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No. 1874473
Thread for all twitch drama
Last Thread:
>>>/snow/1766148Recent drama:
>Natsumiii of OTV&friends cheated on her husband and getting divorced>XQC/Adept lawsuit is ongoing, rumors say they got back together>SuperMega outed as sex pests(no surprise)>OTK continues to dip into irrelevancy, ExtraEmily holding up the entire company>Idubbbz loses CC2 and $250k, Anisa and Ian continue to cope and seethe at the haters No. 1874490
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Idc about soupermega but I think it's hilarious that he brought up RPF fanfiction in his video about this
No. 1875263
>>1874473>OTK continues to dip into irrelevancyAre they? Not a fan of any of them, but it seems they got saved from cancellation ruin. Emiru is the top3 female streamer in NA when it comes to average viewers (the metric that matters most for sponsorships AFAIK), only behind that PoS horse-faced AOC, and MadisonBeer, who is an "actual" celebrity with genuine talent imho: within the moids… Mizkif is at 17k and Nmplol 13k. For comparison Hasan averages at 21k, Tyler1 at 11k and Sodapoppin at 11k. I can't see past the top50 in that page though, so not sure how the rest are doing, but it seems among the organizations (that aren't E-Sports, at least) they are by far the most viewed, sadly. Do correct me if I'm wrong, because I just searched for this right now.
No. 1875307
>>1875303no she just happened to stream like twice ever to drum up support for one thing or another, she's not a real streamer. the last time was recently so it just shows up in the 30 day chart skewing the conversation. another reason why watch hours is the far better sorting for that table/metric
(forgot to sage earlier post and can't delete, awaiting the ban)
No. 1876427
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>>1876238NTA but posting a article about it, don't know who he is and never watched his vids. Still shocks me how this many people would be this desperate for stupid shit like this. No. 1877520
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Is it me or is that door looking a little suspicious?
No. 1877669
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Fousey went to Toronto and had a terrible time, was an asshole to everyone, said it was the worst city, didn’t get to meet Drake and started going into a manic episode. While at the airport going home he started chatting and hitting on a drunk woman at the airport bar. After she told him she was a victim of sex trafficking, Fousey gave her $300 bucks then disappeared for 10 minutes. When he came back he told he just become a member of the mile high club. Chat immediately was pissed off and Fousey tried to retract and say it was a lie but the damage was done. He started to cry on stream saying he was bad person and when he had a sex addiction he would get handjobs from sex trafficked women in massage parlours so he knows how serious it is. Once Fousey landed he decided to go get a mental health evaluation and see a therapist and ended his 36 days 24/7 subathon and wont return until he has the okay from his inner circle. And now he just got banned from Twitch. Crazy shit.
No. 1877674
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>>1877520carrot top looking ass
but yeah that ceiling is warped, typical anisa brainrot focusing on editing her face and nothing else
No. 1877698
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i was looking for older posts and came across this. Oh the fucking irony- Idubbbz and his community making fun of Tana for banning him from her events. Meanwhile idubbbz crying and banning Sam even though Sam didn't do anything.
>HE was really committed to making HIMSELF a victim from all of that huh?
No. 1878495
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XQC nonnies, I'm afraid this might be the beginning of the end for our streamer:
> Over the past week, youtubers have been calling out twitch streamers who 'react' to their content, since they think twitch streamers don't contribute or add anything to their reactions to make it individual and are instead parasites robbing youtubers of views and subscribers. Streamers like XQC and Hasan are the main targets, though Hasan weasels his way out of it by claiming that he adds enough of his own commentary to make his reactions unique and that it's not himself uploading his reactions to youtube, but other viewers. XQC doesn't give a fuck and says he can watch whatever he wants without contributing, that him watching streams is something he does with his audience and it's not his obligation to the youtuber to hold his reactions to their standards. Youtubers dogpile. Hate pile on XQC multiples by 10,000> He was living with Pokelawls, fellow Canadian stoner streamer, in LA but had to move out since Pokelawls had family coming. So XQC moves back into his Texas house> Court trial is still ongoing, apparently Adept has been failing to establish that she and XQC were in a married relationship. The judge has thrown out her 'verbal' claims of marriage and thrown out the statements of herself, her mother, and the housemaid. > While the trial is still underway (Adept is trying to secure a jury trial at the end of the month), XQC can't live in the house (don't know why, probably because it is a part of the assets being contested over)> XQC is surviving on his last two braincells, Adderall addiction and junk food, continues being roasted by youtubers online, other twitch streamers are mad because he shows up late or is a no-show for chess competitions he's participating in, and he and Pokelawls get into a twitter fight. Streamers start sharing their 'experiences' with XQC and how he has a poor reputation among streamers. Hate pile on XQC multiples by 100,000> XQC decides what better thing to do than go on a debate with Ethan Klein on the H3H3 podcast. It goes exactly as you expect and is a disaster, ending in petty insults and garbage attempts at XQC trying to 'one up' Ethan with bad arguments. It's a win-win for Ethan who blasts XQC so badly it makes Ethan look like a mature adult.> After an embarrassing 'debate' with Ethan, Ethan leaks DMs from XQC where he brags about how Ethan's house value is sitting on his wrist (his watch). H3H3 fanbase loses their minds. Hate pile for XQC multiplies 100,000,000 times.>Adept tweets out to H3H3 to check their emails. She has been hinting for a week or so that she has been keeping her side of the story silent this whole time and only a few people know her side. This is probably what she sent to Ethan in hopes he might talk about it. Ethan declines, said he read it, but didn't want to get involved. Adept goes off on a live stream mocking XQC and his fanbase.> XQC is on his way to Vegas because none of his streamer 'friends' will take him in. Honestly, he's burned bridges with almost everyone. I'm surprised he didn't move to Vancouver to be closer to Trainwrecks, that would have probably been a better idea. But Vegas? He will probably gamble his fortune away or become massively in debt.
No. 1878550
>>1877669>he would get handjobs from sex trafficked women in massage parlours so he knows how serious it isAs we all know raping women makes you empathetic to their plight. He just couldn't understand their life until he took part in what makes it horrible.
Disgusting fucking scrote. Hate how normalised this all is.
No. 1878687
man i am super late to the supermega/lex drama but some youtuber made a video about it so i'm just hearing about it this morning and oof
the whole thing is giving me a weird gut feeling that i gotta expound upon. apologies in advance for blogpost.
i don't want to 'victim blame' but it's the stuff around the sexual assault allegations. lex uses a lot of loaded language like 'assaulted' and 'forced' to describe what happened, but if you listen objectively, he asked for sex and she said okay. i've certainly had sex with my partner that i wasn't entirely enthused by, but you sometimes do things to make your partner happy because you love them. i would never call that sexual assault or claim he 'forced' me, and it feels like by broadening the definition to include 'sex i wasn't hyped up about' is eroding the meaning. in particular, don seems to have thought (at the time) that he WAS asking for consent and WAS receiving it. hence:
i'm not surprised moids have gone feral over this story because the idea of being falsely accused is terrifying to them. they aren't wrong. the concept that someone can retroactively 'revoke consent' and you will be held accountable (by your peers, if not the justice system) for assault or rape unquestioningly is pretty damn spooky. and i know the majority of sexual assaults AREN'T like lex's, i have my own anecdotal experience, but 'i was uncomfortable but said yes anyways, and he grabbed my head' isn't even CLOSE to what most 'forcible assault' experiences are like, either.
tbh what i see as the 'real' issue supermega had was the work environment, which sounds like it sucked, and i'm glad other people spoke up about their professional experience and the company went belly-up in response. on the other hand, lex is pretty lucky that they have the kind of vast audience that actually CARES about that. toxic work environments are a dime a dozen, and the problems she's listing aren't uncommon, but most of the time people just have to deal with it because they need income and the general public will not care that your boss/coworker is an asshole. also, the complaint that she didn't receive enough support for her sexual trauma from her workplace is INSANE to me, because a) ofc people are going to be uncomfortable if they didn't want to be privy to your trauma and were exposed to it anyways and b) i would never expect anyone in my workplace to provide comfort or a safe space for me to even talk about that stuff. iirc if it didn't happen on company time, even HR can't really help you. also, that's what therapy is for.
like, even personal friends will sometimes prefer to stay out of 'messy break-up' situations because they might not feel like it's their place to comment, or they don't know the entire story, or they don't want to alienate either party by picking a side.
if nothing else, the lesson to learn from lex is never, never mix your professional and personal life. or if you do, you have to treat your personal life professionally, not your professional life personally.
but! she convinced me that supermega was shitty to work at, so that's something.
also unrelated what the fuck kind of SIMPLETON moves to l.a. with no living accommodation lined up, luckily receives permission from their boss to sleep in the office, and but then complains because people she doesn't like come to work in her 'living space' and she's uncomfy sharing?? does she just expect her boss to tell her ex, 'hey lex doesn't like you anymore so ummm can you permanently disappear' which i guess is kind of what they did anyways by firing him. am i missing something or just misunderstanding the situation??
i don't even understand the point of moving to metro L.A. if all your income derives from work like art/onlyfans, which can be done remotely from a far less expensive area.
No. 1878716
>>1878708wasn't supermega a twitch channel?
iirc the lex video was posted last thread so seemed relevant.
No. 1878769
>>1878687I am with you
nonnie, sexual assault is horrible and no one should go through it, but Lex seems like a very stupid person. moving to LA without actually securing a spot to live by her own means? absolutely retarded. doing so because you claim you were sad that your dog died? she must be mentally challenged. there is no other explanation.
No. 1879010
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>>1878495you can all laugh at me for this but I've been a viewer of xqc since the old overwatch streams of 2017. Although I never subbed to him, I did a lot of lurking, only typing the occasional omegalul and pepega. I genuinely enjoyed his streams and stopped watching when he started reacting to other people's content and being a drama whore. it's so depressing to see what he became, an overly defensive, immature, narcissistic asshole obsessed with drama. I think it was in 2018 when he got suspended in overwatch during a drunk stream and that's when he branched out to other games. those streams right before he got really big was some of the funniest shit I had ever watched. I will never understand why he thought he needed to be a drama whore for attention. he had enough personality and dumbass humor to carry him. he didn't need to become this to stay relevant and now it's become so obvious he's breaking at the seams and is losing his mind. he's clearly miserable and he flexes his money because that's all he has and it doesn't fix his lonliness. there is no way he can redeem himself in his next stream, where he will leak everything. he will just dig himself into a deeper hole, burn more bridges and lose more friends. I've never felt so much pity for such a rich person, jesus christ. he literally needs to log off.
No. 1879016
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>>1879010I feel you, the overwatch streams were pure soul and remember when he would thank each user that subscribed to him? him making retarded loud noises and banging his table was the funniest shit.
No. 1879026
>>1878512The fear of Sam Hyde just made him look pathetic and Sam thrives on infamy so Ian just fed him more attention and notoriety by being a retard about it.
I know Sam Hyde is scum but his audience and him get off on the shock factor of seeing him get banned from places and being kicked out of events. Ian played into his greasy hands.
If he had ignored him then it wouldn’t have blown up or made a blow to Ian’s depleted ass ego. I have a tinfoil that Hasan put some kind of stipulation to ban Sam because of the meme clip that’s been going around where Sam says he’s going to kill Hasan and Hasan is one of the streamers that Anisa and Ian and love to dick ride.
No. 1879317
>>1878769Nta but agree. She can be a
victim but we can also agree she’s not that brightest person
No. 1879775

>>1879010>>1879016It's true nonnies. He used to be more carefree but he has such an attitude now. I think it's developed over the years since back then he was more trusting and naïve when it came to his personal and streamer relationships. He had a good year or two where people genuinely liked him but then he got more and more famous, and with that came people/streamers trying to use him for clout whether it came from people disagreeing with him or trying to use him. He's flipflopped from different streamer circles like Hasan/QT group, OTK, Adin/Kai Cenat groups and no one has stuck. He really has no friends and when your one of the top streamers in this industry, no one is going to be there for you. He's jaded, distrusting of everyone, paranoid, insecure, desperate for stability and it shows. I really hope it gets better, it's sad to see the person he was and what this industry turned him into. Literally he's a nobody from suburb Quebec, he really had no chance to survive.
Kek at cheeto. This is one of my fav XQC moments and still makes me laugh
No. 1880389
>>1879775Let's not give the moid too much credit. XQC's problems are mostly all self created. Constantly bridge burning then going to his hugbox chat to validate him that he's always right in every retarded situation he puts himself in.
That clip is pretty good though kek.
No. 1880488
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Kaceytron replies to herself on a month old LSF thread not knowing she's logged into a sock account. Logs from the sock account show that she recently pretended to be a black troon to vendetta post against Destiny on the OTV sub. Said sock account is promptly deleted. kek. I know kaceytron is irrelevant as fuck these days but when she does resurface it's always for some entertainingly cringe bullshit.
No. 1880874
>>1880723Honestly don't see how she can win a common law marriage case. Those are usually for unmarried couples with kids, shared property with equal or similar levels of wealth or special circumstances like illness or what have you.
No judge or jury will ever be on her side. She's tripping. I'm ready to believe her about the abuse though, X has been shady enough in their breakup that her claims warrant being taken seriously
No. 1880885
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>>1880872they spent hours arguing on stream yesterday night after poke subtweeted about x and eventually gigi and then fran joined in. also adept went live at some point to milk the views kek. No. 1881010
>>1880905I simp for the tragedy
nonnie, ik something wrong w me
No. 1881113
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i don't get why adept is so focused on a common law marriage case when she could just get pregnant by xqc and he'd be forced to pay her child support. or that would at least make him fuck off back to canada where he'd be screwed into paying high taxes. then should could drag him for being a deadbeat dad, maybe live off of that drama for a while. she had many opportunities to try it since they continued to sleep together after the breakup. that was confirmed by xqc. just put a hole in the condom. i know all this is wrong but if you're gonna be a lying vengeful ex and want to fuck over a scrote and his money at least be smarter about it. she's really fucking stupid and wasting her time. getting pregnant is the 100% assured way to fuck over a stupid rich moid long term. xqc confirmed he cheated on fran so maybe adept could try it and sleep with him again. it's not like she's concerned about her figure either. she's gained so much weight since the break up. might as well get pregnant. I would at this point. her situation seems bleak lmao.
No. 1881147
>>1881109>every time I met him at an eventDisgusting obsessed xqc fangirl stalker detected
>>1881115Agreed, he’s hideous, looks like an Albanian street food vendor and the blonde hair just makes him look even more like an Afghan hound.
(racebaiting) No. 1881192
>>1881157I was struggling so hard to put that into words it was affecting my nervous system. Thank you
nonnie for finding them when I couldn't
No. 1881269
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Frankly the leak was nothing
No. 1881344
>>1881327I hope she wins for the lols
But yeah don’t forget his several night terrors everynight seems like so much to deal with even for money
No. 1881370
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anyone have screenshots of Poke's rant where he was calling XQC a druggie on twitter? There was also a bit about adept being absolutely unhinged with Poke and telling him she got pregnant one time like Frana
saged for no milk
No. 1881415
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drama summary
No. 1881545
>>1880723>I don't know if all French Canadians are this dysfunctionalEvery Canadian public figure I have ever seen, read or heard of, of any profession, seems or seemed dysfunctional, so maybe you're onto something. No offense meant to any inhabitants of that country.
>>1880941At this point I think if she won more women would seethe than men.
>>1881415This summary is missing the part with Adept admitting live on stream that she was gold-diggin.
>>1881542Nonniie are you drunk/high? Why are you writing like this?
No. 1881592
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>>1881415I want to add this on the drama summary.
>adept started crying on stream, claims XQC beats her and she has camera footage, also claimed she had miscarriage of XQC’s child>she claims the miscarriage is the only reason her and X broke up. She says not to cry for the lost child, because it saved her from a lifetime of beatings.>she also got very mad for Jesse and Mendo to air about how she contacted both with the pregnancy info and how she also bad mouthed fran>claims they should never be able to talk about others pregnancy when she was the one airing and talking about for everybody about fran (we don't know for now if fran was pregnant or not)Also, per court she should never have talked with xQc's friends neither be allowed near his house. (Which she stood still for about 7 hours). Some speculate she was probably trying to baby trap xqc
And Macayla is streaming everything plus blasting Adept, saying that if she never tried to go for court everybody would support her.
No. 1881641
>>1881545i had two shots but i didnt think my drunkness was that noticeable damn.
anyway, watching the whole stream reupload it's pretty shitty to see Felix try to paint that Gigi chick for "lying" about him going to Adept's house, it's so irresponsible knowing the hate she gets, all he cares about is saving his own ass he's legit panicking throwing people under the bus. The whole thing is so gaslighty, Frana stood her ground though and tried to speak sense, she's very cute. Bro should log off tho
No. 1881685
>>1881542There are no good people in this situation
nonnie? Fran literally scams people with crypto, they all suck they’re all mad about money. Adept may be the worst of all honestly, she needs to move on, maybe go to the gym and get a job idk.
I predict her and qvc will be back together before it’s all over.
No. 1881793
>>1881778Yeah literally what does this prove? That they were a couple and have 45 minutes worth of 10 second clips?
You guys think xqc didn’t physically harm her why? Because she’s fat and he’s skinny? Or because you guys know him so well? Please stop simping it’s pathetic
No. 1881816
>>1881542>she seems so checked out and done with himLol, not at all. They're constantly flirting anytime they can on stream and she obviously still has admiration for him. She definitely is not over him and even said on stream that she wishes things could go back to the way it was before. Also, the fact that xqc is coaching her offstream in real time to "debunk" adept's lies is pathetic desu
>>1881793Adept's claims are bold and serious. She basically insinuated that xqc regularly beat her, got her pregnant, and then beat her again to kill the baby. I'm paraphrasing, and maybe I'm interpreting her words wrong but when you're talking about shit like this people will assume the worst. And that's what she's saying publicly. Oh, and she also claims to have video evidence of the alleged beating, which, I have no idea why she didn't include it in the court case. I find it really hard to believe, but if she's talking truth, then she's going the wrong way about it and already got amber heard' but the entirety of the twitch community so…
No. 1882014
>>1881592>>1881645>adept started crying on stream, claims XQC beats her and she has camera footage, also claimed she had miscarriage of XQC’s child>she claims the miscarriage is the only reason her and X broke up. She says not to cry for the lost child, because it saved her from a lifetime of beatings.I believe that he's a horrifically
abusive scrote, but something about this claim seems fabricated to add more dramatic impact. We'll probably never get any proof of the pregnancy other than her word, though.
No. 1882028
>>1882014yeah, I know lots of people dismiss abuse claims based on him being physically thinner than people like Adept, but I can't help but think how mentally
abusive he is in relationships. He and Fran were talking and she asked him if he knew her birthday, he says of course he does. She asks when is it and he obviously doesn't know, so instead of just admitting it, he goes off on asking why is she being like this and 'c'mon, chill out, wow why are you acting like this' bs. It's a small example but if you have to gaslight your girlfriend cause she caught you in a lie instead of just explaining that you didn't remember, just to preserve your image of yourself always being in the right speaks volumes.
No. 1882067
>>1882056You literally do not know these people please touch grass lmao
>>1881824You also need to touch grass, you’d throw yourself at either of them given the opportunity which is sad
No. 1882071
>>1882067why are you defending these scrotes so hard
>you’d throw yourself at either of them given the opportunity which is sadproject harder sis…
No. 1882188
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>>1882060>>1882136Asmon has been hot and cold with any female audience or interaction he has. The problem for him is he has a majority incel male audience. Here's the lore
> Asmon is and was known for being the greasy basement dweller kind of guy who never gets girls. He then meets Pinksparkles, a titty streamer that he starts talking to and eventually dating. She moves in with him in Texas and they feature more couple streaming. His audience hates that, constantly nitpicking their relationship and him until they break up. She moves back to Vegas. > The only woman Asmon's channel seems to tolerate is his mother. Asmon's mom was an unemployed chronic WOW player who would spend days online and clearly had undiagnosed mental illness. She started to buy and hoard with Asmon's cash (that he willingly gave her to make her happy), was a chronic smoker on oxygen tanks, didn't take care of herself or her kid, etc. It could be said part of the reason why Asmon has such bad hygiene (teeth rotting out, no showering, doesn't eat vegetables, and keeps a filthy house) could be attributed to his absent mom and dad. She died a few years ago > Then there was the Amber Heard/Johnny Depp trial. Regardless what you think of Amber, Asmon was very hard on her. He and his chat constantly mocked her whenever she spoke and he was one of the biggest, loudest anti-Amber/pro-Johnny streamers. During the trial Asmon was peaking at some of the highest viewership counts at that time. This caused his chat to flood with more anti-woman incels and his stream became nothing more but a sexist and misogynistic echo chamber> After the trial, the entire Mizkif SA situation breaks out, leaving Asmon partly responsible for addressing the situation as a founder of OTK. This obviously didn't go to well, as he's trying to tell his audience to believe women, but because his audience was previously 90% incel, it's now over 100% incel because of Deppheads. Then the Rich Campbell SA happens and Asmon has to go in front of his audience again and tell them to not gang up on the women invovled. > At this point it's too late. Asmon himself has profited off of the incel audience, catering to and encouraging their hatred of women, only to find himself on the other end where he's trying to defend his groups actions against women. > Ever since, he's been extremely careful about what he says about women. He has this new podcast with Emiru (another women his scrote audience seems to tolerate) and Tectone, is trying to avoid controversy, and keep a good face for his computer business, Starforge PC. Clearly, while the scrotes might have lined his pockets for a few years, it's not good for business long-term. > He's still met with anti-women comments from his chat, especially any time he plays a game that features a problematic female character (Final Fantasy), but is making some attempts to try and curve the hivemind of his chat to being more open. At least, that's what he's doing publicly. Asmon is very private about his personal life and doesn't really talk about hooking up with people or dating, so we can only presume he keeps his distance from women entirely. Tinfoil, but I wouldn't be surprised if he and Emiru had something going on, since he's taken a liking to her. Maybe it's because she helped spare OTK as the bare minimum of female representation. > The only weird thing going on with Asmon now is his attachment to the V-Tuber community, in particular a Japanese V-Tuber named Kasii-chan. Even thought the v-tuber herself is hopefully an adult, her avatar is clearly childlike in every way. And his weird chat keeps drawing fanart like picrel depicting her as a literal child with childlike mannerisms and Asmon blushing. She calls him Asmon-papa and it's weird AF. No. 1882190
>>1881778>>1881788>>1881793Whole segment starting at 15:00-20:18. Adept slaps him as he's going back to his chair, drags him and his chair towards her away from his computer, laughs hysterically and says "Am I supposed to be scared of you?" then mocks him for trying to "sound all assertive." She hits his chair with a hard object and tells him to keep it up.
This whole situation is beyond bizarre. I don't believe anyone until everything comes to light.
(sage your shit) No. 1882220
>>1882190like i said. she reminds me of fat
abusive girls i met in school kek
No. 1882376
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not the most milky thing but xqc is already back to his gambling addiction only a few days after moving back to canada, what a surprise.
No. 1882677
>>1882568>>1882583When prostitution is legalized, brothel owners get tax loopholes and legal liability protections given to big businesses. It's pretty much impossible to start an investigation on anything other than what information the government already has access to: i.e taxes. This is why sex trafficking typically skyrockets wherever prostitution is legalized.
Thanks to all the woke-speak thrown into the legislation, wealthy male brothel owners are also legally considered "sex workers" who need special protections and privacy "to combat social stigma." This gives them an extra layer of immunity from investigation as a "vULnERaBLe GrOuP" by the German government.
In this case, German authorities interviewed a 17-year-old girl who came forward, but could only keep trafficking charges against her ex-boyfriend, who had close ties with brothel management, forced her to work there. Because the women (who are mostly from the war-torn Middle East and Eastern Europe) are "private contractors," instead of official employees, the brothels are not legally held liable for sex trafficking.
(sage your shit) No. 1882815
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>>1882598Yeah, those two used to work together on Tiktoks and stuff. Bonbi has her own streaming channel too but is no where near the same amount of followers as Emi.
> Back in Sept 2022, with the whole Mizkif SA situation happening, Bonbi said that Emiru's mod and assistant sexually harassed and blackmailed her when she was at Emiru's house in Kansas (not the OTK house) and that Emi continued to be friends with this person.> Bonbi has since said that Emiru probably didn't know about what was going on with her mod and Emiru kicked him out of her house later on for undisclosed reasons. Bonbi is still streaming, though not as frequently. It's too bad Emiru left her behind when she became OTK famous, it would have been cute to see the two of them as judges for the cosplay contest Emiru has instead of some random OTK member. I got a soft spot for Bonbi because she has suffered so much perversion from men sexualizing her since she was a minor. She's gained weight and is still doing the OF stuff, which is sad cause I don't think she's doing that for fun but trying to make some cash. Emiru could have helped her really grow her Twitch channel but left her in the dust.
No. 1882873
>>1882598>>1882785>>1882815emiru used bonniebonkers on tiktok for more clout when she was blowing up, and emiru shows her streaming (presumably kind of a you-help-me -i-help-you deal) but then emiru had a chance to hop on mizkifs dick instead, so she ditched bonbi and off she went to texas.
> Back in Sept 2022, with the whole Mizkif SA situation happening, Bonbi said that Emiru's mod and assistant sexually harassed and blackmailed her when she was at Emiru's house in Kansas (not the OTK house) and that Emi continued to be friends with this person.this is true
> Bonbi has since said that Emiru probably didn't know about what was going on with her mod and Emiru kicked him out of her house later on for undisclosed reasons. this is very dubious and sounded at the time, and still, like coverup, originally bonbi said emiru knew all about it and thats why they had originally unfollowed back in july of 2022 months before, only later did the story change, probably at emiru's behest
emiru was pretty terrible to bonbi in the end, didn't really help her on twitch like bonbi's tiktok clout helped her, ditched her entirely really for mizkif, then kept the mod molestation quiet for months and only finally fired the guy after bonbi made it public, sad
No. 1883553
>>1881778>>1882190What's the point of linking this video? While I only checked the timestamped part, I saw nothing to suggest Xqc would beat her (or the other way around). They were just fooling around.
>>1882069Not defending asmoidgold, because I don't watch him and you didn't really share anything at all, but isn't Hasan in a whole different level because of having that PUA youtube channel while now pretending he's a paragon of liberals and women's rights?
>>1882188Literally nothing in that wall of text in condemning. Amber Heard is objectively an absolute piece of shit that should be incinerated ASAP, and I'm not a fan of Johnny Depp and never understood why anyone thinks he's attractive or appealing.
>She calls him Asmon-papa and it's weird AF. I checked those videos before replying, and indeed you're delusional. He's portraying a "fatherly" role towards that streamer, which isn't creepy nor perverted. He hasn't said anything uncouth or inappropriate. You're grasping at straws.
No. 1883868
>>1881793>>1881816>>1882014Adept: "He LiTeRaLLy BeAT me and murdered our unborn child! I'm terrified for my life!" [manic seated dancing intensifies]
>Judge lets protective order request rot for 7 days before approving. >Judge seals the whole family violence case sua sponte (incredibly rare due to 1st amendment). >Cases can be sealed by a judge when allegations are proven to be egregiously false.Surely Adept is telling the truth.
No. 1883959
>>1883732>there's still no proof Amber Heard liedNonnia dearest, I'm all up for siding with our own over a moid every day of the week, but you're on unfathomable levels of denials.
>her trial is the biggest mockery of justice I've ever witnessedI agree, her legal team should be disbarred. It was a complete circus.
>>1883934This. I don't get why is there any discussion to be had about Adept's credibility. I hope xqc sues her for defamation and leaves her destitute; she definitely deserves it.
No. 1884182
>>1883959I don't see how you can prove she lied about abuse, it was a trial about perception. they manipulated evidence admissibility, not to mention johnny depp has been proven to have had instances of abuse. So it's a trial about who the jury thinks is faultiest in a mutually
abusive relationship? How do you objectively prove that. The trial itself made no sense to me but I don't wanna be rude and derail thread. You can answer if you disagree but i'll be stopping after this message
No. 1887397

