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No. 1316852
If you're new, please make sure you read: before posting
previous thread:
>>>/snow/111227234 year old heroin junkie wash up rockstar and the dumb bitch insecure enough to have a baby with him.
The basic rundown:
> jonny craig has a well-documented history of drug abuse and physical/sexual abuse toward several of his exes - pretty much any woman he comes into contact with he influences in an overwhelmingly negative way > most recently dated and helped with the downfall of pettuber & fellow cow Taylor Nicole Dean - is her so-called abuser, though it sounds like they were equally toxic in their own ways > after Taylor was forced into rehab, Jonny made it seem like they were going to be back together ASAP. as soon as Taylor broke up with him in rehab, he got with Sydney and started bragging about her, then got her pregnant immediately. > enter SYD, Aka sydsosmall. overdramatic groupie clout chaser who got pregnant with jonny’s heroin baby because she was feeling “old” & felt her biological clock ticking… totally mentally stable choice > since syd got pregnant there has been a steady stream of milky shit/stupid drama, most of it not related enough to TND to post in her thread > syd is close to giving birth & the rollercoaster has just begun. this is a containment thread so people stop bitching about people posting Jonny/syd in the TND thread Old milk:
>syd still vague posting jonny and archiving his pictures and bringing them back when theyre okay again >jonny still following and interating with random women who look the same, and asking them for money much to syds jealous dismay.>syd starts a gofundme for "personal situations" >>1234541, >>1234881 but it seems to be going towards hair and lash extensions >>1244430 and amanda shows up on the donations >>1242157>every photo jonny posts seems to have an alcoholic beverage in the background/in his hand >>1261621, >>1262260, >>1264388, >>1268153New milk:
>Jonny announces September tour, at the date of this thread being made, only 4 more days. Sydney will also be joining him.>Storm currently does not live with either of them. whether he was abandoned or taken away by law remains a mystery.>with no baby in to take care of, syd spends gfm money on rats >>1289906 >Jonny relapses and has an artist drop out of tour with him >>1297472 and anon makes a good point >>1297485>Syd and Jonny attend the used show, sydney obviously being under the influence of something makes a series of strange posts regarding storm trying to call out posts on lolcow >>1310143, >>1310146, >>1310218previous threads:
>>>/snow/1082146 4:
>>>/snow/1270218social media links: No. 1316864
File: 1630903318627.webm (4.02 MB, 720x1280, StorySaver.Org-minnieskins_241…)
Thanks for the new thread anon! Love the pic lmao
On tonight's "lessons with syd" we discuss eyebrows! We learn that one is not to obsess over them as they're just eyebrows (while we actively obsess over them)! Waah people complain with makeup and without! Probably because you suck at eyebrows when it comes to drawing & plucking
No. 1316867
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And part 3/3
No. 1316916
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No. 1316928
they look like bloated inbred cousins who fuck each other in the thread pic, which is fitting i guess
>>1316864she was so excited to find this filter and make a video about it
crazy that she'll address her eYeBrOwS but not her child neglect
No. 1316930
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I wonder if syd will call this person out for being creepy or psycho for writing poetry about Jonny? oh wait a guy wrote it so no she won’t
No. 1316942
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No. 1316953
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>>1316942Ohh here we fuckin go
No. 1317035
>>1316942how can you neglect your own child??
answer that question you loser.
getting twisted up over a POS bloated loser, instead of getting back to your kid.
its too early for this stupidity.
No. 1317430
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No. 1317431
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WHO lol
No. 1317462
>>1317440seriously! She acts like she's so high and mighty on some high horse but then she does shit like this that further shows she's no better than the next desperate loser.
>>1317454 Same I always assume that's who she's talking about
No. 1318188
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No. 1318357
>>1318326Peach hair is a micro trend that’s being marketed to sell more shit and Sydney is too out of touch to know that and she doesn’t even have peach hair it’s can I speak to your manager fall edition where the middle age lady goes way too red to get her alcoholic husband to notice and it’s just never going to happen Cathy. Like her eyebrows, she needs to leave everything else about herself the fuck alone for a while including social media. All the girlfriends she could have had left when she attached herself to Jonny Craig and random strangers tried to warn her. Any fans of his are just like her and can’t form female friendships despite the internet.
How could taylor “copy” her when isn’t sysney’s Instagram private, it’s just Sydney stalking Taylor’s Twitter or wherever she live posts about shallow impulses about trends. She has an entire abandoned trap baby named after what taylor picked out, and they both look like shit because that’s how spending any time with Jonny ends up and they were warned. Now they both have no hair.
No. 1318489
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>>1317040ask and ye shall receive anon (sorry for poor quality I made it on snapchat)
No. 1318543
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Here I was thinking she wouldn’t go but I guess Jonny still needs a babysitter
No. 1318548
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>>1316942Hi. I'm new here and found lolcow after doing some googling after Syd went absolutely ballistic on me at 3AM and tried to unsuccessfully blow up my life for no good reason other than her own painfully obvious insecurities. I was in college when Sydney was in high school and she was friends with my siblings who claimed I met her but she must have been so unmemorable that I must have forgotten about it. She always sounded weirdly jealous of me so I purposefully kept my distance.
Not to defend Jonny because after reading this thread it's obvious he has issues, but the most flirty thing he said to me was gassing up my bf so he wasn't even really flirting to begin with and I deal with much worse in my dms on the daily. My bf read our entire conversation and he just loled. It really was such a nothing burger conversation and Syd was acting like she had evidence good enough to throw me in jail.
I ALSO had the cops at my house yesterday to file a report because she started threatening me, and because I speculate that she was probably on drugs and knowing her long history with violence, I wasn't willing to gamble NOT reporting her. I now have grounds for a restraining order if she continues to harass me, but that's not all I got on her to protect myself.
I wrestled with posting any of this but she (1) tried to get my bf to break up with me (2) threatened me with violence (3) wanted to sick this Taylor gal on me to "ruin my life" and from what I easily found online, Taylor seems like she could but Sydney is probably the last person she would do that for. I showed our entire conversation to Jonny, Taylor, the cops, and now here so she has no power over me.
Sydney, if you haunt this thread like all these people speculate: I bit my lip for a long time and almost snapped at you when you took advantage of and hurt my family members, but that wasn't my battle, but when you come for me I aim to destroy. How dare you threaten me, my love, and my livelihood. Karma is a bitch.
I probably won't post here again; I prefer to be an observer, so hopefully this is enough milk to keep ya'll busy for awhile.
(ps - I didn't tell her I found this lolcow or anything and she came at me first so I think this post follows the lolcow rules? I prefer to remain Anonymous because that Jonny clout is real trashy, but if she reads this and comes for me with more threats then I guess that restraining order will look real good against (speculation) her attempts to get custody of her son back.)
(pss - (ref the attached image) The red blocked out parts are her listing off our mutuals and address me by name)
No. 1318599
>>1318548Oh this is hefty. Only in Syd's delusional mind does she think that she could weaponize Taylor and sick her on other people like some sort of internet rottweiler. The only lives Taylor has ruined over the internet is her own and her animals'; Jonny ruined his own life, as did Syd.
Why so bitter, Syd? I thought you won? You got the junkie and the baby and to live out your dreams as a permanent groupie. Did it not work out as you expected? Did you think you were special lmao
Hella ironic that Jonny is "no longer her son's father" yet she's dropping her kid and running off to tour with him. Great mothering, Syd.
Her priorities are so.. skewed.
No. 1318609
>>1318548She is absolutely psychotic, Taylor is the last person who would fight on Syds behalf, why is she acting like they have some kind of friendship?
I don't understand why she's with jonny if she hates him so much, it's like she genuinely enjoys the drama and feeds off the toxicity, she's such a sociopath acting the way she does. Unhinged.
No. 1318615
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>>1318548they are so fake ahahaha
No. 1318622
>>1318548>>1318543ahaha she got it just in time for tour
>>1318615neither of them has a chin, just matching turkey waddles. hope their poor child fares better than these ugly fucks
No. 1318628
>>1318615Ew Syd you can do a lot better, don’t harass any females over this gross-o!
Just leave.
No. 1318631
>>1318612l have a feeling he has talked even worse about her in DMs
but I’m also anticipating the milk to spill once his tiny fragile ego sees this shit. popcorn.gif
No. 1318635
>>1318548She can weaponize …. Taylor… against …
another woman?! Lmao…. Where’s TNDs next YT about this stupidity???
The milkmas is early.
So much of this threads tinfoil has been spot on. So relieved she doesn’t have access to the kid while high.
(The kid Syd named to spite TND, but of course TND will defend innocent Syd against the internet bullies.)
No. 1318636
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>>1318548>I don’t want that fat junkieHAAHHAHAHA oh my god she is certified -P S Y C H O-
But in all seriousness, I’m sorry you had to put up with this twilight zone shit. Thank you for posting this.
No. 1318643
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No. 1318647
>>1318643The damage control lmao. The scrunched up face and camera check screams "I made Jonny post this to prove how solid and in love we are" I mean, you can see her facial expression drop as she checks kek
Guess JC isn't the only love bomber in that relationshitshow
No. 1318650
>>1318643Syd needs to detox and log off ; there’s no saving face anymore. She loves her own reflection too much.
I think JC disconnects because he realizes he’s the clearance rack prop for her narcissism.
No. 1318664
>>1318661So, so close homie… emojis are a no go here. Might get red text, but it’s ok.
We do all appreciate the organized milk. Cheers, you survived a cow attack.
No. 1318676
>>1318631Does she have access to his account or something? What the fuck. He probably uses the vanishing messages feature, has a secret account, deletes messages, etc. A cheater will always find ways to cheat. If her dream was to be a “musician girlfriend” why doesn’t she understand what that actually entails and the etiquette you need? Usually if the partner is visible, they have their own thing going on and help cultivate fans and can do cool things with female fans to bond. She’s 30 this is so fucking pathetic. And if he’s such a bad person, she still had a baby with him that
she abandoned, she approves of everything he is by procreating with him and dragging an innocent life into regarding that man as a “Dad”.
Also that make up is water activated white eyeliner, so she needs to keep a clean brush with her oN tOuRrRrr to so this “slay fire yas girl boss” lewqs which she could have done with a white pen liner but whatever. Love the grimes stanning yet again because the child thing wasn’t enough, you’re both brainless scoops of mayonnaise with giant noses who let misogynists create sons to abandon with your bodies. That’s it tho.
No. 1318682
>>1318548just catching up so sorry if this has already been said but JFC syd?? this is a whole ‘nother level of being insecure. atp what the fuck is this ugly cow even getting from staying with him? he’s not famous, he’s broke, he’s beyond fat and ugly so what is it that she’s willing to drive herself crazy for? this shit is embarrassing.
side note: but the part about shooting up fentanyl in to this girl “too” - am i overanalysing or is she implying he shot her up also?
No. 1318707
>>1318691That’s what I mean, get “the spotlight” for what, what is there to spotlight? The spotlight is just a lot of people’s attention, and by people it would be his fans. She has zero personality, talent, charisma, purpose, skill, style, uniqueness, or anything interesting about her, if she was dating an actual celebrity she would be the biggest liability and fans would actively loathe her and clown on her way worse. She helped Jonny cheat, is ugly, had a kid to trap him while he was still using, abandoned the kid, and exposed how much she fucking hates Jonny actually. She’s a fucking scum bag lmao, she did all that to get a spotlight on her drug gofundme, butchered haircut, and psychotic fixation on grimy scenie weenie bands
No. 1318709
>>1318696Wow. Missed where she called exes he raped, threatened, hit, and severely abused “weak” for leaving him. Unforgivable, fuck you Sydney.
Too bad she can’t be strong and choose her innocent child over a “fat junkie”, but he is so much safer without her. She can’t wait to get rid of Jonny and still won’t go to her kid. My heart breaks for him and I hope the grandmother keeps them both away forever. Maybe one day he can thank “the psycho ex Taylor” for his name.
No. 1318727
>>1318714Syds the type of insecure cunt to talk shit online but in reality doesn't even have the guts to tell a worker they got her order wrong.
I hope jonny leaves her behind on tour or ditches her halfway through, it would be even better if she talks shit to the wrong group of girls and gets her ass beat.
No. 1318767
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I just noticed something: what happened to Syd's SPMC face tattoo of Storm's initials? I just went back and grabbed some pics from the last thread and she doesn't have it anymore, or is covering it with make up??
No. 1318776
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>>1318767She still has it. Old threads say she got it 10 months ago, here's a pic 4 months ago of her going to an appointment with Storm via train where she has it still, she just covers it with make up every day that she wears it and a mask when she doesn't I guess. sUcH a PrOuD mOm.
No. 1318913
>>1318548Thank you so much
nonnie. I know you said you probs weren’t gonna post anything else but can you update us if anyone you notified like JC or Taylor responds?
This bitch is so crazy it’s scary, but at the same time incredibly pathetic. She had to reach real far for a lot of her accusations and a lot of her comebacks (like her correcting you for rule book being two words
eye roll)
I used to be a fan of JC and I had sent him a supportive message in the past one of the many times he had relapsed. Everytime someone exposes her for doing this I think about her seeing my message and attacking me one day. She’d have to go back pretty far in his messages but I wouldn’t put it past her lol
No. 1318983
>>1318548“You should of died when you OD years ago” … if
nonnie didn’t OD, then do you think she is projecting all she wants to say to Taylor onto Anon?
It’s weird she even brought Taylor up as she would be the last person to help Syd…
tinfoil but I think Taylor and Jonny are talking again and Syd is going off on her drug fuelled attacks to any girl Jonny gives the slightest attention too…
I can’t imagine being this bitter and full of hate, she must think about Taylor 24/7.
No. 1319062
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Blocked out dairy spill anons name. But lolllll. She’s so crazy. And she name dropped someone which is so so sad and classless.
No. 1319065
>>1319021The Taylor tinfoil wouldn’t surprise me but it’s unlikely that Taylor would team up with her. If anything she’s likely enjoying the train wreck.
I can see syd trying to paint the picture of her being abused(she probably is, she is not innocent in her behavior however-not that she deserves it) and “I had to abandon my son because of HIM and because he’s a junkie! I couldn’t let my son around that! And I’m not a coward so I stuck around ! And he cheated on me constantly! I am the
victim!” She will inevitably dump him (or shit maybe even murder him kek she is so unhinged) and use her son as a pawn. I hope Grandma keeps that boy and has filed emergency custody for him.
No. 1319066
>>1319062I hope people come find her thread because of this kek.
Restraining order sounds better and better. I’m sure the courts will love to see that when you lose full custody of your son, SydSoPsycho!
No. 1319071
>>1319062> where crazy people gatherOkay says the jobless, sonless, mentally ill loser with jonny Craig still lmao
Bitch always thinks she's so high and mighty, sit down goblin girl we know the real you BY now for sure.
No. 1319085
>>1318548The craziest thing about all of this (and that's saying ALOT)
is thay Syd thinks anyone wants Jonny. Nobody on planet earth wants that man's body (if emojis were allowed I'd insert vomit emoji here.)
She doesn't even want him lol but she's too desperate to let go.
No. 1319087
>>1319062Did this dumb bitch really just direct all her followers here, the place where all her lies and shitty behavior are documented? The place where they can see with their own eyes that her behavior towards dairy anon is unhinged? Is she actually delusional enough to think that her followers will see
>>1318548 and think "Yes, that is the most grounded, sane way to handle a literal non-issue"?
So many of them are going to get curious about ~the ebul hate site~ and many of them will inevitably turn into hate followers because of this. She has absolutely 0 foresight or common sense.. way to shoot yourself in the foot Syd.
No. 1319091
>>1319087Shhhhhh don’t make her realize what’s she’s done and delete her story hahahha
Don’t you all just love how Jonny makes no comment on any of this drama at all? Like does she hide her story for him or does he see all the nonsense she posts. I can’t imagine he would be okay with this craziness she’s stirring up
No. 1319120
>>1319062Oh, I see she’s trying to use my actual name which is virtually useless unless she wants to send hate to the Facebook inbox I haven’t checked in over a year…
And to clarify about her insinuation I OD’d… she is (1) either mixing up me and Taylor like some of you said, or (2) she’s referring to when I was sent to boarding school in high school for an eating disorder? I know my dad told my siblings it was a rehab because they were young when I left and he thought that was easier to understand. The last time I was in the hospital was over a decade ago when I let my type 1 diabetes get too far out of control for the same reason and almost died, but that’s not an OD. It’s DKA. Get your facts straight Syd. I think we can all speculate that YES: she is throwing what little she even knows about me to hurt me because, like I said, I always tried to stay far away from her.
She’s in my dms again. Last night sending me literal videos of Jonny on heroin BAD and trying to pawn him off on me and today saying I’m a “weak and not adult and terrible” for only posting parts of our conversation but I’d be happy to post ALL OF IT if that’s what she really wants? I wouldn’t mind posting the Jonny dms either because I have nothing to hide. What do you guys think?
(ps - I almost spit out my coffee when I read her slamming my bf about therapy because while she was lashing out at him, his only responses were links to various therapy centers haha. I can post those too, idgaf. Wouldn’t want you guys to think I’m manipulating the info just to make the perfect Sydney England look bad.)
(pss - The fact that she hasn’t considered that name dropping Taylor led me to simply google “Taylor” “Sydney” and “Jonny” together to find this lolcow thread as a top result. YOU LED ME HERE just like you’re about to lead everyone else here, idddiot)
(pss - I saged this because I didn’t post screenshots, but is this considered an update or was the sage correctly used? Still learning)
No. 1319125
>>1319113>>1319118I got the quick draw on that quick delete, fix typo, and repost. Sorry!
No. 1319128
>>1319120 definitely post everything you have. she's trying to blackmail you into silence so she can keep being shitty and
abusive. as if the last 5 threads haven't documented her hysterical actions against random women online. hopefully people can read this and say "damn, I should really stay away from that psycho"
No. 1319140
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This captures her true troll like essence..
No. 1319178
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self awareness is at a negative lmao this bitch is insane
No. 1319180
>>1319120Somehow she deleted our conversation in my Instagram inbox? What kind of black magic was that?!!
Fear not, for I screenshot everything as it comes in as advised to me by the police, so I will be post all the goodies when I get home from this doctor appointment because when a fox disturbs the coop, you don’t just scare it away. You shoot it dead.
No. 1319183
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>>1319178Is she talking about herself? lol
Pic: is this jonnys response to this drama?
No. 1319205
>>1319178Says the literal dumb bitch who got the police called on her for sending psychical threats to someone for simply getting along with her trash man and wishing death upon said woman. Who literally can’t go a week without a psychotic meltdown. Mother of the year right there.
>>1319180Love you
nonny sorry you’re dealing with her psycho behavior, you’re a stellar human for dealing so level-heatedly and exposing this literal troglodyte for her behavior.
No. 1319232
>>1319180Is that even possible on IG?? One person can delete the conversation for both people?
As far as I know you can unsend messages but in that case she would have to do that for each and every individual message - which don't get me wrong, I can see this crazy bitch doing. I'm sorry anon but glad you screenshotted everything, I hope you still have the video too!
No. 1319249
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>>1318615 oh it's SO much worse in video! Sorry anons I was busy and didn't have a chance to convert it and post it
but I was able to snag it
They look like 2 gross trashy 13yr olds who think they're edgy and then she ends up being 16 and pregnant and he refuses to change a diaper (aka reality except they're
way too old to be acting like this
No. 1319257
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and for anons who never see his stories this is what we mean when we say he's desperate to see tour tickets. It's laughable to even call it that, i mean seeing as they're just bars that probably feature some rando nightly or weekly. So obnoxious, he's too old for this shit; Maybe if he was a teen, or like 20, it would be funny but he is a 35yr old desperate addict who needs dope & booze money
No. 1319259
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second half
No. 1319269
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The fucking deadpan stare, nothing behind the eyes, screams in sociopath: be jealous of my fat bloated has-been, bitches. Looking real chubby and goblin-esque in the face lately SydSoPsycho
No. 1319279
File: 1631145655115.jpeg (3.92 MB, 2840x2174, 7152BA4D-25F3-40DE-9687-E8376B…)

