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No. 563425
First thread: First
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>561909Facebook: BANNED FOREVER
Patreon: & Snapchat: mariahmallad, xmariahmalladx, momoscats
Twitch: Stories Archive: Drive: Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own thread here
The Basics:
>The original “Thicc Samus”>has received 2+ lipo sessions in attempt to create some sort of figure, all while lying about weight loss through exercise and diet>is laughably bad at making own cosplays; buys and commissions 90% of her costumes and props, neglects to properly credit the commissioner or store (see: David Han/KoreanBarbq, Cookie Kabuki Cosplay, myOppa, “Waisetsu Missile” creator Taropun)>rips off designs/ideas from smaller creators in the community then backpedals when she’s found guilty>claims money is “hard earned” through her half assed, overly photoshopped sets priced at high marks; scams patrons by claiming 3-5 “teaser pictures” are exclusive when in reality they ARE the whole set. >has delusions of grandeur; beefs up certain things she does so she looks more important than she is. Isn’t above using her social media status for free convention badges or getting into “exclusive events”>despite earning 10k+ a month through Patreon, she still ghosts conventions and begs for money>likes to pretend to be a fan of a series, expresses warped knowledge of said series so she is in the right, gate keeps and posts spoilers despite hating it when others do so>professional backpedaler with a lack of remorse; has lewded young characters for photosets, said she sexually assaulted multiple acquaintances due to her ADHD, said really controversial statements/rants that paint herself in a negative light, but she still doesn’t accept what she does wrong>in addition she preaches the false narrative of “positivity in the community” while she targets, attacks and exiles people once they speak up against her. She wants to be a fattie cosplayer messiah in her echo chamber of yes men>YES, WE KNOW ABOUT THE KIK FOR FAT AD>Momokun is a sexual predator—————-
>Moo forgets a cam site for adult content isn't Twitch; proceeds to take donations for sitting on her ass and not ~doing nudes~>cam site patrons prefer Vamps over Moo as she actually does what she's asked and is nice. Moo looks dead inside from the lack of attention. Moo also skeeves Vamps out by saying random things Vamps never heard of before, proving Moo lies about everything and anyone she's with>"Depression Stuff" rant (amoung other recorded shenanigans) enraged and disgusted Twitter. >after however many months, Midna Ash and Sabrina Nichole finally dump Moo>is still doing that Nero suicide scene even though its a bad idea>Moo stacks foundation like she dipped her face in batter No. 563429
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For anyone out the loop: 7 pm PST for her Cam. Its 637 her time
No. 563431
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I was waiting for the new thread to post this
No. 563433
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No. 563439
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>>563432You better believe it.
No. 563440
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>>563435>interested in: malewell, safe to say the lesbian narrative is over.
No. 563441
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Even in Vamp's chat they're dissing Mariah :')
No. 563448
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No. 563450
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No. 563462
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the comments in mariah's stream are disgusting. this is her fanbase
No. 563465
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>>563462She didn’t even try to look good
No. 563466
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here she is
No. 563470
>>563466Lmao in her classic outfit too
God she looks so Fucking busted
No. 563472
>>563466Meanwhile Vamp is looking well groomed and is being polite in chat.
Momokunt vs Moochlette begins!
No. 563488
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she is completely checked out
No. 563494
>>563491She isn't cute but she sure is hell better than Moo at this. She's talking and her music isn't clipping the mic
And Vamp had the decency to tag her cam as non-nude
No. 563497
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Vamp's Stream for comparrison
No. 563501
>>563491Tbh vamp would be pretty cute just with a nose job. Not even worry about the teeth right now. She doesn’t have bad features, they are just so overshadowed with how awful her nose is.
I hope Mariah is seething. Maybe vamp will be tipped enough and can get a nose job soon lol
No. 563509
>>563503Her nose ain't bad tbh.
>>563505Vamps stream is super chill. People at talking to her and it's really civil
No. 563510
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someone asked "are you sick?"
and she said "no i just look like this all the time"
No. 563514
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side by side lmao moo is pissed af
No. 563515
>>563501Yeah. The teeth aren't the problem, her nose is. She's even got a proper thicc ass for twerking unlike fatfuck Moo. It's so unfortunate that she chooses to remain under Moo's thumb.
I can only imagine the fucking truckload of milk Vamps is sitting on.
No. 563517
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>>563505Yes. Also regarding the time slot comment, Vamp said
>I don't think that was her intention? I didn't put a set time. I just said after work. Idk No. 563521
>>563514WOW AND WOW
thanks anons
No. 563523
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hahahaha shes so pissed
No. 563529
>>563524Seriously. Seeing Vamp have a good time and have a genuinely nice makes me want to try it myself even though I wouldnt do any camgirl stuff
She's a better representative
No. 563535
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good to see that chin procedure having worked so well
No. 563541
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No. 563545
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No. 563550
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No. 563568
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No. 563572
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She actually read it and said Nope
No. 563575
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>>563569also she's making fart noises now
No. 563576
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No. 563581
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No. 563587
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No. 563591
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No. 563594
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No. 563604
>>563597She said she got banned in April for "dumb stupid shit" that she did on Twitter in 2012.
But then she also said after that she did tell person to drink bleach.
No. 563606
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No. 563622
>>563620She was trying to reset a password not texting vamp
But they probably thought this cuz someone in stream said vamp seemed mad at Mariah during her stream and she sounded really confused
No. 563623
>>563616Vamp confirmed it again, they're like sisters.
So much for that lesbian fairytale. Lmao.
No. 563626
>>563597Sup, I contributed to getting her permabanned.
I personally reported it for bullying and harassment (easy to back up) but the first time she had her twitter deleted was the suicide bot.
No. 563634
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I hate to ruin the breakfast club for you all, but the resemblance is uncanny
No. 563635
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just burped and said "sorry I had 2 veggie burgers before stream" and called herself a fatty
No. 563644
>>563639She's getting pissy because people keep asking why she's not getting nude like every other girl on the site.
Bitch thinks " girls getting naked and masturbating" is a "stereotype" of camgirl websites. Fucking lord she is stupid.
No. 563647
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No. 563652
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>>563644She looks like she doesn't even want to be there.
No. 563661
>>563652This has backfired splendidly. I truly think she expected it to be a hug box with the occasional troll she could either ignore or go BAD BITCH at, and a few disgusting fanboy comments.
Vamp clearly being more liked and linked in today's stream has really done it.
If she lasts to the end of the month, I'll be surprised.
No. 563662
>>563658 Anon, in Mariah's world, turkey
IS a veggie.
No. 563683
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>>563678>>563675That was a prayer? I couldn't even hear what she was saying
No. 563697
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Everytime someone asks something difficult she blazes through a text and it's hilarious.
Said her Artoria armor fell off where the elastics weren't stable..and since "everything else was happening" it was "the icing on the cake"
No. 563706
Vamp has ~100 unreg guests, Mariah has just under 300. I am too lazy to count actual guest numbers.
>>563704kek, I noticed that too. But I don't think she did it on purpose.
No. 563708
>>563704She probably had to tell her to stop texting her
>>563705 In her "apology" she already said she wasn't going.
No. 563719
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The difference between their two streams is astounding
No. 563721
>>563709Egging her on won't work and she'll likely clam up because she's too scared to upset Moomoo
It's something she has to decide to do herself
No. 563725
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No. 563733
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No. 563739
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No. 563741
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No. 563742
I can't listen to that same clip of music from her dumbass fucked up Tamao video being replayed anymore. I didn't think she could find a way to be more annoying/boring, but here we are.
>>563740The Vamp in headphones has to be legit. That's why they stopped texting.
No. 563745
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>>563741holy fuck! this has
got to be a jab at her depression comment
No. 563748
>>563746Stream 3 of 60
Only 57 more to go
No. 563755
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No. 563756
Vamp's worn more different pairs for bra/panties in two days than Moo has in years.
>>563672She mumbled a prayer (I guess), on a cam site, while music with explicit lyrics played in the back. Also I'm pretty sure she's blitzed.
I can't with either of them, too tired. I'll have to catch the highlights later.
No. 563758
>>563754Sticking by her best friend regardless of everything shitty she has done because she has no other close friends, so she just deals with it because she doesn't want to lose that bond that she hasn't felt since she was a teenager.
That's quite sad.
No. 563760
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Cat's out again.
No. 563762
>>563741that's hilarious!!
>>563757I know. And even her wig is clean and neat. Mariah is a mess. I doubt she will last on camversity much longer.
No. 563763
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>>563748>>563746Plot twist: the camversity person who booked her is a farmer
>>563753It's easy to tell the old type of trolls from the new type of trolls.
No. 563769
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Wasn't she going to do a mukbang
No. 563770
>>563764Nope. Just resorting to petting her stupid can't a being "lol so randum" like a complete retard.
>>563765Exactly, she is still just as shitty as Moo.
No. 563779
>>563764 Remember the screenshots from her Discord, in which people were asking her questions about video games, and her answers were unrelated to the questions, and not really directed towards anybody in the chat.
For being such a force to be reckoned with in business, she sure doesn't know how to generate any. Piss poor dialogue. Easily distracted by what Vamp is doing (damn that ADHD). Unable to block as aggressively as she wishes she could.
She sold her soul to the devil for this contract. Meanwhile, it's like a gift from the heavens for the rest of us.
No. 563782
>>563452She scared to face Jane imo.
>>563470Don't disregard her flannel. They worked very hard, only for bananas to take over.
No. 563788
>>563781 Calling it now. The instant Vamp ends her stream, Mariah will make up an excuse to prematurely end her stream within 2 minutes.
On that note, I think Mariah is going to coach her puppy on how to act and behave during streams.
"Don't be so fun and engaging".
"Don't talk about me, unless you're promoting my cam show, social media, or Patreon".
No. 563790
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Unfunny meme one of her viewers made that Mariah requested.
No. 563826
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Juicy Couture suit costs. It's ugly and a waste of money for her
No. 563834
>>563827I wasn't defending her, to clear that up. Moo deserves everything she's getting and more, frankly.
I just think it's bad for a website to pick her and not give her something like promoting other models if she's not going to do the whole cam thing.
No. 563842
>>563836Just like every one else, they saw her fake numbers and assumed it was a good decision.
>>563832This will be good to clip together with the first bit and share anytime she cries about her strugglezzzz
Cause she def has used that card for pity points/whatever, and I'm sure she will again despite "JUST GETTING OVER IT MY DUDES"
>her pretending to ban herselfShe thinks she's so fucking funny.
No. 563849
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who is this wk?
No. 563852
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How to be delusion: be this idiot
No. 563853
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22 years old. Can’t believe it.
No. 563857
>>563853dark knuckles and dark under eyes.
Is she pre diabetic yet?
No. 563858
>>563854She says "That's what it started as but I had to change it because it looked way too similar"
Yet the bitch tried to claim it was all an original idea in the first place.
No. 563866
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>>563864she's in for a rude awakening next month. i think she assumes all the "trolls" aren't patrons at all. because of course no real fans would go against her.
also i realize who moo reminds me of…complete with turtle lips.
No. 563867
10:24 PM
No. 563880
>>563853Cool sculpting
really did wonders for that double chin! /sarcasm
No. 563888
>>563887Yeah, I noted it because I wanted to know if anyone had see these mysterious credited videos.
No. 563898
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No. 563906
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>>563896I saw that too fucking kek
No. 563911
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Her smile and optimism: gone
No. 563914
>>563908I mean if she fuckin tried at all to make any money lmao
She would’ve. Like yeah Mariah looks like shit but she has big tits and a ditzy personality. She could’ve gotten tips.
No. 563917
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No. 563920
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The way she walks in this is hilarious
No. 563921
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this is creepy. gif anon?
No. 563923
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No. 563924
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>>563911Someone left a nice surprise in her chat
Can’t wait to see her reaction
No. 563926
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This instastory was so disgusting
No. 563929
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No. 563937
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>>563935bless you, anon; this comment gave me life
No. 563942
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aw, I saw this screencap on normiebook and thought she became an hero. Guess she's still cucking her own wallet
No. 563944
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I feel like this perfectly relates to her
No. 563955
>>563926What the fuck is going on with her face? She looks like she's melting. Like literal vagina lip mouth going on there. Moo can't eat or drink properly.
Also she was fucking driving, what the hell.
No. 563958
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Surprised nobody posted this, it even includes a cow
No. 563962
>>563958Also, she can pose in underwear for Instagram but spends her entire Camversity stream in a hoodie and shorts?
No. 563968
>>563962Tinfoil but, she's used to her Instagram supporters licking her ass no matter how shit she looks.
She went on stream the same time as Vamp. Maybe she wanted to put Vamp down, showing her “Hey! You’re trying hard to impress people but I’m still more loved/have more views/get more tips despite looking like a gross, sweaty slob!”
And attemptinf reverse psychology by being all “uwu i am not begging for money. You don’t need to tip me. I’m a patron saint for camgirls, pleas make a donation in my name for these poor, desperate girls. “
No. 563978
>>563975It did seem like she was editing as she kept replaying tiny chunks of music but definitely watching Vamp too.
Mariah advertised on insta and got about 400 viewers. Vamp advertised nowhere and got 150+.
No. 564016
>>564015I got the first 5 minutes but after that I recorded Momo.
From what I saw when I periodically watched it was she seemed fine besides for when stuff about Momo was brought up.
Her chat was actually nice and she interacted with them, answered there questions, politely declined the sexual ones and etc
No. 564020
>>564016Pretty much this. Her chat was being respectful and she just got normal questions. She tried her best to interact with everyone who was there and politely declined any sexual requests.
She initially answered a couple questions about Moo, basically hand waving all her shit off as “People taking stuff out of context”, “internet rumors” and “People these days are too sensitive and try to make so much out of nothing”. I personally think she should gotten dragged more for this, but whatever.
No. 564026
>>564023Oh yeah. Basically that she is a loser with no friends and Moo is The closest thing she’s had to a best friend in years.
Sad, sure. But that doesnt excuse any of her bullshit. The being cunt to and block anyone calling Moo out. The trying to gaslight Nana into an apology to Moo. Even revealed she was the one showing Moo the sexual assault/ADHD memes being made about her durin AX and was laughing at them.
No. 564030
>>564026Nobody is saying it excuses any of what she says and she should still be held accountable for that. It's just we got some context behind it.
>>564025To add she mentioned she is living pay check to pay check as well as having a bunch of debt and we know Momo is giving her shit/paying her
No. 564033
>>564029They are entirely codependent on each other. I’m not sure how long one of them would last if the other left.
I just find the projection on the part of Vamp hilarious since she called everyone calling her and Moo our “Losers with with no lives”.
No. 564034
>>564033Momo would not last at all, her personality is too shitty
Vamp might be able to last and do fine without Momo it really depends
Not sure what Momo is going to do if Vamp does quit cosplay and goes to school, she'll have nobody
No. 564040
>>564036I hope that's the case and it doesn't work. Vamp goes to college, finds real friends, ditches Momo and betters herself.
It would destroy Momo, her seeing her lapdog doesn't need her and is doing better without her.
No. 564046
>>564044When you are blind you cannot see what's right and wrong, you can only go in the direction of the hand that guides you, not knowing if that hand is the one who tied the blindfold, when you are confronted you cannot see your allies and enemies, you can only lash out in the direction you've been positioned in. - A guy that looks a lot like jesus, 2018.
I just think that vamp has yet to see how bad moo really is and that she doesnt quite get the hate for moo so she dismisses it as trolls and haters. after all moo did put that collar around her neck.
No. 564049
>>564047And when asked about what Vamp and Moo meant as more than "best friends" that's when Vamp said they're like sisters.
Moo really wanted her cucks to believe they were super sexy costhot lesbians. That sank quick.
No. 564053
>>564050The chat comparison alone said a lot about who Moo caters to compared to Vamp. She pampers to low life neckbeards who dream of fucking her, leave vile comments on her pics and talk to her like she's worthless without addressing any of it like it's just normal.
Moo's tags were originally about foot fetish, lesbians, topless and more, exactly what her fans want before she bailed out.
Now that they watch her cam and behave the same way while she's live streaming, she can't cope and it's really fucking with her as you can see how annoyed she gets. Vamp's audience on the other hand were respectful and made her laugh.
No. 564054
>>564053In the first stream she definitely tried to appeal to her weird fans fetishes even being vague about doing general nudity.
She interacted with the breeder guy a ton, feeder guys, foot guys and made it seem like she was into all of them.
No. 564057
>>564056She actually said at one point she tried to make herself lactate once and that she wants her man to drink her milk
I think she got weirded out after that though
No. 564066
>>564064this. i don't get this 'vamp is as bad as moo' shit. it's like they've never had a shit friend they tried to impress by being shitty. that kind of behavior is super common and moo is high school as fuck so i can't imagine vamp is very immature. she's never been shitty about stuff that's not directly relating to moo.
anyway we should bring this convo to the calves thread. and stop fucking armchairing about vamp being narc.
No. 564077
>>564067You are doing great work, anon!
Also those moments please:
>>563541>>563546and that
>>563572 No. 564079
>>564078see, she
should be basing it around appearance, buy why bother when you can just shoop yourself to shit and look like a grandma.
No. 564081
>>564080It will likely be similar to yesterday, just not caring.
She probably could have made camming work if she kept up what she did the first day. Have her makeup done, lowcut top and goals for bikini/lingerie. As long as she fixed her tags and didn't try to scam
No. 564088
>>564085Pretty much but this was really simple.
Show up looking half decent, talk to the chat, show as much skin as she's comfortable with and jiggle her tits/shake her ass a bit
No. 564090
>>564086i'm half expecting her to come on tomorrow saying it's her last show. but who will cancel on who is up in the air.
camsites are money grubbing and very stingy so it's likely moo wasn't paid all upfront, which will leave them a chance to boot her if they please.
No. 564098
>>564086You can absolutely see exactly how she thought this was going to go.
She took the deal thinking she could show up and just chill on chat, even asked if it was cool to stream games and ero manga. Absolutely made sure that she wouldn’t be required to get naked. Maybe deal with a few salty comments from rude neckbeards wanting tits, but that’s fine. People will stay for my personality alone.
Boi was she fucking wrong. Literally everything completely blew up in her face. She thought this would be an easy couple of bucks just for sitting on camera not doing much of anything. She had no idea how ruthless camgirl sites can be and how they absolutely don’t give a fuck about you or your life or your problems. They are there to see tits and nothing else. Also multiply that with how much she is hated online and how her very name invites controversy practically on a daily basis, then you get exactly what she got.
No. 564102
>>564027vamp is like 30
that's still about 10 years of being alone
No. 564103
>>564099She mentioned a few months ago that she was taking a break from school and would be starting back around the same time as Vamp.
>>564090She somehow managed to end up being the worst camgirl imaginable for them. It got to a point where she didn’t even try to hide that she is only there for a brand real. She flat out told the chat she didn’t care about getting tips, was getting visibly fed up with guys asking for tits or gettin made she wasn’t doing anything, and she straight up told them to go watch other girls and she was only there to draw traffic to the site with the retarded excuse of “Girls having to get naked on camgirl sites is a bad stereotype that I want to change. It should be for non-nude models as well”
No. 564115
>>564106If she's in a crazy amount of debt, a trip to Japan should be the last thing on her mind. Her priorities are as fucked as Moo's.
>>564111Vamp is a lying(emphasis on lying) doormat. We all saw the screenshot, Moo sent her.
No. 564116
File: 1534526804956.jpg (11.77 KB, 200x207, 409.jpg)

