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No. 611656
Image Credit:
>>607375Previous Thread:
>>>/pt/607094Onision Thread Archives:
>>>/pt/511709Onision Drama Crash Course:
Onision/Gregory Jackson (also known as Ogreasion/Obesion/Anusion/Shreg/Gurgles/Grug/Grot) is a washed-up, talentless and developmentally challenged YouTuber who gained rapid and inexplicable popularity around 2009 and has been in rapid decline ever since.
Laineybot/Taylor Elaine Anderson (also known here as Plainey/Lamey/Drainythot/Draino/Thot) is his wife and a translarping living, breathing tumblr account and retired YouTube “beauty guru” with no makeup skills or discernible personality.
>Taylor contemplates using Greg’s suggestion of Kai as her fakeboi name because she is clearly incapable of having any idea of her own >>607181
>Grug continues to hemorrhage Patrons >>607226
>We are all reminded of the full extent of Greg’s “I was just removing some weeds” horticultural endeavours courtesy of footage recorded by his neighbours >>607240
>Taylor makes her 4th ‘Vaping for the 1st Time’ video, once again reinforcing how utterly boring and lacking in creativity she is >>607794
>This vaping video was actually sponsored, and instead of being thankful that she is able to receive any semblance of income from her “career” she bites the hand that feeds by complaining about said sponsor “misgendering” her and the video being demonetised, once again proving how much of an entitled, ungrateful cunt she is >>607960
>Greg continues to flaunt his University of Google qualifications that are far superior to those of medical professionals with their book learnin’ >>608163 >>608166
>Whilst clearly in the throes of a psychotic break/attempting to prove insanity in light of impending legal proceedings, Greg still finds the time to release an album of 38 songs like the true hard-working creative genius he is >>608313
>Greg’s public display of mania results in YouTube expressing concern over the possibility of him attempting to an hero >>608438
>Highly sensitive sooper sekrit content from the OnisionPrime account is leaked >>608394 “violating [Greg’s|] trust” (I needn’t point out the irony here) >>608633
>>Based admin create a special theme for the farmers in honour of Tractorgate >>610171
>Lamentably, Tractorgate itself was a spectacular anticlimax (as predicted by several farmers) due to the hearing being postponed/stalled by Greg’s incompetent lawyer >>610671
>Taylor deletes her private Instagram after more leaks and will purportedly be creating a new one for the higher-tier Patreon paypigs (like that’s going to prevent leaks from happening again, at this stage she should probably just erase her entire online presence) >>610839
>Greg announces that he will be releasing a documentary on Shane Dawson in the next 60 days and puts out a PSA on Twitter asking for substantiating material (get the popcorn ready, fam) >>611410For the sake of making Onision threads easier to read, please follow these rules:
- Hooktube is no longer a viable solution to deter views/clicks from these two clowns. Please rehost videos elsewhere (e.g. uploading to Google Drive).
- Do not liveblog streams. Unless something of importance is happening, we don't need minute by minute updates.
Contravention of the following rules will result in banning:
- Do not contact/announce plans to contact the livestock (cowtipping) and post about it here.
- Do not tinfoil about the children.
- Do not nitpick (including HDR edits of Greg and Taylor’s faces) derail the thread, or infight. Please revisit the rules ( if you have any confusion as to what nitpicking, derailing and infighting consists of.
Grot: No. 611694
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look at this load of barnacles
No. 611737
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>>611694>I WANT TO DO WHAT'S BEST FOR THE WORLDDidn't he start this year saying he wasn't going to be nice anymore and it was just some edgelord video he backed down on in like a month?
>casually mentions how he talked about hair, glossing over the racism in said videos>I don't think about my own success that's why I don't post a video if it gets demonetized >I BECAME A MARTYR FOR THE TRUTH>God I miss when I was still relevantGreg, if you do stop "saying your truth" what excuse will you use for your irrelevance to the bottom "bruised and beaten"?
>THERE IS NO ONE WHO VALUES MY EXISTENCE MORE THAN YOUYeah, it's not like you have a wife and kids, huh. Jesus fucking christ.
No. 611740
>>611706Why is he so fucking predictable. "I dyed my hair black not too long ago and now I wanna find out how I should wash my hair. Does any of that make sense?"
Is he tone deaf? Does he not hear how racist he sounds?
>>611694>real astrologyhwat? What the fuck is wrong with onion fans. I'm sorry but astrology is a pseudoscience you can choose to believe in it and be inspired by it or whatever, but it will never be real.
No. 611745
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>>611740do not be sorry anon, you speak the truth!
No. 611746
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Can we please talk about his God complex for a minute?
I mean we all knew he had it but
>his book cover is a ripped picture of him that has 'HE WILL END IT ALL' written on it (this is like the next level of a self-insert character where he not only acts like you but literally
is just you)
>beneath that is says 'GOD GOD GOD GOD'and now he's
>become a martyr for the truthWhat is it with these references, I thought he had this deeply rooted hatred for Christianity and it's followers?
That book cover honestly looks like the deranged drawings of a soon to be school shooter.
Anyway I made this, hope anons enjoy
No. 611751
>>611746next thread pic pls, this is beautiful.
All along his issue with religion was that it was not created to worship HIM as the central godprophetmessiah figure
No. 611752
>>611746Is that a tiny penis on the floor?
Does anyone else wish they could see their true reactions to these pictures? Like not one hammed up for a video?
No. 611754
>>611752it's the signature of the original artist, I googled for pictures of martyrs and onisified this one.
I did give Lainey a tiny fidget spinner to hold on to though, that has to count for something.
No. 611782
>>611773Right?? Does he not realize he's actually an aging man now?? He doesnt have his teen looks anymore at all. He has weird aging spots all over his body and he looks out of shape. Nothing like he used to look 15 years ago. Sure his face structure is the same, but the skin on his face is seriously gross looking now…all red and blotchy. His hair is greasy and so badly dyed he'll probably just have to shave it all again.
Really, he's just a creepy middle aged man now. Not relatable to teens, and him even trying to appeal to them is really gross too. But I get the feeling he doesnt see it as gross because inside he probably sees himself as being exactly the same as he was 15 years ago. He thinks he looks exactly the same. But he doesnt.
He looks exactly like what he is now and that's an aging man with two kids, a wife, and a lotttttttttt of debt. Not even rich and famous anymore! He's the same tier as any other old man a young girl would meet. Like a janitor or something. How depressing for him..
No. 611788
>>611782Your early 30s isn't middle aged…
Sometimes I wonder how many people that post here are actually over 18.
But your overall point is correct. He cannot relate to teens at all. At 30 you should have some financial stability, have fun with your family, and go out with friends for drinks.
No. 611805
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Literally left his pregnant wife for another woman. His lack of self awareness never ceases to amaze me.
No. 611809
>>611805Thankfully it's common knowledge that Gregenstein cheated on multiple spouses including his current one.
So you're right Greg, you will always be "undateable".
No. 611821
>>611694Why does he keep mentioning his family in this post? If you're concerned for your family's welfare, you should get a real goddamn job, you shmuck. It's like he's holding supporting his family over the heads of his dumbass tween viewers. (And I mean, just look at those comments. The desperate Booty, incorrect usage of a Voltaire quote to seem intelligent, the weird astrology shit, the "
triggered masses" can't handle him comment…these people are truly special.)
>>611812To be fair, it was absolutely Greg who told Lainey it wasn't cheating. She reinforced it by just accepting it and not leaving, but he himself decided he could do whatever he wanted with Billie without labeling himself as a cheater, and his version of things is always the absolute truth of course.
No. 611826
>>611816Grease comes from the scalp… and he just brushes his hands a few times through?
And watching his black hair videos, he picked at every black person for rubbing shampoo into their hair and creating suds and called them all out for using TOO MUCH shampoo and THAT'S WHY THEIR HAIR IS DRY, but like, he's the one who isn't washing his hair properly. His hair isn't stripped of it's oils when he "washes his hair every day" because he isn't actually washing it lol
No. 611827
>>611826Has he
seen how his wife shampoos?? Or maybe that’s why he’s so adamantly against it? She uses so much shampoo.
No. 611828
>>611827Everything he fucking posts can be viewed as some sort of weird vendetta against his wife and nitpicking at the shit she does. It's fucking weird that he hates on every tiny thing, and it "just so happens" to be something that Lainey does.
In his original black hair video he called out people who dye their hair, stating that to keep the colour, they don't wash their hair for weeks and "that's so fucking disgusting". Good lord. Is it possible to hate your wife so fucking much?
No. 611843
>>611707He was only right about Social Repose because he recognised a fellow narc, recognised the familiar tactics and signs. People have been right about Obesion over and over, he just never admits when he’s been caught out.
Same with his cheater hypocrisy - he’s concocted elaborate ways to avoid taking responsibility so he never registers in his own mind as a cheater.
He will never be reformed. He’s an eternal cow. The question is whether we’ll get bored of him.
No. 611846
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Totally not biased, right guys?!
No. 611853
>>611846Grease is so fucking proud of himself for being his version of straight edge. Don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t eat meat, don’t have sex with people unless you looooooove them…
My dude, I am a drunken carnivore weedhead ho, but I don’t cheat on my spouse, neglect my children, creep on teens, cheat on my taxes, or destroy wetlands! I also have a real job.
(blog) No. 611854
>>611788I am not the anon who made that comment.. but I Honestly am confident everyone knows 30's aren't middle aged. I think when people make that statement in regards to Onision, they are simply being hyperbolic to put emphasis on the fact that he is much older than he portrays himself to be. Greg is extremely stunted emotionally and mentally, he constantly harps on about how young he looks and how he hasn't aged at all.. he acts like a petulant teenager, he is entirely void of any maturity, and he is only attracted to women under the age of 20. I have never in all my years come across someone who is so immeasurably immature.
I myself just turned 28, and still I refer to Greg as middle-aged, not because I believe it by any means, more-so because I know it REALLY
triggers him. It also highlights how disturbing his actions and words are. While most people in their 30's still look like and are mistaken for physically appearing to be in their 20's or even younger than that, they have learned greatly and acquired wisdom and knowledge that reflects their age. Greg is completing void of this wisdom normal human beings acquire through life experience, and because of this, commenting on his age holds more relevance as it is just SO bizarre to see someone at his age portray himself to be a bitchy, nasty 14 year old.
No. 611872
>>611854And the worst part? He's decompensating. He actually was much more tolerable than he is now. I'm not saying I would go out of my way to watch old Onion videos, because they're all terrible, but he actually seems more sane, an imbecile, but at least a bit grounded in reality.
His social isolation and living in his echo chamber is honestly what's progressing his decompensation into the insufferable human being he is. He reminds me of a scared injured animal that snaps at anyone who tries to help him which makes it really fucking easy to just enjoy his downfall even more.
No. 611888
>>611740do you think greg is stupid enough to believe the colour of the hair matters not… literally anything else
because this level of stupid from him is viable
No. 611913
>>611888I think he's willfully ignorant of FAX and also trying to be a huge asshole. Like I can't actually comprehend it. Has Shreg ever noticed how some people have really oily skin, some have really dry skin, some people never have any issues with their skin. Is it really that hard to believe that hair that comes through the skin might also have different issues depending on the individual?
But no Shreg is a hygiene and acne expert which is why he looks like he has road rash on his face.
No. 611939
>>611937I think he will make his version of a documentary, but it will be the same lazy attempt as his books.
He gave us a peek at how it will be put together when he tweeted out for his fans to contact him with "clips, statements or interesting facts" about Shane. So its just going to be a drawn out Speaks video with a few videos of his fans giving their take on Shane but mostly emails and tweets from his sockpuppet accounts talking shit.
No. 611956
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Kek, looks like we'll be getting the "documentary" sooner than later.
No. 611969
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>>611956Down deep even he knows its a sad joke.
His subconscious forced him to use air quotes.
No. 611979
>>611959Thats why it's a hit piece. A real documentary allows the viewer to draw their own conclusions. All Greg wants to do is make Shane look bad because personal vendettas = FAAAAXXX.
>>611969Kek of course he does. It's 50 minutes long and way ahead of schedule so you know it's going to be a well researched, thought out video and not a total dumpster fire of misdirected self hatred.
No. 611984
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>>611980He likes looking at himself while editing.
So my vote is for him in front of that white butchers paper with intermittent cuts to fake emails he received from
sockpuppet accounts fans and friends. But its mostly going to be him reading that little point by point list hes been tweeting and linking to for the past few weeks.
No. 611985
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Basically what it all boils down to.
No. 611986
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Shane posted this to Instagram. Greg's blood must be boiling over it. I mean, how can she support someone who is ~definitely a paedophile~ while poor, decent Greg is struggling to survive? She could have bought Greg's used underwear on Poshmark and supported someone HONEST.
Maybe this is why he's rushing the documentary out, he's probably hoping she sees it lol.
No. 611995
>>611991Tractorgate got delayed, not cancelled.
They've postponed the proceedings twice now, the judge is not gonna let them postpone again. If they had nothing to fear, they would have just gotten the legal proceedings out of the way. Instead they were quiet and asked to postpone.
If Gurgle wasn't in trouble he would be sticking it to our faces on Twitter 24/7 for the next month. He would be calling himself as a fax machine and us as liar haters who are homophobic and trying to take away his shine.
>It is within the discretion of the court to determine whether or not to grant a continuance and the number of times to grant a continuance. The judge won't allow this to continue indefinitely and the judge considers the reason for a continuance. whether or not there is a valid reason. If there isn't a valid reason for the continuance, the judge will most likely deny the continuance.Their first delay was a month, now it's two weeks. The judge is not going to let them to stretch it out until January.
No. 611999
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>>611959But him, husbandwife and his patreonfags lurk here so you're kinda handing it to him on a plate
No. 612032
>>612030I don't think so, it is clear that Shane will never meet or even talk to him.
This is just another desperate attempt for attention.
No. 612064
>>611923I don't even think Greg knows what a documentary really is, let alone what makes a
good documentary.
It'll be his usual halfassed content with too much focus on him and himself only and screeching about what a bad person Shane is. If he shows screenshots or videos, he'll make sure to have his face on screen at all times because, God forbid, his fans won't have the opportunity to drool over his divine, Greek body.
No. 612071
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No. 612078
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No. 612081
>>611988Fanfiction writers put more time and effort into their writing than onion does
>>61195650 minutes of him in front of a white wall in b&w talking in that faux ~professional~ and condescending voice, showing random, old clips of shane to make him look bad. Can’t wait! /gag
No. 612082
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No. 612100
>>612000Where did you see that Lainey is in NM? I haven't seen that on any of her social media.
Side note: a huge issue with her career (other than being married to a goblin) that Lainey seems too dense to realize is that she has zero interaction with the outside world other than her videos. She doesn't use twitter aside from posting links, she barely uses instagram, and while I'm not a patron, from what I can see in her posts she does seem to interact a lot on that either.
How does she expect to garner more fans if she doesn't do anything? I guess she sees YouTube as a better alternative to getting a job, but if you're going to make a career doing that, at least try to seem somewhat grateful/not like you hate your life
No. 612104
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freudian slip
No. 612109
>>612101Oh god my eyes.. oh god make it stop..
He is so obsessed with Jessie.. And he really cares what she thinks of him. I had said a million things about how rancid and retarded this guy is in reply to his tweets and it was finally saying "bro she doesn't want you or Lainey you're both creepy" that made him block me. Imagine how many times he has shouted her out and made videos kissing Jessie's ass and she has never so much as said "thanks" to either Lain or Gerg. I think despite Jaclyn being very stupid for forgiving him, she must have at least warned Jessie of the foreboding basement which awaited her if she dared respond to them.
No. 612123
>>612104What? Why would he think well bred kids have been hit? You actually can parent your child without hitting it.
Btw Grease, good parents don't scream at their kids because they can't carry them in Mario Kart.
No. 612138
>>612104This is such bullshit lmao. Somebody came up to you and told yoh how well behaved your kids are? Fucking who, when, and where Greg? Your daughter is a toddler and your son has anger management issues (wonder why). If this is real and somebody paid you and your kids a compliment then what a dickhead response - "yeah I don't spank them reeeee!!!" Why wouldnt you just say thank you like a normal fucking person? God he is a twat.
>just tune outsHe can't even bullshit on Twitter effectively kek. Yep we know you tune out your kids and their man mom - But don't worry, you dont spank them and that makes up for all the emotional abandonment and mental abuse. Eventually when they become teenagers you can just avoid any involvement all together and parent them over Twitter too.
No. 612146
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New video where Greg says absolutely nothing and sits there smiling awkwardly while Lainey criticizes his dumbass tweets.
Because he hasn't already done this exact same thing to several of her videos already. But I guess when you're married to someone, ripping their content for adsense is normal.
…love the edgy thumbnail btw. You so funny Greg.
No. 612157
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>>612146>>612155and here are the top comments for you.
No. 612199
>>611939Raising your kids waldorf only works when they are actually going to waldorf schools.
Also the parents must be…Cool and non agressive.
No. 612210
>>612146>>612155Reminds me of Richie's videos where he also has done some react videos where he basically just stares at the camera and says nothing making a stupid face exactly like that. Love how the narcs are exactly the same as each other.
Also lol at the comment he pinned
>The way Greg looks at Lainey throughout this entire video is honestly goals and how I hope my fiancé looks at me lol No. 612214
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So pregnant women are just baby vessels and can't share their own pregnancy journey for views? Another jab at Laineybot? I think the real tranny is Onion, he's so jealous of biological females.
No. 612241
>>612157LMFAO who is the farmer who commented the McGrease mansion thing.
greg is such a passive aggresive cunt it'd be funny if it wasn't sad. you're 30, greg. grow the fuck up.
No. 612242
>>612214God, just fuck you Greg.
I'm sure Colleen wouldn't even think about ignoring and screaming at her son until he gets anger issues and has to punch people.
You think commenting on every single thing with your shitty attitude is "an opinion" but
no one gives a fuck about you. All you're known for is being the ignorant prick who you better ignore and not for being the ~~most honest YouTuber~~
Keeping up with other people's life just to try and put them down just shows how obsessed you are with everyone and how sad your life is.
You should try fix your marriage or try and parent your children instead.
Excuse my rant, but seriously fuck him for trying to bring Colleen down while she's giving birth to her child.
No. 612244
>>612214Except when I want to make doctors look bad so I make a 15 minute long video talking about my son's balls.
Plus didnt Foot make like 50 videos about pregnancy/labor/breastfeeding? Just because she didn't show the kids faces it doesn't mean she didn't use them for views
No. 612278
>>612214but they're just being
honest about their pregnancies. This isn't just their job, they are sharing the raw
truth about their life, making art and connecting with fans. You should watch their content rather than just screencaps from hater twitters. And if you think this is
just a job for them, leave their channel. Why would you follow someone that you don't even like? I don't understand. Perhaps you're too sensitive to handle real issues. No wonder people who tell the truth wind up at the bottom, beaten and bruised…
i wish i could sage this shit No. 612281
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someone is butthurt other youtubers are making money from family friendly content and he isn't
No. 612283
>>612214lol the kid isn't even born yet, it's just a picture of her pregnant and he's sperging. Should pregnant youtubers never show their belly or mention being pregnant like Lamey did because god forbid that unborn baby be seen anywhere? Very honest.
Also what's with this new way of typing where he never uses punctuation or capitalization? Is it supposed to evoke the new depressed Onion who is about to get fisted by tractorgate? At least his asshole is nice and loose after the IRS got through with him.
No. 612285
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Onion creeping hard on Jessie today.
No. 612292
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>>612285His replies are like passive aggressive jabs to his manwife, "hey look i can get lesbians more-so than you", "why haven't you gotten me a young gf yet?" & the classic "look, she is a lesbian but looks like a girl, why can't you be gay and girly like her?"
No. 612301
>>612285But she's friends with Shane, if he deserves her attention so does Obesion!!1
Good lord he's so desperate for her validation, and she just goes on pretending he doesnt exist.
No. 612305
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>>612285Fucking hell could he be anymore desperate? Lmao. Everybody is telling him how creepy it is but good ol' Grug just keeps on hunting for unicorns.
No. 612309
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(Taken from kf)
People on tumblr are spamming gregs
manager email with false information
https://britain-against-onision.tum...spam-onisions-business-email-with-random-shit No. 612315
>>612309>Greg’s managerThis will never cease to crack me up.
Anus, everyone knows that the translarping spacefoot is your “manager”, give it up
No. 612371
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No. 612373
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No. 612377
>>611656>>612372Must have been hit with the reality that she'll never get with him! Taylor was probably also getting upset by him talking to her like that. Very undeniable that he reads here, especially lately.
I think he is mad that we have pointed out that Jessie never responds to him, though.
No. 612378
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>>612372gurgle is big mad that he got caught
No. 612380
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He has the best grammar.
No. 612384
>>612373Hey Obesion, make another tweet - fill in the rest of the dialogue:
Strange Aeons: Onision is a lolcow, here's 3 videos I milked out of him
Onision: Oh my god, she wants to fuck me!
Onision: Here is a never-ending series of videos about Eugenia Cooney.
It makes a lot more sense to make videos laughing at Onision, than to concern troll about Eugenia by saying her image is
triggering eating disorders, whilst reproducing her image over and over for your fans to see. Which one is it, Obesion?
No. 612391
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>>612384Speaking of which, her video on his book hit 1 million views. That’s gonna sting, huh, Grugly?
Does anyone know approx. how much money that would be? Enough to help with a $300,000 IRS debt I’m sure.
No. 612395
>>612371>>612372>>612373>>612378Someone touched a nerve. Be more obvious that you want to sniff her panties you sick creep.
>>612384You misunderstood, anon. Strange Aeons totally wants to fuck him because the second she saw his Freddy Krueger face her lesbianism vanished and she knew the true way. She was hungry for that Onion dick. He has that charm with all gay girls. Ask Lainey!
No. 612400
>>612384One of the many things I find endlessly hilarious about Gurgamesh is that we know he frantically any comments left by ~Da H8uRz~ yet the negative responses to his tweets still outweigh the positive ones 100:1. Imagine the shit we
don’t see.
No. 612424
>>612391This varies on the video's standing in the youtube algorithm, as well as the youtuber's management. But the most widely accepted and agreed upon method for figuring out how much a video makes is taking the views and moving the decimal over twice:
1,000,000 views = 1,000$
100,000 views = 100$
Of course for youtubers who are in high standing with youtube and considered family friendly make WAY more off of their videos than your regular youtuber.
It is also important to note that a significant sum of their monthly paycheck for those who have hundreds of videos equates to a combination of all total views spanning ALL monetized videos for each 30 day period… which is why people like Social Repose aren't homeless yet.
Something that really irks me about this monetization system subject - Greg recently stated that his "I'm a Banana" video still makes him $400 dollars MONTHLY. This is absolutely impossible… there is no way in hell he is getting 400k views a month on a video that is 10 years old and wouldn't be considered by today's viewers to be even remotely funny. No way is youtube actively recommending it still either.
Such. A. Fucking. LIAR.
No. 612428
>>612427I mean I suppose there might be a chance… but God that is a lot of money from a singular video to make after 10 years. If he makes this much off of one video, then consider the thousands of videos he receives views from monthly on all of his combined channels… I can't help but feel something doesn't quite add up. Wouldn't he still be living in his McMansion and driving his douche-mobiles?
I'm extremely curious now what his monthly paycheck would actually be..
No. 612476
>>612372Onision, a grown man, husband and father of two:
repeatedly and openly thirsts after a 19yo girl that doesn't even acknowledge himOnision:
gets called out for thirsting, something that would be obvious to anyone with a pair of seeing eyesOnision: ERMERGHERD I DON'T WANNA FUCK HER LEAVE ME ALONE UR ALL STOOPID!!!!!
No. 612484
>>612480Tbh, even if it wasn't meant in a thirsty way, it would still sound incredibly condescending. It's something I say to my dog.
No matter which narrative he's trying to persue, it doesn't make him look good.
No. 612487
File: 1544544942983.jpg (753.19 KB, 1080x3903, IMG_20181211_161026.jpg)

