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No. 715385
Previous Thread:
>>>/pt/712064Onion Thread Archives:
>>>/pt/511709Onision Drama Crash Course:
http://www.lifeofonion.comDo not post about Lainey in this thread unless her content has some connection to Greg. Attempts at discussing her content that does not relate to Greg will result in a ban.
Her thread can be found at
>>>/snow/826201Do not derail the thread about the onion flakes/orbiters unless their posts have some connection to Greg. Attempts to discuss the onion flakes that does not relate to Greg will result in a ban.
The flakes thread can be found at
>>>/snow/691458Onision/Onion/Greg/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been declining ever since. He has a fetish for underaged alternative girls and a good portion of his milk comes from his attempts at grooming these unfortunate
victims. His wife/spouse/fellow groomer, Laineybot/Lainey/Taylor Avaroe/Kai Jackson, is a transtrender and "beauty guru" with no makeup-knowhow or personality.
>Greg/Onision/Jimmy/James/Whatever spergs about a variety of topics, including his Patreon being 18+, the age of consent in Japan, and his height. >>711795 >>711482 >>710896>Jimmy continues (still) to rage about “cancel" and/or "outrage culture” (too many examples) >>715133 >>714858>Lainey breaks her silence looking like hell, seemingly forced into more videos by Greg >>712596>A police report about a wellness check on Lainey is leaked, suggesting Onision has real guns in his home >>713081>A neighborhood watch group seems to be keeping an eye on Jimmy and Lainey >>712793 >>713092>Onision tries to claim all his exes just want his baby carrot. >>714264 >>714161 In response, Skye continues to roast the Onion >>714329 >>714341>Regina livestreams, confirming that Plainey really doesn't like women and is just a tool for Greg to reel in teen poon >>714977>Greg tries to say anyone who calls him a pedophile is a pedophile >>715112>McFly, a new potential trinity member, openly thirsts for Jimmy >>715286For the sake of making Onision threads more readable, please follow these rules in the future:
- REPORT AND IGNORE BAIT. There's been a lot of bait in the past thread. Just don't respond. Responding to blatant bait will result in a ban.
- Hooktube is no longer a viable solution to deter views/clicks from Onision. Please rehost videos elsewhere.
- No nitpicking.
- Do not liveblog streams. Unless something of importance is happening, we don't need minute by minute updates.
- Do not contact the cows and post about it here. You will be banned.
- Do not post nudes of any exes.
Links: No. 715398
>>715393He's making a video on his depression
While shitting on skye's depression.
while also stating - that depression expresses differently in people
IQ of 142 and no logic anywhere to be found
No. 715409
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Lainey's rapist is not in jail either, so I guess that means he's innocent and Lainey was ever raped by him according to Gargoyle's logic
No. 715420
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Totally possible tinfoil but account made in October 2019 and saying shit like this? possible Gronk sock(tinfoil)
No. 715429
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>>715420The one person this account is following for anyone interested
No. 715437
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Onision's "Humans" video transcript.
Begins with the ever present: I held a loaded gun to my oversized water head bc the ebil airforce made me cry etc (I'm paraphrasing here)
Literally 3 seconds in he's talking about two colleagues shagging a random girl they all knew who apparently had a tight vag and pancake titties (Nothing disturbing about this onion,it completely obvious you are in no way fixated on underdeveloped bodies, to the point of attributing your desires on to random men you worked with!) But no fear uhohonision would only ever have three ways for love u guize!!!
>I'm a cult leader, here's the kool aid, followed by edgy Bill Cosby rape joke.
Goes on to say
>I mean I get it if you say "oh he raped me, and somebody else says "oh he stared at and jacked off from a very very long way away"..
Jump cut to
>But if you have a few women saying exactly the same thing, like with the R Kelly shit, "I was 14 and he was sexual with me, then I see the trend here, like do you guys know each other, do you hang out together, are you friends or do you hate each other?.. Now that to me makes far more sense.
[Ugh more sense than what greg? Wtaf are you tryna say here?? Are you admitting that all of the girls who've come out against you and who were not friends were in fact being truthful and people should believe them?!? Because that's what you've just said there bud]
>I sleep with guys too.. guys don't ever call each other rapists they just rape them back.. insert edgy joke about rape in prison..
Cuts back to "I say terrible stuff, who do people even watch me.. oh it's because people can take a joke that's why"
>Diverts back to depression is bad. Muh lazy gud fur nothin' wife took all muh monies because I divorced her (nope onion she divorced you, you fucking dunce)
>But wait! Plot twist poor skye caught her depression off greg!! No matter what greggums did, she was still depressed (not even being cheated on with a minor could cure it!!11!!) And only YOU or REALLY HARD DRUGS can stop your depression!!
Skit about how stalking is creepy and if you think happy thoughts all the sadz go away!!!
Cut back to more fucking depression, be positive! Join my patreon!! Don't be a hater, join a happy FF or MGS fandom and then you can forget about everything you've ever done to victimise people!! Don't listen to negative nancys who are just tryna hold me accountable for my decade of abuse spanning numerous people!
Somebody rustled his Jimmies by calling him 'sweetheart/hun/babe' and greg just don't take that type of smack talk y'all. If u call him sweetpea then you're clearly a cuntwhorebitchslut (not paraphrasing here btw).
Cuts to
>Daily vlog, where he shills a site called cameo. Greg in the shower, greg in the bath, greg in his knickers.
Ahhnd back to depression again. Muh wife took muh moniez.. anybody else sensing a theme here?? Imagine being this butthurt about alimony! Skye is a fuckin' hero.
>goes on to say if you can find a partner without a mental disorder then that person is a keeper, you've hit the jackpot.
(He can't be serious can he?? Kainey is a melting pot of mental disorders).
>My depression is the most depressive depression that anybody has ever depressed and I don't have friends because I don't want them to suffer how depressed I am.
New Skit
>internet policeman comes to arrest him.
>greg's response is stalker haters are stupid morons, who listen to internet rumours and gossip specifically jacklyn glenn, who by the way has fake breasts and doesn't do as much on Patreon as he does!!! Then challenges "hater" to fight for logic!
>Hater realises he loves onion bc he spoke to him and now hater has clout!1!11!
The whole point of the "skit" was for greg to
>accuse his victims of "clout chasing" by using his name for the 15 seconds of fame they supposedly garner as uttering the moniker of such a huge youchoob celeb will apparently propel them to stardom and cure depression.
>Shoots all the haters in the head but only after one denounces jacklyn!
No. Really.
Then we return to depression (hopefully for the final time, but before we do, greg helpfully points out he loves his dogs and cries into their soft warm fur and would never treat them badly/turn them into cowering incontinent furbabies and also did you know that there somebody on youtube who fucks actual dogs!! See!! Greg only fucks minors and that's nowhere near as bad now is it?!??)
>Upshot: Don't be sad, Just be happy and join patreon where you can talk to old uncleOnision who will help you break free of the abusive shackles your abusive significant other is clearly abusively binding you with.
Bonus footage of onion in an ill fitting funeral suit being greeted back home by dobbs, I didn't abuse him see he's alive!!
Oh and did I mention all women those people I actually and extensively abused are lyingscumfuckbastardwhorecunts? Especially skye and her sister who has pancake nipples.
No. 715445
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If you photoshop any girlfriend greg has ever had, it will work hahahaha I wonder if there's any good footage to this interview aldlii can use
No. 715452
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I wonder if he’ll copyright claim Max.
No. 715458
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>>715445Dr Phil could be talking to any girl Grug every came in contact with and this would apply. No. 715475
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Bringing this over since it was shared just before the thread locked. much for sleeping well, huh Jimmy?
No. 715546
>>715437Since Gurggy Grease wont stop talking about Alicia's body even though she has made it very clear she finds it disturbing, disgusting, and creepy - it really only seems fair Skye or any of the others start talking about his yeasty little peen.
If he can discuss other people's body against their wishes, it really only seems fair he gets to know what that feels like. Hopefully theyll use
trigger warnings tho, to avoid projectile vomiting among those of us with weaker stomachs
>>715480This is morbid and inappropriate but HomolKai seems like the type to eliminate babies if her master ever left her. She obviously doesnt give a shit about them.
>>715511this fucking bobblehead retard just admitted to defrauding the United States military lol. Someone should send his little confession to the local office to see if they're interested
No. 715555
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>>715437Skye is fucking blessing
She really has presented herself as the anti-Jimmy since her return: smart, funny, mature, shit together, kind. It really is quite the juxtaposition next to the sad trainwreck her ex-husband has melted into. Her responses to him seriously seem like an adult talking to mentally challenged child.
No. 715594
>>715429I've seen this girl in a few of the anti-O threads on twitter.
>>715511Can he get into shit retroactively for this? That would be great.
No. 715599
>>715283>Greg's just super overwhelmedYes with trying to convince the world that he's not a pedophile when all of the evidence shows the contrary. He's not a good actor. What he is very practiced at is lying, and he sucks at that too.
>>715310Let's not forget that Sh was just coming out of a verbally
abusive relationship when she and Grog met. If I remember correctly, Sh said Grub gave her "helpful" advice before she decided to break it off with said abuser and start dating Grub. Following in this pattern of course was Sarah, who was very vulnerable, in a dysfunctional situation before the Onion's swooped in. Onision follows the typical pattern of all serial predators.
No. 715600
>>715409Well Onion also blames Lainey for rapes because she never reported her rapist so how he is so cool with a "rapist shield" as he once described it.
>>715462I dont know exactly how divorce proceedings go but he wound probably need to try to defend all the allegations Skye brought forth, namely totalling their only car to go fuck a minor. And Onion can't face humiliation head on so he'd never show face in a court room.
No. 715619
>>715611I think there were two reasons he married her.
1. Military benefits
2. To get closer to Alicia
To be fair the second one might be the main one.
No. 715669
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No. 715753
> And Onion can't face humiliation head on so he'd never show face in a court room.Similarly…
Nor would he want someone to explain why they called him a pedophile to a judge. He might not like that people are calling him a pedo, but he probably REALLY doesn't like the prospect of explaining and rationalizing his actions to a judge and these explanations and rationalizations being part of a public record. He's kind of backed himself into a corner in that regard to the point that he almost has no recourse because to him the recourse would probably be worse than being called a pedo online. Regardless of if there were repercussions, it would be humiliating and knowing people in power have awareness of who you are and what you are doing would cause some anxiety especially when you are a caregiver to minor children.
Honestly, he should be glad that no one has been sophisticated enough to purposefully blackmail him. There was that case where an anti-o sent Onision a topless picture of an obviously underage girl to see how he would react, but they bungled it when they revealed too early (And ruined the chances of anyone else who might try to do that after.) instead of stringing him along. That could have gone a lot differently.
No. 715789
>>715776She's definitely fine with it. We can almost guarantee as far as she's concerned, Sarah is the one to blame for the short time she 'stole' Gregs affection and so trying to 'ruin their relationship', and then for 'turning on them'.
She's so self pitying and can never see her own wrongs. Same story as with Billie.
No. 715896
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New name change soon. I guess p00dlexboy being connected to pedophilia all over social media isnt a good look.
Any takers that both Greg and Lainey will change their legal names sometime next year once they think "things have died down"
No. 715925
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i am in awe at the sheer cognitive dissonance with this one. How do the words "it doesn't matter who's right/the most technicly correct" come out so nonchalantly from Greg "Facts Don't Care About Your Feelings" Jackson's own mouth?
No. 715931
>>715896As if she's still putting up this facade of being "trans", I was predicting after all this crap when she was still MIA that she would go back to normal, but then again she is demented.. I'll just keep enjoying the shit show that is her life now.
No. 715935
>>715896From this photo the house looks very clean, even the mirror? A result of cps and police making regular visits I bet..
Also, lmao at Lame holding her theoretical peen like Eminem. Bish you really are lame.
No. 715942
>>715925Trisha's trolling doesn't make your wife's reality
valid, Greg.
No. 715955
>>715896I'd suggest @pedosexboy and "CruelLieKrai"
>>715925It's clear this idiot has an IQ more in the 82 range, than 142.
OT (but comparable): A trans individual has been outed for grooming in the Team Fortress 2 gaming community in the last couple of days.
A genetic-male called "Nursey" who goes by she/her pronouns, who has had "sexually charged" discord conversations with underage players.
Mainly about thrusting "her" dick into them.
That person has been ostracized from the TF2 community and banned from their servers and competitions. Completely different to how YouTube, Twitter and Patreon are handling things. And it seems that "they never sent nudes or solicited nudes from anyone", unlike predator Krai.
How the hell does Patreon expect a mainly underage fanbase to "self-police" anyway?
In Lizardqueen's video, she stated that Jimmy would make inappropriate comments in discord, that she should have spoken out about, but was too scared. And she was one of the older members.
(offtopic) No. 715966
>>715418>Not that Grugly has any moral compass to begin withIt's obvious to most people that Onision sees nothing wrong with his
abusive, predatory behavior, he doesn't want to change, and he has no empathy to speak of. A person without a conscience is very dangerous indeed.
No. 715993
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No. 716002
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At this point, I don't see how it's possible that I still find myself raging at Grugly's blatant hypocrisy as we've all seen it so many times. But what pisses me off the most regarding this tweet and others like it is the fact that it's impossible to put him in his place and correct the skeevy narrative he's trying to create since his Twitter is private.
Like, we just have to see posts like this or misinformation and outright lies in his Patreon videos and we can post all day about it but we can't set the record straight right at the source, whether it be on his Twitter or YouTube where he's disabled comments. This is important because young, misinformed fans are seeing this bullshit only, without comments challenging him and pointing out the lies and hypocrisy.
This tweet is an outright L I E. We know he exclusively dates/creeps on teenagers and barely adult women. He married a teenager and was engaged to another, FFS. Since the divorce with Skye, he's dated ONE woman over the age of what, 20? And I think the only one who was over 20 was Maya, and maybe Luxy. That's still predatory as fuck considering he was in his fucking 30s.
Beyond that, he even made a video a while back saying that ALL men find 17/18 year old women to be the most attractive and that any man who says they wouldn't fuck a woman/girl that young if given the chance is a liar. Like, he said this on camera and uploaded it to YouTube for all to see. Knowing that, he still posts tweets like this because he knows there won't be anyone to call him out since his Twitter is an echo chamber. So his fans read it and consider it as the truth.
Does anyone else remember the video I'm talking about? I wanted to find it and make a clip of him saying that but I can't remember what the video is called or exactly how long ago it was uploaded. I believe it was within the last year or 2, though.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 716006
>>715993lmao that nasty ass dog collar that greg says he puts a leash on
No. 716008
>>716002>Since the divorce with Skye, he's dated ONE woman over the age of what, 20? And I think the only one who was over 20 was Maya, and maybe Luxy. Samefagging to add AJ was in her mid-twenties iirc and jumped ship after two or three weeks when she found out that Greg was an unstable lunatic. He tried to date another woman in her twenties, Hannah Minx, who also jumped ship. She never met him IRL and ghosted him after he revealed what a creep he is. This is even more proof that he HAS to go for teens because absolutely nobody past that age wants to deal with his psychotic, immature and insecure personality.
Maya and Luxy even support this. They were both too old, read clever, to fall for Greg's shit.
Greg may sit there on his high horse thinking all too highly of himself, but it boils down to the fact that he only has a change with inexperienced teenagers from broken homes and abuse
victims, and the few adults that flock around him do seem mentally unstable, codependent and outright needy. Lainey checks all of these three characteristics.
No. 716027
>>716002Well Greg, if I…
>rated copious amounts of pictures of my grandpa out of 10>tried to be relatable to my grandpa's generation by making videos about common old people medicines/devices, despite having no relevance to my life whatsoever>was so paranoid about being seen as a grandpa fucker that I refuse to be in the same room or be nice to any old person EVER>said my grandpa was like my little sister and then slept with himThen yeah it probably is fair to say.
You fucking idiot.
No. 716035
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Is it just me or is weird they have no shades blinds or curtains. I mean its not that they have the shades up or curtains pulled aside, they literally have no window coverings.
No. 716043
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>>715475Onision used the green screen to make it look like he was in his backyard. It wasn't a stock image, you can tell because of the top of the volleyball net they have. Why not just go out there and film? Could it be that its currently a construction zone as workmen are erecting that fence he needs to have up by the end of October.
No. 716053
>>715955No-one cares about some rando from TF2.
So, nothing ever happened with Sarah and we're back to nitpicking Lainey? Cool.
No. 716056
>>715925Kai is a woman named Taylor who likes to larp as a trans male for woke points and underage poon. Her gender is completely invalid Jimmy. Plus aren't you the one that said she couldn't be a boy because she cries so much? What a fucking ally for the trans community.
Talk is cheap: If you REALLY believe what your saying you should offer to wax Yaniv's ballsack since "muh opression" and all.
>>716002"Onision totally schooled us! He doesn't like fucking children at all because it's like fucking my grandpa LOL!"
I imagine this is what he thinks happens in his waterhead brain when he tweets that shit. Grug your sick fantasies about fucking grandpa's does not cancel out your sick fantasies about fucking minors. You can have a grandpa fetish and a teen fetish at the same time which you clearly do.
Guess you're going to have to stay away from the schools AND the nursing homes kek.
No. 716059
>>716035Didn't he make one edgy daddy dom Jimmy tweet about wanting to "show the person he's fucking to the world [ something, something ]"? Perhaps that's why. Who knows what their poor neighbours have seen already.
>>716027Honestly such a brilliant post.
No. 716061
>>716056He uses the other extreme (having sex with really old people) to balance out his desire to have sex with really young people.
He did the same thing before Sarah came out in his “we’re not grooming Sarah because that requires we have sex with her the second she turns 18” video too by saying it’s his business if they want to have sex with a 90 grandma or whatever. He thinks that if people have to admit that it’s okay and legal for there to be a big age gap one way it’s the same the other way and that’s not entirely true.
For the record it would probably also be a problem if someone his age was having sex with an 80/90 year old. Both really old people and really young people tend to be the most vulnerable but for different reasons.
No. 716099
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>>716053No one cares about your whining either. Sarah might drop more milk if Greg keeps sperging.
No. 716108
>>716099I hope she spills more milk about this creep
I'm also curious if sarah ever mentioned if she witnessed Onion abusing Lainey in any way? Did he ever hit or throw stuff at her in front of Sarah?
No. 716154
>>715896The fact she is LARPing as a teenage boy, has a username ending in "boy," and that the other parents at school think she is his daughter all doesn't align with his claims of wanting to date women/anyone his own age
You can't claim to be interested in 35 year old women while never once picking up a woman over the age of 20
No. 716209
>>716180They may have tried the best they could and know that Lainey is a lost cause, sometimes, people just get fed the fuck up, or maybe they are just like, "you are a adult, you've made these choices"
Who knows.
No. 716237
>>716215She seems to be in ok standing with her family since she visits them a couple of times per year or when she's mad at Greg.
She wouldn't do that if they were on bad speaking terms.
Unless she goes somewhere else and just says she visits her parents.
No. 716244
>>716043Nah this is his attempt at "Motion Picture Quality". Cause you know, movies use green screen so if he does it too his stuff is just like the movies right?! Except that the light doesn't match. And his hair looks like a helmet with smooth lines… and a million other things.
He's also started uploading his garbage skits and vlogs in 4k. As if anyone needs 4k youtube videos since most people watch on their phones anyways.
He'll never improve because it's obvious he refuses to actually study the art of film making.
No. 716275
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onion is riding these clickbait titles so hard.
He really does think the drama is making him famous.
No. 716299
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>>716275He's just copying what his good friend tobuscus did, it's pretty sad
No. 716320
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whatever you say duderoni
No. 716321
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>>716320There’s more shitty ones
No. 716328
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>>716322Take off the mask, Greg. Take it off!
No. 716332
>>716321>>716322Ah, you managed to post caps before I could. yeah, just noticed he's on a particularly bad women-sperg atm, what the fuck happened there huh? this seems out of character even for our five-minute-shapeshifter Gourd Kirby
guess that's why he's with ManGuyKai.™ instead of LadyGirlLainey.forbidden
(sorry for DP, forgot to sage like a fuckhead)
No. 716335
>>716320>>716321>>716322Could someone screenshot the tweet mentioning "Lisa"
Whats Teemo McFlys real name… this is making me wonder.
No. 716341
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samefag, but just for good measure. pay attention kai, you better never go back to lainey or you'll be out with the trash.
No. 716345
>>716329>>716322He’s talking about Lainey here when he’s talking about women hating other woman. Lainey’s the one who has been hateful and mistrustful towards all the woman he’s brought into the house.
He said the same thing when the Billie thing went down. He was wining about Lainey being a wet blanket when Billie was in his good graces but when she wouldn’t keep taking him back, Lainey was the one who was “right” all along because women are constantly trying to “steal” him away. As if. He was the one trying to wreck his own home to get Billie. No one was scheming to get him at all.
No wonder she’s so happy to be sticking by him. He’s in his “all other women and bitches but you” phase. It won’t last.
No. 716347
>>716346He wants people talking about some "mysterious" girl who just tried to break up his happy marriage instead of him and Kais grooming.
I call bullshit, but if its true, this is going to be fun.
No. 716354
>>716338His spergs are hilarious, but somehow I feel like he's just making stuff up to distract from what they've really done. It's unusual for him to use specific names in his tweets like that.
He just sounds mad that he only has ugly girls worshipping him and he can't sexually satisfy a woman.
No. 716377
The Waterheaded One is so angry and raging on his greasy keyboard, thrashing about creating an all out tsunami in his skull.
Homewrecker? Bitch, who?! Does he not forget it was HIM and his tiny peen who got "drunk" off two beers like the faggot he is and spent the night at Mcfly's air bnb?
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 716382
>>716380iirc Lamey had to drive herself to the hospital with Trot I think? And then cried when Clot was born because she didn't want her around Greg.
So I think it's safe to say no, he was not there for their births.
No. 716383
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>>716364You can still report people regardless if you can’t see their tweets. Twitter is weird but they also know that people will go private to say dumb shit.
Here’s more dumb tweets.
No. 716384
>>716380I dunno all the answers to your questions, but iirc, when Lainey fell pregnant with their second she told Greg and he simply responsed 'Congratulations' without even looking at her - eyes were stuck to his computer screen. He didnt give a shit at all.
I think that came out in a text conversation between Lainey and someone, if someone might have caps of it.
No. 716388
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No. 716392
>>716390wtf. I didn't know that it was actually in one of her vids, I couldnt remember where I heard it just that it came from somewhere definite and credible.
That is so so pathetic. He has really fucked up her view of what a healthy connection/relationship is.
No. 716393
She drove herself to the hospital while going into labor with Clot. I think Sarah went to see her.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 716394
She drove herself to the hospital while going into labor with Clot. I think Sarah went to see her.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 716399
>>716338Does this mean he finally gave up and is stuck with his manwife forever?
This is good news honestly. Those two deserve each other, and I hope they no longer go chasing for other girls only to end up hurting them.
Could also just be a facade so no one will suspect them as they keep finding
victims though.
But I really do hope this is the end of them bringing in new girls into their lives. Sure they'll still be shitty people, but it's just going to be a contained, shitty corner of the internet until it rots off.
Without new influx of girls, they are just trolls who will eventually be forgotten.
lainey will be stuck with the abuser she chose to live with for the rest of her life, and greg will hate his every existence of it, while pretending online that they are both so happy together and "we sure showed YOU haters!".
No. 716401
>>716399Sadly it doesn't mean this. They have both said 'we're not poly, we're not getting another girlfriend' before. After the Billie thing, I think?
I think before it was more a way of Greg trying to appease an immensely jealous Lainey. This time, I would imagine it's a bit of that, and also trying to throw people off the scent and hoping people think it means everything about Sarah is lies.
They will carry on, and unless they get chucked offline or go to prison, there will be similar drama in max a couple of years. Maybe a lot less. They WILL do this again, mark my words. Greg can't help himself at all, he's an actual fuck up, and Lainey can't help following Greg because she is too.
No. 716407
>>716399I don't think so, this isn't the first time they claimed to not be looking for a third in their relationship. Especially Lainey has been very vocal about wanting to have a monogamous relationship, but now we learned that they were just waiting for Sarah to turn 18 at the very same time. They always do this to make it seem like every girl that gets involved in their sick trinity fantasy is a homewrecker and they never had the intention to include them anyway.
It's always the same. They invite a vulnerable girl, Greg cheats on Lainey, they blame the girl, kick her out and tell everyone that she tried to ruin their marriage and when the girl fights back, Greg goes on to say she's just bitter because they rejected her. And honestly, as long as not one of them goes to jail, I fear this will happen again.
No. 716430
>>716393That's so horrible. I know she's a terrible person, but fuck me, what husband intentionally lets his wife drive alone to the hospital? What if she had complications on the way there? It's not even like he had a job outside the house & got there ASAP. And he wonders why we call him a sociopath.
And you just KNOW he trotted out the line 'Pregnancy is not an illness, you know' when he didn't want to help her with shit.No Gerg, it isn't, but it IS a medical condition that can come with a litany of health issues, regardless of how healthy your diet/weight is. Morning sickness,preeclampsia,spinal pain,edema.You just KNOW he was the asshole who never stood for heavily pregnant women on public transport(oh that's right, much environmentalist/very vegan Gerg is too good to reduce his carbon footprint by taking the train & has to buy a fucking Tesla instead.)God, he's such an emotional vampire.
No. 716434
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No. 716436
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No. 716440
>>716436Ah now, in that bottom picture, you have to ask yourself…
Is he looking at his phone, or his penis? What is more likely here?
I mean, it's a toss up - he is outside a school here. The fucking nonce.
No. 716446
>>716399I also agree that this isn’t the end. No matter what, Greg is not going to settle for just lainey for the rest of his life as much as she wants that.
I feel like the options are (1) this a phase until the heat dies down and they can start looking again
(2) him saying “they” will no longer be poly is a wording thing aka giving up on the trinity and Greg alone will be allowed girlfriends in private (after all with Sarah they at least dropped the charade and just had Greg date her)
(3) they find someone who is so vulnerable they know they can take advantage without any fear of being publicly exposed.
That or Greg cheats/they divorce after the youngest turns 18 and Greg finds a new teenager.
Lainey tried putting him on a leash when it came to having a girlfriend but she has never really had a say. He does what he wants and she takes it.
No. 716451
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Looks like him in his ugly v-neck shirt
No. 716460
>>716452If the locals are talking about it on FB anyway, I hope someone in those groups at least reassures the parents they don't have to be worried about their very young elementary kids (and only any older teens they may have). He wont go for the little ones, and it kinda sucks to think they might take their kids out of school or something if they panic a lot, thinking he targets kids of that age.
or maybe im just soft idk but you know how parents can really panic
No. 716479
>>716460I don’t think parent would pull their kids from a school but they still should be wary with their young kids. I don’t think he will try to sleep with a young kid but he’s shown a capacity to groom young kids.
His house is set up like a poor man’s neverland ranch to start and seems like it’s set up to entice young people. Even if he won’t offend with a 12 year old, they might want to be at their house to play the newest PlayStation/Xbox/whatever with uncle Greg who will be more than happy to foster a relationship with them until he can legally sleep with them.
No. 716481
>>716471If Karla Holmka can have her kids in a school and be involved in a school, I really don't think they'll have his kids removed, especially since he's not a registered sex offender or anything like that.
If anything MAYBE they'll make it so, someone else can pick up the kids? I don't know.
No. 716499
>>716460>>716484Jimmy's overreaction to anything child-related and his obsession with hentai with child characters - it's very likely prepubescent children are his primary attraction. This is the tard who wouldnt change an infant's fucking diaper guys - he's definitely into actual kids.
He could be so defensive about keeping his sexuality contained to the pubescent/teen range because in his twisted mind he's an actual hero for doing so, making such a huge "sacrifice".
Shi mentioned he showed her hentai of an underage girl being raped like immediately didnt she?
Let's just hope he keeps it contained. It's really upsetting
No. 716509
>>716484Well shit dude, you could be attracted to preprubescent children for all we know, but that's no reason to panic parents around you is it?
There is no evidence that Greg diddles little kids. It doesn't make what he does any better, and they should worry about any older siblings around him from what the evidence shows he goes for, but theres still no reason yet to believe he targets younger than teens.
Honestly I think to spout BS like this that has no evidence just to make Greg sounds 'worse' for your own kicks dampens the serious of the actual issue of him grooming teens, that we have actual evidence of him doing, and also makes the speaking out about it sound like more BS.
If you start telling people that he fiddles tiny kids, it will get focused on, then all people have to do is see there is NO evidence for that and that it is literally BS you pulled out your arse, and conclude all this 'hate' towards Onision are just lies from internet retards
So please, just stop with that BS. Parents dont have to worry about their 7 year olds, jesus.
No. 716532
>>716338This is borderline hate mail and is pretty creepy
Imagine Tweeting this hateful garbage out when you
know the cops are watching you. Very confident or very dumb.
No. 716565
>>716551I think if that happened Greg would likely divorce her the next time they flew someone in because he wouldn’t have any legal responsibilities to her anymore. He could start fresh. Lainey might feel safe as long as she never says no to him but narcs like him can flip it off like a switch.
>>716536Good point. Isolation is a key component to keeping people trapped.
No. 716591
>>716532It's bait, don't bother giving it any attention.
Also he doesn't think the cops are watching him. He's already said he thinks the girls haven't/won't call the police.
No. 716594
>>716399>Could be a facade so no one will suspect them Of course it's a facade. Just like he's pretending he's only interested in 18+ age. He's been doing the same shit his entire life, he's the same person he's always been, he'll never change. Everything he tries to do to make it seem like he's changed or that he's somehow different is him trying to manipulate public perception.
>>716407>Lainey has been very vocal about wanting a monogamous relationshipSince when has Grub cared about what Lainey thinks?
No. 716602
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No. 716606
Waiting for another onion sperg about women being whores
No. 716608
>>715992That was posted in the last thread. They did a good job.
>>715989He controls all of her sm so I'm bettting it was his idea.
No. 716616
>>716180>>716252I think they know by now that Lainey's a lost cause. She, like her husband, loves dysfunction and unhealthy relationships, is a perpetual
victim, etc. My only issue is I was hoping they'd get custody of the kids, but the day's still young.
>>716212More like Grog is isolating her like he's always done and she doesn't have the backbone to contest it.
No. 716618
>>716617They knew what Greg was from the start, her Dad especially was completely against everything. Greg and Lainey did get married in secret initially.
My guess is that they are perhaps very very sad for their daughter, see it as Greg completely corrupting her, perhaps see her as a
victim still. Again only saying that based on her parents apparent reaction about Greg grooming and luring Lainey from the very start. Can't blame them for that if so, they are her parents and probably remember her as the normal little girl she once was because she met Greg
No. 716619
>>716479I would put
nothing past him. If 10 year olds were legal, he'd go for them because he uses the State as a metric for ethics like the retard with no scruples that he is.
No. 716630
>>716451That syphilitic reddish hue on the face, totally different shade from the pale chest/neck. Looks familiar.
>>716479>His house is set up like a poor man’s neverland ranch I don't know about the new house but the McMansion definitely was.
