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No. 1270218
If you're new, please make sure you read: before posting
previous thread:
>>>/snow/111227234 year old heroin junkie wash up rockstar and the dumb bitch insecure enough to have a baby with him.
The basic rundown:
> jonny craig has a well-documented history of drug abuse and physical/sexual abuse toward several of his exes - pretty much any woman he comes into contact with he influences in an overwhelmingly negative way > most recently dated and helped with the downfall of pettuber & fellow cow Taylor Nicole Dean - is her so-called abuser, though it sounds like they were equally toxic in their own ways > after Taylor was forced into rehab, Jonny made it seem like they were going to be back together ASAP. as soon as Taylor broke up with him in rehab, he got with Sydney and started bragging about her, then got her pregnant immediately. > enter SYD, Aka sydsosmall. overdramatic groupie clout chaser who got pregnant with jonny’s heroin baby because she was feeling “old” & felt her biological clock ticking… totally mentally stable choice > since syd got pregnant there has been a steady stream of milky shit/stupid drama, most of it not related enough to TND to post in her thread > syd is close to giving birth & the rollercoaster has just begun. this is a containment thread so people stop bitching about people posting Jonny/syd in the TND thread Old milk:
> Jonny goes to jail for domestic violence >>1088190 and pleads guilty his next court date is feb 1st at 9am >>1090762> >>1090779 Storm has unknown surgery but Syn doesnt say anything and Jonny barely acknowledges it >>1091369> Jonny contracts cellulitis and ends up being admitted to the hospital most likely caused by IV heroin use >>1107260 >>1107262> Jonny posts two disturbing but typical (for him) videos to his instagram stories: one where he shows Syd’s bare but and then grabs it >>1109832 it’s also noted she has a mysterious and large bruise on her leg in a generally hard to bruise area >>1110293. Audio in second vid (which was of Storm with camera inches away from him as baby lays on bed) reveals a clearly super high Jonny slurring and unable to hold the camera steady >>1110163New milk:
>syd still vague posting jonny and archiving his pictures and bringing them back when theyre okay again >jonny still following and interating with random women who look the same, and asking them for money much to syds jealous dismay.>syd starts a gofundme for "personal situations" >>1234541 >>1234881 but it seems to be going towards hair and lash extensions >>1244430 and amanda shows up on the donations >>1242157>every photo jonny posts seems to have an alcoholic beverage in the background/in his hand >>1261621 >>1262260 >>1264388 >>1268153previous threads:
>>>/snow/1082146 4:
>>>/snow/1112272social media links: No. 1270221
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No. 1270222
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No. 1270239
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Thanks for the thread, OP.
>>1270221lmao the cope is real. If they all look so alike, maybe they have something you don't - like they're not raging cunts? Keep trying to go on thinking you're ~*~not like other girls.*~ It's funny, because Syd and her constant thirst-posting other famous musicians and bands always struck me as her thinking she's special because she likes certain music, but it's all surface-level for attention. Probably why she's so mad that despite all her COOL GIRL attempts, guys STILL don't want her.
No. 1270249
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guess he’s cheating again.
No. 1270251
>>1270220nice thread anon!
>>1268884about his braids situation ew I thought this was the picture from last week. Ew ew ew you can even see his dandruff/dirty scalp flakes in the full size. damn if he wants white boy braids so badly he should just pay to get a hairdresser to do them regularly instead of being his usual nasty ass. I guess him and Taylor both hate showers though I'm sure (i hope) he at least has washed his body since
No. 1270252
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same anon as above
No. 1270269
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when did Jonny get the nasty bruised looking dermal? also how do hats work?
No. 1270286
>>1270218Forgot to mention how they dumped their kid in Sunnyvale and moved to Sac to live out their dead beat mommy and daddy dreams.
>>1270221Kek she’s so embarrassing. Yea Jonny has shit taste in women and likes carbon copy psychos. Cough cough.
No. 1270311
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He supposedly has plans to go on tour in September.
No. 1270315
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Remember when Syd was convinced this girl was trying to steal her man? How many different ones have there been now according to Syd hmmmmm
No. 1270383
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>>1270350Perhaps trying to blame a “hacker” for her stories?
No. 1270709
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as for the baby being abandoned or taken away tinfoil- the only consistent thing I can find with the house decor and surroundings is this grey couch and Syd has posts back from 2018 if it was ever confirmed that she does live with her mom. Jonny posted her cat on the same couch (picrel) and Syd has a recent post of same cat and storm on the same looking couch. all her recent posts have the same white walls in the background that are consistent with 2018 era photos. if this is her mom's house I think it's safe to say they leave storm with her while they do their druggie rockstar thing. I don't wanna catch a ban for continued tinfoil but if this helps a bit to figure it out. unless they straight up come out about it I'm not sure if we can know, unless other anons wanna do some deeper sleuthing
No. 1270816
>>1270547Sac is 2 hours from the San Jose area. Storm hasn’t been seen in any of their outings, so either he’s with syds mom 2 hours away or they’re spending money on a babysitter every time they go out.
The last time we saw anything recent of him was when it was at syd’s moms house. Which was a month ago. Father’s day was a rehash of a bunch of old photos. And not a sign of any baby shit in their house. Anyone with kids knows there’s random crap just lying around because kids get into stuff all day long and play. So you would see SOMETHING that shows he lives with them.
They were even in Santa Cruz and didn’t have their kid with them. You have to drive through SJ to get to SC.
Even IF they didn’t dump him with syds mom full time, they’re dead beat parents who seem to never include their baby in any of their outings to the store, lunch, or even the beach.
>TLDR; they’re dead beat parents. No. 1271247
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Turtlemom claims to have some secret dirt
No. 1271399
>>1270286Lol @ Sunnyvale anon.
Sydsosmol, Jonsofatt
No. 1271723
>>1270286Lol @ Sunnyvale anon.
Sydsosmol, Jonsofatt
>>1271544Thanks anon, I thought it was a hilarious joke. It still kind of is.
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Sage because I’m not 100%
But I wouldn’t be surprised if this was Syd doing this to this poor girl
No. 1272381
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This was from the other day but I can't get over how nasaley his voice is now. His hair looks atrocious after having it in those braids for 2 weeks without being washed. He looks dirty af. I can't believe anyone would find this cockroach attractive.
No. 1272397
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>>1272381i hate the colour of his "teeth"
No. 1272598
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>>1272068I think amanda was trying to accuse her of the same thing on fathers day
No. 1273215
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>>1273035Did he delete it already?
As for this pic and the quality of the video, this is literally just walls covered in tin foil. It looks so cheap and tacky… so I guess it perfectly matches him lol
Also it’s like, hey thanks to everyone who preordered just to listen to the song, but it’s on Spotify now so you wasted your money
No. 1273519
>>1273356“What are you doing with your life”
Not ebegging for a piddly ass little $600 thats for damn sure
No. 1273531
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sure Jonny, i'm sure thats why you guys dont ever post him….
No. 1273665
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Obviously blanked out his face but in the post it’s clear this is an old video.
I think Jonny means he “might” “fuck around and see his child” today, and that’s the only reason he will be posted
No. 1273867
>>1273665That’s an old video of her with dark hair
Where is storm? Are they both using?
No. 1273924
>>1273857Storm was only a prop to get Syd next to Jonny and his fanbase. Neither of them bothered to see their son on his 1st birthday AND SydSoSelfish made it about her yet again.
These two have to be mentally retarded by now due to drugs to not see how obvious they're being. We could literally goad them into posting based on how we carefully insult them ITT, how low do you have to fall before you realize you're living your entire life for people who scroll IG or come to lolcow in their spare time?
No. 1274067
>>1274039Watch them end up at her mom's bt the end of the day to take some last minute insta selfies eith Storm before ditching him and heading home to get high and trawl the internet reading what people write about them.
Imagine abandoning your firstborn and only son with medical issues just to be a druggie cocksleeve. Tbqh, I hope they
both get hit by a bus.
No. 1274077
>>1273867they're def both using just by Syd's behaviour in vids lately she's got to be
>>1273924it's crazy how many cows live their lives to please and disprove lolcow instead of fulfilling their fans requests!
>>1274067I agree with you. I really feel for Storm they completely ditched him and talk about him like some old friend they haven't seen in yrs, but it's their precious baby! Sad they don't want to break cycles of dysfunction.
No. 1274080
>>1274039I’d give them through the weekend to see if they even threw a party for him. It would make sense for them to showcase him on his birthday party (which would most likely be thrown on the weekend) than his actual birthday.
Why drive two hours(4 hours round trip) to see your kid on his birthday when you’ll drive two hours and see him on his first birthday party? (Sarcasm)
No. 1274108
>>1274039The day is already over, it was yesterday.
Like I know he’s a baby and he doesn’t know it’s his birthday. The first birthday is usually more for the parent so it just goes to show you how much they care about him. I highly doubt they would spend any of what money they do have throwing a party for him when they could spend it on their selfish selfs instead
No. 1274734
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Bwahaha K sure, JC
No. 1274743
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an actual clown
No. 1274748
>>1274743Kek they make it so obvious they constantly read here. Her hair looks like a bad Halloween wig to match that awful makeup situation.
She’d probably scare Storm looking like that.
No. 1274905
>>1274743What's weird is how an adult can be so unaware of how much personal info and dirty laundry they post on
themselves, then act like people make things up about them that "aren't true". Like…
it comes from you at the beginning, Syd. You are the one choosing to publicly post pics and drama about yourself and your BD on insta.
No. 1274911
>>1274743What in the hell is this thing? Not human.
All of JC's sugar mamas go through some transformation/degeneration. I legit thought TND was fine before Jonsofat gatecrashed her life. Syd had something going for her as well imo, but whatever that was turned into a burning pile of white trash.
No. 1275125
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Brace yourselves ladies, there’s another one
No. 1275180
>>1275125>>1275170She's arching her back in doggy style with a thong and
still doesn't have
any ass. You can really tell which parts of herself she's the most insecure about because Jonny always ends up posting them to IG with a cringey caption gassing her up.
No. 1275366
>>1275254Because if
she posts them then it's insecure and pathetic, but if HE posts them then he's just ~appreciating his kween~. Also, it's about lording her BM status over his female fans, Syd can't draw a breath without trying to lowkey shit on another female at least once a day in some way. Based Jonny always makes it look pitiful and obvious though, kek.
No. 1275788
>>1274743is it just me or did she edit her pupil(s)?! they look tear drop shaped here or at least the one we can see does and she def doesn't have tear drop pupils. If I'm remembering correctly this isn't the first time she's done this
>>1275454lol anon lbr he doesn't have anything to clean out other than a couple pairs of shoes That'll get him nowhere and barely enough $ to maintain an h habit. I mean they had to do a go fund me scam which is his M.O. every few months he does a diff scam. I mean look at him with TND they were completely broke moving into the atrium house. He's definitely getting what he deserves.
No. 1275989
>>1275254The funniest part about that likely being her motive is it doesn't even really stick it to them. Jonny is low-life scum who is notorious for cheating on whatever girl he is with, even as outed by SYD HESRSELF constantly. Nobody wants your man honey, he's a nasty washed up druggie nowhere near as famous as he once was considered, and now has two children he's abandoned to earn the title of deadbeat dad x2. He doesn't have the looks, fame, money, personality, loyalty, family drive, literally anything to offer that any normal girl would look for in a guy. Syd has nothing going for her either besides the fact that she birthed one of his children. Not really a bragging right when neither of them even care about him. If a girl hotter and richer than Syd pursued him she would have him in a heartbeat. Please Syd you don't have to scream how insecure you are to keep him, everyone already knows he doesn't love you or your body since he was willing to cheat on you multiple times - and don't forget you're the one who outed him for it yourself WHILE staying with him sweetie! Such a ~power couple~. Don't be mad at the rest of us that you couldn't do better.
No. 1276081
>>1275989This. The only reason JC puts up with her is because she's got a pussy and he's the best she can ever do, and they both know it. Her having Storm was just her way of putting a lock around his neck so he can never ghost her without her being able to make
him into the bigger asshole no matter what
she does. Jonny and Storm are the real
victims here, but only Jonny deserves everything he's gonna go through for the next 18 years putting up with Syd, who is only gonna get crazier as she ages and her body & looks degrade even more. As long as he sticks with her she's gonna keep punishing him and everyone around them for it.
No. 1276107
>>1276081Storm is the only
victim. He didn’t ask to be born to a
toxic environment with a job. The job of tying a junkie down with a psychopath. And when that failed, they dumped the poor kid onto his grandma.
Storm probably never developed a strong bond with his mom because she was too busy chasing Jonny during those critical months. so it’s probably easy for Syd to see him for a little bit and leave. He probably has more attachment to G’ma.
No. 1276157
>>1276122> people throw stuff at you when you have a babyYea I think that’s why they’re pretending they still have custody of him, claiming they don’t show him much because “he’s not a toy”.
I feel like if Syd actually got her baby taken from her , she would pull that card. Muh evil mom stole my baby!! If syds mom did file for emergency custody, wouldn’t that be public record?
No. 1276648
>>1276614If Syd's mom were going to petition for custody of Storm, the best time to do it would've been immediately after the domestic disturbance between Syd and Jonny, when he was still mad enough to be posting stuff like "I only pushed her NBD" and might have been willing to dish on Syd to her mom. Mom can then use both their claims against each other, any evidence of Syd's history of blatant mentall illness and
abusive behavior (also described by her ex online) she may have, and Jonny's online history of abuse, drug use AND one existing child he already abandoned. Her case would be unlosable after everything those two spent the previous
year publicly uploading.
No. 1276973
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Can anyone decipher what she's trying to say here? It was posted 2 days ago. I can't for the life of me understand what she tried to say, it makes no sense and only further increases my suspicion that she's using drugs.
No. 1276977
>>1276973"We are the in crowd" = a band name
The sentence is fine, but she has the music taste of a 15 year old in 2012
No. 1278354
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No. 1278356
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No. 1278557
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Damn, he really has no respect for her.
No. 1278732
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lmao literally anyone can brown some meat and add some canned beans and throw some avocado on top…. Homemade chili is nothing to brag about
No. 1278786
>>1278778Lol She isn't his wife. Also, she will never be his wife. She's just his baby mama who tried to catch a man by conceiving and having a child with an
abusive drug addict. What a catch, for both of them.
No. 1278789
>>1278732What the fuck even is this English supposed to be??
>>1278786And she didn't even keep it! OR focus on it when they had custody of him. What man would wife a crazy hoe who gets him arrested and gets his kid taken away after airing out all his drama online? I net the only reason Syd calmed down after Storm went to live with her mom is because now Jonny doesn't feel nearly as obligated to stick to her for anything but pussy and money without him & she can't get away with it anymore.
No. 1279226
>>1278960Gotta be married to be a wifebeater, and Syd is just a groupie BM, not a wife.
His voice was amazing because he was passionate about singing before he got hooked on drugs and stroking his own ego. Now, his voice is shit because the past decade of treating his body like shit is catching up to him, and he has an emotional vampire draining him 24/7 now on top of using regularly again. His music isn't getting any better any time soon as long as Syd & drugs are in his life.
No. 1280060
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No. 1280074
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Is this jonny refusing to believe Syds swuper scwawy ghostie stories? I'm sure things happen around her but there's always a logical explanation and logic is not her strong point. Before we know it she'll be running around with Sage and talking about how some rocks make her less bipolar.
No. 1280135
>>1280060This bitch… Thinks supernatural/paranormal shit happens around her bc she walked down a toy aisle in Target and the motion/sound/light sensor activated toys went off?
Don't do drugs, kids. Wew.
No. 1280260
>>1280060Kek someone want to tell her that the fisher price toys are connected to one another so they all go off at the same time?
Literally anyone who’s walked down that isle in target has experienced the same thing. Grasping at straws this hard to seem interesting.
No. 1280355
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No one cares about your white trash music venture you little sewer rat kek
No. 1280360
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>>1280355 "CD release" kek
No. 1280695
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No. 1280697
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No. 1281236
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Can’t wait for this shit show
No. 1281258
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No. 1281280
>>1281273Oh Jesus it’s so awful. I recorded some but I don’t know how to post videos here.
I came in at the end of a “ghost story” and then she proceeded to talk about nothing ghost related and this live is literally pointless. She’s asking if anyone has any questions since she already ran out of stuff to say. Someone asks about mom life and she clearly has no stories to tell and is saying generic things she’s making up on the spot and nothing specific about Storm. And they are playing loud music so I’m assuming that means the baby is not there or he would be waking up from the noise lol
No. 1281282
>>1281273lots of ranting about lolcow and how people can just twist her words and her pure hearted intentions so that's why she "restricts everything in her life"
and as anon said here
>>1281280 she doesn't bring storm to the beach because hes half ginger but definitely takes him on walks to the mailbox
No. 1281385
>>1281284I feel awful for all the roadies on tour that will have to put up with her drama and antics, let alone fans. Imagine being stuck on a tour bus with her annoying ass.
Imagine choosing to tour over being a mother when you have no talent at all.
No. 1281387
>>1281284If she's not there, he will fuck around with anything that shows him interest.
He'll probably do it anyway.
No. 1281452
>>1281284>>1281385So because Syd said it, it's true? She still lies about having custody of Storm while blaring loid music when he should be asleep. She can't even feign what it's like to be a mom because she isn't anymore, and she's still trying to use Storm to manipulate ppl into thinking she isn't just a selfish, lying narcissistic whore when it's clear they haven't had him since she moved in with Jonny.
Until Jonny says something I have a hard time believing anything she says, considering she still lies about having custody of her son, but only when people notice she has a ton of free time to get drunk and high and be loud no other new moms do. If she had Storm, she wouldn't be able to live how she is, she would be back to being a fat, unwashed sack of angry miserable shit crying about having no free time and wanting someone to baby
her like she was when they first got him home from the hospital, which is probably why Jonny went off on her in his druggie rage and caused the incident where they lost custody of him. No way she has Storm, she acts completely night and day different from when we know she DID have him, and every pic of him she posts is in her mom's house.
This feels like her talking out of her ass and hoping JC goes along, or Jonny told her she could go before clearing it with anyone else & is waiting for the management to tell her no so he doesn't have to face her narc rage. I bet money that if she DOES go, she either gets him dropped from the tour before the halfeay point or he sends her ass home early to avoid losing the gig.
No. 1281455
>>1281385>>1281284I hope she doesn't expect anyone to treat her like one of the artists or a VIP, because if so she's in for one rude awakening. Tour groupies are not well liked unless they put out for everyone, and even then they only like that you put out, and
nobody likes it when clingy, jealous GFs/BMs tag along and make it all about them, there's enough going on that one random thot following people around doing nothing is an insult in itself- touring is a ton of work and planning, it's not for random thots to just tag along and be seen with an artist because they sling pussy. Any girl can do
No. 1281673
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From last night
No. 1281675
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No. 1281962
>>1281863She wont make any sense because she doesn’t have the kid. Like a different anon said, she does shit that doesn’t make sense because she’s not a mom and wouldn’t understand otherwise. The loud music is a great example. Them having beer and a lit candle on the edge of their coffee table is another. Not having baby shit everywhere.
I await the day they are exposed for being deadbeat pieces of shit.
No. 1282369
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Literally lmao that she put artist in her bio… you scribbled one thing on a piece of paper and then complained that no one complimented your (lack of) skills. Keep dreaming though. Useless.
No. 1282417
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This guy is on turtlemoms twitter talking about how jonny ripped him off on a ft. How much $ are individual people giving him for these scams?
No. 1282419
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No. 1282425
>>1282417>using storm like thatLike what? Pretending he has custody him?
Dead beat junkie ripping people off. Not shocking. Hope he spills some milk though.
No. 1282592
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The original tweet from this guy
No. 1282728
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First time posting. Don’t hate me
No. 1282729
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The post right before this is of her and Jonny. The facade doesn’t last long in this family.
No. 1282730
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No. 1282733
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>>1282728>>1282729>>1282730My body is ready for the milk that will flow when she tags along with him on his tour.
No. 1282744
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Imagine telling everyone you had a peaceful moment as a memory with your fiancé lmao
No. 1282749
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No. 1282760
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No. 1282783
>>1282751no she is just nuts.
she gets into her borderline manic mood and looks up for girls who follow him. then she believes they are better/more beautiful and he is cheating on her. it's all in her head and kinda funny to watch
No. 1282856
>>1282749Really irks me when they still refer to themselves as mom and dad. You don’t get to enjoy that title when you dumped your one year old like trash to go live a drug filled
toxic life. Syds mom is mom and dad to storm. That’s who takes care of him and provides for him. Traded her baby for a man she’s convinced doesn’t love her and is cheating. And yet she was so excited for that “unconditional love” she was gonna get from having a child. Too bad hers was conditional for him. So fucking heartless.
No. 1283022
File: 1627068373528.jpg (49.49 KB, 1080x1190, Screenshot_20210723-152315.jpg)

