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No. 518603
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>514202Facebook: N/A, banned x2
Patreon: & Snapchat: mariahmallad, xmariahmalladx
Twitch: Stories Archive: Drive: Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own thread here
>>>/snow/386826The basics:
>Originally 'thicc Samus' with 2+ lipo sessions now trying keep some semblance of a figure (and failing miserably) all while lying by saying she's exercising >So laughably bad at making cosplays; gets 90% of costumes commissioned/bought and then makes gloves so she can credit herself as a talented cosplayer and claim her money is "hard-earned" >Does "boudoir"/softcore porn shoots to hide how shitty her costumes are>Thinks she's hot shit; delusional about her level of fame where she'll loiter around booths/other cosplayers or pretend to be a con guest>Has to beg for money, con passes, or just ghosts at cons despite +$10k/month on Patreon, not above bullying staff to get a free 'Professional' badge>Pretends to know about the series she cosplays, despite evidence proving otherwise; will tweet profound essays to prove her expert fan knowledge>Has lewded young characters for the attention; backpedals after backlash >Goes on crazy media tirades against people like old fuckboy KBBQ, old photog, yet preaches about being nice to everyone>Constantly goes on pity party rants or videos, trying to make people feel bad for her about things that are happening to her when she’s done the same>Lies about attending college even in the face of mountains of evidence proving otherwise>Rips off a dress design from indie designer MyOppa, denies it and has yet to make an "official statement" about her blatant bullshit>Also rips of well-known hentai character as her original character and mascot, once again denies it >Yes, her photos are being used for a KIK FOR FAT ad >apparently "used to lift", was sorely butthurt when multiple liftfags told her that her body form was dangerously offRecent:
>Do your jowls hang low? Do they wobble to and fro? Can you paste them back with tape? Can sculpt them through lipo?>Was doing "Pochaco month" for her Patreon cosplays but instead aims for Majin 21, Semiramis, Lucoa and Retsuko (maybe)>Went to LVLUP Expo and caused eye trauma with her shitty!Saber>Apparently was given a booth at LVL UP but because she left a ton of merchandise (like her banner etc) in Portland, she was unable to maintain it. >When Moo wants you to leave your ~abusive psycho ex~ she'll guilt trip you, post your private conversations and self harm photos! When you hide her comments, you're hiding the truth!!!>Wasted her trainer's time again by taking video and selfies at the gym, where she should be working out with him>Was triggered by a anime short about a cat's life (it passes away eventually). She started flamboyantly crying about her cat, Jaeda.>Continues to mistreat her eyes by not preparing her Majin 21 contacts, leaving her eyes swollen. >Hoping to rekindle her growth in Patreon numbers by wearing her beekeeper!Mei glasses all the time, passing them off as ~prescription glasses~>A cosplayer mentioned in a group post that she was called "Black Cindy" by Moo in passing>Commissioned her second tattoo of a command seal from Fate/Stay. It takes up her whole forearm and ~is a part of her now gaiz~>Continues to record pedestrians without consent, seems to target more children>Going to Blizzcon to stand outside the venue!! No. 518605
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resident asian slave makes food and cosplays for the Moo
No. 518607
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>>518606they stood there then kissed eachother
No. 518616
>>518607where is gif anon when you need him
was it cringey AF?
are they trying to bring back the "we're dating on facebook cuz we're totes gay my dude"
No. 518620
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god she did use her moo wig for Francis Drake this gon b good
No. 518626
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Found some blasts from the past. I think this one is completely unedited, she used to be able to cover up her dark circles once upon a time.. and look at how reasonably sized her hammy arms used to be.
No. 518630
>>518626Her eyes don't look like vaginas, and she actually looks a lot like her mom.
But those jowls and that ill-fitting bra are a nice reminder that some things will never change! Lovely.
No. 518635
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>>518626Another old one I found, almost wanted to make the tinfoil joke that those are the gross elf girl panties but look at how small she was comparatively.
Honestly if you put her sets from this time next to her sets now, they don’t look so bad. She looks like a regular chubby girl, not donkey Kong.
No. 518646
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No. 518647
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No. 518648
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No. 518652
>>518647>>518648Gross. They are back to pretending to be dating again?
>>518650>>518651No joke. Vamp and Mariah are both busted, overweight, and gross. I guess with her twitter down, and her patreon slowly bleeding out, she has to do something for attention.
No. 518672
Holy shit the summary I had a good hearty kek, gj anon.
>>518667Or Mooch's nose picking Moo's nostrils.
No. 518675
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She claimed she made this for Lucoa
No. 518676
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Help her
No. 518677
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No. 518680
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>>518676Oh my god I thought thar was her old shitty Pochaco wig, turns out this is the new one. A brand new 40$ wig and she of course manages to fuck it up again.
She really needs to start commissioning all her wigs instead of costumes. Years in and her styling is still atrocious.
No. 518683
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Remember this
No. 518719
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>>518676I cant comprehend how she fucked up the wig so bad. She realizes that not every wig needs hairspray right? All she needed was scissors and a razor comb because Pochaco has VERY flat hair outside of her ponytails but she'll fuck those up too.
>>518620Francis' hair is definitely a magenta/fuschia not the 'strawberry milkshake' of that wig. This will probably be the biggest costume fuck up by far since her costume was already shitty and wrong (colors off, jacket way too short, sausage boots) .
No. 518720
>>518719it would look better if it
was strawberry milkshake pink. moo's wig is that ugly peachy pink ala madoka everyone uses now. moo is so fucking dumb.
No. 518763
>>518676Wait, what is that?
Please tell me that's some old messy wig of hers and not a recent work.
There is no way anyone is this blind to think that looks even mildly ok.
No. 518768
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>>518763Her previous Pochaco wig had clip on ponytails so
Yeah 4 days ago this poor wig looked like this
>>517223 so yea I refuse to accept that any of her wigs that look decent are styled by her because wow literally ALL she had to do was trim the bangs and she made it look like THAT
No. 518781
>>518770shes not gonna do anything
remember sabers bangs
No. 518785
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>Blizzcon tix
Excuse YOU, OP, she totally legit got tickets.
No. 518788
>>518787>not understanding the obvious sarcasmokay, anon calm down there.
>>518785i love that she didn't show any proof of this, you'd think she'd show a receipt screencap or something.
No. 518791
>>518787You planning on ghosting Blizzcon too, Anon-kun??
>>518788Pretty much, they send a very easy to redact notification. Moo, at least pull someone else’s.
No. 518801
>>518785I’ll be at BlizzCon this year and will definitely be on the look out of Moo.
I went last year and she was nowhere to be found inside the halls. Just wobbled outside all day.
No. 518803
>>518801/pt/ meet up group?
Also going to be there and ready to laugh. Friend group has made jokes about trying to hook a single guy up with her.
No. 518809
>>518806Being white doesn't matter if he's even vaguely e-famous, Moo will chase that cock down in a heartbeat.
Of course her dream man is a cut Asian fuckboi who builds cosplay armor, but we've seen how well she can keep THOSE around.
No. 518813
>>518810most of the people in the calf op dont even talk to her/like her anymore
i still cant believe you guys wanted to put him in the op. i fucking forgot he even existed
No. 518815
>>518810He seems to have quietly distanced himself from her, as most of her besties/lovers tend to do when Moo becomes too much for them to handle.
She hasn't had a proper armor bitch in awhile and it has shown in her 'cosplay', I can't wait to see her ruin the $2,000 dress Cunt Corsetry making her with crappy, rushed accessories.
No. 518817
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No. 518818
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it looks like she spat up water on herself to look "sweaty" lmao
No. 518819
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No. 518820
>>518817shouldnt you be wearing compression shit for your new lipo, you dumb bitch
tinfoil: her dad pays for it because hes ashamed his daughter is such a unit
No. 518823
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>>518819>that stomachall i see is pic related.
No. 518825
>>518818she absolutely splashes water on herself. Her face is the least greasy it's looked EVER and just looking at her neck you can tell she hasnt done anything.
Also I think she's self conscious about how tiny her head looks compared to her body because there's no reason why her hair isnt neatly tied back. It would also explain why she's trying to give volume to her Pochaco wig that shouldn't have any. It's why she's trying to push the 'my hair is so fluffy' narrative.
No. 518829
>>518824I guess that's true, anon. If she's wants people to believe her lies though she should at least take a photo of several pairs of the same pants or an instastory of her throwing them into a washing machine.
She makes dumb ass stories for everything else.
No. 518832
>>518801>>518803>>518826can we stop talking about a) going to blizzcon and b) our friends going to blizzcon? post when you get the milk, we don't care otherwise.
ps no cowtipping
No. 518838
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No. 518843
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>>518838i don't want this
No. 518849
>>518846I guess her wanting to do yoga and deer-bitch calling her squishy sort of implies she's chubby
But not Donkey Kong shaped
No. 518854
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>>518838I'm not surprised but it still really pisses me off she wants to lewd a character as innocent as Retsuko. Like, this bitch has so many women characters to lewd, but she wants to do what is basically a Sanrio character.
No. 518868
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>>518846>>518856The episode before Retsuko joins that yoga class Tsunoda comments that she has chubby arms or whatever. It’s a definite reach but a lot of fan artists and fetishers have been sourcing it for “thicc retsuko”
No. 518870
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She wore it to the salon..
No. 518884
>>518870It isn't like she actually sweats enough for it to smell- oh wait, she's worn it since she got her tat and hasn't washed it
I feel bad for anyone that has to get within 5 feet of Moo
No. 518891
triggered by how absolutely filthy her cuff is. This sweater was originally peacock blue and it's halfway to a mustard color. Disgusting.
No. 518911
>>518869>complaining about a company being strict with their IP. Also sanrio was doing the 'animal crossing' thing like 30 years before animal crossing existed. But they absolutely would go after moo. They even went out of their way to say 'dont make fanmerch of sanrio boys' because people were jumping on that hard assuming it wasnt under the same rules as other Sanrio products. They'd ESPECIALLY go for moo since she'd probably set it up as some kind of weird non-con scenario.
>>518903>>518909>>518910Have you ever stopped to think that Vamp is also a terrible and toxic person?
No. 518915
>>518911i'm not complaining about it you retard, i'm just saying they're not actually strict, they're not fucking nintendo strict, they won't give a shit about moo.
also, you know you can be a toxic bitch but still not want to hang out with annoying cringy harpies, right? wondering why vamp is still with moo has little to do with thinking vamp is some pure naive thing and more to do with the fact that moo is a walking layer of hell.
No. 518926
>>518915Sanrio has gone after small time artists for selling fanart prints and merch of their characters.
It's a well known fact in the con scene to not make any Sanrio stuff because they'll go batshit
I do hope Moo does it and gets into hot water
No. 518930
>>518926cosplaying isn't fan-art though anon, cosplayers can sell their cosplay photos because they're not competing with official merch, that's how it's always been, and comparing cosplay photos to fanart is just ignorant. plus the photo is moo's property. that's like saying you can't take a pic of yourself wearing hello kitty ears and sell it. you can.
i just hate how you morons grasp at straws so hard to try to bring moo down despite not knowing wtf you're talking about.
No. 518936
>>518926>>518911Anon you're dumb if you think Sanrio is going to go after Momo.
Hope she does lewd Retsuko. Her lewd stuff is always hilarious, so i'm ready for some new laughs
>>518817>>518818tinfoiling, but with all this gym shit she's showing and no weight being lost (someone like her would brag about how much weight she lost. like she use to do) i'm assuming she's just covering her tracks, so when she gets her next round of lipo she can slam these pics in naysayers faces
No. 518940
>>518930Cosplaying and selling cosplay photos is definitely different, but we're also talking a large corporation here. They could absolutely find legal loopholes to sue the shit out of someone.
Maybe it's more like one of those Disney parks things where you shouldn't do it within direct vicinity of the corporation, kinda like how you can't cosplay at Disney theme parks.
No. 519022
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No. 519034
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Oh these eyes look painful
No. 519041
>>519036That doesn't stop Moo, it's been mentioned here a few times how she purposely goes after guys who already have girlfriends. She's fuck buddy material.
Plus OverT is also trash, an anon here seeing them together at a bar after LVL Up makes it obvious something is going on. Like he'd completely just rock up to Moo's house while she now lives on her own, from time to time to 'chill'.
No. 519046
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this is overt right? looks like maybe they jitsued and then are hanging out with vamp still
No. 519051
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I think shes posting out of order. She spits up water here and its on her sweater in the same place. Did she go to jitsu then to her gym??
No. 519053
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No. 519072
>>519062same anon as
>>519064 but wanted to add that trash attracts trash simply. She's a desperate massive cunt and he's a fuckboy (a desperate one as well it seems). it's a perfect fit from both ends
No. 519082
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>going to Cali in 12 hours
>"busting out some content", thanks paypigs for bearing with her during finals
>releasing two sets: a "normal location shoot" and a lewd shoot
>getting Semiramis this week from Castle Corsetry
>apparently having a big group for Fanime (Fate cosplay)
No. 519083
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>>519082oh also recording an accident
No. 519084
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No. 519085
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No. 519088
>>519022Good for Moo for having somewhat clean feet. I'm used to seeing all these cows having pitch black feet in candids. I'm impressed with her.
>>519085Annnnnd she completely lost me here with this Nigri skin walking. Why does she continue to wear this? I'd be pissed if I was Jnigs; her original costume got ripped the fuck off by Moo, piece by piece.
Moo's shameless as fuck. Bitch needs her own trash reality tv show.
No. 519100
Holy shit, overtflow was that guy who did the “HUGE SHOPPING SPREE” Video with her from the Samus days. 4:30 for a fucking hilarious fat girl dig where he complains about her not shutting up about food
No. 519104
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>says everything is secret but zooms in to costumes gaining dust for the past 2 months
>says she didn't notice the time, wanted to clean house before she left
>said she has had a headache from not wearing her glasses
If any gif anons wanna gif her eye freaking the fuck out then thank you
No. 519109
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No. 519112
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No. 519125
>>519083What the fuck
>>519108Ding ding. She might be doing it to copy h3h3, since she seems to like him a lot. Except that his spasms are real
No. 519170
>>519022LOL no way shes doing BJJ
Also Gracie Barra Jiu-Jitsu? Wtf
No. 519171
>>519157The Japanese have really weird standards though. Most people that they would call chubby are still slim in the eyes of westerners.
And Moo is far away from being chubby she is highly overweight.
No. 519257
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No. 519283
>>519262Samefag but why the fuck would a cow be wearing a leather belt?
Moo puts the same amount of effort into designing her OC as she does in the rest of her horrorshow of a life.
No. 519289
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>>519257How is this a "sexy" face?
No. 519338
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I swear she looks more like wizpig day by day
No. 519339
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No. 519356
>>519241I have a miniscule prescription no more than a -1 in each eye but if I don't wear my glasses all day I have a dull headache from straining. Being even so slightly nearsighted means reading over head menus or signs can give me a headache.
I'm wondering if she has prism to fix that cockeye of hers. That might explain the headaches.
No. 519370
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Like we needed more proof she’s lurking- after we tracked her patreon goal % and used it to estimate her earnings, the % of the calander goal has jumped once again. She most likely changed the $ amount.
No. 519372
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>>519370She also added a new goal. Considering before she claimed she needed 10k just to make a calander, I can’t imagine what this $ amount is.
No. 519383
>>519372Added a new goal and can't even proofread it, how pathetic.
Also shouldn't you be working on your
current promises before making more, Mariah?
No. 519392
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>>519385it's probably less "can't" than it is "won't", honestly
No. 519450
>>519442These businesses should be thankful the infamous Momokun graced them with her presence and money for commissions! She's such a supportive cosplayer in the community, giving exposure to these artists, just like she did with My Oppa-
Oh wait. Everything involving that project has been erased from Instagram to cover her ass as she moves on. It's a shame MO hasn't done anything more about it since because of Moo's shitty fanbase and her asslickers ganging up during when it all blew up.
Once again the cunt wins.
No. 519465
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No. 519467
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hello veinchan
No. 519481
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im going to puke
your boobs in the front and on your back must be too fucking big you sow
No. 519483
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>>519481this is how its supposed to look. it's ruffled
No. 519485
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Dear god…
No. 519486
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>>519479Her ass is saggy too anon.
No. 519487
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>>519481Friendly reminder that once upon a time her boobs fit in to these tops.
No. 519488
>>519481"Don't worry my dudes i will photoshop the tattoo"
yeah sure
No. 519489
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>>519481I’m sorry she looks like special needs kid like one of those that stops aging mentally. Pretty sad since she was looking aight during her Samus era
No. 519493
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No. 519495
File: 1526517881557.jpg (286.88 KB, 1080x1008, Not doing lewds anymore my dud…)

