File: 1655775513961.jpg (381.69 KB, 1920x1074, elaine3.jpg)

No. 1567357
Elaine Gertler Miller is a 19-20yo Briton (exact age is not certain due to the being UK being a country with actual privacy laws making doxing difficult, and her trying to obfuscate it as much as possible) pickme attention whore and wannabe Internet terrorist. Given the amount of drama that has occured over the past year+, it is safe to say that Elaine does not need much of an introduction. The more interesting thing is how a boring pickme of modest attractiveness and dubiouis intelligence got such a presence to begin with.
It is safe to say this attention is what she wanted in the beginning but it definitely escalated to a degree that she did not. In fact, many of her misadventures stem from trying to get her thread taken down. Elaine, then, is a prime example of what any nonnas reading should never do should they have the misfortune of getting a lolcow thread of their own, on either farms. It turns out being a cow is a bit like a Chinese finger trap: the more you struggle, the worse it gets, until you have crossed the line from Internet drama, to fucking random gross scrotes off KiwiFarms, to abject life ruination.
But our Lainey strugged in particularly spectacular fashion. A deep dive into all her lulzy antics would bring this OP to War and Peace levels of TL;DR, so we will recap just the basics:
> Elaine, seeking clout and attention, gets involved with Lillee Jean, being one of the few actual flesh-and-blood people behind the social media presences that does.
> She gets noticed by the /pt/ thread who throw shade at her appearance, fake bag, and an incident where she make comments about blowing up Chinatown.
> Laughably suicide-baits on Lillee and her own behalf to the amusement of everyone.
> Elaine boasts of her family's questionable wealth, her modeling career (with a scammy pay-to-play agency) and her non-existing skills as a hacker and elite doxer.
> She discovers her thread and begins to make impotent legal threats.
> Mistakes Josh Moon for the owner of .farm, hilarity (and a KF thread of her own) ensues.
> The degree of her pickme nature begins to emerge as she declares herself to have a soft spot for Kiwi Farms, where she also recieves male attention due to being skinny and not a total dog appearance-wise.
> Elaine faildoxes the (former) LCF admin as an absolutely unrelated Quebecois college student named Ines, which is torn apart readily by experienced doxers on Kiwi Farms.
> Harasses this Ines with rape and death threats trying to get her thread taken down.
> Begins to collect orbiters on Discord; simps in the male sphere and a project on the part of some LCF users to gather milk but also to try to provide her with positive female interactions. Neither group experiences much success.
> Declares she is done with the online drama sphere around the time she or one of her simps begans spamming .farm with gore and (maybe) CP. The latter is laden with irony as she would repeatedly claim with no basis LCF hosts CP.
> Socks and astroturfs as various other characters, an ex-boyfriend shows up who turns out to be real and gives some lukewarm milk.
> Gives a photoshopped ID to try to claim she is a minor and thus should not have a thread, uses the wrong font.
> Declares herself a simp for Null, who besides hating the British has a strict "no e-girls" policy, he changes her KF tag to "pathological liar, BPD thot, aroused by attention."
> Nonetheless attempts to become the Kiwi Kween, only winds up banned and holding court with the lowest tier of scrote on Discord.
> Appears to escalate her cocaine and amphetamine use, loses a lot of weight and manicposts at ungodly hours.
> Declares her female role models to be Bianca Devins and Isabella Loretta Janke.
> Flies out one of her simps, AnusCabbage12 (Jack Brockett) to London, they fuck and engage in some fetishistic Nazi roleplay and golden showers. He turns out unsurprisingly to be a psycho threatening to harm her and himself once she does not want to get wifeyed up.
> AnusCabbage eventually admits to being behind the "Ines" faildox, both he and Elaine state in unguarded moments they don't really care, Elaine tries to use guilt of having a random woman harassed to get her thread taken down, too.
> Discords leak of all types of foolishness, leading to spastic drama in the Internet drama sphere, sets fire to everyone she touches socially.
> Eventually retreats to Discord and her thread calms down a bit.
> Meanwhile, she has taken up with a Canadian Nazi tranny pedophile (really) named Michael Thurlow (Angry Canadian) and they together try to gaslight another cow, Rachel, into attacking their enemies. This blows up spectacularly and leads to embarrassment for all involved.
> Elaine is leaked calling Michael's White ancestry into question and making fun of his home and native land.
> Also reaching out to various lolcows such as Tommy Tooter and Vordrak to attempt to form an alliance against lolcow and KF.
> Anon releases on a "just trust me bro" basis rumors that Elaine is being catfished in a long-con by unknown parties pretending to be Josh, with an end goal to get her to fly to Serbia and strand her at te airport.
> Elaine flies into a rage and denies it but eventually reciepts do shake out much to her embarrassment.
> The tranny who leaked this milk had been doxed already so Elaine harasses his family.
> Manages to get her thread deindexed from Google.
> is registered shortly thereafter.
And that, I think, brings us roughly up to today. I'm sure I have left out a lot but there is a lot that has happened over the past year. But the thing about Elaine is despite filling a large OP she is really not that interesting. Hopefully this will be the last one and she can fade into obscurity, she has certainly embarrassed herself enough, but that might be just a bit too optimistic.
No. 1567413
File: 1655782083262.jpg (64.93 KB, 1074x304, elaine weight loss.jpg)

I bet the simps are in VC hearing her drop her shitty fake RP accent (as fake as her purse and as actually posh as everything she has ever been seen wearing) as we post she is gonna be so spitting mad. The thing is Elaine had so many people who were willing to give her a chance and another chance and go to bat for her, even some of the scrotes didn't have bad intentions really, but she managed to burn every single one of them and continue to willingly associate with the absolute dregs of the internet. I feel like this is going to be a story with a sad ending, though. Pic not strictly related but it is sad to see. The girl is living on nothing but uppers and Internet drama and is ruining her looks and her wits both.
No. 1567553
File: 1655800278655.png (352.93 KB, 400x548, LimerickIllustrated.png)

Limerick from last thread illustrated just for fun
No. 1568293
File: 1655855379638.png (5 MB, 1920x12299, elaine milk 5.png)

No. 1568294
File: 1655855443309.png (40.87 KB, 377x135, bye bitch.png)

Elaine deleted everything but shes too slow
No. 1568300
File: 1655855879814.png (212.02 KB, 450x1102, did it for the lols.png)

Welp, hopefully this bitch never contacts me again. It was really dumb to in the first place.
No. 1571949
File: 1656189259133.png (555.31 KB, 448x835, fake proof.png)

heres her "proof" it isnt her
No. 1571965
File: 1656190588985.png (1.27 MB, 828x1792, 92B5F043-5510-4C87-993B-3B0E09…)

No. 1571966
>>1571949Hmm. She should post another angle.
Not trying to be weird, just trying to figure out if she used makeup to cover up her cat scratches.
No. 1571984
File: 1656191974890.webm (1.81 MB, 256x480, 28390-53ba42ee9e61a9d2e47da113…)
No. 1572010
File: 1656193720231.gif (4.42 MB, 640x360, mortal-kombat-gif-8.gif)

Here is a reinactment of you against just ONE nonna.
No. 1572014
> I don’t want to participate in this
So why in the fuck are you sending this stuff to your kiwiscrotes? I'm not gonna post it because I'm not a gross kiwiscrote myself but (semi)nudes of you finally leaked you stupid, stupid slag, what did you expect to happen? As for the SH, wat absolute cope on your part. Again, what did you expect to happen?
To quote from the OP:
> . It turns out being a cow is a bit like a Chinese finger trap: the more you struggle, the worse it gets, until you have crossed the line from Internet drama, to fucking random gross scrotes off KiwiFarms, to abject life ruination.
Log off, Lainey, for the love of God.
No. 1572032
File: 1656195449098.png (30.59 KB, 575x255, dontathim.png)

No. 1572043
File: 1656195826438.png (58.09 KB, 1073x286, thats pretty unequivocal.png)

And Josh addresses the catfishing issue in strong terms. Good for him I guess.
No. 1572046
>>1572043He did a good job in finally saying what he should have been very clear about and stopped in the beginning yes.
He did a good job in saying, well this is what I enabled and now nobody better talk about it or I will ban.
He did a good job at displaying just how little he cared.
No. 1572051
>>1572048I will give him props for doing so now but at the start he was fucking around with her intentionally and did not ban her just to give her more attention, if he had just banned her from the start she would not have developed this insane an obsession.
Naturally that is not to say he is to blame for what happened, this was all Elaine's fault, this was all her choice.
I do have a theoretically though, if this wasn't Elaine self leaking and the tranny never leaked on her do you think we would see pictures of her cut up body parts of would the fake null just send those to the real Null's house because if this is not Elaine doing it to herself as a gayop it is horrific manipulation and just not even remotely funny in comparison to what you could do if you had her thinking you were her object of obsession as they had.
"Are you proud of me?"
Her saying that in her piss tape is really all anyone ever needs to know, her parents really disgust me for obviously failing at raising a child this badly.
No. 1572059
File: 1656196634923.png (559.54 KB, 448x834, 1656189259133.png)

>>1571949>>1572002>>1572054You can see the "O" on the Josh leg, that part isn't covered up very well
No. 1572074
>>1572054lol imagine trying to get one past about cutting
and makeup
No. 1572078
File: 1656197658133.png (57.91 KB, 612x127, elaine scars.png)

>>1572074It didn't even pass my eye test and I have a 14 year old goth's taste in caked on foundation.
That was not meant to be revenge porn so I will repost just the scars, pretty ill about all this so sorry for not cropping the first time, legit my bad on that jannies.
No. 1572085
File: 1656198379821.jpg (3.85 KB, 275x183, mr wang's finger trap.jpg)

You wanted this attention and now you have it, so what's your malfunction at this point? That your shit is leaking off the degenerate coomer Discords you intend it for? That, God forbid, an audience of women who are gonna call you on your pickme bullshit have now seen it?
People have been warning you your Kiwifarms/Discord scrotes will leak your nudes for over a year now. Cry me a river.
No. 1572087
File: 1656198575350.png (425.76 KB, 710x819, p98cr7i.png)

I tried one last time, your brain has eaten itself.
I truly hope you leaked all that yourself, the alternative scares even me.
No. 1572088
File: 1656198828738.png (1.3 MB, 720x884, ElaineKek.png)

No. 1572106
File: 1656200472140.jpeg (434.33 KB, 1955x1054, DB400D4A-501E-4C5A-B41F-093710…)

>>1572059tip of the j on the left and a double o on the right me thinketh
No. 1572112
File: 1656200867713.jpg (563.9 KB, 1080x1330, Elaine overlay.jpg)

Tried my best to line em up proportion and angle-wise.
No. 1572138
File: 1656203238201.png (280.99 KB, 339x631, 954EF3A7-C192-47EB-83F1-B7210E…)

>>1571869same cheap headboard, side table paint swatch, white bedsheets etc.
No. 1572140
File: 1656203254570.jpg (56.67 KB, 805x287, catfish cries gayops.jpg)

So whoever this is (Anus? Elaine herself?) is claiming ruse cruise which is pretty easily dispelled above, I wonder what is going on in whatever degen discord they are congregating in.
No. 1572147
>>1572140samefag just realized she spelled "reali
se" with the Queen's "S" and some of the other stuff sounds a bit British subjectively, it's fucking Elaine lol
>>1572143nah none of that was fake, in some of the nudes you can see at least her mouth and lower part of the face, same garish makeup shittily applied, same weird bone structure
No. 1572148
File: 1656203704402.gif (3.03 MB, 640x360, wait-are.gif)

>>1572140>realisedBri'ish detected
No. 1572149
File: 1656203759666.jpeg (82.08 KB, 750x586, 418395B7-C743-47EA-A6D3-D5DD07…)

>>1572140she should stop putting her hands in the poopoo if she wants to maintain somewhat plausible deniability. instead she immediately rushes to defend herself with more incriminating nonsense
No. 1572152
>>1572147LOL she deleted her copepost after being called out on it, typical Elaine move.
I also liked
> paid an escort (she wasn't Elaine)as opposed to the escort who
is Elaine?
No. 1572157
File: 1656204329180.jpeg (50.86 KB, 560x340, C7D30C31-DDBE-4F9E-BD8D-26B5ED…)

the kiwi scrotes aren’t entertaining her either from the looks of the thread
No. 1572186
>>1572157Very fun reading both this thread and the one on kiwi, I don't come to .farm often. Cheers!
t. Kiwi
No. 1572209
File: 1656208361272.png (347.75 KB, 1080x513, elaine snakes maskull.png)

In which Elaine snakes on one of the few scrotes in her circle who actually had good intentions towards her. All for telling her she needs help. As she does. She continues to push everyone out of her social circles other than the very worst. How much sympathy can you even have at this point.
No. 1572238
>>1572209I love it. BPDchan is gonna socially exile herself from even
kiwiscrotes before she either fades to obscurity or the remaining degenerates cause her to go out with a bang via the worst BPD-induced meltdown.
No. 1572243
File: 1656210721214.png (81.63 KB, 1674x447, 1656208700079.png)

She's literally getting off to arguing with Kiwis
No. 1572282
File: 1656215660573.jpg (71.96 KB, 500x500, avatars-tBAtr0lMeL8u1g0u-ZRj0q…)

>>1572273Yes that's exactly it and her next line of cope would be "It was my family that black mailed me.
No. 1572289
File: 1656216072800.png (252.67 KB, 1118x260, copeposting.png)

>>1572273That's barely tinfoil, nonna, it's very possible. Meanwhile she's on Kiwi posting prime cope and pulling out all the manipulative stops and doing the same on but since are brainlets some of them either appeared to be buying it or are doing so to bait her.
No. 1572303
>>1572298 are worse than this
>>1572301 and much longer
No. 1572310
File: 1656217192326.jpg (82.7 KB, 1123x284, dark marysue backstory.jpg)

The self-fanfiction keeps getting better.
No. 1572324
File: 1656219750596.jpeg (516.36 KB, 786x1385, 7E741FFA-A7C1-4728-B6FA-46756C…)

If you really want to prove it was all a gayop, post photos of each side of your mattress within the next 5 minutes to show it has no blood stains
No. 1572328
File: 1656220047427.png (79.43 KB, 782x850, curious.png)

Odd how she ate up 4 suggestions for other people but as soon as my friend suggested that it could be Mike with some gaslighting, she instantly comes up with a wild new theory.
Here is my Occam's Razor theory; there was never a second Null, it's always been Michael, many people have told her that exactly this would happen if she hung around him. She has, and I think they met before Naught's server, this seems like Naught selling some snake oil in my opinion with hindsight now to pour over all the facts. I don't see Elaine leaking and then coming up with 7 different copes, I do see her trying to cover up for Mike in increasingly insane stories that now culminate in it being her own family against her.
It's the simplest and sanest solution at this point as Mike has done this kind of thing before.(ex-abuse harem victims, his other thread covers it and the KF thread covers it much better if you do not know what I am speaking about)
No. 1572344
>>1572339I hate to say it but yeah the theory makes a lot more sense than anything else, I hate to say it because it's much funnier and much less dark without proving that, as is it simply shows the 4th idea guy scared Michael to death as in literally could not bring it up on fear of death or he'd be bragging about that-
Oh no he wouldnt because then that proves he should never be allowed back on KF and he only became an idea guy to get ass pats from farmers in the first place.
No. 1572359
>>1572303Thanks, Nona? Holy shit it’s indeed worse. I thought
>>1572296 was asking about KF, without realising .org had more things on her. Elaine, seek help and follow the treatment given to you.
No. 1572410
>>1572406Leave family out of it. We don’t know for sure yet how legit this is considering there is the slim chance that moid on lolcow org really did photoshop things.
Don’t cow tip
No. 1572419
>>1572416The reason I’m not buying it being legit is because if the photos were real, the scars wouldn’t be so easily covered with any foundation or spray tan. We’ve never seen the feet and scars in the same photo. Just because it’s something people think she’d do doesn’t mean it’s legitimate. I know a bunch of girls who have been
victims of shit like this.
No. 1572420
Listen to this nonna
>>1567357 and don't worry given the amount of bullshit that attaches itself to Elaine yet on the other hand one of the most commented-on things with Elaine is where are her parents with all the other insane behavior she has engaged in? Are they just tuned out or what, and will this even be enough to tune them back in?
No. 1572424
>>1572423oh weird idk why I quoted the OP there I was meaning to cosign this
>>1572416 i.e. some other retards are already contacting her parents or will be before lunchtime so there's no need to worry about it, even if it was gonna do any good.
No. 1572427
File: 1656228222025.png (258.83 KB, 1920x735, paywall but.png)

