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File: 1709319335118.gif (8.82 MB, 270x480, Shayna gleefully stumbles back…)

No. 167793[Reply]

Lets discuss the "what ifs"?
>What If Shayna never met Fupaul
>What if Shayna was never tumblr famous?
>What if Shayna was raised by a single parent?
>What if Shay was a only child?
>What if Shayna was Vegan?
>What if Shayna never had the breast implant
>What if Shay's relationship with her family was better?
>What if Shayna was born Shane?
>What if Shayna was a lesbian?
>What if Shayna never entered sex work?
>What if Shayna was still thin?
>What if Shayna was born another race?
>What if Shayna was a red head?
>What if Shayna was a horse girl?
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No. 169217

just wanted to shout out the OP for the hilarious reversed gif of her meeting fupa. genius. my what if is… what if shayna never had poland syndrome? i honestly believe her getting the fake breasts altered the history of her future. she would have been humbled earlier by her missing boob and may have actually had to develop a personality instead of making her personality in highschool her tits. honestly why would they even given someone less than 18 that surgery? plus the whole “my dad paid my boob job” larp she tried to do in highschool gave her brain damage that has lasted to this day

No. 169371

this is random but i've been thinking about this since lolcows are becoming more popular with normies, what if there was a youtube video essay/deep dive (kinda similar the videos turkey tom or cecil mcfly make) made about her? something that talked about her controversies + what makes her a lolcow. on one hand it would suck because newfags would swarm LCF but it's just interesting to think about how shayna would react.
shay is lucky enough that she's a semi obscure lolcow, kiwis know about her but they think she's boring. how do you think she would react? would she lock down all her accs or ignore it? would she suicidebait? would she use it as an excuse to avoid working? would she cry to her wealthy dad to fix it? the mind of shay is so interesting.

No. 169394

They wouldn’t be able to show enough because of YouTube’s restrictions

No. 169546

What if Shay started making yoga and fitness content, and gained flexibility and a few followers & dollars, and lost a few pounds

No. 169547

If she gave up on being a failed ewhore she could probably start a successful career as a blogger documenting how she left sex work and how she was fixing her life. This would include diet and exercise, gaining qualifications so she could get a good job and how she was taking steps to repair her mental health. She will never do this because it would require effort and admitting that she was wrong.

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No. 157932[Reply]

Shay 4, 3, 2, or 1, shit even the Shayout (fallout Challenge), Pick your game, and play your Shay, rules!

>Favorite Color must start as Pink

>Job must be as close as you can to the real deal
>Traits must START as close to Shayna as you can
>Characters in the Shayverse must BEGIN as they do irl. For example, don't make Womack some op super sexy sim. Make him what he is

I want to see where every Shay starts and ends. We all start the same BUT it can't all end the same?
Maybe Shayna will loose weight in your game, actually become a digital artist. Maybe she'll marry Womack, who becomes super rich.
Maybe she'll become that super rich sex worker. Regardless, play it your Shay!
(In general I think Shayna makes a interesting character arc for a sim. Starting off as a sex worker, maybe thin. Have her drink/eat until chubby, maybe she becomes famous and beloved. Maybe she becomes a housewife or a gamer girl! It's your world and your gorl!
(this is retarded, i know. I'd like to see some heartwarming storylines though)
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No. 169532

She looks very similar kek you nailed it nona

No. 169534

There is both an OF mod and a sugaring mod for TS4

No. 169538

You should make Ellen & the tranny diaper guy and make them have an open relationship with the lumpinou relationship overhaul mod. Then you can make her get in fights with other side characters like Soy Salvatore, Ricky Delgado, and Fupaul. Maybe cheat and make Fupaul her ex.

No. 169540

I'm pretty sure you could change the jealousy settings in CAS and that would prevent the annoying effects of jealousy moodlets from placing established relationships in the negative. there's also wicked attributes, which despite being cringe, has something called casual romance which essentially is dating people without ever advancing to official boyfriend and girlfriend which seems appropriate.
I'm not really interested in making the gross orbiters that Shat's involved with (mostly because their appearance just isn't interesting). Buuut, I could make some passable Traniel or Ellen sims. I know creators who make bdsm gear but If I'm going to be honest I hate those gimp head coverings and probably would never put them in my game. unless I recolor the luchador mask in the game, it's gonna feel half assed. I spend most of my time in CAS. making a serious attempt at LARPING as a failing prostitute isn't fun or funny imho. I basically never use (and to be honest I don't think I have before this point despite this pack being there for a long time) the media production equipment here so this gave me an excuse to. The only thing I have an interest in is digging through my thousands of cc to recreate stuff I see.