>>564091tbh i kind of want to see
what level of book she picks (guesses: ya trash, grocery romance, or something above her ability)
how she stumbles over "hard" words
No. 564126
>>564067PLEASE grab me the clip of her saying she was dealing with “stupid shit” during AX and then frantically trying to cover her ass. It should be around 3 hours and 5 minutes or somewhere in there.
Also around 2 hours and 45 minutes she talks about the depression thing and says how it’s stupid people are taking what she said out of context but then continues to talk about getting over depression.
Also the clip where she admits that her OC is stolen lmfao. I believe it’s somewhere around the end.
No. 564127
>>564103Her idea about camsites is like going to Home Depot for groceries. Camsites Moo are specialized niche markets FOR A REASON. You aren't going to change shit. They run these sites to sell a specific product, and you are going to get eaten for breakfast. Also I think the site will see she ISNT fulfilling her contract, at all. Yes they got a bump in traffic, sure. But they sold NO tokens for Moo cow, and about 100$ for Vamps. that isnt alot at all.
Also can we make sure to get a link for the stream chat page please?
No. 564128
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I dont get get why she does this but ok
No. 564131
>>564127She really believes camgirl sites should be like twitch, except allowing more sexual content. The stuff she is talking about doing like streaming ero manga and hentai games aren’t allowed on twitch, which is the only reason she is on this site.
She stupidly believes that she is getting in on the ground floor of an untapped market that no one is looking at (non-nude models on a camsite doing non sexual stuff) instead of seeing that she is offering shit that literally no one goes to a cam site looking for. And then getting pissy when people tell her that they don’t want it.
No. 564134
File: 1534529792804.png (367.11 KB, 447x501, grannykun.PNG)

