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No. 654001
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
https://momokuncosplay.comFacebook: BANNED FOREVER
Patreon: & Snapchat: mariahmallad, btsmomokun (used to be xmariahmalladx), momoscats
Twitch: http://momokuncosplay.tumblr.com Stories Archive: Drive: keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own thread here
>>>/snow/644215General Costhot/Cosplayer thread over here
>>>/snow/705676Don't post irrelevant random cosplayers "roasting" her on Twitter unless there's actual new milk attached. We've seen it a million times by now.
And yes, we know about the Kik for Fat ad.
The basics:
>The original “Thicc Samus”>Has received 2+ lipo and coolsculpting sessions and in attempt to create some sort of figure, all while lying about weight loss through exercise and diet (and weight loss teas)>Is laughably bad at making own cosplays; buys and commissions 90% of her costumes and props, neglects to properly credit the commissioner or store (see: David Han/KoreanBarbq, Cookie Kabuki Cosplay, myOppa, “Waisetsu Missile” creator Taropun)>Rips off designs/ideas from smaller creators in the community then backpedals when she’s found guilty (See the myOppa Red Riding Hood drama) >Claims money is “hard earned” through her half assed, overly photoshopped sets priced at high marks; scams patrons by claiming 3-5 “teaser pictures” are exclusive when in reality they ARE the whole set and are all posted on IG>Has delusions of grandeur; beefs up certain things she does so she looks more important than she is. Isn’t above using her social media status for free convention badges or getting into “exclusive events”>Despite earning 10k+ a month through Patreon, she still ghosts conventions and begs for money>Likes to pretend to be a fan of a series, expresses warped knowledge of said series so she is in the right, gate keeps and posts spoilers despite hating it when others do so>Professional backpedaler with a lack of remorse; has lewded young characters for photosets, said she sexually assaulted multiple acquaintances due to her ADHD, makes controversial statements/rants that paint herself in a negative light, but won't accept ever being in the wrong>Preaches the false narrative of “positivity in the community” while she attacks and exiles people once they speak up against her. Surrounds herself with yes man and declares anything else a "witch hunt">Momokun has been proven to be a sexual predator, has assaulted multiple people in order to bully and assert dominance over them. Refuses to take responsibility for it, tries to pin it on her attention deficit disorder and both her and her lackey Vamp have publicly mocked her victimsRecently:
>In Japan with Vamp and her cousin. Our cow splurges on an obscene amount of figures and destroys the boxes yet again, ensuring she'll break them before they even get home>Wears a surgical mask incorrectly throughout the entire trip because she's "sick", more likely because she's breaking out. Defends how she's wearing it then immediately corrects herself>Claims she does lots of volunteer work for a job she wants but won't say what, also says she's making serious plans to move to Japan>Goes to an owl cafe and immediately says how uncomfortable she was with the animals being mistreated, but cats are fine next to industrial grade glue, paint, and candles>Her Mai, Banana Cat and Shibari Cat (?) sets are leaked. Farmers are understandably disgusted>Moo posts multiple pictures from years back at her smallest, reminiscing on the good ol' days when she weighed less than a small bovine>Gabby insinuates Moo copied another idea, and like clockwork Moo makes a post about crediting others and how "if something inspires you, giving that little tag means a lot". KBBQ who? My Oppa what?>Goes to Sensei's brother's wedding in her stupid glasses and athletic wear>Does a Pochaco shoot with Miso_Tokki featuring FULL NIP NOPS and ass pimples, releases some disgusting polaroids >Promises to shoot a topless "onsen" video if she gets to 1600 Patrons, the neckbeards come in drovesSolely posting in this thread to comment on Moo's weight will warrant a no contribution ban No. 654006
File: 1555475334049.png (Spoiler Image,556.97 KB, 589x750, post_file (35).png)

So excited for this…
Got to work with Alive Alf again! We did a Diablo x Shera x Rem lewd shoot! The shots with all three of us will be up in the $1 tier. The full shoot will be available in the $40 tier with previews in the others!
Really excited about how this shoot turned out. Our male model was perfect! We’re gonna make him a full Diablo cosplay soon as well :3
No. 654011
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No. 654012
File: 1555476455448.jpeg (Spoiler Image,106.8 KB, 589x750, 14DB3794-F128-4EEB-9ED2-4F1885…)

Messed with the brightness and filters a bit and really wish I didn’t
No. 654013
File: 1555476643889.jpeg (127.42 KB, 589x750, D80BD8D5-E777-484F-AB19-FC11EE…)

Damn she looking extra wide. Also how is like to point out how she went for stockings instead of thigh high boots. Like I know her ducking Lardy thighs can’t take boots anymore, or much of anything hence these weird pet play shoots, but she couldn’t have her valve shotbout boot covers? This entire group is just so lazy.
No. 654017
>>654013 I'm laughing at her underwear, and how they're pulled up so high, the elastic is higher than her belly button.
This poor model probably cut his own hand off after the shoot, since the holy water didn't do a good enough job of purifying that filth.
No. 654026
>>654022So she paid him and bribed him with a free shitty Diablo cosplay made by her sweat shop workers. 100 percent she also threw in a sexual favor. But watch as he respectfully declines.
You think Momo gets jealous of the other cos thots who get sexually molested on set and think "Why not me?!"
No. 654035
>>654019It's May, but pretty sure she'd fuck up the plan anyways, as she have for the past few months because of laziness, she's even ambitious enough to jam in a Ranma cosplay
>>654011 who is she trying to upstage this time?
No. 654065
Not to sound like I'm defending Moo but the thing where two anons were talking about how her ears weren't even right in the last thread was nitpicking considering the ears look accurate to the Shera ref
>>653502 No. 654073
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>>654013Her arm is rounder and meatier than her ass.
No. 654094
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lol at her holding up her skirt so she can show off her ~kawaii pantsu desu~
No. 654128
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No. 654130
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>>654128She can't get the skirt to sit where it's supposed to sit, jfc.
No. 654136
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vamp redoes her yoko, looks alright, is excited about being in a GL group (with Mariah) and then….this
No. 654146
>>654104he just got WHAT
>>654129at this point a&e gotta be trolling her by sending the smallest costumes they have in storage, in no way that skirt turned belt is flattering
No. 654191
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press x to doubt
No. 654193
>>654167I've seen Vamps do them as well
>>654128How is this a good advertisement? Yes, buy ill-fitting lingerie
No. 654205
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Welcome to Momokun LLC guys
No. 654208
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>>654128>to do some cleaning around the house of course~Bitch, we've seen the way you live. There's no way you clean your own house and don't lie to your neckbeards that you do it in cheap lingerie.
No. 654214
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No. 654218
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>>654216not to mention her full address (which I was kind enough to block out here.) Any business anons know what the perks are to her having a “business” now? is it tax breaks?
No. 654227
>>654218Primarily CYA (Cover Your Ass, literally ironic in her case). Is a Limited Liability Company (LLC)?
A limited liability company (LLC) is a corporate structure in the United States whereby the owners are not personally liable for the company's debts or liabilities. Limited liability companies are hybrid entities that combine the characteristics of a corporation with those of a partnership or sole proprietorship.
>>654221Specifically "pass through" taxes, ie owners are not taxed twice as a company and as an individual., it’s important to understand how an LLC is structured according to tax law. Unlike a corporation, LLCs are not taxed as a separate business entity. Instead, all profits and losses "pass through" the business to each member of the LLC. LLC members report profits and losses on their personal federal tax returns, just like the owners of a partnership. The business does not pay federal income taxes, although some states do apply an annual tax to LLCs.
No. 654244
>>654205 This bitch sure went through a lot of trouble just to convince everyone that she was a totes legit business woman, and not some dumbass who reactivated her Storenvy account.
Also, does this mean she's putting her "team" on her payroll?
No. 654254
>>654252Can I just say that one of the things that infuriates me the most from all her posts is that a piece of her clothing (whether it's a bra strap, a panty strap, a stocking, whatever) is ALWAYS twisted/rolled/bunched awkwardly? Or a tag is sticking up? I feel like if you're promoting products, or doing a sexy ligerie shoot or whatever, you want to look like everything is sitting flat and nicely? Every single time I see a photo, a lace or a string is ALWAYS rolled. Like she literally threw the item on, hiked it up as high as it would go and took a photo without even looking at herself.
I understand this is nitpicking, but if your sole income is from these photos, can't you just take two seconds to look in the mirror and make sure everything is sitting straight?
No. 654260
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"Diablo… harder ~"
No. 654267
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looks like she’s reading elfsan. She already has a wig she can use and elf ears, wanna bet it’s on the agenda especially since another costhot got plenty of attention for it recently?
No. 654273
>>654267Doubt she's actually reading it. More likely she saw another costhot do it, and used the first image a google search brought up
>>654269be quiet moo
No. 654282
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>>654267The full image kek
No. 654283
>>654128If that was where the garment was meant to be… wtf would the point of it even be
She has to know how hilarious this is
No. 654317
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Idk where anon or moo found that cause it's definitely not real
No. 654331
>>654317I just googled "elf san thunder" to prove right what
>>654273 said. The original pic makes sense thanks
No. 654341
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She's back to pretending she's into her purchased Fate account yet again.
No. 654347
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Back to pretending that she gives a crap about that account.
No. 654357
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No. 654358
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No. 654361
>>654358 This actually looks like a nutsack isn't getting any circulation because the banana hammock is six sizes too small.
She must have a terminal form of a yeast infection.
No. 654367
>>654227I’m really confused as to why she has the PO Box listed as her RA. Typically, Registered Agents are there to accept business documents on your behalf. It’s common to have your attorney be your registered agent, or perhaps another arm of your business. Even you yourself can act as your own Registered Agent, but it’s not something you’d advise. One thing that RAs do especially is to accept any summons (lawsuits) that come your way.
What I don’t understand is how/why moo would list an PO Box as her registered agent… if she were served with any lawsuit, the process server would go to the PO Box first I think. Only to drop…it off there? I don’t even know how that would work. If moo’s company ever gets served I’m not even sure how the process server would deliver the court summons.
No. 654376
>>654173Momo might be scared to give her real measurements to anyone. But I doubt A&E will "expose" Momo. It would be better to send in her real measurements so when she photoshops herself skinnier it will be more believable.
that or you guys are right and Momo still thinks she's a size medium thic girl. Would explain why nothing has fit her since she was down at 160 pounds
No. 654396
>>654389Right… we’re not going to spoon feed your fetish.
Control + F the threads since you’re too lazy to read them.
No. 654420
>>654358"I don't do porn my dudes" well you sure are close with that lovely view, and having your nip nops on full display.
Nip nops has now become part of my vocabulary. Thanks anon
No. 654457
>>654442 That's just a bunch of hot garbage Mariah tried to sell to the public while attempting to pull her Muslim/POC card for social justice points, or to refrain from immediately giving the neckbeards the nude content they want.
Her family hasn't disavowed her by now. Dad went to a con in Portland with her. Mom leaves likes and comments on her raunchy IG posts. Her cousin isn't prohibited from hanging out or traveling with her due to any ethical/religious factors.
If anything, her parents probably don't see her as anything but a provocateur. That's why her mom was supposedly involved with the "managerial" stuff at one point. Once this gravy train derails, they'll have to deal with Mariah being an even more insufferable cunt than she already is once she's limited to working class jobs and schooling options that are more viable than Skype theater classes.
No. 654476
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>Vamp is teasing Moo by calling her Eeyore, while Moo stands around looking like a busted jackass
No. 654477
>>654476 Samefag. Now compare this to
>>654128 and brighten your day with a good laugh.
No. 654479
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Vamp called her a depressed donkey. Guess this is what happens when a lover's quarrel gets messy.
No. 654513
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Reading some bs, sensei probably gave her, on her live and she looks ROUGH
No. 654534
>>654533How come people come here to call
us the incels when we aren’t the ones throwing money at some whale is hopes one day we’ll see a full blown saggy veined tit? Tossing cash to this cow and then defending her from her meanie hatuuurrz is the TRUE incel shit
No. 654539
>>654536Because talking shit takes all of five minutes?
Also that’s not a rebuttal. An incel is an involuntary celibate.
You can call us assholes or something but incel is not accurate. You could also be reading a book instead of defending a fat bitch that isn’t gonna fuck you. Since you are involuntarily celibate
No. 654553
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>>654549>>654552>Making violent threats against people gossiping on an anonymous imageboard while staying anonymous.And we're the cowards.
No. 654557
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🥴 yikes
No. 654558
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"Dont do nude or Male models." Even though she just did, and she wants to do pastieless Hinata. Ohhhh the contradictions.
No. 654560
>>654558lol, $2500 for 4 hours? No wonder no one cares to hire her, aside her lapdog vamps coming in here defending her as usual, she's delusional.
Then again, she does get cuck bucks.
No. 654563
Come on, now.
2500 dollars? For what skills? Do YOU have a diverse portfolio outside of "lewd cosplay" shots that are shopped to shit? Do you go to different photogs with concepts and make extensive shoots that aren't self serving piles of shit? Do you style, take photos or just help in a production of a shoot? Did you go out of your way for actual modeling jobs aside from Instagram promos with lingerie that doesn't fit? What side gigs have you done that warrants 2500 dollars for 4 HOURS? Come on.
No. 654565
>>654558So she's charging a little over $2.23 per pound per hour (assuming she's 280 lbs). That's kind of a value, especially if you are looking to really challenge your photoshop skills, create good quality horror material, and are an ana-chan looking for purge material.
Ahh good ol' Moo, truly the Great Value brand of low tier costhots.
No. 654577
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Def going to try to copy bishoujomom. She keeps going on about thick elfs. Jfc. Get youre own shit Moo.
No. 654578
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>>654577"Full spread pocacho"
No. 654591
>>654558“I don’t do nude photography”
Even though you just promised “full nip nops” to your patrons for reaching a certain goal. Way to out your scam you do dumb bitch.
No. 654597
>>654558 Mariah thinks she's worth $625 an hour ($2,500 for 4 hours). Even high end prostitutes charge less per hour, and at least their clients actually get to do some fucking and see some nudity.
I'm not home to do any digging at the moment, but a few threads ago, someone was trying to get her to explain and break down her Patreon rates around the time of her Pocacho exercise video. And if I remember correctly, she said she paid $600
FOR photography (even though she uses Tripod-san). So who in the hell would pay her $2,500 for 4 hours?
Delusional bitch is delusional.
No. 654598
>>654597 Doublepost.
Answered my own question.
>>634075 >>634077
>>634080 >>634082 for additional context.
No. 654603
>>654577This has nothing to do with BishojoMom. If she does the fat elf comic, okay but she doesn’t own all blonde elf girls. She is def copying her in other things but not in this. Shera has been done by mainly smaller cosplayers- and better tbh.
Mariah is just making this character more into a fetishized fantasy then the show makes her- and the show is pretty rough.
No. 654606
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"Ask me something so I won't answer you"
No. 654643
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Free the Hawaiian rolls
No. 654644
>>654643lol those deflated sculpted "abs"
I can't imagine wearing such tight fitting clothes like that. You'd think with her chest wound so tightly inside of that top she'd be suffocating.
No. 654647
File: 1555716877513.png (Spoiler Image,2.33 MB, 1773x1773, PicsArt_04-19-06.33.12.png)

