File: 1477929176531.png (507.38 KB, 480x597, lunathread.png)

No. 190985
old thread hit limit
>20 yr old heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive >Gets by acting like a lost soul online>Has every mental/physical illness under the sun>She started dating her 35 year old boyfriend before she was 18, calls him daddy>has a following of impressionable young girls who shes convinced to 'help her' during this 'tough time' in her life.>romanticizes the hell out of her nasty addiction but rants on the internet how vile it is to do so>"i'm not trying to be courtney love!" >tries to be exactly like courtney love>loves to share her filthy life on the internet, including awful photos of her cats laying in filth and used needlesold thread
>>171004 No. 190987
File: 1477929524147.png (626.6 KB, 918x443, lunasmile.png)

lol did she try to take a "candid selfie" ?
also, luna, you look terrifying. Genuinely spooky.
No. 190994
File: 1477931498532.jpg (1.19 MB, 1439x2233, 20161031_112817.jpg)

Her art is actually getting even worse.
No. 191006
File: 1477934439952.png (485.39 KB, 796x593, lunashitdrawing.png)

her art is horrid omg she should stick to coloring books they would probably help her technique lmao
check out this shit drawing she did of hello kitty a while bad wtf how does she consider herself an artist? shes not even creative to make up for her total lack of skill..
No. 191007
File: 1477934853769.png (343.41 KB, 533x601, hellokittty.png)

>>191006thats what she was trying to copy like omg i've seen more talent in literal children.
No. 191025
>>191006I would love to see her do a series of an artist on various drugs and how the art changes. I think it could be interesting.
I don't get how he previous image of the purple hooker and this hello kitty drawing could be done in a range of a few months. Also because she's posted better "art" in the past on her tumblr.
No. 191039
>>191025she just doesn't work towards developing her drawing as a skill.
she never tries to better herself as an artist and all of her work is contrived as hell.
Her style is impossible to like because her drawing and painting skills are so shit and she doesn't actually work hard.
No. 191064
>>191039she also completely lacks creativity and all her drawings are emulations of other tumblr girl art (much better tumblr girl art lol) and daniel jonston
so she doesn't have that to cover up her complete lack of skill
No. 191120
File: 1477955643889.png (95.43 KB, 640x911, IMG_7519.PNG)

No. 191121
File: 1477955857614.png (83.34 KB, 640x818, IMG_7520.PNG)

No. 191149
>>191114I know someone else already did it. I was just wondering what it would be like from her point of view.
Better not give her any ideas she could possibly make money off of though.
No. 191151
>>191121Ahh yes the best therapy for a BPD and general mentally ill person is to get them hooked on drugs.
Someone hand this guy the best human being award!
No. 191159
File: 1477962490893.png (556.84 KB, 713x677, Capture _2016-10-31-20-04-49.p…)

Yeah Luna… Lol its funny that your a disgusting slob who hasn't touched a washing machine in months. Wtf. She's so nasty why is she displaying her nasty fucking dirt and filth?? Bitch, its not 'aesthetic' Ew.
No. 191206
>>191170they're not a very impressive person
luna has bad taste
No. 191210
File: 1477969569365.png (684.82 KB, 817x597, poorkitty.png)

look at this sad filthy probably ill kitty. it makes me so sad.
No. 191528
File: 1478018005888.png (613.09 KB, 812x486, lunaheels.png)

umm for someone in such "chronic pain" who loves to flaunt her cane she doesn't use.. there's probably a reason you don't want to wear heels!????
she is sooo dumb all she does is contradict herself I swear the girl must have only 3 brain cells.
No. 191538
File: 1478018827010.png (6.9 KB, 1067x219, lunatumblr.png)

yes.. luna post "more" (aka start talking about her drug use and dope sickness and filthy living situation, and how she is the only person with bpd) aka pls release the milk
No. 191560
>>191528Judging by her background, it seems like she's cleaned up a bit.
Please wash the fucking sheets/stuffed animals next. I can't stand pictures of that poor cat in all that filth.
No. 191647
File: 1478033510872.png (760.52 KB, 808x600, lunaart.png)

god her art is so bad i swear she doesn't spend but 5 minutes on a piece she's never actually put effort into her art and if she is then she could have fooled me
No. 191653
File: 1478034148086.png (510.31 KB, 805x600, Screen Shot 2016-11-01 at 2.00…)

so i didn't know she had ever accepted my follow request on her insta and then this thing popped up on my feed the other night and i regret everything
No. 191668
File: 1478034492796.png (674.79 KB, 596x573, lunateeth.png)

her teeth before heroin and crack, still crooked but omg they're so gnarly now. I bet she doesn't own a toothbrush. Someone buy her a tooth brush lmao
omg ew or worse her and sea monster share a tooth brush ewwwww
No. 191671
File: 1478034729126.png (866.84 KB, 592x630, lunalurch.png)

scrolling back and back in her insta and found this gem. she must be 18? fucking gross.
No. 191677
File: 1478035147683.png (655.02 KB, 600x552, lunaartold.png)

>>191649when she actually worked on it cuz she was trying to get into art schools (somehow got into pratt lmao) like you can tell she puts zero effort into now someone just get the ho a coloring book damn
No. 191701
File: 1478038239044.png (150.42 KB, 640x910, IMG_7543.PNG)

bitch what the fuck
No. 191711
her art is so damn crappy. she has no skill whatsoever.
>>191701damn, she really loves being trashy.
No. 191754
>>191701a "guy you know"? you mean you dealer?
lol we know you don't have any friends luna!
No. 191827
>>191824i'm sure she literally stole that from animal crossing.
her art is a mixture of ripping off several artists. Nothing original. She doesn't have an original thought in her mind.
No. 191832
File: 1478050809377.png (694.05 KB, 831x529, lunalurchold.png)

oo forgot to post pic sry
No. 191866
File: 1478053225538.png (18.58 KB, 712x244, Capture _2016-11-01-21-18-17.p…)

Yeah, crack will give you that effect. I can't wait till she's a full blown crackhead and just goes completely nuts and paranoid. Haha.
No. 192041
>>191896she's calling him her boyfriend in a pic posted before this one
he's such a fucking creeeeeeep
No. 192104
File: 1478106356459.png (276.06 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-11-02-13-03-22…)

Um can we talk about how shes now begging people to buy her shit on instagram now. Also lmao @ how her commissions are usually "60-70" dollars who in their fucking right mind would pay that much money for art equivalent to what i was drawing in 6th grade
No. 192139
>>192104her mentioning christmas is sooo dumb
like luna, your an adult, santa isn't real..
also as an adult, my parents still get me things but they are along the lines of : new tooth brush, new sheets, etc
No. 192186
>>192104>>192139oh shit i thought this was from last week where she posted the same shoes and was like "maybe this christmas!" lmao ok luna
but I just looked at her IG and she literally just flooded it with little pieces of crap from etsy that "you should buy for me because it's only a couple of dollars, I could buy them but I need money to support my new crack addiction!!!! please! buy my art for $1000!"
No. 192335
File: 1478114294502.png (232.36 KB, 750x1145, IMG_2410.PNG)

Ah yes, more stuff clothes that she happened to find in the garbage… so does she dumpster dive now or what?
No. 192426
>>192386if lurch is actually 'making money' selling drugs i'm sure it goes right back into buying more drugs. He probably just gets paid in dope for picking up for other people be knows like an extra bag here and there.
Luna has mentioned that and also selling xanax in the past so they could buy heroin.
>>192335…what's a vegan hoodie? what's a not vegan hoodie?
She's not even vegan?
Also I have a theory that their apartment is just filled with shit stuffed in closets and drawers but even then you think it would upset her more if there were ex girlfriend's clothes in there. He has apparently lived there with his dad for like 12 years.
Also Luna was NEVER allowed in the apartment until she moved in, she never explained why. Maybe lurch didn't want granddaddy lurch to know he was dating a child. But she always had pics of her sitting outside and shit talking his crack smoking neighbors (who I assume she's chill with now!)
No. 192436
File: 1478120810918.png (518.59 KB, 837x498, lurch.png)

No. 192445
File: 1478122015238.gif (1.52 MB, 512x512, IMG_2411.GIF)

No. 192710
File: 1478134408706.jpg (297.74 KB, 1197x1337, PicsArt_11-02-07.51.06.jpg)

Dirty spoiled brat. She fucking lifted this shit, no doubt.
No. 192714
>>192710"It's all untouched"
Yea because she stole it. Jesus this girl.
No. 192718
>>192710"It's all untouched"
Yea because she stole it. Jesus this girl.
No. 192929
>>192894I bet she's stealing out of people's cars, man. It makes sense, with the hoodies, shoes, makeup ect. I keep a lot of emergency supplies like that in my car just in case.
What a lowlife piece of shit.
No. 192946
>>192361A lot of places won't allow their employees to do anything about shoplifting other than calling the cops after the shoplifter has already left the premises. They sure as hell don't allow their employees to physically stop the shoplifter, because the business doesn't want to get into legal trouble if the employee or shoplifter gets hurt.
Shoplifting is especially easy if you shoplift cheap stuff from low-end places.
>>192710Check out the burnt matches on the right side. Classy.
No. 192997
>>192895exactly, why would she go through the trouble of shoplifting really REALLY shitty products? if she was stealing she'd have nicer shit.
also she is hella memorable and lives in a 'small town' with few shops, as she describes, i don't see her going to big stores like cvs or target. she wouldn't be able to go back to those shops/continuously steal from them if they see her everyday.
She also only leaves the house to score which even then I think matthew does mostly on his own. they go to the gas station together i guess to get cake and cigarettes. poor thing considers that a 'date'.
she refuses to do anything productive or make any real effort towards anything so I just don't think she's going through the trouble of shoplifting.
however.. i cannot solve the mystery of all these 'found' items.
I'm the one that posted that maybe the apartment is just FILLED with crap since lurch and his daddy have been living there for so long and they're obviously not clean people.. that's the only theory I have where she finds clothes and stuff.
that make up is soo cheap and gross though, that lip gloss is disgusting. That's stuff I was given as a little girl to play dress up with.
No. 192998
File: 1478179661152.png (229.3 KB, 531x387, lunafb1.png)

wtf is this
No. 193025
>>193019yeah and she "re-wrote" it aka it's a revised draft?
that crack is making her exponentially stupider i think, i didn't think she could get much dumber but her writing and coloring abilities are actually crumbling.
she also probably never proofreads anything cuz she's ~an artist~ and lord knows artists and writers don't spend time and put effort into their work!
No. 193031
>>192997She might be dumpster diving behind stores. When I worked at Ulta our dumpster was pretty much unattended, day and night. We had cameras in the stores but not in the dumpsters (though usually we destroyed things that had to be thrown out). A dollar store, where half that shit appears to be from, might just toss their damaged products, so maybe she's rifling through their trash.
But yeah, the physicians formula and lip glosses are definitely old. Like, alarmingly old.
No. 193057
>>193036lol nah she smokes them because she's got a nicotine addiction that's fed by her heroin and crack addiction.. sorry grandma
my family all reeks of cigarettes too I wouldn't blame them for me smoking now..
No. 193072
File: 1478190554302.png (444.41 KB, 732x441, lunasfriends.png)