Well I unno if I can be fucked enough to care about calling anyone as I agree fully with
>>1572423 but Elaine did use this number to text me and she only learns this way so.
Who's bri'ish now gub'na
No. 1572450
File: 1656230638386.png (56.14 KB, 788x506, confession.png)

Elaine is now finally claiming she will tell her parents, I doubt it but she has ran out of cope to spin and it's troubling she ran out and was so weirdly insistent that it could not be Mike, there were a few names dropped she gobbled down but time and again she magically knew it wasn't Mike somehow but wasn't sure who it could be…
No. 1572451
File: 1656230681282.png (60.8 KB, 444x569, confession 2.png)

No. 1572452
File: 1656230703679.png (78.45 KB, 767x770, confession 3.png)

No. 1572454
File: 1656230984329.png (86.72 KB, 574x718, confession the last.png)

This stage of bargaining was too funny not to share but would give me away so I just said fuck it and didn't redact.
Get help Elaine, I don't want to hear from you until you do as I told you on discord and will have to tell you again on discord tomorrow.
No. 1572488
I remember the last time something like this happened, the tranny wasn't around, the girl wasn't warned, she died.
For all the newfags who want to give certain poo touchers crap or cry clout all the time, ponder for half a second how this would have gone had Erika not dove into Elaine's shit and "tipped" her into not going to Serbia.
That kind of shit is needed but the issue is that it's hard to find someone who will do that, is reliable and won't then go on to cow tip purely for sport. It's not some gloryhound position, it's one of the darker one in these spheres.
Erika won a lot of my respect, and she still has it for that, but I don't see why people would want her back on Kiwifarms or think that's some win against Mike, her being there would only prevent her from going ah fuck it what's someone gonna do? Ban one of my many VPNs?
And that's needed, but the second she uses that for something bad I'll be the first to jump down her throat.
Also who the fuck gloats about sending a report on an account that's already been banned once? I already saw that a few times on a few smaller circles and I just…
What have jewfag newfags done to the ecosystem to just scream at the top of their lungs on Mike's KF thread about off topic shit? It just makes the place look even more bias and reminds us all of the time he had his mom open the door cause the scary tranny would beat him up.
He was wrong about Mike, he was wrong about Elaine so yeah he's scared of Erika, it's not that hard to see why she's banned.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1572493
File: 1656236138456.png (854.17 KB, 680x606, 676.png)

>>1572488Sure Grandma lets get you to bed ok?
Kiwifags already have 3 threads to whine about this soap opera in, can you at least stop blogposting your soliloquys ITT nobody fucking cares No. 1572579
>>1572503Clearly if you're so bothered, you should do it. Oh wait…you don't really care about her, because you're posting about it here instead.
You see how retarded you sound?
No. 1572615
>>1572503we don’t care about elaine. she is a lolcow. lurk for more then three seconds and go through the other threads, there is only so many times you can give someone valuable advice about quitting while ahead before you kick your heels up and start enjoying the monkeys throw shit at each other.
i’m not gonna cry over elaine getting herself virtually molested by every discord man she comes into contact with when it’s her preferred attention whoring / gay ops strategy
No. 1572674
>>1572664I recieve the ass pats for it and I legit don't think Elaine would have gone to serbia, I do think she would have went to the airport and
that is where my concern with someone ganking her lies.
>>1572666Which one? There is about 60ish(?) hours of Elaine VC being processed for the best parts last I heard.
No. 1572731
Shove it up your ass.
No. 1572783
File: 1656263433781.jpg (234.21 KB, 1316x1008, which one is it.jpg)

>>1572704Fuck your opinion, you've just admitted over there that you
do have a personal vendetta stretching back years against Mike. You said this in one of the Rachel threads and then you denied it later on. So which one is the lie? What part of this should make us trust anything you say? I think Mike is a piece of shit but you are not helping the case against him by flipflopping on your bullshit. Just fuck off already.
No. 1572795
>>1572793I have no personal vendetta or interest in Mike, he is not funny.
This is the Elaine thread, there is a shit containment thread for this and other things like praising whoever this buffalo chicken fellow is. Who correct me if I am wrong, but is a scrote right?
Gee, not biased there
No. 1572800
>>1572795That Buffalo Chicken name has come up before and I thought it was someone Erika/Blaine/UH/whoever you want to call was fighting with but if he's
>>1572792 now denying this then I don't know? I assume it is another Discord orbiter. The OP here
>>1569894>Kiwifarms user Buffalo Chicken Sandwich, and known by on Discord as Coldbrew, embarrasses himself and EFM spectacularly revealing they were jealous of Empresa liking the pet troon more than he liked them.which was written by him, I think (so do farmhands) so he's involved in that mess and now trying to walk it back.
>>1572799God, fuck you for making me agree with you but also lol at confirming you lurk these threads constantly like an absolute fucking goblin.
No. 1572801
>>1572800Grawh I r gobbo do not approach reeee
Nah he fought me I just have no idea who the fucking retard is lol.
>>1572799EFM for the love of god learn to fucking sage dude!
No. 1572807
>>1572800Not sorry for double posting but that kind of is my cycle for a month, I cannot sustain that kind of pace and will disappear soon. Hopefully today actually as now it's pretty clear what happened with all this shit and I want to just go touch some grass, see some actual wildlife, maybe fish.
Yeah the second shit containment thread is an OP by me, Idk who made the first attempt and wanted that thread to die personally but hey, it is what it is.
>>1572804Yeah that's like your opinion man, and you're free to trust Mike's word over mine that is your choice as an individual.
>>1572805Eh I don't lie to certain people, I have never denied lying to people I do not respect to gaslight them however but yeah it's like just word vs word, circumstantial imo but I bet in a month when I log back on it'll be proven.
>>1572806Such a hateboner, and it's so obvious lol
No. 1572826
>>1572824Yeah I do not care about your biased book, I care about Michael's repeat behavior, the tranny is not the only person to have made Michael spaghetti in this exact manner.
Why are you guntguarding him?
The tranny was not the first to even post about that theory.
No. 1572838
>>1572833> She was found posting here a while back You mean people were hi-cowing people thinking it was her. These threads have been full of that bullshit and I've been accused of being more than one person and seen it happen to others for calling the narrative into question even just a little bit.
As for Elaine having wanting a "blackpill Nazi" is straight from her own words, there's an audio leak about it in the last thread, so it's not hard to imagine that she would find Mike appealing on those grounds, he's perfect for her based on what she described.
No. 1572842
>>1572838Not everything that is proven is found to be on this site but I was merely asking, you raise a wonderful point but the way you raise it and insist that everyone is saying it's a fact and not just Occam's Razor was a bit suspicious is all so I could not help but play a bit catty as is my nature.
He is exactly the type of person she would instantly take to, though honestly what proof would you expect there to ever be if it was him and the
victim was lying for him? Serious question, I want to see what you see on this.
No. 1572855
>>1572854Just going on what's recent see
>>1572783 he's waffling about whether he knew Mike for years, he's accused Mike of being an Idea Guy seemingly out of nowhere (or was it because he knew him back then? He can't decide) but if you go to his KF history last year there was a lot of the same behavior. Trusting him would be a mistake even though he's delivered content.
No. 1572857
>>1572855That was obviously bait for Mike and he did exactly what she told him he would do before and after he did so.
I'll ask again,
Honestly what proof would you expect there to ever be if it was him and the
victim was lying for him? Serious question, I want to see what you see on this.
No. 1572860
>>1572858Okay so you agree with me that asking for evidence was really dumb and muddying the waters, thank you.
What exactly are you doing right now? What you are accusing them of doing, I do not care about your opinion, I have my own, as does everyone else. Your bias bleeds through in your posts and how can you be so self unaware that you have been talking to the tranny blending as a nonna?
No. 1572864
>>1572863I think the only thing we will ever agree on is that I am not going to be speaking about Mike or Elaine any further, both have gone off their respective deep ends and refuse any sort of help and are not funny.
Mike's pattern of behavior is all I ever ask people to trust but hey if you want a trust me bro defense on Mike, go for it, I am not going to stop you, it's your opinion and you got a damn right to have one.
You can hate me all you want, I really do not care, I will still take things you say into consideration when your posts become obvious enough. You raise some good points but in my opinion, a lot of it is far too amped and angry.
I didnt post that he killed 'mariah'(name I came up with on the spot) here so I hardly claimed it as milk so your claim is erroneous at best, I used it on a tiny site as bait, there is a world of difference and that is all I want you to see. You and I already agreed on a few things here, let's not let personal feelings get in the way of making logical deductions.
No. 1572874
File: 1656268612046.jpg (63.22 KB, 1310x383, thurlow W.jpg)

>>1572864> I am not going to be speaking about Mike or Elaine any furtherPlease, for the love of God. Just leave the subject and everyone involved alone. You're only handing Thurlow Ws via unforced errors on your part and, believe it or not, alienating people who might have been coming around to you. Even I did, a little. No, I'll never come around to your presence on this site when you make it obvious although if you blend neither I nor anyone else will ever know (and believe it or not I am
not the only person angrily terfposting at you), but you provided some content that was good. Now dip. Stop milking it for attention. Stop fucking with other random people for no reason. That never ends well for anyone.
No. 1572879
File: 1656269020723.gif (2.24 MB, 456x640, ace-attorney-godot.gif)

>>1572874I am alienating people who openly declare they are mad at the internet? Good.
Watch this though, I disagree that I have ever given Mike a W he could hold onto but I will give you one, I will dip.
(Mike admitted to being in the roblox discord, it's on his KF thread as a fyi so if that is the W you are worried about, don't be.)
No. 1572892
File: 1656269801581.png (126.02 KB, 1187x472, mike can somehow never post on…)

Samefag, forgot the screen cap.
No. 1572901
>>1572900Okay so you're just as retarded and scrotey enough to be mistaken for Mike and another scrote and you came back to defend that?
No. 1572907
File: 1656271837779.png (28.02 KB, 420x526, elaines rational defense she r…)

Odd how she has tried every defense except for this one.
No. 1572918
>>1572908Yeah, if she did tell the police they would play along with her like that but how would she know the suspects already? Why would they tell her? Why would they tell her when there are thirty eight? It's obvious bullshit to cloak a current tinfoil with a lot of circumstantial evidence and with Mike and her both trying to blame Anuscabbage it looks pretty well set up.
My guess is they both believed this could somehow take down KF as it was doctored revenge porn and posted against the leaker's will or some really dumb bullshit like that, it's why the stuff is hardly like actually bad gore or deep cuts. The whole thing was staged by these two to get attention.
No. 1572940
File: 1656273914767.jpg (63.2 KB, 1119x221, cope again.jpg)

The massive, massive cope continues for Elaine. She can't possibly think that people are buying it but this is the same strategy she tried with the so-called dox of admin and dozens of other smaller things, she will just quadruple and quintuple down when everyone is calling her on her bullshit thinking repetition makes things true. It doesn't. It's sad b/c although this is her fault at some level she is a victim and she could get some amount of sympathy if she came clean with what really happened but at this rate she is just going to wear on even more people's patience and continue to get laughed at.
No. 1572945
File: 1656274184658.png (130.68 KB, 320x214, the elaine who cried wolf.png)

>>1572940You inspired a meme.
No. 1572946
File: 1656274199759.jpg (68.38 KB, 1141x280, anuscabage or nohull.jpg)

>>1572940And she comes out with more names, conspicuously not Michael. I don't know a lot about nohull but he is another banned kiwiscrote. I have no doubt these 2 were neck-deep in gayops but somehow the very fact Elaine is so readily throwing their names out there makes me think maybe not. Still think AnusCabbage12 might be in on it, he tried the Null-catfishing strategy ages ago, but also someone else (like the other A.C.) might have come up with it or even collaborated with him. Unfortunately I don't know if we'll know without actual leaks. But everyone she was hanging out with was unsafe for her and she was told that. I hate to say any woman was asking for it but really everyone
did tell her that exactly this was going to happen.
No. 1573063
File: 1656284035355.png (967.66 KB, 1080x1485, feminine urge.png)

What made her this way?
No. 1573072
File: 1656284474830.png (64.29 KB, 1135x368, mike posted this before Elaine…)

Funny Mike claimed this is posted on another site but it isn't yet.
No. 1573077
File: 1656284865559.png (190.15 KB, 1284x2778, B-laine bothers E-laine.png)

>>1573072Why are you leaving out the part where you are harassing Elaine like a crazy person? The fact that you are very possibly right doesn't make it less cringe.
No. 1573090
>>1573080She kept adding me on her other accounts after I blocked her so I pressed control c, and then control V about ~95 times to make her get the point.
>>1573077That's harassment? Spell it out for me pls, I am not supposed to be here or the other nonna from this morning will be very upset with all of us.
No. 1573201
File: 1656296815194.jpg (23.7 KB, 354x365, 591.jpg)

The context doesn't really matter, it's just Elaine shitting on yet another woman who was trying to offer her help, but 591 unread discord messages, damn.
No. 1573243
File: 1656300973843.jpg (79.76 KB, 1516x659, elaine vs dyn2.jpg)

Elaine is currently on KF trying to bait Dynastia of all people into a slapfight. People pointed out how well this usually goes and his response was that Elaine was retarded and it wouldn't be sporting. This must have really upset Elaine because she is now posting picrel which who really cares if he has Discord or not but this was taken from the Discord of a tranny named CommieDickGurl, which Discord Angry Canadian leaked in some weird gayop that naturally involved him totally "ironically" pretending to be a tranny but I digress. For Elaine to have come up with this mid-slapfight she 100% is in communication with Mike Thurlow right now as I type this.
No. 1573250
File: 1656301543346.png (540.47 KB, 472x600, erika pfp2.png) was the coyote, the fox called it again.
No. 1573251
>>1573243What is her proof that this is actually dynasty? She's retarded and known for impersonating other people, so chances are it's one of her own alts.
Elaine is gonna end up with a rebuttal of something like…. someone trying to kiss up to Dyn sending her awful nudes and piss video to all of her family, work and school at this rate.
No. 1573253
>>1573251ayrt she has no proof and that should be obvious lol, it doesn't have to be Dyn, she could be posting at
anyone from this particular leak but the fact she is using this leak proves that she is getting it direct from Thurlow, that's all I care about, Dyn could hang out in tranny discords all day for all I care, but actually the fact that that cap is sourced from Mike makes me think it's fraudulent and homosexual
No. 1573272
File: 1656304365304.png (73 KB, 378x281, spooky is so dumb, erika could…)

