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No. 825857
19 year old "beauty guru" with subpar make-up skills. Has around 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram (fluctuates with when they can buy new bots), 11k (fake) followers on Twitter and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube.
Has around a 1% engagement on instagram, but those likes and comments appear to be from bots, fake accounts, and engagement pods. Never gets any RTs or likes on twitter aside from her mom. Doesn’t get much more than 1000 views on her Youtube videos. Some brands, such as Colorpop and Laura Mercier have, however, fallen for her snafu and send her PR. Recent drama channels exposing her have garnered more attention as of late, but the views die off quickly and return to bot numbers soon after the hype dies down.
>Her mom Laur creates all her fan accounts on IG. Many of them pretends to be grossly exaggerated versions of minorities.>Claims she has her own beauty brand coming out in 2020 (@lilleejeancosmetics) UPDATE 7/2020: This turned out to be just a new blog launch called @lilleejeanbeauty as her associated IG account was renamed as such>Went to the Bite Beauty Lip Lab and made some customs Lipsticks (as anyone can do) for herself, claimed they were a collab and that Bite would release them for purchase. Sperged out on IG and cancelled them when they told her to stop claiming it was an official collaboration (>Had a billboard of herself in Times Square for Covergirl, pretends she did an actual campaign with them, when in reality it was a campaign where anyone could upload their picture to their homepage and then get their picture on the billboard. >Her batshit insane mother uploaded an obviously shooped picture to her IG (@lrtrueman) claiming Lillee went to the MET ball. It wasn’t until after the reddit call-out they began to claim it was fan-art.>Her mother also posted an obviously shooped “Teen Vouge” cover with Lillee on the front page.>Somebody on r/beautyguruchatter made a thread about Lillee Jean. Her and her mom sperged out, made multiple accounts and spammed threads. >Most likely buys used palettes for her videos. Has new videos for sets that came out weeks ago. Lillee and Laur read here everyday while denying they do so.MAIN ACCOUNTS AS OF 2020 (updated December 2020)
Lillee: (removed)
http://www.lilleejeanbeauty.com (goes between private and public) (Suspended) (goes between private and public) (Suspended) (Suspended) (Suspended) (Suspended)
Other relevant links can be found here
>>767646LATEST MILK:
>her cat Bella has literally starved and dehydrated to death because Lillee and her mother are too selfish to have her put down at the vet >>814694 & >>814690 & >>814767 & >>814891>Lillee brags about fancy lineage >>817610 & >>817609 & >>817603 & >>818495 & >>817911 & >>817723 & >>817648 and updated her website to fuckery >>819528 >French anons told her to stfu because "Jean" for a french female is impossible >>819676 & >>819672 & >>819550 & >>819536 and Jean was a man >>819545Infamous “OpEd”
>>819797 archived
>>819827, deleted comments
>>819882 &
>>819880 &
>>819828>Lillee starts fighting with Tatiana again >>819423 & >>819378 & >>819320 live >>819249 >>819240>>819433 &
>>819226 essay
>>819213 and followings,
>>819102>MyLegalTeam but not quite legal >>820539 and >>820537>More crazy lives from Lillee >>820552 >>820593 >>820424 & >>820412>crazy person calls Laur about alleged cat abuse, records call & publishes on YouTube>>820558 >Callouts videos From Creepshow >>820073 from Reno >>820626>Lillee wants her teeth fixed >>819134>Lillee Inc is registered with this address: >>820135 & >>820120>Lillee starts filing copyright takedown requests on YouTube & Twitter >>820712>CaliMara & Reno dispute the copyright claims and have to give Lillee & Laur their private information >>820749 >>820756>Anons find searchable database of copyright complaints and discover Lillee has filed over 100 within a few days >>820794>another late night livestream >>820806>”Now I’m going to remove all the negative energy, all of the beefaroni in your brain shall be tossed” >>820820>During the livestream Lillee gets trolled by cool kids and cries because she thinks they are genuinely being nice to her>More brands drop Lillee >>820830 >>820848>Both Laur & Lillee start emailing people who disputed their copyright claims, threatening them >>820876>Laur says “Velma Dinkles” instead of Dinkley because she is truly the gift that keeps giving >>820878>Lillee continues to guest shady engagement pod people on live-streams. This guy was schilling a magic water mlm which he claims cures diseases and depression >>820898>Lillee creates a fake Tater Tatiana YouTube account to leave mean comments on her videos. Laur told Tatiana about the account but they still leave the comments up >>820911>The Christian Show makes a video critical of Lillee in support of his friend, CaliMara. Lillee copyright claims it >>820963>SHOCKER Laur starts doxing people with the information she gained through false copyright complaints >>820965>Lillee starts backtracking from badass CEO bitch and begs Tatiana to talk to her and says she doesn’t want to argue guyzzz. Even though they’re aware Tatiana has a lawyer they can contact >>821047>Lillee claims she received anti-semitic messages but conveniently blurs out the accounts name even though she has no problem doxing. Gotta protect those Nazis >>821070>Lillee quietly deletes the TikTok of her badly lip syncing the n slur without addressing it >>821090>Sen drops a video on Lillee. Lillee tries to flirt with him in the comments which is a noticeable departure from how she usually handles criticism >>821090>Laur claims they were doxxed because they’re morons who incorporated their business with their home address which is publicly available info. Says they’re moving to a gated community >>821141>Velma Dinkles submits fraudulent copyright claims posing as Marvel, proving the Lillee Jean extended universe are just as autistic as the main stars >>821193>which leads to the most unhinged live-stream Lillee has ever made…titty guns, yoda filter, squats & feet >>821413>For some unknown reason Laur decides it will be a g8 idea to promote her daughter’s live mental breakdown but chooses a screenshot that includes a “FUPA CHECK” comment >>821365>The Christian Show receives a 2nd copyright strike from Lillee Jean which means his channel will be terminated >>821540>Diane receives messages from engagement pod people Lillee has asked to contact her >>821551>Lillee sends herself Valentine Day gifts from Pheepy >>821716>Uses incorrect form of “mon cherie” proving the cards weren’t written by someone fluent in French…or Pheepy thinks Lillee is a dude >>821723>Lillee does another live-stream and is joined by dicks & children 821723>Lillee can’t count to 3 >>821787>Laur & Laur both start emailing people who have disputed their copyright claims. They go especially hard on The Christian Show - who Laur claims is a minor & lying about his address >>822059>in an email to YouTube, Lillee asks if the platform wants her to kill herself >>822159>Twitter & YouTube start reinstating copyright claimed material after Lillee fails to provide evidence she’s filed federal copyright cases >>822230>Reno, who was cc’d on the suicide baiting email, calls the NYPD and asks for a wellness check >>822333>Laur loses her shit and accuses everyone in Australia of being friends and bullying Lillee >>822343>Lillee goes live. Says the police busted down her door and says she never intended on killing herself, she was just using it as a point >>822391>Laur starts changing her twitter name to identifying information gained from disputed copyright claims >>822939>>822383>Going as far as using The Christian Show’s last name >>823125>Lillee goes to the dentist, shows her dental X-ray and holy fucking shit it’s way worse than anyone thought >>823853>Lillee does a livestream with another engagement pod person and asks the poor woman if she contoured vaginas when she was a professional makeup artist >>823871>Youtube starts restoring all the copyright claimed videos >>824180 >>825179 >>825254>Laur tweets that YouTube didn’t remove the strikes, Laur did because she’s just a big softie 823031>Laur says they’re sending affidavits to YouTube >>823425 but instead people get crazy letters claiming they don’t live at the address they’re receiving mail at >>824247>While searching for copyright cases, anons discover Earl almost escaped his fate in the freezer. Unfortunately, he divorced his first wife >>824847>Lillee tries, unsuccessfully, to get videos removed again for copyright claims after YouTube has reinstated them. Lies in her complaint to YouTube stating CaliMara called in the wellness check >>824934>Laur donates $10 to a callout account in an attempt to get their private information from Gofundme >>825022>Lillee gets google to remove results from searches through DMCA claims >>823093>Lillee’s story about the wellness checks starts to change. Now the NYPD sent the entire squad >>823448 she later embellishes the story to say she was swatted >>825276>Lillee “invests” in a makeup mlm run by an engagement pod person >>823819>Anons starting speculating Lillee’s dental issues could land Laur in trouble for neglect >>823896 >Lillee records & uploads another unedited mental breakdown >>825295 claims anyone critical of her is in a cult, run by the one and only Diane, who still lives in Texas but now is a poor witch. Says she’s been swatted numerous times. For being in a wheelchair, being Jewish and having rotted teeth. Says social services followed up on the rotted teeth call. Claims she has PTSD, has money and makes a weird chess reference when talking about witchcraft. >In a twist everyone saw coming, Lillee’s fancy pedigree is bullshit >>825313>Lillee is suing for people’s pets & family members because they’re poor >>825385>Lillee watched WandaVision and thinks Diane is a witch because TV is real life >>825425>Another YouTube’er, OnTropolis, contacted the police after Laur threatened her over email >>825508>Lillee’s dentist most likely reported Lillee to APS for dental negligence >>825670>Lillee shows report from APS dated 1/28, the same day Lillee went to the dentist. Also has a date of 3/2 which may be the date of a case managers home visit. Lillee also says there’s a court order pending in Queens’ County in a YouTube comment >>825739 PREVIOUS THREADS:
>>>/snow/833840 #1
>>>/snow/847048 #2
>>>/pt/698862 #3
>>>/pt/707075 #4
>>>/pt/718259 #5
>>>/pt/724333 #6
>>>/pt/736259 #7
>>>/pt/754981 #8
>>>/pt/767645 #9
>>>/pt/773135 #10
>>>/pt/777937 #11
>>>/pt/784721 #12
>>>/pt/794372 #13
>>>/pt/802142 #14
>>>/pt/811813 #15
>>>/pt/812246 #16
No. 825861
Just realized the link to the last thread is wrong - sorry, my first time making an OP
>>>/pt/820665 #16
No. 825868
>>825861Good OP! Thanks
Also, Lillee wishes she had legs like the thread pic kek
No. 825870
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No. 825871
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No. 825885
>>825871The SWATting is fake because…no one ever called a SWAT team.
JFC she is a special kind of dumb if she thinks any sort of social service being tipped off about nefarious shit in the attic is swatting. Does…does she even know what a SWAT team is?
No. 825913
>>825871she's so deluded.
No one doubts that APS came. She should be lucky that people care enough to not let her teeth rot out of her mouth due to Laur's neglect. I can't see anything malicious in the dentist wanting to make sure she wasn't being abused at home considering the state of her teeth. And as for Reno calling in the suicide threat…that's literally what they teach you to do in any sort of suicide prevention course: if someone threatens suicide the responsible thing to do is to call it in. Best case scenario they're bluffing, worst case scenario you save a life. There's no downside and it's what any decent human would do. Maybe that's why she can't figure it out.
No. 825923
>>825919I thought that was disproved when the one anon said that just means when the date in the corner indicates the version of the form.
>>825753 I know that's how some tax papers work.
No. 825932
After a bunch of wasted time, I could not find the document she printed out. I apologize in advance because I know it's an image board, but I would fill up the entire wall with images, so I'm just sticking to links.
Here's the main NY Adult Protective services page: don't remember how I got to this link but the hyperlink "Referral System: Make a referral" leads to a dead website: clicking on "Contact APS" in the APS FAQ (, it sent me to a list of phone numbers for each NY county.
On the right of the phone number list, there is a link for "local, county social services department’s Adult Protective Service bureau." After clicking on it, it leads me to a directory of every single NY county website: gave up my search here, stopping at the "M's" because every single website I clicked on, under their APS tab would link you back to the main NY APS page or would provide a phone number, with very rarely an email.
However, I did find their Forms link. I didn't look at each document because they installed into my computer each time I clicked on one, but you all can search for yourselves and see if you can find it: no one finds it there, I have no idea where she got that form from. I second that she may have gotten it in person, or emailed somebody to have it sent to her.
No. 825933
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Speaking of Lillee’s dentist…she just followed this NY ortho office on Instagram.
No. 825934
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>>825933They seem to push Invisalign
No. 825936
>>825934invisalign = $$$$$ of course they'd push it.
Again lilee - your dentist never called APS on you. Especially over 1 visit. You have a deformity that was possibly ignored/neglected and you became the office gossip story of the day. That's it.
No. 826003
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No. 826005
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>>826003Lillee can't tell time. I am CST, which means she's going live at 2pm CST, not EST. I wonder if the bots/pod people will know the difference.
No. 826015
>>826003I thought this was Lillee’s her birthday live and I was like she’s not a fucking Arieslike she loves to claim(so fiery) So I looked up her birthday it’s a day before the Taurus cutoff kek about as much of an Aries rep as she is for these brands.
Sorry for astrofag I’m not really into it I just find it hilarious that’s some shit she loves to brag about.
No. 826024
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The face she makes when Elaine April is telling her that "the Queen Gambit" is only about chess.
LJ thought it was historical serie and she wanted to watch it because "the actress was pretty".
She won't now because if it's "only about chess" must be too boring and LJ is too dumb anyway.
Same horrible shirt. LJ says Elaine sounds like "macaroni and cheese", she is so retarded.
No. 826028
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this question was stuck at on the screen bc there were no real people to ask questions
No. 826032
>>826012I really hope she reconsiders the Invisalign. Anyone who’s has traditional braces knows Invisalign is not for serious dental issues, it’s basically like the clear plastic retainer you get when you’re done with braces. It’s going to cost a lot of money and not help her issues at all. I know traditional braces look kinda goofy but it’s better to suck it up for a few years than have a lifetime of baby teeth (which will eventually rot/fall out anyway).
I’ve followed these two from the beginning and even though LJ is a complete brat, her lack of dental care makes me feel bad for her. Laur actually makes me angry. She seems like the type of parent who acts like a “best friend” to their child without enforcing rules or doing any real parenting.
No. 826034
>>826032I didn't even know she could get braces or Invisalign with having pretty much only baby teeth. I thought they would have to pull them out. I'm wondering if the Invisalign will move her teeth enough where they actually start popping out on their own.
I'm not a dental anon in any capacity, do not roast me please lol. Just thinking out loud.
No. 826036
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No. 826045
>>826024The difference in abilities between Lillee and Elaine is crazy. Is this Elaine an aspiring beautuber? If so I hope she cuts ties with Lillee sooner rather than later.
I would love to see the stream if anyone recorded it!
No. 826050
but shes totally not transphobic guise thats just a rumor by the ppl who swat her every week
No. 826056
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srry for the nitpick and my pulse lol, but look those growth roots, and the shirt fully of bleach stains.
A 1M instragram influencer would ignore her image like that? i don't think so….
No. 826065
>>826062I don't think lillee has an OCD, she's just lazy, her hair is full of grease and her vagina is itchy.
The only thing she has is bad hygiene that's all.
No. 826069
>>826058I know this is a spergy detail but she’s worn the same shirt nearly every day for over a year! 7 months ago (>>788974) that shirt was already shapeless and bleach-stained but she’s managed to squeeze the life out of that shirt. She’s gonna make makeup tutorials in moldy tatters at this rate
Yeah LJ, we all totally believe you’re rich and we’re jealous of your family’s wealth
No. 826070
>>826066As someone who is biracial too, it kinda irritated me "she is halffffff" like girl just say she's half black fgs.
Megan Markle is a narc as well which annoys me and I also hate the royals but Lillee Jean just needed some clout.
No. 826071
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>>826069Before she bought this newest nightie, she wore this nightshirt in every video until the neck was completely stretched out and the sleeves were stained brown
No. 826073
>>826071There are two VS nighties that someone (Diane?) found on Laur's eBay. She purchased them second-hand for $20 each in 2018, if I recall correctly. And Laur sperged that her eBay and bank had been hacked after the screenshots were posted. Kek
One says, "Unwrap me." The idea that a mother would buy her 17 or 18-year-old daughter that and then not let her watch R-rated films.
No. 826080
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Anytime Elaine says something fake-humble about herself, like about her own neat hair being bad and then compliments lillee on her rats nest brown hair, Lillee starts going OMG stopppp don’t put yourself down, girl!!!
No. 826107
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>>826087Nope, she's an aNaRcHiSt who is halfheartedly trying to brush away lillee's sins.
No. 826110
>>826107Lmfao anarchism has nothing to do with rumours or cancel culture. Cancel culture is a collective reaction, not a systemic one anyway. But this is the same girl who thought the great gatsby was British when it was meant to be a critique of American culture and consumerism.
wonder why she relates to LJ so well, maybe they enjoy being illiterate together
No. 826118
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Her face is so damn asymmetrical. It was always lopsided but the swollen jaw is just too bad to hide anymore I guess
No. 826120
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In her barbie video, she randomly grabs her tits and grins like a psycho. True virgin vibes
No. 826136
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>>826087Elaine was the engagement pod person who was messaging Diane.
No. 826164
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>>826161Meanwhile, many of her real followers are minors. That’s gross and inappropriate.
>>826163The whole interaction with her cat was bizarre. Rather than interacting with her audience she talks to her cat (obviously she knows that most viewers are bots). Also why doesn’t she have toys for her cat? She put her makeup brushes on the floor and let’s her cat play with them.
Also, she spent most of the video sniffing per usual. Why doesn’t she take the time to blow her nose before going live or filming? Especially if she’s going to give full view up her nostrils.
No. 826169
>>826107She has literally no idea what she's talking about. "I
think she just told someone who was black to shut up about something else". Lmfao, it wasn't a targeted comment toward any specific black person omfg.
No. 826192
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Twitter callout vs Elaine.
Did Elaine bring out Great Gatsby or did LJ? Because the book is set in a fictional town called East Egg. Kek
No. 826197
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>>826165She’s a model. The talent agency she uses had to change their name from TMA Talent Management to Buzz Talent after a bunch of bad reviews saying it was a scam.
No. 826200
>>826197Scammy "modelling" agencies are a tale as old as time. This agency's site doesn't even load on my browser, which is a great sign!
This Elaine girl might be pretty but she's not really model material. These sites basically exist to wring money out of young pretty girls who naively think they're being given some amazing opportunity. So she's basically like LJ in that way, I'm sure LJ would be overjoyed to be on the books of one of these scams.
No. 826201
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Girl is being scammed left and right by her own agency and now LJ. Awkward.
No. 826202
>>826076hearing lillee horsegirl jean say "i miss penis" and the good 5 seconds of dead silence that followed made me cringe into the next century
>>826118im not fully convinced her jaw is actually swelling from her dental issues, i think she's just getting fat again kek
No. 826204
>>826075samefag but lol at 35:15 elaine makes a offhand joke about how her parents think her nose highlight looks weird and lj looks all serious and concerned and goes "do your parents put you down?" and then goes on to humblebrag about how that's so weird to her since her mom has always been sooooo supportive~
peak autism
No. 826227
>>826215around 5:15 in the second half of the live here’s the clip of her saying she misses penis & talking about how lockdown hasn’t been so bad on her since she can finally eat whatever she wants without worrying about fitting into clothes, and how it’s been the perfect opportunity for her channel
No. 826228
File: 1615498568921.png (116.77 KB, 783x620, Screen Shot 2021-03-11 at 3.22…)'s a GCSE student. She's not in uni yet. It might be why she's gullible and getting into cringe situations. Also, why does she only list politics on her GCSE courses? To be competitive for uni, she'll need 3-4, and most people list everything because it's good for pre-uni internships.
Also, she's a "commodity trader" but only for PPE. The company, Urgent Response Network, only has three employees on LinkedIn, 158 followers, and is headquartered in Ohio. Kek.
She needs to get out of this situation before a search of her name becomes an embarrassing google search like LJ's. That would hinder most future aspirations.
I kind of pitied her until she started giving off insufferable vibes in dm screenshots. She seems like a slightly more intelligent LJ, but that might just be because she's not attending Attic Academy.
No. 826229
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No. 826230
>>826228Westminster School is one of the best schools in the UK and super expensive too, what is she doing pal-ing around with LJ.
Also sage, but she's doing her A Levels not GCSEs, I think you might be confused anon. That puts her around 17-18.
No. 826283
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No. 826290
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YouTube is the worst when it comes to fraudulent claims. Lillee and Laur had this girl’s channel taken down completely with the final copyright takedown being issued on a video that used none of Lillee or Laur’s content (even though it would be fair use). They are either trying to dox a minor or silence them. Either way it’s shitty behaviour and YouTube’s response just allows the harassment to continue.
No. 826297
>>826281True. Don't click on anything related to LJ on LinkedIn unless you're in private browsing mode. Once selected, the accounts you viewed will only see you as an "Anonymous LinkedIn Member."
Directions: No. 826303
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Laur’s commenting Critcal Mass’ community tab.
No. 826381
>>826366I like this creative writing prompt.
In order of most likely to least:
Option A: LJ and Laur get banned from YT and IG for obvious reasons. But they still have LJ's Twitter. They try to create new accounts but keep getting banned because they're stupid. Lots of Twitter meltdowns. Like Leafy but more milk.
Option B: It'll be like the movie Groundhog Day, and they'll be pulling the same stupid shit. Only LJ and Laur are as spherical as Ambelynn Reid.
Option C: LJ murders Laur. LJ gets caught and lives the rest of her life in a prison upstate. She does her makeup with colored pencils and lead paint chipped off the walls because the commissary doesn't sell makeup, and she has no friends to send her any "booty" supplies. Her cellmate is the Buffalo, NY version of Aileen Wuornos, who adopts LJ as her pet goblin. The Hulu biopic does well.
Option D: LJ runs away and creates a new channel where she shares stories about her mother and their scams. Laur creates a rival channel and tries to blame LJ for everything. LJ gains a lot of subs because Laur is fucking fascinating, but when the stories dry up, her channel dies because she's fucking boring without Laur. Laur prevails in the end and becomes the YT version of Joan Rivers.
No. 826417
>>826410True, but I mean more she doesn't have to pretend to be rich, have nice things, and be passably pretty, unlike Lillee whose entire persona is pretence.
People online follow loads of girls like Elaine who aren't particularly special but can afford to follow trends and have lifestyles that the audience can't, without even trying. You see it all the time on tiktok.
No. 826424
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No. 826432
File: 1615562369377.png (632.17 KB, 1180x1314, Screen Shot 2021-03-12 at 7.18…) Elaine has embarrassed herself online before. Click the link for the thread including a clip of an old instagram live.
No. 826435
>>826432Classic, so she's a racist brat just like LJ then, and she has even less excuse because she's rich and supposedly well-educated.
Just goes to show nobody is supportive of LJ without having their own skeletons in the closet.
No. 826437
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>>826432Her response to that video being posted lmfao
No. 826449
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>>826437Found her on tiktok too, magixela. Suprise surprise, she was a Tory until she got called out on it. Makes sense she's pals with Lillee now.
No. 826451
>>826449A private school toff thinking she's
quirky and
controversial for being a racist tory. How groundbreaking!
No. 826454
File: 1615568177872.jpg (621.38 KB, 1080x2148, Screenshot_20210312_165535.jpg)

