File: 1527060197035.jpg (105.05 KB, 1352x873, owOwhatdisfatty.jpg)

No. 522088
First thread: First
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>518603Facebook: N/A, banned x2
Patreon: & Snapchat: mariahmallad, xmariahmalladx
Twitch: Stories Archive: Drive: Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own thread here
>>>/snow/386826The basics:
>Originally 'thicc Samus' with 2+ lipo sessions now trying keep some semblance of a figure (and failing miserably) all while lying by saying she's exercising >So laughably bad at making cosplays; gets 90% of costumes commissioned/bought and then makes gloves so she can credit herself as a talented cosplayer and claim her money is "hard-earned" >Does "boudoir"/softcore porn shoots to hide how shitty her costumes are>Thinks she's hot shit; delusional about her level of fame where she'll loiter around booths/other cosplayers or pretend to be a con guest>Has to beg for money, con passes, or just ghosts at cons despite +$10k/month on Patreon, not above bullying staff to get a free 'Professional' badge>Pretends to know about the series she cosplays, despite evidence proving otherwise; will tweet profound essays to prove her expert fan knowledge>Has lewded young characters for the attention; backpedals after backlash >Goes on crazy media tirades against people like old fuckboy KBBQ, old photog, yet preaches about being nice to everyone>Constantly goes on pity party rants or videos, trying to make people feel bad for her about things that are happening to her when she’s done the same>Lies about attending college even in the face of mountains of evidence proving otherwise>Rips off a dress design from indie designer MyOppa, denies it and has yet to make an "official statement" about her blatant bullshit>Also rips of well-known hentai character as her original character and mascot, once again denies it >Yes, her photos are being used for a KIK FOR FAT ad >apparently "used to lift", was sorely butthurt when multiple liftfags told her that her body form was dangerously offRecent:
>Remembers she's lipstick lesbians with Vamplettes and is milking it >Antares continues to create shit costumes for her>Is GoInG 2 BlIzZcOn MuH DuDes!!!>Went to jiu jitsu to try and get some Overtflow dick>She is changing her Patreon goals to make her stats change>Being too fat for a generic weeaboo neko bikini and stretching it out is kawaii! >Dresses up as Francis Drake, goes to historical boat museum, starts shooting her shitty sets and gets kicked out since !surprise! you need permission to do that! Butthurt the worker at the museum was "cold" to her >Goes to visit Nicoletters. Later that night, tries to deadlift Nicoletters, but drops her. Her new slave even made Chi-Chi for her! How sweet!>Organizing a Angel Mort Cafe group for Anime Expo>posts to a Cosplay Commission group that she needs Tamamo Ears, won't commission the person who made the ears in the pictures she snatched from instagram?? No. 522095
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No. 522099
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No. 522110
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No. 522125
File: 1527074916722.jpeg (135.32 KB, 675x960, kobayashi.jpeg)

>>522110>>522113>>522111It's for Tohru, Moo is doing Lucoa
No. 522137
>>522099From the previous thread
>>522050, I can't get over that she sewed on the bias tape for chichi at least 3 times now and it's still rippling.
>>522110I don't understand why Vamp's isn't just making this herself. This is within her skill range and her skill is equal to, if not better then Antares. I guess the excuse is time, but still.
No. 522143
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No. 522150
File: 1527088579309.jpeg (247.94 KB, 1242x1213, 90D401AA-8366-49A9-97B4-F708BC…)

Looks like she’s back to buying pledges - she was at 600 at the start of the month and is at 734 now, that’s her biggest jump in months. There’s absolutely no way those shitty Majin “previews” brought in 135 people - her goal also hasn’t gone up THAT much which makes me think she can only afford to buy herself 1$ patrons right now
No. 522165
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No. 522169
File: 1527094527535.jpeg (55.1 KB, 345x653, 068C09E1-737B-4235-A365-642E18…)

If she is such a bug self proclaimed dbz fan why is she making a totally non-canon version of chichi’s outfit based on an oversexualized figurine series that many fans dislike for how out of character the outfits are for the women? She boasted about liking “strong female characters” in that shitty pannel she did a while back about female cosplayers/gamers yet she always reduces every strong female to an OOC sex object.
Also why didnt she go to the dragon ball con in texas she was talking about a while back? She flew all the way to texas to shoot with those two nobodies bishojo mom and momoakuma but can’t go for the con of a series she has a tattoo of?
No. 522171
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Reminder that even her female followers believe everything she tells them.
No. 522178
>>522166Nah fam. She jumped 66 patrons between yesterday and today. Her foot fetish stuff only got her a gain of 45 patrons and that was over the span of 5 days. She had actually dropped 3 patrons yesterday after droppin. (source: graphtreon)
Also today I noticed that she finally updated that her discord is closed and edited some of the reward information. I'm fairly certain she changed it yesterday because it was still there when I was lurking the majin posts. If people were backing from the foot fetish shoot then she would have gone up a lot more percentage wise since that set is a minimum of a $10 tier so that would have to be a minimum of $600 even after the patreon fees and her percentage didnt go up that much. Unless someone big shared her patreon yesterday and we've all missed it there's no way she would randomly get a jump of 66 people in a single day.
No. 522194
File: 1527098360767.png (183.84 KB, 472x581, Screenshot 2018-05-23 at 10.59…)

repost since it was already here but scuba fabric?
No. 522199
>>522198by cartooony she meant simplistic which means lazy
like how crunch = procrastinating till the last minute
No. 522211
>>522100Probably won't so she can use it for Sango as well as Chichi
She didn't even need a ponytail wig, its a low ponytail so she could have just used her Rin wig without the slips or another black bangs wig she has
No. 522213
>>522169Actually the panel was about "strong female characters" and Moo thought it was supposed to be about "female cosplayers/gamers" which is why she only talked about herself and cosplays she has done.
Sorry for no real contribution but you got it backwards and it just goes to show how self centered she is and how she doesn't actually give a shit about female characters
No. 522220
>>522212She's not actually earning 16k a month anon. Number of followers doesnt automatically equal amount made. She's been losing a lot of her $50 and up tiers because she hasn't been actually fulfilling those rewards (looking through the comments on her patreon kinda prove that. So it's more likely that she's earning quite a ways below 10k at this point since most of her patrons will be between $10 and $35
Lots of her $50 patrons backed down because that was the discord tier and there are still going to be a lot of $1 tiers no matter who the creator is. No matter what she's earning below $10k because we know her calendar tier was originally $10k and even still since then there was pretty much proof of her lowering the amount for that tier because her percentage toward the goal jumped up without any change in patron numbers.
No. 522241
File: 1527109966222.png (151.33 KB, 720x695, Screenshot_20180523-170857.png)

No. 522244
File: 1527110104818.png (1.76 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180524-001414.png)

"liftint" again. her deadlifts are okay, but deadlifts are easy. she's still squatting like a noob.
No. 522261
>>522241She contradicted herself. When she got kicked off the ship(still laughing my ass off over that) she said that she didn't know that you had to reserve a spot. Now she's saying that she paid.
You can't even keep up with the lies you tell within a five day span, Moo.
No. 522272
File: 1527114083630.jpg (116.5 KB, 1080x1350, 32135599_2380779025481672_8580…)

wtf is she doing?
and whats with her earlier bs talk: "less lewds". she gave up really fast on that
No. 522277
File: 1527115227285.jpeg (Spoiler Image,732.78 KB, 959x1521, 312273BF-5B52-4AE7-8F3C-D60821…)

>>522272looks like she can’t hide her handles.
No. 522294
File: 1527116829449.jpeg (672.94 KB, 750x1103, 1526596695276.jpeg)

>>522241>the guy was rudeI thought they were the most amazing crew, you lying sack of shit.
No. 522298
File: 1527117075360.png (73.68 KB, 720x491, 1526624399419.png)

>>522241>I paid for everyone to get onDo you really expect for anyone to believe that, Saint Mariah? It doesn't even look like you brought a wallet and if it was just one person on the ship and they weren't having any of your shit, who did you give the money to? Where was your receipt if you did it online? Trying to get on for free is
exactly what you would do.
On another note, she said no one was was there but as you see in the screenshot, the lying idiot said that an event was going on.
She makes it so damn easy to catch her in her lies. All you have to do is use her own replies against her.
No. 522304
>>522298seems like there's a toll booth at the front of the pier where all the ships are docked
it does not seem like they had any event going on unless it was a private affair…like someone else actually going through the proper channels and reserving the boats
No. 522331
>>522099Can someone PLEASE already call her out on using uncredited fanart for lineup pictures?
Some people would say she's done worse shit than this and I agree but I've seen SO many artists on twitter do PSAs like "please don't use fanart for your cosplay lineups without permission or credit" and many cosplayers got shit for it but not her? Why is she always going by unharmed?!
>>522244Just a fat midget with gorilla arms any tiny stump legs, nothing else to see here. (Why in GOD'S name would ANYONE EVER post a pic like this of themselves in public?!)
>>522272To end this on a positive note, I think her body paint of this cosplay looks really good (I was expecting 2011 Homestuck cosplay-tier bodypaint, really). Too bad that's not even her doing. Oh well!
No. 522338
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What the fuck
No. 522339
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No. 522342
File: 1527125838606.jpg (69.5 KB, 870x1072, mitsuki cringe.jpg)

>>522338wew, these are some fans you got here Moo
No. 522366
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So why couldnt she ask Vamp to make her ears?
No. 522380
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Where she'll be hiding
No. 522395
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No. 522401
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No. 522402
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buying monster as she waits for Vamp
No. 522448
File: 1527163106278.jpg (337.3 KB, 1018x681, 1527132451583.jpg)