Insta isn't a dating app but she still uses it to be a catfish like it was one
No. 654677
>>654597She's trying to act like she's a real model. Like ones that get hired out for print ads and such. Where they basically dress you up and tell you how to pose and stuff.
Unfortunately for her, she's a terrible model who can't post worth a damn and no one would want to pay to use her. She'd be better off trading time for print, and probably could even get the rights to use the photos for patreon. She is out of her mind if she thinks people will pay her.
No. 654693
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>>654643 Her pants are so tight, it's pushing her pooch towards her crotch. Looks weird as fuck from the side.
No. 654696
could wear clothes that conceal and/or draw attention away from her gunt, but instead she chooses to wear ill-fitting athleisure. Would it fucking kill her to wear a skirt or dress that isn't a pile of satin garbage made by Antares?
I know fat girls chafe in skirts, but spanx and baby powder all exist for a reason.
No. 654701
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The comments on her latest Instagram picture are interesting. A lot of men complaining about her male model.
No. 654736
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No. 654740
>>654738Wanted to say something like that but really, there's no nice way to talk about that photo
I really see no fix for this cow
Its a dumpster fire that keeps feeding itself
No. 654745
>>654737She genuinely looks mentally disabled, it looks like a creep taking advantage of a handicapped person. Sick.
>>654738>>654740hard agree
No. 654747
>>654746LLC's only really protect you if you get sued and have to pay out or go bankrupt, you don't have to give up your personal assets to pay for it. But she literally has nothing. She maybe owns her car but she doesn't have a house or any real assets. It's not like they're going to take her broken anime figures.
Granted getting an LLC is smart for business and tax reasons but since she doesn't seem to pay taxes that doesn't matter. I think she just did it as a weird flex and 3 years too late.
No. 654762
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No. 654793
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>>654762This isn't something costhots pay attention to. They will go to a con if it's popular, their fellow that's are attending, and it means they'll be more likely to have their photo taken. The guest list doesn't matter to them unless they're also on it.
Serves you right Moo.
No. 654817
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No. 654836
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No. 654841
Wtf, besides eating without stopping, now she started to get high?, Nothing unexpected given the current body and esthetics of old
No. 654846
File: 1555818043978.gif (1.93 MB, 440x440, 1546749297782.gif)

>>654841She's never not been a stoner. She even smoked weed during her camversity streams.
No. 654852
>>654851I kinda wish people recorded her sperging the other night
>>654513It's really insane how she acts. I know she was shitty when she first started but I think she definitely had more drive when she didn't smoke. As much. I guess?
No. 654901
>>654757I really have a hard time understanding how some anons think that a proven total liar and scammer who is one of the most irresponsible people on the planet is a 100% normie solid citizen when it comes to this one thing. The only thing I can figure it that it’s moo herself or one of her calves trying to stop the conversation because it
triggers moo.
No. 654929
>>654886the worst that could happen for moo is if she gets something else in it (which i wouldnt be surprised, she'd have a shitty dealer) but in CA dispensaries are very nice, so i dont see the problem here.
funny to see anti weed anons sperging lol
>>654901i think taxes is just one of those things where you can only speculate it, you'll never really know. a lot of shit talked about is pure speculation but to some degree it fits a further point, talking about thot auditing her and patreon earnings and shit mean nothing and ultimately will never add to the discussion
until she gets to gurgma levels of retarded theres not going to be some huge trackable levels of documentation on how moo did her taxes
i also think this discussion itself is retarded, taxes take less than 2 hours and its really just about sitting down and doing them, esp if youre her age and not really paying for anything yet
No. 654964
>>654929Taxes when you're self employed are NOT easy. You don't just plug in numbers off a form like if you get a W-2. There are so many things to write off (notice how all costhots do a shoot any time they go on a trip? It's so they can write off the trip expenses) and you need to have receipts etc. Best case scenario is she throws everything at an accountant who does it all for her. Worst case is she's ignoring it hoping it goes away.
If it was anyone else I wouldn't think anything of it. But she puts EVERYTHING on social media. She'd talk about it. She'd sperg about how much you have to pay. If she was making enough that she just didn't care, she wouldn't be doing stuff like "if I get to ___ patrons I'll show nipple". I don't think she's struggling financially but she's not at a place where she can just not care about having to pay thousands in taxes.
No. 654965
>>654964 said. moo has to do self-employment taxes. they do take a while.
No. 654983
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No. 654988
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No. 655032
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No. 655048
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No. 655049
File: 1555903431784.png (1.79 MB, 1242x2208, B5063572-1D3A-430A-BE7A-AED9AB…)

Can’t wait for this shitshow. You just know she won’t go alone and will have what’s left of her crew acting as a barrier.
No. 655064
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No. 655086
>>655064The only reason why you have to grip the dick like that is because you've never seen a hard dick in your life moo
Or any dick ever
No. 655105
>>655087The IG account in question usually saves the lives after going live (she also conducted the auress and snowthesaltqueen interviews and those were available to watch and capture afterwards)
I might not be able to catch this live due to work and time zones, but some other anon might be.
No. 655182
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Sure Jan
No. 655183
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No. 655184
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>>655109momo did post about it on her instastory, when I capped it I just went to the original page instead
No. 655198
>>655185No ISDB was created for their account so no full livestreams are available, went ahead and did that today site should also save livestreams.
No. 655231
>>655222What does this even mean.
>>655230I believe you but it's easy to see it as her copying someone too given her track record. She's done so much shady shit that you can never tell when she isn't, it's just better to assume that she is.
No. 655303
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No. 655313
File: 1555982814450.png (Spoiler Image,768.22 KB, 750x563, scam1.png)

These are fake and dont NEED censoring. She knows this.
No. 655314
>>655313why do they look photoshopped……she should just pull the
trigger already
No. 655324
File: 1555983456522.png (Spoiler Image,759.65 KB, 750x563, scam3.png)

So plastic looking they dont even look real at all
No. 655328
File: 1555983594994.png (8.19 MB, 1125x2436, F90F2E40-F218-4CB3-8DCC-10714D…)

No. 655331
>>655303The fake nipples suck, sure, but the super hacked off bangs
trigger me.
>>655319She looks like Raven Sparks if she got a nose job. Only at least Raven's eyeliner doesnt look like a 3rd grader drew it on with a melted crayon.
No. 655340
File: 1555984815568.png (96.38 KB, 1440x674, 39d5fc8.png)

No. 655342
>>655326The amount of blur on this is ridiculous, her nose is fading away!
We all knew Mariah was going to do something so she didn’t have to show her actual “nip nops”. I hope her patrons get uppity about this since she blatantly scammed them… again. Moo gets away with far too much without being held accountable, even if it is over fucking nipples.
No. 655349
File: 1555986070199.png (2.41 MB, 1242x2208, 5277B19A-9C97-4B7E-AF5C-66470A…)

>>655348Then she shouldn’t have shot it yet. She did promise the other shirtless video at 1600 though so I’m waiting to see how she weasels out of that one now.
No. 655352
>>655348>>655351>>653844 Is where the offer was first mentioned, of course she would use a vague non-deadline, "end of the month," when there's still a week left in April.
Her shoot/release schedule makes less sense every month when she procrastinates this much for fresh posts and ends up putting up at least half of every shoot almost live.
No. 655357
File: 1555987612072.jpeg (440.07 KB, 640x920, 234EEA38-554D-4E80-AE63-ED9C64…)

She’s deleting comments like crazy.
Month isn’t even over girl…
No. 655360
File: 1555988000837.jpg (146.5 KB, 850x524, uXzd6d7.jpg)

>be Mariah
>leaks own nudes to "kickstart" her skinwalker career
>shows nip nops
>tries to perform on stream to millions of cucks high, ""accidentally"" shows vagina and nipples
>does this shit
The amount of mental gymnastics this bitch has to go through to salvage her career is astounding. Please continue, it's the best.
No. 655362
>>655360Even in her recent group shot thing she did with the serial killer Polaroids she showed her pepperonis.
So I don't get why she's clinging to hard to this "oop I need to make more money before I show nip nops" bullshit
No. 655373
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No. 655374
File: 1555990785717.png (957.91 KB, 720x1200, Screenshot_2019-04-22-20-32-43…)

>>655373Aly taught Moo her shitty makeup routine
No. 655378
File: 1555991863382.png (124.29 KB, 715x1017, Screenshot_2019-04-22-20-54-59…)

Both Reddits are livid lol
No. 655392
>>655313Credit where credit is due, Moo lifting the crappy routine Aly uses to beat her manly mug is a nice change from the usual.
Of course what didn't change at all was Moo's ability to shoot herself in the foot with her scams. This cow just can't stop giving milk, can she?
No. 655394
File: 1555997494366.png (Spoiler Image,668.1 KB, 620x826, post_file.png)

For 2k patrons…
I also shot a Hinata selfie set with no pasties just Incase we do hit it at the end of the month~
No. 655396
>>655394I literally thought this was a baby vomiting.
How much do you want to bet she hasn’t shot it but is trying to do damage control.
No. 655397
>>654252She has obviously shaved/waxed herself, just not 100%.
She's still grooming herself, so what's wrong with not being completely hairless?
No. 655403
>>655394Hinatas bangs are supposed to be cut straight.
I’m so confused. Like. You can buy hime cut wigs and wear them straight out of the bag. So why does it look like she cut this wigs bangs in the dark with her hands tied behind her back.
No. 655406
>>655378They have every right to be mad because she scammed them good but imagine being this desperate over seeing her "nip nops" when you can just google her full nudes and watch the stream screenshots where she's showing them off.
As for the "cosplay", why can't she be bothered to get a correct colored wig for fuckig once? She got a green hue wig for a character that obviously has a very dark purple/black with purple hue hair? This shit has been going on since the dawn of her career, is she colorblind or doesn't she just give enough fucks to browse beyond the first page of results on eBay?
No. 655413
>>655394 Tinfoil, but I thought it was unusual how she replaced her Pateeon link in her IG profile with her Storenvy link shortly after announcing her stretch goals for 1,600 and 2,000 Patreon subscribers. It's almost like she didn't want to reach those numbers, because that would mean that she'd have to follow through with the more explicit content she advertised.
Seeing her in these pasties that look like melted popsicles really makes me think she's more desperate than ever to pull off the heist of the century.
No. 655427
>>655406I think the appeal for them isn’t just seeing her nudes (they probably already have), but forcing her to finally degrade herself enough to do it. It’s the gratification of the chase and the feeling of power when they finally achieve their goal.
But that’s how she’s able to play them and they’re too blinded to even realize it
No. 655446
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No. 655481
File: 1556051580775.png (7.73 MB, 1125x2436, 9D187620-329C-4ADD-9C9C-43D4EB…)