>>826450Funny you should mention that.
(last post about her now, ultimately she's irrelevant)
No. 826465
>>826435Idk I've heard from students who have went to private schools in the UK and apparently there's almost no
POC, and usually only white people. This doesn't excuse her behaviour, but it makes sense how it could spawn racist thoughts or behaviour if you literally never see any
POC, learn about their cultures, etc. Some of the UK private schools are a place to hivemind racism unfortunately.
No. 826472
>>826465Most people in the UK go to majority white schools and it doesn't make you racist by default. Besides, a school like Westminster is an internationally renowned school, they will have people studying there from different parts of the world. They should be teaching their students not to fuck their lives up by saying dumb shit online.
It's hard to feel sorry for a girl who is having that much money spent on her education and is fucking it up the wall. How hard is it to not say or defend racist shit online? Especially when your extreme privilege is going to make you stick out like a sore thumb.
No. 826484
>>826479Ugh, I am always irritated by this. You are not "learning" and "trying to change" when you start by saying "I am not a racist". You admit to being racist and making racist remarks and then you remark about "trying to change".
When she was live with LJ I thought "OK, this girl might be clueless about who LJ really is and she might be a nice and interesting person". But, it turns out, she is just as horrible.
No. 826485
>>826479On one hand, Elaine doesn't believe in anything she's saying. She originally stated that Lillee wasn't telling black people to "stfu about racism", whether that be because she didn't listen to the audio clip at all, or she did listen to it and didn't find anything bad about it. Now, she's backtracking into this "I'm not excusing her behaviour and want to speak to her privately" bs because I think she's seen how much negativity comes from latching to Lillee and it's going to fuck up any chance she has for a career. Not to mention, it seems she's already gone through this once before with that Twitter video of Chinatown, so she can probably see it's starting over again.
However, on the other hand, she has a point that Lillee absolutely refuses to listen to any of the callouts, anything public about her. Now, obviously, she won't listen to anyone in private either, she's too narcissistic to think she can do any wrong. But the issue is, Elaine doesn't "want to bring anything public", which means she won't release screenshots of her talking to Lillee in private, because that would mean bringing it to public, basically insuring that she won't have any visual proof and just wants to keep scapegoating and acting like she cares about racism. Her entire persona and "worry about Lillee with things going public" is so fucking fake.
No. 826494
File: 1615577090697.png (54.79 KB, 415x372, Screenshot 2021-03-12 142358.p…)

>DING! DING! DING!Elaine of course won't provide screenshots under the guise of "I don't want it public" when in reality she hasn't said one thing to Lillee.
No. 826503
File: 1615578738351.jpg (138.18 KB, 828x1792, EwTNavwW8AYlvB6.jpg)

Screenshot from Elaine talking to Lillee. No mention at all about how her racism is harmful, but only about how she can "improve her image". Oh yeah, truly genuine, Elaine. Maybe this is truly how she feel she can "reach Lillee" and get her to listen, but I might be thinking too optimistically and giving too much credit.
No. 826504
>>826479Wow she's really really dumb, Chinatown in London was created by Chinese people and a lot still live there.
>in my country its not racistOh fuck off lol
No. 826514
>>826490"Oh, my statement made out of sincere concerns about all the crowding and pollution was taken out of context! I wasn't saying I want to get rid of 'the ethnics' in the most violent way possible, I promise!" Literally, her friend suggested they rope off chinatown and bomb it, and she one-upped him and said "you're too PC, let's nuke it."
Nuclear radiation, so good for the environment. CEO Lillee should make Elaine the director of 1change5change. I feel like the two of them together could get up to some milky hijinks.
No. 826520
File: 1615584593545.png (297.44 KB, 750x1334, 8794D5DD-71EE-431F-B4C9-986A63…)

>>826494>But I’ve never messaged DianeDiane posted screenshots of Elaine’s unsolicited messages. After Diane blocked Eliane’s main, she messaged Diane with an alt and threatened to dox Diane. This chick lies about everything.
No. 826522
File: 1615586488331.jpeg (711.9 KB, 1125x1274, 2554A080-6201-4B84-8F81-41B0FF…)

Laur is once again trying to intimidate a minor. Laur and Lillee got the channels removed - apparently that wasn’t enough. But the irony of this comment is something considering that both Lillee and Laur have extremely poor literacy skills.
Also, Lillee is having a live with her SoundCloud rapper pod person.
No. 826533
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No. 826544
File: 1615597383464.jpeg (701.29 KB, 1125x1665, 28F4C5BF-45AD-4249-8770-B61C43…)

>>826536Nope. Laur is actually that dumb - it was in response to this.
No. 826551
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>>826547She tries SO hard when she goes live with the opposite sex. It's so transparent and kind of heartbreakingly pathetic. Always makes me think of that one boy who joined her live with all his friends and was nice to her, once he left she had to reform into a solid mass after melting on the attic floor.
No. 826559
File: 1615603085748.jpeg (197.41 KB, 946x2048, 8AFED277-3EBF-44E8-A27C-808572…)

Laur’s being a cunt on YouTube
No. 826571
File: 1615609544770.jpeg (410.27 KB, 750x1251, AA659900-72B5-49EE-B95E-AC3F90…)

LJ beauty new channel
No. 826572
>>826571Funny how Tatiana started her own beauty channel, then Lillie makes a separate beauty channel as well. I know this isn’t super uncommon but it’s strange to me how she copies so many things from these “haters” of hers down to the space buns. That attempt was…wow.
There isn’t a single original idea or braincell in that head of hers, is there?
No. 826573
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>>826572"Personality and learning traits that may be associated with Fetal Alcohol Exposure (FAE)"
No. 826581
File: 1615639462968.jpeg (94.66 KB, 529x411, 69DE3CC9-A8E2-48A7-A8F4-75B5A0…)

>>826571She’s anticipating her main channel getting removed over the copyright claims.
>>826578There’s a day last week where she got ZERO views for an entire day. Totally normal.
No. 826585
File: 1615641431427.png (20.27 KB, 701x141, 96E02BC8-303B-42DB-9BD5-F24360…)

>>826581ItsJustArin tweeted out an email Lillee sent YouTube after Arin disputed the copyright claim. Lillee knows her channel is in jeopardy and she’s trying to get YouTube to remove strikes.
No. 826589
>>>825707There's now a leak of messaging between this skecthy mlm pyramid scheme participant self-claimed IG model inplie, check this link out in reddit.
But it says the messages were leaked on an imgur link in lolcow but i didn't see such a thing. Maybe I missed it because this thread is a rabbit hole lol No. 826592
File: 1615644994742.png (1.6 MB, 750x1334, 617AA5D7-A2BA-46E1-9F2A-6B5205…)

>>826589From Elaine’s IG
account is under attack = people are sharing the stupid shit I said
No. 826608
>>826503>>826594This is the screenshot from goose's Twitter status upthread with her conversation with Elaine. This is the screenshot Elaine sent to goose when goose was pressing for proof that she was even talking to Lillee about her racism.
(Also, anon, you need two arrows and not three to quote)
No. 826609
>>826608Thanks anon,sorry I messed up the arrows lol
Well seems like Elaine is still active and replying to people, her account is still active.
No. 826648
File: 1615672042467.jpg (622.22 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2021-03-13-22-41-48…)

She just uploaded a shit video about how to apply winged eyeliner. Yeah sure she has 1 million REAL followers and she is a hugeeeeeee influencer my ass.
She doesn't even pluck her eyebrows and shoots videos with greasy dandruff hair.
She is such a wreck. I feel sorry for her.
No. 826651
File: 1615673431139.png (3.13 MB, 1560x1452, lolok Lillee.png)

>>826648I also couldn't help but notice that she blatantly lied in this video. On the side where she was explaining how to draw a wing with a pencil rather than a liquid liner, the opaqueness and intensity of the eyeliner magically changes with a jump cut. It's clear that her pencil wing was absolute dogshit, so she completed it with liquid liner off-camera, and pretended that was the final product.
The top of pic attached is the beginning of her pencil-liner wing, and bottom is immediately after the jump-cut.
Lillee, any woman who has ever used pencil liner knows that it doesn't turn out as sharp and black as this. What a weird thing to lie about.
No. 826653
>>826649LMFAO. No wonder adult protection services will be back to check on her. I mean she is a neglected person overall. No personal hygiene, weight gain, the hysterical behaviour and this is even visible from outer space, it's so obvious that she is a total dumpfire trainwreck.
I wonder if LJ or Laur reads the comments here on lolcow? I mean at least they should learn something, take a shower dammit.
No. 826663
>>826653LJ and Laur check this thread multiple times a day. Maybe hourly. About 20-40 minutes after someone posted that her current address was connected to the incorporation documents the goblins publicly filed for Lillee Jean Beauty, she was on Instagram Live talking about how she was doxxed.
They've been following it since shortly after the original r/bgc post. If you go to either the second or third LJ thread, you can see Laur sperging for a day or so.
No. 826685
File: 1615678206514.jpeg (67.98 KB, 827x583, D1E4A5D6-C2D7-43AA-A672-B62A96…)

Laur is off private and not happy with the fact people aren’t happy with her and LJs behaviour. Funny
No. 826688
File: 1615678934050.jpg (408.61 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2021-03-11-21-19-13…)

I just came across LJ's reply to one of her fake accounts under her bitebeauty video. She insistently told several times that they didn't claim Covergirl to be a photoshoot but hey check out her response!
LJ we know you tried to serve this Covergirl shit as a success story and then when caught red handed you lied about it. Come on now …
No. 826690
>>826688caught red handed indeed!!! I won't be suprised if she deletes that comment not lol everybody mentioned they check lolcow thread every minute so Lillee girl your lies are all so easy to detect.
Hey anon, what language is that I'm curious? (yanitlar - lmao doesn't ring any bell)
No. 826691
>>826690Hi anon, it's Turkish :) and yes Lillee has made an international trainwreck of herself that I even saw an Indonesian video about her on YT.
Lille girl you are famous around the world - famous for your lies and fake life lmao.
(don't use emoticons) No. 826692
File: 1615679234628.jpeg (721.76 KB, 1242x2206, 6C95048B-A6B2-4A8C-B975-B9E6D3…)

“Enslaved of their own religion.”
No. 826693
>>826692This girl again….. She'll never understand that people are not criticising her due to her (claimed) religion.
She doesn't get how copyright works either sooooooo I'll just wrap it up by saying she's dumber than my shoe sole.
No. 826697
>>826655LOL yes she is a lie machine.
I was going through her fake fan accounts and look what I found, some time ago she claimed to be auditioned for a Marvel movie lmao giiirrlll with her acting/singing skills she'd be thrown rotten tomatoes if she even performed on a street corner.
Is she really that delusional to lie just like that ? Marvel movie audition my ass
No. 826698
>>826697Thank you anon for reminding me my sleep paralysis singing snow white LJ demon.
If I'm suffering y'all will suffer too so y'all watch this and get your ears fucked up .
Goodnight. Thank me later, xoxo
No. 826701
>>826698If she just focused on her singing/acting instead of being so obsessed with her fake stories and shitty Instagram lives she could have become Cher I swear.
Ew, just ewwwww.
No. 826704
>>826702If Jews could, they would unclaim her.
And I unfortunately watched the snow white video and I'm sure a dying goat can sing better.
lol the only role at a Marvel movie that they "might" consider her to audition for would be a fcking singing goat.
No. 826705
>>826703Girl this is goldmine. Somebody share screenshots (i can't with my damn phone )
Also she doxxed herself LMAO she gave her momager's full phone number.
No. 826708
File: 1615681448513.jpg (204.91 KB, 1080x1820, Screenshot_2021-03-14-01-16-24…)

Part1 - Guys here you goooo I the screenshots- SHE MENTIONS BITEBEAUTY as collab on the second screenshot !!!!
No. 826709
File: 1615681495108.jpg (278.9 KB, 1080x1851, Screenshot_2021-03-14-01-16-32…)

>>826708PT2 - lies continue … BITEBEAUTY
No. 826711
File: 1615681554266.jpg (287.02 KB, 1080x1831, Screenshot_2021-03-14-01-16-44…)

>>826709PT3 - she wrote this bio, everything she declined SHE WROTE IT HERSELF
No. 826713
File: 1615681596964.jpg (194.33 KB, 1080x1849, Screenshot_2021-03-14-01-16-51…)

>>826711PT4 - aaaand the Last portion of her bio filled with lies.
No. 826714
>>826707Yessssss that's how typically Laur types.
This momager ruined LJ's and her reputation with her own lies. Just sad.
No. 826737
>>826723Laur used to sound pretty Catholic before. She mentioned Catholic Saints at least a couple of times (old post:
>>713779). A lot of her old tweets definitely gave me typical fundie vibes, I’d have never guessed they were Jewish. There are some more tweets like that but I don’t really want to go through all the old threads.
>>826730In their defense, a lot of non-religious people (and some Jews) put up Christmas decorations because they celebrate secularly. Some people just like the decorations. LJ’s dad is also apparently Christian so it’s not too crazy.
No. 826750
File: 1615698917955.png (28.81 KB, 559x549, lilleeaccents.png)

>>826713You skipped the best part - her English and Russian accents!
No. 826773
File: 1615712760546.jpg (437.77 KB, 1080x1846, IMG_20210314_100434.jpg)