Nope, check when Maize started posting and Spooky is repping Ralphapedia, their stupid ass project they bragged about LOL
They are a fucking retard.
No. 1573274
File: 1656304493408.png (72.57 KB, 365x170, retarded.png)

Like c'mon Spooky wtf dude
No. 1573281
File: 1656305383278.gif (31.3 KB, 256x192, godot-sniff.gif)

>>1573270>>1573279It isn't either of them, Spooky has escaped a lot of shit and they're running around having a chimpout and cannot sock to save their life. Elaine sniffed them out nonna, just stop.
Your hi cows never work.
No. 1573286
File: 1656305956931.gif (25.03 KB, 256x192, godot-catch.gif)

Smoking weed right now, not Elaine, just sniffed out Spooky before this because he bragged about Ralphapedia and is advertising it on his sock.
How are you EFM?
You seem like you've been having more fun as of late.
No. 1573291
File: 1656306423594.png (505.19 KB, 732x960, 6005711-8660243449-monst.png)

Most excellent, and yeah EFM I know you can't get my posting style down at all, there are shockingly few people who can and most that can would rather not call me out for it.
It's a lot funnier to let me do my thing you see.
Anywhore, my God do you think we can strap Elaine down and force feed her some ganj and munchies? Poor thing is looking like a skeleton pfp.(take your meds)
No. 1573512
>>1573452>>1573433Yeah the business dox is very easy to find, most things are except the one thing I mentioned, wowzers, much wow, many reading comprehension.
>>1573429Null should have banned her like he'd ban anyone else announcing their sock, simple as.
>>1573442Smoke some weed Elaine.
No. 1573585
>>1573571I unno, someone would have pushed that tard until he raged one day or maybe not, maybe you're right and if I wasn't here Mike would have cut a woman up by now, the guy is literally seeting insane mad, but I really hope not, and I'd really hope if not me then someone else woulda done it.
>>1573566Told me he hated VC because he could not cap people on it as easily, shit you not, Spooky said that to me straight faced. Nobody should ever trust having them around, he probably capped a lot of stuff in those discord chats and could be using it as blackmail.
No. 1573603
>>1573597Scroll up and you can see Regina de-railing to attack the tranny for attention and ass pats while not knowing how autistic they were being.
So don't worry this thread is de-railed and thank god because do we want to talk about Elaine shit thats currently going on? Probably not, but Spooky?
Thats pure funny, a man larping as a woman and pretending they're so much above everyone else. God I can't stand how they became getting that tiny rush of power from the tiniest broom ever given out on Kiwifarms. Dude is insane and was obviously a huge loser in real life or he wouldn't demand validation literally almost every day.
(derailing) No. 1573690
File: 1656349857148.png (69.19 KB, 592x483, lol elaine.png)

>>1573679infamous#6522 is what she changed trollcow too, Emp let her back into his server.
The somehow is yes, being on discord apparently holy fuck.
No. 1573706
Samefag as
>>1573661 sorry I am getting my scrotes confused I think that is nohull.
>>1573700why would she post it herself you say?
> attention> trying to get sites taken down> trying to falsely blame some target of hers eventually> something else too insane for me to even think up nowTake your pick
I first was sure that she posted it herself but with everything else going on maybe not but I still think it is very possible.
No. 1573707
File: 1656350601931.png (80.46 KB, 585x639, emp is a dumbass.png)

>>1573700No clue she is dumb, Empresa is being dumb for bringing her in for the umpteenth time and I am just reporting on speds because they can't stop won't stop.
No. 1573727
File: 1656351683111.png (54.33 KB, 525x506, elaine milk1.png)

Hey guys, don't worry, according to Elaine the worst is over because she is still on the internet also she doesn't still like Josh but will defend him and attack 7 over a misunderstanding 7 had over Null's site having a shitty chat system.
No. 1573739
File: 1656352292817.png (87.98 KB, 561x864, elaine milk 2.png)

>>1573734Chimpout more bro
That's like saying kiwifarms posters in her thread are tipping, you're just dumb.
No. 1573750
>>1573739It's not tipping but I am disappointed in how a handful of people on KF have acted since the recent meltdown. DMing her with random nonsense or a-logging and posting the caps. Just posting weenery in general. Continuing to engage with her and contradict her in ways which just keep her around.
Sure, there's nothing wrong with contradicting her bullshit a few times, just as there's nothing wrong with asking genuine questions which might provide insights or fresh milk if she responds. But there's a lot more than just that in the thread and this stuff is keeping her up till morning for a couple days. A big portion of the last 20 pages are such things and it really got repetitive and sad after a couple of pages.
No. 1573773
>>1573770>>1573750Man I ain't know most of you ladies with your internal drama so I aint gonna poke.
Elaine is blameshifting onto everyone else that she can't sleep when she coped to getting high on uppers in VC with me three days ago and has not slept since. Please stop blaming others.
This is on Elaine and whoever she asked if they were proud of her and nobody else.
On the record I have been in Emp's discord for about a week and a half and have no idea what kind of ops you fucks were doing there, but it hardly matters compared to what's actually important here. Elaine is a vulnerable adult, plain and simple.
No. 1573777
>>1573773> On the record I have been in Emp's discord for about a week and a half and have no idea what kind of ops you fucks were doing thereWhy the hell haven't you ripped and leaked it yet then? Or at least looked up in the logs so you
would know? In fact I don't believe for a second you haven't at least done the latter, so this casts suspicion on everything you say here.
I do agree with your assessment of Elaine's situation though.
No. 1573780
>>1573777Lmfao why don't I rip every discord I'm in?
Is that what you do? Is that why you have no friends?
No. 1573785
>>1573784She just came in there, Empresa is literally a simping dumbass who thinks he can somehow get her to sleep and stop commenting to shit.
If you would namefag over this I might care enough to disprove you but as is, you're just alogging.
No. 1573790
>>1573785Source: trust me bro, while you hoard content relating to Elaine's self-mutilation and revenge porn and related gayops by gross scrotes based on the fact that you want to
>>1573780 keep your Discord friends. Pathetic. You've absolutely shown your true colours here.
No. 1573804
>>1573800Name and shame pls
Also l2sage
No. 1573813
Oh holy fuck everyone wtf
>>1573773This, why is everyone civil warring?
No. 1573830
>>1573822I knew I'd look dumb but hey it's better than people fighting about dumb shit. She noticed that I wasn't laughing at my shenanigans as much when I visited and pressed it out of me last night. Yeah I think she isn't too off in that it's that weird kind of pre-fab sort of structure that hotels are as well.
It's dark but honestly that explains why she can't tell the truth and offered me everything she could to stop my initial dump because she knew her captor would dump these to punish her telling me anything.
(no one fucking cares about your scrote self insertion) No. 1573885
File: 1656360766212.png (542.72 KB, 570x606, 1656357988447.png)

She probably just lives in an apartment or town house her parents are paying for considering its been the same room for over 6 months.
No. 1573893
File: 1656361442006.png (33.18 KB, 226x225, coke cope.png)

It's a bit odd how she never has a picture in any other room of the building or outside, maybe I missed some.
I have not seen this publicly posted but yeah Elaine be coke coping right now and honestly feeding someone coke for months on end is a good way to induce some Stockholm.
I can't see her parents so checked out that they keep funding her insane coke habit without seeing that she hasn't made her bed in over a month.
(self-inserting scrote faggot) No. 1573915
>>1573913I was not promoting the theory, I am curious if we do or not, Elaine looks like she does not go outside.
Vitamin D deficiency could most certainly contribute to her madness.
I implore you to settle down and not be so mad at the internet.
No. 1573924
File: 1656363777993.jpeg (988.24 KB, 1170x1699, 4071AEAE-C74F-4E0A-97BC-54BF02…)

found the Lillee Jean livestream for those who haven’t seen it. It’s the same room.
>>>/pt/826076 No. 1573929
>>1573922I dunno if you could call her normal but yeah everything went downhill. The original thread came about b/c like the OP of this thread says she caused an
insane amount of drama in response to a very minor mention in the Lillee Jean thread and it spiraled out of control. By the time she was faildoxing and trying to get sites taking down and shitting in Josh's mailbox then things were well and truly out of hand.
No. 1573931
>>1573929Hehehehe fair point there, glad I said seemed normal or I'd have to put on clownpaint, she has always been an edgy girl but I never expected her to use said edge to write a janny's name on herself.
I miss 'Elaine, Super Hacker Extraordinaire' it was boring but funny to see what her next poorly planned gay op was, now it's just dark no matter what happened.
No. 1573939
File: 1656364704722.jpeg (169.96 KB, 1170x328, C486904D-A370-4E3B-BBDA-FBE9E6…)

I don’t know how many people are checking KF but holy shit she keeps digging herself in deeper holes. It’s crazy to me how Elaine lies to herself so much that she believes it to a degree. And every time her lies get caught the story changes.
No. 1573940
File: 1656364863682.png (62.38 KB, 1304x202, 123123213232132123112323121323…)

Finally a sensible idea, but like always she won't stick to it and stop posting.
No. 1573970
>>1573918her parents (when her parents were together) sometimes they knocked on her door or tell her to keep it down. Her dad is usually downstairs listening to the tv loudly. I also have talked with her mom on the phone, because Elaine put it on speaker and wanted me to talk to her mom
>>1573919She does go outside often for school and at night.
I never posted the revenge porn of her (it is her, her room, voice, etc) but she wants to blame me with some insane retarded schizo theory. I have been busy with my recovery from alcoholism and in rehab. Im not going to be blamed for revenge porn.
Probably she'll go back to that guy and do more degenerate stuff as thats what she likes to do. Bc stockholm syndrome, she likes him still etc…
hundreds of people have tried to get her to stop, but she gets off on the humiliation/embarassment and the attention from her threads and on discord. She even had the admin of this site give Elaine mulitple opportunities to delete the threads here, but Elaine refuses to cooperate or be civil
It is also pointless to contact her parents as Elaine updates and sends screenshots of her thread to her parents every time it is bumped.
There is unfortuntately no helping her
(redditspacing) No. 1574034
File: 1656369575128.png (413.98 KB, 960x720, Vfk1SDB.png)

Relevant meme, as literally everyone on this side of the internet has told Elaine to go to bed by this point(hopefully she has, seems like it).
No. 1574060
>>1573970It's obviously her beyond a shadow of a doubt, the question is are her vehement denials copium that somebody posted revenge porn of her, or if she's in on it and this is her idea of a gayop.
You mention her going back to "that guy" who's behind this. Mind telling us who he is? Is that guy Michael Thurlow like many people suspect?
No. 1574070
Naught should have set up Michael and Spookybones, not Michael and Elaine.
No. 1574304
>>1573970>>1574259Don't be shy, greet Jack by name! I'd give a shout out to his parents too if we were on the other site. And honestly the only reason it didn't go further was because he slithered away into the darkness. And he may have been doing some really depraved shit in that darkness. I would say the best thing for him to do would be to explain himself, not here, to trustworthy parties who can make the judgment as to whether he is indeed in this or not.
No. 1574306
Samefag but also
>>1574065> It is also pointless to contact her parents as Elaine updates and sends screenshots of her thread to her parents every time it is bumped. Wait, what? This is the first I've heard of this but I do believe Elaine would say this but not really that it is a thing that actually happened.
>>1574065Gee there sure are some people who other people don't like who the latter try their darnedest to put into all this without evidence or against evidence. I'd love for them to come out with some in their favor sometime.
No. 1574308
>>1574306If we were on the other site I would react with winner to both of your posts, these kiwichatfags attacking a group of well intentioned retards like they're some malicious splinter cell of mega genius manipulators who have somehow all gotten banned from kiwi for being goofy fucks but also have convinced everyone to simp for them? Which I don't get, I know all three and have a rather neutral opinion. I remember saying going after UH instead of AC was gay but never went to bat for them beyond that, I told Empressa he's a sped on his wall and Cow Poly seems chill he just cares too much and gets wrapped up in shit he really shouldn't.
Meanwhile nearly every name brought up and found to be gay oping against them I have cause to see roast in a fire of a thread dedicated to them, if I was a bigger faggot I would have made some halal requests already namely on EFM for that blatant personal army request while hes over on .org giggling about how he trolls Josh and can tell Josh he socks and not get banned.
Course maybe he's Josh's pet and I would get banned just for asking. Though maybe we should take this to the shit containment where it's somewhat being discussed(who the fuck are all these chat fags?)
(this is not a kiwi thread, retard) No. 1574311
>>1574308Unlike literally everyone else you mentioned, Jack Brocket/anuscabbage12 belongs in the Elaine thread. In case anyone else needs it spelled out for them this:
> Flies out one of her simps, AnusCabbage12 (Jack Brockett) to London, they fuck and engage in some fetishistic Nazi roleplay and golden showers. He turns out unsurprisingly to be a psycho threatening to harm her and himself once she does not want to get wifeyed up.> AnusCabbage eventually admits to being behind the "Ines" faildox, both he and Elaine state in unguarded moments they don't really care, Elaine tries to use guilt of having a random woman harassed to get her thread taken down, too.very likely refers to this poster
>>1573970Who actually flew across the pond, fucked Elaine (although now she claims that they just made out and he cried), then engaged in golden showers and Nazi/Jew roleplay. This is the calibre of scrote she was getting with a year ago and it's only gotten worse it seems. That is, if Jack wasn't behind the RP. Which is fairly believable. Him making threats towards her, etc. is well documented and when I get on my other laptop I will post some of them.
No. 1574324
File: 1656391334026.png (397.55 KB, 1346x820, anus threatens elaine 1.png)

Here is some old anuscabbage12/Jack Brockett content: threatening to kill Elaine and himself, claiming to be in London stalking her and to get her kicked out of school, etc. The "pedophile" he refers to in cap #2 is Naught, Haru is an autistic Kiwi who likes to screech about Ethan Ralph who I don't think has any importance here at all other than hanging out on Discord too much.
There is more but it is a lot to sift through.
No. 1574704
>>1574324Jack, Mike she really does surround herself with sick fucks, any of whom might have done this. Elaine knows who is responsible, why is she so insistent that she doesn't? Even if they were impersonating Josh, they probably dropped enough clues for an educated guess.
>>1574573That's what she's been telling people, but who knows if that's actually the case.
No. 1575088
>>1575086I'm tired of them putting chemicals in the water that makes the frogs sexy.
Ungh, ungh, ungh, sick of this shit!
No. 1575102
>>1575098Bold words for someone who poetry fagged on an account tied to them.
Gee wonder who wants that…
No. 1577405
File: 1656651077506.jpeg (158.09 KB, 1054x532, grade A schizoposting.jpeg)