No. 716634
>>716099He's not going to learn shit until he's underneath a jail, even then the only thing he cares about learning is how better to manipulate people and cover up his
abusive, evil behavior.
Whenever Sarah lets loose he disappears or shuts up for a little while, but like a cockroach hiding from the light, he always reemerges when the coast is clear. If you can call privating all your sm reemerging, that is. kek
No. 716635
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>>716484>He did say that he is attracted to undeveloped bodies>>716499>This is the tard who wouldnt change an infant's fucking diaper guys - he's definitely into actual kids.>Shi mentioned he showed her hentai of an underage girl being rapedIt was a 16 year old character from a video game, FFVII, the same game he tweeted about just yesterday.
No. 716648
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>>716635Pretending he has basic human empathy. More manipulation.
I think Skye's comment can be taken as a reference to Sicesca.
No. 716657
>>716648>the planet protecting itself /sniff/That's just him getting off on the massive human casualities. We all know he has no regard for human life, he certainly doesn't possess the requried conscience. His misanthropy has always been obvious.
He's barely human anymore anyway.
No. 716715
>>715896That is the most "on autopilot" fucking selfie I've ever seen.
Tinfoil: she's just wearing the airpod as a trendy accessory, it probably isn't even functional.
No. 716732
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No. 716736
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No. 716739
>>716732jesus fucking christ. all he's provided as "evidence" and "faxxx" against these allegations are his own words in twitter spergs.
Ffs gurg, provide some verifiable screenshots or emails or actual LEGAL documents like your accusers have provided. You haven't done that because you are absolutely aware that your conduct is disgusting, and cannot provide any proof otherwise. Dumbass.
No. 716744
>>716732>>716736The chick who claimed she was suing him wasn't one of his survivors so she's irrelevant, but he'll keep vague posting about it and lump her in with the women
who've actually come forward with receipts because he thinks it makes him look better. His brainlet manipulations only work on underdeveloped minds.
No. 716746
>>716321>>716322>>716383It's almost like pandering to the big brain MRA "all women are holes" crowd, attempting to get their attention and favor except all of his sm is either
privated or otherwise heavily censored (comments, likes/dislikes disabled) and almost all of his followers are either anti-O's or teenage/mentally stunted girls. Everyday he just screeches into a void, it's pathological.
No. 716748
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Thanks James, very cool!
No. 716750
>>716748This dude literally views the world through a fucking 15 year old's eyes.
I love how he puts so much hope into the law until they eventually fuck him over.
I can't wait until Onision gets into some type of run in(we know he will) then he'll be like, "Fuck the police"
I feel someone making a video of all these
victim-blaming tweets, would really work it's magic on this asshole.
However, Onison is so dead as a creator and internet personality that the only reason he doesn't get huge backlash is because no one gives to damn what he's fucking doing, people forgot about him.
No. 716751
>>715437Almost every video he makes is a veiled lament about his tiny penis and sexual inadequacy.
>>716602It's like the guys who overcompensate by buying a Ferrari but Grub can't afford that, so instead he reeees into a camera all day long. Just wow.
No. 716754
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>>715555(video via Aldii)
His only reason for marrying Skye was so he could use her to get a few extra shekels from the military. He's never loved anyone. Every relationship he's ever had was based solely on what he thought he could predatorily or parasitically
use that person for. He's a user, abuser and pathological liar who only ever does something nice when it's convenient for him, it's called manipulation.
No. 716755
>>716748Uhohbro!! You aren't a cop or a lawyer.
You don't care about justice.
That 142 IQs tho aM SmArTs
No. 716758
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Saged for samefagging but why does Gerg sound like he’s reciting Tommy Wiseau’s The Room?
No. 716762
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>>716321>>716322Reading these really takes me back to that b thread.
>I'm such a victim of the evil vaginas!>I've pleasured them for 15mins with my micro-peen!>Defend me fellow incels!>I'll let you watch my autistic videos for FREE! No. 716775
>>716766I guess teh haturz do benefit him in some way - the 140 IQ, 2.6 HS GPA/college dropout, never-read-a-book-in-his-life-but-wrote-wattpad-tier-books wunderkind expands his vocabulary. We should be proud to educate such an exceptionally smart individual. Kek.
No. 716787
>>716471If enough parents become involved, possibly petition, the school may see fit to ask gurg to reschool their child in the interest of the child not being ostracized
by the other children. Which they will be, soon as the kids are old enough to know whats happening it's game over for his son. Very sad future ahead for his kids.
>>716481 Can we go one thread without you mentioning Karla? Move on ffs, it's been like six threads in a row.
No. 716795
>>716509I feel like it's completely fair for locals to worry about their children. He's said straight weird things about kids in the past. Refusing to change the diaper of Madison's daughter as a result of having assigned sexuality to her, an infant, comes to mind. He rationalized it by saying he didn't want the internet to see him as a pedophile, as if it were a completely normal and
valid reason to leave a baby he had agreed to watch in a shitty diaper. Who thinks this way!? I think this situation perfectly illustrates my overall point.
Whether she's a baby, a child, a teenager, or an adult, Greg is hyper-fixated on her sexuality. Sexuality he either grossly exaggerates or outright invents. It's disturbing beyond words.
We've seen this play-out for years. Think about how he talks about women/girls. Think about how he treats them in his skits. Think about how he treats actual women in his life. Girlfriends, wives, even his mom and sisters. His cousin, who he kissed in her sleep and later brushed it off as "teenage boy hormones." Girls, women…they are little more than what they can or can't do for his baby carrot. Whether he wants to admit it or not, it's what he's shown us for more than a decade.
Shiloh said he puts everything in a sexual context to the point of making her uncomfortable. She said she didn't even like watching movies with him for this reason. We've seen that behavior, too.
I feel like someone as perverse and predatory as Greg should absolutely be considered dangerous and I'm so glad he's facing real life consequences for all the harm he's done and for all the harm is very capable of doing.
No. 716796
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>>716732>>716736>>716748 No one believes you greg. You've been proven time and time again to be a lying narc with no credibility whatsoever.
>>716321>>716320>>716322Let's see how fast it will take him to do a 180.
>I never made those tweets!>haturz just used those to make me look bad No. 716809
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No. 716811
>>716804Every single one of the girls rejected him. All of those relationships ended with Greg begging for them back, and them saying 'fuck no'.
Greg uses 'break ups' to try and guilt/put fear into his partners, and so try and control them and make them do exactly what he says to avoid more break ups and anger from Greg. Every single one of those women wised up to it, and finally rejected Greg during one of his lovebombing/reconciliation phases. They're never real break ups on Gregs part, just a tactic - he expects them to come back to him every time and gets shocked when they don't.
He ignores the fact he begged (and I mean legit begged) for them back after 'breaking up' with them, when he tries to brush it all off as a bunch of rejected women. So its no surprise he's ignoring Maya and Luxy too
No. 716814
>>716809Well of course he's done with a poly relationship.. again.. because while they took the poly option off their gay ass "relationship board" (don't even get me started on that nonsense) they were both fucking Sarah. The problem now is the only real person wanting to join is McFly and she's far too old, fat, and mexican for Greg to want to fuck. His paranoia about another Vix is ruining his chances with another teen girl. The shit show is entertaining, he's so sexually frustrated right now and it's soooo obvious. Taylor isn't a fuckbunny, I doubt she even has a sex drive much less one high enough to deal with Greg's sex addiction issues.
If Sarah still lurks, is Greg as splotchy and red irl or is it just anons having fun with photoshop? Please tweet yes or no.
No. 716816
>>716814How does she know whether to tweet yes or no when you didn't ask a yes or no question??
YES for red splotchy ogre greg
NO for greg actually normal coloured greg
No. 716817
>>716814How about the 10.000 videos where they talked about "Would Grack and Footface date you?" and all that shit. How in his right mind does he think he can deny all the shit now? The evidence is friggin' overwhelming.
And if those cops got off their fat lazy asses, took the donut out their mouth for just one second and hauled their asses in it would finally be over and done with.
No. 716819
>>716393this is one of the saddest things i've ever seen said about lainey. the fact that she knew greg was such an awful person and made her feel so…whatever during what is already an emotional, stressful time for any woman that she preferred to deliver cloey alone and in peace, with only sarah for company later is just tragic. it really is. and then she turns around and treats sarah like used tissue paper and all my feelings of pity for her go right out the window.
how she could do what she did to sarah, knowing everything she knew about her shithead husband? i'm sorry but it makes me hate her.
No. 716821
>>716436Honestly, this is magical. The best thing anyone could have hoped for is that normie mums turned their eye to him. He will never be left alone now and he will always be viewed critically by these women, no matter what age their daughters are. This will ruin his life (such as it is) in Washington, unless he moves again. Once a group of mothers thinks you're a pervert, you're a pervert forever. End of.
Does anyone have more screenshots from this group? Curious to see exactly what they know about him.
No. 716826
>>716509I keep seeing a variant of this lately on LC and wanted to bring it up. There's a common theme running through a lot of the more fucked up cow threads here that we should be very careful how we talk about them. That we 'shouldn't say X because it might not be true.' That it just 'makes us look bad' and the cow will laugh 'because we'll believe anything.' Here we see that 'everyone will think that it's just lies from internet retards' - really? Doesn't look like it from where I sit. Looks like Greg's life is effectively over, to me. The only people he interacts with are paypigs. Who cares if the cow laughs? Who cares if we sometimes get shitty information? The cow can laugh at a bunch of anons on the internet all they want, the fact remains that in Greg's case, his life is on display because he put it there and because he wants to fuck and discard underage girls. Along with the expressed concern that he wants us all to know he isn't a pedophile.
Who cares if a deviant shut-in like Greg laughs at them? Literally no one.
Knowing what we do about Greg, that concern about pedo shit is a giant red flag. Apart from everything else, he's a malignant narc and those people aren't healthy to have around your kids anyhow. At any age. So it's great that these mothers have an eye on him. He wanted to be famous, now he really is. Sorta.
No. 716836
>>716826It's not about 'the cow laughing'. Tbh it's not even about unecessarily worrying parents and them - again unecessarily - taking their kids out of the school or some shit.
It's mostly about how saying 'Greg targets young kids' is downright fucking stupid.
He doesn't. He likes his teen fans. Anyone who says him targetting younger kids is a genuine concern is being fucking stupid, and that level of stupid is annoying.
No. 716838
>>716795idk if parents are more chill these days but when i was a kid we had one family none of the moms liked just because the dad was a weird gun nut/prepper type.
I honestly think it would be normal for parents to be uncomfortable with him just based on the content he puts out on his own, nevermind the gossip. i mean, in almost all of his videos he's either hypersexual/excessively vulgar, shooting people in the head or screeching like a retard. i don't think i'd want that to sit next to me at a pta meeting.
No. 716844
>>716795honestly, remembering my mom in the PTA they talk about EVERYTHING. 0 chance that the moms have gossiped about it and not at least google'd the guy. if they watch any one of his videos (plus if you search onision in youtube, his channel is like the 6th result. all these "onision is
problematic" videos pop up first) they'd see the amount of violence, pure hatred of women, and general fucked up thinking in there and avoid him like the ogre he is.
No. 716847
>>716846I am kinda angry about it when having to trawl though that BS on here, because it's stupid, and the actual concern is serious enough to be getting on with.
What actually happened, what there is actually evidence for, is gonna be clouded by all these ridiculous claims that Greg is preying on 5 year olds or some shit.
Further, I can't help picturing a bunch of stupid kids thinking they're so clever for trying to out Greg as a pedo who targets little kids, getting all hormonal and wound up and dramatic about it all keyboard-warrior, when in reality it sounds utterly retarded to anyone with half a brain cell.
Yet the retarded kids carry on tinfoiling about greg and pre-pubescents. For no real reason. I read that shit and it actually astounds me that someone could be so fucking dumb. And yeah, thats annoying, and people should stop being annoying and stupid.
No. 716850
>>716848I'm popping on and off as I please. I don't care about 'twitter and locals' or what they're doing, I'm talking in terms of this thread. I'm pointing out how annoying it is for people in this thread to be banging on about ridiculous shit, and generally be acting like retards, and why it is.
It absolutely baffles me that people are stuck on this 'greg likes 5 year olds!' thing. I mean, do they seriously not realise how fucking dumb it sounds?
Greg likes his teen fan girls. That's bad. Either one or both him and Lainey should be in jail. I have zero idea where this 'THINK OF THE CHILDREN' shit came from - tbh probably onion fans trying to muddy the waters with stuff that sounds obviously ridiculous, is my best guess. And you guys bit because, again, fucking stupid.
No. 716851
>>716850Jesus Christ, take a break from the internet/LC if shit gets your feathers this indignantly ruffled
If you have issues with what's allowed to say, take it up with management. If you want a ban on calling the onions pedos or talking about any other 'ridiculous shit', suggest that on /meta/ or keep it to yourself.
No. 716854
>>716850tbf tho there are a few concerning things about Greg's interaction with very small children.
Like the whole Madison's kid's diaper situation, and the lengths he went to defending himself not wanting to change the diaper because he isn't a pedo.
Or the fact that he refuses to talk to his own daughter, a situation eerily similar to how he felt he needed to treat Sarah like shit because she was underage.
Or his whole story about how he was working at a daycare and a bunch of little girls ripped his shirt off (or that he was working at a daycare in the first fucking place, what 18 year old fresh out of high school decides to do that instead of flipping burgers or something.
I would also add that it's really weird how he never refers to his children as "his", it;s always "a child was crying" or "lainey had a baby" or "sam had to go because a child's hand was slapped", but I don't know if that's detachment for pedo reasons or that he just doesn't want to be seen as a dad by his teenage fans.
No. 716866
>>716854I mean, I, with you but 18-year-olds DEFINITELY Work at Daycares, in Greg's case it's a little fishy but someone fresh out of school, would probably take whatever they can.
There's nothing fishy about an 18-year-old or even someone younger working at a daycare.
No. 716867
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He really is cracking. Jesus Christ his narc rage is at an all time high.
No. 716868
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No. 716869
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No. 716870
>>716867He thinks it's okay to tell
victims what they said happened, didn't because they didn't go to the police.
I'm done calling out his hypocrisy, he's really trolling at this point. He's a fucking idiot.
No. 716874
>>716850I've read a total of 0 comments saying that Greg targets 5 year olds.
The overall point is that Greg dangerously over-sexuaizes women and girls of ALL ages (even babies) and has done so publicly. I think it's fair to assume that what he says or feels privately makes him dangerous enough for the community to be concerned.
Also, like Anon said upthread, there's no evidence that parents being worried for their community/anons tinfoiling has at all harmed the #DeplatformPredators movement whatsoever. We don't need anyone uninformed to believe any of what's come out about Greg based on the good-name and reputation of the movement alone. We have years worth of footage from Greg himself. We have tweets from him as well. The survivors have screenshots. There's so much proof. Nothing is going to lessen the destruction of Grugly's life, even if it doesn't implode all at once.
If the parents in his community are overly panicked or become that way, good. Greg deserves every negative consequence that may arise, even those which may seem a bit extreme. He's a literal monster and will do this again and again as he feels he has done nothing wrong.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 716885
>>716868If what he did with Sarah was totally okay why does he refuse to acknowledge that they dated and lump them into the category of “other exes?”
It’s almost like he’s scared to admit that he had sex with a freshly 18 year old that he knew since she was a child and tried to hide it because it’s bad or something. Hm wonder why.
If he has nothing to hide and is in the right, he should be comfortable telling people he and Sarah dated.
No. 716915
>>716910And we’ve seen actual proof/emails/texts from Skye, Billie and Sarah asking for them to come back.
What proof has he shown?
That’s right. None.
No. 716920
>>716874Also, like, to a parent, it's not going to matter much if Onion wants to sleep with 5-year-olds vs 14-year-olds. There is no goddamn way in hell most parents would be okay with letting Onion near their elementary school child because "oh, he won't want to sleep with them until
after they hit puberty, so it's fine for now." A predator is a predator, a minor-fucker is a minor-fucker, and as far as parents in his community are going to be concerned, it doesn't matter where on that scale he falls. Frankly, most people shouldn't get wrapped up on discussing the nuances of what age he prefers to prey upon, because no matter what, the answer is "minors."
Also, grooming is a thing. Even if Onion doesn't necessarily want to sleep with pre-pubescent kids, there's nothing to suggest that he wouldn't start grooming them young, so that when they are his preferred age, they'll sleep with him.
>>716913The violence in his skits is certainly…suspicious. But, as much as Greg wants everyone to believe he's a sociopath because it makes him feel all uwu death note or whatever, he's mostly just a dumb-as-fuck narcissist, so it's hard to say how much of it is a manifestation of violent thoughts/a power play vs. "look at me I'm so special and smart and uwu death note"
No. 716926
>>716154>>716874Can you fucking show me where he overly sexualizes kids of ALL ages including fucking babies?? Greg is sexually attracted to teenagers, that’s the only fact we know through undeniable events and witnesses, and thus only thing to be presented as fact.
Or are you suggesting that we should TWIST and Exaggerate the truth because the end justify the means?? That strategy sounds like some we know, doesn’t it??
God I hate you sensationalist vendetta fucktards.
>>716926hewwo grog
He used to look at loli hentai and theres the stream of him looking at futa loli hentai and the character clearly looked like a 5 yearold
i think he just has the issues of sequalizing everything
like the multiple times he talks about WANTING TO FUCK AN AIRPLANE and imagining tits on it
>>716920>Also, like, to a parent, it's not going to matter much if Onion wants to sleep with 5-year-olds vs 14-year-olds.Exactly. Parents dropping their kids off might also have their 16 and 17 year old dropping off their younger siblings and would be terrified of their young teenagers being exposed to a mid 30s greasy predator with no real job. Not to mention the fact that Greg is an R. Kelly type that tries to shut off young women from their families.
I'm not one for calling Greg a child molester, but I have no doubt that he would be trying to lure girls in their tweens as long as they started puberty if it wasn't seen as clear cut illegal. He likes blurred lines to get away with liking high school girls.
>>716923It would have been a 21 year old he groomed. Someone that's old enough to drink wants to party and live out their 20s with friends and Greg is fucking boring with his vegan burgers and watching early 2000s anime. He needs them to be young enough to be impressed that he can offer them freedom. A 21 year old already has that.
No. 716947
>>716937they may not be able to do anything, but the added local pressure will make them more uncomfortable, methinks. walking around and wondering if the people around me know i'm a fucking deviant would probably suck.
though i wouldn't have gone that route myself, i am glad locals are being notified.
if i was a parent and i found out my kid was at a sleepover at their house and i didn't know they were fucking deviants i would be so mad at myself for putting my kids in that situation. then i might want to warn others so they don't put their kid in that situation and also find out about it after the fact and feel like the world's worst parent, too.
No. 716951
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>>716867>>716868>>716869Awwww Grug where did all those pos vibes go? Now your back to calling people cunts and morons to try and assert your tard dominance over us? You would think somebody with an IQ of 142 would be able to come up with a better solution kek.
You don't have any "scorned exes" , you have
victims of your grooming, gaslighting, and autistic rage. It's funny how you have no family or friends that are willing to stand up for your character besides Foot and Billie the Fuckwit. Keep screaming into the void dumbass.
No. 716960
>>716867>>716868>>716869At the end of the day he has no one but himself to blame. This all came to light because he accused the wrong person of raping him/them.
Also, yeah - there's not much evidence that Jimmy did anything illegal
this time - but there's plenty of evidence that Kainey did and he's just going to pussy out of addressing any of that.
No. 716978
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>>716971greg posted them to twitter like that, screenshots from a writing app or something
No. 717002
>>716884I'm seriously wondering how anyone still enjoys his content. All he did in this video is justifying his stepmom fetish, sexually assaulting his cousin (saying people on the internet don't know what it's like to go through puberty…wat) and fapping to pictures of Skye's sister.
Everything he does is directed towards his hAtErS and it's the same thing over and over again. By now, even watching Lainey vaping for the first time for the 50th time would be more interesting.
No. 717021
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He deleted this one
No. 717048
>>716910>i guess being called a pedo really upsets him. it'd be a shame if people did it more.Look I hate the narcissistic, degenerate motherfucker as much as the next moralfag, but don't do this. He's a legalistic petty fuck who LOVES to remind everyone there's no evidence he's the dictionary definition of a pedo (attracted to prepubescent children). We DO have evidence he is an ephebophile (15-19) and possibly a hebephile (11-14) with a thirst for skinny, underdeveloped teenagers. I know most y'all use 'pedo' in its most general catch all sense- being attracted to minors-but Gurg is such a petty mofo,with his hard-on for dictionary definitions he's gonna use the subtle distinctions to scream into the void & avoid responsibility.The idiot doesn't grok that just because a post-pubescent teenager can be penetrated without risk of medical injury doesn't mean they're adults who are ready for sexual relationships with much older adults. At nearly 34 he is almost TWICE Sarah's age!!!(Boy I am REALLY sick of sickos like Greg using the 'I like tits so I can't be a pedo' line.) Call him what he is-a manchild ephebophile who likes adolescents & can't deal with any woman over 20 unless he can use them for something apart from spinning on his dick.(Money,child-minding, avoiding alimony,luring younger girls) He wants FAX!!! Give Creepy Samuel Johnson(look it up Gurg) the FAX. He's an
abusive,controlling THIRTY THREE YEAR OLD creepy grooming ephebophile who takes advantage of girls under 20.
Sarah: 18
They all leave the relationships suffering the effects of extreme sexual verbal & emotional abuse & his controlling, isolating behaviours.
Call him an ephebophile. That's what he is.
No. 717057
>>717053It just frustrates me when y'all call him a pedo. He USES this against his critics to deflect/derail.
He's an ephebophile. Call him an ephebophile.
No. 717059
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>>716884im crying because the drawing he has framed looks like a dead ringer for chad meme, and greg has his Chadsona in his books
beautiful stuff
No. 717095
>>717085The only ammo that he has is for those guns that someone should probably take off him
Every Tweet, post and video he posts just makes him look worse at this point.
No. 717098
>>717085>It gives him ammo. So what? If he wants to keep screeching on and attempting to defend himself online or in videos, let him. That’s just more milk.
We aren’t in some autistic war or debate with him. It’s not our job to “warn the internet” about him. Anyone who is left supporting him is going to support him regardless.
No. 717135
>>716884So did him and Lainey ever address them drinking Kombucha and smoking ~herbal cigarettes~?
Also I didnt have the patience to sit through the whole video, does anyone have a list of the porn he describes?
>hentai were a mom and aunt fight over the son (he definitely lied about it being an adult)>red riding hood beastiality rape hentaiI'm curious because he said Overwatch in the description.
No. 717154
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>>717077>Oh, for fuck’s sake, nobody wants to have the pedophile/ephebophile nonsense discussion. Greg does love hiding behind his definitions but fair enough. Would a shoop of Dr James 'Samuel Johnson' Jackson make amends?
No. 717159
>>716264But imagine all of the teen sisters and potential
victims that the young children may bring with them
No. 717170
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No. 717172
>>717170Lol, wtf is that look on his face. Put a shirt on Jimmy.
>>717156I agree. + This is also about his wife. When's either one of them going to address she exchanged nudes with an actual minor?
No. 717183
>>717170Is his arm paralyzed or something kek.
>>717048Can't forget the video of him saying that he was attracted to Alicia when she was 15. No. 717186
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>>717179Just about fell out of my chair. That is amazing.
No. 717194
>>717123>thinking of Onision as a person with a rational thought process is a mistakeI question the intelligence of anyone who still does that at this point. Some people mistake his never ending self serving,
abusive behaviors as him displaying something resembling sanity and reason.
No. 717196
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Look's like someone is mad that his """statement""" didn't go well with anyone
No. 717214
>>717135It was the longest ~20min video I've ever had the displeasure of watching. He doesn't go into details about the porn but mentions having an authority figure fetish, ie teachers, and also talks about some hentai between a mom, aunt and son. Also:
>Internet culture is a bunch of teens doing dumb shit and dads looking up "wolves fucking adult red riding hoods"Nice projection there, Greg. Not everyone's as degenerate as you.
No. 717228
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>>716867>>716868>>716869And he's a proven pathological liar digging his grave deeper everyday. Take out your tampon Grub, before you stain your undies.
No. 717230
>>716826>He wanted to be famous, now he really is.He's not famous, he's
infamous. This shit will follow him for the rest of his miserable pedo life too.
No. 717238
>>717095THANK YOU
>>717218Some anons got into a conniption over this several threads back. Gregory is a grown man of 2 children who has a long history of preying on and abusing underage/teenage girls, who gives a fuck if people call him a pedophile?
>>717057>he uses this against his critics to deflectA moot point. He also likes to reeee about people not calling Lainey a man or using that stupid trans animu name of hers, no one cares. They're BOTH pedophiles, the end.
No. 717239
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>>717218>it's fucking disgusting and sick either way.Of course wanting to fuck minors of any age is gross. But Gerg doesn't get that a post-pubescent adolescent ISN'T an adult.The term ephebophile isn't being used to here to imply it's any better than wanting small kids.It's simply a way of saying,'No Gerg, that's equally gross and there's a name for that.'
Anyway, call him want you want.Pedo, epheb,IDC. We can all agree he's an
abusive predatory dickhead without getting into semantics.
On a lighter note, Queen Morges is about to drop Part 2 on Onion Boy.
(derailing about semantics) No. 717243
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No. 717244
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Skye goes in on PredatorGuyKrai
No. 717253
File: 1570685822811.webm (1.65 MB, 1280x720, Psycho PWND.webm)
Let us remember that Andy Biersack is one of many who knows a psychopath when he sees one. Clock's ticking Grub.
No. 717262
>>717085maybe try thinking of it this way. he's a narc that's consistently correcting people that he's "not technically a pedophile", but an ephebophile. why would you want to give a narc what he wants? he gets off on it, maybe as much as fucking minors. we shouldn't be validating his shitty attempt at a justification in calling him what he wants. in the eyes of laypeople that don't give a shit about the technical definitions of people who want to fuck minors, he's a pedophile. and we should refer to him as such because it gets his diaper in a twist.
>>717244makes me wonder if kainey specifically got that psych degree to be clued in on just how much she can psychologically fuck up all the minors she's been sexting.
No. 717263
>>717262Nah that would be giving PedoGuyKai too much credit.
Most likely she went into psych like most freshmen because it was fun, interesting and she was '''good at it.''' Not realizing that everyone thinks/feels that way when they first get into college/uni, or that you need at least a masters to get anywhere in the field lol. Essentially, being the basic bitch that she is.
No. 717264
>>717263>>717262seconded. i don't think lainey is that clever lol
she'll also prob never do anything with her useless bachelor in psych
No. 717271
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Did anyone already mention that after not doing anything for a month, Lainey is now apparently begging for even more stuff on patreon?
Her patrons must feel so privileged, having access to this amazing exclusive content.
No. 717272
>>717262This, a thousand times. Who cares if Greg latches on to technicalities? What does it change? What does he win over us? He's never going to stop doing whatever he wants, because he's a narcissist (in this case, minor-fucking), and everyone else will continue to find him predatory for it. There's no winning with a narcissist, because he will continue to find "technicalities" no matter what anyone says.
Being called a pedophile bothers him, which is all the more reason to do it.
>>717263Yeah, she doesn't exactly seem like the kind of gal to think ahead. After all, unlike her husband, she didn't carefully plan out her minor-fucking and got caught doing a few things explicitly illegal. Not to mention, when she started university, she was only 18, which is a bit young to be considered a predator for dating people still in high school.
No. 717275
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all the abusive behaviour in the OfFiCiAl sTaTeMeNt
No. 717294
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(1/2) any bets how long his absence from twitter will last?
No. 717295
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(2/2) if he is this delusional and honeslty believes all this, then I think he needs serious and urgent psychiatric help
No. 717297
>>717295So basically he's pulling a goff granny Raven. "If you want drama about me you will have to pay for it to see it". See how well that worked out for her, Greg? You want to trade your split level trailor for an actual trailor?
Poor Greg, he's just going to disappear with a whimper.
No. 717299
>>717294What a shocker. Someone who's prone to a cult like behaviour is narrowing his audience down and making it more of a close circle type of a thing where they can't be "manipulated by outside influences".
I'm so shocked, no one saw this coming.
No. 717300
>>715475I just watched this on the way to work yesterday and there was something I caught that I haven't seen being discussed.
I don't have a screenshot and I'm pretty sure the post has been deleted. But it was a comment on the post someone made to a local Facebook group in Gurp's community. A dude commented and said he was at the same base as Gurp in South Korea and that Gurp just sat at a desk and operated a security gate (kek, badass military special forces cop confirmed) and that everyone hated him and wanted him gone.
In this video, Gurp starts sperging to his retarded character about stalking him in South Korea and then shoots the guy. That seems like a legitimate threat since we know the Waterheaded One has guns in the Swamp Trailer and since that dude is local to Gurp.
I mean, I'd like to see him try to overpower this dude who actually stayed in the Airforce long enough to retire (I creeped his page to see if he was legit and he is.) But nevertheless, to me it seems super concerning that in every video he's just shooting his HaYtUrz. Does it make his man boobs and button feel powerful?
Since Gurp alluded to that guy's comment, it means Gurp saw the Facebook post. I'd bet my left tit that he messaged the admins with ye ol' CYSTTTT N DECEASE!!!!111 sLaNdEr legal threats and the group admins, being uninformed normies, obliged and deleted the post as they don't understand slander laws and aren't informed of Gurp's long history of baseless (and hilarious) legal threats.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 717303
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Does anyone know what video he's talking about here?
No. 717304
>>717271probably because its her birthday this month, the 16th i think. shes so pathetic.
>>717295he will keep posting to twitter, just like when he says 'goodbye.' in his emails, he'll still send another hundred.
No. 717305
>>717303He's fucking RETARDED. She rejected HIM. He begged her to come back and was so desperate for her to return that he sent her like $1,200 for a new passport and travel expenses. Being the boss bitch she is and knowing she would never go back, she pocketed the money! It's fucking hilarious.
In what way is it he who ended the relationship?! He may have tantrums and in a rage, sends these girls home/breaks up with them. But once he calms down, he ALWAYS begs for them back and will try every grimey trick in the book to try and win them over. "I need closure" "come back for just Lainey" "let's be friends" "let's collab" and even outright telling Skye he wants her back and putting it in a way that shows he was SO sure she'd prance right back.
He's so full of shit and it makes me rage that all his platforms are private or behind pay walls to ensure NOBODY can correct him at the source.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 717306
Double posting to add that these emails from him go on and on for YEARS and in Skye and Alicia's case, close to a fucking decade.
Does anyone know if he gets shit on a lot on IG?
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 717312
>>717305him going behind pay walls just makes it obvious that all of the criticism is getting to him. it's great. after years of his bullshit rationalizations and excuses he's seeing consequences for what he's done. his @s must be a never ending scroll of people calling him out on his predatory,
abusive, pedo behavior. he finally crossed the line and bit off more than he can chew, and his ass is raw because of it. his only option is to lock down his social media which hasn't helped and make it so that he's in an echo chamber of people paying him. the best part is being locked down makes it harder for him to reach new potential
victims. some will still get through but this narrows his access a lot.
>>717306no his ig is all girls who don't love themselves and have daddy issues constantly telling him how hot he looks in his filtered to hell and back selfies.
No. 717325
File: 1570716185037.jpeg (58.97 KB, 828x581, D3969AD2-A5A2-4FE9-9A0B-D5FFDC…)

