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File: 1699043221979.jpeg (914.83 KB, 1948x3464, FA8C50E1-D24B-47B6-A519-627582…)

No. 165957[Reply]

Who would you cast in the movie based on the life of Shayna?
Lena Dunham as Shayna
Patricia Arquette as Ellen Degenerate
Adam Sandler as Ricky Delgado of Boulder, CO
Helen Mirren as Sarah Gregory
Madison Bailey as Kiki Cali
Zack Galifinackas as Fupaul

That’s who I would cast what about you?
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No. 167953

File: 1709840106247.jpeg (202.65 KB, 1200x1200, E40F7CFB-FB7F-4AC6-BB4B-1BD5F4…)

Ed Sherman as Mr Peanut Butter

No. 167962

Fucking lmao

No. 167964

File: 1709892570954.jpg (2.52 MB, 4096x4096, InCollage_20240308_180854031.j…)

The movie is a musical sung and narrated by Ed Sheeran as Mr Peanut butter about Shay's life from his perspective.

No. 167965

Harry styles as Noodle and Robbie Williams as Ribmeat.

No. 167983

Way too pretty and petite.

File: 1709319335118.gif (8.82 MB, 270x480, Shayna gleefully stumbles back…)

No. 167793[Reply]

Lets discuss the "what ifs"?
>What If Shayna never met Fupaul
>What if Shayna was never tumblr famous?
>What if Shayna was raised by a single parent?
>What if Shay was a only child?
>What if Shayna was Vegan?
>What if Shayna never had the breast implant
>What if Shay's relationship with her family was better?
>What if Shayna was born Shane?
>What if Shayna was a lesbian?
>What if Shayna never entered sex work?
>What if Shayna was still thin?
>What if Shayna was born another race?
>What if Shayna was a red head?
>What if Shayna was a horse girl?
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No. 167865

Shane Leo Cliff would be a gross daddy dom, with a list of abused BPD women accusing him of abuse. He started on Justin.TV as a teen he'd badly play games and smoke weed shirtless. He gets big for smoking weed and making "aesthically pleasing" Streams where he smokes with friends. He's average faced, with a big strong nose, weak chin and beady brown eyes. He's the dirtest blonde you ever saw, with a wide back, narrow hips and a tiny hank hill ass.
He decides to become a sex worker when he turned 18 and saw how much attention people were getting on Justin TV for "thrist trapping". Plus a lot of "Women" were begging him to do Porn in his DM's.
So he becomes a sex worker who'd show off his small dick with huge fucking balls that are covered in razor bumps. He'd call himself the "Ken" of BDSM, and constantly pose and strain himself to look like he has abs and he's super attractive. He still streams on Justin.TV but has also moved to camsites.
When Justin.TV became Twitch, it became agaisnt TOS to be shirtless and do certain things Shane was doing, so he decides to move to Twitter full time as a sex worker.
He becomes skinny fat and has a beer belly and constantly be in girls Dm's, but because he's gross, a asshole and really dedicated to the "Daddy dom" lifestyle, he'd always end up in shit relationships. He's bisexual but clearly prefer women and uses butt plug, but never cleans properly and for some reason thinks that Women are the main ones watching him, when really he's gained the attention for OrangeFarms a gossip site thats for men, who laugh at him.
He's never done more then kissing a few scrotes and was a weird threesome relationship where the other scrote got the girl.
After a bad break up with Tanya aka Tay who is a baby mother, whose baby daddy hates her because she's gross and lets weirdos around the kids all the time.
They break up because Shane was mentally/physically abusive but claims it's "kink" and decided to "Out" Tay to her baby daddy for having him around.Both are fucked up people.
He decide to move to Seattle because Tay moved on and his mother, plus a old friend helped him. He rekindles with his "Best friend" and fake BF, from his "Edgy goff boy days".
Elliot is a femboy, 35 and super ugly and fat but desperete and lonely, he's also bisexual and super into Sam Smith because body postitivity.
Elliot really wants a girlfriend but they call eacPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 167881

File: 1709545888977.jpeg (799.78 KB, 828x1492, IMG_2144.jpeg)

If Shayna was Shane she would 100% be a slappablejerk character

No. 167911

That moid looks like someone Shayna would fuck on camera.

