File: 1541484075177.gif (3.26 MB, 464x480, momogross.gif)

No. 595764
First thread: First
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>592047Facebook: BANNED FOREVER
Patreon: & Snapchat: mariahmallad, xmariahmalladx (now btsmomokun), momoscats
Twitch: livestream thread (#2):
>>>/pt/569199Receipts: Stories Archive: Drive: keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own threads here
>>>/snow/644215The basics:
>The original “Thicc Samus”>has received 2+ lipo sessions in attempt to create some sort of figure, all while lying about weight loss through exercise and diet>is laughably bad at making own cosplays; buys and commissions 90% of her costumes and props, neglects to properly credit the commissioner or store (see: David Han/KoreanBarbq, Cookie Kabuki Cosplay, myOppa, “Waisetsu Missile” creator Taropun)>rips off designs/ideas from smaller creators in the community then backpedals when she’s found guilty>claims money is “hard earned” through her half assed, overly photoshopped sets priced at high marks; scams patrons by claiming 3-5 “teaser pictures” are exclusive when in reality they ARE the whole set. >has delusions of grandeur; beefs up certain things she does so she looks more important than she is. Isn’t above using her social media status for free convention badges or getting into “exclusive events”>despite earning 10k+ a month through Patreon, she still ghosts conventions and begs for money>likes to pretend to be a fan of a series, expresses warped knowledge of said series so she is in the right, gate keeps and posts spoilers despite hating it when others do so>professional backpedaler with a lack of remorse; has lewded young characters for photosets, said she sexually assaulted multiple acquaintances due to her ADHD, said really controversial statements/rants that paint herself in a negative light, but she still doesn’t accept what she does wrong>in addition she preaches the false narrative of “positivity in the community” while she targets, attacks and exiles people once they speak up against her. She wants to be a fattie cosplayer messiah in her echo chamber of yes men>YES, WE KNOW ABOUT THE KIK FOR FAT AD>Momokun is a sexual predatorRecent:
>people tell Moo her her Umineko Project sucks. She tries to conceal the hate by shouting gratefulness for the "positive feedback" but eventually addresses it by chalking it up to bad storytelling>didn't dress up for Blizzcon>is commissioning a full fursuit and plans on attending a furry convention.>confuses being a "mommy dom" with a friend zoned wet rag with failed relationships. Even went as far as to say she spends money and buys gifts for friends and family to "mommy" them>heavily implies GabbyCCosplay """stole""" her Cindy Aurum cosplay, even though Gabby bought and weathered it>tries to whiteknight sssniperwolf and instead pisses her off because her neckbeards attack a fan>working on Morrigan shoot, fat literally spills out of heart cutout in a new poor forest-kun No. 595767
File: 1541484577850.jpeg (524.34 KB, 750x1077, 39EA6ACC-3BC3-427F-A078-8F3623…)

>already touching up this tattoo
No. 595834
File: 1541506058847.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1242x2102, 03E23AAA-788E-4116-AE30-E9EC75…)

Etsy additions. Time for her to pretend to care about Overwatcg again.who wants to bet Vamp is doing Ashe?
No. 595868
File: 1541519696224.png (1.7 MB, 750x1334, 68CF7C64-806E-495C-A86B-356CF3…)

This pic is just unfitting
No. 595876
>>595868Her thighs look like each one is almost the size of Vamps waist.
If her arms were visible, they'd probably be the size of Vamps thighs…
what a mess
No. 595877
>>595868Felicia is supposed to be curvy and busty, plus very happy-looking. What the Hell motivated Colette to cosplay as her without even having what it takes? And I'm not just talking of the boobs…
Mariah as Morrigan isn't much better better. Even if she wasn't as big as she is now, Morrigan isn't supposed to look like she's smelling someone else's fresh shit.
No. 595911
>>595868something about moo's face makes her look like she cried before the picture was taken? But damn, both of them just look so trashy and just like a low budget version of how it actually should look like.
I'm also truly wondering that Moo is still wearing heals bc I remember watching something about a woman that tried to loose weight because she was simply too fat to wear heals in any way because it would destroy the shoe for some reason idk
No. 595924
>>595911it’s probably her shitty unsuitable makeup that’s making her look like that. but she did look the same during AX when she cried and then tried to cosplay so who knows…
also look at the fat pushing out of the cutout it looks so gross…does she not know it’s doing that or..?
No. 595925
>>595923Bonus points if she screams fake Japanese in public while tapping her eyes to look more asian
"I'm sorry you guys think I'm racist. I was just having fun with friends"
No. 595955
File: 1541529301861.jpg (41.08 KB, 400x273, Gvsmecha7.jpg)

>>595933I thought her face resembled the old godzilla.
No. 595977
File: 1541531166300.png (665.45 KB, 605x737, unknown.png)

>>595868Okay but her thigh is literally almost the same size as Vamp's waist though. What the fuck.
No. 595983
File: 1541533396090.jpg (1019.34 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20181106_143703.jpg)

For the anon last thread saying she looks the same size as when she did Lilith, she is wider in this shot and shes standing at an angle vs head on giving her a thinner appearance.
No. 595996
>>595988i think it's more that she needs to tape that close to hide the fat than anything.
eye taping is really the least of the issues with her tho tbh.
No. 596002
>>595999Her expression alone tells that it's uncomfortable as hell.
God, all that bragging over how good the wings were going to look and they're not even able to last the photoshoot. What an embarrassment.
No. 596029
File: 1541539235963.jpg (679.88 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181106-162107_Ins…)

No. 596052
File: 1541541585674.png (2.9 MB, 750x1334, 28DDD0AF-451D-45E2-AB02-A52383…)

no thank you
No. 596054
baby bird waiting for food!
invisible hat!
Visible and invisible adjusting glasses!
ass towards the camera with a turn to hide your gut
No. 596057
>>596052If she is talking about doing this at a con then she is out of her fucking mind. No way in hell is amy convention going to give a panel. She’d be lucky to even score any invites outside of some skeevy backwater convention that doesn’t know anything about her.
Also, I kinda want to actually see that. It’s be so hilarious to see her constantly getting questions about her sexual assaulting people and bullying and her being forced to sit there and just take it. Imagine how pissed she would be. Her expecting all these loving questions about this profession that she “just loves so much and all these sweethearts loooking to learn from her and only her” and is instead getting her ass called the fuck out for everyone to see and being able to do jack shit to stop it.
No. 596072
File: 1541543469901.png (2.74 MB, 750x1334, CE29808B-D540-4FB9-8858-686582…)

>>596060nta, but I remembered another anon saying she DIDNT get them either while the store owner was doing a lot of backtracking. here’s the card and everything proving the ears are from the store
No. 596107
File: 1541545636026.png (128.56 KB, 259x291, 9c9.png)

>>596054Why stop at a panel? She could run her own class at the local community college and get extra credits towards her degree and get paid at the same time teaching local soccer moms how to spice up their married life with DIY boudoir photos.
No. 596146
>>596135i've noticed that the kinds of people in general at cons who tend to seem alone are pieces of shit.
you can tell if someone is their by themselves because they chose to be.
No. 596147
File: 1541548392116.jpg (533.23 KB, 2048x2048, 35E5AC15-B6AB-41B2-8B0E-3FEA8F…)

> Why is she wearing a whole mop on her arms
> why are the wigs coming from her arms and not her back
No. 596163
File: 1541550552829.jpg (547.36 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181106-192854_Ins…)

Why does she do this? This isn't even remotely cute or sexy or attractive. It just makes her look like a gross glutton and show people the reason she is packing on the pounds.
No. 596190
File: 1541554250948.png (Spoiler Image,812.23 KB, 1080x1920, Disgust.png)

No. 596195
>>596190It's really soon but next thread pic vote
Really captures her gluttony.
No. 596197
File: 1541555066026.gif (2.18 MB, 337x600, A1339634-099A-41B8-9A69-1BB377…)

horror in motion 1/2
No. 596200
>>596135>and looked very aloneFucking good, she deserves it after the way she's treated her former friends. She didn't stop to give pity to Nana when she fainted, kbbq when he didn't want to fuck her anymore, Susu who always had her back even when Moo started copying her, or the countless of other people who she treated badly.
She deserves to be paranoid and alone and I hope the bitch stays that way.
No. 596212
File: 1541556715706.jpeg (114.41 KB, 1242x2208, received_291230755054912.jpeg)

>>596072>>596060>>596162Yeah the shop owner decided to make 3 sets. The other girl who voted past the time was quick to post about winning the auction and that was my b.
No. 596226
>>595905Jfc do you know how facetape even works? You stick one end on your jaw/cheek then pull it up and stick the other end above your ear or even higher, with Moo especially she has to use multiple pieces of tape at different places on one side, the skin around the eyes is bound to be pulled along, or the skin will just crease.
>>596197>>596198The sequel to the eating devilled eggs IG story
No. 596240
>>596238for everyone who thinks that we came up with the story of her being sponsored, moo heavily implied as such a few times. she gave a timeframe and even said she "couldn't" do lewd stuff on the cam. and then after declaring all of that, she ended up doing it anyway, then quitting.
i honestly think that she was sponsored and then fucked it up by lying about the pull she had on the site.
No. 596266
>>596260According to her it’s because she is “too busy for a relationship” and “much happier being single”
Eleven minutes later: “I want me a boi to watch anime and play mommy with”
No. 596268
File: 1541565498964.png (4.92 MB, 1242x2208, 994FD871-D0A7-4654-B4FF-DC36F1…)

Um… it’s nov 6 and you’re just now sending out rewards for last month? Ok
No. 596276
File: 1541567932716.jpeg (2.65 MB, 5480x3653, 1qSlD-3Q.jpeg)

No. 596278
File: 1541568108054.jpg (7.8 KB, 210x240, Spike_in_The_Land_Before_Time.…)