Damn Onion boy is triggered. His name is so embarrassing too, the girl he's trying to fuck hasn't even accused him or interacted at all with him for his name to be a direct call out to an individual. Dya think Lainey's sister will ask Lainey why she's married to such a creep?
No. 612488
File: 1544544962263.jpeg (311.87 KB, 1125x1576, 18E3B8F4-7394-4485-BCA9-8B5FE2…)

lmao sure greasy
No. 612495
>>612480>>612476It's disgusting from every angle, but it doesn't even make sense. If you look at it from a non-creepy perspective (you can't really), Onision is praising her for saying she prefers pants? Who the fuck cares? Most women prefer pants. Look around, Onion.
>>612487This sperg…
>I don't want to sleep with YOUUh, Jessie didn't even reply so why is he addressing it like she accused him. It's the farms and maybe some of Jessie's fans that are making accusations. Here, he's making it seem like she's the creepy neckbeard type. Wtf? I know he's a retard and can't write, but I feel sorry for her. I mean she just tweeting a random observation for cool kid points and she not only gets a pervert demeaning her, he accuses her of being the creep.
Less likely explanation for this sperg is that she messaged him? Probably not, but it would be hilarious. Although I think we'd get more of a freak out.
No. 612497
File: 1544545822425.jpeg (114.92 KB, 1125x545, B943A519-025E-4EAC-85C8-E02D80…)

>>612494Telling a girl you have no intimate connection with that she’s a good girl is creepy as fuck, especially when she’s only
19 years old and you look old enough to be her father.
Doesn’t matter what the intention was if you have a history of preying on teen girls with colored hair. (Billie, Macncheese, Maya, and now Jessie)
No. 612500
>>612497oh shit why didn't everyone think of this sooner?
Quick, spread the word to Shane, Eugenia, and everyone else! Just tell Greg that him making videos on you means he wants to fuck you and he'll stop! After all, he's HONEST and TRUTHFUL isn't he?
No. 612502
File: 1544546343424.jpeg (360.26 KB, 1125x1289, E374EFBE-4FA1-4C4D-A676-5F6D14…)

tfw you find out he’s been reeing on twitter while he’s “spending time” with family.
No. 612510
File: 1544547419059.jpeg (186.42 KB, 1125x1441, 57467ABA-8F8E-4A23-B5FC-8D0647…)

LMAO. inb4 “my dad was a pedo feel bad for meeeee.”
No. 612511
>>612506i'd be pissed off too if i had to spend time with/interact with/be seen in public with my ugly fakeboi wife instead of harassing cute lesbians online. and actually have to spend time with my kids that i seem to hate. imagine him sulking in the corner of the living room, pouty-face in full effect, while his wife at least
tries to be civil with the family.
No. 612515
File: 1544548161847.jpeg (274.96 KB, 1125x1323, 5E608AAC-714C-4675-96E4-F202C0…)

>tells his fans that he’ll lose everything if they don’t pledge to his Patreon
>struggling to survive
>”saying I love you to your fans is emotionally MANIPULATIVE.”
Love these hot takes from onion boy.
No. 612518
>>612516He said he loved Maya when he first met her and it grossed her the fuck out
But we already knew
he was emotionally manipulative.
No. 612521
>>612518exactly. because he only uses it for emotional manipulation, he thinks deep down everyone must be as disconnected as him and it's just his damaged brain.
i feel so bad for his sister and mother given his insane complex with women, growing up with him must have been a nightmare. now he can't handle grown women so much that can actually harm him he surrounds himself with underage girls and fakeboys, and cross dresses for whatever reason. he's such a dumb fucking child
No. 612524
>>612497"no I'm not weird, YOU'RE weird!!"
these mental gymnastics are getting boring, onion
No. 612533
>>612511Is she really a lesbian?
If so, why is he bothering getting her attention?
I mean I know that
he's the guy who turns a lesbian hetero (for him) but if she's actually gay, not Taylors ~uwu im gay~, he
never has a chance to get her into his dream trinity.
No. 612537
>>612533Jessie is bi.
>>612515On a serious note, why hasn't he gone on a REEEEEE crusade in video form against Jessie yet?
No. 612548
>>612542>>612547Maybe "perfect" is a stretch, but he does naturally have pretty good bone structure. It's the only reason he has a bunch of obsessive 13 year old fangirls.
I wonder if he'll get #metoo'd by them at some point…
No. 612555
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>>612515I guess Jessie is a manipulative sociopath then.
No. 612585
>>612488>not an adult >underdeveloped brainsWow, this guy is absolutely retarded. How can one contradict their entire life so hard? An adult is someone who is 18+. If you aren’t 18+ you have an undeveloped brain? So…. Lainey was a kid with an undeveloped brain when he fucked her? How is this guy not able to see how bad he shits on himself?
Shitting on Lainey and calling her a liar for lying about her age 6 years later is not going to help him because she literally lied about her age BY 5 MONTHS. And this was BEFORE he got into a relationship with her and took her to a hotel room. So, he knew fully well what her age was and still fucked her on a fucking desk like she was some hooker and not a fucking kid with parents who disapproved.
No. 612598
File: 1544566189767.gif (519.54 KB, 379x235, giphy.gif)

>>612488i'm loving this unexpected spurt of milk from the grease. his narc brain can't understand why anyone would think he's creepy, so he's taking it out on jessie. even changing his profile name, kek you know it got his undies in a twist.
No. 612602
>>612585It's just another staggeringly clear example of how Onision / Gregory Avaroe twists facts to fit his narrative.
Back in the day, it didn't seem to bother him that Lainey was underage because it fitted and still fits his preferences. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, he might just never have been vocal about this, but it's questionable because of his urge to display every detail of his life publicly.
Now that he's been called out for his horribly predatory behavior, he's upset about Lainey's "lies".
No. 612637
>>612487Lmao he's acting like a literal fedora.
>stalks the girl he likes>gets ignored>"I-I didn't even want you, bitch!"There's even the mention to being an intellectual, with other people being "underdeveloped" kek
No. 612654
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>>612146Laimey should give us the real twitter reaction we need in her videos
No. 612681
File: 1544579555709.png (258.23 KB, 588x601, Screen Shot 2018-12-12 at 01.4…)

incoming sperg?
No. 612697
File: 1544580589722.jpg (199.3 KB, 2811x559, Capture2.JPG)

Damn, the views are bleak this week. Even Eugenia couldn't break 100k. Lmfao at the attempted life hack video. We all know he was trying to break into a broader audience of younger females with that one.
No. 612707
File: 1544581432714.png (18.87 KB, 576x291, really.png)

he's looking for a new gf guys
No. 612725
>>612707Why would he want to know what people are assigned at birth unless he's not quite the pro-trans hero he makes out?
>>612500I think it'd be swell if Onision's """"manager""" received emails of damning clips of Shane doing creepy, dodgy things, only it turns out it isn't Shane in the clips, but Greggle. Mistaken identity, of course.
No. 612728
>>612707>"what are you?"Nice wording Greg. If Lambo saw this tweet come from anybody else you know she would be
triggered>>612654Lol nice anon
No. 612739
>>612724>>612725I think he's just trying to suss out what his demographics are before the Shane sperg, or a sperg about Trans people.
Though I have no doubt he'll see if there's any girls he can creep on next now that his jessie creeping may be over. I just don't think it's the specific intention of this poll.
No. 612783
>>612724I wouldn’t be surprised if he looks up prositutes or fantasizes about hooking up with one of these teens he follows. He literally told Lainey he thinks about cheating on her and I’m pretty sure in the same video he said he probably would if given the opportunity. I don’t know how damaged you have to be to pretend you are in a happy marriage when your spouse literally tells you it’s possible they’ll cheat on you
No. 612785
File: 1544596177192.png (465.39 KB, 600x2374, who cares.png)

He's arguing with JG about atheism lmao
No. 612788
>>612785If someone has to default to Googling the definition of a word to prove their point, odds are they didn't even know what the word meant before they looked it up.
This is Onion's mind in a nutshell. He sees someone mention a word he knows coupled with a word he doesn't.
He Googles it and is then confused because words are hard unless they're simple to understand (he's had this issue many times).
If he still doesn't understand the concept presented to him as explained by his definitions then this concept is immediately false. He doesn't try to understand it, doesn't ask for help understanding it, but instead will come up with an example of why his inability to understand a concept immediately means you're wrong, while his example is completely inaccurate to the concept being presented to him and exposes how he doesn't understand the concept at all.
An Agnostic Atheist is someone who doesn't believe in a god but doesn't claim to know their disbelief is fact in that there are no gods.
By this logic the appropriate example would be:
You can believe in extraterrestrial life without claiming that aliens are real.
Or in a way Onion can understand it: Vegetarians and vegans can believe in not eating beef but don't claim that cows aren't edible.
No. 612798
File: 1544598765249.jpeg (237.76 KB, 1125x865, 48E43B14-F159-4DF2-844E-09686D…)

>>612785He’s big mad at Jacyln Glenn.
No. 612803
>>612798He's weakly trying to cause drama because noone will engage him.
He sperged about Jessie and got no response and he does it with Shane every couple of days/weeks.
Noone will bite so he's doing this to start beef and get some traffic.
It must be a incredibly lonely and negative life, to have no friends and to try and 'fight' with the ones you do have to get views.
Jaclyn needs to ignore this man baby and let him screech alone.
Just like aeons did. He was expecting response videos and tweets and she posted one picture on insta and deleted it.
They all need to make like Billie and just ignore him until he dies off and then there's noone to cause drama with except Lainey.
Which is something I noticed. If drama is dry, he will start to pick fights or make passive aggressive remarks to Lainey.
No. 612810
File: 1544601386828.jpg (127.15 KB, 625x274, totallynormalvan.jpg)

I still can't stop laughing at his "I dOnT waNnA fUcK yoU " sperg.
Hey onion, paint your car like this, just to be even more brutally honest.
No. 612816
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No. 612819
File: 1544602131162.jpeg (648.38 KB, 1125x1200, B2141716-DA7F-4D23-A8C5-17106F…)

>>612816Greg it’s not that fucking serious. Get your head out of your ass.
No. 612822
File: 1544602859817.jpeg (57.94 KB, 512x288, E69CDE1E-5714-40DE-8A47-AC7E88…)

>>612818>logic fallacyWhat was that about using words according to their definitions in the language you’re speaking?
No. 612826
File: 1544603587602.jpg (207.81 KB, 600x490, normalandhonest.jpg)

I found a nice photo of greg and his family
No. 612827
File: 1544603674866.jpeg (336.9 KB, 1125x762, 429FF5C1-64A4-4D5A-B293-645F62…)

No. 612828
File: 1544603701452.jpeg (207.27 KB, 1125x712, F1D31E90-2CE0-4704-800F-CF5AE7…)

Pot meet kettle.
No. 612830
File: 1544604089558.jpg (1.21 MB, 1698x1131, kid-plugging-his-ears-pouting.…)

>>612828Just when I thought he couldn't get less self aware
>>612826Top kek anon lmao
No. 612839
File: 1544608078834.jpg (15.78 KB, 255x255, 0adc5f56cfd8707a4710d4641c0125…)

>>612828This retard is trying to get the skeptic community to argue with him for views. Tractorgate is coming and no amount of ignorance can get people to argue with him on the definition of an agnostic atheist.
No. 612938
File: 1544635718885.jpeg (131.31 KB, 1125x688, 2B5B0BC7-8053-46BD-A448-C16A33…)

Now we wait for Lainey to tweet a reaction image.
No. 612940
File: 1544635882480.jpg (51.32 KB, 800x597, imagine.jpg)

>>612938imagine all the onions…divorcing before tractorgateee…yohoo ooo
No. 612977
File: 1544639315098.jpg (34.11 KB, 588x429, lovemereeeeeeeeeeeeee.jpg)

bUt wAiT I thought people that say they love you when they barely know were sociopaths and hypocrites??!?!?!?!!!!?
No. 612990
>>612818I really liked the Reagan Wolf video RE: Onision vs STRANGE ÆONS, because it highlights just how often he does this and how he has literally no fucking idea what he's talking about. Not everything is an argument, Greg. Rhetoric rules don't often apply to casual conversation. Some things are just opinions. Regardless, the words "logical fallacy" are not some magical argument checkmate, you buffoon, least of all when it's apparent you don't actually know what logical fallacy is (although I'm sure you'll look it up in the dictionary and deem yourself an expert for reading one fucking sentence.)
Gods is he retarded. Religious studies is a valid field that conducts scientific anthropological, sociological research of religious beliefs and institutions. If you want to sound smart, quote the title of some academic journal you didn't actually read like the rest of the world. Referencing and quoting a dictionary is so outstandingly stupid.
No. 612996
>>612993 topest kek anon
This is too perfect
No. 613009
>>612977So… he's in love with Eugenia, Shane, Jaclyn, Social Repose, Colleen and everybody else he's keeping up with to attack.
Oh and buy his logic:
Follows Jessie, watches her videos, keeps up with her -> loves her -> wants to fuck her (because he only wants to fuck people who he loves)
Outplayed yourself again, Grump.
No. 613016
>>612993This better be the thread pic for the next one.
>>613009I really hope he sees this and goes off on a sperg on Twitter trying to phrase it in the way where he can tell us we're WRONG but not reveal he lurked here to see this.
No. 613084
>>613062Yeah, she mentioned in it that she’s “breaking out cause I’m supa stressed.”
I wonder why. Once again her husband had gotten her into financial troubles and she’s the one worrying about saving up to pay off his debt and the cost of damages HE created, while also worrying about how to feed her kids. Because we already know Lainey buys the groceries, saves up for Grug’s debt and even buys shit she’s using on him in her videos. What does he actually pay for? Maybe share the bills, but other than that he just purchases, sells and purchases cars that he most likely considers his.
No. 613097
>>613086But why does Greg claim he has saved up enough money to live comfortably with his family for 5 years…?
Considering they seem to go shopping for new clothes every single day, I don't get any of it.
No. 613116
File: 1544648453972.jpeg (373.17 KB, 750x781, D8486549-76AE-4D3E-8F7C-25D115…)

>>612993I can’t breathe holy fuck, please make this a banner admin.
>>613084She looks rough as fuck too, I wonder if her time in NM will have a positive but temporary effect on her like it did last time. That “ready” shot looks like what you see at the end of your bed when you have sleep paralysis.
No. 613119
File: 1544648575828.jpeg (100.81 KB, 750x287, 26D39F59-4689-43B5-A683-081581…)

Wew Grot, you’re really 3edgy5me
No. 613121
>>612785It amazes me so much how a man with such below the average understanding of pretty much everything his eyes touch can even consider he is smarter than other people…
This dictionary thing is so dumb it makes Jaclyn look like a fucking intelectual while she's very limited as well with her skeptic community generic content and ~debunking everything~ obsession.
>>613116The before shot looks like gurg wtf
No. 613131
>>613107>>613115Dont you know? The clothes she bought were in a video, therefore she can claim it all as a business expense.
/s (but seriously they probably claimed back the alcohol bottles and god knows what else)
No. 613132
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No. 613161
File: 1544651701569.jpg (460.99 KB, 1017x1555, getherpeswithme.jpg)

No wonder she can't get rid of that thing, yeesh.
No. 613171
File: 1544652521984.jpeg (209.7 KB, 727x760, E025E92F-457F-4380-9D15-A31563…)

No. 613178
>>613115Lainey is a complete and utter spineless moron who listens to everything her “daddy” (gag) tells her; if Anus says her purchases appear in a video, they can be written off as a business expense and 100% of it will be returned, clearly.
Of course, this kind of thinking is what got her audited this year, and Anus audited for three years straight.
No. 613183
Honestly I figured as much as well. I just didn't want to utter the words and I was holding out hope that karma was finally biting this monster in the ass.
…god fucking dammit
No. 613199
>>612802It does not surprise me in the least that Gargamel here has trouble distinguishing between knowledge and belief.
>>612803I doubt Jaclyn has the sense. She's that level of stupid that you usually find in these pseudo-intellectual sKePtIcS who think they're brain geniuses, and she's fairly drama-prone.
No. 613201
>>613171>I know someone involved in the caseLol no you don't. Larp denied.
As a person who has worked quite a bit in areas regarding all of what Grunt fucked up, there is no way in hell he'd get only a minimal $1000 fine. Especially in a state like Washington which happens to have some of the strictest regulations in the country concerning these matters. The fact he violated a stop work order and then made no effort at all to contact an officiated authority to correct what he's done is already earning him a cavalcade of fines straight into his greasy neghole with fine each well over $1000, non-concurrent. He HAS to replace everything he destroyed which judging by what we've seen thus far is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars at the bare-assed minimum.
Why? Because those trees he cut and then plowed the fuck down have to replaced at the level of growth they were in when he took them out. I'd say that was about 20 years growth judging just from the pictures released. To do this he has to find and hire someone who grows trees for this purpose to do this for him, have them installed and we all know how well his outsourcing help goes, him being the worlds biggest jeanyus and all. Then he has to maintain them by order of the court until they fully root and continue to grow on their own which could take a few years. Meaning if the IRS fucks him more he can't even sell his swamp trailer because he has to maintain and correct the land its on which he destroyed. This would make all of that water his brain really start to boil.
On top of that, he utterly ruined the grasses and other similar foliage for a 4000sq ft. area with a gas-fueled bulldozer essentially (a model known for oil leaks occasionally during operation) covered hydric soils in FUCKING HOME DEPOT TIER SOD which is loaded with chemicals completely foreign to the natural PH balances in the area thus making it fucking near impossible without a complete overhaul to fix depending on how badly a job he did. Chalk up about another $10k to $15k there.
I'm not even going to get into the biological area of things as it would take me an hour and waste everyone's time but things are not as simple as a slap on the wrist for removing trees you weren't supposed to. I know it seems odd that something so apparently mundane can be so serious but its the damage done in the long run such strict regulation is there to address. All things considered, this entire tractor gate is more than likely going to drag on for about a year as they check on his initial progress for correction and restoration and ultimately cost this retard several hundred thousand to a low million and change when all is said and done. Expect consistent spergstorms as the cops who "ILLEGALLY ENTERED HIS PROPERTEEEEE REEEE" will be the authorities who will make rounds every so often to make sure he keeps up on his correction order, which they have to report about to the court. If he's lazy as we know he will be, jail-gate becomes an even more real possibility.
>>613195Unless he has a relative who is a fed and pulls strings to keep the Spudmeiester out of too much trouble (a nebulous legality to begin with though if true it would explain why he almost NEVER gets into real trouble for his actions, actions which mere talking about has gotten others serious jail time before), this is correct. The IRS fucks those who fuck with them with the meaty big long veiny cock of the law. Since they audited him as far back as 2014 and we don't know what sort of additional penalties and interest they have tacked on in that time his fines could be WELL over $300,000. He had to sell two homes over that cost and above any reasonable projected market value as well as two Tesla vehicles just to keep his head above water. That says a lot right there.
TL;DR Keith is a fucking idiot who needs to stop giving a voice to every larping dipshit he comes across. Said larping dipshit has no idea what they are talking about but as they are quite obviously a troll that was to be expected.
No. 613202
>>612842That's what I was thinking: he's basically just asking "peen or vagene"? but it's unclear why.
Still, good tell that he's a fake """"gay""" husband.
No. 613205
>>613203DSSCTM is also one of the bigger bullshitters around too, attracting other bullshitters and treating bullshit like it's true if it's something he wants to believe.
lolcows are like globules of fat floating in water; they attract each other and cluster.
No. 613216
File: 1544657380868.jpg (77.93 KB, 643x820, 0a1.jpg)