No. 167947

File: 1709816700556.jpeg (552.38 KB, 1170x1698, 1709729183794.jpeg)

what if he was dyslexic

No. 167951

He’s actually kinda funny he parodies a lot of toxic moids and incel behavior. His skits are so realistic that they make you upset.

File: 1681569992182.png (361.12 KB, 422x750, 1498924199236.png)

No. 161616[Reply]

Are you rereading old threads? Discuss landmark vintage milk in this thread.
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No. 167782

there was no need for you to post the image as proof, we would have all believed you without question

No. 167784

As vile as it is, it's what she herself retweeted and unfortunately this content gets spread around twitter on a daily basis. It needs to be archived because it proves that she is either a pedo or that she is willing to accept pedos if it gets her scrote attention.

No. 167789

This one is for the “Shayna it’s not too late to change” crowd. Irredeemable.

No. 167791

I wonder if she really looks at a girl that small and thinks “she’s literally me!”

No. 167792

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No. 160423[Reply]

I've noticed nonas made a few of these kek
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No. 167490

Nta but I don't understand this response at all kek. The picture of Shay has indeed been shopped to look like a more normal shape for a fat woman than Shay's fat but flat physique

No. 167491

Big asses are ugly

No. 167492

I'm pretty sure Ellen hangs out here. Either her or that obese goth cow.

No. 167495

kek at fridgechans coping in the comedian fart pic thread

No. 167510

Ellen is the one coping. Not even shay likes your big ass that much.

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No. 16630[Reply]

Post AI art of Shayna and friends.
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No. 166949

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No. 166950

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No. 166951

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No. 166952

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No. 166960

wow i didnt know shayna was jia fei

File: 1703014022648.png (1.91 MB, 943x1315, Merry Shaymas.png)

No. 166766[Reply]

Merry Christmas, Nonas! Get into the spirit by posting Christmas related Shayna memes and memories old and new.
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No. 166905

File: 1703562934626.jpg (1.39 MB, 3024x4032, shingerbread.jpg)

dont ask me what i was thinking when i made this because i dont have an answer (i also realized right after i did it that the line for her boobs looks like scars so we can just pretend theyre her implant scars)

No. 166908

Making gingerbread fan art of a washed up whore is something a twitter coomer would do

No. 166911

Lmao anon your hands are so cute

No. 166914

Holy shit your fingers are THICK kek go touch grass if this is what you’re doing during the holiday

No. 166919

kek. I always appreciate IRL shart.

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No. 166458[Reply]

A place to catalogue Shayna's descent into alcoholism.

DEC 1:
>>>/snow/1936482 - espresso martini x3

DEC 2:
>>>/snow/1936655 - 7AM espresso martini ('breffast')
>>>/snow/1936831 - bottle of tequila
>>>/snow/1937143 - slushie cocktail x2

DEC 3:
>>>/snow/1937539 - sugary cocktails (enough to get her chicken dancing)
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No. 166651

Not to mention, the picture she posted actually showed two mini bottles of sparkling wine. Once they ran out of sparkling wine, she switched to white wine. So she had at least 3 mini bottles of wine.

Same here nona! We've got this. I thought watching her Aruba antics would tempt me to drink, but she makes everything look so trashy and unappealing that it actually strengthened my resolve to keep going. Even if you didn't hit rock bottom, Shay has done the field work for us, proving that drinking only leads to a life of being a fat, sloppy, embarrassing, miserable shell of a person.

No. 166658

Thanks for the addition nonna. So that's 1465 calories then… that's unfathomable.
For 6 drinks in 6 hours, the smartserve online BAC calculator says that she's at a BAC of around 0.11% right now.

No. 166662

That is absolutely wild. At my worst, I was drinking between 750-1000 calories a day - I've lost 7 pounds in 16 days just by cutting out booze. No wonder Shay is so fat now.

No. 166664

Let's go, nonas! We are better than this shit.

No. 166670

Her bac is probably even higher too because she’s been drinking like that for 13 days straight morning til night

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No. 6[Reply]

Nobody knows how to fake la petite mort like our princess. Today we're going to honor the many faces of her fake pleasure!