No. 519496
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Holy shit. Anons called it… shaking her tits on video, were only one more patreon dip away from full porn
No. 519506
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Jingling the bell but she looks like a slow person. And hello vagina eyes
No. 519507
>>519502bitch where?
>>519495god. her breasts are so small now compared to her fat midsection that she has to smash them together.
No. 519509
>>519493I know the character's shtick is that she's too busty/chubby to fit in shit. But it works for anime proportions not obese girl ones.
>>519495At what point do you look at your legs and go "Yea tumor legs are sexy!"
No. 519510
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Even her fanart has bad proportions
No. 519511
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Her fucking fans lmao
No. 519512
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>I want to be seen as a serious cosplayer
>I won't post lewds publically anymore
No. 519515
File: 1526518468063.jpeg (52.61 KB, 600x450, theyasminshow1451060109[1].jpe…)

>>519509pochaco doesn't have a 'shtick', anon. she just has huge tits and is chubby. moo doesn't look like pochaco though and never has, she looks more like taruco now than anything tho. dumpy granny bod and average/small tits compared to her girth that only look big because she smooshes her other fat into them.
No. 519517
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Someone said it
No. 519520
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This random artworks is legit gaiz Tumblr is muh source!!!
No. 519533
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>>519511Her "abs" look like Hawaiian rolls
No. 519541
>>519538Fair enough.
Moomoo, just get naked for your neckbeards already. That's all they really want.
No. 519552
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No. 519554
File: 1526521013470.png (266.79 KB, 352x653, Screenshot 2018-05-16 at 6.34.…)

shooting with squarenoodles
No. 519557
>>519556Good thing no one here loves that cringy ass character.
She’s so bad at insults, taunts, and clapbacks yet thinks she’s such a tough, witty bitch. She’s just so boorish and stupid it’s not even worth “clapping back” or whatever at her so she thinks she wins everyone she argues with. People at her level of retarded (her turtle face is looking more special needs to match her brain) are frustrating
No. 519565
>>519552she is always saying this but she doesn't realize that NOBODY cares anymore what she lewds
in fact most of us want her to lewd shit because its always hilarious
No. 519570
>>519557She tries so hard to be the 'better' tough person.
Nobody cares if you lewd everything everyone loves Moo, that line is getting old. Keep sipping your imaginary tea as you'll always be a pathetic trainwreck lmao.
No. 519572
>>519556Do you think at any point she realizes we prefer her to contradict herself constantly?
Moo we're not your fans, we're here at the end of it all to laugh at you. You're not going to 'prove' anything to us.
No. 519579
File: 1526522195182.png (853.14 KB, 720x1185, Screenshot_2018-05-16-18-55-19…)