So I paused one of the clips of her second stream in the previous thread and the timing was so perfect I had to save it
No. 564142
File: 1534530877000.jpg (121.92 KB, 1132x482, 1534382805353.jpg)

>>564140Good. If I was a fan and saw this, I'd be feeling ripped off too
No. 564147
File: 1534531566299.png (Spoiler Image,542.19 KB, 632x481, 1534530877000.png)

>>564142stomach looking like jabba the hutt
No. 564150
>>564109She didnt want to show any skin on a cam site because camming is so different from pictures. You cant photoshop amd airbrush the shit out of a live stream.
Thats the problem with her body positive bull shit. She photoshops herself until her body isnt hers anymore.
No. 564157
File: 1534532990247.png (264.6 KB, 341x664, Screenshot 2018-08-17 at 12.08…)

>will talk about this rug to conceal her pending sadness and loss of career
No. 564159
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No. 564160
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No. 564162
File: 1534533419107.jpg (440.13 KB, 1440x1155, Photo Editor-20180817_151628.j…)

Dafuq happened here?
No. 564168
>>564157the cute pale pastels, the fluffy pillows and carpet… I hate to be this anon but there's a certain couple who uses the exact same decor, but Momo's looks like the wal mart version.
Can't help but copy
** no matter what eh?
No. 564174
>>564142Jesus christ what sort of photoshop magic did the editor use to make her body look not-like-a-wreck in the tamamo photoshoot? Whatever she pays that guy, it's not enough.
>>564151But anon, "body positive" means that you're "positive" about changing your body with photoshop, altering surgeries and other procedures!
No. 564175
>>564172It won't be. I've spoken to him about her and he's all "I'm honored she still works with me."
Now I'll get banned for cowtipping even though speaking to him had nothing to do with this thread.
No. 564181
>>564039I knew Vamp before she met Momo, and she was nothing like she is now
She was still the twerking girl since her old cosplay name was Twerkette and she had a bit of a “thotty” personality but she was really kind and genuine
No. 564188
>>563922rofl even the tiny head fits.
>>563935Underrated comment.
No. 564190
File: 1534538857953.webm (711.83 KB, 1572x676, fuckoff.webm)
"Fuck off"
No. 564198
File: 1534539677633.webm (18.45 MB, 1572x676, stupidshit.webm)
Dealing with stupid shit
No. 564199
>>563541 was the comment she mumbled “fuck off” to.
No. 564200
>>564199Gotta agree with the other anons, she even says the ligma bit before saying fuck off.
I'm all for calling her out on her bullshit but this one's a reach.
No. 564201
File: 1534540181547.webm (1.89 MB, 1572x676, ieditvideos.webm)
Edits cosplayers videos
No. 564207
File: 1534540571067.jpeg (267.31 KB, 750x586, 01A3ADBC-CA57-45F5-923D-187652…)

This is getting popular on twitter
No. 564217
>>564210she said later than yesterday
and also that shed update the times in her bio
No. 564225
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No. 564228
File: 1534542208749.jpg (652.37 KB, 1248x2220, 18-08-17-16-41-51-716_deco.jpg)

No. 564229
File: 1534542238107.png (766.25 KB, 466x872, moo.png)

So I know this image has been posted before but I thought it was too dark to see clearly how butchered her body is in more detail
No. 564240
>>564225"what is your viewpoint on depression"
gives it
No. 564243
>>564225>>564226Honestly, I will give her the whore comment because after watching the clip its clear she was just repeating what the commenter was saying and not calling camgirls whores themselves.
But there is no talking her way out of the depression thing.
No. 564254
File: 1534544973251.jpeg (235.48 KB, 1241x997, A19E2611-0F51-4674-8203-74D509…)