Post your best shayhegaos!!
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No. 166569

pretty sure her no makeup era was right after she moved to Seattle. I started reading the threads during that era and I still think it’s the worst she’s ever looked kek. I think it’s because she was too lazy to unpack all her makeup.

No. 166570

renton* oops

No. 166578

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No. 166588

This video was horrific she looks like a sack of potatoes in that ugly unitard

No. 167861

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No. 158291[Reply]

Here you can post lyrics.

I'll post some from the Shaynatorium.
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No. 166416

Thank you for this, nonna! I can’t get it out of my head. Kek.

No. 166422

Not a song but a poem I composed for you nonnies:

Late upon a midnight fleeting,
While I doordash'd (also tweeting),
Leaving dildoes, never sweeping,
Strewn upon the dirty floor.
Quoth the Shaynus, 'nevermore'

No. 166424

File: 1701636939000.gif (2.15 MB, 480x244, 1602530302110.gif)

gorgeous, I love it

No. 166427

File: 1701642321173.jpeg (136.21 KB, 1284x722, 73A78128-8242-4180-8E51-C9D7DE…)

Because you know I'm all about that shay
'Bout that shay, no implants
I'm all about that shay, 'bout that shay, no implants
I'm all about that shay, 'bout that shay, no implants
I'm all about that shay, 'bout that shay (shay, shay, shay, shay)

Yeah, it's pretty clear, I ain't no size two
But If i photoshop it, shop it, like I'm supposed to do
'Cause I got those tetris block titties (titties)
And I smell like mildew

No. 166482

Kek! Her face is sending me.

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No. 157669[Reply]

Share your favorite iconic moments from the thread, or a specific memory you share with your fellow shayheads. My favorite was anon who hated the word bleak so much she was getting a shayneurism (but eventually embraced it). What's yours?
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No. 165743

>you'll notice in the caps that even though she was paid to strip naked, she left her skirt on like a belt to cover her stomach for the entire night.

No. 165973

File: 1699116956524.webm (669.18 KB, Shane Sonnier Prank Call.webm)

This was so stupid yet funny. It belongs here.

No. 166292


Shayna's 21 humiliating things video. Here's a rough transcript of this video. Sorry for the huge block of text.

"One time I got fucked with my head in a toilet and got my hair all wet, and I lost an eyelash in the toilet. And that was pretty humiliating. Uhm that's one. There was one time I was filming one of my videos, my piss puppy video, and I accidentally pissed myself while the camera wasn't rolling and like no one was even there and it just felt like really, really humiliating. Uhm my first pro-shoot I did with another model, I didn't realize I was going to be working with another model so I didn't shave. And yeah that was not my favorite look on camera and it was not… it was just like… not cute and I was like, really humiliating cause like incoherent disgusted noises. Uhm, I mean it's pretty humiliating how, how bad I am at putting dick in my throat to the point where I literally cry and throw up and that was my first blowjob that I gave my ex-boyfriend. Yeah like, I yeah I got laughed at pretty hard when I uhm threw up all over my ex-boyfriend's dick. It was pretty bad. Uhm so that's four. Oh another thing that happened with me and my ex-boyfriend, the first time we met was uhm, he took me to like a really nice hotel and that was the first time I did anal and the sheets were terrifying afterwards, there was just like blood everywhere and like piss. Terrifying. Absolutely terrifying. I was absolutely fucking humiliated groan and uhm, oh my god sigh. So that's five. Uhm, at my friend's uhm kinky New Year's party I was being beat up by like two girls at once and one of them was holding a leash that was attached to my nose and the other one was like pulling on my nipple and stepping her heel into my leg and I accidentally pissed on the floor because I was trying to focus so hard that I got scared and pissed myself. And that was– I just pissed myself on a hardwood floor in a really nice mansion in front of like twelve people. Uhm there was one time, I went out to the grocery store and dinner with my friend without realizing I had cum all over my t-shiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 166293

Her voice is so deep

No. 166350

File: 1701292971153.mp4 (16.86 MB, 21 moments of Shayme.mp4)

Thanks! Let's archive that locally!

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