>>596276I legitimately cant tell the difference anymore
No. 596280
>>596277She has legit turned into a blowup doll now. That stiff pose, that open mouth, those dead eyes…
Can't say I didn't see this coming.
No. 596284
File: 1541568749785.jpeg (4.04 MB, 5760x3840, ZAYDejCg.jpeg)

No. 596286
>>596278lol holy shit anon, spot on.
>>596276is it too early to vote this for thread pic? because holy shit lol
No. 596298
File: 1541569600906.jpeg (Spoiler Image,221.95 KB, 1066x1600, idontretouch.jpeg)

The amount of retouching on her ass and back fat in this one though…
No. 596300
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No. 596301
File: 1541569990742.png (419.49 KB, 411x512, fear.png)

>>596298And she still doesn't have an ass. This whole set is horrible, somehow even worse than chocolate poop set
No. 596302
File: 1541570034788.jpeg (48.94 KB, 533x800, A5DFEF27-EA00-43A9-938B-D4E55A…)

Quality editing as always.
No. 596320
File: 1541571831474.jpeg (Spoiler Image,209.06 KB, 755x818, CF2B9AE6-C3E9-496F-8CF5-3F0ECE…)

What a fucking unit, both her ankles and knees are gone
No. 596346
File: 1541579412812.png (Spoiler Image,3.12 MB, 1066x1600, oof.png)

>>596298My favorite parts are
1. The obvious shoop outline of her tattoo, literally you can still see the shape of it
2. All the tags sticking out of her underwear. Real high class, Moo
No. 596372
File: 1541590013601.jpeg (Spoiler Image,112.37 KB, 682x1024, 2D5AADDC-9701-43D2-A048-590837…)

Her vagina is literally melting???
No. 596373
I know we rag on Mariah a lot for looking (and being) stupid and it’s deserved. But this… THIS… this is an all time low. Most of the stuff she looks shit in she’s too delusional to see she’s too fat or her costume is too shit to look good. A lot of it can be chalked up to her being neatly mentally ill levels of delusional. But holy shit. I don’t understand this??? I’m literally sitting her confused as FUCK because literally who looks at this and says yep! This is good. Take it to print.
Like this is so bad. Worse than usual levels of awful and that’s saying something. Am I going crazy? Is this by nearly as bad as I think it is or are we like in shock
No. 596380
File: 1541595087233.png (Spoiler Image,1.83 MB, 1347x712, spot on my dudes.png)

I know we all know what her cosplay is from but I just needed to make this side by side. Her stomach, her boobs sagging, her linebacker shoulders.. I just can't get over this.
No. 596385
File: 1541596451412.jpg (6.05 KB, 179x178, _20181107_141333.JPG)

>>596277I can only see this.
No. 596398
File: 1541600800856.jpeg (99.77 KB, 750x200, A74681E1-9760-4F10-A0C0-A5EC54…)

comment on her Morrigan picture
No. 596400
File: 1541601806358.jpg (7.79 KB, 349x144, not the solution.jpg)

>>595983Gotta love her trying to downplay her fat bubbling out of the front by putting hair in front of it
No. 596407
>>596406Unless he's asian, there's no chance of any of those neckbearded fans putting their bone anywhere near her.
As if she looks good enough to be picky.
No. 596423
File: 1541610674869.jpeg (Spoiler Image,82.29 KB, 800x533, AEEEF569-87F6-4EDE-9835-AB3628…)

>>596277Somebody please just fucking kill me
No. 596425
>>596423Who ever edited these photos couldn’t black out the fucking unpainted garage?
Her face is horrific. I don’t get this ahegao stuff.
No. 596438
>>596423If this was some friends joking about with some party city costumes over the weekend, you'd think, ok, slutty but w/e.
The fact that this is PROFESSIONAL cosplayers and photographers involved is genuinely shocking to me.
No. 596452
File: 1541614708763.jpg (200.3 KB, 510x680, 20181107_131731.jpg)

Something about her boobs looks really awkward here. Like you can see the swell of her left breast (our right) rolling to the side but it almost looks like her cleavage was photoshopped to keep her boobs looking together. It just looks wrong.
No. 596458
>>596452You're right, it was photoshopped to bring them together.
Look at the boob on our left side, where the bra line is going from one cloth triangle to the other. You can see both the real boob outline, and the new one.
No. 596465
>>596452the worst thing about this is that these look awful
with the photoshop. who would do this?
No. 596474
File: 1541621188319.jpg (442.82 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181107-140539_Gal…)

Her TORSO. What the FUCK is going on there
No. 596501
File: 1541624115499.png (Spoiler Image,227.79 KB, 1250x965, flatboobs.png)

>>596277I know everyone hates art anons, but I had to trace this. Why are her boobs so flat looking? Also, her gut is popping out of the space between her bra and skirt.
No. 596528
File: 1541625634773.jpg (1.65 MB, 1080x1774, 20181107_162058.jpg)

>>596277Can't tell if this is a weird shadow or something else???
No. 596531
>>596508Nah, I agree with
It’s pretty obvious Moo is NOT asexual. She’s aways play fighting with guys and finding any reason to touch them.
Her flirting is like an awkward/cringy 12 year old who doesn’t knkw what to do about the strange tingly feelings she has.
She’s pretty aggressive and it probably stems from frustration that no matter how hard she tries, she can’t get a guy she likes to fuck her on the reg.
“But-but So many neckbeards wanna fuck me, look at my super hot desperate begging for cock poses! Why won’t this girl’s boyfriend leave her for me???”
No. 596540
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>>596277This is all I see tbh.
No. 596547
File: 1541626928175.jpg (561.68 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181107-154243_Ins…)

Still no ass
No. 596548
File: 1541626941193.jpg (843.25 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181107-154236_Ins…)

No. 596558
File: 1541628049800.jpg (344.06 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181107-140058_Pat…)

Hopping on the Japanese cos books vs calander/prints.
No. 596569
>>596288Her thigh fat is insane. yikes
>>596346It's all so lazy, esp the tag sticking out. That bra and underwear also look wrecked. She never buys anything new for a set. It looks cheap and sloppy, like her
No. 596605
File: 1541632695007.jpg (670.18 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181107-181737_Ins…)

What is she, trying to flex? 40 thousand yen isnt going to last her long with how much and often she eats crap and buys pointless shit.
No. 596659
>>596636While living in Japan, 40k yen is barely a week, 2 if you're lucky and that's LIVING there. As a tourist, that is NOTHING, especially if she's as much of a fake weeb she acts like. The first thing she sees she's going to buy and be down to her last 7k yen by the 2nd day.
Especially if she wants good sushi and you KNOW she's going to go after kobe beef.
No. 596663
>>596659japan is literally not that expensive.
also moo will think all the wagyu is kobe.
No. 596728
File: 1541643083628.png (427.88 KB, 910x507, 1536554961440.png)

>>596548You're not fooling anyone Moo
No. 596741
File: 1541644675788.png (1.49 MB, 750x1334, 9560B1F9-292F-4765-BE05-331847…)

speaking of Japan trip, she gave that stupid expensive skeleton she didn’t use for umineko to sensei
No. 596758
>>596709Same. She's gonna buy a ton of food and drinks. Japan has lots of great places to eat, but she'll probably eat our every single day and get the most expensive shit for no reason.
I also think she'll buy useless anime figurines (fate stay, i guess?)
No. 596765
>>596605She's probably flexing the spending money she's going to give to Sensei "a thousand thank yous Mariah"
I am taking bets on how long it'll take him to phase her out when they get back
No. 596772
>>596762Yes, Moo vapes pot all the damn time, but she probably settles for nic when she's in less drug-friendly places since she's a regular ol' smoker too.
The joke about her getting an anime branded vape pen in glorious nippon is that it is the same Chinese made shit we get over here.
No. 596781
File: 1541650454936.jpg (586.91 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181107-231401_Ins…)

Why does everything she wear out look grimly and is covered in hair? Why is she so lazy?
No. 596813
>>596809She flexes about spending 7-10k.
If she had more, she'd show it.
No. 596851
File: 1541674184655.jpg (753.58 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181108-023051_Pat…)

For the cosplay book.
No. 596865
>>596853For whatever reason lately some anons on lc love to sperg about the stupidest of things, most of the time it’s stuff they’ve made up in their own minds and consider fact (like that moo would OBVIOUSLY only show THE VERY AMOUNT of money she is bringing in her instastory, no way she may be bringing more in cash or card elsewhere, or how the OP just made up random shit in the post that isn’t even fucking true) I don’t really care in the end, but it just makes this board look retarded sometimes.
The sad part is Mariah does so much idiotic shit on her own that anons don’t NEED to claw at crumbs to get milk, she does stupid so well when left to her own devices. Just enjoy the milk that comes and stop trying to make up details that aren’t true to make her look like an idiot. She’s got that covered all on her own.
No. 596866
>>596851is she using a god damn online editor
also why does she keep posting this set out of all the ones she's done
is it because it hasn't been leaked? probably not considering it was
No. 596888
>>596853Cards are really not used in Japan. They're trying to become more cashless by 2020, but everything is generally paid in yen or suica (unless you're buying luxury goods etc)
Source: I've lived in Japan.
No. 597033
>>596958The entirety of Mariah’s trip is going to be filled with anons trying to tell us how much they know about japan. Moo’s japan trip will be milky af but in return we have to listen to anons tell us about all the things they know about japan because it makes them cool on an anon board I guess, so prepare for that. No one cares if japan is a cashless society or where you can use cards. She exchanged some money for a trip abroad, that’s it. It’s not that deep guys.
>>596962It’s becaue no one cares about your personal life here.
No. 597037
>>596962Take it to Meta.
>>597033They'll be gems in the pile of shit we'll get. I don't think it's so much weeb flex as much as it just wanting to shit on Mariah. As much as I hate the sperging about money, I love when anons come in and talk about how hilarious it will be when Mariah the slob walks down the crowded streets as a fucking unit.
No. 597069
File: 1541727084379.jpeg (Spoiler Image,234.27 KB, 820x1537, B9B814A2-088F-4711-B66D-BD7737…)