I don't even have a comment for this. I think there is a tiny, tiny sliver of truth in here but what a mess.
No. 1577777
>>1577758Yeah I honestly was concerned for Rachel as she is innocent in a malicious way, she does plot and scheme but in different ways. Naught, Mike and Elaine are all psychotic and would actually do the things that Rachel claims she would. Rachel is dumb enough to spam CP but she would not psychologically manipulate someone into cutting and pissing themselves.
That was a blueprint, like a gang of serial killers they will try to manipulate cows into doing that in some sick way of getting attention and what they think clout is. It's just a feeling and I see scrotes going OMG it's fact then? Prove it. They can fuck off, this is a theory based on a ton of conjectural evidence and seeing those three operate and prey on Rachel already. Them setting up a fake Null on Rachel is
way too fucking on the nose for me to be comfortable with I do not condone cowtipping but let's be real, it might have been needed if my theory is correct.
I hope I am just overestimating them and it's all just Elaine doing it herself but the way she spoke in the piss tapes really makes me doubt that.
No. 1577832
>>1577819That is part of my point here, who else has she protected besides Mike? The dude is not smart, he can only manipulate genuinely retarded people or people who let their guard down because someone they trust, trusted Mike.
He has always blown his ops because he did not think ahead, in my opinion he released that to try and slink away from him getting slapped around so much by numerous people, not just the tranny. I would love to speculate on someone else but the shoe fits very well as you admit. You just think he's more clever than I think he is, that's all, and that's fine. I would love to hear your theory on a better suspect.
No. 1577850
Regarding Mike: people justifiably hate Mike. I hate Mike more than most. Mike has a history of releasing revenge porn against women he met online. Mike has been talking to Elaine and manipulating her. However, it's all too convenient. Mike manipulates people, women especially, but he is not a master Machiavellian figure by any means. He is just not that bright and he has very poor impulse control. He knows a few cheap pimp's tactics to gas up insecure women, sure, but a long con lasting months is not like him, probably beyond his ability. If it is Mike, he had help, and if he had help, Naught seems like a good candidate, but Mike also does not work well with others, especially long term: look what happened with Rachel. Naught seems to have gotten sick of Mike's shit rather quickly and distanced himself.
That you have people trying to use this scenario to attack their enemies muddies the waters and makes everything harder, but also Elaine is muddying the waters herself. Elaine doesn't need help tipping herself and she has clearly degenerated in her mental state very far from where she was a year or even a few months ago. Her posts on KF currently read as actually floridly psychotic, not just unhinged and a nutty. I'm not saying there's not others involved. There probably are. The list of candidates is pretty long and focusing in on one without any actual evidence would be a big mistake not in the least because it has the possibility of letting whoever actually did this go.
Unfortunately the only "evidence" that is likely to come out would come from Elaine herself and she is not in any position to provide it. I know this part of the internet abhors an unfinished story, but let's not try to rush into filling the blanks with "obvious" choices. To be clear I'm not saying it's not Mike with any great confidence, but I'm saying I would be surprised if it was, and that the amount of confidence people are saying it was with is far too great and in many cases driven by anything other than evidence relating to the Elaine situation.
Let's not narrow our possibilities and let's all take a deep breath.
No. 1577854
>>1577850(holy shit are we having an actual discussion here, it's been so long on these threads lmfao)
Naught is still working with Mike on Onionfarms, I am confused on where you get the distancing no offense, can you illuminate this for me? I agree that he uses cheap Pimp tactics I just think Elaine made up the Null story to cover for talking to Mike so much and they are using that now. Hence why Elaine is asking around if Null might have been an idea guy, it's obvious retardation but their actual plan was to pin it all on Null so it has fallen apart in typical Mike and Elaine fashion imo.
Elaine's brain has certainly started to eat itself and she has gone more and more off the deep end enabled by whoever is around here and some of the users on KF. I am not saying hey this is set in stone, too many people have been saying that about theories, it's food for thought, not fact. It is to get other people to see things from your perspective, share in theirs and hopefully find out what may have happened or was most likely to as we'd need Elaine to fink for actual proof aside from some miracle.
Completely and totally agree that's why I asked who you might also suspect as the Mike theory is solid but there is not much else to go on it, it's occam's razor but we can't just shut the book on it at the moment by a long shot.
I certainly don't buy that it's some shadow discord cabal, cow poly, Empresa or any other well intentioned sped.
I am very suspicious of Spooky for accusing UH of doing it on their Maize sock but I do not think they are capable of this, so they are not on my suspect list.
To be clear anuscabbage is, but I have not seen him around and think the earlier post was a Mike larp, it's how he writes when he socks sometimes as he is a total redditnigger and cannot help himself. If so, it also goes, wait why would Mike want to pin Anus on this? If we could figure out who made that post we would probably find one of the players involved in my opinion.
Currently besides Mike and Anus, I really do not have anymore leads so I would be delighted if you could suggest some as I have become hyper focused on this so I will not be able to drop it for a while.
No. 1577865
ayrt Also Mike has had no problem claiming credit for what he has done in the past. In fact, he loved taking credit for the revenge porn he released against his Kiwi pickme over on (which the scrotes there happily ate up until after Mike's doxing when people pointed out hosting it was probably very illegal.) He loved taking credit for all his dubious doxes on low-hanging fruit including the other Kiwithot who he got to send him nudes in exchange for allegedly taking down his dox. I think if he were an IG or in on the Elaine shit he'd readily brag about it. There's no way. All of that stuff is for attention and ego gratification and he wouldn't get it if it was all in quiet.
> Naught is still working with Mike on Onionfarms, I am confused on where you get the distancing no offense, can you illuminate this for me?
Sure, they're still running that site together but Naught has no choice, people aren't lining up to push the broom over there. However, Naught (and MKR) were very blatantly involved in the Rachel trolling ops initially but then when it started to blow up and get far too much attention then both of them tried to walk away from it. I think it is covered somewhere in those threads.
> I am very suspicious of Spooky for accusing UH of doing it on their UH sock
That post sounds unfortunate but was clarified to be an accusation of UH doing Elaine-related gayops and therefore in the first place and therefore people should take what he says with a massive grain of Lot's wife, which is true, it was not meant as an accusation per se that UH was involved from the get-go in trying to get nudes from Elaine/get Elaine to cut herself. The account is now banned so cannot post anything more in clarification or otherwise. That UH had a tantrum across 4 different sites in reaction to it instead of asking for clarification is telling, though.
> Currently besides Mike and Anus, I really do not have anymore leads so I would be delighted if you could suggest some as I have become hyper focused on this so I will not be able to drop it for a while.
Everyone else I'd suggest is kind of an outside possibility. I'd suggest Naught or someone from the "CWC sphere", unlike most of these people many of them actually has the demonstrated ability to manipulate mentally ill people for months upon months at a time, but with CWC likely being released from jail in the nearish future I'd bet all of those faggots are focused on that, plus Elaine is just a different category than Chris.
Who, then? Elaine talks to a lot of nasty scrotes on Discord and that includes ones that we don't know. So it could be an outsider. It could be Anus. Also I think it's possible that it's all Elaine, bear with me for a second: the "catfish" account on .org is very likely her. It's not proof but that account uses British spelling and after releasing the RP immediately switched over to Elaine's "deepfake" narrative after Elaine started doing it herself. Elaine is all over KF with her psychotic scatterbrained theories but she's now talking about she did the deepfakes and released them in order to somehow prevent people from doing worse to her (the specifics seem to vary from post to post.) It could be she actually believes this and thus released that content. I think someone was impersonating Josh (anuscabbage is a good candidate, maybe with help) and when it was shown to be a catfish it may have pushed Elaine a bit over the edge.
No. 1577872
File: 1656700330997.jpeg (76.78 KB, 1060x327, saddest thing I'll read today.…)

Also this made me sad and shows just how much she is losing it. I won't medfag further but the belief peoples she's talking to aren't actually those people is a classic psychotic symptom, in addition to the rest of the post being an obvious cope for the fact she once had a server full of us who would give her attention and gradually everyone or almost everyone left and fewer and fewer people in general put up with her bullshit.
No. 1577884
>>1577877SIG and Nohull are actual retards, Josh hates them, and the feeling is mutual. This isn't really up Josh's alley either. Come on. I believe you are trolling and not even giving us the respect of putting a minimal amount of effort into it.
>>1577879> I do agree with you but my gut has a bad feeling on it, not sure if Mike has taken credit for things that would get him into too much trouble.Revenge porn is a serious felony in Canada (more so than in the US) and he not only released it but the way he did so basically constituted blackmail or extortion. I don't think he has the wits or the impulse control to avoid it.
> tranny stuffYeah I don't think this is going to profit us to go into it but I think you are giving this individual way too much credit here. Please look into his Kiwi history. His initial infamy and ban came because he wouldn't stay out of people's inboxes with a massive, sprawling conspiracy theory involving ILJ's father, a Roblox "clan" full of literal children, and child trafficking. He is mentally unwell and the fact he was able to manipulate a few cows into giving him decent content to post here doesn't change that.
> I agree with this, I think the catfish was someone pretending to be her on .org I kind of doubt anyone we're talking about is subtle enough to spell "realize" as "realise" as part of a ploy to pretend to be Elaine pretending to be someone else or even to have that level of double-cross to begin with, it's just a bit too much for me.
>>1577882> The thing I don’t understand is why josh unbanned Elaine.Content.
No. 1577930
> Please re-evaluate your opinion on me after this interaction.
I've reevaluated you and my opinion remains the same: you continue to deceptively self-post, against the rules, to gaslight people and try to shift the narrative about yourself, while continuing to ban-evade, sock, astroturf, and attempt to point us at your enemies, also all against the rules and demonstrating yourself to be acting in bad faith. This further does also not change my opinion of your mental state, some days are better than others in that regard for anyone. There is no shame in it and my posting about it is not intended to offend or to bring shame to you. Staying online and engaging with this subject matter is not going to serve you or your mental health well at all and I implore you to step away from this, it did not serve you last summer and will not serve you this one, either. Please exercise self-care.
No. 1578208
File: 1656724563348.png (17.25 KB, 519x136, elaine is still talking to Mik…)

This is not from today but something I noticed while re-reading, she admits to talking to AC still. It was about a week before the pictures of her scars dropped if I remember correctly. Her trying to downplay how much she talks to him seems damning to me honestly. Not close the book on it but we should probably start considering this the best lead at the moment.
No. 1578371
>>1578208"How much actual content does mine have, I never said you did"
My what, I wonder … certainly sounds like someone is talking about a thread here and minimizing the amount of content in it. Who does that?
No. 1578771
File: 1656782875143.png (924.77 KB, 1300x2200, Untitled.png)

Just happened in the relationship thread, lol.
No. 1578792
>>1578789Ripple was online on discord just a bit ago, I don't have Siracha's discord. I only know these two because they started slapping me after the Elaine pictures were dropped.
Ripple acted very polite with me and claimed to not like drama, but it is odd because he keeps popping up in scrote drama and now this, he was banned from Kiwifarms two nights ago with Siracha and a few others. This could explain a ton on the weird bullshit going on in so many of these threads honestly.
No. 1579070
In the nicest way possible, I honestly believe anyone who thinks this was Mike is stupid and should lurk more before weighing in on things like this. Sure, Mike hates women, he’s manipulated them, he’s posted their nudes before, but at the end of the day, every time he’s done that, it’s been within a couple of weeks of talking to them, and under his own identity. Mike isn’t some criminal mastermind lmao. He’s a misogynistic nazi who absolutely would find this funny, but being able to orchestrate it himself without boasting, slipping up or fucking up his opsec is the most unlikely scenario ever. You all don’t know how to recognise methodology. In your minds
woman hater manipulative nazi = must have got lolcow to cut herself. Y’all giving him a lot more credit than he’s due. This man isn’t clever enough for a stunt like this, and even if we believe Elaine’s bullshit, he wouldn’t have been able to forge this content either. Either way, he wouldn’t be able to pull this off.
Rather than the fact that there are styles to this type of behaviour, this isn’t really Mike’s way of going about things. Everyone is just slamming together things they know about someone and assuming their guilt based around that rather than actually analysing their way of orchestration. This wasn’t Mike.
No. 1579092
>>1579070I tend to agree with you but
> every time he’s done that, it’s been within a couple of weeks of talking to themisn't true, one of the Kiwi girl that he leaked her stuff on he had been talking to for a number of months and established an e-relationship with
No. 1579253
File: 1656835190007.jpeg (3.22 KB, 289x43, shit thread made by a tranny.j…)

(lost sage in email sorry)
>>1579238>>1579246For information about Mike/AC I would go to the Kiwi Farms thread: There is far too much gayopping going on in the one here and as much as I hate to admit it theirs substantially less of a shitshow, the anonymous nature of this place doesn't really lend itself to credibility when there are this many selfposting interested parties and general bad actors floating around.
Theirs has only the barebones information about what has been going on here but you don't really need it. Bottom line is Mike is a bad guy and he was talking to Elaine, no doubt with bad intentions, and he may or may not have been behind all of this. A lot of words have been written about the subject but not a lot of anything you could call concrete proof at this point, although before all this shit with Elaine came out (when all of this was still funny) there was some good content produced by Elaine and Michael trying to use Rachel to attack people they didn't like until it blew up in their faces. Pretty funny stuff, until it all got dark really quick.
No. 1579452
>>1578781>>1578810>>1579238Thank you for saying this. I feel like there’s a new character to keep track of with every update. Like a depraved Gremlims situation in which someone enters Discord and they mutate.
>>1579246Didn’t know he had a thread. I think the next Elaine thread should have a glossary of all those involved, the different names they use across platforms, and maybe a little line explaining who they are and their importance to the story,
No. 1579783
>>1579605> Jannies are weird af in the latest shit containment, leaving unsaged scrote shit without bans but erasing actual discussion.Beats the hell out of me why some of the stuff is not being erased especially as it constitutes threatening people's dox but the 'actual discussion' you refer to is deleted b/c trannies are not welcome, a farmhand explained in /meta/ a couple days ago. The OP you are referring to is hot garbage vendetta bullshit (and not just against Mike) so I would be extremely wary of taking anything about it at face value.
>>1579452This, the 3rd Elaine thread only really needed making because the Null catfish stuff came out, otherwise that is a real sadcow who's not even interesting.
No. 1580061
File: 1656923776281.png (232.38 KB, 436x606, piss talk repost.png)

Just a thing I came across again that stuck out like a sore thumb to me so I figured I'd repost it for anyone tuning in or anyone who forgot that anuscabage was into domination and piss. I was one of the loudest voices for saying it very well could be Mike but I never counted out Anuscabbage.
Very odd thing to line up so well.
No. 1580247
I saw Elaine Miller at a grocery store in London yesterday. I told her how cool it was to see her in real life, I didn’t want to be rude and bother her and ask for photos or anything. she said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her chipped-manicure hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her manically chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like ten razor blades in her hands without paying. The moid at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “maam, you need to pay for those first. ” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear him, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When he took one of the packs of razors and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped him and told him to scan them each individually “I've noticed people I know disappearing slowly. I feel like something is very wrong. I know the people who have been going missing were not careful about their Opsec. That's partly why I forged the content. This is the last thing I'll say in a while, but you all need to be careful. I don't know who these people are but had I not tricked them, they could have really fucked me up. I truly believe the Idea Guys have made a return, Blue Spike, etc.” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After he scanned pack and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting him by pissing really loudly.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1581069
File: 1657044324824.png (602.34 KB, 1284x1807, elaine's .org thread about ten…)

Been busy with the holiday and I noticed the splinter is still down, now I am glad I grabbed this. It's Sig leading Elaine on with 'proof' that Null was the person fucking with her. Her being this desperate implies either she was completely fooled which could be likely but what's more likely is she did this with Mike for attention and their gayop plan was to pin this all on Null and the Tranny blew that. I was wondering why The Tranny replaced Ines as her main villain and then I remembered this.
Get fucked Elaine you lying cunt, we know that you and Mike did this for attention and to blame Jew Josh for something he didn't actually do. Doing this bullshit only makes it harder to track actual predators, log off the internet or drink bleach. Stop posting.
Take the L. Him saying this on your thread and him not proving who the IPs are just implies he knows it's you or Mike and he wanted to fuck with you but got party vanned before he could you moron. Lie about it being a DM chain, when the site goes back up you'll look even more schizo dumbass.
No. 1582713
File: 1657208558458.jpg (Spoiler Image,112.14 KB, 1882x943, elaine.jpg)