>>613201The spergery is overflowing
No. 613226
>>613209I’ll save everyone the time she takes 12 minutes to eat Krave cereal, put on “I don’t know the word - frayed???” jeans after putting on boxers without a jumpcut so she was just standing there naked in her “target brand bralette/binder” for five minutes bullshitting, only to anticlimactically put on tarte shapetape and minimal makeup WITH THE SAME UNSANITARY BEAUTY BLENDER SHE DRAGS SHAMELESSLY ACROSS HER HERPES THEN OVER THE REST OF HER FACE. Watching this felt like self harm please don’t do it
Oh and I repressed this but she has trouble pronouncing Mario Bedescu, doesn’t make an effort to just look up a fucking video like this is her source of income, and makes a joke about beautybot being a dead channel like her kids aren’t going to get fucked over by Onion’s debt.
No. 613231
>>613226The way lainey talks about her beauty channel being dead and how she abandoned it, makes me feel like it’s actually a jab at B.
I just checked B’s channel and saw her last 4 or 5 videos were only getting about the same amount of views as beautybot.
I really feel Lainey only ever made beautybot in an attempt to compete with B.
But the difference is, B actually has worked jobs before and is probably working now, B never put her whole life and soul into YouTube as her sole source of income. It was only ever a hobby for her, and she would upload whenever she felt like it, very sporadically.
Lainey relies on YouTube as her sole source of income and uploads every few days, yet still can’t bring in much of an audience or grow her subscribers.
No. 613237
>>613231That makes sense and we all know Anus will never stop subtweeting B, but has Lainey actually done this recently? I saw her reaction to Anus’ videos on their marriage and B was obviously mentioned quite a few times, and she simply states she doesn’t want to bring drama up again and if anything sounds exhausted herself. I think if she ever made jabs at B it was to gain acceptance from her butthurt cheating husband, and now that she’s slowly learning he will never move on she does seem to show some SLIGHT maturity for missing open opportunities for slander.
To me it seemed like a low rent way of insulting herself to beat others to criticizing her. And even if B is getting less views, she could have one video ever and will always be better than Lainey. Lainey isn’t a narcissist like Anus so honestly at some point I think even this womanchild would move on. She’s actually been more openly critical of Anus so I think she’s at least starting to get over feeling like shit compared to B.
No. 613256
File: 1544664675623.jpeg (124.13 KB, 1066x484, E1A1DA8F-74B0-4714-8CEB-030DFE…)

Lmao, this made me laugh. Comments on lames new ig photos of her trying to look like a fuckboy and failing. Don’t have a collage maker app on my phone to post the pics with the screenshot, but whatever
No. 613260
File: 1544665026858.jpg (Spoiler Image,163.31 KB, 600x907, sims.jpg)

>>613256 Did she edit out her armpit crease in the first one?
No. 613265
>>613209"I just need to go shopping"
Ughhh, the get ready routine and the unnecessary dressing down and dressing up makes me feel so gross. her face color is so uneven with the random glops of concealer and unblended contour.
No. 613296
>>613287 >>613292
Lurk more, both of you. Gig Harbor, WA, is their current residence. Mmmkaaaay. ;)
No. 613298
>>613201The kinda sperg lol cow needs. Thanks, anon. Quite insightful.
I only want to add that
>>613171 should especially not be believed because the troll obviously didn't do any research. The County is not asking for fines as of yet. The County is asking for an application fee to get an assessment of the damage done. This was stated in the original notice and the response to Greg's lawlappeal. Or at least that was my understanding of the documents.
No. 613317
>>613201Thanks anon for all the information. I was the one saying I was depressed and worried it would turn out to be nothing.
And after reading everyone's opinions, I think it's time to steer clear of blogs and stick to lolcow from now on.
No. 613327
File: 1544673330842.png (289.75 KB, 500x499, 5c4.png)

>>613260As lulzy as her fake fuck boi persona has been it's worn out to hell and back. Shit or get off the pot Taylor: top surgery, hormones, fucking SOMETHING other than a binder and a pixie cut. Or just go back to being the basic white girl rebound that Grug tied down.
No. 613348
File: 1544676332399.jpg (143.76 KB, 1072x696, Owthatedge.jpg)

Dat edge
No. 613370
>>613363Such barbaric celebrations of tribalism and war are beneath such an enlightened intellectual.
The true spectator art is hentai and discord.
No. 613400
File: 1544686187245.jpg (176.46 KB, 742x872, onion-be-ballin.jpg)

Tfw you make a video for people who give you hand outs while wearing an Affliction jacket
No. 613419
File: 1544690162917.png (104.32 KB, 1206x453, Iamverysmart.png)

>>613348He's gonna wind up on the front page of r/iamverysmart again soon if he doesn't chill his retardation.
No. 613422
>>613369So basically: 'I did a poll asking followers if I should stop being an inflammatory dickhead, followers said yes, I should stop being an inflammatory dickhead, and HERE'S WHY I'm going to carry on being an inflammatory dickhead.'
I think it's funny because it basically proves that onision was using it for validation and expecting everyone to be like "NO ONISION, BE YOU, LET THE TRUTH FLOW FREE" turns out even his fans are tired of his shit
No. 613434
File: 1544695421177.jpeg (343.86 KB, 1242x933, 37936013-ECA9-4758-8AB8-D41F16…)

Speaks channel has 0 subs
No. 613444
>>613442Wouldn't surprise me if he ends up showing his sub count again later on and it suddenly has an influx of new subs.
Either he's hiding his embarrassment of always being negative, or he's going to buy subs while the count is hidden so people can't call him out on it.
No. 613449
>>613148That's kind of nit-picky (and classist). I don't think a majority of people moisturise daily, let alone have a comprehensive skincare routine, and if they do not everyone can afford everything let alone better products. We all know Lainey is "into" makeup (including skincare) because it's trendy and fun to spend money on. It took them 4 years to stop having sperm brows, they aren't actually interested in learning about beauty or skincare regimes. As
>>613231 and
>>613237 mentions, it's about trends and vendettas.
>>613348 He's the worst SJW ever. Just because you stop using the word 'retard' doesn't mean replacing it with other words that mean the same thing is any better. It's like when white people say 'nigga'. Same shit from the same asshole.
No. 613453
>>613446You can buy "active" subs that give you views and promote your videos. They're real people instead of bots.
I dunno, though. Just my guess.
No. 613456
File: 1544700886045.jpg (48.34 KB, 480x720, Tamara_.jpg)

>>613432Greg seems to surround himself with those beasty types. Becca was obviously into horses for a gross reason. And one of his top paypigs Tamara is a lonely old lady whos into dogs (if you get the jist)
No. 613471
It's very interesting we can no longer see his subs, he must be really feeling the heat to hide the truth. How dishonest!
He is unravelling just in time for court.
>>613456>>613457>>613458>>613460You're clogging up the thread with patreon talk.
No. 613473
>>613201This exactly. I was reading up on law and local regulation in Pierce County. The Avaroe defence is clearly trying to copy a case from a few years ago where they got away with "police were trespassing" claim. In that mans case the property was 56 acres or so. In Gurgle's case his fruit of the poison tree defence is useless, since he himself posted the videos of himself tractoring online. Anyone could see the trees are gone, thus the offence a) was reported by an outsider b) would have been eventually discovered anyways. Thus his defence is not going to work.
A person just got 90k fines last year for doing much less than Greg did, all he did was cut down trees. Another couple in 2011 who built a road to their house, a small dock, cut down trees and changed the buffer zone without necessary permits, declared bankruptcy in 2014 with 250k in debt. They were still in appeals court about it against the pierce county in 2016. Considering that Pierce county reports that only less than 50% of cases get a stop work order and that they've moved so fast, means Gurgle's case is either a high or medium risk investigation (this is from their own PUBLIC documents on how they handle these). A landscaping companys owners went to jail a few years back for doing bad renovations in Pierce County, this can all be found with a simple google search.
tldr; Pierce County takes bufferzones and wetlands seriously.
The permit alone for them to check up on what he did costs 1500USD and they need another one costing 756USD.
No. 613476
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He must've privated, Live count only doesn't work for his speaks channel.
No. 613483
>>613209What a surprise Lainey is throwing away more clothes in order to buy more. Lainey, just get used to wearing orange. Wonder if Lainey would get a prison girlfriend, or will she demand to go to a male prison?
>>613465>>613477Also not that anon, but you can smother your face in vitamins but your skin isn't going to ingest them.
No. 613489
>>613486I thought the same thing. Was that video link only visible to a certain Patreon tier of his?
We know Greg likes to embellish, so the number is probably closer to 150-175 but he rounds it up to 200. So lets say he has 150-175 patrons at the 10 dollar tier and a few in the 50 and 100 level, but the 3 dollar patrons didnt get to view this video. Does that seem likely?
No. 613494
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>>613489If that was top tier content…damn. it doesn't say anything in his description of the tiers about higher contributors getting exclusive videos, but maybe?I also just noticed that if you add up all of his contributors from each tier it only adds up to 128.
No. 613504
>>613161Did this get deleted? Shame because it was good advice.
>>613171There's absolutely no way he'd get $1000 fine because he owes a fine for every day he didn't stop working and then owes fines for what it'll cost an expert to go in and figure out how to fix it PLUS he'll have to pay for the cost of fixing because laying down sod did fuck all.
No. 613508
>>613507What sort of credible source are we talking about?
I just can't imagine straight up bulldozing stuff into a protected wetland, violating burn bans and cardboard burning, and cutting down multiple trees in a flood zone is going to get you a $1000 fine and nothing else.
No. 613511
>>613509Hopefully the judge won't let them postpone again considering the prosecuting side has a ton of evidence and there's not much Greg can do other than plug his ears and shout "FAXXXXXX" to pretend like he didn't do anything wrong. He signed a paper when he bought the damn house and his neighbor video taped him wrecking the property.
The judge gave them around a month the first time and then two weeks this time. If they try to get it extended again I doubt they'd get more than a week since it's diminishing.
No. 613512
>>613507that's nowhere near enough proof, esp if it's a kiwifarms autist looking for attention.
>>613508 is right, and the fact that he quadrupled down on the 'im innocent, its your fault' defense is not going to earn him any favors.
No. 613521
>>613449I was thinking the same thing.
>>613465You're being classist in general. 30 to 70 dollars for a few months of skin care is not something most people can afford and it's delusional to believe everyone can do this or evens sees this excessive skincare routine as a need.
Lainey needs to see a dermatologist, probably a nutricionist as well and do some tests. It looks like a immunity issue is going on and a skin care routine is no fixer for that.
No. 613523
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Here we go again
No. 613525
File: 1544721013859.png (53.5 KB, 616x556, ENOUGH.png)

i hope jessie has his notifications silenced so she's not even seeing this. i want her to block his onion ass but she probs knows it'd cause him to sperg even further
No. 613526
>>613519Greg for sure would never allow her to hang with another guy, like an actual cis guy. But oh man, I think that’s the only way Lainey could ever leave Greg. If another guy, who’s more attractive and/or meets the emo/dark boi aesthetic who could take care of her appeared, she’d drop Greg in a heartbeat.
We can already see how emotionally attached she gets with people. Someone needs to start encouraging her to have guy friends and use Greg’s “just friends” logic against him.
No. 613536
>>613532i really don't think gurg will ever find anyone to join the trinity again, tbh i don't even think he'll ever get away from plain. he was never an attractive man but at least a few years ago he could put on a semi-convincing show, now his fucking face is melting and he has literally been described as frankenstein-esque by the most recent outside girl to have seen him. he'll never get another billie-tier girl (let's not start sperging about whether b was hot or not pls, we all know that she's at least way out of his league) and i rly wonder if he has also come to this conclusion or if he genuinely thinks he can still pull another pretty teenage girl to publicly abuse. lol, i'm glad that there will likely not be another girl sucked into the onion-sphere but we'll never get better drama than cuddlegate
i'd love to know just how desperate he really is at this point, i almost think he's at the point where he would just straight up cheat on lame and let divorcegate commence even if it meant being "the bad guy," he can clearly see his career is trashed and he long ago stopped caring about appearing morally conscious, he just virtue signals more aggressively now. bummer he'll never find another even vaguely attractive girl willing to put up with his grotesque bullshit, kek. let's hope 2019 is a wild year in the swamp
No. 613546
>>613536Of course he'll never get a Billie-tier girl, anon. Remember, he was paying for her school and showered her in gifts. That's why she hung around for as long as she did… she got out right before IRSgate.
But Greg's narcissism will never allow him to realize that. He's outcasted because of everyone's jealous of his super superior intellect and honesty, after all.
No. 613548
>>613544I found it so funny when he tried to say he was gay because he's 'never really been into girly girls'.
Billie and Shiloh, the girls I think he was most attracted to, are both really feminine. He was clearly more attracted to Lainey when she was more girly as well. Who does he think he's kidding?
No. 613551
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Here we go
No. 613552
1 hour of him raging with doctored photos and carefully selected tweets and text. And unverified troll emails if anyone even bothered to write him.
No. 613553
>>613551Hell yeah….
I doubt anyone survives watching him sperg for an whole hour.
No. 613561
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kek i was just checking his twitter to find the new video and saw this tweet, guess he's finally admitting that he's hung like a pinto bean
No. 613578
>>613557Watched with Adblock, skipped to his conclusion and it was as if a farmer wrote a parody.
“He hasn’t sued me because I’m right!”
“I must be telling the truth because I know this will get dislikes and I’m still putting it out!”
Although bravo Greg, first time in what 8? 7? Years you’ve broke 1k in 10 mins
No. 613586
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that was a wild ride
to summarize: it was the exact same shit he has been saying for the last >3 years, he didn't have any other additional points to make
he did at some point go through a list of symptoms of NPD (i think? some sort of abuse checklist) and it was honestly surreal, he was literally talking about himself
otherwise he just added spooky musical cues to clips of shanes podcast and talked about his FATHER and how life isn't fair but he's not a victim kek
No. 613589
>>613584Literally it was nothing that he hasn't already sperged about before. Just the old jokes and stuff taken out of context, it was really bad, like objectively terrible, and definitely not worth giving Grease view.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 613591
>>613578Shane hasn't sued him because he isn't worth the legal fees. He doesn't care enough to even send a tweet telling Grease to fuck off. It'll be a miracle if he even responds to this.
>>613584Best part of the video was him spelling out S-E-X-Y every single time because he was ~so disgusted~ by the thought of saying the whole word.
No. 613592
I wonder how the rest of the youtube community will react to this? I hope everyone ignores it completely, imagine how steamed that would make Grease.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 613594
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>>613586"Unbiased" "documentary"
No. 613595
>>613591Shane should just ignore the video.
The only thing the video does is emphasize even more how embarrassing Greg is.
No. 613596
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This was amazing.
Archiving video page just in case first sentence was already a grammatical dumpster fire and it just went downhill from there.
>starts with a long exposition about their kiss, how Shane was mean about it, how Shane complimented him, etc, all for no reason at all other than to sperg about his heartbreak I guess>lengthy sperging about logical fallacies>scrolling through symptoms of NPD and applying them all to Shane even though he could literally be talking about himself>MUH FATHER ABUSED ME JUST LIKE SHANE WAS ABUSED BUT I DIDNT TURN OUT A PEDO!!!>joking = lies>stating everything he says as a fact and doubling down on accusations>taking videos out of context >shows clips of people who did turn out to be rapists/pedos to compare them to Shane>Shane researched a pedo conspiracy on youtube so he must be a pedo>YOU ARE A LIAR!!!!!!!!>sinister horror soundtrack over Shane's video clips>S-E-X-Y>I am uploading this despite knowing it'll be unpopular, thus it must be even truer>shows himself saying "Hello I am Onision and I am a pedophile" to make a point about parodies???>complaining about Shane's wealth>nothing makes sense and everything is reaching No. 613601
File: 1544730720938.jpg (52.92 KB, 701x356, FAXXXXX.JPG)

That undeniable proof! Guess Shane is cancelled now.
No. 613605
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Posting this to compare 24 hours from now to see how bad he buys likes to make up for the ratio.
No. 613620
>>613601this is so fucking laughable
No. 613621
>>613620He’s projecting real hard on to Shane.
He even compares him to his father lol
You can feel the bitterness throughout his video.
No. 613640
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>>613601Oh, so like in this pic where Greg looks like her dad who didn't get the message that emo's not a thing anymore m
No. 613642
>>613602Onision says he "still doesn't know what [moving the goalposts] means"
that's fucking rich.
No. 613645
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>>613635Maybe this is why he’s being cautious and weird with his followers/subscribers? He did hide his Speaks counts. Could be fun to watch his counts in the coming days.
No. 613646
>>613642oh for fucks sake
once he learns the meaning hes going to be over using it like he did with
>logical fallacyand
>straw-man argument No. 613653
Y'all are cracking me up and I haven't even watched this travesty yet holy shit!
>>613620Fucking THIS. He is creeped out by Shane's partners having "baby faces" when his thirsty ass has gone miles out of his way (or paid their travel expenses) to fuck dumb ass teen girls who bought into his white knight bullshit. But it's different because "iT wAs leGal gUyz!!!!!" Lmao what a fucking retard.
No. 613662
File: 1544737895587.webm (2.16 MB, 312x260, Onisions Father.webm)
One part of the video that had me puzzled and laughing was when he starts to describe how his predator-pedo father is just like Shane. And as he starts to describe his father he puts up a photo of HIMSELF a big head shot of Onision smirking.
Its like if Michael Moore was describing how evil and vicious Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were, then Michael puts up a picture of his own giant fat face on the movie screen as hes explaining how Dylan & Eric murdered innocent kids.
I seriously wonder sometimes if Gregs own subconscious reveals the truth accidentally, and we get a peek at unknowingly.
No. 613664
>>613661Shane would literally be the worst predator if what Greg says is true. He collabs with a young girl he wants to fuck but makes sure her entire family is with her to supervise? And he did the same with the child actor who Shane and Ryland spent time with to see if they really wanted to be parents. He always had the parents there.
Like. Predators lure their prey away from their parents/supervisors to groom them. Shane is doing a really shit job if he really is a paedophile.
No. 613672
File: 1544739794274.png (366.67 KB, 297x425, me-grug-me-like-sex.PNG)

>>613662pretty much. not to armchair but its clear that caveman Grug's inner conflict is very much shown in this ""documentary"". like shown here
>>613639 .
>shane likes young people therefore he's a paedoironic coming from him
No. 613675
>>613578If Grugly thought for even a second this was going to be the video that brings him out of the massive black hole he's dug himself financially, he's an idiot.
If he didn't make this video for the purpose of making YouTube money to dig himself out of said hole, he's even more retarded.
No. 613676
>>613591You know he spelled out S-E-X-Y because if he didn't people would have had clips to cut out of him referring to young girls as sexy out of context. He's that big of a narc. Those articles about him a couple years ago must have really rattled him.
>>613662This is hilarious. Everything he tries to call out he's guilty of. Fuck off, Onion. Maybe someone should remind him of how he surrounded himself with young girls such as Sarah, Ayalla and Billie, Shiloh, and even his horse wife when he met her.
No. 613684
>>613601….. Um. Laim had an actual baby face when you first dated her, anus. You know, when she was17 and you were 27. By his idea of what a baby face looks like (lisbug and his new bf) billie had a baby face. Sh had a baby face, of course being 16 17 when you started dating. Maya too. And sk. They all had youthful roundish faces n small noses (except laim)
Bad news for u onionsack
No. 613708
File: 1544743153810.jpg (23.84 KB, 689x155, _20181213_231438.JPG)

OK so found this, extremely relevant considering his sperging lately about other you tubers saying they love their audience. Excerpt from a video he made shortly after Sh breakup. Sauce: No. 613729
File: 1544746563644.png (Spoiler Image,150.26 KB, 231x304, gurgles.png)

>>613537Losing so much weight on this thread, because every time I see that picture of Greg's face I lose my lunch.
>>613703Yeah the filtered pics where he does the creepy coy little boy smile are almost grosser than high res no make up ones of him.
No. 613730
>>613692What's that yellow shit above his lip?
>>613729I love this getting inserted into pictures all the time now. He is so painfully gross.
No. 613735
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>>613727OMG YES, although I don't think it just has to be Nikki. It could be both of them plus the devil, actually.
Greg loves to """debate""" women on their own but a team of critics including men much more functional and attractive than him? The narc meltdown would be exquisite.
No. 613748
File: 1544750109008.jpg (1.28 MB, 2048x2048, speakingofbabyfaces.jpg)