>>1319183Tiger King looking ass
crazy that even Tiger King looks better than fat junkie Jonny Craig
>>1319269no way this is real?! she looks like Jonny’s fat thumb kek
No. 1319304
File: 1631147602202.jpeg (Spoiler Image,834.42 KB, 1125x1998, 170A3681-7017-4EC9-B20B-70D376…)

I guess she’s making veiled threats still via song posts. The portion she picked to share includes something about never trusting a slut and “fuck her up when I see her”
No. 1319381
>>1319373Normally I’d agree with you but…. Jonny really doesn’t deserve sympathy or mercy. I can make you a long,
long list of why he’s a horrible shit person if need be. And he isn’t trying to get help. He will never stop being a drug addict. Every time he “relapses” that’s just code for “oooops me lying about being clean has been exposed I guess I should claim it was a one time relapse.”
That being said, I would totally understand if anon didn’t wanna post it for the reasons you mentioned. If it were me I wouldn’t hold back lol
No. 1319432
File: 1631160721839.jpeg (132.08 KB, 1096x604, 675BCC3F-D8A3-4898-BC6C-2A0485…)

>>1319373Jonny has fully and completely relapsed on heroin beyond a shadow of a doubt, and Sydney enables him by just standing there instead of leaving. I saved the videos. You will see soon.
I had an operation on my eyes this afternoon so I took a huuuge nap but I’ll be at my computer compiling all of mine and Sydney’s messages into one file soon. It’s a lot of work but she’s the one that complained about that in my dms so I’ll give her what she wants. She loves to play with fire, but can she take the burn? I think I’ll include the messages between Jonny and I since she thinks they’re so bad. You be the judge. Hold tight—milk is on the way.
In the meantime: Advice on the best way to upload a video on here?
No. 1319438
>>1319432Oof the projection.
People use Dropbox a lot.
No. 1319440
>>1319432Hang on, it’s me again.
I have this funny question bouncing around my head and that is: WHY?! Why would Sydney send me (the girl she just tried to ruin and has hated since high school) the most incriminating videos of Jonny that could ruin everything for both her and him, not just the tour and his career but also this “family dynamic” she claims to hold so sacred… And then turn around and blame anyone but herself for their downfall? It’s been racking my brain…
No. 1319444
>>1319440Because she hate him and wants to humiliate him as much as he’s humiliated her.
Also because she’s fucking psycho.
No. 1319446
>>1319440She is soooo deluded. I think she took the vids to blackmail Jonny but she is waaaaay too stupid.
She has no one too, does she think the JC fans (who hate her) are gonna stick up for her? Or Jonny himself haha? Syd thinks Taylor could help her LOL. She is beyond pathetic and I hope this kicks her up the arse, and the ego kick knocks her down and few pegs… probably not though since she’s way too dumb for that. Thanks for the milk, I’m excited for more.
No. 1319461
>>1319432It bothers me a lot that she pretended to be supportive of jonny during his relapse online and even went as far to complain about not receiving enough praise for it, but she's sociopathically just filming him while he's high, why? What for? So she can send them to strangers to humiliate him for no reason? It's disgusting, jonny is a sheet stain but anyone battling addiction doesn't deserve to be filmed at a low point and shared around for humiliation purposes by anyone, especially not their partner and mother of their child.
I still want to see all the contents admittedly, I hope jonny leaves her behind on tour. She does not deserve the attention and will likely start shit with his female fans.
No. 1319495
>>1319465What if syd is always filming Jonny nodding off, and then she turns around and threatens him constantly with the evidence?
What if she’s just wanted them reposted here so the attention moves towards JC more, and less on her.
I could see her using it against jc for any future with Storm down the road?
Not white knight’n , just assuming the worst bc syd IS the worst.
The cream would be jc filming and releasing videos of her nodding off next to him on fent too
No. 1319522
>>1319495If that was her motive it's pretty pathetic of her.
Jonny sucks, but filming him makes nobody look bad but her.
She's enabling him, obviously she's around when he does it otherwise she wouldn't have a chance to whip out her camera and film it like the sociopath she is.
OT but she chose a man she allegedly hates and loathes over her own child, she must hate her child a lot. She chose a
toxic, disgusting lifestyle over being a mother and that makes her the weak one.
No. 1319533
>>1319522Anon you’re so right… it does say how little she cares about being a parent. I hope Storm is getting love and support elsewhere.
Also, has anyone seen the mice or rats they adopted a while ago? I assume they are dead or rehomed since it looks like they are too loaded to care for anything besides social media
No. 1319574
File: 1631181308034.png (2 MB, 4214x1457, sydney_and_jonny_dms_master_du…)

>>1319432As promised, your milk is served.
I am still wrestling with the idea of posting the video just because my beef isn't with Jonny. I did include a preview of the video in the screenshots for confirmation.
I'd also like to say one more thing to Syd since she admitted to lurking here, and that is:
I have enjoyed my life since I moved away. It's been very peaceful, no thanks to you. I've never liked messing with people like you do, but when someone messes with me as you have, I make sure they never try it again. You have nothing on me now because you have always been a talentless bottom feeder; too impulsive and too stupid to plan ahead and we all know you'll never get a one-up on anyone with a brain like yours. And it's so painfully obvious! This which is why NO ONE is scared of you. Not back home. Not online. Not anywhere. I knew you never had anything on me to begin with but you so easily handed me all the ammo I needed to shut you up; and now that I've released this into the world you can stop pretending that you could blackmail me with any of it, and I can go back to living my beautiful life with my beautiful man in our beautiful house. Best of luck to you and whatever pit you inevitably stumble out of or into next.
No. 1319592
>>1319584if you think this is something that would get on peoples nerves, you have BPD as well.
A regular sane person wouldn't stalk their boyfriends messages behind their back to begin with, but even the average BPD person would just get mildly annoyed, I saw zero actual flirtation in that conversation tbh. At most she should have made jonny block this chick, vague posted and moved on, messaging threats to randoms is a huge mistake btw Syd since you're reading this, one day you're going to cross someone more insane than you and you'll be in big trouble
No. 1319595
>>1319592Nah, like
>>1319591 also said there was some unnecessary flirtation ie. downloading an app, continuing the conversation when he gave dead-end responses. Trust me, Syd and Jonny are the cows but I still stand by what I say.
No. 1319626
File: 1631188265293.png (8.37 MB, 1125x2436, 8630B24A-BA86-4CB4-BA78-B27247…)

Zoomed in for anons on small devices etc, is his tv on the floor next to some random trash littered around?? Nice
No. 1319682
>>1319574Jonny is a huge piece of garbage, but Syd is just as bad at this point… before it was “he’s a literal rapist” vs “just” being a psycho pick-me girlfriend but this is pretty sick. Not even mentioning all the bad shit she’s done before, but standing by and filming him while he’s high to mock a girl on Instagram seems super sadistic to me. She strikes me as one of those moms that murder their children by prolonged physical abuse, or stabbing a cheating SO in their sleep. I don’t doubt that she dishes out any abuse she gets on the same level, if not more severe.
Also strikes me as one to sit there while he ODs or something because she’s holding onto a petty grudge (cheating isn’t a petty grudge but she’s KNOWN he’s a serial cheater for a while now) exactly like those screenshots. Just gross.
No. 1319743
>>1319595>>1319735He was suggesting giving anon an app later, he was interested on her animals and financial status; it was a normal ass conversation not flirtatious, pickme-ish, or one sided in any way.
Mentioning a cool potential job isn’t trying to impress someone necessarily, you guys are just socially stunted because that’s just how conversations work.
No. 1319764
>>1319574Sounds like anon was trying to be comforting and syd is acting like chatting with other women is cheating. Also she brings up her son like 10 times which is hilarious because he CLEARLY doesn’t live with them and if he did, and is exposed to Jonny being high, they deserve to get him taken away.
>after seeing him cheat with tons of women tonight Kek what? Jonny who has no car is just banging tons of women nightly?
No. 1319832
>>1319643Thats the only thing that made me lol too anon!
What a self destructive dumpster fire jonny is.
No. 1319837
File: 1631206320494.gif (331.64 KB, 220x256, BA367756-E3D2-413F-B4AB-043657…)