Was asking Square if the song he was playing was from UBW
No. 519583
File: 1526522505538.png (8.34 MB, 1242x2208, 5724625B-AD70-4590-860A-99A595…)

damn she’s looking rough
No. 519590
>>519535Did anyone really expect for her to keep that promise? It's why her fans didn't believe the shit either.
At least we got some ugly ass stills from that story.
No. 519594
File: 1526522865069.jpg (35.43 KB, 499x846, 2018-04-28_14-49-31.jpg)

>>519552We hope you do, Mariah! We could use more laughs over your "not being bothered, only positive vibes, I'm going to be serious now" rants.
No. 519616
File: 1526524037731.png (3.66 MB, 1376x2172, expectation reality.png)

No. 519655
File: 1526528569725.png (380.66 KB, 808x595, Screenshot 2018-05-16 at 8.42.…)

her swim top is lifting up yeah squishy lmao
No. 519657
>>519572Anon, think hard and you'll realize we're her biggest fans and the people who care the most about her.
And that's just fucking pathetic because we all hate her.
No. 519659
>>519652>>519654Nah she's just sucking it in see the following:
>>519495>>519496>>519512There's a reason where in half of the other stories she's wearing a hoody to hide how hammy she is. the lines are where her previous sculpt already was and the last time she got a sculpt it was extremely obvious so I think this is just the remnants of her old one,
No. 519662
File: 1526529271672.jpeg (429.7 KB, 2048x2048, 02862C40-91C4-4ED9-AC36-12FAC0…)

Points to the anon who said she wouldn't change out the elastic that comes with the wig. That Momokun Eye for Detail™ y'all.
No. 519668
>>519635But anon she has to pose that way so that her thighs look firm instead of like cottage cheese as they do when she stands normally uwu
>>519583This is such a trainwreck. She looks like she has a mustache ffs
No. 519675
>>519668She does
That's why it's extra funny she gets only her lower lips waxed
No. 519681
File: 1526531050308.jpg (9.18 KB, 355x266, clear elastics.jpg)

>>519662with how much time she spends on amazon she couldn't pick up some clear elastics? hell, even go to the dollar store to pick up some?
No. 519692
File: 1526531824571.png (301.81 KB, 349x647, Screenshot 2018-05-16 at 9.36.…)

No. 519693
File: 1526531862690.png (290.39 KB, 353x654, Screenshot 2018-05-16 at 9.36.…)

No. 519699
>>519697Probably because of the sheer amount of drinking, lack of sleep, lack of water, no hydration whatsoever, no
actual exercise besides her thumb taking a selfie photo(and even that's fat), drugs and binging on energy drinks and junk food. Too many counters for the omega and protein to make a difference.
No. 519703
File: 1526532891562.png (250.98 KB, 346x652, Screenshot 2018-05-16 at 9.54.…)

No. 519713
>>519710It's funny because her family are smaller than her and eat a all vegan diet. She likes to say she helps her family but I guarantee you she refuses help from her family when it comes to her life and diet.
When she was little, I bet she raised a stink when she was told something she saw as negative so they gave up discipline.
No. 519720
File: 1526535246979.png (203.82 KB, 601x313, 9561-screen-shot-2017-07-29-at…)

>>519257Does anyone besides me think Donkey Kong here has Lipedema? Pic is a famous instagram "model" named Raylynn who is known for this body type and she suffers from the condition
No. 519724
>>519493i gotta tell ya… nothing gets me ROCK FUCKING HARD LIKE AN APPLE FITNESS WATCH.
christ jesus moomoo
No. 519734
File: 1526536463993.png (123.31 KB, 720x870, Screenshot_2018-05-16-22-52-44…)

She got jokes
No. 519756
File: 1526538706036.png (933.45 KB, 720x1178, Screenshot_2018-05-16-23-30-30…)

No. 519761
File: 1526538893731.png (783.84 KB, 720x998, Screenshot_2018-05-16-23-34-37…)

No. 519767
File: 1526539356614.jpeg (133.96 KB, 1200x900, mermaids1481255347.jpeg)

>>519763TBF, Pochaco is a better choice for Moo's built. Taruco would be the perfect one lmao
pic related, Taruco is the first one.
>>519761Is it just me or her left (our right) eye is super fucked? Is droopier than the right one and also it looks… bloated? idk the word. very weird
No. 519771
>>519761I hate this wig. She fucked those bangs something fierce.
One side is above her brow and the other is down to her eyelashes
No. 519783
File: 1526545706981.jpeg (224.6 KB, 713x841, 0625C7C6-B2C4-44BD-B479-2679D5…)

>>519758Probably these comments because they’re complimenting her shit personality and making her feel valid as a human
Side note, saw this on instagram and immediately thought of her.
No. 519789
>>519083I fucking hate people that do that.
No. 519807
>>519804I was talking to my bf who enjoys keeping up w the major momo milk about the fact that she hasn’t had an actual relationship since Eric. She had.. what, kbbq, who she was just FWB with because he wanted to avoid the draft even though she was clingy?
She claims vamp is her gf and yet vamp moved OUT. That’s not what gfs do. She’s in a prime spot to be in a relationship imo - she’s needy, lonely, not self suffociant, has a lot of free time and is young. We’ve all seen her personality type so we know she so desperately WANTS to be in a relationship, and yet her shit personality keeps everyone away
No. 519821
>>519734Did she already forget that she's dating Vamp for bisexual points?
Must be hard to remember when you gotta juggle all those lies
No. 519841
>>519838and that is one of the bitchy actions I'm talking about. She doesn't appreciate Vamp at all, but as anon stated here
>>519836Vamp is the only person she can trust. Plus Vamp knows waaaay to much, so she better keep buying her silence and keep her friendship. If Vamp didn't have so much dirt on Momo she would have gotten rid of her a while ago. Why I can't wait for them to have a major falling out.
No. 519848
File: 1526578877546.png (952.73 KB, 720x1191, Screenshot_2018-05-17-10-40-51…)

No. 519869
>>519795The comments on this are popping off
Someone tagged ThorneChan and dragged her into a fight with one of Moo's neckbeards
No. 519874
>>519870Grabbing them right now on my phone
The girl who dragged Thorne into it seems like a farmer IMO and mentioned lolcow
No. 519884
File: 1526582577893.png (240.24 KB, 720x1193, Capture _2018-05-17-11-37-34.p…)

No. 519889
>>519887Who knows
Maybe Thorne is lying about nothing to gain and hopes all the Moo haters will hop on her dick for talking shit on Moo
No. 519891
>>519871We know anon. That's why I bring it up. It shows how little she actually cares about Vamp.
Well, I mean, we know Vamp helped her. I didn't know the other stuff (minus muh thicc samas)
No. 519893
>>519876>mentioning her child recording habitsHi Kaeru!
No non-farmer would notice this lol
No. 519910
File: 1526586840287.gif (1.74 MB, 337x600, 77A5507A-252B-4982-85BB-EB0A88…)

Sammy hammy
No. 519914
File: 1526587243592.png (381.35 KB, 512x724, CE41572C-6437-48C2-B3CB-CD7AC8…)

>>519910She's so inaccurate Jesus how hard is it
No. 519915
>>519910forestkun working overtime again i see
her upper body looks like its going to explode
No. 519916
>>519910do you think she pinches her waist enough to cause rib damage like the olden days
No. 519928
File: 1526588601125.png (692.81 KB, 563x750, 1523303071364.png)

>>519910Ok so i've officially called it. She's styling wigs bigger than they need to be to make her head look bigger compared to her linebacker shoulders.
Even if the wig color was right where's the ahoge? god what a train wreck.
Also here's proof that she's padding her bra/wearing one that adds cupsizes. It could easily fit around her actual chest without having her bra completely showing.
No. 519929
File: 1526588670115.png (23.5 KB, 512x512, thonking.png)

>>519910so like why does her coochie have a seam
No. 519936
File: 1526589330117.png (254.93 KB, 346x653, Screenshot 2018-05-17 at 1.35.…)

im dying she cut her fucking wig in the AIRBNB BATHROOM
No. 519941
File: 1526589743015.png (86.15 KB, 360x410, Drake_new_sprite1.png)

>>519936Reminder that even if you wanted to blame the inconsistent card art for FGO, Francis' coat is supposed to be well past her knees and the top of her boots.
No. 519945
File: 1526590117825.jpg (33.96 KB, 384x596, 1526589330117.jpg)

>>519936The heck is going on with her boot?
No. 519949
File: 1526590308825.png (239.04 KB, 301x599, Screenshot 2018-05-17 at 1.51.…)

someone posted this yesterday and she looked rough
No. 519951
File: 1526591248706.png (203.27 KB, 349x654, Screenshot 2018-05-17 at 2.07.…)

"oh look, its my tits"
"bye mariah's boobs. bye!"
No. 519960
File: 1526592407799.png (202.05 KB, 350x657, Screenshot 2018-05-17 at 2.26.…)

holy shit peep those stacked bras
No. 519972
>>519960This is the stupidest thing. Big boobs dont prevent people from eating. Wearing a jacket that's too small for you on the other hand…
>>519968because she's getting so fat that even with forest-kun her boobs look extremely small without extreme padding
No. 519978
File: 1526593346876.png (229.91 KB, 342x651, Screenshot 2018-05-17 at 2.42.…)

No. 519990
File: 1526593793175.png (377.06 KB, 811x596, Screenshot 2018-05-17 at 2.49.…)

