File: 1566646697409.png (2.05 MB, 1152x2048, ECtI69KWsAA4v-Z-2.png)

No. 693212
Thread Image Credit:
>>693132Previous Thread:
>>>/pt/686681Onion Thread Archives:
>>>/pt/511709Onision Drama Crash Course:
http://www.lifeofonion.comDo not post about Lainey in this thread unless her content has some connection to Greg. Attempts at discussing her content that does not relate to Greg will result in a ban.
Her thread can be found at
>>>/snow/826201Onision/Onion/Greg/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been rapidly declining since. Laineybot/Lainey/Taylor Avaroe/Kai Jackson, is a transtrender and "beauty guru" with no makeup-knowhow or personality.
Current Milk:>Greg spergs out about people with BPD who smoke weed, alluding to a girl he dated/interacted with >>690876 >>691644>after a few days of subtweeting and vagueblogging ( >>691606 , >>691795 , >>691830 , >>691965 , >>691966 , >>691972 , >>692124 , >>692141 , >>692359 , >>692368 ) Based Sarah announced that she and Greg dated >>692918 he took her virginity (sorry Sarah) >>692920 and is he currently harassing her. >>692660Minor Milk:>Greg spergs out about Repzion, Germans and Anti-Semitism.>Greg continues to milk Eugenia Cooney’s return to youtube. >>686874>Greg goes private on twitter. >>687663 >>687665>Greg once again brings up age gaps on twitter, may be or may not be related to his short stint with Sarah. >>687827>Greg starts doing “podcasts” with Taylor. One is about sex dolls. >>688187 >>688193 (mirror) >>688203 (transcript)For the sake of making Onision threads more readable, please follow these rules in the future:
- Hooktube is no longer a viable solution to deter views/clicks from Onision. Please rehost videos elsewhere.- No nitpicking. - Do not liveblog streams. Unless something of importance is happening, we don't need minute by minute updates.
- Do not contact the cows and post about it here. You will be banned.
- Do not tinfoil about the children. You will be banned.READ THE RULES AND USER GUIDE BEFORE POSTING:'s Links: (private, for now.) No. 693216
>>693212I don't think she should be the thread image. Poor girl.
There were better images as
>>693047 than exposing her even more.
No. 693217
>>693216Let's not start this
It's just the thread image
No. 693219
>>693216I wish they'd picked something else also but Sarah posted this on her Twitter (not the edited version) so I'd say she'd be okay with it.
Billie giving Sarah the crown was funnier imo
No. 693220
>>693216Im not a fan of the image either. Not that anyone is going to care. I dont think a girl who just had her heart broken and is probably going to have to face and admit to herself that shes an abuse
victim wants to be the focus of an entire thread, that might not even be about her.
I assume people are going to talk about things other than Sarah too.
But sure, have your milk and schadenfreude, while completely dismissing the wellbeing of the actual
victim in all this.
No. 693223
File: 1566647892507.jpg (222.11 KB, 2528x1596, chrome_cYhhrXFrEu.jpg)

Sarah was dropping hints like a madlass
No. 693224
>>693223I feel glad she's able to laugh about this. Losing your virginity is a big thing for a lot of girls.
It's especially sad since Sarah said she was a lesbian. Even if that has changed, it's still fucked up though. I would be way more emotional, had that happened to me.
No. 693227
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No. 693229
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>>693228Well the Tillian show she went to was two days ago in Sacramento so the kids are probably with her (at her mom's place) and there's a possibility she's back home now and she's trying to find excuses to stay away from Greg as much as possible. She was out of town last month too.
No. 693243
>>693237Her parents should take the kids and make her get a godddamned job.
What a nightmare.
If I was her dad, I'd offer to fix her life but give her the ultimatum that she no longer posts anything online, gets a job OFFLINE and knock the fakeboi shit off for the sake of my grandchildren.
She has no support left so she's gonna have to crawl back to mummy and daddy for help.
No. 693245
>>693236If she starts to “care” now it’s only because she’s embarrassed she got outted and doesn’t look like a good guy in it.
I’m looking back to find that video where she’s joking about giving him her virginity. I think another anon was right and the joke was about Sara kind of. Less extreme but definitely Karla Homolka vibes and that’s bad. What won’t she do for him? Who won’t she sacrifice?
No. 693257
>>693255Exactly. As much as it's her fault and she always defends Greg, it could be very likely she is trying to get out of this. Grease has always been a loud mouth about shit while she seems to stew about stuff behind the scenes more.
In Ayallah's stream I remember saying Lainey plays the bad guy more behind the scenes.
No. 693268
>>693251I'm pretty sure now that Sarah woke up legal actions will follow. Before all this the problem was that Ayalla and the other girls weren't able to do something because the
victim had to go to the police. You don't know what's going on behind the scenes right now. And it would be pretty dumb of them to make everything public. So please let's wait before we blame them for not doing enough. It's important that the public (aka the internet) knows about this predator too so his followers know and won't be the next
victims and he loses even more financial support. Cause an actual lawsuit could take months, so it's better to cut all his support now.
No. 693271
>>693269It brings a whole new meaning to a lot of the shit he and Lainey have said and done around Sarah.
I agree also that if Sarah is keeping quiet and getting legal help then good on her. I wish some commentary channels would go off though.
No. 693273
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No. 693278
>>693273> and 1 fakeboiKEK
I wonder if this will be enough that someone like Keemstar covers it? All these bigger channels avoid him like the plague but this is serious and there's no chance that it's making Onion gain subscribers
No. 693279
File: 1566653280672.png (69.29 KB, 178x275, ONION.png)

Regarding whether Lainey is back home, is that not her left foot on the bottom right of that picture? Just the thought of watching your husband fucking a sex doll whilst you're casually chilling on the side, probably with the toddlers… irk.
No. 693284
>>693273Good placement of the characters.
I like that Ayalla is in the middle.
I wouldn't mind watching a video by Mikeanactor, Repzion or Aldi just for laughs.
No. 693288
>>693279It's Julia, The plot of this video is that he drugged her drink, abducted her, and beats and torments her all while telling her how he's going to kill her.
This is a 360 video so I'm going to
direct link. No. 693294
>>693293I want her to as well, but she probably doesn't wanna relive the trauma.
Just once I'd love one of his ex's to do a hilarious video/skit or storytime entailing his tiny dick and terrible personality. Just like he does with everyone else. The closest anyone came to that which satisfied me was Adrienne's letter. That was so well written and funny. I could understand Sarah not wanting to go there though.
No. 693300
>>693297I think all of you will be surprised at the depths of depravity of Greg and Taylor's stans, but we'll see, I guess.
I am also not sure Sarah has any legal grounds for anything regarding them, although I think she could wipe her ass with the NDA they had her sign for all it's worth. Still, I hope she consults a lawyer about all this.
Also, Sarah, I am sorry as hell that you got involved with those two degenerates and roped in by them. I feel very badly for you.
No. 693306
>>693288That video is just… sick. How can anyone see that as entertainment?
Good on Sarah for speaking out. She was too damn young (18) to have things go as they did. The fact that Kai had POA at some point, and still had this go down. Def a case for grooming here. Lots of proof in these threads for that. Also awesome on Ayalla and co on standing up and saying something.
No. 693308
>>693288Jesus what the actual fuck is this? There wasn’t even an attempt at a “joke” in this. Has he just resorted to acting out some sick fantasy about killing women in his narc rage because there’s no amount of BPD/weed/everyone is a predator but me videos he can make to get him out of this one?
I think he’s still gonna have a fan base after this, albeit a smaller one. There will always be members of his little cult that either won’t care what he did or won’t believe it no matter how much evidence is put in front of their face because they’re so stupid. I think this will at least be enough to destroy his career, even with the last few dedicated people.
YT should’ve gotten rid of him so long ago given that he has been using his platform to find teenagers for years. Guess they’re just gonna keep ignoring it forever.
No. 693310
>>693288Sarah could probably use this video to get a restraining order/no contact on the Onions. If he just stated working on this disgusting video right after she outs them then it's most likely enough evidence for the police.
I don't know why the idiot makes videos coming off like a psychopath. It only makes him look pathetic, silly and put onto a watchlist.
No. 693313
File: 1566658741270.webm (1.44 MB, 320x180, Reasons For Divorce.webm)
Lainey will figure out a way to excuse him fucking Sarah. And Im sure Sarah will be the villain to her, not Greg.
No. 693314
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>>693307>>693288It reminds me SO much of that movie “Creep”. I know he gets off being bizarre and unsettling, but he is genuinely disturbed and not just trolling like he thinks he is.
No. 693315
>>693313What a fucking pathetic doormat. "It wouldn't bother me that much." she went on a sperg whenever he did that shit with Billie. Shut the fuck up, Lainey.
>>693314This is what I thought too. He reminds me a lot of the guy from Creep which means Onion isn't bringing much to the table with his tryhard videos since Creep is more unsettling than he is.
No. 693322
>>693313So if she doesn't divorce him it's proof that he had talked to her about doing it before he did. She's a horrible person if she gave him the go ahead with that and honestly just as guilty.
Unrelated but her whole weak thing about saying he can do whatever he wants as long as he talks with her about it first is so dumb. Like she's trying to hold on to the last modicum of a delusion that he values what she thinks and that he still can love her while actively pursuing countless other girls.
UWU I love being an accessory to his abuse because it makes us closer as a couple.
No. 693325
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>>693324I forgot about that when I was skimming her Twitter and I dont think anyone SS it. Damn if she was there about Greg, then he is fucked.
No. 693328
>>693308The fact he said a video or so ago and also in the past that he enjoys the chaining to the wall fantasy makes me feel like this was an attempt to make Sarah feel unsafe. Also he lives in her state so it's another kind of scare tactic.
When he went after Billie he brought up her family and how weed was illegal in her state because she was so far away. Sarah lives in his state so it seems more like a direct threat.
No. 693330
>>693228She'd never leave him alone with the kids cause she knows he's a predatory piece of shit as a dad, who can't change his daughter's diaper without getting aroused. Yet she still lives with him and brings him young girls for him.
Still wondering if she left because Jimbo cheated on her once again.
No. 693334
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I love this.
No. 693336
>>693242Honestly, Sarah, as long as he didn't went to a notary with his NDA, which we all know he didn't, it means nothing. It's a useless piece of paper that he uses to scare you. He fucking knows what a predator he is and how >morally< wrong everything he does is, hence why he's even printing something like that.
An innocent person with good intentions doesn't get so paranoid that they feel the need to sign a NDA for people visiting (except you're as important as the president maybe).
Don't let those fuckers scare you, don't let them use their kids as a barricade. Do what's right and what all the girls before you couldn't do. We all got your back.
No. 693338
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the truth was you're a 30+ year old man with a 16 year old "friend" you patiently waited two more years to bed.
surprised he's not deleting these old videos, regardless of what he says in them they are so damning now.
No. 693339
>>693334He is probably sending her so many messages about the situation. Crying about his kids and Lainey.
I'm glad she's not backing down.
No. 693343
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Did he buy ANOTHER sex doll??? Sex dolls don’t usually have interchangeable feet
No. 693346
>>693341Same but everyone can probably imagine what they are like. Probably just like the Adrienne voicemails like anon said.
I imagine there would be a lot of blaming as well. Calling her dishonest for doing something she also had a part in. Trying to shame her. Saying shit about her throwing away Lainey's friendship and saying she's cold and never cared, probably some legal threats in there too.
Kind of offtopic but Madison posted a selfie on Instagram and the caption was something like I had a dream about you.
Do you think it's from a song or the onions emailed her?
No. 693350
>>693334Queen of calling
abusive people out.
>>693338Good point. I hope Sarah and gang downloaded all of these incriminating things. No doubt he might pull stuff.
No. 693352
>>693343That's what I thought too, but I think it's that weird thing he was holding earlier in the cringy video.
>>693348That massive fucking head with that cringy dried up makeup makes it hard to be afraid of him. He looks so embarrassing.
No. 693354
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>>693343In the unlisted 360 date rape video hes dancing with some kind of soft stuffing mannequin. Ive seen them used to fill out clothing or as a dummy. Its not technically a sex doll but I wouldn't doubt hes poked it with his half a hotdog too.
No. 693360
>>693288Sar please go to court and take this depraved video with you. As well as the disgusting CP he gleefully put in his book, the old rating videos, the stream of him playing hentai while minors watched, the old text messages and whatever ones you undoubtedly have now. All of that shit is here and mirrored. Any claims you make would be supported.
There’s ample evidence of her being groomed by the Jacksons but I’m wondering if serious charges could occur if she came forward with her account of what happened plus his past behavior and how he essentially sex trafficked both Lainey and Sh. If Sar wrapped it together and put in a neat package to present in court, surely it must count for something?
No. 693364
>>693220I dont feel sorry for Sarah.
Victim this,
victim that. She saw what was going on with Billie and the other girls and shat on them when they needed help. Only now that it happened to her does she want sympathy.
She hasnt even shown any proof to back up her story.
No. 693366
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No. 693368
>>693364Yeah sometimes it's hard to know what's truly going on when you're only 14 years old and being manipulated by an older man and his wife who claim to be helping you / saving you from your own
abusive situation.
She obviously developed some sense of stockholm loyalty living with them, let's not pretend Onion didn't mentally play the girls against each other, especially when B managed to escape and suddenly S was the favourite golden child.
No. 693371
Not to mention she was a kid. A lot of people shit on Shiloh for the same thing but who wasn't a smug know it all at 14 to 16?
Hell anons used to hate on Billie for being an adult who should know better but I personally think even 18 to 22 is a very confusing age.
I've never really liked Sarah, but I can feel sorry for her and glad she's out of a bad situation.
Some people just like being salty it seems.
No. 693373
>>693343Jesus Christ.
I think we’ve all been conditioned here by Onision. Like how you dont realize you sibling is getting fat because you see them everyday. Then one day you realize they gained 40 pounds.
We’re so used to Onion’s insanity that all of this sex doll stuff seemed normal and like a natural progression.
But I’m stepping back and looking at this picture and the Sarah situation like “Holy shit.”
No. 693374
File: 1566664641631.jpeg (157.38 KB, 1125x779, 8874073A-08A3-475C-81D6-C1FDBD…)

The lovebombing begins.
Divorcegate is never happening y’all.
No. 693378
>>693373Trust me when I say that none of this seems normal, despite the many years of following his insanity.
The only surprise lies in that a
victim that has been in his orbit for so long chose to say anything.
No. 693379
>>693374Taylor deserves the situation she's in. Better if they stick together than jimmy finding another weak girl to control and marry.
With that said, hope they both die soon.
No. 693380
>>693374Lol he does this whenever she's having a breakdown.
Remember the last stream she did sperging about the Sarah allegations? He was being a suck up at the start of the stream.
No. 693381
>>693373The same thing blows my mind. How does no one in his family see a huge problem with how their relative behaves on the regular? They just became used to it and stop questioning it. That's how.
>>693374It's not all bad. When she transitions to male, they can share a cell at the very least.
No. 693385
>>693383Imagine being that fucking stupid that you believe that Sarah and Billie who were 18 and 19 were to blame for your husband's infidelity and not his scummy behaviour.
She's a godddamned retarded cuck.
No. 693386
>>693384I wish that one of his ex's would use this tactic tbh.
He'd sperg out so hard and threaten to sue but he couldn't do shit anyway since she wouldn't be using his name hahaha
No. 693389
>>693379the only reason I really want them to divorce is for the kids' sake. lainey is a monster just like greg, but she'd pretty much have no choice but to move back in with her parents if they divorced. she's never had a job in her life and she can't support herself off of youtube money.
at least her parents would give the kids some kind of stability and sanity, even if they can't undo whatever trauma they've already experienced.
No. 693398
>>693395She continued to do gymnastics in her head.
It's odd that she's not being attacked for any of it when she should be. She was the one that Sarah's mother trusted to temporarily take on a motherly role to Sarah. In truth, she served up a girl that looked up to and trusted her on a pedo platter to her husband. That's some Karla Homolka and Rose West shit.
No. 693402
>>693399I'm not so sure, If the most random drama channels can hit a million views off onision's name, sarah can get just as much
Even the people who don't follow onision up close know who sarah is
No. 693403
>>693398Who isn't attacking her though? Many anons here and in the last thread are definitely condemning her as well. Why do people keep saying no-one is blaming Lainey? The reason Greg is being brought up mostly is because Sarah tweeted leave me alone Greg and said the thing about being 'honest' plus Ayalla said Greg fucked Sarah.
That doesn't mean anyone has defended Lainey. Pretty sure everyone here knows she is also a piece of shit for befriending Sarah and starting this mess.
No. 693407
>>693404Perhaps she can't give it completely yet hence the small tidbits here and there? Acting like Sarah is a liar just because she's not releasing stuff straight away is a bit shitty. I get that you want answers and so does everyone else but acting like a prick is probably counterintuitive.
Let them spill the milk when they are ready.
No. 693410
>>693409>>693405Plus Sarah probably has some conflicting feelings.
Perhaps she wanted to end things quietly or return to being friends again and Greg said no and forbade her from seeing or reaching Lainey to get closure.
Plus, Greg took her virginity supposedly. I could see why she's be madder at him although she probably also hates Lainey now too.
No. 693418
File: 1566668344342.webm (2.67 MB, 480x360, 1547141993654.webm)
Never forget.
No. 693421
>>693414I'm definitely not from there and have been supporting Sarah since Ayalla's first tweet about it. Making a comment that Lainey should get the same treatment doesn't make someone a whiteknight, that's stupid.
>>693409That's true, I forgot about that.
No. 693425
>>693392it's better that Lainey doesn't trust the kids around him. Remember when he accused
Ayalla of preying on an underage Sarah and of being a pedo? He projects onto others what he himself does or will do. Now that he's accused AJ's dad of "violating" his daughter I think it's reasonable to be worried for Clot.
No. 693429
>>693424That reminded me the video where they're eating at Panera and discussing where they see themselves in 5-10 years. And when its Gregs turn the first words out of his mouth is he seems them in a beautiful polyamorous relationship.
Its ALWAYS on his mind. It happened once and he wants it back.
No. 693430
File: 1566669307986.jpeg (269.46 KB, 1125x1118, C2FE5CFC-B4A5-4B02-BC93-615053…)

When did Greg private his instagram kek
He’s SCARED scared
No. 693436
>>693433> i’m waiting for his “i dumped sarah” videoHe would have made it a few years ago. Now, we get just this
>>693288. He knows he can't drive the narrative any more, so he acts out his frustration through sex and violence. A few years ago, he would have smeared and discredited Sarah. Now, he can't so he just wants to beat her up, like he's doing it that video.
No. 693439
>>693233 Sorry to say I didn’t self post this. Must have been a viewer of mine. This is my first post on lolcow as I only lurk here and it’s to apologize that someone posted my video while the milk is overflowing. Sorry!
>>693235 also not trying to be Strange Æons. Made one response to Grugly’s video attacking her and was requested to do the other books. And it’s a nose ring, not a booger haha.
That being said, I really do hope Sarah gets the onions thrown in jail or at least kicked off the Internet. We all knew this was coming since he began his sperg about BPD and weed. His fans are just as sick and twisted as he is for him defending him in their discord.
I truly hope Sarah has documented everything over the years and hasn’t let the onions influence her into deleting evidence. We all know how Grugly forces people to let him have access to everything when in the swamp shack.
Sarah has the support to speak out against them and now that she’s ready I hope the grooming onions get taken to court. Even if she can’t legally say anything right now herself Ayalla has confirmed everyone’s suspicions. The onions can’t get out of this one.
Willing to bet he hasn’t directly come for Sarah because of the evidence she has against him/them.
No. 693443
File: 1566670765037.webm (11.28 MB, 480x360, 1542531953028.webm)
Daily reminder of the grooming Lainey has been doing for years. Makes you wonder how many others there are they haven’t talked about as much.
No. 693445
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>>693273I hope you don't mind my edit, anon. Couldn't resist.
No. 693447
>>693444I couldn’t remember who it was but after the recent admission it makes it that much more worrisome that she is being so dismissive in this video.
Greg does not give a single solitary fuck about what you identify as, whether it’s your sexual orientation or your gender. If you have a vagina and you’re fairly attractive, he’s interested.
No. 693452
>>693443Lainey logic:
Keeping your partner safe away from my predator husband and me - not okay, bad relationship
Me grooming young teens for my husband to fuck - totally ok, soulmtes 4 lyfe uwu
No. 693458
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>>693457So it's from some rando.
No. 693462
>>693424Lainey has literally accepted her status as a handmaid.
She started as a hastily married childbride -> cheated on sad wife -> (unwilling) poly wife and a pimp -> handmaid
Onion doesn't even want to fuck her with eyes closed, he's even gotten a fuckdoll so he doesn't need to touch Lainey. She's just there to take care of kids and keep them away so Onion doesn't get annoyed.
And she accepts it, she's THAT pathetic.
(Also I don't think she's content with Onion having sex with Sarah. She used Sarah to vent her problems and groomed her but for sure she hoped Onion wouldn't actually do it. Now that it happened, of course she'll find a way to blame Sarah sadly)
No. 693493
File: 1566677324531.jpeg (163.64 KB, 1242x1026, 43C20909-50F3-44E9-854D-468483…)