No. 597072
File: 1541727175686.jpeg (Spoiler Image,199.03 KB, 840x1453, 98C88C80-E72D-4D68-8F86-517375…)

Black and white nudes
No. 597078
File: 1541728439293.jpg (987.85 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181108-175424_Pat…)

No. 597089
>>597081It's just another impulsive idea that she'll never do, or just like her past physical rewards she won't send them out at all, because she's a lazy cunt.
Who is she trying to one-up this time? Did a costhot announce that she'll publish a dragon maid photobook?
No. 597092
>>597069what the fuck is this lmfao
she doesn't even look that bad physically here, but i'm cracking up at the hat. why??
No. 597095
File: 1541730133701.jpg (966.82 KB, 1440x2960, fo2ys9mi0gp11.jpg)

hairy momokun
No. 597123
File: 1541733215702.jpeg (Spoiler Image,242.96 KB, 820x1537, 0D1600B8-9465-4B3F-BF92-5A3F49…)

Somthing about this is really off. It may just be me, though.
No. 597133
Her lower stomach hang is gone and they cut out the thigh lumps on the back of her leg to make her butt stick out. That black background is to hide her shop. Compare
>>597072 to
>>596547 No. 597197
>>597072That amount of back fat looks so unnatural and unhealthy on her because of the lipo, yikes
I know a lot of people say that but I’ve never really seen it so highlighted myself until this photo
No. 597202
File: 1541760828004.jpg (242.61 KB, 827x1175, moomoo.jpg)

>>597072I lightened the pic a little and noticed a weird dark line going down her thigh?
No. 597282
File: 1541792406958.jpeg (387.25 KB, 750x820, 0AB57910-6374-4262-9367-D93308…)

also she bought a fake Gucci (admittedly) wristband for her Apple Watch
No. 597299
>>597282Did she buy a cheap feather boa from party city and just hot glue it to her cosplay?
Those huge feathers look awful and are so inaccurate.
It’s like she thought it would make her arms look smaller, but failed horribly.
No. 597309
>>597299this is a trick drag queens and plus size models do. If you wear BIG accessories or clothes you yourself will look small in comparison.
However Momo is literally the shape of a lumpy potato… so there is no tricks other than photoshop that can help her
No. 597334
File: 1541802909914.png (Spoiler Image,3.19 MB, 750x1334, 5A3595A8-94C5-45D9-A55F-E8B823…)

sweet pecs
No. 597340
File: 1541803450690.jpeg (Spoiler Image,615.64 KB, 750x1103, BEA433B1-6276-4D62-8C21-9A5761…)

I hate it, unspoil at your own risk
No. 597349
>>597340i can't believe this wild bitch really put this on the internet for god and everyone to see
the kitchen setting
her vagina area
the blurry boob
the eyebags
the messy hair
im losing it lmfao
No. 597356
>>597340Did she make her tit bigger to hide her back-tit?
>those massive eyebagsJesus take the wheel
No. 597367
>>597340ffs this shit doesn't look good on
attractive people, why did she think this was a good thing to buy??
No. 597379
>>597367Because it’s totes just like all the hentai she watches. Such a bop my dude.
Certainly feels like she is after some fuckboi’s attention with her usual “Look what your missing” trashy photos.
No. 597394
File: 1541808090518.jpg (134.74 KB, 1076x1559, Screenshot_20181109-190102-1.j…)

I didn't realize boobs had sharp edges, mariah
No. 597400
>>597340You can see the warping on the counter and on the button of the appliance in the background because of Meitu shoop
yikes i'm terrified to know what the unedited looks like
No. 597401
>>597340Areas of shoop I can spot just from looking at this:
>The boob being widened on our right>near the string where she attempted to shoop out a roll>Her Right hip (Notice how much the line of the drawer is leaning away from the stove and the weird lip on the corner of the oven door>Button on the silver machine to our left looks a bit stretched to pull her hip in? I cant confirm whether or not that's how it's supposed to look thoughBut also the amount that the slingkini is cutting into her fupa fat is so disgusting. LIke that's a solid cm it's going into her fat.
No. 597403
>>597340 To further elaborate on what
>>597400 pointed out, you can survey the outer portion of practically any area of her body and see where she did some serious (and awful) editing. Her right boob (on our left) poking out the side of the bikini draws attention to how she tried to edit her bicep, as it curves one way above the breast, and another way below the same breast. Her left shoulder (by the stove) doesn't have the typical shape, and her breast on that side of her body looks like one of those fish that puffs up due to the jagged edges.
And that crotch area is rough. I've never seen pubic hair growing that far down a woman's thigh before.
No. 597405
File: 1541810437438.jpg (251.67 KB, 1200x1008, sauce.jpg)

>>597299Nah, she just dragged it around. If she had glued it, it might actually sit in the correct place.
>might No. 597408
File: 1541810693300.png (132.67 KB, 267x245, wat.PNG)

>>597340Did she forget to edit out her back fat or what is going on here
please help i dont use photo editing
No. 597410
File: 1541810829965.png (964.3 KB, 750x1334, 504411E7-E303-4610-BE39-72BC15…)

No. 597416
>>597340Talk about butterEVERYTHING
She couldn’t be arsed to make herself look pretty. She looks more pig evety day
No. 597446
File: 1541817112654.jpeg (385.24 KB, 750x957, CC3D7BA9-7380-4983-A23A-0B44DC…)

No. 597454
File: 1541817691749.jpg (311.5 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181109-184214_Pat…)

No. 597469
File: 1541819161980.png (132.15 KB, 300x300, D_1684.png)

>>597454>got "deactivated"The correct word, my little linguistics major, is B A N N E D
How many followers did she have on her main vs BTS?
No. 597470
File: 1541819403819.jpeg (346.22 KB, 750x1010, 261FB455-9AE7-4CA8-BB7E-8FAF9E…)

how is she so shocked?
No. 597473
File: 1541819666299.jpeg (46.72 KB, 750x133, BA2551AC-6FD4-4DDA-8B56-E8C198…)

>>597470Samefag to drop this wew
No. 597490
>>597486The account was made prior, so I'm not really sure.
Considering she's bringing up lawyers I have a feeling she already got her response/ban message.
No. 597494
File: 1541821850924.jpeg (247.46 KB, 1242x1409, 6E9337DD-6CD3-4239-8D53-416842…)

Found on twitter. Looks like people reported the recent image. 1/2
No. 597495
File: 1541821872850.jpeg (276.55 KB, 1152x2048, 98DBA5F1-CBEC-4DD9-A991-A3D623…)

No. 597498
File: 1541822417389.png (249.92 KB, 555x506, 60c45dade7a6f12fa3de32cd2bdfa4…)

>>597494>>597495Lets see what Mariah will do to weasel her way out of this one.
No. 597500
File: 1541822560878.jpg (533.68 KB, 1080x1870, Screenshot_20181109-230310_Ins…)

sure moo
No. 597504
>>597500This is the Instagram equivalent to "I'd like to speak to the manager"
Bitch you could have emailed them yourself and waited for an appeal like every other person that gets deactivated/banned
No. 597506
>>597500This bitch can barely get rewards out on time yet she is flexing about having this crack lawyer team that she can call up at anytime and sort stuff out for her.
Bullshit. More like she has been spamming someone at Instagram with emails screaming about getting her account back.
No. 597507
>>597504That's absolutely what she did, she's just posturing and trying to look important, which is like, 80% of the motivation for anything that she does.
15% is dick, and 5% is food, naturally.
No. 597509
>>597508Completely non-existent.
>>597507I hope she doesn’t get her account back and all this flexing about having a lawyer blows up in her face.
No. 597522
>>597519This is just her doing damage control as usual. She gets in deep shit them immediately tries to quell her neckbeards by telling them “All is well, nothing to worry about here. I have people taking care of it/I’m taking care of it personally”.
She’s definitely not getting her account back. This wasn’t some accidental bug that caused her to lose her account. She is clearly breaking community guidelines due to the trashy half naked borderline porn that she posts: I’ve seen dozens of accounts similar to hers get taken down for the exact same reason.
No. 597524
>>597520Exactly. She’s leaving out the country tomorrow. No way in hell is she calling up some lawyer at 10pm to screech about getting her Instagram account back. As if they’d take her serious anyways.
Love that this dark cloud will be looming over her head the whole trip. Knowing that she has yet again been banned from another social media site for her own stupid actions.
No. 597533
File: 1541826425544.jpg (312.79 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181109-210302_Ins…)

She keeps her eyes closed while she's saying "The lawyers just sent that in" in reference to the ID.
First of all, a lawyer would not compromise the privacy and credibility of their clients like this.
Second, not nearly enough time has passed for a lawyer to step in as an advocate or liaison for something like this. I believe Mariah may have been asked to provide a photo or a copy of her ID, but there's no way in hell that Instagram would negotiate with a third party this soon.
Lies. Lies. Fucking lies.
No. 597534
File: 1541826446629.jpg (179.36 KB, 1210x942, 1541067021183.jpg)

>>597454Lmao the new delet this pic has a use after all
No. 597546
File: 1541827416112.jpeg (690.45 KB, 750x1201, 1D7D5C69-848C-4426-9BDB-C8D891…)

>>597500she’s deleted this post
No. 597549
>>597546Lol she lurking.
Yes Moo. It was exactly as stupid as you thought it was to claim to have a lawyer you could call up at 10pm to screech about getting your Instagram account back and that apparently tagged process could be settled in a matter of minutes.
No. 597552
>>597550You called it.
The trip hasn't started and the milk begins to pour…
No. 597554
File: 1541829086578.jpeg (779.85 KB, 1242x2326, 5399B437-8816-4497-AF4A-440A95…)

>>597533When you appeal the loss of an Instagram account to Facebook instead of Instagram, they send you an automated email that says to send in your ID and stuff. This is what moo did, she’s dumb if she thinks anyone believes she got ahold of a lawyer at 9pm on a weeknight to deal with her
instagram account
No. 597556
File: 1541829278183.jpg (538.53 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181109-215417_Pat…)