No. 519991
>>519978>>519984i guess we know which hand she finger fucks vamp with
she has nails in
>>519960 so it must just be her middle finger(s)
No. 520006
File: 1526596695276.jpeg (672.94 KB, 750x1103, BD220A38-B6D9-4E56-A9AF-B05284…)

No. 520008
File: 1526596766637.png (1.02 MB, 720x1177, Screenshot_2018-05-17-15-38-18…)

No. 520010
File: 1526596804760.png (1.17 MB, 720x1185, Screenshot_2018-05-17-15-38-30…)

No. 520011
File: 1526596813127.gif (2.82 MB, 337x600, D7ED1B31-59FC-46E2-A3D5-D5A4DE…)

No. 520021
>>520008trying so hard to be like jessica again, i see
>>520006>>520015how did it somehow get worse since she was sitting on the toliet lmao
No. 520026
File: 1526597728858.jpg (62.67 KB, 1024x720, C___n24XkAEO9uc.jpg)

>>520006Christ…when will she realize that a well fitting bra will make your tits (and entire outfit) look five times better than an ill-fitting one? This looks so sloppy. It's got such a "47 year old mom of 3 trying to fit into her 32 DD bra from 7 years ago" vibe to it.
No. 520035
>>520006Wow. An ACTUAL ship.
>>520011Young lady, please don't touch that. Young lady? Hello? Call security.
No. 520062
File: 1526599282050.jpg (1.53 MB, 1920x2560, 18-05-17-19-20-12-077_deco.jpg)

If only she actually cared about her "work" and appearance.
No. 520068
>>520008This is just begging for a dick to be shooped in.
Wait, she would probably like that
No. 520086
File: 1526603424082.png (490.01 KB, 929x594, Screenshot 2018-05-17 at 5.30.…)

No. 520087
File: 1526603485284.png (599.46 KB, 927x591, Screenshot 2018-05-17 at 5.31.…)

tragic outfit
No. 520100
File: 1526604039142.png (220.66 KB, 341x662, Screenshot 2018-05-17 at 5.40.…)

The "second location" is a park.
No. 520106
File: 1526604313853.png (259.16 KB, 348x654, Screenshot 2018-05-17 at 5.45.…)

No. 520117
>>520105Fuck now that you mention it they do look like an ass. Now that's all I can see.
>>520062She doesn't have the hat. I'm surprised cause then she'd have an excuse to do her hat pose.
No. 520134
File: 1526606669004.png (308.3 KB, 341x655, Screenshot 2018-05-17 at 6.24.…)

w h e w those BOOTS
No. 520137
File: 1526606825212.png (1.3 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180517-182518.png)

Her face actually looks covered in dirt. But Jesus Christ it looks like she has a corset on with a deep V shape in the front but it looks like it's about to snap in half making our Moo look like she has a dick.
No. 520139
File: 1526607124863.png (287.41 KB, 349x657, Screenshot 2018-05-17 at 6.32.…)

>>520137whatever it is it's sticking out
No. 520163
>>520008That scar looks awful.
Miss professional cosplayer can’t even figure out a little liquid latex and tissue paper to make a realistic scar.
She just drew it on. How lazy and cheap.
No. 520165
File: 1526610778663.png (3.12 MB, 750x1334, A1562E2C-3CF4-429B-9256-B61C56…)

here’s this dress whatever it’s for
No. 520167
File: 1526611037952.gif (942.38 KB, 337x600, FAC96DBE-D839-444D-A7E4-1E330D…)

No. 520169
>>520165Hahahahahaa holy shit.
No. 520188
>>520185She said 2k, although who knows if that's true. CC usually does good work, maybe she realized that Moo gives no fucks about accuracy and quality and is going to blow up too big to wear it in the next few months and just put no real effort into it.
Semiramis is not a costume that translates well into a real garment but this looks below normal standards for a CC costume.
No. 520200
File: 1526616035391.png (422.79 KB, 450x600, 3D511E6B-C8F0-4EEA-A1ED-223546…)

>>520165It looks like one of those old Milanoo lolita prom dresses.
No. 520203
File: 1526616600516.jpeg (532.65 KB, 2078x2078, B1D73761-FC89-4F43-9FB1-5C7AEC…)

I dont understands why she throws away money on expensive cos commissions and then does the most boring, bland, poses
These are practically the same pose.
No. 520208
>>520203She's barely showing any expression as always. But this time it looks like a forced smile cause she's holding in a fart and unable to move.
Why did she even upload these? Besides how forced it is, it looks like she has a cock.
No. 520212
File: 1526620326163.png (175.97 KB, 347x652, Screenshot 2018-05-17 at 10.11…)

I guess Roxy is her assistant now. She went with them to the location shoot
No. 520214
File: 1526620408232.png (258.33 KB, 344x657, Screenshot 2018-05-17 at 10.11…)

>>520213showing off her airbnb.
No. 520217
File: 1526620667735.png (197.48 KB, 239x557, Screenshot 2018-05-17 at 10.17…)

No. 520234
File: 1526624399419.png (73.68 KB, 720x491, Screenshot_2018-05-17-23-18-38…)

No. 520255
>>520006This caption is so great because '
"THE MOST AMAZING CREW" kicked her unwelcome ass off immediately. Love how she tried to pretend it was such a bigger deal than it was to fall flat on her face only mins later.
No. 520258
File: 1526626562717.gif (1.06 MB, 480x270, V0NEG.gif)

>>520255She got her ass kicked off of the ship wearing that cheap ass costume, waddling away in those shitty heels hahahaha
No. 520259
>>520255She always has to make it seem like she went beyond on a project so everyone believes her imaginary hype. In this case she made it look like she booked the ship for a shoot, turns out they were there illegally and were kicked off.
What a fucking dumbass. Way to go Moo!
No. 520285
>>520156so is she k e k
>>520159because she makes enough money to fund her party lifestyle aka the real thing she cares about. also her 800 weekly plates of sushi
No. 520295
All your people don’t eat all day!!!!!!!! FUCK
No. 520304
File: 1526637121503.jpg (240.35 KB, 1125x1610, tumblr_p2nvrkRC4E1wgdp08o1_128…)

>>520295throwback to pretending to care about ramadan still No. 520309
>>519372she left her job to work in cosplay full-time, buys her costumes, and does most of her photoshoots in hotels?
mariah, you should already be producing content weekly. there's literally no excuse.
No. 520334
File: 1526644323991.jpg (11.09 KB, 267x400, 1493576822983.jpg)

>>520167>actually having to pretend to be Muslim and participate in Ramadan instead of gorging on sushiThis is the best. How long until she slips up and posts a food pic because she forgot just like she forgot she was dating Vamps after 48 hours.
No. 520431
File: 1526664961936.png (797.48 KB, 720x1196, Screenshot_2018-05-18-10-30-36…)

No. 520432
File: 1526664985941.png (1.03 MB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2018-05-18-10-30-44…)

No. 520434
File: 1526665010152.png (890.91 KB, 720x1042, Screenshot_2018-05-18-10-30-25…)

No. 520439
>>520435"let's take pics on a boat!!"
So outlandish and crazy, Moo. Almost as wild as your shoots in front of a white background
No. 520442
File: 1526665995761.png (180.88 KB, 512x724, CT_Gilles_de_Rais_AF_2015.png)

>>519289I'm sorry but the angle and how her eyes look make me think of caster gilles.
No. 520443
File: 1526666293251.jpeg (502.03 KB, 750x1017, 1F78F676-242C-4FBA-9B6E-B247E4…)

dumpster fire drake
No. 520446
>>520443You beat me to it, anon.
But she looks like she is getting ready for a pool side porno.
No. 520451
File: 1526666649913.png (1.66 MB, 750x1334, DDC73509-00AD-4030-A7ED-94350A…)

The arm looks so fucked up. Like what the fuck is going on
No. 520457
File: 1526666989452.gif (1.69 MB, 337x600, BC3361C9-CFA6-40BA-949E-BBCA90…)

No. 520462
>>520443Muh muh I wanna be respected gais, I wanna be a cosplayer for real gais, no more lewds outside of patreon dudes, respect meeeeeeeee
Even with all of dem filters and shoop her skin next to those circulation-destroying shorts is a hot mess. Squarenoodles so obviously hates her ass, but he sure doesn't hate her money!
No. 520463
>>520451Moo there's nothing there but fat. You're flexing fat. Shape up, bitch.
If it's a swimsuit, why wear a bra underneath the swimsuit top? She has no brain, I swear.
No. 520464
>>520443That thousand yard stare
Also she looks like a hillbilly chick going out to the lake for wine coolers and corn hole
No. 520467
File: 1526668528816.jpg (42.01 KB, 552x552, CvdYY-OXEAAnzLg.jpg)

>>520443This looks so bad. Like, not just the gigantic, poorly fitting bra(s?), but the shorts, the craftsmanship, the wig, the makeup…
Why does she not get that shit looks SO much better when it fits? There is nothing less sexy or more embarrassing than seeing someone trying to squeeze into something 5 sizes too small. Not everything that looks "good" in anime translate well to real life, Momo. It just looks gross.
No. 520470
File: 1526668745110.jpeg (241.67 KB, 569x646, 520102D4-5538-420B-9FD7-37906C…)

>>520443She’s so fucking derpy. How can she think any of her faces are sexy.
No. 520472
File: 1526668983027.png (1.05 MB, 720x1151, Screenshot_2018-05-18-11-41-56…)

She said another vine meme wrong
No. 520479
File: 1526669449199.png (100.65 KB, 300x224, Sakura_Part_1.png)