A Scrote(I hate that word but it's fair to use it here) carded Elaine's name into his arm.
No. 1585935
File: 1657572792294.png (102.43 KB, 555x325, 1657571686929.png)

Just post this Elaine, not a screencap of a link that makes it harder on people and thumbnail that shit good god.(troon)
No. 1594879
File: 1658537063132.jpg (18.05 KB, 480x360, 6z13dixjqh931.jpg)

>>1593894Any proof or are you just gayopping? Awful lot of pic related going on from EFM who admitted to following this thread and touches the poo on Elaine all the time so we need proof.
No. 1594932
>>1594879only one person cares about EFM, fuck off tranny
>>1593894source? I don't wanna see her gross skelly n00dz but unless there's actual proof of this you're a non-saging scrote making shit up to point us at your enemies
>>1594024non-saging scrote looking for fap material
No. 1599719
File: 1658983870123.jpg (487.71 KB, 1284x1537, 7F1052F9-C9D6-41F1-B412-E6B9DE…)

Elaine's side of the story.
No. 1599740
File: 1658985557541.png (36.44 KB, 639x312, B9B04694-19C9-47E1-9B8C-0E4218…)

This is the picture of the persons avatar from the cutting video
No. 1599748
File: 1658986388445.png (1.02 MB, 1284x2778, lol look at the highlight.png)

Just in case people aren't following the shitshow in /meta/ this is tranny gayops or at least there are enough tranny gayops going on as to make things very confusing
>>>/meta/37093"undefault" is Elaine herself by the way, look at the highlighted text here.
I have no idea who is doing what at this point and won't speculate. Maybe it's the tranny the whole time but I kinda think he's too schizo to pull it off. I think most likely he is just trying to throw whatever at the wall here to try and get clout and/or fuck over people he has tranny vendettas against.
No. 1599887
>>1599854I don't trust the tranny either, but they did post a screenshot of Elaine talking to the catfish with the same avatar
That means that there's probably more screenshots, maybe even a log. I wonder why they were not leaked along with the RP by the catfish, if the goal was to humiliate Elaine
No. 1599942
>>1599887at the same time null was publicly stating that elaine was known for bombing forums with cp and gore he was also apparently unbanning her from his forum
he has posted more in her thread than any other cow and claimed that he wasn't even talking to her, in a thread where he was previously talking to her
elaine's thread's origins were tied up in the fact elaine sent null a personal email takedown request, when the thread wasn't even on his site
No. 1599963
File: 1658995550287.png (36.89 KB, 701x257, 25CE080F-04EA-4B09-9A12-CC299F…)

Reposting because even if it came from the tranny, this was valid input
No. 1599974
>>1599964maybe null is trying to cover sticking his dick in the milk
or maybe elaine is just carving his name in her for the fun of it, because some clever non-posting troll has made her his secret, personal lolcow
No. 1599976
>>1599974The more I think about this, it’s just all a little suspicious.
“Catfish” drops nudes but no DMs? Surely the most embarrassing part would be Elaine believing everything and simping in DMs.
Then “Catfish” redacts everything he dropped. If this was an Idea Guy level gayop, they would be too cruel to redact that shit. This is someone who felt guilty afterwards.
No. 1600040
>>1600037*you're talking to…
>you're alol sorry
No. 1600055
>>1600050detective larper
>>1600053kiwi scrote thinking this is a leak bazaar
It's almost like trannies are inherently a vortex of autism.
No. 1600058
>>1600057And what contribution is correcting an autocorrect done from a phone?
This thread has turned into pure astroturfing and will not hold any water.
No. 1601024
>>1601008This though. But people just outright making shit up is almost as embarrassing.
>>1601016For the record: are there men in what's left of EE? If not then the poster saying undefault (i.e. almost certainly Elaine talking to herself) was a man and was in VC, ever, is just outright fabricating stuff, otherwise then what happened and who wound up there?
No. 1601028
>>1601024He was one of 3 men let in.
Other two being Incog & Cow Poly.
Lurk moar.
No. 1601465
File: 1659126138001.jpeg (574.43 KB, 1119x1960, 1D3D0FEC-E9AA-4DDE-91E0-D2F7BB…)

Elaine’s plan for the extortion ring
No. 1601839
are you an anon who hasn't checked in for a while? Wondering what is going on? Well, for the past couple of days, a schizo pedo troon has been having a major episode here on lolcow, mostly on /meta/, /ot/ and the MTF thread. If you have witnessed any of the following:
>sperging about "UH", "Kuz", elaine, and kiwifarms
>CP/monkey torture spams
>anime avatarfagging
>random youtube music links
>complete wordsalads
>complaint about jannies and radfems
then you have just spotted the schizo pedo troon. If at any point you see anons arguing with each other over something absolutely incomprehensible and are wondering if you've missed anything important, fear not. That is just the schizo pedo troon samefagging again to try to sir up concern amongst the uninformed. Thankfully, now you are informed. So next time you see any of the above, do your duty and ignore it.
If you see other anons acting confused, copy and paste this Public Service Announcement so that they too, may be informed.
/////This concludes the Public Service Announcement./////
No. 1601843
File: 1659148255670.jpeg (27.12 KB, 768x233, looked in the mirror.jpeg)

Oh OK, mystery solved.
No. 1601876
File: 1659152616535.jpeg (190.4 KB, 1124x1200, A962777E-209F-4441-B444-B754D3…)

Elaine and UH are going at it. Elaine is scared of undefault bc he has “crypto”, “works with the feds” and has everyone’s “doxes” which are already on KF
No. 1601885
File: 1659154085645.jpeg (300.72 KB, 1109x1762, FF7BA700-5317-437F-A67C-844126…)

Elaine’s plan to get undefault is to butter him up in dms.
No. 1602029
>>1601990Elaine and Josh working together to carve Josh's name into Elaine in order to make people think Elaine was catfished by somebody pretending to be Josh, but not actually Josh sounds like an amazingly retarded and unnecessarily convoluted plan to me.
I know the troon has poisoned the well with his vendetta posts, but I'm not ready to dismiss the possibility of it being Null's gayop against Elaine just because the tranny suggested it. It's the simplest explanation that fits the most evidence.
Don't forget that the troon has pretty much accused literally everybody from Elaine herself to Cowpoly to Spooky Bones as being behind this at some point. Keeping possibilities open isn't detective larping.
No. 1602413
>>1602268If Josh is being set up, why unban Elaine after the stuff was leaked, especially after he accused her of spamming CP? Why make it appear as if it was a catfish impersonating Josh instead of making it look like it was Josh himself?
>>1602351This is simultaneously both ridiculously stupid and highly interesting. It's obvious that it wasn't photoshopped and it's retarded to think this is an attempt at wooing Elaine.
However, we know that Josh isn't averse to RP as can be seen from what happened with Stocking.
No. 1602415
are you an anon who hasn't checked in for a while? Wondering what is going on? Well, for the past couple of days, a schizo pedo troon has been having a major episode here on lolcow, mostly on /meta/, /ot/ and the MTF thread. If you have witnessed any of the following:
>sperging about "UH", "Kuz", elaine, and kiwifarms
>CP/monkey torture spams
>anime avatarfagging
>random youtube music links
>complete wordsalads
>complaint about jannies and radfems
>laughable larping as an oldfag and misuse of lcf lingo
>running gayops on himself like doxing his own family members in hopes of framing others
>trying to larp an 'investigation' to create a narrative attacking people he hates
then you have just spotted the schizo pedo troon. If at any point you see anons arguing with each other over something absolutely incomprehensible and are wondering if you've missed anything important, fear not. That is just the schizo pedo troon samefagging again to try to sir up concern amongst the uninformed. Thankfully, now you are informed. So next time you see any of the above, do your duty and ignore it.
If you see other anons acting confused, copy and paste this Public Service Announcement so that they too, may be informed.
/////This concludes the Public Service Announcement./////
No. 1602427
>>1602423You can especially tell by how he brings up stuff that he's read about in various places and tries to act like he is in the know (e.g. right up ther "Stockings" was a girl Josh harassed but
when he was like 14 ffs; he is all over /meta/ alluding to issues about the site that are discussed there + LARPing as an oldfag and misusing or overusing lingo like "nonna" and "scrote") it's pretty funny if it weren't for the CP stuff
No. 1602471
>>1602427I have to say though, I think him bringing up stocking is a
valid point, even if did so just to larp as an oldfag. Josh was closer to 19 when that happened in 2012, more than old enough to be responsible for his actions. It's not any proof that he was behind the RP, but we know that he's not opposed to doing RP under the right circumstances.
Everything else he said about the photoshop and wooing was moronic though.
No. 1602875
>>1602351kiwi kween indeed
thanks for the mental image of josh and elaine. it makes so much sense
No. 1602894
File: 1659240965428.jpeg (105.71 KB, 736x585, Fukkensaved.jpeg)

>>1602875Nah this being a ring of traitor jannies makes more sense, Elaine was freaked cause its way more than one person
No. 1603171
>>1603149The language use in the screenshot is revealing. If you look at the screenshot, and compare it to searches on Null's posts on KF, you can find examples of a lot of uses of the word, 'persona' by Null. He also uses, 'route' as a synomym for 'course of action' frequently.
According to
>>1599771, Elaine says it was his voice and the only excuse offered so far is someone had a voice modulator that makes them sound just like Josh.
A simpler explanation is that Josh has a lot of time on his hands in Serbia. We know he does not have sex due to his dysfunctional weenis but he likes to stalk women online. Younger women work due to his limited social skills and sophistication.
He is just stalking Elaine whilst lying about it because Stocking mark II.
No. 1603216
>>1602581How is everyone in this thread so stupid? Elaine was responding in voice chat, anyone who's spent 5 minutes observing her knows she prefers that to typing. The only messages in the DMs would be from the catfish himself, that's why they weren't leaked. Either you're Elaine herself or you're genuinely retarded.
>>1603149>"only a few close friends">leaks stuff anywayOkay, Elaine.
Can farmhands clean up the obvious self posting in here?
No. 1603224
>>1603198accept that null doesn’t give a shit about you, it’ll hurt less
>>1603223gee, I wonder who
No. 1603232
>>1603194Yes, there's nothing concrete to point it to Josh, but it's not like there's any concrete reasons that it couldn't be Josh other than "it doesn't feel right/it sounds schizo".
Saying it was definitely 100% Josh is schizo, but saying that there's absolutely no way it can be Josh under any circumstances sounds Schizo as well.
Honestly it's weird to me that speculation on anybody else is tolerated but if Josh is brought up people rush to his defence and accuse others of samefagging or schizo theories, when there's nothing concrete pointing towards anyone else either.
No. 1603241
File: 1659271257781.png (54.65 KB, 770x961, YWoeZRn.png)

some people were asking if anyone had any dms with undefault..
No. 1603252
File: 1659272303119.png (86.65 KB, 960x1173, YotRmTC.png)

>>1603241at the time i thought this was just some random kiwiscrote friend/orbiter of elaine. we vc-ed a few times (3 times i think?), he didn't sound like null at all, just your typical egotripping scrote.
No. 1603258
File: 1659273133325.jpeg (311.68 KB, 1284x1584, 704F7691-1CB4-47D7-B724-C66232…)

Another member of Undefault’s Discord. I wonder what “farmies” is?
No. 1603328
>>1603216No. Elaine was responding to messages. You have to had not watched the video to think that. She may have responded to undefault but it was a different account that she was messaging in the videos who may have been undefault.
She thought it was null but even in the videos she was asking for proof that it was null
No. 1603359
Namefagging because I’m the subject here and may be able to help further.
I’d rather not talk on KF knowing some of the shitbags who hang out there.
Undefault and the account in the video are not the same person although a lot made me think they were. They did deny being each other but I didn't get the impression of it being two people on different accounts trolling me who both knew each other. A lot of the time I was convinced that rather than being trolled, I was just talking to someone extremely mentally ill who wanted to deny the other account out of embarrassment?
I think people are looking at this the wrong way. I know the reason behind a lot of these actions and I don’t actually believe it was an entirely malicious operation throughout.
I believe that the person(s) involved are extremely unstable and I was collateral damage.
It is hard for me to actually have a stance on things knowing the state the person(s) involved were in.
I do believe they felt regret, but I also believe that running away from it isn’t helpful and I respect those who are able to take responsibility (even in private) rather than melting down.
It is difficult for me to comment further considering I know a lot more in depth detail about this.
I am concerned that bringing what I know to public light could worsen the situation for everyone involved and cause a trashfire I wouldn’t be able to put out.
I also don’t believe that many people were involved in this, it would be one, or two at most.
I also believe that all the accounts in Undefault’s server were Undefault himself, or him & a friend. I don’t believe there is some mass trolling ring.
This is one of the hardest things I’ve dealt with handling online. Yes, I understand why people would see me as a pick me, or as stupid and this being self inflicted, but without an understanding of the bigger picture I believe it is impossible to make an accurate judgment but you all have understandable reasons for disliking me.
Despite not wanting threads here, I don’t hold resentment towards the site owner or staff here, or any posters and I apologise for my previous actions.
I like to think I have matured beyond that point at least.
This situation is incredibly complicated and detailed, and I don’t think I’d even have enough space in this thread to lay it all out in a way that makes sense.
No. 1603398
File: 1659284334760.png (25.6 KB, 750x245, bUk67jl.png)

your comment cut out the pepe to hide your connection, huge coverup.
you're legitimately retarded.
No. 1603966
>>1603344Elaine responded through text to Anus, and that was leaked. Elaine responded in text to the troon, and that was leaked. There's even one screenshot of her responding in text to the account with the cow avatar from the cutting video that was leaked.
You can't seriously be suggesting that she never ever responds in text at all. There's already one leaked screenshot of her texts with the cow avatar, there has to be more.
No. 1605683
File: 1659501305673.jpeg (300.09 KB, 1125x1693, B239EABF-ACDB-4EA5-B2DC-FDFB06…)

New Elaine server rules
No. 1606236
>>1605545FairsInfoCenter and DBSfromKF are absolutely not Blaine alts, kek. See /meta/ and the Rachel thread.
>>1605683>JDANKS and plate gang suckShe's not wrong but she's fucking with people who hit back and hit back low.
No. 1608547
File: 1659757024612.jpeg (21.14 KB, 1284x434, E2B72513-E16A-4B33-98BD-0B8AAA…)