Show more emotion in this shot than she did in her “response video”
God shes repulsive
No. 564263
>>564262Unless the site flat out drops her I don’t think she can just not do it if she signed a contract. She still has to do this for 3 more months.
>>564257Pretty much. She only slutted it up when she was trying to get some fuckbois’ attention after they dumped her rotten ass. When it’s not that, she is about as sexual as a god damn nun. She has absolutely no idea how to be sexy or enticing otherwise.
No. 564275
File: 1534549374018.jpeg (186.04 KB, 872x827, C399A654-0B2F-4BE6-9650-1C7E00…)

I was to lazy to come here and get to her link, so I googled camversity. This was the result. Unbelievable they spend ad money on google. And check out how they worded the ad
(Sorry if it was already posted, but TOPKEK)
No. 564276
File: 1534549485538.png (33.98 KB, 625x290, Capture.PNG)

>>564275They really are trying to push the non-nude cosplayer and Twitch streamer angle to get more money. They probably thought Momo's reputation would mean more money for them.
No. 564282
File: 1534550184527.webm (547.29 KB, 1572x676, sexualassault.webm)
Forgot about this clip and can't believe she actually read it
No. 564286
>>564284They are getting rid of IRL and Creative and splitting it up into 13 new categories.
They will have to move between categories depending on what they are doing and its going to limit their exposure a lot.
They also have been cracking down on things a lot lately.
No. 564291
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No. 564293
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No. 564296
>>564293>>564291She's literally going through every type of stream she's ever seen.
Actually surprised she didnt plug this as ASMR
No. 564298
File: 1534550984644.jpg (45.65 KB, 302x475, 17381612[1].jpg)

>>564291jesus christ you can hear the boners shrinking
No. 564307
>>564291She's reading a book…on a website where you can view girls fucking themselves with a dildo.
I can't. I'm done. LMAO.
No. 564309
>>564298She could at least read an erotic book??
I thought she wanted to play ero games and stuff. Why not do that, Mariah?
No. 564318
>>564309Wouldn’t that be copyright infringement though? Books do have it and that could land camversity in trouble?
Sorry for going ot
No. 564323
>>564319Watch her start pulling the "I'm a Buddhist" card.
>>564316Wasn't she banned from twitch or am I misremembering?
No. 564327
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No. 564336
File: 1534552806179.jpg (147.64 KB, 680x585, Andre_anime_design.jpg)

>>564333She's better suited for Andre
No. 564337
>>564336Her head's even as proportionally small as his.
She'd be perfect.
No. 564343
File: 1534553460879.gif (729.81 KB, 500x333, tumblr_n7v2cz8hFi1ta9suso1_500…)

Her bathtub Blair is gonna look like a walrus in a wig and hat.
No. 564344
>>564343Didn’t she shit on Janettin cosplay for doing bathtub Blaire during her spergfest?
She posted a picture of her Blaire cosplay when calling her out on making cosplay sexy, iirc.
No. 564350
>>564331shes gonna get lipo before sept
camversity is paying for lipo
No. 564352
File: 1534554143501.jpg (92.84 KB, 1200x904, DWa1gtOW4AEcm4r.jpg)

>>564344Jannet did a good Blaire and was pretty spot on with the scene and costume. Good luck topping that Momo.
>>564350If that is the case she's not gonna get enough money for that AND the cool sculpting monthly treatments. You can't fix that mess no matter how much money you throw at it.
No. 564353
File: 1534554152885.png (39.21 KB, 572x304, e8a1658cc3b163552cdf24b052378c…)

In ThorneChan's tweet, she mentioned how Mariah has someone spying on her PERSONAL Facebook account making sure what cosplay she's planning. It's pretty shitty Mariah has a spy looking at Thorne so if she's doing something, Mariah will add it to her Etsy wishlist.
No. 564358
File: 1534555180632.png (1.86 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-08-17-21-18-20…)

She for real put this on her story…Omfg.
No. 564393
File: 1534559085619.png (880.08 KB, 1000x566, Moo1.png)

>>563921>>563922I couldn't resist
No. 564512
File: 1534561405444.png (9.05 MB, 2208x1242, 3316FF7D-1E3D-4351-BA02-E026DF…)

Grandma, what did I tell you about streaming on camversity?
No. 564546
File: 1534562420746.png (414.79 KB, 475x845, 1533519683015 copy.png)

Stream is really boring
No. 564566
File: 1534563086086.png (2.93 MB, 2208x1242, 8934523495.png)

No. 564624
>>564622From watching her streams these past few days, i honestly think she has some type of chemical imbalance in her brain. I doubt this girl has ADHD because that was an obvious lie from the get-go, but i feel she has something else that makes her act this way. From what i'm hearing, she's mispronouncing words reading that cat book and she even can't spell at certain times on Instagram and her Patreon. Not to mention her being a liar and a narcissist lying all the time and barely telling the truth about anything. I understand nobody isn't perfect with grammar but i feel she has something off in her head.
Now i have no sympathy for her and i'm not excusing her for the shit she's done. She's obviously a piece of shit human being who can't keep her hands to herself and loves to lie to get out of a situation. I have never seen a human being act the way she acts, the mannerisms she shows online is just… baffling. The lack of self-awareness is another thing.
No. 564712
File: 1534572223469.png (1.87 MB, 1402x786, cryingmariah.png)

Just to update those not in the stream thread, she's crying on camera right now. We're almost at the 4 hour mark, too, so it might be ending soon.
No. 564727
>>564712Wtf is she crying about
I swear if it’s because “my friends are so great”
No. 564780
File: 1534574702321.jpeg (990.27 KB, 1242x1667, 6291DD31-B107-4CFE-B100-79054A…)

curious to know how yj will react to tonight’s stream given moo was crying about this exact thing in the stream tonight.
No. 564794
>>564793>she seems like a child here wanting what others have.I mean
she almost literally said as much lol
No. 564811
>>564780If she were smart, she wouldn’t buy any of this bullshit but Moo has literally already done this shit before. The crying into the camera about her past “traumas” and how her dad fucked her up. And everyone was sitting here feeling sorry for her. And then 2 days later she went right back to being the cunt she has always been. And this time won’t be any different. She isn’t going to to change shit and still wants to act like the victim in all this, which she was clearly doing in the stream where she framed the whole sexual assault thing as “oh woe is me, I tried to make peace with the girls but they wouldn’t have any of it. I just wish I could take it all back and be friends with them again uwu”.
So Moo can just fuck off with all of this. Not once through any of her bullshit did she ever attempt to be better. She just keeps making shitty excuses and plays the victim. And I hope Jane calls her out on it.
No. 564812
>>564805Her not looking at the camera a lot and looking away entirely rubbed me wrong. I know she said it was so she wouldn't cry but I think it's more that it would be harder to catch her in the lie.
It's very obvious she definitely sees herself as the victim in all this. I think she's mostly sorry she's lost a lot of friends and cosplay contacts most of all.
No. 564817
>>564813Here, here.
>>564812I think this was an actual defense mechanism. Think about it: her dad wanted a boy but had a girl that is really good at sports. He disregarded her feelings while trying to work out his own demons. I'm slightly whiteknighting because I kinda know how she feels. She doesn't want to show emotion and mumbles/looks away to lessen her embarrassment. I don't remember a time where she did this in any of her responses. Usually she responds like a fuckboi and is ~unapologetic~.
Anywho, I do truly believe she won't be magically cured overnight and will not publicly respond like an adult. I'm not that naive. She will need to take a step back to put herself on the right track tbh.
No. 564827
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No. 564871
>>564817Great athlete was another fabrication. She was the worst player on a college club team, who quit to tell tall tales instead.
The only reason she’s crying now is because she finally got hurt. Not by the community responses to her horrible bullying, but by Vamp being so much more popular on cam.
No. 564885
File: 1534600561918.png (721.42 KB, 755x635, Screenshot_72.png)

>>564883Her abs in all their glory
No. 564888
File: 1534604036868.png (440.2 KB, 616x513, Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at 10.5…)

