File: 1650093007196.jpeg (2.15 MB, 2880x3840, E9EC200E-49D3-4887-9FBE-E50F3E…)

No. 1502873
Social Media
Ig: bratoutofhell
Fb: Tik Tok: Bret / Amanda Schafemeyer / Labozetta/ bratoutofhell -
The last few months have seen Mandy and Dan through the halcyon days of their passionate and ever-changing-in-duration love. Have they been together eight months or ten? Who's to say? Time is but a concept to these New York royalties!
Is Dan a girlfriend abuser whose dick doesn't work? Probably! Will Mandy eventually kill him during his "detox" the way she killed Eric? I'm hoping! As their drug usage intensifies, will her ramblings become longer and somehow even less coherent? Most likely! More importantly, will her meatball eyes keep getting meatier as her photoshopping gets more desperate? Let's find out!
(Since the last thread summary we've seen a lot of infighting and rudeness directed towards Amanda's normal- eyed brother, Domenick. I request you be polite to him as a favor to me because the gentle unraveling of Mandy's lies are a welcome addition to these threads.)
previous thread 1
>>943302previous thread 2
>>971778previous thread 3
>>1022186 previous thread 4
>>1170070Previous thread 5
>>>/snow/1277876 Previous thread 6
>>>/snow/1337960Previous thread 7
>>>/snow/1417636Recap of last thread:
Mandy's eloquent metaphors leave the farms quivering with emotion:
>>>/snow/1419436Mandy can't stop over drafting her bank account buying stripper costumes on Poshmark:
>>>/snow/1420462Mandy experiences yet another tragic loss:
>>>/snow/1423037Mandy the MUA fat shames some ladies:
>>>/snow/1423418>>>/snow/1424009Caught shopping childhood photos once again:
>>>/snow/1423610A breakdown of Mandy's shooping skills:
>>>/snow/1425309Possibly the cringiest video of all time??
>>>/snow/1427887As the drug usage intensifies, Mandy's posts fall into word salad territory:
>>>/snow/1433453 >>>/snow/1475846>>>/snow/1455818>>>/snow/1475846>>>/snow/1476616>>>/snow/1481891An eagle eyed farmer spots a coke mirror/ pill bottle in one of Mandy's unhinged videos:
>>>/snow/1433744Dr. Mandy at her finest!!
>>>/snow/1433836>>>/snow/1434536Hands down her best shoop yet:
>>>/snow/1438822Mandy the gatekeeper:
>>>/snow/1450970Proof of a Dan shoop:
>>>/snow/1452515Sex stuff/ Dan isn't an abuser!!!!, read at your own risk:
>>>/snow/1453615(Note: this brought up an exhausting amount of "we don't have proof that Dan is an abuser!!!" posts. Two women have said he is, I think erring on the side of "he's probably
abusive" is safe, but either way whatever)
>>>/snow/1453617Mandy the grade school drop out:
>>>/snow/1454017Mandy and Dan, two unemployed adults, spend their days shooting Nerf guns at each other:
>>>/snow/1455629>>>/snow/1478932Mandy's place is a "Brooklyn shithole…" (that she's leaving soon)
>>>/snow/1465237… even though it was a beautiful naturally lit friendly neighbor having haven a few months ago:
>>>/snow/1465275Mandy needs "an launderer" to do her mountains of laundry:
>>>/snow/1479090Mandy rehabs another alcoholic!
>>>/snow/1480776Mandy has lots of money!
>>>/snow/1479702Dan with his silky smooth raven hair:
>>>/snow/1482716Mandy still can't tell just how long it's been since she and RVD have been together
Six months:
>>>/snow/1430469Seven months
>>>/snow/1464929Eight months
>>>/snow/1464920Nine months
>>>/snow/1484218Speculation swirls as Mandy stops love bombing Dan and starts earnestly vagueposting:
>>>/snow/1485597>>>/snow/1488427>>>/snow/1488985>>>/snow/1489204Mandy reminisces about her past:
>>>/snow/1488879Mandy is looking still trying to relocate:
>>>/snow/1497732Mandy is looking for new wheels!
>>>/snow/1498186Mandy has gripes about the neighborhood she used to love:
>>>/snow/1501935A round up of Dan info for the Scabies Curious:
>>>/snow/1426462>>>/snow/1426700>>>/snow/1426761>>>/snow/1436949>>>/snow/1443913>>>/snow/1452153>>>/snow/1465507>>>/snow/1470125A round up of Dom's contributions to the thread:
>>>/snow/1456993>>>/snow/1457047>>>/snow/1459185>>>/snow/1467659>>>/snow/1471674>>>/snow/1475035>>>/snow/1475075>>>/snow/1479574>>>/snow/1489521>>>/snow/1499427>>>/snow/1499530>>>/snow/1499777 >>>/snow/1499810 No. 1502935
File: 1650105543552.jpeg (808.16 KB, 1170x1298, 9F0669E9-0187-4044-89ED-8DC075…)

“Pic for visibility” ok, Slobs.
No. 1502936
File: 1650105634674.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1170x1784, 685E3021-1EEE-4D66-9AF7-895798…)

Possibly in response to Dan posting this pic…
No. 1502971
File: 1650112114578.jpeg (482.67 KB, 1170x2723, BA41D6EC-980B-4915-84FF-7B878D…)

Why is she so disgusting?
No. 1503007
thank you for the new thread, OP!
>>1502971except reading this just ruined my morning. fucking disgusting. not even her few degenerate followers are impressed. and holy shit, how many red flags are there for 30-somethings attempting to be controversial fb comedians? it’s giving actual brainrot, not quirky gutterpunk like she wishes. the secondhand embarrassment is off the charts.
No. 1503654
>>1503469She vaguely mentions it a lot. I remember her making a post about how much of a good mom she will be, and this one saying RVD and her would have the cutest babies
>>1397770I don’t think there’s a single person who would believe she’d be a halfway passable mother. She can’t even take care of a fucking cat, the easiest pet to have.
No. 1503711
File: 1650206152578.jpg (311.35 KB, 1170x2184, Untitled-1.jpg)

>>1503469Claimed to be pregnant with Jon in 2013, where she also posted about it on Reddit. Dom said this one might not even be true. She totally could have tricked Jon…he seems dumb enough.
No. 1503713
File: 1650206390930.png (1.22 MB, 1038x1698, Screen Shot copy.png)

Then this gem after she broke up with Korey and was chilling in Miami.
No. 1503784
File: 1650212615141.png (2.06 MB, 828x1792, 6A067107-73B7-472C-BA39-AEFE11…)

Weekly inaccurate anniversary post! Next week it will be a year that they started EnCoMpaSsiNg OnE SoUl
No. 1503799
File: 1650213523036.png (155.54 KB, 202x377, useakirbyonthatshitandcheckthe…)

No. 1503830
>>1503784Fap bodies?? She is so gross and childish. I can’t believe she thinks she sounds cool.
Also, she’s been making so many negative vague posts about scabbies and now she acts like they’re happy and in love lol. She’s so dumb.
No. 1503861
File: 1650220287398.jpeg (949.6 KB, 1170x1821, CD51D23D-E9D8-4FD1-84C1-9E8A5C…)

Over compensating for something?
No. 1503871
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>>1503861fixed for accuracy
No. 1504078
File: 1650235700602.jpeg (446.34 KB, 1170x2246, A354FD3C-A5F2-4719-A5B0-7579DC…)

>>1503784Just for timelines sake. He didn’t even show up until the end of July 2021.
No. 1504085
>>1503639>>1503654>>1503711>>1503713Cheers, nonas! I assumed with how she likes to nlog/behaves she’d be one of those insane childfree people
>>1503782One can only hope
No. 1504089
>>1504078"Vomit inducing smell".
Gotta assume he either started taking showers since they got together or his really nice smell she goes on about is down to her liking the smell of vomit.
No. 1504144
>>1504078This post is so funny to me because that day she’s talking about, when Dan did too much acid and cut his head up happened wayyyy before this, when his ex from like 2018 left him. She’s talking about Mallory, who is not 20 years younger than Mandy, but was def too young for Dan to date. I feel bad for that girl,
Dan fucked her up. He ran to her as soon as his other ex martina left him, and then ran to Amanda when Mallory left him. This bitch makes so much shit up to make herself sound special when Dan has been trying to replace his (dead) ex ex gf for so long.
No. 1504614
File: 1650304657448.jpeg (279.25 KB, 1170x2701, 0D0F791E-AE6C-404F-B833-4B4FEB…)

Is she larping as a 18 year old boy going through puberty?
No. 1505390
>>1505377AFAIK she only drinks anymore anyway
Seems like anyone getting away from dirty Dan is better off too bad scamanda "loves him so much"
No. 1506168
File: 1650419456926.jpeg (767.96 KB, 1170x3501, BBF2FFED-C42E-47B2-9173-FBCF9C…)

Most special-ist for fabricating an entire situation? Mmkay. It’s Tuesday. It took this long to remember to make an Easter post in btwn your prepubescent teen posts?
No. 1506637
File: 1650458535419.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1170x1966, 3020D2CA-93A9-4FA3-8940-5D158F…)

More fake parents house content. She had showed that bathroom cabinet before. I can’t remember when. Probably an old annoying “tour” that she loves to do.
No. 1506667
>>1506590Dom, does this mean the messages exchanged
>>1506168 are fake? This is on another fucking level if so
No. 1507237
File: 1650494618611.jpg (1.92 MB, 1170x12623, lunacy.JPG)

>>1506989Ayrt, I saw those (picrel) when they were posted
>>>/snow/1403347 I just assumed they met digitally and Amanda exaggerated HER version of the story but you’re right, the messages discuss a physical visit (with dad fangirling over Dan to boot!). I also saw that Dom denied the visit but has never really gone into detail. For example: Did he ask his parents? Was he there when the alleged visit happened? I have no idea why I’m struggling to believe someone who faked cancer for profit would fake some messages with their parents and post them but here we are.
>>1507048 Yup, green (picrel)
No. 1507291
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>>1507261If she’s a size 6.5 I wonder why she bought her peloton shoes in size 40, which is usually US size 9. Oh yeah, she’s so insecure about her size that she even lies about her foot size.
She really wants to be a tiny waif so bad that she needlessly posts her (wrong) shoe size hoping to impress somebody. With how giant her hands are I’m not surprised she wears a size 9 though.
No. 1507326
>>1507291omfg i forgot about the peloton saga. thanks for the beautiful memories anon
>>1507252kek nice catch you're absolutely right. it's insane to me that dan has seen these fabricated texts (that supposedly include him!!!) and he hasn't run screaming in the opposite direction
No. 1507477
>>1507445She actually is,
.. but this is like 1 truth out of 1000 lies lol
No. 1507832
>>1507291“a friend”, which means Jon, gave her the bike for one year when she was living on LI. It was probably a hand me down as nothing she owns was purchased with her own money. I can’t find any posts on FB about the bike specifically (possibly erased)
I don’t think her feet are a 9, she’s 5’2” tops, she’s sold a lot of her own shoes at her store and they were usually a 6.5 or 7. Not sticking up for her at all, she’s just fat, not big.
No. 1507854
>>1507832Not all short people have small feet, and size 8-8.5 is pretty average for women. Why would she buy size 8 shoes from
>>1507328 anon if she’s a size 6-6.5? Or have size 40 peloton shoes? Even if it was a hand me down, she would’ve probably made john buy her the right size shoes or her feet would be slipping out lol.
No. 1507938
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>>1507832It was on her burner FB account. She paid it off don’t worry.
No. 1507942
File: 1650561775342.jpeg (397.4 KB, 1170x1506, B6C917EC-A6E7-4729-BC25-5F32D6…)

>>1507938This “straight broke you” kek
No. 1507957
>>1507920pls for the love of god not the "dom is a cow" argument again. make a thread for him yourself or stfu.
>>1507942KEK yes this is exactly what i was referring to! thank you for finding it
No. 1508484
>>1507835Nah I didn’t explicitly speak with them; Amanda completely fabricated the Christmas texts, is it really a stretch that she would do it for Easter?
The crackhead who cried wolf
Also to the other poster when she was younger but it wasn’t a nickname.. I think she claims that now because she’s up in a stupor 24/7 and they’re actually really severe bags under her eyes
No. 1508517
>>1507920OP here. It's almost like I didn't write this in the thread intro!
"Since the last thread summary we've seen a lot of infighting and rudeness directed towards Amanda's normal- eyed brother, Domenick. I request you be polite to him as a favor to me because the gentle unraveling of Mandy's lies are a welcome addition to these threads.)"
Comments like "dom is cowish" clog up the thread and are annoying as fuck.
No. 1509155
File: 1650681178012.png (4.05 MB, 1170x2532, C592E564-C20E-4854-AE83-7DF63B…)

ANOTHER new car? How lucky for her.
No. 1509176
>>1509155On the off chance she’s not flat out lying again, she bought this van so she can live in it. Scamanda homeless
travel vlogger arc coming soon.
No. 1509229
File: 1650690559680.jpeg (214.48 KB, 593x573, E8149E07-989D-497A-97CB-B4D19D…)

>>1509155Same photo but the link goes to no cars on the site.
No. 1509579
>>1509229Imo this is another 'omg look at my new car
word splurge' post and she doesn't actually have the car
No. 1510172
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No. 1510173
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No. 1510174
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No. 1510175
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No. 1510176
File: 1650788543536.jpeg (57.4 KB, 828x1472, 10C02CAA-8D07-485B-9961-B8203D…)

“He” being beaver tail fuck boy…
No. 1511120
File: 1650889936011.jpeg (603.25 KB, 1170x1240, 6922429C-7606-4F01-B629-FE68A8…)

No. 1511122
File: 1650890035529.jpeg (639.39 KB, 1170x3160, 4221F8B2-9393-4FE7-87D9-CCE34B…)

No. 1511188
File: 1650896056699.png (10.13 MB, 1170x2532, D5018C9B-F368-4DB2-9336-280A83…)