>>1319833Go outside and breathe some fresh air.
No. 1319912
>>1319903We aren’t here to determine if
victim-anon is cringe or not. It’s literally irrelevant. What’s relevant is the fact that there’s zero evidence of cheating or anything inappropriate.
Like another anon said, she was probably excited someone she is a fan of was engaging with her. Maybe she knew of his past, maybe she didn’t. Still doesn’t explain sydsopsycho’s insanity nor give her an excuse to threaten her.
Some of you want to pick apart the
victim for some weird reason. Syd is insane and filming her BD high on dope and sending it to someone all while just a couple weeks ago was throwing a fit because she wasnt being praised online for being JC’s support system.
Sorry for the run on sentences but some of you are weird as fuck.
No. 1319923
>>1319917This is exactly what I don't understand. This person clearly had a past with Syd, which she explained and that her psychopathic behaviour was evident in highschool. So why on earth would you even initiate conversation with her boyfriend? I'm not trying to
victim blame and Syd is clearly in the wrong for all of this, but isn't this like poking the bees nest? I was the anon who asked for clarification on how she even knew JC in the first place. Seems sus that she has a past with Syd and is also a fan of his.
No. 1319946
>>1319522I’m only halfway down the thread but this is what always fucks me up. How could you not feel attachment to the innocent entire person that you created for months and birthed? I’m really shocked she didn’t have a moment where she realized while holding her baby that she is that person’s entire mother and that person is going to love them forever, and that it didn’t give her an epiphany, any perspective, or motivation to stop making the most destructive choices ever and be a decent mother. I don’t understand how your entire life doesn’t immediately change, that’s your literal baby??? They don’t care about your mistakes, they just want you. Whatever life she could provide for him while living with her mom and trying to get her shit together would have been enough as long as Jonny wasn’t around to provoke and antagonize her because that would have been so destructive emotionally. They’re not married and she’s nuts, but he’s another dangerous person that doesn’t need to be around and she could have gone into a program to make solid changes before her child could talk so she could communicate better.
She literally gave up being “Mommy” to an innocent child for a “fat junkie” she hates. No amount of fame in the world will ever compare to being a mother to one person who can’t just choose to stop loving you ever. Her own mother is raising her grandson out of the love in her heart, and Sydney still can’t log the fuck off of MySpace. She could never be a mother and doesn’t deserve to talk about the child she birthed.
No. 1320044
>>1319903These takes are so fucking dumb. First the anon came to this shithole to share an interaction just to entertain us, she didn’t have to. And she said something about going to the doctor and having an eye surgery, and she edited all those screenshots just for us with like probably one working eye and a stomach of painkillers and is getting attacked lmao. Anyone that’s attacking her has probably given up on holding either of them accountable, but that’s as crazy as Sydney attacking this woman because she can’t get to Jonny. Stan behavior.
Also she said she does twitch streams, how she’s acting is probably exactly how she interacts with random people all of the time. Doing nerd quizzes with anyone is funny and entertaining. She said something about her bf having a good job, so she talked about an interview (which is dope) and then explained that having an equivalent job in her relationship means a lot to her. Jonny probably then got silent because he’s insecure and has nothing to contribute in a conversation about healthy relationships or life goals. She then later says she’s been drinking wine and probably just wanted to socialize because engaging with other nerds is her career. This is how you actually build relationships with fans, she’s interacting like an entertainer on twitch would so people watch her shit and pay her.
Hating how a woman doing her job as an entertainer better than Jonny, who just fucks his young fans, is seen as flirting and is getting criticized for providing all of this while probably wearing an eyepatch. That is so harmless and she was actually pretty nice to Sydney, probably because she feels bad for her and going to the police forces a boundary on Sydney that she desperately needs, and Jonny doesn’t even care enough to do that. Really disappointed people in this thread who mock Jonny rightfully for his failure are like “wow, really bragging about your
job interview” lol. And if she doesn’t want to post a blackmail video of a junkie not being able to function, she shouldn’t be insulted into it.
No. 1320058
>>1316852This thread finally has some good milk but I wouldn’t be surprised if you nonas scared her away. Messaging someone in IG doesn’t mean she had to be aware of every shit Jonny Craig has done, much less be up to date with whatever insane shit Sydsopsycho is up to.
ily milky anon
No. 1320063
>>1320040Kek you’re a retard straight up. No one is kissing her ass or expecting others to praise her every move. Incase your pea brain forgot, this is a JONNY and SYD thread. You want to tear apart ewhores? There’s a few threads for that.
Literally zero reason to pick apart
victim-anon. If you want jonny’s bloated carcass on top of you so bad, message syd. She seems like she’s looking for an adoptee.
No. 1320082
>>1319922Anything she’s posted regarding the situation has been posted here
nonnie, you haven’t missed much else
No. 1320096
can we drop the screen shot anon sperging for a second to focus on this?
>>1319626 and how fucking horrifying this situation is. not only Jonny nodded the fuck out in a weird position but Syd taking pictures of it? who does that. especially if it's your SO. you put them to bed and make sure you don't have to fucking narcan them. Sydney is a garbage human and I'm so glad they don't have storm so she can't reeee online and post pictures when Jonny nods off and rolls over on the baby
No. 1320110
>>1320097It's not ok, and honestly usually inexcusable, for someone to bring a child into this world and then pawn them off on their parents.
Plenty of parents don't really form an attachment with their kid(s) for various reasons, but still take care of them because that's what you're supposed to do as a parent.
Don't get me wrong… even though we don't know what kind of care Storm is getting living with Syd's mom… it's DEFINITELY better than the care he'd be getting living in a drug den and seeing his dad do the dope fiend lean.
So it's a good thing her mom has her son. I'm just saying, she's wrong for putting her mom and son in this situation in the first place.
No. 1320135
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>>1320097She didn’t bond with her baby because she was too busy being a psychotic piece of shit like she’s always been. Too busy messaging women prettier than her and attacking them.
This is from the 1st thread when her baby was an infant. I don’t remember when he was born…July?
No. 1320153
>>1320135The way she talks to people is so insane. Like as if she's better at anything than anyone else?
>Don't act special either like people are hitting you up about jonnySis, you literally just described yourself. You're only claim to being "special" is getting knocked up by that has been loser, that and your actual special needs but I digress
No. 1320175
File: 1631227056383.jpg (207.86 KB, 1080x1910, Screenshot_20210909_183646.jpg)

Sure, bud lol
No. 1320221
>>1320194Kek anon.
But seriously, I almost don't think I can tolerate these cows interacting anymore. Taylor weighing in would just involve a lot of crying and general self centredness, followed by Syd losing her shit in her usual illiterate crackhead manner.
What I really want is just for Sydney to shut the fuck up. Or post jonny nodding out to her insta story.
No. 1320223
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I wonder if this actually gonna happen. Lol
No. 1320231
I’m sure syd is ruining his mood every chance she gets kek.
No. 1320234
>>1320097Breast feeding isn’t the only way of bonding and being a mother you fucking weirdo lol. That baby is developing a brain around socialization, touch, behavior, etc. and that has nothing to do with breast feeding. Plenty of amazing mothers and parents use formula for a number of reasons, and Sydney has proudly stated she’s not taking medication she needs. She is likely on the same drugs as Jonny, but I’m hoping she wasn’t during the pregnancy and could have kept it up after that. My point was she went through 9 months and then birthed a child, while fighting with Jonny, and then when she held her innocent baby at no point did she have the rational epiphany of that child deserving her world. No one on Earth is capable of loving you the way your own child would, why would you give that up for anyone or anything, let alone Jonny Craig? That’s insane to me.
How a child socializes with their mother and how the mother responds to them is how they form patterns of attachment for the rest of their entire life, their brain grows that way and they will have to consciously change it in therapy to avoid repeating those patterns. It has zero to do with breast feeding and I’m positive that if a child doesn’t get a boob they still need their mothers, and if children don’t immediately bond the parent shouldn’t get insecure about that because they’re babies and they have the rest of their lives to bond. Her self worth is tied to a man she hates but her child has two parents that don’t give a fuck about him and he can never change that. Whatever she is going through that kid is going to have to experience so much harder and there is literally nothing keeping her away from him besides spending money people donated for the child on a fucking microdermal in her forehead. I hope he rips it out one day because it belongs to him
No. 1320249
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Can’t ever get video to upload from mobile but the irony of her saying “so handsome!!!! too handsome sometimes!” during this video after calling him a fat junkie… lmao
No. 1320278
File: 1631240420233.jpeg (179.96 KB, 1124x1262, 8ACB8CCF-B131-4693-B663-BD0083…)

Lmao he’s sticking her on the merch booth!
No. 1320285
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I don’t know what’s worse. Her bangs or her eyebrows. Nice new hair Syd! Didn’t like matching Taylor’s fugly orange hair?
Have fun at JC’s show among the 30 people who show up. Try not to look around or you’re gonna see someone who looks better than you and get triggered. Keep your eyes on your fat junkie!!
No. 1320286
File: 1631241277737.png (2.01 MB, 1440x2712, Capture _2021-09-09-19-33-51.p…)

Haha they are out and about Sacramento
No. 1320312
File: 1631244440639.jpg (284.07 KB, 1080x1736, Screenshot_20210909_232701.jpg)

Turtlemom on a fucking rampage on twitter
No. 1320319
File: 1631246196004.webm (3.15 MB, 720x1264, TfTFOB1rD2ptRmS3.webm)
Jonny on heroin, ladies.
No. 1320321
>>1320319what a catch
i love my men chubby washed up and unhinged
No. 1320331
>>1320326She sent the video like it was nothing. He actually fucked up Taylors life and she’s a lot younger and she didn’t even do that to him. I don’t know how the turtle bitch could possibly find the screenshot anon so I would assume she either reached out to Sydney directly or made a fake account to “help”. He didn’t consent to this and could fight it but he will probably just do something sick and far more
abusive because now he has taken away any support she could have had. Him being dangerous isn’t a joke and he’s already been physical with her, why does she think all of his exes had to flee and that they’re still struggling with his abuse
This isn’t going to end well
No. 1320341
>>1320339It feels a little too vendetta army for me, going tmz.
Jc and syd are not that important.
No. 1320347
>>1320337>>1320339I deleted everything. You're right. No one wants to read an essay, I get it. I was just trying to answer every question. But now that the video has dropped, it probably doesn't matter.
I figured since I hadn't heard of lolcow until this weekend, if I gave the video to someone like TurtleMom then it had a chance of actually being seen and resulting in some sort of real life consequence, and I knew you'd all repost it here.
No. 1320351
>>1320286Kek I know it’s early but it looks empty.
Also Holy Diver never posted about Jonny’s gig kek. I hope it’s a sad flop.
No. 1320352
>>1320347You’re totally in your right to share with whomever, and I’m glad you dropped all that shit here. Fuck both of those piece of shit dead beat parents. But, we don’t need to know who all you sent it to or why etc etc.
Keep it short and simple. Turtlemom is also literally insane so that’s basically the best place to start.
This tour is starting out fantastically. My body is ready.
No. 1320365
>>1320319wow I really don't know why Syd cant walk away from this
toxic situation. I hope she's not using too
No. 1320380
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No. 1320381
File: 1631253391556.jpeg (155.26 KB, 1242x374, 8A4890BF-0008-443E-A8FE-E07318…)

>>1320380lol part 2
seems like this tour of his is off to a WONDERFUL start
No. 1320386
File: 1631253885352.jpeg (812.68 KB, 1242x1858, B005A5A9-A879-4CF9-9D26-298E67…) is SOOOOO bad holy hell, you know syd has to be dying from secondhand embarrassment after constantly acting like jonny is still some amazing hot shot rockstar and then he shows out like THIS
girl nobody, and I mean nobody is jealous of you hahaha
No. 1320388
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>>1320386This is so embarrassing. Karma at its greatest. I’m living for every moment.
No. 1320394
>>1320390Stop it. You can’t be serious. Lmao
No. 1320410
>>1320409Yea I screen recoded it and listened a couple times and didn’t hear that at all. So unless theres a different recording ….?
I can barely understand Jonny. He’s a fucking mess. I don’t think he’s even speaking English kek
No. 1320412
File: 1631260168337.webm (17.21 MB, 1080x2220, jonnycraigphonelive.webm)
Here's the video
No. 1320417
File: 1631260953525.webm (9.14 MB, 826x904, JC has a child.webm)
She does say it it’s not when drums are playing it’s between songs when he talks to the crowd and touches some fans hand and she reaches out to touch Jonny I don’t know how to upload the file but I will try.
No. 1320418
File: 1631260970522.png (604.96 KB, 684x1170, Screenshot_20210910-035833_(1)…)

>>1320416>>1320413someone really should DL and post this one, his face is hilarious in it when he hugs her.
No. 1320420
>>1320416Kek she dyed her hair black
He looks miserable
No. 1320422
"That's enough, he has a child"
Oh my god it didn't take long for the crazy to come out (again) they really deserve each other, happy for them
No. 1320434
File: 1631263541373.webm (10.5 MB, 1080x2400, Screen_Recording_20210910-0136…)
>>1320429Different anon but I'm happy to oblige. Have to say they are my favorite shit show lately. What a horrible 'tour' so far kek, they're perfect for each other.
>>1320319I'm glad this got around. Shocked but not shocked that the anon who spoke to him didn't want to upload it. But she sent it to turtle mom? And or Tmz? Tf? And she has nothing against a rapist who shares their heroin addiction with younger partners and friends? Someone who abuses people? If that's truly how you feel about him please seek help because that is actually deplorable.
I'm grateful for the milk at least. Sydney is absolutely unhinged so if I were you I'd definitely file a restraining order if possible.
No. 1320469
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No. 1320486
>>1320475All she did was show off how flabby, shapeless and unstable she is.
>>1320482They have had visits and taken him to doctor appointments since moving away from him, those could vanish due to this until these two comolete court ordered rehab and therapy, and likely medication for Syd. Unstable assholes like her shouldn't be able to just run around all day living off handouts and shitting on people wherever they go out of jealous narc rage. Aociety never tolerated this kind of shit until recently.
No. 1320516
>>1320510Blogpost but I was a warp tour kid around 2005, and my first thought was how sad his performance was last night. H is one hell of a drug.
This may be his last tour… every one he sold VIP tickets to deserves a refund.
Surprised syd hasn’t started the meltdown about turtle mom getting the nodding off video.
No. 1320527
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Well this is just blatantly two faced of her.
No. 1320645
File: 1631291348577.png (4.88 MB, 1242x2688, 9920E812-B40F-4996-BC55-D4CE34…)