>>520472when did sakura get a big scar
No. 520484
File: 1526670585518.png (336.58 KB, 472x551, Screenshot 2018-05-18 at 12.09…)

sharp ass chin
No. 520497
File: 1526672056930.png (998.07 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2018-05-18-12-32-33…)

No. 520501
File: 1526672174392.png (813.03 KB, 720x1184, Screenshot_2018-05-18-12-33-06…)

>>520497Forgot to mention that she was uncomfortable that people were staring at her from the pier. Apparently there was a dude in front of her and she didn't want to move
No. 520503
File: 1526672209378.jpeg (42.68 KB, 600x120, C07CF387-389B-4E02-AE15-A6AFCB…)

No. 520522
File: 1526674515608.png (889.63 KB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2018-05-18-13-14-44…)

No. 520550
>>520485tbf her bra looks like it almost fits her in these pics (not the other francis drake outfit), bras for bigger boobs tend to have more boob coverage with some of the cup on top of the boob
>>520501i can't wait for her and this other cosplay to talk about their boots ruined by the salt water. what a couple of dummies
>>520503thats why it looks so smudged and unscar-like
No. 520584
File: 1526683881714.jpg (554.53 KB, 1077x1286, Screenshot_20180518-154756_Sam…)

I'm screaming over how bad these boots looked. Like gurl, wtf.
No. 520589
File: 1526684274073.jpeg (46.39 KB, 480x360, 41AD25A7-6EEF-4AC0-9919-4AB051…)

>>520584I can’t unsee it…
No. 520593
File: 1526684859317.png (943.15 KB, 720x1021, Screenshot_2018-05-18-16-03-51…)

No. 520620
>>520556>A minor ended up in the hospital because she wanted to kill herself because she was eating only ice chips and lettuce in an effort to look like youWHAT?! How fat
is this kid?!
No. 520628
File: 1526689911622.png (284.26 KB, 750x1334, 1506033873626[1].png)

>>520627from thread 30, found after a quick google search for "momokun lettuce ice chips"
No. 520629
>>520628i mean
>>520556 got the details wrong but there is no doubt in my mind that there are people who think momo's unrealistic plus size body is attainable because she isn't honest
No. 520630
File: 1526690191590.gif (1.4 MB, 337x600, 4953989D-1B06-47A9-AF06-989BB6…)

Alaskan bull worm
No. 520639
>>520633n a s o l a b i a l
f o l d s
she looks fucking 40 lmao
No. 520686
>>520631>blaming the mom for her cosplay daughter looking up to a cosplayerWew
It's like you were never 15 and on the internet.
No. 520696
File: 1526701143362.png (717.04 KB, 528x821, 1477411552058.png)

>>520451>>520443Looking at these pictures I feel like she's almost reverted to 2016 moo when she was at her biggest.
She's only going to get bigger from here because I think she's seriously at a point where she cant afford lipo anymore
No. 520698
File: 1526701785393.png (209.75 KB, 931x444, Screenshot 2018-05-18 at 8.49.…)

No. 520700
File: 1526701892414.png (310.94 KB, 505x591, Screenshot 2018-05-18 at 8.51.…)

unedited pics dump from keltonfx
No. 520705
File: 1526702158890.png (367.51 KB, 821x591, Screenshot 2018-05-18 at 8.56.…)

No. 520716
>>520712francis drake*
He must've overcharged
No. 520725
>>520701I wonder how long this will stay up since there’s no “ab lines” from her gains my dudes.
Damn those boobs are just sad.
No. 520735
>>520734you said that the girl went on the diet of ice chips and lettuce to get a body like moo. the screencap in
>>520628 says she went on the diet because she was told she was too fat to cosplay a certain character.
if there are more screenshots that prove what you're saying is true feel free to post them. otherwise it definitely looks like you got some details wrong.
No. 520757
File: 1526715142884.gif (4.43 MB, 270x480, F5B6E185-4B57-4AF6-A2EE-FCE13F…)

leaning on pole is this sets invisible hat
No. 520762
File: 1526720949941.jpeg (312.71 KB, 737x770, 75350B8C-E66A-4F50-87D1-134B8D…)

No. 520765
>>520762Is she peeing?
>>520760She already sold her bunny Bulma iirc, the boning along the cups(?) doesn't match anyway.
No. 520798
>>520762Jesus her head looks fucking tiny. Really shows how enormous she is.
And also how awkward. Why would you post a picture that makes it look like you are peeing?
No. 520811
File: 1526745908760.png (Spoiler Image,79.75 KB, 316x333, chrome_2018-05-20_04-02-59.png)

Warning: Half a lip showing in the new set posted to gw
No. 520819
File: 1526748207828.png (712.72 KB, 720x1198, Screenshot_2018-05-19-09-42-04…)

Oh like your commissioned props?
No. 520832
File: 1526752626526.jpeg (Spoiler Image,95.78 KB, 1920x1080, 93DC3218-C62F-4305-9C89-69D565…)

No. 520833
File: 1526753030719.png (Spoiler Image,7.38 MB, 1242x2208, 34D6C79D-3415-4242-ABF2-9AB2BC…)

Oh my god the videos are so bad. What’s the best way for me to upload it? Can’t gif it
No. 520836
File: 1526753415579.jpeg (6.4 MB, 2160x3840, 558DE6F4-9D68-4828-944B-7F44A0…)

Holy shit she really looks fucked up..
No. 520839
>>520835That sexy "I'm about to vomit " face
I wanna vomit just by looking at it
No. 520848
>>520844PLEASE NO. it's too gross that it's
triggering my gag reflex.
No. 520849
File: 1526754468094.jpeg (131.83 KB, 1600x900, Photo May 16, 5 10 21 PM_previ…)

>>520835Holy fuck vein-chan has been reproducing. I did not edit this photo AT ALL this is straight up from the drop box and OUCH
Also she's trying HARD to pander to the weird fetish crowd. There are 5 pictures in this set alone where it's specifically foot based. Seems like she's lowkey given up on pretending to be thick and is pandering to chubby chasers as well (possibly also those people who have a 'mental illness' fetish but that could just be her inability to pose/make expressions)
Either way it'll be a good laugh to see this flop too. The more desperate she is for money and attention the more she's ruining her future and it's so good to see someone who was so self-righteous writhe around like a bottom feeder
No. 520854
File: 1526755312783.png (8.42 MB, 1242x2208, C30B50AF-737B-4B15-BE7F-32F3D0…)

>>520852Listen, I had to see it SO MANY TIMES to get the screenshot. You have to suffer with me
No. 520856
File: 1526755458392.png (207.12 KB, 304x505, Screenshot 2018-05-19 at 11.44…)

you literally see no lip
No. 520859
File: 1526755530617.png (206.44 KB, 297x502, Screenshot 2018-05-19 at 11.45…)

this video was weird and not sexy
No. 520861
File: 1526755643196.png (210.7 KB, 303x501, Screenshot 2018-05-19 at 11.46…)

clear lipo scars. she was gyrating and sucking in when her pooch was visibly bigger
No. 520862
File: 1526755846334.webm (3.49 MB, 720x1280, Video-May-16_-5-03-22-PM.webm)
No. 520863
>>520836Yet to her dumb neckbeards that's "abs".
>>520854 she vacuumed and absorbed a neckbeard fan through her lip-less food hole to gain the appearance of a Mexican rapist here
>>520856 No. 520865
File: 1526756401765.webm (6.84 MB, 720x1280, Video-May-16_-5-04-41-PM.webm)
>>520861i cant look at anymore of this
No. 520866
File: 1526756608563.jpg (46.23 KB, 240x200, internal scream.jpg)

It makes no sense who would buy his garbage
No. 520869
File: 1526756753829.jpg (647.7 KB, 841x1603, 20180519_160242.jpg)

can this video be flagged as a safety hazard
No. 520875
File: 1526758114421.png (1.06 MB, 720x1182, Screenshot_2018-05-19-12-27-13…)

No. 520880
>>520876What the fuck???
her upper back looks like hanging out boobs
No. 520894
>>520876Holy backtitties, Batman!
That dress is so inaccurate it hurts. Fucked up the actual detail design and added cheap looking embellishments…
No. 520895
File: 1526760644484.png (706.19 KB, 720x942, Screenshot_2018-05-19-13-08-59…)

I chalk this up to instagram's horrible crop but I also think she did it to hide her backfat
No. 520925
File: 1526765962244.jpg (251.81 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20180519-163651.jpg)

>>520835wow her attention to detail is so good I especially liked the framed photo of a bike in the background and being able to see the kitchen thru an open door, nice
No. 520926
File: 1526766211606.jpeg (383.33 KB, 1183x1132, 88ECB325-136B-486C-B819-3F753D…)

No. 520927
>>520926KEK these replies are perfect. The last one is really going to make her go on a bitch boy rant.
This is the audience that you've always wanted, Mariah! Now you have it.
No. 520936
File: 1526768293925.jpeg (Spoiler Image,714.21 KB, 2160x3840, Photo May 16, 5 11 16 PM_previ…)

I can't believe no one posted this one yet
spoilered to save lives
No. 520941
File: 1526768780390.png (1.06 MB, 720x1191, Screenshot_2018-05-19-15-22-21…)

At Nicoletters
No. 520942
File: 1526769024606.jpg (179.18 KB, 800x800, disney_beauty_and_the_beast_be…)

>>520876I wanna know how they looked at the design and took "slightly gathered" to "copy the dress from beauty and the beast."
No. 520945
File: 1526769371500.png (315.35 KB, 593x262, Capture.PNG)

>>520936oy lads only the finest of air bnb for our cow
No. 520947
File: 1526769770493.png (1.18 MB, 720x1191, Screenshot_2018-05-19-15-22-45…)