>>1511122Wtf is going on here
No. 1511862
>>1511122>>1511275>>1511542>>1511625Help an ESL nona out, what does ice out/icing refers to? From her account I thought it meant Dan was giving her the cold shoulder, then I figured it was drugs* but then the Smirnoff Ice reference threw me off since it was implied they couldn’t afford it?! It’s a cheap drink here.
* The only drug I know referred as ice is crystal methamphetamine and it feels like this is a local name
No. 1513008
File: 1651057113029.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1170x1590, 05A84906-C6AA-4EBC-B220-0CA5E0…)

4am post.
There have been past posts showing she doesn’t know how to ride and never had a moto license.
No. 1513092
>>1513008why did she shoop her leg like this
it looks like a horse leg coming from her hip
No. 1513126
>>1513085Is this illegal!!!???????? did she delete that comment already or respond
Also wtf is a dm? Endorsement? I have my motorcycle license and I have no idea what this stands for
No. 1513147
>>1513128Love this insult the most because Amanda is constantly documenting the dumbest most insignificant shit so if she were actually out there riding all these years her page would be flooded with every move
On top of that she is the most washed up has been I can imagine - used to be “internet famous” with her own store and all these men wanting to fuck her. Now holed up in an east
flatty apartment with some fucking crusty ass loser. Nice!
No. 1513252
File: 1651078134943.jpeg (595.38 KB, 1170x2418, FE5DC442-0414-43A9-98E5-37DED9…)

Past posts of still never riding it…how many years back should I go?
No. 1513273
File: 1651079995246.jpeg (530.42 KB, 827x1844, D21A8008-BA1E-475A-846F-CE873E…)

So 2 months ago:
-he would never lay a finger on her “in violence”
-Dan’s ex lied about him being physically, sexually and emotionally abusive
-Mandy threatened to break said ex’s face for “lying” about Dan being abusive
Now Dan is a master manipulator abuser because he’s psychologically, mentally and emotionally “manipulating” her.
I guess if Dan hits a girl or sexually abuses her it’s ok as long as he’s not mean to mandy and does everything she wants. What a piece of shit she is.
No. 1513281
File: 1651080275174.jpeg (187.85 KB, 762x755, 5965F09F-0147-4272-8E4C-380B6A…)

>>1513271>>1513273I posted the screenshot before but cropped it wrong. Here she is finally vague posting about scabbies being
No. 1513347
>>1513338ayrt, they deleted it. i think this anon was replying to you
>>1513339>>1513346screenshot? also type "sage" in the email field when commenting non-milk. that way the thread doesn't get bumped.
No. 1514185
File: 1651162679955.png (3.32 MB, 2718x5120, GridArt_20220428_171631588.png)

Scabbies posted this an hour ago
No. 1514203
>>1514185Do they do anything other than watch tv,
drink and sleep? I can’t imagine how boring that is.
No. 1514267
File: 1651167242649.jpeg (1.85 MB, 1170x2289, 419F8A6B-5898-444D-98FB-803987…)

>>1514185He put in an offer on it. It’s not sold. Also it’s a size 4… I’m a 4.5 on my ring finger and I’m much thinner than Scamanda and her beefy fingers. A size 4 would maybe fit her pinky.
No. 1514313
File: 1651170947740.jpeg (410.06 KB, 1170x2264, 4886C10F-E0AF-4B65-B11F-A4879D…)

Her comment…
No. 1514347
File: 1651174946009.jpeg (784.82 KB, 1170x1974, 29138365-AF24-4721-AB2D-0DD4F7…)

Pearl polishing. Barf.
She really made him post this on his FB, IG, then her page then she reposts it. I’m imagining her taking his phone for the captions kek
No. 1514380
File: 1651177293522.jpeg (902.08 KB, 828x1352, DF60B0C0-222D-4B90-9D9B-611DCA…)

>>1514347She also made him a whole poshmark account. It’s so obvious she typed it.
No. 1514439
File: 1651180671337.jpeg (163.07 KB, 714x960, 7928991B-DA43-49E7-8BCE-F51C8D…)

No. 1514441
File: 1651180740084.jpeg (347.33 KB, 1170x2195, EB55FCD7-2EB0-4FD0-BBAD-55A4DB…)

>>1514439On a post on Dan’s page. She looks like a sleepy paralysis demon.
No. 1514444
File: 1651180943025.png (10.2 MB, 1170x2532, E07FC193-C52E-465D-A640-DB0D0A…)

>>1514439He posted it!! Does she pre-edit her photos?! How insane.
No. 1514625
File: 1651196763043.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1170x1775, CD3770B5-EE18-4801-A348-0C84F5…)

>>1514380He’s been on there since 2019. Mandy probably just sent him the listing. Also the ring still hasn’t sold. Probably low balled the seller.
No. 1514757
File: 1651203878686.jpeg (655.81 KB, 1170x1515, 8EBBB0A6-CC40-4626-8159-E6FD57…)

This is getting to be over the top. How many dick comments can she make in one day. sO eDgEY
No. 1514784
>>1514406what went down between mallory and dan?
these two def showing their age by constantly blogging on facebook of all platforms
No. 1515200
>>1515109Ok I think I figured out the ring thing. My apologies if this has been posted before.
I’m pretty sure the ring IS sold, hence why it says “sold” in the title and is listed for an absurd price. It could be that they’re trying to do the transaction “off poshmark” to save money. The seller, on poshmark, only has the option to deactivate the listing or delete it. This might be their way of saying “this is sold, don’t buy it” without deleting the whole listing or deactivating it.
Also, the seller has an extensive feed but it doesn’t seem like they do this often (have a listing with sold in the title).
Overall it seems very weird/fishy. Who knows with these two.
No. 1515608
>>1515594Because she’s just a super basic white girl who is cosplaying being punk and “cool”. She doesn’t know shit about punk.
What really confuses me is that she tries to act like she’s a gross gutter punk who’s tough and streets smart, while also pretending she’s loaded and bougie af. It’s like she’s trying to be two opposite characters at the same time. I wonder if ANYTHING she posts online about herself is true or authentic. I really doubt it.
No. 1515672
>>1515669She wanted the basic white bitch version of it.
Also imagine being 35 years old, watching natural born killers and thinking “that’s just like us let’s get a snake ring for our engagement.” They’re like two 15 year olds with no parental supervision. And no original ideas.
No. 1516064
File: 1651316677455.jpeg (811.94 KB, 1170x5172, 0D6604EF-B87E-42A7-BBE7-FAE6D3…)

Is there a baby Scamanda on the way? $300 from carvel is embarrassing. “I don’t even like ice cream” ok fatty.
No. 1516068
File: 1651317990501.jpeg (50.72 KB, 600x678, 1E4EBF46-D038-4D15-ACA9-46FE29…)

>>1516064Prayer circle that she is just fishing for attention and not actually pregnant. She and beaver tail are unfit to raise a plant, much less an actual human child.
No. 1516181
>>1516064They’re going through another love bombing period where scamanda makes up things about their relationship (like when she made a post saying she was going to become a wife again) and then after a few days she makes 100 vague posts about being a sad little
victim who never did anything wrong.
Let’s hope that’s the case at least because they would be horrible parents. Specially considering dan doesn’t want to have kids and talks about disliking kids a lot.
No. 1516182
File: 1651334371629.jpeg (145.39 KB, 827x1062, C27A91EB-2283-43B7-928E-0BE9E2…)

One of Dan’s friends making fun of him for celebrating a 10 month anniversary like a teenager and Amanda doesn’t get it lol. She’s so smart.
No. 1516415
>>1516305He started that restaurant with help from his friend who co-owned it and his ex gf martina. They did all the work while dan watched getting wasted and snorting coke openly in the restaurant. When the other owner left the restaurant went to shit immediately.
Also, it wasn’t a full restaurant that they owned. There was a restaurant upstairs from the meatlocker and the owner let them open their own little restaurant inside his restaurant. They paid the owner of the actual restaurant a percent of their earnings so that they could operate out of his restaurant and use his kitchen and equipment. Meaning, they didn’t have to find a location, do any restaurant maintenance, purchase any equipment or furniture, get any licenses/permits etc. Even with all the help in the world, Dan could never open a legitimate business. He doesn’t have the intelligence or motivation it takes to be a real business owner or generally functioning human being.
No. 1516436
File: 1651352733621.jpeg (849.73 KB, 1170x3726, 8DAE5103-1F6E-44F9-9E30-ED979D…)

No. 1516494
File: 1651357888401.jpeg (414.44 KB, 828x720, 819824B9-67B2-46F9-AE42-E38986…)

The face you make when Amanda says she’ll “help” you sober up but her last sobriety pet project ended up dead.
No. 1518405
File: 1651573689669.jpeg (761.93 KB, 1125x1649, 655AE18A-3B80-43DF-B48E-B3D5FE…)

No. 1518469
>>1518443This face
>>1516494 says they’ve been doing a bit more than just drinking.
No. 1518719
File: 1651607943225.jpeg (1008.95 KB, 1170x2003, 7E20C369-19EE-4B28-9CF0-E19B6A…)

“Where’s all y’all when I need somebody to call me”. Not putting up with your selfish shit probably.. surprised she didn’t think it was a pre-civil war canon going off.
No. 1518729
File: 1651608497940.jpeg (506.98 KB, 1170x1131, 168FB275-D351-40A6-AFE2-F657CB…)

>>1516064Gotta keep her lies, i mean stories straight…
No. 1518989
>>1518913This is a next-level disturbing idea if that’s what she spins this lie into. Something she would definitely do nonetheless.
Voting for not pregnant. Most likely a lie for attention or to trap scabbies from leaving her.
No. 1519026
File: 1651630611297.jpeg (324.62 KB, 828x662, B3D65F5C-48EA-4DA1-B778-7FED63…)

>>1518729So she made that comment about “2.5 months late” and she went back AFTER that, and edited the post to say she was a “months late” l, some the original said she was “a month late”
No. 1519034
File: 1651630832654.jpeg (303.44 KB, 828x674, CD431DA7-97E7-42ED-8A45-2407F8…)

>>1519026Sorry for the typo - and this is what comment i was talking about- where she says she’s 2.5 months late, so she had to go back and change the original post
No. 1519040
nonnie we know, you just repeated exactly what the ayrt was saying?? also idc if you care, but the name you blacked out is completely visible
No. 1519256
File: 1651665011392.jpeg (384.06 KB, 1170x1380, 4A9EDC1E-9146-496D-926F-3D4476…)

What in the fan fiction is this? Barf
No. 1519418
File: 1651680780140.jpeg (46.28 KB, 400x593, EC021144-A578-4F42-9CCB-D2A269…)

>>1519256She probably hasn’t read a full book in her life lol
No. 1520022
File: 1651717515515.jpeg (305.98 KB, 828x766, 1BB1CE33-6719-4ED2-960C-2BA160…)

She’s so edgy and political
No. 1520029
File: 1651718107753.gif (966.91 KB, 498x268, Ain't you tired?.gif)

>>1519887>>1519887I also feel I’ve read something similar but I can’t find it now.
No. 1520101
File: 1651722691924.jpg (217.72 KB, 1036x800, Screenshot_20220504-234853_Sam…)

>>1520022Yeah Slobz, "Community" was a great show! I shouldn't be surprised that she's quoting the show without mentioning it's a quote for the sake of being a try-hard.
No. 1520104
File: 1651722745832.jpg (366.79 KB, 1079x1713, Screenshot_20220504-234930_Sam…)

>>1520101Maybe next she'll quote the line posted below it on this reddit page about "Community"
No. 1520137
Then she’s gonna try to insert herself into the current Roe v Wade discourse in some way while virtue signaling with pro-choice memes until she gets bored with it and moves on to her next attention-seeking scheme.
No. 1521031
File: 1651789604225.jpeg (354.43 KB, 1170x752, 046B862A-A523-42EA-B66E-9CBDEF…)

Incoming post blast.
No. 1521033
File: 1651789702383.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1170x2001, 4A3E142C-BC1E-44DE-9294-A3C7D9…)

No. 1521036
File: 1651789727797.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1170x1899, 329F6219-14CB-460C-9341-943A8C…)

Her face has never looked like this irl
No. 1521038
File: 1651789753974.jpeg (1002.22 KB, 1170x2001, D3B4787D-5482-407E-B46C-B6F9CC…)

No. 1521107
File: 1651794479209.jpeg (508.9 KB, 1936x1936, 5FD18136-953F-440F-BC76-8761AB…)

Just a reminder of what she actually looks like lol
No. 1521366
>>1521072This is true about EHG but also I feel like Mandy is lying, because she's the type of person who'd post 10000 pictures if she really hung out with them. In fact iirc there were doubts last time she posted about them.
I like EHG just fine but let's not pretend they're anything other than drunken 50 year old junkies
No. 1521558
File: 1651845957484.jpeg (Spoiler Image,46.53 KB, 369x375, 55DD5980-F8A8-4E19-BE80-B83073…)

>>1521523that’s just her meatball eyes anon
this does look like her though No. 1523955
>>1523547I’m sure Dan being
abusive and having a small dick isn’t “everything they say about him”. The last thread had enough
people (though I suspect a certain two people) demanding screenshots from his exes social media or text conversations. Clearly they haven’t made posts about it and they’re friends respect them enough not to post their private conversations. The “callout” Amanda claimed on HER post was an ex
telling multiple people in person that Dan was
abusive. Some of those people are here. Get over it and move on or go get your proof yourself.
No. 1524279
File: 1652116655353.jpeg (263.85 KB, 1170x1443, 31FE114B-0CC6-4591-8B34-831863…)