>>1766148Not milk, but I watched this Dr. K interview that gave a really depressing depth to ExtraEmily, her characteristic optimism seems to just be one huge charade she uses as a self-preservation tactic. With the writing on the wall, I predict she's gonna break soon, and that her stint with OTK is going to blow up in her face from her walking on eggshells constantly.
Throughout the entire thing she's fighting this insane tension between wanting to hide and wanting to communicate, it was painful to watch. She admits something mildly emotional, and then catches herself and anxiously giggles while rationalizing how "it'll be okay though, so everything is fine!" to distance herself from it. After only eight minutes of getting personal she nearly broke into tears at the slightest implication of "being a failure" and then apologized for her voice shaking because it'd ruin the listening experience. (timestamp 14:50)
Despite her complementing the org pretty well, I always found Emily slightly grating because I perceived her optimism/bubbliness as performative, and completely over the top in a way that seemed nearly uncanny. My feelings are relatively neutral, which is funny because from my observation public opinion of Emily is a bimodal distribution (hate her or love her.) I'm mostly apathetic towards these online personalities, but the pain was tangible and I honestly pity & empathize with her a lot.
also (timestamp 6:16)
>"Do you feel like you have a life-span as a streamer?">"I think as a female streamer, I do. I feel like 32 is going to be my peak. But, there's tons of successful older women on Twitch! SO IF THEY CAN DO IT, I CAN DO IT! :D">"Especially as a woman? Could you tell us about that?">"Yeah! :D Oh you know, I just feel like MY LOOKS WILL FADE OR SOMETHING :D I feel as I grow older, people would prefer to watch the HOT NEW COMMODOTIES :D Wait, that sounds so bad! xDDDD I just feel like as a woman on Twitch, you have to be young."She says demoralizing things in a cheerful voice, and it's super fucking off-putting. I don't think I can finish the video, but this is basically all of which I've watched so far in a nutshell.
No. 1889649
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Even if she isn't underage, why is this allowed in streaming platforms? Why is Zherka still a streamer? No. 1890214
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Amouranth has ovarian failure which means she basically made herself infertile by having unprotected sex with strangers, probably for the best(bait)
No. 1896726
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why is he riding her dick so hard?
No. 1896728
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>>1896726Holy shit she was arrested for armed robbery in 2013? Lmao
No. 1896738
>>1896728thats wild lmao
>>1896734im not listening to a man but thank you
No. 1896829
As a woman, I'll tell you he's basically doing it cause he's petty about YT making comments on her content creativity all over their socials when she just watches Tiktoks and doesn't contribute
Basically the same gripe with literally every react streamer he just seems more pissed about SSSniper cause she's hot i guess
They're both a waste of hot air imo
No. 1897182

>>1897045tried finding a video but got one instead about a different arrest
>at home>notices her live-in scrote changed his phone screen to some other woman>understandably upset about this>yells at him while trying to grab the phone to figure out who the girl is>goes in and out of the house yelling profanities at him about how she hates him (I'm guessing this sort of thing is common)>cools down and goes to edit (claims they were going to frozen yogurt later so I'm guessing he placates her with gifts instead of improving)>neighbours had called the cops so they show up a bit later>cops grab them both for questioning>questioned then let go after mugshot and full processing (this is the event her mugshot got released online for)Also @6:36 onwards she tells the sheer state of women's treatment in jail as 3 women are forced into a stall at a time to piss in a jar for the mandatory pregnancy test (with camera over the stall), period or not, with zero toilet paper. "one of the best countries to be a women" ladies and gentlemen
Found this about the armed robery, not sure how accurate:
TheGamersFromMars later claimed that the charge was actually assault and stemmed from a misunderstanding involving an undercover officer. According to his video, the cop mistakenly believed that SSSniperWolf had been shoplifting and grabbed her purse, so she fought him off. No. 1911908
File: 1696993803203.jpg (11.7 KB, 275x206, 1695939028347.jpg)

Despite however you feel about the Israel/Palestine conflict, it has been absolutely brain-numbing listening to streamers give their 'hot takes' and 'mic drops' on the subject. Hasan, Denims, MikefromPA and Caroline Kwan have been nauseating to listen to them spew the same garbage and talk about a subject they have don't even have a crumb of merit to talk about.
Hasan has been his typical misogynistic self, because fuck any women and children being raped, tortured, their bodies mutilated in the streets by men because muh socialism is so pristine and fuck any imperialistic oppressive nation (but he loooves China guys, communism is soooo cool). Caroline has been insufferable, she's like that one group member that showed up the day of the presentation and read from the powerpoint to make it seem like they did something. I've never heard someone have 0 idea what they are talking about but pretend that they have even the slightest idea of what is going on. At least Denims and MikefromPA make sense to be talking like this, but I will never ever understand why privileged, wealthy, LA-based streamers feel like they have to be the voice of reason to tell us what is 'really' going on. Where would we be without their guidance and immense knowledge, I am so grateful the Twitch elite like Hasan are able to guide my little lamb eyes into righteousness.
No. 1912181
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>>1911908Samefag but Ethan Klein, who was relatively quiet about this whole thing on Twitter, recently unfollowed Frogan. She's pissed about it, but there is really no coming back from this now. Everyone's made their opinions known and I honestly don't know how Ethan and Hasan can continue their podcast when they are clearly on opposite ends.
No. 1912347
>>1912181he's been open before about being pro-Israel. I mean, he's jewish. It's not insane to assume any jewish influencer you see online is gonna be pro-Israel.
>>1912260Any war is an excuse for men to act like beasts, none of the "moral laws" made up by the UN are really applied
No. 1912406
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>>1912351Yeah I remember that. Hundreds of Palestinians would be killed at a time but nobody gave a fuck, Hila and Ethan would laugh about the rocket attacks on Gaza in the background.
No. 1912430
>>1912417ayrt looking now, it was super early h3 days in the react video era. I'll drop it if/when I find it but if any other nonas remember what vid I'm talking about it was so nonchalant.
I don't want to ask reddit for the clip even though I know they'll have it cause from what I can see their whole community is kind of turned on them because of all this. will keep looking though!
sad how nostalgic early h3 is making me, those were simpler times in every sense of the word No. 1916464
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AnEternalEnigma neglects to mention the real reason he won't be around GDQx is cause he's banned from their events for being an obsessive and creepy moid. Curious how he'll spin it to his stans when AGDQ24 and SGDQ24 roll around.
No. 1917976
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Mizkif has been hanging out with an Emiru larper (Marisnot12) at twitchcon. This girl brags about looking like emiru 24/7. No this is not emiru lol.
No. 1917979
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>>1917976More creepy skin-waking pics
No. 1917986
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>>1917976Idk what she did in that photo but she looks completely different here
No. 1917991
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>>1917976>>1917986This is a candid photo of her that someone posted (with filters still lol). She brags about how people tell her she looks like emiru and that she’s their child lol.
No. 1917993
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>>1917976Emiru larper on left and actual emiru on the right. This girl is only 18 and it’s so sad how she’s doing this to get her
idol’s (mizkif) attention. Apparently it’s working because she’s been hanging out with him 24/7 at twitchcon.
No. 1917997
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>>1917976mar hanging out with mizkif’s employee. Getting her come up like Emiru did back in the day.
No. 1917998
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>>1917976The caption lol. Idk why these people look up to mizkif and emiru.
No. 1918775
>>1918599Why do you assume she wants to join OTK in the first place?
They invited emiru because they desperately needed a girl in OTK for sponsors and no other girl was retarded enough to join that creepfest (emiru said no women wanted to join even after they signed her) + dating mizkif
They invited extraemily because they desperately needed a girl to join after multiple OTK members and orbiters were called out for sexual harassment and sexual assault. She definitely got paid a lot for that one.
Cinna still gets sponsorships and invites to events as an orbiter without being forced to do shit by a contract. It's not like they are going to pay 2k viewers streamer a lot for joining now anyway. Will she even gain viewers from signing if she is not acting like a cute UwU clueless bimbo like other 2 girls they have?
No. 1918824
>>1918775My understanding from what I've told by a failed vtuber friend is that sponsorships rain down upon you like a waterfall you're in an organization due to the deals they work out higher in the food chain, both regarding companies (e.g. a sponsorship for an published indie game vs a triple A game) and regarding the hierarchy in those companies (i.e. the contacts between the org and the company). That's why everyone tries to get signed up immediately by a talent agency - however much they ask as a percentage, the difference in earnings is night and day.
Sure, maybe Cinna has reasons not to join, but the point of my post was more about the
>same reason why Bonnie will never get inangle, since is the only thing milk-related.
No. 1918869
>>1918824Nah, most organizations pay you salary for putting all those logos and banners from partnered brands on your stream and you usually need to show up to some photoshoots and events, that's it. You need to get your own manager or talent agency (that might be easier if you are in a good org though). All those big organization-wide partnerships make money for the company, that's how they pay for everything.
OTK apparently doesn't even give you salary, just exposure. All partners except Razer left them after drama, they were about to get some deal, but it was cancelled because of Adrianah Lee's lawsuit. Maybe they got Cinna an offer, negotiations still can take months, but in case of OTK if they don't pay you a lot for joining, it's not worth it.
Both bonnie and cinna are in Mythic Talent (which was created by OTK people as well) and that's where they sponsorships come from. Bonnie is also getting deals, so it doesn't even matter if they were a pornstar before for their individual income.
There are so many creeps from OTK audience and if Cinna did something like that in the past it would be everywhere already. Look how people reupload bonnie's porn and spam comments about it in every reddit thread. OTK rejecting bonnie for her sex work would be funny though considering emiru's past. It seems like her nudes problem got taken care off pretty fast by mizkif/OTK though.
(sage your shit) No. 1919470
File: 1698303535662.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1125x1847, IMG_4042.jpeg)

had to do a double take i thought this was jodi arias
No. 1919850
>>1918869>if Cinna did something like that in the past it would be everywhere alreadyThat's a good point.
>Look how people reupload bonnie's porn and spam comments about it in every reddit threadI don't use reddit, but how are they not getting banned for that?
>OTK rejecting bonnie for her sex work would be funny though considering emiru's pastWas Emiru a sex worker too? I took a quick glance on her own thread but I didn't see anything.
>>1919470>>1919531>NGL she looks good asfReally? I was going to ask "Why would she post such an unflattering picture?" but I guess it's just me.
No. 1923250
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Just when I thought XQC couldn't get more retarded. The only people that actually care about him now are his teenage incel-tier "juicers". This is such a bad look.
No. 1924924
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>>1923250>>1924843xQc is behind on his hours for both Twitch and Kick. He's been doing back to back 20+ hour streams, zooted out of his mind, slurring his words, going through wild mood swings, and showing a severe lack of judgment.
He alluded to taking antidepressants months ago, but days ago, when a dono told him to take his meds during a rant, he admitted he wasn't taking them. He then compared life to being in prison. When someone in his chat responded, "LA changed you," he replied, "LA didn't change me, LA killed me." Outlook: terminal.
No. 1925026
>>1924924Antidepressants and amphetamines at the same time? On top of that, drinking?
His flexing at Twitchcon was cringe too. And he showed up late to an even, no surprise due to his drinking. how juicer nonnas cope watching him anymore. He is not in prison, he can easily stop any of this or dial it back as it's incredibly obvious he is loaded for the rest of his life. His ego is insane.
No. 1925809
>>1925026>he showed up late to an event, no surprise due to his drinking.The day before, Adept decided (after months of saying she wouldn't go) to drive to Twitchcon… in her friend Chica's McLaren. He went dark on social media and around the same time, Mizkif claims xQc stopped texting. xQc had been posting/updating fans on Instagram, his last post being from The Aria. That night, Adept was spotted standing outside The Aria for hours and xQc was seen passed out drunk on the floor at Diplo's afterparty: day, due to Herculean efforts by Mizkif, he showed up (still drunk) to the event and was visibly upset after being asked to spell "PRENUPTIAL." The audience laughed at him, oblivious to the fact that Adept was stalking him again.
>His flexing at Twitchcon was cringe too.His flexing has always been to antagonize Adept as he was restricted from spending due to the "divorce." When she tried to blackmail him for 80k, he refused and bought gaudy diamond chains instead. The same night she allegedly stole his diamond Rolex, she took 2000+ pictures of his phone messages, including ones where he admits he hated the watch and was only getting it to flex on her. He recently bought a Lambo (Adept's dream car). He calls it "the cringe mobile" and so far its main purpose has been to respond to her meltdowns on Instagram. He said when the court shit is over, he'll "probably sell all his fancy shit."
No. 1926122
File: 1699564475749.jpg (Spoiler Image,298.6 KB, 720x1890, Kek.jpg)

Here's a look at Anisa's completed back tattoo. She spent 18k on this tattoo.
No. 1926481

Hasan and Ethan had another talk about Israel/Palestine conflict. I mostly tuned in for half of it, but basically:
> Ethan said people saying 'From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free' is antisemitic because it supports the notion that Jews needed to be wiped from Israel (killed). > Hasan was defending that it wasn't true and that wasn't what pro-Palestinian protesters meant when they said it. The just want freedom of Palestine from Israeli apartheid. > Entire argument was Ethan trying to make Hasan at least admit that some Jews could find it fearful when people say the slogan. Hasan didn't agree and said that even Jews were saying it in support of Israel. > Ethan asks Hasan to show him proof. Hasan shows him a tweet (I can't remember if he got an actual video or not like Ethan wanted). Ethan says one Jew saying it doesn't change his point. > While this is going on, they weren't getting really heated with each other. But regardless of the subject matter, whenever Hasan is in these types of 'debates' he pulls the condescending 'you-don't-know-what-you're-saying' card like he's talking to a child.> Bad comparisons to the current conflict are made to BLM, American-movements. > Their argument is going nowhere. Ethan begs Hasan to please control his chat as they are calling him racist and Zionist and that he's complicit with the genocide of Palestinians. Ethan says he's none of those things and asks Hasan to try and control his chat. Hasan says he can't. > Ethan brings up Hasan's discord (which is 10000X worse than twitch chat). Hasan's discord has been mentioned in the past for having the most toxic, vile fan base who openly rip on anyone that disagrees with Hasan. Especially with Ethan recently, people have been particularly volatile there (wishing for Hila's family to be raped and murdered by Hamas, Ethan's family to be killed, etc). Hasan again says he has nothing to do with his own discord and can't moderate what people say there. > Ethan asks what about your Mods? Specifically calling out Frogan and other Hasan mods. > Frogan is another streamer subject because she is so Hasan-obsessed she will literally die on any hill for that man, but really is no different than any other self-absorbed LA streamer> Hasan says it's not like he hangs out with his mods in real life or tells them what to say, they are all just super fans that he can't control (Mods hearts shrink a little hearing this). > Debate ends with nothing being resolved. Ethan tears up and cries near the end. But it's hard to see these two resolving anything after this. Now Ethan is collecting hate from Hasan fans, H3 fans, and internet in general. It's gotten worse for him and he never should have gone on Hasan's stream when 99% of the fanbase hates him. It has come full circle for Ethan.
It's not a good time for anyone critical of Hasan because he is the internet darling. Maybe the only criticism is comparing him to XQC when he asked X to control his chat from saying Hissan with snake emojis and X said he couldn't control his chat and Hasan seethed.
Here is the link to the full debate (but it cut out the end with Ethan crying): attached is basically this in a nutshell.
No. 1926495
>>1926481I don't love Ethan, but even if he came in unemotional and with perfectly solid arguments, he was never going to win this (so to speak). His entire side of the internet, and even more so Hasan's have made up their mind on the conflict since the day of the attacks.
Honestly, for his own mental sake he should straight up take a break from the internet.
No. 1926521
>>1926481How do you make a slogan about freeing a country from your government's genocidal hand about yourself and your fear of retribution?
How selfish and disconnected from reality and paranoid and self-centered do you have to be to be so worried of potential harm that you're ready to disregard support against existent harm??
I still don't understand most of this debate's discourse. It's like that one bully kid who's crying cause they're afraid of being grounded. Like to even have the luxury of worrying about perception when the other side has lost everything.. vile
No. 1926542
>>1926481This is not something Ethan is going to win "free palestine" has been a phrase in the public consciousness for decades. He isn't just going to make everyone think Israel is a
victim in this. The only
victims are the civilians. I can't believe for how critical Ethan was of Israel, especially when they lived there, and now he's completely flipped over to full Zionism. Religion is fucking retarded nonas.
No. 1926872
>>1926542>Religion is fucking retarded nonas.It isn't religion. It's Zionism. Ethan's sudden switch can be perfectly explained (as anyone else's online) by the fact that the international Jewish community is VERY well connected, and they help each other out constantly (nothing wrong with that per se), and that since this episode of this conflict started Zionists launched a tooth and nail online campaign to clean Israel's image, but since it wasn't enough and now push came to shove, they started collecting all those favours they granted to a vast amount of people in media, politics, and enterttainment, in the form of publicly defending Israel.
t. Jewish
>>1926553Perhaps in the American continent. Here is Europe, "Free Palestine" signs and has been a daily occurrence in most city centers of capitals and other big tourist destinations.
>>1926813>after he knowingly went back to have sex with her AFTER she forced him through this ordealI'm not an xqc fan but from what I recall seeing in those daily/weekly clips compilations, he admitted that he hasn't stopped being in love with her, and I get it. If true, this all must hurt even more because he (or anyone really) would probably wish she'd stopped and things could go back to how they used to be. Not saying he doesn't deserve it or that he didn't reaped what he had sowed tough.
>He's not some genuinely mentally stunted kidI'll agree to disagree on that.
No. 1926884
>>1926521No your slogan is not about your own freedom and human rights no no it's about hating me and my community, and that's criminal!
Nationalism is brainrot.. that is ofc providing he's not just morally bankrupt
No. 1927088
>>1926872Sage for OT and mods can ream my ass for derailment but it's still been said in the United States, the 'majority' anon you replied to is referring to a bunch of teens on Twitter. Kind of hard to not pay attention to it, America's touted as one of those mixing bowls with shops and restaurants run by Palestinians who fled and all that.
And thanks for saying it's not just religion, there's Jewish people in America being arrested and beaten just for supporting Palestine, it's fucked
>>1926860I'm curious who you mean. A lot of people who are at the top of Twitch right now existed in some way before Fortnite even existed, and I don't deny a huge boost but there's so many other factors and communities on that platform.
No. 1927226
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>>1926481If only Ethan "my heart is with Adept" Klein listened to XQC…
No. 1930809
File: 1700400796124.mp4 (5.64 MB, 1280x720, math is hard.mp4)

Surprised no one is mentioning the Pokimane cookie scandal.
>2 years of development
>same ingredients as cosco midnight cookies, with the addition of mushroom powder for vitamin D
>didn't even bother changing the name or look of the cookie
>Myna bag is $7 for 4 oz
>cosco brand is $10 for 14 oz
When people asked her about the price of the cookies, she responded with this
No. 1930842
>>1930834nigga is you braindead
That was Valkyrae and her and Poki are besties
And valkyrae just aint know that blue light crap was bullshit, and i cant blame her.
People was just understanding toward Rae cos she instantly pulled the switch on that bs..
And Poki herself is not doing a scam or any of that shit
>>1930809Queen Poki responded on twitter yall mfs dont even know or read,
It wasnt talked about on here cause it aint milk nigga the nonnas with a IQ of 100 or over knew that some keemstar headline aint facts, and that Pokis a real one cuh. Only yall low IQ nonnas be on here cryin about Poki since yall be on some cringe ass nigga shit..
( No. 1930859
>>1930842>nonnas with a IQ of 100 or overyeah that's definitely not you
>>1930837Poki working with the same company that produced these cookies and them mysteriously being pulled from the shelves a few months before her "product" launch isn't suspicious at all.
No. 1930958
>>1930842Poki when Valkyrae did her blue light scam
>I hope she resolves this (acknowledging Rae was wrong)>Just use sunscreen (giving an alternativeYet when anyone does the same to Poki suddenly she is calling people broke and insisting she isn't scamming anyone. Btw, Poki was live reacting laughing at Rae defending herself with Mizkif, of all people.
No. 1930979
>>1930958>>1930879Yeah, Poki did shit all over Valky for the backlash she was getting from the skincream scam. Valky admitted that she wasn't very well researched about the cream that claimed to protect your skin from blue rays emitting from computer screens and just followed along with the companies promises. She put good faith in the company and when it was released with huge backlash, the company left her under the bus to catch the fallout. Valky said that the only person who really stuck through her event with her was Skykuno. It was also pretty scummy how Poki released her management company after this like it was free promo.
Ever since then, she's been high on the business bitch routine. I think she's become incredibly bitter cause originally:
> strong coomer fanbase> quits twitch and tries to start youtube career being the 'relatable cool older sister' who did beauty and lifestyle content> Flops cause no girls/women watch her> Comes back to Twitch with her nip slips and drama farming, back to her original grift with the same stupid coomers, but now less of them.As she's getting older, it's probably the realization that these coomers are her bread and butter that's caused her to hate the situation she's in (regardless of how much she brags about her money and success from it). At the end of the day, she's no different than the titty streamers she tries so hard to make herself separated from.
No. 1931250
>>1930979>As she's getting olderWeird, I've actually never considered this before when it comes to the streaming and youtube lolcows. I guess for moids it's less of a concern, but for the women, are they planning for growing old? Will we start to see the most prominent titty streamers gradually lose their audience as they get older and younger streamers take over the space? All of the high profile titty streamers started generally young while things like twitch and youtube were young, no one has really aged out yet. People like Amouranth and Poki and Valkyrae and whoever else, I know they probably have more money than they know what to do with but they also seem to be using that money to fund expensive lifestyles in high cost of living areas, I have to wonder if they have a plan for 20+ years from now if and when the money only trickles in.
Or maybe they'll just make heavy use of filters and future AI and drain moids of their money for the next 5 decades.
No. 1935790
File: 1701374868017.webm (3.64 MB, 1010x564, xQc suicidal 2023-11-27.webm)

xQc wishes he could kill himself. Surely his rapidly declining mental health has nothing to do with him gambling again…
No. 1939467
File: 1701976474461.jpg (156.79 KB, 828x712, GAwdEgGbsAAhSiD.jpg)