If you have an iPhone and can’t watch the WebM’s, download OplayerLite from the App Store. Download it and open it from the browser, then open it with the app. Worked great for me.
No. 1320648
>>1320645Sorry for spoonfeed but if you go to the thread on desktop, will the videos work? They don’t work for me on mobile and I want to see, but can wait til I get home if that’s the case kek. Thanks for the heads up tho
No. 1320667
>>1320660I think some or one was a Jonny stan. They had nothing to say about anything the
victim went through, or the absolute darkness that syd had to record JC high as fuck (secretly) and then send it to someone to humiliate him. They only wanted to pick apart anon and act like her conversation with JC was highly inappropriate. Kek. Fucking autists.
No. 1320707
File: 1631294956815.jpg (316.6 KB, 1080x1894, Screenshot_20210910_132849.jpg)

He looks hungover af in his recent stories. Also claims he lost his voice from the show but he barely sang??
No. 1320710
>>1320707Pretty sure if he lost his voice that fast from singing he's doing it all wrong. Jeez, he looks horrible.
>>1320417 I absolutely cannot wait for someone to scream back "you're not special" kek
No. 1320715
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>>1320707He was barely audible. At least in the videos. He sounded incoherent, mumbling. And how do you not have your own lyrics memorized? Most people can memorize a song after listening to it like 5 times. It was like watching a 5th grader read speech highlights on notecards.
It’s a rhetorical question. But still. Gonna be two weeks of flowing milk.
No. 1320737
File: 1631296672095.png (552.96 KB, 1284x2778, A0CA1B1F-D719-42BE-8165-C3C65C…)

here we go
No. 1320787
File: 1631301328827.png (3.27 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210910-151435.png)

>>1320299 I believe he has two gold teeth
No. 1320811
File: 1631302848152.gif (2.48 MB, 469x480, A635DA6C-7C53-4BCB-BDBF-0EE58C…)

>>1320805Hoooolllyyy shit
No. 1320858
File: 1631305271053.jpg (183.8 KB, 1080x1369, Screenshot_20210910-155217_Ins…)

creeped his comments to see if anyone mentioned the vid. this is old but good god this is sad
No. 1320860
File: 1631305495697.jpg (286.55 KB, 1080x1663, Screenshot_20210910-162420.jpg)

Hopefully everyone is tagged properly. The tour managers need to see this.(cowtipping)
No. 1320863
File: 1631305897750.jpeg (153.74 KB, 750x615, C673F40A-D451-46E5-8DEE-3D6CC6…)

Creeped his comments
No. 1320877
>>1320873Lowkey I’m glad TND didn’t have a child with this worthless asshole. She’s terrible in her own right, but naive and stupid when it comes to the real world.
Syd lives for this
toxic drama and wants to emotionally manipulate everyone that she comes across. She’s just too retarded to get away with it. Sucks that there’s a baby involved, hope he’s happy and healthy with grandma.
This is milkmas
No. 1320881
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She’s really out here acting like she’s some huge rockstar’s girlfriend on a big tour lmaooo
No. 1320884
>>1320860I love that these people are so socially inept and saying things are bAd FoR bUsInEsS because of Twitter people who don’t understand tons of musicians use drugs, some people even become musicians to keep using drugs and gain access to better ones and larger quantities! All the time! And that’s the life they want to live and you can’t blackmail them into stopping they need to do it themselves. You think anyone who works with Jonny Craig in 2021 thinks he’s sober? He does not want to get better and never will, he will lie and get high for the rest of his life and that happens with a lot of musicians. Random people online getting outraged will not change anything and if it could it would have already when his voice was salvageable. The only thing that’s “bad for business” is that he got snitched on by his own baby momma and now moms against drunk driving or whoever have a tangible video to circulate with their demands to repent. This is a hardened middle aged addict with zero remorse who has truly ruined multiple lives, he looks like the bloated and rotting corpse of a scene toddler because that is literally the least offensive form he is able to take at this point so he can continue to subsist off of fucking fentanyl. Which everyone has known since the MacBook scandal of the 2010s which was actually BaD fOr BuSiNeSs and nothing happened and he’s still adding “lol” to the end of everything because as long as chucklefuck gets his fentanyl he does not care about committing wire fraud lol and a video in 2021 circulating on Twitter will not stop that. He’s going to say “it’s not me lol” and lock Sydney in a dumpster while he shoots up.
If turtlemom got invited backstage with Jonny Craig would she be doing heroin with him yes or yes, I have a feeling it’s only Not Ok because she wasn’t invited
No. 1320900
File: 1631310056155.jpg (231.38 KB, 1080x1049, Screenshot_20210910-174024.jpg)

Forever a fat greasy junkie
No. 1320928
>>1320881How did syd manage to mess up her makeup so badly, black and white can’t save face.
Honey, what is this foundation situation?
Ps friendly reminder both syd and jc are antivaxxers. So they’re just hosting spreader events.
The fans get a shit show and a virus as a souvenir
No. 1320933
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No. 1320934
File: 1631311942041.jpg (18 KB, 320x320, sydsoshrub.jpg)

>>1320891>she was clearly incognito filming himActual picture of Syd's disguise
No. 1320935
>>1320930Well, at least there’s that. Thanks for the update.
Are there any anons going to the shows? I look forward to the candid shots of her in action
No. 1321033
File: 1631326539085.webm (3.07 MB, 648x1252, 220758-720x16001.webm)
As soon as I hopped on the live I see people talking about the video Syd shared.
No. 1321058
>>1321034KEK he’s currently joking about killing syd and burying her in the backyard for sharing
the video.
He’s also shitting on his fans for saying shit like “I hope you say clean for your son” telling them to stay out of his business. He’s really being mean to some of the only people stupid enough to support him.
No. 1321060
>>1321052She probably had INSANE dirt on him. That would end his "career" once and for all and make it difficult for him to see his son ever again.
He probably stays with her for that reason. She probably has a vid of him shooting up or throwing up all over himself or something.
No. 1321061
File: 1631329490808.jpg (278.41 KB, 1080x1614, Screenshot_20210910-230422.jpg)

Damn fans are going ham!
No. 1321084
File: 1631332440826.jpg (246.95 KB, 1055x1886, Screenshot_20210910_235255.jpg)

"Fuck all the haterz"… Kek god damn he looks like shit, and his hand and fingers look like a medical glove blown to capacity
No. 1321086
>>1321084Swelling is something that commonly happens to IV users. Especially when they can’t shoot up in their arms anymore and try the veins on their hands.
Also in that story he sounds different than he did on the live. He claims he’s tired but I think he finally was able to take a hit after he did the live and then filmed this story after it but that’s just my mini tin foil
No. 1321361
File: 1631386926158.png (4.63 MB, 1125x2436, 5F02F75E-162D-4F2C-BFEA-DB457B…)

Syd talking about how stressful the tour is and how she’s doing it for the fans and encouraging people to come to the one tomorrow. I can’t get my head around how retarted she is, Syd has no fans, the only people who are coming are female fans who she’ll most certainly attack and people looking for milk. She needs to go worry about her child and stop living this sad excuse for tour life, it’s so embarrassing. This lady is really insane, poor Storm.
No. 1321407
>>1321084> a medical glove blown to capacityrip to my fucking sides, nonita. the tour milk is flowing already.
>>1321361i can’t believe how both of them are really doubling down on the “fuck the haturzzz” and “everything is fine!!!” facade. everything we saw from one night of the tour was a shitshow, absolutely no one is fooled.
No. 1321488
File: 1631397095266.jpeg (55.12 KB, 599x804, 4B1AEFF7-6FD9-4A76-9A39-D1C86F…)

Jonny literally looks like this meme. get ur blood pressure checked JC
No. 1321525
>>1321477Isn’t LA the same way? Kek that would be hilarious if they got turned away.
It’s hard to say how strict some businesses are. I imagine some may allow non-fully vaccinated individuals. I wouldn’t be surprised if they allowed JC to play. But also wouldn’t be shocked if they turned him away. Milk Bar is super small tho so they might be strict about it. It’ll be interesting for sure.
No. 1321531
>>1321361KEK stressful? It’s been one fucking day and they went back home that night.
She seems totally torn up about leaving their son behind for 2 weeks.
No. 1321601
File: 1631405785652.jpeg (259.51 KB, 750x1294, 840D7310-725F-459B-A188-1913F2…)

Sage for off topic but im a petty bitch who knows syd reads here. Here’s one of jonnys exs on tumblr back when they were together going on about tour life, acting like she was really doing something. He just recycles the same old relationship patterns over and over again. Then they break up before the wedding ever actually happens.
No. 1321631
File: 1631410955833.jpg (424.89 KB, 1080x1325, 20210912_034058.jpg)

the tour and famous bf life sid craves vs the absolute trash she gets
>>1320434btw jonny looks like a normal person on tumblr it's unbelievable how bad he looks now
No. 1322550
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No. 1322559
>>1322550Wow what a
great mom
No. 1322698
>>1321061“Getting your kid high on fentanyl and getting him taken away from you?” That seems pretty damn specific… Didn’t Storm have some kind of health issue too? Maybe that explains why they don’t have him??
All things considered, Storm is probably better off with his grandma. She’s likely the only REAL (stable and mature) adult in his life. Don’t see any crazy Instagram posts from her KEK!
No. 1322733
No. 1322793
File: 1631511718186.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1125x2286, 95EF662D-DC80-4D17-A748-EBFC95…)

She recorded just enough live to show off Jonny reading the lyrics off his phone lmao
No. 1322813
>>1322793>>1322800You would think after the first night of embarrassment reading lyrics from his phone he would have practiced learning his songs the last couple of days.
He’s too high to remember them I guess.
Hahah couldn’t have said it better anon! Overweight special needs indeed LOL
No. 1322843
File: 1631517602312.webm (1.57 MB, 348x560, clip0008.webm)

Quick search of Milkbar on IG and came across a girls story showing about 20 people there including Jonny. No luck finding any clips of him singing. Somebody please record him at an upcoming show.
No. 1323094
>>1322843weird how this
abusive junkie rapist looks like a poor, innocent downs syndrom person in this
No. 1323431
File: 1631582230713.png (1.98 MB, 750x1334, 54B13FED-4C04-4B00-AEE2-9892D3…)

lol from a video on Jonnys stories. Idk how to post videos. They were like “dancing” if you can even call it that
No. 1323454
>>1323270Lmao forreal like Dance Gavin Dance, the band she saw their lead singer tilian is engaged and never once has his fiance done the weird jelous shit syd pulls and people are actually obsessed with him (like syds delusional mind somehow thinks girls are obsessed with jc) cause hes actually attractive and actively a successful musician. Yet syd searches for jonnys last few remaining obsessed fans with his name in their bio to put them on blast and say theyre weird or someone comments a simple eyeball emoji on jonnys post promoting his album and they get a nasty dm from sydsopsycho cause everyone knows commenting the eyeball emoji is crossing a line HE HAS A CHILD. How is she so off in her own universe that she thinks her behavior is normal?
Also someone post the video from jonnys story idk how to do it its of syd with some transgender prostitute in a parking lot lol can u imagine the milk we would get if jonny so much as said hi to some hooker shed lose her damn mind
No. 1323512
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No. 1323515
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No. 1323519
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No. 1323520
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No. 1323523
>>1323519scuzzy bitch
>(particularly this one area)vaguely alluding to the “cool” neighborhood to pretend you’re hip with the kids
No. 1323790
File: 1631626395370.png (1.59 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210914-073155.png)

She also shared a video of all four of them sharing one hotel room.
No. 1323810
they sure are the best parents, arent they?
No. 1323878
>>1316852Why isn’t there any videos of his last performance? Shouldn’t someone take over his stories and film him live… well I guess that’s hard to do when he doesn’t even know his lyrics (obvious proof he doesn’t write any lyrics)
No fans filmed him in San Fran? Not a single TouR FAm is filming?
No. 1323926
File: 1631635763288.jpeg (143.64 KB, 828x1225, 276285F3-611D-48D3-A5E0-78A5FD…)

Lol a fan is calling him out… how long till Syd picks a fight.
He’s the one deleting comments and buying followers, and it’s obvious
No. 1323999
>>1323674 Nah jk I take it back, you're pathetic. I love the little hall monitors on here that get SO angry when someone doesn't sage and follow their precious little lolcow rules. I can legit see you getting all hot and bothered in your room, absolute loser. I'm really glad you have this in your life Anon, at least its something. Chef smooch, sage baby
>>1323971Ohhh angry little anon! Love it. You're right about one thing, I would definitely shame you for having crap tattoos that don't mean anything to you. Unfortunately you're wrong, I am indeed covered. And all my tats are very original and elitist.
Now can someone PLEASE send me to pasture or whatever it is you small potatoes do to give yourself a rock hard power trip? Thanks in advance baby!
(ban evading sperg) No. 1324088
>>1323790>LogisticsLmao these losers aren't even breaking even. She keeps telling on herself. The only 'logistics' this 'tour' faces is the expense of gas, food, hotels, and apparently tattoos for Syd. Logistics my ass lmfao.
Straight up getting another bands logo tattood on her fAmIlY bUsSiNeSs tour top kek.
No. 1324207
File: 1631656799074.jpg (63.51 KB, 1080x639, 20210914_145915.jpg)

