File: 1567374185886.png (249.96 KB, 650x464, groomers delight.png)

No. 695945
Thread Image Credit: None
Previous Thread:
>>>/pt/693212Onion Thread Archives:
>>>/pt/511709Onision Drama Crash Course:
http://www.lifeofonion.comDo not post about Lainey in this thread unless her content has some connection to Greg. Attempts at discussing her content that does not relate to Greg will result in a ban.
Lainey's thread can be found at >>>/snow/826201Onision/Onion/Greg/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been rapidly declining since. Laineybot/Lainey/Taylor Avaroe/Kai Jackson, is a transtrender and "beauty guru" with no makeup-knowhow or personality.
On the last episode:
Greg starts love-bombing Lainey over twitter after accusations of him having sex with Sarah become public.
>>693374 >>693687
>>694402 >>694418
>>694774 >>695165
Sarah does a live stream and confirms that she and Greg where dating. After breaking up with Sarah, Greg accused Sarah of raping him and Lainey.
>>693858 (Partial transcript:
>>694178) (Highlights:
Greg puts out a podcast where he questions if he is really a
victim of molestation if as an adult he doesn't feel like he was. He defends Julia (a 15 year old) who touched him sexually when he was 11 year olds by stating he looked very grown up and he enjoyed the experience.
>>694964Next on his to do list, Greg puts out another podcast trying to defend his stance on hating all Germans.
>>695261Lainey decides to update their future board. All mentions of a poly relationship are removed with out a word.
>>695580Old but relevant:
Lainey denies fostering a romantic relationship with Sarah.
>>693418Greg's live stream where he denies the grooming accusations and contradicts Lainey's earlier statements. He also leaves the possibility of dating Sarah open.
>>693983Greg claims they where like foster parents to Sarah and he sees her as a little sister.
>>694846For the sake of making Onision threads more readable, please follow these rules in the future:- Hooktube is no longer a viable solution to deter views/clicks from Onision. Please rehost videos elsewhere.
- No nitpicking.
- Do not liveblog streams. Unless something of importance is happening, we don't need minute by minute updates.
- Do not contact the cows and post about it here. You will be banned.
- Do not tinfoil about the children. You will be banned.
READ THE RULES AND USER GUIDE BEFORE POSTING:'s Links: (private, for now.) No. 696089
File: 1567401879926.png (1.06 MB, 828x1792, 26FCE9B2-C62A-49C5-9155-766286…)

>>695948It looks like Sarah approved of Aldii’s videos and timeline.
No. 696095
File: 1567405270620.png (56.82 KB, 496x449, Screenshot_20190902-071701.png)

I don't know how a father of two has this much time to post shit on Twitter.
Not sure if this is one of his "inspirational, I'm so virtuous" posts or directed at someone in particular.
No. 696122
>>696118Not sure.
For all we know he could post this to send a wave of hate from anti-os towards her. People are already breathing down her neck for not "doing moar" about the situation. Alluding to her having returned to suck his tiny pecker will probably result in some people bashing her.
No. 696131
>>696095Grugly probably got on one of his many sock-puppet accounts and autistically gushed on the forums (again) about how he was once an anti-o but has since seen the light and realized how sTrOnG and hOnEsT James Gregory Jackson Onision Greogroy James Avaroe of Gig Harbor, WA is. He's also VERY sorry for ever believing all the hAtE.
Of course, the reason for it is so that Grugly could then make this vague post on Twitter believing people would assume it's about Sarah. After some time passess,he can get back on and sperg that he NEVER said it was about her, the internet is stupid, you guys are straw-manning me (as per usual, uses that word in the wrong context, kek.)
It's just a very, VERY passive way to try and discredit/silence Sarah. Like always, he goes out of his way to, in HIS mind, skirt around dishonesty/immorality. "iTs nOt mY fAuLt mY sTaLkErS bELiEvEd i mEaNt sOmEoNe eLsE!!! yOu pEoPlE aRe sO bLiNd wItH hAtE!!!!" He will then link to the sock-puppet forum post and cry about anti-os's trying to gaslight him, also using the word in the wrong context.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 696135
File: 1567430456962.jpg (73.13 KB, 658x469, gfgdgdg.jpg)

is it me or Grugly has an uncanny resemblance to that Rodrigo Alves freak who had over 100 plastic surgeries ?or maybe its his long lost brother(Non-contribution)
No. 696145
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>>696129Samefagging, but I just want to add this.
No. 696162
File: 1567441844856.png (9.13 KB, 492x213, publicprivatetwitter.PNG)

Onision is getting antsy. He needs that exposure and publicity and being in that echo chamber has become boring and repetitive. How long until the lock comes off?
No. 696167
File: 1567443379823.png (408.84 KB, 567x730, trans kids.png)

Avoid and distract. He's desperate for a non-Sarah related controversy. He acts like they where attacked over this subject, you know things must be even worse if he's avoiding it this hard. Usually he feels like he has the moral high ground and will bash anyone that has 'wronged' him with out a care. No. 696179
>>696167He ignores and talks over Lainey like she is a child and I cringed at the part where he is likening his experience of his father telling him to cut his hair to the experience of being trans. Lainey was in the middle of talking about herself and he butts in and makes it all about him and his daddy issues. He is dramatising one time his dad told him to cut his hair probably because he looked like a greasy little weasel so he can look like a
No. 696181
>>696174they act like it was this BIG DISPLAY OF GOOD-HEARTED INTENTIONS like he went and fucking saved a bunch of orphans or some shit because he didnt make a video with a picture of a deceased man post brain aneurysm
like ????
is it really that rare for him not to do shitty things that this is seen as something extraordinary
No. 696182
>>696167Any excuse to drag his dad
>>696176This is what I was trying to explain last thread about the reason Repzion hasn't spoken about the Sarah thing, because the timing and potential leverage Greg now has over him. He can now pull the 'I helped you and you still stalk me' card. I was trying explain this but an anon sperged back angrily that I was being a Repzion white knight or something.
No. 696187
File: 1567448580197.jpg (619.33 KB, 1080x2021, Screenshot_20190902-112315_Bra…)

What's up with this thread over at /snow/?
No. 696189
Im going to call it now. They want people to talk about the AntiSouthernMovement to drown out the Sarah grooming. And then it'll be proven as fake and they can use it against the anti-o's as running with make up stories.
No. 696195
It's not that I don't believe that Greg doesn't have more secret channels that nobody knows about (yet), but I watched one of the videos and it kind of looked like a guy roleplaying being in a bunker.
The timing of rekindling the fire about revealing this channel is a bit too suspicious, like low effort bait. But if that's really Greg trying to shift the focus, I'm actually ok with it since in the end, he'll always shoot himself in the foot and make himself look even more stupid and horrible.
I don't recognize the voice as his either, so I don't see any connection there (yet), but given that so many patrons have jumped the ship (or rather been ordered to walk the plank), it might also be one of them revealing info.
I personally will loosely keep an eye on it since either it will be debunked or he'll ruin his rep even further. Maybe it might be helpful and could be put into context in the future.
No. 696196
>>696189I find the whole concept dubious. After watching Jimmy for so long there are some lines he would never cross; be it not for moral reasons but for ego related ones.
Jimmy won't allow himself to go to jail because he is afraid that he'll be raped.
He would never consider a blitz shooting because that will mean jail, or suicide by gun/cop. He's said in the past that he wants to leave a good looking corpse and there is no way he'd allow his looks to be destroyed in his final moments. And lastly the most obvious reason, he's just way too much of a bitch. For fuck sakes he goes out in public wearing a bullet proof vest and isn't willing to have a face to face confrontation. It's only once he gets home and behind his computer that he grows some balls. He'll just continue to emotionally abuse the people around him and beat up Julia until she falls apart.
No. 696197
>>696187I posted about this yesterday, this person was all over the KF trying to make their tinfoil happen and calling themselves former "troll"
There's absolutely no evidence to back this up, the farmers there told them as much too
We should take the same route and ignore this bullshit imo if they have more compelling evidence than this then we can talk
For now it's just pure autism
No. 696225
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Lane just made this her header. Is this Greg or Lainey?
No. 696230
>>696225>>"really wish things were better""Really wish we hadn't been caught"
FTFY Greg.
No. 696231
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No. 696232
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No. 696243
File: 1567462600553.jpg (15.14 KB, 489x210, fasdfdfasgerg.JPG)

Seems like they are all posting in unison right now.
No. 696248
>>696240Dude, they're making a fool of him. It's great and SO much better than the silence Grugly is used to regarding his
I hope they keep it up, keep wearing away at Gronk and his disgusting caveman brow.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 696257
>>696240You're not the
victim. Sarah is. Lane has been harassed by them too. Let them have their fun and annoy Greg.
No. 696261
>>696225>ignores his children or yells at them>signs away T to elope with B>calls his husbandwife names and abuses her emotionally>has cheated on his husbandwife not only once but twice>gets rid of his animals when they need attention and care"This is too much to put
our family through."
Being called out for this is still the nicest thing to happen to him.
No. 696281
File: 1567473700744.png (27.28 KB, 320x343, 922019.PNG)

Onision has hidden his earnings but not the patron count.
Hes not worried about the dip in patrons but is worried about showing how much money hes lost.
Have 2 or 3 of his very high paying patrons jumped ship and he trying to hide it?
Last time he hid his Patreon earnings was Xmas last year. When he allowed it to viewed 2 months later he had lost over 1000 dollars.
No. 696298
File: 1567479444936.png (368.27 KB, 600x670, timetochangeagainforthe88thtim…)

>>696281It seems now it is ADULT ONLY. Poor Greg must have had a huge dip or a scare.
No. 696299
File: 1567479490888.jpg (62.92 KB, 734x650, whatevergreg.JPG)

I thought his pateron was supposedly already 18+ but I guess that was a lie?
How many underaged patrons will he lose if this is actually enforced, I wonder?
No. 696302
>>696298jinx, anon!
But in other news, His lovedoll patreon still has Zero patrons, but he added a $1 tier for "uncensored Onision videos". Not sure when he added that.
No. 696304
>>696299Lol as if he would ever actually enforce this. What about his new girlfriend candy savvy?
And yes so is he admitting he was LYING about it being 18+ before???
No. 696305
>>696299lol how fucking lame do you have to be, to think you need to make your channel 18+?
You can talk about mental illnesses, evil dictators, genocides, politics, and even experimental art/music/movies without a content warning. Having a content warning pretty much specifically means you're either going to talk about either sexuality or transgressive art, and it's pretty obvious Greg is too fucking stupid to even know what transgressive art is. So that means the only "interesting" thing Greg has to talk about is his sexuality, which is gross and creepy, but I guess not terribly surprising considering that he is a predator.
No. 696308
>>696299I just watched the unlisted Patreon Change video.
So now with his NEW 18+ Patreon you get-
1. More organic cussing
2. Rubber nipples
No. 696324
File: 1567484971091.png (14.23 KB, 270x337, new goal.PNG)

>>696299>Making A Huge ChangeI love how he rearranges the furniture in a burning house.
I was looking over his Patreon now that he "streamlined it" Didn't he say he was going to have another Patron Gathering this month because Mcfly and Blasian didnt enjoy themselves after Dev went psycho on everyone? Well now it looks like theres a catch. If his fans dont start pledging and get his patron numbers back up to 500 no one gets to come to the swamp.
No. 696356
>>696196>I find the whole concept dubious. After watching Jimmy for so long there are some lines he would never cross.Given his history (including his formative years) imo he's mentally unstable enough to be more than capable. Why do you think psych majors are using him as a study tool?
All 3 of these vids were uploaded this month within a few days of each other.
>He's really focusing on violence a lot lately.>>694680 >>694101>>693288 He's so ass sore about being exposed with the truth that he had to make a video about "murdering" a "hater", then admits he's a sociopath, all because his ego got bruised by the internets? Given all his very public manchild ranting and raving it's puzzling why anyone thought it was a good idea to sell him firearms in the first place.
If these windows into his mind aren't raising serious red flags for anyone else, then they're not paying attention. As his mental health declines, I think his wife and kids could be in real danger. He's gone off the rails before but now he's taken it to a whole new level into a genuinely psychotic abyss. No mentally stable person would make videos like this as a "joke".
No. 696365
>>696324I'm tempted to donate $250 so I can go check out the swamp with a hidden camera and just see how bad everything is first hand.
However that would be cowtipping and I'd die before I'd give the onion any of my money.
I'm surprised he hasn't gotten his husbandwife to go out and get a job though. If he gets each of the girls he moves in to get jobs he could be rolling in so much more cash.
No. 696384
>>696365Washington minimum wage is $12. All he needs is manwife and one other girl to work part-time and he’s already making more than he is on Patreon.
cracks whip get to work bitches
No. 696417
>>696304>>696396But anons, she probably is "so mature" for an underaged fan, she can stay, of course!
Edited b/c I'm too dumb to quote correctly.
No. 696421
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The video that was posted was Greg's "This Girl Humiliated Me" video.
Side note: can the twitter anti o's shut the fuck up for once? no one cares that you feel victimized because people tell you to shut the fuck up because of your invasive and inappropriate questions. You look like you're whiteknighting Greg.
No. 696422
>>696411Of course he won't, he's making it "18+" because he's seen ProJared sexting young fans and people absolving him just because he asked for their age even though he had no way to fact check it.
It's a flimsy front, but it worked well enough for Jared, so: Pedo see, Pedo do.
No. 696428
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No. 696429
>>696428Omg he's such a loser.
Make him beg Sarah!
No. 696430
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No. 696432
File: 1567528801493.png (44.07 KB, 1216x194, chrome_Rs9G9T83Bk.png)

>>696430>>696428uwu positivity will surely save my ass uwu
fuck off greg
No. 696433
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No. 696435
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No. 696437
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No. 696438
File: 1567529234892.png (12.37 KB, 518x284, Sarah Stevie.PNG)

Is this in anyway about the Onision/Kai grooming or something separate?
No. 696441
>>696430>>696428>>696433>>696435>>696437He gets what he deserves.
You go girls! We do stand with Sarah, and we haven't forgotten about what he did to you and the other girls either.
>>696438Who was the tweet made by? Is it about SG from Greg's last stream?
No. 696443
File: 1567529956354.png (75.15 KB, 1211x412, chrome_9npohp7xMg.png)

No. 696451
>We don’t want you to have a harder life either.>Life for everyone can be rough. We’re in this together.His wannabe cult leader proclamations/platitudes are beyond gross. The attempts at blurring personal boundaries when addressing them and making them feel as if his pain is somehow theirs or as if they should share his pain (implying shared fault/guilt) is so, so wrong and icky to put it mildly.
The young women outing his abuse to the world will move on from this shitshow and be fine in the end. Unlike Greg and his foot they have their whole lives ahead of them and, moreover, did nothing wrong. I’m glad they see through his creepy manipulations and faux concern, and have each other for support.
>>696442Is that someguy827?
No. 696461
File: 1567533921658.png (146.39 KB, 602x514, SarahTwitter.PNG)

>>696458She's just posted this.
No. 696465
File: 1567533983821.jpg (64.95 KB, 750x438, EDjv7-IWwAEFHMC.jpg)

>>696461So much for being raped, huh Greg.
No. 696467
File: 1567534077704.png (13.36 KB, 593x201, SarahTwitter2.PNG)

No. 696469
File: 1567534160979.png (141.16 KB, 604x617, SarahTwitter3.PNG)

Not sure where this places it on the timeline, but…
No. 696470
File: 1567534251463.png (48.23 KB, 1217x297, Screenshot_32.png)

>>696461I don't think this is from July this year. But regardless. I'm so sorry that you dealt with these assholes Sarah.
No. 696473
>>696469If this was right after sarah was "dumped" that means greg spent some time concocting his "rape" story after he realized sarah wasn't going to just forgive him and come back.
Every disgusting thing he does in on purpose. He's so gross. This may be the first time I actually WANT a larger youtuber to cover this so the entire world knows and wont let it get slipped under the rug.
Though honestly, I was really looking forward to him going public with his rape accusation because that would've been the icing on the idiot cake
No. 696478
>>696471I just wanted to point out the same.
So does this confirm that they had sex prior to "being in a relationship"?
It really rubs me the wrong way how Greg always claims that he has to be in love with the people he fucks, but he obviously just says make the other person feel special. He just wants to dip his crotch bump in.
>>696473Wait for this or Madame to go to court. Youtubers are going to jump onto it as soon as there's a legal case.
No. 696480
>>696473That’s his mo and any abuser’s mo. She didn’t do what he wanted (grovel to get back with him after he broke up with her to punish her) so he tried all sorts of different tactics to see what would get the right reaction out of her. He did the same thing with Billie where he would try to bully and threaten her or guilt her or make her think of the “good times” and how it could be good again if she just did what he said. It’s all fake though, none of the promises are true he will only go back to being a pos once she lets him.
I’m glad she’s seeing through his bs though. Good on her.
It’s also good she’s exposing his manipulations and everything she’s going through now. It will make it harder for him to keep trying and force him to be in lock down mode longer which is costly for him.
No. 696482
Greg: I did not have sexual relations with a teen.
Also Greg to an 18yo: I loved making love to you.
Also Greg: I have been raped.
No. 696485
>>696469>I loved you being around when you guys weren't fighting.Oh no. Sounds like bad boy Lainey was fighting with Sarah after being bffs for years.
So Lainey got jealous again and started pushing Sarah out while Onion was getting to fuck two girls. I am shocked..
No. 696486
File: 1567535873882.jpg (26.73 KB, 794x243, 2019-09-03_14-38-07.jpg)

Teenage girls laughing at him must be bruising his ego but spilling milk too? I can't imagine how red that idiot must be right now.
No. 696489
File: 1567536146261.png (367.75 KB, 496x495, when-two-lesbian-pillow-prince…)

>>696469>I loved seeing you satisfy KaiPillow Princess confirmed
Lainey laid there while Sarah ate her out. Greg would of worded it differently if both Sarah and Lainey were performing acts on each other.
No. 696490
Do we know where Lainey and Sarah having phone sex is on the timeline? If it was pre-relationship or perhaps during? I ask, because the ss could be proof that the Onions and Sarah were sexual and romantic prior an official relationship starting. No matter the case, fucking ew. I know Greg is trying to be romantic and sweet, but he comes across so needy and manipulative. Thanks for the bulimia, Grumpy.
No. 696492
File: 1567536340693.jpg (374.23 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190903-144339_Chr…)

Dropping confirmation for archive purposes - sexual before last month.
If Gerggy or Kaifuck try to say shit about Sarah they're going to look even worse because she was basically their ward. God this is great
No. 696493
File: 1567536394107.png (727.4 KB, 828x1792, CBAD0DEB-0B5A-4B30-B7B4-79AB48…)