Moo shoulda held off on swimsuit Drake for two weeks; the canon one would have let her wear forest-kun.
No. 522458
>>522453I… Isn't that what wearing forest-kun means?
>>522272EW what the ever loving fuck?!?! This is disgusting, what the fuck is wrong with her? Last I checked Buu didn't eat like a pig with food shit all over his body.
No. 522463
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That’s some major denial there Mariah.
No. 522477
File: 1527183020867.png (333.07 KB, 812x591, Screenshot 2018-05-24 at 10.30…)

wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow LOOK AT THAT BELLY THO
No. 522481
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Sorry anon she was with Overtflow so she wore makeup
No. 522483
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No. 522486
>>522477lol this photo shop is shit
the colours are kinda nice tho.
No. 522503
>>522498I'm the one who posted the comparison. I literally only looked it up to see if she buttoned them.
I think it's also telling how much fat is smoothed out or whatever. It's obvious by where her belly button is
No. 522507
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>>522490poorly made gif comparision
No. 522548
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>>522490When you see it …
No. 522551
File: 1527189308214.png (1.08 MB, 1168x831, mariah cat.png)

every time i saw op i couldn't help but want to draw her dumb face
No. 522553
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>>522500I know she loves H3H3 but the tribute wasn't worth losing her chin for.
No. 522565
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No. 522580
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No. 522591
>>522580Can she stop pretending these are her legit glasses ffs
Additionally, the shape does her no favors. She should go for something more angular to counterbalance her already round face. Or is this just part of her "irl Mei" schtick?
No. 522642
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>>522548She has a wide-set vagina
No. 522657
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No. 522671
>>522663That's our Moo. Note the shitty hair and unwashed teal sweater
She acts like a 15 year old
No. 522672
>>522671ok, saying 'as miranda' threw me off
because im very tired and thought that was her name
sorry for my stupidity
>>522665i think shes doing that stupid fat man squat prayer meme she loves
No. 522751
>>522490Rip Moo's neck
No. 522801
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First part is kind of cringe but basically sums up moo’s shit life in the second blog post he writes.
No. 522806
>>522801It's good advice but she won't listen - its not like its anything that hasn't been written here a hundred times before. Like all lolcows, she thinks she special and different and that she is going to be the exception (I haven't heard "princess syndrome" before, but it seems to apply).
Everyone does dumb things, but lolcows never learn from their mistakes and that's what makes them lolcows.
No. 522827
>>522801This whole thing is cringe and no one is going to listen to him
Most of this felt like a self jerk to make themselves look better tbh.
No. 522845
Literally never.
No. 522855
>>522839This. and of the content they produce a
'reputable' porn company wouldn't touch Moo with a 50 foot pole. She's far too much of a liability. They do have rules, and don't really go for scandals. Her being high/drunk/manic 90% of the time would be a instant no for any company. Amateur probably wouldn't care, but like said. If she's freaking about people looking at her on a beach. She'll be even worse with a room full of cameras/random dude dick. Moo if anything will go for camming. Doesn't she follow cam girls already?
No. 522864
>>522845I sometimes cant tell when her "LOL SO RANDUM" moments are do to her being high or just being annoying/craving for attention.
Like when she spit water all over herself or just runs around like an idiot in people's snap stories.
No. 522922
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No. 522924
File: 1527283549997.png (460 KB, 985x540, 1512155781188.png)

>>522922What the actual fuck is going on with Moo's eye holy shit
No. 522931
File: 1527284259423.jpg (110.52 KB, 697x1034, yzma.jpg)

>>522922Yzma, is that you?
No. 522937
>>522922lmao now if only she could look like that through idk diet and exercise…i wonder how many of her furiously masturbating fans will think she really looks like this from lifting a couple weights
>>522935yeah doesn't it um crush your organs
No. 522938
>>522922Gremlette and Sausagekun at your service!
The gremlin on the left is getting a little on the wide side like her friend. There's so much wrong with Moo in this that it's gonna be a long ass list.
>Her right eye(our left) is out of control>Has a double dorito chin>Abusing that corset and you can see the imprint of it through the dress>Probably didn't shower but gonna wear a mini-dress anyway to repel sniper photographers with her stank>Channeling her inner Michael Jackson with that nose>Straight up looks like a sausage that got put in the microwave and ready to burst No. 522944
File: 1527285183424.gif (1.2 MB, 337x600, DB32325A-4FD0-41E2-B139-6CF9F8…)

god her body. ass has to be hanging out right?
No. 522957
>>522950Good, can't wait for that to happen. After abandoning her friend who binded too tightly, it would be her just deserts.
>>522947Let the idiot fool people at her own expense. Her body's already very lumpy, this will just make it worse haha.
No. 522959
File: 1527286326053.png (767.69 KB, 737x497, waste.png)

>>522922her waist is smaller than vamp's in this pic. who is she trying to fool?
No. 523005
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No. 523006
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No. 523007
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No. 523013
File: 1527289385824.png (670.24 KB, 720x865, Screenshot_2018-05-25-15-59-55…)

No. 523018
>>523005>>523007Holy shit nightmare fuel, spoiler this shit omfg. Her lashes are atrocious, did she use layers of lashes like some drag queens?
>>523013Is she having a stroke?
No. 523033
File: 1527290876918.gif (1.74 MB, 337x600, 9873D6EB-8E7A-4DE1-A6CF-196D1E…)

>>523007cool mom in motion
No. 523035
File: 1527291175714.jpg (22.57 KB, 450x467, amanda-bynes-dui-mug-shot__oPt…)

>>523033she looks like amanda bynes with her coke bloat
No. 523037
>>523033When will she learn to wear a lip color?? a subtle purple/pink would have been fine but her lips are literally the same color as the rest of her…
Also she's so famous there's no one anywhere near her despite her being in a group and people knowing what she was planning on wearing when.
No. 523055
>>523005is she a guido again what the fuck is going on
and holy shit she looks mentally disabled. AGAIN.
No. 523109
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No. 523111
File: 1527297099985.png (1.16 MB, 720x1182, Screenshot_2018-05-25-18-09-28…)

The shadow makes it look like she ripped her sleeve
No. 523119
>>522339few things bother me as much as when people use saccharine pet names to appear more personal when talking to people they've never met.
fuck off with this "my love" shit, moo. you aren't a nice person. that shit turns my stomach.
No. 523122
>>523111She looks like she's dying from trying to sit
Also somehow those horns are worse. At least the previous ones were the right color. These are so fat and grey.
Kinda like Moo
No. 523131
File: 1527299245623.png (85.18 KB, 275x173, 1471572819824[1].png)

>>523109the profile of her face looks a bit like suzy in this shot
No. 523133
File: 1527299671707.png (1012.72 KB, 720x1177, Screenshot_2018-05-25-18-53-17…)

True bro nicoletters
No. 523140
File: 1527300074435.png (1.01 MB, 720x1179, Screenshot_2018-05-25-19-00-13…)

Looks faint
No. 523141
File: 1527300094310.png (1.11 MB, 720x1185, Screenshot_2018-05-25-19-00-30…)

No. 523147
>>523143She looks like a fat man dressed as a waitress.
>>523131She looks like a young mama June in the right photo.
>>523133Sometimes I wonder if Nicoletters is getting close to Moo so she can spill a ton of milk for the inevitable fallout.
No. 523160
>>522338jfc, why are her fans so disgusting?! and she encourages their behavior.
>>523134Wow, those donkey kong shoulders are wild.
No. 523162
File: 1527302467329.png (611.5 KB, 720x495, Screenshot_2018-05-25-19-40-34…)

No. 523163
>>523148It's probably the sheer force of the corset draggin her down
>>523143She literally has an hourglass figure cus her shoulders are so broad. The cinched in waist really doesn't work when you emphasise your linebacker body
No. 523172
File: 1527303855202.jpeg (198.74 KB, 657x1135, 21B3B05D-0BEF-489A-B26B-7DDF1C…)

No. 523178
File: 1527304998993.jpg (14.34 KB, 320x320, 31150224_1895319370530586_6170…)

>>523176She was? I can't keep track. Yikes.
No. 523218
>>523216just seeing the top part of it in
>>522959 it looks like a typical amazon one No. 523225
File: 1527313367561.jpeg (583.82 KB, 750x745, 54F5BF8F-6E00-4A7F-B8F7-CF283F…)

I want to see a video of her walking in this lmao, she had to be waddling
No. 523236
File: 1527314044020.png (617.67 KB, 843x591, Screenshot 2018-05-25 at 10.54…)

No. 523251
File: 1527316275501.png (273.07 KB, 348x651, Screenshot 2018-05-25 at 11.31…)

No. 523377
File: 1527334219548.jpg (546.92 KB, 750x743, momofixed.jpg)

>>523228Hi Momo,
If you need a photoshopper, holla me up. Just reply or email lolcow or something. I know you're technically supposed to
actually lose physically weight, but I can give you extra time w that until the next time you're at a con.
I work for tendies and cash.
(stop) No. 523420
>>523348She's not in their group. I think she's Lilith from dark stalkers
Is that what you were asking?
No. 523453
File: 1527351702741.png (1.83 MB, 1148x680, peace.png)

>>523438she at least HAD a badge, as shown in
>>523225, not sure if she's sharing it with people.
also i know it's been said a lot but she really needs to switch up her poses a bit more. between the same pose and the corset she's looking extra stiff
No. 523520
>>523510She could have used the platter prop she had for her other waitress. She could have at least looked somewhat on character then
I don't think Lucoa has ever done a peace sign, so she just looks overstuffed, hunched and out of character
No. 523580
File: 1527364417479.png (362.38 KB, 256x740, Screenshot_2018-05-26-12-50-04…)

w i d e bloat
No. 523586
File: 1527365116706.png (1.65 MB, 1280x1809, Lucoa_Stitched_Cap_(Miss_Kobay…)

>>523580her body matches lucoa's really well in this cosplay, too bad shes killing her ribs for the look though
No. 523626
File: 1527369330641.png (1.2 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180526-231501.png)

>>523621>>523620She and Moochlette are up as it seems
No. 523627
File: 1527369368766.png (1.28 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180526-231624.png)

No. 523633
>>523627really just surprised by how much forest-kun must be holding in holy shit.
or maybe she got another quick round of lip and is wearing a corset to work double time as a compression garment
No. 523636
>>523627Why does she keep doing that retarded four fingered hand pose. It looks dumb, Moo. Enough.
Meanwhile her left hand looks hammy as fuck.
No. 523637
File: 1527370416470.png (5.62 MB, 1242x2208, 77C29383-DFD6-4F19-B565-DEF450…)

Her upper lip highlight has me cackling
No. 523640
>>523638It looks like it’s either not tied tight enough to close or it’s missing the panel piece that some corsets come with.
Or it could be a bad design element.
No. 523643
File: 1527371834695.png (275.45 KB, 512x724, Portrait_Servant_199_1[1].png)

>>523627>>523637lmao those bangs and chicken feathers are tragic. this whole outfit is tragic. moo bb wut is u doin
No. 523644
>>523637Raise your hand if you're surprised that she fucked up the bangs again.
It doesn't even look like feathers on the character herself, it looks like fur.
No. 523650
File: 1527373274664.png (9.4 MB, 1242x2208, 4A0278D7-2CD3-42F8-A0BD-948608…)