Okay psycho with your sharpie eyebrows and scribble drawings you call ~art~
No. 1283411
>>1283404Well that’s what happens when you’re a washed up has-been. You resort to playing shitty bars and night clubs.
I also laugh at the person up quite a few comments that imagined Syd on a tour bus. Jonny could never afford a tour bus these days. Even when he still was in a band (Slaves), they toured out of a van.
Congratulations Syd, you get to go live out your bum-musician fantasy.
No. 1283559
File: 1627153239292.png (488.45 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210723-051922.png)

I found this thread today after trying to look info up about this syd chick. Long story short, jonny had an instagram post over 3 weeks ago about an album release announcement coming up, with a caption saying are you ready or whatever.. I simply commented on it with "👀👀👀" which jonny liked, as he does with a lot of comments. YESTERDAY, 3+ weeks later, I wake up to this from her. (I hope the screenshot attaches) This is not the first time she has done something like this, to me personally. Awhile back he posted a photo of himself on a motorcycle with his eyes closed and I commented asking why his eyes were closed. She then replied numerous times in the comments to me, saying a female took that photo, that you could see her reflection in the bike (you could not 😂) then proceeded to reply about how he was out cheating on him. She also went through that same post doing the same thing to numerous other people's comments. He afterwards, deleted that post and made a post about people staying out of his business. Dude, your girl is the one who puts your business all out there. She is clearly extremely insecure and a little bat shit. They have a gofund me up for her to "address her mental health and help her turn her art into a business". She clearly needs the mental help guys. 😂 Anyway, just wanted to share that.
No. 1283562
>>1283559She’s so cringe. It’s embarrassing.
Imagine being this insecure.
We don’t use emojis here FYI.
No. 1283563
>>1283559Loool, you should've said "not even you beleive that, sydsopsycho".
We need more people posting caps of Syd being trashy at them in DM for commenting on Jonny's music posts.
No. 1283568
>>1283559>1amShe really spends all her time going through his IG comments and stalks all the women he interacts with or follows him.
Poor storm.
“Hey mom, how come you abandoned me?”
“Oh because I spent all my time chasing after your junkie father who would like other female’s comments. Sorry son. No time for you. Plus you’re half ginger so I have to keep you locked in the house all the time for some reason. “
No. 1283575
>>1283568More proof she isn't living with Storm- her ass wouldn't be up at 1am posting if she had a baby to take care of.
Imagine carrying a baby to term, going throigh labor & delivery just to give him a name another girl chose for her baby by the same man, JUST to make that girl jealous, then you spend the next few months airing out all your dirty laundry, starting fights with your baby's father and whining that you aren't the center of attention anymore, then dumping that kid on your mom and moving
two hours away from your sick infant.
She literally only got pregnant to get Jonny to stay with her. And she got pregant when Taylor was in rehab thinking Jonny was waiting for her.
Syd is a soulless, evil cunt. Everything she does is about getting praise and attention pn herself for existing & she sees other human beings, even her own son, as tools to get what she wants and feel superior to other women.
What a fucking hollow and meaningless existence. I know kys is edgelord-tier but if anyone met the criteria for being told to do so, it would be her. She just literally doesn't give a fuck about anything except what makes her feel good about herself or makes her feel better than someone else.
No. 1283707
>>1283559From someone who suffered through her live let me remind y’all that she herself said “I have my insta set to private because Jonny is an open book but I’m not. I am a private person and I had too many bad apples harassing me” (obviously not verbatim but pretty damn close to what she said) like she is so delusional it’s almost sad. She is the only one putting their dirty laundry out there and she is the only one harassing anyone
>>1283556There was a clue about this on her live I think. I can’t remember the bands name she was claiming to be recording a song with. It was Aqua something. But someone on the live asked if she was going to see their upcoming show and she got real awkward about it. She was making weird faces and saying “no I will not be going to that, no…. I wish them the best though” and now thinking about it I wonder if something happened between them and this supposed recording?
No. 1283711
File: 1627171267003.jpeg (293.43 KB, 828x1325, E5A01E4A-514C-4877-8606-33483B…)