the guy she's allegedly leaving him for
No. 1940107
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>>1939673Deeper voice than destiny lol
>>1940075He fancies himself as an Ezra Miller type
No. 1940141
>>1939453Honestly surprised at how often people fall for this type of emotional manipulation. It's so common and easy to spot. He threatened to kill himself if she didn't divorce him, but for some reason Mel didn't spot that as abuse.
Say what you will about Destiny but this swedish ezra miller knockoff seems like a real insect.
No. 1940507
>>1940482NVM I didn’t know anything about this faggot or that they had an open relationship. Still sounds like he’s butthurt that she was considering divorcing him. Also
>let his wife be with an abuser>he's just letting it happenShe’s not his property tf?
No. 1940695
>>1940265> All we have is that faggot Destiny’s wordJust basing this off of the information that's public now. If you think he's lying that's fine, but there's no proof of that.
>Can’t wait for Destiny to find out that half of all debts accrued during the marriage are also his ala her tax debtsNot how it works in most states. Debt incurred during a marriage is only split upon divorce if the line of credit was in both spouse's name. Also Melina's tax issue wasn't a debt in the legal sense, it was a criminal penalty for failing to pay taxes, which is a legal obligation.
No. 1940717
>>1940141Do we have any proof he actually said he’d kill himself? Or is that just more sour grapes and damage control lies from Destiny to make it look like Melina didn’t
really want to leave him and was coerced into leaving him? Because by Destiny’s own admission in the same breath, Melina became ‘obsessed’ with this dude, and that’s clearly what wounded Destiny’s ego the most.
No. 1940986
>>1940482Destiny is an
abusive piece of shit himself. He just attempts to excuse it under the guise of being "logical". Instead of trying to listen to Melina's issues he tries to debate bro her into why she is stupid to feel the way she does.
No. 1941267
>>1940507bad wording but I meant more that if you're gonna be "poly", obviously let your wife be free but wouldn't you try and look out for them? Like at the very least like you would a friend, tell them the guy they're with is an
abusive person and heavily encourage them to see someone else instead. but it seems like he literally didn't care until she left, especially counting his admittance of her leaving due to his lack of affection
No. 1941563
>>1941267I've witnessed the type of abuse that Destiny described in chat logs. It's very hard to pull someone out of that situation.
There is a type of abuser who pretends to be vulnerable, threatens suicide, fake crys, etc. They will re-write past history and make the
victim believe that the abuser is the only person who will love them. These abusers are very good at exercising control over vulnerable women. I don't think it's possible to pull someone out of a situation like that just by sitting down and reasoning with them.
No. 1943965
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So Twitch was on fire recently because of how they addressed the new meta of titty streamers, who looked like they were topless on stream, and updating their TOS. They changed their TOS to allow 'artistic nudity', and then reverted it back to no nudity, IRL or depicted, after the site became a 2D porn site for 24 hours.
> New twitch meta starts with users like Strawberrytabby, Asianbunnyx and Morgpie, where they would wear a low-cut top or pasties, but the camera would be aimed right above where they were covered so it looked like they were topless. Inspired other girls to do the same, became new meta> Complaints came up over this violating TOS, but since no one could prove they were naked, they were in the safe zone> More discussions over if Twitch should have an 18+ section since people said these girls were being promoted on the front page due to algorithm (not sure if this is true or not since it might be based on who you've clicked on in the past)> Twitch responds with new TOS allowing for 'artistic nudity', including drawn nudity, erotic dancing, pole dancing, twerking, etc. > Art section of Twitch blows up; 2d porn is everywhere with artists now free to draw nude characters, explicit or not. Varies from what you'd typically expect to furry porn and one person apparently drawing naked characters that looked 'very young'> Artists are getting banned for drawing nudity despite new rule, becomes clear there are miscommunications within Twitch following new guidelines> After negative feedback Twitch changes TOS back to no nudity allowed, regardless of how it's depicted. It's brought up the age-old discussion over whether or not adult-themed content should be allowed on Twitch. Regardless of what Twitch does, there is a portion of streamers that benefit from having a more sexual presence on Stream, whether that be from funneling viewers to their adult content like OF. Streamers involved with porn are on the platform (though really I can only think of people like Morgpie and Adriana Chechik). The argument against titty streamers is that their audience is mostly children and underage teens, so they are being predatory in marketing their sexwork through streaming (even fellow cow Mariah Mallad joined the clutching pearls, think of the children boat, kek). As well, other female streamers feel that titty streamers put pressure on them to be more sexual in their content to be successful. The argument for titty streamers is that if we're trying to protect underage viewers, sure you can delete it off the platform entirely, but you'll never truly get rid of it and underage people will still be exposed to this type of material anyways. Also, titty streamers are saying that banning this type of subject matter is misogynistic since there are no rules applying to how they need to act/what they need to wear on a platform that promotes self-expression.
Old TOS link here: TOS link here: No. 1943988
>>1943975Yeah it's the same one, basically got caught lying about her interaction and purposefully dogpiling on super mega. She's become the front face of this meta, even though I believe it was asianbunnyx that originally started it by accident.
>>1943968She looks terrible, her intense workout routine + breast implants + whatever those bangs = troon vibes
No. 1944047
>>1943965Thanks for the summary anon, I was wondering what was going on.
Is that picture of morgpie edited? Her chest looks so weird???
No. 1944949
>>1943965>Artists are getting banned for drawing nudity despite new rule, becomes clear there are miscommunicationsOh, please. They knew exactly what they were doing. I'm so sick and tired of people playing the "tee hee I didn't know this wasn't allowed! :3c" while drawing loli/shota/toddlercon furry futa porn where one character has a 50 inch penis raping a baby with cat ears and tails (so "nobody can argue it's a human") while eating another like a porkchop.
>titty streamers are saying that banning this type of subject matter is misogynisticNo different than the example above in principle. They know what they're doing, they know that they sexualize themselves to entice viewers to subscribe to their onlyfans and buy stuff from their amazon wishlists, and they know they're exploiting a loophole in semantics to get away with it, while also exploiting people's good will by pretending they aren't doing anything wrong, while fully aware that a lot of their viewers are underage (every streamer can see their audience split of registered users that watched any given stream).
I'm all for fleecing moids dry, but this false narrative also benefits predators in every category and medium.
No. 1946040
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Not sure if she's still a twitchthot but I know she's been posted here before. Came across this today and smelt a rat, what a spaz.
No. 1948354
>>1948266I get what this anon is trying to say
It's difficult to go from the horrible exposure of what she went through where she basically said her rotten husband was making her act like a slut for views and money and then she made a big deal about being able to wear a hoodie on stream
For her to come back only a month or so later doing the same shit? It throws into question how much of it can really be pinned on the husband. I understand how sex working is and it's a slippery slope, but anon's right, to keep going with the embarrassing kink shit that is literally only for money? It's fucking weird and borders on disingenuous. I'm not saying she was lying and her husband was a piece of shit, it just really doesn't instill a lot of credibility to do the exact same shit she was once crying and celebrating she didn't have to do anymore
No. 1948403
>>1948314Except one is doing it at the expense of herself and to serve coomers, the other is just a retard selling random junk that zoomers find funny.
Amouranth also made a huge stink about sexualizing herself and how her husband was pushing for it, yet her actions post-moid fiasco are exactly the same she just isn’t grinding
as hard as she did under her moids thumb. Why is it that nobody is allowed to question amouranths thottery after the husband reveal without nonnas frothing at the mouth to defend her like she’s a sole
victim of circumstance and has zero bodily autonomy like the dozens of other e-thots we rightfully criticize? Shes still like any other camwhore that abuses non-sexual platforms to promote her 18+ work to a bunch of lifeless coomers that would jump at the chance to destroy her.
No. 1948990
>>1948682Spuuky is disgusting. He dated ExtraEmily for 5 months and acts like their breakup was some traumatic event for him. They kept it pretty hidden but the otk stans put it together. He says some gross shit about her as well, saying her pussy stinks and such while not mentioning her by name.
I actually like daph's streams but it's clear she needed to see a therapist after her last relationship.
No. 1949679
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>>1949139they had a bad breakup before Twitchcon because aceu wanted to be a drunkard party boy and Daph does not drink, she is apparently allergic to alcohol and had a bad reaction at twitchcon trying to fit in with everyone. When they dated, she was apparently often tasked with babying him while he was fucked up. She also says he's holding her items hostage including gifts he got her, and that was in December. All around waste of space but what do you expect with esports scrotes.
No. 1949976

Hasan recently had a meltdown on stream while vacationing in Italy with his family.
> Keffals releases a video detailing grievances with Hasan's mods, in particular, Frogan and Ostonox, for spreading Kiwifarms rumors and lack of moderation in Hasan's discord. They say to take her drama somewhere else > Regardless of how nonnies feel about Keffals, the video starts to gain traction with more people using it as an example of Hasan's hypocrisy and toxic community. Hasan mods and Hasan himself come under fire. > Hasan responds after being poked in chat and goes off on a rant about how meaningless this all is and he doesn't want to stream anything political anymore. But could this come down to him not wanting to take accountability for his 'unpaid janitors' that moderate his discord and Twitch chat (for free)? Hasan likes to flip flop between being responsible for his community doing something (charity) and not being responsible (toxicity)> Hasan gets agitated people continually bring up his earnings and living standards while claiming to be socialist (chatter asks him how much his Italian hotel costs). Hasan is now left drama farming for scraps after destroying any notion of being taken as a 'serious' political commentator. His beneficial relationship with Ethan Klein is in ruins, he looked a fool when he went on Piers Morgan, he looked even more the fool when he brought low-tier Youtuber WillyMac on his channel. His viewership is down and he has very few people on Twitch that want to collab with him. QTCinderella announced the next streamer awards, so there will be milk. But I kinda feel bad for Hasan now that this is where he is, this can't be healthy for anyone.
Keffals complaint video:'s video is 24 mins but any point in it gives an idea
No. 1950036
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>>1949976womp womp womp =(
(emoticon) No. 1950053
>>1950024You're calling a fail male a "she", pretty sure you're the one
(infighting) No. 1950092
>>1949732She has some weird issues due to her insane mother. It's sad. She only knew aceu for a few months before she moved in with him too.
Spuuky is a massive retard and egomaniac. This should be good.
No. 1953717
>>1953533holy fuck moids are so ugly.
>tectone the fat balding porn addicted moid was invitedwhy the hell would anyone want to watch that?
No. 1953760
>>1953717He is a shareholder at OTK and their audience is fat balding porn addicted moids.
By the way, any nonnas keep up with Rich Campbell suing the girl he raped? He is claiming he has the right to sue her because it wasn't rape due to the fact that she replied on Twitter the next few days normally, and also that her Twitlonger ruined any future money he would get. He too, is also still a shareholder at OTK. He wants a jury for this trial, believe it or not. Do you think it will go anywhere? I don't think I've heard of a streamer being successful with this kind of thing.
For more clarification, she sued him first asking for an apology and damages then a week later he sued her claiming defamation and not actual rape.
No. 1956607
>>1956361I don't see what's wrong with this, aside from it being Hasan which is cringe
> Biden has now defined the Houthis as a terrorist groupIt's a war,
No. 1957098
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if anyone is in the league streamer community dantes's new egirl girlfriend is a psychotic 60iq bpd bitch well known for sucking off of any dick that has clout and i look forward to seeing her fry him to a crisp in the fake twitlonger slash onlyfans announcement for being stupid enough to date this batshit insane whore
No. 1957111
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I wish there was a Amouranth thread. She's the ultimate liar.
-Used a fake abuse story in order to promote being "single" and do dating streams while still being together with her "abusive" husband.
-Lies about making $57 million on Onlyfans. Posts screencap that doesnt match her husband's screencap on his old twitter. If you look at her stats, she appears to be making around $40,000 a month. Not millions as she claims.
-Illegally uses other pornstars pictures to promote her own videos on OF. Claims they are screencaps from her videos but its just stolen pictures.
-Darkens pictures of dildos for her previews to make it look like she's with a black guy.
-Bots her way to success on Twitch and Kick. She forgot to do the bots one day this week and she had 300 viewers. Not thousands.(learn2integrate retard)
No. 1957416
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>>1957246Lying about an
abusive husband in order to do fake dating streams isn't milk enough? lol
Its hilarious to see all the women who felt sympathy for Amouranth and her
abusive situation…. how do you feel now that its been revealed she faked abuse to get her viewership and OF up? hahahhahaha
(sage your shit) No. 1957613
>>1957244It's not about empathy (or lack thereof) as much as that she's just not that milky. She rarely creates drama with or against other people and just grinds on her own lane. We're here for the milk, not some random metrics that are ultimately irrelevant.
I was going to post a few days ago about ExtraEmily being frat boy and spreading her body count list of 60+, but ultimately she's also super retarded and happy go lucky, which stops her from anyone taking her seriously and therefore creating no milk to focus on.
No. 1958761
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>>1958085she used to be completely flat before the plastic surgeries she got.
Was possibly male and transitioned
(transvestigating) No. 1958906
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>>1957111Again, every nonna hear saying that this is old milk is correct. I personally don't mind Amouranth and to say she was completely LYING about her relationship is giving moid intentions. Nothing is ever 100% black and white, especially in relationships. Back when her separation happened, nonnies here were either supportive or skeptical, but everyone already knew that she was using moids for money and her shadiness, so your about 2 years late. I also hate when people keep saying oh she's still married to him when I can never find any actual proof of this other than people saying it in her Twitter and Reddit hate threads, and they don't even have any proof. I've said this before but I don't know why people expected her to drop sex work like she was some born-again virgin. If you go to her Kick to see if she's still doing the same shit as before, she's usually in lounge clothes and doing viewer call-ins or gaming. So I think a lot of this same 'oh she's a LIAR and she never CHANGED' is just people spewing the same drama-mill shit again and again.
> Uses AI Amouranth art> Rages about her OFThis is pure moid behaviour. Nonnies are right about no women here giving a shit about her OF. Why would we give the tiniest fuck about men being 'lied' to because of the color of a dildo?? I'm sorry, cry more because your hate obsession with Amouranth causes you to be so unhinged you come here to try and sperg about how she 'manipulated' you
(sage) No. 1959034
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No. 1959037
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I wish she wouldn't have gotten all that surgery. Amouranth had such a beautiful natural look.(sage your shit)
No. 1959472
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Amouranth's latest "anal sex" video she's selling for $99. She just stole Elsa Jean's video and resold it as hers. LOL Genius!
No. 1959733

Asmongold has a new girlfriend. While nonnies here probably don't care who streamers date, it is fun to watch his moid audience squirm and seethe at the perceived threat a woman brings to their favorite streamer
> Just recently, Asmon revealed his new girlfriend, Kaise, on stream.
> Audience loses their mind, while some are supportive of Asmon getting a girlfriend, most of his audience is parasocial and miserable, and like Pink_sparkles prior, can't stand to see their streamer with a woman.
> Kaise herself is a Chinese-Canadian streamer from Vancouver, Canada. She is also into findom and from her twitter, seems to make moderate cash flow from it. She is a moderately successful streamer.
> Rumors spread like wildfire. Moids sperg about her only being here for the clout, she is money hungry, this is some weird findom relationship, she is doing this to promote her OF. This clip in particular blew up because she doesn't make eye contact with him, just stares at the camera while Asmon looks greasy and stares at her chest. Moids foam at the mouth that she is using their precious streamer and doesn't like him for HIM!!!
> For some reason Asmon also has this small portion of fans that are obsessed with marriage, calling her 'waifu' material and that he 'has to put a ring on it right now!!' Like every woman he interacts with or watches, there are always these guys that say this?
They have only officially been dating for a few days. Sure, she could be using him for money and clout. Vancouver is a notoriously expensive city to live in, so being with Asmon would benefit her financially, or she might be like many Vancouverites and have family with deep pockets. But any woman that can stomach being around, looked at, touched, and living with Asmon deserves every penny. They do play a lot of similar games and probably have a lot in common. But can't wait to see his chat relentlessly criticize and bash his relationship until Kaise has had enough and either Asmon leaves or she does. His chat will never let him have a successful relationship.
No. 1959758
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>>1959753> rat whose eyes are being sucked out by negative vacuum pressure in a mad scientist’s labkek
nonnie, that hits it right on the head. He does look like that
No. 1959860
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Amouranth using her fake "abusive" husband as ways to sell content on OF is hilarious! You go girl! hahaha! Make that money!
"Chained up and used by sociopath"
"Locked in room and forced"
"Watch me get used and abused by him. TIP $99"(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1959988
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>>1959733Old pic but a reminder of the kind of squalor he enjoys living in. Those brown stains on the wall are from where his teeth would freely bleed through the night due to poor dental hygeine, and then he proceeded to wipe the blood on the wall.
No. 1959995
>>1959988''she's a goldigger, she doesnt like him for who he is!!''
the moid in question:
>>1959988 No. 1960081
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>>1960020He freely admits it. This is the same guy who lets soda cups full of mold fester on his desk for months. Here is a recent ish tour. No. 1960387
File: 1706476564309.png (725.91 KB, 637x752, Damne852cd82f2b71264.png)

Amouranth streaming 20 hours and crying because she's missing her grandpa's funeral. Said she was too busy with steaming that she couldn't attend the funeral. Asking for donations to help with grief(provide screenshots of milk instead of twitter meme faggotry)
No. 1960401
>>1958765My hypothesis is that it's actually a trans tinfoil to gaslight people into having their line between women and "women" get blurry, same with those who reply >her to obvious women. I guess in this case that'd still be a scrote tinfoil though.
>>1959733>most of his audience is parasocial and miserable / can't stand to see their streamer with a woman. >Moids foam at the mouth that she is using their precious streamer and doesn't like him for HIM!!!Can you post more on this? Based on that video's comments alone I'm not seeing such reactions at all; mostly just jest and banter at Asmongold's expense.
>His chat will never let him have a successful relationshipThey seem moderately supportive of him imho.
>>1960387>she's missing her grandpa's funeral. Said she was too busy with steaming that she couldn't attend the funeral. Asking for donations to help with griefCan you please provide proof of that?
No. 1960411
>>1960401Replying to myself but I've been checking other Asmongold youtube videos (both from the Main and the Clips channel) and in every one where Kaise, the woman, was in a thumbnail, the comments seemed mostly positive, with many of the commenters apparently being glad her presence is making him do things that improve his life.
My impression is that she's clearly the one in charge between the two, so as long as she's getting what she wants out of dating that creature, good for them I guess.
No. 1960493
>>1960401Might be a Youtube thing, I noticed that too (it's easier to include a Youtube clip). Reddit has more of the negative side I mentioned with his more parasocial fanbase if you wanted to check it out.
This thread is just an example: No. 1960521
>>1960387I think she’s super beautiful, but it’s kind of blackpilling that even being beautiful and famous and rich still lands you in life’s shitter. For starters she’s always in her yucky bumfuck McMansion streaming, she never seems to go on vacations to any super nice spots. Her husband doesn’t love her and beats and threatens her all the time, so she doesn’t even have love in her life. She has a ton of money, but what is she doing with it exactly? What is she saving up for? Makes me think her husband is still in the picture and controlling everything because men generally like to hoard money that way and can never save enough of it. Women are more imaginative and know how to spend it on nice things. Her surroundings are always so boring and basic and decorated in a moids style. Idk her story is just bleak. All that money and fame and attention and she still isn’t happy or loved.
>>1960401She isn’t trans ffs stop even entertaining these schizo troons and spurned orbiters.
No. 1960528
>>1959037She didn’t get any surgery her face still looks the same, she just learned how to apply makeup right and use filters
>>1960130Dating a really nasty gross but famous guy is a way of cloutchasing for some women, ‘I can’t believe she’s dating someone so ugly/gross/whatever’ gains a lot of social media traction and clout and controversy. Reminds me of that girl from 4chan Tahlia who was famously dating the morbidly obese Jubilee youtube channel incel, Brendio. She would also orbit other obese incel YouTubers who had a cult following because she wanted in on the e-fame among incels for some bizarre reason.
(you don't need to post 3 times in a row to dump all your commentary) No. 1960706
>>1960493Thanks. Yes, they're being very negative there. I'm surprised at the disparity. I rarely used reddit anymore, but I guess that should explain the difference. Reddit has been a cesspool for a while now, imho even worse than 4chan. It's like being so repressed makes them accumulate their vitriol.
>>1960521Where did I say she was trans, nonnia? Please read before replying.
No. 1960791
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>>1960779because Amouranth doesnt actually care about her dead grandpa. She'd rather stay home, stream, and act upset so she can make some more money pretending to be upset.
(repetitive sperging) No. 1960907
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>>1960719She hasn’t had a nose job, her nose is still pretty big/crooked and has a hump.
No. 1961435
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>>1961250Speaking of which these were the last tweets I saw before her account went private. Anyone know why she went private?
No. 1961571
>>1961528She didn't mention any names but she talked about in on DTA in the episode "How I didn't lose my virginity". It was a couple months ago so I cant remember details but I dont know if she was 13-14 and Im not in the loop for these things so I dont know if it was meteos or not.
She just told the story of an
abusive "popular guy" boyfriend she had who tried to pressure her into losing her virginity, but she refused. He also said her "terrorist religion" was the problem, lol.
Idk why that nonna thinks its Meteos and this is the first time I've even heard of him.
No. 1961918
>>1961674I googled Pokimane and Meteos, she posted a pic with him in 2014. I didn't look any more into it but Poki was 18 then. As far as I know Poki got started in 2013 meaning she would have been 17-.
I dont remember details of the pod but I dont think they dated for that long, it would have been 4 years at least if she was with him from 14-18 ?
No. 1963277
>>1963249Mitch Jones is such a leech. In the middle of Mizkif and OTK being investigated after the sexual assault, Mitch jumped on every opportunity to secretly talk to other streamers like Trainwreck about Mizkif. This was all while he was living in the same house and after getting caught talking shit, lounging in Mizkif's pool. He tried to champion it like all the other streamers involved as 'speaking up for
victims' when really he was using this as an opportunity to drag down someone that was a 'friend' and capitalize himself. He ended up getting a reputation as 'rat king'. It is no secret he uses cocaine and abuses adderall, he was selling it to other high profile streamers back when he was living in Austin. Why he thought this was a good take is insane, he looks drugged out and unhinged and Mizkif looks like a friend that has had enough dealing with someones shit.
No. 1963475

>>1963339Most likely, they love doing shit like this whenever there is controversy, Emiru joined after OTK was being criticized for not being female-friendly (NMPLOL was part of OTK, but his girlfriend Malena was not even though she played a huge part in the success of Nick's online persona) and Asmon's increasing misogynistic audience following the Heard/Depp trial. I think around this time Emiru was living in the house (fucking Mizkif) but her announcement came right around the time of the SA accusations and Mizkif's cover up.
>>1963445It doesn't matter who the male streamer is. If they get into any drama, they can always come back after taking off some time to 'rethink and heal'. Mizkif came back stronger than ever, same with Sinatra, if Rich Campbell wanted to stream again he would be welcomed with open arms.
Pokimane's contract with Twitch is ending and while Poki herself is a cow, I don't see the issue with her pointing out the redpill manosphere presence on Twitch with larger platformers like XQC and Asmongold. I agree with her 100%. Asmongold completely farmed and maintained this type of audience to the point where his past relationship failed and most likely his new one because his audience was criticizing the women in his life for the dumbest reasons. Yes, the majority of men on Twitch DO hate women and think they are only e-thots with no value, and any 'normal' woman that streams is pressured by their male audience to be more sexual. It's a male-dominated platform with a male-dominated viewership base. Videos like attached are exactly why Poki's point is
valid and why sexpests are able to thrive on Twitch. I also can't stand this pickme, her insecurity is obvious and her voice is grating. She's just trying to farm the women-hating moids that won't know what to do after Poki leaves. Her attitude of 'well it happens to me and I just DEAL with it' is so unhelpful and she does nothing to actually address the issue of how men behave on Twitch. Just excuses it, says it's 'entertainment', and that Poki is just an unhinged Karen who blames men for all her problems (maybe because - spoiler - men ARE the cause of MANY problems for female streamers in the professional and personal life).
No. 1963515
>>1963475I hate how men are such hypocrites regarding 'e-thot' streamers. They'll go on lengthy rants how these women are only famous because they're hot. And they're right! Because men wouldn't give a woman that's the equivalent of Asmondgold a single second of viewtime. She could be the best FPS gamer ever, add the most insightful commentary, but the only way she'd get viewers is by using a vtuber model. That's why we're suddenly seeing female streamers more in the top rankings. Because unless you're already incredibly hot, that's the only way you'll be given the time of day. A vtuber model is safe because it'll never have a bad hair day, and you won't be scrutinized by thousands of moids because from one angle with horrible lighting you don't look as hot as when during a professional photoshoot.
It's the same when random ugly fucking male streamer gets with an obvious OF girl. They'll yell about how she's a golddigger and how she's ruining him. As if the men chose those women for anything BUT their looks. Like the girl that's currently with Asmondgold deserves a noble prize for being touched by him. His house is a hoarder mess and he probably smells fucking awful. But no, she is the bad person here, after his money.
No. 1963628
>>1963475>>1963511>>1963515>Because men wouldn't give a woman that's the equivalent of Asmondgold a single second of viewtimeOf course they do, people like Gamergab have existed for like a decade. The modern twitch e-thot whores and V-tubers aren't targeting a gamer audience, they're targeting an audience of 3rd world brown people with low impulse control and lonely simps like you.
>She could be the best FPS gamer ever, add the most insightful commentary, but the only way she'd get viewers is by using a vtuber model.Because we are living in a generation of sub 90 IQ 3rd world weeb zoomer coomers.
> unless you're already incredibly hot, that's the only way you'll be given the time of dayNobody watches video game streamers for their appearance moron
> But no, she is the bad person here, after his money.Yes, a basic bitch bimbo with a low IQ doesn't deserve to be put on a pedestal because your beta tranny simp ass thinks he'll be given a crumb of pussy for it.
You are mentally ill men in wigs glued to computers. I recommend drinking clorox.
(unintegrated retard) No. 1963662
>>1963249I don't understand how someone can be so stupid here. You can't show the part 1, part 3 and then ask people to believe part 2 is exactly what you say when it's beyond obvious he could just show it. Why just not show part 3 instead? That would have been preposterously more effective and would have buried Mizkif at least for a while (while ruining his rep long enough for his gym to feel it).
>>1963339>>1963475The timeline doesn't fit. Will Neff and his girlfriend Caroline have been hanging out in Austin for a while now and the announcement video featured Hasan, so it must have happened at the very least a weak before Mitch Jones released his video.
>Malena was not even though she played a huge part in the success of Nick's online personaShe refused to join, against Nmplol's wishes, which she herself has said several times. Apparently now that there is proof to her that Nick can make it without her by doing gaming streams, she's retiring from streaming (but they're still together).
>while Poki herself is a cow, I don't see the issue with her pointing out the redpill manosphere presence on TwitchI do. Youtube is much more of misogynistic space than Twitch, where she could've actually made a difference with her presence. This is clearly she just being salty she couldn't make Twitch give her another contract. In principle she isn't wrong, but this isn't about that, or she would quit streaming at all, full stop.
>the majority of men on Twitch DO hate women and think they are only e-thots with no valueBut that's the majority of men anywhere, specially now. Watch any video even remotely controversial and then read the youtube comments (or don't, for your own sake) and you'll see it's much worse than Twitch, which has more strict rules about what you cannot say.
>sexpests are able to thrive on TwitchSexpests have thrived everywhere. There is no platform where the biggest content creators aren't male.
No. 1963754
>>1963475Ah, if it ain't the thot that spearheaded the whole anti-Amber shit getting a good, hefty taste of notallmen. Fondle balls, pay the toll.
Remember, Poki: men are the real
victims and women are lying, that includes you. Time to stand by what you believe.
No. 1963833
>>1963662>Youtube is much more of misogynistic space than Twitchagreed. youtube comments are a lot worse than twitch chat lol. Try getting away with typing in chat the same thing you would in a youtube comment.
Anons claiming that twitch is this awful misogynistic space are in a living in a bubble.
No. 1963939
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Streamer allegations/theories iceberg
No. 1964084
>>1964014it’s been briefly mentioned i think.
>>1957613 she mentioned it on some podcast with hasan that she keeps a google sheet document or something of every boy she’s slept with including multiple streamers and documents how big their dicks are.
No. 1964091
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>>1963939I don't think you understand the iceberg meme that well, the point of it is perplexing the reader when trying to find information about it or QRDs being cryptic and esoteric. A lot of these aren't interesting at all (who cares if someone is racist, or rightfully hates gays and trannies?), and several (e.g. bonniebruise) are so superficially easy to find information about they should be at the very tip. For example, one of the few good ones is "Forsen killed nani" and "NMP groomed Malena", but for the latter there should be a "Malena groomed NMP" a tier below it. "Mitch Jones is the
victim" at the bottom is perplexing when it should be tier 4 at best. A good example of the sixth tier is pic related, "Asmongold killed his mother", or "Amouranth never had a husband". Seventh tier should be something crazy like "ExtraEmily Mossad Agent". And for the last tier something unimaginable like "Twitch AI singularity" or "QTCinderella Skinwalker PR".
>>1964014Can't find the full video, but hopefully this is enough to get you started:
> No. 1964093
>>1964091>This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Fear&My bad, I should have checked first. But anyway,
>>1964084 was pretty much the TL;DR. The video is nasty though. I'll never understand why some women are proud to be onaholes for moids, for free.
No. 1964158
>>1964107yeah I noticed that as well, we get all kinds of nonnies these days
>>1964091thank you for your providing opinion on which of these iceberg theories are good and which are bad and which are a tier in between and also what would be better as a theory for the twitch iceberg meme
No. 1964165
>>1963310girl I hope you were joking because as little empathy as I have for modern men's constant bitching I hope everyone understands the need to publicly speak out against an assailant especially if you didn't physically defend yourself.
Thats provided this is true ofc
No. 1964173
>>1964107>>1964158>we get all kinds of nonnies these daysImagine coming to a female-oriented imageboard and not finding gays disgusting and reproachable. You're not one of those "moids bad, unless they act and behave like a mockery of women" are you?
>thank you for your providing opinion on which of these iceberg theories are good and which are bad and which are a tier in between and also what would be better as a theory for the twitch iceberg memeYou're welcome, I hope it serves you well in your future attempts to engage in the creation and edition of memes and other forms of aiming to add humour to a thread.
(derailing) No. 1964248
>>1964014 are also clips of Cinna talking about a "friend" with a dick list like that Spuuky spoke about an ex who put him on a list like that. The vod is gone now sadge
>>1964091Lol I made that pretty quick and alone dont take it too serious :D
(:D) No. 1964446
>>1964434kek lmao even
cinna did some streams with 39daph and spuuky shortly after twitchcon and none since. i wonder if she got a talking to
No. 1964464
File: 1707561028882.mp4 (2.13 MB, 640x360, 8orf-E6Gm0EH7bqi.mp4)

