File: 1548798040312.jpg (97.5 KB, 1280x720, 1547946107043.jpg)

No. 633783
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
https://momokuncosplay.comFacebook: BANNED FOREVER
Patreon: & Snapchat: mariahmallad, btsmomokun (used to be xmariahmalladx), momoscats
Twitch: http://momokuncosplay.tumblr.com Stories Archive: Drive: keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own thread here
>>>/snow/644215General Costhot/Cosplayer thread over here
>>>/snow/705676Don't post irrelevant random cosplayers "roasting" her on Twitter unless there's actual new milk attached. We've seen it a million times by now.
And yes, we know about the Kik for Fat ad.
The basics:
>The original “Thicc Samus”>Has received 2+ lipo and coolsculpting sessions and in attempt to create some sort of figure, all while lying about weight loss through exercise and diet (and weight loss teas)>Is laughably bad at making own cosplays; buys and commissions 90% of her costumes and props, neglects to properly credit the commissioner or store (see: David Han/KoreanBarbq, Cookie Kabuki Cosplay, myOppa, “Waisetsu Missile” creator Taropun)>Rips off designs/ideas from smaller creators in the community then backpedals when she’s found guilty (See the myOppa Red Riding Hood drama) >Claims money is “hard earned” through her half assed, overly photoshopped sets priced at high marks; scams patrons by claiming 3-5 “teaser pictures” are exclusive when in reality they ARE the whole set and are all posted on IG>Has delusions of grandeur; beefs up certain things she does so she looks more important than she is. Isn’t above using her social media status for free convention badges or getting into “exclusive events”>Despite earning 10k+ a month through Patreon, she still ghosts conventions and begs for money>Likes to pretend to be a fan of a series, expresses warped knowledge of said series so she is in the right, gate keeps and posts spoilers despite hating it when others do so>Professional backpedaler with a lack of remorse; has lewded young characters for photosets, said she sexually assaulted multiple acquaintances due to her ADHD, makes controversial statements/rants that paint herself in a negative light, but won't accept ever being in the wrong>Preaches the false narrative of “positivity in the community” while she attacks and exiles people once they speak up against her. Surrounds herself with yes man and declares anything else a "witch hunt">Momokun has been proven to be a sexual predator, has assaulted multiple people in order to bully and assert dominance over them. Refuses to take responsibility for it, tries to pin it on her attention deficit disorder and both her and her lackey Vamp have publicly mocked her victimsRecent:
>tried to expose car decal shop "spicyshrimp" for tracing costhot media for their merch, forgot she too steals properties for her own merch sales>tried to cam after her coochie and nips were on full display to the internet, orbiters rage at her lack of nudity (her back tits grew 6 times that day)>Moo tried to buy a pair of ears silently before an auction went up (for 400 USD). Seller is new to auctioning and she convinced them to sell it to her. Others noticed then called the seller and Moo out. Moo tried to bid again but lost once the auction went up again. >going to lewd Platelet from Cell At Work>tries to flex and asks for names of the victims whose cars were involved in the mass arson attack >Friendship ended with Meitu, Picsart is now Moo's best friend>Went to see the new DBZ movie 6 or 7 times>girlonthemoonpro (mysterious new "photographer") is suspected to be just Moo's tripod. Discovering this speculation, Moo forces a young girl to make a out of context "greeting" in the account's instastory. No further updates have occurred.>Thrall, paypig of the century, was pissed at Moo that a mysterious rep from CamV tried to contact him in hopes of reimbursing him the money he tipped Moo. Another rep he talked said they did no such thing and to trust her word was "his fault". Moo scrambled to try to resolve it on stream. Since then Thrall announced it was "resolved" privately. >wants to get ripped for Broly cosplay, has been meal prepping but fails to maintain a healthy diet that doesn't involve binge eating sweets. Claims she's still 220 lbs. >SSSniperwolf hangs out with Moo. They mishandle a small Pom puppy and act annoying>is apparently buying fake figures "for a video". WANTS TO EDUCATE THE MASSES ON FAKE AND REAL FIGURES MUH DUDES>tries to sell a ~lewd photo~ for 1 dollar on Instagram, shares the uncensored version on her Reddit for free>is followed by a creepy d00d at the gym, rants about wanting to kick his ass, deleted the ass kicking stories, then rants about not being a dick and stalking people. Realizing she might be docked points for being a molester and ranting this, she makes a long note about how she ~learned from her mistakes~ and is a ~changed woman~ Solely posting in this thread to comment on moo's weight will warrant a no contribution ban No. 633943
>>633907What part of
>>633849 is false?
No. 633950
The content in
>>633849 looks pretty accurate to me. She was bragging about how she commissioned everything she plans to wear to Katsucon in recent IG stories. However, she cancelled or postponed Camversity appearances after claiming she had a ton of cosplay work to do. This was right around the time when she went shopping with Antares/Kat.
I'm hoping
>>633849 was tagged by accident.
No. 633968
File: 1548822206928.jpg (183.21 KB, 720x586, 20190129_212141.jpg)

There's a live stream taking place. Check it out for a recap. She talks about KBBQ a little.
Also, she clearly got dressed up for the occasion:
No. 633973
File: 1548822828853.jpg (869.77 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190129_213238.jpg)

No. 633999
Buckle up, she was a chatterbox on CamV tonight
(might include things people have said before this post. Apologies):
>says she's tired because she goes to the gym "super late", and just stays up early in the morning. Woke up at 3pm today>tells chat that pirating media is bad but in the same breath says she pirates anime that she cannot find anywhere. Feels good buying license items from media she loves ((even though she just bought like 3 fake figures this week))>thinks Saber is a godmode character that was given the "best plot armor" (was privileged since birth and in her adventures gaining weapons for combat), thinks it's stupid she was beat by Mordred. Called Fate/Zero's fight scenes "lackluster">talks about gym fiasco: Moo was doing the arms machine. Every machine she went to the ""creeper"" either sat next to her on the machine or across from her and doesn't work out. She moves, he follows, then she got uncomfortable. She moved again to another squat machine saying nothing and he moved again. She finally asked "can I help you?" and he walks away saying nothing. Described it as rude, creepy and uncomfortable. Said she usually smokes sativa before she goes to the gym and got really mad at the situation. Doesn't go during normal hours because she also gets asked for photos and guys try to spot her>credits using the stairmaster for her "toned" thighs. Apparently does lifting for 1 hour then cardio. Can't run because her ~bewbs r 2 big~>Someone asked advice about dieting and she said she's currently eating 3x 300 calorie meals a day. Drinks celery juice and eats the grounds on a empty stomach in the morning (Monster drinks are being replaced with this for energy, says she's following a study about this). In addition she eats 2 packets of oatmeal with a scoop of peanut butter for breakfast. Hasn't had bread or pizza for a long time. >doesn't like Fortnite or Minecraft, doesn't plan to cosplay from them, thinks they're targeted towards children >would like to return to D&D games as a orc or a tifling. Says she did have a elf character in a past campaign (cosplayed her character two years ago) but she put too much effort into her game, didn't have a good character, wasn't consistent in showing up to the meetings and it's "not her thing".>commented on the current drama regarding a costhot doing a graveyard photoshoot: said what she did was wrong but the girl shouldn't be berated for it. Said Kelly Eden did a Easter egg hunt in a cemetery and no one said anything about it so she doesn't understand the double standard people place with controversies. >said she had to become her own PR firm with her own controversies because now she tries not to speak about stupid shit and care about other people. >As >>633969 said, Sensei yelled at her about the flamethrower instastory, saying she had to be considerate of the neighbors and now she gets she had to be more self aware. Seems Sensei is "tard wrangling" in overtime.>Touched on David/KBBQ for a bit. Credits SwimsuitSuccubus with the POV shoot idea, as she was doing it with her SO at the time. When David did the shoots with Moo, she was given positive feedback that made her self confidence grow. Was in a "non-exclusive relationship" with him. Credits him with making her cosplay armors/bits, said the rumors that came from their falling out were lies (assuming she meant the whole spray painting event, him being kicked from the internet via harassment, etc)>Kept referring to David as "they" and "he" interchangeably>Aside from David's positive words, her confidence was boosted with the liposuction on her stomach/legs. Advised someone who asked her about lipo in the chat to wait. Said the fat went to her arms and her "huge ass" as a result of eating like shit>Admitted her father also had lipo on his stomach back in his builder days. Said a lot of cosplayers she knows also had lipo or work done in general but it's not her place to say. Doesn't believe in over excessive work being done as it's "problematic". >commissioned artist jeyrablue to draw her OC MooMoo in a 90's style. jeyra didn't know she was Momokun due to Moo messaging her "on her personal account". Moo hoped jeyra didn't hate her.>Measured herself on stream. Bicep is 16 inches, shoulder pit is 21 inches, couldn't measure back to waist, mid bust is 44 inches, waist is 37 (sitting down) ((Admittingly she said this number, didn't see the tape on camera so it might be wrong where the others were seen by me))>Was measuring herself because she ordered a Goku jacket and the seller was shocked she was ordering such a big size>Her hair is going to be dyed silver next No. 634042
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>sensei gifts his tard with grouchy glasses
No. 634050
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The “90’s anime” inspired Moomoo piece she got commissioned. No offense to the artist but how exactly is this 90’s anime inspired? It looks pretty typical of what you’d find on DA.
No. 634052
>>634050Looks nothing like her. This is a lot closer to the Milk Party hentai.
The proportions are all wrong
No. 634058
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Tinfoiling but I think it was our cow that “bought out” this auction “pet play” set. We all know how much our cow loves to secretly buy out products. “Anonymous buyer” my ass
No. 634060
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No. 634061
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No. 634065
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>20 dollars for a 1 minute video
>hand up to face to probably hid remote for camera
I think anon is up to something
No. 634069
>>634065 Whoa. Hold up.
Is this bitch really charging that much money for videos that aren't any longer than 4 minutes in length? What the hell happened to the 30 minute video she promised if she eclipsed 1,200 Patreon members?
How is this bitch going to pretend she lifts for an hour per gym visit, yet can't sustain 30 minutes of aerobics in a video she was supposed to deliver on?
No. 634071
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Bishoujomom unfollowed Moo
No. 634075
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Yo this chick crazy
No. 634082
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No. 634084
>>634079I don't know why she's bringing up any of this shit. She obviously filmed this by herself. Most of her shit is bought from China. Hell even the photo attached to this post has her God damn cat in the background and Christmas stockings up, she couldn't even shell some for a more convincing workout back drop.
Also I like how she doesn't acknowledge the comment asking what she means by very lewd and NSFW because she knows she's trying to rip off all her thirsty followers.
No. 634085
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No. 634086
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>>634085Not going to download all of them but yeesh
No. 634091
>>633783>>634043Does that say "Best of Kawaii Music Mix 2017 Sweet Cute Electronic Moe Music Anime Kawaii Future Bass"
did she take a random youtube mix for this
No. 634108
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She’s beauty she’s grace
No. 634110
For anyone who thinks Tattoo-kun is going to keep a muzzle on Mariah's mouth, look no further than
>>634075. All the celery smoothies in the world aren't going to prevent her from clapping back and incriminating herself.
No. 634120
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>>634108It’s worth mentioning that in this story she’s chasing food thrown at her on to the floor
Also, she’s now crying about how her two cats looked at her. Says she was going to the gym until that happened
No. 634124
>>634065 I'm going by the assumption you meant
on to something, instead of
up to something in order to bring up an issue I have with what she says in
How is she going to pretend she's saving the economy by throwing lucrative amounts of money at photographers, when she clearly relies on Tripod-san, remote devices, and timers for her photo sets?
I get that she spends a lot of cash on commissions, but whenever she talks about paying photographers well, I shake my head in disgust.
No. 634125
>>634084She bought a $500 fireplace and a ton of xmas decor claiming she's using them for shoots, but only ended up using them for her shitty xmas Lucoa tripod shoot only. She's unwilling to shell out for better backdrop for shoots, rather she buys stuff she wants and justifies them using ~for cosplay guiz~ as she flexes, same with the so called "Japanese onsen" that's just a jacuzzi with a bamboo table and fake bonsai.
She's so stingy when it comes to cosplay, unless she wants to flex, then she chooses the most expensive option ever, which means being overcharged by shitty commissioners (like Cunt Forestry).
No. 634131
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No. 634134
>>634133She definitely shooped that ass reflection.
Also if she didn't want it to be posted, she coulda taken another photo. Honneeeyy.
No. 634138
>>634134She definitely did cause we all know what her true ass looks like and it's fucking flatter than Onision's humor.
>>634131I really can't understand why she can't even do something with her hair when she takes ugly selfies like this. Is brushing your hair too much fucking effort, Mariah? Really?
No. 634141
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>>634131Dafaq is happening here? Also in the mirror behind her you can see how much effort she's putting into posing, like her balancing on her heel, her shoulders so far back they are about to dislocate, and of course the shooped butt reflection.
No. 634142
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Cant even wash her damn forks. Laziness lvl.100.
No. 634145
>>634138lbr as soon as she puts a brush in that birds nest it's gonna crumble, which makes it even funnier that she's going to attempt going silver again
Did she really not learn from the first time?
No. 634146
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I actually think this is kind of sad. She knows none of hard fans care about her face so she puts absolutely no effort into looking good
No. 634149
Mariah needs some damn hobbies. Who even takes as many selfies as she does? Who has time for that? Adults usually have jobs, hobbies, taking care of pets, playing with them, doing tons of other things… and then there's Mariah who does absolutely nothing but takes photos and instastories. I wish her "sensei" would teach her to get a job or a hobby.
>>634142Who's even surprised that she's too lazy to wash her own dishes. She's too lazy to wash her body and clothes.
No. 634151
>>634138Most likely trying for that "cute messy" look coz she totally just woke up, anon!
>>634142Okay forgetting for a minute that she really is that kind of person who wouldn't wash her dishes until they're taking over the kitchen
Is there really something wrong with using a fandom set of baby chopsticks?? Like, people use them for all their meals? It's a legitimate piece of cutlery. You don't need to try to cover the fact you're a weeb moo, isn't that kind of your burando?
No. 634203
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I’ve got a few nasty clapbacks I saw yesterday that I didn’t see posted here. These first two are her sperging over the fact that someone said she shouldn’t cosplay a female version of Broly
No. 634206
File: 1548871128619.jpeg (293.22 KB, 750x1113, F7D47D05-ADCB-416C-A93B-074841…)

Here she is berating someone for watching the Broly movie for free ….. I have no words for this one honestly. Maybe just “hypocrite”
No. 634208
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And just a bonus, classic clapback that isn’t remotely necessary since she gets comments like this 24/7 and should just fucking ignore them and be a professional but we know she’ll never do that
No. 634255
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No. 634256
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No. 634257
File: 1548875618321.png (Spoiler Image,23.69 KB, 422x288, 5.png)

Did only half of these.
No. 634258
File: 1548875654137.png (Spoiler Image,441.75 KB, 500x750, post_file (4).png)

Didn't mean to spoiler
>>634257 No. 634259
File: 1548875687720.png (24.2 KB, 426x378, 6.png)

'new photographer'
No. 634261
File: 1548875718411.png (638.8 KB, 520x750, post_file (5).png)

"Dec 29, 2018 at 12:10am
Mama Raikou will be joining us!
So already started ordering fabrics and what not for my best mom <3 I have so many lewd ideas…"
No. 634262
File: 1548875746706.png (723.17 KB, 750x742, post_file (6).png)