Jesus even her vagina looks fat. If this is what her body looks at 22 I'd hate to see what it's gonna look like in 10-20 years.
No. 564889
>>564875Yes, I am so fucking tired of farmers buying into her crap every time she has herself a crying fit on camera. Empathy for the cow gives her what she wants.
She's a stone cold Narc folks, she doesn't give a flying shit about repenting, she's only throwing out anything she can to see what sticks and helps her continue her crap.
No. 564890
File: 1534604220128.jpeg (351.53 KB, 750x729, D74DD4B8-18C8-4D73-B145-F07794…)

Meme found on salad snakes insta. If no one knows, he’s a pretty popular meme page on that platform. If she wasnt toast before nows a good time to grab the butter
No. 564891
I feel no sympathy for her. She's just like Onision whenever he gets backed into a corner he blames his parents or upbringing to attempt to gain sympathy and avoid fault or any sort of consequence.
Sorry, Moo, we all had fucked up childhoods, doesn't mean we go around bullying, harassing, abusing, lying and scamming everyone we meet. That's just dumb. Most of us deal with our problems and learn from our mistakes. Not go on a camming website in full granny PJ's to read a book about a Buddhist cat, cry and then show off traced artwork. Seriously, is this the twilight zone?
No. 564914
File: 1534609811053.png (159.74 KB, 493x273, momokun-la-mole-cc-omariahmall…)

Old but gold.
I'm trying to find the post(s) she's made about her dad. IIRC she always seems to flip flop on her view and relationship with her dad. It's always either "boohoo my childhood was rough, my dad did this or my sister did that or my mom didn't do this" or "my family is so great and supportive, I'm the best daughter ever. my parents are better than yours!"
No. 564919
File: 1534610519390.png (601.09 KB, 934x504, Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at 12.4…)

So abused uwu
No. 564924
>>564891Onision has like ten years on her. I only agree with you to a certain extent.
She actually feels bad, but only due to consequences.
Greg feels…. Man I don't even know what to write for him.
But if she doesn't get support via her alleged therapy, she's going to be him… maybe minus grooming young girls.
No. 564926
File: 1534611608099.gif (1.35 MB, 250x250, tumblr_osmqkiA19M1r55eygo2_250…)

>>564919>I love him more than anything in the world!Muh abuse.
Farmers can be so gullible when cows turn on waterworks. Toughen the fuck up and go back to thread one for a re-read. Onision does the same thing when he's trying to get the community to love him again. Guys, this is the same cow that cries on camera when watching anime and herself during an apology. Not when she thinks about all the people who she bullied(even in high school), sexually assaulted, drove to near suicide, told to commit suicide, or the pets who she harmed(Like Jaeda), but when talking about herself and throwing someone under the bus for pity points. All of those people were lying cause Mariah's so innocent and Jaeda's infections and matted cold are simply because she's old! Not the fault of Mariah. Nothing is ever Mariah's fault. I still don't think she's seeing a therapist. She documents literally everything in her life but we've not once seen nor heard of the therapist. It's the manager thing all over again.
No. 564946
Lastnights stream has been uploaded!rXwEBYzb!Bl2IFb6fxu7ATvAK1d1NkgParts 1 and 2 are her reading her cat book.
Part 3 hear reading My Immortal and spilling the candle
Part 4 is the rest of the candle and her emotional talk
No. 564948
>>564879>>564882I can’t wait for Mariah to cry “MUH CONTEXT”.
How many times can she use that excuse?
These are things she clearly said, they’re not taken out of context at all.
She even has Vamp believing people just take her out of context.
No. 564949
File: 1534615564408.png (537.53 KB, 662x1496, mariah.png)

Saved some caps from an old thread that confirm that not only was her dad a shit person (who was def on roids) but she has been a shit person from the very beginning herself. If she's able to look back and see how toxic her father was, you'd think that as a grown as woman now, she'd know better than to mimic those same behaviors today
No. 564950
File: 1534615603251.png (372.45 KB, 660x1876, mariah2.png)

part 2
No. 564959
>>564946You know in a way Camversity hiring Momo is a great marketing tool because girls can look at her in all her greasy glory reading a book and getting tips for it and go "I can do way better than that" and sign up.
If Momo can do it then anyone can do it. Too bad if she found out she'd just take it as "I'm so inspiring my empowerment of women got other strong women into this for non-nudes!" we just think we have better hygiene so clearly we could earn more by comparison.
No. 564968
>>563840The fact that farmers are constantly touching the poop where she’s concerned. It’s not a secret, anon. Read her thread, there’s no way you can miss it.
>>564926This, people need to keep in mind who we’re talking about. Mariah doesn’t care and I doubt she even thinks about the things she’s done seriously after she’s written it off as ‘haters’. What I saw were crocodile tears. Narcs are really good at turning those on when they feel it’s necessary.
No. 564976
>>564968Narcs are good at turning on the waterworks because they genuinely believe that they are the victim. Moo's not depressed or a poor abuse victim uwu, sure her dad is an absolute cunt, but with basic human empathy you'd learn to not do the same shit to everyone else, she's wired for the narc path, and she chose the narc path.
Moo's a grown woman, if she does know better she would've seeked therapy, she would've admitted her mistakes as her own faults and seek no other excuses, hell she wouldn't have ended up with 77 threads full of her shit. I feel no sympathy for her, if anything I'm even more pissed off.
No. 564978
>>564977No one is saying that she can't and isn't "allowed" to be sad, but she
was being manipulative by throwing her dad under the bus to excuse her behavior and turning on the waterworks for a bunch of people watching who dislikes her and win some of them over, which she did.
No. 564979
>>564950"Unlike you all, I will reach my field of battle, at any means of my disposal… and when I arrive there, I shall arrive violently!"
I know she's younger here but this sounds like some anime shit lol she always thought she was an anime character
No. 564983
>>564977This is approximately the 23492038492384th excuse she's given us for her shitty behaviour. If she actually felt bad for how shitty a person she was?
She would have stopped it by now.
What's so hard to understand about this? Even the SHITTIEST cosplayer has at least changed managed to stay out of drama. Even mostflogged who is a legitimate crazy person is able to go to cons, run a business etc.
Mariah has been a consistently OPENLY shitty person for two and a half years and it's ALL documented here. If she was going to be better she would have gotten better not WORSE. She went from just being a lazy shitty attention grabber to assaulting people and stealing their ideas.
How does suffering parental abuse somehow magically excuse: Sexual Assault, Content theft, Sexual Harassment, Psychological and verbal abuse, blackmail, Scamming, Buying attention, Property Damage, Doxxing, Sending her fans to harass people, Chasing SEVERAL people out of the cosplay/con community, and the list goes on and on.
No. 564986
>>564983Exactly. Explanations are not excuses. She is still accountable.
I'd feel more sorry for her if she offered genuine, non-monetized apologies for everything she's done and owned up to all of it, instead of only feeling the need to respond due to one massive callout in an attempt to save her cottage cheese ass and then later calling it all "stupid shit" anyway.
No. 564988
>>564981Dude, she was crying on a camming site where chicks masturbate for money about her "abusive" father. Literally, every girl on that site probably has some sort of daddy issue, do you see them crying on their third or fourth day? No.
No one is saying she's not human, she's a garbage human which is the problem. A lot of people have shitty upbringings or abusive homes, that doesn't automatically make all their mistakes and fuck-ups ok. Jesus Christ, why do people get so easily manipulated by a girl crying? Onision could cry his little red face off and no one would change their opinion.
No. 564992
>>564983Exactly this. She can go fuck off with this whole sob story bullshit because she has already tried pulling this in the past. Him many fucking times does this has to happen for people to see its fake tears for sympathy?
I really don’t want to hear another word out of her mouth until I see her make strides towards real change. Not her “I know I fucked up and I’ll try to be better” bullshitbshe says but real change. Like actually apologizing to the victims and not trying to play the “oh woe is me” victim card. Actually fucking staying away from the cosplay community and cons for an extended period of time and not trying to weasel her way in because she “doesn’t want to be forgotten about”. Apolozing for all the bullshit she has done in the past including but not limited to the theft and bullying.
If her next moves don’t entail any of those things then she can fucking walk
No. 564994
>>564950Cosplay is the new softball, I guess.
Do you think she realizes she turned in to her dad?
No. 564999
>>564996Don't do that. She doesn't owe some drama farmer any interaction. She also likely doesn't wanna talk about it
Let them live
No. 565004
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No. 565026
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No. 565027
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No. 565030
>>564950>"The only time I have fun is when I win"Fucking yikes. She really has been a mean, nasty bully from the start. It obviously stems from some deep shit but there's no excuse for this.
Just a guess but it sounds like Mariah's dad "praised" her when she acted like what he considered a leader and a winner to be, and she always sought his approval. But she never had to do that when it came to her mom - her mom loved her unconditionally, which is probably why Mariah walked all over her and was as mean to her as she was to everyone else. They're both partially to blame for her being a shitty, miserable person but it's still a bit sad.
But also lmao that Moo still sounds like she did in high school with this anime shit. "I have what you guys don't…. HEART. My team is there for me, and I'm there for them!"
She's practically still saying that same spiel now. She really has to be delusional, she lives in her own world.
No. 565032
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No. 565036
File: 1534633544942.png (907.04 KB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2018-08-18-15-38-33…)