I put Sarah in there because she lived with the Avaroes and both Lame and Grug behaved innapropriately towards her (and I still tinfoil that she was going to replace Billie in the trinity until shit with Lain hit the fan). But seriously he is such a fucking hypocrite lmao. He met up with Shiloh in a state where it was legal to bang her and destroyed her career, he flew out to NM to hook up with Lainey when she was barely out of high school and then isolated her from her family and friends, and then spent thousands of dollars on airfare and all sorts of gifts so he could have his barely legal side piece Billie involved in his fucked up marriage. He has done so much damage to these young women and he STILL says he was in the right. And he wants Shane to take responsibility for being innapropriate (when he alreasy did)? Fuck you Grugly. Why dont you practice what you preach dumb ass? You're older than Shane by 3 years and yet you're still stuck in your zenith of "hurr durr Im A bAnANa LOL".
No. 613751
>>613736True. Nerd City is great at doing their homework and very entertaining about it.
They could make an hourlong video and Greg would hyper-focus on one unimportant sentence and take it completely out of context. Kinda like getting an expensive, perfectly cooked steak and covering it with ketchup.
No. 613753
File: 1544750444713.png (1.01 MB, 1242x2208, 65C0D245-C6FC-41B3-82E9-096E51…)

a lot of negative comments and it’s only been 6 hours, i can’t wait until it’s been a full 24 hours. i hope and pray jeffree star, trisha, ryland, anyone from shane’s group of friends convince him to take onion boy to court and onion boy will have to spend even more money on another lawyer before christmas
No. 613754
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>>613753also the girl who reacted to his and strange aeons “drama” commented this, maybe she’ll make another reaction video and it’ll do well than this “documentary”. he’s monitoring comments, it went from 1k to 700
No. 613761
>>613606"But I also happen to cheat on mature horsefaces with young feminine and traditionally cute faces buT I'M SO GAY MKAY?"
>>613760You had faith in him that he wasn't truly retarded before that, anon? He always was. This shitshow is like a never-ending bad quality late night sitcom. And we're the ones laughing hysterically in the background.
No. 613766
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>>613760Since he loves definitions so much, I would say he overwhelmingly qualifies.
(repost cause i responded to the wrong anon the first time)
No. 613767
>>613761What I mean is that is that his only real problem is that he is of such a low intelligence that his brain simply cannot and will never understand the real complexities of human interaction. He acts the way he does because he mimes what he sees the rest of us doing interpersonally with zero functional understanding of why we do it.
Armchair, I know. But in my opinion, he doesn't actually have NPD or ASPD. He has an intellectual disability that causes him major frustrations in any sort of relationship and any sort of situation that requires higher thinking skills. If not for a large YouTube nestegg he'd be incapable of surviving even to the degree he is right now with a swamp trailer as he, to me, does not possess the ability to be self-sufficient.
>>613766Thank you. Essentially, this.
No. 613770
File: 1544752703706.jpeg (149.01 KB, 636x674, C7C87070-776D-4A8D-B8E2-5A47ED…)

Grease coyly bragging about the handiwork of his like bots
No. 613786
File: 1544755927967.jpeg (103.34 KB, 1242x471, AB022F33-765A-4E6F-9989-C325AE…)

Not to derail or anything but since when did Billie start following Shiloh? I feel it must have been recently. That must really grind Onion’s gears.
No. 613787
>>613701Wait, I know they had sex on a desk the first time but have they explicitly said that it was from behind?
That makes me so sad for her..
No. 613789
>>613787Lainey is as much of a narcissist as her husband, but it does make me sad that she has never and likely will never experience real love and to have a partner who actually loves her.
I can't imagine being with someone who mocks me and my family, calls me terrible names in fights, won't face me during sex and leaves horrible bruises on me, makes me care for our children on my own, and openly pursues other women when I explicitly say that I am not interested in a relationship.
That being said, Lainey has an awful victim-complex and gets off on people feeling bad for her, so she can suck a ripe dick until she grows some balls and puts herself and her children first and leaves her abusive husband.
No. 613823
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No. 613825
>>613562>>613596>>613602TOP KEK at onion emulating Shane's dramatic manner in his conspiracy videos… "And then he said…" /Hushedvoice "I love you guys"
Breathtakingly stupid, this one
No. 613847
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>>613605How much longer until he starts pouting and hides the likes/dislikes ratio?
No. 613850
>>613847Been hyping it for days, and at the end of the day barely managed 15k?
No. 613867
>>613847How do you even call this a documentary. Typically a documentary is made on a topic to broaden a perspective/give information not typically talked about or available.
All of Shane Dawson’s documentaries have been at least somewhat interesting because of how deep he goes into them, and with the person in question making it exclusive and something the people haven’t discussed before.
Greg just rehashed all his previous videos on Shane and put it into one long video that’s going to tank his channel because of the amount of people clicking it to dislike and not actually watching it, tanking his watch time ratio on engagement.
When he initially said within the next 60 days it’d be released, I figured at least he’d given himself time to do soooomething, but to initially say 60 days and release it literally 1/4th of the time later? He might think that’s seems impressive, but it actually just seems fucking lazy.
No. 613917
>>613912she does the exact same shit anus does where he exaggerates things to the point where they sound ridiculous and his argument against it sounds rational in comparison, to invalidate and downplay real points people have. she's actually becoming him kek.
i'm sure the comment that she focused so intently on was more about the udders she had hanging out right below frame that'd cause people dysphoria, not the presence of her collarbones in the actual picture
No. 613922
>>613912Oh, I like the video, Lainey is so sassy! But hear me out first.
What if Lainey's trans shtick is her personal way of making herself heard. Greg has his very specific thoughts of how a "good girl" has to behave. Lainey might not be able to break that cycle, but when she turns into a man, she can be sassy and speak her mind honestly (like Greg does, all the time).
The more male she might "become" aka feel, the more she'll be sassy aka bRuTaLlY HoNeSt towards Greg as well.
I'd enjoy that!
No. 613923
>>613756Fucking Kek!! That tickled me.
>>613852 I would speculate that his lawyer had spoken to him about the hearing and possible jail time so he sped up his little docu shitshow in a last ditch effort for views before tractorgate.
>>613922 Anon, with that much tinfoil you should be able to get signals from space.
No. 613933
>>613931He did spend a few days in juvy though.
>>613912I personally don't understand the hype for uwu Stranger Things but the fact she edited "Trender Things" in the same style (Jessie Paege has the same exact intro) made me cringe so bad my face now hurts.
No. 613934
File: 1544803257372.png (1.85 MB, 2048x2048, PicsArt_12-14-10.45.23.png)

>>613825As a long time ex fan Onion said "I love you guys" pretty often. It wasnt until like 2014 or 2015 he got this high and mighty idea he didnt owe shit to his fans.
No. 613958
>>613847anon don't give him downvotes; youtube promotes videos based on viewer response, so a strong reaction either positive, negative, or mixed may allow a video to trend
if you want someone's video to remain unseen by the masses:
1. don't watch it
2. if you must watch it, don't up or down vote
3. don't comment
4. basically just don't interact
anything you do will get them attention
No. 613981
File: 1544814529147.png (17.61 KB, 556x182, Screenshot_1.png)

nobody wants to see your VEGETARIAN BODY anymore gurg, you're 34, the preteens aren't going to lust after your flab and wrinkles for much longer
No. 613983
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No. 613986
File: 1544814790193.jpg (13.44 KB, 292x140, Capture.JPG)

I know Greg is probably under the assumption that "any publicity is good publicity" but what's the point of this? Is he hoping that it'll get so dislike that it'll become viral or spread to Shane and he'll comment on it?
That's not going to happen.
No. 613994
>>613912I know the person who
triggered her with those comments and she is laughing her ass off right now!
No. 613995
>>613912clearly the best way to prove you aren't
triggered by someone's comments is to make an entire video about it. she thinks this is such an epic burn but it really just makes her look stupid and bothered as fuck lol
No. 614010
File: 1544820896601.jpeg (27.72 KB, 603x118, 533783C3-5449-40B1-9DE3-FEAC8F…)

Onion needs to take his own advice when it comes to Shane and Social Repose.
No. 614015
>>613992It's not like Lainey forced her way into his life lol, he picked her up and groomed her and enacted his pregnancy fetish on her. I'm sure she was happier before he did all that, too, whether she remembers it or not.
>>613945>Greg says something is psycho and he would never do it>Anon posts proof that he spent years doing exactly that>"Sorry anon you just caught him lovebombing it's not real"Why does that matter? Anon is just showing he's being a hypocrite again.
No. 614042
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>>614041sorry for samefagging but he had this iq test in the article he was reading and i think it's some sort of a divine sign
No. 614050
>>614039The creativity, humor, ideas, and editing was hugely done by Skye, she deserves so much credit for his old videos, yet anus tried to say she didn’t do anything during their divorce. She felt she was entitled to some revenue from videos they collaboratively worked on, but because it was under his channel, Anus thinks that he should get 100% of it. He went on and on about how their things were separate, when really, he just wanted to humiliate her and “win” the divorce.
Of course we all know he majorly lost since he owed $90,000 in alimony
No. 614064
File: 1544837495060.jpeg (149.51 KB, 750x430, 5A30AB5C-2257-4503-9715-E266C4…)

People in ugly ass glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, Gurgle
No. 614065
File: 1544837558115.jpeg (112.04 KB, 750x330, 30447650-3F9A-4EED-94E1-8FF442…)

Not this shit again
No. 614066
>>614065"I'm not racist, I'd totally fuck a black chick, See I'm not racist at all"
Ahh the usual obvious overcompensation.
No. 614069
File: 1544837895225.jpeg (246.24 KB, 750x730, B3323CDA-27F8-49A1-AB48-0D8959…)

Just a regular day in the swamp trailer
No. 614073
File: 1544838324341.jpeg (229.99 KB, 750x783, 47C20C29-51CB-483F-94EC-4A1B83…)

Peep that like/dislike ratio. Thot is getting savaged in the comments (which she doesn’t read, of course)
No. 614075
File: 1544838620951.jpeg (175.21 KB, 750x500, F95AD9DC-4596-46B4-82A2-3A7BAC…)

No. 614120
File: 1544848764919.png (24.82 KB, 622x324, docu.PNG)

Has no one mentioned yet that his Shane Dawson "documentary" literally isn't even a documentary? It's a poorly done and biased commentary video where he tries to manipulate gullible teens to believe the bs he spergs about.
Dude seems to not even know what a documentary really is.. pic related. Since Grease gets off on definitions. Neither fits his video.
No. 614135
>>613912Honestly this just makes me sad. I believe trans people are real and I also believe that people are capable of existing outside the female/male binary, but fuck, Lainey falls in such a weird category. I want to always respect people for however they identify, but when you're married to the worst man on earth, known for manipulation and being a manipulator yourself, how the fuck are people supposed to take what you say at face value?
Lainey is one of the most
problematic people ever, and I think it's fucked that they are trying to join the lgbt+ community and make trans people look bad.
I dont know. I have mixed feelings but I'm mostly mad at the fact that they think they just claim "I'm a trans boi"" and that should be the end of the conversation. Because its not. You have a lot to own up to, including marrying the ogre of YouTube who has historically never believed trans people existed anyway. Fuck you Lainey
No. 614140
>>614120May his Twitter replies be filled with definitions since he's got such a boner for them.
>>614135You don't have to respect her special pronouns. She is neither outside the binary or trans. She's called a trender for a fucking reason. She brings down actual trans people and she gives no fucks about actual lgbt+ people. Her husband fetishizes lesbians and believes his dick will magically turn them and she has never publicly called him on it when he invalidates their sexual orientation. She doesn't care about anything lgbt except getting special points for herself. She's a horse faced cunt.
No. 614152
File: 1544859301474.jpeg (338.07 KB, 750x1023, 686B53DC-57F2-45B8-A97C-EE8AAF…)

Really Shreg? Your face says otherwise
No. 614153
>>613599Honestly, I don't think Greg has autism. I think that most of his behaviors that people associate with autism - such as how literal he is (like his lack of ability to interpret sarcasm, as you mentioned in this comment), how black and white his thought process is, how much he seems to struggle with understanding social cues, how repetitive his behavior is (in a broad sense), how much he isolates himself from the outside world (which could be interpreted as a counter to over-stimulation by those who favor the autism explanation for some of his behaviors), impaired turn-taking behavior, “melt downs” or tantrums, and some others that I’ve surely missed - can be better explained by interpreting them through the lens of NPD rather than autism.
Greg isolates himself from society not because he gets overwhelmed - at least, not in terms of sensory over-stimulation, like what happens with people who have autism - but simply because he's
extremely insecure. When you’re out and about outside of your home, you can’t control your environment. You have no direct influence over what other people do and say to you. You can’t control, abuse, or manipulate everybody you meet into seeing and regarding you as superior; and so sometimes you’re going to end up getting insulted, or having to interact with somebody who doesn’t like you, or end up getting called out by a peer or an authority figure for your shitty attitude/behavior. Somebody is going to treat you as something other than famous YouTuber Onision, the man who was Shane Dawson’s first kiss, content creator with over 100 million views, friend of Andy Biersack, cult leader of Sicesca, two-time published author, independent business owner, comedian, and millionaire. And that just won’t do for his ego. It’s ingenious, really - a narcissist’s ideal life (aside from cult leadership); Greg has managed to find a way to NEVER have to get involved in any situation in real life that may threaten his underdeveloped sense of self, and make him feel worthless or unimportant. It’s also why he goes so far out of his way to ensure that his girlfriend(s) move in with him - it serves as a way for him to not only isolate them from the outside world (so that he can control them more efficiently), but also so that he can more successfully indoctrinate them into the idea of him being, essentially, the ruler of their world. He holds all the resources and makes all the decisions, right down to your diet and how long you’re allowed to talk to your mother on the phone. And so while I can see how some people may interpret his intentional social isolation as him either a) trying to avoid sensory over-stimulation (in the case of autism) or b) him being an introvert, I personally think that the most sensible explanation for his behavior is that by refusing to leave his house, he is simply trying to ensure that the incredible amount of control he feels compelled to maintain over his existence also extends to his immediate environment (in order to avoid having to have his fragile ego challenged by others, especially women, and particularly if they're in a position of authority). In other words: he’s literally just too insecure to leave his house in case he has to deal with somebody not worshiping every second of his existence like Lainey does.
The other thing is that, even if he did have autism, he still has many, many behaviors which are extremely atypical for your average autistic individual to have (and which also line up with our current understanding of NPD and how people are motivated by that). For example, it is not common at all for people with autism to be intentionally manipulative and exploitative the way that Greg is - this ability to manipulate others emotionally would indicate to me that he DOES have a certain understanding of how to interpret social cues and navigate interactions in a way that benefits himself (”cold empathy”), which a person with autism would likely struggle with. You can actually see this pretty well in the Shane Dawson "documentary" he just posted - his arguments in that video acknowledge a level of nuance that I've NEVER seen him delve into before in the 7+ years I've been observing him. I think this was an attempt on his part to come off as being biased and reasonable, but if you read between the lines a little bit, the fact that the style of argumentation that he displays in this "documentary" diverges so dramatically from his regular MO is
extremely telling as its absence in his regular behavior. What this tells me is that he IS capable of injecting nuance into his opinions, and he IS capable of acknowledging alternative perspectives - it's just that he chooses NOT to, because it's much easier to manipulate people when you only introduce them to false black and white dichotomies.
Additionally, autistic individuals are overwhelmingly more likely to be the victims of abuse than the perpetrators of it (and this goes for almost all mental illnesses). People who are autistic are also almost universally known for being incredibly straightforward and blunt (almost to the point of social impropriety); and while Greg goes to great lengths to represent himself as a person who is ~bRuTaLLy HoNeSt~, in reality - once you scratch the surface of his claims, and see the paint beginning to peel off - it’s quite easy to notice that his words don’t match up with his actions. I have a couple of friends with autism who struggle to maintain their social group at times because of the fact that they’re so honest (and thus end up saying things that are unintentionally offensive, insulting, hurtful, or inappropriate), and are genuinely hurt and confused when their friends get mad at them, because they just don’t understand how what they said could be hurtful. This is also what Greg would have you believe - however, the difference here is that Greg is using “brutal honesty” as a ruse to be able to say and do whatever he wants, and then he gets to use it as both a defense and an insult ("I’m just saying this because I’m being honest. If you’re offended by it, then it’s because you disagree with honesty. Nobody would disagree with honesty unless they were a liar. Therefore, you must be a liar.”). He knows that he’s manipulative; he’s admitted it before. This is an intentional ruse on Greg’s end to disguise his true intentions. People who are autistic are not being hurtful on purpose; they don’t have ulterior motives - they’re doing it because they really don’t understand how what they just said was hurtful. Greg understands intellectually that his words are hurtful - he just doesn’t care, because he lacks the ability to empathize with others. In fact, I strongly suspect he is fully aware that he is a narcissist.
(armchair) No. 614161
>>614153I actually thought the same thing re:
>his arguments in that video acknowledge a level of nuance that I've NEVER seen him delve into beforeHe is capable of not screeching like a retard when he chooses to. However, that doesn’t change the fact that he still is a fucking retard though, nor does it change the fact that the video was fucking pointless
No. 614162
>>614073I couldn't sit through her snarky self righteous bullshit.
>"why would somebody want to put up with bigotry and hate? LOL"Because you fuckers thrive off victimhood from "muh oppreshun" while at the same time having a free platform to express yourself pretty much anyway you want to AND make money from it. You aren't in a real workplace where you have to deal with people face to face, you don't own a business, and your not a celebrity in any sense of the word. So essentially your complaining because you can't shut the fuck up about yourself long enough to think "holy shit…maybe if I stopped making my life a spectacle people could actually relate to me?"
No. 614183
>>614168OT but double/triple posting is a site error.
>>614152The body language in this is ridiculous. At first glance you don't even notice Lainey is there because it looks like every other "looking at myself in the mirror taking a selfie" expression he has. I'd be more convinced someone photoshopped her in rather than she was actually there during the picture taking.
No. 614194
>>613372This is the most accurate Onion
psychoanalysis ever.
No. 614222
From KF:
00:40-5:05: Onision shane kiss rant
5:38-6:41: #ShaneDawsonExposed, something about Instagram and a 6 year old
6:42-9:18: Calling the kid "sexy", the pedo jokes, "naked babies"
9:18-11:42: Something about him over analyzing the justification of the stupid pedo joke or something, HE GOOGLED NAKED BABIES AND JOKED ABOUT THEM BEING SEXY
11:43-13:00: Shane bsing about little kid pics trying to keep up the stupid joke, Greg whining
14:58-15:16: Shane having a thing for babfaces means he's a pedo
15:17-16:00: Ripping apart boring Shane jokes that don't matter
16:01-18:01: Something about ads and bringing up bashurverse, some guy "I'm not a rapist!" , Gregs says that saying your not a pedo/rapist means you are a pedo/rapist
16:02-19:29: More pointless shit about stupid jokes, naked baby pics mentioned again, Shane listening to his "pretends to be a pedophile", shanes response video
19:30- 19:54: Greg bringing up Shane's Cousins
19:55-20:35: Bringing up the other rapists who say they aren't rapists
20:36-21:53: Childhood Molestation and how Greg says it DOESN'T MAKE PEDO'S, also polygraphs and how they're easy to fake, also GREGS NEVER BEEN MOLESTED (21:30), can't remember if he says he's ever been or not but his father was a molester
21:54-25:59:Something about Hollywood and them molesting kids yet focusing on Shane, Greg thinks he's trying to distract also greg rant I can't care to don't care about, but Shane's ashamed and Greg don't care he think Shane's playing victim.
26:00-27:02:Greg's father has violated people, just so you know, and he would do exactly what shane is doing to distract
27:02-27:38: More Shane cousins
27:38-29:40: Manipulation tactics, beginning of flying girls out
29:41-33:49: Shane talking of all those strangely popular pedo videos, which means he had to look the shit up,
33:50-34:22: Start of next segment, kinda needed but kinda pointless,easy enough to skip to…
35:35-40:20: More manipulation tactics, Like all of them
40:21-41:13: More baby face shit=pedophile
41:14-42:51: More pedotube videos of a girl with her sleeve down with a shit ton of views and child exploitation, greg can't see why it's pedo shit and shows Shane's cousin in a skit to prove a stupid point
42:52-44:00:He's pedo and of course he supports a child porn removal program, it means he's guilty! Greg calls it compensating.
44:00-44:40: molestation runs in shanes family but Shane only maybe could be a victim, but he knows what he did!
44:41-45:30: Shane lost brand deals but Greg "calculates" Shane's video and says he's making too much to have financial trouble and begs his audience not to take Shane serious about his money troubles because it's not possible for him to have any.
45:31-46:11: Shane deleted the video where he twerked in front of the kiddies and an innocent person wouldn't have deleted it
46:12-47:55: But is shane a pedo Conclusive ranting and bs, h3h3 jealously
47:56-42:09: He has to show why he isn't a pedo creep and justify his comments he made about the girls who posted on his form and he made vids about
42:10-end: back to the stupid naked baby joke, he isn't slandering Shane but he's 100% concrete and just wants to tell the truth!
No. 614228
File: 1544898086569.jpeg (326.42 KB, 750x734, ABB74F9D-8CBB-47F9-8421-BD8FF0…)

Uh oh. Egotistical sperg incoming.
No. 614251
File: 1544905362096.png (123.38 KB, 1045x193, here we go again.png)

Desperate for views huh?
No. 614256
File: 1544906440818.jpeg (151.63 KB, 818x1024, CRyrDEwVAAAE2wf.jpeg)