poor Sarah. i’m so glad she has backup.
No. 693499
>>693487Great video!!
>>693493Those girls truly are the best. The only good thing that came out for them by going through the hell that is the Ogre household, was that they all bonded so strong.
No. 693500
>>693495Because he’s obsessed with what is technically legal. In his head he hasn’t done anything wrong because he’s waited until she was 18. He doesn’t seem to realise that everything that went on before is considered grooming ie waiting until your
victim turns 18 to actually do the deed .
No. 693501
>>693495this is what i'd really like to know as well. So far, no one has given a date of when this all went down.
I am guessing it was recent. Last year's grooming accusations when Sarah had just turned 18, Greg indicated nothing had happened YET (but didn't deny it could happen in the future)
Of course Greg will think he is completely okay because sarah is over 18 and therefore it's "legal". He will definitely hammer that point as his defense. He won't address that it's still creepy as fuck no matter how legal it is.
I'd also like to know what happened between the time they hooked up and now to make sarah want to speak out. I ALSO really want to know how Greg justified it to Lainey. Not that there is any real justification, but you know he crafted some convoluted story to make it seem logical that he simply HAS to sleep with Lainey's supposed best friend.
No. 693506
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>>693503the tweet in question
No. 693510
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No. 693511
>>693507Sarah and Billie were not "kinky" enough for the basement.
>>693509I wish she would come out and say it but is it possible that the police/courthouse told her not to say anything more so they could investigate it?
No. 693512
>>693493I’m sorry she feels this way but again i’m so glad she found support. It’s natural to be confused about everything that happened but she should know it wasn’t her fault. Greg is notorious for being manipulative to get what he wants (normally sex) and probably fucked with her head a lot over the years. Lainey didn’t help by encouraging everything and as far as we know, signing off on her husband making a move like that. You didn’t deserve to be sold out like that, Sara-h. I’m glad you’re on the other side of things now though and have a lot of support from lots of different places.
>>693505Kind of like this post says even if you were interested in them when you were younger it’s still on them as the adults in the situation to say no. If a 12 year old wants to sleep with a 30 year old, it’s the 30 year old’s responsibility to say no. It’s not your fault, Sara-h.
I don’t want it to affect legal stuff but I do hope more details come out as to how this developed that way. Did they actually talk about it when she was younger? How did Lainey cave to the idea of opening the relationship again? What was the long term plan?
No. 693513
>>693511I think that’s what’s going on. I think she liked something about not being able to go into details because it risks her case. I do hope they come out eventually though. It could help other recognize the patterns if they’re in a similar relationship.
I hope she documented everything really well.
No. 693515
>>693505>"See she wanted it. It was consensual” I absolutely doubt this would be considered an argument in court.
All of what you said. They groomed her for years, telling her she'll be the next girl - of course she thought she wanted all of that. But obviously after or before James slept with her she realized that this wasn't what she wanted.
No. 693525
>>693519Yes, I definitely didn’t mean court. It wouldn’t hold up anyway. I was speaking about them trying to use at as a defense in the court of public opinion.
It would backfire on them but I still don’t want to see them even try it. Tactics like that mess with
victims heads. Even if it didn’t mess with Sarah’s, those words have the potential to really screw with people who have been or are currently in a similar position.
No. 693526
>>693518It's definitely still up and running. Try viewing it directly on youtube and not through lolcow.
It really does need a followup though, now that Sarah has confirmed everything.
No. 693530
>>693527No he’s just anal about following the law but that doesn’t mean he has any morals. That’s all that’s kept him out of prison thus far even though he’s done a series of reprehensible things. It’s not illegal to keep cheating on your wife with 18 year olds.
I don’t see him stopping anytime soon either, especially with his enabling wife to fuel him. I hope something does put a halt to his pattern before he hurts more people.
No. 693533
>>693527This makes me so mad too.
He slandered Skye and bullied her off the internet while trying to write his divorce off his taxes.
He aborted Shilohs baby and destroyed her entire life and carreer.
He raped AJ.
He publicly harrassed and threatened Billie, Ayalla and every other girl that ever came in contact with him.
He rates underage girls, justifies pedophilia and incest and sexualizes babies, toddlers and everything female.
He tortured and killed a turtle, his fish. Tortured his guinea pigs and his dogs.
Big ass tax fraud.
He destroyed wetlands and spawning ground of endangered fish.
Burnt cardboard and had bon fires while living in the woods during burn ban.
He groomed his childbride and instantly knocked her up.
Groomed a 14yo until she was 19 and then slept with her.
He gets in fights with everyone and never ever shuts up.
Yet he's still there… I don't get it.
No. 693546
File: 1566685490317.png (12.55 KB, 595x105, photo.png)

>>693505He just posted this. I wonder if it's a veiled threat.
No. 693552
>>693546The depths of my disgust and hatred for this greasy manlet and his retarded predator wife are getting deeper than I thought possible.
Frankenstein and his fuckwife are truly in their element, threatening and intimidating young girls into silence. Must be comforting almost to this Chucky doll little bitch.
Sarah et al stay strong, everyone is sending you love and support and whatever he could possibly do makes him look like the disgusting predatory little bitches he and his reject wife are
No. 693558
File: 1566688917565.jpeg (61.81 KB, 1125x232, 545AABF7-ED39-48F8-A718-2B86EF…)

Be scared onion boy.
No. 693566
File: 1566689885852.jpg (18.71 KB, 805x120, 2019-08-24_19-37-56.jpg)

Ayalla must be lurking cause she made a hopeful comment. I guess all we do now is wait. Unfortunately the waiting game is also how Greg gets away so much.
No. 693568
>>693558What a cry baby. He did this to himself.
He can cry crocodile tears all day to try to make sar feel like she’s hurting Lainey or the kids or even him but he knew the risks going in and he put all of that on the line. Monsters like this will hurt you and try to make you feel bad for not taking their side when they screw you over.
No. 693570
File: 1566690427133.png (774.19 KB, 445x1000, basterds.png)

I'm glad Sarah has the other girls as a support system. I know under all the jokes it's gotta be hard to see all the manipulation and abuse for what it was. Keep your head up and don't let that saggy manchild take up too much space in your head. In a few years he's not gonna seem like anything but a bad dream. Give it time. The extra pathetic thing is we just KNOW Jimmy / Grugly is prob blowing up her phone still
anyways i've never photoshopped anything before but here is my sad attempt. Hang in there ladies. get that waterhead son of a bitch. Really hope this is the final nail needed to get this pedo freak off the internet for good.
No. 693572
>>693570She could try blocking his number, but sometimes the police and/or a lawyer will tell you not to do it, just document it all and give it to them for more evidence to charge him with harassment.
>>693571I'm sorry but how is this the limit? The sex doll didn't scare you off? I'm glad you no longer support him though. The less money he has, the better.
No. 693575
>>693571every other deplorable,
abusive thing he's done has been out in the open online since he began his shitty youtube career. the fact that you ignored everything else is pretty disgusting. lol if you have any milk/information to provide to help Sarah, make yourself useful.
No. 693577
File: 1566691298239.png (353.17 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190824-165737.png)

Repzion has responded! And it seems that he does want to make a video on it.
Please farmers, any incriminating evidence you have on Onion about the Sarah situation please send it to Repzion.
No. 693578
File: 1566691348275.png (274.08 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190824-165728.png)

No. 693584
>>693445>>693510>>693570These edited movie scenes and posters are making me laugh so much.
Ayallah is absolutely Brad Pitt's character. I can't get enough of these HOLY shit.
No. 693585
>>693571Welcome new anon.
Sorry for the rough welcome here, but patrons are viewed critically because they encourage and enable Greg's / James's horrible behavior by supporting him.
I'm glad you've seen the light and if you can share information or shine light on things that haven't already been archived here (and prove it), your help is greatly appreciated.
Greg needs to stop taking advantage of troubled girls from dysfunctional families. It's disheartening.
No. 693587
File: 1566692958658.jpg (98.24 KB, 525x774, GregPewds2.jpg)

>>693558Not to derail the milk, but his tweets are all over the emotional scale atm. PewdiePie married Marzia in a very nice woodland setting so of course Onion Boy is shitting all over it & pretending he got an invite. His jealousy is so obvious.Pewds is living his dream life while the internet is calling Greg out for his skeevy behavior.
No. 693588
>>693586Forever. He will now resort to molesting his daughter in private.
No pesky outsiders with morals to interfere, and grooming from age 0 to be sure it works this time.
Yeah, I'm a pessimist, but Onision is legit scary with his behaviour.
No. 693591
File: 1566693606330.jpg (188.31 KB, 808x663, 20190825_083836.jpg)

Glad Sarah has a good support network. I bet Greg thought she would have no-one to turn to.
Bless Ayallah and Billie.
No. 693595
>>693587Sperging over Felix's wedding which was actually a nice wedding.
He's so pathetic and jealous.
He's whinging about how expensive it was because his shotgun backyard weddings were trash.
Sorry some people actually like to spend money on their wives and wedding venues instead of giving 10 grand to little girls to fuck them. As well as shelling out 300 bucks to a sick girl to look good about themselves.
Lol and he never keeps anything private. Both he and Lainey have shared wedding photos and details in several videos.
What a loser!
No. 693596
>>693587LMAO As if anyone would invite Greg / James to anything. People don't even want to collab with him, much less do they want to spent their free time with him. He's delusional, as always, but unfortunately he seems to have forgotten that he's pretty much made it public that he doesn't have any friends anymore - with the exception of those few who actually pay him to be his friends.
The bottom tweet is just hypocritical but since he's locked himself up in his lil echo chamber, people don't dare to disagree with him.
>>693577>>693578Repzion, I'm pretty sure you're reading here. Please make sure you'll present the topic not too emotionally or passionately but calmly. I usually watch you videos and the more upset you seem about what Greg does, the more unhinged, vendetta-like you come across.
I'd also be careful not to get in legal trouble if this should all turn out as a hoax, especially because of your history with him and his ire to terminate your channel.
No. 693600
>>693592The sad thing is that Greg HAD money when he married Lainey.
They could of had a really nice wedding.
Even look at Lainey's dress and his I'll fitting suit.
The silicone rings they ended up buying.
But this man child MUST have every gaming console and a tesla.
I bet he doesn't even buy his kids new toys and just gives them plushies and old shit he and Lainey no longer want.
I bet that giant connect four game was given to them after Lainey had played with it.
But 10 grand to Billie is justified? Plane tickets for Sam and the other girls?
He probably spent more on the sex doll than his whole wedding budget.
I'd be embarrassed if I was Lainey.
No. 693602
>>693600Wasn't that one of the reasons why Lainey chased after him? She wanted a celebrity and live her life as a trophy wife…
Originally she wanted Shane but ended up with Onision.
No. 693605
>>693602Imagine marrying a discount Shane Dawson who spends more on a teenage sex slave than your own wedding.
I notice he tries to compliment Lainey on how
okay she is with everything and how it makes it great.
Imagine being told you are an amazing human because of how low maintenance you are. He tells her all the time she is the safe option.
What a stand up guy lol
No. 693606
>>693605He spent more on a sex doll than his own wedding.
On another note, if something isn't done about Greg soon, kids are going to be put in danger. He can't change a diaper without having sexual thoughts and he has two kids, one being a daughter. Any hope of her having female friends will be ruined if something isn't done about him.
No. 693607
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No. 693614
>>693613Hmmmmm. Could be possible.
Maybe he couldn't keep his mouth shut and bragged about Sarah and that's what got Dev so upset? /tinfoil
No. 693622
In the clip where Lainey states she became Sarah's legal guardian, she was so arrogant, self assured and self righteous….so she damn knows shes complicit in how this has played out. I am sick and tired of seeing her act like such a helpless
victim. She is an enabler and deserves to rot as much as he does. No. 693627
>>693624Way worse because people will actually donate.
I definitely would.
I can see it now.
'People only want to donate to this person because they are against me.
If I was asking, no-one would help because everyone just automatically hates me reeeee'
No. 693630
Awhile back I noticed that Onion changed the names and descriptions of many of his Archive channel videos, kinda knew he was up to some shit. And then
>>687289 I noticed he had unlisted a bunch of videos. He's been working on covering his tracks for awhile. Then you also have the name changes.
Greg and Trump are strange fucking parallels. Incest, narc, multiple marriages, ugly as fuck, god complexes, fucking gross.
No. 693631
>>693625I giggled at him describing her as a crazy 36 year old lady who acted like a child. She's only a couple of years older than himself and he tries to act like he was one of the cool young'uns.
Dev if you are out there, you should speak up about Greg's behaviour. There is a young girl trying to compile evidence for a case and you could maybe help with your info. And if it doesn't help the case, it still helps out this predator.
No. 693632
expose this predator
No. 693633
File: 1566697966242.png (592 KB, 1319x637, 1565024749284.png)

>>693630Here's a screenshot of it from 8/4 even though that's not much proof that this did happen but Onion reeks of guilt.
No. 693634
File: 1566698040007.jpg (14.88 KB, 799x128, 2019-08-24_21-54-51.jpg)

No. 693642
>>693635If it was, then she needs to spill.
Sorry that some are hostile towards former patrons but Greg's behaviour is well documented and it's a bit confusing how this can be the final straw for them, yet Greg has been forgiven for destroying the other girls lives almost just as bad, but because they were legal it was their fault.
Former patrons spill or gtfo, it's that simple.
No. 693653
File: 1566700803010.jpeg (292.12 KB, 1233x1512, AE5D34D3-8BE5-4D1F-A7D3-3A4F86…)

No. 693656
>>693220There is a group of people constantly tipping these girls, lmao. You don't actually think ayalla and lameclone said these things on Twitter without expecting attention on here do you?
The thread image doesn't matter. They're aware that we would evidently discuss it here
No. 693660
>>693644>>693653>Did you or Kai, or Greg have a relationship before you turned 18? (they clarify sexual relationship).No.
>When did you last visit?4.5 weeks ago.
>How long has there been a romantic relationship? Like kissing and cuddling.Like what age? I was 18. I cuddle Kai when I was 16 in bed.
>Who initiated the conversation?Greg.
>How long was Greg trying to get you to sleep with him?I don't know how to answer that.
>Were you attracted to both of them?Yes.
>Were you interested when you started coming around?Yes.
"Why are you exposing them now? Because this is bullshit and I'm getting harassed and getting told that I raped him." … "Yes, they're saying that I raped them. That i blackmailed and raped them."
No. 693664
>>693659Raping? Um what? Did this tiny teenager overpower you and your man wife? What a terrible defence jesus.
Even denying anything ever happened would be a smarter retort then what he's spouting. I guess he couldn't deny since Sarah could have gotten a rape kit.
No one believes you Greg.
No. 693667
>>693660Of course Greg initated the conversation.
No. 693673
>>693660Paraphrasing quickly here! Highlights:
>Did Kai ever stick up for you when Greg called you names?Only once. with "dat booty though" comment. So that happened when I was 16. I just gave him and look, and he was like, are you mad? are you mad? And I was like, no. I was just confused. So after that, I said something about it like a year later when I was living there for like the second time and he freaked the fuck out at me in a Walmart and he was just like, "tell me what i said. tell me what I said." because I was bringing up shitty things he did. And he was yelling at me, and I started freaking out and crying. I ran in to tell Kai what happened, and he said I had to leave. Kai stuck up for me by saying: "she has a job here."
>People are asking if Kai ever had guardianship over you.Kai had power of attorney over me. Kai had nothing to do with that. Kai had guardianship–well, he was responsible for me basically.
>About Kai and Sarah exchanging rings.Sarah said she bought it for herself.
>About why they broke upBasically he broke up with me because I freaked out and left the house with all my shit for like three hours. And Kai called me and asked what I was doing, and I was being dramatic and I was like, yeah. Oh fuck.
>Greg mentioned suggestive photos on twitter?He doesn't have any photos of me to my knowledge. He made a joke about secretly filming us, but I don't know.
No. 693679
>>693673>He made a joke about secretly filming us. I'm telling you I bet this fucked has pictures of Lainey making out with Billie and Maya or whoever in his computer.
Even just stills from videos, I bet he relishes it.
No. 693680
>>693673He made everyone sign NDAs after "the Ayalla thing". Asked her to sign one, and I was offended/hurt by that. I said I didn't want to do it. They know that I would have done it if they really asked her to and got mad at her. All Greg had to do was say, "Can't you act like a fucking adult?" like he did with Ayalla. Leak the bloopers!
>Any calls since breaking upI only got one phone call from Kai's number. It could have been Greg calling from his phone. That happened a lot.
>How long were y'all together officially?(no answer yet)
>What was the situation?Yeah, I was just dating Greg. Me and Kai never dated.
No. 693684
No wonder everything was aimed at Greg.
Lainey is still shit for allowing this to happen though
No. 693687
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No. 693723
>>693713When is the last time Greg stepped foot into a library?
Seriously, Greg is such a wannabe tsundere at heart. He's mentioned that he treats people horribly when he suspects that they might have feelings for him, which we all know is the opposite case. I bet Greg was hoping to build a full-blown harem when Billie, Sarah, and Ayalla were around, back when Lainey looked halfway alive.
No. 693732
>>693729Like suck up Sarah because shes fucking angry and upset clearly, she was GROOMED. she has residual feelings for Kai atm so focus on greg. treat her as a
victim and youll get what you want because thats what she is at the moment are people really this fucking dumb
No. 693734
>>693724I agree, but I also think it's important to contextualize that she's been brainwashed by these people since she was 14 years old.
And these are new developments. I think she's deliberately withholding things, or still unconsciously defending them.
No. 693745
>>693744"It's not illegal for me to just kiss you, right?"
No. 693748
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>>693724Theres leaked DMs of an upset Sarah because she wasnt invited to the trinity and they brought Billie back. She wanted in, publically she defended her predators because why would she spill the beans that they were talking about having a relationship with a 16 year old if she wanted to be in the trinity. It's not hard to grasp.
No. 693755
ok then some highlights
in February of 2016, right after the whole Billie thing. The first Billie thing. Kai got upset one night about Billie. and Greg reassured him that it would be okay, because they could just date me when I was 18. Why don't we just wait for Sarah. And then I'm the crazy one because I'm like, oh something's gonna happen! Like i'm the crazy bitch, get out of my house?
>does Greg support Kai's transition?
I was on the phone with Kai, Kai was like, not to make you feel bad or anything, or put any pressure, but Greg said he would be more comfortable with me getting top surgery if, basically, he had a pair of boobs in the picture.
>does he still obsess over Billie?
>did he compare you to Billie?
Yes. Deadass. I'm not going to say exactly what but there were so many times when I was like. This is wildly inappropriate
-when I was 16 I went there for the first time ever, in September of 2016. Greg took me down into the basement because I was upset because we were at the movie theatre and they were all cuddling together and i was just weirded out you know I was hurt. And he talked to me and he was like, he saw I was getting upset but Lainey and Billie didn't notice. So he took me back to the house and was like oh it's not a triangle. You're very important to Kai. It's not a triangle it's a square. So why would I be confused?
No. 693763
>>693761Getting out of an
abusive relationship is hard and it isn't uncommon for
victims to still love their abusers (especially right after).
She knows what they did was wrong and all she needs to do now is stay far away from them.
No. 693769
>>693767I noticed that too.
>>693768I personally think she stopped the stream because she might have gotten emotional
No. 693778
>>693772Yeah it was pretty clear that she did. She was lightly scolding them about not saying anything.
>>693776I agree. She does need to see a therapist to fully understand/acknowledge what happened to her. It's great that she faced the horde though and I'm glad that for the most part, people were kind to her until towards the end.
No. 693784
File: 1566707895215.webm (7.01 MB, 512x288, just a friend.webm)
Lainey is just as bad as Greg. This is from last years stream where she denied ever being interested in Sarah romantically.
No. 693786
>>693780lmao he’ll probably defend himself by saying he’s not transphobic, he’s verbally
abusive, there’s a difference.
No. 693788
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Anyone else kinda pissed she doesn't plan to take any legal action? Not even a police report. She has the best case out of anyone that has come out of the pedohole of a house and she's not going to do anything. I understand she's a
victim but how can they sit there and talk about how disgusting he is and not think to actually do something about it. Why tweet
>>693607 ?
How many girls have been through this that haven't even made a police report and what does he do? Does it all again. Fucking hell it's annoying watch them all say "oh he did this and that and it was TERRIBLE" get 3 days of attention then fade into the background until his next
victim comes and they JUMP to support them. If they just go to the fucking police he can't continue to do this without them breathing down his neck.
No. 693790
>>693772Concerned mom here. It's easy to laugh and make fun of a serious situation in the moment - but a moment doesn't last forever - trauma does.
When she has to deal with this trauma in the future (we don't expect her to be dealing with it now, too soon), I don't want her to regret not taking legal recourse seriously. I've worked with a lot of people who have tremendous guilt for not pursuing legal action at the time. Whether for herself or to do it to protect other girls.
I don't want her to hurt her own case if she feels she needs to take this to court.
(no one cares who you are newfag) No. 693803
>>693784if sarah looked like a librarian what the fuck does he tell his herp lip footwife she looks like? not a real boy obviously.
>>693788she could be scared. it's all too soon and she's still processing. she said she still loves them. it's going to take her a long time to sort through her feelings on it all.
No. 693804
>>693791they are all used to spilling on twitter and getting lolcow support. but its no secret that greater youtube and people outside of this have no idea who greg is. their failing is seeing to that this gets shut down for real.
we are so used to the idea that billie was threatened to be chained in a basement and adrienne was slut shamed after being raped but really though. its not normal. they all want it to stop but wont see to it that they facilitate that. despite the high horse anons get here, this isnt the law, the people who deal with it need to see that it stops.
No. 693806
>>693780Lainey is a woman. A depressed, anxious, sad, manipulative woman.
Maybe she’ll finally divorce Greg after all of this but probably not.
Sarah speaking out is a good step and I hope she is able to get help where she lives. Talking to strangers online onlunfors so much.
No. 693809
For the newfags coming from the YouNow stream: read and sage posts that do not contribute to the thread in a meaningful way.
No. 693810
>>693804I agree, they think like teenagers because they are. However, no matter the age, if you're going to feel strongly against something then you should do what you can to stop it.
I don't expect for Sarah to do that any time soon because it's still very fresh for her. Maybe she will in time, but it probably won't be until Greg makes a bunch of videos (which he will) about her and calling her a cunt nonstop like he did with Billie. She did say that if it came to blows that she had receipts ready to go.
No. 693814
>>693790sage for autistic infighting but
youre not her actual mother though and she doesnt need you specifically to tell her what she should do since all you did was make her nervous. she will do things at her own pace and will tell the world when she feels ready. that stream felt a little hijacked and i wished they didnt let other randos join
No. 693823
File: 1566709929006.png (108.73 KB, 1347x490, ShareX_nWZusXrlo8.png)