>>826769It looks so desperate not gonna lie….
Check this piece of information out - click farms are generally located in Sout Asian countries so no wonder her "fans" and followers are all from that area.
No. 826781
File: 1615721554419.jpg (220.59 KB, 2055x578, totallyrealfollowers.jpg)

>>826630If it's the real reason this is incredibly stupid:
LJ: I'm the 1 million iNfLuEnCeR
Videos: can't break 10 views
massive KEKSThe only real people watching her content are from lolcow and the farms.
>>826651She has eye-liner everywhere on her finger wtf
No. 826799
>>826749I am so confused, in the Trisha Paytas hate forums (and Frenemies comments), people keep coming for Trisha saying how stupid she is for not realizing Jewish is a race (passed down through the mother) and a religion. I
think Ethan even said that on the most recent Frenemies podcast. So it's just a religion then?
No. 826800
>>826793>>826791Nah, it isn't Laur or LJ. They have been IP locked out since the early days, and I doubt they realize when they moved that they got a new IP. Anyways, the reverse goatse hack means they are constantly being watched. /s
The anon mentioned is one of the newer and younger group of creators/twitter boolies.
No. 826817
>>826791Idk why you caught a ban for this. There are same fagging twitter retards unsaged and shitting up the thread with old milk.
>>826648>>826693>>826708You are a genuine retard. Go back to twitter or integrate. Nobody wants your unsaged commentary sooooooo bad. There are at least 3 other posts like this with your retard typing style.
No. 826824
>>826808>>826804Laur took "dark web" and "blacklist" and combined them to create the Black web. It's where "mental terrorists" and "anonymous nazis" share publicly available information that the Truemans have smeared all over the internet with each other.
She's incompetent in most things, but her reading comprehension and understanding of the internet are some of the most noticeable. But she totally ran a successful computer repair shop.
No. 826830
File: 1615751061795.jpg (122.49 KB, 1080x1292, Screenshot_2021-03-14-17-31-27…)

Old milk but I was digging in and I found a pic from LJ's graduation when she was 11. Guess she always had weight issues, some anons pointed out how she gained weight in quarantine but she seems to struggle with her weight since early age idk.
No. 826832
File: 1615751499725.jpeg (595.88 KB, 1242x2503, F4F63AA3-1164-41ED-B206-D14731…)

Posted an hour ago. Kek. She’s on an anti-Semitism victim kick.
Accusing Reichsleitung Diane of this seems a bit premature. It could be Oberabschnittsleither Critical Mass.
No. 826835
File: 1615752329340.jpg (583.85 KB, 1080x1979, Screenshot_20210314-150514_Ins…)

>>826832 She's now spreading her ignorance on medium again.
No. 826837
File: 1615752615056.png (2.86 MB, 1080x5856,…)

Ofcourse, she links it to her personal blog without actually saying anything, and her blog is a dumpster fire on mobile.
No. 826840
File: 1615753070921.jpg (378.36 KB, 1080x1297, Screenshot_20210314-151635_Chr…)

Her proof that the boolies are attacking her for being Jewish? They kicked a antisemitic asshole out of the discord channel. Thats…kind of the opposite, but whatever Lillee.
No. 826842
>>826817Hello Anon, sorry we are new. We will sage properly.
Thank you !
No. 826848
File: 1615754698703.png (218.03 KB, 594x794, C5F66E95-6130-459C-99C7-359E67…)

>>826832>>826840Kek to be fair the person she’s referring to a is genuine autist obsessed with a dead nazi and gets angry at other LJ callouts for being non-binary or PC. This is the first genuine anti-semitism Lillee’s faced from the cyber bullies and now she’s going to milk it. LJ will need to do the impossible and repair her already shit image because more and more people outside of the beauty-cosplay-art sphere are making callout videos on her. I’ll pity her, edgelords are much more annoying than the tweens and Diane.
No. 826878
>>826873Yeah they mentioned this a lot but in this picture I think her weight problem started waaaay earlier than Laur says. Not suprised, it's not the first time Laur is twisting the reality to hide her awful and negligent parenting skills.
I hope LJ has a happy ending and gets the medical care she needs.
No. 826887
>>826859It's not just that she was pre-diabetic. She's definitely pre-diabetic now. Her BMI is in the obese range; that recent live shows she's quickly gaining a disproportionate amount of weight in her abdomen, meaning her body is becoming insulin resistant. She has blackish splotches in her armpits (I can't remember what this is called), which also means her insulin is fucky. The black spots were mentioned in a previous thread.
They all have shitty genetics and shittier eating habits. I think it came out a few months ago that they're probably surviving entirely on food deliveries. Eating a high caloric meal three times a day from restaurants is going to pack on those pounds. Also, LJ's workout videos are a joke.
No. 826898
File: 1615763102800.png (4.23 MB, 750x1334, 82C88BCD-D730-401B-84F1-9497D8…)

>>826592Elaine said she was deleting her account
>>826891 and changing her name
No. 826918
File: 1615772145713.jpg (167.58 KB, 1080x808, Screenshot_20210314-203331_Twi…)

Since it's not really been useful today, Laur almost forgot about the "most devastating and life changing moment of her life".
Too busy fighting with minors to remember her poor sister who was more of a mother to her than her real mother, according to Laur. Probably why she doesn't indulge screwing her real mom's credit over.
No. 826922
File: 1615773254423.jpeg (501.79 KB, 1242x2556, 44D9E083-1C57-4F4B-8ABF-C36B73…)

Elaine is back for more.
No. 826929
>>826799Trisha's now Jewish too? Ugh.
LJ is Ashkenazi. I don't know who else agrees, but she does look Russian.
The Jews are tired of talking of their oppression like a constant reminder. Why do people who find out they have a piece of some group instantly claim that group's strife? All of a sudden tells you you're one tiny part Native American, and now you're traumatized by your people's genocide? Doesn't work that way.
No. 826947
>>826830Even the teacher looks younger.
>>826703Anons called it forever ago
>>788203 ,
>>788218 ,
>>788199 ,
>>788059 No. 826951
>>826922>WORTH READING Bitch no, everybody is fed up with LJ and her mother's bullshit.
They need to apologise and come clean, nobody will listen to their bullshit stories no more.
No. 826964
File: 1615818005069.png (29.71 KB, 978x227, 9D8D2A6D-A872-4140-8D0E-8FFF05…)

Lillee added this to her emails
No. 826970
>>826964It's funny how desperately she wants it to seem "corporate" or professional. We all know you are the CEO of the Attic INC. miss Lillee lmao. Yeah your smelly stinky emails are so confidential now.
She will try to use legal action against people who leak her e mails just because she put a shitty copy-paste disclaimer message at the buttom of her e mails.
This will definitely stop people from leaking LJ's mean and threatening emails.
No. 826982
File: 1615828370634.jpg (551.87 KB, 2898x2898, PicsArt_03-15-12.12.52.jpg)

I'm traumatized.
No. 826989
File: 1615830873087.jpeg (963.71 KB, 1242x1556, CA0A8351-2B96-4D5E-B5D8-49DBA6…)

Laur has fun in the Critical Mass’ community tab.
No. 827005
File: 1615836728465.jpg (85.4 KB, 1080x1080, lilleejeanfanpage_20210315_202…)

>>827003This is the thinnest she has ever been. This was the result of her diet and exercise routine. She kinda looked normal and better in this picture. She was around 14-16 here. She also looked like she took better care of herself - I mean clean hair, nice fitting clothes.
I wish she continued her diet and exercise, she didn't age well. I'm angry with Laur. She should've set a healthy role model to her daughter but oh well we all know Laur herself is a grimy obese lady.
No. 827010
File: 1615839832460.jpeg (247.87 KB, 828x732, FA4C95C3-BE61-4889-9B7D-25A7D8…)

She has a new brand collab
No. 827017
File: 1615842329157.jpg (282.87 KB, 1080x1577, IMG_20210315_220209.jpg)

>>827015People already started leaving comments. Their DM box must be blowing up now.
And the misspelling lol they found the perfect influencer to represent their brand, illiterate attic goblin.
No. 827018
File: 1615842638342.jpg (340.35 KB, 1080x1709, IMG_20210315_220857.jpg)

>>827017Just in a few seconds they cleaned out all the negative comments under LJ post.
I wouldn't be suprised if Laur was monitoring the comment section of this shitty zbeauty page.
No. 827021
File: 1615842922257.jpg (219.85 KB, 955x1697, IMG_20210315_221431.jpg)

>>827018Comment section getting hot
No. 827022
File: 1615843312290.jpg (462.35 KB, 1080x1804, IMG_20210315_222140.jpg)

>>827015If you check the pinned stories you'll see their previous user name was z.beauty__
What a legit professional name. Wowza.
No. 827023
>>827010Unrelated but what’s with this recent trend of typing “apart” in place of “a part”, it’s so annoying. It’s the opposite of what they mean to say.
Well sure, lj is not a part of my beauty routine, you’re right there, zbeauty
No. 827031
File: 1615844642229.png (639.4 KB, 849x700, ls.png)

>>827010I know makeup can't be perfectly unique, but when I first saw their glosses, they look like rip offs of Huda Beauty's Demi Matte Cream Liquid Lipstick
No. 827035
File: 1615845289115.jpg (394.79 KB, 2048x2048,…)

>>827031They also look like rip offs of this fancy looking Lancôme L'Absolu Lacquer lip gloss series.
No. 827037
>>827029I think she'd be an impressive voice actor. She can do some wacky childlike shit with her voice and she's extra enough to sound like a preschooler. I can imagine her voicing an annoying kindergartener on a Disney show. I think her internet activity has ruined any chances in the film industry though. Even if it is just a shitty show on Cartoon Network that will only last half a season.
>>827035Damn, anon. You're right. I thought they looked familiar. Considering
the shit Nikita Dragun went through for ripping off another brand's packaging, wtf would anyone try that?
No. 827038
>>827037I mean this zbeauty is a small dot compared to Nikita Dragun's makeup line so they can get away with ripping off the packaging from some high-end brands like Lancome. Lancome wouldnt give a shit about some phony zbeauty lol
The anon who recognized Lancome packaging babe you rock.
No. 827081
File: 1615864322798.jpg (210.89 KB, 1079x850, Screenshot_20210315-221147_You…)

Lillee's latest video is how to stay out of internet drama.
No. 827085
File: 1615866155156.png (126.18 KB, 891x655, Screen Shot 2021-03-15 at 10.4…)