New Instagram name, twitter is still poodleboy
No. 717328
>>717295>Everything most all of them say is literally for cloutNice grammar Grug kek. You know I think the locals becoming aware of him and Foot being predators is what set him off. They have been able to hide behind their internet personas for the most part but now that eyes are on them in the real they are probably starting to lose their shit.
And I say good it's about fucking time. You assholes did this to yourselves, now you're going to be paranoid every time you set foot outside your swamp.
I'm glad your stank ass is leaving Twitter, we are deplatforming you nicely.
No. 717332
>>717312exactly, he acts as though its for privacy or exclusive content but he knows the walls are closing in.
>>717303I love how obsessed he is all while denying hes not…despite having an intense obsession with details he shouldn't even be worried about.
No. 717333
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>>717294Bets on how long?
No. 717335
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>>717295“[You’re weak and] I’ve outgrown you”
Holy fuck, he’s a poor man’s Syndrome. Frankenhead and all.
No. 717336
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>>717325>>717326I could of helped her out.
No. 717337
>>717295Good, he's killing what is left of his online presence. What a win!
I don't know where else these underage fans would be coming from besides twitter. It seems that is where they come from.
Instagram sucks at bringing traffic to your posts, so I hope this is the end of him making money from the internet. Better start applying to Mcdonald's, Gerg.
No. 717343
>>717325well cyanide would be a good option for both her and greg.
anyone willing to sent them some capsules? i'm sure theres some hitler left in WW 2
No. 717348
>>717329ok, sry for being old and retarded but can someone explain to me what the weird tongue out pose she does all the time is? Billie used to do it too, and idk, i find it so weird and unattractive because most of the time when people stick their tongue they do just that
stick their tongue out. Foot seems to do this shit where she lets her limp tong flop out of her mouth like a dead slug and it just makes her look like she's challenged and can't control her mouth parts. is this a "kids these days" thing that i'm missing or an inside joke or…?
No. 717349
>>717331if it's even legit, it's probably just twitterfags.
>>717303i wouldn't be surprised if said vid doesn't even exist, but even if it does, most will still believe sh at this point. after she came out, some people who didn't even believe her prior went, 'i actually believe the seizures were real now' based on what she went through.
and lol at him bumping up the $1100 he gave her to $8k+ in order to villanize her more. he even initially said it was $1700 around the time it happened, according to life of onion.
No. 717353
>>717345So he truly is a cuck.
If its true (and I highly doubt that, i mean when do women in his life ever have time to leave him alone for over 12 seconds?) then great going Shiloh or whoever.
No. 717360
>>717295>>717275Can the awesome psych anon also decode the abuse/manipulation in Sergenstein's goodbye tantrum?
It would be great to have them as real-time current examples of his tactics that could be shared where his dumb fans could see them
No. 717393
>>717391Is it just Gerp's address or is the caller's address included?
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 717396
>>717384I'm listening, not really milky but whoever is making the call reads some of Gregs bdsm tweets to the operator.
>>717393the callers number is read out but the only address is Gregs
No. 717399
>>717396I deleted it for now since the caller's info is included. I know y'all said it isn't milky but I can share it privately with someone who cares to edit that stuff out and repost it.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 717408
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>>716884In this video, Grugly mentions he recently saw a picture of himself with a double chin and is showing that he doesn't ACTUALLY have a double chin. In this pose, he's 100% shoving his tongue to the roof of his mouth. He claims the double chin photo was in some fan art? Methinks he's referring to this screen shot that was taken from a recent Patreon video where he's clearly relaxed, facialy, in his natural state.
So he's been 100% lurking here
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 717415
>>717366I mean, I think it’s clear by now Shi has her own issues, but that doesn’t negate the crazy shit Onion did to her. He may be of the opinion that nothing he did to her counts cause she also did crazy shit, but only his sycophant fangirls should actually buy that garbage.
Since greggles loves his cliche quotes, how bout this one:
“Two wrongs don’t make a right”
No. 717416
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Someone asked for it, so here you guys go.
No. 717464
>>717408its like his manboobs and middle aged gut all over again.
narcs gonna narc
No. 717473
>>717348It originates from the adult sex industry. It's the "waiting for a guy to blow his load in my mouth face". It's meant to be sexy and seductive, instead, it's repulsive.
I imagine a slimeball like Greg enjoys it though.
No. 717482
File: 1570744856509.png (2.22 MB, 1125x2001, D05F95CF-F299-45FB-9366-82E846…)