she's pretty proud of being an adult whose only friends are stuffed animals..
No. 193117
>>193085Abusers tend to isolate their victims from their friends and families. Despite how much Luna pretends otherwise, it seems very obvious to me that Lurch is a manipulative and most likely emotionally unstable and abusive person. He's addicted to drugs and got her addicted to heroin, and now controls her through this. She rarely sees her father and her thoughts have turned against him because he is strict to her and doesn't approve of her lifestyle. I'm sure her father isn't perfect, but I imagine that Luna's drug addiction has made it much harder for him to reach out to her.
Luna probably doesn't have friends because Lurch keeps her on this short heroin leash, and she's deluded into this Courtney Love fantasy where she believes it's all very romantic that "he's the only one (she) needs", when in reality, it's sad and pathetic she's living in the hovel of some 30 year old addict and his dying father. Of course she doesn't have any friends. She's high all the time with Lurch. She doesn't "need" anyone but him.
I realize some people may not believe he's an abuser, but I think he may be. Luna is deplorable on her own but his guy is a fucking predator. Do you remember those screenshots of her crying about how he would shout at her and blame her for everything when he couldn't get high? This is an awful situation and I wish she would just get out.
No. 193123
>>193117i second this. known her for a long time and the downward spiral happened exactly when they got together late in her senior year
he's gross
she used to be desperate for a trip and begged me to tell her whenever i possibly had a connect. we got bunk acid once from this dude who i didn't know so well and she got so upset and put it on me, then lurch started texting me from her phone asking me to give them their money back…. like dude i did tell you there was a possibility it wouldn't be acid i took the risk and so did she, i was so uncomfortable being texted by that dirty old man
also can confirm she doesn't smell good irl
No. 193132
>>193117I agree totally.
She reminds me so much of me when I was 17, isolating myself from friends with my 28 year old boyfriend and making music in his mom's house. Seemed really punk at the time; wandering the city with him, drinking and starving. Completely pathetic in retrospect; especially when I realize I was the only one finding it poetic- he just liked taking advantage of a teenager.
With that age difference, they would realistically be in completely different worlds, if Lurch wasn't a literal man child. Luna would be in college having flings with guys her age, partying in a healthy way. Lurch would have a career and maybe a wife, be moved from his parents' house & be in such a different universe than Luna that it would terrify her how "old" he really is.
Sorry for minor blog post but I just see this cycle repeated with so many girls and grimey old dudes that don't actually give a fuck about them. I bet Lurch brags about her jailbait ass to his old guy friends.
No. 193204
>>193123gosh that's so deplorable that they acted that way about fucking acid. although that's some shit they would pull now even if it was good shit. they're vile creatures but I completely agree, he's the pedophile and by proxy he's the enabler.
Let's say he left her tomorrow (she'd go stay with her dad immediately or if her moms on her own idk, she definitely wouldn't be homeless, she'd definitely be updating her tumblr or instagram if she didn't immediately overdose trying to attempt suicide or on accident, etc. she'd be totally lost. she literally knows no one else to get high with and her supply wouldn't last long, she's completely useless so I think she'd have to give up I think that would be her rock bottom and that her parents might be able to convince her to detox and get sober (i know her parents are ex/current addicts but like she loves her mom and she supposedly got sober after luna moved out)
like the best thing that could happen to her might be him kicking her to the curb once she gets too old or whateve because he's a fucking predator to young girls obviously.
No. 193207
>can confirm she doesn't smell good irli can't stop laughing please tell us more
No. 193294
File: 1478219319843.png (1.6 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2016-11-03-19-26-05…)

Looks like someone just hit the crack pipe!
No. 193296
>>192889it's even funnier because luna called bree out on her old blog because brees boyfriend was being creepy to some girl, told bree she could no longer be her friend and now it seems shes acting like everythings good lmao.
also guys, i remember on another old blog of hers (the one that was deleted before the previous one) that an anon asked "i know your real name!" and she said something along the lines of "nooo pls dont use it" so. another myth busted
No. 193352
File: 1478226802501.jpg (97.87 KB, 1080x1312, dirty mirror.jpg)

>>193348She did clean it! Maybe one of her followers complained about it being disgusting.
No. 193397
>>189761>>183607>>192335>>192710Look at the nice things she's
found, all of them her style and size, in the past two and a bit weeks. What a
remarkable streak of good luck.
No. 193411
>>193072please soak them in hot water + baking soda. PLEASE!
how does she not have a face full of acne? her toys and sheets are filthy, by all rights she should be a pizzaface.
No. 193413
File: 1478239437094.jpg (258.98 KB, 810x1012, creepydoll.jpg)

Did anyone ever post that doll Matthew found for her in the garbage?
Think how dirty it must be, you know she didn't bother washing it before taking it into her home and touching it.
No. 193432
>>193428Her real name
is Luna Rose Slater. Named after the lunar eclipse that occurred during her conception in a mental hospital or some shit
No. 193494
File: 1478266928751.jpg (80.25 KB, 714x473, fdsferewewr.jpg)

>>193294>>192445Looks like she's wearing an engagement ring.
No. 193549
File: 1478279442017.png (335.54 KB, 435x394, lunaengagmentring.png)

that nasty yellow thing (is even her ring stained with nicotine?? probably just coated in filth) is her ~engagement ring~
No. 193555
>>193503Look at her other hand. You can barely see it in
>>192445 but it's clearly visible in
>>193294>>193531Story time?
No. 193569
>>193566omg what a bitch i would be soooo mad
she's gonna get caught and hurt one of these days
No. 193596
File: 1478287166111.png (409.12 KB, 481x597, lunaengagmentring.png)

wow she does have a tooth brush! in it's package.. likes it cuz it's cute.. probably won't ever use it to actually brush her teeth which could probably use the help cuz crack is really hard on your enamel
No. 193723
>>193712we all know that she fetishizes and glmaourizes that life, and she could totally get asspats and some vague sympathy, while subtly glamourizing it if she was open about it.
people will connect with you if you're real about shit.
like, you love that dirty life, great, tell us about it, but also say how hard it is when you get dopesick.
both sides of drug addiction stories touch/affect/attract people, and if they don't it's still blogveiws.
monetize it.
however, this is just me being nosy, so i could be totally off the mark.
No. 193768
>>193688The only thing I can think is the people who have sensitive gums and need soft bristles so they don't start bleeding, but that usually comes back to their dental hygiene being bad anyway.
With Luna, she obviously doesn't give a shit about her hygiene. She just want to be kawaii*~*~
No. 194039
>>194028>>194036i agree. he also clearly doesn't give a fuck about sex/anything that isn't drugs
proof or gtfo
No. 194084
File: 1478377662642.jpg (96.65 KB, 1080x902, tumblr_og6dgoeT801vfv0uno1_128…)

This is the nastiest thing I ever saw, the weird dots are probably dry sweat and I bet everything you want they aren't only on her neck but everywhere on her body. Just imagine her groins.
No. 194162
File: 1478384887125.png (828.82 KB, 713x989, Capture _2016-11-05-17-25-31.p…)

How does this bitch go from begging for money for "food, medical bills, home repairs" to being able to afford a tattoo..?
No. 194176
>>194162her selfies have looked identical lately. all in that fucking bathroom. that definitely has to be where she smokes crack, matthew probably doesn't like it much and is like "get that shit out of my room" omg i wish she had a drug blog i could see her ranting about how awful that is for her
wah i misss the good ol junkhun days
No. 194225
File: 1478392517007.jpg (52.94 KB, 560x330, wendybb.jpg)

>>194220a few more steps closer to her ultimate goal. i mean fate..
No. 194226
File: 1478392645667.jpg (115.87 KB, 1080x1349, tumblr_og6x4dELkl1vfv0uno1_128…)

Look at the slime/dirt/boogers on her TV.
No. 194240
>>194036>>194039Lurch surprisingly does know how to use Snapchat. He does it from Luna's phone. A while back, Luna posted about how he Snapchats on her phone and to add her Snap account if you wanted stuff from him whenever he was bored or when Luna was sleeping.
>>194028 could very well be telling the truth and I wouldn't be surprised if this happened a while ago back when Lurch had some sort of libido, at least back when he used to fuck Luna. Lurch is a total scumbag who seems like he'd definitely do that.
No. 194247
File: 1478394319955.png (493.66 KB, 893x458, lunarigor.png)

wow this looks just like the friend she needs ew
No. 194257
>>194247You already know her and her new friend only talk when they're having an up feeling BPD mood swing or when Luna's drugged up. I feel like Luna's friends MUST have BPD otherwise she won't have anyone to romanticize her lifestyle with.
Then when Luna's having a down BPD mood swing (or very and most likely no drugs in her system), she'll complain about her lack of friends and that she doesn't have any.
No. 194258
>>194257also i don't think she wants friends who don't do hard drugs
i mean she hangs with bryce and they smoke weed but i think she also treats luna to clothes and i think paid for a tattoo etc.
No. 194260
>>194247 She looks like another drug addicted and drug romanticizing, BPD ~special snowflake~ hipster lmao. I can't imagine her and Luna's conversations.
"Ugh it's so hard keeping up this broken bbygirl aesthetic with no heroin until later omfg honestly my life is the absolute worst and I wanna die this is unfair and
No. 194271
File: 1478396919947.png (10.21 KB, 448x191, riigor.png)

this might be old but it's riigor's tumblr bio
No. 194452
File: 1478441758840.png (3.17 KB, 478x69, riigorluna.png)

>>194366this could totally have to do with her BPD, this girl has worshipped luna for literal years.
she advertises doing cam work but idk if she's been successful.
No. 194454
File: 1478441915446.png (9.08 KB, 458x213, riigorpoetry.png)

her poetry is also horrible but replicates Luna's 'writing style'
No. 194465
File: 1478444036857.png (512.39 KB, 565x499, riigorracist.png)

sorry for all the O/T but Luna's boring right now and I'm looking for KT/riigormortis milk i'll stop if yall want but.. she's an ignorant racist too just like Luna! best friends forever!
No. 194470
File: 1478444468249.png (537.55 KB, 579x526, riigorbff.png)

sorry luna she's taken : ( i kno how you can't stand not being someones one and only.
No. 194650
File: 1478473904277.png (10.11 KB, 340x82, riigorcummie.png)

>>194649sorry im always stone and forget to post the pic
but um
ew wtf girl see a nurse
No. 194657
>>194656this is how it fucking starts they think its okay to twist the truth and eventually they just 1. get the fuck over it like they should 2. go down the rabbit hole
that's why hanging with luna would be a disaster. i imagine she gets lots of money from her parents and she cams so luna an roach face will scam her while getting her addicted to drugs like the evil bastards they are.
also KT claims she's moving to the bronx where cucaracha and luna "cop" so they'll probably make her apartment a drug den immediately.
No. 194699
File: 1478478297579.png (75.87 KB, 584x496, riigordruggggggs.png)

>>194695i think she's on and off with drugs and not a 24/7 user like luna is
No. 194703
File: 1478479094824.png (1.63 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>194699Looking though her old photos is kinda sad. She used to be like any other alt/scene girl when she was in hs. She looked normal and healthy and not wacky and uneven looking.
Also it looks like she used to have a really nice camera, like $300 value. I never see her post with it anymore. Maybe she pawned it for drugs when she was at rock bottom? Someone stole it? Who knows
No. 195086
File: 1478554496611.png (165.1 KB, 640x989, IMG_7750.PNG)

looks like she's got them
No. 195091
No. 195094
>>195086omg of course she did from her grandpa she literally never talks about who probably sends her shit all the time this probably included a big chunk of money he thinks is going towards a phsych or food…
scammin grandpa
what a ~perfect angel whose never done anything wrong why is live so cruel~
No. 195222
>>195086what a wonderful life she must lead where she's a "broke" heroin addict who posts crap she likes and a week later it's in her hands.
too bad i have a heart and soul or else i would ask her more about her scamming lol
No. 195250
>>195246lie and like, more lie.
it would be impossible for roger not to know they're doing dope/smoking crack.
I just wonder if they're stealing all his Social Security money/etc.
Like maybe Roger wouldn't be in such a shitty (end of life) situation if matthew had fucked off when he was younger. Lurch has probably been depending on him his whole 37 years of life.
No. 195495
>>195460yeah like I'm pretty sure grandpa doesn't know what etsy is and just ordered her slippers. I'm very sure she wired her a chunk of money. Worst thing he could do.
I also believe it was him who bought her not 1, but 2 ipads (she broke the first one cuz she stepped on it with her hobbit feet)
No. 195556
File: 1478623732845.png (410.79 KB, 935x360, lunavotes.png)