In unsurprising news, twitch's most unhinged political streamer Vaush accidentally revealed his porn folders on stream and showed that he jerks to pedo anime and horse porn, then defends it by saying he thought the drawings of kids were meant to be midgets. Also that he "wants to fuck a woman as a horse."
No. 1964465
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>>1964464(The pictures are censored)
No. 1964468
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>>1964465Ethan talked about this on the H3 stream and Vaush is accusing them of making a "hit piece" on him because he's anti-Israel. Topkek
No. 1964469
>>1964464ew now that's just sick.
There are a lot of moid streamers who buy a second PC to stream from, so that they don't accidentally reveal their questionable porn fetishes or other sketchy things they do online.
No. 1964514
>>1964464I KNEW this guy in particular was sick since early breadtube days.
Imagine your best copout is admitting you like midget and humanoid Horse porn.. as if thats any less sick
>>1964468Disgusting, his brain is frying from panic, I don't usually like Ethan's Palestine takes but I hope he calls him out for using a genocide as a shield.
No. 1964677
>>1964464Indeed is not surprising at all considering he has stated publicly and proudly that he thinks there's nothing wrong with CP (actual, not "pedo anime") and that it shouldn't be a crime because "it hurts no one". How Vaush hasn't been cancelled, buried, and executed yet is beyond me.
>>1964469To be fair, for anyone who streams it's a good idea to buy a second PC to do private things to avoid leaks like accidentally showing bank information, private messages, legal documents, and anything else that might endanger you as an individual. It's a good practice regardless of what you do with it.
No. 1966055
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twomad dead of overdose at 23
nothing of value was lost
No. 1966058
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>>1966055Looks like people think the same.
(reactions from randoms aren't relevant) No. 1966059
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>>1966055He should be glad he's dead because dying at 23 as a fucking youtuber sounds really embarrassing.
No. 1966064
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>>1966055fucking kek apparently he died with Overwatch open
No. 1966077
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>>1966067yes, the tmz article says he hadn't been heard from in days and missed appointments so a wellness check was called
he did, indeed die playing overwatch
No. 1966133
>>1966109That’s what I’m thinking too cause he seems the type to fake a death for attention.
It could also be that he really died cause he has been very erratic for a minute. Really hard for me to feel sorry for him though but tbh idk anyone who is lol
No. 1966216
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is there any merit to his grooming and attempted murder allegations?
No. 1966297
>>1966286probably because Belle was mentioned…
>>1966216why is this only being revealed after he died of an OD, if he was so dangerous
No. 1966508
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>>1966297He talked about a restraining order back in September. Even if he hadn't talked about this I'd believe him. Even just by watching his youtube videos there was something really deeply wrong with Twomad.
No. 1966511
>>1966508Literally all of this is Twitter beef with no screen shots and the messages were weird but not those of an outright pedo rapist
Id like a little more than some clout chasing moid saying "trust me the PO is real pinky promise" before believing any of these kinds of allegations
No. 1966555
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No. 1966556
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>>1966555It’s getting scrappy
No. 1966566
>>1963939"Maya lied about Sa by her Parents"
( No. 1966702
>>1966555so he's claiming she supported twomad but also helped convince him to kill himself?
this sounds terribly suspicious, do not trust the moid even if minx seems fake. if she did tell the guy to kill himself then what's the problem considering who the guy was? also he died with overwatch open so i feel like this was more likely an overdose and either way i doubt this guy is privy to enough police info to be saying all these things. it feels like an over emboldened moid who thinks he can say whatever cause twomad is dead deciding to burn everyone with his perceived freedom. plus thinking he's the police's special boy of the case being told everything when it's all need-to-know and civilians do not need to know until it's all done. i doubt he knows more than anyone else involved aside from the cops actually investigating the case
No. 1966708
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No. 1966743
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good fucking god
No. 1966785
>>1966716I don't think she is a tranny, this is the stereotypical white girl who is terminally online, needs attention from the lowest common denominator males and has serious mental illness schtick. The only reason why she hasn't gone down the onlyfans route yet is because she looks like this
>>1966756Which also shows how much of a huge catfish she is.
No. 1966821
>>1966708>>1966716>>1966785Have you all seen that video? I don't use twitter so I don't know if that specific poster is calling the bully girls animals because they're black, but I've seen that video before and I'd support calling them animals regardless of their race or skin colour. It's a heart-wrenching video for anyone who likes children.
>>1966751Yeah, she's been looking like a bloated mess for some time now.
No. 1967051
>>1966216This is reeking of personal validation. 'Oh everyone, this guy was terrible and was really harmful to me but I ALWAYS made sure he was safe'. Really? No one does that. Especially people who have to then air out on Twitter that they were the most generous person ever to a literal scumbag. It's a serious topic and should be talked about, but him also wrapping up all his statements with how righteous and moral he was is coming off really weird.
>>1966556If this is true, I can't be too surprised since Justaminx seems to be friendly with
problematic moids. She did this last time during the Mizkif stuff by being the only person to defend crazyslick, that he was a 'great guy' and Adrianah was a 'clout chaser.' She was also drunk during this and faced a huge backlash.
>>1966702It is, there is something so off about this guy on Twitter that I feel like his tweets are going to cause more backlash in the end for him and this entire issue. No one is disputing Twomad is a terrible person, but this guy coming out so hard publicly is weird. I guess now that he's dead there isn't anything to really do anymore. But to start calling out Justaminx on stuff he won't prove and is really incriminating is weird. I think Jameskii is on a moral-high, he's been wanting to say stuff for so long and now he can. Probably feels like he's a literal holy angel for exposing these cretins. Not to mention people have been charged with murder for telling others to kill themselves, so I don't get why he is saying this so boldly without any proof.
>>1966743>>1966756'Dark humor' She literally makes abortion jokes and thinks she's so edgy. Probably the effect of having a moid audience and so dependent on moids for years, burning any female relationship you ever had. Rots your brain. Alcohol will make you age like crazy and she has serious mental and addiction issues that no one wants to address. Literally MitchJones, just female. She's 27 looking like 37. Doesn't help she has 0 forehead, is bloated with fried hair, and can't rely on her cuter angles.
In other news, any nonnies watching the streamer awards tonight? It's fansly ad free but QTC was really e-begging people to support her streams before the event so she could afford everything (que millionaire crocodile tears)
No. 1967127
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>>1966555>>1966216Someone on the other farms paid to do a full background check on twomad (including federal), and only one thing came up was one restraining order. There were no other cases on him at the time of death like Jameskii is claiming, nor the amount of restraining orders he implied (picrel in next post)
No. 1967145
>>1967135he claimed the court had ordered multiple restraining orders but there was only one so that's certainly a lie at least.
also as far as i can tell if a case is ongoing then it should be in the records right? either way he's claiming there are a bunch of records supporting his side but when an autist went out and paid to check, nothing came up except proof that he's lying about twomad having multiple restraining orders
No. 1967160
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>>1967127FOIA requests from journalists are also coming up empty…
No. 1967251
>>1967160So this POS is absolutely lying, what a sick joke
>everything is public recordBut doesn't realize that people can actually look up public record to realize he's lying
Twomad was shit and not funny but making up garbage like this is just so wrong
I hope someone calls this narcissist out
No. 1967454
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Streamer awards happened last night and here are the winners:
> Streamer of the Year: Kai Cenat
> Gamer of the Year: Jynxzi
> The Sapphire Award (Best Female/Marginalized Gender Streamer): Valkyrae
> Legacy Award: Maximilian_Dood
> Streamer’s Choice Award: Liam
> League of Their Own Award: ExtraEmily
> Best Variety Streamer: CaseOh_
> Best Just Chatting Streamer: Kai Cenat
> Best VTuber: Ironmouse
> Best Breakthrough Streamer: Jynxzi
> Best International Streamer: Quackity
> Best Streamed Event: Creator Dodgeball World Championship – Ludwig
> Best Streamed Series: Name Your Price – AustinShow
> Best Content Organization: AMP
> Best Shared Channel: Nmplol
> Stream Game of the Year: Lethal Company
> Best IRL Streamer: Jinnytty
> Best Minecraft Streamer: Quackity
> Best Roleplay Streamer: Fanum
> Rising Star Award: NoraExplorer
> Best FPS Streamer: Tarik
> Best Battle Royale Streamer: IitzTimmy
> Hidden Gem: EverythingNowShow
> Best Speedrun Streamer: Wirtual
> Best Fighting Games Streamer: Etoiles
> Best Software and Game Development Streamer: PirateSoftware
> Best Chess Streamer: Loltyler1
> Best Strategy Game Streamer: DisguisedToast
> Best MMORPG Streamer: Sodapoppin
> Best Creative Arts Streamer: RubberRoss
Overall there wasn't any drama other than a few bad jokes, but it's obvious now this event is just an ass-pat party for Hasan, QT, OTK and OTV. QT and Poki hosted (Poki probably for relevancy and to plug her new podcast). The four biggest streamers/winners didn't even show up (XQC, KaiCenat, Jynxzi, CASEOH_), and I don't blame them. That whole streamer crowd is itching to get their claws into the new big streamers on Twitch (CASEOH_ and Jynxzi) to bring them into their fold and profit off their audience, and they've talked shit about XQC and Kai to the point where neither wants to be around them. Also Twitch recently laying off one-third of their employees only a month ago, and then the CEO hosting and sponsoring this event, is in bad taste. Fansly was still a sponsor, just no ads this time. QT was already asking for money and sponsors before the event and while the view count was good, I just can't see this type of event being sustainable where she is doing this every year. Dresses were pretty at least.
No. 1967461
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>>1967454Hasan interrupting Amouranth to bitch about how Japanese clothing doesn't fit his massive body
No. 1967527
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>>1967454not milk, but I wanted to post QuarterJade's dress because she looks beautiful.
No. 1967535
>>1967488>>1967496>are her way of larping as being someone famous/notableMy headcanon is that she's such a diva that she literally can't stand having less clout than her boyfriend, so she does all this stuff to try to keep up.
>>1967527That's a bold choice, but it seems it paid off.
No. 1967576
>>1967527Idk who she is but that dress is gorgeous and it looks amazing on her.
>>1967488That's 100% what it has always been. As soon as she saw the attention Malena got from Shitcon all those years ago it lit a fire in her.
No. 1967722
>>1967251Classic self-insert moid taking credibility away from the
No. 1967763
>>1967454>Best Female/Marginalized Gender StreamerI hate corporate "feminism"
Give the trannies their own category if this award show is supposedly "woke" or just count the trannies as man/woman and don't give them special status since they're "real men/women" anyways.
It's not like these streamers care about them so it bothers me to see yet another award for women designed to be shared
No. 1969368
>>1969183On one hand, it is petty since he could definitely take the high road. On the other hand, Adept 100% deserves to reap what she sowed - she filed a frivolous, libelous, perjurious lawsuit with no other goal than to get as much money as she could. She claimed he physically and sexually assaulted her, and lied over and over and over. I'm biased in her favour because xqc is a gremlin moid who deserves to suffer… but if someone did this to a family member of mine, I'd wish her eternal misery for it.
People like her is what makes other women not take claims of abuse seriously.
No. 1969425
>>1969183he's as much of a clout chaser as her, they absolutely deserve each other. Funny to see him now cry foul considering it all. Bet the braindead moids who didn't trust Adept are going to believe him as the
victim though, even if he was clearly not that pressed about the whole affair considering they were fucking during it.
I hope this case crashes and burns, he doesn't deserve compensation for something he didn't take seriously in the first place.
No. 1970057

Shubble (real name Shelby Grace) went live a few days ago to discuss the physical, psychological, and financial abuse she experienced at the hand of a fellow content creator. Some examples included:
>Regularly bit her so hard that she was covered in bruises, to the point where he'd joke to their friends that it "looked like" he abused her. He had her establish a safe word for when he was biting too hard, and then started biting even harder and grinding his teeth on her skin whenever she tried to use it. Smiled when she yelled out in pain because of it.
>Would forcefully pin her down and brag about how she wasn't strong enough to "fight back" against him, despite knowing that she'd been sexually assaulted by a previous boyfriend
>Had her paying for the vast majority of travel for the two of them to see each other, as well as for any hygiene products or general necessities at his house. He had significantly more money than her, but refused to pay for almost everything regardless.
>Wouldn't clean anything to the point of having mold and bug infestations everywhere, washed his clothes without any detergent, and admitted that he didn't take care of himself because he expected her to do everything for him.
>Would go back and forth between lovebombing ("I love you more than I've ever loved anyone, I need you, we need to get married and have babies, I can't live without you, I love you more than you love me, I'll never love anyone again if I don't have you," etc) and grand romantic gestures, then cutting her off, picking fights, ignoring her for extended periods of time even after she moved countries to live with him for weeks/months at a time, criticizing and complaining about their relationship despite admitting that he wouldn't ever end their relationship.
>Compulsively lied and immediately contradicted himself, attempted to gaslight her for pointing it out. Some of these that she mentioned were him lying about not having been in a relationship for five years prior, or later saying that he never wanted marriage or kids or any of the commitments he insisted upon earlier ("I'm not a commitment guy, you know that"). He'd been caught in big lies by friends as well and this was common for him.
>Threw away all her stuff from the office she'd set up in his house, hundreds of dollars worth of equipment.
>More that she'd mentioned, and more that she said she wasn't able to talk about, this post is getting too long.
Twitter immediately made connections between her description of her abuser and fellow streamer and wannabe indie musician Wilbur Soot (real name William Gold). Similarities included:
>British content creator, more famous than her
>Much larger than her, habit of throwing his weight around around her and others, especially women
>Had an ant infestation around the same time, said "bugs are normal in British houses." Openly spoke of growing up in absolute filth, never showering, once streamed video from his house showing it was an absolute disaster. Friend asked him about a hole in his wall and he joked (or "joked") that he got angry and punched it.
>Timeline she gave for the relationship lines up with when they met, the months of photos of them constantly visiting each other, being +1s to weddings, and then the abrupt end of them interacting when the relationship ended, ten months before she came to her senses and blocked him. Stans caught that she was no longer following him prior to her stream, and that all his prior interactions with her social media had disappeared, suggesting he'd been blocked and not just unfollowed. Pictures of them together were deleted.
>Freakazoid biting/aggressive behavior. Many other female content creators or mutual friends and associates of his corroborated (both years ago, before her stream, and immediately after her stream) that he bites everyone so hard it hurts. Clip resurfaces of him and fellow streamer Nihachu where he tells her to "tell them how awful I treat you" and she describes how he's been biting her so hard it hurts, as well as another clip where he brags about throwing her when they first met, as she made a comment about how she feels she's physically strong for her size and he felt the need to "assert dominance" and prove that she wasn't. Clip of another women telling JustaMinx that he bites everyone very hard and that he'd bite her too if she gave him a chance. More clips of physically aggressive behavior towards TommyInnit, like the time he stomped on his hand hard enough for it to bleed, and bit him despite being told no, and smacked his head, and pushed or yanked him around.
>Came out with another shitty indie album about how he abuses and mistreats everyone in his life, including at least one song that sources close to him or Shelby allegedly confirmed was about her, right before she blocked him. They suggested that having to hear him whine about how depressed he is that she left him for being a dick to her was the final straw.
>Shelby stated that she couldn't name who he was for legal reasons, but that she was afraid he'd go on to use his popularity to abuse more women and wanted people to know to stay away from him. His stans started crying that everyone should stop speculating that it was him because it could've been and e-famous tall British Minecraft streamer/musician with a biting problem and penchant for living in bug infested filth, and that she would've said his name if she wanted everyone to know who it was. She responded on her alt account basically repeating that she did want to name him but couldn't, and to stop saying she didn't want them to know who it was. She then liked other tweets from other women who discussed having this issue with him, or other issues with his band. Notably did not say it wasn't him after days of everyone assuming it was, which many took as further confirmation.
I can add more screenshots or clips or context if anyone is interested, but this post is already way too long.
>TLDR: Minecraft moids being freaks, as expected.
No. 1970063
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>>1970057Wilbur Soot is a piece of shit and I'm sure everyone in the British streaming circle knows it by now. It's just a matter of whether or not they're willing to drop him for it, especially some of the younger streamers who he latched onto when they were getting big. It should have been obvious that the sadboy musician with a dead look in his eyes and a "mutually
abusive" relationship with his first girlfriend was a freak. Unfortunately his fanbase is comprised of mostly teenagers who are too young to know better.
No. 1970067
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>>1970063Yup, some of his former irl friends/fellow content creators have been unfollowing him since Shelby did, but I imagine the ones with the most to lose will continue to pretend nothing happened. The former trumpeter for his band tweeted this after her stream, another woman who worked with the band tweeted something like "it is who you think it is". Link below goes to a twitter thread with more of the clips and information I mentioned in my original post. think the funniest part about all of it is the speculation that he's a secret cokehead, which honestly, anyone over the age of 12 could've figured out, and not just because he openly called himself one before quickly trying to wipe that old draft from the internet.
It's been a while since I've been all that active here so I'm not sure if they've added any integration for videos from twitter, sorry if so. No. 1970077
File: 1708925329108.jpg (963.15 KB, 1000x1250, coachella-2024.jpg)