How can she be so condescending and yet unqualified in every way at the same time? It's almost a talent.
Also, she wants you to read her Ted Kaczynski screed before you respond.
No. 827094
>>827023Underrated comment as it‘s super annoying fr
Native english-speakers (especially Americans) are either illiterate and fail at the grammar of probably the only language they speak anyway, or just lazy and spell it as they hear it. Same with „should/could of“ instead of „should‘ve/could‘ve“ - guess they can’t tell particles apart from abbreviated verbs
Sorry and saged for rant/ sperg
No. 827103
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> So, you see posts on the internet and its not quite flattering on someone else. You had a bad day at work. That post made you feel fucking good because "damn I'm doing better than them", you think. "Let me drop a comment, let me put my two cents in." That two cents kind of goes into maybe like, I don't know, a hundred cents later of multiple replies, multiple DMs, multiple, multiple, multiple, and then you're in a group of people who hate this one person. How did we get there? That is always one of the main things I hear for people with drama on me - "I got caught up, how did I get here?" and I think one of the most important things to remember is how you act in person with your friends, your family, that's how you should act on the internet. It's very much the same. You know, in school you're taught primary, secondary sources. So, go to the source if you're truly interested. Don't spread rumors on somebody. Don't go into petty gossip because the truth is what you're doing does impact somebody else. > Although it seems perfectly normal to me to look into things rather than just jumping into it, I really, really do understand how some people can just get caught up. "Oh this person is using a trigger word - racist!", "Oh this person is homophobic" and these are very hot topics that should be discussed in today's society, but I feel like the extent we're going to is a lot of finger pointing and becoming harmful for the actual people who are pointing the fingers. And I don't like seeing you guys getting frustrated or upset and that's kind of why I thought of this video. What do you do to pull yourself out? How do you steer clear of this drama? How do you stay clean on the internet?> The first thing I would say is self-control. You want to be able to control yourself because the number one thing is impulsions. "Oh I have to comment this because I must be heard, I must get my voice out there, and people should listen to me. I'm having a bad day, I need to pet myself.", that sort of thing. And although it might seem harmless to you, just "Oh, one Twitter thing", I've seen it in action, one becomes 100 tweets, 100 tweets becomes discussions, subreddits, black websites (hello!). You're then doing doxxing on somebody, it's, it's bad. Self-control. Knowing when to check yourself. Knowing when to say "I'm in too deep". Knowing when to say "Let me look at everything before I fully jump" because a lot of celebrities, actors, musicians, content creators, they do put out statements, and I think it's important to hear them out before you jump, run, and do anything. > Cancel culture, although we do have a place for it when it comes to figures that are truly deplorable, I think has gotten a little bit out of control. What do you do when there's no more creators, there's no more actors, there's no more models, what do you do? Because the truth is, everybody has a fault. Even you watching this have many faults. That's why you remain anonymous, you don't want people to know about that, but you want to be the judge, jury, and executioner on everybody else. Why are you important enough to do that? That's number 1. Self-control. Impulsion. They go hand in hand.> Number 2 on kind of humbling yourself would be where I would go with this. You know, humbling yourself and understanding the bigger picture. Going along the lines of "who do you think you are?" and when it comes to looking at primary sources, this is truly grade school. Petty drama is petty drama but when you start seeing a mob of people going "Yeah, this person's awful, I have the proof! Go see the [unintellible]!" as soon as you start seeing trigger words, links to things, photos edited awfully, distortions, you should already have your flag up: "something isn't right here" because normal people, at least in person, they don't act that way, and I'm sure you actually don't either. So to pull yourself away from all this, you must humble yourself. Understand more deeply what is making you upset? What is triggering you? If the internet is triggering you, you must find a way to compensate that. So, perhaps, you only go on to see news, perhaps you only go on to put up family photos on a private account, monitor yourself. Because although you may have family, friends, your kitty, your puppy, whatever, nobody knows what is truly going on in your brain, in your heart, in your soul, but you do! You know what is going on. > Number 3 to not get caught up would be having empathy. What if it was you? In school, let's take the scenario, you call somebody "fat and ugly". On the internet that is seen as "blah, whatever". In school, that would be considered "Oh my! You're getting detention, yes you are, mhm! Sit there!" I think the same sort of rules apply to the internet. It's not very nice to call somebody that, now is it? The person hides behind "it's criticism, it's an opinion" but stop. You're defending yourself. Once you start defending yourself on something that you jumped towards, you know you're wrong. So if your body is already doing that, you know something is wrong, you must look and seek with empathy. So, just think about that, what if that was you? What if somebody created an 8 million video on you? None of it's true, but it's up. You get tons of hate DMs daily, would you like it? I don't know if you would, just think about that, would you like that? What if somebody created a series of 50 fake Twitter accounts and all of them targeted your child at home. I don't think you'd very much like that, would you? The saying do what you would like done to you is very true at the end of this. Internet etiquette, there is a place for it, and there is a way we can all come together and act properly, but some people do lack self control, some people do lack empathy, and some people just don't really give a damn no matter who they hurt, and I think it's sad. But I think for anybody listening to this video, just keep in mind, what if this was happening to your mom, what if this was happening to your favorite friend? How would you feel? Do you really think you would have the heart to do it anymore? Think about this, if you're hiding behind an anonymous account right now, watching this right now, I have more balls than you ever will because I'm on video recording after 3 years of this. So did you truly win whatever was going on in your soul at the time, to hurt me? You did not. Instead, you still hide. You're hiding, but hiding from whom? More like yourself. So why even bother? It's toxic and it's negative. > I truly feel that for 2021, we should all start acting more positively. And trust me, I believe in defending yourself to the bitter end. There has been awful comments said to me, and sometimes, you've got to set your ground. You've got to let people know who's boss. And a troll will always turn that into they are the victim. But at the end of the day, think with empathy, have self control, check yourself daily: "Why am I doing this?", "What is my overall goal?", "What is my purpose?", "Am I earning anything from this?", "What am I doing?" ask yourself that daily. And then think, what if, what I was doing was happening to somebody I love the most? Would you still do it? I don't think so. No. 827104
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why on earth does she think anyone will pay that much for a hoodie with a crappy font on it LOL
No. 827110
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She put another copyright strike on the same video that callimara had reinstated
No. 827113
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Callie spoke to a YouTube rep
No. 827117
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Looks like zbeauty dropped Lillee. Their latest post featuring Lillee is gone now.
No. 827118
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>>827117Nah, IG just hides posts from you after you report them.
No. 827120
>>827119I went back and watched the whole video again. Yes on 02:02 on her video she said ;
> I'm having a bad day, I need to pet myself.And she made a very weird hand gesture.
No. 827131
>>827110I can’t believe at this point Lillee Jean doesn’t see how SHE IS THE BULLY.
She isn’t bullied by people, she is the instigator and she isn’t a nice person. Girl really needs to look in the mirror at herself and self-reflect.
I don’t understand how someone who loves Disney princesses so much doesn’t see that she’s like an evil witch giving out poison apples all the time. She’s definitely not the princess with a heart of gold singing along with the forest animals.
I feel bad for these creators. This whole situation has made me realize how broken the YouTube system is. It punishes the wrong people and let’s everyone abuse the system.
No. 827163
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>>827154She’s gonna get these two upper teeth extracted
No. 827179
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>>827163Well she should !!! This reminded me of her horrible selfies from Revlon event.
I think she also lacks self image awareness, who would upload a selfie like this ?
No. 827191
>>827154holy shit no good dentist would start her invisalign without doing the extensive 100% necessary maxillofacial surgery needed.
The face the dentist at my office made when I showed her the x-ray was of horror.
No. 827196
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>>827031>>827035>Implying they designed their own packagingAnons, lillee only works with the finest of brands, of who I quickly found the packaging of on Alibaba
No. 827234
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I wonder if her baby teeth will pop out in her Invisalign tray. It'll probably save them the money of paying to get them pulled.
Twitter callouts are posting about more YouTube and Twitter DMCAs being filed. How much longer until she gets banned for copyright takedown abuse kek. I'm excited about the ban tantrum milk. Laur will drink a full box of Franzia and unprivate her account. Beautiful.
Fun Tweet from Laur a few days ago.
No. 827245
>>827081Great, I look forward to future videos where she'll give advice on being really tall and having normal sized, well-spaced teeth.
>>827131That's 99% of all bullies. They act the way they do because they're "standing up for themselves". In their minds they're always the put-upon ones. Usually borne of rampant self-pity which leads to
victim mentality.
No. 827246
>>827211Tbh I want Lillee to go away from everything & everyone forever because she is gross, disgusting & awful. That's my own option and has nothing to do with callouts or YTvideos.
But this sudden weight gain is seriously a health issue. If it's Emotional or Physical for Lillee it doesn't matter why, bullying or just health problems. With this weight gain her health is seriously fucked. She looks like a decade of T2 diabetic. She looks 15 years older. Laur is a mess and Lillee is on the express train to Laur looks, and her 500 fans won't even watch that.
Lillee, you are letting your haters destroy you because you are so stubborn and won't take any critique even if it is meant to help. Girl you are falling apart and gaining lbs in realtime.
No. 827267
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>>827179Uncanny resemblance.
No. 827273
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Lillee bought views for her Lillee Jean Beauty content
No. 827315
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>>827314REAL pheepy pic just leaked
No. 827318
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I get fewer DMCA’d results when I search for torrents kek
No. 827358
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>>827353Oh, but they'll sure as fuck try to trick anyone they can.
Flashback to the early days of goblin lore when LJ posted this fun infographic.
In the present day, LJ said that her teeth started to hurt last night and she's going to keep her fans updated with vlogs.
No. 827365
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From her new blog
No. 827368
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No. 827417
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Fucking horrorshow
No. 827462
>>827426I did for my favorites, but can't do for all the videos.
The acting ones are the funniest. No. 827488
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>>827475Saved for posterity. Seeing all the spit in her Invisalign is a new kind of disgusting.
No. 827489
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>>827475The way she writes is honestly so bizarre. The closest I can compare it to is an ESL speaker. How does someone learn to write so weirdly? Like wtf does this even mean?
No. 827499
>>827489Sage but the way she types sounds weird until you try to imagine her saying it out loud. My best guess is that she never learned to properly write, either at school or at work, and just spill everything on her keyboard like if she were talking.
It doesn’t seem that she pauses for a second and double check anything so she ends up misusing a ton of words.
I’ve noticed most weird ass internet ESL speak tend to start with a subject and go from there.
And well, Laur does the exact same thing so they’re both in a constant positive feedback loop.
If one of my colleague wrote like this I’d just assume they have some sort of disability.
No. 827572
>>827524do you think she's ever actually seen legally blonde or do you think she's just referencing things she's vaguely heard of that seem popular? like i'm so curious about what media lillee consumes, is she watching any shows or movies? what kind? does she only watch children's shows or has she seen anything for an adult audience? like i genuinely would not be surprised if lj has never watched anything rated R lmao
i think the most interesting part about these absolute maniacs is just how alien lillee is, like she's just a delusional child in a young adults body except that adult has also never been outside kek
No. 827582
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I can only hope that we get to publicly witness the tantrum Lillee throws from the attic when she finds out, because you know she and Laur bombarded some unmonitored customer service inbox with links to purchased yahoo india articles and that fashion haunts youtube interview trying to get LJ verified on twitter.
No. 827601
>>827488"Baby teeth still flourishing below" That word doesn't mean what you think it means
"AND TMJ in my jaw" Well no shit, I guess they didn't teach basic anatomy in attic academy.
According to her rate card, she expects companies to pay $2000 for these garbled messes she calls blog posts.
No. 827631
>>827488>if you don't like the opinion you receive, move on and find another personyeah, lillie, jfc. if every doctor rightfully tells you that you need surgery at this point, find a scammy one that will milk you for money and fuck up your teeth even more. this definitely sums up her whole attitude to
valid criticism and recommendations
No. 827639
>>827633She has at least one impacted wisdom tooth. It’s on her xrays
My tinfoil is that she wanted Invisalign to show that they have money. Her teeth don’t even have any Invisalign attachments on them
No. 827644
>>827631>>827639>>827488Her orthodontist is the exact equivalent of what cyberdouche was as her lawyer-legal-not-legal-rep-brand-manager.
It ended perfectly well…
No. 827704
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>>827696Laur is doing Laur things in the comment section.
She deleted the last comment where she admitted it was her, I caught it at 11 seconds and it was gone within 2 minutes.
No. 827723
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Views vs likes
How does that work?
No. 827728
>>827723On one hand youtube views are just wonky like that sometimes, on the other hand this ratio is very unreasonable.
How does it even make sense that a video like this gets this amount of traction in an hour. Try harder Lillee
No. 827729
>>827499Gonna make myself sound like a tard now, but when when I was a kid (like 8 or around then) & would play with barbies & would pretend some of them were foreign & would emulate what I’d seen on TV portraying foreigners trying to speak English (especially french - if you’re old enough to remember the TV show Allo Allo you’ll know what I mean!) and make them talk exactly like that.
Whenever I read anything lillee has written it reminds me so much of that. She’s been playing with her dolls far too much and she thinks she’s coming across as foreign & exotic & worthy of a french Prince but it’s coming across as racist 1980s comedy TV to me!
No. 827730
i hope this isn't too bloggy, if it is i'm sorry in advance and you can all bully me, but i'm actually currently in a similar situation with my teeth and have at least some insight on this specific process that feels relevant to share
i also have baby teeth where my canines should be that never gotten taken care of when i was a kid due to medical neglect. i'm not mentioning that for any sympathy but because it seems like a similar situation with laur neglecting major dental work, likely for financial reasons, and subsequently forcing her adult child to deal with these issues as she ages and her teeth become more difficult to shift. it ultimately becomes a much longer, more painful process than it would have been if it were taken care of at the right age, not to mention the cost and maintenance that must be done for months to years.
based on what i've been told about my own teeth, the invisalign is absolutely not going to do anything to help the situation. i'm getting traditional metal braces to shift my teeth around to make space for the adult teeth that they are also trying to pull down with the braces. they specifically told me that invisalign is only really for minor cosmetic fixes like slightly crooked or gapped teeth and can't help in situations this severe. in fact, they told me it can actually be detrimental because the insertion and removal process can easily damage the weaker baby teeth that are already more prone to chipping, and even start to loosen them if the root is shallow enough. i don't know who tf told lj and laur that those trays would do anything to help her situation because everything i've been told has been to steer clear of those things in situations like this. as much as i can't stand lillee i really do hate to see her fuck up her teeth even more, i understand the pain and embarrassment that comes with having baby teeth as an adult and i cannot imagine that on top of how fucked the rest of her teeth are. it's totally obscene that laur has let this happen for so long and is continuing to let her daughter suffer not only with the baby canines but with the rest of her mess of a mouth that is very obviously causing her pain.
lj is an absolute goblin but laur is just an awful fucking person.
No. 827732
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He didn’t tell Lillee that Tatiana called the police about Lillee saying she was a minor dating a grown ass adult. Lillee did and he echoed Lillee’s narrative.
No. 827733
>>827730Thanks for sharing your knowledge, dental anon. That perspective is useful for understanding how much work will need to be done for LJ to have a passable smile. It sounds like her dental future will be just as shitty as we predicted.
I feel similar that Laur is a fucking terrible mother and a generally trash human being. That sucks that baby teeth can be that incredibly painful. I hope things get better.
>>827732 I had to read that twice to understand what the fuck Laur was trying to say. I can see Tatiana calling the police over that to be honest.
No. 827734
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Lillee also is claiming she said all the things about Pheepy because she was scared of Tati. Lillee was the one who mentioned the age gap and when they started dating. I love how her messages can literally be proven false based on her own live.
>>827732 here is where SHE tells him it was Tatiana however it was likely the person who randomly appeared in the tweets, totally unrelated to the Lillee situation who was asking questions and stating that they were a mandatory reporter
No. 827747
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>>827727“Likes” go from 1k to 758
No. 827864
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Please escalates to a Franzia Freakout.. Please escalate to a Franzia Freakout..
No. 827888
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Laur posted this picture of her bedroom. Full size fridge? Hoarding antiques? A huge dollhouse filled with dolls her almost 20 year old daughter is playing with?!?
No. 827895
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>>827894I think there's also video evidence of her playing with dolls. Or at least pictures. The two examples I can think of is her video talking about Ariel being portrayed by a black actress and she's holding an Ariel doll, and the image of her holding a barbie which is I think the scariest image I've seen of her, genuinely.
No. 827898
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>>827888Wow, love that litterbox literally directly next to the door. What the fuck? Seems super unsanitary.
No. 827931
>>827895Honestly, I didn’t really think she played with them. Handling them for a video is different from having a whole Barbie dream house on the floor.
>>827926I think those actually aren’t drawers, it looks like those organizer baskets that fit in shelves (not sure if there’s a name for these?). Unsurprisingly they look kinda crammed with stuff.
No. 827940
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What in the two year old playing with makeup is this mess? Occasionally, Lillee will make a look that is actually cute, but this is a train wreck
No. 827947
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Period dot
No. 827973
>>827947Are we sure Lillee and Laur aren't aliens that used Bing to search "what do human children say"? The fact she wrote it out just seems to prove she has never actually seen/heard anyone use it.
A quick rant:
I'm getting really tired of Lillee Jean's tirades during her videos where she says things like " Could you be bullied for 3 years and still be alive? NO, YOU COULDN'T IM SUPERSTRONG" She was pulled out of school because of bullying- because, according to what she had Laur have said, she was called fat, then she lost some weight and starting dressing older, and then the other girls didn't want to to be her friend. She got in trouble for dressing too provocative, and a teacher told her that she would get made fun of if she sang a song (no doubt a Lillee Operatiac Disney song) at the talent show. Since then, she's been hiding in the attic completely avoiding normal human interaction and essentially filtering her life into this strange padded room of protection. Telling her audience, largely made up of minors and groups that are targets of actual hate crimes and peer bullying, that they couldn't deal with how shit her life is? She sits in that cat shit attic and plays with dolls after removing makeup that she wore for 10 minutes after getting up at noon. She is FULLY enabled by her mother, and lacks any social skills needed for holding even basic jobs. She'd never make it at a fast food job,and she can't read well enough to be in a call center. Her whole "anti bully advocacy" stance is to literally revert back to a toddler and hide behind mommy's skirt.
No. 827976
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From Dees’ twitter
No. 827983
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No. 827984
>>827888>>827891Nah anon, I would believe laur and lj would be in the same room since years ago and earl on his own room alone.
But why are all the drawers full when they always wear the same dirty clothes?
What is the thing the cats are in? It doesn't look like a bed, nor a seat.
But seriously, could it be she put her makeup/cosmetics her to resell some?
There was an insta video from arround last year, where she kept her makeup in a mini fridge.
>>827976Next thread pic?
No. 827999
>>827998it's stupid and redundant. if people want to find out what things have already been discussed, they need to click the links to earlier threads that are at the top of every new thread and read through the old milk. if you're too lazy to do that, then shut the fuck up and just lurk.
stop shitting up the thread with stuff most of the people here already know.
No. 828011
File: 1616351063272.png (1.27 MB, 1080x2618,…)

From Lillee's Rainbow Bright video on March 21 2021:
You now need to contact her for licensing and usage. She's really going to act like she hasn't recreated a ton of other people's looks and is going to try to control what other people post. I wish one of the larger beauty content creators that she has copied would slam her for this shit.
No. 828028
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LJ has changed her clothes for the first time in many days. It’d be nice if she wore a bra and zipped up her hoodie but baby steps.
No. 828086
>>828080age regression is nearly always only used by
victims of trauma, which from what we know lj doesn’t have any trauma, really
No. 828097
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Lillee roped this twat in to going after her haterz. Dees still getting blamed for everything, naturally.
Bonus milk: England’s taking us down, anons.
No. 828106
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Lillee removed all the images of other people & licensed characters from her thumbnails. Was she getting copyright claims or C&Ds?
No. 828142
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>>828138Oh no! Farmhand gave her all our names and we're all getting sued.
Our black internet site is going down
No. 828146
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Why is she suing us when we have her everyone’s info?!?!
No. 828148
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>>828142>admin gave me all their namesat least put in effort when youre gonna bluff damn thats embarrassing
No. 828152
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>>828151josh owns lolcow bc he has a thread here
No. 828153
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twitter callout found prince phillipe
No. 828170
>>828148>>828142Didn't laur already said that tens of times since the begining of this cringey drama?
Like she had all our infos, IP, names, adresses and lolcow would be hacked by the internet cops, anti-cyber-bullying-police and the FBI.
And all our parent will also be called by laur who has legal team, hackers and FBI reports proving she's right. Subpoena all for us!
No. 828174
>>828172She is just like Mariah Malibu, pretending she's much wealthier than she actually is.
There's a difference in investing 10k for a school and wasting 1 millions, but if she wants to spend this amount in lawsuit or something, it would be hilarious.
No. 828184
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>>828174you’re right, anon.
I noticed all her luxury items look fake. Like worse than the usual knockoffs. And if she was legitimately wealthy, she wouldn’t be involved with the scam model agency. Her wealthy, connected parents would find her a legit agent.
She probably goes to an elite school (if she even goes there at all) on scholarship and is mad the wealthier kids laugh at her.
No. 828191
File: 1616438677426.jpeg (226.08 KB, 750x471, 9FB788E5-DD00-4259-9A62-3123E4…)

>>828177She said she was 15 in the twitter video. Which would make her 17 now.
No. 828196
File: 1616440351124.png (72.88 KB, 147x320, image0.png)

>>828191In he first conversation with Goose she said the girl in the video os sixteen
No. 828199
File: 1616440962981.png (1.64 MB, 750x1334, 96032951-0A9D-4601-AE20-05A441…)

Cancel culture is bad unless we’re canceling Josh Moon
No. 828219
File: 1616456713759.jpeg (132.65 KB, 577x1023, 600B1D0C-AF13-428C-AB20-392EDE…)
>> we will be forwarding this to our case workers Is APS investigating Lillee’s bizarre behavior online?
No. 828224
File: 1616463796677.jpeg (483.01 KB, 2048x2048, 963D6C74-0F94-4638-B269-DDCD31…)

The copyright complaints on the google search results are expiring. It’s down from 18 removed to 1 removed.
No. 828228
File: 1616464138749.jpeg (154.64 KB, 1076x1242, EFA8FCCE-8728-41B5-B55B-186D2F…)

Oof her last post
No. 828229
File: 1616465141254.jpeg (223.68 KB, 750x909, FDD9E3FE-7265-4881-9CDF-5DC279…)

This comment was left on Creepshow Art’s most recent Lillee video.
No. 828252
File: 1616476815683.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1242x2576, 534810AD-A39D-492E-9D05-F9EBD5…)

LJ has a new ponytail tutorial. I feel like this could be the cover photo of “Crack Whore Magaizne”
No. 828258
File: 1616477515200.jpeg (529.62 KB, 1068x1756, 1FBDAAF5-5913-4FA7-814E-2B2A40…)

No. 828259
File: 1616477618918.jpeg (1.8 MB, 1242x2581, C83CC295-F00A-42DA-88AD-1B0F1E…)

This is probably the healthiest thing she’s eaten in weeks.
No. 828266
File: 1616483858962.jpg (167.77 KB, 1080x1304, Screenshot_20210323-015827_You…)

Lol. Guess this was posted at the wrong time for her engagement pod so we'll only see comments tomorrow after they wake up
No. 828317
File: 1616515063673.jpeg (220.07 KB, 828x1411, 0E416BC4-B916-4753-A5E2-568077…)

From Dianes twitter lol
No. 828329
File: 1616518706087.png (114.59 KB, 221x314, 38454F52-04E9-4A90-BCF6-0BE401…)

Her double chin is growing faster than her YouTube bot following these days.
No. 828332
>>826454>ultimately she's irrelevantYes but the thread might still be fun, even if she doesn't have a mother like Laur, she could be a version 2.0 of Lillee.
>>828202Is it done Anon?
No. 828366
File: 1616536924082.jpeg (376.56 KB, 2048x2048, F28A9ABF-5606-49EC-AB15-4C3537…)

>>828363The resemblance is uncanny, anon. LJ in 5 or 10 years?
No. 828384
File: 1616553181051.jpeg (236.38 KB, 750x422, 337D46B2-F275-4CCE-807F-22EE88…)

She says “looking down” while looking up
No. 828387
>>828384Wow. Wtf this dumb ass bitch.
>loooking down You are looking the fuck up. How the hell can you call yourself an influencer. Disgusting. I do not care you have fake followers, suck your mother’s teat at 30 years old but when you say you’re looking down. Look the fuck down. That’s the least you can do for your fake followers
No. 828403
File: 1616588878612.jpeg (677.48 KB, 1347x828, 62FC9F55-D744-4632-B043-57D032…)

>>828384Her hair is looking extra crispy
No. 828404
File: 1616590192242.jpeg (65.76 KB, 750x476, 492FF283-3017-4E9E-8D05-A2292B…)

how is she this behind on trends when she sits on the internet all day?
No. 828405
File: 1616592401009.jpeg (726.36 KB, 750x986, E8382BED-09FD-4EDC-9927-5F4167…)

No. 828418
>>828252I don't understand how this is tutorial worthy. This is just a messy ponytail that looks like you slept in it for 2 days.
Also,she's probably that person at the salon that when you ask them to look down they look with their eyes and not their head. So she might actually BE looking down in that shot, she's just retarded.
No. 828440
File: 1616620352395.jpg (1.06 MB, 2048x1365, gettyimages-1155104306-2048x20…)

What's with her hair? Whata with this psycho face? I have so many questions…
No. 828446
File: 1616621686103.jpeg (323 KB, 1280x1920, 98B1D088-D3BE-42ED-BE5E-502881…)