>>655480She looks so frumpy and uninterested. If she’s doing an interview to save face you think she’d at least put on some makeup.
No. 655484
>>655481honestly, i feel like the interviewer doesn't have a lot of confidence and is being really passive about when bringing up questions or issues.
>>655482cosplay oprah said it'll be available to view on their IGTV sometime later!
No. 655485
>>655484Oh good! Thanks for the info!
She’s defecting a ton and brushing questions off as “you’d have to go after all other cosplayers”. There are a lot of comments calling her out tho so that’s refreshing.
No. 655494
>>655488Basically admitted that she did lol
It's not that hard to lie moo you do it all the time
No. 655518
>>655482 I couldn't watch this for the entire 30 minutes or so that it lasted for, but I want to comment on the lipo thing, and point out something else I caught.
The thing that makes the "80% of other cosplayers have gotten lipo" claim a total lie is that we haven't seen any other cosplayers go through drastic sudden body changes (from big to small) within a two-month frame like Mariah has. Some girls have gotten breast enlargements, but nobody blew up in weight quite like Mariah has in the past (or recently, but I don't want the mods to think that I'm solely posting to make fun of her weight).
Another thing is that she was talking about how she blamed ADHD for her actions, and went from saying she didn't have a PR person, to quickly catching herself and saying she
did have a PR person who no longer works for her. Just goes to show that she hasn't actually employed anyone with help. Otherwise, she wouldn't have had those delays with shipping out physical prints, and she would still be on Twitter.
No. 655533
>>655446is anyone really buying that these arent fake backers. even if it's not her/her orbiters they're mostly gonna be $1
She couldnt bring people in to her cam site streams what makes you think this isnt just a few really thirsty fanboys making alt accounts. she just wants people to think she's doing so well but NO ONE would actually gain 900~ patrons in a couple weeks even if they were gonna show nips.
No. 655566
>>655564This >>655565
>>655565She's about to come after you for posting here cause she's always lurking. Good on you for not being afraid of that asshole, though.
No. 655567
>>655564Interview Cosplay Oprah 6 minutes ago No. 655559
Hey y’all, I’m the one who conducted the interview today, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who keeps tabs on Momokun and posts evidence, if it weren’t for y’all I would have done this interview. That being said I tried to be neutral and professional in this interview, and ask the right questions.
Anyways, y’all are rad.
No. 655569
>>655520The chick interviewing admitted to not answering hard questions to another thot because she didn't want to scare them off. She was not organized, didn't do any real interviewing or dig at all to anything. The interview was shit, Moo actually had some good responses, and the interviewer had no idea how to rebuttle to make Moo actually spill shit.
This whole thing was a waste of time. Do not do interviews if you cannot handle actually doing dirt in favor of worrying if these cosplayers fans will come after you for showing your face.
No. 655570
>>655533Like another Patreon anon who runs their says, it is a LOT of trouble to make fake backers on Patreon and it catches on. It has a smart system that will detect shit like that used to pad your sub counts. Its not at all like buying fans for Instagram, Facebook, or for Twitter.
She's not. Men are literally this dumb and the women who support her are as well.
No. 655572
>>655570This. Incel men are the dumbest things ever. Evidence of their stupidity is them still falling for her lies after yesterday, all because she said "I plan to do it, we only have a few more patrons left to go!"
She hypes them up like a company does with a video game, only for it to be complete shit after its released. Rinse and repeat and you have her formula for the past few years.
No. 655575
>>655572Wanna bet she release them in may?
She always do this charade to hook incels for at least 2 months
No. 655586
File: 1556068619278.png (33.43 KB, 548x414, gonna leak.png)

No. 655594
>>655586So not only does it have to be 2k, they need to pay $50, and they’re probably still not getting what they want.
She’s one brave scammer. I await the blowback for this one.
No. 655596
>>655592Isn't she doing a Kefla* cosplay this month?
*Maron, Ranma, Zelda and so on and on…
No. 655599
File: 1556070334485.png (766.81 KB, 1800x1260, 72352517-2E14-4AE3-BEAA-E91F9B…)

Men are fucking gullible.
No. 655606
File: 1556070676527.jpg (371.08 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190423-184929_Ins…)

She finally hit 2k paterons, and suddenly the $50 tier is sold out. Lmfao what a scammer! Guess she can't shell out when it comes down to it.
No. 655607
File: 1556070756873.png (2.69 MB, 1800x1633, 36B14711-A67D-4D13-8B2A-840CF9…)

A huge “fuck you” to the horny idiots that bumped her up to 2k and thought pledging to her with get them nip nops. Gotta wonder how limited that “platinum tier” is.
No. 655608
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No. 655610
>>655607lmao i don't feel bad for them at all
>>655608mariah, save yourself some time and just post a pic of your tits like it doesn't have to be a theme of anything they do not care
No. 655612
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No. 655617
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No. 655618
>>655607Except she promised hundreds of people nips just for pledging…
They’re going to be leaked anyways.
No. 655621
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No. 655626
>>655617only a quick 5 minute google on the subject gave me:
>Anyone profiting from the sale of our modified image is in direct violation of our policy. The Starbucks logo is trademarked. Adding to, taking from or otherwise modifying the image is a violation of the copyright.Oops.
No. 655628
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No. 655634
File: 1556076806820.png (159.45 KB, 690x815, momo's cafe.png)

>>655617It isn't hard to find someone to redesign the logo. How cheap and lazy is she
No. 655640
'script anon here. I initially thought this would be a long interview but was kind of irked when it was "just 10 questions". It seems like The Cosplay Oprah has talked to Moo before the instalive, where Moo asked her how her family dinner at Easter went. TCO mentioned it went horribly and they laughed. I'm not saying it influenced the interview but I think it gave Moo the chance to groom the interviewer into asking "safe" questions. TCO was kind of weary of asking some hard hitting questions and even gave a "yikes" reaction to the ching chong question someone asked. Some of these other questions were wack so I'm going to skip over them.
This is not a exact transcript but just a paraphrase? I guess. 1/2
>Do you actually enjoy cosplaying or do you do it for the money?
Said she could do anything for money. Thinks if people do it for money that's okay but that's her thing to do it for the love of the fandom.
>Why do you only do lewd cosplays?
She said if that was true she could answer it but she does all kinda of cosplay. Recognizes most of her income is mostly from lewd cosplay. She does what her audience wants and what she wants.
>When did you initially do lewd cosplay? (To paraphrase second part TCO asks: Since she did big builds before, why does she still stick to lewd cosplays? Does she think doing lewd cosplays sets a precedence about her?)
When she initially did the boudoir Xmen shoot with Vamps, it gave her confidence, a "ego boost". It does make people associate her with only lewd cosplays and prefers commissioners to make "big builds" for her to be stress free. Has many jobs and wishes she had more time to sit down and focus on those things.
>TCO mentioned her commissioning and not giving credit
It's not like she didn't give credit. With myoppa: she said she saw the design, contacted her and didn't get a response so she thought the shop was "dead" so she commissioned it. Recognizes now that it was wrong, contacted my oppa and offered to pay for use of the design. Touched on how she deleted the photoset, didn't (?) donate the proceeds to her friend's wolf reservation and mentioned she was going to donate but cut herself off before she could answer fully to what. (TCO later asks a question as to why the "wolf set" was still on Patreon. Moo responded that if people saved the links or still has the set/is distributing it on the internet still it's not on her. She deleted the photoset)
>Asked about Auress Cosplay and how she feels someone like Auress looks up to her despite her bigotry.
Mentioned Auress messages her "here and there" privately. Said she doesn't take a stance on negative topics like racism and fat shaming. You can't control how fans who like you react. Compares it to Pewdipie and the shooting at the Mosque. Says it's " not my thing" to support her.
>Do you think lewding a minor character is okay?
Did Kana to poke fun at the people who get mad about it. Be smart about your decisions. Think about if it's a "right decision".
>Asked about Patreon rewards not being handled correctly
Early 2018 (changed it to 2016/2017), she said it happened but she got caught up and fixed it. She removed a tier (print tier has changed to digital)
>Asked about Anime Expo; Asked about the mocking of her victims and how she handled the situation
Denied mocking her victims. Did not handle it well, it was hard for her to acknowledge it at first and fight it. A "very interesting time frame" and it was alot. Said alot of things that were not right to say. Did have a PR person but they do not work for her anymore. She apologized many times. How can you repeatedly poke at someone and say "you did this wrong or that" over and over. (TCO agreed with her that you can't expect someone to grow if they apologized and you remind them they did wrong over and over.) Doesn't regret anything. Katsucon was hard, with a clear tension between her and other cosplayers. People took pictures, glared at her, but she said she's used to it. Says it's "the aura of the community" and "people like chasing that clout" (I think she was trying to say it was popular to make fun of her.)
>Do you regret any of your past actions in the community and why?
Doesn't regret anything. You can't change anything and just move forward. Realizes if she was more educated in the past, she could do things more correctly.
>Do you touch your friends and is that why you think it's okay to touch anybody?
Says she touches her close friends like that and grew up in a family like that. Recognizes that she can't touch anyone without consent.
>How is your experience with liposuction and fit teas?
Said it made her shit alot but it rid of her bloating. Liposuction was good but very painful. Loved the results but doesn't think everyone should do it. Alot of the cosplay models do plastic surgery but wouldn't say who or how popular of a cosplayer they were when pressed by TCO.
No. 655641
>>655640>Do you edit yourself to look bigger in photos? If so why? (I think the person meant smaller because they were both confused)Said there's multiple ways to make yourself look different with different tools and photography styles. Said she doesn't edit her photos and has her photographers do it.
>Why was your first response to the sexual assault cases to blame it on ADHD? She was trying to reason and provide a explanation for her actions. Regrets it.
>Asked why she's not on TwitterSaid the first ban was a reported tweet of threat about killing her mom and it was suspended. Second one was removed because the first ban (ban evasion). Is happy to not be on Twitter.
>Would you ever crossplay?Wanted to but can't because she has big boobs. Doesn't know how to do it. Not talented enough to do male makeup.
>What is your response to lolcow threads?Doesn't acknowledge them. Knows it's there for entertainment of anons
>How do you handle the hate?Doesn't exist to her. Just doesn't allow it to bother her. Says there's more important things to do with your time.
>Why did you have to say "ching chong" in Mei cosplay?Says she doesn't, tried to pronounce the actual Chinese phrase. Said her friend laughed because he understood she couldn't say the correct Chinese phrase.
>Why do you photoshop your photos so much?Said it comes with the industry. Said "gravure" wrong. There's a certain look she wants for her photos but she never hides her body. Tried to justify skin retouching by saying big cosplayers like Stellachu and pialoof/Kana do it. Said Squarecuck's style of retouching is the same as gravure model studio's
((**Moo is cosplaying Baiken, Pochaco and Akagi from Azure Lane. Forgot which con, sorry.))
>Did she ever address the rumors that she kicked CowbuttCrunchie's costume?Said her cape brushed over it twice and she has talked to CBC since then. CBC removed the tweets after their conversation.
>why did she gain weight? Is it for cosplay or is it just because she wants to?Likes mac n cheese too much and is not a fulltime athlete where she exercises.
>Why did she bully Nanasushibear out of the community? What is the drama about KoreanBBQ?Would not answer about Nana. Said she broke it off with David/KBBQ and now he's in the military (not in the community anymore).
>Views on Vic Mangina?Said it's wild and weird. Goku's VA called her mom due to her mom's number being leaked to harass him. Another VA tried to harass her.
No. 655647
>>655642I feel like if TCO did her research on the most basic of things she could've detected most lies she made during the interview.
I know our many, many threads is not just a hour long read but this is kind of ridiculous she claim she did research. During the interview she was shocked like she never heard of the negative reactions to Moo's shenanigans until that moment and then passed it off/agreed with Moo. David being in the military is new to me as well.
>>655644 >>655645
Sorry, it's shit. I agree, she was too chickenshit to ask real ass questions in fear of scaring her off or making her mad. I know I personally submitted some questions concerning ~Moo's Greatest Hits~ that she hasn't answered yet but none of the questions were picked.
Anyone think it was odd how before the interview date she asked for a set of questions but the day of the interview she asked again? If she knew Moo was set for 10 questions because she "had something to do" why wouldn't you write down 10 solid questions? Why not condense them the hour before and ASK THE QUESTIONS?
No. 655650
>>655647Seriously. It was literally done by someone who only cares about information GIVEN them by the people requesting who to interview. This chick didn't even know anything about Shadman until she was posting anon messages talking about Shad. She isn't active enough in this community whatsoever to think she can interview anyone.
Watching Tea Spill on YouTube doesn't suddenly make you someone capable of interviewing anyone. She looked like she wasn't even over 20. It's a kid who wants to play Talk Show Host and every single question aside from the MyOppa one, Vic, lipo, AX scandal, and ching ching were worthless. Why not ask only difficult questions when you know all anyone cares about it Moo owning up to shit and being cornered? I'm glad this chick is 'retiring' in her non-existant interviewer 'career'.
No. 655654
>>655651same, the poor girl thought this was going to be her hyped up big interview and when we didn’t like it she suddenly has to “retire”
No effort from either side but you know it’s rough when you almost feel bad for momo getting her time wasted kek
No. 655659
>>655658other anons can add in/correct me but Moo said on different platforms that he was born in Korea but didn't have an actual USA residency. He was apparently supposed to go into the military? News to me. I thought, according to her, he was hopping around for a girlfriend like
>>655642 said. If he was dead set on the military why didn't she say he was going and broke up with her?
No. 655662
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No. 655665
>>655663>>655662Shes throwing a fit about people wanting to know why she didn't do more research or call out Moo when she was caught lying. You are a part of a drama Instagram. You hyped this up like you were going to get all the REAL answers from her via messages and questions from submissions and yet nothing was prepared and she used questons submitted via live!
No one is expecting professional interviewing levels of content, but basic high school debate class shit and interviews would be even a fraction better than this mess that was done.
Moo just sat there getting choked up on only a few things because everything else was glossed over when TCO admitted to know when Moo was lying. Shit, no wonder the page has such a shit following count. This was a chance to get Moo to stop hiding behind her fake positivity bullshit every time she gets called out.
No. 655668
>>655665>>655640>>655641>>655664>>655663>>655662The most disappointing part of this interview is how most of the questions were shit we already knew the answers too. Hell even people off this site already knew the answers to thequestions. Good thing TCO is 'retiring'
Would love someone like keem to interview mariah
No. 655670
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No. 655672
>>655671There is such a creepy fucking dynamic going on within that family.
>>655664>>655662Why is she getting mad? If she wanted to be fake Oprah then she should have done her research
before the interview. Even if other people submitted the questions, what stopped her from giving rebuttals? There was nothing stopping her, she just sucked at it. And didn't she link to lcf when she announced it? She acts like a newfag to all drama.
No. 655677
File: 1556087172075.png (Spoiler Image,696.61 KB, 720x833, Screenshot_2019-04-23-23-19-45…)