>>696471Sarah also posted this:
No. 696496
>>696489James Jackson probably “encouraged” her to, since he and Kaithot let it slip that Jimmy never goes down on her (all while expecting daily suk mi), so he left that part to Sarah.
Funnily enough, when he actually wanted to eat someone out, Billie, by having her sit on his face, she said no and he would also just make out with her while pounding his manwife. Sarah really was just a cheap B replacement, and now they both got away from him.
No. 696497
>>696494I feel like this is the first time we've had a
victim of Greg's actually give information straight out instead of pussy-footing around with it. But Really if she wants Greg to stop contacting her she would start posting all of his messages straight up. It's not illegal to share messages sent to you. So there's really no reason not to. She shared one already.
No. 696498
>>696489She isn’t a pillow princess she just doesn’t like women. Do you think she puts in no effort with Greg? No I’m sure she does anything he asks for.
That’s a surprise to 0 people but I am surprised Sarah and co are calling Lainey Kia and using male pronouns. I’m not trans but if there’s a lot of sex with a very female part of you wouldn’t that be
triggering? Maybe it’s a social transition like they were talking about for kids that are struggling with gender identity but idk.
No. 696501
File: 1567536780023.jpg (11.86 KB, 320x337, 7b2.jpg)

meanwhile in the onion palace.
No. 696505
>>696498lmao getting head from sarah and just lying there and taking it
probably calls herself a sub because she's lazy in bed
watching videos of actual FtM trans people on YT, they talk about having sex makes them very dysphoric because it involves their vagina - a body part they feel they're stuck with
lainey's not trans. she mistakes her hatred for her saggy milkers as "dysphoria" when in reality, she doesn't want a dick, or and a quote, "a burly man voice"
No. 696506
File: 1567536991576.png (34.63 KB, 613x248, b.png)

No. 696508
>>696501I can hear Complainey sobbing into her binders from here.
>>696503I'm having some trouble on this too. I wouldn't put it past Greg to be a selfish lover but I think he's said stuff about liking to 69. That could have been bull shit to draw in the teenies or maybe there's something he finds repulsive about Kai's pussy in particular.
No. 696511
>>696509No doubt Greg's excuse is that he doesn't want to
trigger her dysphoria, but that would be a legitimate concern in most cases. Lainey has always insisted upon how severe her dysphoria is.
No. 696516
>>696512It’s unclear but some of the other girls who are in the snake squad were liking it and because she tweeted this when everyone else was putting Greg on blast it might be related. Tinfoil but I think it has to do with using the kids as a shield against criticism all while pretending to care about them like these tweets were about:
>>696435>>696437I didn’t post the original cap but it’s fair to assume they had a similar experience with Greg and Lainey so maybe it has something to do with them.
No. 696520
File: 1567538934922.png (393.61 KB, 518x999, Capture _2019-09-03-16-28-48.p…)

lol Sarah's reply
No. 696525
>>696524He will a bit because of his chances of having Taylor Elaine Kai Jackson Avaroe of Gig Harbor Washington get more underage girls to fuck them both is dwindling to nothing. They don't willingly go to him. He has to have his bitch ass wife get girls for him.
Now it won't be a full on billie-esque narc rage because he didn't lust after sarah. She is not his manic alt pixie girl like billie was.
No. 696527
>>696521He’s such a coward for weaponizing his kids like that when he clearly didn’t care about the consequences of sleeping with the freshly legal teen that he groomed.
He is simply trying to do damage control and shut Sarah up.
I hope this doesn’t keep Sarah from speaking out and holding him accountable. She’s done a really good job so far.
>>696524He isn’t in a position to publicly rage. Billie was someone he “accidentally” fell for while he was generously trying to let his wife explore her sexuality but this is sleeping with a teen that he knew for a long period as a child (and had apparently set the expectation of a relationship in the future when she was a child) after a pattern of soliciting young girls to his house to have a third when Lainey was vocally against having a third. He has no legs to stand on and knows even his young fans will be smart enough to see what he was doing was wrong. Also Sarah seems like she has a good strong personality and will not take his shit which is really nice and probably scares him.
No. 696530
File: 1567540821741.jpg (12.34 KB, 800x127, 2019-09-03_16-01-14.jpg)

Wonder what the cunt said to her.
No. 696541
File: 1567541660677.jpeg (57.04 KB, 1125x210, F815C075-D3A4-49DF-AE85-736A02…)

No. 696544
>>696541Greg's thoughts (probably): on one hand I've been outed as a liar again, on the other, yeah we fucked.
sunglasses emojiWaiting for the future flip flopping on how he's a stud, a good guy, and a rape
No. 696550
>>696545James is a retard if he does that. So he potentially releases info that instigates Sarah's homelife not being great? Oh wow, let's feel bad the predators grooming
victim has a complicated past. What a boner killer.
No. 696554
>>696539So weird that everyone around him is an “unreliable” witness but somehow all tell the same story about him being
abusive and manipulative in a consistent way. It must be a coincidence.
>>696541>>696542I don’t know what this means exactly but good.
Is this the first time he’s acknowledged something is wrong? Has anyone checked in on his other accounts lately? From what I can tell all he’s been doing is posting regular stuff and ignoring everything that’s going on. I don’t want to burn anyone’s eyes but he’s continuing to post lewds on his Instagram.
No. 696556
File: 1567542867200.png (66.19 KB, 594x364, time to hide.png)

Yeah Greg, keep on telling yourself that it's the fans that wanted you to keep private. Clearly the reason he's staying in the shadows is because of Sarah's tweets.
No. 696564
File: 1567543635775.png (24.43 KB, 597x281, ChildGroomerTwitter1.PNG)

He's so fucking disgusting.
No. 696565
File: 1567543639730.png (998.85 KB, 1092x1882, chrome_qNnxHN8IKV.png)

lol get fucked greg.
No. 696568
File: 1567544396529.jpg (17.48 KB, 739x156, sopositive.JPG)

>>696564i scrolled back (and had to scroll forever because he tweets ALL DAY LONG) and exactly 2 weeks ago today was when he was sperging about Pewdiepie's expensive wedding.
And the day before he was reeeeeing about the haturz.
So he's been fake positive for 2 WHOLE WEEKS. someone give him a goddamn medal.
No. 696569
>>696565It looks like you cropped it out but below this was lane’s tweet about onision not considering his kids before grooming a child (and using them to try to keep Sarah quiet)
Good to see she’s supporting too. They both went through a horrible experience having known Greg and Lainey.
No. 696572
>>696530I feel so, so bad for Sarah.
Imagine the state she must be in, realizing that the only people she thought of as a family have groomed and conditioned her to be a nurse for their children and a sex toy who is always available when they want sex. I wonder if she was also expected to clean the house and cook.
They promised her safety and a new start far away from a broken home, and lured her into the next broken and
abusive home.
Please stay strong, girl, and don't let Lainey and Gregory Avaroe aka Kai and James Jackson get under your skin! There's nothing to be ashamed of, you didn't do anything wrong - it's their fault.
>>696554>So weird that everyone around him is an “unreliable” witness but somehow all tell the same story about him being abusive and manipulative in a consistent way. It must be a coincidence. And even Lainey chimes in and says he's verbally
abusive and manipulative.
Oh gee, I wonder if she's also suffering from a bad memory or is telling lies, even though Greg actually admitted it himself. Makes ya thunk.
>>696556Thank god. We don't need him back on twitter. Let him stay private forever and ever.
It's absolutely beyond me how anyone can still support Greg after this. How desperate and blind can people be?
>>696567 makes me think whether there are just these 5 true hardcore fans of his while the rest is a horde of sockpuppets, and that's the real reason why he's so busy "working all day": maintaining his 200 fake accounts, making them seem somewhat real and tweeting at himself all day. kek
No. 696575
File: 1567544679418.png (58.52 KB, 1077x303, Screenshot_35.png)

James Jackson sure does know what it means to be nice in person. /s
No. 696584
>>696575Sarah if you’re reading this don’t let this manipulate you. He uses the line “be human” all the time to manipulate people. He said it to Skype back in the day when they were divorcing and she rightfully was requesting alimony to get her to give up the money. You can’t be reasonable with the unreasonable. He’s taking advantage of people’s habit of thinking that people feel the same way that they do but if he really is a narc or something close to it he doesn’t have the same sympathy you might have for him despite how much he fucked you over.
He didn’t think it was a good idea to “be human” and not attack over the internet when it came to Billie and others and he only is saying this now because he’s the one that’s coming under fire (rightfully this time).
Please don’t fall for this. He will try to make himself seem pitiful and hurt but it’s just an act to get you to back down and leave him alone.
(omgz if you are reading this...) No. 696592
>>696530She should just fully expose him, so he won’t be doing rbis to other girls. He obviously cares little about his kids, when he’s doing
toxic stuff like this. He already ruined his family by acting like a maniac, and Lainey pretending to be trans. Do you know what damages this brings to the kids? A lot. Like he’s in so much debt and never had a good reputation. Plenty of people are in Sarah’s side, only a few stans here and there.
No. 696599
File: 1567545948913.jpeg (187.78 KB, 1125x844, 9D7A31FF-128A-40D3-A1AA-71E0C4…)

Don’t care if she does it legally or dumps it here, Greg and Lainey are about to get btfo.
No. 696600
>>696585I wonder if that's why comments weren't turned off on that one video. I wonder if sponsors micromanage their sponsored videos that way. If not, they should and this is a great example as to why.
>>696595Holy shit. How far did your stomach drop when you read that Gerg? lol
No. 696607
File: 1567547487879.png (196.29 KB, 338x500, zdDWEC0.png)

No. 696608
>>696600That would make sense as apparently comments bring up a video's engagement which would probably make it more visible in YouTube's algorithm.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 696614
>>696613Well Sarah
was there for the holidays.
No. 696616
File: 1567550897728.jpeg (140.47 KB, 1125x507, B2CCA1A7-B852-4416-B981-B41890…)

Whatever Greg did today, he really pissed her off.
No. 696618
File: 1567550963257.jpeg (189.44 KB, 750x1334, 2619300D-B20D-42ED-AE26-EA0F89…)

Oh shit
No. 696623
File: 1567551287711.jpeg (99.19 KB, 1125x270, 89AADDC2-AA07-4C99-8FD5-3035D8…)

>>696618Meanwhile on his Twitter. He’s obviously breaking.
No. 696625
>>696620"uwu lainey's anxiety!! she's crying!!" i'm telling you, lainey seriously pisses me off more than greg with this pathetic, whiny, doormat, hiding behind her anxiety bullshit
grow a pair of balls
No. 696626
>>696623so not to be unnecessarily morbid, but what's the over/under on him actually snapping and going triple-murder-suicide because of this? is this going to be the final low? we've seen him take so many huge blows already, but never at such low power. this feels like karmatic repayment for the wetlands thing ending with such a fizzle.
betcha he's watching here like a hawk too.
No. 696629
yUr hUrTiNg ThE kIdS!!!!!
YOU hurt Sarah, you waterheaded caveman faced predator, who was dead-ass a kid herself. Let's not pretend for one fucking second you give any fucks about children, least of all your own.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 696631
>>696618Sarah is hurting the kids because she doesn't want to jump on his micro peen.
Mkay Gregory Avaroe James Jackson, you need to find a better template. This one has run its course.
No. 696632
File: 1567552466082.jpg (192.81 KB, 1075x561, Screenshot_20190903-171425_Chr…)

No. 696635
>>696634Because she has the audacity to come forward about the abuse she was put through at the hands of the Onions, which he views as disrupting his livelihood.
He's using the kids as a shield, which he always tries to do.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 696638
>>696632Unfortunately, she's not wrong. Any child exploitation expert or child psychologist can tell that this was a classic case of grooming, but not every form of abuse is covered under the law.
Greg is disgusting, but I think I'm almost even more disgusted with kainey for some reason. I genuinely hope they get their kids taken away one day.
No. 696640
>>696638I think this behavior is more disgusting coming from Lainey because she's the bait. By now, she should be aware that Greg is just keeping her around for his own ulterior motives and not because he loves her. With Billie, considering it was their first attempt at a "trinity," it makes sense how she couldn't see the signs as clearly. But after Luxymoo, Beck, and Maya, she's legitimately stupid if she stayed blind. She's evil if she could see all the red flags and still let her husband abuse them. Add to the fact that they manipulated and seduced an actual child.
I hope she drowns herself in all those tears.
No. 696642
>>696618>and the kidsWhy do the kids even know about this? You can explain things like the deaths of relatives or divorces to kids in a way that protects them from unnecessary pain. This is rhetorical, of course we already know the answer it's because he's a pathetic idiot who will use children as a shield, and because he doesn't see them as separate entities from himself because he's a fucking narc.
He stacks so many logic leaps and fallacies on top of one another that he sneaks shit past you just by the sheer volume - it happens in all of the debates, people end up arguing dumb shit with him because every statement he makes is riddled with so much stupidity that you end up accidentally accepting some of it. If it were the only stupid thing in the statement it'd stick out like a sore thumb, but in a sea of stupidity it gets obscured.
>>696626Right? Watched a doc on Susan Powell recently and the parallels between him and josh Powell are seriously concerning.
No. 696645
>>696618The kids will literally not be affected by this situation. Greg literally ruined himself on the internet and they have to live with that fact. Everyone already hated him before Sarah. If worse comes to worse, the kids will be taken away and will be given to Lainey’s parents. Which is possibly the best situation from them to get away from the
toxic situation from groomers.
No. 696646
>>696618I think he’s aware that she’s publishing their current texts and is trying to speak out through his communication with her. That’s why he’s putting this bs story about Sarah hurting Kai and the kids because big mighty Greg sexually rejected her.
He can’t directly attack her and try to suggest that she’s a spurned girl lashing out at them like he’s done with practically every other girl he’s screwed over. So he does it here.
It’s a weak story at best. You still groomed a child.
No. 696647
File: 1567554792586.jpg (35.1 KB, 1280x720, lol b mad.jpg)

>>696440lmao. Telling the
truth about all his lies, bullshit and pedo behavior is "causing damage" to his family gais. Because ya know, it's not like he hasn't been doing that since his fucking kids were born or anything.
No. 696660
>>696656Ew no one wants his greasy bun . How narcissistic does he have to be to think that he’s
valid enough to reject people. When people themselves reject him.
No. 696663
>>696658>>696659oh absolutely they'll get over it, but I'm just saying he's trying to bank off of sarah maybe not being over it.
However the bridge has been reduced to ashes, sarah isn't going back to grease manor
No. 696668
>>696655A big sister that fucked mom and dad. Ew.
There's obviously some sort of sexual compulsion with Greg, Lainey or both going on if they haven't noticed 3 is a crowd, doesn't work and keep making the same mistakes over and over again expecting different results.
To be fair, I think Lainey is the grossest of them all. I just see that she's trying to emulate masculinity, instead of BEING a man, and it's really cringy. It's more like she's a drag queen than a trans person.
Imagine these two in a bedroom together in a sexual scenario. I hope Sarah is not fucked for life for having slept with them when she's being forced to give head to a literal soy boy drag queen and this psycho. I'd start a go-fund me for her therapy, for real.
No. 696669
>>696652He likes to throw that sort of game. Have past events brought up with current and try to get the girls confused.
He tries to debate until the other person is exasperated and just gives up the fight.
Don't give in Sarah. You got recipts, we got recipts.. let's share and bury both their asses. Those kids would be better off with her parents over Greg and Kai. They always have a scheme to get new girls. That's a bad environment for those kids. You lived a bad childhood, help those kids get a better one. Kai is too weak and selfish, and you know Greg has thrown them to the side before and will again.
No. 696672
File: 1567555930655.jpg (47.13 KB, 604x453, truth.jpg)

>>696658>Onion is worried about his internet career and nothing "career". Professional internet sperg? No even spergs have more dignity.
No. 696693
>>696686Don't get me wrong. I agree that Sarah's mental health needs to come first before seeking revenge, especially in the long-term. I just meant that
if her mentality was in top condition for it, it would be better to just take it slowly so that Lainey and Greg will have their days ruined. Like I said, it's up to her and she's the only one who can evaluate where her head is at right now.
No. 696700
File: 1567557680818.jpeg (318.87 KB, 1242x2020, A3EDC29B-BD52-4446-BDDC-295E42…)

sorry for reposting(my icon was showing) but billie posting this, is hilarious
No. 696701
>>696698It honestly sounds like that "concerned mom".
>>696699I get the feeling that this is a dig at James Jackson kek. He's always obsessed with guns and Billie, and all of this stuff is going down. I wouldn't doubt if he's emailing her for supporting Sarah.
No. 696702
>>696686This, that way she could be done with it forever and move on with her life
>>696693Definitely slow is good. I'm just saying it's gotta be really hard for her to be the center of all this drama. She'll do it when she's ready. Luckily she has supportive and stable friends to help
No. 696706
File: 1567558530089.jpeg (102.59 KB, 1242x816, 6F91EF4C-FA30-4251-AD63-08FB64…)

Sarah’s coming through with the receipts later!
No. 696710
File: 1567558649326.jpg (19.92 KB, 489x202, agwthetyjtyjrtyrtyjryku.JPG)

No. 696713
>>696706Oh man, Sarah Thanos snapping Greg is too good. Greg is forcing her hand all on his own, we just have to sit back, drink milk and support her. Billie's getting her digs in too makes it even better.
>>696711If he does, Billie might speak up to defend her. That whole thing with the "druggy family" was a bunch of bullshit.
No. 696714
>>696700I don’t know if this is related to what’s going on right now but if it is it’s great to see Billie standing with Sarah. I’m sure she has a lot of stories that didn’t come out when everything happened with her that would back up what’s going on with Sarah now.
It’s great to see they don’t have any bad blood between each other and can support each other against the real bad guys: greg and Lainey.
No. 696715
File: 1567558971716.jpeg (109 KB, 1242x827, 58CDF41D-8DCA-4F83-8E2D-96D45A…)

No. 696719
File: 1567559046262.jpeg (49.28 KB, 319x400, lyin ass.jpeg)