>>693816TheJoshShow also entered so it was bound to end after that. I do agree with
>>693814, things would have been better if they kept it to their group.
>>693808Greg only posted attached cap.
>>693819Someone is uploading the stream, be patient. We don't need 5 different posts asking what happened.
No. 693824
>>693820Thanks. I got that but I meant about the spammers.
>>693822Greg hates weak women and strong women and women in general.
No. 693826
>>693824The spammer that set her off kept writing in all caps while saying that she was avoiding things that she had already explained.
>>693809 No. 693832
>>693830but I wouldn't consider Lainey and Sarah as "strangers"
I get the concept of one night stands or basic fwb hook ups. But if you've been close friends for years and suddenly you're fucking, its seems there would be something deeper going on. I still cant wrap my head around Lainey wanting Sarah to get emotional support from Greg, the guy has no idea how to do that other than the occasional love-bombing to get what he wants.
No. 693833
>>693686Not downplaying anything anon.
I said Lainey is just as shit. Learn to read.
No. 693837
>>693829Tinfoil but maybe Lainey acted that way since she’s really trying to pass as a fakeboi now and her perception of how men act is very skewed. Her father cheated on her mother, she dated her
abusive ex throughout high school, and then we get to the lovely Anus himself. Whenever she tries to talk or act like a guy, her first instinct is to be an obnoxious fuck boi.
And since Grot told her she’s still too feminine, maybe that’s why she said don’t come to me for emotional support, just sex. Since that’s how Grot is, and he’s the only man in her life really, sadly.
No. 693838
>>693837that makes sense actually
because that sounds really uncharacteristic of lainey to do otherwise LMAO
No. 693839
>>693835Yeah you can fuck anyone regardless of feelings. It's an amazing concept. I also don't think what type of physical intimacy Lainey had with Sarah and Onion has been disclosed. Is it just them both in the same bed while Onion switches between pounding one and the other or are they actually touching?
And who fucking knows maybe Lainey does have feelings for Sarah but didn't want it to evolve into a true relationship because shes been fucked over enough. Also Lainey said Onion would be more comfortable with Laineys transition if Sarah provides her boobs to Onion.
No. 693840
>>693794Exactly.. it scared Sarah tbh not cool and not what we want to do as supporters because it will just silence her and Anus will only benefit from it.
The fact of the matter is.. Sarah can tell her story no matter if she decides to persue legal action or not now or in the future.. some
victims can go years without contacting authorities it does not make her story invalid and she shouldn’t be made to feel obligated to do that. Sorry but I felt obligated to say this
No. 693841
>>693837>>693838I think plaineys issue is actually just being a self centred PoS.
She wanted and used Sarah as an emotional tissue, she's too shallow and selfish to extend that courtesy to anyone else. We've seen all her one sided conversations with various women of the years and how hard they have to try to get more than a sentence out of her.
No. 693846
>>693840>>693840You realise onion boi himself accused Sarah of rape and that's why she's come forward right? If she's annoyed by being falsely accused then she shouldn't be a hypocrite and should just go to the police with her accusations.
This ~uwu believe all
victims~ shit should also extend to onion too by your logic. I love seeing Greg get shat on as much as the next farmer but I'm sick of the selfish attention seeking all of his
victims do when they're the only people who could actually stop him from hurting other people, like yknow his fucking children? He's gonna end up actually losing it one day.
No. 693847
>>693841Maybe somewhat.
But I believe the main reason is Lainey knew this would eventually get out, and she thought as long as she wasn’t dating Sarah, that she wouldn’t cop as much flack.
The mere fact that she just let Greg sleep with her, shows me that Lainey is definitely distancing herself from Greg, old Lainey would be far too jealous for that.
She has given up because she doesn’t care about Greg anymore, she’s just trying to do what’s right for the kids and stay together.
(Which is obviously not doing the kids any favours, but it’s not uncommon to think that way.)
Lainey knew this would all go pear shaped, that’s why she didn’t want any part of it.
Lainey isn’t dumb, she’s single handedly seen Greg ruin every other chance with any other third they’ve ever had.
Sarah probably gave Lainey a heads up, and that’s why Lainey left with the kids for Greg to clean up his mess alone for once.
I hope this is the final straw and she actually leaves this time.
I still don’t believe she’s an abuser. She liked Sarah as a friend, and enjoyed the attention they got pretending they were flirting, joking about grooming or whatever else. Yes it’s a dark sense of edgy humour to make jokes like that, but I truly believe it was all jokes.
My old friends and I used to be nude around each other and I never wanted to date them.
But in Greg’s mind, he couldn’t see the joke. He actually wanted to groom Sarah for real, Lainey probs said no, Greg probs sperged, Lainey probably said “do what you want then, I want no part of it because when it comes back to bite us, it’s not going to look good.” And so Greg decided to act with his tiny penis instead of his tiny mind again, and look where it ended up.
Lainey was in the wrong from joining in on some of their sexcapades, but when you’re in the house watching your husband sleep with another girl, it would be an absolute mind fuck.
She was too weak to leave him, so instead she joined him.
Not saying that’s right, I’m just saying that’s how I believe it went down.
We all know she’s a pushover and a doormat. She didn’t orchestrate all this, Greg did, and she was too weak to put her foot down and leave. It’s a simple as that.
I am sickened Sarah gave Greg her virginity. But glad she’s wisened up a bit now. I will always be baffled how he has any women at all, fawning after him. Let alone beautiful ones like Sarah, lux and Billie.
Looking forward to seeing how Greg spins all this anyway. Especially since Lainey isn’t going to be there to take any part of the blame.
Things are going to get interesting.
He already turned commenting off for his last video. He knows a storm is coming.
No. 693855
>>693848I suspect the tide will turn against her very quickly unless she actually takes some sort of action against them. if she refuses to act when she has the power to prevent this from happening to others, and leaves two kids in the care of
abusive paedophiles when she's the only person who could actually do something then people will think she's either a shit person or a liar. This milk has the potential to go very sour.
No. 693856
>>693852She was probably stringing it along because Greg wanted a thruple with Sarah when she turned 18.
Lainey probably thought Sarah would be well and truly out of the picture by then so just played along because back then she was so desperate to impress Greg, she would do anything.
I’m not saying she’s totally innocent, but it definitely seems Greg was grooming Lainey to groom other girls.
Lainey should have left. She was too weak. She ended up becoming a mini Greg from Greg’s manipulation.
No. 693859
>>693799>>693802I'm starting to think the only reason why kainey would suggest sarah to date greg, is because she can't feel as mUch jealousy with sarah as she would with any other girl. She doesn't see her as a REAL threat.
Like if lainey were to get uncomfortable, she could just tell sarah "stop" and sarah would listen. Lainey didn't just groom sarah for greg, she groomed her to be an obedient third that will listen to her and not gergles.
No. 693860
>>693856Never been one of those anons who complains about Lainey more than Greg but: c’mon anon.
Lainey is in her 20’s and has two kids. She should be held accountable. She’s been luring girls to their house as well as perpetuating a romantic relationship with an underage vulnerable girl from an abuse situation of her own. She deserves what she gets. Let’s not turn Lainey into some tragic figure in this story.
No. 693861
>>693847please refrain from saying stuff like "I am sickened sarah gave greg her virginity."
She didn't give it to him, he stole it after grooming her for years. We gotta be careful how we speak about this because we don't want her reading this and thinking she's done anything wrong.
No. 693863
File: 1566714590640.jpeg (555.31 KB, 1125x1706, F4BD7535-BAFB-4473-9807-98B894…)