Sage because this isn't relevant but I urban dictionaried Shannon and although this isn't the official meme term, it definitely fits
No. 1324278
>>1324207This is a thread about Jonny Craig and his insufferable girlfriend and yet you guys somehow can’t stop being lame. Don’t post urban dictionary nonsense she’s not satan she’s just delusional and picked the unhealthiest option for her 2007 baby/tour mama larp. I think Jonny only puts up with it because he’s addicted to the delusion and false pedestal as well, but look at the fucking cost. This is rock bottom and he still won’t get sober, I really thought the jail and court case would help him into considering other life options but no.
I think he uses sydney and her unmedicated and untreated issues like smoke and mirrors for his drug addiction. The people that give Jonny chances can’t hate him so they need someone else to hate, and Sydney doesn’t care about being treated right.
No. 1324412
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No. 1324456
>>1324421lmao. i thought they were similar to sid and nancy too because everyone fucking hated nancy, but she was an icon and diagnosed schizophrenic as a child. sydney could literally never, no matter how crazy she is, it’s not the creative kind. sid and nancy also loved each other and neither of these scrubs know what that is otherwise they would have it for their innocent child or the grandmother raising him for them.
does anyone want to predict what happens after this “tour”?
No. 1324460
>>1324401Wow good catch. Why would she get very long square tipped nails to be a merch wench? It will make every aspect of whatever her job is more difficult but she’s probably a neglectful “tour mama” too.
Did she do her own hair to fix the last fuck up? Her hair has to be so fried by now and she has nothing but black box dye to show for it. Gruesome…
No. 1324513
File: 1631687061523.jpeg (253.68 KB, 1242x2181, F5B3E664-98A9-430C-AA56-15E06A…)

He wasn’t singing in this clip, just flailing his body around the stage. But I noticed he got a phone mount finally kek
No. 1324518
File: 1631687742791.gif (5.48 MB, 500x500, 659C42A9-0C0E-450B-AE72-DBDA83…)

Here’s a gif I made of him dancing like a sped. Enjoy.
No. 1324571
>>1324518Bless you anon. I’m always on mobile and can never watch the vids. It’s actually sad how far people will go to not have to work a normal job, including living in an apartment with no furnishings away from their baby.
This tour must be costing them money, how is she able to afford a decently sized tattoo and all of the other accessories.
No. 1324747
>>1324571I don’t know if she qualifies for the monthly child tax credit or the most recent California stimulus money(I mean has she ever worked or filed taxes ? Probably not) but she might have gotten money from that.
Maybe her mom gives her money. I don’t know. They get money some how to go to concerts, get tattoos, get her hair done twice a month. I can’t imagine Jonny gets that much money from his music streams. He’s gotta be doing shady shit to pay his rent. How are they paying rent? Maybe they’re not. I don’t believe they’re evicting anyone in CA right now so they could be squatting.
Assuming they have their kid(HA) how are they affording new clothes, food, diapers and apparently a full time baby sitter? Ok maybe WIC/EBT for food but everything else?
No. 1324810
File: 1631724344561.jpeg (160.96 KB, 828x1240, C93825CC-9E79-418B-BE8C-4D1B62…)

Considering artist make something like .05 cents max per play, this isn’t a big flex.
To top it off, this asshole can’t even remember his own lyrics
No. 1324812
File: 1631724508340.jpeg (218.42 KB, 828x402, 85142B5E-D7DF-4FEF-BB26-D7D515…)

>>1324810Samefag, it’s actually more bleak than that
No. 1324967
>>1324959I fail to see how he can provide for his
family off of empty venues and chump change though
No. 1324988
>>1324980Right on the money.
I bet they’ll blow it all before Halloween.. and there will STILL be no furniture in n their crack den, kek
No. 1324993
File: 1631733784950.jpg (132.56 KB, 585x1066, 20210915_121847.jpg)

Tinfoil but I'm calling it now - syd's next victim in her web of lies. He's been in her stories almost as much as Jonny has since this tour started. Looks like he could be her type. Heavily tattooed and in a band. Can't wait to see how this unravels. Wonder how Jonny feels about her getting so disgustingly lovey with this dude.
No. 1324998
The fuck is on her face? Is that a filter or did she choose to glue a bird’s ass to her face?
No. 1325000
>>1324993Hope he knows she’ll film him nodding out too.
The only person Syd needs to focus on is Storm.
No. 1325004
>>1324703damn that was really shitty lmao. i don’t think she’s ugly at all, but her crippling self esteem issues to the point of having and abandoning her child is very ugly. it’s also very alarming she gave birth to and just discarded her baby like she did not grow him inside of her for almost a year, and has what appears to be literally no sentiment towards him. she’s a sea of red flags but that one is disturbing, besides choosing a washed up junkie from a scene band as a father who has an even more disturbing history. she has no heart or warmth towards her own child, that’s unattractive in a man but so much worse in a woman.
people who are self conscious about their noses always get a lot of piercings in them i’ve noticed, but it draws more attention to it. there’s a lot of beautiful women with big noses and it’s not worth trashing the rest of your appearance and life over. she doesn’t seem to find pleasure in these things only escape from adjusting to her appearance. calling her a “meat sleeve” is fucked up and male musicians aren’t exactly prizes. if she went overhaul with her mental health and left jonny she could fix her life and find love with someone that is actually suited for her, but she should get offline and focus on her kid more than anything. it’s weird that she’s this old and subculture plays any role in her life. like just take the fucking medication sydney
No. 1325017
File: 1631735085823.jpg (939.31 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210915-124245_Ins…)

Isn't this her bone clip? Where is Jonny in all this? I didn't see him in her stories at the "best club" on the "best tour". Dunno who this guy is and I'm not even religious but I'm praying for him. He has no idea what he's in for. Or he does, and he's just as crazy. Either way disaster is gonna strike.
No. 1325023
File: 1631735662601.jpeg (338.19 KB, 828x585, 2C67E002-237E-4F76-A376-57A8CD…)

When people want to know who you ruined your life for:
No. 1325030
>>1324993>>1325017Lmao everyone knew before the tour ever started that the ONLY reason Syd is going is to troll for a new band BF dick to hop onto. I'm sure Jonny would be glad to dump her on this guy and find a much more pliable fan to manipulate. Bet Syd gets pregnant again by the end of this "tour".
>>1325009A hit dog will holler; she knows the tour is her only shot to trade up to another musician and she never intended to sell merch or tail Jonny once she found any band guy willing to associate with her. I don't even think Jonny has the privacy or time with SydsoPsycho around to even legitimately cheat anymore, just hopelessly flirt and tease before she swoops in to grab onto his dick.
No. 1325031
>>1325017male musicians have the same issues as male comedians they can just play instruments. based on his permanent subculture camouflage on weak natural features he only gets her type but watered down, i’m rooting for them and hope that they ruin the whole fucking tour, band, and jonny takes this as his cue to really run amok for her sydney’s poor social media performance. this “lol brother” can make his name by stealing jonny’s baby mama, that’s the best outcome of attaching your name and time to this “tour”.
jonny is no where because he planned this and nothing on earth could make him interfere. i hope he spends his stream money on liposuction after the breakup in a revenge scheme, and they get everything except his neck or cankles.
No. 1325076
>>1325030I think she learned her lesson with getting pregnant to trap a guy the first time. She lamented about looking fat, being stuck at home etc. I'm sure we all didn't help with that either, kek. Her having a baby with JC to make him stay with her kind of blows my mind in the first place. How does looking really unattractive and not having time to do your makeup and being completely pressed for time and constantly worn out help you out in the situation especially when you're with a complete ass who will probably leave with the first decent looking chick who throws herself in his direction? Js.
>>1325031This is so spot on, would not be surprised if this is what's going on.
No. 1325232
>>1325199At least Taylor has liquid assets, property, and a hobby. Not a huge fan of her, but at least she ended up picking herself and her sobriety over that bloated mess of a man.
Meanwhile, Sydney, who barely has more to offer than a high school diploma, might as well have sold her own kid for heroin money for that fat junkie she loves so much.
No. 1325518
File: 1631792254545.png (3.57 MB, 750x1334, 247D73B1-A2BA-4B89-8100-32EE8E…)

Where’s syd while he’s out wandering vegas? He kept flashing the margaritaville sign. Idk has he never seen a margaritaville before?
No. 1325659
>>1325518Dude Whoever goes to the show and tonight is inevitably going to see a strung out JC mumbling to his cellphone on stage
A junkie in Vegas can’t stay sober.
Also, she has to be cheating, since Syd is so quiet and not screeching every minute on her insta story
No. 1325690
File: 1631808198881.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1242x2183, A5BCFD89-3118-48E3-9614-92E22E…)

>>1325687Yes. There’s a video of him sounding like shit. It’s on IG tagged under the venue’s name.
No. 1325707
Anyone using the bingo card bc we almost got bingo kek
No. 1325714
File: 1631809861531.gif (782.28 KB, 460x426, joker-popcorn.gif)

>>1325681HELL YEAH, i'm ready. drinks and popcorn are on me, ladies
No. 1325791
>>1325762She's a 'singer' and the second they start lovebombing each other, she's going to be invited onstage for an 'incredible' night that she 'wouldn't trade for the world.'
She'll probably still post a story of her holding a guitar after she reads this thread though. She can't stand being perceived as less serious or credible in the scene than your average groupie. She had to have a baby with a fat junkie with a dying liver to even get a merch girl spot on a tour. Embarrassing.
No. 1325915
File: 1631822434010.png (4.12 MB, 1170x2532, 35BBBA0B-8A78-41F7-8ECB-D10717…)

Well her last story was this so I’m not sure what transpired between then and now
No. 1325939
>>1325898Still?? Who would want to take lessons from him
now? He destroyed his voice. Blue Dream era? Maybe.
No. 1325958
>>1325898he doesn’t have thin skin he’s just trying to gaslight people as always, his charade is really funny. it shows how stupid he thinks his fans are and i don’t blame him. he’s been scamming them out of anything he can including hundreds of dollars in a wire transfer fraud and no one did fucking anything lol. they’re all going to keep up the act that everything is going great, you can’t really only call out sydney for the larp it’s everyone and anyone around this dilapidated rotting leprechaun.
>>1325942lmao i’m sure they lurk but no this switching scam is not influenced by this gossip board. there’s people that give legit advice and the only thing anyone listened to is sydney’s brow advice. she would probably be way better at makeup if she idk took her fucking medication. if this is jonnys old friend then he has his back in all his scumbag shit, he’s probably supposed to babysit her so she has a good time while he shoots up, and if anything happens it would be to pass her to him and later hold over her head that she cheated. it’s crazy how the one who cheats is always the one accusing the other. if she backed off he would be cheating and accusing her, but since she is full force psycho he is doing way more drugs to compensate.
his friend is doing him a favor because sydney cannot chill but now she’s getting a sense of what someone who’s entire life is a drug addiction can provide. if she did go with him then it would prevent her from going all the way off in a breakup, and he could keep her quiet. it’s healthier for all of them for her to leave, and if that’s jonny friend from way back he must really be in love with that evil son of a bitch to have his back through everything so i bet he would love to raise his kid.
No. 1325963
>>1325915I’ve been to lots of shows and I have never, ever seen anyone pull their baby momma up on stage just to awkwardly hug them
the funniest part to me is that this is literally Syd’s dream. this is all she aspires to.
No. 1325971
File: 1631827213381.png (5.75 MB, 1242x2688, B2FD31CF-1CC7-4FF0-898E-5161AA…)

Jonny’s long time friend and Sydney’s lol brother last night. Can’’t upload video but audio says: “People don’t know how to act in Vegas.”
It might be a stretch, but I hope Jonny decked Sydney and now this Dillon Bailey is white knighting for her.
No. 1325979
File: 1631828074850.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1125x1996, 8D89CD82-0A23-489A-91E4-B90E3F…)

Lol Jonny your career IS over. can anyone screen record this? He’s shitting on some dude singing “my girl” (maybe karaoke or a cover band?) who doesn’t even sound bad and who has better acoustics than his “tour”
No. 1325997
File: 1631830338668.png (1.89 MB, 1170x2532, 4DB42973-A1A0-412B-95CE-B96AE1…)

Screenshotted before she can delete.
No. 1326007
>>1325958For all we know Jonny could have asked this guy to keep Syd busy while he fucks around
and shoots up.
No. 1326008
>>1325997Girl just go out, live your life damn.
Or better yet, go home to your kid; he feels abandoned as well
No. 1326016
>>1325997what happened gorl
i wish she at least monetized her crazy but she doesn’t have the self control to keep things behind a pay wall. jonny probably wanted to stay out and she’s trying to guilt him or some boring bullshit like leading people on here too. i hate her attitude, like she’s in vegas and she’s not deformed, go have fun you beige idiot. go take stupid pictures and enjoy it.
No. 1326121
>>1325997kek. remember, syd: you're not special. you're a nobody who has to whore yourself online to get attention. you don't have friends because your personality is a biohazard and your fat junkie boyfriend ruins everything he touches.
enjoy tour!
No. 1326213
File: 1631845934846.webm (3.75 MB, 720x1280, StorySaver.Org-jonnycraig4l_24…)
>>1325979Here is the vid anon
No. 1326222
File: 1631847147909.webm (5.15 MB, 720x1280, 242137521_280877563586038_3118…)
This is from 17hrs ago. I wonder if he kept playing after that alleged +600$? A lot of people lose it all that way. Assuming he did have some self control and stopped I'm sure that'll be gone in days toward dope and dumb shit. Sad thing is that he probably made more casually gambling than he will the entire tour and I love to see it lol
No. 1326233
File: 1631848343442.webm (4.01 MB, 720x1280, 241951529_1217616795397840_838…)
nonettes and anons this is the walrus Syd is acting like a pscyho for! But don't watch too long - he has a child!
No. 1326376
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No. 1326378
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No. 1326573
>>1326213Oh wow, yeah, that dude sounds fine! His voice is way stronger than Jonny's. JC has such an inferiority complex (as he should) lol
also karaoke is literally about having a good time, singing ability be damned, he's such a wet blanket
No. 1326609
File: 1631893085585.webm (3.52 MB, 720x1280, creepylovebombing.webm)
>>1326574idk why he lovebombs like this. It's so cringey and seems to actually be more him exposing her for all the angles she uses lol. I'd be embarrassed if I were her that he posts this sort of shit on his stories
No. 1326619
File: 1631893831963.webm (3.46 MB, 720x1280, yetstillbrokeasajokefurniturel…)
gambling report lol. Working on developing a gambling addiction i guess; still more than they'll come home with from the tour. Can't believe women are fighting over his ugly mug. I wonder why they didn't have some sort of trashy chapel wedding? I thought this was enviable true love!1!!11 /s
No. 1326818
>>1326619He doesn't even look like he believes what he's saying.
CA stimulus II checks are depositing - and they're $600. How convenient.
No. 1326823
>>1326633i thought that too when i went to his ig profile for the first time the other day lmao. it’s so bad. he probably makes high pitched lady voices in bed, vomit emoji
i’m glad she took the advice, did anyone make her take that “i’m alone in my hotel room how dare u” story down and then take her out to look better or do they really not care at all? if this is the company you have to keep just go to rehab
No. 1326934
File: 1631910447361.jpeg (1.77 MB, 1284x2235, 3EFBA92B-2DCC-49D1-AB61-BDDF13…)