Lmao she’s following him around on tour. Also this kinda confirmed she’ doesn’t have her son as she wouldn’t be hauling a one year old all over America.
No. 1283718
>>1283711She’s acting like this tour is her tour and she’s doing it for storm KEK oh my god the delusion. The best of the best for your son? Yea you clearly know what’s best for him.
She seems super broken up about leaving him behind for a month.
No. 1283725
File: 1627172703334.jpeg (451.8 KB, 1170x1616, 1E8275FE-7F4C-4C95-9672-C3452F…)

Okay but it’s people like this, and random people who were licking her butthole on her live for that matter, that make her think she has fans or is famous or something.
No. 1283759
>>1283711eh, this "tour" lasts less than two weeks. they've abandoned their son for like a year already; what's another few weeks?
hopefully storm won't remember them
No. 1283770
>>1283711looking up these shows is top kek
jonny’s not listed on half of the venues’ websites
the las vegas gig is at the new bar in the las vegas golf center
he’s not advertised on their website, but a journey cover band and a trini lopez cover band are
No. 1283828
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No. 1283829
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No. 1283830
File: 1627189697661.jpeg (2.15 MB, 1125x1996, 824E44E5-F7EB-434D-9C28-569047…)

She is seriously unhinged
No. 1283891
>>1283711Bitch, there’s women out there giving up bachelor degrees and their dream jobs to care and provide for their children. You going on a lame ass tour with your
abusive junkie boyfriend does literally nothing for that baby but further prove that you don’t love him and he’s nothing to you. As long as you get your dirty tour van experience and get to meet a few teenage girls who have called you pretty. I’m sure storm would’ve loved that bonding time, but let’s face it he’s probably already forgotten her.
No. 1284009
>>1283999What’s funny is I think she’s too much of a little bitch to say anything TO THE GIRLS when it happens. To their face, that is. So, she’ll run to her phone, post passive-aggressive stories, then stalk Jonny’s likes and comb through his followers to find these girls and confront them over DMs.
Also lmao what a cope to have to tell yourself the girls Jonny is drooling over on Instagram were INSPIRED by her. Like she invented the look that she has and didn’t BPD chameleon it to try to make it to being an emo band groupie. Maybe she’s so insecure about their intentions because she was one of those girls, so she thinks every female fan wants to be a starfucker and can’t appreciate things without wanting to sleep with the male musicians like her.
No. 1284046
File: 1627231116860.jpg (84.83 KB, 1080x887, Screenshot_20210725-173649_Ins…)

is this where syd got the name minnie? jonny follows her & she's got the black hair etc that syd was crying about.
No. 1284181
>>1283888>>1283830She's gonna use Jonny's tour to try and bag an upgrade for herself. Little does she know, nobody hangs around Jonny but trash like him anymore.
>>1284063I bet the only reason they're both trying so hard suddenly is bc they're both so clearly fed up with each other, but neither of them can dump the other without being homeless, so now it's a race to see who can flaunt and humblebrag about nothing to bag a new
victim to suck on.
No. 1284386
>>1284382Yes you are correct. If I’m not mistaken Liz, Taylor and Chelsea are from Texas although I’m not sure if they all still live there. And of course he made sure he has hella tour dates in Texas. I still just don’t see him wanting Syd to go on this tour with him, I mean come on. His tours are notorious for where he cheats on his current gf and finds his next
victim so yes this should be milky for sure
No. 1284420
>>1284092break even at best, yeah, unless he sells a lot of records and merch
you have to play in clubs to keep in the game, but very few people make money at it
No. 1284792
>>1284785Almost every pic of she and Jonny together features a can of malt liquor or cheap wine, they're both alcoholic leeches who use everyone they meet to keep acting like selfish, spoilt teenagers.
No. 1284799
>>1284755she goes on and on about her kid as if he's there…. the denial.
THEN turns around and comments on the vaccine like she's done -any- research.
wow shes like SO cool guys, anyone vaxed "is a guinea pig". I best she'll catch the virus on tour.
Also, for someone who stares at herself way too much, she should answer for her eyebrows, wigs, and shitty lashes.
She looks like she needs a GFM. I'll donate just to see her burn those lashes.
No. 1284911
>>1284755She said they’re putting off their wedding/don’t have a date because they’re focusing on their careers and raising their son. Kek. What career is she working on? I’m so curious.
Also you can tell she doesn’t have her son because she says literally nothing about him specifically. Just that she’s lucky to have given birth to him. Doesn’t talk about his first words or his milestones or mannerisms. Didn’t talk about his first birthday or anything. What a piece of shit. I hope the truth comes out soon.
No. 1284992
File: 1627342740078.jpeg (689.59 KB, 1157x2296, 9B80A391-C2C6-4BCC-997F-30C946…)

Jonny just posted a story saying swipe up to find VIP and general admission tickets. I swiped and literally all I see is VIP. And maybe I’m retarded but it says here “general admission not included” so does that mean that people who buy VIP only get whats listed and have to buy a seperate ticket to get in? Either way it’s a rip off
No. 1284996
>>1284992I will pay him $50.00 to stay tf away.
Yes, fans are going to shitty bars to see you and your crazy baby momma…and pay extra?!.. smoking crack
Is Syd's harassment and stalking also part of the package?
No. 1285069
File: 1627351661956.jpg (51.34 KB, 604x403, 2337b_orig.jpg)

>>1285039Kek same. But the size of the Milk Bar and $15 admission on a Sunday night is almost too unappealing lol. His denture lisp would be on proud and loud fucking display and that's a lot to ask of my ears.
No. 1285140
File: 1627360593954.jpg (165.98 KB, 1080x1081, Screenshot_20210726-233126_Twi…)

Is posting about turtlemom relevant in this thread? I know she's a cow in her own right but not enough traction through the threads and Craig threads.
I saw this on my feed and once I clicked it was gone so just posting for documentation.
No. 1285266
File: 1627386196033.jpeg (521.99 KB, 828x1302, AE49CFFB-AC4C-4ECF-8194-A7F833…)

>>1285140Looks like she deleted it. But I thought this is worth sharing lmao
He is sooooo broke that its funny he is going to such lengths to scam MORE people. Using storm as an excuse nonetheless!
It really do look like their life is going to play out like 2 junkies getting strung out in front of their poor kid. Ugh
No. 1285592
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No. 1285626
File: 1627428784197.png (411.02 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20210727-192623.png)

get a fucking job then, syd, wild concept. if you can't afford the basic shit you need to get a pet, you have no business getting that pet. She's insufferable I s2g
No. 1285634
File: 1627429239391.png (7.45 MB, 1170x2532, B90F474E-D098-41FC-8676-BA4DE5…)

Really? Then why do you draw on ugly ass ones? And why the filter if your so happy with yourself
No. 1285671
>>1285669All You fucking idiots her mom is PART BLACK.
So many in here spreading untruths it’s getting old.
( No. 1285869
>>1285364Woops! Thanks anon, I defo missed that.
Also very glad I sage that shit now lolol.
>>1285634Anyway, surprised she hasn’t taken out the gfm page on her bio. How embarrassing is is for you to have your scamming junkie fiancé's ex fiancé donated to your gfm while you’re out attack random woman in social media. Lmao
No. 1286025
>>1285982Why is he selling more vocal lessons when he ripped off people already on Instagram? This is secondhand embarrassment for the people collaborating with him.
He’s a scammer ffs.
No. 1286054
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“Five mines”
No. 1286099
File: 1627495124017.png (344.12 KB, 750x1334, 10F9DDA6-2765-489A-B693-00C469…)

He mad
No. 1286100
File: 1627495257511.jpeg (113.86 KB, 750x1094, 83C6578C-5732-486E-A955-A28E40…)

He’s this red and out of breath from getting up off his chair or bed or whatever he was on
No. 1286124
>>1286099He's red and mad when anyone holds him accountable. kek
He wants all the praise and non of the criticism.
No. 1286338
>>1286099fuck him and fuck Tory Lanez, they can both leap into a volcano
at least Jonny hasn’t shot anybody
No. 1286398
File: 1627522783469.png (514.48 KB, 750x1334, 7514E01A-B906-452E-9E41-D04E2C…)

Stfu you fat bitch…fight me
No. 1286410
Samefag but replied to the wrong person, was replying to
No. 1286446
File: 1627530247241.png (271.39 KB, 750x1334, F936DE91-9FA7-41EC-BF98-92944A…)

Wait so are they not living together right now? She’s with her son and Jonny is out of state somewhere?
No. 1286488
>>1286398lmfao like he’s done to all of his exes he’s raped, almost killed, and threatened the lives of if not ruined them with drugs?
if you are even mildly agile i am 99% positive he would injure himself just trying to catch up to you. i would actually pay money to see him attempt to run a mile.
No. 1286572
>>1286398Hahaha stay mad bruv!
Remember taylor said that he is actually really affected by the comments on SM?? So good to know that everyone is trolling the shit out of him on live stream. He deserves it!
No. 1287104
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That forehead lol
No. 1287114
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>>1287104Yeah, she does hate him and she doesn't even try to hide it with her constant subtle stabs at him. Shes so passive aggressive.
Make it more obvious you're using jonny for a speckle of fame Syd.
No. 1287204
File: 1627646175722.png (2.81 MB, 750x1334, 15D55E26-0AD6-4AB7-B19F-DA92C2…)

He thinks he’s flexing but he’s just showing how white trash he really is. He had like 3-4 slides showing that he was in a restaurant that doesnt have a drive thru. Enjoying that gfm and ft. scam money.
No. 1287379
File: 1627664045986.webm (3.35 MB, 480x896, 20210730-122344-480x10661 (1) …)
Girl your attitude when you talk is so disgusting. The way you talk in general is so snobby. I can't understand how Jonny can stand even be in the same room with you. Also you look deathly I'll without makeup on. Your face is sunken in like you are malnourished. I'm convinced Jonny got you into doing dope too. Why else would you abandon your sick baby…
No. 1287381
File: 1627664289997.jpg (23.39 KB, 214x368, Screenshot_20210730-125722.jpg)

"I sent you my penis why won't you respond."
No. 1287411
>>1287204what’s stupid is that people with money have money because they know how to save, even super wealthy people. it’s such a bad fucking look in general to be showing any kind of spending considering their abandoned child, but we all knew that would happen. i’m surprised sidney is able to accept money and not spend it on her child, but baby/child clothes, etc. there’s literally no evidence of bonding and it’s really fucking disturbing. how can you go out and see child related things and not even instinctually idk yearn for the baby you birthed? she looks at the child’s father every day, and at no point do they think of doing anything to make any space at all in their life for or about the kid? that money should be spent on care packages and child development classes just so they can visit responsibly. it fucks me up that child will grow up thinking he’s not good enough, that bullshit tattoos and microdermals were worth more than bonding and providing materials for his growth and development. you’d think two fucked up people would want to give everything they have to protect his innocence, but he’s already wondering where mommy and daddy are. if there wasn’t a child i wouldn’t care, but in the last picture posted he was around the sharp furniture of a grandmother who deserves to have whatever furniture she wants and not raise a boy her daughter had with a rapist junkie who had to lie and testify in court that he wasn’t physically
sorry for the giant paragraph, i can’t process that there is a child involved and this woman can’t understand jonny is fucking poison and just perpetuating her abandonment issues. she really can’t understand men like him do not care at all and they are very dangerous.
No. 1287439
>>1287379Woah. I've known some fake people in my time irl and from the farms but her voice…… I've never heard anyone sound this fucking fake. Gave me a sour taste in my mouth.
It's completely obvious that whatever that video was, is not who she is.
No. 1287443
>>1284382>>1284386I know this has been moved past but while the venues aren't extraordinary they are a lot more intimate after the shows in the sense that it's easier to run up and chat with band members since the venues are smaller ( Mostly speaking for Houston)
a lot of the venues here its pretty easy to meet band members or be invited to the buses .
No. 1287453
>>1287379This is akin to a cringy preteen. Who posts shit like this and broadcasts a pest problem?? The desperation for attention is so gross.
>>1287381Oof he's huge. How unsightly
No. 1287664
File: 1627686648408.png (708.75 KB, 750x1334, 4A1E74E2-DFFB-41CA-A9FA-1D612C…)