Patreon anon pls
No. 693864
>>693860In life when I see people excusing other's shit behavior due to their past I remind them that it's called an explanation not an excuse. That explains why they became a shit person, it doesn't excuse it.
>>693861I hope Sarah doesn't latch on to the whole virginity thing. It's a social construct to commodify women.
No. 693866
>>693847>Lainey was in the wrong from joining in on some of their sexcapades, but when you’re in the house watching your husband sleep with another girl, it would be an absolute mind fuck. Yeah Im sure it was an "absolute mind fuck" to see the girl she groomed to take her husband's micro dick grow up and take his micro dick. I'm so tired of the "Taylor is an abuse
victim too, she is too weak to do anything UWU" bullshit. If she wants to subject herself to her troglodyte husband's abuse that's one thing, it's another thing to intentionally lure dumb teenagers into a dangerous situation. She has two kids for fucks sake, what kind of Mother encourages a revolving door of jail bait right in front of their children? Taylor is garbage period.
No. 693867
>>693864true, I shouldn't even use words like "stole," women don't magically transform after having sex and virginity isn't some tangible item to give away.
>>693860Seconded. If lainey she were born a guy, and say her and greg were really in a gay relationship, and they pulled this shit to teens, no one would hesitate to call kainey a predator as well.
No. 693869
>>693862I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person who thinks you're at the very least morally questionable if you leave a predator in charge of two young children when you have the power to save them. It's not just about future
victims or some vague bullshit like that, him and lainey are neglecting their kids
now No. 693876
>neglect of their children>making a minor sign a contract(nda) >making a fraudulent contract in the first place>possible additional wetland shit (lol) >domestic abuse via coercion >blackmailAny grooming/trafficking laws would still stand, given that the crimes took place when she was underage. The fact she's of age now is totally irrelevant - just like you can't move a minor into a state where it would be legal to have sex with them to circumvent the law, you can't just adopt a child and then wait until they're old enough for you to have sex with them. Which is exactly what happened in this situation.
The fact lainey showed her naked body to Sarah, the sexually charged messages, the grooming "jokes" And this is just the shit we know about and that Sarah will admit to. Imagine if they actually got access to all their texts and secret tumblr and twitter messages, which is actually exactly what would happen if they went ahead with legal action.
No. 693877
>>693872Internet solicitation of a minor.
Sarah stated Lainey/Kai was having inappropriate conversations with her since she was 15 years old.
No. 693879
>>693878She was brought to watch the kids
as this
>>693748 describes.
I think however the Onion's probably spun it as Billie being jealous when in reality it was probably Lainey jealous that she was stuck babysitting while Onion got his rocks off, did fuck all around the house, and make shitty youtube videos. I bet Onion feels that since he was the breadwinner that meant Lainey had to do all the "lady" household things like cleaning, cooking, and child rearing. Also because Onion likes to do the mainly chores (like breaking the window of his pickup truck transporting bunkbeds in a box) so he can film it and woo girls with how manly and handy he is.
No. 693880
>>693876maaaaybe some of this would work, she could make a complaint if she feels she's being blackmailed but police still may refer it as a civil matter ie. a lawyer. but cps is the place to talk about child welfare concerns.
I don't think the grooming counts anymore (even though we know it happened) unless she has evidence of a sexual advance while she was still underaged. It won't apply to decisions she makes once she becomes an adult - Greg knows this, it's why he did it exactly this way.
>wetland shit This is where it just gets stupid.
>>693877The sad thing is, they were just "friends" or talked about "feelings". Crimes under actual law have to be committed, not just disgusting, unethical things which these are.
Don't people see how sleazy and also how watertight this all is? It's sick but they can't be punished for any of what we've just hard about - unless she has some evidence of something underaged that ALSO breaks the law.
I just think people need to get off Sarah's case, she can only do what she can do, she got burned badly, she needs support (maybe legal) and therapy and not people lecturing her over imaginary police arrests she's somehow got to be responsible for. I want to see them dragged to jail as much as the next but I'm not going to fantasise and also basically bully a girl over it.
No. 693883
>>693881I will bet Greg hasn't got a trail of text messages indicating he wants to have sex with a known minor who he'll meet at x house. THAT's how they arrest those people. The messages combined with turning up get them arrested because it's an actual crime - the intent is clearly proven.
I swear a lot of you live in fantasyland and I appreciate if you haven't had to report a sex crime before, but you have to look at concrete things here. Unless she has a piece of evidence like that, that happened when she was underaged, there may be nothing.
People pressuring her and having a go over something she probably can't deliver on is unfair.
No. 693890
>>693884It’s not downplaying it to point out that the US justice system very rarely gets justice for sexual abuse
victims. When they do it’s concrete evidence that gets it. What she’s been through is awful and disgusting and morally wrong but…was it technically illegal? Greg has managed to escape legal ramifications until now because he gets away on technicalities. And let’s say he did break the law, can it be proven? Are texts or a paper trail enough? There’s a lot women have to consider when reporting in the US.
And Anons are only pointing it out because of the idiots in the thread trying to equate Sar not going to the authorities with her “putting Onion’s kids in danger.”
Those kids, his
victims, and he and Kai’s abuse of others is not the responsibility of another
No. 693894
>>693890The burden of proof for Sarah to a. complain to CPS about the onions and/or b. sue CPS for not protecting her when they were called on the onions is a lot lower than for criminal charges.
CPS can just investigate the onions forever if they want. There's a good enough reason to.
No. 693895
>>693890Yes, texts and a paper trail are enough given her age when they occurred. Greg and Taylor both have escaped ramifications because no one has pressed charges. It really is time so many of you stop playing armchair LEO and let actual cops tell her that what happened is, was and always will be illegal. No technicalities about it.
Sarah, you can always walk into the station and talk with an officer. If you don't feel comfortable after having the discussion with them that you have a case or enough evidence, so be it, but at least find out what all of your options are. Someday you're going to look back and realize how disgusting and illegal it was that someone made sexual advances towards you when you were a 14 year old child, and it's going to hit you like a ton of bricks. We used to talk on twitter years ago. We discussed how this shit would follow you because of who you were associating yourself with. The aspirations you had for college. I still wish nothing but the best for you, but I strongly urge you to speak with someone else about what happened to you. A therapist for one, and someone who has your legal interests at heart, not just people who want milk or to exploit your trauma online.
No. 693899
I'm sure she's going to listen to a bunch of strangers on the internet, a bunch of onision haters at that. She clearly still has feeling for them for whatever reason, we aren't exactly the people she's going to listen to.
Her friends, Ayallah and co, are the ones that can explain things to her and maybe convince her legal action should be done.
So please Ayallah if you're reading, remember there's a lot of girls like you, billie and sarah out there waiting to be dragged into onision's life. Talk to sarah, make her see why it was so wrong, convince her to go to a therapist and maybe, if she wants to, she can report those sick fucks that ruined her emotionally probably forever.
No. 693900
>>693897Nitpick about the delivery system all you like. The statements made and advice given are still
No. 693903
>>693900My nitpick is in your bizarre personal investment to a kid who isn't your relation as if this manufactured compassion shouldn't stand out like a sore thumb to anyone. See:
>>693790You are purposefully going out of your way to act about this in a manner that would discourage her from speaking further under the auspices you want the best for her. We all do, that isn't up for debate. What is however are the ludicrous amount of Greg stans and shills that come out of the woodwork every single time something big like this happens.
No. 693906
>>693903I’m not the samefag as “concerned mom” farmhands can confirm.
Not wanting someone who’s been victimized to believe that they have zero legal recourse is not a bizarre personal investment. I don’t care if you believe my compassion is manufactured. This isn’t about you.
No. 693907
>>693904I'm going to have to rack my brain to remember the name of the video if it's even still up. There was a rather innocuous vlog he did about a year or two ago where during it he blurted out that he was stopped by police in an airport and his laptop was searched under suspicion of him possessing cp. He blamed this accosting on the "haters" of course.
Knowing Greg is nearly incapable of nuance or creativity in any real sense, this more than likely happened and he wasn't making it up. Police need a warrant from a judge to do anything of this sort and to even be granted one they have to have at least some evidence of the accusations credibility. This implies LE agencies we're somehow tipped off to his activities prior to this.
This occurred in a Philadelphia airport apparently.
No. 693913
>>693529Onion's patron discords had many off shots run by the traanny looking one Lt Lassie and then Sylar who had a kid and ran server's and dated FatBecca. I'm pretty sure there'd be tons of incriminating stuff on those servers even if not in Onion's name, but they all congregate around his shit because he's undeniable access to mentally deranged minors.
That German guy patron probably weird as fuck too and spends 1000s to sit in a discord with teen girls and fly out to America to see his good predator friend. They can all get fucked
No. 693919
>>693910Sarah is pulling another Maya "uwu poor plainey"
It's some delusional selfishness to discredit Taylor's part in all of this.
No. 693921
>>693904Are you being purposely obtuse? How do you know someone hasn’t attempted legal action and it hasn’t worked in the past? He’s had CPS, animal control, ect called on him multiple times.
The point isn’t that she shouldn’t report. Once again, it’s in reply to the Anon screeching that if she doesn’t report she has culpability in future abuse. The point is that there are many reasons she may choose not to report and that doesn’t make her a bad person.
Lolcow isn’t here to coddle anyone, even Sarah or you. Your mini-modding sticks out like a sore thumb. We’re here to discuss how fucked Onion is so if you don’t like the direction take your morality complex to PULL
No. 693924
>>693807I agree. That's why it is so important to always call him Onision / Gregory Avaroe / James Jackson. I hope that these names will show up on Google etc. simultaneously.
The more the public learn about how he and Taylor Elaine Anderson / Lainey Avaroe / Laineybot / Kai Jackson are predators who groom kids and teens to emotionally, verbally and physically abuse them the better.
People need to know that they do it as a scheme and they will continue to do so because Greg /James /Onision doesn't have any morals and Taylor Elaine / Kai / Lainey bot just does whatever he demands because she's too afraid of losing him, she's too broken.
Geez, all the names make it nearly impossible to read,I'll think of something better next time…
No. 693929
Catching up on thread. Lainey is a lazy bitch that protected Sarah because she had a "job here".
Honestly I'm not surprised Sarah wanted Greg. All those little girls did at the time, it was evident in the videos and every so often squinty Lainey would play a game with them and they'd all be side eyeing the fuck out of her, like, When's this dull doormat going to to fuck off and watch the kids. Etc.
So is Julia Sarah's replacement and Onion's spare set of tits he needs so Lainey can be a real boy?
Their fucking lives guys. Fucking mental.
>>693907This is pretty crazy. There was talk at the time re: the discord servers (>>693913) and the fact lolcow was getting nudes dumped from them by ex patrons in revenge porn-y vendetta sperges.
A couple of his patrons are very suspicious themselves, especially the older males that would be active within the community and even date the other fangirls, talk endlessly about sex and gratification on voice chat and all their fetishlife profiles. Very deranged shit. Wonder if they use the German to store the shit on his serves always been suspect of what the fuck the deal and benefit that guy gets out of paying 1000s to Onion.
No. 693937
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>>693863He's just trying to bait people into pledging.
It's another response to a question on his forums. No. 693938
>>693935that sounds like a typical thing that
abusive husbands/fathers portrayed in tv drama movies do. why is he such a cliché? I'm 100% sure he never did anything around the house except for maybe doing the dishes one time a month to shut her up.
>>693936oh yeah that rape prevention site was full of
victim blaming as usual with him
No. 693959
>>693954my thoughts exactly.
She can't be alone right now she's too vulnerable.
No. 693960
>>693954I’m sure they will try to prey on the fact that she still has feelings for them.
I still don’t understand why Greg broke up with her though? He had everything he wanted and why throw it away especially if it risks getting out and making him look like a groomer? It made sense with Billie why he freaked out and broke up with her because he though he could control her like he could Lainey and she would come back no matter what but shouldn’t he have learned from that to take it slower? “Hitting and quitting it” isn’t his MO so why break up with her so soon after they had established a relationship?
I think we’re still missing some key piece of information around their breakup.
Greg’s petty and dumb but he wouldn’t throw away such a good situation for himself over something dumb like weed again. As much as he talks about it being an issue for him it’s really the ability to control people.
No. 693974
>>693962But why would he think she would blackmail him? The timeline is a little fuzzy. If he made her sign the NDA before they had sex, and he was skeptical over her loyalty after she got mad about having to sign, why would he have sex with her at all?
If he made her sign the NDA after the sex had already happened he’s just an idiot because you can’t retroactively make a nondisclosure agreement. That’s not the way it works.
I do feel like we are missing a piece of the puzzle. Maybe Sarah was intentionally vague about her role in the relationship - and I definitely couldn’t blame her - but it makes the story a bit strange
No. 693981
>>693974Nothing is missing. Freakouts and overdramatic arguments are the norm in that house. Remember Billie and the smashed pumpkin with a noose? That's just how these Jackson beasts live, in constant conflict. James constantly makes demeaning videos about Lainey, of course he would make them about Sarah. He wasn't going to dump her, he was manipulating her into submissiveness by making her feel rejected when she disobeys him, he did the same with other girls.
Nothing out of the ordinary happened, except that it happened after Sarah and James had sex. Whether she wants to admit it or not, she was raped, it was a long con rape. Her subconscious knows it and is trying to cope, so what used to be a "normal" freakout between them made her crack and spill it all.
No. 693983
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Since last years live streams are being brought up I made us an edited down version. I cut out all the annoying shit like people paying him for follows and just kept it to Sarah related stuff.
Jimmy addressing grooming accusations: 01/05/2019 No. 693984
>>693977Exactly. Even in the Billie scenario, there was so many things he could have done differently and still had what he wanted in the end but he's so insufferable that he ruins it for himself.
Also agree with another anon that she was in a way raped.
She may have consented, and maybe I'm wrong, but she looked in shock at times and very spaced out on that stream.
No. 693985
>>693983Thanks so much for posting this, I was looking everywhere.
The stream after this one he isn't as open and keeps saying ask Kai when he is questioned about Sarah pursuing a relationship. You can tell the difference between this stream and the next that Lainey would have screeches at him about it.
No. 693986
>>693983He's so impatient. He goes from being a rude asshole and asking to fuck her a week before her 18th birthday. That's so fucked up. He is so chirpy in this video calling her an awesome human being and going on happily about how Sarah wants a relationship with Lainey and the amount of times he says 'this person who is now an adult
Fucking disgusting creep.
No. 693987
>>693978>Why would he threaten that BEFORE she started posting details?He always does that.
>>693984I wouldn't be surprised. Adrienne didn't see it as rape at first either until she thought more about it. Hell, even Maya didn't think she was sexually assaulted at first, she just saw it as an awkward thing. He's always forcing himself upon women.
No. 693989
>>693987He definitely tries to push women's boundaries. Like even with Sam he did the whole lap thing because at first he claimed it was easier to sit down on his lap and have a hug and then turned the whole thing around on her and made it sound like her fault.
Pushing the boundaries with his creepy so called harmless hugging or cuddling or massages.
No. 693991
>>693978someone in her livestream kept asking in all caps if sarah thought she was dumped because “she was finally conquered”. it makes me feel sick to contemplate but it sounds to me like he’s finally gotten his “prize”, sarah’s virginity, after grooming her to it for so fucking long. now he’s “taken” her virginity he feels like the chase is over and she’s now disposable.
the same person kept asking if greg talked about wanting to get her pregnant. pardon me while i puke.
No. 693996
>>693983It's gross how he denies everything past and present but doesn't add future because he's excited and clearly going to ask her.
I hate him so much, he's vile.
No. 693998
>>693981This possibly the most accurate précis of this whole fucked up episode of the Mr & Mr show: ep1 meet the molesters:
Witness first hand and in real time how groomers go agroomin'
Spin the wheel of manipulation to win the jackpot of humiliation and degradation!!
Just when we think Gregory Groomer James Jackson Averoe can sink no lower he proves the Internet wrong again..
The most beautiful part of all of this is he actually is being outed as 'the most honest youtuber' by constantly inadvertently admitting just
how fucked in the head he is.
Still looking atchu too Taylor Elaine Spencer Groomer Kai Jackson Averoe
No. 694004
>>693922If she doesn't want any legal shit that's unlikely to change. I know I don't want any legal shit for myself.
On the other hand, people who counsel that she should take her time then think of legal shit are forgetting the statute of limitations bullshit.
No. 694015
>>694013Part of that "random moral crusade" is not scaring away the milk so maybe you should go back to school too. Sarah lurks here and scaring her off would be a bad idea.
>>694014Exactly. Some people are getting pretty pushy and it's only making her shut down like she did last night. If people want milk then they need to not act like cunts.
No. 694028
>>694022He's also locked his non-patreon discord on the sage (lol) advice of new Best Mod Tamaaaaaaaara. She has a Very Important Job in the server, and didn't sleep when sarahgate broke bc of all the awful hatertrolls pointing out Actual Truths™️. She is chief troll detector and defender of everything oniony also she's completely and utterly mental.
I love how he takes pride in the type of orbitors most humans would be horrified to attract.
No. 694037
If Sarah wants to give out any more milk in the future to clear up any confusion, it would probably be better not to do through a livestream on YouNow. Maybe it would be better to have people ask questions via social media, and Ayalla, Lane, or some sort of moderator can filter out the more aggressive questions. Some people are too focused on extracting the juicy gossip from her or demanding that she go to the police right this second, and are forgetting to treat her like a person.
Honestly, fuck Onision and Lainey. My heart breaks for Sarah. Even at nineteen years-old, she is still in the process of maturing into a fully-realized, independent adult, and she's been severely stunted by their years of grooming, coercion, and sexual aggression. She may very well have PTSD now, and it may intensify with time the more she realizes what was done to her in full. It'll take time for Sarah to mature from victim to survivor. Right now, she needs support, time, and compassion, and not to be treated like a milk source or one of Grugly's "conquests."
No. 694038
>>694013This. The infighting here is unreal. They used to ban people for the littlest shit in this thread. Now everyone's like "guys… i figured it out… hes a sociopath!!"
>>694028Do you have any screencaps? I'm curious their reaction to all this
No. 694047
>>694036Yeah those kids are fucked either way. If they stay with Onion, they're in danger and if they stay with her then they're still in danger cause she's useless. They have two self-absorbed parents.
>>694040This would be the best idea.
No. 694048
>>693998>Taylor Elaine SpencerWhere does
Spencer come from?
>>694035This. He only pretends to be the manly man when he's hiding behind his screen and keyboard. As soon as he leaves the house everything hurts his precious little feefees, like being called fat or "aggressive" stick shift driving. kek
No. 694055
>>693858Around 22:30
>and even Kai was like "No, you didn't rape me" and stuffsarah lainey sex confirm? she kinda' trailed off while speaking so hard to tell.
No. 694060
File: 1566765214386.webm (4.56 MB, 1920x1080, Grooming.webm)
In the works!
No. 694068
>>694055But what exactly was this "sexual contact" between Sarah and Lainey?
I get the feeling that it was similar to the sex she had with B and Greg. She maybe kissed or touched Sarah but nothing really sexual like oral sex or fingering.
On the upload I watched at the 32 minute mark this question and answer happens.
>somebody said do you think that Kai is lying about being into girls to lure people in for Greg?>I don't know, I really don't know at this point because… I don't know if it was just me. I mean… and now that I've said that they'll probably use that it was just you, just ugly and disgusting and have weed breath.Even Sarah seems to be questioning Kai's motives and if shes really sexually attracted to girls.
No. 694077
>>694067Greg likes to be overly dramatic and take things to extremes. He thinks in his mind that he was blackmailed to have sex with Sarah so essentially FORCED to do it, and if you force someone into sex its rape. So Sarah raped him.
Just like one of his recent videos. Because the haters were trying to ruin his YT career and fuck up his Patreon it would literally kill him and his family because without income he cant feel and house them and without food and shelter they would all die.
No. 694092
>>694084Jimmy also has a history of projecting. He knows perfectly well went down with Sarah the entire time. He knew that he could have gotten in trouble for it. So, he tries to cover his tracks by playing
victim and gaslighting the situation.
No. 694122
>>694118She can cover it up with something or expand upon it, or maybe imagine it to be a symbol of what she went trough but came out of as a stronger person.
I hope Sarah has a place she can live where she is safe from predators or shitty people, she is very vulnerable right now.
I think the cognetive dissonance she is experiencing is a survival mechanism, no one wants to feel like they were taken advantage of… Sadly she was.
FUCK Greg/James whatever the fuck he goes by now. He needs to be fucking locked up, he has proven this is SERIAL, he will always seek out children to fuck and feel no remorse, this is not okay, and must be fuckig stopped somehow.
No. 694128
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It disgust me that Lainey would convince a girl that she knew since the age of 14 to sleep with her husband just so she can get what she wants without losing her water head husband.
No. 694131
>>694115I appreciate your effort of
triggering google. It's very thorough and must have taken quite some time.
>>694116If I was in Sarah's shoes I'd go to a lawyer and find out whether I had a solid case. I'd make sure to back up all of the messages and interactions I had with Greg and Lainey to help me get legal advice and build a case.
I feel really and truly sorry for her. It must be hell to be continuously stuck in a cycle of being rejected and led on. I hope she's strong enough to never go back an live with them again because if she does, Greg will destroy her, and she'll end up like Lainey.
No. 694137
>>694131Can any law anon confirm if all his state traveling affairs to fuck minors, the underage underwear rating videos and his grooming of Sarah could be a combined potential case?
He has traveled across states to fuck atleast 2 confirmed minors (Shiloh 16/17 and Lainey 17), rated numerous scandally clad minors, and now has groomed a then minor from age 15 till now 19 for the purpose of sex.
Is there anything here?
No. 694149
>>694116Repzion is a fucking cow and a minor youtuber. I wish people would stop invoking him.
And fuck all this talk of 'stopping him'. We're here to watch. This thread is already too involved in the situation as it is, and it has led to Sarah making shit decisions like that younow stream. She's acting like a teenager (because she is) and hanging out with a crowd that like to play stupid passive aggressive games with Greg via the internet, and now she is doing it too. And those pics outside the courthouse were just fucking cringe.
She may be clowning on him but she's still playing his games and she'd still go back if she could. She needs to get off the internet and get some fucking therapy, not keep trying to please us and play tough guy.
No. 694160
>>694147We aren't the police. Talk to a cop about that, it's not our job.
>>694148I don't think there is one made on here yet, but here's a lengthy one on KF: No. 694167
>>694067I have no doubt that Greg/James Jackson will try and spin it some way that “he didn’t want to have sex with her, but she said she would only sign an NDA if she got what she wanted from me … she wanted to lose her virginity” and go on about how since he’s a biological male he’s programmed to spread his seed in a young, fertile female (he’s literally said this shit before, too), and his “traitorous male brain” couldn’t reject her.
He’s that fucking stupid and that much of a Neanderthal.
No. 694171
>>694168Normally we could, when it’s just the AvaHoes/Jacksons making fools of themselves, but this is harmful and detrimental to minors and young girls.
True, only the police and lawyers can really make a difference, but Sarah does 100% lurk, so at the very least we can hopefully influence her a little to make the right choice.
No. 694173
>>694167He will definitely pull the “I have her money, I let her into my home” and “she was around my children” card first. Then something about “betraying their trust”.
Probably some kind of dig at weed again at some point. You know, to prove how much of a liar criminal Sarah is.
He will try to paint Sarah as some sort of desperate girl who was after him for years and wouldn’t take no for an answer.
As far as the “rape” bit, I sure hope he tries to use that defense publicly because that will really show the world what an ass he really is. Absolutely no one will buy that. I just really want to hear him try to explain that one.
No. 694178
>>693858>Did you, Kai, and Greg ever had a relationship previous to being 18?You have to be more specific than that.
>Like, sexual.We never–no. No. Um… yeah, no. I didn't mean I was thinking about it or whatever. It's literally just–no. We did not.
>When did you last visit?That—oh, that’s a fun question. Let me… one second. [looking at phone] When did I last go to Washington? Like, four and half weeks ago, I would say.
>They’re asking about a romantic relationship now. How long has that been a thing?Well, um. So… one second. They’re…
>They’re saying kissing and cuddling. That kind of stuff.Oh, kissing and cuddling. What do you mean? What age? I was 18. Well, the kissing. Not cuddling. I cuddled with Kai when I was 16 [inaudible. maybe cuddled in bed?].
>Who initiated the relationship. Kai or Greg?Greg. Well, the second time around, Greg.
>How long was Greg trying to get you to sleep with him?I just don’t know how to answer that.
>Were you attracted to both of them?Yes.
>Were you interested in Kai when you started coming around?Yup.
>Why are you exposing them now?Because this is bullshit and I’m getting harassed and told that I raped them. … In case he ever decides to come out about it, he’s going to try to [inaudible] that’s what he’s saying to me. He’s saying that I raped them. … Yes, they’re saying that I raped them. That is their defence. They said that I blackmailed and raped them. Dead ass. Dead ass.
>Is Kai on Greg’s side?Pffff, yeah.
>Would you ever try to salvage a relationship/friendship with Kai?I just don’t see how. I just don’t see how. Like, every—wow. Yeah. That made me really, really fucking sad.
>Kai only wants relationships with women because he doesn’t get emotional support from Greg.No, he doesn’t really get a lot of emotional support.
>Has Kai stuck up for you when Greg called you names?Kai’s stuck up for me one time. And it was when that “dat booty doe” comment came up. So that thing happened when I was 16. It happened when Ayalla and Billie were—sorry, I’m not trying to name drop but everybody was there. And everybody else was downstairs and I was just upstairs and he—yeah—came up and he’s like, “Mmmm. That booty doe.” And I was just like—I didn’t say anything but I just gave him a look and he was like, “What? Are you mad? Are you mad?” I’m like, “…no.” I was confused. …
So, after that I said something about it, like a year later when I was living with them the second time, and he freaked the fuck out on me in a Walmart. And, he just—he was like, “Tell me what I said. Tell me what I said.” because he asked, “Oh, what did I say to you?” and I was like, “Oh, nothing. Nothing.” And he was like, “Oh, was it sexual?” because I was bringing up shitty things he’s done. And I was like, “Yeah.” and he freaked the fuck out. He was like, “What was it? What was it? Tell me right now.” Like, FREAKED the fuck out. And yelling at me and all this. So I started freaking out and I was crying and he like—and we got home and he ran in to go tell Kai what had happened. And Kai—and he was like, “You have to get out of the house. You have to leave,” or whatever, and Kai stuck up for me by saying, “Well, she has a job here.” and he was basically like, “I don’t fucking care.” So…
>Did Greg cheat on Kai with McFly?No. Not to my knowledge.
>They’re asking about the legal guardianship thing that was spoken about.Ok, so basically Kai had power of attorney over me. It was notarized. It was like [inaudible] my mom’s thing[?] and Greg didn’t have anything to do with that. It was just under Kai’s name. So, Kai was, like, yeah. Kai had guardianship—or something. No, he was responsible for me, basically.
>People are asking about the ring thing.Yeah, that’s not a thing. I bought it for myself. I really did just buy it for myself for Valentines Day.
>How did it end-end? The relationship I wanna assume they’re talking about?Uh, that is a whole ass can of words. Um. Basically, he broke up with me because I freaked out and left the house with all of my shit for like three hours. Kai called me and was like, “What the fuck are you doing?” And I was like, “Aw, shit. Yeah. I was being dramatic. Ok, I’ll go back.” But the reason I left in such a dramatic fashion was because he said—he brought up the blackmail thing again. And he brought it up once before, but just on the phone, but brought it up and I was like, “Well, wait a minute. You’re saying I blackmailed you guys. Does that mean you think I raped you or something?” And he was like, “No, no, no.” And Kai was even like, “No, no. You didn’t rape [me? him? not sure]”, and all this stuff. Apparently now, though, I did, but… it be like that. But I was like, “I’m going to ask you one more time. Are you legit saying that I blackmailed you into having sex with me?” and he was like, “Yes.” and I was like, “Bye.” Yeah, so.
>Greg hinted about suggestive photos being leaked in a tweet. If he trying to threaten you?Oh my god! No, he doesn’t have any photos of me to my knowledge. He made a joke about secretly filming us or something, but… I wish the fuck he would!
>What is he saying that you blackmailed him with?Oh, yeah. Because Kai and I were on a call and we were being sexual and—I’m just so uncomfortable talking about that, but yeah. We were just—we were talking or whatever and being flirty and all that shit and he brought up NDA and I was like—this was after the whole Ayalla stuff happened and they made everyone sign NDAs. And they were like, “We’re gonna make you sign one, too.” And I was like, “That’s hurtful, but ok. That’s hurtful.” Damn! I’ve been loyal for so fucking long. …
So, basically the NDA or whatever. He brought it up, and I was like, “I don’t really wanna do it.” and he was like, “Well, yeah. We’re just having everyone sign one.” and I was like, “Ok, well. Ha-ha. Well, I want a clause in there that says if I sign, I want something that I’m actually signing for, like, you know. I basically was like, “Oh, you know, only if you do stuff will I sign the papers. Huh-huh.” It was a fucking JOKE! And they know—here’s the only thing is that—they fucking know I would have done it … if they really asked me to and got mad at me. Like, all Greg would of have to do was, like, “Can you just act like an adult!?” like how he did for the fucking video with Ayalla. Leak them bloopers. Did y’all see that?
But yeah. Basically he was like, “Yeah, you didn’t sign it.” I made jokes about not signing it unless I (sarcastic) bought something; got what I wanted. And even if I was being serious, like…
>Has Kai has contacted you since that?He called me once. Since what? Since I’ve been…
>They weren’t specific. They just said “Has Kai contacted you.”Yeah, one phone call. It might have just been Greg off of Kai’s phone, though, because that happens a lot.
>How long were y’all together officially?[laughs] Give me my clown car.
>A lot of people are asking the dynamic of the relationship. If you were just dating Kai, or just dating Greg, or if you were dating both of them, or what the situation was.Um, yeah. I was just dating Greg. Me and Kai never dated.
>How did Kai feel about that?Um. Well, we had had conversations about us just being friends with benefits and me and Greg dating because I wanted some fucking emotional love.
>Commitment or something.Yeah. And we had talked about it and Kai was like, “Well, on paper that sounds like, you know, it could work” but, no. “My [inaudible] or whatever is the only thing.” and I was like, “Oh, ok.” and then stuff happened with all of us and then the next day, I like—Greg had to take me the airport and he was like, “Yeah, you’re my girlfriend now.” And I was like, “You didn’t ask me that.” And so he asked me, and I was said yes. And then two weeks later he broke up with me.
>At what age? That was all when you were 18, right?This was last month.
>Did Lainey do more than just make out with you? When did you guys first kiss? And did you kiss Greg when you were underage?I didn’t kiss Greg when I was underage. I didn’t kiss either of them when I was underage. As far as, like—I don’t know about them other questions. That’s a lot for right now.
>Did you even really want to be right Greg? I thought that you liked Kai.Well, I guess the simple answer is yeah. I wanted to be with Greg, too. It was, like—I didn’t view them as one person but sort of a package. [inaudible] Especially when the whole relationship stuff started I knew Greg was going to be involved. It’s just a given. At least that’s how I thought of it. I was like, “Oh yeah. It’s just given that Greg is involved.” and I’m not saying that I didn’t have feelings for him or anything like that because I did. But…
>Do Sarah and Billie talk now?We’ve chatted a little bit. She’s been so, so sweet to me. I’m dead ass like, “I don’t know why you’re being so nice to me.” The shit that I have said.
>Do you think that Kai is lying about being into girls to lure people in for Greg?I don’t know. I really don’t know at this point because I don’t know if it was just me. But now that I’ve said that, they’ll probably use that. “It was just you. You’re just ugly and disgusting and you have weed breath.”
>Are you safe now?I’m in Michigan.
>Did Kai ever get high with you?No. No, but Kai also knew that I smoked and did not—just did not care, so. Well, actually I started when I was—when I had to leave the first time when everything happened with Lane. When that happened I was on my Tumblr and I was reblogging some shit about weed because I was like, “Oh, well. I guess on the positive side I can get lit again.” And so Greg basically saw it. Kai and Greg saw it and Kai was like—this was years ago—saw it and was like, “Oh, well. Sarah we’re talking shit about your Tumblr right now because there’s weed on it. Are you going to smoke?” and Greg started 80 fucking questioning me. Like, “Are you going to smoke? What do you use it for?” All this shit. And I was just like, “I don’t know.” He was like, “You really shouldn’t do that, etc.” And I’m like, “Ok. Well, then I just won’t do it. If y’all are gonna get mad about it, I just don’t do it.” And that’s basically how everything went. If I didn’t want to do something, and I hinted that I didn’t want to do what they wanted me to do, especially Greg, then it was instant anger.
>Does Kai tattle if he wants someone to get removed by Greg?Oh, yeah, no. I mean, we all did, though. I did. I tattled like a mother fucker.
>How long after you turned 18 did y’all pursue a relationship?Well, talk of it started a month before I turned 18. It’s because because they’re—the only official relationship that ever happened was a month ago for like two weeks, but there was so much stuff that—it’s all just very grey basically.
>What caused you to wan t to speak out?Well, I saw a bunch of shit that was—even if it was not actually about me, or—I mean, there was things that were definitely about me. But that just made me mad, but I was still wasn’t going to come right out and say things because I was still—I still felt loyalty to them. And then I got sent a few things! From a few different people. Then I was like, “No. We’re not going to do this.” And I’m not going to expose what I was sent, but I was sent a couple things that I was like, “Oh! I see! I see now! I understand!” I seen it and I’m salty about it! … Oh, and also him saying that I raped them.
>Was Kai jealous about you and Greg?Towards the end, yeah because he was just not…
>Again, it was ok until it wasn’t.And then even when it wasn’t, I was just like, “Well, you keep going back and forth so I just don’t care.”
>Do you blame Kai for putting you in those situations with Greg?I mean, here’s the thing. When I was going to move in with them it was because I was having a really hard time where I was and I basically texted Kai from my car crying one day. And I was like, “Oh my gosh. All this stuff’s happening” and Kai was like, “Oh, I’m going to seriously talk to Greg about you living here.” And then I already had a trip planned for September to go to special party and it was … it was because of my situation and then down the line, after my first visit, after things blew up with Billie,
I was trying to text Kai about plans for me moving up there so I could get [inaudible] and he was basically like, “Oh, I don’t know what’s going on with my relationship right now. I can’t talk about this.” And, I don’t know. It just made me feel very brushed off. I was like, “Well, I thought this was a serious thing. You told me it was.” And then—I don’t know. It was weird. But then, we were texting a little bit and Kai was like, “Oh, well, actually I think that the key to it all working is if you’re here because Billie was really nice to me when you were around. So, I basically was the problem solver.”
>That’s fucked up because you were a baby. That’s way too much pressure to put on someone that young. Fix your own damn problems.Oh my god! I don’t know—Ayalla! Do you remember this? Ayalla, I need you in here!
But yeah, no. So, that’s why. And then I guess everybody forgot about that conversation. That happens a lot.
No. 694180
>>694173I don't know, I'm willing to bet he won't get to that third step without having a proper breakdown, not this time. This time he has majorly fucked up and he knows.
The majority of his already flimsy fanbase is going to leave, along with his gargantuan ego-based mental stability.
Maybe this is just wishful thinking, but I haven't been able to stop dreaming since ayalla tweeted and I don't wanna stop. That, and his latest videos are kind of giving it away.
No. 694188
>>694035Kek. He can make himself look all big and scary in his videos but in person he is a manlet with baby shoulders and a bobble head. He spergs in his videos to release his
priviledged white male rage.
>>694060I love it all ready kek.
No. 694191
>>694181Yes maybe, but you see, he's a male rape survivor and the police didn't believe him. Cue 3 videos about male sexual assault
victims, and then it's on to the next topic.
Next thread title: Onision: ED, PTSD, "kinda gay", pedo accusation & rape survivor extraordinaire
No. 694193
>>694184Grooming 101. A lot of girls were promised to be in a relationship with just Lainey, but that all goes sour when Greg butts in. So, Sarah convinces herself that she's attracted to him as well.
>>694189I've reached "peak autism" because I think she has an interesting story to tell? Okay. Keep telling yourself that while you're lapping up the milk. I stick by it. Obviously, Sarah doesn't have to do anything I suggest, but if she did decide to share her story a la Brittani Louise Taylor, I would be in full support. But sure, I'm an autist and you're a genius.
No. 694231
>>694178A lot of this sounds like bullshit, minimisation or deflection onto Greg so she can maintain her delusion Lainey ever cared about her and protect her.
Lainey did the grooming, but it's Greg that wanted a relationship. Lainey just wanted fwb (as if) Lainey treated her like complete shit but she's so sad they can't be together. Lainey 'stuck up for me one time' when really what Lainey said was hey, don't take away my employee. She only wanted Sarah to take up her slack, so that if shit didn't get done it would fall on someone else.
Nevermind stockholm syndrome, like a couple of anons have already said this sounds like a bitter ex who hates that they lost to someone else. It also sounds like she's skirting around some actual criminal shit because again, can't hurt her precious Lainey.
No. 694248
File: 1566790946070.png (29.74 KB, 523x404, pointless.png)