I checked JCs tagged photos and this got posted an hour ago. Why would you want this man tattooed on you????
No. 1327129
>>1326609How does she have little man hips after giving birth
I've never seen that before on literally anyone after a pregnancy
No. 1327184
>>1327157is this a jonny fan or the dumbest person on here.
i don’t care about taylor or all the excuses people want to make for having her as much as jonny, she was like 21 and a very sheltered person when jonny took advantage of that and grifted so much shit from her, introduced and addicted her to fucking heroin, destroyed her career, and got people to keep the focus on hating her instead. she’s still struggling with drugs and life, and people just hate her because she’s a woman. if that was a male friend he moved in with and did that too, getting them to pay for his kiddy pageant flipper teeth implants and introducing them to heroin while sabotaging their career, all while being in his mid thirties to their early 20s, people would hate him. but because these are “just women” it’s their fault because he emotionally manipulated them too. i for real still can’t believe he dated taylor and another woman after that was willing to date him and trap him with a whole ass child.
No. 1327209
>>1327190Agreed. This isn’t the TND thread but she wasn’t a completely helpless
victim. She made a lot of poor choices and it’s unfortunate she associated with Jonny but she made the decision even with the information she had….it’s not like was blissfully unaware of his history and became a recluse shut in with no way out. Syd is just the same- willing to overlook all the horrible warning signs in hopes of being some special by associating (or reproducing) with him.
It sucks TND is an addict and I hope she gets sober but people need to quit enabling her complete
victim complex. It’s old. It’s tired. It’s stupid.
No. 1327272
>>1326934Imagine explaining this to someone. "Oh he used to be cool in 2005, before everyone knew he was a heroin addict,
abusive rapist" Jesus Christ…
No. 1327390
>>1327293Ex fan here.
Jonny was on heroin back then. He has been since his teens. Ghost Runner on Third even has a song called H. He sounds strange there as he was trying to rip off New Found Glory’s and other pop punk vocal styles and then dropped it in other bands.
No. 1327723
>>1327678I don't see them breaking up unless she leaves him. Come to think of it has he
ever dumped a woman first?? I think she'll definitely go along with him and be just as annoying as now if not more-so. I feel like she's going to constantly complain about the weather and being a uwu cali girl, idk why she just gives me that vibe.
No. 1327739
File: 1632003235226.jpeg (609.29 KB, 750x1093, 5C203D36-FDB3-4155-9C1F-9FDE01…)

For fucks sake. Of course with a super cringey, toxic quote to show off how speshul their relationship is. Fakest couple I think I’ve ever witnessed
No. 1327741
File: 1632003526517.jpeg (167.2 KB, 750x518, F24B31C3-CC3F-4FB7-A37F-51AF47…)

She changed the icon on her art account (an account/business that’s never gonna see the light of day…) I find it extra peculiar that she was dying for this hairstyle and cut, and she kept it for not even a week? Had to hurry and dye her hair black before tour so she can resemble Jonny’s “type”. If you’re changing your looks based off your significant other/for them to find you more attractive… what’s the point. They should find you attractive already.
Syd is literally the type to jump off a bridge with Jonny if he asked her too.
No. 1327747
>>1327691I’m going to one of the Texas dates. Hoping to witness an epic fight or meltdown because he has an ex is literally every city. I’m very curious to see how she’ll act at these dates.
For some reason I would love for Taylor get a general admission ticket to show up with a friend, just to piss Syd off.
No. 1327752
>>1327747 >>1327691
Y’all take lots of pics and videos I don’t think we have been getting as much milk as we though we would.
No. 1327769
>>1327747I can't tell if this would be pathetic or an incredible power move
maybe both
Syd is petty af herself so I would pay to see this.
No. 1327792
File: 1632009993166.png (2.34 MB, 750x1334, 856B7F68-1A2B-4E2F-BC38-8C0F5F…)

She really acting like she’s doing something/making moves for her son. Lmao. Also - nitpick but her arms are super manly and stubby.
No. 1327793
File: 1632010030926.png (4.63 MB, 1284x2778, 7A6E4E9D-8198-471A-B76D-69B5B9…)

You miss him napping? Where would he be napping.. on the floor at your apartment bc you have no furniture??? Stop acting like you’ve even seen him you deadbeat
No. 1327798
>>13277931000% using photos her mom sends her.
If she had him full time her narcissism would be fueled by mom posts and edits
No. 1327838
>>1327792she’s an entirely stubbed person so idk what you were expecting, and she has no muscle mass so i don’t know why else you would call her arms manly? they look perfectly fine.
what does she mean by day off? all days are off for her. like clinically off but whatever, imagine a forever21 worker posting this instagram story after like one hours work. you can’t even compare shitty retail to what she does, and she requires a bit onstage where she hugs a man who irresponsibly jizzed in her so she can post photos of the resulting person that her mom takes care of to keep an iron grip on his balls when no one else who wants to live wants him. she’s so fucking determined but her goals are insane. also pizza is heavy and carby their moods are probably icky. no part of this looks fun and the whole point of this is fucking around.
No. 1328109
File: 1632049448734.jpeg (2.04 MB, 2560x1600, backedintoacorner.jpeg)

>>1326609sorry but i'm still having trouble getting over the unnaturally sharp corners that are supposed to be this girls hips/ass
No. 1328246
File: 1632065191098.jpg (87.1 KB, 500x567, 3pg654.jpg)

>>1327892Syd receiving her shitty engagement ring from a washed up junkie with a failed music career. Good job.
No. 1328280
>>1328261You can see in this pic
>>1327739She’s not wearing a skirt or whatever you said tho
No. 1328570
>>1328246Hasn’t Jonny been engaged before too? How much you wanna bet that Syd is wearing the same ring? Could you imagine?
Syd singing along to songs written about his exes on tour, changing her hair to resemble them, and wearing their old engagement rings… I would be so embarrassed if I were her. Nothing is more pathetic than begging for someone to love you that obviously is only with you because you trapped them with a kid, but that’s shitty too so she deserves it.
No. 1328576
>>1328570Syd is just the discount version of the babes Jonny used to pull when he was relevant, but he’s fat and washed up now so Syd will have to do. Better her than someone who doesn’t deserve it. She’s basically a Martyr.
Please Syd, do us all a favor and keep him off the market forever and consider it a community service.
No. 1328606
>>1328498jonny is so shallow that i think it’s funny she’s average and he may hate it, when he’s an abomination. i am happy that haunts him, and i’m not going to criticize her body when it doesn’t matter. her behavior is so insane and tbh i really don’t care about the shape of her ass we all know she has bad habits i’m surprised it’s not worse.
did their tour end already? was the point of this just to parade his bloated body around like a circus animal so his baby mama could hug him every night on stage and accost people loudly in public if they looked too long? how much heroin is he going to shoot into his neck in front of sydney because she owes him for this charade
No. 1328837
File: 1632114825833.jpg (305.64 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210920-011240_Ins…)

where are they now?
No. 1328880
>>1328871The same reason Taylor has any animals, period.
> they think it makes them uwu aesthetic animal parents. Barf. They're so transparent, it makes me the most mad they left their son over the rats tho. They could've easily dumped their pets onto grandma as well when its convenient for them.
Real responsibility, like a paid petsitter, is out of the question I'm sure.
No. 1329015
>>1328837Common, Turtle Mom! She’s going to be at one of these shows right? I look forward to her posts.
I hope Syd mouths off and gets slapped around by some Texan ladies,YEE HAW.
No. 1329355
>>1329229the poster was talking about Jonny’s brag about Spotify streams
the tour is almost certainly a money loser or break even at best
No. 1329522
File: 1632182071671.png (2.47 MB, 750x1334, 50C1D043-2B82-47F8-9DFB-27D3F2…)

>>1329355 well they’ seem to be making enough for her to pay for plenty of terrible tattoos…
No. 1329603
File: 1632188173014.jpg (407.73 KB, 1433x2987, PSX_20210920_213356.jpg)

Wow… Branding herself as a pussy and or still clinging to the idea that she's so small and delicate.
No. 1329662
>>1329655More like she wanted to copy her bloated sperm donor because she doesn’t have an original thought in her body and she can’t not actively fuck up her body for .02 seconds.
She’s truly a Great Value TND.
No. 1329668
>>1329610I'm the irritated cat ass stretched ear lobe
>>1329655that's an interesting theory anon. he tried to convince taylor to get one too and also convinced her to get the nostril piercings. Obviously she didn't get them with him but after she left rehab her mom made a twitter post about how he had almost convinced her to put two holes in her face that would've ruined her looks. He's such a fucked up person I could see that be his motive.
No. 1329671
File: 1632192269202.jpg (39.75 KB, 639x505, 1512521648340.jpg)

>>1329603>Face tattoosTalk about a blast from the past!
No. 1329676
File: 1632192430708.jpeg (1.34 MB, 3464x3464, 09538AFC-7247-4D7F-B736-D33E27…)

Jonny got an ugly face tattoo as well
No. 1329699
>>1329684I think some tattoo artists live to ruin people permanently.
Ps, anyone still playing tour bingo? We almost got the whole bird covered KEK. Shout out to the nonna who made it
No. 1329738
>>1329522is the “Ethereal” part of her bpd skinwalking of grimes, because they both got knocked up by misogynists who hate them and don’t care about their child. and they both have big noses and faded hair. that’s it.
the 3 could be touched up to make it flow and be more readable and balanced. i can see her looking better with more tattoos, i want her to get the cool bad on purpose with style ones and save up money, going to better places. it suits her. that is the wrong word choice but if she gets other shit to balance it out it will be less noticeable and just part of an overall image. them lines is also faint so she can get it lasered, she’s getting all these unplanned incongruent pieces so fast.
No. 1329748
>>1329676hold up are those tiny fineline hearts in the cliche 11:11? how is that part of his style. it’s way too delicate on both of them and that looks like a pinterest tattoo that belongs on some girls wrist in 2011, and even she wouldn’t be lame enough to put tiny filled in red hearts.
i bet she asked him to get her name or initials and he said no, and then she gave him the silent treatment and he liked it so much she started hitting on lol brother
No. 1329909
>>1329676Bf again: “This nigga really that kind of guy that sets his alarm to 11:11 so he doesn’t miss his wish and still thinks it’s a coincidence. What a girl.”
He knows nothing about this board and his takes are still so spot on, proof it’s not just the haters. It’s everybody.
No. 1330143
File: 1632239540334.jpg (530.32 KB, 1080x1694, Screenshot_20210921-114937.jpg)

This looks like a shitty prison tats. Everyone on tour got the same thing. I predict in less than a year they will be covered up or lasered off.
No. 1330147
File: 1632239801243.jpg (239.69 KB, 1080x1424, Screenshot_20210921-115236.jpg)

KEK. The whole crew got matching chicken scratch tats. My sides are killing me rn. I hope the artist didn't change the needle or properly dispose of the needles so everyone on tour can have matching HEPC.
No. 1330164
File: 1632241304737.png (3.55 MB, 1284x2778, 419E873B-521B-43DD-9902-593DBB…)

is this chick ever not dramatic as fuck???
No. 1330211
>>1330143>>1330147She's actually a decent tattoo artist so I can say this was not her design choice. But laughable she actually tattooed all these losers. Her boyfriend still about that scene so not surprising tho.
Sorry I forgot to sage earlier.
No. 1330226
File: 1632246546987.png (4.81 MB, 1170x2532, 86689A46-1B70-4B68-B106-B85F0D…)

Hmmmm aren’t the Texas dates next? Is she not mentally ready for them because Jonny has so many ex’s there lol? Also get ready for her to have more pics of this stupid ass tattoo than her own child on her IG
No. 1330270
File: 1632249046571.png (455.21 KB, 750x1334, FF5EF523-27E7-4851-82ED-7F23E5…)

Aww sweaty has someone never had a real job before?
No. 1330343
>>1330270-'touring is hard work!!'
-jonny reads karaoke lyrics off of his phone
pick one syd
No. 1330579
>>1330469i don’t think he can ruin her, and if a fucking miracle happened and she got her shit together and rehabilitated, yes she could find a decent person. i’m just saying jonny and fat bitches like him love the idea of being able to do anything permanent to anyone, it’s bullshit and they’re learned limitations. her personality and lack of mental health care are what ruin her, not her appearance which is always manageable and would happen naturally if she did the work. jonny loves this kind of look though and lets not pretend a face tattoo is preventing her from getting work.
also the visible mustache completes the grimes larp, i hope she takes out all three of her stupid nose rings and embraces her nose or learns to contour if it bothers her that much.
No. 1330815
>>1330270How is slinging merch for less than a few hours a night hard? Especially when every gig they've been too looks like there's been no more than 20-40 people there and I doubt all of them are buying stuff.
She's so lazy, I've never seen anyone complain like this during a tour before. If this is so hard on her, she's definitely not waking up early every morning to look after a child which is far more mentally exhausting and some days physically exhausting too.
No. 1330873
File: 1632278952243.png (1.54 MB, 750x1334, 78771D07-C164-496B-8FA3-1325BA…)

You KNOW this has got to make Syd jealous. I wonder if she’ll get on stage and “perform” with him before tour ends. Hahahaha
No. 1331001
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No. 1331002
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No. 1331011
File: 1632291662190.png (402.67 KB, 798x600, setlist.png)