Lmao this is was from like yesterday just forgot to post but goddamn, this bitch cray cray. What is the purpose of these posting these stories? That’s what I really wanna know
No. 1287890
>>1287830Tinfoil but it looks like jc and sydsomanly white night for themselves here, since no one is else will.
Alcoholic/ Drug bloating is so much different than camera distortion.
if it helps them feel better, sure let’s blame the camera, not all the shit he puts in his body.
Denial looks bad on anyone.
No. 1287925
File: 1627736719114.jpeg (59.23 KB, 405x497, 8382C9E2-7B7D-4F85-B11D-EEE6E9…)

sage for my autism -first time posting image- but i couldn't resist.
I look forward to tour photos that are from fans… instagram filters and angles only get ya so far
No. 1287934
>>1287819>>1287874Oh nice, syd responding to her own whiteknighting, the not saging for either doesn’t completely stand out or anything lol. Middle of the night no less. We all know that’s the time when she’s the most manic from her bipolar or bpd or both.
Sorry your “rockstar” is a fat washed up abuser scammer piece of shit human being
No. 1288106
>>1288088Imagine the desperation to prove he’s ‘not that’ bad.
My money is on Syd. Imagine if they put the same effort into raising a child as they do protecting their image. That kid could have a bright future.
No. 1288397
File: 1627777901785.jpeg (594.94 KB, 1170x2532, 18C36395-5A18-42EB-82DC-0BFDA4…)

Looks like dead beat mom and dad had a visit with this poor child today (drew over his face cuz I wasn’t sure if I’m supposed to post him on here)
No. 1288440
>>1288397This screams
> look!! We have our kid!!Yeah right, fuck off with that. You're both not parents and ots clear to see. You buy milk once and think you're dad gtfo of here with that.
No. 1288619
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No. 1288620
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No. 1288621
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No. 1288622
File: 1627800125341.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1125x2021, CCBA5435-27FE-4022-B03E-4B1261…)

Wow she draws what all emo girls doodled in 7th grade lmao
No. 1288664
File: 1627811751167.png (822.14 KB, 828x1792, DA4B11B9-151C-47F0-B6FA-AD6ADC…)

a tenure by which a husband, after his wife's death, held certain kinds of property that she had inherited.
No. 1288675
File: 1627813715824.jpeg (283.18 KB, 1620x2160, 2924966D-AFC8-41CF-9CD9-CBAE43…)

She already delete this
No. 1288677
File: 1627813748676.jpeg (253.07 KB, 1620x2160, 89FD2F49-E8DD-4FDD-8BC1-2998DC…)

No. 1288678
File: 1627813778876.jpeg (251.52 KB, 1620x2160, 06EBBD77-A5C0-4B0D-8737-E7B330…)

No. 1288681
File: 1627814028437.jpeg (199.18 KB, 1125x2005, F3755BFA-A970-410F-963D-55442B…)

Says… the groupie… lmao. Guess she’s scared she’s gonna lose him the way she got him
No. 1288682
File: 1627814051907.jpeg (269.68 KB, 1125x2002, F933B716-CB66-4FB5-851A-13EDF8…)

No. 1288683
File: 1627814096760.jpeg (150.33 KB, 1125x609, 7447E544-EB95-4F53-8D58-973DBF…)

do you tho
No. 1288686
File: 1627814545573.png (374.33 KB, 1620x2160, 1D0264DF-4167-429C-89E4-BF2067…)

She really looks on every instagram profile when somegody comments on his photos
No. 1288691
>>1287379I'm going on a major tinfoil hat journey here, but I really think she was coming down off something or was high in this. Her mannerisms are so off, and her shakey hands are a dead give away. She can barely formulate anything coherent and what would be a 3 second statement, "I saw a bunch of spiders" was a 3 something long story.
My extra tinfoil is that she's not talking about spiders. I think she's using code for drugs. I know that sounds completely unhinged, but I remember Jonny would have to leave his twitch to shoot Taylor up. I wonder if this is Syds way of communicating she's out of drugs and desperately trying to get him to respond.
I know it's a retarded tinfoil but this video is fucking weird.
No. 1288727
>>1288675Wow, she’s really sydsoinsane. Totally on drugs.
But also, girl, leave the man if you feel that insecure.
To get twisted over such a bloated loser is beyond my understanding. And over… emojis?
Lady you are approaching 30; please act like it.
No. 1288730
>>1288727Samefag , sorry but also after checking his insta they locked comments on the kid photos- I assume after baby momma harassment?
His kid is nothing more than a prop. No wonder they don’t have custody.
No. 1288765
>>1288763Also he’s covering up that fatty chin pretty well with a mask.
Playing with your kid daily is good cardio- you know, if you have full custody and see them everyday.
He’s got that ~Deadbeat Dad Bod~
No. 1288773
>>1288622Lmao he really does slam dunk on her though, damn. "
Maybe she could accommodate you" kek. Also "she channels all her frustrations into art." Just say "I like it when she draws, she's less of a bitch". Between her constant nagging and IG harassment/"exposing" (seriously, how many times this year has she gone after specific people on IG for whatever reason?) and Jonny's gun-to-the-head forced compliments of Syd… they hate each other. They absolutely hate each other. I can't wait for milkmas lmao. These two cows will rip each other apart but Syd especially will go nuclear when Jonny retaliates with either indifference/publicly chasing other women.
No. 1288794
>>1288621Did they take him to the Starbucks lawn and not a park because he’s “half ginger”?
They didn’t want to post photos of him on his special 1st bday but a random trip to Starbucks and it’s a family photo shoot.
No. 1288822
Syd is becoming one of my favorite cows on this site. She loves to embarress herself and show her crazy at any given opportunity
>>1288622She needed hundreds of dollars or however much money it was so she could draw graphite sketches that any teen could make. Lmao.
No. 1289163
File: 1627860156331.jpeg (107.55 KB, 1169x849, 5CAC1E9D-8A6C-4888-9A34-5D99F0…)

Get ready for some really breathtaking art guys
No. 1289164
>>1289163She’s really proud of that pac man scribble huh?
>not the best, not the worst Weird way to spell ‘mediocre’
No. 1289829
File: 1627958348915.jpg (268.32 KB, 1080x1784, Screenshot_20210802-223309.jpg)

Here's my blood sweat and tears guys -posts elementary school grade shit on a piece of paper. I'm an ~artist~
Bitch get real. We all know you don't practice hardcore to pump out that garbage. You just want someone to give you head pats for shit that isn't even mediocre.
No. 1289906
File: 1627966734914.png (5 MB, 1170x2532, 7164A4FC-0BA0-4CD8-B8E5-B25646…)

These poor rats ugh
No. 1289942
File: 1627974397829.jpeg (754.42 KB, 1125x2001, D52017E2-9161-4CD1-BC43-92CA51…)

I’m cackling, the kitten/cat Jonny and Taylor got together is also named Ghost. They really can’t help stealing names from Taylor hahahahah
No. 1289975
>>1289946aaah found it
>>532470it's in thread no.7
hahaha bet syd is mad taylor was the last one who got the "my boyfriend is a musician and i can go on tour with him" memories while she only sits at home watching him getting fucked instead of making music
No. 1290009
>>1289942It is too early for this dumb shit
damnit I want to smack syd. RAISE! YOUR! KID! YOU DUMB HOE. She’d rather raise rats than her own child. Rats are expensive and when they need medical help too… what is she going to do!? Make another GFM?
Maybe it’s company for her when JC inevitably tells her she can’t go on tour.
And she’s definitely skin walking/ jc probably likes it too- tinfoil but syd skin walking is the closest he will ever get to dating Taylor again.
Lol, watch Syd start making pet videos….
That poor kid. His parents named him out of spite and choose to do anything and everything instead of being parents.
No. 1290752
>>1290139As if a baby ever gave her any leverage over a shitbag like JC. He already had a kid who he pretends doesn’t exist and will have no problem doing the same to Storm.
Syd does strike me as the type of psycho that would try to get pregnant again if JC tries to escape. She’d squirt out and abandon three or four kids if it helped her maintain a grip on JC. However she’s got as much mileage out pregnancy as she will ever get. JC will head for the hills immediately is she gets knocked up a second time. Then again she’d probably just get an abortion now that she sees how things worked out having Storm.
No. 1291141
>>1291127Ntayrt but Jesus that's a whole lot of specific and aggressive projection, are you ok anon? Kek. Laughing at the milk Syd provides is not internalized misogyny. You sound like you just found a new word and you are excited to use it but haven't quite figured out how. Also, two things can be true at the same time BPD-chan - Jonny is terrible and Syd is a fuckin psycho. The back and forth of who is worse is cringe as hell , obviously Jonny is an established
abusive junkie and the emotional terror that is Syd does not compare but you have to admit leaving your kid is a shit thing to do and she's very much so worthy of farmers ridicule and laughter. Go touch some grass.
No. 1291347
File: 1628153026580.jpeg (852.75 KB, 1125x1947, 9DE329E2-4D3F-4729-BA39-642890…)

Tinfoil but do you think Jonny has been in touch or trying to get in touch with Taylor? She posted this and the lyrics from the portion she selected to share are kinda sus. I don’t keep up with her so not sure if she’s had some other person she’s dated since Jonny
No. 1291446
>>1291347Maybe she's
triggered over the rats since she totally taught Jonny all the best elite pet care tips
No. 1291713
>>1291263I'm not sure how many 14-year-olds in 2008 truly understood the song lyrics they were listening to.
>>1291127 show me where it was said in the post that you are replying to they were just as bad as each other, lmao.
No. 1292204
>>1292188she’s not manly, calling her manly is dumb as shit and takes away from the real issue. she’s not ugly at all she just acts like it, and will stay that way as long as she continues to poison herself with jonny and not focusing on herself. it’s so difficult to get away from abusers and she’s not doing herself any favors by mirroring
abusive things like stalking him and harassing these random women. you know he loves that shit and she has a chemical dependence on a post menopausal rapist leprechaun treating her like trash. she has a kid she doesn’t see, she doesn’t look manly but she’s acting like it.
No. 1292297
>>1292204Hey anon, I appreciate your perspective, but she is ugly. From the piercing in the middle of her forehead down. Also, there was screenshot showing off her mustache a while back. Filters save her on social media but won’t in real life. (Let’s see the images from tour when they come out.)
Her personality does make her uglier.
Sure, she’s in an
abusive cycle, but it is 100% her choice not to address it/ fix it.
She reads here, she knows she’s in a shit position, and yet there is no effort to move forward in a healthy matter.
For example, that GFM has gone towards zero therapy services or anything beyond stupid spending. She’s not a good person, and it shows physically and in her emotional reactions.
No. 1292747
File: 1628314184443.png (2.01 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20210807-012700.png)

Olives, halved cherry tomatoes, beans (????) avocado, and bell pepper on top of pasta, with a side dish of zucchini for some reason. "always on point" yeah okay
No. 1292749
File: 1628314410099.png (656.45 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20210807-012902.png)

also, tinfoil, but something about this seems traced to me
No. 1292856
>>1292747This is an assault to the senses. Her portioning and knife skills are making me want to a-log. I almost forgot that theoretically all of these flavors work with a cold, coiled pasta like rotini with a sweet tangy dressing but her thick ass avocado slices pooled over the heavy handed cuts made me fucking seethe. Prime example of butchering an OK dish with sheer ineptitude. Also your zucchini is wet Syd.
Also black olives are trash and it's just dye. That poor family can't even have a decent well-rounded meal. Christ.
No. 1292990
>>1292771You know what would make Syd cool? Being a real mom, not bullying random fans, or even leaving JC would make her “cool”.
Syd should spend the effort she puts into her defense here and instead put that towards therapy, or trying to get custody.
No. 1293352
>>1292321no pity at all and i agree, i never knew that she chose to live with jonny instead of her kid when the grandmother did the right thing and kicked him out. the relationship a child has with their mother is crucial for healthy development, i guess i really can’t understand why she would do that and jonny has a pattern. the damage she is doing to her abandoned kid is pretty devastating and there are many women who are in
abusive relationships that ultimately leave specifically to keep their children safe, that’s usually what shakes them out of it at some point. thank you for the responses, this is such a gross situation to put together. luckily jonny’s last
victims got away from him but the child can’t pick his parents and his childhood. no matter what they tell him he will end up reading about it online at some point, and how he got his name.
No. 1294261
>>1293352She does it because she cares more about the clout she gets for "dating a celebrity" and her dysfunctional relationship with Johnny than her kid. It's that simple. If she cared about her son more she would never give him up to be raised by someone else. She would hate missing out on his milestones and having to hear about them from someone else.
People here kept thinking Taylor would rise as soon as JC was gone and were shocked when she turned out to be terrible all on her own. Syd is no different. She will continue to be a crap mom who leaves her kid with her mother after JC is replaced with someone new too. This is who she is and what she does. We are just now seeing it in the light of day without her "perfect family" social media spin on it.
No. 1296031
File: 1628523019892.jpg (1.4 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210809-083006_Ins…)

1/2 whiny little bitch boy
No. 1296032
File: 1628523042060.jpg (166.19 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210809-083010_Ins…)

