No. 499485

What the anon above said. Believe it or not this isn't the only one that she posted about poop tea. She also posted a couple of selfies saying, "It's sad that people think I'm faking it like I didn't work out or that the tea doesn't work. I did my dudes"

Aaaaand then months later she begrudgingly admitted to lipo.

No. 499486


Those fucked up body proportions

No. 499489

The first round of lipo? How many times has she had lipo?

No. 499490

If you look you can also tell she's wearing a waist cincher in this because of her back roll/muffin top right under her arm pit.

It's crazy that her arms used to look human though. i had actually forgotten.

No. 499493

I think she admitted to two rounds but there are suspicions that she went through a third one OR cool sculpting last fall. She suddenly lost more weight around her abdomen while staying a fat fuck around her arms and thighs. She also repeated the same behavioral pattern as she did with her previous surgeries.
>Start gaining weight
>Suddenly start posting about going to the gym and dieting despite numerous photos of high-calorie food and drinking proving otherwise
>Wearing only covering clothes
>Suddenly start flaunting your mysteriously shrunken abdomen again with saggy skin
>It's totally thanks to my hard work at the gym and eating right my dudes!

No. 499494


Seriously how does she fucking breath when she has the waist cincher this tight? How is she got passing out

No. 499495

It's so sad though that honestly to me she still looks better in the left than the right, and especially compared to now. She was chubby and definitely not in shape, but at least her proportions made sense. It always just baffles me how absolutely fucked her body is because of the lipo.

No. 499496

I had never seen this picture before holy shit, how did people think she was actually losing weight with that tea when you just have to look at her thighs to know that she's lying through her teeth?

No. 499497

Exactly. She's doing the same stunt that she always does after a round of lipo and hoping that she won't have to admit anything else. She probably even kept it to herself this time but can't hide it from a roommate. It's probably why she always butters up Vamp these days despite never doing anything with her unless it's buying her something. Gotta buy that silence.

If she's going to keep lying, she can at least change her tune.

People did call her out and she replied to it by posting more photos from different angles. I think she even showed her belly as "proof" soon after that photo. I could be remembering incorrectly but I'm pretty sure she did a response to the callouts.

No. 499499

She also lipo-sculpted herself some fatty abs for her Roadhoe cosplay, right around the Marshmello cosplay I believe, though they were almost gone by the time she actually cosplayed Roadhoe, and her stomach is even more lumpy in the aftermath as the "abs" devolved into flabs.

No. 499500

File: 1522528575809.png (1.56 MB, 1440x2186, 1490196350659.png)

According to Moo she wasn't wearing one.

No. 499502

File: 1522529079036.jpg (199.74 KB, 748x993, 1490236689544.png.jpg)

Even her final response on the tea was full of shit. But after she admitted the lipo it makes what she said all the more hilarious. She was giving people shit and then admits to being full of shit months later.

"I really like the tea! I wouldn't promote something that I didn't like!"

months later
"I had lipo."

No. 499503

File: 1522529541150.jpeg (4.64 KB, 210x240, images.jpeg)

everytime i see her in that trash saber wig i think she looks like this guy. i tried to face swap for the keks but i'm on mobile and cant be bothered to try that hard

No. 499504


This is absolutely manipulative and disgusting to read. I'm surprised this wasn't shared on twitter like the MyOppa incident.

Getting lipo itself isn't bad. But lying about it and using it to push shit products like this is the worst!

No. 499505

File: 1522529612392.png (183.93 KB, 717x1026, Screenshot_2018-03-31-13-51-02…)

Wow Bitsy I'm disappointed. And you made a huge call-out post directed at her a few months ago? You're not different from Mariah's new calves sucking on her udders.

No. 499506

Note how she doubled down and said she specifically wasnt wearing a 'corset' rather than waist cincher. Sure she wasnt wearing a 'corset' because those have boning. She was obviously wearing a waist trainer though that is usually just an elastic band with some clasps.

Also god I'm so happy she stopped wearing black nails all the time. I forgot how gross and grown out they ALWAYS were. at least now they're skin colored so you dont notice them as much

No. 499507

File: 1522529692318.jpg (107.07 KB, 720x1296, FB_IMG_1522529666417.jpg)

Also here's the picture below of the post.

No. 499508

She must have nothing in savings. Buying all her "friends", drinking, all the weed, flying in/to people who tolerate her, food, booze. I wonder how she will manage her money in a few years seeing as how she blows through money the way she does.

No. 499510

It's years old, Youtube chan.

No. 499511

File: 1522530441792.jpg (48.02 KB, 384x314, img231_n.jpg)

>hentai king

Seriously, is she slouching in all of these, or am I insane?

No. 499512

Ho ho ho, Holly was one of the thots who were pushing the tea back then, eh? I wonder if that call out was one of the things that made the two cows aware of each other. We all know Moo only clung to her at Katsu because Mama Nigri wisely bailed on it, and they've certainly haven't been buddies since the tail incident.

No. 499513

Not that anon but what's years old?

No. 499514

The whole tea thing after her lipo has been around for a long time anon. No one gives a shit cus she eventually admitted to getting lipo.

No. 499515

It's only been a year but you're right in a way. People forgot about the tea thing but they did give her tons of shit for lying about working out to lose weight when it was lipo the whole time. The tea thing is literally just one thing on a very long list of lies that she's told. She's been telling so many lies recently that people don't really need to rely on old lies to throw in her face.

No. 499517

She's obviously not used to any kind of business attire or nice clothing so she's slouching out of fear of her button-up being pulled out of her skirt. I don't think it fits at all or has a long front/back (it should) to stay tucked in. Its unfortunate because she would look a lot less like Ms Doubtfire if she stood up straight lol

No. 499519

Anatares w/e her fucking name is made it, so I wouldn't be surprised if the fit is wrong.

No. 499521

File: 1522532574152.png (1.97 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2018-03-31-17-38-26…)

Not really about Moo but I remember Nigri used to wear flannels too and when she posted this video I couldnt help but wonder if thats where our dear flannel-kun came from(derailing)

No. 499523

Probably but tbh flannel around the waist is a REALLY common way to take a simple top + leggings outfit and make it more like real clothes. Moo just looks like a hobo because she only has 4 pieces of clothing to her name.

No. 499524

File: 1522532948747.gif (1.58 MB, 337x600, DC5B0973-781D-41F7-BBB8-F15F04…)

No. 499525

File: 1522532989527.png (88.99 KB, 711x687, Screenshot_20180331-174721.png)

Blame the dress and not your fatass. That makes sense.

No. 499527

So her friend made the dress for her when she was 15 pounds lighter. Gets stuck in it, calls it stupid and rips it. I knew the cosplay looked painfully tight but damn!

No. 499532

Her "friend" spends all this time making that Saber dress for moo, only for her to call it stupid. Feelsbadman

No. 499533


No. 499544

File: 1522537756075.png (88.1 KB, 720x596, Screenshot_20180331-190247.png)

In her Insta stories she said that" I had to repair the costume a bit" and had to stitch the waistline smaller so it would fit??

No. 499546

If it was stuck, why would she make it smaller.

No. 499547

she also said she literally sews the neckline closed on her self every time she wears it because “Elizabeth taught her” I’m no cosplayer but…having to stitch and unstitch something every time you want to wear it? Also explains why her saber neckline always has weird loose threads

No. 499549

…why would you not just put a snap on it or something… How can moo and everyone she surrounds herself with just be SO stupid, it blows my mind

No. 499550

Can't wait to see breastplate-kun in all of his hovering glory!

No. 499552

So it's been five hours and she's STILL in her room lmao

No. 499553

Honestly can't wait for the cow to roll out her Android 18 tomorrow at Sak so I can get a good laugh.

No. 499565

File: 1522542369222.jpg (703.2 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180331-172429_Ins…)

I cry for her man. What a mess

No. 499567

oh my god, that $2 amazon "waist cincher"

No. 499568

How dare you, the waistband was made by her!

No. 499572

For the love of god someone get her a new Saber wig so she can stop looking like a bowl cut Dumber and Dumber knock off

No. 499573


That waist cincher is working overtime

No. 499575

Let's hope she doesn't step on anyone's props because her "dress is too heavy".

No. 499578


It's hilarious watching him kiss ass after the stunt he pulled. Perhaps Mariah hunted him down about it after someone posted it here

No. 499579

It’s crazy how she keeps these people who shit talked her and posted her here around. Boshojoumom, weebking, megamarines, nicoletters ect.

No. 499583

She seems to enjoy being in the snake pit.

No. 499584

File: 1522546891187.gif (3.82 MB, 270x480, 47A80988-4A31-4684-AC88-64F1B5…)

she’s made it out of her room! have a gif to save you from the screech she makes at the end of this

“Look at maaaaatt”

No. 499586

>Replaces the string
>"Waist cincher altered by me!"

No. 499590

For real he used to talk so much shit about people like her, the whole group does but knowing how shady yirico is it surprising

No. 499593

I thought that's what it was honestly.

No. 499599


That whole crew is full of snakes and leeches. They're all attention whores. Like she outed kbbq as a snake and still drags his name through the mud. And all it seems like he did was change his opinion on her (possibly finally realizing how toxic she is) and rejected her. Meanwhile the new snakes she surrounds herself with had a negative opinion of her before and looks like they still do. They're also clearing latching onto her for the attention and following.
Snakes like that are the worst because they have no shame in being fake and are willing to do whatever it takes to cling on. When push comes to shove, they will all abandon her first. As soon as drama comes out that calls Mariah out again, they'll just throw her under the bus when it's no longer worth faking.

But hey that's her choice. It will be amazing to see te milk that flows once she abandons them or vice versa.

No. 499601

Ughhhhhhhhhhhh, she's all but in his pants at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if he's stooped to porking that cow already. She loves 'em taken and obnoxious, after all!

No. 499602

File: 1522549874188.jpeg (233.9 KB, 901x1200, DZqc9w0VAAAk9il.jpeg)


No. 499603

*why is she

No. 499604

did she try putting it higher and tighter to stick out less?

No. 499605

She looks like she's about to be beheaded

No. 499606

You gunna quit cosplay, Mariah?

No. 499607

File: 1522550971082.jpg (317.79 KB, 1365x2048, 23669088_1799064560391308_3602…)

might be a repost but i dont remember these from last year

No. 499608

File: 1522550983426.jpg (51.7 KB, 649x980, 17310273_1457311704300962_8727…)

No. 499609

This is the first time I've seen her "redone" chest plate and I can't wrap my head around HOW she convinced herself it's better than what KBBQ did. The surface is so rough and bumpy from her sanding, the "weathering" is random and smeared, and she couldn't even keep the painting in the lines?? She's just so sloppy.

No. 499610

File: 1522551148299.png (148.66 KB, 464x529, thiccsaber.png)

No. 499614

File: 1522552640853.png (289.13 KB, 371x445, Screenshot_2018-03-31-20-15-20…)


No. 499617

jesus those gloves! how does she destroy her shit so much and so quickly?

No. 499619

She uses her cosplays as cat toys and she fully admits to just shoving her cosplays in tight luggage. Why the chest plate cracked and chipped the first time. As for her gloves, she just got basic black gloves and wrapped spray painted foam around them. she should have just shat out another pair.

No. 499620

File: 1522554127789.jpg (225.99 KB, 1416x2048, 24273681_1689915667696607_8079…)

might be reposts but again, dont remember these

No. 499622

File: 1522554140017.jpg (278.89 KB, 2048x1521, 24131980_1689943524360488_1492…)

No. 499623

File: 1522554162698.jpg (226.71 KB, 1230x2048, 24173626_1690004054354435_4950…)

No. 499624

File: 1522554181441.jpg (271.44 KB, 2048x1480, 24130153_1690002847687889_1198…)

No. 499626

stop posting her old cosplays. We have seen them already. It isn't our fault you're too lazy to go back to the other threads.

No. 499627

File: 1522554895743.png (823.72 KB, 835x628, Screenshot 2018-03-31 at 8.54.…)

No. 499628

File: 1522554911261.png (941.89 KB, 1116x624, Screenshot 2018-03-31 at 8.54.…)

No. 499629

I will be the first to admit that everyone in these photos look good

No. 499630

Except Moo

No. 499631

File: 1522556176580.jpeg (41.56 KB, 453x500, 1A54AA4B-FED3-4C3C-90DA-FA8A42…)

Lmao wtf

No. 499632

and that blue haired cunt

No. 499633

Iskandar looks like manlet with definition but no actual bulk. The beard makes him look almost twiggy

No. 499635

Grandpa Matt doesn't look good either
Did she do the blue on this with a goddamn Sharpie? She really fucked that thing

No. 499636

File: 1522557159111.jpg (24.45 KB, 450x320, u need this.jpg)

No. 499637

File: 1522557422018.jpeg (22.46 KB, 300x424, 19EAD7F3-E75B-4512-8610-4150F1…)

….second hand embarrassment
Here, blue guy

No. 499638

Especially after making that bullshit post about how she ~only has a few friends that she can trust~. Bitch your entire group of 'close friends' are all snakes and will drop you as soon as you lose your fame.

No. 499642

File: 1522558851924.gif (3.73 MB, 337x600, 5F40B2B6-9203-42C3-B765-AD873A…)

Kek Nicoletters isn’t tolerating momos shit tonight. She starts off this clip talking, momo interrupts butchering the “have you ever had a dream like this” meme, nico shoots her the look and goes ANYWAY

No. 499643

File: 1522558943500.gif (4.81 MB, 337x600, 6CF1AD78-07DB-46E0-9897-69B7EB…)

Example two: momo is singing “happy Easter” to the tune of happy birthday, nico shoots her the look, “yeah okay we aren’t doing this everybody”

No. 499644

File: 1522559000839.png (529.66 KB, 454x439, saber blocked.PNG)

yeah cant imagine why shed be done with moo

No. 499647


Yikes. Mariah tries way too hard to be funny and cutesy. This is just sad. She realizes that she doesn't have to say something in every video right ?

No. 499648

File: 1522559303753.jpeg (237.07 KB, 808x1199, 5F56C35A-BFDB-4124-B23F-DA10C9…)

No. 499649

Doubt it.

I wonder if Moo was being loud, hogging everything like she always does and flirting with the guys in the group and Nicoletters got annoyed by it…. So Mariah's usual pretty much.

No. 499650

well that bitch shouldve known moo wasnt worth pretending to be friends with kek
i hope her weekend is ruined

No. 499651

i feel no sympathy for nico or weebking in regards to mariah lmao they’re fake n stupid as shit so it’s what they deserve. they’re washed out losers and they fit right in with mariah’s unloyal group of friends lmao

bitch is u blind they all look bad: nicos dorito chin and too harsh eyebrows, weebkings too pale foundation, mariah’s everything i could go on all night

No. 499652

Wow nicoletters looks like she fucking can't stand this why is she doing this

No. 499653

I think we all know why.
It's only a matter of time.

No. 499654

File: 1522560908104.jpeg (654.25 KB, 651x894, 36458DF8-C4F8-4444-9E36-AEE1E7…)

No. 499655

Breast plate looks like it’s trying to fly off of her.

No. 499656

Moo looks like Matt's grandma

No. 499657

I'm the one who you're replying to and I fully agree. She as well as many others see many warning signs before talking to Moo and choose to ignore every single one of them. They also quickly turn into two-faced cunts who pretend like they never said anything bad about their precious cow dung.

She deserves whatever headache she gets for not abandoning ship.

No. 499658

It probably is to be honest.

No. 499659


Looks lik the chest plate is high up because her gut got bigger. Or she didn't suck her fat in enough with the corset.

No. 499660

I cannot believe how much toxicity seeps from these gifs alone. Nicoletters looks like she's just doing this for a reason to outwardly be a cunt? Like, she seems so extremely passive-aggressive in these. I wonder if Mariah is understanding that or like… what's going on here. This whole "friendship" is just repulsive to look at.

No. 499661

File: 1522561269427.jpg (121.61 KB, 720x960, 29572769_1293860487425564_4602…)

No. 499663

Mariah deserves it for trying to befriend people who don't like her. No one in their circle has common sense.

No. 499664

File: 1522561471847.gif (193.49 KB, 1280x240, is_68.gif)

No. 499665

don’t do poochie like this

No. 499666

>whenever Mariah's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Mariah"?

Look in your heart anon, you know it to be true.

No. 499667

Why is she doing this with the breastplate again holy hell

No. 499669

well if it didnt fit before, it sure as fuck isnt fitting now.

No. 499670

>tamamo's wig is choppy and bad, shitty 'hair ears', REAL sloppy gloves, loose threads visible from here and fangs that are obviously too big for her mouth
>Iskander is pinker than tamamo's wig, shitty contour makeup, really poorly placed beard, coukd contour byt couldnt cover the ugly mustache, making the beard look worse
>Artoria we've already torn apart but her makeup is terrible for the character
>Nero has a dorito chin and i'm fairly sure that's a the wig is far too pale. Should have done a more 'bridal' makeup with a softer cherry pink for the lips
>Lancer needs eyeliner or mascara or something. if you're gonna smear on that much foundation you have to do something else yeesh.

but nah this group looks trash, nicolette is probably the best looking out out of the group but that's probably my bias towards seeing Nero cosplayers actually style the hair that sticks up more

No. 499673

File: 1522563485999.jpeg (629.99 KB, 1242x684, 36EDED66-A8A9-4076-99AE-70ED26…)

I can’t get over how much she fucked up a perfectly good chest piece.
Before and after her “refurb”.

No. 499674

File: 1522564709109.png (1.83 MB, 750x1334, 251A6B7C-0B4D-4432-ACF5-1851DD…)

No. 499675

Didn't know human carpets could video chat

No. 499677

File: 1522564997772.jpg (75.7 KB, 720x960, 29790105_10214115784202353_798…)

oof I guess one of my fb friends and his gf are at the con and they took photos with her

i hate that i can see her skin behind her floating chestpiece. is it supposed to be that way or is she just trying to make sure her tits get some socialization?

No. 499678

It's not. Her """""corset""""" is even too small. She's too fat and giving people wrong measurements so it looks bad once it's done.

No. 499679

File: 1522565153465.jpg (79.38 KB, 720x960, 29573166_10214115784122351_654…)

this does kinda make me question her height though because my friend is about 6'1" or 6'2". He's obviously bending down a bit, but not by that much. Also his GF is 5'3" iirc and she appears to be waaay shorter than moo. Moo is probably wearing some kind of heeled shoe, i'm sure - but i doubt it's anything massive.

No. 499680

She's got them Simple Jack bangs.

No. 499682

… does she honestly think we can't play spot the difference between the two pics? She's clearly edited out the fat overspill from the cincher/corset in the "hurrdurr i'm totally not wearing a corset" picture. That fat roll right above where the top of the cincher/corset was is VISIBLY gone in the second image. Christ almighty.

No. 499683

File: 1522567328496.gif (3.26 MB, 337x600, 8D23F6ED-39FE-4439-8AC1-68BF24…)

No. 499685

She also thought that we couldn't spot the difference between a freshman's textbooks and whatever the hell year she's claiming she's in textbooks when she tried to prove everyone wrong about being in school.

She's a genuine fool.

No. 499686

File: 1522568710804.jpg (29.56 KB, 500x515, hN4jGI0.jpg)

B-b-b-b-but they're not really friends according to mariah's definition

No. 499688

File: 1522570759713.jpg (257.54 KB, 1200x800, DZrf7ADV4AAcG1c.jpg)


No. 499690

File: 1522573354054.gif (393.37 KB, 250x150, 536CB68D-727A-4F08-93C0-383DB7…)

Gotta love the old tripfags from cgl never changing or growing up from their shitty ways, also from how yirico treated xbrinni it’s only natural she would treat moo the same, except this time moo deserves it and yirico probably gets a power trip from it
Crazy I wonder how much they’ve competed with each other this weekend knowing they both have to insert themselves into everything, they all deserve each other

No. 499691

File: 1522573728129.gif (1.76 MB, 337x600, 3FF12FFF-8F54-4BE4-A509-FC53C9…)

can you hear the stomps?

No. 499693

The only resemblance to cardio that she will do for the next six months.

No. 499699

>Moo replies to my friends tweet when she was mentioned in passing.
Does she really just search her name in Twitter all day?

No. 499703

File: 1522584593991.jpg (1.1 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180401-050933_Ins…)

Oh boy

No. 499705

>>499703 paranoid much moo? All of the shit thats "on the internet" are screencaps that came from your own fucking mouth. Hard to deny its false when youre the one who said and did 100% of it.

No. 499709

Look at them go? they are on Light on an obviously slow song. But it's Momo, watching her move in general is impressive

No. 499711


Dem linguistics skills put to use

No. 499712

is she talking about raekaybro? Saw talk of him in the calves thread about someone accusing him of sexual assault

No. 499720

Using the bar at that difficulty is beyond pathetic, Moo. Not even total newbies do that. #cosbodchallenge udderly failed, my dude.

No. 499722


It looks like both of em are using it and the guy looks pretty slim.

No. 499724

"Look at Maaatt"
zooms in her own face

No. 499728

moo looks like a kid in a sixth grade halloween costume. ratty wig. wrinkled dress. and that thing on her chest? does she even realize what she is trying to look like or represent? this is just sad. and the rest are not much better. i rate this group third tier. rank amateurs.

No. 499729


All it's going to take is for everyone talking shit about Nicolette for hanging out with Mariah for Nicolette to drop her. Just so she can seem like a hero, hoping people will be like "omg you're so brave for standing up to that bully!"

Yeah Nicolette is probably having a power trip right now thinking she has someone with a bigger following than her under her feet.

No. 499736

That's a woman, actually. Sinastri is one of a squad of four (Sin, Marupants, KittenWar, and Seviria) that used to sort of hang around with Moo, but they all seem to have mostly dropped her after Sev's "21st*" birthday party and Moo's horribly cringy behavior at it.

*In quotes because it's been going around that Sev is lying/made up the "character" of her cosplay persona who just happens to be about 8 years younger.

No. 499742

File: 1522604891159.png (355.82 KB, 413x466, Screenshot_2018-04-01-10-45-20…)

No. 499743

File: 1522605190379.png (72.62 KB, 621x440, Screenshot 2018-04-01 at 10.52…)

No. 499744

She claims that everything is fun and full of experience. She could trip and fall face first in cow dung and say it was fun and full of experience.

No. 499745

The only time people use the bar is because they can't keep up on their own. I used to use it on heavy or whatever hard is called near the end of playing because my legs felt like giving out. Honestly, it's harder to move right if you're holding it.
Just because a person is thin doesn't mean they're in shape or have stamina.

Sorry for ddr spaz.

No. 499746


>didn't take selfies because of gloves

More like she didn't take selfies because she doesn't want to post on her social media about hanging out with Mariah.

Have fun wearing gloves when you're around her all the time now.

No. 499748

Our linguistics major only knows like 5 words.

No. 499749

Moo was working overtime on not taking photos. She did the same at Katsucon; no one took photos with her, let alone by herself.
If she's doing it so people can't be critical of her, maybe she should quit cosplaying as a job?

No. 499752

Its fu8nny because Saber is suppose to be her big build, and yet we hardly see her in it except for a few candids that pop up. She must know its trash, especially now that she can't even fit into it.

No. 499754

File: 1522607967583.jpg (659.7 KB, 1080x2087, Screenshot_20180401-113910_Ins…)

No. 499755


She looks like a 40 year old "cool mom"

No. 499757

I thought she was Monika today? Or was that not complete?

