File: 1681569992182.png (361.12 KB, 422x750, 1498924199236.png)

No. 161771
File: 1681720353279.png (58.54 KB, 1076x1276, 1501288186986.png)

From thread 1. She's always had reverse body dysmorphia even 5 years ago.
No. 161772
File: 1681721076512.png (79.65 KB, 720x1280, 1503118959713.png)

Also thread 1. The infamous black dildo post that people tried to cancel her over in the past.
No. 161773
File: 1681725711695.png (7.79 KB, 981x164, prediction.png)

nonnies were already calling it 5 years ago.
No. 161775
File: 1681727752496.png (Spoiler Image,511.46 KB, 971x571, oh gross.png)

I forgot just how bad her entire vagina/ass looked with those ingrown hairs in the past. the only part of her life that shes improved on since the first threads is the gross sores.
No. 161777
File: 1681730323587.jpg (Spoiler Image,99.66 KB, 750x1334, 1507650953000.jpg)

the internet never forgets, shayna. 5 year old photos of you pissing on puppy training pads are going to exist for the rest of eternity, visible when anyone googles your name.
No. 161799
File: 1681836202337.png (34.86 KB, 203x275, 1541776946667.png)

Aged like a fine hard cheese kek
No. 161801
File: 1681839058118.png (32.62 KB, 196x319, 1515030446510.png)

everything about this picture… truly retched.
No. 162211
File: 1683668541646.jpeg (199.86 KB, 1125x1823, IMG_4533.jpeg)

Kek and 3 years later Shaynus is fatter than whoever this freak is
No. 162220
copying and pasting the text from thread #4 which features a lot of archived drama between Shayna and her mom:
Anonymous No. 326862
the milk is overflowing… if u were undecided on this girl, u wont be now.
she's always called her mom a bitch in countless posts and anytime she is mentioned or referred to, it is in the most awful/vile way, she always said her mom is who "abused" her and how she is a
victim of CA(child abuse)… i stumbled on these.. wow… her thinking is really warped.
archived answered asks- theres so much more than these but just wow. u guys be the judge.
(welcome to her blog-y she hates her mom -if ur new) they found her blog) how her parents found out about her camming) her mom doesnt understand her n how she shoved misogyny down her throat and how she doesnt get that shayna wants to be a cam girl n how her mom send her emails/txts for schools and jobs- boo hooo soo abused by an awful bitch) literally makes me want to vomit- asked how her mom found her blog- she literally says "she’s the type of person to try and dig up dirt on me so she has an actual reason to be mad at me other than just being a bitch"-wow shayna) such a shitty mom… makes up but then proceeds to still bash her to her followers) she is courageous for sticking up to her mom- lulz) y she's a strong person bc of what she went thru w/ her mom) her blog was private/ brother backs up mom) asker u dont need parents- more about her mom and how she compromised their lives- her mom lost her poarents when she was only 12) thes dumblr loser minions perpetuate her delusions and warped thinking)
asked y her mom is such a bitch and how they better be blessed w/ a child like her!! other pples mom like her more her mom is jelly) boo hoos and how her mom told connors mom about the camming) justifying her blog to her mom) from her awful parents… blog or us) about suicide, her experience w/ her parents n what they were doing pushed her) other archived links from the deleted threads:
This ones long, talks about her childhood and rape highlighted is of an ASK where she mentions kinks to overcome rape) rape & mentions shaving her head) eating disorder weed allergy No. 162224
File: 1683724488295.jpg (104.12 KB, 516x1442, 1520130949807.jpg)

Shay brags about not showering
No. 162235
File: 1683759874926.png (9.81 KB, 275x153, 1592421259293.png)

this made me laugh out loud. she is insane
No. 162237
>>162236hahahaha their entire relationship really solidified just how much shay hates herself. "hate fucking" is weird and
toxic enough, let alone "anal hate fucking", if you let someone do that you hate yourself and anyone who wants to do that to you definitely never loved or cared about you
No. 162242
File: 1683808777207.jpeg (141.18 KB, 1076x1079, IMG_4584.jpeg)

Rereading still, golden find in picrel lmao
No. 162263
File: 1683934839285.jpg (44.24 KB, 499x383, 1520704806131.jpg)