No. 523655
File: 1527373514859.png (8.46 MB, 1242x2208, DE1730C9-5F09-459B-84ED-435DEF…)

>>523651Idk just capping on an iPhone and directly uploading.
Check those horrible eye bags
No. 523660
File: 1527373700782.jpg (30.03 KB, 421x463, 71kYO-HnkjL._SY463_[1].jpg)

>>523650mariah what was the point in making the shoes with the flowers and the sculpting foam if you're just going to have the dress go to the floor. did you even look at the character you are cosplaying
No. 523662
File: 1527373728588.png (111.35 KB, 219x275, 1526591713337.png)

>>523636Jfc I didn't even noticed the damn hand
No. 523667
File: 1527374456836.png (1.77 MB, 750x1334, 308BBD6C-C8B8-4259-AFC9-1D96A1…)

More back rolls
No. 523679
>>523660So the dress is actually dark brown and the ends of her hair and dress and shoes are black?
Moomoo needs actual glasses
No. 523686
>>523683was cc the one who made it? i can't find it credited anywhere.
in any case if i asked for someone to make this
>>523660 and received this
>>523667 i would be unhappy
No. 523687
File: 1527376131043.jpeg (466.75 KB, 2048x2048, A1CE97A5-9A07-4D94-8807-C10FAA…)

Ok but why did she pay 2k for everything of this cosplay to be inaccurate? I get artistic freedom and whatnot but literally the cut of the corset, the gold detailing on it and the neck/chest accessories look completely different from the original. Its a semiramis-inspired outfit at best.
No. 523696
File: 1527377299980.png (712 KB, 720x846, Screenshot_2018-05-26-16-27-12…)

No. 523698
>>523696linguistics major right there bby.
also she has more back titty than real titty even in this corset.
No. 523700
>>523697no CUNT corsetry made it
>>523696wow they seem like they're having a TON of fun….
No. 523728
File: 1527383128673.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1242x1470, EEAFC557-BFFF-43F7-8F40-5534FA…)

Also she's not wearing Retsuko because both of the wigs she bought are shit and she bought the wrong size shirt.
Wow it's almost like you had months to prep for this and decided to do it all at the last possible moment
No. 523729
File: 1527383264942.png (741.83 KB, 750x1334, BDD1E31D-54BB-4CC1-8F69-CEBB96…)

Suuuure, a MEDIUM didn’t fit your fatass solely because of your tits. Not like she buttons up the tit part anyway, black bra chan is always on display.
I hope she wastes money on a “good” wig then fucks it up with her shitty styling
No. 523732
File: 1527383845982.png (1.25 MB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2018-05-26-18-15-28…)

No. 523734
File: 1527383872072.png (855.05 KB, 720x1195, Screenshot_2018-05-26-18-15-39…)

No. 523735
File: 1527383893972.png (1.15 MB, 720x1181, Screenshot_2018-05-26-18-15-55…)

No. 523738
File: 1527384100842.jpg (44.18 KB, 600x600, image[1].jpg)

>>523732she looks like an overweight goth/evil woomy
No. 523758
File: 1527386923041.png (1.11 MB, 720x1182, Screenshot_2018-05-26-19-06-17…)

No. 523761
File: 1527387900241.jpg (103.04 KB, 720x960, momokun elf.jpg)

>>523759No, the elf ears she had before stood straight up. Even if arent accurate either, they would have been better than the pig ears she has now
No. 523763
File: 1527387940555.jpeg (1.75 MB, 1242x1540, B40958D3-8AB0-4C0D-8A39-C5DAAB…)

>>523759I thought so too and figured she reused them because $$$ but they aren't?? The elf ears would have actually been more accurate omg
No. 523784
File: 1527391662964.png (299.99 KB, 348x652, Screenshot 2018-05-26 at 8.27.…)

No. 523786
File: 1527391832504.png (189.34 KB, 347x648, Screenshot 2018-05-26 at 8.30.…)

thanks for censoring this crusty bitch vamp
No. 523787
File: 1527391945849.png (198.98 KB, 352x656, Screenshot 2018-05-26 at 8.32.…)

gif anon plz
No. 523790
File: 1527392279253.gif (402.59 KB, 275x214, 1495760907412.gif)

>>523787She looks like a manly troll doll.
>>523786Sad that even when most of her face is covered, you can still see her eyes going in two different directions.
No. 523791
File: 1527392568887.gif (1.35 MB, 337x600, E101E8AC-8E41-4C71-AD72-459431…)

>>523787you see this running towards you, what do you do?
No. 523796
File: 1527393626172.jpg (51.14 KB, 720x548, 651b687.jpg)

Ok who made this? I found this scrolling though reddit. Lol
No. 523798
File: 1527394312263.png (294.88 KB, 351x654, Screenshot 2018-05-26 at 9.12.…)

No. 523825
File: 1527395498579.png (277.04 KB, 471x667, Screenshot 2018-05-26 at 9.31.…)

No. 523847
File: 1527397510556.png (210.08 KB, 349x657, Screenshot 2018-05-26 at 10.05…)

stepping on weebking's hand as he tried to do pushups
No. 523849
File: 1527397564657.png (203.63 KB, 348x647, Screenshot 2018-05-26 at 10.06…)

rubbing a guy's nipple
No. 523852
File: 1527397789616.png (669.04 KB, 720x897, Screenshot_20180527-010108.png)

I'm pretty certain that Momo and Vamp were trying to do a, "look at us we're totes gf!!! Couples that cosplay together are fov3ver!" thing this weekend.
No. 523853
So she responded to lolcow's complaints of her bringing Tamamo instead of Semiramis and actually brought the Semiramis cosplay, and it's as big of a mess as we have imagined, A 2k dress that isn't even accurate, layered by Moo's backfat tits and hammy arms, and the pig ears are the cherry on top. Glorious, absolutely glorious.
>>523758Those broccoli that you probably would pick out and not eat doesn't make the pork adobo any healthier Moo.
No. 523855
>>523852So she has the bobblehead look while Moo has the opposite issue which is the donkey kong with a peanut head look.
>>523847I hope someone steps on her bitch ass next time she's on the ground.
No. 523875
File: 1527399705600.png (198.42 KB, 350x653, Screenshot 2018-05-26 at 10.40…)

No. 523877
File: 1527399728973.png (245.53 KB, 342x649, Screenshot 2018-05-26 at 10.41…)

jumped onto the bed
No. 523878
File: 1527399778065.png (181.39 KB, 339x652, Screenshot 2018-05-26 at 10.41…)

pretty sure she ruinedthe wall (kicked it)
No. 523886
File: 1527401481369.png (192.19 KB, 349x653, Screenshot 2018-05-26 at 11.10…)

He hit her back but prior, she slammed the door open thinking he was behind it and soccer punched him in the hip
No. 523934
>>523728Ok but why the fuck are her ears dropping?
It's like she put them on wrong. They are supposed to go up.
No. 523941
File: 1527413167715.png (234.09 KB, 356x653, Screenshot 2018-05-27 at 2.24.…)

lifting a bunch of people again
No. 523943
File: 1527413494036.png (221.45 KB, 346x654, Screenshot 2018-05-27 at 2.31.…)

No. 523944
File: 1527413705545.png (199.03 KB, 344x649, Screenshot 2018-05-27 at 2.32.…)

No. 523945
File: 1527413717210.png (196.23 KB, 347x653, Screenshot 2018-05-27 at 2.33.…)

No. 523946
File: 1527413731096.png (149.15 KB, 348x651, Screenshot 2018-05-27 at 2.33.…)

No. 523947
File: 1527413751210.png (183.5 KB, 353x656, Screenshot 2018-05-27 at 2.34.…)

guess nomisphotos is her asian slave again
No. 523948
>>523939In the clip he was hiding behind the door to scare her and didn't want her to see him but then jumps out, that's why he's making that face.
Not trying to defend this stupid cow but if you're going to talk about a photo at least know the backstory to it.
No. 523950
File: 1527414674965.png (364.8 KB, 813x596, Screenshot 2018-05-27 at 2.51.…)

No. 523972
It's interesting that Mooriah is really such a sad, hollow, shell of a person that she must share every single aspect of her life with the internet or else she feels invalidated somehow.
Imagine being with someone who has to vlog or snapchat or ig story everything all the time. That dude on the phone looks annoyed
>>523941>>523942 No. 523983
File: 1527427960265.png (8.01 MB, 1242x2208, 6A58BBA9-7CD0-4524-8FE0-FBA954…)

No. 523989
File: 1527429070103.jpeg (81.23 KB, 640x1094, E29B861A-6E39-4336-BA65-2F9861…)

>>523732 I zoomed in and i cant stop laughing
It looks like her pupils are trying to escape into opposite directions
No. 524020
File: 1527443997142.png (268.53 KB, 470x602, Screenshot 2018-05-27 at 11.00…)

No. 524026
File: 1527446210719.png (229.05 KB, 1025x421, Screenshot 2018-05-27 at 11.36…)

new etsy list additions
No. 524038
>>524023We have the Wicked Witch on the left, someone's asian granny in the middle and The Blob in it's final form on the right.
These are some ugly bitches, man.
No. 524049
File: 1527451975202.png (1.01 MB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2018-05-27-13-10-16…)

I dare not disrespect our queen but this is Pixyteri levels
No. 524050
File: 1527452005398.png (960.09 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2018-05-27-13-10-08…)

No. 524055
File: 1527452258344.png (803.4 KB, 720x731, Screenshot_2018-05-27-13-15-42…)

>>524049I also just noticed her arm braces are from a sweater…most likely Fakku sweater-kun?
No. 524057
>>524049>>524050mustache on point~
>>524055good eye anon
No. 524058
File: 1527452430510.gif (2.36 MB, 337x600, EDD6940D-A7EE-41AA-B1EF-E9CA1D…)

>>524049chichi in motion complete with the highlight/whatever that looks like a milk mustache and the totally canon deorderant stains
No. 524115
>>524058end result of this:
>>522095she should not be anywhere near a wig, she just butchers them.
i'm definitely getting pt vibes from this outfit too
No. 524122
File: 1527460960897.jpeg (112.37 KB, 354x370, 8C12E80D-90C1-421B-BF09-277FAD…)

always looking rough
No. 524124
File: 1527461114096.jpeg (180.14 KB, 390x630, 40622C3C-DBC4-467B-82D8-EEB9C0…)

that arm fat as well..
No. 524129
File: 1527462025894.jpg (27.99 KB, 426x568, dzzum85.jpg)