Already spoilered..?
No. 634263
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No. 634265
File: 1548875927891.png (482.01 KB, 750x500, post_file (9).png)

>>634058You fucking called it. She is posting about this company on Patreon. Keeping her sniped auctions secret.
No. 634266
File: 1548875978050.png (Spoiler Image,226.55 KB, 347x750, variety.png)

All that variety.
No. 634268
File: 1548876008703.png (Spoiler Image,445.39 KB, 750x500, post_file (12).png)

This is her new sig pose. She can hide her stomach.
No. 634269
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No. 634271
File: 1548876075727.png (Spoiler Image,356.79 KB, 415x516, 1.png)

She is too lazy to do real shoots so she keeps recycling old sets to give out because she can't get shit done.
No. 634275
File: 1548876153965.jpg (923.33 KB, 1080x2220, 20190130_132217.jpg)

Remember tho guys, she doesnt drink.
No. 634277
File: 1548876284057.jpg (Spoiler Image,499.68 KB, 1240x1650, Facetune_15-11-2018-20-02-44.j…)

So.. She is posting some sets without links, so I have to save all the images one by one. Should I not [its about 7] or does anyone have a good place where Moo can't report the images being uploaded?
No. 634296
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Nothing shopped here(emoji)
No. 634299
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>>634265Meant to drop this
No. 634301
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No. 634302
File: 1548878021434.jpg (Spoiler Image,510.02 KB, 1240x1650, Facetune_15-11-2018-20-05-00.j…)

No. 634303
File: 1548878091045.jpg (Spoiler Image,439.28 KB, 1240x1653, Facetune_15-11-2018-20-05-43.j…)

>>634302nvm just the last one the others are all just her sitting on a stool back to the camera all the same looking photos
No. 634317
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After she screamed at an instageam user about her stuff NEVER being late
No. 634323
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No. 634324
File: 1548878968523.png (1.17 MB, 720x1180, Screenshot_2019-01-30-12-03-32…)

Wore the same bra from last night
No. 634326
File: 1548879008605.png (1.01 MB, 720x1186, Screenshot_2019-01-30-12-04-34…)

Is buying her meals from a gym I assume
No. 634333
>>634328Anon… she's been going to the gym, of course it's filthy from sweat.
With that being said though, it's old milk cause we've known this for a very long time. She has always slept in her gym clothes and refuses to bathe after working out cause she's a lazy sack of shit.
No. 634343
File: 1548879650758.jpg (828.84 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190130-151736_Ins…)

Is kaybear still friends with moomoo after being sexually assaulted by her or is moo stalking her?
No. 634348
File: 1548879920036.png (Spoiler Image,584.85 KB, 720x1196, Capture _2019-01-30-14-17-01.p…)

>>634296"Nothing shopped here" you blind? You're comparing altered images to altered images, try using screen grabs from her streams instead
No. 634351
File: 1548880263152.png (120.52 KB, 720x861, Screenshot_2019-01-30-12-26-51…)

>>634348Anon used sarcasm. Calm down.
No. 634352
File: 1548880309020.png (113 KB, 720x858, Screenshot_2019-01-30-12-27-32…)

>>634351I wonder if when she uses Sativa she gives us more content
No. 634370
File: 1548881100475.jpg (510.63 KB, 1206x821, uhm.jpg)

Not sure if this counts as fat wank or not, but I feel like we need to discuss this?? Even if she wasn't fat and she was squeezing herself into something obviously too small for her, this would still look fucking horrendous. And she okayed this??? She saw the finished product and didn't think twice???
No. 634401
>>634370 I think Mariah was insecure whenever she was wearing this. A few weeks ago, Miso Tokki was trying to get Mariah to accompany her to ALA, so that they could dress up as these Darkstalkers characters. Mariah pretended she'd consider the offer, and then she pulled out at the very end, because she's all bark and no bite at cons.
But the laughable irony here is that Mariah once dressed up as Lilith and attended a con with NanaSushiBear, who was Morrigan. Reports from Nana indicate that Mariah was bragging about lipo around that time, though I can't remember if it was slightly before, during, or after the con. Nonetheless, Mariah was being a selfish, inconsiderate bitch, and now Mariah decides not to serve as the Morrigan to Miso Tokki's Lilith.
Full fucking circle. Afraid to get shit on by a Lilith cosplayer, because that's exactly what she did to Nana.
No. 634402
>>634398Yuh like most people who eat healthy consume things to keep the hunger away like salmon, apples, grains, nuts, berries, sweet potatoes, whatever man.
I've never once seen Momo eat a normal home cooked meal of brown rice, a lean meat and a side of veggies.
No. 634403
>>634401 Doublepost.
I don't think Tokki would shit on her. Tokki would look like Miss Universe standing next to Mariah, however. But the fans would take notice of the size increase.
When's the last time Mariah made a public appearance at an event while in costume? AEX?
It's no wonder why she hides behind the excuse that she likes to cosplay in private with friends. She knows no one wants to see her stomping down the pavement looking like a kaiju monster.
No. 634407
File: 1548884656522.png (509.68 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2019-01-30-13-40-25…)

>>634405Its easier for someone to live in their hugbox than to go out on reality and face it
No. 634421
>>634405It’s that and a combination of it being abundantly clear that she isn’t wanted around anymore. She is completely despised in the community and anyone with any dignity or self-respect practically go out of their way to avoid her now. She can’t even fake invites anymore since the second she vaguely mentions being associated with something, that company is immediately bombarded with tweets asking why they would associate with someone like her or all her dirty laundry get brought back up again. And it becomes a huge embarrassment when it turns out she was lying the whole time and she has to come up with some bullshit excuse for why “Its not what you thought it was and it was your fault for assuming, but you were too busy hating me to realize it”.
So now she is stuck living her worst nightmare having to hide in the corner along with all the other no names and praying that no one snaps a photo of her or she’ll end up on the front page of the internet yet again with everyone roasting her.
No. 634585
File: 1548901873604.png (1.5 MB, 738x773, f.PNG)

I know we're talking about how we can't wait for her appearance at Katsucon, but I know for a fact she'll be too scared to leave her hotel room the whole time.
>>634255Please don't tell me this was made by her… why can't she spend some of her money on hiring a legit graphic designer and cut out 3 of the 10 meals she has a day?
>>634302I don't know how she manages to look filthy even when taking a bath. Might be her only true talent.
No. 634595
File: 1548903132325.png (959.02 KB, 720x1154, Screenshot_2019-01-30-18-48-39…)

Wow eating out. Again.
No. 634596
File: 1548903159451.png (821.95 KB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2019-01-30-18-48-56…)

>>634595Same Brandon. Same.
No. 634638
>>634262That tree makes its look like she has a ballsack
Good job moo
No. 634644
File: 1548914379852.png (1.07 MB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2019-01-30-21-54-47…)

>Goku and Broly came in, alongside the fur for her Broly pelt
No. 634656
>>634342Yeah no shit anon, that’s why I replied to one post and then follow up with “also, NOW” while posting story updates. Work on some reading comprehension.
>>634407Wasn’t this the shoot that she was supposed to shoot with someone (it wasn’t vamp I don’t think?) and ended up “feeling sick” right after she shot her solo shots and bailed on the pair shots?
No. 634674
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No. 634675
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Guzma was hanging out near the banister upstairs so Sensei decides to join him
No. 634691
File: 1548922194452.png (626.52 KB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2019-01-31-00-08-06…)

Sensei hits Moo
No. 634692
File: 1548922225582.png (117.51 KB, 720x619, Screenshot_2019-01-31-00-06-40…)

Changed her profile
No. 634702
>>634692Back to buying more followers too it seems.
There's no way she spiked that high so recently, last I saw her numbers they were still in the 510K?
No. 634714
File: 1548928759472.jpeg (Spoiler Image,857.95 KB, 1242x1776, 2BABE410-2D8B-4848-A401-727C6A…)

This is a bit off topic but Sofia Sivan has the figure Mariah thinks she has but doesn’t. I’m sure she’s gotten lipo on her stomach too but takes good care of herself. Her moo is a thousand times better than Mariah’s Jesus lol(no1curr)
No. 634743
>>634726It's way off topic and contributes nothing to the thread, unless it's obvious that Moo copies her (same design, samw cosplay line-up etc.) then there's no point to mentioning some other costhot.
Ban evading is also against the rules.
>>634645Buying a katana for no fucking reason. Is that a prop? She really is a female neckbeard.
No. 634779
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No. 634827
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>>634075>>634203>>634204>>634208"Waaaah! F-fuck you I do what I want!" Damn, she's so manic that she's turning into Cartman.
There's no way she wasn't spoiled as a kid. She probably got everything she wanted just by screaming and stomping her feet.
Man, I love when Sensei isn't around to tard-wrangle.
No. 634828
File: 1548959246182.gif (3.99 MB, 320x591, 20190129_205331.gif)

(From a previous Instagram story.)
Her cat probably likes to steal all her underwear because it smells strongly like fish lol
No. 634832
File: 1548960596434.jpg (143.73 KB, 680x498, imageedit_2_8955988038.jpg)

>>634828>fishThe smell of infection.
No. 634846
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No. 634859
File: 1548968310798.png (4.85 MB, 1125x2436, 7E9E696E-688F-4329-B5CF-99D933…)

Those tights are barely holding on… yikes.
No. 634863
>>634846When cucks throw money at you just to waddle around in a too-small bikini, life is just one big, stupid flex.
>>634815I don't think EITHER of her corsets fit her anymore, ergo the crash diet and manic workouts. Be on the lookout for a heart-shaped blob of fat sticking up through her clothing at Katsu, the Morriham corset is the bigger of the two.
No. 634870
>>634859They're literally tearing- look at the huge runs on the top hems.
Why doesn't she just buy things in the correct size? Denial? Pride? Laziness? If she has the money to buy overpriced felt glued to a headband, she has the money to get shit that fits.
Also I'm no expert, but the shibari looks sloppy? Like its too loose in some places and too tight in others.
No. 634883
>>634870Denial, plus she thinks it "looks hot" because in her hentai/animes, girls that wear undersized clothes/tight clothing is attractive (if you're into that.)
She also blows money on pointless things it seems.
No. 634987
>>634903And/or have a small herd of calves form a bubble around her for an hour, then drink in her hotel room for the rest of the weekend.
As for the Fate event, I don't think she'll actually go. She's probably just putting it on her page for nerd cred.
No. 634988
>>634910it is probably because she wears more than one pair too. also ripped contacts don't hurt that much but will really damage your eyes if you don't remove them.
>>634904they way she's done it is definitely not on purpose. these are fake garter. ripped look is only usually for full tights/stockings to make it look like they were torn for sex purpose.
No. 634992
File: 1548982858499.png (899.44 KB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2019-01-31-16-53-12…)

Anons, rejoice, for Moo has completed her weebs bathroom onsen
No. 634993
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No. 634999
File: 1548983290500.png (114.47 KB, 720x779, Screenshot_2019-01-31-17-03-57…)

Wow what a considerate comment where she is aware of other people
No. 635003
>>634999She doesn't seem to know it either or that there are multiple versions of it. Her version of it is fucking wrong, she's too stupid for words.
Couldn't be bothered to check a wiki before speaking, Mariah?
No. 635030
>>634993Good lord, she sounds like such a cunt. And wtf is punctuation? Aren't you a linguist, Moo?
>>634999It's a lot older than a hundred years you bimbo, but ok.
No. 635045
>>635021I came on late to the stream but here's some things she said:
>sperged about how she makes money and doesn't live with her mom. >said she thinks a dude living with his mom is hot>too busy for a boyfriend, has high expectations for a s.o. Wants someone to match her level of craziness and is passionate about what they do>wants girls to date other girls to see how crazy they are to eachother>said the reason why she and Colette get along is because Colette is so introverted that she lets people push her around and take control>new cat she's adopting is a boy>seeing the Broly movie tonight. again.Very boring but whatever
No. 635053
>>635051>>635048And Vamp is going to let her get away with saying it because she's a doormat.
Hopefully sensei will hear about it and say something in defense of his fuck buddy.
No. 635058
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No. 635060
>>635045>wants girls to date other girls to see how crazy they are to eachotherWait, what?
Also, I’d love to know what her “high expectations” are.
No. 635249
>wants girls to date other girls to see how crazy they are to eachotherrich, coming from a gross bitch who's infamous for groping other girls in public to intimidate them and forces kisses on her "best friend"
fuck off, mariah.
No. 635275
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Found this on Facebook on a Katsucon page.
No. 635337
File: 1549039079834.png (952.96 KB, 720x1181, Screenshot_2019-02-01-08-33-49…)

>went to see A Silent Voice with Vamps and cousin
>putting together a desk with a piece of wood to hammer the pieces down
No. 635342
File: 1549040601248.jpeg (186.89 KB, 750x1035, 26582015-A6C3-483C-8DD4-3D91FB…)

Samefag from Katsu post
Apparently last Katsu she was being a real Momocunt
No. 635349
>>635347I saw this posted by someone who doesn't follow her at all, in their Instastories. Moo didn't post this.
>>635338JFC, girl, just buy a damned hammer, they're not expensive. Like speedstick (bitch).
No. 635372
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Lmao last comment
No. 635374
File: 1549046594510.jpeg (157.12 KB, 750x1334, 840AD847-1C4E-48FD-9F3B-44B729…)

Follow up on the wheel chair screen cap…was there ever any mention of Moo saything tjis
No. 635375
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No. 635459
File: 1549062575329.jpg (888.57 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190201-170859_Ins…)

Still on that monster kick. "I wanna be healthy and hydrated. But monster is the only water I'll drink."
No. 635465
>>635459Lmao she's @ing a hair salon. Is that what her hair looks like after she had it done? It looks just as greasy and damaged as it always does.
Also wtf is she drinking?
No. 635471
>>635459you know what? at least she waited a little while before bleaching her hair again
the amount of times she would go to the salon all at once was ridiculous
No. 635477
>>635473Back when Twitter was still relatively new, she is quote tweeting someone else who said that. She didn't say it, but she was obviously not against it back then.
Then again you're bringing back up old news
No. 635480
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>>635477It is old but not irrelevant to why her idea of returning to cosplay is not going to work since for example Louis CK said nigger 7 years ago and people were upset now. If quoting someone is a pass for her in your opinion then here's her saying it as a joke
No. 635497
File: 1549069359601.jpeg (240.04 KB, 1024x753, 1929DD44-BFF5-41BD-8596-E5C2FE…)