She claimed she voted but I'm not sure because you KNOW she'd document her ballot or at least her "i voted" sticker. Bitch probably wrote in bernie cuz she's too dumb to know that write ins get tossed in the garbage
also I don't get that meme (is it a meme? I really don't understand he wasn't even on the ballot). Like I'm pretty sure she's not a legit republican but she sure does make it seem like it!
No. 195559
>>195549yes Luna it is creepy..
I just imagine her all cracked out being like "aw cute baby I want one!!" like it's another item on etsy someone will buy her.
No. 195608
>>195605she's said it before like imagining she would all the sudden be a great housewife to matthew and her baby (girl, specificallly) it was a while ago but her imagination runs wild.
also, lol, she'd be bringing a baby into this world they exact same way to the exact same life her parents did which she blames for all of her problems…
No. 195643
File: 1478630004110.png (528.29 KB, 601x339, lunamakeup.png)

why would she post such a shitty attempt at winged eyeliner???? she's sooo delusional already that crack is really gonna get to her in like a month.
No. 195675
File: 1478634385170.png (211.17 KB, 750x1082, IMG_8766.PNG)

No. 195783
Rev up those double dipped asspats; sympathy and congratulatory.
No. 195889
File: 1478654438194.jpg (99.9 KB, 540x674, IMG_20161108_171902.jpg)

>>195643She posted this one a week ago.
No. 195923
File: 1478661165035.png (67.1 KB, 237x188, Capture _2016-11-08-21-10-02.p…)

Oops looks like she 'accidently' got her drug box/syringes in the background of one of her pics.
No. 195944
File: 1478667887876.png (140.99 KB, 640x975, IMG_2309.PNG)

No. 195957
>>195675lmao what a little bitch she LOVES it and has been crying about her weight/proud of her weight loss (specifically from unhealthy behavior) this entire time what a dumb liar
like she's real bad at lying damn
No. 195959
File: 1478675546120.png (568.21 KB, 886x443, lunacat.png)

did someone tip the cow?
she's getting crack brain real real fast
but also her cats are alive? maybe.
No. 195963
File: 1478676102858.png (671.38 KB, 852x527, crackheadangel.png)

>ugh i smoked all my crack and politics are borrrrringggggggg
No. 196196
File: 1478735587792.png (96.88 KB, 640x886, IMG_7846.PNG)

oh god these are even uglier
No. 196201
>>196196those look like they were made for
gay leprechauns
No. 196398
>>196396does she actually think people aren't aware of her continuing drug abuse? like we're figuring she smokes crack in the bathroom where she takes mirror selfies and she's still posting those it's also impossible for her to hide her track marks for some reason and her house still looks like a junkie junkyard
I just feel like she would freak out more idk
But also I could be wrong because her tumblr is way less milky now.
I just think she's so dumb she can't scam for her life or anything
No. 196399
>>196398>>196396sry double post
but I think she'd definitely be screaming about maybe self harming (which she probably doesn't do because she's got dope and crack to keep her happy) and she'd be going off about suicidal ideation etc.
No. 196402
>>196400that's a good point
we never hear about her dopesickness now or any of her 10,000 diseases now, you think she'd post selfies on insta about how bad she feels etc but she's got all that crack confidence.
also I guess they have some good source of drug money. matthew probably steals bags etc, which he'll probably get in huge trouble with one day and may get killed.
idk it's all speculation right now but you know that cow is full of milk, about to burst..
No. 196406
>>196404>until she goes loopywell we have passed that point! hah but i get what you mean.
I can't imagine being into both of those at the same time but crack is way easier to do "casually" but obv she's full blown addicted at this point it's been a couple months.
does crack help smack withdrawal? If I was dope sick i think the last thing I would want is an upper that causes paranoia..
No. 196417
>>196413that's what I thought (i've never been a heroin user, but i've withdrawled from other things)
So they have to have some sort of cash hustle right now since she's not begging on right now (on the internet that is) because i don't think she has the power to not post 'woe is me' things when she feels like shit. (positive)attention is the only thing that makes her feel better besides drugs
No. 196466
File: 1478808445389.png (2.33 MB, 1440x2249, Screenshot_2016-11-10-14-03-14…)

Some screenshots from her IG
No. 196467
File: 1478808483819.png (2.08 MB, 1440x2096, Screenshot_2016-11-10-14-05-04…)

No. 196470
File: 1478808769982.png (1.99 MB, 1440x2220, Screenshot_2016-11-10-14-12-13…)

No. 196477
>>196454but she also said how she doesn't even "read hate" anymore and she did come back to tumblr I think she just doesn't check in here/she thinks everyone forgot. even exposingluna said that when she deleted that blog that she all the sudden posted all those gifts she wanted and "should i post more personal stuff?" post on tumblr
If she was lurking she would definitely try to white knight herself because she thinks she's smooth but she's anything but. And there hasn't been any of that here.
No. 196484
>>196477Yeah, she doesn't read any of it but it seems unlikely that she doesn't know of it.
>>196466Her fucking mustache.
No. 196561
File: 1478822102088.png (98.12 KB, 258x346, lunacatatonia.png)

found some old (still good) milk
I was looking through old threads cuz i'm bored af and found this bitch that i totally forgot about but she was so cringy I had to delete her but it looks like she's sober now but omg she was awful in the past when she was a teenager, i think she was like 16 in 2012 when I followed her
>>73614ANYWAY not exactly OT cuz I went to her blog and guess what was on the very first page?
Looks like homegirl called Luna out for romanticizing heroin/vicodin?? Which is pretty impressive because this girl use to take pics of every shot of tar she ever did, was an awful bpd blaming liar etc,i would say even worse than luna seeing luna called out tho so lolzy she so dumb
No. 196574
File: 1478824414243.png (186.16 KB, 750x753, IMG_8779.PNG)

No. 196580
>>196574…did she block Bryce from saying that? so fucking rude, she literally only hangs out with that person because they buy her stuff like tattoos and clothes and she's talking shit about how bryce's family is rich? That's so mean I feel sorry for Bryce I've been following her for a long time and she's a genuinely nice person who finally got to have they're feminine facial surgery (sorry if thats not what its called)
Luna obv comes from a family that was well off at some point at least her father seeing as he has that apartment in manhattan etc.
Bryce probably doesn't want to talk to her because she asks for money all the time. Also she can't help it if she was born into a rich family and just because she was doesn't mean she has to be Luna's personal piggy bank.
this gave me a stomach cramp she is truly a horrible person but so completely and totally blind to it.
No. 196597
>>196574wow. embarrassing and ungrateful. also it's pretty unnecessary to mention that bryce is trans. like why does she word vomit everything that comes out of her head.
jc, what's bryce's tumblr?
No. 196605
>>196603is it really?
okay she just literally chose to end her last friendship, what she said was so vile i don't think bryce will let it slide..
No. 196607
>>196604she says he's verbally abusive but also he pays her phone bill, gives her money every month. she can go stay in his plush manhattan apartment whenever she wants where she said he keeps xanax in a candy dish.
she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and nothing has changed that isn't completely her fault.
No. 196615
>>196614she is literally the worst scammer
she's messaged me for money randomly and recently, we're not irl friends just mutuals like saying shes hungry and i'm like " too?" wtf
No. 196619
File: 1478828397879.png (654.81 KB, 969x454, bryceandluna.png)

No. 196621
File: 1478828940033.jpg (39.79 KB, 540x847, IMG_20161110_174612.jpg)

Still disturbed by how Creature apparently went to school for adolescent psychology
No. 196622
File: 1478829176816.png (781.17 KB, 716x844, img_197363538029351525.png)

November 10, 2016 - R.I.P. Luna's Last Friendship
No. 196630
File: 1478829875378.jpg (137.42 KB, 958x958, IMG_7894.JPG)

what are those eyebrows!!!
No. 196631
File: 1478830002761.jpg (225.9 KB, 960x1280, IMG_7896.JPG)

No. 196635
File: 1478830066967.jpg (150.13 KB, 958x958, IMG_8770.JPG)

>>196630they look worse if you rotate
No. 196656
File: 1478833856953.png (1.14 MB, 1706x1454, Screen Shot 2016-11-10 at 10.0…)

these are some of lurch's friends on fb….dude seems like a perv imo
No. 196657
File: 1478833923396.png (991.34 KB, 2022x986, Screen Shot 2016-11-10 at 10.0…)

i'm sorry i kept looking and this is too much (sorry in advance for photodump, just thought this was interesting haha)
No. 196660
File: 1478833973474.png (717.78 KB, 960x1422, Screen Shot 2016-11-10 at 10.0…)

"drug for the eyes"
No. 196661
File: 1478834013551.png (2.18 MB, 2056x1096, Screen Shot 2016-11-10 at 10.0…)

there are so many more lmao
No. 196669
File: 1478834775224.jpg (101.74 KB, 540x848, IMG_20161110_192428.jpg)

Some of his FB likes
No. 196675
she needs to get the fuck outta there. it's actually sad to think that a girl who could be spending her twenties going to concerts and shopping and working and just doing nice normal things is trapped in a disgusting apartment strung out with a man who clearly has little to no romantic interest in her. he's like sucking the life out of her.
>>196669 i'm dying @ justin bieber club but what the f is teenie intrusions? sounds like he's advertising the fact that he's a predator lmfao.
No. 196684
File: 1478835976971.png (350.9 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6652.PNG)

The comment on Lurch's picture looks like Luna wrote it.
No. 196721
File: 1478843293154.png (Spoiler Image,597.86 KB, 427x634, ew.PNG)

while saving the screenshot i saw some pics i had saved from her old blog. so here's a gross pic of luna giving chief a bj
No. 196724
File: 1478844012498.png (36.8 KB, 514x366, erwe.PNG)

one more before i go to bed
No. 196848
>>196721Im sure it was nice and cheesy smelling/tasting for Luna, cos you just know he rarely showers.
vomit I was gonna say im suprised he doesn't have a gross gnarly bush, but then I forgot he can't grow body hair (remember that strange attempt at a beard?).
No. 196901
File: 1478890016177.png (43.92 KB, 281x450, 00.PNG)

>>196822of course i see her point, but idk. i feel like if it were me, and a good friend of mine saw our friendship as luna sees theirs, and went as far to publicly talk shit on me… i'd want to know. i wouldn't want someone like that in my life. hopefully bryce doesn't fall for luna's pity party.
No. 196964
>>196901This doesn't read to me as Bryce endorsing/excusing Luna's behavior… it comes across more as her not being interested in talking shit about Luna with a random(?) Tumblr user. I mean, the second she rags on Luna to you for this, she's lowered herself to the same level.
She has more class and grace in her big toe than Luna will
ever have.
No. 197012
>>197008i was about to say and she definitely wouldn't do something like that if he didn't.
i'm like oh so sure they're republicans but luna lied like 3 times about voting
>i voted at 9 am for hillary she said that a few times fucking liar
No. 197015
>>195556i dont even get this meme but it makes her look like she's a republican and also jeb bush was not on the ballot for shit? he dropped out at the beginning.
i'm so sure she ~knows her politics~
No. 197021
File: 1478913288137.png (511.18 KB, 1440x2467, Screenshot_2016-11-11-18-25-55…)

No. 197047
File: 1478918596521.jpg (26.77 KB, 540x720, FB_IMG_1478918527108.jpg)