>>1522090You posted asking this two months ago and derailed the board with your nonsense. There’s no screenshots.
Only Mandy take an annoying amount of screenshots as “proof” of things.
No. 1524448
>>1524408We’ve already gone over this extensively, which is why posts like this one and these
>>1523547 makes anons suspicious of who the questions are coming from and what their intentions are.
Mandy isn’t in any “scene”. She clearly spends all day holed up at home getting fucked up and watching tv. People know about Dan being
abusive because at least one of his exes has told multiple people who are in the NY/NJ music scene about it. A lot of those people told other people, and others posted about it here. That’s how a lot of us know about Dan being
abusive. There’s no public post and I doubt any of her friends will post screenshots here. Can we move on now?
No. 1524864
>>1524688To be honest these sorts of call outs are just as annoying as someone asking for posts about Dan's drama. I don't even think asking for screenshots is that weird, but yelling at people for it is pretty cringey.
Though you do bring up a good point in that if there were screenshots, Mandy wouldn't be able to help herself and would post them just to threaten to kick some ass or whatever
No. 1524869
File: 1652179510781.jpeg (432.55 KB, 1170x3570, 622A7AE5-BA32-492C-877A-1AD276…)

Shooped child photos, “killing” Dom and a new shooped face.
No. 1524881
>>1524448>>1524688>>1524584 There's at least 3 or 4 anons who have asked about where these rUmOrs of abuse are coming from. We post receipts on everything here. If no one has receipts on it, then just be aware some of us might take allegations with a grain of salt. No need to get butt hurt. Sounds more like you're dumb enough to befriend someone who dated a cesspool of stupidity, are willing to believe everything they said, then rage at anons who aren't privy to your "everybody kNoWs" backstory. Maybe anons keep asking because there have never been receipts, just "oh I've seen him be mean to *insert some gullible bitch's name".
I'm of the opinion that every person that dates Scabies Incarnate or Slobz for longer than a month is a questionable human being.
>>1524864 Agreed. Anons are getting overly defensive about a simple question.
No. 1524929
>>1524869I bet she’s been lurking in here and that’s why she posted a picture with Dom’s face hidden. This isn’t the first time she’s done that.
Also, the editing in her childhood pic is so ridiculous it looks like she copied and pasted her eye from a different picture. The added eyelashes with fake mascara are too much lol.
No. 1524932
File: 1652189693732.jpeg (930.26 KB, 3264x3264, 3E8624E4-BC1D-4ADF-A87A-C3B08C…)

>>1524869Compared from a photo from her FB. What a psycho. She looks like an Aphex Twin album cover.
No. 1525056
File: 1652202659780.png (339.58 KB, 986x1000, B344D0D8-E2A4-4D15-A574-DD3764…)

Now she’s always vodka drunk. Good job mandy, she changed and grew so much since 2014.
No. 1525400
>>1525017It’s just the usual pedo pandering we see from lots of lolcows. They’re not attractive or interesting enough to get the mainstream attention they feel entitled to, so they LARP as smol sexualized babies to attract attention from bottom feeding perverts. Notice it’s always unfortunate-looking alcoholic losers like Shay and Amanda who pedo pander the hardest, instead of cleaning their act up and trying to get attention by actually looking good and/or accomplishing literally anything in life.
>>1524869Didn’t Dom claim she abused him throughout their childhood? Extra gross graphic if so.
No. 1526346
File: 1652319437015.jpg (1.32 MB, 2160x5121, IDGI.JPG)

One of the most puzzling things about Amanda (to me) is how no one really questions her about the insane picture edits or the constant throwbacks to 2013-2014. Scrolling through her Instagram to find the earlier version of this picture
>>1524869 to do a comparison, is like a fever dream. Not only because of the uncanny valley aspect of most of her selfies but because you see the same pictures over and over again, and on each iteration, the editing gets crazier and crazier. I’ve always assumed her family wasn’t privy to her social media presence. So, imagine my surprise when I saw Amanda’s mom follows and occasionally comments (along with a few other family members). You have to wonder what they think when they see what she does to her childhood pictures? Especially when she takes the liberty to edit them as well (picrel)
No. 1526605
File: 1652353567230.jpeg (363.46 KB, 1170x1820, 61444B1C-4549-4C6A-B807-A38050…)

4am. Can’t just stay home with your other boyfriend and wait for a new boyfriend to come over with his poop dread and beer, GO GET HIM kek
No. 1526634
File: 1652356866779.jpg (527.72 KB, 1183x1911, February 2017.jpg)

>>1526523Sure, maybe the cousins but the mom? Although the dynamic of the family to me seems off and they’re a bit weird (Sorry, Dom!)
>>1526598 You’re probably right, she has mentioned ruining things for her family (picrel)
No. 1526639
>>1526634This seems to be a common cycle with Amanda. She talks to her parents and they are the best parents ever or, or she decides her mom is a bitch when she isn’t talking to them.
I’m assuming because she did something to them that was just like “oh there she goes again”. I’m sure this last round has something to do with the Cowie/relapse/drug den she’s associated herself with.
No. 1526683
File: 1652364875587.jpeg (730.94 KB, 1170x1561, C3DB22EB-EF32-4515-AA39-4BDCE3…)

I feel like these are always about Jon not giving her something he said he would, and so she’s calls him out on social media where he can’t see.
No. 1526757
File: 1652372557261.jpeg (354.06 KB, 671x961, AE704AFB-0249-4467-B19D-E08173…)

>>1526726I love that even the dog looks like he’s thinking “is she fucking serious right now?”
No. 1526792
File: 1652375592652.jpeg (212.74 KB, 1280x960, 9D2FE092-07D3-4816-BF47-F1FEF9…)

I know it’s unrelated but that picture made me really happy
No. 1526797
>>1526794I know, she was such a beautiful dog
Amanda is really really really bad with Animals. It’s a telltale sign that someone is a psychopath if they aren’t good with animals like she is.. she slammed my cat in the door, used to verbally abuse an older dog we had, her own dog mysteriously jumped off of a roof.. it’s terrible
No. 1526807
>>1526797sorry about your dog bud! she was a beaut.
while you're here, any thoughts on this
>>1526634 totally absolutely real and not faked text exchange?
No. 1526809
>>1526807sorry for samefag, but also dom how tf does your mom comment like everything's a-okay on these spooky shoop posts?
>>1526346nta anon who originally posted these but i am equally perplexed
No. 1526843
>>1526809I can’t get through a paragraph written by her, my brain kinda strokes out when I to read her word vomit
Seriously, someone mentioned that’s really mild compared to how she is; if anybody would have brought up the photoshop she woulda snapped and thrown a tantrum
No. 1526926
File: 1652383617200.png (81.98 KB, 824x660, 489iufjkhfdjkhdfklj.png)

>>1526694This is why I don't think its always about Dan. Dom said she is
abusive to Jon and I feel like this is how she gets one "over on him", by complaining about him online.
No. 1526967
>>1526926Don’t forget mandy makes scabbies like all her posts (if she doesn’t just snatch his phone and does it herself) and sometimes even comments for him. They have very different ways of writing so it’s always painfully obvious.
I just don’t see why she would say Dom is a liar when he hasn’t posted here in a while. I think the last thing he had said before this post was like two weeks ago about her not being pregnant. It seems like she already dropped that lie herself too, so I don’t see why she would post about it now that it’s been two weeks. Unless Dom thinks there’s another reason she would suddenly vague post about him being a liar?
With how crazy she is that post could literally be about anyone. She could be talking about cowie or the dead bird for all we know lol.
No. 1526969
>>1526717I agree these are probably about Dan, she has never really ranted about Johnny in this manner (that I’ve seen), plus I don’t see how he’d be affected by these if she doesn’t give enough context clues to tie it to him and he doesn’t really have a social media presence. This
>>1526926 doesn’t say much to me as there have been other moments in which we’ve theorised she has access to Dan’s phone and maybe his social media because of things he’s posted.
>>1526726She really couldn’t read the room, huh? She’s insufferable and watching this gave me so much secondhand embarrassment.
>>1526807I want to remind everyone that
>>1526634 is from February 2017. I only added it because
>>1526598 mentioned how difficult it was being related to an addict and I thought the screenshot proved that even Amanda knows she’s difficult to deal with.
>>1526942I don’t think Johnny needs to be vouched for, it’s pretty transparent that Amanda is a horrible person that through grandiose lovebombing gestures, ‘traps’ people. If Johnny is really on the spectrum, and has been in her life for so long, he might not know how to cut things off with her. Nevertheless, he’s a cuck.
> cuck> a weak or servile man who is often dominated by their female partnerIt’s a shame her parents seem to enable their relationship, if he’s indeed ‘vulnerable’.
No. 1527141
File: 1652401122023.png (4.21 MB, 1620x2160, 7C840416-B88C-470E-989C-4AF669…)

In case any of you were wondering what personality disorder Amanda likely has, itS without a doubt grandiose narcissism. This is why she has no ability for empathy in seeing, from another persons mind, how her behavior appears. The photoshopped image she puts on the internet is nothing more than her false self. It’s a mask she created by mirroring other people’s interests and personalities, and claiming it as her own. She has to do this because she never developed an actual self that occurs in normal childhood development. She can also never be rehabilitated from this condition..(namefagging)
No. 1527169
>>1526969oh for sure
nonnie i understand it's a throwback pic, but i wouldn't be surprised if she's been faking text exchanges for…forever
No. 1527273
>>1527182She bought, and probably ate, $215 worth of ice cream the other day
>>1516064 which I feel isn’t as rare as she’d like us to believe.
No. 1527281
>>1527141You don’t need to fill out the name, and since what your posting is your opinion and not actual milk, you need to write
sage in the email field.
> The photoshopped image she puts on the internet is nothing more than her false self.I don’t think it’s that deep. She edits her images because she’s insecure and this is what she wished she’d look like. No one is going to listen or be interested in the Amanda on the right (in your shitty screenshot) but people would be interested in the Amanda on the left.
> she never developed an actual self that occurs in normal childhood development.I don’t know if I agree. What we all can agree on, probably, is that she’s a lying piece of shit.
No. 1527436
File: 1652436006002.jpeg (273.96 KB, 1242x1278, D0B35D62-CE16-408E-A0F7-6D2E89…)

>>1527426No. The Breeze Lives came first. She's just a moron who didn't think to register her domain name.
It's accessible on the way back machine. If this doesn't work I'll take screenshots: No. 1527533
>>1527436This is hilarious I wish it never ended.
>>1527274I’ve never seen this, is it on the thread?
No. 1527548
File: 1652447938777.jpeg (520.22 KB, 1170x4038, 97D878C1-5179-48E6-B37E-8C9C81…)

>>1527356Can you imagine the shit fit she threw to make Johnny scoop up all these domains, after already finding out someone bought her domain? The insanity.
No. 1527551
File: 1652448503854.jpeg (274.92 KB, 1170x1695, 3B99D526-E237-4CBE-92AE-636DC8…)

>>1527426She had been announcing the name of the store, so everyone knew what it would be called. It’s not that hard to buy a domain Mandy.
No. 1527728
File: 1652463456921.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1170x2080, 7FA37704-6C19-4637-83CF-043C1E…)

Old video but prime example of how geeked out on coke she is. The mindless rambling and repetition. No. 1527789
>>1527728This is still my favorite coke rant video where she attempts to give relationship and life advice while living trapped in her parents garage sooted out of her mind:
>>983957The horribly faked tough New Yorker accent is a nice addition too.
No. 1528278
File: 1652498707972.webm (11.3 MB, 166x358, Here we go now (?) .webm)
>>1526726WEBM 1/4
You can hear someone (maybe her mom) go “stop, Amanda”. The fact that she continues for way too long, berates Johnny in the middle and end, gets angry and declares (while in her room, of course) that “dude makes me need to take a fucking Zoloft, man” (dude being her dad for not doing this little chant she wants him to do, while displaying a large amount of pills (while claiming to be sober) is just something else.
(Most of the Streamable and links of the first thread are dead, so pardon the autism, I’ll be archiving those linked from here to preserve them, despite them being old milk)
No. 1528289
>>1527789WEBM 3/4 - sorta
Refer to
>>>/snow/1429747 as it was archived then
No. 1528510
File: 1652526461473.jpeg (501.07 KB, 1170x3413, F86410B7-1433-4618-A6FE-764294…)

“Milking” She drapes that thing on her skin and in their bed and he NEVER WASHES IT.
No. 1528540
>>1528528I think that routine refers to the part of the hair that isn’t dreaded? She always has to brag about brands she uses, as if DevaCurl was anything special.
I’d love them to get into a fight and have Amanda go psycho on him, as she supposedly does, and take scissors to his hair. Preferably if he sleeping, so he doesn’t hurt her.
No. 1528746
File: 1652556329692.jpeg (180.62 KB, 826x1221, 7053BA2D-9614-4147-8646-5A408E…)

>>1528510The “milking” is referring to the last time he washed his hair because his ex gf made him. The water left in the sink was this greenish milk looking liquid he’s holding. I remember when he posted it on fb years ago when we were still friends. He was so proud about that disgusting sludge that came out. So gross.
No. 1528747
File: 1652556439051.jpeg (324.18 KB, 828x1218, 0D6B469C-38C5-41A5-8322-FE6DC7…)

Also, while looking for that post I found this post on his ig that did not age so well after all the allegations about him being physically abusive going around right now.
No. 1528751
>>1528746jfc i just threw up in my mouth. that came out of his hair?!? what…the fuck
>>1528510nona you might want to change your prof pic, it's visible here
No. 1528975
>>1528631>>1528667I question the sanity of anyone willing to be with him, he’s not even remotely attractive. Can dick really be that good? I doubt it.
>>1528746Everything you said is repulsive to me, viscerally so.
>>1528835I know men with ~ironic~ hair and facial hair because of where I live and never have I seen an mono-loc. When we first were introduced to Dan, most of the images I came across of mono-loc’ed people seemed all to be homeless.
No. 1530598
File: 1652691560707.jpeg (596.96 KB, 1302x1364, 23D54AA4-897C-4A49-8986-B33791…)