Hahaha remember this essay? God how far shes has sunk since this awful “mew two” cosplay
No. 635503
>>635497I'm cackling because Vamp admitted she made like 75% of this costume
Also, yeah
>>635501 nobody knew who they were and she kept getting super pissed off
No. 635508
>>635497What cracks me up here is when she says
>>>> there were a lot of people out there who said I would never make it as a cosplayer and all I had was my looks…Fucking moo and her pageant speeches! Hahaha
No. 635517
>>635510 She has such a high school mentality. She goes on and on about how the numbers don't matter, but she's ever so reliant on her numbers and connections in an effort to prove she's in some upper echelon of the cosplay community.
I'm just happy to know that she can't get approval outside of her front door. She's constantly getting decimated on social media, excluding 30 perverts on CamV, 10 people on Reddit, and the IG refugees who needed a place to act like dumbasses once Tumblr started flatlining.
No. 635532
>>635530Can you just take a step back to realize that you're defending moo over
enery drinks?
No. 635534
>>635480The previous example is a fact That's not her saying it THERE.
If you're trying to dig back up old caps we've already seen and roasted, then this one you should have went with. Morality police someone else.
No. 635550
>>635530Why did you tag
>>635466 ? I didn't say anything about the energy drink or water, but the drink in her hand. Unless you saw her prepare it, who knows what's in it. Moo also thought that binge drinking coconut water was healthy but it was loaded with sugar. It's not nitpicking if it's a pattern of hers when it comes to healthy drinks.
>>635533Because she's clearly not a bully, anon! She has never bullied anyone
ever. Not in high school or in the cosplay community. Nope.
No. 635589
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No. 635594
>>635590 For an alleged victim of rape, she sure does love sensationalizing the act of being powerless and helpless.
A polygraph machine would blow up within a second of it being hooked up to her.
No. 635598
>>635591Maybe 100lbs ago, Mariah.
>>635589You only have a sensitive scalp Mariah because you don't take care of your ratty ass hair.
No. 635600
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>>635595Vamps and Moo sure love lurking here so unbothered
No. 635602
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No. 635606
>>635601Ching chong wasn't too long ago, dumbass.
>>635600There's a laughing emote in her reply so it's clear that she supports it.
>>635602The bottom half of her hair is so hella fried.
No. 635610
>>635600>post going aroundmentioned on here like briefly
I hate when people try n act like "ha I said that/laughed at that years ago!" and?? people don't change? lmao and since then she's molested people so apparently it only gets worse. @ me fatty
No. 635612
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No. 635613
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No. 635614
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>>635613Tried to twerk but shes bumping her smol ass
No. 635616
File: 1549083540327.png (1014.96 KB, 720x979, Screenshot_2019-02-01-20-57-33…)

Nice shoop
No. 635620
>>635606>>>635610I find it funny she will sperge about the ching chong thing being wrong, the n-word thing being wrong but she will never address the bullying nor the suicide threats to "trolls".
>>635611I kinda want another "I USED THE WRONG CONDITIONER" episode but her hair falling out.
No. 635643
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No. 635664
File: 1549089012743.png (993.01 KB, 720x1196, Screenshot_2019-02-01-22-25-15…)

Hitting up Antares for more sweatshop work
No. 635678
>>635664>>635665That does
not look safe, especially not for long wear.
Someone say a prayer for her ribs. Or don't.
No. 635695
>>635664Her waist does cinch up pretty small (compared to the rest of her anyways). I assume the lipo has a lot to do with that and the fact that her back is picking up all her weight gain. Her back boobs have got be in full force right now.
Is this the body that she wishes she had ? Cause that shit looks deformed and probably hilarious with her big hammy arms.
No. 635699
>>635695This is a common cosplay fatchick technique. A corset can crush ANY waist
to seem pretty small. As much as we like to say Moo’s boobs are small, they are actually pretty average for her size. That coupled with the laced in waist and she doesn’t look like the wide fucking behemoth she is.
That’s why she thrives on neckbeard bux, she knows just how to make the most conventionally undesirable part (her huge, badly lupo sculpted gut) seem smaller compared to the rest of her.
Neckbeards don’t care how gross a girl is as long as
1) her waist to hip ratio is manipulated to look ok
2) everything else is smoothed out with photoshop
3) tits and ass propped up and displayed as much as possible. They don’t process angles etc. just whatever is easily presented to them
TLDR; ANYONE with a corset who is willing to be honest will say that their waist to hip ratio looks crazy no matter what their natural proportions are. It’s the fatass costhot crutch
No. 635702
>>635699 Not to mention that her idiotic fans are going to think that this slimming effect caused by a corset is actually the result of celery juice, along with approximately one hour long gym visits a few days per week, whether or not the exercise equipment actually gets used by Mariah.
As others have mentioned, her fat is likely spilling out elsewhere. If anyone wants to take a closer look at her Morrigan shots from a few threads back, she had some crazy fupa action going on, and that corset wasn't nearly as tight as the one she's wearing tonight.
No. 635752
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No. 635847
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No. 635882
>>635879I wouldn't be surprised if they shared him. She's probably trying to get in shape to impress him now that they live together. I doubt he'll be living there for long since she has a habit of driving people away, especially if they live together.
We've also seen how she walks around her house when she's streaming so he probably gets a glimpse of nasty any time he leaves his room.
No. 635949
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>bought a kit for Bowsette's shell
No. 635951
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No. 635953
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No. 635954
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No. 635957
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No. 635960
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No. 635967
>>635613What the fuck? This trick is best utilized by mixing the sweet n low
into the bleach, not on top. Mariah’s stylist is a hack. Thank god I wasn’t in the same class as that train wreck. Jesus.
No. 635975
>>635969You want Momo to eat a home cooked meal that isn't pre packaged or made? You're crazy.
Joking aside, anyone else notice whenever she is on a diet she seems to eat WAY more?
No. 636005
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Isn't this that ahripop bitch or someone else?
No. 636006
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>>6359843 or 4 at his parents? Maybe
No. 636007
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No. 636008
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Her hair is super spotty
No. 636111
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>imagine posting this face trying to look sexy
No. 636112
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No. 636113
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No. 636123
>>636008Oh my god, her poor hair. That hairdresser should be fired. Not only is it twice as damaged, it looks like blotchy purple-to-white ombre.
Her stylist should have told her to let her hair heal before doing this. "Sensitive scalp" my ass.
No. 636125
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>>636118>>636112In the words of Willam Belli:
"God invented scissors and gave them to the cave people for a reason."
No. 636131
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No. 636138
>>636131Her false eyelashes are creeping me the fuck out, like someone stuck hairy spider legs to her eyelids.
Also, any excuse not to go exercise eh? That was fast. Its not even raining that hard there.
No. 636144
File: 1549178471036.png (2.61 MB, 1632x1280, moocow.png)

How are these the same person? I can't tell if her head is too big, or her body is too small? or both?
No. 636148
File: 1549179228062.jpg (44.41 KB, 502x640, e7f333a17e1c9726f98f10b457257a…)

>>636146it's a style from the 80s. It's supposed to accentuate a smaller waist and make your legs look longer. Moo just uses it to make her lipo'd waist look even smaller in ratio to her tits and hips. basically, like everything moo does, she takes something and ruins it because it doesn't work for her.
No. 636150
>>636131So she's lying in bed with a full face of makeup?
No wonder her skin looks bad.
No. 636199
File: 1549203412092.png (1.3 MB, 720x1193, Screenshot_2019-02-03-06-15-13…)

Funny because she showed off on stream she still had some left over.
No. 636219
>>634859Holy shit that looks way too tight
poor stockings
No. 636231
>>636112I honestly don’t think she looks that bad in this picture besides from the botched hair dye. It’s probably largely due to the fact this is the most effort she has put in her looks in a long time (all those pics of her streams for comparison). If she would just get rid of the spider lash and go for a more lively lipstick color , this would be a much better look than her shity pink eyeshadow look.
Granted this is a very typical ABG look lol
No. 636258
>>636256Exactly. The minute she decides to speak up about it she’ll get told to go sit the fuck down and have all her dirty laundry thrown back in her face. Making her page one on the internet yet again for everyone to roast and meme the fuck out of. Even someone as stupid as her knows to keep her mouth shut this time.
Although yes, I do believe it is also because he voices her precious Broly that she remaining silent as well. I’m sure that she next con he he as that she will no doubt try to sneak into she’ll try to kiss his ass and be all buddy buddy like she tried to do with Chris Sabat.
No. 636262
File: 1549221883818.png (918.83 KB, 717x1194, Screenshot_2019-02-03-11-19-47…)

>claimed to have spent 3 hours this morning watching of an documentaries
No. 636263
File: 1549221949348.png (1.01 MB, 720x1193, Screenshot_2019-02-03-11-20-16…)

Also anyone remember that tuna salad she made in her early CamV streams? It back
No. 636300
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No. 636302
>>636265"3rd best girl"
so… worst girl? 3rd out of 3 is last lmfao
No. 636308
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No. 636326
>>636264She showed us a fridge full of dying celery and the idiot still goes out to a juice bar and buys a celery shake and throws it in a one use plastic cup to show off how ~fit and healthy~ she is.
You're transparent Moo, go post on your stories how you're gonna start using/already use a reusable tumbler for your sugary bomb drinks after getting "tons of comments and messages."
I hope this bites you in the ass since you're so obviously a lurker.
No. 636334
>>636265>>636266I think what's more cringey is that she, or at least someone else, wrote a fanfic of her x Archer be a hypocrite if I said I didnt like characters, but being cringey and talking about characters "getting a nosebleed over you" is… something else. She definitely wants to imagine a character reacting like that, not Archer reacting towards Rin.
No. 636354
>>636350I think she's too into the fact that
Emiya IS Archer and Emiya shares that skiddish personality at first. Although he's like most lead male archetypes of his time (like Shinji etc.) he definitely doesn't bitch out and instead grows more mature in his interactions.. Just because Saberface heroes all look the same they don't share the same personality or histories? She's confused.
No. 636364
>>636264Am I wrong or is celery like 95% or more just water and some fiber?
She's basically just drinking water for once… And she preaching it like it's some form of superfood of the gods?
No. 636365
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>>636308I went to check the page cause the art is like on not as bad as shad art but still has furry porn but this is a fan page so she literally just asked some fucking bozo that’s not the artists permission to recreate the art
Ah. Typical moo
No. 636398
>>636364Its a new trend that some guy on instagram is promoting and claiming all these health benefits without any scientific proof to back it up.
Ofcourse shes latched on to this and flexing that shes being healthy when its pretty much just water and some vitamins.
No. 636418
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Why is she refusing to call him "Black Goku"?
No. 636430
>>636426 Jesus christ I legitimately thought her wrinkles were an anime tears filter or something in the thumbnail… She looks rough as hell. What the hell is going on with her left eye?
>>636419Behold the queen of self control my dudes
No. 636431
>>636398The guy promoting celery juice on Instagram is called The Medical Medium, and his “evidence” supporting its health benefits is messages from his spirit guides.
You’d have to be as irretrievably dumb as Mariah to fall for this bullshit.
No. 636438
>>636435X-Plus Gigantic series are between 8000-15000 yen.
Ultra Instinct Goku was a limited edition and went for 11800 yen. Looks like you grab him on Japan sites between 6000-9000.
I am pretty sure she only orders figures from Amazon US or ebay and overpays a ton or just buys their bootlegs.
No. 636441
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No. 636486
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>>636426It genuinely looks vaginal.
No. 636488
File: 1549273979988.png (110.26 KB, 1872x835, moo-woo.png)

>>636484here's what they posted about her web sales earnings
No. 636489
>>636484Translating the autism:
That person claims they have full access to the site and deployed a killswitch that publishes the entire database if someone tries to take the site back. They posted her earnings in 2018 and some entries of the database as proof.
The milk we can get from this hack depends on the hacker's competence/knowledge of his tools and on what can actually be found there. It definitely includes product data, customer data and transaction data. This isn't milky per se from a farmer's perspective (besides the fact that she's too dumb to run a website or hire someone that does it well), but there might be some cool stuff in there.
No. 636491
>>636489Thank you – I can't read things where people talk about themselves in third person.
I guess it depends on what this person decides to do, if anything, but her reaction is potentially milky.
No. 636499
>>636488 I'm a little perplexed by this, but only for the following reason:
Supposedly, she can go in and adjust or manipulate her data and her inventory to make it appear that things are genuinely being purchased. So is this graph reflective of actual sales? Or is this reflective of Mariah being bored throughout the past 13 months and altering her product information for the sake of trying to look like she sold a ton of shit?
I just can't picture her sales figures being that high around the middle of 2018, since the website seemed like more of an afterthought until this recent keychain crap came about.
No. 636500
>>636499if this is real, still doubting it is, no. she's changing the inventory, which only changes it superficially. an alternative tinfoil is that she puts up fake listings and then purchases them herself. some people do that because it changes the google metrics.
also iirc wasn't what you're referring to being sold on storenvy?
No. 636502
>>636500 Yeah, I was assuming this was fully tied in to Storenvy, for some reason. I honestly thought her personal website was an extension or domain which was courtesy of Storenvy, and that's how I started thinking about the sales figures being manipulated.
I'm suddenly interested in seeing how this breaks down, if the infiltrator decides to give us a longer glimpse behind the curtain.
No. 636503
>>636502that makes sense. storenvy doesn't give your custom storefronts names like that, and the bottom of her site has a copyright on it, so i'm assuming (especially because of how horribly made it is, it's just a cheap site on a cheap godaddy style host. super barebones with a payment API and a few products probably only costs $20 a month.
in any case moo at any time could just post a ridiculously expensive product listing just for herself to buy to boost the perceived sales, but usually people only do that on marketplace sites like storenvy or etsy to boost their listings so. who knows. the difference in sales month to month just looks insane from that graph, though it's honestly not all that much.
No. 636506
>>636505so then
>>636488 could be real. woocommerce uses braintree.
No. 636561
>>636544Wait, I follow the threads but this hack
>>636488 happened because of the Slav/Russian Meme she did a while back? Somebody mentioned it somewhere (idk which thread) but … why? I mean it's interesting to see how much she makes but what is the reason behind this? It looks more like a political motivated group?
No. 636596
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Fancy Bear is indeed real. You know those Russian hackers suspected of tampering with the election?
>>636583And check his post history on KF to see who else he has pw0ned. No. 636629
>>636628>>636628too much would be going after Patreon.
Moo spent a good chunk of time driving Nana and others to suicide. She deserves it.
No. 636633
>>636628This is the same girl who threatened to kill people, beat them up, bullied the shit out of them, drove them out of the community and near suicide, sexually assaulted/molested people against their will, talks shit every single day, lies every time she opens her fat mouth, tries to take guys from their girlfriends, completely inconsiderate, treats animals like shit, is absolutely spoiled and used to getting what she wants if she whines enough, bosses around her best friends and puts people on blast.
This is merely a scratch on the surface compared to what she deserves.
No. 636635
>>636629Agreed. After all the shit she has done and the lives she has ruined and the lack or remorse shown for any of it, she deserves everything that’s coming to her. Not to mention she has doxxed others before, so what goes around comes around.
>>636625I’m sure she’ll try to write it off as some troll just looking to fuck with her or get a reaction out of her. She’ll do her usual “I’m a tough bitch so don’t fuck with me” act and try to keep a brave face on through all of it.
No. 636641
File: 1549315940082.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1242x1839, B0EAF4FE-B966-488E-A16C-92E3F4…)

She's up right now, but honestly I don't know if she'll say anything. If she even realizes at all. She's definitely the type to threaten police or lawyers at people pointing guns at computers or Instagram banning her, stupid shit that doesn't actually matter, but actual hackers with personal info? It's hard to say.
Pic unrelated.
No. 636645
File: 1549316350028.png (872.25 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190204-163424.png)