No. 828453
>>828446all that dandruff, man
girlie needs to change her shampoo
No. 828455
>>828440Forget the hair. I'm distracted by the goblin garb.
Those dresses are so unflattering, unfashionable, and illfiting. LJ's FUPA is on prominent display and her unfortunately-placed tits, and weirdly proportioned shoulders are more obvious than ever in that fake-tafetta disaster.
Laur's outfit shows her back fat poking out, and emphasizes her missing waistline. It looks like Ursula from The Little Mermaid decided to wear tawny brown for a change. Is this the event they used a rent-the-runway type service for? Because those dresses surely originated at a bargin-basement retailer or Goodwill.
It's so hard to decide what's worse. Their hair, makeup, or fashion sense. Fucking hell.
No. 828460
File: 1616627466999.png (1.48 MB, 1365x1706, BE8B94D3-D2A7-4DA8-8329-F75042…)

>>828455You’re missing the best part of Lillees dress. It’s about a foot too long, as it was made to fit a grown non dwarf woman. Impeccable.
No. 828462
>>828460So humiliating. Her dress seems ill-suited for a cocktail-type event. Maybe more fitting for a white-trash prom. It probably was rented. There was a tweet by Laur at a clothes renting company saying there was a "fashion emergency." Probably the goblins ignored measurement guides picked a size 2 but needed a far larger size.
It amazes me that they think she could be actually considered for Marvel roles with a body that unfortunate. Maybe a frumpy extra.
It'd be funny if she tried to DMCA Getty. They used her face without her permission and are profiting off it!
No. 828474
>>828460Come on. It's like $10 to hem a dress. Maybe $20 if the material is annoying.
Or just get one that fits.
>>828462The style of dress is fine for a cocktail event, are you high?Especially for her age, no one would bat an eye.
The problem is the sloppy ass fit.
No. 828478
File: 1616642456906.jpeg (444.08 KB, 2048x2048, C1C8A150-205A-4292-B0B1-95CA48…)

I made a collage of my favorite parts of the photo
No. 828487
File: 1616648618039.jpeg (579.1 KB, 1242x677, 625B42F0-2A68-409B-98D2-529B5F…)

Seriously wtf is she doing in public. I would literally pay to see her about and about trying to act normal
No. 828506
File: 1616669268406.jpg (283.7 KB, 895x1083, actuallycoolpinkdresses.jpg)

>>828482NART Though I agree she is overdressed for the event, it wouldn't be a big deal if she had the slightest fashion sense.
The pink dress could look really cool on a normal body and with accessories, a nice necklace, pretty purse, etc.
Maybe a bit too much, but there's a lot of fashion influencers that mix posh dresses with toned jacket/accessories. If she wanted to go with pink, she had endless possibilities, images from lookbook.
The fact that she steps on the dress because she's too short and didn't choose another shorter dress, is something to die of embarrassment.
She probably gave the dress back damaged + really dirty at the bottom, wtf.
>>828487I would pay to see her behave like she does in public again. It was so much fun when she went to theses events.
No. 828513
File: 1616674909385.jpeg (104.09 KB, 535x451, A01250D0-A728-4B41-B053-E5B6F3…)

any anons familiar with YouTube analytics? why are there so many days with zero views? are the negative views from deleted videos? gaining 100 subs on a day she got zero views lol?
No. 828517
>>828506She said that she won’t attend another event without a bodyguard
Also nobody in the Trueman household will get the vaccine so they’ll be isolated for a very long time
No. 828525
>>828513I've noticed she has negative numbers usually on sundays.
It's possible she buys views on one app and followers on another app.
No. 828581
File: 1616706364289.jpeg (295.53 KB, 1242x751, 1B471AD3-692B-4E90-906C-84B63E…)

Franzia Freakout please.
No. 828721
>>828446doesn't take an orthodontist to see this invisalign ain't gonna do shit
she needs fucking surgery to get those baby teeth extracted
and we all know how poor her hygiene is and how fragile baby teeth are in general, wouldn't be surprised if her adult teeth started decaying despite not erupting
No. 828842
File: 1616830935723.jpeg (1.68 MB, 1242x1865, 1A22BDD8-B0A0-4045-9A0B-09C886…)

The juxtaposition of her trailer trash lingerie with the kiddie toy is just too disturbing. She’s such trash. This is what kids of literal pedophiles like Earl turn out to be like - thinking that childishness and trashy attempts at looking sexy somehow go hand in hand
No. 828877
>>828873That lip lowkey
triggered my trypophobia ek
No. 828894
File: 1616871960115.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1242x2556, 49312066-D134-44D1-83A0-FE49CD…)

Because this screams Cinderella. I didn’t know what the fuck she was doing before I came across the next pic with a Cinderella superimposed on it. Nice blending.
No. 828899
File: 1616877476832.jpg (644.88 KB, 1080x1755, Screenshot_20210327-153650_Ins…)

>>828894I'll take her Cinderella over whatever mess this is. It's like she took inspiration from the twitter users that have oversaturated her pictures to the extreme.
No. 828910
>>828899I wonder if she will ever realise that nobody cares just for eye looks
People want to see contour, blush, bronzer and highlight and how to use them to achieve a certain look
She literally recycles the same eye looks and it’s so fucking boring
No. 828918
>>828913Makeup really seems to be about it. She watches superhero movies (Marvel and DC), but her enjoyment of them seems very based in the very simple cinematic themes of Good Triumphs Over Evil! and GIRL POWER!. She likes DC better, which is the darker of the two series, but they also have a stronger animated series presence aimed at kids. She likes Harley Quinn because Harley is quirky and sexy and probably the single most popular DC female, but doesn't seem to grasp how complex that character is meant to be. She's just red/blue pigtails and "OH MISTER JJAAAYY" to Lillee.
But as for any interests that aren't deeply rooted in a immature nature? She likes attention from guys her age, the few cute guys she's hosted in a live stream that were nice to her she practically had a puddle under her when they left. Everything else you could ask any 10 year old girl and they would list "I like makeup and dolls and painting and singing and dancing and acting"
No. 828924
>>828921She doesn’t even participate in makeup challenges that go around amongst the beauty community, or things like tiktok makeup trends or things that are “in” which would without a doubt bring actual organic views to her channel
Her channel is just stagnant, nobody cares about the same two eye looks
No. 828935
>>828913Lillee's mental and emotional development became arrested before she hit puberty, and so the way that she "explores" her small handful of real interests is shallow and simple, like a child, which means she's only going to appeal to an audience of 9-12 year olds who will all quickly outgrow her content and move on to James Charles or whoever.
Because her only human interaction is from Laur who enables her as a way to keep Lillee dependent, she's not likely to ever grow out of her childishness. It will only get more and more bizarre and off-putting as she gets older.
No. 828973
>>828934ive been thinking this
if you look at her Deviant art account where she posts increasingly lewd photos dressed up as children characters
someone commented on her one of her barbie nori photo " this whore has a hot body" but if you look at their account hey post something like that to hundreds of other girls doing cosplays
lillee was living for the attention and said she wanted to pin the comment forever.
she is just fucking sad
No. 828996
File: 1616937530276.jpeg (125.17 KB, 750x865, 3B7F0A15-1574-413C-AC44-C7793C…)

>>828973I found the comment but I don’t see any responses from Lillee.
No. 829015
File: 1616947847949.png (4.05 MB, 1130x1659, 01283.png)

She would seriously look so much better with bangs. Every time she does a cosplay with a wig that has bangs, it flatters her so much more.
No. 829018
File: 1616949266487.png (432.73 KB, 802x2739, devart.png)

A collage of the best Deviant Art comments
No. 829024
>>829018“On Amazon for less than $100”
yeah no shit Lillee it looks like crap
No. 829025
File: 1616953109055.png (129.32 KB, 671x710, Screen Shot 2021-03-28 at 12.3…)

From Twitter.
You're/your continues to be an issue. I can't tell is this is Laur or LJ typing.
No. 829074
File: 1616962679238.png (910.03 KB, 561x912, image_2021-03-28_211748.png)

I feel like she looks fairly decent in this. ginger seems to be the hair colour that suits her the most imo?
No. 829167
File: 1617029504729.jpg (25.88 KB, 200x200, etiennep.jpg)

>>829098Look how sad shes making pheepy :'(
No. 829231
File: 1617065392544.png (386.5 KB, 370x688, CEE22649-931E-4D86-A8F7-60F448…)

No. 829284
File: 1617113823482.jpg (181.74 KB, 1080x2133, Screenshot_20210330-091511_Ins…)

Lillee is gonna list "wore invisiline for 22+ hours a day" as one of her lifetime achievements
No. 829292
File: 1617118220189.png (643.54 KB, 1199x1179, Tumblr_l_551012525681038.png)

>>829267(I actually laughed so much
nonny ily)
No. 829298
File: 1617124044359.jpg (2.19 MB, 1860x2444, greasyjean.jpg)

>>829231her skin looks like shit, her hair is a disgusting grease ball, and she still has hot pink staining on her eyelids and lips by the end of the video. the laziness is astounding. she's also getting fatter by the video which is only highlighting her inbred trailer trash genetics even more. yikes.
No. 829315
File: 1617132494613.jpeg (135.51 KB, 359x422, EA7BD12E-B305-4DE5-A0E7-B30983…)

all the dandruff in her hair is a great accessory
No. 829316
File: 1617132785917.png (1.52 MB, 750x1334, B78D15C7-172F-4845-9DBC-2CC786…)

Lillee “shut the fuck up about slavery” Jean wants unity
No. 829320
File: 1617136562179.png (3.9 MB, 750x1334, 6DFFDED6-85A0-4D5E-8980-0A944A…)

No. 829352
File: 1617153668821.jpg (272.31 KB, 1080x1949, Screenshot_20210330-201105_Twi…)

I don't think Lillee is ever going to leave her house again without atleast 2 masks on. She is seriously terrified of COVID. Her latest Indian prince has a fever and she immediately jumps to COVID. She's gonna lose her shit at "events" when people have allergies COVID is inconvenient for everyone, but I think it may be the final nail in the coffin of Lillee always being a attic goblin.
No. 829353
File: 1617154201398.jpeg (536.4 KB, 828x1453, 71F33662-C1B2-42EF-B076-6F05A6…)

What is she doing to her products
No. 829386
>>829317That's because she doesn't have the real invisaling, but the cheapest alternative plastic device she could find.
>>829353Anon, her makeup brushes are on the floor, and the whole kit is just next to the litter box.
Her nail polish is always chipped.
And that's not from doing the house chores.
No. 829414
File: 1617208639195.png (791.89 KB, 1401x665, lj.png)

Her website is looking g8
No. 829419
>>829408That's probably be worse for them in the end. YT pushes videos based on engagement and bad engagement is still engagement. You can still ride the algorithm wave to the front page on a sea of dislikes.
She might already be shadowbanned on YT. I've heard people say she is.
No. 829423
File: 1617210038170.png (Spoiler Image,1.42 MB, 944x734, shecameforlaur.png)

>>829420oops, reuploading
No. 829449
File: 1617225678364.png (3.82 MB, 828x1792, 5D4FF361-476B-4D3C-A4B6-030997…)

Lillee pretending to be healthy while she gains 100 pounds
No. 829484
File: 1617247915051.png (97.9 KB, 308x423, Enquiries.png)

Attic Academy education really shining through. What a CEO
No. 829509
File: 1617267465492.jpeg (638.71 KB, 1242x835, FA32C3D9-C979-4583-8A33-C58332…)

LJ wearing mommy’s leggings as a shirt with the legs extended up her arms
No. 829510
File: 1617267651493.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1242x1542, 21B4A9A9-3C17-4E12-8161-81D2C8…)

>>829509You can kind of make out the mid-seam of the leggings here. And kek at her ballon face and big ass shoulders. She doesn’t look like a Disney princess. She looks like she eats 10 of them for breakfast with that body
No. 829539
File: 1617280540561.jpeg (541.27 KB, 828x1034, F89863DE-F22F-4A5A-AEC6-E21574…)

Nips out
No. 829541
File: 1617281277636.jpeg (Spoiler Image,479.08 KB, 815x378, 7FE0DDD4-49E3-49D5-9FEA-0EF1BB…)

>>829539kek @ LJ leaking her own cat hair encrusted titties
No. 829545
File: 1617282088313.jpeg (830.43 KB, 828x1342, C29FE93E-1017-48EA-9869-F0489D…)

G8 hair
No. 829548
File: 1617283422281.jpg (220.69 KB, 1273x958, corpse makeup.jpg)

>>829545>>829539Her Helena cosplay looks great! Very corpse-like and realistic.
No. 829587
File: 1617299987646.jpg (416.31 KB, 2880x2880, 20210401_125739.jpg)

Cleaning out my phone's photo gallery, may drop some stuff that has possibly been saved here already, but still gonna drop it just in case
No. 829589
File: 1617300319612.jpg (557.47 KB, 1080x1653, Screenshot_20201103-112823_Twi…)

Oldie but goody. Laur claiming someone editing Lillee's everpedia page was election tampering
No. 829597
File: 1617304799443.png (3.66 MB, 828x1792, E32B7DBB-AD0F-45CB-B499-4BFF81…)

She always looks so awkward , Jeans never look right on her cankles
No. 829598
File: 1617305212441.jpg (543.35 KB, 1080x1705, Screenshot_20210401-142631_You…)

Her STD/pink eye look is perfect for April's Fools Day! She couldn't possibly think it actually looks good
No. 829599
File: 1617305673366.jpg (320.92 KB, 1080x1791, Screenshot_20210401-143307_Ins…)

English class in the attic must have actually been a game of opposites everyday.
You are partial to it, you daft cunt.
No. 829610
File: 1617308939947.jpeg (271.21 KB, 827x1475, C88FBF50-95D7-41C6-B0E6-AE850E…)

>>829604Her other selfies are taken in the passenger seat
No. 829639
>>829597I'm shocked she can still fit into jeans. She must've gone shopping recently because her pre-covid jeans aren't fitting over that lard.
Everything she wears screams "thunder thighs."
No. 829730
File: 1617362575811.png (134.15 KB, 1646x904, A592E1C3-0F3C-4572-A0AF-8410F0…)

>>829687YouTube expedited the process after Cali contacted creator support. I have no faith in YT actually doing anything to Lillee and Laur but according to the messages Cali shared on twitter, they’re investigating the claims & Lillee’s channel.
No. 829733
File: 1617364341992.jpeg (68.05 KB, 750x411, 92F7B152-79DB-4D5E-9295-2B9C87…)

>>829730It may be a coincidence but Laur (or YouTube) removed her videos from her channel again
No. 829737
File: 1617368497778.png (3.49 MB, 2627x1529, 68BAE491-C186-4EC2-AFE0-715DFD…)

Her armpits are always so gross
No. 829747
>>829597Legit down syndrome face and body. Why does this look so badly edited? There is something so bizarre about the way shee looks in this picture.
Change4change much while wearing nike and brands exploiting kids and women.
She's such an hypocrite.
>>829737Still can't put wigs correctly, even after millions of attempts.
No. 829849
File: 1617451117398.jpeg (147.75 KB, 1280x731, 3903B9EB-EE37-4DC5-81CF-C088C6…)

Sorry for shitty phone screenshot.
For someone whose entire life is about beauty, Lillee is just so unbearably bad at it. She puts so much product directly on her roots and then doesn't wash her hair for three days (as she said at the beginning of her latest retarded beauty guru LARP video). Obviously not washing your hair for three days is fine for some people, but not when you’re spraying leave-in conditioner all over your roots. She proudly shows off her dry, discolored, straw-like hair as if it’s somehow enviable to anyone watching her. Lillee, literally zero people want to look like you.
When she finishes washing her hair and piling product in it, her roots already look greasy. I know it’s such a small thing to sperg about, but her inability to use even the most basic hair-care products correctly— and then make entire videos about how beautiful her hair is— is a testament to how dumb and delusional she is.
No. 829850
File: 1617453523939.jpg (331.37 KB, 1053x1939, Screenshot_20210403-041701_Ins…)

>>829849And the major difference in her before and after? She straightened it. It looks cleaner at the roots. But it still looks crazy dry and damaged.
No. 829851
>>829850It actually looks better on the left
She really doesn’t know how to market a product
No. 829852
File: 1617454279466.jpg (577.31 KB, 1080x2065, Screenshot_20210403-074440_You…)

>>829849Going to add, she also used a gloss as part of her wash, so any extra shine and healthiness is from that.
No. 829854
File: 1617455607754.jpg (1.07 MB, 2560x1438, Screenshot_20210403-135835.jpg)

>>829849I have been watching all her recent haircare videos and it's very true, she doesn't seem to know how to properly take care of her hair. She used to oversaturate her hair with oils but recently she was raving about leave-in treatments and using keratin and coconut oil-heavy products. She also uses way too many profucts (in one video she did mask, shampoo AFTER, conditioner left in for 10 minutes, leave on conditioner, and almond oil on ends AND roots). Her hair looks so damaged because it's over stimulated by proteins, which leave her hair frizzy and dehydrated (plus damaged from dye) while her roots are oily. She also usually applies her hair masks directly on dry hair, and then uses shampoo?? Either way it's bizzare.
Also Lillee please clean your brush
No. 829855
File: 1617455854995.jpg (204.17 KB, 1024x1024, Medium-Blonde_1024x1024.jpg)

This is clearly the before/after pic she was ripping off (from the product's website)
except Lillee, honey, baby bear….the trick is to have your after pic look better than the before, not just cleaner.
No. 829857
File: 1617457382409.png (217.23 KB, 1208x591, Screenshot 2021-04-03 2.42.23 …)

LJ is taking down Reddit posts about herself now
No. 829859
>>829854AYRT, yes, thank you. I felt like such an autist for making that post because I couldn't tell if it was a nitpick, but I'm glad I'm not the only one horrified by her routine.
I recall that Lillee claimed to have psoriasis on her scalp (that would explain her dandruff in every video, kek), so I think she tries to oversaturate her roots with product to combat her condition. If she weren't such a retarded goblin, I'd feel bad for her because it's clear her mother irreparably fucked her up and made no effort to help her with the psoriasis. I'd argue that any normal parent would learn about their child's condition and consult with professionals to help them better manage the condition, regardless of what it is, but not Laur.
No. 829861
File: 1617459959690.jpg (71.71 KB, 751x750, smellgross.jpg)