Her reply on patreon
No. 597567
File: 1541830815092.png (497.58 KB, 450x600, punished granny.png)

No. 597573
This is amazing. I’d love to see have to start from scratch again, see how many followers she actually gets.
Plus Instagram was the last public place she could turn into her hugbox.
>>597570Nip slips too.
She’s been pushing it far too long.
>>597282 No. 597577
>>597575Another minor cow was caught van invading on Instagram, and they just ended up banning her entire device.
Here’s hoping.
No. 597581
>>597495"if its restored just report the account again"
so basically even if she starts over she will be banned if she posted shit like that again OR if her account gets put up again it will go right back down. Damn first twitter now insta those are the only social media that really matter nowadays for cosplayers
No. 597583
>>597578I doubt it's even that, 100 percent it's a complete bs lie. Instagram's terms of use/private policy is super tight and has been heavily reviewed through several iterations so they wouldn't be liable for any kind of bs. There are much, MUCH bigger fish sueing/defaming/doing illegal actions that require extreme care with their terms of use than some low tier sow showing off her batwinged vulva.
Bitch is just lying trying to seem important. Like her flexing her designer crap, knowing 'important' people, and all the other bs she loves to brag about.
No. 597599
File: 1541838298034.gif (357.87 KB, 408x230, beatothefuckup.gif)

>>597541She fired her manager, her lawyers are next!
No. 597600
>>597556Her linguistics physically wound me. I can't believe this illiterate bitch gets away with so much.
Has her account been banned before? I don't know how moderation works on Insta, but I bet she's been warned a ton of times.
No. 597602
File: 1541838990788.jpg (43.95 KB, 540x696, madman.jpg)

Guys, I figured it out. Mariah is a law student, sorry, a law major. She is her own lawyer. Therefore, she didn't lie my dudes.
>>597586>first the haters came for her 4th of july/con>then they came for her japan trip No. 597607
>>597574>>597604It's so hard to tell anymore. When I first watched her say she was grabbing and exposing women due to ADHD, I was bracing myself for an explanation on a poorly-timed joke. Instead, she decided to roll with it, because she thought it sounded good coming out of her mouth at the time, like she'd get some pity points or sympathy.
In this case, the lawyer thing sounds like a bit of a weird flex more than a joke, but that's just my opinion based on Mariah's history of lies. Her and Vamp will probably refer to this as another witch hunt by this time tomorrow.
No. 597652
>>597625It's pretty easy to be denied entry in Japan but sadly mooriah doesn't fall onto any lists. There's a reason terrorism is nearly non-existent in that country let alone "imported" drugs.
Speaking of ban evasions, I wonder if someone reported her backup account yet for doing as such.
No. 597669
>>597666My boyfriend was able to bring Focalin to Japan, albeit with
a lot of scrutiny. If she has a prescription, it’s probably fine.
No. 597689
>>597656"Nipples are not forbidden" uh,
yes, they are, go back and read it again, anon. There's a reason "free the nipple" was trending as a hashtag.
No. 597707
>>597705Not even that farmer but she said it was just some lewd girl she followed and it wasn't the only person who reported Momo
>>597494. You might as well just sulk and whine to Instagram directly at this point for ruining your day.
>cowtippingDo you even know what this means?
No. 597708
>>597705Can you fucking chill, anon?
There's still her side account which she's already said she was going to keep updates on, not to mention she's probably not the only one to report her.
No. 597721
File: 1541877517594.jpeg (362.37 KB, 750x854, D280BE5F-8819-4663-AA5D-7F70A4…)

she said it was tomorrow yesterday but I guess they do leave on Sunday
No. 597732
>>597725When youre so in denial that what you do isnt porn/sex work. Just because you cant see nipples or actual vag lips doesnt constitute it being safe for under 18. One of her photos was used for a porn ad, she really thinks its not against the guidlines because shes not having sex on camera. Her bar is so low, this is what she gets.
You broke community guidelines Mariah, its no mistake. Almost nude is still porn. If none of the other girls got their accounts back I dont know what makes her think she will…its about time. Now to spend money padding her other account with fake followers!
No. 597737
>>597730I want to say Tenleid did?
I remember her getting flagged for something but she was able to appeal it under actual wrong reporting unlike this.
No. 597752
>>597747"social media can be started over on" aka "ill just buy my followers again"
also, wasn't one of her pics taken down from her insta the other day? the white haired anime chick with the gross boobs? hoping her account is a banned for good since she got another pic reported after insta told her the rules.
No. 597754
File: 1541883407121.jpg (116.58 KB, 960x534, kyoukai-no-kanata-3.jpg)

>>597732>Just because you cant see nipples or actual vag lips doesnt constitute it being safe for under 18.She's posted those too tho
>>597734Maybe with no Insta her Patrons will get what they pay for, for once.
lol jk
>>597736>>597742Aside from that lie, she also proved she can't even set up a fucking board correctly. Let alone match the colors to the correct player in her dream project.
No. 597761
File: 1541884573544.jpeg (96.93 KB, 675x464, CFC1ECDB-B297-4A0D-BAF3-8A822F…)

No. 597766
>>597747She can’t restart an Instagram it says under in the terms of use: who can use this platform, “We must not have previously disabled your account for violation of law or any of our policies.”
If her main is trashed she is forgood off instagram.
No. 597781
>>597779Nah, I got the impression that Moo avoided facebook because it wasn't the same hugbox like her main insta accounct and people still love to tear on her in the comment section lmao.
Maybe now she will actually have to do something and goes back to Twitch, like she promised idk how long ago.
No. 597797
File: 1541890232955.jpeg (493.1 KB, 1242x1192, 010EF134-1A22-485F-8486-ECE2E8…)

Going to post this from Instagram’s community guidelines for reference so it clears it up for people.
She was in clear violation since her vag was practically hanging out of the sling bikini.
No. 597801
>>597798She won’t be able to lure desperate losers with trashy near porn pictures anymore. Even if she buys more followers no one is going to stick around if she isn’t posting lewd content.
She really is fucked.
No. 597808
>>597801What this anon said.
And half the pictures she posted on inta and twit she cannot post on facebook. she'll get banned from their in a heartbeat.
really hoping she doesnt get her main insta back
No. 597810
>>597680 And yet, she was stupid enough to bring brass knuckles with her onto a flight.
Don't give this bitch credit for anything that doesn't involve an eating contest, guys.
No. 597834
File: 1541899040614.jpg (5.03 MB, 4272x5846, the nuked witch.jpg)

>>597761Holy shit anon, I keked out loud, thanks for making my morning with this masterpiece.
No. 597849
File: 1541903918096.gif (2.47 MB, 480x270, giphy.gif)

>>597768Kek what if she starts using Tumblr?
God I almost gave myself a hernia laughing at all the lawyer talk.
>>597798In a perfect world, yes. But there's no way cowtippers will be able to resist.
I'm hoping her side account will at least stay up until the Japan saga is over.
No. 597857
>>597798She made it way before the ban though? And other people who have lost their account due to ToS violations have remade their account and still have them. I don’t think IG is as strict about ban evasion.
But her BTS account doesn’t violate anything not even ban evasion.
No. 597871
File: 1541909257203.png (98.48 KB, 1404x352, Screen Shot 2018-11-11 at 06.0…)

>>597853sorry for OT but interfering with a cow to cause milk is generally frowned upon and I think banning or mass banning counts for calling a raid
No. 597874
>>597857If you read the rules it says “who can USE Instagram”, Then goes on to say We must not have previously disabled your account for violation of law or any of our policies.
Doesn’t matter when the account was made, she can’t USE instagram.
No. 597879
File: 1541909926009.jpeg (487.02 KB, 633x1154, 28F5A2A9-7C43-485D-96A0-D08858…)

something not instagram rules related! she’s on her story crying about the two foster kittens going back to their owner, talks about how fostering isn’t really for her because it breaks her heart having to give them back after bonding with them so much. slides in a joke about “half a million Instagram account gets deleted? don’t care! Mariah your kitties are going home? waaaah” also mentions other people have asked her to foster for them?
No. 597882
>>597879Her nose looks so fucking huge
Also you fat bitch, they're not your kitties, worry about the ones you already own
No. 597884
>>597879It’s so fuckingh annoying that she keeps doing that. Literally every time she does something with obvious half-ass effort she always has to make a small mention about “Other people have asked me to do this thing for them as well”. She shits out a barely coherent high school level amv? “People have asked me to edit their videos for them”.
It’s so obvious she is full of shit and is just looking to gas herself up.
No. 597887
File: 1541910586240.jpg (717.93 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181110-223011_Ins…)

"I'm sad but I better show off my tits gaiz."
No. 597909
>>597897It's obvious that the ban is the real reason she's having a meltdown- it was finalized only a few hours ago.
The real question is why she feels the need to post a made-up story instead of just… not posting herself crying. I think it's because she wants pity and asspats, but knows how pathetic it is to be crying about getting banned on instagram.
No. 597969
File: 1541943202785.gif (997.82 KB, 500x306, 1464190428646.gif)

>>597871>Momo gets banned for legitimate TOS reason>REEEE COWTIPPING DON'T RAID THEM>>597879I'm honestly surprised the fostering thing was legit. I thought she pulled a Taylor Dean and just claimed she was fostering in order to keep them guilt-free.
No. 597981
>>597879Mega tinfoil but what if she gave them back a while ago but is just using that as an excuse to cry now (when really she was crying about her Insta account.)
I mean she didn't really talk about them or post any videos of them for a while as far as I can remember and I don't think she posted any videos of them that were taken yesterday either so maybe she didn't have them anymore for a while but is pretending…?
(Yes, I know there's like a 1 in 9,999,999 chance this is true.)
No. 597982
File: 1541949461777.gif (777.93 KB, 498x278, waiting.gif)

So, it's about 7am in Las Vegas. Isn't it time to get ready for the japan trip, moo?
No. 597991
File: 1541952391873.jpg (838.66 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181111-110707_Ins…)