Sooo I found out where she got her "inspiration" from. Thanks cuck Reddit.
Also both Reddit groups are flaming. They're pissed. I feel like this will be a crucial moment for Moos career. Shes fallen too far and will probably not recover.
No. 655687
File: 1556099458588.png (2.9 MB, 1800x1190, 885429D2-A198-4D0F-9595-E36938…)

Had to put these side by side because I lol’d. While she’s off stroking her ego (and getting high no doubt with weed paid for by her patrons) the Reddit is fuming with some talk about unsubbing and reporting her.
I honestly don’t have sympathy for them for being stupid enough to pay for her garbage to begin with and believing she’d actually follow through with something, but it is good to know that a sufficient number of them have had enough of her jerking them around.
No. 655694
File: 1556110268157.png (376.48 KB, 1146x378, Sem título.png)

Looks like the cucks are not happy at all.
yesterday was 2007
No. 655695
>>655687>I'm no fucking pay pig.ha ha ha, oh wow.
>>655674my first vibes were that she's supportive of her daughter's "lifestyle choices" because she can get gifts/money out of it, somehow.
either way, this whole thing of her liking her daughter's lewd pics is fucking gross.
No. 655698
>>655689If you mean breasts, it's all angles and squeezing them to the front. Hence why they're so red and painful looking here
>>655694It's bound to happen since most of the new ones were probably $1-$10 to get nip nops, then the second she scammed them they dropped like flies
No. 655733
>>655677110% sure these glorious nip nop photos will be nothing but a handbra/strategically placed kunai. If she even bothers to post them. From her past bullshit we know she'll first say that she needs to wait until all the transactions to clear in May and then she will conveniently "forget" to post them anywhere between 3 months to the rapture. Eagerly awating the neckbeard rage when they realize they've shelled over precious dollars from their gas station jobs for nothing.
If all her other cons and scams did nothing I hope this is the promise that really makes her pay pigs leave her.
No. 655736
File: 1556130043296.jpeg (777.68 KB, 1242x1676, 4409CB19-D913-4F77-873C-E4212D…)

More from her subreddit today.
No. 655755
>>655752Yeah, she did a few wet t-shirt streams and slipped a few other times.
It's not like she doesn't know this shit happened, she really just needs to own up to it and fucking chose a lane; this has to be a tipping point for her orbiters.
No. 655788
File: 1556139463943.png (Spoiler Image,1.42 MB, 1278x674, 1547205051610.png)

>>655752Posting these here for any neckbeards who dont want to pay for nip nops
No. 655789
File: 1556139495322.jpg (Spoiler Image,35.89 KB, 831x468, 1547204880347.jpg)

Never forget part 2
No. 655791
>>655789Oh god. All I can think of is that one meme video Peaches made “I got STD’s, they make my coochie itch. It be burnin, itchin, burnin, itchin-“
Coochie looks moldy and crusty.
No. 655792
>>655752Tits and vag.
>>655736Holy shit the math on that. If only all of her other incel fans could be this logical.
No. 655801
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No. 655802
>>655677I feel like she thought this was a brilliant idea… get guys to subscribe by saying it needs to get to 2000 patrons, but don't mention that she plans to only release it at the $50 tier. When you drop that info, make it seem "limited" so that the guys upgrade and it seems like there are limited chances when we all know she'll keep adding more.
The thing is, by not admitting upfront that it would only be available to those who pledge $50 or more, she essentially pulled a bait and switch. It seems like her "fans" are starting to realize that this is how she works and some are leaving.
If she doesn't explicitly show nipple and does a handbra or covers it with something, I think she's done. And honestly I would hope that they chargeback on her patreon since she is essentially scamming. And even if she does show it, most will drop as soon as they get what they want.
No. 655805
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No. 655810
>>655806>>655808>>655809Sorry, I thought I put context.
Yes, she is bringing art supplies to Sensei. She pulled up and said "Delivery" in a uwU voice
No. 655813
>>655802She knows the pressure is on so she is going to stall. Notice how she immediately posted a 2300 goal to do 12 sets? That was so intentional. I bet anything she'll push super hard for that goal so she can say she was "too busy" to post the set and hope her pay pigs will still be too stupid to notice or care. This will be a glorious train wreck.
Jesus, I've never seen such a hug hypocrite. She constantly posts these stories about how she's into a dozen gross fetishes and horny as fuck every second of the day, has consciously let out a few nip slips on live stream, yet she is too fucking prude to do a real topless set. With all the disgusting sexual things she's already done that are plaster all over the internet being topless is pretty tame in comparison.
No. 655821
File: 1556148221485.jpg (46.72 KB, 933x773, IMG_20190417_205754.jpg)

>>655805This is the face of a woman who is more or less financially dominating a huge group of disgusting men to see her nipples when they're already online as well as her pussy. Tragic. Y'all should be ashamed.
No. 655827
>>655801But like half of the shit that Antares has made her is like 50% card board. And what's left is cheap fabric. Meaning none of the shit, which can only be used as circus tents anyway, cannot be washed before selling and is gonna reek.
But is guess she's selling for cucks to do jackoff tributes with anyway
No. 655849
File: 1556152938462.png (519.89 KB, 549x898, Screenshot_99.png)

Shes complaining that a friend made her sick.
Also she has a new room mate moving in
No. 655852
>>655849 Placing my bet that it's her cousin Brandon. Dude looks like the type who sits around and plays Smash while high every day, without any employment aspirations.
Chances are, Mariah probably took pity on him after some family drama ensued, and offered him a place to crash. I doubt she'll move someone in that we haven't already seen by now.
No. 655864
File: 1556158809232.jpg (85.74 KB, 1080x701, Screenshot_20190424-191755_Chr…)

Moo is deleting posts that are upset about feigning the fact that she DID promote the topless set as a reward for everyone. She never ONCE mentioned it being a $50 tier reward AT ALL. Patreon WILL allow you under these circumstances to report fraud from the person on Patreon. No amount of 'you consumed other products, no refund' will stop a strike if Patreon sees fit.
No. 655878
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No. 655915
File: 1556171778403.png (640.5 KB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2019-04-24-22-53-03…)

Oh yeah guys really BUSY fulfilling those rewards! Ya know editing those photos of her nip nops
No. 655917
File: 1556172074762.png (803.7 KB, 720x1183, Screenshot_2019-04-24-22-58-44…)

>rose petals on bed leading to this weird ass altar full of carbs Moo presumably made for him
>says "when bae makes you dinner" and exclaims she's trying to fatten him up
No. 655923
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No. 655925
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No. 655927
>>655917Calling sensei bae even though Vamps said Momo would never do that to her.
That or sensei finally threw a pity fuck at her but now she thinks they are dating. KoreanBBQ 2.0
No. 655960
File: 1556207391807.png (32.9 KB, 1104x517, patreon.png)

>>655957the lowest we ever saw her go on patreon was after her sexual assault scandal, and that was hardly a blip. even if she has a significant drop in patrons she could still pull out ahead of where she was previously.
on another note, she gained over 1000 patrons and more than doubled her numbers in just a few weeks. are the empty promise of "nip nops" really enough to give that spike??
No. 655969
File: 1556209347656.png (1.29 MB, 1800x1541, 685F2824-BC2F-421E-B492-8EDBDC…)

Seen in thecosplayoprah’s IG stories. Mariah sure can pick ‘em. I guess being a sexual predator/criminal qualifies you to grab her boobs in a set. Her cucks better take note.
I don’t remember if it’s been mentioned but what is their relationship anyway?
No. 655976
>>655969yikes. can we get a better source on this? any public record?
I just sifted through dudes profiles and the vibes he gives make this kinda believable.
No. 655984
File: 1556214254001.png (4.21 MB, 1242x2208, A0C1D4CB-5021-4A14-8199-0BC4C6…)

Says she has two sets to shoot today despite “being sick”. She’ll probably skip it in favor of spinning in chairs. So sick my dudes.
No. 655987
>>655969I have no doubt that Moo probably thinks the girl deserved it. She always ends up caping for all these fuckbois who get outed as creeps. She immediately starts blaming the
victims and writes them all off as vindictive, jealous, psycho bitches. Look at what her response was when one of her photographer friends was outed as a pervert who took unknowns photos of models. It wasn’t “Report that asshole to the police and get him arrested”. Nope, it was “If you have evidence of you being a creep you should get rid of it so that it doesn’t bite you in the ass later”. She isn’t any different than any of these creepy fucks. No wonder she surrounds herself and chooses to work with these disgusting fucks.
No. 655990
>>655984Aaaaand right in schedule. You can practically set your watch to her bullshit. Anything she can to weasel her way out of this, huh?
I pray that she dumb enough to post stories of her fucking off with her friends instead of shooting or being in bed “soooooo sick my dudes”. But knowing Moo, of course she will.
No. 655992
File: 1556215293883.jpeg (183.13 KB, 1242x946, 03A83A27-5032-45AB-A23B-346058…)

>>655985They’re already anticipating that lol
Mariah should at least be somewhat aware of the fact that she’s scamming a lot more people now than she was previously and at this point they’re getting increasingly more pissed with her antics by the day.
No. 656007
File: 1556218513956.png (1.05 MB, 1094x1800, 5D30F898-4F16-41E8-A608-C0A38F…)

More from thecosplayoprah IG story.
No. 656008
File: 1556218684427.png (476.33 KB, 720x958, Screenshot_2019-04-25-11-56-55…)

No. 656011
>>655962I know it’s hard to swallow, but she isn’t.
She can buy shit for social media, but making a full new account with new payment options and pledging to herself is way too much for our lazy cow.
There are just that many gullible gross dudes.
No. 656020
>>656007She also can't use the excuse "We just hired him, he's just a model!!" when she's said MULTIPLE times she would only ever do POV shoots again with guys she has a strong connection. So she knows this dude well enough, and feels comfortable enough to do softcore porn with.
She's a fucking idiot, I hope other cosplayers leech onto this and speak up.
No. 656031
File: 1556228540704.jpg (448.25 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190425-143830_Ins…)