No. 499758

A Fakku shirt (which Nigri just promoted) and leggings + red crop top just like Nigri just wore. lol

No. 499759

Also bunny and ss are sponsored by fakku lol.

No. 499760

Considering our cow went silent about the costume after the dye job, she fucked it up and couldn't use it.

No. 499761

why can’t she wear a shirt that covers that shit ugh

No. 499762

She was supposed to be Android 18 today, monika is going to be a set I guess

No. 499763

lol she didn't want people to see her hunchback

It's not hard to dye things…

No. 499764


Cosplay is your job but here you are going to do 2 casual cosplays in one weekend, and you only do 1 instead. Your job. You paid for a plane, a hotel, and the time to be at the con, and you can’t bother to put a casual outfit on like 18s. Especially after super just ended and it would be received well. Lol

No. 499765

God forbid she should ever go to a con and actually do a cosplay on the last day. So exhausting doing your "job" muh dudes.

No. 499766

Because she can't wear those leggings for the 9999th time in a row if she wears Android 18.

No. 499767

Hopefully she'll quit soon.
She's getting fatter and obviously burning out. Just go to school and do something else for a bit would be her best chance. She's 22. If she actually went to school like most costhots she'd have a backup plan

No. 499768

She dyed it just fine, but she was going to take a plain vest she bought and attempt quilting it, which we know is beyond Moo's skill level. Maybe she's waiting on Antares to do it for her?

No. 499770

At Sakuracon rn, any tips on how to track her down? I have her outfit pic for today for reference already. Should I put my ear to the ground to try and locate the tremors of her walk?

But seriously, how find.

No. 499771

why do you want to find her? you sound like a massive creep.

No. 499772

I want to take a photo with her. Why is that creepy?

No. 499773

is it me or is her lower body starting to look smaller then her upper?

No. 499774

I really wish another cosplayer would call her out on that floating chestpiece. it's horrible

No. 499777

It's just you. We've seen selfies from a day or two ago that shows her donkey kong body in a good view.

No. 499779

She screams constantly, you should be able to follow the sound of her voice.

No. 499780

check her instastories for pretty reliable locations, it looks like she’s walking around outside checking out cosplayers

No. 499781

Thanks, had been checking twitter constantly instead since I don’t actually have an insta. Will use that instead. Bless, would sage if I could.

No. 499782

Glad she's not going as 18. I might be salty af but I'm tired of this cow ruining characters that she just found out about like a year ago. Can't wait until Wizard World when I get to see her parents faces/reactions at the con.

No. 499786

To be fair to Moo, she did 18 already awhile back and DBZ is probably the only anime she's a genuine fan of. She's not the NUMBER ONE FAN EVER like she claims to be sometimes, but she actually likes it.

No. 499787

File: 1522611856576.jpeg (657.27 KB, 750x1025, 8554FC79-4F4C-47DA-B35B-02BA2F…)

squad? did you mean Asian fuckboys?

No. 499788

Now scream ching chong at them, Moo!

No. 499789

So, is this the only con besides La Mole that she actually had a badge for?

No. 499804

Trying so hard to show off what's left of her stomach sculpt

No. 499806

there are tons of other girls out there with rabid yellow fever that are a thousand times better looking than moo. Have a little self respect, fuckboys.

No. 499807

her hair looks worse and worse every pic lol

No. 499809

She can’t take of her cosplays or herself it’s a wonder how her cats are still alive.

No. 499810

Vamp was there for them

No. 499818

File: 1522615187665.png (2.44 MB, 750x1334, FC9F4021-21B4-4D09-8402-7E8C4F…)

you eat enough

No. 499820

Good thing it's April Fool's Day.

No. 499821

She looks like she has to take a shit.

It's how she's posing, stancing her legs like that takes away from how huge her thighs would look if they were posed normally.

God she really did fuck her body up.

No. 499822

wow she's really not wearing anything under this ill fitting breastplate. what a degenerate.

No. 499824

Yeah, I'm well aware she already cosplayed 18 and it was terrible. Even her video was awful. I just don't consider her a superfan when she can't even cosplay the characters correctly.

No. 499825

I thought she was only pretending to be a huge db fan because some guy was into it

No. 499826

That’s applicable to like everything she’s ever into. Either some guy or some cosplayer she follows is into it.

No. 499828

I can't get over how completely FUCKED her face looks. She's ballooning up so much she can barely open her eyes
She generally has somewhat big round eyes but like wtf. and her nose and face look so swollen? she needs a nose job and that eye bag surgery

No. 499829


If they're around her it's because of her following. Same reason why anyone is around her tbh. If someone who looked like Mariah and acted like Mariah asked to hang out, almost everyone would refuse. But because she has a following and because exploiting her followers is an easy way to gain followers, people feel inclined to be around her. It's the only reason why anyone defends her. The people that work with her defend her because they know once her fame kicks the bucket, they have no one else to leech off of.

She thinks she's being a special snowflake by hanging out with "smaller cosplayers" as if she's doing them a favor. But that attitude is the same reason why her garden is full of snakes. She pretends that she has "real friends" who she can apparently count with just her hands. But where are these people? If you look at the threads just last year, she had a different group of calves who she ditched or ditched her.

If she is really serious about having a small circle of close knit friends she needs to start doing some quality control because anyone who's willing to lick Mariah's ass seems to be able to join the circle.

No. 499831

File: 1522616613161.png (692.84 KB, 622x960, momo.png)

Did she lose weight?

No. 499832

No one gonna say anything about her trashy nails!?! JESUS GET THEM FILLED WOMAN!

No. 499834

Spandex and certain poses my friend. Don't let them cool you.

No. 499835

looks compressed too

No. 499836

File: 1522617009006.jpeg (205.88 KB, 1200x900, CDAF8636-E33A-4353-8E96-340BF1…)

No. 499837


Maybe that's why she's dragging around a backpack instead of a purse

Trying to have something as an excuse

j/k that's giving her too much credit

No. 499839

File: 1522617255825.jpg (23.69 KB, 300x459, c5fc43b8ba8f88b3d0ea602fa6d1c0…)

No. 499846

Dude just check out the last thread where the OP image came from. She's still just as wide as before.

No. 499848

I'm really starting to get the impression that moo just really isn't that into cosplay. She is totally into the attention it gets her, but she obviously isn't into the craft or being a creator or even the subject matter. She's a true dilettante. She could move on from cosplay tomorrow and not really care even a little as long as she could figure out a way to still have "her fame" my dudes lol

No. 499850

She just uses cosplay as a means to be a con party girl, it's incredibly obvious. And she likes the attention, as you said.

No. 499851

Just yesterday she was too fat to fit into her Saber.

Also I'm pretty sure this is shooped, look at the wall and screen behind her? Crazy fan that probably wants to make her look good.

No. 499852

Guaranteed this just looks ok from the front because she's holding shit so the overall shape isn't distinct and wearing compression pants (the same in OP, knowing her). From the side I'm sure she still resembles an overstuffed sausage.

No. 499855

not in a billion years a narcisistic like nicoletters wouldn't take a shit load of selfies

No. 499856

They are the same pants. The same that she wore yesterday too.

No. 499857

she bought "more than one pair"

No. 499859

I don't even know why she would make up a lie like that. She's in the public eye and won't even wash her damn clothes, buy the same kind in different colors or even do basic hygiene. Noooo, it's a smarter idea to wear the same pair every single day and pretend like it's not the same pair.

Her lack of intelligence is so fucking cringy.

No. 499865

This is gunna be silly nitpicking… but since it's easter she could have done bunny Bulma or a slutty bunny. Opportunity missed
Didn't she also wear just one casual cosplay down in Mexico and wore her activewear for the rest of the day? Same pants as well… they must be rank

No. 499866

File: 1522623021894.png (188.47 KB, 750x1334, F9F41718-CE7A-49DE-9A4C-282E2B…)

The shit she gets tagged in is so funny lmao why wouldn’t she remove this from her page??

No. 499867

Yes, she was sick with strap throat but recovered instantly.

No. 499868

Yuh I remember that. She was drinking heavily and screaming on the top of her lungs the whole time.

No. 499870

Oh hey, that’s me LOL that was fast

No. 499871

Sorry for samefag, didn’t see this reply, would sage if I could. Am the person who posted upthread asking how to track her down because I planned on taking this photo. I hate her ass lmao so nope this def isn’t shooped

No. 499873

The bag is covering part of her massive thigh.

No. 499876

When she first started cosplaying she said she was only doing it for the attention because she wanted to be popular like Jessica, in the first thread she was bragging about how much attention her Samus suit got and how wig companies featured her and shit

No. 499878

File: 1522625869332.jpg (135.21 KB, 640x776, IMG_7663.JPG)


Never forget that this is her attitude

No. 499879

wasn't this when she had under 5k followers? Just a little bit of attention gave her such a huge ego

No. 499880

I swear it's a troll or moo herself posting "wow did she lose weight lolz" with a shitty picture where she happens to be covering approximately half her bulk. I really don't want to believe that some of you bitches are so gullible that you can't scroll up and see there are pics from the same damn con taken the same damn day where she's still fucking enormous.

No. 499882

File: 1522627113783.jpeg (826.72 KB, 750x1087, C6F12EDC-058F-4FD0-BFB1-A358B6…)

No. 499895

Moo made a facebook comment on Rae Kay's status regarding a rape accusation made against him talking about how she takes those "very seriously".

Yet she's had her own history of sexually harassing others, so way to be hypocritical.

No. 499898

Can you post the comment? Can't find it

No. 499905

File: 1522629649886.png (92.71 KB, 720x667, Screenshot_2018-04-01-17-36-36…)

Saw this on my feed, figured its about Moo

No. 499907

File: 1522629753014.jpg (571.5 KB, 1080x2220, 20180401_202014.jpg)

No. 499910

File: 1522629815132.jpg (628.23 KB, 1080x2220, 20180401_201942.jpg)


Posted them in the wrong order, my bad

No. 499913

File: 1522629927529.jpeg (198.18 KB, 638x834, AA4AB028-2481-406E-BBF1-E37745…)

No. 499914

she's looking at the camille like "what? a full cosplay on a SUNDAY?!"

No. 499915

So she can write an essay about this guys scandal but still cant address her own


No. 499916

>I take rape accusations very seriously
>I also made a rape accusation and pinned it on someone else cause muh good name.
-Mariah logic

No. 499919

I'll never get over how fucking ugly Matt is. He looks like a juicer in his late 40s on the cusp of having a coronary.
this he-man wig is doing her moonface NO factors.

No. 499920

Doing a bunny Camilla isn't even hard, plus it's actually a thing in the mobile phone Fire Emblem game. Wonder why she didn't take advantage of that, her delusional fans would eat that shit up.

She's either lazy or she doesn't play that game as much as she said she does.

No. 499921

File: 1522630377515.gif (3.49 MB, 337x600, 436F49BA-797F-423D-8258-3F9511…)

butchered meme of the day:
“My names mariah, I’m 22 years old and I have a basketball game tomorrow….I’m a point guard”

No. 499926

eww.. dat silicon implant dent

No. 499927

File: 1522631258793.jpeg (287.74 KB, 1242x1631, F0AB3A47-5091-4C1E-97BE-F35A54…)

She’s officially hit an all time low on patreon - the last time she had this few patrons was May 2017, and even then it was on an incline. What a huge drop.

No. 499929

File: 1522631337894.jpeg (880.86 KB, 1242x1697, DBD28AD2-1AD7-4CC8-823E-DF8F2A…)

The graph is out of date, btw. She’s at 629 patrons, even lower than feb.

No. 499930

who's the camilla
the feh easter costume is A+++ idea

No. 499931

… what's the joke

aside from her

No. 499932

theres no way shes played since fate came out
and no way she played the real games

No. 499933

She was at 1k at one point right? Seems like her 5 minutes are running out. Only other cow i've seem drop so many patreons like this is Sheena

No. 499934


No. 499935

It's a dumb vine joke


Did momo forget the time she touched a random guys ass without permission?

No. 499938

There are so many factors to this. One, she can't afford or is too lazy to do fake pledges.
Two, her old friends use to fake pledge to her as well. An example is one would be a $50 tier and she would pledge 50 in return. No one earned money, but it looks good.
Three is the most obvious. She's a complete cunt to her own fans. When they ask about rewards or mentions her shit quality she claps back, insults them or literally tells them to fuck off and to stop following her.

I feel for creators who barely make 1k. Momo is at least making 5,000 a month. But they should feel good the girl is bleeding through cash and won't have shit saved when her 5 minutes of infamy is over.

No. 499940

o-oh…. her face looks worse than yesterday…

No. 499942

File: 1522632230237.jpeg (211.31 KB, 1242x1245, D1531294-441B-46B5-A505-21A787…)

Here’s her full graph to show just how bad it is. Way beyond the point of recovery, it’s been downward for quite a few months

No. 499945

i know it's a real thing. and we all know why she hasn't jumped on that boat. she only does what hot in the moment rather than what's ongoing.

No. 499950

She started working on it at one point it’s just in her manic cosplay pile. She even offered to let nicoletters use the egg that she had but nico already had hers

No. 499954

File: 1522634215737.gif (3.07 MB, 337x600, 75B04259-98F6-48D9-879D-531B24…)

No. 499956

shes so desperate

No. 499958

The only option for her will be camgirl. She can't work a real job and even if she could get one it would be minimum wage and she'd last about a week.

No. 499960

You know I thought she would shit on RaeKay because he and Sabrina dated didn’t they?? Unless Moo wants to try and get with him now since he’s single and she has no respect for her friends but still super fucked up how quickly she can just throw people under the bus but no surprising I.e., krissy, saying vamplette didn’t open any doors for her and whatever fucking else
Funny how she’s shootint with Eurobeat Kasumi after Nicolette talked major shit about Martin Wong too when she was going on about how clear her skin is after their photos showed she had shit skin

No. 499963

Well is Rae is asian so I would not be surprised. Then again her MO is guys who happen to be taken, right?

No. 499964

File: 1522635810998.gif (4.05 MB, 337x600, 252D856A-44FE-4B0D-B71C-F78929…)

if momo doesn’t force herself into everything you post did you even hang out with her?

nicos trying to film the conveyor belt, momo starts jabbing chopsticks in frame, nico says “I’m gonna kill you, I’m gonna kill you…Mariah”

No. 499966

File: 1522636063948.jpeg (692.44 KB, 669x871, 1D501CEB-56FE-4BBE-8FAA-2741B4…)

dinner group

No. 499967

File: 1522636079712.jpeg (700.74 KB, 661x893, 577CB17E-B144-4117-90F2-234AD7…)

No. 499971


She says she takes rape seriously but she lied about being raped by Nathan Deluca and threw Krissy under the bus. Or in the off chance she did get raped by Nathan, she chose to keep quiet about it because she was afraid of him ruining her reputation and friend ship with Jessica Nigri and fakenerdboy.

No. 499972

It's a vine reference that Jenna Marbles makes a LOT. Fuck off Moo you will never be Marbles or Nigri.

No. 499974

This is so satisfying. It's like when Onision's popularity tanked and all of a sudden he's begging online. I can't wait to see where Mariah ends up in a few more years. At least Onion managed to buy a few houses, a tesla, and more with his youtube money before he went broke. What has Mariah invested in? Bad cosplay, botched lipo, fair weather friendships…?

Why in the world would you cut your sweaters into crop tops if you had a body like this?

No. 499975

That shirt is gross and she should feel bad for wearing it out. I hate it when people wear nasty shit to a restaurant, I'm trying to eat.

No. 499976

she just lost 12 patrons since this post

No. 499977

I just want to know if at any point in the history of Mariah hanging out with people has anyone ever just told this bitch "Jesus Christ, can you stop? You're so fucking annoying."

No. 499979

I can only imagine the milk that would flow if that happened from her tantrum alone.

>Why in the world would you cut your sweaters into crop tops if you had a body like this?

On a scale from 1 to 10, her delusions are a 20.

No. 499980

it's beginning on the month, her patrons will dip. check back in a week for 2 for a true number.

i can see why she can't keep friends to save her life. she's so fucking obnoxious. doesn't she know as the Fat Girl she can't get away with this shit? lmao.

No. 499981

She buys them things or makes an emotional post about how no one is her real friend then tell everyone she knows to stay away from them.

No. 499982

File: 1522637864789.png (222.25 KB, 635x692, Screenshot 2018-04-01 at 7.57.…)

>i dont know how visas work
>was invited to two out-of-country cons

No. 499983

Her mom… uh, I mean "manager" probably handled all the legalities for her. Mariah can barely function as an adult, we've all seen her house and lack of responsibility when it comes to her "job".

No. 499984

did she really need a visa for those?

No. 499985


She didnt need anything other than an immigration form to go to Mexico and Canada's 'eTa' is something you can fill and get back in under 24 hours. American visas are notoriously difficult to get but maybe instead of replying to this maybe she should look it up before being an idiot.

Of course she's trying to defend the con with the sexual harasser con head though.

No. 499986

US passport holders have things a lot easier than people from other countries. Moo probably got a tourist visa upon entering Mexico and didn’t even know. She wasn’t there long at all anyway.

No. 499987

As far as I know you can get an Enhanced License and that let's you go into both Canada and Mexico, so she may have had one of those? But that would mean giving her credit for something too beyond her level to understand.

No. 499990

I’ve been to Canada and a few other countries and never needed anything other than a passport to enter. You just fill out the generic papers at customs and immigration. I only needed a special visa for one country where I stayed longer than 3 months. Moo isn’t hanging around anywhere longer than a week and she’s American.

No. 499991

She didn't even do it correctly, she rushed it all out like she was just in a hurry to get it on camera. I didn't know people could actually be bad at memes.

I know I'm biased but she genuinely seems so awful to be friends with. She's always putting on an act for the camera, always the loudest, always getting in the way so the attention's on her.

No. 499992

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No. 499994

>wish I could sage
But does anyone know where Nicolette got a sweater like that? Or what to search to find one like that it’s really cute
Otherwise moo has no style awareness let alone social awareness so she thinks she looks amazing in crop tops, look at roadhag and her dumbass moo oc cowgirl outfit

No. 500000

File: 1522641457297.png (410.06 KB, 900x623, sorryplsnoban.png)

It's not the exact sweater but F21 has a lot similar to this style, just look for off the shoulder sweaters, or amazon honestly. Pic related, sorry I can't sage but I was interested in this type of look as well.

No. 500006

That Tewi looks ready to club her in the head.

No. 500008

File: 1522643641177.gif (4.77 MB, 270x480, 3086F7E8-3B44-4343-BF67-5293AB…)

“Hey Mariah, you got something to say? Do you wanna say anything? shakey cam that’s what I fucking thought!”

it’s clearly a joke but almost makes you wonder if it’s lurking time or if nicoletters is just baiting the shit out of her

No. 500010

File: 1522643834477.gif (4.36 MB, 270x480, 1B899972-BC6B-424D-A592-9BEB28…)

No. 500011

What is she even doing?? Is she high on something?

No. 500012

Bless you anon I found the link so here you go https://www.forever21.com/us/shop/Catalog/Product/f21/sweater/2000243003
Sorry everyone wish I could sage this

But god Mariah is fucking annoying why can she not just be fucking still for a moment? Like the moment the camera is on her she has to always do something, moo you’re not fucking funny stop trying to be, she’s an absolute headache just even watching her through stories

No. 500013

She looks like she needs to pee.

Just trying to draw all of the attention away from what's being filmed all to herself. You know, the usual.

No. 500014

when isnt she high or drunk

No. 500016

She honestly acts like a 14 year old that can't just be a person for a second and needs to be "funny" or crazy constantly
I'm exhausted just watching these, I cannot imagine being there in person

No. 500017


Of course she lurks. I wouldn't doubt if they all lurked together as Mariah reads them all the posts on here while high and drunk. Trying to convince everyone in the room that everything here is lies.

No. 500020

File: 1522646042013.jpeg (835.08 KB, 1242x1511, 05DE1741-5607-4254-B73E-C24F34…)

Holy shit the drop keeps going. She’s lost 150+ patrons in 24 hours. That’s not normal “end of month” drop off.

No. 500021

idk if it's changed, but isn't there a thing where you unpledge at the end of the month before the payment goes through?

No. 500022

File: 1522646643717.gif (2.48 MB, 337x600, C66E7FA8-CB68-4945-A482-84701B…)

“what are you doing? is that a lime?”

No. 500025

I don't feel bad for her "friends" unless Momo literally just invades into people's lives like she does at dinner. But it is irritating how everyone is looking annoyed, trying to relax and decompose from a long day and there is Momo desperately trying to grab attention and not giving anyone a break

No. 500026

Yes and no: These would mostly be accounts that are being declined at this point.

It's kinda too late to back out on your own through patreon so these people would need to have it so that they can catch things from their account's side (through paypal or their bank account) because patreon starts processing at the beginning of month exactly.

Either way this is hilarious because she's literally where she was a year ago cept she's definitely making less per month because smaller backers are less likely to care/drop out of their backing since they're losing less rewards so these numbers she's dropping are all going to be her highest backers.

No. 500028

Yeah, patrons have until the 1st to unpledge and it usually involves taking a survey for why ect.

No. 500029

not anymore since FOSTA/SESTA passing, can't charge for sexual services online, have seen many a camwhore mad about this

No. 500031

File: 1522649296595.gif (4.01 MB, 337x600, 5BF74CC1-CC12-4410-9A65-B195B9…)

No. 500032

File: 1522649412888.png (79.47 KB, 130x403, Screenshot 2018-04-01 at 11.08…)

No. 500033

File: 1522649426923.png (189.96 KB, 279x434, Screenshot 2018-04-01 at 11.09…)

No. 500034

Are her nails like… the base for acrylic nails before they actually put the clear coat on them? Like after they've shaped the fake nail with the powder and liquid? Maybe the WORST set of fake nails I've ever seen.

No. 500036

This is so amusing. She's officially dipped under 600 patreons. I didn't think we'd see her patreon bleed out this much, this quickly. Here's hoping the trend continues.

When was the last time she actually went up in followers? Oct 2017 by the look of this graph? >>499927

No. 500038

Totes doing schoolwork my dudes!

No. 500039

Wow please read the rules, the threads are back in pt now

No. 500046

File: 1522653337654.png (890.46 KB, 720x1145, Screenshot_2018-04-02-00-09-32…)

No. 500047

File: 1522653367685.png (772.21 KB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2018-04-02-00-11-43…)

I dont drink at cons my dude

No. 500049

I don’t know about y’all but my classes are in crunch time right now. I couldn’t even go to see my family today because I have so much schoolwork to do. This is the prime time for projects, essays, exams etc. because spring break was just over and professors are really trying to fit everything in before the end of the year.

It’s just weird because as a full time student (who also works) my life is consumed by just trying to keep up with schoolwork, and Mooriah still doesn’t mention anything about it. She can stay late on Sunday drinking instead of heading back early to do some work. I understand that everyone needs time away from school to relax, but it seems like that’s all she does do.

No. 500050

I've been waiting for the neckbeards bucks to start drying up for so long. I'm wondering what desperate lengths she will go to to win them back. Lewds alone don't seem to be pulling them in anymore (so will we finally see her slow bitter decent into full on porn? ) But what can you expect when your known for never holding up to your goals, rarely deliver on rewards, and your "exclusive" photo sets are always leaked minutes after released. There isn't any incentive to join. Plus with all the salty backlash she gets for commissioning everything it seems a few are starting to wake up to the fact that every cent of their pledge goes to food, parting, and lipo/cool scultping instead of cosplay.