>>597982They are at the airport now.
No. 597995
File: 1541954767297.png (2.92 MB, 750x1334, 1738782A-3024-449B-8E4E-F707FD…)

No. 597996
>>597991Well here we are. Bets on….
If she will make a new insta
Buy followers on her side account
Melt down
Bonus- all of the above
No. 597998
>>597995who else thinks that she is super bummed about the fact that she has to broadcast this flex trip on her unpopular side account and not on her big main one? Idk she doesn't seem to be that excited about it as I imagined lol but let's see how it goes when she lands there.
Also anything from tattoo-kun about this trip? Is he part of it?
No. 598004
File: 1541955783553.png (1.84 MB, 750x1334, D057505A-9D3F-4142-9FE1-2347B4…)

No. 598036
>>598029Not sure tbh, but from the looks of it, a LOT of cosplayers are going to and from Japan right now, so she might run into someone there. She apparently also knows some people there who are 'fans' or probably actual friends, but just for the sake of getting photos.
I also want to say, Japanese people are turned off by cosplayers. Being a weeb or for them a otaku is frowned upon heavily, even in some bigger otaku cities like Akihabara. It's more accepted there, but out of context cosplay unless it is in a building filled with sets specifically for it makes no sense to me.
She probably won't have to have a permit or ask permission to take photos in a hotel room or a rental space, but outside of that she may need permission or be told she has to cover up. They especially are NOT fond of cleavage and tits. THat's a huge no, but legs for days is fine, but Moo.. Your legs are chunky and they already scrutinize fat people, so have at it.
No. 598046
>>598036Being a weirdo is frowned upon in like every country I think everyone knows stomping around in cosplay in public like a freak will make people look at you funny.
>>598004Ah vamps, forever the red headed step child of the group. Mariah gets the window, tattoo-kun gets the aisle. Vamps is shoved in to the middle row on a 12 hour flight because the breadwinner and her fuckboy get the better seats. Or maybe it’s because there’s no way Mariah would fit in to the middle seat.
No. 598079
File: 1541971717075.jpeg (Spoiler Image,79.03 KB, 600x800, 4D9E1B08-4E6C-467C-93E3-D1A26D…)

w i d e
No. 598081
File: 1541971873845.jpeg (Spoiler Image,51.75 KB, 768x1024, qwhVrmeA.jpeg)

That absolute lack of ass. It looks like folded paper.
No. 598083
File: 1541972132985.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1242x1762, 06CA9345-1B60-4328-8701-741D6B…)

People pay for this shit W O W
No. 598085
File: 1541972694587.png (621.15 KB, 620x567, new anatomy.png)

>>598079Mariah's arms have more of a waist than she does
No. 598094
File: 1541973871302.jpg (Spoiler Image,928.17 KB, 2316x3088, verynais.jpg)

Very nice!
No. 598095
>>598081The light behind her makes it look like her asshole is glowing lmao
Also I like all the trash in the background. Very professional 10/10
No. 598109
File: 1541976034978.jpg (Spoiler Image,18.24 KB, 940x940, 63915-00.jpg)

>>598108LMAO holy shit anon, i see it now. it for sure just looked like pic related for me
No. 598116
>>598089None of these idiots are looking at her face.
Two pictures are like 3 seconds apart or whatever, if that's how file names work. On the Scooby Doo pics.
>>598096>has full kitchen>no furniture[fat joke]
No. 598140
File: 1541981117879.jpeg (82.76 KB, 750x1061, DEA185A2-FF2E-4F6F-998D-5982E2…)

>tfw you fucked what was left of your career cuz you kept provoking instagrams guidelines and now u got nuked so now you don’t have any platform left to hustle for neckbeards.
No. 598156
File: 1541984252613.jpeg (490.76 KB, 750x1010, 9E11EAC6-EA9A-4250-AFB5-96A858…)

yeah we get it slam Japan space jam gotcha
No. 598172
File: 1541987208560.png (1.17 MB, 1080x1328, IMG_20181112_024634.png)

Doublepost, forgot the screencap
No. 598181
File: 1541988555154.jpeg (125.62 KB, 1233x598, 89A133FF-6CBF-48AD-B0D7-5B0463…)

IG is apparently fine with the bikini pic now. So it really doesn’t matter how many times she breaks the rules, she constantly gets away with it.(cowtipping)
No. 598185
>>598172cant remember which anon predicted it but looks like she's defs trying a bit too hard to be like Susu. the swimsuit especially
fucking could she be more unoriginal
No. 598202
>>598195The spiral she would fall into if she permanently lost both her IG accounts would be fucking incredible - and she'll always find a way to be vocal. I suspect this is the line of thinking behind people who report her; they want to see the resulting meltdown, and if it happened while she was IN Japan? Losing all of her social media while in the basic costhot instahoe hotspot?
Nothing would ever top it.
No. 598208
>>598181how do our own mods not know what cowtipping actually is
do they even read the rules?
No. 598209
File: 1541991353552.jpeg (Spoiler Image,418.88 KB, 640x871, FD6FD1D8-A059-4BA5-88B7-8F9E78…)

I know this is an older one but WTF is going on with her body?? The upper and the lower body looks like from two different photos, it looks painful & just weirds me tf out wth
No. 598215
>>598201its ok cause she went there to do photos! ITS A BUSNESS EXPEENSE
No. 598223
File: 1541995155620.png (1.52 MB, 750x1334, 1148A724-FA54-4C23-BB3F-03F6DE…)

posting on her main again
No. 598240
>>597666this sounds like an absolute crock of shit lmao
some people take amphetamines for things like narcolepsy. they can't just say "nope, can't have a med that keeps you conscious".
No. 598241
File: 1541998745800.jpeg (219.21 KB, 750x986, 85C58218-3F31-464B-A245-C6083B…)

>>598240This is from the embassy site. You can’t even bring in Sudafed
No. 598249
File: 1541999591200.png (117.35 KB, 233x305, Capture _2018-11-11-23-11-13~2…)

Shamu longing to return to the water
No. 598251
>>598241No, you can't bring in Psuedoephedrine. Not all Sudafed contains Psuedoephedrine, they contain Phenylalanine; which isn't a stimulant.
Either way, regardless of the rules on LEGAL prescriptions for adderall; it's pretty safe to assume that IF mariah still uses adderall, it's probably not with a legal/current rx anymore.
No. 598253
>>598252You LITERALLY just repeated what I said, but in a different way. But it has nothing to do with momo so I'm not sure why it's even worth saying again.
Bottom line, legal or not - momo probably doesn't have a LEGAL rx for adderall.
No. 598277
>>598271I don’t understand why you two are STILL sperging about this! It has nothing to Dow it’s Moo and is OT and boring. No one gives a shit.
>>598254I wonder how much vamps is paying for. I’m assuming moo will pay for her fuckboy, like maybe insist on it. But will she pay for vamp? Will she leave vamp behind on trips or eating out if vamp can’t afford it or has to budget? Man that would be sad but… it would show moo’s true colors. Maybe vamp is too proud to take the money. Who knows, but I’d like to see if Mariah pays for vamp too because we know vamps isn’t rolling in it.
No. 598326
File: 1542035489635.png (1.45 MB, 1220x1118, Screen Shot 2018-11-12 at 9.10…)

I know a lot of cosplayers are traveling to Japan here and there, but looks like Jess is currently there. Possibly did Momo find out that Jess was traveling there and tried to schedule to "run into" her, or maybe it's just a coincidence
No. 598334
>>598333TBH the implications are hilarious because I know she isnt but it half seems like she's saying 'Moo maybe get off your ass and get some actual exercise while you're there'
If we didnt know she was gonna shove all of the family mart and seven eleven food in her face I might be tempted to say this trip would be healthy for her but if anything mariah is predictable.
No. 598356
>>598350She's still getting probably about 10k tbh. Anything lower than 500 patrons would mean otherwise, but youhave people with 200 who make like 4k. Thats with everyone paying $20. You aren't factoring in her $50 pledges for Moo.
I get she is spending a bunch of money right now guys, but tbh, she has money. She has a lot of drama and milk, but she isn't fucking poor by any means. Especailly if she's ben stacking for months. Not like she did anything big for the summer or really for the spring. This is the big expense on top of the Umineko thing which ended up being.. What? A month's Patreon check which was probably all a write-off too? She is a fucking dumbass, but I think she knows how to spend without going into the red. She makes enough.
No. 598373
File: 1542047159254.png (5.97 MB, 1242x2208, C91A59ED-CFA2-4CBE-8655-226C27…)

>>598369Nothing much yet.
No. 598381
>>598356she's likely not, because she was making 10K at 700 patrons. we've also noticed that she keeps losing patrons and messing with her invisible goal % to make it appear at 70%. (there's obviously a good loss here) also the 700 patrons she used to have had a lot of purchased accounts.
moo clearly doesn't have much money from what happened with her umineko project. plus, she did camming for a bit, likely for $$ and she wouldn't have done that if she was still making 10K
No. 598385
>>598381She is NOT messing with her goal. They work like this, 10 people sign up for $5. You're goal is $50 so it's 100%. You have 10 people, 8 of which are $5, 2 $1. You are not at your goal.
You can have as many people as you want, but unless the money adds up, she will always be at 70%. She is not tampering with shit.
No. 598395
>>598390>>598393It's clear how many anons have never traveled long distance before. Nitpicking how someone dresses for a 12+ hour flight and judging what they do the first day when there's inevitable jet lag and weird time adjustments…
There will be plenty of time to shit on Moo for actual cringe worthy things she's inevitably going to do…but judging the way she travels (aside from the folks laughing that she flexed about buying first class tix when she clearly wasn't even in premium economy) is just…sad.
No. 598397
>>598395Theres no point to freak out about every detail. it is stupid and it is so cluttery. Just in case an anon brings it up, Moo is old enough to drink. She's in a new country, celebrating her being there for the first time, of course, she's going to go out and drink. She said she doesn't drink? Who cares. She means she doesn't binge most likely like in room parties like she was doing last year where she was clearly incoherent the entire time.
The milk will come and fuck, even if it doesn't, we can laugh about some of the shit she does while she is there. Not point out how veiny her boobs are int he onsen type stuff.
They are probably asleep now or so. Haven't checked in a bit, but by the evening they should be awake again. It was 3pm when they landed at like.. 11pm in the states NV time I think.
No. 598410
>>598385samefag but we have caps of it changing immediately,
after she lost patrons. go back and find it.
No. 598469
File: 1542067900999.png (3.59 MB, 750x1334, 9FFB7896-8A1A-4C1E-BB15-DE8525…)