>>524122>>524058It's a straight cut…?? How do you mess that up?
No. 524131
File: 1527462168684.jpeg (664.47 KB, 750x910, CBF8E308-A863-4C28-A7AA-EAA3E3…)

look who’s coming out to play!
No. 524147
>>524131This is probably one of the most unattractive candids I've seen of her recently (at least concerning her body shape)
It doesn't even look like she has a figure anymore (where's her forest? or is her arm fat just covering her artificial "slim" waist??)
she's just…round.
Not even just her, Vamp and the other person as well. I'd sue the fuck out of the person who posted that photo lol (then again, it's their fault for being absolutely unattractive without meitu filter,
I guess!)
No. 524155
>>524131This is such an embarrassing photo. Why isn't this bitch wearing panties knowing damn well that obese people get stanky real quick on a hot day? I can just imagine how many people laughed at her or got a rank smell just walking by her.
Vamp looks like one of those little kids who's parents let them pick out their own outfit.
No. 524160
File: 1527466272248.jpeg (326.67 KB, 1241x1810, 264F5139-7673-4309-A834-9D78A5…)

Busted! She’s got two badges in her hand right outside the dealers hall area. She’s ghosting in, where you have two badges and two people go in, and one person comes out with both badges to hand off to someone else.
No. 524161
File: 1527466371326.jpg (277.41 KB, 800x800, FIG-KM048.jpg)

>>524129moo will always find a way
No. 524168
File: 1527467467378.png (468.11 KB, 588x595, 11 months ago.png)

>>524160Not quite the same angle but closest I could find for comparison
No. 524180
File: 1527468658669.png (734.02 KB, 726x525, oof.png)

No. 524181
File: 1527468768020.jpeg (2.23 MB, 1242x2029, 435DC928-C7EB-48E1-AAB6-099010…)

No. 524183
>>524181What is this hand pose she always does, like she's trying to summon fire
Take some modeling classes Moo this is your job
No. 524186
File: 1527469297615.png (1.16 MB, 720x1183, Screenshot_2018-05-27-17-59-37…)

No. 524187
File: 1527469378939.png (1.2 MB, 720x1185, Screenshot_2018-05-27-17-58-20…)

No. 524192
File: 1527470205399.jpg (83.74 KB, 720x1081, FB_IMG_1527470013683.jpg)

No. 524200
File: 1527470992254.jpg (185.69 KB, 994x722, 3453455.jpg)

Just a little side by side comparison of our girl this weekend
No. 524203
>>524200Still too unattractive. She gained so much weight it changed the shape of her face and aged her very hard. She probably thinks she playfully has chubby cheeks. No, her face just gained weight all around and lost definition. Makes her wigs look too small and flat in comparison-not that her wigs are good at all either.
Poses still bad. She never does in-character poses which defeats the purpose of cosplaying. You're supposed to be the character, not yourself in the characters costume-that's what Halloween is for.
What a waste. Again, she brings nothing to cosplay. Only the middle one was half salvageable but the immersion is ruined by her bad wig and same-face that she does in all shots.
No. 524206
File: 1527471720605.jpeg (496.66 KB, 1156x2058, 2746E673-6EC8-45ED-945F-7AEBA5…)

No. 524216
>>524192maybe shes trying to summon the invisible hat
also i love how moo ruins the whole picture
No. 524221
>>524214She's too big to even try to squish herself in to Asian sizing anymore.
Also, I bet people with her sizing blackmail her to commission more.
No. 524224
>>524200It's so funny seeing her waist and breasts deflate in the third photo.
No. 524238
File: 1527474485605.jpeg (665.9 KB, 1241x2205, AB165CD1-1C42-443F-849B-96147B…)

>>524206Same fag, but nikes?? I understand the pain of heels after a long time of wear, but why doesn’t she use dem neckbeard bux to buy a pair red flats?
No. 524240
File: 1527474595463.png (946.17 KB, 630x602, jfc.png)

No. 524243
File: 1527474993855.png (769.07 KB, 603x533, nice shoes.png)

No. 524246
File: 1527475079899.png (387.05 KB, 417x493, Capture.PNG)

>>524238The gap of death.
No. 524251
>>524243She looks so bad here ugh her face is like a few shades darker than the rest of her body, her eyes are sinking into her head and ffs couldn't she have found some shapewear or something to try and hide that gut
>>524248I would be so concerned that someone let their special needs kid dress like this
No. 524263
>>524257In the past she lied about working out as her method of losing weight (and we all know she got lipo by now), never showing her workouts.
Now, she DOES show them, but people have told her that her form is bad, despite her claiming she was a tournament lifter back in high school. That kinda learning, you dont suddenly forget about. That and she barely goes, but she wants people to think she's consistent and healthy.
No. 524271
>>524257To piggyback on what the other anons are saying, lifting,
solely lifting, is not really working out. Girl needs cardio and we obviously haven't seen any proof of that.
No. 524275
File: 1527479009052.png (526.26 KB, 467x626, Screenshot 2018-05-27 at 8.43.…)

No. 524317
>>524304>>524290>>524287Its because she ruined the proportions of the costume.
Semiramis looks cool because it's not 'just another floor length gown'
Moo ruined the general proportions becayse she has no idea what she's doing. The dress ruffles are way too small , the triangular flaps are are too small too, As well as the red barely showing which broke up the costume more before and the hair missing the ornaments which added more interest near the bottom of the costume. the pattern on the top being absolutely incorrect also doesnt help and the only eyecatching part of the bodice is the middle which is very visually boring. But… the fact that the dress is only supposed to be ankle length is the main issue that makes her version look so damn boring.
I'll give her that you wont want a wig dragging on the ground at a con but she could have added a train or long cape
tl;dr she just looks like she took a shitty random black wedding dress that she added random shit on to do a lazy cosplay. Not like she's wearing a $2000 costume that she had custom made for her.
No. 524321
File: 1527484583291.png (9.66 MB, 1242x2208, ABF3B4E5-3801-45DF-8572-6F5798…)

Really? REALLY? Jesus Christ ..
No. 524329
>>524321It is why Moo's shoots are getting trashier and trashier, she's completely fucking worthless as a cosplayer now and her neckbeards are just there for the nip and labia slips. In another four months she'll bawwwwwwww again about not being taken seriously as a cosplayer even though she has THE PASSION, my dudes, and the cycle will repeat forevermore.
I noticed she didn't get the Goku armcandy she was begging for, what a huge fucking surprise that this thicccccccccccccc goddess didn't get the nerd boi of her dreams for this con!
No. 524331
File: 1527487722108.png (842.49 KB, 599x599, lazymoo.png)

How long was she even in her cosplay for? Doesn't seem like long… I feel bad for the con guests who had to see her sad hank hill ass slipping out of that dress.
No. 524334
File: 1527488719744.jpg (35.01 KB, 273x275, 1508976479437.jpg)

>>524331The days are getting hotter, why is she wearing swears and shit. And why does she always wear the same ol' outfit to every con? I don't even know why I'm asking, it's not like she changes her clothes like a normal person.
It looks like she's wearing shoulderpads but we know it's just her shoulders.
No. 524340
File: 1527489510200.png (263.92 KB, 347x652, Screenshot 2018-05-27 at 11.34…)

she has been fighting with weebking all weekend
No. 524341
File: 1527489568135.png (284.59 KB, 343x648, Screenshot 2018-05-27 at 11.37…)

>>524340nicoletters is seperating them. it's obviously her way of play fighting but you can see the crowd behind her and they're fighting infront of them
No. 524346
File: 1527489770441.jpeg (270.84 KB, 750x706, 8FD6AFF5-4CAD-44E3-8AC7-8ED5C5…)

No. 524347
File: 1527489787284.jpeg (118.29 KB, 750x790, 6BF411A0-21CC-438E-9572-D4A9FF…)

No. 524368
File: 1527492114804.png (323.24 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180528-022104.png)

I found the original and this, none of the replies have any info btw
No. 524371
File: 1527492416127.png (186.59 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180528-022632.png)

From the no underwear post
No. 524373
>>524369Judging by a lot of stories, she seems really disrespectful when she goes to cons. Rubbing her flat ass against people and groping them without consent, selling fake badges, bringing weapons and waddling away from security, kicking and breaking props, yelling at them while accusing them of taking sniper photos and these are just what I can remember, many of them being recent. I hope her fat ass gets blacklisted.
>>524371And this is just nasty, especially because unbathed people smell like shit even more in crowded spaces.
No. 524391
File: 1527493775156.png (207.59 KB, 346x649, Screenshot 2018-05-28 at 12.49…)

No. 524392
File: 1527493807528.png (210.77 KB, 350x653, Screenshot 2018-05-28 at 12.49…)

she hardly jumped. fatass.
No. 524398
File: 1527494272958.png (419.66 KB, 809x592, Screenshot 2018-05-28 at 12.58…)

No. 524406
File: 1527494946212.png (811.12 KB, 600x600, hammyaf.png)

When her arm is wider than her head. Tragic.
No. 524409
File: 1527495489869.png (505.01 KB, 594x593, Screenshot 2018-05-28 at 1.18.…)

No. 524412
File: 1527495671619.png (521.74 KB, 494x597, Screenshot 2018-05-28 at 1.21.…)

No. 524413
File: 1527495691397.png (523.52 KB, 491x594, Screenshot 2018-05-28 at 1.21.…)

No. 524424
File: 1527496743821.gif (1.37 MB, 320x320, B7A4666F-9EED-4ED3-B5D3-C47679…)

>>524392I tried including the girl before her to compare how high she went up versus moo but couldn’t fit in the gif, but this was hilarious to see
No. 524432
>>524424>bringing an air mattress to a conAt this con we are 17 and attending on our parents' money.
Seriously, though, even with her diminishing patreonbux she could afford a suite instead of room-stuffing. Are these idiots just that cheap? Do they not have jobs or something?
No. 524435
File: 1527497378109.png (147.9 KB, 720x945, Screenshot_2018-05-28-01-47-50…)

No. 524448
File: 1527499348581.png (227.97 KB, 680x1175, 4d79d0e4fd6ad17739399e294660e8…)