I can't wait to see the new hoodie she'll have on all the time. Anyone want to bet she manages to get it before everyone else gets their orders?
No. 636699
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No. 636703
>>636699aka what really happened:
One user: you and nick seem to get along! Are you guys dating?
Mariah, immediately in 23340 stories: Omg guysssssss stop shipping me with these cute guys haha you guys are sooooo wild we aren’t dating! We are just best friends and he likes me because I’m not like other girls ok! Don’t be silly! I have so many crazy fans haha
Tinfoil time.
Why does this remind me of the gym incident where a guy supposedly was staring at her and she later said it could have been a fan/stalker? Like Mariah, no one cares about you that much. Most of your fans are guys in Latin America who barely speak English and only comment on your tit pics.
Another part of me thinks this is mariah’s way if not only inflating her own ego but something she can show to sensei to be like “look at all these people who think we’d be cute together! Like of course I don’t like you like that and you did have a thing with vamp that I aired all over my stories, but if you WANTED to be with me people already ship us!~~”
No. 636710
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On what fucking planet
No. 636711
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No. 636712
>>636710I know moocow reads this thread:
Name the Zelda game this particular Zelda comes from.
Is Zelda even popular currently with costhots? I though her and Midna kinda died out.
No. 636718
>>636715Even though gabby has a Zelda tat and everything.
Mariah people see through you like the plastic bitch you are
No. 636719
>>636703Like with everything she does, she over exaggerates it to satisfy her own massive ego. Someone makes an innocuous comment about her in a photo with some guy? “OMG YOU GUYS STOP SHIPPING ME WITH ALL THESE CUTE GUYS LOL”
Some sweaty rando accidentally makes eye contact with her at the gym and he isn’t some small Asian fuckboi? “OMG YOU GUYS I WAS TOTALLY BEING STALKED BY SOME CREEP AT THE GYM”. HE MUST HAVE BEEM A FAN OF ME!!!”.
Anything to make herself feel more important/desireble.
No. 636723
>>636719She says people come up to her all the time. Really, Moo? Not even Jessica says that shit and she's 10x more popular than you. She's not a fucking celebrity out in the normie world and even in the con scene she was never one to begin with. No one believes this 'HE MUSTVE BEEN A FAN' bullshit she desperately wants people to think she is.
Also, of course he had his phone. Most people int he gym have their phones on them. That doesn't mean because it's a dude and he was facing you and he has his phone out that he is harassing you by trying to take photos or videos because you're THE Momokun. Jfc. She's so embarrassing.
No. 636748
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No. 636749
File: 1549327518918.png (957.28 KB, 720x1190, Screenshot_2019-02-04-16-42-42…)

Someone tell this Fancybear to turn up the heat cause she gives 0 fucks
Shes out with Vamps
No. 636753
>>636748not going to lie, this is pretty cute.
the text, however, makes me want to vomit.
No. 636793
>>636750 Mariah would rather spend hundreds of dollars on numerous bootlegs than buy something practical and pricey for her supposed best friend and number one guard dog.
While it's not a terribly ugly prop, it's still pretty useless, and looks rather inexpensive.
No. 636809
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Changed it
No. 636834
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No. 636836
>>636834Has she EVER fulfilled all her monthly cosplans? I predict she will only do naked tamamo, random ass maneki neko cat, and Videl since those are easy as fuck. Then pat herself on the back for doing three whole cosplays in one month.
I hope she will do “short dyke hair” Videl instead of long hair so she can’t hide her fat face and hammy shoulders with her wig.
No. 636837
>> she going to cosplay a lucky cat?
No. 636845
File: 1549340817293.jpeg (Spoiler Image,71.56 KB, 667x800, 4B18DEEC-8DEF-4499-A29C-A62083…)

>>636836God… as if Summer Tamamo wasn’t enough now she has to do classic Tama. Attached image is the only version I could see her possibly (and that’s being very very very generious) recreating properly lmao
No. 636850
>>636809 The "streaming live on Camversity" thing is no longer there. Not sure if there's more to the story or not, and if this means she's done being a pseudo cam whore for now. She's been falling well short of her goals more often than not, since it's evident her neckbeards want to see actual nudity on a cam site. Who would have thought?
So now the questions resurface. Will the lack of Camversity money, the steep decline in website sales, the potential of Fancy Bear uncovering more info, and the smaller Patreon numbers result in any good milk?
No. 636853
>>636750>>636793Was thinking this too. This is a huge downgrade and its such a weird impersonal piece of junk. Like something you pick up at an Artists Alley on impulse as part of a small con haul.
Either here or in the cam thread, Mariah mentioned that Mariah's roommate and Collette were a thing but now arent? From all of that, I wonder if Moo and Collette are finally fucking off from each other. Like Mariah doesnt feel the need to show off via Vamp and Vamp is drifting away from cosplay so being around her only cosfriend isnt necessary.
Did Mariah have any other female friends…like at all? Ones who arent commissioners.
weird sidenote but also from the camthread or whatever idr, Moo's roommate mentioned disliking dating and is a "free spirit" or some shit. He sounds just as milky and scummy as Fupa from the Shay thread tbh. He and Moo probably fucked already but he uses his hippie schtick as a way to not be exclusive.
No. 636865
>>636853A tinfoil I have is now that cucks is in the house it made it harder for her to be lewd especially since she claimed he hated it and didn't like women who did things like that.
No. 636872
>>636865 This is where the hypocrisy is on full display. Here's a situation where Mariah brought in her life coach who says he doesn't want to be tied up in a relationship with her, because he's a free spirit. But if Mariah were to embrace her sexuality, which is apparently a free spirited thing to do for the record, then it's disgraceful. At least one of these idiots is lying through their teeth, if not both of them.
I think she quit because she finally realized she doesn't have what it takes, and you can only pour Bad Dragon fake cum on your tits so many times, all while hanging out in the upstairs foyer and sitting in front of the litter box.
I'll go as far as to say he's repulsed by her physical appearance, and discreetly asked her to quit in order to avoid seeing her in lingerie and bikinis that don't fit, as she displays fake appreciation whenever the chime tells her she earned $2 from a neckbeard.
No. 636877
File: 1549350031657.jpg (244.67 KB, 716x955, 20190204_235725.jpg)

I love how she accidentally reveals her dependency on Facetune on her btsmomokun account. Check out the two selfies at the bottom. The side by side comparison (Facetune on the right, generic Instagram filter on the left) is hysterical.
No. 636879
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No. 636881
File: 1549351794440.png (Spoiler Image,643.16 KB, 620x930, post_file (14).png)

>Feb 4 at 2:29pm
>I’m sorry about the delay from patreon… so here’s a teaser !
>…. and yes those are scars from my breast reduction >__> still insecure about them …
No. 636883
File: 1549351955934.png (836.44 KB, 750x750, feb.png)

>>636881"Feb 4 at 7:31pm
February Cosplans
Hey guys! This is what you can expect for the month of February:
Catteleya - Katsucon ( will not be a lewd shoot just location )
Tamamo - Katsucon ( will do a location and lewd shoot )
Howl- Katsucon ( Will include video and photo shoot ) more so at the end of this month artwork ft. Is by Sakimichan
Lewd shoots:
Videl groped by Gohan ( will only be a lewd shoot)
Maneki Neko - Lewd shoot
Tamamo Bathtub- Will he implied nude with only censoring from a towel
( not pictured )
Valentine’s Day Bunny girl
Lacy pink lingerie
So gonna try and shoot 5 lewd sets this month! LETS DO THIS!!!!"
No. 636884
File: 1549352007166.png (719.02 KB, 750x750, march.png)

>>636883"Feb 4 at 7:51pm
March Cosplans
Bowsette - Will showcase probably at SakuraCon
Will include a lewd shoot
Mai Shiranui - will include a location and lewd shoot + Video
Hinata- Strictly Lewd shoot
Female Ranma- Strictly Lewd shoot"
No. 636886
File: 1549352077426.png (857.63 KB, 750x750, april.png)

>>636884"Feb 4 at 8:18pm
April CosPlans
Ms.Joke- will not be a lewd shoot
Swimsuit Nero- Location shoot
Raven - Lewd shoot + Video + Shibari
Princess Zelda - Will be Location + Lewd shoot + Shibari"
No. 636887
File: 1549352198187.png (833.75 KB, 750x750, may.png)

>>636884"Feb 4 at 9:55pm
May Cosplans- DB MONTH
So these are still up in the air, but here’s a rough outline:
-10 days before Cell Games Goku- Both the jacket and wig are currently being commissioned
-Maron Beach shoot
-Android 18 Location shoot
-bulla ( This is the one up in the air )
Lewd shoots:
Naked Bulma- This will be an implied nude shoot
Lewd Android 18 - Ft. battle damage, Ahegao, & Cum Lube
Bunny Bulma- This will be a Shibari, Ahegao, POV shoot ft. cum lube"
No. 636889
File: 1549352246038.png (946.03 KB, 750x750, june.png)

>>636887"Feb 4 at 10:02pm
June Cosplans
Albedo - Location shoot at Palace of fine arts
Albedo Body Pillow - Lewd shoot ft. lingerie
Aztec Lucoa - Lewd shoot
Dinner Lucoa- Lewd kitchen shoot
Rough outline of June"
No. 636890
File: 1549352324748.png (904.85 KB, 750x750, july.png)

>>636889"Feb 4 at 10:13pm
July Cosplans
So I have a more rougher idea of August and so forth but won’t be announcing anymore until I get more stuff going.
For AX I would like to bring:
Nurse Pochaco
Formal Artoria might happen at night for AX
This month will be more of a showcase of big costumes ! I don’t have any lewd stuff planned out rn… but I will!
Things are subject to change! Just a reminder! But more than likely this is what we gonna be doing :3"
Jesus fucking christ. I dont know why she's sperging so hard on Patreon right now.
No. 636893
>I dont know why she's sperging so hard on Patreon right now.Trying her best to lure the Patreon evacuees back in, especially with her heavy emphasis on lewd shoots.
This is a lazy ass lineup. She seems frazzled by something if she's trying this hard to promote upcoming projects, whether or not she executes anything on her end.
No. 636894
>>636890She’s gotta give the illusion that she’s actually working anon!
We all know she’ll end up doing 40% of everything that’s listed for all those months and just rehash the same shit she’s been doing. Not a single thing will be made by her of course.
I’m still curious about that Fancy Bear thing tho.
No. 636911
File: 1549355672955.png (1.05 MB, 750x1334, D035F832-0470-4E99-B135-3568FB…)

Oh yes because wearing athletic socks instead of character socks is so quirky and so fun and isn’t totally inappropriate for the activity!! she’s so fun!
No. 636915
>>636911She's really still pretending to go to the gym, huh?
What about her dbz weight lifting belt?
No. 636918
>>636710Lmao you can tell she doesn't know dick about Zelda because she's choosing to cosplay this iteration of her instead of the newest one. Y'know, the iteration that everyone makes butt jokes about.
Also, when I think of Zelda, I think of a delicate, willowy, intelligent girl. Moo is the antithesis of that- she's a screaming, mouth-breathing idiot with linebacker shoulders.
She should cosplay a Moblin instead kek
No. 636920
>>636836Out of the four(?) cosplays she promised to do in January she only did Quiet and Tifa (none of them made by her btw), and did a lot of low effort bikini selfies instead.
All those cosplans for up to July is dumb, we all know she won't do even half of them because she's a lazy thot. She commissions everything but she doesn't do it until the last minute and no one would take it, or she forgets it all together to attempt to scramble together a discount cosplay of the flavour of the month (and failing to do so 90% of the time).
She can't keep up with her illusion of being a full-time cosplayer. She only wanted the money and recognition without making the effort, so here she is, making promises she wouldn't fulfil even though she has all the time in the world. What a joke.
No. 636921
File: 1549357718781.png (2.04 MB, 1200x1840, 3C583FE9-0D30-4701-8059-B0A4B6…)

>>636918I mean, you’re not wrong. She’s got the jowels to match.
How much do you want to bet after lurking here that she’ll change her preference of Zelda after you mentioning it.
No. 636923
>>636901 Mariah's hugbox circle attended ALA though, and Mariah still didn't go. Miso Tokki wanted to organize a costume theme for the pair, and Mariah kept leading her on with the idea that she'd possibly go, only to decline the offer shortly before ALA. And you could argue Vamps probably had more fun without Mariah sucking the life out of the room and forcing everyone to keep her company in a hotel room.
I'm not entirely convinced Mariah is going to Katsucon after seeing everything that went down since the AEX debacle.
No. 636924
>>636921I almost redacted it, but changed my mind last minute. Moo probably intentionally picked TP Zelda because she's not a minor and could be """lewded""".
Although lbr I'm glad Moo is terrified of (and has the wrong body for) crossplay, because it means she can't ruin Sidon. Like you just know that if Sidon was a girl, Moo would have tried to cash in on the bandwagon. It's a miracle that despite also being really sexy, [redacted] didn't garner that sort of following, because you know Moo would have done a shit cosplay of her if she did (complete with bad wig and racist spray-tan).
No. 636932
File: 1549361749322.png (589.32 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4692.PNG)

One February shoot already gone
No. 636957
>>636924Implying she won't genderbent him like she did with Hell Boy and such.
>>636929She's not terrified, she just hates doing so because a) she doesn't want to come off as a dyke like her past tweets suggest, and b) she won't get any male attention doing it.
No. 636968
>>636936…she should have chosen TP Zelda, then, because she's the only version that is confirmed to be an adult. All the rest are seventeen at the very oldest, so yikes on lewding that.
>>636939Doesn't change the fact that she's never touched a LoZ game.
No. 636973
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>>636710>>636886idk how many times she said that she wants to cosplay zelda but never did. The last time it was TP zelda, now it's the version that it's in Smash. How long until she says how much she loved Wind Waker again, even when she never finished the game? lol God, if she really ends up doing it, she will be roasted af in the zelda fandom jesus
>>636888iirc she did the "What if Zelda was a girl" meme back then dressed as Linkle.
>>636921I think a Hinox would be also a great choice for her.
No. 637011
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>>636973The ONLY time I heard her actually talk about Legend of Zelda was briefly during that panel
Which looking back on, she makes a really bitchy comment about Hyrule Warriors, ironically the only Zelda game she cosplayed from. I remember this was the first cosplay that she was determined to "be the first to do it" and when someone did it first she was mad
No. 637014
File: 1549383903563.png (836.71 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2019-02-05-08-18-34…)