No. 598472
>>598457I just looked at his IG jteamjason and I definitely remember his face/him being mentioned on some con creeps callous post some time ago
I can’t temember exactly what it was but it probably wasn’t too far off from what you posted
Not surprising him and moo hang around together
No. 598485
>>598240Yes they can just say that, you big dummy. Sorry for blogging, I have narcolepsy and when I went on vacation to Japan I wasn't able to bring my medication. Even if I had my prescription with my diagnosis on it.
Japan is serious about drugs and even more serious about keeping foreigners with drugs (yes, even prescription ones) out.
Regardless, like other anons said, Moo probably doesn't have a current Rx for Adderall or any other stimulant.
>>598079Oof, that's rough. Let's hope she doesn't try to hop in an onsen wearing that.
No. 598519
File: 1542078039475.jpeg (501.11 KB, 750x860, 9D64CC4F-E0A4-4D69-9213-392148…)

went to the umineko house
No. 598529
File: 1542079518077.jpeg (681.12 KB, 750x1093, BE97BCFE-EB8C-4FC1-B524-CC2F80…)

No. 598608
File: 1542093518739.png (168.83 KB, 1438x955, Screenshot_2018-11-13-00-11-37…)

This guy is consistently defending his master's honor with the same dickless queer comment to anyone who asks. He's a good greasy dog Moo probably never gives the time of day to.
But now she will since she's forever lurking.
No. 598612
>>598599I don’t cosplay nor have cosplaying friends, but her bowsette meme and the rodeo meme ended up in my Facebook feed. I was surprised to see her being ripped apart by literally your average joe.
Her drama may be contained to mostly lolcow and the cosplay community, but her being meme’d seems to be a wide spread thing.
Cosplay or not, everyone enjoys a good train wreck.
No. 598613
>>598611Momo has either claimed to be 'IRL' or 'SO spiritually connected my dudes' Mei, Samus, Saber, Nero, Rin, Francis, Camilla, Chun Li, Takano, and probably more that I'm forgetting
This would NOT be the first time she's pulled this so it's REALLY not a reach at all to assume she's just doing it again
No. 598663
File: 1542111671282.png (4.58 MB, 1440x2733, veggie.png)

Because you'll only eat them if it's from Japan
No. 598697
>>598529Top tier lightning.
And holy shit I wonder how much she lifts.
No. 598718
>>598608>she doesn't do nudity or pornographyBuddy have I got news for you…
>>598663>eats nothing but grilled meat at home>goes to Japan to eat two servings of bok choyWell at least she's avoiding scurvy some how. Real question is how she's functioning without her Monster drinks.
No. 598743
>>598529Come on and slam, her memes are older than Japan.
No. 598847
File: 1542147854600.jpeg (448.95 KB, 742x1159, 652591B1-CDE8-4733-9775-58F84A…)

Latest J World pics really show how flat/square her ass is
No. 598942
File: 1542164248500.gif (840.87 KB, 500x375, 508d06a94d7d59fa469ef730062f63…)

>>598934Mariah isn't autistic enough, or weeb-y enough to care about shit outside DBZ she watched as a kid. And DBZ-2 aka Super.
I am autistic enough to get what you're saying - tl;dr child Goku is "Dragon Ball" adult Goku is "Dragon Ball Z". There's the context, and my final/only post on this.
No. 598944
File: 1542164550215.png (2.36 MB, 750x1334, 18AF2516-6144-4DF2-9E5B-367ACC…)

hollytwolf has joined the group of lambs in japan
No. 598948
File: 1542165383207.gif (2.82 MB, 270x480, DECF7E14-8F28-4537-ABD1-71295F…)

I don’t know if sensei chose this filter for a reason while filming moo walking beside a mystery Asian friend but either way enjoy a waddle
No. 598957
>>598944i love how while everything else about this picture is filtered/edited to unrecognizability except her horrible puffy eye bags. like did she have to pay extra to take them on the flight, did they count as a carryon? ffs just kys when even purikura can't help you
>>598945this picture actually gets uglier as you work your way from left to right, holy shit. moo and vamps don't look good but damn that last girl can't even be saved by maximum beauty filter
No. 599006
File: 1542181592084.png (4.12 MB, 1242x2208, 91A14768-FE32-401A-B93B-8F3D07…)

Is this an oh no or an oh yes?
No. 599052
>>599040 She isn't doing this for fun though. Not only does she claim that she planned on doing at least one project here, but it's also becoming increasingly evident that the anons who speculated that she changed her Japan dates in order to be there at the same time as Nigri were keen on something all along.
There's more to the story than we probably know at the moment, but Moo is definitely the kind of person to recklessly throw money away in hopes of getting the admiration of the cosplay community to forgive her. She went from Umineko to this.
Not sure what Holly's involvement is, but I'm placing an early bet that Moo will try to use Holly as a liaison of sorts to show up on Nigri's radar once again.
No. 599149
File: 1542219833908.png (3.7 MB, 1876x1200, Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at 12.2…)

>>599006kamui's in japan too. what's going on? is there an event they're all going to?
No. 599249
>>599157Spring is when all the tourists go, and airfare is expensive.
>>599149Plane tickets are super cheap at this time of the year
No. 599254
>>599159Staying until the 29th is a pretty damn long time.
>>599231There's an actual event called Tokyo Comic Con… Not every event in Japan is Comiket you dingus. No. 599275
File: 1542240541729.jpeg (169.93 KB, 750x1001, 20EDF868-D6AC-4B4D-8C40-0DE237…)

She’s in Japan yet still has time to clap back about her hobo fashion sense.
No. 599309
File: 1542246825489.jpeg (782.14 KB, 750x1098, 23B245C4-CD35-4048-B961-EBA800…)

No. 599311
SO we can confirm through
>>599309 that she shooped
>>598847 Her legs look decisively bigger and she's wearing leggings in both
No. 599312
File: 1542247276007.jpeg (627.43 KB, 750x1034, E0FF2412-A6AA-46BF-827F-8748CE…)

>>599310I can’t tell for sure, I jokingly told myself when she posted this picture two days ago that I was going to try and track the leggings by the stain you can see…sadly this lighting doesn’t let me see stainsan.
No. 599316
>>599313Gosh, didn't you read what moo said? She
thinks she's dressed nice, therefore she
is. Moo's word is law!
No. 599317
>>599310she wore the same one all nyc and sat on literal trash bags
i bet she doesnt have to pay anything for luggage wise
No. 599330
File: 1542252002933.png (2.57 MB, 1691x865, probably two pair.png)

>>599312>>599310It looks like she's got at least two pair with her, unless the Nike ones are the same ones with really tight shorts on top that blend in but I would think that highly unlikely… on the other hand, what is rather likely is that the only types of pants she owns at this point are leggings hahah
>>599311>>599322>>599323>>599324Here's four different angles from the recent pics… I'm leaning towards thinking it's not a shoop either, think it's more angle as other anons have suggested… the fabric probably gets stretched pretty tight when she poses like that (lol) which also might also help with its… er, compressing effects, making her legs look smaller? I mean you can full on see the silhouette of her underwear and the way her legs blob out lol
No. 599333
>>599327one of her pairs
is dirty. also it's not really normal to wear leggings as pants there.
No. 599334
>>599330Kudos to her for keeping her gunt in check during this trip, I think that is all we really could of asked for with her.
>>599332She wears the exact same outfit for days at a time, anon. Her burning need to chronicle every moment of her life has confirmed that many, many times. The other farmers aren't really doing much of a stretch there.
No. 599336
>>599335That's what she claimed. I still think she just does
>>599334 aka it's another lie
No. 599341
File: 1542255192159.jpg (40.4 KB, 1280x720, kround.jpg)

>>599309Hmm I think I recognize that body shape from somewhere
(nitpicking) No. 599354
File: 1542259621077.png (604.2 KB, 600x753, too many keks.png)

>>599301extremely underrated comment
gave me a much needed laugh
No. 599365
File: 1542267645601.jpeg (562.89 KB, 750x1091, 0D7B1732-A1EE-49A9-B8F5-984517…)

No. 599366
File: 1542267679034.jpeg (736.92 KB, 750x1100, 9C4615A3-4EE4-419D-A3FF-312D21…)

>>599365throwing a can of gas on the “teehee we aren’t fucking” fire
No. 599382
File: 1542271572672.png (3.39 MB, 750x1334, 54E36D87-A7B7-47A5-9075-947DFD…)

No. 599383
File: 1542271601650.png (Spoiler Image,2.91 MB, 750x1334, 556A30EA-78CD-44BA-996E-035255…)

>>599382“Lewd onsen shoot”
No. 599402
File: 1542277349538.jpeg (1.5 MB, 750x1334, 89A33F5F-5F45-4734-9362-E1A67A…)

Lightened pic
No. 599410
>>599392They must have had a private onsen. You definitely can't take cameras or phones into a public one.
But moo would need a private one anyway since she has tattoos, onsens generally don't allow them.
No. 599432
File: 1542286101783.png (229.9 KB, 500x372, How moo washes herself.png)