>> Greg talking about Sarah admitting to using cocaine
Sooooooo everyone is just supposed to believe a simple tweet with no actual concrete evidence when it fits his agenda.
But all the stories, screenshots, etc provided by his victims is OBVIOUSLY made up because of course, they just want to Fuck him. Makes total sense.
Ffs only absolute regards would buy this shut
No. 717491
>>717416Thank you you're the best anon
Damn if only we'd been doing this to all the transcripts for years!
No. 717496
>>717484>>717469We should make a video explaining to white men how to do white men hair
In his retarded hair videos his main criteria for good hair was if he, himself, wanted to run his fingers through it (lol). He must not understand to people above the age of 14, and to those under 14 with any standards, his disgusting rat nest of simultaneously dry/puffy and greasy hair is repulsive and looks like it would be disgusting to touch or smell. He is seriously delusional
>>717482It is so strange how now he's addressing the Sarah situation peripherally, but has yet to mention any of the creepy weirdness of him being like a "foster parent" (said in his own video) and then fucking her. How can he address some of it, but not the glaring giant center? It's so weird. I mean we have multiple videos of him denying it and acting indignant, and the one he made her do herself. Hes honestly too stupid to comprehend
No. 717528
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I don’t think he will mention sleeping with Sarah directly until enough time has passed that he is certain she isn’t pressing charges.
He’s still saying he’s done nothing wrong, so we know how he feels about the situation. But if he really thought it was t suspect/creepy to sleep with your “foster Daugher, little sister” months after she turned 18 he would mention it directly. He knew enough to attempt to keep it a secret from the internet and their real life friends so despite it being “legal” and him feeling like he’s “done nothing wrong”, he still knows the entire thing makes him look bad
No. 717540
>>717462Foreign country?
What are you talking about? He didnt smuggle her anywhere.
No. 717541
>>717540She's Canadian, he took her to America.
That's a foreign country to her.
No. 717557
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>>717344He lives in a fantasy land where he's not a serial abuser/predator/pedophile, just a normal joe "providing for his family." Too bad for him there's so much evidence proving 99% of what he speaks is lies. And now he's so terrified of the truth has to shut down his twitter.
No. 717558
>>717546Tbf age of consent laws are way more complicated than get thrown around by people here and by Greg. It could be argued, under Canadian law, that Shi and Greg's relationship was predatory and therefore violated the laws that allow 16 and 17 year olds to consent. In PA, Greg could be charged with Corruption of Minors. In Washington, however, it was likely fine. He's still a pedo, though.
>>717557more than likely, he's just scared of the consequences. I'm curious to see whether or not Sarah's pressing charges, but knowing it's eating at him makes the wait worth it.
No. 717559
>>717262She's been a
victim (of sorts) all her life, who went on to become a predator. I suspect she had predatory leanings
before getting her psych degree and before meeting Grub. So I don't think your tinfoil is too far off, anon.
>>717284I left for awhile too because it was just the same shit over and over, and I never saw a resolution. Even though Pedosion is still going around in circles as usual, I see an actual resolution happening that involves real world consequences for him.
No. 717563
>>717561>I know he thinks he's Patrick Bateman but he's just a stunted orc-manchild who can't even figure out how to use Turbotax Fair enough, but no one would be surprised if he
did kill someone, just like no one would be surprised if he cruised elementary schools looking for bait. His reputation is a dumpster fire that's going to follow him for the rest of his life.
No. 717566
File: 1570754244743.jpg (168.63 KB, 797x630, Survivor.jpg)