>>696676I can't with Cucksion pretending to care about his kids… pathetic.
No. 696727
>>696715if she's talking about the recent New Mexico trip, that wouldve been after he "dumped" her, right?
Not sure when Lame went prior to this past week.
No. 696729
>>696715The trip Kainey
just took the NM? They fucked that recently? Damn. Of course Kainey doesn't have the self-respect/backbone to actually do anything about it anyway, cuckboy knows this.
No. 696730
>>696729>>696715i bet this spineless fucking retard does nothing about it and join's jimmy's reeing about how it was sarah and how she raped him
she's so fucking stupid
No. 696731
>>696680It's too late for a clean break. Lame's last chance for that was when Jimjams signed away his parental rights to get with Billie. If Lame had taken that and broke things off with Sarah, she wouldn't be so fucked right now. She probably wouldn't be on the hook financially for her dumbass husband's arrogance with destroying part of a swamp.
Billie smoking weed wasn't Lainey's "out". Those papers were. Dumbass.
No. 696732
>>696721I believe so dear anon. OR Jimmy Grease preemptively told Kai but ofc framed it as all Sarah's fault. Perhaps this is the "rape" he hilariously threw at the wall.
If his ugly cunt wife Kai felt betrayed or upset he just starts uwu-ing about he was raped and is the real
victim. I guarantee that's how he spun it and like all his greasy shit, Kai loyally gargled and swallowed.
I feel horrible for Sarah and also weirdly proud of her
No. 696734
>>696728I posted one screenshot and deleted it the moment I saw that someone else did, no other one. Report it if it chaps your ass so much.
>>696729>>696724She's not gonna give a shit. She's going to make up excuses to stay with him like she always does.
No. 696749
>>696741Exactly, all we have to do is sit and watch as Greg digs his own grave.
>>696743People experiment with drugs all the time, especially teenagers. He's an idiot kid that fell for the DARE stuff and hasn't stopped parroting it since then and makes himself look retarded when he does.
No. 696752
>>696743If Onision feels like doing cocaine delegitimizes her in any way, he must have missed the part he groomed a teenager to have sex with him and his trans wife while they roleplayed some fucking hentai version of death note. This was a joke, but the dude traumatized her. She had a rough time with her family and then moved in with predators that exposed her to a very dysfunctional notion of what is love and how it is expressed like they have their children. If she did coke, IT'S UNDERSTANDABLE AND EXCUSABLE, CONSIDERING EVERYTHING.
I, too, would want to escape the memories of fucking them any way I could.
No. 696753
>>696745Yeah exactly, who gives a shit if she did cocaine? Drugs are fun, weed is legal now. Onision is out of touch with the kids if he thinks that anyone is going to give a single shit.
The fact she just outed it herself before he had the chance to is amazing, she's disarming everything he can legally use against her.
No. 696754
>>696645>>696655At this point the kids are irreparably damaged and probably doomed to fail depending on whether or not Greg and Kainey allow them to go to school; any relationship drama and people coming and going are going to be blips on the radar as it is with any child under the charge of a parent who has a rotating door of partners (like Greg's mom). Not that Greg understands this or thinks about his kids beyond the direct context of himself.
>>696677Early childhood is a critical stage in development, and there's no way the kids are getting anything beyond their basic needs met they're screwed
No. 696758
>>696741Adding to this. Keep onionflake tweets in the onionflakes thread in /snow/.
>>>/snow/691458Tweets from Sarah, Billie, and Ayalla are welcome.If I catch anyone self posting or linking their shitty videos then I will make sure everyone knows who you are. I'm also aware of who's potentially self posting their own tweets.
No. 696760
>>696736>>696740Greg never signed away his kids; he just said that he would/wanted to in order to be with Billie. In most cases a parent isn't even able to willingly relinquish their parental rights unless there is someone else willing to care for (i.e. pay for) the kids so Greg's going to be on the hook for their care until they reach adulthood.
>>696753>Onision is out of touch with the kids if he thinks that anyone is going to give a single shit.Of course he is. He's been sperging into the void about this drug shit since Billiegate, the void being his mirror image and handful of remaining fans.
No. 696765
>>696757This. He thinks he can tell these young girls what to do and they will obey him with no resistance? He is such a fucking idiot lmao. Just because Kia Pride is a doormat he can wipe his boots on doesn't mean he can do the same to all the
teen bait that walks through his door.
No. 696766
>>696754>Early childhood is a critical stage in development, and there's no way the kids are getting anything beyond their basic needs met they're screwedThey're not even getting that, james wont even talk to his infant daughter because she can't talk back yet.
>>696758>I'm also aware of who's potentially self posting their own tweets.oooohhh admin taking off the kid gloves!
No. 696767
>>696762What secrets?
>experimenting with drugs>turning homework in lateAt the worst he will expose sexual shit and it just digs him in deeper.
What else does he got? Fake child abuse accusations like he made against Sam?
haha, get fucked
No. 696770
>>696768well they lied about ever being her guardians, at least lainey did
What is sickening is how lainey used that to cover up the first round of grooming allegations.
If anything sarah was predisposed to doing drugs for dealing with Greg and Taylor's shit. Fuck id' snort a couple lines over a night in the basement
No. 696772
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No. 696778
File: 1567563737754.jpg (17.4 KB, 470x140, fdgafasdfwteeeeeee.JPG)

No. 696779
File: 1567563785741.jpg (15.54 KB, 466x120, aaaaaaaa.JPG)

No. 696780
>>696778>>696779Teenager does teen things, nobody surprised. Still support
victim of grooming and sick adult sexual manipulation.
No. 696787
File: 1567564422326.png (380.22 KB, 1242x2208, 6420FFF6-E6E4-441B-9200-32B3B6…)

No. 696792
>>696787Wow, I am really proud of her for not falling for Lainey's manipulation and sparing her.
Hope she saved that text.
No. 696793
File: 1567564538972.png (1.31 MB, 1242x2208, AD9BC88A-AD63-4F8A-974D-A1EE19…)

No. 696794
>>696792She says she has all of the tests saved from this time period. I am hoping she can share them without getting into legal trouble. Not sure how that works in her or their state but I am so thankful she’s not falling
victim to them once more and is dragging them instead. This is great.
No. 696803
>>696787This is about the manliest thing Taylor has ever done.
That is, sending pictures of her manly vagina to a minor she was given legal power over.
You know, predatory behavior typical of a man like greg.
That is the manliest thing she's ever done, is being a fucking nonce piece of shit.
No. 696804
File: 1567564804811.jpg (191.75 KB, 1080x879, Screenshot_20190903-224031_Twi…)

(take it to the flakes thread)
No. 696809
>>696800I think it's more because she really cared about them and wanted to save them just to always remember their good times together- she probably never expected them to fuck her over like they did the other girls.
Sarah, you're doing amazing sweetie
No. 696810
Sweet delicious milk queen Sarah! Praise be. Bless up.
>>696505She has always said that she doesn't have bottom dysphoria in basically every trans video shes made. She also says that she liked chicks in the past and it's very clear that is not true based on actions and the Onion's latest futureboard video where she says she doesn't like girls. She just wants special internet points because if she wasn't "trans" or "gay" she'd just be boring Onion's doormat. That's her personality. Fucking sad lol.
>>696521Will Onion ever accept responsibility for the fact that all the money he spent destroying and repairing the wetland could have been money going to his family? Onion, you are hurting your family, you groomed a minor.
>>696625Shes a terrible fucking person. She tattles on people to Jimmy instead of dealing it head on like an adult. She ignored Sarah for weeks and only talked to her when Sarah gifted her an edible arrangement. Jimmy is right when he calls her a cunt, not that it's okay for him to call her that but he's not wrong. Shes a terrible human.
No. 696812
>>696807Sarah might not have wanted to use this ammo just yet, remember when she did her livestream, she was still missing lainey. But now?? Oh the gloves are off.
>>696806Best part? I bet greg didn't even know lainey sent her junk to sarah. She's getting shit from all angles. Watch her end up in the psychward.
No. 696814
File: 1567565398826.png (525.7 KB, 579x818, wat tt.png)

>>696810>She just wants special internet points because if she wasn't "trans" or "gay" she'd just be boring Onion's doormat. That's her personality. Fucking sad lol. kek, reminds me of this comment that I saved
No. 696815
File: 1567565428157.png (469.15 KB, 1068x815, chrome_weExGvhoda.png)

No. 696819
File: 1567565585442.jpeg (174.16 KB, 1125x562, 9A716822-7F1D-4172-BC86-4C1360…)

No. 696820
>>696819"Kai told me exactly how big Greg’s dick is when I was 14."
oh good fucking god
I knew this bitch was worse
No. 696822
Can you imagine how much shit Lainey has on Greg? If he betrays her and then she betrays him, we are going to drown in milk
No. 696826
>>696815If the milk she was spilling while working was creamy, I can't wait to see what she spills now that she's free.
>>696819So how small was the baby carrot?
No. 696827
>>696758>If I catch anyone self posting or linking their shitty videos then I will make sure everyone knows who you are. I'm also aware of who's potentially self posting their own tweets.Hell yeah
>>696776>>696772This reads like it could have been generated by a markov bot fed every middle-age travel blogger's instagram feed. Greg must be absolutely seething if he's trying this hard to put up a positive front.
>>696787Holy shit - finally something that could get one of them put away.
No. 696829
File: 1567565914658.jpg (22.94 KB, 1080x248, Screenshot_20190903-225837_Twi…)

>>696816If it was she cropped the tweet activity out of it so I doubt it. Picture is what your own tweets look like at the bottom.
No. 696830
>>696819Fucking shit. I'm glad this blew up now and that she's throwing punches like a champ. They would have ruined this girl mentally if she weren't this strong and had she stayed in the O hell hole dumpster swamp longer.
God damn, they're both such disgusting freaks. When you think nothing about Jimmy and Foot can surprise you anymore, it gets worse.
No. 696835
>>696834How can she have regressed from a state she never reached to begin with? Taylor froze in time the day Greg first stuck his peen in her.
>>696833Sarah's been Taylor's emotional tampon and nanny for years; there's most likely nothing that anybody else can offer that she doesn't know, aside from the Jacksons themselves. If she tells all then we're going to be very satisfied
No. 696836
File: 1567566528742.png (844.51 KB, 592x978, 2019-09-04 13_09_09-Sar (@nots…)

get em
No. 696838
>>696794>>696799If she's a part of the conversation, she's allowed to share it in her state.
>>696835Which makes it even more dumb for Greg to go after Sarah. She knows all of their secrets and spilled hers so he can't use them against her. All he has now is his rage and a wet doormat to wipe his feet on.
No. 696839
File: 1567566812581.jpg (192.04 KB, 946x2048, EDltuFAXkAALy9-.jpg)

blue is Kai
grey is Greg
No. 696841
File: 1567566837777.png (15.72 KB, 591x223, meltdown uncoming.png)

Jimmy is sweating.
No. 696844
File: 1567567056773.png (5.58 MB, 1242x2208, 6B164FEC-5F94-4453-AB37-8BA8D1…)

No. 696847
File: 1567567156733.jpeg (102.81 KB, 1240x844, 52774C0E-7379-4377-B19F-0E4482…)

lmfao WELP
No. 696848
File: 1567567156823.jpeg (152.83 KB, 1125x486, 378D86E6-8450-45BC-A6CE-A81BE2…)

No. 696849
>>696839It's so weird to see Plainey get a little backbone but then she caves and goes back to being a limp doormat.
>>696844Yuck, you know she's telling the truth cause Greg is hellbent on doing old ass things like hickies.
No. 696854
File: 1567567341723.gif (1.56 MB, 366x274, giphy.gif)

Me RN.
No. 696861
>>696858Even as a trans man Greg emasculates Lainey hahah how sad
She probably thought she could escape that once she started LARPing as a boy
No. 696867
File: 1567568005881.jpg (62.48 KB, 807x617, 2019-09-03_23-34-26.jpg)

No. 696868
File: 1567568074391.jpg (12.32 KB, 809x121, 2019-09-03_23-35-23.jpg)

Seems like he finally tipped her over enough to talk to the police.
No. 696871
File: 1567568238370.jpg (15.3 KB, 796x125, 2019-09-03_23-38-22.jpg)

No. 696872
File: 1567568270526.jpg (105.55 KB, 1207x834, liar.JPG)

>>696844so in this video, posted 2 days before this gross hickey, Onion specifically says he never made out with sarah and that everyone is "smoking crack" and should apologize.
No. 696874
File: 1567568551086.jpeg (442.92 KB, 1125x1058, A692E4EA-A1FE-44FC-B002-14582A…)

Billie is obviously in Sarah’s corner.
No. 696875
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>>696839virginity aside…. oh my god, lamey fucked sarah.
No. 696877
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>>696867>>696848>>696868Sarah is an absolute legend, this girl not only is taking these predators down, but in the most hilarious and satisfying way possible, both for her and us. She's honestly so funny, if she became a youtuber after this, I'd watch.
No. 696879
>>696871Yes, we SHOULD see it, kek.
We should make a bingo for it before sarah posts it, and see how spot-on it is.
No. 696885
>>696881she probably just blocked you lmao
she is watching her comment section like a hawk
blokced me too
No. 696886
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>>696881>>696883it's still up. both are.
No. 696891
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No. 696895
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>>696891Oh god he actually compiled a list of bullshit. Nothing he has written is legible. I hate how he throws the word "Rape" around so much, especially when Sarah has evidence of them grooming her.
No. 696897
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No. 696898
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No. 696903
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Sarah is having a "Do you feel in charge?" moment and it's beautiful.
No. 696904
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No. 696909
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No. 696915
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So she's harming kids and raping people in spirit, Greg? He's so unbelievably delusional.
No. 696916
>>696910the most predictable thing about greg, is that whenever he's accused of something, magically somehow it's the other person who actually did it
>>696903all hail queen sarah
No. 696917
>>696911>>696910Remember when he said some about daycare children climbing on him, "trying to tear" his clothing off and being "innapropriate"
This is kind of like that
No. 696919
>>696910He said a drawing of him having sex with Blair white was rape so he isn’t very smart and throws that word around when it comes to him being a
victim a lot.
Honestly though, this is the weakest defense he could come up with because it makes absolutely no sense.
No. 696921
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This must be so vindicating for all the other girls too. Holy shit what a time to be alive
No. 696922
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No. 696929
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No. 696932
>>696891onion isn't saying sarah raped kai from afar, you guys. he said sarah and kai flirted while "afar" (i guess not together aka by text?) and then when they were actually together suddenly lamey says no.
i don't believe it ofc, but stop with this "raped from afar" thing and read the actual texts.
No. 696938
>>696926That’s exactly right. Name one time Greg thought he was even a little bit right and didn’t blast it all over the internet. Never. He’s trying to talk this offensive game but he’s trying to spook her and playing aggressive defense.
>>696922Gottem. If anything he forced his straight wife into having sex with another girl just so he could get in on it. He wrote in that email that he enjoyed watching her pleasure (apparently “rape”) Lainey so…..
No. 696942
>>696930It's worthless. Wouldn't be surprised if Sarah consulted with a lawyer about it.
>>696931She could sue him but wouldn't have much of a case. Nothing that Sarah's leaked about Greg so far is illegal, though the selfie Taylor sent could possibly get her into trouble.
No. 696946
>>696898That's the most delusional shit I read in the last…decade. No exaggerations.
Either he completely mentally snapped right now or he was delusional for a while.
No. 696948
>>696941continue reading the sentence then lol. yes greg is bad at his native language but it's annoying that this accusation is turned into a joke.
>>696943which is why he didn't say that and you should read the actual text. he's basically saying lamey was flirty over text with sarah but once they were together IRL and lame didn't want to fuck, sarah raped her because of the texts (the "flirting from afar").
No. 696952
>>696950i doubt it, since he says "not only with … sexual extortion, but also" and then goes on the weirdly-phrased thing about her and lame flirting by text and lame getting cold feet in person.
the sexual extortion thing is probably related to the thing where he keeps claiming she has blackmail on them and used it to get sex (aka extorting). probably what
>>696951 said. greg is so fucking stupid.
No. 696955
>>696951>>696952ok. thanks. jimmy has me perplexed as fuck. did anyone else hear his back cracking from how far he's reaching?
tbh greg shouldnt be laineys attack dog. if she has a problem, she should put on her big boy pants and address sarah directly. or he should stop using lainey as a shield to deflect accountability.
No. 696958
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No. 696963
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According to grease's flawless logic, if you don't report a rape to the police that makes you as bad as the rapist. So grease, why didn't you report Sarah?
No. 696964
>>696958If Billy the fridge is still okay with Greg after this as well as Anastasia and Joe, I have completely written him off.
Billy frustrated me but I get that he wanted to be neutral but after all this and the Madison thing who he is STILL friends with, he really should get rid of Greg.
No. 696969
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>>696964If anons can double check then please do so, but it says Billy does not follow Onision on twitter and vice versa. Also he liked Sarah's reply.
No. 696972
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>>696969it'll take a while to update on apps like this so, this may be wrong.
>696969 No. 696977
File: 1567573683444.gif (765.71 KB, 430x200, faggot.gif)

>>696897>you blackmailed us, raped us, and sexually extorted usIn his tiny delusional mind he thinks he has any credibility
after YEARS of publicly doing the very shit he's falsely accusing Sarah of doing? I'm laffin.
No. 696979
>>696976She was grooming her to also learn how to put up with abuse as well. The stonewalling (silent treatment without telling her what for) and then only accepting her apology after getting edible arrangements lmao, that on it's OWN is
OK so bets on for possible divorcegate? It would be the perfect way for greg to distance himself from lainey, by saying he didn't know lainey was being sexual with sarah for "so long." He gets out of being near the kids, dating a fakeboi, and gets to try to paint himself as harmless (it won't work though).
No. 696982
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>>696912Gonna be great when he tries gaslighting the police too.
No. 696983
>>696979I still don't think divorcegate will happen. Neither of them can stand being alone, they're toxically codependent on each other. Greg isn't leaving Lame until he finds a replacement, just as he's done with almost all his previous relationships. And with this drama alienating them both from their dwindling suitor pool even more than they already were, they're stuck with each other.
Even if he does decide to throw her under the bus as being a predator, he'll give some spiel about how he's a devoted husband and will stick by her while she ~gets help~. And Lame will never ever initiate a divorce because she's a coward and no one else is going to put up with her transboy bullshit and she knows it.
No. 696985
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not sure i could facepalm harder
No. 696986
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>>696980Looks like he may have unfollowed him after Sarah's stream. one is going to want to collab with them when this is all said and done. Their reputations are too poisonous.
No. 696987
File: 1567575243376.png (49.75 KB, 825x566, firefox_duQCXZf0Fq.png)

on that note, looks like he's still buying twitter followers
No. 696990
>>696987I have a feeling people are following him on twitter now just to see if he is posting anything on the situation.
Spoiler: he is not.
No. 697002
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>>696992Sarah has explicitly given ages during most of this. I.e. tweet below, or mentioning she was 15 when they had romantic conversations on the live stream. Pay attention, moron.
No. 697009
File: 1567578607627.png (35.78 KB, 662x316, billythescumbag.png)