>>599383>>599411She's got clean feet and her friends finally got her to take a bath. Sad the only way is to trick her by getting her to do lewd bath scenes.
No. 599483
>>599383>Literally just her naked in a tub>CosplayI know she does this all the time but still.
They definitely went to a private onsen, but I honestly wouldn't put it above her to try and sneak some pictures in a public bath if it was empty.
No. 599486
>>599410she's not in proper onsen (obviously) it just looks like a big bath in a hotel. onsen is either the spring baths or the indoor baths at places with springs that has the spring water in it. regular ryokan doesn't have onsen, but they do have these baths.
>>599446thank you for doing it so long anon! glad that you (or whoever's) money is going somewhere else!
No. 599488
>>599336I mean I know moo lies literally all the time but that seems like a stretch. I do the same thing, I have friends who do, and there was even a commercial for like laundry detergent or something not too long ago that showed someone else doing the same thing in case something “happened” to one of her pieces of clothing.
She could be lying but it’s actually a thing. Also it could have been meant as a subtle flex - “look I can buy 5 of the same brand activewear at the same time because money isn’t an object for me!”
No. 599498
File: 1542301440772.jpg (Spoiler Image,141.18 KB, 1200x675, Dr-lWnvXQAAiqKt.jpg)

Omg I did not know Momokun was going to be in Soul Calibur VI(nitpick)
No. 599510
File: 1542302789765.png (3.24 MB, 750x1334, 4FD2BC6E-44E5-4A2D-9069-91D90C…)

maybe ~group~ onsen shots?
No. 599559
>>599550They're not wrong though.
Everyone's been so starved for her to fuck up on this trip that now everything is a free for all nitpick fest about her weight and clothes, it's embarrassing.
We already know she's gross and packing into her clothes like a sardine, why can't we just roast her on her inevitable fuckup that's coming?
No. 599569
>>599488Hey isn't that the commercial where she has a blue dress? I think I remember it.
>>599382Maybe nitpick but the angle this was taken at almost makes it look like she has no boobs. For I second I thought anon photoshopped it until I realised it was just the angle.
>>598663Part of me dares to wonder if she even actually ate any or just took a picture. Maybe she did.
>>599366In spite of everything I kinda feel bad for Vamps. Clearly there was something with how she sperged on Twitter when someone mentioned him and moo that one time, now it looks even more like she's being sidelined. (I wonder if this will continue after the Japan trip, though.)
No. 599607
>>599488I'm pretty sure she once admitted to wearing the same clothes for days cause she wanted to.
Before that, she claimed to buy multiple pairs of the same thing.
No. 599626
Found a site which had the newest set including the onsen one, could be worse!
No. 599643
File: 1542323662531.png (Spoiler Image,671.72 KB, 466x771, donkey cunt.png)

>>599626undeterred by the fact that her Boswette cosplay was a flop, Moo has decided to create her own variant on the character – instead, a hybrid between Peach and Donkey Kong – perhaps influenced by the comparisons in these very threads!
No. 599644
File: 1542323672468.jpg (Spoiler Image,329.72 KB, 702x925, Momokunjapan_13__result1.jpg)

>>599639>>599626These are the worst ones, in my opinion
No. 599646
hey Moo, if you're reading this: no, what
>>599637 said is
not a good thing
No. 599655
File: 1542324208952.png (85.29 KB, 245x266, 20181115_152227.png)

Brush your hair jesus christ. I don't get the dangly hair pieces, it looks like shes trying to do anime inspired hair but the hair is long enough to go up in the ponytail so it just looks nappy…(Nitpicking)
No. 599658
File: 1542324592275.jpg (331.58 KB, 702x925, 1542323672468.jpg)

What a unit.
No. 599669
>>599666when the $$ dries up.
that's when all the milk will pour.
No. 599683
>>599647Did she really show the world her asshole for $10?
what happened to "I don't do porn my dudes" and "My sister is too classy for disgusting porn" lmao
No. 599705
File: 1542330080821.jpeg (732.35 KB, 750x1110, E787ECF1-5CA8-4D89-8006-C9402E…)

time to suck up to vamp
No. 599718
File: 1542331765460.jpg (23.27 KB, 414x679, xV2T04X.jpg)

>>599647Her ass is shaped like
No. 599752
File: 1542337615107.png (99.18 KB, 463x315, 1496881974476.png)

>>598172I never thought I’d say it, but the Morrigan from the American Darkstalkers cartoon looks better than Mariah.
No. 599754
File: 1542338126965.jpeg (Spoiler Image,832.72 KB, 4000x1999, 3F0F44C9-F643-416F-92F1-419835…)

so momo, vamps and holly all pretty much did the same shoot at the onsen. I don’t know if they all helped each other (especially since she mentioned group shots) with posing or anything but just lol at the stark contrast between these very similar poses/pictures but how different they look
No. 599758
File: 1542338529401.jpg (Spoiler Image,309.07 KB, 1632x1999, lined.jpg)

>>599754i lined up the backgrounds in both to have a a good comparison and jesus the difference between the arms
No. 599769
>>599479This is exactly what I was thinking tbh
Every time I see shit like this, I think about how she got so pissed off and was like THEYRE NOT EVEN FUCKING or whatever
Like everyone doesn't know she's "in love" with him, so Moo went in for the kill
No. 599773
>>599754Also all of Moo's pics were blurry and not in focus.
I feel bad for the paypigs that paid $35 for those
No. 599793
>>599366Come on and slam!
And let’s steal Vamp’s man!
No. 599825
File: 1542356415330.jpg (59.89 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181116-022020_Ins…)

I cant tell if I'm blocked or her shit got taken again. Both accounts like this
No. 599830
File: 1542356984949.jpg (76.38 KB, 736x1013, potato ass.jpg)

>>599647She's got a Mr.potato head looking-ass
No. 599858
File: 1542360310849.png (6.26 MB, 1242x2688, AB638AF6-902D-4224-87E4-7EBFEC…)

Bts is down
No. 599864
File: 1542361181838.jpg (71.89 KB, 738x500, momokunt.jpg)

FIRST thing I thought of
No. 599879
>>599864Fucking gross, anon. Spoiler this shit.
>>599871She already has the body of a walrus, so it's appropriate.
No. 599917
File: 1542376521798.jpeg (Spoiler Image,355.01 KB, 640x1048, C199181A-9E9D-4ECA-A0BE-2A493C…)

>>599830You beat me to it but here’s my offering.
No. 599935
>>599754Well Momo did mention trying to organize a group shoot. I guess this was it and all she could get was Vamps and Holly?
>>599858How do you forget the password to something you use every 10 minutes?
No. 600006
>>599954People forget their passwords all the time anon, that's why password managers exist.
However, "I can't do forget password because the account is hidden" makes no sense, no idea why would that be a hindrance.
No. 600030
File: 1542395321105.jpeg (107.37 KB, 1024x682, 77863A9A-F156-431F-BA98-3529A2…)

They’re all just shooting for the same aesthetic it seems
No. 600161
>>600006I think she means the email name that they send the reset password thing to is hidden (and she forgot it I guess.) Like when you go tk reset it, it says "sent a verification code to lolc
*" and she (of course) probably forgot the username to the email (the part that was hidden) so she couldn't login and get the email, therefore can't reset her password. Not sure though.
>>600028 I think it's just a mobile glitch? Her main is up but her side one isn't working because… she says she forgot the pass.
Unless her main isn't up now either.
No. 600287
File: 1542429105240.jpeg (Spoiler Image,105.04 KB, 1920x1920, received_2138035842894346.jpeg)

No. 600350
File: 1542431156080.jpeg (627.72 KB, 750x1103, CD84F527-6F28-44BF-9598-334478…)

No. 600396
>>600388Because getting Moo to slobber on your dick is free and probably makes him smile.
>>600350Her comfort flannel is accentuating her waist here and it works lol. Too bad her actual waist area zoomed in still looks shooped.
No. 600684
>>600653This photo
>>599366 just screams "I fucked this guy at least once", I wouldn't be surprised if at least a bunch of people thought there was something going on. It's not a photo you'd normally take with a friend.
No. 600688
>>600684She has a huge crush on him and is hoping this big whirlwind flex trip will be enough to make him want to stay. But that won't happen. It won't happen to either of them. Mariah is obese and never dresses like a woman. She doesnt manage herself and might as well be a guy. If a guy wanted to date another guy he'd be gay, which is something sloppy tomboys like her don't get. They don't see you as a woman other than when you take your clothes off (and they physically see you shower first since they figure slobs like that probably shower once a week). As for Vamp, she's not attractive either. Her teeth are wonky, her nose looks like it's been broken 10 times and she's flatter than a piece of paper. Good ass though. Her lack of breasts could easily be forgivable if not for her weird looking face.
To a young guy like him, he has options. His greasy indie plaid wearing beardman look gets him attention from many women, so he gets to pick and choose. Which means that most likely he'll take this trip, fuck them both a couple times, and then leave when the freebies start drying up and one if not both of them start pestering him about wanting to get serious. He's just in for the ride. I give it until just after summer max. By then he'll run if he's not already gone yet.
No. 600691
File: 1542488657873.jpg (707.69 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181117-150315_Ins…)

No makeup can save your crows feet moo. Looking like a 35 year old.(nitpick)
No. 600863
File: 1542523418886.jpeg (131.3 KB, 750x720, 623BAD23-B564-4B8F-B14E-6C7D36…)

Is Momo friends with this girl?(calves thread)
No. 600870
>>600861>more attractiveAre we looking at the same person? He looks like a crazed homeless man that tries to sell shitty sage cleansings for a buck
>>600863Holy shoop Batman, I never thought I would see someone abuse photo editing worse than moo
No. 600919
File: 1542540597147.jpeg (762.68 KB, 2048x2048, A656E3C6-83C3-441E-A208-4302DB…)

Who wore it better: Japan verison
No. 600943
>>600863I don't believe Jenna associates with Mariah at all.
She's traveling with Jess' posse.
No. 600946
File: 1542548914183.png (798.44 KB, 720x1049, Screenshot_2018-11-18-05-47-17…)