>>717303>>717305It's her word against his, but who's going to believe a confirmed serial abuser and predator? Several women have come forward (mostly with receipts) outing him for the
abusive, predatory, psychopathic scum that he is.
>it makes me rage that all his platforms are private or behind pay walls to ensure NOBODY can correct him at the source.Even if you were to show him the irrefutable evidence proving him a liar, it wouldn't matter because at this point he's suffocating on his own delusions. He'll keep denying and going around in circles until he's in the grave, like a sane person.
No. 717568
>>717496He's incapable of seeing anything from anyone else's perspective. Like that autistic Andy Biersack vid he made where he "raped" Andy's effigy, then Andy's natural response to it
>>717253Grub didn't consider for a second that maybe it was a bad idea. They were never friends, just business associates. Even if he only meant it as a joke (instead of showcasing his gross mental pathology) it's not something a rational, sapient person would ever share with an acquaintance. It reminds me of what Billie said about him showing her the pics of Alicia he still had on his phone within days of meeting her.
No. 717571
>>717328>we are deplatforming you nicely.Someone has to since the downie (oh noes muh hates peach) running Twitter won't do his fucking job. Same goes for Youtube and Patreon.
They're just hypocrites who selectively enforce purposely vaguely worded rules that only benefit people with tons of money or connections.
No. 717572
File: 1570755691600.png (33.6 KB, 588x276, 10-10--2019.PNG)

So that "leaving Twitter" lasted about 14 hours.
No. 717577
File: 1570756489646.png (73.35 KB, 496x702, fb.PNG)

Hes gone from crying on Twitter to sperging on FB. 3 long ass multi-paragraph rants in just one hour. And the comments are being heavily censored.
No. 717586
>>717577>when people dehumanize you, they feel they can justify doing whatever they want to you.Like how he wanted Billie to shave her head, get a "liar" tramp stamp tattoo and chain her to his basement? Or when he stopped in the middle of intercourse with Sh and made her shave her head? But that wasn't dehumanizing in his little pea brain, that was "kinky".
He's constantly accusing other people of shit he's guilty of. So pathetic.
No. 717587
>>717585Lainey was pregnant with Clot when Greg fucked Billie.
>He was dating Shiloh Feb 2011.While online "dating" with Lainey. That's in Lainey's own words. Just like Greg was "emotionally cheating" (his words) with Shiloh when he was married to Skye.
No. 717595
>>717566>>717585>>717587The only time anything he says is believable is when it lines up with what the ladies have said. Gump
has the let the truth slip more than once, same with Lainey.
No. 717599
File: 1570759588221.png (143.97 KB, 688x809, Capture _2019-10-10-23-04-15.p…)

Found this in the comments of one of his posts on Facebook, apparently the moms posted warnings about him in the school page. That's awesome if true
No. 717616
>>717537Yep, he knows. This is just the genius narrative he's decided to push, because in his mind it shifts the blame from him to Kainey.
"Look, I hate teenagers and would never want to even look at them. Look at all the videos I did about despising childrens genitalia - WHY would I say I hate teens and then, like, groom one? Gross! I was super mean to Sarah before she was all 18 and fuckable. My spouse however.."
In his mind it's the perfect plan; Kainey bad, Onionboi good. Onion didn't groom because he was a bully and his videos are 100% proof of his innocense.
No. 717618
File: 1570762714113.jpg (741.6 KB, 1048x1832, PedoGuyKai (Lainey).jpg)

>>717482Aaaand you openly support your spouse who publicly admitted to grooming a child, a federal crime. Good one. But keep on gimping into the void. You're fucked, your "career" is fucked, you're just delaying the inevitable.
No. 717632
File: 1570764586440.png (51.95 KB, 439x536, unknown.png)

No. 717635
File: 1570764871225.jpg (105.05 KB, 768x1200, PEDOSION1.jpg)

>>717618Lest we forget this little gem.
B-but she told me she was 18 isn't a defense.
This was only 5 months ago and now he wants to sit there pretending he's suddenly not interested in anyone under 18. Hope his alts like PedoCharlie are being followed too.
No. 717641
>>717635I was thinking today about how greg always spergs about kicking out his ex's and blah blah blah, exposing them, calling them liars and immature… when hes double the age of a lot of them. Like, whydoes he never address this? He can say legal this and that, but why does he never acknowledge he keeps getting with people who are over half a life less in maturity than him?
I have always thought of age gaps like this: what can a 30 something year old married father of 2, home owning, bill paying man, have in common with an 18 year old girl? The answer is pretty much nothing, right?
No. 717642
>>717635But officer I wanted to kill 10% of her army, not have sex with her. That’s the literal definition of the word YOU’RE the one who is making it sexual when I clearly didn’t mean it that way, maybe you’re the one who is perverted and projecting it into me!!!
>>717622I’m surprised he hasn’t used them yet but I’m sure he will use them to try to quiet the criticism soon enough. The funny thing is it would likely backfire because people would probably become more concerned that he’s subjecting his kids to everything and want to protect them from him.
I would have bet money that if Lainey had only sent topless pictures to minors that he would have even used the “my husband is trans so those aren’t nudes” defense. Thank goodness there’s no defense against a bottomless picture whether you’re male ore female.
No. 717644
>>717641No well-adjusted adult in their 30’s has anything in common with an 18 year old but that isn’t Greg. He vacillates between relating to them with his childish humor and exploiting them.
I think he is attracted physically to teen bodies but I think emotionally immaturity is the most attractive feature to him because it means they will gobble up all his bullshit and be too naive to realize he’s coercing/controlling them. He needs someone who thinks the sun shines out his ass and he’s the handsomest funniest bestest guy in the whole world and adult women aren’t as easily fooled.
I think proof of that is Adrianne. She was older but he was into her physically it was only when she wouldn’t cater to his childish and manipulative ways he bailed and went back to the cradle.
No. 717659
File: 1570769410851.png (52.08 KB, 439x557, nou.png)

No. 717663
File: 1570769756870.jpg (1.12 MB, 1186x1992, Rambling Pedophile on FB.jpg)

Another rambling gaslighting, self-congratulatory spiel from FB. Laughed at the little dig at Repzion at the end.
>I did a good thing for my worst enemy
>I could've taken him down but I didn't (see how good I am?)
>Now he's supporting the women who've come out with receipts proving what a creepy, predatory psychopath I am
>What a horrible person he is, to take victims seriously and not dismiss them and call them names like I do
>But I don't hate him or anything, I don't hate anyone
>I just make videos with obvious veiled and overt violent threats at all those people I can't be bothered to hate
Waterbrain 9000 IQ strikes again.
No. 717667
Such a huge contrast between the half assed, phoned it in photo
>>715896 and the knowingly grooming a child believing you'll never see consequences photo
>>717618 No. 717669
>>717663>My type is people with issues. Not sure whyAre you
really not sure why, Jimmy? It's because narcs and fucked up abusers tend to draw these people in. They're vulnerable
and very young, which doesn't help either.
>I did a good deed for this guy, doesn't mean it changes who he isThat doesn't change who YOU are, Jimmy. Just because you do someone a favour - and let's be real here - it wasn't even a favour. It's what the majority of people would do - only sadistic fucks would exploit a pic of someone's dead grandpa. He showed some very basic human decency, but that doesn't magically absolve him from people pointing out that he's still a terrible human being.
It's almost baffling he doesn't understand this. Almost because Jimmy's truly dumb, so it's hard to expect better.
No. 717673
>>717663Can someone please take his commas away.
The amount of blatant gaslighting he has been doing lately is
unreal. It's nothing new, but he used to at least use a thin veneer of, "Use the FAXX I've given you, and think about it again." Now, he's just flat out calling anyone that disagrees with him a fucking idiot. That's not very uwu delicate emo boy of you, Jimbo.
No. 717679
>>717620Apparently he never watches the news. The old trope of the anti-gay politician that is caught with boy hookers is as old a time.
His defense is laughable and actually hurts his cause more than helps it.
No. 717681
>>717677You must have been living under an unsaged rock, anon. There are videos of him manipulating underage Sarah to make her easier to groom. He even admitted that he did it to make her not like him only to have sex with her during her first visit after she turned 18. He also tried to kiss Alicia when she was 15 and also admitted to there being a near kiss. He has also rated the bodies of children.
He may not have been the one who said "I'm grooming you nicely", but he does a lot of shit with underage girls that can land him in hot water. Now locals in the area know that he's a pedo and want to keep their kids away from him at school. As Jaclyn said, someone who tips the line that much for years must have tripped up somewhere.
No. 717682
>>717632He JUST went on a rant about his meat eaters are evil like a day ago.
Zero self awareness.
No. 717684
>>717663FFS Jimmy, you’ve been caught lying so many times and yet you’re still pulling this “I’m so honest!” Crap?
I mean just recently you were outed for saying you never emailed Billie asking for her to come back for Lainey and BAM - Billie provides the email of you doing that very thing. Blatant lies. And shit if you’d lie about that so easily on a live stream to all your fans and haters I’m pretty sure you’d lie about anything.
Give up the Honesty charade, no one buys it anymore
No. 717687
File: 1570776206097.png (120.06 KB, 496x598, 1E31B2C0-5C22-453D-8F8A-CFFBD8…)

I know we’re not supposed to pressure Sarah to go to the cops or whatever, but damn if she really has evidence to take this fucker down, I sure as hell hope she is doing it.
No. 717690
File: 1570776615330.jpeg (309.38 KB, 996x2047, 48267776-2D57-47F4-B7F4-C9FE2F…)

Sooo… is he saying he took video footage of Sarah without her knowledge?
Also, pretty sure no judge is gonna give a fuck about drug use that may or may not have happened in a completely unrelated case. Unless she has a history and has been charged with such things it would be completely irrelevant.
Alllllllso… who are these witnesses? These “people in his life” that Have evidence against Sarah? He doesn’t have any friends and those he might have like Billy the fridge said they don’t know Sarah at all.
No. 717691
File: 1570776822465.jpeg (273.25 KB, 687x2048, 7B6A2560-F51D-46C9-9BE6-B20C5E…)

He’s really on a roll.
Now he’s claiming all the texts we’ve seen from Sarah are fake.
Sarah - please if you read this, take a video of those texts and shut this idiot up
No. 717705
>>717704It'd be too hard. She already has a problem with credibility because of BPD. And read
>>717703She would need one hell of a lawyer to win this. At the end of the day the diagnosis gives her motive. And her motive makes it hard to prove what he did beyond a reasonable doubt.
No. 717707
>>717703>>717702>>717705Even if a criminal case is never brought up against Onision, Im pleased that having it be such a public spectacle he'll never be able to make YouTube his mains source of income. Yes it will take time. Hes not going to be kicked off YT or homeless next month, but the slow decent will be so fun to watch.
No jail for Onision - I can live with it
The slow decline and eventual death of his life long dream - Im all about it, and loving it.
No. 717714
>>717712why does sarah require a warrant to look at the contents of her own laptop?
make it make sense, wk.
No. 717721
>>717705Doubt she has bpd. She claimed to have it since 16 and it was probably a self dx off of webmd. I mean considering Sarah has friends identifying as trans binarys like lainey it isnt far fetched.
She probbaly doesn't have bpd at all and Greg is just using that to deflect as usual like he did with all the other girls.
No. 717727
>I'm honestly surprised the state hasn't opened an investigation alreadyIt's because Sarah hasn't made any allegations. She's gone to 'check her options', but that means zero (as you likely well know). Sarah thinks 'losing her shit' on twitter is enough to teach them both a lesson. She hasn't gone to the police, and most likely wont.
I mean, fingers crossed she proves me wrong, even if she has nothing on Greg then she certainly does on Plainey (which Plainey knows, its the reason she's in a much worse state than Greg right now). Sadly though, I don't think Sarah is bothered about taking this further.
No. 717728
File: 1570784709721.png (122.69 KB, 640x1136, 9401678F-81B7-420D-8704-49ADC5…)