About 5 hours ago, Mariah made an Instastory where she's talking in a faint voice like she's on her deathbed.
>>655984Now go on her Instagram account and listen to the energy in her voice once her overpriced makeup arrived in the mail.
No. 656042
>>656031why does she buy so much makeup when she only knows how to do one eyeshadow look? she never changes up her makeup for any of her costumes, she just slaps on some contacts and calls it hinata or something.
>>656007oh the blowback from this oughta be good. i hope it gains traction and we see mariah get cancelled for, what, the fourth time? fifth? i've lost count. hopefully it sticks, with her neckbeard paypigs feeling jaded with her scamming.
No. 656044
>>656042>>656038She's been a supporter of Star for the longest time, and we already know she can't apply more than one makeup technique.
Both of you newfags are missing the point here. She's pushing all of her chips into the center of the table on her "I'm sick" bullshit that she's likely going to use to either delay or outright cancel her nip nops shoot.
No. 656057
File: 1556234209885.jpg (161.49 KB, 1225x2141, 57jbzfy76yt21.jpg)

>>656052Before she flakes on this or deletes the post
No. 656082
File: 1556238525107.png (3.52 MB, 1242x2208, 7E23933E-837A-4DDC-99C2-7DDA82…)

TCO posted this regarding the Mariah stories. I really hope this picks up. It could be this years “AX drama” come early!
No. 656089
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No. 656110
File: 1556248653054.png (1.31 MB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2019-04-25-20-16-21…)

No. 656121
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No. 656130
>>656121that desc lol. You know she’s feeling salty about all the negative feedback she’s been getting. Gotta spin that shit and recede back into that “so wuvved uwu” headspace she gets when the heats on her.
also “self deprecating as hell” meaning “please tell good thing about me. My happiness is driven by love from strangers because my life is that sad”
No. 656152
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No. 656162
File: 1556291509818.jpg (22.99 KB, 382x401, moomask.JPG)

maybe she could get this mask, tuck her jowls behind, and blend in. Lol who am I kidding
No. 656165
>>656086It's really easy to say a tier is sold out when no one can see the amount of people backing that tier. for all we know she could have 5 slots or she could have 50. she could easily just open up 2 slots at a time and is keeping it limited so the chances of the pictures spreading isnt as high.
There are tons of costhots who do nudes and have a bigger following than her and none of them saw a jump this high when they did start doing nudes so how does that make moo special. Those people can also promo on twitter and other sites whereas moo is stuck on ig since she's permabanned on twitter. The numbers just dont make sense with her small following and the fact that most of her fans know that the pics will leak no matter what since they're usually posted on her subreddit anyway.
No. 656174
File: 1556300653897.png (1.38 MB, 750x1334, D6BBCB0F-0B3D-46B5-A25A-57C1F2…)

>>656165>she could easily just open up 2 slots at a time and is keeping it limited so the chances of the pictures spreading isnt as high. Has anyone been keeping track of the total patron numbers? I'm not familiar with Patreon but I've seen graphs of patron numbers. If we look at the numbers on the days she promoted new additions to the $50 tier we'd have a better idea of how many spots were really added.
Pic related is from today so who knows which tiers dropped.
No. 656183
>>656130she doesn't feel salty at all. The girl made 20k this month because a bunch of desperate sucks wanted to jack off to her bare chest when they can get that shit free online when she was 100 pounds lighter.
What baffles me is I never seen someone as unappealing as Moo sell her body that well. But in all honesty it isn't worth it. She is hated in the anime community, is doing porn, and can now only make porn for the rest of her life.
I think she's only going to stop once she's thrown in jail for some shady shit or if her pay pigs wake up and report her paetron as a scam
No. 656194
>>656152 Imagine being one of Mariah's loyal cosplay making mice, driving a handful of hours from Cali to Vegas, and realizing that Mariah doesn't want to show up to a con she's been bragging about attending while in costume for several weeks.
Keep an eye on her page, guys. She may end up skipping the con entirely due to her fake sickness and fears of seeing people within the community face to face, but something tells me she'll attend afterparty events, kinda like how she went binge drinking at Katsucon at night.
No. 656211
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No. 656212
File: 1556314091116.png (779.08 KB, 720x1043, Screenshot_2019-04-26-14-23-31…)

>>656211Muddy ass vagina Photoshop. Just fucking shave Moo
No. 656221
File: 1556315690597.png (101.3 KB, 720x1034, Screenshot_2019-04-26-14-49-17…)

Did they an hero? Or did Moo get pissed and report them?
No. 656236
File: 1556317775230.jpg (23.76 KB, 350x350, 552689-596939-350x350[1].jpg)

>>656211how its supposed to look
No. 656248
>>656211She holds her sides to make herself look more curvy but the way she does it truly looks like she's just doing the bend and snap.
>>656221Welp, hope she comes back and says what happened.
No. 656262
File: 1556323415405.png (450.14 KB, 720x1027, Screenshot_2019-04-26-16-59-26…)

Follow up.
No. 656269
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No. 656272
File: 1556324701662.png (1.52 MB, 750x1334, 75DE66DB-74A3-488A-9A0E-90C373…)

The people she’s with
No. 656277
>>656269So when she was actually sick in Japan she didn't cover her nose. But now when she's faking it (or just having basic allergies) she covers her whole face.
Not very sly, Moo. She's trying to hide in plain sight.
No. 656282
File: 1556326052125.png (992.43 KB, 750x1334, 8017220A-F63A-4A4E-A63B-6334AE…)

I’m laughing so hard I can’t believe I’m friends with this chick and she’s proud to be with Moo
No. 656283
>>656282The GREASE on that face
"Educating" aka regurgitating wiki lines
No. 656310
File: 1556333549403.jpg (685.72 KB, 1080x1854, 20190426_195205.jpg)

Her hashtag tho. Ffs
No. 656312
File: 1556334239777.png (1.61 MB, 750x1334, 7301CBEE-F23D-4057-BB16-9A0DFB…)

Did she get her fucking badges for free
No. 656315
>>656312She always has lied about getting badges free from cons and being sponsored from companies so theirs no telling what's real and what's fictional
Cons don't really care about anything other than numbers on social media
A person I know used crowd fire to make their numbers higher.. Very little engagement at all but gets invited to cons.
It doesn't really matter to cons tbh
No. 656337
>>654737>>656211The top is digging into her neck. I can only imagine how deep those garters are under those claws. Was this by girlonthemoonpoo too bc it really looks like another tripod/timer pic.
>>654737 be known for sexual harassment, take rapey pic with dude who was convicted for attempted rape
derp face "cute gropping set" she's either intentionally "asinine" or a truly vile cunt
No. 656341
>>656318"Important" people get invited to cons for free. I put it in quotations based off what
>>656315 said about their acquaintance. But big cosplayers get invited to big cons like AX or Blizzcon and gives them a sense of self-worth.
No. 656344
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No. 656347
File: 1556342261872.jpg (375.92 KB, 1125x1846, 1531369516895.jpg)

>>656334Check the comments on the Twitter post that got Moo outed as a molester.
And if you can't find it, you can always show them Nana's statement about how Moo treats friends.
No. 656350
File: 1556343952054.png (196.49 KB, 163x713, Screenshot_2019-04-26-22-42-02…)

No. 656355
File: 1556346231517.jpeg (158.62 KB, 640x932, 9A05EE67-4937-43C6-B752-52DF8A…)

She looked like a fucking hobo surrounded by all these trash (people).
No. 656357
>>656355Her inverted knees are killing me.
>>656312I feel like she only named them as a "see I'm still popular" and to drag down companies with her.
No. 656361
>>656282I've known her for years and she's super attention thirsty and IDOLIZES mariah
She's honestly such a joke and a mini-moo in a lot of ways
No. 656392
>>656347I know this is old news, but dude, Nana bear is an idiot. After that 5am/bus/uber incident, i would have called the friendship quits. Especially someone like Moo making fun of her weight. It gets worse from there. That statement is hard to read, but nana bear stuck around to take this abuse longer than anyone should.
>>656355Haha, she can't hide!
No. 656457
>>656450Hell, I believe it. She did her usual “omg thanks for all the wuv and it was so nice meeting everyone” bullshit she does after a con. Which usually means she either never actually went or she was hated the whole time and was either asked to leave or left because even she could see how she wasn’t wanted there. Because she is so incredibly transparent and has to let everyone know how much she is loved whenever she is getting a ton of hate.
Would be nice to have tangible proof like a video or one of the con staff come out and say “Yes, she was asked to leave”. But on her reputation alone I believe that’s what happened.
No. 656463
>>656450 This is believable, despite a lack of hard evidence.
The two dudes who were cosplaying as the Ambiguously Gay Duo from SNL were constantly lifting each other up and being dumbasses in order to appease Mariah, so I'm under the impression that Mariah's entire group ruined the with their immature behavior and loud voices.
I'm sure we'll learn more throughout the weekend. If she doesn't go back to the con and pretend she's too sick or too busy, I'll have an easier time believing she was tossed out.
No. 656490
>>656455Yup. That is what made her especially easy to spot. It was rather alarming to see that many
toxic people congregate like that, tbh.
No. 656498
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No. 656507
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Lazy af casual shera at lvl up today. Like…did she trash the "original" that cat totes worked so hard on already?
No. 656515
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No. 656516
>>656507Look how totally sick she is! Hope her dumb ass loses patrons after they see how completely ill she is.
>>656515I didn't know John Travolta was into cons.
No. 656517
File: 1556403321254.jpg (1.36 MB, 1159x2045, 20190427_151244.jpg)

Cow spotted
No. 656529
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>>656517I lightened it so you can really see how big she is. Her back fat is eating that fanny pack.
No. 656539
>>656515check out all that love shes got everyone- the throngs of fans swarming her, autographs shes gotta sign, I think I see people applauding there in the background!
The bubble around her due to hotdog smell is real.
No. 656548
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No. 656556
>>656174if someone switches from a non $50 tier to the $50 tier the number wont change, though, right?
so no matter how hawkishly we watch the number I dont think it'll give us much idea
personally I believe fully that the slots are filling up and she is opening them that much. whether we like it or not there is no shortage of neckbeards who want to see her nipnops and will pay the extra solely for that, and moo is greedy so of course she will keep accepting higher tiers. she must know logically the pics are going to be leaked no matter what, so there is no logical reason for her not to cash out on the higher pledge. as must as i am willing to sub that moo is scamming or faking followers or whatever, I also fully believe there are enough desperate neckbeards that she doesn't need to lie about the $50 backers or how many slots she opens
what I don't get though in that case is why she only keeps opening '20' at a time, though this is probably indeed a marketing gimmic to get neckbeards to jump on the spots before the month is up. don't think there's much more to it, personally
No. 656557
>>656183>I never seen someone as unappealing as Moo sell her body that welljust check out mfc's top 100 or whatever it is, or the camgirl cows we have on here that have previously 'made bank'. being successful in sex work has nothing to do with looks, just appealing to desperate men's fantasies. if anything, i'd be willing to wager fatter/uglier girls make
more money on average than the good looking in shape ones, because those men see them as 'obtainable' on some level. it only seems twisted to us because we have standards and want to believe everyone else does too… but the world don't work that way
No. 656579
File: 1556417092503.webm (18.15 MB, 1048x590, interview part1.webm)
Part of 1 of the interview
Its pretty bad
No. 656581
File: 1556417859637.jpg (439.54 KB, 381x592, oI6mLxt.jpg)

>>656579TBH I can't imagine just how awful the actual cosplay would look
No. 656585
File: 1556418739004.jpg (334.72 KB, 810x1080, 20190427_223016.jpg)

In part 2, it looks like she is constantly trying to make like this cringy bedroom face at the camera and her response are also cringe. But, and sorry for the tinfoil, it also looks like she is sliding her arm further and further behind the guy in the right. She's almost making contact with him occasionally and he keeps pulling his elbow in away from her.
No. 656587
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No. 656588
File: 1556419125345.gif (1.82 MB, 426x600, CF554037-4504-4903-86F0-004041…)