>>524435>>524438…is this what she's talking about? is she trying to say it's ok that she didn't wear panties or pants while dressed as chichi is because chi chi wore a "very revealing" outfit as a child that looks nothing like the outfit moo was cosplaying?
No. 524449
>>524341Moo seems like one of those girls who would "playfully" punch guys too hard in high school as a way of flirting.
It's never cute but it's especially not cute when you're an adult.
>>524356She absolutely does, because she only wears leggings. When she's not at cons and goes out with people, in her stories she hardly ever wears the flannel to cover herself up. But every time she's at a con it's always this outfit.
I just don't know why she's so uncomfortable with her ass in leggings but not with having it out bare.
>>524435>why are you dressed like a whore>"excuse me, haven't you seen what she wore when she was a literal child? THAT'S when she looked like a whore"You'd think after the Kanna ordeal she'd have learned to be a little more careful with how she talks about little girls. Really not helping your case here, Mariah.
No. 524452
File: 1527500282355.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1242x1536, BC9388AD-244D-41D2-B64D-C4C582…)

No. 524472
>>524371>>524347If you look at
>>524131 and
>>524181 it definitely looks like she's not wearing anything.
Even if she were wearing a tiny skin colored thong or something that's still too much to be showing off in public because it would have to be absolutely tiny not to be shown from those angles.
No. 524477
File: 1527508466519.jpeg (102.62 KB, 1000x1000, A26A5488-CACA-465F-BF25-7BA43E…)

>>524472At the MOST she's wearing one of those strapless panty things, but I'm doubtful seeing as she wears underwear to literal shreds before she buys a new pair. I just don't understand why she wore tights and a visible CK thong for Chun Li and now forgoes both, just to look even worse.
No. 524495
File: 1527516481909.png (181.65 KB, 605x1320, E3B8FB12-9F28-4BB8-9E0C-A27DD5…)

>>524435>that's actually spot on the fuck it is
No. 524528
>>524514The manga also showed a lot of child nudity, what's her point anyway? She chooses a figure not many people know about when in most images Chi Chi is wearing pants.
But that isn't the point. The real reason behind this hot mess is because she was hoping for an asian muscle-bound Goku to hang off of. Probably why she decided to not wear any panties to try to be more sexy.
The way she's "fighting" with weebking also screams desperate. I'm surprised she didn't start dry humping him. Moo bitches about wanting respect but she's only in it for the male attention and getting fucked
No. 524531
File: 1527524765001.jpg (16.87 KB, 382x480, 41U4dTPgTiL_large.jpg)

>>524454Thing is she's still inaccurate because the idiot didn't bother using shiny fabric for her cosplay. Not that we should be surprised, this is Moo.
No. 524538
>>524533Rather than it being 'official' or not. It still stands as something 'valid' to cosplay compared to just slutting up a costume like moo usually does. The general consensus is usually:
Series Canon > Official Art > Figure > Fan Art > Random BS idea
Of course it depends on the end product of course but either way the fandom seems to generally hate this set of figures because the style is off and the anatomy isnt even nice since they all have weird orb balloon tits. But as said by other anons: Even if she wanted to cosplay this figure she pretty much got everything about it wrong and half of her pictures are wearing those ugly ass tennis shoes.
No. 524540
>>524538some figures
are in fact just random bs ideas. moo and her wks are defending the shit cosplay as canon simply because there is a figure, which is incorrect.
No. 524547
>>524520She also ran away from security when she was Sabre too if I recall correctly.
>>524528>I'm surprised she didn't start dry humping him.She also acts like this in front of the guy's girlfriend. Nicoletters is as much as a doormat as Bitchlette. If someone's touching all over your man and it's
clear that they want him, fucking kick her ass don't invite her around more.
No. 524554
>>524540by random bs ideas I meant 'random bs ideas of the cosplayer' like Moo's usual lingerie sets or the one piece Samus cosplay she made back in the day or her wearing the Kame uniform swimsuit with Android 21 .
It still stands that the figure is an item for sale that is licensed which gives it more validity. Even if it's shit fap bait pandering it's still an 'okayed' product compared to moo's usual ideas.
She's still retarded for comparing it to child chichi rather than just saying 'this is based off of an existing figure' even if she did a shit job at it.
No. 524559
File: 1527530152290.jpg (163.25 KB, 1600x1991, aaec01a9bcbd4d88ba35902d814b08…)

>>524538Yeah, real fans hate this shit. Mariah just sees dollar signs.
No. 524564
File: 1527532509698.png (2.25 MB, 1900x1200, IMG_0607.PNG)

I drew our cow.
No. 524567
>>524564i love this and you.
next thread pic, please
No. 524573
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No. 524577
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No. 524579
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they really give 2 shits about character accuracy huh
No. 524600
File: 1527540544760.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1242x1233, 24857456-1DEB-4AEC-BE95-FB2E54…)

No. 524609
>>524579Anyone know who Vamp is supposed to be? Some weird version of Ishtar with the wrong colored wig?
They just look like a couple of hot messes. Guess moo goes to show that even if you spend a ton of money, you can still look terrible.
No. 524684
>>524573Says the cow who was sporting a loli hoodie recently.
Sure Jan.
No. 524693
>>524579Oh Vamp…
She looks awful in pigtails, they age her by an extra 15 years. Honestly she actually looks like a transvestite. Noses come in all shapes and sizes and usually I'm very forgiving of them, but hers is just too hooked downward. She looks like when you're creating an MMO character and slide the nose slider all the way dramatically downward for comedic effect. They make enough money, just go get it done already. Absolutely no one will blame her or take issue with her for it, that's how bad it looks
No. 524704
File: 1527554545560.png (330.73 KB, 512x724, JeanneAlterSanta1-3.png)

>>524696>>524702To be fair, in the story she's reacting to a pillowcase of this character, who's canonically a young girl.
No. 524709
>>524704>>524708This isn't even the same servant as in
>>524573Can the off topic stop
No. 524714
File: 1527556218470.jpeg (Spoiler Image,478.88 KB, 2048x2048, 63F2839B-4F8D-4A33-A04A-66E0A8…)

>>524708>>524709Not to get argumentative, but this is what she was reacting to. She browsed through two other pillows going "mmm, yes, cute cute" and then went "NO" to this one. Pleadw watch her story before accusing me of being off topic lol.
No. 524719
>>524715And that's what the archive's for.
This is all entirely missing the point, that's she's contradictory - she goes back and forth.
>those thighs aren't innocent>muh adult version>i'll lewd everything you love>chichi was drawn like a slut>don't lewd lolis though guise!!!! No. 524720
File: 1527556495134.jpeg (1.62 MB, 1242x1719, 7195EDEB-C216-4174-A2F1-4E0155…)

No. 524731
File: 1527557696488.png (1.46 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180528-183420.png)

No. 524735
File: 1527557883375.png (152.69 KB, 474x468, Screenshot 2018-05-28 at 6.38.…)

>>524731>screenshotjust download the pic lmao
No. 524744
File: 1527558844910.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1242x2025, B100252C-7B7F-495C-8E56-EBCB8D…)

>>524721Confirmed for no badge/fake badge. This guy posted this pic implying he gave them his badge, I commented asking if he bought them a badge or gave them one and he blocked me and deleted the comment. Something tells me moo and vamp ran to make sure he didn’t answer me.
No. 524745
File: 1527559044730.jpeg (797.61 KB, 1242x1324, 5D3F7731-FA59-42C4-8E21-C8E434…)

>>524744And here’s my comment trying to bait him for info on her badge situation. It’s gone now and I’m blocked
No. 524749
>>524736now compare the likes to a pic with her in a bikini or one with her vag out
I love how her idea of modelling is just open eyes and mouth real wide
No. 524753
>>524744I mean just compare the straps in this cap:
>>524600There is way too big of a difference between the two, Moo's font is way too small and doesn't have the Adobe logo on it
No. 524795
>>524770In the three Blizzcons I’ve been to badge check is honestly insanely lazy. It’s always done by some security company that doesn’t want to be there. They barely even half assedly check your badge, but now and then I got a person that actually asked me to flip my badge or move my character badge so they could see the con badge.
Sorry for offtopic.
No. 524804
File: 1527568329740.png (3.09 MB, 750x1334, 6600E813-A990-448E-A608-8AAF93…)

Continues to make it blatantly obvious that she’s constantly lurking here
No. 524816
File: 1527569200585.png (258.25 KB, 508x341, Screenshot 2018-05-28 at 9.46.…)

>>524812>>524815To accompany, for the anon asking about the adobe logo on the lanyard, it appears they were a sponsor
No. 524861
>>524804At the very end of a convention, usually during ceremonies, they’ll put out boxes of badges for anyone to take since they’re useless at that point and people like the art.
Although I’m assuming her photographer friend let her have it at the end since he seemed to have a few.
Also I’d love to see this “rack” of badges.
No. 524926
>>524924Unless they mean when the con let you get the “swag bags” for free cause they put out boxes of overstock for anyone to take
So anon is probably mixing it up with that?
Anyways moo is fucking stupid for spending the money on the hotel and the trip up there but can’t even fucking buy a badge
She bought her AX badge last year right?? AX’s badges are so fucking expensive too
No. 524952
>>524942nah. that doesn't explain why moo didn't take any proof photos till
after the con was over, when the badges were worthless and could have been anyone's.
No. 524967
>>524963Moo is just lewd like that muh dude, tee hee tee hee! The totally in-character panties didn't arrive in time so she just had to wing it! You've got to roll with the punches when the cosplay you've been planning for years fails to come together during your ~CON CRUNCH~ where you put everything off until the very last second for a con you've been planning on attending for a year!
I'm glad that people outside of the lolcow mocking circles are finally seeing what a total shitshow she is and are calling her out on the blatant ghosting and her lack of common sense.
No. 525017
>>525010i mean she's always tried doing this tbh but she's too stupid to break out properly. she doesn't realize that yaya was a flatchested serious cosplayer who was just too insecure cause of anime and got fake tits thinking she wouldn't be seen as meat if she put them out on display. yaya started out serious, then got sexy but she was already well established and did super intricate stuff the entire time and barely did shitty bikini shoots at all.
same even with jnig, she started out slutty but immediately used her fame to cosplay super intricate WoW and LoL shit.
moo just wanted $$ and then decided to pretend to be serious after all the backlash.
even with shit that she claims to be a huge fan of like higurashi and umineko, she's constantly mischaracterizing her "favorite" characters because she doesn't know much about them and assumes they're edgy because she is.
No. 525104
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No. 525114
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Release Drake, Majin 21 and re-released Hermoine
No. 525115
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No. 525118
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No. 525128
File: 1527629495839.png (127.97 KB, 244x244, oh kek here we go.png)