>>613912"I only show my collarbones, guys"
No. 614280
>>614222"Saying you're not a pedo/rapist makes you a pedo/rapist"
IDK if Greg himself has ever been directly accused of this irl (what with this harem of child brides, former and current), but by his own logic presented here he's admitting he wants to fuck Jessie because he specifically said on his Twitter days ago "I don't want to sleep with you" (directed at Jessie). And if he's ever said, verbatim: "I am not a pedophile", then he's admitting right then and there that, technically, he is.
God he's so dense it's almost hilarious.
No. 614288
File: 1544918064484.jpg (31.42 KB, 508x822, 15241771_10154823588404711_276…)

Did some more digging and found this, did someone say dysphoriuuuuh? (sorry guys, I don't mean to flood the thread with these pics but they are relevant because they exposed how full of shit Taylor Elaine is)
No. 614307
File: 1544925028436.jpeg (75.02 KB, 750x730, F6385B56-45BF-4B8B-A4E8-9C5BA0…)

Not to get OT, but Ayalla is even calling out Anus and Billie liked her tweet. That should make him rage and get triggered since Billie and Shane both bEtRaYeD him.
No. 614318
>>614239lol, I bet he googled and picked the edgiest one he could find. Or is that gay prom bald onion? i cant tell anymore.
>>614228i hate this channel, but i look forward to a retarded pissing contest (assuming onion isnt in jail for hurting mother earth)
No. 614334
File: 1544934998331.png (35.28 KB, 570x140, Untitled.png)

>>614319Respit, most likely. Repzion makes haydur videos about Onision and once emailed him apologizing and trying to be buddies but when Onion rejected him he went back to making call out videos.
/dropped image
No. 614357
File: 1544939245618.png (906.47 KB, 750x1334, 61883CF7-B194-49DA-8D7B-EA6FA6…)

Ogreg is thirsty tonight and is commenting on Jaclyn’s new video:
No. 614361
File: 1544939672928.jpeg (Spoiler Image,765.88 KB, 591x6210, desperation.jpeg)

Onion's tweet count mentioning or replying to Jessie Paege: 39
spoiler for large image
No. 614362
File: 1544939741293.png (16.59 KB, 586x115, pity-tweet.png)

Jessie Paege's tweet count mentioning or replying to Onion: 1
No. 614375
>>614361>>614362Lainey had dozens of tweets to her as well earlier this year with zero response from Jessie.
Lainey has the good sense to stop making a fool of herself and Onion picked right up where she left off.
No. 614384
>>614382Holy shit. Clear view of the sons face watching something while she’s vlogging, and her conversation with Greg is “here we go, here’s the verbal abuse” and Greg telling her how that lady “wants your(Laineys) dick” and “what the fuck is this video”
They literally just have the kids distracted and shut off from their conversations. That’s gross.
No. 614385
>>614382"Are we ready for the verbal abuse? Because I'm still recording, go ahead"
Greg suddenly acts like he doesn't know how to insult… Yikes.
No. 614387
>>614382You can hear the sound of whatever the kids are playing/watching the ENTIRE video. In the car, in the grocery store, where they ate. They literally just sit there in their own little world. Jesus that’s sad. Imagine you’re having a black out, you’re 4/5 years old, and your moms in the front seat going “I don’t want to sleep in a dark house!! That’s scary!!”
Very reassuring, good parenting, role model A++
No. 614391
>>614382God, imagine having these two retards for parents.
But somehow I find this more tolerable than jump cut x35893963 like their usual vids.
Aside from the not saying a single fucking thing related to their obvious children.
>8:22>Do you think they for sure saw it?Jesus christ, these people can't even make a fucking hot chocolate without a keruig.
>calls her lainey at the end instead of kai No. 614393
>>614382Do they literally just have the kids hide under the table whenever they're out at restaurants? I always doubt whether they're actually there or not but you can clearly see at least one tiny hand come out from under the table at one point.
God why can't they just be regular ass parents. Because forcing your children to hide themselves from the camera is better than just acknowledging that they exist, right Grugs?
No. 614394
God I can’t wait to see if she notices before posting it to YouTube. If she doesn’t, Greg is going to SCREEEERCH. She won’t hear the end of it, it’ll be very depressing days in the onion trailer.
>>614393I thought it was weird in this video, you can see Greg looking to his left, i was assuming at one of the kids, but when it pans to Lainey there’s nothing there. But then cut, small movement beside her, another cut, nothing there, cut, movement again. It’s like every time they cut so she can have a better shot of herself she takes the child and places it elsewhere every five minutes.
No. 614402
>>614387They shit on other parents for including their kids in vlogs, but at least when parents do that, they are engaging with their kids when they are going out and doing things and not completely ignoring them when they are right there.
It's super sad how they just sit in an entire car ride and completely ignore their kids. And they are just constantly swearing up in front and talking about inappropriate things.
>>614382The calling her "Kai" at the end was just cringey. At least when she was deciding on Eli or whatever, she had picked that name herself. Onion re-naming her twice now as a girl and boy, and she just accepts it. Especially when he likely named her after the AHS character who is a crazy cult leader. He named his own kid after his favorite movie too. It always has to be his choice and about him.
No. 614404
File: 1544954307747.jpg (595.94 KB, 900x811, regret.jpg)

>>614382Dear god the beginning of that video with their under chin faces was pure horror
No. 614406
>>614402Giving things names makes him think he's powerful.
He probably named all of the dogs as well.
No. 614407
>>613546i don't want billie dragged through again, but i will never understand how she was basically a prostitute/"sugar baby" and got shit on for everything except that. she was what, 18? finessing a gross old man so I guess good for her, but how come Gerg didn't get any shit for hiring a whore while his wife was pregnant and then left said wife for said whore?
and sorry never empathized with billie, she made 3edgy videos about being forced to go to a psych ward after a suicide threat where she harassed the staff and treated them badly, and also she was a teenager but she wasn't brain dead when she got with a married man with a pregnant wife. tbh if she was worth anything she would have sided with lainey afterwards and convinced her to leave gerg's flabby ass, it's not like it would have been too hard with all her receipts.
>>614394I can’t believe she didn’t notice this in editing. Not sure if it’s Troy or Cloey though bc I’m bad at guessing ages and girls look sort of boyish before they have more hair.
It’s sad that Greg clearly says “she wants your dick.” to Taylor as their children are listening :(
I think THAT is the real truth behind them not wanting to show their kids— they’re bad parents and don’t want the world to see that.
No. 614431
>>614387I'm only a few minutes into the vlog but…I find it VERY odd and unsettling that she doesn't engage with the kids at all. So far she hasn't mentioned her kids, interacted with them on camera, nothing. Her children are very young too, probably scared of the dark, and they're in the middle of a power outage, and instead of checking in on them and comforting them (neither her nor Greg seem to be interested in their wellbeing at all, I can't tell if the kids are in the living room with them at the beginning), she's just filming a vlog. Give your onion husband the camera and go check in on your fucking kids, Lainey.
It's freaking me out for real. She doesn't talk to them, she doesn't acknowledge them, when they're at Panera (I think) she says "we both got [their order]" like it's just her and Greg and not the entire family. You don't have to shove the camera in their faces if you don't want to but at least fucking acknowledge your kids, Lame. They're a part of your life whether you want it or not, you're their mother and probably the only person who ever pays attention to them.
No. 614438
>>614382I've always though their language around the kids is disgusting this video confirms it. No wonder they want to home school and shelter the kids as much as possible. Imagine the language the kids would come out with in class, and Onion would probably be that parent that harasses and argues with any teacher that tries to discipline their child or get them in line with the rest of the class.
Sam already said the son has anger issues and Onion has admitted he'd rather his son hit him than his sister or Lainey. At least when Lainey was hanging out with Madi she had a kid who could socialise with the Onions and Lainey as much as she slagged Madi off now seemed to enjoy their drinking and nights away from the swamp.
The total disregard for their children's wellbeing by having a revolving door of young nannies and thirds is amoral. Onion for someone who vitrue signals the living fuck out of most things always completely falls short of his own sermons.
Two horrible parents. Can't believe how silent their kids are and the conversations they're subjected to listen to. Fucking hell
No. 614440
>>614407Billie did get dragged during cuddle gate and called homewrecker. People were pretty critical at the time and bemused about her clearly favouring Onion over Lamey. I think when Onion released her sensitive information it made people more empathetic towards her because she never did expose anything about Onion you couldn't already see. Nothing about his family, his medical history etc.
She gets a by ball now for the most part because she's affected him pretty negatively and after all the sperging he did about alimony to Skye, it is funny to remember he basically paid Billie to be his gf and bitched about her spending 10k on makeup (probably an exaggeration, she was able to travel around Europe after cuddle gate so it seems she had the good sense to save some. She also went to warp tour etc, no way she spent 10k on makeup).
No. 614455
>>614450It's especially sad too since you really should limit the screen time you expose your young kids too, particularly those as young as the second child. Theres even a "screen-free" kids movement now.
Everything about the Onions is just so depressing and pathetic
No. 614465
>>614463If he eventually did put his kids in his videos he'd have an excuse.
Look at how many things hes railed against, and now does himself, but because its Greg doing them he spins a different narrative and shows us that because "Onision does it this way" its better and okay.
No. 614473
>>614458I hope Greg goes to jail, they lose the house and Lame is forced to go live with her parents. Maybe this way she'll learn how to love and be loved and better herself. I don't think Lame was always a A grade cunt, and maybe with better influence, she can revert back.
Also, do we think her kids are developmentally behind? They don't really talk to their kids and probably don't encourage reading/educational play.
>>614382Greg goes on and on about how meat is bad for the environment, how he drove teslas to be eco friendly, still they use a shit ton of paper cups and drink from a Keurig whose capsules cannot be recycled…
H y p o c r i t e
No. 614476
>>614473Sorry for blog, but i have a kid that is about C's age, and he's very behind in speech. It's not for lack of trying, genetics has played a part in him developing speech issues as other in his family have. He's oddly far ahead in other areas. Child development is not as simple as "oh you talk to them, or oh you don't". I just pray, really pray, that fuck heads end up getting them help so that they can progress in life. I hate the complex they have about professionals and that to me, what they're doing IS child abuse. If i closed out professionals the way they do i'd have had my child taken away, so it makes no sense how they both get away with well "alls fine". I don't care about what happens to Lainey or Greg, they can rot for all i care now, but T & C, it hurts to know they're going to suffer because of who their parents are, and the lack of shits they give.
>>614438There's nothing wrong with swearing, but their poor kids definitely don't have the ability to differentiate between appropriate language and inappropriate language so Onion and Trendbot's lack of filter in front of them is really setting the little Onion bulbs up for failure. In fact, their entire way of living is going to set them up for failure. Onion shitting on Trendbot and calling her terrible names, IRS stress, tree police stress, Trendbot pretending to be a teenage fuckboi, and then to top it all off Onion is your dad. Living in a household like that is probably hellish.
>>614480He's already like 25% there, his mom believes Onion is an indigo child or whatever that bullshit woowoo crap is.
No. 614486
>>614382Looks like the daughter has the same haircut as her mum, her hair was much longer in the other video. A non binary kid. Typical Lame.
>>614394 When she said she was going back in to blow the candles out she used a clip of her re-lighting the candles. I think she left the child's face in by total mistake because she's a sloppy editor. She will be in big trouble for this one.
No. 614488
File: 1544984698806.png (51.1 KB, 646x179, Capture _2018-12-16-16-20-01.p…)

Says the guy who signed his son away not even a day after him and Lainey were separated
No. 614489
>>614488someone's lurking, lmao.
"good father" you went on a trip by plane to cheat with your newest jailbait bride on your pregnant wife who was about to give birth. you don't acknowledge your kids in vlogs that are supposed to be about your daily life, not even when they're in the same room or space as you. you swear and say inappropiate things in front of them. you'll never be a good father because good parents have enough introspection and self-consciousness to acknowledge their flaws and shortcomings as caregivers and try to better themselves for the sake of their children. you, on the other hand, got called out last week for thirsting after a girl that's almost half your age on twitter and threw a giant bitchfit over it.
No. 614490
>>614439Lurk moar anon. Check her snow thread. She deleted her old, her old Instagram, and old YouTube videos, so of course you can’t just find proof by simply clicking.
All of this Billie stuff is OT, anyways.
No. 614491
>>614451Nah grug is the one who sperges about it. Given how laim likes to do storytimes about pregnancy and birth I'd say she would probably like to make videos showing off her spawn.
>>614475He eats dairy, so he is a hypocrite r.e. Animal suffering (calves of cows taken away and killed so the mothers milk can be used etc etc) and also environmental. Dairy cows aren't devoid of the impact that cows for eating are lol.
It wouldn't even matter if he didn't virtue signal so much about it. Look at the shit he gave laim for eating fish..
No. 614492
>>614407Not tryna blog and shit, but mental health workers are "abused" by patients constantly, its normal. When people feel shitty they treat others shitty. I doubt any of those nurses took that shit seriously, in my experience they just laugh about it in the nurses' station.
>>614488But anon HE LOVES BEING A FATHER. Lainey knew the only chance she had to keep Onionboy was to get knocked up especially since Onion made Lainey sign a prenup because if she didn't she obviously wasn't in it for love. Though Troy wasn't enough of a financial pressure to Onion to stay with Lainey. If they didn't have the two kids Lainey would have been long gone and maybe she would have actually became a doctor like she had originally wanted to be, or at least gotten farther with a psychology degree so she could actually do something in that field.
No. 614494
>>614467Lainey only wants the kids in pre school because it would be “easier” on her. She’s the sole caretaker of both Trot and Clot, and clearly making half assed videos and having to do such laborious tasks like laundry is just too much to handle on top of homeschooling. Don’t get me wrong, raising kids is the toughest job in the world, but most mothers (or fathers) who are stay at home parents are able to keep the damn house clean, and Lainey can’t even manage to pick up her dirty laundry.
Onion wants the kids homeschooled not because he wants them around, but because he thinks himself to be far superior to the education system and teachers who actually have degrees or certifications, and real world experience.
No. 614496
>>614494As awful as this is, Trot and Clot aren't required to go to school until age 8. Knowing the Onions they'll let Trot sit in front of a TV or hand him a tablet and let it educate him until the government knocks on their door and forces them to enroll him.
Plainey has slightly more real world sense than Onion but if Onion says no teachers then she won't put up a fight so long as she doesn't have to educate them herself.
Onion won't bother (he won't even talk to his daughter) and his ideas on education are laughable at best.
I fully expect them to let Trot sit at home playing Mario Karts until CPS forces them to do something.
No. 614497
File: 1544986690657.png (90.4 KB, 479x508, Screenshot_2018-12-16-11-55-30…)

Not to interrupt but it looks like he took the shane dawson doc down. Wonder what prompted that?
No. 614498
>>614451I think it's Onion who wants to keep them off camera, probably mostly to have something to virtue signal about how "he doesn't ExPlOiT his KIDS for VIEWS!"
Though it's pretty weird that Lame would miss such a blatently obvious shot of her kid. It's a dark screen and the kids face is brightly lit in the background by the tablet. You can't miss it. She's either so full of herself that she didn't notice it, or she left it in intentionally.
No. 614500
File: 1544986957132.jpg (76.04 KB, 897x456, fines.JPG)

>>614496Dropped my pic but here's a look at the Onion's future government fines if they take their kid's education as seriously as they take their taxes and their property agreements.
No. 614501
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>>614497It got removed. I had the video link saved in my history.
Does this mean his channel has another strike?
No. 614506
>>614505It's actually Tractorgate Part 3 as far as I know. He originally got a month extension to Dec 6th and this is the second extension of the case so on the 20th it'll be the third time they've had to try and get this resolved.
Greggles isn't going to have a good time considering he spent his two weeks on a Shane documentary that got pulled off Youtube (will he even get paid for it?) rather than work with his lawyer on how to reduce the amount of ass paddling that the county is going to give him.
No. 614509
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>>614361Here is another to add to the ever growing cringe
No. 614510
>>614501hahaha, good job everyone who reported the video.
I hope he got a strike as well.
No. 614511
File: 1544989256926.jpg (64.04 KB, 587x661, Anusman's____Twitter.jpg)

Onion is trying hard to become an edgy professional poet. This was right below a post where he asked his fans whether or not cleaning blood from your ears is gross or blissful. Right now he's sperging on how trans people shouldn't have voted for Trump. Looks like he's losing his mind kek.
No. 614512
>>614511All the stress is getting to him. He can't sperg about his legal/financial problems on his public account so he just tweets total nonsense for hours to rage.
Either that or his lawyer is so fed up that she's just telling him if he acts crazy enough they can get him off on signing that paper when he bought the house by claiming he was too mentally impaired to know what he was signing.
No. 614522
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No. 614526
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>>614382lol I think this screenshot perfectly pictures their uwu gay relationship
No. 614528
>>614522He says he's received a huge bill but he's trying to appeal it…hmm..wonder wtf that could be for..kek How can we find the amount? Is it public record?
He reckons this gigantic bill will take everything he has. Good.
No. 614532
File: 1544992594568.jpg (18.49 KB, 511x358, adult.JPG)

>>614529 Different farmer here but I'm doing a transcription right now. The video is almost 15 minutes long so it'll take a bit to type up word for word but here's what I have so far.
>>614522Taking one for the team even though his voice makes me want to rip my hair out. Putting key parts in green text for emphasis and Merry Milkmas, Farmers.
Hey guys.. um.. a lot of people would make a dramatic video right now, they would make something really extreme and be emotional or whatever.. um.. I've experienced this kind of thing enough to kind of react like an adult. (makes pic expression, laughs) So I'm gonna do that..uh.. this isn't a character, it's all me. As me as I know I can be. But I wanted to talk to you guys about something serious.
>Uh.. my UhOhBro channel, last time I checked it, had over 2 million subscribers, had over half a billion views before I moved half the videos for being demonetized.
>Umm.. it was a very successful channel. It made me umm.. a good amount of wealth which I, ya know, don't really have any more. In fact I think I'm going to be at square zero soon, which is sad but I got a bill and it's like.. I don't even want to say the number. It's gigantic.. it's.. it's.. jaw dropping. So for a while on Patreon I was like "Okay guys I think I'll be fine. Everything's going to be ok."
>but then I got this bill and we have to go through an appeals process and soforth but.. it takes everything I have. Literally.I sold my house, sold my cars and it's still going to take everything that I have if this bill goes through. So to my Patreons, thank you so much guys. You guys are incredible.
>I mean I could just get a job as a cop or something, I could, but I wouldn't be able to pay my bills. I don't think I'd be able to pay my bills even then. I.. I'm.. I am so far up shit creek.. Like, if you guys know if you're self employed there's a 20% tax on top of the tax you're already getting taxed. So if you have 30% tax you're losing half your income. Um.. in addition to that there's also fees or penalties for using TurboTax wrong or whatever. It's very complicated but yet no one teaches you this kind of thing and um.. you know. Everything I did was 100% honest, as honest as I could be but you know.. my accountant's figuring it out and hopefully it'll be taken care of.
But that's not the point. The point is I just wanted to make by saying all this is you know I'm used to stress and things being crazy.
>Right around Adpocolypse is when I got hit with my initial huge bill. So it's like not only are you getting paid less we're also going to take all your money. It's just like.. I lost my house. I lost my cars and everything. It's rough! You know? I'm not trying to make you guys feel sorry for me, I'm just trying to tell you my situation.
Farmers Note: Stopping here for a break because I need a strong drink and it's nearly 3 minutes in and nothing to do with Shane Dawson unless the next words out of his mouth are "I just made the documentary for money, I really like Shane."
No. 614533
>>614528I'm four minutes in ans so far all he's done is complain and sift blame onto turbotax, youtube and whine about having to pay huge bills.
He's just now startiong to back pedal about the Shane Dawson video saying he never actually conclusively said Shane was a pedo, just that there were dodgy things about Shane..(WTAF, yes you did dickface)
He's saying the things he said previously about Shane were emotionally driven angry statements because of Greg's experience knowing his dad who according to greg is also a pedo.
He says OhUhBro has been striked from the Shane docu and is really damaged right now. (kek)
He again blames everyone else and talks about his sooper honesty.
Talks briefly about strange A.
Whines everyone else is allowed to complain and they don't get striked.
He dumbs down how horrible he was to strange A, says it was "just a joke" Tries to make her look really bad by talking about the suicide character AGAIN.
Complains about monetization. Views. Length of videos.
Literally can't understand why he's so unpopular.
Still says he was unbiased in the Shane docu
No. 614536
>>614532>>614529I was going to download the subtitles so no one would have to transcribe manually but he disabled them which is a first. I guess he saw
No. 614545
File: 1544994143972.jpg (18.29 KB, 495x351, channel.JPG)