>>696969Billy is a scumbag who defended Onion the first time the grooming allegations came out.
He's just trying to cover his ass now.
No. 697010
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>>696936Doesn't take much to outwit someone like gerg. Not that Sarah doesn't have brains. Everyone knew she was the smartest person in grease mansion.
No. 697012
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>>697006His 'plans' always blow up in his face. He's a vindictive, spiteful, retaliatory asswipe (tries to hide it), then wonders why things go so badly for him, and he's a moron to top it all off. He and his footwife deserve each other.
No. 697014
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No. 697023
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No. 697025
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No. 697029
>>696963Well he did tell Lame and Madison they deserved to get raped.
>>696989Yeah for someone who was uncomfortable and "raped" she had no problem sending a minor a picture of her crusty twat.
I feel like we all hit BINGO on our Onision scorecards after reading those texts. Druggy liar criminal mentally ill rapist blackmailer! He tried to discredit everyone this way. Too bad it's not going to work. It's very telling that every girl has the same complaints about how he acts towards them but no, they're the ones who are wrong and you should believe the Greaselord. I hope his baby carrot falls off.
No. 697031
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No. 697034
>Is there any possible way for him to ignore this? I’m trying to think of how he could circumvent this but I, but he's trying. he's uploading videos about kai's transition and trans kids and trying his hardest to be like "HEY GUYS DONT LOOK AT THE GROOMING ALLEGATIONS LOOK AT THIS CONTROVERSY LOOK LOOK!"
I honestly think he thinks that if he just ignores it and makes a new controversy people will forget this.
No. 697035
>There's obviously some sort of sexual compulsion with Greg, Lainey or both going on if they haven't noticed 3 is a crowd, doesn't work and keep making the same mistakes over and over again expecting different results.It's greg. Lainey has been outed as saying she only wanted Sarah around because she didn't feel threatened by her physical beauty and that "greg would allow her to have top surgery if there were a pair of boobs in the picture."
2 of the most selfish, repulsive monsters on the planet tbh
No. 697039
>>696885>she probably just blocked you lmaoshe is watching her comment section like a hawk
blokced me too
it's not kai, it's greg deleting posts. even people who ask simple questions like "who's the green haired girl" are being blocked by both kai & greg. greg and kai have admitted greg edits kai's videos and photoshops her pics. wouldn't surprise me that controllingass greg is also controlling social media. too much of a coincidence that when kai blocks someone, greg does too.
No. 697041
>If Billy the fridge is still okay with Greg after this as well as Anastasia and Joe, I have completely written him off.tbh, i never understood why either of them stuck by greg after all the shit he's done. they seem like normal, fairly intelligent people. i agree, if they stand by after all this i'm fucking done too. does anastasia honestly think she'll become youtube famous or even respected as a human being interacting with this shitbag?
No. 697045
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No. 697050
>>697032Illegal and a horrible thing to do.
That shit is so low I could only see Greggles doing something like that.
No. 697055
>>697052This. Not why everyone is shitting on Lane. She helped Sarah with the live stream and is almost as relevant as Billie and Ayallah in my opinion.
Inb4 hi Lane.
No. 697062
>>697038I'm sure the lovebombing is just online. I'll bet he's screaming at her nonstop and now even more because Taylor smoked weed and sent a pic of her frankenstein vagina to Sarah when she was underage.
I LOVE it so much that James Jackson is on a full on lockdown. He's NEVER shut his mouth, went private and hoped the shitstorm blows over cause he, in every situation, thought he's right.
He knows he can't escape Sarah. Hilarious that he can't handle her being ~bruutally honest~
No. 697064
>>697042oh look and its glorifying violence against women again. the few videos i seen of him hes always beating up then shooting women.
careful there Taylor, this might be a precursor in to your future.
>>697002I always had a feeling Taylor is as bad as he is.
No. 697065
>>697058Both Sarah and Billie actually held/still hold jobs.
Lainey has to have bubble bath selfcare days because it's too much hard work complaining in front of a camera about her fake sexuality while her greasy husband edits her videos for her lazy ass. She neglects her kids and her dogs for asspats on the internet.
No. 697071
>>697069I'm wondering if he's going to say Sarah roofied Kai by letting him inject weed and then raped her lol. I'm sure the Onions are working on a story for how Lainey got a contact high and it was
I've been pondering too about how it's funny all the evidence is stacked against Lainey and not Greg, but it happened in Greg's home and he was involved. Has Onion premeditated keeping his phone etc free of incriminating shit? Doubt it matters, Kai and James are linked forever.
No. 697073
>>697066Fred and Rose West are/were two of the most sadistic people ever to have lived in Britain, depraved to the absolute core and inherently evil.
Greg and Lainey are fucking nothing compared to them.
No. 697074
>>697055She's also the one who spilled the beans about them wanting Sarah to be a part of their relationship. Greg apologized to her and said he had no idea Sarah was thinking that, but now all the milk is spilling proving that Greg lied (which we all knew already).
>>697062Yeah there's no way he'll keep his mouth shut. Sarah calling him ugly or talking about how small his dick is might make him start sperging since he went on and on about how much she wanted them and they didn't want her.
No. 697076
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No. 697077
>>697045Karla Homol-kai is great.
>>697069If this happened and Lainey ended up on the sexual offender list would the Onionbulbs still be allowed reside in the house?
No. 697082
>>697075He was also incredibly adept and sociable, charming and convincing - even making the police outside court laugh with him.
She was alluring and managed to bring men over to the house to cuck Fred who got off on it and profited.
On the opposite side we have:
- A nobody who can't even tie his own shoelaces
- Another nobody who lies through her back teeth at every chance she gets
I'm far from idolising serial killers, but these guys are backwater inbreds compared.
>>697077And let's stop comparing them to serial killers aka "Homol-kai" it's a massive reach and we know they're not capable of it.
No. 697090
>>697071Maybe he'll pull a Timothy Heller and say that Sarah made Lainey get high and raped her.
I'm glad Sarah is not scared of these idiots.
No. 697091
>>697090He could but Sarah already said doormat sent her pussy pics when she was underaged
Did she make her high over the phone, james? Kek
No. 697092
>>697071I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that's one of the biggest reasons why Lainey hasn't left Greg. He has too much on her.
Lainey is as much of a
victim as all his other exes, but the difference is Greg has insured she'll go down with him. She made her choice. I just hope the kids physically ok at least.
No. 697093
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>>697089Plainey is ok with Sarah becausse she's delusional and actually believes she's hotter than her so she's safe, she doesn't feel threatened the way Billie made her feel.
She's as delusional as her husband when it comes to her looks.
Pic related. The true face of beauty.
No. 697094
>>697089Bold of you to assume that she’s not an abuser herself that likes to control and manipulate to get what she wants. She used Sarah for sex as much as Greg like just cuz we speculate that she doesn’t like women doesn’t mean she doesn’t like control and is a perverse fuck just like James Jackson. It’s so stupid this whole “Lainey is Greg’s
victim!!” When this bitch on her own sent a KID pictures of her vagina. How’s that on onision? The reason she stays with James is because she likes him and recognizes herself in him.
No. 697095
>>697094According to Sarah, Lainey also totally cried over billie which prompted Jimmy Jones to say "why don't we just wait for Sarah to turn 18?"
She was a part of it from the very beginning she was just smart enough to get on people's (kind of) good side when the whole Billie thing went down using the poor pregnant wife excuse as a shield
Whoever still thinks Lainey is a
victim is as retarded as the Jackson's
No. 697096
>>697092I agree. I reckon Lainey knows exactly what Greg is like and realised much too late that she is married to the world's biggest loudmouth and he'll use her information against her so she just complies. She's still a piece of shit though.
>>697093I also think another reason she was not threatened by Sarah and by Billie is because she knew her at 14. She talked to her online and she visited at 16. Lainey would have seen her daggy teen years.
She only started to get jealous later on when Sarah actually started to grow up.
No. 697097
>>697094she is both a
victim and a perpetrator. there is such thing.
she was only 17 when jimbo preyed on her too, and over the years she's morphed herself into someone just as foul as him.
she doesn't deserve to be dismissed because he's turned her into a wreck just like all of his other exes, but we can at least acknowledge that her future was ruined the day she met him.
No. 697098
File: 1567602624892.png (337.79 KB, 562x1020, why am i paying for this shit.…) this is what he's been working on. He has been playing with dolls and making them fuck in his mid 30's, this is pathetic.
No. 697099
>>697093It's insane that this actual foot thinks they look better than Sarah. In what world?
>>697094If there's any truth to
>>697018 it's likely she gets off on the game of it all. We've all seen her run through the same cycle multiple times in the past.
No. 697102
>>697097She absolutely deserves to be dismissed because she’s not a
victim you can’t prey on kids and then go uwu but my husband is baaaaaddd!! It’s also pretty sexists and stupid to assume female
victims can’t have a personality of their own. Thousands and thousands of women have been in much much worse relationships and have done some questionable things but none of them sexted kids, manipulated and used a kid they had legal guardianship over to as a fuck buddy the moment they turned 18. KAI FUCKED SARAH AS WELL! Even tried to argue with her super bad husband who truly took Sarah’s virginity, just because it’s not necessarily penetration involved it’s still SEX. We are all always influenced by the people around us but uwu I’m a pedo Bc my husband calls me a cunt … is a bit of a reach.
No. 697103
>>697094She used Sarah for alot. Childcare, emotional support, a shield from Greg, a sorce of deflection, sex, and a bed mate for her husband so she can go pretend to be a trans guy for attention. That's just what I know, could be alot more.
Greg is working triple overtime to stop this and it isn't working. Kind of like all of his ideas.
No. 697104
>>697103She also is always up in Greg’s ear telling all girls’ secretes , spies on them and tattles to him. You have to be a special kind of idiot to think this bitch isn’t enjoying it every time he’s out on spergs telling the whole internet the girls secrets and calling them crazy. She
triggers him and gives him ammo, she has been doing it for the longest time but “she has anxiety :(((((((“
No. 697109
>>697102alright chuckles, you've completely missed the point of my comment but keep yodelling.
>>697105he's def got ammo to get rid of her for good now ('she broke the LAW by smoking WEED and sending NUDES TO UNDERAGE PEOPLE that is WRONG and we all know that i am a man of the LAW') but i still reckon their schtick of 'we're together to prove da h8rs wrong' is going to outweigh that. if either of them are good at anything, it's being spiteful cunts.
No. 697111
>>697031holy shit this is like avenger's end game, getting to remember all the characters from the whole series.
>>697042is he trying to
trigger fans with abuse trauma or something?!
No. 697113
>>697098Very lazy attempts at a poor man's Robot Chicken.
Nothing he does is original.
I hate the south park style voice he uses in videos
No. 697116
File: 1567605022392.png (71.56 KB, 1610x232, Screen Shot 2019-09-04 at 11.4…)

He is completely delusional if he expects anyone to believe she raped him when seven days before giving her hickeys he was calling her innocent?
He has absolutely no way of defending himself this time I don't see him speaking about it at all.
No. 697118
>>696696That's what Greg is going for, pretending to be the nice / woke person, but his horrible personality and stupidity ooze through his every pore.
>>696810>Jimmy is right when he calls her a cunt, not that it's okay for him to call her that but he's not wrong. Shes a terrible human.And he is stuck with her for what seems the rest of his life. Ahahahaha, glorious!
Lainey and Greg, one worse than the other, absolutely DO deserve each other. I hope they stay together forever.
But I'm waiting for Greg's "How to get rid of my wife 2.0".
No. 697119
>>697116Wow, good find anon.
He's such a lying sack of shit.
No. 697120
File: 1567606231374.jpeg (88.43 KB, 828x458, DA68A756-8932-4D6D-AE1B-7E9CCA…)

It’s time to milk the cows.
No. 697123
>>697098First off, Patreon anon, we can't thank you enough for these videos.
Second off, if you don't need these transcripts, I'll stop.
> PATREON Uh Oh Bros Preview> Top Gun-esque rock music in the background> Soldier doll: "What's up, troop? I'm here today to feature the Laineybot plaque." (Youtube play button plaque on screen)> "We're getting rid of this goddamn thing and if you wanna buy it, it's for sale!"> "Here in the military we ain't no goddamn fan of deadnames! It is a dead fucking name, and we are selling this shit. Deadnames piss me off almost as much as-"> (Cuts to a Master Chief doll getting smushed on and moaning with a bitchy voice) "Ungh! Fuck me, Roger! Uagghh, right in my pussy ass!"> (Show Roger, enter singsong voice) "Hey, sergeant Carthoff(? No clue), wanna come join my assfucking party?"> (Sarge) "Holy (something) fucking shit, I'm a Bible Belt Christian you fucking gaylord(?)"> (Roger moaning) "Oagh, I want your dick inside me, daddy!"> (Master Chief) "Wait, it's only gay if I enjoy it, right? 'Cos… 'cos it's… I'm only half nutting"> Ba-dum tss. No. 697125
>>697109Pot is legal in Washington, the only reason why Billie was in trouble with Onion is because it's not legal in VA. He said Billie could smoke pot in Washington once shes the legal age (21) and even said that she would be allowed to smoke pot in the in-law suite above the garage at the McMansion.
Now if Sarah had said Lainey also tried coke…
No. 697129
>>697126That's like saying you can't rape a slut. She was a kid, taken by a grown man. Is she responsible for her actions now? Yeah, definitely. But she was a
victim at one point.
No. 697130
File: 1567608059941.png (21.47 KB, 652x455, chrome_BnT7qnnB2M.png)

>>697126>>697124>>697122Sage your posts, it's not that hard.
No. 697132
>>697126Yeah… she was groomed. He took advantage of a young girl and manipulated her. She was a undoubtedly
victim back then then but now she's an abuser and 100% responsible for what she is doing.
What does her sexual history before Greg have to do with anything?
No. 697133
>>697045Taylor Elaine Karla
Homol-Kai Avaroe Jackson had me in tears, anon! Great work!!!
>>697047It's because Greg probably thinks that
owning a 360 camera is dope enough and everybody will praise him for the innovative work he's doing. He can't put 2 and 2 together and figure out that you actually have to be creative or artistic - or at least have to have a good script and some thought out preparation - to create a somewhat decent 360 video.
Then again, he has his 5 weird fans left who'll praise him for anything and everything he does, no matter how bad it is. Why would he spend more time on content for them? lol
>>697100Why would the trinity be off the cards?
Lainey's tried more than enough with girls, why not invite a hunk to the house? I mean, all Greg ever wanted is to support his "spouse", to make her happy by finding someone to take care of her and to enjoy the trinity. I know it's never gonna happen because Greg would snap (penis envy, loss of control, jealousy, realizing his feminitiy, … ) but I'd love to see Lainey put her foot down and demand adding a man to their holy trinity.
(Bonus: If they choose Billy, there'll also be a pair of boobs for Greg to grope.)
No. 697135
>>697129What do you call her 19yr old boyfriend she was fucking at the time when she went after Greg?
He was an adult too. Girl was not innocent like Sarah. Lainey had been around the block. Was even known for sending people half nude pics in HS. A THOT
(learn how to sage/infighting) No. 697136
>>697123What the fuck.
Middle aged father of two… absolutely disgusting.
No. 697137
>>697135Oh no, a high school girl having sex and sending nude photos.. I guess that means she was just destined to be swept away by a 26 year old man and immediately married and impregnated. If anything, that behavior shows that she may have been troubled or insecure. Still a teenage girl, still a
victim, regardless of how big of a "thot" she was.
(sage/infighting) No. 697138
>>697044>the fuck am I even watching. is this meant to be funny?he thinks it is, i think. but it's so far off the mark from any form of "comedy" that i really can't be sure.
>>697064>oh look and its glorifying violence against women again. the few videos i seen of him hes always beating up then shooting women. careful there Taylor, this might be a precursor in to your future.
yeah, i mean onioncuck has always had this streak, but lately it's gotten even worse.
and if kaibot hasn't realized this yet what if billiegate, shilohgate, and the recent grooming shit – you know this "comedy" video isn't gonna open her transtrender eyes.
>>697111>is he trying to trigger fans with abuse trauma or something?!no idea. it's definitely not ANY form of comedy, not even an attempt. trying to
trigger fans with
abusive pasts could be a possibility, you know he likes his fans young, easy manipulated, and damaged.
No. 697141
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No. 697143
>>697131I realize that Jimmy thinks that no rules apply to him. He's narcissistic enough to think everyone is wrong but him. TurboTax fucked up his taxes, and he was just protecting his Onionbulbs from the scary weeds of the wetland. Its definitely not his fault.
Also speaking of Wetlands pretty sure Onion has 57 days (October 31) to have the fence installed and submit pictures to the county as per his restoration agreement.
>>697134Anything to keep teen poon around for Jimmy tho
No. 697145
>>697141Lainey said the same thing about Sarah.
You seem older.
No. 697146
>>697141>I feel like I'm talking to a 20 year oldNo offence to anyone 20 years old, but 20 is not exactly a 'mature' age. Also doesn't he constantly go on about how mature he was at 11?
He said in the past he feels mentally 18 like he does now.
He always changes his idea of what age an adult really is.
No. 697147
File: 1567610096478.png (149.36 KB, 500x386, grooming.png)

never forget
No. 697150
>>697143Yeah anything to keep the teen poon around but hypothetically if Billie had stayed and he allowed her to smoke he would have made her feel bad about it constantly.
Sarah only reposted something about weed on tumblr and Greg started lecturing her on why she shouldn't do it. She mentioned his preachy attitude to weed after she admitted doing it to him on the live stream.
She said to him after that she wouldn't do it at all because his response about it was so annoying.
No. 697152
>>697146>No offence to anyone 20 years old, but 20 is not exactly a 'mature' age.It's not but to a 16 year old it seems mature; telling kids they're "mature for their age" is a common grooming technique
sage for armchair
No. 697153
>>697151My theory that the reason he doesn't like them doing drugs is because he prefers younger 'purer' girls and in his mind women that take drugs are whores or criminals.
He's said in past videos he didn't like an ex smoking pot because she acted different to how he preferred.
The other thing is he's an absolute control freak and can't deal with someone taking drugs because he is really uneducated on drugs and thinks people become unpredictable and won't listen to him and he can't deal with not having control over a sex puppet.
No. 697158
File: 1567612082741.gif (1.72 MB, 400x200, giphy-1.gif)

I'm so proud of Sara right now. She isn't caving into their manipulative bullshit - trying to make her responsible for THEIR fucked up grown ass adult choices. If anybody was raped it was Sara, they took somebody young and vulnerable and played her like a puppet for their own sick gain. Get fucked Avaroes.
No. 697161
>>697153it's the latter imo. He clings to the drugs thing for several reasons.
It lets him feel set apart and speshul
It lets him feel like he's shaping the lives of those under his control
It's something he can shame others for when he needs a power play to get them back under control
It's something he can smear people for even years after the fact, if/when he recognizes that they're a lost cause and wants to exhaust them into just going away (cf right fucking now)
sage for armchair
No. 697162
>>697158Same. She's calling them out on their dumb logic also. Like when Greg cried rape and she checkmated him with 'well seeing as you participated, does that make you a rapist also?'
No. 697165
File: 1567612367904.png (1.79 MB, 2356x996, Screen Shot 2019-09-05 at 1.50…)

Subtle dig at Sara? Notice how spergy he gets when Kainey tries taking off the "hugs not drugs" image.
No. 697167
File: 1567612562782.png (96.02 KB, 1082x554, Screenshot_42.png)