>>525032not that anon, but well played regardless
No. 525131
>>524409>>524248>>524259Ahh, feels good to be able to call out her bad habits before they happen
literally the easiest thing to do moo, and you fucked up.
No. 525150
File: 1527631224135.jpg (42.96 KB, 720x405, 33773980_1949294015291241_5633…)

Oh man, someone in a closed Dark Souls shitposting group on FB made moo's shitty stolen OC into a skin for the most corpulent boss in the series.
No. 525174
File: 1527634005439.png (873.61 KB, 750x1334, B17DF0A2-879D-4847-BC99-626A1C…)

throwing in my tinfoil, possibly about momo and the whole badge situation/things in general?
No. 525199
>>524781I posted a few weeks ago about how I emailed Fanime saying to not let her in with a bunch of receipts. Might’ve worked? They didn’t really say much except “I let the rovers know, please tell us if you have any more updates”.
I hope she’s banned forever. That would tickle me pink.
(cowtipping) No. 525202
File: 1527635885558.jpeg (200.95 KB, 750x834, 17C051EB-8740-49D4-8582-FDDB5C…)

Is this person calling her out for having fake badges for fanime or is this some reference to fate? Not a fate fan so if it’s a reference to something it went over my head
No. 525204
File: 1527636303550.jpeg (588.21 KB, 1242x1344, 78398210-A3B0-4B15-A7E5-15312C…)

>>525202No, that guy is the one who made her that god awful “lifting belt” or whatever the fuck it was. They’re sperging on twitter too, this happens every single time moo gets a new friends circle - she forces them to defend her like this en mass, that’s three of her new calves at once screaming about the badges on her behalf.
No. 525208
File: 1527636813067.png (2.24 MB, 750x1334, 3929B390-1644-48E8-824F-5E66AE…)

Assuming this is probably also about Momokun and the fake badges
No. 525238
>>525235>more attractive than mooIt's weird to see the words "more attractive" and nicolette in the same sentence
don't think I'd go that far, anon…
No. 525261
>>525118Her chapped lips are actually
triggering me
No. 525269
>>525235Seriously, not even like a year ago these two were shit talking moo on twitter before they became “friends” with her and the fact they have to insert “famous cosplayer” is cringeworthy but I guess they outed themselves for the only reason why they associate with her, a terrible couple friends with a terrible person
But seriously they claim the people saying moo faked badges have no receipts but neither do they to prove otherwise? So it’s just them yelling at the void
Still it’s a trip to see people justify moo’s behavior and not question why rumors like this start about her all the time during cons
No. 525278
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No. 525282
>>525278and how many are bought
and the rest are just dudes who wont buy your photo sets
No. 525287
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>>524926No, they just give out the badges.
Every con I’ve been to does this at the very end of closing ceremonies.
I’d upload more examples but I don’t want to clog up the thread.
No. 525289
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No. 525290
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No. 525296
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I'm confused. She never used this?
No. 525299
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No. 525302
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No. 525309
File: 1527646820888.png (1.27 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180529-191827.png)

No. 525314
>>525291depends on the con
Some are pre printed blank, and the printer just adds on the name+info
other cons print the entire thing right there(but it takes a long time)
No. 525315
>>525309What happened to Retsuko that was supposed to be in May moomoo? Can you at least give people what you promised them before continuing with more bullshit that you wont finish?
I guess since the show isnt getting as much hype you gave up on it.
No. 525317
>>524835This isn't a "personal army" board.
>>524861This never happens.
No. 525319
>>525313it's gonna be the ugliest imitation yet
>>525115where have your abs gone hm? her stumby little fat legs are awful
No. 525331
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>>525309>>525310My prediction for what the milk set is going to look like
No. 525341
File: 1527649506342.jpg (583.26 KB, 1080x2087, Screenshot_20180529-200405_Ins…)

Man she looks so beat
I know was posted in her story a while ago but damn. Her skin is so bad for being what 22? Yikes.
No. 525345
>>525310Didn't she just go on a rant about not cosplaying things you're not actually a fan of?
I have never seen her mention anything Star Wars until today, this is such a desperate attempt to get more fans jfc.
Also inb4 she decides to suddenly know everything wiki can provide on SW.
No. 525346
>>525345i think she ranted a ton when whatever the rey movie was came out, but has been basically silent since
idk i only saw the old original ones, i have a very passive interest in the franchise
No. 525348
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>>525291Last example because I don’t want to derail but a lot of cons do this. At least in my state and 2 surrounding states. Because every closing ceremony I’ve been to has had it.
It’s one of the few reasons to stay that long at a con.
That’s why I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the reason Moo never shows her badge until AFTER the con is over.
No. 525354
>>525353I was at this convention. They were badges.
They give all out all the different weekend ones, but not staff or exhibitor for obvious reasons.
No. 525366
>>525357samefagging but forgot to add
she was very very self conscious about her chichi that she was QUICK to change. she won't leia irl. Just for pics
No. 525369
>>525365she couldnt have bought it, cause if she had
she wouldnt fit it and wouldnt still be doing it kek
No. 525395
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No. 525401
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No. 525484
File: 1527680549116.png (259.65 KB, 350x707, w4TY4CB.png)

>>524257>>524263It was covered in a much earlier thread around the time of the initial, "I worked out guys, I lost all that weight through hard work*!" lipo 1.0 phase she also tried piggybacking on GRRRL Clothing (all-sizes body-positive fitness clothing brand) like she was a sponsored athlete. As the brand is against photo-shopping, her, "sponsorship," seemed very suspect. There was a facebook post about her on their brand page in the usual, "Look at our customer repping us!" kind of thing and she was not well-received in the comments however the mods and owner told people that that kind of attitude is not what the brand is about as it's entirely antithetical to the brand's message, etc. The post was removed pretty quickly and no mention of her has been made since. The brand has since denied that she was ever sponsored by them or represented them in any way. I'm relatively new to lolcow and it's killing me now that I didn't get a screenshot at the time.
I started working out due to being sick and tired of my auto-immune problems and physical injuries holding me back and have dropped almost 10% bodyfat in the past 20 months. I often skip social functions and log everything I consume to maintain my fitness. I can assure you, she talks a good talk, but as everyone has pointed out, she cannot squat the squat (I mean seriously, that shit is atrocious and she's headed for a real injury). She's just doing enough to try to save face that she's, "totally into fitness, my dad's a bodybuilder!" while not ACTUALLY engaging in any form of self-improvement.
No. 525645
File: 1527706539165.png (224.27 KB, 345x652, Screenshot 2018-05-30 at 11.55…)

including friends
No. 525647
>>525645you forgot about fat!
…oh, wait
No. 525654
>>525651It really goes to show how hated she is in the community and how much her paranoia stunts her growth as a figure in said community.
My friends are hobby cosplayers but I see pics of them all over. Why? Because they let people take pics without an ocular pat down from their goons.
In all the Vids and pics of Moo at cons, she's in the middle of her calves' protective circle. No one wants to come up and ask to take a pic when they see that coming. No matter how "good" the cosplay is
No. 525728
File: 1527718364059.png (6.15 MB, 1242x2208, 8272DD38-86CD-4BA5-AB21-4F2CCF…)

She really did sperg and show off her badges
No. 525731
>>525729Nice to know we
trigger her so much
No. 525732
>>525729So why did she buy her badge the Thursday of the con when she was already in LA at that point?
Still proves that she's a lazy cunt. She probably only bought it since we were saying she was going to ghost the con
No. 525734
>>525732Good catch anon. I know Famine isn't one of those cons that sells out super fast, but why would you plan these cosplays, spend all that money, just to buy your badge the day before the con? Its a con she goes to every single year too, so even if she didn't know what she was going to wear she knew she was going.
Her ghosting cons has been a thing for well over a year now, and yet this is the only con she's gone through so much trouble to prove the haters wrong. Hmmmmmmm
No. 525751
>>525728Wow she answered my request.
You really can’t stop reading here, can you moo?
How insecure can she get that she has to prove herself this much to us.
What else should we request? Since it’s apparent she constantly lurks here
No. 525769
>>525728She's only flipping out this time because people pointed out her ghosting on social media. So now our dear Moomoo is scrambling to prove the h8trz wrong as her calves mooing is not enough anymore to sway things into her favor.
Looking forward to you ghosting Blizzcon, lardo!
No. 525770
>>525768I'm pretty sure Narnia banned all abominations, anon.
>>525728Are any of these within the last year or two Moo or are they like your textbooks and from your first year?
No. 525776
>>525348Things Greg does =/= industry standard
I do like 15-20 conventions a year and the only other time I've ever seen that happen outside of AZ was once in Texas.
No. 525795
File: 1527729452582.png (901.74 KB, 720x1152, Screenshot_2018-05-30-18-13-23…)

She said people need to set priorities and mind their own business HMMMMMMMM
No. 525797
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No. 525800
File: 1527729609122.png (1.3 MB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2018-05-30-18-14-29…)

I miss you being triggered as FUCK Mariah where you post 30 instastories saying how totes not bothered and not alone you are
No. 525801
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No. 525802
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No. 525804
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No. 525805
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No. 525806
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No. 525813
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No. 525815
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No. 525842
>>525797ain't no one be caring hun
most people probably thought this was some weird pig woman in a ballgown
No. 525866
File: 1527737461044.png (806.02 KB, 2499x2049, look at that body.png)

week in review
No. 525876
File: 1527738912621.png (237.84 KB, 631x503, Capture.PNG)

Whenever she puts on contacts she fucks them up some how and ends up like
No. 525885
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>>522272eugh, that ain't sexy
No. 525904
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No. 525922
File: 1527745693763.png (557.3 KB, 810x593, Screenshot 2018-05-30 at 10.48…)

Because this is totally in character
No. 525933
>>525922She's not even looking at them she's looking at the camera
either that or her lazy eye has gone into overdrive
No. 525935
>>525815What the FUCK has she done to her body? I almost feel bad for her. Her body is so deformed and unnatural looking and it will obviously never look normal ever again. Too much lipo, shitty diet, taking zero care of herself, and rapid weight fluctuations have literally destroyed any hope of her body returning to normal, even if she stayed at like a healthy chubby weight. Her thighs are fucking MASSIVE. Every time I see her post another instastory wearing leggings and a crop hoodie and I see how fucking wide she is I cringe. For someone who “goes to the gym” as much as she does, her body is getting more and more disgusting by the day, honestly. She’s like a walking anti-lipo ad
Sorry for the rant, I’m just absolutely astounded at how gross her body is becoming and even more astounded at the fact that she somehow thinks she’s sexy?????? And other people think that as well????????
No. 525936
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No. 525937
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No. 525963
>>525938Wow, subtle. Good job showing us you have nothing to hide regarding those badges, Mariah.
She covers her tracks like a 12 years old wtf.
No. 525969
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No. 525971
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You don't need that corn
No. 525972
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No. 526000
File: 1527774578864.png (7.48 MB, 1242x2208, 8A7B073B-AD43-456F-80AD-CEE783…)