>waddles into yard to get pinecones to throw at Vamp
>broke a ornament off the tree and looks at Vamp mortified asking what to do
Definitely renting
No. 637016
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No. 637024
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Don't forget, if you're successful you can't be guilty. Also her bar for success is comically low.
No. 637029
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Slightly OT, but this meme has been going around. Kinda wish they used a more current and non-shooped picture of her though
No. 637037
>>637014We can go back and forth for days whether she's using drugs, abusing prescribed medications, or just chugging too many damn energy drinks but in the wise words of Hank Hill, the girl ain't right.
I've never seen anyone act like Momokun before, especially when it comes to letting herself be filmed doing it. She's like a badly behaved toddler in an obese woman's body. You'd think she was special ed at first glance.
No. 637042
>>637026On the topic of getting blocked immediately, I accused her of using a tripod for her shoots she claims to hire 'Girlonthemoonpro' for and she went on a 3 day reply frenzy to try to argue with me about it. It was really surreal. Every time I thought she was just going to block me she had two or three more replies already made.
I wasn't sure if anything she said would be considered milkworthy so I haven't shared the screencaps yet. If yall want em I can go find em but what shocked me the most was how desperate she seemed to discredit my theory and claim I'm a psycho etc. I wasn't too sure before but after that interaction I'm positive girlonthemoonpro is fake as shit.
No. 637050
>>637049Don't be dense. "Looks" means nothing, if you ACTUALLY KNOW THE ANIME/MANGA/VN/LN etc in question, you know a characters actual age and yes it does matter as long as she's a resident of the US "real" or "not real" has no line when it comes to underage.
Most costhots cosplay the VERY mid-teen age version of Bulma all the time. Considering it's from DRAGON BALL, she was underage. It's not a serious topic but it's still ontopic as it's related to a cosplay plan she has posted.
No. 637052
>>637036That’s how she always felt deep down. When the accusations started coming out her immediate response was to try to discredit them all as liars and jealous clout chasers who were always secretly plotting her downfall. At the end of the day she still believes that she did nothing wrong and that this was all some intricate plot to ruin her reputation and this will all blow over soon and she’ll be back in the community in no time at all.
Which if she actually bothered to step outside her hugbox on Instagram for more than a few seconds then she’ll see thatckuldnt be further from the truth and she is still public enemy No. 1
No. 637074
>>637063Sorry, but you're an idiot. Shad would be in jail if this were the case. I agree with
>>637068, you're just wrong.
No. 637075
File: 1549395648442.jpg (537.97 KB, 1080x1647, 5.jpg)

Sorry my SS are so wack, like I said she deleted the whole thread after the fact.
No. 637081
File: 1549395832146.jpg (474.33 KB, 810x1766, 6.jpg)

If girlonthemoonpro is such a 'sweet shy girl who just wants to help' but doesn't want to be a 'bigger part' of the cosplay community, why would she want to be tagged all the time or want to even work with moo in the first place?
No. 637086
>>637078>>637084She's been lurking here since day 1, but slips like this really shows how invested she is in lolcow. From defending herself in here, to trying to drum up a personal army in Usagi Kou's thread, her stay on the farms has been hilarious.
Man I can't wait for Katsu, she has more than a few unpleasant surprises waiting for her that she's going to brush off as a joke. That is, if she goes at all at this rate.
No. 637095
>>636811fat fetish obviously
im pretty sure she's aware of the hack by now and just pretending she doesn't hoping it goes away.
No. 637108
>>637094 Not trying to argue, but I'm confused by the part where you said Moo looks decent whenever she's shot at certain angles.
The majority of what would appear to be tripod shots feature Moo doing poses where her hands are either entirely hidden or removed from the shot, or at least she keeps them positioned in a manner that doesn't allow you to see what's inside of the palm of her hands. I'd say the aerobics atrocity and the Quiet atrocity are two sets that could easily fuel the Tripod-san speculation.
I believe she either uses a remote device, a timer feature on a camera with a burst/panoramic photograph mode, or both. The majority of her angles are shot where Mariah is conveniently positioned on the left (Christmas Lucoa, Quiet). The extreme selfie thing she just did with Tifa is the exact same selfie she took in her Virgin Killer sweater, around the time "Sorry, sweetie" first took off.
The burden of proof is on Moo or girlonthemoonpro to prove this is a real photographer, and not Moo's underage cousin that she spliced q clip from in thread 91.
No. 637110
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No. 637111
>>637108 Samefag. Meant to say Mariah is often to the right after the "photographer" finishes shooting. Nothing is ever taken from a distance, like you'll see in the SquareCuck beach Tamano shoots, or the Beatrice stuff.
Moo conveniently takes photos from short distances because it's too much ground to cover otherwise, had she tried to outrun a timer. She'll convince some people that the up-close style is meant to accentuate the lewd aspect, but some are going to see it differently, obviously.
No. 637119
File: 1549400941468.png (338.6 KB, 1526x182, c9b29275c95ae11492c5808aca5d3c…)

>>637115you just missed it anon, they posted some of her client data including emails and hashed password previews. She could easily verify the names/emails.
No. 637157
>>637151yea ik, I said they most of the time but blundered a few times. English is not my first language, sorry if i
triggered anyone
No. 637162
>>637159These are the kinds of people she wants in her life though: Disgusting degenerates who will defend her no matter what. Seriously, how many times has she bitched at her “friends” or totally disowned them the second one of them speaks out against her? Or has pulled that “you’re not my true friend if you’re not here to support me during the dark times” bullshit. She expects everyone to fall in lock step every time she gets in deep shit and needs support. No matter what she is accused of or what facts come out, completely absolve her of any wrong doing and denounce her accusers as haters and liars looking for attention.
She doesn’t want friends or fans. She wants a personal army she can send after anyone she personally doesn’t like and a personal hugbox to defend all her shitty actions.
No. 637171
File: 1549408864489.jpg (94.63 KB, 1080x1636, 51332193_381975699269274_11360…)

>>636883she probably saw this cosplayer's lucky cat cosplay for Feb
No. 637180
>>637110I wish the poster would have went into more detail instead of 'the stuff she did.'
Like, people need to know, but enough people know that she'll get shamed and back at Katsu, i think.
No. 637195
>>637181No its the Wordpress user database which contains all of the users who have registered on her website.
Its likely her account that she uses to admin her website.
Also to point out, this is just users that have registered to her site and not actually a list of people that bought something, anybody can register for an account on her site.
No. 637201
File: 1549415256173.jpg (746.84 KB, 1437x1081, Screenshot_20190205-200330.jpg)

This event is going on the same weekend as Katsucon at the nearby MGM. Martin Wong is having a photography panel. The same people who rent out the Colossalcon villas are hosting it and I strongly suspect JNig is gonna be there; this is definitely a "cosplay elite" kind of thing. Seriously wondering if MooMoo is going to try attending. If she does, there's going to be some damn good milk.
No. 637205
File: 1549416083525.jpg (451.16 KB, 1440x2476, 20190205_202010.jpg)

>>637201Same anon but I checked the RSVP list and Moo definitely knows about it, at the very least
No. 637207
File: 1549416287884.jpg (65.06 KB, 828x1472, 50739742_579972305802025_78145…)

This is really unexpected
No. 637217
File: 1549417156471.png (5.92 MB, 1242x2208, 3D72A6FE-CA5E-4A65-8850-3277E9…)

She seriously might have bought that Zelda cosplay. Yikes. It's not going to be flattering in the least.
No. 637230
>>637075"helping her friends"
Oh but Moo, everyone knows you ditch your "friends" for those with a higher following to leech from. I'm surprised you hadn't grabbed her chest either and said she'll do just fine on Patreon
No. 637233
File: 1549420032717.jpg (89.23 KB, 1242x1151, IMG_20190203_221739.jpg)

>>637201OT and belongs in the snow thread but
Cosplay thots:
>anyone can cosplay! Everything is cosplay! This is just my hobby! Tee hee! Also cosplay thots:
rents an entire block for just them, their photographers, and friends and only attends the actual con for like 4 hours Is this what's going on here? I feel like I don't 100% understand what it is or how it works. I know it's open to whoever but just at face value it looks really elitist.
No. 637243
>>637207 Taking bets now. Here are the current betting odds:
>Shops online and repeatedly checks her phone while begging for tips3:2
>Dull anime/cosplay rant stream2:1
>Announcement she's moving away from CamV (possibly to Twitch)4:1
>Admits Tripod-san is real8:1
>Neckbeards finally get to see titties and toying with dildos1,000,000:1
No. 637256
File: 1549423248865.jpg (20.46 KB, 720x540, FB_IMG_1549423207562.jpg)

found on Facebook
No. 637272
>>637265She would conveniently claim that the very specific glasses Bayonetta has and she just bought are her real glasses no doubt, then we would never see them again.
And yeah, a knockoff looking bodysuit, gross attempts at sexual prowess, and failure dancing.
No. 637285
File: 1549426804720.png (816.89 KB, 720x1197, Screenshot_2019-02-05-20-18-48…)

No. 637371
>>637368She acknowledged feeling like a lazy sack of shit as most of her “cosplays” have been lackluster even by her own lazy standards and wants to focus on that more.
More like she got sick of camming for gross degenerates.
No. 637373
>>637370 Even though Mariah's unique talent is that she doesn't actually possess talent, I think she'll make an ass out of herself on Twitch. In tonight's stream, she surprisingly acknowledged that she knows she's hated within the gaming community, primarily the fighting game community. And we all know she isn't good at video games, and she only knows about things through YouTube let's play videos and Wikipedia.
I sincerely hope she goes to Twitch and tries to create the illusion she's a capable gamer or wardrobe maker. She'll expose herself so fast. I mean, she couldn't even remember the names of DBZ games she claims to have loved while growing up, and she won't reveal her gaming handles for fear of revealing how little she actually plays.
No. 637384
File: 1549441035928.png (1.19 MB, 750x1334, 7D4D7991-18C3-4219-8BAF-195ADE…)

No. 637386
File: 1549441088281.png (1.6 MB, 750x1334, 7407CE9C-D4A4-4AF1-B0E7-CC766A…)

2/2, I can’t even begin to imagine what inspired this
No. 637393
>>637386She wants to prove to herself she has an interesting personality.
The comments on here about how all she is os fuckmeat and that paypigs don’t care about her as a human being must be getting to her.
“I’ll show THEM i can totally entertain people without getting naked on twitch!”
No. 637395
File: 1549444550566.png (1.22 MB, 720x1184, Screenshot_2019-02-06-00-40-47…)

No. 637396
File: 1549444623045.png (699.47 KB, 720x1042, Screenshot_2019-02-06-00-41-18…)

No. 637397
File: 1549445139986.png (364.89 KB, 720x1136, Screenshot_2019-02-06-01-22-07…)

I like how ever since we gave her shit for wearing too tight bras she buys at least 2 more from EBay that are not VS
No. 637402
File: 1549447287953.png (729.31 KB, 720x1196, Screenshot_2019-02-06-01-58-11…)

Noticed something interesting. Holly says her dog takes her undies, Moo suddenly shows off Guzma of taking undies too. This might be a reach but we've never seen this activity from Guzma before this year so who knows.
No. 637413
File: 1549455015121.png (657.76 KB, 720x1183, Screenshot_2019-02-06-04-05-59…)

No. 637414
File: 1549455108219.png (622.05 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2019-02-06-04-07-03…)

>>637413Tried to get a clear shot but the ends took like 5 percent of the dye while its dark purple where they applied the sweetner to her hair lmao
No. 637421
File: 1549464897320.jpg (16.67 KB, 640x630, FB_IMG_1549124757077.jpg)

>>637413Does NASA give you a free hoodie when they find out you're big enough to have your own orbit?
No. 637423
>>637414damn… her hair is that faded after what… just a few days?? why can't she take care of herself? yeah her hairdresser sucks (purple root area, patchy, faded, fried ends, etc.) but holy fuck she has NO aftercare plan for her hair. get rid of those nasty extensions, get some deep conditioner or olaplex, get a serious cut, change your hair color, and take care of yourself for fucks sake, moo! she does nothing for her hair? but she'll buy expensive skincare products and never use them!! sad! i know she's never really taken care of herself in any fucking way, but i'm just so tired of this cow looking like garbage. she's a complete dumpster fire and her looks represent how she really is: disgusting and pathetic. i can't with her anymore lmao
No. 637425
>>636889>>636932>>636953She cancels a Japanese cat shoot because it’s racist and yet the Aztec Lucoa gets a pass? That character is already hated in SJW circles for “sexualizing a sacred figure”.
It’s easy to figure out her probable reasoning though, she wouldn’t want to piss off any of her precious asians she thinks she can benefit from in the future. She has nothing to gain from Mexicans. This is like what happened when she went to Peru, some guy stole her phone and now she hates the entire country.
No. 637429
>>637425I figure she thinks she won't get as much backlash from doing Aztec Lucoa compared to the amount she may get from doing Maneki neko. She can argue it's more of a legitimate cosplay bc it's of Lucoa.
OT but my favorite part of lurking both the kiwi thread and this thread on Momo is recognizing the people who contribute in both.
No. 637436
>>637425Nah. Mariah is a dumbass. It it’s a commonly accepted thing that you can appropriate
dead culture. It’s why you see people doing sexy togas and pharaohs and stuff but a sexy native is a big no no. Of course, there’s people who will say it’s just as bad (^^^) but it’s really not, even within hardcore SJW circles. The lucky cat thing is out of line, but a dead civilization like Aztecs is not. They’re all dead, who is it gonna offend?
No. 637440
>>637438Agreed. If her cosplay slaves and leeches are okay with doing commissioned work for her or still be friends with her even after all the sexual assault stuff came out, why would they suddenly care about this one?
It’s more than likely she was lurking here and saw how the cosplay could be considered offensive and decided to drop it.
No. 637447
>>637437 I'm not one of the anons who made mention of the Aztec Lucoa concept potentially being culturally insensitive, but I think it's hilarious that Mariah is cancelling plans to do an inexpensive Lucky Cat cosplay, but she's not cancelling Aztec Lucoa after dropping a bunch of money on commissioned pieces.
Her hypocritical nature plays a big part in why she constantly manages to shoot herself in the foot. You can't say one concept is potentially offensive, yet pretend that another concept isn't, all because that's a cosplay idea that a lot of money went towards.
No. 637473
File: 1549485551126.jpg (889.5 KB, 1080x2096, 20190206_153646.jpg)

>juice celery ro drink juice
>making balls out of pulp to eat?
Might be a nitpick but why not just eat the damn celery as celery?! This is so stupid.
No. 637479
I have the goods but this almost 5 minutes Pochaco video is awful. Shes so fat and lumpy in her leotard because the tights are squeezing her fat all sorts of places and she's rubbing on her vagina and shit.
Sorry for the quality, but its the best I could do. You can still see her, so mute and throw whatever music makes this the most cringy. No. 637480
File: 1549487008437.jpg (Spoiler Image,57.03 KB, 929x486, abyss.jpg)

>>637479this is almost 5 minutes of the same 3-4 poses over and over again
then every now and then this happens
No. 637482
File: 1549487121078.png (851.5 KB, 969x739, nah'.png)

my favorite bit is her trying to stretch, realizing she can't, then jump cuts quickly to another pose
No. 637488
File: 1549487668775.jpg (229.93 KB, 1752x938, wartymoo.jpg)

I know calling her a turtle is an old meme by now but JFC this warty ass snapping turtle face is disgusting.
No. 637491
File: 1549488006163.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.05 MB, 1242x1410, 7B940B48-9A1C-458F-AA60-C7CF55…)

>>637479Holy shit that was literally the funniest thing I’ve seen in days. This reminds me of the modeling parodies that Celeste Barber does. Except moo is charging $50 for this and legitimately thinks this is sexy?
Spoiler for non-moo photo
No. 637494
>>637468Damn anon you cracked the case. Streaming on Twitch will be the perfect excuse to not dress revealing "out of fear for being banned"
Also, if thats not her plan, then it should be
Coolsculpting, arm lipo, or a skin tightening procedure that Laseraway now offers are my bets
No. 637508
>>637482She is out of breath from stretching ?! You can hear her out of breath in the video omg
But we all know she works out, amirite?
No. 637510
>>637482 I'm so glad somebody pinpointed her struggles during this particular segment of the video. It was tough to watch. It's not hyperbole on my end when I tell you I laughed for a minute straight.
It's no wonder why she didn't go through with her original idea of a 30 minute workout video. She gets winded after 30 seconds of doing the most mundane and simple physical tasks.
No. 637514
File: 1549491339695.jpeg (Spoiler Image,308.58 KB, 1242x2346, E7CB5344-574A-4532-AB64-0956D7…)