No. 520975
File: 1526778856058.png (826.49 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2018-05-19-18-13-03…)

No. 520976
File: 1526778953212.png (767.58 KB, 720x1038, Screenshot_2018-05-19-18-15-15…)

No. 520979
File: 1526779566136.jpg (54.48 KB, 960x701, Adobe_20180519_192509.jpg)

>>520832Ah yes! This is my favorite type of cat.
No. 520982
File: 1526780186083.png (12.12 KB, 461x73, Screenshot 2018-05-19 at 6.36.…)

holy fuck
No. 520988
>>520872Thank you for appreciating my terrible sense of humor, Anon.
>>520947The return of flannel-kun.
No. 521015
File: 1526787719082.png (230.1 KB, 350x652, Screenshot 2018-05-19 at 8.40.…)

No. 521016
File: 1526787741395.png (229.12 KB, 341x653, Screenshot 2018-05-19 at 8.41.…)

icecream with nicoletters
No. 521039
File: 1526811016969.png (934.28 KB, 720x1190, Screenshot_2018-05-20-03-08-06…)

Lifting Roxy and Nicoletters, only to drop the latter
No. 521042
File: 1526812806322.jpeg (8.37 KB, 188x132, D577603A-D1AD-4810-8E77-8BB653…)

>>521039god left me unfinished
No. 521054
>>521039A B S O L U T E
No. 521070
>>521049Sadly, her ignorant fans know nothing about working out and how deadlifts can be pretty easy. She takes full advantage of people’s laziness and stupidity.
They’re gonna watch this and think, “Wow! She picked up a whole girl! She isn’t enormous because she’s a fat whale, it’s all muscle!”
No. 521074
>>520936NO ASS
LMAOOO it fucking inverts
No. 521081
>>521048Do you think she realizes the only reason people are impressed by those “girls lifting girls” videos is because they’re usually really skinny girls in minimal workout clothes, suddenly getting their friend off the floor and over their shoulders for a squat.
She looks like a gorilla struggling
No. 521085
>>521048She looks like a fat lumberjack man that came out of the woods to kidnap a skinny girl.
She makes the ugliest fucking faces holy shit man.
No. 521087
File: 1526832347817.jpg (44.73 KB, 500x695, Trunchbull-Matilda-movie-Pam-F…)

>>521046She should just stick to lifting children
No. 521097
>>521094The last time someone tried to teach her something, she acted like she was a total expert on the subject. It's easy to see why people won't bother trying to teach her anything.
>>521095>apartSo in Mariah's English: Any Higurashi fans going to ax that don't want to be with a group?
Mooriah, you lurk here enough to know the difference between a part and apart. Stop being a lazy cunt.
No. 521102
File: 1526835433163.png (173.72 KB, 490x574, Screenshot 2018-05-20 at 9.57.…)

No. 521104
>>521102>tells her fans to buy from a sketchy overpriced shopok
Mariah are you too retarded to use Google? Literally the first search that pops up is IS HELLO COSPLAY LEGIT
No. 521106
File: 1526837588171.jpg (705.84 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180520_103201.jpg)

>>521102In comparison to the actual outfit design..
No. 521113
File: 1526838876793.jpg (50.46 KB, 650x500, higurashi-no-naku-koro-ni-cosp…)

>>521102I'm laughing so hard because this shit is so inaccurate that even the shitty figure they tried to use as reference shows how incorrect the costume is.
>>521106Moo is such a HUGE FAN though so she definitely knows better than the actual game
Either way I sincerely doubt that this costume would even fit her since a common complaint that these companies get measurements wrong (usually too small from what I'm seeing).
This also shows that she's indeed losing massive bucks on patreon because why not just commission the costume? If she was commissioning hers then she wouldnt be telling everyone to buy this shit version and just tell people to make their own.
No. 521186
File: 1526854527934.jpeg (Spoiler Image,597.42 KB, 3840x2160, Photo May 16, 5 20 08 PM_previ…)

>>520835I know this was posted yesterday but this picture is the fucking worst out of the set im in shock that she allowed this to be posted publicly
look at her fucking ripply stretched stomach. it doesnt even seem real.
No. 521193
>>521186God, just. Everything about this is disgusting.
>Uneven, mutilated wig>Bad attempt at kawaii animu eyes makeup>The gaping mouth of a dead fish, with extra dirt stache>Too small top squeezing the color out of her poor tits>Rolls on rolls of her definitely totally developing six pack for real>Obvious pandering to foot fetishists>Complete with "I don't want to focus on lewds please take me seriously!!" labia indentI would say this was a new low for her, but nothing has surpassed the time we got to find out what color her asshole is. Not just yet.
No. 521208
>>521186>im in shock that she allowed this to be posted publicly I mean
only to people who were giving her money, ideally lol
No. 521256
File: 1526864641693.png (895.99 KB, 720x1178, Screenshot_2018-05-20-18-02-12…)

No. 521264
File: 1526866545521.jpeg (819.69 KB, 733x1105, D00702F0-E331-47CC-A6AD-563F3B…)

slave appreciation post
No. 521269
>>521264"Why are your curves so curvy"
aka why are u so fat
No. 521284
File: 1526868938484.png (593.8 KB, 930x592, Screenshot 2018-05-20 at 7.15.…)

why is she posting old af pictures of herself
No. 521287
>>521284probs 'cause she misses how she looked in those photos
speaking of, the lower left one there would be a lot more terrifying if we all hadn't already seen her shitshow Pochaco up top lul
No. 521305
File: 1526875064452.png (128.22 KB, 720x845, Screenshot_2018-05-20-20-54-46…)

No. 521307
File: 1526875737808.png (485.23 KB, 1024x1796, PicsArt_05-20-09.08.05.png)

No. 521309
>>521307>realistic look>pink hairIf she wanted to go more 'realistic' why not just go ginger? that literally makes no sense. Also if your jacket is darker shouldnt your wig also be darker and not paler? Your lies make no sense moo.
This actually rustled my jimmies.
No. 521312
>>521305>"I recommend Meditation, and yoga!"God forbid it ever happens, but you should practice what you preach, Moo. with all the tirades you've gone on as well as your general cuntiness, I'd say
you could use some "Meditation, and yoga!"
No. 521323
File: 1526880263583.png (292.07 KB, 349x655, Screenshot 2018-05-20 at 10.24…)

No. 521324
File: 1526880292298.png (222.23 KB, 348x652, Screenshot 2018-05-20 at 10.24…)

it begins
No. 521330
File: 1526881806701.png (203.54 KB, 352x651, Screenshot 2018-05-20 at 10.50…)

No. 521343
File: 1526883816073.png (1.33 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180520-232151.png)

No. 521345
File: 1526883905562.png (54.09 KB, 190x230, Screenshot 2018-05-20 at 11.24…)

>>521343where's your neck bitch
No. 521346
>>521343this is extremely awkward and her tail looks like a really long dick
She really doesn't do any sort of quality check, does she
No. 521349
>>521343For some reason I was thinking she didn't look so bad here body wise and then it hit me why - those huge baggy pants somehow balance out how huge the rest of her is. Like, I don't know how to explain it but it's hilarious to think about.
Her fucking face, though. It's like she just clocked out completely.
No. 521353
>>521343This is a fucking trainwreck…
Lopsided bra
weird tag in the front of her pants
turd tail
curtain pants
huge neck and arms
No. 521357
File: 1526885750796.png (1.64 MB, 1080x1706, moojin.png)

>>521343DAT shoop tho. Literally just compare it to these:
>>520700>>520701I believe they squished the entire torso thinner and lengthened her legs
This took me less than 10 minutes to lazily shoop back into her real body shape that matches the photos she took before.
No. 521363
File: 1526887386101.png (1001.79 KB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2018-05-21-00-20-13…)

Dyeing inside her cosplay room?
No. 521367
>>521363The wig is dying alright.
>>521343The tail is wrong already, and no one there has the sense to even place the tail slightly sideways so as to not look like an elongated penis. Bless their souls.
No. 521377
File: 1526891683010.png (1.14 MB, 720x1180, Screenshot_2018-05-21-01-33-33…)

nm Vamp is over making their costumes
No. 521381
File: 1526893932221.png (244.34 KB, 345x652, Screenshot 2018-05-21 at 2.11.…)

>just realized she dyed the wig the wrong gradient
>thinks it looks better this way
No. 521392
File: 1526899912028.png (759.87 KB, 830x1080, 3E1BEC37-BAC6-4043-A090-FEE82B…)

>>521381Does she not look at reference pictures before she does anything? She makes so many dumb, easily avoidable mistakes like this or like the upside down Francis Drake collar.
Not to mention it's the order the colors go in the color wheel, why would a gradient even go yellow -> blue -> green? She puts no thought into anything before she does it.
It doesn't look better Moo, because it's literally wrong.
I swear she goes on these energy drink and Adderall-fueled sprees of working on stuff and after a few hours she crashes and realizes how badky she fucked up.
No. 521397
File: 1526902837746.jpeg (1.09 MB, 3072x3072, E4FD02D1-B7CD-4DDB-84BB-60E807…)

>>521392she’s the same dumbass who flips bangs on every character she cosplays as, even her beloved mei. she’s absolutely braindead
No. 521403
Zoomed in (why) and you can see some of her butt curlycues sticking out of her underwear. And a zit on her cheek.
Fucking disgusting. Who's shooping these for release? Her? Why can't she quality control her own shit?
This is worse than that old grey thong worn wrong pic.
No. 521414
File: 1526912085089.jpg (61.16 KB, 900x900, 46_original[1].jpg)