Shay's "stalker saga"
No. 162272
File: 1683941698678.jpg (234.1 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230512_202204_Chr…)

this reply is hilarious. it's obviously a farmer but imagine if it was fupa himself
No. 162273
File: 1683943242216.jpg (21.37 KB, 294x339, 1508553770662.jpg)

No. 162274
File: 1683943420883.png (13.69 KB, 677x622, house.png)

shay = dim sum 4 breffast
No. 162312
>>162274shay = selling noods for $3
shay = irl prostitution
shay = e-begging for rent
No. 162569
File: 1684619459797.png (398.85 KB, 444x1418, Screenshot 2023-05-20 at 5.50.…)

found this in thread 5. deformity… people staring at her chest… poland syndrome confirmed?
No. 162635
File: 1684629531708.jpg (50.17 KB, 491x511, Screenshot_20230520-203744_Chr…)

>>162569I also found her speaking on her parents and if she's not lying they were emotionally neglectful. She hates her mom more but imagine your dad screaming at you like this? Yes she was troubled but if shayna is being honest, I guess it's all checks out. Shitty woman who only got attention when she was acting out, probably spoiled passively and expected to do nothing for anyone but herself. Which was why watching her brother is a batman story. Or maybe her parents were overwhelmed? They should've put her in consueling.
No. 162636
File: 1684629598319.jpg (115.71 KB, 498x1241, Screenshot_20230520-203738_Chr…)

>>162635Sorry that's the second sceeenshit here's the first
No. 162658
File: 1684659064513.jpg (135.2 KB, 750x1292, 1537295224010.jpg)

When an anon contacted Fupa's exwife
No. 162797
File: 1684897752055.jpeg (328.89 KB, 2145x1562, C33F9A94-C442-405A-A0CD-AC94A9…)

cant believe shes had this disgusting star blanket for 6(+?) years now. time to retire that thing.
No. 163148
File: 1685822482110.jpeg (58.89 KB, 1242x552, 14CDDE62-C709-439E-AAA1-B62C15…)

can't believe ellens been her bitch since 2017, "itsactionsub" is her tumblr account.
No. 163188
File: 1686007538299.jpg (85.3 KB, 925x934, 1527257701664.jpg)

Is this fupa?
No. 163494
File: 1686874913809.jpeg (16.72 KB, 768x258, EF0D8FFC-B175-462A-9C94-FD2A91…)

the first ever titfoiler. god bless her soul….
No. 164397
File: 1694738373277.png (1.58 MB, 720x1280, IMG_8322.png)

i cant believe shayna was ever this skinny. rereading old threads and she's basically a different person than she is now… from thread 20…
No. 164600
File: 1695425083435.jpeg (8.33 KB, 250x139, IMG_8363.jpeg)

reading thru the older threads for the first time. pissed off seeing shayna listening to my favorite emo band… in another old thread someone tagged her in ghosts twitter saying she should be in one of their music videos. ghost would NEVER… she must've gotten capn jazz from fupes or something, not that him listening to them makes me feel any better.
No. 164605
File: 1695516081208.jpeg (121.29 KB, 752x308, IMG_8366.jpeg)

predicting the future
No. 164606
File: 1695518384655.jpeg (517.23 KB, 650x920, IMG_8369.jpeg)

noodle was such a cute puppy. i know anons seem to hate her but i think she's a really cute dog. too bad she lives with shay and gets no excercise so she's kinda fat now… can't believe she's had her for 4 years. that dog is so neglected.
No. 164617
File: 1695604820330.jpeg (645.37 KB, 2508x2508, IMG_8374.jpeg)

poor noodle has aged so much since she got her. it's only been 4 years and she's already going white. has constant utis from shayna neglecting her. she was completely black when she got her, why she's so white now i don't know. and the poor cats have to deal with her even though rib was known to hate dogs. she really shouldn't be owning pets.
No. 164761
File: 1696343480836.jpeg (853.68 KB, 1170x1598, 1639420543962.jpeg)

the time shay complained about her dad finding out what she does with her dog cage and throwing it away, and then tried to brag about buying the last giant pink dog cage amazon has ever sold
No. 166254
File: 1700719940397.png (7.31 KB, 221x255, 1528999120383.png)

this is so bleak
No. 166256
File: 1700752119053.jpg (88.55 KB, 581x455, 1527987974290.jpg)

well she still has time for one of these goals
No. 166272
File: 1700872040680.jpg (379.09 KB, 1536x2048, Ribmeat .JPG)