Her face is so uneven, her classes can't sit straight.
Clearly Lillee doesn't know what
moroccan beaches look like.
>>829852Money mask is 45$, add the wow shampoo at 23$ and the 2 DP hue at 26$ and 35$ and the treatment at 24.99$!
That's 153,99$ is shitty products for her shitty hair. That's a insane amount for an unemployed who takes advantage of covid money.
No wonder they have to file for bankruptcy every 7 years.
No. 829991
File: 1617543479530.jpeg (464.28 KB, 750x1176, B4522C1B-5F2D-4A26-AC87-C455AB…)

Pathological liar Elaine is offering Lillee Jean milk in exchange for removing her thread from kiwifarm
No. 829993
>>829991This makes me feel bad for Lillee. Laur’s told Lillee engagement pod people are real friends when they’re only interested in using Lillee for attention, negative or positive. Shit like this further isolates Lillee which will make it much harder to get away from Laur, if Lillee ever chooses to pursue a life outside the attic.
Elaine should be ashamed. I hope Laur goes batshit on her.
No. 830003
>>829993Wtf anon?
Lillee has dedicated so much time messing with the whole internet that it well deserved.
Cows attract cows.
No. 830046
>>829993I don’t think Laur or Lillee gaf about having any actual friends. They’re too retarded to notice that LJ would seem a lot more like a normal, more marketable influencer if she had even just one friend she’d make content with. Tbh I really hope Elaine didn’t scare them off from interacting with more (pod member) “influencers”. Think of all the cows Lillee could bring out.
Also Laur’s probably spooked by how many legal threats Elaine has made to the farms, she wouldn’t want any of that coming to her.
No. 830126
File: 1617632039011.jpeg (223.11 KB, 669x518, DB91DE53-F012-4391-9D50-A1143B…)

She misspelled Brigitte Bardot’s name
Attic academy strikes again
No. 830134
File: 1617635575822.jpg (75.3 KB, 725x418, Untitled2.jpg)

>>830126She can't pronounce her name in french, no wonder she spelled brigeEeEtte.
Anyway, Brigitte Bardot looks better at 86 than LJ at 19.
LJ makeup tuto isn't anything close to Bardot's but seems from Sucker punch.
No. 830135
File: 1617636401192.jpg (181.83 KB, 786x786, 47537.jpg)

>>830134OT but I always think that LJ pic looks like the Hole album cover. She looks so deranged but I doubt it's intentional
No. 830143
>>830134Omg, it's SO funny you mention Sucker Punch! Lillee Jean's mom totally worked on that movie, she personally acquired some hooker heels for Zack Synder (they go wayy back, her mom has practically single handedly provided all his movie props, but she's very private and doesn't talk about it much). Anyways, he told Laur that Badydoll was meant to capture the essence of Brigitte Bardot. As for the spelling, it's not an error, it's the "lillee-fied" version, having an extra E was totally intentional. LIllEE, brIgEttE…duh. now exhume me, I, aries I am, must rise, above haters, who are small like ants in my flame.
/s ((Sorry for the weird post, I'm just having a go at how Lillee would explain it. I really think she might try the excuse that it's her version tho.
No. 830154
File: 1617646245450.jpeg (105.13 KB, 828x500, 9D271811-CCE1-4A69-9F7A-0A8C08…)

> black website
No. 830165
>>830164>>830161>>830155All you fucking twitterfags learn to sage. You absolute retards if you haven't figured it out yet.
>>830164They still think KF & LCF are the same site. As far as I know, LCF hasn't been blamed for a Julay Terriberry yet.
No. 830173
>>830165Kadee– I guess– could be considered the LC version of Julay.
>>830169>>830171NTA, but at least sage your retardation. If you have no milk to provide, sage your shit instead of infighting over a rule that you're breaking.
>>830155Not to WK this loon, but I assume she meant black as in the "dark web" (of course, LJ and Laur have no idea what the dark web is).
No. 830184
File: 1617670482803.png (6.47 MB, 828x4883, A191FEC8-2DF8-4D66-998B-E041A7…)

Her makeup starts separating as soon as she puts it on and she will not learn how to wear wigs even if her life depended on it
No. 830190
File: 1617674575249.jpeg (104.4 KB, 514x771, D25FCF66-8F18-4688-BB31-39088C…)

How could she see this photo, photoshop it to oblivion-& still look fucking terrifying and then think she looks good? The delusion is growing tremendously. No one mentally sane thinks making these faces are normal, they are really concerning
No. 830192
File: 1617675268505.jpeg (104.81 KB, 980x653, B5331320-A855-4D42-B2FB-E287D5…)

>>830190She looks exactly like Amy Adams, Anon
No. 830206
>>830184Holy FUCK, that third picture is terrifying. She looks like a woman who will spend time in prison at some point for murder. She looks like a crazed lunatic and I have no doubt this bitch will poison someone someday
Does anyone else legit shiver in fear when looking into her soulless huge-ass crazy eyes??
No. 830219
File: 1617700775941.jpg (55.72 KB, 351x618, creep.jpg)

Beauty goal: Creepy japanese robot.
No. 830231
File: 1617710779313.png (3.06 MB, 605x2987, F59BF362-1375-4634-A7AC-D20279…)

Why is her mouth ALWAYS open in these posed photos? Who taught her this?
No. 830237
File: 1617713638982.jpeg (252.02 KB, 750x1074, 00EF473F-C4ED-446C-806F-47A8EC…)

No. 830241
>>830231Kek. Her fake pearl hair accessory looks a bit like anal beads.
>>830237This has remarkable simmilatirities with the
POC MUA (can't recall if it was QueenofBlending or LaurenElyse) that was banned from Twitter for account manipulation/vague tos violations. They use all the same tricks.
No. 830245
File: 1617721463207.jpeg (368.33 KB, 750x761, 54B826BE-84B4-4984-8F16-26AD7E…)

>>830243Christian was baited by Laur to lash out the way he did. He needs to learn to control himself. His thumbnail was a photo of Lillee with “cunt” written on it. It was a violation of ToS. There was more going on with Christian - like lying on his copyright disputes and attempting to edit her wikitubia entry. Doesn’t excuse the attic goblin’s behavior but I don’t think Christian is completely innocent.
No. 830340
File: 1617764408968.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1170x1996, 362D415F-D342-4BF9-8C1A-C35BB5…)

Can anyone decipher this?
No. 830342
… spi6it??
No. 830345
File: 1617765374969.jpeg (799.66 KB, 1170x1786, 039F905E-CB12-43F1-9642-F7398E…)

>>830302Christian said he gave YouTube his old address.
No. 830368
File: 1617797335576.jpeg (77.01 KB, 720x509, 49375672-1CF2-4E5B-ABAC-B20350…)

>his channel was terminated because he broke TOS by putting a fake address? According to YouTube his channel was terminated for submitting “
abusive legal requests”, not Lillee’s copyright claims.
>had he put his updated address or at least a P.o. box, they likely wouldn’t have terminated his channel?That’s what it looks like. Christian’s fear of being doxxed by Laur was
valid though. Laur used his name, which she got through the dispute, as her twitter handle. Who knows what she would have done with his actual address, especially since they live in the same city. YouTube needs to fix their system.
No. 830377
>>830368These guys have got to stop posting every single communication they get from YouTube. Laur and her spawn spend hours a day following every single person that has ever had a thought about them, and shit like that validates their "we are innocent
victims just trying to defend ourselves." Christian was is exactly the type of person they are going to zero in on and aggressively agitate because they get what they want from him. They talk shit about Diane, but they don't go after her because she doesn't roll in the mud with them. They attacked Tatiana until they saw the farms start to shift to being against her and her grounds for a case became null because she wouldn't stop posting videos about them.
They are going to continue to attack and DCMA everything that comes out about them because Laur has the bluff on everyone. If you are afraid of Laur, don't make a fucking video and cry. It's not like it's not heavily documented what is going to happen.
No. 830413
File: 1617814852404.png (791.34 KB, 452x1270, EB4917C8-39A1-4BDB-BE9D-5CE78C…)

Lillee posted an Invisalign update and it’s full of horror shots of her teeth.
Also it seems like Laur prepares all of her foods
No. 830424
>>830414Now this is so interesting to me. Did you guys notice at the 6 minute mark when Laur is talking to Lillee about her next video? I get that shes her "manager", but its so weird, like shes coaching her.
>They really are gonna love it. Who's they? The bots youre paying for?
>You look sooo good Lillee. I'm so happy that your face shape is the same…Right. How odd, but no surprise as momagers in entertainment are generally off their rockers
No. 830426
>>830413how did she look at this and still decide it was a good idea to post it?
also is she aware that if the invisaligns "work" like they need to she's going to be losing her teeth and have big gummy gaps until the adult teeth grow in? I doubt we'll be getting any invisalign updates for awhile after that…
No. 830429
>>830414she brags about using toothpaste to clean them because she lost the cleaning solution they gave her
which you're NEVER supposed to do with invisaligns because toothpaste is abrasive and it fucks up with the surface of the braces oh my god what a moron
No. 830430
LJ on shitty teeth: "In Europe, it's very acceptable."
Eurofag here. This is more attic academy isolation bullshit from rumors dating back to WW2. 7 of the 10 countries with the best teeth are in Europe. 6 rank higher than the US. LJ should stop assuming the rest of the world lives like Queens trash.
>>830429Agreed. My ortho told me to only clean my Invisiline like retainers (post-braces) by soaking them in denture cleaner once a day because brushes and paste make them less effective and look like shit.
No. 830461
File: 1617838175265.png (4.89 MB, 2436x1125, A27292C1-28D1-4310-B178-A94AD0…)

Where did she come up with this? Lose an eyeball?
No. 830474
File: 1617843152352.png (727.66 KB, 952x538, Screen Shot 2021-04-07 at 7.49…)

She's using a teething ring. Like a fucking toddler.
No. 830492
>>830474Honestly her hellhole of a mouth is great karma. I don't usually want to wish harm on anyone, genuinely, but she's such an actual piece of shit that seeing her suffer after being so insufferable herself is
kind of satisfying. I'd much rather see her channels and accounts get taken down and watch her meltdown, but this can work for now I guess.
No. 830508
File: 1617870864962.png (213.31 KB, 452x319, 1617814852404.png)

>>830413god good lj you're so fucking creepy
you'll never be a princess, your face is not cut for it let alone your attitude.
No. 830519
File: 1617884306932.jpg (460.89 KB, 1661x1997, the attics have teeth.jpg)

That's offically her creepiest video for now.
Definitively has The Hills Have Eyes vibes.
>>830488That's why I never read this topic before going to sleep.
You should have known better anon.
At 2'43 legit retarded laugh.
Some faces she made in the video. This is so gross and tawdry.
Should be rated NC 17/PEGI 18.
I'm going to womit now.
No. 830523
File: 1617885097896.jpg (44.6 KB, 700x277, cost.jpg)

The comment when someone ask her the cost. Bet she has no idea how much it actually costed, bc of
1/ how retarded she is, dainty princess who doesn't care about money and
2/ Laur looking for the cheapest dental scammer in Flushing.
No. 830525
File: 1617886127231.jpg (214.19 KB, 1080x1096, Screenshot_20210408-074731_You…)

For the anons who have noted she doesn't have the attachments, looks like it's because they are waiting to put them on her adult teeth, which means we could have gummy Lillee sooner rather than later.
No. 830555
File: 1617907572636.png (1.31 MB, 1186x794, Screen Shot 2021-04-08 at 2.44…)

No. 830647
File: 1617972440524.jpeg (702.19 KB, 1170x1185, 39E28FAF-E0B3-4C6B-83E5-63FB81…)

>women tearing women down will never not be gross
coming from the woman who shames sex workers and any woman who is critical of her
No. 830653
>>830647list of all the things Lillee & Laur have shamed women for:
-posting photos in bikinis
-wearing wigs
-wearing lipstick
-not wearing makeup
-sex work
-not having sex with their spouses
-mental health issues
-drinking alcohol
-using drugs/taking meds for mental health issues
-being fat
-bring skinny
-being single
-having kids
-being old
-being young
Did I miss any?
No. 830668
>>830653-being black
-being hispanic
-not being jewish
-being successful
No. 830717
File: 1618008381394.jpeg (500.06 KB, 828x1090, 437E9471-75A9-4E2E-B956-C64C95…)

“No fair use given”
No. 830733
File: 1618011309370.jpeg (213.44 KB, 828x1589, 09D33AA9-6C3E-4ECD-993E-6D9209…)

Wow these looks are so vastly different from each other & very accurate and detailed! Amazing makeup skills
No. 830754
File: 1618024854332.jpg (796.44 KB, 1125x2436, IMG_7725.jpg)

So did Lillee get her wish of becoming some internet icon? I haven’t looked her up in over a year but saw her just now as a facebook gif in the comments of my cousin from Bolivia. I thought damn, her mom used to do shit like this on fake accounts and now it’s happening for real lmao good for you Laur.
No. 830756
File: 1618026194680.png (6.43 MB, 828x4990, 52F71664-7548-429E-9265-ACEB63…)

No. 830939
File: 1618143857291.jpg (46.77 KB, 926x218, pinkeye.jpg)

Good look Lillee.
Looks like myxomatosis but ok.
No. 830982
File: 1618183728810.png (2.77 MB, 828x2172, 1AE5CA84-07F3-4821-8715-0CB01B…)

>>830774I think she’s feeling self conscious about her missing collarbones so now she’s tensing her horse neck as much as humanly possible to get the collarbones to pop
No. 831014
File: 1618207337564.png (1.2 MB, 1712x954, LJ Second Evolution.png)

Those joewels are developing quickly. Looking more and more like mama every day.
The final evolution will be a combination of Jabba the Hutt and Glenn Danzig.
I think the grey knit "free spirit" top was new a few weeks ago. It's already hopeless stretched out. An attic wardrobe tour would be fun.
No. 831028
File: 1618232084294.jpeg (69.37 KB, 390x232, 9C0196C2-2D53-4E4D-87EB-BF8CB0…)

The foundation in her hair is an added bonus to her Wandavision look. Such skill
No. 831043
>>831014sage for chemistfag but my sides went into fucking orbit at 0:43 of this video. Lillee loves to talk about everything beauty/skincare with such confidence– like she is an absolute expert on the science behind all of these products– and yet she says this about chelating:
>"It's called chuh-LATE-ing I believe. It's the process of pulling out dullness-causing minerals, metals, chlorine…. deposited by hard water."It's pronounced KEY-late-ing. I know we all pronounce words incorrectly from time to time, but it would take only five minutes to google "chelating" and learn how to say it correctly in a pre-recorded video where she LARPs as a know-it-all ingredient expert. She loves to spout off ingredients (citric acid! no parabens or sulfates! glycerin, which is really great!) like she's an expert but can't even bother to pronounce such a simple chemistry term correctly. Does she even know what any of these chemicals do? No.
I'm not trying to gatekeep chemistry, kek, but the fact that she's so condescending while simultaneously being such a retard is hilarious.
No. 831077
>>831073Kek. I choked on my water when she said: "down the shaft" in her new hair video.
I googled it, and it's a hair term. It just seems very esoteric for a review video meant for an audience of farmers and preteens. I guess when you're isolated in an attic for years, you don't know how to avoid innuendo.
No. 831095
File: 1618266857019.png (2.13 MB, 1792x1656, 2C7C170C-AF61-43A3-9069-98740C…)

This is AFTER the hair treatment
No. 831119
>>831014She definitely stretches out her shirts on purpose to expose her shoulders. I’m sure she does it to look ~sexy~ but it has the opposite effect since (like the other anon mentioned) she has large arms/no collarbones because she’s overweight. Even here
>>830756 she’s wearing the tank top with the straps falling off. A decent fitting shirt/bra would do wonders for her.
No. 831266
File: 1618334624920.jpg (247.19 KB, 1080x1919, Screenshot_20210413-121604_Ins…)

What in the Super Cuts kind of dentist has multiple patients in one room back to back? Do you get a discount if you go on Tuesday and Kids Teeth are only 5$?
No. 831275
I agree with
>>831266That's super unhygienic anon
>>831274 All stores have capacity limitation, but not dentists where patients can't wear a mask?
Is it the dental from her engagement pod?
No. 831278
File: 1618338837589.png (1.02 MB, 1190x716, image_2021-04-13_193440.png)

no gummee jean just yet
No. 831288
File: 1618342535511.png (4.41 MB, 1792x828, 45F79E41-D342-44BF-8D5C-C5875B…)

>>831283The teeth that have to come out don’t have braces on them
No. 831301
File: 1618346313092.png (8.67 MB, 3580x2000, Screen Shot.png)

prince peep is so lucky uwu
No. 831302
File: 1618348279660.jpg (118.95 KB, 498x967, Screenshot_20210413-160756_Ins…)

>>831266She's at a invisiline farm. They don't have time to give patients individual rooms. It's also why they were super into telling Lillee she'd get all her problems fixed and stroking her ego. She got mad at her last dentist for telling her that her teeth were super fucked up, these guys will been over backward to sell their products to make profit.
No. 831436
>>831302Yeah, seriously. She had that YT comment where she said something like "if you don't like the answers you receive, go somewhere else".
These Invisalign shillers give me HUGE mlm vibes. Saying whatever Lillee wants to hear just to get her business. And the fact that after this is all done, she could be worse off than when she started.
Another part of me though thinks this could all be money related. "Not what she wanted to hear" could have referred to the fact that a dentist said her repairs would cost her thousands and thousands of dollars. So, just like usual, her and her mom scoured the internet for the cheapest option and found Invisalign as the cheaper alternative.
No. 831540
File: 1618434815263.jpg (261.35 KB, 1069x1693, Screenshot_20210414-160432_Ins…)