More digs at Sarah
>uwu i'm clean I've never done drugs
but you still have a room temperature iq and you and your wife groomed a teenage girl to become the perfect partner for you two so your marriage won't fall apart. Doing drugs is better than being a sexual predator.
No. 697169
>>697167>some of the coolest things you can do is eat well and look after your body duhhhh Take your own advice you pale flabby dad bodded loser.
You have shit rashy skin and you and your herpes riddled wife both look unfit and extremely flabby, unfit and anemic.
He spouts this shit yet he eats like shit and his exercise consists of him sperging like a retard naked in his backyard for videos that no-one watches.
Then this flabby caveman tries to hunch over and tense in photos with a furrowed brow acting like he's in league with Andy Biersack or that faggot from supernatural/twilight/whatever teen heart throb is popular on tumblr.
Lainey doesn't even touch fruit without gagging and looks like she has aids half the time.
They like to try to be above everyone by being be vegetarian and drug free but they are the ugliest role models. I've seen hotter crack heads than these two. How delusional.
No. 697176
>>697170>said he was okay with Billie smoking weed in his state This isn't really against straight edge philosophy.
You know what is though? Extramarital sex.
No. 697180
File: 1567616593620.png (35.84 KB, 1078x155, Screenshot_47.png)

No. 697181
>>697179They've never been above anyone. I just meant that it's funny how they THINK they are because of a dietary choice. Not eating meat and not touching drugs doesn't mean shit on your morals scale when you try to fuck teenagers. But yeah wasn't saying that they actually are above anyone, just that they act it.
Like with all the Die antwoord scandal where they get outed as creeps and basically screech about being Buddhist vegetarians like it has anything to do with manipulating and fucking a fan.
No. 697182
>>697178Their mental gymnastics with the cheating is silly. I would bet he will do the same thing with his accusations of “rape.”
Billie cheated but Greg didn’t. Sarah took advantage of Lainey but Greg didn’t.
Greg is the perennial innocent who in no way is driving all the chaos and abuse.
No one except Lainey is willing to believe that lie about either of the situations.
No. 697183
File: 1567617176221.jpg (211.59 KB, 1079x803, Screenshot_20190904-131204.jpg)

Did anyone see this? Not sure what the context is, exactly.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 697185
>>697184??? Literally none of this has come out via Grugly and PredatorGuyJai's Twitter accounts. If Keem doesn't wanna cover it (there are
valid reasons not to) he should just be honest or not mention it at all.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 697192
>>697186Jesse Lacey literally groomed a 15 y/o fan and made her watch him masturbate on a cam.
I guess Lainey can relate to more than just lyrics of Brand New songs. No wonder she never commented on the whole clusterfuck when all the BN fans were losing their shit.
No. 697196
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Is Blaire gonna cover this?
No. 697200
File: 1567620131561.jpeg (192.23 KB, 1125x556, B6BE2643-DCD2-4AF4-BB4B-9CF3AA…)

No. 697205
>>697200it makes me giggle to see that he gets max 20 likes and maybe 5 comments on his tweets and that's it.
I'd be interested to know how much engagement he gets on his patreon posts.
His need for attention is going to get the better of him soon.
No. 697208
File: 1567622008282.png (4.24 MB, 1242x2208, CCF9D069-505D-4ACC-85FB-DE3984…)

>>697196 blaire’s ig story. could this be about onion boy? she called him out for the rating underaged girls stuff hence ~familiar~ pedo
No. 697209
>>697009He retweeted one of the tweets from Sarah's feed just to argue with people and still refuses to say where he stands after Sarah's proof. He's a fat piece of shit. Here's to hoping that
>>697208 actually
listens to Sarah unlike Billy.
No. 697210
>>697209he's a fake person lol he sucks everyone's dick for clout
hes a piece of shit
No. 697211
>>697208I think so. I think she might take the angle of calling Lainey a predator pretending to be trans, instead of only attacking Onision. Seems to be the direction she's been going with her channel lately and makes sense.
I expect her to attack Lainey a lot more than Onion this time, considering she already has expressed she thought Lainey was a transtrender and sent an underage girl pics of her vagina and fucked said girl even before Onion got his dick wet.
No. 697217
>>697202Every time there is a Onion drama he tells people the same thing, that he swore not to report on them until they actually went to jail or got charged because Onision’s channel is dead and feeds off the drama.
I can’t say I disagree with him. Anyone that doesn’t already hate James never will and anything Keem says about him will only give him attention. There isn’t anyone who supports him, no one is going to be shocked by this, and there isn’t much more damage to be done to his career. It will only bring views and attention to his channel, which in turn will cause O to make videos trashing Sarah to get even more views and attention from her. He’s not even apart of the YouTube world anymore, he’s non existent. Let’s just enjoy our milk because people trying to force bigger youtubers to talk about it will give O money. Nothing is to come of this except our entertainment.
No. 697223
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No. 697227
File: 1567625638681.jpg (478.63 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20190905-033420_Twi…)

Hi Sar
No. 697228
>>697225We already know what it led to, Onion and Lainey fucking Sarah. So she can trickle out whatever she wants in her own time.
>>697208Good on Blaire. Her debates with Onion were always good and she hates transtrenders too, so I'm sure she'll discuss all of Lainey's bullshit too.
No. 697237
>>697231I was thinking this could be a huge series Shane could do. There would be so many people to interview. It could be an extension to his sociopath series of jake Paul, except instead of giving Greg any views he would just talk to the
victims and advocate for onion to be taken off the platform.
No. 697240
>>697228Yes, obviously.
But she can trickle it out in her own time while ALSO being tactical. The two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.
No. 697241
>>697231Sarah said in her livestream that she would give Shane all of her receipts, but that she wouldn't want him to make a video on it. Understandable. That's a lot of attention for any young adult. I wonder if she changed her mind, assuming she actually talked to Blaire in DM's?
I don't imagine Shane would make a video on Sarah's situation unless she asked him, but I think he must at least know about it. He's commented on Joy's channel, followed Mike, he and Defizzy talked about Onion briefly on his podcast, and he and Blaire are friends. While Shane won't say anything directly about Greg for fear of giving him attention, he most definitely hate-watches him and is at least semi-aware of the Sarah stuff by now. I wish Shane would take a dig at Greg, though (with Sarah's permission of course). Greg accused Shane of pedophilia for a year and a half, and now there's solid evidence of the pot calling the kettle black.
No. 697245
>>697243Only for a short while. It didn't take long for people to re-realize how much of a shitty person Jake Paul is, but maybe Nerd City had more to do with speeding up that great revelation.
I agree that Shane has hard time removing himself from the situation and if he ever felt responsible for hurting Kai and the children, he'd immediately cave in. It would probably be better if he went about the situation in more of a Conspiracy Series fashion like he did with his friend Brittani. Don't give Kai and Greg any chances to defend themselves or make excuses, and condense the information to one video.
Rn Blaire is the best person to handle the information. She's not going to let Lainey escape her wrath just because of her fakeboi demeanor. She's fucked just as much as JJ is.
No. 697248
File: 1567627788754.png (34.06 KB, 604x415, blockthemilk.PNG)

>>697223Poor Greg is starting to crack it seems.
No. 697250
File: 1567627919192.png (94.35 KB, 758x718, timeline.png)

I got permission from Sarah to share this
No. 697256
>>697253Onision should be going to jail for this. Not having a Youtuber make a video on it. The Youtuber could make a video on it AFTER he is in jail.
This story calls for the FBI, not Shane Dawson. Asking for a video to be made on by the biggest Youtuber on the platform is a red flag when it would be more appropriate and effective to be going to the Feds and not to a Youtuber with that. It's not entertainment, it's a fucking crime and it should be treated as such.
No. 697258
>>697250That whole video is just him saying we have not up to this point had sex or a sexual relationship with Sarah (lying about the cuddling and romantic discussions they had before they turned into an adult) and him thinking somehow that because she’s been 18 for a while that she is out of some made up period of time that it would be considered grooming. Claiming he could sleep with any consenting adult and everyone should shut up about it.
This was also when he got his “do not engage” tattoo. He should get a “do not sleep with teens” or “do not groom children” or “do not make false rape allegations when you get caught with your pants down” tattoo.
No. 697260
>>697250Given the all shit that's thrown at the farms, how anons are sadistic fucked up femcels, how we bully and drive all
the poor poor cows to pretend suicide etc etc, we're pretty much the only people on the interwebz who can not only provide full factual backgrounds to the shittiest of the shit 'internet famous' wankers, we know how to look the fuck after our own when needed.
Doin' epic shit here anon! Can't wait for the next video!
No. 697261
File: 1567629565959.jpeg (89.99 KB, 828x675, 181BDFDE-5D41-4AFF-B660-A3E687…)

Not sure if anyone has seen this, but the greasy weasel uploaded this video to his archive channel about a week ago and it’s basically him saying ‘please feel sorry for me everyone is reporting me think of my children’ bullshit. The guy is sweating because he knows he’s in the shitter. I hope Sarah has gone to the police or something about this. As much as it’s entertaining for us to witness this all go down. I want justice for Sarah and everyone else that’s had to deal with this asshat in the past like Shiloh it Skye, Billie. The lot. This man deserves to be put in a cell. Not still be able to freely upload disgusting videos on multiple platforms and profit on it. If you haven’t yet I highly encourage you to report the fuck out of his social media. It’s about time he’s gone.
No. 697262
File: 1567629809408.jpg (106.69 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190904-134118_Ins…)

Big milk incoming.. Looks like Blaire talked to Sarah.
No. 697265
File: 1567630248434.png (18.07 KB, 604x235, 2019-09-04.png)

On CrazyDaysandNights today, pretty sure this one is about Onision..
No. 697272
>>697261"It's not my fault that things happen to me."
No. 697282
>>697256It’ll spread awareness to future potention
victims and sadly there is no case, so might as well burn the witch
No. 697283
File: 1567631397938.png (1.09 MB, 1852x1392, my boyfriend cheated on me.png)

>>697261Ok wtf. This autoplayed after that video. This was a month after Sarah says they started talking about being in a relationship, and like 2 weeks after Sarah turned 18.
>Someone new comes along who you're physically attracted to, but you haven't actually emotionally connected with, or mentally connected with necessarily. And now you just wanna fuck the shit out of them. You wanna see your cock go in their pussy. You wanna see yourself devastate their body. You wanna see them just wretch underneath you. If wretch is the right word.I think he means writhe, but jfc.
No. 697295
>>697283"They tell their partner what they want. They tell their partner who they are. And if they are meant to be together than their partner wants that too"
Dude, that was actually the creepy part of this video. CHILLING!
It really came off as "I told Lainey I wanted to fuck other women (maybe even fucking teens) and she had to accept it otherwise we weren't meant to be together"
No. 697297
File: 1567632395916.gif (Spoiler Image,5.59 MB, 364x265, american psycho.gif)

>>697294Holy fuck, I didn't even think of that. I know the comparison has been made before but… geeeez
No. 697298
>>697223He uploaded this on the 22nd of August. Now I understand why. Pretty sure it might have been pre-emptive if Sarah chose to come forward with this info
He can just go "I talked about it on Youtube. It's not a secret. I wanted to try brownies" blablabla
(Do not post direct links to Onision’s videos.) No. 697313
File: 1567634917169.png (70.43 KB, 602x561, oopsy.png)

No. 697314
File: 1567634925688.jpg (17.19 KB, 757x121, butyouareugly.JPG)

I'm really starting to think Onion actually believes this will blow over and people will forget about it if he ignores it long enough.
I can't remember where, but I swear I remember him saying in a video or tweet once that the internet always moves on to some new drama and forgets when someone does something horrible.
And he's not entirely wrong, which is why I kind of hope the story gets blown up enough to reach the majority of his patrons cause that may be the worst thing that can happen to him outside of legal reprocussions.
No. 697316
File: 1567635464423.png (84.75 KB, 1176x248, detective.png)

No. 697321
File: 1567635755542.png (18.52 KB, 748x145, weedbrownies.png)

lmao at Lamey putting her foot down with Sarah making weed brownies but will go smoke weed on the down low.
No. 697324
>>697320It was mirrored months ago.
>>553109It was posted July 24th, 2018.
No. 697326
File: 1567636481319.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1242x2074, 027EC6F8-EBAC-4EDC-B10B-AC61C9…)

The police are officially involved
No. 697328
File: 1567636508724.jpg (565.12 KB, 1080x1537, Screenshot_20190904-183558_You…)

>>697320>>697324It's also definitely still on "CoolGuyKai"'s channel
No. 697329
File: 1567636594912.png (63.79 KB, 353x293, greg.png)

>>697314current image of greb, 2019
No. 697344
>>697336Considering they live in WA it seems likely they might go to Onion’s family that’s already there, in the event they were taken.
I don’t doubt that Lainey’s parents would contest for custody or at least partial.
No. 697348
>>697342Hate to say this but she is very likely to be compelled to present evidence she might have if it were ever to move into the courts. Not sure how
valid Tweets are in legally proceedings but evidence can be subpoenaed.
No. 697353
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No. 697354
>>697327Kinda irritated about this. Not that I don't want these cunts to finally get what's been coming to them but did anybody talk to Sara about it first? She is the one that is going to have to come forward and provide all the nitty gritty details to the police. They can't throw them in the klink over twitter posts, an actual case needs to be established. I'm just tired of randos notifying the authorities only to have the case dropped because everybody is way too
trigger happy, then seeing how smug Pedosion and TeenBaitKai are when they get off the hook.
No. 697356
>>697341Yes it is, that's why there are rules against cowtipping. If you can't understand why it's wrong for strangers on the internet with nothing other than speculation to contact the police instead of the
victims, you need to get your shit straight.
No. 697357
>>697353At first I didn't even believe it was truly on that twitter so I checked. Thats huge, its from that documentary "an open secret" about pedophelia in hollywood.
Well then, its been nice knowing you Greg.
No. 697375
We are only spectators, do not praise twitter randoms for cowtipping, do not derail the thread to have an argument if someone should or should not have cowtipped, do not speculate about the kids, and once again, do not attempt to scare off the milk.
All of these things will result in a ban.Read the admin's warnings before you post
>>696741, remember to sage and enjoy the milk.
No. 697379
>>697316>>697323>>697374She looks a lot like the "concerned mom" from the stream that made Sarah uncomfortable. I went through her twitter and she was directing people to the Pierce Police Department.
>>697353It seems like the story is gaining traction around the internet which is great. Greg can continue pretending like everything is fine but he's going to crack. His pattern has always been deny and lie, pretend, deny and lie some more, full narc rage.
No. 697385
File: 1567641650353.png (393.1 KB, 602x603, laineybot.PNG)

No. 697393
File: 1567642388436.jpg (53.78 KB, 607x544, madison.JPG)

in these milkiest days of plenty, don't forget to also savor the cameos from returning cast members.
anon from before was right, this really does feel like avengers endgame lmao. literal YEARS' worth of discarded and fucked over people uniting out of the woodwork to support sarah and add voices to the choir. beautiful
No. 697394
File: 1567642487025.jpg (96.08 KB, 1080x683, Screenshot_20190904-191412_Chr…)

No. 697397
>>697394conspicuously evasive reply to the original question of "did sarah indicate she wanted you to do this"
i really disagree with her jumping the gun and believe it comes more from her own lust for vengeance, although am sure she believes in her heart it's for the greater good. we're all overjoyed but imo we need to be sensitive to how much this must've took for sarah to do, and respect that by letting her escalate at exactly the pace she wants to go at.
like someone else said, the greatest thing we can do for sarah now is what she spent all her teen years being denied - being shown that people respect her desires above their own personal priorities.
No. 697401
>>697394Jesus Christ. unless she specifically asked permission, or was asked for help, this shit is obnoxious.
it’s not an internet rando’s job to decide when or if a
victim speaks up to law enforcement. this shit also just happened, it’s probably still fresh for Sarah (who is a real person, not
just a fresh source of drama behind a screen).
lastly, law enforcement has been known to fail even bigger
victims. i can understand why Sarah would be reluctant to spend her time and energy on something that could easily fall through. do people even think things through before doing this shit and popping vengeance boners?
(ignoring farmhand warning.) No. 697408
File: 1567643848177.jpg (91.08 KB, 590x442, 1501286341-easter-island-rano-…)

>>697093I know I'm gonna get banned for this but I just CAN'T resist making this post: she looks exactly like those statues for the Easter Islands
>>697410mandated reporter status is only applicable when you encounter suspected abuse when working in a capacity with children and only applies to filing reports with CPS, not police. just pointing out that you weren't legally obligated to report. let the
victim choose how they want to handle this.
No. 697415
>>697410You weren't mandated to post on twitter you reported it and insinuate LE was reluctant to do anything until you called.
>>697394That is not how it works. You wanted your ass pats for calling LE and you got them. You may have notified Onision and Kai that it was being taken more serious but oh well you got some attention. You may have put Sarah in a more difficult public situation but totally cool because as a social worker you know how pushing a situation can make the actual
victim clam up and not want to move forward with things.
No. 697424
>>697410You are one stupid cunt.
If this case fails and The Onions avoid the slammer AGAIN while Sarah retracts then runs away, it will be all on you! Can you live with
that kind of guilt, concerned bitch?
No. 697438
>>697426Because Sarah entered this mess at the age of 14, and Lainey lured her in. During billiegate, Lainey was pregnant and still came off as the main
victim. People were rooting for her to leave. People shat on Billie but only temporarily, when she came out with stuff and proof people were mostly just pissed with greg.
No. 697439
>>697393Madison brings up a really good point that I had wondered about when he first made that spergy video about changing her little girl. How come it's okay to talk about her child so graphically but his kids are off limits? Shane basically tried to say privately that he didn't want to sue because of the kids, and Gurg sperged at him to not talk about his kids.
His kids really are a meat shield.
No. 697443
>>697431They don't care about the
victims nearly as much as their egos. Concerned mom probably thinks she's this amazing hero.
No. 697444
File: 1567647522930.jpeg (31.85 KB, 448x428, 45646778-B976-44A6-B49C-6532C0…)