I tried to endure her livestream but it was terrible. She looked like a disgusting mess and you can tell her trainer wants to kill himself every time she opens her mouth. I also don’t think he knew she was live-streaming… she kept mumbling quietly right in to the microphone every time she moved her phone, and she kept trying to act super buddy buddy with him but all his replies are one word answers and she keeps trying. She keeps trying to talk like they’re long time old friends and he’s not having it lolllll she can’t even pay men to want to be around her.
There’s also one point when she’s about to bench press that she starts bragging to him about how much bobba she drank and bragging that she ate 3 coconut curry plates. And then has to explain to him how much sugar is in bobba..
No. 526023
File: 1527779792923.png (1.36 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180531-081415.png)

No. 526048
File: 1527782951503.jpeg (402.02 KB, 2048x2048, 92CCD9D1-2366-40C3-98D0-51360A…)

>>526000Agreed it was very hard to watch her trying to interact with the guy. All she did was talk about food and second guess her form. Here’s a small collage from the workout.
No. 526055
>>526043When all this school stuff came up she claimed the last classes she needs are on campus classes and she didn’t want to do it over the summer because it would be during con season. Which makes no sense, because why not just take them in the fall? Why do they have to be in the summer??
>>526023Jfc no wonder she got kicked off the boat if that’s the kind of posing she was doing. How can she blame the employees if she’s sitting spread fuckibg eagle at a museum?!
No. 526058
>>526055i mean, apart from the fact that schools don't do that, we already know her school doesn't offer the courses she claimed online in the first place.
literally no one cares about her or her future and it's pathetic she needs to lie to act like she's better than she is. even with fans and likes, she's a nobody. she'll be a nobody when she starts camming. it's pathetic best chance she has at a life outside of moving back in with parents is bagging a man and getting pregnant. but she's too arrogant and she thinks that's beneath her.
No. 526062
>>525969>extra wig wefts sewn in by meWhat a dumb thing to credit yourself with,
:/ but I supposed when you literally did nothing you’ll take whatever you can get.
No. 526071
>>526025>a year hiatus from school. Maybe a 1 year and half.>mini breakUhhh, taking 2-3 semesters off school is
not a mini break. Taking a semester off is–but even then, she's in a position now where every semester counts and as another anon said, she should really be looking into internship positions at this point, or especially some sort of summer program to boost her resume for after school.
Just stating the obvious here, but she's obviously not in school at all and finally found a good cover up for it. I can't wait to see her quality in work continue to decline, even though she is supposedly less busy and has more time for whatever meaningless bullshit photoshoot she comes up with.
No. 526080
File: 1527787993516.png (317.96 KB, 473x658, Screenshot 2018-05-31 at 10.32…)

prepare for this gold cuz w h e w
No. 526084
File: 1527788130073.jpg (60.68 KB, 960x640, 34142084_1332126493598963_5109…)

god this cincher makes her fupa more apparent
No. 526136
>>526083I'm not into cosplaying or cons or whatever; I mostly read this thread just because its on the main page BUT…
Why the hell doesn't she wear a body shaper? I know we like to nitpick the way she looks, but honestly with a shaper she wouldn't look -as- bad. Is that not something people at cons do, or just not something she's willing to do? Sorry for not being super familiar, just visiting from another thread.
No. 526140
>>526137I don't think she's wearing one. They usually cover the entire torso, she looks to be wearing a corset but I'm not super familiar with her.
Just saying, having something to hold in that fupa and slim out her rolls would be better than cinching her wait super tight, at least in my opinion.
No. 526183
>>526083i can see between her legs but i have no idea what im looking at tbh
blob girl for sure
No. 526186
>>526126to be fair, it's already been brought up.
>>526135to earn money and an excuse to travel and get wasted my dude
No. 526201
>>526048Dude….her arm in the lower left photo is terrifying. What even is that shape?
>>526000Like many people have said before when professionals are around her, she always tries to show how much of an expert she is on a subject that
they are an expert on and this is why no one wants to help her with shit. Shut your fucking mouth for once and learn a few things, Mariah Mallad.
No. 526217
>>526201That’s what makes her completely insufferable. She wants to feel like she belongs at the table and that her opinion actually matters and that she isn’t just some useless cum dumpster, so she’ll try to condescendingly lecture experts on their own profession as if she knows everything and that the actual professional is just hopelessly inept and doesn’t know what they are doing. All the while spouting out completely false information with no attempt to correct herself.
And when she realizes she can’t win and that she has made a complete dipshit of herself and tries to back out the conversation, she’ll continue to be a smug asshole and say “I’m just glad we were able to have this conversation”, trying to act as if she is the mature adult and only engages in mature conversations when literally with anyone else she will either ignore them, try to laugh them off with stale memes, or make some snide, condescending remark to try to roast them.
No. 526242
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No. 526243
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No. 526250
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No. 526253
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No. 526256
>>526253>shoes and spikes by meYou can't even fucking see the shoes. You know you're desperate when you take credit for things that aren't even shown.
>>526255It happens nearly every time, though.
No. 526265
>>526256Maybe if she spends some insane amount on scalped tickets; most, if not all of the tickets are gone already.
If anything she’ll just stand outside the con, like she seems to do at all of them. It’s not like she actually plays any video games or has any genuine interest in them, so it’s a waste of her time to actually go into the con and pretend to be interested in any of it.
No. 526290
File: 1527815100996.gif (1.52 MB, 337x600, C2273CF9-5AD0-403F-A6E1-89AA04…)

>my skin sucks
>rub face??
>rub face.
No. 526304
File: 1527816841960.png (38.98 KB, 456x342, Screenshot 2018-05-31 at 6.34.…)

>If you like Loli's
No. 526308
>>526299I dunno about you but there's something perversely satisfying about the fact that she'll do anything that she thinks will annoy us, even at the cost of her own well-being.
I think I've read moral degeneration manga like this
No. 526315
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No. 526321
File: 1527818495469.png (385.46 KB, 1023x428, Screenshot 2018-05-31 at 7.01.…)

shes going to lewd red vs blue next
No. 526347
File: 1527820965962.jpeg (482.4 KB, 1214x1792, 5FF119FA-EA06-49F1-8C0C-256AC1…)

Mooriah wanted to become a meme
Well. . . . Here ya go found ya in a shitposting page
No. 526348
>>525906Her house looks like it smells like stale farts and cat piss.
She probably carries that smell on her wherever she goes and cakes a nice layer of B.O. to top it off…
No. 526362
>>526304>if you like lolisSo, she is constantly promoting underaged characters, huh? What's that shit about? It goes as far back as dragon maid.
>>526290She has the skin of a woman who has smoked for 25 years.
No. 526370
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No. 526371
File: 1527822810263.png (203.08 KB, 348x651, Screenshot 2018-05-31 at 8.13.…)

jiu jitsu again
No. 526382
>>526377Yes they do but they're actually working.
For instance, Stellachu does alot of work outside of cosplay and sponsorships. She works on twitch also, not just sitting in the dark watching anime and eating chipotle. Cosplayers are smarter than this but Moo is not up to gear.
No. 526386
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No. 526390
>>526370That ita bag looks so…empty and sad. It's painful to see alright.
>>526388Charge twice? You can do that on Patreon? What a shit scam. So instead of putting out the content she promised and make better content to rake in patrons she decides to charge people double, what a bitch.
No. 526392
File: 1527826716333.png (1.75 MB, 1100x2037, Rider_extra.png)

This is the character she claims to be cosplaying. Notice how the character's hair is dark pink and her coat is bright crimson. The coat is shin length, and she doesn't appear to be wearing a shirt under it; the lapel of the coat is what covers her breasts.
Momokunt is wearing a light pink wig with a soccer mom bob cut. It's not a style that demands sewing wefts in, so she's probably lying about that. The jacket is thigh length and dark maroon, and she's wearing some sort of white trash leather shirt with her bra out underneath it. The ill-fitting leggings are made of shitty translucent fabric which emphasizes her gross fupa and ugly black panties.
No. 526401
File: 1527829117784.jpg (28.64 KB, 480x480, Yl0s3mh.jpg)

>>526315>those giant ass thighshow on earth those shoes support her weight
No. 526402
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No. 526403
File: 1527829165970.png (476.94 KB, 807x594, Screenshot 2018-05-31 at 9.59.…)

No. 526408
>>525729You could actually get this email without paying for the badge.
If you went through the registration process but didn't complete the payment section you still received this email before the con, scanning it would require you to then pay however.
No. 526423
>>526415They can but I believe she messages the dropbox links to the sets.
So they can't get previous ones unless they ask and she doesn't offer that unless you pick $50+ and even then she has a record of not responding
No. 526424
>>526423she didnt used to thats why i asked lol
>>526419she was def tryna catch them on a double charge tho
No. 526525
File: 1527870976249.jpg (84.71 KB, 750x1022, IMG_20180601_183210.jpg)

Apparently she deleted those comments but once again she throws other people under the bus even her precious "girlfriend"
No. 526526
File: 1527871063732.jpg (96.99 KB, 750x1083, IMG_20180601_183758.jpg)