I know Lillee has to play the whole " I didn't want to change, this is just medical" but more than anytime in the past, the braces make me feel sorry for her. Laur manipulated her using her fear and anxiety so she wouldn't get stuck with a huge bill, waited until Lillee was old enough to legally enter contracts and get stuck with the bills, and she has the audacity to sit on her ass and tell Lillee that she is glad it didn't change her face shape.
Lillee is obviously excited about this fixing her teeth and I actually feel bad for her because of neglect, she's still going to look like someone typed Morse code in her mouth
No. 831579
>>831565Sometimes I feel sympathetic for LJ. Her mother made her an unlikeable, childlike, fugly, uneducated, lazy fatass. But then she does or says something annoying, and I again look forward to watching her failures.
>>831573Kek. I was just thinking that. Her baby teeth will fall out and Laur will scoff at the cost of surgery to yank the adult teeth down. Or maybe the adult teeth are damaged after languishing in her jaw for over a decade. They'll buy LJ a discount set of dentures and well, you get what you pay for. LJ crying about how painful and lame dentures are vid when?
No. 831678
File: 1618496647261.jpg (231.05 KB, 715x1620, cowpotential.jpg)

From Diane's twitter.
Cyberdouche has some real cow potential besides his parents' money.
No. 831698
>>831678Hopefully this will be a repeat of that time Laur wrote a psychotic 40 page letter to the Minnesota Bar after a lawyer interviewed someone Laur didn't like on his podcast. It probably will be.
The goblins got closer to Rolling Stone than they ever thought possible and lost it because they couldn't pay their bills. To be a poor scamming Queens gutter rat. Sigh.
No. 831701
>>831698>>831678Anons, I want Laur to photoshop LJ on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine, Teen Vouge style.
Like the good old times.
No. 831716
File: 1618515040259.jpeg (280.13 KB, 1242x2104, 234C4C4D-5480-4389-AFB4-32CC18…)

>>831436same. I don’t know if anyone has noticed this but on her website all the ads running are exclusively about this specific Moons dental service. They probably offered her this treatment in exchange of promotion. I’m in Mexico so all the ads are in Spanish but I’m sure you guys in America will be able to see them too. They have been appearing on her page for days. I haven’t Googled any sort of dental treatment so these aren’t personalized ads. She’s intentionally running them on her page.
No. 831719
File: 1618516020708.png (527.56 KB, 844x796, how could you be so toothless.…)

>>831716Hahaha, similar experience.
It translates from German to English as "love you smile." I, too, haven't googled any scam dental shit that I can recall. I haven't seen any teeth-related ads either, but I normally have ad blocked on.
No. 831724
File: 1618518092558.png (2.59 MB, 828x1792, 685B163A-9649-4C65-A695-F4B0F3…)

Don’t know if people saw this yet
No. 831728
File: 1618518737645.png (2.78 MB, 828x1921, 06109BEC-F1B2-4BAA-831A-D348B3…)

Looking g8
No. 831734
File: 1618519942706.png (Spoiler Image,2.39 MB, 1846x1538, laur is a fatass.png)

Not wearing a bra seems to be a family tradition. Horrifying.
Behind spoiler: Laur's saggy/horrific plus-sized knockers.
No. 831762
File: 1618536240825.png (2.51 MB, 828x1792, CBEAB1E8-5FC0-4C11-96A9-2C0513…)

She got a very lazy paid article for SEO again
No. 831765
File: 1618536786686.jpeg (1.71 MB, 1242x2556, D2166295-B6F5-42B4-87B5-466A87…)

I hope this is PR she purchased from someone and it wasn’t sent from the brand directly to the goblins.
Otherwise, this is so sad. I like Milk Cosmetics. Their products are great. I wouldn’t expect them to be stupid like Too Faced.
No. 831779
File: 1618539783509.jpeg (656.75 KB, 1170x2089, 2D6208A1-868E-4956-A37C-9E49FF…)

>>831762$200 for a blogpost on an unknown website
No. 831782
File: 1618541324805.jpeg (331.44 KB, 2048x2048, 21F52B54-40F9-4B8F-BC0F-5EB3A6…)

>>831762>>831779The article is listed on but under a different author. Ian Monroe looks like a legitimate contributor/author only the photo being used on his Inscriber author bio is not his photo, it’s a stock image.
No. 831790
File: 1618543846374.jpeg (559.56 KB, 828x935, 6D873B19-F959-46C1-89F9-3A9CD9…)

No. 831794
File: 1618544820324.jpeg (528.06 KB, 1170x1912, 2589D256-F417-41F4-A298-1CDDA1…)

>>831762this guy crowdfunded his completely legitimate digital magazine with a gofundme in 2014
No. 831827
>>831825>>831804>>831790This may be one of my favorite stupid LJ moves ever. She's inviting any potential clients, agents, casting directors or any fan to watch a video that within the first 30 seconds has her sitting on a toilet and looking like Grandpa without his dentures. The plastic video is very poorly done, the backdrop is falling, wrinkled, and covered in cat hair, lillee looks closer to 13 than the 17 that she was, and she has a super pronounced lisp, speaks like a child (sea babies?), and has the same chaotic energy as Charlie Sheen on a coke binge. The best of them is the women throughout history, and it is a child playing dressup. Whatever "acting" she was attempting to do is something you might expect from a silent era horror movie.
Lillee has several videos floating around of she and Laur claiming she got an audition or that she had gotten a part for a gig. Where are those acting credits? She "flew" to Chicago to audition?
I just don't understand why Laur has not only participated in making videos pretending that Lillee had gotten these things, but continues to support these delusions.
No. 831832
File: 1618576790734.png (2.11 MB, 828x3578, D10FA45D-C879-4268-A4E9-12E41C…)

>>831811She removed the videos but her creepy blog is still there
No. 831841
File: 1618582161144.png (1.51 MB, 828x2394, F6F66A56-70BE-4C5E-A7F0-5E98FF…)

>>831832She was weirdly obsessed with punishing her dolls
No. 831847
>>831832>>831841Her stockpiled dolls deranged stories are all about:
- Dolls (girls) fighting.
As being jealous of each other, that's revealing of Lillee's point of views on women and her inability to create friendship.
- Dolls wanting to go out, but having to stay home due to Lillee selfishness (not wanting to wash them again, which is so weird, Lillee doesn't even wash herself).
- Lillee believing she's perfect at parenting while unfairly punishing them…
Did she peed on them to show dominance?
This is so sick.
No. 831851
>>831850This. Anons like
>>831841 and
>>831847 sound completely out of touch with children and the way they play
No. 831852
File: 1618586613433.jpeg (609.08 KB, 750x1311, 3A6C114A-DB31-460A-9DDE-6BCDA6…)

Did anyone see her latest post. The hair, I just………….
No. 831853
File: 1618586701702.jpeg (735.08 KB, 750x1333, BC4D2DED-3298-400A-B581-1E1CA3…)

>>831852 I just can’t get over just how bad it is and unprofessional for a “beauty guru” Maybe she should stick to wigs.
No. 831864
File: 1618595565589.jpeg (240.42 KB, 2048x2048, 0885A69E-72D6-4552-9BEA-94DAE5…)

>famous YouTuber There’s a new title. She has less than 20k subs, far from famous.
No. 831865
>>831863There's evidences.
>>827895 and
>>827888 ->doll house
>>831864While harasing other women and
No. 831866
>>831864hold on…they paid for a puff piece for seo manipulation purposes. the website removes her name from the title. now it won’t show up in google searches for lillee jean.
what was the purpose? why did the site remove her name from the title?
No. 831868
File: 1618597611735.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1170x2160, 63A5B6C6-900D-4AF5-825E-9BF67C…)

>0 post views
Guess bots don’t read articles
No. 831885
>>831863That definitely tracks, I think you're onto something, anon.
also kek @ "say no to cyberbullying" like what? how do you say no to ~cyberbullying~‽ it isn't a drug, Laur. No one is like "hey kid, wanna go cyberbully someone?"
Also her AG blog seems pretty typical for a kid that age, but after the age of about 10 you'd want to make sure that cringe was scrubbed from the internet. You definitely wouldn't be bragging about it on your resume at 20 years old.
No. 831930
File: 1618619049832.jpeg (621.09 KB, 1170x2052, 356B5557-B9ED-4557-83B0-6E40C7…)

How are these smaller brands still so stupid?
No. 831955
File: 1618633594438.jpeg (178.89 KB, 1836x690, B480C483-A9DA-45EB-8D19-530AF6…)

Looks like someone notified that rose company
No. 831994
>>831892The video sounds like an average middle schooler's argumentative essay; it's really sad, and I hadn't seen it before now (somehow). She definitely doesn't understand climate change. Corporations account for over 70% of global emissions, and it's foolish to think that plastic straws are killing the planet or accounting for much harm at all. Plastics are unequivocally bad and I'm not trying to defend using plastic, disposable straws, but her apparent anger is very misplaced.
Lillee is someone who cares about the environment and is oh-so educated on climate change, but I'd bet money she has no idea what the Keeling curve is.
>>831955fucking kek. makes me laugh every time this happens.
No. 832003
>>831876>>831868>>831864Where to start?
This picture is horrible, her greasy hair unkept, nail polish on one nail, the pose is lame, her jaw looks weird.
The article is barely a draft and why does it look it has been cut off mid sentence?
The title indicate it's about cyberbullying, yet nothing is mentioned in the text.
Another 200$ well spent.
It's not like she could have invested it in good dental care and education.
No. 832004
File: 1618668762156.jpeg (327.05 KB, 1170x861, DA486091-76A9-43BF-B38C-A1AA84…)

>>831994The single use cotton rounds Lillee uses during her videos are doing more damage than plastic straws.
Laur probably had some nefarious plans for 1change4change before callouts started watching their every move. They were fraudulently representing it as a non profit. They also claimed Richard Branson was supporting them after they bought a sweatshirt from his Choose Today campaign.
No. 832220
File: 1618794235948.png (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 640x1136, 99F327DD-D9A7-4EC8-8ADC-09C8A1…)

A guy she invited on stream was showing his dick.
No. 832237
>>832220I'll narrate this in the voice of David Attenborough.
With no Pheep or Attic Academy sex ed to turn to, the confused goblin examines a human phallus with aroused interest. This is the goblin's first time viewing the organ.
How did she react?
No. 832265
File: 1618823038559.jpeg (520.38 KB, 640x813, DD8436C6-A655-441C-8D9A-2BC2A4…)

>>832205You mean like this
I cant believe she posted this shit on instagram for her birthday
And she could’ve at least did something to her hair for live, like curl it or straighten it.
No. 832267
File: 1618823200966.jpg (Spoiler Image,82.91 KB, 873x1200, bdaysex.jpg)

So you think her and "Prince Phillippe" are having birthday sex right now or nah
No. 832277
File: 1618832526145.jpeg (32.92 KB, 607x639, EE5F32AF-5838-4DC6-8F33-A525A4…)

I still don’t get why she has Invisalign on her bottom teeth when she’ll have to wear metal braces on top for at least a year
Pic from google
No. 832284
>>832263>>832270I don't feel bad for her, but I do understand that it's unreasonable to think she'd just magically outgrow Laur's shitty parenting/attic-education and turn into a normal, functional human being. Maybe she deserves a bit more empathy than I give, but I digress.
I was taken aback by the "furry" thing, too. I have never heard (or read) an adult talk about body hair like that. It's shocking to hear a 20 (?) year old woman refer to men in the same manner that a literal toddler would. I don't know if I'm blowing this out of proportion, but I was genuinely uncomfortable and frightened to think that Laur has raised someone to be a perpetual child. Between this, the dolls, and the "art," I am just in awe of how fucking crazy and immature LJ is.
No. 832294
>>832284I only check her threads casually, so I may have missed some vital stuff (like actual bad shit that Lillee did)… but it's hard for me to get angry at her. In fact, I only feel pity. She seems to be stuck in the role of a child and a brainwashed extension of Laur. I don't even know what kind of person Lillee is because she's never been allowed to become her own person. Mocking her like
>>832237 seems gross and excessively cruel (wasn't Lillee sexually harassed online? I assume she didn't ask the guy to show her his dick). I cannot imagine how many years of therapy Lillee would need to undo Laur's damage (if it's even possible).
No. 832306
>>832294This sympathy shtick only works for so long. I know that people growing up in certain households can maintain really weird views… But this is someone with access to the internet. She's been called out for a bunch of shit and has never once apologized.
She comes across as extremely self-absorbed – and it's not just Laur keeping her down or whatever. There was a video podcast on YT where she literally told her mom to shut up because she wanted to talk.
She's not really a
victim. She's had plenty of chances, plenty of people who've reached out.
No. 832312
>>831298It's more common to have impacted canines than impacted everything.
We haven't seen her optg, however the dentist seems sketchy af so I'm waiting to see how the painful part in her ortho journey will unfold for her.
No. 832320
>>832312Her jaw is crammed full of undescended adult teeth, anon
>>823853So far, Lillee's only copped to the orthodontist planning to yank out the canines, but her mouth is way more fucked up than that. I suspect the real plan is to yank the canines, see if those adult teeth drop down and if the rest of her impacted adult teeth shift at all, and then make plans to pull other baby teeth.
I really want Gummee Jean, but I don't know if that dream will ever come true…
No. 832322
>>832294I used to be hugely sympathetic to LJ. I thought her mother was a massive cunt who was repressing her child and keeping her in an attic. But over time I've realized LJ is very satisfied with her life with Laur. Multiple people have tried to reach out and educate LJ. She's not interested. She wants to be a
problematic trash goblin that censors people and doxxes them when they attempt legal recourse. She's just as bad as Laur and in a few months or years, she'll be worse. Venus Angelic had a similar beginning and she's managed to break free and not be a massive cunt.
The more you learn about LJ, the worse she looks. I understand your apprehension but understand that there's a lot more to this story to unravel than what you can get from skimming a few posts now and then.
No. 832363
>>832354Nayrt but I'm tired of this inaccurate dental sperging. Do you really think Lillee can tell adult teeth from baby teeth?
>>832349 is correct, iirc from the x-rays that were posted. There's not enough of her panorex showing to see what else is impacted other than her canines
No. 832370
File: 1618876031786.jpeg (674.37 KB, 750x1329, B9D84664-6B69-4D61-B140-4B2AD2…)

No. 832383
File: 1618884431795.jpeg (Spoiler Image,399.88 KB, 1170x1425, C2219FD5-B12B-4FC7-92AC-9262C8…)

She uploaded the livestream to YouTube and didn’t remove the guy flashing her. Definitely violating ToS. I doubt they got consent from this dude to upload and monetize his dick (I understand he’s a predator but it still seems gross).
No. 832387
>>832306It’s sexual harassment and Lillee is a
victim. She also has a responsibility to her young audience (some of the kids in the latest livestream looked like they were 10 or younger) to not guest random men when this happens every.single.livestream. I watch a good amount of livestreams on YouTube and Instagram and I have never seen someone continue to guest complete strangers. I’m sure it’s because most of the people watching her streams have no idea who she is (in the latest livestream, one guy tells his son to say hi to the “lady”) and she only has a handful of real followers who aren’t trolls (the large group of teens told her their fan accounts were hacked by the haters) or farmers. With as much as Lillee and Laur cry about people harassing Lillee when she was a minor, they should have some consideration for the literal children watching her content.
No. 832406
>>832363 Thank you. Dentalfag here, I don’t follow this thread closely enough to have kept up with her dental saga but stuff like this ((
>>832354 )) is annoying bc it’s literally made up and makes the farms look stupid.
I checked her pano. The only impacted teeth visible are her maxillary canines and the mandibular 3rd molar pictured. The roots of her existing erupted molars and premolars look like adult teeth. I can’t see t roots of her maxillary lateral incisors bc of overlap on the pano.
My guess… is that they are just peg shaped laterals. It’s one of the most common teeth in the mouth to be malformed. She might also have microdontia throughout as some type of congenital abnormality.
Her dentist definitely sounds sus but they would not be putting braces on a mouth full of baby teeth.
If I get bored I’ll watch her video about it. Red text me or whatever but the idiocy had to stop, it’s fucking embarrassing.
No. 832408
File: 1618905038404.jpeg (152.78 KB, 828x1397, CC9E5E19-BE0C-45F9-B412-4B31C7…)

the inscriber‘article’ has been taken down
what a waste of $200 welp
No. 832416
File: 1618911014273.jpg (191.88 KB, 1206x1076, LJBirthday2021.jpg)

From birthday stream.
"Somebody asked about my pronouns. Lillee Jean."
Thanked someone for giving her the opportunity to say "bitch" since it was in their username.
Guested someone near the end and started with, "So will you explain to me, why you are young cocky and rude? You seem nice. [guy laughs] Oh, you're not nice?"
"I am very nice."
"You've got another side, like Jekyll and Hyde?"
"What's your side?"
Guy turns camera to his kid and says, "Say hi to Lillee" (kid says hi).
"Aw, is that your son? So cute, adorable, God bless."
"Thank you, you are a beautiful woman."
Lillee ends call saying, "Goodbye young cocky and rude. Not so rude, but that's ok."
Refused to show doll collection upon request "just because of what's happened". Weirdly alluded to things she wants but doesn't "like sharing", only listing funkos and barbies specifically as things she wanted.
No. 832427
File: 1618919658439.png (634.71 KB, 828x1416, E6938EAA-4B64-46E5-8E11-7E8A0B…)

No. 832430
File: 1618920747165.jpeg (138.47 KB, 828x600, 42CA511C-90E4-4843-ADC7-427037…)

Buying followers on Twitter isn’t going well
No. 832433
File: 1618920949215.jpeg (167.29 KB, 828x645, 12AEB6EC-E226-4F31-87EB-CAD957…)

It also looks like they stopped buying subs on YouTube
No. 832436
File: 1618921778395.jpeg (405.32 KB, 1170x977, 104FDF84-71A2-432E-9324-A141C3…)

>>832427this company created their own trademarked algorithm to get these very reliable numbers kek
No. 832439
File: 1618922823431.jpeg (345.86 KB, 1170x1652, 9E778BB7-8D80-49FB-973A-F58D97…)

The article from Inscriber was reposted on Influencive under a different author’s name. This is the 3rd author linked to this article. bought this article off the same site as
>>831779 No. 832441
File: 1618923424425.jpeg (124.98 KB, 1170x1470, 705BD190-D891-4C77-B168-F5260A…)

the article has been removed too
No. 832454
File: 1618931964215.jpg (895.74 KB, 1080x1706, Screenshot_20210420-101851_Chr…)

Is it porn hub or is it Lillee Jean Beauty?
No. 832456
File: 1618932321838.jpg (87.16 KB, 801x545, serialliars.jpg)