>>694244was this you?
why do people come in here thinking this is a gateway to legal action? this isnt the law, its a bullshit image board.
No. 694250
>>694244odds of anything happening to him legally are pretty low. at most he can just be publicly shamed yet again for the millionth time. but the problem is that people just get tired of hearing about it. anyone who isnt invested in the drama rolls their eyes around the world about anything onision related because everyone already knows to "leave him alone/forget about him". at this point I think most people feel that any teens falling into his trap this late in the game when EVERYONE knows he's a huge fucking creep, must have run into it head first and determined, which is true so you can't really blame them. There isn't much anyone can do but continue to warn the next
victim. but by now he's learned to hide his
victims a lot better. but the flipside is also that he's so irrelevant his pool of puss to choose from is getting uglier and uglier with each passing year
No. 694251
So if Onion fucked Sarah to get her to sign the NDA isn't that coercion too?
>>694236I honestly feel like if Lainey left Onion Sarah could be interested in reviving a friendship but I don't even know why she would want to because Lainey sounds like a terrible fucking friend. I don't know why anyone likes her. At least Onion is truthful when he calls her a cunt.
No. 694263
>>694255it's because (like many people in this thread) all they want is for onision to get got. they are obsessed with him getting punished for his actions regardless of how realistic it is legally. i mean i get it because he's a total piece of shit, but they basically see sarah as their 'chance' and they get pissy that she isn't doing what they want
fact is sarah's reaction was to be expected. she still cares about those two cunts, she talks about them like you do a shitty ex, not two people who groomed and manipulated her through her teenage years. it will take a while to process and all these people (like that fucking concerned mom) don't realise how overbearing and shitty they're being by scolding a teenager for not wanting to do everything in her power to arrest her ex(es) who were also her friends that she was 'loyal' to for years. like you have to remember that is how she sees it
all these legalfags need to remember that sarah is a 19 year old
victim and not your ideal method of taking down onision if you just pressure her enough
No. 694266
>>694263This coddling sure worked out in Mayas favor eh?
>>694265tbh there are creeps in hollywood who marry their step daughters
No. 694267
File: 1566799898917.jpeg (164.91 KB, 1242x1473, 67C6F088-FD3B-4770-BA7C-C1E594…)

I caught this in the livestream.
No. 694288
>>694274I asked if Greg has a micropenis and my question was duly ignored
>>694261that anon is talking about his twitter, but he didn't "[attack] a
victim of sexual and mental abuse", he tweeted:
>To the people calling Onision a sexual predator… as with anything of this nature it's important that this go through the court system and not be discussed online. As much as I dislike him, I won't slander him based on anecdotes. Go to the police.>>694271wut? who are the other two
No. 694301
>>694288well he's still covering for greg since it won't become a police matter, for reasons our retarded reddit friend ascertained.
very interesting moment to suddenly be against cancel culture.
No. 694306
File: 1566805607073.jpeg (928.86 KB, 1125x1761, E652C24C-5E65-4188-B894-1E7EB9…)

The classiest thing you can post while being accused of child grooming.
No. 694311
>>694299He was born in '85 so he deflowered Christina circa 2000… the year Sarah was born. Vom
>>694302I think Kainey is just as confused as you are tbh
No. 694315
>>694302Pretty much what
>>694311 says.
Her life from 17-present is a recipe for an identity crisis. Married an internet shit stain who verbally and emotionally abuses her. She watched her husband make tons of videos rating girls bodies and appearance, make videos harassing a girl with an eating disorder, weaseling his manclit into relationships meant only for her, told Lainey and Madison they're the reason rape happens. Not to mention her life is the internet, she doesn't have many outlets outside of home or the internet except maybe a few friends. She claims she is super fucking gay but couldn't even do anything with Billie or Sarah.
No. 694321
>>694318Lurk more.
Greg once was arguing with Madison and Lainey about how
victims are just as bad as the rapists because they don't out them and Madison stood up to him and he served and got mad and called them both idiotics ect for not reporting their assaults.
It was an argument when Madison was there around the Sam timeline.
No. 694324
>>694323Again, he's doing that hunch and tense thing he does when he shows off his 'abs'.
Even at his fittest, I've never seen defined stomach muscles unless he's bent over or hunching.
The manlet is skinny fat.
No. 694325
>>694306So pale and flabby.
No. 694346
>>694341And then what point would Onion have to stay with her once the Onionbulbs are 18? I feel like they're only hanging on "for the kids" and to prove the haterz wrong.
And how can she forget how he tried to sign his rights to Troy away to run off with Billie after he supposedly only cuddled and massaged Billie. He was so ready to kick Lainey to the curb.
No. 694366
>>694255Mikenactor makes sleepy content and always has his facts wrong, not to mention he just comes off so smug. There was one video he made where he ranted about how over-the-line the people who reported Grugly to the Humane Society are. It made me realize he has no idea what he's talking about when it comes to James Jackson Onision Gregory Jackson Gregory Daniel Gregory James Gregory Avaroe James Avaroe James Daniel Jackson of Gig Harbor, Washington.
This was as a result of the time Grugly was making some stupid video and caught his horrifying, landfill of a backyard in the background. Had Mikenactor done ANY research, he would have seen the screenshots going around of those poor dogs weaving through Grugly's trash-filled, dangerous yard. Considering the Humane Society saw those pictures and went out there, it WAS significant enough to warrant reporting. But Mikenactor was so eager and excited to come to Grugly's defense and prove he's the most objective and mOrAlLy sOuNd anti-o and better than the rest that he didn't even take a second to look into the issue, which would have been EASY considering it was all over the current lolcow thread.
It's not surprising in the least that he used this situation, a situation where a minor who was groomed for 5 years found the strength to speak out, to AGAIN prove how he's a trueblue jOurNaLiSt wItH eThIcS. It wouldn't be enough to just…not cover the situation, nope. He has to brag about how he's too eThIcAl to cover it.
He can fuck right off, literally nobody would miss his garbage content.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 694367
>>694306Nothing says sexy like a doughy 33 year old man wearing nothing but a towel and having piles of laundry behind him.
Clean up your house, Greg. While you’re at it clean up your life too. You need professional help. You have turned into your fathers son.
No. 694368
>>694367>You have turned into your fathers son.Nah, his father is by all accounts respected and prosperous, with a loving family. Greg's sisters seem to have no problem with him.
If you mean the pedo accusations, Greg is the only one who says that, and we all know how ~honest~ he is.
No. 694372
File: 1566822536002.jpeg (97.9 KB, 1125x382, 42324837-19E7-4CEF-8D78-81C0B1…)

>>694311Ya wanna know what else is awful? He married Skye on the Sarah’s fifth birthday!
No. 694374
>>694341The fact the only time Lainey stuck up for Sarah to Greg was to secure a nanny for her children. All those anons that made the sister wives artwork were spot on. Onion has only been interested in having a hareem of teenagers as evidence by him telling 16 year old Sarah that her Lainey, Billie and Greg were a square and she just couldn't do the cool 18+ activities yet.
I think Lainey has a love for Onion as he basically fathers her by providing her resources and a roof over her head without her having to do any reflecting or critical thinking into why this lifestyle might not be the best for the kids. Simply put, I think Lainey has finally dissociated emotionally in a way from Onion that she can tolerate him 'dating' (fucking) someone as long as she's getting a direct benefit such as, less housework and child rearing,and more making transgender friends and going to concerts and living out her tween fantasies of being an emo that's allowed to go to shows.
The biggest
victims are Greg's kids. Caterpie got a lucky escape.
No. 694376
>>694191>Next thread title: Onision: ED, PTSD, "kinda gay", pedo accusation & rape survivor extraordinaireI second that!
>>694306That's a picture of his only true love.
Greg himself.
No. 694402
File: 1566832224434.jpeg (188.17 KB, 1125x557, C172A9C6-F135-494A-81D8-461B11…)

He’s really laying the lovebombing on thick.
No. 694410
>>694409This. You can tell how pathetic and spineless she is by her last video. If treating her friend like she's worth less than shit didn't make her hesitate, I doubt fucking said friend and still treating her like she's less than shit will make a difference.
The only reason why Onion is lovebombing Lainey and her being silent is because they're worried about tipping Sarah over the edge. They can't harass her like they did with Billie because of how much illegal shit they did that Greg doesn't want coming back to bite him in his fat gut.
No. 694415
>>694411She said that before and she didn't do a damn thing. It became "Billie cheated on me" instead of the truth which was they both cheated on her with each other. She didn't even blame him despite the fact that
he is the one who told Billie that it would be okay. It's why Greg spouts the "She cheated on my wife". She will never leave him unless Greg gets arrested or gets in deeper legal trouble. Plainey's selfish and will quickly snatch up the kids and leave to avoid being arrested with Greg.
No. 694418
File: 1566834656550.jpeg (92.12 KB, 1125x292, EFA1F819-8601-41C0-A9CC-D49D33…)

More lovebombing. But is this actually for Taylor?
No. 694421
File: 1566835004237.jpeg (954.56 KB, 1125x1730, 58B84A30-DB66-483A-B431-CD3A6C…)

>>694417It’s just him talking about Lainey going to a concert and seeing her Family. So this is a pretty old video since she’s already gone to the concert.
No. 694423
>>694374Took the words right out of my mouth. Women just need to get away from this man, periodt. Imagine being Lainey and having to face adult temper tantrums from Grease stepping on a fucking toy. She is trapped by motherhood, at her wits’ end, and can only think of her friend as a nanny>>694421
No. 694426
>>694418I'm honestly not convinced this is about his spouse, he usually doesnt hesitate to name Kai when love bombing
My personal tinfoil is hes talking to other girls for his next potential trinity member and keeping it vague so they'll think hes talking about them.
No. 694428
>>694234jfc. 'talking romantically' to someone who is 15 is illegal? you're one of those anons who think telling a lie is fraud or something, aren't you?
>>694236tbh it's my human side coming out when I say Sarah needs to sit the fuck down. She got used by the onions, now she's getting used by the anti-o's (including us) and she comes off as a lot younger than her age. It's fucked up.
breathesthirsty ass anons: omg maybe divorcegate soon
get the fuck out
No. 694436
>>694432I highly doubt that she’ll go back. Not after what all she’s said. She even said in the livestream that this year she was at the point where she was just done being around them.
On another subject, Sarah mentioned “leaking bloopers” from the video she made for Greg and Lainey. What was she talking about?
No. 694443
>>694436“On another subject, Sarah mentioned “leaking bloopers” from the video she made for Greg and Lainey. What was she talking about?”
My theory on this is that when Sarah made the video against Ayalla for Greg that she didn’t want to do it. Greg yelled at her and said, “Why can’t you be an adult about this?!” and that made Sarah actually follow through. There must be bloopers of this somewhere that she’s telling him to release
No. 694445
>>694430She could go back. She might even want to. I just don't see how Onion boy would let her after all she revealed. They don't look good right now. If they were able to woo her back and she gets in good graces they could try to spin it but who would even believe the lies at this point? Even if Sarah herself made a video we all know she's been asked to make videos in support of them so that would be pretty transparent. Anything they could say or put out is just desperate lies to keep the well of teen puss trickling.
Seriously how can he even try and deny his lust for teens anymore? Everyone he goes after is at least 10 years younger than him and usually young women who are still developing adult brains. What do they even have in common? He's a married adult with kids, he should hang out with other married adults in his peer group.
No. 694450
>>694432I think what a few people in thst stream didn't keep in mind that Sarah herself said she loved the Onions. She was engaged in romantic conversations with them and caught feelings. Whether we think she should have is besides the point, she did catch feelings.
Honestly watching the video you could see in her face she didn't want to engage in slagging their looks off or personalities, since you know, she fell for them.
A lot of anons do not have tact. Sarah is not a source of entertainment, she got caught up with the Onions and has now confirmed what people have speculated. That she did end up having a relationship with them that was beyond just platonic.
There is nothing to gain from telling someone out of a break up to go to the police about it if they are already showing signs of working through what happened. Have some fucking chill anons
No. 694455
>>694451To add context, it looked like she cut the stream after a few people asked questions and then Lane and the punk haired girl also joined in on making fun of Onion. There were a few times I noticed they were making fun of them or talking over Sarah to make a joke about Onion and her facr tensed up. I think the stream ended cause her feelings are still raw, but hopefully not because she wants back.
As an aside, she mentioned a few times in stream she found it easier to discuss in a joking way. Not jokes regarding how disgusting Onion is but I think she was hoping to have a lighter discussion regarding it. It was probably one of her first boyfriends, but probably still too raw for her to joke about which I think she realised on the stream. Like, the guy you had sex with all of sudden saying he was coerced into it. That would hurt, but I feel like she wanted to joke about how ridiculous the claim was and the fact it was the most honest guy saying it. Unfortunately it opened a can of worms for her I guess
It sucks for her honestly, but she'll be able to grow from it. She's already far more mature than the mother of 2.
No. 694459
>>694428what is your problem? who hurt you? take a chill pill and get outside life is beautiful
we arent on this website just to spill facts but also to speculate
No. 694465
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>>694428>talking romantically' to someone who is 15 is illegal?Yes it is. The men arrested on To Catch a Predator were arrested for just this thing. None of them even came in contact with an underage girl, just had inappropriate conversations online or via text.
No. 694470
File: 1566843752173.png (324.79 KB, 812x600, DLTCAP.png)

>>694466This was from an old thread.
No. 694477
>>694450While anons, and many other people, can see the Onions for who they really are, everyone needs to try to really understand things from Sarah’s perspective.
She’s known these people since she was only 14. That’s a tender, impressionable age. That’s a large chunk of her young life. Lainey was her best friend, and I’ve always gotten the impression she didn’t have too many other friends for a long time. Regardless of how we see Lainey, she obviously didn’t see her the same way. I’m sure she’s feeling a huge sense of loss. To her that’s 6 years of friendship, memories, etc. down the drain.
I’m sure she will eventually come to terms with what the situation really is, but expecting a 19 year old to immediately accept that her close friends of 6 years since she was only 14, and now her first boyfriend, were nothing but predators using her isn’t realistic. She knew them personally, she does not see them the same way everyone else does and that takes time to heal from and to undo.
It’s really easy to be disconnected from a situation you have no personal hand in, but anons need to realize Sarah is a real person and emotions and relationships are complex, even regarding people who are very obviously predators.
>inb4 “this is a dumb image board it’s not that serious” it is when you’re actively engaging this girl and commenting on her streams, her social media, etc. No. 694480
>>694468Fair play to Sarah. She stated she was a mega fan of his from 12. It seemed evident that she had a crush on Onion from various videos and you could see when he did compliment her on camera she would light up. Probably because he was a tough critic to her. She, like Lainey, bedded her YouTube star crush and had the sense at least to not get pregnant or do any dodgy shit behind her parents back.
Onion for sure facilitated in grooming her. Regardless if a minor is attracted to an adult, it's a crime if that adult encourages the romantic aspects and then has an intimate relationship. Onion was the adult. Even though he waited for their sex to be legal, he'd probably to well to not tell a girl he fucked around that she raped him, when she could if she wanted, seek legal advice in regards to the whole mess.
Wonder if he went premptively private after the Sarah break up so the County that has a twitter presence can't see the latest drama from their favourite citizen? He's pretty thick, all his wetlands shit is still not final, he probably shouldn't be skirting around more crimes when he hasn't finished sorting out the last one
No. 694489
>>694461>>694465'romantic' is a derivative of romance. There is nothing romantice about predation. And no, the creeps on that show got caught out for being sexually explicit and making plans to act on that. So no, they were arrested for attempted solicitation. This was already explained at least once just in this thread.
Bringing it back to the situation at hand, it minimises what happened to Sarah by making it sound like Lainey had even a single fuck to give about her, or any genuine romantic interest in her.
No. 694504
>>694499Unfortunately not, I wish I had taken some. So no proof here from me, I'm sorry.
But I remember several comments about her being a disgrace for the LGBT community and load of insults.
No. 694506
File: 1566848349672.jpeg (286.48 KB, 1125x688, 972FB919-FF1E-49F0-94A2-86604C…)

Looks like Jaclyn Glenn knows what happened now.
No. 694513
>>694489I guess Sarah was trying to soften it by calling it "romantic"
So lets lay it out for what it was. She said later in the stream that her and Lainey would have phone sex, having phone sex with a minor is illegal. So its a YES for what Lainey did to Sarah at 15.
No. 694558
>>694414That pretty much confirms that Greg only supports Lainey's transBS because he'll be able to have his threesome then.
So, when Lainey finally decides to chop her tiddies off and Greg can't lure in any more teens, he'll kick her to the curb immediately.
What a vile person James Jackson Onision Gregory Jackson Gregory Daniel Gregory James Gregory Avaroe James Avaroe James Daniel Jackson of Gig Harbor, Washington is.
No. 694560
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No. 694562
>>694560Wow, that's on spot!
It's so, so dark, but so on spot.
No. 694570
File: 1566858682981.png (222.31 KB, 1440x341, Screenshot_2019-08-26-18-30-06…)

Surprised he's posting videos
No. 694574
>>694570Is this daft cunt for fucking real? He's a dead man walking, and not in the tragic, poetic sense.
More like the "hurry up and remove urself from the gene pool before Jigsaw wants to play a game with you".
ggwp onion! you're fucked!
No. 694576
File: 1566859107257.png (163.62 KB, 1369x952, chrome_HIjCpVLyss.png)

>>694571Lane sees though Mike's money hungry bullshit.
They'll talk about how
abusive Greg is when it comes to Billie and the others but since Sarah isn't posting screencaps online or has an open case against him she's not profitable to them.
No. 694583
>>694579onion is a pathetic wussy coward.
he thinks he's an edgy, nihilistic supergenius with a wicked sense of humor, however the punchline is that he is too stupid to live.
he is a parasite. he feeds off others because he's like a fucking adult in nappies pissing and shitting everywhere while little innocent Lainey cleans up after his cuckfests.
We know what you are, you walking turd. We know who you are. We know where you are.
Tick tock tick tock! How about some fava beans and chianti with that? We all know what pedos like him will get in the end and trust me, Onion, you're not gonna enjoy the chopping board.
(Autism ) No. 694613
>>694590Onion is the kind of self-important litigious butt head to sue for slander, despite no one caring outside this little internet bubble, so if I were one of these youtubers I'd wait to have receipts too rather than having to painstakingly word everything to avoid liability. Even dropped cases cost money.
>>694589The drama itself works for Onion, hence why he changed video titles right when this was breaking - he'd love to cash in on increased traffic.
However, as we've seen over the years, the antics which gives him attention in the short term ends up tanking his entire career in long run.
He's just too dumb to see the bigger picture and hold himself back. He makes fun of fat people and drug users but he has the same self control issues with negative attention as other people do with chocolate cake or meth.
No. 694614
>>694611They only kept taking back Billie because she was quiet about the crazy shit that was going on there, until that last break up and once she started telling the internet her story they cut her off for good.
Sarah telling everyone all the secrets of the Onions was her death sentence. They will never allow her back into their home. They are way to paranoia now.
No. 694621
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>>694306I wonder if greg will post more pics like this and pretend he's anorexic and "body checking"
No. 694641
>>694627It is said on average, a person in an
abusive relationship will attempt to leave 7 times. Realistically it may be even harder for Sarah to leave because of the grooming that she experienced.
No. 694642
>>694638>consults with lawyersJust because he says he does to scare little girls doesn't make it true.
Are there any instances where he's threatened lawsuits that came to fruition? He throws the claim around so often but I haven't seen anything to prove he follows through with his threats.
No. 694648
>>694587I've pretty much always correlated her "trans" shit to pregnancy and also cuddlegate.
All of the dysphoric complaints she has about her body are common changes from pregnancy, being enlarged breasts and widening of the hips. If I recall I remember her reminiscing about her teen years when her breasts and hips weren't as wide. Compound this with the fact that her husband betrayed her during her post-partum period with a young teen, kinda easy to see how she could feel shame about herself with all that and the hormones that come with post-partum.
And then her pig of a husband fucked her stitches up because she tore during labor and he couldn't wait the recommended healing time causing her pain for months because he's a disgusting selfish man.
She has no bottom dysphoria because that's the only part Onion likes. He's said all he wants is two hot AFAB bitches,
cough vaginas
Don't think shes trans at all tho
No. 694655
>>694513See, when it's framed like that, it makes sense in a legal context. Add to that that she followed through with sexualised conduct (bathing in front of her etc) and most likely engaged in some kind of sexual contact. Who would be going down if there ever was charges laid?
a) Lainey
b) Kai
c) all of the above
This is a lot more on Lainey than Greg. He's the usual suspect, but in this case, it really doesn't seem like he wanted to be with her so much as he wanted her there for Lainey (who didn't really want her either, other than as an employee and somebody she could push around and abuse the way Greg does to her) he had other teens on the go and used her as a last resort.
He never got busted for violating the Mann Act, he never got done for 'rating' teens in their underwear and he won't be copping anything from this. Neither will doormat because Sarah is desperate to protect her and keep her delusions about her.
I'd love to see both these cunts called to account for their shit but it ain't gonna happen like this. Sarah will dip her toes into milk-spilling a couple more times to spite the Onions, they'll tease her with the idea of coming back and then she'll join the ghosts of
victims past.
tl;dr it's the fucking wetlands saga all over again.
>>694583You sound like Laur from the Lillee Jean thread. Calm your autism.
No. 694662
File: 1566873823809.jpeg (764.11 KB, 1125x1859, 758DDF2C-66C1-4D96-9010-90C9C6…)

Sarah’s most recent likes. She’s not going back she’s just going through a lot. She’s a 19 year old girl who is processing that the people she’s loved since she was 14 used her and took advantage of her to have a girlfriend when they had not other safe options. Give her time and space.
No. 694663
>>694614This situation is legit fucked up for the both of them.. they won’t take Sarah back because they groomed her and that information is now out there unless they hide her but they cannot hide her forever…
They’ve basically damaged their reputations and their kids with a child exploitation they are so incredibly stupid
No. 694672
File: 1566875028500.jpeg (37.93 KB, 1125x180, 9DFC27A8-C97C-4170-8691-A09D68…)