>>1970067He's supposed to be playing at Coachella this year, probably the peak his terrible band is ever going to reach after this. They lost money on their last tour. I don't feel bad for his band members in the slightest if they were willing to overlook the ex-trumpeter's issues with him. It's only right that his downfall should come like this. I wonder if they'll cancel their Coachella appearance, or if they're delusional enough to hope it'll bring in new fans who don't watch Twitch.
No. 1970493
>>1970057To be frank, I was initially skeptical at first as it seemed to me that this was just a
toxic relationship, and she made some contradictory statements (claiming that he possibly lied about biting as a form of affection but also claiming that his own mother had told her this), and altogether, Wilbur was just a really shitty boyfriend but nothing too damning considering the rest of her experiences seemed to be mostly around how awful of a boyfriend he was.
However, this was before more info from other women in his sphere had also come out with their supporting testimonies of him, on top of old clips of his female friends claiming that he's bitten them as well, it dawned on me that this is a pattern of behavior that he doesn't just do with his girlfriend; he does this with ALL women that he's remotely friends with.
He has a group channel where he does comedy sketches with some streamers like Tommyinnit, Philza, Ranboo, and Slimecicle (of Lunch Club and SMPLive fame). Of note is that Ranboo has unfollowed him on Instagram and Phil has removed certain alerts in his Twitch chat that were using his voice. It wouldn't take Slime to separate from him considering his own experience with Callmecarson, however the most interesting to watch would be Tommy's response.
That kid has known Wilbur since he was 16, Hell, Wilbur comforted him when another of their closest friends Technoblade died due to cancer. Feel kind of sorry for the kid that he has to deal with this.
(learn to sage) No. 1970721
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Wilbur Soot's retarded attempt at saving face. Seems like the tide completely turned against him after posting this, the replies are full of other creators criticizing his apparent lack of an apology and his excuses for using his ex as a chew toy. He's been steadily losing followers on twitter and twitch, as well as on his band's social media. I believe his main twitter started the day with 3.6 million (many of them likely dead accounts leftover from the dream smp insanity) and is now down to 3.4 mil, so at least 200k unfollows so far. No. 1970726
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>>1970721Sorry to double post, but I wanted to share Dream's response as well. I think it's more of an attempt at virtue signaling and getting back into people's good graces (or just trying to not be the bad guy for once) than a sincere condemnation or whatever, but it's funny and probably does not bode well for the other tard in the ring.
No. 1970764
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She's stunning
No. 1970779
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No. 1970817
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>>1970057if we're already talking about wilbur, it was always weird to me that he was close friends with people way younger then him (keep in mind he met tommy when he was 15) No. 1970865
>>1970817It's pretty obvious that he was always an emotionally and developmentally stunted narc who latched on to anyone who'd boost his ego, and young fans are always going to be a prime source of that. They won't realize quite as easily that this supposed adult is a massive man child will no sense of maturity or boundaries, and they won't feel as comfortable standing up to him about it. The fact that Wilbur is around 28 now and only recently seems to have faced any real consequences is stunning, but unsurprising considering the audience he found.
>>1970764How do I always forget how ugly this man is until he shaves? Someone get him a mask until that shit grows back, this is just offensive.
No. 1970912
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No. 1970993
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>>1970817It was weird. At least those kids are managing to drop him and support Shelby instead. I wonder what Tommy is going to say about all this.
No. 1971319
>>1970721A lot of people have been posting clips of Wilbur that they find were unsettling but never had the guts to call out because of such the rabid fanbase dsmp members have. There's this one clip where he describes while laughing, how he "had an apple" and "initially aimed to hit his stomach" but full on pelted it at the arm of his friend which was inflicted with cancer and had just gone through treatment. Apparently it wasn't even just one apple but multiple fruits and he had to be told to stop and apologize. This man is a fucking child and is weird as fuck, I also find the clips where he expresses the need to 'assert dominance' over Niki and other women especially concerning as well, not to mention his fucking incel tier music that's totally just a character guys. He has always displayed slightly alarming, violent behavior that everyone wrote off as a bit but was clearly indicative of much more. Acting like this at 28 years of age is just absurd. A lot of people on twitter in the fanbase are also pointing out how there's a trend in which he often befriends younger people, and I agree with
>>1970865 that's it's probably another power dynamic thing he's obsessed with.
I'm definitely putting NPD on the table but his actions might even indicate psychopathy, I've noticed from the very start he's always had just dead eyes. Real fucking freak.
No. 1971344
>>1971319>full on pelted it at the arm of his friend which was inflicted with cancer and had just gone through treatmentGenuine psychopath. He comes across as unhinged as more and more is revealed about him. The red flags are so obvious, and I can't believe how blunt his edgy incel lyrics are in revealing his nature kek. I remember looking up his name on Twitter a few days ago, and the first post I saw was one of his fans, with a kpoop avatar no less, saying how he was probably
autistic and that it was
misandrist to be against him. This is the typical brain reasoning of his fans. You don't use mental illness to cover up what a piece of shit misogynist you are. There's the proper word his fans don't know of yet.
No. 1971562
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All of Wilbur's twitch mods revolted after his twitter apology kek apparently he's been extremely hands off for years and his stupid ass doesn't know how to run anything himself, so they'd been given all sorts of channel permissions. They created a bot to link to domestic violence charities in his offline chat, and one of them mentioned they'd started banning any new followers or subscribers he got. He unmodded all of them earlier today, but people started reporting him to twitch for having an unmodded chat, so he made an alt account named after a simpsons character and modded that. Former fans looked at the wiki for the character and found that he had a partner/rival named Shelbyville and deduced it was a reference to his ex and
victim, Shelby No. 1971573
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>>1970721Minecraft stans on suicide watch, some tinfoiling that the abuse allegations could secretly be another ARG that all the content creators are in on, others saying that abusing your ex girlfriend isn't so bad in comparison to other things people have done, like
the fucking holocaust No. 1971577
nonnie who said minecraft stans are the same as the kpop stans was right on the money. I cant fucking imagine comparing a abuse situation against a
war crime what'd I give to research these retards brains just to know how the fuck does your brain even conjure up that conclusion?
and why the fuck is every famous moidtuber turning out to be a troon/pedo/abuser nowadays? No. 1971595
>>1971586TA, the one on the top right could be bait but from what I saw, the others seem to be confirmed genuine. I pulled most of the screenshots from a twitter thread and the other stans were talking about having been interacting with some of these accounts for years in his fan circles. They're all breaking "moots" or whatever over the issue. I
was mostly just compiling the screenshots I found funniest, though, so my bad if I bought into any bait in the process.
No. 1972457
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Egirl who Tectone cheated on his wife with cries on stream and in LSF comments, is filing a lolsuit over revenge porn? No. 1974157
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Another ex, AliceNyanNya, speaks up about her relationship with Wilbur.
No. 1974233
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Do you know how much of a moron you have to be for someone like Candace Owens to outwit you and sees right through all your bullshit
No. 1974380
>>1974362I don't know who that is so I haven't commented on that topic, but…
>looks like an average 10 year old boy and has effeminate energyYou just described 99.99% of kpop boy banders and yet they're considered hot by a ton of girls.
No. 1974395
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This isn't surprising, but another one of those Minecraft streamer guys is in the fire for sexually assaulting a woman.
No. 1974444
>>1974395Not surprised at all, he always gave me creep vibes.
>>1974396Nothing. Minecraft is extremely popular so it gets a ton of viewers more than any other game every year for the past ten years. Therefore, more perverts will be found in that environment.
>>1974400You're desperately reaching. By that logic every girl who loves The Sims loves to control others.
No. 1974478
>>1974395here is the VOD of the allegations for anyone interested.
>>1974396i don't think it's a minecraft thing, any man with a lot of power (fans, money etc) is gonna abuse that power.
No. 1974710
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>>1974395screenshots from dream's private tweets regarding the situation with his friend georgenotfound aka George Davidson molesting some blackout drunk 18 year old. From what I understand, the girl and her friends were invited back to their hotel room and goaded into drinking games, her friends passed out and George Davidson started shoving his hands under her clothes. Dream is speculated to be the other man in the room while it happened, though it could've been their other friend no one really cares about. A few months after the incident, another youtuber found out about the girls being brought back to their hotel room and given alcohol and started tweeting at dream about it, though he wasn't told the full story or given permission to share that information. The
victim's friend, who I believe was said to be passed out during the incident and also not yet aware of what had happened, seemed to act as sort of a go between for Dream and the other guy to get people to shut up about it? Though I saw people saying the friend from the text convo replied to these tweets saying that these messages aren't evidence of nothing having happened that night, that her friend only told her about it later and at the time she'd only wanted people to stop bringing it up.
Feels a bit convoluted so hopefully I got everything right there. I think Dream is probably throwing these out to sow doubt about the girl's story or cover his own ass, whether he has the balls to admit it or not. Either way, he already admitted to him and his buddies drinking with a bunch of teenage girls in his hotel room, and I don't think it's much of a jump to assume one of them would take advantage of the situation.
Coincidentally, linked is a video of George Davidson stunning fellow streamers with fun excuses for why men harass women like
>what if he's drunk?>what if he didn't know what he was doing? No. 1974995
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>>1974233Destiny's romance.
No. 1975524
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victim's full response. many of her friends have also posted screenshots from videos showing she didn't have an over 21 bracelet on, I'll try to find them again but twitter consistently craps out on me when I switch apps.
Additionally, a thread recapping dream's twitter space cryfest: No. 1975588
>>1975524While I hope he gets ruined for this…
>i didn't think cuddling automatically meant it was to turn sexual>i didn't know it was an invitationOof, someone should have proofread that. If this goes to court I think she'll lose.
>and may I reiterate that i was drunkThere's a difference between being inebriated and being incapacitated. If you're tipsy and allow sexual advances, there's legally an implication of consent according to US law at least, even if you'd like to argue there's a power dynamic. The vast difference between states is why people still go to jail if you drive under the influence.
No. 1975597
>>1975588Yeah I doubt there's any way for her to take this to court, and she does sound very naive and young about all of it, but that's to be expected from a teenager. It likely wouldn't have worked on a woman his own age, or one who knew what to expect from the situation.
From the previous descriptions of the night she and her friends gave, I do suspect dream and his freak friends got these girls wasted on purpose. Puking in their own hands and passing out and all that, alongside their earlier accusations that the guys were actively encouraging them to drink more despite limiting how much they themselves drank, I feel like there was some intent to incapacitate. They don't have enough to go for legal consequences, but court of public opinion? Sounds like it might work.
No. 1975786
>>1975729Yeah, I watched her video and a lot of people are saying this is totally blown out of proportion, what did she expect, etc, so I can kinda understand why
>>1975602 is saying this. However, I do agree with you nonna. It's being downplayed cause a lot of us have probably either had to deal with or been through these experiences with moids unfortunately, or we've seen so much of this situation online we are already desensitized. But it still doesn't change the fact that 1. Older guy with online career who should know better (especially anyone who was on social media during the me too era/cancellations of streamers) 2. Any environment with alcohol and inexperienced youth is going to have way more risk 3. There is still a lingering 'perfect
victim' mentality where just because she wasn't raped by the textbook definition or it didn't go further than what she said, it doesn't invoke the same reaction. An 18 yo girl who was a virgin is going to take something as someone's hands on her with way more significance than someone her age with more sexual experience. It's gross and I understand why she is upset. It's his blatant disregard and just not caring at all. Typical disgusting moid behavior. They didn't listen during me-too, they didn't listen to their sisters/moms/girlfriends, they didn't listen to court cases, and instead continue to whine and cry, playing
victim, when they can't successfully take advantage of drunk girls.
No. 1975793
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No. 1976288
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Hasan is watching/reacting to Destiny's stream right now and it's really cute when he moves his camera over Destiny's face whenever he comes up. Not because it covers gnome Destiny, but because it looks like he's trying to manifest himself being in these serious debates instead of Destiny kek Hasan never change
No. 1976384
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>>1967251>>1967145Jameskii has released a 52 page google doc with all the receipts and relevant info about the multiple investigations (both civil and criminal) on twomad.
Link to tweet: to doc: this dude was a fucking freak its great that he can no longer harm anyone else but he faced no real consequences for his actions in life and seemed to just get worse and worse and worse
No. 1976428
>>1976384given how sketchy the guy was acting, unironically expect a Jameskii doc in a few months. Inserting himself this hard into the
victim's situation and just how badly he wanted to be at the center of it makes me feel like he's overcompensating for something. Even this doc involves him lamenting people not believing him at the end
As for Twomad, yeah his death was befitting of him. Glad he can't hurt anyone anymore and fuck the lapd.
No. 1976591
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>>1976384>>1976428It is kind of strange how invested jameskii was in the issue, enough to go into debt for it, is he potentially related to or in a relationship with one of the
victims? twomad was clearly deranged and dangerous, so I'm glad jameskii was willing to put so much of his own resources into stopping him, I just don't think I've ever seen a man go through this much shit for women he doesn't have a close relationship with.
Those poor girls though, I can't imagine putting up with all that for years though. The LAPD is awful, socal cops tend to be useless at best. It's probably for the best that he took himself out.
No. 1978662
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>I am insecure. I’d be in jail for m**der. His head on hers. Matching shirt’s. Arms around one another. Hands. My brain can’t even comprehend this. I like this guy but wow his girlfriend must be really secure. This would be my 9/11 ong
Is this a big deal? Hugging a female friend while your girlfriend stands aside? Averagejonas and sagemommy
No. 1978705
>>1978662Hypothetically? Of course.
Realistically? Who knows. Maybe they're having a triangular relationship or maybe the blonde is a permitted member.
No. 1980426

The latest Twitch meta brought a new Community Guideline:
> Newest Twitch meta emerges with girls either wearing green booty shorts/bras that act like green screens so they can project the video game/video they're watching on their boobs/ass. Source for context:> Use of vibration (I think it's something they stand on or wear?) to make their body jiggle with camera emphasis on the jiggly parts> Twitch coomer brains lose their minds. > New Twitch guideline emerges:"Our Community Guidelines are designed to help make Twitch a welcoming place. Content on Twitch is always evolving, and we want to make sure our rules work as intended and keep up with emerging behaviors. When needed, we make updates to our rules to capture those shifts in behavior, and so it's clear to the community what is allowed. Starting on Friday March 29th, content that focuses on intimate body parts for a prolonged period of time will not be allowed. We’ve included additional detail and definitions in our Community Guidelines linked below…" Also in their guidelines as to what body parts they're talking about: "Content that focuses on clothed intimate body parts such as the buttocks, groin, or breasts for extended periods of time."
From what I've seen, it's mainly Morgpie and Asianbunnyx that are the poster kids of this new meta. The main criticism of the guideline is the 'prolonged period of time' part where there isn't really any further clarification. What makes a long period of time? Does it mean streamers can show the prohibited body parts for X minutes, stop, and then show again? There are potential loopholes, but I think this could be Twitch's way of cementing a rule, seeing how streamers go around this rule, and then structuring it further till there aren't really any other get-arounds. I get these girls will always find some new meta and you can't stop minors from seeing sexual content on the internet, but it personally weirds me out that they always find creative ways to be blatantly sexual on a site that has minors on it. I guess if the majority of your audience are adult and you make enough money you wouldn't care, but I feel like when the site/other streamers are actively trying to discourage this content, why do they put so much effort to keep dodging it? Is it a self-esteem thing, clout, or is doing sexual content on Twitch better than doing camgirl stuff?
Vid is Asianbunnyx for example.
Twitch guidelines: No. 1980432
>>1980426God that’s disgusting and so trashy but also not really sensual if you’re just bouncing like a spaz kek. I too find these women reprehensible for exposing kids to this and I really do think they know themselves what they’re doing since they whine all the time when platforms try to censor their vile content from unconsenting parties and children. I really do believe that they themselves know a big portion of their fans are underage and that it’s lucrative to addict children and create the next generation of porn addict.
And back to my original point of how retarded this looks—what is the point of oil when it would make it difficult to have sex because you’d be slipping everywhere? So many porn things are completely impractical in regards to actual sex and not sexy at all. What kind of sex do people have where they do this shit? Moids are fundamentally ape-brained and retarded so they will support this excrement with their dick in their [death gripped] hands.
No. 1980447
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>>1980426just shut it down already
No. 1980490
>>1980426>>1980432Everyone acting like these women are grooming little boys and forcing them to watch them is so retarded. If someone's little chimp is watching something he shouldn't then it's the fault of negligent or stupid parents. Men love imitating what they hear to pretend to be
No. 1980963
>>1980490You'd be surprised how many girls are into grooming, specially nowadays. It's a huge power fantasy and I've noticed people mentioning "/ss/" more and more these days.
>If someone's little chimp is watching something he shouldn't then it's the fault of negligent or stupid parents.Sounds like
victim-blaming to me, but you do you.
No. 1981741
>>1981651And so are onlyfan girls. I've seen peachjars, jennameow, morgpie, etc act just like vtubers do. There was a stream where Asmongold, the woman who was baiting him, Tectone, Emiru, Morgpie, and others went to an anime convention and Morgpie would several times point to questionable things that would make the cameraman look away (e.g. stickers for the UOOOOOOH meme).
The same Morgpie who is at the top of these Twitch meta issues that some nonnas want to pretend are totally not about getting boys into porn… while simultaneously complaining about moids being addicted to it.
No. 1982821
>>1982548this clip has zero context, is she going to stream with all those people and talk about random pointless streamer shit, or is she going to be doing a stream focused on conservation/animal welfare?
she still is a streamer and works with other streamers to spread awareness about her conservation efforts, so this isn't milky at all if that's what her plan is. she said that after the drama she's going to stay in her lane and focus on conservation work and alveus stuff. please provide context anon, otherwise it's impossible to understand if this is cow behavior. she could easily just be doing her work as a conservationist/sanctuary worker. any information about the stream she describes would be helpful other than a list of who will be there.
No. 1982882
>>1982840>She's probably just not making enough moneyThis is what happens when you got no other plan for funding your overgrown petting zoo than streaming. She already made it non-profit, she doesn't pay taxes, how does she not have enough cashflow?
>giving her shit for not inviting MizkifShe has not distanced herself from the Austin retard streamers, so it makes sense she still shares a lot of viewers with Mizshit.
No. 1982982
>>1980549>>1981741>>1980432I don't think they're intentionally targeting children with this shit, they're just trying to attract tasteless adult moids. They probably just prefer twitch because their self-sexualization stands out more there than it would on some porn site.
I don't see why they would want to groom kids anyway. Kids don't have money to spend, and by the time they're adults most of these women probably won't be streaming anymore, so they won't profit from it.
I also have trouble believing any woman with a shred of self-respect and moral decency would knowingly sexualize herself in front of minors like this. I think they're merely stupid and inconsiderate enough that they assume everyone watching them is an adult.
(sage your shit) No. 1985486
>>1975602she later revised her statement and claimed he touched her boobs
pretty much confirms shes just doing all this for attention
No. 1987716
>>1985486Of course she changed the story once people started pointing out all the lies and inconsistencies. If that really happened why not just say it in the first takedown vid she did?
Caiti is a retard and she should have known better.
No. 1991778
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I'm naming all of my cows after milky streamers, here we have Hasan who I milk daily nonnies. The alpaca is Felix cause it's tall and lanky and the fruit cow is Destiny. Asmon and Emiru will soon join(unsaged autism)
No. 1991852
>>1991778damn nonners we're playing the same story of seasons. I named my cows Elsie,
Nonny and Nonatella.
No. 1991892
>>1991889It's Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town
nonnie, it's currently on Steam sale. It's a remake of the old Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town from way back. It's great
No. 1993428
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Destiny has gone on an unhinged rant comparing himself to Israel and attacking Ludwig.
No. 1993455
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>>1993430You can Google it for multiple takes but they're almost all from destiny simps. I've never seen a legion of incels so loyal to a lispy goblin in a woman's coat.
No. 1993486
>>1993061I hate to say it but I wondered this too. I hate it cause I relate to her so much but also….shit, is it fake? I hate to think it
the odd noises she makes with her mouth and echolalia I 100% have just a modacome more control, when I'm under stress I start whistling the same and doing a raindrop sound with my mouth or saying something over and over so whatever she's "doing" rings true to me. never diagnosed with tourettes but have OCD and ADHD (the 90s version, kek)
could be wrong and she could be a great mimic an a narc but it seems rampart and odd enough to seem real. I have worse tics sometimes. faggot it a huge one for me lmao
No. 1993496
>>1993495zionists need
the wall to all be banned
>>1993430I've been following the drama for years, really not that much Milk.
TLDR Hasan got a big boost to popularity by appearing on Destiny's stream after a debate he had with charlie kirk. They were friends for a big but eventually they started realizing their political opinions were too far apart.
Hasan got really mindbroken by a few events. minute or so of this vid was one of those moments.
This was the last time they talked, they've hated each other since this convo about Hasan's kamela harris vid. For the past view years they just take shots at each other from their streamer chairs. refuses to talk to Destiny, XQC tried to get him in a call with Destiny but Hasan dipped immediately. Don't have a clip for that though.
No. 1993669