No. 197049
File: 1478918943786.jpg (23.95 KB, 540x720, FB_IMG_1478918512278.jpg)

No. 197079
File: 1478926217159.png (121.66 KB, 1440x618, Screenshot_2016-11-11-22-49-37…)

No. 197214
File: 1478968612583.png (349.88 KB, 1021x358, jebbush.png)

>>197021lmao omg he's definitely a republican and supported bush II????? that's why she's acting like that young sjw punk luna would never be a rupublican!
also this is what i meant to post last night in
>>197015 No. 197221
File: 1478970402234.png (233.56 KB, 880x236, lunafans.png)

ugh how are people still sending her things? this person's account is private but they look underage
No. 197257
File: 1478981872923.gif (46.47 KB, 368x207, lucille.gif)

>>197248who said we like you
No. 197303
File: 1478993619073.png (155.27 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-11-12-11-34-01…)

No. 197306
>>197303i'm not gonna even comment on the top post cuz …ugh
but um… "i bet their both cis and white" are they you and sea creature?????
No. 197319
>>197309I looked up that name on Facebook real quick and you're right - she looks like a kindly, well-off, community-oriented older woman.
Don't think I should post screenshots because she didn't do anything wrong, but she's the first search result for that name.
No. 197323
>>197319maybe she's the old lady (with cancer?) who took her clothes shopping for her "new job" that she got caught stealing from immediately?
she's literally hitting up anyone and everyone she hit up me (i'm not gonna share the message cuz she lurks this shit) and i don't know her personally… she's desperate.
sempai is gettin a lil milky
No. 197340
File: 1479001091970.png (99.52 KB, 640x687, IMG_7895.PNG)

No. 197354
File: 1479003265440.jpg (60.48 KB, 960x960, 15036530_10155769646244815_639…)

This is the image she was sharing with the "they must be white and straight and cis" thing. Much political commentary.
No. 197400
>>197340ew omg what is this
>>197354omg shut up you and your bf are republicans who didn't vote
No. 197493
File: 1479046334984.jpg (55.73 KB, 533x314, r.JPG)

from 2015
so she was making at least 600 a month at some point
No. 197670
>>197662totally not OT! she really thinks she deserves better than anyone else, the fact that her following is mostly young girls who still live with their parents have sympathy for her she always plays it like she is in the WORST PLACE IMAGINABLE unless she's high and she takes pics of chief areola and his cat.
There is absolutely no reason for her not to get a food service job even work at fucking mcdonalds get ANY life experience. The longer she waits to even try to contribute to society, or take care of herself at all, the easier she'll be lost and even if she some how got clean she would have no clue how to make a living in this world.
and i know it's tough to find jobs, BUT YOU FIND THEM. Damn girl, like, ho if you have to. DO SOMETHING besides relying on fake friends for their money.
No. 198018
File: 1479103450858.png (273.3 KB, 322x359, lolwut.PNG)

holy shit, Matthew has over 10009 friends. I've had FB since 2009 and i dont even have that many. he must have gone on a horny adding spree and added all these weird fake hot chick accounts lmao. Classic old guy who doesnt know how to read the internet. would be surprised if he accidentally shared a link from porn hub or something
No. 198134
File: 1479139563108.jpg (45.86 KB, 750x765, cow.jpg)

>>198129TUNA i love it
also this made me think of her and this thread
No. 198144
>>198142lmao poor luna her bf would rather fap to fake girls than even touch her anymore she's probably 'too old' for him now.
idk how luna doesn't say anything about this because she used to freak out and say girls were always hitting on him in front of her (holy shit who?) and screaming about his stripper ex girlfriend
No. 198816
File: 1479221879557.png (435.5 KB, 607x499, lurchuggs.png)

LOL ok
No. 198821
File: 1479222591108.png (51.48 KB, 600x521, lurchpolitics.png)

lol ok
No. 198822
File: 1479222656344.png (20.06 KB, 613x177, lurchdidntvote.png)

lol he goes on and on and the dick didn't even vote (but luna did, of course!!!)
No. 198823
File: 1479222725104.png (32.61 KB, 613x326, lurchfapstohillary.png)

Luna's comments? lol I'm so sure.
Also I don't think seamonster is lying on the internet cuz he doesn't care about his image, Luna cares A LOT
No. 198827
File: 1479223135037.png (18.01 KB, 615x164, shootingupishardtodo.png)

>struggling with a task
you mean finding a vein in his body that has not collapsed? ok Tuna.
No. 198847
File: 1479226073011.png (336 KB, 506x615, seacreaturewtf.png)

holy fuck i'm loling so hard right now. the chief accepted my friend's request and is commenting on my posts now. but wtf idk if luna just posted this comment or if he's really strung out and posted this.
No. 198850
>>198847LOL cryin
i hope he starts replying to my shit this is gold
#seacreaturespeaks i didn't know he was capable!!
No. 199119
File: 1479253090290.jpg (253.49 KB, 1200x1342, PicsArt_11-15-05.36.35.jpg)

She seems hella cracked out/high right now.
No. 199120
File: 1479253119767.jpg (267.09 KB, 1200x1497, PicsArt_11-15-05.36.03.jpg)

No. 199121
File: 1479253252673.jpg (300.72 KB, 1200x1920, PicsArt_11-15-05.39.30.jpg)

No. 199122
File: 1479253409159.jpg (425.34 KB, 1200x1920, PicsArt_11-15-05.42.54.jpg)

No. 199133
File: 1479255273420.png (190.83 KB, 750x1107, IMG_3699.PNG)

No. 199166
>>199120That wardrobe is #
triggering me
No. 199179
>>199133This will probably be the last photo of them if they're worth $150.
Luna or seacreature will pawn it off for drugs when they're low on money. Calling it.
No. 199350
>>199027In politics it means temporarily breaking with your group. So like if a Democrat voted for Trump, they'd have gone off the reservation.
>>199200That protest picture was about classic UGGs, which
do use sheep skin. Luna's boots are made from wool, not skin, and if they were in fact given to her, it's not like she was adding to UGG's profits anyway.
No. 199467
>>199461for real after seeing his facebook it really shows that he's not interested in luna at all and really doesn't want shit to do with her..
he's probably cheating on her with one of the strippers when he goes to score or some shit.
No. 200102
File: 1479373031555.png (2.19 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161116-155536.png)

I've never seen her in a car
No. 200244
File: 1479383806598.png (18.25 KB, 521x271, lolhedoescareaboutlunanotreall…)

>>200004well this post "he" made begs to differ
No. 200309
>>199467Honestly I feel pretty bad for her if that's true, though it's likely the case. Junkies are all about stealing, lying, and manipulating so I doubt he'd have any qualms about cheating.
She seriously reminds me of myself when I was dating an older guy. I was so clingy & in denial of the fact he rarely ever said anything nice to me/ showed any real affection. I pretty much coped by romanticizing his detached and withdrawn personality, I'm sure Luna does the same. He probably says how much he loves her after cumming inside her and that alone is enough to make her stay. When he's not getting his dick wet or shooting up he's probably avoiding her whilst she chalks it up to him being cold & hard from their totally hardcore grunge dopesick lifestyle.
No. 200343
>>200309yeah, right? before when we had no insight into lurch's life besides what luna put on the internet. it's sad that so much stuff was probably lies or like a facade she has to put on to get through life. she honestly makes him sound ~perfect~, you know? but really she was probably like, omg he looked at me once today!!!
idk i don't feel bad for her cuz she's a lyin scammin cow, but that shit always sucks and men are awful lol sage for OT
No. 200346
>>200244if he's talking about an actual cat dear god they should not be allowed to get a kitten omg nooooo
also it sounds like he's talking about some fucked up snagging a younger girl cuz luna is too worn out for him now or something but I have been watching way to much crime drama lately so like.. he sounds like a pedophile. (we already know he is, yes yes)
No. 200356
File: 1479392613097.png (368.94 KB, 1121x549, lunanbk.png)

LOL this is her #goals
No. 200361
>>200358one thing we know for sure is that she is 100% definitely doing heroin every single day
we also definitely know she's done some crack and probably also does that everyday but she hasn't romanticized it as much yet. it's so less coolllll like kurt cobain shot heroin it's cool, crack is for >the crackheads who live next door that stare at me ew
but from how she's been acting she's totally hyped up on that crack and has hella confidence because of it. we're just waiting patiently for the milk to flow..
No. 200363
File: 1479393207819.png (35.69 KB, 592x373, lunalurchfb.png)

i am SO sure luna.. also like, aren't you right next to him?
Lurch getting an FB may be the strangest thing to happen yet… milky tho
No. 200422
File: 1479401068678.png (213.59 KB, 708x1135, img20485.png)

Hahaha ew and woww…. This this from sundaybaby1998. I feel bad for anyone who thinks Luna is a goddess. Yuck!
No. 200441
>>200422"mind of a goddess"
idk of any goddesses that smoke crack and shoot dope everyday
No. 200448
>>200244A-are they talking about stealing a cat? Like off the streets?
I'm very concerned right now.
No. 200930
File: 1479491430264.png (32.23 KB, 720x199, Screenshot_2016-11-18-12-45-15…)

My friend and I added Lurch… I don't know whether to be amused or annoyed because he's commenting all over our shit. Here's my favorite one one so far
No. 200981
File: 1479504532582.png (87.21 KB, 640x635, IMG_8243.PNG)

You're my moon, and I'm your… uh, moon.
No. 200985
>>200542>>200640they've been planning to get married for years specifically i think in april when both their birthdays are and they're anniversary (naturally that's directly after luna's birthday, aka her 18th birthday..)
but marriage licenses cost money and they always end up not being able to afford it or something idk i'd be into someone asking her when they're getting married. could be milky.
No. 200986
File: 1479504838724.jpg (175.69 KB, 960x960, IMG_8245.JPG)

No. 200988
>>200986how on earth do you even support trans rights if you out your trans friend and treat her like crap for transitioning/getting surgery…..
ya i'm still upset about that shit she talked about Bryce, that angel who is above us all lmao seriously tho she's such a graceful queen <3
No. 201011
>>200995>>201000sorry ya'll! i'm not bryce or exposing luna, sorry for being OT I thought it was relevant due to her fb photo of how she 'supports trans rights' when she literally tore down her one friend who happens to be trans (and outed them) on the internet etc.
sorry for the bryce praise as well, totally off topic.
No. 201394
>>201388>>201332But if Luna is running his facebook couldn't this potentially backfire?
I think we should leave the their lives alone. It becomes artificial when people are trying to bait them and produce milk just for the sake of it.
No. 201396
>>201394i thought we decided that she's not running it because all he does is post about sports and creep on women and that would be sooo cray if she was like.. catfishing her own boyfriend.
it's interesting finding out how non-devoted he is to her
when she dated that Peter boy I believe they never even met and she just used they're text relationship drama for attention cuz he lived in la and that went on over year right until she met mr. areola. that saga was pretty weird and creepy she was obv obsessed af about getting a boyfriend who would get her into drugs so she could live out her courtney love/princes junkie dreams. She was chasing this life!
it think is she's not at least real delusional/detached from the world she believes that she's honestly living this awesome life where she gets what she wants etc. idk wtf mindset you have to be in to enjoy that i guess lurch does a good job at keeping her high enough that she doesnt get sick often but honestly i have no idea why he wants her when he's obviously interested in an entirely different type a women???
sage for long rant/things ive been thinking
No. 201512
File: 1479606061478.png (108.84 KB, 540x540, Screenshot_2016-11-19-17-39-14…)