>>614532Timestamps - 2:40 to 6:25
You shouldn't go to Patreon right now if you feel sorry for me or anything like that. You should just be you and enjoy my content and whatever happens, happens. Um.. I'm not trying to um.. you know.. ask you guys to contribute. But this video is probably called 'Shane Dawson… something' or whatever.
>Because recently I made a documentary where I concluded that Shane Dawson is not, for a fact, a pedo. I very clearly stated that. Like I said.. you know.. there's no conclusive evidence that he's a pedo. There's a lot of evidence that's… weird? But it doesn't conclude that he's a pedo.So in that one of his biggest critics took a step back and said, you know, wow! I don't necessarily like this person, well I'm not necessarily.. you know.. I have really bad history with the guy but I'm not going to be conclusive outside of meaningless twitter rants or whatever. Umm.. about this right now. It's just not something I want to do. I've said many things in the past that were very aggressive and that were very emotional and based on my personal experience. My personal experience with people that are actually pedos and connecting the dots and getting kinda into it. Because my father is a predator, which Shane Dawson can relate to.
Regardless, I just wanted to kind of express what happened recently which is UhOhBro, the channel, it got.. hit with.. (looks to be struggling with how to phrase it without going "I dun fucked up", see pic) It's messed up right now. Um.. that channel.. I don't want to go in dept about what it's going through but it got a strike on the Shane Dawson documentary which had 5 thousand dislikes and 1 thousand likes.
Which, you know, I expected. Youtube is a big popularity contest, it really is. So if someone has a ton of subscribers and you by comparison have very few subscribers, it's going to be very difficult for you to.. even if you do it in the most factual way.. even if you do it in the most honest way.. You share both sides, you try to think of it through their perspective (sounds of heavy footsteps above?) even if you do that, if you say anything negative about these people, you're immediately.. (uses air quotes)factually(ends air quotes) wrong.
Like there's no way around it. If people really really like somebody, it's over. You're done. You just don't pick fights with people more popular than you. But I'm personally not the kind of person who just goes with the flow. I don't want to just go "Oh, these people like them. I should just leave them alone."
Like if you didn't notice, there's a lot of people who like making Anti-Onision videos and that's because (heavy footsteps continuing on the ceiling?) it's very popular. Like I saw a person with 11 thousand subscribers get 300 thousand views on an Anti-Onision video. (banging noise, Greg looks towards the noise briefly)
>If I got those views when I had 11 thousand subscribers I'd be like "Whoah!" (head blown gestures) "I need to make a crapload of these videos! I need to rip this person apart and say the worst..!"People have said I need to be beaten, uh.. a number of things. Just horrible, horrible things they've said about me, yet none of their videos get flagged for harassment. Because I don't go around flagging videos. I don't! I think the last time I flagged a video was maybe 4 years ago? And if someone else's video got flagged.. like I saw someone say "Onision's fans flagged my videos" or whatever, that wasn't me. Unless it happened over four years ago which I think I was flagging for revealing personal information. Like, full names and stuff like that or whatever. But yeah, like (gibberish) full names, probably. About myself, not other people that I know of. If I do, I censor it out.
No. 614552
>>614532>>614545Beautiful anon. I make it a point to never listen to Greg so I don't have to hear his voice when I read these transcripts. I love the farms!
>>614537Ooooooh my! I suppose he did. He hit hard and desperately wanted Senpai to notice him. Well he did now he's worried.
Are the bills that will RUIN him and his family from the tax stuff or the tractorgate stuff? From the transcript it seems like he refers to one then the other.
No. 614553
>>614545>>614532Good, he deserves it. He pissed off sooooo many people for the sake of money and drama and now he has no money, but tons of drama. You got your two favorite subjects for life now Anusion, just not how you wanted it. Broke and swamped in legal troubles is what you deserve.
>>614550It's in this thread, anon. Stop being lazy.
No. 614554
>>614532>I mean I could just get a job as a cop or something, I could, but I wouldn't be able to pay my bills.JEEEESUS CHRIST. Is that his actual career prospect?
Imagine that resume:
>Military Police Officer (Seoul) 2008>Youtuber 2008-2018>Hire Me I’m a Decent Human No. 614556
File: 1544995646702.jpeg (115.26 KB, 750x384, 325EA3A7-74F7-4B4E-8A97-9E70F0…)

>Top 20 Manipulation Tactics of Abusers
No. 614557
>>614475>Greg goes on and on about how meat is bad for the environment, how he drove teslas to be eco friendly, still they use a shit ton of paper cups and drink from a Keurig whose capsules cannot be recycled…H y p o c r i t e
Gregory Avaroe / Onision just says these things to get brownie points from tween girls and to follow recent trends, just like Lainey.
He doesn't care about nature (as we've seen because of his backyard debacle) or animals (e.g. the way he killed Reptar in a plastic tub and Leeloo peeing herself whenever she sees Greg. I'm still on the fence about the shock collars tehy use on the dogs since I don't know exactly how the Avaroes put them to use.
No. 614563
File: 1544996259991.jpg (17 KB, 493x312, confused.JPG)

>>614545Timestamps - 6:26 to 10:33
Yeah, there's a huge bias on Youtube where because I'm not popular enough people can actually bully and harass like crazy. They can say the meanest things like..
>I want you to put this in perspective real quick. Someone got a million views on a very long video so they no doubt made $3000-4000, uh.. completely and utterly crapping on my book. Just absolutely ripping it apart.I made a response video on UhOhBro where I was like, I was literally like chill.. I'm not talking about the first video, the last video I made. I was just chill and pointed out that the person didn't even know the characters were real people. Cause they were saying that these characters were so unbelievable and I was taking actual things that those people would say or had said and put them into the book. So she had saying the characters weren't believable and that they all sounded like me. It's weird because they were all real people and she made fun of my.. like the.. she made fun of the character that was based on my friend who died. My best friend for a long time, she made fun of that.. the character based on that person. Um.. so that was hurtful. That was personal.
My video responding to them, even though I didn't insult her or.. she insulted me multiple times, said multiple things… kept calling me onion-something or creep and stuff like that. She kept saying hurtful things towards me in that video.
>My initial video response was a comedy bit where I was saying lots of things like about her (air quotes) eyebrows (end air quotes) and stuff but people didn't get the joke. So I responded with a more monotone, non-comedic thing that did better.
>But my video got 37,000 views and it was longer than hers so that was odd. But her video got over a million views and my video got demonetized. Let that sink in.
>She made more money than I made on all the sales of my book. She made more money just crapping on my book. (pauses to stare at the camera and shrug)It was.. It was really bonkers. It just seems really crazy. Like even JackynGlen ((sorry if that's spelled wrong)) said… I think Youtube.. (starts randomly laughing) there's something going on. A switch was flipped or something because I used to be really, really popular.
>Like every video I released used to get 100,000-300,000 views no problem. But now it's a struggle to get 20,000.
>Um.. which is rough. Because if you start adding up all the things, you know, this huge loss of popularity, Adpocolypse and this huge bill hit me all at the same time. How I'm still alive.. It's the power of love for your family. That's really it.Um, anyway.. I just kinda wanted to make this video (rubs hands all over his face) because
>this documentary that I spent all day onwhere I was just being very, very honest and very blunt and trying to be as.. you know, as nonbiased as possible. Because I explained my bias in the beginning and as the video proceeded onward I started saying, like, you know.. Shane Dawson was with a boy and he like (air quotes)rented the kid(end air quotes) for a day to pretend to be his son. And I personally wouldn't do that but that doesn't mean it's horrible or anything. I would just, you know, saying this one video pointed out that that was predatorial. And I pointed out that it's not predatorial because, you know, he didn't do anything inappropriate with that child. So there was a lot of defense of Shane Dawson wherever it was appropriate but there was also criticism where it was appropriate.
So to have this thing where I wasn't calling him names, you know, I wasn't.. uhhhh… viciously attacking him or anything like that. I was actually defending him at some parts of the video and pointing out other parts.. uh… or the things that he did were questionable.
>Um.. that was a balanced review. Far more balanced than somebody just insulting me and insulting so many people that I've ever known and soforth.. and then getting praised by the thousands.. you know? So my objective in this video is to kind of connect with you guys on a human level. Like I have had.. so many characters. I've had so much (grins) ego and I guess narcissism, by some people's description. I say by some people's description because I'm not a therapist, I don't know what these characters are. I've never psychoanalyzed them with a degree behind me.
No. 614566
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>>614532I havent watched the video but he said he DID make the "documentary" for money? Cause now on Twitter hes saying it wasnt for money and for others to reupload it if they have it? So hes not really sorry?
No. 614569
>>614519Underrated comment. kek!
>>614566Anon was talking about the lack of coherency because the first couple of minutes Greg talks about something completely different than the title of the video would suggest.
He never said he did it for money, though.
No. 614570
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>>614563Timestamps - 10:34 to 14:55 (end)
Although my spouse is a psych major (grins and laughs) so it's always funny when people try to psychoanalyze me to my spouse. And my spouse is like (funny voice) "I'm a psycho major". (laughs)
But uh.. I dunno, guys. It's.. It's just really.. rough. But I also want to explain something else to you. All this craziness, me losing the majority of my income, losing the majority of my popularity, me losing the majority of my fans.. and a lot of fans turning into people that hate me..
>These are all things that would cripple an egomaniac. Because they just want to be loved by everybody, they want to be in the spotlight. Whatever.And you know I cried on camera when I found out I was going to my house. Like, why do we film ourselves? Because we're trying to express how we truly feel and connect with people and show real human (raises eyebrows, looks down and sighs) emotion. And so forth (raises hand to head) and I think that video got like half dislikes too.
Like, I'm just at the point where I accept, understand, and expect people to hate me no matter what I say. (slight laugh) But what I realized in all this is that the only thing that really matters is your loved ones. The only thing that really matters is the people in your life and.. you know.. and not money and not fame. Not how much people like you or anything like that. All that really matters is that we have the people we care about who are close to use and we can afford (rolls eyes) to live our lives supporting them.
And that's what I love doing. I love supporting my family and >LAINEY has stepped up, (grins), I guess it's KAI now. (see pic for expression) Kai has stepped up and um.. (still trying not to laugh and smiling) uhh… they have helped me so much.
I'm so proud of my spouse. I'm so proud of my family. I'm so proud of everything we're doing and I'm proud that.. you know.. ummm..
>I'm gonna reveal a little bit of information to you guys. One of my kids wants to be a YouTuber. But we can't let them because.. this whole thing is really private and sacred about children.You don't let your kid go online. You don't let your kid.. I mean not.. You let your kid watch stuff online but you don't let your kid post stuff online. You can't even be on YouTube unless you're 13 according to the policies.
Just following policies and following parental moral code and soforth, we value this so much.
>And we could probably solve our financial woes if we turned into a family channel or something but I really.. I really love my family too much. I don't want to expose them to the stuff that I go through, that my spouse goes through.You know what I mean? Like.. I can handle it. I've said many times I'm used to being beaten, I'm used to being the target of.. you know.. (looks off and sighs)
>Endless praise for people who hate me, like.. I say, I say the sky is blue and people say I'm a racist as a response. I've said a lot of racist jokes but that's just an example of the leap, you know?Um.. anyway.. So thank you guys so much for being supportive of me. Thank you so much to those who are supportive. Thank you so much for putting up with me. Thank you so much for so many of the things that you have done that are positive towards me.
>Umm.. but unfortunately I can never talk about Shane Dawson again. And umm.. I can't talk about really anyone popular again with any criticism because I can't afford to not be able to feed my family… and I'm sorry.But from now on I basically have to keep my mouth shut about.. bigger YouTubers. Even Eugiene Cooney I probably shouldn't say "Hey, EAT. Please take care of yourself" stuff like that. Because these things could all be something that would hit me and destroy me.
>Umm.. yeah. So I've learned my lesson. This is the second time that I've gotten in huge trouble for criticizing a big YouTuber so… I learned my lesson. It won't happen again. I'm sorry.
No. 614576
>>614563>I think Youtube.. (starts randomly laughing) there's something going on. A switch was flipped or something because I used to be really, really popular. Like every video I released used to get 100,000-300,000 views no problem. But now it's a struggle to get 20,000.
> How I'm still alive.. It's the power of love for your family. That's really it.HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. He's seriously tinfoiling that YouTube made him unpopular now. All because Strange Aeons' video got tons of traction while his got demonetized. How long until they become homeless?
Also, I love you Anon <3
No. 614581
His new twitter handle oml "dreamer boy" please, you're a 33 year old crusty rashy greasy onion and you're not convincing anyone otherwise, especially not jessie
>>614576When will he realise he has less views because he's a fucking dick and everyone hates him
No. 614586
>>614581>When will he realise he has less views because he's a fucking dick and everyone hates himThis is what is amazing to me. He is a prick to literally
everyone, including the people who are literally paying his bills (his Patrons). What is even more amazing is that he still has anyone who wants to pay him for his content. Lots of people put out shitty content, but they don;t act like total shits to the people who are their fans.
THAT is the reason, Greg, not Youtube, not other content creators: YOU. Your shitty attitude, rudeness towards your fans and people who follow you in social media, and your arrogance and belief that you would always be the cock at the top of the dung heap are what did you in. YOU.
No. 614587
>>614585I lost my mansion and had to buy a house by the lake (swamp). That was the most pathetic example of "woe is me" I've ever read. Wah wah, I can't insult people, but they can insult me. There's a huge difference between making murder/child molestation/felony type crimes accusations and critiquing a book, Onion.
>MY WIFE IS A PSYCH MAJOR! Who fucking cares. It's a useless degree and doesn't give you any skills in diagnosis unless you take it to a master's degree and even Ph.d. I hate when anons go around saying they're "LITERALLY A PSYCH MAJOR" and try to armchair him as if they're a professional. No one here, nor lainey can really understand shit unless it's in a clinical setting and they have higher than a bachelor's. Most people worry about Greg's behavior towards Lainey not mental illness. Fucking Greg. You cheated on your pregnant wife. Not sure if that's related to a mental disorder, but surely people can suggest that your husband is a piece of shit because of it.
He acts like views are a right and not just consumerism. I really hate fading youtubers because they all bitch about their paychecks as if it's a regular 9-5 job. It's like actors or musicians. If you can't fucking sell tickets, or if no one likes you, you won't get money for just existing. It's hilarious that he complains that youtube is a popularity contest. Yes it is. That's what it's designed as. A place to be entertained. Shane earns his money by having fans and being likable. There's nothing more to it.
No. 614595
File: 1545004135518.jpg (Spoiler Image,95.83 KB, 825x999, DcdCDcOX0AcCjlT.jpg_large.jpg.…)

>>614586>Greg is a dickBut but, I am the nicest person on YouTube. Like, I'm embracing the fact that my spouse is a bisexual man (I didn't force it on her- I mean him, I swear), I always expressed regret after killing animals, I don't want my kids to be on YouTube, so I make them disappear in a trashcan while I'm recording. I showered random teenagers with money so that I can have free access to jailbait AFABs who are younger than my disgustingly old adult spouse. Billie totally scammed me!!! :'( I also support the LGBT community and feminism and I make sure to remind everyone of this fact (ha! I told you I'm not a misogynist). Oh also, I am gay now, because that sounds way better than saying I'm bi. I also like to berate others for expressing concern about people in 1st world countries when there are millions dying in 3rd world countries. Except when it's Eugenia Cooney. I'm so concerned about her, I will mock her endlessly. Oh yeah, this guy I kissed is more popular than me and I hate it! I will call him a pedo because I am a very rational and intelligent being and nobody can counter my genius arguments. I'm so handsome and talented, I have a perfect vegan body and everybody always wants to sleep with me, don't you Jessie? People tell me I used to look like Gerard Way with skin problems. I am also a misunderstood comedian and I wrote deep angsty books that make The Catcher in the Rye look like a story about a well-adjusted person. Reviews claim they have abysmal writing and that the characters sound like a lizard person made them up. Which is wrong, they are real people who actually died and the writing is not bad, you're just not enough of a patrician to understand its brilliance! I will draw thick eyebrows on myself to express my dominance over Strange Aeons, even though she couldn't give less of a shit.
Screw you, you are a horrible logical fallacy for saying I am not a samaritan. :(
No. 614597
File: 1545004425051.jpg (46.89 KB, 640x480, heterosexuality.jpg)

>>614595well, there goes my last lingering thread of heterosexuality
No. 614598
>>614596Yeah, it's a candid. With normal lighting, regular angle and no photoshop.
I also found a picture where you can see him crossdressing with his micropenis stuffed in translucent woman's underwear but I thought that would be a bit too much nightmare fuel for the day kek.
No. 614604
File: 1545005548292.jpg (98.37 KB, 2160x792, _20181217_000932.JPG)

Grugma, the only growing you should be worrying about are those trees you ran down on your big boy tractor.
No. 614608
>>614536The subtitles appear now (maybe they take time to generate).
There is no need to transcribe videos manually!
1 Download the subtitles using
http://www.downsub.com2 Change the file extension to txt and open it in a text editor app
3 Strip the html code using Strip the srt code using Edit the text for word accuracy and to add punctuation and numerals (numbers are stripped in step 4). The auto generated subtitles are surprisingly accurate, depending on the person's enunciation. You may not even need to listen to the video.
No. 614622
>>614589Maybe it was just a typo and what he actually meant was 60 minutes.
I mean, he does act like spending 2 hours on a video is a huge amount of effort and struggle and it's so
hard on him, being such a hard worker.
No. 614626
>>614448Greg has almost literally stated he does not speak to his daughter (why bother? she can't speak back, after all)
… in retrospect, that's his ideal woman, so I'm almost surprised. Guess even he isn't stupid enough to insult a child relentlessly – only his child brides.
No. 614629
>>614486>When she said she was going back in to blow the candles out she used a clip of her re-lighting the candles.i was wondering why she lit candles when she was blowing them out
bitch must really need those sheckles if she cant even keep track of that
No. 614635
File: 1545011094417.gif (266.11 KB, 500x281, 9ebca3544e8e63c6bbcc689a3970f1…)

I COULD BE A COP AHAHAHAHFASJKG yeah sure Greg, you do that. Especially when the city you're ins officials fucking HATE YOU
No. 614638
>>614636If by some miracle he actually passed the physical reqs, and everything else, I have no idea what's required to be a cop, he'd manage to everyone around him off and be permanently stuck directing traffic, or guarding construction sites or whatever.
That's a miracle that will never happen, Greg. You're waaay too mentally unbalanced.
No. 614643
>>614638that's more like security officers guarding things.
If anything seeing as how he got discharged from the army I highly doubt he could stand the training school to be a cop(which mind you is severely difficult to pass let alone the final exam). The school probably wouldn't even accept him due to his discharge from the army. They'd question why、 what、 how、 ect and his currently court hearings it would be even more difficult to get accepted if he has any prior misdemeanors(especially if he gets a guilty charge )
No. 614648
>>614638>>614643>>614646by at least my states requirements, he'd never be able to get a foot in the door due to his current physical shape
and since washington is a state thats similar to mine, he can hope to get a desk job in an station
No. 614650
>>614583If Smergenstein hadn't already proven he's absolutely retarded, this could be mistaken as a meta commentary on the steps of manipulation he mentioned in his diarrhea pool of a "doculolmentary."
It's not even an apology, he just saw he had once again gone too far and went back to framing himself as a victim, in this case a downtrodden David who tried to take on Goliath. He mimics phrases he sees other contrite and genuine people use but it's obvious he has no capacity to actually feel those emotions.
The tweets he vomited directly after posting the video prove this - basically begging his tarfans to repost the video. Literally pathological manipulator and incredibly shallow.
What's sad is that it works on his young naive followers who know think they're supporting an underdog figure. What a laughable excuse, incredibly pathetic
No. 614653
>>614652if his fans weren't either too young too get it, or too stupid, his mentioning 'I'm not trying to convince/guilt/talk/insinuate that you should donate to me! not at al!' is enough to tell anyone that that's exactly what he's trying to do.
everyone knew he'd try something in the hopes of guilting his tard base in to giving him money before he has to pay out the ass for his environmental destruction.
that aside, I wonder how many of
No. 614654
>>614652if his fans weren't either too young too get it, or too stupid, his mentioning 'I'm not trying to convince/guilt/talk/insinuate that you should donate to me! not at al!' is enough to tell anyone that that's exactly what he's trying to do.
everyone knew he'd try something in the hopes of guilting his tard base in to giving him money before he has to pay out the ass for his environmental destruction.
that aside, I wonder how many of
No. 614662
File: 1545016958877.png (47.64 KB, 1125x601, image0.png)

>>614382sorry not sorry Lainey, here's the mirror for her original "OUR POWER GOT SHUT OFF" video.
Hiding your kids under a table while filming? 10/10 parenting. No. 614686
>>614685I spotted that this morning but couldn't comment on lolcow due to site issues.
I can't figure out why it's back up, Youtube wouldn't reinstate it, and even if he appealed and they did allow it back up it would take much longer to do, not a few hours.
I'm baffled.
No. 614703
>>614701They're referencing that while the Onions are in panera there's absolutely zero sign of the kids and awkward camera cuts (like
>>614394 states) make it seem like the kids must be shoved under the table.
No. 614714
>>614713He was probably just being dramatic when he said that. He maybe didn’t expect his video to be reinstated so immediately went Victim Mode.
No doubt he is feeling smug now though. If he soon releases a video saying something like “YouTube sided with me because I’m HONEST!” Don’t anyone be shocked.
No. 614717
>>614712Honestly I think it does fall under the guidelines of harassment though, I can’t say I’ve seen a video like that be put back up so quickly. It’s even running ads, like damn.
However I’d assume if Shane himself asked for it to be taken down for defamination, YouTube would comply.
That’s infuriating that it’s allowed up. Something he doesn’t seem to grasp is when you’re claiming no bias on a video/topic, it’s probably not a smart idea to spend the first five minutes explaining why you’d be bias or have distaste for the person/topic.
No. 614718
>>614716Though it was Trot as well.
You'll probably get banned for posting this anon.
No. 614721
>>614717Let it stay up. It's all the more content Shane has on his side when the shit hits the fan and he really decides to take action.
I don't think he's sent lawyers after Greg yet, I rather guess Greg's reason for saying he isn't allowed to talk about Shane anymore was based on Youtube pulling his video, therefore he thinks YouTube won't allow him to make videos on Shane anymore.
No. 614731
File: 1545068137608.png (636.6 KB, 674x805, Capture _2018-12-17-15-33-22.p…)