The mere fact that she’s trying so hard to “separate” herself from other addicts is fucking cringe. The entire post is just gross. It screams “I am better than everyone else AND im definitely lurking the gossip page”
No. 1530654
>>1530598Lurking and not really setting the record straight, I think the consensus has always been they’re coke heads and alcoholics, no?
> one thing that separates me from the addict trope is that i won't lieThe gall she has to “say” this
No. 1530680
>>1530598LOL I love the logic here. What a line in the sand. So you do coke, Xanax, mix that with alcohol, throw in some painkillers, do mystery powder and pillsand are a compulsive liar - but heroin is a LINE you WILL NOT cross!!!!!
definitely true
No. 1530821
>>1530598>>1526683Putting her last two posts together it sounds like she’s saying that someone very close to her is going around saying she’s on heroin. She says it’s obviously not true and documented (how someone can document something you haven’t done is very Mandy logic). There are so few people this could be in reference to. Most obvious is Johnny but we know he’s not posting on socials. Perhaps Johnny told her family she’s using and he generalized by saying she’s on “dope”. She says “friend” in both posts so That rules family out. Third option is some random person is gossiping about her and per typical Mandy she’s pretending that person is a close friend.
Can anyone name a single person who considers her a friend? Maybe we can work backwards here.
No. 1530854
>>1530795It’s just so tone deaf and weird to post. “I am addicted to drugs, but not to THAT drug, THATS GROSS!!”
Like?? As if being holed up in your free apartment pissing the bed and blacking out or going on 3 day coke benders is somehow less sketchy than doing heroin? oooookay
No. 1530907
>>1530821The only person “very close” to her is scabbies. It’s pretty apparent she is not close to her family (thanks Dom!). She doesn’t have any real friends, just online “friends” who likely only follow her to have a front row seat to the trainwreck her life is. My guess is that those two posts are unrelated. The post about
someone lying is about scabbies (she’s made posts about him being a liar and manipulator before) and the heroin post is probably about this thread. She says “close friends” because she wants people to think that she not only has friends, but that said friends are ~sO mEaN~ to her and spread rumors about her. Just one more reason for poor little mandy to get all the pity and attention she desperately wants.
No. 1531029
>>1530907it's funny, heroin is only mentioned on this on post from her and no one had accused her of doing heroin on this board. She made posts about being a junkie a few times but we kinda figured it was just another punk larp of hers.
Cocaine makes you paranoid, huh Mandy?
No. 1531727
File: 1652805565748.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.72 MB, 1170x2118, 2507C633-CD56-4547-861A-39372B…)

>>1531029NOT poop dread’s head… popped up on my feed and I’m sure what the inside of that matted nest looks like. Barf.
No. 1531918
File: 1652819329403.jpeg (943.15 KB, 1284x2061, E0AF0D7F-F2B4-49E3-8E21-F0332A…)

No. 1531975
File: 1652824933045.jpeg (359.17 KB, 1242x2113, CC2D7600-10FF-4AD9-B8E4-59E78B…)

Posted and deleted
Cringe lyrics from a band that proudly flies a confederate flag…so punk
No. 1532003
File: 1652826824864.jpeg (593.75 KB, 828x1487, E00B743B-D869-4DC1-B9E3-20CCA4…)

>>1531975Maybe she likes them because so many of their song titles suit her perfectly.
No. 1532229
File: 1652843293655.jpeg (422.44 KB, 1088x3039, 4235CB36-0A06-4C78-A5C7-A0576B…)

Even his friends know she’s a clinger.
No. 1532283
>>1532077> also can replace the "see also -" with perpetual button nose / baby face.Here you go, Nona. Amanda answered herself.
If I were Amanda I’d be mortified, Elmyra loves and babies everything to death, sometimes literally.
No. 1532443
File: 1652877823442.jpeg (237.98 KB, 1125x2436, EA253757-FFBE-4A4C-84C1-420FA1…)

>>1532229K Amanda, whatever you need to tell yourself.
Imagine facetuning fucking baby photos to distract yourself from the fact that you look like Squidward with a felony. Imagine typing comments for your semiconscious bacteria cloud of a bf so that a handful of Facebook followers can see that you have super sicc bantz. So witty and totally not cringe, we’re all seething! At least Anthony Gutter knows what’s up, kek, though I’m sure that’s not saying much.
No. 1532586
File: 1652891696740.jpeg (567.05 KB, 828x1441, 91802FDC-64C1-43BB-BB88-7F919C…)

Looks like Johnny bought scabbies a gift. How nice of him.
No. 1533400
File: 1652965661491.jpeg (458.5 KB, 1170x1856, ADF081BF-96B8-40E9-88F9-831BAE…)

Maybe get a job or a hobby besides cocaine
No. 1533406
File: 1652966018126.jpeg (651.75 KB, 1170x1645, E8D6F56A-B062-468A-B8E5-F31B51…)

>>1532586Changed it so the post doesn’t link to her FB. Maybe she doesn’t want people to know she still has Jons credit card.
Where’s the Tiffany ring?
No. 1533541
>>1533496Do you mean when she was arrested for attacking Korey?
>>>/snow/951026 Or when she was arrested for drunk and disorderly?
>>>/snow/956015 No. 1533604
File: 1652983512289.jpeg (376.83 KB, 1170x822, 6291CE6B-FD49-43DB-8A74-E524E6…)

>>1533496This was her throwing her phone at Korey or something (no one got a real story) so he had her arrested from her own apt. Then I think was trying to get a restraining order? It all got dropped because of Jons lawyer.
No. 1534145
File: 1653054330293.jpeg (646.99 KB, 1283x2658, A53563B2-8ED9-45BB-84F3-5C545A…)

Yesterday’s random ramble on a Mutual’s profile pic post from 2011. I don’t even know…
No. 1534179
>>15341454 tickets split 2 ways? His half won’t let her go unless she does her make up like Peter criss? Who tf is
his half? What is she even talking about? Lmao.
No. 1534181
File: 1653057540079.jpeg (273.96 KB, 828x1066, 6C436C1B-5775-4170-AE60-D22DF2…)

>>1534145If she made that comment yesterday she might wanna check her tickets because Kiss will be in Europe all of June lol.
No. 1534228
File: 1653061789004.jpeg (826.25 KB, 1284x1313, 41AF2FDE-8137-4850-90AB-E887C7…)

>>1534181It’s Ace Frehley solo, not Kiss
No. 1534737
File: 1653101266867.gif (1.05 MB, 330x216, Think about it.GIF)

>>1534721Which makes perfect sense for Amanda!
No. 1534988
File: 1653139558769.jpeg (186.39 KB, 1170x562, 8A9B257D-14C8-4F92-B3BD-145C3B…)

>>1534777They were supposed to go the a Billy Joel concert which they never did.
No. 1535814
File: 1653191432478.png (1.51 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6814.PNG)

>>1534663I always thought this was an allusion to filming sex vids ("content") but doesn't seem like it ever went anywhere
No. 1536740
>>1535814I thought the same
nonnie and I’m so glad that never came to fruition. I guess thank goodness there isn’t a huge market for mold porn.
No. 1536936
File: 1653303184456.jpeg (480.69 KB, 1170x1765, C0913B36-1AE0-42BD-929A-CCF9AC…)

Excited to sell merch at 33 yrs old. Really moving up in the world.
No. 1536937
File: 1653303322379.jpeg (269.14 KB, 1170x1015, 4EE47521-B07C-4AD5-98BB-C0617B…)

Seems like they made $200 for the night. Raking in all that money must be hard, kek.
No. 1537515
File: 1653349108444.jpeg (981.68 KB, 1170x1334, C33814CB-2AF2-476E-9D07-C022AB…)

Dear god, try being on a tour alllllll summer in a multi-person bus and no idea of a hotel shower in sight. And doing actual loading in and out for the day. She acts like “Ooh I ran a successful store by myself so I am very adept at selling merch” These people paid tickets to see Primus, you have a captive audience to sell merch to. You didn’t achieve anything.
No. 1537619
File: 1653358385708.jpeg (380.63 KB, 2472x2154, F71FD843-DBBF-431B-BE13-85D873…)

They both made their accounts private lmao. Guess they’re lurking again.
No. 1537631
File: 1653359692877.jpg (277.6 KB, 1920x712, ??.JPG)

>>1537619Interesting, they’re no longer private. I just took these.
No. 1539094
File: 1653447230636.jpeg (835.65 KB, 1242x2200, 5978527B-4B0A-4BA2-B221-038CA1…)

Here we go…
No. 1539095
File: 1653447255554.jpg (467.5 KB, 1078x1958, Screenshot_20220525-125219_Fac…)

Here we go again!
I wonder if the Tiffany ring arrived or if she's using her previous "engagement" ring. How many times has it been now that she's posted she's getting married?
No. 1539134
File: 1653449287802.jpeg (599.12 KB, 828x1310, 7F69115D-327E-4798-B9A2-FBDCD6…)

Somebody please go to poopdreads show at Tompkins this weekend and report back!
His band is Dutchguts. Imagine Slobs at her “fiancés” punk show?!?!
No. 1539264
File: 1653477895357.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1170x1352, 964511D4-945F-4D9C-86FB-7A88A9…)

>>1539095Friendly reminder that 1 year would be July 29. She still can’t tell how long it’s been.
No. 1539343
File: 1653487869857.jpeg (130.76 KB, 1170x331, 5ACB0F83-6C1B-4B7B-B1D3-7D6C58…)

>>1537515Her comment on his post about working at the Paramount. 9 years of what? Being a messy drunk?
>>1539315He “reposted” on his page too. All the comments are congratulating them. She “limited the comments” on her post.
No. 1539347
>>1539343I wonder how they’ll support themselves once Johnny finds out his “best friend” has a new fiancé. I doubt his family will pay for their lives when they find out lol.
Announcing an engagement when neither has a job to pay for a wedding, let alone their rent or any basic necessities. They’re like 8 year olds playing house. It’s unbelievable they’re both over 30. They’re so stupid and pathetic.
No. 1540886
File: 1653581894284.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1170x2051, D8A27AAC-3A9B-4C7B-A026-8A6441…)

>>1354803On the subject of his gross hair. Here are two videos (from one old post) of her cleaning his scalp with qtips and alcohol, IN THEIR BED.
Part 1. Part 2. No. 1540914
File: 1653583886461.jpeg (502.22 KB, 1920x1632, D35C6EC9-C586-4D27-8B23-02CD09…)

>>1540886Crazy strong and scary WHERE? Beat the shit out of WHO with those marshmallow arms? This bitch is so delusional, I’m sure her arms are bigger than his lmao.
>>1540897Those videos were absolutely disgusting and I definitely saw that bug too.
No. 1541103
File: 1653596180370.jpeg (642.37 KB, 1284x2080, 61B33FF1-CFCB-4CE3-8118-4DCACF…)

No. 1541118
File: 1653597045778.webm (396.57 KB, 296x640, “curvy”.webm)
WEBM 3/3
>>>/snow/1354809 found in the thread mentioned by
>>1540886 No. 1541159
File: 1653598601519.jpeg (162.65 KB, 828x1015, FE351D44-D7CE-4B0E-B4BA-FB0886…)

I can’t with her editing. (On FB with the other photo)
No. 1541164
File: 1653598701972.jpeg (1015.91 KB, 1170x1870, ED2C4F0F-DDEF-423C-A540-A1B4BF…)

>>1541159Is this the Tiffany ring?
No. 1541197
>>1541159>>1541103i’m confused there’s an intentional joke somewhere here right - or are they really completely oblivious as to how shitty everything in this is - cheap party city wigs and double glasses wtf
>>1535814for someone trying to larp as edgy and punk her place looks like she got everything from the live laugh love section at homegoods
No. 1541250
>>1541159Right? The editing is so bad it makes her look like she doesn’t have a ribcage or hip bones.
Imagine how many pictures she made scabbies take to get one where the background behind her waist and stomach is plain so that she can squeeze her non-existent waist into oblivion without the background looking like a funhouse mirror.
No. 1541278
File: 1653607631347.jpeg (636.42 KB, 731x1276, 30788F66-92F4-4232-82EC-D4BCDF…)

sorry if I format this wrong/don’t sage ect… what is this shadow? Is this poorly color-matched background or from lighting ?
No. 1541393
File: 1653621235843.jpeg (711.34 KB, 1170x1158, C231284D-886F-4160-A994-B84060…)

Dirty, dirty hand stuff.
No. 1541394
File: 1653621656140.jpeg (658.98 KB, 1170x3028, 4EAFA879-CBA2-44B6-8535-5036FE…)

>>1541103Reminds me of this insane edit. Also she hasn’t reposted the new photo on her FB or IG
No. 1541609
File: 1653659731137.jpeg (513.43 KB, 828x970, B50FBF8B-4058-47C7-ACB3-555E8A…)

>>1541471With these hands - so gross - look at the dirt under the nails
No. 1541903
File: 1653684261806.jpeg (443.03 KB, 780x872, 57C06864-67DA-4460-B3ED-9A94A2…)

This is hilarious. I cannot believe how stupid they are.
No. 1542314
File: 1653721720204.jpeg (589.53 KB, 1170x1435, C0487C0B-4B1D-4832-B1E8-77E883…)

Is she actually clever enough to be trolling us, at this point?
No. 1542425
>>1542314This is obviously her veiled excuse for not showing off a ring in pics after announcing an engagement. I believe she lost this twisted up paper clip in her junk drawer of an apartment. I’m just surprised she’s not blaming the cleaning lady.
Also coincidentally she says her real ring only fits her pinky and that Tiffany ring was a size 6 I think? And at the time we all joked that would never fit her baseball mit hands. I would love for that to be true!
No. 1542480
File: 1653745098818.jpeg (744.66 KB, 1284x3337, 0F1ED9AE-46D7-4B7D-88A6-4B7CE7…)

More performative shit fuck titty slut content. It’s the back and forths via Facebook between people who live together that do it for me.
No. 1543345
File: 1653830642706.jpeg (340.42 KB, 1284x1014, 90517D4E-F8B0-4D0E-978C-3CBAB8…)

I had sex in the bathroom at Mars Bar in my twenties and even I think this post is gross.(ew)
No. 1544029
File: 1653899855083.jpeg (398.69 KB, 1170x2261, 7F75E3AF-A4EE-4F48-A1A5-144D4F…)