No. 500052

File: 1522654438414.png (66.96 KB, 302x420, 587.PNG)

Well. Duh. I think it's been pretty apparent from the first thread that she doesn't really enjoy cosplay. Clues such as
>Cheap, badly constructed or bought costumes
>Ditches cosplays at the last minute or only wears them for a few hours until she goes drinking
>Puts no effort into anything cosplay-related, is more interested in the ~OC~ shoots
>Has no or only shallow interest in the characters she picks
>Doesn't really interact with the community
but naturally she welcomes all the nice things such as attention and money that comes with it.

By the way, the number keeps dropping. She's definitely still making a ton of money because her pledge prices are fucking insane compared to what you get from them (nothing because this lazy cow doesn't deliver) but the rate she's bleeding patrons at the moment is insane. In September-October she had almost 900 patrons and then crashed down to under 600 5 months later. The rate gets faster as we go, it doesn't seem to be stopping any time soon.

No. 500053

honestly same here. i tried bringing work to a convention once and it was absolute hell and impossible. there’s no way a fucking idiot like mariah would be able to do schoolwork during a con. she can’t even stay away from alcohol. i’m a full time student and a worker too and i agree with you lol, i normally wouldn’t care if someone needs to take a break from school, i get it, but the fact she continues to lie about being a double linguistics-business major with a Skype theater class rubs me the wrong way and makes me wanna beat her ass even more.

No. 500054

if mariah actually had talent she’d be able to produce more ACTUAL cosplay content. not the lazy oc bullshit she’s pulling. she derserves to lose patrons lol but they’re still morons for believing in that moron

No. 500055

File: 1522655260090.png (1.46 MB, 884x868, googlesearchmomo.PNG)

I personally doubt she'd go porn and revealing her vag and nipples. Mariah is a trashy skank but if she would go full nude and making porn, she would've done it already. She kinda did with her Moomoo diarrhea set and that lost her 100+ patrons. She's already learned her place, she's even afraid of people taking her photos at conventions. She knows people hate her and wish that she went away. Momo hasn't even done that many cosplays lately, she keeps churning out OC content. She's already lost her reputation completely and the only people giving her money are latina/middle eastern guys looking for fap material.

I'm predicting that at some point she will quit but leave the patreon up despite not making any content, like Spoony did. She'll always have those few hundred people giving her a tiny bit of money because they "believe in her talent". She'll probably go back to being an airheaded basic thot sans the cosplay and fake weebness, maybe make a new locked instagram account under another name sometime in the future. Too bad her real name is forever attached to her faking giving a blow job while dressed up as a character from a children's game.

No. 500056


prolly reaching, but she tries to have this whole oc thing going on like susu and bunny, but no one gives a shit about her character. especially when she stole it from another artist

No. 500057

Tbh Bunny and plenty other costhots also copy whatever ss does and moo always rips off others ideas so it’s not a reach. Surprised moo hasnt also tried to come out with a figurine for her shit “oc”.

No. 500058

Its hilarious and sad at the same time because at a con last year, I had the sound on my phone turned up so when I had taken a photo of a cosplayer near Mariah, the shutter sound clicked and she shot her head up and looked around to see who it was. She's completely paranoid at this point.

No. 500059

At Sakuracon I've heard multiple stories of people clearly taking pictures of themselves/selfies and her yelling at them for taking pictures of her, I guess because she was in the background or something and she thought they were paparazzing her.

No. 500060

No that person took a photo of her and then posted it to Facebook and started saying really nasty stuff. Just wanted to clarify.

No. 500061

You're gunna need to post caps of this

No. 500067

I deleted her after this weekend because this chick is certified insane and arguably more toxic than moo. I’ll see if anyone that knows her has screencaps since she’s a local cosplayer. Her names bella

No. 500069

I don't think it's the same incident… I heard different individual stories from different people

No. 500076

It’s the same.

Bella Henriksen(sp?) was caught by Mariah in front of a group of people.

Saw it from the side and cringed. Bella is known for being insane and harassing others.

No. 500084

You stay pledged but if someone's pledge has been declined (lack of funds in their account, wrong account number) they no longer show as a patron on your profile. In 2-3 days it'll probably go up again if people correct their details.

No. 500085


you say this but i personally know of several people who said the same thing happened to them so no it's not just the one incident.

Also if this person is soooooo terrible and toxic why isnt there a thread on them or why dont you post bout them in the cospayer thread in snow??? no one cares about your weird vendetta if you dont have proof.

No. 500091

she leaked her own nudes before. she's going to start, her cosplays were racy before with POV shit but she didn't show her vag lips. she also nip slipped on purpose a few times. she's a retard and thinks she's being tantalizing. i think another thing is that now that her patreons are constantly dropping, she will realize she has to show it all.

No. 500092

She already leaked her own nudes. I can totally see her getting into porn/camming.

No. 500105


If you don't think she will do porn, you are likely new here.

When she first started, she went straight into doing 'boudoir'. To her credit, everyone started doing it around this time. However she said many times that she didn't want her sexy stuff to be the main thing. She talked about it as if it was only a side project and wanted her cosplays to be the main focus. Her 'boudoir' shoots were very tame compared to her stuff now.

Flash forward to when she started doing POV. She kept denying it was porn and kept insisting that it was art. It seemed like an excuse for her to live out her Guzma fantasies and it didn't seem like at the time she had any plans on doing more. If you saw the chart then around this time her patreon numbers shot up. That's when we also saw her doing more POV and admitting that POV was porn. She probably did that to capitalize on the money and to bait neckbeards into thinking actual penetration may be happening.

She kept milking her POVs and I think her latest POV was the Milk Party (totally her OC) one. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Her patreon numbers also started slowly falling. My guess is the neckbeards were frustrated with lack of actual sex or began to become grossed out by her body.

She then tried to up her game by doing shibari. Which didn't do anything for her. And during this time was also when the nip slips and labia slips started running rampant. She even started sucking on penis shaped lollipop. If you told her to do those things the year she started patreon (3 years ago?) she would've likely refused to do so and call those things trashy. But look at her now.

My point is, Mariah is willing to go lower and lower as long as she makes money. Every time she became trashier it was because she wanted to make more money. And you can see there's a trend with her becoming trashy either to capitalize on it or to do something about her falling patrons.

She's eventually going to get to a point where she HAS to do porn to maintain her numbers or simply quit when it's not worth it anymore.

No. 500109

Bless you, gif anon. Seeing this cow on motion is priceless. How can anyone willing hang out with her unless they are cows themselves?

No. 500116

You have multiple people with a similar claim versus your bizarre claim that only you magically have.

Stop while you’re ahead.

No. 500120

I'm seriously predicting she will do more semi-nude lewds soon like her valentines day shoot minus the chocolate diarrhea. It will be a Buch of trashy teaser shoots. Then the nipple pasties will come completely off and then she'll show downstairs. I don't think she will show everything at once or stick anything in right away. She's fallen fast in 3 years but it's been a gradual decline.

No. 500121


Pretty obvious, since it has been so obvious that her fans don't care about her "passion for cosplaying" unless it's tits and ass

No. 500124


Seriously, it’s so obvious. Every time she posts one of her “dream projects” that she “worked super hard on and is super proud of”, no one gives a shit and is completely forgotten about within minutes. But the second she posts tits and ass it’s millions of “OMG I WANNA BURY MUH DICK IN YOUR ASS!!!” comments.

She should take the hint hat no one gives a shit how much a project means to her, or how much of a fan she is, or how much “hard work” she put into something. All they care about is how much of her tits and ass they get to see. And of course if you point this out to her, she’ll just be a raging cunt and tell you to go fuck off.

No. 500126


The only thing stopping her is because she's concerned about what mama Nigri or what other famous people think. We all know if Nigri went nude, Mariah would follow suit right after.

I predict when she loses about a hundred more patrons she's going to show her nipples. Or at least more frequent nip slips.

What's dangerous about people like her gaining money and fame quickly is that she's too big headed to realize she's been going down hill for more than a year now. She's going to not see that she can't maintain her current lifestyle of flying out to places just for D-tier photoshoots, eating sushi every night, paying for her snakes, and doing loads of weed.

Also, has anyone else noticed that there have been more insider leaks here since Gabby and Vamp have been around her less and Mariah's been with her new circle? Maybe just a coincidence.

No. 500127

Considering how defensive you just got over some unknown mediocre cosplayer with a history of being a psychopath and the fact that I know that Bella goes on here? Good job, crazy.

No. 500129

Uh oh Mariah, getting that double chin. Neckbeards hate that.

No. 500130

I'm not the only person claiming that they've heard multiple stories about moo freaking out around someone just taking a selfie. That was my first post on the subject.

That's one hell of a reach you have there. I dont know who that person is at all and I cant even find them by googling the name but I have heard more than one story about someone taking a picture and moo freaking out about it. As I said if the person is so terrible go talk about them in the irrelevant cosplayer thread in snow. As I said no one cares about some no-name vendetta if you dont have receipts. I dont care if the person is a saint or literally Moo 2.0, if you can name names you should be able to drop receipts. I cant because I'm not trying to out random con-goers for moo to 'clap back' at.

No. 500131

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Fap material

No. 500135

File: 1522695654005.png (330.71 KB, 609x904, 1522644638632.png)

Jumping on the AM bandwagon

No. 500138

Once again Moo graces us with her deep knowledge that only a Double Major International Cosplay Star Fitness Guru can provide. She is sooooooo fucked for Peru if she bothers to go, this is going to be glorious.

No. 500139

I mean, can you blame her? We did have anons paparazzing her before. Moo is crazy in many ways but if this is true I wouldn't say being paranoid is one of them, she has legit reasons for that.

No. 500142

Eh, to a point. Her paranoia can get pretty bad. Screaming at people first before seeing if they even are taking a photo of you at a con where everyone is taking photos is a little crazy.

No. 500143

So a anon or a Joe Schmoe on the street, people talk pictures of people without consent all the time at cons. Doesn't make a difference.

No. 500145

even then she only gave a shit cause she's an ugly bitch irl and didn't want people to see it in cosplay. there's a reason moo never wears 'girly' clothes, considering how worried she is about being feminine.

No. 500147

As much as I dislike Moo I think it's creepy to sneek candid pictures of her at cons. I'm completely content with making fun of the photos she try to pass off on social media as "professional." And if anyone needs proof of photoshop you can easily look at one of the dozens of instagram stories that clearly show how huge she is. She's always too drunk to even think about trying to hide her size.

No. 500149

I didn't say otherwise or mentioned that.

No. 500151


It's her own doing. Other more famous cosplayers don't have an issue with people taking photos like that.

The reason why Mariah acts like that is because she has so much to hide. Through anon photos people discovered her lipo, her photoshops, and her doing things she claims to not be doing. La Mole is a good example of this. She pretended to be an international celebrity and showed off about how much love she received but videos and photos from attendees showed that she actually barely had anyone come up to her.

And before she uses the excuse that she's paranoid because she has haters. She has to understand that haters don't come out from nowhere. No one just has haters, especially 55 threads worth. She had 3 years to clean up her act. Instead of cleaning up her act she decided to become worse.

When she only had 2k followers she already acted entitled. And then she started doing boudoir and called it art. If she really meant what she said about being taken seriously as a cosplayer, her level of skill should be a lot of higher by now instead of commissioning 90% of all her builds. Sorry, I meant "giving back to the community my dudes".

No. 500152

bullshit. It's the same as cosplayers whining about 'not being asked for a picture is wrong'. If you're in the public light ESPECIALLY using your own appearance you're going to have pictures taken of you at public events. She's paranoid as hell and always has been.

>Back when she was even more brazen about talking shit to people online she would always show up to conventions with her 'posse' of like 6 people so no one could come at her

>Arguably one of the people to get closest to her (KBBQ) is immediately called a 'snake' to try and preemptively disprove anything he could say.
>the months she spent blatantly lying about her lipo and then having sabrina take back what she said and say 'she was mistaken'
>When the conversation with someone about her lying about doing homework at cons came out she ran to her personal fb and told people to 'not answer people'

There is TONS of proof that's she's always been paranoid and she SHOULD be because anyone who lies as much as she has has so much to lose.

How is it creepy to take pictures of someone at a con? It's not like these people are on a balcony with a sniper lens. MOST of the pictures posted here are obviously taken from randos and she's posing so she's obviously aware of the photo being taken.

Other than that people take the same kind of pictures in the 'normie' world or have you never heard of 'People of Walmart'. If you stand out in a good or bad way people are going to take pictures of you. Simple as that.

As you said some of the worst pictures are from her IG stories but imho having a proper side to side photo between her shooped photoshoots and how he looks in the same costume/makeup without angles/filters/etc is also hilarious for me.

No. 500153

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Looks like someone's backing up that lie.

No. 500154

It’s also unrealistic of her to expect that all the thousands of people at Sakuracon should make sure nobody is getting her in the background of a photo. I accidentally posed for a pic in front of a group that included her on Sunday and she definitely angry about it. I’m sure I’m accidentally in hundreds of photo backgrounds myself, like any other attendee would be, but you only hear about Moo getting angry.

No. 500155

>It's not like these people are on a balcony with a sniper lens.

The mental image from this has me laughing so hard. "Target in position and locked in sight."

Ranting about her professors from her freshman year cause they're the only professors that she's ever had.

No. 500159


Oh Yirico. Forever the leech she's always been. Looks like she's going to stick around Mariah for a while.

Also would love it if someone would post about the whole drama between her and xbrinni. Would be a nice refresher so people will know about Mariah's new snake.

No. 500163

This is hilarious. If the guest was applying for a P Visa or a B Visa than the convention HAD to send in paperwork. They also would want to provide a letter stating what they're getting paid among a few other basics for the Customs Officer since they know very little English. Having a copy of your contract, schedule, and additional paperwork is all helpful to get through customs.

The issue is if they just did an ESTA, and she was getting paid. That's illegal. Assuming the guest is coming from Japan, a LOT of cons do this. Most conventions don't have an immigration lawyer they work with and just try to do this haphazardly. But you know, the con isn't getting banned from the US for 10 years, sooooo what do they care if it's wrong. The guest has to deal with it.

I have very little experience with Peru, but from what I can gleam Momo just needs a passport. If it was opposite (Peru to US), Momo would need to file an ESTA, which is like 14 dollars and takes 10 minutes. So, Momo, should stfu. She has no idea what so ever what this involves.

No. 500167

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I never drink ever at cons my dudes, I just sit inside and play board games quietly with my friends.

No. 500174

IIRC an issue may have come up if she was claiming she was there to work.

I went from the US to AUS on a business trip back in 2016 and the company I was with told me to just get a tourist visa because it wasn’t worth the hassle to get a work visa. I assume since Moo doesn’t collect a salary, she’s have to get a work visa to make sure she got paid.

No. 500176


She's not even trying to lie about that anymore. And she wonders why we all brand her as a liar.

No. 500177

She's rarely consistent with her lies.

No. 500180


So now she has come to forcing her “friends” to peddle her lies? I wonder how much money she is throwing at them to keep up with her bullshit.


“Lol I hate drinking. I never get invited to con parties. I prefer to stay in my room and play board games and eat pizza my dude”

She isn’t even trying to maintain this lie anymore.

No. 500182

she will next time after reading it on here (maybe)

No. 500190

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Sage for a bit off topic but if anyone watches king of the hill there’s an episode of the obnoxious Dallas cowboy who moves into the neighborhood and annoy this shit out of everyone. Looking into Mariah’s life at the cosplay scene id say she’s the Willie Lane of the cosplay community as she’s obnoxious af and would get away with murder despite doing terrible shit to people. She always parties and wants to be your friend before stabbing you in the back. We tried to warn everyone about her but some people won’t listen and were desperate to get her out of the community.

No. 500191

She's the Willie Lane with Hank's ass.

And there's no sage in pt.

No. 500192

Why do all you anons just assume that she doesn't lie all the time to her so called friends. She does. And like everyone else in her orbit they just ignore it even if it is painfully obvious that she is just making things up.

No. 500196


She does lie. There's a lot of evidence of this.


>lying to Matt, Roxy, and Sabrina about her lipo being public knowledge

>lying to Krissy about Nathan Deluca raping her

>lying to other friends that she didn't get lipo done

>lying to her friends about the MyOppa incident (from what I can tell on her chats with OhNips).

No. 500198

I don't think that anyone really believes the whole school lie anymore. If they say they do they are either being a wk or just trying to troll. Anyone with any real experience at a uni knows that this time of year is brutal and you cant just take weeks off at a time and staying up all night.

No. 500199

If you've ever spent time around anyone like Mariah you know how creepy it is to have to listen to lies all the time. It's even embarrassing although I'm not really sure why. It's easiest to just nod and smile and hope she moves on to something else to babble about.

No. 500200

Yeah that was sarcasm.

No. 500201


You can. It just usually results in you failing all your courses. If she was actually in school as she claims, I have no doubt she would be flunking out of all her classes. She absolutely strikes me as he type of dipshit that thinks that because she coasted through high school that she can just half ass her way through college and still be able to pass. She thinks she can skip all these classes, show up at the end and still be able to pass the class.

Again, if she were actually in school. It’s already been proven that the classes she claims to be takin don’t exist.

No. 500202

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Reading this really takes me back…

When I first read this, I didn't know much about her so I thought "people on lolcow are really mean and admire her for taking a stand".

Looking at it now after 2+ years of her being a toxin within the community, I see how much of a cunt she was being and how right everyone was since the beginning.

No. 500203


lime? or line as in cocaine?

No. 500204

It was "line"

No. 500209

Its embarrassing because she really has not grown at all. Despite her ~fame~ clearly diminishing and her being desperate enough to shoot softcore porn and play with fake cum… She's still the same stuck up twat who thinks the world should kiss the ground she waddles on.

No. 500211


Her "fame" is only within a small community. Not all anime fans are cosplayers or follow cosplayers. Not all nerds like anime. In reality, anyone worth a damn would say "who?" Upon mentioning her name. In the real world, momokun doesn't matter and her "name" doesn't mean shit. Now, the name Mariah Mallad DOES matter, and she was fucking stupid enough to tie that name to her so called cosplay and lewds. She kissed whatever adult opportunity for a real job goodbye the second she took her clothes off and posed for pictures like a trashy whore. She's only 22 years old, she has a hell of a lot of life left to live, and she's already ruined her name. No serious employer is going to hire someone like her with such a reputation and aggressive personality. Better enjoy these moments while you have them moo, they wont last.

No. 500212

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No. 500213

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No. 500214

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No. 500215

OP of the post here, and I just want to say I don't honestly believe she's in college right now. It's obviously just another lie she's making up so she can present a better image of herself and subsequently help her utter lack of self-esteem. It's just funny how she doesn't even try to keep up with the lies she tells. This is a hellish time of year for anyone in school, but she hasn't even attempted to bring up how difficult it is.

Mariah loves to make up lies about herself but isn't very good at keeping up with them.

No. 500216


moo confirmed for cokehead?

No. 500217

no mention of the other keychains or mouse pads she lied about ordering

(iirc she said since it was old art she got rid of them or something but lol fuck off)

No. 500218

i think if she was doing cutting a line here would see it on the table when she moved away, probably on top of a phone or a mirror since people don’t usually do it right off the table. probably just joking around honestly

No. 500220


why did she hide like that then? looks like she didn't want to be seen doing whatever she was doing. and i wouldn't put it past mariah to do it right off the table

No. 500221

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This seems to be her awful go-to pose for this saber outfit. So dedicated, so skilled

No. 500222

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No. 500223

ur reaching

No. 500224

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Can’t believe her “amazing friends” let her leave the hotel room with her wig and makeup like this

No. 500226

isn’t a fat cokehead really rare?

No. 500227


Reminds me of when she came to kbbq's pool party last year or something and made fun of his make up in her instagram stories. I don't know why she insists on putting others down all the time when she shows time and time again that she's even worse.

No. 500228

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speak of the devil, going through the league of legends tag on IG and kyndrin's tags scream "i want follows"

No. 500229

File: 1522716085362.jpg (163.85 KB, 929x1255, does he eat the coke.jpg)

It's not unheard of.

No. 500231


think about it:
-she stays up for days at a time
-has these crazy manic phases
-can't shut up for the life of her
-seems to be doing 1001 things at once
-eats enough to make even the biggest cokehead obese
-sabrina seems fed up with moo and seems a bit content on sabotaging the people around her so would definitely out moo as a coke user
-sabrina was also the one who outed her for her lipo

No. 500232

I don't know what the last two have to do with being a cokehead but ok

No. 500233


they have to do with sabrina not keeping it secret

No. 500235

This seems like a reach, anon. She mentioned a while back that she takes ritalin. It could just be mixing badly with her drinking.

No. 500236

as someone who lived with an adderall abusing roomie, i will have to agree, her actions reflect that heavily.

No. 500237

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with a taste of your lips I’m on a ride you’re toxic I’m slipping under

No. 500238

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pic related

No. 500239

I’m NOT defending hanari at all but holy fuck I can’t believe moo is posting shit like this, liking stuff from this account, etc. She refused to make statements on myoppa, screaming “don’t witchhunt” “don’t spread rumours (about me)” “don’t believe everything you read online second hand” - she ONLY preaches these things when they’re hurting her and she wants to run from it, but when it’s someone else she’s along for the ride and even liking meme posts about someone?

Again really not defending hanari here but just really disgusted that moo thinks she can get away with throwing stones inside her VERY FRAGILE glass house. I hope any big names who felt bad about comforting her stop backing down now - this bitch deserves zero sympathy

No. 500240

should post with her icon in the corner or she'll dismiss this as not her

No. 500241

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No. 500242


This is just fucked. I get it. Hanari is not handling the situation correctly and wrongly called out Rae without context. Yes, Rae is a fuck boy but he didn't assault her.

What's even more messed up is that Mariah is sharing a page that is literally inciting a witch hunt and causing more harm than good. Hanari could literally use this as a basis for a lawsuit and claim that people are harassing them to keep them quiet.

Really mature Mariah. You do anything for your Asian fuck boys.

No. 500243

This is fucking disgusting. I’m not siding with Hanari either but this is too far. Fuck Moo for promoting it too.

No. 500244

Lmao is she tilted that hanari got further with raekay than she ever will

No. 500245


It's hilarious how she is like this. If she wants to call out fake rape claims, how will she feel if people blew up her fake rape claims against Natha Deluca????? You know, the one where she uses to throw Krissy under the bus? I'm sure she wouldn't like that at all since her reason for not calling out Nathan Deluca was obviously because he's close friends with Jessica and fakenerdboy.

No. 500248

So much for, "no hate only love, my dudes!" And "I don't like drama."

No. 500250

File: 1522718876193.jpg (567.55 KB, 2048x2048, 90BCA4A3-DE5B-4C67-99C7-27A9A9…)

Never forget she tried the same shit on Nathan Deluca my dudes

No. 500251

Holy shit I'm 99% sure she is doing a line in this video. Daaaamn Mariah.

No. 500252

Might be a good chance for Rae to come in as a good guy. His responses seemed really understanding and it looks really bad on him if he condones this witch Hunt.

Way to be a great friend, Mariah!

No. 500254

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He does condone this. I knew he’s a fuckboy but this is disappointing. Enough people already think Hanari is just being a nut. You don’t need this.

So much for that “don’t do witch hunts” shit eh Moo?

No. 500255


Lol and here I thought he could be redeemed. He's just a fuckboy in the end and always will be. Just a matter of time before he sticks his dick in someone even crazier or catches something or gets someone pregnant.