>>521408pic related is how the set
should look, but it's not for moo's size and she stretches it out past max. it doesn't even look cat ear related anymore. the chest hole is supposed to be a kitty head too, so…
No. 521434
File: 1526921366711.jpg (230.48 KB, 1366x768, elma-lucoa-shouta.jpg)

>>521433A few times actually
And iirc she's doing waitress Lucow and her hair is up for that
No. 521435
File: 1526921403392.png (1.09 MB, 720x1151, Screenshot_2018-05-21-09-49-00…)

No. 521436
>>521423She'll still fuck it up with her poses, her expressions, her makeup, her choice of location, editing etc., she can't get anything right we'll have to cover everything. But even if we tailored a whole cosplay plan for her she'll still make "artistic liberties" for everything so it'll all be for moot.
It's best for us to just point out her mistakes afterwards since we're paid in milk lol.
No. 521437
>>521415I think all of us who knew what we were looking at were just people familiar with the outfit.
And even then, not always 100% sure. Or at least, I wasn't…
No. 521438
File: 1526921498039.jpeg (22.63 KB, 329x447, images.jpeg)

>>521433It's the version in a kimono for new years.
No. 521447
>>521046lmao anyone who works out even minimally would know this isnt impressive, people who just start deadlifting can probably lift 100+. Moo has been supposedly been working out for a while she should be able to do this for reps.
Sage for /fit/ sperg.
No. 521450
File: 1526925201581.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1242x1708, E845A540-A9FB-4A3E-A459-E3D605…)

>>521392If anyone was wondering who she’s copying, misotokki the gf of squarenoodles shot Luoca with him a week before she went to them
No. 521462
File: 1526928404618.jpg (92.36 KB, 960x960, swimsuit lucoa.jpg)

>>521450remember mariah's swimsuit lucoa?
No. 521467
>>521462Such a kawaii whalefu uwu
She’s so accurate with the animes and captures the characters with such dignity and grace.
No. 521473
>>521450>>521462She did lucoa ages ago so its tinfoiling to say she is copying misowhoever
Everyone knows anything Lucoa is copying Gabby
No. 521477
File: 1526933398741.gif (1.87 MB, 245x160, Meangirls.gif)

>>521463Why did no one tell her it's wrong
Does she just plan on mirroring all the images?
No. 521496
File: 1526937505805.png (337.97 KB, 351x656, Screenshot 2018-05-21 at 2.18.…)

No. 521507
File: 1526940741538.png (489.43 KB, 810x592, Screenshot 2018-05-21 at 3.12.…)

No. 521510
File: 1526941152017.png (13.65 KB, 470x129, Screenshot 2018-05-21 at 3.19.…)

No. 521527
File: 1526946548053.png (7.27 MB, 1242x2208, 5554182F-010D-43B8-8B88-0823AE…)

That gut….
No. 521529
File: 1526946621426.png (Spoiler Image,5.87 MB, 1242x2208, 3390C1DD-21B2-48C7-B3FE-EBBF9A…)

>>521527Thirsty for taken guys again, Nicoletters bf. she never makes posts like this especially about people who don’t use their Instagram much.
No. 521530
File: 1526946663288.png (Spoiler Image,8.33 MB, 1242x2208, 8ADD88A3-E0B0-4188-8FC1-F387DA…)

>>521529Whoops didn’t mean to spoiler that one.
Her skin looks fucking trashed
No. 521541
>>521529I’m surprised Nicolette hasn’t really done much knowing how she is, also I think it’s hilarious how much Kevin kisses her ass now with how much shit he talked about her and just those types of people in general
Birds of a feather I suppose
No. 521542
File: 1526948104438.jpeg (409.46 KB, 750x797, B6CC989B-9A78-4184-8297-11A7F5…)

No. 521556
>>521533>being this much of a faggotanon the chapters in the game are called episodes…
ffs i hate when people try to one up moo when they don't know shit. most embarrassing behavior.
No. 521564
File: 1526952266087.png (594.6 KB, 720x941, Screenshot_2018-05-21-18-23-55…)

No. 521571
File: 1526953074593.png (507.19 KB, 808x590, Screenshot 2018-05-21 at 6.37.…)

No. 521576
File: 1526953656147.png (99.11 KB, 235x271, I_see_new_art[1].png)

>>521570>there aren't 8 episodes in the VNuuuh anon, 8 is in chiru and is the last episode. you're more of a fraud than moo.
No. 521586
File: 1526956084716.jpeg (574.12 KB, 750x1071, C00E14FD-C820-4592-8DE9-254B28…)

don’t worry, she spit the cupcakes out
No. 521588
>>521586"Cheap baked goods" Moo, you are cheap as fuck yourself and bitch you so fat that at this point eating a few cupcakes and cookies vs the shit u put into your body already won't make a difference.
What a waste of cheap baked goods
No. 521598
File: 1526957259452.png (84.18 KB, 492x280, press4forlie.png)

>>521586the gut tells me different
No. 521600
File: 1526957395848.png (272.87 KB, 342x650, Screenshot 2018-05-21 at 7.48.…)

No. 521603
File: 1526957612162.jpg (25.36 KB, 400x400, aggretsuko.jpg)

>>521601both are way too dark… (pic for reference)
No. 521609
>>521586Tits down to her goddamn belly button
Get supportive bras, bitch
No. 521617
File: 1526959419655.jpeg (215 KB, 750x1748, 4109EDCB-A4A3-49DD-8594-D5CCBA…)

This showed up on my Pinterest feed and it’s pretty relavent to Moo. Poor, poor assless Moo.
No. 521618
>>521542>other times I just prefer a different sideThat's her amazing eye for detail doing its magic I guess.
>>521564This looks worse than I had expected because I didn't think even moo would mess up such a simple costume. You can tell she's uncomfortable wearing this cosplay because her poses/expressions are even more awkward and stiff and she's doing this slouch that says "I want this to be over with".
>>521586That's it, she's going after feeder fetishists.
No. 521619
>>521601Legitimate question: Is she color blind or just dumb and stubborn? She keeps picking the worst coloured wigs for her cosplays and I don't get why. Does she just search up "orange wig" and pick the first option without looking at the reference image because she's a lazy fuck?
>>521613The 3D printed horns weren't really shitty per se, she just didn't finish them properly. The person sent Momo a base for the horns which you're supposed to sand and paint properly, and Momo just slapped on one solid coat of paint and called it a day.
No. 521621
File: 1526961434174.png (18.46 KB, 493x174, Screenshot 2018-05-21 at 8.57.…)

Angel Mort group post
No. 521630
>>521621This is bullshit
Last time she planned a group thing like this was that 7 Deadly Sins group and that was a shit show
She literally shuns people who aren't in her clique
No. 521636
File: 1526967231639.png (178.38 KB, 348x651, Screenshot 2018-05-21 at 10.33…)

No. 521650
File: 1526971750654.jpeg (551.6 KB, 750x1291, 5B06C4DB-5F97-4290-8721-6EC786…)

if this dumbass bitch could order a seriously inaccurate Retsuko wig she could’ve ordered a wholesale Lucoa wig lmao she’s just so stupid. also, i understand con crunch but Fanime is literally in 2-3 days lmao she’s gonna be a wreck
No. 521659
File: 1526973012927.png (203.01 KB, 351x650, Screenshot 2018-05-22 at 12.08…)

>bought teeth whitening kit
>complained it made her jaw lock
>says she's going to whiten 3 times a day
No. 521667
File: 1526974266955.png (276.45 KB, 346x648, Screenshot 2018-05-22 at 12.30…)

mentioned her "manager" won't let her eat a ton of savory food. bitch where lmao
No. 521669
File: 1526974418902.png (180.57 KB, 347x657, Screenshot 2018-05-22 at 12.33…)

No. 521673
>>521667Those are some deep dark circles around granny's eyes. She needs to stop seeking attention and go to fucking sleep. The
least she can do is save her eyes. And wash her clothes.
No. 521676
File: 1526975517106.png (1.3 MB, 750x1334, 5FEBAB50-25CB-422B-8DFE-36ED41…)

She makes me sad because sometimes she has a really pretty smile. :,(
No. 521682
File: 1526977497259.gif (4.31 MB, 337x600, 141F88BB-1C5C-4727-B029-D2F1A7…)

No. 521683
File: 1526977551411.png (153.23 KB, 352x655, Screenshot 2018-05-22 at 1.26.…)

No. 521684
>>521667That would be us lmao
>>521682>opens with titsAnd you say people don't take you seriously
No. 521687
File: 1526980812157.png (955.67 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2018-05-22-05-19-53…)

This looks like it hurts
No. 521688
File: 1526982029854.jpeg (136.02 KB, 750x1334, 74445865-FFF7-4E2C-8640-78BB20…)

Titty stretch marks(Nitpicking)
No. 521693
File: 1526986271815.png (Spoiler Image,1.49 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180522-124931.png)