How big is this magical non-existent apt?
No. 1544724
File: 1653972100741.jpg (298.98 KB, 1080x1195, Screenshot_20220531-144011_Fac…)

I bet Scamanda was able to identify each and every gun that went off….
No. 1545019
>>1544864but she trained for 2 hours with the IDF!!!!! of COURSE she knows the difference just by sound kek
you could probably physically put these in front of her and her dumbass wouldn’t be able to tell you what’s what. she’s so stupid jfc
No. 1545287
>>1544724last year Amanda spent 4th of July keeping Erik "safe" from PTSD from fireworks and also managed to befriend a local man and he took a video on her phone.
see here
>>1273227Wonder what she manages this year?
No. 1545688
>>1545319When did she say she has to move by a certain date?! I thought her decision to move was so she can be living the dream of being a mid-thirties Manhattan pUnK
It really is hard to discern the tinfoil nonsense from the ridiculous shit this heifer says.
No. 1545850
File: 1654089503460.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1170x1500, 23D554FB-E5C1-417E-9015-CEC13D…)

15,000 steps? This bitch can’t even get on her free Peloton more than twice. (I bet she can’t sell it because it was a “gift”) Also, why would you have more sex in the summer than any other time of year? We all know they’re not.
Oh and all the comments are just them quoting some show back and forth.
No. 1546427
File: 1654128435581.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1170x2085, 4CC465E7-77F3-4327-9B14-94E5F9…)

>>1546356I just hit 15000 at 8pm and I commuted, worked, took the train to the gym, worked out, and then home. Scammy and Scabby have never done all of that in one day, definitely not by 11am
Pic is the one post in her “fitness” highlight on her IG
No. 1546727
File: 1654151238422.jpg (737.53 KB, 1062x1117, Screenshot_20220602-133839_Goo…)

>>1546429Its not even her. Catfishing again.
No. 1548491
>>1544864Joke's on Slobz because Glock makes other calibers besides just their popular 9mm chambered handguns. I like how Scabies Incarnate shows what a sheltered bitch he is when he doesn't realize that gun manufacturers make more than a singular caliber or truly believes that his dumpy dirigible of a heifer can recognize the brand name of a weapon from sound alone when she couldn't even correctly guess caliber.
This explains why he doesn't say anything about her excessive shooping or text "conversations" with him and her parents- he's a sucker.
No. 1548504
File: 1654309973938.jpeg (640.92 KB, 1170x2576, CCA94346-B8E8-4A54-AACD-CFF04E…)

Ok manda
No. 1548505
File: 1654310035631.jpeg (1.2 MB, 3264x3264, CBB5B9E3-CFF6-44DB-9800-07CB23…)

Also we know you’re not skinny…
No. 1548746
>>1548703I know she reposts a lot, I’ve never seen this picture before Dan posted it of her a few months ago…. Which she made him take down because it’s not on his public FB kek.
When is it from? I think she has on those stupid blind people sunglasses her and Scabies both wear.
No. 1550110
File: 1654451297235.jpeg (1.77 MB, 1170x1948, 7B1BB17A-F712-42B7-8651-AF2A87…)

Nice eyelashes
No. 1550113
File: 1654451402877.jpeg (794.25 KB, 1170x1627, AE5DC543-0BFB-4D5B-9C3C-25D3BB…)

Reposts this from some guy…and tags him. Hope he’s invited to the wedding!
No. 1550314
File: 1654463089433.jpeg (307.36 KB, 1170x1189, 24406D92-708D-4370-8910-F388C6…)

You are hairy as hell still, you had a unibrow. You also overplucked in the 90s and got them microbladed. Lies lies lies.
No. 1550349
File: 1654465396857.jpeg (260.67 KB, 414x874, 4670E485-47D0-403E-BCA0-3CC13E…)

>>1550314Nice unplucked brows
No. 1551724
File: 1654572865511.jpeg (940 KB, 828x1412, B66F4E67-BD3F-4D76-BE3C-523597…)

>>1550852Remember that van she also said she bought on April 22? Maybe there going to live in that. Oh right- that was another lie.
No. 1551925
File: 1654603527967.jpeg (479.16 KB, 1170x1054, 66DB4C3E-9558-4D44-A6FB-FDA09A…)

So not cancer? Don’t trust anyone with 2 bad tattoos? Or that don’t have 2 bad tattoos? That’s the more likely situation. But her brain is mush.
No. 1553943
File: 1654746154909.jpeg (643.03 KB, 1242x1506, 24EDD238-2122-4F43-8838-0EAF0F…)

No. 1554000
>>1553990lmao but also is she also indirectly saying dan has a small dick that’s perfect for her lol
honestly i wouldn’t be surprised if even one like or interaction fuels her
No. 1554018
File: 1654749592416.png (377.5 KB, 592x572, Screen Shot 2022-06-08 at 11.3…)

>>1553943shit like this is why she's my favorite cow
No. 1555003
>>1554979I guess it
is hard to top her fantasy world with reality. Her real life is nothing but depressing and darkly hilarious.
No. 1555019
>>1555003agreed. It's hilarious because if you've ever had great sex then you sort of lie there in the glorious aftermath and bask in it, not jump onto facebook to write a status about it. The fact that
that's how she's getting her sexual satisfaction tells on the stories she's telling.
No. 1556173
File: 1654884218811.jpeg (717.25 KB, 1170x1529, 3F08091E-88D8-45AB-97AF-9B6088…)

Imagine being in your mid/late 30s still acting as if being a boozing loser is some kind of claim to fame.
No. 1556218
>>1556173what. this is the most disgusting bullshit I've ever read. she's claiming she slipped & fell on her slipped disc, "re-breaking" her back and thus giving her SCIATICA? that makes NO sense. the only part that does seem potentially accurate is she and her floors being covered with vomit.
of course, specifically: a "stomach's worth of vomit." as opposed to what?
No. 1556230
>>1556173This is the type of embarrassing shit you tell your best friend and no one else. I guess since she doesn’t have one single fucking friend she has to post online about in hopes one single person would think this story is remotely funny instead of just depressing and disgusting.
Also, I bet being covered in dried-up puke and spending all day laying down on the couch is nothing new to this cow. The only thing she does is drink, do drugs and lay around watching tv/posting online.
No. 1556254
File: 1654887574633.jpeg (191.84 KB, 454x1280, IMG_0491.jpeg)

>>1556173I love that she always claimed she "broke" her back lifting.
"Breaking your back" is not a medical term for anything with your spine. She claims she could lift over 200lbs? That pack-a-day, alcoholic/addict? on what planet?
No. 1556286
>>1556254"my 105 lb body" lmao okay.
What is the "entitlement" comment referring to? Is she saying that Scabies is complaining at her for crying out in pain and shading him because she would have totally nursed his hangover? These two are such dysfunctional addicts.
No. 1556289
File: 1654889171623.jpeg (602.61 KB, 1170x1939, 863727C7-797B-4639-A6D2-97D64C…)

She claimed here she was lifting 125. Also nice comment showing off to Cowie. No. 1556314
>>1556289She literally posed for the picture, she didn’t lift shit
She is such a piece of shit was of spit not even fit to be called human
No. 1556330
>>1556286She is saying she had a blanket on, with a bottle on top, and scabbies yanked it off her to cover himself. Then when she screamed out in pain he yelled “what the fuck” at her. She’s surprised this
abusive alcoholic piece of shit clown she’s dating doesn’t care about her drunk-vomit-slip injury like the dumb cow she is. It’s hilarious.
No. 1556682
File: 1654909550233.jpeg (471.24 KB, 1284x2251, 3883DCDF-A500-4531-840F-6EC20B…)

Omfg how many tattoos has she just randomly picked out of someone’s flash? Is the “a” with three drops for her ex fiancé Andrew the only one that “means” anything? Also who paid for all of them? Hey, pot it’s the kettle calling.
No. 1556702
File: 1654910940109.jpeg (276.97 KB, 828x564, 38C02397-F27D-4792-A06F-39FB58…)

>>1556682This delusional ass bitch thinks we’re all scabbies’ two exes talking to each other here? Lmao she’s pathetic. There’s literally people from other continents posting on this thread and some of the videos posted here have thousands of views. This one has over two thousand.
No. 1556707
File: 1654911216146.jpeg (508.03 KB, 1170x4004, 49F3D94B-9C48-4D37-B7C6-B1C996…)

The last time Dan responded to one of her posts was 5 days ago….
She also posted this to taunt him in sure. I thought she loved her sexy, perfect schlong angel baby, fiancé’s, disgusting, moldy, bug infested beaver tail.
This coming from someone who edits their baby photos. She’s evil.
No. 1556711
>>1556682Is she watching his exes accounts counting their tattoos? This post makes her sound like
she stalks his exes. What a fucking weirdo.
No. 1556812
>>1556629nah she doesn’t have the self respect to break up with him
>>1556711she probably does, obsessively. she’s mentally catalogued all their tattoos
>>1556330kinda sad she’s covered in old vomit because she can’t get up from a “broken sciatica back” and dan can’t help bathe her? and yells at her - you’re right, this is so
abusive and sad.
No. 1557110
>>15566822007? She’s really making fun of his dead ex girlfriend from over ten years ago for no reason. Pure class, mandy.
Also, I noticed she wrote “2007-2022-____” as in fill in the blank with the next girl he dates that she will call a poser. Though I’m sure she is trying to imply she’s going to break up with him and he’ll get another gf just like his exes as a passive aggressive dig at scabbies, it kind of makes it look like she’s including herself in the list of poser gfs. Which is hilarious because she is 100% describing herself in that post, not his exes.
No. 1557157
File: 1654960329342.webm (479.54 KB, 344x480, goblin squats .webm)
>>1556173> vomit isn’t mine> attracting fliesVomitrocious!
>>1556254Does anyone else think she keeps things vague to later be able to say: “it wasn’t Dan, he’s perfect and doesn’t smell”?
>>1556289Local archive attached.
>>1556330Always thankful for those who translate. Thanks, nonita.
>>1556682Yours aren’t better, Amanda. You’re financially abusing a borderline disabled man and not only for your tattoos. Although I’ll admit I don’t quite get what she’s saying.
>>1556702What’s the context of this?
No. 1557281
File: 1654968231822.jpeg (299.88 KB, 1196x1196, F0D6FAE4-9B72-4307-BBE7-1D470F…)

>>1557262You hit the nail on the head lol
I tried reading this three times, very slowly and I’m still drawing a blank
No. 1558161
File: 1655042122488.jpeg (113.29 KB, 1170x730, 4C1739D7-76B1-45E2-9505-563F4C…)

>>1556173These comments kek
No. 1559096
File: 1655120755199.jpeg (467.1 KB, 1170x1021, B101418B-FC09-4DDB-B58B-7E89F1…)

Cancer pity part 2! Chemotherapy starting! Can’t wait to see all the medical proof of this.. and reasons why someone waits 2 years for treatment…
No. 1559106
File: 1655122975866.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1170x1863, F1F8D558-59AD-4170-9666-884239…)

Just leaving this here
No. 1559110
File: 1655123656993.jpeg (57.91 KB, 640x430, C893291F-4FB6-4D13-804D-6D1469…)

>>1558219Jeez idk amanda - could it be that you have a pile of vomit just sitting hanging around on your kitchen floor long enough to attract flies? And then you claim you stepped in it and then must have been covered in it when you fell
No. 1559111
>>1559096My guess:
Dan is fighting with her so a) the engagement is off for the moment and b) she absolutely CANNOT let that steal her limelight so not only does she have a broken back but her STAGE 2 CANCER (that she has had since thread 1 but it’s politely stayed in the background) IS BACK
No. 1559151
>>1559096…you don't wait this long to start cancer treatment. i think a few things are happening here: has not vacated the apt that she was supposed to be out of a few months ago? This is a ploy to stay because she has no where to go. Also a ploy to potentially set up another go fund me. I think unidread is getting sick of her, and maybe using cancer to be like "you cant leave me". God shes sick.
Dom, have you heard anything about cancer treatment from your parents? looks like shes slipping further from reality. she needs 5150 or whatever hold at a institution.
There is this one unidread woman I see on my way to work mumbling obscenities to herself and begging for money..that is future Amanda Slobs.
This is such an insult to anyone that has been diagnosed with cancer and fought for their life. She deserves everything coming to her.
No. 1559791
File: 1655169227710.jpeg (637.09 KB, 1170x3477, 888704D3-D271-41B0-A4EC-333F98…)

>>1559680Comments on the chemo post.
No. 1559835
>>1559106She'd rather just dIe from stage 2, aka early stage, breast cancer with a 90-99% 5 year survival rate even if she did have it. So her stage 0 breast cancer surely has a 100% survival rate. Good job, Slobz- beating the odds! So brave!
Also why how did the couple anons tinfoiling she's getting kicked out of John's parents' AirBnB turn into fact where other anons are saying "what date does she have to move by?" Answer is: she doesn't have to move. She was just pouting she wanted to move away, no one kicked her out.
No. 1560280
>>1560032Hey ex people DID report the go fund me and it WAS taken down only to be put back up after she sent in her “proof”. It’s too late to do anything now, it’s been up for years at this point.
Do not show up here and start cowtipping. One great thing about Amanda is that she tells on herself constantly. Dom is here, he knows what’s going on. Her parents raised her, they know her antics, they have already cut her off.
I’m sorry you were too dumb to scroll back in her feed far enough to see the last ex she screwed over before you started fucking her. But you’re on the other side of it now. So sit back, relax and spill the milk! What was it like dating someone who posted screen shots of your texts???
No. 1560285
File: 1655206433240.jpeg (880.82 KB, 1170x4458, 18A7F8B1-4D92-447A-A993-21A355…)

Her and Scabies are two sexy peas in a vomit fill pod
No. 1560288
File: 1655206477560.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x1968, 399379C7-FF04-4F98-92A1-D7CDDF…)

How my “cock and balls” …
No. 1560295
File: 1655207858916.jpeg (595.28 KB, 1170x1383, D5DFD628-0099-4911-A28B-2CCE49…)