No. 500257

Pretty disappointing. I was hoping he'd be dumb but well-meaning and actually a friend but guess not. Who am I kidding, if he can actually tolerate Mariah, how good can he actually be?

No. 500258

Tempted to make an insta like this for mariah tbh

No. 500260


I wish someone would do it and post the screenshots of her saying Nathan Deluca raped her since she acts like she's all high and mighty. But call outs are against the rules here.

No. 500261

if something as stupid as this gets one, why not Moo? Her false rape accusations are just icing on the shit filled cake of everything she does

No. 500263

how pathetic. she is not cosplaying from league, not from wow and neither from overwatch. scum attracts scum.

No. 500264


Nathan Deluca is a bigger name than Rae too so a lot of bigger names would hop on this.

No. 500265

samefag nvm I guess >>500260 is why

although I would hope there isn’t any mention of here on there but anyway …

No. 500266

File: 1522720980324.jpeg (257.11 KB, 750x801, FD55052E-43E5-4811-9D3F-7227C8…)

We stan a queen who stans a pathetic loser who starts witch hunts on others but doesn’t want witch hunts started on her
Damn Nicolette you really letting yourself hang with the bottom of the barrel for that sweet cosfame
It’s crazy how willing these losers are turning a blind eye because of Moo’s most likely fake follower count, I would love to see a dump of Nicolette’s shitty behavior to xbrinni to see the similarities right now
Don’t they lurk also?? How do they feel that they’re being posted on here now when they used to post about her

No. 500268

Technically no one will stop you. It's your choice what you do in your free time. Farmhands aren't going to track you down and it's not like you're going to be found out. It's the equivalent to how youtubers make videos about her.

Not saying you should do this or shouldn't do this. Just my two cents.

No. 500270

I'd trust anyone on here would know not to mention this site anywhere on the callout, but they also can't pin it on anyone since people from twitter and tumblr were making callout posts/blogs way before this was mentioned.

No. 500271

File: 1522721282077.jpg (67.03 KB, 540x890, 62156.jpg)

am i the only one who thinks this is moo or someone trying to pass as her?

No. 500272

My dude should be good enough but Mariah's a big liar who may only share stories for attention.

No. 500274

>my dude


No. 500277


Hanari is already unstable. If Hanari committed suicide over this or was admitted to a hospital, are these people planning on taking responsibility ?

Even if Hanari lied it doesn't cancel out the excessive bullying going on.

No. 500281

Exactly. I don’t buy Hanari’s accusations but she’s already “taking a break” and seems to have taken down things. I would have left it alone. This is just a full out attack now when she already backed off.

No. 500283

"lord's work" too, don't forget.

No. 500284

That's how Mariah and gang are. Remember a few weeks ago when she kicked someone's tail on their cosplay and their friend asked for there to be less toxicity and more respect in the community? Mariah and her friends ganged up on the girl who got her tail kicked by Mariah even though all they asked for was respect in the community.

She and her idiotic as fuck friends jump on people like this is still high school. But they're all adults and some of them are 30 years old. They should all be ashamed of themselves for being so fucking embarrassing.

No. 500286

seconded bc i dont even know who xbrinni is

No. 500288

It's hard to take this page seriously when every other post is a stupid meme. I get that people feel a sense of victory when they corner bad people or something, but there's nothing substantial enough here to convincingly portray Hanari as someone as awful as they're making her out to be.. and it just comes off as really cruel taunting instead. This is what Mariah's sense of justice looks like.

No. 500289


Got off the phone with my uncle who is a lawyer who handles cases like these sometimes. Here's what he told me:

>yes, Hanari can sue for slander

The instagram looks like it was created for the sake of targeting Hanari or at least it has been made to do so now. It is actively asking for damaging information.

There's also no confirmation whether the information given to the instagram page is true and only hearsay. This creates more evidence for slander.

>Yes Mariah can also be sued.

The main person being sued will likely be the person who has the page. However, Mariah and Rae can be attached to the lawsuit as well because:
- Rae is supporting it and he is the one directly involved. Also, he seems to be namecalling Hanari.

b. Mariah arguably has a big following and therefore can be argued that she is most responsible for spreading the slander.

>if Hanari commits self harm/ enters a hospital, Hanari will almost be guaranteed money and highly likely to win the case. Even more so if psychological evaluations show that Hanari indeed has suffered trauma from their encounter with Rae.

>even if Hanari's accusations against Rae are false, that case is separate from this slander case.

It may play a factor but Hanari stepping back shows that Hanari is backing down from claims. Also, Hanari has not seeked any legal help with the Rae issue meaning that Hanari unlikely to be charged with false accusations.

Over all, Mariah and Rae are fucked the longer they get this going.

No. 500290

they're not actually. just some farmhands misinterpreting the rule.

No. 500291


Is this how Mariah will lose all of her patreon cash? Lol

No. 500292

Either this or the IRS.

No. 500293

It would be great if she got hit with the IRS like Onion boy.

No. 500294

Your uncle is a moron or you explained this poorly.

No. 500295

This goes to show that you can be a better person by letting this shit go and let the false accuser make a fool of herself. But in this case having a page like that puts the gas in the fire and make you as bad as her. And I wanted to have a few drinks with Rae.

But on topic Mariah is so unpredictable for promoting shit like this especially if she doesn’t want people to witch hunt her and want to surround herself with positivity my dudes! Fuck this cow man.

No. 500297

What happened with Mariah moving?

No. 500298

Lie #12643684641772211.

Mariah love witch hunts if it isn't for her fat ass.

No. 500299

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No. 500300


Maybe I suck at explaining but again the point is Mariah and Rae shouldn't target someone like this lightly because they can get sued

No. 500302

Lie #536.

I only want positivity bullshit tweet #117875226488.

No. 500303



No. 500305

This should really be thrown in her face every time she attempts a witch hunt.

No. 500308

Put this in with accusing Nathan of rape and then throwing Krissy under the bus.

No. 500309

File: 1522726547810.jpeg (70.67 KB, 640x491, 3486B491-0FDE-49F7-8208-39572C…)

Just a bunch of retarded high schoolers dog piling on her after she already backed down, for OPPAR

No. 500310

File: 1522726562471.png (3.42 MB, 750x1334, E406B4F7-B7FC-4D5B-A931-3491CD…)

thanks for giving us a nice easy color to see how far you grow these out mariah

No. 500311

ewww he looks like a gross old man lmao

No. 500313

that group is a trainwreck all on its own

No. 500314

the black accentuates her beetus knuckles nicely.

No. 500316

Those long slender fingers next to her vienna sausages.

And what's with that dent in her forearm? Should anyone even need to ask what the weird things with her body are anymore? We always end up with more questions than answers. Her body is never going to bounce back to what it was.

No. 500317

Chill out, she's just fat anon.

No. 500321

It was a joke, anon.

No. 500324

Well, she doesnt appear to be paying her taxes. If she was she would be humblebragging about how much she has to pay. So it's only a matter of time.

No. 500327

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No. 500328

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No. 500329

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No. 500330

I’ve never had anything to worry about tax wise because I don’t do any stupid shit, but how up are they on stuff like this? Like, would it take years to catch up to her? Or would she get consequences after just one year of fucking up

No. 500332

Inb4 she's suddenly tweeting about her 'sweet tax return my dudes!'
If she even gets one, with how poorly she handles her funds I'd be shocked if she got anything in return.

No. 500333

Just so y'all know, her lesbian red riding is up on bishmoms site

No. 500334

this is an imageboard.

No. 500335

If Patreon is her only source of income, which I'm sure it is, shw would probably get a form 1099 from them which would only show her tatal income for the year. She would have to pay taxes if her income was above 15,000 a year. She is soley responsible for filing a return and paying the taxes owed. Patreon does not withhold anything. If whe is really making what she says she does she would owe a lot. Like almost one third of the total if it's over 100k. She could probably get some deductions but would have to get a good accountant for that. If she does not pay or file a return she would owe the tax plus some pretty heavy penalties.

No. 500336

File: 1522730670520.jpg (759.91 KB, 1080x1188, Screenshot_20180402-214355_Ins…)

But why

No. 500337

You’re right. Freelancers (Patreon users would be classified as that) need to set aside a portion of their earnings for taxes. If not then the IRS will slap them because the IRS wants their money. If you make over a certain amount (which she has) Patreon WILL report the income to the IRS.

No. 500338

>expecting patreon to do anything

No. 500340


Not to mention capital gains tax on any profit she's made from her merchandise. Also in the off chance she forgot to file last years, she will be penalized as well.

Basically she's fucked if she didn't set aside money for taxes.

No. 500341

File: 1522732359070.png (380.78 KB, 655x545, Untitledmomo.png)


kek, the replies to this post are great

No. 500342

You're kidding right? She spends every cent she gets as soon as she gets it. And they will track her down. It's only a matter of time. I highly doubt that she has ever paid taxes on any of her Patreon. The IRS used to have a program where they paid snitches a percentage of the recovered taxes as a reward for turning people in but I dont think they do that anymore. They might though.

No. 500343


Didn't see any "great" replies

No. 500344

I'm glad not everyone's forgotten about Momo and her hypocrisy. I like YJ.

No. 500345


Honestly? I hope she did spend every cent and hasn't filed her taxes. It would be the sweetest karma since Onision got caught. She did all of this shit for money only for money to be what bites her in the ass.

No. 500346

there are also state income taxes in Nevada

No. 500348

anon was talking about susu and bunny replying under it

No. 500349

Not everything they comment on is about moo.

No. 500353

then who else could it be about?

No. 500354

You know there are other human beings on earth besides moo? Some people here get a bit too fixated on cows.

No. 500355

Susu and Bunny are petty af. Come on, stop this shit, of course they're talking about Moo.

No. 500356

well given that earlier last week moo was talking about witch hunts/bullying (just scroll up this thread) and the fact that we know yanderejane doesn't like moo and speaks up about her problematic behavior close to whenever she does something it's easy to put two and two together

No. 500357

Not petty since moo ripped off suc and they already publicly called moo out. Plus moo is actually a huge hypocrite to try to crusaide against someone else when she was so chickenshit about her own callout. Though I do agree that it’s most likely about moo though considering Jane posted it and he hates the cow.

No. 500358

I always mean to point this out when I lurk the thread, especially when people talk about how old she looks.
Amphetamines dehydrate the fuck out of you and just really seem to speed up the aging process, giving you bags and more pronounced facial lines.
I would say the worst of her behavior is related to being on medication (compulsive lying, attention whoring, lack of self awareness about her cringeiness), that shit can make you crazy really fast especially if you don’t take care of yourself (the way she doesn’t).

No. 500360

Don't get me wrong I'm not on Moo's side. I just think they need to move on.

No. 500363

Eh, they're fine. We haven't moved on yet and we're on thread #55 so why should they? Moo and her friend megaturd got into a debate with them not too long ago. Not sure why they should forgive and forget just yet.

No. 500364

Ironic you say that considering where you are. Your logic is why moo keeps getting away with bullshit. Since popular people RTd the call outs and people have been openly pointing out her gross behavior her patreon and fanbase has been tanking harder than ever.

No. 500366

Wew, I forgot about megamarines getting blasted by them and their fanbase for trying to badmouth them out of nowhere. Moo and her crew are notorious for constantly riding people’s asses over actual petty shit (like moo randomly insulting chellhellbunny a YEAR after their argument)

No. 500370

for some reason my screenshots won’t upload but it’s definitely about moo. yj mentioned the “community” being destroyed.

No. 500372

File: 1522739578152.jpeg (341.15 KB, 750x999, 42F64148-C7A1-4757-B853-92A3EF…)

You mean this, anon?

No. 500374

It’s really an indication of how low you are when chellhellbunny acts with more class.

No. 500375

that would be it. thanks.

i have to give her some credit for calling moo out so regularly. still don’t know what compels her to since they rarely interacted but whatever it is yj sure isn’t letting her live it down.

No. 500376

Too bad Jane doesn’t have much influence though so Moo will continue to do nothing about her call outs. She’ll just keep accumulating leeches to wk for her.

No. 500379

true. but she’s friends with people like sss, bunny, nana, etc.. and they occasionally jump in on the call outs after she posts them. like we see tonight.

No. 500394

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No. 500415

File: 1522764577560.png (341.11 KB, 610x344, yall know.PNG)

she can't be talking about anyone else besides moo. it's way too obvious

No. 500416

File: 1522764610295.png (24.56 KB, 613x207, in due time.PNG)

what do you suppose she means by this?

No. 500426

Hopefully milk

No. 500430

You don't "take a stand" by complimenting yourself, claiming to have gotten more attention than we will ever get (even though there have always been cosplayers, even more popular than her, posting in her threads) and outright cuntishly bragging about your "checks" and your "connections". I started following her threads right after she posted here, because in that post you can see her true colors. I really don't know how could you admire her for writing that immature, delusional, cunty post in the first place. This is not how you take a stand, and that post will forever highlight her true self: a narcissistic cunt who's desperate for attention.

No. 500437

But Anon, that was years ago now! She's grown up since then, she's a mature business women! -Haha oh man, every time she trots out how much she's changed, I crack up.

No. 500443

This is why I think she's completely deluded herself into thinking that she looks better than she actually does. "I wouldn't have fans if I wasn't sexy!" is her line of thinking.

Many guys are incels who can't fuck anything. They know that they'll never get an attractive girl so they'll go for what looks obtainable. Mariah.

Just a little bit of public attention ballooned her head. As long as she has a few people driving up her ego, she'll never change.

No. 500444

I seriously feel this way when I wear an anime tee.

No. 500452

But Moo has done countless things for the community! For example, so many farmers are moisturizing daily because of her!

No. 500464

This is the worst thing about her "cheap spandex suit" rant: at the time she wrote that, she had only like 5k followers (if I recall correctly), a "connection with Funimation" (aka started fucking Rojas for benefits) and nobody knew of her overseas, and yet she already acted like some fucking Hollywood star. I swear, not even the Kardashians have ever had a trashy rant like that.
And when you start your "career" with this mindset, no wonder it's going to be a shitshow

No. 500475

File: 1522776738412.png (951.65 KB, 1079x1829, Rememberthefatkid.png)


Here's a good time to remind people of this gem. What could have been a positive post about overcoming bullies and bettering yourself became a self masturbatory essay about how successful and superior she is to everyone else. First paragraph says it all. And this was around the same time as her "cheap spandex suit" rant when she was still a nobody in the cosplay comm with a small following.

No. 500479

This is funny because she was NEVER a nerd in school! She would bully people for being nerds. This is something she never addressed when she was called out by former classmates last year.

No. 500480


God… her face is never going to look the same again. At least before her lipo she had the potential to be cute. Now she’s a bloated disgusting mess.

No. 500485

Her face looks the same feature wise, just fatter. She was never a beauty to begin with, just slimmer face + makeup + angles working the magic

No. 500490


I would argue she was actually above average in terms of attractiveness around this time. Even though she still wore shapewear under her suits she wasn't overweight. Just slightly plump.

She gained weight really quickly though. I think she was fine up until maybe a few months before she did Wicke. It's crazy how quickly her weight blew up. I remember when everyone here noticed how big her gut got in the Valentine's Day shoot she did.

Since she got lipo her appearance went downhill a lot faster. This is due to the fact that her lipo gives her the illusion that she's not as fat as she really is. I don't think she realizes that her arms and face have the appearance of someone who is over 200lbs (what her actual weight would be without lipo).

No. 500491

I don't think she realizes that she looks like Paula Deen. She needs to drink more water and learn what hydration means.

She can believe that money is going to solve all of her problems, but it can't solve that or her nasty ass attitude.

No. 500492

She was a gross weeb in middle school who wrote dumb/gross fan fiction and acted like a diva in anime forums. High school however, yes, she decided she was an Italian Jersey Bitch jock who bullied nerds constantly. So you know, deflecting that self-loathing onto other unfortunate people, much like she still does today!

No. 500493


But the more I talk about lipo the more it infuriates me that I used to look up to her. I even felt sympathetic towards her because I know how it feels to feel pressured to lose weight, being a bigger girl myself.

But it's all bullshit when you remember she had at least two rounds of lipo. If she really regretted her decision to get lipo she would have stopped at the first round. She's probably getting her fat cold sculpted now so she won't get caught. She's so fucking lazy. It's not hard to diet and exercise. She has all the time in the world since her "job" requires her to do a photoshoot once a month.

No. 500494

She probably has a lot of milk considering her friends have all been fucked over by moo. I bet it’ll be good when she finally spills it kek.

No. 500496


SSS and Bunny also have milk on her too. It seems they are working together.

I'm more excited for the kind of milk Matt will dish out once they have a falling out. Matt since his cgl days is not one to hold anything back. Mariah should really worry about stepping on his toes.

No. 500497

I meant high school yeah, thanks anon.

She really needs to see a therapist.

I think if she regretted it, she wouldn't have tried to lie about it as quickly as she did. Think about it, she drastically dropped in weight in a short amount of time and said it was from some shit tea and going to the gym once or twice a week? No way. It's what tipped people off in the first place.

No. 500508

There's a calves thread, you know.

No. 500509

well at least it'll make it easy to track the guy who stalks and murders her

No. 500511

I know, I made a mistake and pisted t here by accident.

No. 500512

who is Hanari and what did they do

No. 500513

Didn't Moo have a tier for essentually the same thing at one point? It specifically stated if you paid that amount one of the perks was she would talk to you at a con (like it wasn't possible to just walk up to her). Does anyone else remember this?

No. 500514


Not as far as I know. The only personalized reward I remember her offering was a one on one Skype call where you can “talk to her about weeb shit like anime and video games lol”

No. 500515


I'm glad none of these patreon thots think long term. It just takes one to fuck up bad enough to ruin it for the rest of them. Like patreon at any moment and change the rules again and make creators unable to use lewds as rewards. What are they going to do then?

No. 500516


A cosplayer who called out Rae for assault. But according to receipts it was mutually agreed upon. It just seems like Hanari had a bad experience with the fuck boy. Hanari has since backed down and gone away but Mariah and company insist on continuing to bully Hanari even though at this point most people agree it wasn't assault and Rae was just being a fuck boy.

No. 500517

the hilarious part is this is when she was already starting to gain the weight back that daddy made her lose. she has 0 self control or the ability to lose weight herself; she either needs to have someone control that aspect of her life for her or just get lipo. she's pathetic.

No. 500524

Lots of people are con-only druggies. Plenty of people I know only do coke during conventions.

No. 500530

However this is the girl who says she never parties and sits in her hotel room playing board games instead.

No. 500532


It’s honestly not out of the realm of possibility for her to be doing coke at cons. She certainly looks and acts like she is on something.

No. 500533

Ritalin and alcohol. She said that she was on ritalin a while back.

No. 500537


Her lying about not doing drugs and not drinking only piled onto her mountain of lies. How does she plan on building actual credibility when she lies about trivial shit like this?
No one would have said anything if she owned up to it. Heck, she even advertises it on her social media that she's drinking. It only made people hate her more when she lied about it.

Understandably people were saying that they saw her drunk at cons and how unprofessional she was acting by coming to shoots drunk and high but trying to dispel those "rumors" by saying you don't do any of it at all is stupid. Ffs she could have just said:

"sorry guys if it seems like I'm being unprofessional at cons. I can promise it's not because of drinking or doing drugs. I'm just a hyper person. I do party at cons but I make sure to try my best to be sober when I'm at the convention center."

Man it must suck to know that anons here do a better job with PR than her super marketing dual major skills and her "manager".

No. 500539

Samefagging cause I can't delete after 9 minutes? I'll post the screencap if I can find it. It was on her old twitter if I'm remembering correctly.

No. 500540

mariah only regrets getting caught

No. 500542

File: 1522787052892.jpg (1.44 MB, 1920x2560, IMG_7698.JPG)

Old milk but found this screenshot of Krissy after Mariah threw her under the bus and tried to keep her quiet. After seeing sceeenshots confirming what Mariah claimed about Nathan Deluca, this is infuriating.

No. 500543

File: 1522787232186.jpeg (139.9 KB, 741x310, 1510571387499.jpeg)

>I never really drink

No. 500549

Yet she used to brag about getting stuff from under her bed with an empty tequila bottle while she lived with her parents

No. 500550


Photo for the next thread should be a collage of everything she posted about drinking with the post about her "just playing board games and not drinking" right in the middle of it all.

No. 500554

File: 1522788607417.jpeg (520 KB, 750x1000, 1520930324133.jpeg)

>I never drink so my body is still BLEH MARIAH WHY
-Mariah 21 days ago

No. 500555

I truly have no idea why she keeps trying to say this lie while taking photos of herself drinking 24/7.

No. 500567

because all she does is lie all the time about everything?

No. 500572

Yeah I know that but if she hates getting called out so much, you'd think that she would be more consistent. Or at least pretend not to drink by avoiding selfies and videos.

No. 500574

i don't think she can control it at this point.

No. 500575


Honestly suprised punk mariah hasent responded to their shade yet. We all know how she loves to clap back

No. 500577

TBH she probably has her/them blocked but has moles watching their dialogue. She's too chicken about confrontation.

No. 500586

who needs moles when you have 50 threads documenting how shitty you are and anything relating to you lol

No. 500587

She asks people (who follow accounts who have blocked her) what they're saying and its evident in her current twitter. My assumption is that she does the same for people she's blocked.

No. 500588

File: 1522791958329.png (24 KB, 587x125, Screenshot 2018-04-03 at 2.45.…)

ok Mariah

No. 500591

lol good point

>person rts some dumb anime shit


sorry no cap but this was semi recent

i shouldnt have given her credit for not being a pathetic cunt

No. 500592

“She grew up”

And grew out


No. 500602

At this point we should have enough material for a Momokun Tweet Generator

No. 500607

If she confronted YJ I’m pretty sure YJ would drag her through the mud and back and given YJ seems to have a lot of milk on her I doubt she’s stupid enough to even try. But god I wish she’d try.

No. 500611


Not just her. SSS and Bunny as well. It's almost suicide. I'm sure Mariah told them lots of incriminating information. They also aren't like other people Mariah can just bully because they have a bigger following than her.

No. 500614

>It's almost suicide.

Eh, we thought that when Nigri and Meg Turney went off on her for trying to call them sex workers.

No. 500633

Jessica will probably never actually attack/call out moo just from looking at her history.

Proof is even when Jess bought and promo'd a costume from mostflogged and later found out that mostflogged was making fun of her and her cosplays on twitter publicly Jess still only went 'I regret supporting this person' rather than saying 'no one should support her' She's just too nice.

Bunny has actively started calling out moo but you honestly cant expect anyone to spend every waking moment of their life trying to bring someone down cause that's just not worth it since Moo is bringing herself down and her consistently dropping numbers are proof of that.

No. 500634

Probably not, but she did stand her ground when Mariah tried to bring them all down with her when she said that she was a sex worker.

I agree with you, no one has time for that shit. Especially when self-centered liars like Mariah pretty much destroy themselves.

No. 500635

File: 1522798499706.png (936.97 KB, 1080x1767, Screenshot_20180404-023256_01.…)

honestly hurts to watch this… does anyone else just think she only took one video of her workout like a month ago and keeps reposting it because honestly her form is not getting any better and she's wearing the same clothes.

No. 500638

It's hard to tell since she wears the same clothes literally every day.

No. 500639

It still makes no sense that she would be working with weights like this for weight loss except to show everyone what a badass she is. She apparently has the worlds worst trainer. herself.

No. 500640

Jessica isn't "too nice". She actually knows how to conduct herself within the community, unlike this snake.