No. 614742
>>614717>>614721>However I’d assume if Shane himself asked for it to be taken down for defamination, YouTube would comply.Yeah the problem here is probably that people with no personal involvement are reporting on behalf of Shane, which makes it look like he's just sent his fans to spam reports to have it taken down fraudulently. This is a tactic youtube is aware of and can't just let slide.
>I don't think he's sent lawyers after Greg yet, I rather guess Greg's reason for saying he isn't allowed to talk about Shane anymore was based on Youtube pulling his video, therefore he thinks YouTube won't allow him to make videos on Shane anymore.Idk about this, he used language that made me pretty sure he was "hinting" at it being shane, the same
>Wants to destroy my family reeeeeeline he used in the tweets about shane asking him to stop or he'd consider legal action. He could even just be referencing that email again.
If I were shane I'd just start getting on with the legal proceedings and stop this fucker talking about me, I get that he feels sympathy for lainey and his kids but ultimately "ruining" their family would be better for the kids and lainey anyway.
No. 614746
File: 1545070818868.png (310.43 KB, 318x721, Screen Shot 2018-12-17 at 18.1…)

No. 614747
>>614731That's so amazing by aging naturally greg has managed to erase his neanderthal forehead lines. Wow. What's your serum for youth gerg?! Teen cum?
Honestly he's so pathetic.
No. 614771
>>614594reeee but the book is based on real people and events!
>>614595A GREEK GOD
>>614687man and i was already depressed this morning
No. 614775
>>614526I love pictures of them together…. The way laim looks so smug, and the way Greg looks so repulsed, depressed, disgusted and resigned all simultaneously. Your fate is sealed grug you will not find a third your destiny is to remain with your wife, the Crimson Chin fakeboi
Does she really have no idea of how much he not so secretly resents her?
No. 614782
>>614566Okay so this is the first time im completely tinfoiling here but…does anyone else find it really bizarre he noted he doesn't have a copy of the shane dawson documentary because he made it on someone elses computer? Like why include that tidbit? Sounds like hes trying to cover his ass somehow, but I can't exactly put my finger on why this stood out to me.
The only other person he has in his life would be Lainey. And if its on Lainey's computer, he definitely still has access to it. I highly doubt it was deleted.
No. 614787
>>614782Let's SAY he did make it on someone's computer(We all know that's BS) why would he hype up something he's wanted to do for a "really long time" and something that's a BIG subject such as this? It's something so major, why wouldn't he save a copy for himself or a backup?
Onion, please come up with a better response that's not some lie. I'd believe you a lot more if you claimed that your dog ate it.
No. 614794
File: 1545080964733.jpeg (1008.92 KB, 1125x2196, A642779F-BEC6-4011-860D-48F50F…)

>>614783He reuploaded it on to Patreon for everyone to see yesterday. He can’t shift the blame onto anyone, especially when he’s the one who made the video in the first place.
No. 614812
>>614810Yeah it doesn’t seem likely especially since he acted like this was his greatest creation or some crap. There’s no way he would back this shit up.
I really want to know whose computer he was supposedly using and why.
No. 614820
>>613645I believe this is exactly why. I bet more than 20,000 of his subs are brought. Possibly more. Apparently its about $100 to buy 1000 subs.
I'd almost suspect he's bought an embarrassing amount over the years. Maybe in the range of 200,000 over the last 8 years. He did say he poured a lot of money into his career.
It certainly wasn't spent on staff of any kind. He's such a cheapass he gets his random fans like Sam and Beck to do it for free. No cameramen, no writers, no editors, no actors, no exotic locations, no studio, etc. Where exactly did that money go, Greg???
No. 614823
>>614812It's bullshit he made up.
It's in the realm of
asked me to make videos on Eugenia"
begged me to do rating videos"
"I was
told the haters said X"
heard Social Repose said blah blah blah"
He wants the video back on YouTube because his vendetta (read:obsession) against Shane is so intense. But he doesn't want to risk his other channels or make a new channel to achieve this. Or look desperate in his attempt to keep uploading it. So he wants his fans to do it. Just like they pay his mortgage and Christmas gifts for his foot and kids.
tl;dr he made it up to get his fans to do it
No. 614830
let us pray grouping Onision's edgy 8th grade projects with classic and/or great literature becomes a meme.
He'd be helpless to mitigate the damage done by his tweeny bopper followers seeing how everyone aged 17 and up and other professionals in his field regard him as a pathetic punchline.
Out of all his spergery, his inability to understand the necessity and value of criticism and feedback on writing (and seeing it as personal attacks or due to bias)
triggers me the most I think (sorry for blog)
No. 614855
File: 1545093066872.png (28.2 KB, 611x321, Untitled.png)

this definitely applies to marrying lainey
No. 614870
>>614854The trial didn’t happen last time, so it doesn’t matter if anyone went.
Besides, you newfags need to stop discussing your plans on the thread anyway. If you’re planning on going don’t say anything, just post the details when it’s all over.
No. 614877
>>614662I know we aren't supposed to discuss this, but all I'm going to say is this. After even that brief of a glimpse I can understand why he doesn't want to show his kids on camera and feels embarrassed by them.
They got whatever he did as a child. Same huge head and everything. Even from just a few frames in bad lighting, it looks he hasn't slept well in days. I used to laugh at this drama's particular absurdity, now I just feel depressed.
File: 1545097931458.jpeg (244.31 KB, 1242x641, 1FE3D752-2173-4BB7-92AA-B86A40…)

>>614662Google Drive link to Lamey's power outage video not working… Anyone have another upload/mirror?
No. 614898
>>614870It's "newfriends" now, we are living in a 2018 PC culture after all. lol
He claimed in his latest video about being so sorry for making fun of Shane Dawson that he recently got an outstanding bill that "will take everything I have uwu". Gotta guess this is his lawyer's fees and probable fees from the county.
No. 614966
File: 1545142089570.gif (1.32 MB, 1172x735, tumblr_p04ossPW8u1w6i75fo1_128…)

>>614877Bashing a child? That is beyond defending you lowlife, stick to the adults.
No. 614970
>>614965I believe it's because they interpreted Anon's following statement:
>I understand why Greg'd feel embarrassed by themas if the kids themselves look like they really are embarassing to be around and that Anus had a valid reason to completely ignore/abuse them.
No. 614972
>>614969That pic has already been used before. I'm going to throw anon into the sun if they don't use
>>612993 this for the next thread
No. 614989
>>614794He can say what he likes but the entire first part of the video makes it clear what this "documentary" is about. He just can't resist going on about the kiss he had with Shane (worst kiss in the world according to onion despite it literally being a peck) and how shane didn't want to hang out with him so onion TERMINATED THEIR FRIENDSHIP. There is no value whatsoever to this video. It proves nothing, it says nothing new, it's just another way for onion to vent his jealousy for Shane
>>614778Stg look how hard he has to try to keep his eyebrows/caveman brow from falling over his eyes. I reckon in the recent pic of him hes got sellotape under his combover holding his brow up for him lmao
No. 615017
>>614965Kids are off limits shitstain. They themselves are irrelevant and innocent so fuck off
The onions parenting and life choices on the other hand, hilarious
No. 615022
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No. 615023
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No. 615024
File: 1545151838397.jpeg (407.81 KB, 1125x1023, B063A8A3-C647-434F-AF08-E0582E…)

No. 615029
File: 1545151986478.jpeg (441.07 KB, 1125x1161, 5C4D75F8-2274-4F0B-9A1A-54FD87…)

>>615028Sorry for the twitter dump, couldn’t post last night.
No. 615031
File: 1545152120193.jpg (146.04 KB, 496x496, dear god.jpg)

>>615026so close to self-consciousness, and yet…so far…
No. 615033
>>615024Ah, like that hentai addition you quit?
No. 615045
>>615029this is pretty much the antithesis of the person he portrays himself as online.
I'd like to say maybe he finally gets it and realizes he isn't popular because he is toxic, but nahhhh. He'll be back to his old ways in no time. (ie, later today)
HEY GURG: since we all know you read here - go ahead and preach positivity, but then take a look at the handful of crap videos you have released over the past week. How many of those videos are positive? How many of them are criticizing someone/thing? Now you have your answer on how you appear online. Have fun with your toxicity.
No. 615047
File: 1545154921748.png (161.85 KB, 392x345, why.PNG)

Ive gone through the thread twice.
Maybe Im missing the reason why, but why is the shane video still up on his uhohbro channel?
didnt it get struck and taken down by YT?
No. 615102
>>615026looks like he's on the upswing once again. replaced his edgy soccer mom profile pic with one where he looks like the world's most haggard 12 year old. posting about how he loves life and just wants to make people happy.
I'm guessing in about 3 days he'll be back to bullying other youtubers and getting into pathetic twitter debates
No. 615109
Someone much earlier in the thread made a joke that we should keep track of the amount of money they show themselves dropping in Lainey's videos. Then Onion dropped that video talking about how he can barely afford to feed his family, etc. etc. Since I had nothing going on last night, I decided to peruse the Laineybot channel videos, specifically the ones where they show themselves dropping money.
I looked up the prices for the specific items they show themselves buying or mentioning buying recently. If I couldn't find the exact item, I estimated based on the average price for that type of item at the place they bought it.
From October to now, in a handful of Laineybot videos only, Greg and Lainey EASILY spend $2000-$3000 on clothes, going out to eat, and Lainey's hair and tattoos. Their vacation to the Great Wolf Lodge, factoring in gas, food, etc. was probably close to $2000 as well. Lainey also went to a Twenty-One Pilots concert, and their tickets definitely aren't cheap.
The most recent video where they show themselves having a "shopping day" they spend roughly $300 at Target on Cuphead plush toys (collectible ones, so presumably not for the children), candy, socks, candles, and other totally random items.
The one that struck me the most was Lainey's "Androgynous Winter Clothing Haul" video. Almost everything in that video was very easy to find online. She has a few pairs of jeans I couldn't specifically find, but she mentions they are from Kohl's, so I used the average price of women's jeans at Kohl's to guess those. She also has a couple of jackets she doesn't know the origin of, so I guessed some very generous average prices for winter jackets. All of that considered, the clothing in that video easily total between $500-$600, depending on exact prices, not to mention tax and shipping. She mentions having purchased all of these items within the last few months. (And remember, she's been talking about getting rid of her clothes and buying all new clothes recently!)
All in all, they definitely don't spend like people who are going through a financial crisis, saving up for their IRS audit, or expecting to be fucked by the environmental agencies that are after them. Of course, we all knew that already. I wonder how much money they waste that they don't show on camera.
No. 615123
>>615109They probably are just
that stupid and sheltered, but on the off chance - do any anons know if you can actually claim items you purchase in youtube videos as business expenses if you designate yourself as a "youtuber"?
If I didn't know the onions, I'd think they are gaming videos to buy things they want to write off later. 1) Greasenstein has an accountant now and 2) why else film that retarded, boring, basic bitch shit? (The obvious answer to number 2 is narcissism and laziness for the onions)
No. 615127
File: 1545179232172.jpeg (459.31 KB, 1242x1524, 7A3E5349-0850-4BDF-AEB3-D14EF8…)

No. 615132
File: 1545179610874.png (30.37 KB, 588x433, Screenshot_46.png)

>>615130the guilt tripping jumped out.
No. 615133
>>615028this is such a thinly veiled attempt at probing his audience for what he think will get him views.
what will i be today? see. i am "chill". i am can "relax". why does everyone hate me uwu?!!?!?!
No. 615136
>>615134He probably felt emasculated because he had titled it "Im sorry" earlier
Real men dont apologize right Greg?
No. 615137
>>615136>>615134it's his way to defect criticism as seen
>>615028 and
>>615029>being mad at me for calling a man who just so happens to be a victim of child sexual abuse a pedo does nothing but upset you and others! shut up, stop criticizing me and be happy guys! No. 615147
File: 1545184568119.png (33.96 KB, 601x355, 454545.png)

No. 615152
File: 1545186707087.jpeg (98.17 KB, 1242x743, 45BDB6B8-68FC-49FE-A97E-DA9784…)

Twitter and Instagram bios changed to they/he.
No. 615154
File: 1545186897967.jpg (101.2 KB, 690x517, Gergspatrons.JPG)

>>615127Smergenstein has a gaggle of kids who respond to every tweet he makes to asspat and defend him from his evil haturz.
Some striking parallels to the Children's Crusade; from Wikipedia: "The Children's Crusade was a failed popular crusade by
European Christians Greg's patrons to regain the
Holy Land narrative from
the Muslims Chris Hansen, said to have taken place in
1212 2018. The crusaders left areas of
Northern France twitter… led by
Nicholas Gregory Avaroe. The traditional narrative is likely conflated from some
factual FAXtual and
mythical milky events which include the visions by a
French boy transtrender and a
German boy groomed teen, an intention to peacefully convert
Muslims in the Holy Land Haturz to
Christianity Grease worship, bands of children
marching to Italy replying to every tweet, and children being
sold into slavery rated by Grugly. Many children were tricked by
merchants the Onions and
sailed flown over to what they thought were the
holy lands fun video-making but, in reality, were
slave markets sexual harassment and pedophile basement chaining."
No. 615170
File: 1545191022302.jpg (404.45 KB, 800x1742, 5434.jpg)

2 days until tractorgate and this is what Grease is up to.
No. 615175
File: 1545191675824.jpeg (116.4 KB, 1280x720, 4105F523-6543-41C0-B75D-B7F030…)

>>615170I’m admittedly jelly at how fast his hair grows, I guess it’s the caveman genes. But he seriously needs to gain some self awareness at how creepy and old he looks in these pictures.
No. 615182
>>615052KF probably shared the link too, but it does still seem odd.
It wouldn't be the first time Onions pulled this kind of shit tho (re: archive anon)
No. 615184
>>615170>Ur like 40. Get offline.kek
>>615173I mean, he is. Please sub to Patreon! Be a human!
No. 615189
File: 1545193747168.jpg (41.19 KB, 327x417, just_formen.jpg)

>>615170his eyebrows are hideous. protip onion use pic related on your eyebrows next time you dye your hair to cover the gray
No. 615190
File: 1545193766504.jpg (518.08 KB, 1882x1081, 18-12-19-15-17-09-470_deco.jpg)

I paused on Lainey's power outage video, and this is what I got.
No. 615191
>>615170jesus shit, how can someone's skin be THAT bad without even having acne?
It's like he's been cursed with every possible skin flaw besides breakouts - red af, patchy, textured, scarring, sallow, raw-looking, broken capillaries, deep-set undereye hollows and deep lines that seem to be from facial structure rather than aging…
I almost feel sad for him. He could fix his colouring with makeup, but everything else is something he'd never be able to hide.
No. 615231
File: 1545202686052.png (576.1 KB, 960x540, calvary.png)

>>615190I got this one of their home decor of Funko Pops and terrifyingly bad fan-art of themselves, but couldn't post it last night. Every time I think they can't get more embarrassing, they surprise me.
Also I forgot I named the file that. He says "the Calvary has arrived" (instead of cavalry) at one point in the video, and that just really tickled me for some reason. Always the genius, that one.
No. 615257
File: 1545206394709.png (858.76 KB, 1144x644, onisionchristmas.png)

The Twelve Days of Christmas: Onision Edition
On the first day of Christmas, my true loves gave to me…
Twelve Twitter meltdowns,
Eleven transmasc haircuts,
Ten #canceled friendships,
Nine spin-off channels,
Eight Shane Dawson mentions,
Seven sXe vapers,
Six vegetarian bodies,
Four new groomed minors,
Three (hundred thousand) IRS audits,
Two teenage girlfriends,
And a big fat “LOL BE MAD”
No. 615258
File: 1545206800253.png (416.99 KB, 431x420, nNo1XEM.png)

>>615170He must be feeling very self conscious about his neanderthal eyebrows almost touching his eyelids and that's why he's widening his eyes as much as possible in those pictures in an attempt to make them look somewhat normal
No. 615260
sorry English isn't my primary language
No. 615261
File: 1545207180017.png (605.44 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2018-12-18-13-39-06…)