The latest BPD sperging. Complete with a plea for wildlife donation at the end. (1/2)
No. 717729
File: 1570784762679.png (115.94 KB, 640x1136, 28C22215-E379-41B9-A4CD-77B328…)

No. 717731
>>717728Could he be talking about Lainey here too though? With her anxiety, body dysmorphia, etc? She's not medicated in any sense for any of those things.
I have a feeling this is not only a dig at Sarah, but at Lainey too (as well as anyone else he wants to include) - perhaps mostly Lainey, perhaps they've argued.
And if it's not a dig at Lainey, then someone needs to point out to him that his wife/husband/rag fits into that little box he put there too.
No. 717733
File: 1570785317349.png (106.39 KB, 640x1136, B69BA0C1-AF95-4CEF-B09B-D864B5…)

His mind! I can’t! Friend zoned until you’re 18
No. 717734
File: 1570786246455.jpg (57.97 KB, 799x450, peEuXOZyuFOAhYf-800x450-noPad.…)

if mr repzion was my worst enemy in life, my biggest worry, i'd be sooooo happy.
BTW Greg, your doing? bet it is.
No. 717735
>>717733From "I'm not interested in you" to "I want to see you and Lainey make out while I fuck you".
Sure does get rid of those allegations.
No. 717743
File: 1570789311926.jpg (Spoiler Image,49.49 KB, 720x960, 72085628_10157679770524711_777…)

Did he piss himself? Is he trolling us rn?
No. 717748
File: 1570790845146.png (Spoiler Image,643.05 KB, 519x766, wattt.png)

>>717743kek the fucking caption
No. 717749
File: 1570791340534.jpg (Spoiler Image,170.69 KB, 508x630, cunt.jpg)

No. 717752
File: 1570792609581.jpg (2.54 MB, 3116x1534, Onision "Julia".jpg)

>>717728>>717729>Don't be friends with people who are unmedicatedFunny how he tries (and fails) to discredit a young girl who is and has been getting help for her psychological issues, like any responsible adult would. Him on the other hand? Oh he doesn't have any mental issues, just depression.
Is this something a mentally healthy, psychologically balanced, not at all psychopathic adult man would make? A video where he pretends his sex doll is a real woman, whom he proceeds to drug, torture, and murder? But it's just a joke, according to him. He thinks it's
hilarious.Tell us more about how mature and sane you are, Onision? Really.
Your reputation has been forever ruined, by you. Now please do tell us more about accepting reality.
No. 717755
>>717733>you're like my sister-tried kissing her when she was 15 while being married to her sister
-to this day jacks off to her nudes
-to this day wants to be with her
-likes incest porn
He also said Sarah was like a little sister to him.
>friendzonedThough you don't see the point in having friends Jimmy?
No. 717761
>>717749Kek this has strong thread image potential.
>>717641If he does have anything in common with typical 18-year-olds, it's the maturity level.
No. 717765
File: 1570798123929.png (47.29 KB, 751x320, notactuallybpd.PNG)

>>717705She does not have BPD. So, Greg has nothing against her.
No. 717766
>>717713>Also the fact that she was so "unstable" (if we are to take that without a grain of salt) kind of adds to how fucked up it was that they groomed and fucked her anyway considering she was clearly damaged, and considering they knew that she was abused and had an unsafe home environment. This. His defense is so weak and it makes them look way worse than Sara. He acts like they didn't open the door for her to be in their lives and this big bad criminal teenager just barged in and fucked things up for them.
You knew Sara came from a troubled background. That's how Taylor was able to swoop in and play the hero by inviting her to stay at your home instead. Targets of abuse often do come from
abusive backgrounds themselves and usually suffer some form of personality or mood disorder from trauma. Combine that with her young age and it was pretty much a piece of cake for you to manipulate the fuck out of her.
YOU WERE THE ADULTS IN THE SITUATION. And despite having children of your own to raise you decided to focus your attention on this girl so you could mold her into being another one of your
victims. You both knew what you were doing and you have no fucking excuses, end of story.
No. 717768
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No. 717769
File: 1570798578189.jpg (97.01 KB, 1080x451, Screenshot_20191011-145629_Twi…)

No. 717773
>>717770Honestly she needs to do what AJ did and write a big big letter with ALL the info she wants to share, and then just go live her life.
That way everything she wants to say is out, can be referred back to all in one place, and she need never bother again even if Greg spergs
No. 717774
>>717765This is what I've been saying. Minors cannot legally, professionally, or formally be diagnosed with any psychiatric disorder, not by any doctor worth their salt anyways. I worked on a psych unit for adolescents and know this to be a fact, they usually give each patient a presumed condition such as bipolar I or II or ODD, etc. But none of it is a 'diagnoais' just a "condition"
But you cant tell greg anything without him running away with it, even if it turned out to be false in the first place. But HE can "diagnose himself" then take it back, no problem. Whatever happened to your BPD that we all heard in the voicemails, grease?
No. 717778
>>717768He really is determined to cheat on Lainey as much as possible, huh? He can’t legally sleep with her at that point so so has to sneak around and emotionally betray her with a child. Gross.
I would bet Lainey wasn’t in the room when he invited Sam to sit on his lap too.
No. 717780
File: 1570800765540.jpg (157.42 KB, 1080x587, Screenshot_20191011-153243_Twi…)

No. 717794
File: 1570805180993.jpg (311.62 KB, 641x1178, Screenshot_2019-10-11-15-38-23…)

>>717789So it was Regina "the unstable witness" that onion was going off on? He's scared and it's amazing
Sarah bringing all the truth home yet again. Can't wait for the fb sperg about this one!! Fake texts gurg? Lol.
No. 717795
>>717774Sorry what? You absolutely can be diagnosed with psychiatric disorders as a child. If they ascribe an Axis I condition to you, it’s a diagnosis. Usually Axis II for personality disorders are left ‘Deferred’ for minors. In exceptionally fucked up cases, minors do get formal write in as they were observed to exhibit criteria for majority of their short lives.
Unless you’re talking hypertechnical semantics as psych symptoms are most often hearsay and self reported and are not evident on a lab’s test so a psychologist can only strongly believe you have such and such.
No. 717797
>>717789Had a go at transcribing if anyone can't/doesn't want to watch.
>I typically would never make a video, especially looking like this. >To Onision:>I was a drug addict, use it against me.>I suffer from mental illness, use it against me.>I was homeless and I had to sell my prescription medication to survive, to eat, to function like a human being, use it against me, bitch.>That doesn't excuse the fact that you groomed an underage girl. Your husband, Kai Jackson, manipulated me, talked to me sexually underage, swapped nude photos with me underage.>Try to disprove that. Bitch. No. 717799
>>717795anon is just a moron. she even said she thinks minors can't be "diagnosed" just that they "have the condition" which like you said, you get diagnosed
with the condition.
No. 717804
>As a general rule, monitoring someone without their knowledge or consent is illegal when they are in an area that provides a reasonable expectation of privacy.>Any time you’re recording or observing a person without their consent when they aren’t in view of the public, you’re asking for a possible lawsuit.First two hits. You better hope you didn't film anyone in your home without their express permission, bro. A good attorney can demolish your shitty cya precautions in a heartbeat. You also know this pig has 'security' cams in the bedrooms and bathrooms.
Love how cows reveal so much about themselves. Live by the sperg, die by the sperg, I guess.
No. 717809
>Tell us more about how mature and sane you are, Onision? Really.I won't comment on whether Greg is sane or not, since I'm no psychologist, even though I would say he's a psychopath narcissist and a sadist.
However on the maturity thing, Greg is easily the most immature "man" I have ever seen in my entire life, all near 50 years of it.
I have yet to meet the 33 (?) year old who is more immature than Greg. Not just how he acts, but also by his action. He takes even less responsibility for his actions than people like Chris-chan.
I'd say between the two of them, Chris-chan would be the more mature, more responsible and more talented one. Even DESPITE the toys and lego's.
No. 717810
>>717809Oh and might I add to that that I've seen teenagers and people in their early 20s that are way more mature and have more life experience and class than Greg can ever have.
Just responsible young adults that even people older than them can learn from.
No. 717811
File: 1570808044721.jpg (106.16 KB, 1193x633, Peitition.jpg)

>>717734Hilariously, this petition had 19 signatures.There are a good half dozen 'Get Onision off Youtube' petitions with hundreds of supporters. My favourite? This one called 'Demonetize Onision's harm' with nearly 2500 signers. We all know who the real shitstain on Youtube is.
No. 717814
File: 1570808483405.jpg (17.42 KB, 142x414, 220d0edf7e56630e3d5fa0096aaf12…)

>>717811It probably was Greg and since we all know Greg is the uncrowned KING of sock puppets probably a good portion of those "19 signatures" was he himself.
He always loves to compare himself to Light from Death Note, but Light would never do something like that since it is admitting complete and utter defeat. Its basically admitting you hate Repzions guts and everything he says is 100% truth and fax.
Was that really your clever plan, Greg? Try and get Repzion off of youtube with a petition? What would even be the reason? I'm not a big fan of Repzion myself besides his anti-O videos but to actually see Repzion as your "arch nemesis" makes you incredibly pathetic.
Like Repzion dude? your arch nemesis? its a JOKE.
And you're the punchline, Greg.
No. 717819
>>717743Omg fucking lol
He's rolling his shoulders forward to make it look like he has a masculine frame - Gerggy, honey, it doesnt lol. It just makes it obvious how fucking awkward and weird hes posing
That's his little carrot at full mast probably, poor little guy. Or ofc his old standby of shooping/stuffing.
This picture made me realize he actually does have a irl job opportunity - any haunted house attraction would hire him to be a lifesize Chucky doll in a heartbeat. No make up required, just dye his hair mop red and throw suspenders on him. Terrifying.
No. 717824
>>717795You cannot be diagnosed with BPD as a child/teenager for sure because a lot of the symtoms can be attributed to hormonal changes during puberty and a lot of teens engage in reckless behaviour during that time.
I think a lot of people try and self diagnose with it because it gives them some sort of explanation for being fucked up, a type of "oh it's not my fault, I have BPD uwuu".
Anyway, if Sara doesn't have a diagnose and says she doesn't have it, Greg has absolutely nothing on her. Apart from maybe being able to say "I googled BPD and most all symtoms fit so FAXXXX it must be it because I am a genius that barely speaks the one language I was born into and saw the word once on lolcow"
No. 717828
>>717797Listening to what Regina, Sarah, Sky, Shiloh etc. have to say and the way they are standing up for themselves, it’s clear to me that that Greg and Lainey never counted on their
victims growing up and maturing.
It’s almost as if, just because they are stunted in their teens for life, that they thought all vulnerable people stay vulnerable forever and never get stronger or grow.
No. 717834
File: 1570813170366.png (69.16 KB, 444x527, lolbemad.png)

No. 717836
>>717834Yes, depression does have dishonest/delusional parts.
They're mostly turned inward. You could be Mother Theresa but your depression is telling you that you're worthless and doing no good for anyone.
God he is such an uneducated fuckhead.
No. 717837
>>717834I'm pretty sure at this point that his aversion to admitting what he did to Sarah is to keep himself from cracking, as opposed to saving face with his fanbase. He has to label her the drug user, the rapist, the person with BPD, the delusional one, etc. because if he breaks his head-canon that she was just the
victim, he might actually go off the deep(er) end.
No. 717843
>>717834Lol he can call someone delusional all he wants but can someone with a mental illness manifest texts and images on his and Lainey’s devices?
Who else is he talking about with BPD that hurt him? Ayalla for stealing Billie away from him?
No. 717845
File: 1570816702889.png (2.16 MB, 1125x2001, 0F1B84CA-5818-45A2-9CC5-2FFB4D…)

>>717743The comments have been fun
No. 717848
>>717687We are here before the Court in the matter of child grooming and being in the care of a child with intentions to have sexual interactions with the child later.
Further through the process:
Prosecution: Mr. Jackson - was Sarah in your care as a child and did you eventually have sexual intercourse with her upon turning 18.
Judge: Please answer the question Mr. Jackson.
Jimmy - I will not answer a dishonest question! Most everything she says is because she's mentally ill and you need context to answer that question.
Judge - The Court find Mr. Jackson in contempt of Court.
There's a reason why Jim runs from Court proceedings. You are guided by the Defense and Prosecution to avoid run around "logic" and can't avoid answering questions that are clear cut. Also seems like Jim is having serious anxiety about having to go to Court.
No. 717850
>>717849If Onion’s dad was guilty he’d be in jail.
If AJ’s dad was guilty he’d be in jail.
If Shane Dawson was guilty he’d be in jail.
Get the picture, Greg?
No. 717851
>>717848Yep, this. None of the stuff he is saying about Sarah would matter at all if he were having to answer in court. It doesn't even matter now in regards to what hes done.
What he does is a shitty low IQ manipulation tactic that only works on either vulernable people, young inexperienced people, or people who he has already lured in. Discredit the other person and try to steer the conversation.
It doesnt work on ANYONE else, and its laughable to think it would ever mean anything in a courtroom
No. 717852
>>717849I hope so but I don’t think so. The legal system can move slowly so he might be thinking he’s gotten off Scott free because nothing’s happened yet.
Unless there’s evidence we haven’t seen, Lainey’s he only one at legal risk right now.
No. 717856
>>717852I reckon Lainey is the only one who can drop Greg in the shit tbh. I would bet she has stuff on him.
I think he would have dropped her like a hot potato upon finding out she exchanged the nudes with minors otherwise - it would be easier for him to disassociate himself and avoid that risk. He's sticking with her because he knows she can get him in trouble.
I also have a horrible feeling that Sarah is not inclined to get Lainey into trouble because she feels more sorry for her than she lets on to, on twitter. Sarah talks big but at the end of the day, she cared for Lainey and saw how Greg treated her.
Things wouldnt move this slow if Sarah had actually gone legal about Lainey… that said, we're not actually hearing from Lainey much are we? Gregs picking up the kids, which I doubt he'd lightly volunteer to do. And she's a STATE when we do see/hear her. Maybe there is something happening.
No. 717869
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>>717867he was asking for fb mods because he cant keep up with deleting the negative comments lmao.
No. 717873
File: 1570822710841.png (791.31 KB, 1000x1192, 2019-10-11 21_31_39-_pt_ - Oni…)

No. 717879
>>717836You'd think if he really was diagnosed with clinical depression in 2007, he'd understand that any mental illness warps your perception of things, even 12 years later.
99.9% sure his Air Force uwu depression was fake.
No. 717881
>>717856Greg has access to Taylor's accounts.
And for all those saying "HE'S DEFINITELY GOING TO COURT," "the legal process is slow," "he's going to get away with it," and, "the law takes these cases seriously" are all equally right unfortunately. Not to lawfag, but I've worked for a prosecutor's office and it depends on a variety of things such as workload, politics, the evidence and pure "luck" on these kind of cases. In some cases, I've seen repeat offenders get away with clear accusations of child abuse with penetration because of failure to prosecute with over burdened case loads. Fact is, that Greg has a good CHANCE of this going to trial, not that it will. Either way, he's going to at least get some kind of inquiry as long as Sarah goes to the police and the laptop is something law enforcement will like to have in their hands.
And kek at Greg saying the police take his side. Greg living in suburbia probably deals with cops who don't find a lot of antagonism, plus you're taught in police academies to be overly friendly and helpful to potential suspects. You get a lot of cooperation this way, at least initially.
What I think is far more important is the call outs done by Jackyln Glenn and Repzion to deplatform Greg. The "harassment" is merely communication from public opinion and should rightly be in place if law enforcement finds itself in a standstill for whatever reason. It's up to these monetary services to realize that Greg is more of a loss so you don't have more victimization of barely legal girls. I can't tell you how happy I am about Greg's fb spergs and his constant quitting of Twitter. The less avenues, the more a difference is made. Sarah, Skye, Billie and other girls don't realize what a service they've done for their community and social media in general.
No. 717889
>>717887He said something along the lines of, "if I whipped my dick out right now, it would sound like this" and flops his forearm on the table.
Of course, the doormat laughed.
Lainey also said "that's fucking gross" when grames brought up his dick size being compared to a baby carrot. & in response to the comparison, she said "why does it fucking matter?" So she didnt deny it lol
No. 717893
File: 1570827170729.jpg (272.92 KB, 978x1145, Screenshot_20191011-165226.jpg)

As per usual, HE IS REJECTED. So much honest, Gurp.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 717897
>>717893He's painfully bad at changing his "voice" in text
Especially the last section, sounds exactly like onion
No. 717905
File: 1570828771762.png (195.99 KB, 601x734, ew.png)

No. 717906
>>717893She's a fucking trooper for backing up every claim with proof!
>>717905Also, lol.
No. 717909
>>717690So is he admitting he possibly might have cameras in his home?
Is that his “witness” because depending on where cameras are he might have her recorded in less than appropriate nature and any of the ladies he brought over.
We know he watches the videos like a hawk when the whole Billie thing went down when they went to escape. So unless he has one of those that alerts him that’s weird.
No. 717915
>>717912Washington is a 2 party consent state, meaning any recordings he has of their conversations without their consent are illegal. He can boast about having his house "surveilled" all he wants, he can't use that footage for anything.
That said, I sincerely doubt he has any proof of anything he's sperging about anyway. "I was there and I record the entire inside of my house for totally not creepy reasons" isn't evidence of anything.
No. 717928
File: 1570833547447.jpg (205.56 KB, 1078x2010, Screenshot_20191011-173731_Duc…)

Tried to look up greg and laineys patreon but neither come up and the link on laineybot just sends you to this, Is it down for anyone else or did patreon actually take their pages down?
No. 717929
>>717845>>717869>>717873lol thanks screenshot anons this shit is so funny.
>>717889>>717916He'd never openly admit to having a mirco penis, it would shatter his fragile ego.
No. 717946
File: 1570837231945.png (364.34 KB, 641x361, emoboi.PNG)

>>717905Not sure if anyone has linked it yet. "I had a DREAM that you died"
@6:30 baby carrot talk
This all but proves to me that he lurks and his ego is bruised on the daily.
No. 717950
>>717690"Surveillance on my whole house"
I remember a while ago after the Maya incident I believe, people were speculating he had cameras all over his house to spy on his
victims like a creep, now he just admitted he does. He probably filmed them without consent too and that's a CRIME. Thanks for admitting you're a criminal, James Jackson from Gig Harbor WA
No. 717953
>>717946It's so great seeing him be so offended over his small dick.
It's also funny that it seems like they're only in the same bed when they plan on having a threesome.
No. 717957
>>717889She’s so not like ~other~ girls or like her sister who he publicly shamed online about missing her ex who had a larger dick. Honestly size doesn’t matter but he would still be a bad lay if his dick really was as long as his forearm because he’s as selfish and self-centered in bed as in normal life.
>>717905LMAO. I’m so curious to see how he’s justifying it to Lainey or maybe she’s finally resigned herself to the truth that he’s going to cheat on her and she might as well be happy about it.
No. 717960
>>717946Of course he starts off joking about the whole thing under the guise of her hair colour. Also did he show the cropped image of the nude she sent to Sarah? He’s clearly mocking her in front of her face.
I think the carrot thing made it to twitter so he might have seen it there.
No. 717975
>>717834>You need meds, you need therapySays the psychopathic adult man who refuses both of these things
>>717890That's right. It's the equivalent of someone taking advantage of the mentally handicapped, which we can be sure has crossed his predator mind more than once.
No. 717977
>>717856>He's sticking with her because he knows she can get him in trouble.It's the same reason she doesn't leave him. They both have enormous
dirt on each other, I can only imagine. Lainey is genuinely terrified to leave because of what Grog would say about her. She's better off cutting her losses but everyone knows she's too weak to even protect her own children, let alone herself.
No. 717980
>>717800This is the SECOND time he's tried to use BPD to discredit Sarah. It didn't work the first time so ol' waterbrain thought the second time would be different.
She comes out with evidence and because
he has none to refute what she's released, it's all he can do to try and malign her with half-truths and bullshit. Typical predator scumbag.
No. 717983
>>717837I disagree. He's been slipping for the last couple years, it was only a matter of time before he cracked. He's doing damage control now because he's desperate not to appear (appear being the operative word) like he's run afoul of the law in any way, or that he's as dangerously deranged as the evidence makes clear.
>>717789Bury him, Regina.
No. 717987
>>717798Of course. Almost every single girl he's been with, including Lainey has a history of abuse, or they were victimized in some way
before meeting Gronk.
No. 717993
File: 1570844290967.png (131.33 KB, 1242x1424, emotional blackmail.png)