For those curious about the setlist this tour.
No. 1331048
>>1329603>>1323520>>1329522>>1329676>>1331001“This is all for you, Storm!!”
How does your 1 year old benefit from your facial piercings and your shitty tattoos?? Did she even “need” to go on this “tour”? (Love how her initial post about the tour is all excitement about “new places and people”, etc, no suggestion of being broken up about being away from her kid for some weeks… Must be real nice taking no responsibility for anything) Grow the fuck up and take care of your damn kid.
No. 1331105
>>1330143I just want to know what the letters stand for.
The People Who Never Bothered
Toasted Penis With No Butter
Taylor Pussy Willow Nicole Bean
Anyone have ideas?
No. 1331194
>>1330143amazes me how he can pretend how well he’s doing, like we’ve not all seen him read his lyrics off his phone and look like he’s about to give way in stage.
jonny, you should be fucking embarrassed not getting celebratory tattoos.
No. 1331199
>>1331180Honestly I think they both know the "tour" is a sexual fishing expedition, but they both keep getting shot down after a year+ of airing out how
toxic, nasty and drugged out they are. I think they'll keep failing back to each other and putting themselves and their relationshiT on a pedestal as a desperate cope like they have been for as long as Jonny keeps wheezing on this Earth.
No. 1331502
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No. 1331687
>>1331588lmao those desperate enablers have been doing it for jonny his whole life, didn’t the lol brother drive him across the country to get heroin after ruining taylor’s life or something? they all deserve it and each other. fuck it i hope she never takes medication again and leaves it in God’s hands. i hope next time she does the laundry she shrinks all his shit on purpose and makes passive aggressive comments about his weight. the sky is the limit. there’s a 99% chance he’ll die from engaging his body too quickly so it’s not like she can’t outrun him even with her stubby carnival legs.
did the lol brother just get the stupid face tattoo? i don’t remember seeing it in the other one but i’m not looking again i’m already so pissed waiting for jonny to croak that i’ve had to see more vintage stretched ears than i have ever needed to
No. 1331814
File: 1632355992090.jpg (460.51 KB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20210922_171132153.j…)

>>1331717Jonny hasn't followed tayter since her video on him I believe. I'm sure he checks up on her socials even if he's blocked.
No. 1331888
File: 1632363095968.jpeg (377.22 KB, 1242x2688, 6F5151EC-12F0-456F-B406-4E77BE…)

I saw jonny being posted in a Fb group I’m in and the comments didn’t disappoint
No. 1331912
>>1331888it looks like he’s using those two giant honey baked hams on both sides of him as crutches.
>>1331889the irony of that person saying he has a punchable face while vaping in round sunglasses.
No. 1331943
>>1331888His hand looks like it’s about to pop.
Also is he a manlet? He looks so short next to those seemingly average-height dudes.
No. 1331956
File: 1632371922252.jpeg (174.07 KB, 1125x1983, CF7C5138-1627-4B37-BE7F-A39A80…)

This was posted in between recordings of him singing. Maybe she realized the song he was singing was about Taylor and not her
No. 1332156
File: 1632403217172.png (102.76 KB, 442x656, B1A9D1B1-80B5-48A0-8473-618B8D…)

>>1331943He’s an absolute manlet. Claims he’s 5’8” but him and Taylor were the same height in pictures together and she’s 5’5”-5’6”. This throwback always gives me a hearty kek.
No. 1332191
>>1332156If the tour eventually rolls out on the east coast, I will wear platform boots and loom over them, kek. I’m 6’2 in my fav boots.
Why do women find short men attractive? They usually got a Napoleon complex and little dicks… like how is he “cheating” on Syd? He’s an ugly bloated gremlin, and she’s on her way to matching.
No. 1332263
>>1332174he's not 5'8 lol, I walked past him at a festival and I was taller than him and I'm like 5'7
he's short
No. 1332294
>>1332191Because not all short men are
abusive waster junkies. Some are Elijah Wood.
No. 1332557
>>1332334I think you're right, especially since she poses like a jackass to make their height difference seem hreater to help her delusion of still being smol:
>>1327739(sidenote, why do the SADDEST PANCAKE TITTY HOES insist on wearing these cropped undershirts with no bra?? As if we needed more evidence she wasn't taking care of her baby, her tits disappeared when he did.)
No. 1332563
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>>1332156I met him in 2012, I’m 5’5 so I’d say he’s 5’6 or just under.
No. 1332596
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No. 1332644
File: 1632448069760.jpg (298.35 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210923-184039_Ins…)

He's such an overt narcissist. So the multiple women who have come out against you is none of your business? Or your failures as a father and musician? This is why he's a human lump that never grows, sometimes what people has to say hurts but it's the truth.
No. 1332671
>>1332624I’ll keep y’all posted for sure. Jonny and his girl are hanging at the bar rn. Like damn she is following him around EVERYWHERE. I overheard him asking syd “are you good? You sure?” When he was taking a Polaroid of him and this really pretty girl. She had the bitchiest attitude and looked at him all weird and was like “yeah? I’m good.” The third band is playing their last song rn then Jonny is gonna perform next.
I’m a little disappointed turtle mom didn’t follow thru, I saw her NOWHERE outside. Lol she really thought coming up here and handing out flyers would make her the ULTIMATE hero for all of his
victims. Tinfoil but I think turtle mom is lowkey in love with Jonny. She’s obviously already obsessed.
No. 1332675
>>1332620I’m lowkey scared to buy merch from her cuz she has such an evil/miserable look on her face and I’m a female. (I’m here with a friend who is a huge fan and wants me to buy him some merch cuz he doesn’t have cash on him, he cash apped me money earlier to get him something.
Oh lord. Now fans are coming up to Jonny at the bar trying to get pics with him and she is pissed. I’m near the bar and I keep hearing him ask her “are you good? Come get in these pictures with us.” Yikes. Both of them keep buying shots. I hope syd gets so drunk to the point where she’s screaming at Jonny at the end of the night. Or has some kind of meltdown. She does NOT look happy tonight, I haven’t seen her smile or laugh ONCE like Jonny has been doing. He’s having the time of his life and she is VISIBLY miserable/annoyed.
Oh Jonny just came up on stage.
No. 1332676
>>1332675Nonnie you are doing gods work.
Try include photos!
No. 1332688
>>1332676>>1332675Lots of Photos videos please
nonnie thanks.
No. 1332689
File: 1632452958956.png (229.23 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20210923-200838.png)

hey tx anon any insight as to who she's vagueposting?
No. 1332696
>>1332695This is amazing, thanks for being boots on the ground
No. 1332717
>>1332700Thank you so much anon, I'm looking forward to all the milk you'll gonna bring to us.
As others anons mentioned, if you or your friend can take pics or whatever embarrassing or relevant thing we will always be grateful!
No. 1332731
File: 1632456872144.jpeg (997.16 KB, 1125x1979, 955400DA-2FF6-411E-80AC-0C2086…)

>>1332700That’s hilarious because she posted this tonight. I bet she was complaining about it and that’s why he did it lollll
No. 1332735
>>1332731This is bleak, but also BINGO!!!!!!!!
What a sad sad night.
You have to use your child and your baby momma as leverage for more attention and forgiveness for the undoubtably shitty show.
His relationships aren’t private because he loves being in the drama.
No. 1332741
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No. 1332845
>>1332808 It may be hard to see in the video, but she walks back on stage a seconf time, legit hands him her ring with her right hand after he got on his knee. Then she stuck her left arm out so obnoxiously and smug. And he slips it on her finger. Talk about romantic. There's no WAY this was a surprise - you'll see how fake it really was when you watch it. The way it was already in the palm of her hand when she walked on stage and handed it to him. When we've ALL seen that she's been wearing it around her neck. My guess is she got really insecure tonight (there were quite a few very attractive girls) and he offered to do it to make her feel special and superior to all the other females there. You can also here him say before he re-proses "this is our one year anniversary of being engaged, so i'm gonna propose to her again! How pathetic. to do it on tour in front of everyone when she's been no doubt making his life and anyone else's life on the tour straight hell. like he did it ALL for show and to get her attention from his fans to boost her self esteem or make her stop crying. not romantic or intimate, nothing special about it. and it's the same ring, for fucks sake. this woman literally exposed him with that video. she's gonna keep being evil to him because she gets away with it every time (not saying he doesn't deserve it) so he's gonna continue to keep her under his narc control. (example: never ACTUALLY marrying her, just proposing every year to her with that same fugly ring). if he really loved her he would have something way more special planned for their anniversary. he's definitely gonna overdose sooner, the longer he stays with her. this couple makes me sick. neither of them actually want each other. it's a joke. i can't believe the fans even take their relationship seriously or are rooting for them. she talks shit on instagram literally every day, a lot of the times about HIM. okay ineed to shut up and go to sleep now. enjoy the video babes!
uploaded it to youtube cuz it cloud converter wasn't wokring: No. 1333002
File: 1632489879974.webm (6.03 MB, 406x720, Jonny Craig proposes to his fi…)
>>1332845>>1332981Just in case YouTube gets taken down
No. 1333242
>>1332845>my son! He’s one! I don’t know how many months. Kek sounds about right for a deadbeat parent. Not “he’s so smart, he has a great personality, he loves xyz”. Just that he’s one. In July!
God that was so corny and not even a proposal. Imagine being this insecure around women.
No. 1333312
>>1333192my guess is she’s never been treated otherwise and probably thinks this is normal, that’s his type. anyone that can out
toxic him to deflect some heat from himself, but that’s all she thinks she’s worth and doesn’t understand it’s
abusive men, coping mechanisms, and underlying mental illness. they’re the classic drug couple and there’s been more than a few in this forum just like them. even if the woman is psychotic it’s clear to anyone not in their cycle that the man is manipulating it and is always older. he didn’t even propose in this and shouldn’t have done that, and found another way to reassure her. he’s going to hold this over her head after they get back for long enough which is what i’m low key worried about even if she’s so unlikeable. he has no plans to quit fentanyl and needs a doormat around to fuck, and her jealousy episodes give this loser a narc rush. she’s already put her son in all the danger available to her besides neglecting him in their physical presence while doing drugs, but i’m sure it used to be like that before the domestic violence case. i can’t believe what it was like for her mom who housed both of them and their unreasonably bad decisions, taking care of the baby then finding out that leprechaun hit her daughter after weaseling into her life to scam them. then watching sydney lie to get the case dropped. did she never google him to know the allegations before he was ever let in the house? so many questions. she should sue to get custody so she can lay down better laws if only to get her daughter to change.
No. 1333385
>>1333336>jealous>going to a paid showI laughed. Yea we’re all REAL jealous we don’t have a bloated carcass junkie “fiancé”, or an apartment with no furniture, or tacky face tattoos, no car, no job, no money and a failing career.
Much jealousy.
Also, Syd, that anon paid for a ticket. She did more to contribute to your son than you did.
No. 1333549
File: 1632528766560.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1125x2027, 655CDF7C-3D64-4499-BC2E-2F8B77…)

The fugly ring is smugly back on display
No. 1333647
>>1333634So you know how to sage your shit but you're definitely not familiar with board culture and you're absolutely not Syd either.
Ok. Sounds legit. Thanks for stopping by.
No. 1333653
>>1333634Why are you so sure that nobody here knows them? lol there has been confirmed people who were not marked anonymous like syds ex bf and jonnys ex gf, and a girl named bree who traveled and did drugs with taylor back in her and jonnys threads. people also have unconfirmed claims of knowing taylor in highschool, syd in highschool, knowing tays rehab bf jake and the guys aggy and forrest gump or whoever else she hungout with too. Along with lots of ex jonny fans who have met him. Wouldnt be surprised if some of the girls who were personal friends with jonny are following this thread after receiving bizarre attack messages from syd
id imagine some people are following these intertwined cows and their bs cause they DO know them personally.
No. 1333654
>>1333549Lmaooo the way she angled it toward the camera
super insecure and pathetic
No. 1333660
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Lol @ them all autographing the pics
No. 1333662
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No. 1333664
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No. 1333677
>>1333662I'm genuinely confused af as to why she's on stage all the time? Is she constantly onstage? Or lurking towards the back of the stage?
In all the shows/concerts I've been to, I've never seen a baby mama on stage. Some of the artists have been married, engaged, had baby mamas, etc.
But I think most of the partners were either like… at home watching the kids, or maybe backstage chilling?
Obviously Syd has trust issues and their relationship is beyond
toxic, but it's still genuinely strange how much she's trying to insert herself into his career.
No. 1333693
File: 1632547075196.png (597.91 KB, 1284x2778, 068A0DE4-711A-4FDA-A11F-D4B606…)

(1/2) she posts this so I google
No. 1333696
File: 1632547203356.png (4.89 MB, 1284x2778, 1EE7BA40-EF61-49AA-B777-D536F7…)

“Proposes to fiancé Sydney England” (uploaded by Sydney England, YT acc Mads sept 24th) oops looks like she uploaded(emoji )
No. 1333703
>>1333696Hi, I definitely posted this! And I'm not Sydney, I was at the show last night. I thought the title was funny because it says "proposes to fiance" instead of girlfriend, they were already engaged lmao. The whole "propsal" was classless, everything about it.
Oooh I didn't know the comments were turned off. I'm gonna turn them on and let people comment hahaha
No. 1333759
>>1333696He was so high he forgot they were already engaged
No. 1333875
>>1333703I think you should also post the context that you in this post
>>1332845 in the video description if you can. I know there’s people out there that will watch this and not understand how truly pathetic it is because they don’t catch what she does in handing him the ring to “propose” to her again lol
No. 1334117
File: 1632599349939.jpg (339.57 KB, 1436x3036, PSX_20210925_154847.jpg)

No. 1334122
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No. 1334131
>>1334122She's so pressed that we can see through her relationship like
Literally go be a mom to your son Sydsoabscent
No. 1334163
>>1334122Lmao she's SO sure that other people are so impressed by her shitty relationship that they must all have recorded every second of her weird try-hard lovebombing/territory marking
I know it's hard for your narcissist ass to comprehend but nobody cares about you, Syd. Getting knocked up by a junkie has-been isn't impressive
No. 1334171
File: 1632603523114.jpeg (274.38 KB, 828x1476, ED5B7D29-9726-4BE6-8C3E-A9C7E1…)

forgive my shitty censoring anons but jfc he looks like he’s about to burst
No. 1334269
File: 1632612145398.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1125x2077, FBF20A8E-1FAF-4CB6-84EB-E4E540…)