Elaine made a sock puppet on discord to blame for the stuff.
No. 1609477
The pure retarded autism of Elaine never fails to shock (and entertain) me. Like, just imagine… not engaging in any of this shit? Like just logging off, or unplugging the computer, or even just closing her eyes. Her life could just be normal so easily but she refuses to allow it. Wild
Anyway, people claiming Null unbanned her from KF and using that as evidence to support their theory of him being the one talking to Elaine are also fucking retarded. He didn’t just decide one day to unban her. She made a sock and started posting in her thread again after the thigh pics got posted. They (not sure if it was Null himself or another janny) merged her sock account with the main one after verifying that it was her. Null posted the “no comment” thing before her sock was verified and merged but I’m pretty sure other jannies have those privileges and could’ve done that themselves after Null basically said fuck off to the whole thing. I get the vibe that he really was just trying to ignore Elaine and hope that she would eventually get bored, when he probably (very likely) should’ve been more proactive in shutting shit down before it got to this point. But also, like, she’s a grown ass adult and it’s not really his fucking problem, lol. Anyway, I feel like he was just very “what the fuck ever” about it and didn’t weigh in one way or another if a different janny decided to merge her two accounts, which allowed her to start positing on KF again. I just don’t think that’s the same as Null actually unbanning her and giving her the green light to spout her autism all over the site, which some users (or just UH lmao) seem to think indicates that he was behind the whole thing to begin with. And yeah, he’s made it known that he uses a voice modulator all the time anyway so would be super easy for someone else to “sound like him” by also using one.
TLDR: Null sucks for a lot of other reasons but there’s no evidence that points to him actually being the scrote that convinced Elaine to carve herself up in his honor, and a fuckton of common sense pointing to the fact that she just got catfished by some shitbag on the internet who knows how desperate she is for Null’s attention
No. 1609508
nonnie posting sense in the Elaine thread, what a treat. I only totally agree. The thing is all the Discord dramafags seem like conveniently enough the people they suspect the most are people they already hate due to dumb ass drama. I don't know how many are resorting to making shit up, the tranny definitely, as for the rest, so many of these people have some agenda. At this point I believe half Elaine when she says she knows who did it but blah blah blah doesn't wanna reveal the truth yet. She's milking it herself for attention. I even think something happened but I'm also open to thinking there is no catfish and it's all Elaine smoke and mirrors.
No. 1609513
>>1609067Why ban her now when her mom emailed him a month ago? He hasn't shown this level of concern for other lolcows, there are cows with a history of being manipulated or clear mental illness still unbanned.
Seems like it has more to do with Elaine dropping screenshots accusing Null of being behind it and hinting she knew more about Null's inner circle. If it wasn't true he could have ignored it or laughed it off, but denying it and immediately banning her is rather odd.
No. 1609762
>>1609513Nonna, get over your hate boner for Null for just a second and use your brain. Null has said repeatedly that he wants nothing to do with Elaine and will never speak to her. His initial method of “ignore until she gets bored” didn’t work because the fact that he ignores tf out of her
triggers Elaines narcissistic autism and causes her to try even HARDER. To the point of physically mutilating her fucking body because a catfish told her to. She wants his attention that bad, she will carve herself up like a thanksgiving turkey without a second thought of “hmm, this is odd, why would someone that I’ve never seen/met in person or even seen on a video chat ask me to do this?” Thats fucking insane behavior on her part. Now add in the fact that she still constantly emails him and tags him on KF (she responded to one of his posts in the Flamenco thread right before he banned her this time), talks about him on public forums all over the goddamn internet and causes OTHER people to bother him about her… and now her fucking “MOM” is emailing you about her. How incredibly annoying and creepy to basically have this insane little pick-me stalking you every day on your own website. He said he was trying the “ignore” thing again but clearly… not gonna work. It makes total sense for him to get fed up and ban her a second time. I would hardly call it a “random” ban on his part.
I’m not even trying to necessarily defend Null because like, yes he still sucks. But Jesus Christ, this type of schizophrenia would annoy the fucking Pope and it’s not unreasonable for him to want her to shut up and sperg somewhere else to give himself a break until she inevitably comes back with a sock account. This is all very common sense, IMO.. the argument you're trying to make is such a reach and I think it’s weird
you find him banning her to be odd. Like shit, would you want to ban someone if they were an autistic retard stalking you for months and accusing you of causing her to self-harm? I wouldn’t blame him if he ended up getting a restraining order against the psychotic bitch.
No. 1609816
>>1609762I would agree with what you're saying if Elaine was the only narcissistic szhizo cow that can't shut the fuck up about Null. But she isn't, and the rest aren't banned.
>>1609477You are correct that she returned on a sock account. However, you are forgetting that his initial reason for banning her was for allegedly being a CP spammer. There's no fucking reason to unban her, sock or not, if that was the reason for the ban. For every other banned user that socks, their socks just get banned too.
>>1609708I didn't say anything about Null tricking Elaine, just that he treats her differently from other lolcows for some reason. Other schizo cows who blame Null for everything aren't banned, other banned user's socks don't get merged and unbanned.
No. 1609997
>>1609513> dropping screenshots accusing Null of being behind it Screenshots of messages from SIGSEGV, a scrotey scrote who hates Null, means less than nothing.
> hinting she knew more about Null's inner circleElaine does this all the time and not just will Null.
> denying it and immediately banning her is rather odd.No it's not.
>>1609708> Also I am starting to believe that there's a gay ops with some retard tying to convince people Null tricked Elaine.Of course there is lol. Null is a creep but creeps who hate him are putting this around to cause drama.
No. 1610234
>>1609884It's not like his site has a good public reputation to begin with. It's not the first time him and the site have been blamed for self harm or suicide.
>>1609807I don't understand why people are treating her like the villain here. She might be acting irrationally but assuming she was catfished and revenge porned,it's not hard to understand why she's freaking the fuck out.
No. 1610628
Anyway, since the women are, as usual, getting things wrong, I figured that I'd clear a few things up based on what little I actually care to remember about the conversation with Elaine. I'm not going to read the caps she posted on Kiwi, because I have better things to do.
1: the IP Elaine was asking for
I remember that the IP was shared with another account on the site, but it was created after the piss video was posted. Don't remember who it was, don't particularly care.
2: I was blackmailed or something??
I'm pretty sure that she thought this because I wasn't responding to her on Discord. In reality, I just thought it was funnier to leave the DM on mute.
3: I did it to fuck with Josh
Elaine was the one who came up with the idea of Josh being involved, I just ran with it because I thought it'd be funny and that SURELY there was no way she'd believe something as retarded as "Josh was pretending to be someone pretending to be Josh," yet here we are.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1610920
>>1610628In a situation where someone is posting either deep faked or legitimate revenge porn, that’s probably not the time you should decide to randomly accuse someone just for the “lulz”.
If you weren’t involved & don’t know who was, just say that to clear things up. You don’t need to act suspicious and ignore Discord questions regarding something as serious as this.
We get it, Josh sucks and you hate him, but if you had no proof against Josh, you probably shouldn’t have pointed fingers. Whether a joke or not, accusations like that without evidence are serious.
This isn’t a huge joke or even gossip. This is something way out of our bounds to be able to handle. This is an image board, we aren’t investigators, we aren’t the police. This shouldn’t be milked for gossip or used to slag off our enemies or frame them.
I understand that most people here do not regard this as anything other than more gossip on me, but I feel as if I’ve been virtually raped and I refrained from harping on about the mental affect this has had on me.
This isn’t something we should use to gayop people with. What was done to me could be being done to many other women right now and using sexual harassment to troll me with, and blame Josh, sure doesn’t make you look good buddy, it also makes you look like it was actually you responsible, or that you were involved/know who was.
No. 1611057
You have already claimed to know who did this
Regardless if you were catfished, you are still unbelievably fucked up and damaged to send ANYONE that kind of content
You are a giant gullible retard to believe a single thing Sig said (also why you were catfished)
You spend all your time on discord with autistic wignat coomers but can't comprehend why you're dealing with sexual harassment
You literally fucked one of them and don't understand why the rest of them are biting at your ankles for his sloppy seconds
You are not a
victim, no one held you down and carved a fat man's name into your skin
Shut the fuck up and quit whining about the consequences of your own actions like a giant fag baby or log off and do something with your life
No. 1611348
>>1611270This person isn’t me. I don’t know who they are but I am glad the farmhands & admin here could recognise that wasn’t me.
Me being fucked up and damaged isn’t really new information.
I don’t think people realise that I actually tell people off on a regular basis for making sexual comments towards me. Because I didn’t whine about it in public, people assumed I was a pick me. In actual fact, I really hate that kind of shit, and people have gotten a lot better at decreasing that behaviour after I mentioned it.
I feel like I’ve been read completely wrong. People are assuming a few chat logs and a selfie are indicative that I meet up with and bang guys I know online. It’s ridiculous.
I am actually pretty refrained in terms of sex/romance. It takes a lot to get me talking about anything like that, and I don’t fall for people easily.
I had a huge go at people on Discord for uploading images of women and commenting on their bodies. You all don’t see what I say to people in private, so you assume I encourage this behaviour. I have no problem calling out misogynistic men who make disgusting sexual advances online, but I try to do so diplomatically and in private, as cancel culture really isn’t my thing.
File: 1660140740007.png (375.25 KB, 1280x720, brown bricks.png)

>>1611348You can shut up now.
(you too) No. 1623717
File: 1661291096662.png (78.64 KB, 787x243, keffals.png)

No. 1628236
File: 1661689772982.jpeg (491.21 KB, 1170x1148, AE947584-34FF-4685-965F-679F56…)

Elaine’s trying her hardest to get keffals’ attention on twitter. I thought Elaine’s videos were deepfakes?
No. 1629389
File: 1661751738665.png (185.95 KB, 612x666, unknown (9).png)

More likely a fellow oldfag striking while the giant is down.
No. 1629391
File: 1661751814848.png (593.95 KB, 584x590, unknown (10).png)

No. 1632641
File: 1662035566210.jpeg (577.73 KB, 1170x1628, 867FB87A-39A6-46B4-BB5F-DC9994…)

it’s the same account she used to dox lcf admin. She just changed the @. She’s going to out Matthew Prince’s KF account next.
No. 1637380
File: 1662399960783.jpg (225.64 KB, 1072x588, ElaineVillainOrigin.jpg)

What a bizarre life path. How does someone go from being a side character in the Lillee Jean Trueman extended universe to being a part of a failed troll team to take down the farms? I'm still not over the fact she never went back to Lillee Jean for beef
No. 1646098
>>1645606Dog has turned into a wolf and wants to tear it all down. There are way more than two whispering in her ear to do so.
Plate gang has her.
- Hound
No. 1648240
>>1646940it's a schizo pedo tranny, anon, pay him no mind
In Elaine-related news, I don't know if there is any. Afraid there might be but hope there isn't. She's convinced Josh actually
did do the catishing in some sort of triple reverse homosexual operation Josh pretending not to be Josh. She hangs out with some nasty Discord scrotes but what else is new. She's learned nothing.
No. 1662402
File: 1664497848564.jpg (121.09 KB, 856x657, elaine.jpg)

Elaine having a 200+ IQ and regaining her opsec as we speak
No. 1672533
File: 1665504336057.png (511.41 KB, 1080x257, dyhorestdnjjdsrb.png)

I'm guessing this is at least one of the scrotes that was messing with her, the verbiage is too specific. Of course he's another IP2/Gunt ballwasher like her other orbiters so I'm assuming that's how he found her. Probably old news to anyone who gives a shit at this point but it piqued my interest.
No. 1676504
File: 1665886875895.jpg (479.4 KB, 1080x1846, elaine.jpg)

>>1669961Elaine sent some bullshit to Nulls host which is why the thread was down temporarily, now it's back.
No. 1676640
>>1676504Looks like stabmaster arson is still simping for her and fucking with her.
>I want nothing to do with her>hosts a thread on herGood logic
No. 1685377
File: 1666807314636.jpg (18.77 KB, 225x225, z0mb0_12.JPG)

erika got raped in a psych ward and then bragged to zoom about being a pedophile
No. 1685527
File: 1666817994381.jpeg (626.74 KB, 1125x1239, 65125FF7-AFF8-457E-8A91-EDCB5D…)

Loli dungeon with Elaine
No. 1687330
File: 1666989838156.jpeg (Spoiler Image,321.44 KB, 1125x2108, 87ECEFD5-E7E0-4BBE-932A-E6209C…)

There’s a video going round uk social media of Elaine getting punched for trying to swat a classmate
No. 1693080
File: 1667525379471.png (3.99 MB, 1125x2436, 2CE5E767-54A7-447B-8F4A-A89F86…)

You bitches are gonna pay. Loser cyber bullies with no life. Queen Elaine has her master plan to fuck this site and get her thread down. Fucking nonnas don’t have shit on the Queen. She’s gonna wash the floor with your faces. She the most intelligent, hot and based woman ever. Queen Elaine has billions and sits in her room with her chandler. Wtf do you ugly bitches have? Huh? That’s right nothing.
No. 1693125
File: 1667528577752.jpeg (394.69 KB, 1125x2436, 31761614-FDDE-424A-8275-9D2C87…)

No. 1693223
File: 1667538921889.png (6.12 MB, 1125x2436, C2B4F308-67AA-4923-85D3-DC679F…)

No. 1693229
File: 1667539250338.png (4.8 MB, 1125x2436, 473BBAE9-DCFA-4C6F-AAFB-750176…)

No. 1695207
File: 1667739126498.jpeg (226.66 KB, 1125x532, D22BE582-5BA2-49B0-8532-EA1D1A…)

Elaine is desperate for her star crossed loli loving fat heroin addicted 40 year old alcoholic Christopher. He’s been ignoring her.
No. 1695638
File: 1667789587740.png (214.75 KB, 1056x693, 66D4A082-6B08-4871-8E1E-9381B0…)

Elaine released her own porn to phish people
No. 1696349
File: 1667875695594.png (31.83 KB, 560x208, 7785A660-CDF6-4173-8A95-DB2F35…)

Elaine owns a new website gossip
No. 1703503
File: 1668854259044.jpeg (745.92 KB, 1125x1465, 7E22BD14-8E70-4B8C-9A16-066D8E…)

She has notebook satanic pages on everyone she talks to like this
No. 1705802
File: 1669059429551.png (259.96 KB, 915x460, Untitled.png)

Someone's living rent free in her mostly hollow head.
No. 1710032
File: 1669426138854.jpg (511.76 KB, 1125x1687, IMG_2076.jpg)

looks like Elaine found some new scrotes to hide with. entire discord is filled with milk No. 1710053
>>1710032Your archive is out of date and only goes up to 13 Nov
Here is a close to up to date archive up to 21 Nov. No. 1710785
File: 1669500486803.jpg (Spoiler Image,231.06 KB, 720x1378, Screenshot_20221126-220609_Tel…)

Elaine is off her meds and claiming credit for taking down kiwi
No. 1712040
Elaine was banned from for baiting people to use her real name so they break the no doxing rule and get banned
Her posts are archived here No. 1712082
File: 1669597282941.jpg (429.71 KB, 720x1409, Screenshot_20221128-005945_Chr…)

Possible new Elaine sock, definitely unhinged enough
No. 1712399
File: 1669619631725.jpeg (222.54 KB, 1125x1487, 37A94E90-E3E6-47CF-88A3-E45B2B…)

Elaine Dairy November 24th
No. 1712400
File: 1669619653005.jpeg (260.63 KB, 1124x1664, 6E002438-3C41-449F-B051-9EF66D…)

No. 1713190
File: 1669690014523.jpeg (261.66 KB, 1125x1279, 6DB8CA72-27FB-4F17-905A-26C8EA…)

>>1712400Rash from getting
toxic mould poisoning, bc she sleeps in her own piss and snot
No. 1713216
File: 1669692690272.gif (2.43 MB, 300x436, 55BCD323-0E82-4487-8081-257C3B…)

Yes she picks her nose and just wipes it on her unmade bed
No. 1713218
File: 1669692714635.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1125x1497, BFE6658B-DD64-4644-AD6C-8E0A09…)