>>717836>>717879His "muh depression" diagnosis is about as real as the suicidal threats he made when Skye wouldn't let him off the hook for alimony. He only later admitted he faked being suicidal to manipulate her.
No. 717994
>>717989There's a limit to how many people can view/download it.
There should be a better alternative than drive. I appreciate patreon anon ripping and uploading, but we should have them hosted somewhere else.
No. 718002
>>717804>Live by the sperg, die by the sperg(Leviticus 10:9)
>>717950I kind of assumed he was bluffing but if he wasn't, I look forward to his compounded legal troubles.
No. 718009
>>717766>That's how Taylor was able to swoop in and play the heroShe swooped in like a vulture. Grunt likes to sit there virtue signalling out of his ass, acting like he did Sarah a favor and that she took advantage of his "kindness". That's how fucked in the head he is.
"Morons on the internet" (to quote Grub) were sounding the alarms about this years ago when Sarah first moved in with them, that this looked like two adults taking advantage of a vulnerable young girl. The Onion's let loose with sanctimonious outrage about how sick people were for thinking anything depraved was happening, and now we have undeniable proof both Lamey and her husband were preying on Sarah all along, and not just Sarah but other young girls as well. They've both been caught lying and contradicting themselves 10x over.
No. 718010
>>717761I'm between this
>>717749and this
>>717179 No. 718030
>>717993What's hilarious is that in either his latest Patreon video or the one before that, he's going on about how he sent those emails to Skye only NOW he's saying it was because he did want to kill himself since she was LiTeRaLlY forcing him into slavery by accepting alimony payments the court ordered. He also added that lots of girls' boyfriends threaten to kill themselves?
It's SO frustrating how he'll blatantly lie through his creepy ogre teeth on Patreon since nobody can call him out on his bullshit.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 718065
>>717980>Is there a medical term for someone incapable of learning from their mistakes or is it just because he has a double digit IQ? It's called malignant narcissism. It makes you convince yourself you have magical powers that can alter the fabric of reality: like no matter how much of an
abusive turd you are it is
always the other person's fault.
And no matter how little they have actually contributed to society they will still convince themselves that they are the greatest gift on the planet.
Kind of like how Gerg convinces himself he saved thousands of tweens lives by telling them what his 3 incher thinks about their bodies.
No. 718077
He is literally stunted
No. 718085
>>718084She has a cold. The sharpening jawline and acne is likely because she's malnourished. Not eating properly due to the stress perhaps, or feigning 'anorexia' to Greg again.
She's fake trans, she's not going to start taking hormones guys.
No. 718091
>>718084If she was on testosterone she would have found a way to mention it 50 times by now even with her currently hiding from the internet. If everyone doesn't know about it and consequently feeds her with validation and compliments about how brave and stunning she is, it doesn't count.
Besides, at the end of the day, Greg does not want to fuck a man so all her transition is ever going to be is clothes and hair.
No. 718101
>>717687>we have piles of evidence waitingWhat evidence do you bring to court to prove you didn't fuck a minor? It's kind of hard to prove the absence of something. Generally you're found innocent in cases like this because of a lack of evidence against you, not an abundance of evidence in your favour.
This moron is probably gonna roll up to court with screenshots of his own tweets.
And considering how much he milked A's e-mail to him to show she lied, I have no doubt that he'd have already spread any "evidence" he did have.
No. 718103
>>717809I can only go by personal experience. Abusers and predators, the ones that fly under the radar, present a very dishonest face to the world, a superficial veneer of decency, intelligence, or even friendliness that tends to put people off their guard. Often there's an extreme split in the personality like John Wayne Gayce and Ted Bundy, who were pillars of their community; both actively involved in politics, charity, etc. That's not to imply everyone who's doing good in society is suspect, rather, unlike predators, genuinely good people don't live these double lives.
People like Onision love to virtue signal: I'm vegan/vegetarian, I recycle (he did actually make a point to mention that lol), I support gay rights, etc., but his "goodness" is superficial - he's not good on the
inside. If he were, he wouldn't treat people the way he does, he wouldn't have a long sordid history of abuse/predation, and then pretend he's a decent human being while making it very clear he has no remorse for anything he's done. He's no better than a Gayce or a Bundy in that respect.
No. 718106
>>718100Oh, he knows. He's just hoping that he can gaslight us about it to get us to stop. 'Oh, you're not ridiculing my penis, you're OBSESSED with my penis!'. He's hoping that we start questioning ourselves because of his words, and stop doing it just so we don't appear 'obsessed'.
It's textbook gaslighting. He wants you to question your own feelings and how you appear to others, to make you feel insecure and so do what he wants you to do.
He's crap at it and so to us it just sounds stupid, but even being crap, it does work on young, vulnerable people (or people who are in a position of receiving constant emotional abuse).
He just doesn't realise that it sounds utterly stupid and nonsensical to anyone else, especially a whole group of people who know that everyone involved is ridiculing him and are not obsessed.. Most of his spergs are the result of his manipulation not working on the masses ('haters') and him getting frustrated about that.
He can't control the situation with his emotional abuse/manipulation like he can in arguments at home with those confused teen girls, but he tries. Bless him, he tries. The utter dumbass.
No. 718107
File: 1570882484123.png (46.28 KB, 496x501, Screenshot (82).png)

looks like the roasting he was getting on Facebook has got to him kek.
No. 718108
>>718107"Everyone who has tried to say I'm wrong has only proven me right… my proof of that? Because I say it is so!"
How can ANYONE take this moron seriously?
No. 718109
>>718056Grugly is trying SO hard to have that entertaining back and fourth banter most podcast hosts have with each other but my GOD is his attempt terrible. I don't think there's anyone on social media with sense of humor worse than Gurp's. There's never any wit or cleverness. He's not even funny in a slapstick sorta goofy way. He's just throwing incoherent HAR HAR ICECREAM BUTT, retarded questions at Lainey for literally the entirety of this 9 minute video and interrupting her every time she attempts to answer/react. And he REALLY expects us to believe Skye's intellegence and humor had no hand in helping his channel be initially noticed? She deserved far more than 90k.
This is seriously unwatchable. I only stuck around for the baby carrot comment and as another Anon pointed out, Lainey definitely does NOT deny his baby carrot status.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 718117
>>718107kekking at
>Onision is asking for donationsSo he's back to blatant e-begging then.
edit: I just peeped the ad for World Food Program. Is that why he's asking for donations?
Ok, so he makes his patrons deal with the "mean and hurtful" comments. People who literally pay him to work for him. People who have proven many times to be mentally unstable. And he makes them look at criticizm and "hate" that's not directed at them but at Greg.
He has no ground to stand on and complain about treating people like slaves. Big wow.
No. 718122
>>718112Eh, maybe he migrated to fb because he knows the people living in Gig Harbor have a presence there. He might be waiting for legit hateful comments and death threats in order to show the residents that he's innocent but it's just the internet jumping at him, as always.
I hope people keep calm over there and focus on criticizing him for grooming minors and him being his hypocritical self.
No. 718133
>>718103Thats just the thing most of us never need to pretend "we're the good guys", theres no need to since we don't fuck people over on the daily.
There's tons of people that give to charity and never once mention that to anyone, they just do it out of the goodness of their heart and knowing they are helping people in itself is their reward.
No. 718134
File: 1570888741544.jpg (110.84 KB, 1012x438, Screenshot_20191012-095803.jpg)

KEK, his latest video has only gotten 8k views in 17 hours.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 718136
File: 1570889223163.jpg (235.45 KB, 1077x936, Screenshot_20191011-124429_Chr…)

If you feel that way Greg then there's something seriously wrong with you. Friendship isn't conditional, you either are someones friend or you aren't.
What you do, thats called using people.
And you're supposed to be the good guy? I'd tell you what you keep telling people with BPD and thats to find some serious psychiatric help.
I say psychiatric, not psychology, since you're gonna need some meds.
No. 718137
File: 1570889482312.jpg (170.25 KB, 1075x625, Screenshot_20191011-125423_Chr…)

Greg really needs to learn the difference between fact and opinion, he seems to have a lot of difficulties differentiating between the two.
Might I recommend he try this game: No. 718158
>>718149Her and Krainey.
>>718137Deeper into insanity we go!
No. 718170
File: 1570896173876.gif (3.96 MB, 497x273, EF6237B6-88AD-438E-A4B7-D2907A…)

>>718137>I rejected YOU society, I DUMPED your mentally unstable ass REEEEEE please move onIf someone edits onions face to pic related I’d be forever grateful
No. 718182
>>718101Well he didn’t fuck a minor so I this case I assume the evidence he thinks he has is about grooming a minor. He will likely show messages that show she “wanted it”, or maybe even messages showing her “crazy” behavior.
But those will be pretty weak for evidence against a young girl. He’s a grown ass man and should’ve known better.
No. 718186
>>718122If his goal on Facebook is to make the local moms look him up and see his rants in order to “prove his innocence” , then he is in for a shock.
Cause These posts make him look insane.
No. 718189
File: 1570902664818.jpg (80.06 KB, 750x649, literallyme.jpg)

>>718183Greg is the very embodiment of this meme.
He thinks he's both L and Light of Death Note, he thinks he's the Joker, he thinks he's Jim Carey, he thinks he's.. well everyone who's half edgy and talented.
Spoiler: He's not. He's a middle aged edgelord cuck with no talent what so ever, in any field, and a two digit IQ.
No. 718191
>>718190Also a deeply childish behavior pattern I might add, its what kids do, like little ass kids. Go outside and play Harry Potter or Optimus Prime outside in the playground after they saw the movie.
Then again those little kiddies forget about it after a day, Greg however still obsesses over Death Note and Heath Ledger's jokers 10 years after.
No. 718194
>>718187Really? I got the opposite impression.
She does seem tired and flat but is still clinging to loving him just as strongly. Her nightmare is about losing Greg. She genuinely laughs at his stupid dick joke. If anything this videos shows she’s unrepentant about the part she played with Sarah and really did only care about Greg. She looks worn down but that’s probably just because she has to do all the housework and childcare now that she doesn’t have sarah or another girl around to play mommy.
No. 718202
>>718197Anyone still theorizing Lainey will do anything is wrong. Lainey is a wet towel. She won't do anything, ever, but wear make-up and baggy sweaters saying she "looks daddy as fuck." Whatever the hell that means.
She's about as useful as a cock flavored lollipop.
No. 718224
>>718120She knows her fans can't stand him. All she can do is kowtow to him like the doormat she is. She doesn't care about her fans anymore than JJ does.
>>718122Yeah I sensed his attempt at mitigating damage there. Big LOL.
No. 718228
>>718221Pls lurk more. This
>>718056 was a tagged response to that vid.
No. 718230
>>718108The mentally stunted mongs who pay him for his content do, apparently.
>>718123It's only a matter of time before they all start turning on each other like they
always do.
No. 718231
File: 1570923093317.png (1023.12 KB, 1310x2494, Patreon perks OCT 2019.png)

>>718117>People literally pay him to work for him. Not just that, they pay for access to his Amazon wish list, his PO box, why his very company is a solemn privilege that requires substantial fees.
My personal favorite is the $1000 meet up at the bottom. He has approximately zero fans who make that kind of money. He's probably hoping anti-O's will be dumb enough to pay out of their ass for his bullshit. All he's proving is that he has even less respect for his fanbase than we do.
No. 718236
File: 1570924156061.jpg (22.95 KB, 782x180, Kai mental torture.jpg)

>>718173 I noticed that too. His expression changed the second she said that lol. Absolute manbaby. The entire video reminded me of something Sarah said, that what he does to Kainey on a daily basis amounts to mental torture. A sane person with self respect would've left him by now. No wonder Kainey became a child groomer.
No. 718237
File: 1570924626260.jpg (158.31 KB, 947x1200, D6afBNBW0AAvz8M.jpg)

>>718177But remember Grug was going after Shane calling him a pedo and sperging about how mean Jeffree was and calling him a pedo too, around the same time. Grug may not have been doing it covertly like a mastermind but he was definitely actively fuelling the lies about Shane and Jeffree.
No. 718255
>>718103>likes to pretend he's a decent human being Not only that, he makes fun of and insults the women coming forward, and mocks their stories of abuse and suffering in his videos, like an adult would.
>>718106All good points. He's still a waterbrian but a manipulative, gaslighting one who wastes copious amounts of time and energy trying to appear like something he's not.
No. 718256
>>718237TBH I do believe something like that may have happened with Jeffree (Jeffree's gross as hell) but I agree with you, that Onision may have been trying to push the Pedo issue. He's very hypocritically.
Also by Onions rules, If Jeffree did that why didn't he go to the police for sexual harassment? Since he didn't go to the police it means he's a clout chaser trying to get attention because he was rejected by the mean gurls of youtube.
It didn't happen, according to his rules.
No. 718257
>>718136>>718137"Binky's Facts And Opinions" kek.
He's going to keep slipping and revealing who he really is, he can't help it. Gig Harbor mom's are in for an eye full on FB.
No. 718260
>>718151When he asked Lainey why she married him
>>717946 I immediately thought of that tweet from Sarah. (Sham) marriage goals.
No. 718279
File: 1570928821766.jpg (100.39 KB, 849x692, EGuAbBmWsAIDWy6.jpg)

found this art on twitter and it gave me a giggle.
No. 718286
>>718279Someone able, PLEASE paste an ugly Grug face on this! It's otherwise perfect.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 718302
File: 1570934614254.jpg (378.04 KB, 849x692, pedonision1.jpg)

>>718279>>718289don't worry i fixed it
No. 718309
File: 1570935997249.jpg (1.37 MB, 818x2615, Trash Onions.jpg)

>>718084The reason they're both constantly covered in acne is because they perpetually live in their own filth. Surprised they're not sick more often. (I think the black dog is Leeloo?)
No. 718310
>>718293>So this confirms that he lurksWe've known that for awhile.
Mikenactor (youtuber) said that Grub pays a third party company to DMCA videos for him. Whoever it is, they keep near constant vigilance on YT.
No. 718313
>>718249This was after his Shane "documentary" around the time of the James Charles fuckery.
Everyone Grug doesn't like is a sex offender/pedo apparently - Shane, Jeffree, Repzion, his dad, e.t.c.
No. 718321
>>718309No offense anon, but acne is a genetic or and or a hormonal condition. Even if they are dirty, there’s people that have never washed their face ever, and they’re fine.
Lainey has a deepening voice, acne, and her body seems to be changing. I would bet she’s on T.
No. 718322
>>718321he strips the oils from his skin with constant showering so most likely has a sebum problem, also plays with his hair/fringe (bangs) a lot and transfers the bacteria from his hands to face. I also doubt he washes his pillowcases. also the fucking GREASEPAINT he uses as foundation on the daily.
since he lurks: greg, you're making it worse lmao. maybe he likes it because it makes him relate to teenagers.
saged for most retarded sperg of all time but it's so SIMPLE
No. 718327
>>718236Sage for off topic, but I was in a 9 year
abusive relationship with the emotional tactics extremely similar to onision with lainey, and it honestly took me a whole month away from my husband with my family to even begin to comprehend the yeah he had been treating me was completely fucked.
Not excusing lainey in anyway, but when your cut off from your friends and family, your "normal meter" is so thrown off, I was agreeing to shit I now see is so fucked up.
(No1curr) No. 718328
File: 1570940619362.jpg (485.91 KB, 1440x1159, Screenshot_20191013-051814_You…)

Sage because not sure if brought up before, but in Jaackmates podcast iNabber says that Shane Dawson reached out to him because of his Onision video. So Shane picked him to be in his doc to mess with Greg. Love how Shane manages to make these little jabs at Onion without giving him views.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 718331
>>718321For the nth time she's not on T. She has a cold, which is why her voice sounds slightly different and she's always had bad, acne prone skin. She's been crying for literally a month straight while her retard husband yells at her and no doubt stressed to the max and neglecting hygiene. That's why she breaking out and looks like shit overall. Enough of this stupid tinfoil. Seriously, if she was taking hormones then Grease would be all over that trying to deflect from criticism and saying that poor Kainey is crying because he's going through a lot of changes etc etc.
Gregma's terrible skin is a different story; he showers like 5 times a day so his skin is dry as fuck (remember that one video he made of him peeling off dead flakes in the bathtub?) so it overproduces oil to compensate, he constantly touches his face and hair which spreads it everywhere, and like someone else said he also wears a ton of foundation which he never washes off properly.
No. 718332
>>718328>>718327You have to actually put sage in the email field for it to do anything.
>>718309I'd forgotten how absolutely
filthy their home is. That's enough for a parent to not want their child to go over. It looks like they never take out the trash, just throw it outside.
No. 718335
>>717881>What I think is far more important is the call outs done by Jackyln Glenn and Repzion to deplatform Greg.It's good Repzion, Jacyln, and some other medium sized channels are involved. The hour long video Rep made keeps gaining views. I'd still like to see larger youtuber's cover this, not just for the exposure but for the fact that they tend to hold more weight in the community. It's up to the community to do something collectively. Idubbbz said he didn't want to give Onision any views, which is fair enough, but now that several of his survivors have stepped forward
they deserve the attention and the voice Onision once tried to deny them. Channels like H3H3 should be covering this.
The kids channel Greg collabed with that took down their video last month said that they weren't aware of Greg's predation until people started leaving comments on the video. People like Keemstar would also help spread awareness.
Hopefully the larger channels with over a million subs/views will step up and start taking action because the parasites that own and run that platform have shown they're not interested in removing, let alone
investigating the fact that there's a predator abusing their platform. Only if you whistle 10secs of a copyrighted song will those bloodsuckers make a move. Good job
GoogleTube. No. 718349
File: 1570946782001.png (91.07 KB, 686x441, THE CLOWN WHO SHALL NOT BE NAM…)

>>718309The pics with the little kid are from that collab vid that got deleted.
What's kinda weird to me is I'm assuming they saw the place before they started filming? After scouting the location and seeing all that trash, why would they agree to collab? Unless it wasn't there during the initial walkthrough?
No. 718351
File: 1570947170395.jpg (558.5 KB, 1273x359, Onion's 2019 house yard.jpg)

>>718309For perspective, this is what the yard looks like without all garbage in it.
No. 718355
File: 1570949298072.jpg (107.65 KB, 810x1200, sperg about internet.jpg)