Its important not to donate expired and rotten food, but prissy bitch can fuck off about stale cereal.
No. 201519
>>201512lmao where are you getting food donations luna
also what's "disgusting"
like really, hating on people who try to help you "poor, impoverish person who deserve nice thing" LOL
No. 201582
>>201516She's butthurt over people donating food that's not up to her standards, but she's clearly
never donated food herself. If she had, she'd know perishables aren't accepted.
She's bitching about people who are being kinder than she's ever been.
No. 201620
>>201512By her own estimation they spend between $60 and $100 on heroin every day, plus whatever she now spends on crack. Imagine having ~$700 a week to spend
after paying for rent and tacky clothes, and still complaining that the food bank gave you stale cereal. Fuck.
No. 201650
>>196466luna clean that foundation off your septum ring
No. 201668
>>201620I know it's not as easy as 'don't fucking do heroin', but if she didn't fucking do heroin for one day a week she could buy plenty of her own damn cereal. I eat good on $90USD worth of groceries a month, there's no way she couldn't keep food on the table with an extra $400 to spend on it.
Also, unrelated but I'm glad that Roger's desperate "please don't let me lose him"-tier health issues have all cleared up now that Luna's taken to Facebook and is posting her woes mostly to people who actually know her and/or the Schumachers. Magic.
No. 201681
>>201512i honestly think this is just her trying to find excuses for why she needs more donations and why she prefers cash to food, even though she's ~starving~. she doesn't actually want any food, she wants money so her and lurch can spend it on heroin and crack instead.
i don't think there was ever anything wrong with food she received.
No. 201716
>>201712How could she not know, though? On facebook doesn't it show when friends comment on certain posts or like a certain thing sometimes? Or, she could easily go onto his facebook to look and see that he's been commenting these things to "women".
Another weird thing.. didn't Chief JUST make a facebook? How does this dude already have 1k+ friends?
Wat is going on
No. 201718
>>201717they probably have a shitty relationship, glued together by the thirst of drugs and sheer desperation. they probably rarely have sex, due to drugs. in a past thread an anon found a personal blog of luna's on tumblr where she actually wasn't romanticizing him and talking about the shitty way he treated her and talked to her- regardless, she seems like a codependent/doormat and he's probably manipulated and alienated her, especially since he began grooming her at 17, and now has used drugs to seal the pact and keep her dependent, off balance, and drugged up. she is a means to an end, nothing more.
Chief Areola is a bad, bad man.
No. 201832
File: 1479673273465.png (192.68 KB, 640x998, IMG_8351.PNG)

If she's so hungry, why doesn't she sell her iPhone 6s? Or her MacBook?
No. 201835
>>201832or ipad or somet of those uwu fancy clothes she has she coould definitely over price and put on etsy, her fanbase is strong.
lmao when they get their shit and it smells SO HORRIBLE
No. 201837
I'm surprised no-one commented and pointed that out to her. Where I'm from supermarkets and restaurants can't even donate old bread and baked goods because of the health risk. They usually have all the old stuff locked up in dumpsters.
I'm actually surprised Luna hasn't started dumpster diving for food. Seeing as she does it for clothes and everything else.
No. 201839
>>201620Real talk though. A lot of homeless people that are good panhandlers make a lot of money, but it goes all to drugs/alcohol.
I think a few years ago there was a story about some women that panhandled for a living (dressed up in torn clothes, etc to look like someone who lived on the streets) but in reality lived a very wealthy lifestyle.
No. 201841
>>201717She definitely isn't secure. She has bpd and with that comes lots of troubles with relationships.
People with BPD can often stay in abusive and unhealthy relationships for a very long time. In some ways they'd rather have someone who treats them horribly than be alone.
It's honestly a very sad disease and my heart goes out to her. A lot of her personality problems come from her untreated mental illness and drug addiction. I'm sure she's a nice, caring person underneath all the other crap she has to deal with, and it's a shame she'll probably never have the chance to show that side of her.
No. 201844
>>201841i understand that she has some fucked up mental issues but so does she and she uses her disease as an excuse for acting horrible (i have bpd, that doesn't mean i'm irresponsible)
I do not think she's a good person under everything, she makes so effort to be sincere or kind towards people ever, theres nothing underneath her exterior, she's empty.
No. 201847
>>201844I didn't mean to imply that her having mental illness allows her to use it as an excuse to be a bad person and scam people out of money.
Though I do disagree, I think everyone has a good part of them deep down inside. Or at least can cultivate that part of them if they want to.
It's just saddens me that she'll never be able to get therapy, meds and all the help she actually needs. She's honestly most likely going to die from a suicide attempt or overdosing and that's just the truth of the matter.
It's just sad is all. I know what it's like to be in the grips of mental illness, but I was lucky and privileged enough to get the help I needed.
Another big aspect of treatment for mental illness is the patient wanting to get better and having the drive to put the stuff they learn in therapy to work. And I think Luna still is on the fence with that decision.
For her to get help it would take some intervention on some outsiders part because of her drug addiction and codependency on her boyfriend.
No. 201857
>>201853she claims they aren't on good terms but goes to visit him in his plush manhattan apartment. he's not on heroin i believe he takes benzos often ad smokes weed.
but like i said, she says they aren't on good terms. Probably because if he ever tries to help her she takes it really poorly and as cruel but idk how cruel he can be giving her rent money, paying her phone bill/internet etc even when he must know she's a junkie with a bf that's not much younger than him. so there might be a lil tension there, ya.
No. 201964
>>201949Because we understand she's mentally ill, a substance abuser and in a shitty situation.
Her whole life could change if she had access to free/cheap help. I think she wants to get out of the situation she's in (who really enjoys addiction, abuse, poverty) but she doesn't know a way to get out so she stays complacent.
No. 202218
>>201964>Her whole life could change if she had access to free/cheap helpIF she had access?! Are you kidding? She DOES have access to free/cheap help. Medicaid is the BEST insurance to have when it comes to mental health/substance abuse. It sounds ridiculous, but its true, medicaid is also the only insurance that provides taxi service for medical appts. There are detox/inpatient facilities all over NYC, she just has to pick one and call. I think she already has medicaid, or we'd never have seen pics of her in the ER, she wouldn't be able to afford the ER out of pocket and she definitely meets the criteria for medicaid (she has no income, not on the books anyway, and I'm
sure she has less than $8,900 in the bank).
So she has no excuse, theres nothing stopping her from getting help, except herself.
No. 202232
>>201859>she is currently on his health insurance which she has COMPLAINED ABOUTAh yes, thanks to the Affordable Health Care Act she can stay on Daddy's insurance until she's 26, unless Trump reverses that…
actually, hey Luna, you may wanna use those benefits before Trump takes them away from you, which he might. He may change the qualifications for medicaid eligibility too. Im not even joking, she should go now before that clown starts making changes to our healthcare system. I'm sure she won't get help now/ever, but if Trump does something to make it harder for her to get help, then she'll start complaining about it. It used to be that you could
only stay on parents insurance until 26 if you were a
full time student, I could see Trump going back to that.
>>201898>It's not her fault she can't get help, it's the American healthcare systemNope. You obviously don't know much about the American healthcare system. Luna is actually in the
perfect position to go to inpatient/residential for her dual diagnosis problems.
-she has daddy's private insurance at
no cost until age 26 and her copays are def not that much.
-if she didn't have dad, she'd automatically qualify for medicaid anyway, and then her copays would be $0.
-she has no responsibilities. she wouldn't have to leave her job, school, or make childcare arrangements.
Theres not a damn thing stopping Luna from getting help, she's not getting help because she doesn't
want help. She just wants some shady psych to give her benzos so she can 1.get high 2.claim its medication she legit needs 3.prob trade them for heroin/crack
No. 202246
>>202232the last part is literally my dream. (sorry for blog real quick) but i'm leaving my job and taking off a semester at school JUST TO GET MEDICAL TREATMENT
she wouldn't have to do any of that! she could go to therapy once a week, no big deal, see a psych every month? sure. SHE HAS NO LIFE she could at least do something positive but omg how does she live without anything to do? i guess getting high is a full time job and stuff but this would be SO MINIMAL
No. 202422
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No. 202429
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No. 202430
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No. 202610
>>202479damn, thanks for the words of encouragement! means a lot
sage for sappy bullshit
inb4 >i'm not crying, you're crying
No. 202650
File: 1479837451485.png (30.52 KB, 510x389, lurchtalks.png)

i honestly do not understand his politics/priorities on fb at all (i am surprised he has so much to post about when his whole life is copping/shooting dope tho, especially when i've only seen him babbling like a mentally challenged person in videos.)
No. 203020
>>203016omg it was $1 million? really? holy shit
also if it was $1 million and i was her mom in a shitty situation I would be using it for rent!! duh!
do you have an evidence or are you just a long time lurker?
No. 203030
>>202650I agree. it's so odd. I read his statuses and I can't imagine him speaking those words. he looks like he communicates in occasional grunts tbh
but maybe it's bc I've only seen pics of him so I've never heard him speak at all - is Luna still active on snapchat?
No. 203034
>>203030ya she's occassionally on snapchat
>>203029damn girl i'm glad you're good and i'm glad Luna is a good example of HOW NOT TO LIVE YR LIFE
and ew yeah general consensus she is so dirty and gross and her apartment and omg her poor kitties.
No. 203046
>>203020very long time lurker
her grandmother specifically left the money to Luna in a way where her mom couldn't touch any of it
Luna would pay the rent for her & her mom while her mom was "always nodded off on the couch"
Luna would always write about how she was "sobbing cos she could hear her mom flicking dope bags from her room"
Lurch was her moms heroin dealer as we all know & Luna moved in with Lurch right as her inheritance was running low, to "save what she had left" & cos "she was sick of taking care of her mom"
when in reality UNDERAGE Luna would sneak out of the apartment to have sex with Lurch in public parks & her mom was never ok with Lurch being with Luna & wouldn't let him in the apartment if it wasn't to exchange benzos for dope . Luna got tired of her mom trying to prevent her from making the exact choices she ended up making to get in the spot she is now, her mother tried even with her own addiction issues, but then Luna quite literally kicked her to the curb & made her homeless
also Luna was beyond obsessed with Homeless Peter & even wore a necklace of his name & always talked about him calling her from prision & how he was her soulmate & she said many times she "only hooked up with Lurch cos she was so heartbroken over peter"
No. 203048
>>203046yeah after she moved out and her mom was homeless i remember her being pissed cuz her mom was SMOKING CRACK lol ok
but i just imagine she didn't know what else to do and drug binged, she then went to rehab and last heard she's in a half way house and luna is 'upset she never visit'… her heroin and crack den?
can you imagine how uncomfortable her mom was with lurch fucking her daughter???? and she was never cool with her doing dope either I remember when she first moved in with lurch (also i'd like to mention again that she was not ever allowed up in the apartment to the very day she started moving in wtf why??) but yeah when she first moved in she took a photo of her lil dope set up with needles on the floor, etc. saying something along the lines of "its so nice not to have to hide these things anymore"
No. 203083
>>203046wow. what a fucking mess. I'm sure her mother can be a manipulative monster herself, especially when she was using but I kinda feel the tiniest bit sorry for her. your kid obvi doesnt respect you bc you're an addict so she's not going to listen to you when you demand/ask/plead with her not to get involved with your predatory heroin dealer
and yes luna was experimenting with drugs (weed & pills mainly) in high school but she hadn't touched dope yet. probably not even oxycodone tbh. so it wasn't like she was strung out and ended up with Lurch bc she had a habit to support and nowhere else to go. she wasn't an addict yet!
like others have said, she wanted whoever was going to turn her onto dope so she could live out her Kurt & Courtney fantasy. and it's sooo cringy bc yea the Cobains were dirty messy junkies too but jesus christ at least Kurt was somewhat attractive. it just bugs me out that Luna honestly believed this guy was the one she chose to fit into her junkie love dream
& who is homeless peter? I'm pretty new to this chick. I just read both of her threads and I thought I went through it pretty thoroughly but I could have missed it
No. 203186
>>203184i have no proof other than my clear memory of being completely shocked & sort of jealous at her whining about how the million dollars was all gone & how she'd had nothing of her grandmothers after it was spent
i didn't think it would be vital information a year down the road sorry folks
No. 203199
>>203194>>203186yeah sorry anon but i don't believe it either…..there have been plenty of "old time" lurkers and irl friends, this is the third thread so i think it would've been brought up by now. maybe you're misremembering some details?
ive also never heard anything abt her not liking lurch/that he was a rebound. everything she says is about how it was truluv from the beginning…? he's filthy and has long hair, sounds like her type.
No. 203210
>>203204when did her grandma die? she only started shooting up in like late 2014/early 2015ish. for a few months before that she only inhaled/smoked
there's no overlap between her inheritance and the dope
No. 203222
File: 1479947932130.png (66.58 KB, 509x547, heactslikehecares.png)