If I'm not feeling lazy I could put her up for download and you could make all those characters yourself if you want to.

No. 169545

File: 1730596543832.png (957.69 KB, 1706x921, big_shaynus-shim.png)

Updated maxis match Big Shaynus. I tried to recreate her new 1980s lot lizard aesthetic but I can't find a hair that matches the 1980s perm with tard bangs combo. I also think the CAS update broke something because I can't change her hair colour or eyebrows for different outfits.

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No. 157750[Reply]

Nona, Nonnie and Nonita get in here and let's tall about your favorite totally more then like true Shayfoil (tinfoil aka Titfoil). They try to silence the truth but they don't know the truth!
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No. 169295

i think the pets are gone. not one mention of the cats or noodle since she moved into the one room in someone elses place. i really hope for noodles sake she didn't drop her off at a kill shelter. i hope shes with a nice family now with a big yard she can run around in and they take her on long walks. shes really a cute dog. i can't believe shes only 4/5 years old and already has a white muzzle like an 8 year old dog.

No. 169296

just checked petfinder around renton and didn't find them but i still think they could be living elsewhere from her

No. 169302

Noodle would probably find another home. I'd be more concerned about Rib because she's the oldest and doesn't like other animals.

No. 169413

Does anyone else suspect that Shayna's john that she's living with is a feeder?

No. 169522

shayna broke up with ellen that's why she's extra broke and extra moody now

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No. 161829[Reply]

Post all of Shayna's worst hairstyles here!
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No. 169382

i don't think so nona. her current bangs start further back on her head than her old ones so that bit of extra hair will make them thicker

No. 169428

File: 1729069175328.jpg (408.29 KB, 1152x2048, 1729054073689.jpg)

>straight bangs with this hairstyle

No. 169482

File: 1729220210167.jpg (208.14 KB, 1279x1080, Tower.jpg)

No. 169490

Her head looks like a peanut.

No. 169504

File: 1729602288500.png (447.74 KB, 708x778, bad-hair-style.png)

The face is what is is but what the fuck is she doing with her hair? Why did she go to a saloon and get the dated lot lizard highlights only for her to go back to pedo pandering hair in bunches?

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No. 169385[Reply]

>Hi this is Dolly Mattel and youre watching the Doup+ Channel!

post all doup edits here

No. 169386

File: 1726960965553.jpg (375.68 KB, 1440x1080, GJ9dHSRW4AAcPNL.jpg)

No. 169387

File: 1726961044102.png (2.44 MB, 1000x1497, T3948TFGWR3414.png)

No. 169388

File: 1726961504937.jpg (175.25 KB, 634x478, DOUPDOUPDOUP.jpg)

No. 169392

File: 1727323479740.jpg (234.58 KB, 731x1078, 1727053537819.jpg)

update with nona's edit

File: 1680311610209.jpeg (93.71 KB, 1000x930, shayai.jpeg)

No. 16630[Reply]

Post AI art of Shayna and friends.
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No. 169360

File: 1726140127999.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.38 KB, 512x768, shay-sushi.jpg)

Shayna eating sushi after dying her hair.

No. 169365

These seem kind of fetishistic

No. 169367

>>169360 the tiny ass teeth sitting in the middle of her bottom lip ahhhhhh!

No. 169368

/r/ for some more shAI edits of her new pictures. those claymation and barbie ones legitimately made me laugh harder than anything last year

No. 169374

File: 1726481635710.jpg (67.13 KB, 512x768, shAI-sfb-aq.jpg)

I'm using the AI from here >>169321
It's a NSFW coomer AI so it producing fetish imagery shouldn't be too surprising.