>>1993554That vid was definitely the breaking point for Hasan, he can't stand when anyone shows any potential of upstanding him. Having a live chat where everyone agreed that Destiny was better than Hasan was the end for that friendship. The rumor was that Hasan was what's been preventing Destiny from coming back on Twitch, but it's clear from his recent stuff that the reason is just his degenerate personality.
Destiny is also claiming that Milena, his ex-wife, was hooking up with Willneff while he was with his girlfriend, Caroline. For nonnies that don't know, Caroline Kwan is a wannabe actor that is also hard on the champagne-socialist grind like Hasan. But damn that would suck if some moid like Destiny outs your fiancée like that, I would just hope if it was true it's something they've already addressed in their relationship.
In other news, Frogan continues to burn all bridges (rips on OTK earlier after featuring her on their streams a year ago, rips at Ethan Klein) and is now ripping on Ludwig calling him a cracker because donating $10k to Palestine isn't enough for her. As if his wife's streamer awards isn't part of the reason she even has a platform at all. I think she's still Hasan's mod, but considering he has a podcast with QTC, he's probably going to end up ditching her. I've seen her described as 'if smug had a face' and now I can't unsee it. Sorry for the Asmongold youtube, I know you can only suffer so much
No. 1999143
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So nonnies, the latest Twitch drama circulates around the Stacy of Twitch, Caroline Kwan:
> After being hounded online cause of Willneff cheating allegations with Destiny's ex-wife, Milena, Caroline has been making some Twitch headlines. She or Will haven't addressed the Milena rumors, you can find some old streams where streamers are talking about Milena showing pics of Will's dick in her phone that he apparently sent to her. Not sure if that lines up with when he was dating Caroline, but it seems to indicate they were hooking up. > Following Frogan's cracker take against Ludwig, the use of the word has been really popular on Twitch. Mainly, why haven't streamers like Frogan been banned for calling Ludwig a cracker when streamers like BruceDropEmOff from OTK got banned for saying 'white people = ' and holding a box of crackers. Hasan has also said it live in the past and was criticized but nothing really came of it. > Crackergate ensues, with streamers like XQC and Asmon saying the word is racist if you're using it as a negative target towards someone (ala Frogan and Ludwig). Hasanheads push back by using Destiny as an example as Destiny used the n-word (ending in 'a' if that matters) live and didn't get the same criticism Hasan and Frogan did. > During one of her live political streams, Caroline calls out her biological cousin Graeme Wood, a journalist and polisci professor at Yale. Graeme wrote an article about the Israel/Palestine conflict and Caroline was mad. She said: "You don't get to spell your name GRAEME, no, you spell it like a graham cracker. That's what you half are. Graeme has children and this is what I pointed out in my tweet at him. I said 'you're a genocide boot-licker, it's a shameful we are in the same family. Anytime your name is brought up as some sort of pride point for the family I'll direct them to the vile trash you've written many times over. You have children' - yeah, he's got two kids. You wanna know what my sister said? My sister's like even more ruthless than I am, she goes: I bet he's so happy that they came out with blonde hair and blue eyes. That they didn't get the chinese genetics, that they look like little aryans.. little aryan children" > Caroline gets in more shit cause it's one thing to air out your family drama on twitch, but another to make fun of kids who can't help how they're born?? Caroline is half-white. Her dad is 2nd generation Chinese and her mom is white, and she's engaged to a white man. It's reeking of some long-seated jealously her family has against this cousin and I think she's got internalized hatred for her white-side. And Milena is blonde with blue eyes so she's letting out some internal anger I guess against her boyfriends fuckbuddy? > rinse and repeat same cycle of people wanting Caroline banned off Twitch for the cracker and aryan comments, but nothing from Twitch's end. Platform is now gaining a reputation of being Hasan's exclusive club where he and his friends don't have any consequences for their actions while other streamers do. Also nonnies enjoy this screenshot of Denims (who looks so garbage with red hair), Caroline, Nicole Rafiee and someone else make Palestinian food while Hasan and 2 other guys sit and wait for the women to finish cooking. I love how Hasan's chunky ass sits around all day signal boosting about Palestine but he can't be bothered to get up and grind some chickpeas kek
Carolines tweet: No. 1999322
>>1999143Caroline Kwan is such a retard it's unreal. She said that Jews, Christians and Arabs lived together in Palestine around the time Jesus was born. Ignoring the fact that Christianity can't exist before Jesus was born, and Jesus's birth predates the Arab conquest by like 600 years.
No idea why anyone takes her seriously on these issues.
Also it's basically been an open secret that twitch staff are all tankies/hasan fans. He could say the N word on stream and he wouldn't be banned.
No. 1999429
>>1999192They had a bunch of people there, like Stanzi. Youtubers/streamers like that are fine on their own but fuck get them all in a room together and they are all trying to be as loud and obnoxious as possible to get attention. Insufferable.
Also I found it funny QTC wasn't there considering she does tons of baking streams or Ludwig but then they showed Frogan and it was like oh yeah. And kek at Hasan who was probably raging his stream was being used for charity on the same day Trump gets convicted. He's so horny for 30k+ viewership
No. 1999449
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Pear is going back to her roots and plans on streaming regularly. A thread on her should be allowed again at this point, there are zero unhinged idubbbz fangirls to shit it up in the year of 2024, and they really could produce a somewhat entertaining thread as a cow duo. albeit they are pretty boring. Also, she mentioned in her stream that she misses the lolcow/pull haters, obviously because they were more tame compared to icuckz scorned former fan base and kf moids.
No. 2001225
>>2001220>On one hand why would she lie? Attention?
Maybe they are fighting behind the scenes and she wants to make him look bad?
Like you said, it doesn't add up.
It just seems weird and out of nowhere. The fact that she's like "can I say this? lol" afterwards, when it's so obvious that to anyone listening idubbbz sounds like an abuser, ESPECIALLY post Amouranth stuff, is also really strange.
No. 2001538
>>2000965>>2001103She obviously means "she wanted to quit but idubbbz encouraged her to continue" but she phrased it like he forced her.
Also regardless of her intent, it sounds awful because if she wanted to quit "sex work" - he should've just accepted it. He probably groused that he defended her with a video so they must double down to not look like idiots.
No. 2006907
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Dunno if this should go in the Youtube thread but since he's mostly associated with the Twitch fanbase, I'll just post it here.
Apparently Dr. Disrespect was banned from Twitch because he was sexting or trying to hook up with a minor. His reply to the tweet don't really deny the allegations, only clouds it in lawyerspeak. Either way I'm glad something is shaking up his fanbase. Undoubtedly one of the worst on the site and the fact that they're all crying in panic because their "based" daddy substitute is a pedo is cathartic.
No. 2008104
>>2006907>>2006908This has "been known" for years now and has been shared in comments in LSF a LOT. What Cody Conners shared was the alleged rumour, but without the conclusion. IIRC:
>moid engages in lewd behaviour with female fan>fan sends nudes and asks to meet up>he agrees but finds out she's 16 when he offers to buy her a ticket >contacts his agent in panic, who rats him out to twitch>twitch immediately bans him and fires him>he lawyers up, provides entire access>proof (allegedly) shows he didn't know she was underage but cut contact immediately after finding out>twitch contacts the victim and tries to get her to press charges>she refuses>twitch is caught between a rock and hard place>if they reinstate him, shit can hit the fat later on and create a PR disaster>if they don't, he can and will sue>they settle by paying the guy the remainder of his contract and everyone signs an NDAIf true, he can't deny anything because of the terms of a surely ironclad NDA. This would have been a premium opportunity for the
victim to absolute destroy his whole life because she wasn't included in any NDA, so she can clearly speak up. Therefore, I at least give him the benefit of the doubt, even if he doesn't deserve it. Seems like a win/win to me because he's now basically retiring.
No. 2008239
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Having to listen to scrotes say for YEARS how great Dr. Disrespect was, how cool he was, etc. Glad his agent ratted him out.
No. 2008680
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>>2008629His fans did cope hard trying to defend him in the comments even after admiting it was real but it's gonna be hard to keep them around after this update No. 2008712
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>>2008234how could you look at this guy and not immediately know he was probably chatting with minors
No. 2009061
>>2009049I see alot of moids bringing up "she was 17 and 364 days-" or whatever. Or as you said, throwing around the "maybe he didn't know!!!". If she was 17 he'd say that if he didn't know he'd say that. He even edited out the word "minor".
This situation really exposed how many moids of various ages are trying to normalize sleeping with 17 year olds. I know this is a known fact, but 17 is still a minor, he's a married man in his 30s with a daughter.
Moids keep trying to plant seeds so people think it's a 17 year old or "he didn't know" despite dr.retard never saying any of it.
No. 2009537
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>>2008712He's conventionally attractive without the wig and glasses. He's also 6'8 tall. He could've easily dated a younger woman of legal age if he wanted to (still disgusting, but I'm just going with the male logic here) yet he STILL had to hit on a minor. Not even a 18 year old, nope, it had to be a fucking minor. KEK men are just un-fucking-real
The comments on youtube are disgusting, and it's not only his fans, but random men who just heard about it for the first time. They say it's natural, you can't punish a man for his nature, it's normal for adult men to be attracted to 16-18 year olds and it will never change, young girls like older men and there will always be high school girls dating older guys, years ago 14 year old got married to adults and it was normal etc.
"Normal" men think like this, not just incels, not just 4chan users. I think that basically ANY man would do the same thing if he had the opportunity/there wasn't too much risk etc. Doesn't matter if he's 24 or 50. I decided to never enter a relationsip with a moid and I had many reasons, and that's one of them. How can you date a moid and live, knowing that he would fuck a 16 year old if he had a chance? WHAT makes you think your nigel is different for some reason? Give me one argument. At this point I would have to simply lie to myself to be able to date a moid.
(sage your shit) No. 2011361
>>2009049>and nobody cares about thatI imagine because that outrage already happened when people found out he cheated on his wife years ago. Now it's "old news". It sucks, but that's the nature of drama; seems to me when a man fucks up people rarely bring up old stuff if it has already been addressed.
>>2009537>How can you date a moid and live, knowing that he would fuck a 16 year old if he had a chance? Well, simple, I don't pretend every single individual is equal to the worst of the aggregate. Granted, I've never dated, but by that logic men would never want to marry women because they'd claim it's guaranteed to get divorced… or whatever the no.1 relationship fear is for men.
>>2010690Is the implication that she's MIA? Because she uploaded less than a week ago.
No. 2012437
>>2011361The pros from marrying a woman are just too big for men (free prostitute, free psychologist, free cleaning services, free health advice etc.) so most of them will always want to marry
If you think there are special kind of "good nigel unicorns" who wouldn't do such thing and it only happens with "the worst" men, then I think you're delusional. All men would do it, some just don't want to risk what they can loose and instead of fucking teens they for example watch teen porn etc. Men are biologically pedophilic
No. 2012525
>>2012518It's biological for them to want to fuck anything, mostly things that resist the least because they can easily have them. Males produce worthless gamates and therefore don't choose, the distinction between "ideal" and "easy" is largely meaningless in their case.
>>2011361I think you're falling into a trap of assuming that males are rational actors based on your ideas of what theyre built for. "Z don't want X because they fear Y long term outcome" isn't really how it works, particularly with anything that isn't built for the long term.
No. 2012805
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Never heard of him before now but apparently some streamer named Sketch had some old leaks come out from when he used to have an onlyfans. It's nice to see people supporting him since he said he was thinking about killing himself after the leaks came out but it's kinda crazy that he admitted to doing gay femboy porn to fuel his addiction and everyone immediately jumped to his defense kek. I genuinely can't imagine a female streamer getting the same kind of reception
No. 2016402
>>2015239>hundreds of stories of women who were hit on or molested or raped by adult men when they were kids or teens, often by their own family members or even fathers>every single woman has at least one such3 case in her familyNTA but that doesn't sound like a "defence squad" at all.
>Males are just evil bc they are raised to be evilCareful nonna, you're dangerously close to the incel rhetoric that it's bad mothers (specially single mothers) who raised bad sons.
No. 2016674
>>2016402Anyone who still thinks men are not generally pedos lives in lalaland.
Years and years of experience and studies tell us just that but you can jump down that rabbit hole yourself or stay stupid.
In countries that don't have strict laws about this what do you think men get up to? What's the general trend? Look it up
No. 2017941
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Emiru moved out of Mizkifs house alone, although she said 'it probably won't be just me' and 'other people will be living in the vicinity at some point' but it seems like she wont be living with Miz anymore
The whole gang (Miz, Emi, Russel, Simply) have been talking about moving for like 2 years but Emiru seemingly made a sudden decision to leave FAST and has had her house prepared for 3 weeks, just moved yesterday.
She just started her stream so not much more information, but she did participate in mizkifs mario tournament a week ago
She hasnt spoken about her former housemates yet or why she moved alone
Break up with miz? Other drama within the house? Or did she just leave because she got tired of the old house?
No. 2018939
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>>2018245>Wish I could find any receipts for thisi found some schizopost from twitter, if that's anything No. 2021292
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Dr disrespect posted on Twitter and is talking shit in the comments, I got these from kiwifarms 1/3
No. 2021294
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>>2021293Can't try to be a pronouns hater when you allegedly cheated on your wife with a Troon Dr.Chaser.
No. 2021638
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>>2018939Yeah, I saw a schizo post in LSF a few days ago that shows Emiru's live reaction to finding out Mizkif had blocked her. The schizo provided proofs in comments as well. Today, one of the streamers from Sodapoppin's Warcraft guild let it slip. I'm uploading the video since chances are it will get taken down. The LSF thread about it is a cemetery.
No. 2021641
>>2021638>Emiru's live reaction to finding out Mizkif had blocked her???
She went to Mizkifs house today for an OTK thing although Miz wasnt a part of it
No. 2021643
>>2021641Some days ago someone posted a LSF thread with a clip where she was in a League of Legends lobby with Sodapoppin, his girlfriend Veibei, Lacari, and NMPlol. Someone mentions something in chat, so she opens Mizkif's stream (which you can hear in the background) and goes from grinning ear to ear from the LoL group shenanigans to a very sad expression.
The poster then commented on the thread that a chatter said Mizkif had blocked her, which could be proven by the fact they both suddenly stopped following each other (as in Twitch follower), which can only happen if either both stop following each other, or one of them blocks the other. The schizo posted proof of the dates of (un)following, which then later had them both refollowed on July 29th, probably to ward off relationship schizoposting.
By the time I realized I should post it here the entire thread was gone and the clips deleted, but you can check the VOD if you're curious enough.
No. 2021703
>>2021643mizkif cried when he thought maya was going to end up with more viewers than him and tried to prevent it
now his ex emiru is doing better than him so he hatewatches and tries to interfere with her streams as well, nothing new
No. 2021919
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Macaiyla (Tyler1's babymomma and girlfriend of 8 years) is getting canceled for twitter for being troonphobic, including calling Chris Tyson a man kek. They are trying to get her and Tyler1's esports partnerships cancelled. Currently her twitter is private so these are the only screenshots I can get.
No. 2021928
>>2021919Nothing she wrote is wrong. I remember when CHRIS Tyson did his whole tranny reveal circuit, and 4chan immediately had tomes of proof he was a pedophile (with practically everything shown now), yet nobody cared because people online will always support the heckin
valid trannyrina for virtue signalling points if the alternative is to admit 4chan posters might be onto something.
No. 2021935
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>>2021638>>2021641checked for myself, looks like he did block her at some point considering they both have recent follow dates now No. 2021996
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>>2021919lmao, she's unbelievably based
No. 2022000
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Sadly she backpedaled, I'm gonna cope that she just says this so Tyler doesn't lose his sponsorships and keeps her based opinions in private.
No. 2022047
>>2021996>if he forces men of Twitter to give up their lives for the American people and women!I second the sentiment, but the last thing those men would be dying for is America's interests, much less those of its women. She's not based, just not completely braninwashe-
>>2022000>further educate myselfOh, well.
No. 2022203
>>2022088 said. i can imagine she'd be more hesitant to speak her mind nowadays considering that they have a child now, too
No. 2022359
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>>2021292With Dr. Disrespect and Kris Tyson getting exposed for being degenerate, pedo sex pests and Moistcritikal leaving the internet after embarrassing himself in a debate against Sneako (cause he thought defending children getting HRT and surgery was a 'based' opinion), I can only hope the next exposed community is Asmongolds.
> Constantly shitting on women, while praising gotcha games for hyper-sexualized female characters with their 'this is what we deserve!' mentality while completely unaware that this is how these games farm moids like them. Ironic too considering his community was one of the first to discredit the Korean Olympic pistol shooter Kim Ye-ji and promote Yusuf Dikec (main reason being a cool and calm woman succeeding and not being sexualized/submissive is a huge problem for these guys) > Community obsessed with Kasii, a Japanese loli v-tuber who calls Asmon 'Asmonpapa' > Asmon watching, promoting, and his community posting content from Rev_says_desu, a man with a loli v-tuber avatar. Rev spends most of his time arguing with people on Twitter why there is nothing wrong with selling sexualized merch of his avatar. Warning:> Changing his reddit picture to an obvious loli image I'm waiting for the day this gets called out and Asmongold has to think of some 'logic' why farming a community full of loli-defenders who subscribe and buy his garbage games isn't bad kek.
No. 2022982
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Well nonnies, never thought I would see XQC and Trump shaking hands but here we are.
Sage for non-milk, but for a millionaire I don't get how he looks sicker and sicker each time I see him online. Maybe it's the greasy hair, but he is looking bad.
No. 2023579
File: 1723086642766.png (1.13 MB, 1280x720, youtube.png) on this?
>NoahJ456 alledgedly cheated on his wife Martina with Fuslie at EDC 2021. No. 2023588
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>>2023579 live talking about it:
"…I was going through something and [he was] going through something…"
"…and instead it felt so good to be heard and related to…"
"…so many of our struggles were the same…"
"…it was the dumbest mistake of my life…"
"…I don't portray myself as perfect.."
"…But I want people to like- if they support me- they know I F'd up…"
No. 2023655
>>2023579I've been waiting for OTV's fakery to crumble down. I don't care if someone is scum, as long as they don't pretend and cultivate a "wholesome" persona online.
>>2023588>snif sniff crocodile tearsWatch her not get cancelled at all despite being a literal homewrecker.
>>2023603Yes, it is. She's a PoS.
>>2023627Why do you lie? There's proof it happened while Emiru was streaming with Sodapopping, Veibei, NMPlol, and Lacari. She reacted to it on stream.
>>2023628Mizkif is no longer moving out for a while, and he's been spiraling lately, changing his streaming room, raging more often, being salty about other people, mentioning being over OTK, etc.
No. 2023894
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Do not understand how AnEternalEnigma's inappropriate behavior is an open secret in his streamer circle yet no one seems willing to publicly address the issue and identify him by name on main
No. 2024256
>>2024189Her "apology" stream was eye-opening. She appeared sociopathic, barely able to hold in laughter as if she was trying her best not to let the act break, while people defending her in chat saying "we all laugh when nervous, t-that must be it!". She clearly doesn't give a shit.
>But realistically it’s the moids fault.Unless she's going to claim rape (which imho she would have already tried if she thought she had even a sliver of a change to get away with it), then nobody forced her to have sex with a man she knew was married. She's a homewrecker whore through and through and both her and the scrote deserve to be dropped in acid.
No. 2024578
>>2024256Yeah it was hard to listen to her apology cause the laughing was really obvious. Anyone that uses someone else's spouse as an emotional outlet is already going into it with bad intentions. The moid is obviously just as bad kek
>>2023622The problem with Asmon is not him himself entirely, it's mostly his community. He's farmed himself into a corner where the majority of his fanbase are spewing anti-woman and right-wing values. And, his success is directly linked on being able to farm and cultivate this fanbase. Asmon himself is dislikable cause he has to 1. encourage these values to maintain the fanbase (either directly or indirectly), and 2. is partially responsible for it in the first place (Heard/Depp trial coverage). Please go through his r/Asmongold reddit for 5 minutes
nonnie and you'll see what I'm talking about (also he routinely goes through his reddit page every stream, so it's not like he can claim ignorance to this).
No. 2024772
>>2024718>of course he needs to pander to troons. His audience must love themI doubt it. Actual conservative men hate anything and everything even remotely LGBT adjacent. He's just a grifter with no convictions.
>but it wasn't the best idea to be so public about itNo, the issue is that she included Tyler1 on the commentary, basically speaking for him, which is an incredibly stupid idea considering her relies on (among other things) sponsor deals to make the money that she also spends. That's why she had to apologize.
No. 2025150
>>2025048>she's a cloutsexual queenPretty much. A lot of the comments in her moving out video were some variation of "I guess the contract is up", alluding to her staying with a man until she surpasses him clout-wise.
>I also don't understand why we are supposed to hate FuslieShe purposefully engaged romantically with a married man. People aren't upset because she ruined the moid's marriage, they are upset because she ruined THE WIFE's marriage. Our sympathy is with the woman whose life this homewrecker affected, you dumbass. Moreover, she showed no remorse whatsoever about it. She's a piece of shit, and any woman or man defending her or claiming she did nothing wrong should be put in a database so the rest of us non-wastoids can forever avoid them.
>So what, men cheat all of the time."So what, men kill all the time"
"So waht, men are
abusive all the time"
"So what, men are pedophiles all the time"
This is what you sound like.
No. 2025565
Mizkif and Emiru are still playing wow together on his alt stream. So whatever their situation is I doubt it's a break up.
It's definitely emi because she had the client this server is played on her desktop last stream. No. 2025910
>>2025854>no agency memeAh, yes, because she has no willpower or sense of self. She just does whatever the almighty scrote demands and is just a
victim. It's the wife's fault that Fuslie had sex with her husband. Idiot.
No. 2026035
>>2025967We're not the wife, retarda, we can judge and blame both of them from an objective standpoint. The only thing you accomplish by defending Fuslie from being a homewrecker is showing that you have low morals and are no better than the average moid. Hell, I'd trust a moid over (you) on any given day and any given moment at this point.
>>2026000>>2026022She's not a cheater, but an accessory to cheating, which isn't as bad but it's still objectively bad.
No. 2026061
>>2026035The homewrecker meme is a typically wife's perspective, stemming from irrational attachment to the moid who betrayed her. From an objective standpoint, a man in a relationship chose to wreck his marriage by pursuing other options.
I have no clue who any of the cows ITT are, so the one with subjective parasocial investment here is clearly you. The only thing you accomplish by seething this hard is showing that you're one of those pickme moomoos who want other women to be collectively responsible for tard wrangling their precious diseased manwhore, since you value being hitched to it despite the fact that it's constantly looking to find a "homewrecker" to wreck your by definition non-existent "marriage" with.
No. 2026068
>>2026061Nice projection. I don't know who any of these people are either. I know the name Fuslie because
nonnie mentioned it when sharing these news.
>The homewrecker meme is a typically wife's perspectiveThat's your (morally convenient) perspective. A homewrecker is someone who wrecks a home without being part of it. This should be obvious linguistically to anyone with a modicum of intelligence, but it's already established you don't qualify.
>From an objective standpoint, a man in a relationship chose to wreck his marriage by pursuing other options.From an objective standpoint, no man could ever cheat on his wife if neither (a) the person he's cheating with didn't know he was married, or (b) the person he's cheating with did, and didn't care.
We know for a fact, from the mouth of the HOMEWRECKER that she knew that he was married, and she CHOSE to go through with it anyway.
>you're one of those pickme moomoosHow ironic, considering your behaviour is exactly the same as white knights which is entirely a moid phenomenon. You're agreeing with dozens, if not hundreds of men. By association you're an honorary scrote.
No. 2026081
>>2026068>That's your (morally convenient) perspective. Moomoo mindset is a bit of a mystery to me. How would it be morally convenient to me?
>no man could ever cheat on his wife if no woman let him>it's not cheating if his whoring is never realized No amount of throwing around "moid" and "scrote" will make you sound like anything other than a penile wk pickme.
>You're agreeing with dozens, if not hundreds of men.Ah yes, the men are known for believing that only the man is to blame for cheating on his wife, as opposed to performative bothsiding or outright parroting your thirdie moomoo vile temptress narrative word to word.
(infighting) No. 2026399
>>2026168It's the logical futility. If he actually managed to fuck someone, it means he was in everyone's DMs for years already, which means that nothing of value was lost even from the archaic perspective of "saving the marriage". If it wasn't her, he'd just find someone else eventually, possibly a hooker. So no matter how you look at it, it defaults to a) overvaluing whore dick and b) expecting every female on the planet to babysit him as opposed to being happy to have a reason to dispose of him. I just genuinely can't comprehend it. Even moids are smart enough to never blame the other man.
Perhaps the missing part here is that homewrecker-chans accept cheating ideation from a moid enough to value a pair bond with him? As in, the issue isn't him trying to whore, it's him
succeeding. Therefore, all women must ensure he doesn't. Am I getting this right?
No. 2026450
>>2026081>muh moomooIf you have no argument just say so.
>the men are known for believing that only the man is to blame for cheating on his wifeYes, her entire fanbase is defending her. Are you going to pretend they're 99% women to justify your nonsense?
>>2026399>nothing of value was lostThis is prime cheater argument. "I did nothing wrong, he was going to cheat anyway so it if wasn't me it would have been someone else, so I'm in the clear".
>Am I getting this right?You're not, because you're obsessed with justifying morally wrong actions by pretending you can somehow frame it by shifting all the blame from the perpetrator away. Fuslie is a homewrecker not matter how many tantrums you throw or how offended by the use of the word you get.
No. 2026468
>>2026450>simps defending a ecelebGonna pretend it's not exactly as I described when it's a literallywho?
>prime cheater argument No, that's a "homewrecker" argument. Prime cheater argument would be "babe I made a mistake she totally brutally ravished me babe please I made a mistake babe she's just as guilty babe". So, yours.
>perpetratorVery srs biz
>tantrums >offendedDo trigglies think these preemptive e-strikes ever work? I didn't mean to upset you, I'm just genuinely interested in the way your mind works. Would you want to be married to a moid who's not fucking someone else solely because no one except you wants to fuck him?
No. 2026478
>>2026468>Gonna pretend it's not exactly as I described when it's a literallywho?Ah, yes, because men only white knight for women when they are famous.
>babe I made a mistake she totally brutally ravished meIronically for you, that's the same principle Fuslie tried to use: "Guys, I made a mistake I was super ultra omega vulnerable because
checks list I had been cheated on recently by ex, please understand".
>So, yours.I really like how you had absolutely no recourse but to pretend I wrote something I didn't, so you could dismiss the point by alluding to an argument that wasn't made.
You have cheater mindset through and through and I accept all your concessions.
No. 2026591 on Fuslie:
"I will say both situations [Wendy + Abe, Leslie + Noah] are obviously disgusting and bad but both are [very] different."
"Obviously [very] messy. [Leslie] definitely is very aware that she fucked up but this situation was [three] years ago- she's handled doing all that."
"Oh trust me- I definitely don't like cheaters."
(learn to embed) No. 2026593
File: 1723805765930.png (984.64 KB, 1280x720, tinakitten.png)

>>2026591Tinakitten:"If you don't believe that people can better themselves or change, you don't think that the world can change. And you won't let it change."
"Because if someone makes a mistake and you instantly jump on them, they feel like the world will never forgive them. So what's the point in becoming a better person?"
"Understand that people can change and when you believe this you believe in a world that can change around you."
(learn to embed) No. 2026594
File: 1723805834437.png (735.7 KB, 1280x720, valkyrae.png)"I'm not going to lie- I'm trying really hard to like be happy."
"[The Leslie situation] I just I feel like it's going to take a while to like process and go through."
"It's just sad when there's someone that you love makes a horrible mistake and you don't know about it until later."
"You want to be there for them but you're disappointed and you don't know how."
"I think the biggest thing is everyone's human."
"People can change and learn from their mistakes and grow ."
"When people make mistakes it hurts other people but that's on his ex-wife to forgive, not any of us.""Leslie is not doing the tournament anymore"
"Leslie is also not going to the Korea trip"
(learn to embed) No. 2026736
>>2026612>>2026636This. Lolcow is a website built from scratch to care about "people making mistakes", it's in the name!
>you want us to hate her or somethingLike with every single lolcow on this site, what people want is for these to be held accountable for their misdeeds and for people to take them out of the pedestals.
No. 2026828
>>2026787NTA, but you're wrong. If you were right, people would just post something, laugh about it, and move on… and not spend hours, weeks, or even months, scouring the internet for proof their target lolcow is a scourge. Granted, it became more like this since pull died, but still, it's the current reality.
No. 2026869
>>2025177Nonnie, I know you aren't getting a lot of engagements on these Enigma updates but I hope you keep them coming.
I never liked the guy and this makes me feel like a good judge of character instead of just a grumpy bitch lol.
No. 2027003
File: 1723904119484.png (1.07 MB, 1190x1162, aneternalenigma-receipts.png)

>>2026869I was hoping to have more to share but nothing new seems to be happening
A new Twitter, eternalreceipts, appeared shortly after Icy's post and claimed to have more information, but has been more talk than anything
It did share this screenshot that shows Enigma being a psycho, stalking viewers giving money to a streamer he doesn't like (someone hinted that she refused his advances) so "she can be taught a lesson" which is fucking gross.
The receipts account was hinting at sexual harassment of some sort and RT'd a few women who used to be close to Enigma who started vaguetweeting things like said "believe
victims" after Icy's post
Sorry if I should have sage'd this, it feels like it's just on the edge of being milky enough
No. 2027016
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>>2027003allegedly the receipts account is giving enigma proper time to respond before dropping more information, it's been about 6 days get on with it already
No. 2027042
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>>2027003kek did you see these replies? He tried to sue GDQ over his ban
No. 2027093
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Icy turning up the heat again suddenly. Definitely sounding like some sort of sexual assault or harassment at this point
No. 2027896
Nonnies hear about Pokimane and bbno$ dating? Poki was dating fellow OTV member Kevin, but then after the Streamer Awards they went on vacation and she broke up with him two weeks later. bbno$ was also at the streamer awards. Then Poki and bbno$ are seen in Europe together, filming content together
Honestly not surprised cow is attracted to cow. Both Poki and bbno$ are so desperate for attention and clout, but think they are the coolest people ever and that they are so effortlessly talented. I can't stand bbno$ and his garbage tracks being shoved in my face by Youtube ads cause he's some rich Vancouverite who bought relevancy. Gross.
No. 2027963
>>2027896Poki and bbno$ have been talking or dating since at least May 24. Poki promoted his music video on instagram for no reason.
Later on they met 1on1 in Vancouver, LA, Vancouver and Denmark. Poki did a GRWM for her suspected date with bbno$ on stream.
They both posted tiktoks together on two of their hangouts and bbno$ also posted a photo from poki's apartment.
Can't really get receipts since they have been deleted but here's a post from 2 months ago about their meetup's just shocking because she is always talking about how she is currently looking for a husband and doesn't want to date and she chooses an obvious fuckboy rapper. I guess it's just a rebound from Kevin since they were together for a few years.
No. 2031492
>>2031276Also don't care enough to watch the VOD, but I'd guess he's ignoring it there like he has on Twitter. Doesn't seem like it made enough of an impact for his followers to care.
Until someone who was actually affected by him comes out and says what happened nothing will come of this, sadly It's all hearsay
No. 2031564
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>>2031276Guess it's his birthday today, maybe someone will drop a bunch of info as a birthday present to him? A girl can dream…
No. 2031895
>>2031825>Mizkif recently made a "joke" about Quqco and pretty much called her a prostitute on his stream. Do you have a link or a pointer? I can look for a timestamp myself, but there's a lot to sift through considering many streamers are doing that gym thing.
>He also talked shit during camp Knut.This wouldn't be a bad thing out of context since his friend just got dumped, so it's normal to shittalk the ex, regardless of who it is, or what sex they are. Just pointing that out because it's an extremely common thing.
No. 2031945
>>2031933She is not going to name him because his retarded creepy cult will go after her just like they did when ayumi_nini accused Mizcreep of sexual assault.
Not the first time he started sexual gossip about somebody either.
No. 2032142
>>2031945>Not the first time he started sexual gossip about somebody either.Like the time Miz falsely accused his best friend CrazySlick's SA
victim, Adrianah Lee, of sexually assaulting Cyr? He's a sick, evil little pug-eyed freak.
No. 2036981
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What do nonnies think about this jerma ex mod "drama", I got this from kiwifarms it's a little old (post was from Sept. 12). I think it's bullshit
No. 2038635
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This woman is gorgeous, what the fuck
>Twitch streamer MOONMOON, aka Jesse, has been accused of cheating on his wife with NoPixel streamer DivaJilly. Former Cloud9 Heroes of the Storm player KingCaffeine, who claims to have been married to DivaJilly for 15 years, shared Discord logs alleging that the GTA RP partners have been cheating on their respective spouses for months.
No. 2038636
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No. 2038637
File: 1727309277756.jpeg (Spoiler Image,183.19 KB, 1427x1080, IMG_6351.jpeg)

The discord messages
>I swear my ovaries couldn’t get any warmer
I’m just dumbfounded. Throwing your marriage away for this fugly neckbeard streamer. The husband sounds like a cuck for letting his wife ERP with another man and then be shocked when they’re actually fucking
No. 2038649
File: 1727310388726.mp4 (1.73 MB, 480x252, Moonmoon.mp4)

Clip from a few months ago of Moonmoon talking about how he loves his wife and would never even talk to his RP partners out of character
No. 2038686
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>>2038638Tell me about it kek
No. 2038731
>>2038636>>2038637Lmao, color me fucking shocked when this chode has been gross for a long time, I'm 90% sure he defended Cryaotic back when he was under fire for also being a pedo sexpest to his fanbase. I'm also pretty sure Cry would send off his viewers to MOONMOON's streams from time to time, and MOONMOON used to have a twitch avatar of a samoyed dog.
>>2038635>>2038686What is WRONG WITH HER, LMAO HOLY SHIT?? What POSSESSES someone to like the ugliest combo of hair in all the wrong places to hide shit genes and visible obesity. It is criminal how ugly men let themselves get. Again, if this is the guy I think he is, he did no facecam for YEARS and now it's very obvious why he was hiding behind just a fluffy dog pic for the longest time.
No. 2038743
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His response
No. 2038747
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>>2038731She must be extremely desperate for an any sliver of male attention, judging by the pictures of herself she puts out there. But like, what the fuck.
No. 2038778
>>2038769To find out that your wife is cheating on you and immediately go to reddit and twitter to expose her instead of talking to her- your wife of FIFTEEN years! It's unthinkable.
>>2038686Do not worry anons, she's the only moon simp and normal moon viewers hate her.
No. 2038781
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>>2038778>To find out that your wife is cheating on you and immediately go to reddit and twitter to expose her instead of talking to her- your wife of FIFTEEN years! It's unthinkable.Nah look at the shit she was saying. If my man said something like that to some other bitch on DISCORD, I'd drop him no matter how long we were together.
(repost) No. 2038796
>>2038743>lol didn't readMaybe he should have.
>muh open marriage (his idea, not hers)Sounds like a lie she fed him.
>b-be nice to my STBXWNo I hope the cowtipper scrotes will do their thing and fill his inboxes with "I am now boning your available wife, fatfuck" and then proceed to hurt his feelings even further about it. He honestly deserves it.
>"we never talked inappropriately outside of RP"We literally have evidence contradicting this. Huge retard move not reading the husband's posts, caught lying.
>gloating about whatever happened with twitchconMOONMOON is now doomed to be viewed as yet another dogshit sexpest to be put to pasture along with Dr Disrespect, lol.
No. 2038828
>>2038797Is he really trying to argue semantics of "oh it wasn't THAT bad, I only got physical recently!"? That seems so shitty.
Especially when he has been jerking off to the ERP for much longer. They've clearly been blurring the line between IC and OOC for a while, and that's what lead to Twitchcon. That happens a fuckton in online ERP in general, be it in VC or text.
No. 2039121
File: 1727400458159.webm (3.82 MB, 1920x1080, moon 11-8-18 abstinence.webm)

>>2039090I don't know when he might have said that specifically, but I do have this.
No. 2039768
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>>2038731> What POSSESSES someone to like the ugliest combo of hair in all the wrong places to hide shit genes and visible obesity. money, raising of ones own profile
No. 2041379
File: 1727882882599.jpg (436.2 KB, 1066x1460, Screenshot_20241002_100602_X.j…)

Been watching this drama all week.. This annoying self righteous bitch Vulpixia, a DBD twitch streamer known as one of the top Nurse players, tried to bully another creator off of Twitter because that creator made a video asking if a FICTIONAL VIDEO GAME CHARACTER is ugly. Vulpixia twisted the whole thing into that creator somehow being a racist (the character is Indian, I guess you're racist if you dont find her pixels attractive) and sent her followers to harass them into "being a better creator". The creator was indeed harassed, sent death threats,doxed, and even had her baby posted thanks to Vulpixia. Then she turns around and says this? [Pic]
Vulpixia seems to be one of those "white allies" that is just using the PoC community for internet ass pats. The creator she bullied off of Twitter is literally a PoC herself and when told this Vulpixia doubled down and basically said she knows the PoC perspective more than actual PoC cause she read a book about it. In general Vulpixia seems to be an unhinged virtue signaling white knight that just wants to treat everyone like shit and pretend she's an activist for it.
No. 2044470
File: 1728595437309.jpg (182.64 KB, 1596x782, 50726.jpg)