>>637513There’s absolutely no way a real person held a camera and took any of these pics. Obviously a tripod.
No. 637516
File: 1549491436159.png (7.65 MB, 1242x2688, E1F2EF3C-7890-425E-804B-0A447B…)

>>637514without her pro photographer to edit for her she ends up with stuff like this
No. 637520
File: 1549492898564.jpg (315.11 KB, 720x941, 20190206_153711.jpg)

>>637514 Pic related from a January 19th Instagram upload on Moo's main account.
She tags girlonthemoonpro as the alleged photographer, but it's pretty clear that Tripod-san is the only one still willing to work with Moo in the state of Nevada.
It's a shame that Tripod-san has three legs, yet still can't run out through the front door.
No. 637521
>>637514>>637520Tifa has
>red eyes>elbow guards>hair tied at the endMoo has
>red gloves>white tanksuch accuracy
No. 637526
File: 1549493738768.jpg (Spoiler Image,540.66 KB, 1080x1335, Screenshot_20190206-165517_Chr…)

Chubby fat stumps.
No. 637528
File: 1549493884441.jpg (69.13 KB, 496x713, 2019-02-06_17-55-47.jpg)

What professional would let her have wonky proportions like this? It has to be tripod-san. Mariah should have listened more and talked less when Martin Wong was schooling her on photography.
No. 637532
File: 1549494271214.jpeg (195.98 KB, 750x1220, 5B88830C-C073-4A2C-A95E-CEF6A6…)

I almost feel sorry for her. Only someone deeply regretting their weight gain would constantly be posting photos from 40lbs ago
No. 637538
File: 1549494869734.jpeg (254.86 KB, 750x391, C1CB1FB4-B26F-4ADC-A739-CEF3AB…)

People actually paid for this???
No. 637541
>>637539I can guarantee you that she's only going because they hate her dumb ass. She mentioned it in her stream yesterday and now today she wants to go to FGC?
Only Moo would be retarded enough to go to a place where she's unwanted and hated. She really does need to get her ass kicked.
No. 637555
>>637479 Honestly I laughed so hard
I may pay $50
No. 637556
>>637514the lack of framing around her elbows is
triggering me so hard. my mom takes better composes pictures on her iphone. tripod-san needs to take some photography classes.
No. 637575
File: 1549499118116.jpg (10.05 KB, 236x208, 93aa579c68b771fada51dbe706c436…)

>>637538She looks like she's about to give birth here.
What mentally stunted autist finds this hot?
No. 637578
File: 1549499719899.jpg (196.21 KB, 554x1901, LTG.jpg)

>>637573Last one for now it's old, but I guarantee just you can google FGC Momokun and you can find some stuff.
No. 637591
>>637512>>637508Because I had to use an external video recorder. The original video doesn't have all that sound. She isn't out of breath, but definitely pretty sure she is if she didn't go over the whole video with music. Thats the sound of an extra cooling fan under my laptop.
She is adding passwords to her sets, is making everything undownloadable. Im sure someone will upload a better quality one, but this is just going to have to do for now. Ill work on the photos in a second from Tifa and Quiet.
No. 637592
>>637479Wait wait wait wait… Did she draw the butt crease? those lines never dissapear like the ones you see in the front when extending her legs, i might be wrong but i seriously don't want to see that monstrosity again.
Also, what the hell are those close-ups, she looks retarded
No. 637594
>>637581yeah i was shocked the first time i saw it too, fps tournaments have to try harder to keep their sponsors i guess. i love how brutal this guy is.
Anyone know his name? There are more clips of him shitting on momokun but I don't know anything about FGC personalities so I can't find it.
No. 637601
>>637594His name is Majin Obama. Most FGC casters are pretty hilarious, it's all about hype and entertainment.
>>637538I really can't comprehend a person paying $50 for this.
No. 637602
looks out of breath though, anon. She was huffing and puffing throughout the video.
>>637595Now that I've unfortunately looked, you're right.
No. 637605
File: 1549503353853.png (443.62 KB, 507x732, 9.png)

I put music over it so you dont have to listen to my fan. dropbox link in until it gets taken down I guess.
Password: Tifa50
No. 637607
File: 1549503797505.png (30.31 KB, 680x341, erry picking.png)

No. 637612
File: 1549504386187.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1242x1864, 7CBDBF2D-9A49-477F-9AE4-4A1364…)

>>637605This looks like humiliation fetish material
No. 637615
>>637613Its so easy on Patreon too. You click the link where it says 'processed'. You select the tier. You select everyone who has paid for that month who had their payments approved. This is usually done by the 5th. You can't fuck this us. It's so easy. You mass send the message to the selected group and it goes out to everyone.
I dont understand how she is fucking this up.
No. 637618
File: 1549504979141.png (551.31 KB, 563x541, wtfisthisallowed.PNG)

No. 637619
>>637615Don't underestimate how much of a lazy piece of shit she is.
I'm super excited for when her popularity finally fades because I know she's not going to disappear, she's too dumb and bullheaded for that. She'll stick around on IG begging for scraps. #willlewd4food
No. 637620
File: 1549505084227.png (Spoiler Image,628.47 KB, 558x647, stopthis.PNG)

w o w
No. 637621
>>637618Holy shit this is baaaaad.
>>637620What anon, you don't remember when Tifa taped her nipples and sat in front of the camera half-naked in a cheap looking room?
No. 637626
File: 1549505959923.jpeg (43.58 KB, 750x450, 77D723AF-A860-4FF1-9B75-8CF365…)

Sorry for phone edit but wtf is going on with her tit
No. 637628
File: 1549506075175.png (Spoiler Image,438.48 KB, 507x732, 25.png)

>>637626Does this version help better? Just tell me if you guys want clearer photos of certain images. I just didn't have anywhere to upload them where Moo couldn't get them taken down.
No. 637658
File: 1549511669086.png (627.41 KB, 720x1043, Screenshot_2019-02-06-19-04-33…)

No. 637664
File: 1549512789537.png (1.24 MB, 720x1200, Screenshot_2019-02-06-20-09-54…)

So she dug into her collection and pulled one out?
No. 637674
File: 1549515423519.png (1.22 MB, 699x1203, Screenshot_2019-02-06-20-54-45…)

Sensei fed these to her…
No. 637679
>>637658The robotic caption coupled with the dead look in her eye just makes this vaguely uncomfortable.
>>637662Our Queen will never be replaced but if I could believe in cow reincarnation then I'd definitely say Momo has received PT's spirit into her.
No. 637691
File: 1549520953756.jpeg (Spoiler Image,258.65 KB, 620x597, E91D2629-5E4F-40D1-BA04-3949B6…)

Gonna drop some of the caps from the pochaco video that really made me audibly sigh in disgust. Also, imagine being Sensei and coming home from a long day at work, and you walk in on Moo filming this. I’d move out immediately
No. 637692
File: 1549521217577.jpg (25.85 KB, 635x477, FB_IMG_1549513987992.jpg)

This hasn't been posted here yet, has it?
No. 637693
File: 1549521284705.png (852.8 KB, 720x1197, Screenshot_2019-02-06-22-31-19…)

Emily has touched down in Moo Hell
No. 637694
File: 1549521339557.png (782.4 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2019-02-06-22-31-51…)

>>637691Her tiddy lopsided
No. 637695
>>637658JFC Moo stfu about celery already. We get it, you're on a diet, probabky to impress Sensei's Whole Foods ass.
Christ, how rarely does she eat vegetables if it's this big of a deal to her?
>>637674So… shitty burnt hush puppies? Poor man's falafel balls?
>>637691It's going to take a lot more than celery to cure this level of grandma-bod. Yikes.
No. 637699
File: 1549523464583.png (Spoiler Image,714.51 KB, 1035x597, momocaps.png)

A basic summary of her Pudgycoa video
No. 637702
>>637698 It's definitely believable. The same could be said about the anon who suspected a lapband procedure may also be around the corner.
I was looking at her list of cosplay plans over the next 6 months, and something stood out to me. If you'll take a look at her July ambitions shared by
>>636890 for reference, it's the only month where she's avoiding lewd shoots. A lot of her choices for this month would conceal numerous problem areas. Areas that could be corrected through lipo.
While I do believe she's trying to cleanse her body as much as possible for an upcoming lipo session, I think she's realistically shooting for a summer appointment. It's peculiar that she would choose the hottest month of the year to go with a cosplay lineup that would potentially allow her to heal up from lipo, all while having the luxury to wear certain outfits that would hide her surgically corrected areas.
No. 637704
File: 1549524585736.gif (2.47 MB, 317x229, 1418789929070.gif)

>>637699The editing, the crab walk pose, and her piss poor attempt at ahegao. I could go on but this is embarrassing.
No. 637705
File: 1549524739540.jpeg (Spoiler Image,207.19 KB, 552x509, EFA72FE4-1C6C-4B07-8C20-321B97…)

this one really stood out to me. And not in a good way
No. 637708
>>637479empty water bottles and trash on the couch
her cats walking around/playing with each other in the background
her terrible skin and mismatched foundation…
>>637662>>637681legit pt tier. it's insane that pt could have had the money/popularity she always craved like moo if she just wasn't so crazy. i think she would have tried harder too.
No. 637710
File: 1549526243270.png (295.32 KB, 1340x1380, Capture _2019-02-07-02-56-36.p…)

So this is making rounds tonight
With a photographer being already talked about and vic someone apparently is bringing up momo going to katsu to try and kick her ass too
No. 637711
File: 1549526461470.png (564.77 KB, 625x500, CD9CFD22-9535-40B4-B247-7855BB…)

>>637691I legit thought someone edited this to make her look like a boobah
No. 637712
>>637705The fact that her boob just melts into her backfat… yikes.
The fact that she thought this was worth $50 is insane. What seriously goes on in her head that she thinks a poorly shot and edited film of her flopping around on the floor is worth that kind of money? She really is delusional.
And I gotta agree with the anon who mentioned that it feels like the video footage from The Ring. Because that was my first impression just from the first 30 seconds of it lol
No. 637715
>>637710I wouldn’t classify 37 RTs as “making the rounds” and this person is either a farmer or lurks here constantly with how much they’ve been brought up (or self posted) in past threads. But kudos to them for not letting people there forget I guess.
Since she got visibly uncomfortable talking about Vic in the stream, I wonder how she feels about Gil Photography also getting called out for inappropriate behavior.
No. 637717
>>637702She wore hooded sweaters all summer and Nike workout pants. Her wardrobe wouldn’t change and it wouldn’t be suspect.
Is lapband for “smaller” obese people? She doesn’t seem large enough for weight loss surgery like getting her stomach cut in half.
No. 637719
>>637717You can get gastric sleeves and stuff at most overweight levels. Usually past 40lbs and the surgery is very low-key with tiny incisions.
But it takes seeing a therapist (which she admitted to) and a year of consultations and proof you can keep up a lifestyle.
But most people can fake the "lifestyle" part and still get it. Then bust through it 3 months later
No. 637721
>>637715Oh its definitely a farmer but I was hoping our old calves who now hate her would rt it.
Twitter was oddly quiet even after I saw this on my tl
So I'm assuming they won't be sharing
No. 637734
>>637731Wat, just how new are you. We have already seen her leaked nudes where she has the scars. lurk moar before you post retarded shit like this.
She obviously photoshops them off and scars fade, retard.
No. 637749
>>637694Looks like a reenactment of her rodeo meme pose.
>>637719Moo admitting to seeing a therapist means absolutely nothing because we know that it's really her "sensei" and she lies about literally everything. I wouldn't bother taking her word for it unless we see her documenting during her 24/7 instastories.
>>637722You see people like this on My 600lb Life all the time. Moo would definitely gain the weight back cause she can't control herself. This has been proven after her Lacrosse activity stopped and the free money started.
No. 637750
File: 1549545900552.jpg (43.25 KB, 720x720, 51286703_508756362986353_60993…)

I wonder how Mooriah is gonna feel when her beloved Gucci got caught publishing a $800 sweater that was a mimic of black face(no1curr)
No. 637769
>>637762Yes they can. It's like minors can't get piercings, yet they still do for a very specific reason:
It's called parental consent and supervision. Once you're 18 you no longer need it. So they're less of an autist than you are.
No. 637775
>>637771This is 'Murica we are talking about tho.
I don't think she has released any pictures before her procedure right?
The oldest picture we have is the one that made rounds on facebook shere she claims she was bullied for being fat or smth
No. 637785
>>637775I've seen the procedure photos and the after photos where she looked flat chested (HS) so we at least know its not implants because she had small boobs post-op
she just got fat
if she never got lipo her boobs would look small
No. 637788
File: 1549567913522.gif (1.84 MB, 260x139, 2t40x4.gif)

This kills me. Wtf was she trying to do, hold in a big sneeze or did the Aderall finally kick in? She looks insane lmao.
No. 637792
File: 1549569473589.gif (537.12 KB, 500x287, 980x.gif)

>>637788Lmao I feel like I just walked into the special ed room.
No. 637798
File: 1549571236128.jpg (948.86 KB, 2970x4200, s5G5Okc.jpg)

I made a new art for our growing Dorito shouldered goblin. Please enjoy.
No. 637802
File: 1549572086244.png (531.64 KB, 720x1054, Screenshot_2019-02-07-12-39-01…)

No. 637803
File: 1549572117575.png (778.35 KB, 720x1041, Screenshot_2019-02-07-12-39-15…)

No. 637807
>>637605For once, she contoured her nose straight down instead of along her nose shape.
Finally, it would always accentuate her unfortunate turtle nose.
No. 637810
File: 1549575554046.jpeg (575.38 KB, 2048x2048, 13C7792D-182D-467D-8C24-24EA54…)

Mariah should cosplay the giant baby from Spirited Away – they already have the same big, blobby body and comparatively small feet. The only difference is Moo’s tiny head.
No. 637816
File: 1549577049003.jpg (7.69 KB, 275x183, praying-happy.jpg)

>>637798bless you for this blessing
No. 637818
File: 1549577172852.png (551.65 KB, 720x1193, Screenshot_2019-02-07-14-05-01…)

No. 637822
>>637803I love how shes reposting all this old shit. Really trying to get back into the "im a legit cosplayer my guys" frame of mind. She keeps reposting all these old cosplays she did months and years ago. And theyre still all terrible hack jobs lol. Just keep getting naked. Its all youre good for and literally the only fanbase you have left.
She cant really get back into the cosplay scene with her body positivity or her trying to be a mentor for "cosplay at all sizes and color" She had that angle and just burned that bridge to the ground.
You can tell she really doesnt want to be a cam girl lol. She wanted the shock value because her career took off with being the thicc lewd girl but now its just sad.
No. 637832
File: 1549579351067.png (390.53 KB, 1190x744, 1495151248761.png)

>>637803We will never forget gohoe
No. 637833
>>637795I see those Skype acting classes went well.
>>637832Still the stuff of nightmares.
No. 637841
File: 1549583370138.png (607.08 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2019-02-07-15-46-55…)