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No. 169188[Reply]

Thread for moments of shock, horror and disgust throughout shaystory

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No. 169333

File: 1724677834949.gif (Spoiler Image,6.24 MB, 640x640, 1604159346750.gif)

Yet another instance of her showing the inside of her asshole
Thread #61

No. 169340

File: 1724870871642.png (14.86 KB, 1812x114, dog-fucker.png)

A random dog fucker appears
Thread #64

No. 169341

File: 1724871304403.jpeg (Spoiler Image,421.64 KB, 2048x1500, 1606268145755.jpeg)

Shoving a turkey baster up her asshole
Thread #64

No. 169548

I have hidradenitis suppurativa and I'm thankful every time I she Shays acne ridden pussy that the HS hasn't affected my pussy. One of my armpits looks like raw meat during flare ups and the scarring is horrendous though. But even though my armpit is gross, I just don't shave my armpit hair. Why on God's name would shay shave her pubes when she clearly has/had issues with ingrown hair and acne there? Better yet, why not shower and try to control the acne or wax to avoid ingrown hairs? I just will never get what goes through her mind.

No. 169662

File: 1733668431693.webm (12.3 MB, 712x1148, shass_2_mouth.webm)

Taking a candy cane glass dildo out of her ass and sucking on it
Thread #65

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No. 162981[Reply]

A place to share works of shayart featuring our beloved baby bimbo
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No. 169187

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No. 169222

File: 1723746666050.png (204.05 KB, 477x454, shay_troll.png)

Last thread an anon said she looked like troll face

No. 169223

File: 1723755111882.png (454.32 KB, 768x899, shaypony.PNG)


No. 169224

why is this actually kind of cute, good work anon

No. 169246

Kek! This is perfect nonna. I would love to see you do other cows too (idk where you would post them but this is so good)
>>168939 this has lived rent free in my head since it was posted.

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No. 158291[Reply]

Here you can post lyrics.

I'll post some from the Shaynatorium.
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No. 166422

Not a song but a poem I composed for you nonnies:

Late upon a midnight fleeting,
While I doordash'd (also tweeting),
Leaving dildoes, never sweeping,
Strewn upon the dirty floor.
Quoth the Shaynus, 'nevermore'

No. 166424

File: 1701636939000.gif (2.15 MB, 480x244, 1602530302110.gif)

gorgeous, I love it

No. 166427

File: 1701642321173.jpeg (136.21 KB, 1284x722, 73A78128-8242-4180-8E51-C9D7DE…)

Because you know I'm all about that shay
'Bout that shay, no implants
I'm all about that shay, 'bout that shay, no implants
I'm all about that shay, 'bout that shay, no implants
I'm all about that shay, 'bout that shay (shay, shay, shay, shay)

Yeah, it's pretty clear, I ain't no size two
But If i photoshop it, shop it, like I'm supposed to do
'Cause I got those tetris block titties (titties)
And I smell like mildew

No. 166482

Kek! Her face is sending me.

No. 169209

What'll you do when you get lonely
And nobody's waiting by your side?
You've been filming gross porn much too long
You know it's just your foolish pride
Get off your fucking knees
I'm begging, cow, please
Dear cow, won't you ease my worried mind?
I tried to give you consolation
When your gross moid had let you down
Like a fool, I fell in love with you
You turned my whole world upside down
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No. 162200[Reply]

post and discuss your predictions of what shayna will do next, in the near future, or in the fat (oops i mean far) future.
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No. 168687

Shayna will not quit SW. She will end up like Lori from /w/ and still have an OF when she's older, still not earning much money and struggling to pay rent, still fat and unhealthy. The difference will be that she will look even worse and have a lot of wrinkles, so she will use stronger filters on her photos.

No. 168688

I think Shayna is constantly breaking down and trauma dumping to every woman who she feels is a "Friend". She's not happy and she won't accept whats making her unhappy is this "Job".

No. 168831

who thinks shes gonna kill herself this year? or die in some other unrelated way? she always predicted she would be a member of the 27 club

No. 168846

I don't think she would do it. Chasing after temporary pleasures is what keeps her relatively happy for someone with a lifestyle as miserable as hers. She's gonna be fine for as long as she can afford booze

No. 169182

The sissy coomer "bf" will fully troon out and Shay will start posting about having a new gf

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