No. 600985
>>600963Again, Mariah is mocking Vamp for her unfortunate nose. The only way it’d be more blatant would be if she used “Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer” as background music or something.
What a good friend, amirite or amirite?
No. 601000
>>600963Visual presentation of Vamp begging for a nose job.
>>600946>GantzOf course she'd want to cosplay another 3edgy5you work.
No. 601038
File: 1542561580904.jpg (82.47 KB, 800x800, s-l1600.jpg)

>>600946really hope she actually does it, it's probably the most unflattering cosplay she could possibly do alongside an EVA plugsuit or something
No. 601084
>>600870i knew if i didnt say "disclaimer: i don't find him attractive", some idiot would mistake "this improves his looks" as "this makes him hot". a big beard is the same thing for an uggo dude as excessive makeup for an uggo chick
>>600919wow this is some dasha-tier skinwalking
No. 601091
File: 1542569634261.png (9.58 MB, 1125x2436, F773ED0E-D25F-48A5-A474-6B4EB2…)

Dude, no.
It’s incredibly sad that this, now obese, former athlete can’t even do 7 miles…
When I was in japan I clocked 12 a day easily, even in Seattle a normal day is like 9
No wonder this birch is huge, she never moves.
Anyone think she might actually lose some weight on this trip simply because she’s not parked in front of her tv at home?
I feel like she can’t gorge herself the way she’d like to either since she’s surrounded by people eating normally lol
No. 601101
>>601091Fuck she is so obnoxious and insecure. Literally every time someone says something that isn’t totally kissing her ass she always has to clap back. No wonder everyone hates this bitch. You can’t even make a joke around her without her trying to call you out or throw it back in your face accusing you of trying to shame or bully her.
I hope her lazy ass only gets fatter.
No. 601152
File: 1542577877457.jpeg (35.26 KB, 780x568, received_1155365354618156.jpeg)

>>601091Bruh I work retail and probably walk that much everyday. Google-sensei says the average american walks 5 miles a day. Hit the fuckin gym moo.
No. 601157
>>601137Anon is right. It is actually rude to eat and walk in Japan. This is a big reason why there are hardly ever any garbage cans anywhere. They are there, but not like in America because they don't eat and drink while walking nearly as much as.. To be honest, the rest of the world. They have a huge fucking system in place about it. Moo IS doing something as a foreigner though, so its expected that she doesn't know these social cues, but it is something that is unspoken about that everyone else doesn't do hardly ever. Not saying people ARENT doing it in Japan, its just pretty uncommon. Usually the people stand outside the stall if there is no seating to finish their food.
Eating on a train, like she did, is especially frowned upon and I'm embarrassed for her, but a lot of people understand foreingers are dumbasses to customs, so who the hell knows if Moo feels bad about it or not.
No. 601158
File: 1542578769824.jpg (148.89 KB, 565x575, 1264832670899.jpg)

>>601152That's what makes this so much funnier to me, for someone who brags about how hard she hits the gym and her 'gains' she has absolutely nothing to show for it.
Clearly the only thing she's been walking to recently is to refill her plate at the buffet line.
No. 601269
File: 1542590809653.png (3.89 MB, 1242x2208, 266662AB-4540-4FE8-A46B-08BD4A…)

>we both speak it a little bit
50% konnichiwa and 50% anime phrases that she thinks is enough to get her around a whole god damn country. If someone sent her a question right now in moonspeak would she be able to respond? Could she film herself interacting with Japanese people on video?
No, because she’s a try hard who think people believe her when she says she can speak Japanese or used to translate manga. No Mariah, you’re just a weeb.
No. 601292
>>601269It's why she banned that Japanese guy from her cam stream. He wasn't even being rude either, he was just asking if he understood her. Her claim
"He was so annoying"
No. 601299
File: 1542593079169.png (4.05 MB, 1242x2208, 321BDE0E-80F8-4776-92C0-DC227C…)

Except for you
No. 601355
File: 1542600736018.png (2.72 MB, 750x1334, 5D999DDB-0337-48E3-9514-EE6DC1…)

maybe if you would shut the fuck up and stop being obnoxious on the train, natives won’t stare at you like you’re a fucking retard
No. 601362
>>601269>Tokyo is pretty good on the English for menus.Moo's top priority
>>596190>>596197>>597533>>598083>>599365>>600919my votes
No. 601401
File: 1542607002034.jpeg (748.71 KB, 750x830, 64680A01-9646-499F-ACC9-A74AB2…)

No. 601403
File: 1542607145320.png (6.77 MB, 1125x2436, C23697C3-607A-4884-A2CB-AD081C…)

Even if you don’t have IG, I highly suggest you guys watch her story rn. DL and make a fake account
I always thought people were exaggerating that Mariah makes fun of vamps teeth, but this whole video is of her saying SNAGGLETOOTH HEHEHE OH THERE IT ISSSS, SNAGGLE TOOOOTH
Maybe that’s why she’s always showing off her own teeth…the front are okay but momos bottom teeth are jacked and the whole set sticks out of her face so she has no room to talk, but in her delusion probably thinks it’s one of her redeeming qualities
I know vamps is a cunt too but maybe this is some Stockholm syndrome battered woman shit…like she has to be a little mentally stunted to be hanging out with someone so much younger than her anyway,right?
And idc if they try to justify it by saying vamps doesn’t care and she knows it’s ugly blah blah
It’s still fucked up and something she probably wishes she could change about herself every day of her life along with her nose.
Like I feel like vamps will put up with anything at this point and it’s horrifying to watch, I wish she’d call mono a big fat turtle lipped hot dog pussied bitch or something
No. 601412
>>601403You can't even view it as teasing between friends because she's blasting it to (possibly) thousands of people. And if not thousands, than at least hundreds. Talk about depressing.
But hey, all that money "Mama" Moo spends must make it totally worth it. Can't wait for the next cunty thing you do when you get home so we can go back to hating you without a drop of sympathy, cuckette.
No. 601445
>>601355I swear i thought she was taking a stab at Vamp and her nose again.
To me it looked like Vamp was peaking at her phone so that's what I assumed she meant.
No. 601480
>>601465It's called yaeba, here's an NY Times article going into it a bit: really feel like vamps could use naturally having that as an edge (rather than have it be a downside to her appearance) in marketing herself if she wanted to.
No. 601553
>>600919Jessica also owns a VERY similar belt. She wore it in her Zero Two shoot but Nigri's if from a different brand (it has japanese on it)
But I love how moo is wearing this belts and pulling them as tight as they will go so that she can pretend to have shape
No. 601567
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No. 601572
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>>601567What is up with this Pomeranian /Yorkie show dog hair style… she looks like that Laura Lee girl, pic related
No. 601579
>>601578she's asking if it's rude in the US because she wants to determine if moo is bold enough to do so.
though, tbh it doesn't matter what's frowned upon here because we all know moo doesn't care. bitch takes videos and pictures of people's children ffs. (still not convinced she isn't a pedo, she seems to like enough pedoshit)
No. 601580
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No. 601583
>>601579>still not convinced she isn’t a pedo Cmon. Mariah is a shit stain but don’t start bringing that kinda shit here unless you have hard proof, of which a dumbass video she took of a screaming kid having a tantrum is not. She’s never done anything seriously outing herself as a pedo. Sexual harasser, yes. Tryharding her interest in lolis to appeal to her neckbeards, yes. We are all here for the milk but linking her taking a video of a kid crying to being a pedophile ridiculous.
>>601580It makes me guffaw each time she tries to sound like an expert on Japan in every post. She totes speaks Japanese! She knows kanji and the ins and outs of Japan! She knows Kyoto’s rich history of matcha! Why does it feel like she saw a tourist trap for this shit and after reading a pamphlet on it regurgitated it to her Instagram to make it seem like she was knowledgeable? Also, since when does this girl even consume matcha in any form……
No. 601601
>>601403Maybe Vamps should start a gofundme, when goals are reached she'd release some milk, I for one would be willing to contribute lol, then she'll be able to get that nose and teeth job she's been trying to mooch off of Moo this whole time.
But seriously, how is she willing to take this insult? I don't know if it's just in this screenshot but her eyes look so lifeless. I'd feel sorry for her if she isn't trash in the first place.
No. 601620
>>601583She sexualizes children in anime, both through her "cosplay" and comments. You can be a pedo without raping a child.
I don't really have a strong opinion either way, but she has still done sketchy shit.
No. 601638
>>601633To start off with: I agree that moo isnt a pedo because she's never shown interest in children herself but between her 'daddy fetish' and now pushing the 'I just want to mommy someone I'm so into that' I dont think she cares about that kind of thing. Sure it could be faked for attention but I dont see how she can pander to those types so easily if she was against it. All she cares about is gaining (attention, money, body mass) so she doesnt care about anything unless she thought it would negatively affect her money inflow
Remember that when people WERE calling her a pedo/gross for doing that with Kanna (and mainly the 'those thighs aren't innocent') all she was saying was 'lmao i'm so happy I
triggered the SJWs' flip flopped with 'I've got an adult body so of course I'm not sexualizing a child' but I dont remember her once saying 'I would never do that because it's gross/bad/immoral'
No. 601641
>>601638Moo does shit that any man would be nailed as a pedo for.
>taking photos of kids randomly>taking vids of kids she thinks are cute>lewding children/teens in her cosplays>interest in hentai featuring middle schoolersHell, she's basically the Shad of cosplay. There's no way she isn't a pedo.
No. 601655
>>601641i agree with you that it is suspect but i really dont believe shes a pedo other than her trying to pander/be a dumb bitch.
also i doubt has those pics saved on her phone and while it is weird to take pics of kids she thinks are cute, she takes pics of people in general without their consent too.
and the loli shit is probably to pander to her neckbeard fanbase even though it’s clearly not working.
do you have any evidence of her reading loli shit though? i dont remember that
No. 601661
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>>601658Oh I highly doubt that. Anyway, Mariah idolizes him so she would definitely take any comparison to him as a compliment.
Nevertheless, she's not a pedo. She may do retarded shit like sexualizing children and making sex jokes in front of them, but she doesn't seem interested in them.