>>832439I clicked on the link, this is the "author" bio. Seems written by Laur keks.
No. 832458
File: 1618933721085.jpg (567.86 KB, 820x2620, feldman.jpg)

>>832456>>832439Seems like a nice reliable guy.
No. 832463
>>832406I was thinking if the artifact around her maxillary premolar area is (along with the third molar missing the roots due being impacted) what makes anons think they're fucked.
I couldn't see any shorter deciduous roots either and made me wonder what anons are on about.
The unbracketed teeth are probably permanent premolars and by pulling them they are making more room for the canines to descend.
No. 832464
File: 1618935152616.jpeg (1004.36 KB, 828x1237, 8FB88C94-80DF-418C-9520-6AC51D…)

She has hair between her tits
No. 832472
>>832466Yeah, sounds possible. The treatment she is receiving doesn't add up to what she's saying.
Her xrays look painfully common and average in terms of orthdontics so it's either deliberate or indeliberate bullshitting. Can't tell what they'd win with deliberate however, munchie princess points..?
No. 832482
>>832420That wasn’t the topic? Are you legitimately retarded? Lillee is this you???
>>832463I agree anon. The max premolars visible in the X-rays looked like permanent dentition. And even though the roots of the laterals aren’t visible I would bet money on them being peg shaped.
Lillee might not understand or her ortho might be dumbing it down for her in a way that is clinically confusing.
No. 832514
>>832500microdontia - true generalized
it's found in pituitary dwarves. like LJ.
No. 832622
File: 1619008039555.jpeg (787.71 KB, 1170x2176, 80D9039B-1EFC-4E45-925F-4AFC3A…)

Since the ‘articles’ they paid for were removed, Lillee added this 8 month old article written by Andrew Rossow, the brand manager who fired them for non-payment. Embarrassing
No. 832674
File: 1619037257536.png (6.24 MB, 1284x2778, 408BCA40-257B-4835-8CA4-98D7AA…)

She looks like an elderly person with dentures in the pic.
No. 832696
>>825857Wheelchairs lol google wheelchairs it's important milk is a lie btw I just figured out where it really comes from also secrets from Twitter earlier redacted
So anyway beep
File: 1619046472823.png (1.5 MB, 2200x1148, Screen Shot 2021-04-21 at 7.06…)

>>832464lol at her constant shooping to make her shit makeup look better. I have no idea how she spends so much time blending and it still turns into a muddy, patchy mess. picrel.
No. 832815
>>832757>Imo,100k is probably the cutoff for a video being considered viralIt's mostly bought views and the rest are from the farm people.
Bots can't talk about a video, can't share it, can't engage. That's why, despite the views number, which doesn't even matter since it's 99% fake, it will never go viral.
The Trueman are too dumb to realize that.
No. 832842
>>832500Oh, her mouth would look much worse if she indeed had all her primary dentition in and my guess is that Laur would have already put her through dentures and implants. Probably several rounds of them too. Her peg tooth/teeth are permanent however and it's just a malformation of the crown and usually more an aesthetics issue than anything else.
Like if she had her all her baby teeth still in at this age, they'd be so worn down that she'd look like an elderly woman without her dentures and that she'd have a severe speech impairment. Anodontia and oligodontia come with other health issues that it'd have been noticed a lot earlier in general practice.
No. 832861
File: 1619124622318.jpeg (194.25 KB, 1126x1108, 25D7B784-F5D8-46DF-A57C-B35C3E…)

No. 832873
>>832866She got it cut on her birthday, but from the way she worded it, it sounds like Laur cut it with kitchen shears over the sink.
I love how every pair of glasses she owns make her look like primo horse girl. Even the ones that would look fine or even fashionable on someone else.
No. 832878
File: 1619130090104.jpeg (470.72 KB, 1029x2220, 4E3D27C7-F3D3-40DC-B6EC-D48AFF…)

From the Mario video comment section.
Nothing weird here…
No. 832930
File: 1619192427310.jpg (560.19 KB, 1645x1077, Screenshot_20210423-103546_You…)

>>832861The back of this rats nest. I'm sorry. This was her tutorial for big bouncy curls, and it looks like a bad perm in the 80s. It isn't beautiful and classy, she literally looks the same as she always does…just without a chunk of her french fried ends.
No. 832931
>>832930She cant be serious
Before I watched the video i was thinking wow shes the absolute lowest maintenance beauty guru ever ,
But shes doing a lot to her hair and for what?
No. 832933
>>832930Her hair does look significantly better now that she's chopped off some of the dead goblin hair spaghetti.
Still disgusting, but my standards for ye olde attic dwellers is very low at this point. They can't even wash themselves correctly. At least they can give a crooked home cut every now and then.
No. 832936
>>832931Goes to show products are useless if it's in the hands of someone uneducated. She doesn't have Scalp psoriasis just like she doesn't have an autoimmune disease. She was probably told by a doctor that she gets "sick" easily because of a weak immune system and take more vitamins and Laur ran with it. It's common with personalities like Laur and LJ. Just like "fought off diabetes" because she was a fat kid and a doc probably told she might get childhood diabetes if she doesn't lose weight. Doctor warnings are often interpreted to be diagnosis by even semi intelligent people. Anyways, many with psoriasis suffers deal with hair loss and if LJ has one thing going for her, it's that she has a lot of hair. She has dandruff from not washing enough. That's it. And whether she has psoriasis or not, rubbing a Keratin product into the scalp isn't going to help like she advises. It's medicated shampoos. It's infuriating how irresponsible her advice is and I'm glad she's too incompetent to have a legitimate following or even a small following.
And back to your point, Anon, she spends all this time doing shit techniques that won't work only for her hair to look like it would if she didn't do anything. Not only that, but she doesn't need "body" in her hair. She should probably some layers cut in to thin it out so it doesn't bloat out her face.
I'm kind of addicted to watching bad make up tutorials and there's never any reason to be negative about them. Well meaning people just excited about the things they know, but LJ's arrogance and delusion makes me hate watch her.
One more thing - is it just me or does she look better with metal braces? It fills in her goblin mouth and she look as creepy.
No. 832940
File: 1619204740232.png (5.54 MB, 2261x3046, horse girl.png)

>>832936>is it just me or does she look better with metal braces?im sorry anon im gonna have to respectfully disagree
No. 832947
File: 1619209513460.png (2.41 MB, 2261x1822, 1619204740232.png)

>>832940>>830508next thread pic edit involving her 'smile' would be nice
(god they're so awful kek)
No. 832976
>>832947Fucking hell. The fat rolls on her neck and face. She's a doughy mess. Her metabolism is crapping out on her early. A whole adulthood of obesity awaits. I'm predicting she'll be a deathfat cow in a few years. Posting "weight loss" videos like Hamber perhaps.
She posted a throwback pic recently of her appearance with the 90s model at the knockoff NY Fashion Week. (She was wearing a hideous periwinkle cocktail dress that didn't fit the occasion at all. Kek.) She was much, much less disgusting then and it's been under two years. It's shocking how fast her looks have declined.
>>832967At this rate, LJ's going to have her own orbit because of how fat she is.
No. 833041
File: 1619286035389.png (261.38 KB, 1720x1028, anime.png)

to absolutely no one's surprise, lillee is retarded and makes it apparent she has no clue what cultural appropriation is or why it matters to people
No. 833042
File: 1619286083155.png (158.19 KB, 1720x604, traditional names.png)

>>833041keep in mind she's already done sailor moon looks before? so what the fuck is she even on about?
No. 833046
>>833041tl;dr lillee knows nothing about japanese culture/language/customs but needs to have some performative wokeness so that internet meanies will stop saying she's racist.
also she was GIFTED a hanbok once wow so impressive
No. 833048
>>833041That apostrophe in guys annoys me more than anything else.
Also school girl culture?? Uh… Does Lillee not know that many countries have school uniforms? Pretty much all (if not all) of Asia wear uniforms. I know the Japanese ones get perverted the most, but that doesn't make it some holy cultural aspect lol.
No. 833064
>>833041>>833042From the attic pidgin, I'm guessing the japanese names are the issues.
>keep in mind she's already done sailor moonYes, but she probably thinks "Sailor Moon" is the real character's name kek.
She also cosplayed the most ridiculous "french girl beauty" stupid look literally no one who wear.
No. 833086
>>833041>>833042>I suppose someone will be offended no matter what I feel like she’s just looking for someone to agree that “cultural appropriation has gone too far” or whatever. The internet is full of non-Japanese people cosplaying anime characters, it’s such a non-issue.
It also makes me sad how much she brings up being in that Korean dance from like 8 years ago, she’s so proud of it. I know a lot of people on here hate LJ, but her life experience basically stopped at 14. She constantly brings up things that happened in middle school. Shit’s kinda sad.
No. 833098
File: 1619318078287.jpeg (701.23 KB, 750x726, C8A78A86-B2CE-4642-9E60-0E0EE0…)

She says this is glowy skin. Bitch, where? It’s so washed out there is no glow here. Also, there’s something in her nose and it’s distracting. Beauty guru where
No. 833108

>>833102On one of her videos, I actually asked her why she chose not to contour her face. She got really pissy and said something like, "why don't you?" only to delete it less than an hour later.
I lurk her stuff, but I have never interacted with her in any way until last week. I was genuinely curious why she never contours.
I guess my response to your comment would be, "why don't you contour?"
No. 833109
>>833108oh just wanted to add that she replied in the most passive aggressive way. Like, "why don't you? xoxo
lipstick emoji lillee jean"
No. 833116
>>833108Anyone into makeup adds contour, blush, bronzer. It's flattering to all face.
So "why don't you?" is twice stupid. Maybe she doesn't know how to apply it. She doesn't use the brushes correctly. G8 makeup skills.
No. 833123
File: 1619349512555.jpg (29.72 KB, 663x224, kategross.jpg)

Totally looking like Kate Moss.
I watched the video, her face is so swollen. She says so many dumb things about 90's supermodels and that (translated from goblin) "Cindy Crawford doesn't have a special look but Kate Moss has accentuated features that's why I'm choosing her".
That's interesting.
Cindy Crawford was super healthy and into fitness, Kate Moss was an anorexic drug addict.
No. 833130
File: 1619353344984.jpeg (166.64 KB, 1170x764, BB6410CF-3091-4526-9247-C97475…)

No. 833150
>>833145>>833140This is what her teeth look like with braces
>>832940 ,
>>832947 there's no way it was taken before invisalign.
So much for body positivity.
No. 833151
File: 1619364915356.jpg (225.87 KB, 1228x1832, EzypSPGXMAIpPB_.jpg)

Also, what's going on with her hair, she seems pre-bald.
From her twitter.
No. 833154
File: 1619367833222.jpg (506.77 KB, 2880x2880, 20210425_112131.jpg)

I'm not alone in thinking she completely missed this mark, am I? The way she does the blown out red based colors always makes it look like she has an eye infection.
No. 833156
File: 1619368050116.jpeg (476.78 KB, 750x1139, F7DE73E2-B6B9-4587-89E7-26D637…)

>>833152Yes, she posted pics from this video before so I agree. It’s the one where she accidentally flashes everyone (yuck) and she posted it on Twitter recently for everyone to see.
Side note: what’s with her response tweet above? It’s like she answers the person with a poll. I really don’t understand how her brain works.
No. 833163
File: 1619373189679.jpeg (155.68 KB, 1000x1000, AC3E12ED-1FCD-4A56-9C5A-FDCAE0…)

>>833159She was definitely attempting to contour but not even the brightness can hide her god awful blending. She has no skills or awareness about her face. She has attempted contour before but it’s wayyyy too low and drags down her face instead of snatching it so she looks even bigger than she normally is. She has 0 understanding of makeup and is so deluded that she posts these side by side comparisons even though they make her lack of talent all the more obvious
No. 833166
File: 1619373415918.jpeg (282.6 KB, 828x1480, C24B1815-BA14-45DE-B5E5-034DA3…)

Excuse me
No. 833205
File: 1619390411149.jpeg (449.36 KB, 1284x2320, 369DA0AF-FBB8-4B9C-9F0F-EF89F2…)

Her face looks even wider with this filter. Pick a filter that actually makes you look somewhat attractive, LJ.
No. 833214
>>833163i don't know how she manages to be so shit at everything she does. her art is literally a fucking joke.
i mean i'm no makeup guru, in fact i'm pretty shit at makeup, but you can buy those contour palettes for idiots that literally come with instructions and every color you might need. There's also those really simple contour sticks that she could use. It's pretty clear she doesn't watch other talented makeup artists to develop her skills because she does the same shitty look in every video just using different colors. i don't know in what fucking UNIVERSE anyone would think her look resembles kate moss, but i guess there's no putting lipstick on a goblin.
>>833205she doesn't even have to try to be nightmare fuel. whether it's a simple filter (um remember the yoda sex dance? never forget) or her "i-just-escaped-from-the-psych-ward" bugged-out eyes and lunatic smile…she's literally one of the ugliest people i've ever seen. i don't know what level of delusion it takes to make herself think her subpar makeup skills and literal troll face makes her a booty guru…
just quit while you're behind lillee
No. 833216
>>833116right? i mean contouring looks good on literally everyone. if she can't manage to watch a video on contouring, she could at least use some bronzer.
but i guess that would take away from her super pale and beautiful disney princess skin uwu
No. 833221
>>833220the dichotomy of sexy & beautiful influencer invited to the met gala v. literally playing with dolls intended for 6 year olds is really disturbing to me.
also the fact that she doesn't seem to comprehend that all these indian guys on her ig live are just trying to practice their english or see her feet while she pretends she's talking to one of her millions of fans.
No. 833222
File: 1619396360512.jpeg (358.03 KB, 640x760, 21274F22-0B1B-43BD-834B-8E792C…)

Another filter
No. 833224
File: 1619398075604.jpeg (323.87 KB, 1125x1738, 7ED07FCF-A978-4A86-997A-2DBE14…)

saged for ancient milk but these old screenshots never fail to make me laugh
No. 833254
File: 1619442457158.jpeg (241.28 KB, 1170x1273, 342E66DF-1984-4812-85A2-C4D86C…)

Her best friend 90s super model Patreesha Hartmann is missing from this list.
No. 833256
File: 1619443125322.jpeg (897.77 KB, 828x1219, 46E0A765-44F8-4C6F-93D6-0AA987…)

No. 833263
>>833256the way she pulls down her shirts/hoodies to make them off-the-shoulder tops is so fucking weird. In that photo, her top is actually a stretchy pink sweatshirt, right?
She has no collarbones and her tits/cleavage are deeply unfortunate; there's no décolletage to even show off, lol. I do not understand literally anything she does at this point aside from shooping her makeup in a desperate effort to make it look less shitty.
No. 833274
File: 1619455631774.jpeg (172.63 KB, 828x685, 0664977D-1D5E-4EB9-B6EA-6386A7…)

No. 833288
File: 1619461368617.jpeg (402.66 KB, 737x1251, D1C80BA8-D63B-4E17-95AE-76E2F9…)

The fact that people on Instagram and Twitter are out here getting duped on social media by miss Lillee Jean is truly sad. This poor person. I just hate how much of a lie she is and how she spreads her sour fake persona all over the place to unsuspecting people who are trying to make a living, ugh!
No. 833307
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>>833041No surprises she casually agrees with this dude
No. 833310
>>833307It casually annoys me that she's ended her goblin ESL word vomits with "stay safe" for a few months but isn't getting vaccinated.
You just know if she got vaccinated she'd be posting the picture everywhere and hashtagging the shit out of it.
No. 833350
File: 1619501416809.png (4.28 MB, 1284x2778, 0F2BF27C-EDFC-4CBD-BB16-85CD8E…)

It’s official. Her flabby biceps are bigger than her face. But I do give LJ credit for wearing a real top this time.
No. 833355
File: 1619504684861.jpg (50.53 KB, 828x630, Screenshot_20210427-022218_Bra…)

Oh man… Who's the blonde chick from Crybaby…
No. 833368
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Can anyone translate?
No. 833384
>>833368"Genuinely what caught my eye, not what is trending" but in retardese
Does she use a thesaurus? That has to be what it is. She figured out what a synonym is and now shes trying to be educated
No. 833388
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She’s still striking small channels, and now she’s using her “company” channel, guess she’s about to lose her main one, she did that for Hopeless Peaches too
No. 833405
> Her ortho doesn't take insurance.I know this anon
>>833396 just said that most insurance doesn't cover braces, but that's not the same as an orthodontist not taking insurance at all. Is that super sketchy to anyone else?
No. 833455
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>>833447>>833448It looks as though they are striking people using her giphys. Christian reported LJ & Laur and got confirmation Laur's account was temporarily suspended.
I'm not screenshotting all the Tweets but here's confirmation
No. 833465
File: 1619564088572.png (278.32 KB, 668x1254, fsaf.png)

Christian posted the email from Twitter.
Diane tweeted she might be coming out of "retirement." If so I'm excited to see the goblin rage.
No. 833470
File: 1619570746700.jpeg (350.94 KB, 640x1047, 8F2DE8B4-16AF-4D17-A134-E2331D…)

The most BASIC looks i have ever seen
No. 833487
>>833474Yes, this is exactly what is happening.
I'm sure the TOS of uploading to giphy includes giving up all rights to images uploaded. And making a DCMA claim requires them to have "good faith" or they are perjuring themselves.
I have a feeling this will go poorly for the goblins, but they've escaped all consequences and serious/legal ramifications for their disgusting behaviors so far so I'm not hopeful.
No. 833514
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Grace Kelly does not deserve this
No. 833603
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Laur is back to threatening people’s jobs
No. 833627
File: 1619667771008.jpeg (311.49 KB, 750x1345, 605EB613-FD05-438D-9922-8146EB…)

G8 insult. You are 60+ years old. Remind me again how anyone cares and why she keeps insulting people’s age?
Imagine getting in a fight and winning it by being like “oh yeah? Well you’re 40+ years old! Take that!”
No. 833666
>>833627bc laur is an old fart who wishes she was lj's age. she's 100% living vicariously thru her "blonde, blue-eyed, pale" daughter.
sorry laur, but she has ur genes
No. 833672
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