Morning word salads.
No. 1560361
File: 1655215880424.jpeg (269.75 KB, 1080x1066, Screenshot_20220613_180410_com…)

>>1539095I would fuck Beetlejuice over Dan any day though
No. 1563210
File: 1655429386930.jpeg (182.61 KB, 828x742, 52101D54-88DC-4D0C-99B8-312453…)

She’s a week behind real life - maybe that’s why she didn’t move to her amazing EaSt VilLaGe apartment yet
No. 1563705
File: 1655476237939.jpeg (87.84 KB, 828x409, 3335A07B-F9C5-4C63-8928-FD45A0…)

>>1563676Lmao you’re right.
No. 1563711
File: 1655476497789.jpeg (659.67 KB, 828x1478, A51C0061-2CFF-452C-8015-8C7C74…)

>>1563676>>1563705Imagine being so self-conscious about your body that you want to convince complete strangers on a secondhand shopping site that a size L is “too big” for you. It was probably
too small for her, why lie?
No. 1564280
File: 1655505168998.jpeg (804.02 KB, 1170x1643, F45C900A-9B4B-4D17-BF3A-254557…)

“New” old pic
No. 1566224
File: 1655683514387.gif (1001.14 KB, 924x924, 2894D5B4-95A5-4078-9DD3-3FBF35…)

She tried making her face smaller. It’s a photo from 2016.
No. 1566701
File: 1655727783455.jpeg (690.99 KB, 1170x1578, 3634A44E-7A47-413B-A010-068B6D…)

Aww did Scabies not remember your half birthdays and celebrations of the 3 times you went to Miami or 1 time you went to Israel?
No. 1566986
>>1566926A warm fleshlight that provides free booze, drugs and a bed!
After seeing them not too long ago I’m honestly surprised she expects him to remember
anything at all. Between all the drunken slurring, stuttering, sniffling and constantly going “uuuuuh” he can barely string three words into a single sentence. And she didn’t sound, look or smell much better either lol.
No. 1567614
File: 1655810073626.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1170x1730, E7055680-B080-4C58-A1FF-F9E082…)

Oh god she had something to do instead of go to a concert?! What sacrifices she makes for the better good. Kek
No. 1567615
File: 1655810119072.jpeg (372.02 KB, 1170x948, 7FCA5F22-5EF0-4A11-B809-BDAF7A…)

Sounding like she’s holding Dan hostage. Really Misery vibes.
No. 1567616
File: 1655810175356.jpeg (780.67 KB, 1170x1143, 7AE12733-B938-4C0F-92F0-02BB3A…)

And topped the last post off with how sweet and nice Dan is. No one believes it Mandy!
No. 1567633
File: 1655813199838.jpeg (296.45 KB, 1170x989, 85FD25E9-51BE-4A40-A892-ACF548…)

Not sure who she’s vague posting about. But she doesn’t even know how to ride… so
No. 1567745
File: 1655819989632.jpeg (420.59 KB, 973x3397, 74A345CC-C3A6-4BC1-9AB3-7841F7…)

>>1567633Comments on the bike post
No. 1567758
>>1567730Why? He’s as much of piece of shit as her. He chooses to stay with her, he chooses to continue drinking and doing drugs, he chooses to continue using people (including Amanda) for drugs and alcohol, and he chooses to stay unemployed while mooching off amanda/Johnny even though he’s in his 30s. Not to mention all the allegations of sexual and physical abuse against him, or that time Amanda had a mysterious black eye that his “car” gave her. There’s no reason to worry about him or feel bad for him.
>>1567734One can only hope.
No. 1567903
File: 1655832417569.jpeg (431.34 KB, 1284x2246, 2ACC9411-FA1C-4AA8-8A7D-F47F73…)

Pretty sure she deleted the last comment which feels very off brand - was hoping there’d be a fight
No. 1567910
File: 1655832823275.jpeg (36.07 KB, 282x235, AEACE55B-C3B2-42CC-9DF8-8B2A74…)

>>1567903Your boyfriend looks like Tobias Fünke
No. 1568345
File: 1655858556831.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1170x2129, 3905168E-ABAD-43F3-99D0-034C34…)

Don’t forget when she gatekeeped who could message or add to Erik on FB when she made their ”relationship” public. They were engaged too…and dude ended up broke, drunk and dead in her apt.
No. 1568622
File: 1655896336615.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x3170, 442B600F-EB26-4AE9-890B-D34A6C…)

No. 1568631
File: 1655896812493.jpeg (1007.77 KB, 1170x1888, 4C6B2345-C626-4504-81F6-8D0727…)

>>1568622The biggest lie out of all of this is someone let her keep a hoodie because “he’s super sweet”. Who did you use to date who you still like? Ginger? Korey?
No. 1569730
File: 1655991250434.jpeg (548.11 KB, 1170x2667, 51677C77-0AB6-4945-8893-38BB11…)

“Fun fact” it’s from April 2021.
No. 1569984
File: 1656009235546.jpeg (592.34 KB, 1242x1286, B091FB24-EEE4-4755-AAFA-880940…)

So poetic
No. 1569995
>>1569984Wtf is she even trying to say? She’s such a horrible writer it’s almost impossible to figure out.
Is she saying people who hate her are fake to her then kiss Dan’s ass? 99% of people who know either of these jokers don’t give a single fuck about them. They only have online followers because they are embarrassing, hilarious, drug and alcohol addicted trainwrecks who can make literally anyone feel better about their life. I’ve never seen someone who is so delusional and so good at lying to themselves as Amanda. They are truly pathetic.
No. 1570014
File: 1656011576297.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1170x7907, 11703F5B-AEBE-432F-AB04-407F56…)

Nice bendy cigarette and terrible editing. Also did she emoji “cut you up”? Wow, what a child.
No. 1570023
File: 1656013270926.jpeg (346.05 KB, 786x564, 913C19F8-AC63-4710-86C3-7F7EF8…)

>>1570014Still looks fat with the editing here. Also wtf is that last picture? It looks so “2005 hello kitty obsessed, fake goth, scene queen teen on myspace” shit lmao.
No. 1570044
>>1570023Lunch lady arms for sure.
“Yeah I just lay around in cheap, hot topic lingerie, while bugs crawl out of my sexy, smelling oh-so-good, fiancés hair, into our hamster nest bed.“
No. 1570055
>>1570014what the fuck is happening to her chin area in the last photo
is she really that haggard
No. 1570386
>>1570014I just realized they’re both smoking in bed. It must smell so fucking gross in that room.
Also, I used to know Dan pretty well and he
never smoked and never liked other people smoking either. Funny he picked up the habit in his 30s after living in that rat nest with this disgusting cow.
Wonder how her “cancer” is doing.
No. 1570431
File: 1656042930172.png (Spoiler Image,706.31 KB, 850x482, Screen Shot 2022-06-23 at 10.5…)

TUSK 2, coming to a borough near you.
No. 1570781
File: 1656087529307.jpeg (296.23 KB, 1170x1640, 11EB03AB-3FF5-4077-8D41-45E5D0…)

The videos are so stupid it’s just him singing and them in bed.
No. 1570784
File: 1656087656440.jpeg (630.55 KB, 1170x3064, 61B0D61A-F65C-4131-AB8D-0CFAF4…)

Hi I’m 13 and welcome to my livejournal.
100% she posted this to talk about her “partial mastectomy” with no reconstructive surgery and two normal shaped tits. Amazing how her body regenerates.
No. 1570785
File: 1656087748356.jpeg (156.62 KB, 1170x846, 2858F253-CDDC-4CAA-8BD9-27836D…)

And this gem
No. 1570835
>>1570781“Nobody worry about my boyfriend! He just hasn’t gotten out of bed in days because he’s so happy and healthy. He doesn’t have his phone for his own good, not because I’m a controlling psycho who doesn’t want him to talk to anyone but me. Even though he looks like a noodle-armed corpse playing guitar on my rat nest bed, he is happier and better than any of you!” Ok Amanda.
Can a fb anon post the videos? I want to see how terrible he sounds lol.
No. 1570987
File: 1656102806385.jpeg (67.25 KB, 450x640, 6026BCA8-9BC3-4FF0-9BCE-C5290F…)

>>1570789Pls enjoy this gem - let’s not all line up at once now
No. 1571021
File: 1656104792686.jpeg (130.1 KB, 403x640, C03596C4-6988-491A-B8BB-FFB103…)

>>1571014Given the projection going on in the caption the answer is…yes
No. 1571101
>>1570987tfw a flea ridden, disgusting hairy hobo is built more feminine and slender than you. tfw you’re barely that size even when edited and squeezed down as much as possible. tfw a dainty felt mat is a
trigger to your body dysmorphia. Amanda’s life is so fucking bleak lmao I love this sweet schadenfreude.
No. 1571304
>>1571029I don’t know which I’d want more, this or her eviction.
>>1571135Streamanon, we beg you.
No. 1572378
File: 1656223724162.webm (2.25 MB, 352x640, Gross .webm)
>>1572218Thanks, Streamanon. Here are the .webms (1/2)
No. 1572509
File: 1656240105332.jpeg (Spoiler Image,51.67 KB, 640x301, 158DB4AC-8409-4DFD-8CF7-2BA84D…)

>>1572471It’s giving sloth from the movie SEVEN vibes
that’s for sure
he actually looks crustier and more feminine than shayna tho with his lady fingers
No. 1572865
File: 1656268245288.jpeg (114.49 KB, 1200x675, CDBBBFBE-1047-429B-8A27-1CFBF6…)

>>1572218He’s got the Ricky Berwick build
No. 1572928
File: 1656273219565.jpeg (592.2 KB, 1170x3479, 76FB3702-60EA-4935-A4FA-ED95CE…)

>>1570987The rest of the photos from the post are just as bad.
No. 1573418
>>1572865"hahaha let's make fun of the disabled person hahaha I'm so mature"
there's nothing wrong w/you making fun of Dan – he's made himself who/what he is now. but leave Ricky Berwick and other disabled people out of it and grow the fuck up.
seriously fuck you
No. 1573450
You know what I don’t get about this engagement? This guy offers absolutely nothing to Mandy. Past boyfriends, fiancé’s, etc either have some perceived clout, a motorcycle, they live somewhere Amanda deems travel worthy, they are a quasi famous tattoo artist, etc. but what is she getting from Dan? He has a broken down van, zero clout, they don’t go anywhere or do anything. He does the bare minimum amount of social media groveling but that’s it. Sounds like he doesn’t do chores, doesn’t cook, doesn’t clean the apartment, their clothes or himself. What is in this for her? She can’t stand to be alone but has she really exhausted all other options?? Is Dan’s moms credit card and his ability to make friends with senior punks the only thing holding this relationship together??
No. 1573561
>>1573527He’s not known in the nyc scene
at all. People in the north jersey scene know him because he used to help run the meatlocker and his band played the meatlocker every other night. Now most people either forgot about him or distanced themselves from him because of the abuse allegations and his relationship with Amanda. Amanda only cares about having cool Brooklyn clout and she doesn’t seem to know anyone in NJ other than scabbies and his few “friends”.
I don’t understand why she keeps him around either. He definitely doesn’t contribute anything at all like
>>1573450 pointed out. I think she’s either out of options or she likes having full control over him. He’s ugly, broke, and needs her for alcohol and drugs so she knows he won’t leave. He might as well be her pet lol.
No. 1574101
>>1573561Thats why she likes him. Nobody knows him and he doesn’t have a horrible reputation at these corny LES punk bars. Hanging out at Tompkins, oooh how eDgEy. It’s not the 70s, or even 20 yrs ago.
He also hasn’t been 86d from every place in BK like Manda. No one knows who he is. He can bring her to bars and introduce her to mostly dudes who haven’t gotten tired of her… yet. I’m sure taking over his phone is going to make things really fun for them this summer, while he has a digital detox like some 60 year old, LA mom.
No. 1574437
File: 1656412487749.jpeg (338.55 KB, 1170x2262, 442D9055-BA3A-4B5D-920C-A1BE89…)

No Manda, the years are showing.
No. 1574440
File: 1656413052578.jpeg (786.27 KB, 1170x1896, B8A4FD47-114C-4FCA-A7F2-0F22F7…)

Just posted, but definitely old
No. 1574696
File: 1656439832758.png (330.47 KB, 1068x661, Screen Shot 2022-06-28 at 1.31…)

>>1574453Here is the original posted to her instagram Aug of 2020. She claims it was for a collab with @cvntycvnt. That person did release T shirts in Aug of 2020 but Mandy's design was not part of that. bothers me most about this is not that Amanda is reposting the exact same pic that was on her insta not even two years ago and not remembering it. Its the signature on the drawing. WHAT is that? I looked back through other art posts she made and i dont see it anywhere.
>>1449417>>957143>>945013I did a reverse image search on the pic and got nothing, also zoomed in on the signature and did the same search and got nothing. WTF is it…
No. 1575382
File: 1656499677447.jpeg (803.12 KB, 1170x4947, 572840D3-0E86-4D76-AD1C-1CEFE1…)

Some John BFF word salad at 2am
No. 1575385
File: 1656500237775.jpeg (470.55 KB, 1170x2393, 413A1B83-A0F4-40C1-9265-E20BB8…)

Are these the hens she tortured by sewing them back together like a true veterinarian? Hold some more dying deers heads in your lap. She’s a psycho.
No. 1575387
File: 1656500443486.jpeg (437.26 KB, 1170x3448, 0D3CBED2-17A9-46BB-9BE0-F8EF6B…)

And this genius post “for a friend”. You wait at least three months, idiot, welcome to the world. No way she could be… click baiting people with this post!?!
Since she’s never been pregnant (for real) or talks about birth control, I’m going to guess she can’t get pregnant.
No. 1575403
File: 1656504144128.jpeg (501.79 KB, 1130x1600, 2B02C1C3-FDC2-43E7-AC52-911C88…)

Not sure if anyone has ever posted these but came across Johnnys FB and found some gems.
No. 1575405
File: 1656504187479.jpeg (1008.42 KB, 1069x1421, CE4F2C2A-DAC9-4DDE-A8D0-3DDD09…)