>>166271Nona, I don’t know how up to date you are with Shayna’s thread. In case you were completely out of the loop, in August Ribmeat needed a $150 grooming session
>>>/snow/1887582 and
>>>/snow/1887731 scrolling down you’ll see a few more pictures. Since, she has barely mentioned her but shared this picture
>>>/snow/1932720 a few days ago. We know it’s a new picture because of the narwhal cat bed in the corner, which is newer
>>>/snow/1932176 No. 166276
File: 1700883970999.png (914.58 KB, 1006x1800, Screenshot (33).png)

>>166271You can see Ribmeat turn and look at her in a "dafuq are you doing?" kind of way in the back of the retarded cartwheel video too kek
No. 166294
File: 1701023921369.png (2.09 MB, 1414x1532, Screenshot 2023-11-26 at 1.38.…)

the first tumblr selfie she ever posted
No. 166313
File: 1701094542210.jpeg (153 KB, 828x411, IMG_7C4762A43379-1.jpeg)

more screenshots of Shayna manifesting her future like
>>166256 No. 166315
File: 1701112887905.jpeg (50.88 KB, 750x403, IMG_0649.jpeg)

Am I simply not desensitized to Shay yet or is this arc extremely disturbing and gross? She was 20-21 here, I think. Idk something about the crying and whimpering didn’t sound like that god awful porn acting she does, it sounded like genuine pain. Ik she agreed to it but it’s still visually very disturbing
No. 166327
File: 1701132387972.png (105.66 KB, 2030x568, Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 1.37.…)

Shayna trying to bring down the establishment one empty slot on the Olive Garden schedule at a time
No. 166479
File: 1701878787662.jpg (92.95 KB, 833x777, Screenshot_20231206-155910.jpg)

How's that working out for you shay?
No. 166585
File: 1702169798782.jpg (732.01 KB, 1080x1607, Screenshot_20231210-005354.jpg)

the time shay and fupa claimed to have broken up but were then seen in the wild by an anon
No. 166613
File: 1702349406489.jpeg (404.94 KB, 1125x1214, lolwut.jpeg)

i forgot about this, reading old threads and this wasn't a cute or sexy thing to say like she thinks it is. i can tell she was hammered tweeting this
No. 166734
File: 1702866460844.jpeg (151.42 KB, 750x1015, IMG_8867.jpeg)

do we think shayna ever did heroin? all her friends from high school got into it and one even died. this tweet was in response to other sex workers calling her out on twitter…
No. 166735
>>166734there's been a tinfoil for a while that she's on some kind of hard drug and that's why she's not super obese even though she eats like trash, drinks whole meals worth of calories in alcohol and doesn't exercise and should be larger than an L/XL due to how long she's been living like this and how frequently she does these things.
seeing as she's done every other vice in the book like drinking excessively, self-harming sex, making porn, irl prostitution, and gluttony, why not do hard drugs too I guess
No. 166760
File: 1702996206977.jpg (303.66 KB, 844x1472, Screenshot_20231219-133902.jpg)

when she didn't crop a screenshot well and revealed she was lurking on lolcow
No. 166845
>>166734>>166738>hopping around FetLife groups for housingif this is true i think it would have been from the first time she lived in seattle (2017-2018ish i believe). she was staying with that old man (old couple actually iirc?) in some strange bdsm arrangement in seattle.
then again i can TOTALLY see shayna pretending to have done heroin/be addicted to it for edgelord points.
No. 166921
File: 1703634928493.jpg (213.21 KB, 1080x950, Screenshot_20231226-235156.jpg)

No. 166939
File: 1703782216172.jpg (446.6 KB, 1079x1228, Screenshot_20231228-164456.jpg)

crazy to think that shay had an eating disorder when she's gone so far in the opposite direction
No. 167765
File: 1709118819612.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.18 MB, 1242x2168, degen.jpeg)

just remembering shayna's "masturbating in public bathrooms" phase
No. 167771
File: 1709141222247.jpg (Spoiler Image,500.25 KB, 1079x1319, 1612475054039.jpg)