>>202656>>202650maybe this dope fiend is able to process his thoughts more out onto luna's pad than out of his mouth when he feels like he's about to nod out and wants to fuck other women and use luna for her drug money.
ot: i'm loling at the fact that luna hasn't added me on fb, but her "fiance" is added on my fb. i requested her like a day or two after i requested him.
No. 203237
>>203222so strange. tuna would NEVER ask you to donate to something else besides her except when she talks about things like the food donations when really she was just making up a way to talk about herself and really meant to give HER donations.
this is way more kind and selfless (i mean a very minimal amount but in comparison) than luna has ever been if she has asked for donations its for her, something that benefits her, and maybe if you went way back~ for someone she personally knows.
lmao although, did she also post this though? cuz she puts the link (doped up lurch obv forgot to)
No. 203243
>>203239i don't believe it
is crack making luna like.. nice? no way
No. 203346
File: 1479964105425.png (54.53 KB, 531x709, WOOWW.png)

>>203305from Luna's old blog, showing her truly talking about her relationship with Matthew. also Lol at the last post… fetishizing heroin usage. girl you have a blog dedicated to it! you dedicated ur life to fetishizing heroin!! the hypocrisy hahaha
No. 203347
File: 1479964266798.png (5.01 KB, 530x84, 1234.PNG)

>>203346nothing is free in this life, and how dare she expect fucking hand outs. what an entitled brat.
No. 203358
>>203347"wha wha wha, i didn't get enough free money from begging on the internet to strangers and now im sad. did i mention im a heroin heroin addict? why won't strangers on the internet give me free money????"
wow. Just WOW. how can she have so little self-awareness? manipulative scumbag at her finest.
No. 203363
File: 1479967206908.png (608.16 KB, 505x731, 98472544.PNG)

if sharing a pic of ur BF injecting u with H and captioning it 'LOVE' isn't romanticising your addiction then i dont' know what is..
No. 203368
>>203305As far as I know, no, you do not 'get a check' for being American Indian. There are a few government benefits that you are entitled to (certain medical care, 'government cheese', scholarship opportunities) as well as being able to apply for social assistance programs like all other Americans. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong because I don't remember everything from my Native Studies class, ngl.
Not directed at you anon but re: the $1,000,000 thing, I don't doubt that Luna told anon it
was a million dollars. But she loves to exaggerate and probably was just high as fuck or lying to make the situation seem more distressing. I don't doubt that she, being in a vulnerable position and a stupid teenager, wasted everything her grandmother gave her. But she probably lies about the amount.
>>203347Sometimes I feel badly for Luna but then I see shit like this jfc dude get a fucking job holy shit
No. 203394
>>203304i got both their numbers, they give them out like candy..
she's lucky we don't wanna like.. call the cops on their 'trap house' lmao
No. 203446
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>>203424Lurch from the Addams Family.
No. 203454
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>>203424And don't forget the "Easter island headed"
No. 203559
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>my boy just woke up and I look over at him and he’s holding a framed pic of me as a kid I’m like about to cry idk why it’s just really… sweet. I love him.
No. 203605
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Look at her badly drawn eyebrows poking through.
No. 203624
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Old stuff from earlier this year.
No. 203625
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No. 203626
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>>203588fuck anon this is good
No. 203699
I'm so grossed out yet so entertained by this milk
No. 203713
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>>203625God dude what the fuck
No. 203716
>>203702in metropolitan new york there's a bunch that will, Luna could be enrolled in a 5 day detox (with plans to go to a 28 day rehab afterwards) within 24 hours if she wanted to. all with only having Medicaid. I know for a fact Creedmore in Jamaica, Queens is one of those places. there are probably more even closer to her tbh but I'm from Long Island so I mostly know all of the ones out here and in Brooklyn and Queens.
you prob won't get in a fancy ass place. but most government run rehabs, detoxes and methadone/suboxone/vivitrol clinics and doctors will accept you and Medicaid will pay for your treatment in full.
No. 203717
>>203690 she totally thinks she's the shit. meanwhile even though she lives a nasty ass lifestyle, she hasn't been thru shit. while Lurch goes out and cops, Princess Luna sits her fat ass safely in their Trash Palace. she's never had to deal with dealers, middle men, cops, any of the annoying and potentially dangerous external forces that come along with the junkie lifestyle.
also I have been wondering - Luna always talks about her having to pay rent. but hasnt Lurch & his dad lived there for at least a decade before Luna came to join them? so obvi they were paying the rent somehow, even if it was just from their various government checks. tbh I really don't think Roger asks her or expects her to pay for anything, at least when it comes to bills
No. 203723
File: 1480050418574.png (81.62 KB, 670x560, Capture _2016-11-24-23-00-00.p…)

Newsflash Luna. ITS OKAY… you can shower now. Crotch rot and BO doesn't equal ~grunge heroin angel bby~
No. 203916
>>203912*he shoots her up
No. 203921
File: 1480106185816.png (28.54 KB, 512x391, lololshesfucked.png)

>>203905in a way, i really dont think thats the case. i truly think she enjoys her fucked up life and romanticizes it. but maybe you you are right and she just posts shit like this to make us think she takes comfort in her bbygurlheroinegrungerideordieabuseisgreat lifestyle, it's what she loves and never wants to get rid of. it's too easy to live and while the she may hate it at some points, the easy life style is too hard to get rid of.
No. 203924
File: 1480106440912.png (15.48 KB, 522x173, heroinshootupwithoutluna.png)

lol, i guess the chief had a thanksgiving shoot up without her and even posted about it on fb. wonder if there was a possible orgy or threesome or anything sexual involved even?
No. 203926
>>203924lmao i'm sure she loves this
lurch has more friends than she does, interesting.
unless like dealers be taggin their customers on fb now
No. 204234
>>204189do your teeth fall out as easy from smoking crack as they do when you smoke meth?
i'd imagine so and the fact that she doesn't brush her teeth, i'm sure she has literally never flossed before.
(how much you wanna bet that hello kitty tooth brush is still in its package? lost in the filth somewhere along with her cats)
No. 204288
>>203924I'm looking at both of those fb accounts and that dude lives in Pakistan and that girl is obviously a fake fb girl.
Lurch is just friends with a lot of fake accounts/indian dudes/ bots
No. 204329
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Old picture, but shitty teeth confirmed.
No. 204348
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>>204344Maybe she means her first "snow", anon.
No. 204415
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>>204329Luna and Muck Monster make me think of Lovecraft's "A Shadow over Innsmouth".
No. 204903
>>204889someone take one for the team and ask her lolz
it'd be funny if she knew they were bots (its very obvious and she grew up with the internet so I'm sure she could easily spot that) and tries to explain it to him and he doesn't get it and she's just like embarrassed like having your father on snapchat or something
sage for ramble, tin foil hat, etc
No. 204933
File: 1480291184051.png (17.1 KB, 516x278, didshegetthechocolate.png)

i like how nobody liked this. is their relationship gonna turn into something like onion's and plainey's (or however ppl spell that doormat's name on here)? also, i wonder if he got her the chocolate? you know why she wanted that…
No. 204984
just realized you meant his reply was the post. derp. you're right about that.
No. 204989
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>>204980lol i don't even know how their relationshit works tbh. but, here's a day later, and he's able to comment on some stripper's status just like 40 minutes ago, but not his "fiance's" post.
No. 205520
>>205445Addicts have two outcomes:
Death or rehabilitation.
It's completely up to Luna what she'll choose.
It doesn't help she is so connected to social media and receives support for her life-style, but hopefully she'll choose a sober life style. It's doubtful cause she gets so much attention for being fucked up.
No. 205662
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No. 205668
>>205662I'd feel pity for her if I didn't know that she'd immediately spend it on drugs and luxury items that she doesn't need.
Why doesn't she just go pawn some of her jewelry?
No. 205669
>several hospital stays sure luna
>i've been trying to avoid askinggirl you were begging for ugly ass slippers like 2 months ago and a bunch of other unnecessary shit!
i don't see why they haven't tried to sell literally anything when she has nice shit like why does she need an ipad and a laptop??????
she might live in filth but that's totally her choice cuz she's a spoiled ass brat.
No. 205673
File: 1480344445294.png (1.86 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0759.PNG)