Go cry about it ugly
No. 1296261
>>1295714It's pretty obvious at this point storm is living with Sydneys mom
I know it's crucial for development to gave a nurturing guardian so I'm really hoping his grandma is nothing like syd. Storm deserves better then to be with either of them, but I'm sure they'd rather keep the public thinking they still have him because it makes them look better. My main concern is they're able to use around storm, if they haven't already.
No. 1296346
File: 1628543993268.jpg (1.1 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210809-141948_Ins…)

Such matronly cankles you have ma'am
No. 1296618
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No. 1297146
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Literally only you feels sorry for you kek
No. 1297153
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Showing off the rats they'll inevitably forget
How do you sell animals to jonny Craig I wouldn't trust him alone with nail clippers fffff
No. 1297471
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No. 1297472
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No. 1297496
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No. 1297498
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No. 1297550
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No. 1297558
>>1297472Classic jonny fucking up every single chance he gets to do better.
He's also outed himself as an even bigger piece of shit father, I don't wish it on any child to grow up with a junkie parent and his mother is just as fucked in the head for bringing him into this world knowing what that sweet little boy would have to grow up with, she doesn't make it any better being a delusional, irrational, grandiose and batshit crazy person herself.
No. 1297715
>>1297644He's already had significant health scares wtf are you on about?
Color me evil or mean spirited but I'm hoping jonny dies before storm has too many memories to even really recall his 'father' much. At least then he'll only have one psycho parent ruining his childhood. I can't see jonny living to 40 he's been constantly using heroin for years, he is not trying to change he's got the mentality of a 14 year old.
Its been killing him daily for like a decade, it catches up eventually. i know from knowing addicts that it happens fast, you feel like they'll be fine because they've been able to keep getting away with it, but no it's gonna kill him one day for sure at this rate anon he is very much bloated and dead already in my books
No. 1297825
File: 1628690759373.jpeg (82.64 KB, 750x512, DE95667E-BEC3-421D-A006-82C74E…)

Tai wright says it’s serious, he’s a piece of shit too but he has the inside scoop
No. 1297864
File: 1628694747716.png (977.31 KB, 1125x2436, 1CAF307C-005E-4CCD-B9AB-BD7802…)

>>1297572Here you go nonnies, I grabbed the screen cap yesterday but wasn’t on the thread and figured someone else probably uploaded it anyways. Sorry it’s late but she’s such a whiny bitch.
No. 1297883
>>1297864She’s so incoherent, holy hell. This is just one giant run-on sentence that sounds like it came from someone who had a stroke.
Wouldn’t be surprised one bit if she’s using too and is trying to save face/cover her ass.
No. 1297968
File: 1628703061942.jpeg (305.72 KB, 1936x1936, CD65EF27-2747-4FD2-80FA-EB89C5…)

In the comments of tai’s post. This piece of shit really makes a joke out of abusing his girlfriends like that huh? Someone needs to punch him in the throat already.
No. 1298115
File: 1628715226939.jpeg (149.5 KB, 828x1016, 53A7073E-E5F1-446F-A275-61B0D6…)

Lol watch him go full attack mode on this guy
No. 1298235
>>1297825I guarantee you he’s saying this because Jonny has
been using. For a while. Jonny is acting like “oh, I only just relapsed this past week, oooopsie!” But let’s be real. He hasn’t been clean for a while.
No. 1298270
>>1297825Kek this dude noped the fuck out. Clearly he didn’t cancel his tour with Jonny because of one insistence of “weakness”.
And Jonny isnt sober by any means. He has always posted pictures of ciders near by.
I’m so curious what made this dude suddenly back out.
No. 1298288
File: 1628733428146.jpeg (83.14 KB, 828x467, EA994CF3-6BD4-4A32-B6C0-C2E8A2…)

Kek, Syd I think he wrote about you in his new album!
No. 1298469
>>1298309taylor and jonny reunion arc, he cheats on syd with her in texas
wouldnt that be funny
No. 1298753
File: 1628796307350.jpg (462.98 KB, 1080x1858, Screenshot_20210812-152029.jpg)

Wtf is this dumb idiot going on about? I'm convinced she lurks in this thread and is hinting to us talking about her doing dope with Jonny. But the wrist band? Like idk where that's coming from. Probably just putting that in there to make another jab at how she's uwu so small just like Grimes. Even though they both look slightly malnourished. That may be a bit of a reach but I can't seem to figure out why she's posting that dumbass shit.
No. 1298767
>>1298753Kek the fuck is she talking about? Hair ties don’t just slip off because you’re skinny. You have hands too. I seriously think she’s an alcoholic or some shit. I don’t think she’s a junkie but she seems out of it and doesn’t make sense most of the time.
Common sense says grimes has it up higher on her arm because she dislikes how it feels on the wrist. A lot of people have sensory issues on their arms and dislike seams or pressure on their wrist. But this is clearly some weird humble brag about how uwu smol she is.
No. 1299206
File: 1628860497840.jpeg (156.07 KB, 750x575, F973EAE7-E70B-46B8-B080-BBC506…)

Not super milky but they are both out of each others bios again and syd took away the gfm link. What’s that about? And she still has yet to post one piece of “art” on her art page.
No. 1299289
>>1299263You answered your own question
nonnie. Because she's a super speshul ~uwu~ snowflake. But maybe in her case the They is referring to her multiple personalities kek
No. 1299507
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No. 1299572
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No. 1299632
File: 1628907192642.jpeg (422.79 KB, 1125x1964, ABF56247-D235-4AC8-9875-8D1C42…)

Sure Jan
No. 1299662
>>1299572I dunno Syd, maybe you should just shut the fuck up. Your constant bitching and whining is annoying.
You talk about healing and growing so much yet you keep yourself tied down to a dead end position where you're so obviously miserable and constantly riddled with anxiety about which girl to scream at next. You do this to yourself girl.
>>1299632People who say they're empaths are the total opposite. Much empath bringing a human into the world to a notorious
abusive, slutty junkie man.
No. 1300088
File: 1628973806067.jpeg (835.83 KB, 828x1469, 87F78A61-31DF-46EB-BD9F-19191B…)

I really don’t understand what she likes about this person. He’s incredibly ugly and terrible.
No. 1300099
>>1300088The way they both use insults as "pet names" kek
Idk about everyone else here but I've seen it before irl in
toxic even
abusive couples
It reeks of contempt to me
No. 1300102
File: 1628974521124.jpg (816.81 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210814-135535_Ins…)

Rat face
No. 1300280
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No. 1300289
File: 1628995363259.jpeg (834.49 KB, 3072x3072, B1DD6F83-4AD8-49E6-951F-D588BE…)

What an ugly couple.
No. 1300387
>>1298753“Her man is bleh”
Your man is far worse and Grimes is literally exactly the same as Elon. She’s not some ~poor damsel in distress~ she is with him because she either agrees with him or doesn’t think his views are a dealbreaker because she doesn’t actually care. At least Elon is a decent father.
And hair ties don’t just slip off your hand unless they’re extremely outstretched, this is such a pathetic attempt at a humble brag. She can’t even compliment someone else without also making it about herself.
No. 1300567
File: 1629039605372.png (326.19 KB, 750x1334, CF3CFF2C-B38B-4E9F-89D1-8FF93E…)

Please enlighten me on what the bigger picture is for him
No. 1300642
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No. 1300643
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No. 1300654
>>1300642What’s the dollar bill about?
so weird and random
No. 1300896
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No. 1300959
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>>1300896lmao then she posts this after
No. 1301007
>>1300959Oh boo hoo syd
I'm not the one neglecting a child for a used up POS
No. 1301276
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No. 1301368
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No. 1301432
File: 1629146371064.png (1.62 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210816-163809.png)

Read the shoes.. she really wants everyone to know he's her man. Yikes.
No. 1301465
>>1301350she said she had chapped lips.
ooh syyyd where does it come from?
oh I cant tell you but I kissed ~jonny craig~
I bet she wanted this kind of conversation on Instagram 2 years ago sydsomysterious
No. 1301569
File: 1629163429514.png (141.41 KB, 720x1242, Screenshot_20210816-182156.png)

tell me you're butthurt without trying to be obvious you're butthurt
No. 1301705
>>1301432It cracks me up how he acts so proud to be from Sacramento and to be with his people yet everyone here talks shit about him. Even those he thinks he’s cool with turn around and laugh at him whenever he hits them up.
Sacramento doesn’t claim you, bud!
No. 1301818
nonny this one was me
>>1301323 and I m not the same anon. Lmao but apologies if I m being a retarded boomer with the “show me” joke.
No. 1301963
>>1301569She’s always so sad he’s being
abusive to her yet she never leaves. Zero sympathy. If not for you do it for Storm.
No. 1301981
File: 1629219787572.jpg (300.73 KB, 1080x1924, Screenshot_20210817_130209.jpg)

>worried the vaccine will turn them into fish
>injects heroin on the regular
No. 1302022
>>1302015Exactly, he’s incredibly verbally
abusive. So why stick around and beg like Taylor did….
No. 1302314
>>1302150Well the medication is just amphetamines and given their genes he already has a very high chance of becoming an addict, hopefully a miracle happens and whoever is his caretaker does what they can to get him to professionals who can help him develop skills to work with it, like a learning program.
I can’t understand why Sidney wouldn’t want medication herself though, especially if she’s doing drugs with Jonny I would assume that would make all of her own symptoms a nightmare to feel and then on top of that whatever tf Jon is dishing out. If her only concern is their sham of a relationship I would think she would want to be clear headed enough to be her most attractive self? Wouldn’t Jonny support her therapy and medication so she’s easier to be around? I’m confused unless Jonny thinks she’s easier to manipulate and control that way, or he enjoys the breakdowns.
No. 1302345
>>1302067not wanting to get one vaccine is not being anti-vaccine. the coof vaccine is not even fully FDA approved so i don’t blame her tbh.
and how could they vaccinate storm?! it’s not even approved for kids under 12 and he’s nowhere near that age. and why would you give your kid a vaccine that’s not fully approved anyway? that would be irresponsible.
>>1302012and you’re right, there’s no point. the vaccine is leaky which leads to more harm than good. even if 100% of the population got vaxxed, it would still be spreading around because the vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission….. which means it will mutate whether everyone gets it or not. it’s basically useless, good for the elderly/at risk to get it but aside them then there’s no point.
(>>>covid thread) No. 1302351
>>1302345Why is the thread delving into a covid vaccine debate kek shut up and wait for the milk
Soon they'll be on 'tour' I'm honestly so tickled
This won't be like with Taylor, they'll be ripping out each other's throats on the first day im certain
No. 1302353
>>1301981not to white knight but pure heroin isn’t all that dangerous as long as you know your dose and use clean gear. obviously they are joking about it turning them into whatever lmao you’d have to be severely autistic/retarded to take that statement literally. these people suck but it makes lolcow look like it’s full of retards when you are willfully ignorant.
what i got from that is that they don’t trust it 100% and are joking around about it turning them into fish. like come on now saying that makes this sites users look bad
No. 1302358
>>1302353im a recovering h addict and this is the dumbest fucking thing i have ever read in my life. delete this shit. it's completely misinformal.
it doesn't matter what form the heroin is in, it's ALL DANGEROUS JFC. "knowing your dose" is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE, bc u never know what's in the shit your putting in yourself. any addict, no matter how high their tolerance is, is risking death each time they use.
delete this retarded post before it's too late. it literally physically pained me to read it. you must be special needs
(this isn't the junkie olympics) No. 1302364
>>1302358lmao i’m a ex addict for a decade you piece of shit. let me explain it to you so you understand: pure heroin will cause no harm to the user. like how in certain countries they dose out heroin to hardcore users because nothing else has worked. this is what i’m taking about you fucking cunt.
also if you’re an addict worth your salt then you get to know what your body can handle, and you will have a dealer who will tell you if the shit is strong or not. therefore you can adjust the dose.
pharmaceutical heroin does no damage to the body, this is the specific heroin i’m taking about. the damage from heroin comes from using dirty equipment and taking a much higher dose than expected, which like i said, if you are a user worth your salt, is easily avoided if you have good hookups. now stfu bc this is derailing and the last time i’ll respond to your nasty ass
(this isn't the junkie olympics) No. 1302370
>>1302326Something tells me she likely hasn’t tried more than a couple medications, or lighter dosages if they cause heavy side effects. Either way she should be in therapy so someone can introduce the concept of codependency and how she can work on it so she’s not letting obese ginger muppets create children inside of her again.
>>1302351Why has no one mentioned that this tour is going to be out of a stinky van and how unglamorous and gross it is. How many ripened older men is she going to be sardined in with
No. 1302379
>>1302358 You sound like some boomer D.A.R.E. recruit saying “you risk death every single time you use”
Technically true, but only if you’re very low IQ. There are things that addicts do if they’re nervous/unsure such as testing a very small portion of the hit, not using alone, or using a drug test kit - and having a narcan kit.
It’s only if you’re an absolute dummy nowadays that using poses a significant risk, like anything else.
Follow those rules and your risk goes down significantly. Only people who die are those who don’t care, want to die, or are too stupid to follow those simple preventative procedures.
Anon was talking about those EU countries that have heroin programs it sounds like, and you came in all hot like they had just said they fucked your dad kekekek.
No. 1302383
File: 1629250313502.jpg (243.21 KB, 1080x1910, Screenshot_20210817-212855.jpg)