>>656587a visual representation of facial expressions you make while reading momokun threads
No. 656589
>>656579>>656580She acted so trashy during the interview. It's amazing how Holly looked like a million bucks in comparison, since she was actually wearing a costume, and her interview portion seemed a lot more mature and eloquent than Mariah's word vomit (Mariah also said "tits" in part 1, because she apparently can't improvise without a Wikipedia article in front of her face).
This was so bad. You can see the regret and the second hand embarrassment on the faces of the two guys, along with Holly herself.
No. 656615
>>656585Yeah it does seem as though she started in her own area and moved over as it progressed and during that half of the video mysteriously they moved the camera in towards their faces instead
The sexy faces and her talking about feet pics Holly made this look like "Omfg this idiot"
No. 656661
File: 1556426482398.png (29.2 KB, 787x1732, yikes.png)

>>656517I know art anons aren't really popular but I had to outline to expose all of her
No. 656682
File: 1556428272386.png (1.58 MB, 1914x894, Screen Shot 2019-04-28 at 12.0…)

>>656631Even after attending countless conventions she's still painfully awkward and doesn't interview well.
No. 656689
>>656666Holy shit, anon, I didn't even remembered that interview
She was still the whole time, didn't make stupid faces, had a jaw, one chin and wrists!
Oof indeed.
No. 656733
>>656579>>656580God, she must be high as fuck here because the way she talks is just not fucking normal, why is shaking like that lmao Holy should be happy that moo was there because she looks really good and professional compared to moo, because otherwise she looks like a regular low-budget costhot as well.
Also kek at the black dude when Moo said that she wants to be a pro wrestler some day
>>656580And I know it won't happen but I would love to see this as the next thread pic
>>656631 No. 656738
File: 1556444987920.jpg (62.97 KB, 595x442, moolvl.JPG)

No. 656749
>>656455I know most of the people in that entourage and theyre mostly around for vamps and not moo
Some of them are staying at vamps place for the con and i know for sure one of them definitely wants to fuck her
Agree that theyre acting as moo's shield because of the clout
No. 656755
>>656739>>656743fuck, it is. This is seriously the low level trash that supports Moo. Him and fat women with no self esteem.
>>656742What the heck is even this pose? Well, i'm honestly surprised she as at the con. I guess others said she got a badge from someone? cuz we all know she hates paying for her own.
No. 656769
File: 1556462652646.png (2.04 MB, 1242x2208, 820BB246-5085-4CA6-B3BE-B9CB5A…)

So sick my dudes but still going to parties at bars just a few hours ago. It’s astounding that cucks will continue to let her lie to their faces when she pulls this shit. She’s too sick to do her job but she’s fine when it comes to getting shittface drunk and showing your face at an event you’re not welcome at just because you crave the negative attention.
No. 656772
File: 1556465432651.jpg (382.56 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190428_112839_com…)

I'm very sick my dudes but I'm going out of my way to get so drunk that I need to water and dance with plants at the club
No. 656797
>>656661Somehow make this apart of the next thread pic, please.
She went from the cringy, yet somewhat passable THICC Saimus.. to.. a goddamned D&D ogre in what, 3 years? That's just, insane. Anyone jealous of this behemoth needs to step back and view the trainwreck of Moo. Not just her body or looks, but her health and her future.
No. 656809
File: 1556473358465.jpg (865.88 KB, 2000x1630, tragic.jpg)

>>656772 What a very sad transformation this is.
No. 656811
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No. 656813
File: 1556474357736.jpg (513.42 KB, 2560x2240, IMG_20190428_135801.jpg)

No one else posted her story where she was "dancing" with a plant and then watering it with ice cubes. She seemed very intoxicated.
No. 656852
>>656850This was the suggestion before they implemented the pay up front option.
To do it now is a scam, because I'm pretty sure Mariah's Patreon is pay up front.
No. 656868
File: 1556486175567.png (400.37 KB, 750x1334, 9B7CD613-1FC8-4A2C-971B-6EA51A…)

Gets told by The Cosplay Oprah Auress is a racist, lewds children and has told people to kill themselves
Momokun: Does this shit
No. 656899
>>656894Or what she was advertising was out of stock, I think her latest photo was
problematic and people couldn't find it to buy which is bad for business I guess. Still, interesting.
No. 656900
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No. 656902
>>656900this bitch honestly feels no remorse for sexually assaulting others. isnt this the second time shes hidden the apology? Hope this shit spreads again.
>>656813>>656809>>656772isn't she sick? so she keeps crying she's sick, but then she goes out and get hammered drunk? mariah is such a fucking liar holy shit.
No. 656904
>>656902This isn't the first time she's done this either. She did the same song and dance at that con in Mexico where she got completely wasted off tequila shots after saying she was too ill to cosplay earlier in the day.
She can't think of a new excuse to use to save her life and it's hilarious.
No. 656912
File: 1556496395208.jpeg (677.24 KB, 1242x1301, 7D1AF0C6-894D-4FEB-BCFD-02B64A…)

The paypigs are dropping like flies
No. 656918
>>656912 Can we please stop doing this? She's still way up compared to her numbers from a month ago. So she lost about 70 people over the past week or so. Big deal. These miniscule updates would look more impactful if she lost closer to a thousand followers.
Not trying to white knight, but this shit is annoying and largely irrelevant. A leaky faucet isn't going to deplete the reservoir.
No. 656947
File: 1556503629135.png (304.08 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190428-220418.png)

Was about to say that myself. Also Punisher Skull reporting for duty lol
No. 656950
File: 1556504194076.png (129.49 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190428-221309.png)

She totally said everyone would get uncensored nips and not just 50 and 100 pledges. I've had it with her bullshit. Vamplette too. Vamp knowingly let me get her snatchchat when she knew she was getting rid of it. No refund either… Bish
No. 656951
File: 1556504311323.png (74.59 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190428-221415.png)

Proof of Punisher Skull as well. Also can someone please tell me why I was blind to her thotness?
No. 656957
File: 1556505107330.jpg (35.18 KB, 1080x380, Screenshot_20190428-193134_Chr…)

>>656955You already got blocked. Nice job.
No. 656971
>>656957 I'm glad this dumbass got blocked after exposing himself.
However, I'm also glad that he accidentally proved how frequent Moo visits the threads.
Moo, the 'c' in 'Mucinex' is soft.
No. 656985
>>656982>>656980My money is on all the extravagant trips she takes because we all know she's the one footing the bill so people will tolerate her bullshittery.
I mean she lbr bragged pretty heavily about how she blew what, 10K on that sad excuse of a music video for Umineko and all the money she wasted on those trips to Japan just to purchase and break a fair amount of figures. She's definitely not being careful with her funds and it shows.
No. 656990
>>656951Ah, more paypigs fibally googling her and finding this thread.
Please tell your brethren to stop stop giving her their money or else she’ll keep doing this to everyone forever.
No. 656997
File: 1556512867476.png (392.73 KB, 1234x2048, Screenshot_20190428-213715.png)

>>656985Speaking of extravagant trips, she put this on her stories on her btsmomokun account. Looks like they've booked their flight for another Japan trip… and she's bringing her photographer this time. kek Let's see if she'll actually do photos for real this time then.
No. 656998
>>656997surprised Miso allowed her bf alone with Moo this time, tbh
It seems like every time he's with Moo, she's suddenly there. Like, I get that they're dating but it was for little things too
No. 657000
If I were a betting man, I'd say she has us bookmarked in her phone; how insufferable it must be she annoys ol' hooknose in the wee hours of the night about these threads.
>>656991moo definitely disappeared into the night before vendors closed, that's no surprise. She hasn't bought anything worth bragging about this con, though it's too early to tell.
No. 657002
>>656997 I know she's been talking about a third trip to Japan, but I'm somewhat surprised that she's getting tickets so far in advance (granted, it's cheaper, so it's smart on her behalf).
But the elephant in the room is going to be the nip nops set. If she doesn't deliver in a way that all 1,900+ Patreon subscribers are satisfied, then she may be in a state of financial turmoil by November.
I'm saying this under the assumption that more people like Mr. Punisher icon wise up and jump ship, because the fallout from not giving people what they truly want could have an adverse impact on her income by then.
Wouldn't be surprised if we see her return to CamV to compensate for a shortage of funds sooner than later.
No. 657009
File: 1556517904284.jpg (135.71 KB, 1080x734, Screenshot_20190428-225657_Chr…)

Catching on
No. 657010
File: 1556517928726.jpg (424.24 KB, 1071x1263, Screenshot_20190428-223739_Chr…)

No. 657011
>>Nude beachesBitch PLEASE if you were seen you'd have Greenpeace trying to help you.
All that aside, yea how fucking obviously low quality bait is that? Hopefully the Patreon peeps dont take that as "I will be on a nude beach"
No. 657015
>>657010So the sets promised aren't done, huh? Shocker.
They would be complete fools to think travel plans mean anything but her typical tame hyper photoshopped photos. She can't even manage being nude in her own home for them, let alone in public. Wise up already to her scam and throw your money elsewhere.
No. 657033
>>657011She's gonna tease about nip nops and now a nude beach? I wont give her any ideas because we all know she lurks, but she's a damn liar.
>>657019Yeah, they do. Definitely huge no photography rules there.
No. 657052
>>657049She may loose like 100. Either way she still gained subs. Unless we see a huge dive on the first. But the most amazing thing would be if her pay pigs stay just to report her paetron and she loses it. I wanna see that mental breakdown so bad
"But Momo kun. We thought you were just doing this for the love of the craft"
"Fuck you guys! I wanted the money"
No. 657056
File: 1556556519039.jpg (309.49 KB, 808x1287, Screenshot_20190428-225445_Chr…)

SCAMMER. Refuses to even refund people who BUMPED their shit except for what they paid at the START of the month.
Thriws a fit and immediately blocks so cant even try to solve it. Ipped from $10 to $50. SHE ONLY GAVE A $10 REFUND.
No. 657061
File: 1556556687513.jpg (46.99 KB, 1080x378, Screenshot_20190428-231318_Pay…)

Bummped it up to $50 and she refuses to refund the $40 extra! THE STUFF ISNT EVEN RELEASED YET
No. 657064
>>657061Hey. Sorry this has happened. Fortunately, PayPal is very good with seller protection, and you can open a resolution request.
I can't believe the audacity of this bitch.
No. 657073
>>657064Agreed with this anon, get your money back!!
Also if you can post this on any social media!! This is the actual proof the community needs to see. I’d suggest even posting it on her Reddit tbh.
No. 657089
>>657056What even was the point on advertising it as a 2k patron goal if she was only sending them out to 50+ patrons?
She that thirsty for money, huh?
No. 657090
File: 1556561435649.jpg (345.25 KB, 1080x1257, Screenshot_20190428-193614_Chr…)

>>657062Anyone feel free to throw all those caps into a post. I unfortunately dont have the time and Im done with this cunt. Nothing I said was insulting either. I asked wheres my money going to when even her tier states fucking location shoot AS A REWARD.
No. 657092
>>657089Maybe? She has been retarded with money lately. She wants to go to Hawaii, booked her Japan trip, wants to go to the UK, and she paid for her friends and she pays for all the expenses.
Plus don't forget her rent, car, buying friends, food, booze, drugs, commissioning costumes. There are 1000 of other cheaper ways to get things done. But Momo seems to choose the most expensive (and stupid) way to do things
No. 657098
File: 1556562548000.jpg (495.13 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190429-111427_Chr…)

>>657090>>657095Ive even defended her in the past. This is all 100% legit
No. 657102
>>657098Well now you see all the things said about her were true after getting scammed.
>>657100They're all going to have a good time while the people who funded her cunty, nasty ass sit there waiting like cucks getting scammed.
No. 657107
File: 1556563831769.jpg (8.94 KB, 200x200, C5xwvauVAAAmhuf.jpg)

Imagine for one second that you are a big enough cuck to ever pay a woman for the chance to see her naked. Like, lmfao. Especially this one.
No. 657116
File: 1556565998309.png (Spoiler Image,254.97 KB, 527x750, 1555684755795 (2).png)

idk why i did this
No. 657124
File: 1556567139167.jpeg (558.03 KB, 750x931, F0432D3F-3BD3-46F7-9C09-908E6B…)

truly hard not to see this as bragging or bait at this point
No. 657144
File: 1556570797102.png (2.77 MB, 1800x1476, A0DDA1AC-62E7-46AA-8ACA-3E4253…)

Here’s the post she made after her FIRST Japan trip about “not being prepared” as her excuse on not delivering the promised location shoot. Saying she was going to hold herself accountable the second time around… and we all know how that went. No sets yet again. Do her cucks have the attention span of a five year old or something? What’s their excuse for not holding her accountable whenever she promises shit time and again and fails to deliver. This is why she banks on them forgetting her promises so she can continue to scam.
Bonus: when was the last time she brought up school inb4 she brings it up in an IG story after lurking here.
No. 657152
File: 1556573030152.jpg (14.87 KB, 511x78, reddit2.JPG)