From the other day.
Maybe Bryce just doesn't give her money or buy her things anymore? Lol and it frustrates the shit out of her.
No. 205692
>>205684bryce is better than all of us i still feel shitty that Luna is in her life as all cuz she's just a giant leech
maybe bryce thinks she can help her? she probably knows more about luna's situation than anyone and she's probably the only IRL person besides Lurch that she interacts with naturally.
I don't think Bryce is dumb enough to not see Luna's obvious manipulation and scamming.
She probably genuinely feels bad for her, that's the only reasonable thing i can think of?
No. 205699
>>205697I think slipper grandpa gave her money, which she used very quickly, i'm sure. SO he's probably not an option to ask again so soon especially cuz she'll beg from him at xmas time.
And her dad already gives her money every month so I imagine asking for more doesn't go well cuz he probably is like "maybe don't spend it on drugs and pay your rent instead?" which is ssoooo abusive and she just can't take it.
so ask strangers on the internet, i wonder how much of her underage girl followers are friends with her on FB they love donating to her cuz they have no idea what they're contributing to.
No. 205727
>>205723I think half of us are shaming her about it though because she claims she has no options etc but she obviously does, she's totally faking the lost soul act etc.
but I agree with those anons who like.. actually feel bad.
>omg i feel so bad i wish we could help her!!!DONT. she's a scammer and a liar and a terrible person. who refuses any bit of help that isn't $$cash$$ that she manipulates out of people for drugs. Please, if you want to be charitable, help someone who really needs it to the point that they appreciate it. It feels much better, trust me.
I wonder how much she spends on dope a day now that she does crack. I mean crack is significantly cheaper and the withdrawals aren't nearly as bad so she could probably do it sporadically although I imagine she doesn't. I also bet they all get xanax/klonopin subscriptions too.
She says her neighbors are the ones who smoke crack all day/night, I imagine they kick her a rock every now and then or she's sucking dick.
No. 206120
>>206019for real i want her to be like #stopcrackhate #normalizesmokingcrack and 'Just because it's crack doesn't mean I'm a nasty homeless person!!'
'my medicine!!! i'll die without it!' etc
i miss the tuna drug blog days
No. 206355
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she literally looks like my mother after two C-sections
No. 206356
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No. 206429
>>206403i feel like we never talk about this specific disease she pretends to have but
i hate how she writes about it and her bpd struggle and tries to defend tumblr posts that are #bpdonllyyyyyyyyy and I fucking have BPD (its okay if you think i'm lyin cuz luna is romanticizing it and you know she's lyin and she's givin us all a bad name, i understand)
also There's almost no way to diagnose what she really has particularly one such as bpd (which can't be tested on a chemical basis such as depression) while she's severely addicted to all sorts of drugs! and never once dedicated herself to meds for the sake of wellness.
I mean I'm sure some zoloft or whatever antidepressant would really help her every day life but it doesn't get you high so..
fuck her for that
sage for temper tantrum
No. 206434
>>206356oh my god her fucking eye in this and just the angle i feel really uncomfortable
also, tuna, you have broad shoulders, big deal. please have a sliver of self respect and let those straps out like just a lil.
No. 206442
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No. 206454
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>>206451i'm sure it'll look something like the almost completely blackened glass tube in this picture once we do. lol, you know how this dirty liar operates. unless, she just smokes out of something homemade, which i would love to see even more.
No. 206460
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o.k. luna
No. 206466
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someone is having an interesting night i guess
No. 206470
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Clearly showing off that track mark here. Milky. She's not hiding it as much. Standby for her new drug blog, im sure.
No. 206476
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What Lurch tells her before he pimps her out.
No. 206483
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lol so i guess bryce isn't considered one of her best friends
No. 206485
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latest installment of luna poetry
No. 206486
>>206485"kid, kid, kitty, kid"
No. 206509
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bryce is a retard for still hanging out with luna knowing that she talked shit about her. plus giving her things? it looks like a used, cheap lipstick but still.
No. 206558
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even more than anything else about her physically, her dry ass dirty ass mouth and lips are always in such a particularly depressing state
No. 206612
>>206442everything is so filthy.
I'd never let my bare skin touch any of it.
If I went to her house I'd be dressed in a hazardous suit
No. 206684
>>206485first of all, has it just been too long or is her poetry actually getting worse? good god.
>no more worship, just medicinelol sounds like she's romanticizing romanticizing drugs lol ok
>your gums will start to reject those teeth mom please tell me she's not still giving her mother shit for smoking crack..
>kid, kid, kitty, kidum ok? but like, please don't get another cat please
>sex disgusts mei think this is definitely pushing towards like some actual sexual frustration here and it's not just lack of libido via H
if anything, crack makes you horny.
>i'm not tryna be pretty/ lace can be ugly tooshe must retain her courtney love appearances at all costs haha
No. 206710
>>206708she's gotta a couple uggo ones but yeah she's got some apprentice dude who does shit for cheap, good for her.
i wonder if she thinks those teeth tattoos are still cute while her actual teeth are ready to fall out of her head..
No. 206789
>>206676Not from what I've seen. People need to stop speculating.
Sure he's gross and and addict and possible drug dealer, but pimping out girls and your girlfriend is a whole other thing.
Do we really think that Chief has enough mental capacity and power to control a group of girls who have been through everything and so immoral that he would force or convince Luna to fuck older men for money?
I don't think he's -that- immoral to be honest. Sure he's creepy for going after an underage impressionable girl, but I don't think he would want Luna to come back with and STD, or be raped and murdered.
No. 206812
>>206799Sure, maybe for a regular addict that doesn't have a pretty steady cash flow.
But Luna has her dad that shares pills with her, and live's with two addicts.
I think if it ever came to her actually having to pimp herself out she would drop the romanticizing and get out or at least take it more seriously. People have mentioned that the dose she was last on (last usage photo I guess) was a small amount. And it seems that she's currently doing more than one type of drug so if heroin gets too expensive she could drop one drug for another (or vice versa).
I'm sorry you've had to go through that, but you likely weren't in a privileged position as Luna. It's probably the reason why she doesn't take her addiction seriously. She's never had to do the common horrible things addict's have to do to get a fix and support their habit.
No. 206815
>>206804>>206790LMAO why would someone put their personal info on here people are so dumb
oof i googled it too.. that's pretty embarrassing
No. 206817
>>206812thanks for that
you're right, she is totally a spoiled brat
i'm glad i'm not the person i used to be but i'm also sooooo glad i was never like luna at least all my hate was on myself not the whole world being so "unfair" as she lays in bed for days watching cartoons high..
No. 206844
File: 1480544947158.png (878.72 KB, 703x578, ginger.png)

>>206470>>206442>>206355lol @ her and ginger in the same outfit
who wore it first?
who wore it worst?
No. 206924
>>199133This made me so angry. Ive wanted these boots for the longest time and now I'm a little put off.
Also she lets anyone follow her I request a while back while my profile was still private and she accepted me anyway. It's not that worth it I'm grossed out 100% of the time
No. 207422
File: 1480654374784.png (232.93 KB, 510x523, kittenvids2bond.png)

>>206946friend of chief areola. i'm starting to think she posts animal vids for him.
No. 207434
File: 1480658472978.png (20.31 KB, 455x181, uhmmmwut.png)

>>206483saw that her previous status had something new posted to it. i wonder what it means, but the middle comment made me lol.
No. 207437
File: 1480659451376.png (33.21 KB, 507x351, herandmamarkewl.png)

oh and now her and her mom are cool. lol.
No. 207442
File: 1480661105192.png (203.74 KB, 454x563, taffiesderpppp.png)

>>207440lmao prolly. i also think the crack is making her dumb and she's referring to tabbies as taffies or she's saying her next cat will look like these cats.
No. 207547
>>207442well those cats aren't tabbies
"taffies" like taffy from .. is it desperate living? whatever john waters movie. so creeeeeeepy wtf luna crack makes you even dumber and crazier
No. 207559
File: 1480695745495.jpg (9.48 KB, 300x168, images (1).jpg)

>>207547Taffy is from Female Trouble, you uncultured swine.
No. 207779
File: 1480733075024.jpg (147.87 KB, 1080x1349, tumblr_ohisnxoBTb1vfv0uno1_128…)

Ew look at that shirt.. All hairy, full of weird white dirt (makeup?). Id feel so gross and grimy and itchy if I was wearing that.
No. 207785
>>207779it also says "baby daddy angel" or something ew
i bet her scalp itches a lot from never washing her hair
No. 207844
File: 1480743199896.png (82.95 KB, 1366x768, doubthesvegan.png)

>>207837this milky enough for you guys?
lol saw this on the chiefs wall and decided to print screen it before it was gone. not sure if he's vegan but LOL. oh and if anyone checks out the girls music, please tell me if it's bad or not. didn't bother with it.
No. 208044
File: 1480800864240.png (232.45 KB, 750x1062, IMG_0841.PNG)

Lol @ her signing her name "Luna Schu" I know it's a possession thing but I think Slater is a way cooler last name than Schumacher it reeks of nazis and car dealerships.
No. 208160
>>205698You can't really steal car radios anymore in newer cars. Do many people even own cars in NYC?
Who does one go to to sell a car radio and who even buys them? I don't think pawnshops are legally allowed to buy obviously stolen things. Unless it's a self-perpetuating business.
>car radio gets stolen>go to pawn shop to get another one that was most likely stolen anywaysMan, I really want to play The Warriors now.
He probably hustles like most dope heads, copping bags for someone else at a steeper price.
Sage for irrelevant bullshit
No. 209564
File: 1481043145464.png (63.55 KB, 704x458, lunasedgyfriend.png)

"I was offered a job but of course I didnt take it because im a lllllaazyyyyyyy piece of shit!" Does she plan on not working ever…..? Grow up bitch. If I was her age and didnt have a job/wasnt trying I'd be so embarrassed.
No. 209630
File: 1481053489328.png (932.36 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

(inb4 cheats your phone)
No. 209631
File: 1481053590760.png (894.36 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Jesus fuck
Did she get thinner or is she just sucking in?
No. 209632
>>209564That 90's club kid bullshit.
He was played by Maculley Culkin in Party Monster, I think.
No. 209680
File: 1481060216140.png (1.29 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0882.PNG)

Gosh she's even using that awful angle that ginger uses that makes them both look horrifying
No. 209735
>>209734no it's real.
sea creature is embarrassed he can't grow facial hair like luna
No. 210144
File: 1481149059532.png (377.62 KB, 896x544, lunadonteven.png)

i'm not even gonna say anything. nope.
No. 210174
>>210144They stole baby clothes…
What the fuck.
No. 210296
>>210276Could be some kind of action camera? GoPro knockoffs are dirt cheap these days.
Then again wearing a head-mounted camera when you spend so much time copping sounds like a good way to get Taken Care Of so maybe not.
No. 210300
File: 1481168791480.png (46.55 KB, 318x481, IMG_9057.PNG)

>>tried to make myself in game on phone
>>accidental luna
No. 210344
File: 1481179198618.jpg (9.28 KB, 300x300, 1c966b99-d21b-45ae-89c0-310731…)

>>210276its a cheap headlamp. definitely for dumpster diving and/or stealing shit from cars
No. 210351
>>209680We know Luna has no access to a shower and seldom washes her hair. How come it looks so brittle and dry. You'd think she'd begin to look as greasy as most no-pooers look after a week of no hair cleaning.
I mean, she never washes her clothes or bedding. How is she keeping her hair clean enough that it can look so parched.
No. 210352
>>210340christ this is uncanny!
i feel like if someone sent this to her as fan art she would still be flattered
No. 210365
>>210352Well, she does look pretty on the picture.
Unkempt, but pretty (which is exactly a public image that she's going for).
That's a nice drawing
No. 210384
>>210374She probably uses that dollar store spray-on hair perfume that my friends and I used to use at sleepovers in elementary school when we'd give each other ~big kid makeovers~ like a million years ago.
It smells sickly-sweet and does nothing to your hair except to dry it out and make it oddly stiff and sticky at the same time.
God, this thread makes me want to shower every time I read it…
No. 210400
>>210351wait..she has no access to a shower?
what about a bath?
oh my god…can you imagine how bad she smells.
I thought everything was dirty because she got them from dumpster diving.
I guess she doesn't have a washing machine either then?
also, I don' think she washes her face. I think she puts new makeup over the old makeup on her face already
No. 210409
>>210400she says she takes sink baths.. for over a year
the last time she had access to a proper shower was at her dad's and she took a fucking bath can you imagine how gross that water would be IMMEDIATELY
she's like the world's nastiest bath bomb. i bet she left a ring around the tub for her evil daddy to clean
No. 210410
>>210340omg she would like that
check out dem areolas tho, daaaamn
No. 210536
>>210340she would 100% make this her tumblr icon
it makes her look so thin haha
No. 210552
File: 1481224681198.png (1.04 MB, 1080x1920, 2016-12-08 11.16.40.png)

I can't find the post but it probably got fixed whenever her stove did
No. 210554
File: 1481224750987.png (670.72 KB, 1080x1920, 2016-12-08 11.16.02.png)

Also bonus
No. 210560
>>210554eww that ass looks like it belongs to a 50 year old
the granny panties don't help
No. 210703
File: 1481244250398.png (1.24 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0897.PNG)

I'm following the person who posted this but I don't know who they are? Anyway, this is weird.
No. 210746
>>210552Notice the bathing products in the background … Shampoo… face wash…make up bag
Even detergent! If they have their water sorted out it was after this pic.
Much glamorous!
No. 210902
>>210693I'm starting to wonder if it's some kind of stupid inside joke or lingo for stealing shit. Sort of like how lifting tumblrs always have some dumb line about how they are "roleplaying blogs" because the people who make them think its clever and somehow will prevent them from getting in trouble. Maybe saying you found stuff in the trash is code for stolen but supposed to be ~witty.
Or she's just really stupid, which is more likely.
No. 211226
File: 1481311809661.png (824.35 KB, 929x599, omg.png)