No. 526541
Man it is always so hard to choose OP pics because Moo just always delivers such wonderfully horrible ones each and every thread.
My nominations for next thread:
>>524050>>525118>>525971 No. 526543
about that time again, eh? then let
>>522657 be the next OP pic,
please No. 526544
my nominations:
>>525150>>525151or if we want real pics
>>524321>>526290 No. 526548
>>525991"Reach for the sky" is something they say in old western movies, usually a lawman would yell "Reach for the sky!" It is an old western way of saying "Put your hands behind your head"
>>526000If you guys don't know, this is a very rude and bitchy thing for you to do to your trainer. You're their client and you're bragging about ignoring the health advice and training tips. Basically Mariah is paying to keep this man captive for an hour until he can help someone else. It's a waste of his professional time.
I'm comparing this to paying an art teacher. You pay a professional to teach you, but for the whole time you go "lol so I didn't practice since the last, you saw me. Also screw art and color theory, I mix all my colors so they are poop brown. Fuck your profession my dude. Oh but yolo I wanna look good for the internet~ so don't make me look bad."
No. 526550
>>526525Okay but its still a shitty thing to do.
So you know and encouraged your friend to badge switch at a con when you love and support the community.
If you're a "big" name cosplayer you're still guilty by association
What's worse is flat out admitting you knew about it
No. 526553
>>526525wtf Vamp, your "GF" made you look like a piece of shit for ghosting a con. Also if Momo is so good to you why didn't she buy you're badge. We know you both ghosted the con, why defend Momo? Is she paying for your rent or something?
Momokun just flat out said Vamp doesn't respect cons or the community, but it is you too Momo
No. 526558
>>526557It really bugs the shit out of Moo when people outside of the Farms call her out on things, it makes for a really enjoyable watch.
Spread love and positivity, my dudes!!!!!!!
No. 526572
>>524321definitely this for new thread pic.
that meaty arm
that overflowing futa and shapeless waist
No. 526594
>>524321Next thread photo vote
>>526528She got caught ghosting. Moo's so used to ghosting that she knows how not to get caught most of the time but she did this time too. Gotta throw somebody under the bus, maybe Vamp's being a cunt cause it was her haha.
They're both two ugly as fuck shady bitches that being a cunt is all they know how to be. Mariah and Vamp need to do something about those hideous faces instead of getting into someone else's face ffs.
No. 526607
>>526553Cause she's a doormat. Moo is most likely paying for something to keep Vamp happy enough to be a big bitch(Probably food since she's getting fat).
Vamp is happily letting Mariah ruin her personality and reputation. She used to be a lot more professional about things but damn that changed real quick. Now she's just as toxic, lazy and ugly as Mariah is. What the fuck was with that lazy ass lime green chicken costume.
>>526589I highly doubt Mariah bought a badge. You're right though, she also could have paid for Vamp's badge if she was so "against" it.
No. 526610
>>526525Looks like they told on themselves. They only get extra cunty likenthis whenever they know they are in the wrong. Also again, let this be a lesson to anyone who wants to be all “Awww, poor Vamp having to put up with Moomoo”. She is just as shitty and cunty as she is and is so quick to clap back at anyone calling her out, just like Moo.
Also, nice job throwing your “girlfriend” under the bus like that, dipshit. Also, even though you may have not badge shared yourself, you still helped someone else do it, and that doesn’t get you off the hook, retard. Wouldn’t be surprised if their dumb asses get banned for this. Watch how quick she will turn on the con and try to be all like “THEY WERE SO UNPROFESSIONAL AND RUDE TO ME!!! IM NEVER GOING THERE AGAIN REEEEEEEEEEEE!!!”
No. 526624
>>526607She does this shit all the time whenever she gets called the fuck out. She immediately tries to act like she is the moral authority and this patron saint who has never done anything wrong in her life, screeching about how “I would never do/allow something like that!!” yet when it’s her or her friends she is completely silent or throws her hands up and says “I can’t do anything about it”.
And what makes it extra cunty is that she is so quick to publicly pile on anyone who does the same shit she does. She is always among the first to start putting people on blast or call them out. Yet when her shit gets brought up she is always like “lol I have no idea what you are talking about dude. Those are just lies people make up about me”, despite proof staring at her right in the face.
No. 526637
>>526632“It wasn’t my fault that the artist didn’t respond quickly enough to the email I sent to the completely wrong address! I just had to steal the design and claim it as my own!! I’m so innocent in all of this!!!! It wasn’t like she actually owned the copyrighted design she made!!!!”
I wonder if she actually listens to the stupid shit she says to defend her bullshit.
No. 526661
and i cant find it but the dudes instagram about badge sharing and vamps admittance to sharing with an addendum to say they obviously are both thieves
No. 526663
File: 1527886294764.jpg (533.48 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20180601_172805.jpg)

her eyes…
No. 526665
>>526604We can pray, but even if someone did send it they probably won't do shit. Sadly.
But it would add weight to the other negative things surrounding them. Pun vaguely intended.
No. 526681
>>526673Now that I think of it. I don’t remember seeing a lvlup badge on her when she was walking around the dealers hall in normal clothes.
I don’t know why she doesn’t bother buying a badge. It’s usually the cheapest part of the convention and you have peace of mind you’re not going to get caught.
No. 526687
File: 1527889200331.jpeg (407.83 KB, 750x1047, A852528F-D36F-4CFF-A325-E48168…)

No. 526735
File: 1527894554741.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1242x2025, 36273A9E-D312-420C-9BEF-6E43F4…)

>>526661It’s from a little further up in the thread. This post is no longer on his Instagram. My guess is she “kindly” asked him to take it down.
No. 526746
>>526537I think Moo did have a badge, for once. She's too lazy to shop a fake a screenshot, and I've found that whenever she tries really hard to prove something isn't true, it tends to… not be true. Its when she's silent (lipo), tries to ignore it (myoppa), or just outright changes her entire story (school) is when she's most likely lying/ knows she's fucked up.
However, the fact is she bought her badge the day before the con and didn't even offer to buy one for Vamp? If you're so against ghosting and if you have the money just go "You know what, I'm just gonna buy you a badge too so we don't even have to worry about it!"
No. 526755
File: 1527902058347.png (Spoiler Image,90.3 KB, 252x374, Screenshot_20180601-181255~2.p…)

Even with all the Photoshop I'm going to throw up
No. 526760
File: 1527902664342.png (1018.15 KB, 710x1184, Screenshot_2018-06-01-18-12-51…)

Displaying her cosplay closet:
Sango, Kikyo, sweater dress Dianne, Battler, a My Hero uniform, Uraka suit, Lucifer, Star Lord, Irisviel, a mystery cosplay we all know is Sleeping Beauty, Shion casual
No. 526765
>>526760She has an Irisviel costume?
Also I don't see anything that looks remotely like a Sleeping Beauty costume unless you're talking about a different version than the Disney one.
No. 526766
File: 1527903313193.png (7 MB, 1242x2208, 653249AD-D8EE-439D-8949-F8AD83…)

In her new ig story she talks about how with her acrylic nails it was easy to pick her nose.. now that she got them off she’s sperging
No. 526769
File: 1527903489473.png (559.66 KB, 720x1191, Screenshot_2018-06-01-18-35-35…)

>>526765>>526765Sorry was retrieving it. This is Irisviel. Before this was a beige goldfish looking cape that I assumed was Sleeping Beauty because she's had costumes and capes in her test wishlist for a while but welp
No. 526773
File: 1527903713665.png (1 MB, 720x1196, Screenshot_2018-06-01-18-15-31…)

No. 526775
File: 1527903807361.png (1.07 MB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2018-06-01-18-35-21…)

Moustache thicker than her eyebags
No. 526779
Go to a dermatologist please mooriah
No. 526780
File: 1527904228829.jpeg (532.95 KB, 750x1040, 61070452-B964-417A-AA3F-CB8CE7…)

just me + photoshop
No. 526784
>>526773Lol she'll be such a small fish, no one will give a shit about her. People who build way better than her/look better/are bigger nerds (note all different things, or a combo of all three) will get all the attention and she'll just get drunk and make a fool of herself.
At least I'll have a front row seat?
No. 526785
>>526773Oh fuck yes.
DragonCon is where actual cosplayers and costumers go. She's going to look like absolute trash with her commissioned shit and her fried wigs, then she'll post videos of getting shitfaced and having a totally awesome time my dudes!! just to hide the fact that she's absolutely worthless as a costumer.
Have fun, moo!
No. 526789
>>526773Oh god please no.
But on the other hand if all she wanted to do is party, thats the con. But she is going to be very disappointed when she learns she isn't hot shit here. Most people wont look at her twice no matter what she brings.
No. 526793
>>526790Well she has to have a badge or be staying in one of the 3 attached hotels.
Given that last year we were all making fun/laughing about how much trash she was last year (esp in the overwatch group) this will be a blast.
No. 526800
>>526773Sup Moo, did our taunting that you'd be even more of a nobody at D*C than you are at your usual cons spurn you to prove us wrong?
Which fuckboi or senpai are you trying to impress with this? Enjoy being shitfaced 24/7 and being ignored by everyone but your calves, that seems to be your usual MO at cons now anyway!
No. 526809
File: 1527913774422.jpeg (337.98 KB, 1242x1917, 2BBBF307-FB40-4CD9-AFF7-2E646D…)

Down 100 patrons and still falling. Patreon is slow with processing now so it takes 24-32 hours for the numbers to update because they charge people slowly so this will drop more overnight.
No. 526816
>>526080>shoot for the sky, for if you miss, you shall become a voyager of the starsjfc moo what even is this
it's shoot for the moon. why would you shoot for the sky??
she's said this multiple times now and it's been driving me crazy
No. 526822
>>526816Yeah isn't the quote shoot for the moon and if you miss you'll land among the stars?
What a sperg can't even get a shitty inspirational quote correct
No. 526826
File: 1527919002646.jpeg (136.95 KB, 960x960, 0F01751A-98C2-4E70-821A-233EA7…)

Found this image on her Facebook…her arms are absolutely disgusting. she looks like a troll.
No. 526828
>>526826W I D E
She’s being squeezed to death in this pic. How has she not seriously injured herself yet? She’s fucking lucky.
No. 526849
File: 1527926092226.png (7.43 MB, 1242x2208, B082DD65-6737-4465-8AB5-FAEEFF…)

Out for ayce sushi with vamp
No. 526889
>>526880she's so fucking insufferable. this is hard to watch.
her hand movements make me inexplicably angry.
her filthy hypocrisy is what gets me the most
"it's not hard to be nice to someone"
no moo
it's not
so why can't you be fucking nice you sow?
No. 526890
>>526888This. She posted on a callout post. Leon did some shady shit, got called out, Moo trying to get into his pants by opening her big mouth.
Remember last time you didn't mind your own business, you idiotic cow? Your shit got flung right back at you.
No. 526918
File: 1527940802405.jpg (Spoiler Image,242.14 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180602-075931.jpg)

No. 526919
File: 1527940860326.jpg (Spoiler Image,272.78 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180602-075941.jpg)

No. 526922
>>526918>>526919How is calling someone out for lying about official sponsorship "petty" when they're supposed to be a professional?
"Just a word." Spoken like a true linguistics major.
No. 528403
File: 1528260156293.png (1.95 MB, 750x1334, 58C8D206-6B4F-4CAE-98D2-666DEF…)

This bitch records in the theater!