Ngl this definitely seems like one of those scams on Instagram that require you to give personal information to be an "ambassador" or "model". She looks so fucking dumb. I get request messages all the time that sound exactly like this one. I hope they take her money. Lmao
No. 1302473
>>1302383Kek this is some nobody record label. I checked out their page. 1.5k followers. Wow. Such big time. Much success. Embarrassing.
I, along with everyone, get these stupid “let’s collab babe! Xoxo” messages in their inbox. My page is private and I still get them. They don’t even know who the fuck I am and I have like 200 followers. You’re not special syd. Christ.
No. 1302520
File: 1629268115716.jpg (325.21 KB, 1074x1857, Screenshot_20210818-161621_Ins…)

She's literally telling everybody that she's just a psychotic groupie who wants to become famous and it's what brought her storm.
She makes it so obvious she's trying to use jonny, if he wasn't a washed up musician, she would never think twice about jonny.
They are each other's karma for being self obsessed, selfish and bad people.
No. 1302570
>>1302520I’m not understanding her alcoholic ramblings. Does she sing? Has she ever uploaded something of her singing? Is she acting like this “record label” is something amazing and she’s emotional about it?
Like holy shit is she really that bat shit insane?
No. 1302765
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No. 1302766
File: 1629300524146.png (1.64 MB, 750x1334, 4FDD8BE1-CF9D-46C2-A74D-5D0C02…)

Does he even have a drivers license?
No. 1302841
>>1302520Syd is passionate about music dickriding. She has never participated in the scene beyond trying to cement herself as a ride along groupie to washed up Warp Tour has beens. She has never picked up an instrument, has never been involved in the recording process, will probably never even interact with a stage hand that isn't also the head bartender… Truly sad that what she claims her whole life is she has absolutely no involvement in besides lusting after men who are on their last legs of public performance.
And yes, music brought you a child you aren't a mother too. Truly blessed.
No. 1302912
>>1302766super good transport for a baby
what a great dad
No. 1303028
>>1302912I lol’d
neither of them has a drivers license, do they?
No. 1303401
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No. 1303428
>>1303401Her bpd is all over the place lately. First the weirdly intense posts about how music is lyfe xoxo and now fishing for compliments lol
I wonder if JC called her fst, that would be hilarious honestly
No. 1303431
>>1303401Speaking of mom duty. Her body is probably changing after pregnancy like most moms experience.
I love karma is making it about her not so smol body anymore. Taking her down a notch while adding a few notches on her belt.
Like you may not have the kid, but you gonna look like you do.
No. 1303479
File: 1629379951493.png (2.15 MB, 750x1334, 1099BFA7-19E7-4854-AF40-2814E9…)

God he looks like dirty white trash and you know he’s only showing off that mouse to dig at taylor
No. 1303486
File: 1629381366754.jpg (378.67 KB, 1080x1917, Screenshot_20210819_095525.jpg)

Well I suppose this is a step up from her highschool notebook pencil sketches but still looks like something a toddler could paint.
No. 1303492
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No. 1303758
File: 1629400793018.jpg (340.09 KB, 1080x1767, Screenshot_20210819-151717.jpg)

Not trying to nitpick but I honestly can't understand what she is trying to say in her posts lately. Like it is incoherent word vomit coming out of her mouth every day. Also bitch grimes doesn't give a flying fuck about you and you shit life. She prob doesn't even know you exist. What a try hard.
No. 1303770
>>1303401Never understood why anyone would brag about being short, the proportions are always really bad and if you gain a little it’s really obvious because your body is stubby. Wasn’t she trying to insinuate she has an eating disorder not long ago? Just lose weight or don’t, your weight and your height are really boring and personal anyways.
If taylor cares about the rat she’s beyond help, she should be celebrating every day he’s locked down with someone else. But this
>>1303492 is so creepy, is he talking about exes or wishing he had an opportunity to ruin another new women’s life? He can’t even focus on the kid he has an is so proud of or whatever? Fucking nasty
No. 1303800
>>1303758"hEs NoT a ToY i WaNt HiM tO hAvE pRiVaCy"
posts a pic of her kid for no reason and tags someone with literally 2 million followers. Bitch be consistent with your bullshit, damn
No. 1303841
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No. 1303940
File: 1629409457217.png (4.49 MB, 828x1792, E9068506-A6E6-466B-B01B-22C61A…)

No. 1304083
File: 1629417627418.webm (2.22 MB, 720x1280, StorySaver.Org-minnieskins_456…)
looking all droopy eyed and fucked up as usual.
Also interesting that last night when she painted she said her friend brought over all the supplies, sorry I didn't' take ss. So obvious the gfm was for drug money
No. 1304090
File: 1629419152555.png (1.5 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210819-182356.png)

Holy shit who does she think she is?
No. 1304143
>>1303940If that's the rats enclosure it's fucking pathetic.
Also why is jonny letting Syd fuck up the "more than your rent" valued shoes by scribbling all over them like a pre-teen and messing with them??
No. 1304199
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No. 1304210
>>1304143Didn’t taylor buy them? I know she bought his kid pageant flipper teeth and those shoes were a thing an embarrassingly long time ago. No one would be caught dead wearing them and now there’s a weird Pinterest country bandana around them. Sock boots would look ugliest on his thick cankles and if she’s not scribbling on his shoes she’s tying restraints to them. Like no one fucking wants him and this “reverse psychology” isn’t going to get the result she wants
Imagine if she calmly let him go on tour alone and did her own thing and didn’t even tell him what it was. She could have a more fulfilling relationship as a pen pal for someone that has life in prison and wouldn’t even have to fuck up her body with a kid to keep them. Their garments are also pre-written on so she can redirect her valuable crafting skills.
No. 1304255
File: 1629434889664.jpeg (784.51 KB, 1125x1986, 27E3DF2F-B985-49A1-BF4F-935CD8…)

Yep lots of freedoms because you don’t take care of your kid
No. 1304909
File: 1629492213253.png (3.71 MB, 828x1792, EC3DFED9-F0CB-4C76-8793-343A6A…)

No. 1304967
>>1304909lmao at the coin probably from whatever program he had to complete for the court case between him and his "midget" as if that is going to help him get sober. The only reason he was temporarily was that case and I doubt he'll ever be sober again that long willfully.
also highly doubting that these trinkets will help fill any of these venues lol
No. 1304979
File: 1629496767606.png (652.77 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210820-165537.png)

If these arent all sent to herself from her other account then it doesn't get more toxic than this as far as an influence
No. 1304986
File: 1629497444193.png (2.22 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210820-165556.png)

>>1304979Also this when it's pretty obvious that she can do all these things because Storm isn't in her care. While I don't disagree with the message it's fucked up to pretend that going on tour with your failure baby daddy is "self care". Also suggesting that either of them are remotely near any state considered "well" is laughable. This is one I think she sent herself because she just wanted to go on this rant to get back at lolcow lol
No. 1305005
>>1304255Kek. That’s a lot of words for “my mom has custody of my child”.
>>1304979I don’t understand this sentence at all. I stg these are all things she sends to herself based on the incoherence. What a raging narc. She’s runner up to take Vicky’s Queen narc title.
>>1303758>I must be the spot for napsI guess it makes sense that you wouldn’t know. Nice to see she decided to see her kid after 20 days.
No. 1305130
File: 1629509736407.png (240.05 KB, 828x1792, 27E3C3A4-D7F1-4E52-9769-554E36…)

No. 1305266
>>1305184Kek I love that you dgaf and left it open.
>>1304979What the actual fuck is this question? It couldn't be more obvious that these responses are her talking to herself. As if anyone would ever be "inspired" by this do-nothing deadbeat
No. 1305566
>>1305516Additionally, if your boyfriend hasn't proposed after 12 YEARS, then is starting a family really a good idea?
I'm know that plenty of people choose not to get married for various reasons. It's also always a good idea to wait a while before getting married (maybe like 5 years.)
But if them not getting married isn't mutual decision, then damn. Seems unhealthy.
No. 1305574
>>1304986 Lol going on tour and essentially abandoning your child will not make you a better mother you absolute nut. No real mother would try to justify leaving her baby to follow her
abusive addict bf on tour, and her using the guise of self care is absolutely retarded. Just admit you only want a kid when it’s convenient for you and shut the fuck already.
No. 1305630
>>1305574Kek seriously. This is also how I know she doesn’t have custody of her kid. She’s not even talking about how hard it will be to leave your baby for 2-3 weeks. Any mom, no matter how tired or over worked, would have a hard time leaving her 1 year old for more than a day or two. Let alone weeks.
All she’s talking about is how amazing this will be. Fucking psycho.
No. 1305814
>>1305722Syd thinks self care is being away from your kid(s) for a few days when really it’s getting a facial or having a girls day. Or getting your nails done. Sure having a day or two away from your kid is healthy.
After she gave birth she was going insane. Accusations of JC cheating(probably was) and how fat she was. She was clearly spiraling and had severe PPD. I don’t think she bonded with her baby at all and didn’t seek treatment in those critical months. I don’t doubt she loves her kid but I don’t think she has a bond with him because she was too busy chasing Jonny. It’s sad really.
No. 1305945
File: 1629623089603.png (380.33 KB, 1242x2208, 6C5F0755-31AB-4F39-BF96-8B69AA…)

I managed to catch this from her story, posted between her throwback pics and the video of Jonny almost smacking her in the face, before she dirty deleted it
No. 1305998
>>1305945This is called
karma, you stupid selfish whore. Storm is the only good thing to come from you being such a selfish, shameless whore and thankfully you don't have him anymore because all you care about is stupid cunt internet drama and getting high with a fat ugly "rockstar" who trashed his career years ago. This is the bed you made, now lie in it and shut the fuck up, SydsoStretched.
No. 1306000
File: 1629634516123.png (2.38 MB, 750x1334, B87B6BF4-28D7-4163-BD31-EBFB1D…)

The tour must not be selling well cuz he’s on insta like everyday begging people to buy tickets. Looking like a junkie carney. Must not be able to sucker anyone into cutting his hair for free lately.
No. 1306024
>>1306000Every time they post a short video, whether they're home or out, you never hear storm in the background making noise, you don't see children's toys, a pram or hear children's shows in the background like any other normal household with a baby.
You don't get time to paint/draw for hours, go out all day, whine on Instagram, take care of rats, a junkie boyfriend and have the side hobby of stalking and harassing random girls online if you have a small child to take care of, by storms age he should be making lots of noise, engaging in play time a lot more and running around like crazy and sleeping a lot less. She talks about needing "me time" as if she's some hard done by single mother who never gets any time to herself when she's actually getting too much time to herself, not to mention her entire bullshit excuse about keeping him "private" because she and jonny posted a lot about him in the beginning and then when the court incident happened, the posts basically stopped apart from the occasional once every month or two pic she throws up on her story and even then she's picking old pictures.
They do not have custody of him and nothing can convince me otherwise.
No. 1306158
>>1306024Seriously. Kids his age need constant supervision and attention. Getting into shit, pulling things out of cabinets, climbing on furniture.
Worse case she does have custody, with all this free time, then that would mean she’s letting a junkie supervise a baby.
Best case, storm lives with his grandma away from the dysfunction-duo.
Either way she’s a shit mom.
No. 1306228
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No. 1306251
File: 1629659735274.webm (3.52 MB, 720x1280, StorySaver.Org-minnieskins_427…)
>>1305945Talk about an embarassing existance for both of them
No. 1306420
>>1306251This is so fucking annoying and cringe. Even JC"s body language at the beginning is like bitch get that phone out of my face.
She's clearly high right?
No. 1306431
File: 1629673447565.jpeg (284.19 KB, 537x762, B5541127-FB09-4502-8DE0-49448A…)

>>1306251That fucking forehead piercing just looks like an ugly mole. Such a homely ugly bitch
No. 1306466
File: 1629677370810.jpg (33.17 KB, 960x540, 78749.jpg)