No. 1575406
File: 1656504245384.jpeg (466.17 KB, 1129x1425, 7787739E-1891-4F82-B2BC-FB54B7…)

There is an embarrassing amount of posts from SCAManda to Johnny on his page. None of which does he reply to.
No. 1575422
File: 1656506322237.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1170x1991, 4502536A-9329-4E74-AD14-7FFF3D…)

>>1574696Also I doubt they ever “dated” during Manda’s one Bi phase.
No. 1575428
File: 1656507082297.jpeg (1 MB, 1170x2001, 643D3F53-CD31-4E20-81C5-2B11BE…)

>>1575382They BOTH were in an open relationship, then just she was with her and mushrooms. She’s talking about Benny Hageman.
No. 1575555
File: 1656518800594.jpeg (528.27 KB, 1025x3228, 37644F4F-5AB1-4FF6-B38A-440035…)

I’m fucking crying, at her telling Joof, that Dom is excommunicated from the family kek. Nobody found a dead body in his apt or faked cancer… Dom any word on this?
That Dana person is one of Jon’s family members… I think she mostly pities Amanda.
No. 1575573
>>1575405Who would ever want to date or marry this slob, kek.
If there is a slight, extremely unfortunate, chance that she is pregnant, does that have anything to do with Dan not being allowed to have a phone? He might have googled abortion, even jokingly, and she probably took the SIM card out and hid it from him like the psycho she is.
No. 1575607
>>1575573I have a feeling they can’t afford his phone bill and it got shut off. So when you call him you got the “this number is no longer in service” message. That’s why she had to add the lie about removing the sim card. Otherwise if his phone were simply off you’d get his voicemail.
I’m inclined to believe this because her store website is also down. The domain hasn’t expired but if her payment lapsed with Shopify it would go down. I think they are running out of money and getting desperate. Cue the pregnancy rumors, chronic back pain (which landed her in this Airbnb to begin with), the cancer treatment, and the 2am love bombing. I expect the situation to excel late rapidly… can’t wait!!
No. 1575851
>>1575657Which good hearted friend? She probably made Kenzie setup the gofundme last time because she was renting Amanda's apt from her (and Amanda was probably charging her rent, on top of Jon covering the rent)
Also noticed Twiggy has a gofundme now for her to go to taxidermy school. Wonder when Manda will claim that for herself. She loves gross, dead things.
No. 1575891
File: 1656541984294.jpg (611.54 KB, 2048x2048, CM_Photogrid_1656541945130.jpg)

Can't someone call her out on her page about her previous posts?(cowtipping is against the rules )
No. 1576206
File: 1656566787087.png (1.3 MB, 1284x2778, E15F307F-11C6-43E4-8B7F-DDB5DC…)

This is Dom, she needs to die already.. here’s a text from my ma today after I was speaking to some A&R reps
I really want her to die(this website isn't a replacement for therapy)
No. 1576644
>>1576284I'm glad there are a couple of nonnies who recognize that Dom is seemingly unhinged himself.
Inb4 someone calls me Scamanda/bawws about scaring away milk. Dom has actively posted here since thread 1, he's not going anywhere kek.
No. 1576698
>>1576693>>1576644Hey wench, I only came around last summer. Who are you again?
Nah, just KYS please
>>1576713Wow. I'm not a Dom-hating
nonny typically but the misogyny is palpable. Fuck off Dom, get some therapy.
No. 1577108
File: 1656630163457.jpeg (1.92 MB, 1170x1666, C25A52A3-1352-4F59-A884-32BEAC…)

Her building. That she owns and runs. The delusion is real.
No. 1577110
File: 1656630357530.jpeg (898.87 KB, 2048x1536, B6A2B906-4170-44E5-975B-060997…)

>>1577108The makeshift vibe of this chair setup, has real crackhead vibes to it.
No. 1577125
>>1576693Let’s be real, everyone in that family is probably messed up on some level. It’s not like these cows birth & raise themselves. I don’t see the point in attacking one who is consistently bringing milk here though? Yeah no shit he’s “unbalanced” in regards to his insane
abusive sister, but no one asked you to morally approve of the scrote. Let him do what he came here to do.
No. 1577170
>>1577074The Dom shit isn’t valuable. It’s just further proof that Amanda was raised piss poorly. She provides her own tastier milk than Dom whining about how her BPD caused him pain growing up.
Thread is better without Dom “milk” and him being a spastic moid when he gets made fun of.
No. 1577187
If you
>>1577021 don’t see how:
>>1576698 ,
>>1576699 and
>>1576703 are not comparable to
>>1576804 you might be closer to Amanda than what you believe. Your contributions are appreciated but you’re not above criticism or reproach because of them.
No. 1577398
>>1577183they’re in their 30s and stay up all night doing coke and slamming drinks and chain smoking. They stay in bed all day because they have death hangovers from chugging 19 beers until 8am and they probably take Xanax to come down. She is a compulsive liar so probably not very reliable but has said a lot of times they don’t do heroin or whatever so I guess that means…maybe
What I really want to know is WHERE IS THE BIRD???? She brings her plants outside to get some fresh air but not the animal with a respiratory system? That thing has got to be long dead :(
No. 1577549
>>1577276100% this. I'd much rather have Dom here than the whiny bitching of literally 2 anons.
>>1577448Agreed. Tbh, I asked her for opiates in the not-too-distant past when I was kicking and she didn't even have a connect for it. Side note: yes I'm off opiates so no need to lecture.
No. 1577653
>>1577170could you please contribute something interesting to the thread or STFU? no? you have to continue to whine and waste our time? well aren't you special, bless your heart.
but also STFU. most of us appreciate Dom's contributions. no one cares that you don't.
No. 1578521
File: 1656757452329.jpeg (451.69 KB, 1170x1200, 70E6E692-29EF-464B-835B-067F2E…)

Can’t afford $40 on Poshmark…
No. 1579223
>>1578981Slobz larps as a metal/punk/alt bitch- she's never posted about hardcore bands or dated a hc guy. The closest she's gotten to hc is hc street punk.
At least you're not like psycho up thread and said she stole her aesthetic from Lada Gaga. That crazy anon must think Gaga was the original GG Allin fan.
No. 1579504
>>1579223Sage because mostly OT but something interesting I've noticed:
Amanda is definitely an emotionally stunted dipshit, but it's so fucking crazy to me that there are apparently plenty of grown ass adults that are this obsessed with categorizing and gatekeeping these ridiculous "alt scene" labels based on fashion and band preferences. I haven't heard anyone say this kind of shit since high school, yet these threads are rife with these kinds of comments.
No. 1579719
>>1579504This entire thread makes fun of ol' Meatball Eyes being a poser so it does help to know what she's being a poser of. You sound like you've been called a poser so much that you're taking offense. Metal isn't punk and hardcore isn't metal or punk. The fashion differences, ethics, and lifestyle choices are very different. You can't really think "alt" music is comprised of all the same kind of people otherwise you wouldn't understand why some of us would laugh if Mandy showed up to an Earth Crisis show with a beer in one hand and a steak in the other.
There is a difference between different styles of music and the people who like each genre are different. Even in country, Blake Shelton fans are a different bunch than Hank Williams Sr fans. If someone calls you emo and you're like, ummm I'm a Mariah Carey fan, I don't listen to emo, would you follow up with you
triggered bitching of "who cares though since it's all emotional music, don't classify me, ya gatekeeper!"
(music sperg) No. 1579751
>>1579720Atayrt. She probably does kek. Doesn't make it any less true though. Music tourists are just as obnoxious as gatekeepers. Both lack self-awareness and neither enrich the scene.
>>1579719 makes a good point though.
No. 1579881
>>1575385I knew her at this time and
1. This is heavily photo shopped she was chubby
2. Pretty suer that “first apt “ was like a friend of the family’s extra room she was being allowed to stay her mom was still picking her up places
No. 1579898
>>1579719kek bitch what? No, I've never been called a poser because I'm a "normie". That word holds no power over me because I don't carefully curate my entire persona to fit into some "scene". Clearly you feel pretty strongly about it though, so who's
triggered? Amanda is obviously a try-hard and a fraud in every aspect of her life, but implying that one of her ultimate mortal sins is being a poser because she's not "punk enough" or whatever the fuck you embarrassing ass keepers of the scene go on and on about because of the shit she wears or the bands she listens to is fucking dumb. You sound like you're either a teenager or incredibly sheltered to me if you're this adamant about who gets to be deemed legit and who is a "tourist" when it comes to those that like the same shit you like. Like I said, I have never in my whole adult life seen or heard other adults get this fucking autistic over any genre of music, much less shitty metal/punk/hardcore/whatever obscure subgenre you name drop in order to impress other losers, but then again I don't spend my time in dive bars around people like Amanda so that's probably why. Sorry I can't relate to your need to police the ideological purity of any and every person I share similar musical interests with anon, but I'm sure you're the truest, grimiest, most underground and unique sad sack in whichever one of the punk sub scenes you base your entire identity around.
No. 1580105
>>1579898That's a lot of words for something no one cares about. Try not to take this stuff so seriously.
The reason it's funny that Amanda is a poseur is because she acts like she's not one. She acts like the world renowned expert on everything.
No. 1580225
File: 1656948427271.jpeg (416.48 KB, 1170x2346, 99F2D7A7-8E02-4974-9776-227D63…)

>>1579881You can also see her “tattoos” are not visible. Found this in an old LJ of hers from 2003 where she takes a “poll” saying she has no tattoos.
No. 1581079
>>1579898Kek maybe this thread isn't for you if you're going to go into paroxysms over the fact that music scenes exist and people care about them.
Mandy cares more than most people about not being a poser and showing off what a true fan she is, which is why it's funny that she's so incredibly fake. People who know about the things she's trying to fake will come here to bitch about her fakeness. It's not that deep
No. 1581089
File: 1657046195920.jpeg (129.78 KB, 1170x479, 5282C81F-6E3D-499F-8F07-FEFEEA…)

No. 1581090
File: 1657046271122.jpeg (863.12 KB, 1170x2117, E6D8F932-8E69-4FDB-980C-4B872A…)

>>1581089I had to Google this to see where she got it from. The “We Ain’t Homies” hoodie from a Zumiez? How alt.
No. 1582707
File: 1657208176278.jpeg (364.66 KB, 1170x2143, 5C7F096B-1074-4C08-B013-7FCC4A…)

Even dodging sellers on Poshmark for $40. And she bought a Tiffany ring, sure ok.
No. 1582708
File: 1657208225180.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1170x2304, 21FEE80F-A4BF-4DC1-8E45-DAF846…)

Also no way her chubby delish toddler body is fitting in this.
No. 1583414
File: 1657282639517.jpeg (528.48 KB, 1170x2800, 7BBFBB03-6BCA-4FA3-91F0-462ED2…)

That’s one sentence. And also no way is she going to her parents house.
No. 1583417
File: 1657282874906.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1170x1978, 043A9842-96D4-4255-8CB5-1E628B…)

Yeah, men not attracted to women still might hit on you, at a tattoo shop. Makes sense.
Even men who are attracted to women won’t talk to her.
No. 1583834
File: 1657327900741.jpeg (2.11 MB, 1284x2247, 1BEA0DFE-6634-4477-8E1D-336AAB…)

Neighboring property is removing trees and Mandy paid one of the removal guys to cut some wood into discs for her and made Dan transport it to their place via skateboard and is trying to flip it on Facebook. While I don’t think they actually are on dope, this is some Bubbles from The Wire level junkie type hustling.
No. 1583835
File: 1657327998493.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1284x3122, 7DE98FE2-9899-41C0-9CB3-6558DC…)

Part 2:
No. 1583848
>>1583417> i'm not (lol @ me being:) swept off my feet and woo'd by someone with a fleshy thing swinging between their legs.ESLfag, can someone help me with this sentence? The part I’m having difficult with is:
> (lol @ me being :)Also, do we think she’s implying she hasn’t been with a jealous man since 2017?
>>1583834>>1583835Surely alcohol alone can’t be the reason this seems normal to them, right?
No. 1583855
>>1583835she “eyeballs” the weights and sizes and tells people to go compare prices, oh but don’t worry she is a super experienced designer and also a super experienced weight lifter so i’m sure it’s accurate, so your price comparison will be accurate as well!
does she not own a damn scale or a tape measure?
No. 1584069
>>1583834These are the videos
Amanda yelling from the balcony to Dan who can’t hear her over the saw.
She says how he went to the doctor and he’s 6’ tall and 175 lbs “he’s perfect height and weight” (is he her newborn baby?) “he’s finally happy and healthy again” Something about his back and how he shouldn’t be lifting over 10 lbs, but then she has him doing this….
She has no cash to tip the poor worker with, Dan has to give him some.
She also claims “we make furniture” kek No. 1584213
File: 1657388089652.webm (9.19 MB, 388x480, 01.webm)
>>1584069Thanks for the videos, Nona. Attached .webms for archival purposes.
No. 1584221
File: 1657388919849.webm (17.44 MB, 326x640, 05.webm)
>>1584069>>1584218Sorry about the quality, due to size restrictions it had to be compressed.
>>1584177He does and as though he is in pain. Almost concerning. Those that know him, does he usually move like this?
>>1584137> but she didn’t make them, I didDoes she have yo/your friends that know her blocked on Facebook? You’d think she’d be embarrassed to claim someone’s work as her own so publicly.
No. 1584317
>>1584221I’m not friends with her on anything and only one or two mutual friends that actually know her.
Also, when I made them I was paid by Johnny
No. 1584632
>>1584317Thanks for answering. I have a question about Johnny; feel free to skip it if you dont feel comfortable answering it. Is he “slow”? Their relationship is puzzling to me. It reminds me a lot of the relationship between Martin «Marty» Markowitz and Dr. Isaac «Ike» Herschkopf. Dr. Ike manipulated Marty to cut ties with his family, hand over his home and business and work for him as a live in unpaid servant for 30 odd years. I'm having issues understanding why Johnny and his family put up with any of this. Some believe he "feels sorry for her" which is a
valid argument yet it fails to answer why his family is willing to bankroll her. My tinfoils are he's really slow so his family has provided him with an apartment, and he "gave it" to Amanda while they're oblivious or that she has something she holds over his head (blackmail)
No. 1584640
>>1584632You'd be surprised how many lonely people view their manipulative exes as a true friend due to codependency issues and stay serving them after. Guaranteed if/when he doesn't help, she hits him up with dramatic stories about how she's going to be homeless and should just go back to indulging in her loose vag/loose morals lifestyle until she dies and he can write a nice eulogy and buy the coffin since nobody else will.
Then like any codependent nice dude that spent too long with a manipulator, he still wants to take care of her because him and his family are not losing money they can't afford to spend and the pOoR Slobz is destitute, and so continues the cycle of John Cuck.
No. 1585221
>>1583848>>1585031The sentence makes absolutely no sense, as is the case with most of her run-on nonsense, but if I was pressed for an interpretation, I think she means that no random dudes are successfully sweeping her of her feet, and she's added the parentheses to say that the very idea is laughable. Basically saying that her old jealous boyfriends had no reason not to trust her, and also implying that any guy who tries to woo her away from her "perfect, sexy" poopdread manbaby hasn't got a snowball's chance in hell.
God, I feel like I'm trying to interpret a foreign language.
No. 1585223
>>1584377I just assume he didn’t remove the wristband because he never bathes or cleans himself.
Hate to say it but I can see this dude pulling an Erik Cowie, everything about him screams late-stage alcoholism. Amanda has a knack for sniffing out the weak ones and draining what little life they have left.
No. 1586911
>>1584640That’d explain Johnny’s involvement with her not his family’s. I mean, they’re not only giving her shelter but also bankrolling her and her new boyfriend. Perhaps I’m just not around “generous” people.
>>1586378Perhaps I also underestimate how rich Johnny is.
>>1586410To me this adds reasons for his family to intervene but I suppose we don’t know enough about them to draw conclusions.
No. 1589081
File: 1657932466850.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1284x8064, 15D5B935-9D14-44E3-9A9B-4FD781…)