No. 211227
File: 1481311937386.png (584.25 KB, 819x601, omg.png)

happy couple
No. 211239
>>211227I really wish I could do her makeup. This Courtney Love grunge look doesn't do her and favours. Her eyes look extremely small and weird and she needs some contour on her nose. And a brighter, pinkish lipstick. Why do some women make themselves uglier just to fulfill some aesthetic? That's so dumb.
Sage because ot
No. 211249
>>211226someone is
paying for that
also, cool way to market to your customer..
>here's some garbage thing i made for a commision lol it's so bad. if you want one they're $2000. No. 211612
File: 1481399609094.jpeg (26.67 KB, 700x394, image.jpeg)

>>211431I think red lipstick looks nice on fair skinned women, anon. Unless I'm misinterpreting your comment
No. 211625
File: 1481401614779.png (649.08 KB, 594x530, lunared.png)

I think this is miles better than her nude sticky but dry lipgloss lipstick foundation 'sick glam' whatever the fuck she usually does
No. 212057
File: 1481477640092.png (266.93 KB, 736x533, lunadaddyshouse.png)

looks like someone snuck off to daddy's nice ass appartment probably to rob him blind and sit in a tub of her own filth.
She could easily live there i'm sure. It's so nice. Her dad seems to care about her enough I doubt he'd kick her out unless he noticed how much she's robbed from him..
No. 212093
File: 1481484094814.png (1.73 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2016-12-11-13-17-40…)

No. 212133
>>212121>>212093>>212057With her love bombing Chief all over instagram I'm guessing they had a fight/he got tires of her and that's why she's at her dad's.
Or maybe chief has store credit at a toy store because he has a kid and is spending time with them.
Sage for speculation .
No. 212153
File: 1481491666791.jpg (226.67 KB, 600x600, 1469388637992.jpg)

>>212145This is what they're supposed to look like. I think they're only a year or two old.
No. 212194
File: 1481496942275.png (1.31 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0921.PNG)

She's all weebed out
No. 212278
File: 1481504836744.png (1018.29 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-12-11-17-04-37…)

No. 212281
File: 1481504960175.jpg (42.28 KB, 640x799, FB_IMG_1481504715077.jpg)

No. 212284
File: 1481505119331.jpg (33.58 KB, 640x799, FB_IMG_1481504717958.jpg)

No. 212699
File: 1481574003749.png (539.5 KB, 487x543, lunawhitedress.png)

why on earth would she wear a white dress i bet there's skid marks on it already ew
No. 212839
File: 1481589100725.png (464.06 KB, 687x711, Capture _2016-12-11-18-43-38.p…)

(but for real, she looks scary and freakish when she smiles… Wtf?)
No. 212923
>>212918Why do you fuckers insist on meddling?
Don't message chief, let them carry on in their merry little hellhole. They're doing a perfectly good job of being disgusting and useless without you helping them along
No. 212970
>>212940>>212952Fuck off newfags, don't post until you can control the egregious stalking and integrate.
It's the one fucking rule anybody really sticks to and for good reason. You go sticking your big nose in and ruin it for everyone because you're too childish to not touch the shit.
No. 213322
File: 1481659224926.jpg (267.45 KB, 1011x1280, lunajeffree.jpg)

Just what she needs, more expensive makeup to slather all over her face.
The lipstick alone is $18.
No. 213341
>>213322what is that white shit on her fingers
shes so freakin dirty
No. 213463
File: 1481667198200.png (184.28 KB, 640x900, IMG_0550.PNG)

No. 213581
>>213463"small waist"
"wide hips"
"thick thighs"
…..ok luna.
anything "thick" on you is because u a fatty
No. 213601
>>190985>>213341i think that white thing is just dry skin, still gross, she doesn't shower often and on top of that she doesn't even apply hand cream so her hands must be dry af.
>>213463also "punk" tattoos??? come on!! those are just typical "oh i want to be so edgy" tattoos like fuck off
No. 213817
File: 1481691061140.png (663.93 KB, 926x554, 1466043826197.png)

>>213463I like how this is just her rambling on and on, while bragging multiple times about how much weight she lost recently. All that crack confidence is so real.
Ah, yes, Luna is so fashionable.
No. 213870
>>213817if it's so cold, she should cover up her weird grandma body. the grey hair really isn't helping her case in looking less geriatric either.
my mom is almost 60 and looks better than that, damn Luna
No. 214498
>>213581 I was thinking the same thing. she doesn't have a small waist at all. not saying she has a BIG one either, but she doesn't have a defined waist at all. she's more of an apple shape if anything, and she'll be shaped like that whether she's a size 6 or 16.
idk why she's lying about things we can SEE. it always bothers me when people do that. like girls with tiny/nonexistant asses who humblebrag about not being able to fit into their jeans bc #bigbuttproblems
I'm shocked and disappointed that she didn't mention her big aerolae while listing her ~*beautiful physical attributes*~
No. 214729
File: 1481832817348.png (1.67 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161215-121234.png)

She has a working stove, bitch is just too lazy to cook
No. 214730
File: 1481833144784.jpg (987.9 KB, 1431x1889, Screenshot_20161215-121725.jpg)

Hope she's going to look for a job so she could stop being such a waste of space.
No. 214898
File: 1481859271942.png (521.47 KB, 687x709, leech.png)

Is Pat the old lady with cancer that Luna takes advantage of/leeches off of? I wonder how that poor lady ever got caught up with that crackwhore. Yuck. Probably where she got the jefffree star shit from. Lol I wonder if Luna ever asked her for a ride so she and lurch could go score.
No. 214957
>>214729It doesn't cost anything to walk
You don't have to have an oven to make a sandwich
There are so many flaws in her arguements and so many fucking flaws in her as a human being
No. 215074
>>214898Yes pat is the name of the lady with cancer who provides for "poor Luna" I bet yr ass she's asked for rides to score etc she probably will suck her dry til she literally dies then she'll complain that she died so she can't do shit for her anymore like the time the lady she sold her xanax to "Fucking DIED omg how dare she"
Every story, every statement is so heavily flawed and soooo "memememememeeeee"
I can now imagine why Matthew kicks her out she's probably annoying af I imagine it's worse that she's on crack now
No. 215122
File: 1481910156906.png (909.59 KB, 708x892, hahahahahaha.png)

Is it just me or…. Lmao wtf her leg?!?! It looks like she made her body all contorted looking.
Reminds me of a time when I was all cracked out and couldn't take a decent picture. Haha
No. 215203
File: 1481923271325.png (1 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0969.PNG)

They're so weird and gross why do they kiss like they're kissing their grandma/grandpa. So forced and creepy!
No. 215884
>>215829i think its cuz the crack was one of the most recent things on her drug blog before it was panic-deleted so we assume shes continued to smoke it
but we dont ""really"" know
No. 215937
File: 1481988405437.png (690.55 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0982.PNG)

Aka ''my track mark was bleeding cuz I'm filthy and don't know what a bandaid is"
Lmao so very much harm reduction.
No. 215950
File: 1481992544311.png (1.16 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0984.PNG)

lol ok the fact that she thinks just cuz a canvas is small her work will be quick shows a complete lack of any dedication to her art. She's basically just coloring or something. No creativity. And she doesn't care to work on it and be patient and put effort into shit. And she's got the balls to fucking sell that shit!! It's hilarious that anyone has ever ~commissioned~ a piece from her I'm sure they all receive them and realizes they paid upwards a hundred bucks for literally garbage.
No. 215977
>>215950her art is so so so bad. what kind of anatomy is that. it literally looks like elementary school work.
i remember on howl she posted abt possibly being a tattoo apprentice for her tattoo artist. kek. she was bringing him her sketchbook or w/e for him to look at. obv any sane artist would reject her shitty finger paintings, and he did. she was upset abt that. hahaha
who the fuck would trust her to draw them something nice
No. 216108
File: 1482016014960.png (714.4 KB, 811x601, luna.png)

just needed to put this here
No. 216110
File: 1482016137651.png (768.76 KB, 883x601, luna.png)

>>215950look at the final product lmao
No. 216131
>>216110"so unique"
this is how shitty zine artists and wannabe hxc riot grrls draw
No. 216154
>>216110>>216110that heavy black outline is distracting and just all around bad decision
the whole thing is bad really but ugh… i rather like the orange/pink color of the hair but she ruins it with the excessive black linework and muddy grey skin
No. 216171
>>216154she's…almost okay. if she let herself explore past the ~*junkie hun and cherubs uwu~*~ aesthetic and actually put time into BASIC art skills she might be okay.
but now she sucks because she refuses to learn anything new or outside her aesthetic.
No. 216229
>>216110Wasn't she originally going to go to an art school?
Was that for her writing or her art? To me both are equally terrible… I don't understand how she could get past the portfolio stage.
No. 216329
>>216325She wears them til they rot off probably
And she's filthy so that only takes about a week.
No. 217312
File: 1482167407731.png (163.79 KB, 750x889, IMG_0995.PNG)

Lol "major clean up" I'm so sure. Also the sheets of death pls pls pls wash them or burn them Tuna
No. 217327
>>217312is that a Kurt Vonnegut plush?
boil your sheets, luna.
No. 217460
File: 1482181296882.png (437.09 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0997.PNG)

>>217327Yeah it is lol
LOL is this things face supposed to be that crooked also her fuckin lips !!!
No. 217524
File: 1482186951892.jpg (426.87 KB, 1200x1303, PicsArt_12-19-04.34.58.jpg)

No. 218024
File: 1482249299657.png (993.83 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1005.PNG)

Am I crazy or are 3 of those markers exactly the same?
No. 218026
File: 1482249913650.jpg (Spoiler Image,131.63 KB, 889x712, pacu-fish-889x712.jpg)

>>217460The teeth scare me
No. 218199
File: 1482277696550.png (Spoiler Image,1.39 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1009.PNG)

Those lips tho whyyyyyy
No. 218501
>>218332her hair's dirty, rarely washed, damaged and dry as fuck, and she scrubs it with dishsoap to lighten it.
you're obv not a girl if u think that's attractive.
No. 218548
File: 1482324446140.png (2.54 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-12-21-07-46-19…)

No. 218553
File: 1482325339317.jpg (62.54 KB, 625x475, 2e42e9f00a76b3ccef3fb127dbd2a4…)

>>218548Yerk…I threw up in my mouth a little bit. Spoiler needed on that shit.
No. 218579
>>218501Can relate. When my depression was at its peak, I didn't have enough energy nor motivation to wash or even brush my hair. It looked like Luna's when I didn't touched it for more than a week.
She's gross as fuck and needs to cut hers instead of trying to bleaching it.
No. 218617
File: 1482340341229.png (1.1 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1012.PNG)

So sweet and innocent "falling in and out of sleep" girl stop, you nodding on some good junk and we all know cuz you told us, who is she pretending for? Also she's never ever said she was getting clean so why hide it when you've romanticized your addiction to absolutely everyone?
No. 218777
File: 1482367067892.jpg (432.66 KB, 1200x1687, PicsArt_12-21-06.36.50.jpg)

No. 218834
File: 1482376927829.png (266.2 KB, 1080x1002, Screenshot_2016-12-21-18-55-27…)

No. 218835
File: 1482377274358.png (272.91 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-12-21-19-24-39…)

No. 218837
File: 1482377329133.png (271.42 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-12-21-19-25-06…)

No. 218852
>>190985>>218720Absolutely duh
She was all into indie hipster punk stuff
Like she had listened to hole and nirvana but who didn't? So much of her persona has been shaped by him I mean like immediately she probably pretended to love them
No. 218862
File: 1482381038458.jpg (27.83 KB, 552x498, 15621810_1389982277692921_2572…)

No. 219941
File: 1482419010769.png (17.36 KB, 479x207, what.png)

This popped up on my fb feed and I'm pretty sure the girl's account on which this was posted is a porn bot but holy shit???? This is public and everything
No. 219963
>>219941Family's home on beekman place?
What's that?