>stubbed her toe. She screeched so loud that the alarm system went off. The company called to check up on her and the security system apparently thought her window glass broke
No. 565037
File: 1534633612980.png (459.29 KB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2018-08-18-15-38-46…)

>tries moving a king sized mattress up the stairs by herself. Gets it stuck
No. 565038
>>565036Dear god, is she going to wear the same clothes? It looks like right after the stream she climbed into bed and woke up and thought she still looked presentable.
No. 565040
>>565032So she's going to have another mental breakdown and start crying by the end of it again I'm guessing? Man is her life fucking miserable. She's pretty much a circus monkey doing tricks for money these days.
She should just stop and never do this again. Usually her neckbeard fans didn't have to see what she looked like IRL that much since I doubt most of them follow her snapchat or whatever, but now them clicking in and seeing what she REALLY looks like is just too much of a difference and probably just turning more and more off from her. There isn't a single sexy thing about her other than photoshopped pictures
No. 565046
File: 1534634108479.png (372.14 KB, 647x311, Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at 7.14…)

>>I've loved every moment of it
-being called out for being a molester and bully
-getting dropped by creators guild, almost every sponsorship and got exiled at AX
-being on Philly D as a sexual predator
-everyone in the cosplay community onward knowing you as a scumbag social climber (even Onision pulled his pledge)
-Having to default to camming, showing up unwashed, in granny gear, reading a book about a cat while crying.
Doing great Momo!
No. 565053
>>565049dat linguistics degree doh.
Seriously though how many chapters does this book have? poor recordanon is gonna have it rough if she reads this whole book.
No. 565057
>>565056…that’s it?
I bet it’ll take her the whole month of streaming to finish it
No. 565059
>>565054Nah, half the people in this thread are dying to cowtip and will be there asking her stupid questions for caps.
Can we please let her be milky on her own?
No. 565060
>>565032She really needs to be out of her mind for real this time. How? How did she manage to smooth out every single thing out of her skin and be like "yeah, Ill post this to show the hate… I mean, barking dogs. That Im thicc"
She must have an actual mental disorder to think she looks like that.
No. 565062
File: 1534635921890.jpeg (141.39 KB, 750x887, 4E656CF0-8814-4BB9-836E-E1B691…)

Lol look what Nicoletters retweeted
No. 565065
>>565060I'm starting to think she really does have a some mental disorders.
Starting to wonder after watching these streams if really believes her versions of things and that is genuinely thinks they are truth. It really sounds like she is splitting due to some personality disorder which would definitely tie unto her narcissism.
No. 565068
>>564871 This anon hit the nail on the head. Vamp's popularity, plus the fact that Vamp was apparently with another friend, are the real catalysts in Mariah's decision to cry on camera.
Moo has generated sympathy for crying in previous streams, so she knows she already knows she doesn't have to fix it if it's not broken.
The way this bitch transitions from one persona to another makes me doubt the legitimacy of just about everything that comes out of her mouth. The only time I would actually believe her is if she were to say she liked a certain food.
No. 565070
>>565068Wasn't Vamp supposed to go on cam with her last night after the friend hangout too? I can definitely see that adding fuel to the fire.
Tinfoiling but part of me thinks that IG post Vamp made recently about her head not being in the right place probably had to deal with this.
No. 565071
>>565065If being a cunt is a mental disorder then yeah. I think she's spinning out of control, she thought she was going to be able to just sweep this under the rug like she always has but realized that isn't working and is now in panic mode. People with real problems aren't like this. There's no diagnosis for being a bitch.
>>565068100% accurate. I think Moomoo's tears and shit are due to Tucan Sam getting more attention than her
No. 565072
>>564980>>564976>>564981All of these things. What people fail to realize is that she DOES probably have to hold in tears a lot while doing streams like this because it's just CONSTANTLY people going IN on her looks, her actions, her weight, etc. She keeps that all bottled up to seem "SO UN-PHASED BY THE HATURZ MY DUDES" and then likely uses times where it would benefit her to release those tears. It's a pretty common acting trick (remember those skype theater classes my dudes) to use emotions towards one thing (in this case the constant onslaught of insults) and then channel it or funnel it to make yourself cry in a "scene" where you need to be emotional or sad.
Moo is probably sad. About a lot of things. None of them are things you should feel bad about. She brought all of this on herself.
No. 565089
>>565068She also kicked a lit candle with her foot and spent like 20 minutes on stream trying to scrape the wax off her wall with her AX badge.
I think that helped cause the spiral. She was already in a bad mood and that obviously set her off even more.
No. 565091
>>565090Fucking exactly. She sexually assaulted a bunch of people and the first thing she did was accuse them of lying and then blamed the nerd community for her behavior. She also pulled out the good ol' "I was molested!" card. On top of that during her "sincere feels" last night, she still didn't properly apologize for what she did and has yet to apologize to Nana. So human! This girl has no limits when it comes to blaming other people for her actions.
Like damn, her crying about her childhood made farmers and the like forget all of the shit that she did? Really? Her tears drowned 77 threads of drama into nothing kek
No. 565096
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O k a y
No. 565098
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No. 565103
File: 1534640137311.png (1.71 MB, 582x2012, moo.png)

This is all I see with this new 'context matters' excuse she's giving
No. 565106
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She doesn't HAVE furniture tho…someone moving in?
No. 565107
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No. 565121
File: 1534644379227.png (1.1 MB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2018-08-18-19-04-33…)

Sike, she's with Vamps and is setting her new computer up on cam
No. 565123
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No. 565125
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No. 565129
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No. 565134
>>565121Why even have a filter at that point, just use a headshot of a different person, who the fuck cares.
I love the butterflies as well, as if we will think they’re the only change to an actual picture.
No. 565151
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No. 565152
File: 1534647025015.png (29.02 KB, 578x227, Screenshot_79.png)

>>565151Anybody know who they are talking about?
No. 565153
File: 1534647091441.jpeg (179.9 KB, 750x1123, BBD36E07-9EA9-4D1F-B9AD-911383…)

>>565152My only guess is this? But I honestly didn’t think this was about Mariah. She’s not Facebook friends with her anymore.
No. 565158
File: 1534647471001.png (54.31 KB, 269x282, Screenshot 2018-08-18 at 7.57.…)

Added to Etsy
No. 565164
>>565152If you read the past threads, there are a few cosplayers (including Nigri) who went suddenly silent during her sexual assault scandal.
Misotokki and Tenderbroembrace, if you remember, deleted the photos they took with Moo and krew at the beach because of the backlash. They also went as far as to cut Vamps/Moo out of their instastories to conceal the rest of their trip.
No. 565171
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No. 565172
File: 1534648272971.png (18.62 KB, 617x208, Screenshot_81.png)

Looks like its possibly Nigri?
No. 565174
>>565172I'm gonna bet Nicoletters actually
They're still friends on facebook
Mariah and Nigri aren't
No. 565179
>>565175Seriously. Jessica stopped supporting her around the MyOppa shit I'm p sure.
They havent been seen near each other since I think.
No. 565182
File: 1534648634876.png (16.44 KB, 605x139, Screenshot_82.png)