>>657095a follow up to this because some of them are getting mad about this situation for sure.
No. 657196
>>657192Curious if you don’t mind me asking, why did you end up supporting her so log? Because of her looks, or because you genuinely thought she would change? And did you ever white knight her, and regret it now? (Outside of the screenshots you’ve shared)
Just trying to get in the mind of her fans because I don’t understand how you all have been supporting her this long.
We’ve known for YEARS she’s like this, yet we’ve been willfully ignored.
Either way I’m glad you’ve seen the light and now realize what she’s truly like.
Hope you get your money back.
Please share your experience with the rest of her fan base, since they won’t listen to lolcow.
No. 657199
File: 1556582040341.png (127.48 KB, 476x1268, How to treat fans 101.png)

>>657196She actually has a habit of playing the
victim when replying to stuff or wording it to make you seem like the asshole in the situation and not her. Thats why. Less not forget when she told someone before that they have to just deal with what she gives them without complaint otherwise they get instantly blocked.
No. 657200
File: 1556582164840.jpg (615.07 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190429-165529_Ins…)

Last minute thrown together pile of shit. The cow part seems so out of place it's not cute.
No. 657202
File: 1556582329729.png (1.72 MB, 750x1334, 9039E383-75B5-4B7F-915E-F409EF…)

No. 657204
>>657200Ah she discovered a headband will cover her chins. Even tho Tsunade has never worn a headband like that, or even at all really.
I wonder if she'll do a baby spit-up image for this "set" too
No. 657205
File: 1556582668556.gif (534.75 KB, 409x600, EBD8806B-C21C-49FD-B2B7-F3501E…)

No. 657209
>>657207>>657202>>657200These make her peanut head stand out and is utterly tacky. She couldn't even be assed to brush the fucking wig before trying this quarter-ass attempt at keeping patrons. It's not even a half-ass attempt, it's less than that. Moo's pathetic.
>>657201Yep. Seriously waiting for her to get what's coming to her yet again but this time I hope she gets hit in the wallet for her scamming bullshit.
No. 657210
Wow, that swimsuit is really unflattering.
I can't imagine anyone smaller really pulling it off.
>>657204pretty sad if you ask me. Using props aside from photoshop to hide her features.
>>657200 why does her rash look like it traveled on her boob?
No. 657217
>>657207This has zero resemblance to the character. She is really using cosplay to cling to the idea that she isn't selling straight out porn
"I'm shaking my titts and spiting out fake cum on them. But it isn't porn because I put on a wig" ??? wut ???
No. 657219
File: 1556583937483.jpg (50.29 KB, 630x630, 1512200_2.jpg)

In light of Moonade
No. 657221
>>657207Just the other day I thought I had seen her at her worst. But this….I can’t believe she posted this on the internet.
I know posting about her weight will get me a ban but holyyyy shit she is huuuuuuuge. She didn’t even try to hide it.
And her face looks saggy and like it’s melting.
I’m totally blown away.
No. 657224
>>657207She shopped her armpit out of existence yet couldn't be half added to take a photo in room that didn't have filthy clothes in the background? This bitch.
She's also noticably looks at least 50 pounds heavier in this photo. Doesn't she have a teeny anime waist to fake? I don't even think she's trying anymore.
No. 657226
File: 1556584965217.jpg (18.21 KB, 679x679, 41pXm2AVcdL._UX679_[1].jpg)

>>657200>>657207this doesn't fit in the slighest
No. 657227
>>6572231600 was Onsen/Lewd video for Tsunade(on Insta she said shirtless Onsen) and Cumlube with Hinata
2000 was Hinata with no pasties
No. 657228
File: 1556585041036.png (187.22 KB, 799x359, cow print.PNG)

>>657226it's literally the first google result for cow print lingerie
No. 657230
File: 1556585274935.png (675.05 KB, 750x1334, D6E37A24-AA82-4DB9-86A7-DBB51F…)

No. 657232
File: 1556585434663.jpg (Spoiler Image,232.35 KB, 720x720, 20190429_174709.jpg)

>>657207 Had to play around with the features on my photo app in order to help inform the readers that she's wearing the X tape over her nipples once again. So anyone who's thinking of sticking around because they think they'll see real nip nops should reconsider ASAP.
No. 657235
File: 1556585683970.png (100.87 KB, 532x839, april.png)

This is what was promised for April.
Cow/Moo Tsunade is not even on the list
No. 657241
>>657239>>657240The image posted here from 6 days ago also had $50 as the Hinata nip nop tier.
She never mentioned any tiers when she announced originally a week earlier though
No. 657247
File: 1556589742377.png (772.95 KB, 720x1200, 9E1EAB36-3864-4A3E-89D2-3BFBFA…)

Did anyone post this monstrosity of a photo yet I'm aware it was the Pochaco set released ages ago but I haven't seen this screencap yet. Had a good chuckle.
No. 657248
>>657200>>657207Not trying to nitpick, but those lumps/rash-y marks on her left (our right) breast look disconcerting. She should seriously get that checked out.
Actually that whole boob is discolored and larger than the other one. Like uh. I'm not a doctor, but those are all hallmarks of breast cancer. I'm not saying that's what it is, but she clearly has some sort of medical issue here.
No. 657255
File: 1556592124685.jpg (688.86 KB, 1080x1718, 20190429_224154.jpg)

No. 657258
File: 1556592393658.jpg (24.99 KB, 430x285, IMG_20190427_142552.jpg)

>>657255Wow. Someone's being horrifically straightforward. Also that pube stubble.
No. 657262
File: 1556593167583.png (67.8 KB, 536x628, Screenshot_102.png)

Topless tier is happening
No. 657263
File: 1556593231758.png (Spoiler Image,617.41 KB, 563x750, post_file.png)

No. 657267
File: 1556593507246.png (719.03 KB, 563x750, post_file (38).png)

"Slutty Cow
Always wanted to see Jiraya dick down tsunade. Might have to recreate a shoot with a Jiraya soon…. hmmm"
No. 657269
File: 1556593622806.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.04 MB, 810x3834, Screenshot_20190429-200638_Chr…)

No. 657271
>>657266Oh definitely. It's obvious it's going to be topless but some tacky ass pasties instead of full 'nip nop'.
But that's another month she can get away with making money while her fans get duped once again.
You're too easy, moo.
No. 657274
>>657269She is pulling her arms so far back behind her to hide the fact her arm fat is bigger than her boobs. In fact she is always doing her best to hide her upper arms.
Moo wake up call, soon you're going to be so obese pulling your arms back wont hide them
No. 657276
>>657264Her patrons have already said that they don't like the cow vs male stuff so why in the world would they pay for it, Mariah?
>>657266Topless with nipple pasties.
>>657272Yep, it's not a matter of them not reading the rules, it's a matter of her constantly changing them on a whim.
No. 657277
File: 1556594340767.png (Spoiler Image,315.43 KB, 600x672, Screenshot_104.png)

Her reddit ain't having any of it
No. 657279
File: 1556594527103.png (29.81 KB, 531x361, Screenshot_105.png)

Topless tier likely around $75 and comes with a print
No. 657283
>>657280Because she's retarded with a capital R. She first made a vague post about showing her nipples, then said it would be $50+ and now it's going to be $75, but wait, you can get a print! She's dumb. They could just download it and make a print themselves for less money.
>>657281Go through the thread.
No. 657284
>>657279jfc she's straight out scamming at this point. 75 bucks for topless? Girls with a consious would just make a 2-5k goal a month and give a reward.
Momo girl, legit. What do you need 20k+ a month for? Even you don't know what to do with all that money. You aren't going to classes to be a better cosplayer, you don't buy materials. You're TRYING to go on vacations a lot but you still can't spent the money. The only thing you can think of is throw money at your friends so they stay. There is no reason for you to do this other than to be a spiteful cunt
No. 657287
>>657285She is making it confusing on purpose. She wants her paetrons to pay three times to maybe see nip nops. Next month she wont release the nudes because she will open up the 75 dollar teir. So they have to pay 175 dollars to maybe see her naked titts.
"Stop misunderstanding the rules! Topless pics are ONLY for the 75 teir!"
I don't know why she's squeezing her pay pigs this desperately… unless
The IRS finally caught up to her. But more likely she just became more angry and bitter because she's reduced to porn "If they fucking want to see my titts and reduce me to this I'm going to make them BLEED for it!"
No. 657307
File: 1556600800839.jpg (87.14 KB, 648x610, 2k2momo.JPG)

>>657235wasn't the 23rd like a day or so AFTER she hit 2k? In other words If I am reading this correctly she posted these fucking stupid "rules right after that. In the reddit mr 2k posted ON the 23rd that he was 2k. since the older sub is down I dunno if he posted it the 22nd, and reposted elsewhere the 23rd. either way shady shit
No. 657315
File: 1556607217274.jpg (Spoiler Image,722.35 KB, 1080x1575, Screenshot_20190429-235332_Chr…)

No. 657318
File: 1556608518902.jpg (463.8 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190430-001404_Ama…)

Shes not even spending a bunch on lingerie or suits. We already knows this but I like finding the shit she buys to point it out.
No. 657362
>>657234Because she's an idiot who doesn't care about source material. Tsunade has never worn that headband
To be fair, she never wore a cow print bikini either . She's so lazy
>>657255Except people like Tsunade because she's smart, compassionate , among other things. She isn't just a character with big tits, but moo wouldnt know that. Also, she looks nothing like her. that thousand yard stare..
>>657262Here comes the backpedaling
No. 657387
File: 1556642392781.jpeg (68.57 KB, 1125x180, C1DC630F-6A21-4C9D-8DC0-8BFB74…)

excuse me ma’am but what is this
No. 657391
>>657387for a minute there I thought he posted a comment on one of her pics
>>657377nta but that anon didn't call anyone dumb, can you read?
No. 657397
File: 1556643464191.jpeg (157.51 KB, 1125x897, FEAE85F7-40C0-4AC1-8F1D-D2BE94…)

>>657393apologies my good anon, here’s a revised cap, image is just
>>657315 No. 657401
>>657397There’s really not much to this.
Etika lost his mind again so we can’t take anything he says seriously atm.
No. 657417
>>657416You gotta think about this. Don't feel bad. She's played her family and friends like this. Smart people eventually turn away and won't enable her bullshit. She's not delivering on her promises.
>>657410Wonder what the next step is? Will she give in to his new chuuni bullshit he's tossing?
No. 657440
File: 1556656887959.jpg (Spoiler Image,341.81 KB, 720x979, 20190430_133623.jpg)

>>657397 She bragged about Squarecuck being in town for shoots, and even went as far as to claim he was the one who did her recent cow shot in the bedroom with the dirty ass clothes everywhere, and yet she's "employing" Tripod-san?
Why couldn't Squarecuck shoot this? If he allegedly had the stomach to shoot the cow micro bikini in the messy bedroom (which he didn't actually shoot, contrary to what Mariah says), then surely this wouldn't have been a problem either.
No. 657444
>>657440She must be paying him a lot of hush money just so she can lie about using a tripod to shoot right when she woke up. But this reflects badly on his work too since the photos are shit. Is Momo stretching the truth? I mean I can understand if she had him EDIT the photos for five minutes, but def not shoot them.
That and what a weird thing to lie about. I understand why she wants people to think she is paying for a photographer, but if she's paying 10 bucks for a bikini and to shoot at home we all know she's too cheap to pay a photog.
We all know she just wants everyones money as a fucked up revenge thing
No. 657447
>>657440she says she used contacts here
>>655671 but i'm really skeptical. i think her eyes were edited after with no contacts.
No. 657452
>That and what a weird thing to lie about. I understand why she wants people to think she is paying for a photographer, but if she's paying 10 bucks for a bikini and to shoot at home we all know she's too cheap to pay a photog.This is a very
valid point. Seems like all of her money goes into figurines, vacations, expensive food outings, and overpriced makeup or non-cosplay fashion accessories. It makes even more sense when you see what
>>657318 discovered.
For the new visitors to lolcow, she's been pretending to pay hefty amounts for the photographic services of Girlonthemoonpro, who isn't an actual person, but a measly old tripod. She tries to justify her Patreon rates by saying she pays photographers around $600 for their work. Don't buy this bullshit.
No. 657459
File: 1556661788299.png (3.2 MB, 1800x1146, C8B4603A-957E-4695-A031-87E479…)

They’re fucking around in a doctors office while playing with silicone implants like a bunch of children. So is Vamps getting a boob job before fixing everything that’s wrong with her face?
No. 657461
File: 1556662269848.png (2.29 MB, 1040x1800, 4AC2057D-1702-49AE-B9E2-FE8EB5…)

IG stories 1/3
No. 657462
File: 1556662323142.png (2.66 MB, 1037x1800, 4A1A6489-282B-48C2-B3E7-E7C17F…)