No. 500641

I think i have figured it out. Her trainer is also her manager. And not only that he is also her professor in all her classes.

No. 500642

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Wow these were from a year ago! It's crazy how they actually defended her at one point and even gave her tips and now they both hate her guts.

Crazy what a toxic personality can do to friendships.

No. 500643

File: 1522799981518.jpg (104.97 KB, 936x536, e0b.jpg)

>yfw that was her plan all along

jk she's not that smart but she might start now lmao

Semi OT, but this reminded me of Moo: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/answerman/2018-04-02/.129693
>Buzzy Netflix exclusives like DEVILMAN crybaby pop up in nearly everybody's feeds, just like all their other successful exclusive programming, and presumably a lot of people casually click on them.

No. 500659

Did her sets from last month ever leak? I’m so intrigued. They must have been awful considering her huge drop.

No. 500661

File: 1522803272593.jpeg (113.33 KB, 750x843, 7A22172D-EE95-41E3-8E08-C7940F…)

just went to her twitter and ???

No. 500663


Guess Twitter caught onto her ban evading

No. 500664


No. 500666

No. 500671

it might be in connection to her insta-story? doesn't twitter ban you if you do something against their rules on other sites as well?

No. 500672

sorry sweetie better try a third twitter :[

No. 500673

what was in her IG story that could’ve caused this? the callout?

it may be from her ban-evading? or buying followers. maybe she bought so many that they thought she was a bot account kek.

No. 500674

well she DID tweet to someone that she can buy the bleach so they can kill themselves

No. 500675

the callout was the only thing and her insta is still fine so I don’t think it’s that. She never posts anything too racy over there either

No. 500676

YEEEESSSS hahahaha this is great. Maybe the third time will be the charm, Mooriah!

No. 500677

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No. 500680

File: 1522804871619.png (2.48 MB, 750x1334, C78948D4-0BA8-4D9E-BB0A-458F1B…)

No. 500681

File: 1522804890607.png (4.97 MB, 750x1334, 1CFF7E55-01FB-4F49-85BA-38B9DA…)

No. 500683

"when I said I was going to buy bleach for that guy to kill himself I mean for his clothes!!! wahhh iwanna post lewds1!1!?"

No. 500684


Lol really? She got banned again?!

No. 500685

Girl stop that shit. You harassed people, incited witch hunts, told someone to drink bleach, still doing the same shit that got your last account banned.

You were doing WAY more than tweeting about lewds and Fate.

No. 500686

It's just twitter huh? mooriah is way too famous for twitter anyway amirite?

No. 500687

How many “followers” did this account have? I wonder how much money she’s out on her fake followers again.

No. 500688

Iirc somewhere around 40k?

No. 500690

She ended up in at a party I was at this weekend (for SakuraCon.) Watched her take shot after shot and touch some azian boys abs. But she doesn’t drink at cons right my dudes so it must have been someone else.

No. 500692


did she do blow

No. 500693

god i hope the ban sticks and she starts back at 0

poor moo gotta buy them all back again :(

No. 500694


Saged but wtf is this

No. 500695

It was present and offered but I’m not sure. She stayed in a corner with her “squad” most of the time.

No. 500697


Not to mention she did so much terrible things on her old account too. What's her next account going to be called? @MariahNigri?

No. 500699

Just report it.

No. 500704

Are there caps of her saying that about the bleach? Would not put it past her

No. 500705

No. 500706

I was just about to grab it, thanks anon!

To be fair, she didn't tell them to drink bleach, just said that she would get it for them if they wanted to ingest it which is a bitchy thing to say to someone. She could have easily ignored it but when does she ever ignore negative comments.

No. 500709


This must have been in the back of her mind since she made the new account. She KNEW she was violating rules by making a new one, so she must have had some crazy paranoia that she'd lose this one eventually too.

No. 500711

oh, she did. She does what she always does and mass deletes threads/individual tweets that were deemed offensive or bullying to save her skin. She was too late for this time, unfortunately.

No. 500712

Lol apparently went to look at her Twitter and she blocked me, can’t even see that it was suspended. This is new as just a few days ago I saw her Twitter and I wasn’t blocked. I haven’t interacted with her at all or subtweeted in any form about her. It’s really funny. She holds so much vengeance against me and just never gets over it. So sad. Never believe her when she speaks about her fake ass positivity. Bye to the second twitter account and hopefully forever off that! LOL

No. 500714

More like too lazy.

No. 500715

Any guesses what her new accounts name is going to be? Mariah Nigri? lololol

No. 500717

mmallad or moomookun is my guess

No. 500718


No. 500719


No. 500720


No. 500722

File: 1522810067079.jpg (20.35 KB, 639x359, C4rT6xuWQAA0MKB.jpg)

oh….oh this is /too/ good

No. 500726

kek I smirked at this one

No. 500747

Lmaoooo it'll be interesting to see how many people actually refollow her. We'll get to see how many fans she actually has, not just dead accounts and bought likes.
Even though she'll probably buy some pretty quickly.

No. 500750

File: 1522813701576.jpg (42.32 KB, 904x531, 186b73.jpg)

Who said this? In the cosplay community, people encourage men to wear makeup because it's part of getting into character. There are too many cases of men not wearing makeup and looking like shit in costume. I dunno- is she on a coke induced rant again?

Oh shit, hahaha

No. 500756

File: 1522814866925.gif (818.33 KB, 400x250, tenor.gif)

Karmas a bitch eh Mariah?

No. 500757

File: 1522814899646.png (827.79 KB, 720x1186, Screenshot_2018-04-03-21-06-00…)

No. 500759

The look of defeat…damn girl wash your damn clothes or wear something else. You're making CWC more clean.

No. 500768

D-Didn't she wear this to the gym today.

No. 500769

A rare sight to see this early.

No. 500770

What else is she going to do, tweet? Hahahaha

No. 500771

she wears it literally everywhere, anon

No. 500772

Oh I know, but you would think that after coming home all sweaty and gross from a gym run that she would at least… wear something else. You know, like normal people do after a gym run. And in general. Every day.

No. 500785

I wish someone would address her awful smell and hygiene. She seemed to be wearing the same clothes since Mexico. Has anyone passed by her at a con and caught a wiff?

No. 500786

someone here saw her roadhag and said she stank

No. 500791

There's probably no one left alive to tell the tale. They caught one whiff and died.

No. 500798


Photographer said it too when she took off her mask to speak to him. Rancid breath, probably from the mask.

No. 500800

where is the fucking lie

my skincare regimen and water intake has easily improved 10 fold since I started reading moo threads

No. 500801

How is her IG still up? I see tons of costhots get deleted that post tamer stuff than her.

No. 500803

She bought the Emiya pillow from me in one of the pics posted earlier. I didn't smell anything, and usually if someone is REALLY smelly, you can catch a whiff even from behind a table.

No. 500804

JNig would never ruin her name for a small fish like Mariah. She does her damnest to stay out of drama because her reputation is already on a flimsy base so she probably gives no fucks about Mariah's endeavors.

Damn, I wonder what got her kicked out?

No. 500806

File: 1522826114500.gif (1.87 MB, 380x214, kimchi-drag-race-popcorn.gif)

No. 500807

watch out, moo might come for u

No. 500809

Doubt it. She didn't ask for a card or anything.

It'd be pretty funny if she did, though.

No. 500811

Please make this

No. 500813


Jessica Nigri doesn't want to get involved in drama. Unlike Mariah she has learned from her mistakes. The only way she will ever speak bad about Mariah publicly is if she fucks up super bad and keeps claiming to be affiliated with her. Jessica Nigri would then come out and announce that she is not affiliated with her at all.

No. 500815

File: 1522828262004.png (62.56 KB, 600x663, Screenshot_2018-04-04-08-42-17…)

I was browsing the Momokun hashtag on Twitter out of curiosity and found this.


No. 500816

it's someone roleplaying as mariah…

thanks, i hate it!

No. 500822

File: 1522833362740.jpg (684.87 KB, 1080x2069, Screenshot_20180404-021543_Ins…)

No. 500823

Harley Quinn? Or is this some Fate character?

No. 500825

File: 1522835934412.jpg (197.25 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg)


>Surprise tucked away in my costumes

No. 500828

File: 1522836629027.png (75.25 KB, 188x275, 1522036305575.png)

I swear if that's supposed to be Android 21 I'm gonna kek myself into outer space

No. 500838

If it is I will be convinced she is color blind

No. 500842

File: 1522839526854.png (2.09 MB, 750x1334, 52DC6FBE-54AA-417A-B8AF-0AFA0A…)


Yup… she’s color blind.

No. 500844

I want to be surprised that she'd fuck up this badly, but at this point, no one actually expects her to do things correctly.

No. 500851

Holy god she should definitely have her eyesight checked. She constantly gets the colors wrong whether it's the wig or the costume. She also constantly gets proportions fucked to the degree it seems almost intentional, like the wings on that bee backpack thing in her beekeeper Mei costume.

No. 500852

File: 1522843465296.jpg (13.29 KB, 285x175, IMG_0790.JPG)

Just taking some artistic liberty my dudes!

No. 500853

Holy shit like how do you fuck up picking a color that bad. Bitch is gunna look like Harley Quinn

No. 500860

jfc this is gonna look so bad on lmao those seams aren’t laying flat anywhere what a fool

No. 500861

Honestly though as someone who does cosplay and is colorblind I at least always ask for a friend to tag along when I go fabric shopping so I don't end up like >>500842

Just wow man..

No. 500862

File: 1522846642620.png (310.23 KB, 675x1032, even_more_android_21_by_theguy…)

How I imagine her doing android 21 honestly

No. 500863

Shapewear is going to be working overtime for this dress

No. 500865

File: 1522848350068.jpg (16.81 KB, 325x251, mysides.jpg)

How could she fuck up three simple colors? the gloves are BLACK, but the other pieces are blue. What's worse is she's seen this cosplayed in person by better cosplayers… Haha, incredible.

No. 500868

How do you fuck up this badly?? And she seemed to have bought blue fabric too, so she at least knows that there's blue in the design, but again, how the FUCK? I am in tears.

No. 500870


Inb4 "I totally meant to do it like that my dudes!" Or "it's my OC! Android 22!"

No. 500876

How do you fuck up this badly, especially since she is such a huge DBZ fan… Tattoo and everything

Takes seconds to google cosplays of Android 21 and get references for the colours

She must be too busy with her dual major and gym schedule

No. 500878

File: 1522854857834.jpg (38.44 KB, 390x470, e4c6a202efb6bb4b48e1bff276abbb…)

>"it's my OC! Android 22!"

No. 500880

She posted official art of her onto Patreon. So she has googled the reference sheet but completely disregarded it. It's incredible, really.

No. 500882

I'm setting sail on the 'Mariah is colorblind, my dudes' tinfoil boat at this point. It would explain so, so fucking much about her color choices for her cosplays, like thinking that shade of pink she's glommed onto for her hair and wigs looks good on her.

You know, either that or the black fabric was cheaper than the blue!

No. 500895


Or she's trying really hard to be creative.

A lot of cosplayers tend to gravitate towards using darker shades for fabric because it gives the cosplays a more "realistic" feel like you see in comic book movies.

I'm going to assume that will be her excuse. But, it doesn't explain why she didn't do the same with the red?

I almost feel bad for her. We criticize her when she commissions cosplays because it shows her lack of skills. And we criticize her when she makes cosplays herself because it shows her lack of skills.

No. 500898

Guys I'm starting to suspect that she's doing this herself to get rid of all the incriminating tweets she's sent.

The problem isn't her lack of skills per se. The problem is that even though she's been doing cosplay for 3 years, she hasn't improved a bit and keeps doing mistakes and making bad choices with her costumes. 3 years is a hell of a long time for anyone to get better, let alone someone who does it full-time and gets paid 10+k a month for it. But she's treating the whole hobby as a cheap money cow while being lazy as hell.

No. 500908

>>500898 Why would she do this to herself? She praised herself every single time she gained 1k followers as if she was giving herself a trophy. She's too stuck on tumbers to delete a twitter on her own. besides, it said suspended by twitter, not deactivated.

No. 500911

"Darker shade" is an understatement here, you can't even tell it's supposed to be blue if you've never seen the character. She'll probably do the "it's my cosplay I'll do whatever I want" attitude and add some personal attack on whoever mentioned it to her on the side.

No. 500912

The fact that she brags about her follower count so much and uses it as leverage against others makes this suspension so so sweet. She can't function without a wall of numbers/wks to hid behind. Now if only her Instagram would get suspended too. I would kek myself to death.

No. 500917


This is seriously fucking Asherbee-tier. She had one small job and she couldn't even get that right. "I never said I was a professional my dudes!"

As >>500853 says, I would seriously think this was a Harley Quinn cosplay unless you told me it was Android 21.

No. 500920

Calling Moo Asherbee with money is getting more relevant by the day.

No. 500923

next thread tagline "Asherbee With Money"

No. 500927


If she stuck to her original motto here >>500299 none of this would be happening. How hard is it to just ignore everything and do her own thing? Instead she chooses to stick her nose into any drama that comes by, even when she knows nothing about what is going on.

She could have kept her words and tried to be a positive influence. Instead she's used social media as a weapon to bully people, doxx people, and as a status symbol.

The person she tries to be like, Jnig, doesn't even post about drama constantly. I don't even remember anyone she has ever doxxed. I can't even remember the last time she's bullied someone online. She tries so hard to be Jessica Nigri but only picks out her bad traits and none of her good ones.

No. 500929

Good to see people noticing the similarities as well. Now all Moo needs to do is make a poop brooch.

But I mean, she did cover herself in chocolate that looks like poop so maybe she was the poop brooch.

I wonder if her twitter followers are now wondering if maybe just maybe some of the "rumors" are true since she got suspended twice.

No. 500935

Does anyone know what she's bringing to Wizard World next weekend? We have a DBZ group going and I'd like to avoid her like the plague, even more so if she's squeezing into the wrongly colored 22 cosplay.

No. 500936

If she tries to interact with your group, pretend like she's not there. Seriously, the girl wants attention.

No. 500937

Straight up, call her out and tell her to leave her group. People don't have the balls to treat her the way she treats other people and thats the problem. NOBODY EVER wants to SAY anything. All these cosplayers throw vague shade but won't say what they know, and nobody has the balls to say "no" to her.
Tear the bitch apart

No. 500938

Photos and video footage welcomed of a wild Moo being ignored by the charming cosplay community she boasts about supporting constantly. Especially DBZ as she's such a super true fan my dudes.

No. 500939

>>500937 This. Not everyone knows Momokun, if some random ass person came in and tried to worm their way into your photos and group of friends, it wouldn't fly. But Momo? Sure give her a pass…that mentality is crap. Kick Momokun out if she is inserting herself where she doesn't belong.

No. 500940


Yeah, if it was a con creep people would yell and tell them to go away immediately. There's no difference between Mariah and a con creep. She's harasses people physically, verbally, and mentally. People need to shatter her fantasy where she thinks she some famous, perfect celebrity. If I ever have the misfortune of running into her at a con, I will tell her to leave if she tries to take a photo with me and my friends.

No. 500941

The only problem with this is that she would use this as an excuse to whine about bullying and it would gain her sympathy. But if you yell at her the way she yelled at people at Sakuracon then it would be a good laugh at least.

Exactly haha. Mariah likes attention both good and bad but she hates being ignored and would throw a nice tantrum over it.

No. 500942

I mean, if you're literally anybody besides Mariah its easy to be polite and ask her to leave because its a group cosplay.
Mariah can't say anything without being condiscending and shit. And if she cries "wahh bullying" any witnesses can easily say "we were nice and respectful and she is making this a bigger deal than it is"
Anyone can easily say "Sorry I don't feel comfortable with a stranger following me and my friends around because they want to be in our cosplay group. And this is supposed to be a friend group, its weird having a stranger there" etc.

Mariah has done this before, but she just ignores people, makes bitchy faces, and acts like she's above it all. Don't stoop to her level so she can play victim.

No. 500943

Hell even Asherbee is stepping up her game a tiny bit these days. Compared to Momo's originals she's actually worse than Asherbee.

No. 500944

Seriously, I'm so sick of these cosplayers saying "Karma will get her"
or "It will eventually get out"
or "I don't want to be involved but I know eventually others will call her out"
And this shitty sit on the sidelines mentality is the REASON she is still around. If Krissy, Gabby, Tasha, Nana, Sierra, Yandere Jane, Susu, Bunny, KayBear, and ANY OTHER FUCKING COSPLAYER who ever was her friend ACTUALLY SAID ANYTHING, that would be her downfall.
These people are probably the ONLY people who have evidence, screenshots, personal experiences, and enough of an influence combined to do something. But all these people don't want to get involved because they think everybody else will do it.
Its infuriating as fuck. Just make 1 thread of tweets sharing all your experiences and THEN she can get her downfall.

No. 500945

I'm literally afraid of even going NEAR her booth.


Honestly my friend who is going as 18 would rip her apart. She made comments on the cow's IG just merely trying to give her tips on her own 18 and literally every whiteknight messaged her hate on IG.

No. 500946

Asherbee is more mature than Mariah(Which isn't saying much) because she's not nearly as whiny as she used to be on social media. Sure it took some years but she learned to simmer down. Mariah is never going to learn that lesson.

The only thing scary about Mariah is her smell after not showering and wearing the same clothes for a month. No need to be afraid, just wear a face mask.

No. 500948

They're nothing but chicken shit. Honestly if they cared about cosplay and the people in it that much they would stand up to Moo and stop her in her tracks. Clearly they don't want to because it'll affect their "reputation". It's tragic anyone even fears this cunt because she's weak as hell outside of her phone.

No. 500951

Susu and Bunny did say something. Bunny even retweeted the MyOppa tweet. Yandere Jane is always saying something, she doesn't mention who she's talking about though.

I don't know why you think that if someone says something that that would be Moo's downfall. She started shit with people who are more popular than she is and it still didn't do anything even though we all thought that it would be her downfall. It would take a lot more than someone's word, it would take the word of many people and them throwing her own screencaps and words back at her.

No. 500952


Tbh I don't think it has anything to do with fear. If I were one of these cosplayers I wouldn't want to waste any of my time of a speck like mariah who is nothing. She's a mess whose hilarious to watch, so id sit back and watch the show

No. 500953

Nearly every cosplayer regurgitates the same "we need more positivity in the community" bullshit but no one is able to call out toxicity when it threatens said community. They need to get their priorities straight…

No. 500955

Ss and Bunny and Jane have all called out her behavior. Bunny and Jane RTd the my oppa post, bunny and suc both commented on it. Bunny and ss and Jane also rtd the call out about momo kicking that cosplayers tail and commented on that too.
How are you going to lump them in with people who actually do nothing and how can you call that chickenshit? Some people here seem to just want to hate on everyone even if they are actively calling out moo.

No. 500956

Dear Lord. I can't even imagine the smell. We are only attending Saturday so hopefully our group won't even run into her.

Side note. Are her parents going to be at the booth with her?

No. 500957

Are you new or something? Someone did call out the toxicity and Mariah and bitch crew attacked them for it. This was literally a few threads ago.

No. 500959


Well tbf because of the rules of "no cow tipping" here it makes it slightly harder to call her out. The easiest thing to do is just post links to all 55 threads for the world to see. Also, some people here don't like the idea of ending her "career" because it would mean no more milk and entertainment. I personally just want to see her whole cosplay "career" go into the shitter just to see what the outcome would be like. It would be fun to see if she actually will become a camwhore or do hardcore porn.

Also, it's hard to take down Mariah because she has an excuse for everything and those around her seem to eat it up. Seeing how whiny she is online it wouldn't surprise me if she acted whiny and childish with her peers to convince them that everything is lies like "guys I totally didn't copy MyOppa. Everyone here's a hater and want to take me down. Believe meee. If you were my real friend you would believeee meeee."
She also plays the sympathy card way too much. When she admitted to lipo she tried to gain sympathy by blaming it on bullies instead of the fact that she just was too lazy to lose weight herself.

Idk. The only way she could ever be taken down is if people had screenshots of her showing her true manipulative colors. Something so damaging it'll remove the rose colored glasses all of her "friends" seem to be wearing.

That being said I have no doubts that Susu and Bunny and Jane have screenshots of Mariah backstabbing others. Or her having some sort of malicious intent. Wouldn't surpise me if they had photos of her lipo or even her true intentions for her lipo. They could just be waiting for the opportunity.

It's the best opportunity now I'd say since she doesn't have a twitter to makes excuses with.

No. 500960

File: 1522868675766.jpg (63 KB, 639x960, DVD719lXcAEpDdC.jpg)

had to google it for my own peace of mind but it seems another cosplayer did a black too
Ahslynne Dae

No. 500961

Those girl can RT a call out post all they want but THEIR PERSONAL EXPERIENCES MATTER

As 500959 said, they all have personal experiences and screenshots or photos that WOULD matter.
I care infinitely more about what her old friends have to say more than what a stranger on the internet said on some hate thread.
Besides, I'm pretty sure all the girls I listed aren't farmers. They don't have any rules they have to follow. They can speak up and say what Mariah has done, including MANY things not even mentioned in these threads. THATS What I'm talking about.
These girls can vaguebook all they want but nobody will care until they provide evidence or show what she is really like

No. 500962

Why latex. Latex is a fucking ugly fabric unless you're specifically cosplaying someone who wears latex. Its trashy

No. 500963

File: 1522869108160.png (177.71 KB, 720x1123, 1521570633715.png)

Moo is going to look like a lumpy sausage in this.

In the last thread(or the thread before that) OhNips reminded her of the MyOppa situation. Mariah pretty much said that she didn't copy.

>The only way she could ever be taken down is if people had screenshots of her showing her true manipulative colors.

But there are. Check the replies from the MyOppa mega tweet from ultrasuh. Someone posted screencaps of their conversation with Mariah and she threatened to block that person if they didn't drop their friends that she didn't like.

No. 500964

They did. Mostly Bunny. SS said that she didn't feel threatened by Mariah stealing her business and Bunny called Mariah a thief and a copycat. There were multiple tweets about it.

No. 500965

File: 1522869426462.jpg (167.44 KB, 900x800, 737.jpg)

found this, so relevant. can't stop lol'ing

No. 500966


Exactly. They can vaguepost all they want and talk about “needing more positivity in the community”, but they are still too chickenshit to actually put their name to anything. It’s all “I never said ____” or “We should all just focus on being kind to each other”. Or they’ll give some worthless retweet of someone actually calling her out.

All because they are afraid of any consequences of what might befall them if they actually said anything. And it’s all stupid shit that doesn’t even matter, like “Being seen as a toxic bully” or “gatekeeper”. Are they really that afraid of not having some pristine image in the community they’ll just let her keep getting away with shit?

No. 500967


Loads of people have called out moo. Look at how many RTs and shared the my oppa post got alone and that doesnt include people who have made their own posts.

There are just people that no matter what wont listen and people who sit there screaming about how terrible and toxic someone is only look crazy or like they have a vendetta no matter how much proof there is.

Bunny HAS called out moo on lots of things but I honestly dont think Moo was dumb enough to actually do something to bunny or susu. they probably just saw her constant toxic behavior and seperated themselves before something DID happen. There was never a sign that moo did anything to them and even if they had proof from friends they dont have the right to post those.

All of yall need to look at the moo of youtube: Onision. He has done lots of terrible stuff publicly but yet he still has a loyal following bigger than moo has ever had. Calling people out doesnt immediately take someone down especially when they have an ego and are stacked on a mountain of lies because they think all they have to do is keep lying as long as there are people who will believe it.