No. 637842
>>637841bitch your mental illness is not an issue
your shitty selfish personality is
No. 637847
>>637788>>637798These are the early favorites for the next thread header. Big thanks to both contributors.
>>637841 I'm not sure what this is, or where it originated from. But I think it's inconsiderate on Moo's behalf to make light of chemically imbalanced people. Second, does this mean she has "vendetta's" (Moo's spelling) against the people who stood up to her and exposed her for what she is? I feel like she's becoming one of those over the top wacky supervillains from cartoons and comics.
No. 637850
>>637762>>637731You're both autists. Her being a minor at the time has nothing to do with it, there's tons of proof that she really did have a reduction as a teen. We've all seen the before and after photos and even with weight gain, implants don't end up looking like moo's saggy flapjacks.
At this point she would benefit from a lift though. Her breasts have absolutely no volume. Maybe she'll get one when she goes in for her next round of celery-fueled lipo.
No. 637855
File: 1549588029665.png (715.03 KB, 720x1196, Screenshot_2019-02-07-17-01-49…)

>be Moo
>just posted a bunch of instastories calling out a car decal shop for using costhot images for weeb stickers
GuYs HoW dO I CaRwRaP????
No. 637857
File: 1549588386081.png (966.55 KB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2019-02-07-17-09-48…)

No. 637858
File: 1549588448406.png (766.21 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2019-02-07-17-09-58…)

>"omg lewk at des aheegow lens!"
No. 637868
>>637857She might want to wash it since Moo has a bad habit of wearing dirty wigs for decades.
>>637863Right up her alley then.
No. 637873
File: 1549592665708.png (1.06 MB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2019-02-07-18-21-37…)

Moo made this salmon toast shit for her twice today…
No. 637876
File: 1549592795161.png (1.26 MB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2019-02-07-18-25-34…)

No. 637914
File: 1549597646536.png (1.01 MB, 720x1193, Screenshot_2019-02-07-19-44-06…)

No. 637921
>>637915 Tripod-san and her stupid folding screen are back.
Didn't we just witness this exact same pose and look of defeat on her face in the Tifa images?
I thought this girl said she's a model. Where's the actual modeling?
No. 637924
File: 1549598387182.jpg (116.77 KB, 372x373, hottopic.jpg)

>>637876I love how fake deep "sensei" is
No. 637926
File: 1549598690198.gif (925.16 KB, 337x600, 88D967B3-709C-425A-ABB7-A8540E…)

what you see at the foot of your bed when you have sleep paralysis
No. 637945
File: 1549602800104.jpeg (932.32 KB, 1125x1571, 806B4F26-3674-4998-9247-9F01C9…)

Jesus Christ those rolls… also idk if this is a nitpick but those lenses are way too yellow for Tamamo. Tama’s eyes are way more golden and not as in your face as those. I think these lenses just make her look even creepier looking.
No. 637947
File: 1549603177761.jpeg (55.37 KB, 1125x180, 882B1ABE-15A8-40F9-83EF-3F2267…)

>>637915My favorite comment on this post. It got me good
No. 637952
File: 1549603485660.png (230.11 KB, 720x381, Screenshot_2019-02-07-21-19-21…)

O k
No. 637956
>>637954I forgot to mention this a long time ago but I'm pretty sure she's using a tripod because Squarecuck had his laptop out of commission for a month, it seemed. He also lives out of state so with no laptop there'd be no reason of either of them to move to where the other is.
A tripod seems logical. She did a instastory where Vamps was taking selfies in the bathroom and no one was moving around. No shadows on the walls nor flash indicating a setup with a photog. Roxy was there at the time but the girl on the ~mysterious girlonthemoonpro~ account was NOT Roxy and Roxy was not in the instastory.
>>637955S'what happens when you buy a eBay account with jacked servants.
No. 637966
File: 1549605967346.png (855.79 KB, 720x1177, Screenshot_2019-02-07-22-01-37…)

No. 637967
>>637945 A couple of things about these photos:
The photo to our left is showing an overabundance of smoothing along her armpit and breast area. I would imagine that she tried to work on her back rolls as well, but eventually settled for minimizing them, as opposed to outright removing them.
The photo to our right is even more hysterical. She looks like she got walloped in the eye, and has a big shiner to show for it.
No. 637974
File: 1549606338805.png (1000.92 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2019-02-07-22-07-45…)

>take obvious shots with a tripod
No. 637978
>>637974 Photographers, anon! She actually had the nerve to use a plural!
Must be Tripod-san and his half-brother Polaroid Jones.
No. 637998
>>637974I know these are basically known facts at this point but this is pretty telling.
1. She definitely checks this place daily if not hourly
2. She's really fucking desperate to prove she doesn't use a tripod.
My one wish would be for that $50 video to get spread around. She needs to be held accountable by the people she robbed. The audacity to think the product she puts out is good enough to charge that and then blatantly lie to justify it.
No. 638001
>>638000Nice trips
For real though. She's going out of her way to bring up having "photographers" in stories without saying names. If she had a name she'd be name dropping. If there was actually a photographer they would be featured in no less than 5 IG stories just to prove she's not using a tripod. She's not capable of resisting throwing that kind of information in our faces. Even now with her trying to pimp out her little bts account, if there was a photographer that would be prime bts content.
No. 638005
>>637998 I just want to add some context by including older posts from the top of the thread where she tries to justify her Patreon rates by stating she pays her photographers well, for those who need to be reminded. It angers me on a level that's similar to the way I felt when she blamed ADHD for her invasive actions, made the shittiest apology video ever, and immediately created an IG story to act like she was some badass hotshot bitch.
Anyhow, here's the incriminating proof that she pays her "photographers" well, meaning there's probably a Salvation Army bucket hanging from Tripod-san that she drops coins into after every shoot.
>>634075>>634077>>634079 (This one is the most incriminating)
No. 638009
>>637073>>637075I feel like these are also good context for how she talks about and characterizes girlonthemoonpro. A "sweet, shy girl" who is "just starting out" but "good at quick shoots and edits" but "doesn't want to be involved publicly" so they "made a Instagram so they could give a credit" (linguistics major) to her.
Just in case she contradicts herself on any of these points. I'm sure she will try to find somebody to pose as girlonthemoonpro at some point in the future in the hopes of "that'll show em" much like she did when she had her post an Instagram story right after we called her out initially. Once she tries to put a real face to the name it'll be easy enough to poke holes in the story.
No. 638012
>>638009Thanks for the additional firepower, anon.
Remember, everyone. The girl who magically popped up in an Instagram story the very same day speculation began on the validity of girlonthemoonpro can be seen on this post:
>>628792Some anons have said she bears a similarity to Mariah's younger cousin, who's set to graduate in 2021. That would place her between the age of 14-17. So if this actually
is Mariah's photographer, then she's underage, and Mariah is exposing herself to a minor. Not to mention that Mariah usually does her shoots late at night, and this girl would theoretically have school the next morning 5 out of the 7 days in a week.
By the way, I tried to ask a question when the IG story on the girlonthemoonpro account was active, and it wouldn't let you ask it. That's because Mariah recorded someone else's story, and tried to pass it off as a legitimate offering.
No. 638014
File: 1549619112044.png (Spoiler Image,740.1 KB, 750x750, post_file (15).png)

No. 638038
>>638012It would be really fucking gross if it was her cousin taking those gross photos of Mariah. Even more so because she's underage, but who even does that? "Lemme spread eagle with my nips hanging out so my cousin can get a good photo of my pussy."
Honestly though, I wouldn't put it past Mariah. I still think that tripod-san is the photographer but this would still be up Moo's alley.
No. 638045
File: 1549633265599.png (752.87 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2019-02-08-05-35-28…)

Sensei isnt home, time to scream about your buttplug and dance in a sushi bar
No. 638056
>>634900that would be blogging, any mention of "she fat" in a post and the poster is banned.
>>634992it kills me that she won't look after this bonsai.
>>637699this would make a great next thread pic, I vote this already!
No. 638061
>>638045She seriously looks like someone's old ass granny here.
>>638009I hope she does try to get someone to pose as girlonthemoonpro. It might be hard for her to find someone to do that for her because anyone associated with her will be put on the spot and hit with a ton of questions. They'll also be googled, harassed and in the end will end up cutting ties with her. I think Moo will end up slipping up though cause she's dumb as fuck with no ounce of cleverness.
No. 638065
>>637954iirc she wanted the pochaco workout vid to be sort of "home made"? That's definitely a tripod shot video, no question about it. When she was talking about the photographer's fees she would have been talking about hundreds and thousands of extra photos that come with the $50 tier
>>638001ot but trips are common here anon, this isn't halfchan
>>638027thank you anon, guess this case is closed.
No. 638070
>>638056It's any poster who posts solely to call her fat. Everyone knows she's fat and last time I checked Lolcow doesn't have a large community of blind people who need to have every pound momo gains documented in text for them to listen to.
Momo's threads were 70% of people going "WoW sHe Is So FaT" over and over again, they were quite unreadable and impossible to catch up on. Momo is a lolcow not because of how fat she is but because of her delusions, scammy tactics, autistic screeching and her snarky "epic takedowns" of meanies.
No. 638073
>>638071It's her lies about random shit that no one cares about that makes people not believe her about anything.
Speaking of which, wasn't she supposed to start school a month ago?
No. 638075
>>638071It's the same thing she did with her lipo. People wouldn't have been so pressed had she just been open about it, but she just HAD to lie and flex over it and then she dug herself into a hole.
Once a compulsive liar, always a compulsive liar. Can't wait to see it bite her in her pancake ass.
No. 638086
File: 1549645059289.gif (862.52 KB, 196x168, eyeroll.gif)

>>637513Rolling her eyes in the middle of the set and leaving it in was the cherry on top for me. It's almost as if she realized what she's doing looks terrible
No. 638090
>>638070not true, I made a comment in the last thread like "she looks bigger at this angle" or something, but that was a seperate part of my actual comment. Guess it's for the better though?
>>638086yeah exactly, not just this but the fact that she couldn't even be bothered pretending that she was a) in character (exhausted, focused) or b) enjoying it and trying to look sexy/seductive? That gif is a perfect example, she just looks bored and uncomfortable, exactly how I felt watching that actually.
No. 638093
File: 1549647645100.png (696.09 KB, 697x635, hireshand.png)

>>638027Here's a close-up of the hand in higher res. Don't think a remote is visible. Not discounting the possibility that she used a tripod and timer shot on the camera, or even that there may be a remote, just saying that what I think that you think you see is actually the shadow of her hand in one of her many LoL wUt dO i Do wItH mY hANDs poses
No. 638105
>>638071She might be embarrassed that she can’t get any local photographers to work with her. She wants to portray herself as this successful, popular, professional cosplay model who has companies beating down her door to sponsor her, yet she’s doing photoshoots by herself in her messy living room like an amateur. It doesn’t fit the narrative she’s pushing.
Telling the truth would be so much easier and might make her more relatable but her first instinct is always to lie and pretend to be more successful than she is. Same with the college thing. Nobody would’ve cared that she’s not in college at the moment but no, she had to one-up someone she was arguing with, and from that point on she was stuck with that lie. She brings it all on herself by being a dumb braggart and that’s what makes it so funny.
No. 638108
File: 1549653797542.png (767.23 KB, 700x700, moo.png)

No. 638112
>>638108next thread pic pls
>>638093thanks for finally putting this to rest. the more truly false accusations there are, the weaker the rest look.
No. 638113
>>638086It's like we're getting a true glimpse into her personality for this split second. No made up stories, no over exaggerated smiles or positive attitudes. Just the Moo we all know is there behind the bullshit.
She looks either pissed/embarrassed at herself, or pissed that she has to do this in the first place. Hell, who am I kidding, it's probably both!
No. 638114
File: 1549656645701.jpg (Spoiler Image,529.87 KB, 1080x1080, Hard-Off.jpg)

Everytime shes bare chested with pasties, this album art is all I can think off.
No. 638117
>>638071She's trying to hide the fact that every person with at least a speck of decency doesn't want to associate with her anymore because the evidence that she's a bad person have piled up so much that it's impossible to ignore. Everywhere her name shows up, people will bring up the dirt about her.
I wonder how she feels going from thicc cosplay lewd otaku queen with connections to washed out fat laughingstock.
No. 638131
>>638108I love this. Next thread pic plsssss. Perfect meme photo too.
>>638086This is hilarious. It’s like she had a moment of clarity of “i really should have stayed in school”. A split second of the real Mariah.
No. 638133
>>637704ot but i freakin love Dexter's lab and this reaction gif is a blessing.
>>637699I don't know on what planet she thinks this is sexy. It's insane she wants neckbeards to pay $50 for this shit.
No. 638161
File: 1549669246099.jpg (Spoiler Image,305.8 KB, 720x1121, 20190208_164007.jpg)

Fully committed to the lie at this point.
No. 638169
File: 1549670310508.png (257.92 KB, 524x572, feckingkek.png)

>>638161wut? tiny face shoop is back I guess. Fucking lol at the background perspective too, girl is taking photoshop/photography lessons from ol' vicky shingles.
>>638167Looks like it to me.
No. 638174
File: 1549671322043.png (549.89 KB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2019-02-08-16-12-43…)

Has to be a tripod
No. 638176
>>638174 It's such a low quality shot, too. It's reminiscent of an escort who advertises on Craigslist.
Instead of coming clean about using Tripod-san, Mariah would rather sabotage the career of her imaginary friend by posting these horrific images.
I've seen better lighting in the automotive aisle at Big Lots. This is absolutely astonishing.
No. 638182
File: 1549673145272.png (100.4 KB, 720x647, Screenshot_2019-02-08-16-43-08…)

Noticed that girlonthemoonpro unfollowed this account. Anyone recognize this person? Might be a clue as to who it is
No. 638183
>>638174It seems so funny to me, the fact that she thinks that a wig, shitty makeup and unaccurate colored contacts make her Tamamo? Im in no way a Fate fan, but it seems insulting even.
What pleasure could she obtain by literaly sexualizing everything that moves?
No. 638187
>>638182 I don't recognize the guy, but I noticed that account stopped following this person. Couldn't remember the name, so thank goodness for this screenshot you've provided.
I'd probably piss myself laughing if he had a good scoop on the legitimacy of that account.
No. 638198
File: 1549676209589.png (28.31 KB, 360x279, 54676264c0072caf9e66fae0e2b8d0…)

>>638182Someone on kiwi posted this screenshot 1 day ago (2/7/2019 11:40PM) of girlonthemoonpro's followers, right before hammoncito unfollowed the account. It's best to use this screenshot as a reference to keep track of all of the accounts it'll mysteriously unfollow and follow.
No. 638221
File: 1549679793408.jpg (178.51 KB, 720x1227, 20190208_193338.jpg)

>>638198 Quick update:
She's following Emily now.
has to be the one behind the curtain.
No. 638227
>>638108This is high art anon wtf
Next thread pic for sure
>>638086Hate to agree with
>>638175 but she does look like shes adjusting her contacts more than rolling her eyes
She's not self aware enough to realise what she's doing is stupid, she genuinely thinks she's sexy
>>638174Her arm looks so ridiculously short in this, like obviously so that it kind of proves she has no photog. No photog worth their salt would let her pose like that and keep their name on it.
No. 638244
>>638239I agree.
This isn't the only time she rolls her eyes in the video either. I'd understand if it were to fix her contacts but she looks thoroughly annoyed throughout which is a really unprofessional look for an already poorly made video that you're charging a nice amount of money to see. Bitch is just tacky.
No. 638262
File: 1549686828098.jpg (491.4 KB, 1080x2220, 20190208_213305.jpg)