Her room
No. 1713220
File: 1669692756911.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1125x1479, A074B32F-D400-4981-905B-A52E3F…)

She can only really afford to shop at discount stores like this
No. 1713223
File: 1669693261104.jpeg (467.93 KB, 1125x1189, D102CB42-592E-48C7-ADB3-8B8966…)

She’s terrible looking without makeup
No. 1713252
File: 1669696368300.jpeg (549.97 KB, 1125x1162, 60F24263-83D3-4C76-B520-710A0A…)

Elaine pees the bed
No. 1713254
File: 1669696389396.jpeg (632.9 KB, 1125x1642, 66E89EE0-F528-42E0-B6CA-23A9A0…)

No. 1713256
File: 1669696439273.jpeg (240.92 KB, 1125x1496, 3B16E61A-2D6A-4975-AAE6-4F2FE2…)

Elaine and Vordrak
No. 1713257
File: 1669696501511.jpeg (198.21 KB, 1125x1227, 3A77AF9D-22B9-4312-A99B-D8FAD0…)

Younger Elaine was fat
No. 1713258
File: 1669696541728.jpeg (115.26 KB, 1125x1107, A15E3063-997B-403C-8AF2-DF0929…)

No. 1713261
File: 1669696598046.jpeg (219.24 KB, 1125x1797, 6F09A027-CA49-4125-98FB-193D80…)

No. 1713263
File: 1669696623815.jpeg (190.95 KB, 977x1767, 671C57B7-8D1D-4E7C-B024-B3F322…)

She kinda looks like a man
No. 1713264
File: 1669696653935.jpeg (453.76 KB, 1125x1403, 8F5E77C3-99A5-46DF-9FAB-CF16B6…)

Her fake designer knockoffs
No. 1713270
File: 1669697389273.jpeg (Spoiler Image,235.32 KB, 1125x2436, 9F1983EC-07C3-4576-9AAF-090974…)

Elaine cuts herself often
No. 1713271
File: 1669697503182.jpeg (Spoiler Image,129.58 KB, 1125x2436, 8A36DD9B-891D-48A0-B521-42FC59…)

More cutting photos, she posts them everywhere and to her friends
No. 1713274
File: 1669697943127.jpeg (393.98 KB, 1125x1492, D3F95687-B866-430D-BAF4-799176…)

She’s really into cutting. If I had to guess it was her idea to cut josh moon into her legs
No. 1719895
File: 1670335771194.png (351.85 KB, 863x1178, Screenshot_20221206-074425.png)

Elaine made another account on onion farms to rant about Empresa and get mad that more VCs from her scrote server got recorded and posted.
No. 1720188
File: 1670354123076.png (89.27 KB, 471x615, image0.png)

Zombie is still hanging around Elaine and used her to attack some people from Wizardchan, also attempting to smear Blaine with their pants down yet again.
No. 1721434
File: 1670448112746.jpeg (836.88 KB, 1125x1247, A0836A27-858A-4DB0-AD02-BBDB05…)

No. 1721467
File: 1670450254425.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1125x1806, F7546BE7-041E-451B-AB7B-27169D…)

In addition to toxic mould poisoning from her moldy piss stained sheets, Elaine is sick. Also notice the hair growing on the side of her face, like a beard. Hair growth like that is common in bulimics
No. 1721499
File: 1670452274729.jpeg (2.07 MB, 1125x2098, 99CF9631-DA53-47CA-84CE-7E5FAB…)

She put a DEAD BUG in her beanie, and let it hang down in front of her eye. I guess she thought kiwifarmers would like this? She wants to be queen of the kiwis so bad
No. 1722809
File: 1670567150953.png (45.13 KB, 1250x273, elaine on scrote site.png)

I can't believe how sexist these scrotes on onionfarms are, fucking moids. Vile behavior critiquing her for her issues with weight.
No. 1723777
File: 1670657240636.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1125x2319, D951E0DC-3CC6-4532-9BD9-427F2A…)

Classic Elaine straw chewing/art
No. 1723778
File: 1670657603248.jpeg (232.41 KB, 1125x690, B916F288-2140-4718-9079-F931A4…)

Elaine has issue with one of her simps
No. 1725067
File: 1670790206188.png (153.2 KB, 322x395, image-52.png)

What a fat slovenly cow who needs to spend all day appealing to kiwi scrotes for attention. Typical obese pick me behaviour.
No. 1729481
File: 1671287403744.png (9.07 KB, 291x79, Fatty.png)

Our little Lainey accidentally admits in her kiwi scrote server to not having amenorrhea like any self respecting anachan. This makes her skin walking anachans even funnier as it reveals that she is nothing but some fat pick me who wants any male attention no matter how transparent her ploy is.
No. 1748003
File: 1674099551514.jpg (256.9 KB, 1260x526, Trollcow2.JPG)

In case people have forgotten about Elaine, she has taken up residence at OF. (lol!)'s pretty cringe.
No. 1748916
File: 1674229604283.png (187.95 KB, 856x640, Screenshot 2023-01-20 7.37.55 …)

>>1748736Hi Lainey!
Elaine is the ultimate pickme to a bunch of fat incel scrotes. It's funny that such a high-class lady from such a "wealthy" family settles for that. lol ;)
Real wealth never talks about their money. It's taboo. You should know that, Elaine.
No. 1749238
File: 1674264722654.jpg (212.96 KB, 1080x1060, 2023_01_20_12.07.16.jpg)

>>1748916>Real wealth never talks about their money. It's taboo. You should know that, Elaine.That's what always gave it away to me, real money doesn't even bring it up with a romantic partner for a while let alone scream it on an image board for the favor of scrotes.
>>1748981Milk doesn't require saging and you should know that since you're posting in your own thread.
Here is a post I personally found humorous as it's most likely that police will rule it as a suicide due to her catalogued instability and overall poor mental health.
No. 1750793
File: 1674500949051.png (96.25 KB, 1261x316, Screenshot 2023-01-22 7.28.50 …)

You are a very amusing trollcow, Elaine. Top kek.
And since you are so moneyed up, you should bankroll Null's business ventures. That should be pocket money for an affluent person like yourself.
No. 1771459
File: 1676778707595.png (9.28 KB, 441x82, Sangwhich.png)

leader of the elaines elite tells the truth. considering there is no never endings up there I can only assume this german cunt enjoys it due to psychological reasons
No. 1778171
File: 1677475675206.jpg (75.81 KB, 608x648, Set01 - Copy.jpg)

Elaine and the real catfish. Together forever.
No. 1778172
File: 1677475773053.jpg (293.63 KB, 1708x784, Set02 - Copy.jpg)

Part 2
No. 1778173
File: 1677475907973.jpg (125.13 KB, 801x995, Set03 - Copy.jpg)

Part 3
No. 1779228
File: 1677601900800.jpg (202.66 KB, 1080x1201, Elaine account.jpg)

Elaine is currently WKing Rachel Leeds-Minkin on a Twitter account that is perpetually shadowbanned but she's taken a page from the California Weeb Cow and continues to insist it isn't her despite there being many indications that it is in fact her behind the account. No. 1779690
>>1567357If only. She's running up alts again and trying to build some self esteem the only way she knows how. Declaring random people to be "lolcows" and pretending no one can see her.
Like a retarded elephant hiding behind a tiny shrub.
No. 1783710
File: 1678124318994.png (152.32 KB, 926x766, ChudbudsRIP1.png)

Apparently Elaine was watching Claire's stream when the chudbuds leak went down.
No. 1783803
File: 1678133559161.jpg (322.37 KB, 1080x1383, gayops exposed.jpg)

>>1783710Whole thing was a giant gayopping group with Elaine as a "trusted source", no wonder they got everything leaked over there. Not only does this mean KF mods and users were certainly still talking and gayopping with her off-site but also that a lot of stuff even as far as the ILJ stuff was covered up thanks to personal connections.
Extremely troubling that someone like Elaine gets that kind of protection.
No. 1784005
>>1783969I see all of the same KF rejects from the ILJ era mentioned with Elaine all the time. I gotta wonder why it's somehow always the same group of people getting involved even if by proxy or just being within the circle of culpability. How do these bitches always insert themselves into the worst situations?
Elaine is extra fucking stupid for hanging around, especially if she had an idea this was about to go down before it did.
No. 1784062
>>1784005Well because they have continued gayopping since ILJ and the few who called them out soon got swarmed in a barrage from their socks.
Elaine just enjoys being malicious and playing as some "darkweb hacker" so she puts up with the abuse and likely knows it's dumb but cannot satisfy her urge otherwise. She's become a slave to her own dopamine as have they all, at least in my opinion.
But hey I said this same exact thing last year.
No. 1788400
File: 1678803649725.jpg (20.66 KB, 1130x480, 23e3cc31-be55-40e8-a5c9-661cf8…)

Elaine I know you read this, think about how GWS' chat went. You never bring any content, you just ruin shit. Why go after a kiwi account when the over three hundred accounts there are going to document you asking a minor to go private on your fedi. Way more people talk and lurk than you know, that chat is not a "safe space" for you to try and seduce minors. Nearly everyone else but minor morons and you and your butt buddy can get along and mind their own, why can't you just be 'normal'?
No. 1788842
File: 1678854440695.png (3.65 KB, 352x73, Screenshot 2023-03-10 11.41.58…)

Pickme regrets…
No. 1790070
File: 1679027793468.jpg (157.25 KB, 1080x1180, villainspeech.jpg)

New copypasta dropped.
>Watching anorexics get mad and seethe over my unattainable figure that I have because of my hyperthyroidism. Nothing more satisfying than knowing I don’t even have to try and there are people who starve themselves to look like me and my thyroid just be doing it naturally. I eat 7 meals a day, I love food, and I can’t medically retain fat. I actually wish I could, but seeing eating disorder bitches rage is the only silver lining to being incredibly insecure about looking skeletal.
No. 1790077
File: 1679030060774.png (57.17 KB, 595x432, Screenshot 2023-03-16 10.07.30…)

No. 1790078
File: 1679030167942.png (135.37 KB, 634x354, Screenshot 2023-03-14 10.22.19…)

Careful Godwinson, bro.
No. 1790277
File: 1679070306213.png (7.3 KB, 376x177, Screenshot 2023-03-17 9.20.05 …)

What will come of this???
Will Godwinson drink Lainey's blood, or will the roles be reversed?
No. 1790613
File: 1679139564667.png (90.57 KB, 562x440, Screenshot 2023-03-17 10.54.45…)

>>1790500Neet Godwinson showed up a few hours late to his stream because he was very busy powdering his nose.
Adam played a video of Elaine talking about Null and felt inspired to put the flame of his lighter into his mouth-showing his true bloodline pedigree.
At the end of the stream, Godwinson invited Elaine on to chat, but the Anonymous dark web hacker Elaine could not figure out how to turn on a YouTube live stream.
Hence the obvious Queen of the Sektur. Hop along…
No. 1790616
File: 1679139958135.png (8.63 KB, 340x243, Screenshot 2023-03-17 9.38.48 …)

Pre-show chat had better keks (than the actual stream) with multiple Elaines showing up.
No. 1791759
File: 1679276032788.jpg (8.32 KB, 315x175, EMSFW4.jpg)

Has anyone grabbed these frames with the subject's face from the porn/alleged deepfakes? I could have sworn there was a hunt for clear shots before but did not see these. I decided to review archives since there's somewhat renewed interest. They are around aberrations/glitchy portions of the video and I only caught them when I was reviewing frame-by-frame.
No. 1791761
File: 1679276119813.jpg (5.64 KB, 133x208, EMSFW7.jpg)

>>1791759Here's a different SFW sample frame as proof I'm not just shopping single frames. First pic is right at the beginning of the 7th minute. This one is towards the end. There's probably ~20 clear frames total.
No. 1792036
File: 1679321169092.png (143.82 KB, 775x560, Screenshot 2023-03-20 7.00.20 …)

Null is contemplating getting a restraining order against the "Queen of the Sektur".
No. 1792397

>>1792047I apologize if I was unclear… I don't believe these are deepfakes at all and the only person to think that lie was even a tiny bit believable was Elaine. That said until now there was only one video where her face is shown and there was not clear and incontrovertible proof.
As a matter of fact, these errors conveniently appearing during normal playback at precisely the moment her face is visible all-but proves these are authentic. These are almost certainly intentional to hide their face, something a deepfake would not need. Picrel, it's a zoomed out view so you can see how plentiful these frames are. Whatever believability there was for the deepfakes explanation is shot.
>>1792036>>1792037I'll take this as admission these aren't deepfakes and the video is authentic.
No. 1793007
File: 1679457548178.png (210.33 KB, 462x454, Screenshot 2023-03-21 8.25.43 …)

>>1792659So what? Are you gunt-guarding for Elaine and her SWATTING CRIMES??????? The video isn't "revenge porn"…it's Elaine admitting to SWATTING people (and plans to SWAT more people), which is illegal in the U.S. Elaine Miller is admitting to criminal activity.
Are you working as an Elaine mole, so she can get "revenge" on lolcow? Why so protective of Lainey?
(obsessed kiwifag) No. 1793011
File: 1679458116865.png (115.81 KB, 463x643, Screenshot 2023-03-21 8.38.45 …)

>>1792752Hey Elaine, can you tell us more about working for the feds and making honeypots for blackmail? Are you SWATTING people for the feds? You know that impersonating a federal agent is a crime.
"I never used to be a fed. I used to make honeypots for blackmail…I've had many aliases. Courtney Bell, Serena Smith, and then Elaine Miller. I dye my hair a lot, change outfits, use green screens. One day I got into trouble during a hack, and was offered a job in exchange for no jail time. Now I can do this shit and not have to worry about consequences."
No. 1793091
File: 1679477127142.png (14.9 KB, 582x316, Screenshot 2023-03-21 10.23.05…)

So Lainey, GWS and Gahoole taught you some valuable insights- don't let it go to waste. Don't make the error of trying to attack Adam or Gahoole with your videos. You seem smitten with Godwinson and Gahoole is a long-time troll…Gahoole will just gain power from any negative attention you give him.
Take the advice of your senpai Godwinson-"drink the blood of your enemies". Be thankful that Gahoole gave you an avenue to segway your Blood Sport attention to Brittany Venti.
No. 1793104
File: 1679479070228.png (68.75 KB, 576x506, Screenshot 2023-03-21 10.28.40…)

And what you retweeted on your Twitter is not the way to drink Venti's blood, because 4chad is old news. However, you could use some of that old lore to revitalize IBS for this era. There is a lot of milk on Venti, but nobody cares because she is a has-been. Brittany only has guys like Anthony Cumia thirsting after her.
Here are some videos of some fresher milk to get you started, if you want to give the sektur some fresh nectar: Destiny mocking Venti for being a nobody and a dying streamer. Venti's "manager" also gets outed for requesting lewds from an underage girl and Venti swept that up. giving a pedo-pass to her friends. doing more sweeping for her mason "manager"., pull a page out of Brittany's playbook and attack an e-whore with a bigger audience than you have. Venti has been using that tactic for years to try to remain relevant…Listen to GWS and put on an entertaining show.
No. 1793122
File: 1679480486554.png (92.56 KB, 500x470, chicken.png)