SO MANY people have called him out with proof, with evidence, with their own stories and it's still only SLOWLY taking him down and it's because he refuses to change his ways and keeps getting worse. If anything he should be going down faster because half of the proof of him being terrible is in live action video format whereas moo can keep claiming that people are lying or posting fake screenshots.

it's BECAUSE they're shitty toxic people that they're hard to take down because until they literally cant find another way out they will never admit fault and then even half of the time they'll ignore people bringing it up.

No. 500968

File: 1522869509826.jpg (386.55 KB, 1412x2000, o552xaw1etd01.jpg)


just googled it and that latex actually looks blue in other lighting

Darker blue…but blue nonetheless

sorry for OT

No. 500969

File: 1522869737704.jpeg (429.55 KB, 750x903, 1421A563-3D45-4708-BACA-FB05E7…)

All the bullshit moo is doing is public. Her patreon is dropping like crazy. Just a little while ago she was at 800 patrons and now look.
They are already doing way more than most other popular cosplayers by commenting and rting call outs so why are you expecting them to magically have all these personal stories? Is it that hard to believe that people dumped her based on all the publicly shitty things she has done?

No. 500970


Ashlynne has a degree in costume making and also never claimed to be a big DBZ fan like Mariah does. For someone who is a huge fan like she is she should def get colors right

No. 500971

I bet Mariah is lurking here now to figure out why her twitter is suspended.

No. 500974

Would it really do much at all to send an email to Wizard world to try to explain to them that Momokun is pretty problematic here in the cosplay community? I find it weird they've announced panels for their other cosplay guests but so far it looks like Momokun was invited to just show up…
I don't want to be a sperg but it feels like she will keep getting invited to these things if no one says anything… I wish actual positive influences could be brought to my local events.

No. 500975

It happened before when someone did but it would have to be someone not from here because of cowtipping.

No. 500977

If you care so much then you should send an email but coming here to ask makes it cow tipping. Note: most cons dont give a fuck, i mean look at all the other cosplay guests they're also a bunch of costhots that no one cares about so?

Outside of this thread I've gone to companies I have connections to that showed interest in moo and I sent them the ultrosuh thread but I never once mentioned lolcow and I did it moreso that they were smaller companies that I didnt want getting fucked over by her.

No. 500979

To expand on this, Moo was supposed to be a booth babe for HP at Blizzcon last year(I think it was Blizzcon?) but a fellow HP booth babe told them all about Moo and they dropped her ass like a sack of potatoes.

No. 500980

Does anyone else find it odd that Momokun is the only cosplayer doing the paid photo op? I'm looking through the Wizard World page and none of the other cosplayers have it listed in the exhibitor section like she does.

No. 500982

so many people don't know what cowtipping is. cowtipping is when you lead a cow to the lolcow boards. it's not just having any kind of interaction with the cow or warning others of the cow's antics.

No. 500983

Because people have gotten banned for it before.

However, they mostly got banned for announcing that they were the ones who did it.

No. 500984


Cow tipping is interacting with the cow, or causing events that wouldn't otherwise happen naturally to happen.

Do whatever you want, just don't post about it here because she reads here. Also, it's stupid, some of us just want to laugh at the fat bitch in a bad cosplay

No. 500985


Exactly. You can technically do whatever you want. Just don't announce it to the world that you did it or whatever for asspats.

No. 500987

That’s not cow tipping at all

4.3 Do not alert a subject to their thread or take any other action to lead them to lolcow.farm (cowtipping). Do not contact a subject's family.

No. 500988

It’s the farmhands that don’t know what cowtippinng is honestly.

No. 500989

File: 1522873180896.png (10.17 KB, 758x314, ODGW9sh.png)


Fucking hell this bitch honestly thinks she's on the same level as actual talented celebrities at this con, enough to have photo ops for $30 a pop too. Who the hell does she think she is? Lmao.

No. 500992

The same girl who thinks she's worth more than professionals.

I remember a patron that told her that she was charging too much for so little and she told them that she wanted to charge more but didn't.

She's too delusional to be logical.

No. 500995


Doubt that's her, Wizard World always charges for their guests to have photo ops, no matter how minor.

But then Wizard World is a shit organization, so they and Moo fit well together.

No. 500997


They have tons of guests ranging from AAA title film stars to voice actors, how come there's only a handful with photo ops then? Especially as Moo is the only cosplay guest with that option and she's in the list of celebrities to have it done. It makes no sense.

No. 500999

It's technically not cowtipping, but we do not condone people encouraging or bragging about messing with cows.
Do not ask people to message people, do not say you're going to do it, or brag that you did it.
This website is not for messing with people, so stop trying to "take her down". We have said this multiple times in these threads.

No. 501000

Taking her down in the cosplay community won't do anything really. It's not her fanbase or the source of her income. She won't burn out until the neckbeards get bored and move on to another thot.

No. 501003

Thanks, Farmhand.

I agree but why tag my post? I didn't mention it. I do think that her burning bridges in the cosplay community would help since that's where most of her neckbeards come from.

No. 501005

File: 1522876752688.png (24.29 KB, 309x286, panmomokun.png)

totally into girls too my dudes

No. 501006

>I find attractiveness in many genders
>there are only two

Kek! She's trying to cater to tumblrinas now?

No. 501007

She has to watch her ass after making fun of trans kids and her homophobia with that whole devil man mess

No. 501008


She's playing a dangerous game by continuing to burn bridges. If she burns enough bridges, sooner or later more insider info will surface. If I was her I would try my best to mend all the burned bridges. It would make her look good if she manages to mend any. However I doubt it's possible. It would require her to get her head out of her ass, eat a slice of humble pie, and actually be a sincere human being.

No. 501010

Never underestimate how delusional this cow is. In her mind she is a famous international model who also does cosplay.

No. 501014

cow-tipping isn't calling her out, it's linking to lolcow…

No. 501016

but at the end of the day does this even make sense? i mean can't she figure out that black is DIFFERENT from the whatever color is on the reference she is using? it's a legit question for someone who is colorblind because i'm really confused by this

No. 501018

See >>500999

Even if she was, most items have descriptions that she can read to see if it's in the colors that she wants.

No. 501020

Or, she can bring someone fabric shopping with her, or show a colour reference to an employee and have them help her get a colour.

I seriously don’t think she’s colour blind, I think she’s just a fucking idiot who couldn’t care less if the colours don’t match.

No. 501024

should we make a formal rule then? i think it would be useful since it often shits up the threads…

No. 501027

This is probably a reach but YJ has recently stated she’s “pansexual” which just means she’s not picky on genders/sex. She seems to get admiration from the LGBTQ community for being openly pan, so maybe Moo saw that and that’s why she couldn’t just say “no I’m bi” like an actual bi person. She’s trying to get the asspats that YJ got.

Without the reach though we all know this dumb thot is as straight as they come and she’s just thirsty for asspats when in reality the gay community would fry her fatass.

No. 501029

yes, bi and "dated a trans person"

No. 501030

she only claimed to be bisexual because she was getting called out for being homophobic. "I can't be homophobic, i'm bi!!!!1111" bullshit

No. 501032


I think it's more likely because a lot of cosplayers these days have been claiming a similar story. Not just YJ but Susu and other cosplayers both male and female have been claiming that they don't think gender matters and that they like what they like. Momo is trying to fit in with everyone else.

I'm not saying she can't be bi/pan just because we haven't seen her date a female (I'm bi myself but never formally dated a female). I'm saying it's bs because her devilman post showed me that she has very heterosexual beliefs.

The only woman she would fuck is probably Jessica Nigri and even then it's just so she could wear her skin.

No. 501033

i wouldn’t put it past her. jane seems pretty openly active in the gay community and moo might think she’ll get the same brownie points if she’s “totally lgbt muh dudez”.

No. 501036

Just searched "momokun" on twitter and the memes are killing me ! (Im not caught up on currnet cow events)

No. 501037


Holy fuck these are hilarious anon. Really helps you realize she's nothing but a joke and whatever support she thinks she gets is fake!

Maybe that's why she posts 12727 tweets a day. So that when people search her on twitter, they don't see the real truth!

Yaya Han used to get a lot of hate but not like this and people still have respect for her.

No. 501041

File: 1522885793773.jpg (446.76 KB, 2048x2048, 2AB00428-0467-4125-85F7-9E0CD3…)


Her legacy is clear

No. 501042

Pretty much any time you look up Momokun on twitter it’s 90% people saying
“get Momokun off my timeline”
“Momokun is cursed”
“If you like Momokun you’re a terrible person”

No. 501048


Also off topic here so I'm sorry I would sage if I could, but can we stop going off topic with YJ? Never even seen her and Moo interact she's irrelevant and non influential. I feel like she gets brought up every day or so here for no reason now and it's detailing and ngl cringey.

No. 501058


I think I remember seeing a picture of them together. They used to interact too. I think it was on Mariah's old twitter. Not sure why YJ changed sides though. Maybe Mariah did something personal ?

No. 501069

Moo has something against YJ big time and it’s also why she has such a hate boner for Yuno Gasai, because YJ cosplays her… is what anons here have been saying.

No. 501080

Not to mention as soon as YJ said she was cosplaying Tracer Mariah stated she thinks the way Tracer speaks is annoying.

From recollection they spent ALA together last year and shortly after that YJ and her stopped interacting almost entirely. I’m guessing Mariah did something stupid at ALA and YJ bailed. It would also explain her having milk to spill “in due time”.

No. 501083

(KBBQ was trying to pork YJ and moo probably found out)

No. 501084

Facts or just you tinfoiling?

No. 501085

File: 1522897163951.png (2.91 MB, 750x1334, C72EFBDA-396B-45B7-9904-63F142…)

hanging out with roxy, I guess she’s helping her with her android dress

No. 501086

Facts. KBBQ and YJ used to flirt on his livestreams before Moo ran him off. This was when YJ was first starting out.

No. 501090

Orrrr she's styling Moo's wig lol

No. 501091

It's funny that she's with Roxy since we kept saying that she doesn't hang out with her anymore.

Mariah really is a predictable brat.

No. 501093


Don't spread false rumors anon. I used to watch his livestreams for cosplay help. I don't think I ever saw her on there.

I think a better reason is likely Mariah pretended to be her friend and YJ assumed they were good friends and Mariah ignored her because she's not a big name.

No. 501094

Or Moo is going to use Roxy's wig! I wouldn't put it past either of them.

No. 501095

YJ was also one of the first on CBC's side after the whole tail stepping thing. Moo had all her friends gang up on CBC and YJ didn't back down. I don't know anything else about her but I admired it a lot because I was really feeling for CBC facing Mariah's goons.

No. 501096

I’m not. There was at least two streams of him playing the guitar and them flirting. But after ALA they seemed to go silent with each other. They interacted a little bit at another con later in the year but then Moo ran him off.

No. 501097


Yeah that reason sounds fishy because then it would be Mariah dishing out all the aggressive tweets. Not the other way around.

It seems that YJ has a problem with Mariah. I can only assume it's either because Mariah bullied YJ , maybe made homophobic comments against her, or because Mariah bullied a friend of YJ.

No. 501101

jane probably dislikes her for the same reasons everyone who roasts her does: because moo is a blight on the cosplay community and an all around piece of shit who steals, doxxes and lies.

No. 501102


Roxy is "helping" her. Meaning Roxy is making everything while Mariah puts in on her stories. Mariah is so talented at helping!

No. 501104

hey if you’re going to talk about something you should know the facts. kbbq came onto jane a few weeks into them talking and she said she wasn’t interested because she had her other girlfriend at the time. they were supposed to hang out at ala but moo wouldn’t keep off his dick so jane respectively stopped talking to him (because she was still friends with moo and didn’t want drama). it wasn’t until way after that jane started calling her out so i don’t think whatever caused their falling out related to kbbq.

No. 501105


I don't really care about the reason tbh. I'm just happy someone is calling her out on her bullshit finally. I wish YJ good luck and I really hope Mariah gets what's coming to her. She's been sitting way too peacefully on her pedestal for too long and needs to be humbled.

No. 501109

>making her own shit with someone else in the room

lol sure

No. 501110


>just a weeb with a sewing machine my dudes!!

>Doesn't even know how a sewing machine works.

No. 501113

Obviously a sewing machine is just a fashion accessory you show off to show how 'crafty' you are.

No. 501114


I heard she has a $900 sewing machine. So skilled and talented my dudes

No. 501115

Maybe she should have spent those $900 on some fucking sewing lessons. Or maybe a gym membership.

No. 501116

she claimed to have like 5 memberships once. memberships dont mean shit if you dont go

No. 501118

Wait are you saying the the exercise of walking up to the front counter to purchase the membership doesn't count as going to the gym? Oh who am I kidding, she never bought the memberships in the first place lol

No. 501120

She doesn't even go to school anon, why would she go to sewing lessons.

No. 501124

maybe she thinks you need a membership to take pics outside

No. 501128

If she is going to lie about her sexual orientation at least research. she says she dated a trans person and says she loves "traps"
which makes her pansexual

Also Jane is genderfluid and identifies as a man sometimes so shes extra special in the gay community(no one cares)

No. 501130

Moo hated Yuno before YJ became a thing. Just saying

No. 501131

This actually happened before. If you watch the panel its because of ThorneChan. TC loves Tracer and almost cosplayed her and Mariah makes fun of tracer specifically because of TC. TC even makes a face and mouths something during the panel after Moo says something. TC also used to post about Yuno Gasai alot so I thought it was about her because Yandere Jane wasn't around at that time.

No. 501132

Yandere Jane posted on her personal facebook that Mariah never did anything to her personally but has heard of all the horrible things and decided to not support her

No. 501133

take the yandere jane talk to the other thread.

No. 501134

>says she dated a trans person
So shes taking advantage of the mentally ill and showing them off as an accessory.

No. 501137

I don't think anyone believed that since she was just trying to save her ass after getting called out.

YJ isn't a calf. She hasn't spilled any milk that has to do with Mariah though so this new talk about her is a little confusing.

No. 501139

I'm surprised that Mariah hasn't made a new twitter account yet. She's pretending to be unbothered by it.

No. 501142

She probably thinks she’ll get it back

No. 501143

When you first get suspended sometimes you're given a chance to delete offensive tweets to get your account back so she might be waiting to hear back from twitter before making another one.

No. 501144


Someone I know apparently reported her for ban evading and twitter confirmed that was the reason because when it was suspended it showed the tweets that she submitted and said that they finished reviewing her account.

I don't think you can delete ban evading.

No. 501145

This is her second suspension, anon.

No. 501146

god willing

No. 501149


Someone asked her on her recent Instagram post. She is working to get it back and if she can’t, she said she’ll just make a new one. She blames it on her being reported a ton.

The dipshit doesn’t understand that she was banned and that making a new one to circumvent it is against the rules and it will just get taken down like the last ones.

No. 501150

And that new account will be deleted in a couple months, and so on and so forth. Can't just give up, just really need that attention aye?

No. 501152

But anon, that would mean accepting the fact that she's responsible for her own actions. This is the running from responsibilities edition.

No. 501153

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No. 501154

>she blames it on being reported a ton
then like, she deserved to get banned?

No. 501156

Let her make a new one and throw money away on fake followers just to get suspended for ban evasion again lol

No. 501157

she means she was wrongfully banned, not that the reports were legit. aka what people who get banned always claim

No. 501159


I don't think being reported for evading a ban is wrongful. Her first ban wasn't wrongful either. She's doxxed multiple people on them and attacked them. And tbf other people do so too but it's problematic when you do it with a big following. It's not even like she didn't realize that either. You see from her tweet >>500299 that she knew early on she had influence and had to be professional or it would do harm. So she can't blame her actions on "immaturity" or "ignorance".

Furthermore, her recent actions with the whole Hanari drama is more proof that she deserves the ban. Instead of staying impartial or promoting ~positivity~ she chose to incite a witch hunt (literally a day after saying people shouldn't do so).

So yeah Mariah. It wasn't a wrongful ban. It was a necessary one.

No. 501160

i know that but twitter doesn't just like ban people who get reported. also >>501159

moo just wants to try to divert responsibility from herself, because if she takes responsibility for anything she has to admit she's wrong and self reflect. aaaand she won't do that.

No. 501161

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No. 501162

dont misunderstand, i think she deserves the ban and can go fuck herself for all i care lol

shes just gonna lie forever. like always.

No. 501163


This would be a good opportunity for her to come clean and take rsponsibility. She could lose most of her haters just by saying:

"My dudes I'm sorry for my present and past actions. I have realized that because I have many people following me I need to be professional and behave myself. I have done very terrible things and I hope to learn from them. I deserve this ban. Therefore I will not make a new twitter because I must learn from my mistakes."

That's all it takes Mariah. I'll even let you copy it since you copy everything… buttttt I doubt you'd ever say such things.

No. 501165

She tried that last year with the lipo video, said she was sorry blah blah blah and promised regular Q&As. Do you think she followed through with any of it? Nah.

No. 501167


She only did the Q and As because she was backed into a corner with the whole lipo stuff. All she did was try to gain sympathy from people. This time around if she says the written apology and actually stays off twitter, she will at least keep her word on something.

I agree though anon. She has no remorse for her actions. Every apology she says is a lie because she will turn around and fuck up again.

No. 501170

Yeah, she always says she needs to behave better but never does. She's been rinsing and repeating for years. If only she would do that for her clothes and body.

No. 501171

File: 1522909181595.gif (5.26 MB, 337x600, 7F257B33-F227-4B88-B009-8D1B6C…)

cut down the lake intro for gif purposes but I’m assuming like all these videos she does…we’ll only get 30 more seconds anyway

No. 501173

"The rips in my shirt over my breasts were accurate!"

pans camera to boobs

Of course they were, Mariah. Of course they were.

No. 501177

She can't make anything without help aka she makes the tiniest thing considering this is her job. She's fucking useless at cosplaying.

No. 501178

File: 1522911167097.jpg (41.53 KB, 1024x552, PicsArt_04-04-11.51.09.jpg)

No. 501179

File: 1522911296298.png (595.82 KB, 720x911, Screenshot_2018-04-04-23-54-00…)

Are muffin tops for shoulders too

No. 501180

I would never, my dudes! ahahaha peace and positivity! Don’t do witch hunts!! Am I right??

No. 501182



Sure Moo.

Also if you really want the petals effect just shoop them in instead of shaking trees, this isn't Animal Crossing.

No. 501185

Wish she tried that in a country where that’s very much frowned upon lol

No. 501194

Somebody please post the screen under her comment

No. 501214

File: 1522921847331.jpg (499.96 KB, 739x1335, Screenshot_20180405-024937_Gal…)

Lol shes just fat

No. 501218

I wrote a post of my own a while ago and linked to Lolcow so as to be transparent and didn’t know it was so taboo. Is there a reason why Lolcow can’t/shouldn’t be linked?

No. 501220

Cowtipping is against the rules

No. 501221


lolcow is for observation.
directing cows to the board can cause a negative influence on the milk.
directing outsiders to the board can cause more of the above and other types of newfaggotry.
either way it can taint the milk.

No. 501230

Most newfags won't bother reading site rules and shit up the thread with spam, namefagging, wking, increase in "epiphany on how fake xxx is and finally stop being a fan" posts etc., and the chaos would cause infighting which would further shit up threads. And some would explore the rest of the site and shit up other threads too. Mods would be busy with cleaning and banning.

Tl;dr: stampede of newfags tramples farm

No. 501238

People keep saying that Jane is "calling her out" but really all she's done is vaguepost. It doesn't matter unless she says Moomoo by name. Then she'll actually be doing something.

No. 501240

With lack of sleep, being high and drunk all the time and having selective memory, it's easy to see why you don't remember things that you spew to people, Mariah.

No. 501250

A little OT and tinfoil but I was wondering, is it possible Moo gets her understanding of cosplay off that Sci Fi show Heroes of Cosplay? It's been shown/suggested she had no real interest in any of this in school. Bonus it's level of drama/lies/rushing cosplays seem to be her to a T.

No. 501251

i doubt it. moo is just fat and lazy and doesn't seriously care what she is doing. she's also an arrogant cunt, so she puts stuff off till last minute cause she think's she's too good for shit and that people will eat up her cosplays simply because she is her.

No. 501265

I agree. It's fucking weird that some of you guys want to talk about her so much even though she's never directly in contact with Moo. Irrelevant person. Extremely cringe worthy. No accusations, but it smells of self posts, but you could still just be a fan of yj (lol y) so if you actually like her so much you should leave her out of this thread and stick to talking about Moo.

No. 501273


But they have been in contact. They used to follow each other and retweet each other. Now she's in contact with others who used to associate themselves with Mariah. To be fair her recent tweet was a vague post but she has made posts that called out Mariah by name multiple times.

I barely heard of YJ recently because of her posts so I don't really have a bias. I'm just gladness someone with a sizable following isn't shy about calling out Mariah. Too many people with big followings remain quiet about Mariah to protect their own names. I tweet about Mariah all the time but because I'm a nobody, no one cares or they think I'm just a crazy hater. So yeah. Thankful someone with a following is calling her out and getting others to do the same.

No. 501274

File: 1522942539492.jpg (65.79 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

special ""bisexual" snowflake detected

No. 501275

I agree that until she calls Moo out by name and not vague ass posts, she's pointless to talk about. But the YJ posts were multiple anons not just one. I know because I made a few of them and I sure as hell didn't make them all. I'm not even a fan of YJ(Don't really know who she is) but you don't have to be a fan of someone to commend them for something.

We'll end up back in snow with this shit.

No. 501278

File: 1522943547067.jpg (374.72 KB, 2048x2048, 91EA17DB-B0F7-437C-BD25-4853B7…)

You know it's sad when your own "fan page" hasn't posted since November.

She really has no self awareness about how irrelevant she is becoming.

No. 501281

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I wouldn't say she's done so multiple times. As far as I can tell, she's mentioned the myoppa thing (which is what the second tweet is responding to), and the first one is voldiee responding to her recent vague posting.

No. 501283

File: 1522946370636.png (68.97 KB, 629x443, 6BA69229-FC58-424E-AF63-45F3AF…)

For reference. This was JUST last month.

No. 501285

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>"Cosplay is still about talent and you don't have to go naked to become famous!!"

-cosplay thots in denial

>"If you're not making money like me, you're not working hard enough!"


Kamui cosplay: makes $400 a week on patreon (if she makes a video).

Momokun: makes $15k a month on patreon for rewards she never sends out and trash sets.

No. 501286

WAT? I could swear kamui did at least 2x more than momo. how fucked up is that?

No. 501287

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Sad but true anon

No. 501288

File: 1522947772323.png (837.84 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2018-04-05-10-01-07…)

No. 501292

correction, moo used to make 15k at like 1000 patrons. she's been well b elow her 10k goal for months.

No. 501294


This is just depressing. Even though Mariah didn't start the cosplay thot movement she definitely helped it gain momentum. I think when people saw someone as talentless and plain looking like her making money, it made it look easy to do. So more people started doing lingerie and lewds to make money like her.

It's really discouraging to see cosplayers as talented as Kamui not making what she deserves. I understand it's because men are horn dogs and want to see a lot of these women naked but that doesn't mean women can't support talents like Kamui. It's no wonder people like Mariah are doing well.

No. 501296

Dress made by Roxy, I helped!!
White shirt REPURPOSED by me!
Patch by some dude on etsy I may or may not credit!