>>1306431 she looks like the character harry dunne from dumb and dumber.
No. 1306601
>>1306431Nightmare fuel. She looks like a middle school outcast that never grew out of it.
How can she stare at herself constantly and be that ugly? The hair and the piercings are a choice, not genetics. She -chose- to be uglier.
The five o’clock shadow is so appealing….
How she thinks she’s superior to any of the fans she “outs” in her stories is beyond me.
No. 1306607
>>1306251she just
had to let everyone know someone recognized her junkie washed up baby daddy, and in true sydsopsycho fashion, she did it in the most obnoxious and embarrassing way possible. he must get recognized pretty infrequently bc i'm sure she'd be talking about it all the time if it were happening.
No. 1306699
>>1306601Sounds like you’re one of those randoms msging jc that she outted
No. 1306739
File: 1629710145186.gif (206.63 KB, 220x135, have your smack and shoot it t…)

>>1306720Jonny is awful of course but Syd is the sad desperate groupie who clings to that bloated wreck.
No. 1306793
>>1306699Lol, Ayrt, I’m not one of those girls, but it is hilarious that syd felt the need to go after anyone looking like that. She’s so full of herself for being so ugly.
She could have used her gFM For more than that sad clown makeover.
No. 1306930
>>1306908> jonny has somehow learned not to share as much as he used toKek pretty sure because all this cocky over-sharing online got him in trouble when he was arrested.
The weird syd whiteknights need to get over the fact that she’s a cow herself next to Jonny. Jonny being a shittier person doesnt absolve Sydsodeadbeat from the garbage person she is. If you think attacking random women online because they’re pretty, or abandoning your baby to chase a junkie is perfectly acceptable behavior….you need help.
No. 1306939
>>1306720Look, this is the Syd AND Jonny containment thread. They’re both equally stupid and keep the drama flowing for us to laugh at.
“Two cowseholds, both alike in milkiness-“
- Will Shakespeare
No. 1306949
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No. 1306984
File: 1629744569064.jpg (692.37 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210823-114851_Ins…)

This is his angle for sure
No. 1307257
>>1307056I said this earlier too, well I asked if she was high and some other
nonnie said no. But it's how fast she's talking, and out of breath at the same time. It's how people talk after they've just snorted a huge rail of coke or meth and you can't stop talking but almost like lose your voice at the same time from the drip. No one can convince she's not fucked up in this clip.
No. 1307363
File: 1629782817934.png (4.67 MB, 1170x2532, FA4623C2-B7AE-4FE7-AA6B-C13A13…)

>>1306251The image the vid freezed on at the end will haunt my nightmares tonight, plz pray for me
No. 1307902
>>1307748I'm pretty sure that video was him high off his ass thinking he was making some sort of point. Exactly like you said, but tbh he knows he's aging like milk and he knows he's not going to do anything like work out or stop doing drugs so he's gonna
> stick it to us haterz All I can think is thank you jonny for providing, at this point we could totally make a collage of you and Syd looking fat and strung out. Lord knows we have enough hideous candids of Syd at this point thanks to him kek. To be fair he did taylor like that too, that picture of Taylor without makeup slumped over a desk haunts my dreams.
No. 1307931
File: 1629858468742.webm (2.02 MB, 720x1280, StorySaver.Org-minnieskins_240…)
Are they finally moving all their shit to sac for good or "helping" the guy whose couch they're crashing on?
No. 1307994
>>1307548>>1307566 I’ve been using the site on this screenshot
>>1307363 to convert to mp4 and it’s pretty quick/easy
No. 1308309
>>1308266All she does is clown makeup anyways, it makes the "jewel" in her forehead really
pop Every time we call her out here she gets quiet for a few days.
No. 1309353
File: 1630025671736.jpeg (406.75 KB, 828x1278, 5CAE9BB5-7073-4FA1-9F5C-2666D7…)

The photo of them in the moving truck is helping this musician move. Looked at his insta, not milky. He actually spends time with his children though.
Not that Jonny will, but he could use this as motivation to step up with his own child
No. 1309366
File: 1630026746570.webm (3.89 MB, 720x1280, StorySaver.Org-minnieskins_240…)
>>1308266>>1308305And now that all this has been pointed out she posted this last night. Cringe that they seem to be as obsessed with their thread as tnd & jonny were!
>>1308400Thanks for the feedback anon it's much appreciated and you're welcome!
No. 1309394
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No. 1309408
>>1309394This love bombing is so annoying. two narcs in true love. It's sad their sole validation comes from this thread and insta.
I can't wait for the tour photos (that is, if JC can actually make it through). She's gonna look like a troll in real life, especially next to excited fans.
The Tour Milk cannot come fast enough.
No. 1309421
>>1309417Thank you anon! So, if we rolled with this theory -tinfoil till proven- she stalks Taylor and then about three days later Syd jumps on it.
Is Syd skinwalking, or is she trying to start beef with Taylor over style choices. (Like "I wanted it first, you're copying me")
OR! is JC watching Taylor, then telling Syd she should change her look?
Either way, its hilarious.
Both look like clowns either way, lord bless their souls.
No. 1309461
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No. 1309567
File: 1630068239318.png (3.51 MB, 828x1792, 093BBF65-D585-4048-AEC3-51B022…)

>>1309394Imagine looking so smug while skinwalking Taylor and this is your prize. Couldn’t be me.
Her smugness reminds me hard of Lamey, Onion’s wife. I wonder who would out smug the other? Frankenstein and the bloated corpse sure got some winners glued to their sides.
No. 1309690
>>1309421I think Jonny is just over Syd in generap vut sticks with her bc who else? And she knows it, so she's trying to skinwalk Taylor to subconsciously trick Jonny into wanting
her again. I bet Jonny has been creeping on Taylor's socials since Syd was pregnant, he doesn't even seem like he likes her and is just placsting her to keep the open pussy nearby, tbqh.
No. 1309921
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No. 1309947
File: 1630107630709.jpeg (1.8 MB, 1170x2009, D3E72381-032F-4888-B4BB-993842…)

“Total RIOT H.W. vibes” aka Hayley Williams?! She honestly wrote this caption with a straight face….. she truly is delusional in every sense of the word in every aspect of her sad life lolllll
No. 1309956
File: 1630107919531.png (7.93 MB, 1170x2532, F08B778A-50DA-4370-8FF0-2CA31F…)

>>1309947Samefag but this is the hair “vibes” she’s referring to. DELUSIONAL
No. 1309973
File: 1630109274947.jpeg (1.63 MB, 1125x2040, 52505F27-4A1B-49C9-9732-F2A137…)

Here she is looking at her own Instagram lmao probably trying to show off her “famous” white trash boyfriend
No. 1309978
>>1309921>>1309417damn that is so freaky. makes you wonder if jonny keeps bringing up taylor and compares them to each other and that's why she's so fixated or if syd is just nuts and made up some sort of vendetta between them in all in her head
>>1309973yooo I didn't think anyone could be more self absorbed than taylor but this takes the cake. so cringey that the internet is her whole life now compared to before she met him. None of her followers really seem to gaf about her they're just there to watch the show or see jonny's baby and "family". It was most evident during that last live she did a month or two ago
No. 1309985
>>1309921Oh NOOOOOO Why syd, why. You regressed with the shitty eyebrows. and that caked foundation is sad.
I thought another cow here had the worst hair, but this might just take the lead.
No. 1310081
>>1309973>>1309973Her hair looks so fried here MAAM please try a hair oil or something lkterally anything but what you are doing
this hurts to see you will literally bald like taylor idk if that's the goal but sweaty you're on well on your way
No. 1310131
File: 1630128667868.png (7.05 MB, 1125x2436, A35BAEC9-0708-45AC-8310-317BD9…)

they’re at a giant show with no masks rn
No. 1310132
File: 1630128732283.png (3.82 MB, 828x1792, 95346409-C283-45AB-86BA-766C8C…)

Someone started talking shit about their relationship on live and “jonny” started defending it. It’s funny because you can see see syd took the phone and is obviously writing the defensive messages lol
No. 1310133
File: 1630128737979.png (5.17 MB, 1125x2436, F1070FDA-9284-4EF4-8385-105692…)

every time he put the camera on her she clung to him like a child , she was also licking his face
No. 1310136
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No. 1310137
File: 1630129640491.jpeg (272.9 KB, 1125x2019, F813878B-9784-487A-9BF0-6B3FB0…)

currrently arguing with her on my clearly fake insta lmao(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1310139
File: 1630130189073.png (1.8 MB, 1242x2208, B582262C-6F79-4688-91BA-BF3B1C…)

>>1310137Stop cowtipping you retard
No. 1310142
>>1310131 next tour thread pic please and thanks
>>1310137sage, and don't cowtip newfag.
No. 1310143
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No. 1310146
File: 1630130815953.jpeg (660.35 KB, 1125x2006, FC5BD40A-DC0F-4C5E-9FB0-23F2FF…)

Bahahaha I don’t know how to screen record but she said “storm has a good mom doesn’t he” and this guy and Jonny said nothing
No. 1310164
>>1310146Oh my god she's acting like a manic mess! I can't wait for the tour she's going to go full psycho.
>>1310136Then don't interact with them you silly bitch.
No. 1310192
File: 1630140304250.jpeg (497.6 KB, 1125x1993, AF4A9873-A28E-4418-A0FA-0826EA…)

She sounds manic
No. 1310193
File: 1630140331242.jpeg (271.58 KB, 1125x2002, B3BA6C99-92CA-419A-9E14-12D863…)

“Famous people”
No. 1310194
File: 1630140391528.jpeg (Spoiler Image,448.32 KB, 1125x1998, 6B8DD931-0557-42D8-9187-2C4A0F…)

More mania
No. 1310195
File: 1630140425439.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1125x1999, 0A88859C-20F0-4924-BCE3-36DF45…)

Sorry hit spoiler on the last one by accident
No. 1310218
File: 1630143746915.png (2.86 MB, 1125x2436, 12646460-211B-4C36-8BB8-B616D6…)

You can not look at this and tell me that she is not high.
No. 1310219
File: 1630143805535.png (4.43 MB, 1125x2436, 1F0D95CE-61F0-40BC-B1A8-79A647…)

She’s acting so weird and you can hear Jonny snoring or breathing heavily in the background LMAO.
No. 1310228
File: 1630145469504.jpeg (991.61 KB, 1125x1996, 0C1F5B0A-5457-4A12-83F8-06A09D…)

She always calls out other people for treating women poorly when she’s with one of the worst of them all lol
No. 1310307
File: 1630156004411.png (2.41 MB, 750x1334, 4E814A24-8551-4C8B-8D82-BFD55D…)

Lol, jc’s stories start like this then you never see her, just him jamming with his buddy and begging bert to text him. He does not give a fuck about her or where she is
No. 1310308
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No. 1310309
File: 1630156135937.png (2.26 MB, 750x1334, BCD50E93-4545-4591-BEE5-0E953A…)

No. 1310310
>>1310308I bet Syd thought she'd actually get to meet Bert, LMAO.
Wait, did she get her hair done for the show??? what is she, 12?!
JC is trying flex but it's sad as fuck
No. 1310406
>>1310192 not to bully? She literally tries to bully his fans.
This girl is a completely delusional in all aspects of her life.
No. 1310451
>>1310273well it’s the only way to talk to Storm since they never see him
>>1310106it’s popular with the kids on TikTok right now. but don’t worry guys Syd’s definitely not like
other girls
No. 1310472
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No. 1310475
>>1310460That has to be a rhetorical question, anon.
>>1310472Dude is probably right, she only pretends to be this unbothered when someone sees through her bullshit.
No. 1310520
>>1310472I don't think I've ever witnessed anyone post 50+ stories in 24 hours, this girl is manic.
I would bet money that if someone demanded she go live with her son right now she couldn't and won't because she doesn't have him.
How many days has she and jonny gone out in the last month without him? How is she able to live this self absorbed lifestyle where she does literally nothing except bitch and moan all day and reminisce on old times if she has a child to take care of?
She's got way to much time on her hands and she's not even smart enough to hide it which tells me it's been a while since storms been in their custody.
It's almost like she thinks everyone is stupid enough to believe he's still in the sleep eat and poop phase and thats why we never hear or see him in the background when by now, he would be a noisy, rambunctious toddler getting into all kinds of mischief.
She doesn't even post about storm in general like "he's talking so much now" or "he learnt how to do ____ today".
She posts more about the food she eats and the girls jonny tries to fuck more than her own son.
No. 1310525
File: 1630173986605.jpg (271 KB, 1080x1696, Screenshot_20210828-135533__01…)

No. 1310528
File: 1630174140088.jpg (58.04 KB, 1080x1592, Screenshot_20210828-140820.jpg)