>>697435anon couldn’t have been more vague, chill. image unrelated and saged for infighting. I’m just high and laughing so hard at the fact that Gurgamel actually looks like this.
No. 697447
>>697442Apparently she went downstairs and kissed him straight away and poor defenceless Greg couldn't push tiny Billie away even though she is smaller than his man wife.
It annoys me too because it's very obvious in Lainey's video that Billie tried to stop Greg and said 'But Lainey will be upset' and Gurg kept insisting and would ask her things like 'well don't you want to have sex with me?' And he included in the video that she replied 'duh' as if that is his supposed evidence that it was her iniation.
No. 697448
>>697440I understood the immediate hate Lainey must have felt towards Billie, but Lainey is dumb as fuck. Eventually the logical side of her brain should have kicked in and realize that her husband is significantly more guilty in manipulating and weaseling his manclit into places it shouldn't be. She's mentally a teenager, emotionally stunted, and she's a huge fucking snake too. Throw the whole bitch away shes fucking awful.
I hope divorcegate never happens and they're miserable together forever.
No. 697449
>>697055>>697074Lets pretend for a second that there isn't a group of scorned ex onionflakes that like to stalk, skinwalk, and obsess over Billie while pretending they have an ounce of legitimate victimhood.
Nothing ever happened to laneclone and she's been seen in drama circles for the past 3 years because she wants attention like madison.
Also flakes like fatbecca and co. have all legitimately been onision fans post 2012
No. 697452
>>697448Yeah and even if she was a dumb cunt and let the Billie thing slide there was so much dodgy shit he did after like the whole Sam scenario.
Like look at Greg's defence for his behaviour there.
>she sat on my lap because it was easier to hug sitting down instead of standing >I should be congratulated because as a biological male it's normal for me to want to spread my seed and I turned down that homewrecker>she brushed her head past mine omg i think she was trying to kiss me ewww>I know what trying to kiss is>I spoke to Lainey in the shower and she said Sam definitely tried to kiss meLainey sulked about the table being ruined by sugar water and was too busy at that time trying to get Madison to give her asspats instead of believing that Greg was starting the shit with Sam.
Greg only lost interest with Sam when he realised he couldn't get Lainey to fuck her even though Sam was willing.
But anyway, ignoring Greg's behaviour towards Sam after the whole Billie thing was even stupider. I bet Lamp is wishing she left when Billie gate went down and she may have been able to get out as a
victim still. Dumb cunt.
No. 697453
>>697444Vague or not, there's no point or need to bring it up. You seem to be forgetting what site you are on.
Raven has been located several times purely from just saying she's eating at certain diners without even disclosing the address.
It was a dumb ccompletely unrelated thing to say, and saying shit like 'sage for infighting' and 'sage for posting an unrelated picture' makes me think you are the same newfag that kept posting earlier and saying 'sage for __' even though you weren't saging.
If you can't see why it's a dumb and stupid idea for disclosing the type of work she does, then you are a retard.
No. 697455
>>697449Madison and Lane still bring milk to the table though.
Madison can be attention whore-esque but she has contributed to milk in the past. She exposed Greg's cruelty to the guinea pigs and the fact that Lainey said she hates her home life and wanted to run away with her and also she exposed that Greg screamed at them about the rape thing.
And Lane is Sarah's good friend who exposed Lainey and Greg's motives in the beginning.
I still think they are both relevant and to shit on them for saying anything is kind of disturbing the milk.
No. 697460
>>697457anon, this is a gossip website
No. 697462
File: 1567649941653.png (1.27 MB, 1242x2208, 59931F6D-97D5-41B3-BE33-7A2337…)

fuck off concerned mom
No. 697464
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maybe I'm being an insensitive dick, but I don't understand why she doesn't want to take action with the police considering how much she was fucked over…? Maybe it'd be too intrusive for her
either way, she's clearly upset that the authorities were involved
No. 697467
>>697462LOL concerned mom got told!
>y'all we did it! Asspats please
>um did you even ask Sarah?
>no she didn'tHahaha concerned mom is just like Greg during his Eugenia recovery period. Give meee credit! I was the one who saved Sarah!
No. 697468
>>697462>>697464>>697465can some real sadist-chan bully this woman off the internet, please? what an absolute tool. no wonder she's a social worker, she probably thrives on being able to control people's lives while they're in ruins. bet she's a hellish narc mom too.
and here we thought nothing could go wrong this time…
No. 697471
>>697466Yeah and why couldn't she have done it anonymously or in private or at least you know, asked Sarah?
Why is she posting shit about how she herself reported it and even self posted here? She wants attention.
Even if she's trying to help Sarah, she's still trying to get asspats and attention for it at the same time.
No. 697474
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>>697299>>697362Someone asked Sarah about this tweet in her live stream. Sarah said that they definitely threatened her but she was pretty sure they didn't have any nudes of her although Jimmy had jokingly told her he had secret photos of her so who knows.
No. 697475
It's unfortunate that someone spoilt the milk, especially when Sarah finally got the confidence to spill it. I hope she continues being a bad ass despite people trying to force her hand.
>>697474If he did take secret photos of her, it's going to make him look far worse than he already does.
No. 697479
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No. 697480
>>697459Beautiful. Anons wanted to keep pushing for bigger youtubers to make videos, for police to be involved, or to circle jerk endlessly playing arm chair psychologist while the rest of us who have been here just wanted fucking milk.
The second we start to get some of the best milk since Billiegate cunts want to go play hero for their own egos. If someone was genuinely concerned they wouldn’t need to post on here or Twitter about police involvement and certainly wouldn’t go ahead and do it without Sarah’s permission.
The true icing on the cake is that NOTHING is going to happen. The most they can even get a charge on would be if Kainey did send a photo, but they would need Sarah’s involvement. No, they aren’t going to go forward with anything with out a corroborating witness.
Concerned Cunt : Fuck You.
Non saging new fags : Fuck you.
Cow tipping moral fags: Fuck You.
Old fags that just wanted milk: you’re cool.
Farmers encouraging CM and cowtippers: Fuck You.
I’m going home.
(based anon tbh) No. 697481
>>697479Sad that a girl this young is way more independent than Kai and Jimmy combined. 2 jobs and her own place.
Meanwhile these two retards refuse to get a real job or stop posting retarded and incriminating shit for the sake of their kids.
As someone else pointed out in the thread earlier, Greg could probably make more doing a minimum wage job over what he's getting on Patreon but he'd rather keep embarrassing himself on the internet for the validation of a few broken teenagers instead.
No. 697483
>>697480I'll take my ban for this. With glory.
But what the literal fuck do you mean by you just want milk? You want the juicy details of a child being groomed from the age of 14? Sure, going to the authorities might not be the most comfortable of choices for Sarah, but if she feels comfortable enough blasting it online, and giggling about it on livestreams she should feel comfortable telling authorities. Whether or not they do something is one thing, but to be pissed off that you personally might not get that information? What are you going to do about it? "Kek Greg is a pedo.. kek!" That's a lot less than trying to get this documented, so in the event future
victims come forward, they have a little more foundation. Because the police aren't checking the lolcow threads.
Digging your head in the sand, and wanting her for milk is just as pathetic as Greg being a cunt online.
Fuck off.
>>697465are we sure minkywinks isn't joy sparkle, because she sure seems like that level of self-righteous crazy who can't fucking listen to reason
>>697479this is completely reasonable, i think anyone here would be fucking exhausted by all this.
>>697483fucking write fucking sage in the fucking email field you vain attention-seeking narcissist.
No. 697490
>>697480Agree with majority of this except the part about farmers congratulating CM, I think no-one is and it's just CM self posting and defending herself like the cow she is.
Back on topic though, I don't think either Greg or Lainey will ever be doing live streams or
debates ever again. The cat is well and truly out of the bag, and they can never come back from this.
All the fake positivity and name changes in the world can't hide their sick internet trail.
No. 697491
>>697490> they can never come back from thistbf this has been said before. Obesion and Homolkai are pretty brazen, and they're unable to learn from mistakes even for their own protection, because they blame everyone else.
Unless the police action is able to imprison them, which is extremely unlikely, they won't stop, they'll just be set back for a while. The pattern repeats ad nauseum.
No. 697494
>>697492who knows, she already had doubts about that
she seemed to be goaded on by onion's shitty messages to her, so if she pulls back it could also be that onion has managed to restrain himself and the emotional impetus has gone
if she gets dragged into legal process that she only half wanted then she might have to stop talking about stuff
but better to not give CM the airtime and attention she craves by attributing that much power to her
No. 697498
>>697494>but better to not give CM the airtime and attention she craves by attributing that much power to herThis is true. She throws her weight around in her conversation with Ayalla, who she's trying to throw under the bus by the way, and wants people to screenshot her tweets.
Please don't give her the satisfaction by doing that, anons. Her conversation with Ayalla is just simply that, a conversation. There is no milk in it and Ayalla didn't tell her to report a thing.
No. 697499
>>697496This doesn't mean shit.
Billie said Greg was a great person and the internet was lying, Sarah said she wasn't being groomed upon command, Sam said greg was a "cool dude". Maya insisted Lainey was a poor
victim even after she fed her to the lions den.
Fact is, they groomed a 14 year old child. Can we really put Greg past doing anything to Cloey or Troy? You think he'll just creep on Cloeys friends? You think Lainey will ever actually give a shit?
No. 697502
>>697501What on earth are you talking about
Also, can everyone stop sperging and working themselves up into a complete meltdown
No. 697504
>>697499That's what they said when they were still in the Onions' thrall.
Later on when they escaped and returned to reality, if there were any signs of abuse against the children then that's when it would be expected to come out
It's possible they've hidden it well or it doesn't begin until the kids are older, but it's striking that people who have nothing else nice to say about the onions are saying reassuring things about the parenting
No. 697506
>>697503Then learn to fucking use the site.
Billie was not a homewrecker at all.
She went there with the purpose of being Lainey's girlfriend. There's even a stream of her gushing about Lainey to Ayallah. When she got there, Lainey was jealous and cold and distant so she hung out with Greg more and he lured her into fucking him while man wife was out of the house.
To call Billie or even Sam a homewrecker is fucking retarded.
The only one who wrecks their own home is Lainey and Greg.
No. 697507
>>697505omfg that's who CM is, everyone else just mutually agreed to stop talking about her, keep up
>>697506it's irrelevant if Billie was a homewrecker just like it's irrelevant if Sarah used drugs or did any other shit that Gurgles would try to use to deflect blame
victims don't have to be perfect people. Billie's homewrecking, real or imagined, wouldn't be enough to maintain years and years of /pt front page like onion has.
it doesn't matter if we personally like anyone that onion predates on, otherwise he could just pick unlikeable
victims and get away with it
No. 697510
>>697502They're referencing a question an anon posted earlier in the thread.
>>697501And pretty much this. Billie was not groomed, Billie was an adult. She saw the light towards the end but she made fun of Shilohs appearence and laughed off onion accusations until basement gate. Sarah was groomed for years and forced to be complicit in many schemes.
Not to minimize the shitshow Billie went through but she wasn't forcibly assaulted like Maya or raped like AJ.
>>697505Then why give them attention?
>>697504>That's what they said when they were still in the Onions' thrall. Yes but as of recently both Sam and Maya have confirmed emotional abuse of the children and the kids were neglected during the trinity saga
>>697506LMAO Billie was never into lainey anon, stop drinking the koolaide. Billie wanted Greg and Greg wanted a pair of tits under the guise of a sapphic relationship. They never had any sort of intimacy, like Lainey and even Greg admitted, it was a "V".
Billie was paid as a "worker", only to not do work, lay around on twitter all day while fucking greg and lainey in greasesomes while Sarah watched the kids. Both Ayalla and Billie used Onision for some sort of clout in the past, whether or not to further Ayallas paramore copycat band or Billies low effort makeup channel.
Are you also forgetting that Billie was willing to be with Greg once he signed away the kids? Greg declined the offer only to save his channel from Lainey, it's why he can't leave her.
>>697507Agree. I'm not going to pretend Billie wasn't shady and complicit in mindfucking with Lainey but it doesn't negate or justify onion OR Lainey's actions.
No. 697511
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from concerned mom's twitter, it appears she was in contact with ayalla
(censored the email)
No. 697516
>>697503LC has been generally supportive of the majority of Onion and Lamey's
There was always a couple of angry spergy anons who hated Bilbo and Shiloh, but the majority of anons actually feel for them and want to see Grugly get a taste of his own medicine.
The frustration about Greg's suitors usually comes about because there is so much shit online about these two but people still go hook up with them. It's not
victim blaming, more so annoyance that the
victims don't listen when warned about their predatorial ways.
Either way your post was really random and out of the blue and had nothing to do with anything.
No. 697522
>>697510It was a rhetorical question because only Greg calls B a homewrecker.
This thread is extra stupid right now. Between the people wanting to involve the fbi and the people armchairing about the kids, you're going to get this shut down
No. 697523
>>697516It's time to stop being dishonest about stuff like this. No
victim is perfect and that's ok, it doesn't help to lie. Either you're a newfag or a naive anon. Shiloh had done so many awful things, Lainey has done horrific things, Ayalla and Billie exposed Troy to the world.
It's true but it doesn't change a damn thing about the things onion has done, and to pretend everyone is perfect is cringe.
>>697519Nobody correlated the two but both facts still stand. Billie was never groomed, she entered a relationship and the relationship being
toxic and
abusive still doesn't equate to grooming.
>>697522Yeah but does it matter if she's a homewrecker or if sarah did coke? Doesn't make him less of a predator.
No. 697531
>>697525They exposed the back of Troy's head in a selfie which was quickly deleted. Clearly an accident and there was no harm done.
I'm not a Ayallah/Bilbo stan but you seem really salty that any defence given is claiming that they are perfect. No one is even saying they are perfect.
>>697523 is likely a newfag themselves that has just learned to sage and is projecting.
>It's time to stop being dishonest about stuff like this Who here even words things like that? You actually sound like Greg or some weird ex patron.
Billie wasn't groomed from a child but they still tried to lure her back with money and promises of beauty school. And she was freshly 18. So no, not groomed, but there was a lot of emotional blackmail and trying to buy her off.
And Billie is friends with Shiloh on Insta so the whole thing about her laughing about Shiloh is whatever. All the
victims laugh about each other because Greg makes them feel like they will be different. They aren't perfect people and no-one is even saying they are.
(Infighting/derailing) No. 697532
>>697483You missed the point.
>>697431>do it silently instead of parading around for attention you moron.>>697415>totally cool because as a social worker you know how pushing a situation can make the actual victim clam up and not want to move forward with things.>>697424>If this case fails and The Onions avoid the slammer AGAIN while Sarah retracts then runs away, it will be all on you>>697480>cunts want to go play hero for their own egos. If someone was genuinely concerned they wouldn’t need to post on here or Twitter about police involvement and certainly wouldn’t go ahead and do it without Sarah’s permission.Pretty obvious what Concerned Cunt's intentions are.
If she cared about Sarah's well being she would've consulted with her
before making decisions FOR her. Sarah's a legal adult who's smart enough to handle her own shit, not a fucking child you have to hand hold as CC seems to think. Goddamn people like her are almost as shitty as greb..
No. 697541
>>697493What? As soon as she got questions about Lainey, she folded into herself and got really depressed. She was never going to spill anything that would hurt Lainey. She had fun teasing Greg and being our hero for about five minutes before that.
>>697535Didn't Blair decide she's not trans anymore or something? Anyway, it'd be fun to watch Greg and Lainey trying to come back on her the way they did with Kalvin
No. 697542
>>697539I really hope Blaire does deliver. I don't really watch her shit but it would be funny to
trigger Lainey because apart from being accused of being a predator online, the other thing that
triggers her the most is any kind of deconstruction or criticism of her fake sexuality. She loves that she can use it as a shield from the allegations, but now it's been outed that she wanted Sarah to fuck Greg just so she could get top surgery, she's going to have a meltdown.
No more poor trans confused
victim status uwu
I hope Blaire doesn't hold back.
No. 697544
>>697541I don't think so anon. I think she still spilt some damning tea about Lainey. The top surgery thing, the fact that Lainey had sexual conversations at 14 with her. She definitely seemed sad but she still spoke up about Lainey more than Madison did. Madison painted the full Lainey is just a
victim card.
No. 697545
>>697541You don't consider sharing that Lainey sent nudes to an underaged girl damaging? Or sharing the conversation about taking her virginity?
She was apprehensive during her live stream but she has since given info that gives us no doubt that Lainey is not innocent. I don't think she is protecting her anymore.
No. 697546
Sarah seemed very sad about answering questions about Lainey but she definitely still dragged the bitch. The text conversation about her virginity between Lainey and Greg showed that Lainey was cold as fuck and never gave a shit about Sarah in the first place.
No. 697548
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>>697546Something is about to happen tomorrow
No. 697554
>>697548I'm glad she's not letting meddling twitter people get her down. (who deleted her entire account, btw)
I just hope Blaire asked the right questions and didn't focus on rumors or crap that doesn't matter.
No. 697556
>>697554i think regardless of how anyone feels about blaire, she's always been pretty good about making sure she's got her shit straight before she puts people on blast. hopefully her interview with sarah stays in the same vein.
i think of any youtuber to pick this story up, blaire is probably one of the better ones. both because grug hates her guts, and because she won't fuck around.
i am so ready for her and sarah to rip onion boy to shreds.
No. 697558
>>697554I'm assuming blaire is going to pay special attention to lainey, seeing as she already was focusing on the jessica yaniv ordeal.
Another trans predator, a reaL bOI this time.
No. 697562
>>697555>>697542It's hilarious how much he hates her. He was giving her death stares this
>>697539 entire vid, pretending to be calm and collected, with fake blood on his face trying to be an edgy little tampon. It was obvious he was seething. He kept looking at her like he wanted to chop her head off.
He's pissed because she owns his ass everytime, she doesn't take his bait, and his bullshit rolls right off of her.
Lest we forget his little narc tirade about her.
No. 697565
>>697558She will but I think she'll also talk about Greg a little bit too, considering he claims to be such a ally to trans people and virtue signals all the time despite telling Lainey she isn't a real boy because she cries too much.
Also that brings me to another really weird hypocritical thing Greg does. He screeches about men being allowed to wear makeup without a stigma and defends Lainey's choice in feminine clothing despite having
disphoria and bitches about
toxic masculinity but then he will say sexist things like Sam can't get into the air force because she cries too much and Lainey isn't a real boy because she cries too much. And then in the SAME breath, uses Lainey's crying for sympathy.
But it's weird how he is all for self expression but then sperges about how some things are more cisnormal than other things and scenarios. He makes no sense.
Are men not allowed to cry? Do people who join the air force have less of a chance if they do 'feminine' things like crying?
He goes on about how women are amazing and strong but then claims being emotional is a sign of weakness and that women are too emotional.
No. 697567
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>>697548you got this
(ban evasion) No. 697569
>>697556Blaire's coverage on Jessica Yaniv was fairly well done and comprehensive. I'm not really worried about her messing this up, for sure. Tbh, Blaire is the best person for the job, since she is trans, which will get to Kai because he's being called out by a trans person, and Onision fucking hates her.
The only person who could get under his skin more would have been Billie.
No. 697575
>>697569I liked her before Onion sperged on her and liked her even more after.
>The only person who could get under his skin more would have been Billie.Yes. These girls have more power than they realize.
(Sage) No. 697583
>>697569Billie, Drew and Blaire have managed to make him the most pissed off in my opinion. He definitely showed the most anger in videos and streams regarding them.
I mean he hates everyone but those 3 are the ones that have gotten him to narc rage the most.
No. 697587
>>697583I was trying to think of others but fuck you're right kek
>>697586He's lying low because he's been outted 100% as a nonce.
No. 697590
>>697588That's the only thing that Lainey has a say over. She always sperged in the past that weed is a deal breaker because she dated some guy who used to smoke in the past. Honestly I think though she uses that as an excuse to get rid of Billie when she'd finally had enough.
I guess that's why Greg pushes the anti drug thing in a lot of his videos, because he's putting out their preferences to fish for the perfect trinity member.
I find Lainey to have really bizarre taste to be honest.
She wants a girl with dyed hair, that is okay with piercings, tattoos and weird made up genders, like basically your typical wild child, but she also apparently doesn't want them to drink or take drugs and be vegetarian. While there are girls that meet that criteria, it's a much smaller pool when it comes to straight edge kids. I think since Sarah said they let her have alcohol and Kai smoked weed, it makes me think that all that straight edge bullshit only applied to Billie because she wanted to get rid of her.
I actually think she only 'loved' Billie for the aesthetic because everytime they talk about ideal partners she spergs about coloured hair, big eyes and an upturned nose. She only nice thing she ever said about Billie that had nothing to do with looks was that she was helpful and nice during the 'My side of the story' video and even then, the entirety of the rest of the video was throwing Bilbo under the bus.
Tinfoil that she is actually straight as fuck and her experience with Billie and Greg was kind of traumatising so she's only attracted to that type because it was her first experience brought on by Greg.
I'm not saying she's innocent by any means, but you know how some girls get assaulted by older males or something as a kid and it forms their sexuality so they are attracted to older males down the track? That could of happened. Greg pushed her into dating girls and that's why she's retarded and is obsessed with Billie types.
Either that or she just knows it's Greg's type and that's why she aims for those girls.
No. 697591
>>697590Lainey had a crush on Billie the way a freshman girl would girl crush on whoever the hot senior girls are. And by crush they just want to recreate that girls style. Lainey skin walked Billie. She wasn't attracted to her sexually. Lainey can't even decide what she finds sexually appealing about women, any gender can have dyed fucking hair. Anytime she's made to do those would I date you videos with Grease she berates any women/girls that are actually trying to have sex appeal. Lainey is straight.
Her translarping has just been an act. First it was her normal transition from failed emo to tumblr transtrender, then Billiegate happened and for Lainey to score those valuable
victim points she had to be a heartbroken member of LBTQA+.
Nowadays she's gay for guys until Onion berates her into looking for a third again. However they haven't had a past
victim release as much ramming evidence as Sarah. Sarah's going scorchearth on their shenanigans, they're going to have to scrape that barrel now to see what shit they can get.
No. 697595
>>697507Billie was a “
victim” of an
abusive relationship but she was
abusive herself and did try to tear a family apart, shes a shitty person and to compare that to a grooming
victim is a joke
(Derailing/Infighting) No. 697599
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>>697586He's avoiding hard and is still working on his UhOhBro's toy series.
No. 697604
>>697588It's just further proof that her "uwu I can't tell Greg what do" mantra is bullshit. Funny how she can tell her husband not to partake in mind altering substances (even though
she did kek) but she can't tell him not bring jail bait into their relationship: because she is a pedo too.
>>697599Wonder how long this will last until it becomes took much work and he moves onto something equally autistic. Will he start drawing his own comic book series next? Nothing Grug can't pick up with 0 experience.
No. 697615
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GregJames has his mods on constant discord watch, both server's patrons and non patron's. If anybody mentions Sarah in any capacity they're kicked and banned immediately with any and all logs scrubbed of mentions. Some die hard fans are demanding 'evidence' and others are conspicuous in their absence.
I have no idea if Lainkai even still has a discord, any patronfags able to check?
No. 697616
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>>697606He seems to be re-uploading videos with sara in them, and she is not amused..
No. 697618
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>>697599 is a reupload. It's just more sexual shock humor, so much for 'organic' cursing/crude humor.
For patreon engagement anon, This video has 4 likes and 5 comments. Most videos have 8-16 likes and anywhere from 20-40 comments but a lot of those are Jimmy replying.
No. 697620
>>697615What proof are these idiots looking for? Do they not consider emails and texts from greg proof?
I mean, I get that "TeXtS cAn Be FaKeD" that there a lot of things greg supposedly said to sarah when she was underaged that we have no tangible proof for, but we have good solid evidence that they banged when she was 18. And after all his videos referring to her as a foster daughter, little sister, and videos with him saying nothing was EVER going to happen with sarah… I mean… what else could they possibly want?
No. 697624
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It's not just the video with Sarah, he reuploaded a ton of his old deleted videos on his encore chanel, I wanted to count 'em all but I got tired of scrolling, lol. What is he trying to do prove that he has nothing to hide, lol.
No. 697628
>>697615gg supporting paedophiles. His moneybags are disgusting
>>697616He does it with everyone. He's a psychopath addicted to thinking he's in control.
If Sarah gets pissed at it he's just starting another "you had fun, this is my content, I can upload it as many times as I like" rant. Best Sarah just ignores it cause it's pretty sad he can't let go anything. He's still reuploading videos with Skye to this day.
No. 697632
>>697630maybe I just don't understand how YouTube works, but if youtube actually decides to take down his channels (which is unlikely, tbh) he'd have to get rid of ALL of them, correct? So this would be pointless.
I'm leaning more towards him wiping his computer as motive as well. Though he'd be way smarter to put it all on a dropbox or something instead.
No. 697638
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>>697636Yeah, Apple or not Greg is an idiot for thinking he has the ability to wipe a hard drive totally. Oh and I found the clip, it was from back in May.
No. 697644
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>>697624The cooking show video is in there too.
No. 697647
>>697624Why are most of them titled “Vlog: Onision Encore”, but the one with Sarah has it's original title and mentions that Sarah is in it? He knows people are going to be searching “Onision Sarah” into YouTube so he’s reuploading them to a channel that doesn’t bare his name for views/$$.
Grease doesn’t care how or why he gets views and attention, all he cares is that he gets it. It’s the same reason why people like Keem and Shane won’t make videos on him. He’s uploading multiple videos to attempt to hide the fact that he’s purposely putting old videos with Sarah up. He had to go out of his way to not only pick which videos to put on this channel, but to make sure that video mentions Sarah and him in the title.
No. 697649
>>697618> PATREON doll clip
> (Jaunty royalty-free music)> Barbie on her face on a bed, getting… uh, plowed by a soldier toy: "Ohh baby, you really know how to fuck me good~"> Soldier: "Yeah, you know how I like to fuck that pussy, the, the shit out of you, bitch, girl"> Barbie: "Yeah, fuck me, grandpa!"> Cartoon tire screech> Soldier: "Whoa can you call me like, daddy instead of grandpa?"> Barbie: "Don't kinkshame me, cunt!"> Soldier: "Fuck bitch, fuck!"> Barbie kicks soldier in the face. Jimbo provides the sound effect. > Another soldier appears with some marching drumbeat in the background> Soldier #2: "Hey Jake, go check on my wife, I wanna tell her about a fucking pussy named Onision"> Masked soldier: "Okay."> Masked soldier makes his way to where Barbs and the first trooper are still at it> Barbie: "Oh my god, I'm thinking of my biological grandpa as you unload your cum into my tight pussy!"> Masked soldier by the door: "Bitch, ew!"> Barbie: "Keep fucking me, I'm about to cum!"> Soldier: "Oh my god!" (Keels over, gets up holding a severed hand, pointing the gun at his own head) "Fuck this shit, I-I'm outta here!" (Keels over as gunshot rings)Wouldn't be a Jingo video with unneeded incest and violence, now would it.
No. 697652
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>>697647I think you're right. I did a quick search of Onision Sarah and his encore channel came up about 10 results down.
No. 697653
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the tags for his mushroom wars video
No. 697662
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>>697660It is in an hour from now, got my popcorn ready and everything, should be fun. Grug must be raging.
No. 697665
>>697652He's trying to highlight his video's with Sara because he thinks they make him look good. She is, after all, having fun/ defending Lame and gurg in them. (Even though we know that to be him grooming her). He thinks they strengthen his case. I also think he is re-titling everything because he knows Blair will have to re-edit her video to include the changed names.
He's squirming and trying so hard to cover his ass it's fantastic.
No. 697669
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Can't watch right now, but 10 minutes seems a little short for that story
No. 697675
>>697672sarah said she sent a topless photo to Lainey when she was underage. that
is new info if i'm not mistaken
No. 697684
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isnt that the truth
No. 697687
File: 1567704642630.png (1.31 MB, 1242x2208, DE4575B0-6A46-4D06-AD9E-FAC7C8…)