No. 501298

Can't wait to see the rat's nest of a wig she'll get for this one. Judging by her past color blindness it'll probably be bright red or dark brown or something.

Kinda nitpicking but she gets money by selling books as well on top of the $1704 she makes on Patreon per month and that's where the majority of her income comes from. Her costumes and materials are also mostly sponsored so she doesn't have to pay for them. Still doesn't excuse Momo getting 15k a month sitting on her lazy ass.

She could very well be making 10+k now. Before she hid the total amount of money she was receiving, the average per patron was consistently (for a year's worth of time) around 20 dollars. If we assume that's the case now she's still making 11-12k a month. But still she's bleeding pledges and probably splurged all of her money without putting it aside, so if this continues she'll be fucked by the end of the year.

No. 501301

i'm actually sad right now. i never cosplayed to have a patreon or earn money but now i just feel like burning everything because you can't do anything without being a thot. this is truly absurd.

No. 501302

Its so deceiving when people hide their patreon amounts. People want to see how much you make vs the content you put out and she's been feigning talent for over a year since she's had it hidden, so that people can't call her out for it when they visit her patreon since you can't see anything without being $35 or more to begin with. She also only has 'good' photos of when she was 'skinnier' on the front of her patreon too which makes people think that the content she puts on Instagram/Twitter isn't the true content and that the previews from her patreon page are what she actually puts out. Which we all know isn't true.

No. 501303

Nah fam, if anything it just stresses that cosplay is a hobby, and you should only quit if you're not enjoying it anymore. Don't quit because some cow most of the cosplay world is laughing at is skanking things up.

No. 501307

This isn’t new. There was never a time where cosplayers like Kamui were making bank just for their craft and art. Face it, a majority of people rather pay to get off than pay for art. There’s also the fact that only cosplayers, a small group, would pay for kamuis tutorials where as every normie wants to see sexy content.

No. 501309

You sound stupid. Since when did people want everyone to know their income? Keeping your income private has always been a societal norm and bragging makes you look like a cunt.
But of course tacky ass Momo used to brag about her patreon money. Notice how now she doesn't brag and hid her earnings? Based on this we can assume she makes shit compared to before so at least people are wising up and dropping their funding.

No. 501310


Yet these patreon thought keep talking about empowerment. It's no empowering at all! It just feeds into the stereotype that female cosplayers will forever be known for sexy cosplays while male cosplayers will be known as the ones who make armor and props.

You know what's actually empowering? When fellow female cosplayers like Kamui break that mold and show that she can make props and armor just as good, if not better, than most male cosplayers. It's empowering when I see someone who chooses not to do trashy POV softcore porn for income.

No. 501314

i know that, but for the last few years is getting worse. and yeah they think its wow super empowering and if you ever speak agains you are jelly and hates woman.

No. 501321

3rd wave values are killing our country tbh.

No. 501323

This. I don't believe that ANY cosplayer should be given 15k just for cosplaying. No matter how amazing you are. If you want to make money, then do modeling gigs, sponsorships, commissions or whatever. Pushing money to be the indicator of worth in cosplay is damaging as hell and it's infuriating how these thots are making even the legitimate cosplayers feel like they should be making thousands of dollars with their dumb hobby. I'm a long time cosplayer and I've won multiple awards with very expensive costumes without getting shit in return save for small gift cards, and that's how it should fucking be.

She still gets tens of likes in her $50 posts and almost all of her content is for $35+ tiers so those 597 patrons really have to dig deep to see the stuff they signed up for. Her income is measured in thousands at least. I don't understand why people here insist that Momo's not making a good amount of money because she definitely is. She's just godawful at budgeting and spends her cash on frivolous shit and partying because she's dumb as a brick. Those cool sculpting sessions and drugs don't come cheap.

No. 501325

Never said moo wasnt making money, said that her patreon is dropping and she isnt earning as much as before. It’s been constantly declining.

No. 501326

we don't think she's making a good amount cause she was only making 15k when she had twice the patrons, there's also the tinfoil that she bought a lot of the patrons (which is why numbers keep going down drastically and popping up later) and the fact that it's taxed by patreon so even if she makes a certain amount it's not as much as the 15k she was. and it's not just anons being jelly trying to downplay her income, i make 10k a month not counting what my fiance makes and we live in a 3k apartment so it's not like i give a shit, i'm just saying it doesn't add up and it's only stroking her ego to think she still makes what she showed before when her 'goal' is way under the 10k 100% it was.

No. 501327

>I'm a long time cosplayer and I've won multiple awards with very expensive costumes without getting shit in return save for small gift cards, and that's how it should fucking be.
absolutely. i still love cosplaying but i won't lie and say that thots aren't one of the reasons i'm thinking of dropping. because even contests are getting shittier by the day because thots know people and then they win some really shady stuff because 'friends'.
also at the end of the day it's super rewarding when someone praises your cosplay but nobody has time for that anymore since they are drolling over people like moo.(blogposting)

No. 501328

i for one don't want praise from people who drool over moo and the like.

No. 501329


Not to mention lowered standards. When I entered competitions, you have to make 90% of your cosplays (or somewhere around that number. It's been a while). An acquaintance of mine has been entering quite a few these days and seem to no longer have that requirement. She's won a few (not sure if 1st place) even though she bought most of her cosplays.

No. 501333

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Can't seem to find other screenshots of how much money she made before but this is how much she made at 600+ patrons.

No. 501335

you got what i mean though

at least at my country they don't give a shit anymore. every single competition is won by people in full tao bao cosplay or full comissioned stuff.

No. 501346


>I'm a long time cosplayer and I've won multiple awards with very expensive costumes without getting shit in return save for small gift cards, and that's how it should fucking be.

Look I don’t like Moo either, but this humble brag cringey blogposting reeks of jealousy. Of moo of all people. Don’t tell me if you suddenly found yourself getting paid $15k a month to do the bare minimum like her you wouldn’t take it.

Cosplaying shouldn’t designate you to a life of a starving artist who doesn’t get paid for their passions. Some people make money doing it while others don’t. It happens in every creative career where less talented people somehow make more than more talented peers. But the uphill both ways elitist mentality of we shouldn’t make money is stupid, Moo or not.

No. 501347

Can we stop complaining about costhots making money? It's literally just what society is now:

Instagram models make more money than real ones
Youtube vloggers make more money than people who put out well produced content
There are girls out there who just live their lives as sugars who just rake in dollars for being arm candy to random rich guys.

People are willing to shell out bucks for cheap easy 'content' and that's just how it is at the moment. Not to sound too cliche but if you want a certain type of creator to do better then you need to 'be the change you want to see' if you want kamui to make more money? back her patreon.

I'm not trying to 'defend' costhots cause especially people like moo who put out bullshit rushed content deserve to lose their money.

Majority of moo's remaining backers are probably $1-5 donations because remember:
>smaller backers who werent waiting for 'patreon content' arent caring or checking that she hasnt been posting sets they're just there to passively support
>She used to have people on her 'Pick a Cosplay!' tier but obviously since she hasnt bragged about any of her costumes being chosen by her patrons she doesnt have any of those backers anymore

Back then she had patrons who were donating more and we have the blatant proof of her only making between 7k~ because her calendar reward was 10k and it's currently at 76% Then if you take away the percentages that patreon has she's making about 7k a month. Simple maths.


Momo is currently only making a maximum of $7k a month

No. 501357

Her pick a cosplay tier used to be $100 before she upped it to $500 like the greedy piggu she is. So it is ultimately Moo shooting herself in the foot, as always.

No. 501358

> Don’t tell me if you suddenly found yourself getting paid $15k a month to do the bare minimum like her you wouldn’t take it.
Honestly this just proves the original point. When you bring in huge amounts of money without having you exchange it for services (i.e. prints, commissions, designated cosplays people pay you to make etc) people get lazy and do only the bare minimum because hell they get the money anyway. It happens with a LOT of content creators after they open a Patreon. And it directly affects the quality of cosplay as a hobby. Why spend time doing intricate costumes when you can just put on a bikini and shove your ass to the camera? That's basically what happened to Momo, the more money she started making the more lazier she got because she didn't have to even try anymore, it's just enough that she pushes out a skanky lewd set every month. It's not about romanticizing being a starving artist, it's just how the "hipster welfare" works.

Her "Pick a cosplay tier" used to be $100 before she suddenly upped it to $500 because she got so lazy she couldn't even do that anymore.

No. 501359

well when you're a big girl that fabric ain't so cheap (esp. for the stuff she wants to cosplay) so i can see why she raised the price

No. 501361

Wonder how long Moo will go without Twitter for before caving in, ban evading again and rejoining. She literally lived on there with both accounts as social media is her 24/7 drug, she can't live without it.

No. 501363

not that anon but how can this be humble brag if we are at a anonymous board? thats really funny

No. 501368

You can say “I know such and such cosplayer that got awards blah blah blah” instead of jerking off your own achievements. No one needs to know what any anon has done that is super totally awesome and better than moo. This is about moo, not anons.

No. 501371

who cares? noone knows who that is.
You sound jealous.(infighting)

No. 501373

yea it's about moo and about us criticizing her within the cosplay community. why are you so jelly of anon saying she got cosplay awards?(infighting; derailing)

No. 501378

Patreon does not withhold taxes. They send a form 1099 to the account owner if there is over $15k a year in payments and they also send the information to the IRS. It's up to moo to pay the all the federal and state taxes due. No way dumbass has done that because rules are for other people not her.

No. 501379

Jealous of a bunch of weebs dressing in costume? Oh god you see right through me.

Go somewhere else if you want to brag about your cheap costume that got you a free target gift card.(infighting; derailing)

No. 501380

I can't wait for that to happen. Onion thought that he could avoid the IRS too, now he's a broke ass. Looking forward to the IRS paying her a visit like they did to him. Thread #65: Moonion edition

No. 501381

didn't know moo's milk was so good that even non cosplayers AND people who dislike cosplay would come here

No. 501383

If she's a cow with a lot of milk, anyone browsing lolcow would take a look.

Can we please stop all of this bullshit now before we get sent back to snow.

No. 501386

jesus anon calm the fuck down and have a seat already

She'll make a new one eventually, I really, really doubt she wouldn't do it. But on the other hand if the reason for her ban really was ban evading, she's in constant danger of having her account deleted again. Twitter's support is really bad when it comes to issues like this, I honestly think that having her account deleted for ban evading without being able to appeal is pretty stupid but then again it's hilarious because it's Momo, not someone that doesn't deserve to be deplatformed.

I don't know how the tax system works in the US because I'm an eurofag so do you have to pay for everything yourself at some point of the year or something?

No. 501391

As far as taxes go, remember this is Moo. The same Moo who “raises money for charity” and then never delivers, or delivers only a portion of what she promised (months late) by lying and changing goals…

Someone this low and shitty definitely isn’t responsible with taxes. If she’s even aware she could be chased down for this, she probably thinks her parents or something can fix everything for her. Or she’ll just whine about how unfair it is online with a new Twitter. Probably both.

No. 501395

At least he did his taxes, albeit entirely wrong kek

No. 501398

Moo's going to use the same excuse that he did. "No one taught me how to do them properly!"

It's sad that it's not even hard to imagine her saying that.

Now that I think about it, she's never mentioned taxes before, right? The same girl that documents and tells the world of everything that she does. I wonder if she's ever had to file taxes since she's been with Patreon.

And if she does, I hope she puts liposuction on them cause "It's for my business" kek

No. 501402

This might be a little late but as far as I know Kamuis patreon is open for everyone. So people pledging are really just donating if they want to. She will still post every video on Youtube as well so hers isn't patreon exclusive. If it was I think she would make much more money on there. So yeah you we can't really compate their patreons since they are really not the same.

No. 501417


Tbf Mariah also doesn't send out her rewards on time or at all so it's pretty much the same as Kamui. It's because people at that point are donating to helping Mariah with her "career" and buy her cosplays. People donate to Kamui for the same reasons. The only difference is that you can see the fruit of Kamui's labor.


If I can across $15k on patreon (especially if my patreon stated cosplay as being my career like Mariah's currently does) I would do all I can to show the world that I deserve it. Why? Because it makes sure that I put jealous haters in their place. The reason Mariah gets hate for the amount of money she makes is because she hasn't proven she deserves any of it:

- she's not a marketing genius
- she's not a crafting genius
- she spends her money on useless items and alcohol/drugs
- she never gives out her rewards and when she does it is late.
- she uses her following as an army and doxxed/witch hunts people.
- she constantly takes credit for work that isn't hers.

The list goes on.

She's just someone who got lucky and rode her ~body positivity~ label (even after she had lipo done). I'm sure if she deserved any of the money she made there would be less threads or no threads at all. People used to hate on Yaya. But after all she has done for herself (fabric line, craftsmanship, staying out of drama these days) no one really says anything bad about her anymore. It's the same thing with Jessica Nigri and other cosplayers who had a bad rep. Mariah on the other hand has been doing this for 3+ years now and has not cleaned up her act at all and every time she ~attempts~ to she just goes back to her old ways.

Tl;dr Mariah doesn't deserve anything she has and is just a spoiled brat who got lucky.

No. 501426

File: 1522964454460.jpg (870.84 KB, 1080x2087, Screenshot_20180405-144028_Ins…)

Shes in LA Again?

No. 501428


Another corn syrup shoot?

No. 501429

Why you worried about why she's in LA anon? You should be worried she's wearing the same fucking jacket lol

No. 501433

Can you imagine wearing the same clothes you've worked out in for days… It's got cat hair, crumbs and sweat on it, and I know she's not washing it every day. It's honestly vile and unhygienic. Abby Brown is cleaner.

No. 501434

File: 1522965754056.png (435.16 KB, 720x720, 1476777184065.png)

> "No one taught me how to do them properly!"

Yet they're both rich enough to hire someone to do them, so that's a moot point.

No. 501435

Because photos in an L.A. motel 6 is so much classier than a Vegas motel 6.

Maybe she will buy a new jacket while she's there. But who am I kidding?

No. 501436

christ that eye is disgusting

No. 501438

Probably the same pants too.

Wouldn't stop Moo from trying to use that excuse and didn't stop Onion at all haha.

Please take a shower, Mariah. You look grimy.

No. 501443


Probably coming to shoot with Square Noodles as usual. I'm going to assume it's Android 21 since she was working on it all yesterday.

No. 501445

i meant that they take a cut. she pays patreon you know.

No. 501465

File: 1522970462909.jpg (133.57 KB, 562x487, Screenshot_20180405-162049_Ins…)

No. 501474


her makeup looks awful and she's still wearing that stupid crybaby necklace.
>"i take rape very seriously my dudes"
>wears a rapist's merchandise

No. 501477

Judging by how Moo seems to like questionable hentai and all sorts of fucked up shit that's been posted about here occasionally when
her likes used to pop up on Twitter, wouldn't put it past her she's into some rape fetish kink.

No. 501478


>I'm going to shoot my OC Android 22 my dudes !

No. 501480

It depends, is the con paying for appearance, food, or hotel? Cause that's usually why guests charge because the con won't foot the bill…

No. 501501

Three things:
-an-tares, squarenoodles, Elizabeth, Reagan and Castle Corsetry are in L.A.
-antares is working on Gabi's bunnysuit right now so maybe she's making something for Moo?
-something else with either Roxy or Vamp (last story had a blonde girl walking ahead of her)

No. 501503

File: 1522980781533.png (368.67 KB, 946x618, Screenshot 2018-04-05 at 7.12.…)


No. 501507

I knew she was color blind but is she actually blind wtf that’s not correctly lined up lmao

No. 501508

someone asked her if she was wearing this
this will not go over her head

No. 501509

Probably has a zipper or she'll just sew herself into it since Anatares told her to before??????????/

No. 501511


Aww she wasn’t invited as a guest to any of the cons this weekend? No pax, no c2e2? Why isn’t she even at any of the multiple big cons happening this weekend? In LA? Most of the big name cosplayers aren’t there because they’re at those cons.

No. 501514

File: 1522982763224.png (1.01 MB, 750x1334, CF3344BC-D87B-4923-9D22-455134…)


No. 501515

Antares is a Vegas local.
And I doubt she is going to be working with CC anytime soon after the MyOppa shit.

No. 501516

lol roxy tier

No. 501517

Thanks I hate it
At least the picture is blurry so I don't have to suffer too much

No. 501518

Holy mother of kek not only the colour is wrong, the tiles are mirrored too. She has to be blind there's no way you can fuck up this badly.

No. 501520

File: 1522983119865.png (723.98 KB, 720x1182, Screenshot_2018-04-05-19-47-26…)

Ah you're right nevermind

Also, lightened and she looks pregnant

No. 501521

Wonder if she'll rip this one like she ripped her Wicke and Diana ones.

No. 501523

File: 1522983415152.png (1.07 MB, 720x1150, Screenshot_2018-04-05-19-55-42…)


No. 501524

File: 1522983467080.jpeg (450.25 KB, 750x937, 87935842-933A-411E-A9E9-D53562…)

Here is a better pic. Enjoy

No. 501526

Yeeeeep she's gonna rip it.

No. 501527

Jesus she looks like a monster
I think forest-kun is workin overtime under there

No. 501528

I like how she didn't even make it long enough to go past her coochie
she needs to get back 200 patrons, my dudes!

No. 501529

holy fucking photoshop/meitu app abuse batman

No. 501531

jesus it’s awful ugh

No. 501533

File: 1522984146775.jpg (186.03 KB, 614x921, ac268f50-ccab-0131-6a3f-7e45bc…)

guaran-fucking-tee this is how she looks without the photoshop and body shaper (if not even a little more square and thick)

No. 501534

being way too gracious

No. 501536

I searched every term I could think of to find a thick apple body type in a mod dress and this was the closest thing I could find.

She's absolutely looking like a sausage right now, no doubt. Mod dresses aren't flattering on thick (not THICC, just THICK) body types.

No. 501537

for this to be 4 way stretch fabric those seams look like they about to bust

No. 501538

I don't understand why she's incapable of wearing lipstick (other than liner on her top lip) or gloss. Or blush (somewhere other than the tip of her nose). She wants to copy Jenna Marbles so much, she should watch her video where she looked back on how embarrassing it is to only wear foundation and harsh, overdone contour.

No. 501539

At least put some fucking lipstick on…but this is moo we are talking about, so why even bother?

No. 501540

Didn’t she say MULTIPLE times that she wasn’t going to be doing this cosplay???? She made a huge deal about how she didn’t want to do it but here she is

No. 501541

she also said she was going to make a fursuit and show off her fursona after it got out she hates furries. She says a lot of shit anon. Whatever gets her attention

No. 501543

>c l e a n
the bustline is like an inch off lol

No. 501544

No. 501545


No. 501546


That attention to details my dudes

No. 501547

Lookin' as dead as her career, why the hell did she looked good like this??

No. 501549

Think she’s wearing her “forest” under there

No. 501550

Please tell me she's not gonna just put on those clothes she threw on the floor when done with this shoot.

No. 501551

Forest-kun is earning his keep tonight, too bad the 'coat' is going to cover her ass, we'd be able to see the hover-butt he causes quite clearly.

No. 501556

shes a;ready been wearing them a month, why do you think the floor would matter?

No. 501557

That cosplay is the cleanest thing she's worn in a month I'm sure.

No. 501558

File: 1522987862489.png (845.3 KB, 1242x2208, 04CC588A-7B8D-4CC7-A8C4-447CBE…)

No. 501559

>don’t worry about these kids m’lady

No. 501560


So how long until she start clapping back and telling them all to drink bleach?

No. 501563

File: 1522989029657.png (1.03 MB, 720x1149, Screenshot_2018-04-05-21-27-23…)

No. 501565

Looks like someone dressed up an ugly mannequin. Why does she always do that dumb thing with her mouth? Doesn't she know that that went out of style years ago? Oh I forgot, she's tacky like that.

No. 501566

TBH I thought it was a coincidence that she said she wasn't going to do it but a few days after TC posted her 21 cosplay (that got alot of attention from other cosplayers, especially cosplayers that hate moo) she posted on Patreon that she was going to do it

No. 501568

File: 1522990694136.jpg (709.06 KB, 1080x1003, Screenshot_20180405-215753_Ins…)

Love that they added her lipo scars

No. 501569


The worst thing about this is that Kamui doesn't make money off her youtube channel either; Google thought her influx of subs were fake and have banned her for all eternity. That's the reason's she plugs her books in every video.

>Straight lines are sUPER hard guys look how much I worked hahaha

As bad as her body looks in this - which is pretty bad, like she just looks like bad shoop now - her face is somehow the WORST thing about it? Honey, howd you get to look like that at age 20

No. 501570

Freckles, my dude. Freckles.

No. 501574

File: 1522991194375.png (678.93 KB, 720x1181, Screenshot_2018-04-05-22-00-07…)

Looks soooooo thrilled

No. 501575


Android 16 groping Android 21 for the mommy kink? (Of course I'm sure Mariah didn't even know she was based on his mother)

Inb4 she started tweeting about the mommy kink… wait oh.

No. 501576

waist trainer chan working overtime

No. 501578

oh my god no fucking jesus this is a bunch of lieees

she will and you know that

No. 501579

I actually whimpered at the thought of that. Oh my god dude. She's so gross and unwashed.

No. 501582

That corset is really working overtime.. This doesn't even look good because of that. Wtf? I get girls wear shit under their clothes, but most of then understand how to garment will lay because of it.. This is so bad and no, that jacket does not make you look thinner because you hid you fat upper arms.

No. 501584

THATS the wide load she's too embarrassed to edit in front of someone else who can confirm she isn't that snatched.

No. 501585

File: 1522996007788.png (187.16 KB, 418x274, forest chan.PNG)

No. 501594

File: 1523001863499.jpg (187.39 KB, 1014x840, dead.jpg)

I am shooketh

No. 501595

We already knew, but glad she's admitting it
That forest must reek since she wears it under everything

No. 501611

File: 1523005647992.jpg (480.8 KB, 1080x2087, Screenshot_20180406-020712_Ins…)


No. 501627

hahahahaha. looks so stupid xD(xD)

No. 501643


Your profile pic is showing

No. 501654

No. 501661

she forgot to mention she only gets lipo/cool sculpting on her waist as well.

No. 501668

honestly I don't think this is that bad, the colours are obviously a bit off but it gives her the curvy hourglass shape she wants and covers up her hammy arms
I don't think it's a terrible choice for her honestly

No. 501682


forest-kun and lipo gives her the hourglass shape she wants

No. 501692

Sorry for perhaps sounding like I'm 12 and what is this, but what actually is a forest? (I did Google, got nowt)

No. 501693


"forest" is how momokun mistyped the word "corset" on multiple occasions. you might want to catch up on the threads here.

No. 501700


To be fair I’ve been here for a while and even I didn’t know what the fuck that meant. And learning it now just makes it look like a stupid cringey joke.

No. 501707

File: 1523022786480.jpeg (381.3 KB, 750x980, 1518231429828[1].jpeg)


well lets get stupider and cringier by showing off my autism levels.
multiple people have been saying it for multiple threads:
-it's been said 9 times alone in this one.
-4 times in the previous one and the one before that.
-it was said twice in the thread before that, including in the thread description.
-8 times thread before that.
-9 before that, again in the description.
-and then 10 times in the thread before that, which is where it originated.

you can think it's stupid and cringey all you want, but it's been a consistent meme in these threads for over a month now.

No. 501721

File: 1523025282483.jpg (520.6 KB, 1080x2021, Screenshot_20180406-073424_Sam…)

Her arm fat makes a better butt than her own butt.