No. 565191
>>565074>>565087That's what I was saying? She's almost 100% for sure manipulating the situation by using her tears for pity points.
My point was that her tears weren't because of her "muh abuse" father story. They were likely tears that she's been holding in cause she thinks she's being attacked and USING them to look like she's getting emotional about her dad.
No. 565206
>>565201It wasn't a text conversation but straight from Sean himself at the Banquet currently. And since he's the head of the con, ye.
Sorry, I realize its an image board but I wanted to ask since someone said they saw her earlier. Sorry for no solid proof.
No. 565210
>>565206>>565202If there's eye witness and Sean said something about it then I believe it
Maybe the incident will be posted to twitter and one of the guests will comment just for 100%
No. 565216
>>565153>>565151>>565152 pretty sure it is nigri. yj has only ever mentioned looking up to her so it’d make sense.
ntm you can delete someone off of facebook and still message each other via messenger. janes tweet about damage control and a script would explain why mariah suddenly made a 180 and apologized since nigri is mutual with sss and bunny. i could see nigri being peace keeper in the background while pretending to have cut ties with her.
No. 565238
>>565220>>565226You cannot tell me the same girl who was claiming that she was friends with Nigri before they had ever met wouldnt have been like 'omg thank u mama nigri for setting me straight. she's such a shining beacon and good role model uwu' if Nigri was giving her a script or had given her any advice.
It would have been good for both of them. Also Mariah changed her tune because Kaybear came out with her story and she has had no public beef with Mariah before. it was the same night not 'overnight' anyway. Do you think Nigri told her to blame her ADHD or to blame it on parental abuse?
not everything is about moo. If it was about her why not earlier in the day or right after the stream? Nigri makes 'treat each other with kindness' posts like every other week, it's really not that deep.
No. 565292
>>565283 If this Cindy person turns out to be a new roommate, it's safe to assume Mariah is in a financial bind. Assuming Mariah still lives in the Summerlin area, my guess is that Cindy (or any roommate) is going to be forking over $600 or more.
Why is this relevant, one may ask? It's because she hasn't been separated from Vamp for very long, and yet Mariah is the one who appears to be scrambling for roommate money, in spite of being able to pull over 10k per month on Patreon.
No. 565304
File: 1534656321755.png (713.36 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180818-221914.png)

I'm on mobile, so apologies in advance if my upload isn't the sharpest in the world.
This picture with the unrealistically narrow waste of Mariah's…
Cucknoodles did such a shit job of filling in the background after he cropped her fat out.
Take a look at the water to the right of her hip area (Mariah's left). It seems like the current of the water is actually going in a completely different direction. You can also see the silhouette of her normal width on both sides of her hips. And while my screencap may not fully reflect this, her crotch area looks like he basically gave up and called it a night.
No. 565318
File: 1534657346101.png (22.05 KB, 603x176, cosplaybunny.PNG)

No. 565320
File: 1534657413977.png (704.1 KB, 1330x509, Screenshot 2018-08-18 at 10.43…)

Texting Sean to find out why people are ~lying~ about Shinecon
No. 565322
Dear Mariah/Vamp,
Please quit trying to pass this poorly shopped garbage off as passable work
>>565304It's evident you're both lurkers if you refer to this as "the dreaded site". As one of your managers, I demand my clients produce better content.
No. 565346
>>565320She does this every time someone says something concerning her, she sends them an aggressive message, or sends her dog to do it, bullying them into shutting up and apologizing to her.
I bet this is also what she thinks “reaching out” to someone is.
No. 565352
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No. 565360
>>565357And then her dumb as really said that they are looking for attention. Fucking wow does she not ever learn
>>565359She still keeps trying to say she was never there.
No. 565376
>>564919I don't really care what the case is with Momo (if it's true or not that she was abused)
BUT, I hope people in this thread realise being abused by a parent leaves really complex scars. Many want to have a good relationship with their parents and try to forget the abusive behaviour, or do not even realize the abuse until the symptoms of abuse show up later in life…
Probably not the case with this chick but I hope if someone close to you comes forward about being abused, you dont let them telling two stories about their relationships lead you to not believe them.
People usually separate the abuser into two different people.
No. 565378
>>564930If she really is in therapy and not just saying it for PR, then she might not be 100% a lost cause, as a person at least, not regarding being an internet personality.
As you said, if she is going, she acknowledges she needs help for herself, which a pathological narc will never be ABLE to acknowledge.
If what she says about her father is true, he might have been a narc in a pathological sense, and being a child of a narc can lead to a none pathological form of narcissism in their children.
If that's the case, she at least has the ability to better herself. Pathological narcissist do not.
No. 565380
File: 1534669110285.png (1.08 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180819-011404.png)

Meant to post this here, but accidentally shared it in the wrong place.
Anyhow, enjoy yet another lack of self awareness by the queen of contradictions.
No. 565383
>>565372 She's not very good about donations and partnerships. Think of the charity prints. Think of the top she had on backwards in order to show off her titties while selling a product. She's not a good person, therefore doing good things isn't a part of her itinerary. And so much for her disappearing for a while, since it appears we still have to sit through 55 more streams that she's supposedly contractually obligated to fulfill. You're not wrong though, anon.
>>565376 I have no doubts that he tried to get her into sports, but I don't think he was abusive. I wasn't there, obviously, but I think this is another textbook example of Mariah and her love affair with sensationalism. Let's cover a few things…
In one thread, someone suggested that her dad wanted a bit, which was why he pushed Mariah into sports. Well, apparently, she has an older brother, and he probably dabbled in sports. Something tells me Papa was hoping sports would give her a reason to become social in a proper manner, all while incorporating exercise into her life to counteract poor eating habits. She always praised her dad, and had no reservations about shitting on her mom. Hell, Daddy Mallad even accompanied her to a con, so he eventually decided at some point to let bratty Mariah continue doing geeky antisocial things, and she became gluttonous once she was no longer under his watchful eye in the house.
No. 565385
>>565383 He wanted a
boy, not a bit. Sorry for the double post.
No. 565387
>>565384 Exactly. And I know many of us try to play detective as we spin theories, but the fact of the matter is that we shouldn't be making up excuses for Mariah by saying "Well, maybe X is why she grew up to be like this".
I'll make it simple for all of those people that insist on inspiring Mariah with additional excuses she could use down the road.
She's a bitch because she wants to win at all costs, and she'll stab as many people in the back as she can to get what she wants.
She's a fat fuck because she spends over $60 a day on food, never cooks for herself, only eats healthy for social networking clout, pretends to go to the gym, and knows she can rely on photoshop to eradicate the numerous flaws on her gross oily body.
No. 565388
>>565370>>5653712 years but it's always bothered me
why not just use the full word and not one that already means something else?
No. 565395
File: 1534676696381.png (17.98 KB, 463x200, 448605f4f32159ddc3284fe91c8387…) just browsing through Facebook and found this comment lmao.
No. 565414
File: 1534690846687.png (94.45 KB, 509x991, danielle beaulieu and kinpatsu…)

A friend showed me these. Danielle Beaulieu and Kinpatsu Cosplay.
No. 565418
>>565414…These ladies know that Moo has done the same exact thing to other cosplayers, right?
Haha of course they haven't, they just look at the surface of things, including Moo's (very, very large) front of 'OMG LOVE EVERYONE COSPLAY IS MAGIC!' Kudos to them for not wasting time looking deeper but come the fuck on.
No. 565426
>>565414I love how retards like her think Moomoo still isn’t doing her bullshit. And the reason why is exactly because of shit like this letting her off the hook. All because of this retarded “COSPLAY IS FOR EVERYONE UWU!!!!! DON’T BE TOXIC TO ANYONE!!!” bullshit that prevents terrible people from getting called out and held accountable because that somehow make you the bully according to stupid people like her, which is exactly what Susu was talking about in her and Bunny’s video and how this shit needs to stop. Garbage people need to be excommunicated from the community regardless of how sad it makes them. The second you look away she thinks you’ve let her off the hook and will continue on her bullshit.
It’s just Moo and her stupid orbiters trying to make her the victim in all of this. They go fucking rot along side their cow princess.
No. 565430
>>565428They wouldn't be costhots if they used their brain though.
What is so hard for these people to understand that if you do shitty things and get caught doing shitty things, people have the right to call you out and hold those shitty things against you if and until you change or own up to those mistakes. That's not a witch hunt, that's not a vendetta.
How many times do we need to remind people of what Momo did to MyOppa, Nana, Thorne, Jannet, Bunny, KayBear, just to name a few? They were the victims, not Momo.
No. 565436
>>565414Sorry for seeming like a newfag but who is this bitch anyways? I'm assuming another social climber like Vamps or Sabrina who think of Momo as a stepping stone to the big time costhot payload. She should go talk to Nana about being forced out of a community for no good reason and being driven to depression/suicidal thoughts. Momo isn't suicidal just look here
>>565380 or here
>>565032 or
>>565158 These are not the actions of a suicidal or depressed person, these are the actions of regular cunty, attention seeking Mariah.
No. 565437
>>565430But anon, you don’t understand. Having to deal with those things every day makes her really really sad.
Holy damn are these bitches stupid. It’s almost like if you do shitty things, people will call you out on and won’t simply let you off the hook just because your feelings got hurt.
It’s like saying “You guys should stop calling out and making memes of Bill Cosby. It makes him sad having to read all that stuff everyday”
No. 565445
File: 1534697197460.png (10.84 KB, 552x168, retarded.PNG)