No. 521703
>>521667she said her manager wont let her eat food from random people. which is reasonable seeing how that one "
problematic" chinese artist got cookies from a random fan and they had needles in them
No. 521708
>>521650Anything to be able to put "wig hand dyed by ME" under every single picture anon
>>521659You know I wouldn't believe anyone could be so stupid, but nothing surprises me anymore with Moo. How is she expecting to eat her precious pho and drink sugary, bubbly Monster when the pores of her teeth are being blasted open for like three hours a day? She's going to be in so much pain.
No. 521718
>>521689Ok sure, if that makes you feel better. I haven’t seen many girls her age with no kids who have them.
Any time anons share an unfortunate trait w moo they consider it nitpickin. It’s normal to have them sure, just like naso labial folds, off white teeth, puffy eyes, etc are but sorry. You are unlucky in that department.
No. 521720
>>521718stretch marks are normal. most of my female friends have them somewhere and none of us have kids.
you're either lucky if you don't have them, or you have them somewhere you can't see.
No. 521726
>>521721No im a girl and literally only have one friend who had them this high up. Literally everyone shares one sad trait w her, boohoo.
You’re as touchy as the dumbass bad tattoo defenders from earlier.
No. 521727
>>521726Are you prepubescent? or can you just not see where your own stretch marks are?
Stop being a sperg and swinging at all the anons bc you know you’re being retarded. It’s nitpicking, and it makes us look retarded to sperg about tit stretch marks of all things. Moo has way better faults.
No. 521731
>>521727Nope, actual real tits, just “lucky” I guess.
Oh well it’s funny to see all these ladies get upset when their personal imperfections are called out on someone else. “I have this, dont make fun of it!”
No. 521734
>>521727not everyone gets breast stretchmarks, anon
(tiny titties here)
No. 521738
>>521736It’s bc most things we shit on for moo is a product of her gluttony and shitty life choices.
But even the great retard moo can’t help tit marks. It’s stupid to laugh at something that she was gonna get no matter what she did and who she is. It’s agaisnt the whole point of poking fun at moo for doing something stupid and something stupid happens to her bc of it. That’s why it’s this and not that, dumbass.
Can we stop infighting about this shit now? 16 year olds coming in to fight about all the things they don’t know and shitting up the thread is irritating
No. 521745
>>521736we rag on her for her saggy tits because she doesn't wear properly supportive bras/tops.
we rag on her for vein-chan because she doesn't take the time to cover it up or edit it out for professional shoots.
when it's a story on instagram nobody cares about her stretch marks.
No. 521758
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This is probably off topic completely but I found this and thought "Omg, someone is cosplaying as Moomoo!"
Sorry for not contributing just thought I'd show off Moomoo's competition(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 521760
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Man I can't wait to see how inaccurate and cheap looking her Tamamo will be for its Big debut at AX
No. 521781
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when people tell the dude he's too blunt about jacking it lmao
No. 521784
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No. 521786
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>>521784>if not more than my lewd workOne more delusional to add to her already long list of delusions.
No. 521792
>>521752She already poured corn syrup on her ass of whatever the fuck
Bathed in a real tub of milk
Shoves cream everywhere
What did I forget
Chocolate diahrea
No. 521795
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>>521781But she's too shy to move at the beach because two guys are looking at her beached whale of a body.
No. 521797
>>521795Sometimes I think she's never had sex because she acts so fucking immature about it
But we all know that isn't true
No. 521800
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Ching chong ching amirite
No. 521818
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I was browsing on depop and found this. Of course she’d sell a dirty, stained and torn knockoff morphsuit to her fans. I can’t help but wonder how much this person originally paid for it.
No. 521820
>>521784And yet again we have her immediately trying to clap back at someone with “Ummm if you actually paid attention you’d see I do more non-lewd content” for calling her out for the fact that more than half of her “cosplays” are just her in a shitty wig and a bikini. It’s so obvious that she gets buttmad when she gets called out for that because she knows it’s true. Literally no one knows her for her “craftsmanship” or “building” skills. She is just known as the cringey fat girl that all the losers jack off to.
She can’t ever just make up her fucking kind because she can’t hamdle any criticisms. One day she’ll be all like “I’m going to lewd all your waifus and ruin them for you trololoolol” and within hours she will immediately turn and be like “I want to be taken seriously as a cosplayer. I’m actually more known for my non-lewd cosplays if you actually paid attention”. Because being treated like fuck meat with no respect isn’t fun apparently, so she’ll try to switch the narrative to “I’m a serious cosplayer, ya know?”
>>521800If find it hilarious that she is still ducking Chelhellbunny like the little chickenshit she is. She’ll take random potshots at her but she won’t actually confront her and the second someone brings her up to her she immediately is like “lol who is that?” or does her usual “I only spread positivity my dude. I would never say anything bad about someone or bully them” bullshit.
No. 521835
>>521781This is actually really fucking vile. And of course she's encouraging this behavior.
>i'm not offended by something natural and purposedSo she admits she's doing porn then??
No. 521846
>>521833Nice, now my friends can keep up the social appearance of "following" me while also not having to actually see me or anything I post.
Thank god there's another way to passive aggressively ignore people.
>>521782Jeez, why are her legs such a different color/texture than her body? They look like two swollen balloons.
No. 521853
>>521782I don’t understand why she chose to be in a bathtub for this. Could she not choose something more thematic or related to the character’s setting? Is maijin 21 known for baths??
(No email field is showing up for me for some reason so I couldn’t sage this.)
No. 521856
>>521853No sage on pt anymore.
I don't know why she chose a bathtub either. Look at her arm that's on the side, man. It looks like she's squishing herself into the tub.
No. 521857
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She drinks so many energy drinks… do you think she ever drinks water?
No. 521861
>>521859But anon, my dude, they're zero sugar, zero calorie, that is like, totes just like water!
>>520701Next thread pic, please
No. 521868
File: 1527027976691.jpeg (204.04 KB, 750x1129, 49F2473E-A44F-4B97-99A8-F12475…)

I don’t hate this?? I actually like it a lot?? She’s smiling, she looks like she’s having a good time, the donut cushion is such a thematically appropriate and fun idea?? Everything looks nice?? If she’s could do stuff like this all the time she could possibly redeem herself.
No. 521874
>>521868>she's smilingIn the most uncomfortable looking way, sure. I don't know where you see the fun part cause her face doesn't look like she is. The hand pose is the same one she does when she's taking dumb photos at cons, it's one of the only hand poses that she knows how to do.
And why are you?? Typing like?? You don't even know if you really like it??
No. 521878
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>>521872holy fucking shit the resemblance is uncanny
No. 521883
>>521868is everything but her photoshop
it looks like some shitty photoshop of her in front of a painting or something
No. 521884
>>520762i vote for peeing at the beach op
>>520832or retarded baby porn
No. 521887
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No. 521892
File: 1527030939243.jpg (175.41 KB, 1240x786, 1487384513018.jpg)

>>521868get your eyes checked. she looks uncomfortable as fuck and you cant see her scary stomach because those pants hide it. also the shoop make it look like they just cropped around her body and pasted her on an early 2000s computer background
No. 521900
File: 1527032262857.png (781.1 KB, 720x1193, Screenshot_2018-05-22-16-18-08…)

I like how with every one of these she only displays her sewing bias and not the construction of the main costume. Antares must be working hard
No. 521944
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>ran out of bobbin thread
professional my dudes
No. 521968
>>521965The problem is people bring it up before it should be done vs after
The former gives her time to lie on time or maybe in an alternate reality actually do something on time
No. 521990
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No. 521993
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No. 522001
>>521993She can't take feedback for shit. She's right, non-specific critique isn't helpful but she goes about it in a cunt way that makes
her look bad, not the other person.
>>521997That's Mariah for you. She didn't even address the other stuff that the person said, only being called a hypocrite, which she is.
No. 522007
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No. 522011
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No. 522023
>>522008So legit question:
Does she sit around home commando?
I dont think even her panty hiking skills could get her underwear high enough to not be visible here.
No. 522027
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i see the roadhag panties getting their use
No. 522028
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No. 522032
File: 1527050563513.jpg (Spoiler Image,51.38 KB, 640x960, 33159084_1326991220779157_4041…)

>face and body two different pinks
>no nipple…or drooping incognito nip??
>no neck
dying, my guys
No. 522038
File: 1527052029229.jpeg (277.41 KB, 800x800, 986ED972-2ACA-4DD2-B4E4-01FBA8…)

>>522007the fact that she cant fucking sew bias tape is honestly unsurprising but what the fuck is this? that bit of chub bulging out in this gif makes me sick. is she doing chichi’s original blue outfit with PANTS (fucking please) or the DBZ Girls figure version?
No. 522042
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No. 522043
>>522042it looks way too short and here
>>522038 the dress doesn't taper (nor does it in any other pic) but hers does
No. 522044
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>>522020No, she and bunny announced their plans before moo’s patreon post. It doesnt really matter though since moo isn’t even doing the same version of chichi. Moo would look like a grandma in the purple dress version succ did. Moo is doing the Dragon ball girls figurine version which is weirdly oversexualized compared to the canon look it’s based off.
No. 522045
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>>522044More accurate is this one from the show. She has two different colored pants to go with it but I get it.
No. 522049
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Was replying to comment about how it was stupid that you she wasn't able to film on the ship.
No. 522050
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No. 522053
>>522047Methinks she used her Chun-Li to pattern. The bottom is the same shape. Nicoletters might've helped
>>522050 but this is coincidental
>>522049>goes to historical site>obviously need permission to take pictures>is upset guy who WORKS THERE is not allowing her to film/shootok
No. 522054
File: 1527053544736.gif (1.04 MB, 268x268, 1487876859062.gif)

>>522049You dumbasses walked onto a ship that you didn't book like you owned it and started taking photos. Get the fuck out of here Moo, it's obvious as fuck why the guy was pissed and tired of your shit.
No. 522060
>>522049>weren't making a sceneYou were walking around with your taters out on a ship you didn't have permission to be on
If someone dressed like she was walked up to me asking to use the ship without prior notice, I would act coldly too.
No. 522065
>>522049Holy fuck, you dumbass, it’s not the workers fault you’re too stupid to book these things. Take some fucking responsibility for once.
“No one was there!” You have no idea what their schedule was. They could very well have been preparing for someone that paid to use that boat that your titty show would have overlapped with. Not to mention it’s probably a liability issue to just let some random people on a historical site doing whatever with no documention or anything. Use your brain for once, twat.