He's made a few statements along the same lines as this one, so I just wanted to point out that the "impotent internet" got his collab vid
>>718349 removed.
Logan Paul will get what he deserves, Onision, just like you.
Daddy of 5 was deplatformed by the "powerless" people who spoke out against him. You're not special, bud.
No. 718361
>>718355Whenever I see these tweets, I always get a “catch me if you can” kind of thing.
I’m in the UK and our laws are super strict on all the things onision is doing, so am I right in assuming the US police won’t do shit about this at this point?
No. 718363
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Got blocked from his Facebook, my comments were removed too so either this gif or this classic song another anon posted a long time ago (still applies) did it ) No. 718377
>>718328Oh god could you imagine if JS gets Billie on as one of the people to test out their new palette?
It would completely mess with Greg but also she’s attractive and relatable enough that it might help them. JS is always on the lookout for unknown beauty people so I would t be surprised if they brought in a group of unknowns to try it out.
No. 718386
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>>718382I could get past the trash since Onion is the last house on a dead end street. Dont have to pass it and see all that shit. What Id hate is hearing him screaming and crying outside in his yard at all hours of the night making his "hilarious skits" Plus from what his neighbors say he has flood lights all over the his place pointed directly at them.
No. 718388
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One more thing, Greg and Lainey definitely read here. This has been confirmed now by Sarah, who they used to put on "farms-duty"
No. 718397
>>718388Never doubted this for a second. He cares about himself and people's opinions of him more than his own family.
He hates everyone but himself. He's not capable of love.
No. 718407
>>718398>>718399I feel so bad for Leelu, she was their dog for around 6 years and Kainey gets rid of her like she's nothing.
I hope she has found a loving new home.
No. 718412
>>718409In one of his videos Greg said that whenever Greg got too close to Leelu she started to pee all over the floor. I remember that clear as day because I found it really heartbreaking.
I've suspected that she was terrified of Greg and that's why she did it, but it might also have been a health condition.
I'm not sure whether she just started peeing upon seeing Greg or if it the same with Lainey as well.
No. 718421
>>718420Fucking abusers of vulnerable dependant beings will fucking get what they're due.
The power dynamics inevitably changes. Kids grow up. Parents grow old.
No. 718443
>>718407Leelu is adorable. I'm sure she found a new loving home, where her new owners don't overfeed her, don't care for her and abuse her so much that she pees.
I'd like to know who her new owners are. They probably could name a lot of reasons why they think Leelu was abused.
No. 718444
All of this talk about how they treat their animals makes me wish both of them would get the most painful form of some chronic, incurable disease that worsens gradually over a very, very long length of time.
I just can't take defensivless, pure beings like animals and young kids being harmed and neglected.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 718466
>>718420i know, dude. i knew families growing up (my own included) where the children either lived in squalor or experience significant emotional/mental/physical abuse but for some reason or another CPS didn't do anything. you can keep your kid home from school for a long time without the school taking any action, trust me. if he wanted he could fake homeschool his kids without having to teach them anything and he'd be able to get away with it.
i doubt grog's daughter is enrolled in pre k where she has any hope of being socialized. our only hope is that CPS gets called enough times to warrant further investigation into the family, or that the rumors get him into some serious trouble with the school and they decide to look into it. i am honestly rooting for the facebook page moms over here because hell hath no fury like PTA mom on facebook. those rumors are spreading fast.
No. 718472
>>718413On Caterpie: Greg got rid of the kids gerbils because he couldnt be bothered to care for them. The kids were upset when the gerbils were going, and so Greg promised them a puppy instead to shut them up - that was Caterpie.
Yep, they cba to care for gerbils, so instead opted for a puppy. Greg and Lainey logic.
No. 718473
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Anyone noticed he purposely put a super unflattering image of Lame on his Twitter header? Maybe they have been fighting and he's being passive aggressive to her. I remember after Billie left him he changed the thumbnails of some videos she was in to unflattering images of her…
No. 718485
>>718407Leelu might be a little on the older side but as a purebred dachshund (and a very cute one at that) I promise she's not languishing in a shelter. Purebred dogs always get picked up very quickly.
>>718477The only shot he could find where he's not looking at his footwife in utter contempt, maybe.
No. 718503
>>718493>>718473That header and icon with his WinDswept EmO hair (all taken indoors, of course) and unflattering photo of your wife
No problems here
No. 718522
>>718518and the sample size is small so it represents only the people in it, not necessarily the community at large.
also, it's funny because she was preachy in the video and i found it over the top and annoying.
No. 718542
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>>718485They gave Leeloo to a friend, she wasn't put in a shelter. But Caterpie was in fact put in a shelter according to Sarah
No. 718546
>>718377She does bare minimum videos that only gained exposure because of greg.
I doubt she's that serious about it since she seems busy with irl shit.
>>718514There is only so much that justifies endorsing a known pedo.
No. 718551
>>718514Yeah I’m not sure I believe the majority of his fans are older fans (as in, fans for a long time), and are only there for comedy and not drama/his appearance. All the comments I see on Instagram and twitter seem to prove otherwise. Insta is just full of tweens calling him “daddy” and complimenting his looks, and twitter is full of people saying they are fans because his vlog style videos “helped them”.
So regardless, her sample size was small and likely only older fans that are prepared to rationally defend themselves would bother to respond to her request for interviews. So of course they would deny the stereotypes.
No. 718563
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>>718518Not being attracted to him, I can believe. Anti-os being too preachy I can also believe, but comedy? What comedy? This tard literally thinks smearing period blood on his face is comedy.
No. 718592
>>718464Since we know for a fact he gives no shits about his kids or pets, one has to wonder what his
real reason was for dozing the wetlands.
No. 718600
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>>718309They live in their own trash like Oscar the Grouch. The only difference is Oscar is actually likable.
No. 718605
>>718375Bless you sweet sweet anon
>>718411It's really not surprising as that's how they see people too - completely disposable. Neither of the Jackassons understand what it's like to have a real connection or care about another person. They threw away and tormented all the various young girls they groomed and "loved." This is also the manchild who publicly says friendship if pointless - seriously, wtf. He and Honolkai are incapable of understanding/appreciating one of the best things in life (friendship) and they never will. They are damaged fucking trash
No. 718606
>>718466>i am honestly rooting for the facebook page moms It'll be great when they find this
>>717618 and Greb's torture/murder vid
>>717752That's gonna go over real well.
No. 718613
>>718611Ignoring what he's done isn't going to solve anything. As anon said
>>718610>Greg worked to keep everyone he abused silent and off the internet.If a larger channel picks this up and the ladies are willing to speak publicly, this would help get the word out. I don't think Daddy of 5 would've been deplatformed if the larger channels didn't cover it.
No. 718615
>>718420>the system is overloaded with kids who are in immediate dangerI find that very hard to believe considering children have been taken by CPS under far less extreme circumstances than what the Onion children are living through. Alexandria Hill was taken because her parents smoked pot in the house. Their "crime" was officially “neglectful supervision”, even though she never showed any signs of neglect. What happened with her in the end is extreme, but her story in general isn't an exception.
>>718466>>718602Time and again CPS either oversteps or does nothing at all. Very sensible and worth all the tax dollars imo.
No. 718619
>>718611If someone like DeFranco got involved, channels like these
>>718349 probably would've avoided Onion from the get go. Onision's reputation has been demolished. If "relevant" youtuber's make vids on him, it won't help him, it'll help the people who don't already know what he is.
No. 718694
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Sarah doing another interview? Or does Lainey have another former best friend?
No. 718701
>>718699Ugh. It better not be.
I’m banking on Regina
No. 718711
>>718699Really wouldn't be surprised if he's Madison since she didn't get the attention she wanted from the girls or us. It might be Regina since she doesn't do research on the cows that interview her. Sarah hasn't said anything about it like she did with Blaire.
>>718709>so really any video reminding people should be welcomedThat's dumb logic. Edwin is a cow who just wants to cash in on the drama, he doesn't actually care about the girls, as he always does when he lurks LF. He gets his information from here so what could he possibly bring to the table?
No. 718718
>>718711I'm not sure Madi is a reliable source. She would never throw Taylor under the bus and just wants attention for the same stories she always spews. (Swamp house is dirty af, shitty petcare, jealously over Sarah+Lainey cuddling) nothing new, she just desperately wants to be a
victim too.
Edwin always provides caps but, like you said, gets all his information from here.
Also, Edwin's desperate for attention too and did suck up to Jimmy when he defended him over Cyr and Julia. Jimmy just needs to lovebomb him a little and Edwin takes the video down.
No. 718724
>>718723But you dont have to bitch about it either lmao
Are you gonna accuse me of being edwin next you crazy delusional b?
No. 718731
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I wanna preface this by saying it's absolutely NOT worth the watch and is honestly maddening and may put you in a bad mood.
Most of the video is him screeching and reveling in the fact that, in his tiny peabrained mind, it's an I tOlD u sO situation about Madame taking donations for small claims court and not actually going through with it. If you've seen how he treated the Jaclyn Glenn/Social Repose situation, you've seen this one. He's literally saying the same exact shit. Gurp logic: Because Madame lied and acted like a fraud creep, EVERYONE who's speaking out against Gerp is a lying creep. He's just trying to manipulate his viewers, as per usual, but as per usual he's transparent as fuck in what he's doing and his argument is lacking any logic but his IQ is too low to recognize how unconvincing he is.
The signicant portion of the video and what I think is really worth sharing is when he starts getting into copyright claiming. He tries to frame all the (fraudulent) copyright claims he's done were as a result of his music being included in videos without permission? It wasn't clear if he was referencing a particular creator's video or all the videos he's claimed and I think he was intentionally unclear about it intentionally to keep himself from being able to be caught in a lie and called out. "i NeVeR sAiD iT wAs aLl cLaImEd ViDeOs!!!!!! tEh mOs hOnEsT yEwToObEr!!!!" It's sorta like the wording he used when describing how Lainey 'never intended' or 'had no interest in' sending lewd phots or whatever.
He keeps trying to justify how he's claiming so many videos without plainly addressing it outright. In typical Gurp fashion, he's typing a bunch of words without really saying anything.
He mentions how it's okay that he's used other people's content in his video (Jojo Siwa, Social Repose) because they didn't care that their content was used. Again, his argument has NO logic. He never asked them beforehand for permission, so he has no idea if they cared their content was used. It's just that they understand fair use and aren't going to file false claims, you Waterbrained retard. I'm sure if asked, no creator would give you permission to use their content in your shitty videos.
He then goes on to say something to the effect of how it's okay to have other creators content in his videos but it's not okay for other creators do use his content because "it depends on the creator!!!!!11!"
That's his argument for all the false claiming he's done and is still doing, folks.
No. 718734
>>718730Wouldn't shock me, might explain why they don't seem to comprehend saging their infighting/derailing.
>>718731When has an onion video ever been "worth the watch" tho?
No. 718750
>>718745Your summary seems like the right approach. Of course he’s still harassing her; he’s such an asshole. Sorry to hear that.
I wish she would join the others who are coming forward, but of course it is her choice.
No. 718778
>>718770she explicitly said she did NOT want this getting leaked further. moralfagging kills the milk and further disrespects the boundaries of former
victims. "i know what you said you wanted but trust me, my goals override yours for the greater good" is too greggish for me
No. 718781
>>718778fair enough, of course we want to support the
victims. i just think it’s a little silly to post information to the public and hope for privacy. this is the internet, after all
No. 718802
>>718797He's going to keep harassing her like he already is. He only stopped with the other girls because they all plowed his ass into the earth with proof of his harassment. It was better to not say anything at all than to bring it up here if there was no intention on posting it.
No. 718804
>>718694If it’s Madison, I seriously doubt it’s worth it. She has demonstrated time and time again that she’s a butthurt ex-friend, not someone who genuinely cares for the wellbeing of his
victims. Sure, she’s exposed how shitty Anus can be, and the only good thing she’s truly done is save the Guinea pigs. But she’s whined about how she’s never had the support of the other girls while simultaneously defending Laineythot’s parenting. The message she wrote about Sarah, her, and Thot wasn’t disgust about a teenage girl being romantic with a mother in her twenties. It was jealousy. She straight up said she was the third wheel and ignored and went to bed.
Fucking attention whore.
No. 718805
Whoever posted
>>718745 , don't post it.
AJ's allowed to bring him up since he's part of her past, but she did it in private and explicitly asked not to screenshot and post it.
If she wants to share his emails still harassing her, she'll do it; if she doesn't it's fine.
Leave her alone if she wants to be left alone. She doesn't owe us anything.
No. 718807
>>718801He's not harassing her personally/privately. He harasses her publicly, videos, tweets, references her here and there. That's all she means if shes talking of 'harassing'. Anyone can see that for themselves too, so she doesn't need to talk about that herself either.
Honestly AJ has nothing more to say after saying it all already. There is no new tea, no new gossip, nothing secret or that anyone doesn't know already. She's not involved with Greg anymore in any way, it's just him still stuck on her lol like he is with all his exes.
No. 718812
>>718804madison is not the only butthurt ex friend, which is why I'm really hoping it's someone important and not some scorned girl crying about Taylor.
Hopefully it's regina but she hasn't been taylor's bestie in years. I doubt it's selena too. I'm going to kek if it's another skype rando claiming to be best friends though.
No. 718813
>>718796>>718805>>718783>>718807Stop moralfagging about milk, this is a gossip based imageboard.
>>718715If you're going to whiteknight, at least learn to sage.
No. 718834
>>718813Based Admin
Honestly my money is on Madison or some twitter ex paypig who had superficial convos with both and wants attention
No. 718854
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No. 718855
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No. 718860
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No. 718862
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No. 718864
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3/5 *fucked up the order
No. 718878
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Can't tell how recently he filmed this, but it was uploaded on his Facebook 'Onision' page today. I'm on my phone so I don't know how to share the video without linking to Onion's page. I don't know what's worse, that he's actually shitty enough to joke about the grooming/abuse situation (it shouldn't surprise me considering how cunt-like he's been in the past), or the fact that he's got other people (patreons? Billy the Fridge) happily joining the fuck in. Clearly natural selection hasn't done it's job on any of these fuckers.
No. 718901
>>718899He definitely is violent. AJ mentioned that he enjoyed "fucking her into submission" ( wasn't the only one where this happened, Sh made it clear there was a similar dynamic there ). Afterwards AJ said "we just had hate sex" and I remember Jimmy stating in a video, all "hurt and distressed" in a very dramatic fashion: How could she say that!?? We made love.
So not only does violence come natural to him, he sees it as…love? A positive thing.
No. 718926
>>718899>he did push Shiloh into the doorframeLet me fix it for you
>he ASSAULTED Shiloh which caused her to miscarryWhen she made the assault induced miscarriage public, he counteracts by trying to minimize it, using the term "pushed her into a doorframe". It was a manipulative attempt at making the abuse seem less grave. He didn't hit her after all, right? He didn't punch her in the face or anything as stereotypically bad as that, right?
Fact is, what he did was far worse. An actual punch from this manlet would do far less damage and would have left his unborn kid alive. But he used semantics to obfuscate and soften the worst crime he ever committed.
Don't ever use his choice of words for that despicable act ever again.
He's a wife-beater. A wife-beater that killed his unborn child.
No. 718933
>>718931Greg wouldn't have cared much, most likely he'd view her dying as a way to be all like 'woe is me' and get sympathy from everyone and lots of attention. He'd probably be using this every time someone would give him any kind of shit for being a
toxic sleazebag.
Most likely the baby would of gone to him, but I have a feeling he would of most likely given the baby to his mom or her parents to raise.
No. 718965
>>718926Do you remember when he mentioned pushing her into the door?
Most recently in his stupid statements he said she "bodyslammed into door frames" as if to indicate she did it herself on purpose and he had nothing to do with it.
If there's an actual clip of him saying he pushed her then there's another lie he's been blatantly caught in
No. 718966
>>718947Like he even has a clue about the personal lives of all his exes. He just makes grand statements about shit he knows nothing about to make himself look better.
Skye said she's in a relationship now, so Greg is wrong again.
Billie is still young, so her not being settled down yet doesn't mean shit.
Not sure about Shiloh's relationship status, but pretty sure she is still younger than greg was when he married Lainey.
No. 718969
>>718966Yep. His older exes are in stable relationships as far as I can tell (not that it would matter if they weren't). His younger exes may not be, but they're young.
It's not really that common for teenagers to be in long term 'successful' relationships anyway! And nor should it be, they are still discovering themselves and growing. So of course they wont have had/be having long term relationships around the time he's dating them - and perhaps not a for a few years after they manage to get rid of him, that's entirely normal.
It's like he simply isn't acknowledging that most of the people he is dating are either still kids, or only a few months past being a kid. He is so, so stunted he genuinely thinks they're at the same life stages.
And his own relationship is only still going because they're too scared of being alone (and perhaps other things) to leave each other. It's not like it's a healthy, successful, stable relationship at all. It's a big mess.
No. 718977
>>718900>I wonder if all his creepy Dom texts were a way to cover up any possible future abuse allegationsReminds me of that faggot William Control when he got exposed for being an
abusive piece of shit and all his retarded fans cried "but muh BDSM daddy uwu".
I see the same shit with Gergles: he hides behind BDSM to do whatever he wants and cross his partner's boundaries. The Billie basement fiasco is a perfect example: when Grug was getting dragged for it he used BDSM to excuse his
abusive expectations of her. In what fucking world is telling an 18 year old girl to get a tramp stamp and an ugly tan to make amends to your fugly foot BDSM? His fetish is treating women like shit so he can feel better about his invisible chode, not "domination".
No. 718987
>>718984Sure, but whoever posted it really didn't need to, regardless. Was there anything we already didn't know?
>He's a narcissist>Most likely a psychopath>He shouldn't be allowed to roam the streets>Wouldn't be surprised if he physically hurt someoneThat is news to no one.
No. 718992
>>718987I'm not arguing that it was or wasn't disrespectful. I'm saying that regardless, if she didn't want things to be leaked she would of at least taken some precautions. She's linked to a highly volatile internet personality. Things are bound to be leaked so she needs to be careful if she truly didn't want things posted.
Also, having some kind of commentary from AJ, even if it's 'news to no one' is important when someone who actually IS new to onision (AKA most people who are only just now aware how
toxic he is, patreon's who are new fans but weren't aware of old drama, new youtubers who don't do much research in him like the one recently who's had a kid in his skits) hear about how he's
still harassing this poor woman even for a relationship that lasted as long as a common flu, 8 fucking years later. That is literally harassment you can go to the police for if you have the evidence for it.
The more gasoline that gets poured on greg the better imo.
No. 718994
>>718991Cool story bro.
>>718992Ok. You can blame AJ and not whoever chose to take it off of facebook and post it here after AJ said she wanted to keep it contained there.
There's more than enough info to go on, that's why Repzion made a video about it that's over an hour long.
>This info is important to anyone new to onisionAJ was going to keep that info (not new milk btw) contained to FB, how would it have helped that kids channel on youtube? What would've helped them is if someone like Philip DeFranco (youtuber) covered the story.
I'm not faulting AJ for posting it to Facebook with a relatively reasonable expectation of privacy and human decency on behalf of anyone reading it. The anon who questioned whether or not to post it didn't respect AJ's wishes. Cool.
(no1curr) No. 718995
>>718994You sound like you're new to the internet and how things work. If you think my statement in any way blames AJ you haven't read the context of what I posted. She isn't to be blamed for anon's '''disrespectful''' postings, she should just be mindful of posting anything online related to him with people she isn't 100 percent close with as it will most likely get leaked. Her saying 'hey please don't share this' doesn't mean shit when she's posting it to people who aren't close friends of hers. Don't be so naive to think everyone feels the same morality as you anon.
Anyway, since AJ's stuff was posted here, most likely greg's going to see it and narc rage about it somewhere. I hope she reaches out to sarah and their group chat, even if that seems kinda pointless to her. The last thing anymore of his
victims need is more harassment.
No. 718998
>>718990go to twitter if you want to be one of those "yas queen ur a survivorrrrr" types
lolcow is about milk. What the fuck are you here for if you're going to try and pretend to be a good person? lmfao
No. 719001
>>718900I don't think she's ever said that but I don't think she had any problems with it when they were together lol
Lainey also does that cringey daddy dom shit and shows her nasty hickies proudly
No. 719005
>>718994 made your context pretty clear.
>>718998>are you here to try and pretend to be a good personYou speak only for yourself though.
>>719001But she did, see
>>718745>What she said was things we already knowNot new milk. Pointless.
>asking those who read it not to screenshot it to respect her privacyThanks all for clearing some things up, at any rate.
(derailing to moralfag) No. 719012
>>718965I really don't have the will or mental stamina to sift through his old videos, sorry. But "I pushed you" is exactly what he said.
I remember it vividly because I found it really weird that he was talking to her directly through the video, not recanting events to the audience, but explaining to HER what had happened, as if she didn't know herself, being there with him (the hallway was shaped like so-and-so, you were standing there doing that, I did this").
It was blatant gaslighting, he was replacing her reality with his own narrative. Because the reality is that assault of a pregnant woman that causes a miscarriage is some really serious shit that could have had him locked up if she reported it as such. He had to get that idea out of her head.
Of course, as time went by, he gradually changed the narrative to make himself less and less guilty.
No. 719026
>>718966Shiloh did have a boyfriend last year, not sure about now, but she’s in her mid 20s and focused on her new music endeavors. Billie’s been with several guys for a few months at most, but at age 22, it’s ok not to be settled yet, damn. Skye and Adrienne are the only exes around Grog’s age. Both are in a relationship, and Skye is working on a master’s degree.
But yes, clearly all of them are still sooper hung up on Jimmy and want his micropeen again.
No. 719037
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>>718965I caught that, too. It was in one of his recent Patreon trainwrecks. Who the fuck body slams themselves into a fucking door frame? Especially when pregnant?! Literally no one, NO ONE, believes this other than his sweaty paypigs.
But this is the shit he's been doing on Patreon lately, re-writing history and telling outright LIES knowing nobody is able to correct him and point out he's full of shit right at the source. The other day he was talking about those batshit emails he was sending to Skye where he was threatening to kill himself if she didn't stop with the alimony payments. A few years ago, he "CoNfEsSEd" he only said all of that to try and manipulate her into doing what he wants, which was a surprise to literally no one. I don't wanna get off on a tangent about how he's not cunning, sinister, or clever in his manipulation attempts since his IQ is so low.
Anyway, back to the Patreon video, this time he said he was suicidal and was going to kill himself and that Skye is an evil bitch and made no mention of his former defense. He said it's totally normal to threaten your significant other with suicide because 'lots of boyfriends do it' or something that that retarded effect.
There's more examples of these blatant lies and attempts to re-write history in his post #DeplatformPredators Patreon videos. It's like he's not trying to convince the public that he's not an absolute disgusting monster anymore, at least this seems to be what's happening on Patreon specifically. He's only trying to convince his paypigs so he has no problem lying like fuck to make himself seem better when cherry picking through some of the truths his survivors have shared. The videos are behind a pay wall with only his paypigs to interact with what he's saying. Nobody there will dare correct him or point out his discrepancies. When the videos do go to YouTube, the comments are disabled.
So he's doing the equivalent of putting his fingers in his ears and screaming. tEh mOs hOnEsS yEwToObEr, folks.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 719041
>>719037>it's totally normal to threaten your significant other with suicide because 'lots of boyfriends do it' or somethingThe way he tries to generalize his behavior and tastes is weird.
Like he says a baby is manipulative when it cries to get milk and acts like that’s on par with him consciously threatening suicide or finding a loophole to have sex with Sarah behind Lainey’s back without breaking the rules on a technicality. Everyone isn’t manipulative like he says and there are important differences in levels of manipulation.
No. 719070
>>719049So he's trying to say little pregnant Shiloh tried bodyslamming the door open to get into the room with him? Alright, toootally makes sense. But then Jimmy needs to come out and push her so he can close the door? What?
>>719041>a baby is manipulative when it cries to get milk Toppest of keks, did he really say that?
No. 719092
>>719049thank u anon have been looking for this vid forever.
also, how does grugly think he's ANYWHERE in the right about anything he's saying? he's literally the biggest space cadet in the astrouniverse. "everyone's mad at me because i repeatedly punched my sister in the face but no one cares she beat me up many times prior"…oh yeah ok because getting slapped by a 4 year old girl when you're 2 is the same as being repeatedly punched in the face by a 15 year old boy when you're a 16 year old girl you fucking tard.
also gurg if you're lurking…this month instead of buying extra nintendo wii games to lure in 15 year old girls…invest in braces. those teeth are fucking WRECKED
No. 719106
>>719041Yup, he has been doing this shit constantly when referring to all the craAaAaaZzZy BPD rejected LoSeRS that are crawling out of the woodwork now to CANCEL him out of jealousy. He keeps trying to make it relatable to his impressionable young fans that "we all have that crazy ex, right guise?!"
>>717021>>716868No, it isn't normal to have thousands of people believe you're a pedo/predator/groomer/
abusive manipulator, over the course of a decade, no matter how normal you try to make it Grugly. This doesn't just randomly happen to good people.
No. 719137
>>719041Who even refers to an infant as "manipulative?" Babies only have ONE way to communicate their needs and that's by crying. They're BABIES, they're totally helpless otherwise. He's such a fucking idiot it's unreal.
Re: "lots of boyfriend's suicidebait their exes" Yeah and they're universally considered scumbags, so…
No. 719147
>>719143Its the dumbest tinfoil I ever heard. First of he's too egoistic to spread anything, this would include CP and second of he's been walking a fine line all these years. Dumb as he is even he knows that would get him in to a whole heap of trouble.
Also, I don't think he'd be interested. His kick is hentai, sure theres probably a lot of hentai borderline loli teenager school stuff, but last I checked cartoons are not illegal.
No. 719165
>>719029For all we know, whoever posted those AJ screen caps works for Greg.
>>718998Oh yeah. Wouldn't want to be anything like Greg and only
pretend to have scruples. If you give him $1000 he'll let you have lunch with him. Have fun.
No. 719168
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I don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes but Luxy is pissed! Side note: I’d pay money to see this shit go down
No. 719171
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Saw this on Twitter, even this is still making him too attractive but I can’t blame artists for not being able to capture his true hideousness
No. 719178
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Damnnnn Luxy. Something set her off - did we know HomolKai was the one to tell Gerggles Luxy's past? What a fucking pathetic cunt (Kai Jackson ofc not lux)
No. 719180
>>719148Tinfoiling this hard is really embarassing to the site. There is no need to speculate so much when there is enough on the table as it is.
>>719178I think they're just still trying to get a reaction off of Twitter. Meanwhile Greg is hiding on fb and discord.
No. 719191
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From morges latest video. Just the thought of onion being recognized as a predator in foreign media is chefs kiss
No. 719212
>>719207whatever she paid is absolutely worth him ending up in the icelandic daily mail. some anons who get too hell-bent on seeing him fail forget that he needs a little trickle of lifeblood to keep him producing. look at how hard PT fell from her namesake board's interest when she left the internet, it'll be a repeat of that.
>>719208doesn't matter, technically some news media reported him as a known predator and that'll burn his ass for life
No. 719217
>>717702>Yeah, she gave us milk.Cool, that's the point of this website.
>If she goes to court and admits to doing drugs and prescription pills (stupid shit she said on Twitter) along with a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder, there's no way in fucking hell Onion and Foot are getting any punishment.One could rack up several billable hours trying to explain to you how absurd that sounds. Maybe some lucky lawyer will get the chance to do that for Onion, kek.
>>717722Yes, and not only is it rare, most psychiatrists look down on those who
diagnose under-18s with BPD.
>>717749Topkek, anon!
No. 719227
>>719175Thought it was interesting that the 17 year olds that were voice chatting with him were giving him ideas about the generic apology video to make. Must be super cool to pay money to an ugly cunt like Greg and the only way you can handle your idol being called a predator is to troll his
victims. Completely shocked these people have no IRL friends and have to pay YTs most relevant pedo to talk to them.
No. 719235
>>718177I agree, but he does mention that another entity is more likely to be the culprit than [influencer]. Shane would be stupid to not briefly consider the possibility that Onision is behind any effort to discredit him.
>>718335Did Pewdiepie talk about Onision yet?
>>718421At which point the Avarhoes might use police and mental hospitals to control the kids, and the narrative. /tinfoil
No. 719241
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under a retweeted thread of all the times Gregory James Daniel/Gregory Jackson/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson has said the n word on Lane’s twitter (, there’s a video of Selena and Taylor Elaine Anderson/Taylor Elaine Avaroe/Kai Jackson saying it too while being fed lines by Gurg and someone mentions that the “former best friend” Edwin may be interviewing is Selena. That would be interesting as all hell if he did interview her instead of Sarah, who has said almost everything she could, and Madison, who—while she has been wronged by the swamp dwellers—still is a huge attention seeker.
(Twitter commentary ) No. 719251
>>719241God I hope it’s Selena. She was around before Lainey stopped telling people things about her life and might have some good insight into their dynamic.
Even though this predates their official trinity I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to push them into something or at least hit on her himself.
>>719229I mean of course he’s shit talking Lainey. Asking for any of his time or resources is a drain to him. He would only be happy with her if she was able to only give and never take. It also gives the girls a chance to show how they’re fun and not like his old ball and chain.
>>719049I’m stupid what what’s this new background? He posted pictures on Facebook of him lift choking a 20 year old girl and it’s the same wooden background. He doesn’t have that at their normal swamp shack.
No. 719307
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No. 719318
>>719203I was in Lassies server. Onion was never there and all the caps in the flakes thread confirm the same thing.
He doesn't even moderate his own server and tries to avoid discord as much as he can while doing the bare minimum to fulfill perks.
No. 719319
>>719275Not even sure what to say, so I'm going to only comment on a few things, although he managed to shove a lot of bullshit in such a short video. None of this is
remotely funny
because the things he's accused of, he actually did them.
"Fucked her many many times" ( slight paraphrasing, he goes into deeper detail ) - was that for Sarah?
"HSanon", which of course he read here back then and watched the video because of this very site…I guess it could have been funny, if he weren't talking about fictionally fucking his own mother along with the principal? In extremely graphic detail. It's not edgy humour, it just comes off as plain bizarre.
And lastly, the AJ voice mails. He's making a joke out of something that was really stressful for AJ at the time. AJ, not
him. So, ha…ha, Jimmy, great jokes buddy.
Still no comments about his pedo wife.
No. 719320
>>719217You realize that it was Sarah that lied about having bpd right? I bet she learned to do that shit from Taylor with her "anxiety" and "dysmorphia"
>>719319Hs was never confirmed and most likely a troll.
No. 719327
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not sure if this is old milk, but there's a video of onision saying the N word on twitter No. 719332
>>719327Him saying this shit about black girls hair really ticked me off:
>>719161I don't even wanna get in to it more, it just pissed me off tremendously and as of today I feel this fruit needs to be deplatformed.
No. 719336
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>>719208>>719191>Unfortunately that news website is a bit of a shit tabloid that no one takes seriously so this didn't get much attention in Iceland.The English translation, albeit kinda shitty via Google Translate, is pretty enjoyable though for Onion shade.The headline is mangled by GT as "An Icelandic influencer absorbed a known corruption" which is pretty on the money.
No. 719339
>>719336>OnisonI like how Greg is so unimportant that they don't even spell his name correctly. That's usually HIS way of pointing out how little he thinks of somebody.
On the other hand it's a shame because upon googling "Onision" this article will probably not be included in any results.
No. 719341
>>719175I think this video contains some juciy FAXXXXXX. In the very beginning of what she recorded from the discord chat, you hear Grepedo talking about a security job listing and mentions he had considered looking into it. We've suspected now for a while that Grepedo has gotten to the point financially where he must work a legit job or has to get one super soon. KEK, imagine him as a fucking mall cop or something. I would literally die.
Also, as another Anon pointed out, savvy candy is most definitely participating in the chat which is supposed to be 18+. Can anything be done about that? Does it mean he's (again) violating Patreon's Community Guidelines? It's not just savvy, either, as we heard several other Patrons mention being 17. We all heard the perverted filth he was talking about, too.
If anyone catches him sperging about her video either directly or indirectly PLEASE post it!
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 719342
>>719341Would he even really be able to get another job, though? He'd have to explain is huge 'employment gap' by telling them about YouTube… one google later, and no one will really want to employ him. Would they?
I know he changed his name and I reckon this is partly the reason, but even that's been ruined now because he just couldn't stop fucking up and his 'new' name is all over everywhere too
No. 719348
>>719341I'm really surprised he hasn't, tbh. A beautiful woman shitting on him in a thick Icelandic accent? Shit, he really narc raged when Strange Aeons reviewed his book.
The only reasons I can think that why he hasn't is that 1) he wants that $50 pledge & she'll bail quicker if he REEEEEs too early 2) his non-US paypigs may take offense 3) he'll drive traffic to her channel cos she's hilarious 4) she's not a drama channel or 'debating' him & has made it clear everything she says is her subjective opinion of his content. You can't argue with someone who is merely ridiculing you in a light-hearted way or you come across as a humorless prissy pants who in narc speak 'can't take a joke.'
No. 719351
>>719348dollars to doghnuts he's raking that low-funtioning brain of his on how he can turn this into "what she did was
No. 719364
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No. 719365
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No. 719366
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No. 719367
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No. 719368
>>719359I already know what he's going to say as his dumbass defense since he's already been called out for another video where he's clear as day saying and bleeping out nigger.
"i, aS tEh mOs hOnEsT yOuTuBeR wAs sAyInG NIDDER, mOsT eVerYoNe wHo iSnT a dUmB cUnT kNowS tHiS. bE hUmAn gUyS i CaNt bE rAcIsT i dAtEd a bLaCk cHiCk!!!!!"
He's going to say the same exact thing if he mentions it at all.
Also, I don't think Grep can land a security job or really any job that requires a good resume. Speaking of resume, I have a vague memory of actually seeing Grugly's resume at one point? It's so vague that I can't even figure out if it was an actual thing. Does that sound familiar to anyone else?
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 719370
>>719364And you know Taylor knew nothing at all about this email.
"BILLIE PLZ!!!! BE HUMAN!!! PLZ!!!" << That's the translation for this pathetic stream of consciousness email.
No. 719373
>>719367Lol he sends that original email Aug 10 after a wet dream about Billie.
>10 days laterKai found the email I sent you and we've fought about it and she needs to let you know she had NOTHING to do with it. Kai has moved on!! I haven't tho Billie!! Plz watch anime with me! I'm dying Billie
No. 719375
>>715385>>719367Just trying to get the timeline right - this is from August of this year, right? So he and Sarah would have still been together?
So theoretically, he's fucking both Sarah AND Foot and STILL thirsting after Billie? Man, there is no satisfying Gork's carrot.
No. 719376
>>719371Without a second thought.
Im surprised he doesn’t resent Lainey more for tricking her into “cheating” with him. I know he got so used to being able to walk all over Lainey that he thought he could do the same thing with B and still get her back in the end but I’m surprised he didn’t bail with her after the “cheating” incident. He often framed Lainey as the one who didn’t do anything wrong and he and B weren’t perfect. He could have claimed Lainey deserved better and he and B deserved each other.
No. 719378
>>719375Sorry I was wrong. They broke up in July (26?) so he must have felt empty after Sarah wouldn’t come back so started trying to hoover up old exes. She’s clearly his ultimate dream girl but I wouldn’t be surprised if he put out feelers to others too.
I don’t think he views Lainey as a partner and feels single/empty when it’s just them.
No. 719380
>>719365>It was like I never loved you Yeah it's almost like you're a malignant narc. Toppest of keks. Yep that's how you reel em' back Grug.
>you said we were soul mates. Stuff like that screws me up uwuYeah she probably said that when you were paying her thousands of dollars for "editing". No offense Billie, you deserved that coin for putting up with fug and fuglier.
>>719366>Is there more to life than my fuck ups? No
No. 719381
>>719380It's kind of like his life is
defined by his fuckups. Ideally people's lives are defined by their successes, but not Greg or Taylor. His only success was the Banana Song, and that wasn't even entirely his success.
No. 719387
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Grub’s gross mirror pic is making the rounds as a normie meme… sage for…???
No. 719389
>>719380She said they were soul mates because she was a fan and a kid. These young girls don't even know what the hell they're saying other than copying movies in an attempt to be romantic. The fact that Greg somehow says the same thing in his 30s is so very stunted.
And kek at Greg's opuses of "I'm sorry. I know you'll never respond. BUT IF YOU CAN…" So much desperation and manipulation. It's hilarious that they're so young and none of them fall for it except Lainey.
His MO is incredibly predictable and he thinks he's clever. I'm most disturbed by his interactions with Luxy and aggressively trying to cohere her into fucking him. It's almost criminal, but I suppose that's Greg in a nut shell.
No. 719390
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Sage for OT but it cracks me up that Onion thinks he looks just like Zac Efron, Ian Somerhalder, and whatever other ~heartthrob~ teens are lusting after today, when he’s actually a dead ringer for this guy. Will Poulter should play Onion once he goes to prison and someone makes a true crime movie about his pathetic life.
No. 719396
>>719381The mail to B reeks of depression. But hey, I'd be depressed, too if I was a 30-something year old man, that looks all flabby and drained and thus a lot older, whose only accomplishment in life was a lol-random banana song a decade ago and who now has to go beg for teens' and mentally unstable adults' money on the internet.
If he wasn't such a horrible person, I'd feel bad for Greg since he just can't grasp that he does not have any artistic career. Everything he puts out (videos, songs, books) is stale and unrelatable at it's best and borderline illegal (violence fantasies, the drug-and-murder video, cp in his books (and chibi-derf blowing his dad), etc.) at it's worst.
In regard to his tantrum about BPD, it's quite ironic that after all those years of leeching off of mentally unstable people and pretending to be educated in fields such as eating disorders, depression and body dysmorphia / dysphobia, he's at that point where he can't keep his charade up and reveals how much he actually hates to be around this exact group of people.
It's very telling that patron-anon said, he only interacts with his patrons as much as needed to fulfill his perks. And Mörges just confirmed in her video once again that he only wants ass pats on there. lol
But I guess he and his smert peeple IQ of 142 didn't foresee that pretending to be an ally to people with mental disorders will actually make them flock around him. And not only the cute, little alt pixie girls.
You made your bed, old man, now lie in it.
>>719390First of all, there shouldn't be a movie about his life, that would be too much effort spent on a person who is too unimportant to the world.
The only thing that might be interesting would be a documentary with real footage of Greg, so that everyone knows his mug.
And I bet even if Will Poulter is no heartthrob, he'll be offered better roles anyway.
No. 719412
>>719175Anyone else catch that he's going to try to write off a drum set as a business expense?
He still hasn't learned shit from the irs
No. 719426
>>>/pt/719026About Skye and her relationship:
She’s been in a relationship with a dude/neckbeard who comes from a wealthy family in the South and is 5+ years younger than her because no older guy would stand her weeb bullshit. Not hating btw before you bombard me with your faggotry
Done some research 3 years ago about his exes and how they were doing out of curiosity
>>719426who cares?
If they're happy then it's not our place to judge. You say you aren't hating but you sure sound like a judgy bitch to me.
No. 719473
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No. 719483
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Billie retweeted this. How does a person "suggest" to a person that they should become the equivalent of a psycho's sex slave? Chained up in a basement bald and most likely naked? With kids running around upstairs? Do you know how many serial raping kidnappers (and killers) did shit like that? Who in their right mind would even defend such a disgusting demand? Oh wait, Plainey.
No. 719500
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>>719347The moderator of the chat for the stream.
No. 719512
Link to stream for anyone interested: It's currently a bunch of "KAI IS C R Y I N G" memes with special appearance by FPS Diesel (the dude that scared Jimmy shitless a few months ago for newfags)
No. 719514
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No. 719516
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One more not gonna live blog - Rep stops in
No. 719525
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Mod from chat mentions Rep may be on next week to discuss Jimmy Grease and Homolkai
…is this end times for real?
No. 719546
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they seem to be going back to talk about onision slowly
No. 719556
Part of me wishes that Lainey was actually trans and started T in the hopes that Onion pushes one too many of Lainey's buttons and she hulks out on him and kicks his ass.
>>719537Onion's face had to have been beet red from the mixture of his incurable skin disease and from pure unbridled rage when replying to that kek
No. 719561
Stream was kinda garbage sadly. Mostly a Blaire White interview, mentioned a tiny bit about Onion and Lainey, more about Jessica Yaniv than them though.
>>719560Nope, they were only briefly spoken about, mentioned grooming Sarah and the nudes sent but that was it
No. 719566
>>719562100% this. Repzion also has more in-depth knowledge AND way more receipts than Blaire. It's good Blaire tries to shine light on Schmerggy but she seems not to mention the most damning stuff and seems kinda over it.
Rep has details from most of the
victims, years of receipts, and really fucking cares about it. It would be amazing if he got on
No. 719568
>>719562Oh he absolutely would keep it focused on Onion.
>>719567Good point. I hope they do get Rep on, or at least that this isn't the last we hear about this going beyond YouTube and Twitter.
No. 719570
>>719567And the part where Chris pretty much laughed in Onisions face at his thread of sueing 'the shoe'. That was great. Hansen didn't care at the fuck all. Beautiful.
I bet Greg had at least a mild narc rage at having his typo highlighted hahaah
No. 719573
>>719561It was ok in that Chris Hansen literally making fun of Jimmy's money grubbing and illiteracy, so win really. Also Repzion is going on hopefully, due to the hubbub.
Also Blaire told the world Kai sends nudes to kids so
>>719530This may technically be impossible, but Hansen's team should seriously try to reach out to just CryGuy Kai herself, it might be interesting. Though it's very likely The swamp cryer is cutoff from all modes of communication anyway
No. 719580
>>719570Almost wish he was still posting his daily shit on Twitter just to see the sperg.
>>719574He isn't that creative, probably just gonna print one off Google Images
>>719573Gurg would keep Lainey from doing anything. He monitors all her shit anyways and would probably yell at her for even thinking about replying or just reply himself with the same 350k demand.
No. 719586
>>719580>or just reply himself with the same 350k demand.And make a video talking about how Chris Hansen is trying to hurt his family.
>>719583They should extend the same courtesy to Sarah since she's the most recent
victim and still has the laptop as well as plenty of evidence.
No. 719603
>>719580It’s also occurred to me that since Anus has all of lainey’s passwords and demands to see her phone/accounts, then he has most likely, if not definitely seen the underage nudes from Sarah, Haylee, and god knows who else.
Gee, Jimmy, that sounds like a crime, and crimes are iLLeGuL, but since you didn’t go to the police to report your Thot wife IMMEDIATELY you are 100% as bad. In this case, he actually kind of is, but we all know he is the exception to his own rules.