What is even going on here
No. 638263
>>638262Boobs usually start from the armpit. It's probably left over fat from reduction where scar tissue is underneath, so it's fatty like that and perhaps from lipo on the abdomen so the farther back it also rolled.
But in general just looks like normal fatty armpit boob skin.
No. 638272
File: 1549688548935.png (790.74 KB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2019-02-08-20-55-35…)

>>638182Is this dude him? I just noticed
No. 638274
>>638263>>638262Thats the start of her back wings. She has a weird fat distribution from scars and getting all of the fat sucked out of her sides so now the fat lives in her back and saggy boobs and drapes over her torso like a retracted foreskin.
idk if I'd call it normal.
No. 638275
File: 1549688752435.jpg (334.51 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190208-220220_Ins…)

This is a close up from an IG video featuring Mariah singing.
Caption this.
No. 638276
File: 1549688788078.png (1.01 MB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2019-02-08-20-50-05…)

No. 638277
File: 1549688842347.png (836.28 KB, 720x992, Screenshot_2019-02-08-20-57-18…)

>>638276A super shooped photo her hairdresser posted
No. 638278
>>638276>>638275Vamp and Moo have faces that only nursing homes could love.
>>638272Looks like the same retarded hair and tacky appearance.
No. 638285
>>638275When you feelin powerless but there's no cosplayers around to sexually assault
>>638277Even in this heavily manipulated image it's patchy and yellow-ish. I don't know why the girl even posted it
No. 638287
File: 1549689914843.png (1.04 MB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2019-02-08-21-20-33…)

No. 638288
>>638287What the FUCK kind of soju is that? Does this idiot mean makgeolli? Even then you don't take shots of it, you just drink it.
For wanting to fuck someone named Korean BBQ, she sure doesn't know her Korean alcohols.
No. 638290
>>638289How fantastically horrible, sounds right up their alley. There are so many other Korean drinks to be ingested.
She really is showing up once Sensei is out of the room, what happened to #healthylife with celery juice?
No. 638293
File: 1549690661583.png (940.83 KB, 720x1190, Screenshot_2019-02-08-21-32-58…)

No. 638294
File: 1549690715353.png (742.67 KB, 720x1195, Screenshot_2019-02-08-21-34-35…)

>when the house smells like hotdog water and you wanna go home
No. 638296
File: 1549691584637.gif (6.27 MB, 320x240, 1517103442431.gif)

>>638277The ends look so dead. Does everyone around Moo catch her idiocy? Because it sure seems like no one who's around her has any more idea than she does of what is and isn't a good idea to post to promote themselves and their skills.
No. 638297
>>638294Aly, the one who looks and is shaped like a man. She fits right into that crew of ugly.
>>638290We knew the celery juice bullshit wouldn't last for long. Like everything that Mariah does with the exception of lying, her promises and obsessions last for a few days. Remember when she did the same thing with coconut water and hummus?
No. 638306
File: 1549692654295.jpg (351.51 KB, 720x994, 20190208_230703.jpg)

I'm uploading this here, instead of putting it in the calves thread, because it's relevant to the fake photographer ordeal.
I think Emilyrexz inadvertently revealed the existence of Tripod-san in her most recent Instagram post. Check out the leg to the right. Thought it was for a reflective screen at first, but based on the angle, we would have at least seen the corner or the edge of the screen.
No. 638312
>>638309 You may be right. Just did a Google search, and several ring lights have an identical bar which goes horizontally across the bottom.
My apologies, everyone. Thought I officially cracked the case for a second there.
No. 638323
File: 1549697895049.png (856.04 KB, 720x1002, Screenshot_2019-02-08-23-21-24…)

No. 638326
File: 1549698202952.png (813.25 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2019-02-08-23-40-06…)

Tenderbroembrace lying in between Moos legs
No. 638327
File: 1549698248865.png (481.54 KB, 720x1207, Screenshot_2019-02-08-23-40-30…)

No. 638330
File: 1549698459786.png (763.27 KB, 720x1039, Screenshot_2019-02-08-23-45-39…)

No. 638331
>>638330 The Quiet wig was recycled a lot faster than I would have anticipated.
What the hell is this nonsense anyway? Is this some Tuesday afternoon at an airport strip club cosplay or some shit?
No. 638334
>>638326Nothing like bonding with someone who copied and has been outed for multiple sexual assaults.
Apologies and no behavioral changes really do work wonders!
No. 638362
File: 1549717298373.png (6.49 MB, 1242x2208, 8BCCD1E3-4FCC-4E35-969B-1F3E68…)

This is the entryway to her house… Damn bitch u rly live like this
No. 638381
>>638362Bless, look at those "friends". Must be fun being buddies with a sexual predator.
>>638367I know right? Oh wait it's actually Moo lmao how pathetic. She's back to using Cucknoodles, she's taking a break from her hard work.
No. 638408
>>638388This is my thinking. No matter what the truth is, it’s still pathetic on Mariah’s part. Either she can’t get anyone to photograph her on a constant basis anymore, so she just does it. Or she can only find some amataur rando who is really bad at whatever they’re trying to do.
The years of her bragging about he connections and all of these super famous photographers just lining up to shoot her are done and over with. She may still make a sizable income from scamming her pathetic fanbase, but no one with any actual sway in the community wants her
No. 638410
File: 1549730231126.png (1.09 MB, 720x1184, Screenshot_2019-02-09-08-32-15…)

No. 638412
File: 1549730432300.png (1.18 MB, 720x1202, Screenshot_2019-02-09-08-33-07…)

No. 638413
>>638396I think it has more to do about keeping a professional appeareance, a way to justify was she charges in her patreon, she's so cheap in everything she does, ranging from her cosplays to her videos, angles, everything is so cheap and poorly done, she just wants to justify all of them by totally hiring a pro photographer
Seriously, there a lot of free courses to be a decent photographer, and to edit good videos, she doesn't have to leave her cave to learn something, but we all know how lazy she is
No. 638416
>>638410"inspired by" so we're going to do the whole MyOppa thing again huh, Moo?
>>638413This is what I think too. She's not admitting it cause she knows that fans will feel ripped off and leave for the lack of professional photos. But it's her own fault (and theirs) for overcharging them anyway.
No. 638425
File: 1549732429313.png (833.19 KB, 720x1032, Screenshot_2019-02-09-09-09-12…)

>>638416>>638417It looks really close. Wanna take bets on if she tags them in her actual post?
No. 638431
>>638430It's funny cause one of the pieces of evidence used against her at that time was tenderbrodummy who's over there with Moo while this is going on. So her friends have
no qualms about the retarded, inconsiderate, selfish bullshit that Mariah does.
No. 638435
>>638425I mean the dumb broad “tagged” myoppa too before people caught on. And by tag I mean she just posted the name, didn’t @ them or anything.
I hope someone says something
No. 638458
>>638277This hair dresser is a joke. We have unfiltered moo hair photos and the hairdressing job she did is utter shit.
>>638161>>638169is this the new woll smith?
No. 638463
>>638425His howl looks great.
>>638428I love that there is a deep and touching backstory to this as well. It makes it even more disgusting and vile that Moo wants to blatantly steal this design.. wtf
No. 638464
File: 1549742186418.png (1.12 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190209-195014 (1)…)

Just when we were thinking Twin wouldn't approve of the blatant copying of the Howl cosplay, this is actually in their IG story from around 9 hours ago.
Absolutely brainless unfortunately.
No. 638493
>>638464Trying to be nice and supportive it seems. I'm sure some ween or genuinely concerned individual will let them know all about her soon enough, doubly if Moo is dumb enough to attempt to copy every detail like she did MyOppa.
>>638478Katsu is going to be amazing, even if she doesn't go or cowardly turtles up in her room the whole weekend.
No. 638509
File: 1549755623948.png (871.39 KB, 720x1175, Screenshot_2019-02-09-15-37-44…)

No. 638533
>>638525 It is really unusual that Mariah put more effort into decorating her bathroom than her actual living room. I'll refrain from throwing any tinfoil around, but I suspect there's more to it than meets the eye.
>>638529 This seems indicative of the account not being managed by an actual photographer. Why would Vamp block someone who offered praise on a photo? That's an irrational way of reacting. Certainly not good for business. It's becoming more and more evident that the collective of Mariah, Vamp, and possibly Roxy are the only ones who collaborate on the girlonthemoonpro account, and it's one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen.
>>638317 Those are definitely tripods. And I highly doubt Square used them or brought them along.
No. 638537
File: 1549762253172.jpg (418.38 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190209-182723_Ins…)

This is rich, coming from a woman who made the most phony apology video in the history of mankind, and who can't even own up to the fact that she's scamming her Patreon subscribers by delaying content, and pretending to pay a premium for high quality photos from an aspiring professional photographer.
No. 638539
>>638533Yup. That solves it. It’s an account they all manage and anyone who tries to follow or comment gets blocked since the only people who know about the account other than her remaining calves are from here.
Seriously. It’s like she looks to invent more ways to be pathetic.
No. 638541
>>638537Oh she can just fuck off with this “be better” bullshit. How many times has she promised to “be better” after royally fucking up and getting called out for it and giving some bullshit “apology” asking everyone to instantly forgive her and giving every fucking excuse imaginable for why it’s not her fault? How about you just shut the fuck up and actually practice what you preach and get off your moral fucking high horse for one god damn second?
I’ll bet that she’ll delete this before the day is over after constantly getting her shit thrown back in her face.
No. 638547
>>638545 That's actually a good point. With Vic's scandal generating a lot of buzz, people who know of the cosplay and convention scenes are naturally going to think of Mariah by association.
Mariah must be shitting her pants. She probably assumed she would be in everyone's good graces at Katsucon, but it's starting to look like she's about to walk into the line of fire without realizing that she's always going to be viewed as a sex offender to some degree. It doesn't matter how many times a sex offender apologizes, or seeks out rehabilitation. That label is always going to be there, and that goes for Mariah as well.
No. 638557
>>638547>she's always going to be viewed as a sex offender to some degreeExactly. She didn't even own up to it at first either, she called them liars and attention seekers which made things much, much worse for her. She apololied for molesting people, not for accusing them of lying and still hides behind excuses and likes comments by people calling them liars. She didn't mean the apology and even if she did, why would ANYONE have to forgive her? They don't and I hope never will. She doesn't deserve it.
So keep gorging yourself on food and lies, Moo. That's all you'll ever truly be known for.
No. 638558
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For some reason this looks worse than what was on CamV. The bottoms look like they cut a swimsuit in half
No. 638561
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Remember when Moo failed to take Nana's exposè seriously and didn't want to take accountability because Nana was a "liar"? DO BETTER GAIZ
>250 lbs of Moos mozzarella body fitting into Faye Valentine
No. 638562
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No. 638566
>>638561She spends so much money on buying cosplay instead of taking the time to make it. Shampoo's outfit is really simple for someone who is even on novice level. She's so beyond lazy.
Also, what is that mushroom for? dare I ask?
No. 638587
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>shampooClosser and closer every day, bois.
No. 638589
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>>638587You forget she already cosplayed shampoo, and we roasted her so hard she started wearing corsets.
No. 638613
File: 1549776191550.jpeg (123.54 KB, 635x711, B2D43F4A-8C10-46A3-971A-0F95CD…)

>>638558I hope this isn't considered nitpicking, but I really don't understand how none of her friends have told her to stop yanking up her underwear so high. It looks hideous in the back, and it doesn't give her the iusion of a waist like she thinks - it just distorts her already confusing body shape even more. You can even see how tight they are on her. I think??? that's what's happening here, not just bad shop.
No. 638626
>>637699I for one, vote this as our next cover photo.
>>638086This one is also excellent
No. 638703
>>638297She is going to blame her friends and make them feel bad for not holding her accountable when they come over and eat whatever they want because they are skinnier than her. Typical obese girl tactics. That way Moo obsolves herself of all blame and, again, can blame other people and make them feel bad about THEIR choices instead of learning actual self control. Unless she is also going to call this a 'cheat day'. I bet anything Moo didn't post everything on Instagram just so Nick couldn't catch her eating like crap. He's probably the one who bought all the celery and Moo pushed herself into it by saying 'Oh yeah I want to try tooooo'. This way she looks interested in his shit since she couldn't get laid too. Brownie points.
Moo is so readable its not even funny anymore. It's just pathetic and sad. We know how she manipulates people in small doses and at this point this must be how she's handling these two groups of people.
No. 638707
>>638509Jfc, Moo. No one does whaletail type shit anymore. It DOESNT make you look skinnier. It makes you look like trailer trash. I feel like she just does this around her friends to show she 'loves herself and I think I'm sexy as hell' when everyone else around her is literally half her size. Like a weird kind of flex. Nick must be puking inside.
>>638560Plus side, probably not getting anymore con invites because of her shit, so at least her and Vic have that in common. And if she does get an invite, 100% people will be flooding that page or convention email telling them otherwise and they will pull her like how everything got pulled for her at AX and subsequent cons.
>>638561PLEASE get the shitty satin Shampoo outfit and look like a shitty early 2000s Sailor Moon cosplayer.
No. 638708
File: 1549809317767.png (Spoiler Image,801.45 KB, 750x750, post_file (17).png)

All that and I forgot to post from her Patreon. My bad. I just woke up and woozy. Sorry.
No. 639015
I stumbled upon a screen shot of my IG in the last thread, It's crazy to see how far this nonsense has traveled across the web. I operate under the name Spicy Shrimp. Admittedly I didn't ask Jenna for permission to use her pic originally because her IG was disabled, and I don't use twitter. After a short conversation with her, telling her I printed a small amount and had only sold 2 so far, she told me to sell them( I have a screen shot of it) and then decided to lie and say she didn't say that. When she messaged a few days later and flat out said not to sell them I removed them from my shop, out of respect for someone I used to be a fan of. Her only reasoning was an out of context screen shot provided to her by everyone's favorite Cow. My thought is that she doesn't want me selling items based off of her for 6$ when she sells hers for 9$, an obviously insane markup.
Also her cuck photographer, Robbie's attitude is absolute SHIT and his instragram DMCA form didn't do a damn thing, my post is still up. I'm just not selling the design anymore.
I have not deleted ANY posts, only comments from people being excessively negative, I even left Robbie's dumb ass comment up.
The second design was discontinued MONTHS prior, and I had a % of sales deal with the cosplayer @gumiho.arts , Mariah even tagged the wrong cosplayer.
Mariah got involved through sheer need for attention. I had never spoken to her prior, and I do not follow her.
When I messaged her about it , she spoke down to me like I was a piece of shit, while at the same time, clearly felt like a moron and deleted all her posts about it.
Then a few days ago, almost a month later, she sent all these to ANOTHER "art theft" IG page, who I then spoke to and had the posts removed. It was confirmed that Mariah is the one spreading it around, which I find pathetic.
Overall, these people disappoint me, they do nothing for human society and pull in 10-20k a month. They sit on their imaginary thrones and do not use their platforms for anything but personal gain.
No. 639224
>>639015Hey dude this is an image board as much as I want to believe your story we don't have proof of your statement until we see screen caps.
We all agree with you and it's not a stretch to believe she's a piece of shit I mean many of us have been here since day one but overall we can't agree unless it's documented
No. 639464
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>>639224Sorry chief i honestly had no idea what this even was until I wandered in here.
I don’t have much else, I cut the conversation as short as possible.