You can’t hide forever Kai Jackson.
No. 694679
>>694678Lawyers can be wrong.
Also, it seems like he misled his lawyer in the wetlands thing, so.
No. 694680
File: 1566879077167.png (218.92 KB, 566x730, 360.png)

He's really focusing on violence a lot lately. This one was a "domestic violence situation" where the mother shoots the dad, then Chibi (Jimmy) gets the gun and shoots her then turns the gun on himself. It's not funny, the video doesn't have any jokes or even slapstick. At the end their is a caption that reads 'see, it's funny because it's the worst thing ever… get it?' to this being a 360 video this is a DIRECT LINK to his upload. I'll experiment with ways to reupload these type of videos but for now this is the best I can do.
No. 694681
>>694678I doubt it. He seems to hate being told he's wrong and gets shitty lawyers to tell him he's right.
>>694680He always gets violent when he can't control the narrative. I just hope it doesn't scare Sarah into silence cause he has no power despite what's in his retarded videos.
No. 694695
>>694692But he tried with accusing Sarah of raping him. A failed attempt is still an attempt to maintain control.
(With Billie he tried to silence her with the weed thing.)
No. 694696
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No. 694734
Maybe morges will include it in her next video about James Jackson Gregory James Avaroe Onision James Avaroe James Daniel Gregory James Daniel James Gregory Jackson James Daniel Jackson of Gig Harbor, WA.
She mentioned the grooming stuff in her last Grugly video and said that there is going to be a part 2. Her last video did really well and was much better/more entertaining than what Rep puts out.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 694736
File: 1566892945460.png (23.33 KB, 809x340, james.png)

>>694734onision comes up in related google searches to James Jackson now
No. 694761
>>694681I doubt Onion has ever approached an actual lawyer regarding fucking teens. Could you imagine him phoning someone and explaining his polyshit and YouTube career to someone.
Most likely, he uses Google. There was time both the Onion spouses would claim Lainey's Dad was a layer, but he worked in insurance mitigation.
Think it would raise red flags if he actually seemed out professional advice while married to fuck teens. Onion always makes out he honours the law, but infidelity can void a marriage contract. Homeboy isn't seeking legal advice he's just trying to scare teens.
No. 694770
File: 1566911281200.png (295.49 KB, 637x468, click bait.png)'s still refusing to address the Sarah situation. This video is about how he is such a good person because he told repzion about his stalker. He also brings up multiple times that he was in the air force, like that means anything.
No. 694774
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More attempting to show off to the tweens while lovebombing the wife.
No. 694783
>>694770Ngl, I am kinda impressed that he didn't reveal any of these things to the public.
BUT I wonder if he knew what was coming for him in regard to having sex with his foster daughter, so he started to silence Repzion or at least subtly pressure him.
Even if I give him the benefit of a doubt and believe him that he wanted to "be a good guy" for a change, I wouldn't be surprised if he kept whatever he was sent on his HDD only to bring it up a year or two later.
No. 694787
I wish people would quit saying that Sarah was Greg's foster daughter. No, she wasn't. She wasn't Taylor's foster daughter either. Taylor held a power of attorney from Sarah's mother-of-the-year mom, so Taylor could legally get her medical care and such. Fostering a child is a legal situation, and their situation was not fostering. You can have plenty to say about the living situation there, moral and ethical, and maybe even legal, without spreading misinformation.
In the same vein, I also wish people would quit saying she lived with them when she was 14. No, she did not. She first started talking with Taylor when she was 14, apparently started sexy conversations with Taylor when she was 15, and stayed with them when she was 16.
No. 694795
>>694786>>694787>>694790Sorry. I heard you loudly and clearly.
It was never my intention to spread misinformation and I agree that Greg uses these slip ups to discredit everything and anything and weasel his way out of these situations.
I mean, let's be real, it's bad enough that Lainey/Kai and Greg/James started grooming a child at the age of 14 and let her move in later as a teenager only to keep her submissive so that Greg could have sex with her when she was coming of age.
No. 694846
File: 1566930701032.webm (5.8 MB, 1280x720, fosterparent.webm)
>>694787Not saying people should continue referring to Sarah as foster daughter when she wasn't - but Greg himself was the one to use that phrase first. Which in and of itself is pretty gross considering we now know he ALWAYS saw her as a future sexual partner. Not a "little sister" or "like a foster daughter" as he claims in this video.
No. 694848
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>>694680I find this ironic because it is applicable to literally everything he has ever posted online
No. 694883
>>694846Once paired with the snippets you have provided it becomes glaringly obvious that he is lying from his body language alone.
He looks away a lot, rapid blinking and over emphasises his gestures.
No. 694947
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this is definitely a dig at Greg and Lainey lol
No. 694957
>>694947How long do you think they will hide out and stay private?
Tbh I’m surprised Greg has held out this long. It’s clearly a gross thing he did but if anything it’s some much needed drama/attention that he isn’t capitalizing on and that’s not like him.
No. 694960
>>694957it's only been a couple days. Pretty sure it took him almost a week to respond to ayalla the last time she went at him about sarah. And then all we got was his text only video filled with spelling errors followed by sarah's (forced) video telling everyone the claims were false.
Gurg is probably trying to line all his little lies up in a row to best spin the story in his favor.
I'm banking on hearing from him before the week is out.
No. 694964
File: 1566957947201.png (475.31 KB, 637x547, am i a victim.png) about the Julia incident that happened when he was 11 years old>O: You have this girl, who you're into, 4 years older than you, crawls over to your bed… starts making out with you. Things proceed forward. Are you a victim? Me, as a guy who's into it? Like into being with an older person. Are you actually a victim?>A: So I've been in that situation quite a few times.>O: But you're a girl and society is totally disproportionate, like they, a girl… (A cuts off O)>A: But still I was like into it and I still, I still see it as like you are a victim still. You may of enjoyed it but they're older than you. You're too young to really understand whats going on and understand (A starts to trail off)>O: Do you think that's for me to decide or society? >A: I don't know. Like 11 year olds, when that happens and the people get caught and they put them through court and all that…>O: (Speaking over A) I'm not 11.>A: You can't tell an 11 year old to make that decision because they're too young.>O: I'm grown up. As a grown up who when through that I don't think I was a victim because I don't regret (A chimes in.)>A: Do you think it's situational or like?>O: I'm not saying everybody. >A: Okay.>O: I'm just saying me going through that. I'm not saying your not a victim going through that. Of course you could be a victim; you're probably a victim in that case with that dynamic. But if the person grows up and looks back at it and goes 'I didn't have a problem with that'. Cause what would make it different as if I was with someone my age? Because there was only a 4 year gap in that regard. It was kind of a huge developmental gap but at the same time (A cuts in)>A: (Makes an uneasy face) That's a huge gap for that age group. (O interrupts)>O: I was, I was bigger. I could defend myself if I wanted to. It wasn't like she scared me or anything. There was no pressure or anything like that. Mind you, for the record, she did exactly the same thing the next year, at the same cabin, with my friend who was one year younger than me. So she swapped out with another 11 year old the next year. And she actually had sex with him.
>O: Back on topic. Do you think I in my position am allowed to say I was not a victim at age…>?: What do you mean allowed? It's a ridiculous question.>O: I was in a live stream with somebody and they said no your a victim, you where molested. And I'm like I don't, I don't… (trails off)>?: Of course they're going to try to pose their narrative on you. That's what people do.>O: But don't I get to decide what happens to me? >?: Of course you do. Why are you being a cunt? >O: Why am I being a cunt?! Okay.>?: It's an empty question.>A: I have to say I agree with (O cuts her off)>O: I'm just confused by the fucking internet! They scramble my brains all the time!>?: (To A) You agree with the other one? (motioning to O)>A: I agree with them. (The internet.)>O: Whhhaaaaaaa?>A: I personally, like I look back on the things that had happen to me that I was okay with and I can see how it was still wrong. Even though I'm okay with it and I'm like whatever, it didn't screw up my life and I'm fine with it and if anything I might have enjoyed it…>O: Would you mind sharing the dynamic you had? Like specifically the ages?>A: I don't know. (Uncomfortable) I was ten and it was a 15 year old boy. >O: Oh, (A tries to say something but O cuts her off.) Let me drop, let me drop the difference through okay? I was big and developed as a boy.>O: I was like five-ten. She was like five-three, five-two or something like that. So I'm way bigger than her, okay? And there is no real difference visually. With a ten year old girl, a ten year old girl looks like a ten year old girl. Gross. Disgusting. >A: I'm still kind of the height of a ten year old girl. >O: Right, did you look like someone who was older or did you look like a legit ten year old? >A: I think I looked ten.>O: Yeah, if you don't look even remotely like someone older then I don't see how anybody could be like 'I thought she was older!' you know. Like that's a guy who is consciously pursuing that. And me personally, I've never been attracted to someone who looks like a ten year old just because there is a huge difference, there is a huge gap between a ten year old and a eighteen year old.
>O: Anyways, the conclusion is that you think I'm probably a victim?>A: Yeah, because she turned around and did it to another child and another child and another… That's her thing. She's into that. It's weird… but, I don't think you're wrong either. I mean if you don't feel like a victim, it didn't psychologically screw you up it's like all right, you had a good time. Good for you.>O: It was a developmental leap for me.
>O: Let me ask you this way. From… Is she a molester? Is she a predator?>A: She is, yes.>?: She molested you.>O: Right.>?: She did it again.>A: She did it more than once. Like it wasn't just like 'oh I didn't know he was eleven.'>O: Also I feel like fifteen year olds don't know what the fuck they're doing. >?: Exactly, they don't. >O: I kinda have this thing like, seven-teen is.. You know when I was seven-teen I knew what the fuck I was doing. When I was six-teen I mostly knew what the fuck I was doing. When I was fifteen I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. Four-teen, Thirteen, twelve, eleven.. I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. >A: But did you ever want to touch an eleven year old when you where fifteen?>O: No, absolutely not. I hated them. TL;DR: Jimmy doesn't feel like he's a
victim of molestation. Also there is some leeway if a child looks older than their age. In his warped head the magic age for consent is sixteen to seventeen because he felt like he knew what he was doing around that age.
No. 694966
>>694964Yikes this feels like another Sarah hedge.
See?? I was younger and was with someone older and I wasn’t a
victim. Sarah was even a legal adult so by definition she isn’t a
Anon you’re insane and amazing for transcribing that. Thank you.
No. 694971
>>694964Holy over compensating Batman
"I hated them"- why would he hate 11 year olds? Why does he say "ew" only when she says she looked 10, as if to assure her he is not attracted to ten year olds? That's definitely not a normal response
No. 695000
>>694964"Hey fake Hannah Minx, is it wrong for me to pursue minors, when I was a young boy age 11,an older girl pursued me and I found her hot, so that's ok? I had the exact same experience!! Or am I now a
victim uwu? My father is however a monster even tho I said he may have been touched when he was a child, but that learned behaviour is not OK! It's only ok when it involves my cock!!"
No. 695001
>>694964Honestly, this shit is pure Onion fantasy.
>O: Oh, (A tries to say something but O cuts her off.) Let me drop, let me drop the difference through okay? I was big and developed as a boy.>O: I was like five-ten. She was like five-three, five-two or something like that. So I'm way bigger than her, okay? And there is no real difference visually. With a ten year old girl, a ten year old girl looks like a ten year old girl. Gross. Disgusting. >A: I'm still kind of the height of a ten year old girl. >O: Right, did you look like someone who was older or did you look like a legit ten year old? >A: I think I looked ten.Onion is not even 5'10 now. I honestly think that 15 year old using him to get herself off has majorly fucked his massive head and small brain. Along with his dysfunctional wacky ma that was rubbing him down and calling out his name while cumming. Jesus.
Onion equates maturity and development purely on when you became sexually active.
>O: Also I feel like fifteen year olds don't know what the fuck they're doing. >?: Exactly, they don't. >O: I kinda have this thing like, seven-teen is.. You know when I was seven-teen I knew what the fuck I was doing. When I was six-teen I mostly knew what the fuck I was doing. When I was fifteen I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. Four-teen, Thirteen, twelve, eleven.. I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. Homeboy claims he knows what the fuck he was doing with like at 17 because what he had 6 years of being a creep under his smelly trench coat already? Why is this almost 34 year old man still getting the constant run around by teenagers if he's had life figured out for almost 17 years. This man has been in a development slump since he lost his mind for a 17 year old popstar. He's not mature. He's emotionally stunted.
He is such an arrogant obnoxious twat. There is a reason he is stuck chasing teens and pandering to them for money. He's massively behind his own peers and socially retarded. Yet he does have experience with the law because near every day of his life since crossing state lines to cheat on his wife, people have been calling him out. He's barely learnt to keep a tight lid on things. Him preemptively privating his social media's in the guise of patron perks before the Sarah fallout is probably the most intuition we've seen from the boy in years. And it's not even working in his favour, Sarah controls the narrative.
No. 695003
>>694947Eh, Greg's more like Gatsby himself. Deceiving and pretentious, spends money on tacky and vain things, gets himself in trouble a lot and looks for his true love - which doesn't exist.
>>694964Hmmmm, just some major tinfoil but might this be the reason why he always goes for younger girls / teens? Maybe subconsciously he knows that he's been taken advantage of but did some mental gymnastics and came to terms with the situation by telling himself "that he wanted it". 11 and 15 is a huge age gap and losing / not having control in such a situation might be responsible for him being hostile towards (older) women.
Even if that might be a
trigger, it's still no excuse for his shitty behavior, just to point that out. I don't want him parading around, sperging about how he's a
victim and he can't help but behave the way he does…
No. 695014
>>695003Lol careful anon you might give him another way to try to appear victimized and pitiful.
In reality I think he’s just deeply insecure and emotionally stunted to the point where he is attracted to teen girls. They’re easy to control and are unlikely to stand up to themselves especially to someone older. It’s the same thing that you see in his “debates” he can manipulate and intimidate young people but with Blaire white for example she will actually call him out and try to make him accountable. He doesn’t like that. Lainey is older now but she doesn’t stand up for herself at all and loves him no matter what so she can stay until it becomes a barrier to getting something he wants.
Why else go for the young or otherwise unstable?
Sage for trying to dig into the motivations of this guy when all that matters is he has a pattern of hurting people, a huge part of which is young girls.
No. 695019
>>695014This. He's just a giant lumbering retard.
Retarded or insecure men always seem attracted to teenagers.
Teenagers are usually insecure themselves, obsessed with sex or sexual validation and they are usually deemed playful or fun because of their hobbies and like you said easy to control.
Even though there's playful attractive older women with similar hobbies like video games, he's not interested because he's a man child who can't provide financial aid, has the emotional maturity of a child, and thinks things like women who are tall or have a bit of body hair are
Can you imagine even like a 25 year old coming into his dirty house, seeing his greasy emo hair and shitty dated formal wear and being turned on or impressed?
His idea of a great date is lots of sex, being in his shitty videos, anime and videogames. He barely even impresses the new generation of teens because of his weird straight edge ways.
Teens are so much easier for him to seem like a big man around.
I'm going to use an analogy just like Greg to explain my point right here-
I think a lot of girls have dated that one dropkick of an older guy as a teenager who is actually a predator but seems sooo cool and mature because he has a car and doesn't go to highschool anymore.
Yes? Well that's Greg. He seems impressive to a young girl without life experience until they grow as a person and see that a rashy faced 30 something married man in debt and kids is realllly not that special. He tries to pull the whole YouTuber thing, but kids are obsessed with relevancy and numbers, and he's certainly no Shane Dawson or Pewdiepie.
No. 695022
>>695020I'd love to fast forward into the future and see how his opinion changes when his own daughter starts to rebel or trying to date people he doesn't approve of.
I imagine he'd tell her to choose between him or them.
His opinion totally flip flops so he'll probably be a giant cunt about it even though he's done those things at that age.
No. 695023
>>695003I think you're right. Even though he went through an awful experience; he needs to realize that it doesn't excuse him for repeating that behavior with another vulnerable teen. The excuse of 'it happened to me and look, I turned out okay' is stupid and anyone with eyes can see that ol' Jimmy is fucked in the head.
Here is proof that at some point he didn't look at it as a positive experience. (Everything Wrong With Onision's Secret Journal)
>At the bottom it says, Flings, Regretful: Shar and Julie. I guess I regret Julie (Julia?) now? I don't remember regretting that. No. 695025
>>694964He's claiming that, at 11, he was mature and had enough understanding of what was happening with this fifteen-year-old girl to be "into it".
He's also claiming that fifteen-year-olds "don't know what the fuck they're doing", and then adds "… eleven. I didn't know what the fuck I was doing."
So which is it? One minute he's claiming that he knew exactly what he was doing and was all for it, trying to make out that he could happily consent at 11, and the next he's claiming that at 11 he didn't know what he was doing, which means he couldn't have given informed consent.
The fifteen-year-old girl, on the other hand, knew well enough what she was doing to not only do it with one eleven-year-old, but at least one other eleven-year-old - "and she actually had sex with him" - the following year, by which time she may have been sixteen.
He's trying to say that children are capable of consenting and enjoying sexual acts while also alleviating responsibility from the older party - a bit of a stretch coming from a thirty-three-year-old known for getting involved in 'relationships' with people who are a lot younger than him.
No. 695027
File: 1567004011374.jpg (534.82 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20190828-155127.jpg)

>>694964Gregory James Faggot Jackson was either 11 or 12 in 1997. This doesn't look like a big developed boy to me, this looks like a child.
No. 695030
File: 1567004148758.jpg (447.09 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20190828-155549.jpg)

>>69502712 or 13. Still looks like a child.
No. 695033
>>695030That looks exactly like a kid/tween, he doesn't even look old enough to be an actual teenager and even if he was 5'10 like he claimed (which I highly doubt), he'd still look like a damned child.
He likes to rewrite history like he was some edgy,tall, hot, goth, school shooter type who was smarter than his peers and fucked girls right left and center when in reality he was a bobble headed pervert of a child who had severe anger issues and was obsessed with sex and trying to be edgy.
No. 695034
>>694964Something just occurred to me. He probably is trying to talk Sarah into coming back. He may not actually want to keep her around but I feel like at the moment he is probably after a statement from her saying that she didn't feel like she was a
victim in the situation. At that point he can be done with her and if she tries to back track he'll play that shit on repeat like it's true FAXXX! If you're lurking Sarah, please don't fall for it.
No. 695035
>>694964The "Do you think that's for me to decide or society?" line is really pissing me off. Is he really trying to justify his lust for teen girls by making it seem like they love it and will never regret it based on his own very specific experience? Just because a child is "okay" with being sexually assaulted, does not make it right. They still don't know what's going on fully, it's still illegal and by everyone else's standards, is an absolutely repulsive thing to do. The fact that he keeps getting older and his love interests keep getting younger (and more vulnerable) is also probably evidence that it did fuck him up, even if he denies it. So yeah, it's society's job to decide whether that's a crime or not because they're trying to
protect children. Why can't his pea-sized brain comprehend that?
Also what's the point of having these other two losers on screen if he doesn't even allow them to speak? It's really telling that he keeps cutting Anna off, he can't even hold back from treating women like shit for 20 minutes to film a video.
No. 695036
>>694971Something else that is retarded about his logic. Girls start looking older than boys at 10 anyway. Every 11 year old had their period at my school back in the day and now I am older there are girls getting it at even 9 years old. And I remember almost all the girls were taller than the boys at 10. It was only when everyone hit 13 that the boys seemed to be taller.
He's so full of shit acting like he was so tall and big.
Also I wonder how much he pays that Anastasia girl and Joe, because I can't imagine many people who would even want to be associated with him anymore. You can tell that she doesn't agree with him at all on the subject and his podcast guests look out of place in his messy garage.
At least put up a backdrop or something you lazy swine.
No. 695040
File: 1567009051034.gif (3.4 MB, 475x338, Laineys New Trick.gif)

Do they both think keeping all social media on lock down is going to work. That this will all die down and go away?
No. 695042
>>694964>There's a huge difference between a 10 year old and a 15 year oldHow about the gap between a 33 y/o and a 19 y/o who spent the last 3 years with him as an authority figure not too different from that of a parent? Or is that ok because as soon as you turn 18 you become free real estate?
Also I'm kind of disappointed in the lack of coverage of this situation from people with a bigger following. This might be the worst thing he's done yet (that we know of), and I thought that this time he wouldn't be free from consequences like he always is. I guess the creative force behind 2009 hit "I'm a banana" deserves forgiveness and empathy even when found guilty of statutory rape.
We'll wait and see I guess
No. 695056
>>694964Does he think he’s Donald trump? “The girl that I put in my 3rd book which everyone loves, not a single person doesn’t like it.” Imagine the delusion.
Who in their right mind thinks this is the content to put out during sexual misconduct allegations, here he is in full technicolor trying to argue relations between a 10 and 14 year old are OK and being completely gross. The black haired girl already gave her opinion on the matter yet he asked her to explain the dynamics of her experiences as a child with an older boy and made her uncomfortable. Fucking disgusting. He looks even more like a creepy manchild when juxtaposed against two “normal” people, or as normal as you can be when you agree to associate with Onision.
No. 695057
>>694790>hold James Jackson Onision of Gig Harbour, WA accountable.we're a fucking gossip board, not the DOJ.
>>694852why would they bring her back when they know now they can't trust her? besides, she's too old for them now.
>>694971He's always like this. Remember the 'running away from little kids trying to rip his shirt off' when he was a camp counsellor or whatever
No. 695064
File: 1567015115979.jpg (18.17 KB, 804x126, 2019-08-28_13-58-50.jpg)