what a faggot
No. 697688
>>697672There was a little new information and I think it was the right move. We wanted Blair to tear them down but right now we need a clear time line. Also, we may enjoy Sarah taking back her power, but it's best for her to be shown as she truly is, a
victim of Jimmy and Lainey. Not everyone is as invested in this drama as us, so sit back and relax. Jimmy has yet to make his move and we all know he's gonna spurg the hell out once he finally opens his mouth.
No. 697690
>>697687omg i'd love to see that email.
Any bets on how many times he mentioned his kids in his desperate plea?
it's nice knowing that he can pretend to be happy on his twitter but in reality he's a mess.
You deserve it, Grugly.
No. 697695
File: 1567705693751.jpeg (908.12 KB, 1242x1706, 8B0E36A7-B4AA-49B3-BE75-023F16…)

I dislike Jaclyn but I hope she makes a video too and others follow suit
No. 697696
>>697683Screenshots of the email in which Greg confirmed their sexual relationship. Not even the insane rape email if they don't want to get into that mess, but the one wher he talks about making love.
>>697685Cuddling is cuddling. That's so easily excused.
I didn't expect an hour-long detailed takedown, but if we're talking introduction, that means this might be the only video a lot of people will see and base their opinion on and it's very weak. I don't see why she couldn't have waited a few more hours to include more information.
No. 697710
>>697700>>697705>>697709@3:04 Blaire says "Sarah alleges that when she was underage, she EXCHANGED innaropriate graphic self-images with Kai"
@5:25 Sarah says "He (Kai) would send me pictures of him without a top on."
@5:35 Sarah explains that Kai sent pictures with their genetalia exposed.
It's all of the above lol, we can stop arguing now.
No. 697712
File: 1567709385424.jpg (65.06 KB, 705x901, tumblr_inline_odcul5Akgx1rbigd…)

never forget
(and she used to dare posting this shit on her publici twitter)
No. 697714
>>697711yeah its quite unusual to see this level of discipline from greg
the narc rage will eventually overwhelm him though, i wonder if blaire's video will be the catalyst
No. 697724
File: 1567711092488.jpeg (241.28 KB, 1242x666, 379BBD12-8D6D-4B98-BCAC-C45DBD…)

Poor Sarah. Glad Blaire made the video.
No. 697727
>>697692Blaire might just be considerate of Sarah, talked to her about the content first and then created a video that Sarah feels ok with, too.
The last couple of days must have been harsh for Sarah, so handling the situation carefully is probably the best option.
No. 697728
File: 1567711759697.png (229.61 KB, 1076x843, Screenshot_49.png)

Greg and Lainey are crying
No. 697731
File: 1567712298071.jpeg (169.14 KB, 1242x697, CCAECDF1-DA40-4A9E-97C9-7B8A73…)

No. 697733
>>697718Ooooooh, looks like it's really about to blow up. And if it really does, more youtubers will try to chime in and eventually the word will spread and reach youtube. So he really should be worried about his channels.
>>697711I truly believe that he hasn't uploaded anything and has been so quiet because he's getting in contact with his laywers, like real lawyers this time. lol. There's no way he's sitting this out alone.
>>697718I wish for her to be taken seriously about her trans crap and sent to a male jail. Imagine how excited big Bubba will be when he realizes his cell mate is just a transtrender.
No. 697736
File: 1567712856122.jpeg (146.61 KB, 750x666, 9FB7DD93-C9ED-426D-AE8B-8066C6…)

What is he talking about?
No. 697740
>>697736he's trying to come up with an excuse for why he doesn't want to address being called a pedophile groomer.
he's hoping this all falls down the memory hole with the excuse that he's not "engaging in drama"
No. 697744
>>697739 "Bodied" is slang for "destroyed". Probably referring to Blaire's video and the effect it will potentially have on Greg and Kai.
Re: his most recent video: it's obvious he's just trying to clickbait/capitalize off of the extra attention that will undoubtedly be coming his way now that this is being talked about more widely. Any attention is good attention to a narcissist.
No. 697746
>>697669Transcript of Interview
B: How old where you when you first started tweeting Onision and Onision's at the time wife, Lainey?
S: I was, when I started tweeting them I was 13.
B: So you where a fan of them? That was the 'relationship', you being a fan of them.
S: I was like the biggest fan.
B: Okay, so clearly already there is already a power dynamic there. Right, like their adults, their internet 'famous', you're a fan and a minor. So already power dynamic established.
S: So we where tweeting back and forth, and he (Lainey) DMed me 'Hey, how old are you?' and I said 'Hey Lainey, I'm 14' and he said 'you look older'. He sent me a message that said 'I'm about to delete this app, here's my phone number' and gave me his phone number and at this time I was 14.
B: Was there any inappropriate text messages sent from Kai who again is Onisions' partner to you?
S: Yeah, we would make sexual jokes to each other, we would joke about like, we would you know like, make jokes about us being together, but he (Lainey) would also send me pictures of him without a top on. Basically Kai was taking selfies and he sent me a few of the selfies, and one of them, he (Lainey) didn't have any bottoms on but he had a shirt on. And one of them, his (Lainey's) entire private was in the picture. There was at least one picture I sent of me when I was 15, topless, to Kai.
B: Wow. How did you go from that to at the age of 16 living with them?
S: So, we had been friends since I was 14, I was going through a lot and we had joked about me living there but one night after some really not so great stuff went down, I was outside crying, texting my best friend, Kai, and he said that he would seriously talk to Greg about me living there. I was… At first I was just shocked, I like sat there like what, what do you mean? And I was like what, really? and he was like 'yeah'. It hurts to say this but I do feel… I feel like they knew what they where doing.
B: Yeah, I think anyone watching this definitely probably feels, that there is no reason to move a teenager in with you or to send the kind of message to send, and then conveniently and coincidentally be intimate with you after you turn 18.
S: I mean, we had already had romantic conversations and talks when I was 15. And I know in the video he posted online, I basically was like 'Oh, nothing is going on guys' but he (Greg) wanted me to make that video and he really pressured me into making it and I really didn't want to. I have bloopers from it of me literally like having a mental breakdown, like sobbing because I was just so overwhelmed.
B: Oh my God.
S: It's only like 40 seconds long because he literally gave me a list of things to say and I just said them and I just like, like bullet points, (he) didn't tell me exactly what to say but like bullet points of what to speak about. So I spoke about whatever he wanted me to and I then I just stopped it. I didn't want to be (indecipherable).
B: Geez, that so controlling, right? Like to have this adult move you and then force you to go on camera and explain that nothing inappropriate is going on. That just seems really messed up.
S: And also what would hurt me a lot is like having to watch him say 'oh, we don't even hug Sarah, we don't even do this and that' and it's like I'm sitting here, 16, watching this and I'm like 'Yes you do! You're sitting here blatantly lying and I can't say anything because I don't want to get you in trouble'.
B: Tell me a little bit about the NDA that you signed. You told me off camera that you signed a NDA the morning after you where intimate with them for the first time.
S: Yeah, He and Kai decided that everyone in their life needed to sign a NDA and I was no exception to that. The NDA was a 1000% for me to not do what I'm doing right now.
No. 697756
>>697745>>697746Thanks you both, lovely anons, it's great that you always have our backs!
I'll watch Blaire's video just to help it get more traction / a better ranking, but I'm more than happy to not give Greg any views.
>real life and online life are two completely different things.…has no friends online
…has no friends IRL
le sighI know he has his patrons that he calls friends, but he doesn't see them as such. He looks down on them.
No. 697759
>>697745Thanks so much for the mirror, anon!
I love how he likes “real life” because he can do something bad (yell at his sister in his bad example) and no one will care. He wants to be off the internet to escape the consequences of something he did in real life. It wasn’t some silly internet beef that got out of hand, he did something very bad over a long period of time in real life while trying his best to conceal it from the public to spare himself.
He also claimed he’s some feeling sorry for himself, let’s see how long that lasts.
This feels like the stage he went through with Billie after his raging where he was pretending he was remorseful and had been changed by his bad behavior. Surprise, he hadn’t.
No. 697762
>>697732>>697736Yikes could you imagine using the current situation to clickbait?
>>697761He must still need her in some way or he would have scapegoated her. It could be financial or even just that she is probably the only source of emotional praise and support he currently has right now. Even if she sticks through all this with him it won’t matter because he will eventually forget it and discard like all narcs do given the chance.
No. 697767
>>697764listening to a narc rage is not like having mom or dad yell at you. it is inherently violent and
abusive and absolutely does damage to young children.
No. 697768
File: 1567716690072.jpg (148.6 KB, 688x559, 20190905_144801.jpg)