Another example of the toxic community Emi decided to become a part of. Everything about her in OTK is coomer-bait. I wouldn't be surprised if her OTK contract required her to only wear sweatpants/PJ pants and crop tops + padded bra to push this image of 'top-tier gamer gurl GF that's just like one of the boys'. Or maybe she's so broken and her mind view is so twisted this is the only way she knows how to function. She has one hobby to herself and Asmon's sweaty audience turns it into this. I'm convinced Emi has an ED of some kind cause of her size and her voice/throat is all fucked up. I can't only blame moids though, cause Emi is also to blame for bringing on some of the worst titty streamers like Morgpie and squeezing them into cheap cosplays. Even if Emi left OTK, she would probably just do the same shit since it's all she knows. Literally online way too early, groomed and manipulated by older guys, rinse and repeat.
No. 2046108
>>2044470Several OTK members have made comments about her style, both positively like Assmold in the podcast, and negatively like nmplol and soda mentioning how they need to rally the troops to get her not to show anywhere on pajamas. She dresses like that because she likes to, nobody's forcing her and you need to automatically stop assuming someone (who has already been proven farms simps like no one else) has a puppet master. Women don't stop having agency when they do something you disapprove of.
>She has one hobby to herself and Asmon's sweaty audience turns it into thisYou're absolutely delusional, cosplay was an "honest to god" hobby until Jessica Nigri and her cadre of attention seekers made it into what it is today, which Emiru exploits wholesale. Moids and incels had nothing to do with it (except for simping of course).
>Literally online way too early, groomed and manipulated by older guys, rinse and repeat.Nobody groomed her, just bad parenting. Her brother is gay and her other brother is trans. 3 out of 3 ain't a coincidence.
>>2044632I had the same exact reaction. I was also surprised (although I shouldn't have been) how different she looked in the stream. After digging a bit, my current impression is that she failed as a streamer after thinking it was a much better alternative to escorting (probably after seeing porn actresses go that route), went the tiktok/OF route and realize that kind of persona is the best one to rake in the big bucks (and she's clearly right), her OF is barely nude.
No. 2046474
File: 1729022302054.png (246.48 KB, 749x781, 1729010071869.png)

Hopefully this is the right thread? But asmongold's alt twitch account was recently banned for talking about the Palestine/Israel conflict
No. 2047569
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I hate to shit on womens appearance but this is the most unfortunate build I have ever seen, I thought it was a troon but there's pictures of her pussy all over the internet.
No. 2047570
File: 1729211167392.jpg (98.97 KB, 1920x1080, morgpie2.jpg)

>>2047569Like why does she look like that? Is this a condition or something?
No. 2047608
>>2047569I think you're lying you obviously don't hate shitting on womens appearances. I think she's gorgeous and has a really nice body, she's just not posing to hide her broad shoulders to appease moidbrained retards like you.
>Her shoulders and pecs are insanely male, so is her stomach and hip/thigh areaYou actually sound schizo. Don't you hear yourself?
No. 2047609
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>>2047569>>2047570>>2047571>>2047574>>2047601I think it's because of her developed back muscles. It pushes the arms forward on their axis, making her wider. I made a little drawing, but not sure if it makes sense visually. You can try it by standing up, standing straight, then "pushing" your elbows forward by rotating your entire arm in that direction.
No. 2047610
>>2047608Nta but your in snow, insulting women's appearance is not unusual or new, you can always leave if your too se sensitive for that.
>You actually sound schizo. Don't you hear yourself?She really doesn't, look at her. She's built like a troon linebacker, your lying or coping if you think this is a normal or average build for a woman. You must be built the same if your this upset about it kek
No. 2047619
>>2047608Definitely doesn't sound schizo to me. First thing that came out of my mouth when I saw that pic was "Jesus Christ, what the fuck is going on there?"
Honestly, thought I clicked on the MTF thread by accident.
Sorry to whoever this random twitch girl is. I'm sure she's super nice or whatever?
No. 2047640

Nonnies I have to report Hasan is on fire, but this is also the upcoming apocalypse for Twitch in general:
> Asmongold says unhinged stuff about Palestine, like nonnies before mentioned, clearly he thought he could drop a hot take on Palestine and the middle east in general and his audience would lap it up (although part of the reason it got so much backlash was because 1. it's coming from Asmongold whose disgusting and 2. it's coming from Asmongold, the closest he's ever been to anything from the east is the Chinese findom girls he pays for validation. Literally as soon as Asmongold dropped his take, everyone had an issue with it. It was like the unification of Twitch/Youtube/Twitter for a brief, beautiful moment> Then Hasan comes in and decides to 'educate' - I mean, radicalize - Asmon to follow his Anti-American, pro-Houthi, pro-Hamas, pro-Hezbollah, pro-tankie mindrot. This is hot off the heels of Hasan showing Nmplol, another OTK member, a Houthi propaganda 'music video' and left the room, leaving a dumbfounded Nick very lost and very confused. The brainwashing was unsuccessful:> Asmon_old is spanked by Hasan for about 2 hours since he has the mental capacity of a goldfish, Hasan's favorite type of person to debate. Hasan infamously compares the 19 year old Houthi pirate he interviewed earlier this year (remember the One Piece memes nonnies) to Anne Frank. Houthi pirate later finds out about this and rages he got compared to a Jew> Hasan famously declares Iran is "surprisingly pro-trans"! Forgets to mention that Iran is actually NOT pro-trans and a family would rather force the man to have botched surgery and live in silence as a woman instead of being gay, which is still punishable by death in the country> Hasan basks in the glory of his triumph over assmonbald, gets praised on Twitter by his rabid fanbase for showing him the errors of his ways. Asmon tweets an apology. But it's too late, Hasan has spoken and waved his gold hand of Twitch. Assratmald is banned for 14 days. > Before Hasan's victory bask can turn him the darker color he wants so bad (he's 'culturally' Muslim guys, he's not white!!), fingers start pointing and tweets start flying accusing Twitch and Dan Clancy of the hypocrisy. Why is Assmonius the Bald banned but not Hasan? Hasan, the one who interviewed the Houthi terrorist, played Houthi propaganda live on stream, scoffed when Kamala Harris mentioned the rapes during 10/7 and denies Hamas raped anyone (b-but Hasan is pro-sex work! He's friends with Jennalynnmeowri! He's so pro-woman OK??) not banned? It's worth mentioning that other streamers have been perma-banned for sharing the same Houthi videos and they will also get you demonetized for playing them without commentary on Youtube.> It's starting to get hot in here, Hasan is dodging the accusations of Twitch favoritism left and right. Dan Clancy is starting to get nervous, it was already shaky for him since swimming with Extraemily and trying to show the newest Twitch app, only to keep swiping on the app to show everyone the titty streamers he gets recommended. Also, the entire Twitch headquarters and Dan sending Hasan a happy birthday video doesn't help. > Ethan Klein of H3, who Hasan used to have a podcast with called Leftovers, finally calls out Hasan after the Houthi Pirate, Luffy the Houthi, or TimHouthi Chalamet, posts a twitter about impaling Zionists with a spike: (it's a shitty reddit, but it has the tweets mentioned)> Ethan goes on a 2 hour rant talking about how Hasan refuses to take any accountability for the things he says, what he is promoting. But nonnies, Hasan is our gas-lighting extraordinaire! Regardless how you feel about Ethan, it's enough where a 'friend' of Hasan has a problem with something he is promoting and Hasan laughs it off and reduces it to 'being bothered about silly things' as he drags his L.A. Jewish friends on stream to show that he's not an anti-Zionist > Ethan gets backlash, has to turn off comments on stream, and has reddits and discords blowing up with how dare he call out Hasan like that. > However, outside of the mental garbage pit that is Hasan's discord and twitter hivemind, more people are starting to point out Hasan's hypocrisy. He did after all, do all the things that Ethan accused him of. Now we have Hasan squirming, trying to move on as fast as possible. But the articles are already coming out. Who knows how long it will be until the Hasan rip-cord is pulled one last time and he's kicked off Twitch. Sorry, it's a Destiny reddit thread but it's the only one with a clip: clip just for context cause for some reason it's impossible to find any of these clips on Youtube.
No. 2049114

Nonnies: Fr0gan, Denims, Caprisunnpappi, and Vio have been banned for 30 days because of 'hateful conduct' from their Twitchcon panel. To catch everyone up:
> Twitchcon panel -'Who can say Habibi'- with the ranking from Arab to Loves Sabra featuring these four creators gets removed from Twitch's site.> A clip of Fr0gan goes viral where she says fuck US soldiers and that they deserve PTSD. She backtracks a little bit and said well the other soldiers that realize what they do is wrong are OK, but fuck everyone else. It's whatever to think what you want about the military, but Fr0gan was born in Michigan, is half-white, and in a tweet from a few years ago, she said she wasn't religiously Muslim, just cultural. Not even sure what that means but it sounds like Hasan saying he's culturally Muslim as a defense against any criticism/racism. > This clip blows the fuck up, now it's no longer in the normal Twitch circles and goes main stream. Hate on Fr0gan triples.> Fr0gan reacts to the clip again the next day, doubles down that it's a based comment. Hatred quadruples.> Denim's keeps running defense about the panel being only about Hummus, tries desperately to distract from her own mouth saying 'where's the category for Zionist' when Ethan's picture is pulled up.> More comes out about Twitch: Twitch stopped people from Israel from signing up and creating accounts after Oct 7th, Dan Clancy, the CEO, says that it was because they didn't want to promote violence on the platform (though creators from Ukraine and Russia could still make accounts). Dan Clancy says this was a mistake that was meant to be correct, big oopsie. > Not looking good for Twitch with them unbanning Sneako, FreshnFit, and the Houthi pirate making accounts. > Ethan from H3 goes live burning ALL bridges with Hasan (because Hasan couldn't address anything Ethan said, even to argue against it or defend himself, and said Ethan had crazy hallucinations and should talk to other Jews Hasan knows). Calls out Twitch again for favoritism to Hasan and the socialist-communist area on Twitch and defending anti-jewish racism from their top creators. > While the live stream is happening, all four creators get a 30 day ban. Fr0gan can't believe she gets a 30 day ban but Asmongold only got a 14 day ban for what he said.> Meanwhile, on Hasan's stream, I've never seen Hasan look so mad. Everyone is fighting with him about what Ethan said, Fr0gan getting banned, Denims getting banned, and Hasan being next. Hasan brushes it off as Destiny fanboys trying to take him down. Again, plays down any involvement he has with the Houthi pirate. If Hasan got banned for 30 days this close to the election time, that would seriously cause a dent in Hasan's earnings. No. 2049152
>>2048185>>2049114>>2049116seeing LSF brigaded by pro-israel destiny, H3H3, and asmon viewers in real time is fucking insane. i don’t believe for a second that any of them have empathy for human lives or whatever it’s 100% a vendetta against hasan, plus ethan and hila doubling down on their affiliation with israel and the IDF. hasan isn’t innocent either and an arab tierlist is insane too. i’m just baffled by the whole thing.
this is also largely unrelated but it’s strange how XQC and LSF also resort to calling adept and frogan fat obese whales or whatever. it’s like a time capsule of insults from 2010. XQC would probably have the same figure if he wasn’t on a steady diet of adderall and junk food.
No. 2049161
>>2049114Honestly, good for him. It was incredibly cowardly the route he was taking before, just bitching about the conflict and moral grandstanding, without admitting it was people gossiping about him that bothered him more than the rapes Hassan was denying.
Behind the scenes apparently a lot of his close friends have abandoned him, I do feel bad for Ethan sometimes. He's a slimy prick but his perversions and general male traits are not as bad as the prostitute-using freaks that try to belittle him routinely
No. 2049208
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>>2049152This, nonna, so much this. Clicking on any of the commenters profiles you'll see they are active on r/destiny 9/10 times. Some are active on h3h3 or asmongold but mostly just destiny. Only ones in the comments who aren't among them make pretty neutral comments/questions or are mega redditors.
They are even claiming that a senior manager at twitch got fired from another company for being an antisemite when all they said was shit like pic related and everyone in the comments of the LSF thread (r/destiny folks) are acting like it is a massive deal.
To be clear Im not a hasan viewer just hate destiny even more than him.
No. 2049430
>>2049401>Shitting on Isreal does not make you an antisemiteTrue, but antisemites are constantly shitting on Israel.
Even if I grant that shitting on Israel doesn't make you antisemitic, doing it right after October 7th, where hamas (also right wing religous lunatics btw) killed over a thousand innocents and took civilian hostages, makes you a deranged and hateful person.
People always say that anti-zionism isn't antisemitism, which is true, but ignore the fact that anti-zionists are just as crazy and bloodthirsty. People like Hasan and Frogan cheer on literal terrorist groups like the Houthis and Hamas.
(derailing) No. 2050314
>>2028161>>2027963>>2027896Rumor’s that Pokimane and Bbnomoney broke up and he released a song "meant to be" about it.
Framing it like he’s innocent while excusing him being "bad to her".
"I was bad to you, you were worst to me"?
More great lyrics:
"You never listen when I just needed an apology"?
""Sorry" ain't enough and you say you want more attention"
What am I reading? He thought "sorry" was his ticket out of being crap?
The worst of all:
"And now I got your stalker and he's clouding all my mentions"
How is her Stalker her fault. Why would you even say this.
He said he was "crying in the studio recording this"… Framing yourself as innocent while this clout relationship gave you a breakup song to make bank on. Wow.
(sage your shit) No. 2050362
>>2050348Pretty well known they were together, the break up is speculative based on their posts about being sad, Poki asking about trying to understand men on Miz stream and now the song.
We know they were together because these past few months they have hung out together 1on1 in 3 countries (USA, Canada, Denmark) and even posted each other on their tiktoks on two of those occasions.
No. 2050615
>>2050607I'm happy Jerma left but I do worry for the Vinny/Joel/Joesph Anderson who are the only moids I give a fuck about on that platform and I enjoy their content.
Oh and somewhat Northernlion but he can be kinda soy and weird. All because Hassan's retarded FAT ass.
No. 2051294
File: 1730147107211.mp4 (14.07 MB, 720x1600, 1000020323.mp4)