Double posting but it seems like something is being done.
No. 695074
>>695071how do you not remember lane? Is everyone new?
so lane used to be referred to a plainclone because she was a devout lainey follower who basically dressed up as her. she was a lost kid basically. lainey freaked out and called her a traitor when she stuck up for billie when she got kicked out.
No. 695085
>>695071Lurk more. Lane used to be a Plainey clone but switched and started spilling milk.
>>695082Yeah and this is why Onion keeps going after Ayalla. She helped the one he's still obsessed over get away from him.
No. 695105
>>695025But anon, please, can't you see the vast difference between Greg, the genius and extremely mature 11-year-old child-god, and all of the other regular stupid and immature 11-year-old children … who are disgusting btw.
How dare you even compare him to them?!
(Jk, anon, I love you.)
>>695014Yeah, I kinda felt the same after writing the paragraph and therefore added that it's no excuse.
Then again, even if he starts to flip flops back and forth and claims to have been abused and feeling like a
victim, he'll contradict himself once more. The more he does that, the less credibility his statements will hold, so even if he does, he'll continue to destroy his own image.
Plus, if he ever admits to it being abused (which he was), he'll blow all of his excuses about children being able to consent to sex and being mature which will worsen the fact that Lainey and him groomed Sarah. And even if he starts distancing himself from that and throws Lainey under the bus, he'll still be an enabler and bystander who didn't prevent it.
TL,DR: It doesn't matter whether Greg* claims abuse or not, the fact that he exposes his own twisted views and opinions will always keep making him look bad.
*James Jackson Onision Gregory Jackson Gregory Daniel Gregory James Gregory Avaroe James Avaroe James Daniel Jackson of Gig Harbor, Washington
No. 695108
>>695102>>I still can’t believe she sold Sarah out like that but it’s pretty clear she didn’t care. The fact that Sarah's one example of Lainey standing up for her was Lainey telling Greg not to kick her out because "She's got a job to do" and that was literally the only example Sarah could think of? Lainey is pure trash and never cared about Sarah unless it suited her own needs.
I feel like Lainey is worse than Greg at this point because at least Greg is somewhat transparent about what a selfish creep he is. (whether its intentional or not, it comes out)
Lainey, on the other hand, masquerades herself as this sensitive caring person, draws in people with that persona, then completely shits on them and essentially acts like she never knew them when shit goes down. She's a snake. And she doesn't deserve friends because she is a shit friend.
No. 695129
File: 1567035133928.png (311.54 KB, 605x323, hair up or down.PNG)

>>695118I would say this was a week ago. The same time he posted on Twitter and IG "hair up or down"
His hair looks the same as on Laineys video.
No. 695133
File: 1567035719049.png (560.64 KB, 596x598, capture.png)

No. 695142
File: 1567036728456.png (458.75 KB, 636x587, hair.png)

>>695129The description says 'today' but at the very least we know she posted it manually today. Also I guess she and her family went to LA.
No. 695144
File: 1567037140616.gif (5.89 MB, 400x352, lainey after the first groomin…)

>>695142Onision does all the editing of her vids so Im sure he uploaded it to her channel. Hes trying to keep up the facade of "everythings fine, see Kais smiling and doing videos"
>>695133So its verified this video is a week old. Im expecting the next vid she records is going to be Onision forcing her to do it. Just like that veggie burger one she did right after the last grooming scandal. He literally had to push her to do each step and she was totally fucking mopey the whole time and giving this thousand yard stare when hes trying to give her directions.
No. 695160
>>695142That whole description seems like it was written by Greg trying to make it seem like alls well on the home front.
I am curious how tomorrows discord is gonna go. I hope there are some anons able to sneak a peek and tell us if anything milky happens.
No. 695163
>>695162Id love to be a fly on that wall. But Im sure I already know how his patrons reacted. Full support and
victim blaming if not worse. But what Id really like to know is what his story was. How did he explain it to them?
No. 695165
File: 1567040736758.png (333.94 KB, 594x388, love bombing.png)

He wouldn't be love bombing Lainey so hard if things where fine.
No. 695168
>>695056I noticed that too.
Even though she gave her opinion on the matter, he tries to push her into revealing how old she was when it happened to her and wants details. It's like the sicko gets hard hearing about trauma just like Maya said.
Still, shame on Anastasia and Joe for continuing to enable and work with this trash.
No. 695169
File: 1567042312729.png (86.24 KB, 1041x615, Would You Be My Girlfriend-Boy…)

Lainey or Onision accidentally let comments open on their Would You Be My GirlfriendBoyfriend video and shes getting fucking hammered.
No. 695174
File: 1567043319213.png (48.33 KB, 1351x210, chrome_QRVIZAYbN8.png)

>>695165>Person traced a photo of them>Lainey still was identifying as a woman>THE BEST ARTWORKBesides that point, it's obvious all is not well between Greg and Lainey. He wouldn't be lovebombing her so hard if they were okay.
No. 695186
>>695042I'm disappointed as well in the lack of coverage.
I feel like Repzion is being quiet because he feels like he owes Greg for the whole dead grandpa thing and doesn't wanna piss him off in case he talks about it. I don't think he'd show the photo, but he'd possibly bring up his grandpa.
I can kind of understand that.
Mikeanactor on the other hand makes no sense. I watched his video on the topic and he basically calls everyone cavemen who accuse people of doing shit without due process and evidence. He makes everyone out to be like a crazy anti o and tells Sarah to go sort it out herself with the police even though he was right up Billie's asshole when all of her shit went down.
I find it completely hypocritical seeing as he is still best buddies with Joy Sparkles who embodies the typical crazy anti o that he condemns in the video.
What makes Sarah not as important as Billie? Yes Billie was a
victim, but at least she was 18. He seems to not care at all about Sarah's situation and I truly find it odd.
No. 695188
>>695025>He's trying to say that children are capable of consenting and enjoying sexual actsThis is the sort of shit NAMBLA says. Congrats, Greg, you say the same thing literal pedophiles say.
He was a very young looking tween. No way was he was 5'11 at that age.He looks like an absolute baby & the thought anyone would choose to sexualize him at that age is horrifying. No wonder he's fucked in the head.
No. 695209
File: 1567052525655.jpg (71.57 KB, 723x472, 2019-08-29_00-22-29.jpg)

Part of the bullshit that he said.
No. 695215
>>695209lol none of his previous statements about Sarah are aging well now.
He will still likely deny the things Sarah revealed about him saying it was a square relationship or that they would wait for Sarah after Billie left - using his whole “she misremembers things!” song and dance.
But she can’t misremember sleeping with him or him asking her to be his girlfriend a month ago. So all his adamant claims about how Sarah would NEVER be anything more than a friend and that he thinks of her as a little sister or foster daughter is just making this entire thing so so much worse than if he had never denied it at all.
Cause now he’s not only proven himself to be DiShOnEsT, but he’s basically proven he has no trouble sleeping with his little sister or daughter.
No. 695222
>>695215I really don’t think he’s even going to address this .. there’s literally nothing he can say to make him and Lainey not look absolutely disgusting.
Him and Lainey both have made statements in videos prior to all this that just incriminate them even more
I really think he’s going to try and hide out until this blows over
No. 695228
>>695222I agree. There's no hiding from this. There are multiple videos, statements, and tweets from both greg AND kainey disproving anything they try to say now. The only route left is to lay low or apologize. We all know the latter will never happen.
Here's to hoping sarah is able to reveal more damning milk that could get greg kicked off of youtube and patreon.
No. 695230
>>695186>What makes Sarah not as important as Billie? I have several thoughts on this, One: Sarah bitched out joy and mike is a loyal lapdog.
Two: Greg/James actually getting done for this and mike losing his actual only source of income for his youtube since he relies so heavily on onision.
Either way, Mike is fat trash who constantly begs onision to debate him for attention and had no qualms with using the
victims of gregs for his own gain.
No. 695233
File: 1567072383919.png (153.99 KB, 593x673, racist onision.PNG)

Im sure that Dev doesn't have as juicy of info as Sarah. But looks like the token black is taking swipes at the betrayer. Maybe we can get some top patron information once she get pissed off enough.
No. 695234
>>695233I'm confused, is the token black girl not Blasian and she's been on his side through it all? If she's changed her username to amethyst, it still looks like she doesn't give a fuck?
If anything, Greg fucking another girl with his wife knowing probably only emboldens his weird patron faghags to try and get some too. He might end up needing one as a last resort!
No. 695244
File: 1567082089923.jpg (156.99 KB, 593x954, dev.jpg)

>>695233It looks like someone's not coming back anytime soon…
No. 695248
>>695245I don't know. Yeah, she's probably overcompensating, but I enjoy that she's speaking up against Greg since I hope it's a sign that she's not secretly trying to get back in his good books.
I'm still disappointed she publicly apologized for calling him fat or rather having a beer belly.
No. 695261
File: 1567090331205.png (383.19 KB, 635x575, redneck teeth.png) highlights:
O: Do you feel like you can be racist against Germans? Is that possible?
A: Well yeah.
J: Sure.
O: How? If you're German and they're white and they're like the elite (mocking voice) you know?
J: It would be like you where anti semite.
O: But they're not at a position of disadvantage. They're…
J: Jews?
O: No, Germans. They're privileged.
J: Why do you hate the Jews? Tell me the truth.
O: Lets get real. I'm talking about shitting on the Germans.
J: Exactly, because what they did to the Jews though.
O: Yes
O: So you think their is the potential for me to have been racist against Germans.
J: Yes, of course.
A: Where you talking about Germany as a whole, why are you hating on them?
O: Because they are the most recent genocide. Well their not actually. There's been a lot of genocides, but they are the most recent well known genocide other than in Syria they killed like a hundred-thousand people. They're the biggest recent gen… they're pretty… I'm still wearing the mustache.
O: CIS people are
toxic and when it comes to talking on trans issues it's like a downward spiral into a pit of death.
tl;dr - You can't be racist against a 'privileged' group and a cis person should keep their mouths shut when it comes to trans issues. Also he channeled all his woke power and came up with the insult of 'klon-dike' at the end of the podcast. Good job Jimmy.
No. 695262
>>695261at 1:20 Joe says "NDA" and I swear it looks like Onision gets upset and irritated that he said that and says "doesnt it say you cant say that?" which I understand is him saying the biggest part of an NDA is you CANT talk about the NDA.
So Greg has Joe and Anastasia sign one too? If you step one foot in the house are there NDA forms hanging from the coat racks and everyone must sign before the continue in?
No. 695265
File: 1567096843064.png (49.65 KB, 1153x208, chrome_qlM4qfTpD0.png)

Translation: I'm fucked, things are not okay, quick Lainey we have to find a way to discredit Sarah.
No. 695271
>>695266psssh he's not saying this for her benefit. He's saying it for ours. OR for his "fans" to show poor little
victim persona.
No. 695272
>>695261Saw Greg on Tumblr or his own shit forums stating he is 100% European so he can talk on German issues and can't be racist as a fellow white man/European or some shit, and Germans can't be discriminated against cause they're white.
Guess there's never been civil wars in Europe.
He's truly a retard.
No. 695280
>>695262Wow you can see this flicker of rage cross his face and he has to pause I guess to not fly off the handle. He really does make everyone in his house sign and NDA, huh?
Too bad they’re probably all invalid. I am suuuuuuper curious how they are worded though.
Maybe Sarah will share hers once she confirms it’s not an actual legal document at all.
No. 695282
>>695261I’m so surprised he’s friends with that other dude in this interview. He seems way smarter than Greg and able to mock him to his face in this and that other one on one interview they did. I hope Greg is dumb enough to keep him around.
Gross that Greg brings up “deflowering”
>>695280Lol I bet they’re riddled with spelling errors like his book.
No. 695288
I love how the whole conversation does not go the way Greg had it planned, so he tried to win it over by having the literal last word in their "swearing contest". He knew there was no way of turning this around for him.
Something rubs me the wrong way in regard to the Joe guy but in comparison to Greg he just seems so much more intelligent and has way better and funnier comebacks.
It felt like watching an adult telling a kid how the world works and knowing very well that that's a futile endeavor.
No. 695290
>>695287>You guys have this concept of "grooming", right? But that requires you have sex with somebody right after they turn 18.Sarah was 18, you groomed her BY YOUR OWN DEFINITION you subhuman filth.
Gratifying to see his prior statements (word vomit) come home to roost.
No. 695296
>>695261>>695288The man thinks the most recent genocide besides Syria is fucking WWii. Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda, and Darfur.
He can't even say Syria and the Holocaust are the only "ones that people know about". Three of those happened in the last 30 years and were very prominent in media and are still discussed today.
No. 695298
>>695282I think Greg is intimidated by this Joe guy. I know nothing about him other than seeing him in the few videos with Greg, but its clear he is more intelligent, more witty, and not afraid to call greg out and poke fun at him.
We all know Greg only bullies people weaker than him. I feel like the power dynamic here is that Greg is afraid this guy will go off on him for reals.
No. 695301
>>695290I know sarah is 19 now, but didn't she JUST turn 19? So did they have sex when she was still 18? If so that makes his comment even more hilarious.
Of course he'll be like "She's been 18 for a YEAR, so I didn't have sex with her AS SOON AS she turned 18 so it doesn't count!"
No. 695316
>>695301Yeah, it was def before she turned 19 (on August 5). During her August 24 livestream Sarah answered "like 4.5 weeks ago" when asked the last time she saw the Onions, so the week of July 21-27.
But you're right, watch Onion backtrack on his statement with "I said
RIGHT AFTER they turn 18!! It wasn't grooming because she was 18
and 7 months you flucking retards!!!"
He prob would've had sex with her right after she turned 18 but the opportunity didn't arise. Wasn't she off to college then? Note that he changed his "mean" behavior toward her "about a month or two before [her] 18th birthday" so there's that
>>693713 No. 695330
>>695318Right anon, that was the point I intended to make - to highlight how ridiculous his bad-faith backtracking on this statement
>>695287 would sound. I'm not feeding him a defense because that is no defense
No. 695332
I'm just gonna throw this out there, but I don't for one second believe physical/sexual stuff didn't happen before she turned 18. It just doesn't seem realistic based on James Gregory Jackson Onision Gregory Daniel Avaroe of Gig Harbor, WA's history.
I 110% believe stuff happened way before she turned 18. I know that's now what she said, there couple be a few different reasons why she didn't tell the whole truth. Perhaps she just doesn't want to rain that kinda hell on the Gurgles fam just yet. Or, perhaps something is in the works legally and she doesn't wanna show all her cards yet.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 695334
It would be a useful way to quickly catch people up and to have the evidence neatly packed
No. 695340
>>695331That's a bit much. My point was that it would be easy to manipulate his daughter into bringing home her friends by being nice to her. He's a cruel cunt to women until he wants something then he starts being "nice".
>>695332Well she did say that she and doormat spoke "romantically" (probably sexually judging by the way they spoke in public) and we know where talk like that leads thanks to How to Catch a Predator.
No. 695351
>>695346I honestly agree. Greg did what we could expect a gross predator to do… take advantage of any chance to get teen pussy. Lainey actually fucking facilitated it from the sounds of it, and even worse supposedly just so she could get top surgery. She tried to pawn her vulnerable teenage friend onto her creep husband just so she could lob her tits off. She thought of the friend she has had for 4-5 years and saved from an
abusive home as a pair of tits she could pawn off on her gross creep husband. They're both trash but I'm way more disgusted at just how low Lainey went, and just how quickly she dropped Sarah. We like to think of her as a doormat but she had an active hand in betraying the fuck out of her friend's trust for her personal gain.
No. 695358
>>695354>>695353Don't derail the thread about Mikenactor/Repzion.
Mikenactor does have his own thread in /snow/ if you want to take the discussion there.
>>>/snow/610098 No. 695367
>>695363this video has been posted already in this thread.
I think anon wanted one that compiled all of onions statements during that period paired with sarahs new statements.
His live stream from that time should have some good stuff to pull from. I am sure it's still on his channel, but I cant check right now.
No. 695383
>>695353>>695363I'd also love to see a compilation of all the dated occasions where he's done the tired "All my past content was THIS but I've had an epiphany to stop hiding X and from now on it will all be THAT*" video
*(insert adjective of choice: real, dark, honest, offensive, positive, classic, etc)
No. 695384
VERBATE OF: “The Truth About My Wife (& Her 16 Year Old Friend)” translated by gines the dipshit
Line breaks = how many fucking jump cuts he used.
Elipses = a fucking jump cut mid sentence.
[] = gines’ commentary
gerg seems to have procured a 490 watt lightbulb because the filters are fucking insane
Hello, my name is Onision and I am making a video with a boring green screen behind me because this is what’s required of me right now.
For once, there is drama in my life that I’m not really involved with.
Most of you probably haven’t heard about this, but it’s gotten pretty serious.
My wife is a sensitive person…and when people bring issues up like this and accuse her of things and…do the crazy things they normally do to me…she’s likely going to react in a significant way. [lol ‘a significant way’]
To better explain what I’m talking about…my wife met a girl two years ago online…who was originally a fan of mine.
She was I understand 14 at the time.(sappy bullshit light piano music begins)
My wife and that girl had been talking off and on…over the last two years exclusively from a distance.
And as some of you may know…my wife and I have had moments…where we’re not necessarily on great terms with each other…and in those moments my wife sometimes needs a friends to talk to.
Cue Sarah…the girl my 19 year old wife [that’s not fkn creepy or anything] at the time…met only on the internet…when Sarah was 14. [WHOOPS STILL CREEPY]
My wife is now 21 and Sarah is 16.
So Sarah decided to fly herself up to visit my wife. [fly herself?]
And right away, a lot of people online looked at this and automatically assumed…oh my gosh, Onision’s wife…must be recruiting sex slaves for Onision and her to enjoy. [barf]
And I’m not even kidding. That is #LITERALLY what some people are assuming.
And it’s very clear that this assumption is moreso based on the fact that my wife is bisexual…which kind of comes off as biphobic.
If you’ve ever met someone who’s bisexual…there’s a good chance that you’re aware it’s pretty annoying when somebody automatically assumes that you want to have sex with everyone just because you’re bi.
I mean, if you’re a heterosexual male…let me ask you this. Do you want to have sex with every woman you’ve seen? Your grandma? Really?
So this is the ridiculous situation that my wife is putting up with right now.
She’s actually thinking about taking legal action…against the people that are harassing these two young women. [‘young women’]
Cuz it’s almost comedic how far off from the truth they are? [ends on inflection]…And how wildly they’ve blown things out of proportion.
These people online who have never met Lainey, who have never met Sarah…automatically believe that Lainey is recruiting Sarah to be her sex slave with me…a guy whose never had a phone conversation or a significant interaction with Sarah in the past.
I guess somehow I’m part of this big scheme. [GERG U NEVER LEAVE UR HOUSE OF COURSE YOU’RE COMPLICIT YOU MORON]
Anyway, so my wife is thinking about taking legal action…because these very paranoid individuals have contacted the police. [good.]
They’ve revealed a lot of Sarah’s private information…which is somewhat ironic…because some of the information they’re releasing about her seems a little bit illegal to release. [HMM WHY WOULD THAT BE? OH RIGHT. MINOR. FUCKING MORON.]
I think the saddest thing of all in this situation…is how negatively it’s impacted…a very innocent relationship between my wife and her friend Sarah. [the big ol’ sopping victim card yanked from gerg’s sweaty buttcrack]
Just imagine you get a friend…and suddenly, everyone around you is pointing fingers at you screaming that you’re a terrible person for being their friend.
Uh, HYUCK HYUCK, it’s really weird. [well gerg, i’m 30, like you. if i invited a 16 year old to my house THAT WOULD BE FUCKING WEIRD.]
Anyway, I just wanted to make this video…to state the obvious which a lot of people seem to have missed…and it’s a lot more reasonable to assume that my wife…is just a friend of someone…and just because she’s bisexual doesn’t automatically mean she wants to have sex with them…and clearly it’s…irrational to assume that my wife…is a sex slave recruiting maniac.
Wow, internet.
I mean I could go on and on about the theories people have about my private life. [lol, same, as i sit back in my psychology armchair]
But I would like to take this opportunity to ask you guys to please back off Sarah.
Because her mother is very angry at the internet right now. [and the internet is angry at her]
(gerg speaks slow, deliberately, and condescendingly)
Her mother is fully supportive of the friendship that Lainey and Sarah have.
Because she knows that that friendship is harmless…and also the police officer that both Sarah and my wife spoke to…is upset as well…because these internet folk…are needlessly wasting the time of these police officers…who could be focusing on far more important things…than a bisexual woman who, by the way, is taken.
As in she doesn’t want to date anyone else, she doesn’t want to marry anyone else, she doesn’t want to have sex with anyone else, cuz those slots are filled [ew]…who just happens to be friends with a 16 year old.
But if you guys want to continue wasting the time of Sarah, Lainey…Sarah’s mom and the police department…then hopefully some of you are aware that Lainey’s father is a lawyer…and while I’m not going to be a part of this whole suing thing…my wife seems pretty motivated to make some people pay…[sounds like a threat, shitdick]…for putting the police department, Sarah’s mom, and Sarah herself through unneeded stress.
Especially now that’s it’s come to the point of people apparently releasing illegal levels of information about Sarah. [what was illegally released btw? leaving shit out like that allows his fanbase to fill in the blanks. what a cock.]
So again, if everyone could just chill out…[and let me continue creating my harem]…accept the fact that my wife is not a sexual predator, (derp laugh) people are actually calling her a pedophile…and maybe all just take a deep breath, take a step back…and please try to focus on what makes you happy. [what’ll make me happy is seeing your ass in the loony bin and your two children safe and away from you].
But if any of you still have significant concerns…as to what’s going on in my private life…please go to…and you can use the appropriate resources there…to reach out to me directly…and possibly find out what’s up. [UNLESS UR A H8ER OK]
Thank you for watching, have a wonderful day. (gerg pauses, then moves the microphone away from his face and turns to the screen)
No. 695385
File: 1567140452967.gif (364.66 KB, 428x207, -1-943323032f13.gif)

The scenario I would LOVE to happen next is that Greg pressures Lainey into finding a new girl again. This new teen is local, lives in the same city or close by. They move her in, the usual drama happens, they fuck her over and throw her out. But this girl goes full on Fatal Attraction-Swimfan on their ass. Not wishing any physical harm to the Onions, just a long sustained reminder from some girl who goes full psycho on them for months/years.
No. 695400
File: 1567146865768.png (220.4 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190830-023256.png)