I know this pales in comparison to the current milk, but I thought this was pretty funny. Especially since he made a big deal of beer tasting like shit in that one video.
No. 697769
>>697768So either he fucked Mcfly and the drunk excuse is a cover or he is a hypocritical liar who makes up arbitrary reasons to control the women in his life.
So which is coming first? Divorcegate or jail? I guess we'll find out! Maybe someone will spot him working at a Target in Seattle in 6 months.
No. 697770
>>697745> Really just yada yada boring. Don't bother> Soft piano music in the background> Begins by saying he's been on "a long journey"> Lots of reminiscing of the past, shows examples from his videos along the years> Talks about relapsing to a "bad side" and how nothing's the same, going back to this "gloomy darkness" as he's grown> NOT that he's "relapsed", just talks about how things are different> Talks about his new toy animation project> "That to me is just really funny, innocent, awesome comedy."> surejan.jpg> Says he doesn't watch anyone on Youtube> Rich people wish they could be alive again, be with their friends and family instead of living for the money and whatnot> Made videos because he cared about people's opinions, wanted to create lifelong connections through internet> Internet = real life, people hate him on the internet = he must be not worth living> Nobody cares if you, for example, yell at your sister, because we're human, and we, like, get it, understand others' problems and move on> Knows someone whose wife cheated on him (cough cough Madison cough cough)> "I will just move on!" (Like you didn't use her past against her just months ago, okay, sure, right)> Friend said Jim's out of control and is wasting his life on this nonsense, "(he's) circling a big container of poop, jump in the poop, scream about being covered in poop"> Basically talks about minding his own business.> Doesn't go to the cheater girl and call her scum to her face! (You did)> Another example of a guy who cheated on a girl four times (Richie?)> But we don't know the truth! We don't know this guy! We don't know the cheater girl, what kind of marriage she was in! Yada yada> Says he's compensating for his childhood and what's going on in his head> Connects too much to his audience, says he needs to connect to his real friends, similarly says he doesn't connect to people he watches> Criticizes everyone oversharing and then victimizing themselves on the internet (oddly enough, I kind of agree. Too bad it's coming from Grames)> Being super ~humble~> People are addicted to attention and validation on the internet> YouTube is nonsense and a joke> If he's making content on YouTube, it should be something he's proud of, so he's excited for the future> People who are sad and down and need a boost in their life - watch his videos! Bc it feels great to brighten someone's day!> (The saccharine is giving me diabetes!)> Just doesn't want to tear anyone down or make anyone unhappy :((((( boo hoo No. 697779
That's more milk than I've ever expected.
I don't want to jump to conclusions but when even his plastic sex doll can give him a boner, I'm pretty sure any girl he actively decides to stay with is going to as well.
What did Lainey and Greg even arrange the future board for? This marriage truly is in a shambles.
I guess they just won't get divorced because each of them has so much dirt on the other that they can't trust each another anymore.
No. 697780
Full transcript of video. Pretty sure Mr and Mr jackson will claim and strike every sigle copy on the internets.
Opens with paedonision saying "You guys have this concept of 'grooming' right? But that requires you have sex with somebody right after they turn 18…
Cut to sarah: we'd all ready had romantic conversations and talks when I was 15.
Cut to lainey clip: said that something has happened with her or I cuddled in bed with her..none of that has ever happened, never.
Cut to clip of lainey actively cuddling in bed with Sarah saying 'goodnight'..
B: Today's video is about somebody I truly with every bit of my soul never wanted to talk about again by the name of Onision, or as I like to call him the pimple on the butt of youtube. He's basically the roach infestation that youtube won't do anything about, they won't even call an exterminator for a quote… I mean they won't do anything about him and a lot of you guys may or may not know about my history with this guy,
>I've debated this youtuber over all of the allegations of predatory and innapropriate behaviour with underaged girls, there's probably hundreds of accusations at this point, it goes back years, so just some of the predatory actions that come to mind in the past when it comes to greg (if memory serves me correctly, which I know it is)
>Greg was collecting pictures of underaged girls in their underwear on his website,
>In the past greg began dating his wife, who is now his husband bc she transitioned (you can't write this!)
>When she was underaged and actually travelled across state lines to find states where it was legal to be intimate with them, to avoid getting into trouble with the law.
>I guess there are accusations of him getting girls in his basement against their will..
This is basically the R Kelly of youtube, that's what you should be getting out of this, but as of late there's a lot of accusations and things going on with onision that have made their way onto my timeline and you guys want me to talk about it and I'm totally down to do that, so in this video I'm going to go over the accusations of the grooming of underaged girls by onision as well as well as interviewing a victim, an alleged victim I say alleged because I've been received threats of legal action as well as cease and desist letters for every single video I've done in the past few months (and no I'm not kidding or even exaggerating) I'm going to make the disclaimer that everything in this video is alleged, it's all allegedly and you are free to make up your own minds against all these public allegations from this girl named Sarah.
>Sarah has recently blasted Onision and Onision's wife who is now Onision's husband Kai on twitter and on social media saying that she was groomed by them from the age of 14 until she was ultimately in an intimate relationship with them FOUR DAYS after she turned 18.
>Sarah was originally a fan and had been tweeting Onision/Lainey who how goes by the nane Kai since she was 13,
>Eventually Onision and then Laineybot took notice of this and became friends with Sarah when she was only 14 and began txting innapropriate things had a very innapropriate friendship, keep in minds these were adults becoming 'friends' online and over txt with this young girl.
>Sarah alleged that when she was underaged she exchanged innapropriate graphic self images with Kai.
>Sarah alleges that Kai described Onision's genitalia to her at the age of 14 and here's where things get even more messed up
>at the age of 16 after having an innapropriate 'friendly' relationship over txt with Kai and with greg, sarah actually moved in with them.
>Sarah was going through personal family issues that led her to confide in Kai and greg and shortly afterward, Kai and greg decided they would let sarah move in at only 16.
>Sarah then if course lived with them, began appearing in youtube video's with them, then speculation arose as to what exactly was going on with this underaged girl living with this adult couple.
>Sarah now says that this was a predatorial relationship, that she was groomed to eventually become intimate with them once she turned 18.
So is it illegal? Technically, No.
Is it creepy and manipulative disturbing and predatory to take a girl 15/16yrs old going through family troubles, move them in and then groom them from that age until 18 and then be intimate with them FOUR days after she turned 18? YES. ABSOLUTELY.
Now let's take a look at the interview I did with Sarah just this morning.
>B: how old were you when you first started tweeting Onision and his then wife lainey?
>Sarah: I was 13.
>B: So you were a fan of them? That was the relationship, you being a fan?
>S: I was their biggest fan.
>B: So there was already a power dynamic established, they were internet famous and you were a fan and a minor. Power dynamic established there.
>S: yeah, so I, he(lainey), we were tweeting back and forth then he dm'd me and said 'hey! How old are you? So I said, "hey, lainey I'm 14" and he (lainey) said "oh you look older" and he (lainey)sent me a message that said 'I'm about to delete this app, here's my phone number'. At this time I was 14.
>B: were there ever any innapropriate txt messages sent from Kai (who again is Onision's partner) to you?
>S: yeah, we would make sexual jokes to each other, we would joke about us being together and he (lainey) would send me pictures of him without a top on.. basically Kai was taking selfies and he was sending me a few of the selfies and one of them he didn't have any bottoms on, he had a shirt on and in one of them his entire privates were in the picture. There was at least one picture that I had sent of me when I was 15 of me topless, to Kai.
>B: [Shocked] Wow.
>B: how did you go from that to at the age if 16 living with them?
>S: So we had been friends since I was 14 and I was going through a lot and we had joked about me moving there but one night after some really not great stuff went down, I was sitting outside crying texting my best friend, Kai and he said he was seriously going to talk to greg about me moving there
>S: and I was.. at first I was just shocked, like what.. what do you mean.. and I was like wait.. really? And he(kai) was like yeah. It hurts to say this but I.. I do feel.. I feel like they knew what they were doing.
>B: yeah, I think anyone watching this probably definately feels the same. There's no reason to move a teenage in with you or to send the kind of message they sent then conveniently, coincidentally be intimate with you as soon as you turn 18.
>S: I mean we'd already had romantic conversations and talks when I was 15 and I know that video he posted online I was basically 'oh nothing is going on guys', but he wanted me to make that video and he really pressured me into making it and I really really didn't want to, I have bloopers from it of me literally having a mental breakdown sobbing because I was just so overwhelmed,
>B: Oh my god.
>S: It's only like 40seconds long because he literally gave me a list of things to say and I just said them, like bulletpoints i mean, he didn't tell me exactly what to say so I just spoke about whatever he wanted me to and then u just stopped it. I didn't want to do more (trails off)..
>B: That's so controlling, to have thus adult move you in and then force you to go on camera and explain how 'nothing innapropriate' is going on, that just seems really messed up..
>S: and also what would hurt me a lot was having to watch him (onion) say "oh we don't even hug sarah, we don't do this or that" and I'm like 16, sitting there watching this like, yes you do! You're sitting there blatantly lying and I can't say anything because I don't want to get you in trouble.
>B: can you tell me about the nda you signed? You told me off camera that they had you sign an nda the morning after you were intimate with them?
>S: yes. He and kai decided that everyone in their life needed to sign an nda and I was no exception. The nda was 1000% to stop me doing what I'm doing right now.
The video ends with the clip of kai cuddling a 16yr old Sarah in bed at night.
No. 697785
>>697783Maybe she'll do a follow up when there's more information.
There's too much information to make it consumable (a lot of it is rather irrelevant to the current situation), but she got the main points down: Sarah groomed, they had power over her, lame sent and received nudes if underage Sarah, blatant lies regarding Sarah, and the romantic/sexual relations
No. 697794
>>697761She definetely has A LOT of trash on him, they've been together for 7 years after all, so he's just scared she's gonna spill everything in case he throws her under the bus. He's not "loyal" to Foot by any means
>>697768So much for being "straight edge" lmao. His hypocrisy keeps getting exposed more and more, this is amazing
No. 697795
>>697787She doesn’t care lol
Probably because Sarah was still blinded by Lainey and talked shit about her. Sam was also the one who outed “dat booty tho” in the first place.
No. 697802
File: 1567721170365.jpg (122.02 KB, 1319x500, no.JPG)

>>697798Are THESE really the videos he is proud enough of to carry over to his new persona?
>>697770>> People who are sad and down and need a boost in their life - watch his videos! Bc it feels great to brighten someone's day!Yes, Greg. Watching two doll fuck and kill eachother is the kind of thing that brightens people's day. Or is he referring to the one where the clown drugs a girl and murders her? is that the brighten-my-day innocent comedy he's referring to?
No. 697805
>>697298The gist of his sperging on this video:
starts screaming at the camera > I hate stoners because the person says they are not addicted to pot and they say they will stop smoking pot because you are not comfortable with them smoking pot, so they won't do it anymore. The next day, they do it. If you can't stop smoking pot, then you are addicted to fucking pot you dumb cunt Kind of got me thinking the same could be applied to him.
> Said he is not into fucking teens> Keeps bringing teens into the relationship> Is unable to stop fucking teens> If you can't stop fucking teens, you are into fucking teens bud, otherwise all your threesomes and poly relationships would involve 25+-year-olds and not freshly groomed kids EVERY TIME, just saying No. 697807
File: 1567722368105.jpeg (280.95 KB, 828x460, BF34CE84-12DF-4AAE-B576-0589A1…)

Just found this from one of Laineys/Kai’s videos titled ‘what it’s like to date an oLdEr Man’ and noticed what the thumbnail looks like and just had to post it here. Just further proof that Greg is a pedophile who likes to pray on young girls and there’s literal evidence staring everyone in the face on the internet. Yet somehow through all the reactions on social media he STILL has nonces that support him?? It’s absolutely crazy to me that he has people supporting him like that?? Very proud of Sarah right now, she such a warrior and Blaires video is doing what exactly needed to be done. Get this exposure and ruin Greg once and for all. I bet that household is a trainwreck right now. I feel so sorry for the kids there. Wonder how much Laineys been crying. I have visions of Greg going severely off the deep end over this though, lets just hope he doesn’t put his kids in danger
No. 697811
>>697799It wouldn't be the first time he tries to backtrack some of the bullshit he's said. Problem is nobody aside from his asslickers will believe him and all he can do is whine how everyone has a vendetta against him, everyone is a filthy hatur.
>>697803He still managed to get Sarah. But in the current climate his and Kailor's chances of grooming a new
victim are small so at least that's good.
No. 697813
>>697802>Pretends his sex doll is a real woman that he's drugged, paralyzed and is holding captive>Proceeds to hit it/her repeatedly with a wrench - pretending to break its bones - while gleefully laughing about how fun it is, dressed like a clownThat was uploaded last week. Dude needed therapy a long time ago but he's too craven to get the help he needs and now he's all kinds of fucked. Kainey I'm sure knows what he's up to most of the time but rationalizes it to herself in her weakness and equally flagrant mental illness - they're both cowards with severe mental illness.
I'm wondering how long before he snaps and does something to end up on the news. And if he does,
Youtube is partially to blame for allowing him to stay on its platform after all the rank shit he's been outed for over the years. No. 697814
>>697780Bless you for this.
>>697782That's Onision's own brand of humor he does for his own gratification. It's all sex and murder.
No. 697815
File: 1567724092674.png (495.51 KB, 540x597, H60jtgF44.png)

>>697808This is one of the most honest photos Ive seen of Onision recently. It was taken a week ago by Anastasia without Greg knowing she was taking the pic. He wasnt able to manipulate the lighting or suck in and tense up his muscles.
No. 697817
>>697807The vid Blaire just uploaded with Sarah, in the comments section people were talking about Greg being preyed on at 11(?) by a 15/16 yo girl, and of course he claims this did not affect him (bullshit). Not sure if this is accurate but they said he named the sex doll he's pretended to torture and murder, after that same teen girl.
Statistically it's not uncommon for
victims to become abusers, especially those that don't deal with their shit in the first place. I wouldn't be surprised if he was messed with before that teen girl got to him. No excuses for the shit he's doing now, I'm just saying that's how these patterns work. Didn't he say his dad was a pedo?
No. 697820
>>697817Idk. He's also said many times that he doesn't have any memories before he was 11.
I don't believe his dad is a pedo at all, he's just flinging shit like he did with Shane.
No. 697829
>>697823It's clear as day he was abused as a child. But not every
victim turns out as horrible as he did.
>>697815It's strange how Anastazia hasn't gotten the boot yet. He tells people off for smaller things.
No. 697833
File: 1567725571922.webm (2.08 MB, 268x180, Just Sex Dude WEBM.webm)
>>697831>the only time he ever burns calories is when he jerks off 6 times a dayand hate fucks lainey
No. 697837
>>697813I saw that vid. Easily the most fucked up one he's done.
>I'm wondering how long before he snaps and does something to end up on the news. And if he does, Youtube is partially to blame for allowing him to stay on its platform after all the rank shit he's been outed for over the years.Fucktube has known about his shit for years and has done nothing. It - Fucktube CEOs etc. - deserves whatever fallout happens from all this, I'm confident there will be.
No. 697838
>>697817>>697828If Greg and Tammy say that his father is a pedophile, the likelihood of the allegation being at all true is very slim. He called Shane Dawson a pedophile, citing that ex-girlfriend and boyfriend are babyfaced. He accused Shane of being
abusive to animals, based on a dumb throwaway joke. He called Sarah a rapist. He called Ayalla a pedophile. He called Billie a stinky drug addict criminal.
And we know he's always been one hundred percent of the time projecting. More than likely, Tammy was the one who diddled Greg's microscopic clit and turned him into the massive narc we all love pointing and laughing at.
No. 697840
File: 1567726748772.jpg (69.97 KB, 928x347, Screenshot_20190905-193804.jpg)

This has to be close to every video Grugly has ever made. I know some anons were suspecting he was trying to dilute the search results while others were thinking he's preparing for his channels to be deleted. I definitely suspect it's the latter.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 697841
File: 1567726767887.gif (4.11 MB, 243x210, lol no.gif)

>>697802lol at him thinking he'll weasel his way out of this somehow and land on his feet. Nope.
The Greg's of the world are getting their comeuppance, Greg. He's fucked up and fucked over too many young girls.
No. 697865
>>697853He's openly talked about his mother giving him a naked massage and how she brought home a guy named Greg and had loud sex with him while Greggy got off to listening to it.
The only person he's accused of molestation with no evidence is his father.
No. 697867
>>697852Wait… Wut?? A-are you saying you have at times
empathised with a remorseless child fucking, child grooming 34yr old father of two anon? If so I don't think you'll find what you're looking for here.
I'm pretty certain their are far more worthy recipients of your empathy, onion is a terrible human being who thrives on disquiet and vulnerability. He's the abuser not the abused.
No. 697869
>>697647>He knows people are going to be searching “Onision Sarah” into YouTube so he’s reuploading them to a channel that doesn’t bare his name for views/$$. Everyday he sinks to a new low.
>>697649Only children under double digit age and adults with extra chromosomes will find this at all funny or entertaining. No one with a functioning adult brain is going to pay for this "content". To think, if only he'd sought professional help years ago he wouldn't be futilely trying to escape this dumpster fire of his own making.
No. 697870
>>697863She sounds like a fucking hippie. A child molester is a stretch I think. It's fucked up to assume that. If he hasn't said it happened, as a
victim, I don't see why any of you would have the authority to speak for him on this matter and claim that sick shit. It's fucked up. But I'm not gonna derail this thread any more than you guys already have. Be fucked up.
No. 697875
>>697870Greg also doesn't believe that a fifteen year-old girl having sex with him when he was eleven was wrong, but that still counts as statutory rape and child molestation even when the
victim is in denial. That's probably part of the reason he fetishizes violent sex as much as he does and normalizes actual situations of sexual assault. And, I'm sorry, but someone giving their son a naked massage goes far above "hippie." It's creepy.
No. 697876
>>697817Onision’s sex doll is called Julia. He refers to the older child who molested him as Julia; no idea if that is her actual name. He also writes in his most recent novel, Reaper’s Creek, about a similar event occurring between his obvious self-insert Daniel and a character named Julia. In the novel, Daniel and Julia go on to become romantic partners, and Daniel uses his magic powers to make it so that Julia will always be 18.
James Jackson is one fucked-up individual.
No. 697877
>>697875The core difference is he talks about how that teen actually banged him, but he never said his mom touched his genitals or gave him a rim job, so what the fuck is that all about?
You don't have to have been molested by your parents to be a pedophile yourself. And this behavior only attempts to justify and humanize a person who may have actually not have been molested at all by his mom, let alone his dad. He could simply be a psycho for no fucking reason at all worthy of pitying him for.
No. 697881
>>697872I agree. It's not a doll obsession so much as an 'easy tool' for him to use to act out his pathology.
>>697879>his mom beat him up with a fire extinguisher.If that's true then this would also help to explain his mental health issues. Brain damage…but that's something that can only be proven with ct scan.
No. 697882
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>>697798>>697802>This channel covers topics of mental health…Is he going to try and psychoanalyze himself some more? Because that's obviously done wonders for him.
No. 697885
>>697877It's tinfoil, which is why it's saged. No one is stating for a fact his mother is a child molester. No one's humanzing Greg. He's a piece of shit in either outcome. There are plenty of child molestation survivors who don't continue the cycle of abuse, but it's not exactly uncommon for others to be affected by the ordeal differently and become
abusive themselves. If you're feeling sorry for the idiot, that's your own problem.
No. 697887
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No. 697893
>>697879His mom beat him with a flashlight anon, it was his dad who twatted him with the fire extinguisher.
They're all fucking crazypants tbh.
No. 697895
>>697881>If that's trueThat’s the key phrase. We can see evidence in videos that he has weird boundaries with his mom but he’s lied or exaggerated about literally every other relationship in his past. His dad is a pedophile that beat him up. He was abused by everyone as a kid except the older girl he slept with because he was such a chad. His dad was an
abusive pedo. The jocks bullied him totally unprovoked. Keep in mind, his version of reality has always been and will be warped.
No. 697900
>>697893His mother hit him with both a flashlight and fire extinguisher. 10 months ago a patron anon did a tldw of his patron only "You Broke Me" video about his family here-
>>590396>My mother beat me as a child. Attacked me with a fire extinguisher, attacked me with a massive flashlight, smacked me in the face and hit me with a belt.I wonder if his mom was one of types that always goes for the head. Whatever is in her hand or within reach she swings it at the head of whoever shes pissed at. Who knows how many hits Greg has taken to that huge noggin of his while growing up, it could explain a lot.
No. 697903
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>>697887Such a shame those kids are never going to benefit from the time Daddy made millions.
No. 697907
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>>697848its ironic you used the word "hoovering"
No. 697914
>>697899I second this.
>>697913pic for the new thread maybe?
>>697917>>697912You're literally contributing nothing by screeching sage like the other third of anons in this thread.
Report and move on, it isn't hard.
No. 697924
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>>697900>10 months ago a patron anon did a tldw of his patron only "You Broke Me" video about his family here- >>590396I knew a few bits and pieces of his childhood but reading those details was quite a revelation. He has so little regard for himself and others. He's a grown man acting out all the shit he took from his parents as a child, very much living in their shadows.
>>697869>To think, if only he'd sought professional help years ago he wouldn't be futilely trying to escape this dumpster fire of his own making.His entire adult life is a shitfest he himself created. Unlike Sarah, he's refused to deal with the skeletons in his closet and can't understand why his life is a trainwreck.