>>2050607Twitch still has a chance if Dan KKKlancy steps down from his position and Hamas Piker and all his orbiters like Frogan the Hut get permabanned. I would also ban everything involving politics and porn. Bring Twitch back to its old roots. That's the only solution.
Some people speculate it's going to happen after the elections because Twitch expects a lot of viewers on election day. We'll see.
Oh and I'm wondering if Hasan will get more consequences than he expects. I wouldn't be surprised if he's actually on a list and homeland security is just waiting for the perfect moment. Ain't no way he can stream terrorist propaganda, then inviting a literal terrorist on stream and comparing him to Luffy from One Piece and Anne Frank without any repercussions. He also said multiple times that America deserves 9/11. Everytime you watch his stream, he tries to brainwash his audience that terrorists are freedom fighters and America and Israel are bad.
No. 2052043
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U.S. Congressman Ritchie Torres sent a letter to the leadership of Amazon and Twitch. Piker orbiters are calling Ritchie a nobody and that nothing is going to happen. Ironically their idol just deleted all of his old vods in order to get rid of evidence.
He's cooked and he knows it.
No. 2052335
>>2052095Nonnie, please stop noticing things.
>>2052163Valkyrae has admitted to not having an inner monologue + aphantasia. She's basically retarded.
No. 2052462
>>2052095If you want to know who rules over you, find out who you are not allowed to criticize.
Yes the Jew is behind it. Gold, Berg, Witz Sten, Every, Single, Fucking, Time
(sage your shit/racebait) No. 2053230
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>>2053115It's fully confirmed
She also said on the most recent episode of the podcast that she is a sub who loves a big man. Rae is just not intelligent which may be why hasan likes her because she makes him feel smart.
No. 2054017
>>2053447>probably a PR thingBut they're streamers, not celebrities, surely they aren't this delusional? I am content to believe they're both empty-headed enough to be perfectly content with not pursuing meaningful relationships in their lives and think its like totes power couple vibez to stream like teenagers forever, but they're lucky if they even have another 2 years on the platform. Are they really even capable of existing without the twitch echochamber? Idk why she puts up with dating someone who prioritizes staring at a screen like a braindead monkey 12 hours a day. He's so gone that he considers what he's doing "grinding", he rarely listens to what the people around him say, and he's a manchild. Before I actually started tuning into Hasan I may have thought he was a regular kind of person, but I've watched enough of his content and content he's adjacent to see very clearly that his whole entire life is terminally online autism. Anyone who admires him or listens to him is a fool. He has quite literally no life experience and lives everything he does through a webcam. I used to question the hate he got, now I see why. Every single thing he has is not a result of having political autism, but by coincidentally being attractive in tandem. If he were normal height and say, looked like Will Neff or Austin or something, he'd be considered twitch's village schizo that needs to be taken away from wifi.
No. 2055707
>>2053703Nmplol is a twitlonger waiting to happen, but everybody seems fully aware of it and will dickride his success for as long as they can before ditching him.
We've seen this before with OTV/fed (although apparently his case was flying too close to the sun).
No. 2056192
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Twitch bimbo Mira is using a filter which makes her jawline smaller. Someone clipped it and it has since over 27.000 views on Twitch kekw
It was so obvious and her filter glitched all the time when her hand was near her face. No. 2056245
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Apparently adpocalypse is happening right now, and Hasan thinks it's Asmongolds fault, even though he was the one who was glazing over Hamas and Hezbollah. has confirmed that he has been demonetized. It also affected many others
No. 2056305
>>2056242Wasn't Malena a fan and moderator of Sodapoppin? She didn't care about Nmplol but he chose to make a move anyway and succeeded unfortunately.
And how is she close enough to his ideal (Asians)? I know he has an Asian fetish but Malena is a white woman.
No. 2056359
>>2056192Fork found in kitchen.
>>2056198People act like it's the funniest bit in the world but I don't think they realize most of the viewers who call him a gladiator and legend are literal children. The farming has gotten so cringe, I feel like we are watching his life crash and burn in real time. I wonder when he will eventually be exposed or whatever–like he was talking about how they "accidentally" left a camera on for 3 days in one visiting woman's room and he's talked about having cameras over his hottub recording everything with audio and then invited a bunch of women (extraemily, emiru, etc) to hang out in it. I think the women around him are incredibly naive for talking about what a "sweetheart" he is and the men around him dgaf because they think all the girls involved are cloutchasing opportunists so they deserve it. He's trying too hard and it is genuinely reflecting so pathetic on him.
No. 2056484
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>>2056305She's "close enough" because she has that Scandinavian upper eyelid thing that gives her vaguely asian eyes, like Barry Keoghan. Other than that and the convenience of "she's right here" I have no idea why they were actually together. She doesn't seem to fit his type physically besides that, and he didn't seem to actually like her that much from what we've seen since the breakup.
Meanwhile, he bought that Katchii chick an 11k Chanel backpack. While she's already wearing a 3k Prada bag in the photo. What a fucking loser.
No. 2056652
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>>2056558>At the airport before she left, Nick took off his chain and gave it to Katchii. >Clip mentioning this reaches Nora. Nora says she's good, showing a Van Cleef necklace he bought for her>While out shopping with Nora one day, Nick points at a bag, laughs, and says "you'll understand that reference later">Later that day, Katchii reveals he bought her the Chanel backpack>Nick mentioning it earlier that day shows that he knew she was going to reveal it, so presumably he told her it was okay to>Nick says he gave Katchii about 14k total while she was there>Nora is asked for a response to answer your question, no, I don't think he gave Malena many gifts. The only one I saw him give her was a set of expensive kitchen knives to use on stream. She appears to have left them behind when she left, because Nick yelled at Katchii for playing the finger stabby game with one of them.
No. 2057491
I'm not defending NMPlol since I think he's a vulgar pig, and am sick of him getting popularity since it's IMHO detrimental to both streamers and the viewers, but I used to be a massive Sodapoppin (and Malena) fan so I'll correct some misconceptions.
>>2056242>>2056305>He groomed her online. They officially started dating when she was 17 and he was 22.He didn't. First, Malena admitted she had been lying about her age and said she was 21 when they met because Soda offered a place to make a "base" from if she wanted to travel around the USA, which she did. I presumed she said 21 since this the age people can drink legally in the USA (at least from the perspective of us Europeans). Since she's tall and intimidating, the lie is much easier to believe and go unchallenged.
Malena then went to Dreamhack to met with Soda so they could take about her trip, and only there she met with NMPlol, due to her being one of Soda's mods and his youtube editor. Per her own explanation, they were both hung up on people they were in love with/crushing on. They became friends and bonded over being Soda's sidekicks, and then started dating AFTER Malena had already been living at Soda's as a stay-in caretaker. Also Soda had a girlfriend back then and she had approved of the arrangement/contract, which IMHO clears both Soda and Nick of any wrongdoing regarding her actual age and the implications herein. We could argue back and forth that they should have vetted her better… but come on, how many of use have never lied about our age?
On top of that Malena once directly addressed the argument of being "groomed" by Nick, and said since she more experienced and mature person, if anything she had "groomed" him.
>>2056359>he's talked about having cameras over his hottub recording everything with audio and then invited a bunch of women (extraemily, emiru, etc) to hang out in itThe girls were farming for outrage but there's no scandal there. It's Sodapoppin's house, and the backyard has CCTV security cameras. The hot tub is right below the one that's above the house's door to the backyard, so it's not only perfectly understandable but perfectly innocent (in principle, at least).
>I think the women around him are incredibly naiveOn the contrary, they're specifically cunning and know how to farm a situation for views. This isn't a bad thing, imo. That's how they get more dough from the moids.
>the men around him dgaf because they think all the girls involved are cloutchasing opportunists so they deserve itThat's also farming.
>>2056558>>2056652>Did he ever buy his ex Malena such expensive gifts?>I don't think he gave Malena many gifts.Yes, and he claimed (up to discussion if it's actually true or not) that when they split, she was given a 50/50 split on all the income the LLC had made (i.e. the company they made to file taxes and report income for everything they earned as a couple through the channel - that's why Malena was the one who always paid with the food - with a "company card"). In one
>They're either dating or there's a sinister reason for his behaviorHe explained that as well - that the amount of viewers farming with Katchi brought in is what helped him reach the 20k subs threshold, and that thanks to that increase in popularity he had managed to secure the "six figure sponsorship" (i.e. no less than $100,000) for that Harris/Waltz campaign stream, and therefore Katchi deserved a cut. That seems perfectly fair and considerate to me. Personally, I believe Katchi chose the bag as "the cut", and they're both farming this pretending he gifted it to her. Both get more views doing that.
While I think Malena would appreciate people defending her, and while I personally hate that NMPlol keeps talking about her for views, a lot of people underestimate how smart Malena is and how often she'd play dumb for the character/camera. She's definitely well off, I do believe they split their earnings 50/50, and now she's living her best life without NMP dragging her down.
No. 2057646
>>2057491Malena, is that you?
Hope you are doing okay, and sending love to your mother and your family as well. You were always great and my favorite person in Austin. As a Nordic person I always related to you and I think you are so funny and so beautiful.
(hi cow) No. 2057730
>>2057646No, and…
>I think you are so funny and so beautifulDon't be cringe.
No. 2058124
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Topkek for all my Twitch nonnies today, a reminder that MikefromPA (Central_Committee) is the most embarrassing, desperate streamer on the platform, begging and pleading for a scrap of attention from Daddy Hasan. Mike is someone that deserves to be bullied but knowing him he probably gets off on it
No. 2058236
>>2056484I wish there was a thread for katchii. I’m tired of seeing and hearing about this bitch everywhere.
>joins OTK next top streamer event>not a single stream sober>no talent, doesn’t do anything remotely interesting besides smiling creepily into the camera, talking to her coomer viewers but gets views regardless because looks>does shit like peeing on stream, even friends and mom telling her to chill >eventually gets voted off the show because she’s shameless and annoying but is brought back because another contestant turns out to be a weird fucking incel >by this time she has gotten enough attention from Nick and Arthur and is pro at farming>behaves like cringey bpdfag, feeding into the whole crazy hot trope>goes to Austin for the finale live show, gets completely wasted, making everyone uncomfortable and drawing all the attention to herself, ruining it for all the other contestants because everyone just talks about the incident for weeks >her narcissistic ass isn’t even remotely sorry, especially not since she gets enabled by Nick>gets rewarded for behavior instead by 2 weeks constant exposure from weirdo Nick who considers her his “science project” >6k viewer average now>14k chanel bag>continued exposure from Nick >gotten attention from pretty much every big streamer by now thanks to him God, some people really do live on easy mode. But she’s a genius, I’ll give her that.
No. 2058237
>>2058236I kinda hate her too, but this:
>>goes to Austin for the finale live show, gets completely wasted, making everyone uncomfortable and drawing all the attention to herself, ruining it for all the other contestantsMakes you sound like you are one of them, because who could possibly care otherwise?
No. 2058350
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>>2058236Agreed, Katchii is annoying, everything about her presence and popularity on Twitch should convince people to not bother trying to make a 'career' out of streaming unless you're young, hot, and able to hook a bigger incel group (literally every woman that is part of the OTK circle). Also nitpick but:
> Makeup doesn't suit her at all, super heavy foundation that looks flat and lifeless, picks a darker shade of lipstick where she could wear gloss that is more flattering > Bad/unnecessary nose contour> Does this thing where she's always posing from her side angle> Always, always, pushes all her hair from the back over her shoulders to the front.It's obvious she's insecure, especially given how heavy she drinks. She was probably told she couldn't do anything but hook some rich guy, so she's stuck between lack of self-discovery and not knowing what she wants to do with her life and selling out
No. 2058392
>>2058236The interactions between Nick and Katchii are so disgusting. It's so peak twitch incel, with the "she's playing me but i'm playing her and we're both playing the audience" shit he's constantly spewing trying to cope with his loneliness and realization that he might just be a shitty human being.
>>2058237>Makes you sound like you are one of them, because who could possibly care otherwise?Are you implying that anon is like, T10nat? I kind of doubt it. To be fair to that anon, the live finale incident was pretty crazy to watch as it happened. You could see the alcohol gaining control over her by the minute and everyone else realizing what's happening.
Also, on the note of Katchii, anybody know how old she actually is? She's being real cagey about the actual number, which makes me think it's higher than she's letting on. I've seen numbers everywhere from 23-28.
No. 2058489
>>2058392>Are you implying that anon is like, T10natI had to look up who that was. I don't know the names of anyone else from the contest. I wasn't implying
nonny was anyone specific, but we all know plenty of streamers lurk and post here.
No. 2058568
>>2058237I’m op and no, not a streamer kek just invested to see how far she’ll go. Was very unemployed months ago and became an otk watcher to distract myself (mainly Emily and Nick tbh). I’m just bitter and stunned at how easily women like her can become rich, especially since most of them already come from wealthier backgrounds (her mom is a lawyer and was basically paying for everything before). I “cared” because I just hate attention whoring behavior and felt really bad for the other candidates like sebby. And since every otk streamer was reacting to her all the time, I tried so hard to get used to her but she’s just fucking insufferable.
>>2058340I’m 100% convinced at least Nick knew. He seems like such an instigator, doing anything and everything for views and subs just to then farm it endlessly. They all must’ve talked to her before the show. I think I read that Esfand said she seemed completely fine before but then changed up quickly when the show started and you can see that when she first enters and is being interviewed she’s just very obnoxious and giggly but it completely escalates later when she keeps drinking from her own bottle but who knows. It could also be that she played it up even more to live up to the crazy girl expectations. And now she’s apparently presenting an award at the streamer awards so let’s see if she pulls another stunt like that…
>>2058350She said multiple times she was afraid she was “too boring” sober. She’s not dumb, she already knows no one gives a shit about her as a person. 40 year old Nick loser watchers just want to look at pretty young women whom they can pay to talk to. And I 100% agree with your nitpicking points kek. Her name is essentially leaked so there’s pics of her from when she was younger and didn’t have this Michael Jackson face on and she looks so much prettier that way. It does seem like she got some work done, though. The hair thing pisses me off the most, idk why she does that. Also she’s most likely 24 turning 25. She kept saying “early-mid” 20s and has made a bunch of other comments like that in Nick’s streams which makes me think she’s around that age. Idk why she’s being so weird about it though. Is she afraid her coomer pay pigs will no longer like her if they know or what? I also get the sense that her single mom is overwhelmed with her grown ass daughter and is just letting her do whatever because she’s already spoiled and entitled af, probably from being put on a pedestal for being mixed in the Philippines as she had a few modelling gigs even.
>>2058392Very disgusting. He’s some 33 year old loser with money and she’s just a lost 24 year old woman doing anything to have a streaming career. I don’t know why nobody thought it was weird how she stayed at his house for two weeks when she didn’t even know him. Like girl please think about your safety for a bit. I had no idea who Nick was until a few months ago so I didn’t even know about Malena. Now I’m just like how did that woman stay with him for a whole ass decade?
No. 2058569
>>2058568Sorry meant to reply to
>>2058392 when I talked about her age
No. 2059120
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Multiple allegations of sa coming out against Tectone including a thread from his previous girlfriend Pinkchyowo. Tectone also went live apparently defending himself.
No. 2060167
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>>2059120Denims with proof of Tectone yelling about Pink not paying rent some months ago No. 2061474
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>>2061330nta. he's had two allegations, one from Caroline Burt about nearly being gangraped during an iceposeidon RV trip. though she somewhat retracted his involvement afterwards
>>1654653 No. 2061475
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>>2061330>>2061474the second from Ayumi_Nini about Pax East 2019
>>1674876>>1676535>>1696481i took this img from here but i don't know where the DMs were first posted
No. 2062261
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>>2062071>just read emirus thread on hereUh holy shit
No. 2062303
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>>2062261that thread was 95% jealousy and a lot of unnecessary pics of her in her early teens but found it. She was a teenager but I'm somehow always shocked to see so many streamers thought it was cute to talk like this.
No. 2062414
>>2062308Yeah I try to give grace to people for what they say in their teens (she was like 15 in this, no?) but at the same time, I guess I can see why she probably gets along really with with degens that
still think it's funny to say that kind of stuff as long as twitch and twitter can't see. Idk maybe I expected more of her just because I can't imagine why a woman who could easily be far more successful than these losers would continue to let them drag her down. I guess it's plausible she isn't any different. God even when a streamer is conventional they're still internally a gross basement dwelling cunt lol
No. 2062634
>>2061986>she's just a naive cloutdemonShe's just a regular clout chaser and has always been.
>>2062248To be fair, fostering isn't permanent. In principle at least, it would make sense to advertise the cat as much as possible so someone will adopt it.
>>2062414>still think it's funny to say that kind of stuffIt is though, slurs are funny. This pretension that the majority of people get scandalized when hearing one is virtue signalling from mentally ill people online. Sure, saying n_gger to a black person in the USA might get you punch in the face, but between friends it's a non-issue, and it's crazy how everyone knows this… except for people with zero black friends that desperately want blacks to think of them as "good people".
(racebaiting) No. 2062693
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Sometimes when I'm bored, I check out the /b/ OTK thread to see what the boys say. I don't recommend it because it's 60% deepfake Emi porn and 100% bad takes. They obsess over Miz and Emi's relationship and how they supposedly secretly broke up recently. The other day when Emi was watching youtube videos, someone caught that her recommended videos were all about recovering from narcissistic relationships.
No. 2063329
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Destiny's gay sex tapes leaked and they are well….trauma-inducing.
I will be posting one of them below and will be making sure to spoiler it. Don't open it if you are a public and make sure you use some eye bleach after.
No. 2063567
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>>2063532nta but the twitter link got taken down anyway and it's kinda hard to censor that without censoring destinys face with his whole face being on that dick….eitherway here is destinys response to this for anyone wondering.
No. 2063583
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his discord dms also got leaked. it seems as though he left his ex wife for lauren southern, but got rejected.
>>2063571revenge porn is illegal retard
No. 2063585
>>2063567Ugh the way he seems weirdly happy about it. And of course you have his minions trying to defend him by calling it revenge porn…completely ignoring the fact that destiny himself sent these vids to some random 19 year old groyper girl while actively lying to his wife and pretending to be serious with Lauren southern. It’s so funny that their go to insult for women is calling them BPD when destiny is the most blatantly obvious cluster b motherfucker alive. I think his friend Dan also cheats on his wife with barely legal teens. Brittany Simon slipped up in one of her streams. She was giving hypothetical “random” examples but they sounded a little too specific. I don’t think she uploaded a vid with this moment so I can’t find it but she said something along the lines of, “You’re a 50 year old man trying to hook up with 18 and 19 year olds”. Destiny looks like shit but he’s def not 50. And that would be the least surprising reveal about Dan ever.
>>2063574I don’t think so. I’ve heard people say the timing matches up but that’s probably coincidental. It doesn’t sound like him in the video.
>>2063577Just look up “destiny fuentes” on twitter and you’ll find it. Plenty of people have also saved it for posterity, trust me lol. You’ll see it soon enough.
>>2063583Not gonna post it to be safe, but I don’t think this counts as revenge porn since I highly doubt he had the permission of the people in the videos (there were multiple videos including ones with Melina and some other girl) to be sending them to strangers online. If it’s revenge porn, he’s equally guilty of it. He’s blackmailed people by threatening to release their nudes before.
No. 2063589
>>2063583>revenge pornmuh revenge porn when all anon posted was a video of destiny sucking another man's dick an you can't even see who the other man is. How is it revenge porn when destiny is the one who kept sharing these videos like a retard to any orbiter of his who was part of his harem.
The only
victims are Melina and of course that shouldn't be posted which is why anon only posted the gay video.
No. 2063639
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>>2063592I think he mostly finishes himself off bc I don’t see how he could even be capable of penetration for long since his head isn’t viable at all when hard. Men are so fucking broken I swear. Even when they have a malformed dick that can’t function correctly, instead of becoming more docile and focusing on other pursuits (the reason we neuter male animals js) they just become somehow even more depraved and sex obsessed. There is a part of me that feels bad for Melina bc how low do you have to think of yourself to be willing to not only have sex with this creature, but marry it?
No. 2063682
it's crazy how a goblin like this
>>2063639 is able to get laid with so many women and men. Also the KF link also involves the women too who i don't think they gave consent or knew that that videos would end up being leaked so idk if this post should stay up
>>2063678(sage your shit) No. 2063715
>>2063639i can’t believe this pic is real. his body is so tiny and his head is comically huge wtf.
>>2063703they’re divorced and he had an affair with lauren southern KEK
No. 2063722
Lauren Southern’s final message to Destiny
>I appreciate your messages, truly.
>None of this is your fault honestly, it’s mine. I really really enjoy your company, I’ve never engaged with a mind like yours at the level we do and the depths we do about life and politics. Actually the most enjoyable thing I find is just talking to you about the nature of our own minds and interactions. It’s all such an open book…. Truly seeing how human and fallible… but also beautiful and unique we both are.
>I think what makes it extra special is the absurdly rare context it’s all in, beyond just the fact that we’re political “rivals” …. People who are perfectly in agreement in political life rarely show one another how human they really are. It’s all so much posturing and fear of judgment.
>I don’t get that with you at all, and that’s been a once in a lifetime experience…. and I hope you know while I have critiques of the way you live your life at times it doesn’t come from a place of judgment. In fact, it comes from a place of me wanting you to do better, be happier and live in a more meaningful way. You’re made for so much more than what you’re doing now.
>We have different moral codes for how we engage with the world, you’ve done nothing to violate yours. I’ve done everything to violate mine.
>I know through and through that polyamorous relationships result in pain for one party. I know that you’re married and your wife was uncomfortable with our interactions. I knew that so damn well I tried to stop this all at the start, but let myself be incredibly selfish and hold on to this.
>I know you say you and Melina would have separated anyways, but there is simply no way I did not have some complicity in this. Any feelings you grow towards one person take away from the feelings you have towards another, the time and the effort you put into fixing your relationship with another human.
>It sounds like you truly believe you’re capable to balance polyamorous relationships, so I don’t think you violated any of your values. I truly believed that you could not, and persisted anyways and now you’re getting a divorce.
>I am really really fucking ashamed of myself. Please don’t try to change my mind on this or make me feel better, it’s not about whether you perceive my behavior wrong or not - it’s about knowing I’ve violated my own internal understanding of morality and decent behavior towards others in the world.
>When I prayed about you, God told me you are absolutely someone meant to be in my life. Absolutely someone who is supposed to help me, and I help you on this insane journey of life, understanding meaning and place in this world… how to do good and use our platforms for greater things.
>He also absolutely told me the way we are going about things was wrong though, and I ignored that.
>I can now see how much pain Melina is in. I can see how much chaos and pain you’re in. How much confusion I have right now - and all of this could have been avoided by just listening to what I knew was right.
>You weren’t getting those messages, your internal system wasn’t telling you these things - mine was and I ignored it.
>The selfish part of me wants to continue on romantically with you, the part of me that knows what’s right and just certainly towards John is that we need to stop having romantic interactions even just through text. If we don’t any more chaos or pain caused going forward will be entirely my fault for once again ignoring what I know to be the decent thing to do.
>Of course I love you and care for you deeply. More than you know, but I - we need to learn to do that as friends.
>I don’t know what the future holds for us, and even if things do change in the future, at this time we still need to do what’s right and operate in a way that does right by those around us.
>I know you talk about your marriage having serious problems and wanting to end it anyway, but can you really truly say you tried? Not just put your logical mind into it, but your heart as well? Truly wanted to love Melina for all her flaws, truly work with her to improve her understanding of you and the world? Truly worked with her to make you feel loved and make her feel loved unconditionally?
>The way you describe it, it sounds like you were getting tired of the relationship and got counseling in order for Melina to be emotionally stable when you ended things. It doesn’t sound like you did counseling with the intention of truly wanting to fix things. It doesn’t sound like your heart was in it…. And that’s no way to approach relationship crises.
>Perhaps I’m wrong and you truly have put 110% into loving Melina and wanting to repair the bond you have. If that’s the case, then I understand and I fully support you moving on.
>If that’s not the case though - you should call her, tell her you love her and let her know you weren’t putting your full effort in because you had emotionally resigned from things. Emotionally resigned because you felt there was no hope. Let her know you don’t feel loved the way you should be, and that you really really want her to love you in that way. Guide her through the steps she needs to take to love you the way you need and her you.
>What we had thrived so beautifully not because of our similar hobbies, interests, political background etc. things between us could have been a horrible awful experience despite all of that. The reason it thrived was because of total honesty, transparency, putting our hearts on our sleeves and never telling each other comfortable lies…. We spent 24/7 just asking each other “what are you thinking” and refusing to let it go until the other person shared thoughts that 99.9% of the time would have been left unsaid.
>Relationships fail when lies begin and things are left unsaid.
>While I’ve violated a thousand of my own values and principles and take the brunt of the blame for all of this, I know you’ve violated at least a few of your own promises as well…. Like allowing your polyamory to become romantic and beyond what you and Melina had agreed on.
>While she may fail in some regards with supporting your work and communication, has she violated boundaries that dire? Was it really wrong of her to be reaching out and stressing about where you were and what you were doing when you were in fact violating boundaries you both had set?
>I feel like things were kind of put on her for contacting you so much when we were together, like it was her fault for not giving you your freedom…. And I know that’s something you agreed on - but perhaps her reactions were because she knew somewhere deep down that it wasn’t just a regular polyamorous get together but that she was losing you…. And her violating your boundaries was in response to her own boundaries being violated.
>I’m far from an expert on relationships.
>I feel like we are in the wrong here though. The more I think about it, the more my heart sinks and I realize I knew this from the very start.
>Once again, you say you saw problems in Melina from the start and it had to end from the start…. But I think you simply saw those problems as more dire now because of the contrast between our time together and your time with her.
>Lets say you never met Melina and we dated, then met our own inevitable string of problems and crises to conquer in our relationship, such as monogamy or work and family balance etc.… and then you met Melina and she was this free butterfly who agreed with you on polyamory who was the person you first met that gave you space to work etc.
>I believe our problems would also be highlighted by the contrast, and you may leave me for her.
>This is the crisis with the way we are engaging in relationships, not giving our whole hearts. Giving large pieces of our hearts to each other instead of Melina and John. It’s not fair, it’s not right and the way we are engaging with relationships is not only setting up our current relationships for failure, but any future one we would potentially have anyways.
>Like I said at the start of this…. Relationships end how they start. We’d just be beginning another cycle of broken hearts.
>This is not a judgment on you at all. I think you live your life truly aspiring to be good, be kind to others and do right. You simply see another way of getting there.
>This is a judgment on me, because I also aspire to be good, be kind and do right by others - but I knowingly failed to do all those things.
>I care about you deeply. I want you in my life as a friend, a mentor, someone who can go through all these ideas and experiences with me…. We sharpen each other and challenge each other and that's an invaluable relationship.
>I hope you can do that in a non-romantic way with me. I understand if you can’t though.
No. 2063739
>>2063722Did Melina or the chat leaks ever say when this LS affair happened in relation to them debating? I didn’t watch that debate but it was mentioned on the Rabbit Hole podcast that she got BTFO. Was she really so upset that a man didn’t like her that she threw aside her “traditional Christian values” to suck this MARRIED pedolib’s deformed dick? And also that man looks like
>>2063639 ? Pick-mes truly never prosper.
No. 2063759
>>2063739that entire message reads like she genuinely wanted to ruin his life from the get go and she's
so angry he got out unscathed besides a divorce. feels like she was trying to play the long game.
No. 2063803
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I've been saying for YEARS that his obsession with Hasan stems from him desperately wishing he could choke on his penis and was I wrong? Evidence supports my theory now
No. 2063892
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>>2063722This is so pathetic. I have to admit I've simped over ugly retarded moids before too though. One time I saw an anon say sucking dick gives you an incurable brain toxoplasmosis and I think Lauren has that and I probably do too
Fuck he's ugly though, at least debase yourself over a himbo hottie
No. 2063930
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>>2063722This actually made me cry. It's so sincere. How was this written by the same woman that shot flares at refugee boats?
No. 2066211
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Well nonnies the streamer awards happened again. I didn't care to watch the whole thing but did pick up on some milky moments:
> Hasan's outfit was terrible (honestly why can't the guy hire a professional to dress him properly? He keeps getting outfits that look good on the opposite body type. He and Willneff wore white tanktops and heavy jackets > Kek at Hasan not being allowed to be interviewed in front of the sponsors:> Valkyrae was best dressed imo > Everyone else looking pretty prom-dress style> The only time I like Cyr is when Peachjars makes him dress up with her and get into character. They were dressed as Harkonnens from Dune > Katchi gets up and makes a fool of herself cause she's wasted. At first I thought it was a bit but nope, she's actually hammered and sitting next to NMPLOL (gross)> I still never understand why Caroline Kwan isn't ever a co-host with QT. Caroline sucks at any kind of political commentary (she echoes Hasan/doesn't really know what she's talking about), but she's really good at public speaking and knows a lot about acting/movie history. She would make a way better co-host. But maybe that's why QT doesn't want her there cause it'll make her look bad. Her outfit looked pretty but the lighting washed her out. > QT's first dress looked weird, like it was too small. 2nd dress was a huge improvement. She should really stick to these champagne/nude tones, her features are too light to pull jewel tones. > Her brand-sponsored dress: tell me your desperate for sponsor money without telling me > Bella Poarch performed (kek at her having to perform at mid-tier streamer award contests). Outfit was cute, but whoever did the lighting this year messed it up. Highlighted Bella's acne (not a problem, but she probably didn't want that highlighted on stream)> Pretty cute Ironmouse song, though I can't stand CDawgVA. It was cute when he was just a Vtuber and no one knew what he looked like, but he's so ugly, it clashes so hard with the model. Just be like Ironmouse, never show what you look like and that you're not someone in their mid-30s. Also the obvious height difference is weird. It's like their competing: Ironmouse being the little uwu bean (Ironmouse is a well known loli-panderer) and CDawgVA being the tots 6'5" demondaddy. Plus you get CDawgVA's forced Astarion personality!> Cringe Fazecrew (aka spoiled LA kids with fake personalities of hardened, tough street kids) win some awards. Takes pic of stacked awards in a urinal with them 'peeing' on it with caption 'Fuck them all' (kek)> XQC discovers the consequences of his own actions when presents an award and commentating that HE wasn't in any nominations this year. Everyone in that room probably hates him, he moved to Kick to gamble, and barely pulls significant numbers on Twitch anymore. Only knows how to stream his latest purchases (at least he looked nice and has a stable relationship now)> Dan Clancy (who should probably be keeping a low profile) is there looking like an idiot in his cowboy hat and always checking his phone. Has himself sitting front row where QT and co-host present. I get he wants to be part of the streamer community but this isn't really helping his 'I don't know anything about what the streamers are talking about' aloofness when confronted with criticism for his lack of control on the site. Overall I wish these would just stop. They are a huge money sink for QT and it's just an excuse for the biggest streamers in LA to gather together. Streaming isn't comparable to other mediums that have award shows like acting or singing, it's a popularity contest/who is friends with who. Sure they bring in a few categories that allows 'new streamers' to get attention, but those streamers are already connected to some larger streamer in some way (one winner of the breakthrough category or whatever is friends with NMPLOL). It's tiring seeing the same nominees for the same categories, KaiCenat was in at least 5 and won 4 awards? It's always the same top 5 Vtubers and Ironmouse always wins something. At least try to pretend you're changing it up with nominees but they never do. Leaving it up for fans to vote for the nominees that they voted for = never-ending popularity contest.
The biggest milk came from Mizkif, who announced when he was watching the awards that he 'won' his court case. For nonnies that don't remember, I think about a year or so ago, Adrianah Lee sued OTK and others (Mizkif, Maya, etc) for defamation. The defamation was based around things these guys were saying about her in regards to the CrazySlick SA. Miz is going to make a whole video about it 'telling the truth', but he calls out Ludwig specifically. He said Ludwig's whole video about the event made him want to alog and Ludwig did nothing to correct it when he knew the Adrianah stuff was a 'lie'. Thing is Miz didn't 'win' the case, it was just Adrianah couldn't bring enough evidence to convince a judge that the things said about her were enough to warrant her $2mil compensation. The case was thrown out. The judge might have considered the OTK investigation showing he didn't necessarily do anything wrong in their ruling, but it doesn't mean that Miz is now legally deemed 100% innocent. Just it couldn't be proven to warrant the compensation.
No. 2066275
>>2066211The streamer awards are such a freaking joke. QT is a narcissist, your commentary on Caroline being a better co-host is spot on but Caroline is also kind of an insufferable, snobby for no goddamn reason, mean girl cunt as I learned after being gifted a sub one time. But she should really lean into speaking on what she knows instead of parroting Hasan with no political background, interesting perspective, empathy, or nuance.
I'm so over twitch being shamelessly moid centered, yellow fever pandering bullshit. Faze clan "rising up" speaks volumes about what the future of the site it going to be. Like great! Spoiled embarrassing LA kids who think it's edgy and cool to piss on awards and who love Trump! Love that for the future of streaming!
No. 2066335
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>>2066211>>2066212Pre-show on the red carpet, Nick (nmplol) repeatedly mentioned trying to get Katchii drunk, while she insisted she has no intention of drinking at all.
In his discord, Nick posts a bottle of fireball he's smuggling in.
No. 2066336
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>>2066211>>2066212>>206633520 minutes later she's wasted and his fireball bottle is empty.
If Nick encouraged an alcoholic to drink 'for content', he's a sociopath.
If he did it in hopes of fucking her, he's a rapist.
No. 2066434
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>>2066216Winning in court =/= being innocent, because wealthy people can obviously game the system by using their resources to obtain the most Machiavellian lawyers, drag the case on in the hopes of bankrupting the other person, etc.. He's just mad that Ludwig capitalized on his "trauma", which is him being seen as the manipulative piece of shit that he is, because he 100 % was trying to cover up for his friend. This isn't to "make things right", this is punishment for him losing sponsors, money, and social status. He's such an emotionally manipulative manchild, going on about how Ludwig made him want to kill himself. Apparently he's been saying this shit for months, so I'm wondering if he's preparing to retaliate somehow.
No. 2066450
>>2066211Mizkif is so fucking obnoxious.
>>2066434Dudes a pathological liar. He was not going to kill himself, he's a complete narcissist and is banking on this statement making him seem like a vulnerable relatable uwu softboi. His absolute contempt for Ludwig and QT is obvious but he's an idiot, anyone who isn't a moron can see through this immediately. Even Maya felt horrible about her contribution to the situation and it was clear she was only sticking by Miz side in the first place because that was her bf, she isn't trying to use it to garner pity now either. Fucking LOL at Emi's really bad fake crying about crazyslick in the staged "statement", she's also stuck to Miz hip despite the fact that he's a narc. He really thinks that a little bit of time passing means people will automatically forget the entire fiasco and accept him as a
>Will saved my lifeWill is a sleazebag who says anything to anyone if he thinks he will benefit socially and kisses up to literally everyone, so much so that it's a meme among many streamers. He's a brown nose. God these people are so retarded.
No. 2066452
>>2066275I don't think many people want to see Caroline as a host. She's an annoying valley girl and her only contribution the entire night was whining about her broken shoes. I'm actually not sure if there's any other female streamer that rude and vapid, but I'm also not a constant watcher so idk. Unpleasant overall, and you have to be in order to date Will Neff.
>>2066212Kek I loved that she was saying thank you as if she herself had gotten an award. Girl just present it wtf. Had to have been because of how drunk she was.
>>2066336This is sooo schizo but I think mister arthurs gentleman larp is probably a lie and he's a turbomisogynist in reality. This isn't a theory I'm putting much weight into or fostering but the signs are there kek.
No. 2066464
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>>2066211>I can't stand CDawgVA. It was cute when he was just a Vtuber and no one knew what he looked like, but he's so ugly, it clashes so hard with the modelLol anon everyone knew what he looked like and that he was bubi, maybe you were just under a rock.
God the cosplay is haunting me though, it was so bad and unnecessary.The worst part about streamer events is when they do pauses onstage expecting a dramatic applause because they forget their very streamlined, tiny pocket of frothing fans exist only in a vacuum and don't account for the audience in front of them.
No. 2066943
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Anyone kept up with Bahroo? He wants to become an IRL streamer cause his chat is throwing him compliments and blow air up his ass. The chat is basically a cult as anyone saying anything critical is blocked, he can’t handle any criticism or jokes on his behalf.
He does yearly subathon and after a few days when the times goes down he remembers he is 30+ and being in front of his computer all day is bad for you and quits. Not “I’ll do a few hours a day to balance life and work so the event is not over.” Nah. He can’t handle not being top and after like three failed Vtuber models of a hot girl which has nothing to do with him but being a gross old man.
No. 2068198
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>>2068194The morgpie in question lol. Whenever another woman was asked her character race some guy called out "white trash", it's interesting watching genuinely ugly incel phenotype men interact among eachother with fully unironic egoism. Whole room looked like it smelled crazy kek.
No. 2068312
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>>2068241Yeah it was cringe. I hate all these RP streamers joining on the latest trend and fucking it up. 3/4 of the people in this room have no idea what they are actually doing and as a wow player it annoyed the fuck out of me.
> saying Zug Zug repeatedly cause that's all they know about being an orc and talking in caveman speech> Throwing on fur wraps because you're a tauren (wakewilder looked so stupid, I can't stand his man bun. He gifted someone two jugs of milk cause that was his 'Tauren milk')> Every 'troll' saying 'ting' 1000 times and garbage Jamaican accents> That one girl in the front wearing some elaborate rogue outfit but I had no idea what she was supposed to be (undead I guess?) > Whatever the fuck Cyr was supposed to be? I can't stand him, imagine being a 34 year old man and still having to scream/piss your pants for attention online. Gross. He looked like Elon's armor profile picture kek > Fandy getting live cockroaches (Undead meme) in a small tank. The tank was wrapped in gift wrap and said 'do not shake' so good thing Fandy got it cause any other of those moids would have fucking shook the thing like crazy > Someone getting a collector's item, then opening the box and trying to put on the helm for the lulz I guess I expected a little bit more effort from people but it was so tacking and just wrong. How do you play a game for weeks and not understand the basics. Like if you're going to spend the money on shitty cheap Amazon armor pieces, at least try to get it kinda accurate? RP streamers again showing they are lazy moochers who only put effort into who can be more obnoxious than the other. Palmbee was the literal 'I'm a mouse, duh' meme, like she couldn't cut out some cardboard ears, paint them, and bobby pin them to her wig or something? At least I'd know what she was. Even the girls just wearing cow ears had some effort. And the gifts were so inconsistent, like Wake's milk and then a VR headset. I get Soda tries to set rules but damn streamers are so insufferable they'll take any situation and turn into their own spotlight.