>>1793104So Elaine, if you want to be Queen of the Sektur- you should take the crown of the old Queen of /pol/…
And that is the place to look for lore on Venti because she still shills her streams over there. It's all pretty much all alleged material, but the rumors are that Null's future wife has been ran through by half of the online Right, all the Simpcast girls are literal prostitutes, Venti is bisexual and has had sex with the red-head comedian from Simpcast, has had a threesome with Nick Fuentes and Lauren Rose, it's rumored she had sex with Destiny, Anthony Cumia, was gangbanged in the content house, was in Charlottesville with fat fed Alaska…Of course, this is all alleged…but there appears to be a theme.
Look into Ashton Birdie and Lauren Southern and what they have to say about Alex Jones and the Right-wing casting couch. Look into what Britbong has to say about Venti.
Now bring us some good kino, Elaine.
(hi cow) No. 1793195
>>1792752I'm neither, I'm the one who can do more work than ten of you faggot piles of trash can do combined. Take heed ego filled retard, I'm far smarter than you or anyone else in this entire space and I've proven it time and again.
When I say it isn't revenge porn maybe uh actually watch the video before arguing with teacher.
(newfag, retard) No. 1796115
File: 1679922095584.png (9.46 KB, 568x314, 1679891258321.png)

Elaine's current schizo plan.
No. 1800002
File: 1680304252513.png (520 KB, 1000x2500, Previous Admin of Onionfarms A…)

Here is Mike/Angry Canadian, the prior head hencho at Onionfarms cutting a deal with Elaine about her thread there.
No. 1800003
File: 1680304279912.png (65.48 KB, 899x419, 1680301806610.png)

No. 1800469
>>1800373They're not learning, just a change in management.
She had Michael completely wrapped around her finger and naturally Kengle was around Mike's. The angry Canadian has gone into hiding with his tail tucked so it won't be him dumping in here trying to obfuscate anymore.
No. 1801061
File: 1680456035016.png (4.61 KB, 353x90, elan1.png)

These are from Godwinson's last pre-stream chat (where he didn't end up steaming).
No. 1801062
File: 1680456074010.png (10.85 KB, 353x320, elan2.png)

No. 1801064
File: 1680456133312.png (13.35 KB, 353x325, elan3.png)

No. 1801065
File: 1680456238082.png (2.53 KB, 335x48, elan4.png)

GWS swept chat and hasn't returned…
No. 1801069
File: 1680456617440.png (106.36 KB, 551x591, Screenshot 2023-03-30 12.46.47…)

Elaine's Twitter has been taken down.
No. 1807136
>>1807107Alternate timeline:
Elaine takes Lillee's advice
>You should have more confidence in yourself. You're so pretty and sweet. She reads The Great Gatsby and writes the best essay she has ever written.
She watches The Queen's Gambit.
She goes to parties after the lock down ends. Everyone has forgotten about that edgy Chinatown joke.
She never emails null.
No. 1807488
File: 1681305853235.jpg (31.38 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (6).jpg)

>>1807192Shits boring as fuck now, my other hobbies are taking back over so I'm adding onto this. Elaine want to know how you win? The penultimate win? Picrel
I'm a wet blanket, a fun ruiner and my job here is done. Have fun with the ashes Queen Nothing ♥
No. 1807901
File: 1681369013218.png (13.55 KB, 598x419, Screenshot 2023-04-12 11.55.38…)

No. 1808728
File: 1681513225399.png (69.3 KB, 559x418, Screenshot 2023-04-14 4.00.32 …)

Elaine is giving Godwinson the girlfriend experience on his stream…
No. 1812598
File: 1682068645677.png (50.44 KB, 1333x590, Screenshot 2023-04-21 2.14.44 …)

No. 1812600
File: 1682069136339.png (28.83 KB, 1112x388, Screenshot 2023-04-21 2.21.38 …)

>>1812598Way to go scorched earth, Lainey…the sektur is being revived with mayhem everywhere!!!
No. 1814165
File: 1682324549861.jpeg (68.5 KB, 1125x754, 067DA485-15A5-4CB2-A595-8A7A92…)

Incoming Lainey content
No. 1814954
File: 1682437947503.jpg (147.13 KB, 1080x1449, Anastasia's assets are frozen …)

Looks like Elaine has figured out a good lie as to why she's rich but can't prove it because her cash goes to a different school.
No. 1815254
File: 1682467953686.png (51.5 KB, 708x404, Screenshot 2023-04-25 5.09.50 …)

WTF happened to Godwinson? He looks terrifying and like he aged 15 years…Maybe Lainey did really drink his blood. kek!
No. 1815559
File: 1682518403626.jpeg (139.1 KB, 1170x1728, 11EE1902-16EF-4EF3-BCD9-F144E3…)

Just Elaine being an epic haxor and totally decoding Cicada 3301 successfully… she is a coder after all
No. 1816167
File: 1682595476173.jpg (36.04 KB, 1066x214, Elaine admits by denial she sp…)

There ya go, best of luck with the FBI report that we all know no staff has filed. Sick fuck ups, if you reported to the FBI you'd all go to jail so I know you never fucking will.
You fucked up.
You killed your site.
Go kill yourself.(a-logging)
No. 1816521
File: 1682634688535.png (58.46 KB, 594x475, Screenshot 2023-04-27 2.44.30 …)

Glowie Godwinson is such a disgusting piece of filth…proudly sweeping for a bunch of homo/pedo-groomers.
No. 1816524
File: 1682634905643.png (28.47 KB, 594x561, Screenshot 2023-04-27 2.45.42 …)

>>1816521Godwinson bro, how many dick pics are you going to be sending to Ali Alexander???
No. 1818229
File: 1682902370956.png (37.15 KB, 584x529, Screenshot 2023-04-30 5.50.56 …)

new tweets…
No. 1818241
File: 1682903255283.png (64.99 KB, 455x560, Screenshot 2023-04-30 6.04.15 …)

>>1818236Elaine and Godwinson are quickly destroying each other…neither will have any blood left when they conclude their unfortunate interaction.
*The sektur is full of poisoned flowers.
No. 1818725
File: 1682978872411.png (10.23 KB, 602x162, Screenshot 2023-05-01 3.03.54 …)

>>1818241"…I'm so glad we will never have to sit in the same private members club."
No. 1818728
File: 1682979075637.png (45.39 KB, 596x521, Screenshot 2023-05-01 3.11.39 …)

The story continues…
No. 1818733
File: 1682979204468.png (46.44 KB, 581x521, Screenshot 2023-05-01 3.13.15 …)

>>1818728Looks like Lainey found an orbiter as crazy as her. kek
No. 1818743
File: 1682979518217.png (82.66 KB, 503x521, Screenshot 2023-05-01 3.17.14 …)

No. 1819341
File: 1683065159945.jpg (123.77 KB, 910x1150, Screenshot_20230502_161130_Bra…)

This makes it ridiculously obvious that anyone Elaine's called a pedophile isn't because she defends the actual ones due to her sexual attraction to them.
No. 1819345
File: 1683065418478.png (56.47 KB, 1075x304, 1683062949185.png)

No. 1819685

I saw it so you all have to too.
(do not post Elaine's nudes here) No. 1823043
File: 1683552724580.jpg (117.78 KB, 1080x1334, Screenshot_20230508_071854_Dis…)

Just larping in her discord with somebody she thinks is sandwhich.
No. 1826114
File: 1683934043046.jpg (146.84 KB, 1080x1504, Screenshot_20230512_172125_Dis…)

Elaine is very excited over null talking about her and lies and claims she isn't a massive loser.
No. 1826433
File: 1683988760843.png (117.62 KB, 534x699, 1683987052966.png)

wendigo-core aesthetic is all the rage rn
No. 1826763
File: 1684030769388.png (67.29 KB, 602x508, jackie tweet.png)

A cybersecurity expert Jackie Singh who has been exposing and doxing online swatters has apparently been in contact with Elaine and believed her story about being kidnapped and contacted her family for a statement(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1829558
File: 1684419294169.jpg (16.64 KB, 445x263, trollcow.jpg)

No. 1833441
File: 1684929807083.png (28.75 KB, 1056x627, 111.png)

Elaine sent a link to her own nudes to a self confessed minor. The one who hacked kiwifarms.
Link to html rip of discord provided by KiwiFarms No. 1834513
File: 1685056471553.png (14.01 KB, 557x330, r6.PNG)

>>1833441In an interesting turn of events the onionfarms moderators have hidden elaine's thread since these screenshots were posted. Any theories?
No. 1835149
File: 1685132388988.png (22.62 KB, 1076x674, test.png)

>>1834664She wouldn't be trying to take credit considering that the leaks show her getting catfished not once, not twice, but three times as of February 2023.
Pic related, Elaine admits that the infamous cutting video is real. Stay tuned for a drop summarizing the bulk of the leaks.
No. 1835385
File: 1685159218939.png (10.59 KB, 1183x308, shaitan1.png)

>>1835298>This looks like it’s just Elaine talking to ElaineThat's not what's happening here but I can see why you would push that theory if you were affiliated with onionfag moderators mentioned throughout the leaks.
No. 1835386
File: 1685159251025.png (9.49 KB, 624x496, shaitan2.png)

>>1835385These are all from February 2023
No. 1835388
File: 1685159501706.png (19.62 KB, 1020x784, shaitan4.png)

>>1835387As you can see Elaine still can't comprehend that Josh wants nothing to do with her, and despite lying to everyone about cp and claiming Josh hosts it she is saying how much she loves him.
There are also admissions of talking to deliberate 2nd gen catfishes to believe she is talking to her long lost
black smoke. Whoever is fucking with this mentally ill lunatic is a sociopath.
No. 1835389
File: 1685159639610.png (18.28 KB, 1288x705, shaitan5.png)

>>1835385And if you noticed this is a complete contradiction to linking the 14 year old kid her thread as well as communicating with him willingly.
No. 1835484
File: 1685180339775.png (421.07 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_0018.png)

All of the above is boring
More importantly what the fuck is this
Did she talk to that minor and send him her nudes
No. 1835485
File: 1685180480103.png (199.09 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_0019.png)

I would bet she’s still in contact with Thurlow or Anuscabbage12, that might be who she refers to but we already knew this
Part 2 of above screenshot
No. 1835487
File: 1685180860322.png (8.48 KB, 849x141, IMG_0020.png)

>>1835391These aren’t as milky as the recent screenshots of her defending pedophiles or sending them links to her porn ridden KF thread.
Most of her dms are bland because she’s probably talking to the same three simps manipulating her over and over. Unpopular opinion but I don’t think she likes Josh anymore, she’s definitely still obsessed with him but after all the posts she’s made about destroying KWF like she posted about this site, I think it’s more of a hate obsession, in
the same way she fixates on all of her enemies.
Supposedly she sent Null an email about the minor that hacked his site
No. 1835488
File: 1685181115314.png (298.54 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_0022.png)

>>1835487This was just posted on Twitter
No. 1835499
>>1835488>>1835385B-but I don't talk to minors!
>>1835487I won't out the users in the dms, but people know how unhinged she was and all discussed it kek
No. 1836492
File: 1685335284848.png (94.8 KB, 1080x1013, Screenshot_20230528-214233.png)

The cope is strong.
No. 1861428
File: 1688980942593.jpg (154.27 KB, 602x930, 022319.jpg)

>>1836492Elaine is terribly upset that she's the number 1 suspect whenever child abuse is spammed on websites she holds grudges against.
No. 1861430
File: 1688981029065.jpg (169.43 KB, 604x912, 22046.jpg)

>>1861428And of course she denies being friendly with the pedo tranny.
No. 1870301
File: 1690233820164.png (192.04 KB, 1080x1140, 37p6QjG.png)

Elaine has her own subform on Onionfarms now.
No. 1884779
File: 1692497887212.jpeg (785.01 KB, 1170x2086, F5185DB7-9292-407F-B73B-F3439E…)

Elaine’s onion farms thread is gone
No. 1885282
File: 1692565413948.png (131.84 KB, 1080x657, elaine.png)

No. 1887492
File: 1692887131315.jpg (175.56 KB, 1080x866, catfish.jpg)

No. 1887494
File: 1692887178777.jpg (690.34 KB, 1080x3318, ocd.jpg)

No. 1887534
>>1887494Wow. So BPD, schizophrenia, anxiety and depression are all made up, but her OCD is the only
valid mental illness? OCD is a literal anxiety disorder. Elaine does this shit all the time and talks about going on long “internet breaks” that never happen or only last for a day. She’s just so manic and autistic she can’t help herself
No. 1889571
File: 1693230275974.jpeg (378.95 KB, 1170x1102, 8D6506A9-5E91-4C10-9A3B-147292…)

Ah yes, Elaine trying to convince us that the last name “Gertler” is worth something. Does this bitch think she’s a Hilton or something?
No. 1897225
File: 1694563771649.jpg (283.92 KB, 1154x2048, F53GZQwXYAAUNh-.jpg)

No. 1910695
File: 1696765547424.jpg (67.42 KB, 1079x205, Screenshot_20231008_002249_Bra…)

No. 1968762
File: 1708616568622.jpeg (146.68 KB, 1036x1708, 1708613294848.jpeg)

Elaine went back to her roots and is now doxxing and reporting Lillee Jean's haterz. She's also of the opinion that everyone around her is trying to groom her.
No. 1969962
>>1969880Godwinson fucked her up, but in turn she ruined him. He already had a small audience but his fixation was career killing. Couldn't have happened to a better person.
But yeah her feminist arc and her sudden obsession with Lidl Drip after months of alogging feels so strange to me.
No. 1971557
File: 1709332703061.png (735.25 KB, 885x1080, Surprisingly wholesome.png)

>>1968762She and Lillee are friends again. The least horrible cow crossover in Elaine's current situation.
>movie nights>cosplaying >Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy No. 1980582
File: 1711633271760.jpg (28.19 KB, 470x188, cow crossover.jpg)

(bumping without milk)
No. 1981711
File: 1711959866433.png (Spoiler Image,953.97 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_6021.png)

Elaine Miller has cut “PodAwful” into her thighs after being catfished by a fake Jesse… HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 1986284
File: 1713371700640.png (647.78 KB, 1080x1564, Img.png)

>>1981711This was for April fool's. Even Elaine ain't that dumb.
Her KF thread OP got rewritten, and her thread got featured on the front page.
Congrats Elaine! Senpai finally noticed you.
No. 1997004
File: 1716471771787.jpg (166.74 KB, 1290x900, GNYI-SaWUAEm33i.jpg)

>>1996970I think modeling would have been a better career path for her than bloodsports - HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 1998377
>>1996970I love her, she's perfect!
(scrote retard) No. 1998649
File: 1716990890299.jpeg (1.27 MB, 3490x3490, IMG_3835.jpeg)

Elaine is still pretending to be rich and not in the UK
No. 2040830
File: 1727762278875.png (1.09 MB, 1792x989, sagethis.png)

Thread is dead so I'm not sure if I should sage this or not but Elaine is faking screenshots from the McKamey Manor thread for some retarded e-drama.
>>>/snow/1288965 No. 2079916
File: 1737407275730.mp4 (17.99 MB, 1920x1080, Elaine loreandorderr Trollcow …)

This is wonderful news! The most beautiful woman in existence is returning to streaming on the 27th, she will be rebranding her channel to "Lore & Order" and will interview other cows. No. 2083666
File: 1738228687945.mp4 (18.12 MB, 1920x1080, Trollcow Elaine Miller.mp4)

>>2079916doubt she will ever be sober enough to return to streaming found the other fan video for you
No. 2086026
File: 1738835357880.png (428.27 KB, 1677x816, elaine.png)