>>611656Such love, such passion
No. 615270
>>615251Video summary: Greg, in a scarily "sincere" and "genuine" tone, tells his viewers he has a business opportunity that will make them tens of thousands of dollars. He later reveals that they opportunity is that people should make a bunch of negative videos about him to earn views and therefore money on youtube. He says since he doesn't know how much longer he'll be a relevant topic, they should do so now. He says specifically for people to use the word "Onision" in video titles, and mention things about him being a pedo, an abuser, etc. in their videos, and they're guaranteed to get showered with praise and adoration for doing so. This is clearly a way for him to both passive-aggressively bitch about people like St-A, while also encouraging people to make more videos about him to drive traffic to his channel. He reiterates dozens of times that he's being serious and not at all trying to be sarcastic, even though at the end he breaks his faux-positivity to say, in these exact words, "If you don't like me, congratulations. You are better than me. You are so much better than me. You are so handsome, you're so smart, you're so talented; I'm scum compared to you. I'm the worst person by comparison," in an incredibly salty way, and then talking about how he's "worse than Hitler."
Other things:
- He says in the beginning of the video that he's acting more like himself lately instead of being "character," and we should all know he was being "character" before because "nobody acts like that."
- He calls Youtube "a snowflake libtard."
- He talks about how drama is stupid for a very long time. He says he used to be an egomaniac, and when people said things about him in videos he took it very personally and often made several videos in response. He claims he isn't like this anymore.
- He says the only way for him to "win" with drama is to kill himself, then says that even though he has been diagnosed with major depression, he doesn't understand why people actually kill themselves. He says that his ability to reason keeps him alive.
- He compares the way he's treated online to "being punched by your dad, because you have to live with him and that's just the way it is." He says if you keep fighting and getting upset in response, that only makes things worse.
- He compares himself to Trump, because people only pay attention to the negative things about Trump. He says that Trump probably has likable qualities because "he's a human being like everybody else," but society only wants to dehumanize people and focus on their flaws to propel their own agendas. He says that when people are being extremely critical of someone or something, they shouldn't be listened to, including himself, because they're just being an egomaniac and thinking they're above the person/thing they're criticizing.
- He says his Shane documentary wasn't aggressive, which shows he's evolved enough as a person to talk about someone he disagrees with in an honest way without exaggerating. He says he hasn't always been as honest as he could be because he's been acting, playing a character, and playing things up in videos. He says he has realized he should just "act like a normal person" (he corrects this statement immediately by saying he means he should act like himself) to get views and to get people to like him. He mentions that lots of youtubers who have bad reputations don't get views anymore, and how back in the day no matter how disliked he was and what he did, he was still popular, but that isn't the case anymore because things have changed and he has failed to adapt.
- He says his comments are being moderated by a patron. He acts like there is nothing he can do to stop this, but he also "isn't concerned."
- At the end of the video he thanks the people who love him, and says that he doesn't know how anyone could hate him because they don't know enough about him to hate him. He says the people who love him know enough about him because he's told them who he truly is, so it isn't the same thing.
No. 615278
>>615270>even though he has been diagnosed with major depressionWasn't that some chairforce lie?
>He compares the way he's treated online to "being punched by your dadBut Greg! You beat your dad up!
> He says he hasn't always been as honest as he could be because he's been acting, playing a character, and playing things up in videosYou're a liar, we know.
Also if booty is in crazy person time out, who else could be modding? The mexican slow chick?
No. 615288
>>615270>"worse than Hitler."Proper narc tactic here. People saying what he does is bad, so he compares himself to the worst. Overdramatic and deflecting.
Him saying the things he's said and done were just a character is beyond bullshit.
He's a slanderous liar. And trying to cover that by saying it was a character makes him even more of a liar.
How are people supposed to know what's real if he can claim afterwards it's 'a character'? So we can reasonably believe the accusations about his dad are made up, because he was just playing a character?
He's backed himself into a corner with his own hypocrisies, lies, slander and abuse.
Its funny really how he refuses to accept things shane said and did were because he is a comedian and it was a joke (always made pretty clear by Shane tbh) yet he's trying to pull that card himself claiming its a "character"
No. 615299
>>615270Loved your summary anon.
This is just my take on it, but I'm not sure he hopes to gain more views as suddenly people "open their eyes to the massive opportunities of making hate videos on Onision" just because he said to. I think he is just making a very pathetic attempt at playing the biggest victim of all time and is basking in how sorry he feels for himself. Shrek over here repeats constantly of late "So many people love me. Like there are a LOT of people who really, really love me." Interesting how he started saying this since becoming a comment nazi where you're auto-blocked unless you're sucking Shrek cock.
For someone who claims to fight so very hard for that first amendment and for his precious freedom of speech and self-expression… kek.
I definitely could be wrong about Greg playing this obvious manipulation technique of claiming king victimized-victim by telling people to make hate videos about him… but to ask people to make these hate videos on him NOW is quite curious timing to me.
He should know by now hate videos do not bring him any growth in viewership that is notable. And considering our skin disease with a human body attached hasn't done anything THAT note-worthy either lately, why would anyone see this and suddenly think, "Hey yeah I never thought of hating on this complete fucking loser egomaniac before, I should def start now!" …Just doesn't make sense. If he really is doing this in hope of it bringing in views, attention, and notoriety, he is far dumber than I thought… but then again none of his desperate cries for attention surprise me anymore.
I do appreciate ^ anon's idea that he may be hoping to copyright claim everyone's videos though as salt is visibly seeping through every pore on Greg's nightmare-inducing face.
The dumb ugly SAD slut (extra emphasis on sad) who's spending day and night drooling at her computer, monitoring all comments for all of Greg's videos.. lmfao. I cannot fathom how revolting a human you have to be to happily do something like this (and we all know the bitch ain't being paid, she's paying him for the privilege). Greg is so clearly attempting to brainwash new viewers into thinking he isn't widely and utterly hated.
Sorry to burst your bubble my guy, but everyone knows you are a living breathing rancid mountain of shit.
>I don't know about you guys but after watching this video I'm starting to think Greg is so self conscious of his weight that he's been stealing his husband's binders to keep his man-titties concealed and they are currently cutting off all oxygen to his brain. No. 615301
>>615299I think the reason why Greg is doing this now (encouraging people to make hate videos about him) as opposed to before is because he's finally realized that the only attention he will ever, EVER be able to get from anyone online ever again is negative. He isn't gaining new subscribers anymore; his sophomoric sense of humor is trapped in 2009. The Internet has expanded, and even people who never watched his content are aware of some of the horrific things he's done in his personal life. His fans are quickly getting tired of defending him, and the only ones sticking around at this point are ones who are so mentally ill that the quality of attention they're capable of providing just isn't doing it for him anymore. Hell, even his own gay husband seems like she's pretty sick of his shit, to the point where she's comfortable calling him out in YouTube videos without fear of repercussion on Greg's end because he just doesn't have her as well manipulated as he used to - she can see through him now. He's been going downhill for a long time, and I think Greg has just finally realized that he's NEVER going to be able to get any positive attention from anyone online ever again, except from the same crowd of fat, ugly, mentally ill rejects who have been stanning him since 2009.
But being the narc that he is, he still desperately needs SOME kind of attention; and isn't negative attention between than no attention at all? I think he thinks he's being super clever trying to entice people to make hate videos about him, but the truth is that EVERYBODY has wised up to his bullshit, and at this point the Internet collectively gives so few fucks about him that we're willing as a group to completely ignore everything he says and does just to spite him.
tl;dr, I think Greg is asking people to make hate videos about him because he knows it's the only form of attention he'll ever be able to get from anybody ever again.
I can't wait until this fucking loser drops off the face of the planet and inevitably kills himself in a few years.
No. 615303
>>615231First of all, god fucking damn his head. It's so fucking bizarre. How can a head be shaped like a balloon with too much air, but be so flat on the back at the same time? And then you can see the caveman-esque bottom half of his face jutting out and forward. His profile is so very, very, VERY unfortunate.
In regards to "making tens of thousands of dollars" from hate videos, I think he's bluffing. I feel like it's a very obvious and simple form of reverse psychology. Grease is so bothered about how successful hate videos on him can be, especially the one made by that Rep-whatever dude about Grease's Shane shitshow since it got more than double the views, that he's decided heisverysmart and is going to pull a fast one on us all. He must think of himself as brilliant for this, telling us all that he's going to make tens of thousands of dollars off hate videos so we all
BETTER keep making them ;) !! It's just a tactic to try and put an end to those sorts of videos, since whining and sperging about them hasn't worked well for him.
But he will def-o go back to his tried and true reaction to things he doesn't like, making a fool of himself.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 615304
‘Twas the night before Tractorgate, and all through the swamp trailer,
Not an Avaroe was stirring, not even Kai–wait no, Lainey–wait no, Taylor.
The camera was poised by the front door with care,
In hopes that a goth girlfriend soon would be there.
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While dreams of daddy yelling danced through their heads.
And gayhusband in her binder, and I in my penis stuffer,
Had just decided on another short quickie through which to suffer.
When out on the computer there rose such a clatter,
I sprang from inside Kai to see what was the matter.
Away to the desktop I flew like a flash,
While Lainey yelled a warning to not do anything rash.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a teen girl with pink hair who identified as queer?
With a smol bun of an author, just barely of legal age,
I knew her sight from memory: it must be Jessie Paege.
More rapid than a new upload from Shane Dawson I came,
And trembled in my diaper as I whispered their names.
“Now Jessie! Now Billie! Now Maya! Now Lux!”
“Why won’t you suk mi? I paid you beta bux!”
Alright, I got lazy when I looked at the poem and saw that I was only halfway done. I might finish it if anyone cares.
No. 615306
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>>615304Anon this is beautiful.
No. 615320
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>>615301>inevitably kills himself in a few yearsIf the bill from the government over his property is going to "literally take everything" he owns then I don't think we'll even have to wait that long.
He won't be able to pay the house payments, the bank will take the property back and evict them. He can't stay with Momma Narc in the house he gifted her because he's burned that bridge and any attempts to take back his gift will be laughed out of a court.
His possessions will be repo'd to cover a small chunk of what he owes so he'll be reduced to filming for Youtube on his cellphone while he hunts for an apartment to live off his meager Youtube/Patreon funds.
As for Plainey I'm hoping finding themselves more or less homeless will give her a kick in the ass and get her to move back to her parents with the kids. Onion wouldn't be welcome there and even if he was (by some miracle) he wouldn't be welcome for long with Plainey's underaged siblings still there and him hating her dad.
Now that we know that Onion is indeed facing more than just a $1,000 slap on the wrist fine (which was a stupid thing to claim in the first place) it's nowhere but down for Onion because there's no way he can get out of it. He signed a paper when he bought the house/property. He didn't call the local government authorities to get permission. He possibly destroyed government property along with his own. He ignored orders to stop. He never submitted plans to show he got his work approved or to show he corrected the damage.
Dude is literally up shit creek and the only slight ray of hope for him is that they think he's a mentally unwell idiot and reduce the bill. But even then he STILL owes the IRS and neither he or Plainey make enough to deal with two huge bills to pay off while still maintaining their Swamp Shack way of life.
2019 is going to be the milkiest year of all.
No. 615322
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No. 615330
>>615322>>615315>>615314>>615311>>615306THANK YOU GUYS, I'm going to probably post part II of this in a couple hours. It
is Tractorgate Eve, after all, and we must celebrate.
No. 615352
File: 1545236899500.jpg (632.98 KB, 3000x1844, yXQ2hCZ.jpg)

>>615195Holy shit my sides. Bless you anon
No. 615406
>>615401 I’m sure the kids know what their parents do for a living. They probably explain they make videos for YouTube.
It would be like the kid of a teacher saying that they want to be a teacher when they grow up. It’s a pretty common thing for little kids to want to be like their parents.
No. 615410
File: 1545250775093.png (22.89 KB, 601x342, ONION BTFO.png)

Hello friends, I have a present for you all. Got the attached e-mail a few hours ago. Guess the court appearance is off tomorrow.
I've uploaded the settlement agreement here: post screenshots in a reply for people who don't want to go offsite.
No. 615412
File: 1545251100203.jpg (1016.44 KB, 1700x4052, settlementagreement.jpg)

>>615410Here is a screenshot of the settlement agreement.
No. 615426
File: 1545252380998.jpg (25.95 KB, 800x450, e02e5ffb5f980cd8262cf7f0ae00a4…)

>>615410"I doubt it would be tweeted about or put on youtube" you sure about that?
No. 615432
>>615414The settlement only says they are not continuing to charge fines during this agreement - IF Greg obeys the agreement to the letter. He still has fines from September 6th until whenever this agreement was signed, and they will make him pay more if he doesn't do what he promised (pay to fix everything he fucked up.)
And, he's got 14 days to hire someone to fix his fuck up and have them write an overview of the plan to fix it. Do you know how hard thats going to be to find during the holidays? He might fuck this up within two weeks.
No. 615436
File: 1545253971588.jpg (107.27 KB, 1073x208, Screenshot_20181219-130826_Chr…)

>>615432Here it says that the enforcement (the daily fines) will be held in abeyance during the plan period (from Dec 20th).
He's still on the hook for fines from September 6 until December 19. 104 days, minimum $208,000.
No. 615445
File: 1545255021533.png (375.74 KB, 1194x1302, untitled.png)

>>615417Don't worry anon, just the application fees alone are $3732.50. Who knows how much it will cost for him to hire a wetland specialist and actually fix the damages.
He has to provide proof he has hired the specialist, so we'll see how much he paid for them once he's done that as the documents should end up online under his case. He also has to send in the plans/proof he's enacting the plans so we'll eventually see those costs too.
It isn't going to be cheap.
No. 615448
>>615410HHAHAHAHHA he settled he couldn't take the heat of the case. So much for his honesty and fighting the illegal evidence obtained. Responsible for all costs incurred in the planning and implementing and completing of the project.
Wonder what his lawyer told him behind scenes I bet she was worried about her own livelihood. Onion you chump lol
No. 615451
>>615445Oh, and of course, that's not to mention however much he paid his solicitor already and the $250 he paid to appeal in the first place.
And I expect, since he has to find a wetland specialist in the next 14 days, he'll probably end up paying above the odds to get someone to accept the case over the holidays. He'll definitely have fewer options anyway.
So his hubris has cost him the appeal fee, the solicitors fee, and however much extra he pays to sort out the wetland consultant! And he had to officially admit wrongdoing.
No. 615455
>>615448And it was his own videos that helped damn him. He was shitty towards his neighbors and they provided
more evidence against him. On top of that, he lied his ass off and now he's paying the literal price for it. He and his wife ignored their responsibilities and instead decided that they were too good for such hassles and now they are both going to have to file for bankruptcy at some point.
All of this is from him being an asshole and his wife pretending like the only thing that matters is her retarded fake gender bullshit.
No. 615461
File: 1545255933362.gif (679.09 KB, 360x360, me_rn.gif)

No. 615473
>>615417Paying tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to get this shit remedied to the authorities’ satisfaction is a pretty serious repercussion.
This also means the Gurgleses can’t sell their house until this shit is fixed.
No. 615480
And what was Greg doing the day it was signed?
>>615170 This. This is what he was more concerned about.
No. 615484
>>615480Wow, those are some somatic symptoms. reverting to an 8 year old boy wanting approval from moommy. "look at my hair im such a big boy, tell me im wonderful"
urk creeped myself out
No. 615486
>>615261… did she contour in an adam's apple shadow?
>>615175>>615269Maybe it's the caveman genes, or maybe it's the same stuff he puts on his eyelashes and that loses affect once he stops buying it and applying it daily.
(Maybe it's maybelline.)
> (sent to the County by several citizens)WE DID IT
No. 615497
File: 1545260436224.jpg (4.82 MB, 728x574, FOnwFPv.jpg)

What the hell just fell out of her hair? Clip from Lamey's listening to songs video
No. 615505
>>615497nice eagle eye, anon!
>>615498i laff'd but it does look like it
No. 615509
>>615423>>615424He said in
>>614532 that he got a big bill that's going to take everything he owns and that it's "going through an appeals process" so that was Tractorgate.
Further proof is him saying "Right around Adpocolypse is when I got hit with my initial huge bill"
Tinfoil but him calling the IRS bill a "huge bill" and the Tractorgate one a "gigantic bill" it's safe to say the estimates for filing, paying appropriate people, and then fixing the wetlands and replacing the trees is far bigger than what he owes the IRS. Anyone happen to remember the IRS estimate?
No. 615513
File: 1545262892728.png (54.03 KB, 589x698, Untitled.png)

for those who don't care to read twitter.
No. 615523
>>615497OT but
how is your JPG a moving image?
mislabeled gif?
No. 615539
File: 1545266664450.jpeg (34.63 KB, 1124x215, 0C830226-530D-4AD2-84D3-7C973D…)

>>615535She’s included too.
No. 615540
File: 1545266773329.jpg (77.12 KB, 853x454, fines.JPG)

Tips to KF for more information into what he's looking at shelling out money for.
No. 615541
>>615539>>615535I was just about to post the same screenshot.
>collectively "Avaroe"I can just imagine how freaked out she is. I remember on a Patron only stream she was talking about someone claiming videos for her and getting them taken down from drama channels, but it wasnt her and she was slightly scared about it because since it wasnt really her making the claim it might be fraud and she didnt want to get in trouble.
If she was wringing her hands about some stupid shit on Youtube I can only imagine her pulling her hair out because shes now liable for Gregs fuck up and the feds are holding her accountable for it also.
No. 615544
>>615540I love that this is going to be a long drawn out situation since they are allowing Greg to fix what he destroyed.
We all know Greg will lowball everything, get sketchy assessors and try to do work on his own. Plus he will try to play word games for sure.
>but the settlement said _________ and if you google that phrase it actually means I dont have to actually pay the full amount. No. 615554
>>615410The best part about this is that it is forever in writing that Greg conducted “illegal activity”. After all his narc raging against Billie (and Drew and Ayalla) for smoking weed, calling himself a law abiding citizen who wAs a cOp iN tHe aiR fORce, he is branded a criminal.
Be mad, Anus.
No. 615555
>>615554I love that they specifically said that they doubted he'd tweet about it or put it on Youtube. I guess this means they know about him talking shit about them as a government agency.
How's it feel, Greg? You're officially a criminal now who committed illegal activities. Not gonna get that job as a cop now.
No. 615560
File: 1545268921238.jpg (164.23 KB, 793x564, 5668_4547_2423_2524.jpg)

>>615549>>615553I can just see Onision harassing the crews that are hired to fix the damage.
Onision wandering around the work area dressed up in one of his silly costumes or that infamous adult diaper. Filming a skit and including the workmen without their permission, telling them how to do their job or just being an all around asshole while they're trying to do their job
No. 615562
>>615560>>615560Hilarious. I hope he gets jealous of the menfolk around his gay husband.
He's going to have a hell of a time around all these workers at the swamp. I hope they make fun of his YouTube channel
No. 615563
>>615555When he inevitably has to get a real job, he has to say that he has committed a crime, and the background check would no doubt find that, too.
He shot himself in the foot with YouTube long ago, now any slim, minuscule chance he had with a regular job just got that much harder.
OT, but whatever happened to that second job he talked about?
No. 615581
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>>615562>>615565The workmen are going to be confused by both of them.
No. 615584
>>615569I have a feeling he yells at her constantly about her videos doing badly or being demonized, and urges her to take every sponsorship she can get (like the vaping ones when she never vaped or had any interest) to try and get money for their forever growing debt. It must really get to him that shane is a millionaire and he is barely scraping by on YouTube. Whatever YT money he has saved up is going to run dry eventually. Time to grow up and find a real job (not some online second job he claimed to have).
>>615581Lmao I died at the kids under the table
No. 615585
File: 1545273067661.gif (5.53 MB, 484x360, 37E5A3FD-018F-4514-8332-A46211…)

Don’t have time to shop right now.
No. 615594
>>615539he lives… so close to me… how do i take advantage of the proximity???
(unrelated sperg)
(Cowtipping) No. 615598
>>615569Since she gets sponsors for her videos sometimes, maybe she just uses that money for her own devices (hair changes, tattoos, $600 clothing hauls etc.) and doesn't concern herself with the rest of their financial situation. I can just see her being like "well, Greg handles all of that so idk" in reference to their mortgage, car payments, insurance, taxes, various crushing debts and whatnot. (Actually, she did essentially say that in a video or stream once.) Like you said, her priorities and sense of impending disaster aren't exactly what one would deem normal. She's like that dog sitting in a burning building meme, except instead of staring blankly while saying "this is fine" she's taking selfies and online shopping.
No. 615607
File: 1545276821066.jpeg (280.98 KB, 1125x1008, D597279F-E456-48A6-BD25-FD735C…)

No. 615611
>>615598this is a good case against her imo. she's a terrible parent. being a parent goes beyond attending to your child's basic needs (food, shelter, clothes, insulation), parents spend their money on their kids first because that's what you do when you become a parent; it's not only about YOU anymore, you have different priorities now. hair dye and new clothes for muh dysphoria don't come before food for your kids or, GOD FORBID, saving up for a rainy day because your husband is about to put you and everyone in the family into crippling fucking debt and there's a chance you might be homeless soon.
i'm pretty sure lameo thinks she's a good "dad" or mom or whatever because she's the prime caretaker of the little onions, but when you're letting your husband sink you into crippling debt and making stupid/bad decisions that put you and your kids at stake financially, then you're a shitty fucking parent too. any other rational adult would step in and enforce boundaries or discuss options with her partner, but it's LemonPee and her Shreg husband we're talking about here. she'd be out the door before she could even ponder the thought of doing such a thing.
No. 615615
>>615607this is just weird.
it's like he's trying to split his personality into two people. like his abusive side and his chill side.
and like, seperate himself from the abusive side as just a 'character' he's playing to justify his behaviour.
this is the length he'll go to just to avoid admitting he's in the wrong lol.
No. 615617
>>615410Fuuuuuuck. Merry x-mas all. Although an ass reaming in court would have been excellent, this is almost as good. Now we know why Greg's attorney was said to be "working some things out" when anon called about the rescheduling. She, in fact, had believed Greg when he told her of the damage. How fucking embarrassing for her. Now, I've seen plenty of clients lie to attorneys and they're mainly used to it, but that's when they double down and say "you lied, this is the best you'll get. take it or you can find another attorney." She must have seen Greg wrecking the fucking place joyously in his Patreon video and figured how fucked her appeal was. Greg had no choice but to comply. Surely the attorney said there was no hope otherwise.
>>615412This was a great blow to Greg will give us great spergouts as he gets hit with fee after fee. This sort of shit nickel and dimes you. As many anons, especially the Kiwis have broken down, the fee itself is pricey, but the real ass reaming is in all the contract work. It's pretty pricey to hire an electrician but pretty outlandish for a non cooperation to hire the amount of planning, work and materials to complete a small but extensive project.
I love all the time lines too. They're not exactly kind and incredibly short. As another anon mentioned, it's the holidays so there might be additional fees on top of that. Merry christmas greg. No wonder he's on the top of his pity party.
Here's the absolute funny part. The County understands that Greg isn't some company with larger income gains. So it's trying it's best to wave what it can to rectify the situation. It still fucks them good and hard. That's how bad Greg's ignorance and ego is. I know that it's been said that the County doesn't fuck around, but it still tries to mitigate as much as it can to prevent bankrupting individuals. This is fucking Mozart quality orchestration, Greg. Except instead of beautiful music, it's self fuckery in it's purest form.
No. 615622
File: 1545281442165.jpg (139.88 KB, 801x532, 1545161498273.jpg)

>>615333I assumed she was literally gone from
>>>/snow/750682 (vs dumped by greg)
No. 615628
>>615607oh god, here we go again…
"that unlikeable guy wasn't really meeeeee guise!!!"
except this time he legit sounds like he is struggling with split personalities or something. maybe we've been armchairing him the wrong diagnosis this whole time.
No. 615643
>>615540There is absolutely no way the County would actually expect 200k+ in payments… I mean this would prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is indeed a God and that Christmas miracles really do happen… but I find it so unlikely.
Imagine if you were a normal decent person who had a wife/husband and two kids.. and you just bought this house and genuinely thought you were allowed to do this kind of work to your property.. most people would never in a million years be able to afford that. They'd lose everything.
Greg previously claimed that he had enough saved from Greese Mansion to live comfortably with his family for 5 years… so I expect this would drain all savings. But if all of this is the honest to God truth of the situation.. I feel like he would be pulling another suicidal stunt like he did when he found out he had to pay Alimony for Skye. Greg isn't presenting anywhere near the amount of retardation and sperging that he should be. And Taylor would be in a dystonia-induced coma by now if she were aware.
I want to have faith, guys, but it is just too damn quiet on the home front for the approximated charges shown on KF to be correct.. I hope we get some solid proof leaked ASAP.
No. 615644
File: 1545286565062.png (327.17 KB, 1714x684, oso.png)

>>615643If you read up on cases similar to theirs, they all suffered from massive monetary losses. One couple even had to file bankruptcy.
Washington does not fuck around when it comes to wetlands since they're very susceptible to mudslides. They want to prevent messing with the land around these areas as much as possible. The company that caused the Oso Mudslide had to pay millions to victims.
No. 615649
>>615594He does enough damage to himself, no need for us to interfere. We just discuss.
BTW… are you baiting… by writing like this…?
No. 615650
>>615629Pretty sure it's just hair dye stains
Please make the van gif next thread pic!
No. 615654
File: 1545290336393.jpg (87.33 KB, 1000x667, Du1sc57X4AArW3B.jpg)

>>615651that is absolutely brilliant, anon, well done.
No. 615657
>>615641booty doesn't actually look like that. Though perhaps she is altering herself with apps as much as possible since there's no way in hell she could pull off Sh or B.
>>615650I wanted to pin point it, but the image is weird and I figured it was too much work to isolate.
No. 615680
>>615658It's also very likely that these regulations were made known to him or are the very least an attempt was made to do so. Even then, any grown ass adult with sense knows you should do your research before making any modifications to your property especially if you don't even own it.
Keep in mind as well that this dumbass did massive amounts of damage. I'm sure if it was just one tree or a couple of weeks he'd have gotten a slap on the wrist but that is absolutely NOT the case here.
Tl;dr Onion has about as much common sense as a teen and that shit has serious consequences in the real world.