No. 501723


>admits to the corset

>ignores that she also had lipo done

Come on Mariah! I thought you were supposed to be more open now with your lipo? Or did you just conveniently forget?

I'm actually surprised no one mentioning her lipo in the comments too.

No. 501728

I wouldn't be surprised if she used her excuse "lipo actually made me gain weight!!!" so she TOTALLY doesn't have to mention it because she didn't stay thin

No. 501731


She doesn't mention it much because she's hoping people will forget about it after the few times she admitted to it. That's how she gets away with shit. She just hopes everyone will forget.

No. 501735

I'm surprised she doesn't try to hide the fact she's wearing a corset underneath. Like isn't that a little embarrassing to admit that the only way you can look somewhat decent in a cosplay is wearing a full on corset? I don't necessarily care about shapewear since lots of cosplayers do that but wearing a corset under your cosplays is actually super sad and pathetic and screams "INSECURITY" and everyone knows

No. 501737

I know tons of cosplayers who wear corsets under their cosplay. It gives you a better waist than shapewear. I think most people consider it to be basically the same thing as shapewear. But most people aren't also getting lipo and then cinching the corset so tight that they look like a misshapen ball of clay.

No. 501739

I just find it funny how she still looks fat even with the corset on. Donkey kong body never fails to shock people

No. 501743

This. Pretty much everyone I know wears corset/shapewear,etc too. What's shameful is having to spend thousands on multiple rounds of lipo just to be able to squeeze into your XL corsets and cinchers.

No. 501746

Forget the corset, her makeup makes her look like a fuckin' zombie

No. 501751

Holy shit I hope the company is fucking embarrassed to be partnering with her. She’s so obviously blasted in this story and she doesn’t even get the website right. She mumble-slurs
“You can this beanie at pink city dot com… pink city dot ca or whatever I don’t know click the Instagram thing”

No. 501778

File: 1523034801914.jpg (10.2 KB, 516x101, 7H22hka.jpg)

I'm just I am hoping this is a troll. But her fans are this stupid

No. 501779

Are we even sure they're still partnering at this point? Moo posted that screenshot of the jacket desgign over a month ago and we havent heard anything about it since. It's not like she's in LA to see the product since they're a Canadian based company. Maybe they havent been getting back to her and this is her attempt to get back in their good graces kek.

No. 501780

They thought her lipo scars were 'thigh freckles'. Some of them are in fact THAT stupid.

Also it isn't hilarious that Moo is wearing a corset under her shit, it is that she's wearing a corseted bunnysuit under everything that she can now, because it gives her some semblance of a waist and ass.

No. 501783

It's also to poke fun of the fact that she blasts and harasses people when she intentionally words things wrong and tells them they're uneducated and to go back to school but she can't spell at all

No. 501804

I only hope "The perfect shape." becomes a new meme here. It's too hilarious to let go unnoticed

No. 501811

File: 1523038216950.jpeg (262.72 KB, 500x426, BECCC876-9F22-452C-AFC9-DEAB0E…)

No. 501821

Love it. perfect shape my dudes!

No. 501822

File: 1523038728506.jpg (113.46 KB, 355x623, perfectshape.jpg)

No. 501824

File: 1523039025124.png (20.19 KB, 474x158, Screenshot 2018-04-06 at 11.23…)

come on now

No. 501828

How can she confidently say that when she looks completely different here >>501574

No. 501830

That's what you said with your Lilith cosplay too, Moo.

No. 501839


And lipo. She never mentions the lipo.

She only admitted to it once and a few times after so people will forget. And when someone brings it up she can bullshit that "it's public knowledge my dudes!" to avoid hate again.

No. 501846

Next thread image

No. 501847

File: 1523042752622.png (1.02 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180406-152412.png)

Would it really be Momo she didn't do a bikini shoot for every fandom she "loves"

No. 501849

please tell me she bought the right size this time and isn't going to show her pubes…

No. 501850

Say it ain't so!!!!! She is going to ruin my childhood!!!

No. 501851


She is pure trash, plain and simple. Can't cosplay a character normally, no, lets throw in a bikini and pose like a slut all over the internet. She's disgusting.

No. 501854

>>501847 I think this shoes how much of a fake she is. Yeah there's Bunny Bulma but there are at least 50 sexy outfits for her and another handful per very other (adult) female character. Yet here she goes again, only doing hyped waifus or a trash bikini

No. 501855

File: 1523043580426.png (141.53 KB, 290x261, madoka welp.png)

oh boy, here we go–again

No. 501856

It especially wouldn't be Momo if she didn't use a rat's nest of a wig for this, not looking forward to this nightmare.

No. 501857

Because she's not really a fan of any fandom. She only enjoys ruining characters for people and the attention slutty photos and videos bring her. Whether it's negative or positive, she gobbles it up. She's a female Onision.

Unless of course they're calling her out on something that gets under her skin, then she hates it. Also like Onision.

Speaking of which, I see they no longer talk to each other kek I wonder why.

No. 501861

Being an e-(in)famous narcissist is a lot like Highlander: There can only be one!!!

God damn that was such an amazing cow crossover, wasn't it? I hope it happens again someday.

No. 501863

She hasn’t said anything about getting a wax lately so I wouldn’t hold my breath.

No. 501867

this just reinforces my idea that there are for some reason tons of people who simply didn't follow the threads on /snow/

No. 501873

It became even more awesome when Plainey asked him if he was fucking Moomoo.

Moo isn't one to shying away from fucking men in relationships so seeing Plainey panic like that was great.

No. 501874

Of course she'll have to flaunt dat perfect shape. And by the looks of it it's 3 sizes too small as usual.

Remember when we keked about how Moo could become part of the trinity? Good times, good times. I thought Lame would be on board with that since they both fake liking other girls they can play pretend together, but then again she wouldn't want her husband to depend on Moo's Patreon bucks instead.

No. 501876


But she's so talented and works so hard anon! Her costumes are pure art!

Honestly she's becoming more and more tragic, long gone are the days of when Moo actually gave a damn about cosplay and making things herself while taking nice photos, now she's just shit tier.

It's completely pointless her even carrying on with her 'big builds' that are more modest and have fancier photoshoots because the fans will never give a fuck. They pay to see tits & vag, nothing more.

No. 501879

Yeah, the last time Moo tried to make a costume all by her lonesone was titty star Yoko. While that was a delightful failure of craftsmanship from start to finish, she could at least call that hot mess her own. Now? She just modifies premade things and has Antares/Cunt Corestry do the rest, making her even more pathetic than before.

No. 501882


Yeah when she first started she was all about trying to be like the other big names and make her own stuff. She used to post progress photos quite regularly too. Guess you can argue she got lazy because she realized she could make money doing nothing, but that's a shitty attitude to have. If you enjoy your hobby, you'd still work at it even if you're making a lot of money. Just like what an anon mentioned earlier, if someone made that much money from a hobby, they should be trying to prove that they deserve it.

I think a lot of the hate towards her comes from that she hasn't proven herself deserving of anything. She's a terrible model (3 of the same poses all the time), she's a terrible businesswoman (constantly copying others), and she's a terrible cosplayer (never making anything and relying on commissions). So what does she even do then? Susu does a lot of what Mariah does (more accurately Mariah copies everything Susu does) but she doesn't get all the hate. It's because she's proven that she deserves what she's making. She doesn't do trashy shoots and you don't ever see her have nip slips or lip slips. She's even released and still releasing products based on her OC, unlike Mariah who just copied Milk Party and called it her OC.

Yeah, there are plenty of big names out there who have drama and terrible personalities but a lot of them have proven one way or another why they deserve what they have. If you're going to be a shit person, at least have something to back it up.

No. 501886


Not to mention she's the worst person to be a front for plus size cosplayers. Wizard World haven't helped that in anyway from their short description of her in their guest list. Moo is in no way a role model or someone to idolise for being heavier, she relies on fucking lipo, Photoshop, eating poorly and waist cinchers to hide everything. That's not someone who's proud of their size at all.

She's one massive fraud in just about everything she does. Must be exhausting with the amount of lies, gaslighting and back pedalling she has to do to keep up the image.

No. 501887

antares' stuff is fucking terrible as well, which almost makes it worse. if moo made her own she could atleast say she's trying, but instead she hires shit-tier seamstresses to do it for her.

No. 501888

So this is where she is as of now. Cons going on all over the place and she's "modeling" in a shit tier cosplay in a motel room with some rando photographer.

No. 501890

antares's work is fine for someone who just makes cosplay for a hobby. She is definitely no professional but she is better than Moo. Also its easier for Moo to take credit for things that aren't made well

No. 501898

Next thread pic

No. 501899

she's terrible, anon. also if she's doing commissions for moo how is it a hobby??

No. 501900

Sewing skills and being able to fit plus sized garments properly are two different things. Antares' work is fine for someone who does commissions for other hobbyists, but certainly not "professional cosplayers". Oh wait, Moo's not a professional, my dudes.

No. 501901

File: 1523051789902.gif (5.28 MB, 400x480, 1A71563D-8654-4A3A-AC42-D8A2EB…)

No. 501902

so explain why moo's shit doesn't fucking fit her? she's fucking bad, she didn't even know how to sew sabers sleeves and instead did shitty renfaire sleeves that she's more used to.

No. 501903


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 501905

You look dumb. And old. Like a 40 year old secretary trying to flirt with their married boss.

No. 501906

File: 1523052213456.gif (4.06 MB, 270x480, A371FD8C-D5AC-4B7D-883D-063452…)

No. 501907

Moo porn face doesn't even work for porn stars why

No. 501909

Trying her hardest to get back those missing 200+ patrons.

No. 501911

i can't believe she's so fucking young. also her filter makes her lips even thinner than usual.

more like 400 at this point lmao.

No. 501912

i would ask why she just didn't do a red/blue split lingerie set, but that would involve too much dyeing and sewing i guess? premade/not really fitting to the character is the way to go

No. 501913

But of course! If she goes under 10k she won’t be able to afford her lifestyle and pay for her parents debt!

No. 501914

Hell even red top blue panties with mismatched knee highs

No. 501915

They didn't care when you got naked and slathered yourself in diarrhea chocolate Moo, so why would they care about you touching your tits and licking your lips?

No. 501917

Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? Lol

No. 501918

File: 1523052593148.jpeg (40.82 KB, 480x387, 689904B8-CFB7-417D-A17B-04E8F3…)

No. 501919

File: 1523052594676.jpg (34.58 KB, 589x515, one teaspoon red white and blu…)


How does this make ANY sense??? Why would 21 be in the Turtle school uniform??????
More proof that she doesnt know or care anything about Dragonball. If she had thrown on a black wig I would have been fine with her doing a shitty swimsuit thing but

It's a UNIFORM you dumb cow not just something anyone in the series can throw on willy nilly?

Hell even bulma you could stretch and say that since she stayed on the island with Roshi for long enough maybe she turned a uniform into a swimsuit or something but 21???? REALLY???

I googled 'red blue bikini' and she wouldnt even have to make it. image related

Her patreon is currently at $7.7k

No. 501920

Receipts plz

No. 501921

File: 1523052655136.jpeg (771.68 KB, 750x1074, 96089B16-B13B-4A06-89DC-F92728…)

you guys remember when she hated this design right?

No. 501922

can you stop? we don't have the numbers and the only thing we have to go by is her supposed goal percentage.

No. 501924

Check Onion and Moo threads from mid-late last year. Back when he was making regular LA trips.

>Her patreon is currently at $7.7k
This is too hilarious to be true

What's with the dorito chin, Moo.

No. 501925

I'm gonna vomit holy shit
Not exaggerating, I feel ill

No. 501926


She had that goal at 10k
it's currently at 77%

I feel like the assumption is fair and it would also explain why she's been so desperate with her recent shoots as well

No. 501927

she did hang out with roxy lately, probably caught her doritoitus

No. 501928

He's azn, so

That's all that matters.

No. 501930

well shit that's not good at all.

No. 501932

Check the threads from October.

No. 501934

Goku doesn't deserve this

Come on, not even RR at the very least?

No. 501935

File: 1523053220620.gif (3.62 MB, 337x600, F8E9FB9C-3650-4D72-91A6-EB361E…)

I’m sorry for doing this to you

No. 501936

come on moo. looking like an old hag doesn't make you one. mommy fetishists like old women who look young, not the other way around.

No. 501937

what hath god wrought

No. 501938

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If you look at her patreon trend within the time she started, her patreon is at a downtrend. It's unlike before because even with the drop off that happens at the end of the month and during Christmas time, it still had an upward trend. Recently it's just been going down and down. Her ranking in terms of patrons as well.
It really does explain why she's actually started getting more and more naked and doing more and more porn like content. She's getting desperate. She said when she first started she would never sink that far but she officially has. She knows when she spiked highest was when she did the POV of Wicke and people gained hope she would actually be penetrated. Now people are tired of her doing "implied nudes".

She has to either do porn or quit now.

You can tell her reputation is finally being noticed by even her fans. If you look at her reddit barely anyone makes posts or comments anymore.

Read the comments on her Valentine's Day chocolate shoot too! People hate it and only looked at it thinking she'd get naked. They even say it looks like scat porn! Kek

No. 501939

Why be accurate when you can get everything wrong, anon. That's so much better! Over 9000 levels better! -Moo logic

There's so much secondhand embarrassment from this. I hope her fans cringe into unpledging.

No. 501940

Getting closer and closer to porn I see…

No. 501942

Porn that's not attractive and ruins childhoods. She'd be great in a My Little Porny or TugRats level porno though.

No. 501943

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she’s going on a little rant 1/3
“Remember when i got so much flack last summer for all of my cosplays being wig and a swimsuit? Well guess what? It’s spring time! Wig and a swimsuit is coming back hot boooy”

No. 501944

I keep seeing that mentioned but do we have a receipt for that? I thought I had it saved but I can’t find it and I’m on mobile so searching the old threads would take awhile.

No. 501945

nah man she's going to go straight to fat fetish shit. kik for fat, remember?

No. 501946

File: 1523053689071.gif (5.29 MB, 337x600, 370EE692-B0F8-4B31-8A1C-952DA9…)

“I’m going to lewd all your waifus. every single one of them. Every new waifu, they’re all mine…in swimsuits”

No. 501947

the face of someone who doesn't realize people hate her.

No. 501948

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“Feel that hatred boil inside you, like FUCK MOMOKUN”

I guess she needed somewhere to be toxic since she’s twitter banned

No. 501949

So why is she wearing her off color android 21 wig with a Goku Bikini? (Turtle School)
Why is she tagging this with her cosplay? This looks like a start of a bad porno.
Oh right I get it, hinting to her neck bears she is gunna be more raunchy so screw accuracy, she is a cheap porn actress.

"It's just cosplay my dudes" nothing accurate and just shows her floppy lips and butt hole.

No. 501950

i mean literally no one seriously cares. this 'haters make me famous' ship has fucking sailed. people only pretend to ree and then she gets posted on fb for even normies to laugh at. no one actually cares about her cosplaying anyone's waifus, she's just a joke. it's so pathetic that she can't even piss people off properly.

No. 501953

Yep. All she did was move her toxicity to instagram. Hope she gets banned there too so she has to resort to Facebook.

She's so much like Onision. Doing things simply because she knows that people will hate her for it. As long as it gives attention right, Moo?

No. 501954

She just looks unhinged and desperate for attention/someone to fuck her. Guess the Twitter ban and the falling paetrons isn't fairing well for her. Maybe she will decline faster to porn

No. 501955

but the joke is people think she's a laughing stock. no one truly hates her. she's an easy target, but she thinks she's super famous and has haters like a pop star or something.

No. 501957

It’s frightening that there are clearly children playing in the background of her story and that she took that gross video when they were probably outside and close to her too. Is that what she meant by mommy fetish??

No. 501958

Agreed. She's becoming so irrelevant that she's grasping at anything she can to stay in the spotlight.

No. 501961

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Her fans know how to call it huh

No. 501962

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All responses to her android 21 videos and pics

No. 501969

I would feel sorry for her if she hadn't brought it on herself. She had every chance in the world to improve and her craft even while doing boudoir on the side. Nigri, for example, is able to produce high quality cosplays along with her lewds, and I'm surprised Moo let herself slip this far in quality since she constantly trys to emulate Nigri in every way. But once she did those POV shoots she advertised herself as someone who is willing to degrade herself to cater to low sexually depraved neckbeards. And she keeps pushing it further without looking back. That is her fan base now. Neckbeard who want to she her degrade herself. Not people who want cosplay or even give a shit about her. So she is stuck these awkward depraved lowlifes who have no problem telling her they only want T&A. And if she wants to change that she will need to get used to the fact she will lose a significant number of her patreons.

No. 501970

This fat cow can't even pattern a simple turtleneck spandex dress by herself? God fucking damnit.

That wig is fucking awful and literally no effort was put into it, just as predicted. And you can see that even with the corset she had to edit her waist.

She has NO fucking idea how to be sexy and sensual. Every time she tries to do that she ends up being trashy as shit. It's unbelievable. And she's getting worse, literally licking her lips and rubbing her tits on Patreon and bragging about RUINING ALL UR WAIFUSXDDDDLMAO.

No. 501971


Oh shit I heard them too, it looks like she's on a balcony and they're below playing. Couldn't she at least find somewhere that isn't family orientated? Or does she actually get off getting lewd in areas where children are? Sick cunt.

No. 501972

this is how you copy something you saw in a movie without really having any understanding of how to try to look appealing.

No. 501973

I can’t tell but if that’s true holy shit. Reminds me of when Lana Rain did public masturbation videos with kids clearly in the background. Makes me wonder if Moo will ever go the cam girl route or just go straight to porn.

No. 501974

No one really wants to see their waifu with desert dry lips, eyebags the size of suitcases, and with the body of a 53 year old washed up prostitute. You're just embarrassing yourself Moo, not getting revenge or anything. Shut up.

No. 501977

Well she is a fan of Lana Rain so I wouldn't be surprised.

No. 501978

I really didn’t get her wearing a goku bikini for Android 21. She should have at least stuck to her color scheme.. tsk tsk moo, That’s just being lazy.

No. 501979

Go to her ig page and look at the recent video she posted you can here them in the back

No. 501981


Is she already high?

No. 501985

She is trying SO HARD to mimic Jenna marble's mannerism. it's so obvious and cringey.

Also, great…more swim suits.. Lazy thot.

No. 501988

Moo is a huge fan of getting pieces she can recycle to death, I'd fully expect this crappy bikini to pop up at least a few more times before she outgrows it even more than she already has.

No. 501990

Are we seeing the return of Go Ho?

No. 501995

One can only hope!

Ugh, I just realized with Dragonball FighterZ being a thing, she's absolutely going to try to fish for dick at EVO again. Good thing the FGC absolutely hates her ass now though, even beyond our brothers over at /r/kappa.

No. 501996

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No. 501997

How do you manage to look pregnant with a Corset on?

No. 502000

Fuck me, I'm mad impressed she can breathe with that much shapewear going on.
In all seriousness, I never had such an up-close look at how corsets et al look like compared to the original - crazy shit. Normally you'd get those corset waist-training ~babes~ restricting their corset-free imagery, but Mariah's clearly too off her box to manage it.
Sorry, shitposting, just taken aback.

No. 502002

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imagine being so fucking full of yourself like this bitch and onision that you whine about not making 10k+ a month

fuck both these cunts tbh

No. 502003

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Pretty sure that's a nip slip.

No. 502004

File: 1523059008543.jpg (Spoiler Image,297.99 KB, 1078x1018, Screenshot_20180406-165613_Sam…)

Samefag but wow shes so classy. >.>

No. 502005

her nose is dirty or hairy

god bless hide image tbh

No. 502006

stop waxing ur crotch and wax ur lip

also buy chap stick

stupid irrelevant bitch

No. 502007

Holy shit her nipple hangs so low she has flabby utters

No. 502009

Nip slips and licking her lips near the kiddies at the hotel she's doing her photoshoots at, what a delight.

No. 502011

Looks like Vamplette is with Moo on this trip now as well.

No. 502012


No. 502013

wouldnt she have had her nipple moved during the breast reduction as a teen? i remember someone saying that.

>tfw want one but scurred and should just lose weight /blog

No. 502015

They're visible in her supposed leaked nudes from a few years back, unless they vanished since then they would still be there. Constant weight gain and loss will make them droop due to the skin drastically changing.

No. 502016

wow so edgy moo, don't cut yourself with all that ok? you are ruining everyone waifus, so much lewd so much revenge!

No. 502018

but asian dudes don't like dragonball

No. 502019

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beautiful shape in motion, she has 200% transformed into donkey kong.

No. 502020

She isn't ruining anything really since she isn't a cosplayer. She is the same as the sex workers who fuck in costumes. She is just one step away. She already brags about fucking in her cosplays.

Her body truly is a temple of botched weight loss surgeries.

No. 502022


Guess you’re not fat and never worn a corset? That’s what happens, your gut shifts and sticks out. I’m not the size of moo and mine does that if it’s overly tight

No. 502023

man she really loves herself eh?

No. 502024

i wasn't talking seriously. she will never ruin any character to anyone because she can't cosplay for shit. the only thing she ruins consistently is her body.

No. 502025

Without Twitter she has to increase her narcissist levels now on Instagram.

No. 502028

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Obligatory Vein-chan appearance

Also; maybe she’s wearing the turtle school bikini in homage to her turtle face?

No. 502032

not even beauty apps can stop vein chan

No. 502033

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No. 502035

I'm trying to spot her workout gains but all I see is diabetes.

No. 502036

The peeerfect shape my dudes

No. 502037

I remember some time last year she was thinking about getting fake breast implants. I really hope she does so she can look more fucked up.
arms and thighs of a 200 pound girl, deflated stomach.
Do you guys think she sucked some fat from her face and neck? Or is it tape working double time?

No. 502038

Tape and long wig (which thins out a heavier face)

No. 502040

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No. 502041

Damn Donkey Kong has more upper lip than she does.

No. 502042

What a bitch. Her entitled attitude is truly disgusting. Why does she think she owns every single fandom.

No. 502049

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Someone on my facebook posted this a

No. 502051

I hope you unfriended them cause damn that logic.

No. 502052

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I've never seen anyone so unsexy, she genuinely looks like an old woman with that mouth.

No. 502054

so what are the comments on it.

No. 502055

a body–and face–of nightmares

No. 502056

Looks like a grandma took selfies and blurred her whole face to oblivion with a beauty app

No. 502061

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No. 502063

whats the point of doing a swimsuit shoot if you're just going to wear a labcoat over it?

No. 502064


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 502066

Silly anon, she doesn't want to show off any of her tits! Not even her back tits.

No. 502067

moo knows enough about dragonball to know that this bikini doesn't make sense for android 21. she's doing it to get attention

No. 502073

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Now Brigitte

No. 502076

now she looks even more like Donkey Kong lmao

No. 502078

Does she legit only know one way to do her shitty makeup?

No. 502079


it wouldn't be momokun if she didn't pump out as many cheaply produced cosplays as she could to shoot all in one day with the same face of makeup

No. 502081

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That's a bitter looking turtle in a wig.

No. 502082

No. 502083

It kind of looks like her eyes are trying to slide off of her face.

No. 502085

New thread?

No. 502088

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mariah can you even try not being a total mess for once

No. 502090

Granny Saber and back titties get my votes.

But these are also great.

No. 502093

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No. 502094

new op pic pls

No. 502095

holy her freckles are BLACK

No. 502097

You're gunna cry, but we all know it isn't tears of joy

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