>>1334229She probably liked it bc in the same set she took 2 pics with the girl lol
No. 1334343
>>1334304i was about to ask where tf her waist was lol. their diets must be really fucking gross and not just on this road trip
>>1334288was this the date he got on his knee to hand back the ring and say i fuckin love you dumpster instead of proposing? the fan could have asked because she was caught up in it but that’s the only thing i can come up with and i doubt it. she probably didn’t know who she was and they just rotated sydney in so she wouldn’t feel left out which makes no sense. when your partner has work like this the last thing you want is to get involved, and fans can be syd levels of crazy. if she came while being respectful and in the background where it would make sense, it would be a way to share his work. it would be best if she stayed home and took care of her son and built her own career, that way he would chase after her not the other way around. i feel like beyond people posting their partners on significant dates, they’re never this involved unless they had a previous job that makes sense on tour like maybe photographer. if he was being supportive he would plug her career, but it’s just her borderline personality disorder.
No. 1334346
>>1334171He immediately reminded me of the well zombie from the walking dead
His bloat is getting fucking astronomical he truly does look like he's gonna explode
No. 1334434
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>>1334346Omg you’ve killed me, I’m dead hahaha
No. 1334560
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No. 1334592
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No. 1334616
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No. 1334632
>>1334560Here we go again with the vague posting like she's 14 and fighting with her bf again for the 3rd time this week.
She's mentally stunted, something is seriously mentally wrong with her.
No. 1334708
File: 1632655812546.png (3.88 MB, 750x1334, 6968C85C-19B1-4CD6-854A-370F3A…)

>>1334694I’m shocked no one posted this from the other day.
No. 1334719
>>1334560Good news, Syd: give it a couple of hours and your bpd will swing right back around from general discontent to grandiosity and narcissism.
>>1334591She won't leave until she finds a dude with more clout. Jonny is the perfect punching bag because he's a constant fuck up and it's not like anyone is clamoring to take him off of her hands.
No. 1334789
>>1334708Amazing. I've never seen a woman give birth and get fat without gaining any tits or ass whatsoever. If anything, it looks like everything her body
used to store in her T/A now sits around her gut.
No. 1334792
>>1334616Why is he
always making this face? If you cover the lower half of his face, he looks genuinely terrified or something, I can't quite place it. I keep expecting these pics to come to life and burst out sobbing like a baby.
No. 1335021
File: 1632683395457.jpeg (300.76 KB, 1125x2436, CA4FF6A6-42C9-4049-92FB-B6E63B…)

first time posting so hope i saged right - looked up ‘jonny craig’ on twitter and this pic of him with a girl came up. tried to add both pics but it would only let me do one, if y’all want the other i’ll upload but so funny it’s becoming public knowledge that syd is sopsycho
No. 1335069
>>1334171>>1331888the way he leans forward and sticks his neck out in every posed picture makes him look like a damn bloated surprised/scared turtle. It's got to look wild from the side.
>>1335050 Also lmao he has bigger tits than syd and she gave birth a yr ago holy hell!
>>1334648I wonder how soon he'll have to start getting his ascites drained in those big bottles and syd will be begging for more gfm $$ and bullshiting that they never saw it coming and he was "sober" lol
>>1335021anon you did a perfect job and yeah unfortunately you can only post 1 pic at a time
No. 1335145
File: 1632691388659.jpeg (301.83 KB, 1125x1993, D1DD80C0-3C14-424F-82B9-336435…)

okay Karen. or maybe bars have laws to follow so they don’t get fined
No. 1335159
File: 1632692477097.png (1.7 MB, 1284x2778, 206B6A20-7DE4-4299-B945-7CE959…)

love bombing per usual
No. 1335206
>>1334789>>1334694is this a troll and or male? how tf is this
>>1334708 a “fat mexican man”. she’s carnival person height, petite body types aren’t hourglass and have fat distribution more equal. she’s also not an instagram model being paid to look a certain way, she could be on her period, they’re eating bad food, etc. the men she’s around are not exactly prizes anyone wants, she’s fucking a hep c infected sludge monster with no soul. her body actually looks really good in that photo, she devalues the fuck out of herself at the expense of her child and her own well-being and it sucks because she’s young enough that she could change that at least for her baby. i hope they do break up for the child’s sake.
No. 1335221
>>1335145he's saying he went out ~ON TOUR~ and didn't bother to get his state ID renewed? and that's Utah's fault?
does either of them have a driver's license?
No. 1335254
>>1334789Lmao truth.
Lets be real shes not fat like jonny but she is not small. Yet shes so obsessed with being small. Hence sydsosmall and her ethereal tattoo which that word means light and delicate. And also her constant posts about being small and thin getting her pre baby body back. Like wtf? The absolute only thing small about her is her HEIGHT. Shes absolutely average. She doesnt have a beer gut but like she definetly has a mom tummy thats no longer flat from having a kid. Theres nothing with that and for having a baby her bodys actually pretty nice. But its average sized. So its hilarious that she is obsessed with being so uwu smol cause shes not small at all thats a fuckin delusion. Shes just fucking short. Like hell syd jonny is short too does that mean hes smol? Hes tubby af and looks like hes bout to burst hes so inflated
No. 1335301
File: 1632701944894.jpeg (73.99 KB, 750x1334, View recent photos.jpeg)

ok like even if she had her son. why wouldnt she put up stories of her in storm's room while she holds him at night or something? not even showing hiim but she could be like "rocking my baby to sleep teehee" and be in his nursery… that would clearly show that she has her son or at least a space for him to be???? there is NO ~omg but my privacy~ about that kind of stuff. I feel like she would be the type of person to show off storm's 'cute' room anyways (if he even fucking had one at their place, which obvs he doesn't…) I'm just saying how there are so many ways she could show storm is in her life like she says he is, but she simply chooses to talk out of her ass instead of posting anything at all even featuring baby things. She can post 482 stories a day but none of them will be photos of her ACTUALLY being a mom.
No. 1335371
File: 1632708982807.jpeg (439.86 KB, 828x1152, D2DEC8CF-93AE-4D67-A301-BEA623…)

I know everyone with common sense already knows she definitely doesn’t have Storm, but this caption tells me her animals live at her moms.
She also only posts storm when she posts her animals. Kek
No. 1335439
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No. 1335443
File: 1632721484160.jpeg (833.59 KB, 828x1429, F2568274-B566-4B4F-BFF7-5E41AA…)

No. 1335472
File: 1632724460950.jpg (105.81 KB, 1080x1821, Screenshot_20210927_023225.jpg)

I'm convinced she's on drugs too, not just with these types of posts but with her manic ass eyes in all her vids, now that her IG isn't private, also KEK at this, yep we're all much jealous SydSoManic
No. 1335505
>>1335490I hope for the cats sake they're with syds mom
If not, well.. you'd better watch your cats around jonny and the toilet, Sydney…
No. 1335545
>>1335527Lol she is such a narc- also, it’s very obvious she doesn’t have her kid, glancing through the gram.
She’s not creative or clever; she’s just a narc skinwalker. No talent is a perfect match for jc; it’s not like his singing will ever improve now.
And also, she has to be on dugs too; no sober person would deal with any of this, especially at the expense of her son.
No. 1335551
>>1335206She looks like a huma gleshlight because she is- no waist, no ass, no curves, fat swollen meat tube just like her baby daddy. Sorry if that
triggers you, but that's what happens when you hit 30 after 15 years of drinking/getting high/eating shit and laying on your ass. Don't act like you can't see it, Syd is shaped exactly like a member of the Lollipop Guild, and it's her karma for being such a disgustingly selfish cockroach of a person- only fat, swollen junkies like her would even be able to get hard for the deflated dumpster fire that is Syd England.
And no, not male, just sick of seeing normal/fit girls with good bodies get nitpicked while absolute walking genetic abortions like Syd get to pretend to be average when everyone can plainly see they're cave trolls.
No. 1335661
File: 1632755313750.png (493.94 KB, 932x598, Screenshot 2021-09-27 at 18-08…)

Jonny bringing Syd on stage is very reminiscent of when Bert did that ages ago (as he did other fans, except she made it seem like Bert was her friend and they were working together?)
No. 1335764
File: 1632767149259.png (911.98 KB, 933x598, Screenshot 2021-09-27 at 21-23…)

>>1335705He's def taller than her. He's also pulled her on stage like two nights in a row so unfortunately it's real.
My fav thing is her selfie with the bassist where she says he's in a good mood but he looks like he'd rather be dead than be next to her.
No. 1335766
File: 1632767364582.png (892.72 KB, 598x598, Screenshot 2021-09-27 at 21-27…)

syd's probably seething cause she never managed to snatch mccracken and had to settle for ginger michelin man
No. 1335768
File: 1632767664568.jpeg (1.93 MB, 1284x2436, 42FD2511-088E-4171-93E5-9F3ED7…)

ohhhhh that outfit
No. 1335814
>The Dunning–Kruger effect is a hypothetical cognitive bias stating that people with low ability at a task overestimate their own ability, and that people with high ability at a task underestimate their own ability.DK effect + bpd/npd + singing = thinking that she has what it takes to "work with" the Used (those insta posts from 2013 are so embarrassing and un-self-aware), her twisting Jonny's arm to get on stage, the fucking rap she posted on Instagram and then got butthurt af over when people weren't totally blown away by her lyrical prowess
DK effect + npd/bpd + art = having the nerve to think that anyone would pay her to do therapy crafts kek
She's pretty much the poster child for being unremarkable in every way and thinking she's hot shit.
No. 1335849
File: 1632775299673.png (1.94 MB, 2000x856, thetasteofsydisgettingold.png)

>>1335819He did, but I didn't want to spam with screenshots. It's all on her profile scattered in her captions. I'm dumb and should've compiled them from the start.
Full caption from the video dated July 19 2019:
2Days until WARPED story time: Once upon a long time ago, Rob had IG briefly. I was followed to my surprise. One day he posted about an artist to support and I naturally checked her out and donated. That opened up the door to a call. It wasn’t for certain I’d get to go up (I just had my wisdom teeth out too) BUT everything was solid and they let this lil bitch ME feel the stage. The trip up to this show was a nightmare, absolutely nothing was going right. From smashing my phone to everyone on the trip being an ass…I ended up having the best moment of my life at 19. And after all the shows I’m so thankful for the moments I’ve had before and since that show (Thank you to you all and Thanks Q.A for letting me use your mic so I could sing a little and dance a little!)
And the slap tho lol IM V AWKWARD
>>1335819(don't use emojis ) No. 1335905
>>1335889Great job, if Syd reads here she’s going to get off on someone thinking she slept with Bert lol
>>1335867 2019 Warped was only like three dates for the 25th anniversary and the last ever shows. The only west coast date I attended and she definitely did not go on stage at that one
No. 1335911
>>1335907If she did sleep with him, she would have gotten backstage at the last show with JC, just to rub it in
robs face.
No. 1335967
>>1335849None of this proves he actually pulled her on stage more than once. The pics in the collage and the pics precious posted all seem like the same night on stage. The other pics just seem like a fan meeting her fave band multiple times. Just because she says all this doesn’t make it true?
Anon here is right
>>1335961 none of this makes sense. It seems like her own personal fanfic she’s written, just like her pretending she has custody of her son and has a happy relationship
No. 1335968
>>1335961You really think the Used sought Syd out to sing with them?
She went to some of their shows. Bert used to pull fans on stage sometimes, she happened to be picked like twice in a decade based on her pics.
No. 1335979
File: 1632782996865.png (164.91 KB, 640x360, bertwithsyd.png)

>>1335976I'm the retard, she's on stage with Bert on bottom right but I just screenshotted the video because I didn't know how to upload it. It's definitely a different date.
No. 1335993
File: 1632783533035.webm (4.3 MB, 640x360, robbiemccracckie.webm)
>>1335987Oh yeah she's definitely exaggerating.
No. 1336051
>>1335571did a light search and found this
>>1043181 pretty early into the second thread. try the first one for some more, and I guess the TND threads but I'm not going thru that bullshit
No. 1336061
>>1335543It’s more about getting the baby away from jonny and his influence, and sydney away from his influence. Similar to taylor she will continue struggling, but immediate access is cut off. But i guess sydney and jonny keeping each other busy and away from the kid is unfortunately the best option. Does anyone else think it’s fucked up that any time sydney outs jonny, puts videos of him high on fentanyl, and whatever else, she’s actually just hurting her kid? Jonny’s past is bad enough but reading your own mother documenting how
abusive he is for him and his friends to all read is fucked up, that alone could push him towards addiction.
No. 1336173
File: 1632800860591.png (5.76 MB, 1170x2532, 566327D5-6F2C-4C6E-8D6C-8764EA…)

Watch out for our collab Now that she’s gone on tour she’s a musician now I guess. The hashtag is so cringey yikes. Also this pic looks edited cuz we all know what she really looks like lol
No. 1336267
File: 1632816271844.png (517.9 KB, 896x539, 16 September 2014.png)

>>1336158If they're such good friends why are they taking pictures outside?
The Used have been friendly with their fans for as long as they've been a band. Don't be delusional.
No. 1336288
File: 1632820738071.png (5.76 MB, 1242x2208, B1944DE2-44C8-4CAF-A798-2FE738…)

Ring is gone already?
No. 1336419
>>1336288Of course, she’s mad at him for this:
>>1335472So, until he does another grand gesture for her to show his “love,” she won’t wear it.
No. 1336534
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>>1336173Commenting this on her own post… she’s so pathetic kek
No. 1336717
File: 1632863627881.jpeg (983.9 KB, 1125x1998, 7FEC12AC-9795-4B30-8854-2F151D…)

Some weird ass filter shes using while she says “fingers crossed it’s a cold”… look at her lips
No. 1337265
File: 1632912019948.jpeg (333.79 KB, 1241x2225, C0474338-722D-4FCF-A7A4-8D2B5B…)

You miss him cause you don’t have him lol