No. 657464
File: 1556662464379.png (2.4 MB, 1800x1565, B57A80DC-6114-4E18-A95E-E5FF2A…)

Why does this mostly sound like stuff that was supposed to be released earlier this year and she’s just now getting around to it. Isn’t that Android 21 thing old already?
No. 657485
File: 1556665751081.png (315.17 KB, 398x708, thatfacetho.png)

>>657482Sure there are breast enhancement materials around, but you can also see in the video that Moo tries to also zoom in on a screen with Vamp's face.
No. 657487
>>657462Its fucking hilarious how Antares has a million times more chemistry with the model than her. She is just focused on getting the least worst angle that will make her back fat less apparent and staring at the camera with dead eyes, while Antares is making sure to have contact with him.
Just shows how much "modeling" work she has done.
No. 657501
>>657499No. It's the end of the month. It always drops. Every Patreon loses patrons at the end of the month for 1 reason or another.
I wish we didn't do this song and dance every 30th/31st
No. 657513
File: 1556672390943.png (116.82 KB, 348x591, Screenshot_106.png)

Not sure what happened but she just posted this on insta
No. 657517
>>657513Sensei really needs to take the phone away from her when she's high/drunk
But I really hope this is another rant about bitch bois or snakes
No. 657522
>>657520Vamps just hung out with Moo for too long. She thinks eating like shit and not going to the gym at all is healthy
By the way, that's another thing Moo forgot about. Isn't she suppose to pretend to go to the gym every day cuz she isn't fat? She's pure strong girl muscle?
No. 657529
File: 1556677259468.png (2.76 MB, 1242x2208, 7082C244-184D-4A06-9584-8CA757…)

Still pretending to be sick or is it for aesthetic reasons? We’ll never know. But damn, she’s in Michelin Man territory here.
No. 657530
File: 1556677337975.jpg (66.17 KB, 1193x404, 2019-04-30_22-21-38.jpg)

>>657522Some of her cucks have made similar comments about her getting too big.
No. 657563
File: 1556688239742.jpeg (154.09 KB, 693x1242, 6E42A641-3C78-41E0-8B74-411FD8…)

She’s gotten so big she really needs to start eating right. I messed with the lighting on this pic and wish I didn’t her back is like that of a humpback whale
No. 657564
>>657563How does her underarm look like this?
I know it looks bad but this is bad
No. 657566
File: 1556689856070.jpg (331.15 KB, 818x644, witchnose.jpg)

>>657485I would like to see the outcome her nose and snaggletooth her face really is overdue for an upgrade. I'm sure Moo only keeps vamps around cause she thinks that vamps is the "ugly friend" to make herself feel better
No. 657573
File: 1556698541753.png (Spoiler Image,135.99 KB, 286x273, 1556662464379.png)

>>657464Are these…leg rolls?
No. 657586
>>657556i agree. it should be never forgotten that Vamps did ignoble things such as shielding Mariah against sexual abuse accusations to support her and ride the gravy train. but at the same time i can't help but not dislike her as much as Moo because AFAIK before she associated with Moo she was a relatively harmless unknown genuinely interested in geek culture and cosplay, as opposed to her sugar mommy who's an entitled,
abusive brat who does everything to get attention and feel superior. i hope Vamp gains a bit of self esteem with her looks and GTFO of Mariah's life. she'll stop being an accomplice to her scams and abuse while depriving her of a sycophant, which will no doubt lead to entertaining meltdowns.
No. 657587
File: 1556715214019.jpeg (890.2 KB, 2732x1871, 963C90D0-A5F7-4A42-8142-2541CD…)

If people keep thinking this way and sharing it out in the open, it might be the beginning of the end for her. People are just fed up.
No. 657593
>>657589Agreed. I’m mostly in this to see these two cows collide. A facelift and titjob might give Vamp some newfound confidence to finally step out on her own and get some attention of her own, which of course Moo can’t handle and she’ll look for any way to bring her down she can.
But Vamp still doesn’t magically become a good person just for leaving her. She was Moo’s number one lapdog in complete lockstep with her and always carried out her orders. Calling Moo’s abuse
victims liars, gaslighting other cosplayers for daring to speak out against her master, getting into twitter fights with anyone who dared call Moo out. She was just as much of a cunt as Moo except she didn’t actually touch anyone.
No. 657607
>>657587>she's teased for long we want it even moreAdvertising 101 is what drives these idiots to become pay pigs while the girl goes around acting like the same girls their incel minded selves hated in high school. Taking photos with "chads/rapists," going on expensive trips on their dime then getting garbage bin rewards where she's dressed up in amazon cosplay, flashes a bit of ham and completely fucks up on schedules she, herself, put up.
At least it's dumb ass incels getting scammed.
No. 657618
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I know her numbers always drop at the end of the month but 300+ is pretty drastic
No. 657624
>>657619and from the reddit threads a lot of the higher teirs are going back to 1-10 dollars since she isn't coming through with promises.
But it is the start of a new month. I wont get too excited until she is down to 1k paetrons
No. 657625
>>657624Tbh she almost passed Nigri. That must feel like utter shit. Someone you know and have seen inperson to be extremely gross and disgusting, but photoshop does wonders and they get close to topping you as the highest paid thot for years.
Like shit. Moo must feel great, but like shit at the same time. Tbh, she's probably disconneted herself from thinking nipples are bad, which they aren't bad, but to her dippinh to showing them is just another steppingstone to make money. Thats why she's so mad she got called out for exactly what she is doing.
No. 657626
>>657587This shit is really creepy and rapey, like these guys are trying to figure out how to manipulate her into getting naked for them when she doesn't want to. It's not like her Patreon says "Subscribe for full nudes" and then she doesn't fulfil it or something. She doesn't owe them something she never promised, just what she did. If this is how the people on her Patreon think then they really should just unsub and go somewhere else, because this shit is big ew. No matter how shit a person doesn't owe you his or her naked body just because they "teased" you, I hate even having to type that.
>>657607This exactly, these people deserve to be scammed at this point. She's been late on Patreon rewards basically since she opened it way the hell back and it's not that hard to figure out.
No. 657629
>>657625That's only Nigiri's paetron numbers. She has sponsorship, gets invited to cons and… even if we don't like Nigiri, at least she is still beloved.
Momo just has her paetron and is hated everywhere she goes. Even if she passed Nigiri's numbers, I would still rather be her
No. 657630
oof there on her ego regardless, she seriously thought she could scam them just the same as ever. As dumb as her paypigs are most are paying tops 10$ a month for her, most sitting in the 1$ range. 50$ was a massive leap for a lot so not getting a promised nip nop was a lot more than not getting some shitty promised set from Japan and such.
No. 657631
>>657628Agreed. Momo deserves all the shit that's coming to her. She had years to learn the craft but was a lazy cunt and choose porn. She just wanted to feel superior to other girls who showed their bodies for money. Calling them fat, slut shaming, destroying cosplays, sexually assulting other cosplayers in public as weird power moves, charity scams.
Moo is just a female neckbeard. She deserves her fans just as much as they deserve her scamming butt
No. 657638
>>657626Except she literally promised nudes for 2k+ Patrons and keeps backing out of it.
Her fans are this way because it’s how she treats them, constant empty promises on her patreon. Like her Japan shoots, and onsen video, and calendar.
Have you read any of this thread?
No. 657643
>>chose pornYes, or rather "treated every cosplayer who might have accepted her like shit, felt up and threw some under buses, generally became lazy af about the craft aspects, and now, because shes a lazy cunt has taken the easy route to try to maintain money for nothing and attention"
and anon who said "she doesnt have to if she doesnt want to" really should re-read this thread. Yea I get all that woke its my body consent stuff, I do, but committing actual fraud by saying one thing and then doing a 180 is wrong. I mean shes still cashing the checks so either shes a liar scammer or the worst prostitot online. She MADE herself a commodity- anywhere else you dont get what you pay for you'd be up in a managers face, so settle down.
No. 657702
File: 1556755417100.jpg (Spoiler Image,243.7 KB, 720x1113, 20190501_170003.jpg)

Remember how she recently removed her Adam & Eve ads from IG? Well, she suddenly decided to recycle this photo.
I find the timing to be rather peculiar, since it's May 1st. Guessing she's trying to compensate for a Patreon drop or a lack of higher tier subscribers?
No. 657742
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>>657448i don't know why she constantly lies about the stupidest, most meaningless benign shit. she is literally a pathological and compulsive liar. you can see clearly where the irises have been photoshopped with the brightness down.
No. 657752
>>657747The thing is..the massive drop off happened WAY before the start of the month after her latest scam got exposed.
So newfag or not, there is correlation.
No. 657756
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Time to buy another one
No. 657761
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No. 657766
>>657765I only saw the aftermath of her instastory when she decided to deactivate. She apparently cosplayed a character she did not like and when confronted, she had a attitude about it. She also was accused of encouraging DDLG pedophile imagery by wearing a Mina? (Dream Daddy) cosplay of her wearing a kigu, and a bib saying "Daddy's Little Girl" or something
Her reasoning was that she wasn't trying to be gross with the Dream Daddy cosplay and it was a last minute Halloween party costume. She apparently deleted it when one of her friends deemed it
No. 657779
>>657763What a hypocritical cunt. She only has a problem with “cancel culture” when it’s done to her or her friends or whatever fuckboi she is trying to get in bed with. But her fat ass is absolutely on the front line trying to get others kicked out of communities and trying to publicly ruin their reputation whenever they dare to cross her or call her the fuck out. So she can go fuck off with that bullshit. No one believes your sanctimonious holier than thou “Be kind to each other” bullshit when you have been nothing but the complete antithesis to that.
If this is one thing I hate about this dumb bitch, it’s when she does shit like this where she comes out and tries to play mother hen to the cosplay community and act like she is some patron fucking saint who has always advocated for peace and love amongst everyone. And I laugh everytime she gets that shit thrown right back in her greasy pimple covered face.
No. 657783
>>657766The fucking "Daddy's little girl" DDLG Pedophilia drama is retarded as shit and people pushing it should be excused from living. Five bucks says the people who initiated it were doing it out of a vendetta and the rest for #woke points.
A broken clock is right twice a day, I think Momo is 100% right about cancel culture being destructive as it's based on hearsay and things taken out of context. She herself got rightfully fucked up but a lot of people didn't.
No. 657789
>>657763Wasn't she trying to cancel a rape
victim just last year for speaking out against her friend? She needs to sit her ugly ass down in front of a big mirror and self-reflect for a few years.
No. 657798
>>657772Interesting that she only brings up "being raped" when she's on the defensive. Like most CSA
victims either never talk about it, and the outspoken ones are usually really outspoken about it because of activism.
She never speaks out against CSA or sexual harassment unless she's trying to deflect criticism. It never comes up as a PSA, or as a response to current events (like #MeToo).
Of course, now that I've brought it up she'll probably post about sexual abuse, even though, you know, posting about it in response to criticism is the exact thing I'm berating her for doing.
No. 657866
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No. 657870
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>>657866literally a neck beard buying dumb swords
No. 657871
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Who is this person and wat makes her N authority on what Japanese homes look like? I love how westerners do this shit. Yeah cause Japanese homes are tat-filled and comprised of cheap screens and fake flowers. Moo moo is so embarrassing to take this nonsense as a compliment / believe her.
No. 657872
>>657871“Table with a blanket on it”
I just realized she’s trying to describe a kotatsu.
Seems like a total expert on Japanese homes yeah sure.
Sry for sperging.
No. 657874
File: 1556826227375.png (2.58 MB, 1800x1015, 145DE9C4-5313-4EAF-8382-BD5B04…)

This is the cringeiest shit I’ve ever seen. Female neckbeard status solidified.
No. 657894
>>657886I believe it’s around the time their new emperor is to be enshrined, not that she would know or care since her entire frame of reference for Japan is comprised of nothing but cringey weeb shit.
>>657871Seriously. I love how western think any vaguely eastern furniture or plants means “so Japanese my dude!” I’m cringing at not only Moo but also the dipshit who complimented her. Literally any Japanese person would find her so tacky and would cringe at the mess she keeps her home in.
>>657874Holy damn, she really is a female neckbeard and it’s not a shock that she has the fans that she does. They are literally just like her.
No. 657896
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>>657881Her next Japan trip is going to involve her destroying more figure boxes but with a katana this time isn’t it?
No. 657924
>>657866…what? I went shopping for new homes around town and they
all have this set up in models. Delusional weeaboos are wild, man.
>>657874Holy fuck, female neck ears status confirmed (again).
No. 657974
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Someone started a petition to remove her from Patreon.
No. 768562
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