Unsure if this had been posted yet, didn't see it when scrolling. Found this on his Twitter.
No. 695407
>>695400It doesnt matter what he says at this stage. He can indirectly tweet at us all he wants.
James Jackson and Kai Jackson of Pierce County/Gig Harbor/Puyallup are child groomers.
No. 695492
File: 1567188508892.jpeg (176.73 KB, 828x1472, 62C208B9-4D27-4761-AC51-B3C13F…)

This is completely OT. But when I was looking up stuff about Jaclyn I noticed that James Jackson’s patreon pop up in the ads.
No. 695498
File: 1567190066851.png (33.78 KB, 396x344, patreon loss.PNG)

>>695492speaking of his Patreon.
He lost almost 225 bucks in one day. Im looking forward to the first of the month dive.
No. 695509
File: 1567192490872.png (54.73 KB, 559x797, stop the bleeding.png)

>>695498It must be worrying him because he's back to asking his patreons to help him make better content. The problem is, he'll never accept advice and will continue to make the same repetitive garbage because that's all his feeble mind really thinks about. I'm sure if someone gave him too many 'low grades' he'd end up booting them off his patreon while calling them an undercover ha8ter.
No. 695511
>>695264You forgot about adding ~ at the end of a sentence to read like a kawaii anime boy.
Makes me lose my shit every time at how out of touch and delulu he is.
No. 695517
>>695509I don't think this will help with improving with his content at all since, just like you, I can't imagine he wants to be graded fairly but he rather expects ass pats.
I might even go as far as giving him the benefit of the doubt and say he'll take the first few negative ratings somewhat calmly but will get upset and hostile IF he receives too many bad ratings.
That being said, he's been conditioning his sycophants to agree with him otherwise he'll boot them because he can't take any legitimate criticism whatsoever, so I'll dare to predict that whatever brave patron will voice any criticism and subsequently hurt his feefees will be booted just like the girl who dared to offer proofreading his "book" a couple of times (PoopBecca, Megan? I start confusing the girl's names because he has the habit of wearing and tearing them so fast).
There's a reason why he privates all of his social media and creates his echo chamber. My best guess is that he needs attention and validation since things have gone tits up recently. He can't get any new and fresh yes men due to his privating spree,so he does the usual BS and hopes his patrons do not realize that he actually doesn't care about their opinion, much less when it's a negative one.
>>695513Ayalla, you're the bomb when it comes to supporting all of Greg's
victims and as much as I like the constant stream of milk, I really hope that you'll find a way to finally out him for what a terrible person he is and that this will be the final nail in the coffin (of his already dead youtube "career").
No. 695524
File: 1567196564551.png (51.22 KB, 598x322, sarah deleted.PNG)

No. 695529
>>695525I can see his die hard fans having an out with this current drama. The whole "she was 19 when it happened, she consented" bullshit.
If in the future Greg was accused of doing something with a 15 year old, do you think they would still support him and figure out some kind of excuse that would allow them to continue their support? I think there are at least a good handful of his current patrons that would.
No. 695531
>>695529>>695525because they want to be greg's next
victim they want that neranderthal dick
No. 695580
File: 1567215537294.png (1.24 MB, 1151x625, future board revampted.png) seems like the groomers are staying together. They revamped their future board because Lainey was getting
triggered and it was pretty telling that they removed all the poly shit with out a word.
New things they added:
Happy/healthy relationship
Top Surgery
Play video games together
Spend more time together
Career success (Money)
No. 695581
>>695580The comment she makes when she takes off the girls doing yoga
>I'm taking this off because it's triggering me and it's girls and I don't like them.Also they pretty much confirmed the relationship with Sarah happened by taking off they poly pictures without any commentary.
No. 695585
File: 1567217371878.jpg (127.82 KB, 1076x1016, Screenshot_20190830-220848.jpg)

Look at what the top related search on Twitter to the onision hashtag is, kek
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 695595
>>695581>it's girls and I don't like them.Laimey doesn't like girls confirmed.
>>695580What a miserable
toxic ass relationship.
Besides removing the girl pics and making above comment there were two other remarks that seemed maybe Sarah-related: 1) his brief sperg after she starts to remove the Hugs Not Drugs sticker @ 2:37: "You wanna do drugs?! You wanna go do drugs??!?!?" Then 2) around 5:57 he makes a stupid hippopotamus comment that doesn't make sense but might be some weird veiled dig at S?
>Gurg: Healthy relationships involve communication.>Lame: Make sure you tell your partner that they're fucking unbearable.>G: Make sure that you let them know your frustrations so it doesn't build up and they wind up seeing you with a hippopotamus someday.>L: Okay, sir.He insults Lame several times, calls her "desperate", says "I feel like I have to do everything for you", "just one of the many annoying things you do", etc.
Her "lost" shirt is apropros. Also she couldn't be assed to spit out her gum for the video. So classy, so high-effort
No. 695623
Hey Guys, I have watched Onision off and on for years. Stumbled across this forum. Cool. Do the people here really support this behavior? I have some undeniable facts and inside knowledge which I can share if people are cool. “Greg” (pretty much a dead name, by the way) and Kai are some pretty incredible humans, and what they are going through right now is more than even people with the most incredible strength could bear. I know they tried to help someone in need, and when this person started going down the wrong path even with all the help they were giving them they still didn’t give up on them, even when this person’s own family didn’t want them around. That’s just how they are, I guess. :) People online think “Greg” is a beta manly man, but he has a soft spot to make this rock we call earth a better place. This has been one of the worst summers for them. “Greg” has been Youtube’s top advocate and voice against assault, and Kai were assaulted by someone they were trying to help who is now trying to get the popularity they didn’t have in school in another way. Issues will never go away unless you face them head on. “Greg” and Kai’s relationship has been really inspirational to me and my wife. Like Greg I’m a hard worker who provides for my family at all costs, spending long hours at my medical practice. I see what they have been through, and it gives me hope that everything will work out. He never gave up on people like Eugenia, and it’s made me a better Doc treating and helping all my patients with ED. They get a lot of judgement, and it makes me sad to see the way they are being attacked after going through something so traumatic. But everything has a way of working out.

>>695627Tumblrwhores have started choosing new names too, and referring to their birth name as a deadname.
No doubt this person is one of Greg’s retarded tumblrwhore minions.
They’re no way they’re in the medical profession, or married.
No one with an IQ over 16 would believe Greg’s shit.
Remember when he was going on about donating a million dollars to charity, If he had it?
Yet when he was making money, he donated fuck all.
He’s such a phony. I struggle to believe anyone with the mental capacity to actually form sentences and type, could believe his shit.
No. 695629
To the person above, yep- I know exactly how deadnaming works. Believe it or not, I am a transactivist and have someone close in my life who is trans who is beautiful and I will love and accept unconditionally. Just like Kai has a dead name (which I will not say out of respect to Him), so does "Greg". Dead names should not just be limited and claimed by the trans community. If a name no longer fits a person or they do not want the name be used as a personal identifier in that human's life for very specific reasons, it is a dead name. "Greg" no longer goes by Greg (I'm simply using that name so those who may not be overly familiar unless they are referred to as "Onision" or "Greg" are able to keep up with this conversation). Just as Kai's life is changing, so is "Greg"s, and there are very important and personal reasons he has chosen to change his name, some of which he has not publicly shared with anyone except the very few trusted people he is closest with. I consider myself very lucky to be in that category. :) Hope that helps. And know that even though we do not know each other in life outside of out computer monitors and incredible modern marvels/WiFi that is able to form random remote connections to people you would never run into in real life, that I am proud of you, kind stranger, for choosing to live the life you were meant to live in your true identity. Don't let societal norms keep you down. I hold people in the highest esteem who refuse to be held down in box, and live their true, authentic bold lives. :)(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 695634
>>695629oh my god this just keeps getting worse
this has got to be the funniest troll ever
No. 695635
>>695623That made absolutely no sense, so you’re saying that this ‘person’ who they groomed was going on a bad path so their only solution was to take advantage of her, take her virginity… cool
You’re an idiot and still Anus and his grooming wife have no excuse for their disgusting behaviour
No. 695638
Mmmkk- You might want to reread that? Or if you have a comprehension issue let me know and I can but it in simpler terms. No one ‘groomed’ anyone. It says a lot about you and your experiences that you believe the only reason two humans would help another person was for sexual purposes. I have good news for you! There are still some pretty cool and good people in this world. :) James and Kai being two of them. They are in an awesome, incredible marriage and had the ability to help out someone who acted like they needed it, so they did. But when that person comes back and tries to take advantage of their radness again them again for like the millionth time, well, that sucks! This time especially, since they weren’t just emotionally manipulated, but physically. Consent is very important. What adults choose to do is up to them, but when one person takes it to another level and does something physical without consent to TWO people and then makes up a story (because of course the internet loves to join the ONISION = BAD hivemind) it takes it to a different level. So things kinda suck right now, but they will get better. :) “Onision” has overcome everything else so far, and look where he is. To quickly share, he grew up in an abusive home and was beat up by his father who would attack him for speaking up to his step mother over the most ridiculous things. “Greg” has always been creative, and one time he made a necklace out of stones he found in his backyard. Taught himself how to polish them, figured out how to use a mini drill to put holes and thread them together and was pretty proud of it! :) His stepmom noticed it, and berated him for wearing something “feminine” and ripped it off him. His dad never spoke up and let it happen and things escalated over the next 6 months. I would say the moment with the necklace was a real turning point because he promised himself he would never be silent with the injustices of the world, and this has helped him succeed and not be afraid to speak the truth (and hey, cool added bonus! He loves to help people in bad situations!). The facts of what happened cannot be disputed, sorry. That is physically impossible. Something happened one way, or it didn’t. Be on the loookout for a video soon that will explain more, and probably even a debate. :)
No. 695639
>>695638yea that's a whole block of text i'm not reading.
also l o l
you don't even know how to use this board.
No. 695645
>>695580Are we sure this isn't an old video made before the "Onision fucked Sarah" tweet, that she uploaded today?
I know its schadenfreude and will probably bring me bad karma but Im really hoping to see an upcoming video where shes as mopey and broken as that "Watch me make a veggie burger" vid they made right after the grooming allegations in January. I guess I want to see them feel bad for doing something so shitty, but I need to learn that Im hoping for emotions from people that seem to have no morals or a conscience.
No. 695648
>>695638>“Onision” has overcome everything else so far, and look where he is.He is actually worse than he has ever been, suffering the consequences of his scandalous and questionable actions in the past that lead Youtube to even blacklist him for being such a shitty person and bringing bad PR to the website. It wasn't his "comedy", but his personal life drama that got him blacklisted. Now he gets 5k views and relies on a handful of people to support him. That's where he is right now. I don't know where you have been.
>physical without consent to TWO peopleI would love for you to give me a play by play of how a 19 year old kid raped a man in his mid-twenties and another dude near mid-thirty. PLEASE, do tell how this happened since you have inside information. I am genuinely interested.
No. 695649
>>695644Dude, Onision talks about himself in the third person all the time. From his video descriptions to his about me section, to a lolcow thread. I would belive this was a troll if they were speaking in first person, tbh
This is definitely Onion
No. 695650
> radnesslol you just dated yourself. Fucking gnarly tell, dude!
> probably even a debate.ah there it is; there's the motivation to stir the pot. gotta make money somehow when all you have a smoldering ashes, i guess.
No. 695660
File: 1567243809212.gif (308.6 KB, 275x152, F9E5F19E-80C8-4E77-9B8A-5B3BB8…)

The secondhand embarrassment from those posts are amazing. GREG/JAMES IS A WONDERFUL PERSON! HE MADE A NECKLACE!!! Did I mention I love trans people?!
No. 695665
>>695629Seeing how retarded the userbase has become makes me sad, everyone who didnt see how glaringly obvious that this was a bait post needs to be permabanned.
Anyway, why do people say that “KAINEY IS WORSE THAN GREG” when hes the one who actually fucks and fucked teens? Seems like some sexist bs
No. 695666
>>695665>userbaseHow can it be 'sexist' if both are male?
Please go larp elsewhere.
( No. 695667
>>695666One of them is a much younger female than him(Lainey) no matter what she wants to larp as.
Not saying shes not guilty, but hes the one who actually fucked Sarah and took her virginity and people are minimizing because they hate Kainey and her make up, because Sarah herself was more angry at Greg for obvious reasons.
No. 695668
>>695667I think people are just pointing out the fact that Lainey literally set a young girl up to get fucked by Onision….like people are for once calling him out for shit without “uwu she’s a
victim!!!” I believe Lainey is Kai, I believe that bitch is a man because he used and abused a young girl, said let’s be fuck buddies and got this girl emotional invested just so that he could get her to believe she was in love with an old ugly man all for Kai to not have to fuck that Neanderthal anymore … very typical fuckboy in my opinion but with a side pedophilia.
No. 695673
>>695667>>695665So maybe you should actually read the thread because then you'd see why people are mad at laimo kaimo as well as onion.
-phone sex and talking romantically with a 15 year old sarah
-guilting Sarah into being a "pair of boobs in the picture" to keep onion happy so she can get chest surgery, using Sarah various other times to fix the patches in her shit relationship (look after kids, billie is better when she's around, etc)
-making Sarah think for years, as an underage girl that there was romantic potential, being naked in front of her, bathing in front of her, aka grooming her
-allowing her husband to use her phone to trick people like Sarah into answering the phone thinking it's lameo
-not defending Sarah against Greg's abuse, accusations, harassment when she was a minor
-making Sarah buy her gifts to apologise to her literally for not hating billie
People are not exclusively blaming her. They are acknowledging her role in the abuse. She deserves to feel the heat too. She also groomed Sarah. She lured Sarah in ffs. Having said that y'all don't forget she has her own thread in snow
(edit because typos)
No. 695675
>>695674She can't do shit because her
victim isn't lying for the both of them anymore. There is no way to come out of this looking good. It only worked because Sarah was defending them.
No. 695676
File: 1567250052119.gif (6.67 MB, 360x270, James Epstein and Kai Maxwell.…)

>>695673>>695668Reminded me of another couple currently in the news.
No. 695687
>>695580Thanks so much for the mirror and for highlighting the comparisons!!
I’m surprised they took off the poly stuff without explaining why even if they didn’t mention Sarah directly. He was so into it last time they did their board I mean he put being poly on that board basically 3 times. Is it trying to be like “okay public, don’t worry, we’re not looking for a third anymore so don’t roast us about the grooming”? I don’t believe it. If anything this incident will probably push them further into secrecy. No one knew the Sarah thing was actually happening until after the fact after all.
No. 695693
>>695261Just some more thoughts in regard to his video in which he talks about the Julia incident:
From what we know about Greg is that he was kind of a spoiled child with little education / bad manners and he didn't have any friends in middle and high school.
What if he didn't have friends as a child either because he was already obnoxious back then and he felt validated by Julia because she spent time with him? Maybe he saw her as that friend that he longed for, she even was older and therefore "knew what she was doing". It's just tinfoil but it would fit with what we know about him.
No. 695701
File: 1567261911873.webm (1.75 MB, 432x240, no where bitch.webm)
>>695580Went back to watch the construction of the marriage board and saw a glimpse of the future.
No. 695703
File: 1567262388243.jpg (280.95 KB, 1078x1827, 20190831_152148.jpg)

Did Gurg just admit to being on youtube to get insecure girls? This is from his forum.
No. 695706
>>695144This is
exactly how a 24yr father of two would sit in a kitchen. I now have no doubts about taylor elaine kai spencer's masculinity.
>>695623>“Greg” is a beta manly man.I lol'd anon.
>Like Greg I’m a hard worker who provides for my family at all costs, spending long hours at my medical practice.I lol'd harder!
>He never gave up on people like Eugenia, and it’s made me a better Doc treating and helping all my patients with ED.This was gold!
Imagine larping as an ED/transactivist/paedosupporting world renowned Dr dropping dollars on onion. This is the shit fatbecca used to pull. It also reads as something icky would post to 'troll' lolcow..
>>695703Sarah and lainey used to call themselves 'potato's' in the majority of their selfies so he's once again inadvertently proving himself to be the most honest uchoober. Nice catch anon!
No. 695707
File: 1567263509727.png (469.58 KB, 698x543, Death Note part 50864173.PNG)

AGAIN?! I swear he must be on the spectrum. This obsession with Death Note is like those kids who know every baseball stat known to man or cant stop talking about Sonic the Hedgehog
No. 695733
>>695702It was in the video. Lainey gets
triggered by one of the pictures of two girls and she says she doesn't like girls as shes removing it. Fake bi for cool points from her dumb husband.
No. 695734
>>695580"There are some inconsistencies and things we've already accomplished."
No. 695741
File: 1567281570190.jpg (546.07 KB, 1080x1040, Screenshot_20190831-160000_Twi…)

No. 695744
File: 1567282906806.png (13.91 KB, 485x226, onisiontweet.PNG)

I dont have access to Onisions private twitter, I watch a tumblr acct that has a live tweet feed so sorry about the look of the screencap.
Is he trying to make the analogy that him fucking Sarah is like a fart?
No. 695752
File: 1567284942855.png (187.93 KB, 591x561, chrome_vGHatUqTKU.png)

big thonk
No. 695756
File: 1567285679723.png (190.58 KB, 1125x603, image0 (2).png)

>>695752Sarah just go ahead and start the fire that burns them. You deserve the first blow.
(the post was deleted but I wanted to prove it was real)
No. 695763
>>695744You could invite the person to smell near you to determine if you farted, to check your underwear for a smudge. Instead you just attack the people accusing you.
But me thinks Onision doesn't want anyone inspecting his underwear because he knows they will find a huge, wet skidmark.
No. 695776
>>695773other than your theory (ie opinion not fact), name 3 other times sarah has acted like "a bpd teenager"
i mean, it will take a lot of character assassination to discredit sarah compared to the YEARS of headstart onision and lainey have on her but you go on.
No. 695785
plus dragging it out has them perpetually waiting for the other shoe to drop. so, there's benefits with her not releasing anything, too.
whatever you choose, sarah, some of us have your back regardless.
No. 695796
>>695795I agree with you. I don't think she cares for clout.
I think she's afraid of the backlash, if any, she will get.
No. 695813
>>695744new thread title: Onision “fucking teens is like a fart” James Jackson of Gig Harbor, Washington.
Thread pic recommendations
>>694470 >>694560
or some version of an Epstein edit/reference
>>695676 No. 695818
>>695815username is @coolguykai now
>>695805this tinfoil is absurd. grooming an at-risk youth is bad optics no matter how you try to spin it and lainey is too money hungry to consciously inflict that sort of damage to their reputations/careers
No. 695832
>>695827aldlii will forever shiver my timbers.
>>695829garbage tier
No. 695833
File: 1567309114929.png (55.92 KB, 600x495, Screenshot_21.png)

No. 695835
>>695827aldlii is a goddess. These videos are pure gold. I'd
love to see Jamie here defend himself against this. Kai as well.
No. 695836
>>695752uh Sarah you literally can. Even if Greg made you sign some retarded fake NDA. Even if it was a real legal NDA, it’s completely voidable if you signed it as a minor (meaning it means nothing that you signed it) We all know you’re reading these. You don’t owe onion or kai any respect or grace.
Source: No. 695846
>>695832 Thank you anon.
>>695842I seriously wish there was a way I could prove to you guys that I am not posting my own videos here. I just read the threads. This is literally my second post on lolcow and it is to reiterate that I don’t post videos anywhere except YouTube.
No. 695868
>>695776She admitted to having bpd to ayalla you retard
Don't remember when Taylor claimed Sarah was bipolar ?
No. 695876
File: 1567352296403.png (576.13 KB, 1435x2209, wut.png)

Wtf is this?
No. 695877
When he realized this, he started doing stuff like claiming Pewdiepie invited him to his wedding and faking an email to himself from Eugenia.
No. 695878
>>695876An attempt to muddy the waters hoping gun violence will trump grooming allegations. Also a win for Greg when the person who sounds nothing like Greg is exposed and Greg can say "see the haters are at it again with fake news"
KF seems to have ignored it or shit on it as fake.
No. 695884
>>695878I'd need at least one of his videos in which he sounds the (exact) same.
I'm willing to be open-minded but so far I don't see any connection.
No. 695891
>>695887He's now a proven pedophile and groomer, same as Taylor.
Every big drama/news channel should cover it with every cap, so more people can report them with evidence and they can finally be sent to jail.
Fucking millennials getting
triggered by everything, but a rapist pedophile and his wife, who lures in girls, are ok, just because it's "onision and laineybot.. ew we don't talk about them"
If he doesn't face consequences this time I've lost all my faith, cause he obviously can do whatever the fuck he wants without getting punished.
No. 695899
>>695889it's been less than a week since sarah came forward. she's a young woman. she's probably still settling herself mentally after living in that horror house for the last 5 years and deciding what her next steps are. she did tweet asking for lawyers.
the legal system is a mindfuck and cross examination by opposing counsel and repeatedly sharing private, embarrassing, personal, and traumatic experiences with near strangers – and then to an audience of people she doesn't know – isn't an easy choice.
she's been through the court system before. i can't blame her for being wary about doing it again, especially since it fails
victims like her so often.
not to get all SJW, but i really think it's the
victim's choice. the more greasy gets away with, the more the narc in him think he's unstoppable. he's already impersonated a lawyer (sending a cease & desist) which is a felony. Madame is suing him and if she retains a real lawyer, that lawyer is gonna nail him for whatever possible. Don't lose hope yet, it's only been a week.
No. 695905
>>695901 nta but
Onision/Onion/Greg/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson of Pierce County/Gig Harbor/Puyallup Washington.
No. 695929
>>695876You don't even need to try and fake horseshit people with shit like that. Greg already owns a gun and even though he likes to be an edgy cunt he would never go on a shooting spree.
You're seriously barking up the wrong tree there, champ.
No. 695930
>>695924>Handful of posts in a thread that will be 1200 posts long is obscuringOK.
Nothing new worth talking about has happened in the time since Sarah did the livestream. No one is ignoring milk in order to shitpost. If you actually want to make the thread good how about you post some quality content to kickstart discussion or make an original contribution instead of just whinging that other posters aren't spoonfeeding you and leading the conversation.