>>565414>she said she was sorry for sexually assaulting me, so everyone else should get over theirsis this bitch for real
No. 565452
>>565449I have to agree a little with her though. Some of the nitpick things we use as slander to trend things on medias like Twitter are a little bit of a reach. Sometimes is cringy to see the very small details others try to blow up in order to 'take her down'. I think that's what they are talking about in regards to reaching with some stuff she does or says. Like I get the depression thing she said, but at the same time Dan' is right. She isn't a therapist and we all know she scks at public talking, so explaining shit probably isn't her forte, but at the same tiiiime, she has gone on about how she 'suffers from deprssion so bad I wanted to kill myself' which, in all honesty, was mostly just a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum and a lot less of someone with an actual mental disprder.
So they are half right and half wrong. This is why its important to stop tinfoiling. It makes actual things she does look like just gossip in the community and nitpicking rather than something that really is worth bringing up on social medias.
No. 565461
File: 1534698522103.png (686.79 KB, 1584x844, rapelies.png)

>>565454Moo's convo in the first two blue screenshots, Krissy talking about how Moo lied in the pink.
Those are the only screenshots but it's a rough idea of how it was worded.
No. 565462
>>565451I forgot the names of the cosplayers involved here
>>565429 but iirc it's mentioned in the snow threads (from the first time ?we're moved from pt to snow).
No. 565465
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>>565454Also, this is when Moo was loitering around that one Instagram page calling out another cosplayer for sexual assault and she was acting like a martyr a few months back.
Had nothing to say once she was cornered about the "assault" she supposedly went through.
No. 565472
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No. 565476
>>565414John or moderately ok is friends with Danielle and he hates momo with a fucking passion. I wonder how he feels seeing his friend basically say we are witch hunting and being boolies
tbh after all she's done and continues to do I think she deserves to be without a job and kicked out of the community
No. 565477
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Oh boy twitter is going ham
No. 565481
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No. 565485
>>565484Exactly. For the most part, most of us are here to catalogue and store information and receipts. Not get our pitchforks and go after some defenceless person like Mariah does.
As for the situation at Shinecon, I think all we've got thus far is an anon mentioned they saw Momo at the con but she left abruptly either by security or con organizers or maybe just because she got spooked and ran off. If anyone finds a pic to verify the claim please post it.
No. 565489
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Shinecon retweeted this so the anons claim of seeing her and seeing her asked to leave makes more sense since they are aware of the situation and seem to be taking action to not allow her in. Good on them if that's the case cause I'm fairly certain a few of Mariah's victims will be attending
No. 565492
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No. 565495
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No. 565497
>>565494B-but she doesn't want people to forget about her!
(why anyone under 10 ever say something like this?)
No. 565499
File: 1534703400872.png (58.66 KB, 785x416, kinpatsu.png)

Oh please Kinpatsu…
No. 565502
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No. 565503
File: 1534703867743.png (50.88 KB, 786x345, kinpatsusalty.png)

>>565500Providing evidence of Moo's bullshit and who supports her has made her bitter.
No. 565509
File: 1534704133224.gif (983.13 KB, 200x160, tumblr_inline_mtbwilFglr1qhjcf…)

>>565502God bless Jane for letting this shit never go.
>>565503sounds like somebody is mad that they have been caught supporting a shitty cunt.
>>565505>>565414 No. 565510
>>565503Well well well, I wonder what skeletons Kinpatsu has in her closet if showing receipts of someone's shitty behavior is an extreme form of bulling to her.
I get it, some farmers go way too far to get their dirt and the cowtipping is always obnoxious as fuck. But come the fuck on girl, this shit was all public info that Moo vomited out herself.
No. 565511
>>565481This girl gets it. Not only did her friends not hold her accountable but they, including her best friend that she speaks to daily, called it bullshit and "taking things out of context". Mariah herself was making jokes about the sexual assault scandals
after the apology and didn't think it was that big of a deal. So no, she isn't sorry just because she fucking says the word. If someone rapes you, are you going to forgive them because they said sorry without remorse? If they shot you, are you going to forgive them if they say sorry without remorse? These thots are brainless as fuck, I swear. Common sense isn't so common anymore.
No. 565512
>>565510She's just really naive and defends costhots to the death. Cosplay is literally her entire life and she's not part of the US cosplay drama scene.
She was also here around thread 20 to defend Momokun.
No. 565515
>>565503"Gathering evidence is exactly what I mean by this going too far!"
How dumb is this bitch lmao
No. 565518
File: 1534704848693.png (87.08 KB, 580x791, Screenshot_89.png)

No. 565521
“I got caught supporting a known sexual assaulter and bully and since I don’t have any more bullshit excuses to make, I’m taking my ball and going home”.
They always pull this shit whenever they get caught.
No. 565523
>>565519Moo HAS been sucking up to her hardcore, remember how she pimped the girl's donation drive to get to Blizzcon? So she gets nice, happy, asskissy Moo, instead of BITCH BOYYYYYYYYYY Moo.
At least Kinpatsu recognizes that Moo fucked up, which is more than some of Moo's calves can claim, but lol at her throwing this fit over being called out on her defense of Moo.
No. 565524
File: 1534705109162.png (556.25 KB, 766x651, kinpatsucunt.png)

This is Kinpatsu's idea of "shutting down" I guess.
Lmfao what a cunt.
No. 565529
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No. 565530
>>565518She goes on about twisting words when screenshots show exactly what she said, so words can't really be twisted that way. She's just retarded and tripping while she's backpedaling.
I'd like to know her thoughts on Kevin Spacey and Bill Cosby then. How does she want Mariah to be held accountable? Idiots like her talk about it but never give any solutions.
>>565529This! Kuntpatsu was nowhere to be found when all of the sexual assault stuff came out but now that Mariah's suffering consequences, it's too much.
No. 565532
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No. 565546
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No. 565552
>>565546People need to google what witch hunt means. Arguments are not witch hunts. That's an argument/debate.
And again, sexual assault/molestation vs facing consequences for your actions
Somehow with these idiots the latter is more important than the former.
No. 565554
File: 1534706189295.png (47.72 KB, 592x298, Screenshot 2018-08-19 at 12.15…)

>call people out on actual issues
>ThAtS WhAt I DiD WhEn I WaS SexuAlLy AsSaUltEd
No. 565556
>>565546It’s because your dumbass tried to insert yourself into the conversation by defending her and when your ass got btfo’d you ran away with your tail between your legs like a total chickenshit.
>>565549She’s probably already preemptively blocked her since she knows she will come for her ass. I’m sure Susu’s “shut the fuck up if you didn’t say anything in support of the victims” tweet was directed at her.
No. 565557
>>565554Oh honey…she really isn't helping herself.
She's even more of a fucking idiot than Kuntpatsu.
No. 565566
File: 1534706429198.png (414.77 KB, 579x498, witch hunt.PNG)

No. 565572
File: 1534706729502.png (27.7 KB, 725x253, backpedalliiiiiing.png)

Danielle just shut the fuck up.
No. 565575
File: 1534706850984.jpeg (530.68 KB, 1200x1800, DFE294F7-42DA-4D00-B48F-926F6B…)

I’m sure most of these have been posted already but loading slow on mobile.
No. 565576
File: 1534706941362.png (93.51 KB, 721x732, danielletwitter.png)

Danielle's full little backpedalling story.
If you need to waffle on this much after being called out then you know you fucked up. Stop trying to make excuses.
No. 565584
File: 1534707694365.png (76.34 KB, 723x702, morebackpedalling.png)

No. 565634
>>565362I disagree. KBBQ has had some questionable allegations against him and him coming out against Mariah could work in his favor. The amount of support he would get would lead alot of people to completely forget his own
problematic behavior