Jesus Christ Syd give it a fucking rest.
No. 1310590
File: 1630180857306.png (265.3 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210828-122517.png)

it what universe were they front row?!
Also incoming video dump of syd & jonnies stories. You may have to click through to watch the vids on yt just fyi
No. 1310592

>>1310590okay nonettes unfortunately the files were too big to convert and post here as webm's so I put them on yt. Here are all of syd's stories that include her, jonny, and their friend. Not included are stories that are just of the bands they went to see (boring).
I have to say this whole shin-dig was like reliving taylor going to concerts with jonny. Especially the one just before her first stint in rehab. Syd looks high af and there's no way I believe she isn't using. Also jonny is clearly drinking in this vid so lmao at his "brief relapse".
I don't think she would have been as
triggered about the cowtipper and probable jonny fan at the concert if it all wasn't true - as anons said she could just have grabbed Storm and showed that he was right there if he was actually in her care. Also as someone pointed out no one is wearing masks there and I’d like to think she wouldn’t be going to what will essentially be a string of super-spreader events (jonny’s tour) if she had Storm in her care . I mean some people are that careless and stupid but it would be extremely risky to go out and do all of this even vaccinated because she could bring it home to Storm who is so young and especially vulnerable to it
No. 1310601
>>1310592oh and this is what I believe she said in the last clip, “Okay before i go to bed can we just talk about how the used sing kids meet?
stomach gurgle eeepiic. yeah.” Clearly absolutely high off her ass while jonny's out cold
No. 1310675
>>1310366> I noticed in all of her ranting about protecting and loving storm she didn’t come out and say that he IS in fact living with themI noticed this as well. She’s avoiding that and just saying he’s happy and they’re providing for him. Not exactly sure how since they’re both losers with no job and no car. She wont say he lives with her because people know the truth and she would be outed as a liar. This was she can be like “I never said he lived with me, I said he was well loved and provided for”. Etc etc. Syd is a narc and would not miss an opportunity to show up the “haters” and prove everyone wrong. She could do that even by showing her home covered in baby shit. But she won’t.
She talks about everything mundane in her life yet talks zero about storm. She’s going to concerts and up at 3am. She has no idea what it means or what it takes to be a mom.
No. 1310676
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Like you don't have the balls to admit you don't have custody of storm anymore? You and syd are both so pathetic and embarrassing you both definitely deserve each other.
No. 1310767
>>1310592Okay well the end of this vid with her talking slowly, quietly, and pretty much incoherently has confirmed for me, a former opiate addict, that she is on opiates. Since she wants to be Taylor it would only make sense she would start using with Jonny too.
Also her hair looks so awful, it honestly looks like Storm cut it lol
No. 1310775
>>1310719yep, it's no longer tinfoiling that they don't have Storm. It's blatantly obvious. In age they're grown ass adults, but they act like children.
She acts like her and jonny work soooo hard when neither of them has real jobs. He's a washed up musician. She could work in food service, retail, and/or go to school for a career.
But no, she does nothing and isn't even a mom anymore (which is a full-time job, and in many cases a
valid reason not to work.) She's the female equivalent of the type of guy that gets labelled "sperm donor."
No. 1310820
>>1310811More if they’re in diapers, too.
Wonder how many more kids she’ll pop out before it’s all over with. They won’t be Jonny’s though; they’ll split and she’ll be forced to find even
worse, even sloppier washed-up junkie has-been/never-was dick to hop on, if that’s even still possible for her at this point.
No. 1310970
>>1310592>>1310594Jonny looks so fucking gross. It feels like they spent more time documenting that they went to a concert than actually, genuinely, enjoying each other’s company at a concert. Also in the second video their friend looks like he’s trying not to show signs of being annoyed. I can’t imagine the secondhand embarrassment hanging out with these fools. It’s probably so annoying to go to an event with a pair of friends and they’re shoving phones in your face the entire time and licking each other’s faces and shit lmao THE CRINGE IS SO REAL
You could also see Syd just trying to check herself out in half of those stories, kinda like how PNP would stare at herself making her low grade “porn”. The narc traits just jumó right out.
No. 1311106
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Apologies if any of these were posted in the past but found her old Twitter and had a good laugh. She’s been a desperate groupie for 8 years now. Goddamn.
No. 1311302
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How limited can it be? He’s been hyping these small cap rooms for weeks now and its still not sold out.
No. 1311385
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He called her a dumpster. Hahahaha
No. 1311592
>>1311385Not surprising they're out again without storm and we don't hear storm in the background of their stories.
Like others have mentioned she could easily go live or post a short snippet of him to prove the haturz wrong but she can't because she doesn't have him.
No. 1311615
>>1311597It’s for the best JC is on drugs and incredibly
abusive. He'd probably would scream at storm for just doing a normal child thing. I don’t think a kid should be around a parent like that especially if he’s hurting Sydney too.
No. 1311921
>>1310136She sounds like she expected to inherit his fans, but also the ability to treat them like shit? This won’t exactly win them over, and it will automatically alienate anyone who was really trying to give her a chance. If someone is talking shit about you on live, that’s an opportunity to laugh it off, make a self deprecating joke, etc. and show off your humor, charm, humility, and self esteem. She has nothing taking her focus or energy, and according to her does not have any mental illness or is willing to do any form of treatment, so she should be on top of her game enough not to engage with comments or whatever. Those are people that are fans of his, for whatever reason, and they are paying their rent and drug money. They could be buying her awful drawings if she was nicer. No one should have this attitude and she should be making fun of herself for this behavior if she made a mistake. Why would you want social recognition but not to actually positively socialize with anyone? I do not understand
No. 1312015
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Calls Syd a “dumpster”. Such a sweet talker, yikkkkkkes.
No. 1312112
>>1312015damn she looks like shit
are these falsies or bad lash extensions?
No. 1312734
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You don't evolve you stupid asshole you repeat let me throw some examples at you
> Amanda
> Chelsea
> Taylor
> Sydney
> not to mention you abandoned storm for heroin and alcohol.
Truly he thinks he's saying something, huh? Shut up idiot.
No. 1312777
>>1312763She could be on disability for her BPD and get a check. Also she could be claiming benefits thru Storm despite not having him. Fraud really doesn't seem below these two, and it would absolutely explain why she
insists they have Storm when they obviously don't. I can see Barb keeping quiet about ot just to keep the baby away from Syd and to keep Syd out of her house.
No. 1312819
>>1312777 >>1312763
Who is Barb?? Is this a friend of Syd? Why would she keep her away did I miss something?
No. 1312917
>>1312780Kek sorry to offend sac-chan. No, it’s not Stockton but it’s still a cheap area as far as California is concerned, especially since they were living in the San Jose area.
>lots of Bay Area transplantswell yea, as you just stated , rent is on average $1500. That’s thousands of dollars cheaper than the Bay Area. Sac isn’t shitty persay but I think it’s shitter than where they moved -from-
No. 1312922
>>1312849Nah it’s not very easy on the west coast either. I’m from San Jose like Syd is. Not to self blog but my dad has been trying to get on disability for a whole year now and he’s got all sorts of actual physical things wrong with him unlike Syd. Maybe she was able to get unemployment? The unemployment and extra stimmy money here for the pandemic was stupid large amounts, especially for people with kids, so that’s another tin foil for ya
>>1312917I think your thinking of places like San Fran and not San Jose when you say thousands of dollars more. I think Sac is getting to be not to much different than San Jose costs from what my fam who lives up there has told me
No. 1312927
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No. 1312932
>>1312927damn BPD is a bitch. must suck to be ugly AND crazy
>>1312922you had to have been employed to get unemployment
No. 1312945
>>1312927Kek brutal. She burns herself harder than we do. Your fried hair is the least of your problems. And yea, going blonde when you’re not a natural blonde is damaging. Are you new?
No wonder she’s always attacking prettier girls. Her self esteem couldn’t be lower. I’m sure Jonny calling her a literal dumpster doesn’t help.
No. 1313183
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she looked the same even at 22, no improvement
No. 1313220
>>1312927This would almost be sad if she hasn't spent her entire relationship with JC making fun of his female fans and basically any female he ever come into contact with, even to the point of posting their pictures on her stories and calling out their looks.
Syd, your outside is matching your inside and that's on you.
No. 1313286
>>1313183she could have made herself reasonably pretty and if she had had a good personality at all she could have done better than jonny
oh well too bad for syd
No. 1313950
>>1312927sage for necro but i fucking love how silent she gets when she reads here after a meltdown. It's so obvious, I love it.
Now, if only she could actually use it to become a better person, that would be great.
The tour starts in 7 days, nonnies! I can't wait for this disaster.
No. 1314256
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No. 1314266
>>1314201Her twitter, was dated 2013 I believe
>>1314256Wtf does she mean?
No. 1314284
>>1314256So she can write a "rap".
but she
cant prove she has custody.
Wow, really. Is she going to perform on tour for all us haters?
No. 1314336
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>>1314256Oh my god. I haven’t felt this much second hand embarrassment since vicky shingles tried to convince everyone she sounds exactly like Princess Nokia and she wasn’t lip syncing but totally rapping.
No. 1314345
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because it's not good? because it's embarrassing? good god I have secondhand embarrassment from this. sorta wanna see it though
No. 1314349
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I feel like most people voted yes just to watch her embarrass herself
No. 1314353
>>1314345she, like, can't EVEN imagine people saying no bc she's
that talented
sweetie, NO.
No. 1314420
>>1314256clicky, icky, sticky, picky
This is so funny. It's like what a kid would write.
No. 1314424
>>1314303Right? She’s trying to pretend to have her child and care about him when she’s with the biggest addict who has a history of also addicting his partners that already have low self esteem, but everyone can tell she’s either on heavy drugs or she’s really fucking not on ones she should be taking. I would rather her stop lying about her use, people might talk to her about addiction.
Maybe this will help her laugh at herself which she desperately needs. Making mistakes with music but still putting it out there might start to build a sense of a practice so I hope she actually does it and gets so embarrassed she has to keep releasing shit. I don’t care what it is but that self hatred rant is insane and I haven’t read anything that nuts in a long time. Personality is always what matters most but I think that’s been a lost cause for a long time. I come here to laugh at pictures of Jonny trying to mobilize himself in the ridiculous body he fucked over so many people to keep living in for not a single good reason, and I want to be as carefree about Sydney but I just feel bad this woman is so out of touch and lets him call her a dumpster, and psychologically fuck with her. I know she’s not a child and has a child she abandoned I just can’t stand her not walking away from him and never choosing herself.
No. 1314524
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>>1314256MY SIDES what the actual fuck
No. 1314572
>>1314345Because some people get anxiety thinking about the second hand embarrassment they’ll feel due to your lack of self awareness, and inability to maintain a stable reality.
That being said, I will gladly suffer through her “rap”. Yass show us queen hashtag rap-godess
No. 1315021
>>1314256She probably sat there writing this for an hour and thought that all of us were going to be like, super butthurt by how she
totally showed us. It must suck being Syd right now bc she definitely reads here but she might just be delusional enough to convince herself we're all just "hating" on her "awesome rap".
No. 1315045
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A band with 52 twitter followers is opening for jc on tour and tix are 2 for $25. Must be selling real well lol
No. 1315164
>>1315122kek, it’s a low-rent Econoline van tour and he’s at best going to break even
love to see it
No. 1315609
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This happens when shows arent selling in my town. The venue will throw on some locals hoping they can draw out their townie friends and have them sell tickets. So jonnys tour is riding on the locals and their draw. I hope all the locals’ crowd leaves after they play and jonny’s standing there like a tool with 3 fans in the bar.
No. 1315631
>>1315580people aren’t “oh, can I go hear jonny craig at some tiny bar backed by a band of literal whos? wait, never mind, his girlfriend’s an asshole.”
agree that syd’s social media nonsense undermines his marketing to an extent, but it is far from the main reason his career is in the toilet
No. 1315677
>>1315631No, more like they don't see the point in trying anymore to begin with because of his behavior since knocking her up paired with how much he lets her control him,
and her crazy behavior. He cares more about getting high and drunk now than his career and it shows. He looks like he's dying already and nobody wants to pay money to see a fat bloated ginger corpse wheeze on stage around his fake teeth because he and his BM are the only ones who haven't realized his best singing days are long gone and over.
No. 1315748
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No. 1315957
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Any of y’all nonnies get deleted? I was thinking maybe her “vote yea or no if you wanna hear me rap” thing was a ruse to see who to “weed out” but I’m not sure if she’s actually smart enough to do all that
No. 1316075
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Guess I’m still in but I voted yes because I know it’ll be fucking hilarious
No. 1316619
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Every time I see a photo of them together I think of that “This is what every millennial couple looks like” Shrek meme so I made this