Reminder that the porcine pedo pick me once retweeted a drawing of a child being tied up and raped.
No. 168616
File: 1717423385067.jpeg (139.89 KB, 1242x567, IMG_0719.jpeg)

in hindsight, why the fuck did she post this ? wouldn't she already have the answer, seeing as she had a fake tit?
No. 168670
File: 1718023869922.jpg (Spoiler Image,317.5 KB, 1064x1600, just why .jpg)

Why did her pussy lips look like a deflated troon rot pocket? The bar is really in hell, so compared to back in the day, her bits have come so far. Throwback from thread #12
>>>/snow/645637 No. 168672
File: 1718040733896.jpg (181.24 KB, 516x1442, 1520130949807.jpg)

No wonder she had assne. Imagine all the sweat and grime just pooling around near her ass and rarely getting washed off
No. 168674
File: 1718040928566.jpg (27.06 KB, 664x232, 1520132202379.jpg)

No. 168676
File: 1718041013009.jpg (197.39 KB, 569x821, 1520131196208.jpg)

The time she went to the hospital and it turned out she just needed a shower
No. 168765
File: 1719374743764.jpg (422.63 KB, 1080x1011, Screenshot_20240626-045855.jpg)

This description of the e-thot who accidentally doxxed herself when posting a Dropbox link to one of Shay's videos sounds just like modern Shayna. That girl's life was Shay's future.
No. 168819
File: 1719956827628.jpeg (179.87 KB, 1080x1445, IMG_1073.jpeg)

kek wtf ok i lied this thread is still funny….
No. 168821
File: 1719964087941.png (271.88 KB, 1080x1550, IMG_1077.png)

found it. thread 55 needs to be added to the thread summary as fupa reveal in the next thread please.
No. 168869
>>168821and why the hell did she "have" to do any of that?
whas her name on the lease? she should have considered the fact the something like this could have happened and refused to put her name on a lease at all. since this man probably asked her to move there with him it should have been on him to deal with the renting shit.
I don't understand why she would have to pay two rents at all. either the scrote who lives there pays the rent for himself or they both break lease and pay whatever they have to pay.
No. 168914
File: 1720707899601.jpeg (205.26 KB, 716x407, IMG_1119.jpeg)

why was everyone insisting that the blowjob video with an uncut penis wasn't the fupes. i hate that i know this but it was definitely his penis and fupa is definitely uncut. i remember from the videos she posted on snapchat and also when she was first dating him she sperged about uncut penises all the time on twitter. idk where people got the idea he was cut? are they just innocent anons who have never seen an uncut penis before? it was also definitely the same shape and size as his. there was never another dude, it was always fupa.
No. 168987
File: 1721402882882.jpeg (247.7 KB, 1242x1037, IMG_1136.jpeg)

this is funny seeing as shes only "poly" now… i wonder if she truly enjoys it or only pretends to because she gets paid. she apparently has the gf (ellen), a bf (unidentified), and the puppy sub (sissy), and maybe more partners that she doesn't always mention…
No. 169043
File: 1721857334153.jpeg (535.88 KB, 2027x1208, IMG_1169.jpeg)

i still can't believe this is the guy she wasted 4 years of her time on and threw away her body for. but honestly compared to the kind of guys she gets with now, he almost looks attractive. not really tho but compared to rotten teeth sissy and puppy sub sissy fupa seems so normal.
No. 169297
File: 1724262088318.jpg (315.91 KB, 1080x1381, shaycuterie.jpg)

where her charcuterie obsession started
No. 169315
File: 1724421778970.png (Spoiler Image,2.9 MB, 750x1334, 1000124752.png)

>>169314To see peanut dick in action
(spoiler this) No. 169369
File: 1726208585373.png (272.91 KB, 583x325, 34004FA4-25D1-4DF4-AB8C-A2FE6E…)

>>169043necromancer and her undead thrall
No. 169785
File: 1739477857669.png (13.44 KB, 479x208, 1591110133965.png)

Was rereading the old threads and saw this, she says she wouldn't marry a pig yet dated one (fupa), how ironic
Taken from thread #54 >>/snow/982396