“It’s big on you but it fits me great”…suuuuuuuuure
No. 1589297
>>1589183They're genuinely starting to look alike.
Also I love her insistence on claiming this skirt is too big for her. Our wee waif!
No. 1589400
File: 1657972056013.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1125x1922, 08C37511-DE98-42A7-B093-B6F169…)

Do any nonnies have more info on what happened with Korey? The videos she posted was basically her in her underwear showing off how sickly skinny she’s getting from stress.
No. 1589417
File: 1657974893100.jpeg (734.23 KB, 1170x3368, C7FA867B-F909-4C7E-8798-7F2759…)

Oh another Long Island trip to the parents… and NJ too! Maybe he’s chained to the bed on the other side.
No. 1589425
File: 1657975968081.jpeg (19.89 KB, 450x450, 2345B129-671B-4072-8294-4B04E1…)

>>1589417the way she has to insert mention of the totally real Christmas present scenario and the whole cringe as fuck Easter basket thing…I’m so deeply embarrassed by her and other cows who are so blatantly pathological in their lying.
No. 1589427
>>1589417Has he left that bedroom at all in the past month?
I love how she insists this is the healthiest and happiest Dan has ever been, when to anyone who knows him it’s so obvious this is the
worst he has ever looked/been. He’s always looked bad but he’s never looked THIS unhealthy, thin and miserable.
No. 1589463
>>1589417What’s the “comic” even about? An autobiographical work about being in bed all day swallowing handfuls of pills? How to take advantage of and steal from people for shitty coke? About beating up his exes while constantly acting like a
victim? Or is about how his tiny dick doesn’t work so he has to watch porn when he has to fuck mandy once in a blue moon to keep her appeased?
The possibilities are
very limited for an unimaginative POS narcissist like him lol.
No. 1589581
>>1589417The first part of this is a message to Dan’s friends. She’s saying they are bad for him and she’s so proud of him for avoiding them. If he were sober she’d say that and would brag about how she’s helping another person through their night sweats with the skills she gained from having a nurse as a friend. So he’s ditched his horrible friends and now uses all of his free time and super healthy energy to…ride a skateboard to the store? And …draw all night long? Wow.
They were supposed to go to her parents last weekend, didn’t happen. Doubt it will happen this time. I am waiting and hoping they get kicked out of that apartment soon.
No. 1589822
>>1589417"in one year we virtually haven't spent more than 45 minutes apart"
Imagine being well into your 30s and thinking this is some kind of relationship flex. Jfc.
No. 1590019
There’s clearly a filter/shoop on the whole pic making it really blurry but if you zoom in on just that area it looks like something was blurred out. Look at the edges of the pillow. I was thinking maybe a bottle of booze or something but I try not to guess with Mandy. She’s so stupid and self absorbed there’s no telling what she will find embarrassing enough to shoop out and what she’ll leave in (see Dan’s cellulite in previous red skirt pics). Then again it could just be that the entire photo is blurred.
No. 1590194
>>1590117she is definitely trying to mold him and all her exes into whatever weird idea she has of a “perfect badass bf”.
also , dan can’t draw or write for shit. I’ve known him for a long time and when he was going to college for “art” his ex martina literally did
all his schoolwork. I remember seeing her doing his homework at the meatlocker or their restaurant next door while he got wasted “doing door” at the meatlocker. which usually meant he left someone to do his job while he snorted shitty coke in his practice room. i really hope she posts his “comic” it’s gonna be hilarious for all the wrong reasons.
No. 1591190
File: 1658195790646.jpg (441.24 KB, 2048x2048, CM_Photogrid_1658195791438.jpg)

No. 1591191
File: 1658195853206.jpeg (688.16 KB, 1284x2894, 6A1F2451-091D-4453-B894-01080C…)

That finger bloat.
No. 1591194
File: 1658196227991.png (9.5 MB, 1284x2778, F1377EF3-5393-44AB-8476-8A5AAF…)

I’m going to have nightmares about these nails. How coked up was she when she slobbed this polish on for her Etsy fake diamond ring photo shoot complete with confusing blur filter.
No. 1591284
>>1589417 looks exactly like the type of person who would act like that. Look how fucking smug and self-important this deflated tire of a man child is. Disgusting, and these dumb bitches facilitate and nurture it. Can't wait for the turd on his back to fall off of his scalp
No. 1591510
File: 1658233181251.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x2289, E67390A9-B158-4155-8F29-C9C9B5…)

Totally just a guess, but I’m gonna say she bought her own on Poshmark. There’s no comments from sellers, but this ring is exactly what she’s wearing.
No. 1591531
>>1591191>>1591510Imagine buying your own cheap wedding ring then making a post claiming your bf bought it AND that it’s real diamonds. Scabbies hasn’t worked in over a decade and he doesn’t have an ex to take care of him, there isn’t a chance in hell he even had $50 to buy it used. He also NEVER actually bought her a present (trash “art” doesn’t count) and now all the sudden he has the money and brain to buy an engagement ring for her? Yeah right.
I hope Johnny finds out mandy is using his money to buy herself an engagement ring for her next imaginary wedding and finally cuts her off.
No. 1591728
File: 1658255366975.jpeg (371.93 KB, 1167x1978, 4086089C-4D65-4457-BD1A-CAF605…)

>>1591703These gave to make it in there:
>>1516436And the attached too lol
No. 1591729
>>1591466fuck that phrase
triggers me too. you mean DRENCHED, mandy, you absolute retard
No. 1591733
These are all good pics for the collage too:
>>1589081>>1575382Might as well include Johnny since he’s funding this trainwreck lol
>>1570987Scabbies is basically her cow now so
>>1548505 No. 1591760
>>1591703Don’t forget:
>>1521107>>1511122>>1514444Sorry if there are repeats!
No. 1591767
File: 1658260043473.jpeg (653.34 KB, 1284x2080, ACAC5C91-B6B1-4A4B-A809-6DB276…)

>>1591703This atrocity has to make it to the collage.
No. 1591803
File: 1658263832994.jpeg (495.26 KB, 828x1034, 958ED7FA-6EAC-4A9F-854B-FAFE31…)

>>1591789An honorable mention for the bug crawling out of scabbies head and onto their pillow.
From this post:
>>1540886 No. 1592085
File: 1658294358973.png (660.2 KB, 1242x2208, 13704786-B1C8-4CDA-97A9-8E3E83…)

I vote for the tiny waifs $200+ ice cream bill for the photo header
No. 1592331
File: 1658330001876.jpeg (942.44 KB, 1169x2015, 8C47419C-187D-4B4A-9984-D1709D…)

>>1591191That last comment kek
No. 1592404
File: 1658334929557.jpg (688.41 KB, 3579x1342, combine_images.jpg)

>>1592371Absolutely revolting. The visible debris in his hair is a really nice touch
No. 1592419
>>1592371I can’t imagine trying as hard as they do to appear as ~sO cOoL aNd so BaDASs~ and then this is the shit you post.
“I’m speeding around my boyfriend’s parents neighborhood in a car he bought with mommy’s credit card while we make nazi and tampon jokes” doesn’t really sound like a “cool” 35 year old. Maybe if they were 14 they might impress a 14 year old misguided white boy but that’s about it.
Hopefully they’ll run into a light pole.
No. 1592423
>>1592410or even strong enough to turn the steering wheel with them baby shit arms lmao
has this manbaby ever lifted anything in his life? I don’t even mean at the gym, more like a nice chair or anything over 10 lbs
No. 1592491
File: 1658341311697.png (7.55 MB, 1170x2532, 36B9214F-D90E-4CE8-BD3B-42EAE2…)

>>1592419Literally on his moms block. So what happened to his other pos truck? Is that just dead in the driveway? Classy.
No. 1592825
File: 1658367134870.webm (7.97 MB, 360x166, “I will kill us both” “I know …)
She’s as insufferable as ever.
> Amanda (while trying to grab the wheel): “I will kiss us both”
> Dan: “I know you will”
He sounds a tad more serious there, as if he truly believes she’s capable. Here’s the .webm
No. 1592864
>>1592371This is how we know they haven’t left the house in months. Because she couldn’t resist taking this video of them driving in a literal circle around his parents house. She will film absolutely anything and everything they do to make their lives seem interesting.
Side note he is still wearing the hospital bracelet and it is definitely a hospital bracelet.
No. 1592938
File: 1658374464028.jpeg (235.03 KB, 1170x1883, E10C4442-BAA8-404F-AFBF-7C137A…)

Truly famous. She’s made it to Google Street views.
No. 1593798
File: 1658446584987.jpeg (619.51 KB, 1284x1510, DCF24301-EC0B-4F07-B7C5-B238ED…)

New “shared” truck is already a trash pit, dead inside Dan, Jesus vagina. No. 1593882
File: 1658453047176.jpeg (1.44 MB, 2082x1170, DD8724E4-ED04-45DB-B205-91F4B4…)

>>1593798Kek at her saying they need to “break in” a dirty van filled with crap. You can see what little soul her has, leave his eyes.
Nice 115lb legs (alone).
No. 1593920
>>1593798What does she mean by “shared truck”? Like her and Dan are sharing it? Or they are sharing it with someone else? I think it’s just her way of saying dans parents let them borrow the truck. I so love/hate when she makes up terminology and acts like it’s common knowledge.
This is the third weekend in row she’s said they are going poolside to her parents pool to hang out by the poolside. Unbelievable to name drop a drugstore sunscreen!
No. 1593948
File: 1658457371165.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1170x2044, B4727EEB-48BE-42F9-AD4D-E5D8E5…)

Is this a gmc jimmy. (I have no idea what they look like irl.) Just a shot in the dark… but I Google mapped Dan’s mom’s house… looks like someone is borrowing a car. They have no money to afford anything.
No. 1593951
File: 1658457419613.webm (7.52 MB, 360x166, “I think Jesus is looking at m…)
>>1593798Those that know him, does he always look so miserable? Here’s the .webm
No. 1594279
>>1593882for new nonas coming here and thinking it's "cool" to put your feet on a dash. There was a woman sitting like that, getting into an accident and losing her forehead because of that, including permanent brain damage. Another woman can't walk and stand more than 4 hours and her feet were showing upwards after an accident and there are many more cases.
Just saying, please don't imitate her, she already has brain damage and can be lucky that Dan can drive while she is pushing her hands in his face. My theory why she made him sober up is so he can drive her places and now, that he might be sober for once in his life, it's get harder for him to tolerate her.
No. 1594301
File: 1658494442292.png (Spoiler Image,100.84 KB, 504x597, image-of-feet.png)

>>1594279Yeah it always reminds me of this xray. Spoilered for medical image but no "gore".
No. 1594419
>>1594279He’s definitely not sober. I’ve known him for many years and he has been drunk driving since. He also thinks it’s cool that he drives drunk and is
very proud that he’s “good at drunk driving”. He’s told me and other people I know that he has no intention of ever getting sober from alcohol OR drugs, and that he expects to die young. They’re both roaches though so they’ll probably live much longer.
No. 1594461
>>1594395imagine all the lolcow threads that show will find about her and the information we all preserved for them
>>1594419thank you for that info, he deserves her and been treated like shit by her, sry, I have no respect for people drunk driving. If they want to kill themselves, fine by me, but don't put other people in danger.
No. 1594510
>>1594461Just like Dont Fuck With Cats
Guess it's not too early to consider ourselves heroes
We've been trying to expose this lunatic
No. 1594602
File: 1658516090455.jpg (6.14 KB, 147x132, Screenshot 2022-07-22 115513.j…)

>>1594484Lmaooo what the fuck???
>eyyyy No. 1596860
>>1595131i mean i wouldn’t want to touch her either
wasn’t there an anon that mentioned that she was complaining about how he never wanted to touch her or have sex with her
No. 1598341
>>1592371no need for any
tw about anti semitism as it's a quote from curb. Still wouldn't put it past them though.